#Kevin has a tie
scorpiotrait · 2 years
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Aster celebrated their birthday in the new apartment and adopted 3 cats as a birthday present to themself -- the cats’ names are Miso, Honey, and Kevin
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change-the-rules · 7 months
I like to think that post-cheryl and the gang graduating, cheerleading ended up becoming like riverdale's stereotypical euphemism for lesbianism ya know like softball so by the time the river vixens get revived it's like
'i'm trying out for the cheerleading squad' 'oh huh didn't know you flipped that way' kinda stuff
and whilst it is important to me that it's not Because of cheryl in a Super Intentional way, more like part consequence of cheryl's HBIC energy magnifying her Big Gay Energy, coupled with a preexisting higher percentage of on the DL queerleaders already on the squad (I'm looking at you early seasons backwards snapback vixen and 1950's closeted couple who came out the second 50's cheryl did, betty and veronnica also count retroactively fite me) with just a dash of influence from choni's Epic Romance
it is equally important to me that toni and cheryl have been all but like Mythologized at riverdale high particularly to the queer students that follow
like c'mon A Blossom and A Southside Serpent ensured the rumor mill would always pay attention but then they went ahead and had their first kiss during a rescue from an illegal conversion therapy operation for the love of gaia, Absolute Legend behaviour
and its like even without the high stakes backdrop of gangs and cults and serial killers and lethal rpgs and atrcious parenting coloring their narrative
they are undeniably The riverdale high Power Couple, president blossom and first Lady topaz? never met a seat they couldn't share? officially the first sapphic prom queens in riverdale history?
Like the impact of all that and more doesn't get erased in 7-8 years and it's not at all outside the realm of possibilities that there are vixens on the team who have older siblings who were even in school at the same time as choni
which brings me to the main dumb reason this post exists which is i just desperately need a bunch of the vixens 2.0 to be queer and fucking here for the frenemy ex's Drama cheryl and toni are serving in 5.07
like it would be a travesty if there weren't a single Gay^TM to witness this absolute masterpiece of an interaction
from the record scratch music stop at cheryl's entrance (that ive just now decided was absolutely real and done by one of the cheerleader's gf's (who helps out with the tech side of stuff and is sitting on the bleachers recording practice for later analysis) armed with a radio remote control and the impeccable dramatic timing of a queer theatre kid) to toni's self-satisfied greeting from successfully pushing cheryl's buttons
'miss winchester herself'
'Another Surprise Visit'
Elton fucking John
'the bitch is back in town' self-referential 😘
'ThIs SqUaD iS mY BiRtHrIgHt'
'wrong' the divorced parents are fighting over the kiddddd
'so what are you going to do about That?'
the dual HBIC shirts (like Of Course cheryl has a red HBIC shirt in the practice uniform style but toni ALSO got a fucking maternity dress custom made like c'mon mfeo)
The intense eyefucking and insane crackling energy of 2 people who can be anything but indifferent to each other no matter how hard they try
Just All of The That above between them being seen through the eyes of gossipy little high school shits who find themselves actually kind of ridiculously invested in their front row seats for a new installment of the choni saga
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greenapricot · 1 year
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yea yea yea long-haired kevin day, i agree. but may i add: long haired jean moreau? braided hair jean moreau. shiny and glamorous haired jean moreau.
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livelaughlariat · 2 years
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It's that time of the G1 again*
*if like us you are a couple of days behind
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aledethanlast · 11 months
I want to clarify something about my Lawyer!Andrew post:
Andrew is not doing this to impress people. In fact he actively doesn't want to impress people. He is done being a superman who holds everyone's lives in his hands. It's not good for his mental health when he's doing it and it's not good for anyone when that he fails, because the law is too big and some of these fuckers are just legitimately dumber and more guilty than his literal murderous mafia husband.
Anyways. Andrew wakes up in the morning, goes to his closet and shoves aside the 15k dollar Armani suits so he can put on the two piece he got at Macy's (then tailored to fit, cause he still has standards), and a matching tie.
He goes to the office. Brad asks him if he heard about the latest draft picks. Andrew stares him down until Brad goes to Andrew's desk and drops a quarter in the "Asking Andrew about Exy" jar. Andrew's coworkers seem to think that he's gonna buy the office a Foosball table with the jar money. They are wrong. It is for a new cat tower. Also, no Andrew hasn't seen it, but he got the rundown from Neil and Kevin, so he knows enough to tell Brad not to bother with a season pass for the Sealions this year.
He has two cases to deal with today. The first is a vehicular manslaughter charge. The client is pleading self defense, and that the victim was a stalker. Andrew likes her because, despite bursting into tears every time they have a trial prep session, she actually listens to instructions and knows when to shut the fuck up. He's confident.
The second is grand larceny. The guy is so super incredibly guilty but Brad gave him this case because he knows Andrew loves police misconduct cases and this one is just so full of protocol breaches that Andrew only had to show Neil the file for him to burst out laughing.
Janet says he has a call waiting. Janet is the highest paid paralegal in the county, because she also filters his celebrity mail. Technically Neil's pr firm still represents him, but Janet knows to turn down the DA's gala invitations without needing to argue with him.
He picks up the phone. It's the DA. The man invites him to the police gala because he knows Andrew ignored the emails. Andrew assumes the man was banking on Andrew giving a polite refusal he can wheedle or harangue into compliance. The man is new to the job, so Andrew will forgive this embarrassing miscalculation.
They spend the next hour discussing court dates for a certain case. Andrew's client for that one is disabled and only has partial aid, and he won't let them set court dates that they know she won't be able to attend. The DA, despite his embarrassing naivate, seems to be on the same page in this regard, so hopefully this will go well when they bring the matter to the judge.
In the span of this phone call, two of Brad's clients come into the office, and within five minutes of walking in are made to contribute to the jar. They don't get their questions answered, because he's on the phone, and they're not Brad.
He has court tomorrow. Court is annoying, because it's a room full of strangers who hear his name and forget why he's there, and he's not allowed to bring the jar. Court is a chore, because he has to walk people through their own idiocy, and then occasionally convince the room of just how stupid or brilliant it actually was.
Court is also, maybe, just a teensy bit fun, because whatever the stereotype of a lawyer is, Andrew really isn't it, and that makes people take him a lot less seriously until he starts quoting their words back to them faster than the stenographer.
(Janet also filters job offers. They tend to crop up every few months.)
(It used to be more fun, back in the early days when Neil would sit in sometimes, until he remembered just how horrifically boring the whole thing is. But that's fine. Andrew is happy having his own thing.)
But really, court is easy. It's a place where your word has weight, where promises are binding, and when everything is going to shit, nobody looks at Andrew like he's the freak for keeping his head.
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creepa-b0t-inc · 9 months
i am poor and jobless so sknfkalhflshnklf ALSO I JUST UPDATED THE PRICES
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[image id: An image of @creepa-b0t-inc on tumblr's emergency commission sheet. All text is in the deltarune/undertale font. Each section end is marked with a white line connecting the white border that outlines the entire image. The background is transparent.
The first section reads "HI! I have built up the courage to open emergency COMMISIONS!!! I mainly work in Deltarune/Undertale style art. HERE ARE MY PRICES!!!! [It would be greatly preferred if you could provide any ideas or concepts for designs, because I am sadly not that good at design. I will try my best though!]" with a note off to the right side reading "!!! I SOMETIMES TAKE A LONG WHILE!!" and "!!BE PREPARED TO WAIT!!". All text is white, except for the 'HI!' which is yellow, and 'emergency' and the side note, which are in red.
The second section lists off examples and prices for commissions. The top left has white text stating "OVERWORLD SPRITES (next line) $20-$80 PER CHARACTER (next line) [depends on how many sprites you want]" with a side note in red that says "+$20 FOR ANIMATION". Below and to the side of this, there are 5 examples:
An image of Jockington from Deltarune from four different angles, front, left side, right side, and behind view.
An image of Starlight Glimmer from My Little Pony standing on her hind legs and curled around herself like a worm, covering her mouth with her hoof and smiling, looking at the viewer mockingly.
An image of a cockroach sitting on a bench reading a newspaper. it has a brown fedora and looks unimpressed.
An image of BIGSHOT.ex from Puredawns, with his left hand on his hip, smiling. He is wearing pink and black boots, black pants, and a pink suit top with a yellow tie. He has a purple and black cape and there are yellow rings around his wrists and knees.
A collection of 16 walking sprites of Noelle from Puredawns. She is wearing a long white hooded coat with icy blue accent marks, icy blue wings, and the hood down. Her color palette is much colder than usual.
The top right has white text stating "UNDERTALE STYLE BATTLE SPRITES (next line) $40-$100 PER CHARACTER (next line) [depends on how many sprites you want]" with a side note in red that says "+$20 FOR ANIMATION". Below and to the side of this, there are 4 examples:
An image of Exposition Guy made by Kevin Temmer Tunes holding a spoon in black and white.
An image of Spider Guy by Jaiden Animations in black in white, except for the pupil of its eyes which are red.
An image of Jaiden Animations in black and white. She is wearing a white hoodie with black accent marks and black sleeves.
A black and white image of an aimkid style dog character wearing socks, gloves, and armor with its left hand on its hip and its right hand holding a giant meat cleaver with a bumpy end, like a comb.
The bottom left has white text saying "DELTARUNE STYLE BATTLE SPRITES (next line) $40-$100 PER CHARACTER (next line) [depends on how many sprites you want]" with a side note in red that says "+$20 FOR ANIMATION". Below and to the side of this, there are 4 examples:
An image of Pibby from Learning with Pibby, a small light blue character with pink/light purple hair buns.
An image of a large sky-blue computer with a control panel and 2 rocket engines propelling itself into the air, along with two colder-blue speakers on the computer's left and right sides, also being propelled by their own respective rocket engines. The circle part of the speakers are alternative white and black circles and the computer screen is black except for a green outline of Queen from Deltarune.
An image of an angry looking robot character. it is a dull blue with light yellow accent marks and purple wires sticking out of its back. it's face is a pixelated red screen. It has thick, blue vent-hose like legs with 2 large blue, metal feet. They are accented with a caution pattern in light yellow.
A collection of 5 sprites of Night in the Woods characters-from left to right: Mae, Gregg, Bea, Angus, and Germ-all looking angry except for Germ and Mae. Mae is holding a baseball bat with two hands behind herself, Gregg is holding a crossbow with his right hand, Bea is smoking and holding a pickaxe with both hands, Angus has his hands on his hips, and Germ has his hands in his pockets with a possum on his head.
The bottom right has white text saying "DIALOGUE EXPRESSIONS (next line) $20-$60 PER CHARACTER (next line) [depends on how many sprites you want]". Below and to the side of this there are 4 examples:
A colored image of Flowey from Undertale's head.
A collection of 6 images of Rouxls Kaard from Deltarune's face, each expressing a different emotion. From left to right, the expressions go: smiling with teeth, open mouth smiling, open mouth smiling with wide eyes, smiling with teeth and wide eyes, smiling with teeth and winking, and smiling with teeth and both eyes closed.
A collection of 7 images of an ice cap (with sunglasses) from Undertale's face, each expressing a different emotion. From left to right, the expressions go: neutral with tired eyes, neutral with wide eyes, surprised, angry, maniacal laughing, evilly grinning, and nervous/looking off to the side, sweating.
A collection of 3 images, each containing a different expression portrayed by op's oc. the oc is a reddish-pink flower with a green stem and its petals behind its face with a loose strand, as if it is hair. The expressions portrayed, from left to right, go: smiling, smugly grinning, and angrily yelling.
The third sections begins with white text saying "DELTARUNE BATTLE MOCKUP (next line) $200 (next line) [This could take me a while to finish, so I'll only take on ONE of these at a time.]" Below this is two example images:
An image of a Deltarune-style battle scene with Night in the Woods characters. There is a red bar on the left side of the screen that has white text next to it vertically reading "TP 0%" and a menu with a text box on the bottom containing Mae and Gregg, Mae with 150/150 HP and Gregg with 170/170.Mae's icon is in light blue and Gregg's is in orange. It appears as if the user is selecting what to do with Mae's turn, hovering over the fight button. In the text box below, there is white text that reads "* The cultists strike back!". The fight setting is in a grassy area in front of a red, sunken furnace with bricks surrounding it. On the left towards the top, Mae is holding a baseball bat behind herself with both hands, and below her Gregg is holding a crossbow with his right hand, his left hand in front of him, looking angry. On the right, there are two identical looking cuktists in brown, hooded robes and boots holding shotguns.
An image of a Deltarune-style battle scene with Night in the Woods characters. There is a red bar on the left side of the screen that has white text next to it vertically reading "TP 0%" and a menu with a text box on the bottom containing Mae with 150/150 HP. It appears as if the user is selecting what to do with Mae's turn, hovering over the fight button. Mae's icon is light blue. In the text box below, there is text that reads "* CASEY awaits your first move." The text is shakey, and all white except for 'CASEY', which is blue with glitching text behind it. The fight setting is in a starry sky area, with the head of the Sky Cat watching Mae. On the left is Mae in a blue color pallette entirely except for her pupils, which are red. She is holding a baseball bat behind her with two hands. On the right is Casey, a shadowy cat figure whearing a long coat. He has glowing white eyes and facial features with a glowing blue outline.
The fourth section begins with red text that states "THINGS I WILL NOT DRAW:" with a lower opacity, larger 'NOT' behind the main text to create an echoey effect. Below this is a bulleted list in white text containing "NSFW, RACIST/BIGOTED THINGS, NFTS, (and) ANYTHING I DON'T WANT TO". Beneath this is a bit of text that says "SO, feel free to message me on either Tumblr or my Discord, @creepabotinc." with '@creepabotinc' in yellow text. /end id.]
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comicaurora · 4 months
hey red !! have you seen the news about the batman beyond film that got turned down by warner bros? what are your thoughts on it?
Hmmm. Mixed?
Don't get me wrong, Batman Beyond rules and I'd love to see a crisp high-def installment that's more of what I liked. But in my experience, the longer any given superhero property goes on, the bigger chance it has of going bad just because the concepts get fatigued or the writing team changes or it gets handed off to someone who doesn't understand what makes it work or someone upends the entire status quo because they're bored. Batman Beyond is an incredibly solid show, but it's off in its own little 90s bubble, and aside from some tie-in comics (which are nowhere near as consistently good) it hasn't had a chance to be fucked with.
Not to mention the fact that the batman canon has changed significantly since Beyond was written. Damien Wayne, for instance, didn't exist at the time, and the DCAU is heavily implied to have no Jason Todd. This further isolates Beyond safely in its own little timeline as an implied alternate future, but some of the comics have tried to loop it back into the Main Canon they're currently going with - hucking Tim Drake into the future to wear the suit, or bringing in an Evil Grown-Up Damien running the League of Assassins. And like every attempt DC has ever made to unify their continuity, it's messed up every timeline involved.
Also… they'd have to do it without Kevin Conroy. So that'd automatically make it not as good.
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hmmm-shesucks · 8 months
Oh Halloween!
Nicky convinces the foxes, and by foxes I mean his bunch because the upperclassmen agree no problem, to do a ghost photo shoot. Andrew refuses to wear a white sheet so he gets black but if Andrew gets to change his color then Neil gets to be orange, and if Neil gets to be different then so does Aaron so he picks dark grey, which is close to black, but Andrew has black and they “dOn’t LiKe tO mATcH” Allison then decides that, since the Little Shits are being difficult (because they aren’t The Monsters anymore they are The Shithead, or in Aaron, Andrew and Neil’s case, Little Shits) they should all get different colors. Because White is the original plan and how it should be, Kevin sticks with white. Allison picks pink, Renee tie-dyes the bottom of a white sheet to match her hair, Nicky finds a rainbow sheet, and Dan and Matt get sheets that are split into two colors and wear them opposite each other. They each get little fox ears and sunglasses to put on their heads, except for Andrew be gets a headband that looks like a knife in his head but the glasses are fox-themed because Neil drew a line.
Anyway. They run around campus for a few hours taking all kinds of pictures. They go to the court at one point and play but the sheets keep blocking their eyes so it’s not very productive and even Kevin’s laughing his ass off by the time they decide to stop.
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peonysgreenhouse · 2 months
-`♡´- kisses + the 13 flame-chasers
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summary: what it says on the tin!
tags: flame-chasers x gn!reader, griseo's is platonic of course, fluff, lots of kissies.
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i. kevin kaslana
kevin’s last try at love had left him unable to touch anything living, his body now colder than ice. he craves the contact he once was able to give and receive freely, but to sacrifice his own body in pursuit of the MOTH’s goals was something he was more than willing to do. but even the icy-hearted first flame chaser has his moments of weakness. in those moments he’ll grab your tie, or the end of your skirt and bring it up to his lips, inhaling the scent he was never close enough to know, and wonder how warm your skin felt underneath.
ii. elysia
elysia adores everything about you, and she wants you to know how much you are loved every moment she is with you. she places kisses to any place she can reach, but more than that she loves watching your reactions. so human, so beautiful. it’s not rare to end up with her rosy gloss all over you.
iii. aponia
aponia likes listening to you breathe. underneath a tree in the tall grass, your head in her lap. it’s one of the few times she feels she can live in the present. the future is the farthest thing from her mind as she leans down and places a kiss to your forehead, telling you to go to sleep. she doesn’t command you to do it so, but with her soft humming, you soon drift off. aponia kisses your eyelids, then, and prays for your dreams to be pleasant.
iv. eden
her lips taste of the finest wine; how could you not get intoxicated after kissing her? the high of eden’s performance doesn’t wear off for hours, and she loves to perch you up on her vanity and kiss you until she’s satisfied… and eden is hard to satiate. out of all the endless riches she has amassed, you are her favorite treasure of all.
v. vill-v
the great magician loves to woo you with her performances. look down into their hat and when you see nothing inside, she’ll tilt your chin up and give you a quick peck.
the expert likes to ramble off her ideas for projects — you’re the only one allowed in their lab. it’s not often they get excited about things, but with you there she finds that old passion for inventing return in spades. when you aren’t looking, she’ll place a lingering kiss to your temple, whispering out her thanks.
vill-v loves you wholly, with every part of themself.
vi. kalpas
you’re one of the few who has gotten to see under kalpas’s mask. his skin is fair, sunken pale eyes tired and angry. it’s the first time he lets you see underneath that you finally get to kiss him. his teeth are bared, and he threatens to kill you for standing so close. but when your lips touch his own, all feigned malice melts away, and he pulls you into him hard.
vii. su
his kisses are featherlight, as soft as a summer breeze. as busy as he is with his work, he will always find pockets of time to spend with you. even if it’s just as small as kissing your cheek before he leaves for work, he will remember your loving eyes, the way the morning light made your skin glow, your small smile… yes, this is one memory that will follow him forevermore.
viii. SAKURA
SAKURA always looks for you after battles. she is covered in bruises and cuts that will leave ugly scars later, but she needs to know you’re okay; that the one person left that she loves is still there. she ushers you someplace quiet and hums, a familiar song that she once sang to RIN and patches you up. you tell her of an old superstition that you once heard, and she takes it to heart. SAKURA doesn’t let you go until she’s placed her lips against every future scar, promising you that next time, she’ll keep you safe.
ix. kosma
try as he might, he will never be able to figure out what you’re thinking. when you reassure him that you like him, he wonders if you mean in a way that he can sit close to you. it’s easier show him what’s on your mind, tilt his chin up and plant a sweet kiss to his lips. kosma will think about your touch for a long time, one hand touching his lips and the other balled into his tunic. he hopes you’ll kiss him again and again.
x. mobius
mobius tastes sickeningly sweet, you sometimes wonder if her lipstick is laced with poison. when mobius kisses you, it is needy, her lips moving hard and fast against your own, pressing you against her lab table. when she pulls back, you’re seeing stars, and she grins at you like a predator. you can’t help but think if this is where you die, it wouldn’t be so bad.
xi. griseo
mama aponia tells griseo that kisses are reserved for people she loves. and so she gives mama aponia a kiss on the cheek before she goes to look for inspiration. today, you are her muse, and you sit for hours as she paints every color that she sees in you; each one unique to you. once you’re done, she tugs your sleeve and tells you to come look. you tell her it’s beautiful, and she kisses you on the cheeks as thanks.
xii. fu hua
hua fights with her fists, and so the bruises left on her knuckles are forever rosy, never allowed to fully heal. when she spars with you, she never goes easy, and you’re face down in the dirt after only one round. she notices the deep purple of fresh bruises on your hands, and places a kiss to each one, praising you for trying so hard.
xiii. pardofelis
pardo loves all things shiny, but she’s found she doesn’t mind being paid in kisses from time to time. she purrs as you take her cheeks into your hands, kissing her all over the face. felis can’t help but laugh at the way it tickles, falling forward into your lap and nuzzling into your neck.
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wanderingandfound · 27 days
Kevin's description of Cecil, episodes 19 A and 19 B:
He is wearing a tie. He is not tall or short. Not thin or fat. He has eyes like mine and a nose like mine. And hair like mine. But I do not think he is me. Maybe it is the smile. Is that a smile? I can't say.
I don't know where I went, but I think that I met my double. The vortex is gone now, but as I was returning, I passed a man, a man who looked just like me. I smiled and said hello there, friend! I hugged this man, and he hugged me back. We shared a moment in this otherworld.
Cecil's description of Kevin, episodes 19 B and 19 A:
There is a photo, a single photo of a man on the desk here. He is wearing a tie. He is not tall or short. Not thin or fat. His hair and nose are like mine, but his eyes. His eyes are black as obsidian, and his smile. No. It is not a smile. He must be wicked, this man.
Along the way, in the vortex, I saw a grotesque man. A foul devil of a man. And he attacked me. I tried to choke him to death, but I remembered. I remembered what I told you. And I let him live. I let that woeful beast live.
Abby's description of Cecil, episode 246:
I know we have a father, and I know it’s the same man for you and me. Look at us. We have matching noses, with these thin bridges and the upturn at the tip. And we share dimples. Mom didn’t have those features. We look alike well beyond our mother.
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misshoneyimhome · 9 months
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⚡️ smut/mature content // 🌶️ smut/explicit content I 🖋️ Requested I 🍷 Personal faves I 🎄Holiday season I 🌺 fluff/romantic I 🔥 Angst/drama
・✶ 。゚
Say My Name, Say My Name I Andrei Svechnikov 🖋️⚡️🌺 
“So you think my legs are just going to magically spread open for you?" I Andrei Svechnikov 🌺 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
・✶ 。゚
Cause I'm not ready | Auston Matthews 
It’s no fun to score without a goalie | Auston Matthews⚡️
Never gonna give you up | Auston Matthews
Too lost in you I Auston Matthews
I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way | Auston Matthews (& William Nylander) 🖋️
“Never felt like this before, are we friends or are we more?” I Auston Matthews 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣🍷
“Don't Blame Me - Your Love Made Me Crazy” I Auston Matthews 🖋️⚡️🔥🍷
・✶ 。゚
Let it go | Frederik Andersen⚡️
Push the Button | Frederik Andersen
Cooking with Frederik Andersen
The three times Frederik Andersen proposed 🍷
Lover - Frederik Andersen 🎶
I know you will still love me the same I Frederik Andersen 🎶
What I go to School For I AU Frederik Andersen Imagine⚡️
I’m gonna fuck love the Hell out of you I Freddie Andersen 🖋️⚡️
“Because I know you” I Frederik Andersen 🌺 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
“Shhh… I’m here” I Frederik Andersen 🌺2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
“Can you help me with my tie?” I Freddie Andersen 🖋️⚡️🌺
My warrior - Laying on their lap as they play with their hair until they fall asleep I Freddie Andersen 🌺 (⚡️)5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
“I am done. I'm done waiting for you." I Freddie Andersen 🌺🔥5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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Who'd you choose? I Jack Drury🖋️ 🌺⚡️
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Has he taken any time, to show you what you need to live? I Jack Hughes 🖋️⚡️
“Wait… you like me?” I Jack Hughes 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
“Can you help me with my tie?” I Jack Hughes 🖋️
lazy morning sex I Jack Hughes 🖋️⚡️
Say My Name, Say My Name I Jack Hughes 🖋️⚡️🔥
The First Time | Jack Hughes 🖋️⚡️🌺
Mission Impossible I Jack Hughes 🖋️⚡️🌺
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“If you cross her, then you cross me” I Joel Farabee ⚡️5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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Always I John Tavares 🖋️🌺
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The First Time | Jospeh Woll 🖋️⚡️🌺
Dress - “I don’t want you like a best friend” I Joseph Woll🖋️🌺⚡️
“No one gets to treat you like that, you hear me? no one.” I Joseph Woll 🌺 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
AU INSTAGRAM [Hard launch] I Joseph Woll 📸 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
“You can rest your head on me, I don’t mind.” I Joseph Woll 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
・✶ 。゚
Home is with you I Kevin Fiala ⚡️🖋️
We spent the late nights making things right between us I Kevin Fiala 🖋️
“I like waking up with you” I Kevin Fiala (🌺) 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
・✶ 。゚
Practice makes perfect I Luke Hughes 🖋️⚡️
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With a Honey in The Middle I Matthew Knies & Joseph Woll 🖋️⚡️🌶️
But with three of us, honey, it's a sideshow I William Nylander & Matthew Knies - Part one 🔥🌺⚡️
But with three of us, honey, it's a sideshow I William Nylander & Matthew Knies - Part two 🔥🌺⚡️
But with three of us, honey, it's a sideshow I William Nylander & Matthew Knies - Part three 🔥🌺⚡️🌶️
A Home Away From Home I Matthew Knies 🖋️⚡️🌺
Playing without me? I Matthew Knies 🖋️⚡️
“If you cross her, then you cross me” I Matthew Knies ⚡️🌺5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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“So you think my legs are going to magically spread for you?” I Matthew tkachuk 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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"We were on a break" I Nico Hischier 🔥 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
“I like waking up with you” I Nico Hischier (🌺) 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣
A Little Bit of Luck I Nico Hischier 🌺🍷
”Making up after a break up" I Nico Hischier ⚡️🔥🌺 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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“Just tell me I’m the one" I Pyotr Kochetkov 🖋️🌺
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Say My Name, Say My Name I Quinn Hughes 🖋️🌺 
“You can rest your head on me, I don’t mind.” I Quinn Hughes 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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Lucky charms I Seth Jarvis 🖋️🌺
Yin & Yan I Seth Jarvis 🖋️🌺
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Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir I Simon Benoit 🖋️⚡️
“I’m going to fuck you so hard, you’re going to forget that guy's name” I Simon Benoit ⚡️5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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Next chapter I Trent Frederic 🖋️📸🌺
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「Intern x Willy」 ;     [Counting Stars]
「Inexperienced!reader x Willy」 ; [Heaven]
「Dad!Willy x reader」
「Prof!Willy x reader」
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AU Instagram I Frederik Andersen - Christmas in Denmark🎄
AU Instagram I William Nylander - summer in Sweden☀️
AU Instagram I Auston Matthews - autumn 🍁
AU instagram | William Nylander [AUTUMN + dog walks]🍁
AU instagram | William Nylander [Christmas Baking] 🎄
AU INSTAGRAM [Hard launch] I Joseph Woll 📸 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
AU INSTAGRAM [Soft/Hard launch] I William Nylander 📸 5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣
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ninyard · 1 day
I would love to just sit on a roof top and talk to you about anything and everything. Hear all of your opinions on everything.
Wait what the hell that’s so sweet I’m the mayor of yapsville when you get me started on something I have An Opinion on, so I promise you’d probably quickly regret it.
But picture us. Me and you on a roof. And I tell you the following, as the wind blows our hair and the sun starts to set:
- Andrew helps Renee dye her hair
- When they move in together, Andrew always finds his t-shirts or random belongings shoved under Neil’s pillow. Harmless stuff, but usually stuff that belongs to Andrew. Kept safe, untouchable below his pillow like the few belongings he had in the beginning.
- Dyslexic Kevin Day
- Allison helps Neil get his hair back into a good condition when he starts to grow it out post-TKM. She helps him do treatments and recommends the best products. She braids it when it gets long enough. She shows him how to properly tie it back, she teaches him how to properly look after the texture in his hair.
- Andrew has a folder in his camera roll for nobody else but himself of things that make him smile on the inside. Most of the time it’s stupid things, like a terrible advertisement stuck to a lamp post, or an ugly dog, or an awfully parked car. Silly things that make him laugh that he screenshots or snaps a picture of. There’s eventually hundreds of pictures in there. There’s photos of Neil, when he falls asleep on Andrew’s shoulder and Andrew’s too proud to tell him how cute he looked. Photos of Neil in his suit before a banquet, photos of him doing dishes or handing him dinner. There’s photos of Andrew and Renee after they’ve been sparring. There’s photos of things he’s seen in stores that remind him of Kevin, or Neil, or Renee. Sometimes Aaron. There’s even a few photos of Kevin in there, too. Nobody know this folder exists. Not even Neil, who doesn’t even know half of the photos of himself in there even exist. Because it’s just for Andrew. It’s just for him to collect the little joys in his life now that he can somewhat actually feel it.
- Kevin has to wear a brace on his hand/wrist every now and again, and he still sees a physiotherapist once every few months to check up on his hand.
- Matt goes to Andrew the first time he thinks about relapsing. He doesn’t even think about it. Neil is very confused when he comes back to the dorm to find Matt and Andrew playing video games together, but doesn’t question it.
- Dan tags along to night practice every now and again. Nobody acknowledges that she isn’t usually there, they just let her join them on the court and practice as usual. It makes Kevin really happy, actually, to see her trying to better her skills with them. Usually she just joins them when she can’t sleep and needs to get out of her head.
- On the OG foxes last night together before the first of them graduate, they all find themselves around a fire pit in one of their parents houses, or on property Allison rented out, and they tell each other stories and share some confessions in a mostly-funny, kind of emotional way. They cry and laugh and hug and shock each other with some of the things they say but it’s a really beautiful moment before they’re finally split up for the first time
- Dyslexic Kevin Day (again)
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97keanu · 11 months
Tumblr media
Kevin Lomax x wife!reader NSFW Imagines:
Tags: VERY nsfw, canon style Kevin, mentions of breeding, mentions of corruption kink, back scratching, aggressive, primal style, aftercare described, public foreplay
If there's one thing Kevin loves about you it's not your body for how it looks(of course he loves that too), but for how much you react from even the slightest touch
You two will be out somewhere public, say an important party with his coworkers and he will be trying to turn you on all night
It starts with the looks from across the room. You'll see him there talking to someone, and you're conversing with a few other wives when you can feel his gaze burning into you, and when your eyes meet, oh god...you know that look and you know you're in for a hell of a night
Eventually, Kevin makes his way back over to you, and he begins by resting his hand on the small of your back, innocent right?
Soon enough he's playing an evil game of how low can he go before you give him that look that says "I swear to god, Kevin Lomax..." And he pulls back up
Both of you know you wouldn't actually do anything if he just grabbed your ass right here in front of everyone, but that's apart of the game.
You can feel him playing with the zipper of your dress, slightly unzipping it, so slowly, until you grab his thigh and silently tell him to stop.
After he can tell you're at your wits end, he excuses the two of you, and soon enough its you who's pulling him by his tie to the elevator to get out of here.
He has your panties off in a matter of seconds in the elevator, and he grabs them up, giving them a good sniff before grabbing you and getting his hands to where it feels good under your dress.
You're moaning out, pressed up against the elevator and thanking god you're on the 32nd floor, so much more time for Kevin to play with your soaking pussy while claiming your tongue from inside your mouth
He gives you kisses and bites anywhere skin is showing right now. He's biting your lower lip, he's sucking and kissing up your neck before sinking his teeth in.
All while his purposeful fingers play with your clit and the elevator keeps going down and down....
You can see as the floors pass, and you have to pull Kevin off you in the last few floors before the doors open up to people waiting to get in.
You have no idea if they can tell, if they can see your clothes are scrunched, your lipstick is a bit smudged and Kevin's hair is wild from where you had your claws in it.
You also don't care, you're pulling Kevin into a cab and on the way home he's discreetly rubbing the inside of your thigh getting higher and higher....
The ride can't go fast enough
By the time you're making it to your apartment, its your turn in the elevator.
You press Kevin into the wall and unzip the pants of his suit, pulling his hard cock out, and quickly getting on your knees to take him in your mouth.
Kevin loves how much he's corrupted you, his sweet and innocent wife. His gorgeous and shy wife he shows off to the party, who is now on her knees giving him the best head of his life, he can barely believe how lucky he is to have you.
You both own the top floor of the penthouse suit, so when you get off the elevator, Kevin doesn't even put his cock away, just pulls you up, kisses you and tastes himself on your lips with a satisfactory grin, getting you inside the door of the apartment.
He doesn't even wait to find a couch or a bed, as soon as that doors closed he's pulling off his suit down to nothing and you're struggling to unzip your dress before he comes to help you
The whole time he's telling you every dirty thing he's going to do to you. Ex "Darlin', I'm going to fuck you right into the floor of this apartment" or "I want the neighbors to hear you scream my name tonight, baby....can you be a good girl and do that for me?"
He loves requesting dirty stuff from you, its his way of making sure you're okay with his requests while also keeping the mood.
After he helps you slip out of the dress, he pulls it down, taking himself with it, getting right between your thighs, where he loves to be. He opens you up, pushing your back against one of the apartments walls, one of your legs resting on his shoulder, where he kisses up from your toes all the way to your pussy before diving in
He loves the taste of you, he licks you up hungrily, then looks up at you with those gorgeous dark eyes and tells you "You taste so good, baby..." Before getting back to work.
You're clutching his short dark hair like there's no tomorrow, pulling him in, in...
He loves when you take a bit of control for how you like it, he wants to make sure you're pleased before he gets to his own pleasure
Soon enough he's dipping his fingers into you, hitting that spot you like so much, and in between breaths and tongue motions, he's saying "How lucky I am to have such a gorgeous wife..." And "I know all those men at the party wanted to fuck you, but I'm the one who gets to see you like this, isn't that right baby?" And its all you can do to moan out his name and say yes, yes he is the one who gets to eat your pussy like this. The one to fuck you into oblivion later.
Soon enough, your legs are shaking, your breath is fast and you can feel yourself cumming. Kevin looks up at you and you can tell from how he is looking at you, a mixture of determination and pleading, pleading for you to cum on his face. He loves doing this to you, making you completely addicted to this feeling, and being able to lap up your juices as you spill over the edge.
As you do, your legs begin to give out, but Kevin's strong. He's so strong. He holds up your weight as your legs stop working, and your thighs clamp around his head, that feeling that he loves
He finishes you off, leaving you an out of breath mess
He pulls you to the ground, only giving you a few seconds to catch your breath before he's laying you on your back, leaning in to kiss you, equally letting you taste yourself as he glides his cock into you
You're used to him, so he doesn't take it easy on you, but god is his cock BIG. Even if you are his wife, it feels like it stretches you out and fills you completely every time. You gasp as he fully inserts himself, your nails digging into his back, and he groans from the feeling
Kevin loves mixing pleasure and pain so he tells you to scratch him harder, and you oblige, your nails leaving red welts on his back by the time you two are done
Kevin pumps himself in and out of your dripping pussy, the floor of the apartment getting slick with what isn't on his cock. He loves making a mess with you
Kevin makes sure to eat up what little breath you have with his deep kisses, and you can hardly take it.
Your body is like his toy you're so out of it, completely weak from cumming before, he moves you where he wants, grips your legs, your thighs, making you move to where he can get deeper into you
That's all he can think about, "How can I fuck her deeper, harder...?"
He works your increasingly tender pussy in long, slow, passionate bursts that are sandwiched in between the fastest fucking you have ever received, your voice is almost sore from screaming out his name, and he's egging you on, eager to hear you scream out, wanting it louder, wanting to keep good on the promise that the neighbors will hear.
Just when you think he can't get bigger inside you, you start to feel it.
His cock is reaching maximum hardness, his tip leaking precum inside you, and he's telling you how badly he wants you bred from his cum, how he's giving you that baby one way or another
He's likely mid dirty talk, looking down at you, at your face that's so innocent and perfect, your soft lips moaning out his name, when he cums, filling you up so much more than you could ever think possible. It almost hurts how full you feel from his cock so deep inside you, pushing his cum even deeper, and twitching as it goes.
He collapses into you, Kevin's breaths so ragged and raw, just like yours.
He lays his head into your neck, his breath hot and tickling you there, the two of you lay like this for a while
As soon as he has the energy, Kevin is scooping you up off the floor and holding you close, asking you how you liked it (you loved it of course, and tell him so)
He runs a hot bath for the two of you, while he waits for it to fill he sits on the edge of your giant, luxury tub and softly pets your hair, running his hand down your back as well
You bury yourself into his neck now, holding his sweaty body close to yours, trying not to move to much so he doesn't spill out from between your legs
When the tubs finished he puts the two of your in, and begins washing you up, your favorite parts being when he does your hair, your back, and your feet.
He finishes himself up while you float and relax in the steamy tub, then he pulls the two of you out and works on drying you off with the softest fluffiest towel.
When he's finished he takes you to the room where the two of you collapse into bed, exhausted from the night, curling up to each other and drifting off happily.
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humunanunga · 1 year
Hysterically fascinating what knowledge has been passed down to later Tumblrites. Everyone still knows the Onceler was one of the original Tumblr sexymen, but not that Cecil was right there next to him, Gamzee, Komaeda and Zacharie in 2012. Two of those came out the same year as the Lorax, and the other two came out before it.
People still know Cecil’s evaded having a canon appearance for years, but... apparently not that he had a very popular fanon design just like Jon the Archivist does now? Blonde, less sun-tanned than Kevin, with three purple eyes, a matching tie, a waistcoat and tattoo sleeves of tentacles and eyes. And canonically, he’s camp af outside of work, one of his known professional outfits involves a unitard, capri pants and a cummerbund, he describes having only two eyes (for which he wears contacts), he’s implied to strongly prefer a clean shave, but apart from his jawline isn’t bald, and one of his very first descriptions was that he’s neither tall nor short, Not Skinny Or Fat, a detail that 2012 fanart frequently contradicted in favor of overrepresenting beanpole figures until Toby Fox renewed the entire Tumblr ecosystem.
It’s still fairly common knowledge that Cecil is in open, gay, reciprocated love with Carlos, but not as common that he’s also Jewish, or how revolutionary canon queer representation was in times before the legalization of gay marriage in the USA.
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dvrcos · 4 months
Aaron Minyard is a chronic clothes stealer. Genuinely none of Kevin’s clothes are safe from him. Aaron will mostly steal his sweatshirts, especially his team ones that have “Day” and his number on them. Kevin gets his hoodies a size larger than normal so he loves that they’re oversized and he secretly loves that wearing them makes him feel like he’s Kevin’s.
And he’ll steal his sweatpants when they’re having a lazy day at home. The legs are way too long and he’s stepping on them all day and he has to tie the waistband as tight as it goes just so they stay up. But they’re just comfier than his own sweatpants for some reason okay!
And despite Kevin being almost a foot taller than him, they wear the same shirt and jersey size. So of course Aaron steals his t-shirts and wears them to class, especially on the days Kevin’s out of town for games. And maybe there was an incident while they were in college before the Foxes knew they were together where they were making out in the locker room and the rest of the team walked in. So they had to jump away from each other quickly. And in the scramble to look normal they grabbed each other’s jerseys without noticing and wore them for the entire practice. None of the foxes told them and many bets were won that day.
A month into their relationship basically half of Kevin’s closet had wound up in Aaron’s room. For weeks he had to text Aaron to bring him certain clothing items so the others wouldn’t be suspicious about him coming into Aaron’s room and getting clothes. When the Foxes find out Kevin just starts walking in and grabbing what he needs, if he didn’t stay over.
Kevin protests the stealing at first but seeing Aaron in his clothes makes his stomach twist with butterflies and affection so he just lets him take whatever he wants.
He even lets him steal his underwear after they finish messing around because Kevin finds Aaron walking around their apartment in Kevin’s boxers strangely attractive
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