#Kenji is the literal sun
lavender-andcoffee · 1 year
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Kenjis power is enough to destroy a mountain and beat the strongest hunting dog that not f*k*chi this child is sweet ray of sunshine that can turn into the sun engulfing the earth in a matter of seconds if he was angry 😰
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halothenthehorns · 12 days
Am I seriously the only one who ships Darius/ Kenji?! I came on here after binging the show expecting a ton of gifs and parallels I didn't pick up on only to see everyone shipping Darius with Ben! They barely had a dozen scenes togetherWhat chemistry class are yawl taking?!
Every scene with Darius and Kenji is so charged and just a step off from romantic! I was shocked when Kenji got a crush on Brooklyn and then, they kept going with that, into the new show! I didn't even see Yaz/ Sammy coming, but when they did get together I was so excited like it would just be a matter of time before these two went beyond friends too!!!
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soulaires · 6 months
If your still taking requests then can i request a hc for Aaron Warner with a reader thats like the total opposite of him?
Here comes the sun.
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pairings: grumpy!aaron warner x sunshine!reader.
summary: you were his sunshine, his light, the reason of living and his beautiful sweet girl.
warnings: grumpy x sunshine trope!!, soft aaron warner, violence and killings (🤭), you guys are in LOOOOVEEE, power couple, this is love actually, chivalry is NOT dead
notes: I actually love doing hcs
(Aaron Warner) tag list 🏷 : @ravisinghs-wife @ab-baybay @aaronwarnerobsessedmylove @cosmicswan
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Everyone in the sector was mostly confused than shock that you and warner were dating
i mean everyone know that Aaron Warner Anderson, chief commander and regent of Sector 45, son of the supreme commander of The Reestablishment, has a soft spot for you. You only.
everyone sort of figured out that he was absolutely and immensely devoted and in love with you when he spoke to you with much more gentle and soft tone, looks at you like you are his entire universe (spoiler alert: you are), and of course, how he is very protective of you.
but yet it was such a foreign concept for them to grasp—Aaron Warner? The cruel monster and madman (who also appears to be devilishly handsome) is dating you?
you who is the smart, sweet, charismatic and the poster child? What on earth did you start dating him?
what a typical bad boy and good girl cliché
but of course, while everyone saw the typical cold, snarky, mysterious, commanding leader, you saw your Aaron.
your Aaron who fall first and falls harder every damn time
your Aaron warner who opens the passenger seat at you every time (there’s a rule between you guys that he should always the door for you even when mad or in the middle of the war)
your Aaron who keeps a piece of flower with him every time he gets you a bouquet of your favorite flowers so he would know when it’s dead so he can buy you a new one
he loves listening to you whether it’s something you think it’s dumb, he just encourages you to speak because he loves every little detail of you and just overall love the way you got excited to little things. He also love knowing everything about you.
you sometimes think he doesn’t really listen despite his assurance but he will just randomly say something about it and you goes “aww you remembered”
and he’s just ???? What do you mean he remembered? you and his souls are literally cosmically intertwined and destined to be together in any lifetime of course he remembers!
he is just obsessed with your existence
oh that man is in agony and suffering when you are not with him. his eyes just searching for you.
his emerald eyes lighting up and a smile creeping up to his face when he saw a sight of you
kenji said Warner has become more tolerable because of you
because every time your boyfriend said something sarcastic and insulting, you give him that look and he fixes his attitude and body language and got his shit together.
his first priority is your safety and happiness
“If anything happens to y/n I’m going to kill everyone in this room and myself”
you and Aaron got along really well and he thinks you are always right
and if you’re wrong he will simply reshape the reality so that what you said is correct
you can do no wrong In his eyes
whenever you have a new clothes (that he probably bought) he ask you to do a fashion show for him while he compliments you
“you look absolutely gorgeous, my love”
“that color suits you, love”
“you..you are so…hauntingly beautiful, angel”
he once bought a whole store for you. Literally bought everything you want. The new released book? You have the first copy and it’s signed. Want that dress? It’s yours in every color. Want that bag you saw? It’s on the desk the next day with a flower. New nails? Well, c’mon then he will with you to the appointment. Want that food? He will cook it for you.
“Whatever you want, love. It’s your world.”
aaron who cooks while you look cute on the kitchen counter.
he lets you wear whatever you want even if it’s reveling. He have his gun and machete and is not afraid to use it if someone touched you, looked at you like you are a prey, or when he feels some lust and attraction towards you, well...it wouldn’t be a good thing.
you once gave him a bracelet with a moon jewel twinning with your sun one and boy he absolutely ADORE IT.
he doesn’t let anyone touch it or he had never took it out of his wrist. (you’ll have to kill him before you got that bracelet)
he’s just very protective of his sunshine, one click on the pager and he is RUNNING.
shamelessly threatening everyone that gave you a nasty look.
“every tongue that rises against her will face a consequence of me cutting it and i will gonna make each one of you swallow it.”
“don’t even think about hurting her or I will cut your throat open like a fish.”
he let you practice your eyelining skills on him while you sit on his lap
love to match clothes with you!
he have your eye color made into a beautiful ring
he have your doodles on him tattooed actually
love hearing your thoughts about the book you are currently reading.
he anotates a book for you as a gift
reads every book you ever loved
he does not remove your lipstick stain on his cheecks, hand, lips or even in his blond hair.
after all, he hates everyone except you.
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mitsies · 1 year
SNAKEBITES ! ; oliver aiku > a stranger comes into your piercing and tattoo parlour, and it's just your luck that he wants his lips pierced.
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it’s a slow day at work.
from your station in the back of your tattoo parlour, you can hear as cheery music filters through the speaker system, muffled, and not much else. there’s no telltale sounds of the door’s bell ringing as a customer walks through, or the enthusiastic voice of the establishment’s receptionist, kenji, scheduling appointments or taking calls over the phone.
you’d expected as much from today— it was, after all, 11 in the morning on a tuesday. most people would be at work doing better things. you pull up your schedule on your phone and see that your next appointment wasn’t until 2pm. standing from your wheeled stool with a sigh and stretch, your eyes gloss over the state of your workspace: everything is just as neat (and drab) as you’ve left it when you’d organised only a few minutes ago.
you’ve owned and worked at your tattoo parlour for the past few years. it was a relatively successful business endeavour, too. slow days were few and far in between. today was an anomaly, you supposed. people usually came from far off places just to access your abilities and services, whether they be tattoos or piercings. it was rather flattering, you supposed, maybe an ego boost you didn’t need. your establishment is still rather small, with only you and a few others as part of the rotating cast of staff. right now, it was just kenji and yourself on shift. kenji was a student with bright, cheery smile and a sun in aries who never failed to sell guests on jewlery or packages. he was young and a joy to talk to, in your humble opinion, which is why you made your way to the building’s lobby.
kenji was sitting on the desk swinging his feet while checking his phone, perking up when he saw you coming. “got bored back there?”
“i guess. not much to do,” you reply, slouching against the desk. kenji laughs. “i like this better than having too much to do.”
“you have too many missing assignments to be saying that.”
he gives you a look. “hey, that was uncalled for.”
“mhm. sure. since i’m your boss and we have nothing better to do, i order you to do your schoolwork for once.”
“you order me?”
“yeah, something like that.” he snorts and hops off the desk, about to retort when the door’s bell jingles and a tall figure walks in. your attention is drawn to him— a tall, broad man with shaggy dark hair and an electrifying smile as he gestures to a sign on the door and asks, “walk-ins are cool, yeah?”
you have an answer for him, but you’re not sure what to say. your mouth feels dry as he surveys you, a crooked grin creasing his eyes in greeting. you should tell him that no, you don’t usually take walk-ins, but kenji cuts in for you.
“yes, for sure! lucky for you, we’ve got a bunch’a openings for t’day.”
you snap your gaze to kenji who grins at you like he didn’t just lie to a customer. again, you open your mouth to say something when you’re cut off again, this time by the stranger: “okay. cool. i’m here for a piercing.”
kenji waves the man over. and at the same time shoos you off. “go back to your little dungeon and get ready— you’ve got a customer,” he whispers in a sing-song tone that makes your face hot with embarrassment. 
“you literally work for me. i should fire you,” you bite back. but kenji’s already turned away to tend to the stranger, leaving you to go out back to your studio, letting the heavy door click shut behind you. you frown. it does look a little bit like a dungeon, with no windows and a lack of prominent lighting. furiously, you busy yourself with reorganising the already organised space as you hear muffled voices and laughter fusing with the music out in the lobby. why did you care so much suddenly?
after a few minutes, you hear a groan as the door is opened again— the man is there again, opening the door. kenji is behind him and he wiggles his eyebrows at you suggestively before saying: “they’re the owner, so you’ll be taken care of jus’ fine. i’ll see you out front when y’er done!”
and with that, he leaves the both of you. the stranger lets the door shut behind him and you turn your back, taking a deep breath and channeling your professionalism as best you can. this is made really, really hard because he looks abnormally attractive in the warm lighting of your studio, all sharp lines and sharper smiles.
“you can sit down on the seat there,” you say politely, gesturing to a covered chair in the corner, “did you pick out jewlery with kenji?”
the man nods an affirmative, handing you two silver pieces with emerald embellishments made to resemble fangs at the ends— a set for snakebite piercings. your heart stalls, and stops. you’d be piercing this man’s lips?
you clear your throat and give him your best customer-service smile. “good choice. i love emerald. they’ll go with your eyes.”
he returns your expression and you suddenly feel incredibly weak in the knees. “that was the plan.”
you turn to a countertop and let yourself exhale a deep, silent breath as your heart hammers in your chest as you sanitise the jewlery with alcohol. speaking to him from over your shoulder, you introduce yourself with your name.
“i’m oliver aiku.”
“oliver,” you muse to yourself, “and have you gotten a piercing before?”
“nah. you’re my first time.”
you stiffen. okay.
“starting off with snakebites is brave.”
“do they hurt?”
you turn back to him, thoughtful. “i mean, based on what i’ve heard from  everyone i’ve pierced, they’re not too bad. just.. a little uncomfortable.”
you leave out why because you’d cite different reasons for the discomfort than the ones you should. snakebite piercings are ones that you don’t get to do often, but they require incredible proximity— you’ve got to be close enough to feel their breathing on your hands. this is, usually, not an issue. today might be a day full of exceptions.
oliver and you keep talking and you’re kind of taken aback by how easy conversation is. his charisma bursts at the seams and overflows into you— he has you bringing up old school memories and childhood tales, and laughing hard enough to hurt your ribs. you learn a few things about him: one, that he grew up in sweden. two, he’s a pro-player for japan’’s football team (and how you’ve never heard of him before, you’re not too sure, because a google search later proves his popularity). and three: you’ve kind of got a crush on him.
okay, so maybe that final one is more of a fact about you, but it’s still pertinent. the both of you had just been chatting for the past 20 minutes, long after prep work for the piercing had finished. he’s not only easy on the eyes but an incredible conversationalist. his words leave you wanting more, his smile has your stomach churning. this is not very professional of you.
eventually, you run out of stalling to do. seating yourself on your stool, you steel your nerves and say a prayer as you reach for a long, silver clamp. “okay. you ready for this?”
“as i’ll ever be. have at it.”
to attatch the clamp, which will serve to separate the site of the piercing from the rest of his mouth, you need to put one gloved hand on his jaw. you purse your lips as you slide in close to his face: “open your mouth for me?”
he’s all too compliant and you feel a little bit insane as you move your free hand to pull at his full lower lip, with a hushed, “tell me if it hurts.”
this is far more intimate than you’d anticipated. you can feel his gentle breathing against your hands and the sound of your heartbeat pulses through your ears, merging with the hot rush of blood. the clamp goes down, and you finally pull back to check the positioning, giggling a little at how silly it looks. he gives you an easy, amused expression, voice muffled as he speaks: “do i look good? maybe i should just keep it like this.”
“mhm. you look good.”
“you think?”
“oh, for sure.”
you take the needle, with the jewlery attached,  in your dominant hand and roll your chair back over to him. “this’ll pinch. you can handle that?”
“you kiddin’? i can handle anything you give me.”
okay. okay, okay. it’s okay. this is fine.
gently, with care, you take his jaw in your hand. through your gloves, you feel the warmth beneath his skin and the rough grating of stubble on your palms. you hold hin still as you swiftly slide the needle through the inside of his lip. once it’s in, you slide the clamp off and deftly screw on the jewled ball of the piercing’s end and sit back to admire your work and totally not to regain your bearings.
“one down. you’re halfway there. and you didn’t even flinch. ready for the next one?”
oliver grins, wincing a little at the soreness. “as i’ll ever be.”
if you thought the first piercing was intimate, you were sorely mistaken. because this time, you were going for the side opposite to that of your dominant hand— this meant it required a little more manouvering, a little more proximity, a little more touching. you only feel a little bad, as you let your hands linger on oliver’s face a little too long as you try to adjust the clamp as best you can. the pointer finger of your glove is shiny as you maybe a little unnecessarily fix the placement of the clamp. you wonder where your dignity has run to. 
“you ready?” you ask, meeting his eyes, but with your fingers practically in his mouth the only response he can muster is a nod. the second needle slides in easy as the first, all the while he looks straight on at you.
once it’s in, you slide on the end piece with the understated serpent motif and stand up, stepping back to see your work.
“hm. looks good.” you lie, because it doesn’t look just good, it looks fucking fantastic on him. your heart beats against your ribcage and threatens to leap out your throat if you speak any more, so you simply take the small hand mirror on the countertop and put the clamp away, handing the mirror to oliver. you, for your own sake, can’t watch him as he checks himself out.
he exhales a laugh and your chest tightens. “thank you. this is sick.”
you wave your hand at him bashfully, moreso than you think you’ve ever been. “it’s my job.”
he rises and you realise again just how tall he is. the warm lighting makes his new piercings shine, and you’re breathless. “i guess. and since you’re the professional— is there anything i shouldn’t do with these while they heal?”
you purse your lips. “didn’t kenji tell you everything?”
“nah. he said you would.”
that piece of shit. you think today might be his last day at work here because you might strangle him to death.
“avoid pools or hot tubs, and don’t mess with the piercing too much. don’t take it out, either, and don’t smoke while it’s healing.”
“anything else?”
he meets your eyes with a playful sparkle and you know for certain what he’s alluding to. was he really going to make you say it? 
“and you can kiss people,” you exhale, “just be gentle.”
“being gentle,” he muses, tension palpable in the air, “i don’t suppose that you could show—”
the door slams open. kenji stands, messy dark hair on end and looking quite frankly frazzled. you take a step back from oliver, letting out a breath of relief or disappointment, you couldn’t be sure, as you ask: “kenji? something up?”
“there’s so many people,” he heaves, “so many. so, so many. big line. rush hour.” he’s so out of breath, you move to pat him on the back awkwardly.
“i thought it was a slow day.” glancing out in the hallway, you see a long, long line stacking outside in the small lobby— a typical weekend day ath the parlour, not a sight you expected on a tuesday.
kenji looks traumatised. “me too,” he laments. you sigh, turning back to oliver.
“i can pay and go,” he says, gesturing out front, “i didn’t mean to take up so much of your time.”
“it’s no issue,” you reply a little too quickly. “really. don’t worry about it.”
kenji leaves back to the front desk to check in the next walk-in clients, and you and oliver are left in the studio. picking up and dropping the tools you’ve used in sanitising solution, you rattle off a list of piercing-care instructions.
“saline spray twice a day. you can just use a cotton pad,” you conclude.
“and will i need a check-up or something?”
you blink. “no. unless you want to change the jewlery, you should be fine.”
he shakes his head with a laugh and a grin. “you sure? i think i might need to come back. pick up where we left off.”
oh. oh, okay.
your skin feels so hot as you fumble over your words: “in that case, yeah. i mean, yes. sure. i can see you sometime.”
“perfect. when?”
“friday night? i’m done here at 7.”
you fight the smile growing on your face, and lose miserably as he replies, “perfect. i’m looking forward to it.”
he leaves out the door and you let yourself breathe out, covering your warm cheeks with your hands as you try to erase the cheesy expression. a few minutes later, you receive a text: it’s kenji.
kenji!!!: listen it’s great that u and ur new boyfriend are so happy and all but plwase save me there’s so many people
kenji!!!: ohmy god i think they’re going to stampede me or soemthing SAVW ME
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[ more blue lock fics! ] [ home page! ]
remember this post? yeah. i'm insane. anyways live laugh love kenji and... here's the kenji spin-off i guess!
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how I think bsd characters should be cooked based off of nothing and sleep deprivation
Dazai- microwaved until he explodes
ango- boiled
kenji- cooked on the pavement by the sun
kyouka- bonfire
akutagawa- smoked
Kunikida- grilled
literally any child ever- bombed
bram- skewered and spit roasted
atsushi- oven baked
and so on
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oneirataxia-girl · 2 months
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aim for the sun ⇝ trading cards
ft. Himura Kenji & "Marionette" Mari
here's my take on the oc verse trading cards by @auxiliarydetective!! starring my current muses obviously, I've got some editing notes under the cut so feel free to just ignore it bc most of it is just rambling
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first, I cannot thank you enough for making this guide Evie, I was so stuck on the numbers before I remembered that you literally gave me a guide to figure them out. Kenji's number (58) is a combination of 5 (ka) + 10 (ji) + 8 (ya), aka kajiya, the word for blacksmith in Japanese; I couldn't find any pun-related numbers for Mari, so I just used her symbolic number (13), I'll elaborate on this when the time is right ;)
it doesn't show up much, but I successfully changed the bg color for both of my cards! I have Single Child Syndrome and I Refuse To See Reason and I regretted it when after finishing it I realized that the original color looked best... ah well, at least they're more in line with their colors
the stats are both of them post OPLA s1, Mari is strong but she doesn't get a big fight scene so it's not obvious (but not better than the monster trio, hence the middle-ish placing), she does get an unhinged scene talking about her dream though; Kenji is himbo coded and I felt like I should make that Very Clear, he's slightly stronger than Usopp & Nami, but he doesn't train as hard as the fighting trio + Mari, so he's below average. both of them get to be a little stupid because it's the Strawhats, you aren't a crewmate if you're not a bit silly and unhinged amirite
and that's about it! thank you sm for reading if you did, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are!! now if you'll excuse me, I have a giveaway to work on <3
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the enablers' call: @arrthurpendragon, @bibaybe, @daughter-of-melpomene, @auxiliarydetective, @starcrossedjedis, @fakedatings, @supermarine-silvally -- want to be added?? shoot me an ask!!
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the-wrat · 6 months
Hello tumblr would you care to see my reactions to the burrows end finale anyway here they are:
(thanks for reading if you do i guess)
god new Tula is so unhinged and I love it like wtf is that jumpsuit idea
implications of lukas knowing about cocaine are stoats have either done it or like watched scarface or smth right
"twerking on a gearshift"
god I hope they ram the humans
noooo thorn
oh god oh fuck oh pants oh sheeeyiit.
my god the flying squirrel scene is right out of an animated kids movie
holy moly the arc from refusing to understand anything to "well, help us understand"😭
RIP Carlos Luna gone too soon
absolutely loving this new map scale
well this is gut wrenching (both figuratively and literally)
wait is Siobhan from the forest? why is she going back to the forest
this time on burrows end:
Iyengar and Mulligan: Rules Lawyers Divided
(good on Brennan trying to twist the effect tho, it was worth a shot)
oh god the betrayal poor bhint baby
oooooooh shit oh pants oh dammit Aabria why
I hate this
I resonate so much with Brennan's dead inside voice rn
if Jaysohn dies I WILL riot
Jesus fucking Christ in hell people
oh im gonna be so emotionally devastated after this
I may never recover
so frikin cool thas the pants (meant like that's the shit)
man that baculum is tough, huh?
of course the villain in the story wants to bomb everything it's a cold war era story
love the new york accent meat suit thing, 10/10 bit
wow radiation bad whoda thunk
I think i need an image of jasper screaming to react to stuff with
I second the Emmy nom
wait it's called the dimensional dome??!?
this is pantsing insane
oh my god they won I didn't even think this was possible
no not Jaysohn please not Jaysohn I'll do anything cmon you can't do this please no. help.
okay he's not full dead we still have hope ppl.
ah yes nuclear power plants, well known for having their own ice cream trucks.
okay I fully forgot about Lukas is bhint baby okay
ooohhh beans
final sacrifice?
past Tula really said "all I wanted was to fall asleep, close my eyes and disappear"
this is so sad but that was a truly amazing speech
oh nooo an epilogue time to see how my prediction of "bittersweet" turned out. somehow, after all that, I think it's not gonna happen
peace and love bb
stoat pres!
man the whiplash of going from almost crying to "Kenji do that little dance"
Dr. Stoat!
oh shit they never said a stoat couldn't play sports!
literally hyperventilating Air Jaysohn is real and he made it to the Olympics
do they have weight classes in long jumps?
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 months
Ennoshita isn’t here today.
Kenji sighs and stares, despondent, at the empty armchair where Ennoshita usually sits when he visits. It’s been a few days since he last stopped by, and the withdrawal is starting to take its toll. 
“You know,” says Mai, “you wouldn’t have to sit and wait for him to come around if you had just asked for his number.”
Kenji whips around to scowl at her. “Like you have room to talk. Didn’t you say you were going to ask out Misaki on Tuesday?”
Mai flushes red. “It was bad timing! I wasn’t going to ask her in the middle of the rush hour.”
“She was literally the only one in the shop.”
“Yes, but she was in a rush,” says Mai haughtily. “Hence, it was a rush hour for her.”
Kenji rolls his eyes. “Whatever makes you feel better.”
“I heard the film department had a pretty big project to finish up this week,” Aihara Mao chimes in. “That’s probably why he hasn’t been here. Cheer up, Kenji, I’m sure he’ll be back soon enough.”
“You make me sound obsessed with him,” Kenji grumbles, burying his face in his arms. Honestly, he knows he kind of is. Not obsessed, no, that’s creepy. He’s just . . . incredibly conscious of Ennoshita’s presence and the lack thereof. Observant. Attentive. Vigilant.
Addicted, Jiri had called him once.
“Kogane-kun told me he couldn’t stop staring at you the last time he was here,” Mai says. “You can’t tell me that doesn’t mean something.” 
“Maybe I was having a bad hair day.”
Mai throws up her hands and looks at Mao, her exasperation as clear as the summer sun. “Forget it, he’s hopeless.”
“Hopelessly in loooooove,” Mao sings, and dodges when Kenji chucks a crumpled straw wrapper at her, laughing. “It’s cute, Kenji! It’s nice to know that you’re not all bitter black coffee.”
“I am not!” Kenji protests. “Shirabu is bitter black coffee. I’m a mocha frappuccino with extra chocolate chips, whipped cream, and a caramel drizzle on top.”
“Ennoshita doesn’t like frappuccinos,” points out Mai, unhelpfully. “He always orders a peach green tea when he’s here.”
Like Kenji doesn’t know that. Like he doesn’t know that Ennoshita takes his green tea with less ice and at half the sweetness. Like he doesn’t pay attention when Ennoshita tells him every miniscule detail about his life, from the asshole professor he has on Tuesdays to the stray rabbit his younger cousins adopted. Like Kenji hasn’t catalogued every single moment they’ve ever had together, carefully preserved behind glass cases in his head like a fucking museum of shameless, relentless crushing. 
Okay, so he’s a little bit hopeless. Not that he would ever tell Mai that.
-- an excerpt from ACTION!, an ennofuta college coffeeshop au that's 50% plot and 50% vibes
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lavender-andcoffee · 1 year
Kyouka and Kenji Hc
Kenji will often come in to work with a bag of random vegetables from his family’s farm to give to the Ada
Now that Kyouka can do regular 14 year old things she’ll go clothes shopping with Yosano and Naomi and haruno
Kyouka and Kenji paint each others nails and eat together often
Kenji used to have flowers around the office but Kunikida said he would have to get rid of them because they attract bugs
Kyouka saw the disappointment In Kenji’s face when Kunikida told him that and suggested putting the flowers on the roof with hanako(the cow Kenji brought in one day) so the bugs weren’t in the office
Kyouka and Kenji have crushes on each other and don’t know how to tell the other so they both somewhat avoid each other and they both think they upset the other
When the finally got advice from their coworkers they waited till Valentine’s Day to ask each other out
They got really flustered when they told each other their feelings and went on a date around the city together the next day
They take care of hanako and the flowers on the roof whenever they have free time
Whenever the Ada shenanigans start their in the corner talking about what their next date should be and make fun of the other members
They’ll go on dates around the city or go to the arcade or kenji’s village
Kenji gets flustered when Yosano says things like ‘where your girlfriend’ or ‘shouldn’t you be making sure your girlfriend isn’t having a fight with Dazai’
This is because in his village having a girlfriend was the equivalent to being married
Dazai and Kyouka have small fights over who has the cutest partner or Dazai picks a fight with Kyouka by either insulting her or her brother or Kenji
Kyouka and Atsushi are siblings (real)
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twilightknight17 · 4 months
Yesterday on P3R, I genuinely wonder how anyone is learning anything at this high school. For fuck’s sake. XD
I did finally manage to get a readable picture of the warning screen that comes up when you boot the game.
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Again, I think this is a good idea, considering… everything. I mean, going off the movie characterization, even Mina is mildly passively suicidal this whole game. It’s a lot.
So I joined the track team, because no one answered when I knocked on the swim team’s door. After attending one practice, I’ve learned that Minato can apparently run marathons with no problem. Going to Tartarus one time should not have done that, so like… what is this kid’s routine off-screen? XDDD
Also oh my god, guys, I didn’t “go out with” Yukari. Please.
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I live with Mitsuru, too. Just go ahead and treat me like a god.
Went back to Tartarus to train a little and get some more personas. I’m fascinated by the fact that apparently you can’t go at all if Mitsuru is busy in the evenings. I wonder if that’ll change once we get a proper navi.
I’m also sharply and suddenly reminded that P3 has a different demon set. Like, not only did I get Forneus at level 8 instead of level 50-something, I also got… this thing???
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Fucking baby-Azathoth looking son of a bitch. But I needed zio, so okay. X’’’D
Anyway, this school is absolute madness. I got asked before about some historical thing and managed to logic out the answer, but now we’re in math class and god help me.
In the words of Po, who I sent this screenshot to: “OH GOD NOT AGAIN”
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The explanation doesn’t even help explain why I got it wrong! I picked C. But no, A is apparently a logarithmic spiral, and MA’AM? Did we actually learn this in class or did you just pop this question on everyone out of nowhere???
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All the teachers in this school are nuts. The history teacher is glossing over everything at the speed of light so he can get to samurai, the literature teacher just wants to talk about haiku, and then there’s… this guy.
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Who is also the school nurse, so like… oh no.
My education and my health feel in danger. X’D
Meanwhile, on the social link side of things… Ehhhhhhh. I don’t know how I feel about these people so far. Track guy (Kaz?) considers me a rival, which is cool and all, but my Magician, Kenji is… uh…
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I am literally just a guy eating ramen.
I feel a less intense version of what I felt for Mishima, I think. Just a general, like, “I don’t think I actually want to be friends with you, but you have latched on for some reason.” He’s still on about asking out a teacher, which, again, godspeed my dude. Please don’t expect a shoulder to cry on when you get shot down. I'll be busy wishing my link was with Junpei.
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...the ETHICS TEACHER? Oh man my dude. Forget shot down, you’re gonna get shot into the sun.
Moving on! A wild Shinji appears!
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And then he is gone.
But now the internet at the dorm is fixed, so I can spend my birthday looking at… single-use computer software. Which is apparently a thing. Somehow. Whatever, time to try a virtual diet to make myself more charming!
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...okay, I laughed.
And to round off my in-game birthday (mine, not Minato’s XDDD), a nice visit from Pharos, warning me that a terrible challenge is coming.
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So, yay! Next time, I’ll probably make it to the first full moon, and maybe I can finally smack some sense into Junpei so he stops being passive-aggressive about not being the leader.
Bonus: God, I wonder who made this game. Baofu, are you out there?? This Side's Kozue??? Anyone?
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whathorselegs · 3 months
Hi.... If you don't mind, can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Bungou Stray Dogs? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Sorry if you've answered this before.....
No need to apologise, I’m happy to answer! :D 
Lets see, fave characters, it’s so hard to narrow it down to just five because I love most of the BSD characters
Surprise to no one, Chuuya. I love my scrunkly boy. For as little as he appears in the main story he steals every scene he’s in, his light novels have so much character to explore. His backstory is wild. There’s so much for me to sink my teeth into in terms of character and so little there’s a lot of room to theorise. He has a fun personality to attempt to write as well. I have a lot of Chuuya posts so I won’t rant too much about him here.
Kunikida was definitely my first favourite character. Strict but caring, follows the rules but they are his own rules, reluctant mentor figure, thrown into a high position at such a young age, really smart but such a dumbass. Dazai’s character in season 1 wouldn’t nearly be so enjoyable if he didn’t have Kunikida to reign him in. I love his dynamic with Atsushi, he doesn’t want to be a mentor, but he doesn’t want this kid to get hurt. So he tries to land somewhere in the middle. He tries to get Atsushi to arrive at the right conclusion himself, he wants him to grow on his own, but will be there for him when he needs it.
Yosano, BSD needs more Yosano content. Again, I loved her dynamic with Atsushi during the train heist. Her and Kaiji’s conflict of beliefs about the value of human life and death was so interesting. Her past with Mori was definitely interesting too, but I am much more interested in seeing more of the present day Yosano. I don’t want her to be forced out into the field, because that’s something she doesn’t want, but I would love to just know more about her role in the agency. Her day to day. More of her beliefs. More exploration of how her trauma affected her ability to heal people. Is she even a real qualified doctor?? Did she actually go to med school??? Because some part of me wouldn't be surprised she didn’t, given her history.
Akutagawa siblings. I’m putting them as one because a lot of what makes Akutagawa interesting to me is his relationship with Gin. I love main timeline Akutagawa and all his complexities but Beast!Aku is golden. I love the Beast movie so much that when I picture Akutagawa I picture the actor, not the cartoon man, haha. They are both little creatures to me, I wish their dynamic was more explored. I wish Gin was explored more in general, pretty sure we see them the least out of all of Black Lizard.
Dazai. Here’s the thing, originally, I wasn’t much of a Dazai fan. I didn’t not like him, but he wasn’t my favourite. BUT then I started reading the real Dazai Osamu’s works and I love his writing. Rewatching BSD and starting the manga, after I had read some of Dazai Osamu’s works, gave me a better appreciation for the BSD character. NLH, Setting Sun, Flowers of Buffoonery and Dazai Osamu’s fairytale retellings, all very much affect how I view Dazai and how I write his character. I have a very love/hate relationship with writing him though because I’m constantly questioning whether or not he would do X actions, but then I remember the characters in the books would, so I write it in anyways, haha.
Honourable mentions: Aya, Kenji, Kyouka, Atsushi, Bram, all of The Flags, Lucy (Okay I’m going to stop before I list them all)
Favourite moments:
It’s got to be Chuuya fighting a literal dragon, right? I’ve rewatched Dead Apple a lot, I never tire of Chuuya throwing a building down a dragon’s throat. And of course Chuuya screaming Dazai’s name in the midst of corruption. Not even in a shippy way, but in the context of Dazai should be dead, as far as anyone else knows he’s dead, but Chuuya believes in his ability to survive. He believes even when it’s supposed to be impossible, if he uses corruption, Dazai will be there to stop it. And if he’s wrong, he accepts dying alongside him. That’s about as ride or die as it gets and I love it.
Atsushi jumps to save Kyouka. He has no reason to, other than despite all he’s been through, he still believes people deserve to live, they deserve to be told that. Kyouka was willing to die to stop hurting people, to pay penance for an ability she had no control over and Atsushi was willing to die trying to save her. I don’t care what people say, Atsushi is a good main character, I don’t care that he cries a lot or that he needs saving and losses fights. I care about how much he cares. I care that he sees good in people like Kyouka and Dazai, he sees the good in Lucy. Moments like this make me love BSD.
Similar vein, Lucy frees Atsushi. Helping Atsushi is a lose/lose scenario in Lucy’s perspective. The guild is all she has, the only place that has ever given her some value. Atsushi is the man that robbed her of that value. But in this confrontation she learns Atsushi is a lot like her, that in this one conversation he has attempted to understand her pain better than anyone else in the guild and so she takes a chance on Atsushi. She chooses to help him and Yokohama despite knowing it will cost her everything she has. And she does it with a smile on her face like it’s nothing. Love Lucy so much.
Ranpo can’t ride public transport by himself. This one is a little silly, but you see I am a neurodivergent adult who also really struggles with public transport. Trains scare the heck out of me, so I don’t go on them alone. Ranpo is just like me for real and it gave me a silly little serotonin to see it.
Okay, I tried not doing two Chuuya scenes but Chuuya showing up to save the agency in a helicopter and throwing bullets at the Hunting Dogs is also one of my faves. Especially as he was sent there to save them and then Kunikida goes and jumps out the thing and blows himself up anyway, it’s just funny. BSD does a good job of balancing action and humour and serious moments very well. This is supposed to be an epic sacrifice for Kunikida, his friends all think he’s dead. But looking at it from Chuuya’s perspective is funny. People say “Oh, why didn’t Chuuya do anything” like Kunikida really gave him a chance to. Maybe he did have a plan and maybe he didn’t get a chance to do anything because Tall, Blond and Explody over there leapt out the door.
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lalicaaaaa · 2 years
I’m bored so here is random head cannons with my favorite content creators with content creator! Reader
These are all platonic btw
Reader is quite literally blind when they don’t have their glasses so if they lose their glasses they are very close to their computer like face pressing against the screen close
Reader can walk in a handstand and they do it to freak people out
If reader is ever in discord video of any kind and it’s after 11 pm or 12 am they look and act like they are high and like the crazy high like making monkey noises and jumping up and down their chair or saying the most random shit
They are the worst at laugh or lost because their sense of humor is someone gets hurt = funny or something so out of pocket and random that it makes it funny as hell and something that is so bad that’s it’s laughable
Reader doesn’t like making fun of peoples looks unless they are cool with it but they still know limits
Reader slouch’s so much in their streams or videos so when people meet them in real life they are taller then they thought
Speaking of height if your tall then your the type of person to film short people from the head/forehead down doing them bold like that 💀💀💀 
The first time reader meet schlatt they pointed at him and said “ oh my god it’s funny wii gun I like men guy “ with their face like 😧👉.
If your a YouTuber and you went to vidcon you meet Ted and y’all were besties for the next four days
You and grunk have the same glasses frame
You hit big t with a golf club on pure accident
You do a thumbs up in every photo your in
If your poc then you know how to do that hip shit on tiktok
Your Twitter reply’s are the funniest shit ever like when someone is arguing with you you start sending photos of you holding up the middle finger and shit like that
You literally hype up people who make edits of you
But if your a editor you try and not to be mean because editor!reader is very judgement of edits
If you are a cosplayer and are involved in vtubing you cosplay sun kenji I don’t make the rules 🤭 and if your on Twitter you reply with you cosplaying as any character holding up the middle finger or a disgusted expression
As myself you beat ass at 200 cc Mario kart 😋
Your streaming times very from early in the morning to really late at night
You take shit from anyone
You cried on Twitter when Charlie left chuckle sandwich like a photo of you sobbing was trending on Twitter for a while
When you meet issacwhy in person you gawked at him for a while because of how tall he was
That’s all I have hahahahhaga
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mitsies · 1 year
-;, white chocolate mocha ; kenji (oc i GUESS)
written for @sixosix and all the losers who fell in love with this random ass guy from SNAKEBITES and... KENJI DRAWN BY @kruinka (*crowd going wild!!*)
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the hot coffee in your hand spread a surge of warmth through your palms, trickling down into your veins as you speed-walked to your destination. the heat from the drink counteracted the incessant spattering of rain which sent sparks of cold ricocheting down your spine.
you were done with your work for the day, having just finished your shift at a local cafe and completed your classes a little before that, rendering you with nothing left to do. all your schoolwork was completed, and you didn't really feel like going home yet (seeing as it was only around 6pm) so there was really only one logical course of action left: to go bother your boyfriend who worked down the street.
kenji, your boyfriend since you were both quite literally 13 years old, had recently been employed as a tattoo and piercing parlour's receptionist, a position he'd chatted your ear off about when he'd first scored it out of sheer excitement. it wasn't only a good paying, interesting job- it was close to your place of work, only a 5-minute walk away.
rather quickly, it became a habit for you to drop by whenever you could for the purpose of keeping him company. kenji never failed to brighten up (a feat you never thought would be possible, but you were proved wrong often) whenever you walked through the parlour's doors with two to-go cups of coffee in hand. you had his order memorised- white chocolate mocha, hot in the winter and cold in the summer.
when you pushed open the doors to the building, you were greeted by the smell of cinnamon and upbeat pop music you recognised as a track from your shared playlist humming quietly from the speaker system. kenji sat behind the desk, head slumped over and arms around his face. you bit back a smile, moving closer and seeing the gentle rise and fall of his chest. shaggy dark hair and the sleeves of his dark brown crewneck obscured most of his face, save for the apple of his cheek. a dusting of hazel freckles shifts with his skin as he mumbles something in his sleep.
"kenji. wake up."
he grumbles something more and shoves his face deeper into his arms. more dark hair covers what you could see and you roll your eyes. he's always slept like the dead, no matter where he was.
you place the drinks down on the counter and reach over to shake his shoulder gently. "you alive?"
your touch rouses him, and he raises his head. droopy, tired eyes blink up at you, not registering what they're seeing. "do.. you have an appointment?"
you exhale a sigh, hands landing on your hips. "you need to start wearing your glasses."
and then you see it: he brightens like the sun rising in the sky, a light being turned on, a sparkle glinting behind his expression. cheeks turning rosy and creasing as he beams at you, he greets you with a delighted rendition of your name. you've known him for 5 years and loved him for a dozen lifetimes but the way he says your name is always something so sweet, intimate, and never fails to make your heart rate pick up.
"i can't believe you're already asleep; it's only, like, 6."
he groans, and flops his head back into his arms. one eye peeks up at you. "but it's so boring, no one's scheduled until later."
"that's great," you say dryly, "good opportunity for you to catch up on all your late work."
your boyfriend huffs and you laugh. he comes around the other side of the desk to stand next to you, a bright grin cracking through his feigned annoyance. "you're overestimating me," he wheedles, "there's too many."
"and whose fault is that?"
"not mine!"
"you're literally studying education. you have nothing to be complaining about with your what, two assignments a week?"
he scowls at you. you fail to hide your smile. kenji's head lands on your shoulder with a sigh, and with your free hand you reach over and grab the cup of coffee you brought him. "you'll need this if you're already passing out."
he blinks at the drink, not taking it. and then his face erupts into a furious red blush, once which he tries to hide by shoving his hands over his cheeks and groaning. it didn't do much to veil the redness of his ears, striped off by the myriad of silver piercings decorating them.
"what? are you okay?" your inquiries fall upon deaf ears as kenji leans even more of his weight onto you, almost toppling you (and the drink) over. "oh my god, what? are you actually dying? do i need to call someone?"
he rises back up a little and looks at you, with that same expression that's solely reserved for things he loves: it's how he looks at cats, his drums, and the ocean; his little sisters, flowers, and thai food; it's how he looks at you, always.
"you remembered my favourite drink," he says in a watery, teary voice, as if it's a big deal, "i'm in love with you."
you bite the inside of your cheek to fight your grin. "you have the most basic taste. it'd be hard to forget."
kenji looks up at you, through his lashes and his bangs. his eyes glow more gold than their usual green in the warm lighting of the parlour. "i'm g'nna marry you one day."
you blink at him as he snatches the white chocolate mocha (cold, because it's winter) from your hands and takes a sip. you blink again. and again.
and you think that sure, you're okay with that being your future. yeah, you're definitely okay with this.
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a-tale-of-legends · 5 months
Giving mini descriptions for my protag ocs lol.
Jin - Once an angsty pre-teen now a calm and collected adult, Jin is one of the first, if not the first, Chosens of the modern era. Despite carrying themself with a calming air, their snarky side still persists to this day, and if you push the right buttons, you'll realize their anger from their youth never truly went away. They are the Chosen of Rayquaza
Amber/Kohaku - The ever cheerful and reliable daughter of Professor Birch! She's a lover of all things nature and pokemon, and loves nothing more than to go out for some field research- even if she's a tad clumsy. It's rumored that she's strong enough to beat Jin and become champion, but when asked, she simply laughs and waves it off, her true passion being research. Amber is the Chosen of Groudon.
Kenji - The second coming hero, Kenji has and always will be an energetic, excitable young man. As lovable as he is reckless, Kenji often drives himself into becoming a hero for all- even if it means at the expense of his own well being. Still, his smile is as golden as the sun, being able to ease- or worry- the hearts of many. Kenji is the Chosen of Ho-Oh
Aiko - The spunky daughter of Professor Elm. She's constantly trying to figure out who she is, and having fun doing so! She had trained under the Kimono girls and gym leader Chuck, so she is just highly skilled in pokemon battling and martial arts! Don't underestimate her, or she'll knock you before you can even blink! Aiko is the Chosen of Lugia.
Beryl - Jokingly called the babysitter of Kenji and Aiko, Beryl was once a professors assistant, now a professor of their own, as well as head of the pokemon rehabilitation center that took the place of the old safari zone. She probably the most level headed of all of them, which is very much needed for the Insanity their friends can cause. Beryl is the Chosen of Suicune.
Danica - The quiet and often called "creepy" girl from Twinleaf Town. Despite her loneliness, she has a passion for battling, and aims to get stronger and stronger. Though this does result in her becoming a tad bored battling people who aren't Barry or the league. She does enjoy scaring the shit out of people though. Danica is the Chosen of Giratina( aka, Friend)
Kiran - The quiet, up tight but also surprisingly lazy assistant to Professor Rowan. Despite not being as interested in battling as his friends are, his knowledge is bountiful, though he can be a bit of a smartass, so humble him if you like. If you need Kiran to do literally anything for you, bribe them with food, coffee, or both. And an extended period of nap time. Recent events have made them a bit more proactive than usual, though. Kiran is not a Chosen.
Alexis - An anxious and depressed man that follows his ideals. Even if said ideals are hanging by a thread. Alexis is an unfortunate nuzlocke protagonist, and thus he has experienced things no trainer would ever want to. Because of this he has grown reclusive, no longer finding the motivation to battle, and overall slowly withering away his old relationships. All he needs is a good wake up call to get back his spark. Alexis is the Chosen of Reshiram.
Elliot - Alexis' loud and rambunctious twin sister,a girl who follows her truth. While she isn't a nuzlocke protagonist like her brother, she was affected by it all the same, seeing her brother lose hope and whither away into a husk of himself. She wants to help, but is afraid of ruining everything. Despite her usual can do and reckless attitude the whole ordeal has made her inner fire dwindle a little. Elliot is the Chosen of Reshiram.
Eva - A preppy and sporty girl from Aspertia City, with a knack for technology to boot! She always wants to see the best in people, though that blind trust has bitten her in the back. While she isn't jaded, and still lends a hand out to those who she feels need it, she's a bit more hesitant now. What's more, despite her sunny attitude, she comes out of her journey with a complex relationship with the cold. Eva is the Chosen of Kyurem.
Wayne - A child within the old Team Plasma, taken in by Clay, Wayne was always a shy but warm kid. Despite his desire to not associate with his past, it always has a way of coming up to him, dragging him to confront his own fears, and reevaluate his true ideals. Despite his fear, he grows more sure of himself as his journey ends, and is eager to experience the world he missed out on. Wayne is the Chosen of Keldeo.
Jude - A child of past pains, determined to keep people out of their heart. Aura and all. Jude is and was a bit of an ass, but despite that, they grew to be more kind, and realize the meaning of life in death. Jude is another unfortunate nuzlocke protagonist. Still, despite it all, they finished out on top. Still an ass, but also a leader, someone who wants to make good change. Just don't question them on their wine consumption. Jude is the Chosen of Yveltal.
Dante - A child with two veteran parents, he wanted nothing more than to make them proud, but also wanted to move out of their shadow.
Amsonia - Once an abused child, moving to Alola with her mom to heal, Amsonia is rather closed off, never fully trusting. But once she trusts you, know that they are fiercely loyal and protective. Despite their quietness- she's selectively mute- they are known to choose violence if something or someone annoys her too much. She has kicked many kneecaps. Ames is Chosen by Lunala.
Ray - A faller, thrown from the destructive of his home universe to Amsonia's, Ray is an odd child. He carries his loss and trauma with a coolness that's concerning to others, and tends to have a very go-with-the-flow attitude about everything. Still, he is a child of loss, so beneath that warmth is someone mourning. Ray is the Chosen of Solgaleo.
Naomi - Once a girl who was terribly shy with very little self confidence, being pushed into the gym challenge pushed her out of her comfort zone and fast. Having to find out the mystery behind her foggy memories, missing faces of her past, as well as Galar's, Naomi finds herself growing more and more confident by the day. Still, she's forever a sweetheart, and just needs a little push to be the person she knows she can be. Naomi is the Chosen of Zacian.
Carol - The bastard child of Chairman Rose, Carol's journey was a quest for revenge. Somehow. In doing so, they got themselves into lots of media trouble, as well as a nearly broken friendship with Hop and Naomi. They don't think highly of themself, despite their swagger, and only when realizing they are in fact valued, is when they truly start to grow and learn. Carol is the Chosen of Calyrex.
Now! Uh. The SV protags are pretty much complete, but how things go down is still to be decided. So...
Luca - An adventurous but traumatized boy who is written by the guilt that was thrown into him by his father. Because of this, Luca is always wanting to prove that he isn't a burden to others, even if it's at the expense of himself. He means well most times, and is very good at making friends, but he struggles with not overthinking some things and taking no as an answer. Luca is possibly the Chosen of Terapogos.
R.B - Also known as "The Calamity". She has been expelled from previous schools before heading to Naranja-Uva, and her only goal was to lay low and get it over with. Unfortunately for her, she caught Luca's eye, and thus the journey of healing and friendship began. It's not so bad though. Is often the one having to ground Luca, while in turn being reminded she is not what people thought she was. R.B, as of right now, is not a Chosen.
Phew! That's everyone! If you read this far, thanks! Feel free to ask about these losers ( affectionate).
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On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me… Five Golden Bois! (Part 2!)
Kenji Miyazawa
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💛🐄In the morning, you meet up at the office for a party with the Armed Detective Agency! It's a blast for the both of you! Watching Kunikida yell at Dazai for trying to hang himself with the garland is quite the show.
💛🐄Kenji did his best with your gift. He really did. He probably had to get some help from another member of the ADA. You better hope it was Atsushi and not Dazai! Dazai is known for his love of prank gifts.
💛🐄Oh he is so happy to receive a gift from you. It genuinely doesn't matter what you get him, he will enjoy it. A little hint: he especially loves stuffed animals!
💛🐄Kenji adores Christmas, and loves learning the big city traditions with you!
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💛💐On Christmas morning, Finni and the other servants are, of course, up with the sun preparing breakfast, cleaning, etc. Once Ciel is ready, then it's time for presents! Finni isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but he tries his best to get you something nice (Sebastian probably helped him out)!
💛💐Finni is ecstatic to receive a gift from you! He loves presents! He's very careful when opening it, he doesn't want to accidentally break whatever's inside!
💛💐Holidays with the Phantomhive crew are always chaotic, even with Sebastian trying desperately to keep everything as calm as possible. It's a fun time for both you and Finni!
Alphonse Elric
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💛🐱On Christmas morning, Al is willing to do whatever. If you want to sleep in, he's game. If you want to sprint out of bed at light speed and open your presents, he's ok with that too!
💛🐱Al gets you a few very well thought-out gifts. He knows what you like, and he probably worked his ass off to get it!
💛🐱He's very happy you got him something, and he's even happier if you got him something cat-related! If you get him an actual cat for Christmas, he'll probably cry from happiness!
💛🐱Al loves everything to do with Christmas, and having you around just makes everything better!
Denki Kaminari
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⚡👍In the morning, Denki is sprinting down the dorm hallways with Mina and Sero, yelling for everyone to get up because it's Christmas! That is, until Bakugo literally blows his door off and almost murders them on the spot.
⚡👍He's not the richest, nor does he have the best taste, but he tries his best to get you something you'll like! He might have gotten a bit of help from Mina or Momo. Just a bit.
⚡👍Denki is perfectly thrilled to receive a gift from you. If it's a new hat for his collection, even better! He will wear it immediately!
⚡👍What better way to spend the 2-week Christmas break than cuddling on the couch with someone you love? Nothing, according to Denki!
Naruto Uzumaki
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💛🍜In the morning, he's the first one up (obviously). He's shaking you awake with a look that wouldn't be out of place on an excited puppy! After a quick instant ramen breakfast, it's time for presents!
💛🍜Naruto looks beyond pleased with himself as you open your gift. He tried his best to get you something you would enjoy! Isn't he the greatest boyfriend/husband ever?
💛🍜He is beyond thrilled to receive a gift from you! He never really got a lot of gifts growing up. You know, with him not having parents and all. The only one who really gave him gifts at Christmas time was the Ichiraku ramen guy, who gave him huge discounts around the holidays!
💛🍜Having you around has turned Naruto from beginning-of-the-movie Scrooge to end-of-the-movie Scrooge. You've really shown him the spirit of Christmas!
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itsmahblebaby · 18 days
Feeling whimsical, so I'm going to be doing a Persona 3 SLink sexuality list. Female protag only because not interested in Minato Arisato's friends and also I would need to think about Kenji twice and I would really rather not.
Junpei, Magician: Straight. Chidori canonically dies, and he canonically wears her necklace in later games. If Chidori lives, legend has it he dressed up as her on Halloween once. She was not happy.
Fuuka, Priestess: Bi, gay leaning. Lucia evolves through Natsuki leaving, despite death being the trigger for an evolution.
Mitsuru, Empress: She's pretty sure she's straight, but no she's gay. She will deny this at every turn, even as she's in bed with a woman at a love hotel
Hidetoshi, Emperor: Hard-on for justice, more likely to become a cop than Akihiko. Probably straight.
Bunkichi and Mitsuko, Hierophant: Bunkichi is definitely bi, and Mitsuko's entire personality is that she has a husband.
Yukari, Lovers: Either bi and straight leaning, or gay. Either way, she ends up in a passionate relationship with Mitsuru.
Rio, Chariot: Unfortunately straight. Her taste in men is horrible, too.
Koromaru, Strength: Bark!
Saori, Hermit: Gay. This girl is not even slightly straight, and she knows it. She knows society frowns upon it and wants to fix it, but can't fix what isn't broken.
Ryoji, Wheel of Fortune, and Pharos, Death: Playersexual, despite him trying to pretend he has interest in non-player women.
Ken, Justice: Beats me. Kids are usually the only ones who know that kind of stuff 99% of the time, since puberty is when your interest in that normally kicks it into being recognizable from the outside.
Maiko, Hanged Man: See Ken.
Bebe, Temperance: French, unfortunately.
Tanaka, Devil: This man gets so turned on by money that he lets you skip Nyx simply by paying him. His masturbation tools are his bank account and charts that have the line go up.
Mutatsu, Tower: If you asked him 50 years ago, he'd probably try to give you an answer. Nowadays, he doesn't care what you label him as. But he's pan.
Akihiko, Star: Asexual and aromantic, easily. Even entering into a relationship with him takes much more effort than the others, and he could get at least half the school to enter a relationship if he wanted to. But it's annoying, and he'd really rather not.
Shinjiro, Moon: Does it matter what a boy who died years ago thinks? One so haunted by the weight of his sins that he does nothing but wait for the reaper to finally take him, as he poisons his body with drugs that silence his loud mind? Asexual, heteroromantic. Likes cuddling.
Akinari, Sun: Does it matter what a boy who- he's gay. He realized this when he saw some yaoi at the hospital.
Aigis, Aeon: Playersexual, literally has Kotone or Minato touch her most private place so she doesn't forget them.
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