#Kaito is a very complex and beautiful character
meimi-haneoka · 1 year
Just to add to the reply to the latest ask, I'm also thinking that at some point Kaito *might have* realized that using Sakura as a commodity like this and "stealing" her happiness was a wrong choice. Because all he's ever known ever since he was a baby is that all magicians exploit and betray eachother, and the only sane magician he's ever known ended up in tragedy trying to save her daughter (even there, we still need to know what happened!!! Cause 庇って is a very specific term and implies specifically that Akiho's parents were protecting her from a negative situation, and died shielding her from it).
So why Sakura would've been any different? The plan was to take what he needed, correct the terrible destiny he inadvertently caused to Akiho, and go. "Simple" as that.
But then...
He saw that Sakura's kindness was genuine. Not only her, but also the people gravitating around her. He saw that Akiho was happy in her company and the company of her friends. And the way he felt towards the plan he himself thought up while still being a young boy changed. Because he didn't know such people could really exist. Otherwise...
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...he wouldn't point out, with a hint of sadness that shows how his heart is hurting at that thought, that Akiho seems happy in the company of her new friends. A happiness that doesn't involve him (or so he thinks), just like he pictured. Not in this way, though. And he wouldn't make the painful face above, while talking about his definitive plan, activating the magic he desired, the "story". If he really was still ok with this, he wouldn't. He'd be thrilled to be so close to his goal.
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And when Akiho expressed her enthusiasm for doing her best along with Sakura for this goddamned play, he totally wouldn't have made that face, if he still was ok with this. Probably that panel looks new to many of you, because it was changed in the tankobon version of that chapter, included in volume 13 which (as far as I know) still hasn't been released in English. CLAMP went as far as changing completely his face in that panel, to show clearly that something isn't right, here. Where he looked pensive before, now he looks stricken with guilt. And his hand istinctively reaches out to her in response to that feeling.
But what other choice does he have? Can he really stop?
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When I saw this panel for the first time, I realized his non-answer was already an answer per se. One that made me grimace. That "smoke" in the background of this panel, so typical of CLAMP's art language, is conveying to us that the character is thinking and feeling something he's not saying aloud. And the worst part is that all of this might be happening while still not understanding the real reason why he's doing all of this.
If only that spell was never engraved onto her body. He probably would've stopped. But he doesn't have any other choice. Even if he might be regretting this at this point, he can only go forward, never looking back. Because her survival, even after he won't be here anymore, is the priority over everything. She will always be his priority.
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catcrazyx · 1 year
for the ask game...... KAITO!! :D
EHEHE MY BABY!!!!!!!!! :DD THANK YOU!! Of course my fav character of all time, like really :3 right up there with Chiaki eheh.
Favorite thing about them: Basically everything!! He's such a complex and interesting character, I feel like there's soooo much to him, he's so cool to get to know more of, and his character alone gives me the opportunity to explore a lot of deep interesting topics and seeing things more grey rather than black and white. Besides, he's not perfect, and even though I love him, I found myself disagreeing with him a lot, which is seriously so amazing, I love flawed characters which make them more relatable and human!! Now more into Kaito himself, LIKE HE'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING, LIKE HE ACTUALLY ALWAYS CARED ABOUT EVERYONE AND WANTED EVERYONE TO SURVIVE AND FOLLOW THEIR DREAMS AND BE HAPPY! He hides himself bc he's scared to be seen as weak, but also bc he's scared of not being relied on, and if nobody relies on him he can't help anyone. He always puts others above himself even if he appears a bit cocky sometimes, he shows to be very insecure deep down, when he said "you fell for a guy like me" I literally CRIED, he deserves so much love. When I first saw him I thought he was a bit out there, and his design was not my thing, apart from the space design on the jacket, but now he's like super hot, everything about his design is beautiful bc it's so unique of him and I love him, even that stupid goatee I wanna touch it so badly AHHHH Kaito with his hair down also >>>>>> -
Least favorite thing about them: Like I said Kaito is not perfect, and what I dislike about him has got to be how he treated Ryoma. I wish they had gotten a better treatment like in the manga we get to see how Kaito really feels about Ryoma and Ryoma would also surely appreciate that support. But in the game, Kaito was very insensitive for sure, I consider that there's more deep down besides the idol thing, like, everybody forgets that Kaito was already dying by that point and he knew that. Him seeing his idol giving up on life when Kaito thinks he has a "choice" (it's not a matter of choice, but following Kaito's train of thought here) but Kaito himself does not have a choice, he has so many dreams but he knows he's dying and I feel like that must have had some impact on why he treated Ryoma like that, relating again, with the fact Ryoma was his idol, someone whom he admired to follow his own dreams, so I know it must be heartbreaking for Kaito, but it was still very insensitive, and I really wish they at least had some better interactions in UTDP, bc I really think these two deserved to be on better terms. -
Favorite line: J-Just one???? Nah, that's illegal. Here have a bunch of lines: 1. "Being able to share your burdens with others… that's how you get stronger" 2. "Hey! Were you guys making out while I was gone?!" 3. "Hey! Who you calling NPC, you A-S-S!?" 4. "If you want to give up, wait until you've done everything you possibly can!" 5. "The impossible is possible! All you gotta do is make it so!" 6. "No matter how many times we fight, we smile in the end... that's what true friendship is!" 7. "Sometimes you gotta be a little reckless to make your dreams a reality!" 8. "That could have been anyone walking around in women's underwear! Even me!" 9. "That's because, limits don't exist unless you set them yourself" 10. "I believe in you." -
BrOTP: With Himiko!! Not actually related, they are best friends! I had made a "understand my friendship" in 5 minutes post where I showed a bit their dynamic. Kaito sending Himiko very cute memes and images, while Himiko sending cursed things just to scare Kaito, but in a lighthearted way! Kaito actually believed in Himiko's magic or at least on how she wants to make people smile with her magic and I'm sure he'd help her believe in herself more. Also Kaito would totally give Himiko piggyback rides when she's tired!!! Another BrOTP is with Kazuichi! They'd be such good bros! Ahh I wish they had interacted at some point, they'd totally bond! I love how some people made comics showing how Kaito would help Kazuichi get over Sonia, move on and become someone he can be proud of, learning to love himself and chase his passions. Also how Kazuichi would talk about rockets with Kaito, I love them so much!! -
OTP: SAIMOTA IS LOVE, SAIMOTA IS LIFE!! They support, admire, love, care, never judge one another. They are so sweet and so cute and adorable and they are also so gay, like... I could be here talking about them forever (I was, but CHARACTER LIMIT ON TUMBLR SOMEHOW??) Anyway, they fit so many themes and aesthetics, like, Saimota is literally SEASONS, like, spring, summer, autumn, winter!! They also fit so well either cottage core or even like city streets, neon lights, parties, they are perfect in every way. They hold hands to comfort each other. They switch their roles a lot, always support each other equally and communication is really their strength!! They already went through that development in the game, and it's perfect. Anyway, special other OTP mentions: Training Trio, Oumota, Amamota, Akamota, Momoharu, Gokumota, Cyberspace and basically yeah, any ship with Kaito is great. -
NOTP: With Junko. Keep her away from my boy. I saw some people make some headcanons of them interacting, no, no no no no NO. My boy deserves love and happiness! -
Random headcanon: Kaito never met his dad and his mom left him, so that's why he grew up with his grandparents. He was always dreaming and studying so he was actually a very lonely kid, but he'd always be happy and smiling bc he wanted to make his dreams come true! Also all of Kaito's clothes have some sort of space design or space related thing about them bc I say so. -
Unpopular opinion: Kaito is not homophobic or misogynistic. He has toxic masculinity traits, but he always respects women, he may have made some sexist comments, but it was never out of hate for women or for seeing them as less than men?? Kaito didn't see Maki as weak because she was a girl, he invited her to the meeting of who would fight Monokuma in ch.1, he also invited a bunch of other girls, he clearly respected their strength. Even if he says "a man shouldn't apologise so easily" Kaito does apologise when he needs to and he also says that to Kaede, he tells her to not apologise for something that's not her fault, clearly showing how he doesn't treat women differently. And he's not homophobic just because of a very misplaced word that came out of nowhere and didnt' mean anything for anything at anything in the story, characters, dynamics, relationships, plot, nothing. It was put there by the writers for nothing, it has no relation to Kaito's character at all, there's no other evidence of him being "homophobic", he's not homophobic!!! He may have some traditional views, and Kaito is stubborn about a lot of things, but he cares about others and I'm sure if they'd teach him more about it, he'd try his best to respect it, bc he can see the good in people deep down and that's always what he cares about the most! - Another unpopular opinion is that PG Kaito is not a bully, he's pretty chill actually, I consider him intimidating, but not physically violent!! I hate how everyone just decided to make him a bully to find an excuse to hate on Kaito. Kaito doesn't even have a canon sad face PG sprite in the wiki, for me he's even more chill than IG Kaito, he's just protective over the ones he loves. He'd NOT bully Kokichi or Shuichi, instead he'd be stepping in to protect them!! -
Song i associate with them: Oooo I have A LOT. I have already made a video for him with the song "Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots", but I have many others, which I don't want to reveal bc I plan on making a video with them in the future, so it's a surprise :) -
Favorite picture of them:
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v3 ch3
For an ask game.
Ooh, I have a lot of thoughts on v3-3, full spoilers ahead.
Hard mode: Honestly? Contains some of my favorite individual moments in v3. I think there's a reason so many fics take place somewhere during v3-3: you have some intrigue in the student council v rest-of-the-class dynamic, a cast that's lost its most down-to-earth members that helped keep the group as a whole grounded (Kaede may as well have been the class rep; Rantaro, for as little as we see of him he has a knack for getting even the most unruly of the class to calm down; Kirumi was team-mom (with complexity therein, of course, but she deliberately took up the role); Ryoma had this cool-headed temperament that could probably have helped counterbalance some of the emotional highs later in the game) and the reality of their situation is undeniable. Plus, the fact that this chapter had the stones to give Kokichi a concussion and everything the complete lack of response to it means for/around him as a character. That's its own rant, man.
Also Spirit, Praise, and Beauty slaps tbh. I got used to playing videos at 1.5-2x speed, try it with this song it sorta goes from jam to bop imo.
Easy mode: so much missed potential. It’s not exactly a hot take I don’t like what they ultimately did with Kiyo, but v3-3’s single biggest issue for me (besides poor taste) is that it brings up genuinely interesting new territory and proceeds to squander it for shock value.
I’m not the first and won’t be the last to posit 3-3 should have been our first instance of two isolated culprits going off at the same time. I would've loved to see Kiyo survive as just a weird, suspicious but ultimately benign anthropologist, but see. Even with all things as they currently are, someone else killing Angie would have offered us more opportunity to develop the theme of the chapter: ways of coping with grief. (I also really like that this chapter has such a well-defined theme, even if I wish it delivered it differently; the concept offers a lot for character development, and to not commit to taking it is a shame.)
Like, v3-3 gets flack for Tenko's death being nonsensical, but I think it's actually very poignant for those same reasons! Only, unfortunately, a lot of the nuance is left to subtext. Tenko's death has next-to nothing to do with Tenko herself: Himiko almost became the medium, after all, and Kiyo eventually admits any girl besides Maki or Miu would suffice. Her death is all about the elaborate mechanism. It's alarmingly impersonal, tailored to be a chronic killer's magnum opus. How else does one come up with something like the seesaw effect? It's posturing. He was showing off. And Kiyo doesn't exactly have an incredibly macho persona like Kaito, or anything, but that exact kind of insecurity gone out of control resulting in violence against a girl? Is EXACTLY something Tenko would abhor. It adds insult to injury! And if Kiyo hadnt killed Angie incidentally, he'd have gotten away with it. They would have to live with him, and he would have to live with himself and a very visibly grieving Himiko. Holy shit the drama there.
Kiyo did not care about getting caught, at that point. He could probably have gotten away with just killing Angie, honestly, his game-persona was written to have done this sorta thing a lot and the leads weren't clear enough to pin him beyond doubt as culprit without the second crime... but that second crime was important to him. More important than fulfilling his sister's order, more important than seeing another day beyond the game. "It was stupid of him to do!" yes, full of hubris, and-or just not giving a fuck anymore. There's even a moment where he's talking to himself toward the end of the trial where 'sister' chastises him for getting greedy; he knows and does not care. Which becomes even more interesting with what we learn in chapter 6, if we can believe what we're told, and the kids are functionally fabricated before the game... making this probably a case where 'actor does not fit character', so to speak, and the distress and pressure of coercion probably felt real, to him. It's a huge can of worms, and we dwell on none of them. As far as 'chapter 3 breakdowns' go, again wish they didn't feel a need to have one every time, but Kiyos... reads really sad, to me, in a way the previous ones weren't. Minding the subtext of familial abuse and analyzing it, it's just... seriously harrowing. I just really wish DR gave things the gravitas they deserve instead of clocking the audience in the face with them between jokes and telling us to figure it out. 
But I've been talking about Kiyo, because the crimes of the chapter really are just about Kiyo. Angie, a character the narrative had been building up to for a chapter plus by that point, is in the wrong place at the wrong time thinking she could easily outwit potential culprits working at night by manipulating the class. Tenko volunteers for what turns out to be a glorified Saw trap (both cruel and ironic!) to spare Himiko the emotional turmoil of potentially not speaking to her late close friend, because Tenko cares so much and so deeply. They're mirrors of one another, in many ways, mind vs. heart, brain v. brawn, etc. through their talents and actions, and it is a damn shame to lose them this unceremoniously. 
BUT. Here's the hot take:
That should have been the point.
The narrative should have lingered, through its text, on the tragedy of these two bright girls being slain as an afterthought. Not just as sacrifices for Himiko's development, but as prime examples in how damn cruel the game really is. Angie and Tenko both had trajectories to fulfill, and they did not get to. We don't see the student council again, really; we should. We don't see active mourning (or even struggling not to) for the person who was always eager to lend a hand to everyone else (even the menaces, which was a much better pun than the official translation and significantly less grating) from anyone but Himiko. We don't even do that much with Kokichi calling out Himiko for only starting to visibly give a shit after Angie and Tenko were gone, an incredibly salient point they bring up and just. Don't dig very deep into?? Not that Himiko is an awful character or anything, but the opportunities.
Wish they'd been more tactful, but I honestly kinda like v3-3. 
If nothing else we still have seesaw memes, right?
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avatar-mikazuki · 1 year
Tysm for listening to me🥹 and I just realized I forgot to include the School SEKAI which is for Leo/need😭
Also, I wasn't able to get into detail with the characters much so let me just describe them in a nutshell;
Virtual Singers
Miku - a mess of emotions in each sekai
Kaito - somehow hasn't become mad and is still a good leader
Luka - good senpai but always asleep
Meiko - a nice mother
Len - playful, he's very grown up/j
Rin - playful 2.0, is and forever will keep their childish spirit
Wonderlands x Showtime!
Rui - heheheh machines + dumb smartass
Nene - shy but goes brrr for video games
Tsukasa - future STAR✨ + smart dumbass
Ichika - outside; calm - inside; *panik*
Shiho - take practice seriously‼️
Honami - mother figure also mmm 🍎 pie
Saki - let's live life to the FULLEST!
Minori - more more practice!!
Airi - tsundere mentor but actually good at it
Shizuku - beautiful clutz✨
Haruka - veteran idol also 🐧 for life
Vivid Bad Squad
Kohane - shy lil 🐹/smarty
An - will protecc kohane/dummy
Akito - is good at what he does/dummy
Toya - rebellious pianist/smarty
Nightcord at 25:00
Kanade - composing is literally life
Mizuki - lonely, so goes clothes shopping👗
Ena - inferiority complex expressed in art🎨
Mafuyu - lost (in) her mind😀
They all sound.... wonderful 💀
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
Heh Heh
What about....
Yuna D. Kaito, Akira Ijyuin, Seishirou, and Best boi Clow? (I am kidding on the Clow part though)
I haven't read ccs2 so I'll skip Kaito. Ik who he is but idk anything about him. Also based on diversity of length of replies you'll clearly see my favoritism lol 😎
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's straight? He had crush on a woman his whole life, married men and they're living happily together
Gender headcanon:
Cis male
Probably him and that girl of his. Sorry I keep on forgetting her name, I'm rly bad with names
Suoh, Akira and Nokoru
Who is he paired with anyway? If someone is shipping Akira with Suoh or Nokoru that's fine with me really. So no ship I dislike
Random headcanon:
I'm 300% sure Akira met his dad by accident (from Akira's perspective) on street, on his bday to the boot, and just never figured out it's his dad. Comedy shojo style ofc
General opinion:
He was so adorable, I adore him. Also I like how Clamp draws his hair nowadays
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It's cute and someday unique
Sexuality headcanon:
I guess he's bi? He was too touchy with Yue and it got me like SUS
Gender headcanon:
His gender is magical bastard
None really
Also none. We don't know anything about his past so we dont know who his friends were
I'm actually not opposed to Clow/Yuuko, I just like to joke about it. I don't ship it but I can see why some people do. Beside Yuuko, idk if Clow is shipped with anyone else
Random headcanon:
I literally can't come up with anything. Sorry :<
General opinion:
Actually this is where my problem lays, it's bc I read CCS hurriedly back in 2015 and all I know about Clow is that he was some powerful dude that acted nonchalant and managed to fuck up time and space somehow. Also that clamp somewhat used his as plot device (?). Ik he appeared in Tsubasa too but I feel like I'd have easier time getting college degree than understanding trc ending
So yea, I basically lack info on Clow to form an option that isn't based on jokes and what I've learned from fandom
Sexuality headcanon:
Subaru-sexual he's gay af. His TB vet persona is literally campy older gay guy who preys on younger males. Chicken Hawk really. Because look. Sumeragi twins are bi bait. They look the same and are both beautiful af. We all know who Seishirou had eyes for during whole year. So yea, defo gay. Actually, let's just keep it as Subaru-sexual, yea that's the most fitting description
Gender headcanon:
Bastard babygirl cis male I guess
Seisub ofc. If I had to sort them then X>TB>TRC versions. They're just so... written. Honestly in the end it doesn't even come to whether one ships them or not, bc their story altogether is a very powerful tragedy. Also I'm generally non-emotional person and extremely hard to emotional affect (literally over 95% of media I watch leaves no profound effect on me) but two of them (TB/X in general), damn did it cut. Damn does their story cut in deep, not just in terms of romance, but in terms of lonliness and isolation of modern cities; in terms of tragedy, character development and complexity of human nature and interpersonal relationships. Honestly I can go miles about seisub and how it fundamentally changed way I do and view shipping but I'm a bit sleepy rn. I've been chasing high I experienced with seisub and whilst I can recreate it with some other clamp ships at the moments, I can't with ships outside clamp fandoms.
In TB/X it absolutely has to be his relationship with Hokuto. Power duo they were unstopable, Subaru couldn't catch a break. In that manner TB trio too. But not just comedy moments, but ones like this:
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At moments I wonder if Seishirou underestimated Hokuto. She is bubbly, seemingly has somewhat shallow interestes and such, but behind cheerful surface (maybe even front she puts up for Subaru's sake so she'd cheer him up), Hokuto is extremely sharp and mature girl for her age. There were few moments where Seishirou and Hokuto had serious convos, usually about Subaru's self sacrificial and sensitive nature. And Seishirou always had his smirk and inner 'quite observant out of you Hokuto-chan' moment.
In X he barely interacted with anyone beside Subaru. Ik we as fandom joke about Seishirou and Fuuma being bastard bffs but if we were to serious take X, then I'd say Seishirou would prefer to avoid Fuuma altogether. Ofc he'd never let Fuuma know that, it'll be considered vulnerability. He'd be unnerved not only by someone stronger than him, but also with ability to see what dwells in one's heart. Fuuma could hold a mirror reflecting his soul and Seishirou would rather stay blind to what he sees there
Ofc I saw some crack ships with Seishirou but I never saw a serious ship with fanbase that's not seisub. I guess I'd be a bit ?? if he's paired with a woman. Ofc unless said woman is Setsuka, because tbx fandom is still torn whether motherfucker is just an insult or description for Seishirou
Random headcanon:
He wears sunglasses to save eyesight and 'put distance between himself and world around him'. But I'm sure Seishirou keeps sunglasses on regularly to turn blind eye to reason behind his blind eye, so to speak. Deep down he knows he moved in front of knife on impulse to protect Subaru and that deeply unnerves him. Of course all subconsciously, thus he'd rather not be reminded of that inner turmoil. Still it's rather ironic Seishirou and Subaru parted in TB with both leaving marks of reminder on each other's body. Subaru remembers Seishirou whenever he looks at his hands and Seishirou sure as hell remembers Subaru from time to time when he looks at his blind eye
Also I think Seishirou made bet on impulse based on deeply rooted wish for connection with another human being. Ofc he never became aware of said wish because it's ego-dystonic to him. He views emotions as weakness, love included.
General opinion:
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braveryhearted · 10 months
More obscure muses ( Introduction ) series.
Fandom: Magic Kaito.
Muse #4- Akako Koizumi
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Age 17-18 ( manga and anime )
Akako Koizumi is a character from Magic Kaito, who also appeared in the anime of Detective Conan and in Hanzawa the Criminal. She's a witch of 17 years who is well-versed in black and red magic and tries to steal the hearts of all the boys in the school, but fails to do so concerning her main target, the Kaitou Kid. She's currently attending class 2-B of Ekoda High School.
Akako is a teenage witch of considerable power who attends Ekoda High School alongside Kaito Kuroba, Aoko Nakamori, and Saguru Hakuba. Due to her considerable beauty and magical charms, she is very popular among the male student body.
Akako does not appear to have any living parents or adult guardians. She lives in a solitary Western-style mansion in a secluded, wooded part of Ekoda with a strange, demonic-looking servant as her only company.
Akako is typically very vain and haughty, and delights in using her magical charms to ensnare every man who crosses her path. Those who can defy her charms, such as Kaito Kuroba, frustrate as well as interest her. She also dislikes many of her female peers on principle, viewing them as rivals for attention and adoration.
Beneath this arrogant exterior, however, Akako does possess a softer side. Though her interest in Kaito was once rooted in an interest in him, it eventually grew into a more complex relationship that may well be genuine (if one-sided) love. In addition, despite her claiming that human life means nothing to her, she could not bring herself to kill Kaito, or even allow him to be captured, when she had multiple opportunities to do so.
As is stereotypical of haughty female characters in anime and manga, Akako possesses a stereotypical "Ohohoho" laugh.
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bottomshuichi · 3 years
Random dr characters react to you asking to ride them
taka, byakuya, leon, souda, gundham, kaito and rantaro - nsfw
if i missed anyone you want these of, leave an ask!!! ill do whoever :D
also may make a reverse one of characters reacting to u asking them to ride u.......... if u guys want that hehe
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru
“Y-You want to what?!”
Blushes like crazy man cannot handle a thing.
Low key scared you’d get hurt when you bottomed out
He’d absolutely let you because hes a gentleman.
newfound fav thing wow. nervous to ask you to do it again so he kind of just gets you into the position when youre kissing heheh
“You look so good like this-”
slowly hed become more and more comfortable and hold your hips and help you. praise you!!!!!!!!!! tell you how good you were doing
constantly asking if youre okay and if you’re too tired :’))) “Y-You can stop if you need to! I can take over”
But when you shush him and tell him to stop worrying and start riding him faster hed m e l t. just go into shock and watch you do ur thing
Byakuya Togami
“Oh? Really? Why should I let you, hm?”
He’d tease you for asking but secretly hes very proud of you for being able to get the courage to come out and say it.
Either treat you like you’re priceless if youre genuinely nervous or be a complete asshole the entire time. No in between. 
“Careful, my treasure. Don’t want to rush yourself.” // “Well? You going to do it or what? You wanted this, may I remind you.”
Wouldn’t touch you very much, just look up at you and watch your face as you grab onto him for dear life and rock on him.
Hed mark you up tho. so much. just to make sure everyone you see knows youre his
He would hold your face though, whispering to you. Also would absolutely hold your throat.
“Come sit on your throne, my prince(ss).”
Once he was close he would lose his cool persona and pull your hips down and fuck up into you and curse and growl and doubwdddaodubawodihawoi bruhrruh thank u sm togami
Leon Kuwata
He’d just bite his lip and. be like aw shiiiiii
i imagine him to be kinky but have no idea ab it and neither do u so all of the sudden hes like mega egotistical 
“Why didn’t you say so earlier, baby?” 
He’d grab ur hips and just immediately have his tongue down ur throat as soon as u asked him
From then on he’d make you ride him like every time u got busy bc he just loves to see u all desperate and doin all the work.
you wanting him immediately gets him off bc ego smh
“That’s right. Bounce on that dick.”
touches ur chest/butt while u ride him bc he likes jiggle. bonus points if he can motorboat u
like togami he’ll sit back and watch a lot, one hand on your hip biting his lip. the sight of u literally gets him off as much as fucking you
Kazuichi Souda
jfc this dude. nosebleed instantly 
“Holy shit, please! That’d be so hot- I, holy shit.”
he can barely handle sex by itself, now youre gonna do this to him??? jeez what were you thinking.
i hc that he basically goes feral during sex just. rlly fast and hard and loud and just streams of dirty talk
so hes basically holding your hips and fucking up into you and praising/degrading you (whatever hes in the mood for) 
Youd barely be able to ride him, it’d mostly be him fucking up into you while you just shake above him and hold onto him for dear life
“You’re so good, feels so good, f-fuck baby,”
can go for a while,,,, which is a benefit of him doing most of the work bc you’d prolly collapse if you rode him for as long as he would want you to 
hed just go so fast you’d be writhing and drooling all over yourself bc you can’t form a sentence. just goin wild. my man.
Gundham Tanaka 
queue blushing scarf sprite
“O-Oh! My rose! I didn’t expect such a request from you... But... I suppose you can, yes.”
Hes nervous literally up until the sex itself, where he becomes just. huge soft dom vibes lol
holds u so gently hehehe. little groans and praises bc wow he loves u so much
“That’s my beautiful little pearl. You’re doing wonderfully for me.”
Keeps it very slow and loving, making sure you know how well you’re doing every second. 
will tuck your hair behind your ear and stroke your face and hush you when you whine too loud
loves to look you in the eyes n will rest his forehead on yours. he loves your expressions so so much
hums very deeply. you know the gundham voice. hes just so pleased and so proud of you for doing so well.
kisses everywhere :) n soft bites and hickeys as a reminder you’re his
Kaito Momota
This guy. God he’d get a boner in a millisecond.
“Y-You’d do that??”
Touches u all over when you do. Like wow he’s. Yeah. So in awe genuinely can’t form a sentence at the sight of you.
Praise u so much tho. In a kaito way.
“You’re so strong! Look at you! You can sit all the way down, take all of me in. Such a good baby.”
After the first time he often just sits against the headboard and touches himself inviting you to sit on him :3
Or he’ll flip u over mid fuck and just lay back and flex his muscles while you bounce on him Bc wow his ego. Bigger than his dick.
Kisses your neck n chest while you ride him
Rantaro Amami
holy shit i am gonna have a stroke writing this im a whore for rantaro anyways
“I believe that can be arranged, my love.”
the first time hed be waiting for you all ready and beckon you with his finger and hed have all his rings on and hngngggggggg
praise the fuck out of you if ur nervous. just telling you how good you’re doing and being so gentle and sweet. my beloved
but when ur comfy enough. oh god. the god complex comes out. hes just staring at you with this fucking look and taking in all of your sounds and iefubaieufiudh
“You’re doing so good, you look so beautiful. So gorgeous sitting on my cock.”
His jewelry would jingle when you bounced what the FUCK
absolutely hold your waist and scratch you up. also bite your collarbones i know that man loves collarbones
would roll his hips up to meet yours and push himself deeper and bite his lip when you cry out at it
a lot of eye contact. hed encourage you to keep your eyes open if you were scared to look at him too. just staring you in the eyes and groaning just to turn you on more knowing youre on this man’s dick and BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee i may pass away
Haha simps
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veneritia · 2 years
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9 serial comics/manga that live in my head rent-free
Thank you @yvesdot for tagging me!!!
With the exception of one, all of these are manga/manhua that I've greatly enjoyed and have read more than once (yes, even the unfinished ones).
From the top left corner going across, we have Akatsuki no Yona, Lout of the Count's family, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Who Made Me a Princess One Day, SPY x FAMILY, Fiancee's Observation Log of a Self-Proclaimed Villainess, My Dress-Up Darling, and Abandoned Empress. And because I'm extra, below the cut I'm gonna give a (very bad) explanation as to why I love them.
Tagging: honestly anyone who wants to have a go!
Akatsuki no Yona
Yona's character development is just *chef kiss* Seeing her grow not only as a person but as a princess, while on the run, is honestly so gratifying. The majority of characters are quite complex, with different goals, motivations, backstory, that all end up playing into each other. And despite the fantasy elements of four of the main characters having the powers of legendary dragons, very little of the story actually has to do with fantasy/magic. A lot of it is Yona learning what her kingdom is truly like, the people living in it, and how she could help make their lives better.
Lout of the Count's Family
Cale Henituse is so aroace. I love him. This man is literally manipulating the events of the world and gathering up as much power as possible just so he could avoid getting punched in the face. I honestly just love how little to no romance this story has. It warms my heart.
Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Mix Jeanne d'Arc, Kaito Kid, and heavy artistic licenses on Christianity and history, and you get this story. It's a fun magical girl manga starring a highly competent main character and an entire rivals-to-lovers subplot. That and it's written/drawn by Arina Tanemura whose works were basically my gateway into shoujo manga.
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Another work by Arina Tanemura! This one made me bawl my eyes out. It stars a young terminally ill girl who dreams of becoming a famous singer and finding her first love but only has one year left to live. She makes a deal with 2 death gods to fulfill her dreams in exchange for quietly coming with them once her year was up. It's heart-wrenching, it's beautiful, AND THE SONGS THEY INCLUDED IN THE ANIME ARE GOOD OK. Eternal Snow my beloved <3
Who Made Me a Princess
Just really, really beautiful art by Spoon and an amazing Father-Daughter story. Also every time Diana appears on screen I am swooning.
THE PINNACLE OF FOUND FAMILY COMEDY. You know how in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, they both had no idea that the other was an assassin? Take that plot and dial it to an entire family except for nobody (but the kid) knows and everybody is trying to figure out how to act like a Normal Family TM.
Fiancee's Observation Log of A Self-Proclaimed Villainess
An early subversion of the Villainess trope where the entire story is told from the Villainess' fiancee. It's fun, it's wholesome, Bertia is best girl. I've read this thing 3x and it never fails to make me laugh.
My Dress-Up Darling
A cosplay romance story! A girl who loves to cosplay enlists the help of a classmate who knows how to sew. I've learned so much about how much effort goes into cosplaying because of this manga, and wow I have so much more respect for cosplayers now. It features a very wholesome classmates-to-friends-to-lovers plot.
Abandoned Empress (derogatory)
But Maddie, you ask. Why put this on the list if you hate it? It's because Abandoned Empress is the equivalent of a squatter who WON'T LEAVE. I have very strong opinions on this manhua, and overall don't recommend it. It had a somewhat strong beginning but the ending absolutely ruined what goodwill I had for it. Don't recommend unless you want to be cursed with its presence.
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inventors-fair · 2 years
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Mutation Nation: Type-Changing Winners ~
Congratulations to @grornt, @hypexion and @nine-effing-hells for winning this week’s contest!
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@grornt - Tranquil Presence
You know what? The more I look at this card, the more it feels like an official preview of sorts. The P/T was initially confusing to me, but no, that’s how Vehicles work, isn’t it? Totally reasonable to have it here. This is an aggressive, strong, beautiful card. What can I assume about this set? There are signposts in two-color combinations, maybe more. There’s an enchantment theme. This archetype plays up the choices between early enchantment aggro and midrange Embodiment costs, because Embodiment has a slightly higher cost at times. There’s some sort of magical nature here, which, yeah, it’s obvious, but it’s more like Theros than Kamigawa, a bio-energy that exists normally in these groves and comes alive with just a little more energy.
This card allows me to read into things in a way that makes me feel good as a player. Thinking critically about the draft environment and/or the impact on decks that play these cards is a nuanced feeling that’s difficult to capture correctly at times. Maybe this card is simple, but no cards are simple, truly. Shock is a simple card. Something like Baneslayer is a simple card. They’re everycards, big powerful swingy things, and they’re wonderful cards, but they don’t make me think. Do I want cards that make me think all the time, every time? Definitely not. That’s complexity out the wazoo. Do I want cards like this for contests like this? I think so. Mechanically inclined cards that evoke strong feelings aren’t easy to make. Take pride in that.
@hypexion - Kaito, Expert Infiltrator
I think this card is both 99% of the way there and 100% super cool. This sort of “AU” feel is something I appreciate when it’s done this well. Story-wise and flavorfully, I don’t think I’d change anything about it. Mechanically, I might have a couple tweaks, but they’re minor. Firstly, I’d add that Kaito isn’t a planeswalker as long as he’s a creature for that “As long as” clause. Secondly, the last ability I’d have as “X or less” just like the OG Tezzeret. I know it’s a super corner case, but might as well, right?
I’m torn on the 0 ability, but man, I think I like it flavorfully the more I think about it. Couriers getting information to give to Kaito is really cool, and while the required targeting on a planeswalker’s plus is rough, I don’t think it’s unwarranted here. You have to have someone to give you information, and it’s not going to happen naturally! Expending a little effort to make a ninja to get you that information isn’t the worst thing in the world. Amazing choice for the instant-ninja-ness, too. I think I really like how this card feels as a planeswalker character. Mechanically, well, it’s certainly very good, but the feeling is so riveting that I can’t help but feel that this guy is indeed a guy. He’s on a mission and he’s a ninja. His expertise is reliant on your strategy. Fascinating card. You took a big risk here. I like it.
@nine-effing-hells — Treasure Horde
It took me a second. It took me a long second to realize what I was missing, and that’s embarrassing, but wow, this is the simple silliness that I was hoping to see more of. I can see exactly what this card is doing, but before I get into that, let’s talk mechanics. Obviously this card is asking you to go hard in on the Treasures and if you’re a casual brewer you can have fun with Food and Clues and whatnot as well. Plus, Brass’s Bounty says hello. Clever to add the haste clause in to prevent them from muddling up their usual functioning, good call.
I can see it, though! There’s a little gold dude made of coins and jewels, a necklace of sinewy chains holding up a dagger, with a few buddies behind it, all looking at the viewer with an evil little glint. The environment could be just about anything that utilizes these tokens, but “Treasure matters” is a totally normal and usable theme which works perfectly with the kind of card this wants to be. Considering how complex this week was, this kind of simple heartfelt design makes me smile and I think it’s a stand-out example of how to keep things cool. It’s not that complex designs are without merit, but you made simplicity work here because the strength is in the card as a whole. Sincerely, I love and appreciate that. This is one of those cards that feels printable, a classic, something that makes sense. What more could I possibly have asked for? ... More commons, maybe, but hey, no complaints.
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Thank you all for your entries! Runners-up and more soon.
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polandspringz · 2 years
Okay but for people who have never watched a Super Sentai show before, Zenkaiger was such a good starting point for me. It’s wacky and goofy but and is a monster of the week story which makes you understand it is very much for kids with it’s obvious merchandise in the show (the overtop guns and everything) but the show is also insanely well directed. Besides the impressive costume design that I am learning is one of the main points of these shows, the directing on scene is stellar with the cameras during action scenes zooming around yet I never get lost, and some shots are straight up beautiful that I can recall them now- a girl from the back as she stands on the steps in front of water and dumps all her belongings to repent, the swing scenes with Kaito and Zox paralleling Kaito and Stacey’s swing scene episodes later, the Stacey confusion and trauma blurring everything as he watches a fake version of a loved one try to kill him, it’s just INCREDIBLE. The writing also doesn’t miss, when you meet Stacey you instantly know and hope he’ll experience some form of a redemption arc, but watching his complex trauma and issues get developed and worsened throughout the series just continued to make me yell “We’re doing this? We’re really doing this?! I thought this was a kids’ show???” And the found family- I love how Kaito’s optimism does waver at times and he really needs his friends to help him get back up. Fitting the “kids show” style, he is overly optimistic and friendly, acting like a kid even though he’s twenty years old, but the other characters who are more “mature” or, you might think in the beginning “more fleshed out”, grow to understand and respect Kaito’s outlook, lie with Zox, who despite putting up a cool guy front still takes time to warn Kaito that he might want to think about things differently and worries about him.
TLDR: Please watch Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger, it was my first Tokusatsu show ever and I am now hooked. Even if I rolled my eyes at Kudaitest every episode lol
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 years
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I said at the beginning of the year that I would share my reviews more on my blog instead of just on Instagram and Goodreads. I’ve been reading a lot so far this year, so my reviews will be delayed on here.
Friend me on Goodreads here to read my reviews in real-time!
81. Sweat & Soap Vol. 2 by Kintetsu Yamada--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’m loving this series! The relationship between these two feels so pure and I’m excited to watch it grow. I love the concept of us being introduced to various sides of the characters as the story progresses. Especially the jealousy. The artwork isn’t my favourite style, but it’s still fun! I’ve already ordered the next few available volumes—here’s hoping it gets better and better!
82. The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I’ve had this book sitting on my shelves for forever and when I saw the audiobook at the library, I knew it was time. While I’m definitely planning on reading the next book in the series, I thought this book was just OKAY. Maybe it’s because it’s written in the early 2000s when teenagers in books were written with this naive and innocent mindset, but this felt very young to me. It also felt like a weirdly simple story despite the complex theme. It’s hard to explain, but I guess I somehow built up all of these expectations for this book over the years. That being said, I can see why these were a hit when they came out and why they’re still a must-read for kids now. Save for a couple of scenes, this definitely reads younger and I’m comfortable recommending it to the younger teens who come into the bookstore (13-16). Especially, and I hate to say it, for those boy readers who are desperately looking for male MCs in YALit. And while I’m not a fan of giving books a gender, it helps that the MC is an accurate representation of a younger male teen in how he views the world. (Or at least I hope so, I know they’re very different now.) I recommend this for those who want a real world story with fantastical elements and magic thrown in! (Also for those who want a book with amazing friendships!)
83. Blue Flag Vol 3 by Kaito--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 
Every volume, so far, of BLUE FLAG has been a gift. The messages, the slow burn, the friendships, and omg—the artwork. It’s extra special because I always briefly forget about how beautiful the artwork is until I open a new volume. Of all the manga series in reading right now, this one has my favourite artwork. While I am quietly rooting for a different couple, it was still nice to see the character development two of the characters experienced in this volume. Maybe that’s why I always leave this manga for last—because I know it’s going to leave me thinking about all of the amazing things it has to offer.
84. Blood Rites by Jim Butcher--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Okay, my favourite part of this book (other than the big reveal) is that we’re finally seeing some potential interest between the two people I’ve been wanting to see together since the beginning of this series. The book as a whole wasn’t my favourite, but I’m still enjoying the story! Especially now that the seeds have been planted for this romance I’ve been waiting six books for. I can just feel that it’s about to pay off and I’m all here for it. Also, I can’t say much about the book because it’s super spoilery, but know that it’s true what they say: this series gets better as you read more of the books!
85. Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TW: Drug Abuse, Drug Overdose, Sexual Assault I was both scared and excited when I started this book. Scared because it was being hyped up so much, and excited because it would be a story from a perspective that is so rarely represented in literature (which I think is a big issue that needs to be remedied). But I'm really glad I jumped into FIREKEEPER'S DAUGHTER (blindly, as I do) despite my fear because wow. Just WOW. Pretty sure this is one of my favourites of the year. Boulley does such a beautiful job of creating this heartfelt thriller, while also weaving in parts of her Native American culture. Daunis is the MC of FIREKEEPER'S DAUGHTER and her voice begs to be heard as she navigates the mystery that is haunting her community. After a heartbreaking set of events (both happening before the start of the novel and during the events of the novel), Daunis agrees to go undercover for the FBI as they investigate a string of drug-related deaths. Not only does Boulley do a great job of writing about the prejudices and stereotypes Native Americans face--but she also comments on the racism within the community as well. One of her characters, Daunis's love interest, makes a really good point when he says, "It's hard when being Native means different things depending on who's asking and why." And he then continues with, "[...]It's YOUR identity, but it gets defined or controlled by other people." I think these comments are especially poignant because Daunis herself is half white and half Native American; we read about the racism she's faced as a woman who doesn't look entirely like those in the community. Also, when she mentions the darker skin colour of her uncle and how he is treated. But perhaps one of the most powerful messages I have taken away from Boulley's novel is how important it is to hear Native American women's voices. So many are silenced. There's a heartbreaking scene in this book where we're shown just how a Native woman's voice can be silenced and it is even more heartbreaking when you realize that this isn't entirely fictional--this happens all the time. If you get the opportunity to read this book, I highly recommend reading the Author's Note, where Boulley gives more details on this very real issue. I appreciate Boulley for writing this story for us. Yes, it has a great mystery, some thrilling moments, and romantic instances full of intimacy. But more than that, this book gives us an insight into the culture and traditions. We learn about the importance of family and daily prayers, how important it is to learn for yourself instead of believing stereotypes, and how scary some situations can be when they're completely out of your control. Daunis experiences so much and her strength is, in all honesty, inspiring. There's a scene where she straightens her back and makes a decision that will forever alter her life and it is one of the most badass things I've read this year. I highly recommend this book to all readers (over the age of 15 because of mature content). This is such an important read--one that I will always be happy to have on my shelf. FIREKEEPER'S DAUGHTER isn't just a pretty face (THAT COVER)--it offers a powerful story with a memorable main character.
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them? 
Happy reading!
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noayuusukki · 4 years
!Spoilers! Tsurune Part Two
Here’s Part One if you haven’t read it~
Now let’s start Part Two!
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Shu- I have mixed feelings about him.
Like he’s hot, and when he shots it- ACK! But at the same time, he only thinks about what HE wants.
He also makes Seiya start to spiral, and he’s just an ass-
He’s been doing Kyudo since he was a kid, and practiced with Minato when he first started.
Other than that I don’t really know anyting else to say about Shu other than my conflicting feelings towards him~
So I guess we can move on to my HUSBANDO OF THIS ANIME
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Anyway, his character is very complex.
The 23-year-old starts working at Kazemai High, for the sole purpose to get revenge on his late grandfather. It’s complicated, so I recommend you just watch the anime if you want to know about that part.
But, by the end, he realizes the importance of growth is, and how he doesn’t need to get “revenge” on his grandfather.
AND HOW CUTE IS HIS OWL?! Their name is Who or Fu (depends on how you pronounce it).
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And apparently, they weren’t talked about in the light novel- which sucks! And even in the anime, they only really briefly talk about them- and when they do they only really talk about Seo and how Shiragiku got sick.
But I love how they didn’t just focus on the boys, and showed that girls do in fact do this sport~
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I only really included Kacchan, his cousin Nanao calls him that, because he has the same va (voice actor) as Kageyama Tobio from Haikyuu and Iida Tenya from My Hero Academia.
Which is also the name of the va, Kaito Ishikawa
I also love his character because he’s *chef kiss* beautiful and I have a thing for hot headed anime guys~
He also has a cat named Lucy and is just the cutest~ He’s also a cat person so~
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Last but not least!
They were always shit talking- like when ever you heard them speak!
They even talked about when Minato got target panic- like stfu!!
Yeah, then one of the twins got a mild form of Target Panic from firing to fast- Ha.
So, all in all, watch Tsurune!
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anshiva · 4 years
Oresama Residence LOVE or FATE: Characters
Special for s-e-kwan.
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Marvelous narcissist / Phenomenal, very sadistic king Fuji Saionji (CV: Shunsuke Takeuchi) Birthday: 24 December Age: 26 Height: 185 cm Blood type: AB The eldest son of Saionji family. President and CEO of Saionji Holdings. Fuji graduated from the prestigious "Keio University", he refuses the invitation of many overseas research institutes and continues his family business. Fuji has the title of super elite, but he’s super narcissist and pervert sadist. A little old type of Ore-Sama that calls himself “Fuji-sama”. He has attached special significance to studying, but is easily deceived by people with human side and soft in the head. However, he’s good big brother who really cares about his brothers, and will protect them even by sacrificing himself. Fuji is on bad terms with the eldest son of Arisugawa family Ichiya from childhood. He calls Ichiya “gorilla that doesn't understand words”, and when they meet each other, the fight starts.
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Instinctive angel when outside / Handsome guy with a dual personality Ran Saionji (CV: Taku Yashiro) Birthday: 2 February Age: 24 Height: 187 cm Blood type: O The second son of the Saionji family. The secretary of president Fuji at Saionji Holdings.   Ran likes women with unearthly beauty. Always smiling and pleasant to everybody, has a talent to gain opponent's trust. However in reality he’s very cold, calculating and has a dual personality. Ran used to be a very popular model that eagerly sought after journals, but retired immediately because he had no interest in show business. Despite that Ran was freelance photographer, he follows Fuji’s back and continues the family business. Because Ran was raised without being spoiled like youngest son, and without high expectations, he has worldly wisdom and can read between the lines. When his older and younger brothers fight with each other, Ran acts as a go-between for them. The second son of the Arisugawa family, Futaba, is his the only natural enemy.
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Extremely cheating guy / Cheeky little devil boy Gen Saionji (CV: Soma Saito) Birthday: 14 July Age: 21 Height: 173 cm Blood type: A The third son of the Saionji family. A third year student at the private Meio university. A handsome boy that can outshine idols. Aiming to be a lawyer, Gen wants to become a legal adviser of the Saionji Group. He’s talkative and very cheeky. He is basically offensive, but in fact has a weak side. Gen compares himself to his older brothers from childhood, and felt inferior to them, but recently he grew up mentally and was able to accept his situation.   Gen really hates the third son of the Arisugawa family, Miori. It seems he gets angry when Miori carelessly makes fun of him, but also has a gentle side and will help Miori when it's important. 
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Overconfidence straightforward fool / Businessman who can’t count the money Ichiya Arisugawa (CV: Ryohei Kimura) Birthday: 11 January Age: 25 Height: 176 cm Blood type: AB The eldest son of Arisugawa family. The president and CEO of Arisugawa Group. Ichiya is triumphant, but acts before thinking. He's the type who regrets about that later. He has an overwhelming presence and charisma that liked by everybody. Ichiya is straightforward fool who trying to solve problem with brute force, and he hates everything that causing worry.   Sometimes he acts like hero that surprises everyone by saying something cool. Considers the Saionji's eldest son, Fuji, an eternal rival, but Fuji refuses him and calls Ichiya gorilla. Ichiya looks like he’s thinking only about himself, but he has a very kind heart, and if something happens to his friends and brothers, he will be the first to help.  
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Hard-headed and cool iron mask / Bastard that suffers from a brother complex Futaba Arisugawa (CV: Tomoaki Maeno) Birthday: 20 May Age: 23 Height: 182 cm Blood type: O The second son of the Arisugawa family. The secretary of president Ichiya at Arisugawa Group. Futaba is always calm and collected. Talks polite and respectful with everybody. Discerning and perceptive. Has a very quick eye and smart. Adores and admires Ichiya since he was kid, and now because of his strong love he suffers from a brother complex. When it comes to Ichiya, he becomes very talkative like a different person. To his younger brother Miori he’s very strict and always lecturing him, but loves him. Thinks logically, there are few moments when Futaba shows emotions, but once he become pissed off, he turns onto different person and becomes unmanageable. (Don’t remember when he was angry) It seems that Futaba hates the second son of Saionji family, Ran, but recently he opened up to him.
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Has a hobby to pay for items in smartphone games / Boy of the new generation that look down on the world Miori Arisugawa (CV: Kaito Ishikawa) Birthday: 15 March Age: 21 Height: 174 cm Blood type: B The third son of the Arisugawa family. A third year student at the private Meio university. Despite being smart, he’s lazy and don’t feel to do anything. Miori is a geek who spends tens of millions yen in month on app games. Loves lollipop and always carrys it with him. Extremely loves beautiful girl character named Mimi-chan, and fell in love at first sight with 3D girl who looked just like Mimi-chan. Basically Miori is the one who don’t get attached to people, but really likes the third son of Saionji family, Gen. Was toying Gen and considered him as his personal toy from childhood. Absolutely don’t care that Gen rejected him, and loves to play with him. But because Gen grown up, Miori seems start to feel little unsatisfied recently.
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Main heroine’s brother-in-law Mahiro Kirishita (CV: Showtaro Morikubo) Birthday: 21 June Age: 27 Height: 176 cm Blood type: O Main heroine’s brother-in-law. When Mahiro started a business abroad, he left home and haven't heard from him nothing after that, but suddenly returned to Japan. He knows that main heroine is being always at Saionji and Arisugawa family’s beck and call, and makes moves to return her. Mahiro was very smart and talented person since childhood. But, without letting it uncover, he acts like an innocent and nincompoop. He's not afraid of anything and anyone, and treats everyone friendly. In reality he has cruel thoughts. Mahiro don’t have interest in people, except main heroine, and want to destroy everything that getting in the way of their relationship. Has a special feeling to heroine, who is not blood-related, since he was a kid, when it comes to her, he starts to act blindfold too much. Thinks he’s the only one who can make her happy.
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meimi-haneoka · 5 years
Clear Card chapter 39 - review
Real life really takes the will to do lengthy things away from me, even if it’s for fun.
But I love Cardcaptor Sakura so much, so I take this almost as a “duty” to pay respect to this wonderful series. I love when things are done properly and not left “hanging”, so here we go, even if a bit delayed compared to usual: (long)THOUGHTS ON CHAPTER 39 under the cut!!
I’d like to start with a small consideration before going with plot-centric rants: I have noticed the post with this chapter obtained a lot less notes than usual, but it’s a trend that has been going on for a while. I’m not really sure what could be the cause, it can range from Tumblr shadowbanning posts from the tag search if they include a link (so the posts are not visible that much anymore, despite my efforts to make a second text post), to people preferring other sources to get their chapters (and that’s fine), to the fandom moving altogether to other sites and communities, or....to the fandom’s interest slowly fading away. Since it seems we’re almost going towards the climax, I’m not sure how to react to the latter option. I think this is supposed to be the moment in which the fandom’s interest is the more active, but I could be wrong. Anyway, if that’s the case, then I guess it’s really time for CLAMP to wrap it up.
Without further ado, let’s analyze this chapter!
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The color page was L O V E L Y. Oh my gosh Sakura-chan, look how grown up you appear here. More beautiful than ever. She’s even re-using a sweater from another color illustration, lol. It’s perfectly fitting with the autumn season and I loved it!
Let’s bother her a little more
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Starting off from where we left in ch. 38, Sakura is blown away and Syaoran tries to have The Shadow look for her once again, but....”fooled once, not fooled twice” thinks Kaito, isn’t it? Kaito wants Sakura to do stuff on her own, so he literally “throws” her into a dark tree hole, where her shadow can’t be traced, because well....there’s none. He isn’t looking particularly amused while he does this, well, what I mean is that it’s not like he’s having sadistic fun, causing her troubles. His face is kinda apologetic when he's all “here comes the knight but thanks, no thanks”, as if he understands that Syaoran wants to save her, but he cannot really do otherwise. Sakura needs to do this alone, in order to produce a fitting card. Would you care to tell us readers what this damned card is, Kaito?
The first conversation
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Kaito is in the mood for some memories. Memories of the first time he spoke with Akiho. I found it interesting that he used the verb “having a conversation with” rather than “meeting”, and the reason is also pretty easy to guess: for him, it wasn’t the first time. He saw her (although from afar) when he analyzed her through that ball, to determine whether she had magical powers or not.  And their first conversation didn’t start in the best of ways: Akiho’s first reaction is to run away. But what can you expect from a little girl who was used to be considered a bother and only basing on her magical capabilities, and not as a human being. So when Kaito asks her if he bothered her, her confusion is plain visible on her face: Is he talking to me? Me, who is usually the bothering one here?
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And so she’s surprised big time when he actually shows to be interested to know which book she was reading. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE ever did that for her. Remember what environment she grew up in. He is the first and only one wanting to even have a conversation with her (her family only made “questions”). By the way, thanks to Impatient Scans, we actually aknowledge Akiho here might be reading “Momo”, by German writer Michael Ende. That opens a whole new box of questions, starting from “IS THIS where Momo takes her name from? Who gave it to her? What is her real name? Could the story actually be giving plot hints?”
All in all, let me just say I loved this flashback. I always love when there’s a Kaito or Akiho flashback, because I’m so hungry for their background story. I know the story has to sacrifice a bit of the other characters in order to show more of them, because 30 pages are just 30 pages, after all. But it’s ok, that’s also the reason why I’m glad I warmed up to both of these 2, because every month I have more things to look forward to, and I generally am never disappointed with a chapter’s content.
There’s no turning back
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As if on cue, Momo starts an inner monologue on Kaito and Akiho, and how much he changed for her.
He really didn’t care about anything, before. He couldn’t be bothered to do anything. He was a very apathetic boy, some fans have theorized he could be on the brink of depression himself without even realizing it (again, consider what a shitty environment he grew up in, a den of delinquents).
And yet.
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Among all those criminals, he raised his hand. His voice loud and clear, “I’ll go”. He, the boy who found everything a bother, decided something for himself for the first time ever, and to assist someone else, no less. Momo wonders, to herself, what changed inside of you? Cause something must have changed.
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This was another part I really really loved. All the memories of their travels together. You can see the different countries they’ve been to, and their body language, that implies there was still some kind of “distance” between them. Akiho seems still kinda “wary” of Kaito in these shots (and with a reason, who would trust anyone if they were raised up like she did?). But we can see them being more relaxed and at ease the more they spend time together, and it’s on this time spent together that Momo puts the focus on. It’s where Kaito should ideally start to find the answer to the big, complex question.
What made you do this?
Momo muses over how Kaito learned to do all sorts of things in order to please Akiho and to make her live in a healthy environment (remember Akiho saying that Kaito makes by hand all her meals?), finally not neglected but at the center of someone’s attentions. She makes a random example on the tea. Why someone who didn’t give sh*t about how tea tasted, went all the way down to learn how to make it in a delicious way? I love how CLAMP cleverly used the word 術 with the furigana “sube”, which means “how to do something”, but with the same kanji and the reading “jutsu” it also means “spell”. This probably to imply that some magic might have been included in this learning process, err. XD
I also loved how Momo thinks that Kaito needs to look at the truth straight in the eyes, without turning away. Could he be scared to admit the truth? Loving someone (and hear me again, love of any kind, not romantic love exclusively) comes with a little fear. For someone who never experienced it, all the more. It’s a totalizing feeling that might destabilize you.  If he doesn’t wake up to this, it’s gonna be too late. That’s literally what Momo says.
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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE SHOCKER OF THIS MONTH! Momo and Akiho’s mom knew eachother, and Momo even received her ring and the task to look over her daughter, and Sakura as well. “My Alice, and that girl’s Alice”. I mean, I knew Akiho’s mom was going to be important, but dammit she really looks like she’s been the one moving some plot threads since long time!!! I love this.
The nightmare
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And here comes the part where I start screaming “WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING HERE”. Sakura finds herself in a strange land with big flowers (she’s still tiny, let’s remember that), flowers that can actually speak. At her surprised face, the flowers reply “You wished for this, didn’t you?”.
And then we get to this creepy scene of Akiho appearing out of nowhere, with her experiment outfit, calling Sakura in a dead tone. I was seriously freaking out at the panel composition. Made entirely to evoke creepiness. Apparently, we’re in Alice’s story. Yes. BUT WHICH ALICE?
The strange reality turns into a nightmare. Literally.
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Everything turns dark, Sakura is having another one of her dreams. The “shaaan” and the clocks are a sign of it. MCF appears behind Akiho, who this time is in the same position she was when she was turned into a magical artifact by her clan. Sakura’s face twists in horror even before MCF opens his robe, because she knows who’s under it. The last time she saw MCF in a dream was also the last time she saw who was under it. Her heart and mind scarred irreparably forever. And there he is. Syaoran, dead in his eyes. Sakura’s shrieks “NO!!” in horror, she completely refuses to believe this is a real thing. Now, I don’t really know what’s happening here, because after this, everything breaks and she captures GUESS WHAT, the “Break” card. So it’s hard to determine if it was a real dream or only an illusion. Maybe Kaito made her go into her subconscious to find bits and pieces of what she experienced before, in order to shake her enough to produce the right card. Because, if all of this is coming from her, then it means a part of her brain does remember despite the time rewindings of Kaito. And it’s very important. She saw Akiho’s past when she was trapped inside Akiho’s book, but all of that was erased when Kaito rewound time. Well, not from her heart, however, because she hugged Akiho tightly while crying. So now what do we have here? A part of what she’s not supposed to remember. I think this vision is a twisted mix of horrifying things she saw previously, and indeed her natural reaction is to destroy in pieces what she’s seeing. Quite literally, since the two kanji for “Break” actually mean “Destruction”. Is this the card Kaito was looking for? I’m not sure. Because he said that “Rewind” went quite close to it, and I can’t make out any relation between “Break” and “Rewind”. I still have the impression the card he might want her to make has got more to do with “restoring” things to how they were before. So, if it’s instead Kaito the one who made her see those things, he might have wanted her to wish to bring everything as it was before. HE needed a strong reaction from her. But she made “Break” instead. Will it be ok for him so we can move on to the climax?
I have to admit I kinda loved the more creepy and nightmare-ish atmosphere of the last 10 pages. Sakura evidently has got something big going on, and it’s time she talks to Syaoran about this. It’s time she tells him fair and square what’s she’s seeing more and more often. It’s about him too, at this point. She can’t keep this a secret anymore, not when it’s eating her sanity and peace of mind away.
Next chapter is going to be published in the February issue, in stores on the last days of December if everything goes as usual (for New Year’s they always anticipate the release of that issue). So we have another unexpected break as I already said, and I kinda figured it when I saw CLAMP going on a trip 20 days ago. It’s ok, we can do this! If we’re approaching the climax, it make sense that they take vacation now, so afterwards they can work fully straight into the finale.
Thanks for reading this long rant, and I wait for your comments!
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katemarley · 6 years
shipping in shounen manga/anime: detective conan
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From an article about shipping in the shounen genre in the German yaoi/yuri manga magazine “dokidoki” (No. 4, 1/2018, p. 27):
So we see that the problem is not the female characters, for these are often very well written. The problem rather is the abrupt way in which the male main character and the female lead get together, especially in comparison with the friendships he has to his male friends and how slowly and deeply these develop until they are very close in the end. If a lot of mangaka managed to elicit the same depth for their hetero ships, their popularity would surely increase tremendously. This is what makes you wonder why it seems so difficult for many shounen stories to ascribe a beautiful plot to a romantic relationship. It often seems forced, much to the chagrin of those lovingly designed characters. Luckily you cannot colour everyone with the same brush, for there are series granting their main characters marvellous romances, such as [Hiro Mashima’s Fairy Tail].
This is exactly what I was lamenting about Detective Conan on Discord a while ago. Of course the setting is a bit different because Gosho Aoyama always uses the “childhood friends to lovers” trope, but still… There’s so little character development with respect to ShinRan (Shinichi x Ran), for example. They’ve basically been almost together since Chapter 1, so it’s barely a spoiler to say they officially get together after “a mere” 1000 chapters. It’s just … yeah, everyone expected that and, if we’re completely honest, after a lot less than 1000 chapters.
Still, Shinichi always seems to forget about Ran during a case. Both her and (to a lesser extent) Kazuha are kept out of Shinichi and Heiji’s detective work. Most of the time, the boys just dash off and forget about the girls, only to remember them in case they get in danger. Technically, both of them are “strong female characters”, what with Ran’s karate and Kazuha’s aikido powers. From the perspective of the boys, they still remain girls in need of “protection”, most of all.
Both Ran and Kazuha are complex and interesting characters and I like them a lot, but, sadly, their romances with Shinichi and Heiji are neither complex nor interesting to me. Of course they deserve their boys—the question rather is if the boys always deserve them, but that’s ultimately something Ran and Kazuha have to decide for themselves.
However, that’s exactly why CoAi (Conan x Ai/Shinichi x Shiho) and, only recently, HeiShin (Heiji x Shinichi) and KazuRan (Kazuha x Ran) have become more interesting to me as ships: Shiho/Ai is cunning and intelligent. She isn’t the “detective type” herself, but, as a scientist, definitely on a par with Shinichi/Conan in terms of intelligence … and in terms of sarcasm/irony. I think the last bit is what really got me. Also, there are several hints in the series pointing towards her having a crush on Shinichi. The same—being an intellectual match for Shinichi, plus being sportive (football/soccer vs. kendo), plus hints in the series that can be interpreted as romantic attraction towards Shinichi—is true for Heiji as well, and Kazuha and Ran also have their moments (I might make separate posts for each pairing sometime).
That does not mean I’d disapprove of either ShinRan or HeiZuha (Heiji x Kazuha). I’m good with them. But I’m a polyshipper and a multishipper, and there’s the concept of polyamory. That’s why, in my opinion, neither of these ships (need to) clash with one another. Of course there’s the thing that all Detective Conan characters are pretty jealous/possessive of their (intended) s/o’s, but I think they’d be able to mature and overcome that with time.
What I criticise about ShinRan and HeiZuha aren’t so much the ships but rather the way in which gender roles in Japanese society are depicted/understood by a Japanese manga artist in his mid-fifties: The girls have too less agency, in my opinion. Actually, most of the grown-up women in the series have, at least to some extent, retired from their jobs when they married their husbands (as is still pretty common in Japanese society). This is true for Chikage Kuroba who retired as Phantom Lady when she met Kaito’s father Toichi, the old Kaitou Kid, and it’s also true for Yukiko Kudo who retired from acting when she married Shinichi’s father Yusaku. I sometimes get the impression the only actual “modern woman” in the whole series of Detective Conan is Eri Kisaki, intelligent and successful lawyer who (interestingly) has decided to move out from her sluggish husband Kogoro.
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kirbyss44 · 5 years
My Top Ten Favorite Danganronpa Characters
So I’ve watched a playthough of all three Danganronpa games. Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair and Killing Harmony. I can officially say I love this series and is obsessed with it.
Here’s a list of all the 10 characters that I like the most. Befrore we start I’m going to go over two rules.
This is based on their appearance in the main games. No supplementary material like spinoffs or the anime will be taken account. Also anything that can be gleamed from the character in free time or school mode will also not be taken into account.
I’m not going to adding you-know-who to the list because really, I only like him for shallow reasons and there are way more characters that are objectively better than him.
Spoilers. (duh)
10.  Ultimate Imposter (Byakuya Togami)
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This the Ultimate Impostor, not Byakuya, so there’s no bias.
I don’t know much about the real Ultimate Imposer so this based on what I’ve seen in Goodbye Despair.
Impostor had the same smatassness as Byakuya but he was also determined to keep everyone alive. Which makes his death in the first case really sad, he tried so hard to prevent on murder that in the end, he was one that got murdered.
Also he gets called “ham hands” by Hiyoko and instead of retorting, he actually kinda rolls with. That’s kinda interesting.
9.  Gundham Tanaka
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Oh my god. Gundham was just buckets of fun.
“FOUR DARK DAVAS OF DESTRUCTION! SAND-D, JUM-P, MAGA-Z, CHUM-P!” Oh man! I love the way this guy emotes. 
Fun fact: I was convinced Gundham wound’t die because he had cute hamsters. I mean, his hamsters didn’t die regardless I think.
Gundham puts his scarf up when he’s embarrassed. That’s just adorable.
8. Nagito Komaeda
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I just recently got into the Danganronpa so I’m not familiar with all the jokes and meme. With that in mind, I don’t really understand Nagito’s infamous meme status and how he’s comparable to Sans. I can kinda get it from seeing him in Goodbye Despair but I don’t fully understand.
The reason why he’s on the list is because I strangely find this pathetic sad-sack to be endearing. He tries SO HARD to be a stepping stone for the other characters and his self deprecation and constant tearing himself down was so fun to watch.
And when Nagito learns about the truth of the other ultimate, he gets even better. I don’t know but watching this pitiful, insane, individual try to act all arrogant is so funny to me.
His role in the overall narrative of Danganronpa was pretty interesting too. In the first game, hope and despair were black and white, good and evil. In Goodbye Despair, it was cool to see a little more nuance added and it’s shown that hope isn’t objectively good. The most extreme end of hope can be just as devastating as despair.
7. Genocide Jack/Jill
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Ok, so it Genocide Jack or Genocide Jill? In Trigger Happy Havoc, The serial killer is Genocide Jack but she refers herself as Jill. But for the rest er series, it’s only Genocide Jack? WHAT IS IT?
Oh well. Genocide Jill was quite the surprise, taking a character I was indifferent to, Toko Fukawa, and turned her into something beautiful and crazy. Genocide Jack is super expressive, and wild, and funny, and I love her. The one sided relationship between her Byakuya was pretty entertaining even if it got a bit too gross.
Also that tongue tho.
6.  Kokichi Oma
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This guy, the freaking guy.
I love him. I don’t care what you say, he’s a good boy.
The way he emotes is just fantastic.
I think what makes me sympathetic towards Kokichi was his motive video. Turns out he isn’t some evil overlord, he just pulls harmless pranks with his friends. That made me feel really bad for him. Even if he was piece of shit.
The 5th case made me fall in love with him but really, I took a shine on him throughout the entire game. His insults are something out Glee but they’re still entertaining because they’re directed to the worst people like Miu. Fucking Miu.
Also his fake death was great. 
Yeah, I know he’s a lying basted but look at him!
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5.  Junko Enoshima
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This was a mind blowing reveal. Junko Enoshima, the character who died at the start and is quickly forgotten was the mastermind of the killing game. She fits the role of total despair perfectly, it’s so unsettling to see this girl talk about destroying the world and torturing 14 innocent teenagers while also being excited about doing it.
Her multiple personalities were also a treat. The fact that she changes her personally because she’s bored of her current one is just amazing. The regal one is my favorite.
That giant Junko at the end of Goodbye Despair... WOW.
But I will admit they kinda overused her. Seeing her in Goodbye Despair was a kinda neat but in Killing Harmony... Yeah. I was so ready get disappointed if Junko was the main villain a THIRD TIME. It she was, she would’t even be on the list. But while I’m glad she wasn’t, the teasing and the fake reveal still kinda soured Killing Despair’s ending for me.
4. Sakura Ogami
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Overtime throughout Trigger Happy Havoc, my admiration for Sakura grew exponentially over time. She was definitely was the most mature of the entire cast of high schoolers, determined to keep focus on the goal ahead and despite her outward appearance, she was very kind.
Her friendship with Hina was great to see even if it made Hina try to kill everyone.
Sakura is the type of person where you can talk to her about personal issues and she’d try to help.
It’s so depressing how she was treated by everyone when she was nothing but nice, even if she was the traitor and planned to kill someone. 
3. Kaito Momota
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Spoiler alert. The last three on this list will be the best friend group from Killing Harmony. I couldn’t just pick one, they are all just amazing.
At first, Kaito seems like your typical filler character that gets killed off in early cases but boy was I wrong. His kind, supportive, and determined attitude to believe in his friends and survive the killing game was wonderful.
Kaito was the one to approach Maki and try to start a friendship, even after learning of her true origins. That just shows what a great guy he is.
His peak was undoubtedly the 5th case.
Kaito contracting that disease and fearing he not survive and get into space was heartbreaking. But that last “fuck you” to Monokuma during his execution was awesome.
2. Shuichi Saihara
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Hands down, best Danganronpa protagonist ever. Makoto was ok, kinda unoriginal and bland design but was nice seeing him in Goodbye Despair and Hajime, actually he has an ever blander design LOL, but he makes up for with good writing and performance.
But Shuichi blows those two out of the water. Admittedly I was disappointed that Kaede was killed off and the protagonist role was switched to him because a female protagonist would have been amazing. But Shuichi proves himself to be something great.
First, him being the Ultimate Detective made a lot sense when he was figuring out these complex cases.
Second. his eternal struggle of figuring out the truth vs the truth harming others was so interesting to me.
Third, his relationship with Maki and Kaito was so fun and satisfying to watch and his brief friendship with Kaede was so sweet but sad to see end. It’s adorable that Shuichi accepts the role of sidekick to Kaito despite him and Maki knowing full well Kaito barely knows anything.
1. Maki Harukawa
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If Maki is upset, give her a hug. If Maki is happy, give her a hug. If Maki is threatening to kill you, give her a hug.
What started out as an cold, intimidating girl, became something amazing when  Kokichi dropped this bombshell.
The Ultimate Assassin.
The name alone sends chills down your spine. A person like that someone you’d want to put as many doors, walls and continents between. But in a killing game that might be a bit difficult. Which is why Kaito tries get him, Maki and Shuichi to all form a blossoming friendship.
Maki’s con disaster backstory was really cute.
Her origins as the big sister of an orphanage and how despite the fact she’s a ruthless killer, kids still love her, that was really cute.
And how she talks about assassinations as if it were a mundane job was interesting.
Look. The point is, Maki is best girl and my favorite character in all of Danganronpa.
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