killuaisaprincess · 6 months
“I made you and Aunt Mito cookies.”
Killua’s so adorable with his cheeks all red and puffed out, especially when he mumbles so cutely and softly.
“N-Not Abe… j-just in case they’re awful… I don’t want her to die…”
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rel312 · 1 year
Things that made me go feral in Watching and Dreaming:
“Power noodle”
Raine just BUSTED out of there go off
“I am both king and queen, best of both things”
I get that it needs to be a big reveal for the titans words to king but it’s so funny that he still went to whisper when they’re literally the only ones there
Cosplayers are gonna go wild with this one
Belos’s hand mirroring the Titan’s new position when he was talking to Luz
Darius and Eberwolf being there for Hunter my beloved
Lumity kiss lumity kiss lumity kiss lumity ki-
Hooty’s face I can’t
Bi heart on Luz and Vee’s graduation photo
Hunter got a new bird Palisman
Did they all get matching tattoos?!?!
The animation on the huntlow moment
Hunter looks so cute! I mean they all do but look at my boy!
Principal Bump just being a gardener is such a mood
They found a way to remove the glyphs!
The little moment with Darius and Hunter is so cute
Eda’s hook hand YES
I thought they all got matching tattoos but no, Willow’s is of flapjack, Amity’s looks like a plant for Willow, I can’t fully see what Luz has but it also looks like it could be flapjack
So… Luz was talking to us?
Ahhhhh I loved it and I’m so mad the show was cut down but that was a really sweet ending I’m gonna miss this show
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iccyhoon · 2 months
OKAY SO LIKEEE..hear me out.. reader suddenly drops by ni-kis house at a stupid late time, basically forcing him out the door to watch the first snow fall and play in the snow with her. They start walking back to his house while sharing earbuds. The song 'snow' by Kim Daniel starts playing on her shuffle playlist, and they have a little moment, confessing that they liked eachother
Okay that was really specific but like...🫠
Ahhhhh! Of course!! You got it!! I love this idea!! It's so cute and simple yet has so much potential!! I won't let you down! Thank you for being the first post on my enha blog!
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PAIRING: Ni-ki x fem!reader
WARNINGS: Cutesy Niki!
He heard knocking on the door after he was done brushing his teeth. He was confused so he immediately walked out and looked at the peep hole to see you. He was so confused as he checked his phone. It was currently 2:45 am at night. He opened the door for you as he rubbed his eyes.
"Why are you here?" He said, harsher than expected. "It's about to snow! Let's go watch it together." She said light and whole heartheartedly. He shook his head. "It's late..." He said, trying to reason with you.
You were dressed in fleece leggings, white skirt along with a white puffer jacket. Brown earmuffs to match the brown boots you had on.
He smiled looking at how cutesy you dressed up. "Please Niki?" You asked as he shrugged. "I don't know. It's late." He said yawning immediately after. You pouted and grabbed his coat, his scarf, a beanie, and his winter boots. "Now get these on." You huffed as he shook his head no, sitting on the couch.
You puffed your cheeks. Helping him get dressed as he couldn't help but smile at your reaction. You helped him get ready as you pulled out your phone. "Hurry it's 3 already! First snow starts at 3:15!" You yelled as he covered your mouth, suddenly full of energy. "Shh! My neighbors are gonna kill me..!" He whisper yelled as he chuckled and you giggled.
You guys both laughed as you plugged in your earbuds, playing your winter playlist. He knew winter was your favorite season so he didn't complain as he stuck the right side in his ear.
"So where are we going?" He asked. "To that open field of grass." He looked, he didn't see much grass. He did see patches of frost though. "That's frostbitten grass silly." He said as you sighed, looking at your phone. "Hurry it's 3:05!" She said, pulling on his wrist, forcing him to run. He laughed and you laughed with him.
"We made it!" You said, checking the time, "It's 3:12 am." You said, waiting for the snow as you sat, he sat next to you as he cleared his throat. You guys sat in silence for a minute.
"So I-" You both said at the same time and laughed gently together. "You first." He said. "No you." You said back. "You go." He insisted. "A gentleman knows better to listen to a lady." You told him as he looked around. "Where's the lady?" He joked as you pushed him lightly.
"Kidding, kidding." He said, taking a deep breath. "Listen, y/n." He started off, causing yout heart to pump faster at your nervousness.
Just then, the song changed to Snow by Kim Daniel as he chuckled.
"As I was saying..." He said looking into your eyes, your nose all red from the cold. "I really... really do like you..." He confessed. "For a while now actually. All the little things you do is why I fell in love with you. You may be crazy and come to my house at damn near 3 in the morning just so I can watch the first snowfall with you." He said chuckling, "But that's something I want to keep doing with you..." He said holding your hand. "That's something I want to experience forever alongside you." He confessed as tears rolled down your cheeks.
He was horrified and hugged you. "I'm sorry..." He said gently as you pulled away slightly smiling. "I'm not sad... just really relieved you feel the same way..." You replied, your voice sweet and soft as he sighed of relief.
You guys smiled at each other, knowing your feelings were both reciprocated. As a snowflake fell on Niki's nose.
You immediately smiled and turned to see the snow fall. You were so happy and once the song ended, you leaped out of his arms and went to play in the snow. Niki following you soon after.
You made snowballs and threw them at him as he counter attacked and threw one at you as well. You guys made snowmen and snow angels together and after you were making your 4th snow angel, he just looked at you. Knowing that you were now his.
You walked over to him and smiled. "Thank you Niki." You said sheepishly as he rubbed some snow off your face. "Thank you for dragging me out here tonight." He said, sitting upright, pulling you in for your guys' first kiss.
Niki woke up cuddled next to you as he texted his group chat.
Niki: Sorry guys, I caught a cold
Wonnie: Oh no, what kind?
Hoonie: What happened this time?
Niki: I'm love sick
Niki has sent a photo
Jay: Really 😐
Woonie: Feel better...
Hoonie: Why are you guys up at 6 am? I'm going ice skating on my day off
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Ohhhhhhhh boy! We have a story on our hands today, Donbura Nation!
Idk about you, but whenever Inoue does his Inoue thing, I get obsessed. This man has a gift for really winding me up, as you've no doubt noticed.
Spoilers, I guess...
-You feel real bad about it, huh Tsuyoshi? It's okay, we might both wind up feeling even worse <3
-Fun fact, before this episode aired, Hirofumi Suzuki and Toutaro (the respective actors of Tsuyoshi and Tsubasa) put up neat little teaser photos. Suzuki's said something along the lines of "You were my best friend, Inuzuka-san", but Toutaro's got mangled by Twitter's into saying something like "Kimono, you were my friend."
-No respect, even from machines.
-Donbura Mutual Support!
-"Ironically, you fucked up the least last week!"
-...what the fuck was that squeak hkjlhjgk
-"Thank you for doing open heart surgery on me, Don Kaito-san."
-Acting very Tarou!
-...interesting how he's not dying there, maybe he really doesn't believe it.
-"I am one of a kind!"
-Say the two boyfriends with difficulties expressing what they really want but a genuine desire to protect others who'd otherwise shun them.
Sononi: Y'know, I could be wrong, but I don't think imitating your weird boyfriend is a good way to impress him. Sonoza: Bro, c'mon, you were way less creepy when you were just hanging around and acting distant to the only two other people who live here. Sonoi: BEGONE THOTS -Oh shit, they talkin'.
-Aw, they gon' eat.
-...this will end in tragedy.
-Awwww, not in the mood, eh? :(
-The cutest monster.
-...ehhhh, not really a Sun Vulcan fan. Carranger though, that's quality television.
-Hug and kiss the bird man.
-Let's see, police siren... wolf head... Doggie Kruger??? Boss???
-This must be the Tokusou-Ki then. Super Cool. Perfect!
-Don Momotaro!
-Let's go, companions!
-Ahhhhh, Haruka called Sonoza "chief editor"!
-Wow, that doggie got jump!
-Ohhhhh, Tiger Jirou.
-Murasame really fucked you up, huh buddy?
-Had the Dragon to come out for his shift, huh?
-Oooooooh, that looks great.
-Oh, you taught Natsumi how to make this huh?
-This. Do not look good. For Tsubasa Inuzuka.
-Oooogh... this hurts.
-"I bet you tell all the girls that." Ohhhhh fuuuck.
-...hey, Tsubasa, buddy, would you like a bit more champagne? Or whatever the heck this is? Not really a drinker, hehe, but y'know, we oughta relax a little, you're kinda... lookin' a little bit like you're about to go a little stir-crazy.
-Oh, we just
-Okay, bye, see you! Have a nice night!
-Where ya goin, Crane Lady?
-I really have to wonder if the kids and parents who were watching this yesterday in Japan feel just as confused and awkward about this as I do?
-Ah, okay! Crane Lady does fully recognize Tsubasa!
-Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhhh INOUEEEEEEE
-Oh... things are going to go very sour very quick.
-I'm gonna be honest, I did not expect to be so invested in the story of two CGI scrimblo bimbos and the woman they both adore above all else.
-That's nice!
-Okay, I think I get the full picture of what's happening now. I think it's possible the Juto's more forceful method of getting Crane Lady to copy Natsumi's appearance affected her a lot more than what happened with Sayama or Mrs. Hanamura, causing an alter to form. I'm, of course, no expert on this subject, but I think that Miho might've formed after Natsumi's no doubt extremely horrible experience of being so violently abducted in front of her beloved fiance and forced to chomp on a paper crane.
-It'd explain why she barely reacted to Tsubasa's presence for so long, even as she was making the dish he taught her right in front of him, but instantly recognized Tsubasa and instantly forgot Tsuyoshi when he said something so personal to Natsumi.
-Hey... Tsuyoshi... are... are you okay? It's okay if you're not, I just want you to think carefully before doing anything rash.
-Sonoi, what
-Dude, your styles are not matching up at all.
-...I mean to be fair, Sonoza's one of those guys who probably has like... the one set of fancy clothes that actually fit him. I'd know, I'm one of them.
-Oden. The next Delicious Party PreCure episode revolves around this stuff, so I am absolutely going insane on the inside when that happens.
-Six whole oden chairs.
-Woooooow, okay Shinichi.
-Everybody loves Oden!
-Mmmm... egg. Fish cakes...
-Oden research!
-Oh. Oh shit, Sonoi.
-He's back! ...did he leave?
-They're so happy :)
-No haiku for you, macaque man!
-We were so close to having a normal lunch today, Tarou!
-"Battle first! Friendship later!"
-Party Time!
-Here comes the Wasshoi!
-Seiya Seiya Seiya Seiya Seiya!
-Let's gooooo
-Get peached, idiot.
-Big Doggie.
-Let's fuckin' goooo
-Ohhhh, we goin' big big.
-GolDon Onitaijin!
-Oh man, I'd have been so mad at you, Inoue.
-Donbros Utopia!
-We win! Big time!
-Sandwich :)
-Oh? What we askin?
-Natsumi Kuramochi.
-Here's the big confrontation.
-Kijino Did Nothing Wrong!
-Alright, what's the damage?
-Christ, how small IS this town?
-...those are origami cats.
-I am going to die next episode.
-Oh no...
-Oh hey, that's ToQ 1gou's Hyper Mode! Omikoshi Phoenix lets Tarou become-
-Ohhhhhh, wait, nope. Nuh-uh, false alarm! It's just his cape. Sorry folks, didn't mean to alarm you.
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ba-katsuki · 3 years
Breakfast in Bed
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Breakfast in Bed
In celebration of Bakugou Day aka Bakugou’s birthday 💥🎂🧡 
A/N: this is my first ever Bakugou fanfic ahhhhh! I am excited and nervous to post this but I was super inspired by my favourite writer of all time, Jo @lady-bakuhoe​, I feel like I keep repeating the same descriptors urghhh im so sorry </3 Anyways, i hope you enjoy this very thirsty and dirty story ft the best boi
Word count: 3.3k
Synopsis: Bakugou had such a hard day at work that he could barely stay awake when he came home to you. And when he wakes up earlier than needed the next day, he decided to treat himself to some delicious breakfast in bed 🤤 it’s what he deserves anyway
*The beginning is some Bakugou fluff and NSFW starts after the line break.
Warnings: 18+, minor somnophilia, cunnilingus ... a lot of it (Y/N receiving), squirting, minor spit play
Bakugou came home after a long night of patrol and hero work. You were in bed waiting for him as always, ready to greet him. His footsteps were heavy, a clear sign of just how exhausted he is. As he entered the bedroom, you ran up to him with a smile. “Welcome home Katsuki! How’s work today?”
“Okay,” he murmured as he sinks into the edge of the bed. He didn’t even give you the usual kiss on your cheek. His eyes were droopy and his movements slow. It must have been a rough day at work. He struggles to strip out of his winter suit but gives up halfway, choosing to just flop onto the bed.
You rush to help him out of his winter suit and head to the bathroom to grab a face towel, wetting it with warm water. You know very well Bakugou is strong, both physically and mentally, and he enjoys every moment of being a hero - a top one at that. A rough day at work isn’t going to bring him down, but looking at his scarred body and his exhausted half-asleep face while wiping him down, you can’t help but ache a little. You lift his head onto a pillow, lay down next to him and wrap your arms around him, appreciating his smooth skin against yours and his body heat. You tuck yourself under his chin and he subconsciously moves closer to you, snuggling you tighter.
“Love you baby” he murmurs.
You smiled and pulled him closer, as close as you possibly can. “Love you too Katsu.” You gently stroke tufts of hair at the nape of his neck as the steady rise of his chest and his soft snores lure you to sleep.
Bakugou woke up to his usual alarm. He was given a later call time after yesterday night events but was so tired he forgot to change his alarm. He reset his alarm and tried to go back to sleep but caught sight of you all tucked into his arm, face squished up against his firm chest - your favourite sleeping position. He can’t help but let out a chuckle and gently brush your hair aside to admire your sleeping face.
Being a hero is hard work, but the past week seemed especially hard and chaotic for some reason, and it’s been a while since he had the time to spend quality time with you. You shifted in your sleep and your shirt - more like the oversized shirt you stole from Bakugou - rides up and showed off your soft belly and full thighs, as well as the cute little cotton panties you wore.
Sleep was no longer on his mind. He untangled himself from you, moving to hover over you. He gave a soft kiss on your cheeks. And then your neck. Then your collarbone. Making his way down your body. He pushes his shirt further up your torso to expose your breast. He takes one in his hand, careful to not be too rough and wake you up, and massage your breast in his hand. Feeling the softness. He reaches down and gives your nipple a little kiss, followed by a long slow lick, circling your nipple several times. He gives your other breast the same treatment as you give a little whine and shifts slightly, still sleeping.
Bakugou then kisses down your belly, his right hand gripping the soft skin of your waists, dragging it down as he went. He reached your clothed sex and press his nose to your pelvis, feeling the softness. You are just so so soft, every part of your body and skin. The soft to his hard and he loves it.
He lifts and parts your thigh slightly. You shift again and groan, trying to find a more comfortable sleeping position but Bakugou firm grip stops you from moving your bottom half. He presses his nose into your core and takes a deep breath, inhaling your intoxicating scent. He presses a firm kiss on your clothed clit and then another. He grips your thigh to part them further. His lips find the fullest part of your thighs and latched on. He sucks on the skins, leaving a red blotchy spot on your thigh, and his tongue darted out to lap at the hickey created, clearly proud of his mark.
His hand trails up your thighs and plays with the elastic band of your panties as his lips returned to your clothed pussy, leaving opened mouth kisses, tasting the juices that tainted the cotton.
“Katsu...ki?” you whined and question, your voice deep and scratchy from sleep. Your hands move to rub your eyes, trying to clear the fogginess.
“Hey baby” he lifts himself from between your thighs and greets you with a firm kiss on your lips.
“What are you doing ‘Tsuki?” You turn to look at the digital clock at your bedside table, 05:30 glaring at you. “Don’t you have to leave for work?”
“Not in another 2 hours babe. They gave me a later call time” he murmurs in reply, lips too busy kissing your shoulders. He then licks a strip behind your ear, your sensitive area, and you squirm. Letting out a little giggle that is music to his ears.
“And instead of sleeping, you decided to... be horny?” You joked, stretching out your tired body before rest your hands on his broad muscular shoulders.
He chuckles, rubbing his nose against yours. “It’s not my fault my girlfriends look so fucking tempting in her sleep”, his lips brushing against yours as he speaks.
“Aren’t you tired? You looked like you were going to shut down last night.” You cup his cheeks lovingly in your hands as you gazed at him with concern.
He leans into your touch and kisses the palm of your hands. “Don’t worry baby I’ve rested enough. Besides, no amount of sleep is worth missing out on that sweet little pussy” he smirks. He slips his hands underneath the band of your panties and tugged them down.
Your pussy was completely drenched, without you even really knowing. He groans at the sight of your wet pussy and brings your panties up to his nose to inhale the scent of your aroused cunt.
You stare at your boyfriend, admiring his stunning face and the rippling hard muscles that covers his torso. You watch his eyes close as he breathes in deeply, your panties covering the bottom half of his face. It was supposed to be a shameful and possibly embarrassing sight. This was after all a grown-ass man, YOUR grown-ass man, sniffing your panties like a horny teenage boy. But you were so turned on.
You lift his shirt off your body and toss it aside. Your eyes trail down his body. His broad shoulders, firms abs, thick muscular thighs kneeling between your thighs. You lick your lips at the sight of his bulge. You weren’t surprised to find out that Bakugou also had an exceptional cock. this guy is blessed with everything after all.
He was hard...very hard. The tent in his boxers looked painful and his cock was threatening to push out of the waistband, his flush tip just barely visible from where you are. His precum had oozed out and soaked into the waistband, leaving a dark spot.
You rub your thighs together, trying to create some fiction. Gosh, this man was irresistible. He catches you staring at him and his mouth quirks up to that cocky smirk of his that you know so well and love.
He leans down, almost like a predatory cat ready to pound, his eyes never leaving yours. He rubs your thigh, his calloused hand causing a pleasurable tingle up your spine as you let out a moan, pressing your thighs tighter together.
“Now now... don’t keep it all to yourself baby girl” he suddenly grips your thighs and pulls them apart harshly, spreading you out and exposing every inch of your wet fluttering pussy to him. He stares at you through his lashes, those vermillion staring at your lustful. He makes a show out of licking his lips, watching your face scrunch up in need. He blows at your pussy, making you squirm and whine. This man is such a tease
“Let me taste that delicious pussy of yours. Okay, baby?” You don’t know why he bothered to ask because immediately after, he dove straight into your dripping cunt. His tongue circling your lips roughly and then thrashing on your clit, giving hard pleasurable licks. You involuntarily lift your hips and move, hands gripping the sheets so hard your knuckles turns white, a slew of lewd noise leave your mouth. Bakugou growls, unhappy with your movement and he presses his hands on your pubic bone, holding you down as he feast.
He brings your clit into his hot mouth and sucks. Hard.
“Fuck Katsuki!” You let out a scream and throw your head back in pleasures, eyes rolling to the top of your head. Needless to say, he was very pleased and suckle your clit even harder, causing you to moan even louder.
He releases your clit with a pop sound and smirks up at you. “You’re gonna wake the neighbours up ya know.” This time, he chooses to lick around your dripping core. Running his tongue through your labia, circling it. Licking everywhere except where you desperately wanted ... no needed... him to.
“Katsuki...pl-please...” you pleaded, hands getting hold of his lush blonde locks, trying to push him in the direction of your core.
He didn’t budge and only proceeds to tease you more. “what’s wrong baby? Did you forgot how to ask properly?” There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he gives your sensitive clit a few kitten licks.
“Please Katsuki please” you whined.
“Oh but I don’t know what you want, my love. If you want something, you need to use your big girl words and tell me.” This man then had the nerve to pull your lips apart, exposing your twitching wet core and teasingly lick the circumference. “Come on baby, tell me what you want.”
“Kat-katsuki... I want... I want ... ahhh please!” You said between pants and moans, barely able to form a proper logical sentence. “ I want you... I want you t-to fuck me AH fuck me with... ahhh Katsuki... fuck me with your tongue please Katsuki please” you finally managed.
“Good girl.”
He pries your lips further apart and dove in. He pushes his hot tongue into your dripping core and thrashed it around inside. Your walls clench around him in pleasure and he groans hungrily, the pace at which he is thrusting his tongue into you speeds up.
The noises he is making between your thighs are beyond sinful...and such a turn on for you. A mix of slurping sounds and Bakugou’s deep guttural groan only made your walls clench around him harder and tighter.
He dug both hands under your ass and lifts you closer to his mouth, to tongue fuck you deeper. With one hand supporting your weight from behind, the other arm wrap around your thigh, his fingers finding a comfortable spot on your pubic bone and his thumb finding its way to your clit. He presses down hard, inciting a high pitch moan from you, and then rubs furiously.
“F-FUCKKKKK KATSUKI OH MY GOD FU-FUCK AH KATSUKI!” Your body was overwhelmed with pleasure and you felt yourself reaching your high. “Katsuki I’m... I’m ... gonna ahhh I’m gonna cum Katsuki... gonna cum!”
“Mhmmm cum for me baby girl. Cum in my mouth. Let me taste that sweet cum of yours.” He harshens the assault on your clit and shoves his tongue deeper into you, leaving you screaming and body twitching as your climax hits you.”
“Good girl baby... fuck you taste so good” he moans as he slows down his thumb, bringing you down from your high.
Bakugou’s face was covered in your juices. He looks up at you and throws you a wicked grin, clearly satisfied with the meal. You thought he was done feasting on you, lifting your torso with your elbows, ready to accept his cock in you but boy were you wrong.
Without warning, he trails his tongue from the tip of your asshole up to your clit, trying to gather as much of your cum and juices into his mouth as possible. He sucks at your entrance loudly, the lewd noise echoing in the room.
“Taste so good babe mhmmmm you didn’t think I was done with you, did you?”
“But Katsuki...”
“Shush baby. I deserve to have a satisfying breakfast before I leave for work don’t I? Especially after yesterday’s shift. And what is a better breakfast than your sweet cunt.”
He covers your pussy with his mouth, his nose breathing hot air at your clit, as he continues to suck and slurp vigorously, determined to taste every drop of you.
“But Katsuki I...I need you inside me please”
“Patience baby patience”
“Katsuki ~~” you whined.
“Tsk you’re being such a needy slut.” he scolds and gives a slap to your pussy. “Let me have my fill, then I’ll give you what you want.”
“Unggg...” you had no choice but to give in as you squirm under his skilful tongue. He repeats the same assault, gathering up every drop of your wetness into his mouth.
“You want to be filled that bad huh, babygirl?”, mocking your whine. “Fine then. since I’m feeling generous today, there ya go.”
He places his index finger flat on pussy, rubbing against it to coat the length of his finger with your arousal. Latching onto your stimulated clit with his lips, he pushes his finger into you in one smooth motion, all the way until his knuckles. You swallow his finger immediately, appreciating its presence in your pussy. Bakugou starts to move, dragging his finger out and then slowly pushing it back in. He arches his finger slightly, making sure to hit that sweet spongy g-spot of yours with each push.
“right there Katsuki right there...” you pants as you jerk your hips towards him, “fuck it feels so good there baby unggg... yes...more please more AH”
He pulls his index finger out and you were quick to complain but he swiftly replaces it with 2 fingers. He curves both fingers in a “come hither” motion, and pumps his fingers into you, moving in and out of your tight pussy quicker and deeper each time, pressing hard on your g-spot. His mouth continues to suck at your swollen sensitive clit, leaving you screaming with pleasure.
You felt the familiar tension in your pelvis, this time much more intense. “F-FUCK KATSUKI! Katsuki I think I’m gonna... fuckkkkkk oh my god I think I’m gonna cummmmm ahhhhh!”
Your orgasm hits you so hard your mind went blank, your legs convulsing as your back arches in absolute ecstasy. You felt liquid gushing out of your cunt, squinting directly at Bakugou’s face. Not letting go to waste, Bakugou opens his mouth and catching the clear liquid and swallowing it.
“Katsuki...” you pant, your orgasm slowly wearing off.
“That was delicious, baby” a huge cocky smirk plastered on his face as he rolls his tongue around his fingers, licking up the remnant juices. “Want a taste?”
He presses his wet fingers on your bottom lip and you take his sticky fingers into your mouth. The taste of your arousal was strong and mixed with the taste of him, it was intoxicating.
You release his fingers from your mouth, saliva dripping onto your chin. Bakugou leans down and captures your lips in a passionate lustful kiss. You feel your squirt on your skin as he kisses you. It wasn’t the first you squirted, Bakugou was very skilled with his hands, but it was the most intense.
He drags his wet fingers down your chest, finding its way to your hard nipple. He pinches your nipple between his fingers and pulls hard, inciting a moan from your lips.
“Are you ready to take my cock now?” He lifts himself from your body and kneels between your legs, his raging cock in full view. He spits onto his hand and wraps it around his shaft. You watch as his hand pumps his cock, running over the thick veins. Gosh, you wanna run your tongue along them so bad. Your eyes narrowed on his tip, glistening with precum and spit, and your mouth watered.
“Can I suck you off ‘tsuki?” You glanced up at him through your lashes and gently bite your lip. “it’s been a long time since I had your big cock in my mouth.”
He groans at your sentence, clearly turned on by it. “Fuck babygirl at this rate you’re gonna make me cum with just your words.” He grabs your hips roughly and drags you towards him, lining his thick cock at your entrance. “As tempting as that sounds, I don’t think we have time for that right now. Nor do I have enough control left.”
You pout at his rejection and purposefully moved your hips, brushing your folds teasingly against his tip. He growls, giving you a tight slap on your thighs.
“Behave.” He warns. He pulls the skin on your pubic bone, stretching your pussy upwards and exposing your clit. He spits at your pussy, a glob of saliva hitting you right at your clit. You gasped at the warm sensation. He dips the tip of his cock into the saliva and then drags it down the length of your pussy, lubing you up even more.
“God it’s been so long since I fucked you. Miss having that tight pussy around my cock. Ready, baby?”
You nod weakly and he pushes his length into you, stretching out your tight walls.
“Fuckkkk babygirl you are so tight. Fuck you’re clenching around my cock so hard. Fuck.” You grab onto his arms and squeeze as if you feel this thick hard cock pierce you. Even with all the wetness, it was a struggle to fit his girth and length. You haven’t felt so full in a while and it is driving you insane.
Once he’s fully in, he wastes no time thrusting into you. Vigorously. He grabs your thighs and puts them around his waist as you wrap them around him. His balls slapping against your ass and his hands grip the sheets next to you so tightly it looks like he is about to rip them out.
“F-FU-FUCK FUCKK FUCK BABY FUCK OH MY GOD FUCK Katsuki you’re AH you’re so deep ahhhh fuck baby fuckkkkkkkkkkk it feels so good”
He leans down and rests his forehead against yours. He face was scrunched up in ecstasy, his mouth letting out the groans.
“You’re so tight baby girl fuck I’m gonna ... I’m gonna cum soon.”
Ignoring the burn in his thigh muscles, he pounds into you faster and in one final thrust, he cums. Shooting thick hot spurts of cum into you. Filling you up.
“Fuckkkkk...fuck” he pants.
From the pounding to his cum coating your walls and filling up your pussy, your back arch in final orgasm behind dropping back down against the mattress.
It’s barely sunrise and you’re already exhausted. Bakugou spends a few moments resting your chest, catching his breath and you lay there under him catching yours.
The peaceful moment was interrupted when the alarm rings obnoxiously loud. Bakugou stretches around to stop it, lingering on you for a while more before giving you a firm kiss and then lifting himself off the bed.
He picks up his shirt from the ground and dresses you.
“Thanks for the meal,” he whispers, his eyes playful. You would have snorted at his comment and maybe roll your eyes but you’re too well-fucked. He presses a final kiss on your forehead before walking to the bathroom to get ready for work.
The last thing on your mind as your watch your boyfriend in the bathroom, eyes heavy with sleep was: “damn that man got a nice ass.”
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
I seriously love the way you write for all your characters!! Soooo I’m in dire need of Yami x fem!reader angst where like she gets knocked out pretty bad trying to protect him (she’s on his level tho like w power and mana) and when she wakes up he’s obviously glad she’s alive but he’s angry bc she didn’t stay back and got hurt bc of him and he thought he was gonna lose her, so then she gets pissed bc she’s fiery and defensive which leads to an argument where he says something hurtful and I’ll leave the end to u!!!🤍
Ahhhhh Anony~ my heart already broke a little reading your request 🥺 hope this one lives up to your expectations!
Yami x reader
Warnings: slight Angst
“Seems like this one’s a stubborn one y/n, be careful alright, don’t do anything reckless.” Yami and you were side to side facing a devil demon. 
Yami dashed forward, swinging his katana and throwing his dark spells towards the enemy. You backed him up, sprinting right behind him, throwing your spells at the enemy and covering for your boyfriend. 
You both were given the title of the strongest couple of the clover kingdom, both your mana and power seemed limitless and when you two fought alongside each other, you were undefeatable. 
You both managed to triumph over the devil, slicing it in half but it took a great amount of power and beating. 
Out of nowhere, with it’s last breath, the devil shot out spears of magic in it’s last attempts to bring Yami down with it. Your limbs moved faster than your brains could and you stood between Yami and the devil, causing the magic to pierce right through you. 
“Y/N!!!!!!!!” You heard Yami’s voice ring through your ears as your vision begun to turn blurry. You felt your boyfriend’s warm and strong arms holding you before you drifted off in a deep slumber. 
Yami could feel the warmth of your blood on his body as yours turned cold in his arms. He held you tightly, sensing your weak ki as you slipped into unconsciousness. 
“Don’t leave me just like that y/n.” He whispered to you, but you didn’t respond. 
As you went into the operation theatre, Yami slumped onto the floor. The thought of losing you made his heart clench and his chest tighten. Memories of the two of you raced through his mind, how your hair smelt like roses every night, your e/c eyes always smiling at him, your small frame in his every time you hugged him. 
A single tear fell from the corner of his eye unknowingly as his put his head in his hands. The black bulls captain sat there until William and Julius had to come to persuade him to leave and clean up himself. --------------------------------------------------
You awoke, your body muscles feeling limp and sore, like you have been sleeping for a very long time. 
“Y/N PAISEN!” Asta’s loud and ecstatic voice boomed through the entire room, “YOU’RE AWAKE OMG I NEED TO REPORT TO YAMI DANJOU NOW”
The boy ran off without you even able to speak a single word to him. Doctors and nurses probably heard Asta’s shouting and came in to check on you after he ran out the room. 
“Miss L/n, it’s kind of a miracle you’re alive, your body and organs were punctured, thankfully you were brought in quickly and we stitched you up before you died from blood lost.” The doctor put the stethoscope around your body, “Your vitals seems okay as well, but your wound was really deep.. I mean it made a hole in you so.. it will probably take longer than this for you to recover..” he paused as he scribbled some things on his clipboard.  “We didn’t even know if you would even wake up Miss L/n.. Your brain and body was unresponsive.. I guess you have to be thankful for your vast amount of mana and magic power in you.. It’s really a miracle.” The doctor repeated. “Anyway we’ll monitor you for a couple of days and we’ll discharge you if you’re good, but you’ll have to be resting. A lot. ”
“erm.. how long have I been asleep?” you asked the nurse as the doctor left.
“oh.. It’s been about almost two months miss y/n.. The black bulls members were here every day though, it seemed they took turns to watch over you, and Mr Yami practically lived here for the last two month..” The nurse replied, “If there’s anything you need, just ring me up with that button over there.” She left with a smile. 
-------------------------------------------------- A familiar figure towered at your door a few minutes later. His black hair was long and in a mess, his facial hair longer that it usually was, heavy eye bags hung under his eyes and he looked more like Julius’ age, but it was no doubt your Yami. 
His face lit up a little when he saw you, and he heaved a sigh of relief. You gave him a weak smile, “hey,” you tried sitting up but a sharp pain sucked out the breath from your lungs as your abdomen felt like it was about to be ripped open again. 
He was by your side in a flash and he helped you sit up. “Don’t ever. Do that. Again.” Yami looked at you with a cold steel glare. 
“Do what?” You asked. 
“I told you not to do anything reckless. Just stay back next time, you hear me?” He said flatly as he sat down beside your bed. 
“that’s it? Excuse me, I saved your life, it should have been ‘thank you’?” It was your turn to glare at him this time, “Don’t give me that attitude, Yami.”
“Attitude?” He hissed, “Thank you for stupidly standing in front of an attack like that? If you didn’t know, I saved your life as well by rushing you here, Miss.” 
“Stupidly?” You started at him, you were enveloped in rage and at a loss for words. 
“Do you know how much fucking trouble you caused for everyone?!” Yami bellowed, anger consuming him as well. 
“Trouble, huh? Fine. I won’t trouble you any longer and you can leave at this moment!” You shouted at him, gritting your teeth at the pain you were feeling, unsure of whether it was from your heart or your wounds.
Finral and Asta burst into the room upon hearing both of you shouting. 
“Y-yami san..” Finral and Asta pulled him, “Y/n san just woke up, don’t aggravate her wounds..” 
Both of them were flung towards the wall with a swift swing from Yami’s arms. 
“GET THE FUCK OUT.” Your mana filled the room as the room shook a little and the windows started to crack. 
You felt something warm at your stomach. You looked down and there was blood. You must have ripped your stitches in fury. 
Yami’s eyes followed your gaze and saw the blood as well; his heart broke at that moment as all his anger dissipated instantly. His hands reached out to you but you used your power to throw him a few steps back. “Get out.” you said weakly and quietly, tears threatened to spill from the frame of your eyes.
His fist clenched at the pain surging in his chest, he took in a deep breath before he spoke with sorrow in his voice, “Finral let’s go..” 
The next day, Yami brought a huge basket of all your favourite food to visit you as an apology for yesterday. As he walked into the room, his heart raced in panic. You weren’t there. 
“Yami san...” The nurse came in behind him with a sad look on her face, “y/n san requested for a discharge against the doctors orders early this morning..”
“Where’d she go?” The black haired man further probed. “She’s still injured..”
“We persuaded her not to go.. Her wounds need tending to.. She didn’t say where she was going, but she left a message with me for you..” she paused and continue when Yami didn’t respond to her, “Sorry for the trouble caused. Don’t worry for me anymore.” 
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sadistgalore · 2 years
▶️ Killian, curl up next to Luther and beg him to hold you. (No pressure!! Your writing is phenomenal!)
AHHHHH IM PHENOMENAL?!?! THANK YOU!!! lmao seriously, that’s so kind! and don’t feel bad about pressuring me, i love people’s ideas for my stories and writing them out.
Taglist: @tropes-for-my-md-daydreams, @whumptakesthecake, @all-whumped-out, @distinctlywhumpthing, @painsandconfusion
CW: broken whumpee, heavy dehumanization, pet whump, nightmares, death mentions, kicking, begging, guilty whumper
*this is set before Killian and Harper meet, where Killian is fully broken by Luther*
Luther groaned as he tossed over to the other side of his grand bed. An annoying flash of heat passed through him, so he kicked his leg up in an effort to get some air underneath the covers and cool him off. After being uncomfortably still for a few more moments, he turned back over to the other side where we was before.
Sighing, he ran his hand over his face as he propped himself up with his other arm, looking over towards the clock on his nightstand.
12:46 AM
He let out another loud sigh as he fell back down onto his bed, knowing he had been tossing and turning for over an hour. He was about to start counting fucking sheep, before he heard whining coming from the corner.
Luther grimaced, sensing that his dog was up. But, it was something to distract him from his inability to sleep. He sat up and turned on his bedside lamp, wincing at the dim yellow but to him, very bright light that illuminated the room.
Once his eyes adjusted, he finally saw his pet in his corner bed, fidgeting in his sleep. The doggy’s eyes were furrowed, as if he were having a bad dream, and he let out small whimpers and whines from his quivering mouth. The chain connecting his leash to the wall rattled from all of his shaking.
Luther rolled his eyes and got up from his bed, walking over to the corner. He nudged the pup’s stomach with his shoe, but his impatience wore out quickly as he kicked him right in his gut. The dog immediately woke up, panting heavily as he gripped the thin sheet placed above his from exhilaration.
“Did you have a nightmare, buddy?” Luther asked in fake sympathy, secretly enjoying how he dog was on the verge of tears from his sudden wake up to the real world.
The dog nodded, slowly uncurling from his ball and wrapping his arms around his knees. His back went towards the wall, but his eyes remained on his Master.
Luther yawned. “I thought after the party,” his pet flinched at that. The host of that party enjoyed in putting him in pain with his own pets. “I would be tired. But I can’t sleep a wink, pup, now you can’t either,” he ended with a chuckle.
Killian continued to stare at him, and a tear fell down his cheek. “Damn, what did that dream do to you?” Luther asked, and after waiting a moment, said, “Permission to speak.”
The dog’s voice quivered as he spoke. “I-I-I saw my parents and they-they-they…,” he had to pause and collect his breath. “They called me a monster. They kept saying they were, they were disgusted the fact that I’m their son because I-I ki-killed people.”
The master’s fake sympathetic smile faded, and his pet waited patiently with skating breath as he waited for his answer. It always bothered Luther whenever Killian brought up his parents, they-
They’re dead. They’re fucking dead and gone and living their perfect little happy life in hell while I have their son. They’re nothing and dead.
Killian whimpered again, lightly pawing at the man’s pant leg. He was asking permission to speak.
“What,” Luther grumbled, a dark tone setting in his eyes.
“Please,” Killian whispered, moving even closer to his master and wrapping his arms around the man’s legs. “Please I can’t fall back asleep, can you, c-can you, can I sleep you, please? Just, just h-hold me, please, Master.”
A feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time twinged in his gut. Fuck, he hates feeling guilty. Killian looked pathetic like this, but who would be the real monster if he left him suffering like this?
Luther furrowed his eyebrows at his own thoughts. “What in the fuck am I thinking? No, you either be quiet here or-”
Killian whined again. “Please hold me, Master. Please.”
Please, Lou, I had a bad dream. Can you hold me?
Luther sighed, and reached down to unclip his collar. “Fine, but only because I don’t want to hear your stupid whining anymore.”
“I’m sorry, sir,” said Killian meekly as he followed his master to his bed. But a smile crept on his face as Luther put him under the covers, and soon joined him on the bed.
Luther reached over to turn the bedside lamp off, surrounding the two in darkness once more. He wrapped his arms around his pet and set his head on the dog’s. His hand went behind his dirty blonde hair and scratched his ears, hearing his leg hum in pleasure and push back to him.
It wasn’t long before Luther finally fell asleep, and his dog along with him.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 9: the One where They ~FROLIC IN THE FOREST~
We’re back at the dancing fairy cave.
Stuff happens here that’s, you know, plotty
We’re gonna ignore all that
OUR FIRST WANGXIAN MOMENT OF THE EPISODE is when wwx defends lwj from jc’s ire (oh yeah, one of the plotty things is that jc suddenly is here. Not important why).
Jc is all pissy (bc when isn’t he, honestly?) at wwx for having to chase after him (which he didn’t technically have to but bros don’t abandon their bros to unknown circumstances, okay?) and is complaining angrily about it
Wwx: hey, I’M the one who wanted to follow lwj around because i love him, so don’t get mad at him!
And then wwx looks over at lwj with a little smile on his face, so sweet so sweet!
Plot plot exposition plot
We have to chase down the Smoky Owl of Evil and kill it now for Plot Reasons!
Lol, wwx traps jc, nhs, AND wen qing (oh she’s here now too, btw) in his Golden Glowy Net of Protection so he and lwj can go track down the Smoky Owl of Evil together
And now our beautiful boys are in the middle of the woods when suddenly SPOOKY FOG ROLLS IN WITH OMINOUS MUSIC IN THE BACKGROUND
Oh nooo, the fog separates them!! Wwx is worriedly calling out “lan zhan, lan zhan!”
Luckily they bump into each other pretty quick so they’re together again
Except, oops, JUST KIDDING
Wwx takes like, two steps to one side and loses lwj again. Even tho lwj is literally right there next to him
But he doesn’t know that so he’s worried and being all cute about it. He bites his knuckle and is thinking “oh noooo, what if the Smoky Owl of Evil got him?!?” So he’s calling out for him, again
LWJ seems to be able to see wwx just fine bc the look he gives him is all “r u srs, i’m right here”
Thankfully lwj is clever and makes bichen light up all blue and pretty like an epic glow stick. It matches his outfit!! (i’ve decided he did this on purpose. He definitely can control what color his sword lights up as and coordinates it accordingly with his clothes. No, i will not be taking criticisms, because I am Right)
LWJ: I’m right next to you
WWX: *surprised gasp* You should’ve said something!
Uh, he just did wwx, keep up now.
LWJ: the fog is creating hallucinations
WWX: that’s alright! I’ll just get rid of it using my ~glitter talisman~
Too bad it doesn’t work! i wanted to see it in action :( :( :(
Lwj: the fog is also disorienting the mind so you can’t focus
Don’t worry wwx, your talisman didn’t fail because you were having performance issues
It failed because the fog is Evil
WWX: Wait!! Why isn’t your mind being disturbed?
Lwj: it mostly disturbs minds that have lots of thoughts in them
Wwx: *cheeky grin* ah, it’s making use of my infinite wisdom~
Lwj: *looks away in exasperation*
I guess lans are Above rolling their eyes at someone (tho I'm pretty sure he's rolled his eyes at him before) but the way lwj did that gave off intense eye-rolling vibes, let me tell ya
Thankfully lwj is a Skilled Fighter and was able to block it with his sword while doing a SUPER DRAMATIC TWIRL OF DODGING
Ooooh, and when he lands, wwx appears right beside him and they go back to back without even pausing to think
WWX: lan zhan, are you okay?
He sound so serious here, and with his determined expression, wwx is ready to get down to business on this evil chain that attacked his lwj
LWJ: I’m fine *still super alert to his surroundings bc he’s an awesome cultivator and that’s what they do*
Okay, pause for a moment to point out how funny the camera shots from above are. The fog almost completely obscures wwx in his dark clothes, but lwj sticks out like a sore thumb. So every time we get one of these shots, it just looks like lwj is chilling by his lonesome in this mega foggy forest lol
Oh, dude, this next part is SO FREAKING COOL
So they’re back to back still, and surrounded by Evil Fog
Lwj: wei ying, focus your senses!
The both of them close their eyes to focus intensely
the the camera is down below, angled up so that LWJ and WWX look tall and slightly elongated but in a badass way!
And then the camera circles around them slowly to really show you just how badass and good looking they are before doing a quick spin around them with DRAMATIC MUSIC in the background
Okay, i’m done geeking out about the camera shot (idk why, guys, but i love those kinds of shots. They’re so thrilling every time!!)
At this point they haven’t even looked at each other or their surroundings but lwj starts a plan
Lwj: Split fire talisman
That’s it. That’s all he says to wwx.
Without hesitation, wwx sheathes suibian and pulls out that talisman
Then we cut for a moment to see how nhs, jc, and wq are doing in their Golden Glowy Net of Protection (it looks kind of like a birdcage actually...glowy golden birdcage of protection?? hmm)
And we’re back at the epic forest fight scene!!
But oh no!! One of the evil chains catches wwx by the neck and drags him away!!
It made him drop his sword!!
don't think kinky thoughts don't think kinky thoughts dontthinkkinkythoughts
Oh, now wwx is playing dead lol
Suddenly the Smoky Owl of Evil swoops in to attack his “dead” body (because that bird is a coward that lacks honor)
WWX: did you think you could outsmart me?? *proceeds to choke the poor bird to death, yikes*
Lwj finally catches up to wwx but sees that the bird’s been sufficiently murdered so he sheathes bichen
Wwx: did you see who was controlling the Smoky Owl of Evil?
LWJ: Nope.
(God, LWJ, you had ONE JOB)
LWJ: he or she was mind-controlling it from somewhere Not Here.
(Oh, nevermind then. You're forgiven)
Wwx: *kicks dead bird petulantly*
Side note: A-yuan makes a brief appearance here! Wwx and LWJ go check on their pals who are with the Wens and A-yuan is there!! 
It doesn’t really make sense bc i’m pretty sure between now and the end of the sunshot campaign, a few years have passed?? so a-yuan should be much older later, but you know what? I DON’T EVEN CARE.
And now we’re getting more plot exposition about the dancing fairy
It’s less painful this time bc wen qing is the one doing it and she’s gorgeous (take a moment to drown in her big brown bambi eyes! please marry me, wen qing)
More plot stuff happens.
Wwx tricks nhs and jc into chasing after a chicken so he can have ~alone time~ with lwj
Except not really bc they’re there to interrogate wq about the yin iron, aka the main plot device in this story arc
Wwx: the fairy started snatching souls bc the Plot Device was taken from it, right? That’s why it only went after lan zhan when we were fighting it!
Detective!WWX is so cute and clever!!
But god forbid wwx stays serious for more than a minute straight heh straight when not in immediate danger bc then he’s all
Wwx: the only other possible explanation is...IT HAD A CRUSH ON LAN ZHAN LOLOL
(Which, i mean, who wouldn’t, right?)
LWJ: Shut UP
they’re talking serious plot stuff again, boring.
Oh, JC and WQ have a moment and the only reason i’m mentioning it is bc WWX goes and interrupts it, THAT’S KARMA BABY LOL
Now they’re in a town! Not the flower-petal town from before. A different one. Idk.
A hawker stops wwx and gives him a sample of alcohol and lwj gives wwx a disdainful look like ‘r u srs?’ before walking off
The NANOSECOND wwx sees lwj walking away from him, he ditches Mr. Let-me-give-you-free-alcohol and chases after him
Yes, the budding alcoholic ditches the Free Alcohol Man
Lol he grabs lwj by the ribbon thing hanging off his shoulder (not the Marriage Ribbon, unfortunately)
Lwj glares at him but it’s like, a mild one
WWX: wait, where are you going??
Lwj: looking for the gentry. For info. *tries to walk away*
Wwx: WAIT *grabs lwj by the forearm*
Lwj: *stares at where wwx is touching him until wwx lets go*
Wwx: don’t go without me! You’ll info-gather wrong!!
Lwj: how should i do it then?
Wwx: *cute little grin that shows off his beauty mark*
(gaaahhh, i can’t handle it when he smiles like this, it kills me every time!! that beauty mark is deadly)
Wwx: you should go to the wine house for info instead!!
JC: you just want to get drunk (oh yeah, he’s still here guys, fyi)
Wwx: HOW DARE! I can separate business from pleasure! Ppl gossip at wine houses! We’ll definitely get info there!
and now nhs is joining them
Nhs: lets go find a place to rest
Wow, lwj is staring pretty hard at nhs
It’s a stare that’s like “y r u talking to my soulm8, stop that”
Also, lol lwj is so stiff even as wwx forces him to run
We’re at the wine house
Wwx slams down an obscene amount of money on the table (at least i think it’s obscene going off of jc’s expression and subsequent scolding about how wwx is gonna be broke BUT JOKE’S ON HIM BC WWX IS GETTING HIMSELF A SUGAR DADDY IN THE FUTURE)
Now he’s chatting up the waiter for info and we get Plot Details and an ooky-spooky story about the now deceased Chang clan
I only specify this bc the Plot Device tucked in lwj’s robes starts acting up aND CAUSING LWJ PAIN!! 
Wwx is hovering all worriedly at his shoulder and mother-henning him.
The Plot Device gives LWJ a vision(!!) that sends them to the Chang clan’s residence
And we get surprise dead bodies accompanied by unholy screeching when we get there!!
Like. SO MANY dead bodies!
LWJ and WWX are Concerned!!
And that’s the end of episode 9.
This episode imo has is the best fight scene of the show. There’s more dramatic ones later on, but in terms of seeing wwx and lwj battle together in a not-ridiculously-over-the-top fashion? This one wins hands down! Gold Star to my boys!!
Return to Masterpost
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15001700tt · 4 years
Descendants of the Moon
Matter of Life and Death
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
Word Count: 3,381
Tag list: @chastja  @multi-fan-trash @serpentityx @syublush
Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Key: Bold- Dialogue said in the Drama
A/N: I forgot to post the teaser for this chapter, my bad. ill post it with tomorrows teaser.
Episode 3:
Mo Yeon and Nurse Choi moved into the bunkers, organizing whatever they were able to bring on the helicopter.
“There’s not much to organize,”  Min Ji huffed softly.
“It’s ok since we’re tired anyways” Mo Yeon responded, folding her towel.
“Knock knock” a male’s voice interrupted their conversation. The girls looked and found a young man standing in front of them in military clothing.
“Have you been well?” he asked them, earning blank looks, Mo Yeon and Min Ji didn't seem to remember meeting him.
“The patient who ran away” he tried jogging their memories by jumping on one foot.
“Ay! Coupon thief!” Mo Yeon’s memory finally snapped and he remembered the young man that got beat up so badly. He was also the reason she met Shi Jin. They conversed when a girl’s voice interrupted.
“Excuse me, it’s time for me to see my friends” Mo Yeon recognized Yoo Ji’s voice as Yoo Ji shoved Ki Bum out of the way.
“Ahhhhh what are you doing here?” Mo Yeon squealed.
“I got transferred to the Taebaek unit last week, I guess they want me to cover what you guys do here.” Yoo Ji explained.
They talked for a bit more while Mo Yeon settled in, they even went to check on Nurse Ha and Doctor Song. they found them arguing over something, the two girls decided to leave them alone.
“Oh! I forgot my phone back in the bunker, you go ahead of me, I'll catch up.” Mo Yeon sighed.
Yoo Ji made her way to the dinner table and observed the scene, the Haesung team unit was still settling down but most of them were sitting around and enjoying the sun and the food, the unit prepared for them. She took notice of Chi Hoon and was about to go over and greet him. He was taking pictures with his camera, her steps halted when she saw one of the men stood in front of him. She got a little closer to hear their conversation.
“I need to inspect your camera,” Woo Geun said with his intimidating face. Yoo Ji rolled her eyes, he was using his face to scare poor Chi Hoon.
“You will delete these pictures immediately,” he told Chi Hoon.
“Why? Did you not like it? I can take another pictu-”
“We’re not allowed to have our pictures taken” Woo Geun responded. Yoo Ji snorted, ‘that’s ridiculous, why wou- oh’ she thought, she thought back to her conversation with Gwang Nam when she assumed he’s Special Forces. She turned her attention to Gwang Nam and Cheol Ho, trying to avoid camera flashes subtly. She guessed that the Captain and Deputy Leader were the head of the team.
While she wasn’t paying attention to Chi Hoon, Mo Yeon approached them snidely commenting on military regulations.
“They can’t tell us anything due to military regulations”
Woo Geun bowed his head to excuse himself from that awkward conversation. Yoo Ji couldn't hear what Mo Yeon said to Chi Hoon since her voice was a murmur at this point. Yoo Ji moved from her spot and decided to take part in the festivities. Some of the medical units recognized her and greeted her.
Gwang Nam was standing behind all of his friends and he was thankful, they would tease him until death if they caught him staring at Yoo Ji. the team and the soldiers knew her as the pretty reporter that can kick their ass. It didn't seem to matter to her what their rank was or how well trained they were, she always managed to turn the odds in her favor. She has been there for only a couple of days but they had seen her take Cheol Ho down when he was teasing her.
-they raise the flag and they go to the Medi-cube-
It was time for Haesung Unit to start their work. They were instructed to get blood tests from the soldiers to check for any irregularities. Yoo Ji stayed at the door and just observed as the doctors got settled down, the soldiers came in and hurried towards the female nurses and doctors. Yoo Ji snorted at their tactics. 
Shi Jin came in, he nodded at her and walked towards Mo Yeon’s station. Yoo Ji watched as they interacted with each other. She knew what happened back home, and it seemed like they still aren't over it.
Gwang Nam moved to her side and watched his friend interact with the girl he likes. 
“Do you think they’ll give their relationship a try again?” he pondered.
“Not after she pokes him like three times,” she responded when Shi Jin yelped. Gwang Nam looked at Mo Yeon with a scared expression. 
“She’s not gonna do that to you” Yoo Ji rolled her eyes. Yoo Ji nodded her head at the old man came through the door.
“You’ve been working hard!” he praised.
“Did you come to receive the packages?” Shi Jin asked, still holding his arm.
“I did and I just came to greet you!” he laughed, and Shi Jin grinned. 
“We should play ball and eat some meat this weekend” Shi Jin offered, his slight smile was gone when they heard a faint crash and a long horn-like car. Yoo Ji immediately moved from her position towards the exit. Trying to see if it was from the main entrance or not, she didn't get very far, Gwang Nam held her back, shaking his head no.
“This is your Captain, report the situation at the front gate” Shi Jin’s voice cut through all the soldier’s two-way radio.
“Everything is in place by the front gate, it seems to be a car accident by the mountainside” the soldier’s voice cut through the silence as some sighed in relief while one man’s eyes widened in panic.
“If it was the mountain road...did my car flip with my kids inside!?” the old man gasped in horror.
The Alpha team quickly assembled their gear and moved towards the Jeep. Yoo Ji swiftly got into the car through the open roof and waited for the guys to get in.
“What the hell are you doing?” Gwang Nam commanded. 
“I am coming with, I am a reporter, I can do that” Yoo Ji pulled out two cards, one of them her ‘badge’ and the other is just a card that says ‘I do what I want’. 
“You can’t, you’re a civilian. It could be dangerous” Shi Jin stated calmly but also allowed no room for discussion. 
“Alright but don’t blame me if one of your vehicles go missing” Yoo Ji shrugged, swinging out of the car and jogging to where they kept their cars.
“Yoo Ji, wait” Dae Young’s voice called out while keeping eye contact with Shi Jin, having a nonverbal argument.
“Fine, she comes but you stay in the car” Shi Jin’s defeated tone called her.
“Sure, we’ll see” she nodded her head but muttered under her breath. Shi Jin turned to Gwang Nam and Woo Geun instructed them to stay on base just in case.
Gwang Nam couldn't argue with his Captain about his choice, but he couldn't help the worried look he sent Yoo Ji. she gave him a small smug smile and they were on their way.
They approached the flipped car, Shi Jin got out first and signaled Dae Young and Cheol Ho to follow him. As soon as they surrounded the car, Yoo Ji got out of the jeep and crept around the van to inspect the damage. She saw Dae Young checking for a pulse on the bleeding guy, and then moving around to the back where the doors are closed with a lock, Shi Jin inspected the bottom of the car that was on the top now. He frowned, something was wrong, how did the car manage to get there from the cliff, it was a little too far from the usual fall. Cheol Ho’s voice broke Shi Jin out of his thoughts.
“Police! hands up!” 
“Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! I’m UN! UN!” the young man’s voice yelped putting his hands up.
Cheol Ho swung his gun to the side and went to check the injured man’s body for weapons. She was still looking at the car and she noticed that there was a key that looked small enough to open the clasp on the van’s back door on the key chain,  she quickly took out the keys.
“I am hurt! I am hurt! Treatment! Treatment!” the man frantically explained, he turned around not noticing Yoo Ji watching him from the other side. His face changed and he looked like he just screwed up. Yoo Ji furrowed her eyebrows. And stood up and tossed them to Dae Young who looked at her with a dismayed look. She mentally snorted, he really thought she would stay in the car.
Since Yoo Ji moved from her spot she didn’t see the man open the glove compartment, he slowly took out a G-47 and sharply turned to point the gun at Shi Jin. 
Shi Jin saw it coming and intercepted it and punched him in the nose. His groan alerted Yoo Ji that he might not be who he is. She went to Shi Jin’s side and glanced at the gun.
“Isn’t he a member of the U.N.? The relief team isn’t allowed to carry guns” 
“Then why would he have a G-47?” she questioned.
“They say they’re U.N. but they have tattoos from foreign legions and their clothes don’t fit properly” Shi Jin inspected. 
“Yet they insist they are UN, who are these people?”
Dae Young finally opened the back door to the van, he found trunks that were filled with packaged clothes and guns, big guns. Yoo Ji was standing behind him, her eyebrows shot up.
“They’re trying to smuggle weapons across the border using the U.N. as a cover?” Yoo Ji furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
“You tell me, you’re part of the U.N.” Shi Jin stated back. Yoo Ji shook her head, she didn't hear any chatter about smugglers at the U.N. meetings. She went up to the injured smuggler and took his identification card, and inspected it.
“It looks like the ID is fake, the serial numbers don’t start with 103- its 003” Yoo Ji informed them. In the end, Shi Jin called the local police, but Yoo Ji doubted they would stay at the station for a long time. The police in Urk was always bought with money and don’t really stand for justice. She knows first hand because she was able to get information from one of them before.
As they went back to base, Mo Yeon caught them walking.
“Did anyone get hurt?”
“No it was just a car accident, don’t worry about it” Shi Jin assured her.
Shi Jin needed to go to the main base in town to report the car accident, and Mo Yeon needed Wifi so Dae Young, the best wingman on earth, suggesting that Shi Jin takes Mo Yeon to an internet cafe. 
Dae Young caught Yoo Ji chuckling at his suggestion, Mo Yeon being one to never back down from a challenge, which that’s what it felt like to her. She took him up on the offer and got into the blue car with Shi Jin.
“What if they kill each other in that car?” Yoo Ji was amused. Gwang Nam joined them looking at the retreating car.
“One is great with sharp objects and the other has martial arts.” Dae Young weighed the possibility.
“She doesn't have her scalpel with her, I think they’ll be fine” Dae Young waved off. Gwang Nam chuckled at his comment.
“How do you know if I didn't teach her how to defend herself without weapons” Yoo Ji faked her serious tone. Truthfully she taught Mo Yeon basic self-defense but Shi Jin can totally overpower her in a few seconds, the boys didn't know that. Gwang Nam and Dae Young’s face fell and dread settled in their stomachs, but Yoo Ji’s laughter made them sigh in relief.
Shi Jin drops Mo Yeon at Ye Hwa’s convenience store and goes to do the report, his superior tells him to leave it alone because the police are getting involved in some shady shit and they don’t want to ruin Korean relations with Urk. he went back to pick her up and they went to the secluded beach while he told her the story of how he met Seo Dae Young and Yoon Myung Ju. They came back really late to Chi Hoon carrying a small child to the infirmary. Mo Yeon quickly followed him and Shi Jin on her heels. After they finished diagnosing the child, Shi Jin went to where Dae Young and Gwang Nam and Yoo Ji were playing cards.
“So how was it? Everyone back in one piece?” Dae Young teased when he saw Shi Jin at the door. He had a pensive look on his face as he leaned on the doorway.
“Did you know that the Haesung Chairman tried to get Mo Yeon to sleep with him on their first date?” he asked Yoo Ji who was trying to focus on the game.
“Of course I knew, I am not cut off from the world” she rolled her eyes and put down three hearts.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Shi Jin asked with a pout on his face.
“Why would I? Are you dating Mo Yeon?” she seriously asked him, looking him in the eye.
“No but that guy is an asshole!” he let out a frustrated groan.
“I know, I was tempted to punch him too but I was here and I couldn't do anything” she replied.
“I should’ve circumcised him before I left so he would only have his illegitimate children when he needs an heir” Yoo Ji muttered, making all three men look at her in surprise.
“What? Are you surprised I know that or that I can get violent?” she questioned.
“He has illegitimate children?” Shi Jin’s lips started to widen into a smile, then it was a full-blown laugh.
“How do you know these things?” Gwang Nam queried.
“I have sources.” she cryptically said. When all three of the men’s radios went off. Something was happening. 
“We’re going under FPCON BRAVO” Dae Young informed Yoo Ji.
“Force Protection Condition” Gwang Nam translated to Yoo Ji. They left their game and went to get ready, they were going to get briefed on the situation. All that they knew was that the Medi-Cube was under protection. 
“It turned out that President Mubarat of the Arab league needs medical attention” Shi Jin repeated the information that was given to him by his superior, Dae Young and Shi Jin were briefing their team on who the resident was, and how important his role was.
Yoo Ji was waiting with the medical team, she was observing quietly from the back, it seemed that she didn't pick up on the tension between Shi Jin and Mo Yeon because they seemed to be upset with each other. Shi Jin silently handed Mo Yeon the medical chart of the patient. 
“What is this? Everything is censored, how do they want us to read it and make a proper diagnosis?” Doctor Song protested when he saw the black lines going through the vital information.
“In the VIP Charts there are more lies than truths anyway” Mo Yeon responded 
“Why would any doctor do that?” Chi Hoon was puzzled, probably thinking about how it’s illegal to record false information.
“Just like poor people need Schweitzer, VIPs need special doctors too, their medical history can be used as their weakness” Mo Yeon continued, not noticing Shi Jin’s look, Yoo Ji did, and he looked like he regretted something. Probably something he said to her.
The patient arrived and they started performing emergency medical procedures, the president’s bodyguards tried to make Yoo Ji step out of the room. Yoo Ji already knew that they would try so she showed them her UN badge and that she can be their translator as she was able to speak Arabic fluently. They had no choice but to allow her, as there were a language barrier and so little time.
As they talked about the patient’s treatment, it seemed that it wasn’t going too well, and the guards were expecting Yoo Ji to translate, but she found herself confused as well.
“The symptoms don’t add up, how is that even possible?” she added.
“That’s because there is something that they don’t want us to know about,” Mo Yeon said, turning to look at Shi Jin.
“I need to open him up to see what's causing the bleeding in the abdominal cavity,” Mo Yeon told him before turning to her medical team.
“Prepare the operating room quickly!” her order was cut off when the main security guard spoke up in English.
“I can’t let you do that, you can’t operate on him” he paused,“The President’s doctor will be here in an hour,” he stated.
“The patient won’t last an hour, they need to operate now” Yoo Ji intervened in Arabic knowing that if they didn't save him now it will be blamed on them and if he does die then it’s also on them, and she saw in Mo Yeon’s eyes that she was willing to take the chance. Everyone’s eyes widened when they heard her speak Arabic, they didn't know she spoke Arabic fluently.
“I can’t let you put a knife in the leader of the Arab world.” he insisted.
“What do you mean? If I don’t operate now he won’t last 20 minutes” Mo Yeon responded in English.
“Only Arab doctors perform on the President!” the bodyguard pulled out his gun and pointed it at Mo Yeon, Yoo Ji could see the breath she sucked in. Yoo Ji surveyed the room and tried to find a weapon she could use in case things got ugly. She was still standing beside the bodyguards and with the way things are going that didn't seem safe. She locked eyes with Gwang Nam. The medical team took a visible step back while the Alpha Team all reached for their guns, keeping their hands above the holster when Shi Jin motioned with his hand to wait.
Gwang Nam signaled with his eyes to start making her way to their side behind him. She slowly inched towards them as Shi Jin listened to his superior on the radio and Mo Yeon told the bodyguard that once she removes her hands, he will die.
“I am not trying to change history here.” she tried one last time to convince him. When he didn't budge, Shi Jin listened to his superior as he talked. The alpha team is doing the same. Yoo Ji watched Gwang Nam’s face to try and decipher what he’s saying, she didn't think it was anything good as all of their eyes flickered to Mo Yeon at the same time. 
“Can you save this patient?” Shi Jin asked Mo Yeon, it seemed like he made a decision already and Dae Young was on the same page as him. It really impressed Yoo Ji how they communicated silently and got the message across to all five of them without uttering a word. Gwang Nam gestured for her to hurry up.
“I can save him” Mo Yeon’s soft voice called out and Shi Jin nodded and turned off the radio, and took out his earpiece while Gwang Nam gestured Yee Ji again to come closer. 
“Then save him” he put up his gun quickly. Yoo Ji had swiftly made her way to Gwang Nam’s side and was standing behind him. He was pointing his rifle at one of the bodyguards. Yoo Ji held onto his back feeling his warm body. She slightly blushed at the contact but she knew now isn’t the time and especially when this could be their last day on earth, she shook it out of her head and focused on the bodyguards’ faces from behind team Alpha.
If this was any other circumstances he would have totally had a moment about her touching him, but this was life and death right now, he’ll have to wait.
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luna-memoria · 5 years
Reposting because my hand slipped and deleted the whole friggin' post ahhhhh
Anyways have this KaiAo police AU I've had lying around for months.
Honestly, Aoko didn't expect Kaitou KID to turn up despite having agreed to.
She'd been sitting in the corner Starbucks of the street near her house for the past ten minutes, which was precisely twenty minutes before her agreed meeting time with KID. She figured it'll be a good idea to check out the place for any suspicious activity, despite being quite sure the person in question wouldn't pull anything funny for the sake of his silly honor or something, but that idea seemed pretty extra when a man holding a cup of hot chocolate call strolling up next to her. The name on his cup said 'Katsuki', a name that put a smirk on her face.
"There's still quite some time before one o'clock, you know," she said, scanning the man thoroughly.
"Now now. It wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me to let a lovely lady wait, would it?" commented the man - Kaitou KID - with a slightly apologetic tone. "I didn't make you wait long, did I?"
She shook her head, amused. "I just arrived earlier than you. Please take a seat."
"So. Anything you're interested in knowing?" he asked first thing upon plopping down into his seat. A grin. "I'm pretty certain this isn't just a normal date to ask about my life in the past four years, Aoko-chan~~"
Aoko gave him her best glare, but chose to say nothing. She was an adult, for crying out loud. Not that same high school student who gets pissed at every little thing KID does to get a reaction out of her. Yes, she can handle this maturely like an adult.
"You can say there's something I want to ask you," she said, fingers fumbling as they wrapped around her paper cup and brought it up to her face. Yes, the fresh scent of coffee was exactly what needed to keep her sane and cool. She eyed his attire. It was one of his more casual 'disguises', if she could even call it one. He wore a fine dark green jacket over a black turtleneck and jeans, accompanied by glasses and a cap. She wanted to make some kind of statement, something to make fun of his disguise, but it somehow did a good job of securing his identity, so it didn't seem right to say such a thing. Maybe it had something to do with experience of using the same freaking disguise for years without fail.
Too immersed in thought, she didn't realize her intense gaze placed on the thief before her. He had to wave to get her out of her brief daze.
"Is that cup of yours gonna be hauled at me if I say something that upsets you?" he asked with a pointed finger.
She smirked. "Depends. Are you gonna say something that will upset me?"
"Well, I hardly know what will upset you, Nakamori-san." He shrugged.
"Lies," she offered. "I'd hate those, when I had to go through all this trouble to contact you for this date."
His eyes darted up at her, she noticed, no thanks to the thick shades casted on his face by the cap. Reading people was what Aoko considered to be her talent, an ability she gained in hopes of becoming more understanding of her best friend who always tried to fool her with some stupid 'poker face'-
No. This was not a good time to think of him of all people. She was on an important mission right now, which, even if the police force didn't know, might have something to do with the criminal group they've been investigating for months but failed to get any leads on. This… this was a good chance for her to shine, and possibly clear up the business she had with KID, from her high school years. Even if she knew she had next to zero chance of ever capturing him, she wanted to know his secret- the mystery behind his persona. He was not just some thief who seemed attention or money, and her experiences with criminals so far told her that some had stories behind their actions.
She wanted to know the story that made KID decide to keep on his facade for so many years.
"You can rest assured then. I wouldn't come all the way here to lie to you."
"Then I expect you will answer whatever questions I have with honesty."
"You sound like a mom talking to her child, if I'm being honest."
She glared.
"Okay, okay. Ask away. I'll give you whatever info I can give."
Now, that asked for a direct question. "What is your motive for returning?"
He frowned. "Pardon?"
"There's a reason for your return, I'm sure. After disappearing for four whole years. I want to know that reason."
"And here I thought you were going to ask me something related to the… well, object of your investigations."
"That'll be for later."
"If you say so," he said, leaning back and stretching his legs lazily as he took a sip of his drink. "I was just there to work, which I can't see why you would interest yourself in."
"I want to know."
"…I'm sure you've noticed that I've stopped with those dazzling heists of mine?"
"Yes. I probably wouldn't have learnt of your return if I didn't run into you at the crime scene the other day."
"I was on duty, collecting data for someone."
"As in?"
"My employer."
She huffed, crossing her arms. "That does not answer my question."
"I told you I'd answer what I could. The name of my employer is one of the things I couldn't disclose to anyone. Don't most jobs have this common rule saying 'keep each client's info secret' or something?"
"Fine then. What were you doing then? I suppose you are allowed to tell me the events of your job?"
"You know what politicians love the most, Nakamori-san?"
"What?" she narrowed her eyes, surprised by the sudden turn of conversation. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"It's the best description I can give you regarding my activities near your job site."
"Wait. You're not telling me you now work to collect blackmail for politicians, are you?!" Aoko exclaimed in a sharp whisper, self-conscious of the few stares they were starting to earn from the surrounding customers. She wondered if she should have picked a more private space after all, but who knew when the suspicious character from back then at the crime scene was gonna make his return? She didn't know if the person - whoever he was - was a threat at all, but she had a bad feeling that something bad was happening in due time, and she didn't want to risk anything.
"You think so highly of me, Nakamori-san," he said, tone tainted with sarcasm. "I hardly think politicians would trust a thief like me to do their dirty work - if they could even afford my services in the first place." Noting how Aoko didn't respond, he continued. "I was in the bar that night. I don't know if you police inspectors know this, but there was a meeting between two gun smugglers - Kurosawa and Kaizaki - last night somewhere in Shibuya."
Aoko nodded. "I think I've heard something of the sort."
"I happen to know this Kurosawa always meets up with his lover in this bar, and he always tells her everything - and I mean it when I say everything." KID produced a feather in his hands all of a sudden, fiddling with it in a way Aoko thought she recognized. Maybe all magicians have that habit, she thought. "My quest was to record everything and send it to my employer, which was a fairly simple task, as the guy completely lost his cautiousness with that woman."
He paused briefly, fingers still playing with the feather. "It's funny how easy it was get that info with just a woman. To think that man was considered one of the hardest criminals to track down…" Aoko raised an eyebrow at his out-of-the-place sentence, but cleared her throat preparing for her next question.
"I see. From what I understand, you're being paid to gather info about someone who happens to be one of the most difficult criminals around."
"You can say that."
"What are you, doing that kind of thing?"
"I'm fairly sure there was a character like that in that favorite detective series of yours, wasn't there?" KID remarked with a smile, his grip on the feather tightened. He turned his gaze back to Aoko, which made her shy away as a result.
"And how would you know what detective series I like?"
"Oh? I was fairly certain, you seem like the type to read Holmes."
"Never mind that. It's none of your concern."
"You are correct, but I thought you may be the one to be concerned, seeing I'm talking about the very man the great detective called the worst man in London."
"I believe you are talking about The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton," she replied. "It's one of my favorite stories in the series."
"So I guess that adds to the list of things I know about you, hm?"
"The tiny list of things you know about me," she snarled.
"Fine, fine, geesh. You're still as fiery as I remember, Nakamori-san, except that you're a police detective now. Should I call you Inspector Nakamori for the nostalgia-"
"Don't. Don't mention my father, he's not supposed to be involved in all this mess after everything you've put him through over the years."
"That's… fair." He didn't say anything besides that, and the sudden silence spooked Aoko a little, since KID was always joking and making cheesy remarks every chance he could when they interacted. Seeing him at a loss of words didn't feel as good as she'd thought it would be.
Deciding to steer the conversation back on it's original direction, Aoko spoke first, breaking the brief silence. "So. Milverton, huh? I never thought a day would come where I'd associate the great Kaitou KID with a character like him."
A Cheshire grin spread across the thief's face once again, and Aoko almost smacked herself for feeling the slightest bit of relief. That relief was gone instantly though as he purred, "Great Kaitou KI-"
KID paused his tracks, noting Aoko's expression. His face sunk (at the loss of a chance to mess with her, probably).
"Well, I don't think this Milverton character is deserving of all this hate you put in. In fact, I think he's pretty smart, using secrets of other people to make money…"
"Like you apparently do now? Is that why you compared yourself to him?"
"I'm not all bad, Nakamori-san, contrast to your belief. Sure I sell secrets, but not the kind your character would be interested in. I'd collect that if I were paparazzi…" He stopped, like the mere thought of that scared him (or excited him, she couldn't really tell.) "… But the information I come across usually results in the deforming of illegal groups, arrests of smugglers and so. You can call me a spy… or something along the lines of that."
"As if you'd be so noble," she scoffed, more out of habit than actual scorn. It has never affected him much before when she did it in high school, so why would he be bothered by it now?
Her assumptions were proved wrong however, as KID lowered his face, bitterness fading back into his voice.
"Perhaps I've always been, it's just that you refuse to see it for yourself, Nakamori-san."
That… was out of the blue. Aoko didn't know what she could say to respond - an acknowledgement? That probably wouldn't help much in a situation as awkward as the one before her, so she just spat what the usual, fiery her would say.
"I know exactly what I see."
"If you insist." He hopped off his comfy spot on the couch, grabbing his keys and coffee cup from the table. Aoko knew for sure her words caused discomfort in him, but there wasn't anything she could do to stop him.
There goes her chance to gather more information.
What was she going to do to track down a new lead?
"Wait! I'm not done with my questions yet-!"
He eyed her sideways, "there's always next time."
She was almost certain he was going to leave, but no, not yet.
Much to her surprise, KID stopped by her and pulled her close enough to whisper in her ear. "Oh, and Nakamori-san? Not all spies have noble intentions. Thought you had the right to know, seeing that there's one like that right in your department."
He pulled away, a fake smile visible on his face. "And that'll be all for today! I look forward to your next date together, Aoko-chan!" he exclaimed cheerily, giving her a small salute as he skipped out of the cafe.
It took her a whole minute to precess his words, and the conclusion she got wasn't one she liked.
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bthenoise · 5 years
Q&A: Here’s How Some Of Your All-Time Favorite Music Videos Were Made Thanks To The Brilliant Max Moore
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So you want to make music videos? Well, we have some good news and we have some bad news. The bad news? It takes a TON of hard work. The good news? We have some pretty solid advice from one of if not the best music video directors in our scene. 
Working with the likes of Converge, Code Orange, Knocked Loose, Motionless In White, Movements, New Found Glory and a ton more, Max Moore has built quite the reputation of being an ultra-consistent, ultra-creative and incredibly hard-working director working his way up from the DIY hardcore community. 
Talking with The Noise about getting started behind the camera and what he suggests to up-and-coming filmmakers, Moore commented, “I think it's so easy to get caught up in the comparison game of what camera somebody has starting out or where you live.”
“I don't live in Los Angeles,” Moore said. “I live in a random ass city in the Midwest. And if you can just get away from all the bullshit and just focus on making really creative, cool ideas, then you're going to be somewhat successful over the people who just freaked out about the new stabilizer or piece of gear.”
With a resume of nearly 100 music videos, commercials and short films under his belt, Moore clearly knows his stuff -- which is exactly why we wanted to reach out to the talented 28-year-old and find out how he got his start making some of our favorite music videos.
To check out Moore’s story and insightful guidance for future directors, be sure to look below. Afterward, for more, head here.       
How long do you think you usually spend on an edit? Obviously different videos vary but what’s your average time?
MAX MOORE: Well, not all directors edit their own stuff. But for me, it's a big part of what I do. And in terms of having control over the final product, I mean, you can shoot and direct something amazingly [but] if you don't have a good editor, it can all kind of fall apart there. So editing is the one thing that I still do all myself. So as you can imagine, it just depends on the project. But even more so than that, it really just depends on the timeline from the label or management or whatever. 
For example, the [recent] Knocked Loose video, I edited it in like a week. And you know, that's like working on it six to eight hours for a few days or something like that. But I've also had crazy deadlines where it's like, “Hey, the video is literally supposed to come out in three days from when we shoot it.” So I'll just hunker down and edit nonstop for like 48 hours. So I've literally shot a video in LA, flew (because I actually live in Kentucky -- Louisville, Kentucky -- where Knocked Loose is from) back home and edited a video and turned it in and it came out like two days later. So yeah, it really just depends. But I think the biggest thing is just if the labels are like, “Hey, it’s not due for a while,” I'm gonna let it sit. [laughs] I'm not trying to kill myself just to get it done.
Do you ever overlap with videos? Or is it usually one project at a time?
I usually always kind of have multiple projects going at the same time. It's varied in different years. I've been doing this full time for about six years. Some years, I did insane amounts of music videos. Some years, I do a little bit less. I think the most I did one year was like 40 music videos or something crazy. So if you think about that, there are only 12 months in a year. So there's obviously going to be some crossover. But these days, I'm trying to -- when I was first doing this I was like, “I want to do as many as possible and work with as many artists as I can.” But these days, I'm trying to be more selective about what I take on and I'd rather do fewer, really good [videos] than just pump them out. So I've also started directing commercials as well. I don't want to do 40 music videos a year. It’d be nice to do a handful of ones I’m really passionate about.
For young filmmakers and directors who are just learning, what’s your time management like or the schedule that you give yourself on a day-to-day basis?
I think the biggest key, especially when I was getting started, I would get a lot of offers to do videos and I was just so excited to have the work that I didn't know how to say no yet. So I kind of overbooked myself, like the year I did almost 40 videos, that was so stupid. Like, truly. I mean, I worked like seven days a week for the entire year basically. So I think it starts before you even get the work. By that, I mean learning when to say no. You know, “That video sounds really cool, I like that band, but I just don't have time.” Or you know, “Hey, it's a good budget. I don't care about this artist. Nah, I'm going to pass.” You know what I mean? So I think it starts from the get-go and I'm learning to be better with that. 
As the years have gone on, in terms of the day-to-day, I think it's just like any business. It's prioritizing things that need to get done based on when they're due. I think that sounds like a really non-answer but I think it's important to keep to your schedule -- especially when you're self-employed and you do a lot of it yourself. It's really easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start. But I like to stay organized by keeping a well-established schedule and prioritizing by what's due when and knocking it out in that order if that makes sense.
Is there one video in particular you had to turn down that you're super bummed about?
Yeah, I mean, there's been lots of cases over the years. But it's been less of that, like, “Hey, we want you to do it” and I feel like I have to pass. The things that I mostly get more bummed about are the videos where I write it -- so the way the normal process works is it's not usually, it happens a lot for me [with] someone I’ve worked with several times [where] we're directly working together and they know “Hey, we want Max to do the video.” So we’ll figure out the treatment and what the video is going to be, but I am working directly with them. 
But usually, the way it works is that my rep, my music video rep, which is just like (that's what they call it, it's like my agent, basically) and so she will send me tracks from record labels and say, “Hey Max, do you want to write on this?” And so say it's a really awesome artist that I would love to work with, it’s like, “Oh yeah, I would love to write a treatment for that.” She says okay, so then I spend the day putting together a music video treatment, sending it off to her and she sends it to the label. But the label is also collecting several treatments from several different directors and you don't know how many, who's writing, who else is also writing on it or how many. 
And so back to the original question. I've definitely gotten bummed like, “Oh my god, I'm writing a treatment for blah, blah, blah, whatever band or artist. I'm so excited!” And then it's like, “Yeah, they went with somebody else.” And then you’re like, “Ahhhhh.” [laughs] This is the name of the game. It's as frustrating as it can be music video directing, or directing for some production in general. [You] kind of just gotta have tough skin. And if you get your feelings really hurt by not getting a job or the client not liking the video or the edit, or whatever, you gotta just have thick skin and roll with the punches. The people that can roll with the punches consistently and keep trucking even though they get bummed on not getting stuff, those are the people that are successful and can have consistent work. Not saying that's me [laughs], but yeah. 
When you're writing treatments, do you feel like the ideas come to you pretty instantly? Or do you have to think for a few hours, sometimes days?
I think it just depends on the specific situation. There have been times where I'll get sent a song and I immediately have something come to mind and the treatments done in like an hour. Then there are also times where I've literally sat at a computer for hours and hours and hours and gone on walks, took a shower, left and drove around and there's nothing I can do [because] I'm 100% in writer's block. I finally just end up being like “Alright, I’ll write this down and submit it.” But I think it just depends on the situation. I think it's always easier in a situation where it's an artist that I know and that I've worked with previously. Like a band like Code Orange or Knocked Loose. I've worked with both those bands multiple times and we have a rapport, a creative rapport that we can kind of reference previous videos or it's really just a trust thing. Those kinds of artists that I’ve worked with trust me and trust what I'm writing is going to make sense for the song or the record or whatever. So it's always easier when I have a direct relationship with the artist rather than when it's just more the standard business thing where there's several layers of middlemen in between– my manager, or my rep, their manager, a video commissioner. That's where the creativity is a little harder to pin down.
It’s interesting having a job in a creative space because there isn’t just some button you can push to come up with ideas. Like when people say, “Hey, think of some ideas for this.” It’s really not that easy.
But talking about the artists you've worked with. You mentioned Code Orange and Knocked Loose. When you came up in this music scene was that the music you were listening to?
Yeah. So when I was younger, I'm 28 now, but all through middle school and high school, I played in lots of different punk and hardcore bands and toured. Did that whole thing. My friends were in a band called Xerxes that was signed to No Sleep Records, which was kind of a poppin’ label back in the day and so that was very much my world that I came from like the DIY punk hardcore scene. So naturally, a band like Code Orange -- I was friends with them and that was the music I was already playing and it sort of just kind of lent itself for me taking on those kinds of videos. I didn't like set out to specifically direct music videos, it just kind of happened naturally from the fact that I had a big background in music and all these friends that were in bands and all these connections. 
But at the same time, I stopped playing music and went to film school and then those two things just naturally lead together into one. But yeah, to answer the question: Yeah, I mean, that's the world I come from and that's kind of why so much of my work has been in that scene, whatever you want to call it. Obviously, I've worked with lots of different kinds of bands like pop-punk bands, indie bands, stuff like that. But it's all really under the umbrella of “alternative music,” that’s what I would call it. But the cool thing about having my rep is that she and the production company I'm signed with, they can kind of give me opportunities to write for artists and bands that are kind of outside my own connections. Like a pop artist or hip-hop artists or something like that. So, though I come from punk and hardcore, I love all kinds of music. I listen to hip-hop mostly these days. And so even though [punk and hardcore is the] majority of what my work is done in, I definitely have a strong desire to branch out and flex creative muscles in a different genre or different types of video. If that makes sense.
Yeah, so who are some dream artists you'd love to work with?
I mean, I’d want to do the biggest of the big. [laughs] I want to do a Beyoncé video [laughs]. I’d do anything, man. But the cool thing about my background is people kind of pin me down as always the “hardcore director.” But in reality, if you actually know me personally, you know that my kind of interests is so much broader than just hardcore. When I was 17, I was a hardcore kid. At 28, I'm just Max [laughs]. I can like Drake. I can like Beyoncé. I can like whatever. So really the dream artist is anybody who's willing to give me the time. I know that’s kind of a cop out answer, but yeah. Anybody who's just down to let me make some cool stuff. I'm always interested in working with them.
So do you think some advice to incoming videographers is to not pigeonhole themselves into just one category and instead branch out and try everything?
Yes and no. I think, oddly, some of the reasons why I've had consistent work over the last few years is because there is this network of bands in the scene. Whether it's the record labels I work with, I think just like any business you get hired because you get good at one thing where you specialize in something, like you know, a plumber or electrician or any type of business. A plumber is going to get hired to do plumbing and in that way, it's been good for me to continue to work with bands in a similar genre because it just keeps the ball rolling and you’re able to create a style. 
But that’s why I think, starting out, I think it is kind of cool. This has just worked for me. The thing about music video directing, or directing as a whole, is that there's no right or wrong path. It's not like becoming a doctor where you have to take a test, you pass the test and someone gives you a piece of paper and says you’re a doctor. Everybody's path to music video directing, or directing any type of production, looks very different. So I'm just speaking personally and what’s worked for me. So I think working in this kind of genre of music has allowed me to basically make a living. But I think once you get to a certain level, or have a certain amount of videos under your belt or if you're just bored and want to try something different, I think breaking out and not being afraid to branch out, that's the biggest thing. Be consistent and put yourself out there but at the same time, don't be afraid to try new things with new kinds of artists or people.
A good example of that as far as your music videos go has to be the Chapel music video you directed with all the giant breakfast stuff which we assume was pretty challenging for more reasons than one. Speaking of, what has been the most challenging music video for you to shoot personally?
I would probably say, the most challenging would probably be the [Code Orange] “Forever” video -- and then I'll have the worst day on set story, I'll share with you. But with [“Forever”], there was just a lot of logistics. I actually self-produced the music video. We shot in Louisville, Kentucky. So there's just a lot of working parts to the video. I mean, there's so much in it and the biggest thing, the challenge is the big pyrotechnic stuff at the end of the video. You know, if we were shooting in LA or somewhere like that, getting a pyro person is no problem. They're everywhere and you can get them. Normally, when I’m shooting in LA, there’s a production team, the producers will handle all that and make it happen. But trying to like, you know, maximize the budget and put everything I could into this video, shooting in Louisville was a better option, which is where I'm from and just finding a pyro team in Louisville, Kentucky was not possible. [laughs] There isn't anybody. So we had to bring people in from Nashville and it was just a lot. I remember being totally overwhelmed. If it was any other artist, I would have been like, “I can't.” But because my relationship is strong and special with that band and I care about the art and believe in what they're doing, I was like, “You know, this is an important record, this is an important single” and I just felt that it was like “You gotta go hard on this one.” And yeah, they ended up getting nominated for a Grammy for that song. I'm super proud of what they've done and seeing them grow. So I think just because I cared so much, that's why that was the most challenging one if that makes sense.
And then the worst day on set was with this band called Motionless In White, which also involved a ton of pyro behind the stage. It was just the longest day and our gaffer, who had all the lights and equipment, he was a no-call no-show the morning of the shoot and set us behind. And then the pyro thing, we had all this fire on the stage inside this warehouse and it popped the sprinklers and sprinklers went all over everything and I had my camera in my hand and I'm like running out. And it wasn't clean water, this was like an old warehouse and it's black fucking sludge coming out of the sprinklers. And I was like, “Oh my god, dude.” I was freaking out like, “It's done. It's over.” 
But then somehow the crew like shop-vacuumed it all up and we kept shooting and then finally the stage caught fire. There was like 300 screaming tweens -- they were just fans but they were in the video and it was just straight chaos. Anyways, it was a crazy day. The video turned out, came out and that's all that matters. So what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
What do you think is one of the biggest things people misinterpret about being a music video director?
I think the biggest thing that people don't understand, the biggest part of my job that I didn't even know was the biggest part of the job is it's not just about “Hey, can you direct a video? Or can you make a video?” As a working music video director, it's all about writing. That's something I had no idea about when I first got into it. Like, you can yell action and you can shoot and you can edit and produce and make an amazing, clean product. But you will not get work consistently or at all really if you don't know how to write a treatment and accurately portray your idea and write it and set it up in a way that all parties involved can clearly understand. 
So the biggest misconception is that it's not just about being on set. So much of my day-to-day is writing and pitching. In that way, it’s not good enough to just be a good director. You have to be a good writer and a good salesman for the ideas that you have and that you believe in. And even if you don't believe in it, you have to make them think that you believe it. And then when you get there, and it turns out it works, everybody's happy. But I think that's the biggest misconception of what a day-to-day music video director is. It's a lot of sitting in front of a computer and finding reference images for your treatment or searching online for that one still [image] you remember from a movie that will be great to go into the treatment or coloring reference images in Photoshop. I mean, most of my job is that. It’s pitching. And then, that's intercut with the shoot days and the edits. But it's a lot of hard work and it's not for people who, you know -- production isn't like the cozy nine-to-five thing. You got to really want it and you’ve got to be willing to continually be putting yourself out there. And it's hard but when you find some level of success and work consistently [and] see people really dig the videos -- like the Knocked Loose video came out the other day and people were digging it -- that's when it feels like “Hey, you know this is really hard and sucky sometimes but wow, it's worth it.” 
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A post shared by Max Moore (@maxmoorefilms) on Apr 18, 2019 at 12:24pm PDT
What are some of your favorite music videos you've seen that really inspired you or made you wish you thought of first?
I think watching older Smashing Pumpkins music videos is huge for me. Also weirdly, My Chemical Romance. I was right in that era where they were huge when I was like in [my] teen years and I was certainly into hardcore and all that but I'm a sucker for pop-punk. I was into that kind of stuff and I was watching Fuse after school and stuff like that. So, those era music videos are iconic to me. 
From a young age, I always thought those videos were sick. [And] like Underoath videos and stuff like that. There's a theme of like, darker imagery that I was just naturally drawn to. But those are things growing up like, “Man, that’s so cool. I would love to do something like that.” [And] now I've gotten to write on some Underoath music videos recently, so it's all kind of full circle. I would love to do a Smashing Pumpkins video, that’d be amazing.
Did you ever watch Making The Video on MTV?
Totally! Looking back on that era of music videos, the music industry has changed so much since then with streaming and how the budgets were bigger for music videos. But I think now music videos are so much more important and relevant than they have ever been. You know, when I first started directing music videos, YouTube was really in its infancy for music videos. Vevo wasn't a thing, viral content was just getting on record labels’ radar. So I kind of slipped into the industry when it was in a lull, like YouTube wasn't this giant thing where music videos lived yet and here comes this little kid and I just had a DSLR and got into the DIY punk thing. Then as that rose back up and labels started to put in more money for music videos, I kind of rose with that as the internet gave a rebirth to the music video in some ways. 
I mean, certainly there was always the major label people that were getting good budgets even during this slump when streaming stuff started to come out. But for me, in punk and hardcore, I was able to slide in there and just -- there is such a big disconnect between watching Making The Video and then my early music videos because it's like a kid shooting in his bedroom some close up that is on a shitty $600 DSLR [camera]. I think even now, the biggest budget things I do now, I still always have that DIY, do it yourself, punk mentality. At the end of the day, even if I have like a 60-person crew, 40-person crew, 20-person, 10-person crew, I'm steering the ship and no one's going to care more about this video than me. And I just still try to take that kind of DIY spirit into everything that I do, even today.
Is there anything else you want to tell the people reading this?
I have a lot of kids DM me or email me asking like, “Hey, what lens should I get? Or what cameras do you shoot on? Or how do I get into directing?” And I think to kind of mass answer that or to give some encouragement -- I always say this but I think it's important -- I think it's so easy to get caught up in the comparison game of what camera somebody has starting out or where you live. I don't live in Los Angeles, you know. I live in a random ass city in the Midwest. And if you can just get away from all the bullshit and just focus on making really creative, cool ideas, then you're going to be somewhat successful over the people who just freaked out about the new stabilizer or piece of gear. 
There's a time and place for that, you certainly have to be good at the craft. But beyond that, it's all about being creative and sticking to being DIY. If you want to direct music videos, there's no reason why you can't. Especially [since] everybody's an artist or some SoundCloud rapper these days. So everybody has someone that they probably know, at least by like a few degrees that is making music. And like, my phone shoots 4k [laughs] so there's no reason not to be able to make something if you want to do it. So just get away from all the bullshit and all the distractions and really just focus on creating cool ideas that are unique and push the boundaries.
That's really great advice. 
For sure. And I think it's, you know, people always hit me up because they want an easy-to-click answer. But the fact of the matter is everybody's path is going to look different. And if you just want it enough and you have that drive, you're going to figure it out. I think that's just with anything in life, for the most part. So the last thing I want is to come off like, “[If] you do this, you will be like me and have this.” I just work hard and I try to work with artists that I like and that's basically it.
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killuaisaprincess · 1 month
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ozymandiasdirge · 6 years
top 5 vegeta moments
this is going under a cut because i already know its gonna get long and ugly and not in any specific order
1. Vegeta accepting that he doesn’t have to beat goku
okay so as much as i hate dbz and its “goku has to be the strongest to the detriment of literally every single other main character” this is more about vegeta’s character development finally fucking crescendoing and realizing that he doesnt have to be the strongest, he has a new home and ugh im getting emotional jesus chrsit its fine
2. “live your life under the heel of another. watch your race dwindle to a handful” or the entire majin vegeta vs. goku fight
oh man this whole fucking fight and vegeta willing to do ANYTHING if it means beating goku, even let babidi ‘control him’ (number 2.5 is “the only things a saiyan keeps is pride” or w/e and throws babidi the fuck out of his head so he can continue trading sexual innuendo beating up goku) EVEN after spending his whole life as freeza’s lackey, he’ll do it again, throw away seven years of peace if it means beating goku and AHHHHH i love this fucking shitty garbage man
3. Vegeta vs. Android 19
literally the most badass thing ive ever witnessed, the music, finally becoming a super saiyan, beating up someone goku couldnt, vegeta in full head bitch in charge extra mode, absolutely iconic
4. When he shoots the ki blast at cell so gohan can finally kill him honestly.....its his fault cell even reached his perfect form (and goku’s for giving cell the senzu bean but whatever) and the fact that he was even a little bit helpful to anyone at this point in the story makes me stand up and cheer
5. Both times he dies
both of them make me cry every time, even in a series where death is completely trivialized and not a threat. i am such a weak bitch. But the first one, where he gives every single bit of himself to defeat freeza and it doesnt even faze him and all he can do is fucking just cry. and then freeza tortures him and he has to get saved by goku and he has to die knowing that goku is the one avenging the saiyans, not him. just fuck me up dude. i dont care how cheesy the og dub is it fucking killed me do you hear. and th second time against buu even if the series would let it mean anything and its FUCKING POINTLESS it just......he hugs trunks....he cries again...i cry again.....
bonus round:
the whole time he, krillin, and gohan are teamed up on namek to kill freeza and the ginyu force is so good
this whole episode
that time when goku came out of the hyperbolic time chamber and they just stared at each other in complete silence for like, 15 seconds
when he freaks out when future trunks dies for a little like..kills me
that time when he was fighting 18 and gave us the iconic like “SAD FOR YOU”
literally any of the dub-isms “plenty of juice”
i am cutting myself off this is already embarrasing
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uniformbravo · 7 years
aaaa @fixion tagged me in a thing for “10 songs you’re listening to a lot at the moment” (im just trusting u that that’s what it’s called) so im gonna do that!! bc i love talking abt myself + i have literally been waiting for an excuse to share my music Lmfao Thank
(ps @ frank read the tags hkdgjlksd)
(this might technically be is absolutely more than 10 songs but like shh?? just shh)
both osomatsu-san ops theyre so fucking good?? here they are OP1 and OP2 pls listen to them im mlove th -
literally the entire rest of the osomatsu-san soundtrack ok i kfkigk gn i kNOw thats like 80 songs bUT I JUST,,,,,,,,,, here’s a couple samples lkdfjkdg Track 38 and Track 7 are some faves but i promise the whole thing is good i die, heres a playlist ok if u need smth to put on in the bg i highly recommend it....,.,..,,, -
so many songs/covers by Eve?? i’ve been listening to a lot of eve lately ok i’ll give my top three: デーモンダンストーキョー あの娘シークレット シャルル  it’s so hard to stick w/ just three tho seriously go listen to the rest ahhhhh (i love the art style in the music vids too?? like a lot??? so pay attention to that tbh) -
ピースサイン / Peace Sign - Kenshi Yonezu (bnha’s 2nd op) i got obsessed with this song & now i have like a million covers saved jesus christ save me (coincidentally, eve also did a cover of this one) -
砂の惑星 / Sand Planet - HACHI/ DUNE feat. Hatsune Miku i have a million covers of this one too lolllllll ((including eve’s)) check out this piano cover tho (it’s safe to assume that any time i find a song i like i’ve immediately gone searching for piano covers it’s in my blood) -
speaking of piano, anything by marasy8 is so good oh my god they’re literally incredible here’s one of my favorites by them i love putting their longer vids and streams on in the bg while i work on stuff (it’s always fun to randomly recognize some of the songs lol) -
this song was stuck in my head for like a week straight god her voice is soooo good (epilepsy warning for the vid tho) ((she also did an amazing cover of Imagination from haikyuu which still gives me goosebumps, that’s how i initially found her)) -
Sincerely, Me from Dear Evan Hansen LITERALLY how could i forget this until now i just had it on repeat for like 3 days straight???? it’s the catchiest fucking song i’ve ever heard in my life (nsfw warning) -
LambSoars: these guys are so cute omg they do a lot of covers so i have like all of their haikyuu stuff saved, my favorites are Mashi・Mashi and Heaven and Earth (honorable mention Peace Sign bc i already talked about that song earlier but i loooove this cover) -
You Say Run from the bnha s1 soundtrack uuuuugghhh what a phenomenal track like the whole ost is fun but this song is The Jam™
am i allowed to put a bonus section for piano stuff even though i already put piano stuff in the main “””10”””
this is the bonus “Im Trash And I Desperately Want To Share My Music With People” section
Q feat. Otomachi Una - i found this one a while ago which is why i didn’t put it in the 10 but im still rly into it ok -
literally every op/ed for little witch academia ok they’re all good they’re all perfect here’s a vid with all four of them go go go (i cannot believe it’s still up tbh) -
ok so this is an hour long mix of caravan palace songs so it’s more of a “put it on in the bg” kind of thing but i swear to fucking god. i fucking swear. i was just gonna put lone digger bc that’s my fucking jam always and forever but this mix starts with that song anyway so just have the whole goddamn thigng igmg fucking ((this post is beyond out of control but i physically cannot mention lone digger and not also bring up Lone Digger 100 (epilepsy warning), my very favorite mp100 amv that i have lovingly watched like 50000 times and i die literally every time ok gggby e)) -
the skill in this piano cover of osomatsu op2 is overwhelming i’ve never felt so intimidated in my life, just like. the thing where they play 2 overlapping melodies at once what the fuC k (also their cover of the other op Ugh) -
this would be another thing to put on in the bg bc it’s 30 min long but it’s a compilation of (mostly) piano covers of assorted tracks from the osomatsu ost, it is v nice and the pianist is super skilled (i especially love the last one because it’s Six Same Faces (ed1) which is one of those songs that i could never even begin to comprehend translating to piano but they fuckin did it and it sounds amazing) -
we’re back to peace sign again, this is my fave piano cover lol (love love love this pianist as always pls check out his other stuff) -
this piano cover of the one punch man op i cannot fucking believe (also the actual opm op jffucukgign just taKe it) -
ok ok ok fuCK FUKC i wasn’t gonna do it i ALMOST made it all the way through without doing this buT IM CAVING OK 99 BY MOB CHOIR THE MOB PSYCHO 100 OP GJSKDGFKGD i havent even been listening to it that much lately so there’s literally no excuse for me putting it here but it still goes hard as hell it’s still such a fucking timeless masterpiece im still complete garbage dumpster trash for this song and this show im crying jjusst take it, take it from my filthy fucking hands im gdj kjkgjdghkdjgskjdjflsd kjlak ljskdjg gk
also i get most/all of my music through youtube so i hope its ok that instead of song titles/artists it was this giant mess of rambling descriptions & video links ahhh
but yeah holy shit uhh tagging people. yes. dont worry abt it if u dont want to but @dolichomorph, @noonediesalone, @cry-beeby, @creepyjirachi, @cloversion, @docnoctem, @tender1999, @melleh17, @lancmclain, @thecavalrysqueer
also i havent been online lately so i have no idea who’s already done this so if u have then Whoops
if i didnt tag u specifically but u still wanna do this then just go for it i promise it’s fun, say i tagged u bc i did, this is me tagging u, an indirect ki s sfjkc
good nite
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k18fics · 7 years
Oh Brother (5)
Oh Brother
Summary: A series of k18 one shots with an over-laying plot. Also featuring GCC, BV, GoVi, and more.
Warning: general warning about the rating. Some chapters in this story will contain mature language, violent scenes, and adult situations. It is not recommended for anyone under 18 (not that I can stop you if you choose to read anyways.) I will warn you in advance so you can skip those scenes if you so prefer.
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ/S/GT or any of its characters.
5. Fight
(This chapter has content of explicit nature, I will tell you where to skip if you don't wanna read it.)
"For the millionth time, nothing happened 18!" Krillin cried throwing his hands up in frustration as he followed the fuming android down the stairs.
Roshi and Oolong immediately squeezed past them up the stairs knowing how crazy things could get when the couple was arguing. In their newlywed phase they got to see all kinds of action, but now the couple had been married for nearly a year and they were arguing more and more lately.
Roshi and Oolong were only glad they didn't have children yet, the arguments would only get worse then.
"She was all over you!" 18 snapped kicking a chair so hard it broke into tiny pieces.
"And I pushed her off!" Krillin argued. "I've already told you this 18."
"But you still have feelings for her!"
"Not like that! I care about her, I don't want her to be sad," Krillin said. "But the only person I love is you."
"Don't lie to me Krillin!" 18 yelled turning around angrily and shoving him.
He went flying back but he stopped himself before he hit the wall.
"You were gonna marry her!" 18 yelled her voice shaking with emotion.
"That was a long time ago."
"But she hugged you and you blushed and hugged her back," 18 said. "Go be with her, at least she's actually human."
18 rushed out the door but Krillin was on her tail. "Hey!"  Krillin shouted flying into the air after her and gripping her arm tightly. "I don't want to be with Maron! I wanna be with you!"
"But she's human," 18 sneered slapping his hand away.
"I'm not letting you run away!" Krillin yelled after her as she started to fly away. He zoomed after her and tackled her roughly into the ground.
"Let go of me!" 18 snapped punching Krillin square across the jaw. He flew back into the sand but he stood back up and rushed back at her kicking her in the chest.
"I don't love Maron, I love you," Krillin said as she stumbled backwards. "You are more human than she could ever be."
"Ahhhhh!" 18 cried rushing at him with clenched fists.
He ducked under a flying arm and blocked a kick before delivering a punch back her. The fist connected to her jaw but she retaliated quickly with a foot to the face. He grunted and fell to the sand spitting out blood. She kicked him hard in the stomach flipping him over but he leaped onto his feet before she could slam her fist down on his chest. He kicked her hard on the back sending her tumbling down to the ground. He had gotten a lot stronger since the androids arrived and he actually did put up a good fight against them now, though at the end of the day they were still stronger than him.
She slammed him in the chest sending him flying into the air before flying up after him. He blocked a punch to the face before bending his elbow and nailing her right in the face. She recoiled back as blood started coming down her nose and mouth.
"Hah!" She yelled angrily throwing an array of ki blasts. Krillin blocked his face and clenched his teeth as the blasts burned his shirt right off and part of his pants too.
She stopped and breathed heavily watching him recover. He had burn marks, scratches, and bruises all over his torso and a line of blood was trickling down his lips.
Kami she loved those lips. Those lips did things to her that made her shiver. "Stop this 18," Krillin said hoarsely. "I have my insecurities just like you do but fighting won't make it better we can get through this together. Maron is nothing to me. You are my life. You're the only woman I want."
18 zoomed towards him so fast Krillin couldn't dodge the attack so he tried to block it but he could not as she tackled him down towards the ground. They landed in the sand hard sending grains flying everywhere. 18 straddled him and Krillin clenched his eyes shut readying himself for the array of punches but instead he felt soft lips kissing his.
His eyes popped open and he gripped her back returning the kiss in kind.
(Start skipping now.)
18 gripped Krillin's waistband and started tugging it down desperately. Krillin fumbled with 18's shirt for a moment then gave up and pushed down her pants.
18 stood to kick her pants and underwear off and Krillin gripped her by the hips to take control. He slammed her down on the sand and climbed on top of her not bothering to take his pants and boxers off and Just let them hang off her shins.
18 gripped the back of Krillin's bald head and moaned anxiously. Krillin wasted no time. He pushed into 18 in one swift motion and groaned lowly. 18's breath caught in her throat.
Krillin placed his hands on either side of 18's torso and started thrusting into her hard and fast. They moved desperately and anxiously as 18 gripped onto his back digging his nails into the skin as her pleasure climbed.
She was one to make much noise but Krillin hit a spot inside of her that made her eyes roll to the back of her head and a cry rip from her throat. Krillin took the hint and hit the same spot again and again.
He felt her tightening as moved in and out and in out. 18's back arched and a she nearly screamed as the orgasm rushed through her body. Krillin groaned as he felt her pulsing against him and her body shook. He leaned his forehead against hers as he released himself into her.
The both trembled, their eyes clenched shut as they waited for the orgasm to subside.
Krillin flopped onto the sand beside 18 and let out a heavy breath. "What were we fighting about again?"
18 snorted. "Absolutely nothing. I'm an insecure idiot and I'm sorry."
Krillin turned his head towards her in surprise since 18 NEVER apologizes. He saw true regret in her eyes as she gently caressed the bruises on his torso. "I can never be mad at you 18," Krillin said. "Just next time...maybe go a little easier on your husband when you're beating the crap outta him."
18 cuddled into his side and kissed his jawline. "You held your own."
Krillin kissed her lips gently but within moments it started to get very heated. 18 stood up and put her clothes back on hastily. "Let's finish this inside before the old man and the pig see us."
Krillin snorted as he adjusted his clothes and followed her inside. "They probably already did."
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killuaisaprincess · 2 months
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