#Jon cozart fanfic
undercoverdrxco · 10 months
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I’d like to introduce my fanfiction tracker 🫶
top row is my dramione set, and the bottom row is some of my completed works from other fandoms from when I was anywhere between the ages of 13 to 23 :’)
I love love love this and wanted to share it! Top row can be found under undercoverdrxco on AO3 (including Party Juice) and bottom row under NickJonasLove on Wattpad!
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demented-dukey · 4 years
“Reasons Why I ~Shouldn’t~ Ship RemRom” Masterlist
(Companion to: "Reasons Why I Ship RemRom" Masterlist)
After a year of shipping RemRom, I think I’ve heard every argument against it. I decided to compile a masterlist so it’s easier to copy and paste a link the next time I hear the same argument for the zillionth time. (Obviously some of the reasons and explanations overlap, but I tried my best to keep them separated and organized. Am I missing a reason? Shoot me an ask and I’ll add it!)
Some apply to me personally, some do not, but I will use the terms “I/Me/We/Us” interchangeably:
“They’re brothers.” Some people ship brothers. Some people don’t consider them brothers, or purposefully make them unrelated in their fic.
“It’s Incest.” All the sides are part of Thomas, all ships are literally selfcest. “It’s CANON that they’re brothers.” Whether or not we agree with you on what is and isn’t canon, people are free to cherrypick what canon they use or discard at will. Fanfic does not have to be 100% canon compliant.
“It’s Gross/Disgusting/Icky.” Some people don’t think it’s gross. Other people like it because it’s gross. Most people agree that sardines are gross, but there’s still people who like them. Eating Bertie Bott's vomit-flavored jelly beans is gross, but it’s still “safe” because it doesn’t carry the same risks and repercussions that eating real vomit in Real Life does.
“It’s Wrong.” Lots of things are wrong - Murder. Violence. Abuse. Drugs. Etc. People still write about them, even in a “positive” light.
“It’s Illegal.” Wait, are you talking about incest in Fiction, or in Real Life? Because incest in Real Life is mostly illegal (I say “mostly” because the specific laws can vary in different places depending on gender and degree of relation), but writing about incest is not illegal. It’s important you know that there’s a difference between fiction and reality.
“Fiction influences Reality.” But fiction is not the same as reality, nor does it have a 1:1 direct influence. Things like the Scully Effect and the Jaws Effect don’t apply here - fanfiction doesn’t have the kind of mainstream or widespread influence that a prime time television show or a blockbuster movie does, and it comes with tags and trigger warnings that those kinds of media do not.
“Shipping RemRom means you support incest in real life.” No, it does not. Shipping is not activism, and enjoying incest in fiction does not mean we condone it in real life.
“Shipping RemRom means you don’t have any siblings, or that you want to bang your siblings.” No, it does not. Many shippers have siblings, and our relationships with our siblings are platonic - we have no desire to bang them. See again: There is a difference between fiction and reality.
“Children will read this and think incest is Okay.” Children should be taught by their caregivers and teachers/mentors to critically examine the media they consume. It is not a fanfiction author’s job to teach children morality - we assume whoever is reading our fics already knows “Incest is Wrong” and is willing to suspend their belief for the length of the fanfic.
“RemRom romanticizes incest.” I mean, I guess yeah? But you should know that going into it? Oxford defines “Romanticize” as “deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is.” - isn’t that what most fanfiction does anyways? Do you also complain that apple juice tastes like apples?  (Addendum 1: “Incest should not be Romanticized/Glorified.” Fiction is a safe space to explore taboo topics. It can be educational to see something “bad” (like abuse or incest) portrayed in a “good” light in fiction so that you can learn to recognize it and not get fooled by that kind of propaganda or situation in Real Life.)  (Addendum 2: What counts as "Romanticizing/Glorifying Incest” can be extremely subjective, and is not universal to all fic and shippers. There are shippers who don’t write Roman and Remus as brothers, so their fic is not romanticizing “incest”. There’s fic that portrays RemRom as abusive or destructive, or portrays a realistic reaction to the others finding out about the relationship, so that fic is not “romanticizing” incest. But people who accuse RemRom of “romanticizing incest” don’t really care about these distinctions, they just want to condemn/exclude all RemRom fanfic and shippers.)
“RemRom normalizes incest.” It really doesn’t. That’s why we use tags and trigger warnings, because we know it’s not normal and can trigger people. Incest shipping will always be a minor section of fandom, and allowing us to exist in fandom spaces does not mean we’ll ever be a majority or “normal”.
“RemRom is triggering.” People triggered by RemRom can block and filter the tags to avoid seeing it. (Addendum: “RemRom isn’t being tagged.” If a post isn’t tagged properly, OP needs to be contacted directly so they can fix their error. Posting generalizing statements about huge amounts of RemRom going untagged smells like slander, and I’d like some proof before I’ll believe any more claims of this.) 
“RemRom is harmful.” A fictional story in and of itself is not harmful. Any “harm” that it can cause stems from things like a lack of warnings (which is why tags and trigger warnings are important), a lack of personal responsibility (people who know they will get harmed not filtering it out or choosing to expose themselves to it despite warnings), a lack of morality/critical thinking skills (which it is assumed a reader has before entering into the fic), or a violation of the fic’s intended use (the “grooming” argument).
“RemRom can be used for grooming.” And a hammer can be used to bash someone’s skull in. That’s not its intended use, and taking away one tool will not stop a groomer from using another.
“Thomas hates RemRom/doesn’t want people to ship it.” I’ve seen a couple people spreading this rumor, but there’s never any proof. Pics or it didn’t happen. (Addendum 1: Does this mean I think Thomas ships it? No, I don’t think he does. Considering his Catholic upbringing, he probably doesn’t like it. But he’s never said anything about it.) (Addendum 2: Does this mean I want him to say something about it, or that I encourage people to ask him or Joan about it? HELL NO. Leave Thomas and Co out of this, it is not their place to weigh in on fandom drama.)
“Joan said they were brothers.” Joan said they were “conceptually” brothers, like Patton is a Dad or Logan is a Teacher. Joan also said that they were not biologically brothers.
“Roman and Remus consider themselves brothers.” Patton considers himself the father of the others, specifically Virgil and Thomas. If you can accept one ship, you can accept the other. (Addendum: It is a common trope of romcoms for the female love interest to say that the male lead is “like a brother to her”, only for them to romantically end up together by the end of the flick.) 
“Roman and Remus hate each other.” Feelings change. Roman didn’t like Virgil in the beginning either. Also, fic doesn’t have to be canon-compliant. Also also, “They hate each other” is the perfect foundation for tropes like “Enemies to Lovers”.
“RemRom is abusive because Remus knocked Roman out.” The sides are all imaginary, and Logan said that object impermanence renders him pretty unintimidating. Remus’s violence is as abusive and permanent as the violence in Saturday Morning Cartoons. Also, fic doesn’t have to be compliant to canon relationships.
“RemRom is disrespectful to Trauma Survivors.” No. Shipping fictional incest does not condone real-life incest, and there are Trauma Survivors who use proshipping to cope. (Addendum: “RemRom isn’t a good coping mechanism/Trauma survivors who proship are re-traumatizing themselves.” Falsehood. Therapists/counselors/etc. support proshipping as a coping mechanism. It’s not for everyone, but it can help people cope.)
“RemRom is disrespectful to Fictives and Kinnies.” No. My RemRom fic as no more to do with your Fictive than my Thomas/Jon Cozart RPS has to do with the actors themselves. It’s not about you, it’s about my version of this character. Also, there are Fictives and Kinnies who ship RemRom.
“Why can’t you ship any other pairing instead?” Because we like this pairing. Because this pairing has implications and themes that other pairings do not. If somebody is happily enjoying some durian fruit, you shouldn’t slap it out of their hand and demand, “Why can’t you just eat an apple instead?” (Addendum: Most people do ship other ships as well. But due to the wide practice of excluding/banning proshippers from large sections of Tumblr/Discord/etc., you won’t see your average Fander admit to also shipping RemRom on their main. This fandom shunning forces Fanders to set up secret RemRom-devoted sideblogs, which leads to a deceptive assumption that “RemRom shippers won’t talk about any other ship” without acknowledging that proshippers are often not allowed into other fandom spaces to talk about other ships because so many people refuse to interact with them.)
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just-anoth3r-n3rd · 3 years
I have a playlist I listen to when reading- normal and fanfics alike - completely randomised and each song is unrelated to each other.
‘Harry Potter in 99 seconds’ by Jon Cozart comes on while reading a Harry Potter Fanfic
I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard at a song ...
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
long post about tonight’s episode, in no particular order
I can’t believe the Kryptonian witches were part of this episode? that was very interesting. how was that pitched. who thought of that.
the alien bar finally has a name! or an official one, at least! and it looks different!
Brainiacs! Pirate Brainy! Punk Brainy! OG Legion Brainy! Meaghan Brainy! I love them!
the Brainy and Kara scene was more than I ever could have asked for and I am so grateful that it exists
I wonder if doppelganger Winn calls himself the Dollmaker? because I know it was used on Arrow, but Winn used it as a screenname in the Adventures of Supergirl comic and it’s canonically the alias of Toyman’s son (who actually appeared in a couple issues of one of the more recent Supergirl series, before the new 52 I believe)
speaking of, I cannot wait to see our Winn interact with new Brainy. or evil Winn, for that matter. I am ready for the Winndox, thank you very much.
what happened to Hope the AI? I feel like this was probably to accommodate Andrea Brooks, but we can still have the Kari Wahlgren-voiced tabletop robot, can’t we?
I know I didn’t want Lex/the Luthors to take over the show, but gosh dang it, Jon Cryer and Brenda Strong are such good actors and they really own their scenes, and so does Katie McGrath
poor Brainy hasn’t been allowed to be himself since he was 8? holy shit
I really hope he gets a chance to kind of take some time alone and explore what being himself means
also gosh I want to know everything about his parents aaaand I may incorporate this into my season 2 rewrite fanfic
I love that Meaghan Brainy was married to a woman! that was really cool. I know her wife was probably Coluan, but like. just gonna pretend it’s Kara, thanks. And she was very wise and gave some good advice.
also DIRECTOR OF THE DEO I’M SORRY THAT IS GREAT. I wasn’t expecting it at all but I love it so much
not going to pretend that all the roasting of prime!Brainy was completely unwarranted, it was probably exactly what he needed to hear, even if he wasn’t happy about it
eyebrows! blonde wig! green skin! new uniform! normal voice! Brainiac symbol on his uniform, as a tribute to his fallen alternate universe selves instead of his family members!
this is like. the broken inhibitor thing, but next level, my skin is clear my crops are flourishing, the sun is not shining because it’s night but I’m so happy
Nia was very good and I like that we got to see her as a superhero again! it’s been a while, I’m proud of her
we got like 2 seconds of Kelly but she looked very pretty, and I went back and checked, and Alex definitely mentioned her among the people who got their memories back
and right after Alex mentioned Kelly, Kara said “all the heroes who helped in Crisis” so I’m taking that as Kara considering Kelly a hero, which is incredibly sweet
also that Alex and J’onn conversation was short but I still enjoyed it, and I also liked J’onn pointedly using the word “honor”
this is kind of an interesting twist on the mind-wipe situation from last year, with J’onn keeping memories from people for their own safety, I dig it
Andrea and Gamemnae working together is interesting, looking forward to seeing where that goes
I didn’t recognize the lyrics of the song playing in the bar at first, because I only know that song from the Jon Cozart parody
world in a bottle! that was pretty rad, even if of course also it was Not Cool at the same time. But yeah maybe there’ll be a good solar system somewhere for it, like what happened to Kandor in the LOSH cartoon series
so, all the Brainys that we see in this episode, including Meaghan’s version, are named Querl?
that’s cool, although I really like @ithinkthingsaboutstuff​‘s idea that her name would be Trok’fde, which means “pulling loyalties”, which would’ve incorporated well with her thing of setting Brainy up to work with Lex because otherwise would be disastrous, even though the last thing Kara wants to do is work with Lex, and pulling him away from his friends and loved ones
was v. confused about the anti-life equation thing, unless it was co-opted by Brainiac in this universe because Darkseid is officially off limits until after the New Gods movie
“my/our Brainy” was very cute and I really enjoyed Kara and Alex’s reactions to the different Brainys
“insensitive” again, love it (especially because this episode was also co-written by one of the 3x10 writers)
I especially liked how flustered Kara was by the multiple Brainys, that was cute, as was how 60s Brainy (the one with the yellow boots and Legion belt) reacted to her
It was interesting how William’s backstory was changed, but some things about it (I.E. Russell’s death) still stayed the same, I’m looking forward to seeing him and Kara doing their own secret investigation
how is that truth seeker still around?
also obviously Jesse and Meaghan’s acting was so good and I can’t believe we got so much of it. This episode was so much. I’m so happy. the Rath siblings are so wonderful. thank you. goodnight.
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Jomas/Sandart - Eyes
Jomas is Jon Cozart and Thomas Sanders
I can’t feel, or, at least, that’s what they all say. They say this because I’m different. Yes, I know, I know, that’s all the cliché novels and movies, but they, they could never be as different as I am. In my world you can tell what everyone is thinking, all the time, every second of every day. Our their irises in their eyes change with the emotions that they feel. Red is anger, yellow is calm, blue is sad, and the secondary colors are emotions in between. Silver is complete elation, and black, well nobody’s eyes are black. That is, except for me. yes, my eyes don’t change, they stay black, all day, everyday. They never change, no matter how hard I try to feel, actually feel, I’ve even tried feeling sad, or happy, just nothing. And it’s not fair, it’s not fair. The other kids, they don’t know what it’s like, what it’s like to look like you feel nothing. But, I do feel things, I feel them the same as those kids. I cry when a movie is sad, I’m happy when it’s happy, I’m scared when something bad is about to happen.  I feel things like everybody else, if feel the way they stare at me, I feel the way they whisper about me behind my back, I feel the insults, the teasing, every taunt they throw at me, I feel it all the same.
They don’t think I can feel emotions, that’s why they say stuff, that’s why it hurts, because they think I can't fell what they’re doing to me, and they’re doing a whole lot.
I wake up, I go to school, I come home, I eat dinner, I go to sleep, a schedule I reinforce everyday to get up, and actually get up, to actually go through with this day, to actually stay here. It’s getting harder, though. Do you ever just not want to exist? Ever just want to stop? Want to just freeze everything? I want to stop, just stop, but I can’t, so I have routine, I have a system, a way to do everything just perfectly right, or else everything just shuts down. I need it this way. Everything needs to be in line, everything needs to be exactly like it was the day before, everything needs to go correctly, everything needs to be like it should be.
They can’t know how it feels, because they’re not different, at least, not in the way I am. Except one boy, his name, Thomas, his eyes always silver. No one knows if he’s always happy, or just like me. They assume that he’s always happy, he’s got a good life, he has good friends, people just naturally like him. His eyes, though, they’re not like everybody else’s silver, no they shine so much the stars look dull. They’re so silver, actual silver can't compare, I don't think anyone has noticed, because it’s weird to stare at someone’s eyes, but I’ve got a lot of free time (benefit of not having friends) and no one even notices me. Everyone else’s silver eyes, no that I've seen many people’s are kind of a dull gray, whereas Thomas’ shine like a diamond.
Sometimes at school Thomas glances over at me, like he wants to say something, but he never does. But who would want to talk to me, an emotionless monster? I wish I could gather up some courage to go and talk to him, but he’d probably just laugh at me with all his friends. Actually, Thomas isn’t like that, no, he’d be nice, but inside, inside would be a different matter. I know, so that’s why I don’t have friends, and I can’t make any. Plus they’d just interfere with my schedule. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep. Repeat. Over. And. Over. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep.  A. Continuous. Cycle. Wake up, go to school, come home, eat dinner, go to sleep. Again. And. Again.
But someday the cycle will stop. Someday I’ll be gone. Someday. Someday. Because, no one wants me here. My parents hate me. My teachers too. My peers. Everyone.
Sometimes I think I should just end it. I have no reason to keep going. So why? People tell me it will get better. But will it?
Blood. All I see is blood. There’s a lot of Blood. Red and sticky flowing down my arms. Down my legs. On the floor. Yes. No more continuous cycle. No more repeating. I can stop it now.
He’s not at school the next day. Or the next. Or the next. No one knows anything. They act like he never existed. They act like he was never even there. How? How can you just forget a whole person? I think I know what happened… But I don’t want it to have. I hope he moved on to a better place. Bot burdened by the idiots here. I hope he’s O.K.
I’m O.K. now, everything is good. There’s no schedule. There’s no strict thing that I need to follow. It does get better, just sometimes not in the way you think. Now, I’m not saying do what I did, just reach out to someone. It’ll help. You’ll be O.K.
If you’re feeling me come talk to me. Message or ask me I love you.
My Masterlist
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homosandhomies · 4 years
Thank you @grassberry639​ for tagging me!
10 songs meme
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. No skipping! (I’ll be skipping any artist that comes up twice because boring)
1. Bye Bye Bye / I Want It That Way - Glee Cast
2. After Ever After - Jon Cozart
3. Blue - Heathers the Musical
4. Morning Glow - Pippin (revival)
5. A Tight-Knit Family / Love Is Blind - Falsettos (revival)
6. LA Devotee - Panic! at the Disco
7. I’m In Love With My Car - Queen
8. Set Fire to the Rain - Adele
9. When There Was Me and You - High School Musical
10. We Love the Prince! - Spies Are Forever
Yeah... this explains a lot about me.
7 Albums Meme
Rules: Make an image HERE of your top 7 albums, just type in the name and select the alb. This can be too 7 of all time or this year or whatever you like.
This was so hard, and it changes every single second, so...
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check in meme
1. How has your day been?
It’s been... good? I went to play rehearsal and one of my scene partners didn’t show up because of hockey, so that pissed me off. Also, we open in a week and we AIN’T ready. So that’s terrifying. But my grandparents came over for dinner, so that’s fun.
2. What’s the last thing that made you smile?
Earlier tonight, my Grandma called Trump an asshole. I never hear her swear, so that was really funny.
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
Umbrella Academy, Hinny fanfiction (go follow displayheartcode on ao3!), YouTube. The usual.
4. If you’re in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation what do you hope to achieve in this time?
I'm not in isolation anymore, but I wanna finish writing a Sanders Sides fanfic I just started working on!
5. Post selfie, if you’re comfortable doing so:
Here's my forehead:
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phone images meme
1. Phone Background:
(It's Roger Taylor lol)
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2. Last Song:
We Love the Prince! - Spies Are Forever
3. Last Photo I Saved:
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@eggo-mini-pancakes @youneedjesus01 @itisokaytobesadsometimes @pro-choice-tortoise @slightlyobssesive @sandersstudies @gleeincorrectquotes @kfriedrice @kurthummeldeservesbetter @champeeen
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sleepywriter84 · 4 years
hey would anyone mind if i wrote oneshots and fanfic for Jon Cozart, i’m still gonna write for Andrew Siwicki, but I’m kind of feeling inspired to write something about Jon and I know there isn’t a lot of fanfic out there about him.
it wouldn’t be a ship kinda of thing but it would be most likely a x reader and just fluff because i adore writing fluff.
but yeah would anyone be interested in me writing a fanfic or oneshot about Jon Cozart? and does anyone have any requests?
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Warblers Headcanons because I’m gay
I know this is an incorrect quotes account but I’m gay and so is Blaine. Also I love the Warblers. Anyway-
-Blaine has known Nick and Jeff since he was three, meeting at a park at little Nick’s birthday party that was happening. He was interesting by the balloons and celebrating and managed to waddle away from his nanny who desperately ran after him. Jeff was another uninvited toddler that the boys met when they went on the little swings. Something just clicked in their weird little curious and outgoing 3-year-old minds and they became fast friends, much to the fear of the three families
-When Blaine got attacked at Sadie Hawkins, Nick and Jeff were furious and demanded the Andersons to transfer him to Dalton. They sat by his side when he was in a coma for two weeks and went to all his physical therapy sessions, subtly bringing Dalton Academy up to him as well. Blaine eventually agreed, and the Andersons were hesitant at the cost and the fact that their gay son would be surrounded by boys, but agreed nonetheless. When Nick and Jeff begged their own parents to let them go, it hardly took five minutes for the Duvals to agree just to shut him up (because God that boy will not shut up if he really wants something) but it took the Sterlings a day or so
-It was actually Trent who got the three of them to join, even though Blaine was quiet and Nick and Jeff were giving looks to everyone that said “touch him, I dare you, I fucking dare you”
-The boy, bless his soul, somehow knew that the three boys just needed to calm down and feel accepted, and what better way to do that than the Warblers?
-Also he was Nick’s roommate and decided “this boy can sing” after hearing him in the shower but that’s unrelated
-He didn’t plant drugs on him though he’s not Will Schuster
-Anyway: Y’all know the Warbler council is Thad, Wes, and David, right? Well, like most fanfics have, Wes is the stressed mom friend™. David, however, is the weird dad-type that’s like a child but also a protective parent. Thad is kinda a dumb bitch but he also knows all the tricks to get the Warblers to behave, more like the big brother/dad type 
-Everyone believes the Warblers are all sweet and polite, always behaving and super smart
-Hahaha, no
-These boys are a fucking mess
-They’re all children
-Wes cries on multiple occasions just thinking about going in and directing them, but he loves them very much
-He jokingly started calling them baby birds and so now they call him mama bird, and David is Big Bird, while Thad is just bird bitch 
-Jon Cozart apparently auditioned for Glee so in my mind he’s a Warbler named Chase Campbell because fuck you that’s why
-I might make a list of all the Warblers later because I named all of them and I love them a lot and also I’m a whore for the Warblers
-They all love bringing up the fact that Thad once got a -14 on an assignment in middle school (based on the fact that one of my friends actually got this grade but the teacher felt so bad for her that he just didn’t count it as a grade for her at all)
-They’re also really competitive? Like them playing Uno... sis better run
-One time they broke a chandelier 
-Wes has to constantly tell teachers they don’t need an adult, that he has them all perfectly handled. The teachers all believe him because, like everyone else, the boys act all sweet and innocent as if nothing happens 
-One time the Warbler council bought child leashes for the most troublesome Warblers
-Nick and Jeff are two of those Warblers
-They all talk about Pavarotti as if he’s a human child 
-One time Wes was asked why he’s so good with kids and he accidentally said “well I have eleven sons” and then went “I mean, friends. I’m the leader of my show choir group and they’re morons”
-Wes acts like he hates them but if they even fall down the stairs he goes full mother hen mode but just for the small injuries like a paper cut or something
-It’s funny cause he doesn’t bat an eye if one of them screaming in pain. He’s just like “suck it up bitch we have rehearsal”
-That poor Warbler needed a hospital
-All of them are really close friends
-Everyone kinds jokes that the Warblers are all polyamory and in one big relationship since they can be touchy feely with each other or jokingly say flirtatious things
-None of them confirm or deny this
-There is a spray bottle jokingly labelled “holy water” that the council uses when couples are being too romantic, whether they’re gay couples in Dalton walls or straight couples during weekend hangouts or something 
-One time Trent stole it from David, unscrewed it, and poured the whole thing on Nick and Jeff
-The thing about these morons is that if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them. If the gay Warblers are harassed for being gay, then all the other ones get pissed and gang up on the one who harassed them, using protective words and such. Luckily, Dalton is all about tolerance so there’s no harassment, but it’s when they’re at Sectionals or whatever and exploring the city, and they hear it that they get protective 
-They’re pure chaos, but around newbies they are calmer, tamer, sweeter. They want to make sure the newbie (usually called baby birds) feels loved, supported, and wanted because at Dalton, you never know why the boy’s there. Could be bad family, could be abandonment, or anything of the sort. So when Kurt was at Dalton for the few months, they weren’t as chaotic as they usually were, they only start being chaotic around newbies when he feels comfortable around them, initiating jokes himself. Kurt, despite how loved he felt in the Warblers, knew they weren’t for him and so they were never that chaotic around him
-They also had a mini funeral for Pavarotti, who obviously is affectionately nicknamed Pav and is remembered for Warbler history, all named after musicians 
-Speaking of, Pav’s story didn’t end with the one in the show, and it didn’t start there either. It’s been a tradition since the start of the Dalton Academy Warblers
-They all also like to refer to themselves as other bird names, and the rest of the school lovingly calls them “bird boys” so they take the title happily, loving it
-It’s more of a joke than anything, but they figure if they make fun of the “Warblers” name then if others do, it won’t hurt them
-“Ready to start, parakeets?” 
-“Okay, canaries, Regionals is soon, we need to practice!”
-“Alright robins, lets get this show on the road!” 
-“We can’t slack off! We’re the Dalton Academy Blue Jays!”
-“Hello Sectionals? This is the Hummingbirds calling to say WE FOUND OUR OPENING SONG!” 
-“Dalton Academy Swallows are very proud of their abilities.”
-“Owls are gonna win!”
-They have a group chat that changes names very often, but it’s always on mute because these boys never shut the fuck up oh my god
-They’re all walking memes I swear to god
-Most of them quote vines a lot and obviously the funny TikToks (like the ones from now, obviously because we’e gonna pretend it existed then)
-One time one of them said they’ve never seen any Marvel movies and four more threatened to leave the group then and there
-I have so many more but like this post is getting long and it’s only season 2 Warblers not even season 3 and up oh boy
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blackroseaki38 · 5 years
A Gay Disney Prince - A Musical Parody | Thomas Sanders feat. Jon Cozart
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aticklish · 5 years
YouTuber Tickle Headcanons
THIS IS ALL BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS AND I AM VERY AWARE THAT THIS INFORMATION IS PROBABLY FALSE! THIS IS ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF WRITING TICKLE FANFICS IN THE FUTURE! Markiplier - Obviously, Markiplier is the type of guy to hide that he’s ticklish from anyone and everyone. His worst spot is his armpits, as stated in pretty much every Septiplier tickle fanfic. He’s ticklish, but not extremely ticklish. You know, the average amount. Jacksepticeye - This freaking guy. He’s the most adorable little leprechaun. He is super ticklish! His worst spot is his right side, but his stomach and armpits are very ticklish as well. He’s much more ticklish than Mark. Ethan - Ethan is a lot like Jack. He’s way too ticklish for his own good. I imagine his worst spots are his ribs and feet. He’s absolutely adorable! Bob - Bob is pretty ticklish. More so than Mark, but less than Ethan and Jack. His worst spots are his stomach and feet. Wade - Wade isn’t that ticklish. He will laugh if you tickle him, but he’ll always get revenge that is ten times worse than whatever you did to him. His worst spot is his armpits, like Mark. Ssundee - I imagine Ian being about as ticklish as Mark. He will laugh that hearty laugh of his if he’s ticklish. His worst spots are his armpits and his feet. Crainer - Literally the most ticklish person you will ever meet. Even a small poke in the side will make him squeal and spaz out. He’s freaking adorable. A ten out of ten on the ticklishness scale, if you will. His worst spots are everywhere, the poor guy, but his worst spot is his ribs. Thea - I think Thea’s pretty ticklish, especially on her sides, but she’ll try to hide it for as long as she can. Usually not for very long. I think she’s about as ticklish as Bob. Her worst spots are her sides and feet. Ambrew - Andrew (Yes, his name is Andrew) is about as ticklish as Thea, but he’s able to hide it better. However, once he starts laughing, he can’t stop. I think he’s most ticklish on his knees and neck. Odd spots, but bad spots all the same. Captainsparklez - Jordan isn’t that ticklish. However, his armpits are his worst spot. He will definitely get revenge if you tickle him. He’s sort of like Wade, but a little more ticklish. ParkerGames - Parker is super ticklish, but nobody ever finds out because every time they mention tickling, he tickles them first. But if you do tickle him, he’ll laugh and probably flail around and stuff. His worst spots are his ribs and stomach. PrestonPlayz - Preston is really ticklish, especially on his hips. The Pack members often take advantage of this when they want something or when they’re bored. Definitely one of the most ticklish ones in the Pack. He actually doesn’t mind being tickled, though. MrWoofless - Rob is kind of ticklish, but mostly only under his arms. Surprisingly, he’s also ticklish on his knees, but nobody knows this except Preston, who sometimes threatens to tell the rest of the Pack, making Rob do whatever Preston wants at that moment. Lachlan - Oh my god. Lachlan is almost as ticklish as Crainer, which is...... a LOT. He’s ticklish everywhere except his feet, which is really weird, but it’s the way his body works. His worst spot would be his stomach. Vikkstar123 - Vikram is ticklish under his arms and on his feet, but anywhere in between isn’t that ticklish. His ribs, maybe, but nowhere else. He’s about as ticklish as Rob. BajanCanadian - Mitch is very ticklish, but not as much as Lachlan or Preston. He will scream if you tickle his feet because there are just so many nerves there, the poor guy. Everywhere else is just an average amount of ticklish. JeromeASF - Jerome is ticklish on his neck, which makes neck kissing very difficult, because he’ll squirm and giggle like a child. It’s adorable. He’s also ticklish on his sides, but not in many other places. Tickling him will definitely result in you getting tickled. Dan Howell - Dan is super ticklish on his neck, which is DEFINITELY his worst spot, and he’s WAY more ticklish than Phil. His ribs are super ticklish as well, and his stomach, and his feet. He’s adorable when tickled. He flails around and gets all flustered. It’s freaking cute! Phil Lester - Phil is adorable when he’s tickled, and his worst spot is his feet for sure. Anywhere else might just get a giggle. Besides his feet, his stomach is pretty bad. He’s not as ticklish as Dan, though. Roomieofficial - Roomie is EXTREMELY ticklish, especially on his sides and under his arms. He laughs really hard when he’s being tickled. It’s honestly adorable. Madilyn Bailey - Maddie will never admit it, but she has very ticklish ribs and feet. Her sides are pretty bad, too. She’s more ticklish than anyone at KHS! She’s super ticklish! Macy Kate - Macy will squeal and run away if she’s tickled or teased about tickling. Once you tickle her, her worst spot is her stomach, but her armpits and thighs are bad as well. She’s so cute when she’s tickled! She actually likes it, but she’s not quite as ticklish as Madilyn. Sam Tsui - You can try to tickle this angel as much as you want, but he’s just not ticklish. If you surprise him with a tickle attack under his arms, he’ll laugh, but nobody has succeeded in doing this, so they just assume he’s not ticklish. Probably for the best. He’ll get revenge if you tickle him. Thomas Sanders - This guy is so ticklish under his arms that he doesn’t know what the hell to do when he’s tickled there! He laughs a lot anyway, so people feel comfortable tickling him. He doesn’t mind being tickled, but his only really bad spot is under his arms. Jon Cozart - He is a little bit ticklish on his ribs, but that’s pretty much it. Unless, of course, you tickle his feet. Then, he’s done for! He’s less ticklish than Thomas Sanders, but his feet are definitely his worst spot.
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s-nebul0sa · 6 years
Tagged by @snowsong7664
Star sign: Cancer
Height: 167.5 cm (yes that 0.5 cm is important!)
first 5 songs when you hit shuffle on spotify:
What I Need (feat. Kehlani) - Hayley Kiyoko
Never Been in Love - Will Jay
I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) - Hercules
After Ever After 2 - Jon Cozart
September - Earth, Wind & Fire 
Ever had a song/poem written about you: I think I had a poem written for me, I don’t know if it was about me. What a bad person I am for forgetting stuff like this. I’m sorry.
The last time you played guitar: I don’t technically play guitar but my parents have one so I probably randomly plucked some strings months ago because I was bored and my mom took ages to get ready. I really only know the intro to one song and only because that’s the easiest ever.
Celeb crush: Katie McGrath, mainly. Also Olivia Wilde (way back when I watched House) and maybe some others but I don’t remember anymore so it probably wasn’t that important lol.
Love/hate sound: I’m not sure.
Hate sound: the beeping of my old kitchen scale. OMG. and nail biting (lol I’m a hypocrite because I do this myself)
Love sound: Rain when I’m inside. An orchestra tuning (really, this is better than some actual music)
Do you believe in ghosts: Not really
Aliens: Life outside of Earth? Yes. Do I think that life will fit our ‘rules’ of life? No. So I think we might never acknowledge other life because it doesn’t present like life we know of.
Do you drive: if I have to. I hate it so I’m glad I live in bike-country (and only have to drive when I’m at my parents who actually own a car)
Last book you read: So many fanfics but the last actual book I read a page in is probably (still, I know! I should set some time aside to finally dedicate myself to really reading it) Lies of Locke Lamore.
Do you love or hate the smell of gasoline? Sometimes I like it, sometimes I hate it.
Worst injury: Oof. I broke my thumb. I broke of a tiny splinter in my pinky (though the spraining in that finger and my ring- and middle finger was worse). I badly sprained my ankle once. Overextended my knee. I think I had a small concussion once from a ball hitting my head… I play volleyball, what more can I say. Oh maybe that one time I was super dumb and managed to cut my own finger so deep I hit a nerve that never repaired itself because it’s a nerve and they don’t do that when they don’t feel like it.
Current obsession: Supergirl and Supercorp duh and I started reading swanqueen fanfiction a while back. So I guess that…
Do you hold grudges: Usually not but now I’m holding onto a really big one and I am not willing to let go and forgive because I’m fucking bitter!
In a relationship: Nope
tagging anyone who wants because my tumblr is uncooperative and dreadfully slow
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sorry-i-spaced · 2 years
what's on YOUR mind?
What's on my mind? 4 things really:
1. I'm thinking about the One Chicago fanfics Ive read
2. I have After ever After (the Jon Cozart paint Disney parody) song stuck in my head
3. I'm thinking about conversations I've had today and how I handled them
4. I'm thinking about how I need to remember to make ice tonight so I can make ice coffee tomorrow morning
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lattelesbean003 · 4 years
Quarantine Q&A
I was tagged by @trees-and-sky. Thank you! :DD
Are you staying home from work/school?
I am! I’m not an essential service, so my boss is letting me stay home. I’m a bit bummed because I wanted to get some more savings over spring break, but obviously flattening the curve is more important. :)
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
My parents and my dog.
Are you a homebody?
Oh yeah. I love staying at home. The quarantine hasn’t really negatively affected me yet. I’m not bored, or lonely. I do miss buying junk food though. My mum only buys healthy things.
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
I rewatched Now You See Me, and Bridge to Terabithia. As for shows, I haven’t really been watching Netflix a lot. I have started watching 8-BitRyan though, and basically most Subnautica lets plays. I’m also rewatching Detroit: Become Human lets plays. Oh, and I binged all of the Mo Dao Zu Shi anime in a single day. Not my most productive moment lmao. (The anime is all on YouTube with English subtitles if any of y’all wanna watch it.)
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
I was gonna go to Comic Con, but it was cancelled. Also a circus show in May. :(
What music are you listening to?
The only new music I’ve discovered is Jon Cozart’s After Ever After songs. I’ve also started listening to circus music again. I have a playlist on Spotify called singalong that has all my favorite music. 
What are you reading?
Mostly wangxian fanfic lol. @trees-and-sky got me into Mo Dao Zu Shi at the best time so I’ve got lots of content to catch up on. I’m also reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell. (And I eventually plan to read the novel for MDZS.)
What are you doing for self-care?
Uhh, not doing great tbh lol. I keep forgetting to eat cause school was my entire structure for the day. I’m practicing a lot self-hygiene though lmao. 
Tagging: Eve already tagged all my friends.
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pencils-create · 7 years
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Mark Tuan from GOT7 completed via stippling methods ( which means dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dot after dor after dot after dot after dot...) . I UPLOADED MY FIRST EVER ORIGINAL SONG DEMO (ITS A MIX OF ENG AND KOREAN) ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL TODAY YAY ME AND WROTE AND COMPOSED ANOTHER ONE COS I WAS IN THE MOOD . Instagram: pencils_create Twitter: pencils_create Wattpad: pencils_create ( currently writing a Jon Cozart and Dodie Clark fanfic, inclusive of themes like conversion therapy and homosexuality, if you're curious) Facebook: pencilskreate Youtube: pencils_create
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divine-tumblweed · 7 years
Sander Side Fanfic request:
Is there a fic where Thomas goes on a date with Jon Cozart and the sides are in his head trying to help but nearly lead him to a break down but it's all internal and Jons trying to figure out whats happening because I think it’d be funny to see Jon’s reactions to his friend/date internally freaking out because his sides are trying to help and anxiety’s being a little shit.
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the-unholy-trinitea · 6 years
I wish life was a fucking fairytale
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Dear diary, Another year, another fucking reason to be hated. So today I snitched cuz I was jealous of Princess Brea and I went over to our retiring resident teacher and told him about the mural she was dedicating to him- indirectly of course.
Of course Sir Spector looked at me sideways which wasn't any different cuz he hated me anyways and was always calling me the worst villain (and other shit).
The point is I've been at Villainess Academy for about 5 years and I'm trying to get in Princess Status this year which is a huge honor. My lady in waiting is on Princess Status and she was moved to Dorm D. Now, I'm stuck in Dorm S with everyone I've made mistakes with and screwed over IN RESPONSE to THEIR TAUNTS.
Anyway... today our resident teacher retired and I was very close to him as he taught to manage and use my unicorn horn's magic for good instead of bad. In the process we bonded and became supportive of each other. I cried as I hugged him goodbye and my tears caused a storm that resulted in a lockdown. I felt terrible but he told me he'd be with me in spirit and left through a portal.
My mother, a mermaid, is on vacation in Hawaii swimming with her mersisters and taking my brother to college. I feel kind of alone after the events of today and it's even worse now that Eric, James, and Gillian are creating a Villain Gang without me.
So much to live up to but there is so little time. I'll show everyone I'm ready to be a Princess and my Villain days are over.
Right after my sister gets home from The Dungeon (Boarding School).
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