#Jim Mason Imagine
7-wonders · 2 years
m a s t e r l i s t
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Adrian hates horror movies
Every Time We Touch–Adrian’s not a fan of having people touch him. The more that he gets to know you, the more that he warms up to the idea of people, namely you, crossing that boundary.
(Or, Five times you touched Adrian Chase and he realized he might not be touch-averse, and one time where he said “fuck it” and touched you first.)
Right Where You Want Me–You probably should have told Adrian that you know how to shoot a gun the second that he revealed he was going to teach you. But you can’t deny that having Vigilante with his arms wrapped around you to help you hold the gun is tantalizing.
The 11th Street Kids Go Undercover–On a mission to stop the formula for creating metahumans from falling into the hands of Lexcorp, you and Adrian are paired up. A fake date with the guy that you have a crush on is surely just another day at the office.
The Betrayal–You find out the truth about what happened to your brother, Rick Flag, at the worst possible time.
The Good Kind of Butterflies–Adrian realizes he has a crush on you. He doesn’t take it well.
Unexpected Guests–Adrian tries to keep his work life separate from his personal life. Until one day when his work life literally shows up at his front door.
Who Helps the Helpers?–When you come down with a nasty cold, help comes to you in the most unlikely of forms. Though it’s not who you were expecting, you certainly can’t say it’s unwelcome.
Find headcanons and other musings under the Adrian Chase x Reader and Vigilante x Reader tags!
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Kiss of Fire–You only want what’s best for Jim, and that includes staying clean of drugs. Jim, who’s been bottling up his true feelings for so long, finally snaps after he finds out you flushed his stash. 
Half of My Heart–Jim was supposed to be better now. After his psychotic break, you and Medina had made sure that it was impossible for him to slip back into his old habits. But the morning comes, and so does the realization that he’s been lying to both of you. 
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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes–Life has never been the kindest to you, and you've come to expect only the worst from it. But when a golden-eyed stranger shows up at your place of work and promises you that all your dreams will come true if you just trust them, how are you to say no? Get ready—a ball in the Dreaming awaits.
Christmas Traditions
Fatherhood–You're a single parent, and you (and your daughter) meet Morpheus
Give Me Everything You've Got–After a fight, you learn that Morpheus does not have the best coping skills. Like, at all.
Hopes, Dreams, and Everything In Between–Just when Morpheus finally escapes capture at the hands of the Burgess lineage and begins to make his way back to his realm, his weak connection to his power disappears completely. Left stranded in a world with no knowledge of what has transpired for over a century, no powers, and no clothes, Dream of the Endless must let down his guard and place his trust in a human whose path he was quite literally dropped in the middle of.
Jealousy, Jealousy–It's your turn to get jealous.
Kiss With a Fist–Normally, Dream is above mortals and their petty quarrels, but when one decides that he wants to play with fire, Dream is more than prepared to burn him. That is, until you have something to say about it.
Morpheus Does Not Understand Millennial/Gen-Z Humor
Morpheus gets jealous
Of Jack-o'-Lanterns and Misperceptions–You carve pumpkins with two of Dream's sisters in the Dreaming!
Our Very Own Greek Tragedy Pt. 1 | Pt. 2–You love Morpheus, and Morpheus loves you. You're the happiest that you've ever been in your life, and your love's intention to propose to you is just the icing on top of the cake.
Too bad you don't remember any of this when you wake up.
Shopping Spree–You go shopping and have a little fashion show for Morpheus.
Sick Day–You're sick, and the absolute last thing that you want is for an overprotective King of Dreams to find out. Of course, you should know by now that it's impossible to keep anything from Morpheus, and when it comes to you, there's nothing that he won't do to make sure that you're safe and well.
The Mixup–Matthew goes sticking his beak in places it shouldn't be, and finds what he believes to be some shocking news.
The Nightmare–Your daughter has a nightmare, and Morpheus is the one to soothe her.
To the world we dream about (and the one we live in now)–Being in the right place at the right time turns everything you thought you knew on its head when a woman, imprisoned and battered, is literally thrown into your life. Left with no choice but to do the obvious, you offer her shelter and support in her time of need.
Unbeknownst to you, said woman is a powerful and ancient being who now belongs to you in accordance with the old laws. This situation definitely won’t become complicated, right?
You get your period
You're extremely stressed out
Find headcanons and other musings under the Dream of the Endless x Reader and Morpheus x Reader tags!
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Truth or Dare–A oneshot of Xavier being dared to play Seven Minutes in Heaven, and you’re the one that the group chooses to go with him.
Still Lovin’ You–You’re smoking weed with Xavier in the back of the infamous Vanta-C when things get a little steamy.
Shot Through the Heart–Being a ghost, you could handle. Your boyfriend killing people? Not so much.
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)–After two years, Xavier returns to the spot where he nearly lost his life…and where you did.
Cum On Feel the Noize–Xavier has ideas on how to spice up your boring shift.
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Captured with Sith!Anakin
I'll Follow You (Into the Dark)–You’re forced to team up with Darth Vader to escape from Hondo Ohnaka and his gang. Needing shelter for your weary selves after making it to civilization, you book the last room at an inn. There’s just one problem—there’s only one bed.
Just the Two of Us–Anakin finally returns to you, and neither of you can wait for a better time or place to truly reunite.
Rebel finds out Sith!Anakin hates sand
The Force and Its Tragedies–Joining the Rebel Alliance was always going to be a risk to your life and safety. But never did you think that you would end up in the clutches of the evil that you have been fighting to take down. And never did you think that you would reveal your biggest secret to said evil.
masterlist updated 7/18/2023
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austinstyles · 7 months
can i request a lil cute thing with jim mason where you’re paired up with him for a school project and you’re both nervous bc you like each other? and maybe a lil kissie somewhere? 🥺🥺🩷🩷
Hey anon thanks for your request. And I definitely love your idea. And I hope you enjoy what I came up with inspired by your request. Also disclaimer I have not seen this movie. But I have seen clips from it online. And I am definitely going to be watching his movie. But I definitely love the idea of writing this sort of fanfics. And Thai fanfic might be short fanfic for some people.
Jim Mason x reader
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Summary: You and Jim are partners for a project at school. And they like each other.
Warning: small amounts of kissing, and spelling mistakes. Tell me if I miss anything.
Y/n pov
(at the Library after school)
I was sitting with Jim Mason one of my classmates working on our project for history class. Actually I am nervous of working on this project with Jim, because I have a crush on this cute guy. Actually this crush has been going on for a while. And now we are partners on a history project.
And I can just get lost in his beautiful blue eyes, it is like looking at a beautiful blue ocean.
I just wish I could know if he feels the same for me. And maybe we can start a relationship together.
Jim pov
I can’t believe that for my history project I get to work with my crush. This is exciting, but I am so nervous of making a full of myself in front of her.
And maybe today can be the day I tell her how I feel. Y/n has an amazing laugh, and I love the way y/n eyes shine in sunlight.
I could never get enough of this amazing person. And i hope that maybe we both have the same feelings for each other.
“ hey y/n, I wanted to tell you something. Do you think we can take a break form this project?” I asked while I put close my history book for a moment.
“ yes Jim. And we should totally take a break.” Y/n said while she also closed her book.
“ Y/n I have feelings for you, like romantic feelings for you. And I hope you fell the same.” I said as my eyes look right at her. My heart is betting out of my chest.
“Jim I feel exactly the same way about you. And I have been for some time. I am so happy you fell the same.”
Y/n just told me she feels the same way. I can’t believe it. I feel my happiness is skyrocketing.
Y/n pov
Me and Jim have feelings for each other . I can’t believe this is happening. All I want to do is jump up and down form happiness. And I want to know what its like to kiss this guy in front of me.
My head is leaning more into Jim’s head, my lips are moving towards his lips. And his lips are moving towards my lips.
When we kissed I can feel sparks flying and this is so magical.
I just can’t believe this is happening. Omg, and can’t believe we have the same feelings for each other. And I am so happy to know we feel the same.
And know we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I asked him to be my boyfriend.
This is one of the best days of my life.
Tag list (Cody Fern fanfics): @morby
Thanks for reading. I hope everyone enjoy this. And also it is my first fanfic for Jim Mason. And I am excited to write more. Also sorry this fanfic is a bit short for some people.
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emmyrosee · 1 year
Jim Mason
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Can’t Sleep (Fluff)
Baby Boy (Fluff)
Beauty Is Pain (Fluff)
Playful (Fluff)
Love Regardless (Fluff)
Night Terrors (Angst)
Sober Up (Fluff)
Pick Him Up
  When He Falls
Stood Up
Accidental Proposal
Solve My Problems
Being Playful
Craving Comfort
NSFW Content. Reader Discretion Advised. Minors DNI
The Jim Mason Experience. 
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daresplaining · 3 months
Mattea Murdock, the Daredevil Drummer of Philly
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In celebration of the forthcoming new Spider-Punk: Arms Race series (not to mention Hobie stealing scenes in "Across the Spider-Verse" last year), I wanted to finally write up my long-overdue overview post on Mattea Murdock! If you haven't read her introductory run yet, check it out here.
Mattea truly stands on her own in the wide canon of alternate universe DDs. She is a female Daredevil, she is Latina, and she somehow managed to escape Marvel's NYC gravity and base herself in Philadelphia, where she defends its citizens from violence and exploitation. Hobie and his self-styled Spider-Band encounter her in Spider-Punk (2022) #3, when they make a detour to fix the busted Spider-Van. They are all immediately-- and correctly-- impressed.
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Mattea: "Yo, Kam!" Hobie: "Wait, you know each other?!" Kamala: "Duh! You think I wouldn't know the Daredevil Drummer of Philly?" Hobie: "You're a drummer too?" Mattea: "Best in town." Hobie: "Oh man, my friend Gwen is a pretty dope drummer too. I think y'all would definitely get along." Mattea: "Hope they're ready to get outplayed by a pretty, blind girl." Spider-Punk vol. 1 #3 by Cody Ziglar, Justin Mason, Jim Charalampidis, and Travis Lanham
I talked a little about her killer character/costume design when she was first introduced (I was a fool; of course she's blind), and my love for her look has only grown. It's badass, distinctive, and it slots her beautifully into Hobie's punk rock world while still evoking that trademark Daredevil image (red, sticks, pointy bits...). Her irises are red, which is a visual choice I enjoy in more heightened, fantastical DD stories/art styles, and I think it works for Mattea. Heck, I could even imagine them being colored contact lenses she's chosen to wear for the aesthetic. Also, one detail that wasn't in the previews is the fun little laughing devil face on the back of her jacket (I'm not punk rock enough to get the reference if it is one, but it reminds me of Darkdevil):
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Of course, always a big priority for me is Daredevil's power-set, and Mattea provides a quick primer on her unique perspective, mostly focused on hearing and the radar sense:
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Mattea: "What? You think just 'cause I'm a blind girl, I can't see? Echolocation, my abuelas used to call it. But it's more intimate. Instinctual. Can hear a kick drum from ten blocks away. Can see it too. If I think hard enough, I can even see what the garage it's being played in looks like." Hobie: "Yo, are you doing it right now?" Riri: "She's definitely doing it right now."
This is not my favorite description of Daredevil's powers, nor-- to be honest-- a particularly informative one. She can gather spatial information through walls...from ten blocks away? I also never love an overuse of visual language in any explanation of these powers, especially as it's implied that Mattea, like Matt, is completely blind. Surprisingly, no direct mention is made here of the hypersenses as a whole, beyond the reference to hearing a kick drum from ten blocks away. Even her hearing doesn't receive that much attention in the story overall, which feels like a missed opportunity for such a musical character. Her blindness, too, is pretty much irrelevant to the story, and never comes up again. But I do LOVE that she uses the term "echolocation", though is still very clearly the radar sense, in all its vague, undefined, semi-magic glory.
And visually? This is great. I'm always a fan of the cross-hatching visual, especially against a black background, and artist Justin Mason doesn't go too overboard on the detail, which is another preference of mine. And thematically, I love the ways in which Mattea's drummer identity is tied into her superheroics-- not just for laying a beatdown on bad guys, but also for channelling and enhancing her echolocation/radar sense. One of my favorite scenes in the comic is when she plays a drum solo on a roof edge to scope out the Kingpin's lair. I'm willing, in that moment, to ignore any gripes about radar sense irregularities out of respect for the coolness and thematic heft of the concept. I mean, this rocks:
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Mattea: "Come on, show me the good stuff."
At the end of the day, though, this is not a Daredevil comic and Mattea is not the main character. Plus, it's only five issues long, and introduces a bunch of other new characters as well. There was only ever going to be room for the creative team to offer a cursory introduction, hopefully generating enough interest to prompt these characters to appear again in other comics. In that, I think they fully succeeded with Mattea; we get a cursory sense of her powers (or at least, enough to show that they're the normal DD set), her personality (delightfully cocky, playful, tough, fearless), a few hints of her backstory, and some truly kickass fight scenes. There's a bit of suspension of disbelief required to believe she can use drumsticks as a stand-in for billy clubs (unless her drumsticks are made of something really hefty-- and hey, maybe they are), but this is Spider-Punk. Hobie killed Norman Osborn with a guitar--twice. It's not about realism, it's about style.
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Mattea: "Been waiting for this for a long time, Fisk. Real long time." Fisk: "I'm going to break you, li'l girl--AWGGH!" Mattea: "Big, strong man who sends out his band of wackos to push over people too weak to fight back." Fisk: "Wouldn't get too cocky, girlie...you're not the only one who's fast! I'm gonna hurt ya. A lot. Then I'm gonna kill ya. And I'm gonna love every second of it. You know, this is the same look you had when I had your old band clapped a few years back. I like it. Brings out your eyes--GAAAH!" Mattea: "There's something you need to understand about me, papi. I'm not the kinda girl who goes down without a fight."
I can't wait to see more of Mattea and learn more about her, her world, her friends, and her enemies. In particular, she seems to have a history (possibly romantic?) with this world's Kamala Khan, and I would love to see more of that relationship. While Mattea Murdock clearly has a lot in common with Matt Murdock, she also seems happy to be a team player, unlike Matt, and I really enjoy that. Though I guess it's not that surprising a distinction. After all, every drummer needs a band.
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hockybish · 6 months
the lake house later that summer when Lola didn't show up for their weekend at the house and she had stopped responding to both he and Luke.
she didn’t respond to them because she was in a different state,not california and not Michigan
sort of. instead of going to Michigan after the season, she spent a week or so in Arizona with Matty and then moved on to see someone else (im sure who yet) and then went to Mason and stayed with him for a while
at this time she doesn't know why Jack did what he did, so she is going through with cutting him out of her life and by association the rest of her family. she did talk with her parents (mainly Jim) up until she didn't show up
the boys thought her non-contact thing was because they were all getting busy with playoffs and not because she was planning on leaving.
but can you imagine when she didn't show up at the airport and luke is freaking out because where is she and then they have to tell their parents she's missing?
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papichulo-com · 3 months
Since we don't have any representations for the Covey's vocals other than Lucy Gray (Rachel Zegler) and Maude Ivory (Josie Hope Hall), here's what I think each Covey member sounds like.
I imagine Barb Azure sounding a little like Cass Elliot from The Mamas and The Papas. Nice, rich alto voice that's like borderline mezzo. Doesn't use vibrato much. Very simple but beautiful and classy.
Tam Amber, we kiiindaaaa know what he sorta sounds like from the beginning of "Nothin' You Can Take From Me", BUTTTT the singer isn't credited so imma create my own. I think he's a bass. Honestly, I can't think of a male singer who I can compare the voice that I have of him in my head. But I will say it's fairly similar to the one we do hear of him. The best way I can describe the way I hear is voice is light, soft, deep, and soulful. So...do what you will with that info lol.
Clerk Carmine I can see sounding like Mason Ramsey (yes the Walmart yodeling kid, shhh, his voice matured, people). A nice rasp to his voice ofc with that. I think he's a tenor all the way. (Listen to "Blue Over You" by Mason Ramsey and you'll see what I'm talking abt).
And now last and very much least, I think Billy Taupe is a baritone. Probably sounds something like Jim Morrison from The Doors. I'm sorry, don't ask me why. I don't wanna do good 'ol Jimbo the Lizard King like that, but...idk how else to explain his voice. Just imagine if Jim Morrison were a folk/country singer and...you'll have Billy. Womp womp. (Think "Riders on the Storm" but...a lot more bluegrassy 😭). But it's okay guys, cus that janky accordion of his drowns out most of his vocals >;)
That is all, thank you <3
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Is this a good time to ask for Mississippi headcanons? Btw are his eyes white as a style choice or do you actually headcanon they're white?
Oh yeah, it’s fine! It’s more from my Team Spirit AU and to add some cool contrast, as well as an excuse to make Mississippi look cool and to make his eye visible.
Mississippi Headcanons
Mississippi’s State Spirit is a white magnolia flower crown. When his emotions become more intense, more white flowers and branches begin growing from various parts of his body. [#FAF8F2]
Mississippi’s state flower is the southern magnolia, and one of its nicknames is the Magnolia State. 
Mississippi’s fake human name is Mason-Fisher Stephen Patterson.
Mississippi is a looong name for a state. So his fake human name is long too. Many S sounds. He often drops the F in his monogram, so it’d be MPS.
Is really good at ballet, and he likes it quite a lot. As such his body is very flexible and nimble. 
Based on how Jackson, Mississippi is sanctioned to hold the USA International Ballet Competition, only one of four cities.
And if you know anything about male ballet dancers, man’s is jacked.
Although, he’s still quite chubby in the middle no matter how much he works out. Having the highest obesity rate in the country isn’t doing him any favors in that regard. ‘Sippi’s pretty fine with how he looks though.
‘Sippi has a small scrapbook filled with photos and autographs from all the celebrities that were born in his state. He’s got pretty fun stories if you ask.
Mississippi often plays blues music on his slide guitar, especially when he’s feeling down. He’s a very talented musician owing to all the legendary musicians that came from him and the state’s claim of being the Birthplace of America’s Music. 
Mississippi is the birthplace of American blues music starting out as delta blues in its earliest version.
When he’s drunk, he’ll start playing and singing dirty blues songs.
He has an old and worn teddy bear on his bed. Her name is Maggie, and he talks to her when he’s feeling down and doesn’t want to deal with the reactions of other people. Her make is more like older versions of teddy bears with a squarer head, longer snout, and longer limbs.
The hunting trip incident where Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a black bear that was trapped for him happened in Mississippi. That incident inspired the teddy bear, and it’s also the official state toy.
The first teddy bears were made in Brooklyn, New York and Germany around the same time in 1902. The two makers had no relation to each other, although candy shop owner Morris Michtom in New York was the one who was inspired by the story.
Can do a perfect Kermit the Frog impression, and he has the puppet for it too. He can do a lot of various voice impressions, and he also has a light interest in puppets.
Jim Henson, the creator of the Muppets, was born in Mississippi.
At this point I might as well just make Mississippi a big plushie enthusiast. He’s the type of guy to have a large pile of a single kind of plushie like for Pikachus, Kirbys, Garfields, etc. But, his hoard is just for catfish plushies (plus one Whiscash). Whether realistic or cutified, or mass produced or handmade, he is enthusiastically collecting them all.
Belzoni, Mississippi is the Catfish Capital of the World. The state is also first in catfish production.
‘Sippi always feels slightly guilty for a moment when he returns to his room after a good meal of fried catfish and sees all his catfish plushies staring at him.
I’m imagining a scene where Mississippi’s room gets barged into by some Southern states (presumably to find something), with ‘Sippi already taking the precaution of stuffing all his catfish in his closet before his colleagues find out about this “unmanly” hobby of his. Cue his closet comedically exploding with catfish plushies when one of the states inevitably opens the door.
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starbabyg · 1 year
Who I write for;
Just to let anyone who wants to request any imagines and such, and for my masterlist here’s a list of who I write for. [You can always ask me to write for anyone who isn’t on this list, these are just my faves and people I really wanna write for].
Nhl Boys
Jack Hughes [New Jersey Devils]
Juraj Slafkovsky [Montreal Canadiens]
Mitch Marner [Toronto Maple Leafs]
Thomas Bordeleau [San Jose Sharks]
Quinn Hughes [Vancouver Canucks]
Luke’s Hughes [UMich]
Nico Hischier [New Jersey Devils]
Trevor Zegras [Anaheim Ducks]
Cody Fern
Timothee Chalamet
Evan Peters
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Finn Wolfhard
Jacob Elordi
Tom Holland
Jesse Rutherford
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Gucci Mane
A$ap Rocky
Young Slo Be
EBK Bckdoe
Pimp Tobi
Tay K
NBA Youngboy
Travis Scott
Roddy Rich
G Herbo
Shootergang Jojo
A Boogie
Method Man
Ol Dirty Bastard
Television Characters
Carl Gallagher [Shameless]
Lip Gallagher [Shameless]
Gallavich [Shameless]
Ason Unique [Wutang Saga]
Bobby Diggs [Wutang Saga]
Shotgun/Method Man [Wutang Saga]
Dennis Cole/DLover [Wutang Saga]
Sha/Raekwon [Wutang Saga]
Divine Diggs [Wutang Saga]
Mike Wheeler [Stranger Things]
Michael Langdon [American Horror Story]
Xavier Plympton [American Horror Story]
Duncan Shepherd [House of Cards]
Movie Characters
Jim Mason [Tribes of Palos Verdes]
Tangerine [Bullet Train]
Dave Lizewski/Kick Ass [Kick Ass]
Nick Sheff [Beautiful Boy]
Kyle Scheible [Lady Bird]
Prince Hal [The King]
Peter Parker [Spiderman] (Both Tom and Andrew version)
Richie Tozier [IT]
Katsuki Bakugou [My Hero]
Shoto Todoroki [My Hero]
Izuku Midoriya [My Hero]
Eijiro Kirishima [My Hero]
Denki Kaminari [My Hero]
Hitoshi Shinso [My Hero]
Soma Yukihira [Food Wars]
Death The Kid [Soul Eater]
Soul Eater Evans [Soul Eater]
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syntheticfoxfire · 2 years
jim mason + “you look miserable” - “the outside finally matches the inside”, angst
Sun was warm on your skin, hot in fact. At least the ocean stayed cool no matter how scorching the bright star made the Earth. Smiling, you kicked your feet underwater as you leaned back on your surf. You always loved the ocean. There was something about it that just drew you close, so dangerously close that you wouldn’t even mind drowning if it meant you understood some of its mysteries. One of them being a certain boy you were watching from the corner of your eye since you got into the water. He was currently riding a wave, distant look in his eyes as he watched the cliff above. Jim was… nice. It was fun to be around him, he was kind, but also mischievous. Not to mention handsome. He loved surfing and his sister was just as good a person once you got to know her. You grew close to them both, although you didn’t know the girl too much as she mostly kept to herself. Jim on the other hand was your close friend and you couldn’t help but worry about him.
Lately something felt off. He was still cracking jokes around your group of friends, still acting like the same good ol’ Jim… yet you felt in your gut that something was wrong. His smile didn’t reach his eyes and it was like he was slowly becoming more and more numb to the world around him with each passing day. And you absolutely hated it. “Hey.” A voice rang through the air and you jumped, violently dragged from your thoughts. You turned to its owner and smiled seeing it was the boy occupying your mind. “Hey,” you greeted back and he gave a smile of his own. That fake, fabricated smile you hated so much. At least now he was close enough for you to look at him without being constantly interrupted by your friends. He was sitting in pretty much the same position as you, but where you were relaxed, he was tense. As if he was expecting something bad to happen any second. He had dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t slept well for some time – or was it that shit boys sometimes gave him? Just the thought made your stomach churn. “What?” He asked, playfully raising a brow at you noticing your inspection of him. Oh how you wished you could tune in on that tone. “You look miserable,” you stated matter-of-factly. Your eyes met and you held his gaze. It was unsure, taken aback even. You imagined the gears grinding in his brain. Then he chuckled humorlessly in defeat, a sigh escaping his lips. “The outside finally matches the inside.” He bit his lip, turning away from you. Before you thought about the consequences, you reached out and grabbed his hand. He turned back and you could see a single tear running down his cheek. “That’s not okay,” you said simply. “Wanna talk about it?” He lowered his eyes to where your hand rested over it, then they flicked to your group. “Maybe somewhere else?” He half-guessed and you could see he wasn’t sure about the idea. “I’d love to but I get it if it’s too personal or whatever,” you shrugged with a smile and meant to fold your hand back in your lap but his other hand gently pulled it back, trapping it in place. You gave him a curious look. “No, I mean,” he sighed, swallowing thickly, “Are you free tonight? Medina’s gonna be out and I don’t want to be alone.” He admitted and you gave him a sympathetic smile. “Sure, just say the place and time and I’ll be there,” you promised, squeezing his hand a bit. He seemed to appreciate the gesture, squeezing back. “Will you stay like this if I let go now?” He whispered so quietly you nearly didn’t hear him through the waves crashing against shore. You followed his gaze to your hands and your heart skipped a beat. “I will.” The words left your mouth before you even realized it. He carefully took his hand off yours as he let your fingers lace together. Your eyes met again and he smiled before turning his head to look at the ocean in front of you. You had to bite your lip to stop yourself from giggling. This smile of his was genuine.
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historicsaranaclake · 6 months
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Dear friends,
With seasons greetings, I am sending along this essay, inspired by a favorite holiday movie. Many friends shared their memories to help me write this back in 2020 -- Chris Brescia, Jan Dudones, Jim Griebsch, Bunk Griffin, Howard Riley, Jim and Keela Rogers, and our dear friend, Natalie Leduc, who, on December 8, 2020 came to the end of her truly wonderful life. We still miss her.
Best wishes from all of us at Historic Saranac Lake.
Amy Catania
It's a Wonderful Life, Tony Anderson by Amy Catania
"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole.” — It’s a Wonderful Life, 1946
This is a good time of year to watch It’s a Wonderful Life. Bedford Falls brings to mind Saranac Lake, and George Bailey reminds us of the wonderful lives of Saranac Lakers from the past like Alton “Tony” Anderson.
Tony Anderson fell ill with tuberculosis while working as a toolmaker in Southington, Connecticut. As a member of the Masons, he received financial help to come to Saranac Lake for treatment in 1919.
“I came here to die,” Tony used to say. Facing death, Tony received a gift, a chance to imagine the world without him. He made his home here and dedicated his life to giving back. He served as village mayor for nine terms. He worked as a volunteer ambulance driver and a plane spotter on top of the Hotel Saranac during the war. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Elks Club, the Rotary, the Boat and Waterway Club, the hospital board, and the blood bank.
Each afternoon, Tony went home to his modest house on South Hope Street and sat on his porch in a cure chair. “Best seat in the house,” he called it. After his afternoon rest, he would go back to the theater for the shows.
Saranac Lake in the 1950s was a picture postcard of Bedford Falls. Everyone knew each other. Kids played together outside through all seasons. Downtown shops bustled year-round. The Adirondack Daily Enterprise was five times thicker than it is today. The theater, the radio station, civic organizations, and places of worship knitted the community together. Like the shadow of death cast by tuberculosis, the horrors of WWII inspired an appreciation for life and a sense of civic responsibility.
But forces were afoot that were beginning to devastate small towns around the country. Everywhere, industry and manufacturing were closing up shop. In Saranac Lake, the TB business came to an end. Jobs dried up and families left. Across America, suburban development was eroding downtown retail. Television offered solitary entertainment that took the place of public activities like going to the movies.
By the late 1960s, Tony Anderson’s beloved theater had fallen on hard times. The impeccably dressed ushers were gone, and, much to Tony’s chagrin, on Wednesday nights the Pontiac was showing titillating foreign films that reflected changing social mores. It seemed that only the bars were prospering. More and more, town was looking like Pottersville, Bedford Falls’ evil twin in the movie. Then, on December 19, 1978, a massive fire devastated the Pontiac Theater. Three years after the fire, Saranac Lake’s longest serving mayor died at the age of 82.
It’s a sad ending to Tony’s story. Real life usually doesn’t get a Hollywood ending. Saranac Lake will always have plenty in common with Bedford Falls and Pottersville. And unlike George Bailey, most of us won’t ever meet our guardian angel.
But “It’s a Wonderful Life” reminds us that, even in the midst of regret and loss, we can find beauty and purpose in daily life. This is one of the most important things we do at Historic Saranac Lake, we honor the lives of the regular people who came before us. We pay attention to people like George, Ernie, Bert, Mary, Mr. Gower, Martini, Harry, the woman at the bank who asks for only $17.50, and even Mr. Potter. We remember Natalie Leduc, Mary Hotaling, Andy Rawdon, Jane and Walter Webb, and Tony Anderson.
Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, Emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan! Happy Holidays, Saranac Lake!
Saranac Lake students presented about Tony Anderson at his grave in Pine Ridge Cemetery in 2019, part of Historic Saranac Lake’s annual 5th grade history tour. 
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: What If Black Holes ARE Dark Energy? || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGe5qvIzjTY || PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to:https://ift.tt/kEXxhwn Sign Up on Patreon to get access to the Space Time Discord! https://ift.tt/dlAeKf7 We tend to imagine there are connectings between things that we don’t understand. Quantum mechanics and consciousness, aliens and pyramids, black holes and dark matter, dark matter and dark energy, dark energy and black holes. Usually there’s no real relationship whatsoever, but this last pair—black holes and dark energy being the same thing—has received some recent hype in the press. Let’s see if it might actually be true. Episodes Referenced Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsPUh22kYmNAO4wmE0sua4zqcs0D7eqv7 Check out the Space Time Merch Store https://ift.tt/zBgyWHJ Sign up for the mailing list to get episode notifications and hear special announcements! https://ift.tt/RqN1UGx Search the Entire Space Time Library Here: https://ift.tt/3LitJlS Hosted by Matt O'Dowd Written by Matt O'Dowd Post Production by Leonardo Scholzer, Yago Ballarini, & Stephanie Faria Directed by Andrew Kornhaber Associate Producer: Bahar Gholipour Executive Producers: Eric Brown & Andrew Kornhaber Executive in Charge for PBS: Maribel Lopez Director of Programming for PBS: Gabrielle Ewing Assistant Director of Programming for PBS: John Campbell Spacetime is produced by Kornhaber Brown for PBS Digital Studios. This program is produced by Kornhaber Brown, which is solely responsible for its content. © 2023 PBS. All rights reserved. End Credits Music by J.R.S. Schattenberg: https://www.youtube.com/user/MultiDroideka Space Time Was Made Possible In Part By: Big Bang Sponsors Ian Jones Bryce Fort Peter Barrett David Neumann Sean Maddox Alexander Tamas Morgan Hough Juan Benet Vinnie Falco Fabrice Eap Mark Rosenthal Quasar Sponsors Glenn Sugden Alex Kern Ethan Cohen Stephen Wilcox Christina Oegren Mark Heising Hypernova Sponsors Ivari Tölp Vyce Ailour Zachary Wilson Kenneth See Gregory Forfa Kirk Honour Joe Moreira Bradley Voorhees Marc Armstrong Scott Gorlick Paul Stehr-Green Ben Delo Scott Gray John R. Slavik Donal Botkin John Pollock Edmund Fokschaner chuck zegar Jordan Young Daniel Muzquiz Gamma Ray Burst Sponsors Lucas Kazakevicius Massimiliano Pala Aaron Molina Thomas Nielson Joe Pavlovic Ryan McGaughy Mark West Chuck Lukaszewski Edward Hodapp Cole Combs Marc Forand Andrea Galvagni Jerry Thomas Nikhil Sharma Ryan Moser Jonathan Cordovano John Anderson David Giltinan Scott Hannum Paul Widden Bradley Ulis Craig Falls Kane Holbrook John Yaraee Ross Story teng guo Mason Dillon Matt Langford Harsh Khandhadia Thomas Tarler Susan Albee Frank Walker Matt Quinn Michael Lev Terje Vold James Trimmier Andre Stechert Paul Wood Kent Durham jim bartosh Ramon Nogueira Ellis Hall John H. Austin, Jr. Diana Poljar Faraz Khan Almog Cohen Alex Edwards Ádám Kettinger Endre Pech Daniel Jennings Cameron Sampson Russ Creech Jeremy Reed David Johnston Web Browser Michael Barton Andrew Mann Isaac Suttell Bleys Goodson Robert Walter Yury Kitaev Mirik Gogri Mark Delagasse Mark Daniel Cohen Nickolas Andrew Freeman Shane Calimlim Tybie Fitzhugh Robert Ilardi Eric Kiebler Craig Stonaha Graydon Goss Frederic Simon Dmitri McGuiness John Robinson Jim Hudson Alex Gan David Barnholdt David Neal John Funai Bradley Jenkins Cody Brumfield Thomas Dougherty Dan Warren Patrick Sutton John Griffith Dean Faulk
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Oh yeah totally, never saw them or never wanted them to marry in a church (I mean I'm not religious even less catholic so I'm glad lol), but a later spring/early summer wedding in the Carisi backyard or something sunnier and warmer than a courthouse I would have preferred. I mean yeah it kind of fit of them to marry in a courthouse they basically live there 😂, and it's christmas season, but at least a post wedding celebration outside would have been nice. I'm still hoping for a second ceremony with all the family during warmer seasons but I know the chances are veeeery slim lol.
I know you sent this like yesterday anon - but I got home from work yesterday and was hit with a migraine and was just down for the count for the rest of the evening.
Anon, I was raised around Catholics, Christians and Southern Baptists....and i cannot stand any of them.
We know she's at least a little bit religious - she did pray after she shot Esther and Billie (and I'm assuming Jesse) are baptized but like I've tried and tried; but I just cannot picture Amanda Rollins getting married in any church. Idk. She's always been the run to the courthouse in my mind kind of girl.
Though I do think that Amanda would have done the big church wedding for Carisi if that's what he wanted - but he never would have made her. So that's where the compromise in an early spring somewhere in Staten Island wedding would have come from.
In a perfect world (where Dick Wolf wasn't a well, Dick), I was hoping for a little Staten Island wedding with Fin and Liv and Noah, the girls, and Carisi's parents and sisters (and kids). I guess we can have Beth Anne so we can have Mason but Jim Fucking Rollins ain't invited. And I even had it imagined that either Fin would walk her down the aisle or she'd do it herself BUT then I thought about the image of Dominick Sr walking her down the aisle after watching Blue Bloods and seeing Frank walking Eddie down the aisle.
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littledemondani · 3 years
All of this Stan Vogel stuff is making me think about camping. What do you think all the Cody boys would be like if their s/o forced them to go on a camping trip?
this was a lot of fun to do!
it's not news that michael langdon spent a few days in the woods prior to stumbling across the satanic temple and he's made it very clear that he would rather not go through any of that again. but the apocalypse was soon to come, and the world, as everyone knew it, would cease to exist. no more beautiful sunny days or lush green meadows full of flowers native to the area - all of which you loved dearly. so michael didn't put up a fight when you asked him to spend one last weekend out in nature, despite hating the idea with every fiber of his being. instead, he simply enjoyed the next few days with you at your favorite spot by the lake, deciding if ending the world was something he absolutely wanted to go through with.
as for duncan shepherd, he is completely revolted by the idea of camping. when you had mentioned you wanted to go on vacation, he figured it was to bora bora or maybe even paris, not a campsite in west virginia. several days out of D.C., in the middle of nowhere, with no cellphone reception, and no wifi is not his idea of a fun time and he makes it his mission to get you to change your mind. you don't, of course, and can't help but giggle at his pouty faces and complaints about how bugs shouldn't even exist.
jim mason, on the other hand, is all for a weekend of camping. before his family moved to palos verdes, camping trips were a regular occurrence for him - when things were a lot simpler. he sees this as an opportunity to show you who he really is, down to his roots. he takes care of packing the basic camping essentials and setting up the tent once at the campground. the next few days are filled with him teaching you how to fish and you showing him which constellations are which come nighttime.
we all know our boy stan vogel would never object to camping, however, he is completely shocked when the idea slips from your mouth. after all, he is always the one doing the initiating while you whine and groan about how he needs to get a new hobby. he goes above and beyond to make sure every single thing (whether needed or not) is packed because, "you never know, babe. stranger things have happened in these woods. not that i can tell you what, exactly, it's all confidential."
the first time you asked xavier plympton to go camping, he laughed in your face. "me? camping? babe, the outdoors and this hair do not get along," he says, pointing to his perfectly styled locks. after a few bats of your lashes and, "please, xav?" in that voice he finds so adorable, he eventually gives in. once he's out there, he finds himself enjoying the peace and quiet compared to the hustle and bustle of L.A.
the stars and planets have to align in order for andy dolan to agree to a camping trip. every day with him is spent walking on egg shells, not wanting to upset him with the mere mention of doing anything other than staying home and doing blow all day long. you want to get out and enjoy some time away, thinking it’ll do the both of you some good. much to your surprise, he agrees, without much effort needed on your part. he’s actually excited to get out of eden for a few days and away from the watchful eyes of the paparazzi.
baby tags: @fckinsupreme @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @wroteclassicaly @lovelylangdonx @angelicmichael @sojournmichael @instinctsxbaby @ritualmichael @ferndolan @blackwiddows @dailylangdon @confettucini
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fckinsupreme · 3 years
Hello hi ! Can you do a Dady baby Jim mason ? Like the reader have a baby with Jim but they’re not together and y/n had a new boyfriend, and Jim comes to take the baby to spend the weekend but when y/n’a boyfriend go to work , Jim fucked y/n in the shower please 🥺 I love ur fic btw!
You’d met Jim Mason at a wild party on the beach, almost two years ago. That is where the whole mess began, really—you’d both been really drunk, you were both insanely attracted to one another, and you both acted on that attraction. A couple months later, you found out that you were pregnant. You told Jim, of course, who was shocked but also supportive of your decision to keep the baby. The two of you decided not to have an actual relationship, but he was still in your life because of the baby. He went to all the appointments, was there for the first kick, and was even by your side when the baby was born. You gave birth to a darling baby boy, whom you named Christopher, and who was the apple of Jim’s eye.
But that bliss was short lived as soon as you got a new boyfriend.
Jim was crushed, and visibly upset when he discovered the news. It was a few months after Christopher’s birth, and Jim thought that was too soon to be dating someone. But after a minor argument about it, Jim came around and everything was fine between the two of you again. He still didn’t like the circumstances, but he had come around to the situation at hand much more easily. And while you did have someone else in your life now, there was still the matter of Jim and how attracted you still were to him—and, unbeknownst to you, how he felt the same.
Then came a weekend when Jim was supposed to have the baby, and he showed up on time as usual. As always, your boyfriend was at work at the time, and you were home alone. Christopher was with your family at the moment, and you hadn’t a clue when he would be brought back, but you still invited Jim inside and told him to make himself at home while you waited.
“Is Big, Tall, and Stupid at work?” Jim asks, a smirk on his lips that soon dies when he sees the glare you throw at him. “Sorry. I just don’t like that guy.”
“You’ve made it very clear,” you tell him. “But you could still try to be a little nicer.”
“I can’t help it,” Jim says with a deep sigh, rubbing his face. “I just…”
“Just what?” you ask gently. “You can tell me anything, Jimmy. You know that.”
His full attention is on you at the sound of his nickname, and he runs a nervous hand through his hair. “I just…I don’t know. I wish it could have been…you and me.”
You look down at the ground. “Jimmy, you know what happened with us was just—“
“Drunk sex?” Jim asks, and his tone carries a bit of anger with it. “That’s bullshit and you know it, Y/N. We had a child from that night, and you know our feelings run much deeper than just fucking lust.”
You keep your eyes on the floor, too scared and ashamed to look up at him. “Of course it wasn’t just drunk sex,” you say. “I’m sorry I said that. I just…It’s been so long since that’s happened. We have both moved on—“
“No, /you/ moved on,” Jim says bitterly. “With some joker who doesn’t love you, or /our/ son. But I do, Y/N; I love you both more than I’ve ever loved anything or anyone before.”
You’re silent for a long time, trying to process everything he is telling you. Of course you loved him, too; you always had. But it wasn’t as simple anymore, because you had a boyfriend to consider. Even if you did not love him as you loved Jim, he was still someone with feelings. Even still, a life of potential happiness with Jim was better than one of potential misery with the other man, and you knew it.
“I love you, too,” you say, and have to repeat yourself a bit louder as he gestures that he did not hear. “I love you, too! I always have, for as far back as I can remember. But—“
“No,” Jim says. “No buts, Y/N.”
“Yes,” you say, tears in your eyes. “I love you, but we can’t be together. I have another man to think about now. I have a son to consider. I can’t…”
“But you can,” Jim insists as he takes your hand. His face falls as you jerk out of his touch, and he looks to the ground. “I’m Christopher’s father, not that asshole. You love /me/, not him. Why the fuck can’t you?”
“I’m sorry,” you say, sniffling as tears fall down your cheeks. “I’m gonna take a shower. I can’t…I need time alone to think.”
Before Jim has a chance to protest, you rush into the bathroom and close the door. You exhale shakily, taking a moment before starting the shower. As you strip down and step in, your mind turning and heart still breaking, you didn’t notice that you forgot to lock the door behind you. It’s something you came to realize, though, when the door opened as you put the shampoo in your hair. You didn’t hear it open, but as you rinsed, the curtain parted and Jim’s nude form joined you. You didn’t have the energy, nor the desire to be angry or make him leave; you wanted him there. God help it, but you /needed him there/.
“Hey…” Jim says as he holds you, breathing in relief as you embrace him in return. “I’m sorry for everything…”
“Shhh, don’t,” you whisper, rocking against him before looking up into his clear blue eyes. “Don’t be sorry. /I’m/ the one who is sorry, because I really love you, too. I’m sorry for what I said earlier—“
“Shhh, don’t talk,” he begs, pressing his lips to yours in a kiss that was innocent at first, then grew harder within only a few minutes.
You do as he says, but mostly because his kisses—so familiar, so wonderful, so /right/—have left you speechless. You missed this, more than you would probably ever care to admit. You kiss him just as fiercely, as desperately, your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. He holds you so that you don’t slip and fall, his strong arms keeping you in an embrace as your bodies press tightly together. Your eyes close even more tightly, your hands roaming over his body as you soak in every bit of him you can. Jim…/your/ Jim, even if he was never officially yours. You always belonged to him, just as he belonged to you, and that is how it always had been.
“I want you so fucking badly right now, Y/N,” Jim breathes as his lips trail down your neck, not stopping until they reach your breasts. “I want you more than I’ve ever fucking wanted anyone.”
“Take me, then,” you whimper, fisting his wet hair with a whine. “Fucking take me.”
Jim doesn’t need to be asked twice, nor does he ask about your boyfriend. In truth, you didn’t give a fuck about him at this point; you just needed Jim. He pushes inside of you after pinning you to the shower wall, both of you gasping as he fully seats himself. He doesn’t thrust yet, instead locking his eyes into yours and soaking in the intimacy, the closeness, of it all. You can’t believe you’re doing this, but there is part of you that /can/ believe it. After all, this is what you ached for after all this time.
“Y/N,” he says as he begins to thrust, his movements steady yet quick, his eyes still on yours. You inhale sharply, head against the wall as your half-lidded eyes gaze at him. “Be mine. Let’s just make it official and stop kidding ourselves. We want each other; let’s just do it and raise our son together, as it should have been from the start. Please…”
There was nothing for you to do in that moment but smile. All of the bliss you felt, all of the ecstasy that coursed through your body at his touch, quieted you. But you hoped that smile was answer enough, and you cling to him in a hot, heated kiss as he makes love to you beneath that warm spray of water.
Baby taglist: @littledemondani @with-dandelions-in-her-hands @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @wroteclassicaly @melodylangdon @dark-mei-rose @lovelylangdonx @xavierplymptons @angelicmichael @bloodcoatedeclipse
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7-wonders · 3 years
OoOoOoOo it's 7-wonderween!
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Hi friends, welcome to my spooky prompt list! I love Halloween, and I love writing. So, I've found a couple of prompt lists that I really jive with, and I'm letting you guys pick out what I write. Below are the prompt lists that I've found, but if you have a Halloween/spooky prompt that you really want me to write, send that in!
The rules:
You can request any of the characters I usually write for (Michael Langdon, Duncan Shepherd, Jim Mason, Xavier Plympton) as well as most any character from Marvel, which I'm trying to branch out into (my personal faves are Zemo and Bucky)
Request any AU as well! Vampire!Michael, werewolf!Duncan, Mad Love, AASB, Beauty and the Beast!Duncan, Labyrinth!Michael; if I've written an AU for it before, feel free to send it in again
Send the character, AU (if applicable), the prompt, as well as what number list that's from
I reserve the right to choose to not write/answer an ask
Please be patient with me as I write. I am only one person, and I have a full-time job outside of this blog.
And here are the lists! So when you request, say "X prompt from List 1 with X character," or something along those lines.
List 1
List 2
List 3
List 4
Happy haunting!
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infernwetrust · 3 years
Michael Langdon  
Wandering Eyes (Part 1, Part 2)
Luke Langdon (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Xavier Plympton
Easy To Fall (Part 1, Part 2)
Jim Mason
Never Enough (Part 1, Part 2(Coming soon) )
A Collection of Moments (1)
Duncan Shepherd 
Hands On [Michael x Jim x Fem Reader] (Part 1, Part 2(coming soon))
A Little Attention Please [Michael x Jim x Fem Reader] (Part 1, Part 2(coming soon))
Duncan Shepherd x Jim Mason
To Take Care Of (Part 1, Part 2)
The Hotbox
It’s The Little Things
To a Lifetime
Who Loves You Better?
March Madness [Jim x Xavier]
In His Office [Michael Langdon x Fem Reader]
Morning After [Jim x Xavier]
Marked You [You x Michael]
BRIEF INTRO: This takes place in alternate universe, combining Cody’s characters Michael, Jim, Duncan (supporting), and Xavier. The 1984 gang is included as well. The Michael for this series is a cross between Sojourn and F&R.
f**k, i luv my friends
afraid of heights
saturday nights
between the haze
The Devil In Me [Michael Langdon]
Plot: What if we took the Antichrist, Michael Langdon and turned him into founder and leader of one of the largest cartel’s in California? And what’s even better, is that you’re by his side through it all.
Part 1
Part 2
Plot: When reader meets Andy Dolan for the first time, little did she know that her life would change. Except add ex-boyfriend and current best friend Jim Mason into the mix, and you’ll learn very quickly that it wasn’t just reader’s life who changed.
A/N: This will be updated every so often and will be pinned to my board.
UPDATED AS OF 05/19/21
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