#Jedi corps
voodoo-writer · 8 months
Found Family in Star Wars
What I really love about Star Wars is how much of the fandom is fully into the found family trope.
Like, lots of people may complain that Din and Grogu is the most generic trope that Disney could have gone for, but that’s how it always was. How a lot of the fandom truly sees Star Wars for.
Aliit ori'shya tal'din – «Family is more than blood».
The Vode. The biggest family you could have asked for. Thousands of overprotective for each other brothers, who are ready to make anything possible for each other. Waxer and Boil almost adopting Numa (yes please). The Bad Batch that are literally five older brothers taking care of one little sister.
True Mandalorians. Like Jaster Mereel, Kal Skirata, young Jango, Walon Wau, Mij Gilamar, Vhonte Tervho – all of them stay true to Resol'nare, be it an au with no Kamino or with it. You get 1 True Mandalorian within a radius of child in distress and now you have an angry buir ready to kill. It is literally in the marriage vows – We will raise warriors.
The Jedi Order. They have their flaws (who does not?) but they are one huge dysfunctional family. From Crèche masters, Knights, Masters, Guardians, Younglings and Padawans. They protect their own. You can say anything about «no attachment rule» but I feel like having an amazing lineage with lots of padawan-siblings, masters, uncle/aunt-masters, grandmasters that ground you must be an amazing feeling. We do know that the Jedi still fail their own in lots of ways, but like if there were no Sith and they were living not in the middle of the Republic imagine how more peaceful and truer to the code their lives would be?
The Corps. We don’t get a lot of information about them but I adore everyone who writes, shares headcanons, draws them. They are still Jedi, though they have different specializations. They give aged out younglings new purpose and they stay true to the Force. To be honest, since the Corps do not live on Coruscant I believe before 66 they were definitely even more attuned to the Force then the Order (cause again, one annoying Sheev)
The Ghost Crew. Do I even need to say anything? They are an amazing family that pulled through a lot of obstacles (and sadly losses). They all lost something even before getting together but staying together was their biggest strength.
The Opress brothers. Even though we did not get a lot of Feral in TCW we got enough of Maul and Savage. Even with all of the evilness and full sith-crazy mode they were brothers till the end. If it was not for Dooku and Sidious (and well mother Talzin and nightsisters) they would be still together and be strong.
The Original Skywalker/Solo family. Han’s and Luke’s brotherhood even before romance with Leia started. Leia and Luke bonding even before they knew they were blood family. Chewie protecting his family, even the Droids like C3PO and R2.
And the list goes on. I probably missed out on a lot of families so if you want to add some to the list – do reblog/comment!
 In the end I just want to say that even though a lot of people say that our fandom is one of the most toxic ones I still adore everyone who spends their time writing, drawing, doing cosplay – literally anything fandom related. Even if you don’t create and just read – supporting creators makes all of this worth it.
Please, continue creating more stories about any characters, any family, anything that you love in this fandom. There always will be people who will appreciate anything you do to help our fandom thrive.
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padmestrilogy · 6 months
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
Imagine you get trained to be a Jedi Knight and it’s so difficult and mentally taxing and then you don’t even pass your trail on the first try so these bitches assign you to be a Jedi Farmer, like they won’t even send you back to your family, you still have to be a Jedi but now you have to work in the dirt all day long, bitch I would be mad as fuck, it’s a wonder there weren’t more Sith lords-
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skyprowler · 1 year
I would die for a Star Wars something strongly involving the Jedi Corps. Just, some slices of live from the AgriCorps being plant nerds and a Master showing a “washout” youngling that their duties are no less important than those of the knights. Exasperated MediCorps members trying to deal with younglings and suppossed adults (and bonding with Cody over keeping Obi-wan alive). Children getting an unexpected new  EduCorps teacher and marveling at how different this one is from previous teachers. And ExploraCorps - what is not to love about ExploraCorps?! Going beyond the known galaxy, mapping new stars. You could make a complete show of that alone. After all the majority of Jedi are actually Corps members, not knights.
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blackat-t7t · 1 year
A Star Wars headcanon of mine:
So, in Legends, in addition to the diplomat and warrior jedi, there were also the jedi corps: the Agricorps (farming, animal husbandry, plant science, the Living Force), Medicorps (Force healers, doctors, maybe mindhealers), Educorps (professors, teachers), and Exploracorps (scientists, explorers, especially in the unknown regions).
During the Clone Wars, a lot of them would have been pulled into the war as generals, or at least as medics, because the war effort needed everyone who could contribute. But I also think there would have been some who felt they couldn't actually contibute to the war effort. Or at least, they would be of less help there than they would in their other roles, helping planets recover from orbital bombardment, setting up hospitals and schools for refugees. They wouldn't have clone battalions with them- they never needed them before, and they can't take troops away from the front lines jsut to guard them. The non-Jedi GAR officers, and the senate, probably forgot about those Jedi in the focus on the war, if they ever even knew they existed.
So I imagine that even after O66, there were still a lot of Jedi in the galaxy. Just- not the warrior kind. And since they were used to being away from the temple, out in the community, and had skills that were obviously already needed, I think it would have been easy for them to slip away, scatter, reestablish themselves on distant plantets and just... keep doing what they'd been doing. They may not tell people they're Jedi, but that's still what they are, what they do. Jedi help.
They could make their own networks, using their exploratory ships or farming trade routes, and pass Force sensitive younglings into the schools run by Educorp members who cpuld teach them about their abilities.
And once the Sith are gone, they could help Luke rebuild the Temples and the Order too.
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lealie04 · 1 year
I want a star wars show that focuses on 4 padawan from the different corps that start an expedition with their masters and have many space adventures. it would be a fun way to expand the jedi lore and to include more world building. like a bunch of nerds on a research spree
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david-talks-sw · 6 months
"Bring in the flamethrowers!"
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The above moment from The Clone Wars gets brought up a lot to illustrate Ki-Adi Mundi or the Jedi's moral decadence, a fall from grace caused by the war.
Figured I'd point out a couple of things in support of Ki-Adi!
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1) Simple answer: the situation called for it.
The Geonosians attacking Ki-Adi were:
enemy fighters
with the element of surprise
who could fly and were thus harder to hit with the clones' blasters, hence why more wide-ranging weapons like flamethrowers were called for, as the clones were getting picked off one-by-one.
Time was of the essence, men were dying, Ki-Adi made a choice.
Wanna know what Jedi choose when a Geonosian isn't actively trying to kill them? They save its life (and get praised for it by their peers).
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2) In-universe, the Geonosians are assholes.
From Attack of the Clones - The Illustrated Companion, 2002:
"Geonosians are a physically intimidating race conditioned to live and work in caste-segregated hives. The vast majority of Geonosians are subservient to the ruling caste, and throughout Geonosian society, there is evidence of a biologically engineered class system. Some Geonosians have wings, while drones do not. [...] The blind obedience of menial Geonosians makes them an easily exploitable workforce for the upper classes, who have built a highly profitable business manufacturing Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids, and Droideka Droids for the Trade Federation and its allies."
"For unusually intelligent Geonosians unlucky enough to be born into the lower castes, participating in the games provides the only chance they will ever get to escape the misery of their downtrodden lifestyles and the rigid social expectations of the upper classes. Triumph in the arena is often a hollow victory, however; while lower- and middle-class Geonosians may win the right to talk to their superiors, they can never earn their respect."
Okay, so the winged upper class are obviously elitist bastards, but how is that even remotely relevant--
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-- oh. But hey, two of them don't have wings! Those are members of the drone caste, and they're all begotten underdogs, so--
"If there is one thing that unites Geonosians of all classes, it is their xenophobia. A traditionally isolationist species, they fear espionage attempts by rivals eager to learn the secrets behind their latest droids."
-- oh. Huh.
Bottom line: yes, they're sentient... but they're xenophobic, have an elitist caste system, and earn their living by forging weapons that melt your insides or blow up planets.
Now sure, this notion has been explored and deconstructed in Star Wars: Rebels...
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... and I'm not entirely sure if the quoted info still holds true in current Disney canon (the lore is from 2002, after all), but if you ask me?
On a normal day, ol' Klik-Klak would be actively trying to murder the entirety of the Ghost crew for daring to even step their dirty non-Geonosian feet on his pure red planet.
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3) Out-of-universe, the Geonosians are just "bug aliens". Nothing more.
The production team of Attack of the Clones referred to them as the "termite people". The script describes them as "winged creatures" who are heard "chuckling" once Anakin and Padmé are sentenced to a gruesome death. At some point, the storyboard artists considered introducing the Geonosian workers like you would a horror monster.
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Hell, the whole Lucas decided to base them on termites is because his house was besieged by them.
They're not people, which is why they're not designed to look like people. They're purposefully dehumanized so that when one of them gets killed by our heroes, it's ethically "okay" and the audience doesn't need to stop and think "oh my God, that's murder!" or "hey! that's racist" whenever a clone calls one of them a "bug."
A similar logic is applied to the stormtroopers, who have face-covering helmets that dehumanizes them.
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Functionally, a stormtrooper is a fascist goon, nothing more.
Same goes for the Geonosian. It's a bug alien, that's about it.
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4) The flamethrowers were probably just added because they're cool.
Dave Filoni described how the decision to add flamethrowers came up, and it doesn't sound like George had deeper storytelling motives:
"You know, we're going through the tunnel with the Geonosians and George is like: “Yeah, well, here, we'll have the-- the tunnel and the flamethrowers. Yeah. How about that? ‘Bring in the flamethrowers!’ have Ki-Adi Mundi say ‘bring in the flame throwers!’” And it's like “flame—- What? Flamethrowers?!”" - Dave Filoni, “Return to Geonosis” Featurette, 2010
It sounds like he came up with it on the spot.
The flamethrowers aren't indicative of "the moral degradation of Ki-Adi and the Jedi Order." They're likely just in there 'cause they're cool (and if you've played Team Fortress 2, you know that's true)!
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At the end of the day, when it comes to the Geonosians, I think that there's a certain irony to how their story ends.
They gleefully created the battle droids that tore the galaxy asunder and the Death Star, a weapon that enables the Empire to commit genocide... but fell victim to genocide themselves, at the hands of an even bigger monster.
They reaped what they sowed. They're not meant to be mourned.
And it's nice to see this aspect of the narrative doesn't get ignored as much as I would've expected.
I came across this video that basically rips into Ki-Adi for using flamethrowers, and I was ready to roll my eyes when I scrolled down to the comments section...
... but then, a happy surprise!
Most of the comments disagree with the video's stance! For once, logic prevails over anti-Jedi bias.
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So yeah, that put a smile on my face.
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bbygirl-obi · 7 months
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(this is from star wars: the jedi path, published in 2013)
for those of you who may not know: not every jedi ended up becoming a jedi knight. there were four "civilian" divisions of the service corps that would absorb any initiates who failed to become padawans. this allowed them to remain jedi, to maintain their relationship with the force, and to use their abilities for the betterment of the galaxy.
the service corps consist of agricultural, medical, educational, and exploration divisions. the agricultural division used the force to help planets improve agriculture to avoid famine. the medical corps worked in the halls of healing on coruscant to heal jedi and non-jedi alike. the educational corps employed teachers, scholars, and archivists. and the exploration corps conducted archeological research throughout the galaxy.
anyways, that's what this page & the commentary written on it is referring to. there's... so many things to unpack here!
dooku's elitism. he wants to completely kick these poor pre-teens out of the order (their family) for not being special enough in his eyes, and he has zero appreciation or recognition for the work the service corps does
obi-wan's empathy, but also his genuine respect for others who are seen as less "powerful" or "important" and his appreciation for the roles that every jedi played in bettering the galaxy, no matter how small
anakin's blatant fascism (it was not in fact just a gimmick) and his refusal to value those he views as less "talented" (true "fuck them kids" energy)
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bolithesenate · 17 days
Thoughts? I don't have a penny, but I want the thoughts.
you wanna know what i think about all the time?
the jedi service corps.
they are so cool and so sexy to me. imagine having a direct line to the glue that holds the universe together and you get to do science about it!
i wanna know what that looks like!! show me the daily life of an exploracorps member who needs to find a scientific way to formulate 'yeah, that strange rock actually was an egg of an energy-based force-entity. after we made sure that we all were cool, we helped hatch it by hogtying it to the exhaust of one of our mid-size cruisers and going to hyperspace. its mother will recommend our services to their peers. that experience started another theological debate about the nature of the force itself and also about whether or not stones should be considered organic lifeforms'
gimme agricorps members who create the most fucked up franken-tree by grafting a hundred different branches from all across a system to a host tree. Gimme a medicorps member who then postulates that the same thing should theoretically be possible with a neti
give me a neti knight who immediately offers themself as a test subject. for 'science'
give me the educorps people trying to get all of this written down in a way that is not only understandable for future generations, but also carries added value for future generations (it's mostly cautionary tales of what not to do, lbr)
more people should get into the strange and exciting ways that the jedi experience the world around them and interact with it. i think there's so much joy and so many stories in there and i wanna read them all
maybe write some of them too
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other-peoples-coats · 2 months
so I'm once again poking the murderpuppy au, and also, separately, thinking about the canon divergent au where Ben actually does follow Bail back to alderaan after they meet for the first time.
and thus alderaan just has A Resident Murderpuppy wandering around, being a whole situation. locals treat walking galactic extinction event like a stray cat, somehow doesn't end up with billion number death toll.
(rip to anyone negotiating with alderaan tho. making a trade deal was already difficult when you're up against queen and Mr 'lying to literal evil space wizards is a great couples bonding activity ', let alone adding in a murderpuppy who's fully onboard with 'if anything happens to bail or bails people I'll kill everyone in the galaxy and then myself.', and is fully capable of following through on that.)
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AU where Anakin drops out of training halfway through his Padawanship and starts a mechanic shop of his own. This, predictably, saves the galaxy.
Because let's be real, he would be insanely good at it. This leads to several patents running under his name by the time he is 18, including but not limited to
A very easy and cheap to build scanner that *can* be used for detecting slave chips (the Hutts are Not Amused by the skyrocketing number of freedom trail escapees. There is a bounty on his head because he is silently donating a lot of his money to the people organizing said freedom trails. Anakin is aware of this but doesn't let it show. It is a badge of honor, but not one everyone knows how to read. The people who do know know either way.)
a little addition to hyperspace antennae bc he wanted!! to talk to!! his mother!! more often!! that coincidentally completely revolutionized military communication (Anakin is unaware of this)
some type of hyperspace engine modification just because ships and space travel are cool. This also starts to revolutionise research in that area; "The Force told me I could" may not be a valid basis for a scientific project, but "How the kriff does that mechanic DO THAT" sure is
Probably some lightsaber modifications bc come. On. There's no way he wouldn't find a way to improve those. (In the ensuing legal battle, it is noted that the construction and possession of lightsabers is no longer prohibited to the general public. Some Jedi Shadows slip away and do some investigating into when exactly that was changed. And by whom.)
He can’t buy his mother back because even though he has the money now, Watto won't sell her in the hopes of extorting him with her welfare. Anakin is this close to hiring a bounty hunter to deal with this and rescue his mum by himself. Only is Shmi happily busy directing her fellow slaves to operation centers and has no intention of stopping by leaving the planet ("Mum, don't you always say the true tragedy in the galaxy is that nobody helps each other?" Yeah, that woman is SO organizing the resistance against the Hutts.)
While the Jedi aren't really allowed to help because of politics, a good deal of them (the chaotic good alignment faction, i.e. Quinlan Vos & Company) help whenever they can, brokering peace with the original natives (Tuskens and Jawas) to facilitate escape through the desert and prepare an interim government for the inevitable slave/native revolt against the hutts. The council turns a blind eye to this, because a) they know it's the right thing to do and b) the lightsaber permit headache.
It's up to you which faction Obi-Wan belongs to.
The Techno Union is extremely unhappy about their monopoly on, well, technology being broken. This leads to some more legal battles that ... idk, I didn’t think this through, but they lose. Badly, and this proceeds to drag the Banking Clan and Trade Federation down with them as further investigations are opened.
Padmé delightedly pounces on the opportunity to drag all of them down and get revenge on Nute Gunray; she and Anakin make a magnificent team by combining political/legal and technical/market expertise into hell of a headache for the people who would otherwise fund the Separatists. There may or may not be a passionate kiss over some legal evidence and spare parts.
Sidious, who had so far been trying to push all the pieces into position he will need for the Clone Wars while keeping Anakin friendly to him and slowly building public support, now has his hands full juggling a) the lightsaber construction legislature investigation from the Jedi, of which they keep him duly informed (stressful), b) Anakin hyperfixating on mechanics so badly he hardly has time to spiral, never mind build up resentment against the Jedi, c) the Techno Union, the Banking Clans and the Trade Federation slowly crumbling under the combined weight of Skywalker being stubborn, Amidala campaigning and R2 slicing some pretty damning evidence, taking the financial backing for the droid army with them; d) what do you mean, the attempt on Shmi Skywalker's life was thwarted by a random Jedi "passing through" and several hundred newly freed slaves?? Since when did the Outer Rim start getting democratic??, e) with the slow, but steady dismantling of the three most powerful enterprises in the Republic, the main reasons for secession (Republic inefficiency, corruption, and corporate greed using monopolies to choke smaller planets into financial ruin and dependency) slowly falling away, the reasons for a war also fade into nothingness and the Republic returns to functionality.
By that time, the Jedi Shadows, led by Mace Windu (who traced the lightsaber construction thing) and the Jedi Slave Freeers (who traced the attempt on Shmi's life) meet up in front of the chancellor's office like the spidermen meme, down to kill a chancellor for completely different but both very valid reasons.
Upon opening the door, they find Padmé Amidala with a Ysalamiri lizard and a blaster. The unexploded (because Force-blocked) body of the Chancellor is lying in front of her, three smoking holes in his chest (he tried to blackmail her into leaving the Techno Union alone by way of her affair with Anakin (that she, as a Senator from Naboo, is not allowed to have). She brought the lizard without knowing it blocked the Force, but she got it as a gift from Anakin, who told her it would keep her safe if ...).
Mace Windu deactivates his lightsaber and tells Padmé with a straight face to drop the gun. There might be fingerprints on it that could lead to the culprit.
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kenobi · 2 months
thinking about how pediatricians in star wars probably screen for force sensitivity, from asking family history to checking midicholorian counts to developmental milestone checks like “does your child every seem capable of moving and/or pushing things without touch?” and then they get referred to like, the jedi ig??? ‘yeah you can expect a home visit in two weeks they’re pretty good at seeing children early, now that other referral? yeah we’re booked out for 38 months but if you can travel two planets over you may be able to be seen quicker’
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leftyinksart · 3 months
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Lyolya Korevna - Nature Master
Me, about to sneeze: aa- aa- agricorps in the jedi order should be better represented instead of leaving the spotlight to hot-headed knights whose first tactic is slash first ask second. Bad for publicity.
Give us Jedi with plants and mountains and who see nature as something worth protecting in the force, too.
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
POV: you’re a padawan who doesn’t pass your Jedi Trail so the High Council knight you “Jedi Indentured Servant” instead of Jedi Knight and you’re forced to work on a goddamn farm for the rest of your life-
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x-authorship-x · 10 days
Chapters 1-9^
Chapter Ten:
The difference between dreams and nightmares was that the latter revolved around things you didn't want to happen, things that frightened you, that woke you in the night with that horrible lurch of terror.
Identifying what was a dream and what was a vision was harder to negotiate. Who didn't want to believe that their wishes would come true?
The difference between visions and nightmares… that was even more dangerous.
Content Warnings in notes
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jehanneargentee · 2 years
Someone asked about the other Jedi Corps. Well, Star Wars already has the Red Sigil indicating Medical care/equipment/medicine...
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So doing the Jedi Medical Corp was the easiest one to follow up with...
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