#Jazz Fenton/Stephenie Brown
disillusioneddanny · 11 months
This Love is Ours
You never know what people have up their sleeves Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles But I don't care, 'cause right now, you're mine And you'll say Don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine And life makes love look hard The stakes are high, the water's rough But this love is ours - Ours by Taylor Swift
Jazz Fenton stared down at her girlfriend, her arms crossed over her chest. This was the third time tonight that Steph had tried to sneak out of the house and Jazz was just about to strangle the woman. 
“For god’s sake, Stephenie! You’re a nurse! You should know better than anyone that you need to be on bed rest right now!” Jazz shouted, walking towards where her girlfriend was carefully and struggling to put on her Spoiler suit. 
“It’s just a gunshot wound,” Steph mumbled, nearly falling over as she tried to put on her pants only for her Amazon of a girlfriend to haul her up in her arms bridal style. 
“It was three gunshot wounds, and you’re lucky that none of them hit anything serious, now you’re going to lay down like a good girl,” Jazz told her, walking back to her girlfriend’s bed and carefully setting her down. Jazz and Steph had been dating for about a year now. It had been a year of ups and downs as Jazz learned about life outside of Gotham City and what cursed herself with getting involved with vigilantes yet again. She had thought she left that behind when her brother had moved to Metropolis for school and Team Phantom broke up. 
But apparently, Jazz just had the best luck in the world and found herself involved yet again. Slightly, not really. It definitely wasn’t the same this time around. Now she was just dating a vigilante and dealing with the fallout. She had told Steph she wanted nothing to do with the vigilante aspect and thankfully her girlfriend had been okay with it—after she finished reeling over the fact that Jazz had figured her out so fast.
It had been their first actual date that Jazz had told Steph that she knew, and Steph had taken about ten minutes to reboot before demanding that Jazz tell her how she figured it out. But how could she not? The first time they met had been when Jazz had started her internship at the Gotham Hospital. She had been torn for so long between being a professor, a therapist, a lawyer, and a surgeon and surprising everyone. Apparently, everyone had made bets on either her being a therapist or a professor.
Which, understandable, as she had a tendency of being a know it all. But it had ultimately been Frostbite who had inspired her to become a surgeon, to be able to heal others, to help those who had been hurt. Plus all the years helping Danny definitely went into play. So there she was in her first surgery, ready to throw up when she looked over at Nurse Brown who was giving her a wary look. Jazz had been nervous as hell the entire operation and as soon as the operation had ended, Jazz had run out of the doors as fast as she could and heaved. 
Nurse Brown had been right behind her, rubbing her back and giving her soothing words to comfort her. Afterward, she had taken Jazz down to the cafeteria and gotten her crackers and a Sprite that she slowly munched and sipped on while she asked her about her life. 
It was then that Jazz had her clocked. Steph was definitely more than just a nurse. She had watched the way she sat, ensuring that she saw all exits in the lunch hall. She saw the way she kept her shoulders tense, her eyes narrowed, and how she followed each of Jazz’s movements. It all reminded her of herself, of Valerie, Danny, Sam, and Tucker, and how they had all been the exact same way. 
Jazz had managed to learn how to ignore it, how to be more subtle about keeping an eye on everything. Besides, nowadays she relied more on her extra abilities due to her liminality. It turned out that having a mother working around ectoplasm while pregnant and then growing up around ectoplasm and going to the infinite realms as often as she did, meant the radiation would turn you a little less human and a little more ghostly. 
Not that Jazz minded, the super strength, the enhanced senses, the speed, they were a major plus, especially living in a place like Gotham where there was danger at every corner. She wasn’t as fast as say, the Flash, or as fast as even Danny but she was definitely faster than the average human. Her strength was nothing to laugh at either, while it wasn’t ghost-level strength, she could bench press a thousand pounds with no problem. Which was beyond enough in Jazz’s opinion. 
Relying on her liminal gifts, though, kept her at a constant advantage, she had Steph figured out way too quickly and easily. Once she had pegged her as a vigilante, she had realized she was Spoiler as the blond hair matched. This wasn’t her first rodeo, unfortunately. 
“Three gunshot wounds, one in the right shoulder, one in the thigh, and one in the abdomen, I know, I was there, I got them,” Steph said and let out a huff as she slammed her hands against the mattress and glared at the ceiling. “I’m bored."
“And going and fighting crime in spandex and Kevlar sounds like a fun time to you?” Jazz asked, arching a brow as she sat down beside her girlfriend and pushed the hair out of her face. “Rest, please. I don’t want to have to redo your stitches again,” she said softly. 
Steph sighed and held Jazz’s hand to her face. “I’m sorry, I’m making you worry again, aren’t I?” She asked and Jazz just gave her a sad smile and nodded. 
“I thought I lost you, you know. When Alfred called me and said you had been shot, I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast in my life,” she said with a laugh. She moved her hand from cupping Steph’s cheek and ran her hands through her hair. 
“I know,” Steph said with a chuckle and then winced. “I believe one of the first things you told me after saying you knew I was Spoiler was that you wouldn’t do house calls and I’d have to find someone else to stitch me up. But there you were, shoving both Alfred and Dr. Thompkins out of the way to fix me up yourself.”
Jazz let out a sniff. “I can’t have you dying on me, now can I?” Steph caught her hand and threaded their fingers together and pressed a kiss to Jazz’s knuckles. 
“No I suppose not. But that explanation to Bruce was not a fun one, you know. I still don’t know how you even got in the Batcave,” she said, furrowing her brow. Jazz just gave her girlfriend a secretive smile. Steph had been so unbelievably excited when Jazz had finally trusted her with her closely guarded secret. She knew that Jazz was meta but for the longest time, the redhead had been unable to bring herself to share more than that. With the anti-ecto acts still solidly in place, her existence was still illegal. It had taken her a lot to finally tell Steph the truth. 
But when she had, Steph had just given her a deep kiss and promised she would overturn the acts herself if she had to. She’d do anything to make Jazz safe. And she had kept her word. Stephenie Brown, the Spoiler had marched right through the zeta tube to the Watchtower and demanded that the Justice League help overturn the laws. 
It had been an ongoing legal battle for the last three months now but things were looking up. Danny and his totally not-a-sugar-daddy boyfriend had been excitedly keeping up with the news and updating Jazz constantly. 
Steph laughed and shook her head. “This is why you and Cass aren’t allowed to be in the same room together anymore. You’re both so damn sneaky I can’t trust either of you,” she said with a huff. 
The liminal just laughed and pressed a kiss to the corner of Stephenie’s mouth. “I have to keep you on your toes somehow, don’t I?”
“I suppose so,” the blond said and carefully scooted over on the bed and yanked Jazz onto the bed with her. Jazz smiled and adjusted herself on the bed until her girlfriend was resting her hand on the surgeon’s chest, their fingers interlocked as Jazz carefully maneuvered around her girlfriend until their legs were intertwined with one another and she held her close. 
“How’s the pain? Scale of one to ten, and don’t try to act all high and mighty on me Stephenie Brown, you know better,” Jazz murmured, running her fingers up and down the vigilante’s side. 
“Right now? Probably a six or a low seven if that makes sense?” She said, crinkling her nose. “I was a bad patient and waited until the pain was kicking in to take my medicine.”
Jazz laughed and shook her head in dismay. “Steph! You know better than anyone to not do that!”
The blond pouted, pushing her bottom lip out in a way that made her oh so kissable that Jazz couldn’t help herself and captured her lips with her own.  How could she not? Her girlfriend was right there, pushing her lips out in a pout, taunting her! It left her no choice. 
“I love you,” she murmured, nipping at Steph’s bottom lip softly. 
“I love you too Doctor Nightingale,” the vigilante whispered as Jazz started to pull away from her. Jazz smiled and brushed her own hair out of her face as she looked down at her girlfriend, she couldn’t get over the fact that this was her life, that she had somehow gotten so lucky to have Stephenie plop right in her lap that day at Gotham General just two years before. That they spent a year skirting around one another, with soft touches and flirty comments until Jazz had finally gotten the nerve to ask Steph out. 
She had been terrified to do so! To date a coworker? One of the nurses in the very OR that Jazz was now a resident in? It felt taboo, forbidden, she had read the handbook at least thirty times to be absolutely certain that she wouldn’t get fired for dating Nurse Brown. 
Once she had been sure, had covered all of her bases, she had fumbled through asking the vigilante on a date until Stephenie had finally taken pity on her and said yes. Of course, after that she had marched a laughing and blushing Steph all the way to HR just to let them know of their romantic relationship, just to be extra, extra sure that they wouldn’t get in trouble.  Steph had given her so much grief for it, but thankfully she thought that it was adorable as well.
“Thanks for taking care of your poor, pathetic patient,” Steph said, giving Jazz sad eyes. 
“You mean my terrible patient who doesn’t listen to doctor’s orders and keeps getting out of bed to sneak out and patrol?” Jazz asked, arching an eyebrow. “It’s like you completely forget that I have super hearing.”
“They need me! And I’m bored, babe! I’m so, so, so bored in this bed! I wanna get out of this damn bed! I wanna spar, I wanna run around, I wanna do something!”
Jazz smiled and moved back to lie on her back, holding Steph close. “If you behave for me for two more days and stay in bed, I’ll go down on you,” she murmured and Steph blushed and started mumbling. 
“Well, I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to something like that, and you know, they say that’s a good way to get some pent-up energy out,” she said, looking away from her girlfriend. Jazz just laughed and kissed her temple. 
“In the meantime, my brother dropped off some video games and his video game console. We can play that new Zelda game if you want? He also left us his switch thingy so we can play that island game you’ve been talking about too,” Jazz said and Steph let out a laugh. 
“Jazz, you’re my lifesaver. Please tell Danny thank you for me,” Steph said, hugging her girlfriend tight. 
“Why don’t you just get your own video game stuff?” Jazz asked, glancing down at the woman. 
“Because video games rot your brain and I refuse to have that in my house. Besides, I usually just go to Wayne Manor and mooch off of them anyway,” Steph said. “When will Danny want this back?”
Jazz snorted. “Don’t worry, his sugar daddy can get him another one,” she said with a shrug. 
“Are you seriously calling Conner Kent his sugar daddy?” Steph asked with a cackle. 
“He gets money from Lex Luthor like every month! Like a lot! Neither of them even has to work because of how big his allowance is. How is he not a sugar daddy?” Jazz exclaimed. 
Steph just chuckled and shook her head. “Go get the switch,” she said between laughs. 
Jazz climbed off the bed and saluted her girlfriend. “Anything for you, my love,” she said and skipped out of the room. Smiling to herself that she finally figured out a way to distract her girlfriend enough to keep her in bed and not sneak out to fight crime. She grabbed the bag of video games and consoles that Danny had dropped off through a portal and headed back to the room just as she found Steph struggling to put her pants to her Spoiler costume on.
“Stephenie Brown!”
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Danny gets summoned out of his final exams to help the Justice League with a Multivers-level of tread. Grumbling the entire time, he transforms, helps, and just wants to return home cause, hello he was summoned in the middle of his exams but can't return because of the aftermath. Danny is angry and pissy with them the entire time, with a couple exception in the younger generations like Kon when he learned the guy was a clone.
Meanwhile the batkids started to bet on who of the Justice league will attempt to keep Danny:
Red Hood: I like the kid. I give it three weeks, money is on Wonder Woman.
Red Robin: with how B is. Two on him.
Nightwing: One, Green Lantern has been complaining that he wants a kid.
Spoiler: oh are we betting on mentoring or adoption? I put my money on Constantine for the chaos.
Robin: This is ridicules.... I place it on Jon pestering his father.
Red Robin: wait we are throwing in the Sups now? Change it to one week, Kon likes him ever since he mentioned having a clone sister.
Orphan holding up two fingers.
Signal: Mentor wise, two days, adoption? I give him a week. Doesn't matter who though.
Oracle: oh aren't you all forgetting something? The Justice League Dark was the one doing the summoning, they already stated claim on him.
Danny could only stare flabbergasted at them. Didn't they hear what he said? He needs to find a way back home, his final exams were at stake, his sister, the older one, would kill him if he bombed them.
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dpxdc-sapphicweek · 3 months
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A list of our prompts for the upcoming event! Let us know if you have any questions!
Remember you do not have to use all three prompts for each day! Feel free to pick and choose which one works for you!
March Third
Danielle "Dani" Phantom/Lian Harper "I tell you, someone will remember us in the future" Butch x Femme
March Fourth
Jazz Fenton/Cassandra Cain "Now I shall sing these songs--beautifully--for my companions" Dancing Together
March Fifth
Jazz Fenton/Barbara Gordon "I love the sensual. For me this--and love for the sun -- has a share in brilliance and beauty" Sharing secrets
March Sixth
Valerie Gray/Stephenie Brown "I desire--and I crave" Long Distance
March Seventh
Sam Manson/Zatanna Zatara "You set me on fire' Magic in the air
March Eighth
Maddie Fenton/Talia Al Ghul "But you hate the very thought of me, Atthis--and you flutter after Andromeda" Star Crossed Lovers
March Ninth
Sam Manson/Stephenie Brown/Cassandra Cain "Death is an evil. That's what the gods thing, or they would die." Lipstick stains
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 19 (Day 2)
Prompt: Siblings | Play
A/N: All I gotta say is this was heavily inspired by Wayne Family Adventures. I think I focused more no the Play prompt than Siblings, either way please enjoy my Day 2 contribution :D
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
Danny was in a tricky situation. He carefully checked his surroundings as he crouched behind a bookshelves to reload. The Meta Alliance was off the table. Duke got taken out by Dick. He had seen Damian hunting down Tim earlier, muttering something about using the same trick again despite his warning. Jason was still wandering the halls in search of him loudly offering Danny a new Alliance promising that he wouldn't be shot on sight. He had lost sight of Cass earlier but he knew Steph was hiding on the second floor waiting for Jason to take revenge.
When Dick had come to him and Jazz earlier that day Danny did not expect for the oldest Wayne to hand them each a paintball gun with a wide grin. Only for them to suggest taking part in a game they played every year called Assassin. It was apparently a secret from Bruce that only the children of Bruce Wayne aka Batman took part in.
He had been suspicious of it at first, Jazz and him had only joined the Family for a couple of months now and Dick had suggested they join the game as a bonding experience between siblings with the rest of the family. When Danny didn't let up on his suspicious staring he also offered that it was a way to train and test Danny's stealth against his new siblings.
Only partly convinced, at least in Danny's case, they had joined. The moment they entered the sitting room everyone else was in, Harper, last year's winner according to the others, decided to start with a special alliance to ease Jazz into the game. Only for her to get accidentally taken out. She had made the mistake of forming the alliance with all the girls including Jazz, without prior information that till then only Danny had been privileged to with how often his own sister had souped him. To Harper's credit, she didn't know about the bad aim his sister inherited from their dad. The girl alliance got pretty quickly dissolved then and the Fanton siblings formed a new one, since Danny knew best how bad of a shot Jazz was.
Though Danny additionally had the one with Duke until he got taken out. They honestly had thought that with their Meta-powers they could overwhelm the others. Hell they were a power duo on patrols, this should have been easy. That was until Dick got Duke and Duke in all the dramatic sibling fashion 'died' in a distracting way that made Dick and Danny laugh only for the Ghost to then escape.
"AH FUCK!" Looks like Jason got taken out now too from the sounds of it. Danny didn't stay to find out who took the revenant out. He went invisible and phased through the wall behind him and floated up a floor through it. Carefully to avoid Bruce as well as Alfred so that the two adults shouldn't grow suspicious. Suddenly there was rusting behind him and Danny turned around quickly. He was still invisible so aside from Duke no one should be able to see him right now.
"I know you're here Danny. Show yourself."
"You're wearing your mask with heat-vision?" The question came out before he could help himself as he stared at Tim. Both his hands raised as he held them up, showing that he meant no harm, his paintball gun in his right hand pointing at the ceiling for extra measures while Tim was grinning at him with his gun pointed at Danny.
"Your body temperature is lower than the average human one, especially when you use your powers. It's the easiest way to find you since it was decided that both you and Duke were allowed to use them."
"I see." Danny nodded along. "I take it, you want to take me out right now?"
"If you don't agree to my proposal. Help me take out Damian and Cass."
Danny hummed thinking about it for a second before he noticed movement from the corner of the hall. He grinned, shrugging with his shoulders. "I would but… sorry maybe next time!"
He let himself fall through the floor as Tim cried out, blue splotches on his back appearing. Danny barely missed getting shot too as he fell onto the first floor. An orange splatter left on the wall at the height his chest had been mere seconds ago. Cass standing at the end of the hall as they made one final eye contact before he completely disappeared from sight through the floor.
But he did not get a second of rest as he fell into one of the down stairs sitting rooms. The moment he was through the ceiling and made eye contact with a stunned but then grinning assailant. He flipped to the side barely dodging the colorful rounds shot at him and aimed his own gun. Ten shots, nine missing but the last one finally got his target's leg.
"Gotcha!" He cheered as he floated down grinning brightly at Dick.
"Not bad baby ghost. I didn't expect you and Jazz to be this good. Sure you guys didn't have formal training?" Inspecting his leg the elder smiled, happy at seeing Danny enjoying himself this freely. He still remembered the first month in which Danny barely spoke to anyone aside from his sister. Dick had been a bit worried when he asked the Fanton kids to join their game but he was glad that he did now. The Fantons had come a long way and it appeared that they finally saw the rest of the Waynes as siblings too.
"No, everything is self thought. Though, Jazz hitting Harper was totally an accident considering she had been aiming at-" Their phones buzzed and both each took their own out. Dick whistled. "Baby bird took out Steph. So now it's only you, Jazz, Dami and Cass left. Looks like this year's game will even be over before patrol starts."
"Did it take longer last year?"
Dick nodded. "It went right into patrol time. But maybe it's getting over faster this year because everyone is at the Manor." He didn't mention that he had specifically asked the others to not draw out the game too long. Despite the couple of months, Danny and Jazz were still new to Gotham and the family and they both didn't need distractions during patrol and support.
"Speaking of being at the Manor. Why hasn't Alfred said anything about the paint splatters yet? He is omnipresent, I thought he would be the first to notice." The halfa tilted his head in light confusion. Really with the way Alfred always knew what was going on in the Manor Danny had long since expected for the butler to gather them all to give them a stern talking about playing with paintball guns inside the building.
"It's fine as long as we clean up after ourselves." He raised an eyebrow and Dick rubbed his neck nervously. "And as long as we don't go overboard and damage anything permanently. Besides, sometimes Alfred even ends up joining in on these games to teach us a lesson or to get back at us for all the grief we gave him with injuries in the past."
Danny raised a suspicious eyebrow. "He… won't just do that this time, will he?"
"Nope, but we should clean up here before Bruce comes back. It also helps that most of us only shoot when we are sure that we will hit the others and not something else." Danny nodded, muttering an embarrassed 'sorry' remembering how he let more than one shot lose at his targets. Dick only chuckled, patting his head and offering a cloth piece to wipe the paint from the wall.
Once it was clean Danny gave a grinning Dick a little finger salute before going invisible again and leaving the room. There were only four players left. He wouldn't be able to find Cass but he could try and take out Daimien. Choosing to be as silent as possible Danny used his ghost powers to also float. He turned off his ghostly powers as he came across Bruce and Tim by the stairs. The man was asking Tim about the paint on his neck that he must have splattered there when Cass had taken him out earlier.
"Damian and I got into a disagreement when I passed his atelier earlier. He threw one of his paint brushes at me like a dart."
"Damian wouldn't just do that because of a simple disagreement. What sort of argument did you two get into this time, for it to art out like this?"
Danny frowned slightly. The others never had mentioned what would happen if Bruce found out. He hid his gun on his back under his hoodie.
"Hi Bruce, I think someone must have pissed him off at school. He threw one at me too, when I asked him what got him into a sour mood." Danny decided to add to the lie. Really the youngest stabbiness was a really nice trait that made these lies even more believable. Tim gave him a thumbs up for the support hidden from Bruce's eyes.
"Hello Danny. Maybe I should have a talk with Damian. I cannot have him bring another knife to school again." The man muttered with a sigh as he walked away from them. Tim and Danny grinned at each other before once again Danny saluted before making his way back to the second floor. He had a feeling that he would find Damian or Cass up there.
Hearing voices by the end of the hall where Damian's Atelier was, Danny decided to try and be sneaky. The door was only a gap wide open, he peaked into the room. It hadn't been long since he had meet Bruce with Tim by the stairs but apparently the man was quick with his actions. In the room were said man and the youngest Wayne, Bruce was apparently trying to get Damian to tell him why he was in a sour mood and hurl his paint brushes at his siblings.
Danny snickered, the man's back was to the door and he grinned the moment Damian noticed him peaking in by the door. He gave the youngest a little bit of a mocking wave with the addition of a wide grin as Damian scowled. Bruce apparently took it that Damian did not like the reinforced rule of no knives at school.
Still grinning the ghost boy pulled his gun from the back and aimed it through the door carefully so that Bruce wouldn't notice him. Damian was now flat out glaring deadly at him, daring him to do it in the presence of his father. Waiting for the right time Danny watched Bruce and when the man appeared to look at something at his side he fired a shot. Hitting the youngest square in the chest who quickly despite his deadly glare turned towards one of his unfinished pieces and grabbed some of his art supplies to explain that color splatter as a lapse of his own judgment and frustration of the topic they were discussing.
Danny definitely knew he would be paying for this action later. Damian wasn't as stabby with him like he was with others thanks to Danny's ghostly powers, but that only meant that the youngest was creative in other ways to get back at the halfa. Though right now it only mattered to Danny that he was able to get two of the bat-kids out of the game with no formal training. That grin was whiped of his face when he felt a short sting on his back and his head whipped around to see Cass behind him smiling brightly.
"Lacking situational awareness."
"Okay yea, that was my bad." Letting out a sight he admitted defeat as he in a bout of dramatic essence chose to lay flat on the ground only lifting his head a little to face an amused Cass. Taking out his phone he proceeded to text the group that he had taken out Damian but in return got taken out by Cass. Looks like Cass would be the winner this year, he commented into the chat.
"Finally found you Danny!" Looking up stunned as well as hearing shuffling towards the door from the Atelier Danny looked up to see Jazz standing by the end of the hall now her paintball gun aimed at Danny as Cass dived to the side away from him. Right, his sister was still in the game!
"Let me handle this!"
"Wait Jazz!"
Too late his sister fired multiple shots and in a feat the half ghost honestly thought impossible, the projectiles ricochet off of decorations, leaving small splatters of paint behind them everywhere. The door next to him opened and Danny stared wide eyes up at Bruce and Damian.
"What is going on-"
At the end of the day Cass was declared the winner while Jazz was declared the honorary winner by being the first one to ever hit Bruce Wayne aka Batman square in the face with a paintball gun.
Though the siblings all got a stern talking to from the man for playing Assassin inside the Manor as well as Alfreds disappointed look™ that was followed by an amused smile whenever the butler side eyed Bruce. The smiles and looks all the siblings exchanged promised that next year's game would be filled with revenge plans. Maybe till then Jazz's aim would become better with the shooting classes Bruce decided to sign her up for with a knowing smile.
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