#Japanese news
everlastingrandom · 1 year
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ID: And associated press article header that reads,” Japan raises the age of consent to 16 from 13, which as among the world’s lowest.”
Full article here. God, I hope this gets genuine assholes to shut the fuck up about age of consent. Parliament has also heavily redefined the definition of rape and reformed laws regarding additional sex crimes.
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tan1-7jhing1932an · 6 days
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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[A map showing the locations of all the U.S. Military bases peppered across the Japanese islands. U.S. Occupation of Japan, officially from 1945-1952 never really ended for the Japanese people]
The Japanese Okinawa Prefectural government rejected a High Court order Monday to approve and facilitate a revised plan for the relocation of a key United States Military Base located on the island district.
Okinawa Prefecture will file an appeal to the Supreme Court of Japan, according to Kyodo News, citing a government official.
Okinawa's Prefectural Governor, Denny Tamaki issued a statement declaring the ruling had "various problems," making it "difficult" for him to approve the modified plan, when, he says, many residents of Okinawa are strongly against the planned relocation of the Futenma U.S. Military Base.
Japan's central government is expected to approve the changes via proxy as early as Thursday, while Japan's Ministry of Defense said it will begin ground improvement work in mid-January.
The current situation began on Wednesday when the Naha-branch of the Fakuoka High Court ordered Tamaki to approve the central government's revised design changes as part of the relocation plan for the Futenma Air Force Base.
The controversial project aims to relocate the U.S. Air Force Base in Ginowan to the Henoko coastal area in Nago, also on the island of Okinawa.
Previously, Tamaki had told the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva that the heavy concentration of U.S. Military Bases in Okinawa threatens peace in the region, noting that the Japanese government is forcibly filling in previous coastline to build the infrastructure for the Military base, and that they do so over the negative opinions of local residents.
The Governor has also expressed concerns over the excessive levels of toxic substances detected in the waters around U.S. Military Bases in the area.
The island of Okinawa hosts 70 percent of all the U.S. military bases in Japan while accounting for only 0.6 percent of the country's total land area. More than 70 percent of local residents opposed the U.S. military base construction on the Henoko landfill, showed a 2019 Okinawa Prefecture voting results.
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city-cost · 2 years
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Heading home of a Friday evening? Shinkansen passing through Tokyo's Shiodome district. Next stop Tokyo Station and the weekend?
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head-post · 3 months
Japan’s highest court says same-sex marriage ban is unconstitutional
A Japanese high court ruled that it was “unconstitutional” not to allow same-sex marriage in the country, in a first appeal court ruling on the matter, Japanese media reported on Thursday.
Sapporo High Court in northern Japan issued the ruling, while dismissing the plaintiffs’ claim for damage to the national government, according to media reports.
Homosexuality has been legal in Japan since 1880, and the country is relatively liberal compared to some other Asian nations. Only one place in Asia has legalised same-sex marriage – Taiwan.
In 2015, Tokyo passed an ordinance allowing same-sex couples to obtain “partnership certificates,” giving them some of the same rights as married heterosexual couples. Since then, dozens of municipalities have passed ordinances unofficially recognising same-sex relationships. But activists say Japan’s LGBT community still faces prejudice and the country has yet to pass a national anti-discrimination law that protects LGBT people.
Read more HERE
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warau-okami · 2 years
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Former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated today.
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eerie-october · 2 years
Someday this week is gonna have a really cool and dramatic name and it’s gonna be in history books
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morinonioi · 1 year
NHK ニュース
「NHK News Web」から覚えておきたい語彙をシェアしたいと思います。 だます - to deceive 詐欺 - scam, cheating 被害 - damage, injury, harm 通知 - notification 応答する - to reply, answer 5月以降 - since May 世帯 - family 録音 - audio 通話の内容 - details of conversation 解析する - to analyse 疑い - doubt 特殊(special)詐欺対策サービス 固定電話 - fixed-line telephone 本腰 - serious effort 深刻な状況 - serious problem
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tk-tokku · 1 year
Tumblr's paid verification badges, I started with a parody and it increased my revenue.
Tumblr was introduced in Japanese news.
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tan1-7jhing1932an · 1 month
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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BREAKING: OKINAWA| A Japanese High Court has ordered the Governor of Okinawa, Denny Tamaki, to approve design changes to a U.S. Military Base being relocated on the island on Wednesday.
According to reports, the Naha branch of the Fukuoka High Court ruled in favor of the central government in a lawsuit filed in October to force the Governor to approve design changes to the relocation effort of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air base, which is being moved from Ginowan to the Henoko coastal area in Nago, which is also in Okinawa.
Tamaki will have three business days to approve the project changes before the land, infrastructure, transport, and tourism minister will be authorized to approve the changes itself.
Tamaki still has the right to appeal the decision to Japan's Supreme Court, however the project will not be blocked while the decision is being appealed.
Earlier in September, Tamaki told United Nations Human Rights Council meeting in Geneva that the concentration of U.S. Military bases in Okinawa threatens peace, and noted that the central government is forcibly filling in previous coastline sea areas to build the new base, regardless of the opinions of local residents.
The Governor has also expressed concern about the excessive levels of toxic chemicals detected in the waters around U.S. Military bases in Japan.
The island of Okinawa hosts 70 percent of all the U.S. military bases in Japan while accounting for only 0.6 percent of the country's total land area. More than 70 percent of local residents opposed the U.S. military base construction on the Henoko landfill, showed a 2019 Okinawa Prefecture voting results.
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levinletlive · 2 years
Just want to put it out there that, while I'm definitely in favor of dragging Shinzo Abe for his nationalist and right-wing policies and his human rights violations, I'm not going to allow any anti-Japanese racism to go unchallenged on my page.
If this looks like an opportunity for you to bag on the Japanese at large, or any other Asian community, see yourself out before I throw you out.
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Former Japanese PM Shinzo Abe is Dead
He was on a campaign event for the Liberal Democratic Party in Nara when a Japanese Navy Veteran (Age: 41) decided to point-blank him with a homemade shotgun from behind. Missed the first shot, scored the second shot.
The Vet’s reasons for killing Abe? “Dissatisfaction”.
What did I say about dark times?
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prfrostbox · 2 years
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linkalearnsjapanese · 2 years
The Linguistic Hurdles of Covering an Assassination
The Linguistic Hurdles of Covering an Assassination
News outlets cover events from around the world and often have to work to get information as quickly as possible to release in their native languages. This can lead to some interesting translation errors or highlight linguistic differences. I want to make it very clear that I am only focusing on those linguistic elements, and am not at all qualified to comment on the shooting of Abe…
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