#It's mostly logic bc what's the Point in letting them die. And no way in hell are they going to duckling walk after him everywhere
briebysabs · 10 months
I have to talk about Misha I’ve been holding this for so long. I am not defending him, everything he’s done is fucked up. I just want people to understand him better and idk how coherent this will be but HSVDVXHSBSJJDF
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Bc if you hate him, totally justified. But I don’t want Misha to ever be simplified to the jealous crazy younger brother. Yes he is technically that but one thing about mochijun characters is that most of the time, you can always dig further into their psyche. And I feel like not enough people do that with Misha. I haven’t made an in-depth Misha discussion until now mostly bc I’m a potato. He isn’t 2-dimensional and he fits perfectly in the themes of vnc. Misha cannot be saved, he is a hopeless character, he bears Luna’s Mark while using the Book he is doomed. You can say he was doomed the second he entered the story. His brotherly love for Vanitas is twisted. He is the embodiment of tragic. Everything that led him to this point was not his fault. The only thing he chose was to follow Luna and join their clan bc he would’ve died otherwise. Luna and Vanitas are the only good things he ever had.
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We all know his backstory. So of course losing both would make him snap. And on top of all this he’s being manipulated by Teacher. Who fucking knows the lies or orders Teacher has been feeding him. All this when he’s like 12....13 at most.
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And let’s approach the vanoé situation. We know the depth of vanoé’s relationship and even though Misha might’ve observed from afar, he doesn’t have that context. To be fair he probably wouldn’t care but point is, he sees Noé as some random guy. And again, let’s withdraw ourselves a bit and see things from the outside. How much time has passed since chapter 1? How long has Vanitas and Noé actually known each other? We know that a couple weeks passed since the end of the Gevaudan arc. We know that a week passed after Vanoé got kicked outta Ruthven’s study. If there are any other mini time skips I’m forgetting pls lemme know. But let’s be honest, they’ve known each other for two months. If we wanna push it, three. Of course how long you know a person doesn’t solely decide how close you get to them. You can know someone for two weeks but depending wtf goes on in that time frame, they can become your ride or die. But let’s use Misha’s logic for a minute.
You’ve known Vanitas longer, both of you went through hell under Dr. Moreau. You have the same Mark, you’re gonna suffer the same fate. And from how you see it, he chose a man he met by chance a few months ago, over you. Someone who will never truly get it. He is putting his life in the hands of a stranger over yours. You finally meet again after all this time, and the brother who you believed puts you above everything, points a gun at you. Yeah, Misha fucked up. But that will hurt anybody.
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Misha challenges their relationship. He questions how much it even makes sense. It’s not only “how can you chose Noé over me?” But also “How can you kill Father but not him?” Is he more important than us?? And that’s a valid question. Messed up but understandable to ask. Noé has protected Vanitas and has been pretty helpful. But Vanitas doesn’t need him to survive. Noé isn’t essential for this suicide mission he’s on either. Misha cannot understand what Noé brings to Vanitas’ life.
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Misha was so dependent on Vanitas that he couldn’t fathom his brother not feeling the same. Vanitas loves Misha, no matter how strained or corrupted that bond has become. But he is not emotionally capable to stay with him. And he is allowed to feel that way. And Misha is allowed to scream and wail and be broken about it. In conclusion, Misha is an amazing addition to the narrative, I love him a lot. But I also love Vincent from ph so that explains quite a bit doesn’t it?
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muzzleroars · 11 months
oughhg. this is a little out there but its a fun scenario imo. my gabe and v2 eventually also face that hardware deterioration problem as well (after a LONG ass time at least) and since those two hang out on the surface, it's a little more difficult to deal with but i like to imagine v2 goes the more proactive route. over time v2 started studying the corpses of angels (mostly consisting of council-sympathizers or individuals with something to gain from trying to go after gabriel) and uses what it learns from that to engineer some kind of esoteric replacement for its failing processors derived from how angels seem to function. its like less a life extention or revival and more like creating a whole new replacement ai that carries some of its old memories and archived information which also has its own distinct quirks that set it apart from the original v2. the whole reason it does this is because once it noticed its systems beginning to deteriorate its objective basically became 'make sure my friend wont be alone in an otherwise empty world' and it drives me fucking crazy thinking about it
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS BC I GENUINELY WANTED TO ASK YOU ABOUT THIS....and i can absolutely see the parallels between this version of v2 and v1 as it is resurrected in heaven. i do really like v2 taking a practical approach and deconstructing the anatomy of angels in order to reverse-engineer something that may preserve it (SUCH a neat idea, absolutely in love with it), as well as this being an interesting way that it may emotionally and mentally deal with its decay - work on it, fix it, remember why it's doing it in the first place. and it's a good contrast to me because v1 is acutely aware that its death means a distinct loss and isolation for gabriel, yet its mind has so thoroughly protected against it as a way to prevent locking it into an existential dread it could loop on indefinitely, to the point where every processor it has is consumed by it...and that would be leaving gabriel too. so ultimately it does die, the half-measures they were able to discuss before v1's mind had to detach from the conversation proving to not be enough to save it, and gabriel instead must put into motion a plan he couldn't previously articulate.
BUT either through looting god or his own light (MAN....i like both too much), v1 is brought back to honestly be in much the same position as v2 is for you - both mechanical and divine, it now inhabits a life state nothing before it has achieved. i haven't fully determined what this means for v1, but the transition is an uneasy one as code rewrites into esoteric languages and divine mathematics command its logic to impossibilities. additionally, i can't pass up on the idea of quantum ghosts and v1's consciousness coming back from vast, unfathomable reaches that registered only as strange impressions it can barely call senses or even now memories. it gets fucked up basically!! and now gabriel essentially needs to return the favor it gave him eons ago when it helped him through his fall. SO i am curious how it compares with this v2, since like you mentioned, v2 is more creating something entirely new to be carried over into while v1 is essentially god being shoved into the machine. also need to know gabriel's thoughts on v2's plans as it executes them and the results that come of it....ouuuughhh wait hold on a minute let me formulate thoughts for an ask.........
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atticinthecafe · 2 years
I wanna keep this blog alive so AU rambles
Spoilers for p5r ahead
Phantom Thief leader Akechi AU!!
-Still a detective, still works for Shido
-gets caught up in the whole mess bc Ann comes in to a police office to report bitchface mcgee (Kamoshida), the police don't do anything (they obviously know) but Akechi happened to be around and just "actually fuck that guy, yeah I'll help"
-he does not want to be a "good guy" he has his goal, this is just a pitstop
-he avoids the moral conflict of what he's doing at any given point in time by simply Not Thinking About It
-this event makes him think about it. oh no. we are not opening that baggage it is filled to the brim and will make a mess if we try
-through shenanigans aka. dumb fuck doesnt check for people while entering the metaverse, he gains a Ryuji on his party. also morgana ends up there
-essentially through out this whole mess he goes from "I hate team. I do not want to be on a team. Fuck off please" to "company is nice but Only This Once" to "I can get away with a team, I already live one double life, what's another?" to "I am in active moral conflict"
-He and Ryuji are good friends and I would die for them, ryuji is the emotion based counter weight to Akechi's extremely logic based nature
-Ann and Akechi are BestiesTM. wlw mlm solidarity very quickly. Ann bullies him for his fashion (he explains it's to give off the vibes of the previous detective prince and his reputation struggles eventually and she eases up kinda)
-Makoto and Him get an actually well written friendly rivalry
-He tells everyone about his "job" after Futaba's palace.
-stars out using Loki but as time goes on starts using Robinhood sometimes too, eventually uses them both
-loki doesnt like the whole hero thing but also it adds more chaos into the mix soits fun
-Robinhood shows up more the more good things Akechi does. Akechi uses mostly Robinhood in Futaba's palace as almost a comfort against his guilt. Robinhood reminds him of his will to be good when he was just a kid
- uh-oh
- he doesn't end up meeting Ryuji, or Ann for that matter
- rumors about him still exist though so, no one else really talks to him
-Sumi is his only friend <//3
-He accidentally finds his way into mementos. listen if Akechi managed to find mementos and how tf palaces worked on his own, so can Akira
-he sees the shadow of some kid there who is the Local BullyTM
-ends up getting in a fight, getting his ass kicked, and Arsene appears, and fight continues, shadow gets spared but not, really talked into being good or anything
-next time akira sees the bully in the real world the guy is much more timid and jumpy, doesnt bully anyone but not out of a change of morals, just fear
-eventually he puts it together that: mementos affects reality-, how? somehow. he hasnt gotten that far yet
-he ends up accidentally killing someone in their palace at one point, a bad person, yeah, but it still shakes him up really bad once he understands what happened. this is where he gets a new persona (I designed and named it I swear but I forgot its fUckin name, I'll show it off at some point) (side note: this event makes news and akechi goes "oh shit oh fuck oh shit I dIDNT DO THAT-" Shido is on his ass about it and tells him to get rid of whoever did it.)
-Akechi almost kills Akira in the metaverse at some point but let's him off, Akira spends some time (trying to) stalk akechi in the metaverse when he can, and finds out about his identity before the thieves do, and just becomes convinced that if akechi catches him again he will kill him
-just scared, confused, and traumatized really, considers himself judge jury and executioner after a while, and thinks hes beyond redemption (being mentally ill makes you think irrationally, dont expect him to be a great person)
side notes: akira gets a new outfit, Akechi's outfit is the same as his black mask one at first but eventually it changes as his view of himself changes
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shreya11111 · 2 years
To make it worse:
Joyce moves on from Will's death within second because Joyce has another son (Jonathan) after all so she moves on (As this plot point makes sense according to some Melvin's logic)
But also Vecna isnt the one that kills Will, it's El who does it because she has no other choice to left according to some Melvin's theories and logic, that's what the writers decide to pull.
Jonathan dies mid season and Stancy is endgame. Nancy realizes that Steve is hotter and better than Jonathan after all and despite that the series has spent all those time to show that Stancy aint working and aint compitable, they decide to make them and endgame couple.
Melvin marriage happens and they have 3 sons that they name them after Jonathan, Will and Eddie.
None of the lose plot points in the show ever explained. The way Will disappeared and the way it played out? Never explained. Why the UD looks like 6th of November? Never explained. How Will managed to survive the UD for a week, despite being just a 12 years old without (seemingly) having any powers or equipment to protect himself? Why the Demogorgon didn't kill him instantly and instead just decided to let him go for a week, why Will was found at the center of the gates aka library with a tube inside him? Never explained. All the other important plot points get ignored as well.
Max wakes up but forgets about everyone and everything else that happened on the show, she doesnt remember anyone. And her memories never come back. She's left to ''live a normal life''.
idm why some milkvans think that – joyce would never move on from will’s death that fast. it doesn’t matter that she has another son because losing either would equally hurt the same. plus, just look at how worried and distraught she was when will went missing in season 1. so, i don’t think that’s plausible at all.
making el kill will for no reason wouldn’t make sense and would be extremely difficult to watch. these two are siblings who love each other very dearly…it’s just horrible to even think that the writers would want that to happen.
i don’t think st*ncy could ever work, i’m sorry, but even if jonathan were to die it still wouldn’t work. like you said, they’re just incompatible and don’t work as a couple.
please eddie wheeler, will wheeler AND jonathan wheeler??? jeez-
again, one of the things i would hate the most (mostly bc i just find it personally frustrating). glossing over all those points and not giving any concrete answers would be so infuriating.
that’s one i’ve never heard before- i don’t rly like that. max mot remembering anyone or anything that happened would suck, though i suppose it would be nice for her not to remember any of the trauma?? idk😭
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daz4i · 1 year
in addition to disability grief I'm also just. angry
but i can't let it out on the people I'm actually mad at
it's just. for months my family and friends told me I'm lazy and that i could be doing more, but ever since that suspicion that i may have a chronic illness came up they've all been more gentle to me is that regard
and I'm just angry. bc all this time I've been telling them that I'm in pain. i wasn't exaggerating when i said i can't move or get out of bed from how much pain I'm feeling. and up until i got a doctor to confirm that my pain isn't just psychosomatic (not that they should've done it in that case either), none of them believed me and it always felt like they think I'm making excuses (honestly saying "it felt like" is me being kind. most of them told me to my face that I'm making excuses and then said I'm being dramatic when i got hurt by that)
it's kind of like. you could've been treating me this way this whole time. but you refused to listen to me. you just made me feel worse when i was already in pain and you never even apologized bc i doubt you remember you did it. and there's no point in me bringing it up now, so all i can do is vent about it where you won't see
i think this is why them trying to comfort me these days feels hollow too. it's not their intentions, i know they mean well, but my memory of these earlier events makes it feel... hypocritical, in a sense, even though i know it's not what's going on
I'm trying to be logical about this but i can't stay calm. I'm mad at them for that. and I'm mad at them for not letting me process my pain before they try to be optimistic and tell me it might get better (i don't care. this isn't what i need right now, or ever. i definitely don't want to hear about people i don't know who are living with the same condition. just like it doesn't help when you say it about depression or bpd or any other shit I've got going on. optimism makes me feel worse 10/10 times and it feels like you're trying to cheer yourself up rather than actually comforting me). and I'm mad at the random people telling me i could learn to live with it (i don't want to. i want to die.) and I'm mad at the fact this is happening at all and mostly I'm just mad that I'm still alive
and I'm mad that i have no way to let this anger out other than ig make a tumblr post about it
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eviltwin76 · 2 years
Is there liiiiike a storyline for moth Taylor? All I've really seen about that au is What The Fuck He Gets So Moth and that it Sucks so I am cuoriouose about it
OK this is probably gonna be another long one though it's much less serious lol ^^;
so this au began bc it was just a cutesy thing to look at and byona loves drawing characters as cute bug people btw etc etc. so the story around the "onset" is a little weak. but here's how everything developed in my head:
One Day (inciting incident tbd) taylor started feeling ill and wrapped himself in a comforter cocoon and more or less went comatose for like a week (rel, his roommate, thought nothing of this) and when he popped out he had little baby hawk moth wings and antennae and a higher than average amount of pale green fuzz.
obviously he was terrified and had no idea why this occurred. he confided in rel and sly but if anyone else knew he was sure that the government would snap him up to be imprisoned and experimented on for his whole life, so he avoided being in public and always put on heavy hats and coats when he had to.
as with all these "oc become a cute animal person" aus there's like a week where they all just dick around and have fun finding out about the funy animal features, like the attraction to lamps, addiction to honey and sweet nectars, vibrating in the night etc. he also gets a very small amount of future-vision on account of mothman reference, but not for anything hugely important, like knowing when an object is going to fall, when a car is coming, where satellites are in the night sky etc.
then the fun and games come to a stop when they suddenly realize he's shrinking. panic ensues as they realize the transformation is still ongoing, albeit at a slower rate. there's a middle part of the story here where idk what really happens but they go around investigating trying to find out why this happened and how to stop it.
at some point doc, laa, and mod are let in on the secret. taylor's heightened mothman Insight actually lets him see laa's zombie features for the first time (send another ask if u don't know about the "laa's screw & stitches are invisible" gag/plotpoint). mod offers to amputate taylor's unwanted parts (he covets unusual body parts) and taylor is seriously tempted but eventually dissuaded by sly.
taylor finally figures out that this transformation was triggered by the activation of dna that was implanted in him when he was a child and he was visited by a kaleidoskull (mine) that he thought was an alien (it is, just a bit More). again somehow through Plotpoints Yet To Be Determined he finds it and is able to enter two-way communication with it on some kind of a Plane.
he tries to convince them (begs really) to reverse the effects, remove the dna and turn him back into a regular human. unfortunately it turns out they did that to him because they thought it was really funny and clever, and they are still finding it really entertaining for him to slowly turn into an entire hawk moth and die in like a week. taylor tries to change their mind using logic and moral arguments, but fails desperately because they don't have the same moral values as humans whatsoever.
luckily for him, sly came along, and, fueled by rage and desperation to save his partner's life, and surprising everyone present, drew a fucking handgun on the thing. taylor was shocked and quite upset, but the kaleidoskull immediately burst into laughter. they were not at all threatened, but found the idea of being threatened with a gun by a human so absolutely fucking hysterical that they had no choice but to reward them with one wish and acquiesced to their demands.
and so taylor was saved and restored to his original body! thus ends the moth boy arc. and just to be clear, my kaleidoskull isn't evil, they just have highly alien morals and are mostly motivated by what they find funny, entertaining, or delightful, which is sometimes good and sometimes bad for humans. they probably don't see death as a bad thing because they know what lies beyond, or maybe we're just like bugs or pets to them, who knows.
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tedwoodward · 2 years
on one hand i want to ask about right, Paul? BUT i’ll bite. emmelie bday fic? :00000
you can get both! bc I’m proud of right paul it’s just short Right, Paul?: the whole thing 😱😱
“Right, Paul?”
Ted’s eyes pleaded with the other man. Please stop him. He’ll listen to you, please. He’s going to die; you and I both know this, and I don’t think I can deal with losing someone else.
Paul couldn’t bear to abandon Alice. Bill wouldn’t stop until he knew she was safe, and hearing Paul’s lack of faith would crush him. He was torn. Does he abandon his best friend and every loyalty and bit of love he has for him? Submit to the depressive truth and tragic realities their world has begun presenting to them? Or ignore all logic and live a passive existence that would surely lead to his inevitable death? He couldn’t ignore the truth in Ted’s words. And he couldn’t ignore the pain and fear in Ted’s eyes.
Save him. Please save him. I can’t have him die. Please.
But he couldn’t give up. Not on Alice and not on Bill.
emmelie bday fic: (this is literally from 2020 I’m so sorry, but here’s a snippet)
The door swung open and a figure stood before her, “Hey! You must be Zazzalil!”
She huffed in response, the weight in her arms doubling the longer she stood still, “Hey, yeah. Sorry, where can I throw this stuff? I feel like my arms are gonna fall off.”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry, your room’s over there,” Jemilla stepped out of the doorway and pointed the exhausted girl towards an open door.
“Thanks,” Zazzalil rushed past her and ungracefully dropped everything directly onto the floor the moment she crossed the room’s threshold. She sighed and rubbed her arms to get her blood flowing again, and turned towards her new roommate. “Hey, so you’re Jemilla?” She offered a smile.
Jemilla had cautiously followed her from a distance and returned the smile, trying to continue the interaction she had planned to have with her new roommate. “That’s me! So you know Emberly, right? Are you another chem major?” she asked.
“No, I’ve only met her a few times, I think,” Zazz shook her head, “I just know her through Tiblyn mostly. And I’m an engineering major actually.”
“Oh nice!”
“Yeah!” Zazzalil took a moment to look at the woman in front of her. Fuck, she’s attractive. In like a preppy, straight-laced way, but attractive nonetheless. Suddenly Zazz was quite aware that she was sweating like a pig and that her hair was frizzy, falling out of the rough ponytail she had shoved it into before starting her trek up the stairs. And, God, she was still panting from the stairs. What an awful first impression to make on a pretty girl. “What about you?”
“PoliSci! With minors in Education and Psych. Thinking about adding Comm as well, but we’ll see,” she rattled off with a shrug.
“Whoa, that’s like… a lot,” Zazzalil stared back at her.
Jemilla shot a smile and shrugged once more. “Hey, gotta do our part to save the world!” she said with nonchalance, a glint in her eye at the mere thought of helping to improve society.
Zazz held back a snort, “Yeah.”
Jemilla either didn’t seem to notice or didn’t seem to care, “I’ll let you make yourself at home; we’ll talk roommate stuff later: ground rules and all. Do you have anything else you need help bringing up?”
“Nope!” Zazz shook her head, “It’s all here.” She patted the handle of the suitcase between her and the haphazard pile of her belongings strewn across the floor. She wasn’t sure how she did it, but there was no way Zazzalil was going to make multiple trips up the stairs if she didn’t have to. And somehow she did it.
A bewildered look crossed Jemilla’s face as she glanced at the pile on the ground, “Alright then. See you later, roomie!” She smiled once more (wow, that smile) before turning around and heading back towards what Zazzalil assumed to be her own room.
After Jemilla’s departure Zazz closed the door and collapsed onto the naked bed, catching her breath and allowing herself to rest as her new situation washed over her. Fuck.
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other-peoples-coats · 2 years
📓 👀
(for the daydream plot ask meme) TIMETRAVEL, BUT MAKE IT COMPLICATED. Ok, so. Several council members are yeeted back in time at the moment of their deaths, mentally — ie. die, and then wake up back in the past, not body doubles or anything. Mace, Plo Shaak and Kit, all of whom wake up in the halls of healing and proceed to Freak Out very quietly, because, like, what the fuck but also oh my god the sith. They work out that the others are also time travelers, and then proceed to conspiracy theory very quietly attempt to fix, y'know, the whole sith plot attempting to genocide them out of existence.
Mace survived longest — I refuse to believe he died when he got shoved out the window, he was kicking about in the rebellion era for a little while with a cybernetic hand and is very thankful and a little weirded out to have both hands back now — so he's kind of their point man, when it comes to 'oh we need to fix that too, turns out it was part of The Sith Plot.'
This is complicated, somewhat, by the fact that Mace just took Obi-wan on as a padawan. He didn't mean to! he fucked up!! he's not sure what they did but Qui-gon — instead of taking obi-wan as his padawan, as they're all pretty sure happened in the original timeline — was wildly cruel to initiate kenobi, basically accused him of being half a second from a fall, and then made him cry. Which: yikes what the fuck how did they screw up the timeline that bad.
None of them really knew obi-wan until he was, y'know, Adult; prior to that he was qui-gon's padawan, and also, it was like fourty fucking years ago for them. They collectively remember…uh, obi-wan had some fucked missions as a padawan? maybe he went to agricorps on a mission? no one is quite sure, because, like, it was a weird thing that mostly resolved itself, whatever the fuck it was. He grows up to be Obi-wan Kenobi, though, so it's not like they could let him go to the fucking agricorps. Best case, general kenobi doesn't exist and the war goes badly — if they can't prevent the war —, worst case, general kenobi does exist, but like. evil.
Unbeknownst to them, obi-wan was also shot back in time at the moment of his death. And then, because that boy has never met a problem he didn't attempt to solve all on his own, decided he was just going to fake his death and go into the galaxy to, y'know, deal with the sith plot all on his own. He's been alone for twenty fucking years after the genocide of his people. He can handle being alone but knowing they're alive.
He's not about to raise suspicions, though, so he accepts when mace offers to be his master instead of what happened the first time around, with bandomeer and the suicide offer etc — he feels a little bad, because he's 100% going to fake his death at the first opportunity, bc, y'know, sith plot to end, but mace is a busy man who's on the fucking council, probably he's not even going to mind too much, really. Qui-gon certainly wouldn't have.
Thus ensues two sets of time travelers being like who the fuck is doing that as team council and obi-wan make changes to the sith plot. Mace would be tearing his hair out if he had hair; not only is the butterfly effect apparently way more complicated than logically makes sense — they fucked up the death stick trade on ryloth, and now somehow three outer rim planets are in revolt???? (it was obi-wan) — but also his new padawan keeps nearly getting killed.
Obi-wan, on the other hand, is losing his damn mind. On the one hand, goddamn, mace is the absolute bastion of kindness and steadfastness and everything he always was! he didn't know that mace and shaak and plo and kit were friends, but it's so nice to see them, and he missed them, and for all his appointment to the council was kind of tainted by the war it was a community of friends who he missed dearly.
On the other hand, please, he is trying to fake his death. Please be less attentive. Please stop rescuing him from seemingly deadly situations. He's fine he just needs to be a little fake dead, and also stop the sith, and also not let anyone realise that he is a sixty year old in a thirteen year old's body.
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
Heya, I hope you’re doing alright. May I request some headcannons of the Aot girls, plus Hange, with a s/o with a massive sweet tooth, like almost to the point where they would fight over the smallest piece of chocolate? (God knows I would)
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- Mikasa finds your obsession with sweets adorable. She’ll constantly buy and or make you some sweets which makes your heart melt lmao. Mrs. Cakerman *cough cough I mean she got that cake tho* Enjoys making brownies with you and see you eat up all the batter before it’s even in the pan lol. She thinks is so sweet *pun intended 😏😏*
- Always shares her sweets with you, I mean ALWAYS. You never have to ask or take she’ll just hand you some. And she knows when something is up when you don’t eat any sweets. She reads you like a book, always taking down mind notes of what your favorite sweets are and some new ones she should try making. And she hella makes sure you brush your teeth good she don’t want her babayyyy gettin annay cavities 😏 (Mikasa you can f my cavities)
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- Bro annie got a sweet tooth aswell. Not to your crazy GIVE ME THIS BITCH OR ILL SLICE OFF YOUR PENIS type crazy. Just like if you holdin a donut home girl gonna get a bite.(plus I hc that’s her favorite food) Annie thinks your obsessive Behavior can get annoying at times (or so she says) but she stills love you but CHILL THE FUCK OUT IM GOT GIVING YOU MY FUCKING DONUT AND YOUR NOT CUTTING OFF MY NIPPLE! *ahem* sorry. I’m getting a bit to carried away.
- Doesn’t mind baking for you but doesn’t do it a lot. Mostly buys you sweets. And she isn’t gonna sit there and just let you devour a whole 12 box of donuts until you’ve lost all sanity but will limit you on how many sugary things. Plus it gets annoying everytime she kisses you she feels like she just gave head to that fukin lucky charms guy, like shit taste the rainbow, fuck wait that’s skittles. Her favorite phrase is “catch a break or catch these hands”
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-oh hanji baby 😩😩😩 Damn.. them cheeks is the only sweet thing I wanna taste rn. This got so inappropriate so fast. They’ll sometimes buy you sweetsss and themself to bro. THEY HAVE TO FUCKIN HIDE IT FROM YOUR ASS BC U SMELL THAT SHIT FROM MILES AWAY LIKE FR.
- Hanji will fight you aswell for the last peice of chocolate, you think you being their partner will automatically mean you get babied? I mean duck yeah but like they don’t play around when it comes to food, like shitzzzzz they will in to bite a chunk outta dat ass if you’re willing to aswell (I’m sorry they just keep on coming like how my dad did, without a condom, why tf was I born)
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-okay this situation is like death. Like u enter it, you already see Jesus like. homie will beat you for food. Homie will suck your tiddies for food, ESPECIALLY SWEETS BRUH- Like this is a death or death situation, either way of y’all gonna die.
-well now you get all the sweets to yourself cus she kind of.. ya know.. like 😵 :/
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- pieck with dem cheeks 🤤🤤 She loves you to death she really does BUT DAMN IS SHE WORRIED. She thinks tahts probably bc of everything you went through as a kid is why you eat sugary foods. Weird logic. Okay pieck. Trauma with a little bit of.. spice.. no sugar-
- She likes baking you cakes alot :D and is surprised when you eat it all in less then 5 minutes :d. Honestly mom- milf material like hell yes
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While it surprised me how a lot of fans were disgusted by 220 ep of boruto. I would like to point out some things
Indeed I was writing a long ass post but it got deleted bc stupid Tumblr.
● For me the argument between SNS was pretty on character, and the reaction of Naruto towards Boruto situation was also on character. I will extend about this on a separate post, but this has nothing to do with Naruto having an epiphany of suddenly becoming the father of the year, suddenly he feel so much love for Boruto, and of course has nothing to do that this kid came from hinata vagina(because she is not even portrayed as his mother anymore). This is about guilty, and Naruto trying to protect the kid from.anyone is the only thing he can offer to him as a father. He knows he is not a good father and won't be at least for hinatas children, he can be for kawaki tho. But it's unfair for Boruto too, I must say if I were in the kids place. So, this is the only thing Naruto can provide to Boruto, protection nothing more nothing else. It's not about him portraying and acting like good father because of yolo, it's because of guilty, he was soft with him because he is.
●Sasuke showing his resolution and promise to kill Boruto shows his possessiveness, and also that he considers himself that he has a right to do it, because he is not an outsider at all. Since the motherly part is mostly assigned to him, it's like I'm the person who must kill.him because I created him /gave him birth. This could be a parallel of how cersei lannister was determined to kill Tommen before Stannis army took the Red Keep, she preferred doing it by her own hands, instead of looking at someone else do it, and this woman hell she loved her children.
●Naruto question to Sasuke Isn't that what means to be parent? It's an absolute doubt, he doesn't know what is it, and it's logical due to his story. He made this answer to sasuke because he feels the enough confidence to show him his frustration and insecurity.
● What cracks me the most is WHERE THE FUCK IS HINATA???? I don't know how crunchyroll had the guts to post a picture saying they are the sweetest couple NH, while she doesn't even appear in the fucking episodes. This woman is a ghost, is an ent. She is nowhere seen, and ofc she is not helping Naruto. What happened with your ninja way? Where is the determination to help your kid and husband? Oh yeah I know where it is, it's lying on Sasuke.
She is not even at home. What is she doing? Knitting a scarf for another ten freaking years? But the funny about this, is that it's not ooc at all. If Boruto is going to die, she would just maybe cry a little and that's it, meanwhile they do not touch her naruto kun d1ck, she would be fine. With Sakura is the same shit.
And Naruto won't consult her because, what can she provide? She can't even provide support as she never do it in her life.
The only thing this episode set to me, was how irrelevant how Hinata is, let alone Sakura because she is not even a secondary character she is also a ghost. And I don't know how can people still can see them as couple goals, when it's all about guilty, and loveless marriages.
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shadowqueen1220 · 3 years
as someone who very much do had the gifted kid experience, you’re statement has just made me realize that you’re one hundred percent correct- i would love hearing your specific thoughts on it 👀
Anon I love you and thank you so much for letting me do this you have made my day!
Disclaimer: all rp stuff and I'm talking about the characters and the plot lol
This got super long so it's under the cut
Okay so starting out from the beginning of L'manburg,,Tubbo helped Wilbur and Tommy bc they asked and he even went above and beyond what they asked of him (blaze rods, villagers and end crystals) and joined the revolution. Already we have the overachieving and can't really say no part of his character down.
I think during Eret's betrayal is such an ignored part of the lore and honestly I don't blame everyone bc it's been forever and Eret has mostly redeemed themselves but I feel like having someone you look up to dissapoint you is another gifted kid experience.
Next fast forwarding to the elections, tubbo's hope for the best plan for the worst thing may just be paranoia from war but his need to be prepared for anything and everything also reminds me of gifted kids.
Finally the schlatt administration where I think it all piles up. He's secretary of state and a spy, he can't say no and he's overbooked himself and was under a lot stress where his superiors constantly berate him and his told that he has to repress his emotions and so this era really set the base for tubbo we know now.
Quick note, during this era we see how tubbo's "yes man" attitude, formally a help to the revolution now becomes a hindrance and now I'm thinking how tubbo's trauma response is usually fawn compared to tommy's fight and ranboo's flight
Okay and then the execution like that allow as traumatizing and all but tubbo immediately forgives technoblade bc that's was he's expected to do and he represses it again and moves on with life, wilbur even calls tubbo mature because of this
Tubbo being painted as responsible and mature really comes together with his presidency. At first everything is alright bc things are going well. However, he is easily talked over and never really stands up for himself and his cabinet notices this and tends to take advantage of this and this all comes together with the exile arc
The exile arc from tommy's pov is heartbreaking but it's also tragic from tubbo's pov where he feels so much guilt for all his mistakes but has to be the president so he can't show anything and he is blamed for all the problems but can't and won't defend himself bc he really does blame himself. When he finds out tommy is "dead" he represses it and is busy trying to distract hismelf and when he finds out that tommy is now working with technoblade it is just one for thing he has to accept now.
It just keeps getting worse from here as he is yelled at for everything he does in the battle of the community house and at this point tubbo agrees that he is a bad president. Everyone always glosses over that Dream admitted to manipulating Tubbo but even tubbo himself hadn't processed that. He blames himself for the destruction of L'manburg and thinks he is the worst president of L'manburg bc of his failures.
At first tubbo making snowchester seemed out of character. However, it shows that technoblade was unable to teach tubbo that government was bad bc tubbo like most gifted kids have had it easy education wise so they have trouble when they actually hit a road block. So tubbo does what he does best, which is take things logically so he starts from his mistakes and tries again. I think that is very admirable of him but shows how desperate he is for a stable home that will stay.
Finally the disc war finale. He is goes into the battle projecting hopefullness for tommy's sake when in reality is convinced he is going to die. When tommy offers him a space to express how he's feeling, tubbo does not take the opportunity. When dream offers the ultimatum, he is ready to die bc in his eyes he has done enough with his life and is surprised when tommy places value in his life. The disc war finale gave us a glimpse into how truamatized tubbo really is from all of the events on the server. However, right after the war he goes back to repressing everything that happened and puts all of his effort into defending what he has.
It is also interesting to note how child like tubbo acted when put under the influence of the egg but I realized I have rambled alot so to sum it all up:
C! Tubbo is the former burnt out gifted kid who has repressed and internalized everything to the point where his quiet acceptance of the horrible things happening around him makes him seem "mature" and fit for leadership roles as a result, he has so many problems but since he doesn't express his emotions often, they are brushed aside and it seems he will never get the support he needs.
I actually would love to contrast this with c!tommy who is like the kid who society has abandoned bc he doesn't cope in the way society views as acceptable,,he's loud he's brash and rude and violent at times but that makes him resilient and has kept him alive in the cruel world.
It's actually interesting to consider the similarities between tommy and tubbo.
They both lack the "maturity" to express their thoughts in a clever way that makes others around them understand their thinking and reasoning.
Their world views violence as a commonplace so that their developing views of morality just get so skewed and they can't find their place in the world,,,and therefore have carved out their own little places (ie snowchester and hotel)
I totally rambled and I apologise but I have so much thoughts about the clingyduo as characters and just the dream smp lore as a whole bc it is so cool thank you for letting me talk about this
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killerhatcanons · 4 years
Could u do a childhood friends hc with Trapper, The Shape and Ghostface?? 🥺🥺
Of course my friend! uwu
So we can imagine most of Michael‘s and Trapper‘s childhoods but I don’t think Danny has much of a background lore going as far soo I‘d personally also put him into a difficult household (even though I wish it were different) I also think I’ll put this one into a text form
TW: idek what to tag this with but I’m guessing abuse/domestic violence
The Trapper (Evan MacMillan)
Evan had always in a way idolized his father and his father had never deemed anyone worthy to get close to his son. Needless to say Evan didn’t have many friends at all when he was young. The other children were scared of his father and the stories their parents had told them about the MacMillan family. They were gruesome, as much as a parent would allow their child to hear but enough to ensure they would never want to get close to the MacMillan child.
You had always thought it was unfair. It wasn’t Evan’s fault that his dad was mean and you didn’t want him to sit alone over something he wasn’t responsible for. So you approached him and you kept approaching him even as he tried to push you away. He knew about the stories and he himself knew very well that his father wasn’t the kindest person. Time and time again had his father hit him for not following his orders, had thrown away his sketches and sent him to bed on an empty stomach as a punishment. He understood why others feared his father and he didn’t blame them. Even though he loved his father, he also despised him. He knew no one but him would endure his father’s punishments so when the tiny you approached him he tried his best to push you away. You were far too fragile, you couldn’t get close to him or his father. 
But you didn’t care. No matter how many times he rudely sent you away you always returned. And as time passed he felt himself slowly growing fond of you. You were nice to him, the only person that made him feel warm and he didn’t want you to leave him anymore. He wanted to keep your kindness, to keep the warmth you made him feel through the utter coldness he was accustomed to. So he allowed you to stay if only for a while which soon became longer and longer.
You played together in elementary school and he would protect you from anyone that even attempted to bully you. Or ask you out for that matter. He soon had to realize that he grew more and more possessive of you, that he didn’t want anyone to take you away from him. You had been with him since the beginning, had shown him kindness and understanding, had been there for him and took care of the bruises his father kept giving him. As cheesy as this sounded you had been his sun all along, naturally and selflessly giving him warmth without ever being asked to. His one and only friend.
Shit I might need to turn this into a fiction maybe? haha we’ll see
The Shape (Michael Meyers)
Michael had always been the silent child in your kindergarten group. First everyone thought he was just a little shy but you soon realized that he simply refused to speak. Of course your teacher tried to convince him to talk, even had a meeting with his parents but they assured that he learned speaking, however at one point simply stopped any form of communication. To the adults he was a hopeless case. They tried desparately to change him, but he wouldn’t budge. 
To you he was a welcome friend. You didn’t mind his silence, you knew he was listening to you and you could still play together. Well, it was mostly you telling him what to do with the toys, because he himself wouldn’t do anything besides holding them in his hand, but that wasn’t much of an issue to you. 
Of course you tried to get him to play with your other friends too, but his lack of enthusiasm often got in the way and the other kids got scared of his silent and emotionless behavior. However, even when they told you to, you refused to stop playing with Michael. Yes, he was a little odd, but that didn’t make him a bad child (killing his sister later lowkey did tho oop) so you didn’t want him to be alone. Everyone needs some company, right? 
Over time you noticed, that he would remember what you had told him to do with the toys, instead of simply holding them, to which you would give him a big smile.
This improvement you saw in his behavior made you even sadder when one day he stopped coming to the kindergarten. At first you had thought he was sick, but weeks went on without a single trace of him or his parents.
Upon asking you own they had told you he was sent to another kindergarten instead, that was specialized on children like him. You were sad of course, but you accepted it, hoping he would find more friends to play with now. 
You only later found out he was sent to an asylum instead of another kindergarten.
The Ghostface (Danny Johnson)
Danny Johnson did not have the nicest childhood imaginable. After her divorce his mother didn’t become directly abusive to him, more so the alcohol. 
He liked to think that the slurring woman bruising him wasn’t his mother, that it was simply someone else, someone more aggressive trying to be her. He didn’t want to think his mother hated him, he didn’t want to believe she would bruise him, would shout at him and blame him for what had happened to her marriage. 
Even as a young boy he knew to cover his bruises. He loved his mother, he didn’t want her to be alone even though the woman the alcohol brought out of her hurt him in every way possible. But it was his fault right? His dad didn’t want him so he left him and his mother. He was responsible and the least he thought he could do was let her let out her pain on the person responsible for her misery.
In school he didn’t talk much to anyone. He was a rather shy kid, not wanting to cause anymore trouble for anyone. At lunch he sat alone, but he didn’t mind. He also didn’t mind being called weird or gross for his greasy long hair or the bags under his eyes. Not that he wanted to talk to anyone about himself anyways. Not even to you as you approached him. 
You had watched him sit alone for a long time. He looked sad, restless, sometimes even scared and despite not even knowing him, it hurt you to see anyone in this state. So you went to talk to him. However, it took a while for him to stop avoiding you as best as he could and he eventually opened up to you a bit. He still didn’t tell you about the abuse until you reached middle school, but when he did you were determined to help him, to clear his understanding of him not being responsible for anything and to get him a new home. 
With the help of your parents you were able to get him out of his household and soon find a acquainted family that was willing to take him in. The Olsens tried their best to provide him with everything he needed. And while you knew it would take time for him to heal, you were relieved he was part of a loving family now, that would help him back onto a safe track. 
You couldn’t have known that the damage to Danny’s brain had already been done and there was no way of saving him from the twisted prison of his own mind.
I can attempt to make it more wholesome a second time if you want these were just the most logical things that came to my mind haha... honestly idk but I usually think that someone isn’t just yk born a killer (except Michael maybe pfft) so I came up with some uhm logical upbringings to the boys haha yeet..
Anyways I’m considering turning the Evan and Ghosty one into their own separate story thingsies. Kinda hard to do something with Michael bc uhm Psychiatry but possibly something with a reader that’s also in treatment or we pull a Harley Quinn sometime who knows! 
For now I hope you aren’t too mad that this was so... dark instead of cute oop >:)) if you’re mad just let me die on the hook next time pffft
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2, 15, and 94 with LoSleep?
2. Royal AU || 15. Criminal AU || 94. Hair Brushing/Braiding
anon i hope you know this is like the Perfect set up for a rapunzel AU. maybe you did. maybe you did this on purpose. regardless... tangled AU
imma go with remy being the lost princess, and logan the dashing thief, because while my instinct is to go the other way around i like Switching It Up on y'all
remy's bigender, using male pronouns but female titles/referrals. he figured this out solely because he preferred the way the male pronouns sounded, while also liking being a princess a good deal more than being a prince. he doesn't mention this to mother gothel tho. i mention this mostly so none of y'all get confused as i go sdkjhncfjsd
logan's transmale, and his struggles as a poor trans kid are what made him go Fuck Society Actually. he targets the crown especially bc the king and queen can stand to lose their gold
he doesn't stumble upon the tower after being chased for the crown, however; he's just looking for a place to hide in general. he's just made off with a good sack of gold, and he wants to stash it for a bit, let the heat die down, before he tries to buy anything with it
and that's how he finds the hidden clearing, with the surprisingly intact, singular tower dead center
he, of course, goes to investigate, and ends up nearly getting run through with a broomstick, which he feels would be a pretty bad way to go
but that's not entirely horrible, because the person dangerously weilding the cleaning implement is a bit absolutely stunning
he says as such and almost gets a broom through a lung, because apparently this tower dweller thinks he's a threat and is also insulting them
after a... lot of talking, and logan wisely easing up on the complimenting thing (for now...), they get things figured out. the tower dweller is remy, and he's waiting for his mother to return from a store run or smth. logan has to be gone before mother is back, or logan will be in trouble
aside from the fact logan doesn't really want to leave remy just in General, he has some doubts about 'mother'. like why she was raising her kid... here. in the middle of the woods. in a hidden clearing. in a high tower. with no clear way in or out (logan had to scale the thing, and it doesn't look like remy's used to that method of entrance). and the best defense weapon on hand being a broom
so when remy faux-indifferently asks logan what the moving lights are ("i know they're not stars... please don't tell me they're stars..."), logan jumps at the chance to invite remy to see them- it'll only be a day, mother wont mind that long, right? logan can keep remy safe from his every fear of that real world, and remy'll get to see the lights, and everyone will be happy
remy's hesitant, but it's clear he wants to go. it doesn't take that much prodding to convince him to leave mother a Very vague note about being back soon and being safe, to go with logan
that's when logan learns about remy's hair. he hadn't noticed before, the dirty blond hair on the floor not having caught his attention, but he certainly notices it when remy's jumping out the window, cascading down the way by hanging on to all... goodness knows how many yards of it
if he wasn't already suspicious there was something off about this whole situation, the hair that was Way longer than it should be- and way stronger to boot- tipped him off pretty seriously
and as their trip goes on? logan's only adding to the list of Sus, including (but oh so not limited to)
the clear fact remy's Never left the small, sheltered clearing (which in my version is still within the forest, no overhead open sky) to the extent seeing the sun has him doubling over and clutching his eyes like they burn
after making do with some cloth wrapped over remy's eyes for a bit, logan gets him some sunglasses and remy doesnt know what they are at first
remy has too much fucking anxiety in his him- he hides from a passing person faster than logan, the known and wanted criminal
and it's clear he's not just avoiding social interaction- he loves talking to logan, and he's plenty social and alive and everything then- but he just seems to have some fear against. well. the world
remy is also... oddly clingy to logan. like. wayyyy too much so. maybe logan could blame it on remy not knowing enough about the outside world, but it seems... more than that. as if just bc remy's decided to trust logan on this, logan's the end-all be-all of trust or smth. logan's not exactly how to put it to words but. it's wrong
overall, remy has a very Vibrant personality. he's confident, strong, unwilling to just be led around and nothing like a damsel in distress. but it seems much too... surface level. like if logan pushed too hard, it would all crumble, to reveal something- someone- who's not sure about anything and who's terrified because of it
making their way to the center of the kingdom makes it all the more clear to logan that Something is wrong with remy, and that there is no way he can ever go back to that tower
because logan's an orphan kid, he's seen his fair share of foster homes, of some of the kids who come back from them
he knows what child abuse victims look like
that's not all logan's learning about remy on the way to the kingdom, however. he's also learning about his favorite story, how much he's thought about the moving lights, how the world looks so different from the ground. logan's learning how remy's genuine smiles are much prettier than the faux one he wears a lot, how his laughs are rare but perfect, how incredible he is between the poorly concealed fear and hurt
logan's a thief and a cynic, someone's who had long written off most of the supposed good in the world, much too used to an orphaned childhood, growing up in poverty, misgendering, pain
something about remy makes him reconsider some of his more pessimistic beliefs
they reach the kingdom at midday, but remy stops them before they can actually go in. even with the sunglasses, logan can see the blinding fear in his eyes at the sight of civilization, of all those people. he grips his hair, takes a half step back, looking about ready to call it all off and run all the way back 'home'
logan grabs remy's hand. the grip is light, easily escaped, but remy doesnt, just looks at logan, trying to school his expression into one of cool neutrality instead of fear
"i can braid your hair." logan says, holding remy's gaze as he speaks. "so no one steps on it while we go to see the moving lights."
logan knows that's not the main thing stopping remy from entering the kingdom. it's an excuse, just for him. because it's easier to be worried about your hair being stepped on then to admit just being Afraid, right?
"I will not let it come undone" logan adds, lightly squeezing remy's hand. i will not let you get hurt
it's a long minute before remy agrees, but he does agree
they sit on the floor of the forest, just outside the kingdom, logan's deft fingers making quick work of the tangles that have developed in remy's hair over the course of the trip, the thief carefully watching the way remy's stiff as wood at first, trying not to react to logan's work on his hair, but slowly relaxes, leaning back a bit, tilting into logan's touch each time it comes back to remy's head
it takes a while, but soon enough, remy's hair is mostly restrained in a braid that's held together at key points by flower stems, leaving remy's hair decorated with wildflowers to boot
remy loves it. logan's starting to think he loves something too, but he's less willing to admit it
spending the rest of the day in the town is surprisingly wonderful- remy keeps close to logan, but he manages to talk to some people at times, and when they find the library he seems just about ready to die happy in there
logan stays close to him the entire time, usually holding his hand. he's never loved being around people more
it's getting close to the time for the lanterns to be released when logan realizes who remy is
the tower girl makes a comment about how familiar the lost princess's mural is. logan glances between it and remy, between the uniquely red-tinted brown eyes, the bright baby hair that could've easily turned dirty blond, the story of a dying queen and a magical flower springing to mind
remy is the lost princess. and as loathe as the thought of letting him go is, logan knows remy's the one treasure the thief can't have
so logan promises to himself, after they see the lanterns, he'll explain. he'll bring the princess to the king and queen, and hope he doesn't get arrested in the process. he'll set things right, and then he'll leave
because the thief doesn't get the girl anywhere other than fairytales
they still share an absolutely magical moment out on the water though. the way remy's eyes light up seeing the lanterns rise into the sky, sunglasses off in the dark evening, awe-struck... and when logan reveals the lanterns he snagged at one point, that they two of them can send up- logic help him, logan's not sure how much longer he can go on denying the truth
they don't kiss, don't even get close, bc logan's too busy trying to deny the truth and remy's still got a million trust issues
but remy's hand is slotted in logan's nearly the entire time, and they release their lanterns at the same time, and they hold each other's gazes a few times too long, and that seems pretty damn close to Something for them
they head back to the kingdom land before the other boats. logan knows remy will prefer to hear what he says without too many people around them, and if logan's being honest with himself? he's running away. he's running away from this closeness before it can get him (it's already gotten him, but he's always been so good at lying)
then logan gets shot :D
bc mother gothel found that note and she didnt like it!! she was after remy as soon as she saw it, and now she's caught up, and she's not letting anyone keep remy from her
she comes totting a crossbow that she levels on remy the moment she sees him. demanding he come home, saying the world is too dangerous for him to be out and about, pretending the crossbow is for logan instead, that he's a threat, can't remy see he needs to come home with her? where it's safe?
remy doesn't move. mother is supposed to be safety, right? he should go with her
...he doesn't want to leave logan
things escalate. logan says he'll never let gothel have remy again. remy doesn't react to this, but he doesn't step closer to gothel either. her frustration builds. the trigger gets pulled
it's unclear who she meant to hit but logan's the one who takes the arrow through his chest, barely even thinking as he made sure he was between remy and the projectile
by then, the townspeople have begun returning to the town, so there are people to grab gothel, ensure she doesn't attack further. someone runs for the king and queen, because one soldier recognizes gothel, as long ago as it's been since she was last seen and known and Wanted by the rulers, wanted for taking their baby
people try to approach logan, to help, but remy curls around him, refusing to let anyone near, not trusting them, refusing to lose the one person left in this world he cares about
remy's hair has fallen out of its braid, falling around himself and on top of logan, whose head remy is carefully supporting in his hands. logan's trying to convince remy it's okay, everything will be okay, that as long as remy is okay it'll be okay, but remy's really not buying it, not when logan's blood is staining his shirt and hair and his voice is getting weaker and weaker and weaker
"it's okay" logan tries to promise, even though remy can barely hear him over the gurgle of blood in the back of his throat
"how can it be okay? you're dying"
"...and you're safe" logan replies, just barely, wasting the last of his strength to reach up, cupping remy's cheek, holding his face like he was the most important thing in the world, "you're safe. and i love you"
logan's eyes slip closed after that, and they don't seem to be opening again soon
remy could do a lot of things now. scream, cry, breakdown. he's already pretty close to doing a lot of them
but instead, he sings. he sings the song mother gothel always made him, the one that could deage. he doesn't know what it will do. but he hopes against hope it'll do Something. that it will save logan Somehow
and before the eyes of the town, before the eyes of the king and queen just fetched from their castle, they watch as remy's hair glows with magic not seen in nearly two decades
it's dangerous for remy. gothel had always taught that. people would do Anything to take his hair if they knew. but he doesn't care right then. all that mattered was logan. nothing else
he doesn't even realize what he's managed to do until logan's gently shaking him, telling him he can stop singing, it's okay, for real now, he's okay, they're okay
and you know how it goes from there... the king and queen reveal that Yep Remy You're Our Daughter, logan is accepted by the family bc Took A Hit For Remy Our Daughter, remy and logan continue to have their own issues due to Childhood Abuse but with each other, and their love, they get better... and they get to live happily ever after
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secondhoekage · 4 years
Ignore this long rant I’m high as shit but I... can’t take the hero commission oR HONESTLY THE HEROES THEMSELVES, seriously anymore
They’re BRAINLESS they all share one (1) brain cell and it belonged to Crust. THESE GUYS had MONTHS to strategize this attack and what did they do? They fucked it up. They want me to believe this was planned and not written on a chalk board the night before? Sent out to all heroes the next morning at 8am in a CHAIN EMAIL?
Unpopular opinion(?): they sent the worst possible, ill-suited heroes to each location for this PLF raid and I’m mad at them for it and I’m mad at Hori for making me be mad at it even tho he had to do it beCauSe oF pLot but I’m mad.
The MLA’s plans to take on The League of Villains? Spotless. Chef’s kiss. The detail. The one-on-one counters they planned out. Accounting for each enemy’s quirk. Yeah there were like 6 of them to account for but?? Heroes, yall had enough info and enough time to think of ways to go about this raid and I’m supposed to believe that you did, BUT DID YOU REALLY? MONTHS TO PLAN, and saw one electric Sir Crocodile rip-off and immediately threw Kaminari on his ass. Good move. Kinda. But the rest of the PLF? Heroes just gonna make shit up as they go I guess?? 
To make myself feel better here’s a long ass useless rant on what could’ve damn happened and which heroes should’ve gone where and to make this an epic ass rumble. ugh. Even just doing some of these things would’ve made this arc (imo) feel more... convincing and delicious
under the cut tho bc damn this is too long
In this essay I will—
I swear to shit Edgeshot could’ve soloed the hospital but they had him at the PLF mansion for Some Reason like... like they didn’t make him run up on the League’s bar instead of the Nomu factory bc they knew he would take care of shit immediately. Make it make sense. If he was at the hospital eye just—Nomu in the way?? Doctor running off? Say less. Electric slide all the way in there Shinya. DID NO ONE SEE HOW EASILY HE HANDLED KUROGIRI? Did everyone just forget this man can pull a K.O in .3 seconds flat? Heroes didn’t think it might be a good idea to have him there, ready to give Shigaraki the paper cut of his life the second he woke up (if he even did bc my mans likely could’ve prevented the ‘doctor getting away>high-end awaken>rush to get shiggy out of the tank>shiggy wakes up’ chain of events)? Didn’t think to send him instead of this guy X Less just sitting there with That Look on his face? 
I get they needed heroes like Edgeshot at the mansion to take out a handful of enemies in one go but COME ON NOW. There were more than enough long-range AOE heroes there. And even if you don’t wanna believe he could solo then STILL, EDGESHOT DUOING WITH MIRUKO, ANYBODY? If anyone was gonna keep up with her happy ass zooming into the lab it could’ve been him. We were robbed of an Edgeshot/Miruko teamup and I’m not okay. Could’ve had a sexy ass panel of the hospital-team hyping up Miruko and Edgeshot as they dashed to Ujiko’s lab, two fast as shit bad bitches, zooming through these Nomu, absolutely obliterating them at lightning speed, watching each other’s backs too, PROBABLY SAVING MIRUKO FROM BECOMING THE PRE-DEATH ORGAN DONOR THAT SHE IS NOW. I know it was hot watching Miruko take on these high-ends but I’d have rather Edgeshot share the spotlight if it meant Miruko was in one piece rn. Hori played her
Anyways the literal dumb bitch energy that went into not sending Edgeshot to the hospital is sending me. Could’ve at least let him just be on the team and on standby while Shigaraki was waking up. With those sharp as shit reflexes of his we’ve seen? Shigaraki would’ve been out like a fucking light the second Edgeshot saw him sit up. X-Less you had a nice thicc upper lip that lip was too shaded for you to die, but F in the chat bitch. Useless plot fodder I’m sorry X-Less. There isn’t a hero there right now (besides Aizawa but like... idk, plot is nerfing him) that could’ve incapacitated Shiggy so quickly and prevented the mess they’re in now like my guy Edgeshot could’ve. Feels like a cop out
In conclusion: Edgeshot sweety I’m sorry they did this. I’m sorry you were nerfed. I’m sorry they didn’t let you deliver Kamino Pizza to this hospital. I’m sorry they ignored you and now everyone’s gonna die bc they didn’t they respect your Ninpo rights
CEMENTOSS??? y’all sent him to fuck up the mansion FOR WHAT??? If I were the hero commission and thought :
“Dang we need to completely ass blast this huge PLF resort to make room for our heroes to run in... but it would also be good if we had someone to do that at the hospital too just in case things get tricky and we need to pave a quick way to Ujiko’s secret hideout... but I’m single-celled and can’t weigh my options logically so ok. Cementoss, to the mansion.”
...................... Ok but can I in interest you in PIXIE BOB? I get the mansion is huge but going by the shit we’ve seen her do?? I’m not about to underestimate ol’ girl. I know she could’ve fucked that place up if they let her, switched her out for Cementoss, who could’ve made THE EASIEST route for the hospital team to get into the secret lab, trapped Ujiko, also trapped a couple nomu/high-ends in cement while he was at it, rearranged some tunnels for optimal tactical movement, probably could’ve done a decent-fucking-job at slowing the onslaught of Decay too if it got to that point (AND IT MIGHT NOT HAVE BC THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS RANT IS TO INSIST THAT A BETTER SELECTION OF HEROES WOULDN’T HAVE RESULTED IN SHIGGY’S CURRENT THANOS SNAP ORdEAL)
I know Pixie’s mostly on rescue operations and that’s what she’s doing at the hospital/surrounding city but WHY?? EVEN IF THEY REALLY NEEDED CEMENTOSS AT THE MANSION—WHY NOT HAVE PIXIE BOB DOING SOMETHING IN THE ACTUAL HOSPITAL BATTLE? JUST A LITTLE? The hospital is built on uh.. oh yeah... EARTH? And considering in the Forest Training arc she was using her quirk from a remote location (to make that Earth golem, or whatever) she wouldn’t even HAVE to be IN Ujiko’s lab to be useful
Can y’all PLEASE put at least ONE of your terraforming heroes at the place where y’all REALLY need them?? And not after-the-fact like y’all just did with Pixie Bob? Because clearly she didn’t do shit this last chapter trying to stop Decay. I’m sorry girl. You may be dead. Terrible.
I would have legitimately sent Snipe to get Ujiko before I sent Miruko and that’s that on that. Where is he even? He was there during the briefing but he’s gone? MIA? Idk. No way Ujiko is getting away from those bullets. Target locked: Ujiko’s hand. Fire. High-end Nomu remote goes bye bye. Then another bullet in the leg. No need to worry about him escaping and waking up high-ends/Shiggy when he doesn’t have kneecaps. Problem solved. No way it would’ve taken that long to break Shiggy’s tank either with a few well-placed pew pews zigging around some Nomu (not that we really wanna break him outta his tank bc look what happened). Snipe’s 6/5 technique stat deserves better!!!!!
Gang Orca did not go off and give a bunch of kids brain damage during the License arc to be so thoroughly ignored here. He’s clearly about to get his shit rocked by some gauged-out ex-Hot Topic employee in the next few chapters and ugh you’re TOO GOOD FOR THAT ORCA. COULD’VE BEEN OF USE AT THE HOSPITAL. PARALYZING SONIC WAVES? WE’LL TAKE IT. Who knows if any of the high-end Nomu would’ve been affected by paralysis but the small fry? Probably. Shiggy’s little twink ass? I would bet on it. Not that it would really stop him from using Decay but still
At the risk of sounding like someone I know who endorses child labor (the hero commission) here me out: CAN I GET A UHHH JUZO HONENUKI??? AGAIN YEAH good that he was at the mansion to do some long-range AOE action but if y’all are gonna force kids to join in on this war anyways, put your strongest and most useful ones at the place you need them. Shit it would’ve been real nice if Honenuki was there to trap some Nomu—uncertain if it would work against the high-ends that show some pretty flexible quirks but who knows—and even at the risk of reaching, maybe in some universe where Shiggy and Honenuki face off, it would be interesting to see Decay against Softening, since Decay’s one big weakness is that it can only work on solid objects sooOooOo? Idk. Would’ve been a cool match up but I hate that the kids are fighting anyways so we’re gonna ignore this Juzo rant. Just know it would’ve been cool
And as for the mess that’s going to be this fucking mansion soon... .. We’re just gonna ignore a whole ass Geten, big destructive power, big fucking threat, and not gonna throw Endeavor’s ass in there? Makes sense. They’re leaving it to Shoto I guess. They said time for you to fucking shine kid. Get in there. I mean really trading Endeavor for Edgeshot would’ve been top tier strategy but...
I MEAN THEY?? Made up a whole ass plan to counter ONE greasy-looking PLF guy by throwing Kaminari in there, but they couldn’t make up a plan to counter Geten? Are they just?? Pulling names out of a hat to see who gets to fight who? Did they spin a bottle to see who it landed on? Did Mt. Lady pull the short stick? I swear on shit when Geten starts going feral soon I’m not gonna feel sorry about it. Unless heroes got a plan and someone’s gonna make a sexy ass top 10 anime entrances to counter his ice then I’m disappointed. We went ape shit over Kaminari countering one of the commanders but are we not gonna get anymore ‘I’m your perfect counter and I’m here to stop you’ moments? No? I’M PISSED. 
I would have also settled for my kween Nejire being there to blast away some ice because who tf else is gonna do it? But eh. 
Dabi will also be trouble depending on what he decides to do. He only has about 3 good ideas a month and he’s used them all up by now so he’s in dumb slut territory as we speak. But you’d think that a villain as widely recognized as Dabi with such a destructive quirk would urge the heroes to have some plan to take him on but?? So far I don’t really see anyone quick to take on the role. Not that it’d be that hard bc he’s dangerous but also dangerously dumb. Where is Inasa. Maybe he can just blast the flames back in Dabi’s face. I love him but at this point he deserves to have some of his rights taken away
Don’t even get me start on Gigantomachia. I get the heroes had little choice except to attack before Shiggy was full-power but just?? NOT having a plan in case by some little chance Gigantomachia DID wake up? You stupid bastards. You absolute fools. I guess there’s not much you CAN do but FUCK y’all just gonna let him SIT THERE? No counter measures? No ‘Let’s execute this incredibly thorough and thought-out plan we’ve spent months formulating to restrain Gigantomachia in case he does end up waking up, because better safe than sorry’? When he tramples like 50 students I bet that shit gonna hurt
I hate it all. I was really happy about seeing Shiggy go off 272 bc he’s a king but after rereading from like, 258 I feel... weird. Maybe this will be resolved with more chapters but. eh. Now that I’ve thought of this, I can’t go back. I miss the brain power that was behind the MLA fight
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I'm primarily a Mephiro shipper but I know you like MephAmaiRin and I'm curious about how you feel about your OT3 in these scenarios: 9, 27, 29, 31, 36 and 45 (This is for that "Send me a ship and a number and I'll tell you" ship post) and sorry I know it was supposed to be one number but I was curious about all of these haha
I will also gladly do a mephiro too ;D don’t hold back, I’m a multi-shipper at heart. But hell yeah ot3 :D
9. Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death?
-Religion probably not, or in the vein of what goes on in canon so it’s nbd to any of them. Marriage, Rin is pretty much well if they’re happy with whatever we’ve got going on, it’s cool (tho he’d also be thrilled for an actual wedding, if only as a reason to get all his friends/family around for a celebration bc he’s sociable like that). But it’s right up there with the “love” topic and something Rin edges around bc he knows they’re not quite ready to hear that stuff. Children never really come up bc Rin doesn’t realize it’s even an option (tho given certain demons’ shapeshifting abilities~). And again, all things human concerns so Mephisto/Amaimon don’t look at them the same way Rin does so when the topics do come up, it’s usually Rin being the odd one out with his human upbringing making something like death more of a big deal. Mephisto knows to handle heavy topics a bit more delicately in a way that Rin understands if only bc he’s used to humanity by now. (I could write like an essay on how they each approach these topics and heavy issues in general but I just realized how many questions I have to get thru yet XD).
27. Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
--I see Rin either adopting various strays he’s picked up and imprinted on over the years and Mephisto/Amaimon just huff and accept that they’re gonna have to share Rin’s attention with others. (Tho again, fun with shapeshifting vessels means I’d get to play with the ot3 and their horrible eldritch abominations/children and Rin being trailed by a flock of monsters he refers to as his babies lol). I tend to take that Rin’s demon heart makes him more like a demon king/satan than a typical nephilim that only live for 200 years so they definitely grow “old” together in a sense of the word lol But for splitting up, I’d say that in the end, it becomes a good-natured relationship between them and Rin throughout the ages. They might spend some centuries closer than others, and some more apart as they enjoy their various hobbies but never really “break up”.
29. How do they handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness?
--Oooh well they’re really going thru it rn in canon XD So much like that, Mephisto’s probably got a plan, Amaimon’s a one-demon battering ram, and Rin is out there in the middle of things totally clueless but ready to throw hands  lmao Minor injuries are made a big fuss of by Mephisto for himself, those giant bandaids and requests for someone to kiss his owies better while Amaimon just stares into the camera like he’s on the office and Rin sighs and complies. Sickness is just an excuse for attention and they all take advantage of it since it happens so rarely (if ever, do we even know if demons can contract an illness? Maybe a demonic one like I did for the Quarantine Au lol). Thus, Rin becomes a living space heater and provider of hot soup, Amaimon is there with the absentminded hair brushing and tea, and Mephisto is awful but he might carry them to bed or help them take a bath/order Belial to give them a bath when he’s especially lazy lmao
31. Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something?
--Rin and Mephisto are kings of being teasing shitheads to each other and definitely not above poking at inside jokes or little things like finishing sentences. Amaimon picks up habits all the time, constantly watching Rin/Mephisto bc he’s curious about the things they’re interested in and why. Rin is a terrible liar and they both know when he’s hiding anything, rip to him lmao Though they might guess he’s hiding something, but not what and he surprises them all the time. Amaimon is another open book, but only bc he doesn’t see the point in lying and will be blunt about most things or clam up and not say anything when he doesn’t want to answer. Annnd Mephisto is a horrible/perennial liar and at this point it’s safer to assume he’s hiding something than not. Tho he rarely fully lies, preferring to lie with the truth or let ppl lie to themselves. Rin/Amaimon are used to picking out when he’s masking things he’d rather not talk about, tho cornering him is the tricky part.
36. What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
--These guys are a power ot3 100% :D Rin doesn’t humanize them so much as bring out the best aspects of them, and they repay it with meeting him halfway. It’s all about getting Rin to recognize his role as Satan’s nephil/ the new godking of gehenna while also accepting the human piece of Rin and accommodating it into their lives. Their weakness is definitely that Mephisto refuses to let anyone really know his plans, and those can be unintentionally self-destructive, plus he tends to displace all his stress onto Amaimon as a convenient punching bag and Rin isn’t cool with that. They’re all incredibly stubborn too, so arguments aren’t always about changing each other’s minds, so much as letting them know what they’re going to do and doing it anyway.
45. Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets?
--Annnnd last question~ This is fun lol Mephisto just wants what he always has, to have the freedom to play with his sandbox/Assiah without someone trying to take his toys away or mess with them, as long as he has that, he’s happy playing with his toys and enjoying the excitement Rin and Amaimon bring to his life. Rin mostly just wants to explore the world (I’m thinking end of the series he goes off and takes Amaimon with to see all the cool places he’s always wanted to travel to, possibly picking up new cooking techniques along the way lol). He probably sticks around as paladin and mephisto sends him on fun missions to pick up haunted dolls for his prank collection XD They live it day by day, eternity makes it less crucial to have an end goal. Tho Rin’s biggest goal is to get them to the point where they can hear him say love without it making them act weird lol Heartbreaks probably come into play when the people closest to Rin begin to die from old age, leaving Rin to come to terms with it. Mephisto/Amaimon can logic it out why he’s upset, and they’ve seen enough humans die/react to death that they understand it’s difficult for them, but they still lack the compassion/sympathy to really help him and he’d have to do the emotional brunt work.
Ooh man this ended up long lmao There’s so much more to add too T.T
Thanks for the ask~ @entitycreation
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WAIT I THINK I MISSED THE ASK POST BUT IF UR STILL UP FOR IT homie how about 14, 15, 18, and/or 27 if you’re up for it??? if they’ve been answered already and i missed them no worries about it!!
hello, thanks very much for the ask!!!!! :)
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
ive never written him, probably never will, but absolutely saiki kusuo. 
if its a character that i have written, probably aizawa. he seems reliable. im sure he’ll figure it out. or we’d die together which is also cool.
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
my fics are all too shitty to be made into films but hollywood movies are mostly shitty anyway. so, demonology. would love to see demonology matrix style.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
i love chapter 6 of misdirection. the whole card scene. it was hell to write, but the pay off was amazing.
i remember i held off that chapter for like a month or so bc i was stuck lol. nusm-deku isnt a fighting guy.. he wouldn’t physically fight his enemies; thats his whole thing. and aizawa, though not infallible, wouldnt physically fight deku either. for one thing, hes against a kid, and secondly, he probably wouldnt lose. hes a seasoned pro hero, it just doesnt make sense if he loses (i dont want to nuke a character’s strength for the sake of making another character look cool). and if nusm-deku does pull out some trick that actually manages to beat aizawa in a fight, that wouldnt lead aizawa to be inclined in working with deku either--aizawa isnt that kind of guy.
so how was i gonna have them face off against each other with cooperation as the endgame? this was like the biggest issue with this fic when i started writing it, how to write their confrontation. but then it clicked.. mind game + bargaining would be the answer. both of them have a bargaining chip that the other wants. ta-dah. 
i always knew there was going to be a card game, so i decided ok, this is it, lets put it here. blackjack is simple enough. now another issue is that... who’d win? (yes i didnt plan this out. i dont plan anything when i write) if deku wins, again, it feels like im lowballing aizawa’s character... “losing” wouldn’t be a motivation for someone with aizawa’s principle; i feel like if he loses, he would find another way, he just won’t give in. but if aizawa wins, then what’s the point of the fic, right? this au deku isn’t someone who gives in either, he would definitely find another way too. in a sense both of their characters are a bit too similar to each other, in their principles--its a struggle for control between the two. so how was this story going to achieve a satisfying conclusion that a) makes sense, b) cool as fuck, c) respect both of their characters?
it takes a while to figure out that i have to somehow make the both of them lose and win at the same time. that kind of bittersweet, imperfect achievement just works and it just.. makes their whole dynamic. it works perfectly. and then the last chapter manages to become full circle to the first chapter. 
its one of the most satisfying conclusions ive ever done personally. love that chapter.
27. If you were ever to do a sequel to [x fic], what do you think might happen in it?
i think the only “discontinued” bnha fic rn is homecoming king. 
im really curious whats gonna happen in homecoming tbh. my first idea about it was actually what if nomu deku is enrolled in 1-A lol? that would be super interesting. makes no sense (danger to the rest of the kids etc), but that’s fanfiction for you. i would like to see that happen.  
but the most logical turn of events, i think, is that the commission is absolutely going to attempt to control nomu deku and use him as a weapon slash guinea pig for their own use. aizawa, on the other hand, would feel some kind of weird obligation to deku and try his best to get the kid some sort of semblance of a normal life--to no avail, ofc. and this is where bkg comes to picture.. i think it would be interesting if this deku gets attached to bkg bc bkg is the only recollection he has of his “previous” life. thus, bkg will be used by the commission to “control” this nomu deku. like they would let deku to meet bkg as a reward. and bkg? bkg, seeing his childhood friend slash ex-bullying victim become an inhumane creature slash hero commission’s attack dog? oh.. bkg’s gonna have his own mental health shot to hell.
this, i think, is the plot that makes most sense. a bit fucked up huh? now i wanna write it.
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