#I've been mostly occupied with partials
reginrokkr · 1 year
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❝The land of Inazuma has motives of great concern should the veil of chaos remain unattended.❞ He is mindful to speak only for her ears to notice. Simple and straight to the point so that no introductions or questioning about one’s intentions are put on the table if it is in her interest to solve this crisis first. Only when he captures her attention does he gesture with his chin a more secluded place to discuss, bereft of watchful eyes that may importunate them or defy his will to maintain this under wraps. ❝You must have conducted investigations to find the source of this predicament if I am not mistaken. Did you find it?❞ He continues once they are in a more private zone, strong arms crossing over his chest in an act of practicing patience.
@ayahimes ♥︎ed for a starter!
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antiracist-tolkien · 10 months
Harad Through Fandom Eyes
Plenty of people acknowledge that LOTR's Haradrim, Easterlings and Variags are racist. However, I've seen less discussion about how fandom adds even more racism into the mix. This seems to be mostly because many people have very little knowledge about West Asia and North Africa, aka WANA [Why say WANA/SWANA instead of Middle East?] and what anti-WANA racism looks like.
I'm going to focus on Harad because this is the region that we know the most about. If you need a brief refresher:
Harad, or Haradwaith, is the region south of Gondor. There's a long history of violence between Harad and Gondor which dates back beyond Gondor even existed, to when Numenorians colonised Harad and repressed the people. Since then there were multiple wars and for long periods of time Gondor occupied parts of Harad. The Haradrim fight for Sauron in LoTR, partially due to their hatred of Gondor.
Harad is divided into two. Near Harad is strongly North Africa coded, and Far Harad is sub-Saharan Africa coded.
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(Image description in alt text.)
Tolkien uses multiple different names to refer to the people of Harad (Haradrim, Southrons, Swertings, etc.) However, these seem to be the people of Near Harad, who he differentiates from the people of Far Harad. (There's some serious anti-blackness in this next quote, so skip over it if you need to. I only put it here as evidence that the use of Haradrim/Southrons in LOTR refers to Near Haradrim.)
[...] Easterlings with axes, and Variags of Khand, Southrons in scarlet, and out of Far Harad black men like half-trolls with white eyes and red tongues. - Return of the King
There is more to say on this than I would be able to fit into this post. There's a discussion to be had about Tolkien's textual and real life relationship with Black people. There's also a discussion that needs to be had about how Tolkien's racism is often excused with the idea that he was a 'benevolent' or well-meaning racist, a product of his time. It's an excuse that ignores the violence of quotations like this and the way that he wielded his whiteness against Black people in academia and writing.
I don't have time or space for those discussions in this post, but I want to acknowledge them.
What I want to discuss here is fandom portrayals of Haradrim. I'm not going to talk too much about the in-text racism, because that has been extensively covered elsewhere. But in summary:
The idea of the good white guys conquering the lesser brown 'Men of Darkness' is inherently racist
Tolkien's description of the Haradrim, such as repeatedly describing them as a cruel and warlike people, is also racist
The one paragraph where Samwise feels empathy for a dead Haradrim soldier does not lessen the racism.
With that out of the way, let's talk about fandom.
There's a gaping void in the information we're given about the Haradrim, so of course fandom attempts to fill the gaps. Fans often take inspiration from WANA. But many fans don't actually know that much about WANA and don't realise how much of their perception of it is based on racist and imperialist propaganda.
In fannish depictions, Harad all too frequently becomes an exotified fantasy that pulls from Western perceptions of WANA. Orientalist ideals of a mystical, magical, and yet dangerous place predominate the fannish idea of Harad.
The first thing that you should know about WANA is that it's an extremely culturally, religiously and geographically diverse place. If your depiction of Harad is entirely desert, or made of a culturally homogenous people with a narrow range of skin tones and features, you need to expand that. Equally, depictions of Harad as more 'socially backward' than other areas of Middle Earth stem directly from racist propaganda.
Too many stories write Harad as misogynistic and homophobic, often in direct contrast to other areas of Middle Earth. As many WANA people have pointed out, these kinds of sweeping generalisations are often specifically targeted at WANA because of racism.
Mysterious cursed objects from the 'far away lands of Harad', decadent sultans, the fetishization of cultural practices like belly dancing; these are all forms of Orientalism. Female characters may be sexualised, shown as seductresses or members of harems. (By the way, Westerners tend to have a very incorrect understanding of what harems actually are/were. They were the part of a Muslim household reserved for women and pre-pubescent boys. It was outsiders who perceived them as fundamentally sexual spaces and created the modern tropes of sexual harems.)
Male characters may be violent, cunning, greedy, dangerous and strange. There may be public executions and enslaved peoples, regardless of the complete absence of a textual basis. All of these things stem directly from racist ideas of WANA as 'barbaric' and 'uncivilised'.
In fact, Haradrim were once enslaved by Numenorians. They were victims of violent colonisation that continued into the days of Gondor. They have every reason to hate the 'Men of the West' and fight against them.
On a final note, the most major and dangerous WANA stereotype is the portrayal of WANA people as terrorists. This isn't a trope seen in Tolkien's works because it's primarily a post-911 phenomenon. But it's something that you must be conscious of if you're writing about Harad or other WANA-coded regions.
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kanansdume · 5 months
Hello! Your pro-Jedi posts are so precious in mostly anti-Jedi rhetoric circulating around fandom and canon (sadly). So I wanted to ask: have you read a novel Ashoka by E.K.Johnson? If you haven’t, I hope you don’t mind some spoilers and a small rant.
I didn’t expect a lot while getting to it, but it still rubbed me wrong. Cannot remember specifically, but the general idea was ‘The Jedi were so trapped in the past and dogmatic, so they’re partially to blame for their downfall’. After reading lots of Jedi-defending meta, it just hurts.
One moment I remember most, though. After Ahsoka and Bail Organa save population of a small planet, occupied by the Empire, Bail calls her a Jedi.
Ahsoka: I’m no Jedi.
Bail: But you act like one.
And I’m just: yes! Yes, you do act like a Jedi! You meditate the Jedi way, you think the Jedi way – how come you’re not a Jedi? Only because you weren’t knighted? Meta-speaking, Kanan, Ezra and Luke also weren’t fully trained by the community, but they still are Jedi. Especially in a non-Jedi Imperial world. And non-Force-sensitive population in-universe won’t see the difference between a fully-trained Jedi Knight and an almost fully-trained Jedi Padawan – they’re still ‘Jedi’ to them.
I felt like this novel enforces the current idea that Ahsoka is better that ‘those stupid old dogmatic Jedi of the Prequels’. Sorry for the rant and thanks for reading.
Thank-you, I'm glad you've liked what I've managed to contribute to the pro Jedi fandom!
As for the Ahsoka novel, I haven't read it (but I don't mind spoilers since I don't ever plan to). I read like the first two thirds of Queen's Peril and then got bored and then I started hearing some pretty nasty things about E.K. Johnston and have refused to ever pick it back up again or ever read another of her books. So I'm not at all shocked that she's part of the Jedi critical crowd. It's even LESS shocking that it came out within the Ahsoka novel, just given the way Ahsoka as a character has been going for YEARS. It sounds like it's handling the issue in the same basic way a lot of people have done, nothing unique there.
If I'm willing to try to re-interpret the "I'm no Jedi" stuff into a more pro Jedi version, Ahsoka doesn't see herself as a Jedi because, unlike all of those other characters, Ahsoka LEFT the Order before it was destroyed and before she officially completed her training and never rejoined it. Kanan never left it at all, it was just destroyed around him (the same is true for Cal Kestis from the Jedi games). And he does TECHNICALLY get Knighted by Yoda during Rebels and takes on a Padawan, hallmarks of a Jedi Knight. Ezra and Luke never had an Order to join to begin with, so their willingness to identify themselves as Jedi isn't dependent on having officially joined the right organization so much as it is about having learned from someone else who identifies as a Jedi and being told their training is complete. Both Ezra and Luke kind-of reach that point with Kanan and Yoda, so they never question their identity as Jedi.
Ahsoka is in the VERY unique position of having not been a Jedi OFFICIALLY when the Order was destroyed, which leaves her in slightly more limbo than most others. She HAD the ability to rejoin it before it was destroyed, she just didn't, and now she has to kind-of move away from the idea of needing to be a part of the Order before she can call herself a real Jedi. She also never has a master tell her she's done with training. In both Kanan and Cal's cases, their masters died to protect them and so someone else (Yoda and Cere) has to step in to finish the job. For Ahsoka, her master is STILL ALIVE, he's just now a Sith and is trying to kill her. Nobody steps in to try to finish the job he started with Ahsoka (nor does Ahsoka really ever seem that open to it). This ALSO leaves her in a little bit of limbo in a way nobody else is.
So I'm generally willing to sort-of re-interpret her choosing not to identify as a Jedi within this context to make it less about feeling like she's better than all the other Jedi and more that she feels STUCK in how to get back to that identity in a way nobody else is. Just because she still meditates and tries to help people doesn't make her officially a Jedi when she intentionally left the Order for a reason. She chose to stop being a Jedi for a reason. In the Prequels Era, just being a kind Force sensitive person didn't make you a Jedi, so it works for me that Ahsoka would insist that she ISN'T one for a while, even when she looks a lot like one to an outside perspective. I could even see a more Jedi positive narrative taking the fact that she still acts and thinks like a Jedi in an interesting direction for her.
It's easier to utilize that interpretation in Rebels where Ahsoka is GENERALLY more positive about the Jedi and, despite not really identifying as one herself, she seems fine with getting lumped in as a Jedi along with Kanan and Ezra. She intentionally seeks Kanan and Ezra out for "Jedi stuff" once or twice during season 2. She ONLY brings out the "I'm no Jedi" line when Anakin throws the Jedi (and the fact that she'd left the Order) in her face during their confrontation before he's explicitly revealed to be Anakin (which means Ahsoka can still pretend he's NOT Anakin and be angry that this is the person who KILLED Anakin instead). She seems like she might be on the path towards becoming a Jedi again by following these two people who are slightly further ahead on that path than she is (and then she sees Anakin as Vader and she gets blown right off of that path all over again apparently). Ahsoka isn't the main character of Rebels and the entire narrative is about Ezra and Kanan coming together as teacher and student to become true Jedi by learning compassion and selflessness via sacrifice. Ahsoka can't overshadow or outshine the two main characters by making her seem BETTER than the two characters who are explicitly learning to become Jedi by emulating Prequels Jedi, which is helping her.
It's HARDER to utilize this interpretation within something like, say, the Ahsoka show, where it's absolutely clear that its take on the Jedi is NEGATIVE. Sabine calls herself a Jedi, other people call her a Jedi, but Ahsoka explicitly states that she doesn't want Sabine to be a Jedi AT ALL and never identifies as one herself. She calls the Jedi failures and implies that it's because they were elitist. She and Sabine constantly refuse to abide by Huyang's standard Jedi protocols and seem to see them as useless and old-fashioned. There isn't a SINGLE thing about the Jedi that is represented as positive in this show, which makes it decidedly difficult to pretend that Ahsoka is refusing to identify as a Jedi simply because she's in a particular emotional limbo about it that she needs to work out. Instead, Ahsoka refuses to identify as a Jedi because she associates being a Jedi with being an elitist asshole apparently and might only start reclaiming the title when she decides that she can sort-of... be a new kind of Jedi that's better than the old ones (not unlike what Baylan claims to be doing with Shin). It's DECIDEDLY anti Jedi in tone and I'm generally unwilling to try to rework the entire fucked up narrative of the show to try to pretend that it isn't. The Ahsoka show is an explicitly anti Jedi narrative and that's just... the facts of the matter. It sucks, but it's true. It's not worth me putting in any more work than that.
I haven't read the Ahsoka novel, so I don't know whether its tone is closer to Rebels or the Ahsoka show. If it feels to you closer to how the Ahsoka show landed, my advice would be to just purge it from your canon. That's the nice thing about Star Wars, you can pick and choose what's canon to you and what isn't. If it doesn't work for you, you can straight up pretend it doesn't exist. As far as I'm concerned, the Ahsoka show never happened. It's stupid and doesn't deserve to be considered within my canon. If, however, it feels closer to how Rebels ended up, my advice is to see if you can find some way to re-interpret some of the more Jedi critical pieces or just pretend THOSE parts don't exist and separate it out from the parts you DO enjoy.
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ussjellyfish · 6 months
Unwritten/Unpublished fics asks!
#9, 10, 13, 15, 16
Thank you for asking!!
These are mostly from Lulu's travels across universes, which has not been published and sitting partially done in my WIP folder since this summer.
9. Is there anything in the fic you're not so excited about writing?
I have an partially completed fic where Lulu from Firefly universe jumps into basically post-season 4 canon. She's about 4. The fun part is that she's from Firefly, which is soft, and Katrina and Philippa are both alive, and together, and Michael and Laira are married. Laira's pregnant in that one, which let me have a very funny (to me) line in Quantum.
The part that will NOT be fun to write is when the universes intersect and there are two sets of people all in one scene. Really anything more than a handful of people talking is difficult, but two Michael's, two Laira's...nightmare to write.
Fun though! there's lots of fun little things, but uh...yikes for me and the pronouns and how to differentiate.
10. If unpublished, can you show a sneak peek of what you've written?
Rillak walks over by the window, still carrying Lulu in her arms. She turns so Lulu can see out of the viewport. "See the ships? The pretty one with sails is Bajoran." Lulu lifts her head, and Rillak turns closer. "Can I put you down? Admiral Vance knows how to get ice cream from his very important replicator and I bet if we ask nicely, he can get us some."
"We're not supposed to eat in the office."
Rillak crouches down, making herself even with Lulu's tearstained face. "The secret is, it's my office, and I can do what I want."
"And me?" Lulu smiles at that.
"And you, because you're my guest."
Walking over to Vance and offering her hand, Lulu stares up expectantly. "Let's get ice cream."
With Lulu occupied, Rillak eyes the wet patch on her suit and finds Michael's gaze. "I was coming out of a meeting and she came around the corner, sobbing, and threw herself at me. My security is a little embrassed, but it was fine."
Today is full of too many surprises. "She ran to you, ma'am?"
"She knows me. I don't know how, I've never—"
"Things are different in her universe, ma'am."
Rillak tilts her head, smiling a little. She raises her eye ridges. "Obviously, captain. How different?"
13. Is there any unwritten/unpublished fics you haven't mentioned you're gonna do?
Right now there's Quantum, Lulu's travels across universe, a fic where Laira and Michael are dating (but not for very long) and Laira gets sick so Michael goes to rescue her from herself. (and they talk about how it is all right to be comforted and looked after), and a fic where Michael gets pon farr, and her crew realizes if they ask Laira to have sex with her, it'll be less awkward for everyone.
I don't have anything else I've thought about writing enough to have a WIP for.
15. Do you have any unwritten scene that you think about a lot?
Philippa getting to see Michael (canon-y Michael). She loves Michael so much, getting to see any version of her is wonderful. This one she can make fun of because she's a captain, but she's lonely. Why is she so lonely? She could...Laira's right there are you haven't figured out how much of a crush you have on her?
The private goodbye where Philippa tells her to go get Laira. You're happy with her in my universe, like stupidly happy, and you don't have me here to tell you what to do, so, go. Will be fun, and heartfelt.
16. Is there any written scene that you think about a lot?
Laira and Michael trying to give Lulu a bath, which all the chaos that would entail. The two of them deciding that calling each other by their first names is okay. Lulu getting Laira's hair all wet and the two of them laughing while Michael realizes how lonely she is.
She is captain, and she has her crew but she doesn't have an imperial niece or an almost mother working for Federation security, and a step-mother who is an admiral (Kat Cornwell) or Laira, who she married about a year ago in this universe, and they're having a baby. (Laira's probably the same amount of pregnant in Quantum right now that she is in Lulu's home universe.)
Michael realizing she's lonely for this life she doesn't have. Laira admitting the same thing. Lulu is delightful chaos that she'd never allow herself to have.
(and maybe she should)
and they look at each other, all wet in their tank tops and jackets off and Lulu's falling asleep in her pajamas and...they're going to miss her.
and each other when she goes home because they're not even friends here.
(but maybe they...)
They're very very cute when they're being awkward together. The "I don't love you yet, but obviously I could" feeling.
unwritten fic asks
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abugwritesstuff · 1 year
For drabbles? How about Knight throws a used condom at Fenn because he thought it was a water balloon
this is horrifying lmao, but fuck it, sure:
"Curses, blast it all, that old hag..."
Knight stalked along the dorm halls, arms stiff by his sides and his brows drawn together into a tight and frustrated furrow, muttering vague obscenities under his breath. If Toa hadn't been off in a lecture he might've told him off for improper language, but given that he was, Knight continued his private diatribe down the hall.
He'd awoken that morning to the lovely surprise that every other valet was otherwise occupied for the partially rotating duties of straightening up Fenn's horrible bedchambers. Violet, of course, was the one that was supposed to do that, hypothetically, which made all this nonsense her fault, as she was absolutely nowhere to be found. Grayson was the one who usually took care of things, but he was off with Roy visiting Akedia on a minor diplomatic mission. Thoma was assisting Hawke with teaching a fencing class, Jasper was doing something (Guy would not disclose what), and Tino had been pulled into assisting the kitchen staff with the day's baking as one of their bakers was out sick. So it was left to Knight.
Thus far he'd avoided the task of cleaning Fenn's room by pity, mostly. The others knew that Knight was a special favorite target of his antics and would volunteer in his stead if it came to it. However, he'd always known that it was only a matter of time until his good fortune dried up.
Knight sucked in a deep breath as he approached the door. Clutched in one fist was a crumpled note of instructions written by Violet but that had been passed to Grayson and then to every other valet when they took a turn. He'd given it a cursory look over before heading to the dreaded room, but had been so desperate to get the nonsense over with that he now could remember little of it. He knocked a quick pattern on the door and then waited, stomach churning.
It took a few moments for any noise to emerge from within the room. Two voices, as Knight had predicted. Wait, no. Three. Fenn was mumbling something and two voices mumbled back, then giggled a bit. There was a shuffling around for a few moments, more giggles, and then the door opened wide. Knight jumped back, clutching the note to his chest as Fenn beamed at him from the other side of the door frame and two bed-headed academy girls rushed out and took off down the hallway.
"Why, what a surprise!" Fenn said, grinning a nearly cheshire grin and gesturing out a theatrically welcoming arm. "I nearly gave up hope you'd ever grace my chambers, dear Knight."
Knight felt his stomach sink and rumble with- what was that? Nerves? Nausea? He shook his head. "Never mind that, you. I'm here to clean and that's it," he declared, drawing himself up to his fullest height and pointing an accusatory finger at the prince. He shuffled past Fenn and surveyed the room.
The bed was a disaster of blankets, the desk was overrun with crumpled paper and busted quill pens, and the floor was littered with random clothing items not all of which looked to be Fenn's. Around the corner, the bathroom looked somewhat steamy and damp, with bottles of perfumes and other products strewn about randomly. At the couches were dirty glasses and empty bottles of that Luxurean blue wine. Luckily, though, none had spilled anywhere. Knight noted with a minor sigh of relief that, like Toa, Fenn seemed to be more of a messy type than an actually dirty one. This would be a fairly quick job.
He began by arranging the clothes into a pile to be taken to the laundry and gathering the empty bottles and glasses to be thrown away and washed, respectively. Throughout this process Fenn remained nearby, grinning with a mischievous look in his eye, getting ever closer until Knight turned around, irritated.
"Do stay out of my way, would you?" Knight snapped at him, and Fenn held up his hands innocently.
"I've hardly done a thing," Fenn purred innocently.
Knight rolled his eyes and continued, shuddering as he picked up a lacy thong and tossed it into the laundry pile. Hopefully that would be the worst of it. If that was all, that wouldn't be nearly so bad-
"Aiiiieeee! S-stop that!"
Knight yelped and jumped into the air, then spun around, hands held protectively over his backside.
Fenn beamed, delighted by the reaction.
"I can hardly help myself," Fenn laughed. "You're just too tempting, darling little Knight."
"Don't touch me! And I'm not little, either," Knight spat. "Stay away from me, pervert!" He backed away a good distance and with a suspicious eye, began again to sort through the laundry, occasionally shooting a glance up at the prince who remained poised at the bedside, pretending at innocence and checking his manicured nails.
"Mustn't let down my guard..." Knight mumbled to himself. Indeed, as he moved around the room, straightening up the mess and setting right the tipped over decor, he felt Fenn's amethyst gaze track him. The sensation bore into his back so thoroughly that he could detect the mere aura of Fenn standing from his seated position and creeping soundlessly toward him. Unwilling to react so strongly again, Knight held his breath- it was the reactions that Fenn enjoyed the most. Rattling him was more fun than landing a butt-squeeze was, so Knight continued to calmly clean until Fenn was right up on him. On the side table directly in from of him as he righted a tipped over houseplant, Knight spotted what looked to be some odd water balloon. Without sparing a second more of thought, he grabbed it and spun around, chucking it hard at Fenn's bare chest.
Both froze.
Stuck to Fenn's chest, and then falling with an unceremonious splat to the tiled floor, was a condom. A used one. After a few long seconds of silence, Fenn doubled over, shoulders shaking with laughter.
Knight stared at the floor as the heat of impending panic crept up his neck. He stared at the condom, then back at his hand, which was frozen in front of him. His brain even felt hot somehow and his ears rung. Looking up once more he locked eyes with Fenn, who was recuperating from his laughing fit enough to grin that shit-eating grin once more.
Knight screamed as the weight of it hit him. Oh Creator, his hand. He was tainted forever. Was his hand diseased now? It had to be, it was Fenn. He had to disinfect it with everything in the infirmary. He took off from Fenn's chambers so quickly he nearly slipped in the remaining clutter beside the door and peeled off down the hall, thundering down the stairs.
Fenn broke into another fit of laughter and then sighed, dropping heavily into his settee and wiping his eyes of amused tears. "Goodness, I haven't had a laugh like that in ages," he breathed. He laid back against the cushions and stared up at the ceiling, smiling to himself at the image of Knight's panicked face. He'd hoped for a bit of fun and banter at the poor little valet's expense, but had hardly expected anything quite like that. Lost in thought, Fenn zoned out there for a good while until a familiar face popped into his field of vision suddenly.
"Oi! What is this, Fenn?!" Violet snapped, yanking him up to sit and facing him with hands on her hips. "This place is a disaster and you have a class to teach in five minutes! What in Saligia happened here?!"
"Ah, good of you to show up Letty. Thank you for conveniently disappearing this morning," Fenn stood and stretched casually, turning from his valet and padding over to find his clothing for the day from within his dresser drawers. "Knight finally had his turn."
Behind him, Violet sighed and massaged her temples. "I see. You tormented the pipsqueak, as usual?"
Fenn beamed. "I wouldn't call it tormenting."
"Whatever. Ugh, this place is horrendous. Be ready for class or I'll string you up on the headmaster's tower by your balls." Violet shook her head and left the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
Fenn grinned and tossed his jacket around his shoulders. As he made his way from his room and to the classroom, he passed the infirmary and smirked at the image he caught in his periphery: Knight, entire arm submerged in the nearly overflowing sudsy sink and frantically scrubbing with some kind of rough sponge, face still bright ruby red.
"Curses, blast it all, that old stupid crone..."
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
The Man Next Door (Part 2)
Here is Part 2, everyone! And Balan makes his small appearance in this one! Since he and Lance are humans, they won't rhyme. Also, they have last names too. Enjoy!
Plot: Leo goes to run some morning errands before he can go see Emma. But then, he bumps into her new neighbor and senses that something is not right. Later on, the two teens decide to find out more about Lance. Thankfully, Leo's friendly neighbor, Balan is there to help.
(With Leo)
Morning came and Leo found himself getting ready to go to the store. His mother had handed him a list of stuff they needed. "Don't take too long," Mrs. Craig said to him. "Be back by lunchtime, okay?"
"Okay," Leo said as he left the house and made his way to the store. While walking, he took a look at the list. The following stuff he needed included the following:
Thinly sliced American cheese
Thinly sliced pork
As he was walking, Leo failed to notice that someone was in front of him. Before he knew it, he bumped into someone and fell to the ground.
"Oh my. Are you alright, young man?" An adult male's voice that Leo didn't recognize asked. The teen boy looked up and saw a peculiar man that he had never seen before staring down at him, his hand extended out for him to take.
"Uh, yeah," Leo said, taking the man's hand and helping himself up. "I'm fine. No need to apologize. I wasn't watching where I was going. I was looking at the list my mom gave me."
"It's fine," The man replied with a small smile. "But do be careful next time. I am Lance Foster, by the way. A pleasure to meet you."
"I'm Leo Craig," Leo introduced himself. "I don't think I've seen you around before…"
"I recently moved into that higher-class neighborhood up the street," Lance said to Leo, pointing up to where Emma lived. "It's nice and quiet, not to mention the ideal place for me to work on my studies."
"Huh, I didn't know that you were my friend's neighbor. Her name is Emma. She also lives up there." Leo had to admit that this man was friendly, but there was some sort of aura that the man was giving off. It was one that made Leo slightly uneasy.
"Oh! What a coincidence." Lance said with a slightly surprised look. "I'm sure I'll meet her someday. Well, I would stick around and talk some more, but my ride shall be arriving soon. Do take care, Leo." He waved to the boy just as the taxi cab arrived. The man got into the cab and the yellow car drove off.
Leo awkwardly waved back before he made his way to the store. A wave of relief washed over him when he entered the building. There was really something off about that man. But Leo couldn't put his finger on what.
(With Emma)
While she was waiting for the moment that she would hang out with Leo, Emma decided to help the maids do their tasks. It was partially to keep herself occupied until it was time for her to leave. But it was mostly to prevent herself from thinking about that strange man.
Last night, her dreams had been plagued with images of the man. It almost caused Emma to have a restless sleep because of them. Still, it was rather amazing that she didn't sleep in like some kids would do on the weekends.
As she took the dirty dishes from breakfast to the sink in order to be washed, Emma overhead a conversation between three of the maids.
"Have you heard about that man that bought the house yesterday?" Sophía Rodriguez, the blue-haired maid, asked as she kept on dusting the shelves. "It's that one house that nobody has lived in for a long while."
"Oh, I've heard!" Louise Toussaint, the strawberry blonde-haired maid said. "I saw him leave his house earlier this morning! He looked like he was going somewhere. Shall we invite him over for dinner when he gets back so we can introduce ourselves?"
"I think that's a great idea," Grace O'Neil, the red-haired maid, agreed with delight. "One of us will tell Emma the news and we shall prepare for dinner later on. We would want our new guest to feel welcome to this neighborhood."
"Totally!" Sophía and Louise agreed together. Emma blinked before making her way into the kitchen. The teal-haired maid, María García, saw Emma come by with the dirty dishes.
"Careful with them, Emma," She said to her. "I don't want you to get hurt. Let me help you out here." She took some dishes from her to make it easier for Emma.
"Thanks, María," Emma said. "I heard Sophía, Louise, and Grace talk about the new neighbor. They plan to invite him over for dinner."
"That one man that moved in yesterday?" María asked. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to introduce him. I know you're a bit shy, but who knows? You might grow fond of him."
Emma nodded as she washed the dishes. She wanted to trust María's words. But for some reason, she couldn't.
(Later on)
Emma and Leo were walking towards Timeville together. "So what did you do, this morning?" Emma asked Leo.
"My mom sent me to go get groceries," Leo said, shrugging. "On my way there, I bumped into a strange man. He said his name was Lance Foster and he said he moved into your neighborhood."
Emma's head perked up. "So that's what his name is?" She asked. "Three of my maids were talking about him earlier. They want to invite him over for dinner tonight. Between you and me, I don't feel comfortable around him."
"Same here. I don't know about you, but I made up my mind." Leo crossed his arms, frowning. "I think we should go pay my neighbor a visit. He works as a maestro. His name is Balan Callahan. He can be energetic when greeting newcomers, but overall, he's friendly."
"Why Balan?" Emma asked, curiously. "Will he help us?"
"Hopefully so. He has a wide knowledge of people that he went to school with it. Maybe he might know a bit about Lance Foster." Leo started to make his way to the townhouses in Timeville which was where he lived. "His home is this way, Emma."
The two teens made to one of the townhouses that had a red door. Leo knocked on it and waited patiently. The door opened to reveal a tall man with white skin, bright teal hair, and yellow eyes. Unlike Lance, his smile was genuinely friendly.
"Good afternoon, little ones. How can I help you?"
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le-precipice · 2 months
In the pain, is there healing?
It's been two and a half months. And I still feel like I'm drowning. I feel hopeless. It's worst at night. During the day I have work and other things to occupy my mind. Mostly. But the despair and the panic are never too far from my mind.
I feel like I will never be with anyone. It's too late for me. Everybody figured it out and I just spent all of this time in my room alone. While everyone else was experiencing life. And now it's too late. Meanwhile these things that I want eventually, I feel like I have to rush for now. There's not enough time. And I miss him. And I hate that it never could have worked. Because even if I get him back, I don't get the life that I hoped for.
This was my first relationship, which is embarrassing to admit as I'm 31. I feel like I'm so behind. This breakup completely ruined me, but I'm constantly feeling like this is something I should have experienced at 21, not 31.
I have family (old-fashioned, immigrant) constantly reminding me that I need to find someone and get married as 'now is the time'. Meanwhile I'm just trying to stay afloat mentally and emotionally.
I'm trying to get myself back to...something normal. I stopped drinking. I've started a new hobby. I'm focusing on my health (partially because I've gained a few too many pounds), going to the gym and making healthy meals for myself. I just haven't figured out a way to push out the intrusive thoughts. The self-doubt and constant worry. The quiet panic. I just want to not feel like this anymore.
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luccettis · 4 months
brain not want to write so bullet points
- simon meets monalisa like right before he decides to make abouthat
- or beginning of senior year but probably before
- monalisa new student at school and it's so weird she is virtually unsearchable and it makes him insane. no pictures of her online, and the only ones that do exist she doesn't even look at the camera or they're blurry. she has an instagram @monalikethepainting
- she moved from northern california! she's in a band! she plays electric guitar! she's artistic! she paints, writes, draws, sings, dances, yearbook! she's like all the muses in one!!
- simon knows she's coming and looks!! and digs anything he can about her but he's mad. he can't find anything!! only school journals about a band with her in it named hopeless romantics and it's so annoying he complains to janae and janae is like leave her alone she's good and simon is like no she has to be shitty everyone is. also what kind of name is monalisa like she's a fucking painting
- but he meets her and they have lunch together because he wants to know clues to look for her but she's so. nice and offers her lunch and they talk about having a peanut allergy "is that peanut butter? thanks but i'm okay" "it's not. i actually have a billion allergies" "oh okay. weird you'd offer me your lunch" . also okay maybe she is a painting. whatever. shut up
- either she knows absolutely nothing or she hears things and is like oh well. i don't know i've known you for like five minutes i think you're okay i guess . i do hear you're an asshole though but i don't think so
- they have journalism together and they talk sometimes. it's sickening now nice she is but it's such a genuine change of pace to have someone so disconnected from the 'typical high school experience' of being online
- but simon is horribly depressed and has been. janae knows this and also thinks it's annoying how bright and sunshiney mona is but simon was somehow less insufferable after journalism sometimes. and janae feels like she has been talking him off the edge for years
- "i literally can't find anything about her. it pisses me off" "why can't you fathom every nice person isn't fake" "because it just can't be right"
- mona invites him to poetry reads or to hang out at her house and usually no one is home because they work. they watch movies or she teaches him to play music or they write. she absolutely insists she isn't in love with him but she is. her sister is a senior and her boyfriend also hates simon (threatens to kick in his teeth regularly) (her sister's name is ginerva. monalisas full name is monalisa demoiselle hughes. humiliating)
- she is his biggest cheerleader and hates that she makes him think. (abouthat route) asking him why he does it and why it matters so much because high school is so small and trivial but he hasn't known anything else. he was never popular but when he wrote people hated him. and he's been so mentally unwell. and then there's her. but he can't fathom the idea of admitting it out loud
- he abandons abouthat partially mostly because his time is. occupied with her and he isn't around other people (in the route he does keep it or do it)
- people bug him about not writing anymore and he says he's busy. he picks up guitar and sings with her and their little band is just the romantics. he says because he doesn't feel hopeless with her. they're just """"good friends""""" . she tells him she felt the same way at a point where he wanted to die like he did. it makes them both really unwell and. it makes him mostly unwell because living past high school feels surreal and now its summer.
- summer to san franciso. mona apologizes in advance because its gross but they go to san jose and santa cruz and meet her other bandmates. weird. he feels out of place but in the right place at the same time. everything feels right!!!???
- simon and mona senior year. homecoming. janae clowns on simon because they match. janae warms up to mona but only because they're polar opposites. she never wears darker colors but they wear dark green and people are like god who is this guy. is this not the same guy that leaked the post about everyone cheating on each other or started fights . homecoming just as friends. it's getting harder now.
- simon mona talent show with their little band. simon mona spending more and more time at each others houses. mona's sister's boyfriend no longer wants to kick his teeth in (most of the time). they're so grossly comfortable with each other it's second nature to follow each other home but more often than not they're at her house because his house feels cold and unwelcoming . he sleeps on their couch because her sister would blow up a building if they shared a bed
- janae is like dude. are you okay and he's like no oh my god i have not felt love or compassion from anyone except you and you're gay. this girl is ruining my life and i can't make it stop because she makes me wanna throw up and delete social media and never touch it again and lay in the sun and think of nothing else and i can't imagine killing myself now because i don't know how i can think of leaving her and our little band and heaven knows i'm miserable now because she's all i can think of
- janae clowns on him. edgelord . please tell her you like her. he's like no that's the problem i am in love with her and it makes me nauseated
- no. i'm good. what the fuck do you mean you're good you are not well simon.
- abouthat (if that's the route) gets wiped off the face of the earth and he like clears his entire social media and it's similar to mona's. no notifications. he doesn't bother with anyone's business. people still beef with him. but. he's like yeah that was douchey. i thought it was better to have people know the truth rather than not and i didn't approach it right. (i also think this would be the apology tour if he kept it a secret that he wrote for abouthat and she found out but this is his enlightened apology tour)
- mona simon applying to colleges together. haha what if we went to the same one. haha i would be so happy. haha. ha.
- senior trip to disneyland!!!! ahahah!! janae is like not thrilled to third wheel but . she's like just tell her. oh my god you both make me sick.
- simon says no thank you. fireworks with mona before they go. i'm really glad i met you. i'm glad i met you too. they both feel it but no one will take the plunge. they fall asleep on each other on the bus
- prom prom prom. they know theyre going to the same college. they opened their acceptance letters at the same time. prom!! she convinces him to wear florals and they look so cute together. janae can come too. she wants to throw up. cheesy prom pictures. she keeps asking when is the time right and he's like i don't know.
- they drop janae home late as hell and he comes to drop her off and shes like. just stay. it'll be like any of our other sleepovers. but it really isn't and they share her bed and fall asleep face to face holding hands. wake up. oh my god
- he leaves because he's like dude fuck this is too close. graduation is soon. we have exams and i cannot admit to her i like her. she wakes up really sad because she can't admit to him because it'll ruin their friendship. things are weird. janae is like why are you being emo again dude what the fuck
- i slept at her house and held hands and fell asleep talking about our feelings but i don't want to fuck it up. bro you are fucking it up right now
- finals and exams. nervous glances in journalism looking at each other. she is SAD. sad. like she cried sad. she cries easily and he knows that from movies and talks but she looks like she had been crying for days. janae bullies his ass again. go fix this or i'm gonna put my foot up your ass. ok fuck
- meet me at our spot. cafe bookstore called writers block. she doesn't answer he just shows up snd hopes she comes. he waits. and waits. granted he was early. she comes and she just looks sick. hey. hey. are you okay? i don't know. why did you leave? i was scared. scared of what? waking up there with me? no. then what simon. what. i don't know. i have never felt cared about the way you and your scary ass sister snd her boyfriend care about me. there's janae but you know. yes she's gay. i know simon.
- okay well. you make things not hopeless and i really do think i was going to kill myself and now i don't or can't imagine doing it now. and it's weird if you told freshman me i'd be in some two person band or picking colleges and going to dances i'd tell you you're fucking insane and that isn't who i am because everyone is fake and nobody can be honest. but you were. you were honest. and nice. and shared your stupid edamame with me and told me you were allergic to peanuts. our epipens looked the same. i thought you were too good to be true and i think i love you
- i love you. i hate that you left and i've been waiting for over a year to tell you i liked you or loved you because i didn't want you to think of me differently if you didn't like me that way. i was sick to my stomach you left without a word.
- i know. i'm sorry. i love you.
- i love you.
- graduation and college!!!!!
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whatisshelties · 6 months
Yeah, I'm heavily leaning towards waiting much longer on the new dog and releasing my hold on the rescue dog.
I touched base with rescue owner a few weeks ago because she was posting some videos of the dogs just out and about and mentioned the dog I had on hold was softer and that she won't try to take space from another dog.
The softness doesn't really bug me from a training stand point, but it sounded to me like she might not be totally comfortable with the other dogs in the house. A dog that doesn't get in another dog's space is great for Anza and Mud to some degree. However, I'm not sure it's fair to the other dog if she's going to always be somewhat uncomfortable because there's other bigger, more pushy dogs in the house. Heck, Anza was never fully comfortable with Truly and I feel like her behavior is changing even at 7 years old because it's only her and Mud now.
Mud and Anza are just so happy with each other. My mom says herself that she thinks Anza is happier here than she was at the other house. We suspect partially the house/property itself and partially Mud is here. Anza has been in my bed a lot. I think it's because it has gotten colder, but she does like to be comfortable. Sometimes she's even sleeping with me in bed for part of the night.
I still think Anza has some physical discomfort that hasn't been addressed. Finally started her on Adequan last week. I'm interested to see if that has any impact on a consistent postural imbalance I've seen that wasn't there when she was younger. I'm not sure how much...exploring my mom wants to do as far as finding the discomfort. She's been examined by a rehab vet who can't find any evidence for soft tissue injuries. I'm not even sure where we would start with xrays, and those aren't always definitive. I've not seen limping at all.
I feel like adding another dog right now is going to be too much work/stress for me, the dogs, and my grandmother. I also still don't have enough income to cover my expenses right now (been relying on mostly my savings for almost 2 years now). I need to wait until I'm not operating at a loss to get a new dog.
Mud might be able to get back into sports??? I'm seriously thinking about trying Anza at a local scent work trial in April (really depends on if I can start getting her to perform consistently in public). We can do all kinds of online titling options with both dogs. So, I probably have enough opportunities to stay occupied and connected to dog sport community for now. Then when I have the means, I can get a new dog.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
So we have some area out there and we're recording it off and we have huge almost and they're making fun of us cuz we're using makeshift stuff and I see some of them moved and they can't figure out how and they figure they just put huge tank treads and made a ramp and roll it out and roll it down support it and take the treads out so that's what they think and I figure the weight and they say you can't do that and they put it on rollers and they can't figure out how they do that so they don't know what they're doing or talking about but that's fine. It's a huge machine that would take I think you could do it with his technique it's kind of stupid but wouldn't take long probably an hour I've seen him do stupid things before moving really huge stuff without effort he had one of us do it. My daddy said that last part. And we're off we have huge numbers of things to do so he said we need to decide what area we're going to take if we've taken the upper Midwest except for cities like all the other areas then we should take something connected to that it's a logical next step and it'll heat the DC and that area and I like what he's saying that was her son and daughter, and right now the upper Midwest is mostly is except for 4-5 cities really those five cities up there, when is half the funk and we're occupying it it might make a wall like East West Germany and we go ahead and do that I guess and then we have divergent the movie and that's actually what happens at the wall there is some sort of crevice so that's where the movie erupted from today's conversation and they're walled off by the way and there's nothing outside them except empty places and where or salvaging and recycling because of the light gold already walled off at Pennsylvania, and I move that we well we're going to actually go ahead and connect the upper Northeast section with the upper Midwest and really that comes down to the megabase and the only thing left is a small piece below Tennessee which is hardly worth mentioning it's half a statewide and we're working on it the whole time but what he's saying makes sense and there is a middle section to the Midwest and we'll start taking that and nobody's coming from the upper Midwest it's closed off except for cities and soon they leave and we'll show you why couple airports are missing in each place that's one reason there's no way out otherwise. I'm going to go ahead and concentrate and he's calling Savage oppress he called Savage actually and he talks to Oppress. And they're going ahead with it and we're prepping for that area and the getting everybody involved and we're going to do it and then there's just the middle area it's like a corridor one statewide and it goes down as the South east sliver about Wednesday high to the wall and then there's the West southwest and that's pretty much not touched it it's a bear it's going to stuff in it and we're moving out. Last night Corky had a tragedy and it was partially here in the United States and overseas too and it was about half the facilities or cities of his and Trump's and other warlock in their areas and it was by the clones and they've been attacking them and they got fiercely attacked so they're planning to try and strike and cork is at scene is ready to strike he's a massing right now for a very large strike it on the ocean
It'll begin shortly
Thor Freya
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planetdream · 2 years
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this post contains; smut [unprotected sex. pussy & ass eating. fingering. impact play & pussy slapping. cum & spit play. dom/sub-elements. a lil manhandling. dirty talk. daddy kink], reader referred to as a ‘good girl’
pairing: seo changbin x (fem) reader | words: 1,934
💌 this is purely a product of the talks we’ve had about changbin in the last week. i tried to give this a plot but 🤡🤡anyways besties, thank you for 1K <3 here is my gift to you :) this is the longest smut I've written in a very long time so pls pls lmk any feedback/thoughts you have on this bc it's v helpful and i was a bit nervous to post this ngl !!
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“Baby pay attention to me,” this is the nth whine to come from Changbin’s mouth. Though, if you were actually paying attention to him you wouldn’t hear the complaints so often.
He had been attempting to get your attention, but you’d been so occupied by your phone for the past few hours. And Changbin requires your full attention, not half or partial. So he thought, maybe if he nagged you enough you’d give into him.
“After this round, Bin.”
“But you said that last time. come on,” This would prove to be a never-ending back and forth, and neither party—well, mostly Changbin—was happy about it. He exits the room, going off to occupy himself while he thought of his next course of action. This was OPERATION: GET Y/N’S ATTENTION.
He’s back in the room in no time, smiling down at you. You look so cute and comfortable—laid out on the bed that Changbin has fucked you in more times than he can count on his two hands. A tiny throw blanket hanging around your shoulders while you’re cuddled up on your phone. You catch him out the corner of your eye but decide not to say anything until he makes his move.
He sits onto the bed, carefully calculating his next steps. There’s got to be some way he can work his way in between your legs without raising some sort of suspicion. But instead of trying to be sneaky, he peels the blanket off of you, ignoring the look you give him.
“What are you doing?” You ask. You’d been left to peace and quiet for a few minutes before he came back. Not thinking too much of it, just assuming he was playfully upset at your lack of attention towards him. Seemingly nothing that you couldn’t patch up later.
“Just touching you. Go back to your stupid game,” He’s now laying on his stomach, inching your shorts off of you. He’s a man on a mission right now and the only thing you can do is roll your eyes and spread your legs wider for him.
Now that he’s got your shorts off and you’re spread out for him, he waits a moment. A finger running along from your clit to your slit, daring to push into you. He doesn’t, choosing instead to place his thumb up to your clit, massaging tiny circles onto the bud.
“Bin,” The nickname flew out of your mouth in the form of a moan. The exact opposite of the warning and threatening tone you were attempting to put out. Only he ignores you, giving you the exact same energy he received. If you wanted to play games, he knows a few that the two of you could play.
His thumb presses down onto your clit, halting his movements. Leaning closer to your cunt, you could feel his breath tickle against you and that alone was enough to make you squirm. He puckers his lips a bit, spitting down onto your cunt. His thumb working between your folds and over your clit, dragging his spit all over your pussy.
“Such a pretty pussy,” He bites his lip. Your cunt had an almost sparkly glint in the light from your wetness and Changbin’s excess spit—further enticing Changbin to dip his head between your thighs and devour you.
Changbin places his hands onto your thighs to spread you open and hold you down, diving into your cunt. It was at this point that the game you'd spent a few hours playing was long forgotten.
His tongue laps up your wetness, licking and sucking onto your clit. Your hand instinctively goes up to his hair to tug on it but he swats it away, taking your wrists and pinning them down at your sides. Changbin ate you as if he was starved, refusing to come back up for air until he licked every inch of your cunt—eventually moving to press light pecks all over your cunt.
His head dipping down once more, this time to lick around your asshole. Spitting onto the hole before circling his tongue around it. But every time you squirm around or buck your hips into him, he pulls away from you. As much as he loves the taste of you, his need to be a tease is slightly stronger.
"Binnie, don't tease me," You pout, attempting to move free from his hold. “I need you.”
“Begging for me to fuck you when you paid me no mind earlier?” So that's what this is about. A laugh erupts from deep in his belly as he sits up. “Didn't know you were a comedian. Now count for me,”
You’re left with no time to think before the palm of his hand comes down, striking your cunt. You jolt, the first number coming from your mouth in a yelp. The sting of pain is immediate and is further prolonged by three more slaps to your lower half. Changbin’s hand comes down on your cunt for a fifth time before he changes his attack, slapping at your inner thighs.
“Good fucking girl,” He moves his palm along your inner thigh to soothe the pain, purposely ignoring the place you want him to touch you most. “Now give me a kiss.”
His hand comes to your jaw, gripping your face and pulling you to him. During the kiss, his free hand slips down your abdomen and directly over your cunt. Two fingers slip into you, being coated in your arousal. He slides his fingers in and out of you, curling them up every so often until he feels you clench around his fingers, pulling them away from you and giving your cunt one extra slap for good measure.
He breaks the kiss to get up from the bed. He unbuckles his belt and the thought to wrap his belt around your wrists crosses his mind for a split second. But honestly, Changbin is way too needy for that, shaking the thought from his mind. All the while still making a mental note to do it, soon. His pants and underwear are off in no time, cock being freed from its prison; the tip red and dripping with pre-cum. Changbin couldn't deny how much he wanted to fuck you if he wanted to, the way his cock was hard proved that point.
His cock is just so pretty too. The mere sight of it is enough to make your mouth water. It's thick with a slight curve, perfect for stretching you out and fucking you. Your eyes flicker from his dick to his pretty brown eyes. An all too familiar sparkle in his eyes as he looks down at your half-naked body. He's hungry for you and although he wants to toy around with you, the thought of sinking his cock deep inside you is way too compelling.
Changbin flips you over to position you on your stomach, leaving two pillows beneath you—slightly arching you up. His left hand grabs your wrists, holding your arms behind your back. And before you know it he’s sliding his cock into you and the hand that was once free is now around your neck, holding you up.
The stretch of his cock is so familiar and comforting. Just the right amount of pain that becomes blissful, especially as he fucks into you. His thrusts are painfully slow, not wanting to give you too much too soon. Eventually, he picks up the pace, rocking his hips into yours.
He gets closer to your ear, licking at your lobe before whispering to you. “You’re gonna take it like my good girl, right baby?”
You clench around him at the nickname. His cock twitches just slightly and he feels like he’s about to lose his mind at how your pussy grips around his cock; daring him to cum and he’s only been inside of you for a few seconds.
"Just wanted my baby's fucking attention. Could've been getting fucked like this all day." He drives his cock deep in your cunt, the tip gracefully nudging at your spot.
“So fucking good,” Is all he can say as he fucks you. Unable to form any sentences that don’t include any obscenities as he uses you as a means to get himself off. His eyes roll to the back of his head. You're so warm and wet, the only thing Changbin wants to do for the rest of his life is split you open with his dick.
“Please, make me cum.” He marvels at the way your voice cracks through moans. But he’d be a fool if he let you cum, and if he does: you’re going to have to work for it. He removes his hands from you completely, his thrusts slowing down by the second.
“I don’t know if you deserve to cum,” Bringing his hand up and swatting down at your ass. He ponders the request, making up his mind. “If you want to cum, do it yourself.”
Halting all movements, Changbin stills inside of you, smacking your ass once more. “Fuck yourself on my dick,”
His voice was deep and his tone harsh, leaving you no other choice but to obey his orders. Gripping onto the sheets as you look back at him and throw your ass back on his cock. He’s oddly quiet, save for his grunts, too concentrated on the way you’re fucking yourself on his cock.
“Come on, I know you can do better than that babe.”
He pushes you back down onto the bed and his hands are back on you immediately—one pressing your head into the pillow and the other pressed on your lower back. At this point, he’s fucking into you faster and you’re being pushed into the bed with each thrust.
His cock repeatedly hits your spot head-on. Squeezing around his cock as the feeling begins to become too much for you. Unable to run or pull away from it since Changbin has you pinned down. "Fucking take it,"
A choked-out plea escapes your lips, begging for him to let you cum You can feel his cock twitching inside of you, just knowing that he wouldn't last long inside of you. All it takes is one more squeeze around his cock, one more moan, and one more plea for Changbin to let you cum.
"I'm gonna fucking cum daddy."
“Cum all over this dick,” He holds you down as his thrusts get faster and deeper, slightly sloppy in an attempt to hold out on his own release to fuck you through yours.
The feeling of Changbin's cock inside of you, fucking you through your orgasm was a bit much. Air seemingly trapped in your lungs as you tried to moan out for him. A thick haze clouds over your mind as you continue to cum around him, a layer of your cum coating his cock.
He soon pulls out, flipping you onto your back. Pumping his cock in his hand, deep and heavy groans exit his mouth as he paints his cum all over your cunt, slapping his cock over your clit. "Look at that. So fucking pretty painted in my cum."
Changin plants a kiss on your lips, moaning into it. When your break the kiss, his eyes leave yours to look down at the mess he made of your cunt.
"So... What did you need my attention for so badly?" You ask, breaking the brief silence.
"Don't remember, honestly." Now he's playing shy as if he wasn't rearranging your guts one minute ago. "But now that I have your attention, round two?"
"Come onnnn."
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free-boundsoul · 3 years
I um wrote something based off of one of the drabbles about my Freelancer. I've never written anything for Redacted ASMR yet but the idea got stuck in my head and I hope I did Gavin justice.
Also, first time writing in a they/them perspective so I'm hoping this wasn't weird.
Freelancer tried to dye their hair, Gavin is...less than impressed. I don't think there's any trigger warnings but if there should be any included please let me know!
(I think this would be mostly considered fluff? Maybe a little spice?)
“Well, what do we have here, just done with a shower? You should have asked me to join you.”
The freelancer turned to the incubus that had just teleported his way into their apartment, hair still a little damp from the shower and a towel around their shoulders. “Hi, Gavin. Thank you for knocking.”
He rolled his eyes at the sarcasm, “I thought we were at the part of our relationship that knocking wasn’t needed. You told me last time to come whenever I felt like it. Poor choice of words on your part, by the way~” His voice slipped into the husky purr it tended to whenever he was trying to get a rise out of them. Which, much to their own chagrin, succeeded more often than not.
They groaned, trying to ignore the heat that crept up their neck as they settled further into the corner of the couch that they liked to occupy. “Still, a little heads up would be nice. You can always shoot a text.”
His warm body pressed against theirs as he dramatically sprawled out, his long legs hanging off the armrest as he rested his head against their shoulder. “Oh, yes, let me text you on my very real cellphone.” He hummed.
They let out an awkward little chuckle at the reminder, “Sorry, I keep forgetting you don’t use one. Hey, is that some sort of demon thing? Like, do you guys just don’t like technology? Or do you just not see the point?”
“Are we going to have another... study session, Deviant?” The combination of his sultry tone and the warm breath ghosting against their neck made them shiver, teeth pressing against their lip. “Or maybe you’d like a more hands on exercise?”
They could feel the rumble of his chuckle as his lips pressed against their neck. “You love it... but I’ll stop for now. And to answer your questions, I just never got around to getting a phone and a plan and all that. I prefer talking with people in person. I cannot say what my brethren are more partial to. Now, I have a question for you.”
“Hmm? What’s that?” They hummed, the exhilarating thrum sparking in their core as they used psychokinesis to pull their History of Magic textbook to them. They had a test coming up and reviewing the chapters wouldn't be a terrible idea.
“The fuck did you do to your hair?” He asked as he tugged at a lock. The question made them fidget, one hand lifting to run their fingers through the strands.
“I... wanted to try a new look. I thought that hidden rainbow style would be fun, you know... I’m a Freelancer, and I’ve seen other people at school dye their hair based on what they are. Bleaching it went okay except I might have burned my skin a bit. But the colors kind of...got muddled. I didn’t think it looked that bad for a first attempt...”
Gavin gave a somewhat amused snort, twisting the lock around his fingers before moving their head so he could get a full look. “It looks like a kid’s tie-dye project. It’s...cute in a chaotic sort of way. You’ve been going to class with this?”
“I just did it, so no... I should have gone to a salon, huh?”
“And waste money? You could have just asked me. Transformation magic is...one of my many skills.” They could hear something bitter curdle in his voice at that before his fingers ruffled through their hair. “Seriously, Deviant. This is a mess. Why did you get dye when you have access to magic?”
“I can use magic to change my hair color?”
He let out a long sigh at their question, “Yes, it’s simply changing the pigmentation of the hair follicles.  There are salons that have empowered people who do it. But anyone with enough knowledge can do it. Do you mind if I... fix it?” Gavin’s voice softened at the question, almost hesitating, like he wasn’t sure how they’d feel.
They blinked, turning to meet his gaze. “You wouldn’t mind?” They were more surprised he’d even offer, sure, they’ve had a few... study sessions since that first one and they could admit, at least to themselves, that they liked the incubus’ company. They just weren’t sure exactly where they stood with said incubus yet.
“Mind?” He scoffed, hair clips materializing in his hands as he pinned their hair out of the way, fingers combing through the strands “I don’t mind in the slightest. And…” he paused, his voice losing the edge that he usually spoke with “And if coloring it makes you feel more…yourself, then who am I to deny you?”
He cleared his throat as he wrapped his fingers around their waist and moved them so their back as facing him. “And besides, I’d hate to see this every time I pop in. Consider it a gift, Deviant, for entertaining me from time to time.”
They let out a chuckle that dried in their throat as his fingers brushed their neck, his touch leaving a trail of warmth along their skin. “I’d really appreciate the help, Gavin. Thank you,”
“Don’t mention it, Freelancer.” His fingers brushed through their hair, their skin running with goosebumps as he worked. “There we go. What do you think?”
They blinked as a mirror plopped into their lap with a snap of his fingers, lifting it to stare at the reflection of the back of their head from the mirror the incubus was holding behind them. The colors were vibrant and perfectly sectioned out.
“I wasn’t sure what shades you wanted, if you want something more pastel or darker or something just let me-“
“Its perfect!” they blurted out, reaching back to run their fingers through the colors. “Gavin, it’s amazing! It’s exactly how I wanted it to look!” they lowered the mirror so they could turn around to grin up at him.
The incubus paused, giving them a blink before his lips curled up in a soft smirk, chest puffing out a bit. “I told you that this kind of Magic was a simple feat-“
Their lips pressing against his silenced whatever boastful thing he was going to say, their arms winding around his muscled shoulders as they straddled his legs. His hands finding their hips as he pulled them in closer as he returned their kiss.
His hands found their way under their hoodie to trace a pattern along their skin. They pulled back just enough to catch their breath, forehead resting against his as their breaths intermingled.
“Thank you, Gavin.” Their voice a low whisper, sincerity thickening their tone. They just weren’t thanking him for fixing their hair. He’d become a constant presence in their life since they’d met him at that 7-Eleven. Helping them, in his own way, to understand this new, confusing world they were trying to understand. Distracting them when they were having a rough day or when they were overthinking an upcoming test. And, even if the incubus would deny it, his experience was a godsend when it came to magic that they struggled with.
Gavin chuckled lowly in his throat, his eyes smoldering as his fingers tightened on their hips “It was my pleasure, Deviant. But if you’d like to show me your gratitude…I have a couple of ideas that might interest you.”
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
if you could give a 100% unbiased guess, who do you think shannon will put sophie with? cause i dont think after all shannon has done sophie will be single (and as much as i want sophiana thats not gonna happen)
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[ID in alt text.]
Hopefully you don't mind, but as these two asks from you are essentially the same, I'm combining them into one! Also, I don't actively ship anyone in the series and am one of the main people (if not the main person) who focuses almost entirely on canon as much as possible, so hopefully that's satisfactory for your unbiased requirements.
Based on the events of the book and the things Sophie has said, I have a particular sequence of events that I kinda expect to happen. Given how major the love triangle has been for the entire series, I agree that it doesn't make sense for Shannon to completely abandon it at the end, but I don't necessarily expect Sophie to be actively in a relationship as the series comes to a conclusion.
Here's what I think will happen, and then I'll explain it: Sophie and Fitz make amends and follow through, becoming close and trusted friends who can work well together; Keefe reenters Sophie's life, needing to make a lot of amends; through some sequence of events, Sophie and Keefe become something more, though it is undefined and they have a lot of exploring and learning to do; the series ends, leaving them with an implied future where Shannon doesn't show us the big moments, but we can imagine them.
Okay! Now that I've summarized what I expect (though I still may be very wrong), let me go into a little more detail. Starting from the end of Unlocked, Sophie and Fitz have talked and agreed together to start over but as friends. Sophie explicitly said she isn't ready for a boyfriend (and while it may be tempting to say "she hasn't said she isn't ready for a girlfriend though!" this is meant to say she isn't ready for any relationship). But! She and Fitz miss each other and want to have each other in their lives, even if they aren't dating. So the amends have been made, and what's left is to follow through and to trust each other and commit to rebridging what was broken between them. And I think that'll happen mostly in Stellarlune, leaving book 10 for the later things I'll get to in a minute. They'll build that strong foundation and platonic relationship, and become the powerful pairing that was always hindered by the hidden crush and then the unmatchable status. There have been so many hints about how they could be more powerful if they could just get past that, so I think if we're ever going to see it it'll be then. That is partially wishful thinking though and a little biased, so take that as you will.
Then, once Fitz is solidly no longer a romantic interest and there isn't any doubt between the two of them, Keefe can be reintroduced. However that happens in an entirely different story that I've theorized and talked about before, so for the purposes of this ask we'll just say Keefe's back somehow. Sophie still isn't going to be ready for a boyfriend or a relationship, especially not with the way the drama is going to be amping up as we build up towards the end of the series. But Keefe is now the only romantic interest. However, before that can happen, there is a lot that should be worked out between them. The lack of communication, the acting recklessly without consulting each other, the excluding each other from plans, the mistakes that haven't been atoned for, the emotional pain caused, etc. This isn't all Keefe, but it is...a lot of Keefe. It's a lot to work through, and i think that it'll occupy a lot of book 10. This will get them to the point Fitz and Sophie were at before Keefe reentered the romantic narrative, though maybe not quite as solid.
Without as much pain or distrust between them now, I think they could be in a place to tentatively start something romantic between the two of them. But they are both broken, scared individuals, and the idea of that huge commitment would be incredibly hard and a lot to ask of each other. Especially for Sophie who keeps putting her faith in Keefe and he keeps hurting her. So allowing him to be that kind of person in her life is something she might not fully trust him to do. She doesn't want to mistrust him, but part of her may just be waiting to get hurt again and that makes it scarier. Not to mention how badly her last relationship went. There's not enough time to work through all of this given that in my projected timeline this is happening towards the end of the last book, when all the other plot things from the entirety of the series are coming together.
Because of that, I think it'll be something like Keefe and Sophie talking hesitantly with each other, and then agreeing to try...something new. They're not boyfriend and girlfriend, not right now. But there's something between them that isn't friendship and isn't romantic, it's a special connection just the two of them share as they figure it out. They'd agree to take it slow, to go at whatever pace they need, a classic "we'll figure it out as we go." Kind of thing. It's tentative and cautious, but committed to figuring it out and not hurting each other. We may even get one of those moments of Fitz saying "be happy, Sophie" or something similar to solidify the implied ending to the love triangle. That's less grounded in anything to do with their characters, and more because it's a common thing to happen in these kinds of situations.
With that, the series ends and we don't know what specific Sophie and Keefe are/become to each other, but we do know that it's there. And that they are each other's future, and that while as the story ends it's just starting, it's a relationship that will thrive and flourish as time goes on. We can only assume what happens, but we assume the best and are happy for them.
Essentially, I think Sophie will end up with Keefe, but not explicitly as the two of them dating. This is based off of the relationships between the characters in the past books, their desires for the future, the amount of time we have left compared to the amount of story left to tell, and common tropes. Again, I could be completely off and Shannon pulls a 180 on us and does something entirely unexpected! But this is what I personally expect to happen.
Hopefully that was unbiased enough!!
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
So, I was gonna do an ask about how absurd it is that, to my knowledge no one's ever done a crossover between The Shadow and Mandrake the Magician, and ask your thoughts on how such would go (and on Mandrake in general). But owing to recent events on my blog, I will instead (or perhaps additionally?) ask your thoughts on a potential crossover with a different Magician Hero; Zatanna.
I've only read a couple of Mandrake stories and haven't really been compelled to seek out more, but Mandrake is a very significant character and one whose archetype I generally enjoy. I don't think it's weird that there hasn't been a crossover between him and The Shadow because I don't think most people unaware of The Shadow's history with magic would think of such a combination, but it's something that should be brought up more and I think characters like Mandrake and Zatara and Zatanna could indeed make for interesting crossovers.
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It's easy to forget that, for at least half of a decade, Mandrake used to be not just one of pop culture's most influential characters, but arguably the premier superhero of the 1930s. Along with Golden Bat and The Phantom, I'd argue he has the strongest claim for being the first superhero, but while I don't necessarily agree with the claim he's the first period, nor do I care to dispute Superman's claim, Mandrake predates Superman by 5 years and is pretty indisputably a superhero.
Most Golden Age superheroes that weren't copying the pulp heroes, Superman or Batman, were instead copying Mandrake, since he started the whole “hero with magic powers that allow him to do anything the artist wants to draw that week”, which was followed by characters like Dr. Occult, Zatara, The Spectre, Dr. Fate, Ibis the Invincible, Sargon the Sorcerer and dozens of others. These constituted a whole category of Golden Age superheroes, and like the funny animal superheroes, it's a category that used to be very popular that nowadays occupies a significantly smaller portion of the superhero landscape (and the why that is could make for an interesting story on it's own right), nowadays mostly represented through DC's Vertigo line-up and Marvel's mystical superheroes, which are mostly mythological beings, actual sorcerers like Doctor Strange still being rare.
It's interesting also that, while those characters took magic superpowers up to eleven (as I'll get into), Mandrake's powers actually diminished over the course of the strip, as he started out with supernatural powers before becoming mostly a master of hypnotism and illusion with the odd unexplained ability here and there. It's not actually that uncommon since nearly all the pulp heroes with supernatural/superpowered aspects lost them in the 40s, partially due to the superhero fading out of popularity as the 50s approached, partially due to a backlash against the physical culture/transhumanism that had been ongoing since the early 30s, and intensified as physical culture/transhumanism was embraced by fascists and Nazis, who of course ruin everything they touch by association and so cemented a negative association. There's more to it but in short, this is part of why characters like Black Bat, The Avenger, Doc Savage, Brain Devil and Mandrake all gradually became more and more ordinary, and this is part of the reason why superheroes went out of fashion for a while in the 40s-50s.
So my initial thoughts for how I'd do a story regarding The Shadow and Mandrake, other than the focus on magic and mystery and their differing skillsets and personalities and so on, would be to explore that, in-universe reasons as to why this backlash against magic and superhumans occured and the changing times that both are caught in. Maybe Mandrake's losing his powers and he comes to The Shadow for help because The Shadow's well connected among magic circles (both in-canon and outside of it, as famous magicians like Blackstone actually borrowed tricks from Shadow stories) as well as Tibet. Or maybe The Shadow, owing to the character gaining superpowers in the radio show, is struggling to control newfound abilities he's had to attain to fight supervillains, and he needs someone more in touch with mysticism to help him know the right thing to do. Play up their two major status as icons and the separations between their worlds.
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Transitioning from that to Zatanna, it's interesting that, while Mandrake was largely defined by his use of illusions and even in his wackier days was still a bit subdued, Zatara came right out of the gate with absurd magic superpowers that set the tone for characters like Spectre, Dr Fate and Stardust the Super-Wizard. In the days when Superman couldn't fly or shoot lasers, Zatara was out there terraforming landscapes with a gesture, phasing through matter, transforming himself and others into shadows or vultures, even using his powers to age or melt people, with pretty much no limitation whatsoever. Zatara, for a brief period, was DC's strongest character by a significant margin, and it's been established several times that Zatanna canonically surpassed him. Zatanna should be easily one of the DCU's top hitters, and she canonically is, but you'd hardly know it from looking at most of her appearences when she joins Dr Fate as the magic guys who either get trounced so Constantine/someone can do something cool, or who just cast spells to hold the monster in place long enough for Superman/Batman/someone to do the final punch.
To be honest, Zatanna tends to frustrate me because I love the concept, I love her role in Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers, and she feels like a character that should have made it big starring in a solo movie or cartoon ages ago, who should have her own supporting cast and rogues gallery and pop culture cache regardless of her association with superheroes. A character that should be not just the line connecting DCU to Vertigo, but also the great icon standing in for the magical superhero concept, the daughter of not-Mandrake who's surpassed him to become the greatest magician in the world, representing a part of superhero history as integral to it's whole as Wonder Woman, Flash or Spider-Man. As is, she seems mostly remembered for sexy covers and for her reputation as Paul Dini's fetish character, which is also part of why it seems that "hooked up with Batman once" is a thing they kept coming back to. And because he's such a massive name and with such a reputation, it's what most people go to regarding the character. Either that or telling stories about her looking for her dad, or playing the same "past hookup" role to Constantine which sucks even more for the both of them.
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So I guess the first thing I'd try to establish upfront is their contrasting skillsets, mainly that The Shadow wields manipulative sleight of hand and terror tactics, and Zatanna is reality-warping magic superheroics. Zatanna is powerful beyond anyone The Shadow's ever met before, and being acquainted with her father, he knows the girl's been raised to wield it responsibly. But said power always poses danger, danger that The Shadow must prepare for, and so they start to work together. Zatanna's an optimist who sees how scary the world can be and chooses to embrace a joyful and friendly persona to show people the benefits of magic for everyone, something that the all-knowing Master of Darkness may need. But The Shadow's got wisdom and knowledge of older, darker things than Zatanna's ever had to experience, and Zatanna needs to learn skills on the outcome her powers may fail her (preferably so she stops being knocked out and gagged in fetish poses every panel)
Zatanna can manipulate the world at her surroundings in virtually any way she wants, but has troubles regarding her relationships with people. The Shadow has nowhere near that much power, but he is unnaturally good at manipulating people and events, and this may help them both solve problems more effectively as well as potentially cause conflict. Maybe Zatanna is trying to discover exactly just what are The Shadow's powers, because sometimes he does things that are practically magic and sometimes he's just really good at theatrics and sleight-of-hand. Maybe she's trying to teach him magic on the hopes of aiding him, but she receives warnings from the magi community that she's getting too close to a very, very dangerous man who should not be more powerful and resourceful than he already is. He's human, sure, she is certain of it, but there's something off about him that makes it she's never too certain of anything when it comes to him. 
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And of course, because even though I dislike the two together I actually do like Constantine quite a lot, I'd at least one scene where Constantine shows up and he's just not at all willing to humor the idea of this old creepy tosser in a cape hanging around Zee. He knows they are not dating because, gross, he's older than her dad, but he gets bothered by it still. "You could have just called for help, luv. Why did ya have to summon Dracula out of his grave? Took bloody long enough to put him down the last time."
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izabellq · 4 years
DREAMS -> Akaashi Keiji
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summary: a soulmate au where you see each other in your dreams.
pairing: akaashi keiji x gn!reader
word count: 3k
contains: angst, fluff, open-ended (also, if you guys spot instances where i specify gender, let me know and i’ll try to fix it asap! i edited this but sometimes, things just slip by)
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akaashi keiji thinks the world is cruel.
he swipes the dust off the leather bound book before carefully sliding it back into it’s alphabetized slot. he carefully maneuvers himself around the oak wooden shelves, letting his feet track footprints into the burgundy rug below him. with a sigh, he realizes he is yet again desolated. a library reverie dedicated solely to himself and his predestined soulmate. yet, it seemed the universe had yet chosen one quintessential for him. akaashi didn’t need perfect, but on some days, he just wanted to have someone.
the macrocosm was seemingly convinced he was unfit to wield one. strung on the idea that he was intolerable and unmatchable. akaashi’s pessimistic attitude had betrayed his hopeful one, and soon, he was unable to shield himself from the knowledge that perhaps-- there was no one in the world meant for him.
(he still desires one, because he’d love nothing more than to connect with the person who he was bound to meet. he wants to depict their love in unrealistic fairytales.)
nights go by where he falls asleep and lounges in his fantastical library. he decides he could write a book with all the time he has to himself. but then again, he knows better than anyone that most of his projects remain unfinished. he’s lost inspiration, captured by the nasty talons of writer’s block. he thinks he’s at the end of his rope, and for a second he believes it’s about time he goes down a different career path. but he doesn’t do that. mostly because he’s unsure, and partially because he’s still filled with hope.
(but when his soulmate never shows, he comes to realize that hope is a fickle thing.)
it's one random day of the week where akaashi’s schedule isn’t as rigid as it habitually is. after a long afternoon of practice (which doesn’t stray from the norm) he’s desperate for sleep, and despite knowing that taking a nap would complicate his circadian rhythm, he was rather desperate.
drifting towards the soulmate reality became a feat he was more than used too. the vertigo he commonly experienced was quick to depart as he molded into his surroundings, the familiar scent of paper musk and printed ink leaves much to be desired.
though, if there was one thing that was slightly unsettling— it was the disruption of books laid despotic on the floor. akaashi, though only sometimes forgetful, had never once committed such a polluted act. he was always careful to restore books to their proper position once concluded, so he wondered what possible entity could have disrupted the neat nature of his lonesome library.
(it’s when you round the corner that all his presumptions were answered.)
oh dear, he thinks, you’re a winsome mess. books pulled into your chest, pajama pants folded past your ankle, a tank top only doing so much as to cover your chest and stomach. your mouth is shaped into an ‘o’ as if his presence was the most stupefying thing around— when really, it was you. 
(a book slips from your grasp, a reverberation follows shortly. he tries not to wince as it lands on its pages, folding the corner of the paper.)
the moment of shock is lost and your look of astonishment is replaced with mild skepticism. “who are you?” you ask, almost defiantly. 
“akaashi,” he replies honestly, though the look on your face seems to morph in some sort of revelation that he can’t understand. 
“say it again,” the stern tone of your voice lets him know that it wasn’t a mere request but a demand. he isn’t quite sure why you’re so on edge but because he already seems like the most rational one between the two of you, he doesn’t argue.
“my name is akaashi keiji,” he repeats himself, his concern only multiplied by the sting of comprehension creased into the sight wrinkles of your face. a part of him truly understands the circumstance before him, though a portion of him doesn’t want to give into the naïveté— because for so long, he was cursed with the belief that he didn’t deserve a soulmate. 
“your words keep getting… blurred,” you tried your best to explain, though no matter how detailed your explanation, the experience couldn’t be put into perfect words. “you know what that means… don’t you?”
of course he knows. on days where he thought his life was the one exception— he researched every story about soulmates as he possibly could. some were undoubtedly fake, others were heartwarming, but the one common piece of information he stumbled upon was that soulmates couldn’t hear personal information about the other whilst in their dream world. perhaps to prevent early encounters or just to make the process seemingly endless; either way, akaashi was well aware.
“i didn’t think i had a soulmate,” he lets his guard down decently low, though the flutter in his heart alerts him that it’s all going to come crashing down eventually. 
“neither did i,” you admit, placing down the books wrapped in your arms onto the floor. he wants to question what you could possibly be doing, but there’s more alarming inquiries he needs answers too.
good thing you seem just as eager to figure out why today was any different. “did you do anything today that might’ve been different from your usual routine? i went to bed at eleven… which isn’t any different from any other day.”
that’s when it hit akaashi— the answer was so obvious. “we live in different time zones. that’s the only reason i can think of…”
he trailed off, having been caught in the most frustrating loop of incredulity. all this time… you were right there… so close yet so far. the only thing that had separated his years of getting to know you was a different sleep schedule. in due time, he may look back at this incident and laugh— but right now, he felt cheated out of the most basic human experience ever.
(like a story, this was only the rising action— or perhaps the exposition, because this was truly the start of something new.)
he wants to speak, to reach out and connect with you in all the ways he’s only wished to do, but your harmonious laugh distracts him from his thoughts. “i never understood why my soulmate reality was a library. i guess that’s because of you, right?”
he doesn’t understand your change in personality in the same way he can’t tell when bokuto’s in a bad mood until it’s happening right before his eyes (though others would beg to differ). he’s desperate to learn everything there was to know about you— most importantly, your name. It’s the only thing he wants to know.
instead, he settles on, “what are you doing with those books?” 
it’s obvious you weren’t expecting that question, but then again, how was akaashi supposed to ignore the books you're defiling by simply letting them scatter on the floor? 
with a shy giggle, you respond, “well… since i thought i was alone, i was going to make a huge fort with them… ya know, cause i'm not much of a reader.”
from the red tint of your cheeks to the way your head was slightly tilted to the left was surefire proof of your discombobulation. and to akaashi, it seemed to hold such a power over him that he was unable to keep check his usual deportments. screw etiquette! this wasn’t even reality! 
“i’ll help you build one,” he offers, picking up a book from the ground. he runs his thumb over the edges, smoothly out the wrinkles that had surfaced. 
your head perks up, an opulent grin painting the once grimace. “really?!”
(for a smile like yours, he’d do just about anything to safeguard it’s fluoresce.)
back in the real world, all day his thoughts are occupied with you. you exist, your real, somewhere out in the world, your waiting for him. it’s a condolement he’s not willing to gamble with. he finds himself wanting to take more naps, just for the chance to indulge in another conversation with you. of course, it meant the eye bags under his eyes had sunken into a deeper shade— not noticeable to anyone that wasn’t him, and considering the effect it had on his everyday appearance, he’s come to the conclusion that it’d be nearly impossible to visit you every day of the week. it wouldn’t stop him from trying though.
from the side of the volleyball court, kuroo nudges bokuto skeptically. “what’s with that look on akaashi’s face… it’s starting to freak me out.”
bokuto hums— in approval? in contempt? who knows, but he’s happy. “he told me he finally met his soulmate. he’s just excited!”
“ah,” kuroo clicks his tongue knowingly, “i thought he didn’t have one?”
“turns out, they just go to sleep and wake up at different times. konoha thought it was pretty funny,” bokuto relayed, a chuckle bubbling under his throat. for so long, he had witnessed akaashi’s self-doubt and insecurity, and while parts of them still existed, it seemed to be slowly resolving itself. he couldn’t be more happier for his best friend.
“well, tell him to start focusing, i want to beat you guys when you’re at your best,” kuroo smirked, narrowing his gaze onto bokuto.
“you’re so on!”
(for the rest of practice, they had to endure akaashi’s love-sick gaze. fukurōdani still won.)
a month had passed since your very first interaction together. getting to know each other was more laborious than first intended. some words remained blurred, preventing the other from learning anything that might accelerate the rate of introduction in the real world. akaashi just wanted to know your name. it’s how he came to learn that while the universe was giving, it was also relentless.
“hey! i've been waiting for you, you know! i want to show you something!” you call from under the makeshift book fort. having just arrived, he knows from this point on, he has around thirty minutes before he’s awoken for dinner. 
thirty minutes, four times a week— the only times he’s ever been able to talk to you, due to the tight schedule you both live in. it’s too little, too small, and he feels selfish for wanting more. 
crawling under the fort, he pushed himself up to the side, wanting to give you as much room as possible in the cramped spot. in your hands, you have a book— it’s thin, meant for children, pages that combine to tell a moral. when you hand it over, it takes him less than a second to deduce the story and it’s plot. not because he’s some genius who had read every book on the face of the earth but because this story was rather popular in other parts of the world.
“sleeping beauty,” he reads aloud. his fingers run over the cover, trying to mentally depict what could be so important about this story that had you desperately trying to show him.
“it’s one of my favorite stories,” you sigh, propping your elbow on top of your thigh, leaning the weight of your face on your dominant hand. “my grandma used to read it to me all the time.”
oh. oh. you’re not asking what he thinks you're asking? right?
“can you read it to me, please?”
you are asking. his heart beats against the tightness of his chest, his ribs feel a tad out of place. and he knows— soulmates or not, he was utterly and completely yours. his cheeks flame and he attempts to hide it under his shirt.
“are you blushing?” you ask, and he can practically feel the teasing grin on your lips.
“no,” he mutters. 
you shuffle from your spot and coincidentally; tower over him. your hands and legs trap his body under your presence. you’d practically be touching him if the soulmate reality allowed you too. akaashi finds that to be the greatest travesty of them all. even though it’s practically impossible, he can feel your warmth radiate around him as if you were actually there. 
“does that mean you’ll read to me?” you ask, the battering of your eyelashes ever so visible. he doesn’t understand how you came to that conclusion, but it only tells him you knew exactly how’d he’d answer before he did.
“i’ll read it to you… just don’t laugh, okay?” akaashi opened the book, flipping the white picture-pages until he had reached the first chapter. you giggle, obeying his request with much hypocritism. you moved to sit beside him, leaning just a bit aways over his shoulder to follow along.
(akaashi isn’t a prince, but he’s more than willing to be yours if you asked.)
“i’m moving… so who knows? maybe we might meet in person one of these days,” you declare. It’s been an entire year now since he’s met you and it’s safe to say he’s utterly whipped. now in his second year of high school, he thinks he’s gotten to know you well enough to the point where the only thing left to learn is your name. 
(what’s your name??)
“you’re moving? above or below the equator?” he jokes.
luckily, you laugh-- knowing that there really isn’t much you can say without your words becoming a blurred mess. “i’m still above the equator, loser. actually, if we’re going to get really specific— i’d say the northern hemisphere.”
you guys laugh at your puny attempt of a joke. really, you know it meant no difference, and the fact that you can only rely on fate to carry you through is pitying to say the least.
“i can’t wait to meet you,” akaashi declares honestly, pulling on his fingers in habit. he wants to say more, anything that remotely rhymes with i love you, but he wants to save that special moment for the day he meets you. he knows more than anything that you’re waiting for the same.
“i can’t wait either— honestly, i think my mom might be more excited than i am. i talk about you all the time, you know?” you softly lean against your book fort, your eyes as happy looking as your smile.
(yeah, it’s safe to say he can’t wait.)
akaashi and writer’s block do not coexist peacefully. 
struggling to find words to replace the repetition created on pages, desperately searching for a means of inspiration-- he’s awfully close to giving up.
with a huge essay due tomorrow and a huge game he can’t afford to lose on the same day, he stresses over the fact that he may not be able to put his one-hundred-percent effort into both. even in the middle of a library (he should note: in the real world), a place where solitude was absolute, it provided no peace of mind.
it’s only when a small child, no older than five, wobbles out of the kid’s section with a copy of sleeping beauty, that akaashi’s reminded of you. with a small smile, he calms himself down. after all, you are his greatest muse.
(you’d probably laugh in his face if he told you that.)
after moving away from your hometown, which wasn’t quite as jarring as you expected it to be, you were quick to make friends. you wouldn’t call yourself a social butterfly— but contrary to most teen dramas, new students weren’t ‘fresh meat’ ready for the picking. finding a comfortable group of people you could associate yourself with, you found that most of them were volleyball fanatics (not because they actually played the sport, but because there were a lot of cute boys on the teams around the area, or so they say). either way, going to one of the games was inevitable. like a sort of inauguration you had to go through if you truly wanted to be considered part of the group.
you wouldn’t have it any other way.
after all, akaashi plays volleyball— that much you knew. the team name couldn’t be said, but at least you knew the sport he associated himself with. although he wouldn’t admit it, he was good, his team was good; after all, they made it to nationals and that was more than enough substantial proof. and while you didn’t want to get your hopes up, you were going to watch the national matches. you wondered… could this be the day?
walking up to the main arena, there was a certain ponderosity in the air that you couldn’t describe. it was as if a crushing truth was about to fall on your shoulders, and not knowing where it was about to fall from— you felt a crawling chill.
at the same time, akaashi had just finished the first game of the nationals match, split between wanting to rest or attend to bokuto’s high spirits. he’s attempting to walk into the main arena to watch the karasuno vs inarizaki match, but with his team basically surrounding him in their own attempts to make their way through— he deems the effort fruitless. 
just as he approaches the door, so do you.
but you're too busy keeping up with your friends.
and he’s too busy trying to squeeze past a ranting bokuto.
your hands graze each other’s, and simultaneously, you both receive a shock that runs down the basis of your spines. something prompted him to search for the cause of the odd feeling, and in that moment, he finds you. your back is faced towards him, your hair made no difference in the immediate recognition process-- but he’s sure that he’s met you before. he just knows it. the answer is on the tip of his tongue, a fraction of a second away from being revealed. 
he watches as your friends wait up for you, before your social circle turns around the corner and disappears from his sight (he gets hit with a strong sense of nostalgia from that). his heart stings, for reasons he can’t quite place. he’s never been too good at distinguishing his feelings anyways. bokuto is ushering him towards the stadium seating area, and the answer once on akaashi’s mind had dissipated into the air.
once he turns the corner, the moment is forgotten.
it’s only when he falls asleep later that night, not having dreamed of you, that it dawns on him.
akaashi keiji thinks the world is cruel.
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baybee45 · 4 years
A/N: Lieutenant Thire!Reader/"criminal reader"
Anything in italics is your internal dialogue hopefully that is clear but just case it wasn't. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: PG, unless Star Wars swearing counts, If it does PG-13.
It's pretty fluffy with a a dash of spice.
Our Story
    "Stop right there!" The red and white armored trooper sternly warns. You freeze and slowly turn to face him, his blaster aimed and ready, as you nonchalantly raise your hands. You take the moment to catch your breath and think of a plan.
    "You're very fast sir, ya really must be something under all that armor. Maybe we can settle this with a drink? See where the night takes us?" You coyly ask, edging slowly towards the ledge. The updraft off the building blows strands of your messy hair wildly.
    "Your attempt at flirting isn't going to work with me. I will shoot! Now Stop Moving!"
    You come to a halt partially listening to his warning, but mostly because your heels were already teetering off the ledge of the roof. There was a decent 10 feet between you and jail time. Your mind races through the dwindling option for escape as two other troopers make their way up to the roof. The initial trooper with a pauldron-- that means he is higher rank, a lieutenant or captain maybe, you couldn't remember-- motions to the others and they make their way towards you with binders in hand.
    "I mean I don't even know your name yet sir. And honestly, I've never really been into handcuff but if that's your thing..."
    The troopers blaster waivers slightly and you swear you heard him chuckle as he shakes his helmet nearly imperceptibly. Tilting your own head to the side, you look at him through batting eyelashes and give him a mischievous smile.
    "You know if you shoot me, I'd most likely fall off the side of this building." You sigh. "Not a great ending to our blossoming story."
    "Well, don't move and Our story will continue, uh blossoming on... Lieutenant Thire" He clarifies. You hear a flapping sound, glancing down you see curtains blowing in the funneled wind.
An open window.
"Staying Still? Hmmph, now where's the fun in that Lieutenant!?"
    "Don't you dare! Hurry it along troopers!" He quickly barks. Thire must have seen the the glimmer in your eyes, or maybe the glint of the knife hidden in your sleeve. Giving them all a quick farewell salute, you jump back diving feet first down the side of the apartment.
    "For kriffsake!" You hear Thire yell, as you fly down the side of the building only slowed slightly by your vibroblade slicing into the duracrete. It was truely a beautiful firework display of sparks, flashing this way and that, off the speeding wall. Then with some skill and a lot of luck, you catch the top ledge of the window and swing yourself in.
A slight wobble in the landing, but a solid 9 for the overall execution.
    You try to orient your self in the dark room and then are momentarily blinded when the lights turns on. When your eyes are finally are able to adjust and focus you see a very, very large green Twi'lek. He is blocking you from an easy exit. His tiny human partner cautiously comes up behind him holding a bat.
    "Good evening folks" you greeted them with the ease of second hand speeder sales man.
    "What in the kriffing hell! What are you doing in here!" yelled the foreboding Twi'lek.
    "What do you mean..." You pretended to be shocked looking to the Twi'lek and then his partner who is still nervervously holding on to the bat.
    "You didn't get a written notice from your land lord?" You questioned and suddenly act as if you just now saw the weapon in her hands. The green giant looked down to his partner and his partner back up at him. Both looked equal and extremely confused.
You can work with this.
    Pulling out your datapad from your bag and start angrily taping the keys, pacing slightly with your back turned to them. "Steve! You son of a bantha! I could throttle you, just kill him!" You fumed to your small audience, trying to quickly put together a holonet site to give the story your weaving some actual weight.
    "I try, You known, to tell him," you said sounding exasperated. "I tell him a partnership takes two people... Two people working as a team." Your two suspicious hosts look to each other and back at you. Still unsure of what to make of this intruder and the verbal diarrhea of new information being spewed at them.
A troubled partnership with someone named Steve. That will be the key out of this situation, the legend that will be Steve and his inability to do his job.
    "When he doesn't do his part I get shafted." You practically wept, still avoiding eye contact with your increasing worried audience. You let out a resigned sigh, rubbing your temples trying collect yourself. Buying enough time for your site to become live. With a relieved but tired inhale you continue your one man show.
    "I'm so sorry, My name is Maree Jakorr" you said thinking of a grade school classmates mother. "And I'm part of a start up security company." You turn your datapad over and show them the holonet site you just put together. Its was barebones but got the job done.
It's Steve for kriffsakes, he can't even call up potential clients, and make sure the tenants are informed. There isn't much hope for his holonet site design abilities.
       You take another deep breathe you were getting a little too deep into lore. "As you can see we do mock break-ins to find weakness and then try implement different measures to increase security and safety. Of course this is supposed to be done with the home owners knowledge and consent." You explain. With a partially exaggerated groan you put away your datapad. "Well this is going to be fun to explain to the CG."
    "The gaurd doesn't have to know" squeaked the human. "I mean we don't need to call them." She said more confidently looking up at her partner. The Twi'lek looked lovely down nodding his head and pulling her in close.
You instantly adore these two, and make a mental note to send them something later for their trouble.
    "Oh you're too sweet hun, but as part of the test we call the CG to see how long it take them to respond to a threat. You know, extra data points for the algorithm, if that makes sense."
    "I'm so sorry for the inconvenience." You say truely apologetic. "Well I guess I should leave you two be, so you can get some resemblence of a normal evening back."
    "Feel free to use the front door... or window if you prefer." Joked the Twi'lek. They both chuckle and she stands on her tip toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Gosh these two.
    "I'll try my luck with the front door I think." You laughed. As you hand reaches for the handle, you can hear the sounds of troopers knocking on doors as they sweep the hall. Their footsteps and voices getting louder as they near.
    "Do you mind if I use the fresher quickly before I go?"
They both nod their heads and the Twi'lek takes the bat from his partner and puts it away in the closet. "Just that door there at the end of the hallway."
    "Thank you so much, I promise I'll be out of here in no time." You say closing the door behind you, making sure not to lock it. You search the cozy room, looking for an alternative way out. Not to thrilled with the prospect of using window again for escaping. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed, only a options, the last resort, hopefully.
    Depsite the nerf burger, extra fries and large shake you devoured for dinner, you manage to squeeze yourself from the air vent of the apartment and into the slightly larger main vent of the building.
    Without a second to spare you see the troopers through silted grate, knock on the door of the apartment you once occupied. Your tempted to eavsedrop on the conversation, knowing you had given that beautiful couple enough information to give the undoubtedly handsome Lieutenant a headache. You think better of it, and make your long overdue escape.
    Once out of the building you causal walk the back alleyways making your journey home. You send Lieutenant Thire a link and a small message;
"Dear Lieutenant Thire,
I hope this holonet link clears up any misunderstanding between you and the lovely and completely unsuspecting couple in apartment 459.
Sincerely, 'Our story lives on for another day.'
P.S. Please excuse the poorly designed website, Steve did his best. Best regards xox 💋. "
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