#I'm tired of Megatron being the cool one
steelthroat · 4 months
I have the sudden need to write a fic in which Optimus and Megatron start bantering about politics and shit and Megatron is sure he won the debate and starts goading Optimus but then...
Optimus folds him like a homelette (not literally) and is like, "bich u dumb?" And starts explaining why everything he just said is wrong. He's a bad politician, and he's too full of himself and needs to be humbled.
And Megatron thinks about it, and actually, yeah... he's screwed.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
here aare things i want in a transformers shattered glass show if hasbro decided to make one:
-i want the events in cybertron not earth because im tired of every transformers show being on earth
-i want to see character before the war like megatron,orin pax, starscream and more i want to see what were they doing before the war and thire views
-i want to see how megatron started the deceptcions movement and gained his followers
-how the war started we all know how the war started in transformers but i want to see it from the shattered glass perspective and why those character join this faction
-character development i want the characters to have personality not just a good/evil version of thire counterpart i want reasons on why they become the way they are and what are they fighting for i want sg megatron be more than just a good version of megatron and the same with optimus i want to know why he's like that and how did he become a prime
-the characters desgins should be original it will be cool if they do a new desgins only for the shattered glass not using just g1 desgins and change colors or use other desgins from the shows like unicron trilogy
-a good budget and animation will be nice im not asking for something mindblowing but not something cheap
-a side thing but i want peter cullen and frank welker to voice sg optimus/megatron i would love to see thire impression of an evil optimus and good megatron but it's okay if it's other talnted voice actors
(that's was my list of things i would like to see in a sg show what about you?)
Oh right this gives context for the other ask I suppose
I feel like the chances of us getting a sg show are very small
I feel like it would be amazing if in this hypothetical show we got to see a nice bit of SG Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave's interactions.
Honestly just so much about SG Soundwave he was a delight in the comics that I read and his dynamic within the SG decepticons is so cool
More of SG Starscream doing science shit. We're always told many versions of Starscream are scientists but we never see much of it
so much of SG Megatron my beloved.
In the comics I read it was in the tail end of a lost war, so in my opinion I think if we get a SG show it should actually be towards the beginning if not exactly the beginning! You want your when/how/whys, that feels like the place to start: the beginning and a little bit before it.
If we get SG Rodimus I hope it would be either modeled off of his blueberry emo phase in LL with red optics or if we get his SG comics look we see him applying the "facial hair" paint in a scene. I will never hesitate to make fun of his sharpie beard, and if we ever got a show with SG Rodimus in it with it I hope it gets to make fun of it too.
I'm actually here for a SG show being a little more lighthearted than SG tends to be, because of our dear friend shenanigans.
again SG Megatron. I love what I've seen of his design in the comics I read and think it can be navigated into a new one inspired by it pretty good. I think Megatron looks so interesting with blue optics. His personality is always interesting. Having him as arguably the main character of this would be lovely. And I'm a Megatron simp sue me.
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popculturebuffet · 5 months
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye Retrospective Season 1 Finale: Remain in Light (Patreon Review for Brotoman.exe)
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Hello all you happy Autobots. It's been over a year, two spotlight issues, a two issue prequel, an annual and as of this review, 22 issues but we've done it we've reached the end of more than meets the eye season 1.
It's been a long project but one of my faviorites, one I always wanted to do but simply didn't have the time on my own and was more than happy when Brotoman commissioned these. I owe him a world of gratitude for his support and patience. Without him I woudln't of been able to talk about gay disfunctional robots every month and for that, i'm eternally grateful. This is one of my faviorite comics and re-reading it slowly and intently has only solidified that.
So a few things before we dive into this wonderful story: The first is something I forgot to mention last time that brotoman pointed out, something important I missed in my tired daze: How big a moment Rewind saying "I Love You" To chromedome is.
See before this, the series was coy about the two: It made it damn obvious the two were a couple.. but also used terms like them being "friends" and no one using words like couple, common law husbands or pound pals. The two were just a duo at first and if you were a mite thick headed like yours truly, who at the time I first read the comic didn't look for gay subtext like a bloodhound after a cheeseburger, you'd miss it. It was still obvious, the way they act around each other, their history, the way they fight.. the two are ENTIRELY an old married couple and act it and anyone looking closely could see that. But Roberts knew that those three little words were, to quote an interview with Sequart Orignization, a step up.
All that said, the Chromedome/Rewind relationship stepped up a gear – and moved fully into the open – with issue #16, when Rewind tells Chromedome (not for the first time, but it’s the first time we’ve seen it on the page) that he loves him. I was conscious that this was really nailing certain colors to the mast, and I was ready to make a case for those three words to stay in the script. But both John and Michael Kelly at Hasbro were incredibly supportive and encouraging, and the declaration of love survived the editing process. The reaction to the first Transformers gay couple was amazing – overwhelmingly positive. To be honest, I thought most people would be pretty cool with it, because most people are sensible and decent, but it was still encouraging to see. Hooray for Transformers fans."
I"m happy to hear that the reception was entirely positive and that Hasbro was supportive. I'm sure there are still a few idiots who were again it here and there, but like those who actively deny huntlow happened.. their a few idiots who can't accept objective reality and there's only one way to deal with them
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Moving on to Remain in Light itself, We need to talk about the big shockwave shaped elephant in the room. Dark Cybertron is intended to be the finale for both this and Robots in Disguises' first season, a big epic crossover to shake up both series status quos and onboard us into season 2.
In practice.. it's the big showy finale to Robots in Disguise with the MTMTE cast guest starring. It's still VITAL to MTMTE, I would've simply recapped it like I intend to recap RID if that weren't the case: Nautica and Nightbeat are introduced, joining the crew in season 2, Megatron has his heel realization that leads to him also joining the crew, Cybertron finds out Prowl didn't kill MOST of the lost lighters (RIP Rewind I), and Chromedome powerbombs the motherfucker off a cliff.
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I'll unpack this scene more when we properly get to it but I cannot see Prowl get powerbombed off a cliff while he's somehow SHOCKED this happened despite begging for it. It's Dellliccciooousss.
The fact is while a crossover was inevitable the death fakeout meant both books were completely isolated from each other, and thus their plots.. really don't intersect much. Prowl's actions have consequences and his baiting Chromdome leads to bad shit over in RID, but for the most part the two books are their own stories and their own spheres and by the time they intersect it works well enough... but it's clear they just work better on their own. It's likely why the third addition to this line, Windblade (both volumes) was made to stand on it's own while having an easier time intersecting back with Cybertron as our heroes are one teleport away versus the lost light being deep in space and in it's own character stuff. Windblade, btw is fucking great and I intend to cover it at some point, just not as part of this retrospective. It's it's own beautiful thing.
So while Lost Light was going to get into the Dark Cybertron hype, it needed to cap off it's own story first as it would've been a bit much to try and cram two series with a wide buffet of ongoing plots and plans together. So we get Remain in LIght where a LOT of character arcs are paid off, a few questions are answered, and a few things are set up for both next season and the eventual finale of the series. As usual it's remarkable how much Roberts set up, but here's where it gets to payoff more: last arc paid off the overlord conspiracy and rewind and chromedome's relationship, this one pays off magnus' breakdown, the circle of light and even where we found skids and just what was chasing him. It's a true epic and I can't wait to share it with you under the cut.
Part 1 picks up exactly where we left off: Tailgate is running to tell Cyclonus some "stupid news" while Rodimus, Blaster and Ambulon look over the security footage since Ratchet was busy telling Tailgate he gonna die. And to remind us Ambulon exists before the carnage to come.
For now Blaster's friend Mainframe is able to track the shuttle, so Rodimus is rounding up a crew to go find Magnus, with a determination we've scarely seen and a grimness we really haven't.
Meanwhile it turns out Tailgate's sickness... is cybercois, a condition that slowly kills the trnasformer, taking away their movement , speech and eventually memory.. and given memories of this place are all Tailgate really has he didn't take it well. Cyclonus urges tailgate to face his death with dignity and head on, agreeing to keep it secret and leaving... to mutilate his own face with a large scrap, enraged the one person he has on this ship is about to die and he can't just cut his diseas in half.
Hot Rod leads the crew to a big hole, making it very clear that he dosen't care what they ahve to say their going in... and for once his impusilvness pays off as what he finds is Luna 1, cybertron's missing moon which was mentioned before and I honestly forgot was the setting for this arc but it's a brilliant payoff and a way to have Rodimus have acomplished something big: he found one of the lost moons. Even if the quest has gone nowhere, this is still pretty damn big and he has perceptor confirm it. What's more curious, even if Perciptor dosen't buy it? Luna has a BILLION PEOPLE on board.
So Rodimus assembles his crack team.. and this is the first time we really see what we'll call Team Rodimus come together: While Rodimus has interacted with all these guys before, this is where it becomes clear how much he cares about them as more than just his crew:
First recurit is Rung whose surpised after Rodimus' outburst last time they talked. Naturally that's exactlyw hy: Rodimus flipped out largely because it was something he didn't want to hear... and with magnus gone he NEEDS that opposing opinon.
The rest of the team includes Brainstorm, whose happy to go and is already packed (holds up suitcase), Ratchet as the Medic, Perceptor as the more stable science guy to Brainstorm's mad scientest, and Whirl... who Rodimus flat out admits he just needs to throw a punch. Also going along is Chromedome, who Skids begs to help him: Since LUna 1 is allegedly's a giant treasure trove, Skids wants something to repair his memory. Swerve also wants to go but is harshly turned down by rodimus due to limited capacity, while Cyclonus agrees to go and take Drift's place as spirtual advisor, since he's the most religious person on the ship left, which he agrees to if Tailgate can come.
What I really get from this is while Rodimus is asking most on qulaifications, only being really straight with Rung.. like I said this shows who he really cares about: his team has to be small and he's a dick to swerve.. but it's likely more he knows Swerve might be in danger here and if there were room, skids and swerve would be along. These are who he can count on, who he's leaned on, who he needs without his two main supports on the ship. And this team will only grow as time goes on.
For now Team Rodimus heads to the planet, with Tailgate hoping to find a cure and Cyclonus.. thinking hope is a lie and telling him to never hope. And also he killed his puppy. He made him a puppy and then he stabbed it. A bunch. And then he showed tailgate the pictures.
Anyway our heroes land on the seemingly barren moon only to find...
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IT's a hell of a reveal, and one that will be vastly important down the line... it won't really have any consequences for NOW but just remember this in a few years when we get to the final arc. For now jus tnejoy the sense of wonder on everyone's face: even Ratchet, the crankiest of crank and Tailgate who
We then find out what constructed cold means as Tailgate asks... granted I think I covered this definition back in chapter 1, but as a reminder; cold construction is making a cybertronian via "Spark splicing" using a bit of someone elses to craft a new one. This was in part due to demmand: Cybertron couldn't expand out into the cosmos if it didn't have enough people. Problem is as we've seen like any society Cybertron is quick to prejudice, and thus once Nova Prime who invented the process left, many a city started trying to "prove" constructed cold bots were inferior, something Chromedome is still bitter about and rightfully so.
It's about then things go to hell: On the ship commuincation is suddenly blocked between the bridge crew and away team, and Skids hears some clanking. on Luna 1, our heroes are soon swarmed by decepticons as Lockdown arrives
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Okay probably not the right reaction but for those curious who this guy is, Lockdown was one of the handful of original characters from Transformers Animated, my faviorite transformers show and the one that reignited my spark for this fandom. And then this comic did it again, it's a bit cyclical. Point is even if I badly need a refresher on that series, Lockdown was their kraven the hunter, a bounty hunter who hunted down autobots for the decepticons, mostly working for them out of necisity and largely being his own man, so he fits for being a gun for hire for someone else. He sadly dosen't get as much to do here, at least in this season I can't remember if he shows up again, but it's just nice to see something from Animated imported as later installments tend to either make new transformers or stick with the core ones.
On the ship.. things are worse... Skids is confronted by those mysterious robots, who i'll just go ahead and call by their proper names: Legislators... only this time their giant sized and emerging out of the oil pool. What's worse is they soon creep up on EVERY deck of the ship, all shouting the same thing: 1984. Oh and in case you thought things couldn't get any worse as Team Rodimus flees... Ratchet is shot down and isolated....
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We pick up from the siege in issue 2: the ship's overrun, our heroes are outgunned and only Swerve is able to land a solid hit as only one came to Swerves
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... admitely I just wanted to show off the my first blaster. (Clears throat)
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Meanwhile Skids continues his fight and easily wins using his super learning, able to predict his new foes attack easily and counter it.. the problem is while it's a great skill when your fighting a few of Legislators.. it's not so great when your fighting NINE of them and they'll likely keep coming.
So back on Luna 1.. it isn't much better. Whirl and Cyclonus get seperated from the group, and Rodimus, while finding out Ratchet got taken down from tailgate.. simply can't go back for him.
Rodimus then procedes to do some dope as hell sacrlige as he plunges into a titans corpse to give him more room to evade their captors. Sadly while his moves are dope as fuck and Lockdown is sure to give them the slow clap they deserve.. he's already gotten everyone else. After taking a second to tell pharma everyone else hates him, a worthy use of his time. What a legend.
So our heroes end up in a jail cell where, for the past two issues, Rodimus has been recapping these events to Minimus, his cellmate.. who looks an awful lot like someone a certain dead bot was looking for.. hmmm. Questions for later.
For now Rodimus admits they weren't just dumped in a cell first, as Rodimus correctly figures Lockdowns taking them to his boss: a long lost moon as a base, teleport tech.. all of this screams big bad.. and Lockdown is at the end of the day a guy just doing his job. Pharma mentioning a collective "lord and master earlier" already told us this, but it's a nice character bit, shows that beneath his reckleness Rodimus is far smarter than he appears and far more capable than most give him credit for. He's an idiot, sure, but he's one with great skill and intiution.
And sure enough there is a big bad behind all this.. and of all people it's..
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I was as shocked as rodimus but it's a clever rug pull: We've seen Chief Tyrest brought up a lot, his accords are what Ultra Magnus is duly appointed enforcer of and back in Last Stand of the Wreckers, he's the one who oversaw the Aquetius trials. So seeing him show up is a suprise... but seeing him be BEHIND all this is a nice swerve. He also makes a perfect contrast to our crew: the embodiment of order and rigidity veruss our far looser, far more human crew. Metaphorically I mean thir still giant robots.
Tyrest is being an obstinante dick, proving he really is Magnus' boss, charging our heroes with crimes against creation. We find out our ambus ISN'T dominus, but his brother minimus, an allged energon trader who hasn't tried to escape because he's waiting for his day in court, a BIGGGGG honking neon sign of a clue at who this guy is. But more on that later, for now Tailgate has a bit of a breakdown, with no one knowing why since he didn't tell anyone present he's dying and could be trapped here for what days remain.
Meanwhile Ratchet.. is not doing any better, with Pharma torturning him, showing off his new shapeshifting hands which can become TWO chainsaws. That double groovey. He's no less stable than last time, but now he dosen't need to PRETEND to be and is honestly an even better villian on return: he has a joker style quality to him as he fiddles with his double groovy hands and plays with ratchet making him ask what's in THE BOX
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Turns out 9 robots vs skids does just mean send more legislators and we get a nice speech from the guy, with him pointing out how the Lost Light took him in, cared for him and welcomed him no questions asked.. and
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Unfortunately while Skid is totally badass.. he's also wiped.. and thus dosen't see this coming
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We'll get into who this fine bastard is later, for now he knocks out Swerve too.
Back in Prison, Tailgate asks about tyrest, noting Nova Prime had a chief science offer of the same name.. the same guy. We get Tyrest's backstory: He was a nobody until the war when, with Dai Atlas' help , they helped 10,000 neutrals off world. Tyrest returned to TRY and broker peace, simply two city states, one for each side, but naturally since one of those sides was Megatron that never went anywhere. It instead lead to the Tyrest Accords, a series of rules of engagment the biggest being not exporting cybertronian weaponry. It's thanks to him the universe isn't a smoldering crater and thanks to Optimus he's chief justice.
As for what he's doing here... no one has a clue. He was last seen during the Aquetius trials, which Rodimus helpfully recaps: trials using a judging machine that 100% predicts guilt, and hasn't been seen since the trials. They also pass around energon sticks, something equivlent to either gum or cigarettes or autobot slim jims
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Rung offers Minimus to snap into one.. then delberately spills it and spills it more, causing him to HAVE to get them off the ground and organized... and proving what Rung's figured all along:
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Yup, while Ultra Magnus was indeed Ultra Magnus... he was also Minimus Ambus. It's complicated and naturally Hot Rod's a bit confused, so Magnus backs it up slightly: he war bought into luna one and reparied... then smacked in the face by tyrest.
Tyrest decides just bitchslapping Magnus PHYSICALLY isn't enougH: having read his logs and found his actions disgraceful, both the micromanagment and the various fraternizations, he disables the armor and left ambus as he was.
As for why Magnus was a fancy suit of armor, turns out Ultra Magnus is a legacy of brave autobots, all one percenters.. but smaller rewind sized ones, Loadbearers. So while their not super tanks from the start.. it means they can be heavily modified and thus wear the Magnus Armor. The Magnus Armor was forged after the original Magnus, a real brave bot, died: Tyrest saw what fear and awe he imposed and realized he could exploit that and thus created an "immortal lawman". If this is sounding very sinestro to you and making you nervous, that's the idea. As for why small transformers it's simply that most cybertronians can't get fancy armored add ons" too much and they freeze up. A loadbearer has plenty.
So our magnus, Minimus was the latest.. and seemingly last. He also has ten days left.. but it turns out Pharma wasn't lying: Tyrests doctors can work miracle.
Back in the flashback, we get a recontexulization of Magnus character from Tyrest, who isn't exactly reliable , hence why I didn't think too heaviyl about his words before.. but in hindsight.. they make perfect sense and the interview I mentioned backs it up: Magnus.. had a nervous breakdown.
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For most of the lost lighters the war ending is a fresh start: the war is over.. but for the bulk of them the war wasn't something they fit into. They were fighting because they had no real choice or had been for too long. And in the case of some like Chromedome the war simply took one terrible thing they were forced into and swapped it for another. The war ending means a chance ot start over and do anything else.
Magnus... fit perfectly. He was a stickler for order, a natural talented combatant, and while he was the latest to wear this armor, he more than earned it. The war was chaotic and horrible, but it also had rules, a clear bad guy (even if this book shows there's still plenty shades of grey in the autobots), and a clear end goal. Life.. dosen't have those. LIfe is just doing your best and hoping today is good. It's not perfect, it's often messy, but it's just how it is. Magnus didn't really have to worry about small talk or what he does with the rest of his life.
It also explains why he took the lost light: it was seemingly close to what he'd been doing: going through space, righting wrongs, etc, all. Cybertron would've had more order.. but it was also filled with thousands of bots who resented him for everything he'd had to do over the war, and a new world he understood even less. It was the lesser of two evils, so he overcompesated by becoming anal retintive in the extreme. He's a soldier who simply couldn't cope with the war being over, a tale sadly as old as the nasty institution itself and didn't get himself the help he needed.
Magnus replacement.. was Star Saber, that guy we saw make Skids into a kebab. Magnus was mostly talking to them though.. because he was curious. He asked to be put in there as.. nothing is adding up: the decepticons, the titan, and now this "crimes against creation" charge that wasn't in the laws before. magnus, still being a tad naive even after all of this, goes to talk to tyrest.
While he does, WHirl and Cyclonus have escaped having killed a bunch of decipticons themselves and after their done getting to the numbers, see a cell block above... identified as such because it's directly over a giant smelting pool, as whirl puts it "a prison you can dunk" Whirl of all people is the logical one here: They need a ton of weapons to go rescue the others, and he can sniff an armory. Somehow. Honestly I'd question it but if anyone could find weapons through sheer force of will it's whirl.
Back with the head tha twouldn't die, Ratchet assumes this is about revenge.. and it is, Pharma wanted to hunt ratchet down, but his main goal
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Thing is Pharma's a mite bit paranoid and hasn't removed them because their hard locked, and he assumes rigged to explode. Ratchet uses this to his advantage: he calls Pharma a coward, stating that he really didn't do it because he's scared he can't and essentially challenges him to a surgery duel: first to fix it win. Honestly Chicago Med and Grey's Anatomy could use WAY more of those. I'd watch every episode twice if it was a death sport race to see who can surgery faster. Get it on it Dick Wolf and Shondra Rhymes!
So back with the bicker twins, Cyclonus and Whirl argue, with Cyclonus pointing out byu this point.. Whirl could've had his own hands back and his face if he wanted, with Whirl genuinely worried if he stops being angry, he wouldn't be him anymore. Cyclonus gets stabbed from behind for our THIRD stabbing this story and our FOURTH in the last few issues, but it's not fatal, Whirl saves him.. and our dynamic duo find the prisoners: not our heroes, who are as it turns out somewhere else.. but the circle of light. It's why they have so many swords avaliable.
Back with Ratchet he made a bit of a tactical error.. while his gambit was clever.. he forgot that Pharma is basically the joker now and thus had ambulon and first aid brought here as swerve and skids were to Team Rodimus cell: their going to be the guinea pigs and despite ratchet's begging, he can't get the contest called off. This is happening. And unfortunately for ambulon instead of across the waist... Pharma decides to go lengthwise.
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Semantics point is ambulon is super fucking dead and purple chainsaw blood is all over. It's a brutal, horrifying death.. and tha'ts really the only reason it works. That Pharma set up this horrifying death game, when he could've just done minor surgery and used one of the Legislators, since they aren't really sapient at this point anyway. Otherwise.. Ambulon is a guy we barely knew who disappeared entirely: Pipes was also mostly absent till his death.. but Pipes felt like an actual character and had enough characteirzation up to his death. Ambulon.. feels like he was kept on just for this chainsaw death since First Aid had more to give. It's not a bad death, I mean... look at that gore, but it's not as weighty especially coming after two big tearjerking ones.
Back at the cells, Swerve fills the rest of the crew in: the legislators have locked down the place, and he tells them about Star Saber, who it turns out in this unvierse is a notorious evangelical nutball who tried to do atheist genocide. So you know the MOST stable person to give a big sword. Star Saber being made into a villian.. was a bit contervseral according to tv tropes. Saber Originally was the optimus prime equilvent for one of the G1 animes, Transformers Victory, having a neat design and big old sword. So making him into a sociopathic religious nut wasn't the best for some. Me I think it's fine: the series already has plenty of heroic autobots and it helps reinforce the idea that being on the autobots .. dosen't make you a good person. Same with Tyrest.
He shows up to drop off a new prisoner.. and it makes Chromedome have a relization: when Skids memory was begging for estape it was asking for getaway... the autobot whose now being loaded into their cells.
Minimus goes to confront Tyrest who couldn't give a shit what Magnus thinks.. but is willing to explain what his grand evil plan is and why he's doing all this supervillian nonsense: guilt. Turns out Tyrest is one of the archetechts of Cold Construction, and instead of using sparks.. it used the matrix. This is a brilliant move and explains why, with cold construction only stopping fo ra bit because it was assumed the matrix was dry when really someone stole it assuming this was blasphemous.
And sadly. Tyrest has started to agree. The Aquetius trials drove him around the bend, with all the guilt and horrible actions of the autobots on trial getting to him.. to the point he started to drill into himself, hence the holes.. including one in his own head. Huh Egon WAS right it would've worked.. as Tyrest saw something beckoning him and thus the space bridge is a portal to cyberutopia itself. But being ... unhinged to say the least, Tyrest has decided he has to atone first... since all the criminals on trial were constructed cold, he assumes their an abomination and plans to use a literal killswitch to kill every last one tommorow. And beofre Minimus can stop this.. he has a legislator squish the poor guy's head.
Onto Part 4. After a reminder of the various gushers of blood abound, we cut to a fight with Whirl, Cyclonus and the Circle of Light. Turns out the circle had been cut down a bit, but is still a massive army, allowing for an epic battle while everything elses going on and the revelation that will come in hand in a bit that Cyclonus, being a true believer, can power their faithswords, which use energy from a spark to do something something something religion. Look I'm being as through as I can, but this is a MASSIVE story arc.
In the Cell Getaway TRIES to have a reunion with Skids, while also introducing his catchphrase bomp.. basically a sort of fistbump he used to annoy skids. At any rate Skids can't remember anything but Getaway can and fills the rest of the cast in on Tyrest's madness, which is a term I try to be careful with as someone with a mental illness myself.. but really appleis to a man whose drilled a thousand holes into himself and is trying to do holy genocide right about now. When Rodimus mentions Ambus not being back yet... Getaway drops the bomb on him baby, he drops the bomb on him... that Ambus LURED them here.
Back with Team Holy Genocide, Tyrest explains how the hell he knows this switch will work to someone who was there for it: He kidnapped Pharma because Pharma is apparently famous for being Forged, so he could prove it wouldn't kill Forged transformers. THe attack on the circle of light? A whole cities worth of test subjects, taking ten thousand down to one thousnad. Speaking of which given the Circle is a mite testy about the genocide, Tyrest decides to handle the situation by.. letting the equally religious genocidal monster he keeps on payroll handle it.
Skids has a bit of a breakdown over his missing memories so not wanting to see his best friend break down further, Swerve asks Gateway to fill him in on what he's missing. Skids and Brainwave were partners in the Dipolmatic Corps... which was really Autobot Special Ops. What good would being spies be if they broadcasted that fact? They had a similar job as the wreckers, impossible missions and such, but while the Wreckers were more Impossible MIssions Force, going in somewhat subtle and always ending loud and dangling themselves off cliffs, the ASO were more the stale beer type of spy: get in, do the mission, maybe surivive.
Their mission this time was to put a mind bullet in Tyrest's head.. not kill him, to Skids relief, as the binary gun, that gun Skids couldn't find when he was introduced, wasn't designed to kill, simply implant a thought, and a very simple one at that: Resign. As for why, while Skids boss didn't know the fulls cope of what tyrest is doing he got the feeling something bad was going down given he was chasing down titans and talking to the decpticons. Sadly .. Skids missed, Tyrest set his horeds on them and while Skids escaped, he followed one last protocol: after all the binary gun had two bullets... and the other was used on him to erase the mission
To no one's suprise, Prowl's the spymaster here and to even less shockity shock, him prodding the already deranged man with a god complex led him to speed up his plans. The good news of all this though is Getaway.. can get the mout. He's an escapeologist, a master escape artist, macguver as a transformer and the only reason he hasn't busted out? He didn't have a fresh set of keys.
While Getaway plans his way out, so does Ratchet, who has an argument iwth first aid: First Aid makes the valid point that Ratchet has a savior complex; he hasn't really retired.. because he dosen't think anyone else can do the job as well as him. Turns out this isn't it: Ratchet didn't let first aid help.. because Ambulon was long dead by chainsaw to the face, and he simply was stalling to weaponize his corpse, a nice little callback to drift doing the same. The two argue over what to do with Pharma, Ratchet not wanting to sink to his level and First Aid wisely feeling Pharma will just come back to haunt them again, if probably not the one to do it since i'ts clearly out of anger his friend we saw maybe once just got chainsawed in half by the guy.
The argument is interupted by Team Rodimus. Turns out the keys... were all the stuff on everyone and using Brainstorms breifcase straps (he had it on him as it's designed that only those who KNOW it's there see it) and Chromedome's fingers to create a dart gun, knock out the guard then have everyone use the sticks on the bars at the same time. THeir out, and Tailgate is hopeful he can find a cure. And what I like, and forgot to mention is HOW Luna 1's a treasure chest: it's not because it was lost. Luna 1.. is just luna 2 with a diffrent name. But since Tyrest took up refrence he also took every bit of treasure the magnuses had built up with him and thus he really CAN work medical miracles. It's juts without Pharma.. they might not be able to.
For now it's time to light up the stage cause it's time for a showdown. With team two guys , a religoius leader an an army it's not great as the legislators won't stop and there's a LOT of them, and Star Saber makes it worse. While Dai Atlas does his best against his polar oppiste.. Saber snidely tells him "Primus hates you and stabs the life out of him"
Team Rodimus don't have it much better.. they arrive, point a gattling gun at Tyrests face.. and tyrest simply activates his staff and the bodies hit the floor. It's a subsonic suggestion they can't move, so powerful they don't even belivie it when he tells them and with that.. he pulls the switch. Brainstorm and Chromedome start to fade.. and they aren't alone...
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It's a brutal sequence ending with the scavengers... and with that tyrest has almost won, and all he has to do.. is step into the light of his portal as it activates.
So as the final chapter opens, Tyrest is about to get his big prize when...
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It's a clever save: Tailgate's condition had been front and center for most of this arc, Ratchet outlined loss of functions.. it's poetry. I also love him jamming his finger in the head hole, it's a detail I did'nt notice till writing this but I love it.
WIth that the rest of the crew can rally.. but Tyrest uses tailgate as a human shield with Tailgate revelaing his condition so Rodimus can shoot.. but Rodimus has grown from the incident with fort max and can't bring himself too... thankfully..
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Before we can process "how the hell is magnus still alive", we cut to the battle outside and we get an awesome fight with Cyclonus and Starsaber, with Cyclonus stabbing the fucker in the eye.. before he gets teleported away. Where? Well.. that's al ong ways off from being answered, but for now he's away from gutting people range so that's good at least. Back with Team Rodimus, Rodders asks what we're all thinking "What the hell". Turns out in a clever, if still somewhat labored twist... Minimus didn't tell them HOW many loads he was carring. This is as far down as he goes, but it still makes a lot of sense. Tyrest not KNOWING this dosen't, but we can handwave it as Tyrest assuming he got the heads and just.. not carring enough about magnus to double check the corpse, a mistage that made him into one.
Our heroes need to scramble to find someway to shut off the killswitch though as Tyrest was still sane enough to not put a shutoff on it. Before they can deal with that properlyt hough, Pharma heads into the portal with First Aid giving chase.. and Pharma saying far more than he needs to, chuckling and grinning about all the autbots at delphi and bursting into laughter about his lengthwise joke... and soon bursting from the head as first aid shoots him.. and then collapses, not able to deal with taking a life for the first time
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It's a powerful moment. Pharma absoltuely deserved to get his head burst... but it's still a life and it dosen't, as first aid clearly hope, make the pain of everyone he's lost go away.
So while this goes on Perciptor has a hail mary: he hooks rodimus up to it, which MIGHT hurt him and will defintely destroy their matrix piece, using it to undo the code. While Rodimus makes a "there goes our map" quip.. it's very clear he has no intention of backing out: personal glory isn't worth the deaths of everyone.
So with Death on the way he decides to clear the air with Magnus, ask if he really betrayed them. Turns out.. yeah he entirely lured them out here, having become disturbed with Rodimus' increasing irresponsiblity. It wasn't a full trap as he had no idea Tyrest was so far gone, he just wanted him to give Rodders a lecture, snap him out of it, tha tsort of thing not you know, nearly kill them all and then try to commit genocide as an encore. It speaks to who Magnus is: he's orderly.. but he's not the zealot his former boss is. He just wants to do the right thing.
And so does rodimus..w hich leads to one hell of a confession
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It's a powerful moment an da wakeup call for rodimus: while he's still carefree after this... it's him realizing he's been way too caviler.. and let his own ego and pride get people killed. And he needs to , instead of hiding from it like he did, face the conseqeucnes of his actions. It's also a nice moment in that instead of seeing his sacrifice as a way out or a glorious way to redeem himself as he might have before the incident... instead Rodimus just hopes he lives long enough to begin the real work.
As he writhes in pain, Tyrest.. turns out not to be dead and says one word: one... which sends all the legislators their way.
In the meantime Skids ends up on Cyberutopia.. yeah... in a big reveal it, or some form of it exists and skids ended up there due to taking the portal: it was blocking anyone who had guilt in them, and Skids.. finally felt free enough to try it.
What he saw there will be important later but for now the plan worked: everyone is saved and Whirl celebrates, deciding to put the past behind him and cyclonus... and after a quick murder fantasy Cyclonus agrees. He has somewhere more important to be.
Back in the control room the legislators swarm and Skids shows up to help.. while something takes Ambulon's corpse through the portal. No time to dwell on that setup now as the legislators need to be stopped..a nd it's tailgate who once again saves the day in a brilliant way too. Remember how Magnus had him memorize the law and just about everything including the dimensions of the kitchen sink? Well when finding out the law computer is right there, this allows tailgate to easily write a new one REPEALLING them all. the legislators freeze, our heroes win the day, and Tyrest vanishes. And sadly while Tailgate won the day.. he passes out.
Thankfully we have a solution: on his deathbed we get a very poginant line from Tailgate, the little bot who simply wanted to be special and important...
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It's a small line.. but one that sums up the comic> life isn't about being a big hero or saving the unvierse, though our heroes certainly did that.. it's abotu living it. It can be hard, messy and often rediculous.. but it's more than worth it.. and with that Cyclonus gives Tailgate the gift of life.. by stabbing him in the chest
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And for once.. IT IS HEALTHY as it was a way to do a spark transfusion, one Whirl of all people brought up. It was risky.. but it was worth it.
So as Rodimus decides to bounce, deciding this big discovery wasn't really wroth it with one crew member dead, first aid traumitzied and brainstorm in his lab, unknown to all having taken the super spark, and the rest of the sparks having gone quiet after the matrix became dust.. he's lost.
Magnus however.. is found. He may not know what his future is.. but he's finally at some sort of peace.. and has a ncie gentle talk with cyclonus
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Remain in Light was one of my faviorite arcs of lost light.. and re-reading it only clinched that view: it's a tense epic that's fast paced but manages to cover a LOT of ground without anything feeling underserved, and the result is stunning. It's a worthy end to season 1.
And it WOULD be where we leave off.. but before dark cybertron we have one issue left, issue 22.
Little Victories is a nice Coda to the season, an issue I skimmed over the first time I read the comic due to the art... not being great. Artist James Raiz takes over from here through dark cybertron and his art style isn't bad, being kind of sketchy and gritty. Not my cup of tea but not bad art. The problem.. is that the art style dosen't fit lost light at all. I mean look at this panel with cyclonus
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It's a good joke, but it looks just so dead serous and grungy. It just dosen't fit what's entirely a slice of life issue, showing a recuritment film Rewind made before his untimely passing.
That said giving the issue a second chance or two i've come around... once your ready for the jarring art shift, you can enjoy the story with plenty of fun documentary gags including Magnus having part of the film removed and getting editiing rights, as well as having Swerves swears censored.
There's two plots here: The first involves everyone being curious what Rungs alt mode is, with Swerve having a bet as to who can get him to show it first, leading to a really great, really stupid joke
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I love this comic for it's deep characters, engaging plot and world building.. but I also love that a large part of the comic is just roberts letting these robots act like jackasses. It makes them so damn relatable. I mean someone had to try this.
The other is Thunderclash, what a guy. Thunderclash is a legendary hero and the king of the parody sues, a guy so noble and kind that even optimus looks up to him, a hero unparalleled. He's this series Ace Rimmer, and intentionally too as Roberts is a big red dwarf fan, something that isn't a huge suprise but is welcome.
For those not familiar with Ace, he's the alternate counterpart of Red Dwarf's Arnold Rimmer, an uptight attempted ladder climber who usually fails due to his own incomptience and ego, while Ace is everything Arnold WISHES he could be: Smart, handsome, good with a joke, beloved.
So naturually someone like Rodimus, full of ego and self importance himself, needed someone just simply better than him doing the same job who everyone on his crew unabashadely loves. Thunderclash is just.. that nice and I love the ways they bend over backwards to make EVERYONE fall for this guy, from him being one of the few autbots to be nice to cyclonus and earn his genuine respect with his knoweldge, to teaching Perciptor of all people something. It's just great fun and it's just as fun to watch Hot Rod gnash his teeth over someone else getting all the attention.
There's also a third kinda plot as the crew runs into the Ammonites, a group of robots fighting a forever war with some bug aliens that whirl seemingly end sin ten minutes. We don't know how and tha'ts how I sleep at night
All three collide at the end: Thunderclash's ship needs a jump, esspecailly since, while an epic hero of epicness, he's dying: the ship is Thunderclash's life support and being the autobot's own personal jesus, he's naturally using this time to save everyone he can. It's why his crew's behind on their own quest for the knights.
Sadly one of his crew turns out to be an ammonite spy and they turn out to not have been the good guys, thankfully Rung has an idea and turns into a blunt insturment. Or is it an object. point is he's blunt, hard and blunt. As for WHAT he is...
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This will be important going forward, and in hindsight may be one of the most important little bits in this issue. Thunderclash will be too.
We then get the ending which is... eh in my eyes. I like Lost Light's comedy, I point you to just a few paragraphs ago with the stupid alt mode night joke. But this bit.. feels a bit of a stretch: it turns out the film was being screened to the circle of light who ALL, every one of them, boo hiss and complain about them all being fuckups. Besides being more than a little harsh... the film was made by a DEAD AUTOBOT. Rewind DIED before this was made and i'm damn sure they told them that. I like the jokes and I don't mind shots at how little the crews acomplished, it's a decent runner but here.. it just feels mean. Doubly so since the lost light JUST SAVED THEIR ASSES and the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, and not a one of them think tha'ts neat. We get a heartwarming ending showing how much it means but this joke.. just really dosen't work at all. One of Roberts rare misfires but boy is it off target.
That said the issue overall is fun and i'm glad I gave it a second shot. It's good stuff and like seemingly EVERYTHING before the finale itself, it's got a lot of setup.
Next Time: Before we can get to DARK CYBERTRON we have to see what everyone else has been up to
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Thanks for reading
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melishade · 1 year
Elita-1 and Megatron are gonna have to talk at some point and I imagine it going one of three ways:
-Elita giving Megatron an earful of why he's the shittiest person to ever exist and should just die already.
-Elita strikes Megatron at least once, like a slap or a punch, and says a sick burn that has everyone's jaw on the floor.
-Elita beating Megatron within an inch of his life, but only because Optimus stopped her from killing him.
Either way, Megatron's not getting out of this unscathed, and the Survey Corp will get a good show out of it.
Previous Episode of the Beloved Timeline
That one ask I did about Elita and Optimus
...Oh @justawannabearchaeologist! @echoblaze5! I'm bringing up the conversation we had! I was laughing so much over this topic with them when I brought it up and their comments were golden!
So we are going to pick up right where we left off where Elita decides to introduce herself to the Survey Corps. And while Optimus is fond of humans and Megatron hates them, Elita is definitely...in between those two options. Sure she gets that Optimus cares for them and wants to protect them, but they have tried to kill her in the past, and they look eerily similar to the titans that were outside the walls. She is also aware that Eren was the titan she tried to kill the night she found Optimus, and she doesn't really no about how helpful that's supposed to be? And on top of the fact that it's been 20 years since she's actually talked to a sentient being...
It's hard for her to make a good first impression on the Survey Corps, initially. They noticed that she is actively tense when introducing herself while trying to be as polite as possible. Some of the Survey Corps don't notice this, especially Hanji, as they are just asking her questions and are just so excited to meet this elusive Cybertronian. Levi picks up the fact that something is off because he has to know how to read people. Eren knows because she has a similar expression the night they first met: kind of tired but getting ready to defend herself.
But Hanji and a few others are asking her so many questions: What did she do on Cybertron before the war? How did she meet Optimus? What can she transform into? What's with the sword on her back? Elita is a little overwhelmed, but ends up talking about her role in overthrowing the Quintessons.
"What are the Quintessons?" Armin asked her.
"A giant, fused form of five helms, with tendrils, and they could fly," Elita explained as best as she could.
"Flying heads?!" Jean nearly gagged.
"Were they back to back or something?" Hanji asked in confusion.
"Actually, they were," Elita answered, "And they rotated to indicate which head was talking first...I'm sorry, is this too much?"
"No. No. Keep going. I am intrigued," Hanji smiled.
So now with Elita talking about her time overthrowing a tyrant allows for a little more bonding and puts Elita at ease and makes the Survey Corps think she's really cool. Levi doesn't know if he should feel relieved or annoyed that Optimus kind of looks like a love struck idiot. Well...considering what he had to deal with before their coup, it was probably better to have him happier for once. He needed it.
...And then Megatron makes the unfortunate miscalculation of showing the hell up. Because Megatron thought that Optimus might be alone at this moment to talk to him, but he underestimated that Elita would be willing to introduce herself to the Survey Corps today because she had been understandably standoffish. Now, Megatron is here. Elita is here. The Survey Corps is noticing that there's some tension in the air and Optimus is ready to jump in and intervene.
"Elita," Optimus warned her.
But Elita's sights are dead set on Megatron. And Eren is recognizing that look of murderous intent and also recognizing that look of fear on Megatron. No words are said in this moment, but the Survey Corps are surprised when Megatron's, the gladiator that fears nothing, takes a step back.
And it's enough for Elita to fucking rush him, pull out her sword, and tackle him to the ground! And the Survey Corps get front row seats to Elita's battle prowess and fury as she's throwing curse words in Cybertronian while giving Megatron a run for his money. Megatron is able to defend himself, but the Survey Corps sees that he's panicking. Optimus is trying so hard to break it up but he cannot get in the middle of this.
"Holy fucking shit!" Connie is laughing in disbelief.
"Should we...stop this?" Armin wasn't sure how to respond in this situation.
Levi placed a hand in front of Armin. "Fuck. No. Hanji, get my favorite wine."
"Ooo~. This must be a very special occasion," Hanji smiled with delight.
A few minutes later, Levi is just sipping wine with an amused smile while watching this shit go down. Hanji is furiously taking notes. Some of the Survey Corps are cheering Elita on with the others are making bets at how long Megatron can outlast Elita before Optimus can somehow break this up. Because Elita's been on her own for a while and has manifested that feral energy. On top of that, she literally went through hell because of Megatron. She despises him. With every fiber in her being!
Optimus has to beg Eren to help break up this fight because he can't do it on his own and Eren can regenerate! And Eren is just yelling 'Hell, no!' Eren is absolutely terrified of her. Eren is demanding Optimus just do it himself because he's that scared and Optimus is giving a look of 'Well how do you think I feel?!'
Eren does ultimately get involved and tackles Megatron out of the way of a killing blow while Optimus managed to physically restrain Elita. The Survey Corps do get a good look at Megatron's injuries and some do look fucking fatal, but Elita is still fighting against Optimus and is actually dragging Optimus with her as she tries to get to Megatron. Optimus tells Megatron to run, and Megatron has no choice but to fly away.
This is the best day of Levi's life. Nothing can top this.
Optimus lets go of Elita and forces her to look at now the air is tense, because the two are now arguing over something in their native tongue, no doubt about Megatron. The Survey Corps definitely do feel awkward about looking at this go down. They both seem to let it go for now, but it's still rather tense. And then Elita remembers the humans, and oh no they are probably scared of her now. She's ready to apologize but-!
"No," Levi spoke, holding up a hand in response, "Don't apologize for jack shit."
"You weren't-"
"Anyone who wants to kill Megatron like that is an ally in my book," Levi declared.
And the Survey Corps just like her even more now, which only confuses Elita even more, but she does give a rather subtle look to Optimus that clearly states they are going to talk later.
Later, Hanji can’t help but be so excited at all the new information that she’s learning today and won’t shut up about it. Money is being passed around in regards to the bet and Eren…can’t help but think back to the arguing and Elita’s hatred of Megatron. How big of a problem was that going to be?
And Optimus and Elita are having a heated discussion over it. Because Elita still cannot fathom the idea of working with him. Maybe when Megatron still held his ideals during his revolution, but not now. Not after poisoning the planet, messing with dark energon, and every single person that died because of him! Optimus has to reason with her about the few options that the island has for survival, but Elita retorts, knowing that even if Optimus has the resources, he still would’ve tried to appeal to Megatron. It does say a lot about Megatron’s character when the humans here are rooting for her to kick his ass!
And Elita is begging Optimus to not try this. Don’t try to appeal to Megatron because he’s rejected that hand in the past! He always has rejected peace! Why would Optimus even try? And Optimus tells her about Megatron saving Eren’s life. About how he chose to save the life of a human when he didn’t have to. And Optimus treasures Eren and it eats him up that he missed how distressed Eren was at all. And it’s a new revelation of Elita. Megatron saving the life of a species he thought was inferior.
Optimus solemnly asks her if she intends to leave because of this arrangement, and Elita is now angry at Optimus and grabs his face to force him to look her in the optics. She will not leave Optimus’ side. They are doing this together. But she is not going to be playing fair in any of this. She is not going to be nice to Megatron. She wasn’t going to forgive him. She will not be kind. He doesn’t deserve it. And Optimus needs to respect that because she needs a chance to process this. And Optimus does completely and apologizes about the circumstance.
Now Elita is extremely passive aggressive whenever Megatron was in the room. Her love for Optimus outweighs her hatred of Megatron. She doesn’t kill him, doesn’t injure him, but she does insult him and make threats. Levi and Elita have mutually beneficial hatred for Megatron and exchange insults to throw at him together.
(Thank you Justa and Echo for the commentary! Really helped when writing this!)
Also the vibe with Elita in this episode:
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grokebaby · 8 months
Oh hey, I'm a transformers fan and Terrorspark is a transformers oc! Here's a question for it, if you want: Is it aware of any previous TF lore? If so, does it know of the characters/have any opinions on them? Does it align more with the decepticons or with the autobots? I'm willing to read up anything I can find on them!
Oh oh and, if Terror were to assign itself a morality alignment, what would it choose? (<- d&d thing, the "good/neutral/evil" one :))
How nice to get to talk about my tfocs for once! I'm gonna answer this more like a conventional ask since it doesn't seem to be intended as a character interactive one.
For a basic rundown, you can read this! I'll be referencing it throughout this reply.
All my tf ocs are set in the aligned continuities since that was my first exposure to transformers and one I'm most familiar with (Prime, most specifically). I do take bits from other tf media and modify according to my own discretion bc some stuff from aligned is either stupid (like the gender thing) or just wasn't handled well in that. And yeah I do take some lore from RID15 but selectively bc wtf were they doing back there.
With this in mind I'd have to say that Terrorspark is only familiar with Unicron when it comes to Canon characters, since it's been in the same place all these millions of years, and fluctuatingly slumbering. The times where Terrorspark was most involved and active (including being in bot form) was back when the original 13 Primes were more or less still around, though it didn't get to interact with them that much. Terrorspark was more like a jailguard type of bot, not in on the action, fighting and plotting, but moreso someone who bots were thrown to after they were already detained in some way. After everything cooled down Terrorspark has just been dutifully subjecting bots on it's surface to various nightmare scenarios, alone, and isolated, so it's not even aware of the Decepticon/Autobot conflict that formed later on.
Terrorspark would prefer to remain sideless entirely, despite being a creation of Unicron (who is ofc associated with the decepticons more). This is unsurprisingly bc as mentioned earlier it's tired of continuous suffering and I suspect if it came in contact with any modern day cybertronians, TR would likely make strong attempts towards peace between the two factions.
As for some opinions:
Unicron - currently it's opinion of him is conflicting, since the circumstances of TRs existence are very cruel, but Terrorspark can't really bring itself to be mad at Unicron (although that could very well happen later). It doesn't admire or worship him either, not anymore, there's just this sort of quiet, sad bitterness about it all. Respect only in theory, and very impersonally.
Megatron - first reactions would probably include "Megatronus, is that you?" lol, since Megs has named himself after one of the og 13. Initial reactions aside, Terrorspark would see him similarly to Unicron; sad, bitter, but not anything particularly fiery. Terrorspark is, emotionally speaking, too numb towards atrocities to have a strong guttural reaction about it, even when meeting or witnessing bad bots. I'm sure Megs would be very interested in Terrorspark as an ally considering everything, but TR would politely decline and make an effort to not engage with any decepticons after that. There might be attempts at encouraging Megatron to seek an end to the conflict but that would turn up fruitless, so ultimately yeah, avoidance.
Optimus - Vaguely positive opinion bc these two share very similar mindsets, I could kinda see Terrorspark working with the Autobots on the sidelines but I feel that it would tire of the constant conflict and prefer to, as I said, keep more sideless. It would respect Op and totally see where he's coming from but still be uncomfortable with participating in either side of the war. So, maybe an occasional help, and an emergency ally if needed.
As for the dnd thing, I honestly am not sure? Terrorspark itself would definitely be very reflective and thoughtful if it was asked to identify itself to some moral alignment and would probably think long and hard, until simply saying "My morals lie with minimizing overall suffering to all. Make of that what you will. I shall no longer blindly follow any one beacon as superior to others, and I'd prefer to tread my own path. But, you are warmly welcome to walk beside me on that path."
I'm not super familiar with how the dnd moral alignments work or are defined but I guuuuuesss I'd call Terrorspark a... Neutral good? Does that sound right?
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morsobaby · 2 years
What do you think about wavewave? The only two actually working employees club. Or bulkjack, miko’s two dads
Wavewave 9.5/10 but only bc I think Soundwave/Megatron is more fascinating to explore, otherwise it woulda been full 10. They are the only people getting shit done, they are the ones holding everyone else on a child leash, they are tired, they are terrifyingly competent, they have killer aesthetics together (Tfp Shock being a massive curvy brickwall and Sound being sharp agile walking sticks. Also both are creepy and hot in like an alien way). I really like the thought that even tho both are really stoic and silent on the surface they get more tender with each other, and while they don't necessarily communicate alot verbally, they're like. Ykno soft. And silly and stupid when they're alone. Like they get to just goof off and be relaxed in each other's company I really like that. Soundwave sends Shockwave highly specific niche memes on work hours and Shockwave reacts with like the most cold and dead "L. O. L" and they perfectly understand each other. If Tfp Shockwave was a more interesting character (at least imo, he's. A bit flat in the actual text of the show), I'd probably like this one more but as is, I think Soundwave is the more compelling of the two in this continuity
Bulkjack also 9.5/10 and also because in my heart nothing can beat Optimus/Bulkhead. Otherwise yes <3 that's Miko's dads. I like to think they're kinda queerplatonic with each other, having been more romantically involved in the past but since they went different paths they kinda separated from dating during that. But like they still really really care for each other in ways that can't solely be summed up as "best friends". It's complicated. I think they probably had some angst over it in the past but they're fine now. But I really get the feeling that Bulkhead is a bit wistful about it and kinda wishes Jackie was around more and they could be closer like before. But like they're cool about it ykno? Anyway- Nice ship, I hc it as queerplatonic, and they're Good influence dad™ vs Bad influence dad™ with Miko. They know each other and get along really well and there's just like a deep understanding between them. Good stuff. Literally only reason this isn't 10/10 is bc for me there's another ship to beat it
(Tangentially related, I sort of allude to this hc of mine in a fic I'm currently working on, which is yeah, about Op+Bulk)
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sunxstreaker · 11 months
This is me asking about your transformers ocs
• Who was ‘born’ first?
• Who is the most temper-mental?
• Any of them a ‘class clown’?
• Name a favorite aspect of each [physical build, backstory, personality, etc.].
• Do your ocs enjoy earth and learning about human customs? Or is it beneath them?
I'll die for you thank you
There's a group of bots traveling around the space pretty aimlessly, consisting of Riff, ex-communications officer (so he likes to say but he's still pretty much in charge of the ship when captain isn't there), Monarch, an ex-phase sixer, twins Cleft and Treble who used to be mechanics for racers, Fleewheel, a used-to-be-smuggler pretty much, and the captain himself, Emberfist. Fairly there's more people... But that's all crew for now! Let's just say they interact with each other the most.
- Emberfist is the oldest! He's been around since times Before Megatron's decepticons, and feels very strongly about what both factions did to their home. He's forged as well! After him goes Fleewheel, then Riff, then Cleft and and Treble, then Monarch.
- Riff, I'd say. He tries to play it cool- a lot, but after everything that happened with him he's barely holding it together, from being an impulsive blabbermouth to a shutdown recluse. Good thing Ember figured out he's better at work and doing his weird music thing rather than just sit and sulk.
- Fleewheel. LOL. He's always this 👌 close to be kicked out of the ship, but for the same reasons that keep him there - his mouth and dumb sense of humor. He's a fun among the sad for what it's worth.
- I'm Yet to make designs for a lot of them, so bear with me 🤡
Riff might be my favorite out of all of them, I'm pretty happy with both his design and backstory/character. Fairly he started off as a sona (like most my favorite ocs do LOL), so he has combination of red and black that i love to work with. I find his disdain with war because of jis personal losses and desire to let them duke it out and leave him out of it also my favorite part.
Emberfist i love cuz in my head he looks like a very tired, a very done with everything mech. He's a monoformer, as well, so it didn't exactly make his life any easier. He's an engineer and he's the one who even built their ship! Overall i just like him, he cares for his fellow cybertronians who are tired and hurt, and pretty much welcomes anyone on his ship and won't be scared to protect it with all his might.
Monarch has one of my favorite designs I've ever done, i love the colors and her wings are torture for me to figure out but i love them nonetheless. Her story is also very fun to me she's just the biggest traumatized loser. She's a triple changer who could turn into a jet and a bomb. She was supposed to have an indestructible spark casing and such, so whenever she used her bomb alt mode, she'd be able to reconstruct herself. She, well. Never found out if it works LOL she just left when she was on her first mission cuz she got so so scared. Love her.
The twins are fun to me because i. Love twins. They play music all the time and are very high energy, it's fun to watch. They're small and frisky and generally just a delight. You'd think they cause mischief but they're more of snitches actually LMAO they don't get along with Fleewheel well.
As for Fleewheel... Anyway.
(Joking i actually think he's very silly i love silly guys who are just asking to have shit beat out of them)
- Only Fleewheel's been on Earth, actually! Had a lil rendezvous with Swindle there. Wasn't impressed much, and surely isn't looking forward to coming back there (though humans are quite entertaining)
As for others, they've HEARD, probably PASSED it at some point in search of energon, but didn't dare to land. For reasons. Riff downloaded a lot of Earth music at some point, though, and he's been menace about it ever since.
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talesfromlissom · 2 years
Oh OK that is realy simple. Then if it's alright either you could I request BR!Y/N and Megatron 👉👌 after coming back from a mission (?) and it could be their first time or something. Sorry if that doesn't make sense I'm really tired rn lol
A/N - Hi! I'm sorry that this took so long. This is also kind of short, mainly because I had to rewrite this 2 times. Mainly because the dialog + build-up to the actual interfacing kept including spoilers so. Here's the awkwardly cut version.
He silently curses at Primus during this. The sound of your cooling fans, as well as his own. Drown out most sounds of the…present activitity. It’s expected coming from a build like his, and a mech of your size. He knew that something was going to go wrong during this mission. 
Something that would make everything come crashing down. Surprisingly, it didn’t it was after the mission that everything went wrong. He’s certain he’s tipsy. And so are you. So one thing led to another and…
He never thought he’d ever be the one being fragged. 
He hears your vents hiss, movements stalling for a moment. You lean close to his ear, the pace slowing. But his valve still aches. Pulses. 
“Are you,” you hissed. “Alright?” 
His claws dig deeper marks into the rusted desk. He doesn’t respond at first, only grinding his hips onto the spike. He needs more. He won’t say it however. He decides to just nod instead. Back pressed flush against your chest. 
A small part of him thinks you read his mind before he replied. Because you start thrusting again. He bites his knuckles, cutting off a scream that threatens to erupt from his throat. 
You mutter something under your breath. A few soft words of affirmation that quite nearly makes him kiss you. Nearly. 
His forehead hits the console, other hand grasping at your left thigh. He hears metal scraping against one another. Metal creaking. There will probably be dents in his armor from your fingers. Soft transfers of your paint on his thighs. Claw marks and finger dents on your thigh armor. 
But what bliss. Because he feels so warm, engulfed by your EM field and soft grunts. As you reach your peak. His valve feels warm, and you bite down onto his shoulder. 
And for once, he feels like everything could be alright. Even just for a moment. 
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goopys-art · 2 years
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I love transformers and drew this because I thought Philza as a seeker would fit him. Loves flying, he's definitely a fighter jet. Then I had to draw Technoblade because his name already sounded like a tf name. He's a space shuttle and they go space exploring together. Have a few hcs for this au? under the cut ^^
I'm just being a nerd here alskdjgsgd Pre-war Philza: Philza is ancient. He's old and had been remodeled a few times. Better engines, sleeker and aerodynamic frame, etc. Got the whole "Angel of Death" thing going on coz he's so good at the craft job. A weapon for hire. It's what he's made for but always found it restrictive to devote his whole life to and sometimes he gets bodyguard jobs for important political figures and those are the worst! He's tired and wants to explore the vast universe. He would have wanted to get into engineering or xenobiology if he could. Most of his equipment are custom made by him. It's a part of his passion. He self taught himself a lot of trades and steals medical books so he knows how to treat himself and patch wounds. He's someone that wants to keep ahead so it makes sense to learn more but he runs into the threat of anyone finding out that the reason he's so good for several years is because he's been secretly doing things outside of what a fighter jet should be.
It drives him up the wall. He wants to be free to do what he wants and be what he wants. So when the decepticons first started making themselves known and the promise of rising up against the corrupt system sounded pretty nice... he doesn't sign up for the cause. He can see the signs of a war a mile a way and he would much rather get out while he can before the political tensions breaks into chaos.
Pre-war Techno: Technoblade would have done delivery work like transporting energon from one of the moons and back. He's space worthy and has pretty thick plating to do the job. He's also bored out of his mind. The most fun he gets is when he gets to travel further from Cybertron to load and unload trades and goods in neighboring planets. A good change in scenery but he always wanted more. So he hears of this illegal gladiatorial pit somewhere and thinks "Yeah, I could do that". There aren't any other choices. Since it's all underground, they wouldn't question a shuttle for wanting to get in. Fighting is cool. He's getting pretty good at it since he's big and that makes for a good show. He trains and finds swords his favorite to use. A crowd favorite the likes like Megatron but Techno would rather not fight the dude? He looks like he's trying to start a movement. That's not the kind of beef he wants to associate himself with. But now he's trapped because the pits aren't really safe in the long run and fighting had turned into outliving everyone else and that's kinda a lot? He just wanted to be more than just the delivery guy but now people know his name and he can't escape coz he's a criminal in the arena. The decepticons wanna recruit him and he really doesn't want to be tied down to anything anymore even if he agrees with their cause.
And then the two meet Philza's looking for a free space shuttle and Techno is looking to get out of Cybertron. They meet and are immediately like "Yeah, of course, we need to get out of here!" Riots are happening around them and they get as much stuff as they can and run. It was easy for them to slip away because everyone's focusing on the war rn. A lot of other neutrals are fleeing too and they blend right in but break away to make it out on their own.
They chill out in space and go planet hopping for supplies for years. If any trouble were to come their way, they destroy it. Typical Techno and Philza shenanigans. They are the strongest duo out there and keep adopting alien pets to go with them. Eventually they get a ship so Techno doesn't have to be a shuttle all the time and they set up a base far away from the war as they can. Headcanons: -They would have joined the decepticons because initially, the cause had some good points. Cybertron needed major change but Megatron's revolution would have been far too violent.
-Philza saw how dangerous the world would get really early on and wanted to get out. Fighting for a war even if he's made for it? Again? Like his whole life? "No sir. I've been through that. It never ends well."
-Technoblade is a name he gave himself in the pits. It's when he was still trying to find his own identity and found his love for pvp and swords.
-Technoblade saw a video of a pig once and said "yeah that's me"
-Philza makes Techno weapons all the time and then teaches him how to make his own.
-They're pretty efficient together but neither of them are mechanics or know how to make their own energon. So it had been a big struggle at first but they're both fast learners.
-They get mistaken for decepticons all the time. It's the stereotype and they fit the bill. Big brutish dude and a seeker. Both armed to the teeth.
-They become amicas after years of having each other's backs. Amica Endura is kinda like a best friends thing
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sauntervaguelydown · 2 years
2021 Fanfic Year End Summary
good FUCKING morning (it's not morning) Nev just finished doing their year end wrap up, which reminded me that I was going to do a year end wrap up. The years just keep coming and they don't stop coming, huh?
This year wasn't really notable for anything except that Covid fatigue finally hit me with all the weight of last year and a new one somewhere around summer + my anxiety finally got debilitating enough that I made the jump to seeing a psychiatrist. Crossing my fingers that things are on the upswing now. I'm settled in now with my office job and I've gotten to where I can work on fic at the office as long as 1. nothing else is going on, and 2. I am Not Tired
Nev really saved my life doing beta for a couple of these suckers, and I got some fresh new ideas from James and Van this year as well--not to mention everyone who contributed prompts to the Arranged Marriage series! That's been a fun new thing to have ongoing.
This year I published 23 new titles and wrote a total of 152,585 words, with two different co-authors. This year I wrote with both Nev (of course) and with Mllemusketeer, which was a totally new experience and a very cool stretching of my comfort zone. We hashed it out an idea in a week while I was traveling back from North Carolina, then we really both doubled down and hyper-fixated on Hold Me Tight (Say They Didn't Win), which we blasted through right up until the final chapter, which was unexpectedly difficult. It's lightning in a bottle, you just can't engineer that level of synchronicity.
Best/worst title?
There were some fun titles this year, but Your Bloodstained Laurel Wreath absolutely takes first place. It started out as a phrase that was stuck in my head while me and Nev were brainstorming the fanfic--I was getting up from my desk and walking to the kitchen repeating it over and over in my head. I like the meter of it, and the imagery. It's only synchronicity that it happened at the same time that the fanfic was taking shape, and eventually got baked in. I'm lucky that Nev liked it enough to indulge me, haha
Runner up title is probably A Darkness Asking to be Split Open--also a synchronicity, that I happened to see that exact poem floating by on my dash just as I was wrapping up chapter one of the fic for posting.
Worst title is What You Can Have, which isn't a bad title so much as a placeholder title that I never found a better replacement for. I mean it works, it's just... I've used it as a placeholder title for a different fic before ^^;
Best/worst summary?
By far the best summary:
You are cordially invited to the WEDDING of our esteemed LORD MEGATRON and SOME LITTLE GUY HE FOUND IN A BOX.
Although Ornament is the runner up because it so quickly sets up all the context I really didn't have time for in the fic proper, so in a way it becomes part of the content of the story.
I had a lot of weak summaries this year :/ A lot of my concepts were hard to summarize, I think? Worst summary... man this is a tight race, but let's go with Contract Law: Special Vengeance Unit, in the sense that I was so dissatisfied with how the summary was conveying the content of the story that I scrapped it and replaced it a few months ago. I think it is much better now.
Best/worst first line?
Rattrap possessed two traits that made him a stand-out in the field of "not getting your guts ripped out and eaten by deranged terrorcons", and the first of those traits was that he was a coward.
worst, by dint of starting a fic with the exact line from a prompt:
“Let’s get this straight," said Rattrap. "I’m only agreeing with this arrangement so Starscream will shut up.”
oh and shout out to 2021 for being the worst/weirdest year in which to write a story whose first line begins "after the coup de etat"....
Best/worst last line?
My personal favorite is from Kintsugi:
His devotion bubbled over like tar, or like gold, filling every crack in Pharma with horror and with love.
instead of giving a worst one, because I think actually I'm happy with all of them this year (!!), I'm going to give another good one:
And then he went inside, and closed the door, and left Megatron alone in the corridor of an impossible ship even now flying steadily away from everything he had ever known.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
152k words (including cowrites)... That's less than last year, but still a high fucking number and more than I thought it was going to be before the total-up. I think I wrote less long fic this year than I thought I was going to... over the course of the year the size of my projects shrunk and shrunk haha. Mlle did a lot of the heavy lifting on Hold Me Tight, so if we reaaaally broke it up I suspect this year and last year would be even further apart.
Though! The number of total titles this year and last year is 23, so technically I wrote the same amount of stories.on
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Well I surprised myself with the CowboyBeebop fanfic, both because it's a fandom I've never considered writing for before, and also because it's the kind of mainstream het pairing that I usually have nothing to do with. Maybe it's the fact that I hooked up with a boy this year... who knowwwwssss....
Silco/Jynx is also a pairing very far off my normal territory, although the fact that I gender/sex weirded it probably explains that one sufficiently.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Tough question this year--I would say until what I love misses me, and calls me in. because the sections that Mllemusketeer wrote still make me laugh, and the serene mood of the ending leaves a pleasant taste in your mouth
Okay, NOW your most popular story.
going by the numbers.... wow, by hits, the most popular one is Yield for Nothing. I must have REALLY hit a niche hungry market, it actually beat out Laurel Wreath, which is like my prestige picture for the year.
By bookmarks (which is how I sort when I'm looking for fic) it's actually Kintsugi! Wow, that's nice, what a pleasant surprise.
Story most under appreciated by the universe?
I feel in my bones that Laurel Wreath is a perfect story, deserves to be a classic, and therefore the fact that it's an obscure pairing with a popular character acting as the villain kind of.... makes it a perpetual underdog. Although I'm very grateful for the attention that it has gotten, and all the engagement from those who did read.
Story that could have been better?
mmmm... Perhaps These Are Not Poetic Times really should have been longer, but I didn't want to commit to another 10k word story and figure out what all the other Beast Wars characters were doing... I've already written two enormous Apocalypse AUs in my life and I'm a little burnt out
Sexiest story?
As usual, I have a lot of HORNY stories (The Mesmer Box is probably the horniest) but the aura of a sexy story is a very specific and glamorous one... and Someone Borrowed by far takes the penthouse prize. Nev did NOT hold back, and the escalation + the squirmy guilt just pops OFF
Most fun story?
Oh, Electric Chapel for sure. I love writing shenanigans, so it was fun to write AND it's fun to read.
Did any stories shift your perceptions of the characters?
Taillights, Last Night really gave me a chance to extend myself deeper into the Drift/Deadlock dichotomy in a way that felt like chipping marble off a block and finding a statue. I don't know that it's really a paradigm shift for me, though. I think maybe What You Can Have taught me some new things about Swerve, which was mostly the result of Van leading me by the nose down into the wilderness of Oh This Character Huh
Hardest story to write?
I think that until what I love misses me, and calls me in was a story I wanted to read but really didn't want to write... it was done in piecemeal, bit by bit, mostly out of a dogged determination on my part to make sure it made it to the finishline. I'm glad we finished it, but it wasn't easy. Actually, I've never written straight feelgood fluff before (I don't think?), so in a way that was stretching me as a writer, too.
Easiest story to write?
I banged out both Yield for Nothing and It's a Pretty Good Song, Maybe You Know the Rest each in one morning (or, two mornings, respectively). This is a huge turnaround from my experience with smut in the past, which has been more on the laborious side. It helps that they're both very short.
Most overdue story?
I have to agree with Nev, Heavy in Your Arms definitely took the longest time from first line to last line (a year???? what?) because Nev was busy and I didn't want to bug them but I also had no idea how to continue from the intro I'd written... We did not have an beginning outline lmao. In the end it grew as fast as it was written, so there was really no way we could have sped the process up.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Yield for Nothing was a huge risk, in the sense that I was genuinely afraid that I was going to get hate comments and threats about it. Weirdly enough, I've only gotten one or two lukewarm comments and a bunch of positive reviews. I think that Hold Me Tight, Laurel Wreathe, and Most Dangerous Game were all risks in their own right--the first because it was so pitch dark and nasty, the second because of its bait-and-switch endgame ship, and the third because it was deliberately choosing to make a character with a pretty dedicated fanbase do some Extremely Dubious Shit.
It's hard to believe that last year I was so wildly nervous about posting robot boob content. I have gotten MUCH more shameless and weird since then. I'm really beyond cringe now.
All in all this year I think I learned that it can be a lot of fun to go ahead and commit to the WrongBad timeline and see how the nasty plays out.
Did you meet your goals this year?
One thing I've proud and relieved about is that I FINALLY got the coda to Don't Sing Me No More Blues written and finished. That bitch did NOT want to get written. I think in part it was that Nev had already done such a beautiful job with their Coda, and I didn't want to retread the same ground. It took me a while to figure out which thread was both new and interesting for them to explore.
I still haven't... finished... GPAU... one more chapter got written but I do not know how to get over the hump of the ending, even though the linear progress of events is outlined already. I'm really stumbling over the comedy aspect, specifically.
I did succeed in writing non-TF fic! Got them in just under the wire, but they exist!
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
1. get this chromedome fic written
2. write more f/f
3. Do some batman again, somehow
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devils-yui · 2 years
What’s ur opinion on all the beast wars characters? (Not Beast Machines)
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*cracks knuckles* I’d be happy to talk about my opinions on the characters but since I'm pretty tuckered out I'll make it sweet and short, without having to go too into detail with the character. I want people to watch the show themselves and experience it :]
I really really really like Dinobot and Dinobot II. Hands down, one (two, I guess??) of my favorite characters in this series. I loved the original Dinobot but I'm always willing to open my arms out to Dinobot II too. I liked their designs, strangely their voices, and their part in the series. I'm kinda sad they didn't make it into Beast Machines but also semi-grateful
I also really like Depthcharge and his rivalry with Rampage. He also strangely reminded me of Batman in a way. Aside from that, I wish he had more screen time.
Silverbolt was the stereotypical Romeo and by-the-rules, nice guy. I didn't really appeal to that and his fanfare kinda annoyed me. I think it was meant to be a running gag but man...
Blackarachnia -- she... She was also the stereotypical "bad girl" who manages to somehow seduce a good portion of the Predacons. She also did my man, Dinobot, really dirty in that one scene where they were all unable to transform and she kicked him-- multiple times in the same manner AND HE DID NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT.
Tigatron and Airazor could've had more screen-time potential. I was also really confused about their relationship too since parts of their bonding moments happened off-screen??
Inferno was cool, I liked the pyromaniac, and his habits of calling Megatron a "queen" were pretty nice. A loyal Decepticon is pretty rare so he kinda won my heart
Rampage was an on and off, favorite and not-favorite of mine. I'd say I liked his rivalry dynamic with Depthcharge. Creepy in some ways in regards to the way he talks, but cool.
... Tarantulas scares me.
Quickstrike is such a violent little ball of anger, I almost forgot his name at certain points and just decided to call him "The Texan" or the "tax evader", in accordance with a meme I saw with all the characters.
Megatron, his "yess"(s) were ironic and his designs, through all the seasons were ones I really liked, so he kinda sits right by Dinobot on the wagon of designs I still enjoyed throughout the series. I feel like he was way too forgiving to some of his traitors but for some, I'm kinda surprised he critiqued some of their methods of betrayal too so I liked that about this Megatron. He's willing to accept a challenge of being overthrown, weird but cool.
Optimus Primal was an absolutely tired dad that did not hesitate to show it whatsoever in this show. He was pretty cool but uhh... When his designs started to look more monkey-like I kinda didn't consider him as much as a character I favored anymore, just a character I "liked".
The absolute carry of this show that could've wiped the Predacons in the first season is a literal cottagecore himbo, Rhinox is great but I prefer acknowledging him as a character I like in the series rather than an overall favorite character.
Rattrap, the bisexual disaster. He was a 50/50, kinda annoying, kinda funny, favorable in some situations, and then back to being a pain in the ass. It's a love/hate thing with me and him.
Tigerhawk, Hasbro's excuse of bringing back both the characters that disappeared for a good portion of both the two seasons and brought them back as a literal GOD. His reunion with the other two bots in the show threw me off so hard when he winked and did a finger-gun I think. He came back bisexual too mh
Cheetor gave me annoying little brother vibes and I hated his weird puberty arc.
Scorponok -... I... He looked like a SoundCloud rapper with the face of a bulldog. His loyalty to Megatron was iffy.
Loved the screechy bastard, Terrorsaur, he's a dumbass but he's a likable dumbass, on my part. I have a soft spot for himbos. HE WAS SO EXCITED TO WORK WITH DINOBOT IN THAT ONE EPISODE TOO. I'm sorry, villains that I like, actually looking really happy affectionately kills me.
This boyo, Waspinator, I kinda had mixed feelings for him? I feel at best sympathetic whenever he gets destroyed. His superiority complex made me concerningly look at him sometimes but hey- what Predacon/Decepticon didn't have one at some point.
Transmutate... Uh... How do I put this... I'm not too sure about Transmutate. I'll say it right now, Transmutate did not deserve that ending-- but I can't say that I liked the character either nor did I feel EXTRA bad for its death? The only feeling I can compare this between is me, a dude who's got arachniphobia, being in a room with a huge ass spider (transmutate). I'm worried about its presence in the room, I'll even acknowledge its existence-- but I will only do that. If it's in the farthest corner of the room from me.
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xstarvibezx · 2 years
Day 5; They
Character; TFA Star'Scream
Ship; My TFA Megastar AU
Headcanon; Nonbinary biace. He/him/They/Them
<Prompts here>
Star'Scream flicked his torn ears, he had been questioning a lot about himself. But this time he hadn't been questioning if he should kill Megatron here or not, he actually had been questioning his gender.
The seeker flicked his tail, he liked using he/him pronouns but he also wanted to use they/them. But he didn't feel like he belonged in the male category.
He frowned, wishing he could tell anyone about this without being seen as weak or vulnerable. He wasn't afraid of hate. He wasn't afraid of anything.
He heard large footsteps approaching him, he knew it was Megatron but he didn't really react. His mind was so wrapped around with questions about his gender identity.
He felt a paw on his shoulder, "You seem distracted, Star'Scream." Megatron hummed, sitting next to him. "Is something wrong?" He asked.
Star'Scream sighed, flicking his wings in irritation. "I'm fine. I'm just distracted by my thoughts, that's all." He replied in a rough voice, his eyes felt heavy.
He hadn't been able to sleep for about a week because of these thoughts, and it didn't really help that he was already stressed and tired to begin with.
He noticed that Megatron was looking at him expectantly, "About killing me?" He asked in a slightly hostile voice.
Star'Scream grunted, he wished he was thinking about that but he really wasn't. "Nah, so don't worry about me backstabbing you again." He hissed, glaring at him a bit.
Megatron blushed slightly but shook himself, "Then what Is it?" He questioned, "And you care because. . .?" The seeker looked at him cautiously, but only to see the gladiator looking calm now.
"I got nothing else to do, so why not help one of my seekers, hm?" Megatron smirked, trying to act cool or something. Either way, Star'Scream wasn't impressed or falling for it.
But he knew he couldn't really do much, which irritated him. "I'm questioning stuff about myself." He snorted, glancing away from the larger mech.
He knew he was bisexual and asexual, but he hadn't figured out his gender. He didn't feel like a female either, he just felt like he didn't fall in those two categories.
Megatron noticed he really did look distracted, this made him sigh. "Is it about your sexuality? I-" "No. It's my gender." Star'Scream muttered, glaring at the mech before looking at the table.
"I don't feel like I'm a male or a female, but I like using he/him and they/them." He mumbled, not looking at Megatron. Did he sound vulnerable? He had no clue. Was he confused? Yes.
Megatron frowned, feeling a little sympathy towards the seeker. "What category do you fall in?" "Probably in-between, I guess." Star'Scream mumbled,
The gladiator smiled a bit, "Oh Star'Scream, I think I know what you are." Star'Scream looked at him cautiously, "You're nonbinary." Megatron said.
Star'Scream blinked slowly, before looking at the table. "It's a gender where you aren't a male or a female, you fall in-between." He told him, Star'Scream thought for a moment. It did match how he felt.
But knowing Megatron was the one that helped him? Now that was surprising. "Alright. I'm nonbinary then." He nodded his thanks towards Megatron.
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jd-arts319 · 4 years
Embers of the Phoenix
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Chapter 2:burning wheels 
After the night-Daybreak
Emberblade p.o.v
After what happend that night,I send a message to him,needing to meet up with him soon & talk about last night,however it seems going be hard in this matter hour,I send a message to him that I might be little late to awhile since I'm trapped in a traffic jam.
Hmm,I wonder what he was doing now?,I hope he didn't get into trouble after what happend last night,but I do wonder what he was doing,was he looking for a track for the all spark? Or to send out the message that he finally found what we looking for?
I hope for the latter….oh!the lights turn green!,well can't be late now! I hope I don't keep him waiting too long….
Bumblebee p.o.v 
[I wonder where she had been?],I beeped to myself,I sighed once more since now I had a ping from her,she gonna be late for awhile because of traffic jam!,well I can always play some games I download newly,so maybe that can keep me busy,is a good thing I choose the junkyard…?
I start playing the game I choose as I think about Emberblade,I piss the game & reminces when I first met her,it was vivid but I remember her when she came to my nursery with someone else before & took care of me….
Who knew I would meet her soon?!,but on Earth?! I have so many questions how she got here,well...she did answers some of my other questions easefully but some of the ones I need to know must be hard since,her's was foggy….
But there is one thing i'm able to know about her is from the others,she was descirbe, laid-back,smart,kind,cool but sometimes annoying, irritating & pest,but their who have said her like that tolerate her,but what stunned me the most was optimus…..
I remember ratchet & ironhide told me once that optimus had fell deeply in love with a unique femme,at first I thought it was either elita, causeway,or Lauren,but I was shocked when he said the lady who ahd visited me back then….
It was a very beautiful name for a tough femme,the way he talked almost the same as the others but the tone of his voice was different & his expression,he had look of strong fondness & adoration the same way as…
The same as Emberblade's,the same look & tone when she talks about optimus,well….who knew? If optimus know this I think he will be happy,but I don't know about her….she thinks optimus liked or already in a relationship with one of the three femmes she knew…
Well time will tell for the while…
I heard a honk from my right & saw she was here already,I drove up to her & beeped,[took you long enough…],she then said"my apologies,traffic is a bit suffocating when it was time to work for the day starts..",she then transforms as do I.
We both talks about what happend last night,we both sat down & start getting comfortable,then she asked"what we're you doing last night on the abandon construction site?",I then asnwered"[sending a signal…??]",she then response"to the other Autobots?",I nodded,& nudge her slightly in understanding,she then ask"did you find the coordinates of the all spark?",I nodded "yes",I told her that the coordinates of the all spark was imprine on some object & I told her it leads to the witwicky residents.
She then said"witwicky?..odd…",we both noticed it was almost night & she said"how about we rest here & then you can go back in the morning then?",well I do feel getting tired so I agrred,we both transform & took a recharge,for some reason I feel something is about to happen.
Next morning…
When the sun rose from dawn,both Emberblade & bumblebee got out of recharge, the two decided to prepare to leave soon as possible before any humans found them,so around early of the morning,both transform & quitely left the junkyard.
Afterwards both said their farewells & left on their own way with promise messaging each other now & then,bumblebee soon got back to the house but then Sam saw him & soon starts getting out of the house & runs away by riding his mother's bike, bumblebee seeing this,he immediately chase after him out in panic & messages Emberblade about Sam.
Emberblade hearing the message,immediately made another on the road,following the coordinates of bumblebee,she soon arrives on the road where bumblebee was & then saw a police car with a fimiliar wording"to punish & to enslave".
,"shit!!! Is barricade!!! & He's heading toward where's bumblebee's human driver was!!!!!", I commed bumblebee about barricade,as soon as bumblebee heard her message,he immediately drove faster.
Emberblade followed barricade,she soon followed his tracks & starts gunning at hm,barricade soon saw her on his rear mirror,& growled he starts shooting behind at her
Emberblade soon drive backwards.
Later that night….
After what happend,she commed bumblebee, unfortunately she commed at the wrong time.
When the whole team are done introducing themesleves,bee's comm's beeped
Sam,mikaela & the other's looked at him questionly,he snickered & radioed"what's up bitch?",the bots looked at incredously.
When…"very funny bee…",a soft beautiful voice rang out,all of the bots are stunned & jazz said"I recognized that voice!!!!...",then ironhide said"could it be…!?!?",then a soft,gentle deep,voice of optimus said the name of femme he longing for…"Emberblade…..",the voice on the other side of the comm was quite for a minute & said in a quivering yet joyful voice"orion?!,is that you!?".
Optimus prime p.o.v
I couldn't believe it,it was her!!!!,I thought I lost her…
We are currently driving into sam's house as we speak but i couldn't stop thinking it…
The femme I love & yearning for was alive….this whole time….
I remember,when jazz told me that the council asked for Emberblade & needed her help,& then... some cycles ago,some of the survivors of the one that Emberblade saved said something that forever will hunt me for orns….
Agate,a female wrecker told me that she ends up chasing at the all spark,& when they try to track her signal…..it disappeared,as if…..she vanish to thin air….
I was numb….i was deviatsated,the femme who I grew fond of & to love,was gone….
But I couldn't let it get to me,because I know she didn't want to see me like this,so I remain strong,hoping that's one day….i would see her again..
& When that day came,I was relieve...I knew she was alive...she was okay…
We soon arrives at our destination & we transformed,while Sam was talking to his sire,I saw a glimpse of fimiliar,navy/dark blue truck with blue flames,then we couldn't wait any longer we got into his home,she too transformed & she saw me & gave me that beautiful smile of hers,she just stayed outside.
Then the power went out,I saw ratchet may have damaged the power cables,I heard her snickered,then we heard Sam about not destroy anything else & we transformed back to our vehicle mode,she did too.
That's when some black SUV's came,she along with us immediately backs away & when the "sector 7"took them,we followed Emberblade came driving besides me & when we got to side of where the bridge was,we all transform.
We notice that we arrive ahead of them,so ratchet asked"optimus what are we gonna do? How do we stop them?",I was thinking how but when I finally got an idea how, Emberblade says"they're almost here!!!!",we saw the arriving suv's.
Soon I put my plan in action & jumped infront of the unsuspecting vans & stopped where Sam & his mate was,I was upset & tore off the hood,soon I demanded them to get out of the car,even telling them taking the two was a bad move.
After relieving their weapons we interigorated them.
Jazz p.o.v
While optimus interigorated them,I looked at the truck femme,I admit she was a beauty,smooth face,bright teal optics,& plump lips,her optics shines like a gem!!! Dang, guess why now optimus fell for her,let's not forget her exotic body of hers~~~
Well I shouldn't oggling on her,she already got the leader pinning on her anyway…
Oh well...buuuut I could always play matchmaker after this!!!!
3rd p.o.v
Before it could go any further,helicopters starts coming in & soon all of them transform immediately & starts driving aways but before that optimus told them what to do while he starts running away.
Emberblade followed suit after,both soon got into another bridge both hide underneath,however soon mikaela slips & Sam catches her,but the two fell, Ember saw this & catches them but she too fell, unfortunately bumblebee came & there the helicopter s soon surrounded them along with the other humans,using the hooks while being sprayed by a gas.
Optimus could only watch as the two beings he clearly care for the most was being taken away, Ember was struggling who she called out for bumblebee,after they are gone.
He gets down & felt his spark gone numb,he clench his servos into a fist as the other bots soon transform,he saw the glasses & took it.
Soon afterwards,daybreak came & all of them stood infront of a white building as they talked about what happens last night.
At hover dam….
All Ember could remember was lights,smokes,bumblebee being hooked &....dark
She onlined her optics soon after she noticed she was in a room,she looked around & saw she was chained up.
When she tries to budge them off,someone came in & soon she realize it was Simmons,he was talking something about managing capturing them & what not,she recognize him before..she remembers about edmund mentioning an accquintance of his before.
He soon leaves the room with another elder human,while she was left alone, however the elder human soon notice she was awake,but kept his mouth shut but he did sign to her something.
I know edmund,he mentioned about you,don't sorry we'll get you out soon enough
Emberblade could only hope because not only the all spark is here…..
Megatron was here too…
Transformers @hasbro & paramount
Emberblade & Agate @me
Next chapt will be come up soon
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