#I'm sure Orange did a google search
revenantghost · 11 months
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wannabespiderman · 5 months
Man vs machine
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Hello! This is my first fanfic written in English so I'm slightly nervous to post this but I couldn't get this idea out of my head so... I hope you enjoy :)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Just an old man confused about modern technology.
You were walking past the living room door when a discontented grunt caught your attention. You took two steps back to crane your neck past the half-closed door. Bucky was sitting on the sofa, leaning over the living room table, which looked like a toddler’s table compared to him, his face illuminated by the bright screen of his new laptop that you’ve bought him not too long ago. His eyebrows were tightly knit together when he mumbled a quiet curse. You turned around, a curious expression on your face as you walked through the door.
"You okay, baby?" you asked and promptly sat down next to him. Bucky gave you an inscrutable look before turning his eyes back to the screen. “Where the hell do I find my emails?” he asked in frustration. A sudden laugh escaped you. You should have realized that a 106 year old man who had little to do with electronics would have some trouble with a laptop. Bucky gave you a displeased look with a slight, unconcious pout appearing on his face. “Click on the internet icon.” You spoke softly, willing to help. Bucky’s brow furrowed. “I don’t need the internet, I need my emails.” You stayed silent for a moment, slightly baffled by his words. Just last week you took the effort to set up a Google account with him and you were pretty sure he had paid attention then. “Bucky.” You said an amused huff escaping you. “Your e-mail is connected to the Internet. Just click on the icon.” Bucky clicked his tongue in annoyance to cover his slight embarrassment and went back to staring at the desktop. He was definitely taking his time, and at one point you doubted he knew what an icon was. “Need any help?” you asked as kindly as you could, though the sight of Bucky squinting his eyes like a real old man made your voice sound rather amused. With an exhausted sigh, Bucky leaned back against the seat back and rubbed his face, his shoulders visibly slumping. “You do it.”
You snort, but immediately apologize after he gives you an exceptionally grumpy look. “You can do it.” You said encouragingly, giving him a small smile. Bucky rolled his eyes, but relented and bent over the laptop again. You shuffled closer to it so you could see the screen properly, and the little orange and blue Firefox icon literally jumped out at you. You pointed your finger at it and looked at it again. “Just click on this one.”
You tried to be patient with him, really, and actually he did exactly what you said, but you couldn’t hold back the little sigh that left your mouth as he moved the cursor over the Firefox icon and clicked. Once. “Okay.” You mumbled, rubbing your eye. Apparently, you needed to be more specific. "This time you click twice." Another brief but piercing look from Bucky before he actually double-clicked and the browser opened. You sent a quick thank you to the heavens before instructing him to type the url into the search tab and cringed silently when he started typing with both of his pointer fingers. Right this second you decided to teach him how to properly type with all ten of his fingers later. A few more instructions later, probably a little more than usually necessary, he reached the Google log-in site.
“I assume you can handle the rest?” It was supposed to be a statement but your voice shifted into a question at the end.
He hummed quietly in affirmation, though his brow was still furrowed as if this whole thing was incredibly complicated which, to be honest… it probably was for him. You pressed your lips together, a slight sting of guilt coursing through you, your previous amusement and frustration about his hardship completely vanishing. One second you were quietly sat next to him and the other you had your arms wrapped around his bicep and your head leaning on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about laughing earlier.” You whispered, almost too quiet for him to understand if he weren’t a Super-Soldier and had enhanced hearing. “I know it’s new for you.” Bucky tried to shrug it off but you saw how his eyes softened when he tilted his head to look down at you. A sudden, quiet chuckle escaped him, making you quirk an eyebrow in curiosity.
“You’d think, as a Cyborg, I’d be better at this.”
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Hi I'm the Anon who asked for Newt briefcase hcs I just wanted to say thank you for doing that probably confusing request lmao
How about Anemo boys + aether and neuvillet with gn darling who has SCP 999 as a pet
It wasn't that confusing don't worry!! Im just glad you enjoyed it and I hope you like this one too! Sorry it took so long...but thank you for your request! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~SCP 999~༺}
CW: Mostly fluffy, descriptions of living blobs! GN! Reader! Cursing!
Also in case you don't know what it is, SCP 999 is a friendly orange blob type of SCP and one quick google search of it will show you just how adorable it is!
(Includes: Xiao, Wanderer, Kazuha, Heizou, Venti, Aether, and Neuvillette!)
Xiao sighed, trying desperately not to giggle or give in to your blobs attempts to make him laugh...no matter how much it tried to tickle him and use it's aroma to drug him with happiness he wouldn't let it work. "Where did you find this... thing again?"
"Just wandering around outside this guarded place...come on Xiao you know you want to smile! Give into the laughter!!"
"Absolutely not....wait what? A guarded place? Are you sure they weren't being kept in there? What if they are dangerous?"
"Xiao, they have been cuddling you for ten minutes...pretty sure it isn't dangerous. I think they like you!"
"What the fuck is that..." Wanderer stared at the blobby orange pile of goop next to you, his face twisted into a almost disgusted look as it watched him with large round eyes and a cute smile, you could tell the little one just wanted to be friends with him...but convincing him to agree would be difficult.
"They are my friend, I found them outside of a security building...lost and sad, all alone. I had to help them! Come on, you know they are cute!" You patted the blobs head, making it jiggle while it's smile grew, truthfully the cutest little thing you'd ever seen.
"Did you just say you found it...near a SECURITY BUILDING???"
"Do you think they feel emotions? Such as agony, happiness...loneliness? Do you think they have family?" Kazuha threw a stick a couple feet away, watching with a distant look in his eyes as the blob hurried after it like a puppy playing fetch. In truth you'd wondered the same thing for awhile now...did your little friend have a family? Had you taken them away from it...or had you saved them from something that had made their family non existent?
"I know they can feel emotions. Right now they are clearly happy and when I first found them they seemed sad, but for all I know I read it wrong...what if I took them away from their home?"
"I think the more accurate wording...is you gave them a home. You tend to do that...for more than just new creatures."
"From a secure building you say? Perhaps we should investigate it further? There could be more entities like your friend..." Heizou stared at the orange blob, truthfully less concerned with finding more of them and far more concerned with finding out if their occurrence was due to illegal experiments. It could be a big bust if his intuition was correct...and it almost always was.
"Yeah but Heizou it was incredibly guarded, like people with guns..."
"Guns hmm? I'll call in back up then, I have a feeling what you saw was more than just a secure base."
"Oh wow...that's a interesting creature...um what is it?" Ventis words showed his confusion, in all his years of living he'd never really seen anything like your little friend, sure slimes could bare resemblance but...something was off about this particular blob. Something in its eyes...like it had seen unbearable things..
"I'm not really sure what they are, I found them by accident while I was adventuring. They were wandering around the forest and looked hungry, so I gave them a bunch of fruits. You should see it Venti! They just dissolve!" You reached into your bag, digging around for a apple you knew you had in there.
"It...dissolves things???"
"Awwe they are kinda cute..." Aether said, smiling sweetly as he kneeled in front of the orange glob, "Hi there little buddy, you want some food?"
You felt your heart swell at the sight...everyone else had said you'd made the wrong choice saving the little blob, but Aether was different...he saw them the same as any other creature, something who deserved to be treated with kindness. "Aren't they adorable? I've never seen anything like it before so I was a little scared they might be harmful, but I don't think they'd hurt a fly."
"I don't see them hurting anyone either, here you go little buddy." Aether tossed a sunsettia into the air, chuckling sweetly as the blob caught it and dissolved it with a happy smile.
"Ahem,...you say it has special properties?" Neuvillette looked down at the orange blob, wondering how such a being could exist...if it really was a natural occurrence and if it's friendly nature was only mere show and deep down it held a much more nefarious purpose.
"Yep!! If you hug them, they release these yummy scents and it makes you feel happy! They can also tickle you and they loovvee to play fetch!"
"You say it produces different scents? Does that mean it could possibly release toxins as well?"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Milkweed Lovers Everywhere, Heed My Warning
By all means let me know if I'm wrong here, but if I'm not wrong then we're looking at a serious (at least to me) problem.
I've been trying to stray away from Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) and towards more native species in my area--things like swamp, sandhill, etc--and Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa) fits in that category for me. It's hard to find native milkweed plants in stores--even places I've gone to in the past that had a handful of native species are currently only selling Tropical Milkweed. Even still, I know that there's been a good bit of buzz around growing native species, and some stores I've visited have said they're trying to find vendors with native species--they're not only selling Tropical for lack of trying.
So imagine my surprise--and delight--when I go to Lowe's and see Asclepias tubersoa blazoned on a plant label!
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And imagine my surprise when it's being sold right next to Tropical Milkweed and looks almost identical to it.
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I was immediately suspicious--especially considering the red flower buds on the 'Butterfly weed'. I've grown Tropical Milkweed for several years, and while it's been awhile since I've seen a Butterfly Weed plant outside of a photograph, these definitely didn't look like what I'd seen. Not to mention, I'd only heard of Asclepias tuberosa flowering in orange or yellow--not red. Of course, at the same time, I'm not a professional botanist, and a quick google search did declare that butterfly weed can grow in red (though the images all look like asclepias curassavica to me...).
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(Image from the Native Plant Database. Looking at this picture, I should've realized where this was going sooner...)
So I did the reasonable thing and bought two of them. I figured if the red buds somehow turned orange and were actually Butterfly Weed, then I'd be perfectly satisfied. If they turned out to be Tropical Milkweed, well, I simply would give them to my neighbor who's fond of them, or find something else to do with them.
(I feel the need to emphasize; there are a lot of people online who are in the 'if you plant tropical milkweed you're a horrible person and intentionally killing monarch butterflies' camp. I am not one of them; it's not invasive in my area of Florida, it just takes a little bit of extra managing in terms of cutting it back in October/November.)
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I ended up in the same Lowe's again today, shopping for my mom, and took a peek at their plant selection. Lo and behold, I found the Butterfly Weed, and...
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This sure does look like Tropical Milkweed to me, and to others in my gardening server, yet it's still labeled as 'Butterfly Weed.' Also, I didn't see any Tropical Milkweed on any of the shelves--at least, nothing labeled as Tropical Milkweed. Instead, all I saw was Tropical Milkweed disguised as Butterfly Weed.
This is, in my humble pollinator garden enthusiast opinion, a problem. At best, Lowe's--or the company they source their plants from--is mislabeling their plants on accident. Which could cause problems if people are buying the plants and putting them in a place that's not quite the right condition for them, or create severe disappointment if someone's excited to grow the native Asclepias tuberosa only to end up with something else entirely. At worst? Lowe's--or the company they source their plants from--are aware that people want to grow native milkweed and are either unable to or too lazy to grow them, and would rather try to get away with selling Tropical Milkweed--which has been growing increasingly controversial in some gardening circles--and still reap the benefits and profits of selling native milkweed species.
However, I'll be real? I'm not sure what exactly to do about it. So I guess I'm just letting everyone know; if you see 'Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa)' in your local Lowe's, at least double check. Otherwise, you may plant Tropical Milkweed/Scarlet Milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) instead.
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bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
A/n: *pushes rock I live under over and peeks out of the black abyss* Hey, have you guys seen a Car Wash Miguel fic anywhere? I don't know what happened to it but it's no longer here. Might've escaped... anyways, watch this cat for me while I look? Thanks. And don't mind the hot homeless dude who talks to him, they're bonding. *returns into the depths of the void*
Summary: A hot dude won't stop talking to your cat, it's kind of freaking you out.
WC: 1.7k, edited by google docs...
Pairing: Miguel x GN!Reader
Warnings: crack fic, Spider-cat's real name is Sir Jeffords bc i said so, clueless reader, pro outdoor cat (i'm not actually, keep ur cats safe pls), future-ish?, accidentally snuck in some world building, in Lyla we trust 🙏, Miguel in tight clothing bc I also said so, and wait wtf are you doing with a dead rat miguel, AND WTF IS THIS WHITE STUFF DUDE?!
Also no Spanish bc I've done some research and those who do speak it have asked non-native speaker to avoid it, to prevent bad google translations and maintain respect!
Okay, enjoy~
You were about to head in for the night when you were not tripped by your cat for his dinner. After a quick search around your apartment, you sighed upon realizing he was still outside. Shrugging on a coat, mismatched slippers, and grabbing a flashlight, you went out to look for him.
Plenty of people told you to keep your cat inside. That it was vital to their health to keep them safe indoors. There were plenty of articles stating the cons of letting a domesticated cat roam freely outside with no supervision. They were also written 80 years ago. The world has changed since then, drastically.
Sure, it would still be smart to keep Sir Jeffords inside. Less late night searches for him, no more worrying if that scratch on his right paw was from running too fast along pavement or something worse. But he came from the life of an alley cat, and no matter what you tried, he had to be out there for a few hours a day. Last time you tried to stop him, he went under your radar for three days. You had a panic attack, worried he didn't love you anymore, but he did eventually come back. Chipper and eager, and he made sure you left his cat door unlocked.
The streets were cleaner than 80 years ago. The people were kinder. The city more accommodating to everyone, even stray animals. Sir Jeffords was mirco chipped, and even if it didn't work for tracking half the time, the shelter folks could scan his neck and drop him back home.
There were no pounds or pest controls anymore, just volunteers who helped poor animals stay warm. And find whoever left them in the streets. It was a crime to leave them now, resulting in 6 months of detention if caught dumping your animal friend into the alleys.
Jeffords was a smart cat. He knew what he was doing. You trusted him. In the event of something bad happening, you made him swore he would come find you right away. Though he couldn't speak, his tail wrapping around your pinky seemed solid enough.
You called out his name, followed by a few 'pspspsps's to really seal the deal. Your flashlight shining in the darker corners of the streets he may be hiding in. Cats and their dark, unreachable corners, Sir Jeffords fell victim to any cozy spot he could barely tuck himself into.
It wasn't until a few blocks away, a little past the bank, when you heard a meow. Very similar to his, you quietly sped your pace, wanting to grab your kitty and go home. The closer you got, it seemed more like he was responding to someone else more than you.
"-and your service is always appreciated." You heard a deep voice whisper. Their voice a grumble echoing through the alley they hid in. "You're one of our best." Your brows pinching together, you turned the corner of the bank, flashlight illuminating your fluffy orange cat. Who was rubbing up against the shin of a random man.
He looked up at you, eyes darkened as he blocked your flashlight with his large hand. They almost seemed red as he stayed squatted, Sir Jeffords head butting his knee. His face pure sharp angles, with a scowl permanently in place. His black shirt a tight, compressing fit. Clinging to each muscle and vein in his arm, stopping halfway down his bicep. His calves just as impressive. His shorts doing nothing but making him look even hotter.
Wait, no. This was a random man, he wasn't hot.
You lowered the light and gave an awkward smile. Seemingly unimpressed, his hardened gaze turned back to your cat. "He's yours?" He asked, voice rumbling low in his chest. With a nod, he added, "He's... cute."
Okay, maybe he was a little hot.
"Right?" Your smile smoothed into something more natural. "He's the cutest cat to ever exist." You lowered yourself down onto your knees with a soft baby call. Sir Jeffords trotting into your lap happily, orange fur swaying with his steps.
Your hand ran through his silky fur. Tension easing from you as you held him close again. Though his three day disappearance had yet to happen again, you still worried. He was your precious baby, after all. The one you shared everything with, and he never once judged.
Your fingers caught on something sticky, stopping short of his lower back. Pulling your hand away, strings of white followed, sticking to your fingertips. The feeling moist and far too clingy for comfort. A disgusted shiver ran up your spine at the horrible sensory.
The man stood then, tossing a tissue at you as he did. His gaze stayed on your cat, never faltering. He pushed his dark hair away from his face, still scowling.
Glancing between your hand and the man that now towered over you, you almost gagged. This wasn't... his, right?
"It was the rat." Like he read your mind, the mysterious stranger held out his other hand. A dead rat laid in his palm.
"That... doesn't make me feel much better." You suppressed another full body shake, quickly wiping your hand off. This guy may be extremely attractive to look at but the longer you stayed there, the more uncomfortable you got. "How would a mouse... And what is this?" You felt yourself getting sick as you held the tissue out, the white stuff now sticking to the paper instead
"Webs. And, it's a rat." He stated with a straight face. More angry at your confusion than anything. "Chased him through some spider webs."
You let out a soft 'oh.' But that didn't explain why he was holding onto the dead rat.
And he let it stay that way. Instead of reading your mind like he had been this entire time, he just... walked off. With a dead animal in his grasp. Without a word.
Your confused gaze turned to your cat, knees beginning to ache from the pressure of concrete beneath. Sir Jeffords purred into your stomach loudly.
"You're not allowed to hang out with that guy, ever again."
"Christ!" Miguel tossed the rat at the wall, hearing him curse. The small animal glitched into a grown adult, body morphing sickly. "That..." The villain panted, rubbing at his neck. Bruises from how tightly he was held already forming there. "... was not what I was expecting."
Miguel squatted back down, balancing on his toes as the hologram of regular clothes shifted back into his suit. "You chose to become a rat, in a world whose Spider-Man is a cat." He slammed down a disk, red netting encasing the fool. "That was your own fault."
"It was the only way I could get into the bank!" The villain squeaked. Miguel tuned out almost immediately, eyes turning to his watch. Setting the portal to his universe, and making sure he wasn't needed elsewhere. He entertained the villain in a tacky grey suit with distant hums and 'oh, yeah, uh-huh's. It was best to just let them get it out of their system then try to shut them up.
"And I would've gotten away with it, too! If it weren't for you and your cat!" The shape shifter writhed in the nets.
"Sound like a damn Scooby-Doo villain." Miguel stood up with a huff. He would never admit it, but Hobie used the term so often, he had to look up what he was referencing. Only to end up watching the first few seasons. He had to stop around the third season, a sick sense of deja vu hitting him with a bat. The cartoons reminded him too much of the daughter he never really had.
With a sigh, "Lyla," He called.
The AI appeared before him, wearing a shit eating smirk. He opened his mouth to command something else when she beat him to it. "You should've asked for their number."
"What?" Miguel's head snapped up, eyes wide.
"They were cute, should've asked them on a date." She glitched to his side with a teasing laugh.
"Lyla, I... no." He grumbled, flicking at his watch.
"Oh, you know?" Miguel tried to smack her away, only for her to reappear on his left shoulder. "You should go back, then."
Miguel glared at her, ignoring how the tips of his ears began to burn. "I can't, its-"
"Not a canon event." They said at the same time. Lyla rolling her eyes behind her heart-shaped glasses, Miguel focusing on creating a portal. "You're such a loser, you know that?" She huffed and puffed, spawning with her back turned to him.
He tried to reach out with a heavy breath, but she moved further away. This time sitting with her arms crossed and pouting.
"They were cute." The villain nodded from his fetal position on the ground. Earning a glare from the two. Shrinking further into himself, the shape-shifter apologized.
Miguel thrust his forearms forward, his mantis blades catching on the fabric of time. Ripping them apart with a grunt. Orange and purple twisted in front of him, and he grabbed a hold of the red netting the anomaly was in.
"Meet me back at HQ," He spoke to his AI with a nod. Foot already in the portal, he turned to cast a menacing glance at Lyla. "And do not try anything."
She held up her hands in defense, watching the portal close behind him. It wasn't like she even had to do anything - not anymore. She already slipped his multiversal number into the collar of Spider-Cat. All that needed to happen was you either found it, or it fell out. Lyla just had to wait to see which option would be canon.
Check out my Masterlist!
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cleolinda · 11 months
Weekend links
My posts
No perfume or vampire recap this week, although I have one of each about 3/4 drafted. New Medication Side Effects are slowing me down (but I'm doing well on it otherwise).
Social media hell
Threads was a mistake. For me, not Zuckerberg; I'm sure it's great for him. In theory I was trying it out so you wouldn't have to, but I regret all the choices that led me to this. It is the tenth circle of privacy hell. Someone else can try out the bad idea next time. Save yourself.
After discussing the difficulty of getting on Mastodon, I actually did manage to wrestle my way through the signup process, because I felt like it wasn't fair to complain if I didn't at least try. I am now on mastodon.world. I'm not sure if I want to be there ("Shitposting is not allowed")? Can I go somewhere else? What... what are the somewhere elses? I am currently reading up on this.
I have wrangled a Bluesky invite! "What's Hot" seems a lot like the list of media journalists I follow on Twitter, which I haven't been on full-time in years. Bluesky will probably be more enjoyable once more people I know get on, which they might be able to do if Jack Dorsey would open Bluesky to the public already.
I feel very out of step with microblogging culture after years away—oddly, I got back on Tumblr full-time late last year and I felt at home pretty much immediately, which means that you're stuck with me now.
Reblogs of interest
20,000 Pounds of Trash Removed From Pacific Garbage Patch: ‘Holy mother of god. It worked!’
Search engines and databases that aren't Google
G/O Media forced a nonsensical AI-generated Star Wars article onto io9, and the staff is pissed
Indigenous Horror Films
Sparrow Tarot: Judgment and the Ace of Pentacles
Dance Here ⭕️
Dug in Real Life
The sacred texts
Tama the Eternal Stationmaster
Me getting up in the morning like
Tony Hawk's existential nightmare
Personal tags of the week
One orange braincell (see also the subreddit of the same name devoted to doofy orange cats)
Fashion, some of it from the Fall 2023 runways
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tirayugen · 8 months
Tira Yugen's new blog is here: home of The Rather Magnificent Family Bubble comics
Hello! Okay, this is my new (in 2023) Tumblr blog, after I moved away from the Blogspot/Blogger account (I got locked out, I can't even update that blog with a signpost here, so it's gonna rot ...) - and sssoooooo ... to help search results and bring people here to my new blog at tumblr.com/tirayugen, here is a keyword-rich post! But yes, this is the actual new home of the Rather Magnificent Family Bubble comic series by Tira Yugen. Don't bother reading the rest of this, this is literally just for spiders and bots really, those cheeky little blighters need a pointer now and then, don't they? Poor little dim-witted chaps. Tira Yugen tirayugen comics, free comic, art CGI family comic strip free. Family aunt nephew brosis brother sister daughter dad mom mum mother uncle son niece ... I mean why not eh? Families, tsssk. Is it incest? Surely not! Wincest, surely, no, no, none of that dirty smut! Yes indeed. Nope, no wouldn't dream of it.
I hear what you're saying, and what you're saying is this is a rather magnificent ... nay it is THE Rather Magnificent Family Bubble comic! Hooray! Special Edition The Deliciously Awkward Family Bubble as well, why not. Join Anna Smit and Kal Smit as they learn about life and love during lockdown covid pandemic in Anna's London flat. With Nederlands Amsterdam Dutch references peppered in there, because orange dresses (and the Dutch in general) are awesome / genial. And sometimes in Space there is a Trek involving Fleets and sometimes those Fleets get involved in Wars. STFW means space trek fleet wars, and I'm sure Sindy Anna Jones would agree SAJ STFW TRMFB Lithium comic about being Human probably like one human, being there, being with, being fantastic, learning to exist, to be, to wander and wonder at life. A series of series, a cluster of authors working on projects project nemesis bellerophon liz truss madiy crash telepathic anime humanity all being wonderfully erotic together because boobies and bottoms and bums and willies are lovely and jiggly and wobbly! Hooray! Did you actually read this? Nooooo! Again, this was a public service announcement just for search engines - join Tira Yugen on tumblr.com tumblr.com/tirayugen for bloggy blog comic art fanart wiki updates wordpress, with a google to be blogger because sometimes we all need that, don't we? And AIs are too dumb to realise this is all keyword gibberish.
With the very kindest of kind regards,
Tira Yugen
PS. boobies
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
The Making of: Orange Blossoms
HP Flowers, Spring Round, 2022. A prompt event with weekly prompt choices inspired by the language of flowers. Of course, I was intrigued! After all: I really love Harry Potter. And I really love flowers. And symbolism. Not to mention this would take place in May, my birth month!! This fandom event seemed tailor made just for me!
Sadly, when I get excited, I get really excited.
And this was all happening in a time period when I was busy. And thus: stressed. And I do not work well under stress.
May 2022 was not only HP Flowers, but also Snarry-a-Thon. Leading up to May, I was pulling out my hair to finish my Snarry-a-Thon fic, Contempt. Not only was I bound and determined to participate in Thon at least once, brilliant me decided it was the perfect time to write the story of my soul. But that's another story (which you can read about here.)
I so had my heart set on writing for HP Flowers. Not just a story in May for HP Flowers, but I had my heart set on posting a Snarry fic for Flowers on my birthday. Which is earlier in the month (the 8th, to be exact.) I was losing hope I'd be able to finish Thon and pop out another fic in time for my birthday. Thon was driving me batty as it was! Surely when I was done I would need a nice, long break from writing.
Fun fact, but I did sneak some of the HP Flowers prompts into Contempt. Week 1, option 4 gave:
4. Ivy- Fidelity or Attachment
If paired with: >> Dahlia- honours a long-lasting relationship OR >> Hellebore- says nothing will ever come between you and your partner
Which directly inspired:
Harry doesn't know exactly where Snape's quarters are, but Snape's name on the map leads him down to the dungeons and a door with no handle. Engravings in the stone, of serpents entwined with ivy and dahlias. No lilies, Harry is pleased to note. A speech bubble appears on the map, helpfully suggesting "hellebore" as a password.
If I couldn't properly write for HP Flowers, I thought that would have to be good enough!
But you're not here to listen to me babble about Contempt yet again. You're here for Orange Blossoms.
Well, I finished and submitted Contempt and there was time left before my birthday. I kept a notebook where I scribbled various ideas. There was plenty I wanted to write for HP Flowers. I had the whole month's prompts written down, going over various combinations and ships and ideas. Above all else, I needed a Snarry, and I needed to write it for May 8.
For Snarry, I was mostly drawn to the Week 1 prompts, though my birthday fell at the start of Week 2. The "ivy" prompt drew me in more than anything, though I dabbled with others. What to do, what to do. I had too many options and too many paths available to me. Few concrete plans.
It was frustrating, not to be swarmed with actual ideas. I'm forever plagued by story ideas, but having to form ideas on command, to fit within a framework? Not my usual style. Only for love of Snarry + flowers was I wracking my brain for any workable idea. C'mon, brain, you can do it! You do this all the time, popping out story ideas!!
It's hard to really lay out a step by step of how it all came together. I made list after list. Threw down Merlin knows how many random thoughts. I stared at the prompt lists. I did Google Image searches for all the flowers. And bit by bit it came together.
It was the language of flowers, after all. How perfectly that lends itself to courtship! And the Week 1 prompt list had an option for: "Use all of the flowers/plants listed above to either celebrate Beltane or to incorporate them in a magical garden." Beltane was too tempting not to include, but it also gave me the idea of looking to the other sabbats, and how to entwine paganism with the Wizarding World.
That birthed The Old Ways; an idea that various pagan traditions began with magical folk, and is part of Wizarding history. And how history and traditions can be sources of structure and comfort. Wartime drove people to marry. (Bill and Fleur, Arthur and Molly; Molly's comments about people eloping "left, right, and center.")
How would it feel to be away from your family, living at school while war rages on outside? A strange sense of safety (being at Hogwarts) while aware of how dark and dangerous the real world (outside of Hogwarts) is. Think of how hard it would be on children and teenagers. Think of how people turn to faith in difficult times; or even find faith in difficult times.
All of this sort of inspired the trend at Hogwarts, of learning about and following The Old Ways.
All of that was background, of course, and my very convenient excuse for love confessions via flowers.
At some point, I had to decide who would be courting who via flowers. If Severus sent them, Harry would need an outsider source (probably Hermione) to point out that "hey, flowers have meaning!" If Harry sent them, well, I can see Severus having floriography knowledge, but Harry would need a valid excuse to start it in the first place (hence the trend.)
There was also a need for secrecy, I think, if Harry was going to do this. He's our bold Gryffindor, remember? In ideal circumstances, he would make his move in other ways. (Though, in fairness, getting through Severus' thick skull is no easy task, whichever way you go.) And isn't it fun for a student/teacher romance, exchanging intimate confessions in whatever method possible? And this is the language of flowers. No letters to be found and studied and traced back to the sender.
I always love a good student/teacher, I won't lie. And there's something quite sweet about Severus being courted. And by a student, no less!
And I do love Severus. And he deserves nice things. Let the man be wooed, dang it!
So, the jumbled mess in my head more or less sorted itself out along the way. "Floriography...courtship...who courts who?...what reason would each have for sending flowers?...Beltane, the Old Ways, traditions and trends...wartime, student/teacher..." At last, I was getting there!
Elsewhere in my notes, I'd had vague ideas of handfasting at Beltane.
And looking at my more solid plan, it occurred to me. The taboo nature of their love, the darkness of the war around them...but the light of their love, and the sweetness in the method...
I often rely on sex to get Snarry together. There is so much explosive passion between them, and so much baggage, so much of who they are as individuals, how others see them, and their complicated and antagonistic history...It takes a lot, I think, for them to see their connection for what it is. To accept it in themselves, let alone revealing it to the other. All of that aggression and intensity unleashing itself in a physical manner. And all of my headcanons about each of them, and their loneliness, and their trauma, and the desire for affection and physical touch. And how much easier it is to communicate via touch. How difficult words can be, how difficult thoughts can be. All this to say, there is a reason for it.
But here, I had a perfectly constructed a scenario excluding touch almost altogether. A time of war, a time of desperation. People being driven by fear, and clinging to what they can. Two men who found love in the most unlikely of places, in an unfortunate time.
It seemed wasteful to bring sex into a situation where it wasn't needed.
So: it's rated T. And I indulged in my more romantic side for this. It's still easier for these two to communicate without actual words, but instead of physical touch, I relied on gift giving. It was a fun change of pace. And I leaned into the language of flowers a lot. I used the HP Flowers prompts, yes, but I also went outside of it, too.
A whole courtship without sex, and hardly talking at all. A whole courtship under the noses of all of Hogwarts. A secret they dared not breathe aloud, even to each other.
I have a lot of feelings about Snarry as a ship. The incredible power of their connection, and their love. How it bleeds into everything. And being able to express that in a whole new way was such a beautiful experience.
So with my plan more or less in place, I began. I used two prompts: Hawthorn (hope) and Ivy (fidelity.) So I opened with flowers.
1. Hawthorn- Hope
If paired with: >> Orange blossom- shows hope that the recipient will return your affection
When I began, I was content to have any Snarry + flowers story. I figured I'd get a drabble out of it, if nothing else. I didn't expect a love story that would bring me to tears. I ended up with a story that was so dear to me. The best birthday gift I could have given myself, truly!
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Jupiter Brain Snare
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A quick, QUICK something. Happy Spooky Szn! I usually avoid pairing two real people so there's no smut because that could be weird for them and awkward. Anyways... lol
Pairing: Winston Duke x Lupita Nyongo
Tags: Hypnosis, Sex Pollen
Winston was a humble plant dad searching Lowes for the perfect plant to take home while his wife Lupita searched for perfect shade of green paint to go in the study. Winston needed a unique and impressive plant that could thrive without direct sunlight. Lupita suggested a peace lily, but as he explained, it was too basic. Lowes' selection in itself was basic. He was getting frustrated.. until he noticed a wet pink flyer between two plants. A nearby grower was boasting of unique crossbreeds with a business called Rare & Cool Plantz.
He called the number first to make sure the sellers were home before heading the 10 minutes in their direction to view their selection. They were a dodgy European couple from a city he hadn't heard of in Austria. He made it a mental memento to google Hallstatt when he left. There were all sorts of odd and unique looking plants, one in particular catching his fancy. It was a white jellyfish plant. It looked like something that would be found deep underwater but it also seemed to be thriving.
"That's a Jupiter Brain Snare."
"What's the maintenance?"
"It's so bland, what about these orange ones," Lupita stood next to large flower bulbs shaped like stars.
"Those are Tiger Scratch," the man pointed but Winston had made his decision.
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"I'll take this.. Jupiter Brain Snare.
"Water every other hour."
Every other hour? It was high maintenance. That would be an impossible task. Still, he wanted it. He paid $50 to sit it the computer desk and admire it constantly watering the soil every hour until he was sleepy, his head nodding. He couldn’t be vigilant all the time between work and sleep. He went nine hours without watering his plant to find it drooping. A little stream woke it up, but it wasn't the same so he sat as he intended to do with his laptop and worked away, only stopping when his head began to drop. He'd jolt and keep typing as if she weren't just asleep and then he'd be out again.
He opened his eyes to his wife standing before him in bright orange lingerie he'd never seen and an orange feather boa. She dropped her matching orange strappy heel on the desk and yanked him up by his collar. He watched her full red painted lips as she whispered something he did not hear and she pushed him backward, back into his seat. His heart was pounding as she rounded the desk and sat on it parting her thighs and wrapping his neck with the boa. He was in heaven when she pulled him in, motorboating between her thighs.
"Hnn," he woke with a start wiping his drool and steadying himself in his chair. "LULU."
"What," she appeared wide-eyed. "I'm on the phone." She was in brown overalls, her locs tied back with a scarf. He shook his head and she left him sitting still clinging to the dream. He woke his computer and began to type again, mumbling to himself.
"Now what did you want," Lupita reappeared in a bright red bodysuit with red patent leather thigh high boots. His jaw dropped. "You called me for a reason," she approached sweeping everything off the desk and shutting the laptop. She sat it on the lounge chair. Then she climbed over the desk and stood watching him as he gazed up at his giantess, enviting her size 8.5 stilleto boot to his face. She was stepping on him like a little submissive bug and he was growing hard watching her taunting red lipped smile. "Are you a good boy, Winston?"
"Yes my Kenyan-Mexican goddess," he whimpered feeling the cold water when he snapped awake seeing his wife's concerned face at the entrance of the study in the same brown overalls with an oven mitt.
"Winston," she stared, "Are you okay? You've been acting weird." She approached and he hid his erection with his hand. "Winston.. are you having sex dreams," she grinned now close to his face. He didn't want to admit something that made him feel like a pubescent boy again. "Winston," she teased poking at him.
"Maybe I should take a break, this work is making me delirious. I'll be in the room."
"Rawrr," Lupita growled after him smiling as he turned the corner to head to their bedroom. He couldn't sleep. Away from the desk he was wide awake. He decided to go bother his wife in the kitchen, tasting the food and horseplaying until she kicked him out. He hung around instead making kissy faces in her peripheral. "WINSTON," she marched back to his desk. "You're driving me crazy, what about your work.."
"I'll finish dinner and youu.. finish reading through that report for me, I can't focus."
"Don't burn my rice!"
"I am African, I don't burn rice!"
Lupita settled in the desk chair and woke her husband's laptop finding a document with a lot of text. He had four windows open and then outlook and teams. "Okay," she sighed looking at the white jellyfish plant that sat in front of her. It looked bigger than usual. It had little white vines that weren't there before. She did a double take and started to read aloud. About 8 lines in her eyelids began to droop. She smelt something distinct. It was that plant! "WIN- wins-," she slurred seeing him re-enter the study sweaty all over, glowing and oiled in loincloth with an axe over his shoulder.
"Sweetheart I'm going to chop wood in the forest. A man's nature calls." His voice was deep and very un-American. His pecs danced as he headed out the door.
"I'm coming," she scooted behind him grabbing her keys. She watched his juicy ass and powerful thighs from behind reaching out for a handful when she heard a loud smash and fall. She was back in the desk chair salivating and staring dead ahead. She wiped her mouth and Winston was standing fully clothed with a ladle in hand. The plant was a mess on the floor. He jumped on it stomping it like a snake.
"It's the plant," he swallowed.
The End
@dashhoney25 @lettidarawest @soufcakmistress @ljstraightnochaser @princessstevens @eye-raq @thiccdaddy-mbaku @destinio1 @iamrheaspeaks @hidden-treasures21 @bidibidibombaclaat @forbeautyandlife @blowmymbackout @misspooh @thotyana-in-this-hoe @localtrapgod @purplehairgawdess @thegucciwaffle @miyuhpapayuh @ladymac82 @harleycativy @goddessofthundathighs @nobodybaby93 @theegoldenchild @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @thadelightfulone
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kashacreates · 2 years
hi there! i really want to be a part of writeblr, people asking questions is the top thing that helps me develop my wips, but everyone knowing what i'm working on terrifies me at the same time... especially since i'm a teen writer; i'm worried i'll deem my projects "cringey" in the future and then not be able to do anything about it because it's immortalized on the internet. do you have any advice on how to get over this, or any good "baby steps" to take when interacting with the writing community? thank you!
To start: Mechanical basics of getting started on Tumblr:
Make your blog. Keep it simple. Blogs are kind of disposable, but pick a URL you like. I went with KashaCreates because people call me Kasha and my Creations go here.
Set a header and icon, but use something that you made or is free to use for those things. There are like picrews that work for icons or stock photos if you don't like to draw. (Or you could do what I did and take some stuff out of your scribbles that looked nice) No icon makes some people think you're a bot. Worry about theme later unless you really want to work on it now.
Make an intro post and pin it. Start with simple info: a name for folks to call you, what you like to read/write, etc. I'm not a fan of putting exact age (who wants to update their stuff every year?), but as a minor, it's helpful to put some indication that you are not okay with nsfw/adult/erotic blogs interacting with you.
For the rest, there are a lot of good helpful tips here!
Put anything you may want to delete later under a "read more". It's the orange icon that pops up when you start to make a post.
If you ever want to figure out how to do something on Tumblr, Google is your friend. Just make sure to put the current year and whether you're desktop or mobile in the search. So "How do I make a readmore on mobile 2022." Google will still give you a ton of old ways to do so, but you'll eventually find some relevant post that'll tell you how to do it.
Pretty themes, aesthetics, images, etc. help, but are not necessary. They are a lot of work and do make your blog less accessible.
This is like the third time I've wrote this, so I apologize if it's a little rough. But there are a few truths and ideas that I feel are important. Keep these as a general rule for the internet, not just Tumblr.
The internet isn't as permanent as people say it is. Websites get purged, hard drives die, servers get abandoned, etc. Always keep a local back up or two of your content, keep your passwords and 2FA up-to-date, and so on. Most of us don't go viral enough for people to keep an archive for us.
A tight-knit group of 2-5 peers who all share their work and comment on it is 1000s times better for growth than the faceless sea of social media.
You will eventually see your project as cringey, bad, problematic, etc. And that is okay! Future you has more life experience than current you and hopefully has been writing longer than you too. I wouldn't get too worked up about it (if possible).
Everything is problematic in some way and life has a ton of nuance. Very few things are black and white and you are the only person that can draw that line for yourself. Not your parents, not your teachers, not the president, not the news, not me. Keep an open mind, but still critically think.
Make the content you enjoy making and understand that you may not get a lot of interaction. Chasing validation is a quick way to burn out and losing the drive to create.
You get a lot more interaction in giving rather than posting content and sitting by receiving. You kind of have to make opportunities for people to find you.
Last Tangent, but it needs it's own section: Adult Blogs and NSFW Content
I am sure you know this and I'm preaching to the choir, but it's important for me to state.
Try to avoid blogs that handle nsfw content until you're over 18. Also, don't post nsfw content until you're over 18. Don't privately talk to someone you don't know and/or is over 18 about nsfw things. If someone tries to bring that stuff up to you in DMs or privately, block them.
It is perfectly okay for you as a minor to have interest in such things. But it is dangerous for everyone involved for adults and minors to share nsfw spaces. Any responsible adult that makes such content will try to keep their content a respectable distance from teens. Anyone that doesn't should be avoided.
It's not a matter of "uwu teens can't handle such content since they're smol beans and babies." I know teens do things on their own.
It's a matter of "some adults are fucking monsters and there is 0 way for anyone to know who is or isn't. Also, any adult can get in massive trouble for interacting with a teen in that way(for good reason)."
On that note, this ask made me realize that I need to put in my intro that my blog does handle "spicy" content (tagged, but still spicy). I tag everything.
Of course, I'm in no way offended, put off, or perturbed by your ask.
It's just that my work has adult content and I put no effort into filtering my posts on my blog to call it "minor friendly." I'm also human and make mistakes.
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lemonappeal · 2 months
nine people you'd like to get to know better
I got tagged by the lovely @koalamatcha and I'm really excited. I love doing such things 💕
last song: This is a little unspecific. The very last song I heard on Spotify was Let it Go by Idina Menzel through its smart-shuffle. The last song I searched on Spotify to listen to was MOTHER ATE by Jane Bell and the last song that I put on my favorite playlist was Funny Bunny by Elliot Lee.
favourite colour: Black, but I think I like a lot of colours situationaly. Like orange pumpkins make me happy or seeing red poppys in summer. Generally if it isn't black what I buy it's either a dark colour or a pastel colour.
currently watching: The witch and the beast and until the season ended a few weeks ago, I watched the apothecary diaries. I also watch Daredevil with some friends every Tuesday.
sweet/savoury/spicy: Eventhough I have sometimes a big sugar craving, I think if I only can eat one kind the rest of my life, I would choose savoury.
relationship status: currently engaged
current obsession: Bloodweave (Who could have thought that xD) is my newest and biggest obsession. My other obsessions would be symbolism in text and imagery, themes around time and death, historical fashion, weapons and how little details in a setting could hugely influence the world building. Oh and the creative (mis-)use of magic and how to recreate modern world things with them.
last thing you googled: The last thing I searched, before this post, was the translation of tonedeaf, since I wasn't sure, if I used it correctly. Gladly I did.
no pressure tags: here comes the awkward thing, I only have three mutuals and I know two already did this, so I can only tag @saminzat and anyone who wants to do it 🖤
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lil228 · 6 months
Red White and Royal Blue Notes Day 3 Part 1
WARNING spoilers for Red White and Royal both the movie and up to chapter nine of the book
Also I got a lot of reading done and had a lot of thoughts on day 3 so I'm splitting this up into two parts
Ah Zahra’s great
Okay so I’m reading this at work and no one told me it was homeschool days before I agreed to cover for a sick coworker today. So it’s flipping homeschool days and here I am reading a book as gay as the fourth of July and that’s had at least three spicy scenes so far! I mean nothing supper explicit but still! If there’s a day were some’s going to be mean to me for what I’m reading it’s going to be today 
Okay make that four spicy scenes. Is this what non-asexual people are like? Or is this just what early 20’s non asexual men are like?
If someone offred my jewelry in the shape of my own face I would be incredibly weirded out 
Ah! Henry had English degree, if he was a woman I would have the worlds  biggest crush on this fictional person, as it is, I would desperately like to be friends with this fictional prince. 
  The fact that Henry is invested in the queer history of his so cute. I really like him as a character! 
So- I wanting to know more about queer history- googled what Alex researched and here’s what I’ve learned. The Laws of Illinois 1961- it was a law (the first in the US) in Lillison that repealed the states sodomy laws, thus make same sex sex acts legal. The White Night Riots were riots in response to the very lenient sentencing of Dan White after he murdered George Mosacone and Harvey Milk. White was only convicted of voluntary manslaughter (the lightest possible convictions) he was only made to serve five years of a seven year sentence. It is very likely that if it had not been two gay rights activist White would have been convicted of at least 2 murders and spent the rest of his life in prison. The gay community in San Francisco was understandably upset, and riots broke out. I’m really upset by this news because no way in hell would this man have gotten 7 years in prison today, ane he shouldn't have then just because of who his victims were. Paris is Burning is a documentary from 1990 that follows the drag/ ball scene in NY and the trans, gay, Latino and African american communities around it.  Well I have a new movie to watch now!
I learned a lot just now! That’s more queer history than I learned in High School, hell that’s more than I would have learned in college if not for choosing Oranges are Not The Only Fruit for my capstone project.
Okay maybe Zahra needs to chill just a little bit, but I still appreciate her wit. (162)
Alex never staring a phone calls with a greeting is very in character.
Wait? Hold on which two Kings of Enlgnad were gay? (164) To the google! 
After a quick google search it would appear that Henry is referring to Edward II and King James I. It’s not just those homeschoolers learning things today!
Wait, Bea did cocaine? Did I miss that earlier, or is it just being brought up for the first time right now? 
Aww, these two boys are such good younger brothers
Okay its official Amy’s the best! (167)
Oh, okay this is the first time it’s been brought up- it’s a rumor to the public, but Henry knows that it’s true.
Wow Henry’s  dads death was really hard on the family. I think they could all really have used some therapy.
I feel so bad for Henry’s mother, she could really use some therapy, grief is kind of the worst. 
“It’s good to have times when it’s not all about me, as tedious and exhausting as it may be.” (169). It’s almost like Alex know he’s the main character of the book 
Wow one of the ducks at work is yelling and I’m not sure why, I better go make sure sure no ones getting picked on
Nope, just female wood duck yelling, for some reason, seemingly to the male wood duck, their both fine. Their just having a marital dispute 
Lol just heard a kid yell “Look there’s a turtle kissing a turtles butt!” 
I’ve just been told that those two fight all the time. You would not believe how much duck related drama happens in this place
“Gran sat me down… and made it abundantly clear I was not to let anyone know about any deviant desires I might be beginning to harbor that might reflect poorly upon the crown” (170) I’m at working trying so hard not to cry right now!
The love story between Henry’s mother and father is so cute.
 Holy sh*t how did June know? Who told her?
No really everyone knew Alex was Bi before Alex.
“Stop trying to Jane Austen my life!” Lol
As of page 182 there a seven people who know- June, Cash, Amy, Shann, Nora, Bea, and Pez. 
I think what Alex just heard between Luna and Oscar makes me even more suspicious of Luna
Also what did Richards do to Luna also, also what’s this stuff about the kids? Dose Richards have secret love affair babies? Or.. oh, oh, god I hope not (188)
  Oh my god, they got Henry to do karaoke, 
Oh and Bea’s the best!
Okay were are now at five spicy scenes in this book, all of which I have read at work. At least pretty much no one’s around to see how awkward and mildly embarrassed I am while reading them
Wait, Nora has lipstick on the back of her neck… who was it? I know Alex may not want to know but I do!
So the crew is Alex, Herny, Bea, Nora, June and Pez. 
Aww Alex has friends (200)
Well now I have to look up gentleman of the bedchamber 
Okay so if was basically a group of men that would help the king dress, serving him while he ate and were also there for companionship
205- Holy literary references batman! 
There is something so genuine and vulnerable  about Henry telling Alex his favorite British author especially because she is seen even today as writing “girly” books or books for women.
Be right back, going to goggle Daniel Defoe
He wrote a ton of books, but is most well known for Robsinson Cursoe 
I think I shall also be referring to all of my secrest as “fruity truths” 
I think I’m also going to steal “Utah ugly” and “Christian Ugly”     
Okay so if I’ve got this correct the 3 geniuses in the Alex and three geniuses group chat are Nora, June and Henry. 
The royal box comment on 213 made me laugh out loud
I love that now that Alex knows he’s bi he sees David Beckam and is like how tf did I ever convince myself I was straight.
I kind of relate to Alex, after I realized I was lesbain I looked back on so many things and think how tf did I not know sooner?
Okay how on earth have these two not been found out yet. They slept in the same hotel room in Paris! Henry invited Alex to a polo match! Henry invented him to WIMBLEDON for God’s sake? Surely someone must think something is up right? Like come one! I mean June put two and two together! And Amy probably knew before they told her too! Is everyone around them just oblivious? Do they genuinely think these two are good friend
 I have a feeling there’s about to be a spicy scene
Annnd there it is ladies, gentleman, and distinguished non-binaries- spicy sense number 6
“Love doing things out of spite.” (217) made me laugh out loud, because honestly who hasn’t done anything out of spite before? 
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sobbingdistantnoises · 6 months
hi again, srs!
lmao glad you appreciate the signoff it was either that or 🧍
oooo I don't know much about rammstein really- I do have an incredible love for ramones, dead kennedys, and nirvana tho
what are some of your favorites by dk and nirvana?? I really like chemical warfare and negative creep, also drain you and let's lynch the landlord
my favorite bands are probably the clash, green day, nirvana, beatles, led zeppelin, and many many more like tens and tens 😭
I'm really digging reinventing axl rose by against me! rn-
what are some of your favorite songs you'd recommend in general?
Hello there 🕺🕺🕺!! Didn't have enough time til now to answer the ask, apologies D:
Totally fair that you don't know anything about them, I didn't start listening to them in time to put that on my google form anyway :P That's so cool that you like those three, they're some of my absolute favorites!!
For the Dead Kennedys, my absolute favorite is definitely Soup Is Good Food (I did a whole school project on this song, sdfslkdjfsl, I still love it <3 I think it was also my second DK song after Police Truck), but they have SO many that I love.....Drug Me, At My Job, and Your Emotions are probably my other top favorites!! For Nirvana, my absolute favorites are Breed, Stay Away, Lithium, Downer, Return of the Rat, and Anorexorcist :))
I'm currently listening to Negative Creep since I don't think I've actually listened to it enough to save it to my liked before, and AAAA, love love love <33 The guitar is so punchy, sdlfksjlk, it is the funkiest sound, eeee <3
I listen to a couple Clash and Green Day songs (London Calling, Brand New Cadillac, Know Your Enemy), not really anything from either the Beatles nor Led Zeppelin though, unless you count Paul McCartney's Temporary Secretary (<- I'm very normal about that song) :') I do like telling people that John Lennon liked to sleep in a coffin though. At the start of the year, my music theory class learned the solfège to Hey Jude, so it was an entertaining fun fact moment :P
Ooo, I'll definitely be sure to listen to Reinventing in full soon!! I'm listening to the title track right now, and it definitely sounds like the album could be fun :0
Songs I'd recommend, HM! I struggle so much to pick favorites so these are based more on what I know of your taste than mine, ahaha
Definitely Murder or Chainsaw Love by the band Murder (released in 1982)—they are fun and kind of obscure so that's the type of recommendation I always spring to. They're not on Spotify to my knowledge, but searching "murder chainsaw love 1982" on YouTube gets the result. Bloodstains by Agent Orange and Go in Circles by Pentagram are songs I find fun. My current top beloved song is probably Moskau by Rammstein, it is very <3 And the last song I'll list here is Faul by Tales of the Tomb, it's maybe not quite to your taste but it's about Paul is Dead Theory, so I'll throw it out there considering you like the Beatles :P
I'd love any recommendations you have for me as well!!
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lily-patent-pending · 8 months
Tag ppl you wanna know betteeer
Tagged by: @gracelikesfries (i copy pasted your post to use as a template and i'm terrified i'm gonna somehow post it before i'm finished typing ._.)
Last song: "Sweet Hibiscus Tea" by Penelope Scott. i tend to listen to albums or songs on repeat a lot when i first find them, and that's what i'm currently doing with The Junkyard 2
Favorite Color: pastel pink, but mint green is a close second! (the only hex code i know by heart is #00ff7f, which used to be my favourite colour. that's the shade picture below, although now i prefer a slightly more blue shade. maybe #00ffb3
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Currently Watching: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; i don't really watch shows (since i don't have a TV and i don't have access to any streaming service... and i'm too afraid to pirate stuff >.>) so it's kind of a lie to say i'm "Currently Watching" anything except like, YouTube series. but i watched the first episode with some friends a while back and i really enjoyed it, and i'd like to watch more with them sometime. i also started watching Ben 10 with a different friend over Summer, but neither of us are great at following up on stuff so that fell through.
Last Movie: i watched an outdoor screening of Back to the Future recently. the movie was good, if a bit weird (i've seen it before as a kid but i forgot that Libyan terrorists were a major plot point??? or that his mother kept trying to seduce him???) but i didn't bring a coat and i was freezing by the end of it.
Currently Reading:
Non-fiction - i don't really read non-fiction, and to be honest i can't think of one that i'm reading currently off of the top of my head. but i'd like to read The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green. i've read all of his other novels and listened to all the episodes of The Anthropocene Reviewed podcast, just haven't gotten a chance to read the book yet.
Fiction - i got a copy of Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow for Christmas that i've only recently started reading (i tend to not read for months at a time and then plough through a whole book in a weekend, like i did with Will Grayson, Will Grayson). i'm not far enough in to give a solid review. i'm also reading Dying to Know You with a friend, which is nice :)
Sweet/spicy/savory: Savoury, although i also like sweet stuff (and i have a pretty high tolerance for what i'd consider sickly). i can handle spice fairly well, but i don't necessarily enjoy the sensation by itself.
Relationship status: single and unsure if i'm even interested in a relationship. i don't really have a solid idea in my head of what would differentiate a romantic relationship from a platonic one, either.
Current Obsessions: i have a few long-standing ones (namely Pokémon, Undertale, and FNaF) that come back with a vengeance every so often. last week i went into a frenzy and wrote a 50+ slide presentation about shiny Pokémon, and i've been watching a lot of FNaF and Deltarune theories - i'm really interested in seeing what different conclusions people come to.
Last googled: i specifically didn't Google to find a picture of my favourite colours until after writing this section... and then proceeded to search "my little pony friendship is magic" to make sure i had the name of the show right (with the punctuation and whatnot). uhh the last things i looked up on my phone were "dialog" and "dialogue" (to see if they were different words or just a color/colour situation) and "i'm going to buy an absurd amount of orange juice".
Currently working on: uhhhh ummmm... i'm... making a slideshow on the story of FNaF ? and, y'know, starting university, i guess. idk, mostly just taking stuff as it comes at the moment.
i'm gonna tag @funnydogy because we're mutuals but haven't really interacted (and yet your posts about sans the skeleton eating cigarettes have affected my everyday life) and @scrampton because you also reblog posts about sans eating cigarettes. what's up with that?
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lunathemeifwawitch · 2 years
Part 2 of me sharing old Wings of Fire ocs and old Amino adopts.
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I believe this dragon was a base, color palette and program test. I could not find the original base or the original base artist, I'm not sure if they deleted their account or the base itself. Google reverse image search isn't much help either.
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This blue HiveWing is another old Amino adopt. According to the image file their name is Sea Glass. The reason their blue is because I like the idea of HiveWings not being restricted to just shades of red, yellow, orange, and black. This character was made back when I used to shade my eyes and would add gold specks to the blood for some reason. The base is by Doorstepghost on DeviantArt.
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This dragon was another base and color palette. The reason this dragon doesn't follow the canon colors is because again I dislike the canon color restriction and besides its possibly for there to be pinkish sand.
The base by Wen on Amino or Crows-And-Roses on DeviantArt
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This is Scorpio, their one of my older ocs. They were original posted on Amino a bit incomplete as I forgot to color in their barb. While yes they do kinda of follow the canon coloring, they are a bit on the greenish side. The base is by Owibyx on DeviantArt.
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Another old Amino adopt who's coloring makes any sense. Although I'm not going to lie I kinda like what I did for the frostbreath. The base is by Doorstepghost on DeviantArt.
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I believe this was my attempt at making either an IceWing oc or a Ice/Night Hybrid. For the wings and the frostbreath I think I used a image of a galaxy off of google that I blurred. The base is by Doorstepghost on DeviantArt.
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crazymisscarly · 3 years
Hey can you post gifs or sneak peek for any of your upcoming works (I miss reading them 😭)
Aww thank you, this is like a 10/10 ask, giving me all kinds of happiness. You have also given me far too much power by asking this hahahahhahaahaa here's a snippet of almost everything in my google docs right now.
(I have more WIPs than this, but they're not quite fleshed out enough, and I'm saving them for the promptathon ahahhaaha)
Thank you again for asking!! I hope these tide you over until I can dedicate more time to writing. 1 week left of Uni then I'm freeeee
Tapes of Us - Chapter 25 (the final chapter) (Bughead AU after 4x16)
Midway through his first class back at college for semester two, Jughead found himself completely unable to concentrate on his professor.
Instead, his computer’s cursor strayed away from the poem he’d downloaded as he grit his teeth and opened up Google. He typed into the search engine: Can you hallucinate seven months after a concussion? And waited for the instant flow of information.
The results weren’t giving him much optimism, but if the insanity of his life the previous year had taught him anything it was that he had to accept everything for what it was. And right now, his life was forcing him into the path of a person who had tried to frame his girlfriend for his murder.
Elle stirred in his arms and blinked up at him. When he looked down at her, he saw the tell-tale signs that she was about to start crying. Almost automatically, he reached into the side of his backpack and pulled a bottle out of the warmer. Elle hungrily accepted it just as she made a gurgle of annoyance.
He noted the side-eye glances some of his classmates gave him, but their attention quickly went back to the projector screen with which the professor attempted to explain her poetry analysis. He snuck a glance at Donna - but she wasn’t looking at him, merely smirking ahead.
Jughead had absolutely no doubt in his mind that she wasn’t at Yale for the educational experience. She had to have an agenda.
He couldn't swim, but she was a River (Jordan Jones x River Blossom WIP)
Jordan Jones did not like water.
The body-of-water kind, not the drinking-water kind. He was an absolute menace for a glass of freezing cold H2O infused with strawberries and orange, no matter how much of an ‘Instagram model wannabe’ his sister accused him of being.
He was reasonably certain that if he had to swim, he wouldn’t, like, drown (hopefully). His mother had explained in great detail how to kick one’s legs and move one’s arms through the frigid liquid if the need ever arose, and Jordan still recalled all the times during his childhood that his father had dragged him to a psychologist to get over his fears. He could at least submerge his feet in a pool - and just last year had been brave enough to sit on the top step of the pool at Thornhill, waist deep in the water as he watched his friends swimming and splashing each other.
In any case, his little elementary school-aged cousins could all swim, so surely he’d be fine if he so happened to fall in. Probably.
That didn’t necessarily mean he wasn’t still nervous when River Blossom asked him to go with her to a forest party on the edge of Sweetwater River.
“…Sure.” Jordan said, swallowing hard as he settled his lunch tray on top of the table.
River gave him an incredulous look. “You don’t look very excited about our covert mission into the woods.”
Jordan laughed as he sat down at one of the mediocre plastic cafeteria chairs. “How does going to Sweetwater River count as a covert mission?”
A devious glint entered River’s eyes, and Jordan almost gulped. “Well, it’s covert because we’re going to have to sneak out to do it.”
Jordan’s eyebrows furrowed. “When exactly is this alcohol fuelled carnivale going ahead?”
River rolled her eyes. “Were you not paying attention? It’s tonight. At like, 11PM.”
“But it’s a school night.” Jordan said, confused.
“You’re such a nerd sometimes.” She tapped his shoulder affectionately with her fingers. “Yes, it’s a school night. Hence the sneaking out.”
From now on, we're partners (Bughead Sic-Fic prompt WIP)
He thought it was a perfectly neutral smile, but the bizarrely stricken look on Betty’s face suggested he likely looked exactly as drugged up as he felt.
“I’m just a little,” Jughead said, steadying himself on the countertop, “dizzy. Endone is a lot stronger than I thought it would be.”
Betty’s eyes softened, and she reached out to place her hand on Jughead’s (the one that wasn’t wrapped in bandages). She rubbed circles into the skin, and opened her mouth to say something comforting, when she was interrupted by the toddler who’d roamed away from the train set on the floor of their living space and into the kitchen.
“Daddy,” Jordan asked sweetly, gazing up at his father, “I’m hungry.” He announced, then proceeded to reach out and place a hand on Jughead’s jean-clad leg.
Jughead forced a smile onto his face, but before he could respond Betty perked up. “Why don’t I make you guys a snack?”
“Yes please!” Jordan exclaimed, a grin forming on his little face.
Jughead’s smile became more genuine. “I should be the one offering to make you a snack.”
Betty let out a slight laugh. “Honestly, I shudder at the thought of you trying to cook one-handed while high and with a toddler crawling all over you.”
As if to emphasise Betty’s point, Jordan spun slowly around and lounged back against Jughead’s knee. Then twirled again and used his father’s calf as a stabiliser as he twisted and leaned away from his legs.
Jughead stood up straighter and rolled his shoulders. “It’s really okay, Betts. You don’t need to feel obligated to stay here…” He said sincerely. “I know you have a lot of work to catch up on.”
Betty took a step closer to him and brushed her hand over his collar. “Hey, what are fiancées for if not to feed you and your kid when you’re drugged up and loopy?”
Jughead felt warmth growing in his chest. “I mean… I could probably eat.”
Betty rolled her eyes. “Oh, I know.” She smirked as she leaned in to plant a kiss on his ever-ready lips…
“Eeewwwww!” Jordan proclaimed, giggling as he let go of Jughead’s legs and covered his eyes.
Jughead raised his eyebrows and grinned down at him. “Hey, it’s not ew, we talked about this.”
“You didn’t do a wedding, Daddy!” Jordan said, looking equally amused and scandalised.
“Jordan,” Jughead felt his cheeks blushing as he gave Betty a sheepish look, “sorry, he’s a little pressed about the whole kissing at the altar thing…”
In another life... - Chapter 4
“There we go.” Alice said cheerfully, applying a duck-patterned plaster to Polly’s knee. “All better now.” She reached up and ran her hand through Polly’s golden blonde locks. “You okay now, Polly?”
Polly sniffled but nodded her head furiously. “I’m okay, Mommy.” She said, her voice wobbling.
“You’re so tough.” Alice said, planting a kiss on her daughter’s cheek.
Charles’ worried voice echoed from the kitchen. “Mom! Elizabeth is—”
Alice stood up abruptly at the sound of shattering glass. She grimaced as she hurried out of the kitchen and into the living room. Her youngest child had seemingly climbed out of her playpen and managed to either crawl or walk herself towards the TV cabinet. She sat in front of the bulky TV, a broken photo frame in front of her, and Charles hovering anxiously behind her.
“Charles! Get her before she—” Alice began, and Charles managed to scoop Elizabeth into his arms unsteadily before she reached out and grabbed the shattered pieces.
Elizabeth squealed in protest.
Charles gripped the toddler unsteadily. “I’m sorry! I was playing my GameLad and didn’t see—”
“Don’t fret, honey, it was an accident.” Alice said calmly as she made her way towards the duo of children. She heard Polly’s footsteps following, and turned to look down at the child. “Polly, stay back, you don’t have shoes on.”
Polly’s eyes were wide. “Did the baby broked the TV?”
“Break the TV, Polly. And no, just a picture frame.” Alice clipped, and reached out to take Elizabeth from Charles’ hands. “Why don’t you two go play outside while I clean this up.” She suggested, settling Elizabeth onto her hip.
“Dad’s going to be mad.” Charles said, the worried look on his face intensifying.
I'm just a vessel without you - Chapter 3
This is the Polly and Sweet Pea fanfic. No real sneak-peak, but the synopsis is: "Polly hooks up with a cop to get Sweet Pea out of being arrested. Sweet Pea is particularly enthralled with her heroic efforts."
Oh, the thrill of control - Chapter 3 (Cheryl x Toni)
Toni had absolutely no intention of taking Polly up on her offer.
And yet…
On Friday night, she took a shot of Bourbon and settled into her couch with a mission in mind: Texting Cheryl.
She kept it simple. Polly told me that Penelope ran off.
Cheryl took several minutes to respond. Toni jerked when her text tone rang in her ears. She removed her tracker.
Toni took another shot before she responded. Do you want me to go look for her?
Almost fifteen minutes passed before Cheryl responded again. I appreciate the offer, but she isn’t your problem anymore. I’ll deal with my heinous birth giver.
It was with extremely mixed feelings that Toni set her phone on top of her coffee table. It was a run-down, worn out wooden thing she’d picked up at the thrift store, with scratched out initials on one of the legs. And yet Toni loved it’s rustic, vintage vibe, even if it did wobble whenever she set her feet atop it.
This was the first conversation she’d had with Cheryl in months. And it was about Penelope Blossom of all people.
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