#I'm sure Eve loved him a bit more than Lili
petitprincess1 · 1 month
Adam: Hey, babe, do you love me~?
Lilith, smiling adoringly: ...Not in the slightest.
Adam, dying seal noises: Eauaueaggghhhh! For real? *turns around sobbing* Oh my god!
Adam: Do you wanna makeout?
Eve, sleepily: No.
Adam: Aaaeeeeeha! Me neither! I wanna go to sleep! *loud fake snores*
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sn0wp1anets · 3 months
sometimes i think about james potter who spent his early time at hogwarts with this absolutely debilitating crush on lily evans- he was so sure that it was true love; all the signs were there right? he wanted to impress her, he didnt like when his best friend was close to her, he did like looking at her, too.
and he did really like her. but in 4th year james gets his first girlfriend (not lily) and he really likes her too! (he thinks) and james takes her to hogsmeade and they go to madame puddifoots together and they kiss in the courtyard sometimes and its nice but a little awkard but james is okay with that- at least he has a girlfriend before sirius! but then they break up two months later and she asks james if he even likes looking at her. and james knows its about lily but shes like ??? sirius???
then james kinda realized he looks at sirius more than his girlfriend, more than lily. and this is kinda crazy to james because hes like holy shit do i have a crush on my best friend? and hes kind of horrified because thats his best friend. but at the same time its his best friend
and it almost feels too easy?? he's already close to sirius he already knows sirius doesnt dislike him or anything and he kind of likes the chase! but also of course he can't like sirius! so he carries on 'liking' lily and being way way more obnoxious and doing these ridiculous displays of asking her out.
fast forward to 6th year: sirius has left home. james (who is in deep denial) gets up from the dinner table on christmas eve and opens the front door to his best friend. it was raining and sirius is soaked through and they just stare at each other. and sirius sounds almost manic, ecstatic and he tells james that he hates them and he finally did it. they spend the rest of the winter together. in the day james drags sirius flying and they steal james' dad's firewhiskey and they drink it on the roof and crawl into james' bed together at night. and sirius doesn't talk about his family and james doesn't make him.
and one night theyre talking again and james feels a bit drunk and he asks sirius why he never tells him about the girls he snogs. and sirius is like ??!!?? because sirius at this point had been in love with him for years and yeah girls have asked him out but theyre not good enough because theyre not james! sirius tells james hes never kissed anyone and then james just does ? and sirius goes with it at first but then hes like james wtf are we doing. and james denial potter is like practice! i'm helping you practice!
so theyre now like kinda a thing by this point but its just 'practice' when remus walks in on them kissing in the dorm after james' quidditch practice and its just 'helping a mate out' when peter pulls sirius' curtains open looking for his transfiguration essay and finds them in various states of undress. except the night before james' birthday theyre both in his bed just talking and sirius is like i think im gay. and james is like holy shit im in love with sirius
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katzkinder · 2 years
Chapter 122 spoilers (again)
Yeah so this is all coming from a single line Mikuni spoke this chapter lol
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This line here is Mikuni being his usual self and referencing a portion of the bible, more specifically, he's talking about John the Baptist, who was beheaded, but it goes... Deeper than that.
Rather than Mikuni, this post is going to focus on Lily, and how this line relates to him and the role he's playing in this particular scene.
Okay so the down and dirty of it is that Johnny boy was imprisoned by King Antipas after criticizing his marriage to the widow of his halfbrother. Mikuni is clearly John here, openly criticizing his father's affair and all that good stuff.
The thing is, Herodias, Antipas's new wife, had a daughter, and while her new husband was reluctant to execute John because he "knew him to be a good and just man," he backed himself into a corner after promising anything his new daughter desired after she danced in front of him. Her mother, seeing an opportunity, convinced her daughter to ask for the head of John on a silver platter. Reluctant but not one to back down on his word, Antipas acquiesced and John was executed.
Now how this fits in with Lily.
The most commonly accepted idea is that Herodias's daughter was named Salome, and through numerous media interpretations, she's become synonymous with the face of female lust and obsessive love, partially thanks to the writings of Oscar Wilde, who created a play using the name that had become accepted for her and popularized the idea that her dance was one of sexual nature, using the name "Dance of the Seven Veils".
It's a westernized belly dance basically lol. Anyway, I say accepted because in the end... We don't actually know her name. You see, while the historian Josephus lists the stepdaughter of Antipas as "salome," no connection is ever made between this Salome and John, nor is it ever mentioned that she dances. It's just... The one thing was have to go off of? So it's kind of the default.
Enter Salome: the opera, by Richard Strauss. This is truly where the connection to Lily becomes the most obvious, in a very roundabout way (as is Strike's nature).
You see, in the play, Salome is a target of lust for numerous characters, not least notable of all her own father. However, upon seeing John, she instantly, madly, falls in love with him, but thrice has her advances rejected. John then goes on the proclaim salvation through the messiah.
Personally I think this sort of mirrors Lily's situation with Mikuni, where Mikuni was originally meant to be his Eve and, while not rejecting Lily, he ultimately left with a different Servamp, one who dresses as a holy man.
Skipping ahead a fair bit in the play, after Antipas accepts her request and brings forth John's head on a silver platter, Salome once again proclaims her love for John, and the play ends with her passionately making out with a severed head while Antipas, in horror, shouts for his guards to kill her.
And in the current chapter, we've seen Lily's obsessive love rise to the surface, where everything he does is for the sake of Misono's happiness, according to himself.
The perversion of love is a STRONG theme throughout the Alicein and I am so here for it--
To wrap this up, what I'm getting at is that Lily and Salome, through the machinations of others, now parallel each other.
Avatars of Lust through no fault of their own, they're moved about as game pieces in the schemes of others, and ultimately their true selves are forgotten in favor of molding them into what the public want of them, corrupting them into something ugly, obsessive, but fiercely desired by those very same who revile them for their existence.
And yet we can't even be sure of who they really were in the beginning.
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halcyonstorm · 2 years
I was re reading your heartbreaking story Forget-me-Nots and I was thinking of an epilogue where Hange becomes a successful artist, and even got married to a great man (could be Erwin or Moblit lmao). It’s in one of their art exhibition where Levi meet Hange again and they can only smile from afar to each other knowing they’re ok even if they’re not together. What Hange doesn’t know is that Levi has bought every single art they’ve made and he has his personal collection to always remember them.
Once I saw this, I was obsessed and had to do this. I'm sorry I diverged from your ideas a bit, but please enjoy.
Read the full story here.
It’d been almost one full year. It was funny because it was the most successful year of Zoe Hange’s life, yet she wanted nothing more than to end her misery. All she did was paint. She would wake up in the morning, have a cup of tea with her morning paint. Sometimes she’d swirl her paintbrush in her tea cup and drink it, laughing at herself at the taste of paint and tea leaves. Painting was her outlet. Over the past year, her style morphed macabre. She found herself painting beautiful women dead in fields of butterfly weeds. She painted brides surrounded by blood-stained lilies. Initially, she hid her art. Her art was the only way to truly express her honest feelings. It wasn’t something she wanted exposed to the public.
Her husband was never allowed in the art studio. It was one of the few boundaries she had. He accepted, but there was a day he broke that boundary. After a meeting with a client, he was searching for her in their small castle. 
“These are magnificent,” her husband praised, his fingers grazing the textured strokes of dried paint. “Let’s sell them.”
Hange thought she was happy, but it was a lie she told herself. ‘I enjoy macabre art’. ‘I’m a very happy person’. ‘I have a dark taste in art’. It wasn’t until an announcement shortly after their marriage, of the first son of Petra and Levi Ackerman when she realized she wasn’t happy at all.
She told herself it’d be okay if she was his first kiss. It’d be okay if they couldn’t be together. She’d move on, she told herself, have a husband and kids of her own. The worst part of it was how the Princess still wanted to see Hange. They’d been friends a long time. Occasionally, when Levi was off working, the Princess would visit Hange. She watched as Petra’s belly grew with their child. She hated imagining Levi like that with someone else. It was a stupidly selfish thought and she hated herself for having it.
After the Prince and Princess married, Hange was married off, too. Duke Erwin Smith of Trost. She couldn’t complain. He was attractive, kind, a man of the people, and gentlemanly. He was loved by all, except for his wife. She wished she could love another man at least half as much as she loved the Prince, but her love for him was unshakable. 
Levi and Hange hadn’t been in contact much at all after that Christmas Eve. She’d watch him from the crowds of townspeople, always hiding her face. She didn’t want him to see her. She didn’t want to see his reaction if he did see her. It’d be a face of guilt or remorse, but she feared most he’d look at her with no expression at all. 
After crossing her boundaries, the Duke didn’t hesitate to sell her art. The client he’d been speaking with loved her style and offered a hefty price that the Duke couldn’t refuse. In the end, it wasn’t up to Hange if her paintings were up for sale. Hange was more accepting of his decision when she realized how much money they were auctioned for. Most of the time, the art was auctioned off to an anonymous buyer. She wasn’t sure if her art sold because of her skill or because of her title. That is exactly why she only wanted to paint as a hobby. Now, her brain was torn between all these irrational thoughts that she’d never had before. Will my next painting sell? Is it good enough? Should I change my style?
“Your paintings are awfully dark,” the Duke mentioned to her in bed one night. They were naked together, Hange resting her head on his broad chest. It was still something uncomfortable for her, but she dismissed her own feelings and followed through for her husband.
“Perhaps I should change my style,” she sighed, drawing circles with her finger on his chest. 
“Never,” he replied. She looked at him. “I’ve never seen anything like your paintings.”
Love is a choice, Hange decided. What was there to not love about her husband? He was picture perfect. People were betrothed to one another and eventually fell in love, sometimes. Hange tried to avoid her thoughts of the Prince and focus on her husband. He was there when she needed him most. He was thoughtful and always gifted her red roses. He genuinely cared about her. Hange decided to love her husband. 
Hange climbed on top of him. “I love you,” she said, before kissing him roughly. As the words came out of her mouth, all she could think of was Levi. Love is a choice, she’d repeat. I am choosing to love my husband. The words came out of her more frequently as she tried to convince herself of this lie. 
“Dear,” the Duke called from down the hallway. Hange stood up from her chair, resting her charcoal pencils down on the easel. He knocked on the closed studio door, and she opened it and stepped outside.
“We have a request from Princess Petra of Rose,” he explained, then discussing some details about her ideas for the painting. It would be a painting of Petra and Levi in a field of flowers. It reminded her of her previous paintings before her marriage. She considered denying the request before her husband insisted they’d pay triple of what her usual paintings sold for. 
Hange got to work. At first, she sketched Petra and Levi in the center. Petra’s hair was longer now than it used to be. Then, she sketched the castle behind them as they walked towards it. The field surrounding them was full of flowers, her special touch. 
‘No gore’ was the most important request from the Princess. Hange laughed at that. The gore was her. Petra was asking Hange to remove every ounce of herself from her commission for them. 
“We’ll see about that,” she huffed and got to work.
Her art always told a story. The commission was no exception. From left to right, the flowers in the field told a story. Levi always knew this. He understood her language through flowers. At times, they communicated this way. If each flower was a word, her painting for him would be a book. She started with painting some white lilies. Lilies were a common favorite among newlyweds. Virginity and purity for their new, happy marriage. In between the lilies were jasmines, another commonly loved flower that matched the theme and feelings of white lilies. The two flowers blended well together. Gardenias were added to the mix. Their love was secret and the two of them knew that. Oftentimes she wondered if he even loved her anymore. It shouldn’t matter, she told herself. Because it’ll never work out. White honeysuckles. She knew no matter how much she pushed him out that he’d work his way back into her mind.
Now she began implementing colors. Red, of course. More on the right side were the brightest and vivid red flowers she could muster with her paint. Red carnations. My heart aches for you. Chrysanthemums. I still love you. Marigolds. I wish it were me. Red roses. I can’t stop loving you.  Red tulips. Be mine. You’re all I want. Dark crimson roses. I mourn being without you.
It was black and white except for the red flowers. It was perfect. 
“The Ackerman’s requested it be personally delivered,” her husband mentioned when it was completed. He was walking in as he spoke, then turned to admire the art.
“Wow,” he gasped, approaching it closer to admire the details of the flowers. “You outdid yourself.”
“I am not delivering it to them,” she huffed. “I won’t.”
“You must,” he insisted. “The Prince requested it.” Her heart almost stopped beating. He requested her? After pretending to ponder about her decision, she finally announced that she’d deliver the painting. 
The next morning was when she’d see him again. She wanted to look her best for him. Her maid helped her get dressed into a red dress, heels and all. Red wasn’t a color a Duchess should wear nor was the dress something she’d typically wear, but she didn’t care. It was a statement. The only things of color in the room would be the red roses and her red dress.
Hange was escorted into the castle by one of the guardsmen. He led her to the dining room where the Prince and Princess sat across from one another. 
“Good morning,” Hange called from the entryway. She made her way towards them with the covered painting in her arms. It was heavy, but the adrenaline rush didn’t allow her to feel the true weight of the painting. She placed it down by the entryway.
“Duchess!” the Princess exclaimed, getting out of her chair and waddling over to her with her pregnant belly prominent in her white dress. Hange curtsied as she approached.
“Princess,” she greeted, standing upright. The Prince approached his wife from her left side. Hange caught his eye, memories flooding back. She hadn’t looked him in the eye for one year. His eyes were dark, watching her intently as she curtsied for him. 
“Prince,” she greeted Levi, standing upright once again. “The painting is ready.” As Hange turned to grab the painting, she heard Petra whispering to Levi about something. Her heels clicked as she walked back to the couple. Now it was the moment of truth.
Hange uncovered her painting, the black cloth falling to the floor. Frankly, she didn’t care about Petra’s reaction. She only cared about Levi’s reaction. 
“It’s beautiful!” Petra exclaimed, admiring the painting up close. Hange kept her eyes on Levi. His expression changed from neutral to something more vulnerable. It was the subtle squint of his eyes and pursing of his lips that she noticed. 
“Roses, marigolds, tulips, chrysanthemums, carnations,” Levi muttered, his fingers gently brushing the flowers. His eyebrows squinted, eyes quickly becoming glassy. 
Their eyes met again. He knew exactly what she meant, and he felt the same. Nothing had changed after all.
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chamileonidae · 2 years
𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐈𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞
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"a no lili day?"
- camilo madrigal x gn!reader
- 18+ users dni
- soulmate au! red strings of fate
- warnings! fluff if you ignore the fact that some of it is not with you LMAO, i don't think there's angst..?, reader is implied to be shy, I'm also not sure if i poofread this.
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
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Camilo went about his day as usual, flashing smiles, high fiving familiar faces all the while helping people and of course give affection to liliana.
After finishing all his chores a bit earlier than expected, he went over to liliana's house; to keep her company or to help her with chores. Upon arriving, his smile widened as he spotted liliana hanging laundries by her house.
"Hola amor," he greeted, his smile still as charming as ever. Liliana grinned, happy to see him, "Hola,"
"Is this the last chore you have to do? We can hang out after," camilo offered, he went to the laundry basket beside liliana and picked up a shirt to help liliana hang it to dry.
"Lo siento mi vida, i have a lot to do today. Why not have some time for yourself?" Liliana asked, don't get her wrong, she loves camilo's company but on her busiest days, she can't have any distractions. Whenever camilo follows her while she does her chores, she was often distracted which resulted in massive delays in between her chores. Camilo being amazing as he is, understood her and he knew she would make up to him everytime she couldn't spend time with him.
Camilo frowned, "What would i do without you?" he sighed. Liliana chuckled, shaking her head, "Why not take a nap?" she suggested.
"I guess its a no lili day," camilo slumped a little.
Liliana ruffled his hair, giggling "Lili will be back tomorrow, promise,"
"mhm," she hummed.
After a small kiss on liliana's cheek, camilo set off into town once again to find entertainment. Sure he could use a nap but observing the town's people seemed a lot more interesting to him at the time. He mindlessly walked around town, spotting various residents going around and about with chores to do.
He was just about to execute a prank he had in mind for awhile but decided against it when he spotted you passed by in a sea full of people. He could feel himself get excited to see a familiar face, immediately he called out: "yn!", he waved enthusiastically, grinning when you looked at him.
As fast as you locked eyes with him, you turned around and hid.
"huh?" confused, he went over to the spot he last saw you.
"yn..?" camilo was met with you crouching whilst covering your head. He chuckled when you looked up at him, he found it cute. With a defeated face from not being able to hide from him, you got up.
"Hi, camilo," you greeted, looking elsewhere but him.
"So...why did you hid when I saw you?" he smirked, an eyebrow raised as his hands were on his hips.
You forced out a chuckle, trying to hide the embarrassment of your attempt, "I um, stretching. I was stretching," you gave your best smile and nodded to reassure that statement even though you were definitely hiding.
"In the middle of the streets..?
"You have to shock the muscles to gain some, y'know,"
He bursted out laughing at your answer, who knew you could be so entertaining! After his laughter died down, he noticed you were staring. He slightly bit the bottom of his lip, maybe he should hang out with you. Liliana won't mind, he knows that she won't mind.
"Do you want to get ice cream?" camilo asked.
You smiled, "Sure,"
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"Wait, you're buying?" you halted camilo's hand that was about to give the man, money, "you don't have to, i can pay my part,"
"No no, just think of this as um, the start of our friendship," he said as he gave the money to the man, "Cheers?"
He lifted up the ice cream cone in his hand a little, you copied his actions and said "cheers!"
The both of you had a grand time walking around whilst chatting and eating ice cream. He got to know about your family's store, your favourite ice cream flavour, what your hobbies were and even random stories that got out a laugh from the both of you. You were learning more about him as well, which wasn't what you were expecting to do but you couldn't say no to him.
"One time, mi mami caught me throwing flours at mi primas and I accidentally threw some at hers. You could imagine how angry she was at me. Liliana tried her hardest to calm mami down but-," he sighed, the back of his palm on his forehead "to no avail. Mi poor lirio,"
You giggled, trying to ignore the fact how in love he was with liliana. You decided to trust fate, when the time comes. The time comes.
Camilo must've noticed you spaced out, "you okay? Seems like you're a bit tired,"
You shook your head, getting a grip of yourself "I'm fine. Actually you reminded me of that one time I was helping mama and i spaced out. I was holding a bag of flour and i somehow dropped it but didn't realise until mama shouted," you laughed although you cant quite ignore someone staring at you. Camilo watched you laugh, only a smile gracing his lips. You felt uncomfortable under his stare.
"Um, anyways," you started.
"Sorry, i spaced out. You really just set yourself up that time,"
"Camilo Madrigal, spacing out. Quite a dreamer like me perhaps?" you joked, nudging him by the shoulder, ignoring the part where he mentioned about how you sabotaged yourself.
"Oh please, I am simply plotting,"
The both you let out a chorus of laughter, he found your responses amusing as you found his. Camilo couldn't pin point what was the reason he liked hearing you laugh but he found it fun. He finds joy in making others smile, that's no surprise but if he could, he'd want to make you snort out a laugh or even slap him jokingly whenever ever he made a stupid joke.
Weird? He thought, the last he felt that need was when-
"Mi amor!" a shout slapped him out of his trance. He's eyes averted to liliana, who was waving excitedly. In just a second, all the thoughts he had of you dispersed.
"Mi lirio!" he dashed towards liliana and engulfed her in a hug, lifting her and spun around, "I've missed you," he dragged out the u's.
"Same here," she pulled away from the hug and looked behind him, "Oh, were you with yn?" she waved at you and you waved back, returning her smile.
"Right! I was. We got ice cream and chatted that's all," he explained happily, waving goodbye as you entered back the sea of people.
"So how about a night with me," camilo asked, intertwining liliana's hand with his.
"With you, always,"
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Camilo doesn't like what he's thinking about at the moment. Nay, he shouldn't be thinking about this right now. He was in denial per say and there was guilt splashing in his face over and over again. Whenever liliana was busy with her chores and he had nothing to do, he seeked out for you. He knew you were his friend and he liked the fact you were his friend. He liked being around you, he didn't think much of it, he thought you were just a good friend to hang out with.
He loves liliana, he knows, he was terribly sure he loves his novia. But why are you clouding his mind whenever liliana isn't around. It's only been a month and a half or so since he started to search for you when liliana is busy so why is this affecting him?.
He doesn't exactly like you that way but you show up in his head almost constantly without liliana's presence. Maybe he's going insane?
He flopped on his soft mattress as his hands ran down his face, frustrated from all of this. His clouded mind was followed by a rumble in his stomach, right, now he's hungry. Camilo got up from the bed and exited his room with his day off being today, he was alone in la casita and it was a no lili day; he calls it. He peeked into the kitchen, hoping to see a basket with arepas that his tia might have left.
To his surprise, he found you with your head finding comfort in your arms to act as a pillow. Your face was hidden but he could tell it was you and he registered that you were sleeping when he got closer. Carefully, he sat on the chair beside you and watched as you slept. He scrunched his face, realising how much of a creep he's acting like. After awhile, he mimicked your position but had his head facing you, his eyes trailed around your features and how your hair slightly fell in front of your face. You looked pretty and peaceful and that puts him at ease.
Out of instict, he reached out a hand, slowly about to move away the hair that drooped on your face but just as he hovered an inch away from your head, he stopped himself. His finger twitched at the same time as you slightly jolted in your sleep, he pulled away his hand immediately. To his luck, you were still half asleep and only briefly woke up to adjust your head.
"Stop moving, i know he's near," camilo heard you mumbled, the end of the sentence were slurred so he couldn't decipher what you were saying. Stop what from moving?
He noticed that you've stopped moving, he silently got up and grabbed a couple of arepas from a basket by the counter and tip-toed his way out of the kitchen and into his room. Shutting the door, he bit into the arepa and slumped on the door, a grin on his face. Again, he found you adorable and you were just sleeping and talking in your sleep. Miércoles, he's looking forward to spend time with you again.
He slapped himself.
'Tonto, what are you thinking?'
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I said this would be my favourite part and my favourite part is just camilo about to touch the reader's hair. The rest? MnnnHshsjdjd, when i said i struggled with fluff I STRUGGLE.
Please guys, liliana and camilo makes me puke, theyre so??? No actually, i like liliana more, SHE'S SO </3 I'm going to make her an oc one day, i swear.
clouds! @dai-tsukki-desu @junqwonni @lost-lonnie @reirain @chayauwu @jasmineblogs43 @gloomy-writer @kailoveswom3n @kissmilo @alexaizawa @mellowberrie @camilos-mivida @zeiishsuxbha @yaemikoshairpin @pattys-got-cakes @93erina @sunnth @ale-creates-worlds @dos-oruguitas @burningshykidhinoko @the-empty-refrigerator @xdyledz @casitasbestie @camilosposture
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Awesome chapter! I can't stop thinking about how the conversation with the Potters went tho lol 'hello parents, remember my fake ex turned real gf turned real ex? um... I got her pregnant and I'm gonna be a dad. shall I make some tea?' 😂 no but real talk, he must have been hella stressed and anxious about it. poor James. I hope he at least got a hug from them (after being told off lol)
Thank you so much, sweetheart! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and I completely understand that you can't stop thinking about it. I sometimes regret not being able to write those scenes due to the fact that the story is told mostly from James' POV. But... I think I've got a little something for you, which you might enjoy! Please read the scene you requested below the cut and ignore any typos you might find. I wrote this in one go and didn’t edit it one bit... whoops!
“You must have missed us over Christmas to come driving down here from London practically the moment we touched down,” his mother said, pouring him a cup of tea and shoving a piece of Greek, spicy walnut cake – his mother always went on a bit of a Greek baking frenzy after returning from what she considered to be her home country – his way. “I’ve barely had time to unpack.” She placed a hand on his cheek now, her thumb caressing his cheekbone, careful not to touch his glasses. “It is lovely to see you, my darling.” He wished he was certain she would still think so after he had told both her and his father what he had come to say. The thought of it alone made him feel nauseous, although he nearly grimaced thinking that too for he realised that he could not complain about feeling sick when he had witnessed Lily make a run for the bathroom every few minutes. Your fault, he thought to himself. He had never thought he would be the one to end up ruining Lily’s life. He had hoped he’d be the one to stand by her side through any storm she would have to weather. Not once had he considered that he might be the one to cause a full-blown hurricane to enter her life. “What did you do for Christmas and New Year’s Eve?” his father asked him. “Fleamont,” his mother interrupted, “are you sure we would want to hear the details of it all?” “It wasn’t like that at all, mum,” he said, remembering how he had driven up to Watford on Christmas Eve to pick up Lily, how his friends had teased him silly over the fact that he would be a father in a few months’ time on Christmas Day itself and how he had spent New Year’s Eve in the knowledge that the upcoming year would be life-changing. Sure, he might have had a bit too much to drink then, trying to drown his misery and the oppressive guilt he was experiencing, but it wasn’t exactly the typical New Year’s Eve he was sure his mother imagined a not-so-willing bachelor would experience. “Well, your cousins were very jealous of the fact that you spent New Year’s Eve in London,” his mother said as she sat down in her favourite armchair, leaning back against the soft pillows, cup of tea elegantly raised. “I imagine they will be terribly disappointed to hear you didn’t enjoy yourself to the fullest now that you’re still young.” He rolled his eyes at that. “I’m to turn thirty this year, mum,” he said, “that’s not exactly old, is it?” “It isn’t,” his mother said pursing her lips. “Although I confess I had hoped you would be a little more settled at this point in your life.” There it was, he thought. Well, don’t you concern yourself too much, mother. It seems like life has thrown a curveball my and Lily’s way. You may be getting exactly what you want sooner rather than later. “How terribly old-fashioned, Mia, my love,” his father came to the rescue, dangling his piece of walnut cake between his fingers. “I thought you had resolved not to be anything like your own mother.” “Yes, well,” his mother said, scrunching up her nose at the mention of James’ grandmother. James only had vague memories of her, but he knew his mother had never been on the best of terms with her own. “Maybe,” his mother then continued, “I am simply disappointed that James is here by himself and still hasn’t managed to fix things with Lily.” His mother shook her head at him. “Please tell me you have at least spoken to her again about the lawsuit. I really do feel that we need to go ahead.” “I have spoken to her,” he replied, wondering if this was perhaps the moment to tell them what they had spoken about exactly. He scooted forward a little, placed his hands on his knees and took a deep breath. “Actually, that’s the reason I’m here –” “Has she agreed?” his mother leaned forward. “Oh, that’s most excellent, James! I must make a few calls now. You could have told me straight away, you know.” As she spoke, she had put down her tea and she had half gotten up from her seat already. “No, mum,” he said, “that’s not what I’m here for.” His mother sent him a look. “Then get to it, so I can get to work,” she told him impatiently. “You know how badly I want to make those absolute miscreants pay. They deserve every bit I’ve got coming for them.” He swallowed hard, avoided his mother’s eye. “You see,” he said, sounding unsure of himself and he rarely ever was, “it’s rather embarrassing, really.” “Embarrassing?” his mother asked, clucking her tongue. “It can hardly be more perplexing than your latest break-up.” Ha, he thought, oh, mum, you really won’t see this coming, will you? “I don’t think any of that will help, my love,” his father said. “I know you’re still upset that James and Lily didn’t last and I have to say I am disappointed too, because I really like the girl,” James very nearly cringed here, “but James was the one who got his heart broken. Surely, he doesn’t need to be constantly reminded of the fact that he messed things up?” No, dad, he thought, I really don’t need that, but thank you for bringing it up once more. “Oh, that he did,” his mother agreed with his father. “Now, James, whatever it is: out with it, so I can get to work on the Riddle Case.” He wondered how Lily had had the courage to just come out and say it. How the words James, I’m pregnant had spilled from her lips as though it wasn’t going to make everything so much more complicated than it already was. He wondered how she had been able to tell her parents – although, obviously, this hadn’t gone well for her at all – while he felt as though he was suddenly sixteen again and was about to confess to some illicit scheme or had to explain why the headmaster had once again called to complain about him, even though he had done absolutely nothing wrong. Perhaps he found it so difficult to confess now, because this time he realised he was actually guilty of something. The one thing he was grateful for, despite it all, was that he had decided not to bring Sirius. Things would be so much worse if he had. He could just imagine Sirius blurting it out for him: “James here forgot to suit up his sausage and got his ex-girlfriend and co-worker pregnant. What’s up with you guys? Did you enjoy the Grecian sun without us?” “All right,” he said, rubbing his sweat-coated palms against this jeans, “so, as you know Lily and I were colleagues that turned into something a little more and I know you know that we had sex –” he felt a blush creep up his cheeks. He truly felt like he had gone back in time and he was a teenager once more. “Well, it appears that we weren’t always as careful as we should have been –” “Oh god!” his mother exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest in a truly dramatic fashion. “You didn’t, James!” He ran a hand through his hair. “It appears that I did.” His mother let out a strangled noise, his father’s eyes darting from his wife to his. “A sexually transmitted disease, James?” his mother sounded scandalised. “Please tell me you didn’t give her one of the bad ones that can cause real damage –” If he hadn’t been bright red before, he certainly was now. “Mum!” he was unable to keep his discomfort and his outrage out of his voice. “What the actual fuck?!” “Well, of course it was you that gave it to her!” his mother snapped. “The poor girl!” “Mum,” he said forcibly, “I did not give Lily an STD!” “How uncouth of you to suggest that the poor girl, who has already gone through so much trauma is the one to contaminate you –” “Euphemia,” his father then said, “I think you might be misreading the situation just a little.” “– I expected better of you, James Fleamont Potter!” his mother ignored his father. “I honestly believed I raised you to respect women at all times and to be a proud feminist, but it seems that you are actually more of a misogynist –” “Truly, Euphemia,” his father tried once more, “why don’t you listen to our son? Allow him to explain?” “– how dare you blame the girl?! I thought you knew how harmful victim-blaming is exactly –” “Mum!” he shouted, getting up from his seat. “For fuck’s sake, I got her pregnant, okay?” His words rang through the living room, his mother’s eyes widened, her mouth snapped shut, her face rapidly drained of any and all colour. His father, on the other hand, appeared calm. “That’s what I thought,” the elder male Potter spoke. “Now, let’s all calm down and talk this through –” While his father spoke, his mother got up from her seat and left the living room. The silence she left behind was deafening and James’ heart sank. “I’m sure she’ll be back in just a moment,” his father told him. “Don’t worry, James.” James very nearly scoffed. Don’t worry? Are you joking? Mum just stormed out of the living room! He let himself fall back on the sofa, groaning loudly as he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “This did not go as I had planned,” he said. “Yes, well,” his father said, “I would wager none of this situation was planned, but what can you do?” Then he had the audacity to take a bite of the walnut cake his mother had baked. “Mmm,” he hummed appreciatively as he swallowed his first bite, “your mother has truly outdone herself with this one. Why don’t you try it too?” He wasn’t sure what he hated more, his mother’s dramatics or his father’s ability to remain calm in the eye of the storm. Before he could truly complain, however, his mother walked back into the room, carrying a red, fuzzy blanket in her hands, which was covered in lightning bolts. He recognised it straight away as having belonged to him when he was little. “I kept this,” she said, he noticed that her eyes had a glassy sheen to them, “for this moment exactly.” The fingers of her left hand brushed against the fuzzy material. “Although, I do admit, I could not have predicted the exact circumstances.” “Mum,” he said softly, but she held up a hand. “The situation is unorthodox, certainly,” his mother continued, “but then again I shouldn’t have expected any less with your tendency to surprise us at every single turn.” “I think,” his father took over, “what your mother means to say is that, while not perfect and perhaps a little unusual, we are delighted to welcome a new addition to the family.” His mother nodded a little stiffly, but James recognised this as her attempt to reign in her emotions. “You know your father and I for a long time thought we wouldn’t ever get to experience this,” she teared up here, “but then you happened and then – a matter of years later – you dragged Sirius home and now –” her lip trembled. James took this as his cue to get up from his seat, walk over to his mother and wrap his arms around her. She welcomed his embrace, leaning in to him. “I’m sorry,” she almost whispered, “I don’t know what possessed me earlier.” “No, mum,” he replied, “it’s okay. I’m –” he closed his eyes, took in a deep, shaky breath, “– I get it. I just didn’t know how to tell you.” “I’m not surprised,” she laughed against his chest, “seeing as I screamed at you like a Greek Fury!” “It was not completely unwarranted,” he shrugged, pulling her just a little tighter before stepping back. “I may not be guilty of the crime you thought I’d committed, but I’m still a conscience-stricken offender.” “Oh, sweetheart,” the look on his mother’s face was soft, “these things happen, especially when you least expect them to.” That they did, he thought. That they did. “How is Lily faring?” his father then piped up. James grimaced. “She’s not great,” he replied. “She spends most of her days in bathrooms, it seems.” “I was the same,” his mother nodded thoughtfully. “It must be something to do with the Potter sperm.” “Mum,” he pulled a face. “Really, James,” she practically scoffed, “seeing as you got the girl pregnant, I would think you would no longer squirm at the use of words such as those.” Then she huffed. “Now, Fleamont, tell him exactly how he should behave around a pregnant woman, so I can wrap this up and write the poor dear a note. She must be absolutely beside herself with worry and stress and some support from one woman to the next goes a long way.” His mother walked off and he turned towards his father, who wore an amused smile on his face. “Truly, son, there is only one thing I can say: when your mother was pregnant with you, the only thing that worked was agreeing with her on every single thing.”
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Regulus survived AU
So I was seeing a post (that I no longer seem to be able to find) about that AU idea where Regulus Black in his 18yo glory rises from the water in that cave when Harry defeats the inferi.
And I was thinking quite a while about it and it seems like I cant get rid of this idea.
Harry gives him a short summary of what happened, or more like "Dude it's 1996, my parents died 15 years ago. You died like 16/17 years ago!"
So everything would be the same just that there is Regulus, having some severe breakdowns now and then, like "Sirius died one year ago?! I missed him one year?"
Regulus would spend a lot of time with Remus, crying, talking arguing.
He would also make sure that Harry wont return to Privet Drive. ("You're telling me he had to live with that horrible sister? She hated Lily!")
They would spend the summer playing Quidditch, making plans how to find the other horcruxes and talking about James, Lily and Sirius.
Harry learns that Regulus was in love with both of his parents, that they tried to convince him to stay with them. He also learns that it is quite possible to be in love with two different people at the same time.
When the golden trio goes horcrux hunting, Regulus joins them. "Merlin, you're like James! Never listening to anything you're told and always up for some shit! No, I'm definitely not going to let you go yourself and get yourself killed in the process!"
Fast forward to after the battle. Regulus lost Remus and Tonks, the only person he could consider a "childhood-friend", the only guy who knew his loved ones just as well and his cousin, the daughter of his childhoods favourite family member (because I like to think that Andromeda and Regulus used to be the closest before she was disowned).
But he is happy that he has Harry now. He feels like Harry should have been his son, he cant get rid of the thought of raising him together with Lily and James, so it's a bit complicated, but he'll work through it.
He wants Harry to finish school and promises him to live with him at grimmauld place afterwards.
When Harry and Hermione go back to Hogwarts he himself moves in with Andromeda and helps her with Teddy as well as reconcile her with Narcissa. ("Ffs we're the only Blacks left! Let's just get over that shit!")
He also starts spending a lot of time with Ron and George at Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes.
Well, I was thinking some time of whom I would ship him with in that generation, until it hit me...
Flashback to the summer between 6th and 7th grade/book: Fred and George are about the same age as Regulus (if my math is right they'd just turned 19) and so they make it their task to include Regulus.
They all spend most of the summer at the Burrow, Regulus and remus talking about the good old days.
The twins are obviously the kings of cheering people up, and Regulus needs a lot of that. What starts as innocent jokes turns soon into heavily flirting - Regulus is a smug bitch and he can flirt like hell if he wants to. So, he really is himself to blame.
Fred finds it very funny and his flirting is obviously mockingly, and everything, but the way George gets all flustered whenever Regulus flirts back to him, tells that this might be a bit more serious for the younger twin.
Let's go back to 8th year.
While Harry is in Hogwarts trying to figure out why his girlfriend and bloody Draco Malfoy suddenly get along so well, and why the heck he just loves that (some very confused floo calls with Regulus including! Quote Regulus: "I guess the polyamory is running in the family! Get them tiger!"), Regulus still struggles with adjusting to his new life. But he starts to feel strangely at ease whenever he is at WWW, joking around with Ron and making George smile.
George obviously is struggling with the loss of Fred but Regulus seems to be one of the few people that seem to be able to coax a smile or even a laugh out of him these days.
And they still flirt. It's not that aggressively anymore, more like accidental touches and awkward giggles and A LOT of blushing. And they get stuck under a mistletoe while decorating the shop and Regulus gathers all his bravery and pecks George on the lips before wishing him a merry christmas and hurrying off. And then a few days later he and Harry visit the burrow and theres a mistletoe again and then Goerge has this gorgeous SMIRK on his face and kisses him for real. And on New Years Eve they kiss again and Ginny is giving him the speech before going back to Hogwarts and it goes something like this:
"You gonna hurt him, Black, I'm gonna hurt you!"
"Well, Sweetheart, I can give that back. Hurt Harry and you are dead! Hurt Draco and you are dead too!" (Because Harry is his son, no matter that he is only two years younger than him, and Draco is his cousin and honestly they are so much alike and get along so well!)
And George's and Regulus Relationship is going to be the slow burn of the century but eventually they'll figure it out, and they're so freaking cute and adorable together, and somehow they make this new life for both of them work and not only bearable but also enjoyable.
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Drunk Confessions
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This is an entry from my eldest for my writing Bingo.
Drunk Confession - Vincent (OC) and Peter / Line without a hook
It was their final year at Hogwarts and with it being their final year then obviously the boys would go full on out for a Halloween party. There hadn't been a lot of them, no, but there was music, food, great costumes and a little drinking. The group to meet up at the Shrieking Shack on this Hallows Eve happened to be the marauders - consisting of James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin- followed by one Lily Evans and a Vincent Daae. The moon was bright in the sky yet not full, to the relief of Remus, as they began to meet up at about seven in the evening. The first to be there, early of course, were Sirius and Remus who'd been decorating the place to give it more of a spooky atmosphere. Not that it needed to be changed much for that effect. The next two had been James and Peter, the smaller male being the records they'd kept in their dorm room as requested whilst the boy with glasses had managed to sneak a couple bottles of firewisky over to let everyone get a little looser that night. Finally though, coming a few minutes later than planned due to some finishing touches on their costumes, where the Gryffindor girl and Slytherin boy.
Each person's costume seemed to match with another's, two pairs purposely whilst the final one being a coincidence. First happened to be Lily and James who finally managed to hook up that year. Hook up being she'd gone on a few dates with him but their relationship had not been official yet. The two had agreed before that they would go as the famous couple from grease, Sandy and Danny, with Lily going for more of the character's early movie style rather than her outfit at the end. James, however, had 'borrowed' one of Sirius' leather jackets to use for the costume and had actually bothered to comb his hair back to make it less of the casual mess it usually was. The second duo happened to be Sirius and Remus as Han and Leia. The original suggestion from Sirius had been for Han and Chewy but Remus refused, resulting in Sirius handing over his costume idea to the boy whilst he borrowed a white dress from Marlene. His hair, he was impressed with, having managed to put it up similarly but not exact to how it had been. When Remus first saw him in the costume, he'd tried not to laugh, but in all honesty he'd admitted it did look good in him.
The final pairing happened to be Peter and Vincent who'd accidentally ended up as Morticia and Gomez Addams. Vincent's dress hadn't been taken from anyone without their permission unlike with the clothes Sirius and James had, but rather sent over to him by his mother from his cousin when hearing about his plan. He felt relieved it had been the long black sleeved dress instead of the other one. Peter had been given the suggestion for the outfit off Remus when he confessed that he'd just show up dressed in his normal clothes. Come to the awkward moment when the third wheels of the two relationships see each other, not knowing whether the others had somehow planned things out to go this way or if it had merely been a coincidence.
Moving on into the evening now, Queen had been playing as the drinking had more than begun. Sirius and James had been some of the most heavy drinkers that evening, only beaten out by Vincent to most of their surprise. To people like Sirius and James he'd seemed like one of those more quiet and responsible kids who'd be prefect or head boy, but to Lily this hadn't been a shock since she'd known the guy better than the rest of the boy's. The one's to drink the least were then Remus and Lily, with Peter holding the record for least intoxicated after having a shot offered to him by James and not liking the taste, thus refusing to continue with the drinking.
As it grew even later it appeared as if James and Lily had already begun to head back to the castle to call it a night whilst Remus and Sirius stayed close to each other, having a slow dance to a few more songs. Peter found his leaning against the wall and watching the two, smiling a bit at how well they went together but also finding his eyes occasionally wandering to the only non-Gryffindor to have shown up. He'd wanted to talk to him all evening yet hadn't found the chance to due to the music being blast, James interrupting him on many occasions and the small fact that over the past week he'd been getting the silent treatment from the boy. He'd not even been sure why the Slytherin had avoided him, feeling as if it might have not been his fault but more of James and Sirius' reputation with pranks, especially more harsher ones towards the other boy's house. Hell, James had previously planned a prank to do on the boy that evening but stayed off it when he'd started hitting things off with Lily better than ever. With one of his small looks over to Vincent, however, he'd noticed he'd started to move out of the room with one of the bottles that neither of them had managed to finish. The smaller boy couldn't help but follow, curious and still hoping he could finally talk with him.
When looking around the old and abandoned house, He found the other boy sitting on the windowsill of one of the upstairs rooms, the bottle being a bit more empty as it stood on the windowsill too. When hearing the creak of the floorboards in the doorway, Vincent had looked over to find Peter standing there and stayed silent for a moment as he just stared at him. "Hey Vince… Um… I wanted to talk…" The Gryffindor was the first to speak between the two as he moved into the room a bit more, scratching the back of his head.
Vincent ended up moving from the sill as he left the bottle on the side, still keeping his eyes on Peter as he listened to the silence break. His next few words seemed to come out of nowhere as the taller of the two traced the others face with a finger before lifting his chin up to look at his face. "I don't really give a damn about the way you touch me when we're alone…" The words actually sounded as if they were meant but it had just appeared from nothing as the blonde had lost whatever words he was going to use on the other boy. He'd not expect to hear this, especially after a week of hearing nothing. Moving his hand from his chin however, Vincent began to take Peter's hand and grip it just a bit. It wasn't too tight, more soft but still with the intent of not wanting to let go. "You can hold my hand if no one's home…"
The Slytherin looked from the other's face down towards their hands as he hesitated for a moment before letting out a brief question "Do you like it when I'm away?" Peter assumed that this was in regards to their lack of conversation and tried to get his words out, being a hard no in reply as he'd found the other's presents to be quite pleasant, not that he'd tell the others that. However he'd still been somewhat flustered with the previous statements and actions towards him making his reaction appare a bit more delayed. This resulted in another question shot towards him as Vincent let go of his hand and put a bit of space between the two of them as he quietly mumbled "If I went and hurt my body, baby, would you love me the same?"
This was even more jarring then the first few statements, making a blush finally form onto the Gryffindors face as he began to feel his own hand, finding it hard to believe the situation he'd now found himself in. He felt concerned about how the other was acting at this moment, wondering how he could help before then hearing "I can feel all my bones coming back and… I'm… craving motion…" With this, Pete looked from his own hands to the face of the taller boy which now also hosted a Crimson shade rather than the usual pale completion that's found on the boy's face, a lip bite also in process.
The blonde wanted to get to the bottom of whatever this appeared to be and knew he'd actually needed to start asking questions instead of submitting to the raven haired boy. "Is everything okay at home?" Happened to be the first thing he could think of digging into since he'd known his homelife to be a little… Complicated. His father had abandoned them when he'd been younger and he'd had to live with just him and his mother, somewhat relatable to the Gryffindor, with the only difference really being that for Vincent he had his older cousin who happened to be a squib that would visit often to help out. He'd doubt there would be problems now he thought of it more but he needed to just check in case of anything that might be an issue. "Momma never really learned how to live by herself…" was given as a quiet reply with a nervous chuckle and a slight shrug proceeding that. It had been followed by a somewhat mouthed 'not like it matters' meaning he'd definitely been trying to move down the wrong rabbit hole at this moment.
He got more of an answer though when following this was "It's a curse… And it's growing…" Ah, so this was more of a magical problem. He'd been hex or something then? Peter felt this might have James' written all over it before then getting the slightly muffled of "You're a pond and I'm an Ocean…" which brought a bit of confusion to him. When thinking about it a bit more, the curse bit could have been more metaphorical then literally, but that still didn't really give the blonde much of a hint to the issue with the raven haired boy.
"All my emotions… Feel like… explosion," Vincent could notice the Gryffindor struggling to understand him and he continued to try getting his feelings across as best as he could. He usually had a way with words but being as intoxicated as he was, it was hard to think of what to say. The first things that came to his mind appeared to be what he was saying. "When you are around… And… I've found a way to kill the sound?"
Peter watched the taller male stumble over his words as he tried to put things together, coming to sort of a conclusion which kept him heating up at the thought he might actually be right with it. He couldn't actually be saying he liked him in that way though… Right. He'd just refused to talk to him for a whole week after all so why would he? In an attempt to convince himself otherwise, Pete began to make excuses to the Slytherin. "Vincent, you're a bit drunk… More than a bit. I don't think you know what you're saying," was the first excuse he gave to which he got a head shake back, not to the drunk part but the not knowing what he was saying.
"Then maybe… Of course, Padfoot or Prongs must have laced your drink with Amortentia!" appeared to be the next one he gave to get a verbal response of "I said no…" from Vince.
"Well you wouldn't realise if you drank it beca---"
"I said no…"
Before Pete could even get another word out about this theory, Vincent put a finger over his lips and sighed as he looked the other boy in the eyes. "Listen close… It's a no…" The raven haired hair mumbled once again before making sure the Gryffindor wasn't going to say another word about it to which he moved his finger, thinking once again on how to explain. He should have probably moved away from the poeting replies he was trying but the boy occasionally had a flare for the dramatic. "The wind is a pounding on my back, and I've found hope in a heart attack…"
With this, the mood of his words appeared to shift as if in a small moment he'd realised something. He'd realised something about how even I'd he got his message across then there wouldn't even be a point due to the other's disbelief. It was at this time there was a scruple in the boy's confession as he looked away from the Gryffindor. "Oh, at last… It has passed…" He shook his head just slightly, moving towards the windowsill once again with a pause when he reached it, turning back for a moment as he didn't look at Peter then he clutched one of his hands over where his heart was. "No I've got it… And you can't have it…"
Of course Pete would notice the change in his story and realised that he wouldn't really learn the source of the problem proceeding like he was. He couldn't just deny this guy, or rather he could but he didn't want to. There was a mixture of him for different reasons he didn't want to and so, to hopefully get back to the track and confession he was looking for, the gryffindor asked another question. "Why now…? Of all times to tell me this, why is it now?" It was one of the main things he wanted to know anyway, curious to why after a week of silence this would come out. Curious to why the week of silence still too.
"Darling…" When the word came out, Vincent hesitated for a moment on whether or not he'd should have used it before deciding he couldn't go back. It had escaped already so there was no point in holding back. "When I'm fast asleep, I see this person watching me… Saying…" The words grew slowly as he began to turn away again, his glacé heading towards one of his arms as he rubbed it a bit. "Is it worth it?" This came out as a mumble before the slytherin repeated more louder "Is it worth it?"
The blonde continued to listen to the Raven haired boy as he thought of what 'it' could be in regards to. He'd moved closer as he began to stand next to the other male. When Vince had noticed he took a breath in, looked over to the Gryffindor and asked once more "Tell me, is it worth it?" As the words came out, Peter caught himself getting lost in the other's newly damp yet lilac ocean of eyes. He'd not been lying before, they were with his own appearing like ponds compared to the deepness of what he'd stared into. It felt like the words that had been going into his ears had been an incantation to draw him closer and trap him yet this moment soon ended as quickly as it came about when the Slytherin turned away once more, hugging himself in silence for a moment.
"Are you okay?" Yes, it did seem a bit of a stupid question to ask in this moment when it was obvious the other boy was getting emotional in this moment but Peter knew that Vincent needed to hear these words. He needed to hear that the Gryffindor cared about him and how he was feeling, and with hearing this the other boy began to explain more clearly, touching slightly on the reason for that week's silence. "cause… There is something and there is nothing… there is nothing in between," in being more clear, it didn't mean he was going to stop in trying to be poetic however. "And in my eyes there is a tiny dancer, watching over me… He's singing…"
These next lines made Peter realise where'd he'd gone wrong and this brought him a sense of guilt. He felt guilty about the fact he'd not realised how obvious it had been, of course it was. The other week he was short on money before the group was going to head to Hogsmead and as a dare off James so he could get some extra money, he was told to tell Marlene that he smelt her in his Amortentia. And thus, he did, which ended in a small rumor, an awkward kiss off Marlene that neither of them wanted and him getting paid more than he was offered from a hysterical James. Of course he'd realised this was the problem upon the words "He, he wants a lady and I am just a boy…"
He didn't even like girls, he was just desperate and hadn't thought about it at the time. Yet, now, here he was with a guy who'd been crushing on him for who knows how long now thinking he had no chance from assuming the blonde was straight. His early assumption about this involving James and Amortentia hadn't been too far off, then. Just how they were involved was slightly different. To hurt even more however, the drunken slytherin had to go ahead and repeat the line again with more emotion and emphasis. "He's singing, He, he wants a lady! And I'm just…" In this moment, Peter placed a hand on Vincent's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, seemingly working in his favour. "a line… Without… a…"
Silence came between the two, the raven haired male not being able to bring himself to finish before letting tears roll down his face as he reluctantly brought his face to looking at Peter's again. The words to escape him after held a lot of weight as he struggled to get them out through tears. "Oh baby I am a wreck… I need you here to stay…" were the first as he began to take both of the blonde's hands, gripping them tight unlike the first time. "I broke all my bones that day…"
"I found you," Peter began to confess back as he wasn't wrong. The day the silence between them began he had seen Vincent alone yet hadn't approached. He didn't think it was his place two when he was "Crying by the lake…"
Even though now he knew, and definitely KNEW, what the problem had been but needed to have that confirmation just to put the nail in the coffin. "Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden?" came out in a soft voice as Pete raised an eyebrow, getting nothing but a pained look from the Slytherin. This had to be a yes to which he followed with a quiet 'oh' before "and if I could take it all back I swear that I…"
The words faded out a bit when the blonde noticed himself getting caught up in the other's eyes again, not even noticing how close they'd gotten at this moment. The raven haired boy, however, did notice the closeness and was determined to close it. "Would pull… You… From…" the shorter had continued but hadn't managed to finish as just before he could let the last words out the other boy had locked lips with him. Even if it didn't last too long, it felt like an eternity. It was just the two of them alone dressed all fancy in an abandoned house now shearing a chaste kiss.
When it had finished, there appeared to be silence as both of them kept their eyes closed and bodies close, both not really believing what had just gone on. Not just the kiss but the entire thing! Nevertheless, Peter never got to finish his sentence to which, after wrapping his arms around the Gryffindor, Vincent leaned into his ear to wispeare two final words to end it for him. "The tide…"
0 notes
imlikepadfoot · 7 years
Our inner Demons
So this one his for an Anonymous ask hey! could you do a scenario where Remus finds out that his s/o is also a werewolf?
This one was really fun to do I really enjoy it! Hope you’ll like it too nonnie!
Lengh: around 2 130 words
Song by: Short Stack -Darling, I’ll be your werewolf-
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‘Today I went, to speak to god, but the sky was empty. And the clouds fell down around me and you,’
It was by far the worst Holidays Remus ever had. First of all, the full moon had taken place on Christmas Eve and it was a bad one. The kind of full moon that let him stuck in bed for days. Then, he hadn’t had any news from the other marauders since they left Hogwarts, and it wasn’t like them. He was eager to see what would be their excuses about it as he was passing the platform 9 and ¾. They better comes up with good ones, thought Remus a bit frustrated.
His body hadn’t recover yet form the full moon and it was painful to just even walk. He would have had appreciated to see his friends right now, because he could have really used some help. He climbed into the train, painting as he told some younger Gryffindor he was all right, asking them if they had seen the marauders.
Maybe they were late, maybe, much likely, Sirius must had slept over and they were late. James was probably screaming at his parents to hurry up because he wanted to see Lily before the train leaves. Remus had heard him told Sirius he had a gift for her.
But there was something worse that couldn’t get out of Remus head. Not only he didn’t have any news at all from his suppose best friends, but he hadn’t had any news from her at all either. He knew she’d probably been really busy with her family, she had told him she was going on a trip to Hawaii (muggle stuff only, her mother had insisted) and was really looking forward to it.
He sighed as he shivered, before letting out a loud moaning, stopping to search desperately in his bag, remembering he had no chocolate left at all. It was a really bad day! He could still buy some of the trolley, but it wasn’t the best chocolate and he would have to wait until the next Hogsmeade Trip to go to Honeyduke.
He made his way through the corridor, pushing a bit sharply the students that were in his way. He sighed again as he reached the marauders’ compartment, trying to catch his breath as his lungs were hurting him, and then, he froze, a hand on the door, finally seeing her.
He saw immediately that she wasn’t looking well at all. He frowned, looking at her from head to foot, she had sunken eyes, was very pale and seems on the edge of throwing up. He had never seen her that ill before. Something was wrong he could sense it.  
-Hey… Remus said as he enters the compartment, slamming as gently as possible the door behind him, trying to do as less noises as he can. -You all right? He asked her, sitting beside her acting like if he wasn’t ill himself.
‘As we stood, hand in hand, I hope you invent me, a sea of love in which to drown me and you,’
She smiled softly, turning to him before laying his head on his shoulder. -Yeah, she tries to laugh, -I’ve got the flu, no big deal, I’ll be okay in no time don’t worry about me love. She said, closing her eyes.
-You sure? I mean… Yon don’t look well at all… he told her, catching her hand. It was so cold and rigid, not like the last time he had held it.
She smiled at him, reaching to lay a trembling hand on his cheek before giving him a soft kiss, asking him, a second time, not to worry about her. She was fine and would be well in a few days.
Remus sight and kissed her too, passing his hand in her hair, waiting for her to fall asleep in his arms, trying to convince himself that it was nothing more than a cold, shutting up is inner voice that was screaming something was wrong.
She indeed, completely recovered a few days latter, like if nothing had happened. But still, Remus was sensing something was wrong. Something had changed but he couldn’t tell what and he assumed he was only being a bit too protective over her. It was the first time he ever had a serious relationship and was afraid she would dumped him because of what he was.
‘So little miss, imagine this, we’re entwined and hopeless, and the world turns upside down, without you,’
Was he too kind, not enough? Was it too much when he was cuddling her or was it not enough? Sirius had told him to stop being so worried about all this. “She’s a good person; she really likes you, she doesn’t care about the furry little problem, mate so relax a bit.” but Remus wasn’t the kind that could just relax with it.
When he had told James he thought something had happened to her during the Christmas Holidays, because she was acting differently, James had laughed a bit, put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. “Don’t you worry about that, girls are way to hard to understand, they can be really mad at you but still kissed you, they’re messed up little things, just look at how Lily acts with me!’
But it wasn’t girl stuffs, Remus knows it. His werewolf senses were literally screaming at him that something was fucking wrong. He was going crazy about it, trying to figure it out, trying not to rush her with that because she had told him sharply, to stopped harassing her with that. “Everything is fine Remus could you stop asking for one second! Merlin, I mean, if something were to be wrong, I would have told you okay!”
He had looked at her in disbelief, a bit shocked by that sharpness and had turned away. The full moon was near again and it was no time for him to get angry with someone, especially with her because he likes her too much to do this to her. He was angrier, less patient and a lot more aggressive before the full moon so he’d always prefer to isolate himself. Even though James and Sirius and she, have told him many times that it wasn’t necessary, that they understand plenty what it was like for him.
That night, he said goodbye to his three friends, that had come help him get down to the Hospital Wing were madame Pomfrey was waiting for him. He had tried to find his girlfriend all evening but she was nowhere to be found. He was a bit hurt, but what did he have expected actually?
Did he really think that she was going to wait for him, for a monster like himself when she could have the world at her feet? He sights painfully, as madame Pomfrey helped him get through the courtyard, seeming more nervous that her normal self was.
-Are you okay? Asked Remus, a bit concerned. -Is something wrong?
-Poor Remus, nothings wrong, don’t you worry. She said as he let out a shriek, passing the trap that led him to the shrieking shack. He nodded with difficulty, before telling her to go, he was sensing the werewolf trying to rip him apart from inside and tonight, the transformation would be quit. -Try to conceal your rage tonight Remus okay. She told him, looking worriedly at him. -Try to stay as calm as possible, we don’t want anyone to get hurt.
He frowned, looking at the trap she had closed behind her. What the hell did she mean? She couldn’t know about the others, about James, Sirius and Peter, could she? He gets up, climbing the stairs that let him to the chamber he was so used too, his chest seems on fire, sweat was dropping on his face, feeling like he was going to throw up.
-Is this, always that painful… asked a voice in a horrified whisper.
Remus froze, his breath stopped, his heart was pounding as he was looking at her in horror, his soul screaming as it was already beginning to tear up, trying to let the wolf get out of him. -What… what are you doing here! He screamed, tears stinging his eyes. -You need to get out, you need to get out now! You will die if you stay here, I can’t control myself when I become this monster, get out!  
-I can’t get out… she told him, approaching him slowly. She was crying, she was pale, shaking from head to toes, she had been sick, she was more terrified than he had ever been at full moons. -I'm… I’m like you…
'We’re going to hell, Just because we’re werewolves, We’re werewolves, Ahoo, ahoo, ahoo,’
-No… that… that can’t be… How!? Why?! Why didn’t you tell me?! He screamed trying to find some kind of reassuring answers in her eyes. It was a joke right? She couldn’t be a werewolf too! The world couldn’t have done this to her, why her!
Why! He let out a screamed of anger, pain and distress, shaking his head as he couldn’t believe this was all happening.
He came close to her, taking her face into his hand before kissing her ferociously, squeezing her close to him, to his heart, when she let out a loud moaning of pain, her hands grabbing Remus shirt as if her life depended on it.
Suddenly, everything comes clear. Why she hadn’t been answering him during the holidays, why she was suddenly so sharp with him, why she seems more isolated, her eyes watching everyone like a terrified animal, ready to run. She was scared to dead, she didn’t know how to handle this, how could she knows!?
'My love its quite a thrill, darling, I’ll be your werewolf, your werewolf, ahoo, ahoo, ahoo’
It was very painful to turn into a werewolf and it was harder to not become mad when it was happening. You could sense your human soul and brain tearing up, melting each time the full moon was getting higher and higher in the sky.
-You… you won’t leave me? She asked, reaching a hand to his cheek, looking at him with a frightened look. -Even if I’m.. if I am… this?
-Of course I won’t! You hadn’t left me when you’d find out what I was, did you? You still loved me? That’s all the same for me, now listen, listen I know this is painful, but you can fight it.
-I can't… I’m not as strong as you are… I can’t to this every month how are you doing it Remus… this… this is awful this is not bearable… she said still shacking, letting her head on his shoulder.
'We’re going to hell, Just because we’re werewolves, We’re werewolves, ahoo, ahoo, ahoo,’
-You listen to me love, okay, you can do this. Yes, you can, we’ll do it together. He told her as she was shacking negatively her head, screaming once more as the full moon was getting higher in the deep blue sky. -Everything’s going to be fine, I swear, it’s gonna be more bearable in here than at home, we’ll have some help.
He held her a bit tighter as the transformation begun, whispering in her ear, trying to calm her gently, ignoring his own pain. He knew how strong she was and everything would be all right despite everything else, despite this night. He loves her and that was all that matters.
'It’s eleven fifty seven, she tastes so sweet, and I want more, just a second, lay in heaven, as my heart, hit, hit, hits the floor,’
-I’ll never let you go love; it’s gonna be all right. He whispered one last time as she nodded, closing her eyes, the full moon taking over them, transforming into two fully grown werewolves.
It wasn’t his first full moon and he couldn’t dream of the last one, but tonight was different. For the first time, someone was feeling like he was, someone was fighting the same inner demons as he was, tonight, was different. Somewhere, deep inside the monster’s mind, he was still Remus. He had managed to fight, all on his own, this thing that was raging inside of him for years. Tonight, at last, he wasn’t a blood thirsty monster.
So, We’re going to hell, Just because we’re Werewolves, We’re werewolves, Ahoo, ahoo, ahoo, My love its quite a thrill, Darling, I’ll be your werewolf, Your werewolf, Ahoo, ahoo, ahoo
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katzkinder · 3 years
Summer’s over and the cold rain's a comin', which means I'm about to hibernate until spring-- In the meantime, though, have a belated summer farewell in the form of headcanons!
Kuro burns very easily, like. The reflection of the sun off concrete is enough to give him a sunburn. Because of this, Mahiru always makes sure to slather him in sunblock before they leave the house. The brand came recommended by Lily.
Mikuni and Misono are both allergic to the same kind of red food dye, which makes festival food a bit of a minefield at times. Mikuni, however, is an awful little gremlin who will eat whatever and take medicine for it later. Because he hates himself.
Iduna might be able to handle the cold in a way that makes her look inhuman, but summer leaves her dying. She turns into a slug when it gets too hot. Don’t make her do anything, please, just let her suffer.
Mahiru's always active, but especially during the summer time. He loves the extra daylight, but loathes the rainy season for screwing with his laundry schedule. Usually by the time summer break is over, he's gotten himself a nice tan solely from being out so much.
Tsubaki has a summer home in the style of a traditional japanese mansion, which means... No a/c-- It's not uncommon to find some of his subclass trying to catch a nap on the veranda when it's the middle of the day and too muggy to do much else.
Speaking of Team M's summer property, there’s a portion of the garden path lit by lanterns that is affectionately referred to as “the parade route” due to the way the shadows cast at night by their glow always seem to twist and turn so eerily.
Hugh Dislikes Summer. It's hot, it's humid, there's BUGS... Terrible season, in his opinion. Autumn is MUCH more suited for a true vampire. The one thing he enjoys is that the Inn tends to get more business, because it makes Tetsu happy.
Speaking of Tetsu, he's well known in his area for always being available to be a helping hand with booth set up and post festival cleanup. The old folks in his area also rely on him to chase loiterers off.
Ildio is neutral to all seasons, but summer pings his radar solely because there's an abundance of produce. Niccolò is hoping that in the future, he can actually get his Servamp to sit down and take his time to enjoy some of Italy's best fruit and veg.
Licht's the type to wear his favorite sweatshirt year round no matter the weather, so he has to be mindful of heatstroke. He loves to swim, though, and has very fond memories of his childhood in Austria during that season. Yes you WILL find him challenging Lawless to climb trees faster than he can.
Lawless tends to work less part time during the summer seasons because, well. Everyone else that looks the same age as him is ALSO out and about looking for a nice gig. It's just a hobby for him, so he's not too broken up about it, and really, he hates doing service industry when all the tourists are coming in droves. He refuses to work Disney during peak vacation times ever again, thanks.
Everyone and their brother gets knocked dead by Freya keeping her hair up off her neck in a pretty ponytail that swings when she walks. It's very eye catching. Completely opposite her Eve, no matter what she wears, she seems fine? She looks forward to the farmer's markets being laden with summertime goodies.
Jeje sunning himself in Nod's windows isn't out of the norm, but my god this poor man SUFFERS if he spends any amount of time as a human. Humidity+layers=Not A Fun Time
Lily frets over the decreased amount of time for his kids to safely play, but he's also of the opinion that the increase in child friendly activities is worth the trade off. Before the vampire war, Alicein house would take their children out to festivals after dark and employ a buddy system of older subclass or older human children with younger kids or fresh turns in order to make sure everyone made it back by the allotted time, and no one got lost. If anything happens, they've got instructions on what to do and who to find for help.
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