#I'm still tired but I think I'll be able to get up in about twenty minutes hopefully.
neverendingford · 4 months
#tag talk#had a dream I found this really gorgeous aquamarine turtleneck with actually long enough sleeves for me and then I woke up ب_ب#do you have any idea how fucking disappointing it was to wake up and realize that I do in fact not have a nice comfy turtleneck#I'm genuinely so sad#also there was a cute bra I picked up in my dream as well and guess what. I don't have that irl either.#when summer hits I wanna go thrifting again. I don't like going out in the winter but ugh. I want summer to exist pleaseeee#I'm gonna drag my new trans friend along cause that seems like it would be really fun to look at clothes together I think.#hrrnngghhhhh I want to live my life and enjoy it please I just want to#also my therapy appointment was good but it genuinely made me so exhausted for real. like. physically tired.#which means that I've for sure still got problems rattling around in my head since anytime I get close to them my body reacts physically.#I'm still tired but I think I'll be able to get up in about twenty minutes hopefully.#I stripped the old sheets from my bed but didn't remake it but I showered so I'm clean so I just went to bed without sheets anyway#it feels kind of nice somehow. bare skin on bare mattress. feeling bad and just existing under covers.#idk why but it feels like home. like I'm a kid again. I say idk that's a lie I know why.#it's nice to just be a little miserable and convalescent and dissociate and nap and drift away into nothingness for a while.#maybe that dissociation immediately after confronting my own thoughts isn't super great though.#I have such a strong aversion to my own mind. such a repulsion from digging deeper than what I'm comfortable with.#I have this fear that I'll continue to find new things wrong with me. continue to find new explanations for why I'm so fucked up and weird.#will I have a reason for why I dump my friends after a few months. why I imagine unspeakable violence on the regular.#idk. I still struggle with the hurt deep down inside and it's so extremely photosensitive that I can't open it up without it lashing out#I'm a human being grown over a skeleton of scar tissue and alien growth. a body pulled tight over the skin of another.#what the fuck am I really? I know who I am. I still don't know what.
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Can i request for dad!Trevor Zegras or dad!Jack Hughes please. Where their 1 son years old is sick and like he cry everynight which make y/n so stress and he’s there to comfort y/n please. Thank u
Note: you may ask, why the name? It just made sense with Trevor
Trevor walked in the house and frowned when he heard his last favorite sound in the world.
"Is he not feeling better?" Jamie asked behind him.
"He doesn't have fever anymore, but the poor guy has that horrible cough"
Jamie sighed. "Just knock if you guys need anything" He said with a sympathetic smile.
"Thanks man"
Trevor walked to your bedroom and opened the door. You turned around and his world fell in pieces. You were pacing around with Buddy on your arms. He wasn't the only one crying.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" He closed behind him and walked to you, engulfing you and Buddy on his arms.
"I-I don't know what else to do. He cant sleep. He gets cough fits everytime I lay him down. He is really tired and... I don't know... I..."
"Okay, we all need to calm down. Can I?" He said pointing at the boy.
He was your son and you loved him for life, but you were so overwhelmed.
"Hey, Buddy. It's dad." Trevor said. "I'm back from the game."
The kid, that had the same mischievous look on his eyes, stopped to look at him for longs seconds. But soon he started crying again.
"Poor Jamie won't be able to sleep and..."
"YN. Babe. Jimmy is fine. I promise."
Buddy grabbed Trevor's clothes and he hugged him close.
You were sitting in the bed watching him walk around with the boy still crying on his chest.
"Do you think I'm not a good mum?"
Trevor stopped moving and looked at you. He walked in your direction and cupped your face with one hand while he kept Buddy on his hip with the other arm.
"YN. You are a great mum. Buddy loves you so much. This is not your fault, he just got a cold. Everyone does. You are doing so good and I love you so much."
Some people didn't believe you when you talked about Trevor's maturity around fatherhood.
He stepped closer and you laid your head on his belly.
"It's fine. We will be fine. I promise. This will pass." He said while caressing your back.
Trevor knew he had to calm you down first if he wanted Buddy to be calmer. And that's what he did. He held you and sang softly the song that was randomly playing on his mind until miracously, Buddy and you stopped crying.
He cupped your face and leaned down to kiss your lips softly. "I love you"
"I love you too" You whispered with tears in your eyes.
"Let's feed him and then we'll try to sleep, yeah?"
You nodded.
Twenty minutes later, the three of you laid in bed. Buddy was between you two, who were worriedly looking at him. He wouldn't stop coughing.
"I have an idea"
You frowned and watched Trevor set almost all your pillows against the headboard. Then, he laid against them and picked Buddy. "You are sleeping on Dad today."
Buddy got comfortable on Trevor chest and somehow, the new posture was the solution for the cough. "He coughs more when he is laying than when he is upright"
"You can't sleep like that. Your back and neck..."
"I'll wake you up and we will switch if it starts hurting. You lay here now and sleep for a bit"
You bit your lip and laid next to him, cuddled against his side on the pillow nest he had built. He smiled to himself and wrapped his arm around you. You touched Buddy's hair and played with the golden strands.
"Do you remember when you asked me if you would be a good dad?"
He chuckled lowly. "I was a terrified kid then"
Trevor had needed so much reassurance from you during the pregnancy. He was always worried of doing it something wrong, of not being good enough because of his job. How wrong he was.
"You are a great dad. The best."
"I have you by my side. You make it easy."
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fantasy-mixtapes · 3 months
Adaine Abernant S3 Character Playlist: Side A
So many feelings, so many. Here's to our overworked teenage oracle of all.
Genres Include: Alternative Rock, Folk, Pop-punk
1. Custom Concern, Modest Mouse
Their custom concern for the people Build up the monuments and steeples To wear out our eyes I get up just about noon My head sends a message for me to reach for my shoes and then walk Gotta go to work, gotta go to work, gotta have a job Goes through the parking lot fields Doesn't see no signs that they would yield and then thought This'll never end, this'll never end, this'll never stop
Yeah, obviously, this is about spending so much of your time devoted to a job and losing your mind about it. There are a lot of songs about hating your job, but I don't think they capture the level of dissociation and disillusionment like this one.
2. Why Am I Like This?, Orla Gartland
Last night, I smoked a cigarette My dad would have been so upset Then we got tattoos by the coast Maybe I'm an old soul trapped in a young body Maybe you don't really want me there at your birthday party I'll be there in the corner, thinking right over Every single word of the conversation we just had So why am I like this? Why am I like this?
I can just imagine Adaine getting to experience so much of "normal" teenage life now that she's not controlled by her parents, getting to be the party wizard, getting to be the cool girl with the best friends, and knowing that she still has that little voice in the back of her head.
3. I Don't Know You, Mannequin P*ssy
I know one, two things I have heard about you But I wouldn't tell you No, I couldn't tell you I know three, four things that they say about you But I wouldn't tell you No, I couldn't tell you I know a lot of things I know a lot of things But I don't know you
Adaine's exchanges with Oisin really took me off guard, just because romance has kind of never been able to be on her plate the past two seasons. It totally makes sense, she was dealing with the worst abusive family ever, but also that means that 17-year-old cool girl adaine is absolutely clueless about this stuff (not to say that Oisin is any better).
4. Boreas, The Oh Hellos
Making lists, folding laundry Keeping tidy with my radio show I'd be lying if I told you I'm keeping tidy anymore Yeah, I swing from believing That maybe my working will all pay off To considering drinking with Molotov I'm halfway out the door Maybe then my breath could embody A wildfire starting I'd sweep up the forest floor And my body'd breath life into the corners Be a darker soil
This song, in particular, is MY burnout song. It's one of my favorites, and it (Romans 10:9 by The Mountain Goats) is what I listen to when I just can't take it anymore. Also I love to pepper in a little bit of rage/fire/red imagery into each of the characters since I think we can all tell what brennan has cooking down the line 👀
5. Running Out Of Time, Paramore
Never mind, I hit the snooze on my alarm twenty times But I was just so tired There was traffic, spilled my coffee, crashed my car, otherwise Woulda been here on time Shoulda, coulda, wouldn't matter, ultimate alibi You know it's a lie There was a fire Metaphorically Be there in five Hyperbolically
Obsessed with this song and the entire album, Ms. Williams (and the rest of Paramore, by extension) have my entire heart. I also like that we have cross over with having Cest Comme Ca on the Kristen playlist and this song here. I really like the dreamy quality this one has for Adaine though (could almost say trance-like ha ha)
6. How to Boil an Egg, Courtney Barnett
Pull yourself together, pick myself apart Nothing lasts for never so be still my bleeding heart Oh I've been dreaming, dreaming of a brand new start Yeah, I've been dreaming, dreaming of a brand-new start Oh, you have a great abundance of axes there to grind Remember some people have real problems next time you whine Oh, hang the washing Hang the washing on the line Yeah, hang the washing, hang the washing on the line
I just think she should start charging for prophecies. Like those tarot readers/astrologers on like etsy. People (elves) should fantasy venmo the oracle and she should turn her unpaid position into a lucrative business. Extort some hoity toity elves.
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steppingonyourshadow · 4 months
Complete Q&A from GQ February 2024
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On acting
GQ: When did you decide you wanted to be an actor?
XZ: When the public began to pay more and more attention to me, I thought, why not me? I feel like I can do it.
Sometimes I'd waver and think, it's so difficult, why can't I do it properly? For example, with dialogue. Why isn't my delivery good enough, why can't I compete with others? Just because I'm a Southerner? I doubt it. Then I'd think, how can I improve? I can do it, let's just try.
GQ: In your opinion, what is the professional standard required of an actor?
XZ: Firstly, you have to master the craft. This is inescapable, you might not be from a professionally trained background, but you have to have the ability. That's what I want to achieve, and it's also what I'm currently working on. I'm not there yet, there's still some way to go.
After that, attitude is very important, as is whether you're passionate about it. Only seeing it as a job is entirely different from really being in love with it. If you only see it as a job, you might not be able to take it very far. But if you're passionate about it, it'll make you cry, and laugh, and may become the force that allows you to carry on.
And a strong physique (laughs), when I was in my twenties it was fine, now if I do an all-nighter I get really tired. That's the terrible truth. Being physically strong is really important, that's your foundation.
GQ: Which part or show made you feel you had earned approval?
XZ: The earliest was during The Wolf, I was under a lot of pressure then, my acting coach gave me lots of suggestions and guidance, and every single day I'd end up changing the way I did it. I was lost. After getting through that, I realised I'd grown from the experience, and was gradually getting the hang of it, and from then on I've gone on bit by bit. It's a cumulative process.
I feel like I haven't done enough, compared to some of my seniors. When they were in their 30s they already had tons of credits. I still don't have enough work out, I haven't accumulated enough.
GQ: Do you feel a sense of urgency?
XZ: Yeah, because I think (improvement) is a process of accumulation. It's impossible to make a giant leap with one show, that's unlikely for me. So I have to keep acting nonstop, but they have to be high quality works, rather than just wasting myself.
GQ: What were the considerations behind having three shows broadcast in 2023 that ranged from guzhuang to period drama to contemporary urban drama?
XZ: Actually there wasn't much consideration, it happened naturally. I don't deliberately avoid genres I've already done, it all depends on the script. Whatever script I get given, if I'm drawn to it, I'll choose it, it's just a coincidence that it was all material I hadn't done before.
GQ: Would you get tired of doing guzhuang all the time?
XZ: Guzhuang has many sub-genres. There's no real distinction between guzhuang and modern dramas - it's just putting on a wig and a different set of clothes, the core is the same, the only difference is the outer layer.
GQ: Do you follow your shows as they air?
XZ: Not on a daily basis, but I do watch. I'll pick out the scenes I particularly care about and pay special attention to those, as a way of critiquing my own work.
GQ: Do you have the audience commentary on?
XZ: I used to, it was fun to laugh along with everyone else, but these days I won't.
GQ: What kind of role do you want to play now?
XZ: If I can choose, of course I'd love to try something I haven't done yet. I need a sense of novelty - if you had to do the same thing every day, you'd get sick of it too.
GQ: What kind of actor do you want to be?
XZ: The kind that the audience likes.
GQ: Haven't you already achieved "being liked"?
XZ: No, no, not nearly enough. I thought about whether I wanted to be the kind of actor known for their unique characteristics, or one that an audience is instantly drawn to. At the moment I want to be an actor the audience is fond of. They might not be fans of yours, or even feel very positive toward you, but when they know you have a show on, they think, maybe I should check it out, his shows are all pretty good. That’s what I want, that’s my current goal. Whether I can reach the level of the actors I admire, that’s a long road, I’m going to take my time.
GQ: Who are the actors you like?
XZ: There are many, for example Zhou Xun has always been an actor I really like. I watched her most recent movie (Across the Furious Sea), it's brilliant.
GQ: What career plans do you have for 2024?
On life
XZ: Make more shows, work with more good people, that’s the current goal. I’m not thinking about the rest right now.
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GQ: Does social media noise bother you?
XZ: It doesn't. If I still let it get to me after all this time, what kind of life would I live? (laughs) It's really not a big deal. So long as I'm clear about what I'm doing, it's fine. Every time you make a choice, you have to have a clear understanding of what you're doing, what you have to give up, and what you want to achieve. So it's fine. It's probably more of a bother for my crew.
GQ: Has it not affected your private life?
XZ: I live an extremely normal life. I can go for a bike ride or a walk. When you're on the street, no one actually cares who you are. It's really not like you imagine, I can walk around freely.
GQ: Is this kind of time an escape for you?
XZ: More a time to relax. Why would I need to escape? I live in this world too, where would I escape to? This is my life, I live it just the same as everyone else. There are so many things I really want to do, like take the crowded subway, wander around a mall, like I used to when I was a student. Maybe I will.
GQ: Do you miss the life of an ordinary person?
On personality
XZ: I don't miss it. I just think that's what I should do, being grounded. I really will get on a crowded subway car, maybe tomorrow, that's just normal. I used to do it every day. There's really not much I can't do. What are you going to do if you see me? We'd say hi and then be on our way. I just don't want to create disturbances, make trouble, or cause any negative repercussions.
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GQ: You haven't been on any variety shows the past few years. Was that a deliberate choice?
XZ: It's because I'm not a good fit for it. With my personality, variety shows are too much. I'd constantly be trying to take care of everyone else's feelings, it would be really tiring. Since I know that's what it would be like, it's better not to do it at all.
GQ: What did you initially enter the industry for?
XZ: Honestly, I stumbled my way in totally inexplicably with no idea of what I was doing. I used to watch interviews with contestants who had placed high on survival shows, and they'd ask, how did you get here? The contestant would say, I came to the audition to keep my friend company, but my friend didn't get through and I did. When I was a kid, that kind of thing seemed very far away, but it really happened to me. Pretty wild. I entered a survival show, and now we're here. That's it. Life really is very strange and marvelous.
GQ: What's something about the industry you couldn't have thought of?
XZ: Not being able to eat whatever I want is really cruel. When I saw that one of my high school classmates had a kid already and had let themselves go a bit, I'd sigh - I want to eat freely like that too. Their lives make me think that if I hadn't chosen this road back then, maybe I'd be the same, constantly having to attend work functions, pulling all-nighters to get designs done. You can't imagine how rough it is in the graphic design industry, but that's just life, there's nothing to be done about it.
GQ: How has choosing this path changed you?
XZ: I probably have a lot less life experience. My classmates have all far surpassed me in this respect. All their experiences are of actual events, with no cameras on them, no lights, just their real life.
GQ: Are you an emotionally stable person?
XZ: Re-la-ti-ve-ly stable. But I become very unstable when something impacts my bottom line.
GQ: Like what?
XZ: That is...I can't say, haha. Like when something inexplicable happens, I'd feel like, what are you doing? Or when something a normal person wouldn't do happens, I'd get really pissed. Like privacy issues. Once it breaches my bottom line, I go nuts. Everyone has their own boundaries. Some people don't have a good sense of propriety, and I stay far away from them. But if someone pushes against my boundaries over and over and it violates my bottom line, I get very angry.
GQ: You once said that you have a very staunch side. What were you referring to?
XZ: Principle. I'm a very stubborn person, if I insist on something, if I think it's right, then it's very hard to convince me otherwise.
For example, I want to be an actor. I don't want to do anything other than acting. If you try to force me, then let’s have the debate. There’s no such thing as right and wrong, my crew are only looking out for me, isn’t it positive to have so much work? But for me, I need to simplify my life. Because there are some things I definitely don’t want.
GQ: Do you have a perfectionist side?
XZ: I just want to do it well, to the best of my ability. Maybe the result won't be ideal, but what's to be done about that? I can only do that much.
GQ: Can you accept failure?
XZ: I can. A few years ago, maybe I couldn't. But the 32 year old Xiao Zhan has learned to accept it (laugh).
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novankenn · 6 months
Out of the Frying pan… AND into the Icebox... Escape Plan!
[ Original Post ]
Feeling Joan start to sob next to her broke Pyrrha out of her own worries about fans or even the looming threat of the Schnee women shattering Joan's innocence. For Joan, Pyrrha would move heaven and earth... no she would walk through the fiery gates of hell... no she would walk naked through Forever Fall covered in red sap!
Pyrrha: (Whispering) Joan, sweetie I need you to be brave, okay. I'm going to get us out of this. Can you do that for me?
Joan: (Whispering/Sobbing) Okay. How?
Pyrrha: (Whispering) I'm going to stop the car with my semblance and then take that little bitch hostage. It's going to be scary, but I need you to be brave.
Joan nods, and sniffles, which makes Pyrrha give Joan a light squeeze, before turning her full attention on the white haired teen seated across from her, and Joan.
Pyrrha: Whitley was it?
Whitley: Please don't. I heard you. You do understand I'm like two feet away, and you really did whisper that well.
Pyrrha: Well if you know what I'm planning to do then you know I am capable of doing it!
Whitley: Just please don't. Enjoy the car ride. I can promise you, you'll have other chances to escape.
Pyrrha: Huh?
Whitley: What you thought this was the end of it? Yes I tricked you into the car, and yes I'm trying to civilly not have an altercation, but we still have to move you from the car to the air-shuttle. There's a chance right there... which I would like to say wouldn't wreck a perfectly good vehicle, or endanger civilians needlessly.
Pyrrha: (Blinks)
Whitley: If you choose to ignore that possibility , there is also the NEED to wait on my mother, Winter and Weiss to show up. That's a great opportunity, getting away while people are tired and bored.
Pyrrha: (Blinks)
Whitley: There is also the flight back to Atlas. You and Ms Arc are Huntresses-in-training... which means you can easily leap out and use a landing strategy at the beginning of the flight.
Pyrrha: (Blinks)
Whitley: The jumping out of the air-shuttle is the most dramatic, but it would be the last real chance to escape. Once we're at cruising altitude, or reach Atlas... chances are pretty slim there.
Pyrrha: (Blinks)
Joan: (Sniffles) Which point would you recommend?
Whitley: I would suggest when we reach the airport and have to move you from the car to the air-shuttle.
Joan: (Sniffles) I can see it. Limited personnel large open area monitored and viewed area... access to the airport terminal to facilitate vanishing into the crowd.
Pyrrha: (Blinks)
Whitley: Exactly, and to be honest it would be the most safe and civil location. No civilians that could be caught in an accident if this car was to suddenly stop in the middle of the street.
Joan: (Sniffles) And we wouldn't risk others by jumping out into oncoming traffic.
Pyrrha: (Blinks)
Whitley: Exactly. Would you like a tissue? (Offers a box of tissues to Joan)
Joan: (Takes one) Thank you.
Whitley: You're welcome. We should be only another twenty minutes until we reach the airport... would either of you like some water? Maybe some fruit juice?
Joan: I'll have...
Pyrrha: He's a Schnee! He's the enemy Joan! (Lunges for Whitley) Where getting out of here now... URK!
Pyrrha, collapses to floor of the car twitching. As Whitley turns off his taser.
Joan: Pyrrha!
Whitley: I did politely ask her not to. (Sighs) Well this complicates things. Do you think you would by chance be able to carry her during your escape attempt?
Joan: I could try? How long will she be out?
Whitley: Ten minutes, give or take... though when she wakes up she will have some trouble coordinating her limbs.
Joan: Umm... just a thought do you think there might possibly be a forgotten luggage cart near where we will be transferred from the car to the air-shuttle?
Whitley: It's possible. What are you thinking, putting her into a cart and making a dash for the main terminal?
Joan: Considering it.
Whitley: It has it's merits.
Joan: As long as I don't get one with a wonky wheel... but I always get the one with the wonky wheel.
Whitley: Yes that could be a complication. Would you like more time to consider your options? I can ask Klein to take a detour... you know how unreliable traffic reports are.
Joan: That would be lovely. Thank you. May I still have a water?
Whitley: Certainly.
(Sorry... I just couldn't resist Whitley being overly civil and openly discussing escape options with Pyrrha and Joan... and YES Pyrrha could have easily stopped the car and used it to open a can-o-whoop-ass on Whitley and Klein... I think is a little more entertaining/ridiculous.)
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Someday love will find you|E.M
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(gif is not mine!)
Not really a summery :
Inspired by the song Separate Ways by Journey.
//includes: break up, maybe there will be a good ending.
-I think that writing one shots inspired by songs is pretty cool.
Next part ->
Breaking up with someone can be difficult, but breaking up with someone you still love and care about is even more difficult.
We both knew that it was going to happen, but we tried to ignore it, convincing ourselves that it was just a matter of time before things will get better.
And they almost did, but it was too late.
" So... are we sure about this? " he asked looking at his hands,
" I think... that we are sure " Like him, I was staring down at my hands...
" You think? well, I guess that we are still not sure " .
We were sitting next to each other on the sofa, our hips almost touching.
His hands were on his legs, I noticed that he wanted to touch my hands, but he was hesitant.
There was silence for a while until I felt him looking in my direction.
" You know that we can still try- " I interrupted him and looked into his almost-crying eyes.
" Eddie, we tried, you know that we did ,but we can't keep doing it.
I can't keep doing it anymore " feeling that my eyes were getting watery " Sweety, I- I've already told you that I don't mind leaving the band- "
" No, NO Eddie - you got up from the couch. I'm not going to let you give up on your dream because of me, there is no freaking way. "
" Babe, you don't undrstand? - He also got up from the couch and approached you.
" My dream is for you to be a part of my life, without you, none of my dreams would come true. "
I could feel him getting closer… I knew that as soon as I looked into his eyes, I would just burst into tears.
" I would not be where I am today if you hadn't encouraged me to get my lazy ass up go to the auditions, so please Y/n, my love... let's think about something , let's try this again ".
my love.... how am I supposed to live without this man….
" Eds... you know that I love you, right? and I will always will.
But look, we tried it, and you can see that a long-distance relationship isn't working for us!
We hardly see each other since you are constantly touring with the boys and I am working and trying to earn money for my studies.
We don't even have time to make a quick phone call!
And I know that you are busier than me, and that's why it's hard.
I'm not blaming you, but I can't… I miss you so much that it makes me sad that I can't even ask how you're doing. "
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He had such a tired eyes.... " Y\n ,we have been together for four years, since we were twenty, do you think that it's easy for me?
to not be able to see your pretty face? heck, to not even hear you sweet voice.
you know... I know that it's not the right time to say it, but I..... shit "
He sat back down on the couch.
"I even bought you a ring two months ago…but I couldn't propose to you because of the new tour…I wanted it to be special…I didn't want to propose for a split second and then leave for another couple months.
I wanted to wait until the tour is over, just to have few months of just been at home with you before starting working on music again." He wants to propose to me? I- my heart is....
" But things didn't go as planned... I understand where you are coming from my lov- sigh Y\n, tell me you truly mean it,
and I won't bother you again.
Do you want to break up? "
With all of that information… my head was all over the place.
God only knows how badly I want Eddie to be my husband.
only god knows how much I love him.
But…. maybe now that he's ready to let go…. let me go… it'll be best for the two of us.
" I want us to break up "
there, I said it, here we are looking at each other, tears in our eyes.
here we stand, Worlds apart,our hearts broken in two.
" Okay , I undratand, I'll pack my stuff and.... and we will talk later..guess.. Y/n, just know that...
I still love you "
With that,he turned and walked out of the living room.
the same place where we enjoyed many good times together, such as watching television, dancing with each other,falling asleep on the couch while hugging each other…
the same place that i'll be alone in from now on…
" Feeling that it's gone
Can't change your mind
If we can't go on
To survive the tide
Love divides
Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched and went our separate ways
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert youYou know I still love you
Though we touched and went our separate ways"
The song is about a couple who have to separate and go their own ways, even though they still care for each other. The song expresses feelings of love, longing and sorrow, as the couple must confront the reality of their situation. The song's lyrics reflect the changing emotions that accompany the process of moving on from a beloved relationship, from the initial confusion and sadness to the recognition of a new beginning and the hope for future love. Ultimately, the song is about finding strength to move forward with understanding and acceptance.
Hope that you like it! Because idk if I did, haha.
I just thought about the song and started writing it without any ideas.
took me almost three hours holy shit lol.
It's almost 4 in the morning 🙃
would you like me to write another part?
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quanticowrites · 4 months
Future Planning (Branch Connally x Reader)
•• I hope you all enjoy! ••
Holding your phone up to your ear, you could already hear the annoyed tone of Branch's voice. He was out with some high school buddies and you'd promised not to call him. You hadn't anticipated crashing your car in the ditch and getting stuck inside. You were just happy you were tipped on the side and not on the roof.
"(Y/n)-" He started.
"I crashed my car." He stopped whatever he'd been starting to say and went still. You heard the bar's music in the background. It was a George Strait song.
"Did you call 911?"
"You are 911."
"Not three drinks in I ain't." He sighed. "Are you alright? What happened?" You winced, looking down at your legs. You knew they weren't broke, but they were trapped where the car dented inwards. You were pinned.
"The car's on its side in the ditch by Willow Creek...and I'm stuck in it."
"(Y/n), Jesus Christ!"
"An Elk jumped out in front of me! What was I supposed to do?"
"Don't swerve to avoid it!" You heard the music get quieter before ultimately hearing the door to the bar shut behind him.
"Oh yeah, because hitting it head-on is a much better idea." His lack of a response told you he got your point. The engine of his truck revved as he got inside.
"I'll call the station and get Ferg out there. I'm on my way too."
"Thank you, Branch." He huffed.
"Don't thank me yet, you're still in the car." You smiled. "I'm going to hang up now baby. You'll be alright?" You looked around at the interior of the car and took a shaky breath.
"I'll manage."
"I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Branch." He hung up and you stuffed your phone in your jacket pocket. Without Branch and with your newly broken window, you were able to hear an Elk call in the distance. Probably the one you'd almost hit. A dog howled closer. At least you hoped it was a dog. The last thing you needed was a pack of wolves to find your crashed car. This stretch of highway past Willow Creek was surrounded by acres of protected forest. It was also a great place to think, which is why you'd been driving through in the first place.
Branch was the first man to give you a shot. You'd never even been on a date until your mid-twenties. Being a bigger girl most people weren't interested, but Branch had been. The moment he'd met you as a "Secretary in Training" to Ruby at the Sheriff station he'd go out of his way to talk to you or buy you coffee on his way to work. Ruby loved having you around as she started to ease into a full retirement, and the more time she took off the more time you had with Branch. Almost a year ago the two of you moved in together at his house. Now you were thinking about the future, the future you wanted to have with him. You wanted to ask Branch Connally to marry you. It wasn't very traditional for the woman to ask the man, but you couldn't stop thinking about asking him. You'd been driving this stretch of highway to think for years. Before you made any major life decisions you drove from Durant to the next town over to think with a clear headspace. Thankfully, you weren't that far out of Durant now. Considering Branch was probably at the Red Pony, he wouldn't be much longer.
You perked up at the sound of a truck engine. The tires squealed as Branch put his foot on the brakes.
"(Y/n)! Damn it, girl, you didn't tell me it was this bad!" You laughed, tears brimming at the edge of your eyes. It wasn't that bad, honestly, but it was scary.
“I'm fine!”
“You know you can't lie for shit.” He hissed out as he attempted to turn the car over by himself. “Damn!” He huffed. “You wedged it in there, this bitch ain't budging.” He sighed. “Ferg better hurry the fuck up with that tow truck or I'm kicking his ass.” He went quiet for a minute. “You sure you're alright?”
“My legs are pinned but other than that…just a little shaken up.”
“Yeah, I bet.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth. Something he did when something was on his mind.
“Okay, say it.”
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re thinking about. You did that tongue thing again.”
“I don't do a tongue thing!”
“Yeah, you do, I just heard it!”
“How the hell could you possibly hear that from inside the car?”
“You're like directly next to me, Branch. Come on.” He let out a small laugh.
“Fine, fine. I was-.” You both went silent as the sirens on Ferg’s Dodge Charger started to echo through the hills. “Took him long enough.”
“Don't you blame Ferg, you probably broke the law getting here.”
“Did not.”
“Oh, then how fast were you going?”
“The reasonable amount when your girlfriend calls you and says she crashed her car.”
“Which is?”
“You don't wanna know.”
“(Y/n)! You okay?!” Ferg yelled as he ran up to the car. “Oh my god!”
“I'm fine, Ferg! Just…flip me back over!”
“On it, (Y/n). The tow truck drivers hooking up the cables now.”
“Do it slow. Her legs are pinned.”
“You got it, Sir.” The new voice must have been the tow truck driver. You looked out the windshield at the sideways view of the creek bed. Your headlights illuminate the cattails and tall grass. You could see the water tricking past. Looking at that helped calm your nerves a bit, but trying to keep your head up at this angle was getting tiring.
“Alright, you ready to be turned right side up?”
“Okay, brace yourself!” You tensed up and screwed your eyes shut as he turned on the tow truck's pulley and the car started to shift. The metal of your car groaned as the pulley slowly brought your car back to being on all four tires. You held in a yell at how it jarred your entire body, not wanting to worry Branch or Ferg any more than you already had. You’d just barely opened your eyes again and Branch was right at your window, leaning in.
“Fucking Christ, (y/n), you weren't kidding when you said your legs were pinned.” He reached down and tried unlatching the door and cursed under his breath. “We're gonna have to cut you out of there. Ferg! Tell those Firefighters to get the Jaws of Life up here!”
“Firefighters? When did they get here?”
“They came as backup in case we needed ‘em.” Branch grunted as he tried to pry the door open again. “If we couldn't get you out ourselves.” You nodded, trying to ignore how hot he looked with the red and blue lights illuminating the side of his face. Now wasn't the time to be thinking that. He smiled. “I gotta get out of these guys' way so they can get you out. You do what they ask, alright?” You smiled back at him.
“Yes, dear.” He tried to be cool as he backed out the window, but failed. He bumped the back of his head on the top of the door. You could hear one of the firefighters laugh.
After the Firefighters got you out and had an EMT give you a checkup, Branch loaded you into his truck and drove you both back home. You went to get out of the truck yourself but Branch got his arms under you and carried you into the house and set you down on the couch. He left you alone for a few minutes before coming back into the living room with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses of soda.
“Here. Figured you'd want something stiff.” You took one of the glasses and held it up as he poured in some whiskey before taking a nice long sip. You sighed.
“Thank you.” Branch settled at the other end of the couch and poured his glass. He turned, licking his lips. “Hey.”
“You never told me what you were thinking about back at the car.” He blinked.
“Oh, right.” He shifted so he was facing you, sitting on his legs. “What were you doing driving out there?”
“You know I think better when I'm driving.” He nodded. Wanting more. “I was thinking about…asking you something.” He leaned back a little.
“Ask me what?” He said, setting his glass down. Giving you his full attention. Well, this wasn't how you pictured asking Branch but…after tonight you needed to tell him.
“I…wanted to ask you if….you’d want to marry me.” You jumped at how fast he threw himself onto you and slammed his lips into yours. You felt the glass of whiskey slip from your hands and clink onto the table. Somehow managing not to spill a drop.
“Course I’d marry you.” He puffed out as he pulled away, wiping at his mouth. “That's a stupid question. You're the best girl a guy could ask for.” He smirked. “You need me to remind you how much I love you?” You could feel the blood rushing to your face.
“I wouldn't mind.” He laughed, climbing off you and whisking you up into his arms.
“Then let's get Wedding planning.” He headed toward the bedroom.
“The bedroom?” He winked.
“That's where the best planning starts.” You weren't sure what kind of planning you could get done in the bedroom, but you couldn't wait to find out.
Tag list:
@stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @marennnx
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dearmrsawyer · 1 year
am decidedly not leaving bed today!! i feel like i've been run off my feet the last few weeks and i don't need to go anywhere or do anything today so i will not :) yesterday i hosted a fundraiser for the Cancer Council, an Australian org that does tonnes of things like fund research, offer support services to people with cancer, educate and train educators. Last year i hosted it with one of my colleagues but she did a lot of the heavy lifting. This year she's on maternity leave so i did it myself and it was v successful!! We raised over $500 :) So i am feeling v pleased and tired.
i have been thinking about my general state of being and that although i often feel like there is a LOT going on in my day to day i do think that so far this year i've been in a good place. last year was mostly about sitting in a ditch of despair sdfklkdl but the composition of my life this year has been such that i haven't been in that place. what a treat! also my house has not flooded 3 times in the last 6 months so that is certainly nice!
i've had a bit more regular contact with some of my close friends. every month i Zoom with Ellen, my friend from Norway. She's my OG online friend, we met in a Lost forum when i was like 14 LOL, we started doing regular Zooms during covid but have had a good run going lately. Although we did miss the last one because she's hecticly working on her thesis, but regardless it feels like we've been built such consistency and its so good to have that monthly check in. I've also started going out to dinner once a month with my IRL best friend, who i think i saw a grand total of 3 times in 2020-2022 lol, and THAT has been so nice. Human connection outside my household! Who would have thought!!
Also i have not been to so many live events within a 6 month period since like 2018?? All those postponed showed finally caught up with me lol. In Feb i saw Harry with my best friend and the Vamps on my own (i love a solo concert experience), in March I saw MCR with my best friend, in April I saw an Aussie comedy duo called Lano and Woodley with my family (they're like the root of mine and my brother's sense of humour) and in May i saw Kisschasy with an old highschool buddy that I still talk to a lot when i get my act together and reply to his whatsapp messages rip. So much to do!!!! I think of all the shows, my fav night this year was definitely with the Vamps, i just love them. They are so fun to share a room with, their show was so small and at a venue i love/feel comfortable at, and it was their 10 year greatest hits tour so they played all my old favs :') I love them. I do feel like i need a rest from 'events' for a bit now 😂 but it was so nice to have things on the horizon and to get dressed in clothes I haven't worn for 3 years and even to be overwhelmed by uncomfortably large events in the company of friends lol.
Oh I also finished preparing my garden! I haven't planted anything because timing-wise it just worked out that i didn't finish until a couple of weeks ago, and with winter around the corner i don't particular want to set up my garden right now. But it's all dug up and ready to go, so i've laid tarps over it and it will be ready when Spring comes :) I'll need to order some good soil and then pull out my seeds that I have from before we moved. I'm not sure they'll still be good? But we'll see what happens! I can just buy new ones if necessary. So i'm really excited that the second the season is right i can just GET GOING!! No more waiting around for the rain to stop so that i can pull out the forest of weeds, no more STUPID rose bush roots in the way, it will be go time babey.
I have been reading a lot this year, I don't think it is a coincidence that my mind has been more able to manage absorbing books now that i don't feel i am in a ditch of despair lol, my 2023 brain is like perhaps we CAN do more than passively absorb shows we've watched twenty times. i mean we are still doing that in spades for sure, but looking at words on a page for recreational purposes does not feel like too much work! our weekly afternoon tea's at work are currently book-focused too, each week someone picks a genre and we all talk about a book in that genre that we love. Me and one of my colleagues are compiling the list of books mentioned every week and sharing them on Teams as a record, its been soooo fun. The last 2 weeks were scifi and fantasy (aka what i care about) and I chose the long way to a small angry planet and The Princess Bride. Next week's topic of biography though so my run of luck has come to an end sjkdgjkdf but its been vvv fun to basically have a blook club every week! I'm hoping i get picked in the next couple of weeks so i can choose LGBT+ books a) bc it will be Pride month and b) bc i recently read that is how it always is and LOVED it so much and am v interested in what recs my colleagues will have in that genre, but there are a couple of other people that i reckon could choose that if they're picked first (which i am ay-okay with) so my backup genre is books that have adaptations (so i can talk about six of crows 😈)
anyway its chilly and i will be reading fic in bed with Sawyer for the remainder of today, what more could one want
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recordsfm · 2 months
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╰   ☆  ◞  renee rapp / cis woman / she/her  ———  no way is that SAVANNAH-LYNN COOKE? you know they’re TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD and they’ve been in los angeles for TWO YEARS. they’re chillin’ as a STRIPPER at LUX. oh and they’re notoriously known for being JADED but there are some people who have seen them be CHARISMATIC. i heard they’re a part of a SOLO ACT called SAVANNAH ROSE, yeah they’re a SINGER/SONGWRITER to be honest they sound a lot like RENEE RAPP, LAUREN SPENCER SMITH, KELSEA BALLERINI & KELLIE PICKLER. they’re actually UNDERGROUND.
feel free to omit some questions as you see fit.
basic information:
FULL NAME: Savannah-Lynn Rose Cooke
NICKNAME(S): Sav, Savy, Venus
AGE: 21
DATE OF BIRTH: October 10th 2002
PLACE OF BIRTH: Macon, Georgia
GENDER: Ciswoman
PRONOUNS: she/her
family ties:
MOTHER: Tammy-Jo Cooke
FATHER: Harrison Cooke (dead)
PETS: None
occupational information:
NAME OF THEIR ACT: Savannah Rose
SO THEY PLAY INSTRUMENTS? IF SO WHAT?: Piano, guitar, flute.
ARTIST INFLUENCES: Shania Twain, Taylor Swift, Honey K.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, Caring, Flirty
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Jaded, Stubborn, Clingy
HOBBIES: Singing, Dancing, playing guitar, writing poetry
AESTHETICS: Glaring spotlights, leftover glitter, crumpled dollar bills
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
"My name is Savannah Rose, I'm a 22 year old from Georgia and I'm a singer."
how long have you been making music?
"It kinda feels like forever. I did pageants as a little girl so my mama had me doing all sorts of singing bits and stuff like that. But when it came to actually playing instruments, I think I was about ten? so 12 years?"
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
"For me it's pretty real and raw. Vulnerable. It's very much just a girl and her guitar vibes right now but I'm trying to work on that."
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
"Honestly, Tay swift is my girl. I love how she just writes her truth and doesn't accept peoples bad behavior. But I really did look up to both Shania and Honey K and Jenna for a long time."
what is the first record you ever bought?
"The first one I ever bought? My dad took me to the midnight release of Red by Taylor Swift at target... My mom was so mad because I was tired and cranky for my pageant the next day, but in the end it was worth it."
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
Savy pulled in a deep breath. The last thing she wanted was to dox herself in an interview. But at the same time it was so hard to care. At least now she was taking off her clothes for more money then she ever made in pageants. "I haven't found much success doing just music yet. I'm hoping to change that soon."
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
"Well, this interview is probably the biggest one so far."
how would you describe your style of performance? what makes your shows worth seeing?
"I try to make sure everyone is having a good time. I mean you always have those people who who will never be happy, but I'll do everything reasonable to make sure you're having a good time."
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career?
"All I wanna be able to do is make a living doing what I love to do."
what’s next for you?
"Well, honestly I'm hoping to get discovered. Signed onto someone's label so I can put out my very first album and see how it goes from there."
Savannah was an unwanted child. Though you've never know at looking at it from the outside.
Tammy Jo was promising Miss Georgia contestant who had her title stripped from her once she got pregnant unexpectedly from a one night stand.
With a baby on the way, there really wasn't much more that Tammy or Harrison could do other then get married. Even if the two were complete opposites.
Due to her dreams being dashed, Tammy Jo entered her three month old daughter into a beauty pageant, much to the dismay
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gloomysoup · 3 months
i'm about to go on a bit of a personal ramble here for a minute. i feel like i have a lot to say and no one to say it to, and i feel like my blog has become this safe space for me to say those things. i've shared pieces of myself (my creative work) that i haven't shared with other people before. so i'm going to get a little more personal. if you want to read, great. if not, that's fine too. maybe we'll all get something out of this. maybe we won't. either way, it's here.
i've lived in the same county, with the same people, for twenty years. twenty years in a small, conservative, god-fearing place. every single household in my neighborhood goes to church every sunday. they have bible study in my neighborhood for the adults that meets every week. i've grown up around a lot of small-mindedness when it comes to social issues. which put a lot of strain on my mental health, growing up different from anyone else. i never really fit in, even in my friend groups. there's this expectation that everyone seems to have.
i always knew i was different. there was something about me. there's a lot of things, actually, but i really just want to focus on one in particular. i never had an interest in boys. not once. i didn't really think much of it until other people my age made comments about it. i never had a boyfriend, aside from once in probably first or second grade. and we were friends, only "dated" for maybe two days. that was that. i don't really ever count it. dating never seemed like a very big deal to me for a long time. i was much more focused on school and sports. eventually i realized i was a lot more interested in girls than i ever was in boys.
i fought thru a lot of internalized stuff before i came to the conclusion that i was absolutely 100% definitely a lesbian (along w a lot of trial and error in the form of awkward college experiences). i had a lot of issues throughout middle and high school that i don't particularly need to get into. all that really matters is now.
this year, i made a vow to myself. id do more to truly love myself. to be who i am, unashamedly. i made a few changes to my diet (eating healthier, listening to the advice my doctor gave me ten years ago that i should have listened to back then, actually eating regularly for the first time in years). i got a new job, which i actually really enjoy despite how tired i always am. i love the kids i work with. my coworkers are amazing. which brings me to the latest decision i've made in an effort to keep my promises to myself.
i'm done hiding. i don't want to feel ashamed of who i am just because it doesn't fit the mold. up until recently, i've been pretty selective about who i tell that i'm gay. i never wanted it to get back to my family. i didn't want them to know. i'm still not sure i do, but it's time i stop trying to walk on eggshells all the time. i'm not sure i'll be able to say anything outright, but i don't want to hide it away anymore. i don't want to pretend to be someone i'm not. i don't want to put up more masks every time i leave the safety of my room.
i'm going to a concert in june. pride month. the concert is for my favorite queer artist. i don't want to hide my excitement at finally getting to see her live just because i'm afraid of what people will say. i don't want to carefully think through every little thing before i say something or do something, just in case it's a little too gay to brush off.
i think this is finally the year i embrace myself for who i am. maybe i'll even finally go to a pride event and post pictures. i don't want to be afraid anymore. i don't want to hide anymore. maybe this will backfire on me. maybe it won't. i guess i won't know unless i try.
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every time we go out to eat soup my mom asks with a smile and cold eyes if the soup is better than the one she makes at home
in all honesty, i have to say it is, but i don't say so out of courtesy
however, one day i got tired. answering that her soup is better only encourages her, making the times i get to eat the better soup rarer and rarer. it came to the point i snuck out at odd times to get soup.
i guess it must have shown. as time went on, along with my guilt, my happy expressions increased in quantity. a few people commentee on it, wondering if i had some good fortune recently. i told them about the soup place, and we went out later that day.
i guess my mom realized i wasnt coming home on time. i was going to get off school and go home for dinner, but i must have forgotten to check my phone and make up some excuse.
i came home that day and my mom had a bowl of lukewarm soup on the table. she mustve had it there for a few hours at least.
"Is it better than in the restaurant?" she asked as per usual. she put her hand on my shoulder and pressed down hard, leading me to the table and my cold chair.
i sat down under her unblinking gaze and stared at the soup. i looked back at her, still standing behind me.
"i havent eaten at the restaurant in a while so i wont be able to compare," i lied through my teeth.
she only smiled as she alid something onto the table.
it was the bill from the restaurant that i had forgotten.
i silently turned my head around and obediently picked up the spoon, scooped up some broth with cooled oil and fat bubbles congealed on top, and slowly brought it to my mouth.
there was not even the sound of crickets as i placed the wet spoon on the table with a clack, disregarding all manners.
"mom, i'm tired of pretending," i told her. "you already know the truth so i'll just say it. the restaurant soup is better."
she smiled wider, her dark eyes turning to crescent slits on her face. i didn't know what she was truly feeling.
she leaned down and slid her arms around me, like a hug we used to do but stopped eventually. thinking about it now, it was around the time i started sneaking out.
she rested her head on my shoulder and pat my belly that was full despite the uneaten dinner in front of me.
"you know what they say," she said in a low voice. her breath in my ear was cold like the soup on the table. "you are what you eat."
then, she snapped straight, her hands going back to my shoulders.
"help me make my soup better, okay?"
that was twenty years ago. since then, i have learnt what it means for soup to be "healing". it is really no wonder it is recommended to be given to the sick when it can revitalize cells after heat death.
now, each day, i go out to eat bowls of soup at the restaurant until it feels like it will spill out from my stomach, into my esophagus, and fill my lungs and nasal cavity.
my mom always watches silently and then goes home. she prepares a bath for me, and i soak into it until the taste and fullness from the restaurant soup is removed from me, turning the bath water a hearty brown, like broth.
she takes a ladle and brings it to my lips even now.
"is it better than in the restaurant?" she asks.
and i cant help but say "yes"
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kiki-sleeps · 11 months
MHA - Hitoshi Shinso x reader
A/N: Exactly after a year since I've created my tumblr account, I've been so mesmerized by the sheer amount of content that I completely forgot about writing myself lol. Anyways, this a one-shot based on a character I created a long time ago and it was written around that time so my style is different from the Jack Frost story. Let me know which of the two you think is better and why if you feel like leaving a comment or a reblog <3
LISTEN TO THE SONG CHLORINE - TWENTY ONE PILOTS WHILE READING (I changed the lyrics a little bit to make them fit with the story, it shouldn't be noticeable tho) 
TW: Torture, mentions of needles, blood, (semi)gore, character death, wounds, tubes and stitches (lmk if I should add other warnings)
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So where were you? It's been a little while
The doctor's voice wakes me up from my slumber as I feel multiple tubes and needles injecting in my skin. My eyes are half-lidded, blurry figures hovering over mine. Ahh, it's truly been a fair bit of time since I've been here. I didn't miss it. These experiments have been draining the life out of me. They put me in one of the capsules for monitoring and then he speaks again; 
"Aren't you happy? We'll do one of your favourites!" 
His voice is muffled by the glass, but I hear his sarcastic words perfectly. He turns his head to one of the nurses and orders:
"Go full out in the lungs" 
Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibes slide over me
The ugly smell makes its way through the mask on my face, and I can feel my senses going numb for the umpteenth time in my life. My head starts spinning, and so do my thoughts. This could be regarded as getting high, but it's nowhere near as happy as that. The euphoric feeling doesn't exist here. Just nothing. 
This beat is a chemical, beat is a chemical
The only thing I feel is the steady rhythm of my heart. Like a calm drum that goes in pair with the ringing in my ears. It's a lonely soothing feeling, like a lullaby that's just for me. 
When I leave don't save my seat, I'll be back when it's all complete
Memories come to mind. 
"Don't worry," I said to him. "I'll be fine." 
Lies. I should have just said goodbye when I had the chance. 
The moment is medical, moment is medical
My depressing regrets come to a temporary end as my tired eyes look at a finger tapping on the glass. They do this every time. 
"If you see it, it means you're healing." 
Healing from what? I've never been sick in the first place. You're the ones who created a whole clinical identity for me. 
I was fine, once upon a time. But my story is no fairytale. Just a bunch of unfortunate choices. Except for one. Deciding to give him the last hopes I had is the only thing I regard as the luckiest that could ever happen to me. 
Sippin' on straight chlorine
I want to cough, but I can't. I've tried, when I still had the will to resist. The result? Just vomiting. The tubes are too far and too deep in my throat to make me have any kind of relief by the action. 
Lovin' what I'm tastin'
Still, I like not being able to do anything. Gives me time to think. I never could do it, being worried about even surviving on to the day after. 
Venom on my tongue
Dependant at times
I'm fully conscious of the acid in my mouth, and I love it. Tastes like the ugly tears I've shed in my useless 17 years. Ah, this is too good. How ironic, I've come to appreciate the thing I hated the most.
This beautiful, addictive feeling. 
Poisonous vibration
The capsule shakes, more needles get into my arms. One goes in my cheek, stained with uncontrollable tears. 
Helped my body run
I remember the one time I tried to escape. And I almost succeeded. But seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was too good to be true. 
I'm runnin' for my life, 
Runnin' for my life
I can't explain how I found the strength to break the restraint that kept me here, I just did. But it didn't last long. I was suffocating after all. No one could run more than a couple of meters with all that toxins in the lungs. Like I have now. 
Sippin' on straight chlorine, let the vibes slide over me
This beat is a chemical, beat is a chemical
When I leave don't save my seat, I'll be back when it's all complete
The moment is medical, moment is medical
The process starts again. More silence. I focus on the memory of my hopeless escape. Why did I do it? In the end, I had nothing to live for. 
Right, when I only had these laboratories as a source of knowledge, how could I have the wish to be out? It was probably because I didn't know anything about the outside. It was the thirst for freedom. But now? I have nothing to fight for. I saw what I wanted and met the people I so desperately wanted to talk to. A disappointing experience, to say the least. When they found out I was a testing mannequin, they looked at me like everyone here always did. A monster. A beast, a creature that could go feral if it was so much touched. 
They all did. 
I blink, and an almost forgotten face in all the hatred surrounding my mind comes to thought. 
He was the only ray of light in the ugly darkness of the world, the sole person who saw past the scars on my skin. 
Oh, yes. He'd be worth fighting for. All of his touches, every little inch of affection he deserves makes it worth the fight. 
Sippin' on straight chlorine
I inhale profoundly. I've decided. If not for myself, I'll do it for him. I'll get out of this hell hole and be free again. And this time, I won't be caught. 
Fall out of formation
Without making it noticeable, I slowly start to move my arms, testing what I can and cannot control. I can move almost everything, but the skin is completely numb, I've lost all sensitivity. 
Well, not like I care. This could be actually good, I won't feel any pain even if they shoot me. 
I plan my escape from walls they confined
I close my eyes and free my mind of everything useless. I have to make a plan, I can't just burst out and hope to be lucky. Think, think! What can you do? I could break out and take the nearest syringe to get to a weapon, but after that? More information, I need more! All the simulations in my mind end all in the same way: failure. There must be something– Oh. Yes, that could work. It kinda looks like my savior, that little annoying finger belonging to an armed guard. 
Ok, time to put it in action. 
I gather all my strength, and pull myself up with all the strings still attached to me. I focus on the hit I have to give to the glass with my head to make it break. 
Ah, it worked. 
Rebel red carnation
The pieces of the capsule cap I broke are impaling my arms, but I don't care, I don't even feel them. Blood is pouring out, almost too blue to be recognizable if not for the metallic smell it has. 
Grows while I decay
This isn't exactly the best thing that could happen. Losing blood means a higher chance of fainting and less resistance. Damn it. 
I jump out taking the shards of glass and throwing them around. At least I can make a bit of people incapable like this. None of them has to leave the room, I can't have the alarm going off just as I lifted a finger. 
I pull the guard in front of me by the hand. 
"This is the finger that likes to tap as if I'm a fish in a bowl, huh? I can't let you keep it then!" 
Is this my voice? It sounds foreign, a stranger that talks like me. Well, no matter, I can't be distracted now by futile things. 
With a little bit of sickening happiness, I cut off the hand of the soldier with the last shard and take his gun. 
I'm runnin' for my life
Runnin' for my life
Yeah, I'm runnin' for my life
Runnin' for my life
I spin and start to run, bare feet resounding against the floor tiles. My breath is ragged, and I'm opening my mouth like a gaping fish out of water. 
Had you in my coat pocket, where I kept my rebel red
Come on, come on! Think of him, he'll give you strength! I grit my teeth as the lights start to flicker and go red. Tch, they were able to give the alarm. 
I felt I was invincible, you wrapped around my head
It doesn't matter, I can still play. In my mind now the only thing that goes round and round are the words he once said to me;
"I love you"
Like a broken record, my head plays and replays the memory, as if to give me confidence. And it works. I don't care if I slip, I just run and run and run. 
Now different lives I lead, my body lives on lead
I want to be with him again, I want to be the idiot who thought he was joking when he asked her out, I want to be that girl again!! 
But it feels as if that is a totally different universe, where a lucky distorted version of me can be happy. But not the me right now. 
The mixture of chemicals is taking control of me, my eyes are starting to see black dots in the corners of my vision. 
The last two lines may read incorrect until said
No, it's not finished until I say so. I refuse to give up now that I have something to strive for. I didn't get drugged just to trip at the last second. I. Won't. Fail. 
The lead is terrible in flavor
I want to puke. And technically, I could. No plastic tubes are here to stop me now. No, no, bad thoughts. Just push it down and you'll be fine. Standing up, I gulp and dash down the white hall again. 
But now you double as a papermaker
As I run behind a corner to avoid some bullets, I'm taken down by memories again. Oh great, a panic attack. Just what I needed. The rush of colors in my head is fabricating episodes that never existed. Words thrown at me by my stupid brain created from layers of anxiety. 
And the first ones, always making me freeze in my steps, are said by the lips I love the most, twisting in a cruel smirk, a double faced mask covering the features of the boy I adore;
"You're a monster, how could I ever love you?" 
Supported by the real reminder of the only times we ever argued, the fake statement creeps fast through my mind, breaking the last bit of self restraint I have. 
I despise you sometimes
I shout, I have to move or these shadows lurking in my mind won't leave me alone. I start to talk in my head, to remain sane. At least, as sane as I could be. 
"Hey Shinso, you know what? I hate you. For making me do this, for making me wish for a life that wasn't mine to begin with!" 
But it's a lie. I love him, so much it hurts. 
I love to hate the fight and you in my life is like
And the actual discussions we had, I hated them with a passion. I could never be mad at you. How could I? The happiness I felt with you was so overwhelming. 
I could only see you. Kinda like
"Sippin' on straight chlorine" ,
let the vibes slide over me
This beat is a chemical, beat is a chemical
When I leave don't save my seat, I'll be back when it's all complete
The moment is medical, moment is medical
Sippin' on straight chlorine
I huff, this is taking a huge toll on my body. I don't know how many turns I've taken, how many people I've killed, and I can't bring myself to care. I just want to find the damn exit in this labyrinth of walls and closed windows. I want to be mad. I want to let myself be consumed by the rage that wants to erase this hell from existence. I want to, but I can't. For two simple reasons. Blood loss and toxins. I'm running on adrenaline and suppressor chemicals, the only quirk I have right now is the will to save my ass. 
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Beat is a chemical, yeah
My heart is beating frantically, maybe I can finally go apeshit? 
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Moment is medical, yeah
No, I have to stay sane. I don't want to die here because I couldn't control my rage. 
Sippin' on straight chlorine
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Beat is a chemical, yeah
I can see it, I can see the emergency exit sign light! It's so close, I can get there–
My feet skidder on the floor as I'm stopped by a loud explosion. 
Out of hole in the wall, guided by the purple hair I recognize immediately, in all their glory stand my classmates from UA. How…? They're not supposed to be here, they're supposed to hate me! No, no, this is all wrong-
"Sorry for being late, love. This place was hard to find." 
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Let the vibe, let the vibe
Moment is medical, yeah
And I can see it. The dark circles under his eyes are even more accentuated than usual, he must have stayed nights awake just to find me. I'm so happy he's here, the tears come to my eyes in a reflex.
I'm so sorry, I forgot you
Behind him, in their full geared suits, my friends start to fire at the soldiers. Kirishima gives me one of his usual toothy grins. How could I forget the stupid nicknames, full of affection, the late night games, the long shopping sessions? How could I ever think the ones who lured me out of my shell could turn against me? 
Let me catch you up to speed
I run towards them. I throw my gun, I don't even care anymore. I just want to get to the blinding light they all emit, a promise of salvation I desperately want to grasp. I'm almost there, I'm almost there! 
A bang makes me gasp. A bullet, straight through my heart. I let out a blood-curdling scream. Ah, I'm falling. I look up ahead, Shinso's violet widened eyes are staring at me, his mouth open. I'm waiting for the impact, but he catches me. Sweet, sweet Shinso. Always going to be my knight in shining armor, huh? He turns me to face the ceiling as I lay motionless in his arms. I watch as he shouts for a paramedic. 
He then turns to me;
"Everything's going to be ok, don't worry, you'll be fine-" 
I stop him. I just want to tell him one last thing:
"I've been tested like the ends of
A weathered flag that's by the sea" 
All the pain is summed up in a sentence. Almost too easy to describe the amount of suffering. And yet, it fulfills its purpose. 
I ask him one last thing. 
"Can you build my house with pieces?" 
I'm just a chemical
Can you promise me you'll still do everything you told me? Will you continue to live without me, happy? Please do. All the things we wanted to try together, do them for me. And the smile you hid all these years, show it. To someone who can brighten up your days like I won't be able to do. 
"No, no, no! We have to do it together, you promised!" 
"Can you build my house with pieces?" 
I'm just a chemical
I take my hand up to his cheek, once full of wrinkles because of the joyful laugh only I was able to hear. I wipe his tears away. 
Promise me. Please. 
"N-no, I don't want to, there's still enough time! S-see? The ambulance is coming!" 
"Can you build my house with pieces?" 
I'm just a chemical
He starts sobbing, and places his hand above mine.
I'm fine with this. An appropriate death for a cursed life. I know he'll move on. He's strong. He'll achieve his dreams and so more. Even though I won't be there to see it. I ask him one more time.
"Can you build my house with pieces?"
At last, he promises. 
"I-I swear I will."
Good boy. Ah, it's time. I can feel my conscience slipping away. I'm so, so tired. I want to sleep. As I close my eyes, the last thing I see are his vibrant purple irises full of tears. At least, their comforting color will accompany me to the other side. If there is one for me, that is. There could never be heaven for a creature like me. 
After all, 
I'm just a chemical
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aberrant-webnovel · 7 months
Aberrant - Prologue
Content Warning: Gore, horror themes, profanity
Chapter 0.1 - Vault Breakers
Finally, a welcome silence. The only thing other than stillness was the sound of a few of us trying to steady our heavy breathing.
I gripped my weapon. It's a bulky mass of metal and it weighs about 15lbs. But damn does this gun let loose a hell of a bulletstorm.
The Mk.6 Caliburn. One of the finest pieces of engineering from the Crytin Domain. Those guys hiding up in the ice aren't much for fighting, but they put together the best equipment a Breaker could ask for.
I've been stuck in this deployment for way damn too long, but what I found is probably going to buy me a few years of lodging and food in a pretty good district back home. I just gotta keep myself alive for long enough to cash in my haul.
"Gajjet, you got enough mags readied for the last push?"
"Yeah, Sarge, I've got enough. You got enough steam to push passed the Abbies?"
My team's boss called out to me to make sure I was good to go. He's a hell of a leader, especially when we're pushed up against a wall like this.
"Yeah, G. I'll charge through and make sure to open those door for the rest of ya. Y'all ain't getting out of here if I don't, right?"
He really was the best damn guy we could have with us right now. The only thing standing the between us and safety is a hoard of those aberrations and a blast door. There's no working power in this area so the blast door's are magnetically sealed.
Sarge is a bit of a specialist with Vault breaking and use of raw power. He's 6'6", weighs 240lbs., and he's built of some the thickest muscle you can find on an augmented human. When most of them tend to be outfitted with gear to compensate for what they were missing physically and mentally, Sarge took a different approach.
This hulk in front of me once said, "If I train to get strong enough to fight them things with my own two hands, then imagine how strong I can get with some tech giving me a boost on top of it."
When he finally got that tech, it was pricey enough to win him an election through bribes alone. But he wanted to achieve a goal. Something he had to do on the frontlines and fighting tooth and nail.
This guy now has plating under his skin strong enough to prevent those things from biting into him and arms loaded with enough hydraulic power to lift a tank.
"Hey, are you sure we can't take another 20 or 30…? I can barely keep my legs steady. I damn near collapsed before we got inside here."
Carlyle was always a bit weaker than the rest of us, but he was damn resourceful. Smart-ass, but resourceful. This was his first time going so deep into a Vault, though. Scouts usually stay back and let Runner's handle the dirty work.
"Shit, C, you only gotta run one last time. You telling me you wanna sit in here for 30 fuckin' minutes before you get to taste what it's like to actually conquer a fuckin' Vault!?"
"Fucking…. Yeah, you've got a point. I'm gonna have to actually give it everything I've got in this one, yeah?"
Carlyle pushed himself up off of the ground and started to stretch his tired limbs. He was young, maybe early twenties. Good-looking guy. Not qutie as handsome as my Gage, but he'll catch the eyes of a few ladies when he makes it back from this. Especially with the stories we can recount loudly at the bar.
"Hey, G, does the girl seem to be able to make it? I can't carry her out during this. It's on you and C to get her out."
"She ain't said a word. I'll get her out of her on my back if I gotta, though. She's definitely getting back to the city."
"Check her over and make sure she's good enough to move. We've got about five minutes til they start to pick up our scent."
Against the metal wall of this torn up science outpost, I looked at the girl we found on this job. She was damn catatonic at this point. I couldn't possibly think of what happened to her in this place all alone.
I reached out to her to move the cloak up that she wore. She was still naked underneath, but that wasn't what I cared about. All the bruising and lacerations on her body were looking terrible. She was hurt in so many ways, bound and cut somehow by someone or something.
"Hey we're about to get going again. Sarge can't carry you, so can you stand at all? I'll move you if I gotta, but I'm only barely bigger than you."
Yeah, she really only was a bit smaller than me. I'm a woman and not very tall of one. Only about 5'5". I work out plenty and train my body, so I can't be called weak by any means.
This girl before me was only maybe an inch or two shorter. She seemed like maybe only 19 or 20 years old. She seemed really healthy as far as her body went other than her wounds. I don't really have too much of a chance to fight if I carry her out. It's going to take both arms to haul her and so I can't shoot at all during that.
She looked at me blankly. Not a single though seemed to be fully processing up there. Maybe after we got her out of here, gave her a bath and a meal, then she'd be more able to talk or something.
At least, I hope so.
"Sarge, she's as good as she's gonna get. How about we start running and shooting? About time I got home to see my kids. They're gonna give their papa a really hard time if I don't get back to yell at 'em."
"Haha! You're right. Gage can't handle everything that you do for him. Luckily Marcia is still back at home. She'll have been making sure things are fine with your man and your babies. Now, get this girly on your back and get ready. When I rip open the doors here, we ain't stopping til we're home free."
Chapter 0.2 - Home Stretch
Bullet casing were leaping through the air, clanging down onto the rocky surface at Carlyle's feet. Blood splattering as each casing displaced bits of the puddle pooling there. Carlyle never stopped shooting.
I gave him my gun to use for this last push. He didn't have much firepower with the lighter weapons he carried. Being our scout, he never really needed something like my gun weighing him down. But at a time like this, the best option was the biggest gun he could use.
Carlyle couldn't carry this girl fast enough to have made it to the blast door with us. Only I could do this since Sarge had to fight off aberrations with his fists and then use his hands to pry open the door. It's up to Carlyle to hold the line when we're breaching.
He stood behind Sarge while the hulking man tried prying open the blast doors. His massive, augmented arms weren't only given the gift of strength, but also a specialized device that could disable magnetic shielding.
The blast doors were typiclaly held together by such a powerful magnetic force that opening them was impossible without first disabling it. With the control panels all shut down in this vault, there wasn't a way to open there doors. At least, not without Sarge's special arms.
Slowly the 1-ton doors were squeaking and spreading apart. Gajjet was running in place anxiously as the doors opened. She lookecd back for a moment. The sound of bullet firing had stopped, the clicking the the firing mechanism had not.
Blood. A fountian of crimson and entrails flowing out from what what left of Carlyle. His torso had been shredded apart from his ribs up. The arms were barely still hanging out by tendons, but his grip on his rifle's trigger wasn't letting up. Despite no rounds being present in the gun, the mechanism kept trying to shoot.
I opened my eyes wide and took in the sight before me. Ignoring the gore of my friend, I stared at the aberration before me. A creature with a worm-like body, but an eagle's face. Two long arms protruding from under its neck with spindly limbs, stretching out, one elbow joint, and stick-like finger all with a large talon at the end. The body has dozens of rows of smaller taloned feet.
The eagle face twisted and looked at me upside down, then rights its position and stares at the girl on my back. A screech. A terrifying, blood chilling sound that sent my mind into a dark place. I couldn't move. I imagined this beast tearing me limb from limb. I watched it lower its body and start the crawl across the ground at an incredible speed.
Why am I frozen? I want to run and shout for Sarge to save me. I want him to have that door open. Then we can both go. I'll take the girl. I'll be the one to tell Carlyle's parents about him. I just want to move. I want to run. I can't…. I can't.
I can't move my legs. I can't speak. I can't turn to look behind me. I just watch this creature slithered closer and closer. It's only a few feet away.
It lunges. It's a foot away. I feel my body freeze to receive the attack. I move.
My body is being pulled. I don't understand anything about it. As I fly backwards, I see a large arm. Muscular. Dark. A little hairy. Bits of metal breaking through the skin that I could see. Sarge.
"Get going! You got this!"
I flew through the air. I felt control come back in this moment. I turned my body. I knew the girl was on my back. I can't land on her.
It stings. My face scraped across the concrete below me. My chest was pressed tightly against it. I involutnarily took in a deep breath. This almost hurt just as bad as the landing.
Was I paralyzed? Was it fear? Was it a spell? I couldn't figure it out. I lifted my body with girl still clinging to my back. She seemed to at least know to hold tight.
"Shit, Sarge, thanks. Save my ass. Let's get going."
I didn't hear a response. I didn't really hear anything. After standing up, leaving the girl sitting next to me, I turned my head around. I just see the magnetically shut blast doors. Sarge wasn't with me.
Chapter 0.3 - Soft
A wall of black. Conrete with paint as dark as we could find or manufacture. On the wall are indentations, names. Carved into the wall, painted in with white.
Yorrick "Sarge" Bartman, Sargeant of the Vault Breaker Corp.
I stared at those words. I couldn't stop recalling those final memories of the event back then.
I pounded my fists against that blast door.
I screamed.
I cried.
Blood was splashing against my face, staining my eyes. It ran down my arms.
How long did I scream and cry and hit and bleed….?
How long was that girl holding me back? With all the faulting strength in that feeble self?
Until I stopped hitting the door, she wrapped her arms around me and tried to pull me back. I wasn't sane. She seemed to react to that.
Her hand now was resting on my shoulder. It was a soft and white hand. Skin that seemed to never grow old. I looked at my hands and saw the wrinkles beginning to form.
That's right. All this happened thirty years ago, didn't it? I've become much older. Never really lost my edge. Only actually got better at what I did. Breaking into Vaults and recovering crazy tech from ages lost. I killed aberrations left and right with the best of the best gear.
I missed that rifle I had back then, though. I thought about going to get it sometime, but got cold feet about what I would see if I ever breached those doors again.
I looked up from that soft hand at the face of the girl. A soft smile. Everything about her was soft. Her emerald green eyes. The hair on her head was a soft, pale blonde. Almost white, really. Platinum? Maybe that's the right word for it.
Her lips were thin. Like she'd been sick and never got better. But the warmth and life that radiated from her contradicted that feeling entirely.
I never learned her name. She never could tell me. Not a word ever escaped those pale lips. Nothing ever was told to me about her. But she showed me.
She showed me that she worried.
She showed me tears.
She showed me terror.
I took care of her for a long time when we got back to the Vault Breaker HQ. From the Vault we escaped, it was about two weeks of travel through the Desert Sector to get back to the Igneol Domain.
Provisions were all lost when we escaped the Vault. I had to fight and procure just enough to keep us alive for that time. Whenever I left to hunt, she'd be inconsolable. Once I returned, she'd hang onto me like a lost child. Or a puppy.
When we returned, she slept for three days in room. I stayed in Carlyle's room for that time. I wasn't able to go home until after she woke up and we could examine her.
I made sure to call Gage, though. He was worried sick. I didn't realize that we were in the vault for a nine days longer than what everyone thought. The trip back should have been only three days with the whole group. Maybe five days if Carlyle didn't make it. But it took Gajjet and this girl two weeks.
The contract detailed that it would take five days to enter, scout, and retrieve all valuables. It showed all signs of being a Class 3 Vault. That's why I went along. They needed one of the best fighters readily available to make sure they could survive the aberrations in a Class 3. Couldn't wait an extra month to call in an expert Runner. I wasn't an expert, but I knew all there was to know about Class 3's.
Shit wasn't actually a Class 3, though. I couldn't tell you what I'd classify it as. It was just Hell. Those things were stronger and stranger than anything that had been seen before. There were more of them than in any other Vault ever recorded.
The tech in there was beyond their wildest imaginations, too. Wires, tubing, blinking lights, pods filled with fluid and weird masses of flesh and gore floating and contorting within. It was in one of those pods that this girl was found.
After examinations, we learned that she possessed a mixed set of DNA. She was a human, but had the same structures found in various aberrations. Everything about her seemed human until we saw that.
There aren't any signs of her being a danger. She ate, slept, relived herself, and even ovulated. Over about a whole year study, they deemed that she was fine to live with me as her guardian.
I welcomed her into my home. Gage, my husband, did everything he could to prepare enough space for her. We had an extra room for when my mother came to visit, but she passed some time ago. We let her sleep there. Gage fixed it up and dusted it. It was a nice room.
My children were scared of her at first since she didn't speak. But after giving them some warm smiles and tender strokes of the hair, they warmed up to her.
Oh yeah, my kids were only six and four at the time. Harper, the elder sister, was protective and wanted to make sure was was seen as strong all the time. She took after me way too much. I always wished she would be a bit more calm like her father.
Her younger brother, Varun, was an interesting kid, though. He seemed fascinated with everything I brought home to add to my armory. I always made sure to bring it home, clean it, tinker, and tune before taking it back to HQ to have readied for my next deployment.
When his eyes locked onto whatever gun, blade, or armor piece I was working on, he'd sit and stare as I'd work with it. It seems like he'll be a fine man to join the Vault Breakers one day.
But as far as how my family felt about this girl I brought back, they treated her like she belonged very quickly. With time, she began to become more expressive. She'd showed emotions and react with various expressions to different events of conversations. She couldn't ever speak, though.
It wasn't for a lack of trying, though. My husband and I took time to arrange some lessons with a friends of ours. She taught at a school nearby and typically helped young children learn the basics of language and arithmetic.
The lessons never really took off though. Not to lack of effort, but the tutoring couldn't ever take off since she was physically unable to make sounds with her voice. It was like she didn't have one at all.
I took her to have some more exams performed with her consent and learned something that was missed initially. She didn't have properly formed vocal cords. The reason for this was unknown, but she didn't have the ability to produce sound the same way as use.
We eventually taught her a common form of sign language that we have here in the Igneol Domain. It's a bit different in other places, but, she was able to learn it fast and get along with others quickly.
I couldn't be happier if I'm being honest. I taught her many things about how to live in this place and what we all do to survive. I taught her to communicate with writing and signs. I taught her what it was to have a family. She became someone important to me and my family. It's a shame we could never learn more about her. But really, that wasn't important to us anymore.
[I still remember Sarge. So strong and big. I still remember your sadness. You're still sad, though. Right?]
"Yeah, Del. I don't think that's ever going to go away. He helped raise me into who I am. He introduced me to my husband. He named my son. He saved both of us with his last action that we could remember him by. Not being able to thank him for all of that is going to stay with me forever, I think."
[Then I am going to have to try extra hard to make things fun tonight!]
"Tonight? Oh shit, yeah… It's my birthday. Sixty-three…"
[And still beautiful.]
"You're a joker, you know that? You never age a day. Still as pretty as when I pulled you out of that Vault. What I'd give for that."
"Okay! I get it. But one day, you're going to need to use those looks of yours, you know. Get you a partner. You're totally capable of loving someone and being loved, you know?"
[Hey, hey, hey! I get it! Stop it with that! I'll get to that when I'm good and ready!]
"Hah! At this rate, you'll be meeting someone at my funeral."
[No fair! I've had my eyes on certain man, actually. Maybe I'll have to bring him as a date to the funeral.]
"Oh-ho-ho! Getting cheeky now, ey? And who is this man? I haven't met him have I?"
Del. Delilah. I gave her that name shortly after we brought her into our home. My kids wouldn't put up with just calling her "auntie" the whole time. Delilah was my own aunt's name. She was a kind woman. Someone who cared for her family. Someone who would offer a shoulder to cry on. Someone who learned from everything around her. Delilah felt life the name that she should have. When I told her this, she cried. She hugged me and signed to me.
[I love it! I'm happy as Delilah!]
I carried on with teasing Delilah for some time. She wouldn't ever give me the name of that man. At least not til she was ready to ask him out. Then she needed all the advice she could get.
Over many years, I thought about the time we spent together. I risked my life for everything I beleived in. I wanted our society to flourish. And so I brought back a small piece of tech that did just that. The same time I brought back the girl that I'd give the name Delilah.
She was someone who cared for me. Someone who grew as a person and who would laugh and love with all of us as a family. She became a friend. And sister to me. And auntie to my children. She became a mother to her own. Delilah was someone who could live a full life filled with the warmth of those she loved. The same warmth and love she would give to us all. I love Delilah so much. I continued to love Delilah. For the rest of my life.
That life of mine was never dull since she appeared. Not ever. Not even til the day I died. She held my hand in hers. In her soft hands. With her soft smile. The first time I felt them, I was crying, screaming, and bleeding. Now, I'm still, calm, and happy. Happy that I died with this friend by my side.
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binniesoob · 8 months
the plan was to write a fun and light-hearted review but i guess that's not in the cards for me today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here's a bunch of feelings instead!
(no lore, literally just a lil rambling. feel free to ignore ofc - i'll probably post some unhinged reviewy thoughts later anyway :)
soooo... since this morning I've been trying to write a fangirling review full of memes for the name chapter: freefall like i've done before for other albums or their previews. you know, to have fun and scream about how good they sound or that line that made me go feral! and i do have something for a couple songs that i'll probably post later, but overall i kept failing because honestly that's not what feels right right now.
apart from back for more and do it like that (that are like an ass shaking break from dehydrating yay), i honestly sobbed my ass out with this album and i'm on the verge of doing it again as i'm writing this and listening to it.
the aspect that affected me the most was the lyrics and the way they delivered them. you can hear and tell how much txt grew musically. their vocals are really really great in every track, their styles more defined, and their overall group color too. they got back to the genres that fits them best (i think) - rock and disco -, experimented new ones - 80's new wave -, and something in between - rnb with dreamer that literally devastated destroyed demolished me btw, in more ways than one. when txt said in interviews and at the comeback showcase too that they keep trying to deliver relatable lyrics about their own struggles and feelings as well as their peers and the young, they weren't joking or overestimating themselves, they really are.
this album feels very personal to me. txt's songs always did, but with this i think we reached a new peak. i connected to it heart and soul.
personally, probably the one thing i love most about txt is how we share being in our twenties at the same time and how, despite different ethnicities, backgrounds, experiences etc, we are connected by our feelings and are able to sympathise with eachother and help eachother out, like, ahh... it just warms my heart. their music feels so close to me and that's honestly what any musician needs for them to become my favourite. once i connect on a deep level with their music that's literally all it takes.
I haven't opened up about this on tumblr before, but i've been pretty depressed this year. that's also part of the reason why i haven't been that active, together with being busy with uni stuff. i did had good days, i've been hanging in there, trying to focus on the good things in my life, but overall it's been hard, and i'm trying my best to get better soon because it's been tiring. i get so angry at myself because i have so many things in my life to be happy and grateful for, but i still get anxious and i'm still unsatisfied. i've been so frustrated about where i am in life, all the things i expected to be different by now, that i want to change but still can't, i've grown beyond impatient.
so, today, this album felt like the kind of understanding hug i've been looking for this year. growing pains is probably going to become what can't you see me was for me during the pandemic - an outlet to vent my anger and frustrations. chasing that feeling is going to be what take me home by ateez also is for me - my reminder to keep chasing what feels like home despite the hardships. dreamer is literally me condensed into a song (!?). deep down is there to remind me that even if my peculiarities can feel like a burden they're part of my identity and they shouldn't feel like it. happily ever after says it's okay even if things didn't go as i planned them, to embrace my failures and keep going even if life it's not a fairytale and it's unpredictable. i'll find my way. skipping stones feels like reading one of my journal entries where i write to my past and future self. and blue spring, a promise, has been here for me everyday since i heard it at the concert. with this album i didn't feel alone anymore, i felt that company and reassurance in a way i struggled to find until now, and i'm deeply grateful to txt for that 🤍
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safyresky · 1 year
(25 Days of Christmas Prompts)
Took a hot minute to think of an idea, but then I did, and now I can't stop cackling about it lmao. May I offer you all some fucking uh, Twin Princes in these trying times? >:).
And sorry for the delay! Got hit with probably strep and have been sprite sleeping all week, I shit you all not 😶
"What in the BLAZES do you THINK you are DOING."
"Apparently a sootier job at sneaking around the ballroom than I thought."
Blaise frowned, crossing his arms and glaring at his twin. He had done his mingling, he had said hi to Mother Nature and the Seasons and the other fancy Legends and Myths and Folktales and Magibeans that were visiting! He had done all the stupid prince soot and thought he had managed to blend into the crowd well enough. He was so close when he felt the magical pull in the air, was TRIPPED by it, and then dragged under the refreshment table really rudely, actually, he thought directly at his twin.
"HEY. It's not as rude as you sneaking around and causing trouble."
"I'm not causing trouble," Blaise insisted, still flat on the floor.
Pyros frowned. He was half sitting, half squatting under the table, his staff laying across his knees, the red gem suspended between the tips of the crescent moon still glowing. "Yes you are."
"No I'm not! You have literally zero proof, Pyros. ZERO."
"You're always causing trouble, and then you get me into trouble!" Pyros hissed. "Stupid. We're the Twin Princes. Whatever you do, I also get blamed for! We're supposed to be refined and charming and soot. Act like it!"
"Act like it," Blaise mocked, blowing a raspberry.
"Seriously?!" Pyros asked. "What is wrong with you."
"Me? What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?! You know, you used to be fun."
"Who says I'm not?"
"Me. You. Mom. Literally everyone. You're so serious these days."
Pyros sighed, sitting down with a huff. His staff dissipated. "You know, we're fifteen hundred and twenty-seven, oh brother of mine. Pretty sure that's old enough to smarten up and start getting serious. We're going to blink and Mom and Dad will have to pick one of us to be King next. It's coming up fast, you know."
Blaise wiggled his toes. Then his feet. Magic bindings gone, he sat up, bonking his head on the table.
"Watch your head."
"Gee, thanks."
Blaise rubbed his head, the lack of flames once more reminding him how tired he was of all the princely shenanigans. He sighed.
"Aren't you tired of it?" Blaise asked.
"Tired of what?"
"Everything. Tired of the lessons on lessons and the you must hone your warlock craft to be the most powerful rulers you can be and the etiquette and behave like princes and the EVERYTHING?!"
"The Warlock heritage is fascinating. I don't know why you don't like it."
"I am not a thinker, I am a doer."
"I've noticed," Pyros said dryly. "You know, a good King both thinks and does. You should really look into the thinking part."
"All we do is think!" Blaise exclaimed, pulling himself up against the table leg. "Do you know how much thinking I do on the daily to keep up the Prince stuff? SO much thinking. I'm tired of it. I just want to shut my brain off for a bit and do something I like."
"Like what?" Pyros asked, unsure why he was even entertaining his Twin. He slid over, joining his brother against the other table leg, just as hunched over as him. They were getting much too tall for this.
"I want to be able to have my hair lit when we're at these stupid things! I want to be able to use my staff the way I want to, not how Mother deems it appropriate. I want to talk to all of the magibeans in the kingdom, like we're just magibeans! I am tired of all the princely soot, Pyros. Aren't you?"
Pyros frowned, hugging his knees to his chest. "I'll tell you what I am tired of."
"My face? My attitude? My pants untucked from my boots?"
"No. I'm tired of this ball," he admitted, gesturing out beyond the white tablecloth hiding the two princes. "But you should tuck your pants back in, it looks bad."
"You're the one who tripped me," Blaise said, shoving the pants back into his boots and straightening his tunic. "So this is your fault."
"No it's not! It's yours for sneaking around the ballroom like that! What even were you doing?!"
Blaise flushed.
"She was the last person I had to talk to. I save the best for last," Blaise admitted, running his hand through his messy orange hair. "We got to talking about dessert."
"Do you mean like, dessert dessert or like, you know..." Pyros puckered his lips, making horrible smooching sounds.
"Stop it!" Blaise hissed, whacking Pyros's stomach. His twin let out a whoosh, the kissy face smacked right off of him, much to Blaise's delight.
"What, do you not kiss and tell?"
Blaise flushed even more.
"Goddess of the springs, you don't even kiss!"
"Pyros, I will frost you up. Don't test me." Blaise sighed. "Besides. She's one of the SEASONS! I can't just waltz up to her and smooch her. But I want to. Really bad."
"Hey. You asked."
"You know, if you were King, you could totally just walk up to her and pucker up."
"That would be an abuse of power if there ever was one. Besides, I think if I even tried to make a move she'd freeze me solid."
"Oh, that'd be nice."
"You are my meanest sibling."
"I am your only sibling."
"And thank the GODS for that."
"Well now you're being rude."
The Twin Princes sat in silence for a bit, listening to the idle chatter around them.
"So. Dessert?"
"Yeah. We were talking about how good it all looked and Winter—"
"—her snowiness."
"Right. Well. She mentioned how good the cupcakes looked. And she's right! They look delicious."
"Right? The icing is sparkling in the light!"
"I know! And they smell tantalizing."
"That's a big word for you, brother," Pyros teased.
"I know some words," Blaise teased back with a sideways smirk.
Pyros chuckled. "You decided, then, 'frost proper protocols, I am going to go over there and steal a cupcake for the lovely snowy season, and I am going to ogle her the entire way so that Pyros notices and stops me before I ruin the banquet for the both of us and get us into trouble, once again'?"
"That is a sooty Blaise impersonation."
"I thought it was rather good, personally."
"No. It sucked."
"You suck."
"YOU suck!" Blaise replied fiercely, his hair briefly lighting up. He sighed, composing himself, the tiny flames going out, his hair smoking. "But yeah, no, that was my plan. Except for that last bit. And I was not ogling her!"
"Yes you were."
Blaise huffed, turning his face away from his brother. "I was not. Eat soot and die, Pyros."
"I hope my pile of ashes trips you," Pyros replied in kind.
"I have decided that if I become King, I am going to change up banquets SO bad," Blaise said, slicing a hand through the air. "None of this 'no eating until specific times' soot, or 'desserts are for decoration' crap. I am going to make it like. Like cocktail hour. Wine AND dine, and if you want to eat a cupcake, you can just EAT IT. No need to wait for the next meal or the masters of the house to go first!"
"That sounds chaotic."
"It sounds ideal. And we would be eating cupcakes right now instead of waiting for the dessert bell, assuming we're even going to get to eat those delectable looking sweets today." Blaise sighed. "What about you?"
"What about me?"
"What would you do?"
"If we weren't royalty?"
"Yeah! If you didn't have the royalty thing to think about, and could just Pyros it up, what would you want to do? What would you do?"
Pyros thought for a moment. "I'd become the greatest Warlock there ever was. I'd learn it ALL. And I'd do it my way. And I'd also light up my hair in the banquet hall, too, I think. I mean, I'm not fond of it but my ponytail would look good on fire. But just that."
"It would look good," Blaise agreed.
"And I'd probably allow free reign of the desserts, too. I'm starving." Pyros frowned thoughtfully in the direction of the desserts. "Tell you what, Blaise."
"I'll cover for you if and ONLY if you get me a cupcake, too."
Blaise brightened, quite literally. "Really?"
"Really. But it has to be one of the fruity ones. No chocolate or vanilla and if I even see a marble cupcake come my way. I'll loose it. I mean it. I'll blow this banquet hall to smithereens. I'm already this close," he said, pinching his thumb and finger together with barely any space between them.
"You got yourself a deal," Blaise said with a grin, sticking out his hand.
"Good," Pyros said, leaving Blaise hanging as he whipped around. "Now then. Let's go, shall we? We're too old to be crawling under tables," he said, crawling towards the ballroom side.
"Says the guy who pulled ME under the table," Blaise scoffed, following Pyros's lead.
The twins poked their heads out from under the table. Everyone seemed occupied; The Queen was deep in conversation with Mother Nature. The Seasons were close by her, talking amongst themselves. The other Important Magibeans were occupied as well, the King making his rounds with each group. Presently he was with the Queen of the Fairies, the pair laughing up a storm.
"Looks like we're clear," Blaise said, poking back under the table cloth, Pyros following. The pair poked out from the other side of the table, rushing behind one of the exuberant stone pillars and plastering themselves against it.
"So, what's the plan, genius?"
"Illusions," Pyros replied, clapping his hands together and pulling them apart, his staff reappearing.
"Hang on, don't start casting yet. Let me clean us up," Blaise said, twirling his hand and summoning his own staff. He gently tapped the floor, the small blue gem at the centre of the carved flames glowing.
With a WHOOSH, both princes outfits were tidied up. Wrinkles disappeared, dust flying away in the magic gust. Pants were tucked into boots; boots were suddenly looking extra shiny. Tippets were straightened, tunics smoothed out, even their hair was tidied up!
"Nice one," Pyros said.
"I clean up well," Blaise replied with a grin. "Now you can cast! But I'm helping. I'm not having illusion Blaise act the way you did with that bad bad BAD impersonation."
"Like you could do better," Pyros said, standing straight, putting his staff on the ground and eyeing the doors.
"Of course I could, I am me," Blaise replied, mirroring Pyros's stance and ignoring his eyeroll. "And, I can do a much better Pyros impersonation than you can Blaise."
"Oh really?"
"You are being very immature right now, you know. Of course I can. It's not hard," Blaise said with a sniff.
"...okay, that was pretty good."
"I know," Blaise said with a grin. "Ready for dessert?"
"Of course I am," Pyros replied, and with two stony SMACKS, both staffs lit up, and a pair of Twin Princes—looking as regal as can be—came in through the main doors.
"Alright, let's go," Blaise said, shoving his staff behind him, tucked into his belt.
"That's poor staff practise," Pyros said, holding on tightly to his as he sprinted after his brother.
They plastered themselves to the next pillar, the desserts one more pillar away. "You're poor staff practise."
"That doesn't even make sense."
Off to the next one they went, the desserts right in sight.
"Okay, if I sprint, I don't think anyone will see me. I can duck under the table and just—"
"Blaise. Just turn invisible," Pyros said, looking at Blaise like he was the dumbest person alive (which probably he was, Pyros often thought).
"Oh! Oh, I forgot all about that."
"HOW?!" Pyros asked, exasperated. "You literally do it all the time!"
"I don't know! I was so distracted by how I was going to do it that I very briefly lived in a world where we could not do that. Also, you pulled me under a table!"
"That has nothing to do with anything!"
"But I'm still mad about it," Blaise said with a frown, disappearing. "What flavour do you want?"
"Strawberry," Pyros decided. "And make it fast. Mother's looking right at the illusions. Suspiciously."
"Got it," Blaise said, heading towards the dessert table. Invisibly.
Pyros kept his staff tight in his hands, using as much concentration as possible to keep up the illusion twins. He glanced over at the dessert table. A few cupcakes were floating in the air.
"Stupid," Pyros mumbled to himself, tapping the side of his staff. The cupcakes disappeared from view. He glanced back over at the illusion twins. Queen Frost was making her way towards them, all business.
"Frostbite," Pyros hissed. He glanced around, thinking towards Blaise. Mother is heading towards our illusions, move it or loose it Blaise!
I'm moving it! Reconvene where Mom just was?
Sure, Pyros replied mentally, rushing over to the other side of the ball room. Queen Frost had made her way towards the illusions.
They stared at her.
She stared back.
I'm here, I'm here, he replied, becoming visible again. "Just let me do the talking," Blaise said, pulling his staff out from his belt.
"Oh no."
The Blaise illusion grinned, saying something.
Queen Frost's lips met in a tight line. With a wave, she dissipated the illusions. The crowd around them gasped, looking around.
"Boys," Queen Frost said, unamused. "What are you up to?"
Blaise pipped up now, his staff in his hand, just like Pyros's. "Ta-da!" he said loudly, everyone turning to look at the Twin Princes. "Just practising our casting, Mother."
"What a remarkable display of magic! How very well done," Winter said, nudging her sisters.
"Yeah! That was amazing! You can make copies of yourselves? Dang! Nice!" Summer said.
"And handy," Autumn chipped in.
"Bravo!" Spring said, clapping.
Soon enough, the entire hall was clapping, Blaise taking a bow, nudging his twin to do the same.
"Thank you, thank you," Blaise said with a cheeky grin. "We're here all night!"
The crowd disengaged, turning back to their private conversations. Blaise breathed a sigh of relief.
"That was far too close," Pyros said. "Pay up."
Blaise waved his staff. A pink cupcake floated out from behind his back. "As promised, and not marble. So please don't blow us up. And if you do, wait until I finish, please. Now, if you'll excuse me," he said, dissipating his staff in favour of the two remaining cupcakes, and rushing off towards Winter, pulling her aside.
"Gross," Pyros said out loud, peeling the wrapper and taking a bite. He glanced up; the other three seasons were grinning at him, Summer right in front, Autumn and Spring on either side.
"SO," Summer said. "Where's our reward for covering for you two, your royal majesty?"
Pyros sighed. I am going to kill that brother of mine, he thought, as he summoned his staff for round two of operation: dessert.
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fuzzywhiteduck · 1 year
Can I sleep?
- Connor, get up, they're coming. -
Connor got up. His eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep, his head light due to the sudden movement, his ears ringing with the infinite buzz of the turbines. He was struggling to adjust his eyesight to the red light of the emergency system but he nonetheless found his father's hand. He saw it stretched out in front of him, ready to guide him through the dark corridors of the now desolate spaceship.
He grabbed it and started moving forward. His father's pull was just enough to get his legs to move while he still tried to fully wake up. They ran for a while turning corners and going through long straight echoing corridors when finally his father said.
- Come on champ. Their right on our tail. I fell asleep for a moment and I... I'm sorry kiddo, it's my bad. I shouldn't have fallen asleep. -
Connor shook his head in dissent.
- Don't worry daddy. I know you're very tired. It's ok. -
His father stopped and tried to listen carefully to every sound of the now derelict ship.
- Thank you kiddo... I can't hear them anymore, I think they stopped chasing us. -
They both sat on the cold floor and looked down the corridor they just came from, worrying that at any moment they would see them running towards them.
- Daddy? -
- ... Y-yes kiddo? -
- I think I'm quite awake right now. Why don't you take your nap turn now? I'll keep guard. -
- ... I don't know champ... You're very kind for saying that but, what if you fall asleep like I did just now? No. We can't afford the risk... -
- But daddy, you haven't slept in days. You always let me take my nap turns and you don't... If you don't sleep a bit you won't be able to keep guard while I nap. -
His father thought about it for a second. His son was right, if he didn't go to sleep soon he would surely collapse the next time Connor took a nap. And who knows what would've happen then.
He looked at his son in the eyes and said
- Ok champ you got me... But only twenty minutes, a power nap if you will. Then you wake me up, alright? -
- Alright daddy. -
His father rubbed his son's head and gave him a small tap on the head.
- You've always been such a brave soldier kiddo. -
He then rested his head on one of his arms, laid on the floor and closed his eyes.
He felt something touching his shoulder, it was small and round. It was poking him. Come on, already?! Did twenty minutes passed already? He literally just laid down to sleep. Could it be? He felt the poking again, this time with a bit more force. Maybe, if he just pretend not to notice it for long enough he would get five more minutes of beautiful, restful sleep.
He heard the poking on his shoulder again and then...
...the searing pain of something puncturing his skin and sinking deep until it reached his bone. He opened his eyes screaming his lungs out. He wished he'd never done it.
They were there, right in front of him, but where was Connor? Panic took the place of physical agony for a moment, and then it stopped.
Everything stopped. And he was sleeping again, but he would never wake up.
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