#I'm not an idiot
horsechestnut · 1 year
I can’t believe I’m letting myself get queerbaited by Riverdale in the year of our lord 2023.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 1 month
I don't think I'm cut out to be an intellectual, I have been noticing a lot in the last year in particular that I kind of shoot from the hip and think that things are basically similar and interrelated and I keep crashing against people who insist that everything is utterly distinct and unique and nothing has anything to do with anything else
If I were being generous with my peers I would say perhaps I am not rigorous enough but if I'm being honest I feel like I'm just insufficiently pedantic
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HE PRAYED TO GOD WHEN HE SAW ADAM *tears*. Here for the angry domestic dreamer with a heart of gold and his dangerous ambitious forest boy. The ultimate playlist.
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reallifepotato · 2 years
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someinstant · 1 year
I'm at a diner for lunch on New Year's Day, and I love how there's such a clear divide between the post-church crowd and everyone else. Like, I'm over here with sandpaper eyes and a t-shirt with a hole at the collar and my hair is still wet from the shower I took at noon and I'm in my third glass of water, and Khaki McPolo over here is talking so loudly about his golf game that I am considering murder.
Luckily, my server is in the same boat as me. Pablo understands that all I want is for food and water to arrive in front of me. I understand that all Pablo wants is for me not to make his hungover life any more difficult than it already is. And a good tip. Which he will get, because Khaki McPolo looks like he's the type to tip 5% and write HAVE A BLESSED DAY in the ticket.
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catierambles · 2 years
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either English is not this spoofers first language, or their reading comprehension sucks.
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retrocontinuity · 2 years
In your analysis of jjk 0 (which was brilliant and really deep? like it touched on things that I personally hadn’t even considered) you did state at the end that you were a satosugu anti, I was genuinely wondering is there a reason for that? Or are you not a fan of the pairing?
This is such a funny question that I'm going to answer it because I'm actually not sure the last time I talked about My Feelings on Ships/OTPs and it's always nice to revive the topic.
First, thank you for reading the JJK0 post!! I appreciate your kind words, especially since I feel like I didn't say much of anything interesting at all. I'm excited to rewatch the movie now that it's available for streaming simply bc I do love the opening sequence with Yuta at the Tokyo campus so very, very much. Just incredible use of MAPPA resources.
Second, a thing to know about me is that I'm notoriously contrary about ships. This doesn't mean I don't like shipping, quite the opposite -- I actually love contemplating and coming up with stupidly complex fic ideas for a bunch of different ships. I am a big advocate of treating shipping, and esp. creating content with ships, as a brain exercise rather than a religion. My ships don't need to be real! No ships (and thus all ships!) are real!  I can be easily convinced to consider writing a fic for a ship simply bc I see one piece of fanart or one manga panel where they interact in a weird way. But the flip side of this is that the more obvious (at least in a fandom way) a ship is, the more likely I am to overly scrutinize it. Probably for the last two decades I've had exactly one and only one OTP that I can rely on other people enjoying (Kagami/Kuroko from KNB). My other deeply held pairing opinions are suspicious nonsense things like "Sousuke and Nitori from Free! should be reunited as adults where they conduct an ambivalent but ultimately formative relationship" and "I've read only 150 chapters of HQ but I think Oikawa should have (bad) sex with a woman."
So, when I say I'm a Known SatoSugu anti, I'm 75% joking and 25% reacting to a whole bunch of things, none of which are intended to be a verdict about other people's feelings on the ship, which like all shipping opinions are valid and theirs to have and cherish! It's not about whether or not I think the ship is "real" -- it's obvious to me that to the extent Gege means for that relationship to be very real, even if it is not explicitly romantic, Getou and Gojou are very real, and they parallel other explicitly romantic (if juvenile) relationships, namely Yuta and Rika. In fact my issue might be that it's too real. I don't have any room to interpret or expand on the themes of their relationship because it's all spelled out in the flashback arc and Shibuya Incident. It's obviously very sad, and a story about loss, and I simply have nothing else to say about it. Gojou is a sad pathetic man who misses his best friend that he killed with his own hands -- ok! What else am I supposed to do with that information! (jk but only sort of)
For my taste, and my taste only, this is just one of those relationships where there's both too much and not enough in the canon. I wish we had more of what their interactions were like when they were younger to really help me develop a theory as to why they were drawn so strongly to each other (other than just, Gojou is unbearable so only Shoko and Getou could bear him (jk but only sort of)). I want to know what happened in the in between, after Getou leaves polite jujutsu society and becomes a wanted man. But I also don't know if it matters because, ultimately their story is just a really sad diary of Gojou's feelings that set the scene for the present but doesn't have any bearing on the future (Getou being functionally dead) that I'm interested in. This is a more extreme version of why the Teikou arc from KNB didn't do much for me as well, and why I tend to like the intraschool pairings in that series more than ex-Teikou with each other (so, e.g., Kise/Kasamatsu over Kise/Aomine or Kagami/Kuroko over Akashi/Kuroko). It feels to me like gilding and regilding deadwood. Any thoughts I have about this pairing and what I could add to their story are constrained by its tragic end, which happened way before any of the current story even started. Now, if you wanted to hear my thoughts on Gojou/Nanami in the aftermath...
Last, but not least, I… simply don't find Gojou that interesting…. as a character…. but that's a story for another time. I shall not be cancelled today, thanks!!
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oediex · 21 days
I'm having some food delivered due to lacking the energy to cook. The latter is a common occurrence lately, but tonight I refuse to go without a filling meal.
When the deliver person is finally on their way, the message reads that they will deliver a meal elsewhere first. No problem. I don't mind the wait.
It's on the other side of the city. I live to the north of it; the first delivery point is to the south. The restaurant is in the centre. "But don't worry", the company tells me, "there won't be a delay to your delivery!"
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crowleys-hips · 3 months
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twisting-echo · 4 months
Sorry, I thought u were the homophon one.
I accept your apology, but please make sure that you get your facts straight before you accuse someone of doing something serious like being homophobic and throwing insults.
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archfey-edda · 6 months
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kitten-of-change · 7 months
// also the banner's still celebi from the thing
//I left that on purpose because Elisa is important too, and deserves recognition
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tardxsblues · 10 months
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Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other. We talk all the time. We've been talking for millions of years. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. I say something brilliant, and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great. You never say what you're really thinking.
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pseudospectre · 8 months
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pineapple-frenzy · 2 months
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Book 2 au: sparring sessions and short hair katara
They like to have sparring sessions in order to keep their bending skills sharp. They allow themselves to go all out and not hold back at all cause they know if anyone got hurt, Katara could just heal them
But anyways, wouldn't it be kinda funny if Zuko accidentally burned Katara's hair tho? Aofkqldkkajfjd
The "I think we can save the hairloops" line is from @linnoya-writes thank you for that!! :>>
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