#I'm having a nightmare trying to work out who could be dennis
weedle-testaburger · 1 month
ok but consider: laios' party as the always sunny gang? the problem is I'm not sure who would be who
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ally-holmes · 2 years
Nancy’s Wedding | Steve Harrington x Reader (ch.7)
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Series Masterlist
Chapter Six.
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader.
Word count: 5371
WARNING: disgusting descriptions of what happened to Y/N in the Upside Down.
Nancy's Wedding | Chapter Seven.
Denny knocked on the door for the third time to make sure, again, that she was still alive. She was alive, but she wasn't great. For the last three hours, Y/N had been locked in the bathroom.
The moment she arrived home, she slept until Denny came back from work in the afternoon, then, she spent hours reading and analyzing the information Steve had given her in the file. That unlocked something strong in her mind that rushed into her soul like a waterfall. She picked up paper and pencil and she drew and drew and drew and drew although her wrist hurt, and although her muscles were cramping, she drew. Monsters, places, people… She wasn't very skilled in human anatomy, so those drawings weren't as good as the monsters or the places, but they were still familiar.
She went inside the bathroom after a whole night of drawing and remembering. Her intention was to have a shower, clean the graphite, ink, and other marks off of her hands, wash her pain away and get some rest. Unfortunately, once naked, she stared at her reflection for so much time Denny started to get worried. Her scars were paler than her skin, and she had a bunch of them. Until this moment, she hadn't been able to remember how she got hurt and her mother once told her that she went into an accident, although she never gave her details. Now she was more aware of them. Some of them seemed to have been produced by claws, deep into her thigh and stomach; others looked like some kind of animal had torn her skin in their aim to eat her. She remembered the bats. Those scars on her body were left when she was only nine, with time they became part of her body, only noticeable because of the lighter tone and their rough edges.
Looking at her hands, covered with graphite and ink, all she could see was dried blood and wet dirt. She could feel them under her nails, deep down, unable to be washed completely. The memory of a chewing sound struck her mind; she remembered the bloody and raw meat she had to chew like gum, over and over, and over and over again, to have something to eat. Monster's meat.
She threw up.
"Y/N, dude, you're freaking me out!!" Denny wrestled with the door trying to open it.
Flushing the toilet, Y/N responded, "I'm fine!! I'm fine!! I'll shower now."
"If you're not out in ten minutes I'm breaking the fucking door."
Because she only had ten minutes (she strongly believed Denny was able to break the door), she took a quick and steamy shower treating her bandaged injuries carefully. Seven minutes later, she went out of the bathroom and Denny cleaned and covered the wound at the back of her head again. She had been very careful with the bandage on her sprained wrist.
Y/N waited until Denny went to work to pick up the phone and call Dustin Henderson.
"Dustin speaking, who is this?"
"Hi, I–"
"Y/N!!! You called!! I'm so glad you called. Are you alright? Did Steve apologize already? You kno–"
"Did he tell you?"
To her question, Dustin was silent for a few moments before sighing in sympathy. "He told me after the wedding. I scold him about what he had done at the party and then he– yeah, Steve told me about your time in the Upside Down."
"Is it real, then? All of it? All my nightmares, all the monsters… everything?"
"I'm sorry. I know it's shitty, but yeah, it's all true."
"Fuck the X-Files, man, they should do a documentary in Hawkins."
The man laughed. "I totally agree. So, how are you?"
"I don't really know."
"You can count on me. If you need someone to talk to, I'm available. We're friends now, remember?"
"Yeah," she smiled despite herself, "but I'm sure my three months were more intense than your adventures."
"I'm sure of it. By the way, do you remember how you survived for so long?"
"You don't want to know."
"Oh… that disgusting?"
"Yeah… Anyway I– I just needed to– I don't really know what I needed to, but you helped. Thank you, Dustin."
"Anytime. Take care."
"You too."
Although Steve had fulfilled his promise of visiting her to make sure she was alright, Denny had been the only one to answer the door, allowing both, Steve and Robin, to come into the living room and talk to her, but not with Y/N. Denny had become the guardian of her friend, who was still suffering the effects of her concussion, unlocked trauma, and nightmares that were so strongly violent that her screams woke the neighbors.
It was Friday night, nearly midnight when Denny came home with a strong reek of alcohol, not from her mouth but from her clothes. She was moody and was frowning and cursing under her breath. Y/N watched the whole display from the sofa slightly entertained.
"I'm such a loser," Denny claimed, throwing herself into the other side of the sofa, once she had changed into something clean.
"What happened?"
"I went to The Silver." With her grunt, Denny messed up her very short and colorful hair. "Do you remember I had a family dinner? Well, turns out that my dear mother was trying to set me up with a dude. A dude! Look, I get it, tradition is important for them, but I came out to them when I was in high school and they kicked me out! It's been a long way to be where I am and be comfortable with who I am. When my parents wanted to resume contact last winter I was thrilled. I thought they had finally accepted me, you know? I'm such a fool."
"You shouldn't blame yourself for keeping up the hope of being with your family."
"Yeah… Whatever. The point is that all this time they've been scheming. At least my mom had. She wants me to marry Robert Chen because his family is respectable and has money. I told her that we are in America, not in China. I am American. I was born and raised in Chicago, I don't play by her rules anymore. I'm not going to just lay down and accept to marry a man just because it's what she wants."
"What did you do when you saw it was a trap?"
"I introduce myself to Robert Chen saying 'Hi. I'm Denisse Wang, but please call me Denny. I'm twenty-eight. I work in a record store and I'm a lesbian. How are you?'. My mom went berserk, obviously."
"Did it make you feel better?"
"You had no idea. So much power in a few words. Anyway, so the dinner went down from there. Everything was very awkward. Once the torture was over a headed to The Silver."
"Why The Silver?" Y/N already knew the answer.
"I was expecting to see Robin," Denny mumbled. "She was in the kitchen, of course, so I just saw Spencer and Steve. I'm going to have to give points to Steve because every time he was free, he went to where I was and talked to me. And, more points, because he didn't talk about you the whole time, which I'm sure was a real effort seeing as you are his favorite topic."
"Shut up."
"He talked about Robin and it makes me think that she might be interested in me as much as I am in her. I mean, three years of you two working together and I have to meet the woman of my dreams when you fell down the stairs. That's destiny. Serendipity!"
"I didn't know you were that romantic. Is sickening."
"How did you end up covered in liquor?"
"Some drunk asshole dropped his Silver Sin all over me!! That top was fucking new!"
After the conversation, they went to their rooms. While Denny was having a deserved rest on her bed, Y/N was looking at the extraordinary amount of new drawings that had pilled out on her desk. She stared at them for long hours.
"This is our only chance. Listen to me, honey, I want you to run as fast as you can to the door open in that tree."
Her dad pointed to the tree the flower-face monster had used to go out and drag inside a dying dear. The door, as they've been calling it since God knows when, was some sort of membrane that pulsed with colors from purple to magenta. The bark used to grow faster to cover the membrane. Because the flower-face monster was bigger than the ones they had found on the journey, the bark was growing slower.
She looked at her dad again. He was dirty, skinny, and covered in dry blood. His beard had never been this long, it made him look older. He had been limping since their last encounter with one of the monsters, and it seemed like the blood kept coming out from the wound in his stomach.
They had learned fast in that world that the monsters were drawn by the smell of blood, therefore they had been covering their clothes and wounds with dirt and blood from the monster they had killed while trying to survive. Monsters they tried to feed from.
He put his hand, big, calloused, and heavy, on her head. It was a goodbye.
"Run. As fast as you can and don't look back."
The girl nodded, eyes fierce and brave. He approached the monster as quietly as he could before stabbing him in the back with his hunting knife; a very big and sharp knife he always took with him on the woods excursions with his child and that on this occasion had helped him to protect and feed his daughter. The monster, being bigger than the ones they were used to, howled in pain before turning towards him with a very pissed growl.
Y/N ran. Ran as if her life depended on it because it was. She went through the mushy door, the bark making the door smaller and smaller. The warm air of the end of June was fresh in comparison to the one she was leaving behind. The light was so bright for her eyes that it took a few efforts to finally be able to open both of her eyes again. As she turned towards the door, which kept closing, waiting for her father to cross it too, she saw how the monster had wrapped his flower-face around her dad's head; his body convulsed like a fish out of water, and then he went limp. The monster inserted his claws into the human's body and tore it apart.
She didn't scream. Unable to find her voice, the girl gasped for air, eyes wide open with terror. The bark covered the door and there was no trace of the monster, of the other world, of nothing. She waited there. Her glassy eyes soon went dry.
Where was she?
What was she doing there?
Why was she soaked in so many disgusting things?
Looking around her, she found a house. The fence was tall, but she followed it until she found a door. She needed to ask for help, obviously. She was so tired and thirsty and hungry and cold… The door was open, so she went inside. A big pool occupied most of the house's backyard. When was the last time she had seen that amount of water? As she approached the edge of the pool, a flash clouded her mind. She remembered being there, right next to the pool, but in her memories, the pool was empty and covered in thick roots that moved and pulsed and…
"Hey! What the fuck are you doing here?"
The voice of a person made her jump out of that cloudy state. A teenager was looking wary at her but didn't come out of the house. Hearing something about calling the police, the girl sat on the edge of the pool. The light was so bright and the tiles on the bottom were so light that she was unable to see her reflection in the water. As thirsty as she was, she sank her hands into the water in cup form, pulled them up, and drank as much as she was able to handle. It tasted awful, not only because of the chemicals in the water, but the dirt in her hands also played an important role in it. Still, she was thirsty and she couldn't remember when was the last time she drank water, therefore she drank more and more before the police came.
Chief Norton took a look at her and disappeared inside the house again.
She was alone for a few more minutes, but she wasn't so thirsty anymore. She still was tired and the cold was soon being changed with the warmth of the first weeks of summer. Chief Norton made her go with him in his car. He asked her questions, but she wasn't able to find her voice. She wasn't even able to find the need to make her mind be understood, she just wanted to sleep.
And sleep.
And sleep.
It was eleven in the morning when she rang the doorbell. Her nightmares woke her up early on Saturday morning, so she called Dewey to find out if Steve and Robin worked that night as well and, as it turned out, they had the full weekend off. She was carrying a thick folder with the drawings of the last few days, next to her, Denny bounced impatiently from one foot to another.
Robin, who apparently had just woken up, opened the door with her hair turned into a bird's nest. The moment Robin saw them she went through mix-up emotions and tried to tame her hair the best she could with her fingers while doing her best not to die from embarrassment. Yup, Robin had a crush on Denny. Robin rushed them inside rambling about drinks, offering them something to eat, and being very polite in her role as host.
"Is Steve home?" Y/N asked her.
Robin seemed to deflate with fondness, finally hearing Y/N's voice and seeing by herself that she hadn't just broken due to the trauma or the concussion.
"He's still sleeping. I'll wake him up."
"Why don't you get dressed and I treat you to a very late brunch?" Denny took her opportunity. She wanted some time alone with Robin to get to know her better and, at the same time, to give Y/N the chance to talk with Steve alone.
Robin blushed harder but understood the implications of Denny's offer. "Sure, let me… I'll be quick."
"There's no rush."
"That was smooth," Y/N smirked once Robin wasn't in the living room anymore.
It took Robin twenty minutes to get ready, the guests didn't mind the wait and Steve was still sleeping. Robin took care of hugging Y/N before leaving. She didn't approach Steve's bedroom door, she wasn't a creep; she prepared a pot of coffee and put on some mixtape on the stereo at very low volume.
Noon was over when Steve finally emerged from his room. He went to the kitchen, bewitched by the smell of coffee, still half asleep with his eyes half closed.
"Robs, pass me the sugar," he demanded with a hoarse voice.
"Robin went out with Denny," she responded handling him for what he had asked for.
Steve stood there questioning if he was still asleep or not. She looked rough. She had clearly lost weight in the last few days probably due to stress, nightmares, and a terrible eating schedule; she seemed to have slept poorly or nothing in the last few days. When she gave him a small shy smile, awkward by his silence and tension, he took the sugar from her hand, put two full spoons on his coffee, and poured some milk in, but didn't drink it.
"How are you feeling?"
"Exhausted," she responded honestly.
He gulped his coffee too fast and excused himself to the bathroom. With the door closed behind him, Steve took a look at his reflection, fixing his hair, washing his face, and brushing his teeth with fervor. The last thing he wanted was for Y/N to smell his morning breath after drinking because that was the only thing that made him sleep when he got home at seven that morning after work, some heavy drinks and he was ready to sleep like a baby without worrying about nightmares anymore. As he went out, he found Y/N placed on the sofa and the music was a bit louder now.
He sat next to her and waited. She opened her thick folder and showed him the new drawings. She explained what she had been remembering.
"I'm sorry."
"What for?"
"You wouldn't be suffering like this if I had never mentioned it."
"Don't get me wrong, these memories fucking suck, but I would really be pissed at you if you had known this and kept it to yourself. It still doesn't feel mine, you know? It's like I'm seeing a movie, not my life."
"I understand what you mean. I don't really get how eidetic memory works, but I went to the library and did some research; if you are able to remember everything with such detail as the book suggested, I guess it must feel more like a movie than anything else. I still have doubts about whether or not what I lived was true. I've– Well, I've been writing it down. Not only my experience, but I also collected memories from the kids and the others. I plan on writing a book about it."
"Do you think the government would allow you to publish it?"
"I don't write to publish, I write to have it all there and share it with them. Our story. What we did. What we became. What we lost. An homage of some sort."
"Would you tell me what happened to you and the others or should I wait until the book is finished?"
He laughed at that and started to tell her the most unbelievable story about a small kid who went missing on November 3rd, 1983, and his mother, who won't give up on the search. The friends of this boy found a girl in the woods, a girl who turned out to have powers. Then he told her about the government experiments in the Hawkins Lab, the Upside Down, and the demogorgon. He told him about Max showing up in 1984, how her stepbrother was a nightmare, how the Mind Flayer had gotten into the boy again, how Dustin found a baby demogorgon, and how they bonded in their hunt for the monster. Steve also told her about the summer of 1985 and how he met Robin at Scoops Ahoy, how they decoded a Russian secret transmission finding that the whole mall was a secret base for the Russians to open a gate. In the meantime, the Mind Flayer had gotten inside Billy, Max's stepbrother, and was using him to kill people with the only goal of forming a meaty host it could use. Finally, Steve told her about Vecna and Eddie and the demobats and the big earthquake that almost ends with all.
"Sound wild."
"Yeah… It's like a shadow for us, you know? It's something so big for us and we can't tell anybody about it. If you weren't already deep into this, would you have believed me?" She didn't hesitate in shaking her head. "When I found out that I liked you I was very conflicted because I knew there were a lot of things I must lie about and hide and pretend never happen and– It stopped me, in a way. Does that make sense? I'm glad that I don't have you lie to you anymore, but I still feel… I don't think the price you had you pay for my honesty is worthy."
"Steve, are you seriously blaming yourself for when I was attacked by a demogorgon because Henry Creel, or Vecna, or One opened the first gate in history just to have a laugh?"
Unable to respond, Steve just shrugged.
"Jesus, you're so dense."
And just like that, she cupped Steve's face with her hands, holding him in place as she dived in, closing the gap between them, kissing him with affection and care. A forgiving kiss Steve melted on.
"I cannot believe we're doing this."
"Steve, you picked to go watch a kids' movie for a date!"
"Technically, it's a double date, as you and Denny had come on board with the plan. Plus, The Lion King it's been out for a week and it's the only thing people are talking about."
"Y/N wanted to watch it, didn't she?"
"Shut it."
"How the mighty had fallen. It took all the fire in Hell to make you go to see a movie with me or Dustin, and now you are going to watch The Lion King on your own free will. Outstanding!"
"Don't make it weird."
"It is weird. Can you really tell me that your sixteen-year-old you wouldn't have freaked out with this?"
"Leave that guy in the past where he belongs and let's enjoy the fucking double date, which was your idea all along."
"You know we can totally hear you, right?" Y/N spoke from behind them, a big pot of popcorn between her arm and body, holding two large sodas in her hands.
Steve and Robin felt ashamed of their conversation with the sudden appearance of their partners and blushed. Denny gave Robin the pot of popcorn and one of their sodas to have an arm free to wrap Robin's shoulders with it.
"Do you want me to wrap your shoulders too, pretty boy?"
"Shut up!" Steve pleaded, taking both of the sodas from her hands.
He had given her the tickets before she went to buy the snacks while he and Robin stayed in the queue. With her free hand, Y/N picked some popcorn and fed Steve, who took it like a show of affection louder than wrapping an arm around somebody.
The June weather in Chicago was thick and warm, and they were thankful that the theater had an air conditioner. Since their first kiss in May, Steve and Y/N had worked on their friendship and romantic relationship with steadiness. It was so much easier to have someone to talk to about your dreams, your nightmares, your flashes of guilt or trauma… Their banter and flirty mischief were still on point, although now she took more rides home than before, and there was way more kissing. There were also more longing stares and heart-shaped eyes between the two of them and they were getting into a very comfortable dynamic.
That's why she kept feeding Steve popcorn while they were waiting in the queue, and she didn't care about the gagging sounds and complaints from Robin and Denny as she pulled Steve from the collar of his shirt and kissed him, all smiles.
When the movie ended, they were as excited and obsessed as the children that had gone to see the movie with their parents. Denny was torn between how Scar was the bad guy, but at the same time, he was so relatable! Steve and Y/N were trying to sing 'Be Prepared' although they couldn't remember the lyrics properly. Robin was obsessed with how much Hamlet they had added to the plot and how Rafiki talked to Simba. And the jokes! Oh, the jokes! The four of them truly enjoyed a fucking children's movie with their hearts and souls.
As they walked, talking too loudly about the movie, on their way to grab something to eat, they crossed paths with a couple. The woman stumbled with her heels and Steve was fast as lightning to hold her and prevent her from falling face first into the floor. The woman laughed with awkwardness, thanking Steve. The man of the couple was more entertained than bothered by the interaction; he waited until Y/N looked at him to give her a smile.
"Carter!" She greeted him absolutely pleased to see him.
"It's good to see you without bleeding," he smiled, lowering his head. "Ross told me you were better."
"As good as new."
"Well, now that your boyfriend has saved my date, we'll be going now."
Before resuming their walk, Carter winked at them and shook Steve's hand. Denny and Robin were dumbfounded by the interaction, and Steve wrapped an arm around her shoulders with an insecurity strike. It wasn't jealousy; he wasn't afraid that Y/N left him for Carter, it was pure insecurity because he compared himself with Carter and the younger man was smarter than him, had more money, and had huge prospects for the future. Carter was just what Mr. Harrington expected his son to be, and Steve had strong insecurity issues. Y/N, with the great intuition that knowing one's partner provides, hugged Steve by the middle, walking just like that.
On October 31st, 1997, The Silver officially became a 24/7 diner. Y/N had been promoted to general manager of the day shift and did a pretty amazing job. She had been in touch with Steve's friends often and had used Owens' services as her therapist. It wasn't his job, of course, but he did it gladly; in the end, he felt some sort of pride in seeing her all grown up and sane after what Brenner wanted to do to her. Robin had been promoted from The Silver Diner to the chef, and she enjoyed her new position very much, especially since her shifts were always in the morning and she had all the afternoons and nights to be with her girlfriend, Denny. Steve, on the other hand–
"What are you doing still here? We're going to be so late!!" Robin burst into the locker room. She started changing her outfit in a rush.
With a soft smile on her face, Y/N changed her clothes too. Something classy and elegant, a cocktail white dress with the neckline off the shoulder, purely inspired by Audry Hepburn, with smart cute heels that just fitted the dress. Robin was wearing a three-piece suit with a giant flower on her lapel, no tie.
As they went out of the diner by the employees' entrance, they found Denny waiting for them in the alley. She was wearing something that fitter her usual fashion sense with tight jeans, military boots, a white crop top, and a black leather jacket, all her hair was gelled back. Whoever had seen them would say they were going to a Halloween party, of course, although four in the afternoon seemed a little too early for parties.
Denny drove them. Dustin was already waiting for them at the entrance next to Mike. Dustin threw his hands in the air while claiming "Fucking finally" in a bitchy tone.
"Wait, where's Steve?" Mike questioned them.
"Isn't he here already?" Robin freaked out.
"No. Oh my God, this is so stupid. I'm calling him on the cellphone again." Dustin walked away taking his own cell phone out. Those things were still too expensive, quite heavy and their connectivity was questionable.
"The dude who ran this shit said that if you didn't show up in the next five minutes, he was going to skip you and you would have to make another appointment," Mike explained.
A moment later a taxi stopped at the end of the stairs and Steve got out wearing a three-piece suit, still tying his tie. Robin ran downstairs and covered Steve's eyes.
"What the fuck are you doing, Robin?"
"You're late!! You can't see the bride before the wedding, it's bad luck!"
"How do you expect me to get up all those stairs with my eyes covered, smartass?"
"Let's not be ridiculous, come on!!" Y/N yelled while clapping her hands like a coach trying to focus their team. "To our places, come on!"
Dustin and Mike ran inside to tell the officiant that the groom and the bride were already there. Robin gave up on stopping Steve from looking at Y/N when Denny lift her up to her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Y/N waited at the top of the stairs for Steve to join her. He gave her an appreciative look.
"You look stunning, as always. It's so no fucking fair."
"You, on the other hand, look like shit."
"Give me that," she tied his tie for him pretending not to notice the longing stare he was giving her. "What did the editors want?"
"They want to know if I can make a sequel of Stranger Things, they were very pleased with the cliffhanger at the end."
"I told you it would be better to separate the events in different books than in a big fat book. So?"
"They signed me for the three other parts of Stranger Things, and two other books with different topics. A great amount of money too."
"Steve Harrington, the next Stephen King, as The New York Times had called you."
"I think the best part of my books is your illustrations."
"Guys, I know you are all flirty and all, but you were the ones that wanted to get married on fucking Halloween and the officiant wants to go home, so…" Dustin called them from the door.
Steve offered his arm to Y/N, who took it without hesitation.
They didn't do a big wedding. The ceremony at the courthouse was short and with only four people as witnesses. After that, they rented the wedding hall of a hotel to do a small costume party with their friends. Well, they were mostly Steve's friends and his parents, but Y/N liked it anyway.
Mr. Harrington went although he had claimed that being a writer was worse than being a bartender; mostly because he found out that Steve had done in the first month since the book was published the same amount he did in a fucking year. Maggie had forced him to go to his son's wedding and behave threatening him with divorce, which made Mr. Harrington finally understand that his whole world would collapse; there would be no more status quo.
Joyce and Hopper treated Y/N like one of their kids and Will had confirmed to her that there was no way out now, she was officially part of the family. Nancy and Jonathan came from New York too, they had finally moved there after Jonathan accepted the job at Time magazine and Nancy got a job at The New York Times with time.
The party was small and didn't look like a wedding party, but it was perfect for them. She danced with every one of their guests. She had invited Spencer and Dewey too, who were enjoying themselves like teenagers; she also invited Doctor Ross, Doctor Greene, Doctor Carter, and some of the nurses from County General as she had become close to them, but Halloween meant a busy shift in the ER, therefore they came to congratulate the new couple before going to cover their shift at the hospital.
Time After Time started to sound through the speakers. Steve was suddenly next to her with a big happy and pleased smile on his face offering his arms for the dance. They chose option number four of slow dancing, just like the first time they did so with this exact song, and it was magical. Y/N pressed her forehead against Steve's shoulder, next to her hand, enjoying the proximity of their bodies in that rocking movement that they called dancing. Steve pressed a kiss on her head, right behind her ear, and started whispering the lyrics to her.
"If you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time. If you fall, I will catch you. I'll be waiting time after time."
The End.
Thank you so much for following the adventures of Nancy’s Wedding. Sadly, there is no more plot to work with, so this is the end. I hope you had enjoyed this little story of mine. I’ll be working in something Eddie Munson x Reader soon, plus some John Carter (ER) x Reader. 
Feel free to suggest things and fandoms and whatever you like; I’ll take it into consideration.
Again, thank you for reading, liking, and commenting on the story. I’ll keep working to improve my writing.
Taglist: @blackbirddaredevil23 @marisurmommy @lovesreality @noname10234 @p-rspective @heyyimmisunderstood @out--of-the-reality @lxdyred @i-always-come-back-xoxo @shireentapestry @popcrone818 @scoobiessnacks @mrsjaderogers @nightthou @selfdeprecatingnerd​ @junglecoxk ​ @royal-sunflower @averagestudent03 @angelulls
104 notes · View notes
ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
random notes on naddpod c1 ep 1-45
shared here in lieu of chewing my very indifferent friends' ears off irl. For whom it may concern. also why do i keep thinking i could keep these to a single post. this campaign has a hundred episodes.
spoiler warning! you will get no context but still
Scoutmaster Denny *murdered* me. The voice, the whole deal. I started this podcast on a trainride and fully lost it over Denny in public
“Let’s cast waterwalking on the boat!” “…Emily, that’s just a boat.”
Hardwon on the dumb mating call idea: "can't we just break a bunch of sticks or something? why do we have to make it horny?" and Murph losing the fucking plot in the background
DM lightly threatens player’s pet, endangers his marriage, more at 10
“The animals are going batshit. Even the bats.”
legit every time they describe someone and then land on "they're just hot" almost nothing they describe works for me, it's kind of hilarious
also a truly staggering percentage of the NPCs are naked
Moonshine is saved by an almost literal Deus Ex Machina as Pawpaw descends from the Heavens carried by a very helpful centaur
The reaction to the last remaining dude attacking Beverly in the Ezry lab cracked me up. “We’re trying to watch a cutscene! Read the room!”
whenever Emily shows the slightest hint of disappointment or frustration the world will immediately alter just a little to make her feel better (like retroactively making the stairs unsafe because Emily saved a whole spell slot to climb the wall of the tower). This is the cutest shit and also it took them TWELVE episodes to call Murph out on it
(I'm much further into the podcast now and i can't believe none of them have tried to weaponise this blatant weakness even once)
A BROOMBA is sweeping the floor
nothing is better than Murph doing Pawpaw but his fucked-up sounding seagull is a close second. Truly capturing the personality of those damn bastards, the man is the king of the garbage critters
Emily feels SO guilty about sending this dumb bird to die
Coming into this with the only prior experience of DnD being Brennan and Aabria is kind of wild. Like D20 campaigns you'll get the big philosphical speeches for the emotional beats and here's Murph with an equally heartfelt "Life just sucks ass, you know?"
Hardwon finding out about his parents is SUCH a good scene
“Are they bioluminescent?” “No.” “Can they be?” “Yeah, okay.” (16/17)
“Get out of town!” “I can’t, I’m a mushroom. I just stay here.”
Emily: “Oh, scrying means spying!” “It doesn’t, but-“ Murph, .2 seconds within Emily getting ‘um actually’-ied on dnd: “It does in this game, wiseass.”
Ol' Cobb’s big day!
When Hardwon goes down and the whole table has to watch Murph fight this intense squirmish against himself. Just a guy rolling dice and talking to himself. God that’s so funny (19/20)
Bev’s big day! Also Bev’s first kiss! (19-20)
they’re really going all out for Ol' Cobb. Now he has a tragic lovestory too! (21)
“The High Elves believe that they were banished because they were cousins who wanted to get married. The Crick Elves believe they were third cousins at most. The truth is somewhere in-between.” “Second cousins?” “They were second cousins.”
Not to be cheesy on main but the Crick is such a love letter. Like it’s so obvious how much care and heart went into this almagation of all the silly asides Emily has thrown out
I have one (1) American irl friend and they're from a smalltown in North Carolina so all I'm hearing is people approximating my friend's accent with varying consistency and success
the Crick sounds like paradise and my worst nightmare, simultaneously
having Pawpaw's mother speak and also speak in the most matter-of-fact serious tone (22) is the funniest thing to ever happen. truly inspired.
Hardwon swears fealty to a middle-aged possum? what is happening
Jake v Murph’s ice ban is priceless (23) - “I caught Jake downstairs shovelling ice into his drink out of a bucket with a scoop - you had a scoop! - and he tried to cover it up and hide it!” “It was a joke!” “It sounds like you got caught though! Can you get caught making a joke?” #lifttheiceban
“I’m sure people will get the expedited version of the puzzle solving section-“ “No, give them the nine-hour cut, with just a full hour of us screaming at Murph begging for the answer.” “Join us for our new podcast, Puzzle Dullards.” (23)
Increasingly chaotic openings: “I am furious and I am also Brian Murphy” “If you edit out all my binks, I swear to Melora I’ll… I’m gonna pants you in your sleep!” (24)
Moonshine describing marble as “polite rock”
Emily attempts some straight up gaslighting: “Can I summon Illuminate Mystery?” “…that’s not… that’s not a real spell, you jerk.”
“Murph, if you kill Meemaw regardless of what happens in the fog just because it’s narratively interesting, I will sleep on the couch. For months.” “If Murph sleeps on the couch, is that a Murphy bed?” “No, I’ll sleep on the couch.” “Okay, if Meemaw dies, Emily will be punishing herself.” (25)
Not Murph giving Moonshine crickrot only to be audibly distressed when Emily is sad about it (26)
And then channeling this distress through her fictional pet possum
Pawpaw really is the funniest self-insert character of all time
“Balnor, are you from WWI?” I adore this theory and wish it were canon. But also he talked about fridges a bunch so probably not?
Okay but in all seriousness the whole Marabelle arc is SO GOOD
And Hardwon’s earnest devotion to Mawmaw is actually oddly touching ngl
Murph as the voice of Hardwon’s drug addiction is *devious* (30)
That NPC casino employee making zero efforts at the pirate lingo
Siobhan’s character trying to talk to Pawpaw!! Pawpaw being described as Moonshine’s accountant!!
Literally my reaction whenever pawpaw makes an appearance:
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Moonshine backing out of that threesome and opting back in like five times and also roping Balnor into it is GOLD
Genuinely the strategy to fake an immediate orgasm and sprint out in embarrassment is actually probably not the worst way to get out of a foursome? Maybe?
"And Siobhan Thompson as Apple Scrumper." "MVP! MVP! MVP!" "Yeah, Apple is the only one conscious right now." "Right now, MVP stands for Most Vertical Person."
Murph treating his Jersey accent like a full-on speech impediment
"Why are you writing that down? I haven't given you guys anything!" "This is Caldwell, out of character, trying to be helpful!" "No, this is Caldwell, out of character, wanting that money for Bev!"
(in)voluntary horse murder
Emily's thornwhip move!! her MIND
"So do we go and look for him or do I just cast Skywrite and make the clouds say something threatening to him?" "You're going to threaten him with clouds? Okay."
"LIAR! LIAR BOY! YOU'RE NOT A REAL GREEN TEEN!" "I would never lie! It's true! The stratosphere wouldn't allow for it, I'm sorry!"
Murph making a huge deal about how it would be impossible to see skywriting at night when the way bigger issue is that Moonshine is illiterate. They keep forgetting that and it's funny every time
Moonshine firmly believing that Pawpaw knows how to write and him just writing "MO" every time is my absolute favourite bit I hope it never ends
"Wait a minute, you're in the middle of a swamp and you summoned a big, beefy horse?" "Horses can swim! Horses can swim!" "We've all seen Neverending Story, okay?" [crowd boos] "I will kill your horse! I dare you to boo me!" "Don't boo, he thrives off of it..."
Murph is channeling so much rage at something workout related here. who hurt you
"You all killed my family! My friends!" "You also did that." "You might have killed more of them than we did." "Truly all I did was hold a door shut." This is vicious I forgot how off the walls fucked up the whole Josh thing was
"Shit now I gotta do math in front of people."
Caldwell's silly little poems are actually so fucking impressive tho
"What's the damage on that?" "Rolling still." that is SO ominous
Spent this entire fight thinking the Watchman was throwing I beams at the BOB. Deeply confused when Murph said his players would get mad at him if he didn’t count those as spells. They meant “eye beams” as in laser beams from his eyes, and bottom line is English sucks because you can’t communicate anything clearly
“Murph, you’re living it up in this city.” “Yeah, you’ve invented a city full of anti-goof robots.” “The anti-goof police is out in full force.”
Murph setting up a super high-stakes social environment where the cast cannot pull their usual shenanigans and then deciding this will also be the arc where all the NPCs relentlessly flirt at Moonshine is honestly hilarious
holy shit no punches are being pulled in first half of the Frostwind arc. yeesh
Their massively lame "Headgum does Red Wedding" bit
Emily's Melora bits finally went too far: "Oh, Melora is masturbating in the corner!" "... Jesus." "Eww! That's the worst one!" "That is some Blumhouse shit, Emily!"
I think this podcast is the first time I've ever heard the word “brazier” actually pronounced out loud, and I hate it! please stop saying it
Murph taking the occasional run up at the fourth wall to go 'hey this is pretty good! who wrote this' always amuses me. i get it, if I could do that with my own writing i would
the 'one big bed' bit warms my heart. They keep trying to make it weird but honestly i still mostly come away missing big sleepovers
"I'm not afraid of the elements! The nature of mushrooms is sort of -" "Moonshine... mushrooms don't grow here." *Moonshine's life flashes before her eyes*
I know Balnor just confirmed he was around post early 80s because he quoted ESB, but the way he reacted to that whole gnarly giant murder and disembowelment is *really* giving WWI vibes
Starting to suspect Murph also just learned how to pronounce brazier. There seem to be a weird amount of them around, nobody has a campfire or an oven or a hearth or a fireplace…
The life and times of Ram Daniel
“I can’t tell you what a bad place this was to do a blood ritual.” Oh what a good and reassuring thing to hear from your DM
Murph starting to rate their little intros and immediately getting "bullied" into changing Emily's grade to an A (43)
“I sing a quick Gashlight Anthem”
Emily rolling for her dream and dreaming about Pawpaw dissolving, “that’s a one roll you monster!”
Murph stop making fantasy meth sound fun challenge
This party being fifty percent functionally illiterate is somehow still funny
"Bev crit on finding Werther's one time, and then failed a check to see cannons coming at his house, and his mom, his boyfriend and his grandma almost died."
"Everyone is hot, everyone is horny, welcome to NADDPod" well at least he admits it
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crmsnmth · 2 months
September Sky Chapter Four, Part 2
After what seemed like ages, I was able to get myself back to normal. Let the panic fade into the night, like it wasn't really there. That's the funny thing about panic. It always surprises you when it hits, and surprises you even more when it just vanishes. I flipped open my laptop. Four fifteen in the morning. I yawned, not really sure if it was worth it to try and fall back to sleep. I didn't want to deal with the nightmares tonight. It didn't matter though if I wasn't sure, my body would do whatever it wanted.
I got up out of my bed, stretching in the darkness of my room. I couldn't hear any gunshots from Dennis's room and Tom's was silent. It was late. Or early. I grabbed a t-shirt off the floor, not caring if it was clean or not. It didn't matter. Not at this time in the morning. At this time in the morning, nothing matters.
I lit my cigarette as I sat down onto the porch couch. It was silent out, or at least silent for the city. There was no loud music pumping from somewhere. No voices in the air. Just the steady drone of traffic on the interstates. That was always there. The undercurrent and subliminal messaging through engines moving late in the night. Somewhere far away, a siren rang out. Someone off to either help or shoot someone. It depends on who was behind the wheel.
The houses on the street were all dark and quiet. Most normal people were in bed. Partiers were just getting to their beds. The world was quiet. Asleep.
It got cold, sitting outside in a dirty t-shirt and lounge pants. Spring may have been close to its end, but it still gave us some very cold nights. Or mornings. Whatever. I didn't finish my cigarette, ripping the ember off and tossing it into the can. It made brief screaming sizzle as its life was put out. I put the half back in my pack.
I wasn't ready to fall back asleep yet, the dream still lingering in my head. Bits and pieces of it. So I grabbed my laptop and logged in to Facebook. It was mindless scrolling. Looking at stupid memes, people bragging, people lying. Facebook is the most long running social experiment this world has ever seen. It's a catalogue of individuals, who all ride high on their soapbox. Everyone knows everything when everyone knows nothing.
I was slightly surprised to see a message, that I knew wasn't there when I passed out. I was sure it was just going to be spam but was happily surprised to see it was Addison.
I had actually called her this time. Only a day later. And we had talked for almost a half-hour. That casual conversation. Jokes and laughing. And today, we were having dinner. Behing how I was always at work, I only get some many chances. Sunday was always the best to do anything. It happened to work great for her. I would say I was feeling nervous, but that's a huge understatement.
Addison: Hey, I'm just about to go to bed and I figured I'd let you know, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. So there. That's what I did. Goodnight, Chris.
I smiled at the message. It had done nothing to calm my nerves, but it still made me smile. It's like she knew I would be anxious and nervous. I'd be worried she didn't like me, that I was a sideshow. She could read my thoughts and shut them down. In a matter of 28 words.
* * * *
I stared at the number on my phone. All I had do was hit the call button. She told me to, so what was I so afraid of? I mean, I knew I shouldn't be. I had the invitation, but I couldn't get myself to go to the party. My cigarette was half gone, meaning my smoke break was reaching its end too. It's now or never. And I couldn't let this be never.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
I just finished season five of Cobra Kai and saw what happened to Terry :( could we have some post season five beloved and Terry fluff? This ending needs some fixing
He wakes up on a familiar set of laid out silk sheets.
In his bed.
Glendower Avenue. Beverly Hills.
Terry Silver had the most peculiarly innate, complicated and nonsensical dream vivid even now, lingering, with the sun peeking through the heavy brocade curtains Milos promptly opens with his usual, curt 'Good Morning, Mr. Silver. You've a call from Hong Kong scheduled at eight. Which robe would you like this morning?' --- a usual, well-rehersed ritual. He had a genuine nightmare, he'd dare even say, for accuracy's sake, and even though Terry trained himself not to be affected or controlled by such things after the war through sheer discipline, this was one was something else; John has betrayed him. Terry betrayed him right back. The cops got involved. They didn't talk for thirty years previously --- too much bad blood between them appearantly. What the fuck did that even mean? Dynatox was more or less defunct and obsolete? His...life's work. Terry was miserably involved and equally uninvolved with Gwyneth Paltrow's more annoying cousin in a passionless arrangement and a peanut gallery of equally fucked up, stifling individuals and he became someone else due to it. He sold this house. Why did he sell this house and move out to Malibu? Where were Snake and Dennis? His old staff? Cobra Kai ceased to be for decades, and then it came back and ceased to be again. That Lawrence schmuck an obstacle at every turn, for some reason. Mike Barnes the narcoleptic furniture salesman. Someone called Sensei Joe. Someone who reminded him of Lady Snowblood from that crap movie he saw during his trip to Japan back in the 70's. The Larusso kid was a car salesman who crane kicked him into a glass trophy stand. Who the fuck is Stingray?
He should really lay off the champagne.
Or at least, have Margaret order him a batch of something of even grander quality.
Something that doesn't induce, well --- that shit.
-"My usual pintstripe."- He clarifies on his choice of bathrobe and then continues, slightly stiff, loathing the sensation of being quite so affected; -"Milos. What year is it?"-
He sits up in his bed and he genuinely has to ask, because that --- living hallucination, psychedelic nighttime trance, vision, coke fuelled high or whatever the fucking bullshit that was --- it felt real. Too real. Tangible enough to touch and sense under his fingertips like pulsating flesh. More real than any dream about Vietnam he could ever hope to have even years later. Ending in him led away in the back of a police car like a common criminal. And then he bolted awake. No longer gray and old and so decrepit and lost. -"1985, sir. June 25th."- Milos clarifies, removing the silk peignoir from the closet on it's silver hanger and rolling over his hand, waiting to help him drape himself into once he was ready to get up, being ever so professional in his attentions towards him as Terry adorned himself with the barrage of rings and his gold Rolex neatly placed on the night table, checking for time, trying to distract himself from the reeling, haunting sensation he felt, covered in cold sweat even as he slept entirely in the nude; something his staff was accustomed to by now. -"Are you alright, sir?"- Milos has to ask as Terry gets up, bolting off from the California king-size mattress and covers his nudity in satin, tying the sash around his waist, shaking himself off, cracking his shoulders and neck to get circulation back into his body. He needed to get to exercising right away and de-stress. That's it. Kick some air. Some of his sparring partners, preferably, determined to get himself back into gear and...shake this feeling of dread off.
Some Freddy Krueger bullshit this was.
-"No, I'm not fucking alright!"- Terry seethes, hissing, displeased and not making an effort to conceal it, sauntering towards his master bedroom's door in wide strides, affixing his gelled down hair into a state of order, Milos following his every step diligently. -"Have this bed thrown out and order a new one! I haven't slept well. I want it out by time I come back! Or better yet --- now!"- Terry halts, speaking firmly and feeling like himself again when he was out giving orders, pointing a bejewelled index finger back towards where he had the unfortunate...whatever...and Mr. Dadok nods with a prompt 'Yes, sir.' Fact is, everything that provided him with a nightmare where he and John fell out didn't deserve to exist. Should be burned on Sunset Boulevard like a witch. Terry slams the bedroom door and angrily huffs down the brutalist brick foyer, grand and intimidating, just like he liked and remembered it...just yesterday. He must've slept deep. Deep like the dead. Felt, subjectively, like he was gone for years. He wasn't. He was just smoking a Cohiba in his jacuzzi yesterday.
-"Mrs. Silver is in the dining hall, waiting for you to join her for breakfast."-
Following suit behind him, Milos alerts him of you.
Another thing clicks into place.
And relief. There's relief. Sense. Order. You.
Terry Silvers hastens his speed until he can barely be kept up with.
He needs to see you. Assure that you're real. Not illusory.
He needs to call Johnny too.
(I can do you one better --- far better; The entirety of Cobra Kai as a show was merely a bad dream Terry Silver had.)
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charmac · 1 year
where are said fics ab dennis talking through mac jerking off…..
On my harddrive…
I’m so bad about finishing writing anything I have like 20k+ words of macden drabble-smut shit. It’s a nightmare.
My laptop has a permanently open file just named "Macden Sex" for when I suddenly get possessed by Rob McElhenney, visions of MacDen sex scenes enter my mind and I must write them down immediately. I type but they flow out of my brain much too fast for my fingers to keep up. I must keep writing, lest the scenes, the dialogue, the visuals trickle through the tiny crevices of air between my cupped hands and drain out of the slop that is my mind forever...
Okay, since you asked so boldly, I'll give you a little excerpt from something I'm working on under the cut… It's not Dennis talking Mac through the act, more like... walking him through...
Mac gripped his shaft roughly with his fist and began thrusting spastically into his hand. He held his hips up from the couch for better leverage and tightened his grip. Would it be weird to sneak another look at Dennis? Fuck it, he could blame it on the crossfade. Mac tilted his head to the side and let his gaze fall back over his best friend beside him, his line of sight aiming for the boy’s crotch. He cantered desperately into his fist as he watched Dennis’ hand slide gracefully, softly, up and down. The whole situation had Mac edging already. Then, by some insane miracle (or trick) of God, Dennis grabs his arm. He has to swallow a guttural moan that’s near forced out of him by the touch.
“Why are you fucking your hand like some kind of animal? What is that?”
What? Mac’s ass sinks into the couch and he turns to look at Dennis, mouth hanging open. “What?”
“Do you seriously masturbate like that?” Dennis asks
“Are you seriously judging how I jerk off, right now?” He feels like he should let go of his dick at this point, but he doesn’t.
“Yes,” Dennis’ voice is stern but soft. “If you’re going to watch me you might as well learn something.”
“I wasn’t,” Mac begins to try and excuse his gaze, but something about the air between them, the haze, the feeling of not really being quite all-there, stops him in his tracks. Dennis knows he was, so he says exactly what’s on his mind. “You just go so slow, it must take you forever to come.”
“That’s all part of the pleasure, Mac.” He’s still holding Mac’s arm and his grip tightens a little as he begins stroking himself again with the other hand. Hearing his name come out of Dennis’ mouth in this state has him involuntarily thrusting into his hand again. He looks at Dennis, who is looking right at his erection.
“Here,” Dennis’ grip loosens and he slides his hand down Mac’s arm to rests on top of his own hand, fingers snaking around the side of his palm. Mac’s breath hitches in his throat; he’s scared if he makes any movement he’ll break whatever trance the two of them seem to be stuck in, so he lets his forearm go limp. Dennis’ fingers thread through his and he lifts Mac’s hand, guiding it over to his erection. It’s his own hand making contact with his cock, but it lights up every nerve in his body like no touch ever has before. Dennis’ hand is firm over Mac’s, but he’s not gripping hard enough. Mac can’t take the lack of pressure and he squeezes his shaft, his knuckles flexing below Dennis’ hand. Immediately, Dennis’ hand snakes down to his wrist and pulls it away. 
“Uh uh,” Dennis tuts, “You’re trying to rush it. Enjoy the build.” His hand slides back up and Mac takes a moment to breathe. This is fucking surreal. His hand is guided back to his cock, slower, softer. Dennis’ fingers close around Mac’s, wrapping his erection once again. Mac bites his lip to keep himself from thrusting. “Gently,” Dennis instructs, his pinky finger rests below Mac’s and lifts his fist up painstakingly slowly. They run up Mac’s length and once at the top Dennis’ thumb runs over the top of Mac’s and makes contact with his cockhead, swiping across the tip and smearing his leaking precum flat across. Mac bites back a moan but it makes its way out of his throat in a strangled cry. He drops his head back against the couch as Dennis’ thumb carries back over Mac’s hand and guides it slowly back down his shaft. Again, back up, and Mac has to thrust, he needs friction somehow, he’s not getting enough from his (and Dennis’) hand and it’s impossible to fight back. Dennis senses his desperation just in time and pulls their hands away so Mac is left thrusting into the air pathetically. 
“C’mon, Den,” he whines. 
“Trust me, it’s worth the initial frustration,” Dennis assures. His hand is wrapped tightly around Mac’s wrist, thumb applying right pressure at the base of his palm. 
Mac shakes his head and looks at his best friend. “No, dude, I just really need to fuck something,” he says. His words come out desperate and pathetic sounding. 
Dennis considers him, like it’s completely fascinating that Mac’s goal is to get off rough and quickly. “Why?” 
“‘Cause you got me all hot with your dick out and,” he stops himself, “Shit, I didn’t mean—Uh, It’s just the drugs, you know. Not you. I’m not gay I swear,” he stammers over the lie. Dennis is watching him with an unreadable expression. “I just, once I get going I just gotta get off, okay?” He’s suddenly very aware Dennis’ hand is still wrapped around his wrist and both their dicks are hanging out. 
Dennis pushes down on the top of his hand so they’re sinking into the couch.  “Leave your hands on the couch,” he tells Mac. He opens his mouth to ask why? What? Why? But before the words can come out, Dennis’ long fingers are wrapped around his cock, stroking him back to being fully erect. 
“Fuck,” Mac cries out in a moan. 
-SCENE- (Not really there's more it's just not coherently written!)
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starsprlte · 2 years
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✧♡• byf • ask • faq • main blog •✧♡✧• commissions • webcomic • yt •♡✧
click on the read more if you'd like to hear about what all goes on around here! (there will be more fun banners.)
AHH! WARN me before you click next time! geez!! freakin' scared me... welcome to my little cabin quarters aboard a ship that 'surfs' the web. i'm starsprLte, or just pay (if we're friends!)
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i'm a digital artist! i also experiment with crayons and paper crafts. i may even post kandi projects i've made, from time-to-time! currently, i'm working on a webcomic called DREAMCAST. digital art tag (2023 - present): "#vapour.png" old digital art tag (2018 - 2022): "#liquid.png" traditional art tag (2021 - present): "#traditional art" crafts tag (2021 - present): "#craftz"
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DREAMCAST is a webcomic that i've been writing since 2018, and started releasing pages for in 2019. it follows the story of ethan, a goat plushie, trying to save the plushies that mysteriously disappeared after a strange storm. it also features some... 'arg' elements, with hidden codes and secret pages to find! read DREAMCAST here! it's hosted on tumblr! it's got a way better 'about' section over there!
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speaking of! i'm really interested in, and passionate about, webcomic creation. i curate a list of tips that i've accumulated over the years, for people interested in making their own webcomic. the kinda stuff i wish i'd known when i was starting, you know? it's by no means a complete list, and probably won't be for a long time. i'm always happy to answer any questions you might have about webcomic creation! :+) click here to read it!
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aside from DREAMCAST, i have a whole plethora of original characters and story concepts that i hope to develop in the future! for all OC content, i use the tag "#seedpods". as for story-specific tags...
"#journalist's worst nightmare" - is about orion, his little sister iris, and their weird alien fratboy hikari! they go on cryptid hunts, trying to find ONE that'll consent to having a research paper written about them, to prove the existence of cryptids- and so orion has an impressive portfolio opener for college.
"#who killed finnegan finch?" - is about nina and finnegan. finnegan finch has died! now a ghost with only hazy memories of his life, he and nina are trying to figure out who killed him. in life, finnegan’s made a lot of enemies, so any one of them could’a done it! all he remembers is that nina is important to him... but how?
{the following stories are under construction, the content within their tags is outdated!} {because i haven't. worked on them. in a longtime}
"#retailiation" - is about toi, xavier, and kyra. three very different people, all working very different jobs. they get swallowed up by their places of work, and transported to a strange pocket dimension, where their true appearance is only revealed when they're display the emotion they try to hide the most.
"#kabloom" - is about wanderlust, roseate, analog, and iliad! everyone has a special power, with a pro... and a con. i have a lot of cleanup i need to do around this story (character redesigns...), so i can't exactly give a concise and snappy description of what it's about.
"pirates need toothbrushes" - is about crowell, a pirate from the past who fell through a wormhole to the modern day; denny, an eccentric and strange little dentist who collects teeth; and jan, a wannabe witch with a flying broom! everyone has an 'itembond', a specific item/category of item that they've used for so long, it's almost like an extension of oneself! this one's more slice of lifey, and mainly about what 3 different kinds of weirdo would get up to. there's a LOT more i could say about any one of these stories, but this post is so so so long already. this isn't even all of the story ideas i have, i just haven't posted the others on tumblr yet! ack!
again, all of these characters and descriptions are heavily subject to change whenever i sit down to actually start making them. the unyielding hands of time!
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this is the stuff that most of my followers are here for- yes i put my OCs above the fanart section LOL. the fan content i post here mainly includes: pokémon, minecraft, undertale/deltarune, disco elysium, OFF, ace attorney (rare one!), 17776 (rare one!) HOWEVER. this is NOT the only fan content i will post. i'll post shit for fandoms i'm not even in, and will never post for again! i'm a loose cannon! you'll never guess my next step! wa-ha-ha! beholden unto no one but myself!
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and that's about it. thanks for sticking around this far, happy blog browsing!
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drake-galloway · 2 years
Spinning Decay: Drake Galloway Journal Entry #2
One of these days I'm gonna have a decent night's sleep. The nightmare was at least different last night but it wasn't any better, honestly. First I was falling, and then I was in spider webs surrounded by fucking...spiders. And to make it worse when I woke up it was cold; you know that cold where no matter what you can't get warm? And then my alarm was going off at 4am. It isn't even the ass crack of dawn yet and I have to wake up? And yes I was down to one cigarette for the day before the sun came up. Quitting blows.
Apparently the forest is dying, and Futun is out of town so this other ranger, Lucy? Stacy? Macy? Emily...Lacy! called us to check it out. It's bloody cold. Like I swear it's that same cold I was feeling last night and I can't shake it off. Robin let me turn into a squirrel and cuddle up in their scarf which, holy shit that actually worked, but then Lacy freaked out because I was 'missing' but instead of telling the truth so I could stay warm we had to be all secretive and now I'm freezing my ass off again. Denny carried me a little ways and that was cool albeit a little weird, but she gave me a blanket. It helped.
Spiders. Why did it have to be spiders? Did I mention I freaking hate spiders? Well I do. These are acting odd and they're not even supposed to be out because it's winter time. I really need a smoke but I can't because forest fires. I'm a responsible smoker when I wanna be, I swear…
To get a grasp of what was going on I changed into a spider. They put me in a jar in case I got spider-mind controlled or something. Dear God everything is so big and different. They had to put me on a web because the jar didn't really help much. Somehow I knew just how to communicate and I had an interesting conversation in spider-Morse code.
They're trying to protect...something. And they want my help. When I tried to run off the others thought I was mind controlled and caught me. Robin teased me with a cigarette and I'm so desperate for nicotine I was willing to eat it instead of smoke it.
My jaw hurts from all the gum. Anyway a big spider showed up, I'm now hearing a voice in my head, and we're all gonna go see who's in charge of this. Except Lucky, they're going back with Lacy. I offered my blade for protection but they said I'd need it more than them. I have magic and I can turn into animals I don't really need it.
Anyway, I still hate spiders but maybe this will change my opinion. It's still cold as balls. I want a cigarette. I miss Betty.
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