#I'm all for catgirls rights
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british-catgirl · 6 months
it is I, your counterpart… American Catboy
dear jesus mary and joseph what doit youse have on youse hands dis time? it's da only time you contact me, just use da damm chemicals
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 10 months
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babygirl's apartment is now almost completely decorated!!! Just needs a couple lamps, a couple little tables, an orchestrion, and a few plants and boom, mission accomplished!! Oh and a couple more designs for the blank walls flkjghlfdjkgh but we'll get there :)
A million thank-yous to @coldshrugs for coming up with the base design and helping me figure out how tf to do this housing thing! ❤️❤️❤️
Bonus close-up of Puck under the cut because he's such a funny little gremlin and I love him:
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he's lion king-ing that little rock lmao
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 24 days
Love is Stored in the Cat: A Nepeta Leijon Character Study
I guess these are a series now! I also have a request for Feferi in my inbox that I'll get around to eventually.
SO! Dear, sweet Nepeta.
Nepeta is the troll that is most against the existence of the hemocaste.
I believe the Ultimate Self speech was originally going to be from her, not Davepetasprite^2.
She's bad at shipping.
These all make her extremely impurrtant!!!
So furst of all, I'm going to start with the same disclaimer as my Eridan essay (go read that first!!! It sets up a lot of ideas that I'm expanding on here), which is that the things Hussie says are going to be lowered in value, because he likes to play coy about plot stuff. I'm also not counting anything but the actual text as canon, and even with in that text, I'm counting everything after GAME OVER as soft canon - a suggestion of what would have been, often truncated for time, often a deliberate middle finger to the shitty fandom.
Okay, so with that squared away!
Nepeta Says Fuck The Hemocaste
I'm not going to bother doing a deep dive on Nepeta's characterization, because fur the most part, I think the fandom more or less gets her right - she wears her heart (h33h33) on her sl33ve, after all! She's a very sweet little catgirl who loves roleplay and shipping, who is also a vicious hunter of wild beasts and lives in a cave. She's very nice and friendly, but has a tough streak and a spine.
She also says fuck the hemocaste, why does that even exist:
CT: D --> Your fraternization with the base classes have 100sened your morals, can't you see this AC: :33 < no! i dont care, they are fun AC: :33 < and i dont know anything about classes or bases or blood color, it doesn't matter! AC: :33 < what does gr33n blood even mean! it doesnt mean anything to me and it shouldnt mean anything to anyone else!
This is a radical stance not outright shared by any of the other trolls. Aradia calls highbloods "hateful sn0bs" that she and Tavros shouldn't have "ever had anything t0 d0 with", the highbloods are, of course, all casteist to varying degrees, and even Karkat seems fairly accepting of the class divide, at one point taunting Vriska that her rejection from the blue team is "ANOTHER INFURIATING VICTORY FOR GUTTER BLOOD OVER ARISTOCRACY". Not to mention his long-held dream of becoming a threshecutioner.
Even Feferi, despite saying to Eridan that "W-E AR-E NOT B-ETT-ER T)(AN ANYBODY!!!!!", is actually perfectly comfortable with the caste system's existence, comparing having to stop using her royal typing quirk to "peasant-IFICATING" herself - and let's not forget that a Beforus under her rule had its caste system 100% intact.
This means that Nepeta is the ONLY troll who has said, in no uncertain terms, that the caste system should not exist. It's stupid, it's bad, and it doesn't meowtter!
But she's never able to fully express this opinion, which brings us to:
Now, before I say anything, I must insist that I do believe these two work as good moirails. That does not, however, stop them from being 13, and therefore, being poor to each other the way 13-year-olds sometimes are. I don't think they should break up; I think they should re-examine certain dynamics, and I think they need some space to breathe apart from each other.
Equius has a lot of problems, which I won't get into overmuch here, because... that's a whole essay on its own (are you people seeing a trend yet). But with regards to Nepeta specifically, he's extremely controlling and protective, to the point where she's a little scared of him before the game begins:
AC: :33 < well it does sound like it will be a lot of fun but i think i should get purrmission first GC: BL4R!!!!! GC: TH4TS SO STUP1D GC: H3S NOT TH3 BOSS OF YOU AC: :33 < i know! AC: :33 < but still im kind of scared of him and i think purrhaps its best to just run it by him first so there isnt a kerfuffle about it or anything
She's also afraid to tell him about her crush on Karkat, since she knows he doesn't like Karkat:
AC: :33 < well AC: :33 < i have never told anybody this not even my moirail AC: :33 < heh, actually hes the LAST guy i might tell, he so wouldnt appurrve X33 AC: :33 < but yes i have liked somebody for quite some time, but alas he doesnt know it
By the time they end their game, she's gotten over this fear, seeing as she spends many hours curled up with Equius in a pile of robotics parts, but it still must be noted that they have some issues in their relationship that were never resolved, primarily on Equius's end. What this means for Nepeta, however, is that in addition to setting her up as the most outright anti-classism troll, the comic sets her up to be socially isolated due to her moirail's paranoia about letting her associate with both lowbloods (seeing them as bad influences) OR other highbloods, seeing them as dangerous.
He's not entirely wrong - his refusal to allow her to participate in FLARP kept her from winding up entangled in the horrible chain of revenge, as Tavros alludes:
But he's still wrong. And it's probably an uncontrolled manifestation of his Heir of Void abilities - he's both consciously and unconsciously hiding her from other people.
This isn't to say she doesn't stand up for herself! Many of her discussions with Equius are pseudo-arguments, and she does get her way often enough, managing to get him to roleplay with her, and managing to get him back in the roboti% pile to talk about his feelings about Aradia. She also talks to the humans explicitly against Equius's orders, although she's keeping it a sneakret from him:
NEPETA: :33 < but equius already furbid me from doing that :(( NEPETA: :33 < not that i am listening to him, but shhhhh! :33 KARKAT: WAIT, HE DID? KARKAT: OK, THEN AS YOUR LEADER I ORDER YOU TO RP WITH THEM AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. BE AS OBNOXIOUS ABOUT IT AS YOU CAN. NEPETA: :33 < yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
But the fact that she has to tiptoe around him like this speaks to them having issues in their relationship that go unexamined and unresolved, especially since it's clear that Nepeta really would like to be friends with more people, were Equius not getting in her way. So, even though I do think they are good moirails for each other - they clearly genuinely, deeply care about one another. But they could use some relationship counselling.
In fact, Jasprosesprite^2 outright calls her lonely:
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Or the girl who likes ships! Cause they made her less lonely. ;3
So, she's anti-hemocaste and lonely, two character traits that were set up and never resolved. And beclaws this is Nepeta, in her honor, I'm going to talk about a third:
Her Unrequited Crush On Karcat
She has the BIGGEST flushed crush on Karkat. It's seen on her shipping wall twice, once with the word OTP on it.
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And, despite never discussing it with her moirail, Nepeta mentions it once to Jaspersprite, and once to Jasprosesprite^2.
Now, I'm not really here to debate on the validity of KatNep - I think it's fine, even if I don't personally ship it, and don't personally think it would work out (there are lots of indications that they wouldn't work out, including Jasprosesprite^2 outright saying so). However, her crush on Karkat is both complicated and creates some interesting setups for her character. I am going to discuss it fairly critically either way, so KatNep shippers have been warned.
A lot of her feelings about Karkat - and about shipping in general - wind up being heavily interlinked with her status as a Hero of Heart, so I'm going to expand on it more there. But what I will note in this section is the fact that, despite Nepeta insisting twice that she doesn't think Karkat knows about her crush on her:
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < it was karkat NEPETASPRITE: :33 < but i never told him and im pretty sure he never found out how i felt!
He tooootally did:
Interpret that how you will for shipping purposes, but I want to propose that this is a reflection of their statuses as Heart and Blood players. Heart, despite its players' obsessions with romance, is not the romance aspect, Blood is. Karkat displays this very same romantic acumen when he tells Dave that he's known Terezi and Gamzee were a thing for a long time, despite everyone else on the meteor trying to keep it a secret from him. Heart is, instead, about identity, feelings, motivations, souls, and self. In other words:
Nepeta Is Kind Of Bad At Shipping
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Let's take a look at those shipping walls.
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Let's break this down a little. Nepeta's ships are not entirely wrong, but even the successful ones are kind of wrong. Here's what I mean. We've already discussed how Equius and Nepeta's moirallegiance has some... issues in it. If we go down her list of ships that actually do happen, most of them have some issues in them!
Aradia expresses her regret for getting together with Equius in the Ministrife. Kanaya and Rose suffer some major relationship problems when Rose starts drinking, to the point Karkat feels a need to step in as an auspice. Karkat and Gamzee fail, as Karkat is not calmed by Gamzee, and Gamzee stops listening to Karkat. And while Sollux and Feferi seem to be fairly healthy, after they both wind up in the Furthest Ring, he's pretty much always next to Aradia - he and Feferi don't even get to exchange words with each other once they're in the Furthest Ring. Purrsonally, I think he and Feferi are meant to end up as moirails, but shhhh.
So what's happening here? Well, this goes back to her identity as a Heart player. Heart is concerned with feelings and motivations.
They simply want to understand the one thing we all are stuck with for our entire lives, i.e. our own minds. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story. That isn't to say Heart-bound don't care deeply for their friends and allies; they just have a tendency to assume that everyone is as concerned with identity as they are.
Nepeta's shipping has also been associated with her isolation and loneliness. When you put this together, it implies that Nepeta's shipping is about her desire to understand others, and much of her ships are based on one of the parties having feelings, regardless of compatibility, feasibility, or broader implications. After all, despite the fact that she has pretty terrible romantic acumen, she IS able to instinctively identify that Eridan's advances toward her were insincere:
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < well ok i guess eridan hit on me a few times NEPETASPRITE: :33 < but his advances always struck me as cr33py and insincere
And that Karkat secretly LOVES and RESPECTS his friends:
JASPROSESPRITE^2: On the contrary Nepeta. You deserve someone who will RESPECT and ADORE you. NEPETASPRITE: :33 < well... yes NEPETASPRITE: :33 < i always hoped to find someone like that some day NEPETASPRITE: :33 < i dunno maybe youre right but in spite of whatever problems he might have i always felt like i saw something in him that made me think he could be that purrson!
Or knowing that Equius loves to play games, and still feels sad about Aradia exploding:
AC: :33 < i s33 right through your stupid act, who are you trying to kid! AC: :33 < look how you go out of your way to use words that have x's in them so that you can use your silly purrcent signs AC: :33 < or use these absurd words that you can shoehorn a '100' into, even if its not strictly replacing 'loo'!!! AC: :33 < you are so transpurrent AC: :33 < i can tell you like to play games, d33p down you are a guy who likes to play games! AC: :33 < i can smell a guy who likes to play games from so fur away with this nose, you have no idea X33
NEPETA: :33 < she was so happy, just like she used to be, and she said she would s33 you soon! EQUIUS: D --> That's a nice thought, and thank you for sharing it EQUIUS: D --> But it was only a dream, and will surely have no consequence in reality NEPETA: :33 < equius? NEPETA: :33 < are those f33lings i an detecting with my wiggly whiskery nose? EQUIUS: D --> Maybe
Because feelings, and not relationships, are her actual domain.
And speaking of Heart powers...
Nepeta and the Ultimate Self
So from this point forward, I'm going to assume you're more or less agreeing with my take that at some point after Game Over, Hussie - for whatever reason - gave up on his original ending, and wound up truncating his ideas so he could finish the comic faster. I go more into detail about that here.
So, in this hypothetical original ending, I firmly believe that the speech about the Ultimate Self would have come from Nepeta. First, let's take a look at what the "Ultimate Self" entails, as it appears within the comic:
DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < everything that ever happens to every version of you is an important part of your ultimate self... like a superceding bodyless and timeless persona that crosses the boundaries of paradox space and unlike god tiers or bubble ghosts or whatever, it really IS immortal DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < but in your physical form there are all these partitions in your mind that prevent you from remembering any of that which makes your existence f33l totally linear DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < which is probably for the best! DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < in a regular body s33ing all that would be too overwhelming ... DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < and after it sinks in for a while you start coming to this understanding of a greater self DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < maybe i "got it" quicker though because of the two people i was and their aspects DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < understanding heart is all about the nuances of a distributed self DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < nepeta never got to make much headway with her aspect but shes finally gettin the chance DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < the time aspect is all about running into different versions of yourself so you kinda get confronted with it in a really literal way that can be disturbing DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < obviously davesprite stuggled with that too, but now its fine DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < hes fr33 from worrying about it all and what it means for his place in reality DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < because he can s33 now all his selves have relevance in painting the full picture of who he truly is DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < im not COMPLETELY sure because im not like some sort of ASPECT MASTER but DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < my avian slash feline intuition tells me that all roads will lead you here eventually DAVEPETASPRITE^2: B33 < gaining the d33pest possible understanding of any aspect will bring you to the same final conclusion about your ultimate self
Now, I believe - and I hope you'll agree - that it's kind of lame, narratively, for Davesprite to have been set up with so much angst about not being the "real Dave," and for Nepeta to have all her issues with loneliness and shyness, and for these two specific iterations of each other to have never interacted, but suddenly getting double-prototyped fixes all of their problems, and they achieve Ultimate Selfhood despite being two total strangers to each other. So let's instead break down the more salient points about what Ultimate Selfhood entails, divorced from the fact that it's Davepetasprite^2 doing the narrating:
Every player in the game possesses an "Ultimate Self," an ultimate culmination of all their experiences and memories, specifically referred to as a "persona"
Normally, people are not aware of this, because it would be too overwhelming to deal with so many memories and iterations of each other.
Everyone will achieve Ultimate Selfhood eventually as the final culmination of their understanding of their aspect.
Heart is all about the nuances of a distributed self.
Let's talk about that last one some more, and by that I mean, let's see what Calliope has to say about it:
TT: I don't know why it had to be this way for me. Juggling these two waking selves at once. TT: I guess I'm used to it, but it still makes for a pretty intense existence. TT: Do you even know what the deal with that is? Like is there any precedent in your readings? UU: i don't know aboUt precedent, bUt it makes plenty of sense to me as the type of path one might expect for a hero of heart. UU: a path rUled by the heart aspect can be a joUrney of splintered self. UU: that is, the player's being may exhibit the same kind of fragmentation which certain classes coUld caUse in others. UU: i think this is what has triggered yoUr dUal-awareness between waking and dream selves, thoUgh it woUld not sUrprise me if the symptoms manifested in even more ways than this.
Now, Dirk has a clawmplicated relationship with his alternate selves, given that he's a Prince, but Nepeta wouldn't have the same struggles, or at least, not to the same degree. The problem is, hampered by Equius and her own shyness about discussing her thoughts and feelings with others:
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < i get so shy and worried what people might think of me if i say how i f33l NEPETASPRITE: :33 < im always so scared that they wont f33l the same way or just think im stupid or pathetic or something
She never actually gets to explore this part of herself.
But What If... She Did?
The way I imagine the original ending going is that each troll that gets saved by John's interference in the timeline then asks John to help them fix their own mistakes, thereby saving somebody else. Each successive trip through the meteor brings new character development, and also riddles the comic with progressively more password pages, which I think would be really funny. And throughout all this the Game Over team is searching for Vriska, Meenah, and the treasure, and resolving their arcs that way, so it's not like they would be replaced - they're the ones who get to kill LE. The process, in my mind, goes like this:
Terezi asks John to save Vriska, and prevent her from getting too spades with Gamzee, as these are her two greatest regrets.
Vriska obviously had great regrets about killing Tavros, both pre- and post-retcon, so she asks for his death to be prevented.
Tavros staying alive means that he and Gamzee wind up hashing out some stuff - Gamzee mentions that he feels "So aT ChIlL WiTh yOu" while talking to Tavros, and Tavros reciprocates the friendship and also - interestingly - acknowledges Gamzee's religion, calling it beautiful even if he doesn't necessarily believe in it. This is interesting because Karkat's inability to do so is explicitly one of the reasons their moirallegiance broke down. So having Tavros back, alive, means that he and Gamzee would likely end up in some sort of relationship, probably pale despite flushed leanings, and would bring Gamzee back into the fold.
Gamzee would then be like, yeah, wow, that time I killed Nepeta and Equius was pretty bad, huh? Especially since his decision to hang onto his friends' bodies and prototype them is often interpreted as him genuinely feeling bad about his dead friends (he tells Kurloz to shut up when Kurloz mentions all the dead friends, and his religion seems to be about a paradise he wants to share with his friends anyway). So he'd ask John to prevent him from killing them, resulting in the two of them getting to live.
Things get much more hypothetical from here, since so much of the character dynamics would have changed, but I think by this point, Equius might command ask John to let him say goodbye to Aradiabot before she explodes, which he expresses feeling very sad about. However, in doing so, John and Aradiabot end up in the same room, and when she realizes that he has the ability to change the timeline without repercussions, she'd seize him by the arm and demand that he take her back in time, to before she died. After all, she expresses regrets about her reckless actions, and how she always felt like it was all one big setup.
She would take Aradia's place in the Vriska revenge chain, being once more freed of her robot chassis, and from there, would trick Doc Scratch and the Handmaiden into thinking everything was still going according to their designs. Meanwhile, Alive!Aradia would be hanging out at Equius's place, borrowing his void powers to avoid notice, coordinating a new timeline that keeps the beats of the original (too much deviation causes unpredictability, and an paradox'd timeline offshoot without John's direct interference would still become doomed), but allows them greater freedom and the ability to overcome the machinations of Doc Scratch and associates.
This would also prevent Sollux from becoming so self-loathing, since it's no longer "his fault" that Aradia dies, although he winds up in that hole again after Feferi gets killed. Now that his Aradia is alive, he wouldn't feel like he might as well stay in the bubbles because his closest companions are there, so he'd make it to the end, and would ask John to prevent Feferi's death.
Eridan still dies; he's so disconnected and isolated from all his friends that his course of actions is largely unaffected even by everybody else's timeline tweaks. But before Feferi can suggest bringing him back, Karkat would butt in.
The Friendship Troll should be the one to demand that ALL of their friends be revived, especially if they had everyone except only one guy, and Karkat and Eridan are heavily implied to be moirails anyway. The course of Karkat's fixes are so comprehensive, and primarily romance-based, that the end result of this final loop is everybody not only being alive, but god-tiered, with appropriate character development.
Now, where Nepeta's Heart powers would play into all of this is that she would start to notice something going on. After all, Heart players are sensitive to their splintered selves, and (Nepeta) is probably much closer to Nepeta than regular doomed timeline offshoots. As the loops continue, and Nepeta has more and more time to talk to people, and meets her dead alternate selves, and even meets (Nepeta), she starts to awaken to her Ultimate Self - to come into possession of alternate memories.
And if the Ultimate Self is a very soul-y kind of concept, such that Heart players have a natural advantage in coming to understand it, then isn't it a natural fit that a Rogue of Heart - one who steals from Heart or steals Heart for others - would be naturally inclined to share the wisdom of her alternate selves, and even the very concept of the Ultimate Self, with her friends?
Because the Ultimate Self is actually, in my opinion, a pretty good narrative device. It turns the sadness of the dead and doomed timelines into something littersweet instead, and makes it so any weirdness regarding time travel and not really knowing your friends anymore will eventually be resolved, even if off-screen.
It's not really narratively satisfying when Davepetasprite^2 suddenly comes into being and reaches enlightenment, but imagine if instead it's a post-character development Nepeta comforting Davesprite on his relevance, or Jade on her loneliness, or John on not really knowing these new post-retcon versions of his friends? It would feel a lot better, since in this hypothetical, she would have reached that point after on-screen character development. Being able to share her true self with her friends on the meteor - by necessity, since what else are they going to be doing for three years - leads to her finally being able to fulfill her role as a Rogue of Heart.
Also, at some point during these repeated meteor trips, she dates Karkat (whether that's successful or not, I'll leave to reader interpretation - you already know where I stand), fulfilling Jaspersprite's musing that she might only be able to date Karkat after she dies.
So that's two out of thr33 of her outstanding plot hooks resolved... okay. So, I try not to make these essays into ship propaganda, but hear me out:
Hate Is Stored In The FefNep
Okay, so, remember that thing about how Feferi is actually a huge casteist hypocrite? Well, let's also note that the comic, post-Murderstuck, seems to put Nepeta and Feferi together a lot - they're a Commodore and Rear Admiral in the ghost pirate army, respectively, and they also wind up as Fefetasprite. So I think it's not entirely out of left field to say that these two were implied to have SOMETHING going on.
And that something... is a difference in political views.
I mean, let's be real, there's a reason Fefetasprite is the most explode-prone after Tavrisprite. Miss "The Hemocaste is Stupid and Shouldn't Matter" vs. Miss "I Love Being A Princess And Call Jade Hornless and Finless (Derogatory)"? Come on, tell me you don't see it.
Without getting too much into Feferi, this hypocrisy, and unwillingness to check her privilege (so glad I found an excuse to use that term unironically), are probably her greatest character flaws - ie, the things you would expect the story to address about her. Meanwhile, one of Nepeta's flaws, which she laments to Jasproseprite^2, is that she feels too shy to talk about her feelings to other people, leading to her having never expressed her views on the hemocaste to anyone but Equius.
I think that they initially think they'd be friends. Each one of them would go "oh man, this other girl is soooo cute, I wish I could talk to her more often!"
And then, once they do, they realize they fucking hate each other. Nepeta would go "X00 < you are such a hypocrite who f33ls like youre better than all of us!!!" and Feferi would go "You're suc)( an uneducated glubbing P-EASANT! 3X0" and then they'd claw each others' eyes out. It would be so funny, and if a homestuck ship isn't extremely fucking funny, then why are we even here.
But more importantly, this would further them along into resolving each others' arcs - Feferi would be forced to grapple with the greater implications of classism, and Nepeta - who is shown having a spine the most in defiance of somebody else - would grow more aggressive about being open about her feelings in defiance of Feferi. Even Equius would get roped into it in a positive way - you can just imagine him going "D --> Can I really believe my auricular sponge clots D --> Nepeta, you are finally taking interest in politi%" and be 100% on board with teaching her so Feferi won't be able to call her uneducated.
And then for flushed, I dunno! Karkat's an option, and Jade and Jake also both love the fuck out of furries, and Tavros seems nice. But yeah I'll die on the fefnep hate ship. Guys it would be so funny.
Thank you as always for reading! Let me know if there's a troll you want to hear me ramble about next.
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kurogane2512 · 19 days
Kuro... Kuro... Imagine Lisa putting aphrodisiac into catgirl reader's drink while she is in her heat, claiming that it will help alleviate it... Save me Kuro...
That is so wild and hot and exactly something Lisa would do 😭
NSFW AHEAD | Lisa x catgirl!reader
Lisa is the perfect lover you could ask for; she's sweet and caring, gives the best hugs and kisses, scratches the right spots and especially loves petting your ears. Her library smells amazing with all the books and her own tea, you love sitting beside her table and relax with her. It's a perfect lifestyle that you'd never want to change.
On the other hand, your heat seasons are terrible. And that's only because Lisa is so insistent to help but you don't want to show this embarrassing and desperate side to her, and ofc not bother her with relieving you. Most of the time, you surprisingly do a good job of hiding your heat with suppressants and staying away from her, but she eventually catches on and feels upset you don't let her help.
This is how you came to your present situation. Lisa found you curled up in your room when she came to meet you, she immediatley knew you were having your heat with the way you were purring and squirming. Oh, she was waiting just for this. She handed you a drink saying it would relieve you, and you were too dumbed down to think anything and drank it straightaway.
Your body felt hot all over, even worse since you were already on heat. You desperately ripped away your clothes and squirmed while hugging a pillow, scratching and biting the fabric as an uncontrollable feeling surged through you and your mind became hazy.
"L-Lisa.... what was that drink— ngh...~"
"Hehe, a little punishment for you, my kitty~"
Lisa smirked and watched you shrink and hold the pillow tighter, hugging it and squriming all over.
"N-No... why... don't look at me....ngh... please....~"
Lisa chuckled then slipped out of her clothes and climbed on the bed, crawling towards you then gently grabbing your face to make you look at her.
"Shh shh, don't hide from me. I'm here to help you, alright?~"
"No... don't look... It's embarrassing!~"
"No, you are adorable. I have been trying to tell you every time that I want to help you in this~"
"Then what was that drink? It made me so much...."
"Yes.... nya.... aaah.... please do something....~"
"My my, now you are finally begging me? Hehe, it was just an aphrodisiac. But don't worry, it wasn't so potent, you'll feel fine soon~"
You moaned and wrapped your arms and legs around Lisa, subconsciously rutting your hips into her and tears filling yours eyes
"Please help... ngh— I won't do it again....aaah~"
Lisa smirked and wiped your tears then leaned down to passionately kiss you before sitting up and entangling your legs with hers in a scissor formation. She held your right leg up and hugged it while she moved back n forth, her core rubbing against yours and sending shivers in your body. Her pace was slow and rhythmic, you could feel how her folds grinded into you and rubbed across, your clits bumping together and slick coating each other.
Lisa watched your pleasured expression in delight, your nails scratching the bedsheet as you desperately tried to thrust up into her. She gasped lightly and giggled followed by grinding into you faster, your folds rubbed together as Lisa increased the pace tenfold. Your head shot back as pleasure overtook you, you sat up to hug Lisa and unexpectedly pushed her on her back now.
Lisa was in your hands now, you wrapped her legs around your waist and needily thrusted forward. She whimpered and arched up, her breasts bouncing with each thrust, you leaned down and lapped up her neck before biting down and staying in that position. Your legs still moved with hers, your wet clits rubbibg messily while your teeth marked her skin.
"Cumming... Lisa... m-mommy... please— nghhhh!~" you rapidly thrusted forward then felt a snap in your abdomen as you finally released, mewling her name and biting her as your mate. Lisa had wrapped her arms around you long ago, her nails scratched down your back as she held you for dear life with the way the bed shook with your thrusts.
"Aaahn... good job, my kitty~ Come here, mommy will relieve you as much as you want~"
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lauren-ce · 5 months
All these cute drawings of Mio are great and all, but there's a severe lack of what I think is one of her most important traits: Mio, canonically, is less a kitten and more a fucking feral tiger.
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See that? She can run the hundred metri in seven seconds. You know who else can do that? FUCKING NOBODY, THAT'S WHO. Usain Bolt? Fastest person on Earth? Ever heard of him?
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Yeah, that's right. Mio's so fast that she finishes a whole 2.5 seconds ahead of him. She has time to grab a sandwich and a glass of Wotah whilst he huffs and puffs his way over the finish line.
Her character model has visible abs!
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This girl is weapon-grade!
Speaking of weapons, how about them?
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Indeed, Mio's weapon of choice is literally a DOUBLE SPINNING EDGE. It doesn't get more badass than that.
Need more convincing? Well, on the topic of weapons, her cute little paws: What's that, you say? She's strong enough to make an interlinked Moebius duo fly through the air?
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That's liftoff, baby! She hits with the force of ten ferronises, and her bare-knuckle strike sends enemies flying. Do you understand just WHAT THE FUCK THAT MEANS??
Sure, Melia can Break and Topple in XB1. Big whoop. Mio can wombo combo all by her goddamn self.
YOU'RE fawning and simping over your cutesy little catgirl Mio-Mio, while I'M paying for her knuckle tattoos that say Break, Topple, Launch, and Smash.
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And here, she boops Noah on the forehead with those paws of war, but look again!
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Do you see any contact? Of course not! Because a boop from Mio would cave in his fucking skull. Headshot. So, out of love for her boytoy, she stops a cetri short of murdering him.
Now THATS what I call control!
Virgin N, Chad Noah? I don't think so. N is a worm, insignificant even to the Virgin Noah,  and Mio is the Chaddest of them all. "The freedom to choose?" Thats right: Mio HAS the strap, she simply CHOOSES not to use it.
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This is the face of a cocky, stone-cold killer. She could've one-shot N if she wasn't held back by a pesky little thing called "weaponry".
All this to say, Mio is a feral animal and there should be more art depicting her as such (:
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lovelyhan · 11 months
dunno if ure comfy being sent nsfw links but i IMMEDAITELY thought of streamer wonwoo and reader when i saw this 🫠🫠 https://twitter.com/sugarfemdom/status/1662648169510096900?s=46&t=-M95tJ5hXqBg8X7CbBlW4A
02:35 — WONWOO
🔞 nsfw link 🔞
i'm sorry but you're going to hell. straight to the boiler room. no excuses!!!!
p.s. read underlying pretense for a good chunk of context!
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this was meant to be a regular cosplay-fitting session. you've been receiving new sets to try both from thoughtful fans and sponsors in abundance lately and, while you have a rather...unconventional tradition with these things when your boyfriend comes into the picture, you really just wanted to try them on before hopping into the shower and preparing for your next stream.
meaning: you were being serious when you told wonwoo that you're not trying to get your brains fucked out while he defiles this precious, rather revealing catgirl set that borders on lingerie.
but of course, things rarely ever go your way.
"d-daddy, fuck."
wonwoo's grip on your hips is iron-tight as he pins you to the edge of the mattress—cock fucking into you with relentless precision. he gives you little room to squirm around and with how his eyes are pulled into a mixture of intense concentration and carnal desire, you don't think he'll let you get away anytime soon.
the ruby red mood lights paint his skin in a swath of erotic gusto as wonwoo mutters, "hold your thighs open for me. you can do that, right, baby?"
you nod all too eagerly—his perfect, obedient cockwhore—before doing as you're told. your eagerness frees up his hands and wonwoo wastes no time taking your pretty face in his grasp and leans down to capture your lips.
usually, it's all teeth and tongue whenever your mouths come together in the height of passion—a dizzying bout of lust taking the reins from what's left of your rationality. this time though, wonwoo kisses you firmly, thumb stroking the high of your cheekbone and you swear you feel him smile against you.
"beautiful baby," he whispers—his calculated thrusts slowing to a crawl as the praise makes you preen with a pathetic whimper. "you're cruel for thinking i could ever keep it in my pants when you look so fucking hot in this. who's the fucker that sent these to you anyway?"
fuck. you know it's only been a few weeks since you started officially dating, but you don't think you'll ever get used to wonwoo praising you so easily.
"i-i don't remember," you tell him honestly and your boyfriend merely chuckles, rising just a bit to give his hips more leverage to decimate your poor cunt. "shit. right there, daddy!"
the head of his cock rams against your cervix again and again and again—a sob caught in your throat as each drag stimulates you to no end. one of the perks of fucking you at the edge of your bed is that wonwoo gets to control just how deeply he can penetrate you.
he notes your desperate moans with a smirk, one of his large hands fitting snuggly around your throat as the other lingers by your face. when your boyfriend's thumb prods against your spit-slicked lips, you're all too eager to suck on it like a piece of candy.
wonwoo groans at the sight—the practiced cadence of his thrusts faltering for a millisecond before resuming the punishing pace he's set.
"don't you ever fucking wear this on your streams," he growls, hooking his other thumb into your mouth. when your boyfriend leans down again, you can feel his hot breath fan against your face. "for my eyes only. got that?"
in the back of your mind, you feel like you've had this conversation with him before. but the difference now is that you're no longer toeing around a complex situationship that you were too afraid to give a name to.
this time around, wonwoo is your boyfriend.
your extremely possessive boyfriend, apparently.
"only yours, daddy," you mewl as wonwoo molds your lips into another kiss that feels much too sweet for someone who's just staked his claim on you.
it brings you over the edge anyway.
the sensation of your velvet walls clamping down on his length when your orgasm slams into you is enough to drive wonwoo into bucking his hips against yours erratically. your boyfriend rides out the way your sweet pussy milks his cock for his release like it's begging him to fill you to the brim.
and who is he to deny you what you so desperately want?
wonwoo's hot cum paints your insides in his colors as your boyfriend engraves the sound of you screaming his name into memory. not that he doesn't have enough of that to go around, but whenever he makes you come, wonwoo likes to think it's a brand new experience each time.
though he wouldn't ever say it aloud, there's nothing more that he wants than to share even more of these moments with you.
"no, seriously, who sent you that set? didn't you already get rid of that old twitter account? i saw you deactivate it with my own two eyes."
you giggle at the clipped tone that accompanies wonwoo's words as he helps get you cleaned in the shower. after you wipe off a clump of soap suds that landed on his nose, you stand on your tippy toes to give him a kiss.
"i never gave my address out on twitter though, so it might just be one of those more daring cosplay brands trying to get me to become an ambassador," you reassure with a ditzy smile. "joke's on them though 'cause the only person who'll see me wearing cat girl lingerie is you."
when wonwoo grumbles, "damn straight," under his breath before turning on the shower to rinse off, you consider it as a win in your book.
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⟢ end notes: it's been a hot minute since i've acknowledged the existence of gamer!daddy!wonwoo so it's kinda refreshing to write them fucking around again :') i ALSO don't mind being sent nsfw links as long as there's a heads up lol we're all horny here <3
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ch3rriiii-bunn · 10 months
Please your the only one whos really good at writing the clones like this...
Please do the clones with a shy catgirl reader all together. When she gets really needy for their attention that they havent been giving her enough of lately so she starts to break randim things here and there and gets rlly bratty and gets punished (idc about being anonymous or not ngl i have no shame)
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Our kitten
Word count: 5.8k♡
Got carried away while writing this... THIS IDEA IS SO GOOD I COULDN'T HELP IT😍 maybe I'll make a part two but make is sfw for the aftercare 🙈
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Warnings: fem!reader, demon cat reader, pet names "kitten", "kitty", "good girl" and "pretty kitty", bratty reader, needy reader, some humor, rough fucking, Humiliation kink, Degrading, Dacryphilia,spanking, biting, some blood play, 5some, over stimulation, nipple play, anal, some aftercare in the end
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"Enough! We don't have time for this!" Sekido yelled as he slammed his staff hard on the ground but refrained from using his blood demon art. You've had enough. You knew they had a job to do for Muzan, but the lack of attention you've been getting was driving you to a breaking point.
You jumped from the loud sound of Sekido's staff hitting the ground, but you didn't budge. Your body was in an 'X' shape in front of the door with your legs spread apart and your nails digging into the door frame. "Move from the fucking door Sekido said again but you continue to test him and snarl him.
You watched as Sekido's eye twitched when you gave him that look and knew it was time to calm down. Your ears dropped in some fear of making Sekido mad, but I also loved the attention you're getting, even if it's aggressive. You stopped your snarling and spoke, "Why do you have to leave now? You guys didn't come back till I'm almost dawn, and now you're leaving me again? That's not fair!" You said as your tail starts to curl and thrashes.
"Our pretty kitten is so needy, isn't she?. I'd love to play with you, but we gotta go. It's no use trying to prevent us from leaving," Karaku laughed. "This is the first time you're acting up. I like it, and it feels like a game, too." Urogi chuckles, but you only pout at their responses and didn't budge at all.
"Stop joking around about this. She's being a damn brat right now, and we, especially, I do not have the time for this. We got a job to do," Sekido shoved Urogi and Karaku out of his way to grab the back of your oversized shirt in an attempt to pick you up from the ground. You mewl once Sekido grabbed the back of your shirt. You weren't wearing any panties, so you freed a hand that's been gripping into the door frame to pull your shirt down as it lifted.
"Y/n, please don't act like that. It makes me sad when you don't listen," Aizetsu said as he peeped his head over Sekido's shoulder. "Aizetsu!" Your eyes softened, and your hand rested its grip from the wall. "Don't baby her. She's not listening at all, on purpose at that," Sekido said while still holding you in his grip. "I'm not babying her. It just makes me sad to see her like this because we have to leave," Aizetsu said and opened his arms to you.
"You're definitely babying her," Urogi said, making him and Karaku laugh. He was right, though. Out of all the clones, Aizetsu is the most calm and understanding. You wanted all four to stay with you, but your last chance was to get Aizetsu to at least say with you. "Come here," Aizetsu said and opened his arms. You gasped happily and tried to escape Sekido's grip to go to Aizetsu.
"Give her to me," Aizetsu voiced, quivered asking Sekido to realse you. Sekido groaned in annoyance as he let's go of your shirt. He watched you jump onto Aizetsu while wrapping your legs and arms around his body and giving his cheek light kitten licks with a happy smile on your face.
"Aizetsu, you'll stay with me, won't you? Please?" You said, practically begging as your tail sticks up straight in happiness. "Needy and selfish? Thought you wanted all of us to stay with you," Urogi teased and touched your sensitive tail, wrapping it lightly around his his claw and laughes at how your body shivered.
Aizetsu wraps his arms around your waist and takes you over to the couch. "As much as it would make me happy to stay and play with you, I can't. We've been over this y/n, and it saddens me to see you not listen." Aizetsu said and frowned as he watched your happy expression fade away.
"We told you there would be times we can't play with you and have a job to do for Lord Muzan. Sorry," Karaku said with a cocky smile on his face as he shrugged his shoulders. "At least she's moved from the door now. Let's go," Urogi said about to flu out of the door. "N-no!!" You mewl again and hold onto Aizetsu tighter. Urogi was standing right behind Aizetsu, so you managed to grab a hold of his wing and watched him groan in pain.
"Not my wings! Shit that hurts!" Urogi snarled at you but tried not to rip his wings from your grip since it would hurt him. You shake your head and then let out a whimpered gasp once you feel Aizetsu's grip lossen and his hands falling to his sides. He wasn't holding you anymore, but you still managed to have your body hold onto his.
"Aizetsu?" You asked with your chin resting on his shoulder. "Down girl," Aizetsu said. You saw your vision become blurry with the tears filling your waterline. It just wasn't fair. No matter how hard you begged for them to stay and play with you, it just wasn't enough. You looked up to see Sekido heading out of the door and Karaku  following behind him.
"Meet us in the forest when you've gotten her to behave. If I deal with y/n, then her ass is going to be red for days," Sekido said to Urogi and Aizetsu. "Do it then." You said and watched Sekido slowly turn around, "Say that again. I couldn't catch that" he said and gripped onto his staff harder.
"So sassy, aren't we?" Karaku added and held his fan over his shoulder as he laughed at you. "I said... do it then!" You said and jumped off of Aizetsu but pulled a feather out from Urogi's wings when jumped down on all fours. "Fuck!" Urogi said as his fingers adjusted themselves out of reflexs. "You're playing a dangerous game. You won't win kitten," Urogi said with some anger in his tone.
"Be a good girl y/n... how about I come back earlier to play with you?" Aizetsu said, trying to reason with you, but it just didn't work. At this point, you were acting out, not caring about the end results afterward, and just wanted to teach them a small lesson on how you can be when you repeatedly get denied attention.
Your speed as a demon was average, but being a demon with cat-like traits improved your speed as a demon who isn't eben a lower or upper rank. You quickly jumped from the ground and pulled Aizetsu's spear out of his hands, and wrapped your tail around it. Aizetsu gasped, immediately chasing after you as soon as you ran out of the door.
That wasn't enough, though. Next was Karaku. "You so badly want to play dont you pretty kitty? Not today!" Karaku waved his fan and used his blood demon art to stop you, but you dogged his attack, jumped and snatched his fan from his tight grip in his hand. "You little-" Karaku clenched his teeth in annoyance and started to chase after you with Aizetsu to get his weapon back.
Sekido's body trembled with anger. He hated how difficult you were being and didn't hesitate to slam his staff onto the ground to create multiple electrical volts your way. "Stop running away like a little pest!!!" He yelled and continued to chase you into the woods with Aizetsu and Karaku.
"You're going to have to go catch me if you want your weapons back!" You looked back for a moment to see the three demons chasing after you. You couldn't help but giggly at this "game" of tag, you just couldn't bare another night alone without them with you, you wanted their attention so badly you were doing anything to get it, even if it ment breaking a few rules.
"You're fast, y/n," you heard and turned your head back for a moment to see Urogi flying down towards you at full speed, "but I'm faster!" Urogi laughed. You tried to run away, but you couldn't beat Urogi's speed once he'd in air. You tried to doge his talons, but your body flew back once he used his claw to grab your tail.
"Ow!" You said as you fell right on your ass. Aizetsu and Karaku's weapons fell out of your tails grip once Urogi grabbed it, and you sighed in defeat. You slowly turned your head back and giggled nervously. "Can we play some more?" You asked and tried to wiggle your tail out of Urogi's grip, but you couldn't.
"Urogi... that hurts! Let go of my tail." You mewl and tried to pull your tail out of his grip. "I told you you'd be playing a game you couldn't win." Urogi said drags your body closer to him. Your nails digged into the ground to try and brace yourself, but it was too late, especially when Urogi decided to give your ass a spank as he got on a knee.
You mewled loudly and wiggled your hips side to side as you felt his talons dig into your skin to grip your ass and even knew he could tear your oversized her that's covering your ass right off. "And stealing my fan. I've told you to never play with my things y/n, " Karaku said, also getting on a knee and spanks your other ass cheek harder and watches your tail finally pull out from Urogi's grip and straighten up.
You moaned when Karaku spanked your ass. "What's this?" Karaku asked while feeling your ass in his palm with a smirk. "Is our pretty kitten not wearing any panties under her shirt?" Urogi asked and used his talon to flick your shirt up to expose your ass. "Well, would you look at that. You're not wearing anything underneath here," Karaku said and watched you cover your face with your hands.
"You're even a little wet, too. Is it because of the spankin?" Aizetsu spoke and bent down closer to see your pretty pussy shine with its slick. "I don't care if she's horny or not," Sekido said and pushed all three of them out of his way. "I hate bratty kittens," Sekido said and got down on his knees and rolled up the sleeves on his kimono.
"Sekido i-" you bit your lip when you felt his large heavy hands spank your ass. "Shut up. You've been acting up since last night," he said and spanks you again. "I overlooked it, but now you're really pushing it, " he said and gave you a final spank.
"Ah!" Your back arched and felt harsh stings from only three spanks from Sekido. You whimper softly and turn your head just enough for an eye to look back at Sekido. "What? Have you learned your lesson?" He asked, but you only push your hips back to make your ass press hard on his crotch. Karaku and Urogi rasied their eye brows and smirk as they watch you grind yourself back on Sekido.
Aizetsu felt a little jealous. He wished that was him getting grinned on, but he just stood there and gripped onto his spear. Sekido didn't say anything for a moment. He just clenched his teeth to hold back a moan and watched you grind your ass on his growing erection.
"Fucking slut.." Sekido said and spanks your ass and grabs a hand full of your ass cheek. "You wanted this, didn't you? Acting like a damn brat just for some cock huh?" He said and then watches your soft, long tail playfully touch his chest and tries to slip its way into his kimono. "You wanted attention so badly but can't even say it? How pathetic," Sekido said and pushed his softly in a thrusting motion to grind back with you.
"Maybe y/n was right. One night of skipping to find the blue spider lily wouldn't be that bad" Karaku said and grabs his hard cock though his pants. "I call taking her ass" Urogi said, already taking possession of how he's going to fuck you on his turn. "You guys are forgetting about me. How sad," Aizetsu said and squats down in front of you.
"I told you to be a good girl for us, but you just wouldn't listen... at least we get to play with you," Aizetsu said and sneaked his hand under your hidden face to lift your head up. You stopped grinding on Sekido and looked up at Aizetsu's eyes, narrowed down at you and his eye's having a darker blue vibe about them. He is upset and not like how he usually is.
"We are going to play with you our way. Understand?" Aizetsu said so calm and sweat, but his grip on his jaw tightened, forcing you to open your mouth and expose your fangs. "I-i understand," you said as your lips quivered.
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If there was anything the clone brothers were good at doing together besides fighting, it was taking their turns to share you. "Nah, keep her shirt on. She didn't want to show us her pretty pussy. So let's just keep her covered," Karaku said as he gose down between your thighs and wraps his musclar arms around them, locking you in his grip.
"Th-thats not true! I just.... didn't want to wear any," you lied. You wanted to surprise them earlier but they tried to leave you but now you could tell Karaku felt Slightly offended you'd hide the pussy he loves to eat so much. "And no bra" Aizetsu added and cups your boobs and pulls you so your back passes againts his chest. You never wore a bra under your shirt but this time Aizetsu just wanted to point it out to you.
Your thigh buckle together on Karaku's head once you felt his warm tounge give you a long lick from your wet hold, up between your folds and to your clit. Your back arched, and your head fell back on Aizetsu's shoulder. "Dose his tongue feel good?" Aizetsu whispered in your ear as his fingers took your nipple and started to twist and pull on them through your shirt.
"Yes- So good~" you whisper against the back of your hand as you whimper. "Aizetsu lay her down," Karaku spoke for a moment before using his lips to kiss and suck on your folds. Aizetsu let  out a sigh as he scooted back to lay your body down. He hovers over you just to continue playing with your boobs until he brings his mouth closer and starts to suck on your nipples through your shirt.
"A-Aizetsu~ not through my shirt." Your eyes dropped, and you whined from the pleasure. "I would rip off your shirt to make this easier, but you aren't being a good kitty. Sad, isn't it?" Aizetsu said and sucks on your nipples and forms wet spots on your shirt to expose your hard, swollen nipples more.
Karaku rolls his tounge over your clit and smirks at you as his fingers press on your hole. "You love when your nipples are played with don't you kitten?" Karaku teased and slips his thick fingers insides your pussy "look at that, squeezing my fingers in already mm?" Karaku puts his lips back on your clit and hums. "D-dont say that!" You moaned into your hand, and your back arches from the feeling.
Aizetsu continued to suck and lick your nipples and then used his hands to hold your and held them down so they could hear your moans. "How stubborn. Do you want to act all shy now after being a brat?" Sekido commented as he stood and watched Aizetsu and Karaku go down on you. "It's cute, but you can't hide your pretty moans forever. Especially when I get inside that hole," Urogi said, turning you on even more.
Karaku chuckled on your pussy as he felt you tighten up from Urogi's comment. He knew what eles he had to do so this could go by more smoothly. Whenever Karaku eats your pussy it's always messy, his Slavia drooling from his tounge and making you more wet, he loves to lap up your juices but this time he's letting it run down to your hole.
For a moment, Karaku legs go of your thighs completely and sucked on two fingers on his other hand. He gently runs a finger up and down your hole, you lift your head up in confusion when he stopped licking your clit and fingerkng your pussy "Karaku what are you doing.. th-thats my-" you cut off your words once you felt Karaku's fingers push inside your asshole.
Aizetsu intertwined his fingers with yours and felt your hands grip onto his from the feeling. "Karaku!" You moaned and heard his silly laugh. "I've never played with both your holes like this" he said and continued to finger your pussy with two fingers and slowly fingers your ass, slowly with one finger.
Your hips started to circle around and raise at the feeling. It hurt for a second, then slowly turned into pleasure. "It's okay," Aizetsu said and now lifted up your shirt to your neck. "Just vare with it some more, okay?" He said and sucks on your bare nipple. Karaku puts his lips back onto your clit as he continued to suck and lick it whole fingering both your holes.
"K-karaku! Aizetsu~ haa~" your mouth hangs open and your hips grind in circles as Karaku finger fucks both your holes and feeling your orgasm build up, especially from Aizetsu continuously sucking and playing with your nipples. "Think she'll scream? She's so loud already and doesn't care who eles could be listening," Urogi said.
You wanted to muffle your moans so badly, but your hands were being held down by Aizetsu. You couldn't overcome his strength or squirm your hands out from his grip. The only thing you could do is swollow down your embarrassment and let your moans spill out from your throat.
You whimper when you hear the squishy wet sounds from your pussy as Karaku's adds a third finger inside your pussy, then adding a second on in your hole. Karaku manged to do that while flicking his tounge fast on your throbbing pussy and watches you intensely as your hips buck in his hold.
"Since Urogi is taking her ass, I call taking her mouth," Aizetsu said as he pulled his lips away from your nipple and gave your lips a peck. "M'c-cumming!" You choke on your words as Aizetsu wraps his hand around your throat and then presses his lips back onto yours and forces his tounge in your mouth.
Aizetsu kept choking you and swallowed down your moans. Urogi kissed his teeth, wanting to hear you scream, but he knew Aizetsu loved to French kiss you roughly when you get close to an orgasm. It didn't matter though, once you started cumming on Karaku's fingers Urogi knew his time was coming up.
But first, Sekido needed to go. You'd think it's unfair that he gets to fuck you frist when Karaku and Aizetsu did all the work however this is a punishment and Sekido takes your punishments seriously when he fucks you. Or at least he tries. Sekido sat down on the ground and put his back against the tree. "Get to riding"
"B-but I just came," you weakly sit up and look over at Sekido, pull out his hard, thick cock from his kimono. "I said. Ride it," Sekido demanded. You mewled softly and got up to sit on his cock. "Uh, uhh." Urogi clicks his tounge and stops you from going to Sekido. You look at him, confusioned until you watched as Urogi pointed to the ground "kittens don't walk on two feet, do they?" He said.
Sekido's angered frown curled into a smile. You heard Karaku Snickers and just knew Aizetsu was smiling, too. They all had a kick at embarrassing you in their own ways, knowing how shy you were, but arguing back wouldn't help. You sighed and got down on your knees and put your feet on the ground.
You crawled to Sekido. Your tail is staying straight up, feeling both embarrassed yet excited. Karaku licked his lips as he watched you crawl, and Aizetsu hummed lowly in satisfaction just from seeing your wet holes from the back and felt his pants tighten around his crotch area.
You made it to Sekido and postion yourself to ride him. "No hands," Sekido said, and your ears fall down in disappointment, "but you're gonna pull on my tail.." you said and tried to curl it, but let out a loud mewl when Sekido stops you from curling your tail.
"A cock hungry, desperate slut like you can ride it with no hands, and so what if I pull on your tail? You're gonna ride me until I cum and over stimulate yourself on the cock you love so much" Sekido said and lined his cock to your pussy.
Sekido did this on purpose. There was no way you could ride him with no hands while you faced him, so you had no choice but to turn around with your ass turned to him while facing the others. "Sekido didn't give you much of a choice, did he? How sad" Aizetsu said as you lowered yourself on Sekido's length, moaning as you took every inch and felt his cock stretching you out.
"Our slutty kitty is enjoying herself though. She's bouncing on it so hard that her tits might just slap her in the face." Karaku laughed. You placed your hands on the ground to slap your ass up and down on Sekido as you take it and look back at him. "Too embarrassed to look at the others?" Sekido teased as he grips onto your tail harder and spanks your ass.
You don't admit it to them but your tails and ears are just as sensitive as your clit. Having your tailed played with while getting fucked has always been a huge turn on. You didn't want Sekido to stop playing with it, you missed the feeling of being stuffed with cock that you started to moan away and not care about anyone hearing you.
Sekido grunts as he watches you make a mess on his cock and from watching your pretty ass jiggle everytime you bounced on it. "How does it feel y/n?" Urogi asked. Sekido, let's go of your tail and throws his head back, getting closer to his orgasm and how your pretty tail wraps to caresse his chest and under his chin. "S'good~ so good. I-im gonna cum again" you announced.
Sekido bottomed out and grabbed your hips. He started to thrust his hips upwards, hitting deep inside you, but it wasn't enough. He needed to ruin you. He pulls you backward, making your back back on his chest, and then grabs both your thighs and pulls your legs back. Your entire body as well as your stuffed pussy is now exposed to the others.
"Sekidooo~" You let out a long moan with his name as he used his strength to hold your body up and uses you to bounce on his cock. "Heh, what happened to letting her do all the work" Karaku said and Sekido just let out a deep moan. "Shut- ngh haa, the fuck up" Sekido said as he shuts his eyes and fucks you until your both cumming. Your thighs twitch as you felt his cock throbbing inside as he fills you up with his cum.
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Sekido pulls you off his cock and watches you fall face frist into the grass with your ass up. He chuckled as he watches his cum leak out of you and then gave your ass another spank "don't pass out just yet kitten. You have three other demons to get fucked by. Your punishment isn't over," Sekido said and watched Karaku, Urogi, and Aizetsu surround you.
"But this punishment is so fun for her. Isn't that right, kitten?" Karaku said and fingers your pussu again to get Sekido's cum out of you. Your body jumps from your sesntive pussy being fingered again. You moan when Urogi starts to play with your tail and then gasped as he rips your shirt off. "we don't need this on you," he said
Aizetsu touches your ears and then rubs your bottom lip with his thumb with his other hand and then pulls your head up by your hair. "I'm going to fuck your throat okay? I know you can do it. It's sad how I have to teach you a lesson like this" he said and starts to slip his pants down to expose his vainy cock.
Karaku finished getting the cum out of you and gets himself underneath you "and you're gonna take both cocks at once. Maybe you'll behave if we do that," Karaku said started to slap his hard cock on your wet pussy. "Oh fuck~," you moaned as your body trembles from the slaps on your pussy.
"You sound so sexy when you cuss." Urogi grabs his ass, digging his nails into your skin and thrusts his cock between your ass cheeks "let me hear you scream for me" Urogi said as he lined his tip with your hole, thrusting the tip in and and moaned as he started to force his length inside your tight hole. "T-too much! Urogi!" You whined his name as your thighs flexed, and your nails dig into the ground as your ass hole started to stretch out.
"Relax kitten~, you're so tensed up. We just wanna fuck good~" Karaku said and let his head throw back as he slips his cock inside your pussy and pushing his hips upwards. Aizetsu pets your head, giving your ears a soft rub to adjust to two cocks inside you. He then turns your head to his cock and pressed his tips to your lips "open up, pretty kitten. I need you to suck it already." Aizetsu whimpered as his hips thrust in your face to make his tip part your lips.
Urogi thrust once more, making your body jerk forward and getting his cock inside your ass. Karaku is deep inside your pussy as well, you felt both cocks already hitting your g-spot and you could only respond with you a loud moan as mouth hung open and your tounge falling out.
This gave Aizetsu the opportunity to slowly push his cock inside your mouth and let's out shakey moans as he felt your warm, wet mouth. Karaku and Urogi started to fuck your holes slow, both thrusting your hips in and out not in rhythm together but at their own pacing.
Karaku spreads his legs more and holds your hips tighter to make his cock thrust easier inside.  He moans at your wetness, your pussy sucking him in so perfect he just had to lift his head up an suck on your nipples as he fucks you. You moan on Aizetsu's cock once you felt Karaku's tip hitting your cervix and his tounge playing with your nipples.
Urogi's thrusts started to become harder. Your body kept jerking forward as he hits deep inside "looks like you loved being fucked in the ass, your tail won't stop rubbing on me. Pretty kitty~" Urogi moans as he watches your tail caress his hips each time he pulls back and thrust his cock inside you and then your tail going to his chest and brushing over his nipples.
"You're being very obedient kitten," Aizetsu said as his thumbs play with your ears while holding onto your head. Aizetsu looks down and watches your lips wrap around his cock tightly and your teary eyes looking up at him "fuck her harder. She looks so pretty when she cries," Aizetsu said to Urogi and Karaku as he starts to shove his cock further down your throat.
You groan on Aizetsu's cock, making him moan from the vibrations around his cock when you felt Urogi and Karaku fucking your holes faster and harder. Tears roll down your face as you start to get fucked dumb in all three holes and when you looked up at Aizetsu you saw a small smirk curled on his lips just from seeing you cry from the over stimulation.
You couldn't announce your cumming. Aizetsu's cock was too far down your throat to speak and his balls slapping your chin. Karaku let out a dry chuckle with a moan as he felt your juices leak down on his shaft. "We didn't tell you that you could cum didn't we?" Karaku asked and Urogi laughed. "Poory kitty. You couldn't tell us since your throat is being stuffed with cock huh?" Urogi said and spanks both your ass cheeks.
You're sobbing with moans. It felt so good, too good to the point where your eyes rolled back, and your body trembled from their brutal thrusts. Your chin was covered in saliva as it drips from your mouth as Aizetsu starts to fuck your face faster "oh god~ I'm gonna cum. Oh fuck" Aizetsu whimpers and shuts his eyes.
You could taste his pre cum on his tounge and felt his cock stiffen as he cums down your throat. You choke slightly but breathe through your nose as Aizetsu holds the back of your head, keeping his abdomen pushed to your face. "Drink it for me. Don't let a single drop spill out"
"Fuck I don't think I'll hold out myself~" Urogi said as he kept up his brutal thrusts, grunting and breathing heavy as he pounds your ass until he came to a stop. Urogi holds your ass cheeks open as he cums inside your ass. Your blood runs down your thighs from Urogi's tight grip on your ass from his talons.
Moments after Karaku made a finally thrust, making your moan out as he pumps his load inside you. They stayed inside your holes for a few more seconds until their orgasms were done. "Fuck.." you whispered as your body collapses on Karaku "don't think you're done yet. You've got another round to go," Sekido said.
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"Let's have her lay down. I feel sad that she's already fucked out" Aizetsu said and lays you on your side. He did the same thing and lay in front of you, which made Sekido groan. "That's the point. Besides, you're ready for more, aren't you?" Sekido asked with some concern yet sounding angery. You nod. "Use me as much as you want... master's," you said said.
Sekido and Aizetsu were shocked at what you said. "You didn't call us that!" Urogi said, and Karaku crossed his arms, feeling a bit hurt. "W-wait, I didn't... I just.." you said, realizing what you said and looking at Sekido and Aizetsu to explain yourself. "Call me your master again, pretty kitty" Aizetsu said and kisses your neck as he grinds his cock on your stomach.
Sekido let's out a dark chuckle as he lifts up your legs as he lays behind you. "Accident or not we are your fucking masters. And you're gonna be a good kitten and take both of our cocks" Sekido said and shoves his cock in your ass. Aizetsu crossed his leg over on sekido's as he positioned his cock to your pussy and pushes his length inside.
"Oh god! Y-yes masters~" you whimper and they start to fuck you rough since your holes have already been fucked by Karaku and Urogi. You look at Aizetsu as he fucks your pussy side ways and pull him in for a deep kiss. Sekido bites the back of your neck, making you moan in Aizetsu's mouth.
Sekido licks the blood spilling from your neck and kisses it "so good, so fucking tight. Gonna fill you up again" Sekido growled as he fucks your ass sideways and makes his skim clap on yours. Aizetsu's hand reaches up to your booobs and grabs a hand full of it. He gropes your tit and plays with your nipple between his fingers while continuing to snap his while moaning in your mouth.
"Come here," Sekido growled and pulled your hair to pull your lips away from Aizetsu's and onto his. Aizetsu whimpered from your lips leaving his but continued to fuck your pussy and reaching his hand down to rub at your clit. "Sekido~ mhm~" you tounge kiss him for a few seconds until he pulled back and catches your tail in his mouth.
You mewl, clenching down on both of them until they groaned as Sekido licks and bites on your sensitive tail. "I-its too much! Gonna cum, again!" You let out high pitched moans as you felt your body getting hotter, your head feeling light and the excitement building up in your chest as well as your orgasm.
"Cum for me" Aizetsu whined and grips onto your waist "I wanna see you squirt. Please? You'll do that, right baby?" Aizetsu begged. "You're going to squirt for me. Gonna pound this ass till you do and your gonna take my cum inside your filthy hole again. Right? Slutty kitten?" Sekido asked.
Your body jerks back and forth from Aizetsu and Sekido sandwiching you. "Yes! Yes, yes!~" you screamed in pleasure as your lips quivered and tears rolling down your face as you squirt. Your juices spray out onto Aizetsu's thighs, even getting some of it on Sekido as well.
They continue to fuck you through your orgasm, watching as your eyes rolled back until they cummed. "Don't push it out, kitten. Keep it inside" Aizetsu kissed you as he fucks his cum back inside while riding out his orgasm. "Let a single drop spill out and I'm fucking you dumb again" Sekido threatened and grinds his hips onto your ass, not pulling out until seconds after.
The rough punishment was done. You lied there until Sekido and Aizetsu fully dressed themselves. Aizetsu is the only that picks you up and you cling to him, weakly "please don't leave~ I'll let you fuck me again so you don't go~" you looked at Aizetsu and turning your head to Sekido, then Urogi and Karaku.
"Well, you've always wasted our time to do our job, so we have no choice but to stay with you," Sekido said and turned his back to you, feeling flustered. "As much as I love to fuck you senseless it's time I take a break and play with our pretty kitty for real" Karaku said and kissed your forehead.
Urogi hugs you, along with Aizetsu, and rubs his cheek on yours. "Let's go give her a bath!" Urogi said. "we all need one. Especially you, " Sekido said to Urogi, but he just flew in the air to avoid what Sekido said. Karaku laughed and walked back to the cottage standing next to Sekido. Aizetsu kisses both your ears and then your forehead. "Forgive Urogi for ripping your shirt. Would you like to wear my one of my kimonos? It would look like a dress on you," Aizetsu said.
"I'd love that so much," you whisper and wrap your arms around Aizetsu and fall asleep in his arms as he carries you back to the cottage.
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ameraincandy · 4 months
--𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨!
Synopsis: The genshin boys & their catgirl behind closedoors~
!tw!: nsfw, mentions of smoking, mentions of the forbidden leaf, mentions of high and venti being a crackhead and consuming catnip.
Characters-! Kazuha, Venti
Author's note: finally back from being sick! Can't wait to post again<3
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Seriously, what was he thinking about bringing a random girl from the streets onto his home?
Alright maybe he does have to admit that you were easy on the eye...yet imagine his surprise when he saw you sprout cat ears and a tail while rummaging through his refrigerator for that tuna sandwich he was going to have for dinner! So either way; he doesn't have the heart to throw you out, so he opted to keep you instead. It wasn't going to be easy that's for sure...but at least he would have his own “fun” punishing you.
| 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡! 𝐊𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚 🎀
Not only did you have a reliable master- a pretty one too at that!
Although it does add the burden of fending off unwanted admirers who stink up his scent! Can't he see that those hussies are just a waste of his time? He has to realize that they're not the ones who wait an absurd amount of time for him to come home after he disappears to the strange hell that's college! Seriously, Kazuha doesn't know how selfish he's being by leaving his kitty unattended all alone with only the various gifts he spoiled her. Why, only his catgirl can definitely take on the weird punishments that her master seems to enjoy implementing...
Yet- speaking of punishments, surely Kazuha wouldn't get upset over seeing his ruined thesis paper ripped on the floor...it was just the heat of the moment after seeing one of those floozies right at his door to seemingly deliver the papers he left.
Yeah right, like hell you could believe that! Those girls are just there to throw themselves onto your master! Annd... before you could notice, said thesis is ripped in pieces. Maybe he wouldn't get mad, after all he makes a ton of those papers, surely one being destroyed wouldn't hurt right?
NSFW under this!
The jingling of keys could be heard along with a click on the door to reveal a somewhat disheveled Kazuha inviting himself in your shared apartment; placing a hand on his hair to push it back lazily before calling out to you in a daze.
“Kitty? Are you-yawn...still awake perhaps?“ Upon hearing your master softly call your name, your cat ears perked up as the bell on your choker toiled to make your presence known to him, greeting him with a warm hug all the while stirring him awake, yet making him melt in the hug with a soft sigh.
“I'm here!~ Welcome home Kazuha, It must've been a tiresome day for you hmm..?“
While in the embrace of an innocent hug, you mischievously smothered him in your breasts with the intention to not only wipe off the stench of other girls on his clothes, but to also distract him from seeing the ruined thesis paper on the floor! Aside from your internal panic, Kazuha could clearly see past the excuses of affection that you were showing him in...But he couldn't deny the growing arousal of his from the touch of your soft body, chuckling on the side of your nape.
“Dearest, what are you hiding from me...?“
Kazuha just loved teasing you to the tip of his cock heart, seeing your flustered reactions really was the highlight of his college days and even brightened up some of his stressful weeks of the semester, and he's certainly planning on not stopping anytime soon so to further incite panic on his cute kitty girl, Kazuha pulled himself away from your chest and places himself onto your shoulder, earning to hear a well-deserved squeal out of you as he playfully makes several clicks with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh dear, have you been misbehaving in my absence? You know I don't tread lightly with any misdemeanor of yours...“
The pitch in his voice steeped to a low octave as the loving grip on your waist began to harshly mark crescendos in the flesh, restraining your movements as he led you to the door of his bedroom, a sinister smile growing on Kazuha's lips as he hushed your panic cries.
”Shhh shh...stop trying to resist, you deserve this don't you..?” Kazuha brazenly wiped the tears from your weeping form as a dark seductive laugh escapes from his lips, coming from such a mesmerizing face and flowery words...you hadn't noticed that Kazuha already unlocked the bedroom door and you swiftly landed on his bed.
By then, what snapped you awake was the apparent sound of clothes ripping and the wide physical shock from seeing your master already placed in between your legs, biting and sucking so harshly on the supple flesh that you're sure blood would appear.
“K-kazuha haah...! sniff enough please! It hurts!...hic- sssso much! Ssssoso!-“ You wail a panicked cry on deaf ears as Kazuha slapped your exposed clit with an amused smile, tutting at your whining.
“Ah ah ahhh~ you know that isn't my name in this situation, say it correctly and I just might go gentle for tonight's punishment...♡“
Kazuha playfully mused as he briefly blew a wisp of cold air on your exposed cunt, causing you to shiver violently from the sensation with a yelp.
“M-mreow Hah! Master! P-please go gentle on me~“ You mewled desperately that you haven't felt your fluffy cat tail wrap around his wrist that delayed another teasing on your puffy clit, to Kazuha's distaste.
“You disappoint me kitten...haven't I told you to stop resisting? Enticing me with that sweet voice of yours won't make things better either...” Kazuha sighed before cruelly plunging three fingers inside your vulva with no warning. Before you could even realize the tears swelling in your eyes, all you felt was the painful stretch of his slender fingers inside your gummy walls. The bed then creaked slightly as Kazuha adjusted himself on your pathetic form to nibble on your fluffy cat ears to his liking.
“Come now and caress those pretty nipples of yours to encourage my fingers to start moving, that's what you want don't you?” Followed by a shaky nod, your hands started to toy with your perky nipples to feel your master finally, finally! thrust those three fingers of his inside you, sliding just right to your tight squishy walls while gradually coating his fingers in your slick...even picking up the pace a bit by thrusting in and out of your pussy.
”Ahh..ah! Fuck! Y-yes yesyes! Ooh! Right there m-master i'm...hahh..so close!“ You moaned in relief as you've begun to roughly tug and squeeze your nipples in an attempt to ease the impending orgasm for that night and the sinful noises of Kazuha's fingers squelching inside of you wasn't helping with your embarrassment either. Oh well, at least he was fingerfucking you so damn good that you could barely comprehend the dirty talk Kazuha was whispering in your ear...and after a few harsh thrusts, a moan was ripped out of your throat as you let out your orgasm, causing you to cream so much around his fingers.
While you were preoccupied twitching intensely underneath him, you felt your master pull his three fingers outside of you with a string of your essence present as he grinded his clothed erection on your bare pussy with a lazy grin.
”Fuck...that was hot of you, my love...open wide~”
Kazuha then nudges the corner of your mouth open with his thumb to allow access his three fingers to rest snugly on your tongue with the taste of your sweet-salty cum overfilling your taste buds...you swear you would see the twisted expression of affection Kazuha is showing if it weren't for the sensation of his fingers shoving you open.
| 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫! 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢 🍀
Leave it to the fun professor of the Monstadt Department to get high with his cat-well er...catgirl. Jokes aside, Venti is a doting master to you almost frequently, despite your ironic contrast of being the responsible one in this living arrangement. Yet every once in a while, he forgets your constant scolding of his reckless behavior when he gets carried away with unwinding~
NSFW under this!
Dear god, if only you knew the devious shit he had planned for the both of you that day you would've shut the door on his face when he came home after a day at his University but to your reluctance, it was already too late for that when you found yourself sat on his lap with his lips hurriedly scattering kisses on your neck while you shakily lit up the rolled-up cigarette in his hand. While Venti; of course who noticed your nervousness began to take advantage of it by fiddling with the hem of your flimsy underwear, in the midst of his advances you winced from the sensation as you didn't even notice Venti's harsh sucking omit from your neck.
“Haah, you put on a facade as if you're not enjoying it~“ Venti nibbled hurriedly on the shell of your cat ear before swiftly taking away the lit-up cigarette off your hands with a soft inhale.
Although your cheeks were flushed, you still scoffed at that cocky accusation of your head turned away with a haughty pout;
“You leave me no choice, If I left you alone, only god knows the things you would- nffmph?!”
Alas, before your master could hear another harsh scolding from you; he was quick to slot his cigarette in between your lips instead.
“cough- cough! What the f...aAh~” Venti who let out a soft shush to your whining, encourages you to inhale while nudging his knee into your clothed cunt sensually by swaying side to side against your drenched clit...chuckling slightly from how your slick leaked so much through his knee. You, on the other hand can start to feel the effects of the drug start to take in with the helpful pointers from your teacher~♡
With a swift exhale out of the cigarette in between Venti's fingertips, you leaned into his slender chest while grinding back onto his knee, while the room continues to smell like sex by the evident sounds of your panting growing louder by adjusting to the rhythm on his lap to satisfy the underlying urge your instincts were screaming at you to fulfill.
“Shit- That's my windblume...F-fuck i need to-“
Venti swallowed your moans with an intense kiss as he allowed you to continue grinding your weeping cunt onto his evident hard-on before getting you off his lap to throw your back on the couch, wiping away the drool from his mouth to abruptly lift your leg over his shoulder to continue pressing against your now-drenched pussy.
“My snobbish kitten looks so vulnerable under me...you look perfect this way...“
Venti muffled his moans in between your neck as you felt his throbbing cock slip out of his boxers- adding more sensation to this high of yours and not a second more, you could see the self-restraint in his demeanor slip away with every quick inhale he took out of his cigarette.
“I-i can't hold back anymore...“ Venti panted in your ear before biting his lip so harshly that it threatened to spill red, accompanied by the feeling of his experienced hands straddling your hips that sent shivers down your spine as he briskly thrusted his engorged tip against your outer pussy lips, bottoming out completely with a gutteral groan. "M-master... fuck! it hurts-!" You immediately clasped your arms around Venti's back to dig in your sharp nails onto his skin effectively marking bright red-crescendos on your owner just as he wanted due to the fact that Venti's thrusts against your pussy started to reach deeper places inside of you...His lips omitting a puff of smoke onto your face before quickly asserting his ownership over your tongue and- wait, was that the taste of catnip on his lips? Venti could only chuckle between your lips at your bewildered expression; "You know I- shit...wasn't sure if catgirls like you could get high off regular weed...so I-" Venti pulled away from your enticing lips with a string of saliva glossing over as he paused his words to focus on the tight squeeze of your cunt, hitching his self-restraint to the best of his ability to prevent shooting ribbons of his cum inside you too soon~
"So I- purchased some catnip as a precaution..!- ah, lucky for me however..." You found his slender fingers wander to your chin, lifting it slightly to present his predatory gaze over yours, a smile that could only hold desire for his one and only pet.
"Your lewd moans in a chorus of a sweet melody deserves praise from her teacher hmm..?" You could only continue to claw harder against Venti's back to let him know your response as you start to feel his hips relenting it's pace-
”f-fuck wait- windblume...! S-SHIT!“ -and with a sharp thrust, Venti released globs of his cum with a whine as your walls convulsed around Venti's cock warmly as you started to tighten up around him to milk him for what he's worth...Yeah, you're sure as hell that Venti is going to be late for his prof class... Although maybe you'll give his scolding later~
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agent-cupcake · 9 months
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Pairing: Death (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish) x f!catgirl Reader
Synopsis: The series of unfortunate events and clichés that lead you to meeting a familiar nightmare in the middle of the woods beneath a full moon. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
Warnings: 18+, explicit smut w/ a nonhuman character (not a nonhuman cock though), noncon, death, violence
Tags: alternate universe, angst, size kink, object insertion, masochistic reader, praise (voice) kink, outdoor sex
Words: 18.5k
Notes: It's been a while, huh? Yes, today we are going to fuck the furry from a kids movie, I'm not sure if y'all are even surprised but. Anyway. On the one hand I'd say I feel shame but on the other they shouldn't have made him talk so sexy, which is not my fault. All the Spanish is from DeepL and context.reverso. Hopefully any mistakes aren't too bad and you don't find it too cringe, or you can manage to look past it for my sake.
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Once upon a time there lived in an unassuming little corner of the world a man. A husband to a beautiful wife and a father of two lovely children. He was strange, perhaps, for the ears atop his head, and the vertical irises through which he looked, and the spry springiness of his limbs. Stranger too for his chosen lifestyle, a traveling merchant whose blood couldn’t get any lower. Ravi, sons and daughters of Bastet, relics of a bygone era. For all that he was strange, however, he was steadfast. Bolstered rather than weakened by the critical eye of other men, the unyielding cut of his silhouette and unshakable confidence made the man a lord in his own right. He had been here, and there, traveling wherever the wind called him, and always with certainty. If his chosen path was obstructed by a swath of trees, he would see the forest leveled before he so much as considered choosing a different route. A further measure of his determination, however, would prove that if he were told that those same obstructing trees were sacred, he would scorch the earth so thoroughly that not even ash dared remain beneath his boots when he trampled on the hallowed ground. 
One day, the man looked down to admire how far he had come throughout the years, to smile upon the many grand achievements he had stacked up along the way. But then, looking a little closer, he couldn’t help but notice how long his shadow had become. While he had been distracted, the sun made its arc above him, and now it was falling towards the horizon, casting him in ever dimming light. Taking with it, he thought, Ra’s blessing. He began to tally up all of the things he had been ignoring. A stiff back, sore joints, fatigue after a day of travel, a headache after a night of frivolity. He noticed that while his son had grown tall and strong, he had been shrinking. The lovely apple cheeks of his beloved wife had begun to dull, wrinkles forming around her eyes. This realization filled the man with a feeling he had never experienced before—uncertainty. And then, fear. 
Unable to face the dark, he vowed that he would not allow it, he would do whatever it took to escape such a terrible fate. Unbeknownst to him, this audacious belief invited the attention of a creature with a unique penchant for mischief and an appetite for fear. A wolf. He told the man that he could run, he could fight, he could rage, he could try to pull the sun back with all his might, but in his desperate frenzy to escape the night, he would only incur a great debt. An immeasurable bounty. One, perhaps, that would condemn not only him, but his family and the legacy he had created. A terrible fate.
“I do not fear you,” the man said. 
The wolf laughed. 
It was to be a chase, then. A hunt. The man ran, searching for something, anything, that would save him, traveling here and there with purpose, scouring the shadows, tracking down myth and rumor with a passion bordering mania. There had to be, he reasoned, a way to remain in Ra’s boundless glory. Circling ever nearer, the wolf harried his prey to the last. 
Until, on the lush outskirts of a certain small village, a small ravi family set up their wagon for the night. The woods swarmed with the sound of bugs, the early summer heat simmering back down into the cold dampness of spring nights. Haunting and dreamlike, echoing in the dark, signaling finality, a song. And then, a figure in the dark. A familiar face, a frightening foe. 
There, in the night, beneath the full moon, the hunt ended. Nowhere to go, nowhere to run, his obsession had taken him so completely that the only remaining recourse was a final fit of fury against the dying light. Perhaps, in those last moments, the man realized what a fool he had been. Too late. The wolf had grown bored of the game.
Horror of horrors, serendipity struck. A child who should have been tucked up tight in her bed, sheltered and safe from what lurked in the dark, grew bored of counting sheep. She hadn’t yet learned to fear the night, thinking her father to be playing a delightful trick. Creeping, quiet, curious, and ignorant to the cruelty of the dangerous unseen, she breached the forest’s uncanny shadows. Deeper, deeper, until she discovered the truth. Her father’s corpse hit the ground, his empty eyes never seeing her terror, his deaf ears never hearing her scream. 
The gray wolf bid her to run, and she did. It was inevitable that they should meet again. 
one chance.
Before that night, you never gave much thought to death, or luck, or malevolent forces, or tragedy. It was only when you were huffing, puffing, screaming for help, crying wolf, that true fear crept into your life. Once the door opened, it could not be closed. Although the monster was long gone, its shadow remained. 
And they said: you were lucky to have escaped. They said: ravi law, loose as it was, could not be counted on for satisfactory justice. They said: the murder could not have been committed by any of the simple townsfolk. They said: it would be a blight upon the poor ordinary people for the case to drag on and on. And so the crime was tried thus—your brother, suffering a fit of drunken rage, donned a mummer’s wolf mask and murdered your father. 
Not even a day passed before the so-called trial was held. The only building that could accommodate the gawkers and jury was the local barroom, a place that stank of old wood and fermentation. You didn't know the man acting as judge, you did not recognize any of the faces around you, only that they were indifferent, cold, and your brother's life rested in their callous hands. He sat near the front as the case was laid out for the gawkers, his face drawn and shadowed. Clapped in irons, his mouth covered to protect his jailors from his sharp ravi canines, ears as low as you’d ever seen them, looking not so much a man on trial than livestock on auction.
"You’re the daughter, are you not?” the judge called. It took you a moment to realize he meant you, his dull eyes signaling you out. 
Someone spat at your feet. 
“Filthy half breed."
"They’re incestuous, the father must have found them in the act."
“They’re both guilty.” 
“Go ahead. Run. No one escapes me.” 
The low whisper, practically a growl, made your ears twitch, your heartbeat racing as you scanned the faceless crowd with dry eyes, blinking fast to try and find the source of that terrible voice. But the faces were all human, drawn with cruelty and disgust, but human. 
The judge banged on the table, catching your attention. “Young lady! You witnessed the crime, yes?” 
You shook your head in rejection of the phantom voice and cleared your throat, breaking free of your mother’s grasp to stumble towards the judge. "Yessir," you said. "Yessir, I am… I-I did."
“Go on, then. We’ll hear your testimony.” 
It was difficult to breathe, the air was stuffy and hot, your skin too tight. You could feel the people watching you, the weight of their eyes.   
"You've got it all wrong, sir,” you said. “It-it wasn't him. He couldn't-"
"The facts only, if you please," the judge said, cutting you off. "Did you or did you not see the man who attacked you?”
Hot, heavy tears formed in your eyes, primed to travel the same salty tracks down your cheeks left by those before. Fear, pain, sadness, exhaustion, all of it compounded and ached within you. You didn’t want to remember. You didn’t want to think. But you had to.
"It was no man, sir," you said, your voice choked.
“Do you mean to tell me a woman killed your father?” 
“No sir, it was an… an evil spirit.” Behind you, people muttered and whispered with disbelief. Shock. Doubt. Anger. The judge's jaw tightened, his eyes narrowing. “He had the head of a jackal, or a-a a wolf. ” 
“A mask.” 
“No, sir. It was not a man.” You heard your mother’s scolding voice from behind you, and your brother raised his head to look at you with shock, but you ignored it all.
"I should hope I don’t need to remind you of the severity of these proceedings,” the judge said, his eyes narrowed into slits.
"I know what I saw,” you replied, your hands balled into tight fists at your side.
"Your testimony is that an evil spirit with the head of a wolf murdered your father and attacked you?" The judge clarified, not so much as pretending to believe you. The question pulled a bit of laughter from the crowd. Your mother grabbed at your arm to pull you back, but you refused to let her. Instead, you set your stance and jaw.
More laughter, as if there was anything humorous about this situation. 
“I know,” the judge said loudly, silencing the crowd with a wave of his hand. “I know that you’ve been through a terrible thing, and I am sorry about that. That’s no excuse, however, and I mean this, it is no excuse for you to lie. You might think you’re defending your brother, but anything less than the absolute truth only strengthens the case against him. And, if I’m to be completely honest, I find this behavior deeply troubling. Perhaps it is acceptable among your kind to believe in stories of evil spirits and the like, but it is not appropriate here. We’re a good, God fearing people.”
“This isn’t a story. I saw it,” you insisted, your throat swollen and the world blurring up with tears. “The beast might still be in the woods, if you just look-” 
“Look for the big bad wolf?” the judge asked, a bushy gray eyebrow rising high, inviting further discontent and disbelieving laughter from the people behind you. He sighed, once again calling for order and shaking his head. “It pains me greatly, you must understand, I want to be fair considering your circumstances, but this really is unacceptable. If you won’t testify against him, your father’s killer-” 
“I told you,” you insisted, a little louder.
“No, young lady. And I repeat—no. What you have done is insult me and the fine people of this town with your absurd heathen fiction,” he told you.
“That’s not-” 
“Your kind think you are above civilized law, but understand that we are giving your father the justice he, as a son of God, deserves by right. Your father brought fear and tragedy into the hearts of these people, and your scoundrel brother committed an unthinkable crime. There are those who don’t believe your brother is deserving of a trial at all, considering the substantial evidence against him. Indeed, this is a kindness I am extending to you and your mother. So, for the last time, I will not tolerate your pagan fiction. Do you understand?” 
“I do,” you said, although you could feel your confidence wavering, a shaky cold sweat beading up on the back of your neck, pooling acidically in your stomach. He wasn’t going to listen. He didn’t believe you. “But I haven’t lied, I know what I saw.” 
That caused an uproar, the people’s voices overlapping, a relentless and meaningless wave of noise. Demanding you be silenced, removed, executed. 
“That is enough,” the judge exclaimed, and you didn't know if he spoke to you or the people. “So far, I have disregarded accusations that you were complicit in your brother’s crime, but if you continue to behave in such a manner, I may have to reconsider. That is a charge of patricide, young lady. Do you not have enough decency to spare your mother the loss of another child?” 
You looked at him, really looked at him, overcome with a dizzyingly caustic rush of pain and disbelief at the injustice. He didn’t care if your brother was or was not guilty, or who had actually killed your father. To him, the death of a ravi man was meaningless, let alone two. Let alone three. He saw your eyes and ears and that was it. 
Trying to fight back the thick swell of fear and pain and anger, you breathed carefully in and out, staring straight up in an attempt to fight the tears.
“It wasn’t my brother,” you said, forcing the words from your mouth without inflection. "He would never, ever… he wouldn't."
“Did you,” the judge asked icily, bluntly, “or did you not see the face of the man who attacked you?” 
Red eyes, a long snout, a canine mouth full of deadly sharp teeth. A spirit attempting some approximation of the god of death with twin sickles in hand, trying to twist the kind shepherd’s image into one of terror, a creature wearing the face of evil itself. But the truth cowered away from something far more potent, shamefully grotesque. Self preservation.  
“No,” you said, realizing too late the damning significance of that answer, wanting to add more but not knowing what. When you looked your brother in the eye, you understood. And it didn’t matter what you said after that point. You were the girl who cried wolf.
two times questioned.
That night, a great storm blotted out the stars and made it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of yourself. You made off into the night with your meager possessions packed up in a sack and some vague idea of where to go in the back of your head, mostly memories of better times. Anywhere was better than the home for wayward girls you had been shuffled into, a place that was a charity in name only. 
Ultimately, you didn’t make it far, not even out of the city. There was no place in the world left for you, and you were afraid of the dark, and it was so, so cold. 
Falling to your knees at the side of the road, mud splattering you with the force of each raindrop, you cried. Sobbed, curling in on yourself, desperate to wish it all away, wailing louder than the winds could blow as if your misery would overcome nature itself. You tried not to cry much anymore, tried not to show your weakness, but now it all came flooding out. Agony deep enough to drown, heavy enough to crush. 
Until you heard a song beneath the gale. Impossible that it should reach you above the riotous storm, impossible that you should know its melody. Panic slushed through your veins in an instant, and you stumbled upright, ready to run from a danger you had so desperately tried to convince yourself didn’t exist. Red eyes and silver sickles and-
When you whirled around to run, you were not caught by a wolf, but by the man you could only think of as the prison warden. 
Caked with mud and soaked to the bone, he dragged you back to the home, and you let him, fearing what lurked in the darkness more than you feared the punishment your escape attempt would earn.
Although it wasn’t bright, the light blinded your glazed eyes. You slipped when he released you, but felt nothing when you fell, leaving a muddy smear upon the tiles. Your fingers, bleached of color, were numb to all sensation, slipping when you tried to support yourself. The cold burrowed into your very core. You shook. Violently, as if your soul itself trembled.  
Fear had kept it all locked up tight in your chest. Fear of your shame for crying wolf. Fear that if you gave breath to the creature that haunted your dreams, he would be made real. You told yourself that your father was murdered by a man in a mask, but the wolfman haunted you, the face of oblivion, that song and that laugh. 
Distantly, you became aware of a commotion, and then the headmistress appeared before you. A towel was forced into your clumsy hands by the same girl who helped you get to your ice-block feet, muttering something about drying off. You doubted a single towel would manage that feat, but you held fast onto the fabric with fingers you couldn’t feel. 
“Where in God’s name,” the headmistress demanded, haughty even in her dressing gown and curlers, “do you think you were going?” 
You hugged the towel to your chest, feeling the fluffy material grow heavy and limp from your embrace. Ruined by your touch. Shaking so hard your teeth clacked, the entire world jittered and hazed, your bones practically vibrating, tears and snot dripping down your face with the rainwater.
“I asked you a question,” she said, her tone a little more shrill. Anger smoldered in her voice, but your eyes found purchase only on the lacy hem of her nightcoat. Such fine lace would have been imported from the north, your father had sold more than his fair share of it. You owned several pretty dresses decorated with similar frills, once. A lifetime ago. A life that ended with one decisive slash of silver. “Where were you going? Running off with a boy?” 
Wide open fields of rippling golden wheat, smooth red cliff sides overlooking deep drops into the abyss, frothy blue waves licking pale sandy shores. Places you knew, places you had only heard about. Ravi weren’t meant to stay in one place, yours was a people of wanderlust and breeze. 
The lady stepped forward and slapped your cold, numb cheek. You stumbled, slipping back onto the floor. “You will answer when I ask you a question,” she said. “I will not repeat myself again.” 
“I wanted to see my mother,” you finally told her, your voice barely comprehensible from the way you were shaking, more tears welling up. The pain was there, was always there, and it burned hotter than the biting blue on your fingers and toes. 
“Oh, for the love of… you’re well on your way to joining her,” she said. “What in the world was I thinking, allowing you into my home…”
You stayed silent. There was no defense you could offer, no excuse you could provide. She sighed, annoyed. 
“I’ll decide your punishment in the morning. Assuming you don’t catch cold and die.” She laughed once, a short sound. “I should be so lucky.”
Die. Your sluggish brain was slow to process that word, churning it round and round in a swirl of equally unpleasant thoughts. When you breathed, the air rattled in your chest. Your mother made the same sound at the very end, as if death had already planted its seed in her body, slowly infecting her from the inside out. Fear had never come for her, not like with your father or brother. There was only vacuous ecstasy, the madman’s bliss of fever. When you pictured what she looked like, it was her hollow eyes staring into nothingness, her bones poking out beneath waxy skin in unnatural angles and blood bubbling upon dry lips. “I am going to see them soon,” she told you, smiling. It was the first time since your brother’s execution that she didn’t look at you with blame smoldering beneath her pained eyes. “We’ll be together, and it will be beautiful.” 
But it was not beautiful. 
Death was a hideous, terrible thing. Despair and empty eyes and rotting flesh without poetry or resolution. Blood dripping from curved blades, lives harvested without mercy, red eyes flashing with glee. A neck snapping and a body gone limp at the end of a rope. Agony in a small room that smelled of human waste and sickness. Death was not beautiful. 
three failures.
The other girls called you, among other things, murderer. 
“She pushed her.” 
“Her kind are all like that, thieves and murderers.” 
The two of you were stuck cleaning windows, balanced precariously high up in the air. The platform got loose, teetering uncertainly two stories up. It could have just as easily been you rather than her, but it wasn’t. Of course you hadn’t pushed her, but who would believe the word of a ravi?  
And who would believe you when you told them of the shadow which greeted her down below? A monster you couldn’t believe in. The bastardized form of a benevolent god. The real murderer. 
They saw your fear as guilt. And that was that. Murderer. You hadn’t pushed her, that was a fact. But it was suspicious, wasn’t it? There was a pattern of death surrounding you. Punishment.  
Every night, you begged forgiveness, begged for freedom from the creature that haunted you. Bastet did not answer. Ra did not answer. Your prayers became pleas, and your pleas weakened into whimpers. Eventually, you stopped asking.
It followed you. Death, less an intangible concept than a lurking threat circling ever nearer, followed. Your father, your brother, your mother, other girls in the home. But not you, no matter how close you came. Accidents happened. Punishment became more and more brutal. Part of it was because of what you were, a belief that a beast could handle rougher treatment. Part of it was your attitude. Punishment. Live, but live in misery. Survive, but survive endless torment. And they said that you were lucky. The beatings were never deadly, although they should have been. The accidents were never fatal, although they could have been. You shouldn’t have survived, but you did. 
four minutes.
It was spring, then. The river beside the road gushed with newfound force, overeager after an especially snowy winter. Even the season of life and rebirth was ripe with violence and death. The scent of it seemed to cling permanently to your dirty clothes, cloying in the chill of night. You and three other girls from the charity house followed by the riverside on the way back to town, your faces dusty and feet heavy from a long day of work. There was, as it turned out, quite a bit of money in renting out orphans to satellite farm estates who could launder clothes, clean carpets, polish silver, and scrub cast iron. No money for you or the other girls, but money nonetheless. 
The three chatted as they walked in front of you, a conversation you tuned out. Long had you grown accustomed to walking behind them, ignored and withdrawn. Trailing behind like a shadow, an afterthought. In so-called polite society, that’s all ravi were. They—they with their round irises and human ears, with their unmarked faces and smooth canines—didn’t want you at their side. You understood things like that now, things you had been so blissfully unaware of in your childhood. 
You watched their worn-out shoes marching on in synchronized steps. Watched when they suddenly stopped, your eyes drawn up in confusion as they turned towards you with big smiles. 
"Those flowers are awfully nice, you should see if you can cross the river to pick some for us."
"I’d go myself, but your kind are more agile than real people, right?"
"The rocks make a perfect bridge for you to cross."
Requests from them, although you weren’t sure they could be called anything other than orders, weren’t abnormal. The only thing lower than an orphaned girl was an orphaned ravi girl. That was the way of it. Rather than forming a bond of solidarity, they emphasized what little status they had left by pushing you around. Surely there were similar flowers on this side of the river, but that wasn’t the point. 
Biting your lip, you looked at the rocks spanning the river’s violent course to the other side. It wasn’t much of a bridge. Attempting to cross was, at best, stupid. If you fell, you would be helplessly carried away by the water, thrashed about against the rocks. Dead, surely. But if you denied them, they would almost certainly do worse. Whisper words of your supposed misdeeds to the headmistress, spread lies that would earn you punishment. Malice gleamed in their empty, hollow eyes. 
"All right," you said, feigning indifference as you sized up the river. 
The girls smiled and tittered as you faced the river. The water roared. Nerves had your hands shaking, but you didn’t let them show.
With a big breath and a mental prayer to Bastet to steady your feet, you stepped onto the first rock. Beneath the worn sole of your boot, the rock was slippery. You set your jaw, going to take another step. 
Something knocked against your back. While it was a light touch, the surprise jolted your balance. 
Just like that, the rock slipped out from under you. An undignified squawk left your mouth, and your arms flailed around empty air desperately to regain your footing, but you couldn’t manage it. 
The water hit as hard as the ground might, immediately dragging you under. 
For a moment that seemed to consume forever entirely, animal panic. You inhaled a lungful of water, thrashing wildly. You tumbled sideways as the river dragged you along, hitting rocks on the way. You violently struggled against its unstoppable current in an attempt to get your head above the water. 
Unable to breathe, unable to orient yourself, you were as good as dead. 
Then you slammed against a rock. The agonizing impact gave you enough of a painful shock to find purchase against it, slicing your palms against the rough edges as you held fast against the water’s oppressive tow. Blindly, you managed to find which way was up and dragged yourself to it. And then you were vomiting river water, hacking it out of your lungs and desperately trying to suck in gasps of air.
Feeling as heavy and broken as a corpse, you managed to flop onto the bank, covering your entire front with mud, crawling through it to drag yourself out of the water completely. It was there that you came eye to eye with three familiar pairs of shoes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
“I guess cats can swim after all.” 
“You’re lucky that rock was there, huh?” 
You coughed up more water, coughed until you were hacking up blood, wheezing and shuddering with bone-deep violence. There would be a terrible bruise on your stomach. But you were alive because of it. Pain, and life. Lucky you. 
five years.
Barely into your lanky teens and with nothing more than meager pocket change to live on, you made your final escape from the charity house and went west. The most recent beating was proof enough that if you stayed, you would die. The woman who stitched you up said you only narrowly avoided it this time. You knew a coffin was the sole eventuality waiting for you there. So you left. Despite the time spent there, you parted with no sentimentality for what you would be leaving behind, or excitement for what laid ahead. 
In a way, you were following your father’s example. His legacy. In his final days, you heard him muttering about the sun going down. Your brother whispered that he’d grown paranoid of his own death, that it was why your family never stayed in any place for too long. He was driven by a mean, feral fear and even aggression towards death, the cornered-rat instinct to defend your life at any cost, to protect the pitiful remains of existence as an animal would. You thought you understood. So you pressed against your bruises and exhaled slowly, accepting the pain as proof that you were still alive.
Dust kicked up a big cloud behind the wagon, baking beneath the heat of the sun. Although the world was alive with birds and bugs and the sound of hoofs on the road and wheels crunching over ground, you couldn’t empathize. Crusty from a night of fitful sleep, your eyes cringed away from the garish sunlight, your head pounding angrily. Pain and anxiety from your first night on your own kept you awake and, when you did manage a few hours of sleep, you had bad dreams. A fiction where your family was restored and you were all together again. Whole, untainted by horror and death. You woke up hollow and sick and empty, unalive but breathing. 
“Are those real?” the girl beside you asked, breaking you from your thoughts. She pointed at your ears, her eyes wide with curious innocence. You imagined that question had been building up for a while, ever since you hitched a ride on her father’s wagon to the nearest town, the two of you sitting in the back of the bed with your legs swinging over the passing road. She was very young, her round-cheeked smile missing a single tooth and bright colored ribbons in her hair. He was going to the next town over to sell goods from his farm.  
"Quinta!" her father scolded sharply. 
“It’s okay,” you said. It was better to be asked outright than to endure the side glances. “They’re real.” You tilted your head to show her. Quinta reached out to pet the fur, her chubby little hands cautious.
“What are you?” she asked, getting another stern look from her father over his shoulder. Not that you blamed her. He probably didn’t know either, ravi didn't often leave their small communities, and they were practically unheard of in this part of the world. Little wonder, some establishments wouldn’t so much as let you inside. It was a very positive mark on his character that he allowed you to ride on his wagon in the first place, most people wouldn’t. 
“I’m ravi.” 
She blinked. “Is that why you look like a cat?”
“I guess so.” 
Quinta considered that for a moment, staring at you unabashedly. It wasn’t just your ears that were different, otherwise you could have covered them up and avoided the scrutiny. With round eyes and vertical pupils, markings seemingly painted over your cheeks, you stood out regardless of what you did or where you went. Ravi were strangers to everyone, uprooted and adrift, low as the dust trailing beneath your feet. That fact hadn’t changed after you ran away from the charity house, you merely traded the title or orphan for that of vagrant. 
“My mom won’t let us keep cats, we only have a dog,” Quinta finally announced. “Do you like dogs?”  
You shrugged. 
“Are you afraid of them because of-” She put her hands over her head, mimicking your ears. 
“We are natural enemies,” you said, although the comment didn’t come across as the joke you intended. Perhaps because it wasn’t a joke. 
Quinta didn’t say anything, looking back at the passing road and her swinging feet. The warm air smelled like trees and dust and the stacks of straw piled up on the back of her father’s wagon. When the breeze blew, you got whiffs of the approaching town. Manure, cooking food, fire smoke, and that tangy, sweaty scent of so many people all crowded in one place. 
“Where are you going?” she asked. 
“Somewhere else.” 
You looked down, staring at the road. The sun beat down on your neck, sweat beading up on your hairline. You could hear the chorus of a small town’s buzzing crowds as the wagon pulled closer. 
“We’ll come back tomorrow,” Quinta said. “Will you come to our house? I bet you’ll like my dog, he’s really, really nice. My mom is there, you can meet her.” 
You smiled, feeling a sharp little pang at her sweet innocence. “Thank you, I’ll think about it.” 
“Oh, please say you will.” 
“Quinta, that’s enough,” her father chided. She frowned, but said nothing else. 
The wagon pulled to a stop where the animals could be hitched. You hopped off and stretched, looking around the town. You weren’t really sure where you would go next. Far away. As far as possible. 
“Thank you, sir,” you told the man, bowing politely.  
He nodded gruffly, and you knew you shouldn’t linger. Still, you couldn’t help but glance back at the sound of his heavy grunt. When he passed the wagon bed, Quinta jumped up onto his back, her arms wrapped tight around his neck. He was quick to rebuke her, scowling as he put her on the ground. That clearly hurt her feelings, turning away with a trembling lower lip and furrowed brows. You felt, for a terrible moment, a great pain in your chest. 
You wanted to tell her that he was just busy. Maybe he could be cold and stern, but that didn’t mean he didn’t love her. You wanted to tell her to love him while she could, that time was finite. Right then, you weren’t looking at a stranger and his daughter, but at a little girl with ears too big for her head and a man who waved at her from the driver’s seat with a sun-crinkled smile, a man who tweaked those fluffy ears with calloused fingers, and a man who kissed her forehead with paper-dry lips.
But then you blinked, sunblind and a little dizzy, and turned away from the scene. 
You thought of your father, love for him tender sweet and swelling in your chest, overwhelming. But quickly, always so quick, his smiling, twinkly eyes were emptied as his body fell to the ground, deprived of dignity in those final moments. And the monster turned from him to face you with a wild expression, a growl in its throat. He said you would meet again. The big bad wolf was not real, he was a masked madman, a creature of fiction. All the same, your anxious, cold gaze scanned the crowd of many faces around you. Haunted. Hunted. 
sixth sense.
Blisters covered your hands, and you couldn't stop coughing, your body seizing with fits of it. The tangy sour stench of smoke infected every pore of your body, saturated your lungs with its acrid excretions. Somehow, despite the horror of escaping a building as it burned down, you were alive. You had no idea what had woken you up, but it happened before anybody even noticed the fire. Others weren’t so lucky. The girl who slept every night two beds down from you, who was innocent, who had never done anything at all to you, was dead. 
"It's not your fault that you couldn’t get to her in time. You were lucky enough to get out with your life," you were told, an attempt at consolation. A lie. 
It was your fault. Your punishment. Your presence invited the flame to spark a blaze in the boarding house for working young women, and yet you had lived while someone else died. Above the sound of so many voices, of a chaos world attempting to fix such a tragedy, you could hear it. She screamed for as long as she was able, until her lungs were too coated in sooty black smoke to make a sound, until her flesh melted by the infernal heat. Other women boasted swaths of charred skin, blisters popping bright red and gruesome, bones broken from leaping out windows. Their lives would be ruined by this, by the sheer misfortune of being near you.
And as the flames licked the sky, you could have sworn you saw an inhuman face at the flickering orange edge where the light tapered into shadow, his eyes not so much reflecting the blaze as they were consuming the fire’s callous violence, soaking in the terror which mingled with the smoke. 
Then you blinked watery eyes, and the shadow was just a shadow. 
There was nothing for it, you left town as soon as you were well enough. Not soon enough, clearly. 
It was your fault, your punishment, but terribly, shamefully, you kept thinking, over and over and over, at least it wasn’t you. You breathed in air that still stank of the memory of murderous smoke and felt grateful that you would recover from this incident. 
That selfish drive was the crux of it all, the reason you could never allow yourself to move on. After so many years, most people would have found a way forward. They took their anguish in stride and did something with their life. But you didn’t. For you, there was no forgetting, and there was no moving on. You couldn’t be allowed happiness in a life others had been denied, a life that you hoarded so rabidly. Even cowards had to draw a line somewhere, didn’t they? No matter how miserable, you struggled to squeeze one more day out of the harsh world, to carve yourself another miserable hour, and then, crippled by pain and smoke and fear, felt a coward’s joy when facing tragedy because at least it wasn’t you.
Lucky, lucky, lucky you.
seven rainbow hues.
"Watch out!"
It happened so fast. That was the cliche, but the truth. Time did not wait for you to catch up in moments where survival came down to muscle memory. Panic and surprise cut up your perception in choppy little bits. One second you were walking down the road, you noticed a man beneath a falling beam and lunged, and then you were flat on your ass in the middle of a road, adrenaline spiking your heart rate and your entire body shaking with it. So little time had passed that the warning was still tangy in your mouth, the sound stifled by the echoing impact. 
Someone was shouting. Screaming.
Sitting up, little rocks grinding into your skinned palms, you looked at the fallen beam not even a foot away. Had you erred even a few inches to the right, you would have been, at the very least, catastrophically injured. Just like the man you tried to push out of the way. He was screaming. His leg was crushed.
But you were fine. Alive. 
People swarmed the man to free him from the beam while the world blurred extra bright, the colors of shock overloading your brain, dozens of different voices buzzing together. Someone asked if you were okay. You were. Of course you were. Alive. The carpenter jumped down from his ladder, finally getting the man out from under the beam. A gruesome mess had been made of his shin, bloody and broken. You only watched, a sort of cool numbness had taken the place of adrenaline. 
The man's leg was a ruin of flesh and bone, and your only injuries were a bruised tailbone and skinned palms. You should not have survived that. 
eight shots of moonshine. 
“He reared up real tall, howling like a beast, and that’s when I stuck him,” the hunter said, his expression animated as he recounted the story. It was, by your count, his ninth drink, and the fifth version of his story about how he fought, and escaped, the terrifying half-man-half-wolf beast—el hombre lobo, in the local dialect. It made sense that some cruel spark of fate would invite the subject matter wherever you happened to be, especially now. That���s the way these things always happened, wasn’t it? The world had a way of kicking you when you were down.
You listened to him with half an ear, staring at your chapped, cracked knuckles. Working as a laundress was not kind to your skin. Unfortunately, being ravi and having a limited skill set meant that simple labor was just about all you could get. So you did odd jobs and, once you had enough money, you would be on your way to the next place, and then the next, and the next. Passing through like a ghost, and then gone. Temporary. Just like this bar, this drink, this man and his story. Transient. 
“The sound he let out was deafening, and I mean that,” the hunter continued. “I’ve never heard anything like it, not in all my years.” 
“That’s not true,” you said loudly, pulling the story to a screeching halt before its predictable conclusion. You hadn’t meant to speak, but you did. If nothing else than to just make him stop. Details changed, but the ending was mostly the same each time. The creature put up a fight, but the hunter was stronger and smarter. Maybe he’d mention the bear trap again, how he watched the wolfman trying to gnaw off its own leg. And it wasn’t like you cared what some random drunk had to say. You didn’t, really. It was the alcohol, and the memories the alcohol was meant to be suppressing, and some misplaced well of fury crammed deep into your gut, unable to be reached or drained or expressed in any meaningful way. Or maybe it was something else, something less palatable. You had a way of testing people’s tempers. Pain was proof of purchase, after all. And you had paid more than your fair share. 
“What was that?” the hunter asked, glazed eyes surprisingly lucid when they landed on you, twinkling with an amused sort of incredulousness at being challenged. He had on a sweat stained red shirt and the ruddy complexion to match. Everyone around you was in similar states of drunken disrepair. So were you, for that matter—a shot of something hard and foul tasting past reasonable. Two shots away from having the energy to engage in this stupid argument, which was ridiculous considering you were the one to involve yourself in the first place. 
“That didn’t happen,” you said. The few people who had been paying attention in the first place laughed at you, but the hunter seemed intrigued, if irritated, by your attitude. 
“Are you calling me a liar?” he asked.
“Do you expect us to believe you fought the big bad wolf?” Those words were old and mean, that of a horrible old man without a shred of mercy in his heart. 
Red-shirt’s eyes narrowed. A couple of the men laughed again, sending a few drunken jibes in your direction. 
“Is that what you’re supposed to be?” One of his friends called, gesturing at your ears, which twitched under his attention. 
“No, no. She’s one of those cat people. The eastern savages,” the man sitting next to you responded, roughly tweaking your ear. He’d made a few friendly comments in your direction throughout the night. And then a few less friendly ones as the liquor loosened his tongue. You winced and ducked away, scowling at him. He grinned. “Have you got any wares to sell us, gata? Or maybe you’re here to put on a show.” 
Another laugh, a playful wolf whistle.
“Ah, I understand. I was mistaken,” red-shirt allowed, a mean grin spreading across his face. “It was no wolfman after all. You ought to tell your pa to keep away from these parts. Next time I see him, he won’t get off so easy.” 
That drew a bigger laugh from the few people bothering to pay attention. A part of you hated him a little bit, hated him with a riotous, evil sort of passion. His ignorance, his audacity. You hated yourself more for not holding your tongue. 
“No, it was her ma,” another man chimed in. “Must have been in heat if she was so focused on you.” You felt a red hot flush rise to your cheeks at that, some uncomfortable mixture of embarrassment and anger. 
Needing to calm the impulse of rage, and kicking yourself for having spoken at all, you took a deep breath. 
“Aw, pobre gata, don’t be upset,” the man next to you said. Poor cat? He drew out the condescending pet name with a sugary sweetness, going for your ears again. You scooted back to avoid him, nearly falling from the alcohol-induced sway of the world. The men laughed again. “Where’re you going?” he asked. “They’re just teasing.”  
You licked your dry lips. You needed to leave, it wasn’t the sort of place you should have been hanging out in the first place. Part of you worried that he might try something. He looked hungry. Worse, part of you wondered if he would, wanted to stick around and find out what kind of situation you’d dug yourself into. Curiosity didn’t come from desire or lust, but from something darker, the impulse of deserved violence. Alcohol made it worse, made you think that maybe you could want it, that you might enjoy being roughed up and used in a vulgar game of intimacy. 
“Let me buy you another drink,” he offered. “I promise not to tease you.” 
You pursed your lips, and knew you would hate yourself later, and decided that it didn’t matter all that much anyway. “Okay.”
Hours later, you were sweaty, sour with alcohol but no longer drunk enough to tolerate the discomfort, and ultimately dissatisfied with the interaction as you stumbled through the quiet town back to the room you had been renting. The unpleasant scent of sex was all you could smell, it clung to your rumpled dress and messy hair. Evidence of your mistake. Despite being so forward, he hadn’t been what you hoped. Whenever you pulled back, he thought to coax you further with sweet words rather than rough hands. You’d have been better off trying to antagonize the man in the red shirt to get what you really wanted, not a quick upright with a man who wanted to slobber on your neck and call you beautiful.
Disgust, shame—a sickening feeling of wrong had you ducking into an alley, vomiting up a stomach full of bile and alcohol like a homeless wretch, shaking hard enough that your teeth clattered. Snot, stomach acid, and tears smeared against the side of the building when you pressed your fevered cheek against it, the material rough on your skin. But it was cool, and solid, and you were breathing. Alive. 
Miserable. Beautiful. That was your mother’s word. An ugly, ugly word. Your shoulders heaved with half-hearted sobs, your skin crawling and stomach twisting. You were alive because the only thing you feared more than the hideous pain of living was beautiful death, and that was the ugliest feeling you could possibly imagine. 
Eventually, you collected yourself, wiping your mouth and eyes, and completed your walk of shame, your thoughts lingering on el hombre lobo and the furious hollow in your chest, and the sort of hatred which begged violence and cried for pity. 
nine lives.
Afternoon faded into sunset as you walked, and you weren’t too concerned. If anything, you felt the same relaxing sense of relief you always felt when you left one place for another. 
No, you didn’t worry at all until twilight gave way to the rise of the moon. That’s when you stopped, frowning up at the sky. Either you were lost or you had severely misjudged the distance. Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done other than continue on and hope that you reached civilization soon. You pulled your cloak a little closer to fight off the chill, adjusting your bag uncomfortably. Summer was coming, but the air retained the cold damp newness of deep spring. 
And so you trundled along, reminding yourself over and over that it was okay. While possible, it wasn’t likely that anything would happen to you. 
Your anxiety wasn’t helped by the full moon. A morbid coincidence, and a mixed blessing. It was full that night. Illuminating your father’s twisted expression of fear, haloing the impossible beast looming above you, lighting your way when you ran, dying your blood into the color of ink. As always, it was a bit of mischief the universe was having at your expense. It shone the same steady pale silver, bleaching the world in imitation sunshine just like it always had, always did. 
A gentle breeze shook the tree canopy, the leaves shivering. Above them, the perfect velvet blue veil of sky was mostly undisturbed by clouds. The stars twinkled and winked, dulled slightly by the radiance of the moon. Bugs wailed and frogs sang their nighttime dirge, an unsettlingly miserable sound. No matter how uncomfortable the sun could be, blinding and revealing, the night was worse. It was the place where nightmares lived, after all. And the woods, the place where the big bad wolf hid. 
Right. These were the woods where the hunter claimed to have seen the wolfman those few weeks ago. A chill slithered down your spine at that realization. While it was most certainly a lie, in the dark, it troubled you. It frightened you. There were many things in the deep, dark woods to be afraid of. Hiding, lurking. 
Huffing with annoyance at your paranoia, you vigorously shook your head and focused on the path instead. Everything was fine, you just had to keep going. 
Seemingly out of nowhere, the wind began to blow a lot harder, catching the hem of your cloak and loose strands of hair, crawling beneath your clothes to make you shiver. At the same time, a shadow slowly closed in around you, a stray cloud covering up the moon. The sudden lack of light made the shadows darken significantly. Goosebumps crawled across your entire body in response to the windy chill, hairs standing on end and visceral discomfort lurching in your gut like a hook behind your belly button. Surrounded on all sides by darkness, stranded in the woods, you were completely and utterly vulnerable. 
Then it all—bugs, the frogs, and the wind—everything died. Not slowly, tapering off naturally, but all at once, as if a great dampener was suddenly pressed into the air. And that was strange, that was eerie, that was cause for fear, but the first whistled note shot straight into your core.
Trees were hungry things. They, with their thick wood and big bodies, had an appetite for sound. Echoes, however, were mischievous. They would rather play tricks than be eaten. Back and forth, from everywhere and nowhere, a tune you knew all too well danced amidst the silent forest. The notes jumped from one to the next in a song that should have been cheerful but wasn’t. You didn’t move. You felt like you couldn’t. Standing there, ears perked and twitching in search of any noise aside from the whistling, heart racing, cold sweat gathering on the nape of your neck, you suddenly knew, with an alarming degree of certainty, that you weren’t alone. 
Slowly, eyes watering from the sudden burst and disappearance of the wind, you looked up. 
The whistler, seeming not to notice you, was no more than a dozen feet ahead, a darker shadow amidst the void, a little off the edge of the clearing. Jarring surprise shot like lightning down your spine at the sight, at how close you were to somebody you hadn’t noticed, so powerful that you stumbled backward on pure instinct. But your foot landed on a mossy rock and the squishy material slid out from under your boot. You tried to find your balance, but you wound up overcorrecting, sending you forward instead. With a yelp and a loud thump, you tumbled onto the ground, landing hard on your elbows and knees. 
The song ended.  
“¿Tan deseosa estás de ser engullida?” the man asked, amused. You looked up, terrified, but without any moonlight to help you see, the most you could make out was the vague shape of a hooded figure leaning against a tree. 
Fear made your hands shaky, your body unwieldy and awkward. Scrambling, unsure if you should have been embarrassed or scared, you got up to your feet. At least you weren’t hurt.
“I-I don’t… no entiendo,” you said, wondering, hoping, fearing, unsure. At least it was just a man. That shouldn’t have been the consolation it was. It shouldn’t have been any consolation at all. 
“I asked if you needed any help,” he clarified in an accented voice, amused in a way that made you think he was making fun of you. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“I, um… I was just surprised, bu-but it’s okay,” you said, trying very hard to calm down. “I’m fine.” 
“Are you sure? I would hate for you to wind up like the last girl who got lost in the woods,” he said. You squinted into the dark, but you couldn’t see any details beyond a shadow. Covered moon or not, the dark was borderline unnatural. “She was gobbled up whole, her granny too. You’ve even got the red hood.” 
It took you a second to register that he was messing with you. Entertaining any sort of interaction was foolish, but you couldn’t help your nervous laugh, pulling your cloak closer. “Oh, yeah.” 
The stranger laughed in turn, forcefully friendly in a very uncomfortably stilted way. The sound sent a fresh shiver down your spine. “They don’t get very many people coming all the way out here to visit,” the man said. “Are you here to see family, gatita?”
Your ears twitched nervously. “Um… Excuse me?”
“Is that offensive? I can never remember what you beast types call yourselves. Ra… something.” 
“Ravi,” you said.
“That’s right. I’ve never been much of a cat person myself, but I can see the appeal. The big eyes, the fuzzy ears… Very cute.” He paused. “Hey, can you purr too?” 
You drew back, your awkward moment of uncertainty giving way to dread at the underlying danger of a question like that. While many people scorned you blindly, there were those with a particular taste for half-breeds. 
“I need to get going, it’s late,” you said slowly. You didn’t want to turn your back on him, and you had no idea how close you were to town, but anything was better than here. 
“Wait, before you go, I heard a story recently,” he said, unconcerned with your response. “It’s about your kind. Stop me if you’ve heard it before.”
“I don’t-” 
“Once upon a time,” he said, speaking as if you hadn’t, “a gato got it in his head that one life wasn’t enough for him. Even though he had everything he could ask for—a wife, two children, a successful career, he was proud. He didn’t see why he should have to abide by the same rules as everyone else. Of course, he was warned that it was a bad idea, but it became a… preoccupation of his. He traveled just about everywhere, certain that he could do what no one else had.”
The man paused, giving you a moment to register his words, to feel the slow drip of horror pooling in your stomach. 
“It didn’t work out for him, in the end. It never does.”
“Who are you?” you asked, although you had a feeling. A very strange, awful feeling. “How do you-”
“Do you know how it ends?” he asked, pushing away from the tree and standing up, stepping out of the shadows, only a few feet in front of you. Your eyes were better adjusted now, taking in as much light as possible. His hood fell back, letting you see the man in full. 
Only, he wasn’t a man. 
For a second, the ears on the top of his head made you think he was ravi too. But they were too small. Pointed. Distinctly canine.
Then the rest of it registered.  
He wasn’t a wolf standing on hind legs, or a person with wolf features, but some inhuman, impossible mix of the two. His long, toothy snout was distinct to a dolichocephalic skull. A beast. That’s what you would assume given all that thick gray fur, round eyes, and the pointy ears directly on top of the head. But somehow, despite all of that, something about his face registered as perfectly, sickeningly, uncannily human. 
And you knew him. You saw him in your nightmares, in the shadows, in the darkest places of your mind. No matter what resolve you had before that moment, all you wanted was to run. You needed to run. But fear, pure and distilled, paralyzed you.
“No? That’s fine, it’s just a story, after all,” he said, the words far too well articulated considering the wolf’s muzzle they were coming from, the shiny sharp teeth through which they were spoken. 
You opened your mouth to respond, and instead you whimpered as you exhaled.
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “You remember me, don’t you? I remember you. Although, you were a lot smaller back then. Who would’ve thought that you’d turn out to be such a looker?" He laughed at that, a stilted chuckle. When you didn’t respond, his demeanor dropped, darkened. “Your fear was intoxicating.”
 Leaning forward, he closed his eyes and sniffed at the air like a dog. You couldn’t do anything, your limbs refusing to move even though every cell in your body screamed at you to run. When he leaned back and exhaled, his lips pulled back in what was very distinctly a smile, an expression that should have been impossible for a wolf to make. 
“I’ve waited a long time to see you like this again, I worried that it would be disappointing,” he told you, red eyes opening. They were mad. His smile was mad. Dread overwhelmed your system. “But you smell even better than I remember.” 
He took a step forward. With a few unnerving exceptions, his body was human enough. Tall, broad shouldered, slightly hunched, wearing clothes like a person. His hands were almost like paws with pads and claws, but were articulated like your own—short one finger. He was no monster. He was a nightmare come to life. 
“What’s the matter?” he asked. “Surprised to see me?” 
“No,” you whispered, shaking your head. “No, you’re not… not real.”
You could see the excitement in his eyes as he licked his lips with a long tongue, another entirely animalistic motion. The perfect meld of human and wolf traits was fascinating. Sickening. Something that should not exist. 
You did nothing other than stare at him with wide eyes as he leaned in. And you did nothing as he raised his hand, dragging the claw in a butterfly kiss over your cheek. “You think?” he asked, the growl in his voice almost like a purr. 
That woke you out of your trance and you stumbled back, covering the skin which tingled from the very real touch.
He laughed and straightened out, but didn’t follow you. “It’s not safe to be out here so late. You never know what you’ll find lurking in the woods.”
You swallowed hard, your breathing picking up, the old well of fury cracking open just a little. There should have been more, but the fear was too intense, cold in your veins. “What are you?” you asked, barely audible. Frightened of the answer, but desperate to know. 
“Your father called me Anubis. That’s one of your gods, right?” 
“You are not a god,” you said, an objection because you couldn’t allow this nightmare, any degree of holy pedigree that you had feared for so long. There was doubt in your voice though, doubt you couldn’t stifle. 
“It depends on how you look at it,” he allowed. “But it’s true that I have no interest in being worshiped, and I certainly don’t want your faith. I prefer fear.” 
You swallowed hard, shaking your head in a hazy attempt to fight back the swelling tide of fear, to deny him that. “I'm not… not afraid of you, wolf."
That didn’t so much as make him blink. "You fear me more than you fear anything else."
"No! You killed my… my—I hate you."
“Sure you do."
“And because of you, my brother was…” You couldn’t finish the statement, your entire body nearly vibrating from the way you were shaking. “And then mm-my mother...” 
“Execution and, what was it, some kind of sickness?” The wolf clicked his tongue. “It’s a harsh world.” 
“You took them from me,” you said softly. “You took everything.” 
“Do you want revenge, gatita? You wouldn’t be the first.” 
The mocking tone of his voice was as bad as a slap across the face. Even if you wanted revenge, what fight could you possibly put up against an impossible creature like him? You flexed your hands and clasped them together, your breathing picking up with the confusion of old fury and sadness and fear. 
“I want to know why,” you finally said.
The wolf sighed, rolling his eyes in an exaggerated—and far too human—way as he continued to circle you. “Everybody thinks there’s a reason. There isn’t. Who lives, who dies, it’s all the same to me in the end. But there are those who… tempt fate. Although, I prefer to call it tempting death."
"You're saying that my father wanted to die? You're crazy,” you argued, your shoulders tensing in some form of defense. 
"He was especially tempting. His pride, his ego, his fear… I gave him several chances, and he chose to insult me over and over again.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “I may have gotten carried away. You can’t blame me for wanting some fun now and again."
Despite the relative warmth of the night, the air chilled whenever you inhaled, your skin raising with goosebumps. Something in your head clicked, the understanding you had been trying very hard not to acknowledge. 
"What are you?" you asked again, but you were thinking that you knew. Of course you knew, it was something you’d known for a long time. 
"You know who I am."
"Death," you whispered. 
“And you know all about tempting death, don't you? To be honest, I’m starting to lose my patience, gatita,” he practically whispered the pet name, leaning down behind you so the word brushed intimately against your ear, his breath disturbing the fine hairs and making them twitch. 
You yelped and jumped away, twisting around. All you could think about was how close all those teeth had been to your ears. Your neck. Death watched as you stumbled even further backwards, hitting a tree and falling against it. 
“Watching you survive things that would kill anybody else over and over, it’s unbearable. You throw yourself into danger like you’re trying to tease me.” Genuine irritation glowed in his eyes. Frustration. You shouldn’t have been able to see an emotion like that on such an inhuman face. 
You needed to run. Whether or not that was a good idea no longer mattered. Surely he wouldn’t follow you out of the woods, surely sanity would take his place once you were back among civilization, out of the moonlight’s pure lunacy. Your insides squeezed sickeningly. Your heart raced.
“Is it a cat thing? You inherited the ears, the eyes, and, what, the nine lives? I guess that skipped a generation,” Death mused, his demeanor shifting completely right back into amusement. “Or maybe it’s just dumb luck. What do you think, gatita—are you feeling lucky tonight?” 
Run. You needed to run. 
Death stepped forward. 
You had to run. 
Rather than get any closer to him to follow the trail, you rolled off of the tree to the side so you could escape into the trees, letting your pack drop to the ground to avail yourself of the extra weight. With your back to the wolf, you sprinted, not caring where it took you, only that it was as far away from him as possible.
Behind you, you heard him calling out to you. You heard him laughing. You gasped and choked for breath, your feet pounding against the forest floor, your streaming eyes blind to anything other than what was directly in front of you. Running, catching the sharp fingers of trees across your arms and face, stray logs and squishy moss and wet grass threatening to trip you with every step. All around, you could hear his laughter, echoing around amidst the trees and in your head. 
And for what? Your escape had been doomed from the start, nothing more than the animalistic instinct of prey. 
It really only made sense when you realized that Death stood directly in your path, a hulking shadow with red eyes. Your body jolted on instinct and you skittered into a hard stop, momentum pushing you forward while your feet tried to backtrack. 
“¿Dónde vas, gatita? Haven’t you heard that it’s dangerous to stray from the path?”
Thoughtlessly, you twisted around, but you were too slow. Or he was too fast. Grabbing a fistful of fabric from the back of your cloak, Death dragged you backwards. And then you were looking into a pair of bright red eyes, choking as your cloak’s tie tightened around your windpipe.
He growled as a wolf would, and you felt base terror in your very core. No matter how humanly he expressed emotion, his face was very decidedly that of a wolf, of a predator that you were naturally wired to fear. A rising surge of bile burned in your throat from running and all you could hear was your heartbeat, thundering ever faster. You choked out a yelp, lashing out however you could in a bid to get free. He easily avoided every attack you threw out, seemingly bored by the attempts, casually holding you at arms length. 
“What I really can’t stand,” he told you, his voice low and calm, “is how you waste it. Fighting so hard to stay alive, and for what? Nothing will be lost when I end it.”
“Shut up!” you cried, choking the words out through gritted teeth. You would live. Survive just like you always did. He considered that, licking his lips before irritation once more gave way to excitement.   
“Then again,” Death said, letting you down enough to stand on your toes, allowing you to take a breath. Oxygen hit you in a hard rush, you might have fallen over if he weren’t steadying you. “I’m in no rush.” 
“Let me go,” you demanded, your breathing ragged, your ears buzzing and ignorant of his words. 
Death smiled, his wolfish muzzle pulled back in an expression so human it bordered on obscene. His face was right to yours, you could practically count each of his deadly sharp teeth, see into the soulless depths of those evil eyes. 
“Your fear is positively mouthwatering. The poor little kitten is really terrified of el lobo feroz. That fear is the only thing that’s ever given your life purpose. If you think about it, I’m the only reason you keep going. It’s almost flattering.” He licked his lips again, considering you intently. “You don’t mind having some fun before I kill you, right?”
“No!” you screamed the word, but all it did was make his eyes flash with hunger. 
“I’m going to eat. You. Up.” 
Every muscle in your body went taut, seizing with a different sort of horror. That confounded curiosity to know what he intended, the disturbing impulse to tempt violence, was only heightened by the adrenaline in your system. You had no word for the dark feeling, for the disturbing impulse. Only disgust, swirling dark twisting up hot and low in your gut. With shaking hands, you finally managed to undo the tie around your neck, dropping out of your cloak and onto the ground. And then, before you could even stand up, you were running. 
This time, Death didn’t react. No laughter or jeering taunts followed your escape. Dampened beneath the rush of blood in your ears and your feet pounding on the forest floor, the woods were full of the normal sounds. Bugs and frogs and birds and the breeze. 
All the same, you knew that el lobo feroz wasn’t far behind. You knew that, and you knew you wouldn’t escape from  him. Not this time. But you couldn’t just stop. So you made your frantic flight through the trees, sprinting as fast as you could to escape a creature which existed in opposition to all that was sane or safe. Death himself. 
From behind you, in front of you, on both slides, all around, the lilting whistled tune finally began. Panic, bright red and raw, caused you to trip. There was a jolt when your foot caught on something, sending a little shockwave all up your body, then a lurch as gravity forced you down and momentum dragged you forward. For a moment, true weightlessness. And then you were skidding and somersaulting along the ground, skinning your hands and knees all over again before you collapsed, your chin painfully knocking against the ground when you completed your tumble. No pain registered, just numb confusion. You were breathing so hard your lungs burned, your tongue paper dry and sour. Despite the deafening sound of your heart beating and the wheezing rattle of air in your lungs, you could hear his song. 
Everything, everything hurt, but you forced yourself up, to shamble into the bushes, curling into a ball to wait. 
The song ended. 
Seconds—less than that, really—passed before anything happened. Then you heard him. He allowed you to hear him, your pursuer wasn’t concerned that you would manage to escape. He didn’t need to bother running after you, or disguise the noise of his approach. You squeezed your eyes shut until you heard heavy feet crunching through the grass and twigs right in front of you, peeking them open to watch a figure emerge from the darkness.
Death stopped to sniff the air like the predatory beast he appeared to be. You pressed both hands over your mouth and nose, your entire body shaking with the tension of staying stiffly still. For a moment, you hoped he would move on. You didn’t move. Didn’t breathe. 
“This has been fun,” he said conversationally, “but you’re not exactly the most challenging hunt. So, make this easier for yourself and come out, or make it more fun for me and stay put. Your choice, gatita.”  
Your sore, overworked body twitched, wanting to obey and spare yourself. But if he knew where you were, he wouldn’t be looking around randomly like he was, right? Unless this was another game and he was trying to trick you, to see how you’d respond to that threat. But he could be bluffing. You didn’t know, and that uncertainty kept you in place. 
Death chuckled ominously, leaving your line of sight. Somehow, that was worse than anything else, the nothingness of blind anticipation. 
For a fleeting moment, you hoped he had moved on after all.
“Did you really think you could hide from me?” Death asked. Behind you, above you. A short little scream ripped from your throat as he grabbed you by the hair, wrenching you upright so fast that your body went limp with dizziness, head spinning with terror and a fresh rush of energy. He kept you up by exchanging a fistful of hair for the front of your dress. “Me temo que no tiene suerte.”
Getting your bearings, you yelped, thrashing out of his grip. Death let you go too easily, causing you to stumble. You went down hard. This time, it did hurt. Your hands and knees were skinned raw. But still, you crawled. It wasn’t a choice, it was instinct.
“I’m going to enjoy this,” Death said, crouching down behind you. He laughed. “I’ve got a feeling that you will too.” 
“You can’t lie to me. I can smell it. Fear mixed with desire… It's delicious. I can’t wait to have a taste.”
All you could do was grunt when he grabbed you by the waist, easily lifting you up and manhandling you onto your back. You fell with a heavy sound, dizzy all over again. 
“I’d say I was surprised, but… Well, I’m not,” Death said, straddling you. His legs were completely wrong. They bent like a man’s at the knee, but bent again with the backwards angle of a wolf’s legs, ending in a set of thick paws. His face was worse. He spoke with such vivid animation. It shouldn’t have been possible for a wolf’s face to emote like that, it shouldn’t have been possible that Death himself could look so gleeful, so excited. When you attempted to drag yourself away, he settled more of his weight on top of you. “This is how you like it, right? Rough. It makes you feel alive.” 
Even in your terrified panic, you knew what he was talking about. How long had he been watching you? How intently? Had you ever managed to escape from him, or were you just running around like a headless chicken, never knowing you were doomed? Furiously rejecting that, you bucked upward, bowing your back to throw him off. When that didn’t work, you grasped fistfuls of fabric from the front of his shirt to get leverage. 
Death growed low and grabbed your face, slamming your head against the ground, claws digging into the soft skin of your cheeks. He followed while you were still reeling, leaning down to talk directly into your ear. 
“Do you feel alive now, gatita?”
You whimpered, squeezing your eyes shut so you couldn’t see his frightening face. El lobo feroz. His nose was cold and leathery when it brushed your face as he pulled back, air ghosting across your cheek and making you whimper. Death laughed, sitting up. 
“The ears really are cute,” he told you, releasing your cheeks to take hold of your ear instead. The rough pads caught on the delicate skin, brushing the fur up in a way that made you shudder. He saw that, you could tell by the way his red eyes flashed, the way he licked his lips again. “Who knows, maybe you’ll change my mind about cats.”
“Stop it,” you said, covering your face in an attempt to find peace from this absurdity. He hadn’t broken skin with his claws, but your chin and palms were busted up, your cheeks latticed with shallow scrapes from the trees.
“I told you. You can’t hide from me,” Death said, his voice dragging with a growl. The threat was emphasized by the sudden cold edge dragging lightly against your neck. 
Stiffening, you lowered your hands, looking up at him with wet eyes—looking at the humanoid wolf claiming to be death, who had killed your father and ruined your life, who had haunted you every day since, whose mere shadow terrified you to your core, and once you came to grips with the unbelievability of what you saw, you had to contend with the knowledge that you were powerless to such a nightmare. Utterly, completely powerless.
Death groaned. Or hummed. Or growled. It was a happy sound, excited. “Está buena, gatita,” he told you, saying it like praise. “I don’t normally go for this sort of thing.” Casually, he nudged your chin upward before dragging the sickle down so the point caught beneath the neckline of your dress. “I shouldn’t. It’ll have to be our secret, hm?” 
Willful ignorance had done nothing for you thus far, but you still clung to it. He couldn’t be talking about what you thought he was. He couldn’t be that human. 
In a sharp movement, he pulled the sickle downward. Fabric ripped loudly in the quiet night. Yelping, you tried to pull the scraps back together, to cover yourself because that indignity was too far, wasn’t it? Nudity could mean nothing more than a prelude to violence to something like him, but it was different to you. 
Death growled in annoyance, pressing the weapon’s tip into the soft give of your stomach. 
“Hands off,” he told you. You didn’t move, and he pressed down. Not too much, just enough to break the skin, to draw blood. 
“Stop,” you said, clinging even more desperately to the front of your ruined bodice, “that hurts.”
 “I’ll keep going. To. The. Hilt.” Death drew out each word, pressing down with each word to make his point, the sickle’s edge disappearing into your skin. He meant it. Obey or suffer. 
Looking straight above at the uncaring night sky, you released your bodice. He chuckled as he pulled the weapon away. It might have been that sound, or the crushing disgust of being exposed. There was very little thought behind the way you lashed out, capitalizing on his moment of distraction as he readjusted himself. 
Your pathetic attempt at escaping the inevitable lacked any art or intelligence, only the final burst of energy that came from knowing you’d have no more chances after this. Death avoided your thrashing limbs, letting you wriggle your way upward, twisting around to try and crawl away. And then he drove the sickle into the ground right beside your hand, the blade only narrowly missing your fingers as he drove it into the dirt. You yelped, flinching away. Death used the moment to flip you around again, slamming the air out of your lungs.
"Delicious," he growled, curling over you to get at the exposed skin of your torso. Fabric that hadn’t been properly cut was torn away by his hands. Hands, paws. Human finger articulation and the thick pads of a dog’s feet, each tipped with dangerously long claws. They caught your skin, the rough pads like sandpaper on your sensitive flesh. Just as quickly as the fabric was out of the way, his nose replaced it, his hulking form hunching over your body. Each rapid inhale tickled your skin, pairing disturbingly with the cold of his nose. Unlike his hands, his tongue was soft, lapping up the blood he’d drawn on your stomach before he moved up. The uncanny mixture of sensations made you squirm. 
“Stop, stop now,” you said, jerking in uncoordinated little bursts beneath him more on instinct than rational thought. Fur filled the spaces between your fingers as you tried to push him off. He didn't react to you tugging on it, all it did was remind you of how bestial he was. The whole situation was terrifying, yes. But, more viscerally, it was gross. Deeply uncomfortable to feel his long, smooth tongue, to endure the threat of teeth as he moved up, to choke back disgust and terror as he passed over your nipples. “Stop,” you whined the word despite yourself, your eyes screwed shut in an attempt to separate from reality. Death chuckled, moving up across your flushed chest, to your neck, leaving you flushing bright red and slick with his saliva. 
“Impatient?” he asked, the words brushing over your fluttering pulse. “I’m not surprised. That’s fine.”
The waistband of your dress didn’t part as easily as the top. He worked from the other end instead, making a slit to tear the fabric up and expose your stockings and panties. Claws made short work of the thin, well worn cotton, carving shallow lines into your skin to strip you entirely. 
“Nn-no, what are you doing? Stop, st-” your words cut off with a heavy ‘umph’ when he pushed you back down. Death didn’t so much as look at you as he admired his handiwork, let alone respond to your plea.
“Just like I thought,” he said. “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?” 
“No,” you said, desperately shaking your head. All you could see was his sharp, sharp teeth, those deadly claws. And your body was electrified, covered with drool and chills and thrumming hot with blood. There was no way out of this, you couldn't even comprehend the pain he could cause. Out of options, you pushed down the remains of your skirt, attempting to close your legs. 
Claws dug into your thighs as Death forced them back open with a little growl, sparing you no indignity. The moon deprived you of the cover of darkness and it shouldn’t have been so embarrassing because he wasn’t a man, but it was. Just like he had with your torso, Death explored the exposed skin. The puffing brushes of air as he sniffed and licked along your thighs was humiliating and obscene on its own, nevermind when he nipped at the sensitive flesh to make you whimper, forcing you to contemplate the damage those teeth could do where you were most vulnerable. 
The thought of such agony had you try a final time to close your legs, only to have them spread even wider, giving you the perfect view of el lobo feroz with his muzzle pressed against your pussy, his long pink tongue lolling out to drag across your slit. It wasn’t the pain you anticipated, but it was just too strange, too surprising, too disturbing. Having the snout of a beast between your legs, regardless of the creature's perceived humanity, was enough to make you feel sick, twisted and filthy. 
“No, no, don’t,” you demanded shrilly, kicking in an attempt to displace him. Death growled, claws puncturing into your skin as he pushed your hips back down, peering up at you. His eyes didn’t reflect or catch the moonlight. They glowed. Empty. Evil.   
“Ten cuidado, gatita,” he warned. “Haven’t you ever been warned about getting in the way of a wolf and his meal?”
“Please,” you said, unable to comprehend that this could happen. That this would happen. “Please don’t… don’t. You can’t do this.”
“What are you going to do to stop me?” 
That was awful, too awful for words. Fight and risk more pain, or let it happen and… And what? What rational response could you possibly have to this other than disgust and despair? Maybe you should have been glad he wasn’t about to rip you to bloody shreds and feast on the remains, glad that you would be spared pain and immediate death, but that consolation felt terribly cheap when confronted with the equally unimaginable. 
“You can’t,” you said, your voice too high, terrified into a whine. “You’re not even… I mean it’s not like you can… like you’ll… you can…”
Death hummed in annoyance, you could feel the vibration of the sound. “Te voy a comer. Y luego te voy a coger,” he told you, the words easy like he was explaining something very simple which, considering you couldn’t understand them, only made it that much worse. “¿Está bien, gatita?”
“No,” you said. “No, I don’t…” Understand. Believe. Consent. 
Death laughed, arranging your legs into a more comfortable press towards your chest to make room for his hulking form. There was nothing you could do to make him stop. 
The pads of his fingers were painfully rough against your pussy’s outer lips, catching on the sensitive flesh as he parted them. His tongue, however, was softer than anything you’d ever felt, lapping at your entrance, up to your clit. You squirmed uncontrollably, locked in some limbo of disgust, discomfort, and embarrassment. 
You thought that if you just closed your eyes, if you just blocked it out, you could pretend that this wasn’t happening, but Death hummed out an animalistic growl, and his tongue was far too long and dexterous to be human, and his fur bristled against your thighs, and there was no way out. Already, your body was waking up to the stimulation. Responding. There was something wrong with you. You knew that, you’d known that for a long time, taking pleasure in beatings, wanting sex to be rougher and rougher, needing to be brutalized like it was an itch to be scratched. This was a new low, the grotesque indulgence of those most perverse.
Like you. 
“Please stop,” you whined, another plea to add to the string of ignored requests. Death made a sound you could feel more than hear. For reasons other than fear, you shuddered at the noise. 
With your clit acceptably swollen, your body twitching with every movement, his tongue slicked downward. Your hips jumped, legs closing and opening with surprise, but Death wasn’t deterred.
“No-oh,” you sounded so weak, your rejection coming out pathetic and breathy.  
Death made another growl-like sound, pushing you down flat with mean claws that poked fresh holes into your skin. You hadn’t been trying to escape, you just couldn’t stop from squirming as he tested the flinching muscles of your entrance. This was new, and different, and terrible, and foul. His tongue was soft and long and far too dexterous, pushing into you with a few hungry strokes. No human man could do that. It wasn’t physically possible. 
You whimpered, your head falling back in some vain attempt to block it all out. Escape wasn’t so easy. While his tongue lacked the pressure and weight of something solid, he attacked your g-spot with precision. Eating you out. Eating you. Given that long snout, it had to have been awkward, but that didn’t seem to deter him. And every time his head moved, his nose ground against your clit. He was probably watching you, watching you twitch and gasp and writhe helplessly, but you kept your eyes squeezed shut. The sight of a wolf’s head between your legs like this would kill you, surely it would. 
Unbidden, you remembered telling the child Quinta that dogs were your natural enemy, and your penchant for seeking the companionship of those who promised animosity, and the wicked sort of sense it made that you would find yourself here, and you could only laugh at it all but the hysterical sound came out like a sob, and then a low groan, and then a sharp whine when Death pressed the rough pad of one of his fingers against your clit instead, dragging small little circles against it while his tongue continued to torment you. 
“No, no, no, no-” 
Whatever you were denying, it was pointless. Noise for the sake of it, words getting all tangled up with your choked moans and sobs and hiccups. The little addition of pain from the too rough texture on your clit was enough to give you what you really wanted, what you always ached for. 
Pleasure lurched in your core, your hips bucking wildly. Death growled again and it was mean. Aggressive. You seized up, mouth open wide as if for a scream, your feet planted so you could tilt your hips up for more. More pleasure, more pain. Disgust, shame, fear, all of it became white hot and foul, agonizingly sexy in the few moments where the high of orgasm negated the living nightmare between your legs.
And then you were coming down, hips jerking into the tongue of a wolf monster, the creature that had killed your father, Death himself, and you actually sobbed, shying away from his touch as little sparks of overstimulation promised something worse. Unable to escape in any material way, you covered your face. Tears, dirt, and blood smeared together on the feverish, sweaty skin, nearly suffocating as you panted.  
Death let you be and sat up, laughing. Laughing at you.
“That was faster than I expected.” 
Peeking out from between your fingers, you saw the way his muzzle was glistening before his tongue swiped it away, saw the way he was smiling as he mocked you. “Ah. Unh-no, I-”
Death leaned over you. You flinched away, but he only grabbed the sickle he’d driven into the ground beside you. Casually, he flicked the blade out. The cool metal winked in the moonlight. Although you were still trembling with the aftershocks of orgasm, you weren’t too far gone to feel a fresh wave of fear. Immediately, you curled in on yourself, covering as much of your vulnerability as possible. 
“You cower in fear, but I can taste your desire,” Death said, licking his lips. “It’s not half bad.” 
“Please just… just stop.” 
“I’m doing you a favor. You’re too tight.” 
Death didn’t elaborate on that, positioning the weapon’s hilt between your legs, pushing the flared base between your folds before you could figure out what was happening. Everything was wet with a mixture of saliva and your own arousal, slick enough for the weapon to press against your entrance. You figured it out then, but he pinned you in place with a hand on your stomach, claws pressing against the flinching skin. There was nothing you could really do to avoid it, and you didn’t dare close your legs around the blade itself. 
“This might hurt.”
“Stop, please stop, you can’t—” 
Death didn’t say anything, watching your expression as he pushed the weapon’s grip into you. To see such a sharp blade between your legs in any capacity was dizzying, and that was without the intensely physical pressure of its grip rubbing against your inner walls.
“I told you, didn’t I?” he asked. “To. The. Hilt.” With every word, he drove the weapon deeper, your body jerking with each movement. 
“Stop, just stop, please, take it…take it out.” 
“I’d do it myself, but,” Death said, holding up his off-hand, “I’m not so sure you’d like that.” His claws practically gleamed in the moonlight, and you knew exactly how rough the pads were. The idea of those inside of you was enough to make your insides wither, although all that really amounted to was your cunt tightening around the weapon. You grunted at the feeling, shook your head fast, panicked. 
“No! No,” you told him as coherently as you could. Your tongue was dry as bone, you choked on the grit. 
“Thought so,” he replied, pulling the sickle back only to slam it back in. 
The textured grip felt disturbingly good in some mad, broken way. His tongue had been so smooth and soft, but this was solid and firm, forcing itself into you. He used it like a tool, not bothering to simulate sex, twisting it this way and that, forcing your pussy open. Making room. You couldn’t help but writhe with each movement, your cunt tightening around the grip, hips tilting up as you were consumed by a confusing twist of disgust and need. Violence and pain were things you knew and understood. Familiarity had you dripping around the weapon, you could hear how wet you were, and his harsh motions only emphasized the vulgar sound.
“Not bad,” Death said, amused by the sight. You shut your eyes. “This weapon killed your father. It’s only fair that you should die by it too—una pequeña muerte.”
“Don’t,” you said, body going painfully tense with disgust, with hate, with fear. Death pulled the sickle out, pushing it back in with an ugly squelch, dragging a pained yelp from your mouth, and then a distinctly less pained one when he twisted it slightly. “No, no, I…”
Little death. You belatedly realized the implication of that. You’d already come once, it wasn’t nearly as difficult to build you up again. Especially not when he was being more deliberate with each thrust, when the sandpaper-rough texture of his finger nudged at your clit again. 
Nothing in particular set you off, maybe it was just the acceptance of sensation, the acknowledgement that it would buy you a few moments of madness from this unthinkable situation. Gasping, flushing, writhing like a creature possessed, you seized up, pleasure flushing through your system with a white-hot sort of frenzy. You didn’t think it could be compared to death, not really. You felt distinctly alive for a few seconds of shivering, wet heat. 
Until it ended, abruptly dropping you back in the middle of an unfathomable predicament. 
Death hummed as he stopped, letting you wilt back onto the ground, trembling and hot. “I prefer a fight, but-” Without much ceremony and a disgustingly wet shlick, Death pulled the weapon out of your pussy. “You put on quite the show, gatita. This is going to be good.” 
“What are you doing?” you asked, drawing your legs in, wincing at the feeling. Some part of you still rejected what was happening, what he was capable of doing. Of course that got a little harder to believe when he pushed his pants down. Was it flattering that a monster would be turned on by torturing you? You wanted to think that it couldn’t be, that you weren’t that depraved, but the part of your deepest self that stirred in reaction to the sight frightened you. It seemed that the human shape and build of his body carried over to his primary sex characteristics. It was sick that the revelation should be relieving, but at least you would be spared the particular grotesque indignity of inhuman genitalia. Maybe if you shut your eyes, if you blocked it all out, you could pretend that it was just a man raping you. 
Because that was so much better.
You weren’t even aware that you were trying to crawl away until he clicked his tongue, grabbing your waist to pull you back into place. The pads on his fingers were so rough, claws threatening to rip the sensitive flesh. He licked his lips with wolfish excitement. Fur brushed your bare skin. There was no way out of this, to escape el lobo feroz. Not mentally, not physically. 
You pressed your thighs together as tightly as you could, ignoring how slick they were.
“It’s too late for that,” he said, easily prying them apart. Fur brushed against your skin, but you were more concerned with the sight of his cock as it bobbed up before settling against your abdomen. 
Heavy. That was your first thought, right before the comparison between your body and his cock really settled in your feverish brain. The head alone was thick enough that you couldn’t fathom it getting past your entrance, let alone that you’d be able to take the rest. 
“No, no, no, you-you can’t do this,” you said, staring at his dick with a crawling sense of fear that had nothing to do with his inhumanity—in all regards—and everything to do with the size. “It won’t fit.” 
“You can accommodate new life,” he said, a hand going under his cock to press against your abdomen, right above your womb. “Let alone Death. You’ll be fine.” He said it like a joke, like it was amusing. He was sick. You were sick. This was…
When he moved, the slap of his dick on your abdomen was audible, punctuating a joke that wasn’t funny to begin with. Death clearly wasn’t concerned as he rearranged you, pushing your legs up and apart until your thighs screamed, his body bearing down against you for leverage. The unyielding press of his cock between your legs made you panic, but he had you utterly pinned. You couldn’t do anything other than feel it slide across the sensitive flesh, settling right against your entrance. You couldn’t do anything to stop this. Death grunted as he readjusted you, claws digging fresh lines into your flesh, and began to rock his hips forward. When you yelped, bucking up against him, the sharp points broke skin. It would be easy for him to rip you up with nothing more than those claws. 
“Quédate quieto,” he growled. You didn’t need to understand to be still.
So close like this, you realized that you could smell him. Not the stench of a dog, of wet fur or a poorly maintained pelt. Not the scent of a man either, familiar and human. Death smelled like a cool summer night, and torrential rain, and a river’s violent rapids, and acrid smoke, and the dry dust of an old road. Although it wasn’t entirely unpleasant in the way you might have expected of a wolf man, it made your stomach churn, doing nothing to help you relax as he continued to press the thick head of his cock against your pussy.
For a moment, you thought that it really was impossible, that you would be spared. That single second of relief was all it took for the head to pop past the initial barrier of muscle. Your mouth dropped open at the feeling. Surprise, maybe. Your legs were spread wide enough to mitigate some of the dragging pain as he forced himself a little deeper, just past the ridge. Death made a sound low in his chest, but all you could manage was stiff, cold shock. Surprise at how surreal it all was. But reality marched on all the same, with or without your comprehension. You weren’t sure what you expected it to feel like, but you would have been wrong anyway. Stretching, aching, too much, too much, too-
Grunting, he rolled his hips, pulling back just enough before thrusting deeper. Little by little, letting you adjust and relax ever so slightly before pulling back to go further. You whined each time, back arching, your pussy tightening around him. It was probably a protective measure, trying to keep him out, but it hurt, pulling a rumbly growl out of his throat, his hips pushing forward despite the painful resistance. 
“No more,” you got out, the words tight, pained. 
Muttering something under his breath, Death leaned back to let drool drip from his long tongue. It landed heavily where the two of you were joined, splatting with an unattractive slap onto the place where you were joined, onto your swollen clit. He laughed at your girlish yelp of surprise. 
You let your head fall back, your hands covering your face. They smelled like dirt and blood. At least the extra lubrication helped, and you knew your body was responding to this. Whether to protect itself or out of some truly disturbing reciprocation, your pussy was soaking his cock, making way for him as he rolled his hips back and forth. 
Deeper, further. You were going to split apart. 
“Stop, please,” you finally broke enough to beg, pressing against his stomach, ignoring the sickening feeling of fur beneath your hand. You were almost surprised when Death stopped, huffing hard. Worse, you were grateful.  
“Too much, gatita? And you were doing so well.”
A pathetic little whine tore from your throat when you looked down at the remaining few inches of cock between your straining pussy lips and his grotesque inhuman body, despairing at the sight. “I can’t,” you whimpered. “No more.” 
Death growled in frustration, claws digging painfully into your skin as he shifted back and forth a few times, trying to ease himself deeper. You could see the shadow of distension shifting across your abdomen as he did, proof of how deep inside of you he already was. But no matter how he rolled his hips, or twisted you around, there was no more room. 
“Stop,” you said, the word getting caught in your swollen throat, your body desperately straining to get away for fear that he’d just force it in.
Death stilled, exhaling hard to steady himself. It sounded like a growl. Your pussy unintentionally clenched hard around him at the noise. It hurt, the muscles unable to adjust to his size. The reaction had his breath catching, and that became a throaty laugh.
“Fine,” he said, finally dragging his hips back. It was what you wanted, but it still hurt, the stretch worsened by the way your pussy squeezed and pulsed around his length. Death stopped when only the head remained inside of you. “You just need to be broken in. That’s fine.” 
You looked, stricken, from the dizzying sight of his cock—now, at least partially, glistening with your own arousal—to the sickening expression of manic glee he wore. How could a canine face express such viscerally human emotions? 
And then, in the back of your empty, dizzy head—why was this happening?
“No more,” you begged, squeezing your eyes shut, your pussy trying to push him out despite the discomfort of it. Claws ripped into your skin when his grip had to tighten to keep you in place, his hips chasing yours as you tried so desperately to escape. It hurt all over again. Maybe not as bad, but now you knew what to anticipate. 
“It's better like this.” He stopped when he was as deep as he could go and you were grateful that he didn’t push it further, grateful that he was taking it slow. The stretching, pinching ache wasn’t any better, but it wasn’t worse either. “What is this… Two? Three inches?” You looked down, realizing that he was referring to how much of his cock couldn’t fit inside of you. It had to be more than that, although you were stuck on the sight of your pussy stretched around him. “By the end of the night, there won’t be anything keeping us apart. That’ll be… poetic, don’t you think?” 
It wasn’t fair that his voice should be that of a man, should be low and dripping with a villain’s dangerous charisma. All you could do was groan weakly, your breathing shallow. Despite what he said, there was nothing poetic to the sound of it. Slick, filthy, disgustingly wet. Every thrust punched a sharp noise out of you, although most of them were nothing more than heavy breaths. Death wasn’t very quiet either, making noises that fluctuated seamlessly between that of a man and that of a beast. 
“Hurts,” you whimpered in protest, willing him to slow down. He didn’t. 
The single word, the cruelty of it and the accompanying set of a harsher pace, hurt in more ways than the physical. You couldn’t help but wail in despair, writhing with pain you couldn’t escape, unable to get away as he fucked you. Deeper and deeper, forcing you to stretch out to accommodate him. 
“You like the pain, right?” Death asked mockingly, his voice low enough to nearly get missed beneath the filthy squelch of each thrust. And all you could do was whimper. Did you like the pain? No, but there was a perverse satisfaction of justified destruction. You had no idea how he knew that.
“I don’t,” you said, needing to reject him. To reject all of this because otherwise you were afraid it would end like before, that you would give in. That you’d enjoy this. But it was too late. You couldn’t help your hips from twitching of their own volition, and a particularly sharp thrust pulled a surprised gasp from your open mouth. 
“Buena gatita,” he said in a low voice, half growl. The sound, the language, the speaker, none of it mattered because your body knew praise, and the kind that came with cruelty was what you craved in the sickest part of your brain. “Muy buena.” Your cunt fluttered weakly around him, your hips rolling upward to meet his next thrust. It hurt, and it felt good. 
As soon as you admitted that to yourself in any way, you were lost. A few more thrusts and you had to bite your lip to keep from moaning. There wasn’t a single place within you that wasn’t full of him, not in your head or your pussy or your chest. Consumed entirely by Death. 
Gods help you, you could hear the fresh wave of wet arousal your body provided with that awful thought, so eager to submit to his dominion. As if sensing that, he stilled, his cock buried deep into you. Your eyes opened unintentionally, confused by the sudden break.
“Well, well, would you look at that,” Death said as a way of explanation, self satisfied. You followed his eyes, looking at where the two of you were joined. There was nothing between, his pelvis flush between your legs, the fur matting with how wet everything was. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. His hips shifted and you could see the bump of distension, more pronounced now. “Like I said—poetic. All you’ve done for years is tease me and now-” He laughed. “Now you’re mine.”  
Death pulled back slowly, letting you see how much of his cock he’d forced your body to accept. It looked about as impossible as it felt, you couldn’t really comprehend it on any level other than the most base—sickening satisfaction. Ensuring you were still watching, his hips snapped forward. Once, twice, three times, making sure each thrust was solid and steady, filling you up entirely, the thick head of his cock brutalizing your cunt in a way no human man ever could. The battering against your cervix hurt in a profound, electric way, a way nobody had ever managed to hurt you.  
And you took it. Your mouth open dumbly, your head tipping back into the dirt, your body rolling with each movement.    
Even suffering such intimate, awful pain, you couldn’t deny your feeling of pleasure. Sublime friction, pressure in every place you needed it. And, to a dreadful degree, Death seemed to be aware of your reactions. Aware enough, at least, to take note when you couldn’t help but moan aloud, to exploit the angle that had you seeing stars. He grabbed you off the ground, forcing you to throw your arms around his neck. Like that, you were even more at his mercy. Full enough to split, you could understand the indulgence of size, of craving excess. Beautiful. Your boiling brain pulled that word out from its scattered nothingness, and it was beautiful. Repulsive, disturbing, grotesque, and beautiful.
“That’s right,” Death practically purred into your ear. “Look at how well you take it, you’d think you were made for this.” 
“Oh, gods, oh—please, I can’t, I…” You weren’t even sure what you were begging for, it was too late from the second he praised you, sending you spiraling, coming hard, your pussy squeezing his cock so hard it hurt, your fingers pulling hard at the fur on his neck. Death laughed breathlessly, not slowing down for even a second. You didn’t care. If it hurt, it felt good, an endless feedback loop of madness. 
Holding so close to him, you were more aware than ever of how terrifyingly powerful his body was. He could easily destroy you if he wanted. 
This was Death at his gentlest. 
Dizzy, reeling, hardly able to scrape together any coherent thought beyond that, all you felt at the realization was the vague veil of fear. Letting yourself get fucked by the big bad wolf. Coming on his cock, moaning like a whore for a being that shouldn’t exist in the middle of the woods beneath a full moon. 
His hips stuttered then, a groan catching on a growl in his chest. 
“Delicious,” he said. “Your fear, I could just…” Death didn’t finish that thought, or maybe you couldn’t hear it as his thrusts became well and truly punishing. Seeking his end like a man would. That was what you expected, in a distant way, but you didn’t expect that a mystical—mythical?—creature would ejaculate, only that you’d had enough encounters with men to know you shouldn’t let it happen. Not inside. Never inside, that was way too dangerous. 
He didn’t listen. You couldn’t escape, and you stopped caring after a moment because the heavy, carnal weight of him coming inside of you was enough to make you squeal, your pussy squeezing his cock, your body straining in an arch against his. You didn’t know if you were coming again or if it was just a continuation of the onslaught of stimulation that your brain couldn’t make rational sense of, but there was a sort of lunatic’s bliss in the feeling, in the agonizingly hellish ecstasy of pleasure. Of complete and utter excess. You could feel the rumbling vibrations of his growl, it entwined with the human groans. The two shouldn’t have suited one another, but your broken mind accepted both gleefully, losing yourself in the sound.  
After a few jerky, halting movements, Death released you. 
He was slow to pull out, which was probably a mercy. Even softening, his cock was painfully big, you couldn’t hold back your pained whimper when he pulled out. The absence was immediate, cold, and hollow. You wilted when he let you fall limp onto the ground, defeated. Deflated. Breathing as if you’d run a marathon, it was all you could do to keep it together, the gravity of all that happened setting in.  
Something landed on your naked, sweaty body. Scared, you opened your eyes. But it was fabric. A second passed before you realized it was your red cloak. The one you left behind to escape from him before. It felt like a lifetime ago. You gratefully used it to cover your nudity, glad for the moment to catch your breath with some dignity. 
“Ah, that was good,” Death said, satisfied, rolling his neck and shoulders. He’d already fixed his pants and retrieved his weapons. “The fun’s over now. For you, at least.”
“I don’t know… how to get back to the trail…” you said, wincing as you sat up and looked around. His cum dripped out of your gaping, sore pussy, sticky on your thighs. Vaguely, you wondered what sort of monsters would come from such a coupling, but you disregarded that thought just as quickly. If he was done, you needed to get away. Then again, you weren’t even sure if you could walk. 
“I wouldn’t worry about it.” 
Death’s less than friendly tone rolled over you like ice water. Slowly looking over at him, you exhaled a big, shuddery lungful of cool night air. He stood high above you, his looming figure blotting out the moon. Right then, he looked no different than he had all those years ago. Brilliant red eyes, gray fur, silver sickles. The big bad wolf in all his glory. 
Those bright red eyes held a different sort of intensity than before. Swirling, passionate madness without any of the ravenous hunger. “You know, I’ve been watching you ever since that night. Every time you narrowly escape death, and every time you get other people killed. But you know that, you’ve seen me. That’s why you run, thinking you can escape the inevitable. For whatever reason—luck, fate, the blessing of those gods you claim to believe in—your life has been spared over and over. And yet, you do nothing with it.”
There was malice in those words, a visceral sort of disgust that reflected what you so often felt for yourself. You considered trying to stand up, trying to run again. Fear thundered in your chest, urged you to escape as you always did. But, honestly, you didn’t think your legs could support your weight. No. You couldn’t run. You never had really managed to escape him anyway. 
“So, I thought, why does it matter if you die now or later—your life has no meaning. If I finish it now, you won’t be able to keep teasing me, and we’ll both have some peace.” 
“I don’t want to die,” you said, your voice hushed to hide the tears. 
Death looked down at you, and you wondered if it was disgust or pity you saw on his inhuman face. But then you realized, it was neither. His jewel bright eyes gleamed with glee, passion of a type you couldn’t understand, that belonged to something beyond the realm of what you could possibly comprehend. A living nightmare. 
“Your fear,” Death said, inhaling deeply as he took a step forward, his sickles in hand, “has the most intoxicating smell. I might even miss it.” 
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pupyuj · 7 months
[cw: smut, catgirl!liz, fingering, thigh riding, somnophilia, dom!reader whattt, top!liz for like half a second]
you've heard of user pupyuj now wait for user kittyliz 😭😭 my babycakes i was so obsessed with her during eleven and love dive eras 😩💞💞 there's some fluff cuz she just makes me soft inside, yk??? ☹️
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your super sweet kitty gf who you are just so horribly in love with :((( jiwon's so adorable.. so shy and there wasn't a moment in the day where you aren't falling deeper in love with her 😩😩 but god, it's her cuteness that makes it so hard for you to stay in the right state of mind while being around her 😵‍💫
having her sleep on your lap one day :((( her head resting peacefully on your thigh, watching as her chest rises up and down and her kitty ears twitching every now and then ☹️💔 she was cute even in her sleep, what with her constant tossing and turning, and soft groans every time she did so, the random murmurs that leaves her mouth, and the way she would giggle bcs she was dreaming?? silly kitty,,, there you were trying so hard to concentrate on your book but jiwon was making it so hard 😣
brushing some of her hair away from her face and leaning down to kiss her forehead softly,, smiling in satisfaction when she giggled again,, but despite your efforts to stop yourself, your hand starts trailing down jiwon's body until you were touching jiwon's went cunt... you knew she wouldn't like being fucked without her knowledge—as in she liked to watch you while you fucked her—but that just added to the thrill of it all... 😵‍💫 gently rubbing jiwon's clit through the wet fabric of her panties, nearly moaning at the feeling of her wetness,, gosh you could breathe and jiwon would be drenched so you really shouldn't be surprised that she was horny for you even in her sleep!
two of your fingers going inside her so very smoothly,,, you felt her tense up, but she wasn't awake yet,, her eyebrows were furrowed, but her body wasn't rejecting your touch at all... so you keep going! fingering her gently so as not to shock her awake, nearly moaning at the feeling of her pussy clenching around your digits,, "mmh.." jiwon moaning so softly and ugh she looked even cuter wearing your hoodie :((( leaning down and kissing her again, "such a good girl even while you're sleeping..." you whispered,,, jiwon stirring awake when you increase your speed :((( it takes her a minute to process what was going on before her face just heats up djdbfjdkck 🫠🫠
"m-mommy, w-w-what are y—ahhn..! ahh..."
jiwon clutching your shirt once she starts feeling you everywhere :((( her trying so hard to resist completely submitting but you fucked her too good 😩😩 before she knew it, she had closed her thighs around your wrist and started bucking her hips into your hand, panting and whimpering like the desperate slut she rlly is 😵‍💫 her tail twirling about while you fuck herrr and her kitty ears so cute curling down and springing up every now and then.. and god, her gasps and her moans are so lovely to hear that you were slowly but surely drenching your own underwear,,,
"you've got mommy all wet, darling... you'll help me out, won't you?" AND OFC KITTY!JIWON HAS AN ORAL FIXATION so hearing these words made her eyes snap open bcs she was such a sucker for praises... and she knew she does a good job making you feel good with her mouth!! 😵‍💫😵‍💫 "but i'm gonna make you come first, 'kay?" you kissed her again,, ignoring her whines and continuing to pump in and out of her cunt 🫠
"r-right there, mommy...! feels so good... mmm.." one arm around your neck, pulling you into her as her moans get higher and louder,, she was sooo close,,, you knew it from the way tears have filled up her eyes, the way her little claws latched onto the back of your neck,, and jiwonie cums with a squeak, hiding her face on your neck as she did so,, panting and shaking after she was all done,, mmfkhdksj putting your other arm around her and making her sit up, her face all red from being fucked so well :(((
"baby, you really do come so much." you teased as you showed her your hand, drenched with her juices hehekssldjkc the cutie covering her red face while you licked your fingers clean but she looked anyway!! and ugh she was getting wet all over again bcs you stared at right at her while you sucked on your fingers,, 😵‍💫
okok but like what if you just fuck her that entire day??? maybe she was looking particularly cute, perhaps bcs she was wearing nothing but your hoodie and a cute pair of panties,, you couldn't stop touching her!! jiwonie cooking up a cute lil snack for the both of you after all that so she's busy in the kitchen,, and you're just watching from the living room couch with a dumb, lovesick smile on your face,, her tails just looked so good swinging from side to side bcs she was excited to be making good food GOD SHE'S ADORABLE???
hugging her from behind and it's cute at first!! cute, until you start kissing her neck and until your hands roam all over her body,, your cold hands making contact with jiwonie's sensitive nipples,, making her mewl,, "focus, jiwon-ah." you were telling her but she literally can'tttt :((( jiwon trying so hard not to moan out loud while you played with her tits, her hands were shaking and god even her ears 😭 suddenly pulling yourself away from her as soon as she started grinding her ass against your groin, merely smirking at her whines before settling yourself back down on the couch omfg you're such a tease,, leaving your kitty hot and bothered like that <//3
nevertheless! jiwon finishes cooking and joins you on the couch,, except that you made her sit on your lap while she fed you,, cuddling up with you while the two of you ate and watched some show on the screen,, finding yourself leaning onto your gf's chest while she caressed your hair :(( she's so sweet, asking about your week and stuff, kissing you softly from time to time guys i need to date her—
"you'll have a better week ahead, mommy. i'm sure of it." jiwon says, cupping your face in her hands and giving you little kisses all over your face 🥰🥰 but ugh, you're a sick woman so all you were thinking about was fucking her senseless while she smiled sweetly at you,,, mmfmgkhsk making her turn to the tv screen under the guise of wanting to focus on the show but really that was just an excuse to sneak your thigh in between her own and pressing it against her pussy,,
but jiwon doesn't even really realize what you were doing! all her attention was on the show, but she was also slowly rocking her hips back and forth on your thigh, leaving a small trail on her slick on your exposed skin,,, all jiwon knew was that she felt sososo good, and she couldn't stop moving her hips since the feeling of her clit rubbing against you was too good to let go of :((( it wasn't until she was a few minutes into riding you that she finally realized what she had been doing,, "a-ah, i'm sorry—"
"keep going. you're close, aren't you?"
you didn't have to tell her twice!! jiwonie continues on,, moaning and whining as she pushed herself closer to her climax,, but she never learned to get off without your help :(( "m-m-mommy, please touch me... i c-can't..." she was sayinggg :((( and who were you to say no to your baby?!! akhdjhfdjh grabbing her hips and pressing her down harder on your thigh, increasing her pace,, "mommyy..." she was whining :(( so desperate to come that she takes your hands herself and slides them inside her hoodie, making you touch her boobs,, and ofc you do that too!!
"good girl... good girl," you were saying in her ear as her hips stuttered,, her long tail wrapping around your arm as she got closer and closer,, "come, and maybe i'll fill you up with my strap right after," you said, and you knew this would encourage jiwon to try harder,, "you'd want that, wouldn't you? wan' mommy's cock inside you?"
"yes, yes, y-yes, please...! a-ahhn.. mommy..." jiwon holding onto your arms so tightly as she came :((( making a mess of her panties again as well as your thighs,, "s-sorry.." jiwonie would say after she has seen how soaked your thighs had become 😭 but ofc you were okay with it!! and plus, jiwon had a million ways to make it up to you for always making you clean up after her 😈 and that's exactly what you made her do, by forcing her on her knees in front of you and lick her own cum off your thighs,, her sharp eyes looking up at you softly while her tongue slowly trailed up on your lap to your inner thighs,, one claw tugging at the waistband of your shorts and the other slowly opening up your legs wider,,,
"mommy... you said you'd let me help you out, right??"
and what your cute lil kitty gf wants, she gets 😵‍💫😵‍💫💕
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cerastes · 9 days
Tell us about your Nioh 2 awakening, lad.
Right, so, basically, Nioh 2's Kasha Did A Huge Number On Me.
First, I need you to understand how big she is:
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That little humanoid down there is your playable character. That immense demonic catgirl 2.5 times the playable character's size is Kasha. And, this is what she looks like:
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The right amount of monstrously and humanly attractive to nail a bullseye in my preferences. It was a VERY distracting fight my first time.
So, why do I say it's ironic:
In the past, big size differences weren't unwelcome, going either way, but were otherwise not something I thought of much, and I've never really cared about catgirls, just mostly completely neutral towards them, even a bit of disdain for them due to how overused they are.
But if that were all, it wouldn't be ironic, the irony comes from:
I'm long time friends with a certain popular giantess fetish artist. We became and remained friends over completely unrelated matters, but I did hang out in this friend's community mostly centered around the fetish for a while, mostly because I was young and new to the net by then and I didn't really have a community to call my own, so I jumped in there. I never really got into the fetish, and most people in that community were so toxic that I ended up hating them and the fetish for a few years. Eventually, I just hated them specifically. My friend is exempt from that statement in its totality, we've always been cool.
Years ago, I did playfully but frequently tease people over liking catgirls, basically the vanilla ice cream, the picking-Mario-in-Mario-Kart, the I-like-water-without-any-ice-and-the-latest-season-of-The-Simpsons of monster girls.
Fast forward to me fighting Kasha for the first time, and the subsequent 2 full days of feeling Something In Me That Wasn't There Before, I came to realize that I would really, really enjoy being attacked by a massive, voluptous beast woman two or three times my size. But, it has to be the cocktail, the ingredients by themselves don't do anything for me. Put them together like Kasha does and the way Kasha does, however, and, well,
I think that's pretty fucking hot and I can get drunk to that cocktail every day of my life, yeah.
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rubixpsyche · 18 days
Hurting Exterminators
4 Factors: Aggressor, Motivation, Method, Victim
Previously longheld belief: Sinners could not harm an Exterminator, regardless of motivation or method/weapon.
Case 1: Lute attacking Vaggie with a Angelic Spear out of rage. Exterminator attacking another with an Angelic Weapon with hateful (but could be read as Proper, if their beliefs about Winners/Heavenborns were true) motivation. For all intents and purposes, this does not go against their knowledge.
I no longer think 'noble' motivations matter at all when it comes to harming Exterminators. We Initially believed this because of Case 1, however...
Case 2: Carmilla Carmine protecting her daughters out of love, slaying an Exterminator with Angelic Weapons (her leg weapons). Sinner, (Familial) Love, Angelic Steel, Exterminator. Successful
Case 3: Vaggie. Ex-exterminator, Love, Angelic Steel, Exterminator. Successful.
Case 4: Sinners (Hotel Residents, Cannibals, Alastor), Varying motivations, Angelic Weapons, Exterminators. Successful.
In case 4, they weren't all fighting out of love. They're sinners with angelic weapons attacking Exterminators. And it was working. I don't think motivation matters that much actually, or at least 'type' doesn't matter.
Carmilla shows it could be Familial love, Vaggie shows it could be romantic love. The Cannibals wanted to eat Exterminators, we don't know Alastor's motives but I still don't think he loves the residents yet, the residents could have started to love each other platonically.
I'm starting to think the answer wasn't love, it was simply the Angelic Weapons. We think it's about 'love' cos of "Out For Love", I now believe that was less about having the right 'type' of motivation, but to have a strong focused motivation which Vaggie may not have had at that moment in the story in the middle of a bump in her relationship. "Out For Love" wasn't an answer for all Sinners, just Vaggie. It was a 'Get your head in the game' message.
Counter-argument: Why did no other Exterminator die before? Angelic Weapons have already been in circulation in Hell, as evident from Carmilla's stake in the market. If it was just Angelic Weapons and a decent motivation, self preservation should be enough. But-
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Angelic Weapons are so rare and expensive only few could afford them, perhaps just Overlords, notable kingpins like Sir Pentious and Hellborn Nobility/Goetia like Stella. The Sinners would have enough of their own power that they could feasibly avoid Exterminators and therefore never need them, perhaps most of the supply goes to Hellborn Nobility. So it never happened, until Carmilla and her daughters were caught out. (Unlikely, but only theory I have right now)
The Rammies Implications: If Angelic Steel is all that matters when it comes to killing Exterminators, that puts them at a similar power-level to Sinners instead of Hellborns. Are Winners different from Exterminators/Heavenborn/Angels in the same way Sinners are from Hellborns/Morningstar Family? Stronger? Can they respawn like Sinners if killed by normal weapons? Adam (Winner) was stronger than Exterminators (was their leader), and was permanently killed the same way Sinners are (Angelic Steel), but Exterminators are stronger than the average Hellborn/Imp/Hellhounds (NEEDS Angelic Steel, Hellborn do not).
So, the equivalencies seem to be,
Angels = Morningstar Family (maybe ONLY Lucifer and Charlie)
Winners = Sinners
Exterminators = Sins or Goetia (Everyone in and above this bracket requires Angelic Steel to permanently kill)
Cherubs = Hellborn, Imps, Hellhounds
Those are my impressions and questions I'm keeping in mind for Season 2, I just wanted to summarize cos I see some people having takes I disagree with and it's easier for everyone if I have a big old post instead of repeating myself lmao.
Vaggie and Chaggie-specific thoughts below for @catgirl-catboy
if [Lute knew Angels could be killed when she attacked Vaggie], then why didn't she tell anyone else?
Exterminator on Exterminator violence, maybe that's why so many Exterminators are missing eyes and such. They already do that.
Shouldn't [Adam] have gone looking for [Vaggie]?
Even if not out of care, I feel like Adam should have gone looking just to confirm
We may have misunderstood "Out for Love" (I know), it was less about "Love will let anyone kill Exterminators" but just that specifically Vaggie needed to focus up, clear up the relationship mess with Charlie and realize how much she loved her, and that it was Vaggie's correct/strongest motivation that would allow her to carry through.
That's her mini arc within Season 1. She and Carmilla were mirroring each other in "Whatever It Takes", and in that Vaggie stresses how she sees herself as Charlie's armor, protector and 'partner'. "Out For Love" was an update to say "You protected her from the truth of your identity and look where it got you. Stop being a bodyguard and fight for your love. You're not just here to support her from the back or take hits for her, be her partner, love her, step up and fight for her." Works so cool too cos the Exterminators' weakness was All Offense No Defense. And her flaw at the moment was All Defense No Offense for Charlie.
If [Lute didn't know angels could be killed when she attacked Vaggie], what was even the point of attacking her?
Above point of they know they can hurt each other. Lute very much looks down on Hell and anyone willing to associate with them. So Vaggie sparing that Cannibal kid counts. She's stained, vile, etcetc
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dizzyhslightlyvoided · 4 months
Based on previous feedback
Ramona, trying to be subtle: What do you think your name would be as a girl, Scott?
(Thought cloud above Scott with "Ramona" and "Roxie")
Scott: Uh, "Rhoda", maybe. Why?
(there's a panel without any dialogue where Ramona just exchanges a look with Wallace and Kim)
Kim: ... Scott, have you ever wondered if you might be trans?
Scott: Haha, absolutely not! I'm definitely a guy! Uhhh totally a manly man here!
Caption on Scott: Just happened to have a feminine name for himself off the top of his head
Ramona: ... You're sure?
Scott, deflating, but only a little: I dunno, Ramona. Like. I mean I've wondered if I was trans like you and Roxie, but I mean. I ... think it'd be more obvious, right?
Wallace: To yourself, you mean?
Scott: ????
Ramona: Scott, I'm just gonna come out and say it ...
Scott: Yeah?
(whole entire wide panel showing everyone in the room, including a surprised Scott)
Ramona: I think you're trans.
(a catgirl speedrunner (whom I've named Susan Smalls) noclips through the wall, fist swinging at Ramona. The panel is otherwise identical to the previous one to indicate that time has gone backwards.)
SFX: Netcode Rollback!
Ramona: I think ywhoa!
Scott: Huh!?
(Scott and Ramona, in perfect sync, block the punch and knock Susan back.)
SFX: Perfect Tean Parry! Team Counter!
Susan, landing with catlike grace and glaring at Scott: And you are?
Scott: I'm ... Scott??
Susan: Nice name! Did your mom pick it out for you?
Character intro caption: SUSAN SMALLS, Age 32, Enforcer for the Canadian High Council of Trans Women, Also She's A Trans Woman
Ramona: Susan Smalls!?
Susan, pointing: You know the Prime Directive, Ramona Flowers!
Ramona: The Prime Directive has been twisted! It's gone beyond it's original purpose of stopping us from being so pushy it drives someone away!
Wallace, casually: Oh, is Scott about to ...?
Kim: Yeah, I think so.
Susan, leaping towards her: That's not your decision to make, Ramona! The Council has spoken!
Scott, blocking: What is she talking about???
Ramona, also blocking: I think you're trans!!!
Susan, horrified, hands on her head: NOOOOOOO--
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Susan: --OOOOO‌oh?
(Scott undergoes an entire magical girl transformation. When it finishes, there is no visible change whatsoever.)
Character intro caption: RHODA PILGRIM, Age 24, Also She's A Trans Woman
Kim, to Wallace: You owe me five dollars.
Wallace, deadpan: Darn it.
Susan, now grinning: Ooh, magical transformation sequence, huh?
Rhoda: ... What? That's it? I just decide I'm "Rhoda" and then ... nothing?
Caption on Rhoda: No Change To Appearance Or Voice
Ramona: Yeah, sorry -- figuring yourself out is just the first step.
Susan: Yep! It's gonna be tough-tough, not gonna lie, but I hope you find out that it's worth it!
Susan, threateningly wrapping her arm around a suddenly-nervous Ramona's shoulders with a sarcastic grin: But in the meantime, regarding someone's breach of the Prime Directive ... ^u^
Rhoda, threateningly wrapping her arm around a now-somewhat-nervous Susan's shoulders with a similar sarcastic grin: Oh, you sure you wanna be playing that game? ^u^
Kim: Yeah, Susan, right? Sc-- Rhoda's the best fighter in the province, y'know.
Susan: [angry cat noises]
(that is, the speech balloon literally says "[angry cat noises]" in brackets)
Susan, noclipping away back out of the room: You haven't heard the last of me! ... I mean seen the last of me!
(There's a moment where everyone just processes all this.)
Rhoda: Ahahaha ... uhhh wow!
Ramona: Yep!
Rhoda: So, uh, what now?
Ramona, putting her hands on Rhoda's shoulders: Lots and lots of bullshit.
Rhoda, nervously: ... will it be worth it?
Ramona: You have to be the judge of that. But it was for me!
Rhoda: ... Are you still my girlfriend?
Ramona: Of course!
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frogchiro · 2 years
YOU ASK AND I SHALL DELIVER (also i'm turning this into a possible lil threesome bc i need and i have 0 selfcontrol ;;)
fem!reader, hybrids, suggestive content, love triangle, age gap but reader is explicitly stated to be an adult, implied chubby reader, jealousy and feels, a tiny bit of angst?? but it's woven in between fluff so it's okay </3 also my terrible grammar
okay soooo...i was thinking about a kinda 'lady and the tramp' scenario but with a little twist? where you, the prized kitty girl, belong to an incredibly wealthy snezhnayan noblewoman. she is already on the older side, she never married or had kids and while living a lavish life full of extravagant banquets, travels across teyvat, meeting the most interesting people, sometimes it does get lonely in a big mansion you know? sure there are the servants and many other people who'd be more than willing to converse with her but a jumpy mousy handmaiden or some boring sycophantic dignitary or two can only do so much to be considered 'good' company.
after much thinking and careful consideration, the woman decided on buying a cat hybrid. the hybrid breeding business was booming all over teyvat, it basically became a staple for the wealthy to buy hybrids, dress them up like the most beautiful porcelain dolls and flaunting them on various official occasions like banquets or balls.
there was a large variety of well bred hybrids, all from most perfect and long lineages that would put the family histories of most noble houses to shame. from bunnies through sables, foxes, peacocks up to horse hybrids but it still wasn't perfect, all of them were boring; well, until she met you. a catgirl with fluffy shiny (h/c) fur combed and groomed to perfection, pointy ears standing high and proud and a lovely fluffy tail swishing as if annoyed by the disturbance behind you. from the second she saw you, she knew that you were the one that would keep her company. you were a cute young thing, just over 16 years old and the perfect combination of politeness, shyness and sassyness, not overly clingy and desperate to be bought but also not rude or hissy. yes, you'd be perfect.
and so began your new life with your new owner in a completely new environment. sure, you'd miss the facility where you grew up in but you were also excited what your future would hold for you and judging by the lady who bought you, you'd never have to worry about anything anymore.
a few years passed in bliss. you were now just over 20 and you really grew into your new life. ever since the nice lady brought you into your new home or rather a small palace, you lived a life of luxury as the favorite (and only!) pet of her ladyship. you had your own room, own bed stuffed to the brim with pillows and topped off with a silky see-through canopy, all designed in a lovely and tasteful (f/c) palette. you even had a personal chef and groomer! after all the favorite kitty of the household had to eat the best food and have her fur shiny and not a single tangle in sight; yes, life was calm and perfect for you.
well...at least until someone barged in at full speed. it was a ginger stray cat hybrid who called himself childe, ajax for friends which he insisted on becoming with you. stray hybrids weren't a rare sight to be honest, especially in a big metropolis like the capital city of snezhnaya, but they usually kept to the more shady parts of the town, scavenging the dark alleys and slums for scraps so it was quite a fright when suddenly a big, rough looking stray jumped over the fence and right next to the spot where you were sunning!
after hissing and yowling up a storm you realized that childe had no real ill intentions but you were still miffed about the situation, why was he here? how the hell did he even get here?
after a sheepish explanation from the scarred hybrid that he was just scavenging the area for food and he got wind of a new smell he just couldn't resist and had to check out the source! he really didn't expect for you to be the source and before he could retreat he slipped and fell into your garden and here he was...ta-daaa!
you didn't really buy it, the ginger cat literally spelled trouble by just looking at him but you kinda felt a little pity on him; he was a stray for gods know how long and while he was well build and very big, judging by the growl in his belly he didn't eat for a very long time.
just because you were a 'high-born' and belonging into a aristocratic family didn't mean you were cruel or heartless so you told the man to wait here for you as you sneaked into the kitchens and loaded a cloth full of different kinds of meats, cheeses and fruit and brought them back to him to eat. your heart squeezed painfully at the wide eyes of the stray as you gave him the wrapped cloth and wished him well, telling him not the eat trash anymore and if he were hungry then to just come here and you'll give him food.
and so started the quite unlikely friendship between you and the big stray, ajax, and you had to admit that the once seemingly meek and sheepish cat was actually the biggest troublemaker you ever saw! as your friendship progressed his true colors shone through and gave him an entirely new but lovable personality. ajax was funny, smart, cunning and a major flirt, often teasing you and making moves on you, then laughing boisterously when you flushed and hissed at him with your ears pulled flat against your head.
he even showed you his den! after weeks of convincing you to give into his pleas of sneaking out for the night because 'he wanted to show you something' you finally gave into his pleads and went with him, anxious to be away from your safe mansion but also excited for the new possible adventure.
what ajax hyped up to be his 'incredibly cool and super comfy den' was actually an old abandoned barn on the outskirts of the town. you weren't really impressed and by the look of your sour expression childe sweated a little but pulled you after him while promising that it looks much better on the inside...it really didn't but at least the attic of the barn was kept well enough and judging by the neat circle of old blankets, furs and pillows this was where the hybrid made his den and to be honest....it really was comfy.
you began to sneak out almost every night to meet childe at his barn, at least it gave you the privacy and you didn't have to worry about any patrolling guards or stray servants busting your secret friend.
soon the old barn became your second home and the circle of old raggedy blankets and pillows your new bed. it was quite liberating in some way to roll around in the nest with ajax, the catboy nothing but accommodating and happy to have you here with him. he loved to see you smile and purr up a storm when your were rolling around and nuzzling the blankets simultaneously leaving your delicious scent all over his place which often led to...some unsavory activities after you left.
but could you really blame him?! how can he not rub his cock and cum all over himself when he has the image of your perfect soft body burned into his brain and various sinful thoughts are occupying his mind the second he gets a whiff of your scent.
it will always be a secret but his favorite fantasy is of you abandoning your life at the mansion and have you run away with him. the thought of having you here with him at all times, hunting and providing for you, returning after each successful hunt to you as you smile and lick his cheek, the tiny mewls of your kitties the only noise in the otherwise silent barn besides the cracking fire in the rundown hearth and your loud purrs.
but this is all it will ever be, a fantasy. he couldn't possibly ever ask you of such a thing, such a sacrifice to satisfy his selfish desires especially after all the things you did for him. he knew painfully well that you are way out of his league, basically a princess to his tramp self; but that didn't mean he still couldn't cherish you and every moment he shared with you! yes, he was content with what he had. everything was perfect....until it wasn't.
while your lady didn't exactly know the details of where her prized catgirl went off to, she had the vague idea that you were...disappearing for the nights and coming back ruffled and dirty like some common stray and it got her thinking...what if you were lonely? what if you were just seeking out the presence of another hybrid? it wouldn't surprise her really, after all she was the one to buy you in the first place to quell her own loneliness so how could she be so selfish and possibly neglect the feelings of her favorite girl! and she knew just the perfect resolution for the issue...
imagine your surprise when one beautiful winter morning when you came down into the salon stretching and yawning to check out the noises that seemed to go on since the early hours only to notice your lady sitting on the recliner with a...hybrid standing right next to her.
you wouldn't lie when you said that you almost turned on your heel and made a beeline back to your room and hide under the various blankets of your nest. this hybrid...this...monster wasn't something you ever saw, even in childe.
the cat hybrid appeared to be older, much older than you with long flowing and well kept white hair topped with two pointy white ears and a neat beard. the man was tall, so very tall, and broad; his thick chest and arms partially covered by the fur coat he was wearing, but the most prominent feature of his were his piercing gray eyes. the slitted pupils looking almost like tiny diamonds inside his eyes when his stone cold gaze zeroed on your figure and you suddenly felt so tiny and exposed in your nightgown and see-through robe; your tail swishing anxiously behind you as the man glowered down on you.
finally after what felt like an eternity, your lady noticed you and beamed, jumping up from her seat and inviting you over to introduce the mysterious man.
his name was apparently pierro and he was the new cat hybrid your lady bought in order for you to no longer be lonely, plus judging by his sheer size he could also be your protector.
while your lady was happily rambling and telling you all about the process and all the benefits of pierro being here all you could do was stay quiet, ears pinned flat to your head as you and the big man had a staredown with you quickly loosing. you just didn't understand it! it was all a big misunderstanding! you weren't 'lonely' at all but on the other hand you guessed you got a little careless and sloppy about sneaking out to meet with childe. getting a bit too comfortable was a big mistake and you could understand it coming off as 'feeling lonely' to your lady, she probably was thinking that you were sneaking out to search for other cat people and now you were stuck with the older hybrid. maybe it wouldn't be so bad? after all, pierro looks like he's an older hybrid even for your extended lifespans, plus he doesn't really look like the type to chase you around and play or bother you, if anything he was looking at you like you're the one to bother him in your own damn house! ultimately there was nothing you could do anymore, pierro was here already and it looked like he was staying so you guessed you just had to suck it up for a bit and hold off on meeting with childe for the time being.
and so pierro stayed in the mansion for good. a few weeks passed already and honestly? it was better than you expected! just like you previously presumed pierro didn't bother you or even try to interact with you, most times keeping just to himself doing gods know what and yet you felt his constant presence, like a phantom lingering around you and keeping a keen eye on you.
even with this strange feeling you came around, breaking the invisible wall and actually trying to get pierro to at least like you a little bit which, to your great surprise, wasn't difficult at all.
the big cat hybrid was actually very pleasant to be around; he was mostly either reading something or lounging around on a recliner or next to one of the enormous fireplaces in the mansion and it provided a perfect opportunity to get to know each other. he had a very deep, rough and rumbling voice that send pleasant shivers down your spine any time you heard it, plus he seemed to naturally run hot so lounging next to him in front of the fire during a cold winter night proved to be a wonderful experience, his deep rumbling purrs vibrating and lulling you to sleep.
he even started to slowly allow himself to become more 'touchy' with you! at first it were just short and stiff nuzzles, just to acknowledge your existence, then it slowly evolved into more lingering touches, insistently rubbing his head against yours, grooming your fur with his tongue, wrapping his tail around yours and even full on spooning you when lounging on a fur rug. the ultimate sign of trust was when one night pierro invited you to his chamber to climb into his nest to cuddle and bond and you won't lie when you say you felt a hot tingle in your lower belly when you climbed into the enormous wonderfully soft nest that was drenched in his scent and you felt the man slowly rub his cheek upwards from the base of your tail to your shoulders and bit down softly, his huge fangs oh so gently clamping down on the back of your neck as he slowly pulled your back snugly to his broad hairy chest and laid down with you, his teeth still holding you.
the gesture was an incredibly intimate one, reserved only for mates but it made you feel all giddy and tingly inside, quiet purrs from deep within your chest mixing with pierro's rumbles and combined with the cracking fire from the heart it made for a wonderfully cozy and intimate soundscape.
you let pierro take care of you, his teeth finally letting loose of your neck to gently lick it with his rough tongue and growling lowly when he felt your hips shift under his, pulling you even closer and crushing you against his chest. his darling little kitten seemed to finally be relaxed in his presence, something he longed for from the very beginning when his new owner introduced you to each other. you finally stopped to sneak out so much the more open you became with each other and you no longer smelt like that wretched stray, childe.
pierro growled under his breath at even the thought of that tramp getting close to you and thinking he'd have any chance with you while you had him. instead he continued to lick you, down from your neck and towards your delicious full breasts feeling particulary naughty and sneaking a quick suck or two to your nipples, an answering delighted mewl from you all he needed to know.
now that the stray was out of the picture he had you all to himself and soon he'd mate you. while her ladyship was sometimes annoying him he had to begrudgingly thank her for bringing you two together although perhaps not in the way she thought. maybe you will present her with a nice healthy litter of well bred kittens next year with him as the proud father? who knows; for now though he had a needy kitty to take care of and the night was just starting~
unbeknownst to either of you, a pair of deep blue eyes was glaring at you from the balcony of the room. childe was furious, basically fuming from the inside but not at you, no, never at you, but at pierro for even thinking of trying to take you from him and at himself for allowing this to happen.
a few weeks back when pierro was just brought into the mansion you did warn childe that you'll be unable to sneak out as often as previously due to your lady bringing another hybrid into the household and to avoid suspicion you had to drastically cut down on your time together. at first he thought it wouldn't really bother him, he was a stray and used to being alone, but after so many weeks of having you so close, keeping him company and just simply being there for him made him feel dangerously attached to you and the knowledge that you had to stay away from him for an indefinite amount of time made him feel miserable and to add salt to the wound you now shared a space with another hybrid, pierro, out of everyone.
he vaguely knew the hybrid before; tall and broad in statue, stone cold exterior, a permanent scowl on his face that never seemed to wither. according to rumors the old hybrid had a lineage that reached as far as back to the ancient khaen'rhian people, due to that (and from what childe was aware) pierro couldn't be technically owned by someone, he was always just...there. so it had him baffled when he saw the man strolling through the gardens, his piercing diamond pupils turning into slits when they zeroed on him and made a face that could be only described as 'disgusted pity'. childe then pulled his ears back, the fur on his back standing on ends and was ready to pounce on him but retreated last second when he saw your soft body coming up from behind pierro and rubbing affectionately up against him. the ginger hybrid would lie when he said that his jaw almost hit the floor when he witnessed the scene and his blood boiled at the disgustingly smug look on pierro's face when he wrapped his long fluffy tail around you and returned your gesture before turning you around and walking away from him place of hiding like he was some afterthought you shouldn't be bothered with.
seeing you with the big hybrid, pierro, was like putting salt in the wound that he created for himself. why couldn't he confessed to you earlier? was he really such a coward that he couldn't even express his love for the girl of his dreams? and now he had to watch you being all lovely and cozy with the big male while he was left standing high and dry, plus he just knew that the white haired hybrid would rub his triumph all over his face the next chance he got.
'but just you wait', childe thought with a bitter scowl. it was just the beginning as sooner the abyss would freeze over than childe would admit defeat. you'd become his mate and he'd win your heart.
just you wait
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kurogane2512 · 15 days
The cat!girl fics are awesome!
But.. We also want Signora.. It's not a want, but a NEED!
An au abt cat!girl Signora x gn!reader??
Breeding our feisty needy dom mommy cat.. 😩
And.. Kuro u know wt u need to do.. Show us ur magic!
Finally Signora request I was so upset that I thought this scenario with her and got no requests on her 🥹
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: Catgirl!La Signora x gn!reader with a cock
Type: Smut and fluff (modern au, breeding, creampie)
You were seated at your study table and typed away at your computer for hours, your fingers relentlessly pressing the keys as your eyes were glued to the screen. You had deadlines to complete, you couldn't relax even during the weekend. You had no idea how long you had been seated here since you didn't budge from your place at all, your back was bound to ache once you'd get up.
"Mmm... nya~" all of a sudden, a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind followed by a familiar voice purring in your ear, you flinched and broke your focus finally then turned to look at the person behind.
"You have been working since morning, come and play with me now~"
Rosalyne purred and licked your ear, her breasts pressing on your shoulders as she swayed her body left and right.
"R-Rosie, I have a deadline. Give me more time, please...."
Rosalyne pouted and bit your earlobe now, making you softly gasp.
"Not fair. It's the weekend, you are supposed to spend time with me."
"I know, I'm really sorry. They gave me all this work at the last minute...." you said with a sigh and Rosalyne frowned, snuggling into your neck and purring.
You felt bad for upsetting her this way, you also wanted to spend time with her more.
"Well then, at least you can take a break now~" Rosalyne chimed and licked up your nape.
You softly chuckled and nodded then scratched her chin, she came around your chair and sat on your lap sideways. She held your hand and made you caress her face, you smiled at her and patted her ears and scratched her chin then she gripped your hand and licked your fingers lovingly. You gazed at her and couldn't take your eyes off her, she was really beautiful for a catgirl with her long platinum blonde hair, fluffly ears and tail.
Not to mention, she was really needy for love. You had found her in a shelter and were told her previous owner died in an unfortunate accident, since then she hadn't opened her heart to anyone and would usually hiss and scratch away at people who came near her. Then her increasing age was another reason people didn't want to take her, only you know the pains you suffered trying to gain her trust.
Rosalyne nibbled your fingers then leaned in to lick all over your face, her fluffy tail wrapped around you and you caressed her body as she licked you. She especially loved licking your lips, it was a sign she wanted to kiss you and you were more than happy to oblige. Your tongues intertwined and rolled with each other's, her purring and moans resounding in your ears as you pulled her deeper into the kiss.
She parted with a string of saliva connecting your lips and her tongue sticking out, playfully winking at you before she turned around on your lap and looked at your table. Her tail rested against your body, your arms securely wrapped around her waist as she observed your computer screen intently.
"What are you working at that's taking so long, hm?~" she wiggled her butt on your lap as she read through your documents, her movements making you shudder as she was directly stimulating your crotch. It didn't help how scantily dressed she was, wearing just an underwear and one of your own shirts that was clearly big for her.
"R-Rosie, sit properly...."
Rosalyne looked over her shoulder in confusion then realized what you meant. Oh, the cheeky smirk that crept up her face. You knew what she was planning. Before you could stop her, she already positioned herself in such a manner that your crotch was placed between her butt and she continued rubbing back n forth on your lap.
This was arguably the most surprising thing you discovered once she opened up to you, how feisty and seductive she was. Her being an older catgirl only made things better, you felt so lucky to have found her and won her trust. But it was also problematic in certain scenarios- like the one you were currently in.
"Ngh... Rosie, don't... I have to work..." you groaned and held onto her waist, stopping her from moving.
"Aww, will you really ignore me for your boring work, 'master'?~"
That did it for you. She called you that teasingly whenever you got intimate, she was otherwise too prideful to call you that. She bit her lip and resumed grinding on your lap, her panties rubbing directly against your clothed cock that was semi-erect now. You rested on the chair and let her do as she pleased, you were too aroused and overcome with desire to stop her.
"Master... come on, don't make me do all the work, aahn~"
You gritted your teeth then stopped her as you pushed back your chair and stood up. She heard you unzip your pants and excitement surged through her, she looked over her shoulder and saw you pull out your cock, her mouth salivating at the sight. You slipped her panties to the side and rubbed your tip over her folds, her slick already coating your cock head and mixing with your pre-cum.
She braced herself against the table as you thrusted forward and filled her up in one sweep, her back arching as a cute squeal left her mouth. Your girthy cock filled her up so well, she could feel herself stretching out as you penetrated her, staying in the same position for a while to let her adjust. Your hands caressed her butt possessively, pulling her cheeks apart and trying to go deeper.
"Aaah... m-master.... so good.... let me feel it more~"
Her tail stood upright against your body and you teasingly rubbed it to send vibrations to her and make her more aroused. She whimpered as you touched her tail then pushed her further down by her back and started moving in and out. Her head rested on the table as she let you take her, your hands moving to grip her hips and thrust faster and deeper.
"Ngh~! Master—! More....! Y/n.... aaahn!~"
"You really like calling me that today, don't you? Why not say it more normally as well, you sound so adorable~" you teased with a grin as you rolled your hips into her.
"But it's better, mmmh... when you hear it like this, isn't it? It makes you more intense~"
She was still so cocky, but you loved her this way. You squeezed her hips and plowed forward, rapidly pounding into her. She held herself against the edge of the table, her ears flat and her tongue lolled out. You then held her right leg and pulled it up to place it on your shoulder and stepped forward, she gasped and rested more of her body on the table by pushing down some files and documents. You increased your pace and drilled deeper, your tip prodding her sensitive spots making her mewl in ecstasy.
"Cum in me, master! Give me your milk!~"
You already planned to, but not so soon. You suddenly stopped moving and pulled out from her. She whined and hissed at you in anger, but you quickly pulled her towards you as you sat on the chair and placed her on your lap, her front facing you. She was quick to place your cock inside her again, plunging deeply as she sat down and you hilted to the base. She gripped your shoulders and moved up and down your lap, your cock secured by her wet and tight walls.
She rode you to her heart's content, it was intense and filthy but so hot. Her slick dripped down her thighs, sounds of squelching coming from how hard she rode you. Your cock pierced her all the way, hitting her womb and ready to burst any minute. Rosalyne leaned closer and hugged you then bit down your neck, her canines biting your skin as she held you tightly.
You hissed and thrusted up into her now, holding her down by her waist. She mewled and continued biting you, marking you as her own. She braced for the moment you'd fill her up with your seed, she could feel your cock twitch then finally burst. Spurts of hot cum painted her walls and filled her up, she moaned loudly as she released biting you.
You panted while holding each other as you came down from your high, Rosalyne had also cum with you and was seeing stars. She kept licking the spot where she bit you, followed by kissing all around your neck and jaw then licking your lips too. You smiled at each other with a chuckle then shared a gentle kiss, maybe she'd let you work now.
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