#I’ve been thinking about this for days
astarions-wife · 6 months
Something something Wyll didn’t have a mother and then got taken advantage of as a teenager by Mizora who continues to treat him as a child and use him up until the end of the game when the pact is broken something something, this is connected.
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squanchys-standup · 10 days
one of the best takes i’ve seen about swift is that the reason folklore and evermore are so much better than the rest of her discography is because joe alwyn was a writer on it.
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ollieartss · 3 months
skk nation I have made a harrowing discovery.
last year, skk was number 4 on the top 100 ships of ao3 for 2023. when they catalogued the numbers, our boys had around 24k total fics, with about 6k new fics being added that year (new fics is what determines placement on the list). we did great last year :D let’s go gang.
BUT. pause. the list came out on august 7th, 2023. BEFORE the end of s5 and the whole debacle there.
due to this, the list cut off RIGHT before the absolute surge of fics from that. you add on the 15 manga and maybe stormbringer being animated this year, and BOY HOWDY. it’s been six months since the 2023 list and we’ve already surpassed what we wrote last year (we have like 31k fics now,,)
currently predicting either 2nd or 1st for skk in 2024. there’s already like 7k new fics and unless people start putting out ai fics to climb the ranks (please don’t do this ever) I don’t see any ship that could hold us back. skk is officially taking over ao3 and I cannot wait to see it happen.
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starsmacabray · 5 months
“i wish you were a girl” is so much more painful when it’s james saying it to regulus (and no one knows that he’s trans yet)
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nerdetiquette · 1 year
Imagine how weird it must’ve been for Peter to wake up after experiencing his whole life with Slip just to be 17 and so so scared again
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centipede-legs · 2 months
i NEED to talk about some of lae’zel’s exploration banter in the mountain pass or i’ll DIE…anywayyyyy
so, post-quarrel shadowheart and lae’zel in the party, shadowheart asks lae’zel if they can finally “bury the hatchet”, which is a phrase that lae’zel doesn’t understand, right? but i think this moment, this phrase is such an underrated and overlooked part of lae’zel’s personality and character and her way of demonstrating that she does actually care whether she knows it or not
but lae’zel replies with things like “why would we bury a weapon? is it broken?” and after shadowheart tries to explain it, lae’zel says “i do not understand this metaphor of yours, but if you need help digging up a weapon, i can find a shovel”, and RAAAGHAGAGHHHHH i’m so normal about this interaction
burying a hatchet is meaningless to her, but retrieving one for a friend/ally is so important to her
she would wield and retrieve a weapon for someone she cares about and respects so that they can defend themselves and prove their battle prowess (another thing that is extremely important to her)
like yes, lae’zel’s a bit rough around the edges, she is a cunning, ruthless warrior who believes she has a heart of stone, but in that moment, she is offering aid and care in the one way she knows how to someone she thought to be her enemy
i think it pairs EXCELLENTLY with when lae’zel confesses that she misjudged the player character and that they have now gained her respect (and horniness), and when you talk to her later, you can ask like if she respects you, then why is she so rude
and her answer is simple- she has to be
ALSO her whole “i don’t pay compliments- i make observations”
okays sorry i’m just so normal i’m covered in blood thinking about her
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bifangirl · 2 months
and what if I said that gravity falls and gilmore girls are simply alternate universes of each other what then?
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redfish-blu · 5 months
I watched the Pirates trilogy recently and there was little that truly disappointed me. Save for the fact that they have this entire B-plot about a legendary ghost ship which was made iconic in real life maritime history because it could fly, which earned it the name The Flying Dutchman, and not once in its entire on-screen existence (TWO MOVIES!) does it fly.
Like is that not the most obvious fucking thing ever?? The ship sails underwater for crying out loud. But it isn’t called The Submerged Dutchman. I know it’s supposed to like, represent the reason the Dutchman can’t take port in a storm bc of its curse. Or something. But if it was a ship that couldn’t idk, touch land just like its captain can’t, I think it being a primarily airborne vessel forced to sail on the squalls it creates would make more sense and be 1000x more badass.
The scenes of it jumping out of the water are pretty cool but not very formidable. With like -3 changes to the lore we could have had actual flying Dutchman scenes and idk about anyone else but that would have been such an Oh Shit moment for both the audience and the characters cuz like. Oh Shit the ship can fly. Davy Jones might be the most powerful mfker on the seas without Calypso around and he’s working for the fucking British East India Company (the main villains by the way). Bonus points if it can both go underwater and fly bc imagine you’re just minding your sea-faring business and suddenly a fluyt just launches out of the sea, floats into the air, and creates a storm around your stupid little merchant ship.
I know that there’s a great reason this didn’t happen and it’s mostly due to the fact that we’re dealing with the Pirates trilogy here which are some of the most taxing and industry-molding films ever made— but I really think just pushing the deadlines back would have improved so much about movies that are already really good. But like. The Flying Dutchman. Come on man.
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 9 months
Hey I’m going to say something SO controversial and it’s this — after rewatching a lot of House this weekend, I’m realizing House and Wilson are my ideal Harry and Jean dynamic pre-Martinaise.
Like a lot of ya’ll forget how just VICIOUS Wilson is toward House during some of his fuck ups, especially when House is dragging his ass back to apologize in his fucked up back handed way. Scenes with Wilson secretly working with Cuddy to monitor House for a relapse are the Jean and Judit Espirit de Corps check where they’re wondering where Harry is. Like if anyone wants to understand why I kinda give Jean some leniency on his behavior, it’s because I’m literally a House M.D. girlie and middle aged men being perfect for each other by being the same amount (but different tgpes) of fucked up and terrible because they don’t always know how to show they care is our whole m.o.
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knowinglyweird · 1 year
Nensai Soulmate au
There’s all kinda of soulmates in this au and pairing are represented differently. Some have a red string, some have identical marks, etc.
Saiki and Nendou have each others initials somewhere on their body. They were born with them and they were originally solid grey. For them the marks changed color the first time they ate ramen together.
Saiki has Nendou’s initials on his right wrist that he always covered with a thick bracelet. The mark turned a yellowish/gold that reminds him of sunflowers.
Nendou has Saiki’s initials over his heart, it became the same purple shade as Saiki’s eyes.
After the color change Nendou got patches to cover the mark when it would be visible. It was his idea and did it because he knew Saiki wanted to keep it private while they got to know each other.
Saiki stopped covering his mark during third year when the bracelet broke. The clasp broke during lunch one day and he just put the bracelet in his pocket and continued eating.
Every year the two go alone to the same ramen shop on the anniversary of the marks changing color.
Even after they stopped covering the initials they didn’t tell their friends, they just waited to see who would say something first.
When Saiki’s friends noticed the mark on his wrist, most didn’t say anything to him and also don’t realize it’s Nendou’s initials. But the guys (-Saiki) were hanging out when it got brought up by Kaidou. Cue Kaidou and Kuboyasu gossiping about it while Hairo tries to say something about respecting one’s privacy and Nendou just watches all this happen.
Chiyo ends up being the one asking Saiki about it when the whole gang is hanging out at Saiko’s house. They did tell everyone at that point.
When Nendou stopped wearing the patches there was a lot of yelling and screaming in the boys locker room one day when other classmates noticed.
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Best part of Obi-Wan Kenobi series is definitely the little nods to the Original Trilogy, from Leia’s outfits and hairstyles to Luke’s toy skyhopper
Funniest part of this is that we see Luke fall unconscious in the Dune Sea twice, and both times Obi-Wan watches him with concern and is only really convinced of his wellbeing when he wakes up/makes noise, because Luke just doesn’t fucking breathe
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ok throwing this concept out here:
you’re dilucs sweet little girlfriend!! he loves you to bits but with problems surrounding the fatui growing he feels it’s safest to cut ties with you despite the immense pain it causes you both :( you don’t understand why that’s how he chose to go about it so you leave mondstat and head to liyue. perhaps a change in pace would help you feel better and get over him!!
well, the fatui do indeed have eyes everywhere. none other than the eleventh harbinger had been keeping tabs on you. knowing you were now in liyue with him destroyed his ability to hold back. what started as a slight friendship, he hid his affiliations from you, grew into you not being able to leave his luxurious home in snezhnaya. stockholm syndrome kicks in and you grow to love him ^_^ childe sends polaroids of his cum flowing out your pussy to diluc just to piss him off.
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ofblackskies · 1 year
I think I’m also gonna add back some old muses since I’m doing a Google site and honestly just why not? So I’ll be adding back the following:
Anna Zhu (TVD)
Vicky Donovan (TVD)
Matt Donovan (TVD)
Possibly * Hayley Marshall, though I’m debating because it’s been years since I’ve played her and I never finished The Originals
Prince Charming (Generic Prince with verses for every princess)
Jane (Descendants)
Lonnie (Descendants)
Ben (Descendants)
And I’ll be adding my version of Mal to the Descendants fray as well, though I’ve never played her on tumblr, only on group servers. And honestly we’ll see if that’s it. I’m indecisive and thinking about others, too.
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kristangers · 1 year
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good morning to them!
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askmenomore · 11 months
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jackie IS #girldinner 💀
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arbitrarycategories · 2 years
Hey uh. So are we ready to discuss how fanworks continually downplay Happy’s importance as both brains and brawn within the canon narrative or are we going to continue pretending he’s nothing more than comedic relief?
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