#I’m very excited about this story
the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 months
🫘 and 💖 for the asks? 💗
Hi lovely!
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
My one and only goal this year is to finish as many of my mangled, twisted wips as I possibly can. There are so, so many of them, and even if I only get one or two completed I’ll be over the moon. What’s that? You want me to list them? (No you don’t, but okay!)
All the wips in the mangled heap, including ones I’ve started posting AND ones that have yet to see daylight:
The Viper & the Wild Thing *
Aphelion **
Tidal Force
Survivor Blues
Kiss Me & Smile For Me
The Last Thing You Need
Third Time’s the Charm *
Angelfish *
The Long Con
Under The Thumb
Untitled Frankie Dog Rescue AU
A Clumsy Romance sequel
Numerous one shots in various states of progress
* these are one shot based series that don’t really have concrete endings planned so they don’t really count but I threw them up there anyway
** this one is a collaboration with @something-tofightfor
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🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
I’m super pumped for KM&SFM. It’s a TLOU pre and post outbreak AU featuring Joel and an OFC named Emma that I’ve been tinkering with for a while now. I know I’ve shared this snippet before, but it’s some of the first bits I wrote for this story, and it makes me laugh:
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And Tommy is like:
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I love that little shit.
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akkivee · 2 months
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the mood is still like this pic of reol, femme fatale’s writer, in between the chuuoku seiyuu btw lmao
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0vergrowngraveyard · 3 months
No cuz Atlas is such an interesting character concept actually, I'm very normal about him. It's so easy to forget that the main Sonic cast being children is not exactly the most normal thing in-universe and having an adult who is just not a creep at all and who did an important introspection of his own childhood to know what led him to his current position in life be casually intrigued by that
Does Eggman know about Atlas or does he doesn't care?
he’s a such a weirdo 🫶
but yea, i’ve always loved the idea of a twisted psychologist (or psychiatrist) who takes advantage of their patients’ fragile mental states for their own personal gain so i thought why not make a fic based around it? we could always use some more tails angst after all, do you know how much trauma can fit into that little guy?
also, a little detail about atlas: he’s actually been a character of mine for about 3 years (along with azalea) so he’s been cookin for a while. y’all have no idea how happy i am that people like him. my weird ass guy is finally getting the attention he deserves
and about eggman’s knowledge of him: to the public, atlas just seems like an average university professor so eggman probably has no idea who he even is lmao. if he did know, i think he’d be at least a little interested in his little “hobby”
it may not be world domination or involve kissing his ass, but it does involve mentally destroying his mortal enemies and he’d probably think that’s pretty neat
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kinnbig · 1 year
oh my god, tell us more (about the arm tankhun fake dating fic in your head), please! :D
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OKAY so the concept is. about 6 months post-canon, the main and minor families are invited to the destination wedding of one of their allies from a hugely powerful mafia family - it's a few nights staying on a private tropical island, and as a respect/trust/hospitality thing, it would be considered really inappropriate for guests to bring more than one or two bodyguards per group.
so Tankhun is like “well then obviously I can’t go?” because while he is now much better at leaving the house, he’s not quite ‘get on a plane and fly to a random island for several days of intense socialisation with incredibly dangerous near-strangers without a single Trusted Bodyguard’ levels of better.
he’s talking to Chay about it and Chay's like “yeah, it's kind of fucked up that everyone gets a +1 but not a bodyguard. how would anyone even know if your +1 was your bodyguard?!” and Tankhun's like “.....Chay you're a genius. Arm, I need you to be my wedding date.”
commence the fake dating shenanigans! they ‘reveal’ their secret, long-term relationship to the entire family, and then they’ve got to pretend to be a couple in front of everyone while Arm actually works as Tankhun’s bodyguard. as the only other person who knows their relationship isn’t real, Chay is helping to mastermind the entire operation. what Chay also knows is that Khun does actually have very real and Not Fake feelings for Arm - and you can be sure he’s going to be a menace about it.
luckily, Khun is being just as much of a menace in return - the wedding is the first time Kim and Chay have been in the same room since… well, everything, and Tankhun has watched them both silently pine for each other for long enough. background KimChay reconciliation era my beloved!
and so the usual fake dating antics ensue! lots of pining… plenty of acting out intimacy while wishing it was genuine… Chay putting them in so many Situations… lines slowly blurring between what is part of the act and what is real… and. obviously. there was only one bed.
🥰 thank u so much for indulging me, i love talking about blorbos from my shows and my silly story ideas for them! i came up with this with @aikinn and @thewholedamnboulangerie during some kind of group astral plane projection, which makes it especially delicious as they always have the best and most objectively correct Tankhun takes 💪
my brain is currently on 24/7 armtankhun lockdown soooo if u have thoughts about Them… pls… i would like to eat them…
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whumpy-wyrms · 5 months
woah ahaha look what i made
it’s still a wip but i think i made it collaborative so feed free to add any songs u want that fit their story :)
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kicktwine · 8 months
i could not care less about yotsuyu right now I liked her awful messy end ……
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hawnks · 2 months
Me: getting hung up on the opinions and actions of people who don’t matter
The tiny Bell Hooks that lives in my brain: Is this really how you intend to resist domination today? 🤨
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Yeah I have other mitten designs!
*refuses to elaborate*
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chromatasia · 3 months
alright. questions about the Patch AU.
hm... Ceroba can read Clover's LV/EXP/whatever, right? Would she be capable of sensing something is off with Clover, since Gold and Soul close are close by? (would she see basically a "[ALERT: LV20 BEING HERE]" warning sign pointed at a moving spot of thin air that happens to always be next to Clover?)
oh gold can be seen by everyone! and unnerves everyone they go by because they are inexplicably covered in dust! same goes for soul though… more selective because they are inhabiting clover’s soul
but yes! ceroba knows that something is happening with gold. clover seems… fine. they’re a nice kid, and they’re playing along with star’s antics, and… they might just be the one she needs, but she’ll ignore that until later. their friend, though… as soon as they followed star and clover into the saloon, she was on high alert. she wasn’t sure how none of the other monsters noticed it, but that child was not innocent. she keeps a harsh eye on them while they accompany clover during their deputy training. and when gold inexplicably wanders off? she follows. she wants answers. and she doesn’t want any more monsters hurt than they’ve already harmed, if the dust is anything to go by
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applecherry108 · 7 months
God I missed David and Catherine. I missed Russell’s writing. The first special was so fun. 😭😭
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shatterthefragments · 2 months
Tattoo day 💖
(A tale of hope, wonder, happiness, and the existential horror(?) of having ink beneath one’s skin, though vastly overshadowed by the elation in having such beautiful pieces of art adorning my body.)
(Hitting post!!! As always: Feel free to reply and chat etc etc I am DELIGHTED!!)
So it was a weird day because I left later than I had initially wanted to.
My plan of wanting to go relax in my favourite gardens beforehand was a bit foiled by the need to sleep (I went to an event the evening before and despite trying to get my laundry done and my bag packed uhhh it was still midnight before I sort of made it to bed so I decided to take a later trip instead)
But I passed by my favourite island on the way and the weather was absolutely beautiful!!!
The sparkles on the ocean are like?!? Maybe all is good in the world if it can sparkle like this? 💖✨
My note from the ride is:
The world glitters
(I am by the ocean on a sunny day)
But it’s ok that I didn’t get my garden time. I still managed to get a monthly special croissant from a bakery I really like to stick in my bag before getting sushi across the street from the tattoo shop and then heading over 💖
I uh. Should’ve eaten more earlier in the day but oh well. My artist told me to take Advil before to reduce swelling so I did (and my friend said I didn’t bleed very much at all which was nice esp bc I had mixed advice on the Advil beforehand) but I also took Tylenol bc I had a headache (it’s. been a fairly bad pain week in both head and body honestly so I’m just happy that my hips and legs were ok to walk bc there isn’t really another option in the city unless I want to pay ridiculous amounts of money AND still have to walk)
(I did accidentally kick a syringe while walking to the bus but there was no needle and I wear closed toe shoes and I am still alive so I’m assuming I’m ok tbh. Even though I was kinda trying to watch where I’m going I’m maybe just. Not *that* city savvy)
One of my absolute best friends who lives sort of in the area joined me for the whole thing 🥰💖
She approved the Vibes of the shop (and truly it was so nice to have her there as support) (also all three of us being not neurotypical was very nice as well) though was quite worried about the amount of shading that was on the art piece I got 😬 but bc it wasn’t a HOLY SHIT WHAT ARE YOU THINKING moment she held off until after so I didn’t get scared of that 🫂
We did the text piece first and a few parts of the outline hurt a bit more than I was expecting based on the “small little line” that my Artist started each section out with first (which was very kind of them bc I had no idea what to expect) but strangely enough the filling in of the text outline was perfectly fine.
And then for my arm piece I chose to lay on my stomach (maybe I should’ve had a pillow or something to lay on as well?) bc it’s WAY more comfy for me than to lay on my side as was suggested but I just was not comfortable 😬 though my left arm kinda kept falling asleep a bit so I had to readjust sometimes to have it not fall asleep.
The shading. Uh. Definitely was “ok this is fine oh Ouch” each pass but it was ok. I’m most comfortable on my stomach and until it was like getting a bit bad and I wanted to talk as a distraction I was actually kinda thinking that maybe I could fall asleep?
Unfortunately there was a very sudden wave of nausea when we were almost done this one and I threw up in my mouth a little bit. It’s ok. But swallowing back down the acid definitely fucked up my throat through the next day.
So I had a break and slowly sipped on the juice box I brought and held hands with my friend (“you’re almost there and not the fake almost there like you’re actually nearly done”) and then we continued in a seated position instead (which. Is fine for the amount that was left but I am very glad that I didn’t have to sit like that for longer than that did.) (anybody that can’t sit normal Knows) (I asked if there was anything I could put my feet on and luckily there was a stool so I could sit more comfortably.)
Then after we went to the pharmacy for aquaphor and a sugary snack for me (I got a chocolate bar)
She had to go back to work but we got to take the bus most of the way together before I switched to the next part of the trip to my aunt’s where I stayed for the night.
And then I got to hang out with my sister and have a bit of a lazy morning (kinda avoiding going home tbh) which was super nice! Coffee and a little breakfast snack before going to get bao (we got a few different kinds - I liked the red bean one best :)) and eating them in the complex’s yard- shifting our position in the yard as the sun moved (I was initially going to be in the shade but it was cold and wet and I Specifically wore a long sleeve for sun protection to protect the new tattoos (I don’t burn easily but that’s not the point). And then the bubble tea place nearby opened so we got bubble tea :) and shared a waffle but I didn’t really want very much I just wanted to try it but then I was hungry by the time I got to the second part of my trip back home which is fine I got food then.
And then I did have to leave to go home if I didn’t want to be too late.
Gosh I always end up sweating when I go up and down one of the big ramps in a glass enclosure so even though I tried to really take it easy to avoid sweating I fear I may have a bit. But I think it should be okay? (I feel like I’m doing okay now a week later)
I made it home around 7 or so? And then had to like. Talk to mum for an hour or so while I was just trying to eat so I could take another Advil before bed which. Is fine. But I was tired all weekend and still am tired (esp given I now have Flesh Wounds to heal which makes me extra eepy) (it makes me smile to say eepy instead rn so I’m gonna)
Every time I look at my arm I smile I’m so happy 💖🥰
And every time since that I think I don’t love myself I just. NO. I love myself so much that I started to adorn myself with art to carry with me at all times.
I love myself so much that I faced my phobia of needles (though it IS much easier when not faced with them individually) in order to get one of the things I’ve wanted inked into me for a long time and another that I was just fully captivated by when I saw that design available (and STILL available when I decided to go for it which I’m super happy about 🥰)
I’m so glad that I did go for it.
I’m so glad I didn’t get caught up in any bullshit of “oh when I lose weight” even though I’ve been about the same size for years. Or get caught up too much in what other people will think of me.
I’m so thankful I was able to get these tattoos 🥰💖
And now I just hope that I’m able to heal well 🥰💖
And all that said. It just feels *right*.
When I look down at my forearm and see one of the things I’ve envisioned there for a long time. When I look in the mirror and see black ink against my skin it feels more like I’m at home in my body. 🥰🥹
It feels right
(Well. Right now it feels itchy. But it feels right 🥰)
it’s FLAKY but ah well.
(As a side note if we’ve talked here I am most likely willing to send you pictures privately)
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nottspocket · 1 year
I had the pleasure of watching The Secret World of Arrietty for the first time today and plotted out a bnha au within the hour
I rambled about it a tiny bit in the tags if you’re curious
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I have two bits of good news for you lot today!
1) I am going on a date! Eeek! Pray for me!
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2) The second part of Court of Public Opinion is out at 5pm GMT! So if you haven’t read the first part get reading!
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ailurocide · 8 months
.. I think I’m going to start randomly posting tidbits of story building, as well as character art and felfolk society set-up
I’ve recently been thinking very hard about the whole story, the primary message, and where I’d like to guide it. I’m in a pretty deep rut at the moment, so actual writing will take quite a while longer to come out…
But I do hope that y’all will be satisfied and happy with what I am planning in terms of regularly posted content in the future :)
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skinandscales-if · 1 year
I was wondering, does a dragon being unable to use their "breath weapon" count as a disability in dragon society?
Yes it does! I was wondering if someone would bring this up :)
It’s a type of mutation and though it’s not really a big deal half the time, most of dragon culture really resonates around these elements/breaths as a keystone in their identities, so not having one isn’t going to actually harm anything or make it difficult for them in society, but it’s still alienated a bit. Kind of like someone being a bit ostracized or removed from their culture- no one’s actively discriminating but there are some more subtle internal things that keep someone from resonating as well with a given subspecies, especially if their family is very reliant on said breath weapon for any number of reasons.
I’d probably be a bigger deal if dragonshifters were not in a human-led society too, where breath weapons are already out of the norm.
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sawtwothousandfour · 11 months
this movie targets doctors, and given tl placement, lawrence would be… AROUND in john’s life……. I refuse to let go of hope until proven wrong, girl elwes please help
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