#I’m sorry if I dont reply to asks sometimes
baconcolacan · 7 months
guess who just read kings cross and is going through every emotion ever 😍
Wahaha thank you :3c I’m glad you liked it
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begginmonty · 7 months
working with mike
(this doesn't follow the plot directly and mike works like more than just 3 shifts, also this is legit 2k words long i got so so so carried away im just so in love with mike, apologies!! its also not been proofread sorry <3)
before mike is hired alongside you, steve raglan had given you the job a week or so ago after you had lost your last job over a silly customer dispute (the customer is never right) and steve was your last hope at job, and bingo he had one. here you are 2 weeks later, waiting by your car outside the rundown pizzeria, waiting to train the new guy whose supposed to help you
a car pulls up and out comes a very pretty, but very tired/drained, looking guy, you introduce yourself with a small smile and he doesn’t return it, and is like “im mike”, you give him the benefit of the doubt that he hasn't smiled at you, new jobs are stressful.
the first shift goes fine, you tell him the basics and show him the training video tape, which alongside your commentary of making fun of some of it and nit-picking little things finally gets an amused smile from him. you can see him ease up a little. he doesn’t talk as much as you do but he seems to enjoy your ramblings. 
you show him the showtime performance after he looks confused about ‘animatronics’ . watching his reaction of the animatronics rendition of talking in your sleep by the romantics is a little amusing to you but you were the same way when vanessa had shown you originally.
“its something isn’t it?” he doesn't reply, he just stood looking in disbelief. 
when morning rolls around, you show him how to lock up and then give him his own key that steve had given you. 
“wasn’t so bad was it?” 
“it was..different” 
the second shift alongside mike is different but a good different. he’s running a little late and walks in on your blasting an 80s hot pop hits tape over the old speakers, vacuuming the main dining area. a smile, that melts his heart a little, lights up your face as you see him walk in.
“im sorry i’m late the babysi-”
“hey, dont stress it. you still made it!” 
he is not used to someone being so nice and friendly to him??  its foreign but he finally cracks you a small smile, watching you as you turn on the vacuum and continue listening to the music. (i need to hug him i stg)
he hasn't met anyone as nice as you in a long long time, it’s refreshing for him
and not in a creepy way !!!!!!!!!!! but he watches the cameras and watches as you just listen to the music as if the world isn’t there and continue to clean the area. 
“need a hand?” 
mike speaks up as you take a break leaning against a table, facing the main stage, the curtains open (as your next task is going to clean around the animatronics, it’s getting too dusty), music turned down quietly. he comes and leans against the table with you. you start small talk, saying something about the animatronics and you guys talk a little.
“so, you said something about a babysitter, do you have, like, a kid or something? sorry if im being too nosy, please tell me to shut up or something” mike cannot get over how nice you are
and then mike explains his living situation, and then the two of you get into a discussion about how families can suck and be shitty ect
and mike really likes how you don't pry or ask him lots of questions like others have done in the past, this man is really liking you and he’s only know you for two days
“this guy…must’ve been on something to make this place” and mike laughs a little !!! for the first time you got him to laugh !!
“yeah it’s something isn’t it..” both of you are sat against a table just staring at the animatronics in front of you
the two of you make small talk as you wipe down the dust covered tables but you can see how tired he is, he’s yawning a little bit.
“hey, you know, you can like sleep on the job by the way?” he looks up at you from the table, “sometimes i take a good couple hours nap in the office, no ones breaking into this place anytime soon”
he tries to protest and mentions towards the cleaning products and you brush him off, “go, you need it”
mike feels a strange warmth in his heart the hasn't felt, maybe ever? and he naps for a few hours whilst you continue to clean around. cleaning isn't in your job description but honestly you’re worried about the level of dust entering your lungs y'know
a loud thud and chair scraping noise comes from the office and you run to it and see mike on the floor, he looks confused and you help him to sit up. you ask if he’s okay but he seems out of it, “mike, whats wrong?”
sitting on the floor together, mike explains everything to you and opens up to you about a little brother he had, and tells you about his dream issues and sleep issues and you can see he’s upset and shaken by this dream. He shows you the sleeping pills and he explains the dream theory he’s been reading about.
“this is the part where somebody usually calls me crazy” 
“you aren’t crazy, mike” mike notices how kind you eyes are and how warm your voice is, “i’ve seen crazy. you are far from it” you joke a little and he has the faintest smile tug at his lips. 
finally home time woo !! as you lock up the gate, you watch as mike goes to his car, “mike wait!”
he turns around almost instantly at your voice as you run up to him, you pull something out from your hoodie a fazbear security badge and hand it to him, “you’re officially security now” he takes it from you and thanks you with that small smile. 
3rd shift passes (you could’ve sworn foxy was standing in a different spot and bonnie’s hand placement looked completely different) and vanessa comes for her weekly visit and meets mike. when you aren’t with them, vanessa brings up the fact that you’re one of the kindest and nicest people she’s ever met and mike agrees. 
next shift goes by and another and you guys have a long conversation about everything and you tell him more about yourself. hes never really been romantically involved with anyone but somebodysss got a crush (its him and well, you do too). and then you let him sleep and decide to tackle the old kitchen. (you could’ve sworn you heard someone walk down the hallway but you double check and no ones there)
mike dreams again and you swear you hear a groan and you walk to the office to see him, out of breath, breathing, clutching his arm and theres blood coming from it and he looks up at you trembling. “oh my god mike, what happened?”
you sit opposite him, patch him up and make him a hot drink, and he's explaining everything to you and you can tell he’s really getting bothered by these dreams. (you also think hes hurt himself from falling off the chair somehow..unbeknownst to you)
he’s tearing up a little and you just hold his hand in yours, and he's looking at your kind eyes and he doesn’t know how to react to being touched, he stops talking (mike is incredibly touch starved oh my god) and, carefully, you lean forward and hug him very gently.
he’s stiff at first but you can feel him relax into the hug and he wraps his non-injured arm around you and grips onto your back, “its okay mike. you’re okay” you can tell he really needs this hug and you can tell no one has really hugged him in a long time.
when the shift ends and you say goodbye for the day, your car just refuses to start. you cannot start it at all. you get out the car and look at it in a huff, but lucky for you mike hasnt driven a way yet
he gets out his car and you explain to him about your car, and he offers if you want a lift home or at least back to his house (his house is much closer than yours) and you can call someone about the car and you agree.
the drive is nice, you notice he has a great taste in music
meeting abby!! mike excuses himself for a shower whilst you're ringing the mechanics for your car, and he accidentally falls asleep on his bed after. when he wakes up (a good hour or so later, which you really don't mind) he walks into the living room to see you and abby sat on the floor colouring together with a cartoon on the tv, and you guys are really getting along and she’s wearing your security guard vest and badge. (her friends told her to trust you)
“uh abby, why dont you get ready for school?” mike speaks up, causing you both to look in his direction. 
you can't fight the fact that he looks hot with joggers and shirt on, looking sleepy as hell aHHH
“okay” abby smiles and gives you back your stuff and runs off to her room to get ready for school. 
he walks over to you and sits down on the couch, “im sorry for falling asleep-”
you sit next to him and place your hand on his arm and smile, “its fine, mike, really. your sister is lovely”
mike looks up from your hand and looks at your face. he looks sleepy and gorgeous and you look gorgeous to him and your eyes are so kind and theres a moment. some sort of magnetic force kinda pulls your faces closer together.
“im gonna be late!” says abby running into the room.
mike drops abby to school and you stay in his house, waiting for the mechanic to eventually call you back like he says he will. you feel a little awkward sitting on his couch watching tv but you have nothing better to do.
he comes back he offers you a shower and some of his clothes as he feels bad for you having to sit in work clothes. 
the way his heart feels when he see’s you walk out to the bathroom and back to the couch next to him wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his joggers as well hMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm (too early for love?)
he smells good
you must both drop off to sleep, as a few hours later mike opens his eyes for a minute to the TV showing some drama show, and then he notices a heavy feeling on his chest. there you are, passed out, in his clothes, head on his chest peacefully asleep. 
this is something he’s never felt before !1!!1 
he blushes (thank god you’re asleep) and brushes a hair out of your face, staring down at your sleeping face (uh oh someones in love) before grabbing the worn blanket from behind him and throwing it over your exposed legs.
you stirr a little, your arm wrapping around his lower half and he's so flustered and sleepy and aHHHH
he wraps his arm around your shoulders gently and passes out again (PART 2??)
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hysteria-things · 4 months
hi! i recently found your account, and i js wanna say omg ur so talented, like ur fr my new fav writer. could u maybe write something about a virgin reader, whos only ever fingered herself, and so when matt (or chris but im a matt girl and im being self indulgent about this), and she squirts, and is super embarrassed about it and he comforts her about it? u dont have to, but idk i js think u could do this idea rlly well:)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x virgin!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you and matt have been together for quite sometime, but never had sex. he knows you’re a virgin and he’s so patient with you, but now you think you’re ready
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT but fluff!, making out, mini panic attack, praising, p in v, squirting
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,066
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: for anon and @mattsleftnipple03
these were pretty much the same so i combined them! hope you like :)
thank you and love you guys🫶
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the pen in your hand scribbles on the piece of paper in front of you as you ponder. you’re in art class and your best friend sits across from you at the big table.
art class is basically a free period because let’s face it, you guys don’t do anything except gossip and draw for fun.
you’ve been asking your friend a series of questions about what losing your virginity is like since she has experience. the only experience you’ve ever gotten was your fingers, and to be honest, it gets old after a while.
you’re not embarrassed about being a senior in high school and still a virgin, but your boyfriend who graduated last year lost his with his ex a while back. you guys have talked about having sex for the first time for quite some time, but you were never ready.
no words can describe how grateful you are for matt. he’s been super patient and understanding with you.
but now, you think you’re ready.
“is there a reason you are asking me these questions?” your best friend asks, raising a brow.
you shrug, your hand still having a mind of its own with the pen. “i’m thinking about going all the way with matt.”
she smiles, genuinely looking happy for you. “oh my god! when?”
“i told him i plan on this weekend.”
“that’s so exciting!”
“yeah, but,” you pause to take a deep breath. “i feel nervous.”
she reaches over to stop your drawing hand. “it’s totally normal to feel nervous. matt’s such a sweet guy. i’m sure if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort, he’ll stop immediately.”
you smile at the mention of your boyfriend. she’s not wrong. matt will do anything to make you feel comfortable. he’s not one to force anything on someone. “you’re right.”
she gives your hand a light squeeze. “let me know how it goes.” she winks just as the bell rings for dismissal.
the rain outside is pattering on the window, you and matt cuddling comfortably on his bed. you guys just woke up from the best nap of your life.
you nibble on the inside of your mouth. “matt?”
“hm?” he hums, picking up his head that was resting on your chest.
“i want to do it.”
he beams at you. “positive?”
you bite your lip in excitement and nod. matt lifts himself to get more serious. “don’t be afraid to tell me to stop, okay?”
“i know,” you reply. he leans in and kisses you passionately with a hint of hunger. he breaks the kiss to take off his and your shirt but goes back at it to unclip your bra.
the skin-to-skin contact felt warm and comforting, but your anxiety is starting to take over.
you try to brush it off until matt reaches for your pants. yanking his hands away, you cover your top half with the comforter as you feel tears start to form.
matt freezes, a hint of guilt on his face. you try your best to take as many deep breaths as possible. “i’m so sorry, y/n.”
he carefully places his hand on your arm and rubs soothingly to calm you down. “n-no it’s not you.” you take three deep breaths before continuing. “it’s silly. the thought of a penis about to be inside of me freaks me out.”
you chuckle along with him, the humor helping you relax. “we don’t have—”
“i want to.” you say truthfully. “i just need a second.”
he goes through different breathing techniques with you until you calm down from your mini panic attack. he asks if you're okay at least a hundred times before you shut him up by kissing him again.
he hesitates with your pants not wanting to trigger you again, but after a beat, he pulls them down with your underwear.
his pajama pants soon end up on the floor with the rest of your clothes. he comes under the blanket with you and pecks you on the temple, grabbing a condom from the nightstand. “so proud of you.” he starts, making you blush. “you ready?”
you give him the okay, and he slowly starts pushing into you. the stretch makes you cringe and hiss, causing him to halt. “hurts?”
you shake your head. “pressure… keep going.”
dampening your lips by licking them, he continues to move. his eyes are dead set on your face to sense any discomfort. you let out a ‘mmph’ when he’s all the way in.
when he doesn’t see any bad signs, he starts moving his hips. you moan softly, the pain turning into pleasure.
“you can go faster,” you whisper, and he does. your nails leave crescent marks on his shoulders as he peppers kisses on your chest, neck, and face.
you squeeze your eyes closed, the softest of sounds leaving your lips. then, your legs twitch, and a watery liquid squirts out of you. your eyes widen, and matt stops the second he notices. “what’s wrong? need me to stop?”
“no. i think i…” your cheeks burn, too embarrassed to admit what you’re thinking.
“that’s okay. it’s completely natural.” he reassures, grabbing one of your hands to interlock with his above your head. “you’re doing so well, y/n. so fucking proud of you.”
he continues to rock his hips, this time pulling out more and thrusting back in a smidge harder. “oh.” you moan, arching your back when he starts hitting a certain spot. “oh shit, matt. just like that.”
he tries his best not to pick up speed to scare you, so instead he keeps the rhythm you’re comfortable with. he grunts, taking the hand that’s not holding yours and placing it on your hip.
the grip you have on his hand tightens, indicating that you’re close when his tip keeps abusing your g-spot.
you whimper, your legs starting to quiver from pleasure. “i’m close.”
“cum, baby. you’re doing such a good job.”
you sigh of relief when your cum slowly starts to ooze around him. matt’s right there with you with just a few more thrusts before spilling into the condom.
the feeling of him pulling out of you makes you wince, but then you two giggle. “i did it!” you say proudly, holding up your hand to give him a high five.
he laughs. “damn right you did.” he takes your high five, followed by a handhold.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72
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hotpinkstars · 4 months
AHHH LOVED THE AL HAITHAM FIC SMM but if you dont mind what was going through al haithams head when he realized she left??
-> the house will never be the same again pt. 2
synopsis -> after being incredibly disrespected by your husband, alhaitham, you moved to liyue. what is going through his mind when you leave?
a/n -> AHHH i'm so happy you liked it!!! and i don't mind making a pt. 2 at all sorry this has been sitting here for a while but i hope you enjoy! here is part 1.
warnings -> all hurt no comfort, reader never turns up lol
w/c -> 1.2k
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it’s been about a week now, and you’re already settled into liyue. you’ve caught the eye of a bunch of passersby in the city- a sumeru vision wielder living in liyue harbor? 
thankfully, you had the traveler and a kind woman from the qixing named ganyu able to assist you with questions about the city. the first day you got there, she noticed your vision, and asked you all about it. it soon led to the two of you hitting off the start of a friendship in a nice restaurant- with ganyu telling you all of the things to do in liyue, the jobs that can be taken, and how magical the lantern rite especially is. you mentioned to her that you had a passion for the arts, and she immediately helped you look for a side job to make a little bit of mora to pay rent in your nice abode in the middle of the harbor.
“so, were your travels from sumeru alright? i’ve heard trudging through desert is not a very enjoyable experience..” ganyu questioned, a slight grin to be found on her face. “though, i have heard that the city down there is very nice. i would love to visit for myself one day, but with work and adeptal business it makes my days a little tight.”
you nod before replying. “the city is beautiful, especially at night. theres a gorgeous stage down there too, where a young woman named nilou always performs on special events. it’s always been the most majestic part of the city, or at least in my opinion.” 
ganyu lets out a noise of fascination, before giggling a little. “i would love to watch her dance. nilou is a familiar name, some people here strictly go to sumeru just to see her. i bet she’s as wonderful as everyone makes her out to be.” ganyu sighs. “i wonder if she travels? we have nice performing places here, too.”
you nod. “occasionally. it mostly has to be a big event for her to arrive, though.” you take another bite of your food. “but i bet if i asked her, she’d come out for at least a few days.”
that made ganyu smile once more, before she asked another question. “well, this may be an odd question, but do you have any romantic relationships?” 
“well, that's the reason i decided to move here,” now it is your turn to sigh, making ganyu have a confused look dancing across her face. “my partner and i got into an argument. he wouldn’t stop overworking himself, and i simply just wanted him to come to bed. but he’s so stubborn, and he took his work stress out on me. there was… certainly a lot of name calling.”
ganyus look of confusion immediately switches to an apologetic one. “ah, you made the right choice. that’s no way to treat your spouse.” 
you nod in agreement, before finishing your dish and pushing it slightly out in front of you. 
“well, i’m going to head back to my apartment now. this was very nice, we should do it again sometime!” you smile before standing and putting some money on the table. “here, this should be half. have a good night, ganyu!”
“goodnight to you too, y/n! i’ll see you soon.” 
now, back on alhaithams end..
he hasn’t been home in about a week and a half, due to his work causing his presence nearly 24/7. that pretty much means he hasn’t realized you’ve left yet. 
as he walks home, he doesn’t know how he would approach you. does he pretend the issue doesn’t exist? does he keep ignoring you? does he apologize? he thought his mind would split open.
as he walks through the door, he notices that the house is a little… emptier, from when the two of you lived together. he walked through the whole place, looking into the bathrooms to see your products gone. looking at the laundry room, met with no clothes that are yours hanging from the clothesline. and now, when he went to your bedroom…
your pillowcases have been stripped from the bed, and your pillow thrown into the closet. there were only a stack of two pillows, right in the middle of the bed. now his heart was thumping, and really hard. he looked through the dressers. the left side was barren, leaving only his side full. the thing that brought tears to the mans eyes was seeing your wedding ring on your side of the table. 
so you really left him. he stands there, shocked, unknowing of what to do. does he try to find you, or does he let you go? oh, how he regrets ever talking to you the way he did. if he just took your advice, you would be in bed, waiting for his arrival. likely bringing him into a hug, shaking all his worries and stress away as you whispered questions along about how his day was. 
the next few days felt like someone kept coming over to his desk and stabbing his back with blades like his. he felt so regretful, doing everything he can to stay composed while at the same time trying to find where you’ve gone. dehya won’t give him anything besides “somewhere close to sumeru that’s not sumeru.” that could mean you’ve gone to fontaine, liyue, or monstadt. how would he ever find you?
he’d ask the gaurds, and they all told him you went in the direction of the chasm. getting somewhere, but not close enough. he could walk all that way and come up empty handed. he doesn’t have an exact pinpoint on you yet. 
he’d ask nilou. she’d just shrug and say something along the lines of “i heard what happened, but i do not know fully where they went.” 
he walked the paths of the city, lost deep in thought. everyone thought it was a little out of character for someone such as him to look and feel as lost as he is. as much as people wondered what happened, they kept their mouths shut.
and for the people who noticed your absence, too, they’d ask different people who would likely have knowledge. but alhaitham didn’t know where to go now. he could walk the whole chasm and still not have you turn up. he could check every apartment complex in liyue harbor, and knock on every door on the outskirts. he could sail the seas to inazuma, and walk every separate island to see who may be housing you, or what commission you may have been taken in by. he could fall down the very waterfall that leads an entrance to the enchanting location called enkanomiya. he could go to fontaine, dive under the waters, walk every rocky mountain, and even visit the fortress of meropide. he could fight every monster near the city of monstadt, looking upon every rooftop for signs of your art, blown through the city of wind. but he still wouldn’t find you.
now what he doesn’t know is that you’re in liyue harbor, and nobody frets to tell him that anytime soon. for now, they’re just going to let him suffer, the same way he let you.
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specialagentlokitty · 7 months
10th doctor x deaf!reader - the way you talk
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Heya! Absolutely love your work! I've been rewatching doctor who ready for davids comeback😍 it's kinda hard because i'm deaf and sometimes the subtitles dont keep up with the timings😫 i was wondering if i could request a 10th doctor with a deaf reader if possible pleaseeee, thanks 💜 - Anon💜
A/N: Italics will be sign language
The TARDIS enabled the doctor to speak and listen to every language there was.
And for somebody like it, it was amazing, incredibly useful, meaning there wasn’t anything that would be lost in translation.
But, he realised there was limitations to this, and that he wouldn’t make him an expert in some areas, especially sign language.
He knew some, enough to get by if needed.
But when he met you, he realised that wouldn’t be enough if he wanted to communicate with you.
You talked through notepads and text messages, but for him it wasn’t enough, he wanted more. He wanted to communicate with you the way you had to.
So, when he had some free time, which surprisingly was quite a lot considering he always seemed so busy, he began to learn.
And when he next went to pick you up, he wore a grin from ear to ear as he waved at you.
You waved back, following him into the TARDIS, and you set your notepad and pen on the console, putting your bag out of the way before coming back over.
The doctor was flicking through the notepad, and you waved your hand at him, gesturing for him to pass it back.
Quickly writing in it, you flipped it over and held it out to him.
‘Where are we going?’
The doctor beamed.
He took it from you and set it down, making you furrow your brows a little bit, and he began to put some coordinates in.
You took the notepad again, asking him where he was taking you, but he wouldn’t reply, so you knew it was a surprise he had planned for you.
Which wasn’t so bad, except usually his surprises ended in some sort of running or rescue situation.
He was bouncing around, and you smiled as you watched him, leaning against the railing as you just watched him bounce from thing to thing, doing whatever it was he needed to do.
You didn’t quite know how the whole TARDIS worked, and he had offered to explain it, but you didn’t want him to sit there for hour writing it all down.
You were happy not knowing.
As long as you were travelling with him you didn’t care.
He bounding over, and with a grin he held out his hand to you.
“Come with me.” He said.
He knew you could lip read, so often he would just speak to you.
Sometimes he would forget and be stood behind you, trying to have a whole conversation with you and getting confused when you wouldn’t talk back.
You smiled, placing your hand in his, letting him lead you to the doors and outside.
It was bright, multiple sun sun the sky. It was warm, it wasn’t hot, it seemed like the perfect temperature.
The sand was a vibrant shade of gold, and in the distance the heatwaves rippled about, creating almost an illusion if there being water over there.
The doctor looked at you, smiling even more when he saw you smiling, and he reached out, tapping your shoulder.
You turned to him and he took a small breath.
I don’t know if I’m doing this right, I’m still learning.
Your eyes shot open at the sight of him signing, carefully watching what he was doing as he carried on.
But I want to make it easier for you to talk.
He looked at you slightly nervous.
How long have you been learning? When did you start?
You carried on signing questions and he quickly took your hands to stop you.
Laughing slightly, the doctor smiled and let go.
Not so fast, I’m still learning.
You grinned sheepishly.
Sorry. Why did you start?
So I could talk to you.
You furrowed your brows a little bit.
Yes we write or text to each other, but I want to talk to you properly. The way you do, I wanted to make it easier on you.
You smiled and rushed to hug him tightly, and he happily hugged you back.
He had a long way to go, but with some practice and you to help guide him, he would be able to have longer conversations with you in no time
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pyr0-kai · 7 months
Could you maybe write a mike x reader that the reader has a crush on Mike for a long time now secretly but dont dare tell him because she just can't is too shy and Abby helps reader and Mike to find together with her drawings since she noticed how they look at each other every time but no one says anything and maybe with just fluffy please. The reader knows mike a long time and knows what he is going through and Mike did become distance from the reader but the reader is still here for him when he needs it too.. And they kiss too :)
Hiiii, thank you for my first official request!! I hope you like it!
There shouldn’t be anything to spoiler-y just some tooth rotting fluff and bad writing!! (And one spicy reference ish? Nothing too bad)
Also So sorry, my art class was watching the little mermaid today so its been in the back of my mind.
Abby, The Little Matchmaker
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You had moved in next door to the Schmidt house a few years ago. Mike was watched out the window the day you moved in, while eating breakfast with Abby one morning. He saw you outside of the window, and he wasn’t trying to stare, but ended up staring at your driveway, watching you bring in and out boxes of stuff from one of those large moving trucks. Abby finished a little doodle before looking up, seeing her big brother staring. When Abby spoke up, he zapped out of his little trance.
As a lot of time had passed you had gotten to know him somewhat well. Sometimes he would talk with you from the other side of your fence, or you two would sit on the curb or one of your porches together and just chat about random stuff. As he became more focused on his work, trying and failing to keep a good few job, he slowly began to, unintentionally, become distant. No longer speaking to you directly. But he still would watch you from the window of his kitchen if he saw you pretty [hair color] flash in the corner of his vision. Often seeing you playing with your younger sibling, or younger family members.
Once he landed the job at Freddy’s, he knew he would need help. And you were the best and only person he could really think to ask. It was awkward but, you agreed. Excited to officially meet his little sister, and hopefully see more of him once again. Thats how you ended up watching over Abby once he started working late nights.
Abby was very shy at first, but as time past, and you spent more time at the Schmidt house, she began to open up a bit, talking more and inviting you to draw with her. She also noticed though, how awkward you were with Mike. How you two both seemed to like each other a lot, but it was strange.
One evening however, it was just you and Abby. One of her favorite movies, The Little Mermaid was playing in the background, and she was drawing. Not looking up from the paper, she spoke.
“Hey, [Y/N]?”
“Yeah Abby? Whats up?”
“Do you like my brother? I mean, Like-Like him?”
Your face flustered at that question.
“N-Not like that no… We are just friends really.” You replied, voice cracking a bit.
She turns her head and looks at you.
“Oh really? At dinner sometimes when I mention you, he always says you’re pretty and appreciates you being friends and taking care of me at night. Also, sometimes when i’m not asleep yet, I hear weird noises, and your name coming from his room.”
She notices your face and how red it gets from hearing her speak. She knew you had a crush on him, no matter how much you tried to deny it. Then she turned her head back, smirked to to herself and grabbed a new piece of paper, before heading back into her room, to plan.
Later, Mike invited you to stay for breakfast. He was cooking up some slightly burnt scrambled eggs while you were tapping your nails on the kitchen table. After what Abby had told you, it became even more difficult to talk to him.
Abby came out of her room a few minutes later, a piece of folded paper in her pj pocket. She sat at the table, across from you, wishing you and Mike a good morning. You 3 ate Mike’s slightly burnt food, as Abby told you about a project she’s excited to start at school. Once the food was done, and the dishes were put in the sink, Abby perked up again.
“I drew this for both pf you! Don’t open it until I’m back in my room please!”
You and Mike both nodded as she dashed off into her room to get ready for school. You stood next to Mike as he unfolded the sheet of paper. The inside revealing a picture of You, Mike, And Abby, all happily hugging. You and Mike looked at each other, admiring each other’s eyes. Before you both heard Kiss the girl, from The Little Mermaid start playing from the Cassette player in Abby’s room.
You two both looked at each other, the paper still in Mike’s hand.
“Did Abby tell you that I like you?” He asked.
“Yeah, did she say that I like you..?”
You replied.
But you’re dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl
Yes, you want her
The song played, while you and mike looked each other. He gulped before leaning in slightly for a kiss, and you met his lips halfway. The kiss was everything you both wanted, soft, loving and passionate.
“I love you…”
He spoke.
“I love you too…”
You replied.
The song ended from Abbys room, and you both heard her shout
You and Mike both laughed before he pulled you into a tight hug. To this very day, the specific picture Abby drew is framed and sits on a shelf. She draws all 3 of you together much more, loving how happy it makes you all. This always ends with a group hug, as well as you and mike sharing a loving kiss.
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whoreforchr1s · 6 months
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bf!chris sturniolo
a/n: y’all please give me one-shot suggestions🙏🙏
- HUGEEEE pda guy like he wants his hands on you 24/7, whether thats on your waist, you hands, you thighs or even your back, it doesn’t matter. expect this man’s hands to be GLUED to you.
- compliments all the time! even if your sick and look disturbingly gross, he would still think you are the most beautiful human to walk this planet, and he will always tell you that.
- he defo gets jealous easily but trusts you with his whole heart
- you guys are just literally bestfriends in a relationship. i dont know if this makes sense, but y’all literally laugh at anything and just get along so well!
- he acts all tough but he has a HUGE soft spot for you.
- he honestly doesn’t like pet names, but ‘ma’ is an exception. He calls you ma ALLLLL the time, but nothing else. Not babe, not baby, nothing! but if you call him babe or baby, he loves it. But he’ll just stick to ‘ma’
- morning 🪵 pretty much everyday.
- protects you all the time from haters. if you get hate, he will be replying to every comment/ message that he sees. even if you tell him it doesn’t bother you, he doesn’t care, no one is gonna hate on his girl.
- back to the pet names, when talking to other people like his friends or just random people, he always labels you as ‘his girl.’
‘oh sorry, i’m going with my girl’
‘i gotta go find my girl’
- matt and nick always tease him about sappy stuff he has done for you/ said to you.
- he’s defo the type of guy that pretends to hit it from the back when you bend over to get something.
- he’s low-key a freaky bitch..
- whenever you are in a short skirt or dress in public, he always walks behind you so no creeps can stare at you.
- ass guy. i think alot of people agree that chris is an ass guy, of course, but my man loves soke boobs too. Like he loves grabbing and slapping your ass, and loves backshots, but honestly when your wearing a low neck shirt, he can’t help but stare..
- if you’re a reader, he will always ask about your books and what is happening in your current read, he has no idea what your saying but he just loves to hear you talk about something your so passionate about.
- he finds it hard to say no to you, you wanna do his makeup? sure thing! wanna get a cat? okay! no problem!
- he loves complimenting you. He knows that sometimes you are a bit self-conscious, but he will do everything in his power to make sure you know how beautiful you are. because, you are the prettiest person he has ever laid his eyes on.
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popquizhot-shot · 11 months
Father Mine- 3
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ok so this is where canon goes out the window, ive made my own universe, this might be blasphemy against marvel comics but i dont know. Honestly i made this up as i kept going and i like how this chapter ended<3 tell me how you like it! if you want a spoiler go to the tags and see what i've tagged :) part 1
You must have passed out because you wake up in someone’s living room.
“Anyone home?” You dare to call out. The apartment is sort of open-plan and if you had the energy to turn around and move you would have been able to see the man in the white suit staring at you.
“Yep. Hello!” The man walks up to you and you flinch at his strong southern london accent and glaring white suit that makes him look like a psycho Colonel Sanders, “I hope you’re alright, Khonshu said you were from another dimension?”
You reluctantly reply, “That’s right? And by Khonshu do you mean the actual Egyptian God?”
He nods excitedly, “Yea! Right twit he is!”
You look at him worriedly, maybe he is psycho colonel sanders after all.
He looks at himself in the mirror and does a double take, “Oh bollocks! No wonder you look scared!” The suit disappears to reveal a man with wild curls in an oversize t-shirt and pajamas, “sorry, sometimes I forget I still have it on.” He smiles nervously, “Um I’m Steven. With a V.”
That causes you to smile a little, maybe he’s not so bad, “Hello Steven.” You wave from your position on the couch and tell him your name.
Behind him you see a bony pigeon looking skeleton appear and your eyes widen, “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!” You point at it and scream.
Steven turns around, “That’s Khonshu, you can see him?”
“NO SHIT!” You web a wall and pull yourself up to stick to it, glaring at the offending creature.
“That’s mental.” He exclaims.
“What universe is this?” You ask him, eyes narrowed underneath your mask.
“Well, there’s no particular name for it.” Steven begins, but Khonshu intervenes, “How is it that you were able to traverse through the inter dimensional planes?”
“I knew someone who could.”
Suddenly Stevens demeanour changes and your spider sense tingles, you ready your webs against the potential threat.
The voice that comes out of Stevens mouth is not his. It’s the sound of the man who threw you here.
“Kid?” He says when you freeze and take your mask off, looking at him with wide eyes.
“You’re-You’re not Steven.” Your voice breaks at the familiar lilt.
He shakes his head, “My name is Marc.”
“Miguel! Stop it!” Jess finally snaps and the man looks up at her.
She takes a hold of his hair and uses it to maneuver his face to look at him, “You either go and get her back, or you fucking move on. Because in this state there is no way you will be able to do anything. Get your shit together. ”
He gulps, not used to seeing her angry side often and nods.
“She thinks I’m a monster.” He looks down at his toes and breathes shakily.
“Then prove to her that you’re not. You’re her father, regardless of what she says, she still loves you. You need to apologize to her.” She looks at him pointedly and he sighs.
"What do you want me to say, 'Hey honey, I know what I did was wrong, I was wrong to chase a teenager and I was too blinded by my fear of losing my daughter again that I chased you away. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' Thats not going to be good enough."
"It's a start."
"Jessica." he looks up
"I should have told you, something about her."
"She's not a normal variant, even if her universe was destroyed. That fact alone makes her a special case. There's a reason I sent her to Earth 19999. Her atoms and dna will not glitch there. And I don't know why."
"Why didn't you send her there before?"
"It was too dangerous."
"As opposed to Earth 1999999?" Jess raises an eyebrow.
"Very similar universes, but everything is flipped."
The woman tilts her head, "What do you mean?"
You sip on the hot tea Steven had made for you, glaring at the bony god sitting opposite you.
“I cannot send you back, child.” He says and you roll your eyes,
“As if I didn’t know that. The tea’s lovely, thank you.” You smile at Steven who beams at you. He’s much nicer than the American man living inside him. The one who was Miguel in this universe.
He nods, “I happen to know of someone who can help you.”
You tilt your head, “Go on.”
He went to explain how he was on call as an Avenger, who were considered the world’s mightiest heroes, and how he was acquainted with someone known as Dr Strange.
As soon as he says, the name Strange, your mind considers the possibility that you might be in the universe of idiots, as Miguel calls it. Earth-1999999.
He’s spent whole hours explaining the entire storyline that honestly came out of a movie to you and while it was such, really Captain America you ditched your best friend to go be with someone who had already moved on? You were drawn to the universe.
It reminded you very much of your home universe that was destroyed.
When you’d nodded and said you’d be on your way he’d blocked you from leaving. Saying it was too dangerous and that you were being an irresponsible person.
You tried to reason with him but he was able to block your punches with efficiency, and he reached for your web slingers. The ones Miguel had given you.
That was currently why there was a purple bruise on Stevens’s cheek that you felt bad about. This sweet man didn’t deserve to suffer the consequences of a hard punch. So you had helped him around the kitchen and he made you tea as a way of saying thank you.
“If you can’t take me away, you can atleast lead me to Strange, considering your own Knight isn’t letting me leave.”
“For good reason.”
“But it doesn’t make sense, without the watch I would be glitching every three seconds because the universe would not accept my genes. Here I haven’t glitched a single time.”
The god tilts his head and seems to contemplate your words, mimicking the man who looks at you with his head tilted, “Most interesting.”
Whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as orange sparks began to appear out of thin air, forming a circle and then a portal out of which a man with a weird beard walks through. He nods at Steven and walks over to you, “So you’re the one huh?”
“No, your mom is.” You snarl, “Yes. Doctor Strange, I’ve heard of you.”
“Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, “Am I a common topic of conversation in the multiverse?”
“When we have to make fun of something yes.” You grin.
He rolls his eyes, “How did you arrive here?”
“Look I'd leave if I could, sir. But my device was taken away by the jerk who sent me here.”
His eyes narrow, “Sent you?”
Shit, you might have said the wrong thing.
"So you're not from here." The sorcerer supreme raises his eyebrow at you.
"No, sir." you're shocked at your politeness, but the man demands respect.
"And you cannot go back?"
"There is only one person now, who is capable of autonomous multiverse travel, America Chavez. And even her powers are not perfect. It is too risky to do this."
"What would you have me do then?" you ask.
"Wait here, there must be a reason you are not glitching. Maybe, you were meant to be sent here." Strange reasons.
His words make sense, honestly, maybe this universe would be your new home. Even back in Nueva York, you had to wear the watch at all times, or you'd be glitching.
But did Miguel know that? Because if he didn't know, then that would mean he'd sent you to your death.
You just nod at what Strange says, his words going in one year and out the other. You miss the way his eyes glint and flash. His shadow moving under him.
"She can stay with us at the tower." Steven puts his hand on your shoulder, looking directly at Strange, no smile on his face. After a few moments, the Doctor nods.
Your spider sense starts to tingle, and you glace at Steven, who only smiles at you. All teeth. Eyes that are blank. Devoid of emotion.
Now that you're here to stay, he looks like he's never been happier.
"You're going to enjoy yourself here, love." he pats your shoulder, "We'll all have a bit of fun."
You need to run.
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unformula1 · 4 months
“it’s going to go perfect.” (OP81)
“it’s going to go perfect.” (OP81 x reader)
read part 1 here
Synopsis: “I’m sorry, okay!” He shrugs and playfully punches your shoulder, “The last time I did this, it didn’t exactly go well…”
“Well this time it’s going to go perfect.”
Boy, you got me hooked onto something
Who could say that they saw us coming?
-double take (dhruv)
word count: 657 words
pairing: oscar pisastri x reader
Oscar Piastri was a pretty reserved driver, wouldn't say anything if he didn’t need to. He just sat in the corner of the room and kept quiet. He isn’t exactly the type to start conversations or the kind to continue them. Truth be told, conversing was one of his biggest weaknesses, he never knew if he was going to accidentally insult someone or say something stupid and ruin their friendship.
“Do you-” He stumbles on some of his words, “like…you know, like me back?” 
You think for a bit. 
Do you?
Do you love Oscar Piastri?
“I-” You hesitate, who were you kidding?
His head bows lower, his feet shuffling a little. 
His head lifts and his eyes light up, “Really?”
You don’t reply to him but instead shift yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. Oscar gets taken aback by your sudden motion, his body tensing up. 
It takes him a few seconds to realise you’re hugging him and just like that, his body relaxes, his arms slowly moving around you, hugging you tightly back. 
“I love you.” 
His eyes water up, and you hear quiet sobs.
“Are you crying?” You ask, chuckling a little as you release the hug
Oscar rubs the tears that rolled down his cheeks, “No. I’m not.”
“I thought you were supposed to be cold and insensitive-” You tease him, gently poking the sides of his stomach.
“I’m sorry, okay!” He shrugs and playfully punches your shoulder, “The last time I did this, it didn’t exactly go well…”
“Well this time it’s going to go perfect.”
He looks at you, with a spark in his eyes you never knew he had. They water up again and tears brim in his eyes. You don’t mind, you look back at him with a wide smile. He looks beautiful, he looks perfect. 
It takes him a few moments more of walking and ice cream licking for him to finally gather his emotions and string together a proper sentence. 
“Do you want to…” He eats the rest of the ice cream cone, “go out for dinner… sometime soon?”
The rest of the conversation went exactly how you would want it to. A date, a day, a place, a time and just for the both of you.
You walk along the pavement, finding your way to the address Oscar sent you. 
Oscar: Im here You: im getting there if i dont get lost
You turn a corner and see a familiar figure – tall, blonde hair, perfect eyes and perfect ass. You keep your phone in your pocket and take a slow jog over to Oscar, who’s leaning against the window of the restaurant, looking at his phone.
“Good looking.” You startle Oscar, who jumps at your voice.
“Hi-” He says, slightly nervous, he keeps his phone in his pocket and presents to you a bouquet of flowers.
You feel blood rush to your cheeks as it turns red. You’re shocked, in a good way, and you gasp. You smile and take the flowers from him.
“Well, aren't you a charmer?” You comment, smiling widely at him while taking the flowers.
“I- I thought it would be nice.” He says, his hands still visibly shaking, “Do you like them?”
“Of course I do!” You say, smelling the flowers.
He outstretches his hand for you to hold, which you do. His firm is grasp, shaky but firm. He’s gotten slightly more confident over the last few minutes. He holds your hand and leads you to one of the tables, which has a vase of roses in the middle. It’s romantic, really.
The both of you sit down and for a moment, the entire world slows down and you glance into his eyes. His perfect, glowing eyes. He looks back, looking lost in yours. 
He looks beautiful.
He looks perfect.
He is Oscar Piastri.
And he is your boyfriend.
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angelanderson · 11 months
I really want an Ellabs x reader fic of fem reader really needing comfort bc she's sad/overwhelmed but she tries to hide it from ellabs but obv they notice smth is off, so they tell her they noticed smth is wrong and she kinda breaks down at that, then they comfort her thru it, listening to her problems or insecurities n'stuff <33 Sorry if it's confusing and/or too long, u dont gotta do it but i'd appreciate it tons <33 (Im totally not self projecting)
ur projecting = supported. 🫢 100% sfw/comfort fic but still no men or minors. type of relationship between them is up to u! this ended up a semi- full length fic oops ? enjoy!
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sometimes it just feels too hard. being the newest member in jackson means you feel like you have to prove your worth 24/7. and it’s exhausting, really. abby is just so strong, ellie has the best patrol work, and you? you feel… weak. you (falsely) feel like nothing you’ve done has proven you’re worth the space in jackson.
so when monday rolls around, you tell ellie and abby you have plans with someone else so you can just go home and hide. they don’t question that, why would they? tuesday you tell them you wanna go to bed early. okay, fine. but then it’s wednesday, and they’re starting to get that something is going on with you.
the worry starts to kick in wednesday night after maria tells the two women you asked to go home early, citing that you’re not feeling well. abby all but drags ellie to your tiny place immediately after hearing maria’s words. you always tell each other everything. so why didn’t you now?!
it’s easy to know abby and ellie are knocking at your door simply because of the sheer force of it. five minutes you try to pretend you’re not home. you don’t want them to see you in this state; you’ve been ugly crying for two hours now. however, they don’t give up. it’s not like you could expect anything else from them.
“baby, we know you’re home. let us in, yeah? we’re worried about you,” abby shouts out after another two minutes of knocking.
you respond back with a sickly voice from the sofa, “no, go away. ‘m busy.”
you can just feel the attitude enter ellie’s body now. you know how stubborn she can be. “no, we know you’re lying. i will find a way in if you don’t let us in within the next thirty seconds.”
you know she isn’t joking as you move to open the door. the sight of you upon opening the door is not a pretty one— your face is red, covered in tears. ellie takes a deep breath before she pushes in. she won’t let you shut them out anymore. abby shuts the door before them before heading you back onto the sofa with them. each other is on either side of you within the matter of seconds.
as per usual, abby is the first one to break the silence. “oh, honey, what’s going on? we could’ve helped you sooner if we knew.” the way she sounds sad just makes you feel worse.
insecurities once again bubbling over, you do the only thing you can think of: you try to shove abby away. being significantly stronger than you means it didn’t feel like a single thing. however, abby won’t put up with you lashing out right now. she knows you can be their sweet girl even in the toughest of moments.
ellie watches like a hawk as abby grabs both of your wrists to stop you from trying to push her away again. “just because you’re upset doesn’t mean you can act out. are you going to be the big girl i know you are now? or do i need to keep you here?”
the concerned sternness of her voice makes you whimper in reply. fresh tears leak down your face as you try to find the words to explain. “i- i just don’t think i deserve to be here! everyone, especially you two, carry your weight around here! and what do i do? i’m just a stupid girl working in the bar!”
and, well, neither of them could say they were expecting that response. sure, you were newer to Jackson, but so was everyone at one point. you were also one of the most popular Jackson residents— everyone loves the energy you bring to the bar after a long day of work. so it just makes sense that both women are beyond shocked to realize that this is why you’re so down. how could you not know how loved you are here?
as yet another round of tears starts to fall, you feel abby’s big arms quickly pull you into her chest. your body starts to shake with each inhale as you start to sob into abby’s chest. while ellie rushes to rub your back, abby starts to tilt your head up so you can see her.
“angel, angel, no. let’s take some deep breathes and then we’ll all have a talk, okay?”, abby coos as she wipes away the falling tears.
ellie puts your right hand over abby’s heart when your breathing doesn’t start to slow any. she speaks in the softest voice she can muster up,“deep breaths with me and abby, baby. feel abby’s heart beat. we’re all going to just relax together before anything else.”
two minutes between your favorite people is all it takes to reduce you to just sniffles. you slouch back into your seat once you’ve finally caught your breath. you look up at abby and ellie with wet eyes before letting out a long sigh. no one is sure who should speak first.
ellie decides she’ll be the one to start, “it’s not true, you know? everyone here loves you. helping run the bar is important. you create a space where we can all relax for once. emphasis on the relax part.”
abby grunts in agreement with ellie. “you know ellie’s right, don’t you baby,” abby questions before looking over to ellie, “our favorite girl’s always making everyone feel happy, isn’t she?”
“for real though, you really do play a big part here. you know ellie and i started arguing less when you came around? pretty big deal there, you know. even joel commented on it,” the dirty blonde continues on the conversation.
and that makes you giggle for the first time all day. “even joel? really?” while you knew they had a previous history of more frequent fights, you didn’t know even joel was over it back then too.
“yeah, it’s really true,” abby starts before taking a breath to think about her next words. she exhales, “strength isn’t everything, you know? you add just as much as we do here. creating a space where people can relax while we live on this hell on earth is just as important as what we do. we all do the best here because we are better with each other. our system can’t function without others.”
you’re sure you’d be crying tears of happiness right now if you weren’t so exhausted from all your previous crying. your previous anxieties start to slip away as you start to truly internalize both of their words from today. you are important. you matter here. just like everyone else.
no one is given a chance to speak before you’re pulling ellie and yourself on top of abby. “i love you, i love you, i love you both,” you whisper out. “you’re right. i promise i’ll come talk to you next time i’m feeling down, okay? know you’ll make me say that part next!”
“okay smarty pants, you better. also, we always are, darling. love you the most,” teases ellie before she presses a kiss to the back of your head.
“hey! what if i love you both the most? then what?” you’re sure you can feel ellie roll her eyes as abby whines out playfully.
“okay, okay. how about we all love each other the most? can we just agree so i can drink some water now? my head is killing me.” a major post-crying headache has just started to come on for you.
ellie rolls her eyes playful at both of you. “i’ll get us all some water”, she commands as she walks to your kitchen, “and get comfy with abby. we’ll watch a movie, and yes, you can choose today.”
yay! end note to say ur important and i’m glad ur here + love that we all each add our own special things to this earth 🫂
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xiaosonlybeloved · 2 months
Lost to Change~ Childe
featuring:- Tartaglia as Ajax when he was 14 yrs old, his family, gn!reader (no pronouns used) warnings:- implied angst, minor mention of injuries towards the end, nothing actually its just sad a/n:- oml my first actual writing in like weeks i kinda like it ngl. can be read as platonic or non platonic since ajax is 14 here and reader is close to his age too
wc:- 1.6k || masterlists
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“Why isnt Dad back yet?” A little girl questioned you, her worry clear on her face. There’s nothing you can say, though, because you have no answer. “He must still be searching, Tonia.” you try to reassure her, watching over little Teucer who was still sleeping. “Try to go to sleep, Tonia. Tomorrow’s a holiday, but you should still get your sleep. If- When Ajax comes back home, he wouldn’t like to see you all exhausted now, would he?” Sensing her reluctance, you add, “I’m staying here. I’ll keep watch. Nothing will happen, I promise. I’ll wake you up when Uncle comes back home.”
Tonia eventually trudges away to her shared bedroom with Anthon, socked feet moving soundlessly across the carpeted floor. Her elder sister follows to tuck her in, leaving you alone with Teucer as you sigh, gazing out at the moon high in the sky, anxious.
Its been two nights since Ajax had suddenly disappeared without a trace. He’d borrowed some bread for some reason before he left, and no one’s heard of him since. He hadn’t left Morepesok, that much was certain, because his parents had already confirmed it with the police. Which meant that he was certainly somewhere within this quaint little village, or he was lost in the forest. You sincerely hoped it wasn’t the latter, as a distant howl of a wolf was heard.
The police were searching for him too, but his dad had been unable to sit still and wait for any news, so he left to search for Ajax himself. He knows how to protect himself... He would be fine.
“Thank you for staying here, dear. I’m sorry to have asked you to, but sometimes the kids only listen to you, not me. You can go to sleep in the guest bedroom too, its alright. I’m staying awake” Ajax’s mother spoke up from beside the fireplace. At this point, she treats you like you’re her one of her own kids too, and its somewhat reassuring. You quickly reply, “No no, its completely fine, I understand. I don’t mind watching the kids at all. And I’ll give you company till he comes back, don’t worry. I’m used to sleepless nights.”
Ajax’s father comes back in the early morning, alone. The disappointment and worry is very visible on everyone’s faces. You wake Tonia and Anthon up, as promised. Ajax’s elder sister, Maria, and his two elder brothers had stayed awake through the night too. Breakfast is silent as the dim sunrays filter through the forest canopy. You insist on him getting some sleep. The house is silent as everyone goes to their bedrooms after breakfast to try and rest. You use the spare bedroom- its practically yours anyways, with how many times you’ve stayed here for sleepovers with Ajax. There’s a hoard of blankets in one corner of the room that was used to make a fort every single sleepover. It was like an unofficial tradition of yours. 
You try to sleep. Its better than drowning in worry, anyways.
Ajax had a guilty frown on his face as he observed your near-sleeping figure. He should have realised that you’d be tired, it had been a long day after all. But he’d been dying to watch the newest movie of their favorite series with you, and of course, you never said no to him. He’d been too engrossed in the movie to notice when your head dropped onto his shoulder- a usual thing between you two. You mumble some gibberish as he carries you to the bed (not without his struggles, you two were children after all) and switches off the T.V. “Is the movie over? I didn’t realise…” You yawn as you sleepily pull up the blankets to your chin. The nights in Snezhnaya were always freezing cold after all, which is why you dont hesitate to do the same with the second blanket Ajax drapes over you. “Nops, but we can watch it tomorrow morning after breakfast. I think Anthon would like to watch it too, if you don’t mind?” “Mm, I don’t, he’s such an adorable kid. They grow up so fast, don’t they?” you mumble. “Are you coming to sleep too?” “..Yeah.” He responds quietly, snuggling into another set of blankets beside you. “Goodnight, [Y/N].” Because you’re already in dreamland by then, having been content to see him resting beside you, you miss the swirling childlike emotions, the sparkle in his eyes. You’re so used to it, seeing it is like second nature to you, an undeniable part of every day.
You wouldn’t have believed it if you had been told that one day, soon, that innocence, that sparkle in his eyes would vanish, to never reappear again.
You tried to cling on to the distant memory of your dream that was rapidly fading away as you awoke. You liked the dream. The memory… you were rather untroubled in it because of the presence of your best friend. Much unlike your conscious self’s distress and concern caused due to the same person. 
The sun was glaring through the thin air and the gaps between the curtains.”She’s awake.” A small voice whispered, and another retorted, “You were too loud.” Tonia and Anthon. They’re arguing in hushed tones, startling with an incredibly guilty look as you sit up. And that face is so, so familiar that it instantly reminds you of the person they learnt it from, which reminds you that Ajax is still missing and it has been almost 3 days since then. “Is something the matter?” You question them as you rub the sleep out of your eyes. You’re surprised you even manage to fall asleep.
“Well, Mom, Dad, Maria and Atlas are going out to search for Ajax, and me and Tonia are going with them too. Maria and Dad know how to fight, so we should be safe. Alex is staying home to take care of Teucer. Dad told us to ask you if you wanted to come along too.” Anton says quickly. You nod without hesitation as you briskly put on extra layers suited for the chill outside.
As you walk, they inform you that they’re splitting into two groups, one with their dad, Anthon and Atlas and one with you, his elder sister Maria, Tonia and their mom, to scour the forest. You’ll keep in contact with each other if someone needs help or finds Ajax. You all are strictly to return home an hour before the sun starts setting.
There’s not much time left before dusk when finally Maria calls their dad. He immediately answers, starting to tell them to return home now, before Maria swiftly cuts him off. “We found Ajax. He’s injured. We’re bringing him home immediately, please call a doctor in the meanwhile.” She states bluntly. Nearby, you and his mom are doing your best to wrap the wounds and stop the bleeding for a while. 
Ajax was unconscious and looked much worse for wear. Somehow, his hair had grown longer than it should have in three days. Same with his height too, he was definitely taller by a few centimetres from when you had last seen him, as you and Maria carried him home together, his mother and Tonia right behind you. You meet Atlas near their house, who takes Ajax from you as he can carry him faster to the doctor awaiting you all at the house.
Despite the concern, there’s definitely relief mixed in everyone’s emotions to finally finding the runaway. There’s silence in the living room, because the doctor shooed everyone out while he did a checkup and took care of his injuries. After some time that felt like an eternity, he finally reports to you that physically Ajax was alright, he was ordered bedrest for atleast a day, to take care to not reopen his wounds, and that he was awake now. 
You were the first one out of your seat as you immediately hurried to Ajax’s room, eager to finally talk to him, maybe scold him for his recklessness.
Ajax is facing the setting sun in the window, away from you when you enter. “Ajax, you-” You stop short when he turns to face you.
Something’s not quite right.
His smile is the same, if not a bit wider and more cheerful than you’d ever seen him. There was self-confidence in his posture, something he’d lacked before. Make no mistake, you’re happy about that, but…
“Hey [Y/N]! Long time no see!” Ajax blithely exclaims with a grin, and something about it is so off. 
It’s him, its definitely him, your instincts tell you so. But at the same time, its not him. Not the Ajax you knew.
His eyes are completely dull, two dark pools of blue without any shine or light in them. Not a hint of emotion was displayed in them, just a vast emptiness that contradicted his demeanor. His eyes, which used to be your gateway to his thoughts, have locked you out firmly now, no key in hand. 
As the rest of his worried family crowds behind and around you, you realise with a bone-crushing certainty, looking at him, that the Ajax you all knew, loved and missed was gone, lost to the world in those past three days, perhaps never to return. It would never be the same again, he would never be the same again.
(help this isnt even the main plot point i had for this idea this was supposed to be the background not a whole fic on its own-) anyways reblogs, tags and comments are very appreciated thank you <333
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sunshinesteviee · 1 year
omggg i loved the prompts you posted! emotional intimacy and pillow talk is just *chefs kiss*, if youre looking for prompts maybe:
❝  you always touch me just the right way.  ❞ &❝  do you even realize what you do to me?  ❞
with reader and steve whispering to each other in the dark, it doesn't have to be smut! I just thought steve would love to hear his girl say that to him after when they're cuddling. you can ignore this if you dont like it tho haahahah
i'm so so sorry this took forever to get to; i've had a lot going on, but finally got around to writing it!! i hope you like it! wc: 703
Steve is already under the sheets again by the time you re-emerge from the bathroom in your underwear and one of his shirts. He’s sprawled out on his back, sheets bunched around his waist, bare torso on display in a way that makes you want to jump his bones, even though you’ve just had sex. A soft smile stretches across his face when he notices you standing in the doorway, and he reaches an arm out towards you, motioning for you to get back in bed with him. You can’t resist him, not even for a second, and flick the bathroom lights off, flooding your bedroom in darkness. 
You don’t need lights to find your way back to bed, and crawl up the length of it, flopping into Steve’s waiting arms. Your landing next to him is maybe a bit too aggressive, as he groans, “Oof, baby, jeez. Warn a guy the next time you’re gonna body slam him.”
“Sorry, baby,” you giggle, shimmying underneath the sheets to press your body into his. Your hand slides across his bare chest as you turn to your side and press your cheek into his shoulder, one leg hitching up over his. 
“‘S okay,” he murmurs in reply, voice muffled by your hair as he kisses the top of your head. You can’t see his face, but you can hear the smile in his voice; you can picture his soft hazel eyes and his pretty freckles as his lips tug up at the corners. He’s beautiful inside and out, and you want nothing more than to spend forever just like this. 
A large, warm hand settling against the exposed skin of your thigh draws you out of your thoughts. Steve’s touch is gentle as his fingertips draw down the back of your thigh toward your knee to keep you pressed close, the pad of his thumb rubbing soothing circles onto the inside of your knee. He presses another kiss to the crown of your head as he asks quietly, “You okay?”
“Mhm,” you reply somewhat absentmindedly, tilting your chin up so you can press a kiss in return to your sweet boyfriend’s jaw. 
“Was it okay for you?” 
He’s asked you before, usually equal parts sincerity and in jest, and it’s always dorky and endearing. The question makes you want to laugh, though; Steve is, by far, the most generous and skilled lover you’ve ever had, and to suggest anything otherwise is ludicrous. But you humor him nonetheless, appreciating that he cares that you enjoy yourself, “Yeah, Stevie, of course. Do you even realize what you do to me?”
You can feel his laugh more than you can hear it with your head on his chest. His hand sweeps along the length of your thigh again as he asks, “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” you murmur as you place your hand on your boyfriend’s chest, fingertips tracing delicately over freckles and moles, along the edges of rough scars adorning his sides, “that you always make me feel good. You always touch me just the right way. Swear you know my body better than I do sometimes.”
Steve laughs again, softer this time, as if a little flustered. His hand closes around your shoulder and he pulls you in even closer, lips pressing to your forehead in a light kiss, “Hope so. ‘Ve spent enough time getting acquainted.”
Letting out a groan, you push your face into Steve’s chest, which pulls another giggle out of him, “Ugh, shut up! I’m trying to be serious, and you’re being a perv.” And even though you’re trying to admonish him, you can’t help but to dissolve into giggles, too, the sound muffled against his skin as he holds you close. 
When the giggling from the both of you finally subsides, Steve gets serious, lips pursed as he pushes a few stray hairs out of your face. The tip of his nose rubs against yours as he leans in and whispers, “I love you. Ya know that? And you make me feel the same way.” And then, before you can reply, Steve leans in and presses his lips to yours. Kisses you like he’ll never be able to get enough. Like this might be his last chance, even though you plan on kissing him like this for the rest of your life.
"I love you, too, Stevie."
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anzulvr · 7 months
karma x reader — fluff, angst? (Kinda) if they had a relationship like Hanako and yashiro,, SPOILERS FOR TBHK guys I’m supposed to be doing one of the thirty requests but I thought of this and I couldn’t help it I’m sorry
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Karma and you are the epitome of the scene in TBHK where Hanako goes “And guess who gets to be my little helper!” and Yashiro replies “it’s me… I’m the helper…” in the most disappointing voice as she gets her cheeks squished by him.
(If you haven’t seen it look it up on YouTube or tiktok!)
You’d be like Yashiro and Karma would be more like Hanako because of how often he gets you wrapped up in his crazy plans, most days he does something stupid and needs you to be apart of it.
Karmas personality is very bold and he definitely takes jokes too far sometimes which is why I think a confession from him could be kind of messy and in parallel to the scene where Hanako accidentally makes Yashiro cry by fake-confessing to her as apart of his plan. (Look the scene up, he stages a confession, Yashiro is disappointed and he teases her about it not realizing it upset her) — Karmas version of this would be an assassination plan on Korosensei where he lores Korosensei to whatever place planned by faking a confession to you (cause Korosensei is super nosy and would definitely snoop around given the chance no matter how sketchy things seem), Karma forgets to fill you in and now you’re hurt when you realize the confession was all apart of a stupid assassination attempt.
“Haha can you believe he fell for that, still couldn’t kill him that sucks, hey- [Name]? Dont tell me you’re disappointed the confession was staged.” He laughs but that comes to a quick stop when he realizes that was exactly the reason why you looked so sad.
He reacts differently depending on your reaction, if you’re mad at him he’ll let you tell him off, for the first time he doesn’t argue back because he realizes he seriously messed up. He asks Nagisa and to help him figure out how to win back your trust, when Nagisa’s answer is “you should just be honest about your feelings.” Karma decides to get advice from Ms.Jelavitch instead, because he’s not up to being mushy just yet. (He ends up being mushy regardless he will swallow his pride after seeing you all frowny)
If you’re more sensitive and you start crying (real) he’ll be even more lost on how to react. He’ll apologize frantically and doesn’t realize when he’s starting to say things that he’d consider cheesy in any other moment. He tells you it’s not that the confession was fake, and how he meant every word, “I didn’t think you reciprocated, I thought I could make my feelings useful for some assassination attempt without realizing you felt that way…”
pretty short sorry :) but have this 🩷!
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only-angel-28 · 8 months
mastermind, part four
ok ok ok here's part four i dont rly have much to say here bc i said everything on part three but i hope you like this one and dw guys im gonna try publish part five asap im starting writing it tonight, productive era fr 🙌💯
warnings: slight angst, swearing, injury, protective theo😋😋
mastermind, masterlist
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y/n’s pov
“Hello Y/N.”
I look up from my place on the grass where I was tying my shoes.
Oh. Him again.
“Hi, Cormac.” I say with a tight-lipped smile, standing up, and walking over to where I left my broom when I was practising.
Cormac follows me like a lost puppy and says, “So uhm how’ve you been?”
It’s been almost four months of this. He comes over to wherever I am and follows me asking pointless questions about the weather or lessons and it would’ve been fine if he wasn’t making uncomfortable inappropriate jokes in between. It’s December now, nearly time for the Yule Ball and I need to shake Cormac off my tail sometime soon or I'll have no hope of finding a date this year.
“Just fine Cormac, what about you?” I say mindlessly, trying to devise ideas to get him away politely.
“I’m good…would be better with you in my bed though…” he says, smoking at me as I give him a disgusted look and stop walking.
Forget trying to be nice, this guy’s a creep.
“Okay Cormac, let's settle this. What’s all this really about? I mean you’ve been following- no practically stalking me for months now, and if it wasn’t creepy enough without the inappropriate jokes, it sure as hell is now. So what do you actually like me or just want to get in my pants?” I say angrily at him, clutching my broom in my hands so hard, my knuckles turn white.
He looks started by my outburst at first but quickly replies and says, “Uhm no, no! Of course I like you Y/N, I just wanted to know if you had a date for the Yule Ball yet?” with the furrows of my brows he leans forward and speaks lowly to me in a more threatening tone, “Sure would be a shame if the whole school found out the truth about your favourite uncle.”
Sirius? What the fuck?
I push him away, “Get the fuck away from me you freak!” I go to leave before he grabs me by my wrist and speaks again, “Come to the ball with me and I won’t say a word about him to anyone,”
“Cormac let go of me,” I say, struggling in his tightening grip.
“Just say yes. Say yes and I’ll let go and no one will have to hear about your uncle.”
“Get away from me!” I shout at him, stomp on his foot and punch his nose the hardest I could, feeling his bones crunching beneath mine. Or maybe it was both our bones.
I hold my now numb hand and leave him on the empty field holding his bloody nose and groaning while I run straight to the castle.
I run aimlessly for about three minutes, turning every which way not expecting anyone to be out in the hallways at this time, “Everyone would be in lessons right now” I think before, to my surprise, I turn the corner and I’m face to face with Theo.
He takes hold of me from my arms before I collapse into him and looks at me in surprise with a cigarette in between his soft pink lips.
I mumble out a quick ‘Sorry’ and move to leave, maybe go back to my common room to look for Hermione but he stops me before I can go anywhere.
His alarmed eyes and lifted brows look down at the tears on my face and the redness around my wrist and knuckles. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, discarding it on the floor before putting it out with his shoe, takes me gently by the other hand and leads me to the hospital wing.
“Theo, no, I’m fine don’t worry.” I try and reassure him, “I don’t need Madam Pomfrey all over me right now, a potion from Hermione can fix me right up, I promise.”
He ignores me and takes me to an empty bed, telling me to rest my hand and sit still, before moving away to find Madam Pomfrey.
When shes checked me over and given me the right medications, he stares down at me but doesn't say a word until I ask, “What?”.
His reply is cold and quiet, “Who did this to you?”
I try brushing the question off, “Don’t worry about it Theo, I handled it fine.”
“Yeah, I can see that.” he says, looking down at my bandaged hand, and asks again, “Who did this to you Y/N?”
I sigh before answering, “You promise you won’t do anything illegal?”
“I promise.” he says and I extend my pinky on my good hand towards him. His hard expression softens slightly before he extends his and joins our pinkies together muttering another ‘promise’.
“Cormac. He got mad at me because I didn’t want to go to the ball with him and threatened to tell everyone some things about my family.” I say quietly, looking down.
theo’s pov
I don’t say anything as blood rushes to my head, my knuckles already forming into fists, my jaw clenching and my feet turning around to go find the prick.
“No Theo!’ Y/N says after me, trying to grab my arm and stop me from beating the rat up but I hold her hand as gently as I can and ask her to “Please rest Y/N, I’ll be back soon and I promise I won’t do anything too bad.”
“No Theo, please just drop it, it’s fine.” she tries to reassure me.
“What? No it’s not, first of all, he shouldn’t have touched you in the first place, but to hold you like that and threaten you? He’s begging for it now.” I turn to leave again, trying to find him somewhere in this massive castle, trying to calm down before I remember the look on Y/N’s face and all the anger comes rushing back like an extreme storm wave. Fuck this.
I walk around the castle quickly, keeping my eyes and ears open for any signs of the snake until I catch something near the bushes.
“No man, bitch fucked me right over. Broke my nose and everything. But I mean to be fair I do like them feisty if you know what I mean.” I hear his voice like venom before he laughs with his friends.
Before I know it, I’m being pulled away by Mattheo and Draco as Cormac’s friends grab him by his bloody torn shirt. Splatters of his blood are on mine but nowhere near as bad as his.
I had stayed quiet during the whole fight, speaking only with my punches and getting my message across.
A huge crowd has gathered by this point and I’m being assisted to McGonagall’s office by Mattheo and Draco patting me on the back with the teacher in front of us. I know I’ll get detention for a month, maybe two, and probably won’t be able to play Quidditch for a few weeks either but who cares.
It was for her and I don’t regret a fucking thing.
y/n’s pov
I walk down the great dining hall with everyone's eyes on me, whispering things to people around them. More than usual.
I take my usual seat next to Ginny and Hermione and look around at everyone, asking, “What’s going on?”. Ron, Harry and Hermione look at each other awkwardly before Hermione speaks up, “You don’t know what’s happened?”
“That boyfriend of yours beat McLaggen up so bad he’s had to go to St. Mungo’s,” Ron speaks up against the silence and my blood turns cold as my stomach flips over.
“What?!” I say, alarmed.
“Yeah mate, everyone saw it… he was ruthless. Didn’t stop until the bloke couldn’t stand up by himself” Harry agrees with Ron as they turn to look at the Slytherin table behind and see Theo talking normally with his friends.
“He deserved it to be fair, I don’t blame Nott for beating him up the way he did.” Hermione says before asking about my hand.
“It’s all fine now, nothing major just a few broken bones.” I say turning my wrist and flexing my fingers before turning to Ron and answering his previous accusation, “And he’s not my boyfriend Ron, he’s just a friend.”
“Yeah well Harry and Cho Chang are friends but you don’t see him going around beating Cedric up.” Ron says stupidly, making Ginny tense up and Hermione glare at him from across the table as I take Ginny’s hand under it.
“Hey Hermione do you have a spare paper and quill?” I ask after we’ve all eaten our dinner and most of the people in the dining hall have cleared off.
“Yes of course, what for?” she asks, pulling a blank piece of paper and quill out of her bag and passing it to me. “I need to send a note.” I say vaguely before scribbling down:
meet me in the astrology tower after curfew.
I pull my wand out of my pocket and perform the paper bird charm, passing the note to Theo on the other side of the hall.
We all watch as he receives it, reads it and looks up at me, and winks. He asks Pansy for a quill and writes back:
See you there darling
I smile, putting the note into my pocket as Hermione squeals at me, Harry smiles and Ron makes a face of throwing up. “And that Ronald, is why you still don’t have a date to the Yule Ball. Speaking of which Harry do you have yours yet?” 
“Yep, I do actually.”
“Oh yeah? Who is it?” Ron asks looking over at Harry. Hermione and I give each other a knowing look as Harry says, “Uhm, I’m not at liberty to say.”
Harry gets up to leave to escape the conversation as Hermione and I laugh after him and Ron trailing not too far behind, pestering Harry and threatening him if it's his sister.
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“Hey” I hear a soft deep voice behind me as I stare up at the stars from the tower.
I turn around and find Theo wearing a deep red jumper and red plaid pyjamas, holding two cups of hot chocolate coincidently matching with my red plaid shorts and red jumper with my initial on it, courtesy of Mrs Weasley of course.
We smile at each other as he comes close and asks how my hand is, “All better, see” I flex my hand once again to prove it to him and we sit in silence for a few minutes drinking the hot chocolate he’d gotten from the kitchen.
“So,” he starts slowly sipping his hot chocolate and looking over at me in the dim light, “What did you want to talk about?”
I take a breath before answering, “Why did you do that?”
His eyebrows furrow, “Do what?”
I give him a knowing look and he looks away with a smile in response which drops quickly when thoughts of Cormac come back in his mind. “Guy’s a git. Doesn’t deserve you.” He says plainly bringing the cup to his lips again. I look at him for a minute, observing his long eyelashes and soft skin and look away just when he looks at me.
“Have you got a date to the ball yet?” He says in the comfortable silence.
I look back at him getting lost for a moment in his soft blue eyes. I shake my head in response.
He nods, looking down before downing the rest of his hot chocolate and standing up.
He reaches out a hand towards me and pulls me up from my place on the stairs and says, “Would you go with me if I asked?”
I look up at his eyes once again, seeing a hint of fear behind the blue, “If you asked dickhead.”
He laughs at this, nods and kisses me on the cheek before leaving.
“See you later star.”
“Star?” I say in question, my cheeks burning from his touch.
He doesn’t say a word or turn around, but simply holds out his middle finger, flipping me off which confuses me more until I see the silver ring I made him resting at the bottom of it.
I smile to myself as he walks away, leaving my face flushed and heart swollen.
What am I getting myself into.
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part four done, lmk what you think!!
taglist: @timmytime17 @cherry-hoe @jetblackpayne @ash-tarte @coolestgirlhere
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b4tasquad · 10 months
Dude i want mean niko back in a social media au... maybe while the others are on their trip to the us and he is "sick" he posts stories with yn and sometimes photos with her in bed where we dont see her face (you see which kind with the back lmao its always the same 😭) so the fans are going crazy making speculations and idk how would this evil version of sharky would react honestly
(also aj being cute?)
authors note: so like the ask this is kind a smau follow up of the story I published the other day. I would recommend reading that first (cheating…) 🤷‍♀️
summary: hooking up with your shitty boyfriend’s best friend isn’t the best idea…. especially when people start to slowly suspect something.
face claim: mataya sweeting ( girl I found on my explore page💀)
Niko posted on their story
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↳ betasquadfan and 10,345 others replied
^view replies
hello? good morning?
Niko I’m not playing with you😐
well damn what’s up baby
First of all.. don’t call me that
Second of all…. why are you making it seem like you’re soft launching me?
because I am?
boy no tf youre not
im not your fucking girlfriend
i think you’re missing the fact that my actual boyfriend sees what you post🤨
ngl I don’t give a shit if he sees or not
I can post my girl whenever I want to
are you hearing yourself??? YOUR GIRL💀
im you best friend’s girlfriend…
He’s not my best friend tf
more of an acquaintance tbh
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acquaintance where????
you can’t even lie
I look soo good in that picture
no wonder you picked me😌
you’re actually impossible😒
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Yourusername made a post
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liked by niko, nellarosee and 326,102 others!
yourusername i am my own crush
view comments
yourbestfriend beautiful🫣
↳ yourusername 🤭🤭
y/nbae you’re so pretty!!
liked by yourusername and 362 others
sidemensuck the way Niko liked but her own boyfriend sharky didn’t😭
↳ btasqd now that you mention it….
Sharky posted to their story
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Y/n posted to their story
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↳ niko
would love to show off my vacation too
but no that’s “too suspicious”😒
this is my vacation
you’re just tagging along
wdym?? it’s literally a baecation
last time i checked my bae is in America🤷🏽‍♀️
guess I’m not buying you food
no BAE
i’m so sorry🫶🏽🫶🏽
that’s what I thought
↳ ohnosharky
didn’t know you were going on vacation?
didn’t know you were either so ig we’re even
y/n that’s literally work
it’s different.
who are you even with??
not really your business🤷🏽‍♀️
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darkwolf989 · 4 days
heyy ik this is weird to ask but cam you do valentino's daugher x vox idk why but im screaming for content and honestly i think it would be interesting to see if they "got along" you coulf say you dont have to do this i just find this a interesting concept like imagine if they had more of a special bond then valentino and his own daugher plus im sorry if this is to much to ask for
Hi there,
Sorry for the delay! Take a peek at this one- and let me know if you were thinking a different vibe!
“Hey, Uncle Vox!” I called cheerfully as I walked into his office.  Two more nights, two more until my final game of the school year. As an avid water polo player, my games were the height of my highschool experience and this final game this year was one I had been working hard towards. I tossed my backpack on my desk next to my Uncle Vox’s and slid myself into my chair. 
My weekday routine had been the same since I started school. With my father being The Valentino, and the odd hours he worked, it was my Uncle Vox who usually woke me up early and kept me on a schedule. Brushing my teeth, getting me dressed, breakfast and out the door when I was little. Now that I was sixteen, that morning routine looked a little different. Instead of waking up at seven, I woke up at four with Uncle Vox. We hit the gym together, then parted ways until it was time for breakfast- or more importantly, coffee. Sometimes my dad joined us, and sometimes my Auntie Vel joined us. But with their ever changing schedules more often than not it just wasn’t practical for them to join. So Uncle Vox stayed the consistent one. 
“Hey yourself, kid,” Vox replied as he stood up out of his chair. “Your dad is on the line, he wants to chat with you.” 
I slid into Vox’s seat and my fathers face appeared on the monitor in front of me. My heart soared. I bet he had a big surprise waiting to celebrate after tomorrow night.
“Hi Daddy!” I said cheerfully. “Are you ready to watch me rock it tomorrow?” 
My father’s face looked sad. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about bebita. I’m sorry, I won’t make it. I have a crisis to handle down in the greed ring and I…” 
I could feel the sadness wash over me. The rest of the conversation went in one ear and out the other and I tried to hide my crushing disappointment. 
“I’m sorry baby, but your Uncle Vox and Auntie Vel will be there and they promised to keep me updated.” My father finished. “I’ll make it up to you later okay? We can do whatever you want. Daddy daughter day.”
Yeah, sure. I had heard that one before. To date, he owed me no less than six daddy daughter days. And the flowers and trinkets he sent to make up for his absence didn’t help either. He tried- I knew it. But nothing he said or did would make up for his lack of presence. 
I signed off and put my head in my hands as I tired to keep tears from falling down my face. I felt Vox’s hand on my shoulder and I looked back at him as I bit back bitter disappointment. 
Vox seemed to recognize the look on my face. “Aw honey, I know. But we’ll be there. I promise.” He squeezed my shoulder gently. “Your Auntie Vel and I will cheer you on.” 
“Yeah, at least someone cares.” I muttered as I rubbed my eyes. 
“Now you know that isn’t true sweetheart,” Vox began. “Your Daddy loves you very much, his work just…”
“You make time for me!” I said angrily. “You make it a point to sit with me and go to my games and ask me about my day, I can’t remember the last time I saw my dad at one of my games or even just right after school!” 
“My schedule is a lot more fluid than your dads is sweetheart,” he replied calmly. “I understand your frustration, but if your dad could make it he would.”
It was the age-old argument. After a few seconds, I stood up and Vox pulled me into a hug. 
“Hey, you’re loved. Don’t forget that, okay?” He planted a kiss on my forehead. “Now let’s get that homework done.” 
I scowled but sat back down at my desk. The homework rule had been instilled by my father from my first days of preschool. Home. Snack. Work. Sometimes at my pink desk in my room, if it was Dad or auntie Vel picked me up. But more often than not, it was uncle Vox who showed up in the limo and he had work to do too. As I grew, the desk next to his grew as well. From a tiny pink plastic chair to a full grown pink office chair- I sat right by Uncle Vox almost every single day. 
His snack drawer too changed as I grew- from cheeze-itz, to fresh fruit, to protein bars and goldfish. 
“Hey, can you check this one?” I asked after a few moments of work. “Uncle Vox?”
“Did you try it three times three different ways and watch a video?” He replied back without another glance. 
“Then, sure.” He lifted his head up and picked up my homework sheet. He glanced it over. “I think this is a quadratic formula problem. You forgot the square root sign- remember the song?”
“I do but…”
He cleared his throat. “X equals negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus for ac all over two a!”
To his credit, the song was a great study tool. To my mortification, Vox couldn’t sing worth a damn. 
“You’re way too enthusiastic about math,” I muttered as I made the correction. 
“But I was right wasn’t I?” He teased as he turned back to his computer. 
“That’s not the point,” I replied. Not to my surprise, the problem worked itself out. “Thanks Uncle Vox.” 
I stood up and leaned in between him and his desk wrapped my arms around him. “And thanks for being the best uncle a girl could want.” 
I felt him return the hug. “Love you, kiddo. More than you’ll ever know.” 
I released him and he grinned. “If you get your homework done quickly I’ll take you to the pool and run a few practice rounds with you. And then I’ll take you out to dinner- see if Auntie can meet us.”
The work that went into Vox being able to get into the water was tremendous- not to mention he’d be leaving his job early. 
“Really? You have time for that?” I asked. 
“For you sweetie? I’ll always have time.”
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