#I’m sitting on some Dabi thoughts tbh!!!!
ghostbeam · 2 years
Hi letting u guys know I had two coffees and am sipping a redbull in case any of u thought I had any sense of self preservation
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sarahjtv · 1 year
So, My Hero Academia Chapter 387 (MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD)...
That was a really, really good chapter, but hoo boy that fucked me up real bad and I need to get some thoughts off my chest before I go to sleep.  Tumblr is the best place to post this; I’m not spending $8 on Twitter Blue to type this out.
First off, more eugenic stuff yay...  This time with Rei’s family, the Himuras.  So, turns out that Geten (the ice villain following Re-Destro) is a part of that family which means that he’s the Todoroki’s cousin at best.  I think Rei would’ve said something if he was her brother. 
And that the Himura’s have been inbreeding to keep their bloodline “pure” and their ice Quirk in tact...  And forced marriages were also desperate attempts to keep this in check.  UM WHAT THE FUCK, HORIKOSHI???  I’m not saying this is a bad thing story-wise, but it makes the Todoroki Family situation so, so much worse if that was even possible.  And sadly they’re not the only family to do this... 
So, if Rei was a product of inbreeding, then (and correct me if I’m wrong) the Todoroki children are technically inbred too on top of being born out of a quirk marriage to begin with INCLUDING SHOUTO WHO’S BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH (I need to clarify that I’m not criticizing Rei or her kids, it’s not their faults. I’m criticizing the practice of inbreeding itself).  I feel ill just thinking about that.  This is some royal family shit that should never be a thing to begin with.  I don’t care if marrying your 2nd cousin shouldn’t fuck up the kids too badly, it’s still extremely fucked up period!  This is honestly worse than the quirk marriage imo and that was bad enough as it was.  I kind of wish Horikoshi didn’t include this because it’s sadly kind of warpping my perception of them, but I’m not going to fly over to Japan and throw hands with him over it.
And this puts more context into why Rei chose to marry Enji because agreeing to be bought into a marriage with Endeavor to create the perfect offspring with Fire and Ice is somehow better than MARRYING YOUR FUCKING COUSIN AND HAVING A CHILD WITH THEM!  She never had a good choice to begin with; she just chose the best one that was given to her.  God, I feel bad for this woman.
I honestly need a few days to process this because it was dropped so casually and now I need to sit down and think of the implications of it while working on my finals 🥲
Onto Dabi who is fighting his dad with like half of his body remaining.  How the hell this man is alive is a goddamn mystery because he looks like a burning skeleton.  And this whole thing has caused his Quirk to evolve to the point where he’s now producing ICE ❄️!  HE HAS AN ICE QUIRK NOW TOO!  IT’S EXACTLY THE THING ENDEAVOR WANTED THIS WHOLE TIME AND NOW HE HAS IT IN THE WORST WAY POSSIBLE!  I WANT TO SCREAM!  SHOUTO AND DABI ARE REALLY 2 SIDES OF THE SAME COIN! 
There really is no way of knowing if Touya would’ve unlocked this part of his Quirk if he trained more with Endeavor, but the fact that he actually had the potential to become exactly what he was born for is devastating.  He could’ve been what his father wanted him to become, but his Quirk was too dangerous to himself to try.  If this happened, Natsuo and Shouto might not have been born (I’m glad they were born tbh), but at least the family would’ve been spared a shit ton of trauma.
Oh, and it looks like that massive fire punch he threw at Endeavor completely burned off his right arm and now he’s right armless like Endeavor.  That one panel of them “dancing” with right fire arms is haunting.  You could write a whole short essay on that panel.  Horikoshi loves parallels and I do too.
Honestly, I really expected Horikoshi to just kill off Endeavor and Dabi at the same time this chapter.  It looked like that’s where it was going.  There are a lot of ways their fates could be going and I can see it happening all those ways.  Personally, I want them to live at least until Shouto finally gets there.  I think Horikoshi is setting up that “Todoroki Family Reunion” he’s been planning since Chapter 300 or something especially with Rei entering the battle field.  What happens next is something we’ll have to wait for.  I want Endeavor to live honestly.  But, I can definitely see Dabi dying at the end because I really don’t think he’s going to survive at this rate.  Horikoshi cooked him too well 😂😭.
And finally REI TODOROKI!!!  The block or whatever her and her family were being transported in was stopped right below Gunga Mountain last chapter and they were forced to go up to the surface to make sure they avoid Dabi’s fiery explosion.  That’s why she’s up on the surface to begin with.  I do want to know how the hell she got to the battlefield so quickly though.  I don’t see her as a fighter, but maybe she trained her Ice Quirk to glide on it like Shouto does.  I’m really curious to see what she does because she does hold some responsibility for how Dabi turned out and I think she’s trying to atone in a way too.  This better not mean she’s dying though.  I don’t need the Todorokis to deal with more trauma, especially Shouto.
Anyways, there’s a lot to unpack in this chapter and there’s probably more to dive into.  Um, I’m glad to see Mr. Compress again like Horikoshi promised.  He’s probably still assless though.  Where are the 2nd year UA students you promised, sir???  But, yeah, the Todoroki drama continues to be more and more fucked up by the weeks.  Please let this family have peace one day I’m begging  🙏.
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herofics · 8 months
I had this insane dream that would make for a good Dabi and Shigaraki story? You know “Gaston” from “Beauty and the Beast” 
So it’s based around between season five and six so Dabi or Shigaraki (separate stories,) have a S/O well Re-Destro and Trumpet find out about Shigaraki’s or Dabi’s S/O and they are upset about it and they pull off this “Gaston” crap like “ it’s not right for a villain to have a lover because we’re villains we don’t have time for that shit and this ‘lover’ of Shigaraki’s or Dabi’s and (she or they) are going to get in the way of our ‘evil plans’ ” type of crap.
So do you like try to blackmail and threaten the S/O to scare them off and end the relationship (she or them) with Shigaraki or Dabi but S/O doesn’t have the heart to tell them because they love Shigaraki or Dabi so much but then Shigaraki or Dabi found out on their own about what’s going on and they are pissed as hell about the whole situation and they confront Re-Destro and trumpet about it and those two are terrified as af and they leave Y/N alone.
plus even skeptic knew about what was going on and he’s on Y/N’s side, because even he knew it was wrong of them to try and get in between Shigaraki or Dabi and their S/O.
A/N: I really liked this request tbh, sorry it took so long though. The Shiggy one went a bit differently than what you requested but oh well. Not my best work but eeeeh, I didn’t want to work on it anymore, since I started writing this like a month ago
He already knew that the Meta Liberation Army people loved sticking their noses where they didn’t belong, but for god’s sakes. He normally wouldn’t care, but now that it involved him and you, he was pissed. This also explained the fact that you seemed to be distancing yourself from him.
He marched straight to your shared room and basically kicked the door open.
You had been sitting on the couch by the window, and almost dropped your phone when the door busted open.
“Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me?” Dabi growled as he approached you.
“Holy shit Dabi, you don’t need to give me a heart attack to get my attention” you said with a mildly annoyed tone. “Also what are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talkin about. That Trumpet guy has been tryin to get rid of you, hasn’t he?”
“Well he hasn’t tried to kill me or anything…” you downplayed the whole thing. “Besides, how did you even find out? I doubt he told you”
“That goth with all the computers told me. He loves to gossip apparently” Dabi rolled his eyes.
“Oh, I see. He does seem to know everything that’s going on around here” you grumbled.
“So, spill it” Dabi commanded.
You sighed and patted the spot on the couch next to you. Dabi sat down next to you and you explained: “Well, short version is, the MLA has big plans for you and they don’t need me to “get in your way” and “make you soft”, or something”
“What the hell?” Dabi groaned.
“Apparently their reasoning is that I take too much of your time, and you’d prioritize me over what you’re supposed to do. I don’t really know to be honest, they just don’t like me being with you”
“Those bastards…”
“It kind of got to me I guess. Of course the threats of violence had some part in it too, but I really don’t want to get in the way of what you need to do”
“First of all you’re not gettin in my way, and if you were, you wouldn’t be here. Second of all, I’m goin to burn that loud bastard alive”
“That’d be great, but I would rather you not incur the wrath of the rest of them, that’d just lead to more trouble”
“You think I care?” Dabi scoffed.
“Nope, but I thought I’d mention it anyway” you couldn’t help but smirk a little.
Dabi wasn’t going to let this stand. No one threatened his s/o and got away with it.
“I’m gonna go teach that Trumpet guy a lesson, he needs to learn to mind his business” Dabi shouted as he stomped out of the room.
“Oh boy” you muttered to yourself.
Dabi was intent on keeping his word. No one got to tell his partner what to do, well no one other than him.
He marched through the mansion in search of the damned politician, and when he finally got his hands on the man he did what he promised.
“You need to learn to mind your damn business. My relationships are none of your business” Dabi said as he decked the man in the nose.
“I’m just doing what’s best for the cause, you can’t fault me for that” he said as he held his now bloody nose.
“I don’t give a damn about why you did it, just know that you’re not going to do it again, or you’ll regret it” Dabi smiled manically, as he let go of the other man’s collar, making him stumble back.
“No, I won’t do anything, I swear” Trumpet promised.
“You’d better keep your word” Dabi hissed as he left the room. “Idiot”
~Shigaraki Tomura~
It’s not like he was the most attentive or observant guy around, but he wasn’t an idiot. He could feel you’d been getting more and more distant lately. He felt like he hadn’t seen you in days before you finally showed up at the hospital, about a day before he was supposed to start undergoing the experiments the doctor had planned for him.
“Haven’t seen you in a while” he said, staring out the window, not turning to look at you.
“How’d you know it was me?” you asked from the doorway
Shigaraki motioned towards your reflection in the window, still not looking at you.
“I’ve gotta come clean about something” you said as you walked up to him and placed your hand on his shoulder.
Shigaraki finally turned to look at you and he was surprised by what he saw. You were teary eyed and looked very upset.
“What is it? Who do I need to hurt?” he asked, with that familiarly malicious glint in his eyes.
You knew his malice wasn’t directed at you, but it still made you a bit nervous because you knew what usually followed. Someone was about to get hurt, badly.
“No, it’s not like that… Well maybe it is partly, but that’s not what I want to talk about” you sniffled, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. “I thought I could deal with this by myself, just do what he demanded and not cause you any trouble, but…”
“Who demanded?” Shigaraki had a feeling he already knew who you were referring to.
“Re-Destro” you muttered.
“That old man really doesn’t know how to keep his nose out of other people’s business” Shigaraki groaned. “What did he say to you?”
“He doesn’t want me to be with you, apparently I’m getting in the way of your greatness and potential and I have an unwanted influence on you. I don’t want to get in your way so I just kind of tried to stay away from you, the threats of violence added weight to his warning too” you explained reluctantly.
“Did he hurt you?” Shigaraki asked, sounding like he had to force the words from between his teeth.
“No” you lied, really hoping you wouldn’t make the situation any worse. “I just felt like I needed to tell you before whatever the doctor has planned for you, in case something happens…”
You already regretted telling him, because you knew he would gladly retaliate on your behalf even if you told him not to. You should have just kept your mouth shut, but there was no taking it back now.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to me, and after it’s all done, I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch to make sure he never even looks your way again” Shigaraki assured.
“That might be overkill” you rolled your eyes with a sniffle. “At least let his serve his purpose in the war, he can die after that”
“You’re too nice to someone who threatened you, he doesn’t deserve it” Shigaraki sighed with an annoyed tone and pulled you into a hug, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I’ll make sure he knows not to come anywhere near you before I’m back”
“Thank you Tomura” you smiled. “Also, I’m not being nice, I’m being practical”
“Whatever you say” he rolled his eyes.
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romantichomicide95 · 2 months
20 and 56 for the self-ship asks 🤔 for all of your loves btw. give me everything 👀
YAYYYYY. lmao me getting excited. i have like more than 3 self ships tbh cause im a whore. but ill keep it to the main boys + dabi cause i love talking about dabi and i’s toxic relationship 😇
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship:
i don’t self-ship correctly with levi in the sense i think id love him too much and he’d love me but he has trouble reciprocating the intense feelings i have therefore the song dizzy on the comedown-turnover has always made me think of us. me wanting something so deep and pleading for him essentially.
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
levi: she gets turned on by little things i do that aren’t sexual, she’s weird. but whatever works.
me: levi likes my ass so i make sure to flaunt it, he also gets going whenever i sit on his lap. loves when i play with his hair when we kiss.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship:
no one else- indian lakes. basically wanting to be with this person and getting lost in the moment because the love is so deep.
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
megumi: when we kiss if i grip her waist she really loves that, also if i kiss this specific spot on her neck.
me: i run my fingers over his abs, sometimes absentmindedly and sometimes on purpose :).
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship:
mine-bazzi because satoru is super flirty and sexual and i’m obsessed with him. we both a bit possessive as well. also then i met her -ekkstacy for the lone “but when you knock on my door i smile, i hope you can stay awhile”
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
satoru: kiss her, touch her, smile at her. she’s really easy to get going. i also have this trick where i ghost my fingers along her upper thigh, just in the right spot.
me: kissing him usually does the trick. putting my hair in a ponytail for some reason drives him nuts. sexting as well.
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship:
i haven’t thought about it but bad romance-lady gaga comes to mind. because we are in love even if we know our relationship is toxic, we can’t let each other go.
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
dabi: i just tell her i wanna fuck and she listens.
me: i guess i have a few things i do, wearing skimpy clothes or lingerie.
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
Bratty sub shigaraki that needs to be put in his place mmmmmmmmmmm
Oh god, this means I’m gonna get sub Shigaraki asks today huh-? I’m fine with it but how many am I gonna get-
I hate how this turned out but I’m not a big smut writer anyway since I get a lot of fluff asks, so I can’t really expect much lol
Minors DNI (Nsfw under the cut)
Shigaraki x GN! Reader
Basically just jerking him off tbh
“Awww, someone got cocky, didn’t you Tomu?” You asked, but you didn’t really expect him to answer anyway.
You had him on his stomach with you sitting on his back. Usually training with him was a little more exciting, but it seems like he was just out of it today.
“Get off of me, you’re fucking suffocating me.” He snapped.
“Rude much?”
“Shut up and let me out.”
You flipped him onto his back, now sitting on his chest, your shorts not doing a very good job at covering your thighs. He couldn’t help the faint blush that appeared on his face, though he hoped you didn’t notice.
“Someone’s got an attitude today, huh? Say please and I’ll help you with that.” You joked, still on top of him, “just tell me that I’m better and I’ll get off of you.”
In truth, he didn’t really want you to get off of him. At least not when he could see your legs spread, even if it was just to pin him down. He couldn’t help his wandering mind.
“Hey, perv, maybe pop a boner somewhere else.” You said, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He just wanted to disappear.
“Then get the fuck off of me! The fuck do you expect when you’re like this, slut.” He spat out.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but you had already shoved a few fingers in, just to shut him up.
“Eh, maybe, but you can’t even get a slut like me to fuck you apparently. Not like this at least.” You chuckled, grabbing his tongue with the fingers that were in his mouth.
You quickly removed your fingers and replaced them with your lips instead, shoving your tongue into his mouth before he could process what you were doing.
Well, all he knew now was that you were kissing him.
He didn’t know what to do. He just laid there, tongue limp while you desperately tried to get every taste of him that you could. There was a string of saliva connecting you when you pulled away.
“Slut. You’re so desperate for cock aren’t you?” He said, “if that’s what you want, try Dabi, I’ve got standards at least.”
“Then how’d this happen, huh Shig?” You asked, reaching behind you and trailing a finger along the bulge in his pants. “It’s only us here. Would you care to explain?”
He stayed silent, desperately trying to hold back a loud whine as you started palming his cock through his jeans. The fabric of his boxers would be stained by now, and it did very little to stop the growing wet spot on his jeans. The denim was practically rubbing him raw through his boxers.
“I could use you like a slut would, but like you said, you have standards. You wouldn’t dare be enticed by a slut like me, huh Shig?” You said, ending it with a smirk. “Even I’ve got standards. So give me one reason I should give you what you want…”
You pulled your hand away, ignoring the liquid on them. You sat there with that devilish smirk he loves hates. The room fell silent, and the air seemed to grow heavier by the second, almost as if it was trying to suffocate him.
He opened his mouth to talk, but again, your mouth covered his. He tried to be in control, but every time he moved, your legs clamped down harder around his torso. Your hands threatened to break his arms with every attempt to push you off, each failed attempt only resulting in a tighter grip. He was sure he’d have bruises, each one would serve a reminder that he barely had any control over you
It wasn’t his ideal situation, but he could make it work.
His mind goes blank every time your chest is against his. He could feel his cock ache for attention, but with your current position, he couldn’t even get a little bit of friction.
If he was just a little bit faster, he could’ve been the one on top, and you would’ve been under him, unable to resist him.
He can’t help his wondering eyes when you pull back after what seemed like forever. You’re right in front of his face, giving him a front row seat for him to see everything you had to offer. Almost everything actually.
You pulled him up by his shirt, making sure he was eye level with you, but you didn’t let him sit up. If he did, he could throw you off of him, and your little game would come to an end. It was just so fun to watch him try to resist, you couldn’t stop now!
“Say you’ll be my good boy, and I’ll let you undress me.” You said, voice low yet quiet.
You waited, but nothing was said after that.
“Eh, that’s fine. Have a nice day Tomura!” You giggled, letting go of his shirt. His head and back hit the ground as you got off of him.
You were leaving..?
You can’t! He didn’t get to finish yet!
“Wait-“ he said, making you stop in your tracks, “I-… I’ll be a good boy if you stay…” he whispered. It was barely audible at all, but you heard it just fine.
His sad, desperate eyes seemed to glow even more with every step you took towards him. Each sway of your hips, whether it was intentional or not, only served to excite him further, already eager to see what you’d do to him.
Instead though, you stopped halfway, just barely out of his reach. Each failed attempt to grab your hand or the bottom of your shirt only made you step back further. You only stopped once your back was against the wall, which he quickly took advantage of. To his surprise though, he was quickly turned and pinned to it instead of you.
“It’s not the best, but I can make it work.” You said, voice low against his ear as you slipped a hand under his shirt.
He tensed up, slightly pushing down against your hand. It didn’t feel bad, it was just new to him. He started to speak, only to be silenced by your hand over his mouth. He could feel your eyes on him as you lifted his shirt up higher, just to see what you were working with.
He was definitely as thin as he looked, but it didn’t really matter. He’d get better over time if he had the proper care.
Your hand dipped under the waistband of his pants, just barely brushing over his weeping tip as he let out a soft, muffled groan. His breath was hot against your hand with every shaky exhale. Every time you moved, he’d tense up immediately.
He stayed quiet, letting you look him over before you started to fiddle with the zipper on his jeans. At this point, it was wet to the touch, and his boxers were probably stained by now.
“A-are you sure about this? About me..?” He asked, his voice cracking every other word. It was hard to believe such a pretty thing like you would even think about touching him so intimately.
You didn’t answer to his disappointment, but it quickly disappeared the second he felt your hand brush against his bare cock.
You were willingly touching him!
If this was a dream, don’t ever wake him up.
Your hand was already coated with his precum, just from a quick, simple touch. It almost made you laugh.
“Last chance to back out baby boy. Just remember, I won’t exactly be gentle with you.” You said with that tone he loved so much. He quickly opened his mouth to speak, but opted for just shaking his head instead.
You pulled your hand away from his mouth, your breath hot against his neck as you slowly wrapped your fingers around his shaft. Simple, featherlight kisses had his head spinning. To him, it seemed more unbelievable than the thought of you jerking him off.
Your pace was tantalizingly slow, he almost started crying. Every time he tried to speak, you’d speed up just enough for a small whimper to be let out instead.
“Just- fuck, just a little faster, please! That’s all I’m asking for! I’ll repay the favor if you go just a bit faster!” He whined, thrusting his hips ever so slightly up into your hand for even the smallest increase in friction.
One quick kiss to his lips, and your motions sped up. His head was thrown back, and his eyes were shut tight. Sure, if it was his hand, he could’ve gone much faster. But there was just something about you touching him that made it better. Maybe he was just tired of the feeling of his own rough skin.
He bit his lip hard in an attempt to suppress some of the noise he made. Small drops of blood seeped out and mixed with the drool that slipped past his lips, each little drop was quickly swept up by you.
Just as he was about to finish, you pulled your hand back. Precum seeped from the tip, but not his full load. The loss of your warmth alone almost made him cry.
“Maybe next time, don’t insult me, and maybe I’ll let you finish.”
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delicrieux · 3 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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gourmetrat · 3 years
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Obey Me
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You and Bakugo wake up in a hazen state in an unfamiliar room. It’s in this room where your captor, Dabi, tells you exactly what he wants from the two of you.
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warnings: DARK CONTENT, captor!Dabi, captured!pro-hero Bakugo, captured!pro-hero f!reader, non-con, drugging, spoilers for Bakugo’s hero name, threats/coercion, burning (quirk use), threats of killing, implied spoilers of Dabi’s identity, oral (m!receiving), a little mlm??
word count: 1,996
author’s note: another repost from my old blog what a surprise!! also tbh i’ve only seen two seasons of mha and i just have my friend keep me up to date with spoilers oop. anyways if you liked this fic interact with me and i’ll make out with you in return
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Your head was pounding as you woke up to the feeling of someone shaking you.
“Y/N? Y/N wake up dammit,” Bakugo said, looking down at you in your hazen state.
“Where are we?” You groaned.
Bakugo helped you sit up and leaned you against the brick wall of the cell. The air in the room sat heavy on your shoulders. How did you two end up here?
The room was close to the size of a college dorm, with the only source of light coming from a bare lightbulb on the ceiling, casting a yellow glow which reflected off of the polished cement floor.
“I have no clue,” Bakugo sighed, “I think someone slipped us something while we were staking out the bar.”
“That explains the headache,” you thought to yourself. “Do you have any idea who did this to us?”
Right as Bakugo opened his mouth to answer, the heavy metal door swung open, “well it’s nice to see the two of you awake.”
You grimaced, Dabi.
Bakugo scowled at him, “I’m gonna make you fuckin’ regret doing this to us.”
Dabi raised his brows mockingly, “really? I’d love to see you try. Though,” he cradled his elbow as he tapped his lip in thought, “I think it would be hard to fight with the rohypnol and quirk suppressants I slipped you back at the bar.”
He crouched down in front of Bakugo and squished his cheeks, “you’re shit out of luck this time.”
As Dabi stood back up Bakugo tried activating his quirk, but to no avail. Your heart was racing, you were usually quick to come up with a plan, but you were drawing blanks this time. The rohypnol was already waging a war inside your body, making your movements sluggish and your head ache. On top of that, the two of you were rid of your quirks for the time being.
“What do you want from us?” You asked, glaring at Dabi who was still crouched down in front of Bakugo.
Dabi clapped his hands together and grinned, “I want to have some fun with the two of you!”
You grimaced, his version of “fun” would surely be hell for you and Bakugo.
“You two are going to make me feel good.”
Make him feel good?
“What the hell does that mean?” Bakugo spat.
“Well I’m so glad you asked Mr. Dynamight! Let me show you,” as Dabi unzipped his pants, he grabbed you by the hair to guide your face to his half hard cock.
“Suck,” he demanded as Bakugo looked on in horror.
You looked up at him disbelievingly, “what the fuck?”
Dabi allowed blue flames to lick his palm, “you can either suck me off, or I’ll burn his face off.”
Bakugo cringed at the threat, “don’t do it Y/N.” Despite Dabi’s intimidation, Bakugo couldn’t just sit back and watch him violate you.
“What an altruist!” Dabi laughed before looking down at you again, “I’ll offer one more time, just because I’m so moved by his selflessness. You can either suck my dick or—”
“I’ll do it,” you blurted out.
“What the fuck Y/N?” Bakugo barked.
The injuries Dabi threatened Bakugo with could easily be fatal. If all this sick fuck wanted was his dick wet then so be it.
You gingerly grabbed his dick, the underside of it being adorned by several piercings. You pumped his shaft a few times to make his cock fully erect before taking him into your mouth. You teased each piercing with your tongue before bobbing your head up and down on him. You felt disgusting when you heard him moan, but it was for Bakugo’s sake.
“You better watch her suck my dick or I’ll burn her pretty face,” Dabi warned Bakugo. He had his head hung in an attempt to avoid the scene in front of him and offer you a sliver of privacy, even if it meant virtually nothing in this situation. Bakugo picked his head up and looked at the display in front of him, your eyes were wide and filled with fear. You had spit running down the sides of your mouth, and your hair was messy from Dabi pulling on it.
“Good boy,” Dabi praised before bringing his hand to your temple, “but unfortunately I’m still gonna have to punish her.”
He looked down at you menacingly, “because I never told you to stop sucking.”
You gasped around his dick as he burned you, the smell of burnt skin invading your nose.
Bakugo glared at him, body still too weak to get up and try to fight, “I did what you said, don’t fucking touch her again.”
You resumed sucking Dabi’s cock as he spoke, “if you act out again Dynamight, I’m going to leave another burn on her cute face. And I don’t think any of us want that.”
You looked over at Bakugo, eyes wide and pleading with him to just try and keep his cool.
Dabi soon became bored of your pace and began face fucking you. You gagged each time the head of his cock hit the back of your throat.
“Doesn’t she look pretty taking my cock like this?” Dabi asked, looking at Bakugo.
When Dabi looked over though, Bakugo’s head was hung low again. He just couldn’t bear to see you being defiled in such a way.
“What the fuck did I say about watching?” Dabi snarled.
He shoved you off of his cock and to the ground before making his way over to Bakugo. He pulled his hair to make him look up, “I don’t like bad boys who misbehave.”
“I was originally going to just have her suck my dick and let my boss handle you two afterwards, but you just had to push my buttons, didn’t you?”
Dabi made his way back over to you, yelping as he forcefully ripped your clothes off.
“Please, no,” you begged as Dabi positioned you into doggy style, deepening your arch with the heel of his boot.
“Since you’re not a fan of watching, I’m going to fuck her. I’m going to fuck her so good that she’ll be screaming my name and you’ll have no choice but to look up.”
Dabi got onto his knees with both of his hands on your ass, spreading your cheeks apart, and spat on your cunt. You whimpered as he rubbed his saliva around your hole.
He snickered, “hell, I think she would’ve been fine even if I didn’t spit. Is the little slut all wet just from sucking the big, bad villian’s cock?”
Dabi spat into his hand and pumped his cock before lining himself up with your hole. He hissed as he slowly pushed into you, “so fuckin’ tight.”
You whimpered as his cock stretched you out, the piercings on the underside of his cock grazing your g-spot. He started off slow, taking his entire dick out save for the tip before thrusting back into so his hips met your ass.
This languid pace didn’t last, he soon began speeding up, his cock plunging in and out of you at a rapid pace. You cried out each time his head grazed your cervix.
The sound of skin slapping and your quiet whimpers filled Bakugo’s ears, he still couldn’t bear to look up and see you in such a vulnerable state.
Your face flushed with embarrassment when Dabi brought his calloused finger to your clit, forcing a loud moan out of you, “D- Dabi! Please, no.”
“What a naughty girl, she likes havin’ her lil’ clit touched!” Dabi jeered.
He spared a glance over at Bakugo who still refused to look.
Anger swirled inside of Dabi at his disobedience. Did this fucker really not give a shit about your life? Dabi brought his hand down onto your ass, igniting his flames right as his hand hit. Dabi roughly pushed you off his dick before grabbing Bakugo by his shirt collar, “you think it’s fun to disobey me?”
He pointed at you, “look at how well behaved she is. She’s doing all of this for you, you know? But even with how good she’s being, she still has to be punished because you don’t know how to listen.”
Dabi stood up and crossed his arms over his built chest, “put her on her back and take her.”
Both of your eyes widened at his demand, he wanted Bakugo to fuck you?
“Even if you close your eyes while fucking her, you can’t escape the feeling of her cunt around you.”
Dabi crouched down behind you, draping his arms over your shoulders and groped your breast smiling, “and if you don’t fuck her… I’ll kill her in front of you.”
Bakugo looked so different above you. It pained you to see the usual tough man with so much hurt displayed on his face, “I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
You took a deep breath, “just do it.”
Dabi slowly stroked his cock as he watched Bakugo enter you. Your brows knitted together at the stretch, despite being fucked ruthlessly by Dabi moments prior. Bakugo let out a small groan as he bottomed out, he felt dirty for finding pleasure in this.
He would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about what you would feel like under him, but he never expected he would find out this way, in this situation.
You whined and gripped Bakugo’s biceps as he rolled his hips against yours, you could feel the veins of his cock drag against your walls as he moved.
“I’d like to see a little more effort,” Dabi mused, dragging out his words.
You screwed your eyes shut as Bakugo quickened his pace. He let out groans above you, his breathy pants hitting your face.
“F- fuck,” he breathed, “I’m close.”
“Cum inside of her,” Dabi ordered.
At this point, Bakugo knew better than to protest against Dabi’s wishes. He couldn’t bear to see you take another hit from the man all because he was too headstrong.
After a few more thrusts, his hips stuttered as he stilled inside you, you whined at the feeling of his hot cum filling you.
You grabbed the back of Bakugo’s neck to pull his head down, “it’s okay,” you reassured. You knew those two words would do little to quell the guilt festering inside of him, but it was the least you could offer him at the moment.
Dabi grabbed the blonde’s hair while he was still inside of you, bringing his face to his cock, “usually I don’t let naughty boys suck my cock, but I think our pretty girl has been through enough today.”
Bakugo opened his mouth to argue but was cut off as Dabi shoved his cock into his mouth, forcing him to take it. You looked up in disbelief at Dabi face fucked Bakugo, whose cock was still inside of you, plugging you up with his cum.
Tears pricked the corners of Bakugo’s eyes as Dabi used his mouth harshly. Spit dribbled down his chin as he gagged repeatedly around his dick. Dabi groaned as he neared his peak.
Bakugo whined pathetically as Dabi brought his mouth to the base of his cock, his nose grazing the red hair adorning his pubic bone. He came down Bakugo’s throat, giving him no option but to swallow every drop.
Bakugo gasped for air as Dabi pushed him off.
“I think I’ll have to negotiate with my boss so I can have another session with the two of you,” he said, zipping his pants up.
You were curled up against the wall, hugging your knees to your chest as you watched Bakugo kneel where Dabi had abused his mouth, looking at the ground defeated.
“I’m sure this is a given, but don’t you two try to have any fun without me, or you’ll face an even worse punishment than me burning you,” were Dabi’s last words as he slammed the metal door shut.
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rat-typewriter · 2 years
My Hero Academia Boys with a shy!S/O
A/N: Sorry this isn’t a request, I just wanted to write something!!
Warnings: Swearing, Dabi being dabi i guess?? Also this isn’t proof read because i’m tired ok
Characters: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Hitoshi Shinso, Denki Kaminari, Dabi
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Deku honestly doesn’t mind your quietness at all - he just worries that sometimes people might overlook you or treat you like a doormat 
He always makes an effort to quietly ask your opinion when you might not feel comfortable speaking up in a group
He’s also super good at knowing when you’re uncomfortable and he’s more than happy to discretely (or awkwardly,, but he’s trying) create an excuse to leave any situation
When you’re nervous he knows all the right things to do (reassuring eye-contact across the room, squeezing your hand etc.)
He’s a very calming presence, but he’s never condescending because he’s also super awkward really 
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Ok so right off the bat,,, bakugou won’t have been nice when you guys first met. Your reserved nature would probably infuriate him more than anything - which means no matter your skill level as a hero, he immediately would deem you to be a rival
Over time, your quietness would actually lead to you being one of his closer friends - initially because you didn’t get on his nerves for talking too much, but later because he realises he actually really values your opinion
Since you are much more sparing with your words than the average person, for some reason he finds a very strong need to listen when you speak
He’s impressed by how insightful you are, and the way that you remember every little detail people tell you.
Tbh if you say something and others talk over you,, this man will definitely tell them to shut up and repeat what you said louder for people to hear
People learn to respect you and the more time you spend with bakugou, you gain a more quiet-but-somewhat-threatening aura
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Shinso is the kind of person who only speaks when he has something to say, so immediately he’s a great person to have around if you’re shy
Like bakugou, his intimidating presence is enough to scare off anyone who might try to undermine you or take advantage of your nervousness. Despite not exactly being chatty, he’s very assertive when he needs to be and will happily tell anyone to get lost of they’re at all malicious
He really appreciates your skills as a listener, and over time - he’ll open up to you more about his insecurity. But alongside this, he wants to hear about you and your life - he’s the kind of guy who will sit and listen for hours while you talk.
Early on when you guys start dating, he’ll make you a playlist full of music that reminds him of you. He often finds that music can express his thoughts better than words, so music is a pretty big part of you guys’ relationship
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Unfortunately, if you get flustered easily - Denki will immediately pick up on it. Like he flirts a bit with everyone, but the second that you blush when he flirts with you this man is simping
Like he now will make a point out of dropping you a wink or a pick-up line every time he sees you - so get ready to blush a lot
As you guys become better friends, he’ll probably lighten up on the flirting a bit, since he becomes more nervous around you and starts to worry what you think of him. If you also start seeming uncomfortable or anxious when he flirts he’ll definitely stop straight away, he just really wants you to like him and to enjoy being around him
If you aren’t keen on bigger groups of people, he’ll make sure that he can spend a lot of one-on-one time with you (taking you to the cinema, bowling, restaurants, galleries etc.)
When he finally asks you out officially,, he’ll probably actually be the more nervous one and his face will be super red for once instead!!
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Dabi is another guy who is only going to take your easily flustered nature as a challenge to discompose you more. However, unlike Denki, he’s going to be a lot more confident about it
Like there is basically no force on earth that can fluster this man,, so even if you retaliate,, he might just laugh at you. 
He likes trying to make you lose your focus whilst youre on missions. Like he’ll whisper in your ear when you’re supposed to be staying quiet and he might stand unnecessarily close to you when you’re being stealthy
Despite his teasing, he takes your safety and happiness very seriously - like he knows that there you have boundaries and there are lines he won’t cross
He also won’t stand for anyone mistreating you or intimidating you, either. It isn’t at all uncommon for him to threaten (or worse) to anyone that has the nerve to make you uncomfortable
Although he’s very protective, he knows that you can look after yourself though. And also,, he’s weirdly supportive of your confidence growing (but like not in an obvious way,, more in like a ‘that’s my girl’ way when you tell someone to fuck off
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realcube · 3 years
moan in their ear prank with bnha boys 🎵
navi | taglist | masterlist 
all characters aged up!
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characters: kirishima, bakugo, hawks & dabi
content warning: heavy sexual references, swearing, choking - minors dni
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eijiro kirishima
♡ you were just sitting next to kirishima on couch and then the idea just popped into your head so you just leaned in and..did it
♡ i mean, y’all were in the privacy of your own home and you decided against filming it so what was the worst that could happen ?
♡ he faltered and his eyes popped out of their sockets for a moment-
♡ but then he was like..no...my precious, innocent, sweet, angel s/o would NEVER moan in my ear like that...i must’ve just misheard them
♡ so he felt really bad for a second for mishearing what you said as a moan so he’d turn to look at you with a trembling jaw like, ‘uh- what was that, babe?’
♡ RETRGFYUIKJH mans just gave you permission to lean in and do it again !!!
♡ so you did 
♡ and this time his heart literally skipped a beat bc in his mind he just realised that...oh, my precious, innocent, sweet, angel s/o would moan in my ear like we’re in a porno
♡ he wasn’t ready to accept that fact yet though so he finally choked out his final inquiry, ‘is there something wrong with your throat, baby? do you want me to get you some soothers?’
♡ although that may seem like a kind, caring offer, the sinister and condescending tone in his voice suggested otherwise - he literally just wanted you to tell him that you didn’t moan in his ear like a hoe....
♡ ‘there’s nothing wrong with my throat, kiri.’ you couldn’t help but sigh at how oblivious he was acting, ‘do you want me to do it again?~’ you cooed upon noticing his eyebrows furrowing slowly.
♡ as much as kirishima wanted to pound you till you’re crying for flustering him like that, he forced himself to suppress said urges and instead just crack a honeyed smile, ‘maybe save those beautiful sounds for bed, hm?’
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katsuki bakugo
♡ geez you must have some balls if you are willing to try this prank on bakugo
♡ but you don’t even bother try record it bc you know that your phone will be blown to smithereens 
♡ plus, his reaction is for your entertainment only :)
♡ so you approach him at his desk while he is doing paperwork and ruffle his hair like you usually do before leaning down to his ear - except this time, instead muttering something supportive like ‘your doing such a good job, baby’ or ‘shall i cut you some fruit?’, you just moan in the most pornographic way possible
♡ the pen he was holding exploded and ink went every where
♡ he literally just stared into the void for a moment to process what just happened before turning to you and barking profanities, ‘what the fuck was that?! are we living in a porno now?! how damaged is your tiny, little pea br--’
♡ honestly, he wasn’t even mad at you for the action of moaning
♡ he was just mad that you were able to incite a reaction from him - that you were clearly amused by - and how said reaction leaded to him breaking his favourite pen and getting ink all over himself, the wall and the documents he was working on 
♡ at this point, you kinda zoned him out until he nudged your shoulder, asking if you were even listening to him, to which you responded, ‘you’re so rude, bakugo. it was just a little prank. it’s not my fault that you have pen-breaking issues.’
♡ RGFDDTYHGH that only made it worse
♡ not only did you have the audacity to moan in his ear like you were some slut, but now you were calling him by his second name as if y’all haven’t been married for the last two years! like bitch- that’s your second name too now!
♡ you swiftly turned around to leave the room in a huff (to get a cloth in order to clean the mess bakugo made) but he made the mistake of grabbing your shoulder and spinning you around so you could lay your eyes on his bright red face and throbbing erection
♡ ‘who the fuck are you calling ‘bakugo’?! why the hell did i pay for an expensive ass ring if you’re just going to call me ‘bakug--HEY STOP STARING AT MY DICK WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?’
♡ anyway *cue rough angry sex*
♡ also y’all are both rich asf so the ink on the walls weren’t really a problem- you just said fuck it and bought a new house 
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♡  y’all prank each other all the time tbh so he’s developed somewhat of an immunity by now
♡ toothpaste oreos he literally smelt it out
♡ when you said another guys’ name in bed he simply fucked you silly till you couldn’t talk anymore <3
♡ and the ‘you could’ve been nicer to me today’ thing, he literally just flipped you of bc hE KNEW IT WAS A PRANK ><
♡ however, he has to admit, you really got him with this one 😳
♡ partially bc he thought you had retired form trying to prank him due to your past failed attempts so this one really came out of no where and caught him off-guard 
♡ which was exactly your plan from the beginning 😈
♡ so you were just sitting across from him at the dinner table, (except he was the only one eating - you just liked to accompany him) scrolling when a tiktok popped up of a girl trying the prank on her girlfriend and you knew it must’ve been a sign from god that you NEED to do this prank on him
♡ so you got up from your chair and casually walked by him to head to your bedroom but not without leaning in to moan in his ear first 
♡ luckily your support course education came in handy and you successfully performed the heimlich maneuver on him 
♡ bitch he was scarred for life after that 
♡ he heard the sounds of an angel ring in his ear and he wasn’t sure if that was you or the ones from heaven that he was boutta meet 
♡ he just kinda just that there are stared into the void like ◉_◉ for an hour after that tbh 
♡ revaluating ALL his life choices
♡ and you thought it was best to just...leave him be 
♡ but anyway once his little crisis was over he blew your back out lol ✨💗
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♡ he’s the only one that’d be chill about it tgfgfhujhnvb
♡ you probably had the idea lingering at the back of your mind and just decided to try it out today bc yk why tf not 
♡ so you crept up behind him while he was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone and just did the most anime girl moan you could muster
♡ he’d maybe chuckle if your anime girl impression was pretty accurate but besides that he’d just be like ‘eh, what was that? are you horny? bc you know if you’re horny i’m going to do something about it.’
♡ any excuse to smash
♡ he’d do it on the LOV couch as well he really has no shame 
♡ though on the outside he may look like :/ on the inside he is definitely :)
♡ just bc he is like ‘awh my bbg is actually being forward for once, good for them’ 
♡ and if you are not dtf or pretend then he’ll literally be so confused like ???huh????why would you moan then???? like how dare you???? you did this...for what????
♡ ugh fine he’ll take your cuddles instead 🙄 it’s not like he really really likes them and adores the way your hair smells or anything
♡ but if you let him hit then like tell shiggy that you won't be able to do any villain work in advance bc you won't be able to walk properly for a week after that
♡ he ain’t holding back this time either bc you’re clearly desperate for him
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inkykeiji · 3 years
i’ll keep you in mind, from time to time
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cactus anon said: had a little dream about daddy tomura, but it's when his princess gets sick... like very sick. seemingly out of nowhere. we know he's always cautious about your health and well being, so this is odd to say the least. you could have got it simply from getting the mail or sitting out on the balcony. well you see, daddy has a very strict rule when he's working - you mustn't disturb him when he's in a vital meeting. and you feel so ill that you know you can't just wait until he's done (whenever that will be - it's hard to tell sometimes). you feel like you have no choice but to ask for help 🥺 and there's not many people daddy would allow in his home to come see you when he's not present. except for... dabi...
genre: angst
notes: is this set in the bmb universe????? tbh, yeah, probably. i wrote this with bmb tomura and bmb dabi in mind (my mind just goes straight to bmb tomura the moment i see daddy tomura ehehe). do you need to read the monster that is bmb before reading this? absolutely not, since it’s technically a prequel of sorts! | title credit: moose blood’s first album ehehehe
warnings: sad boi dabi, very sick reader, it’s implied that tomura has cut her off from everyone she knows, pining, daddy kink, mention of drugs
words: 2.9k
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Nestled under Tomura’s fluffy comforter and curled in on yourself in his mammoth bed, your silk babydoll sticks to your damp, sweaty skin, teeth clattering together so violently it’s almost painful, even though your flesh is scalding to the touch. It’s a surprise that Daddy can’t hear it, that incessant clackclackclack echoing down the vacant halls, a surprise he didn’t come running immediately—like he always does—at the sound of your pitiful little whimpers as you burrowed deeper into his mattress.
He must be really, really busy today.
And you know better than to interrupt him when he’s really, really busy.
But—But it all hurts so much, head pounding with such vigour you can barely see straight, muscles aching and weak, a loud whine escaping your lips as you roll over, groping around in the blankets for your phone. It’s too bright when you finally locate it, eyes squinting and a hiss catching in your throat as you bring the screen too close to your face, quickly scrolling through your contacts in a desperate attempt to find someone—anyone—to come to your rescue.
You know you should wait. Really, you should. Your Daddy is jealous, and protective, and possessive, and there isn’t a doubt in your mind that he’s going to be upset when he finds out that you called someone else to take care of you.
But—But it could be hours until Daddy’s done with his work—sometimes he spends the entire night in that stupid wood-paneled office, and you can’t risk it. It’s terrifying, this nightmarish illness that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, with its sudden onslaught of concerning symptoms worsening by the second, and you’re beginning to wonder if something is seriously wrong, the thought sending icy spikes of anxiety shooting through your veins.
No, you can’t risk it—you can’t wait.
A thumb hovers over your mother’s name in hesitance, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth as you consider. Her place isn’t necessarily close, but she’s the relative that’d be able to reach you the fastest—even so, it’d take her at least two hours to get here, and that’s assuming there’s no traffic on the roads. But she isn’t exactly fond of your boyfriend, and the last thing you want to deal with while feeling like you’re dying is a fight between the two of them. You know how nasty they can get.
So you keep scrolling, fingers halting for a second time as your best friend’s name flies past your eyes.
It’s been months since you last spoke—Tomura being the topic of your last conversation, of your last fight. You’re spending too much time with him, they had claimed, eyes cloaked in a glossy sheen of tears as they frenetically searched your face, almost begging you to understand. It’s unhealthy! It’s unnatural! They had said with a vicious shake of their head. He has you in a fucking chokehold, can’t you see that?
Eyelids squeeze shut tightly against the familiar burn of tears, their last few words echoing through your mind, bouncing off the walls of your skull and reverberating, louder and louder and louder—
No. You can’t do this right now, your head throbbing in retaliation, a painful lump nestling into the column of your throat. It’s too much, too much, and you don’t want to think anymore, can feel that neediness rooting deep at the core of your body, a longing to just be taken care of and nurtured, frantically scrolling back up as urgent eyes search the names blurring by on the screen. A gasp falls from your lips as his name whirs by, fingers scrambling to scroll back down and find it again.
Daddy trusts Dabi, doesn’t he? Daddy likes Dabi, right? They’re friends, aren’t they? Out of all of the people you just scrolled through, Dabi is evidently the best choice, the most correct choice, is he not?
Your thumb trembles a little as it levitates over his name—you don’t know him well, have only spoken a mere handful of words to him in the six months you’ve been dating Tomura, but...but he appears to be your only hope.
His voice is rough when he answers, abruptly cutting through the dull second ring, evident surprise bleeding into it when you whimper out your name, mumbled against the receiver. He regains his composure a moment later, tone hardening as he asks you why the fuck you thought it’d be a good idea to call him, of all people.
Tears blur your vision, sniffling a little as you explain the situation, frail voice breaking as you tell him about how you’re terrified you’re dying, and Daddy’s too busy, and last time—last time you interrupted him you got in real big trouble, and he’s your only hope, you need him, and please, Dabi?
And God, he’s chuckling into your ear, low and hoarse and inspiring a flock of butterflies to soar through your stomach, a sensation you swear is from whatever sickness has infected your body. You’re so lucky you’re fucking cute.
He hangs up directly after that, doesn’t spare you a second to respond, arriving at in penthouse in ten minutes flat, and you’re not sure you’ve ever been happier to see his tattooed face.
“Jesus Christ,” he breathes when he sees you, curled up beneath the fluffy comforter, strands of hair shining with sweat and sticking to your skin. Pace quickening, he places his knuckles against your forehead, your sore eyes slipping shut at the cool relief his skin provides. A sharp hiss slips through his clenched teeth and he yanks his hand back, a soft whimper getting caught in your throat as you try to follow his touch.
A head of inky tousled hair shakes back and forth as he hastily leaves Tomura’s bedroom. Glass and ceramic clink together, the sound echoing down the hall, as Dabi roots around in the kitchen, swearing softly to himself when he can’t find what he’s looking for.
A cup of water is in his hands when he returns a few moments later, aspirin clutched in his other fist, still muttering under his breath about the thermometer not being where it’s supposed to be, and why the hell doesn’t Shigaraki have any cold and flu meds like, at all?
Perching on the edge of Tomura’s bed, he acts as if it’s such an inconvenience to him, as if he’s so annoyed that you’re sick and needy, but he really doesn’t hide it well enough. Because you see through his thinly veiled act even in your inebriated state—see the concern in his sapphire eyes as his eyebrows push together just a little, a tiny crease forming between them, see the way the corners of his lips keep pulling downwards with every single one of your pathetic little noises. A heavy sigh leaves his chest a moment later, body shuffling towards you, cobalt eyes still saturated with worry.
A large hand pets your sweaty hair, soft and gentle as the other tilts a glass of full water towards your lips, Dabi’s deep voice startlingly soft as he orders you to drink, princess.
And he doesn’t mean for the nickname to slip out, tells himself he only used it because he’s so accustomed to hearing Tomura use it—accustomed to hearing Tomura overuse it—panic’s sharp claws gripping his heart the moment it leaves his lips. But you seem too sick, too delirious, to notice or care, obediently swallowing the pills just like he told you to.
Good girl.
The praise just slips out too, those two simple words falling from his lips unconsciously, involuntarily, uncontrollably, and he chooses to focus on the fact that you drank the entire glass instead of the cute noise you make in response to his commendation, a trembling hand placing the empty cup on the oak bedside table.
The mattress dips as he prepares to get up, to move away, to put some much needed, necessary distance between the two of you, but a small, clammy hand catches his forearm, his entire body freezing in shock, stiff and still like a marble statue.
Sapphire eyes snap to the tiny hand gripping his arm, hyper-aware of the heat radiating off the sticky palm and seeping into his skin, and then dart to your face, wide and frenetic. What the fuck do you think you’re doing? he wants to snap, words turning to ash on his tongue. Because, Christ, you look like you’re about to fucking cry, staring at him through your lashes with those terrified eyes, begging him softly, shyly, not to leave.
“I’m not leaving,” he says with a roll of his eyes, yanking his arm free from your weak grasp, a soft whine escaping your lips as you grope the air for him again. “I’m 90 percent sure you have a dangerously high fever—there’s no way I’m going to leave you on your own until your asshole of a boyfriend is done doing whatever the fuck he’s doing. I’m just gonna move to that chair over there—”
“No!” you gasp, coughing on the word in your haste to reach for him again. “Please, stay, here,” you look down at the bed pointedly, gazing drifting back to his a moment later. “H-Here, with me,”
Dabi isn’t stupid. He knows Tomura will be seeing red the moment those scarlet eyes meet ice blue when he re-enters his bedroom from a day full of sifting through documents and yelling on conference calls. But when your boss’s plaything, his most prized possession, calls you in tears blubbering about how she’s sure she’s about to fucking die, well—coming by to take care of her is the lesser of two evils, don’t you think? Really, Tomura should be thanking him.
But Tomura returning from a day full of sifting through documents and yelling on conference calls to meet ice blue in his bed, next to said prized possession? Well, that’s a different story entirely.
He’s frozen as he mulls over it, your blunt nails digging soft, tiny crescents into his flesh, little marks that will fade only a few moments after you let go.
“I can’t do that,” he says softly, almost regretfully, and his tone of voice surprises him, startles him, scares him. Clearing his throat, he steels himself, pulling free from you again. “It isn’t right,”
“Please, Dabi,”
He’s sure you don’t miss the sharp, sudden intake of air sucked through his mouth when those two words leave your lips. He’s positive of it, because then you do it again.
“Please, Dabi,”
Your voice is softer this time, and the look he gives you is nearly heartbreaking, the perfect picture of a man being torn apart from the inside out, tortured and beautiful all at once.
“Just until I fall asleep?” You try to bargain, bottom lip pushing out into an involuntary pout. Crystal eyes hold yours for a second longer before he sighs, chest heaving with the force of it.
He isn’t happy about it, about his apparent inability to say no to you, grumbling about it the entire time—you’re such a little fucking brat, y’know that? and only until you fall asleep, understand?—as he settles back against Tomura’s stupidly massive headboard, body going rigid and words hitching in his throat the moment you latch onto one of his thighs, nuzzling your face into his hip.
And really, he should tell you to get the fuck off of him. He should push you away, scold you for such behaviour, remind you that it’s wrong. He should. He wants to.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can’t.
The realization has his heart pounding against his rib cage, breath stilling in his lungs and then accelerating, escaping his nostrils in short, quick huffs, lithe fingers curling in the cotton sheets underneath him. Don’t be a fucking coward, his inner voice growls at him, berating himself for such disgusting weakness. It doesn’t matter if she’s fucking sick, that isn’t an excuse!
Because that’s why he can’t find his voice, right? That’s why his fingers are twitching with the need to comb through your hair and caress you jaw, right? That’s why your cheek, burning hot through his black jeans as it snuggles into his upper thigh, sends a whole slew of unfamiliarity—excitement and terror and all sorts of things he doesn’t know how to explain, can’t begin to explain—rushing through his body, right?
Yes, that’s why. Of course that’s fucking why.
The thoughts cycle through his mind like a mantra, as if repeating them enough times, branding them into the tissues of his very brain itself, will make them true.
That’s why he allows you to sleep on him. That’s why his stomach flutters at the way your tiny fingers curl in the denim of his jeans as they readjust, pulling him closer. That’s why it feels like a zap of electricity buzzes through his veins as you murmur his name in your sleep, whimpering a little as your leg hitches over his calf.
That’s why. He’s sure of it.
His head snaps up the moment the double doors fly open, and he’s never been more relieved to see his boss’s face in his life.
Those crimson eyes scan the room twice—the first time quick, frantic and furious, the second slow, cold and calculating—before they finally connect with cobalt, gaze blazing.
“Care to explain to me what the fuck is going on here?”
“Oh thank God,” Dabi breathes, words slipping from his lips subconsciously, body shooting off of the bed as if the mattress had pierced him, his movements jolting you awake. “She called me,” he snaps before Tomura can speak again, bewildered ruby eyes darting between the two of you. “She’s sick as a fucking dog, boss,” the words are spit between clenched teeth, all those nasty feelings, the feelings delayed by you, no doubt—anger, hate, jealousy, melancholy—finally surfacing, bubbling and boiling in the center of his chest. “She was too scared to interrupt your work, so she called me,”
And Dabi can see it, the vicious jealousy that flashes in Tomura’s eyes, can see the way it makes his jaw clench, makes his molars grind together, makes his breath slice through the air with each sharp exhale through flared nostrils.
“Daddy,” you whine, tears collecting in your eyes, glimmering in the golden sunlight as it sinks beneath the horizon. “D-Daddy, it hurts, it hurts so much,”
All of the derision etched so deeply, so firmly into Tomura’s face melts away in an instant as you make grabby hands for him, fat tears rolling down your cheeks and leaving gleaming trails of salt water in their wake, little half-sobs of that stupid pet name hitching in your throat.
“Now that you are no longer preoccupied,” Dabi draws Tomura’s attention back towards himself, raising an eyebrow in challenge, daring his boss to retaliate. “I’ll be leaving. I trust that you can take care of her now, yeah?”
The words are practically snarled out, almost patronizing in tone, but he doesn’t wait for a response, tucking his head down as a shoulder knocks against his boss while stomping out of the room, heavy boots echoing throughout the quiet penthouse. Eyes squeeze shut tightly as he tries to ignore Tomura’s gentle coos, tries to ignore your cute, pathetic little wails and whimpers of Daddy, Daddy!, tries to ignore the sudden inexplicable ache that sears through his chest, settling deep at the core of his body and throbbing.
He can still smell you on his fucking skin, dainty notes of tiger orchid and toffee clinging to him. He promises himself he’ll hop in the shower and scrub any remnants of you off his flesh the moment he steps foot in his own apartment. He vows to himself that he’ll will this stupid, irksome feeling away—that he’ll rid himself of this irritating worry and unfamiliar concern the moment he gets home.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can’t.
Because no matter how hard he tries, he’s unable to get you out of his head, soft needy whines of his name and perfect pouty lips invading his mind like a virus, infecting all of his thoughts, worming their way through his brain like some sort of invasive parasite.
The whole excursion lasted a mere two hours, even though Dabi was sure he spent the entire day with you in that bed, leaving nearly his entire evening free, just like he wanted.
That is what he wanted, isn’t it?
Of course it is. Of course.
So why does he spend the entire night wondering if you’re okay, if Tomura is taking good care of you, if he called his personal doctor to come check and diagnose you? Why does he waste hours typing out a short text message to send to you, only to erase it and type it out again, over and over and over, chewing his bottom lip raw in the process? Why does he dream of you that night, of soft smiles and glittering eyes, cute giggles and tiny palms burning his skin, gentle whispers and Please, Dabi?
And he should be shoving these feelings away, should be burying them deep within himself, should be numbing them with soft white powder and pretty white pills, should be forgetting them.
But he doesn’t.
Because he can’t.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
So I've seen this future kids prompt pop up everywhere and I love it. Maybe Shouto, Shinsou, Iida and Dabi with their future kids ????
Ooooh I’ve read them as well! They’re so wholesome. I’m happy to oblige dear anon. Love ya. 💖💖💖
Todoroki Shouto
-He was on patrol with his father when someone bumped into him.
-When he looked down he saw a little girl with snow white hair, laying on the pavement.
-The little girl was crying, her hiccups echoing in his ears.
-His father had stopped a few paces in front of them, watching the scene unfold.
-Shouto knelt down, gently grabbing the girl by her elbows, steadying her as he looked at her.
-She looked...oddly familiar.
- “Are you okay?” he asked.
-At the sound of his voice the little girl snapped her head up, her dual-colored eyes meeting his own and she shot herself onto him, wrapping her little arms around his neck while continuing to whimper.
-Shouto was taken aback by the action, but what had him almost shaking was her eye colors.
-One grey and one e/c.
- “W-we n-need to f-f-find h-her!” she said between sobs. “S-she wasn’t w-w-with m-me when I-I-I woke up!!”
-Shouto wrapped his own arms around her small frame, trying to calm her down.
-Once she stopped sobbing, he untangled her from him.
- “Where are your parents, snowflake?” he couldn’t recognize his own voice due to the softness.
- “W-what do you mean, daddy??” long awkward pause. “And w-why are do you look so y-young?”
-This boy malfunctioned at the word ‘daddy’.
-What does she mean daddy? He’s a virgin for crying out loud!
-And above that he couldn’t bring himself to talk to his crush, aka you, without messing something up!
-How could he have a kid!?
-The little girl was looking at him with wide eyes, his eyes, like she was waiting for him to remember her.
- “What in the world are you talking about, girl?”
-Oh he had forgotten about his father being here.
-Without a word, Shouto scooped her up in his arms and told his father that he was going to take her somewhere safe.
-He was going to take her to you.
-An awkward silence enveloped them as the girl clutched his hero costume in her little fists.
- “So what’s your name?”
- “Ren...”
- “That’s a nice name.... And how old are you Ren?”
-”I’m four.”
-And so Shouto asked her question after question.
-Apparently, a kid at her school got his quirk and it went haywire, sending both her and her twin sister Rei here.
-Ren explained to him that she woke up without her twin which send her into a panic because they had never been apart before. 
-Shouto asked who her parents were and if she had any siblings. 
-He already had an idea about who her parents were, but he needed to be sure.
-Ren told him that you were her mother and that they had recently welcomed another mini Todoroki to the family, a little girl named Ru.
-Shouto was ecstatic but of course he didn’t show it.
-Once at the school, he went on a mad hunt searching for you.
-He may not have an explanation and he may not have told you about his feeling but you need to see her.
-See the future.
-He was getting desperate until he heard your laughter coming from somewhere behind him.
-Just as he turned his head, he was tackled to the floor by a ball of vibrant red hair.
-The girl in his arms started to giggle and both of the little humans on top of him were bouncing up and down from excitement. 
- “Todoroki there you are!! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
-You crouched down next to him, pulling the two little girls off of him and placing the on the floor beside you.
-You gave him an apologetic smile before turning back to the girls.
- “I’m assuming that you are Ren?”
-The little girls both nodded in response, too busy hugging each other to really care. 
-The rest of the day was spent with the four of you watching Disney movies and having some quality family time.
-When they disappeared at midnight, you both were exhausted beyond belief. 
- “Why did we name the red head Rei?”
-You laughed at his question, admitting that you had the same question when you first saw the little girl. 
-Rei thankfully had explained that once they got their quirks, their hair colors changed/switched, so now the white haired one was Ren while she was Rei.
- “So I’m guessing that this is a good time to ask you on a date.”
Shinsou Hitoshi
-When Shinsou saw the five year old girl sitting on his bed when he returned to his dorm after training, he knew something was up.
-The little girl had her head bowed as she sat on his bed, her lilac locks framing her little face but he could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.
-She wouldn’t look at him and he could tell she was terrified by the slight tremble of her shoulders. 
-Moving to stand in front of her, Hitoshi knelt down and moved some stray locks from her eyes, revealing the purple orbs. 
-Okay now he definitely knew that something wonky was going on here.
-She was a perfect mix of you and him and it made his heart flatter.
-He was positive that you were the love of his life and having it confirmed had him WILDIN.
-He couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that he married you and you had a kid!
-Best day of his life so far!
-A sniffle coming from the little girl in front of him snapped him out of his daze.
-Stretching his arms out towards her, he motioned for her to come closer and she leaped at him.
-Her small fists balled up his shirt as she buried her little head in his chest, her cries becoming full on sobs at this point. 
-Without a second thought he scooped her up and walked back and forth in his room, holding her close to his chest and stroking her hair. 
- “I-I don’t know what h-h-happened d-daddy! I was just p-petting the k-k-kitty when this m-m-man came up to m-me!”
-He shushed her, telling her that everything was going to be alright and that no one would hurt her as long as he’s here. 
-After calming her down (which was pretty quickly), he took her to the kitchen for a quick snack.
-He watched as the little chipmunk, his little chipmunk, chomped down on the sandwich he had made her, a comfortable silence enveloping them.
- “What’s your name kitty?” 
-On their way to the kitchen he had explained to her what he believed happened and how important it was that she didn’t call you mom.
- “Kei. Kei Shinsou.” she beamed at him. 
-Kei and him talked about the future, Hitoshi wanting to know everything he could about her family life.
-As it turns out Kei was five and a half ,and not five as she clarified quite angrily when he called her a five your old and she was expecting a baby brother soon.  
-Hitoshi was shookth!!
-Was he dead?
-At that moment you walked into the kitchen, you earbuds in your ears while the YouTube video you were watching was being blasted through them.
-You hadn’t noticed them until you bumped into Kei’s chair.
-Your reaction to the whole scene was a “I’m too high for this” as you proceeded to pour yourself a glass of water and walk back out the kitchen.
- “Oooh mommy was doing magic grass!!! That’s bad...” 
-Shinsou made a note to stop smoking weed from now on. 
-They both returned to his dorm room and magically fell asleep. 
-Having her small frame snuggle up to him, did wonders to his insomnia and he was out like a light.
-The next morning he was faced with an empty bed and a very confused you.
-He had to explain everything now...
-Oh boy. 
Iida Tenya
-Iida had the biggest crush on you that was visible to everyone BUT you.
-You were absolutely oblivious but he like the pinning so he didn’t really mind.
-What he did mind however was the little girl clinging to him at the moment going on and on about how someone used their quirk on her and she woke up in the alley.
-Tenya was losing his shit over the whole ordeal and most importantly over the fact that the little girl was a carbon cope of you, with his hair and eye color.
- “Where are your parents?”
- “How did you get into UA?”
- “Why are you calling me daddy?”
-The moment she saw him starting to panic and go into an air chopping frenzy, she climbed on a nearby ledge and grabbed his cheeks, squishing them in between her own small chubby hands.
- “Stop hitting the air! You’ll hurt it!”
-That... wasn’t what he expected but okay.
-After a small interrogation, he found out that her name was Asami and that you were her mother.
-Plus she might have mentioned a baby brother but because of her rapid talking Tenya didn’t get a chance to ask her about him.
 -After she stopped rambling, he decided to take her to Recovery Girl.
-The only reasonable thinker of the four boys tbh.
-On their way to her office they ran into you.
-And when I say ran I mean Asami ramming into you with a loud squeal. 
- “Mommy mommy we found you!!!”
-Tenya was positive that you passed out.  
-You mumbled something before standing up, taking the little girl into your arms.
-Tenya made to explain but you caught him off.
- “After she’s been ... dealt with?”
-For the rest of the way you and Asami conversed about every little thing while Tenya was burning this image in his brain.
-You looked so happy holding her and the little girl in your arms had the largest smile on her face that was identical to yours.
-He always wanted a family and he had pictured starting one with you.
-That is if he ever found the courage to ask you out.
 -Once at Recovery Girl you let little Asami skip into her office for her check up and you two fell into an awkward silence. 
- “So...... we made.... her..”
-You chuckled at his words, not believing them yourself.
- “Yeah, she’s really pretty.”
- “I’d say she gets that from her mother.”
-You both agreed to go on a date after Asami left.
-When she finally did you felt kinda hollow.
-Guess you’ll have to get to work to bring her back then wink wonk.
-He had no idea why this kid was following him but it was starting to get on his nerves. 
-It was like he was a mother goose. 
-He took a sharp turn into an alleyway and waited for the kid to turn as well.
-Once he saw the mess of unruly red hair with some scattered h/c strands, he kinda froze. 
-Snapping out of his initial shock he tapped the kids shoulder. 
-Turquoise eyes looked back at him and he lost it.
- Enter internal screaming affect here.
- “Why are you following me kid?”
-The little boy froze at his words and bowed his head, not meeting Dabi’s gaze.
- “I-I woke up here a-and saw you s-so I followed you.” sniffle “I-I assumed y-you would lead m-me to m-m-mom....” 
-Dabi continued to analyse the kid trying to find more similarities between himself and this kid and he came to the conclusion....
-That he had come face to face with a mini version of himself.
-He heard more sniffles coming from the boy, who was trying to hold back his tears and pull of a brave face.
-He was failing but kudos to him for trying.
-Kneeling down with a sigh Dabi looked at him dead in the eyes, his eyes.
- “What’s you name kid?”
- “Kyro a-and don’t call me kid.”
- “Why so...kid?”
- “Because I am not a kid!!”
-As Kyro balled his fists, Dabi noticed a small blue flame emitting from one of his fists and he lost it...again.
-But this cocky bastard is stubborn.
- “Since you’re not a kid you can find your own way home then.”
-He stood up and went to leave when he felt a tug at his coat. 
- “No dad don’t leave, I-I don’t know w-what to do.”
-Dabi.exe has stopped working.
-There was a long ass pause before Dabi grabbed Kyro’s small hand and led him out the alley. 
- “I’m taking you to someone who might help then...then you are going to tell me who your mom is so I can drop you off.”
-And you can guess who he asked for help.
-Shirakumo Kurogiri the dad villain.
-Once at the hideout, Kyro explained everything to Kurogiri and that he didn’t know how to get back.
-To be honest both father and son were slightly panicking with the whole situation but their damn pride wouldn’t let them express their concerns. 
-And then you walked into the bar.
-Two really loud voices called out to you, one frantic Y/n and one panicked Mommy.
-You had your hands full after that.
-As much as Dabi likes to pretend that he doesn’t give a shit about anything, he really loved you and the fact that in the future you two had a son together got him going all dad mode on both you and Kyro.
-For the remainder of the day you were stuck babysitting an adult Dabi and a four year old version of Dabi. 
-Both father and son knew that you had reached your limit when you called Dabi Touya so they backed off a little bit. 
-Everything came to a halt the moment your heads touched the pillows.
-Kyro and you were out like a light while Dabi managed to stay awake for about five minutes drinking in the image of you holding the little boy tightly close to your chest and interlacing your fingers with his. 
-He could get used to this.
-Kyro didn't seem to hate him so he must be doing a good job.
-As sleep was clouding his mind he wandered when you two actually have him.
-Is it in five years?
-In two?
-Guess he’ll have to wait and see.
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
Hey I saw your Dabi fics and I really love it 💕💕 For the event, can I please have Dabi with fake dating au and “Look at you... Goodness, you’re so cute.”?? Thank you so much 💗
thank you for this, i hope you don’t mind i went for a touya dabi for the sake of the plot here. hope you enjoy 💖
↳ dabi/touya todoroki x reader → “not real”
event: au prompt event summary: touya wants to bring you to dinner to pretend to be his girlfriend to upset his father. it doesn’t go quite as planned. word count: 1,942 tags/warnings: -light angst a/n: so on top of fake dating this is an au where the todoroki family is more functional that in the show but still messed up if that makes sense. writing dabi as touya was really fun tbh. also i lowkey ship fuyumi x hawks if i haven’t mentioned that before  👉👈🥺 (it’s only mentioned in this story)
Touya Todoroki was your friend, you had known him a long time. You were very close, you not only did a lot together but you shared a lot with each other. You knew about his family life and why avoided home so often so you were shocked when he told you he would be going to dinner at his family’s house.
“Will you pretend to be my girlfriend?” His words caught you off guard, you almost spit out your drink.
“What?” You asked. It would have been shocking regardless but you happened to have a crush on your best friend as well.
“I’m stuck going to this thing I might as well have some fun with it.” He said putting his hands behind his head as he stretched out on the couch. “My dad will be pissed that your quirkless it’ll be hilarious.”
“Are you sure it’s worth it stirring up trouble?” You asked. Being quirkless was a bit of a sensitive subject, not that you talked about it a lot.
“Yeah. And it would be nice having my best friend there to keep me sane.” He said with a smirk.
“Okay, if you want me to.” You told him. You knew it might be a bad idea but you wanted to help Touya out.
That’s how you ended up standing in front of the Todoroki estate wearing the nicest dress you had in your closet even though Touya tried to convince you to wear sweatpants. You convinced him to wear something normal, telling him that he was trying to make his dad mad not upset his mother. That shut him up pretty quickly.
You were nervous, to say the least, his family was intimidating, not only their high-class standing but knowing their personal history added another layer.
Touya’s hand enveloped yours as you waited for someone to answer the door and your heart nearly stopped. You had to remind yourself in your head that this wasn’t real. You weren’t Touya’s girlfriend. You were just here to upset his Dad. How did you get yourself into this?
The door opened and Enji Todoroki stood in the doorway nearly taking up all the space there. You gulped silently. You had seen the man on TV but in person, he was far more intimidating. This was a bad idea.
Enji looked at you for a moment before looking at his son.
“Who’s that?” He asked not even directing the question to you.
“My girlfriend. Move.” He said, pushing past his father and pulling you behind him. Touya’s words sent your heart fluttering and you had to repeat your mantra. This isn’t real.
Touya lead you into the kitchen where his mom was working on dinner. You had met her once before, she was sweet. You had been at Touya’s house and she stopped by to bring him some groceries.
“Touya.” She said with a big smile on her face as she set down the knife she was using to chop vegetables. “You brought your friend, it’s so good to see you again.” She said before giving you both hugs.
“My girlfriend.” He corrected. This wasn’t real.
“Oh, how lovely. I thought you two would end up together.” She says with a smile. This isn’t real. You notice an odd expression on his face. He probably feels bad lying to her.
His sister, Fuyumi joins the conversation.
“Wow, Touya brought his first girl home. She must be a brave soul to face this family.” She jokes. This isn’t real.
Rei gives her a look that’s familiar to anyone who’s ever said anything that has annoyed their mother.
“Can’t say the same for your bird-brain boyfriend.” Touya shoots back at his sister.
“Keigo is a very busy man, he doesn’t have a lot of free time.” She says folding her arms.
“Good excuse.” He returns.
“Okay, that’s enough of that,” Rei says, giving you an apologetic look.
“Sorry, mom.” They said in unison.
“Do you need any help with dinner?” You asked Rei.
“Oh, thank you for the offering. But everything is almost done.” She said with a smile. “You guys can go wait in the living room with Shoto and Natsuo.”
With that, you followed Touya and Fuyumi to the living room.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’m sorry about that. Not the best introduction but I can never miss an opportunity to get on Touya’s nerves.” Fuyumi said giving you a smile.
“Understandable.” You joked.
The living room was large and fancy, you had a feeling the furniture in this room alone was worth more than everything in your apartment. Including the apartment. Shoto and Natsuo sat there watching TV. You had met Natsuo and Shoto before so they weren’t unfamiliar. You knew Touya and Natsuo were very close, in fact, Natsuo knew of Touya’s plans tonight. Not that he approved of them but he wouldn’t spoil it.
Natsuo gave Touya a disapproving look before smiling at you. Shoto nodded in your direction. All of you made idle conversation until Rei told everyone dinner was ready.
Stepping into the dining room was terrifying. Enji sat at the head of the table and Rei sat down beside him. You followed Touya sitting as far away from Enji as you could. You shouldn’t have agreed to this. You prayed the focus would stay off of you but you knew it wouldn’t. There was a reason Touya brought you, he knew his family well. Enji was predictable.
The conversation went well for a while. Rei asked polite questions every once and a while in between everything. Just when you thought you’d get through the dinner without anything happening Enji looked to you.
“What quirk do you have?” The man cut to the chase. You gulped before answering.
“I don’t have a quirk, sir.” You answered.
Growing up wasn’t easy being quirkless. You had other children bullying you, teasing you, saying horrible things all because you didn’t have a quirk. But most of the time you were your own worst enemy. It hurt watching everyone around you getting exciting quirks while you waited and waited only to find that you didn’t have one.
Not to mention you always dreamed of being a hero but that dream was quickly ended. It was bad enough what you thought about yourself, you didn’t need others saying the same things confirming the truth.
“Touya, you dare to bring this worthless girl into our house.” Enji started. “Do you think I’d ever allow you to waste your time with someone who would only make this family worse?”
It was pitiful, you weren’t proud but tears started streaming down your face. You stood up and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind you before sliding to the ground. You covered your face with your hands, trying to stop the tears. You could hear the stunned silence outside the door before chaos broke out.
“What is wrong with you? How could you say that to a guest at dinner?” Rei scolded, sounding far angrier than you thought possible. “You made her cry!”
“What the hell!” Touya yelled and you could hear his chair fall over as you assumed he stood up.
“What the hell?” Natsuo chimed in. “You’re the one who thought it’d be fun to have her pretend to be your girlfriend. You really didn’t think this would happen? What kind of friend are you? Did you even think about her feelings?”
“What kind of joke were you trying to pull?” Fuyumi jumped in sounding upset.
It was hard to make out what was being said as everyone was talking at the same time. After a few moments it died down and you heard footsteps approach. You looked around the bathroom praying there would be a window you could squeeze out of. Sadly the only window was far too small to get through.
There was a knock on the door.
“I know you’re in there.” Touya’s voice was soft. “Please. Let me in.”
You considered letting him stay out there for a bit but decided against it. You opened the door from your position on the floor, just enough for him to get in. Touya looked at you with a sad expression before sitting down next to you, the side of his thigh against yours.
“I’m sorry isn’t enough.” He said.
“I agreed to this.” You said quietly.
“He’s my father. I knew how awful he was and I never once thought about how you could get hurt. I was being selfish.” He said with a sigh. “I was too busy being an idiot.”
“That’s nothing new.” You teased, giving a sad laugh.
“I didn’t know that it was a sensitive topic. I should have, you’re my best friend. I lo-” Touya cut himself off. “I should have been better to you.”
“I know you didn’t mean it.” You say. Touya could be an idiot but he had never been cruel intentionally to you. “I should have said no, I didn’t tell you.”
“Why didn’t you say no?” He asks.
“I just wanted to help you.” You say. Because I love you, is what you meant.
“I didn’t just ask you piss my dad off.” He says and you look over at him. He lets out a breath before continuing. “I guess I just wanted one night where I could pretend you were my girlfriend.”
That wasn’t what you expected him to say. Your eyes widen.
“I’ve liked you, for a long time.” He explains with an intense look in his piercing blue eyes. “You’re my best friend, you’re always there for me. You help me when I need it, you make me laugh and I love being around you. Most people I get sick of being around in a few hours but with you, I could spend every minute of my life with you and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
This feels like a dream, suddenly you feel like you can’t breathe and like your hearts going to beat out of your chest.
“Touya, I-” You start but he cuts you off.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same, I just hope we can still be friends.” He says.
“But I-”
“You really mean so much to me, I would hate to lose you because I-”
This time you cut him off, leaning in to kiss him, silencing his words. Touya catches on quickly and wraps his arms around your waist nearly pulling you onto his lap. You pull back when you need a breath.
“So I take it you feel the same way?” He questions, an eyebrow raised.
“If you stopped cutting me off I was trying to say that, idiot.” You scold.
“Sorry, you know me.” He said before leaning in for another kiss.
You sit there, arms around his neck staring at him with a goofy grin unable to contain the happiness you feel.
“Look at you… Goodness, you’re so cute.” Touya says returning your grin. “How did I get so lucky?”
“I could ask the same.” You smile.
The realization hits that you’re sitting in his family’s bathroom after running out of a family dinner crying. Touya notices your drop-in demeanor.
“Want me to sneak you out and we can get junk food and watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and cuddle till we pass out on your couch?” He asks.
“I sweat you’re the perfect man, even if you are an idiot sometimes.”
taglist:  @sugarmaplewings-fics @lilkiwisfinest @ewwis @kandy1410 @moonlightaangel @winnies-headcannons @bakugousidehoe @paintedr0ses1 @toobsessedsstuff @spellboundxizi @softkatsuki @x0doodlebug0x @katsuhoee
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Hello, I don't know if you've answered this before but I agree with so much of your analysis so I wanted to know your thoughts on a particular scene - the one where Rei says that they must all bear the responsibility of the events that led to Touya becoming Dabi (chapter 302). I kind of get the point that the author was perhaps trying to convey - that even if inadvertently, the entire family played a part in Touya's spiral and alienation, but it sounded so strange to hear from Rei, like she was placing the burden of fixing her and Enji's mistakes on Natsu and Fuyumi, who were kids themselves and struggling to cope in their abusive home, and then sharing blame with them when she as their mother should be reassuring them that they should never have had to bear that burden. Idk, that just did not sit right with me and kind of made me annoyed at Rei.
Thank you for reading my things 🥺
So, those chapters are a touchy subject for a lot of people so I'm gonna tell people to proceed with caution before reading my response.
But basically--
This is the panel I assume you're referring to:
Tumblr media
So I mean, take this how you want to. But what I'm reading is Rei taking responsibility for her role.
And then saying that now everyone needs to pitch in for what comes next.
What's next? Bringing Touya home. Everyone needs to welcome him home, work to bring him home. Yes--Endeavor is the cause of all of this, but Touya needs all of his family. He doesn't need Endeavor. He needs to be reminded that his family, his mother and siblings, love him no matter what and want him home. Father be damned.
Yes, these chapters left a lot to be desired. But the fact of the matter is--family members feeling like they could have done more is a normal human thing to think. Even if it's not true, it's a human response to learning about something tragic that happened to a loved one. WE know that Endeavor is the root cause, and Rei holds some responsibility for Touya as well. The siblings don't. We know this. We don't need them to spell it out.
However, the vagueness of saving Touya, Shouto not being allowed to use the "s" word because the main character had to use it first (save), it's annoying. Shouto still hasn't said "save", even now, and it's frustrating. But once that is all laid out plain as day--I feel like these chapters won't be.....as infuriating to some people.
The family as a whole feeling like they could have done more doesn't erase the truth. It just makes it feel more convoluted and ugly---which, family dynamics where domestic violence and abuse occur are convoluted and ugly. I was never all that upset about these chapters. I was pissed about the retconning of E and the fucking up of the timeline, but at the end of the day they still made it very obvious that Touya was scapegoated by his family and Endeavor is THE sole cause. And tbh making Touya a daddy's boy who HAD a strong bond with his dad, and not being abused by his dad from the get go (like Shouto) made it that much more tragic imo. But yeah. Retconning is annoying.
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kae-karo · 3 years
fic writer interview!
i saw @prince-liest do this and thus i will take ur 'tagging anyone who wants to do this' seriously lmaoooo (also hi btw hope ur well!!! 💜💜)
How many works do you have on AO3?
ahaha,,,,,159 lmao
What's your total AO3 word count?
fdsjkkjlsfdklj as of today, 2,089,769
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
only three fsdjkldslfkj the phandom (dan&phil), bnha, and genshin!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
chosen (x) - zhongchi (genshin)
to love (and be loved in return) (x) - kaeluc (genshin)
little bird (x) - dabihawks (bnha)
feet don't touch the ground (x) - xiaoven (genshin)
i knew you were fire (x) - dabihawks (bnha)
honestly none of that surprises me except that little bird is still up there, although i think i owe that to sif (@the-final-sif) for sharing it around the time it got posted since it was partly inspired by her raptor stress grip post!!
the rest are all chaptered fics, which is mostly what i expected to be in the top 5 lmao
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
yes!!! always!!!! no matter what u comment, i will respond!!! and if i don't, it's probably cause ao3 didn't notify me properly or i didn't see it in my inbox or something
as for why, it's mostly to do with like...i know how hard it can be for some people to comment, even just a bunch of heart emojis or a 'i loved this!' or something short and simple? and it means a lot to me that ppl are going out of their way to say something nice, no matter how small, and it's really really important to me to acknowledge that
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
hmm,,,,,this is a hard one, cause for a very long time, my policy was that my fic would always have a happy ending? and for a long time, that was true!! but the dabihawks interaction (during the raid) broke me, and from an emotional standpoint, i think freeing icarus (x) is probably the one that has the angstiest ending of the two or so that i wrote in that time?
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
u know i really haven't written any crossovers? it's normally not my thing cause my brain typically focuses on a single thing and doesn't really have the capacity to think about more than that, so i end up writing just au-style or fusion-style (shoutout to that one bnha but it was scooby doo fic i wrote - x)
i don't think i'd be opposed to writing a crossover but i'd have to be SUPER inspired by the idea and both fandoms lmao
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
aha yes, i have. the only straight up hate i've received was on a kaeluc fic (surprisingly not because it was kaeluc, but bc i was 'mistreating' kaeya in the fic) - to be entirely fair, the commenter pointed out something that i hadn't realized myself, and it led to a second piece of the story that helped me tie up some loose ends, but...let's just say they weren't very kind about their feelings lmao
other than that, i had someone very upset because i didn't tag which character was bottoming in a fic (valid if that bugs u!) and they read through most of it before getting to the smut (and said that they enjoyed everything up to that point) then said they were 'disgusted' by it. i have opinions on that and a few other comments they made, but i will keep them to myself lmao
and beyond that, just a few ppl on my xiaoven fic saying that they were unhappy about the background kaeluc (which is tagged lmao) - really no hate whatsoever til genshin, honestly, which is...very hmmmm :) lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
yep!!! mostly vanilla or vanilla-adjacent lmao i'm not super into heavy kink, although i know if epi reads this she's gonna call me out for being a monsterfucker bc of my dragon!zhongli smut :) lmaoooo but really i tend to write pretty vanilla smut! i also prefer to avoid any noncon/dubcon or hate sex or anything particularly angsty, just not my jam to write!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
hmm i don't think so? although i don't heavily monitor ao3 (or wattpad/ffn), so i can't really say that for sure lmao
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! i've had a few fics translated to russian (little bird is one of them!) which is very sweet and i hope that anyone who prefers to read in russian has been enjoying those fics!!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
alksdfjklsdf only once, and it's deadass how me and rose got together. we decided to co-write a podcast au fic for the phandom (x) and ended up flirting via google docs asldkfjkldsfj
What’s your all time favourite ship?
what a horrible question, making me choose between my children like this!!!! sdlfkjdskf tbh i'm not sure i have a real answer bc it changes as i go? and 'favorite' is so vague,,,,,favorite to read? to write about? to think about? asdklfjkjsdfk i really don't know if i have an answer, but i'll maybe say kaeluc for now lmao
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
well first and foremost, with only 2 exceptions, i never post a fic unless it's done. i tend to follow wherever my passion leads my brain, so i'm notorious for jumping around between stories and taking breaks from long fic and returning later on to finish them, and i know that i would not do well under the pressure of posting something unfinished and trying to finish it in a timely manner
that said, many wips sit in my google doc folder, but one is Well Known as the one that has followed me through both the phandom and bnha (rose keeps asking who i'm gonna switch the chars to in genshin, but i think it suits bakudeku too well to do that) - only the lonely survive. it sits at like 36k in my wip folder, and i adore the story dearly and i want very much to finish it, but it never makes it quite to the forefront of my motivation, and so it rarely if ever gets worked on...i hate the idea of 'never' finishing it, but it's unfortunately quite likely that i won't 😭😭😭
What are your writing strengths?
emotion!!! and immersion!!! it's my goal in a fic to make it as immersive as possible and saturated with emotion to help convey that feeling of being in the place of the pov character, and i think i do it pretty well. also just bc i feel a little obligated to say it - another strength is actually sitting down and putting words down. i know that's a struggle for a lot of writers and i often get,,,,lovingly bullied? i guess? lmao for being able to bash out a few k in a day most days
What are your writing weaknesses?
this isn't so much a weakness i guess but i am basically incapable of treating crack fic as crack. if i have a cracky idea, it will, without a doubt, end up turning into a Perfectly Serious fic somehow (notable 'crack treated so seriously that it's no longer crack' fics include: todoroki doing the freeze-the-ocean thing from frozen 2, 'shmigaraki', todo and denki get together bc of vine references, the league sells feet pics, shiggy and natsu own a nightclub/bakery, scooby doo but make it bnha, and dabi getting his ears pierced at claire's)
but in all seriousness, i think my main weakness is that i often get comfortable? and i'm not one to typically push myself forcefully out of my comfort zone when it comes to stories that i come up with on my own, which often means that ideas inspired by discussions with others are what prompt me to branch out and try new things?
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i think, like anything, it has its place? there are certainly stories where it makes sense to do that and even adds depth to a story, although i personally am not exceptionally comfortable enough with other languages (except maybe asl) to do that in fic myself without the assistance of someone very comfortable with that language lmao
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
the phandom! not really my jam to write rpf anymore but it definitely got me started and i'm really grateful for my time writing there, as everyone was super supportive and kind, and it was really a perfect place for a beginner to get comfortable and practice
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
again, forcing me to choose between my children...i really don't know that i can pick one fic bc they all exist in such wildly different spaces? i poured my worldbuilding soul into the king of disaster series (mainly dabihawks - x), exile (dan and phil - x) was my first massively long fic, our hearts are heavy burdens we shouldn't have to bear alone (chayea - x) is probably my favorite character/character dynamic study, i'm exceptionally proud of the smut in chosen (zhongchi - x), the list goes on and on and on lmao like. i could probably list half my fics as favorites in some regard dsflkjdfsjkl
anyway, tyty bellamy for putting this on my dash so i could do it as well!!
tagging: literally anyone who wants to do this, i have so many writer friends slkdjfjklsdf but please please tag me if u do it so i can read urs!!! 💜💜💜
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Scummy Giran Anon The Second here! wow, that headcanon from your gf is EVERYTHING (henceforth, you shall be dubbed "Scummy Giran Anon The Third")! i love the idea of giran, who finally gets you back to his place after telling you he does nothing for free, sitting reader in his lap (in a fancy chair, on his bed, whatever works) and having them use the toy like that, trembling in his arms as he says deliciously praiseful yet manipulative things in their ear.
haz said: i will be scummy giran anon but i will not be anon FVJKLNDFJKNV. and him acting like it's a kindness that he didn't just bend you over the nearest surface and he lets you control the pace yourself, so he can watch how you do it - he knows that it's probably more embarrassing for you like this, but his words about how he knew it would look pretty inside of you and how he's starting slow with you, letting you do it yourself, because he knows you're nervous even as he's rubbing his thumb on your thigh and inching ever closer, loving it when you bury your face in his neck and breathe in the scent of cigarette smoke because it's too much--
Anonymous asked: Can I just commend the Giran anons on changing my mind on that sleazy bastard? At first I was just happy to see other people finding their place to gush about their fave, who definitely wasn't my cup of tea, but now that man has grown on me to the point where I'm looking forward to any and every new thought one of the Giran anons might bring to the table. Your minds are freaking powerful! (And Nat? Thanks for being so encouraging of the thirst and wholesome when interacting with everyone 💐 )
LISTEN . . . the sleaziness is sexy, actually. oh to be taken advantage of by a creepy older villain who thinks he's doing you a favour. also tbh the whole 'surprisingly loyal' thing is low-key very cute??? i know i talk about him mostly being a Scumbag (tm) but the thought of him actually being kind of protective and loyal and refusing to sell reader out is cute. i like his design a lot (even though he definitely looks much sexier in the manga than the anime). i'm hoping when we get to mva in general we'll get some more villain content for the Less Popular Not Dabi Or Shigaraki Villains because honestly the giran x reader tag is upsettingly empty for how big a fandom bnha is dfnjkjnkfg.
Anonymous asked: I have nothing to offer to the giran gang but I’m loving these ideas
the giran gang appreciate your support, anon. more will certainly be forthcoming.
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kunikuzxshi · 3 years
do you have any soft shiggy headcanons where he is cuddling and playing video games with his s/o?? 😌
Awwww! I do actually. I guess I’m a gamer? I don’t know, I’m an insomniac that plays hella games, what else do you need lol
Just know it’s something I’ve thought about a lot so I’d have to do multiple things for this to get them all lol
Personally, I feel like he’d get you your own headset, even if you’re not playing, and he’d make you wear it just because he is
You’ve got your own controller in your favorite color and it has your name written in sharpie on the back lol
^ anyone that touches it besides you or him just gets one of their favorite things decayed
You just can’t get up, it might as well be a crime if you do with the way he acts
You’re seated on his lap and you can’t move, that’s literally it. Can’t go get a snack, can’t go to the bathroom or get a blanket, you’re just stuck there
^ only if you’re shorter than him and can actually be there comfortably, cause he still needs to see what he’s doing
Probably gonna end up falling asleep on his lap tbh, dude can stay up late, like 12 PM to 11 AM type of shit so basically me
^ If you do he just moves your controller and your headset so you don’t wake up from the sound
^ probably doesn’t rage very much because he’d feel bad if he woke you up personally I’d break his ribs if he woke me up
Just gives you random kisses on your head
If you’re somewhere around his height or your head’s not too low, he probably uses you as a headrest and tells you to stop moving
Whatever you think you’re gonna want better be there before he is. Snacks, drinks, blankets, whatever the hell you want better be there before he sits down or you’re just not gonna get it
I feel like he’d get one of those really big hoodies and try to get you to wear it cause I feel like his room would be cold
The second anyone goes into his room, whether it’s Dabi or AFO, his controller’s gonna be thrown at them
^ makes you get up to get it so that’d be your chance to run out and do whatever you need to
Don’t let him touch you
He’s probably gonna squeeze you really hard or somethin like that when he starts raging
Probably gonna try to take your phone away with the excuse that ‘you’re gonna be focused on the game so you don’t need it’
He still has his phone though, you just can’t have yours
It’s either he carries you or you carry him, there’s no in-between. So basically he’s a god at the game or he’s so bad to the point where you’re a god at it (if you weren’t good at it already lol)
Dude takes some of your bigger clothes and wears it until you make him take it off. Once it’s on dude could stay in it for a week if he wanted, and he will
Depending on gender and pronouns, he probably tries to get you one of those cat ear headsets or one like his but in a different color
Might get you a Minecraft bee plushie (if you play it) and just give it to you whenever you two are playing that
You’re either wearing his clothes or yours, but either way whatever he wears it’s gonna be the same type of clothing you wear. Whether it’s a hoodie and sweatpants or a t-shirt and jeans
Probably takes your controller randomly just to annoy you
You’ve gotta charge the controllers when you two are done, he’ll just leave them on a table for the next few hours and then complain when they’re almost dead
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