#I’m scared I’d hurt someone tbh
rosicheeks · 2 years
Please smother/sit on my face as much as you’d like 🥴
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So glad to see you popping up on my dash!! I’ve got a req from the soulmates post!
#15 No harm done - soulmates are not able to hurt each other physically
This with Sevika? What if there’s a big fight and it’s down to the two of you and maybe you’re already pretty badly injured so she comes stalking over to finish the job and take you out but then she CANT 😫😭💕 OR!! Silco has you hostage and wants her to interrogate you? She’d wind up for a smack or something and just be stopped mid air. Either way, I’d love to see her face journey upon realizing who you are to her bc I imagine she’d be the type that’s convinced she’ll never find/doesn’t have a soulmate and now she has to accept that she is capable and deserving of love >:}
Also in the specific scenarios I can’t remember the number and I’m on mobile but the constant danger one would be so cute with Soma! Or really any of the ladies tbh they’re always into some shit lol I just always want more Soma in my life 💘
I'll write the Soma one later if I get the inspo in my brain for it! But here it is! Sevika for 15! It's a little angsty but also my first time writing for her!!!!
Summary: Telling Silco no is a bad idea, especially when he sends Sevika, his right hand, after you. Though... maybe it's not so bad if she can't actually hurt you?
Pairing: Sevika x Reader
Genre: Soulmate, Not Smut
Potential TW: Violence, some stalking, mentions of killing read
The fear that struck your heart was not a new one, especially down here in Zaun. Fear was rampant in this place, no one was free from it. The lowest feared as prey, rabbits to be tracked and shot down by hunters. The highest weren’t exempt from it either, though the fear they felt was one born of greed. Of coins and power slipping through their fingers. 
It wasn’t like you intended to get on Silco’s bad side. You weren’t someone of power to be feared by others, you weren’t even really a threat to him. But you told him no. 
No, you wouldn’t serve his men. No, you wouldn’t distribute shimmer through Zaun. No, you wouldn’t back down. You liked Vander. You liked that he cared for his people without trying to beat others down. So what that he worked with Piltover? If it kept people safe, if it kept the upper side’s nose out of your business, so what. He was a father, a guardian. Silco was a monster. 
And you had told his right hand that, right to her face. Her rather handsome face, once found in Vander’s men, now stinking up the door to your establishment. It twists up in anger, in rage.
“What?” She had said, a simple, low voiced threat that had part of you thrumming with a disgusting streak of desire. 
“I said, no, Sevika. I’m not a pusher of some fucked up drug. I’m a fucking florist struggling to get through life down here. I can’t risk that.”
“Silco doesn’t take no for an answer, (Y/N).” She said. “Just because you’re ‘not the type’ doesn’t make you exempt from his requests.”
“He’s not a king. He’s not my boss.” You had responded, slamming the door shut in her face. She stayed there for a few moments, and you had feared for a few long moments that she was going to take that mechanical arm and punch through the door, taking your throat with it. 
Instead, she quietly left, taking her men laughing with her. 
You had thought that that was that. Silco and his men left you alone for a time, and instead, your flowers flourished. It was frustrating. There was an improvement with the shimmer, a double edged sword that you were sure would come crashing down on Zaun any moment. 
Then, Sevika started appearing standing on the other side of the street of your shop. Staring, waiting. Never making a move, never moving closer. It scared you, enough to make you change your routine, but like clockwork, she would adjust within a day. A predator, waiting for her chance to clamp her teeth around the throat of her prey.
So you decided to run. Pack your things and run. You could beg on the streets of Piltover. Hell, maybe you could even leave. Crossing Silco was one thing, but Sevika being the one to take you out? She was going to make it hurt. She was going to make sure that you weren’t found ever again. And you can’t risk it. 
Which is how you found yourself in this situation, sitting in some abandoned closet in some abandoned home, clutching a knife close to your chest as you hear Sevika rip through your belongings. 
You weren’t going to make it out of this alive, that knowledge settling deep in your bones. But you can give it a fighting chance, maybe she might make it quick, knowing you weren’t going to be a coward and die weakly. That’s the one thing you can do in Zaun: die strong.
Even so, a part of you mourned. You never figured out who they were, your soulmate, the one you were destined to love, waiting these long years in the darkness of Piltover. Waited for so long, only to be snuffed out by a mere puppet of a monsterous man who ruled your home. Your fingers tighten around the hilt of the knife as your killer approaches the closet. 
“Come out, (Y/N).” She says, voice low in that threatening way that made your stomach turn. “You know that you can’t fight me. Not with whatever little weapon you have. Silco just wants to talk.” 
“We both know that the talk is going to end up with me dead.” You say. You wish that you could respond with the confidence you had when you got yourself into this mess, all pride and strength. Instead, you just put your foot on the door, offering resistance for whenever she decided to rip it off the hinges. 
“Maybe if you stopped trying both of our patiences,” Sevika growls, punching the door for a threatening emphasis. “you wouldn’t be worried about that. You can either die now, or die if he gives the order.”
“I’m not gonna wait for that, and you know it.” 
She sighs, a deep, tired sigh. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
And the door comes right off its hinges, though your booted foot did nothing to give you time. The wood slings across to the other side of the room, and you start slashing wildly, missing each time before she knocks the dinky knife out of your hand with one flick. A scream escapes your lips, hoping beyond hope someone would take pity on your in your last moments, even if that someone was Sevika. You’re lifted up by your shirt collar and dragged out of the closet, kicking and sobbing for someone to save you. 
Your feet dangle, and without thinking, you wrap your hands around her organic wrist for some kind of subconsious reassurance. The feeling of her skin against your fingers shocks you. She’s human, just like you. but she’s fixing to kill you. She’s killed before. She’s watched the life drain out of so many people and you were no exception. 
Your touch does nothing to her, seemingly. No flinch, no hesitation. Instead, she pulls back her mechanical fist and pulls it back. You close your eyes, tears dripping down your cheeks as you brace for the end. 
But the end doesn’t come. And it doesn’t come for a few minutes actually. So you crack open an eye, looking at her with relief. She must have changed her mind. The look on Sevika’s face however, was one of horror. Her fist was still raised, and you see the muscle of her shoulder straining. Then, you’re gently lowered to the ground, her hand still loosely curled into the fabric of your shirt.
“Ch… Change of mind?” You ask, still terrified out of your wits end. 
“I can’t.” 
“Can’t what? Kill me?”
“Hurt you.” She says. The words seem to slip out of her mouth, like she wanted to stop them before they were spoken. “I can’t hurt you, (Y/N).” 
It takes a moment. At first, you think she’s simply taking pity on you, or maybe she respects you too much after your attempts to prevent your own death. Then it sinks in. Sevika tried to hurt you, but physically, she couldn’t. Which meant…
“I’m your soulmate. We’re… We’re soulmates.” 
Speaking it out loud only seems to upset her further. She shifts, turning her face away and letting her right hand drop from your person. Though she doesn’t move, she doesn’t speak. She just looks… uncomfortable. 
As you stand there, basking in the strange feeling that your soulmate just tried to kill you, that your soulmate was Sevika, you come to realize something about Sevika. You thought her a killer, someone ready to switch sides at any given moment but… now, as she stands there awkward as a teenager, you remember that she might have had expectations about this too. Hopes about soulmates, dreams about them. Was she disappointed? Was she ashamed? 
“What are you going to do?” Is all you’re able to ask, all you can manage to get out. 
She regards you out of the corner of her eye before she runs a hand over her face. “... Let you go. But you need to get out of Zaun. Never come back here.” She says. 
“What? But you’re my… you want me to leave after we just found out???” 
“Obviously!” She snaps. “Silco wants you dead, I can’t afford to fail, but…” She moves as though she’s going to pace, but then stops, like she can’t bring herself to move from you. There’s a pause before she rests a hand on your shoulder. “I never thought I would have one… would have you. You’re a weakness, that insecurity was a weakness. That desire was. It still is. So you’re going to leave Zaun, hell, maybe the whole city. I can’t have you haunting my steps.”
“So I’m a bother to you??” You ask, incredulous at the fact that she’s trying to get you to leave. Angry at the fact that you finally have what you’ve always wanted and now she’s pushing you away despite the fact that maybe now she can protect you.
“You’re a weakness. And a pain in my ass.” Sevika says. “I’m not… I’m not doing this. Just leave.” 
And before you can say anything, she pulls you into a kiss, hard, fast, and passionate. Better than any you’ve had before. And you mourn this bittersweet moment, because you know deep down that she’s right. 
Her loyalty is to Zaun, and if anything comes before that…
She’d have helped kill Vander for nothing, because she would do the same things he did to make sure you were safe.
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TBB s3 ep4 Thoughts!!!
Oooohh starting off strong
Omega immediately wanting to go back because “it’s right”
Crosshair wanting to keep moving, not because he’s scared of going back but because he understands that he can’t help anyone if he’s dead
Ah there he is. The bitch. The Hemcock.
I wanna say Nala Sa deserves to be in prison but idk I’m starting to feel for her
Pretty sure she won’t survive the season though
is that,,,, a reference to yanno,,, shoes hanging from a power line?
hahahahahahah poncho stormtroopers
“You’re the one who wanted to bring… the hound.”
best duo this show has given us
If Hunter was the hesitant but willing dad, Crosshair is the exasperated older brother that was forced to bring his younger sister to the party he was invited to an now has to spent all night watching her
Ey not cool Omega. Someone was using that jacket to advertise their business
“See, isn’t this better?” “No.” “Ugh.”
“I could take out half of them before they even know what happened” 😳😳
Yeah, I believe you sir
Damn fuck how many more clone crushes will I have to be burdened with
Jesus Christ
“That went well” “Stow it”
Scottish Robot ahhahahahahaha
Say what you will about Crosshair, when that dude sat down across from Omega he was ready for a FIGHT
big ol’ softie <3
“You or your dad”
Glad Hunter wasn’t there to hear that
Or Crosshair for that matter
Both would’ve blown their cover
Tbh Crosshair makes a fair point about leaving while they can. The planet is filled with Empirials and they are running out of time
But he also hasn’t been part of a team in a while and maybe he’s forgotten some of what that entails too
Either way, loving how “selfless” and “selfish” are meeting in this ep
Crosshair giving Omega a boost to get over the wall I’m crying
“Shouldn’t we free the other animals too?” “Don’t push it.”
HE IS MY SOULMATE (based on sarcasm. I am vegetarian and I would free those animal friendos in a heartbeat)
The extra head shake and eye roll at that question too, he is already so done I can’t hahahahahahahah
“I hope your take-offs are better than your landings” “we’re about to find out”
Aaaaaaand that just reminded me that Tech was the one who taught her to fly
That fucking shriek when the stormtrooper got blasted by the engine hahahahahaha
Ohohoh altered batch theme after take off? Okayokayokay I see you👀
Jesus Christ, Crosshair trying to prepare Omega for the very real possibility that Hunter and Wrecker are dead?
Like I know it seems cruel and defeatist but it’s actually kind in a way
Managing expectations in order to save her from a worse fall out
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“We crossed the galaxy four times looking for you”
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why did Hunter’s appearance suddenly piss me off
Like Wrecker had a cute line and Hunter had to walk up like
“Um, five actually”
Like idk it felt like he was taking over the moment (which makes sense because he’s her dad but still it just sounded awkward)
Omega just explained that she only got off that planet AND survived so far thanks to Crosshair and all they can do is look all bitchy butt-hurt
Like I expected this from Hunter but why isn’t Wrecker hugging him?
Bc they went looking for Cross before, I thought we were past the straight up hate?
Love how stoically Cross is taking it though
I have to admit, so far this is one of my all time favourites. The comedic timing, the very real story line, the confrontation of previously opposed characters? Wonderful. But the pièce de résistance? Crosshair’s character description rings true again. “Severe and unyielding” Tech had said. I’ve rambled about this a lot recently, but the boiled down version is that when Crosshair commits to something, he commits all the way. Like how he committed to the Empire so hard that he hunted down his brothers. Or when he finally decided the Empire was a bunch of shitbags and shot officer shitbag (I forget his name) in the face. He has now decided to commit to Omega, for whatever reason. And it shows. Because even when she tells him to go, he’s literally only a minute behind her. He lets her employ her own strategies despite his preference and experience. He’s ready to beat up Captain Dickhead (did they even give him a name?) for sitting down across from her. He tells her to get into the ship first while he lays down cover fire.
Crosshair’s next “severe and unyielding” decision is Omega’s safety. And I couldn’t be more excited to see where it goes!
AND I cannot believe how much I suddenly like his character. I was so disinterested in him for like s1 and maybe 90% of s2 but now I am more interested in what becomes of him than I am in what the deal is with Omega’s M-count.
I’m saying it now. These seasons hyper focuses are: Rex, Echo and Crosshair (in that order) (for now, we’ll see)
Thanks to everyone who sat through that, have a good day/night/whatever, friend!
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clumsiestgiantess · 9 months
Well damn, this story won the poll by a LOT huh?  I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourselves into.  (Tbh I don’t know either)  Prepare yourselves for this one, because things get rough.
Guess what?  I got another night without a single ounce of sleep.  Honestly, I’m not at all surprised.  I could constantly hear Casey breathing a bit too loudly, rustling their sheets, and generally just existing.  It’s hard to ignore someone so much bigger than me, even when I want to.  Getting up the following day was hard nonetheless.  It’s like my body wanted just enough rest to lay down, but not enough for sleep.  The early morning light that filtered through the window simultaneously filled me with a sense of relief and dread.  I begged for everything to have been a dream, but if it is, then I guess I haven’t woken up yet.  
Casey finally got up and wandered over to the shelf.  I haven’t left it since the moment I was dragged over here yesterday.  My bed had been spared the cataclysmic destruction with the trophy, so Casey dragged it out and I slept right here.  There’s only one way to get down from this shelf: in Casey’s hands.  I don’t particularly feel like ever being manhandled again, but I think I might have to.  It might be months before Casey can get a flight.  The thought of staying here more than a few days is enough to make my stomach churn again, but I know it’ll be longer than that.
“Good morning,” they greeted me tiredly, “Did you get any sleep?”  I shook my head.  “Yeah, me neither.”  An awkward silence filled the room.  “Should I get you some coffee?”  Slowly, my thoughts chugged through my brain at a bit of a faster pace.  I suspect I’ll pass out soon if I don’t get something into my system, even if I am feeling sick.  “Yes, please.  Some breakfast too.  And I’d..  I’d like to come with you,” I added awkwardly.  “You mean…”  Casey opened up their hands.  I took a few hesitant steps forward.  “I.. can’t live on a shelf the entire time I stay here.  As much as I’d be more comfortable, I need a bit of autonomy, and I’d like to be able to get around your apartment at the very least.”  Casey nodded, their expression dimming slightly.  “Of course, I mean.. I’m not trying to take that away from you.”  But they did.  I kept that thought to myself, though.
“So how do I-  Do I just.. pick you up, or…?”  Their hand lifted into view, fingers already outstretched towards me.  I stumbled backwards, falling onto my bed.  “No, no!  H- Hold your hand out or something!  Autonomy, remember?”  “R- Right, yeah.”  As Casey’s hand came to rest palm-up on the shelf, I couldn’t help but wonder if I would still feel this small if the cabin had belonged to one of my friends — someone I knew, someone I trusted.  If only this had happened around someone I would actually want to let hold me.
In small cautious steps, I came up beside Casey’s massive fingers, as thick around as my torso.  Just a finger or two alone would be enough to hurt me in a myriad of ways, but I tried to take my mind off that disturbing fact.  I came to rest on my knees in Casey’s palm, glancing back at them worriedly.  Their hand lifted away into the air and I instinctively reached out and held the nearest finger tightly to my chest, scared that I would somehow tumble off the sheer drop if I didn’t hold on to something.  The view was awful.  Everything was blurry with motion, way too high up, and way too far away.  I sat staring down at the creased skin beneath me, taking deep breaths to calm myself down so I wouldn’t vomit again.
Eventually, Casey’s hand stopped moving.  I chanced a peek upwards and found that we’d made it to the kitchen.  It was small in comparison to the apartment, but still gigantic to me.  How tiny even am I?  “Alright, let’s see…”  I got off quickly, not wanting to be in their grasp any longer than I had to.  Casey stepped away into the large void of a room as though it were nothing; I couldn’t help but envy them.  Anger came bubbling back up again as I remembered who’s fault this was in the first place, but it wouldn’t help me to start yelling at them, so I stayed quiet.  The click of a toaster being set rang through the air much louder than I expected, though it shouldn’t have come as a shock to me.  
Before long, I had a toasted slice of bread laying on a plate before me, torn up into smaller bits by Casey.  I lost my appetite for a few moments as I stared at the shredded pieces.  You do that for little children — animals, even — not a functioning adult.  Can I really consider myself a functioning adult anymore?  I don’t have the means to do much of anything for myself.  Hell, I can’t even get across the apartment without someone carrying me!  I have a feeling that the next few months, or however long this pit stop will take, are going to be great.
And by great, I mean horrible in every aspect of the word.  Firstly, I never went anywhere.  I sat in the same goddamn apartment day in and day out.  Most of the time I stayed on the shelf, but on occasion I would sit on the windowsill to people watch from above or sit on the couch to watch tv.  But people watching depresses me after a while, knowing the height I have is nothing but a simple illusion from the height of the building, not myself.  And the tv sometimes becomes a bit too much for me to process at the scale I am.  
Only once did I try to sneak into Casey’s bag to get a bit of fresh air.  Motion sickness wasn’t that much of a problem, since I couldn’t see anything.  The problem, like most things, was Casey.  They’d reached in their bag blindly, fingers roughly brushing my side as they searched for something.  Casey screamed so loudly at my unexpected presence that my ears rang for a few seconds afterward.  I could only imagine how many people were staring at them.  I was zipped up and hid in a suffocating dark pocket for the rest of the journey.  From then on, they started checking their bag before they left, and gave me a long talk once we got back to the apartment.  I didn’t listen to a word of it.  I just don’t think it’s fair.
Even when I’m content to stay where I am, Casey still makes things hard for me.  They constantly neglect to let me choose to move, myself.  I’d be minding my own business and Casy would come along and just.. pick me up — moving me to wherever was convenient for them.  I couldn’t even react the first time they did it because I was too baffled.  I’ve tried explaining how awful it feels to be moved without warning, almost like an object rather than another human being.  All Casey did was shake their head and tell me that I am, in fact, a person.  I know that.  That isn’t the problem.  They’re the one who seems to ignore it.
Then there are the horrible accommodations.  Thankfully I have my bed from the cabin, even if it’s a bit less comfortable with the weird oversized fabric texture, it’s still my own scale.  Other than that, I had nothing but two thimbles placed in the back corner of the shelf, blocked from view by the dilapidated cabin.  One was filled with water, the other halfway filled with water.  One for drinking, one for using the bathroom.  It’s humiliating, but also the only thing I have.
The thimbles are both supposed to be emptied and refilled every day, but as time went by and our living situation became more mundane, Casey started forgetting.  And it wasn’t just those they’d forgotten.  I’ve had to remind them to let me shower every so often, because that required them to be around so they could get me around and set stuff up for me, but not actually stay in the bathroom.  That’s not even the worst part.  Sometimes Casey leaves for an early shift at work or an early class, and forgets to feed me.  We’d made a system just so they could leave food out for me, but there were times when Casey was seemingly too busy to bother with it.  Think about that for a second.  I miss two, sometimes three meals all because my dumbass giant ‘roommate’ keeps forgetting to give me food!  They’re literally starving me!  By accident!  Like a fucking animal!  Of course, Casey gets all apologetic and teary-eyed when I yell at them for it, but apologies don’t work when it keeps happening every week or so.
I’m sick — physically, mentally, and emotionally — of being here.  Surely there has to be someone out there who will treat me better than this; maybe even a few someones.  I’ll never know.  I’ve been banned from the outside after my first attempt to get out.  It’s not that Casey’s a bad person, though.  As much as I’d like to believe there are people who will treat me better, I know there are people who will treat me so much worse.  The worst things Casey’s done are only by accident.  They still try to make things better for me.  They’ve taken me to the rooftop a few times to be outdoors in relative secrecy.  I always get my choice of food — no matter the cost — if Casey does forget about my meal.  And despite the sometimes jarring way I get picked up and held and carried around, Casey’s grip had never once been harmful to me.  
Still, I want to go home.  I want my height back.  I want my actual life back.  I want to yell and scream and curse Casey out on a regular basis.  I can’t live life like this.  I’m really scared I might have to.  It’s.. getting harder to think about.  Even when I let myself be angry, I’ve found that it’s starting to make things worse.  Casey is one of the most easygoing people I’ve ever met; a little too easygoing in some situations.  But I can only lose my temper on them so many times before they snap.  
Three months into life in giant hell, I was complaining about the length of my stay for the umpteenth time.  “You can’t keep treating me like this!  You said you'd take me home!  Was that a lie?!  How much longer is this going to take?!”  I expected them to apologize again, or pull out the jar of funds and explain once more that there was only so much money they could put aside for me.  That night, I wasn’t met with what I expected.  
Casey decided to ignore me.  In my fury, I began kicking small things off the desk where I stood and where Casey was working.  My antics went on for a few minutes until I turned to find something more breakable.  Gigantic fingers wrapped around my sides while my back was turned, forcing my arms down.  A shriek tore out of my throat.  For the first time, I could feel my body tensing with pain as their grip slowly squeezed the air from my lungs.  My shriek ended in a wheeze as I gasped for air.
“Stop.”  That was all they said.  A warning.  Then Casey released me.  I probably should’ve listened to the warning.  “What the hell is wrong with you?!” I asked between heavy breaths, “You could’ve killed me, shit-for-brains!”  Casey gave me an unfriendly glare and turned away from me.  I really shouldn’t have pushed them after that; it was the angriest I’d ever seen them.  Instead, I stormed over to an empty coffee mug and shoved it until it slid over the desk’s edge.  The sound of shattering porcelain caused Casey to whirl right back around.  I could hear my words without feeling them leave my lips.  “Now, will you listen to me?”
In a movement too fast for me to process, I was pressed tightly into a fisted hand.  I cried apologies as I felt them stand up, mind diving into animalistic blindness.  I thought they would crush me into pulp, I thought they would drop me from so high up that I’d tear into pieces upon hitting the floor, I thought they might rip me apart in a vengeful ferocity, I thought-  Suddenly, I was roughly deposited onto my shelf.  I rushed backwards, diving headlong into the destruction in a desperate attempt to hide.  Casey’s gaze bored into me the whole time, staring right at me through shards of rubble.  
“I’m tired of you annoying me about this every fucking day,” they told me in a monotone that frightened me more than any angry yelling might’ve.  “I’m doing the best I can for you without losing my job, my apartment, or my friends.  I don’t have to help you.  Keep asking me about the funds, and I’ll use them to buy myself something nice instead.”
That was the last time I tried telling them about anything else.
The weekend after my birthday, Casey was kind enough to let me go out somewhere interesting.  Albeit it was after my birthday, when I cried for several hours straight because I was incredibly disheartened and homesick.  Yeah, what a way to spend the day.  Anyway, I got to tag along with Casey to a pier at the oceanfront a few hours away.  It's been so long since I’ve been anywhere that I’m not even nervous about it.  Casey wore a spacious backpack with the zipper only halfway drawn so I could easily see outside without someone easily looking inside and noticing me.  We browsed a few stores, and had lunch at a diner right on the beach.  I had to stay in the backpack, of course, but my meal was secretly stashed inside for me the moment the waitress left the table.
For the first time in a while, I didn’t feel at least a little bit miserable.  We sat on the beach for a bit to digest after our meal.  Casey made a little hideout out of sand for me, which was actually pretty cool.  We’ve been on much nicer terms since I’ve stopped asking them when I can go home.
After a good half hour of messing around on the beach, we hit the stores again, making our way to the very end of the long boardwalk.  On the way back, we didn’t bother stopping anywhere else since we’d already been everywhere in the opposite direction.  Plus, the slit in the backpack is facing the wrong way now.  However, something caught my eye on the ocean side of the pier.  On a stand with a slowly rotating rack for jewelry, sat tiny delicate creatures made of glass.  I don’t know what it is about them, but I think I really want one.  Someone walked directly in front of my view, so I leaned against the outside wall, straining to catch a glimpse of the glittering trinkets.  
ZZZPP  The zipper slid open with my added weight on it, throwing the slit in the side wide open.  I tumbled out of the gap, hitting the ground with such force that I couldn’t breathe or see for a moment.  Searing pain ricocheted down my leg where I landed.  When my vision did return, I found myself in the center of the boardwalk, completely exposed to the gigantic world around me.
“CASEY!  CASEY!!!”  I screamed as loud as I could, but the pier was packed and the crowd was overwhelmingly louder than my voice.  Though I was on my feet running at full speed after them, I couldn’t catch up.  Soon, I’d lost sight of them completely.  Did I really have to peer so far out of Casey’s backpack?  I guess I’m lucky I didn’t die when I hit the ground.  However, I’m still far from safe.  My leg is already beginning to swell after how roughly I landed on it, and the throbbing makes my muscles tense the second I put any weight on them.  Nevermind the various bleeding scratches I got when I hit the wooden boardwalk.
THUD  A massive foot came down about an inch away from where I stood.  I cried out in alarm, hobbling out of the way as fast as I could go.  The pain in my leg kept causing me to trip, only making it worse.  By the time I managed to get to the side of the pier, I had broken out into a cold sweat, sending shivers across my body though it was blazingly hot outside.  I panted, gripping the base of the thick metal railing that separated the boardwalk from the beach.  Everything hurts so much.  My muscles burn from trying to run, and my head is pounding dully without a single drink of water.
“Could this possibly get any-”  I stopped myself before completing that question.  Every fucking time someone asks that question, something bad happens.  But I guess you don’t even have to finish the question for it to work its magic.  A seagull landed on the railing rung above me.  It cocked its head, beady black eyes staring blankly at me from above.  I threw my hands over my ears as it let out a hideously loud screech that sounded almost like mocking laughter.  The board beneath me creaked as the bird alighted right beside me.  “Shoo!” I cried, “Get out of here, loudmouth!  I don’t have any food!  Go find someone else to harass!”  The seagull didn’t take my yelling very well.  I yelped as a beak about the size of my body pecked at me.  
I fully expected the dumb bird to fly away after I yelled at it, so I couldn’t even dodge it in time.  Searing pain shot through my arm and a pained yelp escaped my throat.  A long bloody gash sliced down my forearm where the seagull had attacked me.  Suddenly terrified, I fled down the boardwalk, the bird following right behind me in a half-waddle half-flap.  I gripped my arm tightly as blood leaked out, spattering the wood below.  It hadn’t occurred to me that the food the seagull was looking for was me.
My head got foggier the further I ran.  I’m not even sure if the seagull is still behind me or not, but if I stop to check, I might end up dead.  I was so out of it, that when I recognized someone in the crowd, I assumed I was hallucinating.  Finally, when I felt dangerously close to passing out, I stopped and searched the boardwalk again.  Sure enough, Rey Harrison wandered through the middle of the throng, coming to rest on the railing a few excruciatingly long feet away from me.  
Rey and I have been together for years.  Not together together, just.. in close proximity.  We met in my sophomore year of high school, and I was immediately head over heels in love.  However, when I confessed that to him after re-meeting him in college, he awkwardly told me he only thought of me as a good friend.  I was angry, but I couldn’t really be angry at him.  It was his preference; I couldn’t be mad at him for that.
Relief flooded through me so literally I started crying.  I stumbled towards him slowly.  I didn’t have the energy to go any faster.  Collapsing at his feet, I took a shaking breath and started screaming his name.  He stepped back suddenly and my heart flew into my throat.  I braced myself for him to accidentally step on me, or walk away completely unaware that I’m here.  “D- Dani?”  Rey quickly turned around, scanning the crowd behind him.  His shoes came dangerously close to me.  “Rey!” I practically sobbed, “I’m down here!  Just look down!”  To my horror, he backed up.  The sole of his sneaker blocked out the sun as it drifted over me.  I shrieked, bracing myself for the worst.  It hovered right over my head, then flinched back upwards, thudding down further away.
“Dani?!”  I cautiously peered up and found his beautiful gold-flecked brown eyes staring down at me.  His hand reached for me, but froze as I flinched away from it.  I’m so used to Casey haphazardly grabbing me.  He isn’t Casey, though.  Moments later, I stumbled into his outstretched hand, hugging his thumb close.  There are so many things I want to tell him, but all I can do is sob.  
Everything was blissfully still for a moment, then I felt fingers pressing in around me.  I yelped as his index finger brushed my forearm.  “Oh shit!  Dani you’re- you’re bleeding!  How did..  What happened to you?!”  Again, all I could do was whimper as he lifted me to standing height.  His movements are so dizzying, I can’t see a thing.  “Dani?  Dani!”  The next thing I know, my head slipped into darkness.
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personasintro · 1 year
Mimi!!!!! Thank you sooooo much for the wonderful New Year's present!!! I was so happy when I saw that MH55 was out. You are awesome!🫶🏼
I really don’t think that this will be interesting for you to read, but I just need to get this out so here are my two cents...
This was an interesting chapter to read, full of fluff and sweet moments that I fully enjoyed even though I usually prefer angsty scenes. And tbh the ending took me a little by surprise. But before I start I just wanted to quickly mention that Tae and Yoongi scenes were sooo good! I loved how sweet and caring Tae was, and YOONGI HUGGED Y/N??? Whaat??? Both scenes were awesome! Anyways I did expect Jungkook to be the first one to try to approach y/n and I was so happy when he did, bc honestly I feel like y/n would have taken a forever to do that. I know that many people in the comments were judging y/n for not being ready to talk and panicking, but I for one understood exactly how she feels. I’m actually glad she took her time to sort out her thoughts and have the talk when she felt ready. That’s why I was so happy to read the wrestling part (Maya knew what she was doing😏), which imo kind of eased things even more.. and the “I won’t let you fall”…. Ohhh for the first time since the argument it felt like the old times and that was just so heart-warming to read.. And I have no idea whether it was intentional or not, but someone in the comments already pointed out that those words “I won’t let you fall” felt like sth more than what it meant at the time. Like when she slipped on the rocks and Jk caught her – he didn’t let her fall again. This whole thing just felt a bit more whether it was intended that way or not… and then when jk got drunk and they ended up cuddling, it made me so happy. He was soooo cute and I really missed reading scenes like this. It felt like that reassurance she was asking for earlier – that everything will be okay no matter what happens. And then the ending…… I was really happy to see how they both finally opened up and talked it out and all the time I kind of wanted them to take a little break, but when she actually proposed it I was like “ouuff I don’t know about this”😄🥲. And imo Jk did seem hesitant about this, but agreed anyway.. From now on things can go in many different ways and it excites and scares me at the same time.. Because if there really are romantic feelings between them and this helps them to realize then I get the feeling that jk would be the first one to say something. Either way, I hope that one of them will say something. But if they realize they want to stay friends…. It’s just like you said in one of your asks – it was nice while it lasted, but ngl it would really f*cking hurt..😞
Anyways I’m just gonna sit here and try my best to manifest a really nice realization scene or sth like that in the next chapter, which I’m already excited about.😄
I am so, so sorry that this was so long. Take your time, rest, and have a wonderful day/night.🫶🏼💜🫂
55 is a weird mixture of angst and fluff, I’d say, among other things lolol and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the scenes with Yoongi and Taehyung!!
I’d like to think of jk knowing she would take her time to approach him & him knowing she’s having a hard time and that’s why he took the first step 🥲
I’m really glad you’ve enjoyed so many scenes in this one! Thanks a lot for your feedback, you guys know I love hearing your thoughts and all that, so this was fun to read 🥰
Thank you for continuing to read this story & enjoy the ride while it lasts 🎢🤍
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hello! I love your BoB headcanon so much I cant NDDNFNDNDNDN
I would like to do a BoB romantic ship request if you’re still up for those ! Please take your time, I have a bunch of stuff down so it could be pretty hard to get through <33
My pronouns are she/her. I have straight, dark black hair that grows a little over my shoulder and dark brown eyes that only shines under really bright light.
I’m an INFP 9w1– initially when talking to new people I’ll usually express curiosity and be soft-spoken to the extreme level cuz I sorta have social anxiety, it’s been getting more manageable but I’ve been moving around a lot so…
I pretty much have a (chaotic) golden retriever energy and am really fond of joking around once I get to know someone. My sense of humour is beyond repair: a mix of dad jokes and bad puns.
The jokes aside, I’m pretty affectionate after getting to know someone and will actively let them rant to me whenever. I also geek about things I’m interested in every now and then.
If someone is able to put up with my weird I’m also really supportive + try my best to help them in any ways I can, since I enjoy helping people.
Sometimes I get closed off after getting to know someone mainly because I have a lot of self-doubt and scared of hurting them and myself in the process? It’s a weird thing. Mostly because I keep moving and have never really settled for a while.
My love language are words of affirmation and physical touch mainly, the lateral only reserved for people whom I’m really close to. It takes a while to get close to me but once I love you I am an absolute mess, completely smitten. I’m a lot more soft and jokes are less chaotic. Cuddles and hugs r a must !!
If someone comes up to me and asks me out I’d cease to function tbh. My autopilot response is “oh sure!” no matter who it is. If it’s someone I have a crush on (usually someone I’ve known for a bit) I’d probably be stunned for a really long time lmao… like “are you sure?? Like a romantic thing frfr. Like uhhhh-” Fumbling with words x100
My hobbies are drawing, watching films, and listening to relaxing music! I also do funky voices and accents for fun when I’m doing the dishes to make it less tedious.
My favourite season is probably autumn or spring. I’m bilingual and am learning French, German, and Japanese fundamentals.
Thank you for your patience! I sorry that this is so long I kinda popped off 😭
Thank you for your request lovely! <33
I ship you with…
Shifty Powers!
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song recommendation: The Way You Look Tonight - Frank Sinatra
- okay let me start off by saying how cute you guys would be together like i’m shipping it so hard
- He would be so enamored by your beauty at first glance, like you make him so so nervous LOL, but he could literally stare at you for hours if he wanted too
- You guys would be that couple that balances each other out so well, like you have this fun, chaotic (in a good way) energy, and he’s more calm and relaxed
- but he still totally supports your chaotic-ness and will 100% laugh at all of your jokes
- At first, your guys’ relationship would be a bit slow, not because you guys don’t like each other or anything, but because both of you are lowkey crushing hard on the other and y’all’s social anxiety gets the best of y’all
- both of you are so nervous around each other at first and its so cute omg, like all of your, and his friends, would try to get one or the other to go talk with the other person and it’s adorable
- but once you guys warm up to each other, you guys could talk to each other for hours, it’s more like you’re the one talking and he’s the one listening but either way both of you enjoy talking to one another
- I think he’d be the one to ask you out, after severe convincing from the guys (not because he didn’t want to, but because he was NERVOUS) he would plan it for a while, maybe get some roses and your favorite chocolates before asking you out
- He would wait until the time is right before asking the question, it would be something like, “If you wanna, would you maybe want to go out for dinner sometime, only if you’d like, of course” He would be so sweet and gentle about the whole thing
- The relationship between y’all is unmatched, like you guys can talk to each other about just about anything, he’s more of the calmer version of you but he’s always down for some fun!
- If you started to get closed off with him, he’d worry and think that you lost feelings, or that he did something wrong, he would ask you after a couple days of ignoring him, and you would finally tell him how you feel and your worries in the relationship, he would be so reassuring to you that he would never hurt or break your heart, and that he would always be there for you
- ugh and both of y’all are so cute and affectionate with one another, like always cuddling and hugging, Shifty never fails to remind you how much he loves you, whether it’s actually saying it, or showing it to you in other ways, he really cares about you and your feelings
- Don’t even get me started on how sweet he is with you though, like this man is such a gentleman, every date with him, his hospitality never slims down, he’s always going to open a door for you, hold your hand, walk on the sidewalk closest to the road, use his manners, all of the best qualities a boyfriend can have
- And say when you’re having bad days, he’s so supportive, he will definitely listen to you and validate your feelings 100%, if you ever need someone to talk to he’s the perfect person to go to
- he thinks you’re so funny naturally, like you could say something random that you didn’t even think was funny and he would bust out laughing, he thinks you are the best person to be silly with for sure
- he loves watching films and movies with you, it’s one of the moments where he just gets to cuddle up with you and watch a good movie, both of you can just relax together and that’s what’s so nice about it
- and during autumn time Shifty will make SURE to take you to the Appalachians to see all of the pretty fall colors there
- honestly, he really enjoys watching you draw, like he thinks there’s something so therapeutic about it to just watch you express yourself onto a piece of paper, ik that sounds a bit deep but he just thinks of it that way
- if you are practicing any of your languages, please teach him some of it too! He would honestly be so curious towards it and might even be down to learn a few words!
- you guys are always helpful towards each other and will always be there if the other one needs it, communication is always a key in your guys relationship and telling each other what’s wrong or what they can do to help is always helpful!
- but overall, you guys would be so good for each other, you guys would be bestfriends, and lovers at the same time, the dynamic between you two would be absolutely golden and I think it would workout so well together.
Thank you again for your request! Hope you enjoy! :) 💛💖
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overheaven · 4 months
MFA program interview tomorrow (it's almost 4am now so technically today but shh)
honestly. i think i’m more nervous about what will happen if i'm accepted this time than the interview itself. the interview... i've been through it once, & my interviewing skills are good if i say so myself. but idk until last wednesday i had more or less accepted the idea that an mfa wasn't meant for me in this lifetime. i still WANTED it but i accepted that i might not get it— who do i get rec letters from 2, 5, 10 years down the line, when i’ve likely been just in the workforce and not a community that could speak to my art & study skills? what do i put in my portfolio if i’m too disabled to get out & find studios & make the art i’d want to create a graduate thesis out of?
but now i've got this opportunity and like. yeah you can be cynical about it & say they're filling a quota or maybe this is their M/O every year to bait more applicants & inflate numbers… but idk i’m trying to stop those suspicious, paranoid thoughts because they’re based in insecurity & hurt.
when a dept. head emails me the day before the deadline and says 'we were looking at past applicants and invite you to apply again; just reuse your previous application' and they offer me an interview the day after i send that and a few new materials, i need to think ‘yeah there's something in my art that they want. that the world wants.’ i do make good art, art that does what i need it to do. and i have worked SO hard. i know what i’m doing and what i want.
plus i got waitlisted last time so i was this close 🤏 i’m not going to be cocky but it sounds like a have a good chance this time. i think about how i got into RISD for undergrad i just couldn’t afford it. i got into RISD! one of THE most illustrious art schools in the damn country! only about 17-19% acceptance rate!!! my portfolio was good enough for that!!!!!
so if given this opportunity i will seize it because i have to. i will be grinding myself to dust while i’m there, i’m sure. i’m still spent from the last 4 years, but i am a fighter and i will claw my way through with torn nails and broken teeth if i need to. i’d rather do that right now while the iron is not exactly hot but still workable rather than wait for a nebulous “someday” or never get it at all. if i get it done now, school can be completely totally DONE for me. there’s nothing above a masters for fine art.
and i feel really good about giving this second chance at this MFA program everything i’ve got, without over analyzing or second guessing because my gf has given me a really stable life and we have a whole plan of where we wanna be for the next few years at least. i have a job too! a pretty ideal one for someone like me!! there is a LIFE waiting for me if i get rejected. i’m not hinging on this for student loans to live on and a reprieve from work that was making me suicidal.
but like. yeah i’ve been having a cart before the horse thing. i'm really scared of the idea of 2 more years of study while being away from a more permanent home precisely because we are so ready & prepared for stability and being somewhere that’s not temporary. i don’t wanna be in transition anymore! i want a home and a place to rest!! i want to stay in therapy! i want to go to doctors and fix my body!
but if i need to, i will.
opportunities have always been stolen from me, by circumstance & finances, having no support. i’ve never been in control of my life. i want to capture this one if it lays down in front of me. i really do deserve it.
and tbh i think it will be somewhat easier because it is just art and some TA stuf. undergrad was agonizing because i was trying to put together senior projects and manage portfolios while also having to fucking write busywork 1-2 page essays every week in each of my other classes and writing manuscripts and being the one to manage group project email chains and scheduling because the 18-20 year old students don’t like to just get shit done. i don’t want to say i’m better than students who went to art colleges but i am built different LOL
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
Why is Ivy trying to fake like she doesn’t care? She’s gonna snap I know it and it better not be on me. Especially with my twin around, if she was any kind of sister she would pounce on her without question. Ryan is giving Timotheè vibes. He’s attractive but not my type. He has a lazy eye thing going on but it kinda works for him. Anyway, I’m good on that.
I thought I’d be besties with Grace, but she’s a little obsessed with Ozzy and with my sister in the picture I’m hoping we only have a little sibling drama and she doesn’t turn out to by my arch nemesis instead of my bestie.
Ozzy seems like a people pleaser. I’ll bet he’ll be loyal even though that’s not what he wants to avoid hurting feelings.
I do have a feeling Amelia messed around with my ex, though. It doesn’t seem like they were that serious so I don’t really care even though that’s jacked up. She better not pull that mess in here though. Im thinking there is a reasonable explanation for the cheek kiss…. maybe she tongued everyone else down and spared him 😂 🤞🏽
I’m scared to find out what’s wrong with Jamal…he’s a little cocky, has potential to be a stage 3 clinger but seems too good to be true so early.
Lewie is a little bland, and Bella is giving me zero red flags so far. I actually think her and Jamal would be cute.
Just waiting for the 💩 to hit the 🪭 classic trauma response and all…
so far the sister isnt really giving me "sister" vibes. After their first private convo I told her to stay clear of Lewie and I felt like lowkey she wasnt really doing that. if I told my sister to stay away from someone she wouldve totally and completely respected that even if she thought he was cute too.
theres clearly some weird dynamic between the two so im excited we get to explore that as the weeks go on.
I love Grace!! I really wanna be besties with her and im so sad that I have to steal her man LOL BUT if his twin sprite comes in next I might just go for him. TBH the islanders this season are all 10s so were spoilt for choice.
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sturnioloshacker · 5 months
little rant/vent: im overhtinking about my gf. and i think shes mad at me for drinking again and i feel bad i mean im trying my best to stop drinking. and its hard buti feel like shes getting distant and im jsut scared that im gonna lose her bcs shes the best thing thats happened in my life in years. and i cat lose her. shes everything i have but i feel like im messing everything up and im scared. bcs if i lose her i have nothing. and i just. idk. i think i fucked up by saying "promise?" to her "i love you too" i probably shouldnt have said that and im scared that that mesed up things more and itll make me lose her. and im honestly just scared. i was thinking abt it today too. im just scaed tbh that im gonna lose her. and shes an amazing fucking girl and i dont wanna hurt her. at all. bcs shes amazing and deserves someone that isnt gonna hurt her. and i feel lke im gonna fuck up and hurt her.
oh my love i’m so sorry. if you’re feeling like you’re going to lose her because you think she’s mad at you for drinking, please talk to her. the only way you can know for sure is if you talk to her and let her explain her thoughts.
i don’t want to come across as rude and bitchy here but if you think that drinking is a problem in your relationship, then i’d suggest you seek some help and some professional advice on how to stop.
the main thing here is that if you want to keep your relationship strong and stable, talk it out with each other and seek out some advice and help.
you’ve got this sweetheart, i believe in you and i hope that everything works out for you and your amazing gf 🩷
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thehighpriestess1 · 1 year
“Gojo looked at Keisuke and both of them exchanged a look of secrecy”
let’s have a moment of silence for Y/N and all she’s gonna have to deal with between Gojo and his mini me Keisuke 😭
I’m so happy we got a bit of domestic bliss, I know things are still hectic but it’s so nice to see things slow down and everyone happy (except for Yuri but no one cares about her). The flowers? The breakfast? The daddy blog???? Shit Y/N is stronger than me because I’d have already told him that we don’t need the month anymore we’re back together.
I’m a bit nervous Y/N didn’t bring up what Yuri said to her with Gojo but I wonder if it’s because Y/N thinks she can handle Yuri or if she feels like she doesn’t wanna rock the boat. And her anemia? I really hope everything is okay and that this resolves because I just need them to be a big happy family PLEASE 😭🙏🏽
Yuri noticing how much Gojo dotes on Y/N and how he sighed at having to interact with her had me cackling. She really thought she was special and I loved seeing reality bring her back down to reality 😭 but I’m definitely nervous because Yuri isn’t just someone that’s gonna allow herself to get walked on by Y/N so she’s gonna fucking try something and I don’t want Y/N or the baby to get hurt.
Gojo and Y/N slowly seem to be talking and I’m happy about that. I can’t imagine how scared she must be to have her life uprooted AGAIN but this time with their son. She knows she has to make the best decisions for Keisuke and not just herself but I trust Y/N’s judgement, I know she will in the end and now she has Gojo too.
THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD CHAPTER, a breath of fresh air with angst sprinkled in. Next chapter is the finale right? I’m super scared and excited but I’m so happy to have followed this story since Chapter 1, we’ve come so far. Thank you for writing and sharing your work with us ❤️ I’m holding out hope for a happy ending for Gojo, Y/N and Keisuke as a family! (Every ask I send you seems to always be an essay 😖)
Y/n is definitely scared and confused. She has a lot to focus on. She's unsure about her boundaries with Gojo and they have a baby too so she knows it's not going to be easy. But she is going to wait a month and see how things unfold .
Gojo is a doting husband. He is a menace but in the best way possible. I don't think this chapter captures just how much he is willing to do for y/n so I might add another chapter before the final one.
You're right. Yuri will not go down without a fight. She won't harm the baby because she feels after y/n she is going to be his mother lol and the reason why y/n didn't mention anything to Gojo is because she wants to focus on her relationship with Gojo and doesn't really care about Yuri
Thank you so much for staying with this story. I love you and your asks so much and tbh I wait for your essays 💖
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
u gotta pick a member of your choosing and then create a 7 song bts playlist about ur relationship tell me why you chose each song and how it relates to your relationship as always i’ll go first
the member i choose is OF COURSE✨ seokjin ✨ gotta keep the flame alive while my baby doing his thing gotta let the hoes know he still accounted for 🤧 GOTTA SPEAK OUR TRUTH
FIRST SONG UP IS embarrassed/blanket kick!!! like we would just have soooo much pining in the beginning to be honest but like lowkey pining not lowkey enough that the people who know us best are oblivious but lowkey nonetheless and like we’d be acting awkward around each other tryna figure out who gon make a move first (not me) and like the timing just gon be off for a bit and there’s gonna be the subtle flirting until he goes for it <333
next up is butterfly and i know what you may be thinking like DANG ALREADY???? like THESE LYRICS????
Will you stay by my side/Will you promise me/If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break/I'm scared scared scared of that/Will you stop time/If this moment passes/As though it hadn't happened/I’m scared scared scared I'll lose you
but yes <333 we not casual people and all the pining will have gotten to us and it’s gon be like omg 😱 we wanted this so bad what if it doesn’t work? should we just stay friends? i’d rather keep you where you are then escalate this if that’s a possibility like we’re gonna be scared but we finna work through it take the leap of faith
THENNN 21st century girls!!! something cute for the kids something light for the summer time we’ve worked out most of our complexes surrounding the relationship and i just feel like seokjin would have the energy like being my hype man you know like always flirting telling me i’m beautiful encouraging my own individuality this that and the third he’s fun!! he’s a dream!! he’s a man written by a woman!! MY man written for ME specifically 🤨
WE’VE REACHED THE CREST OF BREAKUP ARC in the form of moon like okay you would NOT think that this would lead to our breakup but like FUN FACT!!! i have abandonment and trust issues it’s true 💔 the hot girl’s hamartia like imma get overwhelmed by his affections for me and like how much trust he has in me bc like these lyrics
Though everyone says I'm beautiful/But my sea is all black/A star where flowers bloom and the sky is blue/You are the truly beautiful one/Suddenly I wonder/Are you also looking at me right now? (Oh)/Won't you find out all my painful wounds? (Oh)/ I'll orbit around you/ I'll stay by your side/ I'll be your light/ All for you
LIKE THATS A LOT FOR SOMEONE WITH ABANDONMENT ISSUES AND LIKE and i’d be like woah woah what did i even do to deserve all that we gotta we gotta chill idk if i can do this that’s right i’m the villain of my own story <\3
BUT FRET NOT BC love is not over like at the end of the day he not gon let a good thing (me) go 💁🏾‍♀️ neither of us are tbh it’s gonna take some time to get there tho like we’re both gonna have to take time to evaluate the relationship and ourselves and i feel like it’s gonna be one of those things where it’s like we gonna meet up for closure but end up with us being like why the HECK are we hurting for no reason like if being apart feels like this let’s just be together
and when all that’s said and done we have outro propose 🥳🥳🥳 that’s right guys we’re getting MARRIED!!! 👰🏾‍♀️🤵🏻‍♂️ even tho i’m the earth to his moon he still wants to give me the world the solar system the galaxy it’s true i’m his everything and he’s mine too and we gonna reminisce on our journey and live happily ever after 💕💞💖
SO WE’RE WRAPPING IT ALL UP WITH best of me!!! now let me tell u about this song like it’s just one that always shocks me bc i usually don’t like songs that sound like this like the edm type feel but i’ve ALWAYS really liked this song like every time it would come up on shuffle i’d be surprised about how i genuinely love it but still bc it’s not the usual sound i gravitate toward i don’t typically CHOOSE to put it on so tbh i never looked up the english translation like SUE ME BTS HAS A GAJILLION SONGS AND THEY ALWAYS MAKING MOVES CANT BE ON TOP OF EVERYTHING but when i was looking up the lyrics for this my jaw was on the freaking floor like the DEVOTION held within these lyrics oh me OH MY like need me some of that desperately like if you’ve never looked up the translation or if it’s been a while I SINCERELY URGE YOU TO DO SO like i can’t put everything here but
I used to rain/I used to snow/I stop all the misfortune/ And I bring the heavens/ Don't speak of it so lightly/ There's no me without you/ You're the best of me, the best of me, yeah
like knees on da ground head in my hands world shook aura combusted i can’t believe they was pop locking when they said these words ANYWAY yeah seokjin is like head honcho of both emotional maturity and wanting everyone around him to be happy especially ME once we’re married and all in like we’re gonna give each other our best and be the best for each other
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mopillow · 2 years
i’d love for that to be the case (zx waiting on jy) if what you say is accurate. i think (maybe for both cases) they could be scared to be a couple and possibly ruin the friendship- hence jy being “content” as friends- but tbh i think that’s MY hopeful reading of this story. If jian yi is truly playing safe, i think it’s bc of that (like he left zx alone and wept on the couch in the other room as soon as he confessed cause he was so sure he ruined the friendship, aware that confessing “wouldn’t  make zx happy”)
maybe i just remember these moments where zxx shows some form of budding feelings for jy but then people still find a way to write it off as “he only cares as a friend, it’s not romantic” or “he was just embarrassed- doesn’t mean he have any feelings.” hence my hurt & stance zxx should be the one to take that next step~
more than anything i truly just think you just have more faith in zhen xi than i do lol! 
I do, I do have a lot of faith because usually when you confess to someone of your same gender and they’re heterosexuals that don’t see you that way they don’t respond as nice as ZZX did, is more like Mo did to HT and ZZX did this
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In both times he was more than nice to JY, no one has to turn somebody down nicely but ZZX didn’t turn down JY at all, he was understanding, with lots of questions but that’s normal when it comes out of nowhere that your bf likes you the gay part has nothing to do in this, he started to make changes for JY and I believe that’s why he got hurt when JY just disappeared, after saying he couldn’t live without him and after ZZX didn’t pushed him away at no point, because people do push you away when they’re not that way into you that’s a reality, Yes ZZX doesn’t do what he does in hopes JY falls in love of him he does it because that’s the way he is BUT he does notice that JY’s attentions are not the same as his and little by little that’s changing the way he sees their relationship, you can be in love and have no idea about it because you’re so use to the presence of the other person and that’s why I’m all for that separation they need it, not TianShan they should stay together forever in their small world, is going to take less time to get together after they know how horrible life is without the other by their side and if JY was more honest about it they could be together already, go for it JY
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neteyamsilly · 1 year
Hi!! It’s Ramble anon!!
I wanted to gush a little about part 3!! (I wanted to do it sooner, but I had a big exam in the late morning 😔)
It was a lovely read, you write so daintily, it feels like I’m watching a movie instead of reading a story!!
First of all, I wanted to say that I‘m so happy that you enjoy what I write to you! I absolutely have a blast rambling to you, the creator of this beautiful story, about anything that gets my attention, I’m so honored😭 (and absolutely do not be sorry!! Take your time for anything!!)
Ik there are siblings outings, just spilling the tea 😌
Lo’ak and Y/N totally sound like the siblings that would bicker and be mean and sarcastic to each other, but the moment someone messes with one of them... (when they DO hang out, they are like SO reckless lmao, I think they wouldn’t be allowed, they would need a chaperone (Neteyam 😭))
About the colors of the Ikrans!!
Neteyam -> ikran with greenish hues like Seze
Lo’ak -> ikran with blueish hues like Bob
Kiri -> now, it’s just an headcanon!! But I’d like to think that her ikran has light lilac hues like Vitraya Ramunong, with a little bit of green in the chin and tail and sprinkled a bit on the back (because she’s so connected to Eywa, it’d be kinda cool!) (from what I’ve seen in the comics (not much tbh) Kiri’s ikran is like greenish? Oh well)
And Y/N: I absolute have no idea!! Do you have any? I’m super curious! (Btw I LOVE his personality (he’s a boy!!! So cute 😭)
“the vibe of an older sister who doesnt want to hang with her younger siblings” PLSS 😭 she doesss look like that, I KNOW Tuk begs and begs
Now about the chapter!!
Quaritch calling u sweetheart 🤢
The headbutt scene made me so happy, Fuck You Quarith Get Wrecked
But Y/N thinking her dad would leave her to fend for herself is so heartbreaking, but what was even more heartbreaking, was Y/N trying to hide her gunshot wound, she was so scared, I loved the scene, I felt how panicked she was.. (her trying to console her mom, PLS; BUT her dad NOT consoling her after she got kidnapped and almost got killed?? FOUL)
Btw Like HOW strong is she to be able to hide a gunshot would to her abdomen?? My girl is STURDY
And her ikran bringing Neytiri and Jake to Y/N!! Neytiri was so sad she got her ikran (I think it’s something that will be talked about again 😭)
[..] Father is angry, I don’t—”
“Nonsense.” Incredulous and enraged suddenly about something you couldn’t put a finger on [..]
Ik Jake was scared, but man, he chose to go THE wrong way about it 😭, I mean IGNORING her??
[..] “Don’t tell him! Don’t tell father! He’ll really kill me for this—”
“No, no no no,” she shook her head, frenzied, tone cracked from beginning to end. “Do not say that. Don’t you ever say that—”
[..] “He’ll be so angry,” you begged, pleading, pink spit bubbling at the corners of your mouth. The sound of gurgling accompanying the words you forced your whole body to form. “You can’t tell him — you can’t! He already hates me!” [..]
“Please don’t be mad,” you shuddered, meek and unsteady, tunnel vision flickering at the edges only perceiving him. “It’s my fault—I’m sorry—please don’t be angry—”
[..] he didn’t even want to hear you talking. 
And you fulfilled his wish. 
It’s battered to the ground, it’s been stepped on and spit on
Her siblings are going to be so horrified, I can only imagine Neteyam’s guilt (he was so worried, poor boy) and Lo’ak’s 😭 (He was mocking her so much, such sibling behavior lmao, but I think he will feel like very BAD about it, but who knows??)
“The way Neytiri is going to smear your face with blood eerily the same pattern as she’s freaking out is going to be so symbolic — that this is your ceremonial paint and what a bad omen it is. A direct punishment from Eywa made clear to your parents”
Pls this is going to hurt so good 😭
Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️
(I’m so tired, my energy was sucked off from that exam, I hope there are not any mistakes lmao)
HI RAMBLE ANON, please don't worry about it, ur not obligated to send me these amazing messages in the first place, I will be happy regardless whenever or ifever I get them, I will always be thankful! I hope your exam results will be exactly how you wanted them to be 💞💞
YEAHHHHH SHE AND LO'AK ARE JUST MENACES TOGETHER!! I remember talking about this in another ask, but I have to say I really imagine Sister!Reader traumatizing Aonung for almost getting Lo'ak killed, like, the scene I have in my mind goes like: even after Lo'ak and Aonung reach a mutual understanding and empathy, to make him feel the hopelessness and abandonment her brother felt, she takes Aonung as high as they can in her ikran and just plays acrobatics with him 😭 Aonung thinks he'll literally die DHSJDS She is NOT playing around. When Jake is about to scold her (but really is SUPER proud she disguised it as "friends being pals") she is like "well i had to teach him not to mess with my siblings again. in good sport, of course. like you said" and Jake can barely stop the smirk LMAOOOO
And the ikran colors! I really love your headcanon of Kiri's ikran being the tree of souls' colors OH MY GOD!
Part of why I answered this question too late was that I didn't want to reveal sister!reader's ikran's colors bc it was supposed to be a surprise! But DUDUNNNN it's Toruk's color scheme!!! Not the prettiest color palette but it's 🤙🏻symbolic🤙🏻 you know? And sister!reader is the only one having a warm-colored ikran in her family. All the others have pretty forest-colored ones. She is all fire.
Also, Jake was so busy panicking about Quaritch and how they literally went undetected right under his nose that he forgot 😭 It's good angst material, though. His mind is always on how to protect that he fails to most of the time. (Am I a jake apologist???? GASP)
Thank you so much for this! I hope you have an amazing day <33
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Ok, I realised maybe I should explain the “friend kinda faked her death” thing because technically, it’s. Less dramatic (but still as traumatic to me tbh) than it sounds like
Long story short, my then best friend -who lived on the opposite side of the country- texted me that she was about to go on a date with a girl I think she talked to online. Good. Just lemme know how it went, right?
Few hours later, no news. Ok, maybe she’s having a good time. A day. A few.  
I am starting to freak out, thinking maybe it turned out into something grim. I start checking the news of her town, to make sure no body or anything was found. 
I continue to text and call. Nothing. 
I’m freaking out, considering driving to the other side of the country, my then friend convince me otherwise. 
Some time later, her sister (family is split all across the world, they have issues, this is important for later) texts me, asking if I heard of her. Obviously not, I’m worried, did she? Nope, they thought of all people, I’d be the one having news. Right. I’m scared af now.
I sent a letter. Some weeks later, the envelop comes back with “this person doesn’t live here” sorta stamp on it. I am fully panicking. I am convinced something happened to my friend, and as someone who once was texted by a stranger that their sister, to whom I used to text with a lot, had killed herself, I am extremely sensitive to “maybe this is the last time I texted her” sorta deal. Right?
Months pass.
And then, New Year arrives.
And I get a text. A fucking happy new year. 
I am. Fucking freaking out. I don’t understand, I am relieved that maybe she’s now safe or something, right?
Well, she was always safe. She wasn’t kidnapped, she wasn’t dead, nothing had happened. Why did she cut ties with me so suddenly, after saying she had a date?
Well, because she wanted to cut ties with her family and thought if I didn’t know about her, then they wouldn’t bother me.
And instead of telling me... you just... play dead? For months? While seeing my texts??? my messages??? You just live your life, while I believe you dead?
Anyway, I’m glad she’s safe and I’m glad to see her happy, but I’m forever gonna be hurt by that one ahah. 
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woozi · 2 years
hi yza i hope you’re having a good day ^^ wanted to ask for some advice!
i wanna share original content with the fandom.. similar to you, graphic design (and digital art) has been my hobby for years and recently i find myself wanting to share art with a community who gets it (yk???) but i havent because im so scared of my art/content being uploaded elsewhere, reduced to a “ctto” or even worse, claimed as someone else’s work :/ i remember a carat whose art was recently posted without credit on wv and hoshi saw it and replied and it made the creator feel rly bad. im scared of all of that happening, esp with how easy it is to remove a watermark these days
idk what to do honestly like how do creators live with that feeling :’( any advice is appreciated. thank you so much
hello, my love <33 i def get where you're coming from! realistically, no matter how many "do not repost/re-edit/etc." lines we plaster on our posts (and even in the work itself tbh), there really are just people who'd disrespect that and just go about doing whatever they want. i'd like to offer you some reassuring words to encourage you to share your work, but sadly those things inevitably happen and i can't guarantee you otherwise. i’d rather tell you the truth upfront than offer you flowery words. however!! the joy of creating and sharing my work outweighs all this for me, personally. i also would've never met you guys without it, and that's the biggest thing that always consoles me whenever things like that happen.
that being said this frequently happens to me (just saw another one minutes before this actually lol), and the worst thing is that twice it became a kind of hit tweet that doxxed (not really the best term but idk how else to describe it) my tumblr acc to my irl friends who also like kpop lmfao. the reposter also refused to give credit/take the tweet down and it's still out there tbh 👁 but while i was hurt, all things considered, i'm still here anyway 😋 because i love doing what i’m doing and no matter how corny it sounds, i have all of you to share them with <33 what you feel is very valid, but i also want you to know that you’d be receiving much more love than fear when you share ur work <3
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bisluthq · 2 years
Alright so I'm a bi dude and I remember the first time I had sex with a virgin I felt super weird about it. She was a girl and we were mad in love, I was more experienced, but idk it seemed like a big deal to her to lose her virginity and I was super scared that it hurt / that she would regret doing it with me... I was a dumb teenager you know. But talking about it definitely helped!
Yeah so I “lost my virginity” (don’t know if I like that term) to my first boyfriend and it wasn’t an especially big deal to me because I’d wanted to for a little while before I did that and like I did do it with someone very special but I didn’t need to for me personally? He was also a virgin and less experienced than me tbh (not that I was very experienced but I’d gotten like fingered and given a handjob before him and he hadn’t and I think I might be his first kiss too but I don’t know that for a fact because we never talked about it because he was awkward about it and me having more of a 💫history💫) and like he wanted it to be special.
It didn’t wind up being all that special lol like we just did it in my room one night and like I was actually quite sore from like a really hectic workout I’d done like the day before (my fitness/food stuff is obvi a separate journey but related here) and like it just… happened.
It wasn’t good like I’m not gonna lie or sugarcoat that lmao. Like it was fine. We really loved each other, I think. He came. I didn’t. I didn’t really do much to help him cum like I just sorta lay there because I was sore and it was uncomfortable.
The next few times we had sex were also kinda uncomfortable like I didn’t enjoy it much but then we got into it and I got used to it and stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
I think expecting your first time to be some kind of magical experience is unrealistic. If it is, that’s cool - but most of the time it’s gonna be a bit awkward and feel a bit weird like sensation wise and like that’s life tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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