#I’m also torn about like… I mean I should probably talk to them about this but… are they still co-creator for the last few chapters
bbreaddog · 2 years
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rreids · 1 month
Ok ok this idea has been rotting in my head for a a WHILE- So, the truth or dare episode? but what about exBAU!Reader who left the team to take care of her and Spencer’s child, and she finds out about what JJ said? And she either gets angry or insecure? I keep picturing a badass reader but I could also see the insecurity too. -🦋
fem reader; 14 x 15 spoilers; reader is pregnant; spencer girl dad!; angst; fluff; we are anti-jeid in this household she is at most familial to him i take no criticism; spencer is so cheesy and in love (with the right person god bless); ~1.2k words
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“—to say something that would get your attention…” you walk up to Spencer and JJ, ready to tell them about the cake cutting, and pause. 
You’re not big on listening in to conversations and you trust Spencer, but something about the hushed tones has you on edge.
”Jennifer… truth or dare?” Your brows furrow at his voice and the question.
JJ pauses. And since when was she Jennifer? “Truth.”
“Did you mean it?”
You can’t wait. “Spence? JJ? They’re getting ready to cut the cake, you should come…”
They quietly exchange a few more words and your frown deepens, torn between worry and frustration. Spencer lingers a little too long on the spot, running his thumb over his wedding ring.
He looks up. “Hi, honey,” his voice is soft, almost apologetic.
You sigh. “Is it going to upset me?”
He nods. “Probably.”
“Then it can wait. We’re here for Rossi and Krystall. Come on, everyone’s waiting.”
Spencer follows you and you don’t have to fake your smile as everyone settles into cheers and celebration, even if it fades a little while dancing with your husband. His brow is pinched, and you don’t like the pit in your stomach. Something was wrong.
After you’re sure you’re no longer tipsy from the red wine, you find Rossi and Krystall — “listen, I’m so sorry, but our babysitter…”
“Go,” Rossi laughs. “I know it’s hard for you to be away from her.”
It was true. You’d left the team and gone back to the legal field — in a desk job, with normal hours — to spend time with your daughter. It was a hard decision, but you decided you needed the structure. To be available if anything happened. You still loved and adored your friends, meeting up with them often and providing structure for them too.
“I’m so happy for you two,” you tell them between hugs, and you find Spencer finishing his rounds.
“Honey…” Spencer starts and you swallow against the lump in your throat. “Can we talk?”
“Can it wait until we’re home, Spence?” Your voice is almost pitifully weak, and you don’t even have a reason for it to be. “Izzy needs Mommy and Daddy to say goodnight.”
Spencer melts. “Of course.”
And that’s what happens. He tells her a story — one he clearly remembers and is reenacting, memories from his mother when he was a kid — and you tuck her in with a kiss.
It’s tense. You hate it.
“Do you…” you can barely get out the words. “Something happened. With JJ. I know you two were trapped together with Casey — and he was huge on truth or dare, so that conversation today… it’s related.” You’re tripping over them but you can’t stop talking. “Do you… do you love her? What’s going on, Spence?”
He shakes his head quickly. “She told me she loved me.”
You bite your lip. “And you think the best thing to ask is if she meant it?” Your voice quivers with barely restrained rage. “We have a daughter, Spence. You have another kid on the way.”
Spencer clasps your hand in his. “And I want nothing other than a life with you and them. Let me talk, sweetheart, please,”
You want to pull back, but you know not to reject him. Not now, when it could seem so final. 
Spencer sighs. “She’s saying she was saying it to get my attention, to make it clear I needed to do something — that nothing would be good enough for him… nothing could be his needed confession.
And I wanted to know if she meant it because she knows I’ve been head over heels for you since the day you walked through the BAU’s doors, only a year after I did. I thought you were gorgeous, and I could barely get out a ‘hello—’” you smile at the memory: he had been awkward, tripping over a greeting while you introduced yourself “—and JJ knew that. She does know I’m head over heels for you, even now.
She actually gave me advice. On how to ask you out, that first time, when we went to the film festival and you pretended you knew everything about how camera language worked on screen and I pretended not to know any better…” Spencer laughs when you whine, embarrassed. “So she’s always known I was yours from the moment I laid eyes on you. And she’s always been Will’s. I wanted to know if it had all been some kind of trick.”
You hum. “Was it?”
“Well, somebody came to tell us the cake was getting cut,” he nudges his nose against your cheek and presses a kiss to your skin. “So I didn’t get to hear, not in exact terms. But I don’t think she loves me as anything but a younger brother. An annoying one, at that. It wasn’t a trick for me, some plan to win me over she was in the long haul for. It was a trick for Casey. I… I shot him. He was going to kill JJ, he said it wasn’t good enough to save her life. It gave me the time to get my gun and aim.”
“You have perfect aim,”
“Now I do,” Spencer laughs, and you melt a little. “Remember when Hotch had to train me?”
You do. 
“The next time a girl tells you they’re in love with you, I need you to laugh in their face and show them your ring.”
“I don’t want to do that to you,”
You sigh and lean into him, unable to stop the smile at the assuredness he has in your love, curling into his chest. “Okay, well, next time a girl who isn’t me does it, you tell me. I never want to be that upset with you again.” You trace your fingers over his stubble, his defined jaw, mapping out his features. “You’re mine. And I hate fighting.”
He kisses the top of your head, hand coming down to your beginning bump. “I’m all yours,” he agrees. “And I’m sorry for making you worry or making this more than it needed to be, I should’ve told you right after I got back from the case. After everything you’ve given up for me, I should kiss the ground you walk on.”
“You should.”
You can’t keep a straight face, dissolving into a fit of giggles as he murmurs praises of you and whispers of his adoration like a prayer. 
“Oh, my love, may I lay out the red carpet before every—” you cut him off with a tender kiss, sweet and warm. He smiles against you, and brings his hand up to undo the pins in your hair, letting it cascade down your shoulders and next to his face.
Spencer pulls back and tucks the stray pieces behind your ears before cupping your face in his hands. “You are the only woman for me. I promise I will always want and choose you, just like I promised before everyone else all those years ago.”
You smile. “And I always want you, Spence.”
“Even when I’m telling you about my new passion for crosswords and interest in designing one myself?”
“Especially then.”
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an emoji anon?? for ME>??? i love winning.. a little more angsty than badass but she is also angry. as she should be. (welcome im so so so happy KDFJKG i hope u like it <3)
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jay7543 · 3 months
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Your best friend ghost is in a rut, and you’re the closest hole
18 and older only!!!
My 2nd post!!! I’m happy the handful of you that saw my first one enjoyed it, I was very proud of it, this will also be a m4m post. (Most probably will be considering I’m a bi man) feel free to message me requests if you like, I’d love to get some ideas from you, but obviously I hold the right to refuse things I’m not comfortable with.
In this, ghost is half werewolf, so he doesn’t turn into one nor look like one, but he still has the wolf cock and knot so don’t worry lol.
You and ghost have been friends for about a year, he told you pretty early on in your friendship that he was half werewolf, which means he doesn’t fully change into one but he still experiences some of the effects, and some of his…”parts” are that of a wolf. He’s been acting very odd recently, sending some odd texts saying to stay away for awhile, you asked why and got no response, you decided to call him today.
Reader over the phone-“hey ghost, I’m glad you answered, what’s going on man, I got your text but I’m worried”
As you wait for him to respond you hear some heavy breathing and a light plapping sound.
Ghost over the phone-“I- *plap*i just need you to stay away, I-*plap* I’m going through a rut, it-*grunt* it’s pretty serious, just give me a while, I’ll-*rip* fuck, that’s another one, god dammit. I’ll call you back when it’s done”
He hangs up the phone abruptly. What were those noises? What was that tear? You start to wonder.
Reader-“he-he’s in a rut? That means he’s really horny. How bad is it? It’s probably hard alone, should I-should i help him?”
As you ask yourself these questions you decide to ignore his wishes and go to his room you’re pretty sure he’s straight but he wouldn’t mind some help right?as you walk across the building wondering how his room is gonna look, you think about what you’ve seen about half werewolves. You’ve read a lot about them, especially since he told you he was one. You also aren’t proud to admit this but you got curious and looked up some half werewolf porn and there dicks aren’t exactly small, will it all fit? His burning hot, bright red length, and the knot at the base. You start to feel arousal build up in you as you start to rub your dick through your pants, soon you approach his door and knock.
Reader-“ghost? Can you open up? I know you told me to stay away but I want to help, I’ve read about how hard it is alone.
You wait for a few minutes, your previous erection from rubbing yourself now softening as you lose hope he’ll answer. As you start to leave the door swings open, ghost staring at you, completely naked except for his skull mask, holding a torn fleshlight in his hand, i guess that’s what those noises were. You look down between his legs and spot it. His bright red length leaking a steady stream of precum, his knot fully visible and swollen at the base of it, it twitches as you look at it, almost as if it’s trying to look back at you. After a few seconds of you staring with your mouth wide open, a bit of drool forming, ghost talk in a low growl, his accent somehow sounding even hotter.
Ghost-“I-i told you to stay away, I-i don’t wanna hurt you”
He says as he pants hard and growls slightly. You reach out and put your hand in his
Reader-“I wanna help, I know you won’t hurt me, I’m-I’m prepared”
You say as you tremble slightly, a bit scared but also very very aroused, your previous erection returning in full force, yet still not nearly impressive as his. He grabs your hand a bit tighter and pull you into the room and closes the door, he all but carry’s you and drops you onto the bed. As you lay there you see a multitude of ripped fleshlights, which does get you a bit more worried
Reader-“hey uh ghost? Can-can you make sure I don’t end up like those”
You point to the toys on the floor
Ghost-“I-I’ll try my best, I-I’ll probably get a bit rough”
He pants and growls softly, which turns you on a bit more. In the blink of an eye he tears your clothes off, revealing your naked body and your own erection. Ghost growls
Ghost-“I need your hole”
He lines up his tip with your tight asshole, his precum drenching it providing an adequate amount of lube. As you prepare to take his throbbing hot wolf cock he shoves it in with a loud plap as his knot smacks the outside of your ass. He growls and pants as he leans over and covers your body with his, rubbing your erection against his chest as he whispers into your ear.
Ghost-“breed, breed, breed”
He repeats as he slams into your ass, causing you to moan loudly and whimper as he tries his best to breed you
Reader(through gasps and pants)-you-you’re so big, you’re spreading me apart, oh-oh god, you’re fucking destroying my prostate. Fffffuck”
He growls even louder at your words, as if they were just more encouragement, he pulls his mask up just over his mouth so he can kiss you and lick your face.
Ghost(through licks and kisses)-“I wanna breed you, I want you to have my pups”
He says as he gets even more animalistic with his thrusts and kisses, he even nibbles your lips and cheeks as he does.
Reader- give-give me your fucking pups, fucking fill me with your cum, get-get me fucking pregnant
You say through the pure bliss you’re feeling, almost losing yourself, forgetting you can’t even get pregnant. without even realizing you spurt your cum out all over your chest and his as he pounds your asshole as hard as he can.
Ghost-“you, you’re my mate forever, your mine”
He growls into your ear as he bitess your shoulder, not enough to break skin but still hurting, but it just makes you even more turned on.
Ghost-“get pregnant, get pregnant, have my pups”
he yells as you feel his knot aggressively push its way into your asshole and swell up even more, locking both of you in your current position as he empties his full and throbbing balls into you ass. He starts to regain his senses a bit
Ghost-“I-I’m sorry, we’re gonna be stuck like this a while love”
You can barely open you eyes and are panting hard as you feel his cum coating your insides.
Reader-“as-as long as it’s with you”
You two kiss, and embrace until his erection softens and knot slips out. In the meantime you two appreciate your new intimate relationship.
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frozenjokes · 2 months
Rage Room (I’m Loving A Losing Battle, But I Can’t Quite Seem To Let Go)
in which aromantic scar finally tells his friends what’s been happening between him and Grian, and how he processes the space between them
“It’s just- not fair!” Scar smashed the bottle against the tile floor, the glass pelting the ankles of his reinforced pants.
Bdubs clapped behind him, though stopped when Scar turned around, visibly not in the mood. Admittedly he knew he was shooting low when he went on, but Scar didn’t care, “And I’m kind of pissed off about Etho! If the roles were switched, I would be there, and he said he’d be here last time he missed.”
“Oi,” Cleo cut in, about as unamused as Scar figured they’d be. “No friendly fire.”
“Is it really friendly fire if he’s not here.” Scar huffed, but Cleo knew better than to take his words at face value, and shut him up with a firm glare.
“And you better start talking before I make you pay for all of this.” Her words were rugged, but Scar knew she didn’t mean it, and he could take as much time as he needed. But really, if he was taking shots at Bdubs, he probably should cut to the chase. This was why they were here. This was why they had all made this pact in the first place.
“Grian is.” Scar started, stilted, “Sorry, Bdubs. I shouldn’t have said that. Grian won’t talk to me anymore. He doesn’t- want to talk to me.”
“What?” Bdubs said, eyes flying open, and yeah, no one here was really caught up with his whole.. situation. Anything that felt close to Mumbo he tended to avoid, and basically everything about Grian in the past weeks was Mumbo adjacent.. and also a little sensitive. Not something he was eager to talk about. Scar was more than a little pent up, and based on the expressions of concern across Cleo and Bdubs’ faces, it must have been pretty obvious. “Weren’t you guys hanging out nearly everyday for- I don’t know, it’s been a month at least, right? Did something happen? Hasn’t Grian been driving you around everywhere, too? You’ve sure been asking me a lot less.”
“Yeah. We were.” Scar spoke stiffly, picking up another empty bottle and spinning it in his hands. He chucked it at the wall, aiming at the newly set up targets Cleo had implemented a couple weeks ago. A good choice. Fit with the theme of the axe throwing/rage room combo. The bottle shattered near the bullseye, unsurprising, given their whole friend group had pretty tight aim. Still satisfying. “Until he went and fell in love with me.”
The memories burned like open wounds, like red, angry flesh, like sunburns on your eyelids, like the stinging smell of bleach. Cleo said something, some sort of assent, but Scar didn’t hear it, smashing two more bottles for release, though he didn’t feel any less like his ribs had been torn from his chest, hanging limply on hooks, dripping on his face from his place on the cold ground, bleeding out, dying, but never quickly enough.
“I don’t like labels, alright, you all know this, but Grian says aromantic, and that works for now, because I don’t love him like he loves me and that’s fine. That’s fine! That. Is. Fine.” Scar took a bat, needing something bigger, needing more release, and the old TV would work just fine, “And you know how I feel about dating. I like it. I like to get to know strangers, I like to feel things out, and I like to be close! But you know who I don’t like to date?” The question wasn’t meant to be answered. Scar swung his bat, splitting the TV screen with a satisfying crack. “Friends. Good friends. Friends that mean a lot, friends that I can’t afford to lose when everything goes to shit.”
Scar hit the TV a couple more times, physically battling away distress, “I was so afraid when he brought it up- dating. I was so afraid. I couldn’t just date Grian, because it would end and I would lose him and maybe he’d say we could still be friends and I would say yes! Yes, please, please can we still be friends, and he would say that’s okay, and then two weeks later he’d slam me with a message about ‘needing space’ and ‘not wanting to talk for a while’ and suddenly, suddenly my heart’s being ripped out of my chest and stomped on, but it would be fine, right? It would be fine, because after he’s taken his time, we could be friends again, and things could return to normal. No!” The TV was hardly satisfying to hit anymore, reduced to shattered glass and warped plastic under Scar’s assault.
“It never just. Goes back to normal. You try, and you try and you try, but they just can’t do it, they just can’t love you anymore, and suddenly your best friend is slipping away and there’s fucking nothing you can do about it. Because you dated them. Because you took things ‘to the next level,’ because you made something volatile without even knowing, and the next thing you know, it’s blown up in your face, and you’ve been completely blindsided again.” Scar’s arms shook, and gently, from behind, Cleo laid a hand on his shoulder, sliding down his arm to take the bat he was gripping so tightly. Scar let go when they touched his hands, but his teeth remained locked, grinding near painfully.
“Deep breaths, Scar. Breathe with me. Let me count for you,” and Cleo did, counting to five and back again, forcing Scar to take a step back. Scar wasn’t someone who particularly valued meditation or breathing; it was often too difficult to focus, especially alone, and he was easily frustrated knowing how he should be feeling, but Cleo had a way of grounding him, and when Bdubs was doing the same exercises at his side, Scar didn’t feel so stupid. And it did help. Fives minutes to breathe really did wonders sometimes; it was a shame Scar couldn’t quite manage to utilize the tool as effectively when he was alone. Not that he ever remembered to try.
And now it was quiet, and Scar was so vulnerable, and there was no more anger to hide behind, because it was all just sadness, stiff and aching so impossibly deep.
“I thought if we didn’t.. date.. I thought things could just be normal. That nothing would change. But every awful thing just got expedited- he doesn’t want to see me, he doesn’t want to talk to me- he needs space, he said he needed space, but I know what that means now.” Scar had to sit down, and Bdubs joined him, Cleo standing close by. “I feel so helpless. And it didn’t even matter. I just wish I knew so badly, so I could have said yes, so at least we might have had a chance before it all went to shit. I could keep my friend a little bit longer. I wish I understood how he felt. I wish I felt what he felt. Maybe it wouldn’t be so hard.” Scar let his head drop to his hands, voice muffled under his palms, “I just kinda hate myself sometimes.”
Cleo put a hand on his shoulder, a question of touch, and one that Scar accepted with closed eyes. “It would still be hard, Scar. I can promise you that. If this isn’t what you want to hear right now, then you can let me know, but I have to think Grian and your other exes of the past who you haven’t kept in contact with were and are just as torn up as you. Maybe they need to let go for themselves, but I can tell you from personal experience, that doesn’t make it hurt any less. It doesn’t make you miss them any less.”
“But when people leave me, it’s always because in some way, their lives would be better without me,” Scar felt like wailing, but in reality, his speech was far more soft, “And my life is always worse. It’s always worse. Like I’m just a plague on my friends, and I have no idea how to fix myself to keep this from happening.”
Bdubs squeezed his hand to get his attention, and Scar knew what was coming, he just couldn’t love himself right now.
“There’s nothing to fix, Scar. You’re one of the most delightful people I know, and I mean that. The way you navigate the world is inspiring.”
“Just doesn’t feel like it right now.”
“It doesn’t have to,” Cleo said, something faraway about the words, “You just should know, that’s all. How we feel.”
“I just wish I was normal.”
“I don’t,” Bdubs snorted, something so passionately reactionary, Cleo laughed, and Bdubs himself looked a bit surprised by his own words, then a tad embarrassed, “I mean, come on. You’re a complete monster, and I love it. I love how comfortable you are about touch, I love how physical you are, and I love how normal you make it feel. Sometimes I want to fall asleep on my friends’ shoulder, or hold hands, or just be held, you know? And no one does it like you, Scar, no one. I think everyone ought to take a couple pages from your book.”
Scar wasn’t quite sure what to do with that, but it wasn’t the type of thing you argued about. You just had to accept it. In all honesty, having people to love him when he couldn’t manage it himself felt indescribably secure. Like a heated blanket wrapped tightly over his shoulders when he was so, so cold. But he couldn’t acknowledge it either, not when he couldn’t breathe the words. So he let it hang, hoping he’d remember to say something later. He knew he would. For now, Scar dodged around the words, stuck in his own raw truth.
“I don’t want to go through this again.”
“I know,” Cleo kept their hand on his shoulder, and Scar wanted to cry.
“And I- Okay, so I can’t really talk about this.. NDAs and such, but I was working on something with someone- something cool, all three of us, Grian included. And at the same time Grian.. cut contact.. I haven’t been able to reach this other uh- colleague, and I don’t know what happened! I don’t know anything, and I have no way of contacting this other guy, and Grian doesn’t know either, and I was so excited, but it just feels like everything is falling apart around me. And- and don’t be mean about the other guy, please, it’s not his fault.” Cleo looked quite skeptical about that, but a pleading look from Scar was enough to get her to leave well enough alone, “I just wish I knew why. Or if he was coming back. Might not have been able to communicate that anyway though, there’s a bit of a language barrier.”
“Can’t use google translate?” Bdubs asked, and Scar couldn’t stop the bitter laugh that escaped his throat.
“Hadn’t thought of that,” he mumbled, which was enough to get Bdubs to let it go. Cleo didn’t look happy, but she didn’t push either.
“That fucking sucks,” she said instead, and Scar laughed in earnest, along with Bdubs, the entire air feeling just a little bit lighter.
“It does,” Scar sighed, resting a cheek on his fist, “Guess I have to find something new to throw myself into. I just really wanted this. I really wanted this.”
There was a long silence, Scar having nothing else to say, and his friends in a similar boat. There wasn’t much to say. They knew. Scar knew they understood. But there was nothing anyone could do. Nothing that could make this any less horrible. But Bdubs did perk up after a minute, catching Scar and Cleo’s attention
“We could go skiing!” Bdubs suggested, to a chorus of groans from Scar and Cleo. Bdubs huffed, affronted as he crossed his arms, “You two need to live a little. Even if you suck, you’re both exhausted by the end of the day, which would do Scar some good in my opinion, and I know you’d be able to take the time off for an impromptu trip.”
“I don’t even think you like skiing,” Cleo rolled their eyes, a laugh under her voice, “You went on one trail ride in those mountains and it changed your life, that’s what. There are no wild horses out there, Bdubs, the guide lied to you.”
“She did not lie! There are horses, and they’re going to see me and know.”
“Know.. what, exactly?” Scar teased, and Bdubs puffed up, as if this was the most blasphemous question Scar could have asked.
“They will just know. And anyway, Etho believes there’s horses out there too, he does, and he wants to see them just as much.”
“Pretty sure Etho is also fucking with you,” Cleo said, smug, and Bdubs gasped.
“Never!” But something stopped him from ranting on; a short pause, a bit of uncertainty. A guilty glance in Scar’s direction. “I’m really sorry he’s not here. I told him- I don’t know. He said something came up last minute and wouldn’t explain. I’m not happy with him either- quite frankly, I’m embarrassed.”
“I shouldn’t have said anything,” Scar rubbed his neck, frowning, “It doesn’t really bother me much, Bdubs. I don’t want you to feel bad.”
“It’s fine if it bothers you! It bothers me! And you’re right, he’s not here, so I think a little friendly fire is well deserved,” Bdubs paused, eying one of the few bottles that were left, “May I?”
“Be my guest.”
Bdubs snatched at a bottle, flipping it in his hand, nearly dropping it trying to look cool, then whipping it at the target across the room, the entire thing smashing right on the bullseye.
“Oh, score!” Scar smiled, and Bdubs pumped his fist.
“Yes! You know, I already feel better. This is great, Cleo, have I told you this is great?”
Cleo looked pleased, exactly the cat who got the cream, “You have. And I know. So how about you boys throw back a couple beers to replace these bottles, and we do a little axe throwing.”
“Are you paying?” Scar asked, hopeful, innocent, but Cleo snorted, shaking her head.
“Uh, no. Don’t let that hold you back, though.”
“Oh, come on,” Bdubs whined, but not without his signature grin, “What’s the point of free rage room therapy hour if it’s not all free?”
“I’m not going to make you pay for the axe throwing either, and that is not included in our little deal, so the least you can do is drink.”
“You can’t make us pay to axe throw with you because we all know you’re going to whoop our asses,” Scar shot back in fake accusation, but Cleo shrugged, a crooked smile across her lips.
“You have fun.”
“I do,” Bdubs assented, earning a sharp jab from Scar’s elbow.
“We don’t! Unless you buy us each a beer, then we do.”
“Okay fine,” Scar sighed, fully intending on a large tip regardless, since despite her sharp tongue, Cleo would still refuse any sort of compensation for an outing like this, “But you also have to drink.”
Cleo scoffed, the smile never leaving their face. “Who do you think I am?”
It was fun. Of course it was fun. Scar lost pretty miserably in nearly every round, though that could be accurately attributed to the fact he was more than a little tipsy, and Bdubs, always spying an opportunity to get an edge, took full advantage. Though, to his credit, Bdubs was having a great day in general, overtaking Cleo in score multiple times, and even winning one or two games. A feat, even against an inebriated Cleo, which, in all honesty, was pretty much the only way Scar or Bdubs could ever surpass her. Etho.. It was safe to say Etho had little talent for the sport. Didn’t matter how much instruction he got, he was nothing short of miserable every time all four of them got together to play. Actually, out of the four of them, Etho was probably the only person who improved when he was drunk, which was always hilarious to see. You’ve never seen a fire lit under someone’s ass like you did when Etho managed to squeak ahead of Bdubs or Scar, the cackling of Cleo only furthering their panic.
Scar did wish Etho was here. He wished he wasn’t so flakey sometimes.
Regardless, when they were done, Bdubs was only two steps away from sober and plenty able to drive. Scar was relieved to have to ride, and even more so that he hadn’t brought his own car in the first place. It was a nice drive home, anything but quiet, and really, just what Scar needed. The less time he spent alone with his own thoughts, the better. Though, after such a nice evening, tonight was going to be a little easier.
Thanking Bdubs for the ride, Scar stepped out onto the cobblestones once they reached his apartment, taking a deep breath before going inside. It was okay. He was going to be okay.
But there was one little habit he had developed, a little something he couldn’t quite shake despite knowing it wasn’t doing him many favors. It had only been a week since Mumbo had disappeared, but Scar refused to miss it if the mermaid ever did return- he couldn’t, even if Grian wouldn’t be in the picture anymore. This still meant something. Scar wasn’t about to give it up so easily.
The trail cams were still open on his monitors when he sat at his desk. Of course they were. Scar never closed them.
So there he sat, chin in his hands, eyes glazed as he watched every angle of that little cove. The trees, waving gently in the breeze. The sand, shifting ever so slightly in the presence of bugs and crabs. But mostly he watched the water. Scar never stopped watching the water.
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1moreff-creator · 7 months
DRDT + Milgram AU: Undercover (Introduction)
Finally succumbed to the Urges and came up with ideas for a full Danganronpa Despair Time - Milgram AU, and now I feel like sharing. This means giving each character a MV + VD concept (not a full VD though I ain’t writing that much dialogue, and not a full MV because who do you think I am), plus this Undercover post! I’m not sure if I’ll commit to this for a full three trials, or I’ll just drop it after just one, but I can guarantee I’ll do this trial in full. Feel free to make analysis posts (no pressure obvs), but also obvs don't expect this to be that good, I'm doing this for fun.
And if you come from the Milgram side, uh... have fun? I am curious about what people with no prior conceptions of these characters would think, but I do recommend DRDT if you haven't watched it (the overlap between the fandoms is non-trivial, I imagine you'll like it). If not, you should probably look up the character designs at least, but be wary that there will be DRDT spoilers.
As an obvious disclaimer just in case, I am not affiliated with either DRDT or Milgram in any way, this is just a fanmade AU done entirely for fun.
Basic Concept
Pretty simple. What if the 16 students of DRDT were prisoners in Milgram? This means they're all "murderers" by some loose definition of the word, implying most of their backstories must be changed to acommodate for that. For the prisoner pairs, I just paired them based on the Chapter 1 recap. The rest is pretty self-explanatory provided you know how Milgram works; three trials, vote Forgiven/Unforgiven, etc. I won't repeat it all here. You can go to the official Milgram YT channel for more information if you're not familiar.
Meet Es
Although they are of unspecified adult age, this universe’s Es is very similar to canon Es from the main series, at least in appearance. The only differences are red highlights in their hair, as well as sharp yellow eyes and taller height. They also wear arm sleeves on both their arms, being particularly adverse to people touching the left one, and their voice is slightly higher pitch. As for their personality… well, you’ll have to wait for the VDs, right? But as a heads up, they’re quite a bit nicer than canon Es, though they can still get pretty strict with the prisoners. 
(Can you tell who they’re connected to yet?)
Their uniform is the same as canon, including the band thing which in Milgram runes reads “reciffO eciloP”. The only difference is that their other band thing is longer and has the following runes:
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(As a heads up, since there's no rune for 'q' I just used the rune for 'c/k' in its place. You probably don't need to translate it all to know what this says if you're familiar with DRDT lore)
Jackalope is replaced by DRDT canon MonoTV, no big changes to its personality. It still breaks the fourth wall and talks to an audience,which is odd for the prisoners (and Es) seeing as there is no audience in-universe (at least, that's what it claims). 
*Es’ VD is mostly the same, besides changes in dialogue caused by the difference in personalities. The only real difference is that there is no ‘extra cell.’
*Cover is still Hibana. 
Alright, let's get to the fun stuff.
(It is highly recommended you know what the canon Undercover looks like before reading this, since a lot of it is pretty similar)
The opening is still the same minus Es' different appearance and MonoTV replacing Jackalope, and only starts changing when the prisoners begin showing up.
(Don’t- Don’t expect this to actually work as a song btw. I’m not insane enough to make that work)
UNDER Split in between decisions, my conscious is made up of torn stitches
Levi (01) holds a mostly neutral expression as he holds up his prisoner card, which displays his face alongside an image of an alleyway. His pose keeps changing slightly in smash cuts. Levi’s face darkens right before there’s a switch to the next prisoner.
(Note: I won’t mention the pose switching and the face on the card all the time, since that’s part of canon Undercover. Just assume it always repeats)
UNDER The beauty in simplicity, wilting with rising complexities
Arturo (02) has his chin up arrogantly at first, showing a prisoner card with a picture of a bathroom. He scoffs and turns around before the switch. 
UNDER A liar? No, that’s wrong! My honesty shines like a star in the night
David (03) (speaker persona) smiles nervously, rubbing at his cheek with a finger. His card shows a bedroom. He covers his face with his free hand, sighing before the switch.
UNDER A sinner? No, you’re kidding! I’m innocent as can be, just don’t mind the gaps
Whit (04) throws a cheeky grin to the camera, doing a finger gun with his free hand. His card shows a park. He nervously rubs the back of his neck before the switch.
(Note: Yes I gave him 04 because of the tetraphobia thing sue me-)
UNDER With a fury and a passion, unstoppable, show them your fangs
Ace (05) snarls at the camera. His card shows a city street. He throws it to the floor angrily before the switch. 
(Note: Sometimes I wasn't quite able to tie their talent to their murder, so it's either tangential to their story or has been replaced with something similar. I am mentioning this with Ace for... no reason in particular, sure, you'll believe that)
UNDER Your fears and anxieties, Respond to the stress, show me fight or flight
Nico (06) hides under the part of their cloak which looks like a scarf, peeking out nervously. Their card shows a locker room. They take a step back as the scene switches.
UNDER Each existence is like no other, Lucky, unlucky, showtime reaches all
J (07) holds up her card with an unsatisfied expression. It shows a bridge surrounded by camera equipment. She rolls her eyes as the scene switches.
UNDER And yet, it’s all the same In the end, this wretched still life goes on
Rose (08) yawns as she holds up her card lazily. It shows a large dining room. The card slips from her hand as she falls asleep.
UNDER It’s too much, too much, I’m high strung, please forgive my sins
Hu (09) looks nervous, glancing around as if to find a place to hide. Her card shows a zither in a non-descript room. She drops her card, and closes her eyes with a pained expression, a hand on her chest. 
UNDER Please do condemn me, Bloodletting, the horror inside us is what makes me feel.
Veronika (10) spins and gives the camera a bright smile as she pulls out her card. It shows a rooftop. She throws the card in the air dramatically, laughing as it spins around and falls beside her. Her eyes fall back on the camera, and she smirks menacingly. 
UNDER  Unopposable, incontestable Merry kings, life’s queens, for me they bow down.
Arei (11) is sticking out her tongue and looking to the side dismissively. Her card shows a bowling alley. She laughs into her hand before the scene switch.
UNDER My weakness haunts me, Alarm bells are ringing, there's no going back.
Eden (12) fidgets with her hands, shaking nervously. She hides her face behind her card as she shows it, but her teary eyes are still visible over it. The card shows a bedroom full of clocks. She cries into her hands before the switch. 
[The music winds down, a bridge of sorts. As it plays, a few scenes are shown, where only the characters’ silhouettes are visible, white noise covering them]
[01: A steaming kettle covers most of the foreground. In the background, Levi is seen sitting at a table, head slumped forward. Most of the table is visible, but no one else is in the frame]
[02: Arturo is seen to the left, holding a white turtle neck shirt in his hands. Behind him, an open suitcase sits on a bed, clothes splayed haphazardly around it]
[03: David stands alone on an empty stage, arms wide out. The spotlights are all on him. The entire stage and some of the front row seats are visible, with David’s silhouette only covering a small part in the center of the frame]
[04: A computer monitor covers almost the entire frame. There are countless photos and words, but they’re all too blurry to see, with the exception of a small message on top which reads “Analyzing profiles…” Whit is reflected on the screen, resting his head on one of his fists]
[05: Ace sits on a motorcycle, looking up and admiring the night sky which takes up most of the frame]
[06: Nico is crouched beside a cat, holding out a pink mouse toy for it to play with. Only their legs are visible, but there is a puddle of water under Nico]
[07: J has her palm spread out all over the screen, as if blocking the camera. There are flashes of light behind her, but the source is impossible to see]
[08: Rose sits slumped in a chair, hands on her face. All around her, dozens of canvases can be seen, painted entirely in black. Small bits of color poke out at the bottom, but no full paintings are visible]
[09: The camera is entirely focused on the top of a zither. Hu’s hand is visible, touching the strings with her plectra]
[10: Only Veronika’s footwear is visible over a dark floor. The rest of the scene is filled entirely by blood]
[11: Arei stands in front of a bathroom mirror. She’s holding the right side of her hair, the only part that’s visible. It looks very unevenly cut]
[12: Eden is holding her head in her hands, slumped over a work desk full of small machinery. Behind her are a multitude of analog clocks of various designs, all showing the same time; 6:00]
[13: Min is sitting on a chair, slumped forward and apparently collapsed over a notebook. A pen sits just beside her right hand. A bit of the writing can be seen, showing this:]
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[The brown part being Min's hair. Don't make fun of me I'm using Paint and have zero art skills]
[14: Xander, the focus of the shot, stands in front of a crowd, standing on a simple chair. His fist is in the air, and so are the fists of everyone in the crowd]
[15: Charles is kneeling over a grave, the name on it hidden behind the silhouette. Charles is pulling at his hair with his hands. Other graves are visible around him, but the edges of the screen are darkened and it’s impossible to see them well]
[16: Teruko’s hand is reaching out to a black figure, this one without white noise. The figure is completely non-descript, more a simple shadow than a proper silhouette. Blinding white light surrounds this figure] 
UNDER No mistakes, no corrections, 100% Perfection, results shall not vary. 
Min (13) wears a neutral expression, and she holds her card perfectly upright. Her pose changes only to match the exact angles actual mugshots use. Her card shows an untidy bedroom. Before the switch, she lowers her hand, and looks briefly to the side, before turning back to the camera. When she does, her left eye flashes magenta behind her hair. 
UNDER Fighting for true justice, Stand strong, a reflection of the will of the many
Xander (14) is glaring at the camera, moving his card around flippantly. Said card shows a window overlooking an entire city. Xander throws the card away before throwing a punch at the screen.
UNDER Leave no room to hide, No hesitation, a chain reaction of truth unfolds
Charles (15) looks serious, if a bit annoyed as he holds up his card. It shows a laboratory table with several test tubes. He turns his back to the camera, adjusting his goggles, but gives one last, softer look behind him as the scene switches. 
UNDER Or shall the secrets remain? What lies beyond the lies, armageddon untold
Teruko (16) looks at the camera with cold eyes, but a hint of a frown on her lips. Her pose never changes; unlike everyone else, her segment is one continuous shot. It starts with her holding her card at an angle such that only her face is visible on it. She closes her eyes solemnly, before finally flipping her card around so only the backside is shown. It has the Milgram logo combined with the DRDT logo. She never shows the rest of the front of the card, as the scene switches moments after. 
[Pre-chorus, as the prisoners hold their hands to their mouths before a scene of them smiling plays. At the end, for a few frames, a white camellia blooms, before there’s a sudden shift in scenery as we hit the final chorus. All the prisoners’ silhouettes have a still shot each with Es, with a blood splatter always under the latter. The scene starts to focus on each individually]
[Levi’s punching Es in the face, Es thrown to the floor from the impact. Brass knuckles are barely visible on his hand. Levi’s shouting, as are all the other prisoners]
[Arturo is kneeling, facing away from Es. The latter is laying on the floor behind him in what would be a pretty uncomfortable position. Arturo is holding his head in his hands, his mouth visible from the side and open in a shout. One of Es’ shoes is off]
[David is holding Es by the neck of their shirt, shouting at their face (from now on I’ll stop clarifying that they’re shouting). The following symbol appears over where his eyes would be, glowing yellow: 正] EDIT: I forgot to mention one of Es’ shoes is off. RIP to the theorists I’m so sorry-
[Whit is pointing what looks to be a gun at Es, who is recoiling as if they’ve been shot in the heart]
[Ace is seen running, Es’ body falling to the ground beside him and twisting as if they’d been bumped into]
[Nico sits on top of Es’ back. With one of their hands, they’re grabbing onto Es’ hair and apparently pushing it forward. With the other they’re holding two ends of a wire firmly planted on Es’ neck]
[J stands normally, pointing what seems to be a remote control at Es. The latter is face-up on the floor, their limbs contorted in unnatural angles]
[Rose is standing, facing away from Es, who is kneeling and grabbing at their throat. A small jar sits beside them, the cap taken off]
[While standing, Hu is grabbing Es by the throat with both hands, blood coming from the Warden’s throat]
[Veronika is kneeling besides Es’ face-up body. Her hands are on her chest, and there is blood under her as well as the Warden. Meanwhile, Es’ limbs are contorted in unnatural ways, and one of their shoes is off]
[Arei is violently swinging a bowling ball at Es’ head, causing their body to twist around as it falls]
[Eden is standing, covering her eyes. Her right hand has a Ⅵ symbol glowing bright yellow. Es is uncomfortably laying face-up on the floor]
[Min is standing with her back turned to Es, who is kneeling on the floor and grasping at their neck. Min is shouting into a landline phone. Along her arm, an equation glows bright yellow:
ln(x³ - 2 . 13) = 0]
[Xander is grabbing Es’ shoulder, plunging a knife into their stomach]
[Es is standing neutrally, but there is still blood on the floor. A glowing yellow question mark floats above them. Charles is nowhere to be seen]
[Teruko is kneeling calmly besides Es, who is lying face-up with their hands crossed over their chest as if in a coffin. A question mark glows on Teruko's left hand. Teruko is the only prisoner besides Charles who is not screaming]
[The song winds down while a sped up and translucent version of the video plays in the background. A shadow begins growing in the middle, and for just a moment, two sharp yellow eyes stare at the camera from the center of the screen. The finale simply has Es exiting to the left as they do in canon Undercover]
And there's Undercover! How we feeling? Hope you enjoyed! Take care!
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shou-jpeg · 9 months
-Back on the Beat-
Part 4. 04
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Porchay can’t stop looking at Kim. 
Kim is sitting at the piano in the studio, humming tune Chay sent him earlier and adapting it for piano. 
He looks so beautiful. 
Kim looks amazing even on his worst days, but right now he’s ethereal; in his element and with a soft flush to his cheeks, as if he knows Chay is staring at him. 
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He probably does know, Kim is observant and Chay isn’t being very subtle. 
Though... he’s been trying to flirt with Kim for two weeks now and Kim seems to let every attempt fly over his head. Chay would think he was being intentionally obtuse to let him know that he wasn’t interested, except Kim is the one who told Chay he wanted to try again. So Chay isn’t too sure what to think. 
Does Kim just have some sort of flirting detection force field? 
Maybe he’s just shy? Chay had thought that Kim was shy last time he tried this - maybe that was true. 
Chay wonders if he should just ask Kim out point blank and save them both the trouble. He did tell Kim that he would let him know when he was ready to try again, Kim might be waiting for something a little more specific. 
He wants to know if Boyfriend-Kim is also shy.
“I think this part would make a good prelude, and then the lyrics come in later over the top and the music builds from there, maybe a drum track and a bass to add depth.” Chay snaps back to the moment at the sound of Kim’s voice. 
Right. The song. 
The one they’re now composing together. 
Co-writing for a new WiK single, because Kim got inspired by what Chay had sent him and then asked him in the car on the way here if he wanted to help him make it into something real.
Chay dreamt of exactly this on a regular basis back when he was just a fan, except it means so much more to him now. 
“It should be soft though. The drum beat should be slow but steady, like a heartbeat, and the bass will then support that same energy.” Chay picks up his pencil and begins scribbling down dot points as he talks.
“What kind of song are we writing here? We should probably decide on a theme to help guide the composition.”
“Definitely a love song.” Chay says with confidence. Kim looks at him. “I’m imagining a love song, but for a person that the singer already knows. They’ve been in love before and then were torn apart and didn't see each other for a long time. And the song is about them finding each other again and rediscovering their love for each other.”
Chay really isn’t being subtle. 
Kim looks back to the piano, expression open and vulnerable. "In that case... perhaps the beat can pick up pace a little towards the bridge, to reflect the subject's emotions as he begins getting closer to his ex again." Kim says, and then begins talking about measures and other technical terms Chay isn’t that familiar with, since he’s never actually studied music theory. 
He loves watching Kim talk about music though. 
Chay is almost doodling hearts in his notebook. 
He considers his pen for a moment. Then draws two hearts in his notebook anyway, because it’s cute and he likes being a romantic.
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They stay at the studio composing late into the night, until Porsche messages Chay telling him he missed dinner, and that Nok, the bodyguard assigned to him today, needs to finish his shift and also have dinner. 
Chay makes Kim order enough food at the drive through on the way back to feed both of them and also Nok, who reacts like Chay’s given him something a lot nicer than cheap take out. 
“I’m never allowed to eat stuff like this anymore!”
Chay makes a note to sneak his guards junk food more often. 
The rest of the drive back is quiet but not uncomfortable. Chay selects different songs to play over the car’s bluetooth and glances at Kim each time the song changes to gauge his reaction. 
They pull up to the compound and Chay hops out of the car. “Should we go back to the studio again tomorrow, P'Kim?”
Kim looks down at his phone, bringing up his calendar. “I have a meeting tomorrow morning until 10am. How about I pick you up for lunch and we go to the studio after?”
“Sounds good! I’ll see you tomorrow.” Goodnight, phi. Kim smiles at him softly and Chay tries not to melt. 
He closes the car door instead. Kim’s smiles are only slightly less devastating through tinted glass.
He waves goodbye as Kim pulls away and heads inside. It’s late, but he might stay up a little longer and play some video games, or to make some memes for Kim. He kind of wants to keep working on the song, but he doesn’t want to do any more without Kim around. 
It’s their song now.
Chay smiles to himself. 
He can’t wait until tomorrow. 
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Chay takes a deep breath, determined.
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cathchicken · 1 year
Oops I tripped on a rock-
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Welp timeline change ig
Sooooo this is the new collector and king AU I made today. As you can tell, it is very different from my normal aus. I’m tempted to not even call it an AU at all, since it is almost one in the most literal sense…
Essentially: king and the collector exist as different people in a completely different witch and demon universe. The collector himself is a witch, or “wizard” as I call them. King is, well, a demon still, or a monster more specifically. They live somewhat different lives, and are somewhat different people, but are still collector and king nevertheless.
Definitely not a traditional AU. But I think this will be fun
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The collector: he is a young wizard who is mainly socially reclusive. Probably late teens, as compared to the typical ToH collector. Not immortal. Their communication skills are… not great, and often resorts to talking with their hands. They try their best. His status as a wizard means somewhat; he is able to provide spells to non-magic folk, but for relatively cheaper costs. It thankfully is enough to make him a reasonable living. He’s not afraid to chew on a few stray comet newts every once in awhile…
King: a monster. He is usually ignored by most people, and often prefers to stay unnoticed anyways. He one day find the collector, however, and is allowed to crash for a bit before he continues on. A nomadic lifestyle is common for monsters, anyway. But soon, they get close. And King decides each day, essentially, “tomorrow I’ll leave”
TW FOR BELOW: disturbing themes mainly
Their overall relationship is extremely complex. The collector… craves intimacy. He’s not sure how it really works though, but he’s sure what he wants is more than just something to fill the void of his loneliness. He sees king as an opportunity, but doesn’t want to force anything. They are pretty desperate though. King, on the other hand, has his own issues. As you can see in the art, he doesn’t actually possess a skull-like face. It’s just a mask. King isn’t afraid to show his own face however… he just eventually found the mask as a way to better express himself, in to an almost idealistic fashion, without his insecurities getting in the way. But sometimes… his own feelings of wanting a genuine relationship bubble up… especially around his new buddy, Collector. The Collector says he should embrace his inner self, as it’s what makes him beautiful. But it’s soon pretty obvious that when King lets go, he REALLY lets go. He can’t control himself anymore, and sometimes ends up hurting collector. He knows it’s bad, but with the constant praise of the collector, he chooses not to stop. The collector also gets the feeling that he shouldn’t convince king to keep giving in, but he also knows that this is essentially Kings raw and unaltered version of affection… and he likes it. He’s so happy at the thought of receiving love and friendship, he doesn’t realize he is being bitten… and scratched… and torn apart…
In the end, this AU is about two people who, essentially, are not neurotypical in any way. They are trying to fit into societal norms, but also wanting to be able to be themselves in a healthy way. This relationship, as you can tell, starts off really dirty. But if I ever develop this story a bit more, I want it to be about them both finding how to care for each other in their own way, but also in a healthy way. It’s not that they won’t make good friends, they both have just never had a friend before. This is a journey they will face together
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Ok it is 3 am. Sleep time!!!
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myfairkatiecat · 2 months
Keefe (for bingo)
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this is my favorite character of all time in any media, right up there with Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Nicholas & Nathaniel Benedict from TMBS (showverse) and Lancelot from bbc Merlin. Actually probably slightly above all those characters which is SAYING SOMETHING.
Is he comic relief? Yes.
Would I be his friend? Yes.
Has he done nothing wrong? Yes!! No he’s done many things wrong he’s so precious to me ok but the law he’s broken the law I love him so much he literally betrayed his friends I will always love him he has sooo much to answer for I’m glad Sophie forgives him after she chews him out she should chew him out longer but I suppose Fitz does that for her He has so many apologies to make but like he’s also done nothing wrong look I’m aware of my blorbo’s mistakes he’s honestly not as problematic as the tumblr fandom makes him out to be sometimes, and I MEAN that, but he’s also not as perfect and sweet as the eleven year olds on Wattpad make him out to be. He’s a LOT okay, you can’t analyze Keefe Sencen without the everything
Are my opinions unpopular? Yep! The other keefe girlies hate my opinions bc I acknowledge his character flaws and the Keefe haters hate my opinions bc I acknowledge the fact that he’s NOT an antagonist and actually has a lot of really good traits, and that’s NOT me making excuses. Also what are y’all on about saying he doesn’t get held accountable for his actions, like yeah Sophie forgives him pretty fast but not until she’s yelled at him, and the rest of his friends do NOT bounce back to normal (Fitz)
Do I relate to him? Yes, unfortunately. I have Fitz’s trauma and Keefe’s coping mechanisms (they aren’t good coping mechanisms but they’re literally mine)
Is the fandom wrong about him? Yes, the Keefe fans and Keefe haters alike. Don’t flatten this guy there’s SO MUCH THERE. (I’m not talking about my Keefe-negative mutuals—if I follow you, you didn’t flatten his character, I am very serious about Keefe Sencen)
Do I want to adopt him? YES I mean I’m literally his age but if I was old enough to adopt him I totally would, get that kid away from Cassius Sencen and kill Gisela Sencen. Honestly tho I’d settle for an Elwin adoption, dad!Elwin rocks
Did he need less screen time? *sighs in resigned Keefe fan* probably…objectively…yes…
Did canon do him dirty? I debated filling in this one. Because Shannon has made him a SUPER complex character. But also I swear if the ending of stellarlune isn’t the last time he steals something from Sophie to carry out a reckless plan he told no one about, I’ll riot. Don’t give him forward character progress and then erase it! If it’s a momentary relapse of bad habits I’ll allow it but I’m starting to want Shannon to let Keefe grow from all of that. Cause she keeps letting him get better—and then slip back. (Which isn’t unrealistic and I can work with!! I love him! But SHANNON PLEASE)
Do I want to study him? I want to get a full on PhD in this guy’s character arc actually
Did he need more screen time? Heh. Uh. Objectively NO. But also this amount of page time has allowed us to learn so much about his character complexities?? Like I’m torn between missing the other characters and eating up his character arc. Currently I’m gonna hope book 10 expands the other characters more bc I need more of them and 9.5 can feed my Keefe brain
Would I hit him with a golf cart? Listen my friend made this bingo game (hi Bods, if you’re reading this) and I know exactly what the actual intention was behind this square. But like. I want to slightly run into him with a golf cart. Just enough to slightly injure him and make him rethink his life choices (affectionate) (actually in the words of@phtalogreenpoison “I’d like to microwave Keefe. Just shortly”)
Does he need therapy? OH MY GOSH YES. I have thought this about other characters but SPECIFICALLY KEEFE HOLY GUACAMOLE GET THAT GUY THERAPY
Is he insane? Define insane. But I love him anyway (what is going on in his head half the time 😭)
Am I rotating him in my head 24/7? WELL YOU’VE READ THE POST WHAT DO YOU THINK
Do I have so many headcanons? Oh you guys don’t know the half of it. I have. So. Many. SO MANY
Is he wasted potential? Uhhhh I have too many thoughts on this to actually put it on this post. Genuinely love what Shannon’s doing with his character, like I said. But at some point she needs to. Address the things. Or he just becomes a guy with all these complications introduced that just kinda sit there and continue to change and grow and Keefe is the complex character to end all complex characters but Shannon you need to DO SOMETHING WITH THE MASTERPIECE OF A CHARACTER THAT YOU HAVE CREATED
The amount of bingos holy moly
Keefe means a lot to me
Thanks for the ask anon!
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bookish-bogwitch · 10 months
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Thanks @thewholelemon, @facewithoutheart, @ileadacharmedlife, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @aristocratic-otter, @nightimedreamersworld, @ionlydrinkhotwater for the tags the past couple weeks. Here are six a lot of sentences I cut from Basil Pitch's Diary, which for now is just one baby chapter but the rest of which is coming soon eventually to a browser near you.
This bit's inspired by the fact that there was a Parliament election in 2015. I cut it because it felt kind of clumsy--sticking jokes in the character's mouths that weren't necessarily in-character--and also had the small issue of being completely, utterly irrelevant to the plot. (At least that makes it spoiler-free 😅.)
Excerpt and tags below the cut:
FRIDAY 6 MARCH Blood units 4, body temp 25, hair ducal, civic engagement meh, political parties at least 3. 11 a.m. Politickal Science. Professor Kates had us debate tomorrow’s Normal Parliament election, presumably because he didn’t plan a real lesson. Had never paid much attention to Normal politics before reaching voting age. Unlike Bunce. “…And that’s why I’m voting Lib Dem,” she concluded after talking for eight solid minutes. “You’re sixteen,” objected Wellbelove.  “Not a problem,” said Bunce, flapping her ring hand.  From the back of the classroom, the pixie chimed in. “What about the Green Pa—” Bunce made a rude noise.  “What about you, Simon?” asked the professor. “How would you vote?”  Of course the Mage’s Heir gets a platform for his inane views. What a blow when he finds out there’s no Butter Union party. “Um,” orated Snow. “I … I dunno. Labour, probably.” Snow turned to Bunce. “Like, some of them are nutters, yeah, but they’d fund stuff. Like,” he reddened, “schools and, like, social programs.” “Those are already funded,” said Bunce. “Not enough.”  “You expect the government to solve all your problems,” I quoted my father automatically.  Snow gave me one of my own You’re an idiot looks. “I really don’t.”  Shit. How many times had he been asked to solve the World of Mages’s problems single-handed? Bunce was still fired up. “Simon, you can’t just dismiss Labor’s xenophobic—”  I thought about what Snow meant and missed the rest of Bunce’s rant about something something intersectionality. As if she would willingly intersect with a Normal. 4 p.m. Am torn. Pitches always vote Tory, just like we’ll always vote against the Mage once we get back the franchise. (Fiona has a plan to steal it.) A liberal government would drain our coffers even drier.  But in our borough voting Tory means re-electing a man who opposed same-sex marriage two years ago. The craven claimed he wasn’t homophobic, he just had homophobic constituents. Do not see why the straight unwashed should control my freedom to marry.  Even worse is the Tory ghoul from Aldershot who stumped about “the aggressive homosexual community” using marriage as “a stepping stone.” As if I wouldn’t pay double VAT to be stepped on by an aggressive homosexual. Still. Am not simpleton single-issue voter; marriage equality is a fait accompli. And anyway, I’d only ever want to gay-marry Snow, straight and unwashed though he is.  Felt weirdly proud of him today for disagreeing with Bunce, especially when I realized the professor had singled him out not as Mage’s Heir but as spokesnormal. And that “social programs” meant his entire childhood.  Hmm. SATURDAY 7 MARCH 10 p.m. Resolved politico-moral quandary by forgetting to vote.
Look, it wasn't my idea for Baz to be a Tory. That was all Rainbow. I also do think Penny has a centrist streak inherited from Mitali but I have no idea real how this would translate into the Normal world.
Thanks @facewithoutheart for gently pointing out that this was a complete tangent. And sorry and thank you @captain-aralias for the content beta. It's not your fault I asked you to explain UK politics and then didn't listen.
Tagging @cutestkilla, @fatalfangirl, @moodandmist, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @artsyunderstudy, @im-gettingby, and @petedavidsonscock.
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author-chan06 · 7 days
hello!! i dont know if you'd like to write more poetic/interpretation-heavy reros, such as the heat focused fic that i really loved, but if you do would you consider writing a fic about the split? post-split, or mid-split, or maybe even about a metaphorical split, but basically a fic about remus and roman and the fact they were torn apart like that. i think it could be really fun!!!
maybe there could be an arts-and-crafts symbolism, e.g. about how their insides were so easily molded they resembled clay and such. maybe their desire to fuse back together is described as 'glue', or the way that their fate was written by outside forces (that made them into two separate beings) is metaphorically a pen pressing so hard against a sheet of paper that it tears right through it. anyway yes, if you want, it could be descriptions of their bodies being ripped apart in a cutesy sort of style, but that's just an idea!!! basically my request is: remrom split!
Ok so! Heyyy, :D! This is totally inspirational for me honesty and the work you sent also gave me a couple ideas! And since I’ve been meaning to write about the Split, I’m definitely going to be writing a longer story about it soon! But for now, I’ve written a smaller piece— the idea hit me like hammer and I wrote it all in one go, so it might not be amazing, but I had to write it— and it is inspired by a line in one of the parts you sent me! (You’ll probably be able to find the line easily) So I hope you like this smaller verse!
Skin and Muscles
By Author_Chan06
When we were torn apart you took the skin and I took the muscle. It left me an aching and burning thing in the sun, nothing to cover and hide me from anyone to see. Any poke hurt and any prod made me bleed. But I muscled through. I crafted finely made masks and adorned myself in cushioningly crafted outfits; I hide myself away, while you do the opposite. With skin nothing skin deep hurt you, though you were hollow. Bones and skin and organs do not make a whole. Anything you try to make falls apart, with nothing to hold it together, your disjointed body strung together by spite and vitriol and a love that burns to talk about and burns to expression. Neither of us are whole anymore and pushing us together should hurt.
But it doesn’t. Skin and muscle pushed together soothes, and lips on lips feels like a fusion of a full self. Of a full us. With no hurt to intrude on our hope and wonder and creative ideas. Together nothing can hurt us. It is such a shame, isn’t it, my other half, we are not whole. It is such a shame we are not together.
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simcardiac-arrested · 4 months
i simply must know more about fates torn again... she is quite intriguing to me... if you wish to talk about her my ears are open and my eyes are on
heehe yessss i love her so bad let’s all huddle together by the campfire and share fates facts
- he is a hater yes, he is like if a high school bully had to iterate BUT THAT’S NOT ALL …. he’s also customer service core. which means he doesn’t show his hater side to Just Anyone, he likes hiding it from everyone and pretending to be all sunshine and rainbows and niceys because …. tbh probably because weaving convinced him to, like PLEASE can you at least Try getting along with the rest of the group. you do not have to hate everyone (fates will find a reason to hate anyone don’t test him) maybe some of them will be nice to talk to (they are not)
- (…someone else knows of his two-faced bullshit, though)
- speaking of weaving, fates is close friends with them, besties even, she is the only person she likes and shows her true self to (read: she complains and gossips to them all the time, and they just nod along whatever she’s saying hoping one of these cycles she will say something nice about her groupmates). unfortunately being close with weaving also means being close with sep—not to mention that his stupid ass loves helping and fates very often needs some assistance, which fucking kills her from the inside because she is his #1 hater but he acts liek they’re suuuch best friends. she’s just like sisyphus fr
- (she might have some other reasons for getting close with sep but i don’t know/i’m bald)
- the reason fates usually needs help with the stuff he’s doing is bc they fucked him up. they built his ass wrong somehowwwww (……) and now he doesn’t function as well as the rest of his group. he makes obvious mistakes and miscalculates and fails at stuff like simulations and bioengineering and all the things an iterator should be good at, what kind of iterator can’t even figure out quantum math or how to fuse two different dna sequences? come onnnn
- fates’ main hobby is gardening (in secret of course, only weaving knows about it). he color coordinates his gardens :) he picked it up after the ancients left
- she’s probably involved in the iterator equivalent of discourse circles and callout culture
- i don’t think she has always been like this. i don’t think she was born a hypocrite with a hatred for everything. sure, maybe she was independent and rebellious (because she doesn’t need the senior’s help or pity, alright?), but otherwise she might’ve even been nice. curious. tried her best at first, even if she didn’t understand why she wasn’t as good as the rest of her group. she tried to be as helpful and as professional as anyone else. but as the mistakes kept piling on and as her groupmates kept moving further without her (and got more maintenance and care than her), it became obvious that this just wasn’t working out. something was wrong.
- and isn’t it an iterator’s duty to find the answer?
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crazydoughnutlady · 1 year
The discord give me this idea…
TW: blood, violence, panic, anger, slight manipulation
Perix Fang informed, Ven that Rae was the biggest threat to their happiness, and that he must be disposed of. Ven understood grabbing an axe, it did more damage and Rae wouldn’t expect it. A sword is too obvious an axe? That has many uses, disposing of threats just happens to be one of them.
Rae felt terrible about what happened recently with Ven. He decided he would go up to Ven's place and formally apologize.
The auras were giving their usual ramble about how sus Ven is, and how they didn’t like him. Rae just rolled his eyes and continued up the path. only to see Ven heading down it.
“Oh hi, Rae what are you doing here?” Ven asked anxiety bubbling in his chest, only betrayed slightly by their voice.
“I… umm…” Rae, stammered nervously for a second, “I came to apologize and I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to call you a liar. I just wanted to know when you lied about under Fable’s orders in articles and I’m sorry if I made you feel as though I was calling all of you a liar.”
Ven took a deep breath. He needed Rae to trust him if his plan was going to work, “OK maybe we should go somewhere else to talk about this…” he feigned an air of continued nervousness.
“Okay… where do you wanna go? We can go back to your house, or the archives.” Rae listed, unaware of the danger he was in.
“Actually, I have somewhere else in mind it’s a nice private spot. No one will bother us there.” Ven motioned, Rae to follow as he began to walk towards a near bottomless cave, in which if Rae fell down, it would be tough for someone to hear his screams.
“Okay…” Rae began walking alongside, as suspicion crept into his voice.
It didn’t take long for the two of them to reach the spot where Ven planted Rae’s demise. All he needed was to get Rae close to the edge and clip his wings.
“I discovered it while traveling not too long ago. I think there’s a library at the bottom.” Ven lied motioning for Rae to come close to the edge with him.
Ray in his curiosity peered down the hole. Ven taking his chance, he slashed his sword across Rae’s back tearing his elytra as he fell. Ray screamed. Ven didn’t even cast a glance down as Rae fell just walking back to his house confident that Perix Fang will be pleased with this news.
His back burned in pain, and he felt as though his chest was bubbling like all the skulk inside him had condensed into one point, and was trying to tear out of his chest, but he also felt serene relaxing bliss as he watched the sky, get farther and farther away.
Rae was going to die. He felt the harsh stinging of a blade in his chest. he didn’t want to go. He still has so much to do. A voice of remorse whispered in his ears. Rae slammed to the bottom.
And all at once all of the skulk that piece of Perix’s shot out of him. In its place, the chill of the End, and the calmness of a clear mind took over.
You are mine, not that vile alchemist’s
Just like that, all the breath returned to Rae’s lungs in an instant.
“Fuck!” he coughed, voice, raspy, and horse. His entire body burned with pain, his back being the center place of it. All the stripes of his elytra had been torn off, but the wings would most definitely be welded to his skin. He could feel them he can move them as though he was born with them. His head felt fuzzy. Probably a concussion, he was bleeding, and he’s also pretty sure his right arm is broken.
Tears flooded, his eyes Rae cried out, “HELP! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP! AAX! CASPIAN! CENTROSS! SHERBRET! ANYONE!!!” His vocal cords protested, but he kept screaming anyway and some hope someone would hear. Aax and Athena had good hearing!
Eventually, he was out of breath, and he could not scream anymore. Carefully he walked over to a corner of the cave and using what little strength he had left dug out a small hole for him to hide in. Not even noticing the lack of a horn.
Caspian couldn’t find Rae. He had checked the archives, the house, the box, and he even asked Sherbert, who joined him in the search. Stopping by Banner Fam's house the two found Aax relaxing with the axolotls.
“Hey Aax have you heard Rae lately? I can’t find them anywhere.” Caspian asked their partner, perhaps their super-hearing could help them locate the scientist.
Aax him to focus first second before looking up in terror, “He’s deep in the caves and his heartbeat is super faint. I think something is wrong.” they said, leaping out of the water grabbing. Caspian and Sherbert running after the Olm hybrid.
Centross had been heading over to Rae’s house to tell him the news after all he told Ven first. However, he was stopped right at the doorway. “What’s going on?” he worriedly asked his friends.
“Rae in trouble come on!” not missing a beat. Centross grabbed his rockets and shot back to his home, to grab his armor. Upon seeing his boyfriend panicked, Wolf decided to tag along as well.
The group of five followed Aax as he let them to where he here heard Rae’s heart. Out past Ven’s house, was a large deep pit. Centross’s mind flashed back to the other day the skulk on the bottom of Ven’s shoes… it couldn’t a coincidence.
Spreading their elytra, the group quickly dropped into the pit.
“How do we know Rae’s not the warden?” Centross nervously asked.
“His heartbeat is faint if he was the warden right now, it would be loud!” Aax explained.
Landing at the bottom of the pit, Caspian and Sherbert, had to look away at the sheer amount of magenta blood splattered and smeared on the ground. Centross’s hand itched for the sword, and he knew Aax’s did the same. Wolf pier through the dark spotting a bit of cobble in the corner of the cave.
“Over here!” Wolf called out. Turning away from the bloody scene, the three ran over to the car moment, tearing it apart to find Rae asleep, covered in bruises and his own blood but surprisingly, there wasn’t a single vein of skulk on his body.
Sherbert dug through their pockets, producing a splash potion of regeneration, and carefully began to work. Some basic first aid Rae's arm was broken. So them and Centross set it back into place. After what felt like ours and Wolf and Caspian, having to make multiple runs for potions, while Aax kept them safe from any mobs; Rae was healed enough to move.
Alex was the one to carry him back once he was laid to rest in their bedroom with Atlas guarding over him. They began to part ways, all promising to contribute to Rae’s health.
“Well, are you coming home?” Wolf asked Centross, as he stopped azalea tree in front of the house.
“I’ll catch up in a minute I have some things to do.” even through his mask, Centross could tell Wolf was looking him up and down pondering words with those golden eyes.
“Be safe.” Wolf nodded before using his elytra to fly back home.
Taking a deep breath, when Sherb left the house, Centross pulled them aside.
“Wha-” they began to speak.
“Shh not here.” Centross shushed before dragging Sherbert back to their own house. once the two of them were safely in the doors, Centross began, “I have a sneaking suspicion who did this to Rae, but I need evidence. You in?”
Their eyes were fierce. Fiercer than ever been, even under corruption, “They. Will. Pay.”
Last time Sherbert's anger was been hot, fiery, and full of smoke. Now Sherb’s anger was an ice-cold dagger, digging into your skin, one thousand slow painful deaths from various poisons. It was enough to scare the battle-hardened reaper.
They grabbed various potions, mostly invisibility, but few harming and slowness if they ran into trouble. taking off their armor and splashing on the invisibility potions. The two of them ran off to Ven’s.
The two quietly snuck through the tunnels, ensuring that they were silent as possible. They were sneaking long until they heard Ven’s voice.
“-don’t have to worry about him anymore”
“Perfect I can already feel myself getting stronger. Soon we will be able to go anywhere together.” an unfamiliar voice replied.
“That’s great! that’s… amazing!” Ven cheerfully replied. Turning the corner, the two watched Ven and the strange man walked over to the house. Centross wondered if he was perhaps the man Chaos mentioned.
Walking over to where the two of them stood they open the door to find a room full of skulk.
“Do you think that’s proof enough?” Centross whispered to Sherb.
“It’s enough for me.” They said coldly.
Carefully guarding the two of them away from the Centross planned, “We need to find the mirror first if we have the mirror, and can prove that Ven was the one holding onto the mirror everyone else will be on our side.”
“Okay, and how do we find the mirror?”
“You have those potion skills of yours will use invisibility and sweep the house.” Centross pointed out.
Rae’s mind was a maze, a blender of Enderian’s memories, his childhood, the worst moments of last time, and the whispers of his loved ones fretting over him. He could’ve sworn he heard Sherbert’s voice, screaming at him to live as warm, fuzzy feelings spread over his body. his dreams sometimes will fade away with the smell of spore blossoms, which always seemed to cling to Aax, or perhaps the smell of all the books and sunflowers as Caspian’s soft voice guided him to peace. The familiar smell of Atlas, which he knew from crying on her for far too many nights. nothing and everything was clear at the same time. He was warm for the first time in what felt like forever a part of him knew that the warmth was bad and that it would harm him, but he couldn’t bring himself to mind.
Rae my child you must awake!
Rae felt all the pain at once, the burning ache of his back, and his elytra, the stabbing ache in his arm.
Coughing, he tried to sit up. “Shhh, Rae you’re ok lay back down,” Caspian’s, voice soft as gentle hands brought him back down to the pillow.
“Don’t speak you’re ok.” He soothed, his hands gently brushing Rae’s hair. Rae heard the door gently open and the quiet feat of Aax.
“Here you go some water and then I’ll give you some regeneration.” the olm hybrid, said gently, lifting up Rae and placing the bottle on his lips. the cool, water, soothed his sore throat and fuzzed his mind once again.
The next day Sherbert returned to Banner Fam's house. They and Centross had been unsuccessful at the beginning of their search for the mirror, but that doesn’t mean they were going to give up. They were going to prove that Ven had been the one to hurt Rae.
Gently knocking on the door, knowing access sensitive hearing would pick it up anyway Sherbert called out, “I’ve brought more potions!”
Aax of course is the one to open the door, Sherbert wondered if Caspian had even left Rae’s side for a moment.
“He woke up for a moment the other day,” the olm told them.
“He did that’s great! Did he say anything?”. Not only did that mean his brother was okay, but he could also figure out who had done this.
“No he tried to speak, but his voice was too weak,” spoke Caspian as they entered the bedroom.
“I see well same instructions as before. Also, try to get some food into him. Potions are not a sustainable diet. You might be tempted to use golden apples, but those can overload the system so it’s better to use smaller simpler foods like bread and potato.” Sherbert instructed, felt like they had given this speech before, or perhaps someone else had given it to them.
“How do you know that?” Caspian wondered.
“I don’t know I just do but it’s useful. It helps my brother.” they explained, “and if he gives any hints as to who did this to him to tell me, I want to help with their punishment.”
“only if you promise to do the same,” Aax said pulling, two axes out in a threat to whoever had done this.
“So far the only lead I’ve got is from Centross. He thinks the person who has the mirror most likely did this to Rae, considering he doesn’t have the skulk anymore.” Sherbert shared.
“That does make sense.” Caspian mused.
The three of them chatted for a little longer before Sherbert decided to return home to continue working on potions.
“What are you guys think?” they dared to ask everything.
Sus sus sus Ven sus Ven /neg I want Rae to be ok we should bonk Ven Ven is sus
“It seems for once you’re all in agreement” they chuckled as everything continue to ramble about their distaste for Ven.
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jmagnabo92 · 1 year
CBS Ghosts - Pilot - Sam sees Ghosts
AHHHH it’s the end of the pilot - Where Sam Sees the Ghosts and The Ghosts get excited.  
Discussion and Gifs - may contain Spoilers below:
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I love that Jay looks so proud and Happy as the guys get to work - noticed that the man ordering people around call some of them “roofers” so like - they had roofers, but didn’t fix that over the fountain?
ANYWAY, adore Sam looking around in awe.  I’m glad that she isn’t traumatized by the place (’cause that would’ve been bad) and instead is SO THRILLED to be there and see a dream come true.
Sam, you have no idea how much this dream come true really is. :)
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LMAO - Trevor just awkwardly standing out of the way when Sam talks to him.  He was just expecting to see that she was okay, and he’s smiling at her even though he doesn’t expect her to see him.  It’s kind of sweet.
And he’s such a puppy that he gets excited that she compliments of him.  
He’s so cute in this scene - me, you chose me?  Heart eyes.  Poor boy.
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I love that it takes him a second to realize what it means - like at first, he’s like “Wait, you’re talking to me” then “aw she likes me” then “shit - she talked to me - she saw me - holy fuck, must tell the others!”
And goes running.  
Interesting question - do you think Trevor (aside from his pants) is the worst secret keeper of the bunch?  He doesn’t seem to hesitate to share this while I could see Sass being like “how can I make this fun by NOT sharing this?”
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Well, it took all of ten seconds for the happiness that Sam’s okay to be thinking about themselves.
We love our selfish ghosts :)
At least, Hetty looks torn.
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I love that they’re putting Thor and Pete next to each other.  They’ve got such a different perspective on things - excitement vs boredom in Alberta’s singing scene and here where Pete’s like “Boo Hotel, but they were here for a day and I missed them” while Thor is like “Clutter, damnit, Clutter!”
It’s so vastly different and the FUN thing is that Thor is the oldest ghost, so he knows what it’s like to have all that activity in the house, while Pete’s the 2nd youngest and he hasn’t experienced the full house (as far as we know) - Sophie’s been ill most of Trevor’s time there, and when Pete died, it seem like there wasn’t much activity then.  
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Trevor’s so cute here.  He’s so excited to tell them - and he’s clearly hoping this will ease things with Hetty, so he looks to the right where Hetty is when he says “Sam seems to like me” - underlying tone - you should like me too.
Also Where the F are Alberta and Sass.  This is a big moment - they were literally there like MINUTES prior.  
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LMAO - dude with no pants raises his arms and doesn’t notice because he’s too excited.  
Let’s look at these reactions:
Thor - Stares.  
Pete - glances away and tells Trevor to put his hands down.
Flower - is trying to look closer (Wow Flower).
Hetty - grabs onto to Isaac for assurance and looks down and away after a second
Isaac - kind of tilts his head, interested.  
LMAO  they are so funny.  I wish we’d seen Alberta and Sass’ responses here.  Although we did see Sass look up when Trevor gives his pants and underwear away in TP.
Side note - knowing that the actor is wearing special underwear and came up with this joke makes this even funnier.
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Awwww, Jay painted the room the color she wanted.  It’s so sweet - also how the F did the ghosts not notice Jay doing all this work???  
Anyway, Jam is so so cute here - too bad, Sam’s about to get freaked the hell out.
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AWW HETTY IS THE FIRST - Straight through the wall/closet?  Hetty’s so obvious as a ghost and probably argued that as the Lady of the House and Sam’s relative that she be first.
I can imagine Isaac arguing as the leader (captain) he should be first.  Hence, his walking in through the door second.
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I love how Jay’s just like “Yeah, a lot of yellow, but it’ll grow on you.”
Because he assumes that’s the problem.
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It’s interesting that Sass, Trevor and Pete all walk in at slightly a second behind each other and together.  Wonder how they decided that.  
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Finally, Alberta, Flower and Thor.  It’s interesting that they stand a distance away, Hetty still the closest.  
Also, Love how Sam’s trying to rationalize.  She did believe somewhat in ghosts for ages (hence the sage), but like it’s one thing to ‘believe’ and another to see it.  
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Aw, poor Jay - he’s just like ... it’s paint, babe.  What’s the problem.  Sam and Jay are completely having two different discussions.
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Trevor and Pete as the youngest ghost have this conversation - they’re SO happy to have the possibility of Sam seeing them.  
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Awww, Jay is so cute - “I’m your husband, remember?”
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How long has Isaac had this speech prepared and has he ever gotten to finish it???
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OOOOH, interesting Flower begins to look somewhat sad when Isaac says “poor spirits” - I feel like she might be the only one that doesn’t talking about this being ‘purgatory’ that she wants to escape from.  Or maybe I’m reading that look wrong.
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Poor Sam, That’s a terribly scary thing to happen.  How did she not run for the hills??? I would’ve.
Woohoo!  Feel free to discuss and reblog :). 
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dollsonmain · 1 year
Talking to someone who is interested in fixing things is very nice, so I’ve been talking with Scott about the weird plumbing and things in the house.
He saw my post about the shower and was asking some questions and giving ideas and omg it’s just really, really nice to be heard.
Anyway. Since I’ve been telling you all about the weirdness, too:
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So here are the shut offs for the shower, way overhead where my short ass can’t reach without a step stool which seems like a bad idea in an emergency, but whatever...
So they are accessible-ish. AFAIK it doesn’t matter which way it’s turned (they can only go one way but there’s a little barrier so you can tell which way that is. I couldn’t see it before) because it’s just a little ball with a tunnel and it’s either tunnel lines up with pipe so water can get through, or ball covers pipe and water can’t get through.
I can’t turn them, though. I don’t know if they’re stuck or if it’s my weakness and messed up shoulder. I am very weak in the hands anymore. No grip, lots of pain.
I do have a plumber’s wrench thing that I can probably use to turn them. Haven’t tried, yet.
Also yes, those pipes are crooked AF.
The previous homeowners did it. I’m guessing the extensions over the ceiling there are for the toilet and sink.
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The leak is probably in the.... I keep forgetting what this is called. It’s probably in this thing here which I could likely disassemble and fix or replace no problem, I just don’t want to. Nobody uses this shower.
Really, the entire basement needs torn out and redone professionally.
I’ve had to fix EVERY. SINGLE. POWER OUTLET. because they’re ALL mounted wrong.
You know how I’ve said that I’m not stupid but I’m slow; I’ll get there eventually?
I finally had the smart idea to go outside and measure the distance from the window to the spigot.
14 inches.
Then I came inside and measured from the window again and the spigot is, I shit you not....
right there.
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Right where those walls meet. That corner is 13.5 inches from the window.
Which begs the question:  Where the fuck is the pipe, then, if there is wall framing there???
Also this means there’s a void behind there. The foundation is a little past the spigot, maybe another 10 inches, and the bathroom isn’t that deep. There’s a good...
1ft by.... maybe 4ft area that’s covered. For some reason.
So I’m wondering if I cut like....
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here? if I’d be able to reach in and access the shut off valve (and then install a little access door cubby thing). Or maybe cut all the way out and install a people-size door.
Or is it on the other wall?
Like, does the framing for.....
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Is the pipe RIGHT THERE and the framing is installed wrong and the drywall is just floating in the corner???? Or is it the other way so I’d be better off cutting into the window-wall?
Which way am I going to be blocked by boards?
Are BOTH sides floating?????
I wouldn’t put it past him. You should see how poorly he drywalled and framed the stairs.
What the fuck, Rolly. Why.
It would have been fixed by now if That Guy were willing to pay for the repairs or if I were able to. This has been driving me crazy for 16 years.
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pkmnomegaverse · 3 months
Me once again going down the beta builds for Pokemon rabbit hole always gets me like this
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Like I can feel it building. I’m always torn on if I should revamp a lot of my Kanto/Johto stuff to fit in beta lore more or not. Since on one hand, had I known about it at the time, would def have used it more. Alternatively though, I don’t like to retcon established things unless I have a solid vision for the change. And all of this is more just fun facts vs information I can do much with. As with everything beta related, it tends to be speculation which I then further extrapolate on (aka I’m making things up). But here are some notes (compiling this for myself mostly) of beta themed lore to consider.
- Ethan having an older brother 3 years his senior in the beta build for Gen 2. I think I’ve talked about this one before but I really would have made Gold his older brother had I known about this at the time. But at this point, I feel it complicates things too much and surly if Ethan had an older brother, would his brother not have stepped in to help once Ethan was having all his drama with Lance’s family? Regardless, idea that came to me is he is Ethan’s long lost brother on a quest to find Kris, who’s always been MIA/abducted in this verse (because I never knew how to implement her/I didn’t want to retcon things in Johto to give her a connection to Ethan/Lyra/Silver). I still would be unlikely to add him (since again, I think he would help out Ethan more and that goes against my story for why Ethan ends up in the place he does) but I think making him a Red-like character could be interesting. Disappeared and people unsure on where he is. Perhaps that was a possible idea for him before Red ended up filling that role??? Ignoring the obvious idea he probably was just straight up Red at one point in development.
- Silver having a sister in the 1997 Spaceworld demo. Aka, the revelation that spawned me doing research again. Which it’s kind of interesting both Ethan and Silver had older siblings originally. I don’t think I’ll do anything with this (since I’m forever fighting making Mars his older sister, just doesn’t fit in my head, although with this revelation…). But an interesting beta fact to consider! Since certainly implications here. Also this got me thinking it was almost certainly canon that Silver was Giovanni’s son even back in the original Gen 2 games. The manga had to get the idea from somewhere (and there’s indication PokeSpe implemented other cut content, like Gold using a skateboard, which the demo proved that was canon before it got re-replaced with a bike down the line). So since Gen 4 was reusing cut ideas from the Gen 2 games….again, implications here.
- Jasmine likely being a ghost type user originally and having a connection to Agatha. This coming from her prototype design likely being the Gym Leader of a gym that seems pretty clearly ghost themed (the Gym Leader is surrounded by graves) and Agatha appearing in this same town. Meaning she’s possibly proto-Jasmine’s grandmother or perhaps her mentor (I lean towards grandmother due to the multiple cut family members in Gen 2 and also it would parallel Oak better). Which on one hand, could flip things so Agatha is related to Morty. But since Jasmine does have a relation to Sinnoh in some way (other fun fact about proto-Jasmine is she’s the Gym Leader of a city near what was the equivalent of Sinnoh in the Spaceworld demo, thus why Gen 4 probably kept that connection to Sinnoh with her) and I do like the Bertha and Agatha are sisters theory, Jasmine being related to them in some way still holds up. Just who is her grandmother and who is her great-aunt could go either way. Would probably keep it Agatha just to keep the original intention though.
This is the one I’m most likely to use out of all of these, since there’s something here. Mostly just need to think about the implications with what that means for Lynn. Part of me is feeling silly enough at the moment I’m like “watch out Lynn, new step-dad approaching or even retconning your bio-dad” (it’s Crasher Wake). But I think it might be interesting to make Lynn have a connection to ghost Pokemon as an homage to all this. Also congrats Rosette, your two closest people are connected to ghosts in some way! Other idea is to kind of base Lynn’s design a tiny bit off prototype Jasmine. Just a bit in the hair.
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- 1997 Spaceworld Busgy was originally the Gym Leader for the equivalent of Goldenrod. Presumably this could be related to why there’s the Bug Catching Contest in that area. For sure can’t do anything with this fact, but I was amused by the idea of a fankid using roughly the design of prototype Bugsy who could be the son of Whitney/Bugsy. Never gonna retcon those fams since Rosette especially is near and dear to my heart, but I thought it was an interesting connection. Perhaps an idea I could use if I ever do anything more with Whitney or Bugsy in ChampionVerse? His prototype design for ref, back when he was the “Goldenrod” Gym Leader
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- HGSS Morty is just his prototype design and final design in Gen 2 smashed together. Watched a YouTube video that pointed this out and thought it was funny. So throwing it here to remind myself. Also the YouTube video for those curious, which is worth a watch and also goes over a fair amount of what I have in this post.
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Also HonorShipping real since prototype Falkner has a headband which Morty steals that design idea in his final look. Whereas Falkner gets the kinda swoopy emo bang. Cause yes, that’s how far I’m reaching. Did say I was feeling like the conspiracy theory man image! Like idk, Falkner just kinda looks like if you combined the two beta designs. It’s the hair that’s doing it for me. There’s a connection here! And the connection is that they’re in love!
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3 notes · View notes
1moreff-creator · 7 months
(01) Levi Fontana - First Trial (DRDT-Milgram AU)
Hey there! We’re officially starting the First trial, and it’s Levi’s turn! With his Voice Drama: Minimalism, and his Music Video (concept): Torn Stitches! As well as the voting at the end (I'm using Tumblr one week polls to not overcomplicate things). I’ve decided (for now at least) not to do post-MV interrogation questions because… I don’t know what to do with them? They would just be a bunch of headcanons for the most part, so I don’t think they would be too important. I might make them later, but not now. 
Anyways. Below is a vague, not entirely serious attempt at a thumbnail for this "video" (ID in alt text). The sprite is from the official gallery of course. 
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CW murder and blood (description of a fight). Not afiliated with either DRDT or Milgram.
One clarification I should have probably made in Undercover: all of these prisoner’s backstories are set in the US, because that’s where the DRDT characters are from (minus possibly Teruko). This isn’t really important for Levi, but it may come up later so.
Also another thing I forgot! The idea for this AU came from this post by sunlit-haru! Thanks for the brainrot buddy!
Voice Drama - Minimalism
(Keep in mind this Es’ personality isn’t the same as canon, but rather it’s loosely based on a certain DRDT character)
Es: [Upbeat voice] Hello, Prisoner Number 01! It’s nice to meet you. 
Levi: Hm… Interesting. The uniform is designed to impose a sense of authority, that much is clear from the cape and the hat. The dark clothing enhances the effect, with the gloves-
E: Uh… what?
L: Oh! Apologies. Your outfit is quite intriguing, and… well, observing that kind of thing is a bit of a nervous habit of mine. 
E: Uh… huh. Well, that’s… nice! *Shuffling* Do you like it? It’s a bit more dramatic than what I’d usually wear, but I guess it’s fitting.
L: Oh? What is it you usually wear?
E: …
L: Warden?
E: Oh! Just call me Es! What’s your name, anyways? It would be kinda awkward to just keep calling you Zero One or something. 
L: … Oh. Right, where are my manners? Levi Fontana, a pleasure.
E: Nice to meet you Levi! Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? 
L: Well… I’m XX* years old. I work as a personal stylist in a pretty large company. Uh, I’ve lived alone for a while now, and, uh...
*(Note: DRDT characters are all of an unspecified, adult college age. Understand Levi is saying a number here, I’m just not committing to a specific age)
E: …
L: …
E: …And?
L: Well, not much else. I’m not a very interesting person, I apologize.
E: No, no! That’s all very interesting! But, well, there’s… how do I put this. There’s something in particular I was hoping you'd bring up? Something I feel we… kinda have to talk about?
L: Is that so?
E: Well… this is an interrogation, you know? And here in Milgram, there is a particular aspect of your life that we’re sorta more interested in, you see.
L: Oh, the murder?
E: … Yes, the murder. 
L: I imagined. You have mentioned everyone in this prison is a killer, yes? That TV-cat thing has repeated the same a few times.
E: [Oddly serious] It’s a dog, actually. 
L: … Really?
E: *Clears throat* Like you said, all of you have taken lives. Interrogating these situations is the fundamental purpose of Milgram. 
L: I see. And you know we are murderers without a shadow of a doubt? I would find that quite impressive.
E: Milgram has deigned you murderers, and I have full faith it is right in its assessment. 
L: Very well. In that case, yes, I am a murderer. 
E: … Just like that?
L: Well, yes. I killed someone. That makes a murderer, does it not? 
E: Uh, yeah, but… you seem oddly calm about this.
L: Am I? I suppose this is not quite how most people would confess to murder. But if I’m frank, I cannot bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did. 
E: Oh! That’s… huh.
L: …
E: I mean, why? Why do you not regret it? Surely killing someone is something no one would ever want to do, right?
L: Perhaps that’s how you view it, but… well. The person I killed had to die. It’s as simple as that. 
E: … Well, that’s a- That’s a pretty simplistic view, which is fine, I suppose. Isn’t that a bit cold-hearted, though?
L: I have been told that, yes. Hm... I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves.
E: Huh? I don’t think… Wait, why is that your first instinct?
L: Oh? Well… I have never been very good with my emotions. It’s usually better if I simply act the way normal people act. 
E: That doesn’t sound healthy.
L: Perhaps. It… hasn’t always worked out very well. I thought if I acted more like my family… ah, I probably shouldn’t talk about that kind of thing.
E: Hm?
L: Yeah, ignore that. 
E: Uh, if you say so... But that’s still quite a bit to unpack there. 
L: Is it? 
E: *sigh* Alright, listen. I have a lot to say about… that, but we have only a limited amount of time, and I still don’t know anything about your murder. 
L: Hm.
E: Look, Levi. I am not here to merely condemn you for what you’ve done. I am here to decide if you are Forgiven or Unforgiven. But as of now, I have little to make that judgement. If you just explain what happened, I'm sure you'll be able to convince me to Forgive- augh!
*Chair being pushed, something falls*
L: Es? 
E: Ugh- *Shuffling noises* Stand down. I am fine. 
L: Are… you certain?
E: [Noticeably more serious] As I was saying. To make a proper judgement, I must be deeply aware of the intricacies of your crime. Explain yourself. 
L: Wait. Why did you just-?
E: Irrelevant. Zero One, explain yourself.
L: … Alright, I suppose? But unfortunately, it is probably for the best if I refrain from speaking of my crime. 
E: What- What do you mean, Levi?
L: I am… not good with words, either. I fear by attempting to explain myself, I will only make things worse. From what I understand, you will be able to see directly into my mind? I believe that would be the best way for you to truly understand what I’ve done.
E: Really? You know you won’t have control of what’s shown, right? For all you know, it could show things as worse than they actually are! Don’t you want to clarify things now that you can?
L: You speak as if I have full control of my words. Frankly, I fear that my temper might flare up if… if I think about that piece of shit for too long. 
E: !
L: Oh, apologies! I did not mean to... *sigh* See what I mean?
E: Oh! No, you just… startled me is all. Why don’t you tell me more about this, uh, piece of… the person you’re talking about?
L: …
E: …Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me?
L: Ah. Apologies. That anger was not directed at you. As I said, it is difficult for me to talk about… about him without growing angry. And that’s- that’s something I have been trying to work on.
E: I… see. That’s a shame. 
L: It is not important. I have always been of the opinion that actions define people better than words ever could, especially when it comes to me. That video will probably show you the circumstances of my crime much better than I ever could.
E: Hm… I understand! But, without knowing what it’s going to show, aren’t you worried I might not Forgive you for it?
L: Hm… If I am frank, I do not yet know how to feel about this… Forgiveness you speak of.
E: Oh?
L: Well, I believe I did the right thing. I am not sure your words would change my mind. So, I am not worried about what you think of me. 
E: Uh… do you even know what happens if you’re not Forgiven?
L: I do not. Can I ask what the consequences are?
E: …
L: … Do you… not know either?
E: I mean, it could be pretty bad, you know? 
L: That’s not very convincing-
*Machinery whirs*
L: Hm?
E: Oh. Looks like we ran out of time. The extraction machine is starting. 
L: I see. 
E: *sigh* Very well! I’ll keep your words in mind! Let’s see what your actions say about what kind of person you are.
L: I suppose that would be fair. 
E: In that case. 
Prisoner 01, Levi Fontana: sing your sins!
(Oh wow I actually wrote a full VD. I mean, I think it's shorter than normal VDs, but I ain’t writing all that. Hope that was good enough)
Trial 1 Cover: Panda Hero by HACHI
(Because I am unburdened by the laws of the land (copyright), I can give these people any song to cover I want! Hehe. I’ll keep it Vocaloid only, you know, for fun. Probably imagine the covers in English, since the songs in the MVs are written to work in English)
Music Video - Torn Stitches
(So obviously I’m not going to actually make a song, I am not a musician to any extent, but I will make lyrics. Text between brackets is explaining what’s going on musically. Text in parenthesis are author’s note. Text in italics and citation thingy are lyrics. The rest is a description of the video)
(Also because no one has to animate this I get to go a little wild hehe)
The video opens on a shot of Levi with a black background, wearing a plain white shirt, leggings and shoes, standing with a hand on his chin and his eyes closed. He’s surrounded by clothes racks full of similar white shirts. The shot widens through a doorway, showing the room Levi is standing in is lit up by bright blue lights, and its floor is made up of white tiles (like the thumbnail room). A small sign is visible over the doorway. It reads “For self-expression.”
[Drumsticks are hit against each other as an opener. The classic “1, 2, 3, 4”]
Levi opens his eyes. On beat with the drumsticks, the lighting in the room changes around him, along with the sign on the door.
Orange lighting fills the room as the sign reads “Streetwear.” There are several shirts and pants spread across the ground.
Then it’s red lighting alongside “For the family.” Mannequins (like the ones you'd find at clothes stores) without clothes surround Levi.
Purple lighting, “Work clothes.” Desks replace the mannequins. 
Finally, it switches back to blue with the “For self-expression” sign. 
[The music kicks in fully. Imagine… Oh it is hard to describe music when you know nothing about it huh? Just- vaguely punk rock, somewhat fast paced. Metaphorically, it sounds like someone’s anger boiling just under their skin. Think of the beginning of Kotoko’s cover of Anti-Beat extended across most of the song. Does that even fit the genre I said? I have no idea]
Still with blue light, there’s a shot of his back as he quickly puts on the light blue polo shirt he wears in canon. A pop-up appears, pointing at it with text reading:
Blue Polo Shirt
Casual, simple, pragmatic. The color could speak of a calm and reliable person, but it may come off as too cold by itself.
Next, a shot of his hand as he puts on a black fingerless glove.
Black Gloves
Stylish accessory which signifies a person of action. Black is easy to combine with other colors for good aesthetics. 
We see the top half of Levi’s body as he walks forward, a title card appearing to fill up time. The camera focuses on his feet, wearing black boots, as he steps though the door. It lingers for another pop-up to appear.
Black Boots
Stylish. Useful for people who walk a hard path.
[The music slows down to let the lyrics take center stage. Again, I’m sorta using Anti-Beat as a basis]
The sun rises in the East, But I can feel none of its warmth.
We’re still in the same room as before, except the lighting has changed to orange. Levi looks at several blank mannequins wearing different clothes and facing different ways. The shot focuses on three of them, and pop-ups appear for their clothes.
Light Green Dress
A welcoming color that may be worn by a friendly, calm person.
Yellow Shirt
A warm and happy color. The user might be going through a joyous moment of their life.
Blue Denim Shorts
Simple, safe choice, for someone who may pay attention to their appearance, but doesn’t think about it too much.
Black Tank Top
Sporty, good for athletic people. Safe choice, but may sometimes represent someone’s despair.
White Shorts
Perfect for going on a run in the warmer parts of the year.
It switches to another two.
Pink Dress
Simple and upbeat. Good for more cutesy aesthetics.
Orange Shirt
Warm, inviting, happy. Incidentally, it’s a complementary color to blue.
It’s hard for a heart to beat, (I) When it is frozen as a rock (II)
(I) The lighting changes to purple as we get a front-facing shot of Levi walking past a desk. A mannequin sits on the other side, and a pop-up appears on its clothes.
Suit and Tie
Professional, but uncomfortable. This particular user really needs the work, but they do not like it.
(II) Then, we see him next to another mannequin. Levi is staring at this one, which is facing a clothes rack. A pop-up appears on its clothes, but also on a green hoodie in the clothes rack.
Neon Yellow Hoodie
Apologies, this one is too hideous to analyze.
Light Green Hoodie
They’re going to pick this one. It’s better for their aesthetic.
We get a close-up of Levi sighing.
[The music begins building up, with fast drum beats in between lyrics. The lyrics themselves are quick and abrupt]
I have to make it work
Now with red lighting, Levi is sitting at a table, eating spaghetti. He’s no longer wearing gloves.
Next to him sit two teenage boys (not mannequins) with short hair of the same color as Levi’s, though their eyes aren’t drawn. Plates of spaghetti are also in front of them. The one on Levi’s right (our left) is wearing the following shirt, with another pop-up.
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Heartbreaker Shirt
His favorite. 
Meanwhile, on Levi’s left, the other boy’s shirt looks like this, with the pop-up:
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Party Shirt
His favorite. 
For the ones that even I can love
The scene switches to the head of the table. On it sits an older man with glasses and a grey shirt with black stains. 
He’s smart.
Grey Shirt.
His favorite.
The boy with the Party Shirt is still somewhat visible to the man’s right. To his left, another teenage boy, this one with hair covering his eyes and hunched over in his chair, who has this shirt:
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Theater Shirt
His favorite.
A middle aged woman sits to that boy’s left, across from where Levi would be. She has long brown hair, and like the other two, her eyes aren’t drawn. She’s wearing bronze, reddish earrings shaped like camellias, and a black dress.
Bronze Earrings
A gift from my father. She likes them.
Black Dress 
Her favorite. 
The things they feel and I do not
The camera focuses on one last person, but only their smiling mouth and shirt are visible.
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Skull Shirt
His favorite. 
I’ll take them all and with them sow…
Back to Levi, the table disappears, but he’s still sitting. The lighting has changed to blue, and now he’s only wearing the blue polo shirt (and grey pants). The two boys which had been next to him have changed into clothes hangers holding their shirts. Levi looks around confused, before his gaze lingers on making eye contact with the center of the screen. 
[Chorus! The instrumental kicks it up a notch. The lyrics are very growly, leaning on Levi’s deep voice to give them some power (what am I saying again?)]
A patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! (III)
(I) The camera flips, and this is shown:
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The heart pumps with the beat of the song. 
(II) Back to Levi, who quickly turns to the shirts on the clothes hanger. His expression still looks a bit aghast.
(III) The camera focuses on the Skull Shirt on a hanger, zooming in. It turns back to Levi, who becomes more serious. He nods. 
A patchwork heart beating along!  Can’t collapse, now keep it warm!  Even if it’s freezing, I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! 
As the chorus repeats, Levi grabs the shirt he was looking at. Then, we get a few frames of him sowing things just off screen. Shots of needles, thread, that kinda stuff. 
[There’s a small instrumental part to keep the energy from the chorus for a bit longer] 
We get a full shot of the heart, which now looks like this:
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Then, we see Levi smiling looking at it. However, he then frowns. 
A patchwork heart beating along!
The camera focuses on one of the black sections of the heart, the one which before just had fire. Now, the full symbol the Skull Shirt had is seen; skull and fire. 
[More instrumental for a moment]
Levi looks on perturbed. Suddenly, he startles and turns around. 
[Back to verse music]
All lives yearn for a yarn to spin, (I) Yet I fear I’m losing the thread. (II)
(I) Purple lighting. The same mannequin as before, wearing the same neon yellow hoodie, is holding out the green hoodie from before for Levi to see. 
(II) We zoom in on Levi’s face, as he turns to the side, and frowns a bit.
The mirror used to build up what’s “me”, I see it now, it starts to break.
Without overhead lighting, we see a full body mirror showing a completely different scene, which becomes clearer as we zoom in further. On our left, we see a mannequin wearing a grey hoodie, an orange spotlight shining on it. On our right, the boy with the Skull Shirt looks animated, his mouth open as if talking to the mannequin. His hair is the same color as the others’, except for red highlights (think the blond part of Mikoto’s hair). There is a red spotlight on him. A pop-up appears pointing at the mannequin’s hoodie.
Grey Hoodie
Commonly used by villains.
We further zoom in on the mannequin’s right hand, which is stained by a splatter of black liquid.
[Chorus build-up again]
If I could get it right
The purple lighting returns as Levi looks back at the mannequin with the yellow hoodie. He nods, and we get a close up of him snapping his fingers. 
But there’s little that I can do fine
The mannequin now has blush on, wearing the green hoodie with a yellow shirt underneath. It’s also wearing a deep purple skirt. A pop-up.
Proposed Outfit
At least I’m not bad at this. 
Even smaller things feel like they’re too much
Red lighting, on a shot of Levi’s back. He turns around, but we can’t see his face. The shot switches to show the back of the “skull shirt” boy, again lit up by a red spotlight. We also see as the back of the grey hoodie mannequin from before, hand still stained and still lit up by an orange spotlight. The boy is talking to the mannequin again, gesturing towards it, but now he’s wearing a grey hoodie which is hanging off one of his shoulders. His hand is stained by a splatter of black liquid. 
It just feels like there’s no helping my…
The shot zooms in on the stained hand. 
We get a close up of Levi’s mouth, red lighting still noticeable. He snarls.
[Chorus again]
Patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, (III) come on fix it, make the passion thaw! (IV)
(I) We see the heart beating to the beat again, once more with blue lighting, and now it looks like this:
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(II) We switch to Levi sitting, looking slightly up as if staring at the heart, expression serious. 
(III) We get a different shot of Levi, now hunched over while sitting on a chair. His expression is still serious. Something out of focus is covering the foreground, and Levi turns to look at it. 
(IV) The camera flips to the thing he was staring at. It’s the purple sleeveless jacket he wears in canon, as well as his canon set of purple gloves and his pink tie. Pop-ups!
Purple Jacket
My favorite. Reminds me of work.
Pink Tie
Stylish yet professional. Reminds me of work.
Magenta Gloves
Comfortable. Cover a lot. Remind me of work. 
A patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, (III) I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! (IV)
(I) We switch to the purple boots he wears in canon. Levi’s out of focus in the background.
Purple Boots
Comfortable. Remind me of work. 
(II) We get another shot of Levi looking at the clothes, with a contemplative expression. The heart can be seen beating in the background. 
(III) Close-up of Levi sighing.
(IV) Another shot of the jacket and gloves, except now Levi grabs them. 
[Unlike last time, the music doesn’t linger, but rather switches to a bridge. The music is still pretty energetic, but less powerful than in the chorus]
Perhaps it would be better… (I) To give up and let it be, (II) Worse to burn rather than freeze (III)
(I) Levi contemplates the clothes he grabbed. 
(II) We cut to him putting an arm through the purple jacket. 
(III) The jacket is now hanging off one of his shoulders, as he’s putting the other hand through the hole where the sleeve would be. Before he fully puts it on, he looks to the side. 
But still, I would regret it… (I) Abandoning them all, (II) Let the core of my soul rot (III)
(I) We see the grey hoodie mannequin again. Still lit up by the orange spotlight, still with black liquid on its hands. Skull Shirt boy is also there, again lit up red, again talking, again with a grey hoodie hanging off his shoulder, again with stains on his hands.
This time, though, the other three boys from the table scene are also there. They’re all lit up by red spotlights, and they all also have grey hoodies hanging off one shoulder. Heartbreaker Shirt and Party Shirt have similar talkative expressions, while Theater Shirt is hunched over with a placid smile on his face.
(II) The screen splits in three zoomed in shots of the new boys’ hands. They’re all stained with black liquid. 
(III) Back to a shot of Levi’s face with blue lighting, he seems to be staring at the other boys with a concerned expression. In the background, a clothes hanger with a grey hoodie comes into focus. 
So, instead… 
We get a close-up of Levi’s chest, and we see his mouth as he sighs. The jacket falls off his shoulder. 
[Pre-chorus music again]
I have to make things right
Close-up of the clothes hanger with the grey hoodie, and Levi grabs it roughly. As the music-only part plays, we get a shot of his back at an angle as he looks at the hoodie, his jacket fully off.
Protect them all, just one last time
We see Levi putting on the hoodie. First one arm, then the other. He puts on brass knuckles. Pop-ups:
Grey Hoodie
Brass Knuckles
We focus on his head as he throws the hoodie over it. The lighting fades into orange. 
Doesn’t matter there’s no going back
The shot focuses back on the mannequin with the hoodie, orange spotlight still there. The camera is shaking. The shot goes back to Levi, who is walking at first, but then starts running. 
After all, there is no saving my…
There’s quick flashing between Levi running with orange lighting and the grey hoodie, with a background that slowly turns white; then the thumbnail image; back to the grey hoodie; then a shot of Levi’s back as he stares at the heart with blue lighting. The Levi that stares at the heart is wearing his canon outfit (purple jacket - gloves - boots).
[The music goes silent, a preparation for a beat drop]
The video slows down as we focus on the grey hoodie mannequin. The camera “blinks” and the mannequin turns into a human; a scraggly man with an uneven beard and short black hair, wearing the same grey hoodie. He's facing away, but turns around as the camera closes in. The environment changes; the colored lighting disappears, and we are now in an alleyway. 
A shot of Levi from the man’s back, as Levi braces for a right hook.
Patchwork heart (I) beating along! (II) Just once more, weather the storm! (III) Even if it’s freezing, I can’t fix it, it will never thaw! (IV)
(I) A close-up of the man’s stomach, as Levi’s punch connects with his gut. 
(II) Right as the punch connects, the scene switches to one of the heart’s stitches, between the Party Shirt and the Theater Shirt. Levi’s hand is now grabbing those stitches, and he pulls on them. The camera follows his hand as he rips them from the heart, blue blood splattering all over.
(III) Back to the alleyway, the man shoves Levi away. He throws a left hook at Levi’s face, but Levi ducks to his left and throws his own left hook at the man’s stomach. 
(IV) The scene again switches to the heart, with Levi grabbing the stitches between the Skull Shirt section and the Heartbreaker section with his left hand. The shot quickly switches to Levi’s face, which is splattered with blue blood. He frowns. Back to the heart, and Levi’s fist clenches.
Ripping, bleeding out a song! (I) Break it now, (II) then have it sown! (III) Patchwork heart beating alone! (IV) I will keep on living, (V) even living with my stitches torn! (VI) 
(I) Again, Levi rips out the stitches, causing blue blood to splatter.
(II) Back to the alley, we get a close-up of the man falling to one knee from pain. Levi raises his right fist…
(III) Back to the blue lighting, black background and heart. Levi’s holding up loose threads with blue blood on his raised right hand.
(IV) Back to the alleyway, we get a shot from the man’s back as Levi punches him in the head with his brass knuckles, recreating his Undercover killshot. The man spits out (red) blood. 
(V) A shot of Levi from behind his ankles, the man’s body lying still in the background, blood under him.
(VI) The shot pans up quickly, switching back to the heart scene as “stitches torn” is sung. We get one good look at the heart, which is now fully blue, but filled with gashes where the stitches used to be. 
[The music begins winding down for the ending]
The shot pans backwards to let us see Levi’s back, the heart beating more slowly and not with the beat anymore. He’s wearing his full canon outfit. There’s a glitch effect as the heart disappears, and the lighting changes to orange, but Levi’s outfit doesn’t change. The room is completely empty, but there’s (red) blood splatters on the floor.
My stitches torn!
The lighting changes to red, and while Levi’s clothes don’t change, the room is now completely barren. A few moments after, the lighting changes to purple, the same desks from the beginning surrounding Levi who, you guessed, hasn’t changed clothes.
The shot zooms in on Levi’s back, as he sighs.
[The music fades out, save for one last lyric]
Patchwork heart beating along!
He turns around, the screen glitches again as he does. The lighting is now white, and the background has changed to the wall with the height marks of one of the Undercover cells. Levi’s clothes change to the Milgram uniform, and he holds up his Undercover prisoner card. A final pop-up appears on the uniform.
Strange Clothes
The outfit of a murderer
MonoTV: I see you’ve made it to the end of the post!
Es: Huh?
M: Now, it’s time to hand out the verdict! Make sure to think carefully, you only have one vote, and one week to decide how you’re gonna vote!
E: Wait, who are you talking to?
M: Will you make the right choice? Or the wrong one? 
E: Uh…
M: Trick question! There is no right choice! It’s just a choice!
E: Hello? Is there anyone there? 
M: With that, it’s…
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