#I wrote this knowing that people will stop supporting me or my art of they knew I was POC
rheakira · 15 days
I've come to temporarily break my hiatus to bring up something deeply important. Because after a recent event, if I have to go another day without talking about it, I don't know what I'll do.
Fandoms have an enormous issue when it comes to bigotry and people feeling comfortable enough to be openly bigoted.
And I want to make it clear: everyone is capable of it. In fact, most people do it more often than they don't. But because this strange myth has been built up that if you aren't "blatantly saying slurs" or "killing others" it can't possibly be bigotry, we have done nothing but become dangerous behind closed doors.
If your friend has odd beef with a person of color in the fandom and holds them to standards they don't hold their white friends to, that is bigotry. If your friend feels some sort of way about the trans person in your friend group and tries to come up with reasons for why they specifically can't stay, that is also bigotry. If your group insists that a person with a personality disorder is making it up just for attention and uses that as a reason for why they can't be around them, that is bigotry as well.
I've never been upfront about it because... why do I, as a human being, need to be upfront about my identity when people randomly decide what I am? But I am in fact a person of color who is queer and disabled. Whenever I join a fandom group that is mostly white people, I am liked until this is discovered. And then I watch as people get brutal about things I do or say. Things that they don't do to other people in the group, and I also watch as they take my words and either twist them for convenience or ruin my reputation for it.
As a marginalized person, both in fandom and out, you are held to a unique standard that does not apply to other human beings around you. It makes doing what you love very difficult, because unfortunately as a marginalized person, people will always subconsciously side with the person trying to oppress or attack you. This has happened to me my entire life, from school to work spaces to even internet spaces claiming to be safe places.
People will say that they care about you and like you and even form a friendly bond with you, but the moment a person of privilege decides they do not like you very much, they can and will side with the other person even without proof of their issues with you. It's exhausting and ruins lives in places that should be fun and safe.
I am on my umpteenth experience with this exact cycle and I would be lying if I said it didn't make me feel like I couldn't live or breath in places I should be allowed to be involved in. It's a very real problem that refuses to end because no one has the courage to challenge it. I am speaking not only on my own experiences, but for the many other people of color or queers or disabled people who simply cannot join these so called "safe spaces" because of our identities conflicting with people who have been taught that we are lesser and not worth love or care.
If this is a problem you face, please know that I see you and I love you. It's hard to keep surviving in a world that wants to hurt you and leaves you abandoned and alone. I want you to know that the world is scary, but we all exist. You should be allowed to experience joy and fun without feeling like you're being suffocated and wanting to die.
You matter. The people around you that make you feel like you don't are nothing by comparison. You matter and I truly hope that we'll one day find each other and become the safe space that we deserve.
The marginalized people in your fandom are more important than your fictional characters and plotlines that you put above us. We're here and we're not leaving. Learn to live with us and protect us.
If we're truly your friends, you would care when your privileged "friends" want to remove us.
Additionally, please do not take this rant and make it only about white people who are part of these marginalized categories. This is a post about EVERYONE. Including the people of color around you. Do not remove us from this conversation. Care about ALL OF US if you support this at all. Thank you.
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badgertracksart · 10 months
Portfolio advice, from a lead who hires Concept Artists
(This was originally a twitter thread I wrote before the site self imolated, hense it's strange structure.) I wrote this after a weekend of portfolio reviews - 1. Like a maths exam, please please show your working. I want to see thumbs options, mid options and of course a final design.
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2. Arrange your portfolio, I don't want to bounce about between subject matter and pipeline. Your portfolio's narrative should be as strong as your work... 3. Please make worlds that excite the viewer, make them want to go in and explore them, explain to them the interesting parts of the town, or the way the character's hat unfolds. How will this draw the viewer in? 4. As I've said before the majority of your project work is explanatory not mood, make sure your portfolio contains explanatory work. Explained here -
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5. A lot of beautiful post apocolyptic paintings, , but 80% of realistic games and film, we just give the environment artists photo ref, they are capable artists in their own right. Different work in stylised where you do need to create rules for how things can be translated. 6. Production art contains call out sheets, material references and flat graphics. This doesn't have to be your final image, but it should support it.
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7. Design characters on a swatch(es) of the environment they will be viewed in. Not on white. I make swatch backgrounds from screenshots, it avoids assumptions that damage readability. 8. Reverse of this, put people in your environments, show me the scale.
9. It's not a deal breaker for a review, but if you intend to get a job, please show me your work on a screen larger than a smartphone (print outs probably the cheapest option with the best battery life). 10. Please have your contact details clearly visible, and by that I mean email address, I will not pass your social media contact on, I cannot input your form into my tracking system. EMAIL ADDRESS emblazoned and bake it in, sometimes recruiters do funky stuff to pdfs
11. Your portfolio will never feel done, not to you anyway. You will have learnt from your latest pieces and want to apply it to older work. But we know art is a journey. Send your portfolio anyway. I've been in the industry 10+ years and my portfolio is still not 'finished'. 12. If you are applying to an environment centric Concept Art position then please vary your times of day! Golden hour is cool but show me some happy sunny days, looming overcast days, what about at night? Vary your weather too! Sunny snowy day? Rainy Spring day? Stormy night?
13. If you are applying for a character centric Concept Art role then please ensure your portfolio shows a variety of body types and ethnicities. 14. Designing characters for games? Please show back views and feet (!) Many potfolios contain only front views. This is a problem because:
You haven't shown you are considering the design from all angles.
In many games rear view is the main view.
Stop cropping feet.
15. If you are entry / graduating and looking at Portfolios to compare content and standard of yr own work too, look at hired grad/junior artists as opposed to seniors Seniors and leads often have old or personal work in their portfolio which isnt representative of the day job. 16a. Show clearly the intended use case for your Concept Art. Mention the game type in the description. Are these player character designs for a 3rd person adventure game? Then more back views please. Bonus points for diagetic ways of showing health / equipment / role etc.
16b. Are these designs for an FPS? Then really the player view of the gun needs to sell the player style/ choices, in an FPS your weapons are almost your character. Are these world designs? What's the view distance? For an RTS your shapes need to read from above & a distance. 16c. The lack of clarification means I am judging the design in isolation, which both harms the design (you might be considering the backview of a char as the main adventure character.) Or an NPC, their waist up expressions may be important for conveying exposition and mechanics.
16d. Concept art is not separate from gameplay, great concept art serves the game team before it is a good illustration.
17. Play games. A variety of games. Think about them. IMO to be a good concept artist you need to understand the common language & references used by your peers. Also understand the principles and common language your audience are used to. FPS design rules are v.diff from RTS.
18. There are many skills that are needed in concept art, please show them. For example: Graphic design - logos, liveries, typographic use etc. VFX concepts - Abilities, Ambience, motion concepts. Architectural knowledge - How buildings are built! & more but I'm out of space :O
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fashion-runways · 7 months
okay it's been over a year and i keep saying i'm going to make a new post and it's too exhausting to even think about the whole thing so i keep pushing it-- here's the link to the old post if you want a more detailed thing i wrote back then.
anyway, a year ago, out of the blue, our apartment got raided by the police, they broke our front door, they broke a bunch of shit inside, they took a bunch of our stuff, they barely gave us answers or an explanation, they took my dad and made it seem like he would have to sign some stuff and answer some questions and come back, but it's been over a year (since june 2022) and he hasn't come back, and his case is still up in the air. they're barely working on it. they didn't pay for all the shit they broke, they haven't returned all the shit they took, we had to spend a lot of money on that, i had to take a loan to buy a new computer so i could keep working and studying, on top of spending even more money on basic needs for my dad in jail and lawyers, plus blood pressure and anxiety medications, plus he's old and he was scheduled an eye surgery that he obviously couldn't go to so he's like, practically blind in one eye now, also new clothes for him to wear there (there's a bunch of rules for that), honestly i already lost track of how many things we had to pay for. it's been incredibly stressful and it still is even now that we've gotten used to it. he's been detained for a year for something that they still don't even know if he did and the case is barely moving, i don't know if they're like... i don't know, waiting for the man to die in there since he's already old so they don't have to admit they don't have enough proof for all the mess they made? i don't know. like i said back then, please don't ask me for details on the case or show up in my inbox trying to play tiktok true crime and guess what he did/didn't do. it happened a few times and it's extremely triggering, please don't. please.
this blog is basically my job. it's my primary source of income, i don't have anything else, no matter how many interviews i go to, in the country/city i live and in the state our economy is, if you don't have contacts it's impossible to get a job. i'm always signing up to free programs to learn new things while i don't have a job, try to make my cv bigger, but it doesn't matter. if you don't have someone saying “please hire my friend/family member” or you don't have 500 years of experience, they won't. so like i said, donations people make to this blog are how me and my mom (and my pets) stay afloat. it's what we use to pay for food, general groceries, transportation, electricity, wifi, water, gas, health insurance, stuff for my dad in jail, meds for my mom who has diabetes, food and meds for my pets. i don't go out much, i haven't gotten a haircut in a year, i barely spend money in anything that makes me happy except once in a blue moon when i stop feeling guilty lmao i had a redbubble account also that helped a little too, but last week it got suspended without an explanation as i was uploading new designs, so i don't even have that now. i made a new account on teepublic, but all my designs in high quality are locked behind redbubble and i can't even log into because of the suspension. it's... complicated, and it's a lot, but it is what it is.
i'm always keeping an eye out on new collections, new designers, new cool things. like i said, i love fashion, i studied fashion, and i know a lot of you use this blog as inspiration whether it's for yourselves or for your art, so i don't want to post all similar stuff all the time, i want to post all kinds of styles and brands as much as i can. which is why when i say if you like this blog, if you want to support me, sending even the smallest amount of money helps me keep going. living in latin america, the exchange rate is kind of insane, so truly any amount of money donated helps. unfortunately, i never stop needing money to survive and help keep my family afloat, but in the past year more than ever.
as usual, my kofi link is this one: https://ko-fi.com/fashionrunways and my (new) teepublic link is this one: https://www.teepublic.com/user/dinah-lance. if my redbubble account gets reinstated, i'll add that link eventually too. and as always, thanks for loving this blog and for loving fashion like i love fashion, even when i post crazy looking stuff, and thanks for helping. you have no idea how much your support helps, but it really does, i don't even know if i'd be alive right now if it wasn't for this blog.
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eggluverz · 9 months
Dan Feng's disciple! Reader x Dan Heng IL Synopsis Idea: She tried to stop them from taking him away from her, she really did. But Jingliu and Jing Yuan were quick to stop her. She spent so many nights alone... Until she saw him. The man she loved and would give up her life for. She's not letting him slip away from her this time. Thank you~~❤️
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PAIRING. dan feng x f!reader; dan heng x f!reader
SUMMARY. you were the great imbibitor lunae's disciple. he trusted you with his life and you with his. but when the time came, you weren't able to save him. what happens when you run into his reincarnation years down the line?
SOF'S NOTE. i had so much fun writing this!! i wrote it 2 days ago now but i just haven't had the time to post it t-t but i'm finally moved into my new place and managed to squeeze this post in <3 i rly rly enjoyed writing this so i hope y'all enjoy reading!! and special ty to the anon who requested this!! ^-^
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The art of cloudhymn magic was difficult to master. Even as a high elder yourself, there were intricacies you could not figure out on your own. But you trained daily, practiced in seclusion, and read all the books passed down from the most renowned masters. 
Each day, your knowledge grew. Your natural talents aided you in perfecting your own personalized form of cloudhymn magic.
Still, Dan Feng noticed flaws in your execution. Movements that should be more precise, patterns that should flow more intricately. You noticed him silently watching you on the vast training grounds. He wasn’t much older than you, yet his magic was already intricately refined— The makings of a leader to the Vidyadharas.
He saw great power within you, he told you in passing as he took you under his wing. There was much you could gain from him, he promised. 
Years went by as you studied under Dan Feng. He has many supporters and people who looked up to him, but he only allowed you as his disciple. You were the only one who could rightfully address him as master. 
As he grew in his status as a member of the High Cloud Quintet and later the Imbibitor Lunae, you too grew in your mastery of cloudhymn magic. You were able to learn Dan Feng’s signature combat skill of deflecting iron, making arrows of most enemies fall flat at your feet. But your skill shined in the illusions you were able to create. Not even the Imbibitor Lunae was as skilled in that art as you. 
Your power grew and as such, Dan Feng recognized you as more of an equal than a disciple. Out of respect for all the teachings he imparted on you, you still called him master. There was no way you would reach your level of strength in this short amount of time without someone like him fostering your talents.
Along the way, you found yourself viewing him as more than your master. When he began treating you as someone who matched his power rather than someone with much to learn, you were able to feel confident in all your abilities.
One late night, Dan Feng took you to his sacred training grounds for a sparring session. He had just returned from a stressful battle and while the casualties were low, they were more than he felt comfortable with. 
“If anything happens to me, at least I will know the Vidyadhara will be in good hands,” Dan Feng commended as you blocked the tip of his spear from grazing the base of your neck. 
You quickly shifted your gears from defending to attacking, knowing if you let Dan Feng get too many attacks in, he would be almost unstoppable. Spinning your spear in your hands, you imbued the weapon with water and launched it directly at your master’s chest. 
A normal man would have fallen dead before even realizing you attacked him, but not the Imbibitor Lunae. He sidestepped, the scene appearing like a mirage due to his speed. 
“Nothing is going to happen to you, master,” you scoffed. “You’re the strongest Vidyadhara alive. Not even I could defeat you in battle.”
He hummed, tapping his spear to the back of your neck, signaling you lost this spar. “Battle is not the only way someone can fall.”
Wiping a bead of sweat off your forehead, you sighed, sauntering away from him and back inside his living quarters. “Continuously speaking of your self-proclaimed inevitable downfall is unbecoming of you, master. What would the people think of a disciple who follows someone without faith in his own ability to live?” 
Dan Feng chuckled softly. “A pitiful disciple, is what outsiders would say.” You nodded and he stopped you in your tracks, running his index finger against your jaw. His fingernail dug into the bottom of your chin to lift your head until your burning gaze met his sharp one. “But we never cared much about what outsiders think, did we?” 
You placed your palm against his chest, feeling the detailed fabric of his garments. They were thick yet light, a sign of great craftsmanship that only the highest of elders could afford. You allowed your hands to roam along his body before Dan Feng grabbed your wrist, his long fingers wrapping easily around its circumference. 
He smirked. “Wait until we’re indoors, my beloved.” 
“Yes, master,” you complied with a roll of your eyes before releasing the front of his outwear. You held complete respect for the Imbibitor Lunae, and you revered him as such. But those moments when it was just you and Dan Feng—just you and your partner—you weren’t one to shy away from meeting his biting remarks. 
This night, like many, led to moments of passion on the silken sheets draped over Dan Feng’s mattress. It was a mixture of love, respect, and the intense craving for more. 
Your master, the Imbibitor Lunae, a member of the High Cloud Quintet— Dan Feng was many things. But most importantly, he was yours. 
Until he wasn’t. 
No good thing was meant to last, Dan Feng once said during an endless night of reflection as he laid in bed beside you. Friendships, relationships, entire civilizations, built to be destroyed from the start. 
No good thing was meant to last. But he would fight his damned hardest to ensure they did. 
And for once, his hardest wasn’t enough. 
It was the middle of the night when your living quarters were barged into. You woke with a start and noticed Dan Feng quickly wrapping your robes around your naked body. 
The noises weren’t at the bedroom yet; you heard the thuds from outside and you immediately called for your strongest weapon. Noticing even the slightest of your movements, Dan Feng softly placed his hand on top of yours. Almost imperceptibly, he shook his head. 
Your eyes widened, wanting to ask what he could’ve possibly been thinking. There was a large group of men outside with hostile intent, did he not want to protect himself from an attack? 
“I am going to see what they need,” he said calmly, pulling you into his arms and leaving a kiss on your forehead. “Please, stay here for me.”
A few members of the High Cloud Quintet—Dan Feng’s closest friends that easily became yours as well—were staying at the guest chambers at the Imbibitor Lunae’s invitation. At the commotion outside, Jingliu came in with a groggy look on her face, tired from being woken up, but not an ounce of surprise in her. 
Dan Feng nodded to her and a silent Jing Yuan that filed in behind her. “Jingliu, Jing Yuan… Make sure she stays out of harm’s way.”
“Of course,” promised Jing Yuan, a soft smile painting his lips despite the sad look in his eyes. 
As he spoke, the doors to the bedroom burst open, a trio of Vidyadhara Preceptors breaking down the defenses you and Dan Feng had set. Your spear was in your hand in an instant and you tightened the knot on your robe with your other hand. 
Dan Feng stood straight in high alert, though his expression remained as one of nonchalance and arrogance. “Can I help you?”
Without a single moment spared for niceties, the Cloud Knights charged in to grab the Imbibitor Lunae. The Preceptors sent chains of rope instead of metal to wrap around Dan Feng. Your eyes blazed as you immediately called upon your cloudhymn magic. Water danced around your spear in sharp droplets, and you pointed it directly at the Head Preceptor. 
He narrowed his eyes in your direction. “Stand down, or you will face the same punishment.” 
“That’s only if you can beat us,” you laughed with disdain. Despite the big group, you were certain you and Den Feng had the ability to hold them off together. 
“Don’t,” Jingliu called out, gently placing her hand on your shoulder. “We can’t help him anymore, Y/N. Not after what he did. Don’t get hurt in the crossfire.” 
You knew what Dan Feng had done. For Yingxing. And you both knew the crime he would have to commit to help his best friend, but you never imagined the punishment would be so severe. A crowd of Cloud Knights and even a group of the Vidyadhara Preceptors here, together, all to subdue the Imbibitor Lunae. 
But it didn’t matter the crimes he committed or the consequences he may have incited through his actions. None of it mattered because he was your Dan Feng. Your master and your lover who you would protect with your entire life. 
Unfortunately, Dan Feng seemed to know that, having gotten Jingliu and Jing Yuan here to hold you back.
Before you could move, Jing Yuan held your arm back and prevented you from using your spear. Your eyes widened in shock. 
“Jing Yuan…?”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. It’s too late for Dan Feng, but not for you.”
The Cloud Guards briefly turned their attention towards you and the members of the High Cloud Quintet. Their swords raised as they noticed the fire in your eyes. 
Dan Feng snarled when he saw their focus on you. “If you hurt her, you will all pay,” he warned, his voice a low growl that would’ve made an ordinary man quiver. He began to move his arms in a way that could only be described as the start of a cloudhymn spell and in an instant, all eyes were on him. The ropes tightened, restricting his movement in a way that caused immense pain. 
“I love you,” were Dan Feng’s last words as he was forced out of his own estate. “Take care of yourself, my beloved.”
“Why do you speak as if you’re going to be gone?” you cried, refusing to believe someone as strong as your master could be subdued even by a group as large as this. “I’ll come get you—!”
You felt the sharp point of a sword on your neck as you summoned your spear. The nick was only a warning, but it was enough to draw blood. Your eyes widened and you stilled under the mercy of Jingliu’s weapon. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “You cannot.”
Feeling helpless and pathetic, all you could do was fight to not lose consciousness as Jingliu swiftly knocked you out. 
Your eyes drifted open and shut, your hand that was wrapped around your spear instantly loosened and the weapon that contained so much power fell at your side like a dull needle. 
The next time you woke, you were at your own residence. You had left this place to have a sanctuary with Dan Feng. Your sanctuary that was invaded, attacked, and taken from you. 
You went back on forth between two states of mind. One was complete and utter numbness at the loss you suffered. The other was uncontrollable pain and sadness. 
You spent your days and nights crying, refusing to see a single soul. You turned your meals away even when your loved ones begged you to take a bite. There was a hole in your heart at the thought of your master’s punishment. 
In your eyes, Dan Feng’s own best friends betrayed him, betrayed you. And after that night, you knew you would never want to be in contact with any of them again. 
To save a life, to save a friend who no longer regarded Dan Feng in the same light… You never could have imagined the punishment would be forced reincarnation. 
Uncontrollable sobs racked through your body, throat hoarse from the amount of crying you’ve done for weeks straight. It wasn’t only forced reincarnation, but also torture and imprisonment you knew he was facing. 
You had the strongest Vidyadhara alive as a master, yet you failed to learn enough to save him. When it mattered most, you couldn’t help.
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. Those thoughts ate you alive before you were able to finally continue on with your life. 
You were no longer a Xianzhou resident. You refused the help the Vidyadhara with any advances in medicine and combat, keeping any profound knowledge of cloudhymn magic that Dan Feng shared only with you to yourself. The Preceptors couldn’t be trusted with anymore power. They had made themselves and enemy to you. As did the Cloud Knights, and inadvertently, the Cloud Knight General himself. 
Still, you tried not to let the hatred consume you. Vengeance would only breed insanity. Your mind would be consumed with sorrow and pain and you would never be able to heal. 
Dan Feng wouldn’t want that. 
You had to continue to live, for the both of you. 
Using your privilege as a Vidyadhara, you were able to travel around to different planets with relative ease. There were so many things to experience, such beautiful things to see—when you weren’t tangled in constant politics and battles. Your only wish was that Dan Feng was here to explore the universe with you. 
There were places where he didn’t need to have the pressure of the world on his shoulders. He wouldn’t be Imbibitor Lunae. He wouldn’t be a member of the famous High Cloud Quintet. Instead, he would just be Dan Feng, and you would get to explore the world as such. 
You wondered if his transition into the modern world would have been as smooth as yours. As you reminisced about your past, a nostalgic smile formed on your face. 
As you walked around this new city, you stared up at the flurries of pink and purple in the sky. The scenery was amazing here. With vast bodies of water and a bustling area of commerce and entertainment on the shorelines, you couldn’t help but look around in awe. Amidst your sightseeing, you felt yourself run into someone, dropping the map you held in your hands. 
“Oh!” you gasped in surprise. “I wasn’t looking at where I was going. I apologize.” 
“I wasn’t looking either,” the stranger said in response, picking the paper map up for you before the wind could sweep it away. “Here you go.”
As he handed you your belongings, you finally managed to get a good look at his face. Surprised by what you saw—what you felt—you accidentally dropped the map once more. 
The man gaped at you before hesitantly reaching down to pick up your map once more. This time, he held it instead of giving it back.
“Would you like your map back?” he asked slowly, this expression unsure.
The memories of the past slammed into you as you looked into his turquoise eyes. The bright green burned into yours. This man in front of you did not have the characteristics of a Vidyadhara. He did not don horns, a tail, or sharp ears like he once did. But there was no doubt in your mind— This was Dan Feng. At least, the person that emerged from Dan Feng’s forced reincarnation.
Tears started flowing down your face as you wondered what to say. Should you even say anything? You didn’t want to lose him again, but you wondered if the man in front of you would even want to get to know you. Dan Feng was a high elder, a powerful one at that. This man must’ve had some dreams about his past life— What if they were bad? What if they were all of the punishment? The crime? What if no part of him remembered you?
As you stood there, stuck in your thoughts, you noticed the stranger staring at the horns on top of your head. Then, at your tears. 
Without saying a word, he seemed to understand. “I’m not him.”
Your breath caught in your throat and you felt choked up. You knew that. Of course a reincarnation wouldn’t be your Dan Feng. But would it be close enough? 
Shaking your head, you scolded yourself internally. This man is not Dan Feng, he said so himself. And it would be twisted to project the qualities of your lover onto him without even getting the chance to know him.
“I know,” you said sadly, a disdainful smile on your face. “I just…sensed some of him in you.”
He nodded, a guarded look on his face despite the tilt of curiosity from his neck.“What were you to him?”
You smiled sadly, clutching the map in your hands and relaxing again. “His disciple. A close friend,” you said. You gazed into his eyes with an unwavering look. “His partner.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.”
He hesitated for a moment, looking around the area. You were at the beachside with patches of sand, grass, and pavement lining the ground. “Would you like to sit somewhere and talk?”
Deciding it would be rather tiring for you to stand and talk all day, you agreed with his suggestion. Silently, you walked over to the sand with Dan Feng’s reincarnation in tow and took a seat. The ground was warm and soft as you ran your fingers through the rocky granules.
As you watched the waves crash against the shore, you felt your body relax. Cloudhymn magic often   well with the element, and you found you had a natural affinity towards it yourself. 
After a few moments passed, you figured that, since he wasn’t Dan Feng, it would be rather rude of you not to introduce yourself. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
He gazed out into the water before turning his head to you. “Dan Heng.”
Although you attempted to hide your amused grin, you felt the corners of your mouth lifting upwards. “Creative.”
He shrugged, fighting off a smile of his own.
“So, Dan Heng… Do you remember anything about your past life?”
“Some things,” he admitted, resting a palm on the sand behind his back. “None of them are good.”
You frowned. There was no doubt you blamed the Preceptors for that. Dan Feng lived years and years of life, love, and even sorrow. But for his reincarnation to only know him as something negative? That didn’t sit well with you. 
“Although, I have to wonder,” he continued, gazing at you with an inquisitive look in his eyes, “if he was capable of love and partnership, could he be more than the arrogant criminal my memories have painted him out to be?”
You softened. Any hatred he felt towards Dan Feng wasn’t his fault. And he was certainly struggling as Dan Feng’s reincarnation. 
“He was certainly more than a criminal,” you promised. “More than the Imbibitor Lunae, even. Dan Feng was a real person who experiences emotions and feelings, like any other.” 
Dan Heng’s brows furrowed, but he said nothing. 
“If you want to learn more about him, I’ll always be here for you to ask.”
“And if I don’t?” 
You smiled sadly. “As much as that pains me, it’s your right. Each Vidyadhara can choose how much of their past they want to remember or embrace— Or if they want to start anew completely.”
“I do.”
A long exhale escaped your mouth as thoughts of your past filled your memories. You made no mistake— The man in front of you was not Dan Feng. Dan Feng was deceased, and holding on to any hope would only be futile and lead to more main. 
Instead, the man in front of you was Dan Heng, a reincarnation of Dan Feng. A Vidyadhara who deliberately chose to not incorporate his past life into his current. And that was okay.
“I am remorseful,” you admitted. Dan Heng nodded in understanding. “However, I am comforted knowing his reincarnation is here, and he looks happy. Dan Feng would be happy for you.”
He laughed quietly. “I find that hard to believe.”
You gave him a look. “You don’t know him like I do.” 
“Yes, you’re right.” 
Dan Heng sighed in contemplation, conflict evident in his expression. You weren’t sure what exactly what he was thinking, but you sensed deep turmoil within him. It was only natural, you assumed, after something he had such conviction for was shaken at its very foundation. 
“Do you want to board the Astral Express with me?” he asked hesitantly. 
You blinked at the sudden question. “Pardon?”
“Sorry,” said Dan Heng, clearing his throat. “That was impulsive.” He paused before continuing. “From talking to you, I gathered that maybe you’re being held back by your past, too.”
Your eyes widened in surprised. You didn’t except him to be so blunt. Perhaps he had some similarities to Dan Feng after all. 
“If you’re lost or want a place to call home, maybe you can pay it a visit,” he offered nonchalantly. “We travel the universe and occasionally assist some planets. I have a feeling you’d like it.”
The Astral Express? You wondered how a place like that would be. For so long, you’ve been traveling alone, avoiding the Xianzhou and even some Vidyadhara who might know of your existence as Dan Feng’s disciple and lover. 
A part of you longed for a social connection again— A place to belong. 
After some thinking, you asked, “Do you want me there?” 
“Yes— As Dan Heng though,” he reminded firmly. “Not Dan Feng.”
You laughed in amusement. “Good. I’m interested in getting to know your new life, Dan Heng,” you said, extending your hand out for him to shake. “Thank you for inviting me in.”
He took it gently, his hand lingering on yours even after the handshake was over. “Maybe you can tell me more about Dan Feng once we arrive at the Express. The parts that aren’t so bad.”
The look on his face told you he was genuine. You smiled. “I’d love that.”
Understanding passed between the two of you as you sat there in contentment. The wind whirled around you and the steady sound of the waves soothed your soul. 
“I want to learn about Dan Feng’s life,” concluded Dan Heng, unwavering. “Still, I think it is best if we look forward to making new memories of our own more.”
You nodded in quiet agreement, eyes never leaving his. 
The past was something you held near and dear to your heart. Dan Feng was someone you would always love and respect. But perhaps the future would have more in store for you, if you only allowed it. 
And as Dan Heng smiled his small smile and offered you a hand up from the sand, you thought, This time, you would. 
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fairuzfan · 2 months
I don’t ask this expecting you have THE answer or that there is one, but I follow a non Palestinian white man on insta (in addition to many Palestinian folks in diaspora and in Palestine) who mostly shares things from Palestinian ppl/sources.
He has several times criticized / shared criticism of charity dinners, music festivals etc raising funds for Gaza with the perspective of, it’s not appropriate to have a dance party or dinner while people are undergoing genocide, but also that in this moment, art isn’t resistance because there needs to be physical resistance, blockades of weapons, etc.
I’ve seen this echoed from some others especially critiquing white folks trying to claim “joy is resistance” right now, which makes sense to me, but i also wonder if it’s reductive to say art or music is not resistance because I feel like it can have a lot of power especially alongside social movements… was wondering if you had thoughts on this or perhaps knew where I could look to learn more.
Please ignore if this is too much, and thank you
I think things like writing and illustration and music feeds into the spirit of revolution and is necessary in that way. You have to energize the masses somehow, and to ensure that your message spreads as far as possible. A good way is to make art, or to sing a song, or write a story.
That's why Wisam Rafeedi wrote his book and different resistance factions make posters and videos — to spread their ideas and garner support among the masses.
It's not as important as putting yourself in immediate physical danger to incapacitate the colonial entity — but I think for Palestinians and other colonized peoples, they do need to make art to really process their thoughts. Of course there's a difference when a Palestinian in Palestine, a Palestinian in the diaspora, a nonPalestinian ally of color, and a NonPalestinian white ally do this. I won't deny that there's a nuance when it comes to this.
But writers who write about Palestinian Liberation historically have been assassinated because of how they participate in liberation actions and also spread ideas of liberation themselves. I don't know which white guy you're talking about but I feel like this is mostly a conversation that should be led by Palestinians if we're talking about Palestine because they understand the nuance of saying statements like "the only resistance is physical." I understand what he's saying to an extent but that does erase a lot of Palestinian resistance the past few decades by making sweeping statements like "art is not resistance" and kind of simplifies the issue at hand.
Charity dinners and galas and that stuff... I don't know what I think about them, I think that people are going to do it either way so my opinion doesn't really matter. Hey, if you're going to raise thousands of dollars for Palestine, I'm not going to stop you at all. I personally think you should try to avoid posting pictures and stuff like that from the gala itself if you're going to host one just out of courtesy.
I guess overall what I'm trying to say, art resistance becomes physical a lot of the time. I think its really reductive to say "art isn't resistance" and also personally insulting considering I have family members and friends who were journalists, creative writers, and artists and killed/targeted for their work.
Here's this article by Fargo Tbahkhi about the role of writing during a genocide that might be a good read. They also mention how Israeli propaganda (calling Palestinians "human animals"/"Amalek" as an example) is specifically a use of culture and writing to energize people to commit genocide. An especially poignant part that I completely agree with, and am trying to get at:
Palestine requires that we abandon this catharsis. Nobody should get out of our work feeling purged, clean. Nobody should live happily during the war. Our readers can feel that way when liberation is the precondition for our work, and not the dream. When it is the place we stand, and not the place we shake ourselves towards. In this way, what the long middle of revolution requires, what Palestine requires, is an approach to writing whose primary purpose is to gather others up with us, to generate within them an energy which their bodies cannot translate into anything but revolutionary movement. This is what Boal modeled for us in his theatrical experiments, which were dedicated to empowering audiences to act, to participate in a creative struggle to envision and embody alternatives. For Boal, theater was not revolution, but it was a rehearsal for the revolution, meant to gather communities together in that rehearsal. Creative work readies us for material work, by offering a space to try out strategies, think through contradictions, remind us of our own agency.  
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hypermania · 9 months
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transcript of the full thread:
"A very long thread: To the League fans, We found out this news along with you on Friday. I see the pain and anger and worry out there, which for the LGBTQIA+ fans of the show is of course compounded by what’s happening across the country right now. #ALeagueOfTheirOwn
So the first and most important thing to say is: Before anything, before you fight for the show or each other, please take care of yourselves. Reach out to your community and ask for help if you need it. You aren’t alone. Please be kind to yourselves.
As I’ve been thinking about what’s happened, I come back to a quote from Penny Marshall’s film: “The hard is what makes it great.” Making this show is so hard and so great. There’s quite a bit to say about what’s been hard, but at this point that’s in the past.
Of course, if we have an avenue to do it well, we will continue the show, and I love seeing the noise you’re making in support of that. The noise matters!
And it’s hard for me to imagine there wouldn’t be a home for a show that thanks to you was in the Nielsen Top 10 for three weeks, was the top show on Amazon for a month and in the top five for six, that was recognized by critics as something special, that’s been recognized…
…with awards from GLAAD, HRC and a million other organizations, that was on a million year-end top ten lists, and that has a built in and deeply passionate audience.
Amazon is pursuing different kinds of programming, but to the rest of the world this show is a hit and has huge value and even greater potential. But first things first, we have to win this strike and get a fair deal before we can explore what comes next.
But for a moment, I want to talk about what happens if the world didn’t quite change quickly enough for you to have all the seasons of this show that we want to give you.
If we don’t find a good path forward, I will still know that League did what it came here to do and, in its own small way, changed the world.
And that’s because of all of you, and the light you continue to shine on the show — How you let it matter to you, how you let it become a mirror, how you let it change you.
I’ve never experienced a response to a show that’s as deep, personal, creative and meaningful as what the fans have done with League. When we were making the season 1, we all wondered and worried about whether people would accept it on its own terms next to the film.
They have, and you did that, and so much more. You lit up the internet on your first watch throughs of the show, when you realized where it was going (and made all of us laugh in the process).
You wrote enough fan fiction for 100 novels and created an outpouring of art and creativity that could fill its own museum — I’ve truly never seen anything like it.
You lifted up a 95 year old who had just come out of the closet and made her into a celebrity who gets recognized wherever she goes. Every time any member of the cast appears at anything, you turn it into a convention.
You stop Abbi wherever she goes, and though I’m a happily inconspicuous person, and you constantly find me and stop me and give me gifts that now have a shelf in my house.
When thousands of you appeared to see D’Arcy at the stage door of The Thanksgiving Play over its run, you turned it into the hottest queer bar in New York. You made Max’s suit and Chante’s beautiful performance into a movement.
A mob of you went to Pittsburgh and saw all of our locations. You dressed as the characters and made our characters into one of the biggest halloween costumes of last year.
You came out, you changed pronouns, you started living more openly, you gave sermons in church about the show, you opened bars, and you got a truly mind boggling number of tattoos that say “to the five” and “rob the bank.” What else am I forgetting? I'm sure you'll remind me.
But most importantly, you made a community, you found each other and found joy, which of course is what the show is about. In many more ways than I would ever have let myself imagine while we were making it, you literally bring the show to life every day.
Thank you for making our work mean something bigger. We’ve heard from so many different kinds of people around the world who are watching League.
But, in a time when all queer people are personally and politically under attack across the country and HRC has declared a “state of emergency,” my biggest fear is that the many queer fans of League will take this reversal as one more invalidation, one more blow, one more…
…effect of the general politicization of our identities. Most of us grew up feeling invisible, and as we gain strength, the predictable backlash forces are trying their hardest to get us to go back underground.
In case anyone needs to hear it: You are not small, niche, modest, off-putting or marginal, and neither are your stories. You are multitudes, you are building, and your stories are universal. You are the most rapidly growing audience and consumer group in this country.
You are powerful. You are the future, and the people who don’t recognize your importance now will feel be clamoring to catch up in a few years. As Chante said so beautifully when we received the Human Right Campaign Visionary award, you are the main characters. Be proud.
Be angry if you that’s how you feel, but know that we are going to win, and don’t ever let this moment or any other make you small. The biggest lesson of the characters in this show is that, in a world that had no space for them at all, they LIVED. (Continued)
They found love, they did the things they loved, they won. You’re doing the same thing, and just like them, you are heroes. We are still fighting for League. But whether we win or lose this one, I’m so proud.
From the time when we began working on the season, Abbi, Deta and I said to each other — Let’s not hold anything back, for as long as we get to be here, let’s do this the right way.
We got so many notes wondering if the exploration of the queer world of the 1940s or Max’s world would be better saved for season 2, if people needed to start somewhere a little more familiar. I’m so glad we didn’t listen, cause now I’m sitting here without any regrets.
And no matter what happens, the people behind League aren’t going anywhere. Give us a minute, we will be back with more for you to watch and read and feel. We’re going to win.
And you’re not going anywhere either, because what you’ve built and what you are is bigger than this show. It’s the story of our community, that comes to us through the hidden history that League shows just one small part of: The bars got raided and shut down.
But the people didn’t go anywhere, and they opened a new bar, and out of those spaces came music, cinema, dance, culture — What we now see as mainstream was birthed from the spaces our predecessors were forced to hide in. They made joy there."
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jessefandomunited · 1 month
Supporting artist rant
I've been seeing a lot of people saying " oh you should support artist what watcher is doing is okay" .you do not get it.
They ARE getting paid . Their patreon, their merch , touring , ads on YouTube, and sponsors. They ARE getting paid .
Yes you are correct that they have been spending a lot on the quality of their art which is all well and good... when you have the money. If they don't I don't think putting everything behind a paywall is the way to go.
See the problem is when you have supporters that are watching this content that you are putting adds on , they are supporting you, you get paid for that. Those who are able to have been sponsoring them via patreon . If they really are hurting they could put more special videos and incentives over at patreon so more people with money would be willing to donate to see what they have to offer there. Going 100% full throttle into this venture of creating a website , which I believe is down right now( not a great sign), and saying all of our content will now be behind this wall , is a poor choice. No madder how meager their earning were on YouTube to stop posting all together not only alienating the people who were supporting them with no extra money to spare, but also bashing them in the subsequent post they had made, that's so rude.
I don't know if you guys saw Steven's post but he literally said something along the lines of " You guys who want to keep watching us we appreciate it" that is so unfair, There are so many more professional and grateful ways they could have worded that post that didn't look down on the people unable to buy it . (My opinion I think he saw the instant backlash and got heated and wrote that caption) . But just because people can literally not afford your subscription doesn't mean they don't want to watch your content. They literally can not .
I understand the people saying " support artists " hearts are in the right place. They love watcher and are upset at the backlash because they simply see them charging for their art. And while that can be seen as true that still does not justify the move. There were many different avenues they could have gone down to ask for monetary assistance, heck I would have totally given money to go fund me's for their projects. But this was just a real slap in the face to people who've been here since the conception. You can disagree that is your right but please do not go after these people who are financially struggling and tell them they're not real fans, that's incredibly cruel
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dreaminginpencil · 1 year
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Found this in my drafts and had forgotten to post it soooo...
This art is based on a twitter thread drabble I wrote about Steve and his soft toy Bunny and growing up in difficult situations and loving people that are sick the best that you can.
It's also posted in full on AO3 if you wanna support me there ❤️
(CW: depression and neglect of a child) Steve’s mom suffered with poor mental health and Steve didn’t understand. Eddie does too, and maybe Steve understands better now.
When Steve was small, his parents’ door was open a crack most of the time, the sweet grown-up scents of perfume and cologne drifting out. Their bedroom was a treasure trove of wonders, their expansive closet full of clothes that swished and slipped over his little fingers, his mom’s dressing table cluttered with ornate glass bottles of perfume, sweet-smelling waxy lipstick, and delicate compacts of powders, her silver-backed beautiful hairbrush. Sometimes his mom even brushed his hair like hers, til it gleamed, shiny and soft.
When the bedroom door was closed, Steve knew to knock first, knew he should probably wait and ask for their time later.
Sometimes though, sometimes his mother would shut the bedroom door and she would not leave the room for days. His father would sleep on the couch, or make excuses and go away on “business”.
There would be no sweet smells of perfume, only dark and silence. His father told him that his mom was sick, to let her rest. Steve didn’t understand why she didn’t want to see him. When he was sick, he wanted cuddles and toast and hot drinks with honey and his Bunny with one ear loved almost all the way off.
Steve would sit outside her door with his Bunny and wait. He would wait and wait and eventually when he was lonely and tired he would knock quietly and creep into her room.
With the heavy damask curtains drawn, it drowned the room in blue shadows, the looming frame of the four poster and it’s mounds of blankets piled up. Steve felt like he was climbing a mountain to find his mom amongst them all.
“Are you sick? Do you want toast?”
He would offer her his Bunny, cuddle close. She did not smell like perfume, just something stale and forgotten.
“Mommy’s tired Stevie.”
Sometimes she wouldn’t speak at all, just touch his hair. Sometimes she would tell him to leave her.
“Go and play Stevie.”
Steve didn’t know how to explain with her there was nobody to play with and that his father had gone away somewhere and he was hoping she would make him macaroni.
Steve learnt to get to the high up pantry shelves for snacks until his father got home, or til his mom stopped feeling tired.
She seemed more than tired, but what did he know?
The older Steve got, the more often his mom was tired. He learnt not to ask anymore, just to lie down with her, to be patient, to be sweet.
He learnt to bring her food, even if she would not eat it, to make her tea and open the curtains up. He learnt to coax her from bed and to her vanity, so he could brush the dark tangle of her hair until it gleamed and fell like silk down her back. He ran her hot baths and always gave her his Bunny.
When his parents started to go away and not come home, Steve wondered who took care of her. If his father still left her alone.
She would sound far far away when he called her. “I’m tired Stevie, we’ll speak soon.” The dial tone felt heavy.
Steve gets tired too, but there is nobody who will come to check on him, so he cannot sleep through it.
Eddie is like his mother was, sometimes.
After the Upside Down, after Vecna, Eddie is dogged by the shadow of consequence. They won, yes, they won, but Eddie is scarred and scared and sometimes he is very tired.
Steve knows how to take care of Eddie when he’s tired.
He can come to Eddie in his quietness, in his tangled unwashed sheets and his dark bedroom and he can offer, piece by piece, the things he knows.
He can kiss Eddie’s clammy forehead, his tangled hair, curl up with him and pay no heed to the mortification of dirty sheets for a while. He can crack the blinds and bring him his painkillers and water and coffee. He can coax Eddie to a shower, washing the sleep and the sadness from his skin. He can change his sheets, trade them for clean soft cotton and comfort.
When Eddie is clean and so tired again, Steve can brush his long hair until it’s free from tangles and falls long and dark down his back.
Sometimes Eddie needs time to be tired, but Steve can care for him still, with quiet affection and patience.
Eddie may need time, sometimes, but he never entirely closes the door to shut Steve out.
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zonnemaagd · 3 months
Phei of the Wind | Draft 3 Complete
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Hiya all~ It's been a while, but today I've finished the third draft of my fantasy novel Phei of the Wind. As many of you know I've been working on this novel for more than twelve years now, and this is the most definitive version I've ever made. It's still going to be revised and worked upon, of course, but most story beats have now been completed. It's composed of 29 chapters with a hefty 109000 words. I'm writing my thesis this semester, and I realised that I was so close to finishing that I couldn't think about anything else. So I went burn-out mode and wrote some 20000 words these two weeks, and now while I'm sitting in my eco-literature class (which is very interesting but my brain is too obsessed to stop writing), I've typed up the last few words.
So for those who have somehow missed me talking about this, it's a story about Phei, a halfling-harpy who lives in a world above the clouds. She is a priestess of sorts, and she notices that the world is slowly growing pale and empty. When she learns of a possible cause she runs away to the world below the clouds, the world where her people exiled themselves from. There she travels across the lands, figuring out not just what's happening to the world, but what happened to her people as well while meeting a cast of eccentric characters.
As in regards to the third draft, the biggest change is the endpoint. The previous draft ended at a point that made sense for a single novel, but would require another novel to tell the whole story. This new draft doesn't stop there. I shuffled around a lot of things and added some 40k words after that point. I wanted Phei's story to be composed of one big book. It doesn't mean that don't want to tell other stories in this world, but Phei's story is done when this book is done.
So what's next? I'm going to go through the entire book once, since I have a pile of notes that I thought of when writing this draft. And then I want to send the book out to a handful of beta readers. I'll send a post out for that tonight or tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested in that!
And lastly I'd like to thank you all for your nice comments and support! Every time someone commented something nice about the story it kept me going, so I think it may have taken a lot longer without all of you. <3
I'll leave you with a snippet (picking something that has no spoilers was haaaard), and hope you will all have a wonderful day!
The wind causes Phei to lose her grip on time. Hours blow past as Phei glides, effortless. She knows of birds being able to sleep in the sky, and wonders if her people used to glide in their sleep too. Her dream quickly fades when she dashes to the right again, a sliver of upwards current catching her attention. Agile, yet absent-minded, she crosses past the forests until she can see the sands of Iekin edge towards the mountains, there where the narrow peaks and pillars of Sunde come into view. Without the stormy clouds Phei is able to take in the mountain in its entirety. It is a lonely mountain, imprisoned by the hundreds of spikes surrounding it. The evening sun shines over it, making the golden chains draping down all around the mountain glitter in sinful light. Glistering like that, Phei imagines the mountain as almost peaceful. It shows no sign of the great horrors that have been committed at its feet. It is like a passive observer, nothing more, nothing less.
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Treat Me Like A Slut
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Title: Treat Me Like A Slut
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Mission: Impossible - Fallout
Word Count: 2K
Summary: August has had enough of your antics, and you’re going to pay for it.
Warnings: m!Dom/f!sub, Dom!August, sub!reader, bondage, flogging, gagging with panties, butt plug, unprotected vaginal sex, unprotected anal sex, creampie
A/N: I wrote this because I needed to get it out of my head. August Walker needs to start paying rent in my head. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by Me
My Masterlist 
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“August, please–” You tried to plead with your Dom but he cut you off so fast that it made your head spin.
“You’ve lost your privileges to use my name, Angel. Now, as I was saying, panties off and give them to me.” He reached out his hand expectantly.
You rose from your chair and reached under your dress until you hook your fingers along the waistband of your thong. Pulling it down slowly, you maintain eye contact with August. You step out of it and put them in his waiting hand. Putting the underwear in his pocket, he nods.
“Kneel.” He commands, unbuttoning the cuffs of his deep purple dress shirt and then rolling them up to reveal his hairy, vein-streaked forearms.
“Yes, Sir.” You reply and lower to your knees, knowing that you can’t talk your way out of this one.
“I think it’s time to remind you who’s in charge here, Angel. You seem to have forgotten.” 
“I’m sorry, Sir.” You keep your eyes lowered to the unforgiving wooden floor beneath you.
“I wish I could believe you. Follow me, Angel,” You start to rise before August stops you, “No. You’re to crawl behind me. And one more thing,” He leans down and pushes the button on the bottom of the plug currently nestled inside you.
When it comes to life, you let out a strangled moan. You had been wearing the new plug for hours and weren’t aware of the vibration feature. Starting to squirm, you open your mouth to plead with August.
“Before you even start, this was your doing, wasn’t it? Bothering me while I worked earlier today. And then doing so again not a handful of hours later. It’s almost as if you like being punished, Angel,” He smirks down at you, knowing the last bit to be true, “Hands and knees, follow me.”
Leaving his office, you move as fast as you can behind him. With every movement, you can feel the vibrations against your hole. You try and hide your arousal but your frail resolve betrays you. You let out a groan and are surprised to bump into the solid wall that is August’s leg.
He sighs deeply but doesn’t turn around as he addresses you, “If you cum before you’ve been given permission, there will be hell to pay. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” You force the words out as you struggle to steady your breathing.
When August starts to walk again, you follow him. In your bedroom, happy to be on plush carpeting, you feel yourself begin to relax. Too soon, you find. 
August sits on one side of the four-poster bed you share and beckons you with one finger. You stand on wobbly legs and he pulls you forward and over his lap. You could have figured this is where this day was going to go, but you were too busy being a brat to think of the consequences.
Pulling your dress up over your ass, he massages the flesh of your globes. “You’re going to count these out, Angel. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir.” You answer and feel August reach over you to the nightstand drawer. You know what’s in that drawer and you stiffen in his lap.
“Oh, now you see the repercussion, huh? If you didn’t want the flogger, you shouldn’t have misbehaved.” He allows you to hold onto his pant leg as he pulls out the aforementioned tool.
He lets the leather tendrils ghost over the skin of your calves and thighs. Raising the flogger above his shoulder, he delivers the first blow.
“Hm. This angle…I don’t like it. Up, Angel,” He walks around to the other side of the bed and has you lay down on your stomach in the center of the bed, “Just like that. Now, you are going to keep your legs open for me. If you can’t do that, I can restrain your ankles to the bed just as easily.”
You turn your head behind you and see that the cuffs are already attached to the foot of the bed and your eyebrows raise.
“Angel, if you want to be cuffed, just say so.” He smiles down at you, relishing your excitement.
“Sir, I would like to be restrained.”
“Good girl. I’m proud of you. Would you like your wrists cuffed as well or just the ankles?”
“Wrists and ankles please, Sir.”
“My sweet Angel, as you wish.” He goes about locking both ankles into the heavy cuffs, planting a gentle kiss just above where the leather sits against your skin. Moving to the head of the bed, he locks your wrists into the restraints as well.
You test your mobility and you get a thrill out of the thought of giving complete control to August. You look at him and nod that you are ready to begin. 
“You’re going to count to ten, Angel. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir.”
As he begins his assault on your ass, you count aloud. Every thunderclap is harder and louder than the last. More than once, one of the tendrils falls between your spread legs and slaps against the plug or your netherlips.
Thwap! “Ten!”
August grunts and throws the flogger on the bed. He walks to the end of the bed and surveys his handiwork as he begins to undress. He can see where there will be bruising tomorrow, he’ll remember to go easy on you later. He grins when you wriggle your hips, showing off your still-vibrating plug and leaking cunt. 
Taking your panties out of his pocket before taking his pants off, he walks to the head of the bed where you turn to look at him.
“What color, Angel?”
“Green, Sir.” You smile lazily.
“Good. Open your mouth,” You open your mouth and he stuffs your underwear inside, “Now that you’re gagged, we’re gonna use fingers. Thumb out means good, your first finger means to slow down, and your middle finger means stop. Okay?”
You extend both thumbs and smile around your panties. He caresses your cheek and crawls on the bed, kneeling behind your ass and stroking his thick, hard cock. Reaching over you, he steals a pillow and props your hips up to give him easier access.
Using a finger, he collects some of your pussy juice and swirls it around your clit. You didn’t expect him to use the other hand to scratch down one abused cheek. When that wrangles a moan out of you, he licks and lays kisses upon both cheeks. He peppers in some nibbles on a few sensitive spots on your hips as well.
With you savoring the attention on your bottom, you weren’t expecting for August to enter you in the next breath. The heat, the warmth, the tightness. They welcome him in and elicit a hiss from both of you. 
Pulling out slowly and then slamming back in rocks the bed and it feels amazing. August puts one hand on the back of your neck and one on your hip. Starting his rhythm again, he crashes his hips against yours in an almost animalistic pattern. Rutting into you, he praises you for being such a good girl for him.
Writhing beneath him, you’re forced to take every thrust he dishes out. Feeling him so deep inside you at this angle, you thank your lucky stars that this is what happens after you accept your fate. You get to have this god of a man pounding out your insides in the middle of the day.
You were too in your head to notice when August turns up the vibration on the butt plug. The muffled wail that comes out of your mouth is music to his ears and you feel him twitch inside you, but he doesn’t stop.
No, he’s not going to cum before you do. 
“Don’t hold back, Angel. Come for me. Come all over my cock.” He breathes, the hand on the back of your neck is now moving around to the front as he applies slight pressure to the sides.
Your legs start to shake and you can feel the telltale signs of your impending orgasm. The hand that was at your hip now reaches up to remove the thong from your mouth just in time for you to release a heavenly howl that reverberates through the both of you.
Before you come down from your euphoric high, you feel the plug being removed from your ass. It’s being replaced with the blunt tip of August’s cock and you love the sensation of being stretched around him as he sinks in.
“Fuck, Angel. You’re like a fucking vice, so good for me.” He loves the moments like this where you’re all fucked out. Your semi-lifeless body underneath him is just for his pleasure at this point.
What neither of you expected was for your breathing to pick up in a manner that could only mean one thing. You could feel the knot inside you tightening again. Before you even try and ask, you’re commanded.
“Come for me, Angel.” He’s wrapping an arm around your neck and the other around your upper torso as you let go. 
You can feel your pussy clenching around nothing and your asshole gripping his dick so much so that he has to pause in fucking you.
But, he doesn’t mind it for long as you feel him engorged and pulsing inside you within seconds. He rests his head against yours for a beat while he comes down. As he begins to soften, you can feel him slip out of you followed by some of his spend. 
He lays a kiss on your shoulder before unwrapping himself from around you. He trails kisses down your back, stopping just before your plump rear. He uses both hands to open your ass and watch as his jizz drips down your ass and pussy lips.
He releases you from the cuffs, rubbing the space where they sat upon your skin. He retrieves a wet washcloth from the en suite bathroom and wipes you down before laying in bed next to you and pulling you close.
He smiles down at you as you tangle your fingers in his chest hair.
“All you wanted was attention, am I right?” He asks, his hand tracing patterns on one hip.
“Yes, but–”
“But, you thought you could interrupt me and not be punished for it.”
You hide your face in his shoulder and try and end the conversation. He grabs you by the chin and makes you look at him.
“Sounds like this won’t be the last time that you interrupt me for attention. Do I even get a ‘sorry’ for the time you took me away from my work?”
“I’m sorry, Sir.” 
When August deems your apology to be sincere, he places a chaste kiss on your lips. When you furrow your brows and whine, he rolls his eyes before leaning back in to claim your mouth. Not wanting to rile you up again, he lets go of your chin and lays back down.
“Ya know, I spoil you, Angel.” He winks at you as you nod exuberantly.
“I know, Sir. And thank you.”
“Now, where was this polite girl an hour ago?” He raises an eyebrow and shoots a look at you.
“Busy being ignored, Sir.”
He opens his mouth for a retort, but he doesn’t have one. 
“Valid point,” He laughs inwardly, one arm going behind his head, “Can you forgive me, Angel?”
Leaning up on one arm and donning a serious face, you answer him, “I think I can be persuaded to forgive you.”
“That serious, huh?”
You nod gravely, “I think it might cost you, Sir.”
“Ah, and what might that be?”
“A weekend away. Just you and me, please?” Your eyes couldn’t get any more adorable than they were at that point.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “I think I can arrange that.”
“Thank you, August,” You say, kissing his cheek, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He rubs soothing circles on your hip until your breathing even out and you both take a much-deserved nap.
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A/N: I got the title from the Kim Petras song, Treat Me Like A Slut. That song never fails to make me think of August and I had to write out my thots.
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry
@rebelangel1102 @mrs-solo-walker
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁
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sataara · 5 months
Window Shopping
Small holiday fic of Ingo and reader walking around the city together, it's short and just plain fluff! I wrote it on request of my good friend Snowy and inspired by this art from twitter!
You can read it on Ao3 too, hope you enjoy and happy holidays!
The warm cup of coffee you held, helped keeping the chill away. Not that you minded much, the cold being much more welcome than the searing heat of summer. As you sat on a bench, just outside the station, you hoped he didn't take too long to finish up for the day, while you held your own drink, his was resting next to you, on a cup holder, the rising steam gave you hope that the warmth would hold until he showed up.
With so many people transiting to and from the station, you didn't notice him until a shadow stopped in front of you.
“I hope you didn't have to wait here for too long, my dear.” You looked up at his warm expression, your own following along with the contagious mood.
“Not at all, love, I've only been here for twenty minutes or something. You're right on schedule as always.” Your smile grew just that bit more at using his own turn of phrase on him, Ingo rolled his eyes fondly.
“A train should always arrive at the station on time to not inconvenience any passengers. Or maybe I just missed you after these busy few days.” He picked up his drink, sitting down where it had been and letting you lean your head on his shoulder. His free arm snaked behind you to pull you closer, hand resting on your waist.
“I missed you too. How did work go?”
After Ingo finished telling you of his and Emmet’s latest battle against Nate and Rosa, you decided to walk, restless after sitting for such a long time in the cold, despite how comfortable you were against your partner.
As you walked, you decided to link an arm with Ingo, wanting to stay close even while moving.
“Do not try and lie to me, I know you're just trying to steal all my warmth.” Ingo said with a playful tone.
“Well, that's just a bonus.”
“I think it's the main goal.”
“How dare you insinuate I'm nothing more than an opportunist.” Your tone exaggerated, a hand falling to your chest dramatically.
“I would do no such thing. It's not an insinuation, it's a statement.”
You gasped with fake offense, making you both unable to contain the giggles bubbling up in your chests.
“Oh, look, Ingo! Isn't that model from the Orient Express?”
Your attention was taken by a store front, the lights shining just right on a few products for people to react just as you did. The decoration around the display also reminding you that Delibird Day was getting close, you already had an idea for Ingo’s present, but you wanted something nice for his brother too. After all, you became good friends since you started seeing Ingo frequently. Not that everyone would know that, since you showed your love by calling each other names.
“Yes, that is, but we have a better model at home, more faithful to the original and with better quality.” You loved hearing the pride in Ingo's voice.
You leaned closer to the glass using his arm as support, so you could get a better look, seeing the almost janky way the locomotive moved on the tracks and many other little flaws, that you only recognized thanks to the many times you were shown the twins’ beloved collection.
“I wanted to give Emmet something nice for Delibird day, I have no idea what, though.” You said with sincerity, eyes still on the objects in display, seeing a chess set with knight like pokemon inspired pieces, the pawniard pawns not very well made, much like the model train.
“Do you have any ideas?”
“I feel like everyone that doesn't know you two well just go for train themed presents, easier to get right. I wanted something different, I guess.” You right your posture and go back to walking, Ingo seamlessly moving with you.
The next store is a clothing one but nothing close to your or Ingo’s style, so you glance at it but keep walking.
“Hm, I think it's a nice gesture already, to not go for the obvious, but you need a starting point.”
“I know, I know. Emmet likes gaming too, so I gave his wishlist a look, but after nothing seemed to pop out I thought that maybe a physical present would be nicer.”
You went to take a sip of your drink but when nothing came out you noticed you'd finished while you were talking, your mind so focused on your conundrum that you didn't even realize you were taking sips every pause or so. Ingo brought you back to Earth by taking the empty cup from your hand and throwing it on the nearest trash can, seemingly having done so with his own just before.
“You're thinking plushie? That's always a nice gift.”
“For me, maybe, but all your plushies end up with either Galvantula or Haxorus, I want to give him a gift, not his pokemon.”
“Well, that may be true but at least it means I don't have to share my bed with ten million squishy creatures.”
“I don't understand the issue, they are cuddly and soft!”
“I know that perfectly well when I wake up holding a huge fake dratini, instead of my beloved partner.”
“Don't be a baby, anyone would be lucky to wake up with Catarina in their arms.”
Ingo huffs in amusement, the smile on your face betraying your own statements of annoyance.
“But back to the topic, maybe something pratical then?” Ingo said as you stopped again, this time in front of a bakery, eyes skimming the baked goods with interest.
“What, you want me to give him socks? Extra ten identical dress shirts like the ones you guys use to work?”
“Sure, give him those fuzzy joltik socks we saw the other day.”
“I can give the socks plus something else. Would be a shame compared to yours.”
“Oh?” Interest clear in Ingo's tone. “And what would that be?”
“It's a surprise, I'm not telling you.” You gave him a conspiring smile.
“Hmph, now you just made me more curious.”
You laughed and said nothing as you gave up on the bakery, not feeling particularly hungry. The next store had tacky shirts and mugs on display, one of them making you snort as you read “Of course I love double battles, I'm bisexual”. You pointed it out to Ingo who took a second looking it over before barking out a laugh, getting some eyes on you for a few seconds before people quickly moved on with their business.
Something else caught your attention, a t-shirt with Pier’s logo hung next to others of similarly known artists.
“Hey Ingo, does Emmet have any Piers merch?” You squeezed his arm to make sure he was listening, a plan already forming in your mind.
“He has a simple t-shirt and an autographed poster, but I think that's it.” It sounded like Ingo was following your train of thought.
“What if I called Piers to meet up here after Delibird day? And maybe sending a signed official tour shirt too, if he still has one somewhere?”
“Sometimes I forget that you have some weird connections.” Your eyes met, you recognized the bewilderment in his face.
“Crazy shit always happens to me. And we send each other cute pokemon videos every now and then, his zigzagoons are adorable.”
Ingo shook his head, amused. He looked back at the bakery and pulled you along, but instead of walking inside, he stopped by the wall just at the end of the shop’s window, resting his back against it and pulling you in an embrace, arms around your neck. You snuggled closer as if it was second nature, your own arms around his waist, letting your head fall on his chest.
“I thought you wanted to get a few pastries.”
“I do… But it can wait a few moments, can't it? I… Missed you more than I can put into words, I missed your arms around me, your touch, your voice close instead of over a speaker.” He let out a sigh, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “You were not here, we could talk but not actually see each other, something was missing in the apartment, your music while you moved around the kitchen, your excited talks about the things you love…” He took another deep breath and brought you just a little bit closer. “I don't mean to be sappy, I'm sorry.”
“Never apologize for this.” Your voice was muffled by his shirt, you had to hide your face while he talked, embarrassed by how much those sweet words affected you. “You are extremely sweet and that's one of the many reasons why I love you so much. Don't apologize.”
Ingo's grumbling stomach interrupted the sweet moment, making you both chuckle.
“You did just come back from work, we should go inside and get something to eat.”
“I know but this is so nice, can't we stay here just a little bit longer?.”
“I do not want you passing out on me.” You pulled a bit back just to stare him down and poke at his chest in accusation.
“Dragons, why can't you just let me starve so I can hug you for a little bit longer?” He said dramatically, moving one of his arms to rest a hand on your chin, thumb caressing you softly.
You leaned into it with a laugh, meeting his eyes and resting your own hand over his.
“You're lucky that I love you.”
“I am.”
Your comment was meant to be playful but Ingo's reply made you soft. You moved closer and he did the same, lips meeting sweetly in the middle. For a few more moments you lost yourselves to the kiss, to the feeling of being close, to the warmth shared. Although it didn't last long, his stomach once again reminding you that he had not eaten in a while. You separated, smiling and giggling at each other. Your arm found his and once again you walked close, this time entering the shop while joking and poking fun at each other, your smile was a constant for the rest of the night.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 9 months
so, i've been inspired by @intothedysphoria and wanted to write my own little positivity post for the people that i've connected with through this fandom!! 🤍
to start off, @intothedysphoria, thank you so much for being the shining light that you are in this fandom. it can be a dark place at times and your efforts towards being a positive person (even when it's hard for you) is truly admirable!
my bub, my best friend, @hephaestn!! I'll never forget the day I decided to DM you and be the annoying little shit that I am and our friendship was born!! you bring me so much joy on a daily basis and I know I can count on you to cheer me up when I need it, be a rational voice when I'm being a mean girl kfkjng and being such a talented writer that makes me feel the most incredible things!
god's funniest little clown @martianclown, you are my circus peanut and i adore you and our conversations so much! you are incredibly talented at what you do and you deserve only the best in life, thank you for allowing me to be your friend!
my sweet @akioukun, you are like the sun with the way I can turn to you and you immediately warm me and make me smile. your talent and musing are unmatched and you are such a delight, I admire you greatly and appreciate you sm!
the best co-captain around, @thatgirlwithasquid, thank you for always being you and for giving me the best cunningway content I could ever ask for, you have inspired me in so many ways and I appreciate your friendship w me!
my fellow Canadian, @chrisbitchtree, thank you for being the world's best beta reader and such an amazing person, I appreciate you more than you know! your writing is so sweet and I admire it and you so much, you've put a smile on my face when I've needed it!
@starkstruck27 you have sent me numerous asks saying the sweetest things, you continue to make my day whenever you do - you are so incredibly sweet and I appreciate you so much!
my hilarious moot @harringroveera, you have made me laugh with your memes time and time again, and you've inspired some of my writing with them, too!! I can always count on you to put a smile on my face, so I thank you so much for that.
the equally hilarious @shieldofiron, your memes and posts have delighted me for a very long time and I really appreciate you for that - I also deeply admire how you write such quality fics so quickly, I am truly in awe of you and your talent. I also must personally thank you for getting me into munver lol!
@dragonflylady77, you have always been so supportive of me from the beginning and I must thank you a million times over! you always have something nice to say about everyone and I truly believe that without you, this community wouldn't be the same.
the talented @adelacreations, you are such a generous and passionate person, I admire you and your art and your writing!! your creativity is also something I very much admire, please keep being your lovely self!
@spaceofentropy thank you for always saying such kind things about my writing, you are so lovely and I adore you so much!! I still remember that time I was feeling really down and you cheered me up, I hold that moment close to my heart.
hi @discodeviant you are so incredibly talented and I still adore the prom ficlet you wrote for me all those weeks (months?) ago!! your writing is beautiful and I admire it and you sm, thank you for sharing it with us all!
@weird-an I continue to be in awe of your writing and I remember being 'new' to the fandom last year and just...having my jaw be on the floor every time I read one of your ficlets! I admire you greatly and hope that you continue to write forever and ever!
sweet @grey-sides, I know we don't talk much but when we do, I always enjoy it! your writing is phenomenal and I remember you were one of the first writers I came across when I really became active in the fandom last year! I adore you and your writing, please never stop making what makes you happy!
@femmebilly, hi honey, I miss you!! You are one of the first friends I made in this fandom and I still have such a soft spot for you! You've always been so supportive of me and everyone in this fandom and without you, it would be a darker place. Thank you for being my lovely friend.
@deedoop you will forever and always make me laugh with your posts and I've told you this many times but I simply MUST tell you again, lovely!! give Billy's jar a kiss for me and take one for yourself, too! thank you for being such an amazing person!
my darling @valsyngur, my Steve!! this must be so random for you lol but I just wanted to tell you that I really adore you very much and what we're creating together, and I admire the art you create! you are such a sweetheart and I'm glad to call you my friend!
the sweetest @applewillowstone, thank you for inviting me to your server and for being so kind! you are incredibly talented in so many ways and I am in awe of you!! thank you for sharing your talent with us!
@destroya2005, you have picked me up with your words far too many times and I am in debt to you because of it (in the best way)! you are too sweet and you are so loving, thank you so much for being you!
@passivenovember, whenever you reblog one of my posts, you ALWAYS make me laugh and it's such a small thing but it truly makes my day! Your writing is also incredible and I just wanted to appreciate you in this post!
the lovely @oopsiedaisiesbaby, your writing is amazing and I love our mutual love for Lana!! you always leave the most lovely comments on my fics and posts and I appreciate you so, so much!
@ratbastardbilly, hello, I don't believe we've ever spoken but I just need you to know that your art holds a special place in my heart! you are so incredibly talented and I admire you greatly!
my sweet @simplydes, I am so happy that we've become friends!! You are so insanely talented and I love that I can just message you with whatever crazy little musing or hc I have about our boys and you return that energy! Your art is some of the most lovely I've ever seen and speaks to me on another level, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
my newest friend @hellfirefucker, you are such a little gremlin and I adore you so!! Your talent is so clear and you only get better and better with each piece! Thank you for picking me, choosing me, loving me (lol), I admire your talent and you always make me laugh whenever we chat!! thank you thank you so much!
@robthegoodfellow thank you for being such a delight to talk to!! I will forever fondly remember our Yellowjackets discussions after every ep nkjfgnj I can't wait for S3 so we can do it all again! Thank you for being such a lovely person!
@ihni, your art and writing is some of the first I'd seen when I first started posting hg and I want to thank you for continuously putting a smile on my face with it!! you are very lovely and I admire you!
@wickedlydevious, you took me in like a stray kitten once and have been lovely ever since!! lol I know we don't speak much but when we do, you are always so lovely!! thank you for making my fandom experience so much better!
there are also dozens upon dozens of artists and writers and just people that are so amazing and have impacted me in the best of ways so I will tag them here! Please know that I adore what you create and am in constant awe of you (in fact, maybe a little intimidated 😳) @thediktatortot, @metalscoops, @wrecked-fuse, @billyharringson, @callieb, @dreaminginpencil, @kallisto-k, @makeadealwithdean, @whenyouwishuponastar7, @suspiciouslackofclowns, @aggressiveviking, @writer-in-theory, @lilkiwiboi42, @billysbuttcheeks (idk why it won't let me tag you!), @lemonhitsu, @saberghatz, @thewaywardkees
I also want to give a heartfelt thank you to every single person who has either liked or reblogged my posts or took the time to say something nice to me or my writing because I am just a girl who is writing about what makes her happy and if my writing makes you feel even just a little spark of something, I know I've done good!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Bambi 🤍
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theacecouple · 6 months
I didn't see anything from somerton until about a month ago when he popped up in my recs and I ended up binging his content for about 2 days, but something kept being off and I noticed some of the lies/ignorance, and there was something really dismissive and weird about how he talked about aspecs and women in particular... I stopped watching him cause I watched one of you guys' podcast and realized I also just felt like crap after his videos.
I did end up getting his rwrb video in my recs when it came out cause of the binge and I just remember leaving a comment about the way he talked about aces in it. It was especially upsetting seeing people in the comments who were simply happy he mentioned aspecs at all. He replied to me just saying his cowriter was ace. I don't reply to youtube comments but I just remember wanting to point out that same co-writer he was using as a shield said aces don't face discrimination or conversion therapy, and in that video wrote that aces have to have sex to find out they don't like it. Being something doesn't make you instantly know everything about it, as somerton himself demonstrates with his ignorant comments about gay history.
I'm not really one of his victims since I avoided him as soon as I found him, but I feel bad for all the people he tricked and/or guilted into believing him. I hope some other creators make videos exposing the weird way he manipulated the queer community, cause I think a lot of young folks could use a breakdown of it.
Anyways I just wanted to finish by saying I love you guys' work and learning from you. You helped me understand why certain phrases make me upset, and that and watching your podcast back to back with his videos helped me figure out what I didn't like about Somerton, so you helped protect me from him and not convince myself I was just being Weird as I often do when I get Bad Vibes from someone.
Thank you so much for reaching out <3
It's so fascinating that you stopped watching Somerton after finding us. We've tried to keep things as professional as possible these last 2 years by only citing directly harmful things he's done to us and direct members of our community, and even then it was sparingly and as kind as possible.
When we first spoke with him about including Asexual representation in his future Telos endeavors, he assured us that not only was there already an Ace in the writers' room, but that two real, fully-fleshed out Ace characters were already being written. This was encouraging! After all, we had no way of knowing if he was the kind of cis gay man who loathes Aces or doesn't view us as queer. Since this didn't seem to be the case and rep is important, we supported him. We now deeply regret not doing our research on him first.
Even before his video "The Queer Erasure of Asexuality", we started watching a few of his YouTube videos for the first time and some of the subtext was NOT kind to our community. Subtle things that we'd see get repeated by his fans over and over again, like how queer art is bad these days because all the "artists" and the "exciting queers" who "really lived" died in the AIDS crisis. Or the implication that the Interview with the Vampire reboot was *more queer* because the vampires actually had gay sex on screen, despite this being a complete departure from the source material and neglecting the fact that Anne Rice's vampires have always been undeniably queer *and also* sexless. In fact, we didn't say his name, but we did mention some vague "bad takes" we saw about the series in our podcast episodes 75 & 76 The Triumphs and Failures of AMC’s Interview with the Vampire Part 1 and Part 2...At least some of those came from James.
We did not see his rwrb video, because we had long given up on him by that point, but it is not at all surprising to hear that he had bad takes and also hid behind Nick once again to shield himself from any criticism. It was very much his MO, and yet we're also certain we've heard him chastise straight women for using the "I have a gay friend" defense.
It is so good to hear that our podcast has been helpful to you. There are FAR too many Aces who are willing to let bad behavior or ill-informed takes slide just because someone with a decent following noticed us. We deserve so much better.
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lady-of-imladris · 10 months
How to recognize AI "Art"
A post I have wanted to make for a long time because I think it's important to know! Please mind that this is not 100% accurate and I am by no means an expert on AI art. My knowledge on the topic comes from a semester of research on the development of AI art and how it has improved over the years. I wrote a pretty intense paper on it (I got an A on this!) and I am now using this knowledge to help identify AI art.
I often ask myself "did an actual person make this art or did they just generate it?" because I WANT TO SUPPORT ARTISTS WITH A REBLOG BUT AI "ART" IS NOT ART!!!!
Image description and tags, other posts by the same user If there is no image description by OP, that's usually a bit sketchy. Also read tags other people have added in their reblogs! And look at other posts from the same user!
Features blending In an image where a person is wearing glasses, do they maybe merge into the skin a bit? (see Image 9)
Circular artefacts TBH I forgot why they happen but one paper I studied discussed ways to remove them because they are an obvious giveaway that an image is artificial (see Image 10)
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Image 1: Circular Artifacts [1]
4. Problems with text or other "logical composition stuff" (sorry I'm bad at words) AI is bad at generating text! It looks like words, but it makes no sense. In Image 3, where does the cat's paw come from? (Also note here that DALL-E puts those coloured squares in the bottom right corner).
Take a closer look at the hands of the women in the image on the bottom right. How many are there? Hands are also a good indicator!
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Image 2 [2], Image 3 [3]
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Image 4 [4], Image 5 [5]
5. mismatched earrings/eyes... ("long range dependencies") Human faces are symmetric, we (usually) have two eyes, two ears... That's a problem for AI. Earrings and eyecolours usually have to match. Either side may look perfectly fine, but when you look at is as a whole, it does not always work.
6. seems "too smooth"? I've noticed a lack of texture. Brushstrokes are missing, everything seems just a little flat. There are definitely generative models that can emulate brush strokes, but watch out for backgrounds. They sometimes give it away!
7. read this article for a lot of additional information!
8. something I found in this article that is not mentioned: the harsh contrast I have taken the below pictures from that article, and you can see some very "harsh" areas around the irises in the pictures with the eyes, or around the kids
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Image 6, 7, 8 [6, 7, 8]
In the two images below, I have just marked some areas that seem off and I will briefly discuss why:
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Image 9, Image 10 [9, 10]
Left (Image 9): In Halbrand's hair, there seems to be part of a crown or some other adornment, but it's not quite there. You can also see the general "smoothness" in this image. Another suspicious looking area is Galadriel's neck. Between their faces, you can see the mountain range in the background continue, but it stops exactly where the strand of hair is. On the right side of the image, there are some bright spots on the rocks that also look a bit weird.
Right (Image 10): I have marked some spots that I think look a bit like circular artifacts (that have probably already been "treated" by the generative model). On the bottom left side I have circled this jar? vase? Whatever. You can see that the lid and the rest of the object don't align.
Once again: DISCLAIMER - I could be wrong! This is really hard because the generative models get better.
[1] D. Stap, M. Bleeker, S. Ibrahimi, and M. ter Hoeve. Conditional image generation and manipulation for user-specified content. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.04909, 2020.
[2] A. Ramesh, P. Dhariwal, A. Nichol, C. Chu, and M. Chen. Hierarchical text-conditional image generation with clip latents. arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06125, 2022.
[3, 4] Generated by me using DALL-E for research purposes.
[5, 6, 7, 8] from this article, accessed on August 15 2023
[9, 10] posted by Tumblr user @ fandomfatale, accessed on August 15 2023
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everlastlady · 8 months
Aight, I’ll bite. Autistic Wally Darling x autistic reader headcannons, maybe with both of them being transmasc as well? Hit me with that good fluff!
I'll do my best to hit you with the good fluff, so I hope that you enjoy these hcs and apologies for not answering <3
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Autistic Transmasc Wally X Autistic Transmasc Reader.
✰- Author's Note: Hello my little puppets welcome to the first Welcome Home Request/Story on my page. Sorry that these asks/request are coming out slowly. If you sent a request; I promise that I'll get to it soon. I hope I did well with this story because sometimes I can get self conscious about my writing. So I do hope that I delivered, remember to eat a meal or a snack, drink some water, get some fresh air, take your medicine, and remember that you are loved. If you loved this story remember to comment, click or tap that heart button, reblog with tags, and blaze if you can. Always remember to support your local writers. ♡♡♡
✰- Word Count: 1205.
✰- Story Contains: Fluff, Autistic Wally who is Transmasc, Autistic Reader who is also Transmasc, Welcome Home characters, apple pie with Wally, and kissing.
✰- Posted: Sunday, October 8th 2023 at 9:28 pm
When you moved into the neighborhood, Wally was curious about the new neighbor. Everyone kept talking about how to make you feel welcomed. Eddie suggested they should throw you a welcome to the neighborhood party; everyone agreed and so everything was being planned. It was Wally’s job to keep you distracted so Wally invited you over to paint with them and have a good hot slice of apple pie. Which you happily agreed to. You weren’t a good artist like Wally was but you had fun painting pictures with him and drinking apple pie. The two of you would chat about things you enjoyed and dislike. Wally was surprised to find out that you were transmasc like him. This brought a smile to the little artist's face. And you were definitely taller than Wally but he didn’t mind most of the people in the neighborhood were taller than him.
Wally eventually got the text from Frank and he took you to the surprise Party. What joy you felt when everyone screamed your name and welcomed you to the neighborhood. There were games, music, and snacks. But that didn’t stop you from leaving Wally’s side and he was glad that you stayed by his side at the party and played the bobbing for apples game with him, danced with him, and enjoyed the snacks. You and Wally were stuck to each other like glue until the party ended and he walked you home. The two of you told each other goodnight, as you went into your house; Wally stood there feeling all warm and fuzzy. He never felt this way about anyone, he didn’t know how to describe but all he knew is he wanted to spend more time with you.
He likes to tell home about you. “ (Name) just really amazing, I like the way they laugh at my jokes and listen to me talk about the history of art. I want to spend more time with them and not just painting, I should invite them over for lunch. “ Wally said. House agreed with him so Wally wrote you a letter and made sure to have Eddie deliver the letter to you. The next day you received a blue envelope that had yellow star stickers on it and an apple sticker that closed the envelope. Your name written and your eyes stared at the from Wally. You smiled and opened the envelope, a lovely letter from Wally telling you that he wants to have lunch with you and when to show up if you are available along with his number. So you set down the letter and call Wally to let him know that you would gladly join him for lunch. “ Great Great, I’ll see you soon, neighbor. “ Wally said and the call ended.
The next day you got dressed and made sure to look presentable for Wally. Ever since you hung out with him, you couldn't stop thinking about the little blue haired artist. His voice always relaxed you, he made a delicious apple pie, and he was kind to you unlike your old neighbors. It was the reason why you moved. Everyone was accepting and kind to you, especially Wally. You felt something for Wally but not wanting to ruin your friendship you decided to just keep it to yourself until the time felt right. When you showed up to Wally’s place you were about to knock on the door as the flowers bloomed around you but before you could knock the door opened. You raised an eyebrow but stepped inside, it smelled great. “ (Name), I’m in the backyard! “ You heard Wally call out. You went to the backyard where Wally had beautifully decorated the table and set out a delicious meal and pitcher of strawberry lemonade and ice water.
Having lunch with Wally was nice. The two of you discussed how you both liked music or hobbies you both had. Wally told you about how the house was alive and that’s why the door opened for you earlier without Wally having to open it. You were amazed and thought it was really cool that his house was alive. Wally let out a nervous chuckle and agreed, deciding to change the subject Wally poured you a glass of lemonade and asked what do you know about autism, you tell him that you know a lot and have a few books on it because you were autistic. Wally almost dropped the glass but carefully set it down and tells you the reason he asked was because he was also autistic.
Everyday Wally was growing closer with you and so were his feelings for you. Same could be said about you. Everyone in the neighborhood soon caught on that you and Wally liked each other. Julie thought it was adorable and Sally also thought it was adorable. The only person Wally told about his feelings for you was Barnaby who encouraged him to ask you out. So it was settled Wally would ask you out tonight. And the only person who knew you had feelings for Wally was Poppy who encouraged you to ask him so it was settled you would ask out Wally tonight.
Wally was walking to your house and you were walking to his home. But you two meet each other both holding flowers and when you both realize what is going on. You share a laugh and both agree to go on a date with each other which would be a nice picnic and paint in the park. The date was fun and wonderful, Wally and you had a nice paint fight then helped clean each other off back your place, while you were scrubbing a splash of paint off Wally’s cheek, he leaned in and kissed you. Your body tensed up but you eventually kissed him back. It was official that Wally Darling became your boyfriend.
Dating Wally was a blast, he always sent you good morning text and goodnight text. He loved to make cute paintings of you or cuddle up next to you. “ (Name) wanna go mess with Howdy? “ He would ask. As much as you didn’t want to mess with Howdy you thought why not. Howdy ends up chasing you out of his store with a broom. Not only does he have to deal with a short blue pest but now he has to deal with you too, poor Howdy. You eventually come back and apologize to Howdy who accepts you apology but Wally just stands there like :3
Wally likes being the little spoon when you guys cuddle but he doesn’t mind being the big spoon if you want to be a little spoon. Wally likes to cuddle you in the bed, the couch, or when you guys are looking at the sky. Wally was the type of boyfriend to always surprise you with hugs, kisses, gestures, and sweet words. He likes to hold your hand when you both walk down the street. Whenever you guys argue Wally will apologize and so will you. The two of you will hug it out and go bake an apple pie. Wally Darling will always and forever adore you even Home has taken a liking to you as well.
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suburbananarch · 2 months
A feeling in the force
Kanan didn’t need the force to feel something off about Hera lately.She wouldn’t say anything about it but she didn’t need too…she felt so tired? Empty? Like he could taste the bitter tears coming off her though it wasn’t visible on her face.Finally He couldn’t talk it any longer.He didn’t want to push her but it felt like the unshed tears where stinging him.So as she was heading to the cockpit ladder.He took her arm.
“Hera spill what’s going on.” Hera wasn’t the pity type so he needed a different approach.
“Nothing.” She responded.
“Thats a load of bantha fodder and we both know it.”
“Oh really how could you tell? Is it Jedi powers?” She replied more as a challenge.
“I don’t need the force to tell something is wrong now please talk to me.”
“Nothing…” she said with a pause this time
Im not going to get anything from her am I?He thought to himself.
“Nothing, except for the fact that we still haven’t found a base! lothal is still under siege and I just got word from fulcrum that ry-!” Her tone was rising as she spoke ending her rant with a growl as soon as she said ry- cutting herself off.He has never really heard her mention anything about her her home or her past if that was even relevant.
“This galaxy has gone to the wolves.Im going to bed.”she was about to head up the cockpit ladder when Kanan gently took her arm and rubbed his thumb over it.
“That never stopped you before, it never stopped us before.”
“Kanan thats sweet but not now I-“ and suddenly she was transported back to ryloth.Her father Cham had gotten badly injured in a battle, so much so that they weren’t sure if he would recover.Hera couldn’t even bear to visit him in the medwing, that is until Elani said those magical words. “Nothing can stop us Hera nothing , and you shouldn’t let anything keep you from your family.Your father needs you right now.” And suddenly she was little Hera again.Little Hera who was afraid.Who missed her loving mother and father and her eyes starting to mist and as she broke into a sob and fell into her jedi’s arms.
“Shh.” He rubbed her back softly.
“Today w-was the anniversary of my moms death!It was the day everything went wrong! And my father.I keep getting news of Ryloth! My people are enslaved and the war takes more and more from us! And Im watching my father spiral and I can’t go back-I don’t want to but ugh!” She shouts with angry tears,she starts tugging at her montrails.Kanan squeezes her tighter.
“Hera I don’t know what to say.” He rubs her back again quietly.
“This was the one day where we could patch things up.The anniversary of her death.We argued but we came together and thats all gone.I miss my mother.I miss my father.” Her Twi’lek accent was peaking.
“Hera we will get through this.” He responded now with a smile.
“Sometimes Im not so sure.” She responds with a grim chuckle.
“You taught me the power hope when I forgot it.When I was trapped in the drunk darkness, and because I feel it.
“In the force?” Hera asked.
“In you.” He said kissing her forehead gently.
Thank you guys so much for the support it gave me so much motivation to continue writing and slowly I will reveal more of the backstory.🥰.Don’t worry my OC backstory is plenty tragic and if anyone hasn’t seen it yet check it out in still tweaking it and looking for feedback.I decided to do something a little but different since Kanera is the current winner and I lack patience. (There is some Rebel Captain art in the works.) anyway I wrote this myself and I hope you like it.
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