#I wonder if they are queer
purgatory-jar · 8 months
I just saw someone in a supermarket (here in Italy!!!!!!) with Cas’s tattoo from Withering, the arm tree one!!!
It was so cool
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bloggingboutburgers · 2 months
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Flashback to that one moment where it felt like I'd found an aroace cheatcode on life somehow
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thatweirdtranny · 4 months
i want every trans kid out there to know there is hope, you will grow up and become a trans adult, you’ll be a trans elder someday and give hope to future trans kids, just keep on hanging on
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Once you stop thinking about queer people's labels as strict indications of what's in their pants and who they do/don't bed and instead view queer people's labels as how they interact with the world, you'll find that you'll get along with queer people better and treat them better, I think.
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bugbuoyx · 4 days
my #girltrauma means i think all people who look like men are nasty and evil, especially those queer men theyre probably rapist pedophiles invading womens sorry lgbt+ spaces. i guess youre ok if you used to be a girl but i think you need to dress more feminine, honey, like sorry im just uncomfortable around men and i think you i would be so much happier and prettier if you just dressed like a girl.
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laughingfate · 2 years
On the morning of the knife fight I was scheduled to lose, I washed myself in the ritual soap and dressed in soft, loose fitting clothes as was the custom. I would not break my fast until after the deed was done.
My second ferried me to the entry point at the North, where I declared my secret name to the gatekeeper and several acolytes in quick succession. They prepared me for the inner sanctum, infusing my veins with salt water and drawing intricate sigils on my chest. I bid farewell to my second, who would keep vigil outside. I remember very little after this, but when I awoke, I felt a great weight had been lifted from my chest.
Anyway, the top surgery yesterday went great!
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weaverofink · 1 year
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I don’t know how to explain it but the instant i saw that post i got intense kon energy from it. at least he’s trying
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canisalbus · 9 months
hi sorry in advance if this is weird but i couldn't for the life of me figure out who machete was reminding me of and just now i figured it out - surku the dog from the moomins. can't remember enough to tell how accurate that is personality wise but something about the image of a distressed pointy-nosed dog shivering in a coat... plus ne on molemmat ahdistuneita queer ikoneita
I love Surku! Surku must be protected at all costs.
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If you ask me, he's even more distressed in the comics.
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I keep him on my fridge door as well.
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But now that we're on the topic of Moomin characters, I must add that I see Machete in various Fillyjonks a lot. The short story Fillyjonk who believed in disasters is one of my favorite pieces of literature ever, when I first read it it shook me to my core, I still revisit it on yearly basis. For someone who seemed so wild and free spirited by nature, Tove Jansson did remarkable job at catching and depicting the essence of anxiety, uncertainty, vague sadness and irrational fears. At least in my opinion.
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gray-ace-space · 1 month
recently encountered a post where someone said "gender is fluid but sexuality isn't". (they were talking about bi lesbians.)
my first thought was: does that person, like. hear what they're saying? how can you explicitly hold two beliefs that are so logically inconsistent and not see it? how can you simultaneously think gender is this fluid and complex thing, but sexuality, much of which is defined around gender, is simple and stationary and its boundaries need policing?
but like, fuck, why even argue against it, right? there is no internal logic because there is no logical thought behind it. these are not genuine beliefs. this person is repeating what is currently acceptable in their (small) specific social circle. this is the same person who, a few years back, would be excluding nonbinary lesbians, but nonbinary lesbians are cool and normal on queer tumblr now, so they'll exclude bi lesbians instead, and not even pause to reflect on the difference.
oh, and if you read this and thought "these people don't even actually accept nb lesbians either", ding ding ding! because it's not a real, deep belief, that acceptance is extremely shallow and conditional. so as soon as someone is an nb lesbian in a way these people find odd (like being both a man and a lesbian) they will exclude them too and find a way to justify it.
why do we have to endlessly go through this cycle with queer identities. can we not? can we just not. i'm tired.
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marimeeko · 5 months
Everybody listen up Luca was meant to be a queer young love story the whole time
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deadeyedfae · 1 month
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Here is a dress that i might wear for something like prom, who knows 👀
I also tried out this one, but i think I'll save it for something else...
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Sometimes I forget I’m not out until my parents make a comment about marriage or dating or something lmao
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
Not a day goes by where I do not think about the advent of medicine like PrEP and wonder just what the people - especially queer people - who passed from HIV/AIDs during the AIDs crisis would think
And then, I read this survivor's testimony and it just makes me emotional. I think this is the closest answer we have. HIV has changed, and we must always remember the people who didn't see that change before it happened.
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grahamcore · 1 year
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tom wambsgans i am begging you to stand up
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You’re safe in her arms, and just for a moment, nothing else exists.
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yardsards · 3 months
the marcille-falin-laios dynamic is like the barry-lup-taako dynamic. to me.
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