#I want to see those cool video edit things but specifically of him and to this song
sugarschnaps · 8 months
Johnny is very MCR and I will take no criticisms on my opinion here
"The Sharpest Lives" is my whole reason to say this, like I'm screaming there is literally so much Johnny energy in the lyrics and I just cannot PLEASE listen if you haven't already
Tbh tho I am an MCR enjoyer myself so it might just be a poorly disguised comfort HC
He is so messed up but I just know his whole vibe music wise is straight fire like
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zedif-y · 1 year
Who is this Zedaph you speak of?
anon, i don't know if you wanted a long answer to this, but you're getting it anyway
So, who is Zedaph?
Zedaph, (AKA ZedaphPlays) is a minecraft youtuber that's a part of the Hermitcraft SMP. He doesn't just make hermitcraft content, however.
He's also a part of a Create mod series with some other hermits! (Tango, Bdubs, Scar, and Keralis)
Patron supporters (tier 3!) gain access to the Zedcraft servers. The Zedcraft Community Twitter can be found (HERE)! There's a java survival server, a creative world, and monthly events for those involved, though he does stream some of them! Currently, Zedcraft is in its fifth season.
Speaking of streams, he has a second channel where he posts his VODs. He streams non-minecraft games as well! (A more recent stream I recommend is his The Past Within stream with Tango, where they play a puzzle game)
Here's a link to his Twitch<3
Okay, but... Why watch him?
This'll get ramble-y.
I don't even know how to describe Zedaph's brand of content. I really don't. And I don't think that's a bad thing- it's really unique! Here's what I mean:
In season 7 of hermitcraft, his theme was, basically, contraptions. Silly ones. Stupid ones. Inefficient ones! Basically, for every situation, the question is: "How can we make this LESS efficient?"
(Also, I recommend watching at least the first minute or so of that episode I linked. Gives you a glimpse of what he's like!)
In season 8, it was all about experiments. (Analyzing and testing fellow hermits, mad scientist vibes, and dangling sheep. Because why not)
In season 9, the current season, it's all about Zedvancements. (These aren't your typical minecraft advancements. No, they're stuff like getting killed by every single mob in the game, longest death message, most mobs stacked on top of each other, giving Tango advancements while he's AFK)
I have literally never seen anyone else do what he's doing. His content is UNIQUE!!
And not just that, have you SEEN his timelapses? His editing??
HERE and HERE's an example of what I mean . Come on now . That's SO COOL? (Also: follow @/curse-of-watch-zedaph for zed clips :>)
TLDR: Zedaph's specific brand of content falls outside of what you'd normally expect from minecraft content, sometimes it's strange, sometimes it makes you go "Why?", but it's always entertaining.
Or, put simply: he is so so funny im not even kidding . his mind is an enigma and yknow what even if i havent sold you on him entirely , please just give at least one video a chance because there is no way to capture the zedaphplays experience without just diving in and seeing for yourself<3
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blazehedgehog · 9 months
Thoughts on the twitter clones popping up because El*n is destroying twitter? Hive was hilariously shortlived. But do you think Mastodon, Cohost, or Bluesky have what it takes to replace twitter?
I think a lot of them are dumb and greedy. The way people so willingly flock to anything even remotely promising is depressing, even when it's a pretty much open fact that monsters are behind them.
Like, Threads. Threads sucks! It's by Facebook! You know, Mark Zuckerberg, the dude who literally had to go before congress and explain himself because they were stealing and selling so much of your personal data without your permission? Because, by the way: That's not supposed to happen. You're supposed to care about that. You can't just be like "oh well they have my data already, may as well ignore it". That's a bad thing to just let happen!
This is the guy who invented the "pivot to video" concept that decimated an entire industry of writers who were now expected to produce videos, all because Facebook was dramatically faking viewership numbers in a bid to lure in more advertisers. He runs a site that was proud to accept and promote insane fringe theories and undoubtedly contributed to the attempted coup of the United States Government on January 6th 2020. That Facebook. That Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah. They're behind Threads.
Or what about Bluesky? Everybody hated Jack Dorsey when he was running Twitter, so much so that they basically forced him out of the company. Now he's behind Bluesky, a website that is literally just Twitter 2, which openly admits he's feeding and selling all of your personal data to machine learning databases (like ChatGPT or Midjourney).
They also openly have settings for whether or not you want to see racist and bigoted content, which actually means being a Nazi on Bluesky is totally okay! They're going to welcome those people with open arms! They're just going to give you a setting to hide them instead of, you know, eradicating them off the platform like cockroaches. But it means Bluesky allows them, marks them, and lets them freely indoctrinate more people into becoming literal murderers.
Remember Hive? Remember how many people FLOODED to Hive and it was discovered they had an eensy weensy teeny tiny security flaw that allowed anyone to both edit and delete any post on the entire platform? Hive said they were going down "for a couple days" to fix it and ended up being down for six months. Also, the developers behind Hive actively hid their identities this entire time! Even before they were popular! There was no way to be sure who was EVER running that service! People were joking that it was a CIA operation! Who knows!
People are trading one dumpster fire for another with these places. You might be escaping the stupidity of Elon Musk but you're still digging deeper, not out of the hole. Every single option is going to lead to more regret and misery eventually.
Even Cohost isn't perfect! And I like Cohost! It's a lot more like Tumblr used to be in the early days. And Cohost is a lot more grassroots than any of these other services, they're a lot more open with whether or not the service is going to survive, but that's also because they respect the poster, respect their data, and just want to make a cool place to hang out at. Out of all the places to spring up during Twitter's death march, Cohost is where I've been posting.
But I heard someone say that Cohost is a very "holistic" approach to posting, and that's true. It's the social media website version being a vegan. It's all kale and chia seeds.
Cohost has no recommendation algorithm. It does not tell you who is following who. It does not offer numbers to tell you how many likes or shares a post has, or who liked or shared it. Everything you do on that site exists in a near-total vacuum unless you specifically put in the work and go looking for it. On some level it's admirable, because they don't want people developing the same competitive, toxic habits of only posting to "do numbers."
But also it sucks because, like, there's no way to identify and reference notable posts, nor see who your mutuals are. The only way to find friends through other friends is if they share one of their posts. And once a post falls out of favor, it's basically lost in the void to all those except a chosen few who remember how to speak its name.
But the vibes at Cohost are... good. I guess. It feels much more like everybody knows everybody. One good post will come across the feed and it feels like the whole dang website shares it that day.
But I would like a little bit of numbers. As a treat. Just because we can subsist on tofu does not mean we do not also deserve a nice, juicy hamburger too.
There's also Mastodon, and I have a friend who really liked Mastodon and wanted it to succeed, but I also heard it described as "the linux of social media" and that's exactly why I'd never use it as my primary platform. It's supposed to be decentralized, making it more diverse and easier for sub-communities to exist within the network, but last I checked, it just made it a pain in the ass to actually follow people that were on different networks than you.
Each one had a different compatibility song and dance you had to do in order for you to follow them from your network. Didn't like it. The whole federated platform feels like slightly too much work to use.
I will probably keep posting on Twitter until the last ember burns out. But I am believing more and more that what Elon is doing to Twitter is deliberate murder in order to deplatform his enemies. He's an idiot, don't get me wrong, but he's also doing things that are deliberately malicious "for the lulz." I'm sure he thinks he can rebuild Twitter into whatever he wants because he's just that rich and smart so he's willing to gut it from the inside out first.
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folkbreeze · 1 year
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have any blogs that make your day when they post? Mention them! Tell us why you like them!
ooof i have a lot! I've been keeping this in my inbox because i didn'twant to forget about anyone but... if i follow you know that your posts make me happy.
a little heads up, english is not my first language and when i get excited i forget how language in general works so... yeah, enjoy i guess
a long list under the cut:
@nihilismtrcit i haven't been around long and yet i instantly fell in love with Marnie, I miss her so much! I wish you a nice semi-hiatus tho, no pressure (but i miss you)
@peonypyxels do I really need to explain myself here like... the lights, the sims, the builds, THE TALENT!! I'm way too attached to your sims that sometimes i forget they're not my actual friends
@cowboycid it's cool to be really good at one thing and to be not so good at others, but you??? No you decided you were gonna be amazing in general. The lookbooks? Your sims? Your builds? All immaculate
@apricote have you seen those posts??? it feels like you're in a dream or watching memories and i live for it! I have to make a special mention to bby Fennec, he's such a cute little person
@weindenburg I want to live in your game with your little family and i dare say more, i want to hold baby tala in my arms! Also your cc is so good the only sad thing is that there isn't more of it
@mysticmoon-s my eyes are in love with your posts, every time i come across them i'm like how can see llike this in real life. And your sims are always so pretty!!
@ellcrze it's always so pleasing to see your posts, I'm not sure how you do it but they're so peacefull! And i can't even begin to talk about your youtube channel, I enjoy your videos so much!!
@softerhaze is there something you do that i don't like? The answer is no, in case there's any doubt. The soft warm vibes of your posts, your sims family, your amazing cc... ah it's all so nice
@pixelglam sometimes i wish i was one of your sims because they're always living the GOOD life and the good life only! Your lookbooks are really nice you have such amazing taste
@lucidicer sometimes you just need a random person you follow on tumblr to wish you good night and good morning. It's you. I usually don't have the energy to read text post but yours? no no i eat that as if i'm in the 90s and am reading a newspaper while taking breakfast. Also, your renders?????? hello is that real???
@sojutrait your sims are always like so. well. done. I have to admit i have a soft spot in my little heart for wyatt he's a little baby, sometimes i just randomly remember about him. I'm so excited for the monsters are due in Idaho!!
@birdietrait I trully love your sims, you somehow give each of them distinctive features and facial expressions and i can only sit back and admire your work!
@mattodore I wish I was Matthias so I could have Theodore love me and viceversa. Also, your posts feel like treats for when I come home all tired from a really hard day
@literalite uhm excuse me, are you sure it's legal to post works of literal ART here??? and without a warning? For real your edits are a spiritual experience and your sims feel more like actual people
@moonsyrups I've been seeing your pip legacy posts and !!!! i cannot express how much i love them, they feel so dreamy i want to be in them so bad, everything is so vibrant yet so soft, it's soooo good
@elmleif your postcard legacy challenge is so easy to love!!! Cillian and Saoirse are such a cute couple and Weston and Rowan... I have no words for them I just want them to life the happiest of lives.
@briteboy I already told you that my brain specifically remembered your posts from when I was around years ago, and i have reasons for it. Your posts are so cinematic and your characters are memorable (i was so happy to see santi again btw)
@softpine the emotional damage i get when i see your posts is equal to the happiness they give me ironically. Your story feels like it should be studied in literature classes and the things you create for it, wow, you're so talented!
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casmourde · 23 days
long rant about bg3 and people's weird behavior towards larian
Larian's continued support of their game and their community has given some people genuine brain rot. We were lucky to even get bug fixes post-release (I'm a cyberpunk 2077 fan), and they were both kind and creative enough to give us a FREE epilogue and add FREE content, but the community at large has taken this kindness and changed it into something entirely different and really unhealthy. Every time Larian updates us on patches and bug fixes, there are hundreds of comments demanding Larian "add" new content, "fix" characters, "fix" relationships, and I'm just baffled by how entitled this is. Do you guys know how video games work? You know you used to just get a video game once and that was it. If you bought a video game you bought a finished product. With more and more patch-based games becoming popular (stuff like Fortnite, Overwatch, Stardew, Genshin, etc), we're starting to see this design model bleed into triple a titles, which is fine (I'm not a big fan personally but I enjoy a lot of these types of games anyway), but it's giving people a really weird, backwards attitude about BG3. At this point I question whether those people actually enjoy the game they played or not. They demand so many changes and edits to characters that I find it hard to believe they even like those characters at all, and would much rather live in their world of headcanon and fanfiction (which, again, is fine) -- but at some point we have to acknowledge that BG3 was made BY Larian. The things you see as flaws in character's stories are canonical, put there by Larian for a specific reason. If you go under every post and demand they "fix" Wyll, I think there's a good chance you need to sit back and wonder if maybe Wyll is just like that. Because he is. That is who he is in the game's text. That is his story. If you don't like it, then by all means discuss what you would change, but it's unfair to belittle Larian for the story that THEY GAVE YOU. This is not to say there isn't a conversation to be had about Black characters in gaming being given really boring, lackluster stories, because that is 100% a noticeable trend (Preston Garvey from Fallout 4 comes to mind). This attitude also unfortunately extends to Gortash fans, and I know I'm kind of shooting myself in the foot here, but I want to discuss it lmao. I liked Gortash "before it was cool" you could say, back when the game dropped and it was gross to think he was attractive, et cetera (this is not something to be bragging about i know), and now that it's been kind of normalized to like him, Gortash fans are getting really invasive and, to put it bluntly, annoying. They whine like children in Larian's comments sections and on their own accounts about how Larian is so "unfair" to Gortash/Durgetash, how they are purposely removing Gortash content from the game to mess with us, etc. Once again, Larian cannot physically be "unfair" about a character THAT THEY LITERALLY MADE THEMSELVES. THEY choose what content to put in THEIR game. The Gortash that is in the game is the Gortash that they decided to put there. Nobody is hiding anything from you, nobody is hurting you, you're not special or different, there is no anti-Gortash agenda. If you can't engage with the canon content that Larian gives us, then I suggest that, for your own health, you move on. Gortash is my favorite character in BG3 because of what Larian did with him, not because of what he could potentially be if Larian bowed down to all of us and gave us everything we wanted. "Gortash romance when" NEVER!!!! And that's the fun bit!!!! We can all go crazy imagining what it would be like and we can make fan communities and fanfictions and art and it's awesome! Speculation and headcanon are awesome! Just stop expecting developers to cater to your every whim! It's unfair and will end up with you being sorely disappointed! Enjoy what they gave us and change it to fit your fantasy! If you like a thing, engage with it, play it, thank the people who gave it to us. Don't pester it to change.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
I get what you're saying about jungkook doing one big thing once in a blue moon and then nothing for most of the time, but also don't compare what jimin does or has done to what jungkook does or has done. They're two completely different people and you should look at what jungkook does and how he expresses himself. Has he ever done anything that he did for jimin for another member? The closest things I can think about (that to me anyway don't really compare) are when he made the bday video edit for yoongi, which was cool and showed love and admiration but had no romantic undertone whatsoever, him making a teasing video reacting/singing along (?) to *one of th songs*(sorry I don't remember which one), and maybe him teasing about That that or Super Tuna, but it was teasing? Nothing compares to gcft, both the trip and the video, or the bday video message??? And lately the live and the spamming of comments.
I also agree with your points about not knowing jimin was done with schedules or who wrote his favorite part of smfpt2, and even, if you miss your "bf" so much and he has schedules and he's tired, why the hell can't YOU go to HIS house and be there for him? It makes no sense to me. But also his behaviour in the wlive comment is confusing, because why the need to act as a fan on live the day before (watching all jimin content) and the say "everyone knows I'm your fan", it feels like they want people to make the connection letter=fan song, jungkook=jimin's fan, letter is for jungkook. But at the same time they don't feel that much up to date with each other or much in contact either. Are they so stalked that now they're in their solo era and don't have the group work as "cover" they can't even hang out as friends? It gives conspiracy theories tbh
Honestly, it's not my intention to compare him to Jimin. I know they're two different people, and if you look for it you'd find that I rarely talk about what JK does in terms of "Jungkook did this but Jimin did this other thing". In that post where I said the blue moon thing, I actually mentioned other ships and then I deleted because I thought it was pointless to bring other ships into it, but I had in mind to say that almost all of Jungkook ships are held by those random, spontaneous bursts of affection. Taekookers survived on the bare minimum for years, it was maybe two hugs in a year, a few "you're handsome" and that was the epitome of boyfriend for them.
Even when I compare, it's more about trying to get my point across as what would be a "boyfriend" or "couple" thing for me. I know they're different people and it's not the point to compare and say one has a better way of expressing themselves than the other. Objectively, it shouldn't matter. Subjectively, tho... for me, Jimin's way of expressing himself is better. For my personal standards and for the way it makes me feel. Jungkook has always made me feel unsteady when it came to jikook. So when I think of what does it mean to be a "boyfriend", to me Jimin's ways of treating Jungkook always made more sense than Jungkook's way of treating Jimin. Beyond some specific examples, I usually feel that Jungkook treats Jimin like he loves him, for sure, yes; but not like he's in love with him.
So for example, Jimin showing up for all of JK's birthdays is not inherently romantic in my opinion. It really isn't. But you see the difference between actually being there for Jungkook in comparison to JK saying "I want to go to a recording" while not doing anything to make that happen. In this case you don't even need to compare him to Jimin, becaue Yoongi showed up. He wanted to be there for the recording, and he was there. And Yoongi in my eyes is the coldest man ever, yet he showed more interest than Jungkook did, so what does that tell you. Hoseok visited Jimin at the set and they seem to talk a lot too.
I've said it and I stand by my opinion that the live was heartwarming, and really sweet. But in my books, showing up for someone means more than sitting at home watching their videos. Whenever I miss someone I call them personally, I text them privately to have an actual meaningful conversation, I make plans with them, I might even walk to their place and visit them. I don't sit at home watching their photos. So yes, I get what you mean that *some* of the things are more than what he's done for other members, but also right now other members have been doing more for Jimin than what Jungkook is doing. I personally think it would've meant more if JK had had a real interest in meeting Jimin, and would've asked him about his recordings so he'd go, or would've showed up at the MV set.
Also I haven't seen anyone mention Jimin's face of confusion when Jungkook said that he wanted to do. Jimin was like "are you for real? It's over". It took him a bit to laugh about it but he didn't look amused at first to me.
So if I think about what does it mean to be someone's partner and actually supporting them and not just to show the fans, as moving as the live was, it doesn't speak to me about a significant other.
I don't even take Jimin is perfect, and maybe in the future he might not show up for Jungkook anywhere either. I didn't take it seriously when Jimin commented on his lives either, I said it was cute and sweet but didn't think it was meaningful. When he said on a weverse comment that he'd go to his house, that also sounded extremely noncommittal. Now that he's said it again maybe he meant it, but I'm also not believing it until it happens. The thing is that Jimin usually keeps his words, and if he doesn't keep his word on this it's for a reason. From where I'm standing, to me it just really looks as if seeing each other is not high on their list of interests. It feels deliberate. Not in a conspiracy theory kind of way but in a way that they are not even trying to see each other.
I don't think him saying he's a fan is because he wants people to make the connection with letter. I don't think so because he does admire Jimin and he probably just said it because he was literally acting like a fan, watching his videos on YouTube. JK has said Namjoon was his first love, boy crush, his inspiration, etc etc several times every year, too. It's just nice but at face value, it's not romantic.
Why a conspiracy theory tho? I think it only seems conspiratorial because everyone's going from the assumption that they are dating; so they feel something has to be kept hidden. If you step away from that mindset and just see them as two friends, like you said, two people with different personalities, then everything makes sense.
The time Jungkook and Taehyung were never seen together or hanging out alone, not even in official content, taekookers took shelter in conspiracy theories because for them it didn't make sense that taekook weren't close. It wasn't possible that taekook weren't spending time together, it couldn't be possible that taekook were not a couple like they thought. So they had to make up conspiracy theories to explain why taekook didn't act like a couple. In the end, it turned out that taekook were actually not spending time together, there was no conspiracy theory. Just Taehyung and Jungkook not hanging out.
Sometimes things are exactly what they seem.
People are adamant on certain things being true and so everything else has to come together to make sense of that one thing they've already decided it's real. If people were more flexible with their thoughts and assumptions, and accepted that maybe Jimin and Jungkook are not lying 24/7, they'd realize that everything Jimin and Jungkook have said and done is normal for people who are not in a relationship. For people who are just friends. It's only abnormal for people who are convinced they are dating.
I mean, why does there need to be a conspiracy theory about a song that Jimin keeps saying he wrote for the fans and never stuttered or changed narratives when talking about it. It's probably the song he's made the most sense when talking about who is it for, what it means and what prompted him to write it. Why can't it just be that he's saying the truth? Because people have made up their minds that it's about something else so they don't want to hear or believe explanations that don't make sense with what they've already decided in their minds, that it's a love song for Jungkook. No matter how many times Jimin says it's something else.
I really don't think there's need for conspiracy theories about things that have been explained by the members. Right now, I actually feel Like Crazy calls more for conspiracy theories or theories in general because of how ambiguous and vague Jimin has been about the song.
If you didn't already believe jikook are dating, let's say you just think they're good friends, would you have a reason to think Jimin's lying about the song? Or that it's weird that they haven't met? Do you think there's some conspiracy behind Taehyung not supporting Jimin? Any conspiracy theories behind Jungkook never hanging out with Yoongi? Behind Jungkook not showing up to Hoseok's last birthday party before he enlists? Or you just see that as JK being JK and his way of being a friend.
I think people are refusing to let go of what they believe in because of their chemistry or because they're sweet to each other, or because they were special in the past. But you don't build a relationship only on chemistry and having fun together; you couldn't even build it on physical attraction either.
If people would just let go of what they so capriciously want to believe in, they'd realize that there is nothing that calls for a conspiracy theory, and whatever is going on is actually just normal behavior for two longtime friends who are in different places of their lives and whose priority right now is not hanging out or keeping in touch like that anymore.
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spacecadetfm · 1 year
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HIVEMIND out of context. part one.
various quotes taken from various videos from the youtube channel hivemind. edit as you see fit. this is my favorite youtube channel so expect another one of these some day, lol.
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it kinda just seems like dr. phil should be on the nickel.
i’m not mad at him, i’m mad at god.
this does not look like the same man i was imagining.
you’re lucky your personality is so electric.
has anyone ever told you your entire childhood is a red flag?
what does it mean to be crunchatized?
it’s like when you pet a snake backwards, you know?
i’m glad we don’t have to talk about the 1975 anymore.
it’s cute until you realize they’re a cult.
nothing like a british guy just cosplaying 1950s americana.
what else can we add fluorescents to?
fuck the ukulele, dude.
that is some really annoying percussion.
you can’t fuck a star. i tried.
what you know, it is, and what you don’t know, it ain’t.
gimme the british stuff!
it’s more of a protest and people don’t seem to understand that.
i like that it’s not that deep, it’s refreshing.
why do zombies always want brains specifically?
why are ghosts always like hooOOooOOaaAAaa?
he sat in his room and cried and screamed for six months.
historically, i hate artists.
i’m gonna tell you to meet me there for something cool, and then i’m gonna beat the piss outta ya.
definitely gonna go there later, i am craving a churro right now.
my opinion is that bob dylan may have body dysmorphia.
did you get lucky last night, man? 'cause you smell like a lowe’s.
i think the butterflies should kiss.
my brain said, “treadmill with a little hot tub on it.”
wow, in this economy!?
i’m leaving with the remote, good luck with your little fucking movie night later.
that’s what they want you to think; i saw that bitch at the bar last night.
how many fluid ounces we working with here?
those aren’t even really antics, those are crimes.
i don’t wanna be the one to say it, but no one else was saying it, so i had to say it.
if you buy that, you’re a piece of shit.
you might as well just save up for a little bit and get the actual thing from nasa.
i wanna be the xbox controller one day.
you are just making shit up.
i assure you nothing like this ever happened.
i’ve never cursed in front of my sweet mother.
if it happened, then i’m sorry, and if it didnt happen, then fuck you for making up that shit.
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poohwhin · 1 year
𝐌𝐲 (𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬) 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥. 𝟒 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
I’m putting them under the cut not only because they might be long but also so those who don’t care abt this can scroll. SKSK. (and also because I’ll be using images)
also if you wanna see my “real time” reactions i have a thought dump post.
anyways i’m not a theorist or someone smart enough to analyse anything i just have a lotta thoughts.
To start, I really enjoy the inclusion of the creation story from the bible— and how it confirms that Gabriel’s been here from the START. Man honestly said “if you want something done, hit it at the source.” And ofc we have the signature forbidden fruit event, and Eve becoming painfully aware of “the man in the sky.” Tbh I just love any edition with Gabriel because he’s literally the root of everyone’s problems so I want more of him.
I also really love the background that we get for Thatcher, and the BPS crew. Thatcher’s life after Ruth’s death, the melancholy and SADNESS he’s feeling— all the while alternates are invading his home as well as impersonating him. As for the BPS crew, i love how they were just a couple of high school kids who formed a club, yet were not prepared for the actual demons adam was exposing them to. (and come to find out that Adam may be an alternate himself? or SOME OTHER ENTITY? ever since the age of 4?? man)
let me spin back to thatcher real quick because his letter to ruth had me SOBBING. and CRYING. he was so scared, and that got her killed. and even his alternate is taunting him (with his face i might add) like “alive or dead you serve no purpose.” god.
Adam’s memorial video for Jonah was so goofy but also the edited in(?) scenes were pretty inch resting. I’m intrigued about the drawing of the preacher?? the messenger?? im a fake fan i barely know these alternate names. but i wanna know who drew that and what they wrote beside it. Also Adam my sweet boy adding “rate 5 stars and subscribe” was FOUL.
Anyways on to my most jarring experience from this video because I am. FLOORED. Face studio. Face Studio 2. Where the hell is the first one, and how the hell did alternates learn to code.
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they’re sitting at their little desktops kicking their feet and twirling their stolen hair as pick which face mask to put on.
but then it transitions to footage of lynn’s home with an alternates face speaking on screen. and if i heard everything correctly, it was like:
“a thriving society of followers of the true saviour. his entangled (?) limbs danced around my bedroom. i held my breath. and waited for it to stop. i was too scared.”
but it glitched out after that, plus i could barely make anything out. anyways i think this is cryptic is cool.
then the moment that everyone and their MOTHER was talking about is dave’s encounter with gabriel 🫶this entity literally SPLIT THE HEAVEN’S AND DAVE’S MENTAL STABILITY IN HALF. (rip dave. i’ll box alex logan paul style and avenge you /j )
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he just wants to talk about his car’s extended warranty <3
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i hate the fact that this mf is stanley. why couldnt stanley have just been a silly little rubber band man. nah but i love how, even though the previous images were just a photoshop choice alex made for scare factor; i love the thought that his face looks different each time you see him being a result of his “contorted flesh and broken bones.” but please somebody get this man a friend so he stops stealing people’s children.
also his conversation with Adam really has me thinking more than i’d like to admit. and has me wondering if adam is already an alternate, and if he is: how long has he been one? it’d be interesting if a drastic change like that was happening to the children the intruder abducts (unless its an adam specific thing). but then his images being shown at the end make me question that. SKSKS.
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i dont even KNOW HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS. HGGGGGGG. and adam’s photos presumably to be uploaded onto Face Studio being shown right afterwards? man.
an already cataclysmic situation is about to become an intergalactic problem 🫶
remembrance. the action of remembering something. the action of remembering the dead, especially in a ceremony. a memory or recollection.
correspondence. a close similarity, connection, or equivalence. communication by exchanging letters with
malignance. the quality of being malign. (evil in nature or effect; malevolent.)
these three words appeared in pretty distinct spots so i think thats cool. i love alex’s usages of SAT words SKSKSSK
ANYWAYS. THESE ARE MY THOUGHTS. i really enjoyed Vol. 4, and was glad to get some more information on the world Alex’s creating <3 (as well as the buildup to the climax?) anyways ty for coming to my rambling. 🫶
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icharchivist · 1 year
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My whole thesis was that Muku wrote, both that Itaru’s hobby was reading manga instead of playing video games, and that he did this “BINGO” in order to not expose anything about Itaru because Itaru is someone who’s very private and tends to keep an image to the world, and specifically doesn’t want people outside of the company to know his true self. My point was that Muku would have specifically “messed up” those two corners so Itaru can have a way out and not have to talk about those things, because with the way Itaru show himself to the world, he doesn’t have the luxury to mess around like Citron did for example just to hide his true self.
And i expressed that i believe Muku wanted to leave Itaru the choice of how much he was going to show the world about himself. And that if Itaru doesnt correct those corners with any information, it means Muku had guessed correctly/was indeed trying to protect Itaru’s privacy.
Well, now we have Itaru’s correction.
on the Question corner he wrote “congratulation?”, and at least on the profile, he did not try to correct it at all. Leaving it at Muku playing Bingo.
ok he MIGHT have elaborated in the blog post but as it is, he seems to not have looked into sharing more things about himself
Also on the hobby section, the other part i said he would not correct, was also not corrected to say, “video games”. I don’t understand everything he wrote but he says “good luck!” on it and normally i should have been able to read it if he corrected to video games.
So unless on the blogpost itself Itaru elaborates on the correction, on the profile itself, he did exactly what i would say he would do if Muku had goofed around with the goal of protecting Itaru’s privacy.
I feel very vindicated. But now i need to wait for the translation of the blog post to see if Itaru indeed is hiding everything again.
But so far i’m thrilled hell yeah!
also Itaru confirmed for the Kind and cool corner but why a triangle on Chikage?????? is it supposed to say that he disagrees? I need to know if they’re still roasting Chikage in the chat.
edit: oh and on Tasuku’s profile Itaru had to do, this happened
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“well i have a bingo too”. I think he’s both answering seriously and it was something that gave him a chuckle, and him playing on Muku’s joke. Which means Muku could have opened the possibility for him to joke around that he couldn’t have otherwise while maintaining his image. I rest my case. 
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koqabear · 2 years
no right?? her voice is so addicting it's like they're putting crack in the vocalists at sm
i think she has a voice that's hard to get tired of and aside from having the strength and range, i absolutely love her vocal color because like you said, it's sultry but it can also be sweet and i personally love when idols have that variety because i find it really refreshing?
my favorite song is probably bad boy, sad girl or anywhere but home! i have this Problem where i can never choose one favorite and i'm always stuck between two, so trying to get me to choose one is seriously... a herculean task.
the mv isn't anything crazy or lore-packed like a txt one or the album trailer, which is what confuses me? i know sm isn't a label that heavily focuses on actual story-telling lore and there's nothing wrong with that, but the mv just has nothing to do with the trailer? i'm pretty sure they've done this before with their earlier artists like exo and changmin from tvxq, where they'll set the bar insanely high for themselves and then completely miss said bar; it's kind of like the equivalent of music and award shows putting all the highly-anticipated groups last to keep viewership lol. i know it wasn't the mv teaser so i can't be entirely upset about that, but i expected there to at least be some references to it, if any at all, because it really just plays like the choreography version of a music video with a few aesthetic shots thrown in here and there. then again, that could be attributed to the fact that seulgi's a dancer so it would make sense to focus on her dancing, but there's a very significant imbalance. i'm definitely not complaining though (edit: yes i am) because i really liked the styling and editing, i just wanted to see how they'd expand on the trailer. i remember seeing tweets about the concept and how a lot of the scenes revolved around asian folklore and superstitions, specifically about the ghost festival and how you can't do certain things because it'll attract spirits and some essentially invite them to possess you which led a lot of people to believe 28 reasons was going to be related to monster and that irene was the one who possessed seulgi. then there was this craze about how she looked like nanno from girl from nowhere or how the trailer was kind of like a horror movie and then we just see none of that... it definitely feels like a waste of potential but regardless, 28 reasons was stupidly good.
tldr; ml complains about the lack of correlation between the 28 reasons trailer and music video for *checks notes* 329 words
phewwww okay, so I just watched the music video, and let me tell you… you are absolutely right!
tldr x2; sol agrees with ml, but still thirsts over Seulgi nonetheless
i watched the mv teaser and the album teaser beforehand, and it looked really cool! It looked like something out of a horror movie, and I was actually kinda expecting some lore to come out of this mv; but alas, nothing.
i feel like it would have been better if we got a performance video and an mv (like what bts did with on) so that we could’ve had something that related back to the teasers, and something that still catered to Seulgi as a dancer/performer— cause that choreography is amazing. But anyways, it really is kinda disappointing :( it’s a gorgeous mv (and Seulgi is just so damn fine) but the way that they fed us those cool ass thriller/horror-esque shots and then said oh!!! Nevermind!! Just UGH it even looked like a whole movie…
I would have LOVED if they had done something like txt’s eternity mv— literally one of my favorites, it was so gorgeous and gave us a lot of lore too. But like you said, sm isn’t really a company that focuses on giving their groups a solid story (cause what the fuck is going with kwangya). Which is really sad, because they have a loooot of potential to properly explore these concepts (Seulgi and Irene’s solo, taemin…. Taemin again because the theories I’ve read on him, oh my god.) but then again, I’ve never been too accurately up to date with a group’s lore, so maybe they do have a solid story that I don’t know about.
Seulgi’s voice is just so perfect and she has an amazing range, but I must make a confession; the bridge where she talks is just a tad bit corny to me, (just a tiny bit!!) but she gets a pass bc it’s her and she’s hot, but I’m not really a big fan of that R&B sultry talk out of no where… (trauma flashbacks to Johnny in beautiful) some songs really pull it off, like if you do by got7. 28 reasons is just so good and I’m trying my hardest to not overplay it tbh
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mouththeory69 · 2 years
Marriage And Minecraft Have Extra In Widespread Than You Think
Convey more confidence and power - If your kid thinks that he is not outdated enough, good enough, or big enough to carry out specific tasks, let him play Minecraft games. When the web was not so much straightforward to use, folks entertained themselves by taking part in the offline video games on the computers. Clearly no, and that is why the customers of the web are too great on this age. For this example, we are going to use a t2.medium instance, as there are limitations on the assets that can be created with Cloud Playground. Next, we define a Route for the service, which associates our service with a URL path or an incoming connection destination that Kong will listen for. Individuals can login from their residence (or anyplace they've an internet connection) and construct and talk about their in-sport productions through once per week challenges. Some of the Windows 10, Swap, GearVR, and Xbox One Minecraft cheats could be enabled utilizing a process similar to the one used to activate cheats.
Once i initially started operating Minecraft servers, I set them up manually utilizing guides I discovered on-line, and I was very unfamiliar with utilizing cloud platforms. Again, this was performed manually, which took hours to arrange. The NYSE had set a reference price of $forty five a share for the stock. Though we'll be working within localhost, we'll arrange this type of port forwarding through Kong. The Minecraft server that you choose performs a major position with the most effective kind of experience you've gotten when taking part in. Spending between $800 and $1,000 (or perhaps slightly more) will get you a laptop computer with a GTX 1650 Ti, a 1660 Ti or even a 3050 Ti for a greater gaming expertise. All of their ideas and abilities will be proven up after they full their own world, including nice constructions, lengthy rivers, and beautiful seas, and spectacular landscapes they create by themselves. Educate teamwork and assist your kids socially - In the Minecraft world, altering multiplayer mode is moderately familiar. Educate your children to complete targets - The players might not see any explicit goal i.e. saving victims or beating enemies; however, they'll obtain worthy rewards when finishing every particular goal.
Among the most effective Minecraft servers that will definitely provide you with a thrill is the Mineplex server. Dell Dell streamlined its G-collection gaming laptops, going from three models all the way down to only one -- and it's all for one of the best. Minecraft Whenever you want to create anything in response to your skills or creativity, you understand where is one of the best place for you to specific what you love. With a artistic mode, this game offers an excellent likelihood to those who love creating by themselves. People often love Minecraft sport attributable to its ownership, ease of use, and replayability. Try to create the area to ease the struggles of this year, to let trauma-related anxieties go, to look ahead to bother spots the place we might need to offer extra direct assist. Attempt to consult methods to play. Play Miner Minecraft Video games Without cost to assist a guy get married along with his beloved now, guys. Going on virtual video games is a good passion to helps sport gamers to enhance. Web sites have loads of suggestions that of us will be capable of squeeze when players develop into caught.
Due to the basis for summary thinking and drawback-solving, these skills will assist your kid to answer math and science questions successfully. Due to your ability and talent, select the game's level of problem earlier than getting began! Because of the own model, edit the Minecraft boy's appearance for the restless interest in mining, crafting, and building proper over the bare land of Minecraft world. Really, when visiting a unbelievable world full of stars and sparkling things, you will have a number of nice ideas. In some circumstances, please consider cool techniques to realize heaps of cash which is enough to spend it on the wedding social gathering and take care of his wife afterwards. From increasing their levels and social skills, enjoying Minecraft video games additionally bring a number of nice advantages. Stimulate their creativeness - Building is taken into account as a significant device while taking part in Minecraft video games for the first time. Come on and begin enjoying it now. He started to work what is now Minecraft from Could 10th 2009 to May 16th. Proper now, the "alpha version" of Minecraft made its public debut the following days.
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felinedetached · 3 years
Fandom Ableism in the MCYT Community
[Edited 14 June 2021]
One thing I’ve noticed about the MCYT (Dream SMP, specifically) community on both Tumblr and Twitter is that when informed of things that are ableist, or harmful to ND people, a lot of people ignore the post/tweet, derail it or actively fight against it.
“I’m ND so I can’t be ableist” is a common statement, which is blatantly untrue. Even I’ve used ableist terms and phrases before, without realising they were harmful. So as a neurodivergent person, with autism, BPD, depression/anxiety, dyslexia, psychosis & brain damage*: here’s some common ableist things both CCs and fandom say almost constantly**.
*note that not every neurodivergent person will agree with me on these, but these are commonly ableist things people have previously talked about online, and/or have been discussed between me and other neurodivergent friends. No minority can ever speak for the entire group.
**note that a lot of these are common outside the MCYT community as well, and that some of these are just considered societally acceptable. This isn’t okay, but it explains why a lot of people don’t recognise jokes or comments like these are wrong, and it means that it’s not a direct moral failing of people that they don’t immediately or directly recognise these comments as wrong.
Now, let’s get into the things you might not have realised are potentially ableist:
1. Use of “Psychopath/Psycho/Sociopath/Schizo” and other demeaning terms for people with mental illnesses as insults, or to describe characters who are considered villainous. Psychopath/Psycho/Sociopath are already terms that people with ASPD dislike using, even not as an insult, but using these terms to describe people or characters who you disagree with or see as villainous only contributes to the villainisation of people with ASPD and other mental illnesses. Using c!Dream as an example: Dream as a character is not confirmed to have any of these mental illnesses. He is, however, commonly labeled as psychotic/psychopathic, incapable of any kind of compassion.
He is also a character that fandom largely insists that nobody is allowed to sympathise with. This is a huge issue, and has hurt a lot of people, especially people with low empathy, or mental illnesses that cause them to relate to some of c!Dream’s actions (e.g. pulling away from all his friends, desperately grasping at straws to gain control of situations etc). Insisting that these characters are characters it’s impossible to sympathise with, all while calling them psychotic/psychopathic/sociopathic, is extremely harmful, and I hope this post draws attention to that.
Here’s another post that talks about that.
2. Use of the term “freak”, in general. As an insult, “freak” has been typically used to insult neurodivergent people, people with visible physical disabilities (ex. “freakshow”, and the term was reportedly created with the intent of insulting people with physical disabilities), or people who display any kind of abnormal/atypical social behaviour/physical aspects — people who are usually ND people who lack a diagnosis or people with physical disabilities. Recent usage has come to mean “people who do things that hurt other people”, but this is harmful as well; using words like “freak” or “weirdo” which mean “socially atypical behaviour” to refer to people who are actually doing things that hurt other people conflates the two, and often has a side effect of hurting disabled people who see it.
3. Calling ND ccs like Technoblade monotone/emotionless. While the term “monotone” isn’t ableist in and of itself, the fact that it’s being used against a neurodivergent man who emotes in a different way to neurotypical people rubs a lot of ND people the wrong way. I’ve partially discussed this here, in a tweet responding to a person who said that c!Technoblade, quote, “has no human capabilities like emotion for example”. This, however, is not something contained to c!Technoblade — one of the most common jokes in this fandom is how rare it is to hear emotion in Technoblade’s voice.
The issue with that is that neurodivergent people almost universally agree that Technoblade emotes perfectly fine, and, in fact, emotes more freely and clearly than a lot of others do. Hence, calling him monotone perpetuates the idea of ND people as emotionless/less able to be hurt/less expressive, which often hurts us. It also contributes to the dehumanisation of ND people — related to how ND symptoms are most often seen in robots or monsters in shows — and is generally extremely harmful, on top of being untrue.
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4. Related to point 3: the infantilisation of ND ccs like Tubbo and Dream, usually paired with assigning “caretakers” of their friends, like Tommy and George. This is about the posts that spread like “omg, Tommy helps Tubbo with his dyslexia, that’s so cute” or “omg George is so patient with Dream, I could never sit through that” on videos of Dream vocally stimming because of his ADHD. This is another post that talks about this, but I wanted to talk more about why this is harmful here.
4a) With Tubbo’s dyslexia, from someone with dyslexia, it isn’t harmful to correct his spelling and move on. Personally, I think this is helpful — others will think it’s condescending, because not all ND people are the same — but as the above linked post mentions, this is not what Tubbo’s twitch chat does. This is not what the comments say. It’s all things about how it’s “so cute” that Tubbo can’t spell, how Tommy/Ranboo are “so patient” with correcting him. This is rooted in the need to constantly watch over ND people while acting like we can't live our lives without someone having us under constant vigilance. It feels like savior-complex ableism, like people are trying so hard to not be ableist that they spin back around to hurting us instead. And it feels like we are being treated like children. Like we are lesser than, and need to be monitored/watched over.
4b) Similarly to what people do with Tubbo, the comments on posts about Dream’s vocal stimming are often full of people calling George “patient” for “dealing with it”, or claiming they “wouldn’t be able to handle it”. This is inherently ableist. They’re praising George for basic human decency towards ND people, and claiming in the same breath that they wouldn’t be able to do that themselves. And then there’s these.
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These comments infantilise Dream — claiming he “wouldn’t be able to stop/calm down” without George’s help, implying he’d “spiral out of control” or claiming “everyone is now my child”. It’s all related to the infantilisation of ND people, and the belief that without help/a caretaker we cannot take care of ourselves.
5. The way people treat ccs who likely have undiagnosed neurodivergencies, like Wilbur. Wilbur has openly admitted on stream before that his parents considered getting him an autism diagnosis. He also openly admits on stream that he has habits he doesn’t understand why he does, and hyperfixates on things for months at a time and doesn’t know why. Posts like this have gone around Tumblr, in which Wilbur displays blatantly ND traits.
And fandom generally calls him weird for expressing those traits. This video where he talks about eating sand because he likes the texture? That’s an ND trait. This video where he talks about his irrational hatred for anteaters? While mostly a joke, irrational hatred of something when you can’t explain/understand/articulate why is also a common ND trait. He spends 20 minutes during a Philza stream info-dumping about self-sustaining ecosystems (sharing the photo, because I think it’s really cool) and fandom begins calling them “Wilbur’s weird jars”. It’s demeaning to people who infodump, and as a ND person who hyperfixates and infodumps it’s really upsetting to see. It’s also upsetting to see other ND traits being called “weird” or “freaky” & made out to be soley some funny joke for NT people to laugh at us about.
Additionally: It’s strange to me that people think it’s okay to make fun of ND traits just because they know that or perceive that the person they’re making fun of is NT. It’s still making fun of ND traits. It’s still insulting ND people. It’s still ableist as hell. Why is it okay just because the person is NT?
6. Implying that c!Ranboo’s enderwalking is inherently violent. Ranboo has shown us time and time again that the enderwalk state isn’t a violent state. That the enderwalk state isn’t a seperate version of c!Ranboo that does horrific things. Why, then, is it so common to imply that Ranboo would be violent and hurt people why he’s enderwalking?
It comes back to the perception of c!Ranboo as a character with “two halves”, or as a character with DID. Ranboo has made it clear that his character does not have DID, but this headcanon about his character persists, and it persists in a way that is directly harmful to people with DID — and to people who dissociate or sleepwalk. We do not commit horrific acts while we dissociate, while we’re sleepwalking, because the majority of the time we’re just checked out, our body is on autopilot. Insinuating that we do is harmful. Insinuating that Ranboo has “another half” that’s inherently violent or evil is harmful to people with DID. I’m not going to ask you to stop writing these headcanons etc, but please consider the effect you have on people before you do.
7. Related to point 6: the perception of c!Ranboo as “soft” and “cute” and/or perfectly moral because of his canonical anxiety. This is really harmful, and comes once again from the infantilisation of disorders like anxiety and depression. Ranboo has made clear time and time again that his character isn’t moral, and in fact is extremely inconsistent. He’s portrayed his character as inconsistent, as someone who hurts his friends unintentionally and often due to his want to please everyone, and yet he’s constantly seen as “soft/pure/the only moral one” because of his anxiety causing to have repeated and consistent spirals on-screen. These spirals are not healthy. They don’t indicate his “perfect morals” or make him more moral than anyone else on the SMP. Please stop infantilising people with anxiety, it’s really hurtful.
8. Implying that c!Technoblade is inherently a violent person because of his voices. I’ll admit here: my hallucinations are visual. I do not get auditory hallucinations, and I cannot speak for people who do. But many people have spoken out about this, and discussed how talking about Technoblade as an inherently violent character because of his voices is harmful, and a stereotype of people with schizophrenia.
Technoblade’s character is, in and of itself, inherently a stereotype (despite the fact that his chat are more likely to be a supernatural entity than a symptom of a disorder such as schizophrenia) in that the idea of “hearing voices that encourage violence” is a stereotype of people with schizophrenia. As an actual symptom, is a very uncommon one. More common auditory hallucinations for people with schizophrenia or psychosis are, reportedly, whispers or unrelated conversation. One of my friends hears screaming.
But the issue is with the implication that c!Technoblade is “driven to violence” by the voices. Canonically, he has dealt with the “bloodlust” of chat by grinding withers. He’s perfectly capable of being peaceful, even with “voices pushing for violence”, and he’s perfectly capable of being violent without the “voices” influence. It’s the connotations and the history that fandom has in demonising and villainising c!Technoblade for even having the “voices” in the first place, and acting having them makes him inherently violent and unstable. There’s precedent for that already in society, and it’s not okay to perpetuate it.
[Edit: as of 22/05/2021, I do experience auditory hallucinations, and I can confirm that I am not any more violent, and the voices I hear don’t push me to violence. The clearest one just said ‘click’ in my ear.]
9. Jokes about brain damage and the use of “brainrot” as a term. I made a post about how common jokes about brain damage are here, and I would like to reiterate bits of it.
Jokes like these are really really normalized in modern society. I’m sure a lot of you didn’t even register it as wrong, and that isn’t a moral failing! It’s a norm in society, and that means the majority of people arent going to register it as something hurtful, because it’s said so often. But it does still hurt. The idea of using a disability as an insult is really harmful and it feels dehumanizing, like our disability makes us lesser, something that should be laughed at.
“Brainrot” as a term originated in Skyrim, as a disease that literally rotted your brain. However, as a term, it has very similar connotations to “brain damaged” and has been used in similarly joking and insulting ways. It’s something that feels really off to me and other neurodivergent people to see used by neurotypical people. It even sometimes feels uncomfortable when used by neurodivergent people, even if it’s used in positive ways. I know quite a few people who have removed it from their vocab completely because of the connotations, and I have personally done the same. Once again, I am just asking you to please consider your words before you use them.
10. Calling c!Wilbur during his Pogtopia Arc “Vilbur”. Yes, he was a villain. Yes, he hurt people. But c!Wilbur during the Pogtopia Arc only has one major difference from c!Wilbur during the L’Manburg Arc: a visible depiction of mental illness, specifically paranoia and psychosis. Treating him as a seperate person and calling that seperate person “Vilbur” comes across as extremely hurtful, and contributes to the villainisation of mentally ill people. His mental illness does not excuse him from hurting people, but calling c!Wilbur “Vilbur” upsets a lot of us, because wether or not it’s intended, it feels reductive, hurtful, and insulting.
If you got to the end of this post, thank you so much for reading. I hope that this helped you recognise things that you might not have known were ableist, and that you consider what I’ve said here. I also know that I haven’t addressed everything ableist that’s spread through the MCYT fandom community, so if you’re ND and have something you’d like to add, please feel free.
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vicea · 3 years
dream merch discord recap (june 12, 2021) - disclaimer: i may have missed some things or mistakenly heard other things, apologies in advanced for that!
he has not played the new minecraft update
dream “knows” the date george is coming to florida but he’s not saying it :p
dream doesn’t have anyone muted on twitter
dream guesses his favorite disney princess is belle
sapnap has seen dream’s feet before
he’s not actually connor’s dad in the dsmp lore
dreamnap do not have nicknames for each other D:
dream likes olives but especially black olives
his mother makes homemade pickles
he doesn’t have a phone case
he has dropped his phone from his ear onto concrete in the parking lot before and the screen didn’t crack
dream has six fingers /j
he pours cereal first not milk when making cereal
dream calls sapnap nick most of the time :D
what’s your dream car? “idk the one that gets me to point A to point B consistently”
he finally fixed his sleep schedule, woke up at 8 am today
mrbeast owes dream a tesla because he never sent dream the audio file
dream is a very analytical person - he thinks with numbers/data
creativity is one his strengths that he is the most proud of
3 to 4 years ago, dream used to say george looks like shawn mendes a lot, now he doesn’t resemble him as much
patches is currently sleeping <3
swimming is very relaxing to dream, he swam the other day!
many houses in florida have pools than other places, even the cheapest houses in orlando have pools
dream has merchendise defects (misprints on merch) + milestone merch and he wants to give them away to those who live in orlando (probably to anyone but the event will be held in orlando) though he doesn’t want it to be a covid super-spreader thing so once you pick up your item you gotta dip. just all an idea though
he has been donating them to charity too though :)
dream has likely read Heroes of Olympus before a long time ago
he says that he’ll do a give away of his childhood books with his signature on it
he was obsessed with the series (Percy Jackson) 
he really liked the Alex Rider series
has all of Maximum Ride books, 39 clues books
has read the legend series, the twilight series, and the maze runner
has all/read of the harry potter books, divergent, eragon
he would read all the time, to the point he would read more than one book a day (a book worm he says)
dream had a goal to read 200 books in a year and he wind up reading about 150
he doesn’t want to call it a library but- growing up he had something like that that had 600 or 700 or more books in it (privileged he admits it)
he has not read a book since he started youtube (about 2 years)
dream has a folder called Book that has his own writing in it
word count: 76000 words for one of his stories 
another one he wrote 5 chapters of
he sounds very excited/embarrassed talking about the stories he wrote he’s so endearing
the very first paragraph of one of his stories (he was young when he wrote this) “What exactly is darkness? is it the lack of light? is it a pit of nothingness? ... your mind is full of darkness...” then he couldn’t continue.
the story is about a kid who wakes up in a cell and has no idea where he is with other people who are in the same situation
dream has a world building document
he has a sequel to the first book he has ever written
he found a query letter that he wrote because he wanted to get his book published- he finds it very funny
he’s calling himself a nerd but idk it’s kind of endearing
“as you can tell i’ve always been incredibly cool and not a nerd at all! ever.”
he cringes at his own old videos
dream took a lot of inspiration from witches and wizards by james patterson for writing
the story is written in a way where the main character is actually writing the story so you’re getting input from the main character during it. there’s a lot of sarcasm in it and it’s making dream laugh
very first person narrator
he feels like it’d be very cool if he were to publish his works he wrote when he was 16 on amazon or something but he probably never would because he’d have to read through all of it and it’s just embarrassing for him
dream used to video call sapnap fairly frequently- even before youtube
he strictly remembers, a very long time (at least 7 to 9 years) ago he was at his old childhood house he video called sapnap. he was wearing a (technically) suit and he remembers specifically that he was giving sap a tour... 
“snazzy in a suit”
he had no reason to put on the suit (wow time is a flat circle huh)
drista is pretty close to sapnap’s height, she’s like 5′7″ but sap is still taller than her
dream filmed the whole thing when he and sapnap met but... it’s... gone because when he was clipping that one clip for twitter... it edited the whole video
he’s sure when they meet up with george they will film that too :D
DREAM IS PRETTY SURE THAT HE AND GEORGE WILL MEET THIS YEAR-- HE SAYS A 95% CERTAINTITY the five percent is like either restrictions or visa issues
dream does not play any instruments but he had a guitar hanging on his wall when he was younger...
dream is convinced they’re the same height but also sapnap is probably taller??
they had george compare his height to a door frame and dreamnap were googling for any doorframes to find any possible chance that george is taller than 5′8″ ... nothing came up
there’s a chance they’re both lying about being 5′8″
sap and george will literally just show up in stilts to prove they’re taller than each other /j
dream without shoes is between 6′2″ and 6′3″ with shoes he’s 6′3.5″
dream is talking about awesamdude’s fake height arc again LOL
dreamnap are very private people so they don’t bother each other but george doesn’t care and would just barge into their rooms and start bothering them- they were all joking about that over a voice call
he will visit europe
he thinks that greece would be a cool place to visit because sapnap’s family is from there :) so it’ll be like a nice “treat” to go back with sap :D
dream isn’t entirely sure that the dream team meet up will happen this year but he’s working out the details because he wants to make sure it’s safe
he’s talking to youtube about his face reveal
it’s up to george if he wants to eat healthy when they finally move in
dream just has a lot of meat and vegetables in his house
spinach with chicken is good
not much fruit (only apples and tomatoes)
“DRISTA IS 5″ is trending on twitter LOL (her height got cut off)
dream doesn’t want people flying to different places because he doesn’t want to encourage travel so he wants to do all of the meet ups with a two day heads up at most
he thinks that it’s awesome that ranboo and tubbo are meeting soon !! :D
it’s very cool to dream to see how far everyone’s has come since the beginning of the dsmp. everyone has done so much
dream finalized his youtube plan a couple weeks before he uploaded his video and he was talking to drista about how he was gonna be a big youtuber in a parking lot :”)
she was the first person he really ever talked to about it
dream would love to teach george how to drive it’d be really funny :D (a very good video or a livestream idea) 
dream knows how to ride a bike, he used to have to bike to school
he can’t explain dnf.gay he has no clue he is not responsible. sapnap was the one who found it LOL. he is adamantly exclaiming that it was not him
dream doesn’t worry about views/likes/dislikes a lot- mainly views but that’s for the new uploads
he hasn’t uploaded in like a month and a half (*cries*)
he wants to stream at some point but he doesn’t know when 
he wants to play geoguessr but not now... he doesn’t want to alt stream rn- maybe tomorrow!
he is insisting that the splash text on his minecraft home screen is by callahan
he asked callahan to send him bunch of text files that are dream team related so that the splash can rotate through it but callahan thought it was funny (it is) to put only dreamnotfound <3 so it doesn’t ever change at all and dream doesn’t even know how to change and he has asked callahan to change it but he said no (even though dream pays him LMAO)
the video referenced in the padilla’s video is still in the works, it might be handed over to sapnap though !
he has no idea if he will be in MCC pride yet
padilla got dream’s input for the video, dream found him to be a very nice guy ! :) it’s the first interview that dream did that wasn’t by a person with a negative opinion of dream
dream felt relaxed doing the interview with padilla 
?????? he’s blaming callahan for his “dnfisreal” nickname in bedwars 
he’s blaming callahan for a lot of dnf-related stuff
callahan runs the dream fanart account thus the liking of dnf content
he’s so insistent that it was callahan
dream admits that he was lying about the twitter and other stuff but for sure callahan did code the splash text in LOL
dream liking that tweet “the chances of george doing a hot tub stream is the same of dnf dating” was “funny” he wasnt trying to do any commentary...
the inside joke of “oh it’s all just a joke to you” originates from george and sapnap actually always fighting (like them yelling and shouting at each other) and george said something really mean and sapnap was hurt then geroge said “it was just a joke” and sapnap replied with that line and ever since then it’s been a meme LOL
he says that everyone does the hand-on-the-passenger-seat-while-reversing thing
dream is offline raiding with his chat with 6k people
dream appreciates us and will talk to us soon! 
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relaxxattack · 3 years
Someone's probably asked you this before but how long did it take you to plan out the plot for knifetrick? What did you do to come up with everything and do you have any tips for other writers who are struggling to put together their own fics?
after checking out my history lol,
it seems i did serious brainstorming and research for about a week before i started writing.
what happened first was that i had in my head the funny idea of ran failing to kill jackie and them getting tax-benefit married (to make ran feel guilty and admit his plot)
and once i realized i wanted to make it into an actual story, i had to change some of it and come up with plot and reasoning.
the first thing i did was ask my followers for song requests, lol. i asked specifically for “songs about futuristic settings or being married to/loving your assassination target”
i listened to a lot of that music to get my brain juices flowing. i had to put together a couple of Reasons for why things happened. i also knew i couldn’t just write the fic on the assassination alone, or else ran would have nothing to distract him and be the overarching plot, lol
the music helped me picture scenes and concepts. i then just jotted down a bunch of stuff i thought would be interesting to happen (possible scenes)
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a couple thoughts on this image— for one you can see that i originally wanted to name my fic after a movie. i looked up ones where assassins grow endeared to their targets and fail to kill them. but i realized i didn’t want to name the fic after a movie in case it was controversial or something, so i ended up going for a song instead. ALSO, as you can tell, some of these points got dropped! again, this was just brainstorming for things i wanted to include
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the next thing i did was ask for ranjack classpects, lol. for those unfamilliar with classpecting, it’s sort of like personality types for really sad nerds (/lh). aka, hogwarts houses but more complicated.
@dyketubbo wrote some INCREDIBLE classpects for ran and jackie. it was based off what we knew about their personalities (which wasn’t much) but it also helped us infer a lot MORE about their personalities by figuring out where they could go or how they probably think in their minds.
if you don’t know classpects you can probably do this with personality types. or, just, figure out your characters personality some Normal way. i wouldn’t know.
there was a lot more brainstorming i did (where i came up with ms. laramie, scoots, and clementine) and tried to come up with a basic plot of what would happen and what they would do. during this i did some research on a proper three-act story structure so my plot would hit just right.
during all of this, i watched a bunch of spy and futuristic flicks (not too intensely, just had them on in the background to absorb the vibes).
i then made a plot map once i figured i knew what was gonna happen
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(the last few chapters are on the other side of the paper, so you don’t get to see them haha)
a lot of this stuff got switched around or dropped completely as i was writing. honestly, the details don’t matter too much— the FLOW of the story is what’s important.
i’m very flexible with my scenes— literally what happens in a chapter is completely up in the air until i FINISH the chapter. sometimes they’re entirely different from my original ideas. it’s not too important to me what exactly happens, as long as it makes sense and i like it and it fits in with the rest.
in my mind, the events themselves are not as impressive as the characters in them. as long as i’m still developing the characters the way i need to throughout the story, and they eventually get to the plot points i need them to, i don’t worry too much about the specifics! as long as they’re fun.
i also didnt write chapter-by-chapter— i mapped the plot first, and then drew little dividing lines where i thought it would be good to end the chapter after. chapters are useful to me as pacing tools, but i didnt want the plot to seem too episodic by Planning it as chapters.
after i wrote the plot map, i did research on deserts, cities, and fantasy politics for DAYS. (i also watched videos on how fantasy militaries should work.) i ended up not using most of that information i came up with, but the parts that do leak through into my current writing do wonders to make the world feel real and alive. each character has a personality and a life, they aren’t just there to be background characters for ran and jackie.
then, i re-read a few books by authors who really inspire me. to get their narration voice fresh in my mind and feel really inspired
eventually we got to where we are now— i write the chapters and i post them!
as i’ve mentioned, i’m very flexible with my plot— so while i’ve foreshadowed certain things since the beginning, some parts of the story have only come perfectly together towards the end. and i have @shrugofgod to thank for that!
my wonderful editor is always willing to chat with me about what scenes and bits work and are most satisfying story-wise. of course lyssie also EDITS my chapters after they’re drafted — to make them more polished, and also ask me questions about things that are going on to clarify them.
many thanks to lyssie shrugofgod for making the story so much better :D
because my chapters have a tendency to get away from me and do whatever they want, if there’s certain plot things i need to hit in a chapter, i’ll outline the chapter before i write it.
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also, recently, (after coming up with one too many REALLY COOL scenes and lines in my head while cleaning, but then completely forgetting them later) i’ve implemented a protocol for myself to jot down anything that comes to mind WHEN it happens so i don’t forget.
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these are unprofessional and have spelling errors and all that, because i just wrote them really quickly, often while doing the dishes or laundry, lol.
so in conclusion:
um yeah that’s how i write knifetrick! i’ve never done this much work for any other fic though, so don’t feel like YOU have to. i did so much research for knifetrick because it was very out of my wheelhouse.
at most all i think is necessary for a good story is a plot map, and a hell of a lot of inspiration. (i got mine from music, movies, books, and drawing ran and jackie a lot, haha!)
make sure you’re having fun with your plot. writing won’t always be fun, but you should at least like your PLOT. because if you don’t then you won’t be inspired or enjoy it at all!
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im-a-lil-simp · 3 years
Um basic sapnap relashonship headcanons? I love ur writing sm
Being in a relationship with Sapnap
I haven't written for sap in a hot minute. I'm happy to give you some nice and sweet relationship headcannons bb.
I've also been doing shorter stuff lately so I made it a point to make this a little longer.
Warning: Suggestive themes
He is literally everything you could ever want in a partner.
We'll start off with his looks.
He's so fucking good looking.
But we already knew that.
He's a bit of a thiccer boy, we know.
That makes him so much more amazing to cuddle.
Oh my god he's just so fluffy and wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his chest.
*chef's kiss*
He's such a cuddle bug too.
He always wants to be cuddling you.
Or even just touching you in any way.
It makes you feel so loved and it's amazing.
You also get to see it all behind the scenes.
Your favorite part is seeing how focused he gets while working at his desk.
Whether it's working on school work, editing a video, or even during his streams, you love seeing him focused.
He looks like he's a being from another world, ethereal even.
And sometimes it is very hot.
His face scrunches up occasionally, especially when he's irritated or angry with whatever he's working on.
You don't want to disturb him, but to say you need to cool down after seeing him like that sometimes is an understatement ;)
You don't really bother him while he's working.
But that doesn't stop him from bothering you.
He'll walk in and put his arms on your head and watch you work before walking out again.
Or something to that sense.
I'll stick some kissing headcannons here too.
I've seen a couple for him and I definitely agree with them.
His favorite kisses and neck kisses and lip kisses.
When you guys are sitting in bed or on the couch watching haikyuu my hero academia hunter hunter a show, he'll mindlessly kiss along your neck and around your shoulder blades.
(We all know he'd watch anime with you, regardless if you like it or not. He doesn't care)
He'll come up behind you and kiss your neck when your doing something.
Or just lay his head there, it is very calming for him and you as well.
And with lip kisses.
He's usually very needy with them.
He'll pucker his lips at you to try and get your attention so that you'll kiss him.
Or he'll whine at you to give him a kiss, specifically when you can't at the moment or are refusing for whatever reason.
Cause sometimes it's fun to mess with him a little and refuse to give him any.
Sometimes he'll pull on you by your shirt or hoodie to bring you in for a kiss.
It catches you off guard but you both melt into the kiss easily after you get more used to him doing that over time.
It makes you blush a lot and he feels very proud to have you as his,
And be able to see you like that.
He'll drive you everywhere too.
Even if you can drive.
He wants to drive for you because he doesn't want you to be inconvenienced.
You go to get in the driver's seat of your own goddamn car and he'll practically pull you out of it.
You only ever get to drive when you go somewhere alone.
He's very sweet and does a lot of things so that you don't have to.
Oh you need something from the top shelf of the cabinet?
He's got it for you.
You need him to kill a bug for you because it's too big and scary?
He's got it for you.
You're thirsty but don't want to get up?
He doesn't want to get up either, but he will for you.
Cause he's got it.
You also have dance partys in your bedroom.
You'll take turns picking songs and dance to them.
The minecraft parodys always go so hard and you both pop off so fucking much.
He'll play his god complex music or whatever and you guys are hopping around like maniacs.
It's fun though and it's funny to see both of you guy's weirdly dancing to this song that was clearly not made for dancing.
Or when you play softer songs.
He'll take you in by the waist and you'll listen and sway back and forth together.
At the end of the song, he'll take your chin between his fingers and give you a long, loving kiss.
You can feel how much he genuinely loves you and those moments are your favorite.
Sometimes he gets a little more pushy with them and it leads to even better *cough* times *cough*
But they're always sweet and intimate when it happens like that.
So to reiterate,
Best. Boyfriend. Ever.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 14 June ‘21
Louis Tomlinson Cooks is here!! Yeah it’s 100% for sure as delightful to watch Louis make himself a sandwich as you might have hoped, but how was his cooking? Well I’ll let Louis rate himself-- “I’m not gonna lie not that appetizing is it, I mean look at it,” he says when it comes time to taste his creation, plus, “chopping peeling slicing not great to be fair- everything else I’m all right” (he’s… not wrong, even aside from the peeler issues has this man ever held a knife??) but- “it probably tastes nice though as I said it’s not about presentation for me… [munches cutely]... it’s actually pretty banging, that’s actually quite nice!” Success! Maybe it’s cause he knows the secret to faking good cooking- “as you can see I don’t have a lot of cooking ability so the more butter the better,” I mean the experts can tell you, that’s advanced stuff right there! #Louis-aChild! Substituting mustard and ketchup for coleslaw is a bit of a bold move, but in a belated attempt to convince the kiddos to eat some healthy veg even though he won’t he does bravely try the cucumber strips despite being “not really a man for cucumber” and makes a pained attempt to be positive- “bit of crunch.” Oh and speaking of crunch I’m relieved to have learned that the waffle is NOT a waffle, it’s a crispy waffle shaped bit of potato; a much more reasonable fish sandwich addition than the American version of a potato waffle! Full Time Meals polled to see what people think of Louis cooking; the two choices are “it was amazing” and “the best,” THEY GET IT. My kind of Louis poll! Helen Seamons rated him a “10/10 for effort and entertainment”, Masterchef acknowledged Louis as one of their own, and Marcus Rashford keeps it simple- “my guy” with a lil heart. YEAH, SAME.
Harry showed up in Italy, where he was papped in Venice being driven around (with PA Luis) on a boat (as you do, in Venice). He’s in a cool embroidered Bode shirt and shades and fancy hair, looking good. He’s seen carrying his suitcase, taking photos, and resting his head on his arms looking like a model. One might think, since we just saw the My Policeman cast and crew on set celebrating the wrap of the shoot, that they were done filming and Harry was off to do something different, but nope, he’s there to film! The book has key scenes in Venice that folks had been wondering about the filming of, and David Dawson is also being boated around Venice for the paps, so, it seems that was just for the wrap of the *UK* filming, which makes sense I guess since it would mostly be different crew I imagine, and perhaps some of the main cast are done as well.
Liam’s NFT sale is happening tomorrow! If you’re confused and want more info, I’M NOT GONNA HELP THAT MUCH… uh but I mean you can check out Liam’s youtube video explaining though I would guess that won’t help much (even Liam thinks so; “there’s probably websites that explain a lot better than me” he admits). There is a roundup now posted of what’s on offer for the buyers of the NFTs but I’m gonna be really honest with you, I’m more confused now than I was before. It’s clear that there are only SIX LONELY BUG NFTs right? They for sure said that I believe. But the packages for each different piece (token bundles) seem to me like they’re available to multiple buyers? Like maybe you don’t get the NFT but multiple top bidders on each get the extras? Like they can’t be selling multiple copies of the NFT... can they?! Isn’t the WHOLE POINT that only one person gets to own it? I DON’T FUCKING KNOW I AM SORRY. What I think I understand to be true: the six NFT buyers get to go to “a once-in-a-lifetime immersive dining experience at Resorts World Las Vegas” (this is the dinner with Liam and “a selection of crypto leaders from around the world” which takes place on display inside a giant glass box) and also “a bespoke commemorative presentation box containing the world’s leading holographic display... with audio... and a custom made Lonely Bug commemorative coin,” and “a unique QR code directing the owner to a special ‘Director’s Cut’ edit of the short digital film ‘Making Of Lonely Bug Collection’ which features unreleased footage from the day of the drop showing the creators' reactions when the winning bids came in” (I mean YEAH I would think it’s unreleased it literally hasn’t happened?) But then there are really a lot of other extras including tickets with Meet & Greet access to any Liam Payne headline show around the world, admission to pool and cinema parties in Vegas with Liam, signed art, non-Liam extras (I will literally bid to NOT have 20 minute phone calls with those crypto entrepreneurs PLEASE… but that’s just me), and access to an online party hosted by Liam; I really get the impression many of these, especially the last one, are just crypto tokens that are for sale that aren’t linked to the main Lonely Bug NFTs and many more than 6 people can buy them but a lot of the extras I’m not clear on which it is. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll understand better WE WILL SEE.
Liam also dropped by the discord last night to say some hellos (after a “long long day”) and that he “bought a piece of NFT art of myself tonight I’m going to give it as a prize Monday night so someone can own a piece of art that was owned by me” (an even less tangible bragging point than simply owning an NFT wow that’s an achievement) and the most important update- “I want a French Bulldog”! Oh and he said “that’s like one I did myself” in his fanart channel to a pic of a tiny crocheted illustration of Louis and Harry holding up a rainbow flag. Didya Liam?? (...Liam is crocheting??) Anyway I recognize who it’s supposed to be because it’s based on a familiar piece of fanart, but Liam definitely might NOT realize it’s meant to be someone specific, and tbh I’m more <eyeballs> at him saying that at the rainbow flag crocheted thing than at it being shippy.
Our Song acoustic version is out this Friday!! And Niall talked about NH3 some in an interview today; “I’m in the studio most days, it feels really good. I’m kinda in the latter stages of it and then I’ll go get a band together and go in and record the whole thing. I’ve just kind of been writing for the past 9 or 10 months and really enjoying it” and “It sounds like a complete album. God knows when it’s coming out because I’d like to be able to get around the world to see all the fans as well” and “It’s different. It sounds a lot more grown up. I’m 27 so it’s about time. I really wanted to kinda cement a sound. The singles I’ve released previously have all been kinda different sounds. I would like to have my ballad sound & like a cemented uptempo sound.” He and Anne Marie also talked about one of the other songs they wrote together saying, “It’s kind of like a, how do you describe it- guitar driven meets Tom Petty meets Katy Perry meets…” but say “We haven’t really decided if we are putting it out yet, the conversations are kinda happening... but it’s completely different (from Our Song).”
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