#I wanna add the video that got me into making action scenes
thejournallo · 6 months
hello!!! i think i got close to shifting the night!!! for the last 3 nights ive been trying some methods whether it be stuff i found on tumblr or guides methods on spotify. but none of them seems to be my thing, as after a while i get real awake and struggle to fall asleep as well as get bored. last night i decided to simply listen to powerful shifting subliminals before sleeping and during it. the day before i had read that i don't actually need a method or anything just simply my intention would be enough and ngl i'm a bit lazy but i just wanna wake up in my dr so bad🙏🙏 during it i said some affirmations then slept but woke up afterwards(it was a 2 hour video) and i couldn't sleep back. people in the comments were saying they have shifted to this regardless of if they have used a method or not. i laid awake for like 20 mins and then finnaly decide to close to video when there was like 10 mins before it was gonna end and decided to do some stuff to make me sleepy(it was 3 am) i don't really have a script but only something that is for security. i merely imagined things in my head, even something big as who my friends gonna be, where i will live etc or just said then simply in my mind, unable to find something for them and just see them once i'm in my dr. i hope this is enough?? bc im really not good at visualizing i can only think of certain actions happening that's why i hate methods too i'm unable to do them properly. anyway when i was finnaly sleepy,i found a powerful subliminal on spotify that is 1 hour long, simply said stuff like "i am in my dr, i will wake up in my dr, i have the intention to wake up in my dr" a couple times and tried to imagine myself sleeping there. the thing is i didn't change almost anything about myself so since it's very much the same as me now i cannot see my dr self any different than me. nevertheless, very close to me falling asleep, i felt like i was my dr self!! kept my eyes closed, i didn't feel anything physical but only felt as if i was truly in my dr sleeping there. and i had such a blank dream, literally no one or anything, just pitch black where i felt myself as if i was my dr self again. unfortunately i woke up here but i think this is a big sign?? and just one more little thing,, as i said i didn't script but i want some very general event to happen such as getting into the school i want, getting married, going on vacations etc but i don't really have a visualtion of my mind but rather things that will happen there, thats enough for them to happen write? i really don't like writing scripts if anything ill just add there. anyway, so sorry for writing such a long paragraph and i hope i made sense(english isn't my first language😖) and can you guide me a bit!! have a lovely dayyyyy<33
I'm so excited for you! And yes, it is a big sign that you are shifting! I'm so happy that you shared this great achievement with me! 🥺
Btw tho! To answer your questions! You don't have to write it for it to happen; intentions are powerful!
As you saw last night, our intentions are enough to let things happen! If you want to check if they happen, if you have a specific scene in mind, I suggest you have a list with a keyword connected to that scene so when it happens, you will know!
Ex: I want Fred Weasly to ask me out on a date. Keyword: date night scene.
Some general things I can suggest you do are: use YouTube instead of Spotify. On YouTube, you will find 10-hour-long videos with affirmations and non-affirmations.
I use brown sounds to fall asleep, but I found 10 hours of subliminals about abondance. I dont see why there could not be a subliminal for shifting.
BTW, keep going like this! You are not forced to use a method, and for sure, you don't need one because you are powerful enough to do it! I will be here! I am waiting to know your progress and celebrate your achievements with you.
Congratulations again, darling!
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dawnlotus-draws · 3 months
hi!! i love your animatics! i wanted to start making some of my own and was wondering, if you dont mind me asking, how do you get the audios for the scenes you animate? i tried a couple of yt clips to mp3 converters but like its not really working for me for some reason :')
Thank you so much Anon! :D there are a couple different ways I scrape my audios, the first way that I did it was literally opening the entire several hour audio file downloaded from Patreon with Adobe Audition and cutting the part that I wanted but I don’t recommend that one XD
The ones I do recommend v
The way I get audio from anything YouTube is by using Y2mate WITH ADBLOCKER. This is important because without adblocker it only downloads correctly like 30% of the time and sends me to a new page to get a virus like 70% of the time. It likes to play games like that. But you can beat it with adblocker then it will give you what you want 100% of the time. I’ve got Ublocker origin but unfortunately idk how to install it cuz a friend installed it for me XD
Idk if you have tried this converter yet but it’s worked great for me so far and can download a video with visuals or only audio and everything.
(Link : https://www.y2mate.com/en899)
The second way I clip audio is the one I use the most because you can turn screen recordings directly into audio, but I’m not sure if it works on every phone I think it only works on iPhone.
If you don’t have an iPhone or this Shortcuts tutorial is just being annoying and not working skip this and just upload your screen recording video to YouTube as a private video to your own channel, and then rip your own audio off YouTube with the previous Y2mate method XD
Shortcuts Extract Audio tutorial below
If you wanna skip my scuffed screenshots here is a video version tutorial.
The two apps you need are Google Photos and Shortcuts.
Step 1. Screen record the clip you want.
Step 2. Open Google Photos and press the Share option on your video. We will be using a shortcut we make to rip audio. Once you make it you can always use it here at the bottom of the share options.
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Step 3. Idk why I’m numbering these steps, basically this is where you start to make the shortcut lol. Open the app and make a new shortcut.
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Step 4.
Rename ur new shortcut there is no preset Extract Audio shortcut available you have to make it. Then press the i at the bottom.
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Step 5.
Flip the Show in Share Sheet toggle. Then press done
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Step 6.
Click the “Images and 18 more” (it may also say “any”) input thing and clear all the toggles and flip only media.
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Step 7.
Now go to add action button and search for Encode media.
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Step 8. Press the down arrow on Encode media and toggle for Audio Only
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Step 9. Press the down arrow on Save and toggle on Ask where to save.
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Okay now you are done! Press done. You can leave the app after this.
Now you have a button in ur Google Photos share option to rip audio!
You will find your saved MP3’s wherever you sort them in your files from here. I usually toss mine into a folder in downloads. Then I go ahead and send myself the MP3 to my computer and put them into whatever software I’m using to animate from there!
Hopefully this made sense. If that doesn’t work just go back to option 1 : Y2mate with Adblock. Good luck! I am sure there are many other ways,, this is just the way I do it…
P.S. if you do make your own animatics I would love to see them so feel free to send me a link sometime! :D
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stackthedeck · 1 year
Hiiiiiiiiii i kinda had a question #lol. The fact that you write is awesome and makes me wanna write too, but every time i try i feel like i have such a large amount of self doubt that comes with it. Every single scene i finish is accompanied by an "oh god this sucks" in my head. Im also having a lot of trouble getting character voices down?? Like wow. Writing's harder than i thought it would be🫡 anyways just wanted to see if you had like tips or anything for dealing with that😨😨😨
Okay so my most practical advice is for how to get character voice. What I'll do as a writing exercise is I'll pick an episode of a show or like a scene from a movie or maybe a podcast episode, pick a medium that has a focus on dialogue. Transcribe the dialogue as you watch or listen (pause or turn on subtitles as needed) and pause the thing between chunks of dialogue and add the action tags, describe what the characters are feeling, give them internal monologue, describe the setting. I know this sounds tedious and like it is and it might not work for you and you definitely can't post it. But it makes me super aware of characters' speech patterns, the way they pause between words, what nicknames or phrases they use often, etc. It's also something that I just pick up on naturally, like I'll talk like my friends not as like an impression of their voice but how they talk and people say it's spooky.
The short cut to nailing how a character talks is to steal dialogue directly from the source, have them use nicknames from canon, and like be aware of their general tone. Like in most situations, Deadpool leans into a more jokey way of speak while Spider-Man is sarcastic with dry jokes and Daredevil is serious and gruff. These will change with each situation you know characters have moods and stuff. But if you're familiar with the source material you're probably really close to a character's voice that you think
with original stories, if I want to create a strong voice for characters and narration, I'll do a writing warm up by going outside or like a library and describe what I experience. I'm not allowed to start writing my actual thing until I include all five senses in those descriptions. I also tend to narrate how I think which doesn't work for everyone but I love metaphors and alliteration so it works. With original characters, they're usually based on someone I know so I'll just memorize their exact words or watch videos that they send me. It's kinda creepy tbh. But rule of thumb is to always read your stuff out loud, heck I usually say the dialogue before I write it, and it gives it a more human sound.
Okay practical advice done now I gotta tell you the thing you won't like. The best way to get over the "this sucks" mentality is to just write a lot. Anytime I'm not so sure about my own writing, I got back to the Hamilton fanfic I wrote in middle school that I proudly put on the internet and sent to my friends and I think "okay it could be so much worse" self-doubt will always be a part of the process you will always be your worst critic. But also you've also gotta be your biggest fan, it helps to find someone else to hype you up, but I dare you to read what you've written a say at least one nice thing about it. Any time you're in the editing stage, say one nice thing about what you've written before you say something that's not working. When you finish editing, say one thing that you're happy you added. You gotta write a lot but you've gotta be good to yourself
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pashminalamb · 1 year
✨Chapter 2✨ part 1
OH HO HO WE’RE STARTING WITH THE LETTER??? YESSS I COULDNT WAIT TO SEE WHAT SHE WROTE. *reads the first metaphor and starts sobbing* it’s a diary. ITS A DIARY OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP THROUGH HER EYES IM SOBBING RN. I honestly love the idea that Oliver doesn’t have the best relationship with his family. Adds more spice yknow? WAIT WAIT WAIT. HES READING THIS??? THIS IS HIS POV??? ASDHJHHFJJFFHHHFFF THIS IS AMAZING. Also I love how hurtful the readers love is portrayed in the diary. Making him read your years worth of heartache gives a chance for him to reflect on his actions. Oliver having Viking ancestry??? That’s a yes from me!!!! Not him already unconsciously planning a date to take you to see the northern lights and only being able to imagine your face. BOY YOU ARE DOWN SO BAD. WAKE UP ALREADY. NOOOOOOOOO NOT THE DREAM RELATIONSHIP. BELLE LOVE PLS. You’re killing me rn *sobs*. That scene with her framing abt their future relationship and his hand hosting over here whilst giving him a back hug was written so well I can literally feel it happening adhkhdhkgfjhgf ugh. God reading the diary entries was so painful. I can practically hear the riding and falling octaves of hurt and desperation and hollowness and acceptance. *cries* BELES IM NOT EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH YET HOW CAN I GO ON LIKE THIS???!!? *proceeds to keep reading* NO BUT HIM REALIZING HOW HES MORE THAN JUST A SCUMBAG IN SOMEONE EYES SOBBING SCREAMING CRYING RN BELLE. I really do this that he doesn’t view himself as highly as his ego on the field does. Aside from soccer, I feel like Oliver would have a few self worry issues. You’re making me think abt his character more and this isn’t even an analysts post asfkjgfggiij. I love how you’re exploring him as a person through his relationship with the reader. It’s really hard and tricky to develop a character using a relationship they have with someone else but you’ve done a fantastic job with it love!!! Oh timeskip?? I love your dialogue writing so much, you really make y/n have a personality and Oliver doesn’t just have the 2 traits of soccer and playboy. Uh oh not the mother call. You really know you’ve messed up royally bad of you get a video call from mom with the look. Rip Oliver you will forever be remembered in our memories. WE LOVE MOM IN THIS HOUSEHOLD FINALLY SOMEONE TALKING SOME SENSE INTO THIS MAN SERIOUSLY QUIT BEING AN ASS OLIVER I SAY THIS FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR HEART. I love how the loneliness slowly creeps up on him in the little things tho. The extra groceries the empty bedroom the lack of the faucet running in the morning just ugh yes I love it all. I wanna bet that he hasn’t had a girl over or even thought abt having one over since she left cage she’s all he can think abt. I’m right aren’t I? Yup I was right. FINALLY. ITS ABT DANG TIME. NOW PRESS THE CALL BUTTON OLIVER OR SO HELP ME-. Noooooo not the voicemails. This is a risky so freaking sad to read. He’s hurting so bad but I’m still kinda mad at him so like ugh. THE GASP I LET OUT WHEN I READ THAT HES GETTING A TATTOO FOR YOU *SCREAMETHS* I’m still grinning like a crazy person asdjjfgjkhghh. Maybe not the best emotional decision while drunk Oli BUT THE SYMBOLISM THE SYMBOLIDM IS WHATS GOT ME GRINNING LIKE A FOOL. Belle you’ve got me loving all the angsty stuff *cries*. wait what. did. did I read that right???????? 6 years????? 6???? Six??????? ITS BEEN 6 YEARS SINCE THEYVE LAST SEEN EACH OTHER IM-. *wheezes and continues to furiously scroll* Oliver don’t you dare lie to yourself and say it was a drink regret we all know it wasn’t. The time skip was well place though. Unexpected but understandable. It was really needed and they’ve both grown separately which is what I was really hoping for. But see. Since the time skip was so early. I know there’s gonna be a LOT of drama upcoming. And I for one cannot wait!!! Sobs not him carrying your diary with him in his bag everywhere he goes like a lost wayward lover. That’s so mystical and romantic. Never through I’d use those two words to deserve Oliver of all people but your writing is just that good.
- ✨ anon
✨Chapter 2✨ part 2 Note: I cant believe it made me divide my ask into 2 parts tumblr do better smh That’s so mystical and romantic. Never through I’d use those two words to deserve Oliver of all people but your writing is just that good. CRIES KNOWING HE PROBABLY THOUGHT HE SAW A GLIMPSE OF YOU BUT IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE EVERY TIME AND HE WAS LEFT SO HEARTBROKEN AND SAD AND DISAPPOINTED EVERY TIME. OOF. Big oof. 6 years and no women huh? You messed up big time bud. Thank your wife Belle that’s she’s kind enough to give you a (probably) happy ending with this fic (I hope). NOT HIM SLOWLY ADOPTING YOUR MANNERISMS AND HABITS AS THE YEARS WENT BY. Seriously you pulled out all the heartache stops for this chapter Belle. Prediction. Why do I think the chapters gonna end with them meeting again? Cries. Yes. Wallow in despair and mistakes Oliver. It’ll be much help in your character development. Oliver honey. You can’t do this to me. Pls I cant take the pathetic heartache. And the strangers wondering what’s got him looking so sad too??? Stan me now why don’t you? UGH BELLE THIS US SO FREAKING GOOD!!!! Shout out to Sendou for being a true friend. I wonder if his relationship will Oliver will be developed a little later on too? Maybe. No. No no no. Ohhhhhhh my God. NOOOOOOOOO IM SCREAMING RN BITING MY PILLOW I SO DID NOT THINK YOU WERE GONNA GO THIS ROUTE BUT I HAVE NO COMPLAINTS. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I JUST ASFJHFGJFFHGDFGFFGGG SHES HERE ISNT SHE???? SHE WANTED TO SHIW THEIR DAUGHTER HER DADDY AND SEE HIM TOO UGH I AM BELLE YOU ABSOLUTE MENACE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. “Staring into the camera wondering if you were watching him” BOY SHES IN THE STANDS WITH YOUR DAUGHTER. Not me slowly losing my mind over this new development don’t mind me asdfjkgggjjj. Ohhhh okay so my prediction for her being in the stands and having their daughter watch the game intentionally was false BUT I MIGHT STILL BE RIGHT ABT THE CLIFFHANGER ENDING LETS SEE. Pshhhhhhhhh Oliver bring bad with kids is actually so hilarious to me. God having a daughter makes so much more sense now with the context of cutting off contact and the little details. You could have predicted but it was a very low chance you did that part so well girl!!!! ASTJFDHKIFFJKUFFGJJUFDFFFF NOT THE OLDER SISTER!!!!!!!???? WILL SHE LET THEM MEET OR NO??????!!!!! AHHHHH I CANT TAKE THIS. AND I WAS RIGHT ABT THE NANES BEING SIMILAR I DIDNT MENTION IT BUT I HAD AN INKLING. LIVI = OLIVIA = OLIVER????? Yessssss give me the parental relationship development and parent-child similarities. I literally speed read the rest of it cause oh my God I couldn’t stop myself. I loved this chapter so much. His resolve to win you back over??? FREAKING TOOK 6 YEARS AND A SECRET DAUGHTER BUT WE’RE FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!! Everything abt this chapter was amazing and I loved it so much seriously you did an amazing job with this!!!! The formatting and borders look fantastic btw!!! I cannot wait for the next chapter but pls pls pls ake your time and don’t overwork yourself sweetheart!!!! And again I’m sorry for the late response and lack of interactions. Life got busy and I’ve been occupied mentally with friendship stuff. Sighs. Anyways. IM GLAD TO BE BACK NOW THO!!!! I wanna catch up!!! How are you love? How’s break been? And uni? Are you feeling better? I hope you are!!! And that you get all the writing inspiration and kudos on ao3 (unfortunately I can’t spam the kudos button or I would have) and much interactions on your blog!!!! ALSO. Question. But would you prefer me writing the reviews for the chapters on your blog or in the comments section of the fic on ao3? *sending many virtual hugs* - ✨ anon
FINALLY. the much awaited reply - I really loved reading every min of this and now I'm gonna talk about every small detail of it so it's gonna be a long ask. So yeah lets dive right into it ! We did start off with her diary. And YES. the story is a dual perspective one so there is developments on Oliver's side as well. The idea of him having viking ancestry came from vinland saga for me as well as the study of vikings - most of them came from the nordic belt so there was a possibility of that and honestly... viking! Oliver? *fans face* Now the whole thing abt the back hug and that scene? That was out of a dream I had a couple of months back that I was talking to blue about. I just love the whole narrative where you're hating him and loving him at the same time ToT
And yes! so one of the issues with Oliver's character (i'm not sure if you're reading the manga or not -) but even as a football player, he does have more addition to his personality than his nature and looks; adults took away his future from him. He wanted to be a striker but because of his coach, he had to give up that dream and become a defender instead. Another thing I like is making (y/n) have a personality as well as strong dialogues. One of the issues with fanfic writing is that the reader is also a if not the main protagonist of the story. Some of the (y/n)s out there (and I'm not saying this to stir anything up) are too soft spoken or give in too easily. Some authors mention that the reader is stubborn either through description or dialogues but they don't show it or show the reader being too dependent on someone. And honestly, I'm glad you brought out the point that the way I characterize people has more to do with stuff that really counts as a personality including Oliver since he has just been restrained to football and being a playboy -smh. Since my stories have less of smut and more of plot, there has to be character development and since I like seeing people blossom, might as well do it with the characters right? and in this case, its to do with time. he does get lonely - and there's an explanation for that in the story. So the story about the tattoo... I was planning on getting an arm tattoo done for him. like a fawn over the shoulder and then adding stuff to it... but Oliver doesn't strike as the type to get tattoos. So he got one on the ankle and...yeah no I'm not giving spoilers for further chapters just yet. |>.<| Ik the time skip seems big... but yeah. 6 years - I can't believe I fell for Oliver, then again. he's practically the only sane one in there and maybe Bachira... or else everyone is either depressed or feral. not in between literally.
6 years and Oliver hasn't had women. And ofc my story has a happy ending! - 'hurt me and put me back together' is my motto atp I'm glad that you're enjoying the angst starry - cause that's where most of my character development is. And there's more drama in the next chapter. So... did no one notice that Oliver didn't pull out? *laughing* well... yes. we did have a daughter. Oliver is actually terrible with babies. I'm happy to hear that i pulled it off well T.T Well... chapter 3 is packing. I already have a title ready And its fine! honestly- its good to take a break from tumblr once in a while So here's my update - I managed to put on weight during my break. 3 kgs/ 7 pounds consistently working out at the gym and uni... is exhausting. but we're working and I also bought a lot of books during break (chainsawman as one of them) and another one that I'm really engrossed in atm, Anything is fine Starry!! I'm keeping tumblr active in case someone wants to tell me something anonymous or discussions for character development. and I saw your comment on my fic on ao3 - i wanna say that I really appreciate it cause that was one of the first comments that fic ever got and I'm happy about it (gonna respond to it soon as well) *sending bear hugs*
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Starry his collarbones are catching me off guard -
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heyya mom!! 😙
you'e a mother of two right? meaning you're actually a mom! 💅
so i guess this is the perfect time to ask about some parent stuff...feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna answer this though!! 🥺this might be long anyways
so um..first off, is it okay for a parent to threaten a child?
one time i was on vacation with my family, but i wasn't in the mood to swim in the hotel pool.
my mom, misunderstanding the situation, thought i just wanted to get away from everyone and not spend time with my family. so she got mad and threatened to drag me in the pool.
my dad had to add to the mix by taking a video to humiliate me (he said he'd send it to my school, and i would get my reputation ruined bc i'm class president and a batch rep, which is a high position in my school) and told me not to cause a scene.
i got halfway into the pool, but they told me to go deeper or else they'd actually drag me in. (thank god they actually didn't, my parents are really harsh) i tried saying 'please' so much times, but they practically forced me. i cried the whole night, which made my eyes turn red and puffy the next morning.
everytime i think about it, i just try to believe it's my parents' way of discipline and i shouldn't bother..however part of me thinks it's wrong.
second, should a parent call their child names?
continuing from the current story, my dad humiliated me even more by calling me disrespectful, a chump, a kill-joy..and many more. those scarred my heart and everytime i hear those words i start to cry.
ever since that day, i can't forget those words and actions. everytime a relative asks 'how was it at the resort?' i simply nod saying it was okay, but i also feel sad and scared at the thought.
are my parents' doings right? or is there something they're doing that could or may have already affected me?
any answer is appreciated, mom 💗 i currently have no one to vent to besides my bestie and brother, so this is my best hope <3
Ok so first off, no child should even have to go through stuff like this.
I'm a mom, twice over and I'm by no means perfect. We all gave our faults and sometimes we get angry or get selfish and say things we don't mean but the point is that we apologize for them and own up to our mistakes.
That being said, you should never be made to do something you don't want to by force ever. That's crossing boundaries 100%. I don't care how old you are, you shouldn't be made to do something you don't want to do.
Secondly you shouldn't be called names by anyone let alone parents. I never understood the idea of parents taking their anger out on their children when they are the ones who brought their children into this world. Your primary goal as a parent is to love a nurture your child!
So I definitely don't agree with your parents method of parenting at all. I'm a person who is very loving and nurturing of my children. I guess gentle parenting would be the right term. I allow my kids to make mistakes, learn from them and we move on. I allow them to get angry at me and yell at me. Then we talk it out. People have emotions and you should never be taught to hide them or fear them.
Please never feel bad venting or coming here to share anything! My inbox is always open!! Im a writer but I'm also a support person ❤ I care about everyone of my followers and their wellbeing!
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wat-zu · 2 years
i really like how you make the action/movement lines in your drawings, and your fighting scene are so cool! -u- (from your tumblr and instagram comics/drawings)
do you have some tips on how you make them? or even inspiration?
i would like to learn how to do it in my own comics...
Can you share your knowledge please?
i am wishing you a very good day ^-^/
Awwaahh!!!!! Thank you very much!! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ This makes me so glad!!
As for how I make them, I can show a bit of a demo but I can't promise that I can teach well :'))
By any means necessary I'm not an intelligent person :'')) so bear with me lmao.
Here' s a simple swipe (actually he looks like he just slapped someone lmao perfect)
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So yeah, basically just a buncha lines. It's annoying and straining but take it nice and slow and you'll get a fine result. If you have a motion blur brush then your free to use it, I just prefer manually drawing each lines :')) cuz I don't have motion blur brush :"")) I'm fucking poor
Fucking around with the lines can give you different types of results in speed and weight. Experimentation and whatnot!!
You also have to keep in mind of the shape of the object when in motion. Because it distorts too much or too less depending on how strong and swift the object is. Like Gaya's AvM illustration for example. See the way how the staff bends and how MT's head leans to the right? It flows right and it looks natural :))
I have a few posts that would likely help for this. This one(which frankly explained it better) and this one (this helps you make a comic sequence for creating action)
As for inspirations, I usually study from manga and comics!! Usually mangas tho. You can study how the mangakas do their actions shots and paneling!
Hopefully this will do. I can't go in depth on this cuz statistics took away my brain juice lmao
Thank you for the compliments for my stuff again!! I really appreciate it!! Have a nice day/night as well <333!!
((Btw if Gaya doesn't want their post linked to this, tell me so cuz I'll take it down thank you))
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football-writing · 3 years
Trent Alexander Arnold - you deserve the world and more
Warnings: some sexual innuendos, teasing, overall birthday fluffiness
a/n: so i got a request for Trent but i don't actually know him that well? anyway watched some videos, thought his accent was cute and i don't mind the request either way so... here we are :p sorry it took a bit longer, i was quite busy with school unfortunately :(
"Don't even start Trent, I will break up with you." You sat up against the headboard of your bed, a pointed finger raised toward his figure as he entered your bedroom, although it did nothing to add any significance to the empty threat.
He pouted as you interrupted his attempt at singing happy birthday to you. Granted it was early in the morning and his terrible singing was probably not the best thing to wake up to, he still figured you'd deserve some love on your birthday. Besides, he loved when you'd get all embarrassed at his antics, especially if your cheeks flushed and that shy smile played on your lips. He simply thought you were adorable.
"Please? I made a crazy remix just for you." He pleaded with you, but your glare - albeit playful - told him not to push it.
"Alright well, you'll hear it next year then." He joked as he sat down on the edge of the bed, propping himself up on his elbows before nodding his head at you. "Get dressed, baby, we got a lot to do today."
"Do we, now?" Your tone was teasing, but really you were curious as to what he had planned. It was Trent after all - the boy always planned everything to perfection.
"Didn't think I didn't have anything planned for your birthday, did you?" He raised his eyebrows at you, a smirk playing on his lips.
You only hummed amusedly in response as you got out of bed. It wasn't entirely uncommon for him to sit and wait on your bed while you got ready; he'd been round yours countless of times and knew his way around, being perfectly capable of entertaining himself while you showered and did your hair and make up. It was no surprise that when you were done and walked back into your room, he was sprawled out on your bed, watching summaries of last night's football matches.
Still, his eyes were on you as soon as you walked in in only your underwear. "Dang girl, I thought it was your birthday but this sure is a present for me." He flirted as his eyes wandered over your body. The comment earned him a roll of your eyes as you continued your way to your wardrobe, but the blush that adorned your cheeks gave away the impact that it had on you. Surely, you'd have to be used to it by now, but all his flirty remarks and admiring gazes still made butterfly erupt in your stomach.
"It's nothing too fancy, just wear something you're comfortable in." He said as he noticed you weighing your clothing options.
"How comfortable are we talking here?" You pondered out loud as you ran your hand across some shirts, trying to pick one.
"Well, not sweatpants-comfortable."
You let out a laugh at that. He knew you all too well, and if you could, you'd spend the whole day in your sweats. Instead, you opted for a white turtleneck with a black slip-on dress. It was comfortable yet cute, and matched perfectly with your doc martens. It was coincidentally also one of Trent's favourite outfits of yours.
"Dang! You tryna impress me here?" Trent hollered as soon as he saw the outfit you'd put on, immediately shutting off the tv and walking up to you.
"Depends. Is it working?" You asked as you teasingly smiled up at him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Perhaps." He fiddled with the straps of your dress, twisting them beneath his fingers as he avoided making eye contact with you. The blush on his cheeks betrayed him though; you had as much of an effect on him as he did on you, even after dating for so long.
it was evident too, when you drove to wherever he was taking you, his hand firmly on your thigh the whole time.
"Alright, we're here. I know what you're thinking: 'Trent, we're at the park', but it's gonna be fun, I promise." He said as soon as he parked the car.
You only held your hands up in defense as both of you got out, Trent walking over to your side immediately. The piece of cloth in his hands made you look warily at him, which he took quick notice of.
"I just wanna keep this a surprise, okay? I need to get some things from the trunk and I don't want you to see just yet. Please can I put the blindfold on?"
And if it wasn't for his stupid puppy eyes and perfect smile you would've said no. But alas, here we are, as you reluctantly let him blindfold you. You could only peak down and see the toes of your shoes, but the rest was total darkness as you relied on your sense of hearing to know that Trent was rummaging in the back of his car. Then, your sense of touch took over as Trent's hand appeared in yours, guiding you for a small walk before telling you to wait on the spot as you once again heard him rummaging around.
"You know, in any other situation this blindfold might've been fun, but I'd really like to take it off now." You hummed. Patience was never one of your virtues. And although you couldn't see Trent, the sound of his choked out breath at your innuendo made you bite back a cheeky smile.
"It's done, you can take it off."
And you did. Your eyes needed some time to adjust to the bright sun, but once they did, a gasp fell from your mouth. He stood before you with a bouquet of your favourite flowers, a picnic blanket spread out on the grass with various items laid on it. A quick glance made you realise how much thought he put into this: there were chocolate covered strawberries, grapes, some of your favourite snacks and a bottle of wine to share. He even brought a speaker so you could listen to music. The scene in front of you looked like it came straight out of a movie.
"Trent, this- this is just- I mean, wow." You stuttered out.
"Let's just enjoy ourselves, yeah? You wanna start with the strawberries?" He asked with a proud smile on his face, before gently kissing your cheek as you were still completely awestruck.
And so the rest of the day was spent sitting at that little spot in the park. You'd fed each other strawberries, giggling as Trent got chocolate on his chin, eating all your favourite snacks and reminiscing on the past year. The whole time he's just sitting there, admiring you and everything you've achieved this year, telling you time and time again how proud he is of you. It's a day well spent, and as the cold evening breeze picks up, you're moving closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder. His hand comes down on your thigh, then, just beneath the hem of your dress. He'd momentarily slip his pinky finger an inch or so underneath it, rubbing gentle circles on the now exposed skin.
"This has been amazing, Trent. Really, I appreciate it so much. just goes to show I picked the right guy, don't it?" You're giggling as you look up at him, but the confession is as genuine as it gets.
"You deserve it, baby." He whispers as he looks down into your eyes. And it's true. The whole world knows how much you deserve it. All you can do is smile brightly.
"God, I love you so much." You confess in a rushed whisper.
He doesn't even have time to respond that he loves you more before your lips are already on his, kissing him passionately to emphasise the truth in your previous statement. He kisses back with just as much intensity, his hands holding your face as he smiles in the kiss. It doesn't take long before his tongue slips in your mouth, slowly and teasingly, and you can only press yourself further into him as a response to his actions.
As much as he wants to continue, give you exactly what you want, he's awfully aware that you're both still in public. He also has another surprise for you. So he reluctantly breaks the kiss, much to your dismay.
"I- uhh. I actually have something else for you." He admits as he starts going through the basket, taking out a small box.
"Trent, really, this is too much."
"Open it baby." He says as he hands you the box. Your hand reaches up to cover your mouth as you gasp loudly, looking up at him in disbelief as soon as you open it and see what's inside.
"No way. Is this-?" You can't even form a proper sentence.
"Your birthstone and mine, yeah. I heard you talk about how much you liked the idea of them, so I thought this would be really cool. And it would look really good on you."
His confession makes you well up slightly as you roam over the necklace. It's delicate and dainty, the two birthstones sitting right beside each other in a beautiful pendant. It's absolutely mesmerising to look at, and it's the perfect gift to top off a perfect day.
"Do you want me to put it on for you?" He's whispering as he kisses your forehead, and he can feel you nod against his lips.
You turn around so he's got access to your neck. It's convenient because he won't notice the tears that silently fall from your eyes. This would go down as your best birthday ever, and it's all because of him. You couldn't have wished for anything more in life than to be by his side, and you're hoping the rest of your future together will have you feeling this pure happiness, forever. You're having to look up at the sky to stop the tears from overflowing even more.
He's careful as he puts the necklace on, brushing your hair aside, fingertips grazing over the warm skin beneath your ear as he does, rubbing your arms once he's done, signalling for you to turn back around. He kisses your shoulder before resting his chin on it as he realises you're not ready to face him yet, quickly trying to wipe away any stray tears as you try and compose yourself.
"It's okay, you don't have to hide from me baby. You deserve the world and more, you know that." He's smiling gently as he whispers from his position behind you, his arms wrapping around you too as he gently sways you from side to side.
"I'm just- this is just so nice. Everything you've done for me." Your voice is strained, and it sounds like you're holding in a sob at his kind words.
"I love you." He's whipsering as his lips find their way to your shoulder, and your neck, and cheek, peppering them in tender kisses to bring your wonderful smile back on your lips. Your head leans to his, indicating that you're okay again, saying the three words back to him once more. He's letting you go then, just so you can turn around and look him in the eyes again. He's grinning, and the mischievous glint in his eyes makes you look at him skeptically.
"Actually, I have another surprise for you."
"Babe I don't think I can take another surprise."
"You're gonna like this one, though." He's full on smirking now, and you call out his name in warning.
"Yeah, it's gonna take all night long." Your mouth falls open in shock at his vulgar comment, groaning out a quiet 'oh my god' as you slap his chest, while he's full on giggling as he falls back on the blanket.
That one comment is all it takes for you to fall back into your usual joking, teasing routine. And it's all you could ever ask for.
He is all you could ever ask for, and so much more, too.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
First impressions // All
words // 1184
warnings // not explicit smut, more like teasing of smut
pairing // none particular, gn!reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. this is such bad writing omg. I can not easily navigate a scene between so many people without it looking weird i am so sorry and i do hope you like it. sorry for not posting last night but as i said i was having a panic attack. anyway im better now, hopefully ill be able to post one more fic tonight
request // yeap, here it is
summary // The band might have considered more than once of ‘entertaining’ their best friend. After their I wanna be your slave video comes out, sweet ol’ Thomas can not help but suggest they encounter their reacting to the video clip and showing them some of their moves.
Thomas’ idea did not just come out of the blue. It was not a spontaneous thing to do, but a long time formulated thought coming into reality. In all honesty, Thomas, Victoria, Ethan and Damiano had thought about it before, plenty of times. Having Y/N stay with them any time they were at the studio house was flaring up these thoughts like crazy. It was not just one time that the four of them had talked about railing them senseless initiating something more sexual with them, only the fear that they would be pushed away, keeping them from making a move. But after having seen the anticipation from the promotion for theri video clip of I wanna be your slave, Thomas went out on a limp making a move for them all after the video dropped.
“Hey, Y/N, what are you up to?” There were no regards as to whether it was ok to get in or not. The man just sat on the bed, a phone in his hand with it’s screen lit up already.
“Not much, Thomas. I was just finishing some things up on my laptop. What are you guys doing here, all together?” It was not common for all of them to be in the room at once. Usually they only were all together in the living room or outside, the time in any bedrooms spent with two or three at the time and late at night when they couldn't sleep.
By now the other three occupied the small room, sitting anywhere they could: a chair on the desk, on top of said desk, the bed. “We were thinking, cucciolo.” The one to speak up now was Ethan, sitting on their other side, hand in their hair, messing with it just like he always did.
“Our video clip is out and we wanted to see your reaction.”
“I told you guys I’ll watch it when I’m done with the assignments-”
“Did you not just say you’re done?” Damiano had a sneaky smirk on his face, seeing how flushed he made the band’s friend, getting caught in excuses.
Maybe I just don’t want to see it around you, they thought, avoiding to speak, instead nodding their head.
“Then let’s watch it, puppy.” This time it was Victoria’s chance to speak up, taunting the poor person on the bed. The blonde was on the other side of the room but it did not stop her from making Y/N flush in their seat, only fueling her desire to film the up and coming reactions.
Before the video started everyone shifted. Damiano and Ethan were on the right side of Y/N, Thomas and Victoria occupying the left, all within reach of the poor puppy in the middle. They all knew how quickly they’d react to it all, squirming in their seat at the thought of Vic tasting them like a candied apple. “Do you like it, puppy? Want me to tease you like that?” said girl questioned, never weavering from the filming
It seemed like every little thought was simply worse than the previous, the tip of the iceberg being Victoria tied up, all so wonderfully. Such a sight for sore eyes. At it Y/N let out a strained gasp, unable to hold it in.”What is it, cucciolo, you want to be tied like that? I can do it for you,” whispered Ethan, hands quick to tie up Y/N’s with a shoelace he found a few minutes ago. It was not tight but it was enough to restrain their arms behind them.
“So good you are,” he praised, placing his hand in their hair, giving space for Damiano to put his on their thigh.
The video went on, all these scenes with Damiano screaming at everyone’s face simply heightened the already extreme emotions Y/N was experiencing. The man himself could only laugh at that, face coming close to theirs, just like he did for Thomas on the video clip, so assertive, dominating even.
“Are you enjoying yourself, puppet?” His words pierced through them, shivers overtaking their body, a feeling that could only be described as anxiety but also excitement accompanying it.
It was all a dream, or it felt like it. Such situation was too good to be true for Y/N, causing the fear of this being just a very realistic dream. But, Thomas’ kisses on their neck and Ethan’s light tugs on their hair reminded them of the reality they were living inside of. “Use your words, bambino,” said Damiano, the same smirk as before all over his face.
“Yes, I enjoy this,” they finally whispered, words forced out.
The next few seconds were quiet, only facial expressions portraying any reaction, all four of the band members just looking, admiring their beautiful friend and silently agreeing on their next move. It was when they saw Damiano and Ethan kiss and share that pink bubble gum that the band got entertained. Their lips got parted, cheeks flushed to the point of ‘burning’ to the touch, their eyes got wide, all but drooling over the scene unfolding in front of their eyes.
A shock wave shot through Y/N’s body as Ethan grabbed their head, tilting it back, the video clip still in the background, attacking their lips in a hungry kiss. It was hot, wet and sloppy, and it went on for a bit, until the tall drummer ushered his tongue into the mix, allowing the same type of cherry bubble gum from the video clip to move in Y/N’s mouth at once. They did not know what to do, their mind utterly blank and unable to decide on an action.
“Bite it.” Thomas let the two words out of his mouth, straight into their ear. He looked so shy and innocent most of the time, who would have thought he had it in him. “Now move your head, puppy, just like that,” he all but moaned, pulling them back towards him.
“So good for us all,” Thomas spoke again, now him being the one to kiss Y/N, ridding their mouth of the gum and leaving sloppy kisses from their lips to their neck.
Victoria was fed up with how long the escalation was taking, unable to wait a minute longer before she could have her second of fun. With that thought in mind, she pulled the phone from Y/N’s hands, shutting it off and setting it on the nightstand.
“You already know what happens after, pet.” Her voice was more demanding than anyone could anticipate, very bossy one could say, but Y/N was not going to be the one to challenge it.
“Tell me if you are uncomfortable, baby.” Y/N let out a small ‘do it’, opening up their mouth and just waiting, caressing Victoria’s hands on their face.
“Such a good pet,” she praised, going ahead to spit in their mouth before assessing her ‘art’.
“I think we need another ‘rehearsal’ to get it right,” smirked Damiano, “there’s just a few more creative touches we need to add.”
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost @superchrystaldrug
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touyasdoll · 3 years
… … • NSFW • BNHA • DABI/READER • … …
You were surrounded by candles of blue fire, the only source of illumination in the curtain drawn room. It made for the experience all the better as your current lover? boyfriend? looked beautiful in blue. Divine almost. Ethereal.
You moaned obscenely as Dabi practically folded you in half and thrust roughly into your leaning hole. You had been going at it for what felt like forever, both coming more times than you could count. He had cum in ever hole of yours— you had remnants at your lips, were dripping from your ass that he kept pushing back in and occasionally looking near by for something to shove up it to keep you filled up, and were absolutely gushing out of your pussy, around his dick as he thrust in and out of you. The sounds were lewd, squelching and loud. And for some reason it made you moan all the louder.
“Listen to you,”he smirked as he looked down at you, withdrawing his dick and then giving a forceful snap of his hips that had him reaching your cervix. You moaned louder and began to pant from it all. “You’re like some bitch in heat.”
You looked up hazily at the most beautiful man you had ever seen, bathed in blue firelight like some kind of divine being, as he held your legs up against you and stretched them wide open, filling you continuously with his seed.
‘Oh,’ you thought absently as he came again and called you his slutty little doll, ‘I’m in love.’
Dabi gazed over your debauched form with a smug expression. You were full of and covered with his cum. He slipped out of you with ease, feeling all the more pleased with himself as you moaned at the action, and grabbed his phone.
“Hey. Doll.” He snapped his fingers to get your attention. A hazy roll of the head to look at him was good enough. “Spread your legs further. Further. No, like I’m fucking your slutty cunt stupid again. Up!”
You finally got into the position he wanted, looking exactly like you had when he was leaning against you with his cock buried deep. He grinned at the scene, watching the way you clenched around nothing, needy and desperate to be filled, while his cum leaked down from inside, even covering your legs.
Slowly, he began to snap picture after picture. Even using his fingers to spread your lips open wider and snap a picture of you like that. He also had you reposition yourself a few times; on your knees, your breasts in your hands being squeezed as his cum dripped off them and your mouth hung open, his cum on your tongue before you swallowed it like the good, filthy little slut that you were; on all fours with your ass in the air, cum leaking down much to his displeasure, no matter how good a picture it looked; your ass in the air and head down, rear turned red from a good spanking for wasting his gift to you and another just like it, only recently filled with his cum falling down your legs in rivers and a third similar picture, but with a plug holding all that cum inside you until he says differently…
He had fun getting all the best shots he could, posing you every which way as you followed all his commands, all the while reminding you that you were his slut in some way or another.
Dabi even took the time to work you up with his hands alone, bringing you closer and closer to your edge until you came squirting— and he caught it all on video. Every action you made, all the reactions to his words and every little touch he made that drew those sinful noises out of you. Every second he fucked your with his fingers was on film. Including the wanton begging and proclamation that you were his slutty little doll, ready and willing for him at any moment.
As you laid there, panting rather obscenely, you wondered if someone as beautiful and amazing as Dabi could ever love you like you loved him. Your brain was very muddled from everything, but that thought stood out, bits and pieces everywhere.
“Don’t go thinkin’ too hard, doll,” chuckled Dabi as he flopped down beside you. He then turned over, resting his head in one hand as the other reaches out and slowly stroked your skin. A hungry blue fire lit in his eyes, “You’re pretty little head just needs to focus on one thing; me. I’ll take care of all the rest.”
You hummed in agreement, leaning into his touch. The energy of the room began to settle and gently Dabi rested his hand on your hip, moving you closer to him. When you winced, he stopped and sat up immediately, looking you over like a concerned mother hen.
“Too far?” He asked fingers hovering over already forming bruises and carefully touching you everywhere as he checked you over, head to toes, front to back.
You shook your head and hissed when he started to prod around your butt. “No, but you did do a number on my ass. I don’t think I’ve been spanked that hard since I brought home a B on a test in the 7th grade. I’m not gonna be able to sit for a while.”
Dabi grinned, but you could catch the apologetic hint to it. It didn’t change a thing about what came out of his mouth next though.
“Well, darlin’, I know plenty of things you can do by just laying there.”
“You insatiable— you owe me a massage!”
”Inside or out?”
… … … … … … … … … …
idk either. i just felt like writing dabi smut. happy first day of halloween ig??
y'all are killing me with these Dabi thirsts and I just wanna say PLEASE never stop 😩
omg the pictures. you know he's pulling those out whenever you're not around for him to play with. he makes a habit of taking photos & videos more often, so he has more to add to his collection for when he's missing you.
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Re-contextualizing Angel Dust: Charlie was not ready for this...
And for the sake of warning Hazbin Hotel is an adult cartoon containing heavy dark subject matter (such as rape and drug abuse, that maybe trigger to views so please tread carefully. Warning out of the way on with the post! I also just wanna get this out there older post my analysis of Val and Angel people kept commenting “what Angel Dust isn’t in love with Valentino” and my rebuttal was “no no that’s a past Angel Dust a younger one who didn’t reach that level of abuse just yet” while their argument was “no it’s the current Angel Dust” which can’t be the case. To prove my point I would like to refer back to the comics and the music video and looking at it with the context of the show. And please read my previous post if you want more explanation on Addict. 
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I just want to start off with explaining his relations to Cherri, needless to say Cherri is someone who Angel sees as a true friend and confines in her. And she is there for him as he is for her even willing to fight for her knowing well that he will get in trouble for it. Though one has to wonder why is there such this deep love and care for each other. Looking back to Addict, where we have Cherri singing her “Yeah you fell in love and you fell deeper in this pit...” and several times we have an unknown character pop up during her part of the song. With the little snip bits of info we get from the sequence we can tell that Cherri is in the line of work because of someone who’s over her head. And what they have over is an emotional hold over her if we want to lean in on what the lyrics it might in a romantic sense be we still don’t know who it is tho. So what makes this so important to Angel Dust.
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This is because she herself is in the similar situation as Angel as in the both of us are trapped in the holes we dug ourselves into. Giving Angel someone who can understand the stuff he’s going through. Cherri knows why he’s acting out because he’s just trying to hide how hurt he really is cause” hey so does she”. And knows she doesn’t have to say anything but just be there; and takes him out on a night out with her when he’s down. That’s why Cherri is so important to him she’s someone he know that’s not going to look down on him or patronize him on his actions. And his number 1# go to person; which is why he probably reveal to her that he wants to get clean because hey that’s what binds them together... This connects why he broke streak and his stopped his sobriety. 
During the opening scene of the show we have Valentino texting Angel to do work right after the extermination. Which I also have to point out that Val showing a lack of care for Angel safety after the extermination. He clearly wants his money and is making Angel put himself out there for work. And what does he do after he’s done with the job; he falls back on drugs. Now this is important to note... remember during the News broadcast Charlie confirmed that Angel was clean for 2 weeks before all of this happened! He was doing so well what could have possibly made him break his streak-Valentino. 
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People were theorizing Val gave drugs to his employees meaning Val isn’t only his pimp but supplier as well! Giving the reason why Angel stayed with Val for so long; when I did my analysis of the music video Addict I said Val maybe the first one to find Angel when he first came to hell. Manipulating Angel in a weakened state to view him as a sort of savior and made him forget his sorrows and how did this happen you may ask... “drugs” using sweet words to mask his hidden agenda. So Val basically trained hims like a dog on a leash in a sense of “you’ll get a love & affection with a treat” which translates to “if you do this job for me I’ll give you all the love you were denied when you were alive as along with the drugs you’ve been craving”. I will argue that Val made Angel even more dependent on drugs; because he made it his number one coping method he’s the enabler. After Angel was assaulted and raped by Valentino probably made it even worse for him because Val’s his boss, he goes to work he has to see him... triggering him to fall back on to drugs. That’s why Angel needs his drugs and needs to numb himself, so him breaking his streak clean after taking a job from Val wasn’t coincidence back then. 
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“he’a been behaved, clean and out of trouble for 2 weeks now” until Val got to him...
This makes Val even more dangerous to Angel’s road to recovery than we could have ever imagined. No only that but it makes it difficult to tell someone about it as well Angel is afraid of him and has to stay in contact with him since he’s his employer. This would be good time to bring up my rebuttal for my case of Addict: I get. I identified that the Angel Dust in the beginning of the music video is a younger one that still has some love for before figured out he was using him and he stood up to Val (pre-trauma). And the Angel Dust at the end credits of the music video and the one in the comic is the current Angel Dust and show (post-trauma). When you look at the interactions with Val (via comic vs music video) they are clearly different hence the two different Angel Dusts!
I will be referring to the comics in this section so if you haven’t read them please do.  
When Angel is in the limo with Val he’s trying to make it very apparent that he’s upset that he’s not getting any attention from Val. Being very huffy and puffy not even looking at him as Val’ counting his money, forgetting that he’s right there. This is very important because Angel doesn’t hesitate to hide his emotions, this Angel is willing to show discontentment in front of Val being angry and annoyed at him which leads up to why he doesn’t kiss want him and outright rejects him. He shows he’s willing to fight back against Val’s mistreatment and neglect of him, becoming more aware of it. In my earlier post I deduced this scene is where Angel first time he’s disobeyed Val and finally gets the full picture he understands he doesn’t mean anything to Val and he’s using him. He’s no longer willing to put up with his mind games anymore and probably would have left Val that night... which is why he raped him to gain control over Angel. 
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Music video vs. Comic scene
Now looking at the interactions Angel Dust has with Val are completely different he’s submissive to Valentino when we see his conversation in the limo. Not only that but it shows why Angel Dust went on that drug deal for Val; to show him he can do something else other than being a sex-worker. Angel wants out and this was his way of giving himself another option but Val shuts it down completely! Even before he entires, he’s holding his arm in fear and discomfort, even when he’s trying to plead his case he is terrified. He’s no longer willing to fight back because of what Val did to him. And Val reminds him constantly that he could do it again if he wanted to by reminding him of that night! He does this by grabs Angel face when he tries to explain himself, like he did when he forced Angel to kiss. Val forces him to smiles when he leaves the limo he wants him to never show any form of disagreement or disobedience like the last time because that’s what got him in trouble last. To add more salt in the wound he makes him Angel call him “Mister Valentino” reminding him he’s in control! The man is practical holding a gun over Angel saying “the same thing will happen, if you disobey me again...” AND THAT IS SADISTIC AS HELL! It making me hate Val even more and after he leaves the limo all he can do is let out his anger in silence as when he smokes similar to when we see him smoke at the end credits to Addict this Angel is our current Angel Dust. This is his way of expressing his sorrow in silence why he’s an addict.
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So you maybe asking how does Cherri bomb come into play, well I don’t think after the initial incident with Val who does Angel confine to Cherri and destroy a bar together. You see the pattern; Angel has a break down, uses his drugs comes off of the high, he goes to Cherri and in turn go out, and have fun well her kind of destructive fun! And it has been confirmed that he learn all about weapons from Cherri so basically this is the reason why! He wasn’t breaking his clean streak “to do his girl buddy a solid”  he went because he wanted to be with the only person who could understand him at that time. And she just happened to be in a fight and he jumped in thinking  “oh my home girl’s in trouble I gotta help her out...” and that’s probably did out of instinct to protect Cherri. Charlie and Vaggie cut in... now things start to get a little dicey I’m not trying to attack them but they didn’t handle it this best way. They didn’t know anything, and before know Angels story a lot of people are upset with Angel’s action but now that we have context they’re (Charlie & Vaggie) in the wrong. 
These are the points of why Angel cannot confine to Charlie or Vaggie, I will also argue that they pushed Angel further from them. Angel is someone who’s very prideful and isn’t going to tell someone that he’s hurt. Unless they figure it out for themselves or feels safe with them (Cherri). Looking back Vaggie & Charlie made a huge “No-No...” and this scene is incredibly painful to watch. Let’s cut to Vaggie how does she address Angel by scolding him for his actions she goes right to the blame game, which is the last thing she should be doing if they really want to help Angel. They don’t even take the chance to ask him why he did it; unintentionally isolating him from help. 
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What bother me is that Vaggie is quick to call Angel’s actions are a result of being “selfish” which is not the case now that we have context. And probably why Angel just kept trying to piss off Vaggie because he knows that his actions weren’t out of wanting be “selfish”... and makes it clear that he still wants to go clean. It probably actually really hurt him to when she said that  and I’d like to point out that people who struggle with addiction it’s not easy to stay clean and people can relapse. Basically what Vaggie did was shamed Angel for relapsing which is not okay and paints him as a bad guy immediately! To say he ruined the image of the hotel ... it made me furious at Vaggie putting all the blame on Angel. And we know that’s not the case even before the fight was broad casted the demons and sinners in Hell were already laughing at Charlie’s idea and let’s be honest it was reasonable. Because WE DON’T KNOW IF IT’S POSSIBLE YET so putting all the blame on Angel Dust was uncalled if anything it’s just the cherry on top. I’m not trying to attack Charlie but she really doesn’t know what she’s doing she doesn’t know how to send a soul into heaven. Is it irresponsible to broadcast a client before they are proven successful, not only that but it puts a lot of pressure on Angel to prove theory that we’re not sure is true yet.
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And let’s be honest did Charlie really believe Vaggie’s word’s wouldn’t but hurtful they didn’t even take the time to ask him why he did it; immediately writing him off when clearly somethings going on now she’s painting the image that they don’t care about him, they just care about the hotel, and that they just wanted to use him as a poster boy! Hmm... now who has used Angel Dust in the past for their own personal agenda... oh yeah VALENTINO! Which is why he goes on saying “I made you look sad and pathetic...” he chooses those words not to just make Vaggie mad but that’s probably what he was really feeling on the inside. Angel really did want to apologize to Charlie but after what Vaggie said to him it probably made him feel like his apology meant nothing and leaves these actions carry on into Addict. This is where naivety is her biggest downfall she rushed into it thinking just keeping Angel clean is gonna redeem him she was so not ready to broad cast the hotel. She makes it sound easy but it so much harder than that!
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This is why Angel flips off Charlie and doesn’t want to talk to her, he’s basically doing cause “Why should I tell you about my problems you don’t really care you just care about your hotel...” that’s why this is so important to highlight. They already gave him that impression, that they think little of him and that they aren’t going sympathize with him but scold him. And Charlie should have stopped Vaggie yelling when she had the chance. Vaggie sabotaged her chance to understand Angel Dust and help him. And did she really think her temperamental girlfriend was the one to help sympathize and redeem sinners.  If she really wants to help Angel Dust she needs to stop thinking it’s gonna be a cupcake walk, people have reasons why they fall to these bad habits; people have issues, relationships, traumas, that they need to navigate before they can heal. Which makes me believe that Charlie isn’t the one who’s going to get Angel Dust to open up to them about his trauma. Vaggie’s out of the question if not then who... 
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Yup our favorite flying poker kitty... I’ll do a separate post on that because it deserves it’s own explanation! (Side note I really do love Vaggie we don’t know her story so don’t hate her) Hope you guys enjoy the post~
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kbsd · 3 years
not sure if you’ve answered this before, but what’s your process look like when you make an amv? i’m just curious and in constant awe of ppl who can make videos like you do :)
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hello all!!! i have answered this before and i have a vid help tag with other asks i’ve gotten about stuff like this! but i’ve gotten several more messages along these lines so i’m just going to answer a bunch of them together (under a cut since i love to ramble about editing lol). i do just wanna say i’m definitely not the authority on video editing and obv everyone has their own techniques!
edit: i just finished typing all this up and it’s SO long so sorry in advance LMAO god bless anyone who reads this entire thing
so i work in news tv and we have a very specific workflow for writing scripts, sourcing video, producing, and editing. i’ve just applied that to making amvs! for every video i make, i copy the song lyrics into a google doc and adjust them to match the song i’ve cut (i often will trim songs for time and/or content purposes). then i start planning! i’ll mark down what clip i want to use for each lyric next to that line, and any sound bites i want to use (with episode numbers!). i’ll color code between video and sound bites and lyrics, so my scripts end up looking something like this (for my honeybee amv):
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doing the planning ahead of time makes everything much easier when it’s a video that spans the whole show or involves a lot of sourcing, like honeybee or sports analogies. that way when i get to the actual editing process, i already know what i’m going to do and have a game plan. for videos like happy ending or believe it or not, where i’m mainly just pulling from a few episodes, i can just plan it in my head as opposed to writing it all down, and produce as i edit. obviously i do make in-the-moment decisions while editing—sometimes a shot doesn’t work the way i thought it would, or i go where the video takes me—but planning ahead definitely helps. i know some people use spreadsheets as well, with columns for lyrics, video clips, and sound bites if applicable. once you find a system that works, it actually goes pretty quickly.
as for sourcing clips themselves/finding clips within episodes, i talked about that here and kind of here. the short version is that transcripts are a must, and the supernatural wiki is hugely helpful by cataloguing all the hugs, prayers, phone calls, etc. in the show. gifmakers that tag episode numbers on their posts are your friends. it gets easier the more video you make—that’s another huge reason i make the google docs for each video (even the ones i plan in my head, i end up going back and making a loose script with episode notes just for reference). if i can’t remember where something is but i know i used it in another video, i can easily reference past scripts!
i also cut all my videos in the same project in premiere pro, so i can flip between them easily. instead of checking a past script, i can just go to the video sequence itself and copy the clip i’m looking for! this was especially helpful when i match cut together the 5x18 and 4x22 wall slam shots for my bestie video, and then stole it from myself for honeybee hahaha. at any given time i have at least 8 sequences open:
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because of the sheer volume of videos i make, it’s worth it for me to download the entire show—i have all 327 episodes in HD, plus deleted scenes. if you think you’re only going to make a few videos, i’d start with scene packs. you can usually just google “destiel [or whatever ship/character you’re looking for] scene packs” and there will be any number of ones you can download. if you need other specific scenes, you can always download/torrent individual episodes or screen record netflix (that’s what i did before i got HD download links). i’m happy to share my links if you DM, but be warned it’s a lot of disk space (about 500GB on my hard drive). someone also compiled every destiel scene, downloadable here.
having every episode already loaded in premiere for all my projects also makes it a lot easier to source clips. once i use a clip in a video, i’ll put a marker on the episode file, so that after a while i have most of the important scenes/lines marked to easily find them. to give you an idea, this is my episode file in premiere for 12x10 lily sunder has some regrets (markers at destiel scenes, the car fight, hot girl cas, etc.). markers are the green tabs along the bottom:
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premiere also lets you color code and name markers, so ONE DAY i will go back and color code them all. the ones above are all the same color, but in a perfect world, i’d have a myraid—for destiel shots like hugs, touches, looks; for important pieces of dialogue; for action shots; etc. but for now this works ok for me, so that’s a project for another time!
between detailed scripts, one giant premiere project, markers, the wiki, and my own memory, i have so many points of reference that i can usually find any clip i need in about 2 minutes max. sound bites are often harder to start out, or tiny specific shots i haven’t used before, and that’s when i turn to tumblr gifsets or beloved mutuals to crowdsource. but if you’re as obsessive about marking/keeping neat scripts as i am, it gets easier and easier with every video you make. that’s part of why i’m able to cut videos together so quickly. (also i want to stress i do this for a living and have to produce/edit a new piece for my show every day so i’m used to it. and compared to constantly updating content/sources and news that changes every day, 327 highly documented episodes that never change are much easier to handle hahaha)
this is all great for me since i make so many videos and plan to continue doing so, but if you’re only making a few, this level of work isn’t worth it imo. really it’s all about developing a system that works for you. whatever you do with episodes/sourcing, though, i cannot recommend planning things out in a script ahead of time enough. 
everything i just mentioned is producing, though. for the editing process, i usually do it in this order:
music first. any parts i want to cut, i make sure it all sounds smooth
then soundbites. i usually try to weave them into the lyrics—i have characters talk in breaks between lines or instrumental sections as much as possible. i’ll sometimes go so far as looped/extending an intsrumental part to make room for the soundbite i want there lol. if i do have dialogue over a line, i do the sound mixing/levels at this point as well to make sure everything is audible/one doesn’t overpower the other. (also i always include the video that goes with these bites when i drop them in, and decide later if i want to show the character speaking or have other clips cover the dialogue)
once i have all the audio locked in, then i bring in all my other video clips. sometimes i edit completely chronologically, sometimes jumping from section to section—it depends on the song or how i’m feeling
double check sound mixing. i usually listen to my videos through a few times, with headphones and without to make sure it’ll sound good no matter how people watch it
once i have picture and audio lock, i go through and color correct my clips. i’m basic and just use lumetri color in premiere, and usually just play with brightness, saturation, temperature, and tint until i like it
render and export! :)
i always have several audio tracks, but i try to keep my video tracks condensed. i’ll drop clips on a V2 level, and edit a section there, and drop the whole chunk down to V1 so i know it’s finished. that way when i leave and come back i can know where i left off/what’s done/etc. to give you an idea, this is the timeline for my what the hell video:
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i always render as H.264 with high bitrate, and make sure to check “render at maximum depth” and “use maximum render quality” for the best quality. i’m sorry, but i don’t know what the equivalent options are in final cut, imovie, kdenlive, etc. i post on youtube mostly so i don’t have to sacrifice quality, but usually just using a lower bitrate will get you under the tumblr file size limit and it’ll still look good.
as for the anon who asked about “polishing”: first of all, thank you!! second of all, it’s in the details. all of this is a matter of taste and my own insanity, but here are some little things i always try to do:
after i color correct, i blur out any credits from the starts of episodes. i use gaussian blur for this, but really any blur tool works
as much as possible, i avoid clips where we see a character’s mouth move but don’t hear the words. in tv/film we call it “lip flap” and i just think it looks messy. also i’m trained to avoid it at all costs at work hahaha. it’s more for serious videos that this matters a lot to me (e.g. i think i did a really good job eliminating lip flap in my happy ending amv)—for comedy videos i don’t sweat it as much
i put audio fades on the start and end of every single audio clip i use, even if i don’t think i need it, to make sure everything sounds smooth
i use markers for timing, especially in action-y videos like what the hell. i’ll put a marker on the clip i’m using at the exact moment a punch lands, and in the song on the beat. if i have the magnet/snap in timeline tool on i can just easily snap them together instead of having to spend time finagling it
this is such a small thing but i dip/cut to black for a tiny bit at the start and end of every video. this way if i post with tumblr video player, there’s black between the loops, and it gives you a beat before the video restarts. i do this even on videos i post on youtube, just because i think it looks nicer/more professional
this is 1,500 words so i’m going to stop myself before i pull something. if you have follow-up questions feel free to ask and i’ll continue to add them to the vid help tag, but any more questions about sourcing clips or my process in general i’ll just link this post going forward. anyone who made it this far, i am sending to a telepathic kiss. thank you for reading and happy editing!
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sugaabooga · 3 years
Aim and Shoot Your Shot
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Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: fluff, conartist!Taehyung, assassin!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: PG-13, mentions of blood, guns, death, scam artists, video games LOL (nothing to gorey or serious tho), some cursing, very inaccurate descriptions of assassins-ish/scam artist missions
Synopsis: It do be Valentine’s Day.
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Gunshots fire. Bullets whizz past your cheek. The stench of fresh blood reaches your nostrils. And yet. As you walk through the blood pooling at your feet, you don’t flinch.
Your hand is steady, resting on the trigger and ready to turn the corner.
A clean headshot is fired and you’re thrown back with spurts of blood shooting out your neck onto the dirt floor.
“Damn,” you mutter, roughly tossing your mouse aside at your 20th death.
“How the hell are you an assassin with a KDA of 6/20/3?” a voice snickers through your headphones as you lean back into your swivel chair and shut off the game client.
“Real life and games are different, I guess,” you shrug.
The line abruptly goes dead making you straighten up in your chair in confusion. “What?” you mutter, checking up on the headphone cords and pc wires.
“You gonna sit there all day?”
You whip around to see Taehyung, your group’s main conman, and your partner in crime. Literally.
“We got a call,” he says, tossing over your hat and mask and cooly walking out the door. You slip on your cap and mask, pulling on a black jacket over your all-black look, and shove on your white sneakers.
“You have got to teach me better aim,” you mutter as you hop into the passenger seat. Taehyung scoffs as he starts the van’s engine, driving towards the Kim family’s mansion where your team was stationed to take action at the shady networking party.
“Says the sniper,” he shakes his head.
You sigh. “I don’t know what it is. It’s just not the same.”
At the sudden silence, you glance at Taehyung’s side profile, never able to get used to his perfectly sculpted face as his eyes intently focus on the road before you.
“What’s the matter?” he suddenly asks, briefly meeting your eyes before turning right back onto the streets. You flinch at the unexpected interaction and shake your head.
“N-Nothing,” you hum. “Is… Eunji going in with you today?”
Taehyung nods. “She always does for these cocktail parties.”
“Right,” you mutter under your breath.
You don’t know what you have against Eunji. She had joined the team a month after you finished sniper training and attending the main missions. 
She took on the role as a con woman alongside Taehyung, acting as his plus one at these types of rich people events you guys attended.
Despite their visual charisma when Eunji held onto Taehyung’s arm and they both flashed their blinding smiles, Taehyung had always worked with you the best through the mere earpieces. He was good at flattering others and extremely observant, using his quick wit to navigate the areas. You were good at keeping him in check, giving clear, specific orders, and watching his back.
The two of you had effective communication as he gave signals through your binoculars for you to make the first shot. After one specific instance where Taehyung had experienced massive injuries and laid right under one of the notorious gang members, you had sniped the guy right off of him and weirdly, things started to change between you and Taehyung. Your friendship grew stronger despite the field of work the two of you were in and you found the both of you often relying on each other.
But nevertheless, Eunji was good at acting just like Taehyung which automatically earned her the position as the main con artist and appear as the perfect wealthy young couple at parties and business affairs. You had been ignoring the green feeling you got every time you had to watch them through your binoculars but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Taehyung stifles a laugh, immediately catching your attention.
“Are you jealous?”
Your eyes widen at the unexpected question that makes your heart race in nervousness. “Why would I be jealous? Of who?”
Taehyung shrugs, an amusing smirk plastered onto his stupidly handsome face. Before you could retort, Taehyung stops the car towards the wooded area hidden from main traffic and hops into the back to change into his suit.
You snap out of your confusing emotions, reminding yourself that you were in on an important business deal with the infamous Kim family who believed Taehyung and Eunji was the Shin family from France.
You quickly retrieve your weapons and materials from the trunk and nag Taehyung to safely carry out the mission and not be rash like he often was. He responds with a mischievous smile and a flick to your forehead before heading towards the hacker, Kim Namjoon’s van to take note of any security obstacles and important individuals.
You quietly run through the back route that you had analyzed on the way here and make your way up to the building labeled Building B. You shove in your earpiece before setting up your equipment, keeping a sharp eye out for any suspicious movements around you. Dealing with the Kim family was always risky business.
“Testing. Cinnamon buns. Testing.”
You snort. “Wanna go on a cinnamon bun date with me, Yoongs?”
Yoongi, the other experienced sniper currently stands on the opposite building from you, setting up his own materials. He ignores your comment, as usual, and focuses on the main hall of the mansion.
“Honestly, I always thought you guys looked cute together,” another voice adds with a snicker that you join in on. It was always too fun teasing Yoongi.
“What!?” Taehyung nearly yells into your ear making you grimace at the sudden loudness.
“Taehyung. Please,” Yoongi grits. “And shut the hell up, Park. Make sure you don’t end up knocking out the wrong man.”
That had happened before.
“Is Taeji in?” Jungkook, the new recruit in charge of hand to hand combat, interrupts the mild banter through the earpiece.
You refrain from rolling your eyes at the combination of Taehyung’s and Eunji’s names that your dumb team members came up with and listen quietly to Yoongi’s confirmation of observing the main entrance.
“Jimin,” Yoongi suddenly interrupts the silence. You scan the ballroom and spot the man in question who was, as always, flirting with a random woman for absolutely no reason except shits and giggles. “You aren’t here to pick up a one-night stand.”
You let out a short laugh as you see Jimin tense up indicating his entire body’s suppression of rolling his eyes. He successfully maintains his signature eye smile in front of the bashful female bartender who slips him a napkin. Probably with a set of numbers written on them.
“Security system is officially down,” Namjoon informs. “Taeji, Y/N. Standby at target.”
You quickly get into position, peering through your gun at the tall glass windows on the side of the target room. Once you make sure it’s in place, you use your binoculars to keep a close watch on the surroundings. You sweep over Taehyung and Eunji’s positions as they converse with some of the guests at the ball.
“Kim Seokjin entered through the side entrance doors,” Yoongi reports.
“Naturally get out of the conversation,” Namjoon instructs. “Kim approaching ten o’ clock about 100 ft away.”
You watch Eunji tug on Taehyung’s arm and lean close to whisper something in his ear.
You roll your eyes. Was that really necessary to get out of the conversation? You knew Eunji harbored feelings for Taehyung and always made it a point to be extra touchy on missions where they were required to enter as a couple.
You sigh as Taehyung gazes down at her with his playful grin and wraps his arm around her, quietly saying their excuses to the guests and taking their leave to “coincidentally” bump into Seokjin.
“Y/N,” Yoongi’s quiet voice calls.
“Listening,” you murmur.
“Remember. Don’t shoot unless it’s a life or death situation.”
“Got it,” you assure him, remembering that one time you had accidentally pulled the trigger during a winning fight. Good thing you had missed it because that would’ve been an extremely difficult situation to clear up.
Namjoon instructs Taehyung and Eunji to lead Seokjin into the back room where the transaction was scheduled to take place.
“How is someone so evil so good looking,” you say once you get a proper look at the man’s visuals as he follows after Taehyung and Eunji without any suspicion.
Eh, Tae’s more of my type. You think.
Yoongi rolls his eyes when he sees Taehyung’s jaw tense at your words that had accidentally spoken through your earpieces.
“Make a move if you’re mad,” Yoongi snickers as you scoff believing it referred to you while Taehyung jolts in surprise.
After a flashing light signal, Taehyung naturally walks towards the windows, slowly drawing the blinds closed just in case any rival gangs or crews were also present on the scene. Namjoon and Yoongi were watching the room from their respective visible places while Jimin and Jungkook were getting ready for any surprise attacks a few meters from the door. You stay still in position, taking this time to stretch your limbs since you didn’t have a visible line of sight.
A few minutes pass in silence which was quite normal for these types of meetings. It’s only when these business transactions get gangs involved that things go haywire and blood is shed.
“Shit,” Taehyung’s familiar timbre voice comes in through your headpiece. You immediately grow tense as Jimin quickly asks about the condition of the situation.
“Transaction is complete,” Namjoon quickly clarifies. “I don’t know why Taehyung cursed. Yoongi and Y/N stay in your positions till the Kims completely exit. Taeji and Kook, hurry and head out into your vans. Jimin hang around for about twenty more minutes. Don’t end up in a motel tonight.”
Jimin giggles as he walks back out into the main ballroom. “I’ll try.”
“Geez Tae,” Jungkook sighs, walking out towards the back of the mansion. “I thought I had to bust in.”
“Sorry,” Taehyung says, walking out through the back still in his suit and practically glowing. He fidgets with his watch and fiddles the knife stuck around his hip. “Did you guys realize it was Valentine’s Day tomorrow?”
You turn away, putting your binoculars aside as Eunji suddenly perks up expectantly at Taehyung’s random inquiry.
“Y/N,” Taehyung calls with hesitance.
You sigh, kneeling at your gun and peering in through the scope just in case. “I’m here.”
“You free tomorrow?”
You pause, leaning back from the gun. Was he trying to make fun of your single ass?
You don’t realize that just twenty feet below you, Taehyung awkwardly paces around as Eunji squints her eyes and huffs away to her respective van.
“Tomorrow?” you ask in confusion. “You tryin’ to have a galentines or something because obviously I do not have any pla-”
“Dumbass. He’s asking you out for Valentine’s Day,” Jimin suddenly interrupts, immediately sending both Taehyung and your faces to flush red.
You gulp. “As in-”
“A date,” Taehyung finishes. He nervously peers up at the building you were standing on top of earlier. He’s able to spot your dark figure. You turn around, somehow meeting Taehyung’s eyes as the mansion’s lights illuminate where you both stand.
“This is nasty,” Jungkook mutters with a sigh, hopping into Namjoon’s van.
“This isn’t what I meant by making a move,” Yoongi sighs, tossing aside his water bottle after taking a swig. “Public confessions are a thing now?”
You look away, digging into your back pocket for your vibrating phone.
Tae: Go out... with me.
You intake a sharp breath, looking down only to see Taehyung typing away.
“You’re just salty that you’re lonely,” Jimin hums back at Yoongi, entering the ballroom with a flirty grin directed at CEO Shin’s mistress.
Tae: I like you Y/N. Wanna be my valentine?
“Fuck you,” Yoongi deadpans.
You: :3 teach me how to aim?
Taehyung grins, looking back up to see you peer down at him from the ledge.
“FOREVER AND ALWAYS!” he yells with a boxy smile.
“We’re literally going to die,” Namjoon groans.
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redoqs · 3 years
Hellooooo. I hope you’re doing well. I’m a big fan of your story and I have a few questions.
1. What’s been your favorite scene/line to write so far?
2. What got you into writing and how long have you been writing?
3. Do you write with music (like maybe you have certain music for certain scenes)
4. What’s your favorite type of comment?
5. How do you write so fast. It’s incredible.
Hi! I’m doing well and I hope you’re doing well too! I’m really happy you like the story!
1. My favorite scene and favorite line are different. My favorite scene was the second half of chapter 17 when Alcina tried to end things with reader but reader wasn’t having it and demanded to know the reason why Alcina wanted to stop. That scene was so emotional, so high tense and I loved the feeling I had when writing it. The reaction I got afterwards was cool too!
My favorite line is actually in chapter 37 which I’m not gonna say but reader and Alcina have a pretty serious conversation and Alcina reassured reader that how they feel is okay. But other than that line, my other favorite line was in chapter 36 in the very first paragraph when reader is staring at Alcina while she was pretending to sleep: “Life imitates art and the art in front of you was one you wished you could imitate” i really liked that line.
2. Sketch is the first “real” story I’ve started with a real drive to finish. My first story was a Korrasami thing I wrote in 2015 that was on fanfiction.net so you could say I’ve been writing for six years. I wouldn’t call myself a writer by any means really but my main drive was just me wanting to see my favorite couples in scenarios that we haven’t seen. I love watching my favorite characters fall in love with each other.
3. The only noise that I listen to while writing is either the loud machinery at work/whatever song is playing on shuffle or the YouTube video that’s playing in the background. I don’t play a type of song but I do need a sound in the background because I will fall asleep or get distracted if I don’t.
4. I love every comment I get but my absolute favorite type of comments are the ones where people leave their theories, I really like seeing people give their ideas as to what’s going to happen, those comments are the ones that really make me believe that people are interested in the story and can’t wait to see happens. Oh, and comments about Mona make me laugh so hard because homegirl won’t even be in the chapter and everyone will be like 🤨
(Tho I can’t lie comments about when reader and Alcina are gonna fuck have me dying I swear I have the funniest comment section💀💀)
5. Belt
I have a routine when I write a new chapter. The three day thing happened on accident when I posted the first three chapters every three days and I kept myself going since. I give myself a word count to reach. Day one, I wanna have 3,000+ words, day 2 another 4,000+ (tho I always end up writing way more than originally intented, the minimum word count for a chapter is 7k) and day 3 is the final edit, which I just check for errors and inconsistencies. First, I write out all of the dialogue that I want for the chapter, then I go back and add all of reader’s thoughts and set up the location of a scene and then I go back a third time to add all of the actions that the characters are doing during the scene. But I do actually have several chapters written out rn that just need to be edited, that’s how I write so fast and why I’m able to give out updates back to back
Thanks for the questions omg and thank you for the love and support on Sketch, I really appreciate it you have no idea
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dandaelions · 3 years
aespa’s “savage” album thoughts! 🐍😈
from debuting in controversy to rivaling established groups in the span of a year, the meteoric rise of this group has been veeeeeery interesting to witness. though I was initially one of those people with serious doubts about their concept, there’s no denying the powerhouse talent and energy these ladies are bringing to the scene - and the gobs of $$$ SM is throwing at this social experiment. they've definitely got some of the best visual designers working on this and it shows! going into this mini. I'm not quite sure what to expect - everything they've put out has looked GORGEOUS but do they deliver on the music? let's find out...
aenergy - can't quite understand what they're saying (edit: looking at the lyrics...I'm think I'm gonna need a glossary lol) but this is a pretty epic intro...in case you had any doubt what this group is about, now you know! I've never been a huge fan of chant-y verses so not quite digging the "everydaaAAAYYY we get better" but that beat HITS. oh gosh what does this rhythm remind me of?? I swear there's another song with this beat but I can't remember...
savage - intro really reminds me of super m's one (monster & infinity), that's a great build-up going into the chorus which then...goes nowhere...ok...I'm a little confused tbh. I wish the chorus was stronger to match the fierce energy from the verses. man these girls are KILLING it though! YAS THIS INSTRUMENTAL BREAK THOUGH!!! oh wait ok was that a key change? hold on whoa ningning is blasting off and then...it ends?
i feel under- and overwhelmed at the same time with this...like there are elements that are really great but that chorus totally kills the vibe, and don't quite understand the decision to add a key change at the end. everything ends up sounding quite disjointed when put together :/ mv looks AMAZING though so this is where dftf budget went lol jk jk corporation is gonna do what corporations do also props to the members for bringing their all, this is def very unconventional and honestly they sell it. we'll see how this does in the long-term...
I'll make you cry - oh fck. hold up. there's something going on here. the skitzy synth with those staccato verses and drum machine...
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ok but that empty beat drop then that EXPLOSION at 1:15!!! THIS HITS!!! YAS I'M JUST!!! love this trap/hip-hop interpretation of a cyberpunk-y video game! I WANNA RACE A CAR TO THIS!!! the girls sound positively dangerous and I can totally imagine them as the protagonists of a futuristic action movie! OH BUT THE BRIDGE!! oh it's so sparkling and WOW they sound so amazing with their lower registers. the mixing actually sounds really incredible in this song, there's a lot going on but it's all balanced really well and all the vocal flourishes and harmonies!! despite the intensity, there's plenty of space for all of the members to shine. OKAY DOKEY I was not expecting that but MAN I was vibing!!
yeppi yeppi - the beat is PRESENT. sounds almost like they took a red velvet song and synth-ified it...oh WHOA the section that starts at 1:20 the drum machine!! the beats!! wooooo what a roller coaster ride! actually you know what, this almost seems like something that might've been slated for f(x), this song just gets weirder and weirder the more it goes on...holy SHIZ how much did they cram in here?? I'm just sitting here like 😧 producers really had fun with this one lol. def not for everyone's taste but I think I like it! might have to give this a few more listens...
iconic - ohh all right spy movie-action sequence vibes...heavy rap verses with this one, I'm glad they get to show so many different sides. nice contrast with the pre-chorus there, letting the space expand for a bit before packing the beats right back in. I am half expecting taeyong to drop in for a few lines here lol, sounds very much in nct's alley. lyrically the chorus feels a bit juvenille but I can vibe to it, the chromatic descents add enough movement to keep it going. ahhh the bridge sounds so refreshing! hmm yeah I feel this one!
lucid dreams - just based off the title I'm expecting something a bit more laid-back, and it seems like I'm right! the sustained synths add more mood and atmosphere here...really like the background noise, that's a nice touch! oh it's so nice to hear their voices a little bit more stripped back :) the trap beats are back at it again, except a bit more relaxed here. tempo is still pretty fast though. OOOOHHHH YESSSSS THE CHORUS. YES. sometimes doing less is more, and that's exactly what's working out here. the harmonies really get a chance to shine and they're able to convey so much emotion, paradoxically, by not conveying much at all. nice transition from the layered chorus to the singular vocal line, sonically a very interesting moment. love the shooting star effects and little touches going on in the background! OH THIS BRIDGE! oh wow what a way to close out the album
overall - I AM SO PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!! wow this really delivered some amazing stuff and I am so happy that a lot of this is in the vein of what I like listening to, like trap, synthwave, and electronica. sm back at it again with the weak title tracks, but I am honestly so glad the ladies got some b-sides to show what they're really about. clearly they're got the vocals and the musicality to tackle whatever is thrown at them, and I've really been impressed by them so far. even in the saturated landscape of kpop, this sounds fresh and interesting and PROPS to the producing team!! they brought it!! my playlists grew a bit today, yayyyy :)
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Marichat/Lila Fake-Dating/Emotional Blackmail: Betting Against the House: Chapter Six
Read it on AO3: Betting Against the House: Chapter Six: Fidelity
Marinette was so engrossed in her sewing project that Tikki had to inform her that Chat Noir was tapping on her skylight.
“What?” She looked up with a jerk, her stitch going crooked as her hands accidentally moved the material.
“Chat Noir’s here,” Tikki repeated, glancing back up towards the skylight. “Or, he might have just left. I don’t hear him knocking anymore.”
Marinette swore under her breath as she pushed herself up out of the chair and sprang into action, ascending the ladder up to her loft at double her normal speed. She didn’t see him at the window, so she pushed it open and pulled herself up onto her balcony.
He turned around from where he’d been leaning on the balcony railing, taking her in with soft eyes she was more used to seeing as Ladybug.
“Uh…hey,” he greeted, raising a hand tentatively.
“Hey.” She blinked, eyes going to the rose in his other hand. “Is that…?”
She pointed.
He followed her gaze, looking down at his own hand in surprise. “Oh. Yeah. Sorry.”
He lifted the rose, holding it out to her as he timidly advanced. “I think you dropped this—I mean, I know you dropped it. I saw you drop it, but… Did you want it back?”
A cloudy expression set into her face as she stepped forward to take the rose and then stared at it thoughtfully.
It didn’t look like her thoughts were positive ones.
“You don’t have to take it back,” he hurriedly added. “I’ll keep it if you don’t want—”
With a jolt like one suddenly waking in the middle of a dream, Marinette’s gaze whipped around to her right, and she began searching the streets below.
“…Uh… If you’re looking for Adrien Agreste, he’s gone,” Chat informed gently, not all together sure that she was even looking for him in the first place.
Marinette looked back to him in surprise. “He is?”
Chat nodded. “I kind of saw the…er…little scene…between you and him. I was here to see you, and I just happened to catch…whatever that was. Sorry.”
She held up her hands and waved them, seeming to come back fully to the present moment and out of her thoughts. “No, it’s okay. It was…” She winced, biting her lip. “It was nothing. Um… Did you want to come in?”
“May I?” He took a hesitant step forward. “I don’t want to bother you. I heard…” His brow furrowed, and he lowered his voice. “I heard a couple things. Are you feeling okay? I heard you were sick.”
She averted her gaze, her cheeks colouring slightly. “Thanks. Yeah, I’m fine. I’m not actually sick. I just…I kind of feel like crap. I probably look like crap,” she laughed ruefully, glancing down at her sweatpants and baggy t-shirt and touching her hair self-consciously.
“You look cute,” he chuckled. “I dig the messy bun.”
She cracked up at that. “Thanks, but it got that way by accident rather than design. It was a fully-functional, respectable-looking bun earlier before I rolled around and pulled on my hair in grief and messed it up.”
He clicked his tongue, waving away her protests. “You’re rocking it, Princess. Trust me. I know what I’m talking about.”
Her lips settled into a soft smile, and she motioned for him to follow her down into her room. “Come in, Minou. I could use a friendly face. For some reason, today, it feels like everyone’s against me.”
“I promise they’re not really,” he attempted to comfort her as they made their way down into her attic bedroom.
She hummed ambivalently, dropping the rose off at her desk before taking a seat on her chaise and gesturing for him to sit at her feet. “Can I play with your hair? Please?”
“Yeah, sure,” he replied, hoping he didn’t sound too eager as he sat between her knees, his back to her.
They sat in silence for a good minute or two, Marinette running her fingers through his hair to comb it and then separating little strands into sections to braid, before she finally spoke up, mumbling, “…Today kind of sucked.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispered a little more balefully than made sense since she didn’t know that he was the chief cause of her strife. “Did you feel like talking about it?”
“No. I mean, yeah, but…” She pursed her lips, shaking her head. “It’s complicated.”
He waited a beat, debating before remarking offhandedly, as if he had no personal stake in the matter, “…I hear that Adrien Agreste is persona non grata around here. Apparently he’s dating that awful Lila girl?”
“Lila freaking Rossi,” Marinette hissed. “I don’t know what the heck is the matter with him. How can he just…? She is worse than awful, Chat Noir. She’s a bully and a liar and—ugh. I don’t even,” she growled. “How can he even stand to let her touch him? He knows what she’s like, and still he…he…” Marinette petered out with another “Ugh!” of frustration.
Chat swallowed hard, guilt wrapping its fingers around his heart and squeezing painfully. “Maybe…Maybe there’s some piece to the puzzle that you’re missing,” he suggested cautiously. “Maybe he has a good reason. Maybe he doesn’t have a choice.”
“There’s always a choice,” she pouted sullenly, her temper cooling somewhat. “He could stand up for himself and say no for once. He’s always been like this, Chat Noir. He never wants to cause trouble, and he always avoids confrontation. He’s spineless.”
Chat winced, feeling the jab slide clean between his ribs and puncture a lung.
“He just appeases everyone and lets them walk all over him. It makes me sick sometimes to watch him cave without a word. I don’t know what I ever saw in him, and I don’t know why I put my faith in him,” she muttered bitterly.
“Maybe it’s more complicated than you think,” he offered in a flimsy attempt at self-defence. “I’m sorry he let you down, Marinette. You’re totally within your rights to be angry, but you can’t know what’s going on inside his head. Maybe he has a good reason, and you’ll feel bad later for being so harsh on him.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She blew out a long sigh, dropping her arms from his hair to loosely hang around his neck and resting her head on top of his. “I’m just really hurting right now, Chaton. He was the one person I thought I could count on in my struggle with Lila, so I’m feeling utterly betrayed,” she whimpered. “It’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt when I can’t imagine any circumstance that would compel him to date her.”
Chat closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe through the aching pain in his chest. It killed him to sit there useless while she was hurting—while he was hurting her. But he couldn’t explain himself. She’d insist that he stop, and then what would have been the point of submitting to Lila’s ever-increasing demands over the years?
He had to see this through to the finish.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he whispered helplessly. “I wish I could do something to make it better for you. Know that I would do anything to make it better.”
“Well,” she chuckled halfheartedly, trying to lighten the mood. “You could start by not trying to make me behave rationally and think about things from Adrien’s point of view. It would be easier if I could just demonize him and lash out at him with all of my righteous fury.”
“Sorry to take away your scapegoat,” he laughed weakly.
“Yeah,” she teased, giving his hair a little nuzzle. “Whose side are you on, anyway? Mine or his?”
He twisted around to face her, kneeling at her feet and gazing up at her earnestly. “Yours,” he stressed, desperate for her to believe him. “Yours. Always yours, even when it doesn’t feel like it.”
She blinked at him, taken aback by his vehemence.
Slowly, a warm, genuine smile danced across her lips, and she leaned in to brush a delicate kiss against his forehead. “Thank you.”
His heart nearly exploded as she pulled back and smiled down at him with a soft look that made him think that maybe he had a chance after all.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah. Anytime,” he replied dumbly, struggling to get his brain and his mouth to work in concert. “You’re welcome. Always.”
She laughed—a light, airy sound that made his heart soar—and it was obvious from the smug look on her face that she could tell how smitten he was.
He couldn’t bring himself to care. So what if she knew she had him at her mercy? He trusted her with his heart.
“Wanna play video games?” she inquired, breaking him out of his reverie.
He blinked at her, his brain still scrambled from the memory of her lips against his skin.
“If you have time,” she hastened to add, nerves flaring up at his lack of a response. “I mean, I know you’re busy what with saving Paris and regular life stuff, but…if you weren’t doing anything, I was supposed to be hanging out with my friends tonight, only that’s not happening because Adrien is a traitor, so if you wanted to hang out, play some Smash Brothers, have dinner with me and my family, snuggle on the couch and watch movies…? I could use the company,” she confessed.
“Yes to all of the above,” he replied enthusiastically, finally getting a handle on how his mouth functioned again.
Adrien was still floating on cloud nine when he returned home several hours later.
 Lila had pressured Adrien into agreeing to come up with a romantic surprise for her in response to Adrien’s claim that Nino had been consulting with Adrien about a surprise for Alya the previous day (since Adrien was, allegedly, so good at that kind of thing), and Adrien did not aim to disappoint.
He escorted Lila to her locker where she found beautiful orange lilies inside.
“Oh, Adrien!” Lila squealed, leaping into his arms and giving his cheek a joyful kiss. “They’re beautiful!”
He couldn’t tell if she were just putting on a show or if she were genuinely pleased with the gift.
She was certainly satisfied with the response of the other students as they cooed and raved about how sweet Adrien was, what a cute couple he and Lila made.
Marinette stood apart from the others, looking on in a mix of resentment and pensiveness.
Adrien wondered if she knew anything about the meanings of flowers. If so, she might know that orange lilies were not a nice gift. Perhaps she was wondering if Adrien knew the implications of the flowers he had given his girlfriend.
She caught him gazing at her and turned away, going to her own locker. Once there, she gave a start, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she spotted the sunflowers, tucked inside and waiting for her with a little note attached.
Adrien’s heartbeat quickened a little at the pleased smile gracing her lips and the rosy blush rising in her cheeks.
Alya was the first to notice Marinette’s surprise and draw the attention of the others.
“What’s this, Girl? A secret admirer?” she trilled excitedly.
“Alya, don’t—” barely made it past Marinette’s lips as Alya swiped the card and read aloud, “‘For my Princess. I hope these sunflowers brighten your day, even though they’re not half as radiant as you are. Much love from your not-so-secret admirer.’”
The girls chattered excitedly all at once, completely forgetting about Lila to join in the speculation about Marinette’s mystery boy.
Lila turned a venomous glare on Adrien, hissing dangerously under her breath, “Your ‘Princess’, is she? You did this on purpose to upstage me, didn’t you?”
Adrien frowned, leveraging all of his acting skills to feign wounded innocence. “Hey, I don’t know why you’re looking at me like that. Those flowers aren’t from me.”
Lila’s eyes narrowed, scanning him intently.
“He’s just a friend,” Marinette insisted over the din of her friends. “Just a close friend that I play video games online with. He’s a total flirt. He’s not even serious. He knows I had a rough day yesterday, and he was just trying to cheer me up.”
The girls didn’t seem to buy Marinette’s story entirely, but her persistent denials seemed to mollify all but Alya.
“Oh, Honey. I think he’s serious, even if you’re not,” Alya hummed skeptically, pitying the poor boy who had fallen for her rather oblivious best friend.
The other girls joined in with sympathetic hums of their own.
Adrien turned to Lila. “I feel like you owe me an apology for your accusations of infidelity.”
“How about not?” Lila growled quietly, shoving her books roughly into Adrien’s arms as she continued to seethe over Marinette inadvertently stealing the spotlight.
 The week stretched on with, luckily, only a few minor incidents to mark it.
Marinette continued to hold a grudge against Adrien, but she was more than happy to spend her evenings with Chat Noir.
He was glad that he could help her feel less alone, even if it were just in some small way, and the time he passed with her was a balm for him too.
It was a relief, after dealing with Lila’s ever-increasingly ridiculous demands all day, to cuddle and watch Disney and Studio Ghibli movies with Marinette, to bake cookies together, to play niche video games, or just to sit in her room working on separating things but enjoying the other’s presence.
Nino kept giving Adrien worried glances, looking like he was this close to saying something several times a day.
It made Adrien sick with anxiety.
He shouldn’t have told Nino. It felt like he had the sword of Damocles hanging over his head and never knew when it would drop, when Nino would break his promise and try to tell everyone about Lila, ruining years’ worth of Adrien’s sacrifices and hard work to protect Marinette.
If Nino asked him if he were okay one more time, Adrien was going to cry.
All he could do was lie and say he was fine, all the while knowing that Nino knew he was lying.
“Just don’t say anything to anyone,” Adrien kept repeating, and Nino would nod, assuring, “Yeah. No. I won’t.”
But Adrien could see the way Nino tensed around Lila, how he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes whenever she invaded Adrien’s personal space or asked him to do things for her.
The week was rough and already wearing Adrien down by the end of it.
He felt sick with guilt over hurting Marinette and sick with fear about when Nino was going to crack and spill the beans. That wasn’t even taking into account the hell Lila was putting him through.
Lila was steadily getting worse. She was growing bolder with her public displays of affection to the point where Adrien was genuinely uncomfortable.
The casual touches and the expectation of cheek kisses had quickly crossed the line. More than anything, he was sick of the sensation of Lila clinging to him. The constant contact and her weight and her warmth made his skin crawl. He couldn’t wait for evening to come so his personal space could be his own again to share (or not share) as he saw fit.
Adrien had always been a little touch-starved, but, now, physical contact was something he found himself recoiling from, sometimes even with Marinette.
On the third day, Lila made Adrien move to the back of the class to sit with her, and it was torture to be separated from his friends. Classes had been a brief reprieve from Lila’s presence, an oasis where he didn’t have to think about her for hours at a time, but, now, even that solace was stolen from him.
He missed passing notes with Nino and the little sweets his best friend would often share.
Adrien had considered it a victory when, the previous year, he’d convinced his father to allow him to eat lunch at school with his friends. Now, he found himself wishing he could go home for lunch again because Lila had gotten it into her head that she needed to sit on Adrien’s lap and that they needed to feed one another to show what a lovey-dovey couple they were.
Adrien was quickly finding that he had little appetite during the day. He scarfed down leftover baked goods from Tom and Sabine’s as well as whatever the Dupain-Chengs had for dinner in the evenings when he visited Marinette, but he couldn’t keep much down during the day.
The smell of Lila’s cloyingly sweet floral perfume made him feel nauseated.
He wasn’t sure how much more he could take, but he was certain that something had to give, and soon.
He was afraid it was going to be him.
Adrien was at his breaking point, so maybe that’s why, when Ladybug asked what was wrong that Sunday on patrol, he gave in so easily and spilled his guts to her.
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Title: F*** Your Contract {One-Shot}*
Henry Cavill x Famous Reader
Warning: Cursing, Angst, NSFW, Mild Smut, 
Words: 3.1k
Summary: Reader is a successful actress in her own right and has been in a relationship with Henry for the last year. The relationship has been difficult to maintain because the two of you are always on opposite sides of the globe with little to no time to spare for the other. Henry makes a surprise visit out to the set of your sci-fi movie only to find you in a situation he did not expect.
 ***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
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“I miss you so bloody much.”
 You leaned back on the couch you were sitting in and sighed as you rested your head on your hand that was braced on the back of the couch.
 “I miss you too baby.” Henry groaned as he leaned back on the headboard of his bed. He looked amazing. Henry rubbed his chest and your eyes dropped to his very hairy chest. You loved it. your eyes ravaged him slowly. You didn’t even realize when your teeth sunk into your bottom lip.
 “Don’t look at me like that love, please.”
 You smiled and shook your head. “Can’t take it?”
 Henry laughed loudly and you smiled at his full-on smile, the one that showed almost all of his teeth. You called it his dork smile. It was one of those smiles that looked like it should come with a snort. You loved it more than anything.
 “I think you know the answer to that. It’s been what, two months?”
 He groaned and hit his head back on the headboard, sank down just a bit then bit his bottom lip. “Wanna go in the bedroom?” You snorted from the way he rose his eyebrows. It gave him the most delightful mischievous look. A look you knew he gave plenty of times as a boy.
“Well, I just thought you’d want to get more comfortable as you get more naked.”
 Again, you laughed loudly and shook your head. “I don’t know what kind of woman you think I am, but I don’t just get named over FaceTime. There has to be a reason.”
 Henry pouted and gave you the sad puppy dog eyes. You almost felt sorry for him—almost.
 “I thought helping out your poor, lonely, affection, attention and love deprived boyfriend get through the next month or two of separation would be something you’d be open to.”
 You gave a look as if you were thinking about it. “Hmm, okay, I mean it doesn’t sound like a bad job, but there is just one thing. If I go in that bedroom, get naked and comfortable for my poor, lonely, affection, attention and love deprived boyfriend; what’s in it for me?”
 The camera slowly scanned his muscular bare chest down to his impressively defined abs. your jaw dropped as you gawked at his beauty. He was gorgeous, he knew it and you knew it. for a brief second the camera fell to his lap where you saw a noticeable bulge that made your mouth water. The next thing you saw was Henry’s face which was decorated with a smirk. He knew just what he did.
 “Yep. Going to the bedroom now.”
 You got up from the couch and made your way through your hotel room to the bedroom. Once inside you arranged the pillows at the foot of the bed and placed your iPad before them using them as a wall to angle the device. When you climbed in you adjusted it to ensure he had the perfect view.
 “There you are beautiful.” His smile was the best thing you’d ever seen, and it reminded you how much you loved him.
 The night was spent using FaceTime for just what it was meant for—human connection of the most intimate kind.
 Two weeks later the two of you had barely had any time to make your planned FaceTime dates. His filming schedule picked up and yours went haywire. You missed him. The number of times the two of you missed each other with your attempts to talk was crazy, either you were asleep when he called or he was in the middle of a scene, or even the service connection was bad thanks to him being on location. You both were getting antsy to see the other.
 “Is your head in the game Y/N?” You shook your head and looked at your costar Tyler whose smile was wide. He was a cutie.
 “Hey Tyler, yeah. Is yours? The most intense scene of the movie.”
 He shrugged then fanned you off. “Eh, not that intense for me, more so for you. I have the easy part.”
 He was right. You looked around at the six crew members that would be the only assigned for the particular scene that was being filmed. You’d done a very good job of compartmentalizing things. It was a job and nudity wasn’t really a big deal for you. you shrugged.
 “Eh, it’s just boobs.” Tyler laughed and nodded.
 “You’re right, just boobs. No big deal. We’ve all sucked one.”
 You laughed louder and pinched your lips trying to stop.
 “See, that’s the spirit. A guy like you has sucked more than one I’m sure, just add mine to the list.”
When you first read that there was nudity in the movie you never once hesitated with wanting the role. It was a good script, a chance to work with a great director and you knew the film would do well on release. A minute tops of nudity was no big deal; Emelia Clarke was fully nude for one or more of her scenes in Game of Thrones and she handled it like a boss and looked amazing.
 “All right Y/N, Tyler. Ready?”
 You stood and nodded along with Tyler and walked to the set that was made up for the scene. When Tyler took off his robe he wore a modesty cloth that covered his unmentionables but showed off just how buff he was. You could tell why some girls went crazy over him; you though were immune. You loved, wanted and craved only one man.
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Tyler took his place and soon you did as well right on his lap. As you waited for everyone to take their places you got into the mindset of your character for the scene. “I’m sorry,” Tyler began.
 “What? For what?”
 “I know we’re both professionals and can get through this but I’m sorry for what I’m about to do, just the principle.”
 You smirked and nodded. “Apology accepted.”
 “All right, ready Y/N?” You nodded and untied the robe you wore. One of the set workers approached and peeled it off just as you covered your breasts.
 “All right, in 3, 2, 1.”
 At one, you lowered your hands in prep for action and began the scene. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss which prompts both of you to moan. Tyler’s hand raises to your back and claws down your skin to stop at the flesh just before the swell of your ass. You begin grinding on his lap. Suddenly Tyler stands and holds you against him in the air easily supporting your weight. He then plops you on the desk. His lips leave your lips to trail to your neck before kissing along your collar bone. You drop your back onto the desk and arch giving the view of a bridge. You look directly into the camera that is in front of the desk and play up the pleasure your character was supposed to be feeling.
 Just off to the side, you saw Henry watching. The pit of your stomach fell and that was when Tyler cupped your breasts in his hands and dropped his mouth to one of your nipples. Fuck, you thought. The tight clench of Henry’s jaw was hard to miss. He was angry. Closing your eyes, you tried to blot out the image of him in your head and stay in character and in the scene. Tyler moved to your other breast and nipple and you hugged his head to your chest. That was when the rocking started that was to imitate the motions of sex. You panted and moaned as you raked your nails across his back. Tyler kept one hand on your breast as he lost himself to the character and the scene.
 When you heard “cut” Tyler grabbed a robe from one of the set workers and covered you first. “Thanks.”
 When you sat up Henry was gone. Panic raised in you. “Uh—can we take ten or fifteen please?”
 “Sure, Y/N. Prep for scene thirty-four.” You nodded and scooted off the desk while putting on the robe. You hurried to your slippers and quickly walked off the set and looked around. You didn’t see him anywhere. He could have left and after nearly ten minutes you began to think he had. when you opened your trailer door and stepped inside there he was with his back turned. you didn’t know if you should run and throw your arms around him and tell him how much you missed him and loved him or apologize profusely.  Before you made a decision he turned and the anger in his eyes was so clear that you knew this was the beginning of a fight.
 “What the bloody hell Y/N!”
 “Calm down,” you began.
 “Calm down? You’re kidding me. I just walked in on you having sex with your co-star.”
 “Sex, really Henry that’s a big exaggeration.”
 “Is it? Your nipples were in his mouth, his hands were on your breasts. What the fuck was that?”
 You hadn’t gotten around to going into detail about the sex scene. When you told him about the movie you mentioned there was a sex scene but eluded that it was a mild one.
 “That was anything but mild. That was porn!” He was angry and you knew his anger was rising.
 “Okay I’m sorry, I should have been straight with you about how graphic the scene was. I just knew it would make you uncomfortable.”
 “Uncomfortable would be knowing you’re filming a sex scene; this was way past uncomfortable. Do you know what it feels like to see that?”
 You took a few steps to him, but he stepped aside not allowing you near him. “No. you are not going to try to make this go away like you do everything. Do you know what it feels like?”
 “Henry, this is my job. It’s your job too. I don’t go off the rails when you have to shoot scenes like this. I’m sure in The Witcher has scenes like this, I’ve played the video game and I was at the screening for the first season.”
 “That is completely different. I told you everything about that. I gave you a play by play of what to expect. You were not left wondering anything or surprised by anything. That—that was a surprise Y/N!”
 “It’s in my contract,” you blurted out.
 “Fuck your contract!” His voice boomed off the walls of your trailer and you knew whoever passed could hear.
 He was right. You should have told him. you didn’t expect him to be in the audience watching. You didn’t expect to see him for another few weeks. How were you supposed to prepare for him to walk in? You sighed, closed your eyes and tried to think of a way to make this better. When you looked at him you could see how furious he was. There were levels to Henry’s anger. There was being bothered, being annoyed, pissed, angry and downright seething. He was seething.
 Slowly you approached him as if walking to a skittish deer who would bolt at any second. You had to take this slow if you had any hope of smoothing this over.
“Baby,” you softly began getting closer. When you were a few inches from him you stopped. It was a strategy.
 “Look, I know I should have told you exactly what the scene was, I should have, and I didn’t. I’m sorry.” Slowly his eyes met yours, he searched yours for any hint of a lie.
 “Is there something going on with you and him?”
 “What! No. Oh my god, no baby. Tyler and I are just friends, costars. There is nothing there. You and me, we’re real.” You closed the space between you and clasped his face in your hands. “You mean everything to me. You and only you. I love you, Henry.”
 It killed you that this one omission had him questioning you. “Tell me you get that.” He shook his head and stepped back from you, again creating space.
 “Y/N, I—I can’t be here right now. You’re touching me and I hear your words, I do, but I can’t just forget what I saw.”
 You stepped closer again, it had him stumbling back to sit on the couch there. You took the opportunity to straddle him and press your lips to his in the same breath. He moaned and tried to push you away but instead, he pulled you closer and intensified the kiss. Soon his lips were battling yours and his tongue was wrestling yours into obedience. Your moans mingled together, and chaos ensued with the both of you ripping layer after layer of clothing from his body. When he was finally naked he pushed the robe off of you and threw you over the couch. You panted in anticipation for what you knew was to come.
Henry slammed into you pulling a scream from your throat. It had been months since you’d been together like this. He didn’t wait for you to adjust to him, he snapped his hips forward again and set the pace early letting you know just what this was. He was angry, he was trying to get it out but wrestled with his love and need for you. when you tried to throw your backside back onto him he pushed you down onto the couch restricting your actions. He held your hips in place and plowed into you with bruising thrusts that turned into fast and shallow storks. You couldn’t keep up and gripped the back of the couch hoping it was enough to hold you together as he tried to rip you apart.
 “Fuck! Are you mind Y/N?”
 “Do you deserve it?”
 “Yes baby, I deserve it. Fuck me!”
 Henry didn’t need to be told twice. The pace in which he fucked you increased and the force behind his thrusts was giving you whiplash. You moaned and screeched and held on for dear life.
 “What’s my name?”
 “What’s my name Y/N!”
 “I can’t hear you.”
 “Henry! Fuck!” You didn’t care how loud you were at this point, everything he was doing felt too good.
 Henry grunted loudly once, then twice and you felt his release, even as he released his thrusts didn’t slow down for several minutes. Then he pulled from you and dropped onto the couch panting. You moaned and already felt the soreness from the pounding he’d just delivered.
 “Baby.” You touched his cheek and felt his jaw clench.
 “I need to clear my head Y/N.” He stood and dressed in silence then walked out of your trailer. He was definitely still seething, and you had no idea what you would do or how to make it right.
 You tried your best to finish the day on set and tried to remain present and focused, but it was difficult. Everyone could tell you were distracted, but no one brought anything up. you kept an eye out for Henry, but he didn’t come back and you were worried. Between takes you called him and left him two messages, both of them apologizing and reminding him how much you loved him. you knew he knew it but what else were you supposed to say.
 When you left set it was nearing two in the morning and you were exhausted. The drive to your hotel was not a long one. You stared at your phone the entire time fighting the urge to call him yet again. You knew when he was this angry calls and texts were not his priority. He needed to cool down. He hated arguing and went out of his way to prevent arguments and defuse the situation. Usually it meant he walked off and left you be for a few hours. This was different though; he’d seen another man with your nipple in his mouth. It wasn’t something he was prepped for either. You knew it was a major blow to the ego. You hated seeing the video of his sex scenes and made it a point never to be anywhere near when he filmed them.
 When you got off the elevator on the floor of your penthouse you felt horrible. Hoping a shower would help, you immediately got in and washed the day away and used the hot water and steam to relieve some of the stress and tension that was in your body. An hour later you only felt a little better. As you checked your phone you groaned seeing not one message from Henry. It was now almost four in the morning. He could have gotten back on a plane and left town for all you knew. Angrily you called him and rolled your eyes when it went to voicemail.
 “Look, I get you’re pissed at me and you didn’t want to see what you did and it’s my fault you did but it’s not fair to ignore me all day Henry. It’s been hours. I don’t know where you are, I don’t know if you’re hurt. This is not okay.” You ended the call and tossed your phone to the side and dropped onto the bed and sighed out.
 You heard the chime of the door and walked through the penthouse to the door. When you opened it there he stood with his elbows braced on the sides with his head hung. When his eyes met yours, you could tell he’d had a few drinks, but you also saw sadness and vulnerability.
 “I’m sorry,” Henry began. Those words melted away any annoyance you felt. You stepped to him and threw your arms around him holding him close. He slightly bent and lifted you into his arms. With your legs wrapped around him, he walked inside and to a seat.
 “I’m sorry baby. I should have told you. I’m sorry,” you expressed.
 “I was jealous—am jealous.  To see someone touch you like that, be like that—it cut me up. I love you Y/N. you have to know that.”
 “I know baby, I love you too. It’s only you for me. You have to know that. I don’t care about anyone else.” After searching your eyes for a few seconds, he nodded and rested his forehead on your chest and sighed out.
 “I’m a jealous man,” Henry finished.
 “You have no reason to be. You have me, all of me—for as long as you want me.”
 His eyes locked with yours and he caressed your cheek before he spoke.
 You smiled and softly kissed him. “Let’s go to the bedroom,” you whispered. Henry smiled and gave you a rakish look that had your belly doing backflips before he stood and carried you to the bedroom.
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