#I thot I had more to put in but oof i
sluttywonwoo · 1 year
Pt2 of my skz thots coz oof I've been waiting for someone to ask. This is a soft thot but a thot none the less. Soft lazy( and very handsy) morning sex with Chan that's filled with giggles and heart eyes and cute ruffled curly bed head🥺
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“it’s too early…” chris moans, rolling away from you.
it is early. but you want him.
you try again, rolling him onto his back and snuggling up to him. he grumbles but doesn’t complain, thinking you’re going to let him sleep. you lay yourself across him, positioning yourself in a way that you can slot his thigh between your own.
the pressure alone makes you sigh in relief. you’d woken up aching and had been trying to wake your sleeping rock of a boyfriend for the better part of twenty minutes.
you’re not very subtle about it, not trying to be, as you grind down on his thigh. chris catches on right away, heaving a sigh.
“please,” you whine. “please, i need you.”
“do you?”
“yes, fuck, please.”
he’s fully awake now, you can feel him hard and twitching against your thigh. you know he’s only teasing you by pretending to be drifting in and out of sleep but it frustrates you nonetheless.
he cracks one eye open and grins cheekily before pouncing on you. you scream as he flips you over and climbs on top of you, laughing through the kisses he plants all over your face.
he’s already naked (because that’s how he always sleeps, although when is he not naked when he’s home—) and is quick to pull your panties to the side so that he can tease you some more with his cock.
“not gonna fuck you just yet,” he mumbles, shushing you when you whimper in protest. “gotta stretch you out first.”
“no, i’m so wet already. you’ll slide right in,” you assure him.
“you sure?”
he pretends to think about it as he jerks himself off, smirking at the way you’re practically tuning out everything he’s saying and just staring at his dick. “you know, normally i’d still finger you and make you wait for it just for being a brat and waking me up but i’m feeling nice this morning.” he brings a hand to your chin and forces you to look up at him. “ready, baby?”
“god, yes, put it in already.”
“so needy,” chris muses to himself, chuckling. he’s met with practically no resistance as he pushes into you. “jesus christ, you are soaked. what’s got my baby so worked up this morning? hm?” he asks between kisses to your neck.
it isn’t until you feel him nip at the spot he’d just kissed that you realize he’s expecting an answer. “ah! uh, i don’t… i don’t know,” you mumble. “just woke up needing you.”
“yeah? wasn’t a dream?”
it’s hard to think straight with the way your boyfriend’s rolling his hips into yours but you try to string together a sentence anyway. “don’t think so… i don’t remember a dream.”
“s’okay, baby. you don’t need a reason. i was just curious.”
“oh… ok.”
chris laughs and strokes your hair fondly. “you’re so cute, baby. love when you get like this for me. now let’s make you cum so we can get back to sleep.”
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hotchs-big-hands · 8 months
ngl i would genuinely get off to making haley jealous and angry because of how fucking easy it is. my personal hc here but i think she was controlling and thought she had hotch wrapped around her finger and it infuriated her that his job was the only thing he refused to listen to her about. i also think she tried to baby trap him with jack in the assumption that would "fix" their marriage and when it only made it worse she blamed aaron for never being home when she easily couldve hired a nanny or regular babysitter so she could work or do whatever. i believe she cheated bc of that one phone call to their house when hotch answered and it was a random man asking for haley before hanging up and the look hotch gave her like yeah he knew she was fucking around too. i think it made her even angrier that when she filed for divorce hotch didnt even fight her onit! didnt ask to work things out or for counseling or anything. just "okay ill sign the papers when i get back from this case"
now assuming reader is mid twenties i think your very existence would have her enraged. aaron seems happier and even healthier. hes got more color in his face, hes put on some healthy weight, he smiles and laughs now, he takes more time off work, his life has clearly significantly improve since she left him and she cant fucking stand it. she thought she was the best thing that ever happened to him and now shes seeing in real time she's actually the worst thing ♥️♥️
and you thinks its funny as hell to watch a 40 year old woman with a whole ass kid be that bent out of fucking shape because the man SHE LEFT is fine without her. like yes maam i am younger than you, hotter than you, nicer than you AND i can ride the dick just right. stay pressed bitch 💕. and when she tries interfering in your relationship hotch asks you to put up with it just for a bit because he knows hack is still adjusting to coparenting and he wants the best for his son so you let him handle his exwife until she crosses a line and tries to accuse you of some shit and aaron finally puts his foot down and haley cant believe that shes really lost complete control over aaron (haha fuck you haley)
like i fantasize about a situation where haley is trying SOOOO hard to break yall up and drive a wedge between you two and it isnt until jacks birthday or some big family function aaron brought you too and haley cant help it but lowkey stalk yall all night and so youre like "aaron watch this" and you drag him off to some secluded corner and hes like ??? but you tell him "hold on baby give it a minute. bet you anything haley pops up" and then once you hear footsteps you give aaron a big fat smooch and surprise surprise!! whos coming around the corner? why its haleys stalker ass following you two like a creep!
i literally just want to cuck haleys pathetic ass because fuck her and her scraggly blonde hair and that nappy ass wig she had on in witness protection with her no-style-no-personality-all-about-me havin ass 😒😒😒😒
sorry this is such a convoluted mess i just hate that lady 😭😭
The SECOND she says smth nasty abt you Aaron is soooooo fucking pissed. She insults you saying you're just a whore sleeping with Aaron for his money (and cuz us babes are plus-size queens she HATES THAT) and that Aaron is not attracted to you.
And Aaron OOF he takes her to one side and tells her she is fucking nothing but the mother of his child now. That YOU are his everything. YOU make him the man he is now. He's fucking happy with you as the love of his life and that Haley made him chronically stressed and depressed and almost completely ruined his self esteem. He warns her to back the fuck off from him and reader. He does not want any communication with her unless it's to do with Jack. End of.
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sp00kymulderr · 5 months
Gideon, how are you doing???
I have been thinking about this non-stop for the past two days, and I have a VERY important question to ask you...
do you think Dieter would be into wearing panties? and if so, why would it be these:
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or really, if so, what kind do you think he'd gravitate towards?
I just really like the idea of Dieter in something lacy or mesh and hot pink, because hot pink is such a good color on him... but what are YOUR thots???
anyways, I hope you're having a great weekend so far!!! 💕
KAITLIN YOU MENACE! Yes. Yes. And yes. This is exactly the kind of thing I'm all about lmao thank you so much for making me think about Dieter like this. He absolutely would love it and hot pink is FOR SURE his colour, or maybe a sexy deep green, or nice black lacy, or some pretty sheer floral ones. Oof.
I uh wrote a little something because I HAD to. (18+, 400ish words)
~~~~~~~ It wasn’t the first time, not even the second. Dieter had never been one to be who he’s told to be, wear what he’s told to wear. He’d worn a dainty pair of underwear plenty of times; under his comfy pants on read through days, or beneath his slacks for a bit of thrill at those boring luncheons his agents made him go to.
But yours...they were even more tempting. Pretty lace and silky fabric and bright colours that made his heart race when you wore them. He liked the slip of them on his skin as he pulled on the pink pair he’d found with the clean laundry. You’d worn them under that beautiful outfit at the Hunger Strike premiere and yeah, he liked putting them on even more remembering how they’d barely survived that night.
Fuck, he looks good in them. They’re a little tight, pinching in at the hips and ass. When Dieter turns to the mirror it makes his breath hitch a little to see himself like this again.
He’s stood there for a while, just studying. Enjoying the view of himself; something he rarely does or feels he can but something about the hot pink and the lace and the tight bunch of the panties on him and the fact that they're yours makes him feel so confident.
He’s half-hard, the fabric getting tighter there as he grows the more he watches himself. He doesn’t really register you approaching until you’re behind him, eyes meeting his in the mirror when he finally looks up from his crotch and finds you watching him watch himself.
His pupils are blown, mouth a little slack. Headiness fills the space as you slowly – dangerously slowly - drag your finger tips down his sides to meet the material at his hips. A tug on each side makes him grunt, his cock hardening almost to the point of pain as the fabric grows more taut. Your soft hands reach down to his ass and grab, making him tip his head back against you.
It gives you access to his neck and shoulder, and you suck the skin between your teeth several times. Marked up and pretty, just for you. Reaching forward, you feel him as your lips continue a familiar but always thrilling journey across his neck. Hand gently rubbing the front of the smooth fabric and squeezing the hardness beneath.
“You look good” You murmur in his ear, a flick of your tongue against his lobe as you squeeze again and he shivers when your hands retreat – you both turn your heads to watch the patch of wet grow at the front of the panties, muscles in his thighs straining at the pleasure of the tight pull against his cock.
“I know” He moans back, turning to kiss you fully. To devour you, prideful smile turning to a whimper as you tug him towards the bed.
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morallyinept · 7 months
Ooof what a week. Busy with work, but I'm on vacation again next week, woo! Plenty of time to write, and catch up on my reading list and I can't wait. 🤗
The weather has turned over the last two weeks here where I live in the UK, and it's very rainy and cold, so I'm looking forward to snuggling up with warm fuzzy socks and hot chocolate on the regular. 😍
So without further ado, let's crack on with this week's Whip Round.
Jack, will you do the honours?
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Catch up on last week here, sugar
☆ Things I've posted this week
Five Days - Chapter 8 - I honestly don't want this series to end... But we're getting into the thick of it now. Thank you for all the love for Joel & Reader. 🖤
Thrash Metal - Dieter Bravo One Shot. Thots about a pierced Dieter birthed this and I am not sorry.
The Bow Tie - Dieter Bravo GIFLET
Self-Care With Dieter & Jett focused on loss this week. It was a bit of a heavy subject, but two special guests, Agent Whiskey & Marcus Moreno, stopped by to share their stories.
A Loving Ode To The Writers is my message to all the incredible writers out there in the fandom. And a big F you to all the haters.
This Week's Writer Wow shone the spotlight on my fellow Ezra bae @sp00kymulderr whom I just adore for so many reasons. And you will too, go give them a follow if you're not already. 🖤
☆ Things I'm currently working on
I've teased out my next series after Five Days to some of my friends on Discord this week - teehee... 🤭 Stay tuned for it coming in January.
Got a couple of one shots on the go and as always plenty more GIFLETS to come.
☆ Things I've read this week
I've book marked quite a lot to read and catch up on this week. I'm planning on catching up with some of my favourite writers too next week whilst I am off work.
Some fics that stood out to me this week were:
Be Good, Be Quiet - @undercoverpena Jo mentioned that she wasn't so innocent this week, and after reading this, she's absolutely right. 😜 Holy smokes, this was super hot and made me all up in my sexy Joel feels! Oof. Check it out, it will not disappoint! Innocent my ass, Jo... pfffft. 😉
Sub!Frankie & Bondage - @swiftispunk I had the biggest grin on my face reading this and if you've read it too, you'll know why. Good God this was excellent and packed so much punch! 🔥
Letterman Jacket - @fuckyeahdindjarin I've had this Javi P fic saved on my TBR for a while and am kicking myself I haven't read it sooner because it is utterly divine. Still thinking about that damn jacket now... 😍
Dry Run - @chronically-ghosted Once again, Taylor knocks it well and truly out of the park, this time with Javi P dancing with you. And I couldn't be more enthused or enthralled reading this. It's a scorcher. 🥵
Hoofbeats - @psychedelic-ink I'm a sucker for this pairing of Joel & Whiskey, and this story was exceptionally good with the imagery and feels. I absolutely loved it. 🥰
All these fics and more will be added to my Pedro Character Fic Rec List too.
Just want to give a shoutout to this post too from @fuckyeahpaperco by @fuckyeahdindjarin who makes stunning, and I mean STUNNING Pedro stationary. I can't wait to get my hands on some, been eyeing those post-its! I will be treating myself for sure. Perfect little stocking fillers in time for Christmas too! 🎄
☆ What have I been watching/listening to this week?
I caught up on some Pedro Podcasts this week whilst at work, some of them I hadn't actually listened to in full before...
I've made a playlist putting them all together, and it also includes Pedro's episode on Motherhacker. So, please feel free to click on and have a listen for yourself if you haven't.
My absolute favourite has to be the Talk Art Podcast. Hearing Pedro talk about art he loves is phenomenal.
☆ What have I been up to this week?
Working, and squeezing in some reading and writing. The weather hasn't been too great here for hiking the last two weeks, so I'm itching to get out this week and go for a hike if I can, stretch the ol' legs.
I hope you guys have had a great week and are enjoying the weekend. That wraps it up for this week so I'll catch you on the next Whip Round.
Stay kind, stay creamy. Let's skedaddle, Jack. 🖤
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
ePairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Word Count: 661
Summary: Eddie finally lets you use his handcuffs
Author’s Note: I saw the gif below and then immediately got an idea and had to scream about with the amazing @etherofhazel @borikenlove @blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @ysmmsy and @navybrat817 and then my love @tuiccim shared some fun nsfw gifs and one inspired me to get it written! I want to thank you all for cheering me on and sharing your amazing brains and thots with me, all the love! The thought of having him in this position is just...oof. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by my sweet @wannabehamlet thank you bunches! 🥰
Warnings: cursing, sub/dom dynamics that flip, hand job, oral (male rec), thigh riding, bondage with handcuffs (18+ ONLY please!)
GIFS NOT MINE!!! Credit for the first goes to @walksdowonders and the second to @theseymourbirkhoff thank you both! 🥰
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Eddie Munson Masterlist
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He can barely manage to contain the whine that leaves his mouth and at this point he can’t even bring himself to care. Your smile is obvious against his skin and if he could free his hands he would wrap one around your neck and put your mouth where he wants it.
“Angel please,” he begs, so hard he feels like he’ll burst at any moment.
The handcuffs rattle along the metal bar of the headboard every time he tugs at them and when your fingers skim his cock and your palm presses flat against him, he pulls so hard the bed shakes.
You smirk up at him as you stroke the entire length of his cock.
With one last teasing touch you release him, but only to push his jeans and boxers over his hips.
Leaving him hard and aching you crawl up his body and press your lips to his, your teeth at their softness as your fingers ghost down his neck. When you pull away he chases your mouth, wanting, no needing, more.
“Fuck,” he groans as your lips graze the spot just under his ear.
His head falls back and you trail warm and wet kisses down his neck to suck on his pulse point.
“You’re gonna make me cum before you even touch my cock,” he breathes out, giving the cuffs another sharp but pointless tug.
You hum into his skin as you work your way down his chest, brushing your nose through the light trail of hair under his belly button.
His cock jumps when you press a soft kiss to the tip and he hisses through gritted teeth when your lips close around it. Your fingers wrap around him, slowly gliding up and down.
“Fuck sweetheart.” His hips thrust into your hand, his entire body tense with the restraint he’s barely holding on to.
He spreads his legs wider and you throw your thigh over his, now straddling it. Without removing your hand from his cock, you start to rub yourself along the thick muscle, the rough material of his jeans catching on the delicate lace between your legs.
His back arches off the bed and he desperately wrenches at the handcuffs but it’s useless. Your grip tightens on his cock as the friction between your legs builds and he gasps out your name when he feels your arousal soaking his jeans.
Your mouth lowers and you part your lips, sucking and licking the length of him while your hand moves harder and faster.
His fingers curl into fists, knuckles white and the handcuffs digging into the tender flesh of his wrists.
“I can’t…” he moans, his words faltering when you pop your mouth off him and grind yourself down harder on his thigh.
Your lips meet the sensitive skin at the V of his hips and your tongue traces the outline of the curve. It’s all it takes for him to lose himself, his hips thrusting erratically into your hand as he pulses and spurts cum all over his stomach.
The sight makes your nails dig into his skin as you push your body up and rub harder along his thigh. He’s barely caught his breath when you feel your release building and as he watches you fall apart over him it has his cock twitching against his abdomen.
You fall onto his chest and bury your face in his neck, his soft curls sticking to his skin with sweat.
“Angel, you have to uncuff me. Now,” he practically whines but there’s a hint of a warning in his tone.
“And what if I don’t want to?” you sass, dragging your nails over his skin.
“You want to,” he counters, licking his lips through a muted hiss.  
“How do you know Eddie?”
The question falls from your lips without the power you were hoping to convey and his mouth twitches at the corners.
“Because you can’t wait for me to fucking ruin you.”
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@dreamlessinparis @hiddles-rose @goldylions @seitmai​ @munsonsduchess​
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onsunnyside · 2 years
sonny, i need this man on some kind of bike. i wanna see him doing extreme downhill mountain biking or freestyle motocross. something that gets his adrenaline pumping and requires a helmet. i wanna suck on his lip ring and ride on the back of his motorcycle.
he looks like such a meanie. he 100% is set in his ways and still bumps the same music he listened to in the late 90s and early 2000s. maybe he’s a retired riding legend and he's been training and acting as a mentor to your up-and-comer boyfriend. you took a gap year or put off uni altogether to follow aforementioned bf around the country while he chases his dream, so when chris threatens to take it away, you use yourself as a bargaining chip.
oh, oh, or maybe he's your boyfriend's childhood bff and you accidentally get knocked up after a drunken hookup or some noncon, so you try to pass the kid off as your boyfriend's. oof. wait. i like this one. imagine taking your baby to competitions or races to see your bf and chris coming over to taunt you and talk to your baby, like, "you come to see daddy win? yeah, you miss daddy? tell mommy to let you come see me." and then he looks up at you and he's like, "maybe we can make you a little brother," with the evilest most self-satisfied smirk on his face. comments about how you make cute kids. forcing you to accept money that you don't need bc "i take care of what's mine". your bf made him the godfather and always has him around. i hate him. i'll have two. - bratty spice
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BRATTY SPICE AKA @bimbofawn STRIKES AGAIN !! i don't know if i'd write it with Chris, bc i'm leaning towards total hunk Steve/Ari all tatted and pierced 😵‍💫
retired riding legend screams dilf, dark daddy who isn't afraid to ruin your boyfriend's career before it even starts.
dark boyfriend's best friend: NOW THAT IS SPICY (hehe). [dark thots drabble below]
he's always been controlling and inserting himself into your relationship, crashing dates at restaurants, movies, or even your bf's house. you let it slide for a bit until you had enough and brought it up with your boyfriend who told him to give you two some space. and Steve/Ari did not like that.
he gets his revenge by inviting you out while your bf is out of town to "make amends" but it's really just to get you vulnerable and alone. as expected, no one bothers you while you're out bc Steve/Ari looks terrifying and his quite the reputation. that night you two hook up, you're drunk and he's sober, taking full advantage of you, "I'm prepared, don't worry, baby." He says, rolling on a condom, only to take it off when you're fucked dumb in his bed. he fills you to the brim, grunting the filthiest things into your ear about owning you, claiming you, knocking you up (something tells me he knows all your kinks bc of your boyfriend or from perving on the two of you).
fast forward, you find out you're pregnant and know who the father is, and it isn't your bf. you don't tell him, and let him think it's is. Steve/Ari is smug as hell watching you grow his child, while your boyfriend/his best friend gets all lovesick about his baby and the future ahead of you two as a couple.
Steve/Ari supports you all the way through too. filling in for your bf at appointments (he takes up more work for your child), and not correcting strangers when they say congrats to the two of you. he drops by some nights too, eager to get his hands on your body, feel you all over, help with all those hormones while your bf is working long, tiring hours.
this affair stretches all the way to the child's due date, and after the birth is when you finally end the affair, only begrudgingly accepting his money. you may have ended the months-long infidelity, but you'll never escape him bc he's your child's godfather, and still your boyfriend's best friend.
me thinks... one night when your kid is off at your parents, you and your bf plan a date, and guess who shows up !! oh, but he's sulking about a 'broken heart' which is absolute bullshit and you know it. your bf falls for it so easily and invites Steve/Ari in, comforting his best friend about the girl he never knew he was dating: "she wanted to keep us private. she was scared of what people would think." it's so painfully obvious he's talking about you, going on and on about how this girl changed his life, and stole his heart before shattering it to pieces.
he ends up spending the night and takes the guest bedroom. your bf doesn't let you lock the door, "why would you need to do that?" and you can't answer that so you just go to sleep.
and well... Steve/Ari makes his presence known a few hours later, waking you up with his head between your thighs and a sick smirk, "you thought you could get away from me, baby? I own you." you immediately call for your boyfriend, even reaching over to tap him while trying to kick Steve/Ari away but it's all useless. He's is too strong and your boyfriend lies there, knocked out. "Wipe that look off your face, he isn't dead. But he won't be waking up anytime soon. Which means your real daddy has you all to himself."
UHM FIC ?? 🌚 PLS TELL ME IF YOU WOULD READ THIS BC I AM SO INTO IT also, i don't know which dark daddy to choose 🫡🫡
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pammydawes · 1 year
Wow! Sry for the wait folks I’m at 4:31 hours left in Hell Bent and I have Thots
It’s been so long that tbh I’m a little fuzzy on the details of where I left off but DANG…….that trip to hell???? Everything I hoped it would be!
I absolutely loved getting so many of the main team’s POVs, I’m hoping that on the return trip we can maybe get some more!! I am so curious abt the meaning of Babbitt rabbit being threaded through all their…..dreams? Visions? Experiences? Idk it’s hell man
The insight into Turner’s background left me feeling pretty broken. Cannot personally speak to the accuracy of Bardugo’s representation of the experience of a Black detective, but I thought it was moving.
Tripp’s backstory was intriguing! I actually know how to sail so the whole thing was pretty visceral to me, I wonder if Leigh has experience with boats bc the accuracy was impressive! Also Spencer can eat shit!
Whew….hellie’s POV. That was excellent. Just hearing how much she loved Alex already had me, but it’s rly the details of their relationship that I think Bardugo hits uk? Loved hearing abt Alex from the perspective of someone who loved her, because in NH darlington was predisposed not to care for her, and 90% of the other insight she hears comes from people who are underestimating her, judging her, or trying to kill her! So I’m glad that we got a glimpse of a diff perspective. Still hurt to re-live ground zero tho
In turner, Alex, and to some degree pammie’s cases, I can understand why they meet the criteria for murder, as justified as it was in some situations. It’s a little blurrier with Tripp, though, and I think an argument could be made that Pammie didn’t really murder her victim. So that leads me to think that maybe the murder requirement to get into hell is based more on a person’s own feelings of guilt or regret rather than some objective external judgement, which I think could have some interesting implications!
LOVE that darlington’s personal hell is trying to rebuild a ruined Black Elm, I feel like that illustrates both his love and hate for the house really well!! Nice nod to Sisyphus in Greek mythology also!
FINALLY some good wheelwalker content!!! Basically crumbs but I LOVE the imagery of Alex and the blue flames. I wonder why they’re blue?? Blue fire is supposed to be the hottest after white, right???
Anselm has rly done a magnificent job of disappointing me, which is somehow still very satisfying!! Honestly if he’s the next murder victim…….my condolences to his family ig
Love how everyone basically drags themselves out of hell completely distraught, having come so close to success only to fail, and Mercy is like great job team let’s get them in the next half!!
The demons………oof. Alex reuniting with Hellie was ROUGH man. Kind of cool how as the reader, Leigh put us in hellie’s head, which meant that when you start clocking that something’s off it’s not just like “next logical plot point”, it was like actually realizing something was wrong the same way Alex did. The hellie we got a glimpse of would NEVER say those things to alex!!! And we knew that not just bc Alex told us, but bc we actually got to read it and draw those conclusions ourselves.
I would bet my entire family that my prediction abt Lionel and the praetor is correct. They were 100% in love back in their school days and now demon Lionel is gonna kill the praetor via some gruesome/emotionally manipulative manner as literary comeuppance for his misogyny!
The talismans? Excellent. Superb. Dare I say, delightful. MORE COSMO EASTER EGGS. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I cannot wait to learn what that little guy’s deal is!!
The vampire’s visit…..uh oh. My theory is that Michelle is working for him, bc I feel like I remember her having a white umbrella at some point?? It’s a toss up whether she’s being coerced or doing it for her own benefit, I really couldn’t say. Maybe he’s turning her into a vampire?? And that’s how she’s connected to the murders???
I paused halfway through the return of Eitan, which I have mixed feelings abt tbh. I still keep feeling like his storyline is kinda tacked on needlessly, but I also do think he’s a fascinating character, so we’ll see how the rest of the convo goes. It’s also just like….Alex literally killed a room full of people that WERENT actively out to get her. What is the hold up here.
Love a good Lauren tidbit!! I’m curious to see how the rooming issue resolves. I would like for them to bring her into the fold somehow, but I also feel like the direction they’re going in is that Alex and Mercy are ultimately going to leave her out for her own protection, thereby alienating her and sacrificing their friendship. That’s definitely NOT my ideal outcome, though. Ideal would be Lauren getting to join them and get some character development. What can I say, I have a soft spot for the vinyl girlies bc…..I am one.
Now, to see what eitan has to say for himself! Next you hear from me will be, gasp……the end. I can’t believe it, I’ve been waiting for this book so long and idk if I’m ready for the next wait!!! Hhhhhnnnnng ok bye
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oof okay listen, i felt like in order to best understand the latest chapter I should go back and re-read ch.6 as well. i'm glad i did!
now I was originally going to comment my thots on ch.7 but as you will see it all got derailed so.. this is a love letter to my bad bitch Val Vel.
(i'll be back for Aemond cause bestie that last chapter was a huge one)
i'm adding a read more although since this is an ask idk if it will work <3
Her best friend, her most assertive protector, and she had been unforgivably absent to him for years. Running away from demons that were part of her.
yeah... ouch Val babe! And it's well established that she's not feeling that way only about Grey Ghost, or her brother, or even Aemond. It's her entire family, her complete support network that she feels like she has let down by leaving (in her mind abandoning) and now that she is back (let's not forget the circumstances of her return; under preassure from Daemon and emotional distress over Rhaenyra's health, after a life threatening situation which was half inability to care about herself and half ectively putting herself in danger) she still feels like she cannot "Do the Right thing" to not hurt her loved ones, not be a nuisance, not cause them any more grief.
the other parts of her, the ones she’d let down repeatedly.
and that's the fucking worst! if she were self assured she might have been able- better eqiupped- to handle all that stress and most importantly, find healthier ways to deal with her trauma and guilt. But now her tattered self confidence is just a mean companion. She can be self assured and make decisions for herself but she will be left in the wake of things feeling like she messed up, like she made a stupid choice (she often does). it will only feed her self hatred and fuel her self destructive/ self harming tendencies.
baby Val... ilysm. and i like to remind myself that val isnt just a person who happens to do drugs. Instead, she is struggling with substance abuse. She is experiencing the symptoms of her horrible mental state.
She’s not nearly numb enough, the lure of oblivion strong, but she pushes through. 
The walls are up, she’s unfortunately sober, and she wants to escape. She wants to stop feeling like an unwanted failure.
also there's something so interesting about the way she interacts with Dalton. i think i love it because there are no expectations there from either side. she can just call him, give no explanation, not bother with niceties and small talk and just "order" him to service her in some way and he does. i think her relationship with him is in its own way the most freeing one she has atm? the most open?
there is no emotional baggage, it's clear to them both what it is, and let's not act surprised, he is also enabling her in her Sad Slay Era. the open acess to drugs, to sex, to that exact type of physical only affection that is enough to drown out everything else while simultaneously look nothing like the deeper, emotional bond and (im never beating the romantic accusations) love they shared with Aemond.
Dalton is cool, a fine mist, a spring day with a bit of heat. He is easy, a Sunday morning in, all easy confidence and cocky smiles.
Dalton is uncomplicated and looks, acts, talks, exists completely unlike Aemond. ofc she's calling him up.
[...] Each brush of his tongue, each nip of his teeth is pleasant, but not exhilarating.
bet. i love how every thing she does to dalton is somehow mirrored in a reverse order in her memories. like she does to him what was done to her. as a way to return to those moments safely while not being in the physical position to be reminded of aemond? since they were opposites maybe the way to distance herself from what she felt with him is to act like him? idk idk... there's sth too important hapenning here and im too dumb to put it into words but bestie you slayed!
The flashbacks Val has are devastating and i hate you for them!
“You don’t give me orders,” Aemond growls, slamming her back into the wall. “I am in control here, Valaena. Never forget that.”
which is ofc followed by a "show of dominance" from Val. baby girl... intrusive thoughts are H A R D to deal with.
Maybe Im talking out of my ass but!
in her past Aemond had been controlling and assertive and dominant and whichever other synonym we can use BUT it was in a way that she explicitly enjoyed. It was a known, well established thing between them and was safe for her to explore with him.
I feel like once you drop the chapter where we see precicely what happened between them it will all make sense and just click together so nicely.
because im getting the vibes (i may be way off here) that the issue was that due to their shared trauma and childhood together, and since they clearly loved each other, as well as being each other's first AND a family member on top of that AND a safe haven from everything going on in their lives AND SINCE Val was well aware of Aemond's struggles what with his father and whatnot, she -at some point- / -probably due to aemond pushing too hard- started feeling a tad unsafe by this. or even better, insecure.
let's go with Insecure actually. because i feel like at some point the balance they had established, how they were equals in their relationship kinda shifted in a way? maybe she felt like her choice was being taken away ? (especially if aemond does end up pushing about free sex and tries to explore his breeding kink). Poor Val is scared of pregnancies and also they are extremely young!
so perhaps she made herself feel guilty for not being able to cater to precicely every need aemond had, especially when it felt good to do so, when it was pleasurable for her and worked as a bonding thing for them. that and the fact that it probably was legitimately sth that she did not fully vibe with at her age, it made her feel guilty and bad for not being able to set that boundary since to an extent it probably felt like a betrayal to Aemond??
and to actually leave him? go away for years? while knowing that she loves him and wants to be with him except for something that we dont yet know having happened between them. it was an extreme choice maybe? we have yet to find out. But whatever it may be it was definitely a hard decision and definitely cost her a lot but seemed as the best choice at the time.
but now she has to deal with the hurt and damage that choice left her with and bestie she's not doing okay!
“I think I like this assertive side of you,”
and val immediately thinks of her "sin" against aemond. how in the past this assertiveness has backfired and was used by her to betray and hurt him and in her words "fuck him over"
Baby you are unwell! it's okay. take deep breaths!
[...] like no more than an errant task to check off his to-do list. He said he’d always want her, but who would want her, the way she was?  Always telling her what she wanted to hear.
yes yes.. I'm a burden. I'm a bad person. Nobody loves me. They are only lying to placate me.
OOOOOFFFFFF. hard to return from that imma tell you that much
“Is this what you want, Valaena? You want me to control everything, down to the air you’re breathing?” Aemond whispers, searching her face. “Yes,” she chokes out, the word hanging in the air between them like a curse or a vow.
no i am normal about this. my felling are quite "meh" about those lines i dont understand what you're talking about. coudn't care less if i tried honestly.
curse or vow. Quite the choice of words. Quite the contradicting meanings. it's almost like someone who say it both ways and felt strongly about both those words would have a bad time trying to rationalise it in their mind and deal with the emotional side of it.
[...] he’d no doubt leave her after realizing she wasn’t coming back. 
Hm... are thoughts of abandonment something you deal with regularly miss?
also aemond looked hot on the stairs.. no smartsy comment. just that he looked hot. thank you for your service ma'am
Shame, a different kind than had diffused her this morning, warms her cheeks. Criston had called ahead while she’d been waiting in the car. Now her brother could be disappointed in her too. 
i am mentally well. i am again normal about this.
[...] You’re a fucking disaster, Valaena.” “You think I don’t know that?” She says indignantly. 
“You think I don’t know that?”
Dread surges through her. She can imagine it: her mother’s contrived tears, Daemon’s white knuckled grip, the disappointment on both of their faces. She can see a news headline, something about the party princess, another round of infamy for their family.
“Don’t tell them.” [...] The humiliation she brings on herself never stops. 
she needs help yes. when you're feeling this badly about yourself that you see yourself as a disaster, a sidappointment, someone who only hurts, harms, lets down, puts in danger their loved ones, when you feel like it cannot possibly get any better it can't stop (and usually one feels that way about themselves way before anyone else notices) hearing someone out of concern say it aloud, put it into words, call you out on it feels only as a confirmation of what you already knew.
yes dread, yes humiliation. now that they see her as she truly is surely they will hate her as much as she hates herself and since she is solely a burden they will let her go.
Val my most beloved! <3 <3 <3
A sunny smile on her face, Valaena ends the Facetime, throws her phone on the counter, and proceeds with her skincare routine, finally satisfied.
Finally satisfied, after taking back control. ilhsm! perfect way to end this chapter bestie, truly as always a work of art!!
bestie this is such a thorough analysis i honestly cannot being to express my gratitude that you spent this kind of time on my brain rot bc you are SHOWING OFF THAT GRAD SCHOOL MIND, thesis level work thank u
this chapter was really supposed to send valaena to rock bottom and have a series of painful realizations,,, can't fix what you don't want to admit is broken:')
and yes dalton and valaena are written that way because dalton is both enabler and symptom relief, a little bit of a stress ball where valaena can work out her feelings with no expectations
and BESTIE i cannot wait for you to read the chapters of their last interactions, i have to know your thoughts on it when we get there lmaooo
and thank you bestie, i'll be honest, the curse or vow line was one i was v proud of so i'm glad it landed right lmfao, i like this idea of the heaven/hell, only two absolutes possible for aemond and valaena, and curse (a haunting, a loss, a feeling of fear) or vow (a promise, a light, a reason to be) is what they could be to each other, in every situation
this chapter was brought to you by the soul-crushing song "the archer" by taylor swift, where we get to explore terrifying self-hatred and doubt, applied liberally to our girl valaena
valaena is not easy to satisfy, double entendre intended, so i wanted to give her at least one win this chapter lmfao
but pls thank you for this!!! these anaylsis and long comments are honestly so meaningful and motivations, they make me feel like a real author:')v v grateful, thank you bestie
SALIVATING for your thoughts on the aemond chapter omg i could read your analysis on anything
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jangofctts · 3 years
Could you please do something about your ocs eating out habits or kinks?👀
Sunburst Squadron kinks
Blanche: size kink aLL THE WAY--he either likes a really smoL bb to swing around and just hug to his chest (or see that tummy bulge when he fuckin you kejrkjrh) or a veRY TOL bb he can bury his face into them tiddies or if they look like they can step on him. blanche is a big guy so with a tall s/o sometimes it’s cool to be able to look at your s/o in the eye kwjekjh. ALSo he do be bustin a phat nUT very quickly if you either bite him when he’s balls deep in you OR you let him fuck your tits.  Hair pulling--he wants his haIR YANKED, he’ll pull yours too if you want. mild handcuffs/ropes kink--he loves it when you man handle (as much as you can lmfaoo) and tie him up, maybe edge/overstimulate him. he likes a little pain like bite marks or scratches0--not toO much tho. oR ride his face, he ADORES that. it just shows how much he trust you when you tie him up so :)) (and well uh....he’s let you peg him if you asked teehee) idk if it’s a kink but kjhkj he gets hOT and bothered when youre being a badass or youre sparring with him. a Slight breeding kink--he likes seeing his cum drip out of you just so he can finger it back in.   
Blue: he likes grinding, ik it aint a kiNK BUT, he likes it a lot. he’s a bit of a crier too, he likes praising/worshiping you and doesn't mind if you return the favor. blue likes mutual masterbation--loves watching you fuck yourself and then when he's close he likes to cum over your thighs/tummy. he really likes your lips--they always make such pretty words and his name sounds so nice when you say it so, he reALLY likes it when you suck him off. he likes comm sex, likes to call you and whisper dirty things to you when he’s off planet. dont wanna say somnophillia but like he likes the idea of either you waking him up with a bj or him walking you up with oral, ya feel?   
Jaws: suCker for finger sucking--yours or his, he doesn't care. he’s big sappy romantic so..may I suggest...an oral kink where he’ll happily go down on you for hours with those puppy dog eyes. he likes when you ride his face or you offer to take him down your throat. he likes to do very light role-play like the “oH nO, there’s a big bad trooper who caught me stealing, whatever shall I do?”. he does have a kink for making sex tapes, they're kinda like shitty pornos buT he adores watching them when youre not there. he’ll make you watch them with him ifyou ARE there but--he just wants to document all of it wkejrhejh. he’s a bit of a joker so, he tends to run his mouth bUT when he goes quiet save for those breathy grunts yOU KNoW he’s close to cumming   
Sweets: sWeeTS BABY--listen, he is VERY vanilla at first bc he has no clue what he’s doing so ya gotta explore with him. tho he do be a big snacker so foodplay is something he’d like. put whipped cream on yours/his nipples anD YES he goes wild. tiddie fuckin is a yES, he goes feral for it, makes the most noises when you let him do it and cums verY fast wkjrhje. he doesn't like his hair YANKED but if you softly pull it and guide his mouth to wear you want him he likes that. ngl he does like fucking outside. he’s a nature boy, so his dream is just to fuck you on a bed of moss or some shit kwjerh--usually it ends up just being the floor. listen....yall forget that he’s an A Class sniper--boy sorta has a predator/prey kink. 
Kamikaze: kami is the nastiest mf ngl and like one of the only true tops in the squad kfhfh. his favorite place to fuck is the cockpit of his ship, or in very semi-public places. he’d rather have someone watch rather than watch you get fucked by another person, but he’d be fine with either. he likes teasing/overstimulation a littLE TOO much, so when you start to cry that’s when he relents. he likes handcuffs obvi, begging, likes watching you deepthroat and alSO likes breath play. kami is a Mean top so if you’re being too much of a brat he’ll spank you. he also has a kink for....vibrating panties ejjhejrh like if you’re in a meeting he’ll turn the vibrator on at the worst moments, yknow? little bastard man. he has a degradation kink to his s/o if a partner is into that   
Fuse: listen--this boy thinks he’s a top but he is Not krjkrjh. he’s a very bratty bottom and only presents as a top bc he’s so much of a brat that he’s always assumed he’s just a top wkrjkwh. this is controversial and I hate writing this but he might have like a mommy/mistress kink. he has a massive praise kink so do with that as you will. he likes wax play and also has a mild pain kink--heart eyEs mf when you give him a light slap on the thigh or cheek. likes biting and to be bitten or scratched. he do be liking quickies--he doesn't last very long but he can go a couple rounds sO quickies are his jam. he’s kinda a pig and will swipe your underwear (just a couple pairs ejrjeh) but dont tell him you know or he’ll just lie out his ass. HOWEVER. if yall are fighting or bickering he's a very big fan of hate sex while youre pinned against the wall yknow?     
Bruiser: tbh this boy is pretty vanilla when you first meet him (besides the size kink but rjekhkw), he fucks hard with a hand around your throat bUT once you introduce him to more things he'd be down. he’s an....ass man OOp. he doesn't wanna be pegged but he’ll buy you a nice butt plug or see how much of his cock he can fit in your ass yknow? he likes choking too but what reALLy gets him going is fucking in full armor. he thinks role playing is sorta dumb buT he adores when you’re already laid out on the bed and ask for your big strong trooper to come fill you up with all the armor on. he gets a thrill seeing where your nails chipped the paint when he’s on the battlefield. imma say it--he has a weapon kink. he gets so hard so fast if you kiss his blaster or grind on the hilt of his knife. he also likes fucking on furniture or walls--rarely a bed for some reason so ekjrhejh
Void: switch kjfhkwjhr--once he’s off the battlefield on leave and after you get him all relaxed he’s pretty mellow. he’s easy with anything you wanna try, what position you want him in yknow? you want him to kneel? sure thing. you want him to spank you? why not. he do be liking shower sex, something about the cramped refresher where there’s hardly any room for the both of you just gets hiM GoiN. he has a kink for dirty talk, so he’ll just be next to your ear the whole time chatting away. he has a kink for like, public places too I guess? mostly just storage closets but kjehrejh that’s p much it. ngl he’s gonna ask you if he can try to make you squirt, and if you say youve never tried/couldnt, well--he IS a medic after all kjhkjhr. he also has a kink for oral, so bonus points if he makes you squirt in his mouth. he hates anything that’ll leave a mark besides hickies/bite marks, sO that’s one of the only things he wont do  
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faunina · 4 years
rules: name 10 different favorite characters from 10 different pieces of media (books, tv, movie, etc.) and then tag 10 people!
tagged by: @villalunae thank you babe!!
im putting these down in no specific order bc im chronically indecisive 1. Lucy Pevensie (chronicles of narnia)
2. Reggie Abbott (twelve forever)
3. Medea (euripides’ medea)
4. Winnetou (from the Karl May winnetou trilogy)
5. Castiel (supernatural)
6. Bigby Wolf (the wolf among us)
7. Chloe Bourgeois (from miraculous ladybug, or at least who she could be if th*mas *struc wasnt a FUCKING coward)
8. Bee (Bee and Puppycat)
9. Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
10. also FUCK i REALLY wanna put a character from Akatsuki no Yona on this list, thing is, i could put any of the main and several of the supporting cast here for MULTIPLE differing reasons, and i cant fucking make up my mind, SO CONSIDER THE ENTIRE STORY ONE BIG FAVE FEST
the “tag youre it” goes out tooooo @evilpotion  @andrea-csenge  @slinkyinky  @blumoonwolf  @saaya-ryuzaki  @leetlelamb  @bonzorongo  @schwarzesgewitter  @the-judy-dog @cantwaittosee-blog and whoever else wants to play!
#a personal blogging experience#tagging#so i WILL say that these characters are all either childhood faves; fictional crushes; 'baby youre my AAANNNGEEELLL'; 'where are my#adoption papers' and/or Same Hat! kinda characters to me. u are free to interpret which is which#but SPOILERS i have THOTS and FEELINGS and i WILL go on a tag rant so HERE we go!#No1 and 4 are just BIG childhood sentimental faves to me. winnetou to the point that thats what i named my goldfish bc baby me thought#that he was just SO cool!! and lucy was a character that i really related to and looked up to as a kid when i had my narnia fever#(i actually also really ended up liking edmund after. that whole shitshow but like)#(lets not get into ALL of my fucking faves.)#(shoutout to mr tumnus tho)#nausicaä is SUCH an admirable protagonist in a movie that is just so deeply relatable with the entire climate crisis going on rn and tbh#i dont think that enough ppl talk about this movie. even if it falls further on the depressive side of the ghibli scale we SHOULD BE#TALKING ABOUT IT!!! imo anyways.#reggies character and her story was honestly a gut punch i didnt expect and i never felt that called out by a cartoon in my l i f e#if you havent watched twelve forever yet DO IT. i did and it was like the show reintroduced me to a younger version of myself that i had#almost forgotten existed at some point. OOF.#bee and puppycat is just a very cute and relaxing show to watch (intriguing also) and as i figure out adult life for myself i find bee very#damn relatable. also shes funny af and so am i.#honestly if u want my thots on chloe dm me bc its too long to put them here but bottom line: she could be so much more. fuck you astruc#medea is simply my unhinged fully-sane QUEEN and one of those characters where i read an ancient play expecting it to be hard to get into#and then found myself so incredibly reflected in words that have been passed around for over 2500 years. it was amazing. i have Thots on her#bigby is simply EVERYTHING i want in a fictional man and i love he so much. he looks like hed give amazing hugs if he bothered to do so#and listen man... castiel... i have such a love hate relationship with spn but castiel.... thats my angel. my baby. my darling star#and shining sun. and i want so many good things for him. (i feel similarly about dean really but. lets not get into how i feel about spn.)#lastly but not leastly: akayona. i love all the characters. so much. i love the story. so much. i love the worldbuilding!! so much!!#LITERALLY all i could ever ask for in a period drama harem shojo manga thats not really a harem and only a shojo in that the MC is a girl#(and she kicks ass!!!)#sooo let me say sth about at least all the main cast! zeno is my sunshine angst baby. shinah is my moonlight angst boy. kija... is an angel.#soowon is We Dont Talk About Soowon.#jaeha is my husband and hes so stupid and so smart. yoon is my terribly competent super smart pretty boy. hak is... so so loyal and devoted
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youknowwhatted · 2 years
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we love him nakky (and steve’s glorious collarbones)
We do love him nakky🥵
So many thots
Johnny Storm x reader
Warnings: MINORS DNI- roommates to lovers trope, idiots in love, mentions of drinking, drunk reader, mentions of the show below deck, over use of the pet name Peach, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, PIV, unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it), breath play, spitting
AN: I am so sorry this took so long @holy-stevie , I am a terribly slow writer and this started out as something entirely different but I hope you like it😊
Written on my phone. All mistakes are my own. This fic got away from me and I suck at knowing how to end things. Have no idea of the word count.
"Jesus, Johnny!" You cried as you covered your eyes. "Put some fucking clothes on," you grumbled as your roommate plopped down next to you on the couch in nothing but a towel and a devilish smirk.
"No can-do, Peach. You know I like to air dry after I shower," he stated as he reached over you for the remote.
You made to grab the remote out of his hand, "first of all; do not call me peach. You saw my bare ass one time -"
"And it's so perfect, how could I not call you Peach?"
"And second," you continue, rolling your eyes, "don't interrupt my boat show."
He was still halfway across your lap, both of your hands on the remote, "Boat show?" He smirked at you.
Fuck, this was not helping the little crush you had on your very sexy and very cocky roommate. The intoxicating smell of his body wash lingers in front of you, you wanted to lick the rivulets of water dripping down his chest and you could clearly make out the outline of his cock under the towel.
"Yes. Now let go," you tugged on the remote and shoved his shoulder with your free hand. You bit your lip as he leaned back, releasing the remote and holding his hands up in surrender, "okay, okay, Peach."
You shot him a glare before trying to turn your attention back to your show. You couldn't keep your eyes from drifting down to his wide set thighs and you had to tamp down a whimper when he popped his hips up slightly, getting more comfortable. The towel begins to cover less and less of his legs the more he adjusts. Some drama was happening on the screen and Johnny pulled you out of your lust filled stare, "Has that dude slept with every chick on the boat?"
"Huh?" Your eyes snapped back up to the TV, "Oh yeah, Gary's a real player. Kinda like someone else I know," you playfully elbowed his ribs.
"Oof," he mocked offence as he rubbed his ribs, "that hurts, Peach," he frowned.
You rolled your eyes again and shoved his shoulder with your own as you brought your focus back to the show.
You two had been playing at this unspoken game of who was gonna break first since you moved in. He didn't have the heart to tell you that the night you came home plastered last weekend, you had tried to kiss him as he helped you in to your bed.
"Johnny," you happily cried, throwing your arms around his neck when he opened the apartment door you were struggling to unlock.
"'M drunk," you slurred with a giggle, struggling to stand upright and he wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you from falling.
"I can tell," he chuckled, as he tried to walk you down the hall to your bedroom, your feet uncooperative in your strappy heels.
"Toooo much tequila," you whined as you fumbled again before he picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bed, setting you down gently on the edge. You bit your lip when you got a full view of him as he stood back up; hair tussled, gray sweatpants slung low on his hips, his bare chest that you wanted to sink your teeth into, and that smirk that always did you in. He kneeled down and started to undo the straps on your shoes and you tossed yourself back on the bed, hands over your face as you groaned, "Why d'you have to be stupid sexy all the time?"
He laughed again and placed your feet up on the bed, "Oh, you are gonna be so hungover tomorrow," he helped you get under the cover and was pulling them up when you made grabby hands at him with a pout. He rolled his eyes, a smile tugging on his lips as he leaned down to give you a hug, but you pulled on his neck, bringing his face to yours, "I want you," you whispered, inching closer. He sighed, closing his eyes and rested his forehead on yours, "God, I wish you'd say that when you're sober." He reached up and took your hands off his neck, whispering "goodnight, y/n," and walked out of your room. He heard you sniffle as he closed the door.
You woke to the smell of bacon and emerged from your bed with a splitting headache, in search of coffee. Your embarrassment from last night's rejection is evident in the ruined mascara and tear tracks under your eyes when you caught a look at yourself in the mirror as you changed into sweats. All you could remember was that you made your move and he rejected you.
"Ah, she lives," Johnny said with a smile, sliding a plate of his famous hangover cure breakfast to you as you sat down at the island in the kitchen. You moaned, head in hands, voice cracking as you asked for coffee. He was already sliding a cup to you. You took a sip, and hid your smile behind your favorite mug, it was just the way you like it.
"So," he started, trying to be nonchalant, placing the dirty pans in the sink as you dug in to your food, "tequila, huh? Did you black out again?"
You thought for a minute as you chewed, trying to piece together your hazy memory of the night before. The silence making him nervous.
"Shit," you sighed, his hands stilled in the soapy water, "I think I tried to make out with one of the bouncers at Mick's. Fuck. I am never going drinking with Kristi again. I don't even remember coming home." His shoulders fell a little as he began scrubbing again.
"I-, uh, I didn't do anything stupid when I got home, did I?" You asked hesitantly. He put the clean pan on the drying rack and turned to face you with a soft smile, "Nah, Peach, you were fine. I mean, besides you falling in those crazy heels every two seconds, you were fine." He turned back to the dirty dishes. Fuck.
But now. Now, you were so fucking close to breaking. His bare thigh was pressed up against yours and watching the deckhand and chief stew on the reality show make out in a hot tub was doing nothing to stop your thirst. You tried to be subtle as you squeezed your thighs together trying to quell the throbbing in your clit, the action not going unnoticed by Johnny. His crystal blue iris' a thin line around his lust blown pupils as he threw one arm on the back of the couch, his other across his lap to try and hide his growing erection. You cleared your throat and shifted, practically squirming in your soaked panties.
"You okay, Peach?" He husked, leaning closer.
You turned to him, locking eyes, "don't call me that," but there was no bite in your words. His eyes drifted down to your lips when you ran your tongue over them. Your chest rising at a quicker pace the longer he stared and when you bit your lip his hand that was on the couch was on your neck, gently pulling your towards him. "Tell me you want this, Y/N," he whispered, eyes searching yours.
"I want you, Johnny," you echoed your words from the weekend before and in an instant his lips were on yours. Soft and needy and urgent. His other hand wrapping around your waist to pull you into his lap, your hands coming to rest on his shoulders as you moaned into his mouth. He tasted minty as you tongues explored each other, his hands sliding up and down your sides and when you sucked his tongue into your mouth he groaned, grabbing your hips to grind you over his cock. You could feel his hard length through the thin leggings you wore as his towel slipped away, making your pussy clench around nothing.
"Holy shit," the words came out before you could stop them when you pulled back and looked down, his large cock, bigger than any you've had before, twitching under your gaze and leaking pre cum, making your mouth water.
"Like what you see, Peach?"
Your half-lidded eyes meeting his, "I told you," you simpered as you got off his lap and on to your knees in front of him, your hands running up his thighs as he spread them when you leaned forward, "Don't. Call. Me. Peach."
You licked from the base of his cock, running your tongue up the thick vein to his leaking tip, his taste heady as you took him in your mouth. A quiet "fuck," falling from his lips when you you looked up at him through your lashes as you took him as deep as you could, his tip hitting the back of your throat and you swallowed around him, your hand wrapping around what you couldn't fit in your mouth. You swirled your tongue along his vein and hummed when he began gathering your hair away from your face, gently urging you to move. His eyes rolled back in his head as you slowly came back up stopping to run your tongue over his slit and you felt his thighs shake. You swirled your tongue around his tip one last time before bobbing your head and working the rest of his length with your hand in tandem. "Oh shit, just like that baby," his voice a low and desperate, his grip in your hair tightened as you began gagging on his thick cock, drool spilling down your hand and onto his balls.
You hummed, feeling his cock get incredibly hard, his moans and grunt above you making your chest swell with pride and he asked, "Can I cum in your mouth, baby?" You nodded your head as best you could before he groaned again and a slew of profanities falling from him as ropes of his cum shoot down your throat as you tried your best to swallow all of it.
You pulled off of him with a pop. He growled, pulling you up into his lap again and bringing your lips to his in a heated kiss, tasting himself on your tongue as he squeezed your ass.
"My turn to taste you," he whispered against your lips, slowly lowering you to lay down on the couch. He sat back, pulling your leggings and panties down and bringing a finger to your glistening cunt.
"Is all this for me, Peach?"
You nodded your head as he ran two fingers up the cut of you making your breath hitch, gathering your juices and bringing them to his mouth. He moaned at your taste, "always knew you'd taste amazing."
He ran his fingertips up your thighs as he leaned down, lifting your legs over his shoulders and kissing down the soft skin of your inner thigh, making your tummy swoop with anticipation. He grazed his teeth just above where you needed him most, making you whine, "Please, Johnny."
"Don't worry, Peach. I'll take good care of this pretty little pussy," he husks, his breath ghosting over your pulsing clit before he spit on it, watching his saliva drip down your folds, your breathing becoming rapid and he hadn't even put his mouth on you yet.
You inhaled sharply as he finally put you out of your misery, running his tongue from your leaking hole to your clit, swirling it and then latching his lips around and sucking. Your cries and moans of "ohmygod," and "fuck yes! Right there," egging him on as he flicked his tongue rapidly over your swollen bud, you fingers carding through his short hair, heat blooming in your core as he brought you closer to bliss.
Johnny spread his hand over your tummy to still your hips, his other tracing around your glistening lips before he sank two thick fingers into you, searching for that soft, spongy spot that made your toes curl. "Don't stop!" You cried as he found it, "I'm so close."
He moved his fingers and tongue faster, your body going ridged as your orgasm spread fire through your veins and you held his face to your pussy. "Yesyesyesfucksogood," your words slurred together as he worked you through your high, drinking in your juices.
He pulled back, taking a deep breath, "Damn, Peach," he smiled as you both caught your breath. He pulled his fingers from your drenched cunt, making you whine at the empty feeling.
"I need to feel you wrapped around my cock and have you do that again," he said as he crawled up your body, stopping to lift your shirt and brought his mouth to your nipple, biting it causing a thin keen to leave your lips.
"Fuck yes," you replied, pushing him up to sit on the couch as you straddle his lap, slipping your tongue in his mouth as you grind your pussy over his massive cock. His hands grip your ass before he slides them up your back, lifting your shirt as they go and you pull back so he can take it off of you.
"God, you're so beautiful," he brushes his thumbs over your hard nipples, a shiver running down your spine before kissing him again, and you can't wait any longer, you needed to feel him inside you. He couldn't wait either, one hand on his cock, the other moving to your hip to guide you down on to him, watching each other as you feel him stretch your soft walls, the pain and pleasure mixing has your head going light. He pulls you down, inch by inch, until he's buried to the hilt, your pussy fluttering around him, a choked moan falling from your lips and his grip on your hip bruising.
"Fuck, you're so big. I don't know if I can-" you shudder as you begin to circle your hips.
"Oh yes you can, Peach. You're taking me so well," he brushes a few hairs from your face, his hand coming to rest on your neck, pulling you back to his lips as he whispered, "just like I knew you would."
He kissed you as he slammed his hips up to yours, then slowly pulled back out, leaving just the tip as your pussy tried to suck him back in. Both of his hands fell to your ass as you whined, trying to wiggle back down on his fat cock. "Awe, is my Peach needy," he squeezed your ass, keeping you in place and kneading the supple flesh, "use your words, baby."
And here you thought you being on top would mean you were in control.
You bite your lip, tipping your head back and closing your eyes as you whine again.
"Don't get all shy on me now, Peach," he whispers before bringing his lips to your collar bone as you rake your nails over his shoulders.
You bring your eyes back to his, any other coherent thought leaving your mind before you practically yell "Fuck me, Johnny." And oh he is happy to oblige. A grin spreads over his lips as he slams you back down and you cry out, both his hands coming up to cup your breasts as you begin to bounce. You can feel every ridge of his cock as your walls flutter around his hard length. A familiar heat begins to spread in your core, the coil twisting tighter as you feel your high approaching. He brings his thumb down to rub harsh circles on your sensitive bud and his mouth to your peeked nipple, biting hard as he moans. The sensations overwhelming as the coil snaps and you cry out his name as he fucks you through your high. His hips stutter as he wraps his arms around you, groaning when he paints your walls with his seed, making you cum again, your hips moving on their own accord over his sensitive cock as he shudders as after shocks roll through your body.
"Holy shit, Peach," he groans, leaning his forehead against yours as you both catch your breath. You smile, "I told you," you give him a quick kiss, "don't call me Peach."
Like and Rb's appreciated 🤟
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breanime · 2 years
I saw you reblog someone else do it, so now I need to know your opinion: how many shots to hook up with the Mayans men 👀👀👀
Oof... wow... okay, so, keep in mind that I'm a Whore and I don't like shots so... also I'm high, so my bad for any typos
Warning: Horny Thots
Bish: Three shots, but I KNOW he would buy me more... and I would take them. I would also take him. In a backroom or the bathroom or behind the club in the alley. It'd be a nice, hard fuck and we would laugh together while we fucked, but once it was done, I probably wouldn't wanna see him again... I'm lying, I'd hit him up like once every three months for a booty call till he gets too drunk and yells at me and I have to kick him out at 3 in the morning and then I'm not gonna fuck anyone else for like 8 months cause of the drama. So. Thanks, Bish 🙄
Taza: Three to five shots, just to get the courage to approach an older man who, you know, looks like Taza. I feel like we'd talk the whole night, and by the end of it I'd basically be willing to kill for this man. I have no doubt he holds his liqour better than me, and he's so well spoken and has such an interesting vibe, I'd listen to him tell stories till the bar closed.
Hank: Honestly, maybe two or three. He isn't my type at all, but if he could guarantee some good dick, drunk me would be into it for one time.
Gilly: Five. Maybe more. Probably more. Definitely more. He isn't my type physically, and I don't think I'd like his personality. I'm not even interested in what he's got under the hood, if ya know what I mean. Not for me.
Creeper: Three shots, maybe less. He's cute and I bet I could tease him and make him flustered, so I would take maybe two shots, one for courage, and the other would be an excuse to go back up to the bar where I asusme he'd be chilling so I could strike up a conversation. The third shot would be the one he buys me. We'd go back to his place and bang, and he'd be super cute asking for my number after and he would want to take me out for breakfast and he'd consider it a date and oh wow, I'm dating Creep now. Okay!
Coco: Two shots. Both for courage because he looks intimidating. I'd get close to him and encourage him to touch me when he's ready, and then next thing you know, I'd be halfway in his lap making out in the bar. I'd have to blow him in the bathroom, which isn't ideal, but I think he's the type to kiss you after he's come in your mouth, so yay. Anyway, we'd go back to his place and fuck a few times before he passes out and I go home. But he'd probably text the next day asking when he can fuck me again, and it'd be on from there 💗
Angel: Not a single shot. I know Angel.I have meet many Angels. I am well versed in Angel. Hell, Angels love me. I would sip my little cocktail and flirt with him until he straight up tells me he wants to stretch my pussy out and when I tell you we would break LAWS speeding to his place and he would put me on my knees in the entry way of his house because he's been rock hard since the bar and he can't wait to get started---anyway. Yeah. I. Uh. I would fuck Angel if I had the chance.
EZ: One shot because he's pretty and I'd be afraid he wouldn't be interested in my basic ass lol. BUT one of us would drop a random fact, and that would become our thing. I'd be slurping him down like a red popsicle on a hot summer day and then stop like "hey, did you know emus can't walk backwards?" And then he'd be drilling my shit, have me face down in the mattress and he would say, "Did you know that the Pope declared war on black cats in the 13th century which lead to an increase in rats and then the plague?" And we would do that forever and ever until we died.
Nestor: Three shots, especially if he's wearing his sunglasses because why would he wear those? What's his deal? He's mysterious and I want to know what his dick looks like. And I will. I will.
Miguel: Three shots. He's intimdating, but he's also perfect and if I saw him, I would never forgive myself if I let him get away. After the three shots, I'm putting anything else he gives me in my mouth. And once we leave the bar, he will have full access to all of my holes. Matter of fact, might need another shot just to help numb me up a bit cause I'm in for a long night.... anyway....
Manny: You already know. It wouldn't take me a single shot, the things I would do to that man, what I would let him do to ME, no question, we fucking. I'm gonna perform magic on his dick. I'm gonna do acrobatics on his dick. I'm gonna put a spell on his dick, he's gonna wanna kill me before he lets another person have me. And I'll be stone cold sober when I spring the trap, babyyyyyyyyy
Felipe: Three shots... might play up how drunk I am a bit, cause I know he's a traditional gentleman and will then take it upon himself to look after me the rest of the night. He wouldn't take me home, he'd probably hump me in the back of the carnicería and then apologize for it after. We'd never hook up again, and he'd feel guilty as hell, like he cheated, but he would still be fond of me and we would become friends. And he'd have to introduce me to his sons and then they'd introduce me to the club and then....
....we're back to taking shots and getting slammed, baby! 😎🤙🏾🤙🏾
Did I forget anybody?
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howdoyousleep3 · 2 years
i know you did a thing with nick fowler and our beloved senator but miss k, i can’t help it
everytime i see nick fowler all i can think about is daddy james. everytime i read daddy james/stevie baby i just picture him as a mob boss or something along those lines and seb playing nick fowler IS NOT HELPING
Oh my god, baaaaaabe when I read this Ask I literally said out loud, "yesssssss, finalllyyyyyyyy" because I've just been screaming at @sheetsforwhichimmade all of my thots about how Nick Fowler is literally Daddy James. 😭 Here come the v scattered yet v horny thoughts and feelings...
Let's start with the obvious one...
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NGH, can you imagine? Steve starting to be a brat at a dinner James let him tag along to? A squeeze to the nape of his neck and a low "Do as you're told, Steven" whispered in his ear?
Steve traipsing into a meeting that he shouldn't be a part of in any capacity, maybe James is in the middle of interrogating someone, threatening them, something Steve doesn't see often. James lets Steve walk right up to him and Daddy tells him to leave, but Steve starts to object. James stops him immediately. "Go back to bed. Do as you're told..."
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This one! So self-explanatory, I weep. Steve wanting to put up a useless fight, wanting to spit and kick and dig his heels into the ground during an argument. Daddy responding with this, amused, knows this little act used against anyone else would be effective but against Daddy? "Please, sweet boy. Always such a tough guy, ain't ya?"
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Just...Daddy at work. That's all, that's it. It's a soft day, one where James wants Steve to accompany him to work because he can't stand even the thought of being away from Steve for more than two minutes. He picks him up a sugary coffee along the way. Steve wears Daddy's clothes and lounges around James' office couch sketching and reading. And Daddy just goes about his business.
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😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 We don't talk enough about Daddy James getting distracted by his baby's fat liiiiiiips but, oof. Imagine it, that long, drawn out look at Steve's lips as he's trying to explain something to James. Smacking his hand over Daddy's chest even if he feels a blush reach his cheeks, James grabbing Steve's hands and holding him close.
"Quit, baby c'mere. No, m'listening, c'mon. Well can you blame me? They're speakin' to me themselves, just...yeah, go on..."
Steve kinda flustered now, determining what he had to say isn't important anymore, but he'll keep talking if it makes his Daddy needier, if it'll get him more heated looks and waist pinches.
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Lord has no mercy here, I won't even request it. This one is a mood. So many possibilities. Steve mumbling under his breath and his Daddy ducking his chin and telling him to speak up. James asking Steve a question and demanding eye contact to ensure he's heard his Daddy clearly. "Use your words" with this look as he ensures eye contact. Such a Daddy Look.
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A Daddy Look once more! Bourbon? Undone tie and open collar? A Moody James? Downing his liquor without so much as a wince or a flinch? Daddy needs some unwinding time, some stress relief, and his favorite toy to use is his sweet, puppy baby. Steve doesn't fight when James comes home like this, gives minimal sass, listens when Daddy spreads his thighs and tells Steve, "take me outta my pants, make me hard. Know that sweet mouth'll give me just what I need before that cunt finishes the job..."
A bitch is down for suuuuuuuuure. ❤️
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saradika · 3 years
I don't know how "crazy" this is, but I hope it delivers all the same 💕
So I had this thought about Wrecker. He's always so worried about hurting you. Not just because of his large size but also because of his enhanced strength. So, in order to put some of his worries to bed, you decide to restrain him with binders and as it turns out, Wrecker really loves it. So much so that when you climb on top of his lap he can't control his bucking enough for you to even try to get him inside of you. So you end up grinding along the length of his cock until he cums all over his stomach and you cum on top of his dick. Then, when you go to indo the binders, Wrecker tell you to leave them on because he's already almost half hard again and this time he wants to be good for you.
If you'd like to expand on this thought or talk about the rest of The Bad Batch (or really any of the clones) and what happens when you find out they like to be restrained – I wouldn't stop you 😏
TESS!! Oh my god, my friend! I have not been able to think about anything else for days.😳💖 This is such a great thot and absolutely so Wrecker. He would be such a mess for you, and I am so weak for the part with the grinding! (And having to climb on top of him?? 🥴 And oof - the tenderness & him being worried - it’s all so good! If you want to say more I’m 👀)
You always send me the best BB HCs and thots! I have a couple below about the rest of the Batch!✨
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All Tied Up
The Bad Batch x Reader
Rated E - 1.2k words
Tags: Face Sitting, Oral (M & F Receiving), PiV Sex, Restraints, References to Safewords
Sorry for the delay, I just wanted to try to do your thot justice! ✨ I felt so inspired by your incredible Wrecker ask.
And a big thanks to @ladyopress, @mandaloriandin, and @bobas-missing-codpiece for their help! 💕
Hunter x F!Reader
Hunter loves when you use his binders on him, he is all about the teasing, the anticipation
But sometimes, he has to be in the right frame of mind to ask for it
Sometimes the feeling of the metal or cloth on his wrists is too much, and being bound feels suffocating instead of arousing
So you usually let him come to you, wait until he leaves the binders out where you can see them
When he does, his favorite thing is when you bind his wrists above his head, after stripping him bare in his bunk
When you straddle his face, hovering your soaked pussy just above his lips, making him ask you to taste it
When you pretend to think about it, your fingers carding through his air as you hold yourself, just out of reach
When you finally decide to oblige, lowering yourself to his waiting mouth, your soft thighs like pillows against his ears
When he’s so full of you, the taste of your sweet cunt the only thing he knows, the pitch of your moans the only sound he hears
In that moment, he thinks it’s the best place in the galaxy - nothing could be better than this
When he knows that the only thing that matters is getting you to cum as hard as possible on his tongue, then he’s able to finally relax his mind
He thinks he could stay just like this, for hours, his tongue licking, stroking, tasting
Making you cum again and again, until you’re as ruined as he is
And if he’s lucky enough - you might decide to turn around after you cum, face the other way as you straddle his face
You might lean down to suck on his cock, cupping his balls in your hand as his tongue fucks into you, lapping at your slick, groaning even louder than you are
And if you do… he never can last more than a few minutes before he’s coming hard, splashing ropes of pearly cum across his chest or down your throat - whichever you decide.
(Safe words - Hunter uses a color system when you tie him up (green/yellow/red) since he can sometimes get overstimulated/ overwhelmed and might need to slow down for a minute)
Tech x F!Reader
Tech probably won’t come right out and say it, but there’s not a lot he wouldn’t do for you
He’s naturally curious and observant, so when you say there’s something new you want to try, he is usually game
The human body has so many methods of giving and receiving pleasure, why wouldn’t he want to test them all?
But there’s some you just happen to stumble onto as well
You’re straddling his waist, his cock spearing into you as you rock slowly back and forth
It’s sweet and gentle, your hands trailing down his forearms, twining your fingers with his
You’re not really thinking too much about it when you lift your clasped palms, raising his hands above his head, pushing them into the soft pillow
But he reacts beautifully, his mouth going soft and slack beneath your lips, his cock seeming to throb within you
You pull back, tongue running over your teeth as you gaze down at him, an eyebrow arching as you look at his glazes eyes, the flush creeping down his cheeks onto his neck
Fingers tightening, your hips move a little sharper, raising up before dropping down onto his cock, your skin slapping against his
The sound he makes is so pretty, closer to a whine than a groan, his fingers gripping yours, nails digging into the back of your hand
So you do it again, watching the way his head tips back, back arching off the bed
“You want me to fuck you, baby? Is that what you want? Want me to ride your cock until I make you cum?”
His lips part to answer, the words on the tip of his tongue - but they come out as a groan instead, his hips grinding up against yours
Your hands shift, the fingers of one hand stretching to enclose both his wrists, your free hand reaching down to pinch his chin between thumb and forefinger
Angling his face up to yours as you brush your lips against his
“Words, sweetheart.”
His answer come as a low gasp, his pupils blown wide, “Please.”
(Safe Words - Tech is usually a talker, but when he's in the bedroom, words can sometimes fail him. The two of you set up a safe word and a safe signal, to make sure he can always communicate if he's uncomfortable and needs to stop.)
Wrecker x F!Reader
Absolutely no notes - Tess you are incredible and covered everything I could have wanted. What a big great thot, you are such a genius and you always write Wrecker so perfectly! 💕 Making a big man go weak and needy has me like 🥴💖
Echo x F!Reader
Echo is always interested in trying new things with you
It took no convincing at all when you asked him if you could use binders on him - in fact, the look in his eyes told you he’d like that, very much
Your fingers smooth over his wrists, bound behind his back, as you move around to the chair in front of him
He shifts on his knees as you lower yourself onto the cushion, your thighs spreading wide
Echo groans, a low, needy sound as your fingers slide up your thigh, stroking up your slit
He shifts his weight, his cock bobbing heavily between his bent thighs as your finger slowly circles your clit
With each of your sighs and movements his hips flex with a shallow thrust, as is he’s imagining he’s fucking you himself, his eyes trained on your slick pussy
“What do you want, Echo?”
His eyes drag up to yours almost reluctantly, his tongue sweeping over his lip, “Right now? For you to cum.”
Your fingers dip down again, sinking a knuckle into your entrance, gathering your arousal before dragging it back up
“Do you want to watch me?” Your other hand cups a breast, and he lets out a groan of longing, “Or do you want to do it?”
“Fuck, cyare. You know I want to. Been wanting to taste you all day.” It’s like he doesn’t know where to look, your soft, wet folds, or the curves of your bare breasts
Your laugh is closer to a moan as he shifts closer, the side his head resting against your lower thigh as he watches
“But you’re all tied up, baby. You think you can make me cum without your fingers?”
His head tilts, kissing the soft skin of your thigh as he leans closer to you, his lips like a hot brand on your skin
You watch as his mouth makes its way slowly to the apex of your thighs, his breath ghosting across your pussy, tongue peeking out to swipe at your clit
You’re already moaning, watching the way his eyes close as he tastes you, eyelashes fluttering on his cheeks
Then they open, fixing you with a sly smile
“Mesh’la, you have no idea what my mouth can do.”
(Safe Words - Echo (and Wrecker!) both set up a good, solid safe word that they feel comfortable using if things get too intense.)
(Taglist: @clanoffetts, @ladyopress, @zinzinina, @dreamydroid, @themaydecemberist , @delusionsxfgrandeur, @rexsjaigeyes, @thiccumz, @mandaloriandin, @bobas-missing-codpiece, @sgtdogmastyle , @royalstardustwrites, @thefact0rygirl, @mysticalgalaxysalad, @stardust-galaxies, @pedropastelpascal, @amneris21, @over300books, @buckethead-over-heels, @lastphoenixfalling, @aerinkebiinkads , @writeforfandoms, @djarrex, @14mcmd1122, @hansonveggieclub, @kyberdreams, @padawanboba, @smoldjarin, @recklessworry, @tacticalsparkles, @prettylilhalforc, @captain-rexs-girlfriend, @ladykatakuri, @uratuguy)
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borom1r · 2 years
I'm also having a terrible day, whaddaya know! Your posts have a way of making me feel better, so could we get some thots on Amanda + her relationships?
Also: how would your fursona (of your choice) react to being put in a saw trap (assuming they survived)?
aww dude wtf;;;; yea im totally down for discussin Mandy HCs!!! sorry yr havin a shit day too gfhh
UGGHF I don’t have serious Mandy meta in me cuz it makes me Sad but i also just. don’t talk abt the Mandy/Laura/Pamela/Lynn polycule that lives in my head alongside the Fuck-Off Big SAW Polycule???
which I think starts post SAW II w/ Laura, bc i like to think that would be the catalyst for Amanda going “actually, Jigsaw is bullshit” (Laura dying/in this case almost dying in her arms, Xavier throwing her into a pit of dirty syringes when Nothing Is Up To Chance, JOHN ENDANGERING AN INNOCENT CHILD— A CHILD THAT AMANDA DEVELOPS A LEGITIMATE BOND WITH?????????) and I think expands to include Lynn after Laura encourages Amanda to reach out to Adam to help her move past some of that guilt she’d been carrying re: the bathroom.
touching on Adam&Amanda in this situation, i do think it’s a bit of a shock to Amanda how easily he forgives her but like especially after she tells him about the nerve gas house + what woke her up to John’s bullshit it’s like. Yeah of course he forgives her. It’s even more of a shock to her w/ Daniel but like. she was traumatized and used and neither of them blame her for that, especially not after she shows she’s changed. (EDIT: i got caught up playing MK11 and i need u guys to picture Adam and Amanda playing MK3 on his old playstation. you know theyd both love the fatalities but Amanda is actually good at pulling them off)
OOHGJK FURTHER SIDETRACKING to say in general i rlly appreciate the Amanda&Lawrence friendship whether disciples or not, but i think Diana would LOVE Mandy. she warms up to Amanda quicker than w/ some bc Daniel is obviously very close with Amanda, n it helps to know that Mandy is Big Bro Approved— where m going with this is once everyone’s kind of settled into this giant-ass mess of a found family Diana ABSOLUTELY calls her “Aunt Mandy” to her face and Amanda fucking-
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anyways back on track: I think in this scenario she meets Lynn through Lawrence bc now neither of them are there to help John with his bullshit so she winds up left out of Jeff’s trial — i think quite honestly BECAUSE she and Amanda (and Laura) are at least close friends by that point. it would be an incredibly bold fucking move to kidnap her when the slowly growing squad of torture victims who would do Anything for each other now includes a member who knows where you live. Watch Out, Bitch (John).
and while I think Amanda n Laura develop relatively quickly into a romantic relationship, it takes Lynn longer (especially since it’s not Just Amanda) but eventually she does get there. and its what Lynn deserves, to be loved so much n so fully.. oof.
Pamela is the last addition (funnily enough coinciding w/ William joining the Big Main Polycule (William Easton, My Beloved)) and I think she comes out of things a lot more shaken than she likes to let on— almost watching your brother get melted with fucking acid will do that. it’s smthn i plan to touch on in my text game that i swear to god i AM still working on, just slowly, but i think becoming friends w/ Pamela is something very cathartic for Mandy. not only bc she is just so much more blunt than Laura or even Lynn and can give Mandy the kind of rude wake-up she needs to snap out of her self-deprecation, but bc this is probably the first time Mandy’s had a close friend (+ soon to be girlfriend!) who is Also a trans lesbian.
Mandy specifically is nonbinary (she uses she/her + it/its due to trauma; based off my own experiences n reasons for using it/its pronouns, wahoo) while Pamela is a trans woman, but I do think it’s very healing for Mandy to be around someone who can recognize her struggles + her perspective, and may not perfectly understand but still can more so than someone cis (not that Laura and Lynn don’t make the effort, just that it’s different). especially because I think coming out is not something she ever felt safe to do with John and speaking with Pamela kind of solidifies her reasoning. in that William’s traps were so heavily focused on the destruction of his body because he’s trans and it’s a body he built, and oh, god, wonder what that would’ve meant for her. would her gender be a sign she wasn’t appreciating her life properly? any potential desire to transition yet another sign of mortal sin?
it’s an easy spiral to go down but one Pamela is very quick to drag her out of. because no, no matter what some old fuck with a god complex says, Amanda living her best, happiest life should not result in the death penalty and Pamela will absolutely gut him if he tries to come near Mandy. she definitely says this in front of Laura at least once + Laura just looks up from painting her nails like “me too! ☺️” with the cheeriest smile. nobody knows what she was in jail for and honestly even Mandy is a little worried to find out. Laura is the sweetest person she knows + she has no doubt Laura would tear the world apart to protect all three of them. it’s a little frightening in an extremely good way.
AYO. BFBSJFHSH funny u ask bc Adz is literally based off Adam n Lawrence mashed together (n his boyfriend, Sen, is based off Eric + Strahm) so like!!
i will take th opportunity to dish abt his non-proto form bc it’s a species i might actually develop a lil? hehe;; (what little i have ironed out now is tht their meat/blood/fleshy bits like inside their mouth + to a certain extent their bones + teeth are bioluminescent + they navigate via echolocation. they’ve got hedgehog-like spines thru their fur which raise when they’re threatened (not unlike a dog’s hackles). they get a lot of sensory information thru their mouths but where most examples wld just lick stuff if they knew it was safe/smell w/ their mouths open for extra information, Adz will just str8 up bite things no hesitation) — where I’m Finally goin w this is that in this form, rather than combat like his normal Protogen version, this Adz lost his leg to poachers (think fucked up futuristic bear traps). so like, not entirely unlike a SAW trap
i think depending on the trap Adz wld either do REALLY well or really shit. bc he has little to no regard for his own safety (he essentially clawed his own leg off) so like, if he was by himself in a Venus fly trap scenario I think he could definitely do something like cut out his own tongue. but I don’t think he’d be able to directly hurt someone like Amanda did— he may be able to pull through in the end like Lawrence did if it’s not hands on, but up close and personal? no. and he definitely couldn’t compete. if he was up against other people he’d just back down and let them win; at least, before meeting Sen. his self-worth improves after he and Sen begin their friendship, so if he had someone to get back home to he’d be a cut-throat little monster.
as far as the aftermath, I don’t think it’d really bother him tbqh. he’s extremely good at compartmentalization, but his paranoia would absolutely get worse + I can imagine him breaking down alone. just not in front of Sen (if he’s in the picture)
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Ok, Benny working out around/with Techie...do we just end up sitting and watching like 😍. Sweaty, flexing pecs and arms...
Oof magoof we are all having such a THOTFUL MONDAY NIGHT and you know what?? I love it for us? Also that gif mother of god
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Borracho’s apartment building has a gym. Yours didn’t, so you count it as an additional perk when you agree to move in with him. “See, these are the kind of amenities you get when you spend more money on rent and less on coffee,” He teases you as the two of you head down there. “Don’t start in on that, Magalon,” You groan. You’re not in the mood - it’s too early and you haven’t even had your first coffee yet. Borracho just chuckles and cups your chin and tips your head up for a kiss. “You gotta wake up, sweetness,” He lets his hand slide around to pat you on the ass and get you moving out of the elevator. You grunt, but you go. You’ve been to the gym in the building a couple of times now, but you’ve gone on your own.
The two of you set your things down, put your headphones in, go your separate ways. The gym isn’t state-of-the-art or incredibly expansive, but it’s big enough that you can zone out without catching sight of your boyfriend for a while. And that’s why when you do catch sight of him, your jaw drops a little bit. Look, you know he’s in shape. You’ve seen him. But the sight of Borracho laid back on a bench, pressing a bar over his head is making you think… Some things. A lot of things. You glance around. You can’t see any cameras, and there isn’t anyone else in there. You turn off your music and tuck your phone and headphones into the pocket of your leggings, abandoning your own set. You walk over slowly, watching him and biting your lip. He’s so focused, too -- taking even breaths in, pushing them out. You can see the sweat dripping from his forehead, his arms are glistening, holy shit… You wait until he’s lowered the bar back into its place and let his fingers go slack before you settle over him in one swift movement, straddling his hips. He blinks up at you in surprise before a smile curls at his lips. “What are you doing?” He asks. “I think we should go finish our workout upstairs.” Borracho’s brows raise, and he sits up slowly. “Don’t wanna finish it right here?” He puts his hands on your hips and drags you flush against him, and you have to fight not to groan aloud. You shake your head, looking down at where his tank is sweaty, stuck to his chest. “No,” You murmur, “I don’t want the neighbors getting an eyeful.” “I didn’t know you were possessive, sweetness,” Borracho’s fingers curl in the fabric of your shirt, and you smile. “Only about certain things,” You squirm in his lap and he groans, tightening his hold on you to still you. “So?” You tip your head to the side, “Are you finishing up there or down here?” Borracho licks his lips before he lightly swats your thigh and nods to where you left your water bottle: “Grab your shit, let’s go.” 
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