#I think Sally and Oogie Boogie were there too
cupcakeshakesnake · 8 months
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I randomly remembered that I wrote fanfic of Jack Skellington going to a theme park and eating ice cream when I was seven 💀
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kibbits · 7 months
(Some people choose not to have holiday asks because of multiple reasons so I always try to ask so if they don’t they can use my ask to establish the boundaries) With consent secured, What are the BAL!Boys Halloween costumes? Or would it be what Fazbear makes them wear vs what they’d like to wear? I could throw the cliché “Dr.Jeckell and Mr.Hyde”, but I think Fazbear would stick with tried and true Universal Monsters Lineup which does include Phantom of the Opera. Maybe they could lean into Monty’s nicknames and dress themselves as Comedy and Tragedy.
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HI HELLO!! Happy Halloween!
I had some fun sketching different costumes, but I think that, like you said, they'd probably stick with Universal Monster Lineup (which, ironically, I didn't have time to draw)
Or maybe more like when a company themes a character after a monster, but they're very much still their own marketable face fgljgd
Like - slap a bat-shaped bow-tie on that bad boy and call that 'vampire sun' or something fjkdjkl YN and the boys would take that and run with it to make actual costumes.
So at first, I drew costumes I think would look cool/fit them well - Jack Skelling-Sun and, uh, Moon Beetle (from Thumbelina! I like that sleazy guy fgkld he owns a cabaret bar in the movie)
That being said!!! I did draw "Sock and Buskin" (tragedy and comedy)! But also I feel like they'd think it's funny to switch the expectations around on who's who! Y/N is a happy-sad clown, while they're jesters with Pierrot and Harlequin elements!
Matching Jacquimo Sun (beloved) for Moon Beetle, and the dress Beetle makes Thumbelina wear on YN. They would bump into everything all the time and the boys think its hilarious.
Matching Oogie Boogie Moon who's wearing a lazy onesie but having fun with it, and I felt like Sally YN was too cliché so I made them the Mayor fljkd Man, remember when you were a kid and had to wear a whole-ass winter coat under your costume and couldn't move your arms at all? Yeah... Cozy though!
Ironically enough, I haven't drawn the Monster Costumes yet, but if all goes well I plan on doing that today (Halloween!) I'll prob add it to another Halloween ask! (Edit: I did not fgjkldkl I drew candy and finished the Jack and Beetle colors)
Thank you so much for the ask, you have no idea how excited i was for costume asks ehehe
Drawn in the weekly magmas!
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missmarvelobsession · 2 years
Disneyland Continuation
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Because we went at the time of year that we did, which was intentional because Halloween is my absolute favorite, Disney was having a Halloween party called Oogie Boogie Bash! To my delight again, because I have been a lifelong fan of The Nightmare Before Christmas. The special thing about this party is that they shut the park down for it and adults and children can dress up, which is different than normal because normally just kids can dress up because Disney wants to prevent adults from misleading children and making them believe that they are characters intentionally or unintentionally. My aunt and I decided to go as Mary and Sarah Sanderson from Hocus Pocus to celebrate the sequel, and my thought with it was we were going to take pictures with as many different groups of Sanderson sisters and especially the Winifreds as possible and make a game out of it almost but I didn't realize that the park frowns upon that taking pictures with people outside of your group and also there was barely anyone dressed up as the Sanderson sisters! I think we saw 2 kids and one adult as Winifred and they were with a Billy. Kind of beside the point but that's why we got to dress up and that is why we were 2 characters of a group of 3 🥴
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Some characters are only available to meet at the Oogie Boogie Bash such as Agatha Harkness, Wanda Maximoff and MoonKnight. It's kind of supposed to be a celebration of the villains, insert annoyance here at Wanda only being available there and MoonKnight too because what the heck.
I managed to make friends with a lovely pair of friends dressed as Wanda and Agatha, and got a picture!
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I also met Jack and Sally in Disneyland which almost had me in tears. I have been a massive Nightmare Before Christmas fan since I was 3, so it was a big deal to meet them!
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The party was fun to interact with characters for sure, most were in costumes or villains. Hook was particularly infatuated with Sarah 😅 but, back to Marvel, just wanted to explain the costumes in the pics for this next part!
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Post 5 of ? because I'm a mess
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skellington-things · 2 years
What do y’all think of the games?
Just curious about the fandom’s thoughts on the games (the Nintendo one) and Oogie’s revenge for the PlayStation? Mainly because I forget they are unofficial sequels and since the Long Live the Pumpkin Queen recently released, I wanted to discuss the games. I know they are super old but I thought it was worth bringing up again because I don’t see a lot of posts about the games.
I really enjoyed them both! In the Nintendo prequel, I’m glad we got more backstory about why Oogie and Jack have a rivalry against each other. We also get a snippet of Jack meeting Sally for the first time!
As for Oogie’s revenge, I think it did the movie justice for being a game sequel. Better than Shea Ernshaw’s novel “Long Live The Pumpkin Queen”. We actually got some interactions between Jack and Sally that felt in character and was adorable! Although, it’s cheesy I like the scene were Jack and Sally meet up before the spider boss fight and they just repeat each other’s names. Bunch of cute dorks!
I also really enjoyed Jack’s and Finklestein’s partnership and them working together whether it be Halloween preparations or saving Halloween Town. Besides Finklestein, we also get other character interactions which are nice.
Now for Oogie in Oogie’s revenge. Can we talk about how genuinely scary he is in his final boss fight? He’s huge! Yet, his design is so cool too! I like the use of his shadow powers as it seems very fitting for Oogie. It also makes sense he would want his revenge and to become King of all the Holiday’s. He got overthrown by Jack in the Nintendo game so Oogie decided to take it up a notch. As for his three little henchman, I liked how they had their own boss fights as well. I enjoyed seeing their mischievous interactions and it makes sense that they would want to revive Oogie Boogie as children desire guidance, whether it be good or bad.
Oh! Can we talk about Jack’s outfits! I love them! I love how they incorporated his Santa suit AND his scarecrow form. As for the other outfits. Jack can be dramatic and his reference to “Shakespearean quotations” contributes to his well fitting Thespian outfit! This skeleton is a theatre nerd with a love for Shakespeare and reading! Phantom Jack’s outfit reminds me of “Vampire Jack” and I like it! He just needs a “Phantom of the Opera” mask haha. Now, Dancing Jack’s outfit? My man looks GOOD in white! So cool as jazzy.
Ah, I just wanted to spread some positivity after dealing with the novel, “Long Live the Pumpkin Queen”.
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Hotel Hallways, The Poolrooms, and Suburbia for Jack Skellington, Micheal Myers and the Joker (plus whoever else you want to add)!
Thank you!!!!! I'm going to throw Billy Lenz in here too bc he's on my mind~
This is gonna get long (since I wasn't sure if you wanted answers for all characters mentioned for each question or one question/answer per character /lh /nm), answers under the cut!!
Hotel Hallways - How does your f/o feel about traveling, anyway? Is it stressful? Welcome? Do they like to plan or go with the flow, or do they put you in charge of things?
Jack: Jack doesn't normally get a lot of time to stray too far from Halloween Town for most of the year due to planning the upcoming Halloween, but he doesn't mind a vacation when he can sneak it in! He usually lets me and Sally do most of the planning, as much as he likes to help and actually thinks it's fun to make plans, he already deals with a lot of stress so it's best for him to hang back. Much like me, he also prefers when he knows exactly what the plan is for each day, but unlike me he can easily switch gears if things change. Luckily he's very patient with me as I get stressed out when things change last minute or if I was looking forward to something and now it can't be done for whatever reason.
Michael: Michael has never thought about traveling before. There are parts of it he'd probably like, and parts of it he'd probably hate. For example, I think it'd be nice for him to get out of Haddonfield and stretch his legs, while he'd think it'd be nice to have new, fascinating victims to terrorize... on the other hand, he wouldn't want to pack, use public transportation, or generally be seen by or interact with the public. 😅
Joker: Joker loves to travel! Mostly because I love to travel, so he likes to see me happy, and because if we leave Gotham, there's less of a chance of a Bat breathing down his neck. Of course his travel style is chaotic; steal a plane, jump the fence at Disney World, etc. He's only willing to (kind of) play by the rules when he knows it will keep me comfortable and calm.
Billy: Billy is a homebody through and through. You're absolutely not getting him out of Canada, much less whatever town the sorority is set in. "Travelling" to him is walking with me to the convenience store after the sun has set and not letting go of my hand the whole time until we're back home.
The Poolrooms - Assuming your f/o can feel fear, is their greatest fear something common like spiders, or something more abstract, like being forgotten? How do they cope, and how do you help them cope?
Jack: Jack is the king of fear...! But that doesn't mean he doesn't feel it. Though they're not extremely strong fears, Jack has been wary of fireworks and humans (Particularly any authoritarian figure, since he doesn't really understand human government) since The Christmas Mishap.
Michael: Michael fears not being in control, though nobody would know this. He hates the feeling of being trapped, and in extension probably has some mild claustrophobia.
Joker: Joker is afraid of only two things; Batman dying and being forgotten. If Batman were to die before him, who would The Joker be?? And what if he woke up one day and nobody remembered nor feared him?? He can't bare to think of it.
Billy: Billy is a man that hops from one end of extremes to the other on a daily or weekly basis. Consistently, he's afraid of people in general. Some days, he can fear nothing, forgetting death as a concept, and would run full speed into an electric fence if given the chance. Others, he'll jump at the sight of his own shadow.
Suburbia - Describe the ideal living situation between you and your f/o(s)! What kind of house, location, what kind of family you want to have, etc.
Jack: Living in Halloween Town is one of my greatest childhood fantasies. I share Jack's space in his tower, and our family consists of Me, Jack (my boyfriend), Oogie Boogie (my boyfriend, squared), Sally (Jack's girlfriend), and Boogie's Boys- Lock, Shock, and Barrel (our adopted children). :o)
Michael: We live in a small Gothic Revival style house on the outskirts of Haddonfield, almost closer to the gas stations before the highway than the town. Michael comes and goes as he pleases, always coming back at the end of the night to rest his heavy body next to mine. Our family's just the two of us, I don't want kids and he doesn't really acknowledge or care about the existence of children anyway, so it works out.
Joker: Depending on interpretation, we're either living in a funhouse mansion on abandoned carnival grounds (comics/btas/etc), or in an inconspicuous shithole apartment in the slums of Gotham (tdk). Also depending on AU/interpretation/w/e we either have a kid or kids or none. Lots of different plots to explore here!
Billy: Both of us are still living in the sorority house and neither of us would make good parents, between Billy being Billy and my self-insert attending college.
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thenightling · 7 months
My top thirteen favorite Christmas songs. My favorite Christmas and Halloween songs tend to change based on my mood but one thing is consistent. The majority of Christmas songs that I love were composed by Danny Elfman for Tim Burton's The Nightmare before Christmas. I promise that not all the songs on this list are from Nightmare before Christmas but admittedly many of them are. 14. (Bonus) God Bless us everyone from A Christmas Carol the musical (the stage version performed at Madison Square Garden every year.) 13. Welcome Christmas (reprise) from how The Grinch stole Christmas. 12. Noel (Also called The first Noel) - One of my favorite old Christmas Carols. Noell is an old Middle English word for Christmas and Noel is still the French word for Christmas. 11. Carol of the Bells - Originally a Norwegian folk song with its lyrics modified to be more Christmasy, this is probably one of the most "Metal" Christmas carols and I love rock instrumental covers of it. 10. Come Wayward Souls - To the tune of O' Holy Night this song is from Over the Garden Wall and sung by The Beast, voiced by Opera singer, Samuel Ramey.
9. Potatoes and Molasses / Potatoes et Molasses - From Over the Garden Wall, sung by the character Greg. It's more of a Thanksgiving song about what mashed potatoes and gravy look like. But it fits Christmas too. It's a homage to Shirley Temple's Animal Crackers in my Soup. 8. Monster's Holiday - From Bobby "Boris" Pickett this was supposed to be a Christmas song featuring the monsters of Monster Mash. It's cute and kind an early Nightmare before Christmas before Nightmare before Christmas. 7. Kidnap the Sandy Claws - From Nightmare before Christmas. Three ghoulish Trick or Treaters are tasked with bring Santa Claus to Halloweentown. The folks of Halloween Town (including Jack) mistakenly think his name is Sandy Claws. Trio plot how they will capture Santa. My favorite version of this is the original or perhaps the 2021 live concert version as it was the very last time Paul Reubens sang it live. 6. The Town Meeting Song - From Nightmare before Christmas. Jack (The King of Halloween) having just discovered Christmas for the first time attempts to explain it to the residents of Halloween Town with mixed results. Some of it is comical. ("Now pay attention. We pick up an over-sized sock and hang it like this on the wall." "Oh, yes, does it still have a foot?" "Let me see. Let me look. Is it rotted and covered with gook?" "There's no foot inside but there's candy or sometimes it's filled with small toys.") 5. Oogie Boogie's song - From Nightmare before Christmas this song deals with the Boogey Man (Oogie Boogie) having captured Santa Claus. Though I love Ken Page's version of the song, my favorite version is when Danny Elfman performs it live. He really hams it up and prances around on stage, pretending to be the Boogey Man. 4. Making Christmas - The folks of Halloween Town attempt to do their own version of Christmas. It's bouncy and energetic. 3. Finale (Nightmare before Christmas) - The folks of Halloweentown experience Christmas snow for the first time. And Jack professes his love for Sally. 2. This time - The never-released "bonus" song to Nightmare before Christmas. To me it sounds like an early version of "Making Christmas" only with more of a rock edge. Apparently it was originally intended for the end credits of Nightmare before Christmas but Disney nixed it and so the song was only released in 2012 for the Tim Burton / Danny Elfman music box collection, thus making it the rarest official Nightmare before Christmas recording and to my knowledge Danny Elfman has never sung it live. 1. What's This? - From Nightmare before Christmas. This was my mother's favorite song from the movie because it's bouncy and whimsical, upbeat, and fast paced. It's Jack, the King of Halloween, discovering the joy of Christmas for the first time. I wish I could have shown her the live videos of Danny Elfman performing it live. He has that same energy even now. My mother also really loved the song Santa sings to the Winter Warlock in Santa Claus is Coming to Town. "Put one Foot in front of The Other." And the Meister brother songs from The Year Without a Santa Claus. Bonus mentions for my mother's favorite Christmas song "Where are you Christmas?" from The Grinch. And my grandfather's favorite "All I want for Christmas is you" because it was from his favorite movie "Love, Actually." He'd watch that movie any time of year. He never considered it a Christmas movie. I mention these as bonuses because they are now difficult to listen to, especially "Where are you Christmas?" which already felt sad to me.
Bonus mention: Tales from the Crypt album "Have yourself a Scary little Christmas." It's mostly parody Christmas songs but there's also a cute story where The Crypt keeper actually saves / spares Santa Claus from a trap. I also like the David Bowie / Bing Crosby duet.
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orleans-jester · 1 year
Claudette + Kuzco + Clopin + Piper
Claudette gets Valentines Day - always. It’s her favorite holiday. It used to be her birthday but then she started feeling old, and not exactly wanting to celebrate that, so Valentine’s Day. Bring on the champagne, which she had a taste for better than Clopin’s love of wine. She would bulk order a bunch of candy hearts - the good, fancy kind that have real flavor and aren’t just chalk - and have personalized messages on them. ‘Kuzpin forever’ ‘Kuzette forever’ And of course there were more dirty ones, instructional ones ‘Kiss me’ ‘Suck me’ ‘Fuck me’ Some had memories on them to make them giggle and reminisce. ‘Disney sux’ ‘Walmart rulez’ ‘Paris, u + me’ ‘Today is the greatest’ All shaved everything, hair extensions, make up to try to soften up the very masculine features, and wearing a little (what else?) purple nightgown. Of course some of these hearts will be for Piper, because no one lets Piper be left out. She’ll get her own box of fancy French chocolates, ordered before they left NZ, and their temp maid picking it up. Lots of serenading from Claudette, dancing, living the best life.
Frank + Delta
Although Frank hasn’t been feeling the best, since apparently Delta has been thinking about a lot of his failures and singing Flotsam’s praises (come on, he’s a jealous guy of course he’s going to catch onto all of that, it’s not going to be great), he still slightly celebrates the big love day. He doesn’t do it in a grand way, he’s not much for that. Not is he going to go all lovey dovey, hearts over everything, romance is in the air, serenading like Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You. This is Frank. Who is having doubts because everything is pointing to Delta doing the same. Especially when being friends with Valerie apparently goes hand in hand with insulting him, she only thinks about one while doing the other? What he will do is he will walk through the chaos to where there are still those lingering outside, the stubborn reporters, the foolish, hopeless people hoping that their loved ones will come out. He picks two. Beckons them in. And then he enjoys the simple act of strangling them with his own hands. That’s something that came out through Delta. He only loved receiving pain. Now he didn’t mind giving it, but he saved the more exquisite, creative pain for those that deserved it. Not these .. things. Carved them up. Took out their hearts. So slippery and slimy and red. He left the corpses to either fester or for the feral animals to eat up. Fresh meat. Using careful stitches that Sally had taught him, he sewed the two hearts together to become one. A meaty surprise. Surround it in resin so that it will last longer than a few hours before the stench becomes too horrible. Preserved now. No ribbon or cards, he’ll just give it to Delta during their dinner, kissing the top of her hand.
GoGo + Scout
Of course Valentine’s Day falls on a school day. And though she’s rather caught up in her mechanics, as per usual, and taking care of these human-like dolls and their vampire owner, the lack of boxing girl has been noticed. Scout didn’t really have to say anything. So as a bit of fun, Go-Go comes into school early and sets up a fan in the back of Scout’s locker, that’s attached to the door, and filled it with Fast and the Furious valentines. So that when Scout goes in to try to get her books, whoosh, the valentines are going to come flying out in the breeze, and scatter all over the hallway.
Oogie Boogie + Spade + Barrel
Quality family time, a big batch of candied hearts - real hearts, of course, dipped in sugars to make it oh so sweet and meaty and chewy and crisp. Rather simple this year, but there’s a lot coming up, Oogie can feel it.
Valentin + Nicolai
Valentin starts off the day with jumping on his cousin’s bed. “ITS MY DAYYYYY!” He says, music playing, lots of dancing. Pretty much acting out the True Faith music video up there. Nicolai is used to this, aims a well timed ick at his knees, making him buckle and fall off the bed. He’s going to be like this for the rest of the day. Handing out roses to people who were still at HTT. Unable to pay attention in class. It’s not even his birthday. It’s just Valentine’s Day. He keeps an eye out for CJ though is unsure if he made it through the craziness. Finishes off the night with Kartoshka and Salted Caramel White Russians.
Elsa won’t be saying much when Koda goes. She got her rejection email. She was hardly the type to rebuttle it, no meant no. It was a shame. But he was leaving her with memories. She would move out of the hotel, refusing to take up anymore of the Laveaus money on it, and find herself a small studio to stay in for the time being. Ellie was strong willed, she would be going whether Elsa approved of it or not, there was no point in trying to find a bigger place. She’d just - seem to carry on. Settle in. Visit the Laveaus every once in a while, trying to make a point of doing it once a week, even if just for a short while. She even buys Go-Go’s old bike - a standard bicycle, nothing souped up - to get all the way out there. Where is life going, she does not know. But behind those doors, she feels that loss very deeply. The candles left by Koda stay on her table, with reverence.
Ellie + Babyface
Valentine’s Day probably happening on the road. She’s remembering the one the year before. Working, and then being surprised by him bringing over a Care Bear. It was a really cute gesture. Making out in the pantry. She’d be looking at him and smiling a lot, remembering it, bring it up. She’ll try to surprise him at one of their stops by getting him a couple of gifts. Babyface was such a tough guy, or at least he tried to be, she let him keep up the illusion though she knew the softie beneath, so she started with a unicorn that she’d keep on the dashboard of whatever vehicle they managed to get. It reminded her of the prom that they totally crashed. A couple of giant candy bars. AND some weird teriyaki beef jerky sodas.
Maddy + Bastien + Frankie
It’ll be another Valnetine’s Night inside, since there’s not much in the city now - no going out to get dinner, drinks, see a movie, anything like that. But that’s alright, there’s plenty to do inside. Maddy will put Frankie in a cute little Valentine’s Day outfit to start up that cheer. She wasn’t going Reaper this year, though she still had that outfit hanging in a special place, but she did stic with something pretty and black that was sheer but also hid that belly she was still working on getting rid of, did a bit of make up to try to be more sultry and sexy. Feeding her man right, giving him some dances so maybe he could objectify her a little bit, just a touch, and of course, plenty of love, kissing all over, massaging, pampering him.
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How did you guys meet Oogie Boogie?
L: Funny enough, this all happened around the same time we became a trio! It was mine and Barrel's second Halloween together, and we'd just met Shock! She was the new kid in town, and we were showing her the ropes of trick-or-treating. Barrel and I couldn't believe she was older than us and had never gone before!
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We were taking our stash back to the treehouse and there was a voice coming from a crack in one of the walls. It told us it could give us anything that we wanted if we did it a favor and collected some bugs to put in the wall!
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We debated over it for a little bit, mostly over what we wanted from them. And we agreed that we'd do it in exchange for more candy and toys. Fun sharp toys!
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Collecting bugs wasn't even that hard, there's a million of them crawling in Halloween Town, and we had more than enough traps to do it!
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At first, we weren't sure if we were being punked or not, but then the talkin' hole in the wall made good on their promises! And then we decided to keep it up when the rewards got better and better.
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None of us really questioned what this invisible voice in the wall wanted the bugs for. I mean, would any kid if they were getting free stuff out of it?
By the time we met Oogie face to face, we were already starting to do more favors than catching bugs, and some of them seemed a little weird, like stealing stuff from the Mayor's office, or putting bigger traps in town. Not really stuff we'd be doing on our own. And after a while some of the rewards got a little old, so we got bored. But by then, Mr. Boogie was making it pretty clear to us that it wasn't just about presents anymore, it was that he could really put us in a world of trouble if we didn't keep doing what he asked!
We still had fun with a lot of it though, but I don't know if I'd be totally down to do some of the same stuff I did back then. Leave it to a softie like Jack or Sally to make me actually consider things on a stupid scope of 'right or wrong'.
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But I don't think I'd do anything different back then! Because with all the bug collecting we had to do, Shock and Barrel and I got the practice to become the best candy collectors in town! And now I've got two best friends!
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B: And leave it to fate that we met Shock at the same time too!
L: A happy coinkidink!
S: Exactly!
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S: A happy, fateful, coincidence.
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yandere-toons · 3 years
since it’s almost spooky season could you please write some headcanons for oogie boogie from nightmare before christmas?
Oogie Boogie (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
WARNING: yandere, references to abduction, death, stalking, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
A.N. - I memorized every line of his song. Also, I was just thinking of doing headcanons for Jack a few days ago to welcome October.
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Oogie is a fan of all things dramatic. The other people in his friend's life are no more of a threat than a loose stitch, but his refusal to stay out of the spotlight for long drives him to order his henchmen to abduct these perceived interlopers and dump them into his torture chamber. Once there, he regurgitates their every flaw and laughable quality, tearing them down emotionally before tossing them into his vat of stew.
No matter how much terror is caused or how many nightmares are induced, Oogie scarcely views the situation as more than a delightful game of roulette to toy with and indulge in whenever he gets the urge to destabilize his friend's life.
The incentive for these mean-spirited attacks is often as simple as rolling a more favourable dice value than him. He assures them that the games are merely for recreation, but his persistence in achieving a winning streak implies that the stakes are much higher than a lost afternoon.
The fear that his behaviour inflicts is a source of pride for Oogie. He jokes about cooking the kinder inhabitants of Halloween Town into his stew to pressure his friend to end relationships abruptly and without an obvious motive, which gradually strains their reputation until they are as despised as he is.
Acts of rebellion are met with taunts, for Oogie is confident in Lock, Shock and Barrel's ability to retrieve them if they were to escape from him.
Oogie is an avid cheater who has little to no integrity when it comes to his gambling practices, hopelessly rigging every game and machine in his lair. The Boogie Man challenges his partner to rounds of poker where the reward for beating him is freedom, a promise on which he would never deliver unless Jack was present and melting his bugs until he capitulated.
In the unlikely event they win, Oogie denies it by either inventing rules that nullify their victory or, if they show an insistence on leaving, threatening them with his Snake and Spider Stew.
The residents of Halloween Town live in fear of the name Oogie Boogie, limiting his partner's options for help to a lucky rescue by Sally and personal intervention from Jack. Word of their captivity reaches the Pumpkin King via gossip, and Lock, Shock and Barrel are ordered to act as spies who track and torment anyone suspected of scheming to free them.
While Oogie recognizes that Jack is a genuine threat, he will feign uncertainty and cowardice at the mention of the skeleton to lull his partner into a false sense of hope.
Due to his banishment and a healthy fear of Jack's wrath, Oogie spends most of his time in his underground casino. He relies on his henchmen to supply information about his partner's daily activities, adding the names of those who bully or are too comfortable with them for his liking to his hit list.
All his deception and time spent fretting over his status as an outcast has shortened his temper and eroded his patience, so Oogie devises a plan to trap them in his lair.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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transgenderknothead · 3 years
Nessasary Tantrum Lock x Reader
As the eldest child of Jack Skellington, there is a tiny issue with you secret relationship with Oogie's kid... It's kind of self explanatory. (This is an older a.u, most people are 16+, there is some light cursing, and a non gender specified reader!) (I highly doubtful anyone had a crush on him like I did growing up, but I don't care I'm writing this for me!)
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"I'm going for a walk dad!" I yelled across the house.
"Alright! Watch out for Oogie Boogie and his kids!" My father, the pumpkin king called out.
"I will!" I shouted before shutting the door and running to the cemetery. I was a little early so I wasn't surprised when they weren't here.
"Hey," Lock's voice was low as he snaked his arms around my waist.
"My father would kill us both if he knew we were here," I leaned my head back to look the boy in the eyes.
"Mine would to," he chuckled pulling me down into the grass. We sat there for a few comfortable moments just studying each other's faces, something we did on a regular basis. It wasn't too long before his cold lips met mine. The kiss was passionate and loving, something my father wouldn't think possibe coming from his enemy's son.
When we finally pulled away I kept my eyes closed for a second before looking back up at him through my eyelashes. I shuffled a little trying to get slightly more comfortable in my boyfriend's lap, causing his grip on my waist to tighten.
"Shit. Watch it babe," he warns, "I can't promise I won't bite."
"You kinda have to if you don't want us both to be killed," I giggled as he kissed my neck.
"Dying in your arms sounds like a dream come true," he squeezed me tighter, before we both froze.
"Did you hear that?" I whispered in alarm, it sounded like someone was nearby and watching us. Lock nodded and hushed me, before going to check out the noise. Before he could get to close however, both of my little brothers popped out of a bush and bolted towards the house.
"Shit!" I exclaimed, "if they get to my father before me we're screwed!"
"Then go!" Lock kissed me goodbye, before I ran. But it was to late.
By the time I got home my father was standing on the steps with his arms crossed, my mother behind him looking confused.
"What were you doing with Oogie's boy?" He tapped his foot. The twins giggling behind him and our mother.
"Dad I," I had no excuse.
"I'm not going to let my eldest child just run around with the Oogie family!" He yelled, "They are nothing but trouble!"
"Jack," my mother attempted to calm him down.
"Go to your room," my father glared at me, "you are to never even look in that boys direction again!"
I stormed up to my room, letting dry sobs escape my chest. I locked the door and closed my curtains, I had no plans on leaving the room anytime soon.
After about an hour I heard knocking.
"Go away," I groaned and glared at the door.
"Honey, you missed dinner," My mother's soothing voice called.
"I'm not hungry."
"I'll leave this here then," she sighed before I heard her retreating footsteps disappear.
A couple of days pass before I'm bothered again, this time by the twins.
"Come on y/n! You haven't left your room in days!" T/n/1(twin name one) yelled.
"Come play with us!" T/n/2's voice followed.
"Your idea of plaing is stealing one of my hands and running off!" I yelled back, "Just leave me alone!"
They're footsteps soon disappeared, I knew it'll be while until my father realizes how stupid he was being, not letting me see Lock.
After another week or two, I had lost track, I hear footsteps approach my door, followed by some lighter one chasing it.
"Leave them alone Jack," my mother chastised him.
"They are being ridiculous Sally, that boy is no good and they don't need to be locked up in their room all day waiting for me to change my mind! Which won't happen!" My father's last sentence was aimed at me.
"I love him dad!" I yelled after a few minutes of listening to them argue, "I love him beyond my own comprehension! Keeping me away from him is just going to put us in the same spot Mom is with Grandpa!"
I wait for a response but none came, just the sound of footsteps leaving my door. I crumpled into a ball on the floor.
Another few days passed before, by miracle, my father knocked and told me the best news I had heard.
"I talked to Oogie," he spoke softly as I walked up to the door, "we came to a decision, by your mother's force, that our fight shouldn't be yours. You may see Lock, but if he breaks your heart don't say I didn't warn you!"
I just about burst into tears, I unlocked my door and immediately ran down to the cemetery, where Lock was waiting for me.
"Lock!" I jumped into his arms and cried.
"It's ok, I've got you," he whispered, "I am never letting you go again, I love you to much to lose you."
"I love you to Lock," I whisper before kissing the cold lips I had been longing for since forever ago.
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rainbows-fanfics · 2 years
Our Nightmare (Chapter 18)
Summary: Sally moves in with the man of her screams. But there  is still so much she has to learn of Halloween Town, and what it’s like  living with The Pumpkin King.
A sequel to Two Dearest Friends,  where the Christmas incident never happens. But there are still many  ends that haven’t been met, and much for these two dreamers to learn as  they start to spend their deaths together.
Pairings: Jack Skellington/Sally, Dr Finklestein/Jewel
Note: This is a SEQUEL to my other story, TWO DEAREST FRIENDS. To read the original story, go here.
The next few months in Halloween Town are… strangely calm  . The reign of terror inflicted by the trick-or-treaters comes to a crashing halt after their confrontation with Jack Skellington. Monsters are finally free to roam the streets again. The children are allowed to enjoy their candies and sweets with no disruptions. Even shopkeepers get to relax when the vandalism and harassment stop. The message is clear - things feel like they’re at peace  again.
Boogie’s Boys still appear around town. But they are now under the orders of the Mayor. They run his errands and clean up around the Town Hall. Most of their chores are done with scowls, often completed haphazardly - but  still completed, nonetheless. Residents are pleased to find the town looking neat and proper again. The witches are glad to have some help around their shop while the town’s seamstress enjoys a hand-or-two offered to her during the day.
Lock, Shock, and Barrel are  not thrilled about the situation one bit. Shock is pestered by Helgamine and Zeldaborne with their lessons on witchcraft. Lock receives several lectures from the Mayor and Jack about their previous pranks. Barrel is restricted from eating candy while they’re working. He nearly throws a tantrum when the Mayor takes away his lollipop and confiscates his hidden stash of sweets. It takes a lot of willpower for the three not to snap and cause a ruckus.
In this time, Oogie assures them to wait and endure. To be  patient . He promises them their reward will be the biggest they’ve ever received. So, they do as they’re told. They imagine piles of candy as high as mountains - or an even  bigger pot of his snake & spider stew. Their mouths water at the picture, steam rolling off the lid of their bowls as the smells temptingly linger in the air…
As time goes on, October arrives. Fall comes beautifully, the trees finally shedding their leaves and littering the sidewalks in oranges and yellows. Activity rises in Halloween Town - monsters scurrying down the streets excitedly while the town hall is filled with commotion. Jack Skellington and the Mayor become incredibly busy during this time, cooped up in their offices as they tend to paperwork and businesses for Halloween that year. While the officials remain unseen, the rest of the citizens happily enjoy their activities in town. Spirits are exceptionally high while creatures decorate buildings and wear their festive costumes, whistling their tunes and dancing along.
On this particular day, citizens are banded together in the plaza, watching one of the human horror films projected on the wishing well. Those wanting to watch it are cooped up in the front, peering down below while the rest sit nearby and listen. Children shove themselves near the well and watch the screen with wild eyes. Sally Finklestein and the Hanging Tree, along with his Hanging Men, are sitting at a table knitting together while listening to the screams of terror coming from afar. The sounds of someone being stabbed to death, perhaps?
“I think I’ve seen this one,” The tree comments as he pulls his knitting needle through. “The effects were incredible for its time! The blood looks almost real.”
“-The effects were great,  sure  , but the costumes look terrible.” One of the skeletons shakes his skull. He turns and points at the ragdoll. “I bet Sally could make the clothes  waaay better!”
She waves off the compliment. “Everyone gives me too much credit. I’m sure whoever worked on them did an awful job.”
The rest of the hanging men begin to mumble their opinions, some in agreement and others indifferent. She is too focused on her knitting to properly listen. She feels proud with how this personal project is coming along. She’s been working on making a small pair of blankets for Zero and Ophelia. To keep them warm during the night, and sleep in while they’re in their beds. She’s even making them matching designs! And so far, everything is going smoothly. Their sessions together have given her such an improvement..!
“I am so glad those kids stopped coming around.” The Hanging Tree sighs. “Have I told you what they would do to me and my Hanging Men? They would jump on my branches, hanging onto them and swinging so  harshly ..! My skeletons would get tangled together. They found it humorous and did it so often…”
She frowns at the story. “That’s terrible..!”
“My arms are too short to properly help them sometimes, so I’d have to find somebody to untangle them for me. It was quite embarrassing.”
“They’ve even tried to untie our rope and separate us!” One of the men exclaims. “They’re always trying to get others in trouble like that. It’s hard to fight them when we can’t really move.”
She drops her work to give them a sympathetic look. She’s heard plenty of stories from the citizens and fellow shopkeepers. About their victimization to Lock, Shock, and Barrel’s pranks and what harm they’ve caused them. It seems like they have a poor reputation with everybody in town. She hasn’t found a single person out there who has anything positive to say about them. And when she thinks about it…she can’t name a single thing, either.
“I really wanted to help them.” She comments quietly. “I tried to teach them what I could and get those children to behave. But they just didn’t… listen .”
“I’m afraid they don’t listen to  anybody . We’re lucky Jack can put them in line as it is.” He rubs a sharp finger on his bark. “Sometimes people are incapable of changing, as much as we’d like to believe otherwise. The Beldam was given a chance to change her ways - but you recall what happened to her…”
‘The old seamstress’ , she thinks to herself. It’s been a long time since she has heard about her. Then she remembers what she heard about Oogie Boogie…those two don’t sound very different, now that she thinks about it. Killing human beings and eating them…she was told it was how the Beldam survived. Was the boogeyman guilty of something similar? Or did he just kill for the pleasure  of it? That thought makes her shudder and her skin suddenly pales. She sets down her needles right away.
One of the skeletons notices the look on her face. “Miss, are you alright..?”
“Just f-fine.” She sputters out, rubbing her arms. She feels cold now, for some reason…
“Is the movie too frightening for you?” The tree’s smile falls as he glances back at the well.
The sounds coming from it are indescribable - mostly terrified shrieks, wet noises, and the sound of a chainsaw as well as a few crunches. Such a thing is tame for everyone here - but he understands that Sally is  not like most people. She’s more sensitive to these things. The ragdoll shakes her head but stands up anyway, collecting her incomplete blankets and needles. She moves from the table and bows her head at them.
“I think I’ll be heading back to the shop now. Thank you for joining me. Let me know if anything else goes on..!”
“Of course.” He nods. “Take care of yourself.”
She bids farewell to them, waving to the skeletons, and begins her trip back in town. She’s unaware of the shadow lingering at her feet as she goes. Nor does she notice the two yellow eyes peering at her from below inquisitively. She feels a chill climb up her spine instead. She holds onto the sides of her arms, shivering as she moves along.
‘The weather must be getting chilly,’ She thinks to herself.
Oogie knows he shouldn’t be doing this. Technically, he’s not  allowed  to. It is very much illegal . He would be banished from Halloween Land  itself if he was caught! Maybe that’s what made this entire thing so enticing. He’s never felt this excited before. Not in a long time, anyway. He’s practically chasing the high at this point, giggling feverishly to himself as he goes. He feels like a kid in a candy store!
Oogie Boogie’s shadow creeps along the walls and floors of Halloween Town, looking at its surroundings with curious, glowing eyes. He has to conceal himself every time someone comes walking along in his direction. So far, he’s gone unnoticed - doing his best to be as discreet as possible, constantly checking his surroundings. He isn’t here to make a scene. That would be… unwise , despite how fun it sounds.
He’s here to check the situation on the surface.
His henchman can supply only so much to him - they’ve been busy working for the Mayor and other fools in this town. He’s been satisfied with the little snippets they’ve given him, but now he wants to see the full picture. To view things for himself  - understand what is going on, after being away from it all for a long,  long time. And all he can say is, he’s…not really impressed with what he sees.
In fact, it makes him snort in disapproval.  (He doesn’t even bother hiding the noise.)
Where are all the scary  things!? The sharp instruments, torture devices, fun colors, music, and games? Instead, he finds cobwebs, fake blood, pumpkins, and children running around and  laughing . Like this is a carnival instead of a town housing the most terrifying holiday out there. His bottom lip quivers in disgust as he looks at it all. This entire time, his shadow can’t help shaking its head, thinking of what he would put in its place instead - making imaginary improvements to the town as he slithers along.
Jack Skellington is an idiot . A downright  fool  , in his eyes. What King would not use his power to his advantage? You could make others fear you.  Obey you. The exact thing the King of Halloween should WANT ! He feeds off the fear of humans just as Boogie does. Yet he doesn’t bother to crave it. Instead, he lets the town look like…  this  ! Cute little spiderwebs, witches riding on their brooms, citizens sitting around and watching  movies instead of bowing to his feet and feeding him the souls of humans..!
He’s fed up with looking at it all. He wants to go home. Not face the reality of what Halloween Town’s become. But that’s when he sees…. her . Sally Finklestein. Sitting at a table, innocently knitting and talking. She’s with a tree. Not exactly the best protection if something happens, but…he can't exactly  do  anything. He’d kiss his burlap rear  ‘goodbye’ if he so much as makes himself visible.
So, he does the smart thing and remains on the floor, moving quickly so no one stares at the pitch-black shadow for too long. He hides on the underside of the wooden table, listening in on their conversation. He’s amused when it’s about his henchman. The tree is complaining about its skeletons getting stuck on each other. He almost laughs. Sometimes the kids are  hilarious ..!
“..The Beldam was given a chance to change her ways - but you recall what happened to  her…  ”  
Boogie perks up at this name. One he hasn’t heard in…a century, at least.  The Beldam ? Halloween Town’s original seamstress? He remembers her fondly. Back when he wasn’t banished, he’d pay regular visits to her shop, asking her to sew his sack whenever the thread came loose or busted open. And she was happy to work on him, despite how often he came by. Truth be told, sometimes he’d snag on a seam or two just so he’d have an excuse to go see her…
A sort of infatuation, maybe. She was fun. And smart.
He realizes Sally hasn’t spoken for a minute. He moves to the edge of the table just to get the quickest of a glance at her…and he notices the look on her face. The fear in her eyes. He can taste it, smell it…it’s radiating off of her like heat. It shouldn’t hurt just to have a taste or two, right? Maybe it’s a little risky if she suspects something, but…he hasn’t had the pleasure of exploring someone’s mind in a long, LONG time.
  “Miss, are you alright..?”
  “Just f-fine…”
Oh, he HAS to, now.
Normally, the Boogeyman only enters children’s minds to watch their dreams. Induce some nightmares, if he is in the mood. It was his job , back in the day - although he was directed to only do it for the naughty children. Give them visions and messages, to correct their behavior. Induce some fear so that, when they woke up in a cold sweat, they’d come crying to their mommy and daddy and start sobbing about  ‘behaving’  and  ‘loving them’ . But that got boring after awhile. So he started giving them nightmares for the fun of it.
It’s been a long time since he visited an adult’s mind. The first time he’d ever visit an artificial creation’s one, at that. But he figures it is worth the try. So he does exactly that – and he’s surprised at how well it works, like a normal human’s brain. Maybe that’s what she has, after all. He doesn’t know exactly what the Doc did. He doesn’t really care, anyway.
He listens to her thoughts.
  ‘Oogie Boogie doesn’t sound so different from the Beldam…they kill human beings. She ate them to survive. Is the boogeyman guilty of that, too? Or does he just kill for the pleasure of it..?’
He grins wickedly. She’s thinking about  him . How cute.
She isn’t too far off, he thinks. The Beldam and him…they had a  thing together. An agreement of some sorts. He would visit the human world and find susceptible children through their dreams. Study their home life and whatnot. Then he’d supply them to her, and she’d offer him her services in return. He helped kill a few, of course - only when he had to lure them himself. If he was really,  really  good…and she was in the mood…she would  share some with him. Who was he to deny a polite lady’s dinner?
Oh, he kills for pleasure alright. But humans are delicious . As he’s sure Sally will be, too…he licks his lips as he reluctantly leaves her mind, but stays on her tail. She’s getting up and leaving while he does this. He grins –  perfect !
  “I think I’ll be heading back to the shop now…””  
Boogie eagerly follows her as she goes, sticking closely to her own shadow so he isn’t seen. He admires the view under her dress from this angle - momentarily forgetting that his eyes are glowing and can give him away. But she doesn’t glance down. She doesn’t even question the coldness his shadow has brought onto her. He still can’t believe she’s this gullible.
‘This should all go down relatively easily,’  he thinks.
He wastes a little time by watching Sally in her shop and listening to nearby conversations. He learns a few valuable things - Jack Skellington and the Mayor are cooped up in the Town Hall, dealing with Halloween preparations. The entire town is currently swept up in their pre-holiday festivities. So, there aren’t a lot of people on the residential hill right now…where the seamstress shop is. In fact, he notices no one is around. Just an innocent little ragdoll by herself, working on her sewing machine and singing quietly.
He can take her right now. No one will even notice. But…he might get caught carrying a ragdoll around. And if he is seen…he can’t have  that . He’ll have to confide in his henchman. They better not let him down.
. . .
. . .
Boogie soon returns to his Lair in the Hinterlands, dipping deep into the abyss to relish in its coldness. Then he surfaces and returns to the underground casino, completing his burlap’s physical form. Lock, Shock, and Barrel must’ve noticed his return, or heard something. They come piling down the chute like it’s a slide, giggling before landing on their bottoms harshly. The pain doesn’t even phase them. They get up and look at their boss excitedly, grins plastered on their faces.
“Well!  Well !?” Shock asks, jumping up-and-down.
“Yeah! Did you see anything?” Barrel adds.
“What do you think?” Lock finishes.
Oogie clacks his snake tongue. They knew of his plan to ‘visit’ Halloween Town today. But he firmly told them to wait in the treehouse - afraid they’d give his appearance away. They  are  still children, he has to remind himself - and if they know he’s somewhere out there, with them, in any way…there isn’t a chance they wouldn’t have made it obvious. He had to be safe and watch his own back. They *were* a little upset they couldn’t come, but…he’ll make that up to them, later.
“I gotta’ say, kiddos…I’m a little disappointed .” He grumbles, placing his ‘hands’ on his hips. “You got my hopes up, tellin’ me all this stuff…but I didn’t see anything exciting.”
The smiles fall from their faces simultaneously. They glance at each other and begin to wring their hands together, anxious after hearing his disappointment.
“But..!  But ! You saw the catacombs, right?” Barrel tries to point out helpfully. “They’re dusty and they have skeletons everywhere..! It’s so cool!”
“Or-Or the candy shop..!” Lock adds nervously. “There’s a lot you can take from there!”
“There were some fresh bodies in the graveyards, too..” Shock’s voice is quiet. “You could’a pick anyone you wanted and we would get it for you.”
He waves a hand dismissively at them. “‘S not your fault, kids. You’re not the one I’m mad at. It’s the bonehead that screwed everything up.”
They lean forward, intrigued to hear more. He notices their attention and decides to humor them, dramatically taking a seat and looking off in the distance. He does feel quite a bit of frustration with what he saw…and it really * isn’t * their fault. They don’t have a say in how Halloween Town is run, much to his dismay. But it might work to his advantage if they see things in his perspective…
“You three weren’t ‘round at the time, but…” He grabs his trusted pair of dice and throws them in the air. “Back in my day, Halloween Town was scary! And I mean REAL  SCARY! Ya’ had ME around…givin’ everyone nightmares…n’ this was when bone-man wasn’t a snivelin’ coward like he is now!”
He stops to laugh at his own insult.
“No, we had EVERYTHING. Traps, weapons, knives…anythin’ your little heads can think of..!” Their eyes light up at his words. “N’ we were allowed to use ‘em, too. Every year, we went out to the human world n’ scared ‘em out of their wits..! Hell, sometimes we’d bring the humans into OUR town and scare ‘em straight! We’d give ‘em a fun game or two, ‘round the WHOLE place up and have our fun.”
He feels nostalgic remembering these days. It makes the crushing realization of Jack’s betrayal hurt even more than usual. He tries not to show it on his face as he suddenly turns away from the kids. They look at the back of his form in concern. He glances behind his shoulder. His voice turns serious.
“-But  now  ? Nothin’. You can’t scare ‘em like you used to. And this town…it ain’t my  town. Not anymore. There’s nothin’ to do here. No fun. No games. You see that, right?”
They hesitate to agree. They don’t really understand. They have fun playing their pranks, visiting the candy shop, and picking on the Mayor. They even love to get on Jack’s nerves when they can. But they end up agreeing, anyway, so as to not upset him.
“But  I’d  make it fun .” He grins wickedly. “I’d bring all those things back. The traps, the shadows and bugs…you could have everything you’d want here. All the pranks. All the candy. N’ you would never get in trouble. In fact,  you’d be in charge, too. People would have ta’ listen to YOU. You could make THEM sweep the floors and do your laundry.”
They grin. They love this idea.
“N’ anyone could scare any way they want to! Be mean, be as cruel as you want! None of that baby crap Jack’s making ‘em do.  ‘We’re not mean! No sharp objects! No touching them! No killing -’  PHAW. What a LOSER !”
The kids begin to laugh. He’s delighted with this reaction. It isn’t hard to get them on his side. And he especially needs that right now. Once they’ve calmed down, he approaches them and lays a hand on a couple of their shoulders, bringing them closer. They look excited - does he have another plan for them? A request? They’d do  anything for their master! They can’t wait for their reward!
“I’m tired of waiting. I think you boys are, too.” They nod enthusiastically. “You’re goin’ to take the ragdoll. Forcefully, if ya’ have to. N’ bring her down to me. This time…I intend on keeping her.”
“What made you wait so long, boss?” Loss asks impatiently, stomping his shoe. Oogie gives him a glare before he cowers down.
“Patience. Remember that, children? Now that the town’s goin’ crazy over Halloween….they’re all busy preppin’ for it. You can take her no problem. Jack won’t even know. It’ll be our secret.”
“Will we get our reward?” Barrel asks eagerly. The others shoot him daggers for asking. But Boogie doesn’t mind, patting his little green head and chuckling while he does so.
“ ‘Course  you will! By the time I’m done, you three are gonna’ have the most delicious bowl of stew in your lives yet.” They bounce on their heels. “Just get me Sally. And you will get your prize.”
It doesn’t take much for them to agree to such a demand. With the promise of their reward, along with the ever-growing frustration of helping around Town and behaving around so many people…taking Sally doesn’t sound so bad, they think. They’ve done it before, so it shouldn’t be hard to do it again..! They’ve always found her a little annoying when she tries to educate and baby them. It’s about time she should know the * true * nature of Boogie’s Boys..!
They waste no moment following Oogie’s orders. Merely an hour after he’s given them his request, they pack their bathtub full of weapons, restraint, and poisons. They imagine all the methods of kidnapping her and what constraints they’ll use. They even sing about it while they collect their materials, delighting the boogeyman from below. Anything they use won’t measure what  he’s going to do to her. As soon as they’re ready, they ride out into Halloween Town as fast as they can. They don’t want to waste another moment..!
The sun is setting in the sky by the time they reach Sally Finklestein’s seamstress shop. She looks like she’s about to lock up, cleaning inside and gathering the last of her materials. They quickly check around to make sure there aren’t any nearby witnesses. They’re fortunate to find not another soul on the streets. Maybe the town is playing another film or they’re wrapping things up right now. Regardless, it won’t be long before monsters begin returning home, so  now is when they need to make their move.
They jump out of the bathtub and run to the entrance without stopping. They slam the door shut behind them, startling the ragdoll. She was in the middle of packing up her basket when they stormed in. She stands to her full height and notices they’re wearing their masks on their faces. They are holding what she’s dreaded to see before - small knives and slingshots, along with large candy bags. She hears one of the children lock the door as they advance on her, backing Sally against the wall.
Ophelia blinks from the basket and watches the scene. She hunches her back up and begins to hiss at the intruders, who ignore her.
“You should’ve  never messed with us!” Shock points at her threateningly. “If you’d let us have that candy, the boss would’ve never been upset!”
Her eyes widen as her phantom heart begins to race. She knows something bad is about to happen again. After she finally got comfortable here again…She clutches at her chest and looks at them.
“What..? What is this about? Why are you holding those.. things ..?”
Lock opens his pocketknife for effect. He points it at her and watches her flinch. “I wonder how long it would take for someone to put you back together after they’ve cut you apart! Thread by thread..”
“Seam by seam. .” Barrel joins in eerily.
“ Limb by limb .” Shock finishes.
Her eyes dart behind them and she starts to move. But that’s her mistake - the moment she moves a muscle, the three jump at her and roughly pull her down to the floor. She struggles in their grasp, gasping when the blade comes closer to her seams. Ophelia leaps from the basket and attaches herself to one of the children, clawing at their neck and any exposed skin. Lock groans in pain and throws the cat off of him. He chuckles in amusement when she lands harshly on the wall.
Sally watches helplessly and whimpers. But then a blindfold is wrapped around her head and she suddenly can’t see a thing. The children tie her wrists and legs together in a way where she can no longer move. She struggles and fights them back. But one is no match against three, unfortunately…Ophelia regains consciousness and launches herself at the children again, only to be thrown once more. The sound of her pained howls makes the ragdoll’s chest grow cold.
“Stupid cat..!” Lock whines, wincing when he touches the scratches on his skin.
“Quick! Take her to the bathtub!” Shock interrupts, pointing for Barrel to unlock the door.
The woman thrashes in their grasp as they carry her and hoist her in. She’s soon covered with a bag as a gag is promptly shoved in her mouth. Tears start to well in her eyes and fall down her cheeks, feeling the movement of the bathtub begin carrying them away. She can’t yell out for help. She can’t even move. All of this done in only a matter of minutes… and she had nothing to protect herself. The sobs leave her involuntarily.
These children must have kidnapped others before. Take people  exactly  like this, she thinks. The knots are tight and the rope is well-placed. Oogie Boogie must have taught them this. For..  what? For them to deliver his victims? She attempts to picture all the innocent humans going through this, threatened and shoved into bags…have they followed through their threats and cut others up before? She shivers as she realizes she’s in the true clutches of evil.
The mockery from the kids doesn't help the situation, either.
“ Hee hee!  Oogie is going to be so proud!” Shock smacks her chest proudly.
“Did you see that? She barely put up a fight!” Barrel comments snidely.
“Ah! Ah! Ow!” Lock is touching the cut marks. “Says you two! You didn’t have a cat on your shoulders the whole time!”
“Oh, wait! We forgot to take that, too!” Barrel regretfully looks at the small image of Halloween Town. “The boss likes animal blood…”
“Forget it! We have Sally, and that’s what he wanted.” Shock motions to the bag. “That stew is going to be  soooooo good!”
Their laughter drowns out the sound of her muffled sobs, scared to think her end is coming in near minutes. At that time, she can only think of her beloved skeleton…her phantom heart aches. Her chest feels like ice. The tears add to the coldness.
'Oh, Jack…please come and save me…’  She thinks helplessly
Ophelia wobbles from where she stands, dazed in the unattended seamstress shop. She blinks her golden eyes and worriedly looks around. Some tables and chairs are thrown about. The door is still wide open, letting in the cold gusts of wind from the outside. The cat meows loudly as she searches around desperately for her owner, only to be met with empty rooms. She runs outside and notices the small white tub from afar, retreating up the hill and out of sight. The wind cools her fur as the feline flicks her tail worriedly.
“ Mew… !”
She turns her head in the direction of the Town Square. Then she begins her race into Halloween Town - desperately climbing through the crowds and dodging nearby creatures. Her little paws lead her as fast as she can move, determinedly to the tall mansion towering over nearby buildings. The Skellington Manor…her rightful home - and housing the only chance of getting Sally back.
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Just a thought, considering how isolated Halloweentown seems to be, do you think the residents were even aware of the pandemic? I mean, most of them were already dead and probably wouldn't have been affected, anyway, and I'm sure they eventually would have found out when the day actually came and they went out.
I think they might’ve noticed how empty things were in Halloween of 2020. My little brother went trick-or-treating that night(masked, distanced, and safely, mind you), and there was practically no one around where most cul-de-sacs were usually crowded. Not to mention trick-or-treating was actually banned in a part of California that year, and other places too.
I imagine that would be hard for them to miss. Especially at the news that some people couldn’t even go out for Halloween. They might’ve seen some walking around with masks and find it peculiar. I’m not sure if they’d know about the virus, unless they listened to it on the news(like they did in that well when Jack went out for Christmas).
Imagine if they listened for updates on the pandemic that way, crossing their fingers and hoping the humans could go out for Halloween....I doubt it would’ve affected most of them since they’re dead or can’t transmit it. I think they would’ve given the best celebration that they could in those years.
At least Oogie Boogie is returning for his Bash in Disneyland this year...! It seems Jack and Sally will have to be separated there, but at least they’re still together in a way. <3
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This Is Halloween
original cover art by me 🤍✨
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another little drabble featuring Charlie (aka The Spawn), Jamieson & Serena
Jamie jumped slightly as she turned, smiling down at Charlie. “Hey munchkin. I didn’t hear you follow me in here.” She glanced wearily at the Chucky doll her daughter clutched to her side, squatting to pick her up and pressing a kiss to her chubby cheek.
“I’m practicing my sneaking, Mommy,” Charlie explained happily. “Did I scare you?”
“A little bit, yeah,” Jamie admitted with a chuckle, resting Charlie on her hip as she moved around the kitchen finishing up their lunch.
“Mommy, are you making fancy grilled cheese with the yummy spicy sauce?”
Jamie grinned, happy to see that though Charlie was definitely a mini Serena, her culinary sense leaned toward her side. Cooking with her daughter and trying new things was her favorite way to bond with her, especially now that she was a little older and could help a little more in the kitchen.
“Yes, mi niña, it’s got bacon and tomato and that spicy sauce is chipotle mayo,” she explained, giving Charlie a piece of cheese as she finished grilling up their sandwiches. “Do you want to watch a movie with me while we eat?”
“Are we gonna watch a spooky one or a sweet one?” Charlie asked, her nose wrinkling slightly and making Jamie laugh, reminding her of an unsuccessful afternoon spent trying to find Charlie’s favorite princess. She realized quickly that they would need to find a compromise. “It’s a little bit of both, munchkin. I think you’re going to like it.”
Charlie seemed to consider it for a moment as Jamie played their sandwiches and added some chips to the side, grabbing two CapriSuns before taking everything to the living room.
“Ok Mommy, let’s see what you got.”
Jamie laughed and placed a sloppy kiss on Charlie’s cheek, blowing raspberries into her neck until she was giggling before setting her down on the couch and the food on the coffee table. “You’re gonna love this one baby, I promise.”
“If I don’t, can we watch Beetlejuice? You’re not that scared of that one.”
Jamie nodded and opened up Disney+, scrolling until she found the movie she was looking for. “Yes baby, if you don’t like this one, we can watch Beetlejuice.” She pressed play and watched with a smile as Charlie settled on the floor, Chucky at her side, digging into her lunch with her big brown eyes set on the screen.
‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ had actually been one of Jamie’s favorite “scary” movies when she was a child, and she remembered watching it with Nat repeatedly, learning all of the words to all of the songs almost immediately. She wasn’t into horror, even after being married to Serena all of this time, but she wanted something she and Charlie could bond over and she knew that if there was a movie that would give them that chance, it would be this one.
And, much to Jamie’s delight, she’d chosen the right one.
Soon, Charlie was bouncing around to the music (especially Oogie Boogie’s Song) and giggling at the antics of the residents of Halloween Town.
“Mommy, I want a puppy like Zero! He’s cooler than Rudolph anyways.”
Jamie smiled, her heart filling with warmth as she watched her daughter dance and bounce, enjoying the movie as she had when she was younger. Soon, as Jack was delivering his spooky presents to the terrified residents of the world, Charlie cuddled into her side as they watched together.
“Poor Jack, Mommy, he just wants to have Christmas too.”
Jamie kissed the top of Charlie’s head. “I know, baby, people just don’t appreciate him.”
As they watched Jack’s dramatic solo in the graveyard, Serena walked in, hands full of groceries which were all abandoned immediately when she saw what was playing on the television. “Oh my gosh! I love that movie! Good choice babe.”
Jamie smiled up at her wife who leaned over the back of the couch to press a kiss to Charlie’s cheek and then Jamie’s lips. “There’s an extra grilled cheese in the kitchen and room for one more on the couch.”
“You had me at grilled cheese,” Serena said with a grin, slipping out of her shoes before disappearing into the kitchen.
“Hurry Mommy! You’re gonna miss Jack saving Christmas!”
Jamie grinned, pulling Charlie into her lap when Serena joined them, kissing her wife on the cheek when the brunette curled into her side.
Soon it was snowing in Halloween Town and Jack and Sally were singing their duet.
“Aw, I knew there would be a mushy part!” Charlie announced with a scrunch of her nose. Jamie and Serena laughed, and Jamie tickled Charlie’s sides gently. “Hey, give me a break, munchkin! It was all the way at the end!”
Charlie sighed dramatically, all Serena as she reluctantly nodded. “I guess. It was really good though Mommy. I liked it! We need a Jack ornament for Christmas now!”
Jamie let Charlie slide out of her lap with another kiss to her cheek, grinning as the six year old proceeded to dance around with her Chucky doll singing ‘This Is Halloween’ happily.
“Give up on the princess movies Jamieson?” Serena teased as she finished off her sandwich and cuddled further into Jamie’s side. Jamie chuckled and wrapped her arm around Serena’s shoulders.
“She’s a spooky little girl, but she’s my spooky little girl and just like with her Mommy-“ she paused, kissing Serena tenderly- “I’d watch anything to make her smile like that.”
“You know that we’re going to have to buy her a Jack stuffy now,” Serena said, her smile warm and sweet.
“I’ve already bought one,” Jamie replied. “And an Oogie Boogie one too, and of course Zero.”
“You’re so good to us darling,” Serena murmured as they shared another kiss and cuddled further into the couch.
“Mommy, can we watch it again?”
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Lost Princess Chapter 27
Warnings: idk. You decide
Rating: SFW
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You and the group entered Halloween Town. Once there, the four of you were clothed in scary-looking outfits, and Goofy noticed the scary scenery in the area. You became scared of how scary everything looked. 
“Gawrsh! Don't like the looks of this place. I bet it's crawlin' with ghosts!” Goofy said. 
“Neither do I. And don’t mention ghosts. They freak me out,” you said.
“Aw, phooey! There's nothin' to worry about. You won't be spooked if you already know what's coming! Not even real ghosts can frighten us anymore. If they take one look at us, THEY'd be the ones to run away!” Donald said. 
“You really think so?” Goofy asked. 
“Trust me!” Donald walked toward the green fountain, and Jack Skellington popped out of it. You screamed and hid behind Sora.
“Welcome to Halloween Town!” Jack said. 
“Waaak!” Donald screamed as he fell on his back. 
“A ghost!” you and Donald said. Sora and Goofy prepared for battle. 
“Wow, those are the best shrieks I've heard in ages! If you two are THAT easy to scare, we're gonna have a great time! Sorry, I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Jack Skellington! And this is Halloween Town. People around here call me the Pumpkin King! So if you're lookin' for a ghoulishly good time, you've come to the right place,” Jack said. 
“Well, we aren't!” Donald said angrily as he jumped up and down.
“Too bad, because at the moment, we've got a bit of a problem in Halloween Town.” 
“What kind of problem?” Sora asked. 
“Well...” Just then, several Shadow Heartless surrounded you all.
“Like this!” Jack said. You and the trio quickly took care of the heartless. 
“What's the big idea! Why'd you go and call the Heartless?” Donald said to Jack.
“I didn't call them. I just knew when they were going to show up. In fact, I'd love to get rid of them. They actually go around attacking people, instead of just scaring them,” Jack said. 
“Why are they here?” you asked as you tried to stood close to Sora. 
“I was just going to go ask Dr. Finkelstein the same question. I'm heading to his laboratory right now. Follow me!” Jack said as he left. 
“Sora, what should we do?” you asked. 
“I guess we'd better go,” Sora said. 
“I don't like this. What if he's leading us right to the Heartless?” Donald said. Jack suddenly reappeared.
“Bingo!” he said. You screamed again and clung to Sora. 
“Waaak!” Donald screamed and fell down again.
“Ha ha ha, I'm just kidding! Now let's get going,” Jack said. Jack started to leave. You, Sora and co. followed him. You, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Jack entered Dr. Finkelstein's lab. Dr. Finkelstein was in his wheelchair reading a large book.
“Allow me to introduce Dr. Finkelstein! He's a world-famous genius!” Jack said. 
“Yes! Maybe I'm TOO smart. I'm afraid I've created something horrible!” Finkelstein said.
“What's that?” Donald asked. 
“Well... Have you ever stopped to think about the power of ‘true memories’?” Finkelstein said.
“True memories?!” you and Sora asked. 
“You see me children, our hearts are full of memories---but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember,” Finkelstein said.
“Could that be happening to us?” you asked. 
“It happens to everyone. Some memories grow ugly, and some become more beautiful. If we could recover our true memories, the world would seem completely different. So, I devised a potion from forget-me-nots that brings our true memories back.” 
“Did it work?” Sora asked.
“Well, that's the problem...” 
“As soon as the doctor got a whiff of the potion, Heartless started popping up!” Jack said. 
“Sounds like a failed experiment to me,” Donald said. 
“No! My research is flawless! I just need another look at the potion to find out what went wrong!” Finkelstein said. The doctor moved his wheelchair over to a tube containing green liquid. He opened the top of his head to scratch his brain and you cringed at the sight.
“Unfortunately...it's vanished,” Finkelstein said as he closed his head.
“Maybe someone swiped it?” Sora asked. 
“It must've been Sally! Jack, you've got to find her and get my potion back.” 
“Leave it to me!” Jack said. 
“Can we tag along?” Sora asked. 
“What for?” 
“I want to know more about these ‘true memories’ the doctor keeps talking about.”
“Excellent! Then let's go find Sally!” You all left the laboratory to go find this Sally person. You, Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Jack found Sally in the cemetery.
“There you are, Sally. I thought I'd find you here,” Jack said. 
“Who are your friends?” Sally asked. 
“They're interested in true memories. You have the potion, don't you?” 
“Well...yes.” She took the potion from a pocket in her dress.
“Could you give it back?” Jack said. 
“I guess so, if you insist. But...I'm afraid. All the Doctor did was smell it, and the Heartless appeared. What if someone drinks it?” Sally said. 
“Are you kidding? What could be more exciting?” 
“I'm worried, Jack. Isn't there another option?” 
“Any ideas, Jack?” you asked.
“I can't think of a thing,” Jack said. 
“I can! Give it here!” someone said. Suddenly, Oogie Boogie appeared behind Sally, attacked her, knocking her away, and grabbed the potion.
“Oh no! The potion!” she said. You and Sora's group readied your weapons.
“Oogie! You again!” Jack said. 
“Jack, where are your manners? I'm just helping you put the potion to good use! You should thank me! Well, well. Just one sniff, and the Heartless appeared. What would happen if I chugged the whole thing? THAT would be scary! Poor Jack! You can't hold a candle to Oogie Boogie. Time for Halloween Town to taste pain and despair beyond any nightmare!” Oogie said. 
“Pain and despair? Oogie, you monster!” Oogie ran away with the potion. 
“C'mon, Jack! We've gotta go after him!” you said. The five of you ran after Oogie. you, Sora and co. chased Oogie Boogie into his lair. As you all entered, the gates closed behind you.
“Oogie! Hand over the potion!” Jack said. 
“You fools don't know when to quit! Say...all this running around is making me thirsty!” Oogie said. 
“Oogie! No!” 
“Yes!” Oogie took out the potion, uncorked it with his mouth, and drank the entire thing.
“Oh, no...” you an Sora said.
“Ahh! Lip-smacking good!” Oogie said. All of a sudden, he started shaking. 
“Agh! What's this? What... Something's wrong! Something deep inside me. Something...scary!” he said.
“Oogie! What's going on?” Jack said.
“No! Get back! Stay away from me!” Oogie coward. You and the trio fought and defeated Oogie. Later at Dr. Finkelstein's laboratory, you, Sora, Donald, Goofy, Jack, and Sally met with the Doctor.
“Confound that Oogie Boogie! He drank nearly all of my precious potion! There are only a few drops left!” Finkelstein said. 
“Sora, (Y/N), why don't you ask the doc if you can drink the rest?” Goofy asked. 
“No. We'd better not,” Sora said. 
“I agree,” you said. 
“What, don't you want it? Too bad. It would've been a great experiment,” Finkelstein said. 
“Now, Doctor...” Sally said. 
“Don't you want to find out about your true memories?” Jack asked you and Sora.
“Of course---now more than ever. But there's this guy---Axel. We promised him we'd find the truth on our own,” you said. 
“I just don't understand. When I inhaled the potion, Heartless appeared--- ...and when Oogie drank it, he was overcome with fear. What could it mean?” Finkelstein said. 
“It means the potion was a failure,” Sally said. 
“No! I can't be wrong! Oogie MUST have found his true memories! Hmm... True memories must unbalance the heart--- ...and cause unpredictable changes within!” 
“Then...what about us? What happens when our true memories awaken?” Sora asked. 
“Perhaps something even more terrifying... But this is all just a hypothesis. I can't be sure without further research.” 
“What's wrong, (Y/N)? Does the doctor's theory scare you?” Jack asked. 
“Well, yeah---a little,” you said. 
“Same here,” Sora said. 
“That's good to hear! Fear and doubt are signs of a strong heart. They push your heart, strike out in new directions, take chances! Without them, your zest for life might fade... ...as would your taste for fear. And believe me, that would really ruin my fun.” 
“Thanks, Jack. I'll remember that,” Sora said. 
“Then good luck, everyone! May you always enjoy being frightened!” You and the trio left the lab, and then Halloween Town. You and gang entered the Third Floor Exit Hall.
“Aw... I hope the king is gonna be okay...” Donald said. 
“Why bring that up?” you asked. 
“I had to be sure that I hadn't forgotten him.”
“How'd that go for ya?” Goofy asked. 
“Good! I remembered---we're on a quest to find the king.” 
“I remember that too. The king helped save everything by staying on the other side of the door to darkness. I think...” 
“You got it, Goofy!” 
“And me and (Y/N)--- We’re looking for Riku. He was with the king when the door closed. Hm. I guess there's no way we'll forget the most important memories,” Sora said. 
“That's good. 'Cause I don't want to forget...” Donald said. 
“Neither do I. I may not know who my mother was but I don’t want to forget her. It’s like she’s a part of me,” you said. 
“Well, you do have her powers and her dagger,” Goofy said. 
“That’s true. I hope I find her soon.” You and the trio leave the Exit Hall. Meanwhile, in another room inside the castle, Axel and a woman wearing a similar black coat were standing near a crystal ball.
“You seem pretty intrigued by this Sora and (Y/N) kid,” Larxene said. (QUEEN!)
“Are you telling me you're not, Larxene?” Axel asked. Larxene giggled. 
“Haven't decided yet... I think what intrigues me more is what you see in them,” she said. 
“There was a time he became a Heartless. And if one becomes a Heartless---” Axel said. 
“They lose their minds and their feelings... They're consumed by the darkness.” 
“Right. But not Sora. He held on to his feelings, even as a Heartless. And there's only one other man who's been able to do just that.” 
“It's the strength of his heart... That's what interests you. Why the Keyblade chose Sora's heart. But that doesn’t explain that spirit.”
“To unlock the mysteries of the heart. Isn't that the Organization's mission?” Larxene snickered. You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy entered the Fourth Floor.
“Hey, I wonder if there's anything we've forgotten...” Donald said. 
“Hmm... If we did, what would it have been?” Goofy asked. The two fo them thought for a moment. 
“I can't think of anything, so maybe that means that I really am losing my memories,” Goofy said. Donald looked sad.
“But whatever they were, they couldn't have been very important memories, right?” Goofy asked. 
“Right, or else I don't think you would have forgotten it,” you said. You and Sora took out the seashell charms that Kairi gave to you.
“Look,” Sora said. 
“What is it?” Donald asked. 
“A good luck charm Kairi gave us. It's special to her, so we promised that we would return it. I'll never forget making that promise. It's why we could never forget Kairi,” you said. 
“I’ll never forget it too,” Sora said. Donald and Goofy nodded.
“Are we right, Kairi?” Sora asked. You and Sora saw an image of Kairi in your heads. The three of you smiles at each other. Then a girl wearing a white dress appeared behind you two.
“Huh?!” you and Sora asked. You and Sora looked back but the girl disappeared.
“Oh... Do we know...that girl?” Sora asked. 
“I...have no idea,” you said.
“Hey, Sora, (Y/N). Where did you two go?”
“Sorry. Never mind,” Sora said. 
“We better keep goin'” Goofy said. You and Sora held up the next card at the Fourth Floor world entrance, and entered to the next world.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
It's September, witches, bitches, and litches(I'mso sorry for any offense, I was trying to be funny!)!
Let's see what mischief is in for the Skellington triplets this time!!!!
It is the next day in sunny Halloween Town and Jacob has been let off the hook for the day's meeting, so Jack and the Mayor can discuss something in private.
That leaves Jacob free to do whatever he pleases!
He asks why they're following him and Luna states sharply that Jack told her to keep an eye of Jacob so he doesn't do anything crazy. That makes sense, but why is Daemon following?
Jacob's glad to hear that, at least, because he's going to keep his brother entertained with an exploration around town, specifically what's on the outer limits of the town.
Luna warns him against it and Daemon's skeptical, but neither are able to stop Jacob as he slips through the bars of the town gate, explaining that they should stop him, then.
Daemon follows because he's bored, but Luna also follows, very reluctant.
Jacob teases her, asking if she's afraid.
She's not afraid. She doesn't want to get in trouble, lest they forget how mad their parents get when they misbehave.
Jacob corrects her: They don't get in trouble, if they don't do something they're not supposed to.
Luna, fed up, asks if he's been hanging around those bastards Lock, Shock, and Barrel, who are listening behind some tombstones and are all very offended by Luna's insult toward them.
And Jacob's response that no, he'd never go within a mile radius of those three reprobates, not with being the next Pumpkin King amd his father on his back.
Luna asks if he DOESN'T WANT to be his father's heir and Jacob kicks up a stick, asking back if SHE'D like the position instead.
She doesn't, because Jacob is the eldest, therefore making him the heir by tradition. And he's a boy, which us another strike against her.
Daemon reminds them both that tradition and gender be damned, they're ALL the same age. Imagine a Halloween with all three of them after Jack steps down.
Jacob muses that it sounds like fun while Luna sighs that she'll be the ring leader of two out of control hell hounds that are her brothers.
Daemon gawks at her, because he doesn't even take his EYES off of the line, much less set a toe outside of it, so how dare she.
Before she can correct him, Jacob dashes up a hill and stands still, staring long enough for his siblings to catch up.
Turns out they found the treehouse Lock, Shock, and Barrel reside in, and where Oogie Boogie used to be.
Luna is a little freaked out at the fact that it has now started to fall apart and Daemon, who pulled himself up to look, dips back down because he heard rumors that there have been a alot of bugs that remained and are still residing there to this day.
Jacob asks, a little nervously, where these rumors came from and who's been saying them.
Daemon shrugs, admitting he just heard it from Corpse Kid and Vampire Kid and it just stuck with him because some bugs are kind of hard to kill.
And then there's the fact that Lock, Shock, and Barrel are still hanging around, for some stupid reason.
Luna hugs herself and notes that knowing WHO lived there, under the house, and what he did, it doesn't make any easier to look at, even with the knowledge that he's gone by their father's hand.
And Santa's boot, which Daemon adds before sighing that he'd actually like to meet old Saint Nick one day, if it's okay with Jack and Chris Kringle himself.
Those words make Jacob's uneasy look turn to determination as he clenches a fist; now he doesn't just want to exceed Jack and everyone else, he wants his brother to meet Santa Clause.
He's also mentally wondering how he missed the woods with the doors, seeing as how he knows the town very well by his age, even semi-hallucinating/visualizing a map he'd drawn to find the holiday doors.
He's pulled out of his thoughts when he hears Daemon shrieking and falling down the hill.
Turns out a butterfly is flying around him and won't leave him alone no matter how hard he tries to smack it away.
He shouts for either of his siblings to kill the butterfly because it's trying to kill him.
Luna pulls him up and swats it away, givung a sound of disgust because while she likes wearing dresses and playing with her hair, she's not a fan of things like butterflies.
She calls for Jacob, asking if he's coming, because Jack's bound to be finished with his meeting by now and is probably looking for them.
Jacob nods and follows them, after one last look at the treehouse and watching the butterfly circle him before flying away.
Luna was half right, Jack IS done with the meeting and is looking for them, except he brought Sally and Zero with him.
He asks where they've been, and Daemon somewhat saves Jacob's ass by saying they were looking for something interesting and found nothing, except for a good walk.
Somewhat because when asked what they were looking for specifically, he replies by offering the encounter with a killer butterfly.
Jack asks him to repeat so he KNOWS he heard that Daemon was attacked by a BUTTERFLY.
He was, and it did not help that Luna and Jacob stood by and did not help him in the slightest.
Sally, not buying this BS and genuinely curious, asks where their walk took them, while they walk home.
Luna offers an answer, which Jacob would know.
Jacob bites that she was there, too, so she should answer.
She would, but all she did was follow him, so his call.
Jack tells them to not argue because all they want to know is where they went, not if they had some sort of competition. He and Sally are asking because good on them for exploring a little and they want to know what their kids are up to.
Jacob relents and says they were just wandering until they accidentally found the old treehouse. They didn't go inside. They just went there and saw it from the outside, that's all.
Daemon backs his brother, saying they found it on accident and turned around, because it's evil.
Sally calms him by explaining the place itself is not evil, but kudos to the teiplets for no going in to explore.
Luna asks if it's because of all the bugs and Jack explains it is not because of the bugs. It's because he doesn't want them going in and getting trapped there with no way out, and doesn't want Lock, Shock, and Barrel to be anywhere near them because those three are still living in the house.
Jacob is silent as he listens, zoning out and thinking about the rumors and the fact his brother is probably going to be in on the idea of finding the holiday doors.
While the family continues home, the butterfly we saw earlier flies over to a crouching Lock, Shock, and Barrel, whispering into Lock's ear about what it found.
Shock asks what it's saying and Lock explains that they found their way of helping out their old friend, said way being a zoned out Jacob as the family returns to town.
With a bonehead even more clueless than Jack, it'll be easy to bring Oogie back, they just need to get him to walk a little further away than he should and they've got him.
Barrel, in a moment of realization, asks if they should really ask JACOB for help.
Sure, it'd hurt Jack the most, because Jacob's the eldest, and he's really good at sewing, but that's qhen he needs to keep his hands busy, and he's walked into trees mutiple times, sat and stared at a wall for hours on end, accidentally lit himself on fire, and made a bookshelf fall on top of him. To sum it up: he puts the E in idiot, for a guy who's his father's son.
He offers they go for Luna instead, who's worked in Dr. Finklestien's office the most, is very meticulous in her sewing, and is the only girl, so they can use that to draw her to them. Shock explains why THAT is a bad idea: Luna is not stupid. She has been sharp enough to see when people lie to her, just like Sally, and is the most obedient out of all three triplets, so she's a no go.
Okay, okay, that leaves the youngest, and arguably easiest to deal with, Daemon.
HA! Fools! They have never heard the series Pirates of The Caribbean, which Daemon watched on marathon on one Halloween night, or a particular man named Captain Jack Sparrow.
Five words:
Genius diguised as a fool.
Lock laughs and states the two of them are lying, because he's only seen Daemon following his brother and sister or either if his parents. There's no way he's a genius.
Shock challenges Lock, then, asking him to try and talk to Daemon and also try to get him to do something Lock wants him to do, maybe try pranking him.
We end with the triplets with their parents, Sally braiding Luna's hair while Luna vigorously sews a horned hat for Daemon, who's writing and solving math problems, while Jacob and Jack look over Halloween plans.
Jack notices that Jacob looks confused about something and asks what's on his mind.
The question turns everyone's heads:
Who lived under the treehouse, what happened to said person, and why did it happen?
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belladoesmakeup · 4 years
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🎃 “Just because I cannot see it, doesn’t mean I can’t believe it” 🎃
Hi guys!
Today I’m going to be chatting you through the 4 glosses from The Nightmare Before Christmas X Revolution collection. Each of these glosses were £5 each and of course I had to get the whole range since they were so cheap it was hard to resist.
Before we talk about the lipgloss shades we have to chat about the packaging. The whole range itself is beautiful and the artwork is insane but the lip glosses are a whole other level, probably because it includes lots of characters but overall I think packaging wise these are my favourite. The artwork is gorgeous on every packaging and I love the detail that went into everything. On the lipgloss itself you have The Nightmare Before Christmas logo in silver on the gloss and on the lid itself it has e Rey character on the cap. Out of the four glosses 3 are glitter and 1 is a traditional clear gloss. So let’s chat though the gloss shades ........
Starting off on the left side we have the Pumpkin King Jack gloss which is a pearlescent champagne gloss. This gloss is so glittery when you put it on that you can wear it by itself or on top of a lipstick and make that lip pop! Next we have Zero the pet ghost dog which in true fashion is a crystal clear gloss,personally I think it’s very appropriate for the character and the gloss itself just looks gorgeous and transforms any matte lipstick into a true glassy lipstick look. Now we have my favourite gloss and probably the one I’ve used the most since getting this collection which is the Scream queen Sally gloss which is a pretty pink with gold flecks. This lipgloss is gorgeous by itself and is such a pretty pink with subtle glitter that you could easily throw it on with any makeup look. Lasting we have the Oogie Boogie legendary boogeyman gloss, now this gloss isn’t something I’m probably going to wearing often because it’s more a metallic bronze gold shade but I decided I still wanted it try out myself. As predicted it’s a little too dark for me to wear by itself but if I lightly apply it over a nude lipstick it looks more wearable.
These glitter glosses are so funky they match the rest of the collection perfectly and I am obsessed with them. Honestly this products have reignited my love for glosses so expect to see these a lot in the future.
Lots of love
Bella x x
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