#I really messed up on one and had to compromise lmao
mistyfoxxy · 1 year
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ame-to-ame · 9 days
The hardest part abt break ups is getting advice and comfort from friends who all want the best for you but slowly coming to the harrowing realization that nobody will really get how much you really loved your girlfriend. The only other person you experienced it with isn't here anymore.
Sorry vent in tags lmao I'm going thru it
#Trying not to wonder too much if even she really knew how much I loved her.#The way daily chores and things that were scary and unknown became things I looked forward to when I was with her.#There's nothing I would want more than a happy life and doing laundry together and figuring out mortgages and taxes together.#but really nothing matters if it's not what she wants. i don't want her to choose something that she wants.#honestly. how glad i am she's figuring out what she wants and what she doesn't want. trying really hard not to cry at feeling unwanted tho.#It's so hard because for everything I can do by myself in this life I've never given up on dreams and goals.#If i have something I want I figure out how to do it. You've gotta go for the things you want while you still have the chance.#but when it comes to having other people and what they want involved. im just. a huge mess.#i just never really want other people hurt or disappointed so in the past when there was conflict i always yielded. it's not healthy though#and I've gotten a bit better at stating needs and wants and holding my ground but. when it comes to actual relationships and compromising.#i just don't think i have the heart in me. i don't think i can go in there and be like. here's where i stand. let's figure out a compromise#i just know that if it's me right now. one look. and I'd be surrendering everything. hopefully i grow some spine soon.#ugh sorry#venting on main#i had a really bad physiological rxn and it brought back a lot of repressed feelings.#my friends are being so so nice to me right now and I feel so guilty and I just want to be back to normal and carefree so they don't worry#and most days I'm totally fine. but ugh. i haven't really gone through that much heartbreak and I. really was serious about marrying her.#if she came back and told me it was just a bad time and she was stressed out and she's realized her problems and she wants to work on it tg#i think. i would like. take her back immediately lmao#there would definitely need to be some trust to rebuild and boundaries to set and promises to make and actions to be done.#but deep in my heart i. i always thought and i still probably believe it that everything is fixable.#and I've really had the time to think about it and convince myself of other perspectives. but idk. sometimes the heart wants what it wants#still. though. i know the hard lines I've set down for myself. i have to stand on business 😭#ok being gentle with myself. i am only having these thoughts bc i just sat through 20 hours of transportation without any sleep and food.#once i go home and rest i will. be okay. just 9 more hours and then another 24 hours on train. and then i can let my body regenerate.
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prismaticpichu · 11 months
Hi, Pi! Hope you're having a good day. This is a little generic, but I love you little "Jenova shocks" that get Sephiroth sometimes and all of a sudden everyone's panicking trying to calm him down. If you have any of these scenarios, I'd appreciate the spookiness!
Hope you’re having an amazing one too!! <33 And omg, not generic at all! I live for these types of headcanons lmao! xD Always up for some good ol’ Jenova making a mess in the mental kitchen™️ shenanigans. Let’s do this! *plops on chef’s hat*
Even without puppet strings directly fettered to his mind, or even being in Mumsy’s direct line of psychological fire, Sephiroth can still act up when handled the wrong way. This fella doesn’t need to be a mesmerized, coerced-into-deadly-arson drone to be dangerous. No sir. Not at all. Certain triggers can still catalyze that celestial biology of his, and in the process, ultimately awaken millennial-old eradicative instincts laying dormant in his blood. This is what we call Sephiroth going absolutely Cujo. And it is very dangerous, and very scary.
Did you… did you not want 2K words of this? Oops.
It happened one night, at Angeal’s place, when he, Genesis, Sephiroth, and the newly-promoted Zack were all clustered on the couch watching a movie. There had been much squabbling beforehand as to what flick to watch exactly—particularly between the oil and water that is Genesis & Sephiroth—which ultimately prompted Angeal to let the pupper take the reins. It also helped that it was Zack’s first time hanging with the revered Firsts; Genesis didn’t care much for the “whelp” at all, while Sephiroth actually didn’t mind his presence. It was just a splinter of something warm, really, a slight elevation from the chilly neutrality he had with the other SOLDIERs below him. Surrendering (remote) control didn’t bother the man very much, especially when it was to someone as harmless as Zack. And especially when it meant that that control was not going to Genesis.
Surprisingly, a compromise was made pretty easily. Zack had cruised down the animation subsection in search of something wholesome and colorful—after Angeal said no to the “bloody blockbusters.” Hmph! He would NOT get nightmares. Anyways, what they ultimately stumbled across was something they could all agree upon: a nice, adorable movie with a smiling deer on the thumbnail. Zack wanted to squish the deer’s face, Angeal loved the floral scenery, Genesis appreciated its longevity, and Sephiroth had a hidden fascination with woodland creatures. Zack had picked well. Even Genesis admitted that the pupper’s taste wasn’t so “repugnant” after all.
So, they flicked on the movie and sat back. And y’know what? The four military minds did in fact enjoy it! It was so serene… so cute. Sephiroth stifled a chuckle as the titular deer learned to walk, Genesis humming along to the classical music. It was nice, really, Sephiroth thought, to just watch something so tranquil amid the tumultuous world they lived in, to fly off to a small oasis of beauty and bonding as he was bubbled in the warmth between his comrades. It was… perfect.
Y’know. Until It happened.
Bambi, as the fawn was called, was running. And running. And running. And running. Snow was billowing around him in blinding cascades of ice, the music escalating to match the racing legs of suspense. Bambi’s mother was right behind him—she was RIGHT behind him. But they were growing apart. Apart. Further and further apart.
Sephiroth raked his nails into the couch, his gaze becoming more and more fixated on the screen. On the deer. On the son. Locked. Praying. Fragmenting.
He was running. And running. And running. And—
No… no where was his mother…? Where was HIS—
Where was HIS—
The gunshot went off.
And Sephiroth felt the ringing.
Zack let out a little squeak, rattled by the sudden plunge in tone; Angeal cupped his hand over his mouth; Genesis breathed a shallow curse of surprise. Sephiroth didn’t know how long he was sitting there, simply staring, as Bambi crept his way out of the den. As he navigated back through the snow. As he called out in anguish.
Angeal noticed the almost paralyzed look first, reaching over and pausing the movie.
“Sephiroth?” he ventured slowly. “Are you okay?”
Sephiroth didn’t hear him; the world still rang, serrated and knifelike in his ears. He stated at the frozen image now, at the fawn’s tormented face. One that was full of pain. Full of loss. Full of grief. Abandoned.
“No…” He glared daggers at the TV screen, raking his nails deeper into leather. “Don’t leave your son. Don’t leave your son. Don’t leave your SON.”
“…Sephiroth?” Zack shrunk against the cushions.
“Do not leave your son. Do not leave your son. Do not leave your son.” He stood up, his focus honing into a snarl. “Do not leave your son. Do not leave your son. Do NOT LEAVE YOUR—“
“Sephiroth, calm down.” Angeal reached for his arm—
Sephiroth seized it.
And before a gasp of pain could be let out, as five savage nails plunged into his skin, the man was thrown into a wall. Violently. A bomb of plaster erupted with the impact, dust and paint rivering down from the human-shaped crater formed under the window.
“SEPHIROTH!” Genesis jolted up beside him. “What the HELL was that?!”
Unfortunately, the auburn was met with the same fate. Two blistering eyes snapped his way, pupils rattling, the man’s teeth bared, snarling, and he lunged for his companion—shoving him backwards into the stony ledge of the counter.
“TAKE COVER!” Zack threw himself behind the sofa, landing with a thump. Did this happen often??! What the heck was going on??! The General was acting so nice before!
Meanwhile, that General turned his seething attention back to the TV—to the son, to the loneliness, to the abandoner. ABANDONER. He threw his fist into the screen, and the lonely fawn went black.
He was alone.
Angeal, coughing, peeled himself off from the wall. He gaped horridly at the condition of all three of his friends. “Sephiroth!“
Sephiroth’s head shot back towards him, and again he lunged.
Angeal obstructed the man this time, seizing him by his own wrists, his feet quaking and equilibrium faltering as he fought to keep those savage nails from plunging back into him.
“GENESIS! Do you have a Sleep on you?!”
Genesis collected himself from the ground, crimson drizzling from temple. He looked genuinely panicked. “No!”
“Because I didn’t expect him to go APESHIT, Angeal! Why do you think?!”
“Great…” Angeal muttered, before a hiss of pain tore jaggedly through his lips. His elbows rattled against the force trying to bend them backwards.
“Sephiroth!” he futility tried again, desperate. “We’re your friends! LOOK!” He gestured with his head towards a side table, to a framed photograph of the three of them.
Sephiroth didn’t look; instead, he overpowered the other, and with a wildfire in his eyes threw his friend backwards and into the coffee table. It shattered.
“GEAL!” Zack cried, inadvertently revealing his location as he jolted up from behind the couch. Sephiroth snapped towards the boy then, the same murderous blaze now homing in on him, ready to lunge.
Genesis swooped in before he could; he wrangled Sephiroth’s arms, distracting him, grappling to keep him in place as the man clawed and snarled and balked.
“Jesus Christ what is the MATTER with you?!”
Another snarl was his response; another snarl, and joining Angeal in the bones of the coffee table as he overpowered him as well.
“Gahhhhhh!” Zack grabs fistfuls of his hair, panicking over the sight of the two incapacitated SOLDIERs. He needed to do something—quick! Sephiroth was acting like some kind of crazed Chocobo, all wild and violent. How did you quell a crazed Chocobo…? How did you quell a crazed Sephiroth…?
Zack willed his breath to steady, coming around from the sanctuary of the couch.
“Get away from his, Zack!” Angeal warned.
With no more roadblocks, there was nothing standing in the way between the rabid General and the anxious puppy. Nothing stopping him from whipping around to him. Nothing stopping him from utterly ripping him in two.
Zack stood tall though, swallowing his heart, and did the thing he knew best: charging forward and throwing his arms and legs around the older man’s neck, proceeding to ride on his shoulders like a frantic bull in a rodeo.
“Calm down! Calm down!” he shouted. “It’s okay!”
“GET OFF OF ME!” Sephiroth snarled, ramming into the wall in an attempt to shake his rider off; Zack bonked his head, letting out a yelp, but SOLDIERs skulls were pretty darn strong. He just held on tighter.
“Never!” he shouted unwaveringly. “Not until you calm down!”
Sephiroth continued to snarl—why was he SNARLING?—using his nails like they were claws as he tried to scratch his face off.
“It’s just a movie, Sephiroth!” Zack let the words tumble from his mouth, a desperate solace he was reaching for. That was what had triggered this whole thing, wasn’t it? That scene! That darn, sad scene!
“It’s just a movie! You’re okay!”
“He was a ALONE!” Sephiroth roared, another bash against the wall. “ALONE.”
“Yeah! But you’re NOT!” Zack clutched him tighter. “You got your pals here, remember?! They’re right here!”
Sephiroth didn’t bash into the wall again; he stopped, huffing, like he was processing the other’s words. Like they were sticky, painfully wading through a wall of molasses in order to reach him.
“We’re right here.” Angeal echoed his student in a kind, strong assurance, his back cracking as he raised himself to a sit.
“We never left, you NUT!” Genesis joined his friend with his own plea. Whatever Zackary was doing—as insane at is was—it was working. Somehow.
And it was. Sephiroth stared at the two men on the floor, staring like he was trying to remember why he was staring and who he was staring at. But the fire was ebbing in his eyes. His breath was slowing, his heart was quelling. The Chocobo was quelling.
“See?” Zack said kindly, giving one last reassuring squeeze. “You’re just fine. You’re just fine… Please stop throwing people into furniture now.”
That seemed to push Sephiroth to the finish line; slowly, the man closed his eyes, falling to his knees as he panted long, pained bursts of oxygen. Zack dismounted off him, crouching beside his new friend in concern. His eyes were majorly strained… It looked like a migraine if the boy didn’t know any better.
The coast clear, Angeal and Genesis picked themselves up, making their own way to their friend.
“Sephiroth?” Angeal ventured again, also crouching down beside him. “Are you okay?”
“…….Yes,” Sephiroth said through his breath. “I’m fine.”
“That’s it. I’m calling Hojo right now.” Genesis stalked off towards the telephone.
As Sephiroth watched him leave, he let his gaze idly roam around, catching sight of the crater and shattered table and splotch of blood on the counter. Acute guilt flashed through his eyes, the flames smothered. Whatever happened was a blur, a nauseous smear of rage and emotion and something bursting from the trenches of his soul. But he knew what he had done.
Angeal laid a hand on his younger friend’s shoulder. “It’s alright. I’m just glad Zack calmed you down.”
“He… did?” Sephiroth turned to the boy beside him, both confused and marveled as he met the young blue eyes
“…Thank you.”
Zack smiled at him in return. “Anytime.”
Movie night was relocated to Genesis’s place, as Angeal placed an order for some new furniture and paint. Needless to say the rest of the movie went much smoother; both Genesis and Angeal decided it was best if Zack sat nearby Sephiroth, which ultimately resulted in Zack falling asleep against him. And Sephiroth, for his part, didn’t mind too much. Just as he didn’t mind anything else in the movie.
He glanced between his two best friends + one, sandwiching him on the couch, and couldn’t help but let a small, warm smile form. The whole mess was a blur, yes, but one thing did manage remain clear in his mind.
The fact that he wasn’t alone.
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solar-halos · 4 months
sorry i’m gonna talk some more about annie/johanna
first of all, i just think finnick and johanna would be so different as partners. finnick and annie give me the vibe as that one tweet that’s like “i don’t have any morals or opinions if a woman says something is right then it is” “um well maybe you should have morals and opinions” “you’re right i should”
in all seriousness, i think that even when they do fight finnick doesn’t even yell and he’s insanely good at communicating / compromising, which would be good skills for the capitol but also i think he’s just not a very intense person in the first place and that he HATES conflict. and then this is also based on my hcs of annie, but i imagine that she cannot handle conflict well and she struggles to compromise on something even she agrees with the compromise just bc she’s so pissed off, and that johanna is the exact same way. so when she and johanna fight, they fight. like we already know that johanna will say anything even if it upsets everyone (and she canonically did upset annie into having a flashback of some sort) so i think whenever they argue it’s a days long affair and that they only rlly try to figure out how to be more healthy about it when odesta’s son is like “ma where’s johanna i wanna see her” and since annie’s not gonna fill him in on all the tea she’s like “hm. we’re gonna have to work something out”
also it’s really interesting to think about johanna being more sensitive. i think there’s a fine line between censoring her thoughts (“it’s part of my therapy!” she ate) and just being more careful about saying things that are going to trigger annie, and that’s a balance johanna is going to try so hard to figure out. and it’s probably gonna be rlly hard bc when was the last time she had to figure something out for someone she cares abt, and when was the last time she had the luxury to care about someone, and will annie leave her if she messes up but it’s genuinely just a mistake and she’s consistently trying?
i do think that’s all gonna be resolved before they’re an actual couple, which is also something i wanted to talk abt. pre-canon i imagine they met at johanna’s victory tour and johanna lowkey had a small crush on her but also johanna has had a small crush on everybody at one point in time (in a “to cure the boredom” way lmao) so she doesn’t rlly think too much of it. just that when annie laughs it makes her wanna laugh too. and that when annie makes jokes johanna is like “why isn’t anyone laughing she’s literally a comedic genius.” i personally don’t understand this concept but sometimes when my friends enter relationships they’re like “omg i had a crush on them all throughout hs.” and they obviously don’t mean a full on consistent crush, just something that came and went in varying degrees, and i can totally see that with johanna. but also being a mentor + the quell + her morphling addiction + finnick’s death probably wouldn’t have given her much time to rlly think about it, so she doesn’t rlly realize how bad she has it until the war is over and they’re raising odesta’s kid
speaking of odesta’s kid! as soon as he’s born she immediately loves + wants to protect him + gets sick at the thought of never seeing him again and she’s just like “it’s just bc he’s a baby everyone feels that way abt babies.” which true but she also co-parents without any hesitation and when annie is like “i don’t want u to feel pressured to take care of him just bc we’re living together” johanna is like what the fuck are you talking about
oh and also i think annie is fully capable of being insensitive to johanna’s needs too, so it’s a two way street. like with her morphling addiction in particular, annie would probably continually ask her why she can’t just stop and johanna is so fed up with having to explain that it doesn’t work that way but they work thru it obviously
i think this is it. tbh this was more like an outline of how their relationship would work than actual hcs but i think there’s something beautiful about johanna learning how to be more loving and gentle without losing her bite. like she’ll still bully annie but she’d do it so lovingly and without actually hurting any feelings
oh i guess one more thing that’s not rlly a hc or anything just something silly i’ve been fretting abt: what if johanna and annie get together and they love each other soso much and then finnick shows up like “actually i lived and i’ve been finding my way to u all this time!!” like omg what would happen? my knee jerk reaction is odesta pt 2 but if i think abt it for more than a second it’s like. wow. annie and johanna went thru all these trials and tribulations and have grown into each other and made each other their home so it would be so fucked up if annie just fuckin left 😭😭 also annie and finnick wouldn’t be on the same pg anymore so if they even had a chance of getting back together they’d have to refamiliarize themselves w each other
but again that’s a silly worry bc if finnick hasnt returned in years he’s obviously not gonna show up when annie and johanna are happy and healthy and in love. that would be terrible timing and also this hinges on the fact that he most definitely didn’t get blown the fuck up when he obviously did. anyway i’m actually done now
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frauleiiin · 4 months
For the Not-So-Nice OC asks: Fear and Ghost for Maverik'a and Secret for any OC who has a secret that leans more toward being embarrassing/ridiculous rather than something serious.
Oooooo these are so interesting, thank you so much for the ask!
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fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
I think Maverik'a's biggest fear is failure and not like regular failure, more like failure that may doom the entire galaxy. She's really scared that one day there's gonna be a threat so big that she won't be capable of stopping it, enhance why Valkorion messed her up so much. A lot is expected of her because she's extremely powerful but they are times she doesn't even believe in her own power. She's very open about it with Theron, he's the one that reassures her when she's doubtful. It's not a constant fear but it sometimes weight over her.
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ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
Master Orgus used to talk to her sometimes, his presence was truly comforting to her. Almost like he was still alive. Although he left to fully join the force at some point, she still talks to him even if he's not there anymore. During the KOTXX events, she wished he was there with her to guide her. Each time she's on Rishi, she visits Orgus' childhood home. Aside from that, well there's Valkorion but we know the story.
I've got her backstory written too if you were interested. Some names are missing but most of the info is there! Maverik'a
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secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Okay silly little secret.. You'd think Rue is a flawless agent, la crème de la crème, no one ever notices her schemes WELL.. she actually goofed ONE TIME. So at that time she didn't work directly for the Empire, she would only work under short term contracts. She was already an excellent agent but she lacked of experience a little so this is what happened.. She needed to intercept an important object for her client but this object was into a smuggler's hands. Her plan was to coincidentally meet said smuggler at a bar/cantina, seduce him and then while he sleeps go to his ship and steal the object. So first part of the plan worked, she kinda had fun, then sneaky her goes to his ship while he ''sleeps'' but then suprise he was waiting for her LMAO. Now she was about to think about a plan B but instead the smuggler offered her a deal ''I only need to smuggle this to my client so I get paid, what happens to him next is no longer my problem''. She just accepted so the mission wouldn't be compromised AND to not be ridiculized to her client. Clever smuggler. Sooooo this is how she met Kaaydan LOL and he's the only one to know about this, he really likes to joke about it and she loooves to remind him that she'll kill him if he ever says a thing to someone else <3 They did work a few times after this, they're good friends (among other things).
It's not finished but here's my girl's RefSheet Rue
Here's the OC ask post
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Do you have any adorable headcanons for Logan and Keegan? If you do I’d love to hear all about them!!!!
I literally think about them everyday so yeh.
Things were always very tense between them since the first meeting they had in the woods. (Tfw you've just been attacked and almost mauled to death by wolves so you look a mess but there is a cute mysterious guy who your dog seems to like so now you just gotta tap that ass.) (Tfw you just watched your teammate body slam an honest-to-god wolf and there is this rugged but cute guy staring at you real hard and also he has a cute dog so now you just gotta tap that ass.)
They actually get along rather quickly. Keegan's a private kinda guy and usually it takes a while for him to open up, but Logan was real quiet so he just had to fill the silence somehow. (He wouldn't mind sitting in silence but Logan also just s t a r e s at people in a way that urges them to speak. He doesn't do it on purpose.)
I can't actually see them having enough time to develop a solid romance, but definitely a quickly budding one, before Logan is abducted. (There's like two months between Brave New World and The Ghost Killer. When Logan+Hesh join the Ghosts to when Logan is abducted.) However, once Logan returns I can see a LOT of tension. Neither of them can really decide between killing each other or screwing. (Good lord, if Keegan gets captured and Logan gets to interrogate him it's gonna be like three degrees from a BDSM scene. /J)
Keegan keeps a photo of Logan on him all the time. He hides it, cus he kinda embarrassed about it? (Private man, again.) But he always has it. Keeps it in a waterproof baggie tucked inside his vest/jacket so it stays as safe as possible. If the above mentioned interrogation happens, then Logan is likely to find it, at which point he's gonna have some decisions to make.
Onto the less plot-thick headcanons now lmao.
Logan is a touch shorter than Keegan, so you might think he's the teddy bear, but no. It's Keegan. The man needs to be compressed like he is a panini or he gets fussy. (Cuddle fiend Hc go brrrr.)
On the topic of cuddling, Keegan sleeps really well when they're together. He just thought he was the kind of person to never really sleep well, but no. He just needed a cuddle-buddy. The fastest way Logan's figured out to get him to sleep is by having Keegan lay his head on his chest while he scratches/pets his head and hums. Motherfucker is OUT like three minutes in. Sleeping Beauty over here.
On princesses! Keegan fucking adores pet names. Not him using them on others, but others using them on him. Melts anytime Logan uses one. Honey, Dear, Love, and yes: Princess. Gets him every time. (Logan verbally saying them is an extra treat, due to the selective mutism thing.)
Keegan learned ASL before even meeting Logan because there was a Ghost before him who was also a touch non-verbal, which Logan is incredibly pleased to find out. Another reason they make quick friends and then more.
Date nights are rare because they're usually busy, but when they do get a chance they like to take it slow. Their life is chaotic enough, they don't need an amusement park to spice anything up. They're more prone to chiller activities, like takeout and a movie at home.
Regularly fight over little things, but not like legit fights. It's more like "I think orange juice is better than apple juice." "No it's not." "Well, I like it better." "You shouldn't." just because they find it amusing to mess with each other.
No pranks. Ever. Never. Neither of them can stand surprises.
Logan is a dog person, and Keegan is a cat person. This results in a compromise: They get a dog. (Logan used so many pet names to coax Keegan into it.)
Regularly beat the shit out of each other. (Play fighting. Logan has broken the bed before body-slamming Keegan on it though.)
Logan listens to music at un goldy volumes and Keegan just has to deal with it. (He has noise cancelling headphones, dw. Baby is okay.)
That's all I got for now!
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robinsroom · 10 months
You can develop your OCs as you go.
S- So, like uh, will you, will you, OCs- Uh
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okay so like, i have like a handful of ocs but they were all from when I was younger and the make me cringe so I've only taken one or two with me into my """adulthood""".
Ofc one of them is my main OC Heaven who ofc is bascially kind of a self insert but better because who doesn't have one. Shes like part wizard, 10% human or something. I would write about how she would go to school specifcally made for other kids w supernatural powers to hone them and ofc this gave me an established excuse for her to meet characters from large franchies or created by people (on dA or tumblr) who I adored at the time.
Her powers specifically would change from time to time based off of characters I thought were neat like shape shifting, being a siren, telekinesis, rumoring people into doing shit she wanted (props to u if u know where that’s from).
For her personailty, she would go from being a brat to a badass bitch to being the biggest submissive goon you've ever met. It really depended on how I was feeling that day LMAO
Now a-days, since she’s out of school and I’m a bit more mellow (lying) on her whole personality being centered around impressing people, she’s a chill entrepreneur who wants an excuse to stay around in the (this is gonna sound so cringe but here goes) “fandom specific worlds/universes” and make her mark you know?
Right now, in the year of our lord, 2023, since DOL is my obsession, Heaven is apart of the OC group that I’m slowly building for Rape City lmao. I’m not sure how yet though beyond her wanting to take control from Bailey. Maybe??? Mayhaps????? Someday??????
Speaking of Rape City, I have two OCs so far.
Winnie & Skylar and maybe another one who might be coming when I take a break w Sky's play through.
Winnie was a coke abusing goof ball who catfishes people for funsies. There's not alot to her backstory right now but basically, she wanted to get out of her home and took a trip to the UK. She ended up getting stuck there after giving some sob story to Bailey about how her parents died in a freak BDSM accident.
I like to think any other persona who might be stupid enough to get themselves in a situation like this, are smart enough to, you know, get tf out of it but Winnie is too much of a goof ball to really care. She has free room and board. She can do pretty much whatever she wants and all she has to do is pay 4k to this guy who is mean but attractive. You can get away w anything if ur good looking, right? Better than being stuck at home with her brothers I guess lmao.
Anyway, she uses her knowledge of catfishing to trick creeps into giving her compromising photos, info, etc. which she then posts publicly be it at school or online. She of course has access to, can’t live without it. Bailey took her shit yeah but he didn’t find her phone which she uses to keep in touch with her mother who assumes that her daughter is having an amazing time!
Skylar isss...well no one knows who Skylar is. They just randomly showed up one day, even Winnie swears the room they are in was empty literally the hour before they were there. Anyway, Winnie loves paranormal shit and Sky seems pretty paranormal themselves so they automatically became besties. Although it wasn’t easy at first considering Sky was shy and would rarely leave their room after seeing what the other orphans had to go through.
It was school then straight home.
However, Winnie showed Skylar that they have nothing to fear. Most people who decide to mess with them can be subdued with the 7 cans of pepper spray they have shoved up their ass at one time thanks to their close relationship with Kylar. Eventually, they took to crossdressing and since their naturally androgynous appearance, they can pass as a boy or girl without issue.
Eventually this escalated into them branching out and working at Darryl’s strip club on random nights. In fact, they quite enjoy it especially with how friendly Darryl is. They almost look up to them as some sort of silly goose family member.  Eventually they began skipping school but still visit to see Kylar for longer than a few hours in the park. Despite their delinquent behavior, they maintain good marks (unlike Winnie >.>) and an amicable relationship with their teachers inside and outside of school. But Leighton is a dick and they avoid them at all costs.
Speaking of good relationships, if it wasn’t obvious, they’re deeply infatuated with Kylar who gladly returns the sentiment. Even after being kidnapped by him, they were happy to simply spend the evening with them even if they were a hot mess by the time Kylar came to his sense and let them go.
Sadly, this is all I have for them at the moment, the more I play, the more I’ll come up with eventually.
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everestica · 1 year
hey!! so i saw your song event thing (i have no idea what to call it lmao) and decided to req!!
the songs called "paper crown" by alec benjamin and the lyrics are
"when all she is, when all she wants, when all she finds
when all she is and ever was is comprimised
cause theres no one to love her when you build your walls too high"
so i was thinking that this would go with either malleus or riddle (twst) but you dont have to!!
take your time!! thank you
'*•.¸♡ Riddle and Malleus x Reader: 200 Follower Event!♡¸.•*'
➳ Reader is Described as being in the same situation as Yuu, but not is not described as yuu. Reader is a first year in both the stories!<3
➳ Warnings: Angst <3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───
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It was your first time visiting your best friend, Caters, dorm. You had heard some safe to say less than ideal things about the Housewarden of Heartslabyul, but at this point you were hoping that he wasn’t as bad as people made him seem. You stood next to the entrance into the Dorm standing behind Cater as this was technically his “terf” and you were nothing but an outsider to this. He chuckled a little bit before leading you into the dorm and around to the outside where you could see a bunch of people standing along a really long table, you question Cater about this but he just left you with that fact that it was an “Unbirthday Party” which left you more confused then when you walked into this area. He waved to the others around the table while still dragging you behind him to said others. That’s when he pulled you out from behind you to introduce you to the others, you learned that the two first years were Ace and Deuce, and two second years where Cater(which you already knew) and Trey, and then the only third year, also known as the Housewarden, Riddle. Not even gonna lie you were a little nervous at first as he was so prim and proper sitting at the table unlike the rest of them who weren't allowed to sit down yet, suddenly when you turned to look for Cater, or your comfort in this situation, he was nowhere to be found, so now you were all alone. It was kinda your fault for getting to know the only guy that would leave a socially anxious person for a good selfie. While you were trying to figure out what to do without the selfie taking master, Riddle walked over to your worried figure, you weren’t facing towards where he was sitting when he had come up. Suddenly from behind you you heard somebody clear their throat, you turned around and were faced with the Housewarden. To say you were scared was an understatement, you immediately apologized for not noticing him sooner, which he was a little surprised about as normally he had a hard time even getting his first years to do anything let alone apologize for something that really didn’t need to be apologized for. He laughed a little bit before saying that it was okay, and that you had no reason to apologize as he had just walked up anyway. The two of you talked for a little before he looked up at the sun before saying he must excuse himself to start the Unbirthday party and that you were welcome to join in the celebration, and only because you started to get closer to him did you say yes, it was normally very rare for you to be seen outside your dorm besides in class, or maybe in the library looking for a way home.
“When all she is, when all she wants, when all she finds, when all she is and ever was is compromised.”
That’s when Cater and Trey came out of the rose garden and came to sit down, just then there was a cry and the two first years came out of the Rose Maze with there looks all messed up before Cater got up and asked them what happened and that’s when they had explained that they were going to go take care of the flamingos like Riddle had asked but they didn’t wear pink when they were doing it and the flamingos were less than pleased about this, and so was Riddle. He looked like he was about to explode with how red his face was, and that’s when everything that you had just worked on with Riddle went to ashes. He started screaming at the boys about how they had already talked about this before and that they should know better before collaring them, once you saw this whole time go down, you were terrified and you now knew why you didn’t ever leave your dorm, people were horrible. Before Riddle could say anything you rushed out of the dorm with tears in your eyes. That’s when both Cater and Riddle looked at your running and crying figure, Riddle wanted to go after you but something stopped him as soon as he got up. So he let the second year chase after you instead. Cater returned a little later saying that you just needed time, he had a smile on his face but on the inside he just didn’t want Riddle to know that after all of that you were scared of him. Through the next couple days in school Riddle tried to talk to you on multiple occasions but alas, had no luck. He knew this was because he yelled at the two first years, even though it was normal to everybody in Heartslabyul, he should have remembered that you weren’t in Heartslabyul and that you didn’t have all these rules, and the yelling. He was really upset knowing this but decided that it was better if he had just slept on it instead and come up with another way tomorrow to say he was sorry, too bad he couldn’t sleep and didn’t see for a long time after that. The only time he ever saw you was around Cater and he only wished that was him you were with instead.. The walls that you had formed around you and Cater had closed again..
“Cause There’s No One to Love Her When You Build Your Walls Too High.”
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You had heard the name Malleus ever since you had started to come to Night Raven, normally things about how powerful he was, his title, and his retainers that he had. Even though you had heard all these things about this man, its very unlikely that anybody has actually seen him, only spreading around things that others have heard or said, so you decided to think nothing of it. People were gonna talk no matter what dimension you were in, you learned that pretty fast. It was the end of the day and instead of heading back to your dorm like most students you went to the library in search of something that might give a clue on how to get you home. When you entered there weren't too many people but still you weren’t gonna take the chance and be around them so you started to search in the section that might have had a clue that was also the farthest away from the couple people. Soon after looking on every shelf and reading every book title you found one that looked promising so you found a table closest to where you were searching and sat down, opening the book and starting to read it. Normally most people wouldn't come to the back as there was nothing really back there that a student would need to read, so when you heard footsteps heading to where you were sitting it was a little confusing, that’s when you looked up from you book and saw the exact description of what the people who were talking about the Diasomnia Housewarden would look like. You made a quick squeak as you were being noticed by Malleus and tried to hide in your book, which unfortunately, didn’t work. You could tell because he let out a little chuckle before coming up to your table and taking the seat across from you, you slowly peaked out from behind the book where the 3rd year that you had just was now sitting right in front of you. Before you could hide back down in your book, he had asked you if you had seen a boy with silver hair, most likely asleep somewhere. You were a little confused but answered by shaking your head. The smile he just had dropped into a frown now, while he looked around the library and then getting up, he apologized for disturbing you and was about to leave before you got up and asked in a shy tone if maybe you could help him look. He looked a little shocked because normally people were scared of him, not wanting to look for the sleeping second year with him. He smiled back at you and briefly agreed and walked out of the library with you on his tail. You eventually caught up and questioned why he was looking for somebody that was sleeping and that’s when he explained about Silver, and how he had a sleeping curse. You “mhm” a couple times at what he was saying as a way for him to know that you were listening even if you weren’t the most talkative person.
“When all she is, when all she wants, when all she finds, when all she is and ever was is compromised.”
Eventually the two of you saw somebody laying next to a tree with his head resting on the tree roots and another group of around 3 boys standing next to the one resting. You looked up at Malleus and he looked a little confused at first before continuing to walk over to the group. From a little bit away you could hear them making fun of who you assumed was Silver, because most normal people couldn’t just fall asleep on a tree like that. You looked back at The 3rd year and now after hearing all those things the other boys said about Silver he was pissed. So he marched his way up to the group of boys and he started threatening them in one of the scariest tones you had ever heard, at this point Silver had woken up and immediately went to stop Malleus. A prince can’t threaten people! So while Silver went to stop Malleus, you with tears and being scared ran all the way back to your dorm. Through the next couple days the 4 main members of Diasomnia kept coming over to your dorm asking you to either hear Malleus out, or if it was Malleus then for him to apologize, but after a couple days of failures, they realized how scared you actually were of him. You weren't really sure why but for weeks and weeks after that it did nothing but rain and thunder..
“Cause There’s No One to Love Her When You Build Your Walls Too High.”
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transhawks · 1 year
1) How long until Dabi almost kills Endeavor and AFO starts calling Hawks "the New No.1" and that it seems to be a curse for the No.1 to fall one after the other in a big way to their own sins? 2) How long until AFO coughs up more HPSC comments besides calling Hawks "Mr. Replacement." (Which is super creepy, did he always know about the HPSC or was he listening in on when Hawks called himself that and this was meant to be a quote and not a fact? He seems to buy into the lie the HPSC told about Nagant killing a hero, but when she explodes it's like he knew what she really was, "a tool." And to this day I can't tell if "heroes employed under the HPSC" is a common known fact. Deku recognizes her as such, but he could've heard from Hawks, who for all that he keeps his backstory hidden away, saying "this lady is trained by the HPSC and also my Senpai" is super telling, but just like at his mom's house where he says "I'm free of my shackles because those guys are gone" everyone is too disturbingly chill about one of their co-workers feeling imprisoned by the guys that sign their paychecks.
(Somewhere in the 40s, I think Ch 47 that says their hero work is based on commission and how much pay they get is based on reports they write on how helpful they were, so I'm pretty sure the HPSC reads that to pay em.) And the HPSC building is a direct copy-cat of the "National Public Safety Commission" drawn the same as the irl one in any of Hawks' flashbacks to them. But not every single one matches, I imagine they have several branches that handle different work and buildings. In 191 what we thought was him standing outside the hospital actually matched the HPSC building drawn in Heroes Rising, maybe the real reason Hawks looked so worn down and like he was crying was because they chewed him out over "how come Dabi tricked you like this, you're all out of feathers, did you lie about the attack to us, does he suspect you, are you compromised, didn't we tell you it's okay to allow civilian casualties, you could've risked the whole mission, no wonder Dabi doesn't trust you, don't mess up the next task he gives you, etc."
(Read: Literally DEMANDED casualties, "you can and you will." Lmao if he went public with this, y'all be getting some heat.) Also with Hawks being a canon workaholic, no way the HPSC was all "sure you fucked up your chance to get Dabi's trust and now you're a grounded bird so you can relax the next 3 days" he might've told that to Endeavor about taking it easy but he was 100% still working. I bet it's a common misconception in hero society that Hawks' quirk is a free ticket to getting days off, but in reality he both never does and doesn't have a place to relax if he doesn't feel safe trying to get to his secret home if the HPSC is stalking him more when he's wingless. I also hope that place has stairs tho in case he does wanna go back but if it's only flight-accessible, rip. Actually now that I think about it, when he's wingless is probs when he uses the place HPSC gave him so they feel secure about where he is. 3) How long into AFO rewinds himself into a child so Hawks can punt him into the sun? Or maybe he magically stops rewinding in his 20s so we can write meet-cutes or "the demon lord is my age and now I have to supervise him as my roommate" fics? Alternatively, I'm still willing to accept AFO seeing the way he raised Shigaraki in how the HPSC raised Hawks and pointing that out to him.
1) Dabi will attempt to kill Enji when the asshole finally hugs him. Nothing like realizing the most precious thing on the battlefield that you want to destroy to hurt your dad is actually you. I mean he's already suicidal, I'm sure the realization Daddy loves him but sucked too much at being a dad to tell him, causing all this fuckery, is just a "okay I've had enough of this fucking family" moment.
2) I don't know how much AFO knows. It's weird, as you said. I can't imagine he doesn't know what the government is doing. And this is one of the most annoying things about lore. We know the HPSC regulates the heroes, decides their pay. But whatever Nagant and Hawks are under is a different thing. And in some ways, people are aware that Nagant was a HPSC hero? I wonder if it's just a thing of like her debuting as being sponsored by the HPSC itself. Like all the other heroes tend to get a leg up from their schools but Nagant's debut was seen as a thing of, "We want to introduce a hero we have scouted on our own and who will represent the ideal HPSC hero".
Actually the idea that he was upset because the commission chewed him out is likely. I think if there is a difference between Nagant and Hawks is that the killing of civilians, at least, was not something Hawks had to do. Being told to go against all his instincts in saving people (and desires. Remember at his core he wants to save people)....
I do think Hawks going public wouldn't do much good. The HPSC is in shambles. Mera might deny any knowledge, because he probably didn't know. If Hawks did it before the fight, it might have collapsed society further but bringing up all the shit he's done post-war will be seen as making trouble. The reaction might be like the one to Dabi, where a lot of people just wish the victim kept that shit to themselves.
But yeah, I think Hawks never like.....has a vacation. Even if his wings are down, he can use very small feathers to hear things so I think his "downtime" is when he's the most effective for more information -gathering missions.
3) AFO pointing out Hawks is a grooming victim would be amazing in the way he was insulting Enji for fucking up his kids. Look in the mirror, man.
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greentrickster · 2 years
@someoddmix    #whoops! guess we'll need a new piano #FHKDKAHFJFKKSKD OOPS XD #TACKING ON THE SINCERE REQUIREMENT REALLY FUCKED UP VOLO LMAOOOOOOO #CONGRATS VOLO! CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS REQUIRED NOW #VOLO GOT CHECKMATED! IMPOTENT RAGE! XD #Volo absolutely LOSING IT over the AUDACITY AND STUPIDITY OF THIS REQUEST!! #HFJLAKFJJDS I FEEL YOU ARCEUS THIS IS SO FREAKING FUNNY!!! #GOOD JOB CYRUS!!! #hfjdkhf Cyrus has no idea that he just endeared himself to Arceus even more #he doesnt want anything for himself so he ensures Volo will apologize to Arceus' child Giratina? #AND the sincerity bit lines up quite nicely with the intent of Volo's punishment??? #10/10 Cyrus and fellow gym trainers!! you knocked this out of the park! #'free will is definitely the best idea they EVER had!!'
That feeling when you play so hard you play yourself. Because this entire situation is a direct result of Volo’s own actions, up to and including the character/redemption arc Cyrus is currently on! Because if Volo hadn’t been messing around with time and space, Cyrus would still be in Distortion World with all his memories and very little character development, if any. And Cyrus wasn’t even trying to cause him problems, he was just trying to make sure that Giratina didn’t get some weak lip-service apology! XD XD XD
(And yes, Cyrus earned himself some major points with Arceus that day, for both the growth and kindness he displayed and for accidentally being the funniest person in existence for a moment; he even earned a few with Dialga and Palkia for the sheer pwnage he just laid down on Volo. They may still not be thrilled with him, but dang if that wasn’t satisfying!)
Meanwhile Volo is seething, because not only did he just get played by the guy he was nudging to get in trouble himself, it was obviously unintentional. And now he has to live with this, and also with Cynthia laughing herself sick over it when she finds out what Cyrus asked for (Cyrus just moved himself solidly into her good books with this one).
@someoddmix   LMAO #heck yeah check in with your therapist and get some dinner Cyrus! you did good! here's hoping for some peace! #thunder badge hard mode! #aaaawww it felt like coming home?? ;A;
It absolutely did, and Cyrus didn’t expect it to, and he had Many Emotions as a result. Thank Arceus for his cap, cap brims are known for being excellent tools for hiding one’s face while Emotions are occurring. Red provides shoulder pats and pretends he can’t see Cyrus blushing (from both embarrassment and happiness) even with his cap brim pulled down - thus is the bond between hat-wearers. In any case, there’s a reason he’s in such a good space when Cynthia finally shows up to ruin everything. (Sorry, Cynthia, I love you, please don’t destroy me.)
Cyrus’s therapist is just... so stressed whenever he goes to Distortion World, because, “Cyrus, I know it’s easier to ignore sometimes, but you really do need to eat and sleep on a regular schedule to help keep your depression manageable, and especially take your medication regularly.”
Cyrus: Okay, but in Distortion World literally none of that applies?
This does not soothe her, so they’ve compromised that, for now at least, he does a quick check-in whenever he gets back after spending more than a day there, and also that he has a proper meal as soon as he’s able to. His therapist and Blue also both insist he take snacks and water with him whenever he goes.
Cyrus: This really isn’t necessary.
Blue: In the ancient words of my ancestors, ‘Hydrate or die-drate.”
Cyrus: -_-* (takes a water bottle and snacks, but under protest)
And fortunately things do quiet down for awhile after this in Viridian, and the rest of the League season is pretty uneventful (at least, uneventful in regards to the sort of nonsense that just happened. There was that twelve-year-old who came through with a level eighty dugtrio and nothing else on their team. That was... memorable.)
After the season’s over, all the gym trainers tend to take it quiet for a month or so after before starting to focus on what they do off-season until the next year’s hopefuls start showing up again. Cyrus tends to help around Blue’s lab and make deliveries around town - it’s something he started doing while he was recovering, and it just sort of turned into his thing, especially since he has some pokemon that are good for traveling.
This year, as well as his final paycheque for the season, Cyrus also gets an- wait, just a second.
(quick trip to Bulbapedia to check out the details on Blue’s umbreon)
...according to the data I can find, Blue doesn’t ever have an umbreon in any of the games, that’s an anime-exclusive characteristic of Gary Oak. Huh.
Anyway! (crumples this up and tosses it in with other bits of canon I don’t care about) Blue’s Umbreon, who is an awesome girl with a quirky nature whom he loves very much and had since he was ten, wasn’t in his rotation for gym battles this year and took the opportunity to have some ‘her’ time and also a couple eggs as a result. And Blue gifts one of the eevees that recently hatched from them to Cyrus as a bit of a bonus for keeping going and managing well in spite of the screwballs life kept throwing him. Also, while they aren’t the strongest fighters, eevees are really easy to train as therapy pokemon, and Blue thinks that Cyrus might find that helpful.
Important question: Has Blue been testing the waters to see if Cyrus would be interested in this sort of thing since Volo and Cynthia left?
Important answer: Yes, yes he has, because Blue’s a good friend, trainer, and pokemon caretaker like that.
Though it’s funny as heck that the eevee he gives Cyrus ends up being umbreon’s first shiny child, but she was the one with the best nature for a therapy animal, so Blue rolled with it. (Besides, if it goes to Cyrus, then he can still track her growth and such to learn more about how shinys grow, develop, and possibly occur in the first place.) A sweet little thing with a gentle nature, she’s the sort that tricks people into thinking, ‘oh, x will be an easy keeper,’ only for that to turn out to generally not be the case. As the first new member of the team in... anyone’s memory, she’s a pretty exciting addition, especially considering that she’s not going to be primarily trained for battle. And for now she’s a li’l level one eevee who’s not old enough for a pokeball yet and needs to be carried around and cuddled a lot, because baby.
Note: crobat is not allowed alone with her, because, while his intentions are good, he will try to incubate her, and he’s 5′11″ and she’s not even her full foot tall yet, she will be an eevee pancake, and no one wants that. (It’s okay, he can still help cuddle the baby, he just needs someone to supervise him getting his wings all folded up and then tucking her into them.) Also, the entire team has had a conference without Cyrus’s input and agreed that, if anyone hurts the baby, death is the only option. Master Cyrus takes care of them, and she’s going to be taught to take care of him, so they’re going to take care of her.
Cyrus is literally the only one surprised when she eventually evolves into a sylveon. ;)
And, for now, he’s got a fluffy little eevee he’s carrying around in his arms or a backpack while he does stuff! (Thanks again to @pyrathepyro for suggesting Cyrus’s therapy pokemon be an sylveon, absolutely inspired!)
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art-rat · 2 years
Ok but like consider this
Fae David au
He's at least 100 years old
But is still one of the younger fea
The camp was built literally in the middle of his territory
But he was too nice to terrorize literal children
But at the same time had to make sure they didn't mess up his beautiful forest
So to compromise
Posed as a child to keep an eye on the humans
But got attached
Tried to be an annoying little kid
Somehow became someone's best friend???
Also cant act for long periods of time apparently
Cambell in return for "keeping the camp safe" keeps people from destroying the forest
: buying out construction sites threatening people un aliving them shady shit
"You must make sure I can't get sued or let the camp get shut down due to my shady business practices related to this camp."
"alright but in return you must keep my forests safe, protect my land from your people"
(Little Fae Davy grumpy that his parents are making him go out and experience the human world via a human summer camp)
no one except Cambell knows he's fae at first
Later on I think the treo find out somehow
Like Davids healing a dead tree or they over hear him talking to Cambell about their "broken deal"
Campbell finds out later
He totally thinks little Davy is human for an embarrassingly long period of time.
Like David glows in the light somehow and Cambell in none the wiser
Davy having to spell it out for him...
Lmao definitely
"fae sir but yes I told you this a thousand times, I counted"
"I can't believe I figured it out all on my own!"
"=-= ...sure"
"I, Cameron Campbell, found a fairy that hid itself as a camper in my camp!"
"I... wasn't really hiding from you, Mr. Campbell sir..."
"yep I found it, me, all on my own"
"All on my own"
"And now, you must do my bidding."
"I don't do people's bidding, I make deals. And... your camp could use a deal."
Please make a deal, I don't want to lose this amazing camp to human money nonsense or whatever.
"a deal aye, what's in it for me" he's smirks a little after all deals are his specialty
"Well, you're-" Dang it, I don't really understand human stuff like this.
"You, um... Mentioned that you need to... To keep this camp running somehow... And that the idea I gave you might get you ... sewed?"
He thinks for a second "alright how about this, you use your fairy magic to keep me from being
in prison for the rest of my life, sued, or hurt"
"I'm not using my magic to make sure you never get hurt. There's nothing you have that could make me want to spend the rest of my life stopping everything bad from happening."
"fine fine how about just keeping this place open and keeping me from getting sued, that good enough for you fairy boy"
"Hmm.... yes, but you have to protect the surrounding forest and natural sites from human attempts to colonize it."
"yeah yeah sure nature hippie shit whatever"
"so it's a deal?" David says as he raises his hand and his eyes shine a faint green glow
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nightpool · 2 years
It was actually part of etsy’s security practice at the time to *not* have role-based permissioning, under the open-source logic that many eyes make small bugs. I think this is probably no longer the case as they’ve gotten bigger as a company, but at the time it was still relatively small and had a kinda anarchistic ethos about this sort of thing
like, if only a few people have the power to mess something up that means only a few people (minus one) have the power to identify malicious behavior and fix it. For a company with ~100 or fewer engineers it was just easier to let anyone do anything. It came along with a strong “if you find a problem…fix it” attitude towards finding bugs honestly I really liked the security and devops approaches at etsy back then, it was a really cool place
Pulling this out so we don't have to be stuck replying to each other in the tiny tumblr comments section. I dunno i mean, I get where you're coming from but the issue here is that like, "anyone who has access to our Slack can run whatever commands against our prod infrastructure they want" is just a fundamentally broken security model. There should be something that checks like, "is this person actually a full-time engineer" before executing a command. This isn't rocket-science! Public Slack access is almost always the first thing that gets compromised when companies get hacked, because people leave supposedly "secret" credentials lying around Slack all of the time.
And the idea that adding that check would mean that "only a few people have the power to identify malicious behavior" is also kind of nonsense. the whole point of chatops is that you gain tons of visibility into what people are doing with the production infrastructure! Decoupling "who has access to a random slack room and what are the procedures for granting people access to that slack room" with "who can run arbitrary commands against prod" is like. almost the entire point lmao. And this applies to other parts of the infrastructure too: there's no reason to give people the ability to run arbitrary commands if all they need is read access to audit trails.
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mangopit · 2 years
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#but instead we're talking about a quantity of people that we know is larger than something but the sentence doesn't actually establish what
My Top Posts in 2022:
the posts that are like "stop idolizing your faves, they are human and will inevitably disappoint you" are usually just people who want stannies to shut up. the posts that are like "i'm not surprised [beloved celebrity] did this problematic thing, they always left an indescribably bad taste in my mouth" are just people who want to feel validated in never liking a person everyone else liked. the posts that are like "stop pretending you've always hated [celebrity], you just want to feel superior now that they've been exposed" are just people who feel absolutely humiliated they ever stanned said celebrity.
95 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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118 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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possibly one of my favorite lines of imagery from "all summer in a day". perfectly conveying the stillness, the shame, the sudden realization of individual responsibility, of failed individual responsibility. good shit. reading this in the sixth grade brought up my trauma in ways i couldn't even comprehend lmao
245 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
i know they're two types of movies that serve completely different purposes, but like,, honestly. now that i've seen everything everywhere all at once, the mcu multiverse feels like some weak shit. like oh no mister white man accidentally messed up his multiverse encantation spell or whatever because a high schooler was distracting him?? :(( okay well michelle yeoh literally staved off infinite versions of herself and the temptation to fall into any one of those seemingly better lives, JUST so she could do right in her own universe. oh so the next big mcu conflict is between two reality shifters who disagree on which one of them is more capable of messing with the multiverse? right so you're telling me an asian immigrant and her queer second gen immigrant daughter were able to communicate and compromise..... BEFORE these two supposed grown adults in charge of the multiverse did??? like damn mcu fans really do pay to watch superheroes be incompetent for 3 hours at a time😳 i guess asian immigrant families are just built different 😬💅🏼
750 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
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watcher ily but i fear them more
973 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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For the salty ask list, #8, #9, #17
Hi! You didn't specify a fandom, so I'll stick to the Buffyverse to be safe!
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Many times! Sometimes when I share a particularly "hot take", I get asks disagreeing with me and not very politely. I can't even remember them tbh but they insult my intelligence, I guess? Or my character? Dunno, they don't get to me at all. Sometimes hate asks are followed by asks expressing support for me, so.... <3
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Spike? Honestly, he's not the character I've ever hated the most, I just don't like him. It's not that he's an asshole, though he is, but it's that in keeping him around the show became increasingly more absurd and morally compromised (!= morally grey!!!) - tbh, it happened with Anya (and Andrew) to an extent as well, though I like her. I think the writing for Spike could be really stupid - I still don't get what the fuck the chip was supposed to be -, and I grew bored of him in seasons 6 and 7. It's weird to think that Dawn and Joyce became friends with a remorseless killer and that a teenage girl was allowed to hang out with a grown-ass man with a body count who, unlike Angel, didn't actually regret killing people. Spike fucks up the soul canon too, which was never solid to begin with. And I really dislike him in season 7, in particular, when he's supposed to be a "good guy" yet shows no compassion to anyone but Buffy, whom he isolates and guilt-trips into depending on him.
This is petty, but I also kinda dislike how everyone likes him, lmao. It's gets annoying sometimes... But, seriously, I can't forgive the Angel writers for giving him a role in season 5. Angel was supposed to be a Spike-free safe zone for me...
There are tons of characters I dislike. I can't even name them all! I guess one is enough, right?
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Writing fanfiction is not my thing, I am not creative! But building off of what I said, I think the chip storyline was nonsense, particularly when it fucked with the soul canon. Perhaps the writers should've gotten rid of it back in season 4, or at least in season 5 - they kept it way too long, but I guess they had no other way of making Spike an honorary Scoobie. Also, I would not have had Spike in season 5 of Angel. Cordelia deserved to be in the last season. Fuck Joss Whedon.
Moving on to more important things, the dumbification of Angel post-Epiphany and up to season 4 is my least favorite part of Angel. As someone who loves Angel (the character), with all her heart, he became a stranger to me. Angel's so insanely OOC in the late half of season 2 and in season 3 that I just pretend most of those episodes don't exist. I don't care for any post-Epiphany season 2 episode. The writers really blew what would otherwise have been a perfect season - TV excellence. The complete and abrupt shift in tone, the lackluster conclusion to Darla's arc, the absolute mess they did of wrapping up Angel's arc (he went from dark to hyper in an episode and all nuance was lost), the filler episodes like Disharmony and the weird Pylea arc, etc. - all of it was so disappointing and sloppy on the writers part; it's like they gave up on the storyline instead of seeing it through. Still, Angel himself was the most disappointing of all. His descent into madness and darkness had been so horrifying to watch - so shocking and fascinating, yet relatable and human-, but the writers just had to fuck it all up when they didn't allow him to "revert" back to himself, to redeem himself and grow from his mistakes, naturally. He should've grappled more with what he'd done, and struggled more to readjust to society. He should've fought harder to regain his friends' trust and his place in Angel's Investigations. He should've spent more time reflecting on the choices and beliefs that led him to betraying himself and losing faith in his future. He should've struggled to reconcile his past with what he'd learned and knew he needed to do in the future. The way Angel perceived himself, humanity and redemption changed and that's no small thing. Growth isn't linear - there are many ups and downs, yet Angel faced very few obstacles after his great epiphany. The dynamics between the A.I gang completely changed too when he went off the rails and it would've been interesting to explore that more, to bring Angel back into the fold slower - I cannot stand dumb Angel buying Cordelia clothes and acting goofy. Sadly, in season 3, we get even more goofy Angel. That's why I try to forget season 3 existed with the exceptions of Heartthrob, the Darla arc, and most episodes post-Loyalty (excluding Tomorrow). Thank fuck for season 4 - it turned Angel back into an interesting character at least. Oh, and this probably goes without saying, but I never would've made Cangel a thing at all. Considering Wesley's decision to kidnap Connor mid-season 3, they should've explored his and Angel's friendship more, as well as his friendship with Cordelia.
Anyway, I said more than I thought I would. (Don't I always?) Thanks for the ask!!
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aystoria · 27 days
Crimson Rivers Chapter 73: The Wedding
My thoughts below the cut with spoilers for the fic
Sirius misses them so much 😭
I can’t with Low Bar LMAO
Remus’ “it’s lovely! or… not?” is so funny
The fact Regulus was fully going to run into the rain for Sirius like please 😭
James and Sirius’ relationship means SO MUCH TO ME
Regulus writing color-coded flash cards for the kids 😭😭
“Regulus, in every sense, was the least and most impactful person in Barty's life, never one to tell him how he should live it, just the person who stuck by him from the moment he walked into it to the moment it ended. That was their thing. Consistency” I’m so sad
“At some point, you do have to pick yourself back up and live for yourself, and accept that those that are gone are gone, and appreciate the impact that they had while they were here, along with the impact they'll always have because they were.” crying on public transportation AGAIN
He’s grown so much since the start of the fic and it is so lovely to see
They’re working together in the forge that Barty worked in 😭😭😭
James and Regulus fighting over Sirius 💀
Oh this is hilarious
That compromise 🥹
Remus does NOT want to get in the middle of this LMAO
Tonks, Cissa, and Andy 🫶
I love how he calls Regulus “the boy”
I really like Aberforth’s character honestly
And his begrudging mentor situation with Regulus
“James is—crying. Stupidly, happily, helplessly. Crying and laughing and existing in this one moment, along with every other moment in his life, and all those he hasn't made it to yet” me too james
they’re living the other life where they aren’t a great, big tragedy 😭😭
I can assure you Reggie that keeping a dagger on you would not make James uncomfortable
Regulus couldn’t be more wrong about James “knife kink” Potter
James is so 😭😭😭
I can’t with this it’s so funny
That was certainly a way to spend the night before the wedding indeed
James 😭😭
Sirius and James mean SO MUCH TO ME
"Yeah, I never doubted that. Not once. There's no one I could ever trust more with him than you." CRYING
I am going to be a blubbering mess after this
“You’re hesitating, love” YOU’RE JOKINGGGGGGG
Calling James baby IMMMMM
Holy shit “You might wish to know a lot of things about their wedding, and their love, but frankly, it's no one's business but theirs.” This is so fitting actuallly
BUT it’s THEIRS and no one else’s
0 notes
jd-205 · 11 months
Yesterday I've finished Seversin and I don't know what to do with my life now...
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Now a bit of rambling about the final episode (spoilers included)
I was afraid of the final episode (ep. 20) after reading some posts on twitter. At first i didn't even wanna watch it at all. But I gave it a shot anyways and...
I liked the first half. The first hour or so was really great and i enjoyed it.
Thoughts about the first half:
I liked 💚
• Kiss, finally!!! They just look superb together in general and i was enjoying it a lot. All their together scenes! ❤️🔥
• I had a good laugh during the camping scenes.
→ For example when they were sleeping outside, I laughed a lot at Asya's internal monolog when she got scared of the potential bugs and scorpions because that would be me!
• I even liked how was Tolga a bit grumpy because that would probably also be me if i was forced to sleep outside without any food etc. lmao. I appreciated that Asya was really positive about it and didn't mock Tolga for example during the first morning and she just noted that thanks to that experience she now knows that Tolga gets grumpy when hungry and tired and that he hates sage tea and drinks coffee every morning and that she wouldn't have figured that out otherwise.
• Tolga's marriage proposal was one of the best I've seen in dizi land imho, truly beautiful and magnificent!
I didn't like ❌
• Tolga destroying the camp to scare Asya into going back to İstanbul, even though i could probably let that one slip but Tolga paying someone to scare Asya at evening was over the top for me and Asya got rightfully mad at that.
• We didn't see how they had negotiated the 3 days of camping. From the viewer's point of view we only know that Asya kidnapped Tolga (without Tolga's complains) and wanted to stay in the middle of nowhere with him (with a bit of Tolga's complains). Then when Tolga got grumpy Asya proclaimed that they agreed on staying there for 3 days and then returning to İstanbul. If we saw that, I would be glad because it looked like Asya got everything her own way without taking Tolga's opinion into account at all.
• They both got some good points during the camping and it went downhill pretty fast only thanks to lack of communication (as always) and no desire in finding compromise (Asya was tired of all the intrigues on and off set and needed to be away from everything; Tolga on the other hand got extremely stressed being in the middle of nowhere away from everything; and they both failed at understanding the other's point of view).
• minor complain: the coca cola product placement came off as kinda silly and ridiculous imo, but i am aware that it's not easy not to make pp seem silly lmao
Thoughts about the second half:
I liked 💚
• Nesrin and Kadir ❤️🔥!
• I think it's positive that Nazlı realized her mistakes and wanted to reconcile with her family but it could have been done better given the terrible stuff she had caused.
• I don't really want to put into positives that the main couple stayed together in the end because that's required by the genre in my opinion and i wouldn't watch any piece of media if the main couple did not stayed together.
• I kinda liked that Tolga accepted the offer and took over his father's company which kinda tied the plot line together but on the other hand it seems unrealistic that he would be able, as an actor, to take over the biggest production company in Turkey and be successful manager but hey, in a fictional world anything's possible so I'm rooting for him.
I didn't like ❌
• Asya and Tolga arguing into break-up after the camping. Imo they both were tired and frustrated which was justified given all the mess they went through in the last couple of episodes but they didn't cope with their emotions in a healthy way and ruined their relationship unnecessarily.
• Everyone overwhelming Asya and Tolga when they got back when clearly everything was not alright. Like okay, they got rightfully scared for their loved ones but it was just bad to start screaming questions one over another when the couple got back as visible hot pipe mess.
• The time skip when AsTol weren't together. In last episode it was unnecessary.
• All the drama was meaningless. I kinda understand (even though i despise it) that they put drama to attract viewers for the next episode but given the fact it was finale they could have made just cute happy ending without all the bs and making the couple apart.
• Asya and Tolga to reconcile for the last like 30 seconds of the series was just a bad joke. They deserved better as characters as well as the actors and we as the audience.
• Selin having nearly no consequences for all the terrible stuff she had done. I don't find it enough that she got kicked out of the company and she moved abroad given all the stuff she had done which was just straight illegal.
What i would change ✨
• I think the first half was good, I would only cut out Tolga paying the guy into scaring Asya. I think that their argument still on camping was kinda understandable but unnecessary, but okay if we let that happen then I would make them reconcile right after. The conversation in the very finale should have been here right after getting back from camping and letting off steam.
• I could see the time skip work if they were together, Tolga taking over the company, they both agreeing to star together in another romcom. When applying time skip they could make the very finale better. Maybe i could see something similar to the ending of Ayşe and Emre (Asya and Tolga's characters) because right then Tolga realized he wants to spend the rest of his life with Asya and start a family together. So it would make sense to show a brief moment of their happy family life.
• Coincidentally I've seen the finale of Erkenci Kuş today so they could make something similar using the time skip. In a couple of minutes we see engagement, wedding, birth of children, family life and happily ever after of Sanem and Can. So it is possible to pack a lot of stuff into very little time using a well thought out time skip.
Final thought:
I loved the first half but the second half was just wasted potential.
Overall I loved Seversin as a whole though, I may wrote my thoughts about the series as a whole in a while.
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