#I love them so much rolling around kicking making girly noises on my bed
feroluce · 8 months
Hello!! I came here because I was informed you had some Wriowinne headcanons and ramblings to share? Would it be alright for me to ask for some 👉👈 (or as much as you want to share please I'm desperate for food)
I feel you anon, I've been shipping them like...since the PV. So I've been stuck in utter absolute hell, getting nothing but father&daughter content from the fandom (shoutout to @hydrachea for being able to dual wield and letting me talk ship to her, light of my life fr weh). I'm hoping now that 4.1 has been out for a little bit, we'll get some more of them, though. I've dug through our dms, and found a hc that takes place after 4.1. So spoilers for that archon quest, but no leaks are involved!
Anyway, I love thinking about how close they cut it at the climax of 4.1, and the aftermath of it all.
Sigewinne somehow finding out what happened down there at the bottom of Meropide while she was evacuating the inmates, and like. She knows what the stakes were. The Primordial Seawater could not be allowed to rise. Clorinde made the right decision in shooting the gate lock. Even if it had killed Wriothesley, it still would have been the right decision.
That doesn't mean it's not a bitter pill to swallow.
Sigewinne can usually put it out of mind during the day, especially when she's busy treating patients, but it's harder when she's asleep. She dreams of the evacuation, and the alarm blaring, and waiting and waiting and waiting, and Clorinde walking past, alone, with her head down and her fists shaking, until Neuvilette finally approaches. Wriothesley isn't with him.
And Neuvilette's face doesn't really show much. It never does. But Sigewinne is close enough to the surface that she can hear the absolute downpour raging outside as Neuvilette tells her that he's sorry, he's so so sorry, and he gives her a gray and black and red coat, so soaked through with Primordial Seawater that he'd been afraid to let anyone else touch it, and the fur collar is matted and wet against Sigewinne's face when she clutches it close-
Sigewinne jolts awake, grasping at whatever is in her reach, which just happens to include Wriothesley's arm. His eyes almost immediately fly open, slurring out a mix of what's goin' on and what's wrong, and then a do we need to evacuate and poor Sigewinne, she feels awful. He hasn't been sleeping as well since the almost-flood, every little sound wakes him up now.
(There are nights where she'll wake up alone, and if she goes looking, she'll find Wriothesley, still in his sleep clothes and looking exhausted, down under their secret passage and staring at Neuvilette's seal over the sluice gate. Like he's keeping watch over it, or just daring it to try and do something.
Whenever she finds him like this, Sigewinne tells him to come on, come back to bed, and he'll keep his eye on it until the last possible second, but generally Wriothesley comes when called, and he'll let her lead him away. On his worse nights, he'll tell her to go back without him, he can't sleep anyway, he's going to stay down here for just a little while longer. He'll be back later. And she does occasionally go back to bed, but most of the time she stays, because she doesn't like the idea of him alone down there. Sigewinne will tuck herself into his side, or she'll get him to relax his guard just enough to lay with his head in her lap, and they'll stay there like that until Wriothesley finally decides he can bear to leave it alone and go back to bed with her.)
So with all that in mind, when she accidentally wakes him up, Sigewinne quickly gets her breathing back under control and pets his hair until he relaxes again. She tells him it's fine, everything is ok. Meropide is safe. Their home and everyone in it is safe. Go back to sleep. He needs his rest if he's going to go up to the overworld for supplies in the morning. She'll go sleep in the infirmary, she just had a nightmare, is all (the truth), it was nothing, she barely even remembers it anymore (a lie).
Sigewinne doesn't even make it out of bed, though, because when she tries to go, she finds her wrist suddenly caught. She turns back and Wriothesley is squinting up at her face, human night vision isn't nearly as good as a Mélusine's. They sit there like that for a moment, until she can see through the expression on his face that he's come to some sort of decision. Wriothesley pulls her back in and Sigewinne lets him, lets him rearrange them into something more comfortable. It's easy to give up when it's him, she didn't truly want to leave anyway. By the time he makes a satisfied little huff into her hair, Sigewinne is tucked under his chin, her face against his chest, one arm wrapped around her to keep her there. She pats his side and tells him ok, ok, she gets it. She won't go anywhere.
Wriothesley buries his face in her hair and sighs at that, something deeper and more content that hilariously reminds Sigewinne of a dog asleep on the floor. "Good." Wriothesley sounds like he's already half-asleep again. His arm still tightens around her waist though, just to make a point. "How could I sleep, when I know you're off somewhere crying alone?"
Sigewinne touches her cheek, and sure enough, it's wet? She has tear tracks. No wonder Wriothesley had been staring at her so hard. She hadn't even realized. And she opens her mouth to protest because she wasn't crying, some tears in her sleep doesn't count, but. Wriothesley is already asleep again, breathing slow and deep and even, and his arm is heavy and warm around her, and his sleep shirt is soft and comfortable against her face, not at all like the fur-collared coat in her dreams.
Sigewinne gives in again, curls into all that warmth and wraps herself up in it, until it lulls her back to sleep.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Mexican Food
Bruce Wayne x reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: some fighting
Author’s Note: Finally sat down and wrote something long as fuck oh my gosh but I needed to show my love for baby boy Christian Bale you know
Summary: You and Bruce are both vigilantes but don’t know the other is one
Genre: fluff
(not my gif)
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You learned the hard way how Batman got things done in the night. You had known Bruce for so long that you thought you knew everything about him, inside and out and vice versa. Friends since middle school and grown into quite the power duo in business.
But you were both keeping secrets and figuring them out always threatened your friendship.
One you were both madly in love with one another. That could be seen by anyone who even simply glanced at the two of you in conversation at any event. You walked around the room like a married couple greeting guests but that wasn’t the big give away. The eyes usually told people what they needed to know about your feelings.
Two that you were both terrible vigilantes that were tiptoeing around telling the other.
Bruce promised Alfred he was going to tell you and you promised Alfred you were going to tell Bruce.
Alfred who had spent a long point of his life watching the two of you lie to each other about the most important things, was just about fed up but he was willing to give it a while longer just to see who gave in first.
You ran a hand through your hair and slipped on your dark mask. You were nearly as deadly as the Batman these days and often people tried to get to him before they got to you because at least he didn't’ kill people. You didn’t often show as much mercy as him.
Your phone rang on your bedside table and you let out a sigh, turning away from the window and walking over there, your boots hitting the floor was little noise. You picked up the phone and a selfie Bruce had taken on your phone lit up the screen. He was making a rare funny face and you were just cut out of the photo but you could still see your hair in the corner. You slid to answer it and put the phone to your ear.
Only three streets away from where you were Bruce was in the Batmobile calling you to see what you were doing for dinner. He was wearing most of his suit, minus the helmet and driving around the streets of Gotham for something specific.
“Hey, are you up for Mexican for dinner? I’ve been dying for some chips and dip,” he said, taking a sharp left turn. You climbed out your third story window onto the edge of the building, looking down and holding the phone to your ear. People in Gotham very rarely looked up.
“Only if you get Alfred to order it because neither of us ever remember what we want,” you told him before climbing down swiftly and landing on the ground of the sidewalk. You sulked to the alley way and then back up the fire escape on that building to the roof.
“You always get the enchiladas with like no cilantro,” he said absentmindedly. You rolled your eyes.
“And you always get forty tacos and yet we can never seem to order for ourselves. Tell Alfred to order for me because I am busy.”
“What on Earth could you be busy doing?” He made a sharper turn that made his car just pass you. You were on the roof now and caught sight of the Batmobile as you walked across the hard ground.
“Oh you know, girly things, painting my nails and reading a magazine. What are you up to where you can’t order?” He laughed and his car came to a screeching halt outside of a building that was currently being badly robbed by some people who were going around the town every night these days.
“Had to get some business deal done late. I’ll see you at mine in thirty?” You started your descent down the other fire escape of a different building.
“Make it 25 babe.”
You hung up and helped yourself to a back window just as Batman was coming up the front door and knocked over a man with money in his hands. You moved a bystander behind you and stalked forward to grab an unsuspecting robber and banging his head against a teller's desk before taking his gun.
“Little low maintenance for Batman I thought,” you said with a small laugh.
You and Batman had a thing for seeing each other in the worst of times and you had a squabbling relationship. You liked running into him though. Something about him intrigued you.
Batman hated you because your voice was so familiar it made him go nuts. He thought he knew you and then he didn’t and then he thought maybe he did.
“Knew you could be here to annoy me,” he said, his deep voice echoing. You kicked one of the other men down and took the money and tossed it to the Bat. He just caught the bag.
“Ah ever the gentlemen,” you teased. You moved across the room and after a few more minutes of contained fighting and teasing all the men were either dead or tied up on one side of the room. You stood beside the Bat, breathing heavily slightly and then turning to him, sizing him up.
He turned to you and just because you knew those lips and you had never been so close to the Batman before and you just knew it. You turned to face him all the way just as he started turning away to leave the innocents a chance to clean up while he was gone.
“What are you doing later tonight?” you asked, testing out your theory. He looked surprised.
“Tacos,” he said without thinking.
“Bruce?!” His eyes went wide.
“Y/N?” he whispered, screamed. You laughed and tugged once more on the rope that held one of the living men in captivity. The police sirens illuminated the wall and you walked out of the front door this time around and to the Batmobile passenger seat. It took him a minute to get in as well and drive away before the police caught up to the two of you. He took off the helmet and you took off yours, helping your hair down a bit.
“My Bruce. Batman! This is why you couldn’t get my Mexican,” you teased. He rolled his eyes.
“Does Alfred know who you are?”
“Yes. Does Alfred know who you are? Batman?” you asked. He nodded stiffly, the cogs in his head probably reeling.
“I did tell him to order your Mexican by the way.” He took a turn to Wayne Enterprises. You put your feet on the dashboard.
“I can’t believe Batman got someone to order my dinner. Man Brucie,” you teased. He finally cracked a smile.
“And you? You’re the big vigilante too aren’t you, the new one everyones been going on about?” You shrugged.
“If I am?”
“You are!”
You laughed and he went into some part of the building you had never seen. You sat up, surprised that there was anything about his home you hadn’t seen and yet here you were in what seemed to be some cave. You laughed and got out of the car when he parked and he did too, looking odd in the suit without the mask.
You looked across the room and saw various things that you had only seen on the news.
“High maintenance as always. I’ll be coming down here to raid but I need a shower and some food.”
“I have some of your clothes up in my room,” he said and the two of you sleuthed up there to the shower of his room and took one right after he did, the two of you in comfier clothes still unable to get over the things you had found out the night but too hungry to care. You sat on his bed over some take out that Alfred made you get from downstairs.
You ate one of his tacos and your wet hair dripped onto your back as you sat in silence.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that you were my masked bestie as well as my real bestie,” you teased. Bruce looked up at you. It was dark and you could only see him through his bedside lamp and some moonlight coming through the open balcony.
“You seem okay with it,” he pointed out after swallowing a bit of a taco.
“Explains the scars. This one especially,” you muttered, moving your finger to trail down his neck to the hidden piece under his neck. He watched your face as your eyes moved with your finger.
“And yours.”
He cupped your cheek with his hand and you let in a sharp breath as his finger brushed the small scar on your eyebrow. Your eyes linked with his and there was nothing between you but meak air.
“Bruce,” you whispered. He didn’t say anything but instead just moved forward and kissed you softly. It was the most perfect kiss you had ever had and that was saying something. Bruce knew what he was doing.
Not to mention he probably enjoyed the kiss more than you.
You had to pull away after a moment but your eyes remained closed and your hand gripped the neck line of his shirt.
“Can you stay?” he asked. You gave him a look and he rolled his eyes. “Just to hang out.” You laughed and moved the plates off the bed to the floor and then got up to turn off the lights. You jumped onto the bed and he laid down as well, the two of you looking at each other but not touching.
“Tired,” you muttered.
“Come ‘ere.” He pulled you toward him and you landed on his chest. You had never felt more at ease.
“Can I borrow the Batmobile?”
“I’ll kiss you again.”
“Maybe once.”
Bruce Wayne: @everyday-imfangirling
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Sanctuary - Chapter 1
So this can be seen as either a companion piece to I Found (my first and still on going Tyler Rake/OC fan fic) or a sequel. It works either way lol.   I decided to work outside of the box and do more fluffy/soft/cute Tyler mixed in with his edge ;)    So this will be multi chapter and include everything from fluff, angst, drama, love, suspense, you name it. 
If you’d like to be tagged, please just let me know. I love comments, messages, you name it!
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y  @alievans007  @hemmyworthy  @valkyrie-of-the-light
 He listens to the sound of life...his life...drifting up from the floor below. Hands behind  his head, eyes closed, the cotton sheets cool against his skin. Trying to squeeze in that extra bit of sleep despite the noise:  incessant high pitched giggling, some squabbling and name calling, the occasional ear piercing shriek. Outside the dog is whining to be let back in the house; not wanting to miss out on the action and the endless attention and treats the kids toss its way. A two year old German Shepherd that one of his son's had...much to the chagrin of everyone else in the house...named Macaroni. Mac for short. Further back on the property, in a safely fenced off area, chickens cluck and squawk within their pen as two goats tend to making sure their area is free of weeds and any left over food.
 It's a simple existence. A four bedroom farm house in Telluride, Colorado that had taken three years to fully renovate. A mixture of white wood siding and red brick; old fashioned touches like claw foot tables and a storm cellar, along with the newer and more modern amenities: a home gym and fully finished basement with its own entrance, kitchen, living space, bedroom and bathroom. Pushed four hundred meters from the road, there's enough land for a decent sized hobby farm; the chickens and goats, three separate vegetable gardens, an above ground pool and tons of free space for the kids to play. There's a creek at the very back; running horizontally at the edge of their property line, a common meeting ground for deer, fox, and other wildlife. And the one thing that had truly sold them on the place -when it had been nothing more than a rotted old place that looked as if it should be bulldozed to the ground- a view of the snow capped mountains.  A far cry from the sand and surf of Australia, but a paradise in its own right.
 “Okay...boys...boys...you need to take it down a notch...”  his wife's voice, a hint of exasperation in her tone. “..why are you like this? Please just go and sit down and do something quiet for five minutes so I can get breakfast started. Why do you have to act like wild banshees the moment your eyes open?”
 “Maybe daddy's up,” one of the twins-Tyler Junior's voice. Or TJ as he's affectionately known to everyone in his life. He's the taller of the two: sharing his father's height and naturally broad shoulders, along with the same texture and colour of hair and brilliant blue eyes. He's the wilder of the two. Loud and boisterous. Fearless. To a fault.
 “Can we go check?” Tanner now. Smaller and slighter than his older (by a mere six minutes) brother. With slightly darker hair than his siblings, and his mother's build and smile and the freckles splashed across the bridge of his noise. He's the quiet, introspective one. An old soul trapped in such a young body.
 “You two get down from there,” Esme hisses from the bottom of the stairs. “No going up there. Daddy is asleep. He's tired. Do you want me to throw you out there with the chickens and the goats? Because I will. I swear to God I will.”
 He smirks at that.
 “Maybe he's awake,” Millie pipes up. Even more hopeful than her younger brother. She's a daddy's girl. Through and through. Has been since the moment she made her entrance into the world and had been placed in his arms, her entire fist closing around one of his fingers.
 “I said no. Now all three of you get down here right now. Daddy didn't get in until late last night. He's had a very busy two weeks and he needs to sleep. Are any of you even listening to me right now? Are you feral?”
 Tyler actually laughs out loud at that.
 The kids have extremely keen ears, and their mother's patience is already running low, and now he can hear the pounding of little feet against the wooden stairs as they seize the opportunity and make their move. And he's just manage to slip into a pair of sweats and climb back into bed when the door is being thrown open. The twins collide with either side of the door frame; causing the human equivalent of a three car pile up.  And they decide to just throw down right there and then; head locks and elbows to the face as they fight over who actually gets to enter the room first.
 Millie takes charge, and with a roll of the eyes, simply shoves them both out of the way. She's tall and slender for only five. With unruly light brown hair and blue eyes that are always filled with both mischief and curiosity. A healthy mix of tomboy and girly girl: a room filled with both dolls and action figures. She enjoyed both tea parties and dress up but could turn around and climb trees and roll around in the dirt in the blink of an eye.
 All three jump onto the bed to greet him and he finds himself tackled by the lot of them. Letting them push him down onto his back; a tickle fight immediately ensuing, followed by a wrestling match. They all love to rough house. Even Tanner, who is smart and compassionate like his mother but could lay an ass kicking on his bigger twin. They're tough kids. Both physically and mentally.
 “I gotta pee!” Tanner announces, as he slides across the bed on his butt, jumps off and scurries from the room.
 His brother takes it as a chance to catch him unaware, and in less than a minute they're in the middle of the hallway, rolling around on the ground fighting. It will end the way it always does. Tears. Maybe a black eye or a split lip. If left to their own defences, they'd spend a half an hour beating the hell out of each other followed by a quarter of the day declaring they hate one other. Then they'd forget about why they were even mad and once again join forces to wreak havoc.
Millie crawls across the bed and plops down onto her side, snuggling into him. Nestling her head underneath his chin, one of her hands on his shoulder. And he drops a kiss on her hair and wrapping an arm around her, pulls her close. Once again closing his eyes, enjoying a few extra moments of relaxation. Until she's moving against him and her tiny fingers are attempting to pry his eyes open.
 “Wake up daddy,” her hand moves to his beard, giggling as she rubs her palm against it.  “It's time to get up.”
 “What if I don't want to?”
 “It's breakfast,” she announces, and she's at his eyes again, growing frustrated as he screws them shut even tighter. “Daddy...” she grumbles. “...don't be such a boy.”
 “I am a boy,” he reminds her.
 “It doesn't mean you have to give me a hard time like the rest of them.”
 Tyler grins. “You sounded so much like your mother just now.”
 “Smart like mommy, cute like daddy,” she declares.
 “Atta girl. You know what's up.”  He opens his eyes: bright blue meeting bright blue.
 “Hi!” she chirps, and leans in so they can rub the tips of their noses together. It's their 'special thing'. Something he'd taught her shortly after her second birthday. And she refuses to share it with her brothers.
 “I missed you, daddy.”
 He will never grow tired of hearing that word. Or the way it makes him feel. How it fills him with a sense of accomplishment. That someone like him...with all the monsters in his closet and all the battles he's fought ...could both make and deserve something so perfect.
 “How could you miss me? You were still up when I got home. I tucked you in. Read you a story. Five of them to be exact.”
 “I missed you while I was sleeping,” she says, and fiddles with the chain around his neck.
 He'd been gone for two weeks this time; helping Nik with a handful of  simple 'in and out' extractions throughout central and south America. Returning with little more than a couple of bruised ribs, scrapped up knuckles, and a small gash above his right eye. He only takes the easy jobs now. He has way too much to lose. A wife and kids. Even his own side business: home renovations and handyman work.  A way having steady cash flow and being able to get food on the table, the bills paid, and keep a roof of over their heads.
 She is investigating the cut above his eye now. It hadn't been deep enough for stitches, but the skin around it was starting to swell and turn a vivid purple. Millie had lost it when she'd seen his injuries; crying like she'd never cried before. The only thing calming her down had been a bowl of ice cream and those five stories he'd been suckered into.  
 “You were gone a long time,” she pouts.
 “Too long,” he agrees.
 “Did you miss me?”
 “Of course I did. Didn't I call you every night when I was gone? I missed you very much. And your mommy. And your brothers.”
 “But not as much as you missed me, right? Because I'm your favourite.”
 “I love all of you the same. I don't have any favourites.”
 She pulls back, taking his face in her tiny hands. “Just tell me, daddy. I can keep a secret.”
 It feels like a lifetime ago when she was just a tiny baby that he could carry around in one hand. Now she's in kindergarten, taking gymnastics, enrolled in martial arts, and willing try any sport that tickles her fancy. Sometimes he misses the old days. Getting up in the middle of the night to tend to her, feeling that tiny body just melt into his, smelling that powdery, fresh scent that clung to her hair and clothes. She's a daddy's girl. Always has been. And there's no sign of that changing any time soon.
 He hopes it never does.
 His eyes are closed again. Relishing the precious and all too fleeting moments with his first born. His only daughter.  “Yeah?”
 “I love you,” she announces, and it nearly brings tears to Tyler's eyes. She is so innocent and so pure, as is her blind faith and trust in him. She has no clue of what his other job entails. Just that he goes a way a lot and she hates it. And sometimes he comes back with cuts and bruises and the occasional broken bone.
 It's his number one fear: what will happen when she gets older and she learns just what he's been up to all these years. He worries it will change how she looks at him. Right now she adores and idolizes him; there's no problem that daddy can't fix, no toy he can't repair, no monster he can't chase away. Soon that will end. She'll grow out of that and their relationship will be different. And he worries that the truth and the monsters and demons of his past will drive her away.
 He tightens his hold on her. Drops a kiss on the top of her head.
 “I love you too.”
 His family is gathered in the kitchen. The smell of pancakes, eggs, and sausage hanging heavily in the air as google home mini perched on a nearby counte rtop plays the current and most popular music. Tanner scurries back and forth between cupboards and table as he happily and dutifully finishes setting places for his mother. The baby in his high chair; ten months old, a lock of strawberry blond hair falling across his forehead, brilliant blue eyes focused intently on scooping  the selection of dry cheerios and slices of banana on the tray in front of him. Declan is long and lanky like Millie and TJ. Feisty and mischievous at even such a tender age.  The genes run strong in the Rake family. Never a doubt to strangers on the street that those four came from the same mom and dad. Especially the latter.  Their appearances strikingly similar; both physical and in their mannerisms and facial expressions.
 “Help your brother,” Tyler instructs his daughter, placing her on the ground. “And no fighting over who gets what colour cup or what spoon.” 
They were only eleven months apart and while incredibly close and nine times out of ten the best of friends, they loved to scrap. Their little pissing matches often turning physical. But Mille is strong and clever and never backs down from a challenge.
 He joins his wife at the counter where she stands dishing food out onto plates. His hands coming to rest on her shoulders, then sliding down her arms and coming to rest on her hips. They’re wider now; she’s had four children after all. His children. Yet she is still firm and tone in some places, soft and more curvaceous in others.  Her hair is shorter; skimming the tops of her shoulders, wispy bangs over her forehead. She is beautiful even first thing in the morning; a wide headband holding her hair away from her face, clad in a pair of simple black leggings and one of his t-shirts. And he leans into her, eyes closed as he breathes in the soft scent that lingers in her hair.
 “Good morning,” his lips are against her ear, hands tightening on her hips as she pulls her back against him.
  He feels her shudder against him and he smiles as he presses a kiss to her cheek. He had heard that once children came into the picture, a lot of women lost some, if not all, desire for sex. They were tired. Physically and emotionally. But not his wife. In fact, it had seemed to heighten her need for it even more. She’s always been insatiable; right from the very beginning of their relationship. The only woman he’d ever known -including his first wife- whose sexual appetite almost matched his. Last night she’d been especially in the mood; pouncing on him the second he walked into their bedroom. And then  proceeding to wake him up twice in the middle of the night with no so gentle demands that he make love to her.
 Who was he to say no?”
 “Good morning,” she tilts her head back and smiles up at him “Did you sleep okay? I’m sorry the kids were so loud and woke you up.  They were excited you were home.”
 “They only woke me up once. You woke me up twice,” he teases, grinning when she blushes, and presses a kiss to the tip of her nose. “By the way…” he places his lips against her ear once again, and presses his groin against her ass. “…you were incredible.”
 Her blush deepens, spreading all the way to the tips of her ears. “You weren’t so bad yourself.”
 “You definitely were not complaining,” he chides, and then kisses her cheek. Behind them, TJ makes a very distinct gagging noise.  “One day you’re going like kissing girls,” he informs his son, as he leans back against the counter and accepts a mug of steaming black coffee from his wife.
 “Never,” the little boy declares.  “Girls are gross.”
 “Your mommy isn’t gross,” Tyler points out. “Far from it. Daddy thinks she’s the most beautiful girl in the world. One day you’ll find a girl that you feel the same way about.”
 “Nope,” his namesake remains steadfast. “Never. Ever. Girls that aren’t mommy are nasty. And kissing is gross. Just…ughhh…” his nose crinkles in disgusts as he shudders dramatically.  Definitely his mother’s son with that little display.
 “Kissing is where babies come from,” Mille announces, as she scrambles into her seat at the table.
 “Well there’s a little more to it than that,” he says, and Esme digs her elbow into his ribs and shakes her his. “Well there is.”
 “Like what?” Millie inquires. “Kissing and what?”
 “Kissing and things,” her mother replies. “Things you don’t need to know about until you’re older. Much older.”
 “How much older?” the five year old isn’t giving up that easily.
 “When you’re thirty and your father finally lets you go out on a date.”
 “Thirty!” Mille squeals. “That’s old as shit!”
 “”Hey!” Tyler admonishes. “None of that. Only mommy says that word. She invented bad words like that.”
 “Yeah…” Esme snorts.  “…way back when the Pony Express still delivered mail.”
 “I think you made the F word, daddy,” Tanner says, and his twin giggles beside him.
 “Someone needs to watch their language when little ears are around,” Esme scolds, and hands him a cold plate of eggs and pancake for the paper.
 “You might get your mouth washed out with soap,” TJ adds. “That’s what grandma says she used to do to Uncle Mike when he was little and swore like a drunken sailor.”
 “Thirty is really old,” Millie muses dramatically, as she tucks her hair behind her ears.  
 “Your mother was being generous,” Tyler says. “I was thinking more like forty.”
 “Daddy, that’s mean. You can’t boys away from me that long.”
 “Don’t say that him,” Esme pipes up. “He’s going to take that as a challenge.”
 “She can date, but I’m sitting on the front porch with a gun in my lap until she gets home,” he vows, and his wife rolls her eyes and begins carrying plates of food to the table, leaving an extra on the counter.
 The baby squeals happily when Tyler steps up beside the high chair and reaches up for him with dirty hands. Fists repeatedly opening and closing in a request to be picked.
 “Mate…” he sighs, as he takes in the state of his youngest. Banana smashed into oblivious, smeared into his hair.  “…why do you have to do this to me? What kind of mess did you go and make? Your son tried to shampoo his hair with his banana,” he informs his wife. “Look at him. He’s a bloody wreck.”
 “How come he’s only my son when he’s bad?” she smirks, and tosses him a package of baby wipes.
 “Because the bad genes come from you,” he states, and then uses the wipes to clean the baby’s face, hair, and hands before unbuckling him and lifting him from the seat. Little arms curling around his neck, a face nuzzling into his shoulder. “Here we go, mate, here we go,” he says, and then slides into his chair. “Time to eat. Time to get big and strong so that you can kick some ass when you get older.”
 “Really, Tyler?” Esme sighs. “Really?”
 “Daddy said ass,” TJ giggles, and soon he and his brother are dissolving into hysterics and making fart jokes. Their sister rolling her eyes and giving them hell for being so rude.
 Just another day in paradise.
  “Well…well…well…” Esme grins.  “…it lives. Long enough to emerge from it’s dungeon to eat.”
 There’s a slight blush to Ovi’s cheeks as he enters the room, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he lays a hand on her shoulder and presses a kiss to his cheek. She may not be the woman that carried him for nine months and given birth to him, but she was very much his mother. Spending the last five years making sure he was well taken care of; nurtured, shown affection, encouraged to enjoy the simple things that came with a quieter existence. And he may not use the word, but he feels it in his heart. And he knows she does too.
 He’s much taller now; half an inch shy of Tyler’s six foot three frame. He’s not as muscular and powerful as the man he considers his father, but is tall and athletic; a sinewy, well toned body from all the hours he’s spent lifting weights,  helping out on their little hobby farm, and accompanying Tyler to his reno and handy man jobs. And while he lives in the apartment in the basement, he never misses a meal with the family. He craves the togetherness; the conversations and the jokes and hearing the kids giggling and playing.
 He snags the plate of food off the counter and heats it in the microwave, then slips into the chair to Tyler’s left. “What time did you get back?” he inquires, as Esme moves to fill his empty glass from a pitcher of orange juice on the table.
 “Around nine.”
 “That was a long one,” he remarks, and Esme nods in agreement.
 She has gotten used to his time away, but still doesn’t like it. It’s cold and lonely in the middle of the night and sleep rarely comes; too many worries about where he is and if he’s okay.
 “What happened here?” Ovi gestures to the area above his own eye.
 “Just a little mix up with someone that wasn’t too happy with me. Nothing serious. Where were you? The car was gone when I got home.”
 He’d been the one that had taught the kid to drive; taking him on back country roads in a beater pick up truck that they’d picked up for cheap.  Ovi’s come a long way in five years; physically and mentally. He’s no longer plagued by the vivid nightmares of what had happened in Dhaka or how’d he’d killed Gaspar to save  Tyler’s life, and essentially, his own.  He had thrived in the public school system and quickly and effortlessly made friends.  Joined the swim team. Ran track and field. Tried his hand at football. He had decided to take a year off from pursuing a higher education; electing to busy himself on the farm and learning how to use power tools, sweating under the weight of hard, manual labour.
 “Ovi had a date,” Millie sing songs. “With a girl.”
 He reaches across the table to tousle her hair, and she gives that musical little giggle.  
 “It wasn’t a date,” he says.  “I was helping her study.”
 “Yeah…” Tyler smirks as the sips his coffee. “…it was studying.”
 “Right…” Esme grins from across the table. “…studying. I was a teenager once. I know what studying is code language for. Tyler and I like to study together. He’s actually an excellent tutor.”
 “Which is why we have four kids,” he adds.
 “I am never going to study,” TJ declares, causing the adults to laugh.
 “Oh boy child…” his mother sighs. “…you are in for one heck of a rude awakening when you get older. No kissing and no studying? Come back and talk to me when you’re fourteen.”
 “You’ll like studying,” Tyler says. “Even by yourself. It’s not as fun as when you study with someone else, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.”
 Ovi laughs, nearly choking on a mouthful of orange juice.
 “Excuse me,” Esme directs a kick to his shin under the table. “When was the last time you actually had to study alone?”
 “I was just gone for two weeks,” he reminds her.  “Just because you wanted to study together when I got back doesn’t mean I didn’t have to study by myself while I was away. Go that long without studying? I haven’t gone that long without studying since I was fifteen.”
 She holds a hand up to silence him. “Okay that last part is just way too much information.”
 “Sometimes you have to study alone,” he continues with a shrug. “Because your study partner is tired. Or they feel sick Or they have a headache. Study partners get headaches a lot.”
 She kicks him under the table to get his attention, then mouths: “I will kill you in your sleep.”
 He shoots her a grin and a wink, reaching out with his foot in order to run his toes over her instep, along her shin, and then around to the hell.
 At first she glares at him, glass against her lips, then gives a smirk and places her other foot in his lap. Causing him to clear his throat noisily and shift in his seat when she presses her toes into his crotch. But he doesn’t make her stop.
 “So what’s her name? Esme asks. “This study partner of yours?”
 “Oooo that’s pretty!” Mille gushes. “That’s a princess name. Is she pretty like a princess?”
 “She is,” he confirms, but then reaches across the table to tousle her hair. “But not as pretty as you.”
 “How’d you meet her?”  Tyler asks, his hand slipping below the table to push his wife’s foot out of his crotch. The last thing he needed was to get up from the breakfast table with a raging hard on. He is almost forty one now, but she still has a way of making him feel like a horny teenager.
 Esme pouts dramatically, then goes back to her breakfast. Foot now on his thigh, his fingers massaging at the bases of her toes.
 “The internet,” Ovi sheepishly admits.
 Tyler groans. Jesus , mate. We talked about this. We’ve been talking about this for five years now. No social media. It’s too easy for people to find you on there and track you down.”
 “I’m being really careful,” he insists. “My security settings are really high. I don’t use my real name. Esme has a facebook.”
 “With only her family on it. It’s not the same thing. How’d you end up randomly meeting her online in the first place? Don’t tell me you did something creepy like sending her a message out of nowhere because you thought she looked cute.”
 “It was a group. For single people in Colorado.”
 “Oh for fuck sakes,” Tyler mutters, much to the chagrin of the kids; the twins giggling and telling he was going to get his mouth washed out with soap and Millie who immediately scrambling for the ‘swear jar’ that sits on the counter by the stove. Informing him that he knows five bucks because it was a ‘really, really, really bad word’.   “Why would you go on something like that? I get being lonely and wanting to meet girls, but for Christ sakes, mate.”
 “I wasn’t thinking, I guess. I just wanted to meet new people and talk to them. I wasn’t really planning on meeting anyone. I was just wanting  to talk.”
 He’s had a handful of girlfriends in high school. Nice, down home kind of girls that came from decent families and seemed to have no secrets in their closets. Tyler had made sure of it: giving their names and addresses to Nik so she would do a little digging. Everything had come back clean, thankfully. But it was better to be safe than sorry, especially with kids in the house.
 “How much do you even know about this girl?”
 Tyler arches both brows, waiting for a better response.
 “We’ve been talking for a little while,” he admits. “A few weeks now. She lives in Butte. So when we wanted to meet in person, we agreed to drive hallway and meet in the middle.”
 “How old is she?” Tyler presses. “What does she do for a living?”
 “Twenty three.”
 Out of the corner of his eye, he can see the way his wife’s widen at the revelation. There’s almost five full years between them and while that had never stopped them, it seemed a little wrong when it was a nineteen year old boy being pursued by an older woman.
 “She teaches in a day care,” Ovi continues. “So she’d fit in really well around here. She loves kids and you guys have a lot of them, so…”
 “I wanna met her,” Mille decides, and her brothers join in.
 “You can’t just bring strangers to the house,” Esme speaks up.  “You know that’s one of the big rules. We can’t just have anyone and everyone walking through the front door. How much do you really know about her other than her name, age, and what she does for a living? Do you know anything about her friends? Her family? Her background?”
 “I can always get Nik to run a check on her,” Tyler suggests. “I mean, if he really wants to see this girl…”
 “Still doesn’t mean I want a stranger coming to my bouse. Being around my kids.  Wasn’t that we agreed on about five years ago? When we moved here and I was having the twins? That we wouldn’t take the chance of just letting someone walk through the door? There’s always a chance, remember? That someone is looking for us. Those are your exact words.”
 “But if I get Nik to do a background check, we’ll get some answers. If nothing comes up, great. He can see the girl. If someone comes up, then he doesn’t. You wouldn’t, right?” he looks at Ovi. “See her if something came up?”
 “No! I would never do anything like that! I’d never bring someone like that around here.  I just want the chance to get to know her. That’s all. She’s really nice and really pretty and I think you guys would like her.:
 “I’m going to like her,” Millie chimes in. “I already do. If she’s good enough for my Ovi, she’s good enough for me.”
 “Pound it…” he says to her, as he holds out a fist and she enthusiastically responds. “…now blow it up.”
 They’ve always been close. Right from the moment they’d brought her as a baby to the Mahajan house five years ago. It was the first infant he’d ever had contact with and he’d been immediately smitten; mesmerized by the little sounds she made, how she would look up at him with those big blue or wrap her entire fist around one of his fingers. And when he wasn’t holding or begging to hold her, he was playing the piano for her; having her in the car seat on the floor next to him while he entertained her with his favourite songs. As she grew older, she’d always referred to him as ‘my Ovi’. Sometime she’s even called him her brother, and when people tried to point out it wasn’t physically possible that they were related in any way, she’d argue that ‘Christmas presents aren’t always in the same wrapping paper and neither are people’.
 Pretty wise for a five year old.
 “It won’t hurt to take a look at her,” Tyler attempts to reason with his wife “What’s the worst that can happen? We see something we don’t like in her background and he cuts ties with her. That’s it. No harm, no foul.”
 She’s become increasingly paranoid with each baby they’ve brought into the world. Always worried that there was someone out there just waiting to trample on the happiness that they had managed to find. And when he’d gotten back into the job without consulting her first, the worry became obsessive and all consuming.
  And there was also some lingering animosity towards him on her part; that he’d willingly go back into a profession that put a target on not only his back, but hers and the kids as well. He no longer saw it that way; he was more than capable of protecting his family and there were others -like Nik, Yaz, and the rest of the team- that would help them out no questions asked. Besides, the jobs he took were considered low on the scale of risk when it came to severe injury or death.
 “If nothing comes back and she’s totally clean, there’s no reason why she can’t come around,” he adds, and gives her foot a squeeze. “You know I’m not going to just let a stranger walk up in here. I wouldn’t take that chance. So I’ll get Nik to look her up. The kid does deserve to have a life. Isn’t that we brought him along with us in the first place?”
 Sighing heavily, she uses her fork to push the remains of her food around her plate.
 “Nothing is going to happen,” he assures her. “We do things this way, there’s no chance of something going wrong. Let’s at least give the girl a chance, yeah?”
 “As long as you promise to have Nik look into her. And as long as you…” she trains her gaze on Ovi.  “…promise me you won’t bring her here until Tyler find outs about her. I’m serious, Ovi. I can’t have some random off the street getting near my kids. I just can’t.”
 “I won’t,” he vows. “I’d never do something like that.”
 Giving a small smile, she nods and then pushes her chair away from the table and begins tidying up the dirty plates and utensils, instructing the kids to run upstairs and get cleaned up and dressed.
 “Is she okay?” Ovi asks. “She seems a little….mad.”
 “I think she’s a bit pissed at me. I was only supposed to be gone four days and it ended up turning into two weeks. It’s hard on her. Being home alone all that time with the kids. This job was supposed to be easy and it turned into a real shit show instead. Definitely not what I thought I was walking into.”
 “Well at least you’re alive, right? You’re home. At least you’re still here.”
 “That’s all that matters, mate. Dragging myself through that front door. As long as I get home to my wife and my kids, it’s a good day.”
 As long as he wasn’t being brought home in a body bag.
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saveyourblood · 4 years
Prodigy | Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: “I find it amusing that we’re all pretending to be normal when we could be insanely interesting instead.” – Atlas.
The one where you're a prodigy, so is he, and he's the only person alive who makes you feel normal.
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Notes: IT TOOK ME 20 MINUTES FIGURING OUT HOW TO UPLOAD THAT GIF YALL BETTER APPRECIATE IT I- This is actually an idea I originally had for a screenplay (kind of a modern ‘Doogie Howser’ gender-swap thing), but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how well it would work as a Spencer Reid x Reader fic. So, if you like it, PLEASE, let me know, because otherwise, I'll probably just scrap this entire thing lol. 
Word Count: 3.8k Warnings: none I can think of. 
Song: Birthday - Gia Margaret
You were out shopping with your friends, like most normal teenagers did on the weekend. You and Idol hit up a few clothing outlets, dragging Jax along.
“Can’t we go somewhere we all like?” Jax whined.
Idol’s arms were already covered with bags. You, on the other hand, had two with only a few items.
Idol turned to Jax, a blank look on her face. “You mean something you like?”
He shrugged, crossing his arms.
She sighed. “Look, we’ve been over this: the first half, I get to do all of the girly things with Y/N. Then, you get to do all the nerdy stuff with her.”
“You guys divvy up the time you spend with me?” you asked, laughing to yourself.
“We have to!” Idol defended.
“You’re so busy with work, we go weeks without hanging out as a team,” Jax agreed. “Hanging out with Idol all the time is boring.”
Idol punched him in the arm.
“I’m sorry, guys, but believe me, I feel the same way,” you said. “Everything’s just been… crazy. Someone just quit, and we’ve been busier than usual. I’m lucky I got these two days in a row off.”
“Speaking of which…” Idol said, linking her arm with yours. “We need to find you a dress for homecoming.”
Jax groaned.
“How about I work on finding a date first,” you chuckled.
“No, no dates! We’re going as a group,” Idol scolded.
You were about to make a witty remark when someone called out.
“Help! We need help!” A frantic woman shouted.
You dropped your bags and started running.
Eventually, you found a bunch of people standing around in a circle. Some had their phones out, others looked around, like Superman would appear out of thin air. You were no Superman, but in some ways, to some people, you were a hero.
You made your way through the crowd, unafraid to shove people aside. Some people made noises or remarks, but mostly, they let you move past. Breathless, you mangled your way to the center of attention.
“Please, please,” a woman sobbed on a man’s chest. He was completely unconscious, laying flat on the food court floor.
“Everyone, back up!” you instructed. “Someone get an AED!”
You knelt beside the man, pressing two fingers to his neck. While you felt for a pulse, you also monitored his chest for breathing. Then, you looked up to his wife. “Please, ma’am, give me some space. I need to start compressions.”
Someone who looked like a family member pulled her aside. Using one hand to stabilize the other, you began pressing two inches deep in the center of his chest. Your movements were fast, and the power behind them came from your entire upper body.
“Who are you?” The wife asked between cries.
“Damn AED is taking too long,” you muttered under your breath.
You stood back, raising a fist about a foot above the man’s chest. Then, in a swift motion, you brought your fist downwards, striking him in the lower third of his sternum.
With a gasp and a cough, the man jolted back into consciousness like he was startled during a deep sleep. “What happened? Where am I?”
You laughed with glee. “You’re in the Pallor Heights Mall; your heart stopped. Clearly, it’s working now.”
A frightened employee stumbled through the crowd, clutching the AED like it was a lifeline.
“We don’t need that anymore,” you said casually. “But, if you could call an ambulance, that’d be great.”
“Who the hell is this girl?” someone in the back of the crowd said.
“She’s our best friend,” Idol said proudly, “the teenage MD.”
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
    “I want an ECG, CBC, and an angiogram done yesterday,” you said as the patient was rolled into the ER. “His heart needs to be monitored at all times.”
“Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?” the head of ER, Dr. Cabello, asked.
“Hubert Riaz, 52-year-old male with no previous known heart conditions collapsed at the mall,” you explained.
Cabello pulled you aside. “And you were at the mall because…”
“...because it’s my day off?” you finished. “Look, Cabello, I’d love to chat, but there are some tests I should be running.”
“Actually, you should be at the mall, or at home,” he corrected. “You know why?”
“Because it’s my day off,” you grumbled.
“Go home, Y/N, before you have to stay,” he instructed, before following the paramedics as they rolled Mr. Riaz away.
Before you could do anything, Mrs. Riaz pulled you into a hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she cried before going to join her husband.
“You’re welcome,” you replied, but she was already gone. That didn’t stop you from smiling.
You looked up to find a familiar face. “Dad!” you called out, jogging to catch up with him. “What are you doing in the ER?”
“What are you doing in the hospital?” He frowned, looking at a chart.
Eli Abner — the best Cardiac surgeon on the East Coast, maybe the entire country. He also happened to be your father. In a weird way, you balanced each other out: he was famous in the world of medicine, you were famous in every other world. People didn’t stop him on the street to ask him about his high school and college career. You couldn’t say the same.
“I asked you first,” you said.
“I was called down for a consult, 50-something male collapsed in the mall,” he recalled. “Your turn.”
You couldn’t fight the grin on your face. “Guess who revived him?”
He raised his eyebrows. “AED?”
“Precordial Thump,” you corrected.
His face morphed back into a frown; it was his default expression. “Percussion Pacing isn’t recommended for out-of-hospital use.”
“How about: ‘Good job, Y/N! You saved a life today, Y/N!’” you said.
As if on cue, Idol and Jax entered the ER.
“Dr. Abner!” Jax called with a smile. She was of course referring to your father — you couldn’t remember the last time someone at the hospital called you that.
“Hello, Jax,” he said, formal as always. “Idol. It’s good to see you both.”
“Sir, could you please tell your wonderful daughter that she’s not supposed to be here on her days off?” Idol asked.
“You shouldn’t be here,” Eli repeated. “Go, enjoy your time off.”
    A few hours later, and you were confident your two best friends wished they left you at the hospital.
Rather than going back to the mall, you opted to just go home. Apparently, Jax and Idol weren’t bored of you yet, so they followed you upstairs to your room. Unfortunately for them, you saw this as the perfect opportunity to rant.
“What the fuck is wrong with those two?!” you shouted, pacing across your bedroom. “It’s like they wanted me to go away.”
“They want you to have a life outside of your job,” Idol said. She was laying on your bed, propping up her head with one arm. “Is that really such a crime, Y/N?”
“It’s like they don’t want me to be a doctor,” you corrected. “Cabello couldn’t wait to just swoop in and get the poor guy away from me. Not to mention, he didn’t even call me ‘doctor’ — he said ‘Y/N’, like I’m his kid. Oh, and don’t even get me started on my father!”
“I won’t,” Jax said, playing with a model skull that sat on your desk.
“He didn’t say anything good about what I did. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I saved a guy in a mall food court, and my he criticizes my method,” you continued, ignoring Jax’s remark. “God, what a dick! Both of them! Both of them are dicks.”
Idol sat up with a sigh. “You know what you have to do, right?”
“If you say ‘let it go’, I swear to god, I’ll kick you in the nuts.”
“You’re a doctor: you should know girls don’t have nuts. Oh, also: you’re a doctor!” She said. “And you’re 17. They feel threatened, Y/N. That’s why they don’t give you any credit! They’re amazing doctors, but they’ll never be amazing teen doctors. Not like you could be.”
“Alright, genius,” you said. “What do I do?”
“For being a prodigy, you can be really dumb sometimes,” Idol groaned. “You be amazing.”
“Wow, thanks for that, Idol,” you said sarcastically. “Thanks for enlightening me. I feel so much better.”
“You didn’t let me finish, bitch,” she said, standing up. “You have to be amazing, and you can’t be afraid to talk about it.”
“You want me to brag about my accomplishments?”
“You’re a good doctor, right?” She asked.
You nodded. “I like to think so, yeah.”
“Then make them know you know,” Idol said. “They only push you over because you let them. Don’t.”
You leaned over to look at Jax. “Do you know what the hell she’s talking about?”
“Treat others how you’d like to be treated,” he summarized. “When Cabello and your dad are being dicks, be dicks back.”
“Good advice. Thanks, Jax.”
“Wow, if only I had thought of that!” Idol said sarcastically before flopping into your bed in exasperation.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
    You flipped through a few records in your favorite Vinyl shop, The Rusty Spoon. They sold new and secondhand records, all of which you loved dearly. You mostly bought new ones, as your favorite artists were more modern, but you liked to look through and occasionally purchase the classics. You had yet to buy a damaged record, as the store provided a turntable at the register to try any second hand vinyls.
As you thumbed through the discounted albums, you found a cover that was an elegant shade of red. The top corners had intricate golden designs. A thin line of the same color stretched the width of the cover. You pulled it up from the rack to get a good look. An oil painting of a familiar face decorated the front. In a fine, cursive font read ‘The Best of Beethoven’. After a moment of consideration, you tucked it into the crook of your arm, which already held 3 records.
“You listen to Beethoven?” A gentle, curious voice asked from beside you.
You looked over quickly, not realizing someone was next to you. Your eyes trailed upwards to meet the gaze of a young man — he couldn’t be older than 25. His hair was straight and tucked behind his ears, which propped up the frames of his dark glasses. His jawline was square, and his body was scrawny. He had the strap of a bag across his chest, which was covered by a red sweater vest.
His eyes widened, and he took a step back, raising his hands. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he stuttered out. “My name’s Spencer. I’m sorry.”
You chuckled softly at the idea that he could come off as threatening in any way. You also laughed because he looked cute when he was frazzled.
“It’s okay,” you promised, then offered him your hand. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
He rubbed his hands on his pants nervously.
Without a second thought, you lowered your hand. “I get it — hands are kind of disgusting. It’s actually safer to kiss a stranger than shake their hand, ya know, considering the pathogens,” you said without thinking. You closed your eyes and laughed in embarrassment. “I can’t believe I actually said that.”
“That’s why I don’t shake hands, actually,” Spencer responded. “Most people don’t understand.”
“It’s a biology class you never forget,” you joked.
“Biology? You must be smart,” he remarked kindly. “What are you going to school for?”
“I want to be a doctor,” you replied after a moment. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it wasn’t something you wanted to keep talking about, either. Once people learned you were a child prodigy, it was like they forgot how to speak. “What about you? Are you still going to school?”
“I have a doctorate in Mathematics,” he replied.
You raised your eyebrows. “Wow. You don’t look old enough to have a doctorate.”
“I was in an advanced program,” Spencer responded.
You knew a thing or two about that.
His eyes drifted to the albums in the crook of your arm. “You listen to Beethoven?” He repeated.
You chuckled, somewhat nervously. “Is that so unbelievable?”
“No! No, I uh, I think it’s great,” Spencer assured, rubbing the back of his neck. “He’s a fantastic composer, one of history’s finest.”
You nodded. “I’m sure Für Elise will be on here, but I’ve heard good things about Symphony No. 9.”
Spencer smiled, revealing a set of straight, white teeth. Somehow, they made him look even more charming. “It ends with the chorus to Friedrich Schiller’s ‘An Die Freude’ poem.”
While having a photographic memory made you remember far more than the average person, sometimes, it felt like all the information in your head — useful and not — got muddled together. When it came to passive facts, it sometimes took you a moment to recall. But, when you did, your eyes lit up and you smiled uncontrollably.
“Ode to Joy!” you exclaimed in realization. “Wow, that’s so cool.”
Your phone vibrated in your pocket. You fished it out, glancing at the notification. You got a text from your father, reading ‘When will you be home?’.
“I’m sorry, am I keeping you from something?” Spencer asked genuinely.
You put your phone back in your pocket and smiled. “There’s a coffee shop down the street. Can I buy you a drink?”
Spencer smiled.
    Sitting in a coffee shop, laughing with a man you barely knew, sipping a latte that was impossible to make yourself… it was the closest you ever felt to being normal.
The two of you talked about everything and nothing. You asked Spencer if he lived in town, he said he was in New York on work. He asked if you had a job, you said you worked at a hospital in the city. He assumed you were an ER technician or a CNA, you didn’t deny. You knew you should feel guilty for lying to the poor guy, but in the grand scheme of the conversation, it didn’t seem to matter. You were able to talk to him freely and easily, and it wasn’t just about your degree or how you completed high school in the span of 2 months.
By the time you looked down at your watch, you realized hours had passed. A waitress had kindly swapped the two of you out for plain, black coffee, and she regularly made her rounds to refill your mugs.
“It’s already 3 o’clock,” you said in shock, looking at your watch. “I promised my friends I would meet them for dinner.”
“I should get going too,” Spencer agreed, somewhat sadly. “Work never does itself.”
You threw down a twenty dollar bill, knowing it was enough to cover the bill plus a tip. Still, Spencer reached for his wallet.
“You said you live in DC, right Spencer?” You asked.
He nodded.
“You’ll pay next time, then,” you said with a smile.
You weren’t sure what made you feel so bold all of a sudden, but clearly, it was working. Spencer grinned and looked down before nodding.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
    “Where were you?” Your father asked the moment you got through the door.
You slung your backpack onto the couch. He didn’t even bother to look up from his laptop as he spoke to you.
“I was out,” you replied simply. “Idol, Jax and I ate dinner together.”
“You said you’d be back from shopping at 3,” he retorted. He wore his glasses on the tip of his nose as he observed the screen sitting in his lap. Your father was by no means an ugly man, but the manner made him appear older.
You shrugged. “Plans change. Public transportation is unreliable on a good day.”
Your dad finally looked up for the first time in the conversation. He observed the gift bag in your hand. “What’s that?”
“A little something from Jax and Idol,” you replied. “They saw it and thought of me.”
“That’s nice of them,” he said before getting back to his work.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “really nice.”
“What’s that, dear?” Your father asked as you walked up the stairs.
“I said I’ll be in my room if you need me!” you lied.
Of course it was nice to get a gift from your best friends. However, it was even nicer to get one from your sole parent. Hell, you’d even accept some acknowledgment.
All you wanted on your 18th birthday was to be seen, and your dad couldn’t even seem to do that.
Once you closed the door to your bedroom, the tears began to flow. In anger, you picked up the ‘anatomically correct’ gummy bear figurine you got last year on your birthday. The clear case was obviously that of a gummy bear, but on the inside was a skeleton and colored organs. It was equally creepy as it was cute. You loved it.
But, in a moment of rage, you picked it up and threw it on the floor. The case popped open and the pieces split apart. The skeleton dismembered, the organs shifted from their place to the floor. You joined them there, curling up into a ball as you sobbed quietly.
You’d put the pieces back tomorrow. You’d do the same with yourself.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
    “Pediatrics wants you back on their floor,” Cabello remarked.
The two of you stood at the front desk, reviewing a few charts. Hospital staff, paramedics, and strangers swirled around you — there was never a dull moment at Carabine Memorial’s ER.
“Everyone wants me,” you said back, flipping to the next page.
Cabello was silent for a moment, which wasn’t his normal behavior. He always seemed to have a reply or a retort of some kind. You smirked in success. Maybe your friends’ advice could get you somewhere.
“Your Senior Resident thinks you haven’t picked a specialty yet,” Cabello continued.
“I’ve been in the Emergency Department for 2 years,” you replied, closing your binder and handing it off to a nurse. You finally looked at your superior. “I don’t want to be a surgeon, I want nothing to do with palliative care or cardio, and pediatrics isn’t my strong suit. The ER makes sense for me: it’s fast, reliant on instincts, and I get to see a little bit of everything.”
“But is Emergency work what you want to do, Y/N?” Cabello asked, leaning against the counter.
“Is it what you want me to do?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. “Or are you trying to get rid of me, Jason?”
He moved back in shock. “It’s Dr. Cabello,” he corrected calmly.
You took a step forward. “It’s Dr. Abner.”
Very rarely, you were grateful for a swarm of people to come through the ambulance bay doors. In that moment, however, you were. And apparently, the universe picked up on that, because it wasn’t just paramedics that stormed in — several police officers came in with them.
“Where is the department manager?” One officer called.
Cabello approached, and you followed suit.
“I’m Dr. Cabello, the Director of the Emergency Department,” Cabello declared. “What do you need, officer?”
“We believe this boy — Joshua Parker — is the second victim of a serial offender,” the officer described in a low voice. “I can discuss details later, in private, but for now, I need you to know the basics.”
“Which are?”
He glanced around briefly, before staring at you.
“She can be here,” Cabello said, surprising both you and the officer. “Aside from me, Dr. Abner will be Joshua’s primary physician as long as he’s in this department.”
You couldn’t tell if he was trying to punish you or not. Regardless, you didn’t object.
“Joshua shows signs of serious trauma and PTSD,” the officer explained. “The only way we got him into the ambulance was by sedating him. Once he wakes up, odds are, he’ll become violent again. You should prepare your staff.”
Cabello nodded, before turning to you. “Go, make yourself useful,” he instructed, “but only use whoever you have to. Don’t smother the poor boy with unnecessary nurses or aids.”
You nodded once. “Yes, sir.”
    The police officer was absolutely correct: once Joshua woke up, it was almost impossible to do any work on him. He wouldn’t stop screaming, especially the words ‘let me out’, and whenever someone tried to touch him, he began to thrash around. Once another resident and a nurse managed to hold his arm down for an IV, he began biting at them. It was equally heartbreaking and scary.
After consulting with your senior Resident, you decided the only way to get any work done on Joshua was to sedate him for a second time. While it wasn’t necessarily good for him, neither was the violent behavior he exhibited when conscious. Sedation seemed like the lesser of two evils.
When Josh was unconscious, you and Cabello managed to work efficiently. You meticulously pulled at splinters buried in his skin, while Cabello dealt with several puncture wounds all over his body. Where his skin wasn’t red and blotchy, it appeared to be a faint purple color. The whites of his eyes had gone yellow and the muscles in his legs and arms were atrophied.
“Someone put this boy through hell,” you muttered, shaking your head.
Cabello snapped off his gloves, throwing them in the trashcan by the door. “I’m not assigning you any more patients this shift,” he said. “Joshua is your top priority.”
Cabello nodded, then stepped out.
   Joshua was asleep for at least 3 hours after his second round of medication. You spent most of that time in his room, researching ways to help him once he woke up. Eventually, Cabello came in with a distraught couple, and without saying anything, you knew they were his parents. You decided to give them some space.
“A few agents from the FBI are here,” Cabello said as the two of you walked to the front desk. “They want to talk about Joshua’s condition.”
“I can handle it,” you assured.
“They’re just down the hall. You three can talk in the conference room.”
You stuck your hands in the pockets of your scrub top, walking down the hall with a sigh. Compared to the rest of the department, it was calm; hardly anyone brushed by you, and the steady buzz of noise turned into a faint chatter the farther you walked.
When you finally looked up, you stopped dead in your tracks.
The hair, the sweater vest, the glasses… you’d recognize him anywhere. When Spencer met your gaze, it was clear he remembered you too.
In that moment, you really wished he hadn’t.
≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
    Notes: Like what you read? Let me know! Feedback seriously keeps me inspired to write <3
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crue-sixx · 4 years
Always A Bridesmaid, Never A Bride
Title: Always A Bridesmaid, Never A Bride
Fandom: The Dirt
Summary: The reader is Vince's long time friend (who he's had a crush on forever), who he is very fond of and who is fond of him as well.  It's been a few years since they last seen each other and is indeed a shock at how much she's changed.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse, murder and suicide, suicide attempt
In high school, things were much easier.  You had your life all set out for you-meet a nice young man at church, marry him and have his babies and get a part-time job to help care for the kids and upkeep the house.  As with any school, it did have the cliques and yours was the religion club that everyone dubbed "The Jesus Freaks" but that wasn't entirely true.  The club welcomed people of all religions, most of them just happened to be Christian or Catholic with a hint of Jewish people in there.  The purpose of the club was to research other religions to help the members understand the main aspects of them rather than make ignorant assumptions.
It was there you had met a surfer boy-brunette, a natural tan who had a very good singing voice.  He was in a band, making him irresistible to the ladies.  Well, saying that you met him in high school wasn't accurate.  You actually met for the first time in third grade where he acted like a gentleman with you.  He held open doors and kissed your hand whenever he led you through them.  The teachers thought it was the cutest thing and informed both your parents. 
As you grew up, he changed-not for the better either.  You and him always stayed friends and since your families lived next door to each other he mistook your house for his when he was trying to sneak in.  The layout was identical so where your bedroom was on the ground floor near the back of the house was where his room was in his own house.  More than a few times he'd climbed through your window thinking it was his and flopped down on your bed next to you in a drunken or drugged up stupor, and you were a heavy sleeper by nature so you didn't feel him crawl into bed with you until you woke up to start your day.
The first time it happened, you let out a yelp in surprise and your father started banging on your door with "Y/N?!  What's going on in there?!" the noise had scared Vince awake and it took him a minute to realize where he was. 
You motioned for him to stay quiet and you answered "Just a spider, Daddy!" you then thumped your foot and shouted "Got it!"
Your father sighed in relief and said "Sweet Jesus girl, I thought that Wharton boy was in there!" Vince gave you a look and you mouthed that you'd tell him later at school. 
However, when school did come around and you tried to talk to him, he wouldn't give you the time of day.  This got you sneers from the other girls that hung around him and he caught the look of hurt in your face and he closed his eyes in frustration.  He was being a horse's ass to the one girl he actually liked romantically.  He was always attracted to your innocence, to him you were like Bambi.  After school he walked you home, but just because it was on the way to his house too.  "Hey...about earlier..." he started, but you cut him off.
"So now it's okay to talk to me when your whores aren't around?" you said sarcastically.  He winced, knowing full well he deserved it.
"Y/N, I have a reputation to uphold!  I'm a ladies man!" he laughed, but you didn't think it was funny.
"We've been friends since the third grade and THIS is how you treat me?" you turned to go into your house when you added "Maybe the next time you climb into my bedroom I won't be so willing to lie to my father!" you then slammed the door in his face.  He was kicking himself as he awkwardly went to his own house to brood over it.
The next week he mistook your room for his again, but you were awake working on a project for class when you heard your window open.  He wasn't that drunk, just a little buzzed when you helped him inside so he didn't make noise and wake up the whole house.  If your father knew a boy had snuck into your room the wrath of God would have fallen upon both you and Vince.  "What are you doing here, Vinny?" you softly asked him.
He giggled a little and said "I wanted to say sorry for being a jackass last week..." he gave a salute and said "sorry".
You rolled your eyes knowing he was sincere but you pitied him because he thought he needed alcohol to gather up the courage to talk to you.  "Apology accepted" you smiled at him and settled him back on your bed.  "Now sleep it off and I'll see you in the morning" you then kissed his forehead and he rolled over and began snoring softly.
He wanted so bad to kiss you that night, but he didn't.  He knew you weren't that kind of girl that he was used to fucking then leaving.  You were virtuous and beautiful in a baby deer kind of way, you still had childlike features to your face and personality.  He didn't want to corrupt that in you so he buried his feelings under booze and whatever substances he could get his hands on.  He wanted to know the feeling of you beneath him, him actually sober and making slow sweet love to you instead of a messy tumble of fucking he did with his groupies. 
When morning did come and he went into your bathroom with you to take a shower, you were alone in the house with him.  Your parents were on a mission trip with the church and your siblings were at your aunt's house.  Your parents trusted you to be alone and take care of the house without throwing a wild party.  "Don't you have any soap that isn't girly?" he snorted and poo-pooed at your lavender vanilla scented soap.
"Well I would have stocked Irish Spring if I knew I'd have a gentleman caller" you joked back to him.  You didn't even hear the front door open and your little brother David come in, until he was at the bathroom door.
"Y/N?" he called out "It's David!  I left my toothbrush in there!  I just need to get it!" the bathroom door didn't lock so you panicked and jumped in the shower with Vince, who had his back to you
"Come on in Dave!" you called back, making Vince jump and go wide eyed that you were in the shower with him, you putting a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet "Just don't look at your sister naked!"
David came in and remarked "I would wash my eyes in bleach if I saw you naked, Y/N..." you were still in your pajamas, which were now getting soaked and your brother continued "Now don't be late for school!  You have a presentation today!" he then walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him and you waited until you heard the front door close and lock when you released his mouth.
Vince went rigid when he saw you in the shower with him, this was one of the many wet dreams he had that contributed to his morning wood most days.  You two would be making passionate love among the steam and hot water and just when he was about to admit his feelings for you, he woke up and he'd have to take care of the tent he'd pitched in his sleep.
"Someone's getting bolder" he chuckled and shut off the water, grabbing a towel before she noticed his hardening length.  If it were any other girl, he'd wear his erection loud and proud but you were more than a one night stand.
"Not really" you said, hopping out and getting the floor wet from your dripping clothes "just if my brother caught me in here with a boy, he'd tell our dad and there would be hell to pay" you turned around to give him some privacy.
"You got a point there" he laughed, putting his clothes back on, hiding his growing erection in the waistband of his pants until he got home to deal with it.  "So I hear some rumors you finally got yourself a boyfriend?"
You blushed at that, having met your first love Jeremiah at the youth group at church. "Yes, his name's Jeremiah" you smiled at the thought of him.  He was a sweet boy, from a good family and had the same virtues you did.  He also wanted to wait for marriage to have sexual relations.
Vince's heart sank when you confirmed it.  He had waited too long and let his 'friends' influence get in the way of him revealing his true feelings for you.  "O-oh...." he went silent a moment and asked "Is he good to you?"
"The best" you answered truthfully.  He was the perfect gentleman in every way-he opened doors for you, pulled your chair out and in at meals and even paid when he took you out, despite your protests that you could pay sometimes too with your part time job at the grocery store.
Vince looked down only a moment and excused himself to his own room, where he relieved himself of the sexual frustration and cursed himself for not telling you how he felt sooner.  It was after school when he was done fucking his baby mama Tammi that he heard something that made his blood boil.  After they had fixed their clothes, Tammi asked him "You love Y/N, don't you?"
He paused only a moment and admitted "Yeah..."
"I know it's not my business, but I have lunch period with her about 1:30" she said nervously, stroking her pregnant belly.
"What does that have to do with anything?" he looked at her confused.
"Well, I have a morning class with her too" she twitted her fingers "And it wasn't until lunch that she had a fresh goose egg over her eye..."
This had his full attention "What? What happened?"
"She wouldn't talk about it to anyone" she shook her head "Just kept crying and saying she was sorry" Tammi was somewhat acquainted with you and from what she saw she did like you.  She had noticed the way Vince gave you longing glances in the halls at school, but he dared not speak to you with his friends and groupies around him.
He only had to think a second before he hissed "Jeremiah..."
What had happened was that Jeremiah was more than in love with you-he was obsessed.  He kept watch over your house nightly, making sure you were faithful to him.  His mind was at rest for the first week but when he saw that no good Wharten kid sneak into your window and stay the night he was more than livid.  When he finally got you alone at school before lunch he asked "Did you fuck him?"
You were taken aback, Jeremiah never cursed in front of you much less AT you.  "What are you talking about?" you asked honestly, you not knowing he'd been watching your house.
"That brunette surfer kid" he growled "I saw him sneaking into your house last night and he didn't leave until this morning!"  he was showing aggression where he had none before.
"You mean Vince?" you laughed "He's just a friend.  We live next door to each other and sometimes he mistakes my room for his and I let him sleep it off" it was an unexpected thing for him to punch you in the face.
You fell back and your eye started swelling right away.  He wasn't apologetic and he just said "Next time I see you with him, I'll make you regret ever knowing him..." in a dark tone.  He left you to pick yourself up and took yourself to the nurse, where you told your first lie.
"I fell into a doorknob" you said, trying to smile "I'm just really clumsy..."  the nurse didn't believe you for a second but she wrote what you said in the file none the less, gave you an ice pack and sent you on your way.
You had lunch next and you just broke down in tears when people asked you about it.  You couldn't say anything other than "I'm sorry" repeatedly like a lunatic. Even Vince's baby mama Tammi was concerned, but she got the same words as everyone else.
After school you were walking by yourself, your eye a scarlet letter on your face.  You held your books to your chest and walked quickly home.  You heard your name being called and when you saw Vince coming towards you, you walked quicker.  He sped up to keep pace and you ran the rest of the way home, him hot on your heels.  When you fumbled with your house key he caught up to you and spun you around.  He paused a moment when he saw your black eye, and his facial expression changed from shock, to sadness and finally rage as he asked "Did Jeremiah do that to you?"
"I can't talk to you anymore" you quickly opened the door and slammed it in his face.  You didn't want to, but you were afraid of what Jeremiah would do if he found out about even that small exchange.  Of course he was watching from the bushes across the street.  He had heard everything and what you had told him, a swell of pride filled his heart. 
The two of you graduated and moved in together, him proposing to you after graduation and you graciously accepted.  You had almost forgotten about the black eye he'd given you, until you caught a glimpse of Vince looking totally crushed a few feet behind him.  That summer is when all things went to Hell.
Four years later, you had moved to Los Angeles to get away from everything.  The constant nagging from your mother and the memory of your wedding day still haunted you-the police had returned the wedding video from the evidence locker, you having requested it back so you had a reminder that the best way to survive was all alone.
You had moved in with some friends that lived in a crack den, who were more than happy to show you the unhealthiest ways of coping with trauma.  You started hitting the bars and clubs with abandon, your whole appearance changing from the pristine good girl image to the dirtiest hooker on the Sunset Strip.  A new up and coming rock band named Motley Crue was frequenting the Troubadour and you just so happened to see one of their shows and were surprised to see that you knew their front man.  When their set was done, they all hit the bar and you saddled up next to the now blonde Vince and said "Long time, no see Vinny" he looked you up and down.
"Have we met?" he looked like he was desperately trying to remember your name, like you were a one night stand that was trying to get another round with his dick,
"We only lived next door to each other since third grade, goofball" you smiled at him, you having lost a considerable amount of weight.  You looked more like a dying person than a woman with your features sunken in.
His eyes widened as he realized "Y/N?!" he got off his stool and took you into a corner to talk to you "What are you doin' here?!  This isn't a place for someone like you!"
"You mean a Bible Thumper?" you laughed, then coughed a smoker's cough.  "I put that life behind me, babe" you were already sloshed and falling over yourself.
He began to tear up and said "What happened to you...you never were like..." he motioned to your whole frame from your hair dyed black to the bottom of your high heeled shoes "this?"
You sobered up a moment and gave the best answer you could "Life" and you went on talking with him, not giving up any details about the past four years.  He asked where you were staying and when you answered he looked even more disheartened.
"That's a crack den, Y/N..." he said, even he didn't mess with crack at that time. 
"I know" you giggled "why do you think I live there?"
"Please Y/N...come with me" he pleaded.  Him and his friends still partied and did drugs, but with people they knew would call an ambulance if the shit hit the fan.
You grew defensive and said "I'm not that same scared Bambi I used to be Vinny.  She's long dead" you gathered your things but he grabbed your arm and insisted on giving you their number to the apartment in case you needed to get a hold of him.  You took it, secretly wanting to be close to him too.
After the party had winded down and everyone left, Nikki asked Vince "Who was that chick you were talking to at the bar?"
Vince paled and said "Someone I used to know.  I've been in love with her since the third grade.  She used to be someone who I wouldn't even give a second glance to now, one of those good girl types..."
Tommy stumbled into the living room with "Dude, if you had feelings for her why didn't you ever tell 'er?"
"I was afraid it'd mess up our friendship" he put his head down, it pounding from the hangover he was nursing "besides, I heard she got married to her high school sweet heart" he pouted.
"Well what the fuck went wrong?" Nikki asked.
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out" he was determined to do just that.  He had kept contact with you almost every day when he'd go to the crack den to check on you, to which you assured him that you didn't need to be babysat like a child.  He was even more pissed off when he found out how you were funding your habits.  One of the guys who owned a bar down the street said that you'd been prostituting yourself for cash, drugs and booze (which was true).
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" he scolded "What happened that made you change so much?!"
You were just as angry with him getting into your business and you said "Why are you getting so mad at me?!  You're just as bad as I am!"
"You used to be such a good girl, Y/N!" he started to sound like a square and he didn't care.  He loved you even after all this time.
"You know you're starting to sound like my father-" you stopped and then broke down in tears.  He tried to comfort you but you pushed him off.  "If I wanted someone to yell at me, then I would have stayed with my fuckin' mother!"
That night, you needed a hit of the good crack.  You took more than you were used to and had a very bad trip.  Jeremiah came back, his skin colored like a corpse and the bullet hole where he shot himself at the alter was in full view.  "You don't deserve to wear white" was all he was saying to you, the word echoing in your head.  You just wanted it all to stop so you tried to end it all.
The next morning the phone in the apartment blared and Tommy picked it up with a groggy "Hello?"  when the caller asked for Vince, he thew one of his drumsticks at him, hitting him in the eye.
"Tommy!  What the fuck dude?!" he jolted awake.
"Phone" he handed over the phone and Vince listened intently.
"Ummm...this is gonna sound really bad...Y/N tried to kill herself last night..."
"What?!" Vince was now fully awake "How?!  Where is she?!"
"She slit her wrists and let herself bleed out in the tub" he caller said "we called the paramedics in time.  She's at L.A. General, on the crazy floor.  She kept screaming for you while they were taking her away..." he hung up the phone and tossed a pair of shoes on, sprinting to the hospital in nothing but pajama bottoms.
He demanded that they let him see you, but they said that you'd be in detox at least a week and then in the regular ward for a month, then he could see you during visiting hours.  The only rules he had to follow was that he couldn't bring anything in and that he couldn't be fucked up on anything.  He obliged and visited you every change he could when he wasn't hammered or high.  "Why'd you cut yourself Y/N?" he asked gently, his warm hand recoiling when he felt your icy cold ones.
"I don't want to talk about it" you said, getting uncomfortable.  The only think you wanted now was your fix of crack. 
"We're going to have to eventually" he put his hands on your shoulder and rested his head on top of yours.  Him fucking you was the last thing on his mind right now, a first for Vince about any woman.
You turned to face him and looked up, a shadow of your former self seeping through "I will tell you, someday" you hugged into his chest and nuzzled there "but I'm not ready anytime soon...please be patient..."
He smiled and hugged you close to him "Okay Y/N" even after all this time, you still smelled like lavender vanilla.
When you were finally discharged, you went to live in the apartment with Vince and his friends, who knew well enough not to ask about the bandages on your arms.  You did slow down on the drinking and drug use, but didn't stop cold turkey.  It was a pace that Vince approved of, that he could keep an eye on you.
It was a few weeks into living with them that you'd left your wedding tape out on accident.  You were looking for something else in your luggage and forgot to put it back.  Tommy saw it on the counter and said "Hey, It's Y/N and Jeremiah's wedding video!  Let's watch it!"  you were sleeping deeply in Vince's room, where you had recently agreed to become a couple.
Mick was there too, him being over to make music with them.  He had met you a few days ago, him wondering about the bandages on your wrists but not daring to ask.  Vince had told him all about you and how he never shut the fuck up about you.  He could see why the blonde was so enthralled with you.  He said "Come on, guys.  Leave it alone..."  Nikki and Vince agreed with Tommy and popped it into the VCR.  None of them were ready.
You looked beautiful in your white wedding dress, flawless hair and make-up.  This was the day you'd been dreaming of since you were a little girl, and even more so when Jeremiah asked for your hand.  You spent all summer planning for an early fall wedding and everything was in place.  Your father walked you down the aisle to your husband to be, where he was looking rather annoyed.  You figured it was just nerves on his end, you couldn't say anything against him about that.  You were nervous too. 
You held hands and did your vows, but instead of him saying his vows to you, he said "Did you fuck my brother?"
The whole crowd gasped and looked at you.  His brother James was the best man, and he too looked just as shocked as you did.  The accusation wasn't true and you said as such.
"Then why was my brother at our house all night when I was gone?"
"You know it's bad luck to see the bride 24 hours before the wedding bro" his brother stepped up, telling the truth "I was only there to help her write her vows to you dude!"
It was then Jeremiah pulled out a gun and shot his brother in the chest, him bleeding out right in front of you.  You screamed and stepped away from him. Your father rushing to him to try and wrestle the gun away.  He shot your father too, him being dead before he hit the ground.  The church was in pandemonium, the people running around to get away from the madman with the gun.
He then turned to you, hugging you close to him and whispering something in your ear before blowing his brains out, spattering your pure white dress with his blood and brain matter.
You had gotten up because you heard something familiar and went to see if what you thought was going on actually was.  You weren't ready to talk about it yet, but the cat was out of the bag now.  You waited until the camera shut off and said "You don't deserve to wear white" causing all the them to jump and look at you, all of them with horrified expressions on their faces.  "That's what he whispered in my ear before he shot himself" you pressed rewind and took the tape out when it was finished.
"He thought I was screwing his brother behind his back" you explained "but I wasn't.   I only called him over to help me write my vows and he was tired so I let him sleep on the sofa" Vince then wished he had waited until she was ready to tell him herself, but that was impossible now.
"Killed his brother, and my father" you then sat down and started softly crying "my mother and brothers wouldn't even talk to me after that.  I spent a year in a psych ward, then wandered around until I got to L.A.  Found all the drugs and booze that could numb the pain" you then went to the kitchen to get yourself a snack like nothing happened.
Vince got up and could only hug you softly "I'm sorry" was all he could say, you feeling him crying on your shoulder.  You touched his arm and cried with him.  Tommy, Nikki and Mick vacated the apartment to give you some privacy.
"That man broke me, Vinny" you turned and hugged into his chest and he looked down at you "even after death, he still broke me...all it took was time and pressure..."
"You know" he pulled away and said "time and pressure make the most beautiful diamonds"  you couldn't help but snort laugh at him and slapped his arm playfully.
"I should have waited until you were ready to tell me" he admitted "I'm sorry for violating that..."
"I don't know if I would have ever told you" you said honestly.
"I wouldn't have asked anyway" he stroked your hair and began kissing you breaking it off to say "I love you.  I always have, and always will..."
"I love you too, Vince"
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jinxthequeergirl · 5 years
Teenage Rebellion's
Steve Harrington x Hopper! Reader
(Mainly a little more of a father daughter reader)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Requested by @melxoxo23 : " A story, where you're hoppers daughter and dating steve.with angst maybe?, but with a happy ending and include joyce too! Please and thank youuuu!"
Warning: swearing/ angst/ a small fight between pops and daughter
Hope you like it?!
You crawled through Steve's window instantly catching his attention. "What are you doing here?"
"What aren't you happy to see me, harrington?" you asked a but offended by his greeting as you shut the window.
"Yes I'm just...surprised." He got up from his spot on the bed and quickly moved to place his hands around your waist. "That was the point dumbass." you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning in to kiss him. He smiled and kissed back.
He lifted you up and spun you around earning a laugh from you before setting you on the bed.
"Your dad is going to kill you if he finds out your here...maybe he'll kill me first." He said from above you. you smirked knowingly at him, and took a glance at the time on his nightstand.
" silly boy you underestimate me!" you pushed him off top of you and sat up. "It's currently 11: 35 meaning Magnum p.I. just finished up an hour ago. I, knowing everything about my father, knew that he goes to bed at exactly ten on the dot! giving me about twenty minutes to make sure he feel asleep before slipping out my window and into yours!" you booped him upon saying the last word, and slung your legs over his lap with a smile. "And your sister?"
"Sleep over with max." you said with a grin. "Now are you complaining about this or would you rather come over tomorrow and deal with three inches?" with out another word he moved in and kissed you.
It wasn't a secret that something had been different with you for the past couple of weeks. You had been pushing to do things you never once wanted to do, you started planing things around your father. Steve started taking note of these things but didn't say anything thinking it would pass. He pulled away scraching the back of his neck.
"What's wrong?"
"I was actually going to ask you the same thing." You looked at him confused. "C'mon you've been acting... different this past week."
"I have not..." He gave an unconvinced look. "I..." you groaned and feel back onto his bed. You pat the space beside you and he laied next to you.
"In all honesty...I Have no idea, like I feel I should but I don't just everytime my dad tells me not to do something it just pisses me off so I go against it! And lately it's worse I just feel like he...well...you get the point for the most part."
"Just a little teenage rebellion never hurt anyone." You chuckled lightly and snuggled into him. "I guess..."
"It'll pass over."you hummed in response and shut your eyes. "Hey don't let me fall asleep, I need to get home..." you muttered already pretty drowsy.
"No..no..I Promise.." he mumbled resting his chin on top of your head eyes slowly shutting. Soon enough you where both asleep.
"I'm telling you it's that harrington kid! He's nothing but a bad influence on her now!" joyce looked at hopper as he paced back and forth in front of her. "Well I think Steve is a nice guy." she said simply looking back down at the cash register.
"That's what he wants you to think!"
Joyce scrunched her noise in conduction. "Why would Steve want you to THINK he's nice?"
Hopper threw his hands up before placing them on the edge of the counter. "I Don't know!"
"I think maybe it's another one of those issues where you just need to talk to her!" Hopper opened his mouth but shut it when Steve's car pulled up outside.
Both adults watched you hop out after giving him a kiss. "Morning joyce! Hey dad." You slid on your blue vest that matched the one Joyce wore. "Where the hell were you this morning!"
"I accidentally slept over at Steve's last night. Not a big deal!"
"Not a big deal? Y/n I didn't know where you went! I thought something happened! When did you even leave?"
"I told you last night."
"God why do you even care!? I'm here alive and breathing! Nothing happened last night either!"
"Listen I don't know what this little teen rebellion thing you have going on but I've had enough! Enough of the disrespect and the lying and just everything from you now!"
You rolled your eyes and started towards the back to start working, but hopper only followed you. "Hey! Do not walk away from me when I AM talking to you! You know I think this Harrington kid I proving to be-"
You whirled around angrily. "You leave Steve out of this! It's NOT his fault I'm acting like this! It's YOUR own!"
He stoped taken aback by this. "What did you say?"
"It's your own damn fault I'm acting like this you are just to...to..ugh dense to realise that! To dense or stupid!"
His eyes widened. "Really? Well if I can't realise that maybe I don't know you anymore! You might as well be a stranger! You might as well not live under the same roof!"
"What are you kicking me out now because of this!?"
"Well I mean you wanna sneak out stay away as long as you can maybe I am." it was your turn to state at him suprised.
"Hop..." neither of you had realised Joyce was following trying her best to cool the both of you off. "Good. Fine! It's not like you'll notice you act like you have one daughter anyways!" you stormed to the front of the store the last part of your scentence sinking in.
"Wait what does that mean!? Where are you going!?"
"Get my stuff from your place! You want me out so fucking bad!" He stopped as the door slammed shut.
"Goddamn it!" He fumbled around for his keys until Joyce came up beside him and took them. "Hopper no! You need to stay here, I will go talk her! You need to cool down...I'll be back."
She quickly pushed the door open and hurried down the street to you.
"Y/n! Y/n!"
"Yes?" you snapped turning to her.
"Are you ok? What's going on with you?"
You stopped and stared at her searching very deep down inside. After telling steve last night something else came to mind something you thought was stupid and selfish. Something you swore you would just ignore but the more and more It stuck in your brain the more It made you want to act out.
"Y/n?.." Joyce moved closer to you and rubbed away a tear that started to fall from your face.
"I'm going to sound like a five year old of I tell you."
"Thats ok..." You both sat down on the curb and you took a breath.
"Every Sunday...dad would make French toast since it was my favioret...we had this silly superstion that if he made the first on properly the rest would turn out bad."
You started to cry just thinking of it and joyce simply placed a hand over yours as she listened. "So he always burnt the first one, that's how I would know he was making breakfast, because I would be waken up by the smell of burning bread." You both chuckled as you paused to wipe away tears.
"And every Friday we would rent a movie every Friday no matter what...It didnt matter if he was tired he would come home and take me to family video and we would pick a movie, we never finished then because we would both fall asleep...but that changed when he adopted el." You sighed using your free hand to play with your shoe laces.
"I love el so much, there is nothing in this world that could make me think other wise. But I get the feeling that nothing I do is ever as good as anything she could do in my dads eyes, I feel like I come on second now! And I miss our stupid old traditons!"
"So you did this as a way to get his attention?..."
You looked at her. "I guess in a weird toddler way of acting out yea.."
"It's not weird...love can make us do crazy things...even make us rebell against the people we love..."
"Yea...I guess it does." you smiled softly.
"But I think maybe you should talk to him tell him You miss doing things like that and miss spending time with him..."
You where scilent. "We could even go back together and tell him?"
So the both of you walked back to the store hopper stood there anxiously before you two came back in.
You both started to speak at the same time. "Let me it's my fault so just hear me out? And if by the end this you can...well you can kick me out if you want?"
He pulled you into a hug. "I don't think that gonna happen kiddo."
~a week later~
"What are you wearing?"
You looked over to your dad with a smile as you stepped out of your room. "What? It's...how would you put it? Cutting edge!" You joked making him laugh.
Things where better, a lot better no more teenage rebellion from you now that things where explained and fixed. There was a knock at the door catching both your attention.
"I'll get it!" you hurried across the room And opened the door. "El there here!" you stepped aside letting steve, Mike and joyce enter. Steve greeted you with a warm hug and kiss.
"Evening Sir." Steve said nervously after shutting the door.
"Relax kid, you can call me hopper. What movie did you get?"
You lead Steve to the couch as he looked through the bag. "Well everyone had different suggestions so out choices are. The breakfast club, ghost busters, American werwolf in london, pretty in pink, and Nightmare on elm street."
"I vote pretty in pink!" joyce said taking a seat next to hopper.
"No girly movie! Nightmare on elm street!" Mike chilled in. "Are you two even old enough to see that?" steve asked. Soon enough everyone started arguing over the movie.
You smiled at hopper and he offered you the same one knowing what would happen no matter what they picked.
"Ok Ok put the werewolf one on! Mike where are the snacks!" Hopper said quickly shutting every one up. Mike handed him the bag full of candy and snack before passing them out.
You curled up onto the couch next to Steve as the movie began
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Taron Egerton: Rawr!
Note: This wasn’t a request but this is for @sarahegerton96. I hope that you like this love. Oh and by the way, RAWR!
P.S: I did try and edit this but I may have missed some things so please excuse the mistakes. 
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It was another busy morning in the Egerton household. Sarah was running around trying to get herself ready for work as she was trying to wrangle her eight year old daughter Nova. “Nova Rae!” Sarah shouted as the girl kicked her soccer ball into the glass door. “Sorry.” Nova said with the same sheepish grin she inherited from her father. “Go and put the ball away and get your breakfast please.” Sarah said as she walked to the kitchen where her youngest daughter Ellie stood. “Ellie sweetheart, have you eaten yet?” The mother asked. The little girl shook her head. “Daddy said he would make it for me and Nova.” she replied. Just then, Taron came downstairs with Nova trailing behind.  “Good morning baby.” Taron greeted his wife. “Morning.” She greeted happily. “Have you eaten yet?” Asked as he lifted Ellie on to his hip. Sarah looked at her watch, trying to decide if she had time. “No I haven’t but French toast sounds good to me.” She replied with a smile. Taron nodded and walked into the kitchen. “You go sit down with mummy and Nova and I will bring the breakfast to you.” Taron said as he handed Ellie over to Sarah.
once the food was ready, Taron and Nova brought the food over and they sat n ate in a comfortable silence. Just as Ellie finished her food, she spilled a little bit of her milk on the table. “oops.” She said as she looked at her mother with eyes that matched Taron’s. “What am I going to do with you two?” Sarah teased as she stood up to grab a cloth from the kitchen while Taron collected the plates. The girls went off to play as their parents took care of the breakfast aftermath. “How much time have you got?” Taron asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. She looked at her watch once more and saw that she’d have to leave now if she wanted to arrive at the hospital on time. Sarah had been working as a midwife before she met Taron and she loved it. She loved being around all the little babies. “I have to go now if I want to be on time.” Sarah said as she turned in his arms to kiss him. He smiled into the kiss and started laughing when he heard his daughters making gagging noises. The parents pulled apart and looked at the girls and slowly walked toward them. The girls ran screaming and giggling. "Ok, on a serious note girls, mummy has to go now so come here and say goodbye." Taron said as he and Sarah walked to the front door. "Bye mummy." Ellie said as she wrapped her small arms around her mother's waist the best she could. "I love you Tiny Dancer." Sarah said as she picked up the little girl to give her a kiss. "Love you too mummy." She replied with a smile mirroring her mother's. Sarah placed her down and said goodbye to Nova. "I love you Sassy." Sarah said as she kissed the top of Nova's head. "Please be good for your father today." She warned as she stood back up to leave. "We will." Nova replied. Sarah looked at Nova's cheeky face and smiled. She knew the girls would be in safe hands with Taron. She said one final goodbye and walked out the door.
 "Alright my darlings, what shall we do?" Taron asked as he stood their looking at his daughters. "Play outside." Ellie shouted. She loved the little playset that her parents had bought for them as their big Christmas present the previous year. Nova smiled widely as she knew that she would be able kick her soccer ball around with her father. "Outside it is then." Taron replied. "But first, you need to go and get changed Ellie Grace." Taron continued as he watched the little one bound up the stairs as fast as her little legs would carry her. "Go on Miss. Sassy pants, Go get the soccer ball." Taron said enthusiastically with a huge grin. The girls returned to him all ready to go and they set out for the backyard where they played for a while before Taron went inside to get lunch ready. As he was putting the final thing back in the fridge, he heard the girls fighting. He rolled his eyes. "Sugar plum fairies. They're at it again." He said to himself exasperatedly and made his way to the bickering dinosaurs. "Girls, stop it please. No more fighting, I leave for a minute and come back to you two killing each other. You both need to stop fighting every time you two are left alone." He warned as he stood between the girls. "But dad, it's not fair. You always stick up for her. She's your favourite." Ellie whined in response. Taron just gave her a stern look and she knew to stop. 
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(Thank you for helping me decide on a stern look SarahEgerton96 )
"Now will you please come inside for lunch." Taron said as he took hold of his daughters' hands. Taron, Nova and Ellie sat and their sandwiches that he had made for them. "Thank you daddy." Ellie said through a mouthful of food. Taron chuckled. "You're welcome my tiny dancer." He replied. "Dad, can we have ice-cream after?" Nova asked.  "Sure but just wait for tiny to finish." He replied as he finished his own food. Hearing that, Ellie scoffed down her food and gave her plate to her father to show him that she was finished. Both Taron and Nova looked at the girl with shock etched on their features. "Ok daddy." Ellie said as she swallowed the last of her food. "Why do you eat so fast?" Nova asked her sister. "Because, I want ice-cream." She shrugged. Nova rolled her eyes and Taron let out a hearty laugh. "Come on then my girlies." Taron said as he stood up and walked to the kitchen with his little chickens trailing behind him. Taron cleaned them up and helped them dish up their ice-cream. "Sassy, can you please put this back in the fridge?" Taron asked as he handed Nova the chocolate sauce. "Yup." The girl said. "What can I do daddy?" Ellie questioned. "You can help me pick a movie for us all to watch." He replied as he looked at her. She beamed with joy as they walked to the living room with Nova following a few minutes later. They had decided to watch Hotel Transylvania.
Nova sat next to her father and cuddled into his side while he draped his right arm around her and Ellie sat on his lap while he draped his left arm around her small frame to make sure that she wouldn't fall off. The girls were silent through the whole thing as they ate their ice-cream. Unsurprisingly, Taron had ice-cream on his pants thanks to Ellie who wasn't paying attention to the substance that threatened to drip. Taron didn't care though, he secretly loved it. When the movie was done, They all went for a walk and then came home for dinner where he gave them mac n cheese. The girls were thrilled when he brought their bowls over. The girls ate and talked with their father. Once they had finished. Taron got them cleaned up and ready for bed and when that was done, he tucked them in and turned out their lights.
By the time that he manage to clean himself up and get dinner made for him and his wife, Sarah was walking through the door with a smile. "Hello my darling." Taron greeted. "Hi. How did it go today?" Sarah asked as she kicked off her shoes and hung up her coat. Taron leaned against the wall as he watched her. "It was good expect for a little fight I had to break up but other than that, they were as good as gold." He explained as Sarah walked up to him and kissed him softly. "What else is new." She chuckled as they broke apart. "I'm going up to shower and then I'll come and eat with you." Sarah continued as her husband shook his head. "We aren't eating down here." He said with a smirk. Sarah knew that he meant for them to eat in their room. "T, they will smell whatever it is you have up your sleeve. They are blood hounds." She chided. He stuck his tongue out at her in a childish manner and she laughed at his antics. "Sometimes I think I have three children to raise." She teased as she walked upstairs to their shared room.
While Sarah was freshening up, Taron went about the kitchen to make their dinner and get what he needed for the night that he had planned for the both of them. When everything was collected, he made his way upstairs and set it all up. He only had to wait about five minutes for his wife. "What's all this?" Sarah asked with amusement as she emerged from the bathroom clad in her sleeping shorts and one of T's shirts. "You know how fuckable you look right now?" He questioned as he stood up and walked to her. "Are you wearing a shirt under that sweater or just the sweater and the apron? which by the way, makes you look fuckable." She remarked with the same words he had just used on her. Taron looked down and back at her. "And why do you have all that stuff in the pockets?" She continued as he kept his eye on her as he struck a pose and pulled a face at her.
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(Just picture this in a bedroom setting and with Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice-cream in the pocket of the mayo and then for the pocket that has the other thing in it, just picture two spoons being in there instead.)
"Dork." Sarah said as Taron chuckled and kissed her passionately. "I'm your dork now and forever." He replied with a grin as they pulled away. Sarah rolled her eyes but giggled at him. "Let's see what you have in your bag of tricks shall we." Sarah whispered seductively, sending shivers down Taron's spine. Sarah ran her fingers down his chest tantalizingly. Taron sucked in a breath as he bit his lower lip to stop himself from moaning. Sarah's hand went straight down to the cork screw in the very front pocket. Then she moved it across to the ketchup. She looked up to Taron's face and saw that he had his eyes closed. She smirked to herself as she knew very well what she was doing. Her eyes landed on the ice-cream and the spoons that he had placed in two of the pockets. She raised her brow at him and cleared her throat. Taron opened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. "What?" He asked hoarsely. Sarah held up the spoons and the frozen treat. Taron gave her a sheepish grin and took the items from her hands. "That's for later darling." He said as he placed his lips on hers in a needy kiss. "Why can't we have it now?" Sarah whined. Taron took her hand and led her to their walk in closet. "What are you trying to tell me?" She teased as they stopped in front of the picnic he had set up while she was in the shower. 
Taron removed the apron and sat down with his legs open for Sarah to sit between. She looked down at him and smiled lovingly at him. Sarah sat between his legs and leaned against his strong chest as he himself leaned against the wall. For a moment or two, Taron just held Sarah in his arms and Sarah allowed her eyes to flutter closed as she relished in the feeling of being in his arms. "I love you so much T." Sarah said as she breathed out. Taron kissed the side of her head. "I love you too Sarah." He whispered in reply. "What did you make for dinner?" Sarah asked as she opened her eyes again. Taron uncovered the plate of food to reveal dinosaur chicken nuggets and fries. "Ah, that would explain the ketchup." Sarah said in realization. Taron chuckled and picked up a chicken nugget and moved it toward Sarah's mouth. "Rawr." He teased. She bit into it and sighed as she felt her hunger subside. "Thank you for doing all of this and for taking care of the girls." Sarah said with contentment. "You're welcome Fy Cariad." Taron responded. He continued to feed them both until the chicken nuggets were gone. Sarah sat in Taron's embrace until she had had enough and was chomping at the bit to find out if Taron was in fact wearing a shirt under his sweatshirt or not. She looked at him and he nodded at her and she took the zipper between her teeth as she pulled it down slowly, teasing Taron as she went.  he whimpered at the sight of her with the zipper between her teeth. The sweatshirt fell open to reveal that Taron in fact was not wearing a shirt. Sarah looked up at him and bit her lip. "You know what that does to me." Sarah moaned. Taron looked at her with a cheeky glint in his eye. "Why do you think I did that then?" He smirked. She leaned forward and kissed him hungrily.
Taron tangled his fingers into her hair and let his other hand roam down her body. Sarah moaned as his hand made contact with her breast. She pulled away enough to remove her shirt so that she could feel more of Taron's skin against hers. He looked down at her and licked his lips. "Go wait for me on the bed." Taron instructed lustfully. Sarah nodded and walked to their bed removed her shorts, leaving her clothed in only her black lacy underwear and laid down. Taron walked in a few minutes later while holding the plate still containing the fries. "What are you going to do with those?" Sarah asked as T sat on the bed next her and placed the plate on her night table. He grabbed a fry and softly dragged it along her abdomen and up to her mouth. he placed the food between her lips and watched her as she ate it. Her eyes fluttered shut as he took another fry and repeated the same thing. He kept doing that until he decided to take advantage of her eyes being shut. He bent over the top half of her body and got close to her so that she would be able to sense that he was right there. Sarah parted her lips but Taron didn't budge. He just hovered above her lips, smiling down at her. Before he could comprehend what was happening, Sarah ghosted the tip of her tongue along his top lip. His eyes fluttered shut at the feeling and let a moan escape his throat. She saw that as her chance to capture his lips with hers. He kissed her back with just as much hunger as she had shown before. Taron worked his way down from her mouth and to her neck where he assaulted it with bites, kisses, sucks and licks. Sarah arched her back as her fingers pulled his head closer to her neck. He let his fingers play with her breast. Taron took her nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing gently. Sarah moaned and arched her back into him. "Stop teasing me please." Sarah begged. "Tell me what you want." He whispered. "I want you to fuck me T." She replied. He moved his way to down to her dripping core. Taron realized that she was wearing the black lace underwear she loved so much. Taron growled and in a flash, had the panties on the ground and his head between her legs, lapping up her arousal. "Fuck." Sarah cried out in pleasure as she felt him shove his middle and ring finger inside her. She moaned as he thrusted in and out at a fast pace. Soon enough, Sarah found herself reaching her climax. Taron removed his fingers and moved up to kiss his wife.  
After their fun, Taron and Sarah took everything back downstairs and cleaned up a little before going back upstairs to go to sleep. Unfortunately for Sarah, she couldn't sleep, not even as she was wrapped up in her husband's arms. She got up as carefully as she could without waking Taron and made her way to the kitchen. When she got there, she grabbed a spoon and the ice-cream from earlier and placed herself on the breakfast bar. She sat there and thought about various types of things that were on her mind while swinging her legs absentmindedly. Meanwhile, Taron had turned over to find that Sarah's side of the bed was now empty. He looked around for her but couldn't find her. He figured that she must be checking on the girls, so with no shirt on, he got up and went to see if she was in fact with the girls.  When he went to Nova's room, he didn't see her so he decided to just go downstairs. He opened the fridge and grabbed something the fridge but dropped it with a light thud. "Shit." He muttered as he went to pick it up.  "Nice one." Sarah giggled. "There you are. I was looking for you." Taron said as he made his way over to her. "You alright?" He asked. "I couldn't sleep." Sarah replied as she pushed the ice-cream between her lips. "You want to talk about it?" He asked as he reached her. She smiled and ate more ice-cream. "I've already talked to this pint of ice-cream about it." She replied. Taron chuckled and kissed her forehead softly. "I'll make you some tea." He said as he went to step away. "Nope." Sarah responded as she wrapped her legs around his waist to stop him. "Oop." She smirked. She looked up at Taron and licked her lips while letting a chuckle escape her throat. Taron huffed and licked his own lips as she lifted the spoon to his mouth, as if offering him some but as he opened his mouth and moved to take it, Sarah moved her spoon away and pushed it against his skin. He looked down at it with slight shock. "Oooo, uh-oh. I'm so sorry, oof." She giggled as Taron smiled at her. "Not funny." He replied as he shook his head. 
Sarah grinned at him and her eyes landed on the ice-cream, now dripping down his chest. "Oh god it's dripping. I'll get it." She said as she placed the spoon back in the tub and leaned into him to lick it off. She wrapped her arm around his neck lazily. He pulled away and looked at the tub in her hand. He went to grab it but Sarah moved it away from his grasp. "Uh ah, this is mine." She said as she moved her hair from her eyes. Taron looked at her and motioned for her to give it to him but she just pushed his hand away and slid off of the breakfast bar. She flipped him so that he was leaning against the cool surface. "Ok." Taron replied as he looked into her eyes. He could see that lust in her eyes. She offered the spoon to him once again and when he made a move for the spoon, she pushed the tip of the spoon her mouth and giggled. She dragged the spoon from her mouth and with the remanence of the treat, dragged it along his skin. He looked down to watch her with the spoon and moaned when she moved the spoon to his stomach and lower abdomen. She dragged the spoon back up before placing it back in tub and placing it beside her husband. Sarah leaned into him once more and licked the ice-cream off of him with short teasing licks. Taron moaned at the feel of her warm tongue against his chest. She worked her way down to the waistband of his pants and Taron threw his head back in pure bliss. 
Once his lower abdomen was free of the melting mess, She pulled him free from his pants and wrapped her lips around his growing erection. Taron sucked in a breath as he bit his lip. She licked the underside of his shaft up to the tip, where she ran her tongue over the slit. "Fuck." Taron hissed. "Shhhh. You'll wake the girls." Sarah warned. "I don't care." He replied as he moaned. "Fu-fuck babe, y-you keep doing that and I'll c-cum." He stuttered. Sarah picked up her pace and Taron grabbed hold of her hair to encourage her to keep going. Soon enough, he was spilling himself down her throat. He grunted as he came and she swallowed every last drop. "My god that was incredible Sarah.' He praised as he helped her to her feet. She kissed him and Taron flipped her around and picked her up and placed her on the breakfast bar again and removed her underwear and proceeded to assault her dripping pussy once more. Sarah pushed head closer and he giggled against her. "Fuck I'm so close." She moaned out. "Shhhh. You'll wake the girls." Taron teased and stood up. "Why did you stop?" Sarah asked with disappointment. Taron didn't answer, he just shoved himself into her and she couldn't help but let out a loud moan at the sudden intrusion. Taron's hand flew up to her mouth and he looked at her with warning which turned her on even more. She moaned against his hand as he started to move and set a comfortable pace. 
"Taron, fuck." Sarah moaned as he sped up even more, chasing his own high. "I'm close. Please don't stop T." Sarah begged. Taron growled as he felt Sarah clenching around him and it was enough to push him over the edge and spill into her. She reached her climax shortly after and Taron flopped on top of her the best that he could, given their current position. "Now that, that was amazing Taron." Sarah said as she felt her husband nod his head against her stomach. "Want to take a shower?" Taron muttered. "Sounds good." Sarah agreed. The couple unraveled themselves from each other made their way to their bathroom. Taron turned on the water as he removed his pants and Sarah's clothes. They stepped in and Taron kissed Sarah like his life depended on it. "Thank you for tonight baby. It was even better then I could have ever hoped for." Sarah said as Taron washed her hair. "You're welcome my angel." He replied with a smile. He tilted her head back carefully and rinsed out her hair. "I'm so glad that I married you baby." Sarah said as she turned to face him. "I'm glad I married you too my darling." Taron said lovingly as he leaned his forehead against her forehead. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the closeness of his wife. "RAWR." She said with a giggle matching her husband's. 
They finished their shower and went to bed with smiles on the faces as they cuddled up to each other for the night.
Fy Cariad: ‘My Love’ in Welsh.
Let me know what you think!
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swanky-batman · 6 years
For Narnia! Part 4
Peter Pevensie x Reader, Edmund Pevensie x Reader
Warnings: Drinking, some swearing, violence
Edmund starts acting a little weird, which causes both the reader and Peter to worry.
(I’m sorry stories have been coming out slowly, I promise I’m working on Marvel’s Bachelors next! <3)
Masterlist  ||  Ko-Fi
Beginning- Previous- Next
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Peter walked inside after a while, trying to clear his thoughts of Y/N. Instead, he walked right into her as he came inside.
“There you are! Are you ready for dinner, High King?” She asked with a smile and then searched his face, “Are you alright?”
He nodded with a smirk, “Of course I am. Just lost in daydreams.”
“Are these daydreams about sword polishing and kingly thoughts?” She mocked, walking with him towards the dining hall.
“Surprisingly, not everything I think of is swords and old men.” He responded, mocking back which prompted her to laugh. A smile formed on his face which remained there again until they got to the hall. Opening the door, everyone was waiting- with only two seats left, Peter’s and Y/N’s. So she was to sit in between them again?
“We heard about training this morning, apparently an event that was missed.” Reep spoke and everyone agreed.
“Did you kick his butt?” Susan asked hopefully, cutting a piece of food on her plate.
“If I said yes, no one would believe me including myself.” She responded with a laugh, looking over at him. “But I did.”
Peter laughed, genuinely. “I guess technically she did pin me on the ground.” He added, pouring a glass of wine.
“Oh, really?” Caspian asked and everyone heard a thud under the table.
“Ow,” Edmund groaned a little, looking over to Susan, “You really gotta watch your aim.”
Susan’s cheeks reddened, “Sorry, Ed.”
Everyone laughed a little, moving on to another topic.
“We found a lovely garden for the ceremony.” Lucy spoke up, “And then the reception can be held here.”
Susan added a couple of other things but Peter’s attention went over to Y/N. She had tightened her smile and raised her drink at least twice as many times as she had before.
“No one has asked about my meeting today.” Edmund swooped in, “How rude-to think if something went amiss.” He feigned hurt.
Y/N grinned over to him and spoke, “Did something go amiss?”
“Not really.” He smirked and everyone chuckled.
“Then why did you bring it up?” She laughed, sending a shiver up Peter’s spine- he wanted to be the cause of that noise.
“It’s better than girly talks of details.” He added, raising his eyebrows and Caspian joined him in agreement.
“Come now, Ed- it’s something on everyone’s mind.” Susan rolled her eyes, “One would think you were getting married with how much you groan everytime we bring it up.”
There was a silence that fell over the table before Peter decided to chime in, “He’s just feeling the pain for me.” He grinned and winked over to his brother, making a round of laughter come over the table again, including Y/N.
Edmund stood up after a few minutes and excused himself rather early. Y/N looked over at Peter and lowered her voice, “Is he alright?”
Peter placed a forced smile on his face, “I’m sure he’s fine. I can go check on him to be sure.” He stood and followed behind with Caspian and Reep joining in.
They found him near the kitchens, grabbing a few bottles of wine.
“Ed, what’s gotten into you?” Caspian asked, clapping him on the back.
Edmund shrugged and grabbed the bottles, walking off towards his room.
“May we at least join you, your highness?” Reep added and Ed nodded slightly.
Everyone was quiet for two rounds, Caspian speaking of an upcoming jousting event he wished to join.
“Sounds like fun, I’m in.” Edmund smiled, downing another drink.
“What about you, Peter?” Caspian asked, “Shall I enter us and see who shall win?” He laughed, taking a sip of his drink.
Peter shrugged, “Why not? Sounds like fun.”
“Because you don’t have enough of that.” Ed teased, pouring more into his cup.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Peter asked, downing the rest of his drink as well- a little fed up with how Edmund had been acting.
“It means-” He started, meeting Peter’s eyes and then sighing, “Nothing.”
There was a knock on the door and Caspian stood to answer it, finding Susan standing there. He excused himself from the room, Reep insisting on coming too.
Peter and Edmund sat in the room alone.
“Come on, Ed. You can talk to me- we’ve been through everything together!” Peter smirked to him, filling his drink up as well.
“Why did you decide to make a peace treaty with them?” He asked quietly after another minute.
“I didn’t decide to- I was advised to.” Peter answered without skipping a beat.
“You took it on yourself without anyone forcing you to. You suggested it. Who did you expect would come?” Edmund drank again.
Peter paused, thinking, “I didn’t expect much, I’ll grant you that. A princess from another kingdom, probably with strange traditions and ways of thinking.”
“And then you met Y/N.”
Peter cautiously nodded, “She is much different than I expected.”
“I think she’s different than everyone expected.” Edmund snorted.
There was another silence before Edmund spoke up again, “What do you think of her?”
“I think-” Peter bit his lip, thinking about Y/N and their situation, “That we’re betrothed- neither of us were happy with the thought but both of us are fulfilling a duty.”
“Were-” Edmund pointed out, “Are one or both of you happy with the thought now?” He pondered, not really expecting an answer.
Peter thought back with him, not sure on what Edmund was trying to get at but not liking the central topic. Why was he interested in knowing his feeling towards her?
You walked around the castle for a bit with Lucy, talking to her of anything but the wedding. She seemed worried about Edmund, however, so you told her she should go check on him.
You walked slowly down the hall, looking out of a window. A lot had gone on the last few days even after the journey. You were unsure what your place here was to be and it worried you.
“You’re still awake, Princess?” You heard from behind you some time after.
You jumped a little, smirking, “You’re still awake as well, High King?” You turned to him, noticing him breath in.
He stepped towards you, slowly and a little off center.
“Are you okay?” You asked, tilting your head.
He smirked and nodded, “Edmund wanted to drink and I kept up with him.”
You smirked back, seeing him loosen up a bit. “How are you feeling?” You teased, seeing his eyes move with your face.
“Pretty great. I’m sure I’ll regret it in the morning.” He chuckled, “May I walk you to your room?”
You nodded and a few steps in you realized he was much more wobbly than expected, “Actually, I was wondering if I could walk you to your room- would that be alright?” You asked, trying to make it seem like it was in his control.
“I suppose so, Princess.” He smirked upon using your nickname and you slid your hand through his arm, letting him lean slightly against you. “You are very touchy this evening.”
“You are very alcohol filled this evening.” You stated back, with a giggle and he chuckled back.
“Is that all I have to do for you to relax near me?”
“You’re full of it- I am relaxed around you.” You kept moving with him.
“Not as relaxed as with Edmund. I’ve noticed.”
“You notice a lot of things, High King.” You added quietly but he must have heard you.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He stopped and turned towards you with a frown.
“It isn’t a bad thing.” You assured him, turning him back to walk, “You just noticed things about me that I hadn’t told you. You’re detail oriented.”
“I’m usually not.” He answered after some silence, “That’s what confuses me- as long as the end product is there, what does it matter? Not with you, though.”
“I’m glad I’m making the journey interesting, then.” You giggled, pushing his door open and walking in with him.
He plopped down on the edge of his bed and looked at you, “What you must think of me.” He frowned, his head lowering.
You knelt down to take off his shoes, “You can ask me if you wish to know.”
“I know it’s horrible. What kind of a person asks for an arranged marriage?” He sighed.
“You don’t know me quite as well as you think, then.” You whispered to him, throwing off one shoe and unlacing the other before standing up and raising his eyes to meet yours, “I think it’s brave that you were willing to marry someone to help your country.” You smirked and he smiled back, making your heart race, “Unfortunately, that someone is me so that puts a damper on my thoughts.” You sighed and he nodded. “My opinion of you still isn’t horrible.”
“I lucked out, I think.” Peter fell back against the bed and you lifted one of his legs onto the bed after the other, “You’re incredible.”
“So are you- and this place.” You answered, leaning over him to grab the edge of his blanket and pulled it over him. “Much more than I expected.” After tucking him in, you looked down at his face. It looked peaceful and his eyes were already half closed. “Goodnight, Peter.” You whispered to him, kissing his cheek before walking towards the door. You shut it and started off towards your own room.
Arriving at your door, you looked up to meet the eyes of Edmund, who seemed to be waiting for you. Your furrowed your eyebrows together slightly, “Is everything alright?”
Permanent Tags:
@i-regret-this-already, @breezy1415, @seninjakitey, @imboredsueme, @courtneychicken, @marriedtopeterparker, @imeannooffensebabybut, @marie-lestowell, @cassiopeia-barrow, @daphne-fandom-writing, @notmyfault404, @i-larb-spooderman, @aussiearies
Enjoy! Tags and Requests are open! <3
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Gotta Secret, Can You Keep It? (Peter Parker X Reader)
Summary: A few weeks have passed since your almost kiss with Peter Parker, and it’s all the two of you can think about and all the Avengers tease you about. Tonight, you are visited by an injured Spider-Man in need of your help, which you gladly give to him with no hesitation, and you’re surprised to feel a spark between the two of you that confuses your heart even more. The next night you make a few discoveries and uncover a secret. But when you confront the person after an Avengers pool party, what will happen next?
Author’s Note: Okay, okay, I’ve been waiting to write this part for awhile and I’m so EXCITED for you to read it, I had so much fun writing it. Just trying to cure my IW depression, you all get it. P.S I LOVE TOM’S HAIR IN INFINITY WAR LIKE OMG So as always, enjoy!! AND THE LYRIC AS THE TITLE IS SECRET BY THE PIERCES I’M ALSO SORRY IT’S SO LONG BUT READ IT IT’S WORTH IT!! AND WHEN YOU SEE THIS (*) IMAGINE THIS:
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If you guys like it, let me know and I may do another part... ;)
Warnings: So much fluff, SO MUCH, a bit of angst and there’s some blood, alcohol, Tony being a dad AGAIN, Wanda being a supportive, amazing, and helpful big sister, and... DUN DUN DUN!!!!!............. heavy makeout ;)
FC: Elle Fanning
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“An Avengers pool party? Tomorrow night?” you repeat, leaning your back against the front of the couch, Wanda gently pulling your long hair back into a braid, being sure not to tug too roughly because she knows your tender-headed.
“You know Tony, (y/n), he’s always finding an excuse to through a party, no matter the occasion,” she says. “When you have as much money as he does...”
“You put it into a savings account, gain interest, and invest in successful stocks and companies. That way you stay rich,” Tony appears in the room, taking one of your chips from the bowl on the table in front of you two, making you chuckle. “Having a wealthy family works too.”
“And throwing extravagant parties every chance you get is somehow apart of that?” Wanda looks up at Tony who narrows his eyes at her, chomping down on his potato chip.
“You can’t truly call yourself a Stark if you don’t, wicked witch of the west,” he cocks an eyebrow, walking out of the room and Wanda scoffs at the nickname while you bite back a laugh.
“I think I like that nickname...” you say quietly, smirking to yourself. 
“You wouldn’t dare,” she looks over you, her long, deep red hair falling over your face, you smile and blow it out of the way.
“I’ll get you, my pretty, and you’re little dog, too,” you quote with a laugh and she tugs hard on your hair, purposefully, as she finishes it off. You yell ‘ow’ and whip your head around to glare at her.
“Watch that big mouth, (y/n), I have all the power here,” she smiles smugly, tying off your hair in a small, blue ribbon.
“You wish,” you snort, pulling your hair over your shoulder and playing with the pretty ribbon, admiring the plait in your hair. “But my hair does look nice.”
“It does, so maybe you should start being nice to your big sister then, hm?” she raises an eyebrows to you when you turn around to look at her, grinning at each other. “It’s no wonder why Peter Parker likes my pretty little sister.”
You roll your eyes, turning away and blushing hard, “He does... he does not. Peter...” you shake your head.  “No, he doesn’t.”
“You know... that American movie with that woman, who was it... Alicia Silverstone and that.. uh, Paul Rudd with the parties and makeovers?” she asks you, twirling a strand of your hair that’s fallen out of the braid around her slender finger.
“Yes! That’s you!” she smiles.
You laugh flatly, “Very funny.”
“It is funny,” she agrees, not hinting at the sarcasm in your voice and nodding her head, unable to keep herself from laughing.
“What’s funny?” Natasha asks, sitting down on the couch on Wanda’s right, while you lay down on the floor, looking up at both of them with your limps splayed out, making carpet angels.
“How much Peter likes (y/n)...” Wanda smirks.
Natasha nods in agreement, lightly kicking your side, “I could cut that tension with a knife, girlie. Please tell me you notice it too.”
“Oh, you mean how much Peter likes (y/n)? That boy is smitten...” Clint walks in the room, chuckling to himself, pizza in hand. Where the hell did he get pizza?
At this point you’re as bright red as a ripe tomato, blushing every shade of scarlet, wishing the ground would split open and swallow you whole. 
“Jesus Christ, you guys,” you hold your burning face in your hands, laughing but it comes out a lot more nervous and shaky than you intended.
Natasha leans over the couch and peels your hands away from your face, looking you in the eye, raising both of her perfectly arched brows, saying very sincerely, “(Y/N)... I am telling you this as your friend... that Peter Benjamin Parker has got it bad for you, (y/n) (y/m/n) Maximoff.”
“You just said my middle name,” you point out.
She nods, “I did.”
You groan, “That must mean you’re being serious.”
“Damn straight.”
“But he can’t like... me?” you look up at your sister and Natasha. “Can he?”
“Didn’t you two almost kiss a few weeks ago?” Wanda leans forward, chin resting in her hands, smirking.
“Oh my God,” Natasha leans back into the couch, gaping at you. “You two almost kissed and you’re still questioning whether or not this boy likes you?”
“I mean...” you look down at your fiddling hands, intertwining your fingers together and smiling sheepishly up at her. “Purely hypothetical... if I said yes to that... what would you say?”
“I wouldn’t say anything, I’d hit you upside the head,” Natasha looks at you.
Wanda mouths a quick and unnoticeable ‘RUN’ to you, hiking her thumb in the direction to your room. 
You shoot up from your bed at the sound, out of breath and startled from the sudden noise. You look around your room and see no one else but the one and only, Spider-Man, knocking on your window. The sight is so shocking you have to blink rapidly and pinch yourself hard in the arm to make sure you’re not still dreaming and truly awake.
When you definitely feel the pinch, and wince slightly, you run over to pull the window up.
“Spider-Man,” your voice is hoarse, thick with sleep and eyes half-lidded, a lazy smile on your lips from seeing your old friend. “What are you doing here?” you yawn.
“I’m... I’m really sorry to wake you, (y/n),” he says, voice strained and he’s clutching his side, a pained expression you can see even through his mask. “And I know it’s late, but I could really use your help with something.”
Before you can think better of it, you nod, and help him inside. He removes his hand from his waist and you watch as blood is slowly pooling on his side, staining his suit. You heart races, fuck, you’ve never done this before, cleaning and patching up someone’s wound. Maybe you’ve done this to yourself when you lived on the streets with Wanda and Pietro, but it was never extensive and like this. Why did he come to you of all people? You’re sure he has friends.
“Uh...” you bite down on your lip, nervous sweat beading on your forehead. “Okay, okay... first, you’re going to need to unzip your suit, keep on the mask if you want, and... I’ll- I’ll be right back with first aid.”
He nods and sits down on your desk chair, while you sprint out of the room, barely thinking about what you’re doing when everything feels like it’s moving 1000 mph around you. You get back to the room, gulping down the lump beginning to slowly form in your throat, practically having to shield your eyes to prevent you from staring at his muscular and fit physique. 
How can a situation be such a nightmare but also such a dream at the same time?
You kneel down in front of him, licking your dry lips and chewing on your bottom one, your own nervous habit. You can’t tell if he’s watching your hands or your face, but you feel his breathing shallow when you press a piece of gauze to his bleeding cut, soaking up the blood before cleaning it with a disinfectant.
And, God, now your hands are shaking. You struggle to grab the band-aids, knocking over the first-aid kit and having to pick it all up from the floor, muttering your apologies over and over.
He takes your hand in his warm one, both of you intertwining your fingers together like it was the most normal thing in the world, your eyes flicking up to meet his artificial, tech ones. “Please don’t say you’re sorry... I’m the one that’s burdened you with this. So I’m the one that should be apologizing.”
You shake your head, “You were bleeding out and came to the first place you saw, I completely understand that. It’s your life on the line, and I’m being... being a nervous mess. I should be calm, I should-”
“You’re doing really well, (y/n),” he cuts you off to assure you and you smile weakly.
You laugh, looking up at him for a moment before getting back to patching up the cut, “You’re a terrible liar, but thank you... The cut is a bit deep, but not deep enough for stitches, you’ll be okay.”
He lets out a sigh of relief once you you finish putting the bandage on, laying back on the floor like you’re falling from an intense adrenaline rush, letting out the longest breath of air you think you’ve ever exhaled.
“I can’t thank you enough, (y/n),” he breathes out and you hear the relieved smile in his voice.
You sit up and look at him, your eyes drooping from need of sleep, but you’re smiling, “Just promise me you won’t get hurt like this again and we’ll call it even, okay?”
“I can’t promise that,” he chuckles nervously, the sound eerily familiar, but you shake off the thought. “Not with the people I have to fight everyday.”
“You can be more careful,” you say. “It’s amazing... what you do, everyday, but you still need to be aware of what it does to you. I’m sure there are plenty of people in your life that count on you coming home everyday. If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for them. Promise me.”
You raise your pinky to him and cock an eyebrow, waiting for him to hook his around yours.
“Really?” he asks.
“Really,” you deadpan.
“No but’s, Spider-Boy. Pinky promise me,” you say, moving your pinky closer to his hand. Then he gives in and nods, hooking it around yours, electricity shooting through the both of you at the contact. You then wait for him to zip up his suit and get situated before helping him up along with you.
“You should probably leave now... Tony Stark is... overprotective...” you trail off. Or at least that’s one word for it...
He looks at you for a moment, lifting up his mask half way to show only the tip of his nose and a pair of pretty, pink lips. Everything about him is so damn inviting and... terribly familiar. Then it happens, it’s so quick, you barely have time to react as he leans forward and presses a small but sweet kiss to your cheek, leaving a tingling feeling on your skin even after he pulls away. His lips were so soft, really freaking soft, causing heat to pool into the pit of your stomach.
He smiles at you before pulling his mask down again and swinging out of the window, off into the night, one thought on your mind the rest of the time you tried to fall back asleep.
Spider-Man just kissed me.
“Spider-Man...” Wanda says hesitantly, nursing her Mai-Tai made by Banner who’s manning the Tiki bar. “Kissed you?” she repeats.
“After I patched his injury up, yes,” you say, sipping on your own virgin Mai-Tai, still bashful from what happened last night, and still not sure if you just imagined the whole thing. The only thing proving otherwise being the feeling of his incredibly soft lips on your skin.
It had to be real. But it also confuses you, what you feel with Peter is real too, but when you start to think harder about it... you see that the feelings for both of them are a lot of the same.
“Wow,” Wanda smirks at you over the rim of her drink, rolling her eyes. “Two boys tripping over their own feet for you. How romantic.”
“It was a friendly kiss,” you say, hoping it to be true at least, thinking that maybe if you say it enough that it will come true. You can’t develop feelings for Spider-Man, not for two boys at once, it wouldn’t possibly work out for anyone in the end if you did.
“I’m sure he wanted to get real friendly with you...” her smirk widens, making your jaw drop at your sister’s innuendo, slapping her in the arm.
“You... bitch!” 
“Witch, you mean,” she corrects. She’s had more than a few Mai-Tai’s in the last hour or so.
“I see you’re embracing the new name,” Tony says, appearing out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around her, squeezing her shoulder. “It seems we’ve gotten to her, (y/n).”
“It seems we have,” you agree, downing the rest of your dink, setting the glass down on one of the glass, patio tables. “Why are you throwing this party again, anyway?”
“You all deserved a break,” he shrugs, looking at Wanda skeptically when she sways drunkenly side to side to the song playing over the speakers. “A pool party is a way to both cool off and have some fun. So enjoy yourself and stop asking questions, Curious George.”
“Do you ever call anyone by their actual name?” you laugh, waving at a far-off Natasha and Clint.
“What’s the fun in doing that?” he looks at you like you offended him before patting you affectionately on the back. “You’ll also be happy to know that Peter will be here in ten minutes...”
“Why would I be happy to know that?”
He looks at you with a flat expression, “You know why, Cher Horowitz.”
You blush and he smiles when he sees he has his answer, walking away from you and Wanda to be a good host to the other guests, welcoming the other members that have just now arrived.
“Then it’s a good thing you wore my swimsuit, huh?” Wanda asks, finishing off her drink and doing a ‘gimme, gimme’ gesture with her hand to Bruce who hands her another while shaking his head. 
You look down at the small, scarlet red bikini with gold accents your sister’s let you borrow, showing off most of your body but also highlighting all your assets as Natasha would say, the bottoms hanging low on your lean hips so you’ve wrapped a loose, patterned cover-up over yourself until you get into the water.
“I guess it is...” you blush, chewing on the inside of your lip. “But I’ll never wear it as well as you,” you tease.
“Good answer,” she points her drink at you. “Very good answer, but you also wear it well, I have to admit. But don’t tell anyone I did,” she puts a finger to her lips and sh’s loudly.
“You’re hammered,” you laugh, taking the drink from her. “I’m cutting you off,” you grin proudly before smacking into someone’s hard chest, their hands catching you by resting on your arms, steadying you.
“Oh! (Y/N), are you okay?” Peter asks, looking down at you, and holy crap, he looks good. Really good.
“Yeah...” you breathe a laugh, setting down Wanda’s drink which she quickly grabs again before tucking a piece of your wavy hair due to the braid from last night behind your ear, blushing like it’s the only thing you remember how to do. “I’m- I’m okay. I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going and I just...” you trail off, trying to find words, but a small laugh comes out instead as you’re completely awestruck by him. His quaffed, brown hair, ivory skin slightly more olive from being in the sun these last few weeks, and fit to the gods.
He furrows his brow before catching sight of what you’re wearing or lack thereof, his eyes widening and he meets your eyes, embarrassed, smiling at you the sweetest you’ve ever seen, “You look... wow. J-just wow. You’re fucking beautiful,” he says before he can think better of it and you’re blushing so brightly you swear that everyone at the party is looking at you now.
You laugh, “Thank you, you look really good too,” you say, meeting his blushing face again with a big smile. “I’ve missed you.”
“You have?” he furrows his brow.
“Of course I have,” you say in a ‘duh’ tone. “You’ve been busy, I know that, but... I really did miss you being here,” you smile softly.
Dimples. “I’ve missed you too.”
“Good because it would be awkward if you didn’t,” you tease.
He laughs, “I could never not miss you, (y/n), you’re too unforgettable to let that happen.”
“Likewise,” you say breathlessly, you tend to get like that when you’re with him, out of breath just from being around him.
You look over to see Natasha looking at the two of you, making a heart with both of her hands over the two of you, and Clint pretending to shoot a Cupid’s arrow. 
“Have they been doing this to you too?” Peter asks you.
You sigh, “All the time.”
“I thought it was just me,” he says coolly, but his blush betrays his words, both of you are nervous wrecks right now.
“I think they’re trying to tell us something...” you say with an amused lilt weaved into your voice, looking at Peter from the corner of your eye.
“I didn’t know the Avengers were matchmakers.”
You laugh, “I think we’re just lucky enough to bring it out in them,” you say and look him over, eyes catching a... bandage on his side.
“Holy shit...” you mutter (*), your eyes wide when you point at him, jaw practically dropped onto the floor. 
Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!
Peter brow pinches in confusion, looking to where your eyes lay and looking back up at you after putting two and two together, “(Y/N)... calm down...” he says, but your heart is racing and you can barely hear him.
“I knew it! I fucking knew it! You’re f-” You didn’t know it, but everything is finally fitting into place and making so much sense that you have to curse yourself for being stupid enough not to figure it out a lot sooner. You want to push him into the pool for not telling you, you want to hug him for getting hurt, you want to thank him for saving people everyday, and you want to kiss him because you just might be in love with him! Or would it be possible to do all four of those things?
He holds a hand over your mouth and his lips are on your ear, whispering, “(Y/N), I will explain everything if you just calm down. Let’s go somewhere that we can talk, okay?”
You nod slowly and allow him to drag you away to go inside without anyone noticing, getting indoors and immediately glaring at him.
“I am feeling so many things right now,” you fold your arms over your chest, looking at him like you’re truly seeing him for the first time. “Why... wouldn’t you tell me? Why aren’t you an Avenger? And why’d you kiss me in a mask instead of doing it face to face with me?” you throw your hands up in frustration.
“I didn’t tell you because I have enemies and if those enemies were to find out about you or who I am, then... I can’t even think about the consequences. I can handle a few bumps and bruises, but not if anything happened to you...” he admits, looking at you through his thick, dark lashes, the anger slowly simmering in your belly. 
“Ask Mr. Stark why I’m not an Avenger, hopefully it will be soon, but until then, my identity was supposed to be kept a secret,” he looks at you and smiles softly. “I just... I couldn’t stay away from you, I guess.”
“And the kiss?” you ask, breath caught in your throat when he steps closer to you, your back pressed against the wall. His leathery and salt water scent fills all of your senses and you can barely think because he smells so damn good and the way he’s looking at you... 
“I think you know why, (y/n).”
“You think I would,” you say, eyes searching his face. “You think I’d know by now to tell you how crazy I am about you because it’s... driving me nuts, looking at you everyday, talking to you like I’m not secretly falling in love with you,” you say, his gaze softening along with his smile when you say those last words. Then you laugh, looking down at your feet and shuffling them against the granite, tile floor, “And really wanting to kiss you, it’s almost unhealthy... how much I want to...” you whisper this last part, looking him in the eye.
“I really want to kiss you, too,” he gulps, eyes falling onto your slightly parted lips, silently begging for him to close the distance. 
“Glad we’re on the same page then.”
“Yeah...” he smiles adoringly at you and blinks hard, making sure he isn’t dreaming. You can’t possibly... feel the same way. Could you?
Oh, fuck it, you think to yourself.
You step up on the tips of your toes and press a soft, tender kiss against his lips, everything in your body melting into a puddle when he inhales sharply, barely recognizing you’re doing it even after you pull away, looking at him through your fluttering lashes.
He looks at you for a moment, and for once in his life he’s absolutely speechless, then his hand slides up the back of your neck and captures your lips in his own. And in that exact moment, you could feel your broken heart begin to fix itself as he hands his own heart  to you through his kiss, completely vulnerable for you. His lips are so plush, warm, and soft, the match in the pit of your stomach engulfing your entire body into flames when he gently lays his fingers to rest on your waist, dancing on your hot skin and eliciting a small whimper to escape your swollen lips. You have no idea what to do, and neither does he, but somehow it works. Even when your noses bump as you wrap your arms firmly around his neck so you’re skin to skin to run a hand through his impossibly, gorgeous hair or when your teeth clash into the kiss or when you have no idea whether to keep your eyes open or closed, your heart is getting those butterflies again and it’s the best damn feeling in the world because you’re kissing Peter Parker. 
You’re the first to break away due to lack of oxygen, arms still wrapped around each other when you take in Peter’s messy hair that you repeatedly ran your hands through, his swollen, bright, pink lips, lust-blown eyes, and lopsided grin. 
“That... that was my first kiss,” you admit quietly, flushing with embarrassment, but he only smiles.
“Mine too,” he whispers. “But you were... you’re amazing,” he stumbles over his words, laughing softly. “And I’ve been wanting to do that for months.”
“You have no idea,” you grin and shake your head, hearing shouting, whoops and hollers, and laughter from outside, both of you just now realizing that the door you’ve been pressed against was made of glass this whole time.
“WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!” Clint sings and pumps his fist, knocking his beer against Tony’s Champagne flute, both of them grinning to themselves. 
Wanda’s drunkenly sobbing into Natasha’s chest because you’re growing up so fast, making you smile softly at the sight, but also stifle a laugh.
You blush harshly when you look at Peter, “We’re never going to hear the end of this, are we?”
“No,” he says, leaning forward to kiss the tip of your nose lightly and both of your closed eyelids. “But we can handle them,” he smiles.
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Baby Jones
Request: Hi! I love the fanfiction you write and I was wondering if you could make one with jellybean almost being raped by nick and The Whole gang support her (btw sorry 4 bad english)
Warnings: sexual assault (Also, lots of pictures and gifs! Sorry!)
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Since moving back to Riverdale, it had been tough trying to make new friends. Normally, you weren’t bothered, as you had Jughead. But Jughead had the Serpents now, which left you alone most of the time. The merge with Riverdale High hadn’t helped. Your brother was now a high profile character. He had the potential to bridge the gap between the north and the south, but so far all he was doing was burning bridges. So I kept my head down. 
Wandering down the quiet hallways of Riverdale High, I stopped to look through the window into the auditorium. Kevin was in there moving props around on the stage while Veronica was standing behind the microphone praciticing a new song. I quietly slipped through the door, but the click of the door closing echoed around the room. Damn acoustics! The singing stopped and Veronica looked towards me, and then smiled. 
“Baby Jones! What are you doing here?” she squealed.
I cringed at the nickname. “Not much, just passing the time. And, please don’t call me Baby Jones, V. I’m 15 years old! Hardly a baby!” 
Veronica giggled, “I’m sorry, JB, I’m sorry. But you know, you’ll always be a baby to Jughead” she teased. 
“I know” I grumbled, crossing my arms in front of me. 
“Hey, what are you up to tonight bab- uh, JB?”
“Nothing, I was just gonna watch Netflix and cook something at home.”
“On your own?” Kevin questioned.
“Well, I mean, yeh. We don’t exactly get much parental supervision and... Jughead’s always at the Wyrm. My dad won’t let me even cross that threshold.”
“That settles it! You’re coming with me to the Pembrooke!” Veronica squealed, clasping her hands in front of her chest. “We will have a girlie sleepover with Betty, and Kevin” Veronica had raised her voice here as Kevin had been about to moan about being left out. 
“Um, sure, that sounds... fun” I conceded. 
“Great! Come to mine at 8pm sharp!” Veronica ordered, pointing her index finger at me. 
“Aye aye, captain” I saluted, before backing down the steps of the stage and retreating through the side door. 
I stood outside the oversized front door of the Pembrooke, my duffel bag over my shoulder containing a change of clothes, an old t-shirt and shorts as Pyjamas, and my wash bag. I craned my neck to look up at the grand building that stood before me, wondering why on earth I had agreed to this. The door opened, and a man in uniform ushered me inside. 
“Right this way, take the elevator to the third floor, and Miss Lodge will meet you up there” he annouced. 
I followed his directions and sure enough, Veronica was there when the elevator doors opened. I looked past her and my jaw dropped when I saw that a series of beds had been set up in her lounge. Veronica took my bag from me and set it down on the ground. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to sit with her on the nearest bed. 
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“The others will be here soon, but I thought it would be fun if we started with makeovers. You can go first, okay?” 
I nodded slowly, and a smile spread across Veronica’s face. “Great! Wait here, I’ll grab my stuff!”
“You know we don’t have the same colouring V” I shouted over my shoulder. A phrase that I had picked up from Cheryl during Vixens tryouts. 
“Oh ye of little faith! I have thought of that annnnd voila!” she had returned with a set of what looked like brand new make up. 
“Veronica, what did you do? Did you buy this just for tonight?” I rolled my eyes are her ridiculousness, but I really did appreciate the effort that she was going to, and I could see that this was making her happy. 
She made me sit with my legs crossed in the centre of the bed and she moved around me, poking and prodding my face with various brushes and implements. When she got the eyelash curlers out I started to panic, but she assured me that they weren’t going to hurt me. 
Soon enough, the elevator doors opened again and a giggling Betty and Kevin tumbled out. However, as soon as they looked over at Veronica, and then to me, their giggles stopped, and I actually heard Keving gasp. 
“Oh. my. god, JB... you look hot!” he exclaimed, “V, you didn’t wait for us?”
“Kevin, you know that makeovers calm me!”
Keving held his hands up in defeat and we all fell about laughing at Veronica’s pouty face. 
After a few hours of dancing around the living room and watching cheesy rom-coms on Netflix, Veronica’s phone lit up with a message. Kevin grabbed at the phone before Veronica could untangle herself from the blankets that they had drapped over themselves. 
“Who is Nick? and why is he inviting you to a party in Riverdale?” he questioned, holding the phone out of Veronica’s reach. 
“Oh nick, he’s just an old friend from New York.” she reached for the phone, falling short, “What’s this party? Kev! Give me my phone!” she playfully slapped his arm and then changed tactics and began tickling him until his arm came down to protect his sides and Veronica grabbed her phone from him. 
“Hey! Not fair!” Kevin grumbled. 
“Who wants to go to a party?” Veronica sang out, wiggling her phone in front of us. 
Betty looked unsure, but after much convincing, she agreed to go. I was less convinced. I was underage for a start, and my brother would flip if he knew that I was partying with the ‘Northsiders’. However, I guess what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him, and I don’t have to drink anything when I’m there. So, in the end, I decided to go with them to the Five Seasons, in a dress leant to me by Veronica herself. 
As the hotel door opened, we were greeted by a well-dressed boy who Veronica thre her arms around and introduced to us all as Nick Saint-Clair, her friend from the Big City. We were welcomed inside where I spotted a few other Riverdale High students, including Reggie, Archie, Josie, and Valerie. Archie’s eyes widened when he saw me, and I went to perch on the armrest of the chair he had chosen. 
“What are you doing here? Does Jughead know you’re here?” he questioned. 
“No he doesn’t know I’m here, and you’re not going to tell him.” I glowered. He held his hands up in defence and smiled. “Besides, he’s off with his new friends. He won’t even notice that I’m not at home.” Archie patted my knee and smiled sadly. I knew he missed Jughead. They used to be like brothers, but with the rift between the north and the south growing, their friendship had been torn apart. Being Jughead’s little sister meant that I was somewhat Archie’s little sister too, and I had missed him when I had been in Toledo. Archie stood up and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his middle and leant into him. 
“I missed you when you were gone, you know?” he quietly admitted, “Jughead was miserable without you.”
I pulled away and looked up at him, “I missed you too, and Jughead is still miserable to be around” I joked. 
“Would the lady like a drink?” we were interrupted by out host. 
“Dude, she’s 15″ Archie squared up to Nick. 
“Dude” Nick mimicked, “It’s just orange juice”
I took the cup from him and thanked Nick. I smirked up at Archie, “Some habits never die”
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Despite the dwindling number of guests, the party was in full swing, and I was surprised that no neighbours had complained about the noise. Nick had turned the music all the way up and I could feel the bass vibrating through my bones. My toes were beginning to feel fuzzy and my skin was covered in a thin layer of cold sweat. 
“I’ll be back, I’m going to the bathroom” I shouted into Archie’s ear. He nodded down at me and did a double take. 
“Hey, are you alright JB?” he shouted into my ear. 
“Yeh I’m just a bit warm.” I backed away and turned on my heel to find the bathroom, the sudden motion making my head spin slightly. My arms flew out to catch myself in the doorframe of a large bedroom, and I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. Seeing a light on in the en suite bathroom, I made my way around the bed but stopped when I heard the door close behind me, dampening the noise of the music.
“Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?” It was Nick. 
“Honestly, I feel a little lightheaded. I think I just need some water.” I admitted. 
“Take a seat on the bed, I’ll get you something to drink.” he was walking towards me, and a perched on the edge of the bed. 
He stopped in front of me and put his hands on my cheeks, tilting my face up to look into his eyes. He leant down to kiss me, slowly pushing me back so that I was lying down. His lips tasted horrible, like whisky or something. I tried to push him back but my arms felt to heavy.I could barely lift them off the bed. I shook my head, trying to move so that I could say no or scream for help, but as soon as his lips left mine, his hand clamped down across my mouth, sqeezing my cheeks so hard that I knew I’d have bruises. 
His other hand snaked down my body, heading towards the bottom of my dress. I ried to kick my legs out, but I couldn’t feel anything, they weren’t moving, weren’t co-ordinating with my brain. Panic filled my entire body, and I tried to bite down on Nick’s hand. He slapped my leg when he realised what I was trying to do, and his face came so close to my own that I could smell the alcohol on his breath. 
“If you try anything like that again, you will regret it. I’m doing this for you. I’m so much better for you than that ginger prick out there.” He thought that Archie and I were together? I felt my dress being pushed up my body, I felt the cold air hitting the tops of my thighs. I tried again to wriggle free, to fight him, but my body was not fighting with me. 
Suddenly, the door burst open and stopped what he was doing and looked up, sneering when he saw that it was Archie. 
“What the hell is going on here?” Archie growled, crossing the large room in only a few steps. He punched Nick right in the face, and made sure that he was slumped on the floor before he turned to me. Noticing that I hadn’t moved since he came in, despite the fact that my panties were on show, he panicked. 
“JB are you okay?” I nodde slowly, tears filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks. Archie grabbed a blanket that was folded at the foot of the bed and wrapped it around me, pulling my body into his lap, hugging me against his chest. 
A pair of heels clicked against the wooden floor of the bedroom as Veronica stumbled in laughing with Kevin. The laughing stopped as soon as they took in the scene that lay before them. Veronica ran over to me and Archie, laying one hand on Archie’s shoulder and the other on my arm. 
“What happened?” she whispered softly, fearing that she would somehow spook me. 
“I think he drugged her.” Archie said, jutting his chin out at Nick, who was still slumped on the floor. “When I came in he was... he was standing over her on the bed...”
“I’m calling my dad” Kevin announced, bringing his phone up to his ear. I don’t remember hearing the phone call. Archie was stroking my back, trying to sooth me as I cried, and Veronica was stroking my hair. 
Suddenly there was a commotion on the floor next to the bed, and I tucked myself into Archie’s chest even more, worried that Nick was getting up. 
“It’s okay, don’t worry, I won’t let him get you. Besides, Kevin’s got him pinned down” Archie whispered into my hair. Thank god for Keller’s wrestling moves, I thought. 
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Before I knew it, Sherrif Keller was in the room and Archie was giving his statement while Nick was being escorted out byu a deputy. Archie was still holding me tightly into his chest, throughout the whole statement. He explained how I hadn’t looked very well when I said I was going to find the bathroom, and that he had noticed I had been gone a while and just thought that I was being sick or something when he came to find me. 
The door burst open again, making me jump. 
“Where is she?” It was Jughead, and his voice was frantic. He was out of breath, and soaked from the rain. “Where is she?”
Archie’s arms loosened, and Jughead crossed the room and sat on the bed next to Archie. I crawled into my brothers arms, and clung to his damp t-shirt. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling my knees into my chest and holding me together. He used to hold me like this when we were kids, when our parents were fighitng in the living room. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he questioned frantically. 
I shook my head against his chest, a new wave of tears cascading down my cheeks. Archie explained what happened while Jughead cradled me in his arms. 
After Archie had finished telling the wretched tale, I pulled back to look up into my brother’s eyes. “How did you know something had happened?” I sniffled. 
Jughead opened his mouth to answer, before Betty chimed in from the doorway, “I called him, I hope that’s okay?” I looked over to Betty, and was shocked to see that she was flanked by Toni, Sweetpea, and Fangs. My eyes widened and I looked back at my brother. 
“Serpent’s take care of their own” He mumbled. 
I nodded and tucked myself back into my brother’s arms. 
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~Part three as promised! @ilikechocolatemilkh, Thank you girly! @mackenzie301 again thank you for the request, and @dolphingoddess81 thank you too!
Part two
Part one~
Chapter 3
Reader’s POV
Happy and I have been messing around for months now. It worked out well, he came to my house usually but after three months he finally let me go to his house. It was nice, clean, and a bit bigger then I was expecting. The night he showed me his house, we fucked on every surface there was, we didn’t even make it to the bed until the sun was starting to come up. It was the first night that we actually slept in the same bed together. I woke up with his arm wrapped around my waist and his warm body pressed against my back. It was surprisingly nice but it ended when he woke up and realized the position we were in. Which caused him to flip me over on my stomach and start fucking me hard.
Nobody knew about us, so the boys kept hounding me about my new guy. Asking when can we meet him, who is he, and why are you hiding him?  They asked me so many questions it just became instinct to smack them when they did. It started after a particularly lewd question from Tiggy, which wasn’t really a surprise to anyone. Even though he didn’t show the others, Happy got a really big kick out of it. He always found me after with a chuckle and kisses before heading back to the boys. Which was another thing that we had started doing, stealing kisses and touches while in the clubhouse. We knew it was reckless and stupid but the thrill at almost being caught just made it even hotter.
Tonight was the first party since the one I missed a couple months back and Happy had told me he wanted me there, well actually, he told me that I was going which I told him to go fuck himself to. I had already been planning on going anyways but I still had to make a show of it.
I bit my lip as I looked through my closet wondering what I should wear tonight. I didn’t like showing as much skin as the croweaters, not anything against them but it just wasn’t my comfort zone. So I decided on a black low cut wrap dress, it had me feeling sexy as it hugged all the right places and I paired it with my laced black heels. The boys, especially Happy, we're going to be doing double takes tonight, I thought as I looked in the mirror at myself. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I went to my car and drove to TM. The boys were all here and so was Gemma and many many other cars. I parked in my usual spot and went inside, it was packed but I still managed to make my way over to Gemma.
“Hey Gem!” I greeted as I hugged her.
“Jesus, darlin. You look hot.” Gemma told me with a smile and I laughed.
“Thanks Gem, you look hot too.” I told her and she laughed.
“I know I do, darlin. Why didn’t you bring your boy? I’ve been looking forward to meeting him.” Gemma said.
“Gem, I’ve told you that’s nothing serious. I’m just having a good time with him.” I told her. “No use in letting him meet the family if it ain’t going to last.”
“Why don’t you let me find you someone that will stick around? Family approved and you can test him.” Gemma said with a wink.
“Gemma!” I laughed and that was the moment Chibs, Tig, Juice, and Happy came over to us.
“Ya look great, lass.” Chibs told me with a hug.
“He’s right, you look amazing.” Tig said with a smirk and dirty look in his eyes. I rolled my eyes at the both of them.
“Thanks guys.” I smiled.
“I was just telling our lovely, Y/N, that she should let me set her up on a date since this new guy of hers isn’t going to stick.” Gemma told them.
“He’s not going to stick? Why? You seemed like you liked him.” Juice asked and I swallowed as I felt Happy’s eyes watching me.I shrugged at them and blushed softly.
“Well… It’s not something serious. It’s just some fun that we are having.” I told them and I thought I saw anger flash in Happy’s eyes but it was gone in a second. “But I don’t want to go on a date.”
“Why? If whatever you have going on is just fun, why not date someone else? Doesn’t sound like you guys are exclusive.” Tig said.
“You just hoping that the someone else is you.” I teased.
“Yeah, but still a true statement.” Tig smirked and I chuckled.
“I need a drink.” I told them before walking to the bar. I grabbed myself a beer and then went back to the group. Who were all still discussing my love life.
“Y/N! Just let me set you up on one date, please!” Gemma begged.
“I’ll think about it, okay?” I told her and she nodded satisfied. I’m sure that I will be hearing about this later on. After that, the conversation switched to an easy going and fun one. The boys and I went to play pool and I kicked both Tig and Juice’s asses before Chibs won against me. After that we all just hung out on the couches, talking and having fun. Hours later, most of the boys were either passed out drunk or went to their dorms with croweaters. I had just grabbed another beer before heading to my dorm that I had for nights like this when a hand grabbed me from behind and pulled me against a hard chest.
“Little girl, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to tear that dress off of you?” Happy growled in my ear.
“Not in the hallway, Hap.” I said while rolling my eyes. He pushed my back against the wall and then moved so his body was covering mine. I could feel his erection pressed against me as he did.
“Why not?” Happy asked with a smirk.
“Because your brothers could see us.” I said pushing him back but that only caused him to press into me more. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss my neck.
“You mean… the ones… that are all... passed out drunk?” He asked between kisses. I smiled and leaned my head back against the wall giving him better access.
“Mmmmm yeah those ones….” I moved my hands under his shirt and started to feel his abs. He groaned as I lightly ran my nails over them and he pulled one side of my dress down. His mouth immediately latched onto my nipple as he sucked and bit on it. “Hap!”
“Shhhh…. They may be drunk but they can still hear.” He chuckled and licked it before pulling up and kissing my lips hard. I moaned and dug my nails into his back as I kissed back. “My room now, little girl.”
“You have to actually move in order for me to get there.” I teased but bit back a squeal as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He smacked my ass hard and I grabbed his back hard with my nails. He growled and walked faster to his dorm, throwing me on the bed as soon as he could.
Chib’s POV
I had passed out in my bedroom a couple hours and I needed to use the bathroom. On my way back to my room, I heard a strange noise down the other hallway.
“Mmmm yeah those ones...” I heard you moan and my curiosity got the better of me. I looked around the corner and saw Happy pressed against you. I saw him pull down the side of your dress and start sucking on your nipple. “Hap!”
“Shhhh…. They may be drunk but they can still hear.” Happy chuckled before kissing you. “My room now, little girl.”
“You have to actually move in order for me to get there.” You told him and he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before smacking your ass and disappearing into his room. I stood there in shock until I heard your moans come from the room. I moved quickly back to my room and shut the door fast. I leaned against it as my head spun from everything I just saw. Happy was your mystery guy and it made so much sense now. Happy and you had been fighting less but when you did it was intense and mean. My head started to ache from trying to process everything so I decided to head to bed and think about all of this tomorrow.
Reader’s POV
The next morning, I woke up in my dorm with some new bruises that I had to make sure were covered. I didn’t want anybody asking questions about where I got them. I slid on jeans that I had in my dorm and a black tank with a red plaid overshirt. Still had some cleavage showing but all my bruises were covered up. Happy hated when I had to have my bruises from him covered, even though he understood. I walked into the office to find Gemma. She got out of the seat and came over to me as soon as I did.  
“Y/N! Perfect timing, darlin! I have the best news.” Gemma told me with a huge smile on her face.
“What’s up, Gem?” I giggled at how excited she was.
“You have a date tonight!” Gemma told me.
“I… what?” I asked and frowned slightly.
“I set you up on a date for tonight and you can’t say no, missy. He is very excited to meet you.” Gemma told me.
“I… what… Gemma, I didn’t…” I tried to argue but Gemma gave me a look. One that said don’t you even dare. I nodded slightly. “Um… alright. I guess one date couldn’t hurt.”
“Great! He will pick you up from your house at 8!” Gemma told me before kissing my cheek and heading out of the office and to her car. She had left without even giving me his fucking name. I shook my head and decided to just get the work for the day done. Gemma kept texting me different orders during the day. Make sure you dress sexy and curl your hair in those sexy waves that you do were just some of them. I groaned and put my head in my hands. I heard a soft knock and looked up to find Chibs.
“Ya… okay, lass?” Chibs asked. He had a slight blush to his cheeks which was weird.
“Yeah.. it’s just Gem.” I sighed and looked at him. He chuckled and sat in the chair across the table from me.
“What’d she do this time?” He asked.
“She has set me up on a blind date.” I told him and his eyes widened then he smirked.
“Aye?” He asked.
“Yeah and I had to agree because well you know Gem and I don’t want to go on it at all.” I told him.
“Ya know what? Ya should go on ye date.” He told me and I looked at him surprised.
“Why do you say that?” I asked him.
“Maybe this guy of yours will finally do something to make ya official.” He smirked and I blushed.
“No, no, that’s not. That’s not something I want.” I told him.
“Ya sure, lass?” Chibs asked me while looking me dead in the eyes and for a moment I wasn’t sure how to answer. I mean, Happy and I didn’t dislike each other as much as we did in the beginning and sure I’d consider him a friend but we’d never have a future together. So, why did thinking that make me so disappointed? I shook my head to clear my thoughts and looked back at Chibs.
“No, I don’t want to be with him like that.” I told him with a small forced smile. He looked at me for what felt like forever before nodding.
“Well, love, Tiggy’ll be disappointed t’ hear tha’ yer goin’ on a date with another lad.” Chibs chuckled and I laughed.
“Well, he’ll just have to get used to disappointment.” I said with a smirk.
“Aye, he will.” Chibs chuckled. He stood up and kissed my forehead. “See ya la’er, lass.” I laughed and shook my head as he left the office.
Happy’s POV
I hated seeing you in the plaid shirt that covered the bruises I left on your arms and back. I couldn’t mark your neck like normal and I hated that too. I was going to have to go over to your house later and strip you naked. Currently, I was underneath a car and I could hear Chibs and Tig talking.
“Gem, set her up on a date!?” I could hear Tig’s pout from here and I paused in what I was doing. Gemma set who up on a date? Better fucking not be you. My hand gripped the wrench hard.
“Aye, Y/N is goin’ on it tonigh’.” Chibs said in a slightly louder voice. I growled slightly and ground my teeth together.
“Why does everyone get to bang her besides me?” Tig’s pout became more apparent in his voice but I couldn’t focus on that. The only thing I could think of was some other hands touching you and my blood boiled. You were mine and I’d cut any man apart that tried to test that. I finished the working on the car and made my way to the office. You weren’t there and I had to bite back a growl. I looked at the time and saw that it was about 6:30.
I went into the clubhouse, showered fast, and changed before I jumped on my bike and headed to your house. I parked around the block like normal and made my way to your front door. I knocked and you answered pretty fast. The sight of you just about took my breath away, you looked incredible. Your hair was in soft curls and you had pinned one side back with a red jeweled hair pin, your dress was a matching shade of red. The dress was tight at the top to accent your perfect breasts, it was long sleeve and laced and flared out slightly at your waist. With you looking like that, I couldn’t help pulling you into a hard and passionate kiss.
“Mmmm… Hap, what are you doing here?” You asked pulling back and looking at me surprised. My brain finally snapped back to the goal I had at coming here.
“You think you can go on a date without me knowing, little girl?” I growled at you as I stepped us inside your house. I closed the door behind me and I saw you roll your eyes.
“I wasn’t trying to hide it. Gemma kinda blindsided me with it this morning.” You told me. “And you know how she is, I couldn’t exactly say no to it.”
“The fuck you couldn’t!” I growled while pressing you into the wall. “You’re my fuck toy. I’m not sharing…”
“It’s one date, Happy. I think you’ll live.” You told me sarcastically. I slammed my hands down on either side of your head which caused you to look at me in shock. I leaned down and growled in your ear.
“You are mine…” I growled and I could feel your body shiver. Your breathing hitched too and I smirked. “Guess I’ll have to remind you.”
“Happy…” You started but I cut you off as I quickly reached down and grabbed your pussy under your dress. You had very thin panties on and I could feel just how soaked you were. Your hips automatically moved into my hand and you let out a breathless moan. I looked down at you with a smirk as I started rubbing your clit. Your legs shook and I pressed on it harder. Your eyes met mine as I slid two fingers into your panties and then inside of your pussy. I pushed them in deep and curled them slightly before pulling them out slowly. I started fingering you hard and deep, with almost a cruelly slow pace. I kept the slow pace even when you started begging me to go faster between your moans and gasps.
“No one will fuck you as good as me.” I said as I brought you to your first orgasm. You nodded and leaned back into the wall as you tried to catch your breath. I chuckled and pulled my fingers out of you, which caused you to whimper at the loss of them. I undid my pants and pulled my hard cock out of my pants and boxers, not bothering to take them off. I lifted your dress up and picked you up, your legs immediately wrapped around me. I grabbed my cock and positioned it at your entrance, not giving you a chance to say anything as I pushed myself in fast and hard.
“H... Happy…” You moaned and I kissed you hard and began fucking you against the wall. I made sure my thrusts were deep and hard, just like when I was fingering you. I also made sure to have your ass hit the wall with each thrust. My hands grabbed your ass, back, breasts. Pretty much anything and everything that I could grab. Each thrust made you tremble under my fingers and I loved knowing that I was doing this to you, that your body was reacting just to me like this. Even though the slow pace was almost painful for me, I kept it up until you came undone all over my cock. I pulled out without coming and you looked at me confused.
“I’m not done yet, baby girl.” I told you and brushed some of your hair back. I carried you into your living then set you down on your feet lightly. I turned you around and pushed you down so your hands were on your coffee table. I lifted your dress above your ass and thrusted myself into again. I groaned and leaned down to kiss your neck softly before leaning back up and grabbing your hips. I started to jackhammer the fuck out of you, using your hips to move in and out faster. You cried out as I did and I growled at the feeling and the sounds you were making. Your nails dug into your coffee table hard and I couldn’t stop myself from reaching out and grabbing a fistful of your pretty little curls. “You like this? You like me fucking you like this, my little fuck toy?”
“God… God yes! Happy…” You moaned out and my grip tightened on your hair.
“You’re mine... No other cock is going… inside this pussy. Got it?” I growled in your ear.
“Yes! I got it… I got it, Happy…” I saw your eyes close and I could feel you getting close.
“Say it! Say that you’re mine!” I demanded as I dug my nails into your hip hard which caused you to cry out.
“Fuck! Yes! I’m yours, Happy!” You yelled.
“Cum for me, baby girl.” I growled and you did as soon as I said those words. My own orgasm followed shortly after. I began to slow my thrusts as I rode our orgasms out. I let go of the cruel grips I had on you and softly rubbed you hip and scalp as I kissed your neck softly. I nuzzled it almost apologetically as I kept us in this position for a couple minutes. The knock on your door brought me back to reality and I frowned but then felt you leaning against me not making any move towards the door. I smirked as an idea came to me. I kneeled down behind your and took your panties off before standing back up and leaning against you. “Go on your date but I want you to remember whose cum is dripping out of you all night long.” You glared at me and smacked my hands off of you. You didn’t grab your panties back though as you pushed me to hide in the living room. I heard you greet your date and leave. I chuckled and settled on your couch, turning the tv to wait for your return. This had definitely been an interesting night.
~Hope you enjoy~  
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Unusual Friends
Characters: Castiel x Reader (kind of), Sam, Dean, zoo animals
Word Count: 3,016
Warnings: fluffy Cas feels
Request: You take a break at a zoo since Castiel has never been to one. You figure out just what going to the zoo means for him and it’s not what you expect.
Author’s Note: I did a collab with @crispychrissy so go check hers out on her blog!  She also beta’d for me so thank you for that! If you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite! If you want to request a fic, please send them in! I love writing what you guys want!
Feedback is always appreciated
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“Guys, thank you for coming with me.” You said with a smile, linking your arms with Sam and Cas as you walked with them and Dean into the zoo. You’ve been hunting with them nonstop, only having one break over the past month or so.
You needed a longer and better break and the zoo seemed to be more fun than hanging around in a motel room, drinking beer or working on Dean’s car.
“We only came along because you threatened Baby.” Dean grumbled, not happy about being here. Going to the zoo was great and all but it was for normal people and the Winchesters weren’t normal at all.
“Dean, stop being such a sour wolf and enjoy it. I loved coming to the zoo when I was a kid.” You gleamed, a huge smile on your face.
“Why would it make you happy? These animals are being locked up. I can assure you that my Father didn’t intend for this to happen. These are wild animals, Y/N and they don’t deserve to be locked in cages.” Castiel said, a look of confusion on his face.
“Cas, I don’t make the rules here. As much as you’re right about that, there isn’t anything I can do about it. Plus, it’s not like these animals are being abused. They are taken good care of. Plus, most of these animals were probably born at the zoo so they have no experience out in the wild. They wouldn’t survive out there. The zoo is the best place for those animals.” You informed him, letting go of Sam and Cas’ arm and rushing in front of the boys to look at the first habitat you came across.
You had a wide smile on your face as you stared inside the cages that contained the penguins. Penguins were your favorite kinds of birds and have been since you were a child. They just looked so friendly but you knew just how dangerous these animals can be when threatened.
You and the men maneuvered your way through the zoo, seeing all kinds of animals. You even got the men to pose for pictures despite Dean complaining the whole time.
“Just admit it, Dean, you love being here.” You said with a smile, showing Sam some of the pictures you took.
“Okay, maybe it’s nice to be here but I don’t love it. Are we almost done?” Dean asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Almost, where is Cas?” You asked, looking around the place for the tall man. You were the shortest of the three, so Sam, Dean and Cas were very tall compared to your short stature.
“I thought he was right behind us.” Sam said, frowning as he used his height to his advantage, being able to see over most of the people there. You looked around and even through the sea of people, you saw the tan trench coat as it stuck out like a sore thumb.
“I found him.” You said, making your way over to the Angel. When you got closer to him, you saw what he was trying to do. Cas held onto the railing as he stared into the bear habitat, staring intently at the animal.
“Cas, what are you doing?” You asked, walking next to him. The bear was making noises at him and you assumed that if the bear could talk, he would be talking to Cas.
“I am trying to figure out what it is he wants. He seems to be uncomfortable.” Cas said, looking around to see if he could get inside the habitat.
“You can understand him?” You asked.
“Yes, I can understand all kinds of animals,” Cas said, sighing. He looked back at the bear who was still making noise at the Angel. “I’m sorry, I can’t seem to find a way in.”
“Cas, people are looking at us like you’re crazy. Come on, leave the bear alone.” You said, taking his hand in yours.
“But, Y/N, he seems to want something.”
“They all want something, Cas. As much as it’s fun to look at them, I don’t think they like being in cages. He probably wants out. But Dean is getting grumpy. He wants to go home.” You said, tugging on his hand.
“Fine.” Cas said, sighing as he felt defeated.
“It’s okay, Cas, I’m sure he was glad to finally have someone who could understand him.” You said with a smile, walking back over to Sam who was standing there without Dean. Jesus, it was like having three children here. You could never get them to be in one spot for too long because they would all just wander off.
“Where is Dean?” You asked Sam when you got to him.
“Where do you think?” Sam asked, nodding over to the food court. You looked over to see Dean chatting up a good-looking woman while chowing down on over-priced pizza. You chuckled and shook your head, not really surprised at his flirtations.
“Okay, well, it looks like he found a way to busy himself. Sam, do you want to leave?” You asked the younger Winchester.
“Not really. I kind of like it here.” Sam said with a smile.
“Good, then we can still walk around. Just let me tell Dean that’s what we will be doing.” You said, leaving the two men and walking over to the third one who was smiling at the woman as she giggled.
“You know; it must be hard doing what you do. You must see a lot of action every day.” The woman said, putting her hand on his arm.
“Yeah, well, that comes with the job.” Dean said, nodding. You had no idea what they were talking about and you didn’t want to stay and find out.
“Dean,” You said as you approached them. He looked over at you and the woman kind of gave you a dirty look. You had to hold back an eye roll because there was no way you would ever think of sleeping with Dean.
You lived with him and he was a very good friend but you didn’t like him in that way. Same goes for Sam. You loved the Winchesters with all your heart but you could never sleep with any of them. That would just be too weird for you and probably for them.
You weren’t blind, though. They were very attractive men, but the one person you liked was oblivious to everything and everyone. You liked Castiel, but you knew nothing would ever happen because you are too shy to do anything about it and he was too oblivious to see it.
“Yeah?” Dean asked, hoping you would just go away.
“Sam, Cas and I are going to walk around for a little while. I see you won’t be joining us so just stay here until we come back. I don’t want to have to go looking for your ass later, okay?” You asked, looking at the girl who kept staring at you.
“Yeah, sure.” Dean said with a nod, ready to get back to his conversation.
“Oh, and I thought I saw a girl with a Led Zeppelin shirt over by the shaved ice stand. Do yourself a favor and do a little better.” You said, winking at the girl before leaving. You giggled and didn’t wait up to see what would go down with Dean and that girly girl.
You didn’t care about Dean anymore, and when you caught up with Sam and Cas, you took off, ready to see more animals.
“Now, I wish lemurs were domesticated. I would so totally have one as a pet.” You said, staring at the beautiful creatures.
“Really? I would love to have a wolf or something in the dog family.” Sam said.
“Yeah, because it’s the dog family.” You said with a giggle, looking over at Cas. He seemed to have moved on to the next habitat, staring at the Koalas. You and Sam walked over to him and you could see the gears turn in Cas’ head.
“What are you thinking Cas?” You asked, looking at the Koalas.
“There is one female in this enclosure and she is pregnant.”
“Whoa, how did you know that?” You asked.
“Because she is the only one that doesn’t have a bifurcated penis.” Cas said casually. You looked at him in confusion, looking over at Sam who was hinting at a smile.
“What does that mean?” You asked.
“He means forked.” Sam said, smiling.
“Forked? As in two heads?” You asked and Sam nodded. You giggled at this image but Cas interrupted.
“I don’t see why this is funny. It’s just how Koalas were made.” He said, looking at you and Sam in confusion.
“I know, Cas,” You said, looking at your watch. “Wow, we should get back to Dean. It’s getting pretty late anyways.” You, the Angel and the hunter walked back to the outdoor food court to see Dean sitting alone, eating some more food.
You chuckled and walked over, sitting next to him.
“Have enough food?” Sam said, knowing his brother well enough to know this wasn’t his first meal. Dean nodded as he ate, some of the food falling out of his mouth.
“Maybe you should stuff your face Dean. You inhale your food.” You commented, picking up some of the fries he had and popped them into your mouth.
“You can’t inhale food. You can inhale oxygen and other properties of it but not food.” Cas said.
“Cas, no, it’s an expression. You know what? Never mind. Dean, we’re ready to leave now.” You said, getting up and throwing away Dean’s trash, letting him finish he rest of the food he had. He quickly scarfed it down and threw away the rest, walking out of the zoo with you, his brother and his best friend.
Your motel wasn’t far from the zoo which is why you suggested going there in the first place. You walked inside the room and threw yourself on one of the beds. You always got one room when hunting with them and you had to either share with Sam or Dean.
Some nights, you shared with Dean because Sam was simply too big to share and other nights, you shared with Sam because Dean kicked too much. But tonight, you didn’t care who you shared with. Whoever got into bed with you would be the winner.
“Now what are we doing?” Cas asked when he closed the door.
“Now, we rest. Us humans have to sleep, you know,” You said, smiling as you kicked off your boots. “I’m sure you’ll figure out what to do while we’re sleeping. You’re a big boy.”
“Yeah, I am beat.” Sam said, walking into the bathroom. It was dark out now and the zoo had closed right after you left.
“Alright, now shut up so I can sleep.” Dean said, lying next to you on the bed. You playfully hit his back and got up, walking over to your laptop and taking it out.
“I will find something to occupy myself with.” Cas said, fluttering out of the room before you or anyone else could say something. You shrugged, knowing he would be back by morning so you weren’t worried for him.
“I thought you were tired.” Dean said, noticing you typing away on your laptop.
“We just came back from the zoo.” You started to say.
“So, I always wondered what the animals do when there wasn’t anybody there. You know how good I am with computers, so I can easily hack my way into their security system.” You said, trying to focus.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Dean said, shrugging his shoes and jacket off so he was only in his t-shirt and jeans. Dean had no shame whatsoever and took off his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. He fell on the bed again, closing his eyes to catch some sleep.
You easily got past the firewall, grinning as multiple camera feeds popped up on your screen. Sam walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his pajamas, ready for bed.
You smiled and saw some of the animals play with each other, but when you came across one of the cameras, your mouth popped open.
“What is it, Y/N? See some animals having sex?” Dean said when he noticed your reaction.
“Holy shit, you guys won’t believe this. Get dressed right now.” You said, your eyes not leaving the screen.
“What is it?” Sam asked, concerned now. The brothers got up and walked behind you, seeing what you were seeing. Castiel was inside the closed zoo with all kinds of animals surrounding him. You had no idea what was going on but you had to go find out.
“What the fuck?” Dean asked, getting a closer look.
“We have to go get him before the authorities do.” You said, sighing as you closed your laptop, putting your boots on again. Sam and Dean got dressed quickly, and everyone got in the Impala when you were all done.
You got to the zoo in no time, glad that you saw the empty parking lot. That meant you were safe for now but you needed to get him and get out. You looked at Sam and Dean for help because you’ve never broken into a zoo before.
You followed Dean to where it was safe enough and he helped you jump the fence before he and Sam followed you. Once you were inside the zoo, you sighed, noticing some of the habitats were empty. You had no idea what Cas was doing.
You crept slowly through the quiet zoo and it was dead silent until you heard Cas talking. You thought he was talking to himself but then you remembered you saw him surrounded by animals. You knew he could talk to them and you wondered what kind of trouble he got himself into.
You rounded a corner and stopped short when you saw Cas sitting in front of all kinds of different animals.
“What the hell is this? I feel like we’re in a Dr. Dolittle movie.” Dean said, slapping his hand on his thigh. Damn Dean to always make the jokes in every situation.
“So, after you got on that tree, what did you do?” Castiel asked a cheetah, the animal mewling as an answer.
“Oh, I see. That must have been so hard for you.” Cas said, reaching to pet the animal. You looked at Sam and Dean who seemed to be speechless. You had no idea how to approach the situation. The bear that Cas was talking to earlier was next to the cheetah, roaring as he tried to talk to Cas.
“No, I already gave you what you wanted and you already had your turn to talk.” Cas said to the bear.
“Cas!” You hissed, hoping that he would hear you but not the animals. Luck seemed to not be on your side because after the word left your mouth, the animals turned to you and the brothers, baring their teeth as they got ready to fight.
Your body tensed and you saw Cas look at you. You looked at Cas, hoping he would be able to do something.
“Excuse me, but they are my friends. They won’t hurt you,” Cas said to the animals and it seemed to calm them down as they settled back down. Cas turned back to you and the brothers, smiling. “It’s okay, you can come here.”
“No, I think we’re good here, Cas.” Dean said.
“Yeah, Cas, why don’t you come over here without your friends?” Sam asked with wide eyes.
“I can’t leave. They see me as their protector and their friend. You can come over here, they won’t hurt you.” Cas said, standing up. One look at the brothers, and you knew they wouldn’t be moving. You sighed and took a hesitant step forward, walking closer and closer to Cas; your heart speeding up with every step.
“Cas, what the hell are you doing?” You asked, your body tense as you approached the animals. They made no move to hurt or attack you.
“They were lonely and needed a new friend.” Cas said with a smile.
“Castiel, these are wild animals. You don’t make friends with wild animals. Look, you need to put them back where they belong. It’s only a matter of time before police arrive here because there are four strange people with animals on the loose!” You said, trying to be calm.
“Very well.” Cas said, understanding that you were not happy with him. He looked at the animals and waved his hand in the air, sending some of his grace to the animals. They seem to respond to that, leaving you and Cas as they walked back to their habitats on their own.
“Cas, if you wanted to become a Disney princess, all you had to do was ask.” Dean said with a smirk, glad that the animals were gone.
“Dean, I am not a female nor am I a princess, and this isn’t Disney.” Cas said, walking with you back to the brothers.
“Cas, no, it was a comparison. You know what, please get us out of here.” You said. Castiel nodded and flew the three of you back to the car.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I thought this was okay. You should hear some of the things those animals were thinking.”
“It’s okay, Cas, just please stay in the motel room while we sleep. We don’t want to hear of you getting in trouble with people who won’t understand that you can talk to animals.” You said, getting in the backseat with Cas.
“Okay.” Cas said, nodding at you. You chuckled tiredly, putting your head on his shoulder as if he was a pillow. He didn’t seem to mind the contact, so you didn't move when Dean drove away. You loved working and living with these three men but sometimes, it was just too much.
But, who else could say they spend the night with wild animals?  
Forever tags:
@im-not-an-angel-of-the-lord @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @innernightwerewolf @wishedworld @justanotherdeangirl @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja
Castiel tags:
@helllonearth @fightmeandmy100fandoms @duubaduu
Other tags:
@notnaturalanahi @27bmm @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
97 notes · View notes
shannaintherye · 7 years
Iced Caramel Macchiato
Summary: Danielle Howell never felt comfortable in her own skin and she couldn’t figure out why.
Trigger Warnings: sexuality crisis, transphobic comments (I think), parental issues
Word count: 3.6k
A/n: It’s been nearly 2 years since I wrote this. I was 14 at the time and I did some research and stuff, but I don’t know how accurate this is. Please read with caution and understand that I mean no offense whatsoever, but some aspects of this story might not be accurate. In any case, enjoy and please be nice. (:
- Danielle Howell never felt comfortable in her own skin and she couldn’t figure out why.
It started as a young child - a little baby, really. Her mother would dress her in those cute frilly dresses with bows and ribbons. She didn’t like it. She would fuss and whine and kick, desperate to not be swaddled in the girly material.
Her mother took her fit throwing as it came, dressing her up anyway and dismissing it as being a baby.
That wasn’t the case.
From a young age, Danielle knew she wasn’t meant to be like this. Whatever this was, she didn’t know. But she wasn’t it.
Later on her short life, at five-years-old, when other girls her age were dressing up dollies and throwing tea parties for their teddies, Danielle sat in the floor, rolling toy cars and trucks around, vrooming noises escaping her lips.
Her mother paid no mind, figuring she was just a tom boy or that maybe her older brother rubbed off on her. Young children often mimic others, she had thought.
That wasn’t the case.
Five more years passed by and now Danielle was a whopping ten-years-old. Double digits. She was growing up so fast.
She was a very active kid, always running and playing sports with her older brother. They played football - or soccer - and basketball.
Danielle dressed in shorts or jeans and whatever T-shirt or hoodie she could find. She wasn’t particular.
The girls at her school, however, weren’t like this. They dressed in skirts and frilly dresses and played with barbies. They pretended to be mothers and cook for their baby dolls. Danielle didn’t do any of this. And that wasn’t normal, so the other girls decided one day to voice it.
“Danielle, you’re so weird!”
“Why don’t you play with dollies?”
“Maybe she has cooties!”
“Why do you act like a boy?”
That night, Danielle went home and cried to her mother, telling all about the mean girls and how they said awful things.
Her mother told her not to worry, to dry her tears because those snotty little girls didn’t know anything. They were being silly because they didn’t know how to have fun. Danielle knew how to have fun. She wasn’t a boy. She was a girl just like them, she just liked different things. Wasn’t that right?
That wasn’t the case.
Two short years later, when Danielle was twelve, she heard shuffling downstairs. You see, she had woken up from her slumber to a dry, cotton-like mouth. She needed a drink of water.
Danielle, in a long shirt and sleeping shorts, stumbled to the staircase, halting when she heard yelling.
Her mother and her father were screaming. She was too tired to completely understand and take in what was being said, but she did make out phrases along the lines of ‘how dare you?’, 'you filthy bastard’ - that’s a curse word ; she didn’t like it - and “just leave!’ followed by a 'I will!” proceeded by a 'well then, go ahead!’ Then nothing but silence.
She peeked down through the railings and to see her mother storming off to her room, leaving her father standing numbly in the kitchen.
She wasn’t so thirsty anymore.
The next day, she went to school. She didn’t see her dad that morning when she left or when she returned home. She didn’t ask her mother.
That night, she woke up again to a dry mouth. By this point, she decided that maybe she should start bringing a glass to bed.
Danielle hurriedly shuffled down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to gaze at her father. She noticed two suitcases in his hands.
“Daddy, where are you going?” She whispered, quietly, remembering his words the previous night. He turned to look at her and sat the bags down.
“What do you need, sweetie?” He asked, dismissing her question.
“I’m thirsty.” Danielle said. Her father nodded and walked her to the kitchen and poured her a glass of water. He carried her upstairs and tucked her back in. He stayed until she fell asleep, stroking her forehead and humming a lullaby.
The next day, there wasn’t a trace of her father left in the house. Her mother said he went on vacation when she’d asked.
That wasn’t the case.
Later on, a few months later, she came to understand that her father left after she’d fallen asleep because he’d found another someone else. Someone better. He found a new family. A better family.
Danielle blamed herself for a little while, thinking that if she’d just stayed awake, he’d be here. She soon figured out that it was his fault, that he was a douche, and stopped holding herself accountable.
Now, at the age of thirteen, she stopped playing sports. She became fascinated with music. She found many great groups, like My Chemical Romance, Muse, Fall Out Boy, and more. She came to love the piano, and soon began lessons, before quitting and teaching herself.
The other teen age girls at her school didn’t like her because she was different. They wore makeup and talked about boy bands and actors. She wore jeans and talked about anime and alternative music.
“You’re such a weirdo!” They would say.
“You’re so emo.” They would say.
“You’re a lesbian! Stay away from me!” They would say.
Danielle didn’t think she was weird, she just liked other things. She wasn’t emo, she just liked her dark brown hair to be styled with a fringe. She didn’t know what a lesbian was, but they said it such a derogatory way, it must be bad.
That night when she returned home, she borrowed her mother’s makeup and put on an old dress she’d gotten for Christmas a few years back.
As she slid into the itchy cotton material and brushed some mascara on her eye lashes, she decided she didn’t feel any better.
She went into the next room and asked her brother, Adrian, what he thought. He looked up from his video games and hummed.
“You look cute.” He had said.
She didn’t feel cute. She didn’t like it at all. But, as she stood in front of the mirror, she decided that this must be right.
That wasn’t the case.
Two years after the dress fiasco, Danielle was fifteen years of age, and now lived alone with her mother, as her brother was away at University.
She had decided long ago that dresses weren’t for her, but she still wore mascara and lipstick. She still didn’t like it.
Now, she sat on her bed at two in the morning, after attending a work-related party with her mother, the hated skirt that was forced upon her, lied in the floor, long since discarded and forgotten.
So, she sat curled up, pondering life and asking why and having an existential crisis, as she’d come to learn.
Her mind swirled with memories and questions.
Why couldn’t she feel normal?
Her father left.
Why did her body feel so alien-like?
Those girls calling her names.
Did anyone else feel like this?
That night with the dress.
Why did she feel more comfortable with boys than girls?
Tonight with the skirt and the frilly top and her hair all curled and pinned back.
Why? Why? Why?
Maybe if she got on her laptop, she could stop her brain. Maybe.
Danielle grabbed her computer and started scrolling through Tumblr and Facebook. Her mind kept going back to the unstable whirlwind.
Finally, she closed the tab and pulled up Google. She began searching things like, 'girls who don’t feel normal’, 'why do I feel different than other girls’, and so on.
Finally, Danielle typed, 'girls who feel like boys’ and as she clicked the little search option, she held her breath and kept completely still.
She exhaled shakily when words like 'transgender’ and 'gender fluid’ light up her screen. She clicked a link to a website, desperate to understand these words. One excerpt from the passage striked her interest instantly.
“Usually, kids don’t think too much about their gender. It feels normal and natural for many girls to be female and for many boys to be male. But that’s not true for everyone. Transgender people who are born as boys feel they should be female, and those who are born as girls feel they should be male.
People who are transgender feel like they’re living inside a body that’s all wrong for them. They often say they feel 'trapped in someone else’s body.’”
Danielle felt an unknown weight lift from her chest and she finally felt like something made sense.
Could she be transgender? Could she have really been born in a body of the opposite sex? She feels like she could’ve.
But, she was a girl, right?
That wasn’t the case.
The next day, after sleeping with this newfound information, she decided that this was the answer to all her questions.
She was a boy all along.
He was a boy all along.
Danielle needed a change. So, with all the money he could find, he set off with intentions to get a hair cut. He’d always liked short hair, but never had the courage to get it cut lest his mother would be upset. He was so excited and free at the moment that he couldn’t even care. He printed off a picture of the hair he wanted and traveled to the hair salon.
As the long brown locks shifted and formed to very short chocolate hair, he smiled. This was it. This was him.
Danielle - now, deciding to be called Dan - walked the distance home with a leap in his step.
Later that night, his mother came home to find her child standing in front of the mirror, shirtless with an ace bandage wrapped around his chest, pressing the small breasts flat.
She gasped, startling Dan.
“Oh, Danielle! What have you done to your hair?! And-and what are you doing to with the bandage!?” She squealed in horror.
“M-mum. I…I think I was m-meant to be… A boy.” Dan whispered queitly, testing the ice he was about to step on.
“What?” She asked, stunned and dumbfounded.
“I’m a-” Dan was abruptly cut off.
“No. No. I heard you. Don’t you dare say those words. You are not a boy and you never was, nor will be! You are a young lady and it’s time you start acting like one!”
That wasn’t the case.
Later that night, a few hours after Dan had stormed to his room and broke down crying, his mother joined him, holding a carton of his favorite ice cream.
They finished it in silence and then began talking.
His mother stated that she was sorry and she was just shocked. She didn’t want to push her child away. She asked for Dan to explain what he was thinking, what he was feeling, and they would work through it together.
Dan explained how he never felt comfortable in his own skin. He never felt like his body was meant for him. He told his mother about getting picked on all those years ago. He told his mom about the dress and how it felt foreign and unnatural on his skin.
And she listened and nodded and when her son finished, she told him that she loved him and she accepted him and she was so happy to have two sons.
That night, Dan cried. This time, however, out of joy and not sadness.
That night, Dan’s mother also cried. She cried because her son was happy. Her son was finally happy.
She was going to support her son. She was going to be there. She wasn’t going to leave, not like her husband had.
That wasn’t the case.
A whole year later, Dan was now sixteen, Dan was now happy.
He had started a fund to save money for transition surgery, something he and his mother had discussed and researched for months. Dan decided that yes, he wanted it.
But, until then, he wore a binder under his clothes and dressed as he pleased and signed his papers 'Dan’ at school and referred to himself as 'he’ and 'him.’
Most people didn’t question it. They just left it, knowing that he always seemed different. He never seemed like a girl.
Some, however, didn’t take it in stride. They’d spit insults like venom and shove him in the hall.
Dan tolerated it, knowing that as long as he accepted himself, that was all that mattered.
One day, though, the tormenting exceeded hateful words and rude shoves. It escalated and led Dan to be in the position he was currently situated in.
He was pushed against the dull, gray lockers by none other John Carter and David Bradely, the two major pricks of the school. They taunted him with sneers and smirks and spoke horrible words that were enunciated with each kick or hit.
“If you’re such a man, then fight back.”
Punch to the stomach.
“Do something, you little trans.”
Slammed into the lockers.
“If you’re gonna act like a guy, then you’re gonna get treated like a guy.”
Right hook to the eye.
It went on and on, getting worse, but never too bad. They kept from hurting him too bad, but still tainted his body with bruises and scrapes.
He went straight home after that, hobbling to the bus stop and skipping his last three classes.
His mother wasn’t home and he was beyond thankful as he scurried to the bathroom for a hot shower.
The fiery water burned his skin in a satisfying manner, loosening his muscles. The dried blood around his eye rinsed off with minimal scrubbing and flowed down the drain.
He sighed as he got out, assessing his body as he dried off. There was an fist-sized purple bruise littering his abdomen, along with a blackening ring around his right eye. He touched at it gingerly, wincing at the sharp pain.
Dan groaned and wrapped the towel around his body, walking to his room. He shouldn’t have went to the bathroom between classes. He figured it was his fault.
That wasn’t the case.
The following summer, he had begged to switch schools, wishing to finish his last year of high school with a fresh start. His mother had hesitantly agreed, only doing so because she remembered those horrible boy that had hurt her son.
So now, at age seventeen, Dan walked the hallways of his new school to return home after an eventful first day. He had actually met a couple of guys that seemed really cool. Perhaps they would become good friends. Their names were Chris and PJ.
It was a whole lot easier to be himself because these people only knew him as a boy - as his true self.
He told his mum this and she was thrilled, obviously glad that she’d let him switch. Having her son be accepted let her know this was the right choice.
Over the next few weeks, Dan grew closer to Chris and PJ. For once he felt normal, accepted.
To celebrate, Dan decided to treat himself to a coffee after school one Wednesday. He walked into the shop, without a care in the world, and let the everything else fade into the background. This moment was about him and no one else, he thought.
That wasn’t the case.
Dan walked up to the counter and waited for service, tapping his fingers against the counter and humming a tune.
“Hello, young man. What can I do for you?” An employee said, breaking him away from his thoughts. Dan looked up, shocked that this worker had classified him as male. Of course, the kids at school did because that’s how he was so introduced, but this worker - his name tag read Phil - just assumed and that brought tears to his eyes. Being accepted and taken as a male in society.
“Uh, excuse me, sir? Is something wrong? Are you okay?” The worker - Phil said. 'Sir.’ He has said 'Sir.’ Dan nodded rapidly, letting his short brown hair flop forward.
“Y-yes. Sorry. I just… I’m just really happy.” He said, his muddy orbs glinting with happiness. “I’d like a tall iced caramel macchiato, if that’s no trouble.” The raven-haired employee with sparkling oceanic eyes smiled widely.
“Of course. No problem at all. Can I get a name?” Phil asked sweetly and Dan grinned. He’d never been treated so nicely by a complete stranger. He could really get used to this, but he knew that not everyone was as nice as this Phil character.
“It’s Dan.” He said simply, nodding as the worker said that it’d be ready soon and to go ahead and have a seat. Dan complied, shuffling across the small shop to an empty booth, sliding in and pulling out his phone and checking tumblr. He had since taken up running a transgender/sexuality positivity blog.
Soon, however, his mindless scrolling and reblogging came to an end when a drink was placed before him. He followed the hand up to the arm then on up to the shoulder and then to the head to identify the man as Phil.
“One tall iced caramel macchiato.” Phil spoke softly in a deep gruff voice. Dan’s jealousy sparked momentarily as he was stuck with a much softer voice, but he soon dismissed the envious thoughts.
“Thank you.” He said with a small smile pulling at his lips.
“Okay, I know this sounds rather absurd, but I’m on my break, so do you mind if I sit with you?” Phil said, rather abruptly, taking Dan off guard, but also making him feel a warm, tingling sensation flitter in his stomach like a swarm of butterflies.
“Um, alright. Sure.” He spoke, gesturing to the seat opposite him. Phil slid into the booth briskly, setting down his own mug of coffee.
“I know this sounds insane, but something’s telling me to talk to you. Kind of like this feeling that tells me you’re important and special. Like, I’m meant to meet you.” Phil said, his words quiet but passionate and containing meaning.
Dan sat stunned in silence. This guy was weird, but in a good way. He seemed serious, like he seriously meant what he said. And that came as strange to Dan. After all, he’d never really been called special or important, just weird and a freak.
“I sound completely mental, don’t I?”
That wasn’t the case.
Over the next few years, Dan and Phil became best friends. And then they became boyfriends.
Perhaps Phil wasn’t insane after all when he had sat down in that booth with Dan. Perhaps he wasn’t insane at all. Maybe he knew what he was talking about, knew that Dan special and important. Phil would tell you that he, in fact, knew this was going to happen all along. Dan would tell you that Phil had accidentally drank too much Ribena before work.
Whatever the case, they had fallen in love and both would tell you that it was the best thing to happen to either of them. Especially once Dan moved in with Phil.
Of course, it hadn’t always been easy. They went through rough patches like any other couple. Like the time Dan had totally forgotten about their date and accidentally stood Phil up. Or the time Phil had been having a grumpy day and snapped at Dan. Or especially when Dan sat Phil down and explained all about his past and the transgender situation. That day had been extremely emotional and nerve-wrecking for Dan (Of course Phil was completely accepting of Dan, not to mention extremely proud).
In fact, after Dan had told, Phil helped chip in to the fund for the costly surgery, adding in money after his weekly paycheck. Soon enough, all that saving added up to the money Dan and his mother had saved.
And that leads up to today. Dan, age twenty, already having the preliminary surgery to remove the female organs, was ready to go into the, hopefully, final surgery that constructed the penis and would finally give him the genitals to match his gender.
He was both excited and nervous and scared and happy all at once. He was terrified that something might go wrong or maybe it wouldn’t work, but as Phil grasped Dan’s hand, there was no doubt in his head that said this was wrong. This wasn’t a mistake.
That wasn’t the case.
A few weeks later and Dan was back home and happier than ever. He was finally happy in his body and he couldn’t ask for anything better. He had support from his mother, his friends, Chris and PJ, and most of all, Phil. They were a so happy for him, but not as happy as he was.
He wanted so desperately to share his body with Phil, even if everything didn’t look completely natural. He knew that wouldn’t matter to Phil. He still worried, of course, that his raven-haired boyfriend wouldn’t find him attractive of pleasing, but he figured that was because he was and always had been insecure and self-conscious.
What if Phil didn’t want him, though?
That wasn’t the case.
Four months later and everything had healed from the surgery. Dan had been told by the doctor that he was ready to try and participate in intercourse if he so desired.
And he did. So, there he was, naked and straddling Phil on the king-sized bed in their bedroom, tounges and limbs tangled desperately, heat radiating from their trembling bodies.
“You’re so beautiful.” Phil mumbled against his lips.
And as Dan spent his night out of breath and strewn in messed up sheets, he felt like he could finally breathe. He was free to be himself, his true self.
Dan was no longer held down or contained by his body or thoughts. He no longer had to hide behind some gender that didn’t belong to him.
That was the case.
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(Wheezes on floor.) You are amazing. You are the most amazing of persons. How would the boys react if after that, the S/O's confidence grew and when Undyne was training with them, they wore crop tops and jogging pants, showing off their tats and scars to everyone? But the second someone other than the bros or Undyne mention them, they get spartan kicked away. Someone tried to touch once, and his arm was broken in half a second. Only the Bros get to touch anything on the S/O without permission.
My Heart = Kablammo
You speak with such kind words, Anon! Of course I shall answer your amazingly edgy ask!!
Red was glad that you were able to open up to him and show off the scars of your past, figuratively and literally. In all honesty, he found your quirks and past life quite interesting and hot. So when Undyne had busted down that door, it became a blessing and a curse. She had quite literally opened the door of opportunity for you.
 A curse because duh, he’d have to fix the door, but also because Undyne was the toughest thing alive. Like seriously sweetheart, are you sure about this?
On the other hand though, Red starts to notice those small flares of self-confidence rise out from within you. It puts a smile on his face knowing that the true you was starting to show. The true blue tough you.
Plus, the more revealing clothes were an extra incentive in his eyes.
It was after another long training session with Undyne that you had experienced your first little…ouburst.
“Nice job today, nerd!” Undyne patted you harshly on the back as she slurped up a whole bottle of water in one pull. “Your stance was a little bunked up, but hell, your agility makes up for it! You’re a damn good fighter, punk!” She ruffles your hair, making your head spin.
“H-hey!” You choked with a smile. “Knock it off, fishface!”
“FISHFACE?!” Though she sounds mad, you can hear her stifling her laughter. “WHY YOU LITTLE-”
A loud wolf whistle interrupts her rampant yelling and obliges both of your heads to turn. There stood a monster with a devious gaze, eyeing your body up and down like a piece of meat. “Nice tats and cat scratches, girlie? They actually real, or is you just a little girl tryna make it out alive in the underground?”
You look down at your torso and know he’s talking about you. And you didn’t know what came over you as you high kicked that monster into the oblivion of the waterfall. 
Landing square on your feet, you received an encore of clapping from your dear fish friend. “YEASSS!!! YOU FINALLY GOT THE RIGHT STANCE DOWN!!!” Undyne whooped, and were those tears in her eyes???
That same day, Red had decided to treat you to some burgs and fries at Chillby’s. “hope you’re hungry doll, cause i sure am.” 
You sat next to Red’s stool with an empty stomach and full spirits. “Of course I’m hungry, nerd. What kind of person do you take me for?” You ask, exasperated.
Red laughs and puts his hands up in defeat. “alright alright, doll. you’re hungry. i get that.” Sans flags down the flamesman bartender with a wave of his hand. “two orders of burg and fries, my good man.”
Chillby is visibly repulsed by his presence as he nods his head and disappears into the backroom.
You eyed the flamesman and your jovial bonefriend.”He doesn’t seem to like you that much, Red.” You mused teasingly.
Red seems surprised at your assumption. “what? pfft, nah. chillby loves me. he’s just not good at showin’ how he feels, ya’ know?”
You roll your eyes, obviously not believing his lie. “More like he LOVES you.”
“oh ha ha ha. your wordplay never ceases to amuse me, sweetheart.” He rewards you with a slow clap.
You giggle, curtsying in your seat. “Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all night-”
“Yo guys, its the tattoo girl!” Someone exclaims from behind you. 
You jolt as an unfamiliar finger prods at your back. “I hear humans stab themselves to get the ink to stay on!”
Another hand pokes at your back, “Oh shit! That’s fucking meTAAAAHHHH!!!”
Oh stars, did you accidentally just snap this guy’s arm like a a twig? Oops.
You were about to apologize when a hand grabs you. “we’re gonna leave now, doll.” The world warped around you as Red quickly teleported you onto the bed with a plop.
He seems a little breathless as he sits next to you, his hand still firmly holding your wrist. “okay. i’m gonna be the first one to ask. what. the hell. was that?!”
You start to panic. Oh my, you’ve been screwey all damn day, haven’t you? “I-I’m sorry, Sans! I p-panicked!” You raked your fingers through your hair. “Gosh, it’s like some awful nervous tick or something.”
Sans couldn’t stop himself from yelling. “some nervous tick that was, huh?!” He can’t believe you just snapped some sad sap’s arm. He cringes as he recall the event. Oh stars, that noise.
Red eyed you nervously. You were the exact definition of hell’s little angel, presenting danger in such an innocent body. Well, innocent for his standards. Negative thoughts started to shroud him. ‘what if she turns against me?’ ‘does she hate it when i touch her?’ ‘am i a nuisance to her?’
His thoughts are interrupted as you guide his hand to rest on your chest. He looks into your reassuring gaze and blushes. Your fingertips brush against his wrist, leaving the sensation of you fresh in his senses. “Sans, you know I trust you, right?” You asked.
Red breaks from his daze. “o-of course, doll. i never doubted that.” He bashfully scratches his skull with the other hand. “a-and i, uh, trust you too, s/o.”
You smile, planting a kiss on his forehead. “Good. Don’t ever forget that.”
“oh i won’t doll.” Red feels his soul flutter in hid ribcage. It was moments like these that not only helped to reevaluate his relationship, but his own relationship with himself. He leans his forehead against your. “not ever.”
“And Sans?”
“I promise to never break your arm in two.”
Red pushes you away and chuckles. “well that’s a relief!”
“I-I DON’T UNDERSTAND, PET?” Edge stared at your looming form as you held a sword to his neck. “H-H-HOW DID YOU-”
“Training,” You smiled. “Lots and lots of training.” You draw your sword back and help your bonefriend up.
He begrudgingly accepted your pity, a scarlet blush illuminating his skull. “W-WHATEVER. I SHALL DEFEAT YOU NEXT TIME. I WAS MERELY GOING EASY ON YOU.”
“HA! Didn’t you say that three matches ago, PUNK!?” Undyne interjects from afar. You realized that all of you training has payed off as you watch Edge turn a darker red.
“SHUT IT, SUSHI BAR!” Papyrus retaliates, making you nearly choke on air.
“WHAT?!” Ho boy, this will not end well. “THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME, SKELETOR?”
Okay, time to play peacekeeper. “Now hold on just a second, guys-”
With a sudden force, Edge and Undyne are swept down to the ground, with only you left standing. You look for the source of the attack, cautiously eyeing your surroundings. Who knows what could be out here?
“Nice tats, babe.” A voice cooed in you ear. Instinctively, you delivered the harshest round house kick you could deliver and made the sneaking monster fly into orbit. And as quick as you were to attack, you were even quicker when it came to helping your friends up.
You weren’t quite sure who that monster was, but you sure as hell didn’t want to know. Just as long as they stayed away, you were fine.
You were with Edge when one of the snow monsters had decided to touch your tattoos, mind you without your permission. So it came to no surprise that you decided to snap their arm in two.
“NYEH!?” Edge yelped, jumping back at the loud cracking sounds. “S/O? DID YOU JUST-”
“I’m sorry!” You whined. “I-I didn’t mean it. They just s-scared me!”
Edge had a grin that could outshine a Christmas tree. “DO IT AGAIN, BUT TRY BREAKING THE ARM IN EQUAL PIECES!”
You blinked. “What?”
Edge nudged you forward to the wallowing victim. “YOU HEARD ME! DESTROY THIS PERVERTED CREATURE!”
Your hands hovered over the monster hesitantly. “B-but I don’t think they-”
You sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. Powering your fists back, you get ready to attack once more.
“Sorry dude. Duty calls.”
You and Edge sit peacefully on the couch, your hands coated freshly in blood and dust. “Y’know, I think we were a little too hard on that guy.”
Edge scoffs, flipping the channels. “AND I THINK YOU’RE GOING SOFT, PET.”
“If you consider beating a guy to death soft,” You snuggle into his side. “Consider me damn stuffed animal.”
Edge smirked as he ran his fingers up and down your arm. He absolutely loved not sharing you. It was like winning the lottery and choosing to not donate a portion to charity, thus leaving him with the whole shebang.
“Ha!” You started to shake with laughter. “I suppose I am.”
 After minutes of silence and idle chatter on the TV, you and Edge fell asleep peacefully on the couch. 
Edge, even in his sleep, forever treasured these moments because by gosh, no other man truly deserved your affection as much as Edge did.
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coeurdastronaute · 7 years
Essays in Existentialism: Valentine’s Day
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With Valentine's day coming up, how about a themed Clarke and Lexa story?
The hospital swirled with the quiet steady of patients and doctors, all taking their time getting anywhere at all. Nurses stations filled with deliveries of bouquets and cards and chocolates, while the halls were littered with cardboard hearts and babies with little wings and bows. Reds and pinks of every shade and color turned the fifth floor into a haven of sappiness and commercial love.
They agreed on no gifts, but that didn’t matter, and Clarke was secretly and very shamefully giddy when Lexa broke the vow and had a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers delivered. The nurses smiled and crooned over them when they called Clarke over the speaker and she appeared to find a bouquet in front of Lexa’s face.
“I never formally asked,” the soldier grinned as she pulled the flowers down from hiding herself. “Do you want to be my valentine?”
“I don’t know, I got a pretty enticing offer from a three year old this morning,” the doctor played coy, earning a bit of a pout.
“You didn’t see this yet,” Lexa realized, quickly pulling a tiny cartoon valentine like school children gave to each other, from her back pocket. “You are the apple of my ayyeee,” she read, pretend pirate voice complimenting it well.
“Well, now I’m sold,” she laughed and kissed her sweetly.
“To sweeten the deal, I thought lunch would be appropriate.”
“What if I’d said no?”
“Failure wasn’t an option.”
“You’re sweet,” she sighed, holding Lexa’s arm as they made their way down the hall. “Thank you. You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know. But I really wanted to, and I actually got myself something too,” she shrugged.
“What’s that?” Clarke asked, hitting the button for the elevator.
“Something for you to wear tonight,” she explained with a blush.
“Perfect. I don’t have to shop.”
“This is quickly becoming my favorite holiday.”
Across the city, each member of the Woods clan found themselves preoccupied with the holiday. A rather romantic bunch, they were never very good at the execution, though privately, they all promised themselves that this was their year.
The patriarch picked up the new necklace he ordered weeks ago and verified his reservations while his wife was at work. He scurried through the house, cleaning as best he could, preparing for their date.
Theo lined up not one, but two babysitters, and had a hotel room  filled with pizza and wine prepared, where they would do nothing but sleep and eat and not have kids for an entire day.
Henry sat on a plane to New York to surprise a certain doctor’s friend, complete with reservations and an extra key to his place on his key ring.
Reed juggled babies while his wife was at the spa, completely relaxed and oblivious to it all.
And Marshall, he begged his sister for a favor because his brother wouldn’t share a babysitter.
The Woods clan was a romantic bunch, doing what they could to spoil their others because it was what they had grown up seeing, because it was what they liked to do, because deep down, they knew, that anyone who stuck around deserved a day of recognition.
The house was spotless, completely clean and almost unrecognizable to the doctor as she walked inside after her shift. Music played softly from the den, while candlelight filled every inch that she could see. With a smile, Clarke hung up her coat and kicked off her shoes, very much in love with the girl who pretended that Valentine’s Day wasn’t one of her favorite holidays.
Quietly, she followed the noise toward the kitchen, hoping to have a surprise of her own.
Lexa stirred a pot and balanced a baby in her arms, humming to her quietly. The sight was enough to make Clarke pause, make her think, give her ideas and glimpses and utterly distract her from any other thoughts she might have had just a few seconds ago.
“Hey,” she finally interrupted, unable to contain herself. “Did you get yourself a new valentine between lunch and now?”
“Marshall,” she grunted, frowning terribly. “He hit me with the guilt and I just… I’m sorry.”
“Never be sorry for this,” Clarke cooed, carefully taking the baby, still lingering with the fresh from the bath smell, and the cozy kind of warmth from her onesie. “Hi gorgeous.”
“I meant--”
“Oh, right, right,” she nodded quickly, smile growing as she earned a kiss. “Dinner will be ready soon. Do you want some wine?”
“You’re really spoiling me, you know that?”
“I aim to please.”
“Oh yes she does,” Clarke hummed at the baby who just stared at her before smiling a toothless grin and gurgling slightly. “She always does, too. Yes she does.”
“I really am sorry we got stuck with the pipsqueak tonight,” Lexa finally mumbled as she slid a glass of wine across the counter. “But I already have her fed and bathed. Her crib is made in the spare, and we won’t have to worry once she’s down.”
“Oh stop. This is the best present.”
“Good. I meant for it to happen then,” she boasted, resuming her cooking.
It was domestic bliss. Clarke played with the baby while Lexa finished dinner, and she hummed along to the music, earning some giggles.
“We could do it, couldn’t we?” Lexa ventured as they sat down at the table to eat, the baby bouncing in her swing without a care in the world.
“I mean, I plan on it later,” the doctor returned, wiggling her eyebrows in a move that Lexa was sure had been stolen from her own playbook.
“You know what I mean,” she laughed despite herself. “The kid, the baby.”
“We’re not even married yet and you already want me barefoot and pregnant. I’m onto you, Woods. You and your whole, potent family.”
“Hey, as much as we try, I know I won’t be able to do it myself.”
“I like the trying though.”
“God, me too,” Lexa groaned, slightly relieved.
For a while, Clarke thought about it, looking at the baby and then at her pretty girlfriend who lived with her. Who got blown up and came home. Who she met in passing at an airport and spent an entire day trying not to fall in love with, and failed. It was what she wanted, even though she never could grasp the idea of it. It just lingered, beyond her imagination. But there it was, alive and in vivid detail. It wasn’t the worst way to spend her life, she realized with a smile.
Dinner was perfect, the baby was quiet, mumbling to herself as she hopped along and chewed on a ring. Lexa watched her from time to time, though her attention swayed back to Clarke just as often, who she found a good date, if she had forgotten. It was the day for such things, for quiet dinners and just themselves. She liked that.
“Thank you for today,” Clarke finally smiled and kissed her again. “Flowers and lunch and dinner. It was very thoughtful, and the perfect amount of Valentine’s.”
“You haven’t even seen what I got for myself yet, so I’d hold your thanks.”
“You’re going to make me wear some skimpy little thing after feeding me all this food?”
“Don’t say skimpy in front of the baby,” Lexa hissed, dramatic and smiling that mischievous grin that made Clarke’s heart still flip. “And I am, because I find you absolutely gorgeous, and I only want one present today and that’s you. On top of me. In very little lace. I’m a simple girl, Griffin.”
“More dirty girly stories for you and your friends.”
“I mean, you come up sometimes,” she smiled shyly, completely caught.
“So you don’t want your present?”
“Present?” her ears perked and she turned in the kitchen as she dropped off a few plates, wheeling around on her cane. “I mean. If you got me something…”
“You didn’t think I wouldn’t get you something?”
“I don’t like to presume,” she said with a flourish.
“Close your eyes,” Clarke ignored her, standing and moving toward her coat. She dug in the pocket while Lexa tried to peek. The baby tossed her toy and cheered.
“Remember, there are children present, so keep it PG, please, Doc.”
“Will you just stop for two seconds?”
“Too late, you already agreed to be my Valentine. No take backs. That’s the deal. “
With a sigh, Clarke looked at the woman she loved and tried so desperately to debate herself out of it, though it was a fool’s errand. Instead she just smiled and held up the present she bought two weeks ago.
“You didn’t,” Lexa smiled, staring at the tickets. “Opening day? Opening day!”
“You and me. Third base line. I got us a room downtown so we can drink and enjoy the day, I’m off work that weekend. I know it’s awhile away, but I thought it’d be nic--”
Her ramble was stopped quickly, as Lexa kissed her, nearly losing her footing as she lunched forward and held her neck. She kissed her breathless and dizzy and all manner of disoriented, but Clarke realized she would have bought every ticket imaginable to get a kiss like that.
“I picked a good Valentine,” Lexa mumbled against her lips. “See that, kid?” she turned to the baby. “That’s how you pick’em.”
“Shut up,” Clarked rolled her eyes and tugged her close again.
Though the clock had ticked as it always had, though the date had changed, it was still Valentine’s day as long as they were awake, and Lexa was going to savor every minute of it. Baby asleep in the spare, the monitor whirring politely beside the bed, dishes cleaned, candles blown out, her mission for the day was a complete success, if she didn’t say so herself.
And so, self-congratulatory and very happy, Lexa sat on the edge of the bed, randomly adjusting her position, hoping to keep the perfect streak alive, as she waited for her girlfriend to change into an absolutely terrible excuse of lace masquerading as any form of underwear, and its matching bra. Because she deserved it. Because she had swept a smart, funny, hardworking doctor off of her feet and made her her’s. Because she very much had plans for that outfit not surviving the night.
“So this is what you really like?” Clarke ventured, slowly peeking around the door from the bathroom.
Lexa just gulped and stared at leg and leg and a lot of leg. It took her hours to make the trip along it.  Weakly she nodded and tried to remember to think, but the only thought in her head was that there was surely a merciful God, and she would take being blown up a hundred times to get a girl like that.
She liked the red. That was what her brain kept saying. She liked Clarke in the red and the lace and the way it clung to her hips and the way she leaned against the door and watched Lexa watch her.
“If you ever wanted to know what getting blown up felt like,” Lexa nodded, her eyes still wide as she stared. “Something like this.”
“Are you seriously going to make a bombshell pun?”
“I was trying.”
“I kind of like this,” Clarke decided, taking a few steps into the room. She turned around a little, looked at herself in the mirror, earning a slack jaw. “I might let you go shopping for me more.”
“Dear God,” the soldier groaned.
There was certainly a kind of gratifying feeling to having a completely mute and dumb girl staring at her, and Clarke found it endearing and absolutely hilarious, but so often it felt as if Lexa had the upper hand, always so quick with her wit and kisses and lips in general. To see her sluggish was a nice change.
Clarke would be lying to say she didn’t play it up.
“So you got me in this for your present,” she husked, taking a few steps until she put her hands on Lexa’s shoulders. Slowly, she raised her eyes, taking every inch in at such proximity. “Now what are you going to do with me?”
“To be honest, I never planned on anything past this moment. I never planned on this,” she furrowed, quite upset at the present realization.
“No plans at all?” Clarke murmured, carefully moving very slowly to straddle her girlfriend. “Not one?”
Very slowly, Lexa shook her head and felt her hands move along Clarke’s thighs. They slide up the back, her thumb ran along the edge of the lace.
“You’re the best valentine.”
“I mean it,” Clarke promised, kissing her softly on her lip, lingering there, tugging quietly. She felt hands wrap around her and she grinned. “I love you.”
“I love me too right now.”
“Do you remember our night in Albuquerque?” the doctor chanced, wrapping her arms around Lexa’s neck before dipping down to kiss her again.
“I remember what I hoped it would be. This pales in comparison.”
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Lexa murmured, finally brave enough to kiss her neck and chin. “And all mine.”
It was a slow kind of dangerous. A dangerous kind of slow. Lexa didn’t care about the semantics of the situation, just that she had a scantily clad girl in her lap, and she wanted to never wake up from the dirty dream.
What started as slow, as lazy quickly grew tempestuous. Quickly grew over eager and muggy, like the equator at noon. There were many geography analogies, but Lexa was satisfied with her hands south of the Mason-Dixon line and her lips lingering somewhere near the Great Lakes.
“I’m going to have to take it off, if you want to--”
“No, leave it,” Lexa grinned, gingerly rolling them over. She was healed. Her leg didn’t even ache, or it didn’t yet, and she was superman until the morning, hyped up on adrenaline and the way Clarke’s chest moved when she took a deep breath. “I’ll work around it.”
“Is that so?” she giggled.
“I’ve done much more with much less.”
“Do tell.”
“I could,” she breathed, hitching Clarke’s leg, settling between it. “Or I could show you.”
“Much better plan.”
“I thou--”
The cry rang out over the monitor and Lexa’s entire body tensed. Fearful, she looked at Clarke and shook her head, as if they were negotiating something.
“She’s fine,” Lexa offered, as another roar of a scream erupted. Not a bit amused, Clarke gave her a look. “I’m going to kill him,” she grunted, pushing herself up.  “Just don’t move. Don’t do anything. Just pause. Don’t move.”
Without even her cane, Lexa meandered her way into the spare bedroom, grumbling to herself the entire way.
It took a bottle, a diaper change, an entire song, and so many back rubs that she was certain her arm was going to fall off, but Lexa wrangled the infant back into a cozy slumber. Quietly, she turned on the lullaby machine and closed the door nearly silently.
The entire time, Clarke listened to the monitor, about how the aunt told her niece that she’d been relegated to the lowest ranking of favorites, and how she was never going to forgive her. She heard her hum and promised a pony, she heard her kiss her cheeks and sigh and be absolutely wrapped around her finger.
By the time Lexa made it back down the hall, she was not at all surprised by what remained. Half-covered and half waiting, Clarke slept, tired from her day and work and the late hour she didn’t keep that often.
For a long moment, the soldier stood there and grieved her Valentine’s celebration. Until she remembered that she was in love with Clarke, and could ask for her to only wear that whenever she wanted, and if she asked enough, her odds had to be pretty good. That was the logic that made it okay. That and next Valentine’s day when she was going to literally book them a trip across the state.
With a smile, she pulled out an old shirt, and gently woke her girlfriend. She carefully unclasped the bra, and helped her slip into the shirt.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” she whispered, crawling into bed beside the sleepy doctor as she turned off the light.
“Let’s do it again next year.”
“With more sex.”
“With more sex,” Clarke agreed.
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Jack is Back
Author: ShoysRock
Year: 2011
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Vince/Kodiak Jack
"Howard? HOWARD?”
“You're all alone my little flower-girl.” The man grunted, wetting his lips with a thick tongue. Vince backed up as much as he could, blindly reaching around to try to find something, anything to prevent inevitable rape.
But he couldn't. His wrist was grasped, held firm in the demanding thick clammy hands of the woodsman. Vince was in a panick, horrified now he couldn't squirm his arm out of his grasp, the man hungry...hungry for him.
“I'm not even a woman you berk!” Crying out the rank tobacco breath assaulted him as the older man went in to his neck. Choking he was being roughly slobbered and nibbled, the flannal-plaid man grinding his body against him. It was quite an odd, but horrible feeling. Blushing Vince wished he could slap himself for making the loud shrill squeaks instead of screams he was making; he couldn't help it if his neck was so sensitive! Not to mention his only free arm from the grasp trapped between his sweaty chest and his own, starting to shake as he unsuccessfully squirmed.
“Hnng!” Well that's a hickie right there! “GET OFF OF ME!”
“Now now pumpkin-pie, don't worry I like 'em young, man or girly-lady.”
Vince wished he didn't hear that the man was playing for both teams.
Shutting his eyes he gave a buck, trying to kick his legs into Jack's groin. Unfortunately the man was too thick, his knees giving in as the man moved in to kiss him.
It was sloppy, tasting awful, worse than any woman he ever kissed. Vince's legs continued trying to push and kick but they were trapped, his body crushed against the wall while his mouth was violated. The mustache was making his upper lip tingle and itch badly.
How did it come to this? I could have ran! He thought, whimpering and grunting as the other grunted for a different reason. Something hard, not a hand was pressing into his stomach and he flinched with disgust, knowing what it was. His breath was being sucked out, like his saliva. His arms, trapped and pushing in the mess of vest and flannel as he was no longer properly standing on two feet...
It was getting incredibly arousing. He wasn't usually the one helpless. It was feeling quite wrong and confusing to him, being raped an all.
Pulling away Kodiak's lusts could not be contained anymore. With the strength of a bear he yanked off Vince's red scarf, giving him a burn. Yelping Vince's wrist was free, but his belt was quickly unlooped and pants shoved down, dropping past his thighs.
Aww shit... he thought, standing in his underwear with an erection jabbing into his hip.
“Mmm you so beautiful, so purty and all...”Kodiak Jack whispered in a harsh tone, rough like his unkempt beard. With another cry of protest Vince was yanked into his arms and nearly tossed to the mattress, head nearly bumping the wooden bedposts. The yellow light from the lantern on the bedside illuminated Jack's face as he laughed heartily and mounted him, Vince kicking best he can with pants around his ankles.
“HOWARD!?! NABOO! BOLLO! I'M GETTING...I'M GETTING RAAAPED!” Vince didn't care if he was screaming like a girl, stating the obvious. His hands were slapping and clawing at Jack's face, the man out of reach as he rudely ripped off his 'lady's Chelseas and skinny jeans. With an 'eek!' Vince shut his bare legs, wishing he wore underwear today.
“Ahh, you're biiiiig too!” Vince looked at him, panting already from the hammering heart in his ribcage. The way the man was looking at him, pushing his legs up to inspect his man-bits, made his gut flutter. It felt wrong, so very wrong that an insane bisexual hunter would eye his flaccid penis with such a sexual intent.
“F-fuck off!” Sitting up was not an option, his hips were lifted up as the hairy man settled into his crotch. He was even aware of the harsh, quick whimpers in his gasping breath from the fright and sensation of the braided beard tickling his legs and groin. But now was his chance! With a cry he punched the man in his nose when he leaned in a little too close. The beastly being snorted and growled, tossing his hat off and grabbing the protesting limbs. Vince's fearful frown became even frownier, yelping as Jack used his scarf to tie his hands together. Pushing them up over his head the long extra length was worked into a quick, complicated fishing knot to the bed-board.
I'm not going to escape, aren't I?
Both men were panting after this. Vince was wriggling like a fish, blue eyes wide like a fish, mouth open crying out in the frustration of being tied up like a fish out of water. His legs kicking once grabbed and pushed up, the sleek pale fashion-thighs and calves kicking in the air uselessly with the strength of a powerful swimming fish. Jack pushed up Vince's shirt, satisfying his lust at looking at the young man's nipples and undulating torso's muscles writhing and rippling like the waves on a lake. In fact, if there was anything besides game-hunting Jack loved fish-euphemisms, and so did he like his previous hermaphrodite mermangina lover...but that's another story, for another time. Fish.
But for now Jack imagined his squirming little feisty city-boy like a trapped rabbit, its 'foot' stuck in the clutches of his rusty bear traps. Course, now the trap would be his mouth. He couldn't wait to get a taste and make his little bunny-honey mewl with pleasure instead of terror.
“Just relax baby-boo, I just wanna have a taste of you, you do look so yummy, been a long time...”
Vince watched in horror as the man smiled happily and went down to his cock. Jerking he gasped as the man sucked him up, licking and slobbering his dick while the beard and mustache tickled his inner thigh and balls. The sensations were immediate: pleasure and a weightless, hopeless feeling pooling with the pulse to his hardening organ responding to the wetness of the dirty man's mouth. That and a curious-disgust.
“Stop it...stop...stop it...” His voice came out in a cracked whimper, his mouth dry from breathing so hard and loud. His head was up, watching as he got a sloppy blow job from a horny old man.
“Mmmpfh...” With a pop he pulled from the tip, smiling like a demented grandpa as he went down again, sucking the tip as chubby callused fingers quickly pumped his shaft.
I don't want it! I don't! “I...d...d-don't...”
“Come on Vincy, give in to me, I know you like it! All you pompadours like toot-toots!” Jack wasn't good at deep throating, but he did his best taking at least half of Vince's manhood to suck up and down, teeth sometimes chewing on him. Vince was feeling just enough arousal to stand nearly straight up, the teeth and horror doing in the rest of the blood flow to his heart to loudly and quickly beat.
“N-no...” His neck was hurting from its position and unfortunately the tricky suction and tongue swirling around was distracting him. Helplessness, sheer helplessness in his bound state gave him the most weirdest blowjob sensations he ever felt. Usually he was the dominant, yelling 'oh yeaaaah!' to the lovely lady...but this wasn't a lovely lady, it was a wild-man who's hairy face was scratching his bits.
“I can't take it anymore Vincy, let me take us away, up to the moooon!”
Vince let out a sigh of breath, rolling his eyes back with a moan. The tongue strayed too dangerously wonderful against the underside, but now the man was panting and slumped on top of him. He was jerked back into reality, a reality where his dick was swollen and a man was lustfully kissing him again. The sound of a zipper assaulted his ears. Something hot and hard sprung out, rubbing against his own dick to create a sudden sensation that alerted Vince to the prone nakedness of his untouched anus.
“Mpfff...MPFFH!” He groaned and protested into the saltier mouth, sucking in breath through his nose as he watched Jack pull out a tube of lube and an old-packaged condom.
“Never leave home without grannie's good ol' lubrication!” He laughed and pulled back, tearing open the condom with his yellow teeth. Vince's stomach lurched again at the knowledge the man's mouth was so dirty, and was around his own cold wet cock moments ago. Jack sat back, moaning as he slipped the protection on his stout shaft...Vince stared at it, gulping at how thick it was; it surely, surely couldn't...
“MmmMMM! You look so fiiiine...” Jack obviously couldn't recognize the look of terror on Vince's face. Unpopping the cork he gooped the beige-tinted lube on himself and his fingers, which were quick to finger Vince's unprepared rectum.
“Oh...GOD!” Huffing Noel arched, wincing as he braced himself. The finger was thrusting and wriggling, stretching as much as it could in Vince's tightness. It was hurting and an odd sensation for the lad, his breath hitching once Jack carelessly shoved another, humming and 'ooo!ing' at how sexy and nonconsensual Vince looked. In and out, in and out the fingers went, sucked tight into Vince.
“N-no seriously don't...I'm not i-into being bummed by Grizzely A-...Ah...AHDAMS..!”
It was hurting more now. But unfortunately it wasn't for long. While being scissored by the fingers they went in deep and were pushing against the fleshy organ, his prostrate. Each slow thrust into the tight suction touched against the male weakness.
“That's a good boy now, likin' me a little more! Now I'm gonna fuck ya like a beast, lady!”
Withdrawing his fingers Vince hadn't realized how tense he was. He relaxed with a loud sigh from the break, though he still was sweating and making the soft noises of fear in his breath. Jack pushed his legs apart even more, spreading his saliva-drenched pelvis for the man to mount him. Making a gruff noise Jack grasped his slimy self and started to push himself into the hole.
“N...No! S-stop it! No, no, no, NO, NO, NO!”
His calls were unheeded, rising in pitch as he felt every hard inch of it slip inside. The lube was good, making it slip into the tightness. He clenched around it as he bucked, squirmed, shut his eyes to chew his lips at the odd and stretching sensations. It was very warm and he could feel the racing pulse of Jack inside, thrusting in and out a little to push deeper and deeper. Opening his eyes he saw how disgustingly pleased Jack looked, mouth open and drool in his beard, his eyes shut as Jack's hips roughly undulated in his thrusts. Vince was throbbing just as much as the elder in him, that is his anus muscles tight around his manhood. It was utterly distracting how powerful the sensation of that was. Vince couldn't stop trembling, no matter how many times he gulped down the achy butterflies in his throat.
“Oooh you're so good my bunny-pie!” Jack panted, smiling as he thrust a little harder. The man finally gave out from sitting up, panting as his hands were running all over Vince's body. Sweat against sweat Vince cried out, the angle changing a little in the copulation. He couldn't do anything to push the man's fingers off him, to remove them from brushing over his tingling nipples or arm pits. The salty smoky breath blasted his face and he turned his head, finding the pillow very convenient to try to muffle the childish fearful sounds he was making. He didn't want to cry out like this, whimpering like a dog or an abused child or a teddy bear set on fire in its dying stuffing.
The thrusting was faster now, the grunting loud in his ear. The breath was probably curling his hair into odd twisted shape. Worse He had to flinch again, Jack pushed his hair away and was sloppily kissing his ear as he fucked him.
“Nnn! Ah...H-help...F...fuck!”
Jack moaned as he pushed in far too easily, because his cock brushed again Vince's prostrate, his form crushing Vince now was rubbing his beer-belly against Vince's wet dick...and it kept hitting there. Vince's muscles spasmed and relaxed, flushing with blood and heat as he mewled. He didn't even notice for a moment as his heart fluttered and face blushed, relaxing with a loud moan into the quick thrusts of his rapist. The sensations against his cock were delightful, like a sloppy half-formed handjob around him, while the REAL pleasure was happening deep, deeper inside...
Vince started to notice, shakingly moaning and his eyes fluttering around in their sockets. His wrists were flexing, but the hands were gripping with terror. His hips were jerking in response to Jack's wild pace, the older man blubbering into his ear sweet raspy nothings.
“T-this is wrong...oh...God...wrong...wrong...wrong...”
I shouldn't be enjoying this! I'm getting raped! I should be sobbing, screaming!
He didn't want to feel it. He didn't want a hairy man's stubble and whiskers rubbing against his face. He didn't want to feel an annoying, pleasurable sensation pulsing through him from the stimulation inside and out. It was perplexing him, confusing. Wrong.
“Imma let you cum first sweetie-bee, lady's first!”
The old man's fist reached under and started to pump him. It was lubricated a little with his previous saliva, now the cold wetness warming from body heat.
“No sir, no I...don't need it no...s-seriously...hng...!” He bucked and yowled like a cat. The fisting was so fast, so much! Now Vince knew he was going to lose his mind. Gasping he gave in, legs limp and hip bones pressed against Jack as he took it deeper and deeper and the handjob faster and faster.
The mattress creaked loudly when Noel opened his mouth, letting out a yell. He spurted all over, flexing and heaving in the surprise-throes of ecstasy. He came so quickly, so suddenly in the wild mess of the fucking that was pounding his ass. Jack cooed and moaned, “Ahhh yes my Vincy!” not even caring his button down shirt was now coated with jizz, smearing all over the pale boy's stomach beneath him. Thoughts were suspended in the moments of his wild bucking, spilling his load out of the fist that caused it, pleasing his rapist.
“Gunna...ohoh!” Shutting his eyes Kodiak Jack let go of the now flaccid penis, grabbing unto his shoulders to steady his final thrusts. “I...OH...OH VINNNNNCYYYY!!!”
Vince's yelp was shaky, ending with a rattled breath of surprise, eyes lidded as he felt hot semen fill his insides. Both of the men were gasping for breath, Kodiak mumbling in a weird squealy voice as he slowly thrusted in and out of the channel, Vince fluttering his eyes shut to let the emotions wash over him. Shame, terror, and nagging pleasure was thrumming his whole brain. He felt like crying and yet going to faint with a smile on his face. It felt good, it felt bad, it felt sick...and his rear felt a bit distended and stinging once Jack slipped himself out. And then he felt flattened, whimpering once he collapsed on him to gasp and groan. He smelled like musk oxen.
It was a full minute for Vince to come down from his fleeting orgasm. He wasn't cold but warm from their heat and the sticky sweat they built up. His arms were aching from being held up so long, tied to the bed. His eat was wet and so was his left arm from his own drool and lips from when his head tossed back and forth, up and down in the act of copulation. His legs were trembling as he thought over what just occurred and how he was going to be dealing with being violated now in his life, especially so impromptu, tied up and fucked by the cabin leaser.
“H-Howard please c-come back...please...” He pleaded. It was what he could do at the moment, trapped and flabbergasted still. Jack laughed, rolling off of him and curling his fingers into Vince's hair, playing with the black curls like a doll.
“Mmm, such a fiiiiiine fine fuck you was girl, maybe we could go again...” He grunted, gently kissing Vince.
Vince didn't know what was keeping Howard and the gang, but he sure hoped it was soon again. He was surely in for a hard night, worse than boning any Yeti could be.
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