#I love and am so grateful for the faith you put in me
iwaasfairy · 1 year
are you interested in a commission in may or june? ٩꒰✩’ω`ૢ✩꒱ゞ I kinda need to know to plan out what or how I’m gonna prioritise!!
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thesirencult · 6 months
Pick A Card Reading: Your Soulmate's Letter To Santa About You 💌
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Dear Santa,
I want to thank you for my gift from last year, lol. She is amazing.
She makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. Sometimes I smile so hard my cheeks burn.
I've never felt happier in my life.
The way she talks, the way she moves, the way her eyes brighten up when she looks at a puppy or a piece of chocolate pie, they all drive me wild.
I want to be there for her, this Christmas and every other Christmas after this one. I want to buy her a house as a gift and a ring to go with it, maybe even a car? She doesn't like to drive that much but my baby has to have everything she wants.
What she wants she will get. I love her. I adore her. She owns my heart and soul. I'm proudly whipped.
Thank you Santa, I'll take care of her heart ❤️
~ Your soulmate is a provider. They must be a "golden retriever" type of person. I'm hearing "here comes the boy!". When you first meet them you won't expect to fall so hard for them. They have a compatible sense of humour with you.
Hey Santa Baby,
Am I in the naughty list? Great!
This year I put up with no bs and I said "bye" to everything that held me back. I let go of the old stories and left the world behind.
Well, not the whole world, because I met that special someone and they are amazing. I'm writing down my goals for next year and I want one of them to be to deepen my relationship with my soulmate.
I know that they are special, I'm not crazy! I consciously make the choice to commit to them. I feel like we are twin flames and can not wait to explore they way their mind works.
I want to help them unlock their potential. They are a force to be reckoned with and they don't even know it.
Bye, for now!
~ Your FS (yup, they are) is someone who could very well be a motivational speaker or a content creator in that space. They love doing challenges like 75 hard and lighting up other people's fire. They could also be an athlete or ex athlete. You will love this person's practical nature and approach in life. This person is also very spiritual and they probably have heard of Ayahuasca and other popular terms etc. They remind me of a Tech Founder in silicon valley who is I'm woowoo stuff (no worries, I'm the woo woo stuff).
I'm ready to move on from this year. My faith is stronger than ever before.
I've wished for so many things in the last few years. Many of them manifested into my life but one thing still hasn't showed up yet and I'm very bumped because of that.
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the life I live and lead. I have almost everything I've wished for but that almost is killing me.
I know she is out there. I've felt her energy before. Since I was a child, whenever I looked up to the stars, I felt this overwhelming connection with someone. This invisible string tagging at my heart at all times. No one has ever made me feel this way and I know that it is unfair to say that for my previous partners but I miss her. I miss someone I've never met. Can you please bring her to me this year? I don't want anything else but my love to come back to me in this lifetime.
I know that the time to meet her is coming. I can feel it, but make it as fast as you can. Please.
I have a lot of goals for the year, especially financial ones. I'll try to focus on them until she comes. Where is she? Where is my love?
I will know she is here when I lay my eyes on her. My heart will speed up and the world as I know it will shutter. Shutter my world darling. I don't care. I made that world by myself and it is time we build our own world together.
P.S. Send loving energy to my soulmate, they need it. Tell them I will buy them their gift myself next year, but for now... This, sadly, has to do.
~ Awww your soulmate is very sweet and... depressed! They don't show it to anyone though but when they are alone at night they drink a glass of wine and think about you. They would want you to be there.
This person is very, stoic and "protected". That give me "military" vibes even if they have nothing to do with the military. This inability to outwardly express their feelings. You will baby them a lot and it is going to look comical but they will love it. Your FS might be older and taller than you and people will laugh when they see how much of a baby they become around your presence. They are very tired of being lonely. Don't get me wrong, this is not someone mopping around, they are just a "closeted" romantic. They hide their true feelings and you will know they love you because they will do acts of service for you or you will catch micro expressions. As soon as you enter in an official relationship they won't be able to keep their hands away from you.
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diorsluv · 5 months
feather , part 23
“ like a feather, like a feather, like a feather ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( second post is based off of the request/ask “oh my god what if she doesn’t go to the lake house cause she thought luke and the girl were going to be there but the girl wasn’t there, so she went to a different place for the summer for no reason :(” )
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by dylanduke25, trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 104,680 others
yourusername i need these cakes and i need them now
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luca.fantilli is that charles leclerc 🤨
→ yourusername yes what about it
→ colecaufield oh god don’t remind her
→ jackhughes calm down cole it was lando norris not leclerc 🙄🙄
→ yourusername i would actually really appreciate it if you baked me a cake and put an edible photo of carlos sainz on it
→ trevorzegras first of all yourusername you’re delusional and he’s like 10 years older than you
→ yourusername incorrect but proceed 😒
→ colecaufield and also your obsession is getting scary
→ yourusername IT WAS A JOKEEEE 🙄
username36 wondering how luke feels about this
username17 i just know luke’s punching the air
username26 luke’s prob sayin “why am i not on those cakes”
username92 if i don’t get a cake like that i’m throwing hands
→ yourusername shush thyself
→ mackie.samo what 💀
markestapa you’re desperate
→ yourusername STOP DRAGGING ME
→ markestapa you could do a lot better
→ yourusername A LOT BETTER THAN DYLAN O’BRIEN?? i beg to differ
rutgermcgroarty smash
→ yourusername #harrypotterdefender4life
→ rutgermcgroarty wasn’t talking abt him but yes queen he’s hot too!!!!
→ yourusername oh.. why r u speaking like that it’s kind of scary 😥😥
lhughes_06 they’re not that hot 🙄🙄
→ yourusername I’M SORRY WHAT????
→ lhughes_06 idk theyre mid tbh
→ yourusername check ur eyes kid
→ lhughes_06 ok lil buddy
→ yourusername ihy
→ lhughes_06 i love u too
→ jackhughes 👀
→ luca.fantilli 👀
→ _quinnhughes 👀
→ trevorzegras 👀
→ mackie.samo 👀
→ colecaufield 👀
→ rutgermcgroarty 👀
→ adamfantilli 👀
→ _alexturcotte 👀
→ dylanduke25 👀
→ markestapa 👀
→ jamie.drysdale 🤢
→ yourusername you guys need to stop doing this so much oh my god 😭😭
username15 yall all keep asking how luke feels but what abt the bigger question: ARE THOSE THE STURNIOLO TRIPLETS???
→ username7 okay but the biggEST question is: IS THAT GRIFFIN GLUCK?!?!?!
→ username55 i thought it was fucking white boy carl 💀 username7
trevorzegras i sorta approve of your taste in mid white boys
→ yourusername says the mid white boy
→ trevorzegras HEY ☹️
dylanduke25 “smash” means
→ dylanduke25 goddammit i didn’t mean to post without the definition
→ yourusername get ur definition shit AWAYYYYY 🤺🤺
→ markestapa dilf is an acronym for "dad i’d like to fuck". a dilf is any man (typically between the ages of 30-50) who is incredibly attractive and has kids. they are usually really cut, from activities such as pushing strollers, giving piggyback rides, and intense trips to the local park or disney world. the also have a killer smile and sense of childlike joy, because they play with their kids all the time. unfortunately, getting with them is hard, as they are typically very faithful to their wife (see milf).
→ yourusername that’s plagiarism ‼️‼️‼️
username11 the taste in men is immaculate
colecaufield now i don’t comment a lot on your posts anymore but i want you to REAAAAALLY think about what you’ve done here
→ yourusername i posted pictures of hot white men’s faces on cakes!
→ colecaufield yes yes and how do you think that might make other people (cough cough) feel?
→ yourusername grateful because i showed them these masterpieces 🤗🤗
→ colecaufield oh kid you’re hopeless
jamie.drysdale dad asked what dilf means
→ yourusername tell him it means “drake is literally fire”
→ jamie.drysdale too late he saw mark’s definition 😂😂😂
username46 draco malfoy 💚
missseraphina lmao fangirl
adamfantilli let’s split the cake in half
→ yourusername sure <33 you can get the part with the word on it and i can get everything else 🥰
colecaufield i’m surprised crosby isn’t somewhere on there
→ _alexturcotte goddammit whyd u bring it up
→ yourusername SID!!!!!!
→ jamie.drysdale she still has that pinterest album of ONLY pics of him
→ trevorzegras lil drizz u had a crush on him when you were like 5
→ yourusername we all had a crush on him 😒
_quinnhughes would now be a bad time to tell you he’s punching his pillow in the other room
→ jackhughes hey he made us promise to not snitch
→ _quinnhughes stop acting like we actually do what he tells us to do
→ jackhughes you’re right we never do that
→ lhughes_06 you snitched i’m telling mom
→ jackhughes mom doesn’t care ur such a baby
→ lhughes_06 fine i’m telling dad
→ _quinnhughes dad does not give a flying fuck
→ jackhughes dad wouldn’t even know what we’d be talking about
→ jackhughes actually scratch that moosey you’re really damn obvious
→ yourusername what the hell is going on
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liked by markestapa, _alexturcotte, dylanduke25, and 94,292 others
yourusername oui oui paris 🥖🎀 (creds to jamie for the pics ig)
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jamie.drysdale wow i’m so honored you remembered to give me creds
→ yourusername because we’re not allowed to argue on our trip 🤬
→ jamie.drysdale dad said and i quote “no squirreling”
→ yourusername what the fuck is squirreling
→ jamie.drysdale yeah yeah so we can’t squirrel
→ yourusername it’s QUARREL
username88 mother is in her coquette era
trevorzegras come backkkkkk wmy
→ yourusername no can do trev 😔
username21 hold up but i thought everyone was spending the summer at the lake house?
rutgermcgroarty but WE were supposed to go to paris together 🙁
→ yourusername no sweetie it was athens..
→ rutgermcgroarty either way it’s still in france
→ yourusername no…….. no its not 😭😭
→ rutgermcgroarty damn it i’m just trying to say you’re always going to OUR dream places with other people 😒
→ rutgermcgroarty is that in europe
→ yourusername 😟
_quinnhughes it’s so weird not hearing you badly scream-sing in the shower at 2 in the morning
→ yourusername oh shut up you love my hamilton marathons
adamfantilli you should be the one wiping out on the wakeboard not me 😔😔
→ yourusername wow i feel sooooo missed
→ adamfantilli we do miss u tho (PLEASE COME BACK WE NEED YOU)
username2 wait why didn’t you go to the lake house 😟😟
→ yourusername jamie and i didn’t feel like getting harassed 💔
→ username2 BY WHOOOOO??
→ username2 actually that’s a dumb question i know who
username75 this is the first summer they haven’t spent at the lake house 😧
luca.fantilli don’t worry lil drizzle we bought u two tickets so u can come back 😁
→ yourusername noooooo
mackie.samo you need to come back rn no excuses
edwards.73 duker almost burnt the house down please we need you back
→ yourusername thought my cyberbully was going 😣😖☹️🙁😓😥
→ jackhughes LMFAOOO as if
→ yourusername i’ll consider it 🙄
_alexturcotte our karaoke nights are so boring without youuuu
→ yourusername you can solo our mariah carey songs trust 🙏🙏
→ _alexturcotte NO I CANT
→ yourusername turcs we booked our hotel for 3 weeks i can’t do anything 😭😭
dylanduke25 i almost burnt the house down making waffles
→ yourusername oh duker..
username24 the way they’re all begging her to go back to the lake house lmao
missseraphina it’s giving nepo baby
liked by yourusername
→ username1 LMAOAOAO at this point drizz is just clowning this bitch
lhughes_06 i need you here
this comment has been deleted
lhughes_06 we need you here
next chapter notes ) so regarding the request; i wasn’t sure if it was like a request or more of just a thought but i felt like it could add more angst so i took it as a request anyways 🤍 i also wanted to say that the time between the first and second post was a bit of a jump but like let’s just say the first post was during finals week and the second one was obv during the summer and WE ARE FINALLY IN ACT IV WOOOOOOO 👏👏👏 also thank you all so much for 300 followers AHHHH!! it genuinely does mean so much to me and i’m glad you’re here on my journey to stir up more shit between luke and “his” girl
tags: @aliaology @hockeyboysarehot @absolutelyhugh3s @jackquinnswife @freds-slut @love4ldr @blueeyedbesson @43hughes @v1olentdelights @dancerbailey3 @random-human02 @ho3forfakeguys @loveforaugust
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yamujiburo · 5 months
1. You are INCREDIBLY patient when replying to asks. You always politely link them to your FAQ or to your master post. For the bad faith asks, you always are kind in your responses. I wanted to give you kudos. Even though you are well within your right to ignore/skip these asks, you still put thought into your responses. I'm giving you some kind words because I just KNOW it would be draining getting the same messages all the time.
2. I'm a fat person, and I've got a whole host of body issues, but your Jessie really helps with my self confidence. She still sees herself as sexy, and Delia still sees her as sexy (probably sexier lol). I also loved your logic behind the character design: sometimes healing and stability bring weight gain. That in itself has made me feel a bit better about myself. Not trying to treat you as a therapist. I just want you to know the impact your Jessie can have. It's so rare that we see fat characters in a positive light! I do hate how many people have a problem with your design though. :(
3. Aroace James also makes me feel seen. I am coming to terms with the fact I may be aroace myself, and it's been hard. I've always loved James, and I'm grateful you've spun him into a character I can relate to. I'm always all over your blog looking for more James crumbs lol.
I appreciate it! I like to assume the best in people and always answer in good faith. While I wasn’t super vocal at the time, I’ve had my fair share of bad takes on the internet and I feel like those who responded to me with patience and understanding had a longer lasting impression on me and led me to change my mind later. Gave me much to think about. Not everyone’s entitled to that patience but I think there is merit to handling things with kindness sometimes. You never know who’s on the other side of the screen and what they’re saying could just be out of genuine ignorance. Sometimes someone putting it in a gentle way is just the push you need. A lot of the time, I think people just want to be heard and are also willing to listen if they don’t feel immediately shut down.
I’m glad you think so! I love seeing fat characters and I love seeing fat characters who love themselves. Fat is beautiful, fat is cute, fat is hot
Hahaha I should do more with him! Aroace James makes a lot of sense to me given his background. I try not to write ABOUT the experiences of identities outside of my own but I think it’s important to at least show it!
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euovennia · 1 year
hcs for reader getting carried away on a mission and getting tipsy and becoming the life of the party with the 141s reaction *smirk*
the fact you all can come up with such gorgeous ideas such as this one and then put your faith in me to write it out is something i'll never understand, but am eternally grateful for. thank you for requesting, and as always, i hope you enjoy <3
warnings: mission gone wrong, little tidbits of angst, reader being a comforting menace to the 141
summary: after the team arrives back to base from a mission gone wrong, you decide to step in with the best comfort known to man.
despite their aching bodies and exhausted faces, the 141 members begin to steadily file into the commons room after wrapping up their much needed showers. unified by their equally low and sour moods after a mission had gone horrifically wrong, they all come to a silent agreement to not discuss the mission. there'd be plenty of time for that when everyone had gotten the proper amount of rest. with price, gaz, soap, and ghost now all sitting in the room doing their own thing, no one really gives anything a second thought. that is, until price brings up the absence of you to the rest of the team. despite knowing you probably just made the decision to take a longer shower, they each can't help but feel a sliver of worry and doubt file into their minds.
had you locked yourself away in your room in a poor attempt to stop thinking about the horrors of the mission they'd failed?
had they somehow left you behind?
a dumb question, maybe, but they can't help but worry.
that is, of course, until you burst through the door of the commons room with a wide smile split onto your face and a full three bags of alcohol.
john price
personally, i don't think price is the type to drink very often simply because he has a more refined taste
this man has had his fair share of alcohol in his life so i feel like he's very picky when it comes to alcohol
like if you were to have a drink with him, he'd be the type to make you take small sips and hold whatever you're drinking in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing
he'll say it's the best way to "experience the flavor"
meanwhile you're just trying to get wasted
that's not to say he'll turn down a drink simply because it doesn't meet his tastes; if he wants to drink, he's gonna drink
so when you barge into the common area with some cheap beer and liquor he's not complaining
what does make him want to complain however is when you stumble your way over to him and yank his beloved boonie hat right off his head and place it on yours
he's not quite sure what to think and he even opens his mouth to start questioning you, but then you do the unthinkable
you lean toward him, drop your voice, and start impersonating his fucking accent
it's nothing special really
just a simple, "Bravo six, going dark"
and as much as he wants to rip his hat off your head, drag you back to your room, and force you to go to sleep
he just can't
not when you've just hit him with the most atrocious british accent known to man
and the fact you're trying to impersonate him of all people?
he can't help but let a laugh slip past his mouth
you, obviously, love the fact you made your oh so stoic captain price break and so you continue your exceptionally bad impersonation of the poor man
and he just eats it up
maybe it's the alcohol flowing through his system, maybe it's fact this is the first distraction he's had since that dumpster fire of a mission ended
but he can't help but get into it and encourage you by telling you to say random, silly things in your terrible accent
it's comforting in a weird way
being able to laugh so freely even after the horrors of the last mission
it's hopeful in a weird way
so when you give him a small, drunken smile and say you're leaving to bother someone else
he just gives you a smile of his own and pulls you into a side hug before letting you depart to someone else
but just as he lets you walk away, it hits him
you still have his hat
john 'soap' mactavish
now soap, like price, also has his preferences when it comes to alcohol
they all do tbh
but he's younger and more easygoing about it so he doesn't really mind chugging down the cheap bottle of tequila you grabbed
that being said, i do think soap takes on a bit of a different persona after coming off a mission
i feel like he's more energetic and upbeat on the field simply because there's always so much going on and he thrives off the adrenaline rush
but i fully believe it's typical of him to be a bit more laid back and quiet off missions, at least at first
and that's when a mission goes good and is successful
in the event it doesn't go so well (much like now) he has a tendency to go back and think about the mission in terms of what could've been done better
in other words, what he could've done better
and while he may not notice it himself, he'll eventually fall into a small pit of self-deprecation
that's when you stumble over to him with your lips curled into a smile and price's hat lopsidedly settled on your head
he's not quite sure of your intentions at first so he'll just offer you a kind, but hesitant smile
then you'll say something like, "why are you giving me that fake smile?"
and he can't help but feel a little ashamed
he goes to say something, but you just put your drink on the table and wrap him in a hug
and, of course, he hugs you back (although he is a bit confused)
but he enjoys it
what can he say? you always give good hugs
you'll stay like that for a few minutes
but then you start to sway the two of you
he'll get confused and ask what you're doing
and then you pull back and tell him something like, "i wanna dance"
and soap being soap will say something like, "there's no music"
and for some unknown reason that just set you off
because in the blink of an eye, you're pretty much dragging soap up from his chair while holding one of his hands and chanting out, "spin me! spin me!'
and who is he to deny you?
that's how you and soap end up spinning each other around while the rest of the team watches on with silent laughter as you both try to fight off the dizziness so neither of you fall
unsurprisingly, it doesn't work for long
surprisingly however, it was soap that fell first and not you despite being tipsy
so now you're both sat on the floor with you rambling to soap that, "sometimes it's okay to fall! you just gotta get back up!"
and unbeknownst to you, he takes your words to heart
so now you're being smothered by soap as he wraps you up into a bear hug, his specialty
you'll stay like that on the floor for a bit longer before you catch gaz scrolling away on his phone not too far from you and soap
so you pull back and give him one of your signature grins as you motion over to the unsuspecting gaz
and when he turns back to you with a smile mirroring your own, you know exactly what you plan to do
kyle 'gaz' garrick
as mentioned above, gaz is simply scrolling on his phone when you and soap set your sights on him
as a soldier, one really important quality is being aware of your surroundings
gaz knows this and is really good about remaining vigilant both on and off missions
but he tends to be a little more lax when he's on base simply because he knows the place is jam packed with people who are quite literally licensed to kill
so it's because of this he sometimes get a little too wrapped up in his phone
price hates it, but really, what can you do?
he's young and likes being up to date on things, both in terms of pop culture and world news
side note, gaz would definitely be the best gossip buddy with soap coming in a close second and i will die on this hill
with gaz so wrapped up in his drinking and scrolling, he barely notices you and soap not so stealthily sneaking up to his table and planting yourselves across from him
eyes still planted on his phone, he reaches his hand out only to find that he can't seem to find purchase on the bottle of beer he'd opened not too long ago
cue him finally looking up from his phone just to see you and soap staring at him with huge smiles while you hold his half-finished bottle of beer hostage in your hands
much like the others on the team, he too is feeling the not so pleasant after effects of the mission so he's quick to put his phone down and stare back at you two with a glint of curiosity and mischief dotting his brown eyes
with all your sense of rationality dulled from the alcohol, soap's natural talent for getting into trouble, and gaz's carefree spirit, it doesn't take long for you three to start embarrassing yourselves
before any of you can really register what's happening, you each find yourselves leaned up against one another as you belt out the chorus to berlin's 'take my breath away' as the song plays from the speaker of gaz's phone
how you three ended up in this position? you're not quite sure
it may have had something to do with the extra shots of the fruity vodka you'd grabbed from the store shelf
but really, who even cares?
you're just happy to be here
and if the easy smiles plastered on the faces of the men beside you are anything to go by, they're happy to be here too
though right now they seem to be too busy fighting over a new song to sing along to
gaz wants '22' by taylor swift while soap is begging for the 'wellerman' sea shanty that went viral not too long ago
how he even knows about that, you're not sure
but as they continue to bicker over the next song they'll be singing along to, you look out the corner of your eye to see price stalking over, his gaze locked on the phone gaz and soap are fighting over
already knowing where this situation is heading from the few times it's happened before, you decide to get ahead of the situation
and by that, it just means you quickly detach yourself from the two men as you set your sights on someone else who just so happened to be brooding in the corner
simon 'ghost' riley
so by now i imagine that it's pretty common knowledge amongst the 141 that simon has a preference toward bourbon whiskey
so naturally you grab him a bottle of it while you were out filling up a cart with various types of beer and liquor
and if i'm being honest, i feel like ghost isn't too picky with what brand of whiskey you grab so long as it's bourbon
so when you stumble your way over to him, you're not at all surprised to see him shamelessly hogging the bottle of jim bean you specifically brought for him
what does surprise you is when he pushes out the seat beside him with his foot as he gives you a small nod of his head in a small gesture for you to take a seat
with the room starting to spin ever so slightly, you easily comply with his silent demand
you two sit in silence for a few moments before you sit up and reach for the bottle of whiskey sitting on the table
ghost doesn't seem to be on board with your line of thought however because this man does not hesitate in snatching the bottle from your eager hands before screwing the cap back on and setting it beside his chair on the floor
you just kinda stare at him with a mix of annoyance and betrayal as you say something along the lines of, "what the hell was that for?"
and this is where he just kinda narrows his eyes at you for a moment before motioning over to the middle of the room where gaz and soap are belting out the lyrics to 'hotel california' by the eagles while price seems to be taking a video of the two of them, a wide grin peeking through his well kept beard
once ghost is sure you've gotten a good look at the trio he'll turn back to you and say something like, "you're not roping me into any of that, no drinkin' when you're with me."
and as much as you wanna try to fight him on it to get just a few more sips, you eventually decide it against it and instead opt for slumping into your seat much to his amusement
the two of you sit and watch as price tries to reign in the mess that is gaz and soap before he eventually gives up in favor of capturing more videos on his phone he can use as future blackmail
the atmosphere gradually melts into a more peaceful one as gaz and soap begin to quiet their singing and move onto slow love songs that they seemed to have memorized by heart judging by the way they barely even look at the lyrics
who woulda thought
but it's at this moment ghost decides to make a comment
"you snuck a lot of alcohol over here"
and it's true, alcohol was strictly prohibited on base, it was something you and everyone else in that room knew
but having sobered up a bit since sitting with ghost you immediately thought he was gonna go into a lecture despite him hoarding a whole bottle of whiskey to himself
so naturally you open your mouth to offer your defense, but before you can even say anything he decides to cut you off
"not a bad move, kid"
wait what
you're confused
and he knows you're confused so he decides to elaborate, "place was dead 'fore you walked in with all that beer and liquor. you made 'em smile"
you frown, "what do you mean?"
he'll sigh and continue, "s not a secret that mission was fucked. thought you were all gonna have a hard time sleepin' tonight," he motions to the space where gaz and soap appear to be serenading price with god knows what song, "but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore, i think you'll all be alright now"
you tilt your head, "oh...i see"
the silence drifts over you two once more, but you decide to disrupt it
you turn to ghost with a questioning gaze, "what about you?"
he raises a brow as he glances at you, "what about me?"
you turn to face him fully, "are you gonna be alright?"
his movements come to a halt as he thinks your words over
would he be alright?
it's no secret that he's a bit more cold hearted than the rest of the team, but that doesn't mean he's no affected by any of it
he holds in a sigh as he glances over to gaz, soap, and price all smiling and joking around with one another before turning back to you
"long as you stick around, i think we're all gonna be okay, kid."
you grin at him
"i've grown on you, haven't i?"
he breathes out a small laugh, "i only keep you around for the whiskey"
you nudge his arm with your shoulder, "that's a yes, isn't it?"
he shrugs, "if you want it to be"
he holds back a small smile at the way you gleam before opening his mouth to speak, "you say anything to anyone and i'll–"
he doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence before you're bouncing off your seat and running over the group of three in the middle of the room chanting, "ghost said i'm his favorite!"
he leans back in his chair as he watches gaz and soap feign heartbreak at your declaration while price shakes his head in amusement
"no big deal," he thinks to himself, "i can always deny it"
even if it's completely true
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writingstoraes · 1 year
charles' playlist 🎶
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: not proofread and not revised so please expect errors hehehe please lmk what u think by replying or messaging and if u wanna be part of my taglist! <3 decided to add fans' reactions through tweets! this is a bit long ig?
about: in celebration of your birthday, charles dedicates a song to you every instagram post.
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liked by isahernaez, susie_wolff, carlossainz55, and 1,894,341 others
charles_leclerc The happiest of birthdays to the love of my life. Today, the world became an even better place because it gained someone so kind and loving - you. For one of your many gifts, I've picked out a few songs to better encapsulate the way I feel about you and just how thankful I am I got to live in the same life as you.
1. She Chose Me - Bruno Major
"Every night I thank the lucky stars above me, someone as beautiful as she could freely love me and she really loves me. From time to time I ask myself, why was it I and nobody else? The most beautiful girl that I'd ever seen and she chose me."
Eternally grateful I get to call you mine. Despite the highs and lows we have battled together, you chose me - how privileged am I?
tagged: yourusername
yourusername CHARLES????@?@ I LOVE YOU WHAT IS THIS
princecarlos I KNOW oh my god hes so fucking sweet 😭😭😭😭😭
lewishamilton No don't do this I think I'm going to cry (by the way, Happy Birthday, Y/N!)
yourusername you and me both, lew 😔 thank you! say hi to roscoe for me please
lilymhe happy birthdayyyy, my favorite girl 🎉 see you soon!
yourusername thank you, my lily :(( we will drop by soon!
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liked by maxverstappen, danielricciardo, pierregasly, and 1,234,110 others
charles_leclerc 2. Baby I'm Yours - Arctic Monkeys
"Baby, I'm yours and I'll be yours until the sun no longer shines, yours until the poets run out of rhyme. In other words, until the end of time."
Okay this one I admit I just liked the melody but hey, the lyrics are for sure accurate, yes? I remember when we sang this at 3AM because we both couldn't sleep. But it couldn't be more right - I'm yours and I always will be, for as long as you'd have me.
tagged: yourusername
c16c55 oh my god i cannot do this today will i ever find love like this
leclercsainz Gonna go sleep on a highway
pascale_leclerc Happiest Birthday, my dear Y/N! Come over soon when you can ❤️
yourusername we will! i miss you all 🤍
yourusername there's no one else id rather sing karaoke with at 3am 🤍 je táime, amour! also, are you kidding? im keeping you forever 🧘‍♀️
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liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc, isahernaez, and 1,459,340 others
charles_leclerc 3. Beyond by Leon Bridges
"I'm scared to death that she might be it, that the love is real, that the shoe might fit. She might just be my everything and beyond, space and time in the afterlife,"
You are everything to me, chérie. When I first realized that I loved you, it shook me to my core. I was terrified of how greatly I felt for you; but here you are, the greatest thing that ever happened to me. You were the leap of faith I will always be thankful for and the only sure thing amongst all uncertainties. Have the happiest of birthdays ❤️
tagged: yourusername
yourusername i am out of words, i love you so so so much, my favorite person 🤍
charles16clerc YEAH WTF charles im gonna need you to pay for my therapy
carlossainz55 Never knew you were such a romantic, mate 😆 happy birthday, Y/N! Isa misses you!
charles_leclerc Only for her actually
yourusername thanks, carlos! tell her to come visit me soon <333
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tagging: @slytherheign <333 mwah
notes: this is my first time trying out putting tweets! how was it so far? hehe lmk ur thoughts!
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delulu-archives · 8 months
Love in Vinyl (Jeon Wonwoo x Reader)
If you were to create an extended play about your relationship with Wonwoo, this would be it. Your title track? To You - a perfect symphony about how a love yours feels like. You and Wonwoo found your safe place to land - each other. And like music in vinyl, every ridge and groove of your relationship makes up the perfect music.
Note: Wonwoo x producer!reader, smut, fluff, slow-burn, multiple scenarios, friends to lovers, AU, unedited Disclaimer: Dear reader, please bear in mind that this is an AU, hence there might be some scenes that may not be as cohesive as real-life, but I did try my best to match the timelines. This is a longer one-shot containing various parts inspired by different songs. Then, it would be followed with more chapters of shorter music-inspired one-shots from within your timelines. 💜 Word count: 23,229 SECOND FIC IS HERE, DARLINGS! Read Love me Lights Out here.
I love Wonwoo so much and I need an outlet for my delulu self, that I am now willing to share with you, world. :) this is the first ever fic I am posting here in Tumblr so pleease forgive all the mushy stuff. I really hope you'd like it, though. Enjoy, darlings. 💗💙
I pour my blood, sweat, tears, and delulu dusts to write this. Please help me protect my work while reaching more delulu darlings who may find escape here, too. 💜 Cross-posted in AO3 (theloveofthunder17)
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You, I always need you I step still further away Only the rough wind lingers around me So, I always need you You're the only one for my breathless self Oh, even if we're facing each other, I still miss you Hey, even without saying anything You're the only one that who understands me Today I'll go to your arms too (Hey, hey, hey, hey) I'm grateful to you, who greets me whenever I open the door In a swirling day You've given me a piece of happiness You've placed all of the smiles in the world in my hands So even if I run out of breath on a steep road Even when I lose my path during a cold day We're still holding hands with warmth Nothing is easier than I thought Thinking about what should I do everyday When I think I've arrived, I'm back to the start Even when the dark is ahead of me, oh-ooh-oh Ooh, during the swirling days I can run without any fears Because of our faith that we still kept Because I'm so grateful, I'm in tears How can I repay all of this? To you, to you The story I want to express To you, to you I want to say more things like this Oh-oh, in a swirling wind If there's an eternal love Then you're that person
You weren't really prepared for your life to change when you first worked for Big Hit, a relatively small, start-up company that somehow put faith in your skills and your eagerness. You were penniless, basically living off minimum wage you earn as you pursued your course in university alongside working with BTS since their debut. You started as an intern, a researcher for such a small company you took as a steppingstone to your career. You were working with only handful of producers then, hence gaining the exposure while putting double work developed you massively. It was baptism by fire, they always told you. With of your determination and grit, you soon became a segment producer and made your way as one of the regular producers of their contents. You were present during concerts and shows, filming and drafting ideas so your skills expanded tenfold while you were growing your network, too. You were part of the massive shift in BTS' career and the agency's success. You were there as the team behind the camera grew from a few people to hundreds as years passed by.
You were one of the most trusted, most tenured producers, growing and learning with the boys and the company. You proved your innate talent as you became one of the brains behind their hit 'healing' contents such Bon Voyage and Run BTS, documentaries, and many other social networking releases that helped them reach a global scale. Those years were a whirlwind – pure chaos but utterly amazing in its own way.
BigHit continued growing as BTS continued to triumph internationally, bridging borders across the globe. The company's growth meant a lot of acquisitions and partnerships with relatively similar labels the head of the agency fostered good working relationships with, and that was when Pledis entered your world. As an independent company such as BigHit before, both companies somehow built close ties from the higher ups, knowing both were relatively smaller companies compared to the giants. It was a perfect partnership, truly. Gradually, even the respective production teams had built connection and network, driven mainly by the encouragement of the senior management.  
By early 2018, you started being more involved with both companies as part of continuous partnership initiatives. The producers often welcomed your expertise because you always offered fresh perspectives, from an angle of someone so pivotal to the successful contents and program releases of BTS for the past five years and from someone around the same age of the artists and the fanbases. You struck the perfect balance every time.
You have met some of Pledis' artists before through working with BTS, seeing them during shows, networking with Pledis producers, or casually interacting with them around the industry. With the changing dynamics however, you were eager to know more about the group on a more professional and personal manner. You spent time researching about them and getting to know them through their managers and producers, and of course the contents they had already released before. Their beginnings were much like your beloved BTS – they started from the bottom and slowly continued making their name known in the scene – SEVENTEEN. They were just nearly a 3-year-old group then, still fresh, and still discovering the many things they could bring to the table. With immense innate talent they possess, you were certain they'd be one of the most successful groups, and you were right.
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"Everyone, this Y/N. She's going to be one of the producers for some of our contents and she came time to meet you all."
You found yourself in a middle of the room surrounded by the members after their debrief session for one of their Going Seventeen Spin-off shooting day. You were present during the whole shoot, watching and observing how these individuals work and just how comfortable and easy to work with they are. Your friend and mentor who happened to work with BigHit before requested your presence there, given that he's one of the long-time producers of the show. 
"You all behave," the producer teased the team, leaving you all in the room for some time to get to know each other.
"Hello everyone."
"Hello, PD-nim." The members greeted you, with Seungcheol politely asking you to sit and feel comfortable, and you did. 
They looked excited with the introduction of a new staff member and you immediately felt the positive energy everyone radiated. You immediately thought this was going to be easier than what you had initially expected.
"Hope you still have energy? I'll try and make it as quick as possible." Your whole persona exuded a different type of energy that the team found refreshing, as if your wavelength would also match theirs and instead of senior staff members they were used to working with, your youthful take on things was something they were all looking forward to. 
"We're okay, PD-nim." The leader piped in and everyone agreed. "It's still early!"
The room was filled with hums and excited murmurs so you wanted to sustain that energy. Instead of your usual laptop, you took out pens and sticky notes from your bag to distribute it to the team for a quick activity.
"I am quite unconventional so I would like to get to know you guys personally through this game and would also allow you to ask me questions so you can get to know me." You explained looking around the room as the men started to show curiosity despite it being the first time you actually got to meet them. You reckoned it was because it was something new to them.
"Y/N-noona, you know us all already?" Mingyu asked, his bright smile lighting up the mood and surprising everyone with how casual he was with you. He had been smiling at you since he saw you that day but you already warned him beforehand to not let the team know just yet. You met him several times already through Jungkook and learned just how how much of a golden retriever he is, so refreshing for a man standing 6'2".
"Hey! I've met you guys before! It's just that I was always nagging BTS behind camera."
"Ah you're the scary PD-nim!" Minghao exclaimed, earning laughter from the team.
"I suppose I am, yeah. But again, I know you guys."
"Shall we test it, PD-nim? Whether you really know us?" DK, the group's sunshine, suggested and the team all agreed. The whole thing did not feel intimidating for them at all even though you'd be working as their producer.
"It's Y/N. You can just call me Y/N. But challenge accepted! I watch a lot of your contents, you know." A soft smile crept into your lips as you recited their full-names and stage names as you pointed at them in order they are seated, even included the nicknames the fans use to refer to them or their iconic lines. A collective 'woahs' filled the room at how accurate you were. You could see their walls breaking gradually which was the goal of the meeting - to establish the familiarity and ease before even working with them.
"And last but not the least... 울고 싶지 않아 (Ulgo sipji ana/I don't want to cry)". Your sweet voice resonated around the room followed by the cheers and howls from the members, while your turned your gaze towards quietest man in the room, meeting those kind eyes behind his thick glasses. Knowing how to read the room and adjust your approach, you reckoned it would need a little more effort to make Jeon Wonwoo more comfortable and participative, especially that you were a new face. Wonwoo emitted such a kind aura with a hint of mischief, and you were certain you'd enjoy seeing him break out of his shell through the programmes you'd produce.  Your attempt at building rapport was quickly rewarded, earning a nod and a warm yet shy smile from him. It made your stomach flutter and Seokjin was the only person who managed to affect you like that before.  
"Alright, in that piece of paper I gave, I want you to write the simplest thing that excites you the most when working on contents such as Going Seventeen outside being musicians and idols, and from there, I'll guess who it might belong to. If you have questions for me, put it there, too."
You watched them intently as they endlessly bickered, teased, and gathered ideas from one another. You loved the chemistry and relationship they have almost immediately. Clapping your hands to get their attention, you gathered the papers and opened it one after the other. You read interesting and simple things they wrote such as 'fun activities', 'prize', 'food', 'mafia', 'travel', 'games and money' and the likes. The hour was filled with laughter as you answered those who asked a question and tried guessing based on this. 
"What he likes - gaming and would like to try travelling. His question for me - 'Who are you?' Wow such a straightforward one." You snorted as you read one of the papers, rolling your eyes playfully as they hollered, shouting it was Wonwoo for sure. "Is it yours?" You turned to the man whose ears were turning red as you clutched your chest feigning heartache which made the team tease him more as he admitted he wrote it.
"Alright then, who am I? Wonwoo, I am BTS' favourite producer, and I have a feeling that I will be Seventeen's most favourite producer soon enough, too."  
The members cheered, clapping their hands as Mingyu led them to chant your name, "Y/N-noona! Y/N-noona!"
"Don't tell the other PDs I said that. It's a secret."
One particular paper made you laugh, it was Hoshi's, saying that he mostly enjoys being a tiger and being a star but then followed by a question about their seniors, "How different is BTS? What can we learn from them?"
You paused and considered the question, looking at the team in the eyes, "They are not much different. Like you, they started from the bottom - working day in and day out, breaking barriers and crushing bigotry and racism. They are so much like you than you'd imagine, that's why I think you all get along well every time you work together." 
The team nodded and hummed, as if pondering what you just said. Mingyu also agreed, given that he already heard many stories about the band from Jungkook. 
"What can you learn from them? Be human because you are humans. You cry, you get angry, you get tired, you fall, you stand, you laugh, you fight, you rejoice, too. You eat, you shower, hopefully, you take care of yourself, but most importantly, you love. You love what you do, you love yourself, you love each other. It will make a difference in this wild industry you are in. You love."
There was moment shared between you and the members, a quiet one with only knowing smiles and glances around the room. It was evident that it was going to be the start of a harmonious work-life with them.
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Since early 2018, you were able to foster good working relationship and friendship with the members, as part of the producers for Going Seventeen Spin-off.  From 2019 onwards, you became a regular around their studio, especially with more talks around agency mergers becoming more and more apparent from the management to senior staff levels. With your brilliant mind, you become more involved in conceptualizing contents and special episodes for Going Seventeen, earning you a title as of one of their most loved and most hated producers at all times. You later became one of the brains behind TTT, Don't Lie, Ego, and Bad Clue series which were all loved not only by the fans but also the members themselves.
Being just at the same age as Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua, it was naturally easy for them to trust and build connection with you, much like how you were with BTS. Everyone became comfortable around you quickly, with your presence offering some sort of normality among individuals who are always under the spotlight. "You're not just a producer but a great friend and 'noona'. I am really thankful." Dino, ever so precious, reminded you after a tedious working day for everyone. There were no pressure working with you even when you were running things in the background no matter how scary and serious you can become sometimes — just some of many reasons why they love you.
Since you started working with them, there were members who had grown closest to you such as the 95z, Hoshi, Dino, and Minghao but surprisingly, there was another one who grew to love your presence – Wonwoo.
Admittedly, Wonwoo was not the easiest one to get to know — he had always been reserved and observant, laughing on the side lines and supporting his team, but somehow, he felt comfortable with you. With how wild and loud the other team members can get, you understood that Wonwoo would not fight for that limelight, and while not intentional, being quiet also meant he sometimes felt as though no one was listening to him. Of course, Jeonghan and Mingyu are always there for him, but with your arrival however, he felt more understood and seen. It was rare for him to foster such close relationship with anyone that easily, but with you, it was a breeze. "As easy as breathing," he once told you.
Wonwoo would often receive teasing gaze and smirks from the team whenever you were in the studio working or even getting their ideas from them, even when you were still just doing small projects before. He always found himself beside you during breaks, talking about everything under the sun - from the games he discovered, or the latest restaurant he tried, or more interesting and controversial topics. The two of you could easily get lost in hours after hours of random conversations and even arguments which challenged both of your perceptions - his practical and rational mindset and your more creative and idealist mindset. You became comfortable enough to share stories of your childhood, hardships, or even concerns without fear of judgment despite differences. You became close enough to even know each other's families. You were always in your own little bubble, enjoying each other's company as if you had been best friends forever. You thought that was the beauty of it - the build up of your friendship was organic. 
Wonwoo was never the one to fall quickly — always sure-footed and rational even in that regard. However, he was always a little too excited whenever you were around, and you were always in his mind whenever you were not around — something he would not necessarily admit. He felt it, though, and allowed himself to bask in that new feeling.
You on the other hand was always focused on your career - the schedule was hectic alone to even pay attention to being in a relationship. In reality, you had carefully built your walls since you started working in the industry, but somehow, someway, Wonwoo managed to slowly break your guards down.
You were not certain when it started – the silly banters, the teasing, the sweet gestures, and more moments spent alone you both always looked forward to - but it happened. 
In such chaos around you, you and Wonwoo found a safe place to land – each other. 
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Around July of 2019, you produced SVT Travel episodes for GoSe. New York, a perfect location for the boys to film such content. The city had everything to offer, and it was right on time as they were set to perform as one of the artists for KCon that year. They were the most anticipated artist there and you knew how enthusiastic they were about it too. Prior to the event, they were given a chance to roam around New York on their own and explore the city by group, Bon Voyage style. Every one made the most out of their travel, enjoying everything in the city from food, parks, and even the shops.
They were quite bummed you were not there for their travel vlog though it was you who made it possible to squeeze in that content and allow them to enjoy. There was a conflict in schedule, but you told them you'd try. They knew you would be preoccupied with project commitments and would not be around for a while because you were busy preparing for BTS' New Zealand trip that September for the fourth season of Bon Voyage. Everything was manic with BTS going on an extended break before their trip, and still being one of the head producers for BV, you were naturally occupied, too.
However, your heart yearned to be in New York for more reasons than you cared to admit. So while it seemed impossible, you tried finishing all the work and preparations so you can squeeze in the time to fly to NYC.
And of course, you did.
While you were not there for KCon, you found yourself walking in the streets of the concrete jungle the night before a special occasion - Wonwoo's birthday.
Nobody knew you were coming except from some staff members, Seungcheol, and by extension Jeonghan. They told you they planned something for him so you can surprise the birthday boy who had been sulking for the past few days. Birthday blues, they assumed, so they wanted it to be special for the man who would not normally demand anything.
They said they would have late dinner so they can still be up drinking until midnight, which was not uncommon at all. You already experienced their random drinking sessions before and was impressed with how they can hold their liquor, except Hoshi and Seungkwan, of course.
It was right on time with your arrival at NYC at 10:00 PM. That gave you ample time to settle down in your hotel nearby the place they were staying in. At around 11:30 PM, Jeonghan gave you a head's up that they were all together, drinking and eating, and asked you to come before midnight. You arrived by the door of their accommodation few minutes before 12:00 AM of 17 July, just enough time for the surprise.
Your loud knock broke through their laughter and Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and the others who kept up with the secret asked Wonwoo to open it, reasoning that he was the closest to the door.
"Yah! It's my birthday and you're ordering me around!"
He complained but being an angel that he naturally is, obliged. It was the most perfect timing -- the clock struck midnight as Wonwoo turned the knob and opened the door to you holding a cake with a cute little candle lit up. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened as if he could not believe you were there, wishing him a happy birthday along with the members.
"Make a wish." You gave him your gentle smile and lifted the cake towards him. Speechless, Wonwoo closed his eyes, put his hands together for a wish, and blew the candle. Everyone cheered, clapped, and hugged him - all pleased with how the man responded to the small surprise. It was loud but Wonwoo felt as though you were the only person around that moment. His eyes remained glued to you, as if trying to convince himself he was not dreaming.
In a blink, he engulfed you in his embrace, his head buried against your neck. "You're here," he breathed out as he tightened his arms around you.
You swore you could feel his shy smile against your skin.
"Happy birthday, Wonwoo." You mumbled, rubbing his back soothingly as you wrapped your arms around him with equal affection and care.
Unbeknown to the both of you, the members were already giggling and whispering how dense you both were about each other's feelings.
New York was even more beautiful than you imagined. You had been there before, but somehow, that summer bloomed differently - it was brighter, more colourful, and more alive. You tried convincing yourself it really was like that but you second-guessed whether it was because you were already smitten with the man you were spending the day with. Either way, you had no complaints. 
With how famous he was, you knew it would be impossible to spend the day with just the two of you alone given that they also headlined a huge concert just few days back. Wonwoo was adamant to spend the day with just the two of you, but you managed to convince him to bring the guys. They all deserved that break after all, so it was just perfect.
You all decided to spend the day at Six Flags, getting lost and enjoying the wide variety of activities offered in the amusement park. The members and some managers were around, but they gave you space per Wonwoo's request without your knowledge.
You spent the day sightseeing together, getting on various rides, enjoying meals and several desserts, and just being silly kids - with playful matching headbands, even. For someone you constantly tease as part of the iron deficiency line, Wonwoo seemed to have all the energy in the world that day.
You spent few hours together until the members called to let you know that the firework show was about to start. Hurriedly, you and Wonwoo went to the centre-ground just before the bright, colourful explosions glimmered under the dark velvet sky, capping the celebration with a perfect view.
Everyone was in awe of the grand display, as expected. 
You, on the other hand, found the man beside you more fascinating than the show glittering the sky. You watched the reflection against his glasses and his almond eyes, admiring how the colours lit up his perfect face while his lips curled in his signature small smile as he expertly took photos of the show. He looked even more breathtaking. This man was crafted so carefully you were sure the universe spent more time perfecting him.
The thud in your chest was relentless, and when you thought things couldn't get better, it did. You felt Wonwoo's hands twining with yours as he turned towards you and smiled, "Thank you for making this the best birthday ever."
You could not speak, but he knew what you wanted to say. The way your hand tightened around his and the way your eyes shone as you met his gaze were enough answers for him.
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I’m ready to love Tell me, can we stay together? Can we stay together? I’m a fool of love for you My heart by your side forever, by your side forever My feelings grew after I met   you Just friends that’s  not enough for  me First time feeling my heart race Never thought it’d beat so fast All I wanna do is run away Cause you are my escape Love has no limit, I want an answer Already know, yeah That expression lost in thought My secret recipe to make you feel better The moment my eyes saw you Everything’s clear No need to say a word First time feeling my heart race Never thought it’d beat so fast All I wanna do is run away Cause you are my escape Just need you to be ready With each passing day My emotions keep growing I don’t wanna waste any more I want to run for you Run away to the other side of the world Take my hand Still I run away Trust me now To fill my heart to the top Like you're short of breath (let me) You give me purpose
The trip in NYC was nothing short of magical. It was beautiful to have been able to spend time with them, but most especially Wonwoo. You weren't sure about what was going on with the two of you just yet, and somehow it started to scare you how much deeper you were falling for him. It was an oath you swore to yourself before - to not fall in love with the people you were working with, especially the artists. It was impossible not to, you finally realised, especially with how things naturally played out with you and Wonwoo. 
Instead of focusing on that however, you occupied yourself with preparations for the fourth season of Bon Voyage and had not visited the studio for nearly two months. Aside from how busy you were, you also went to New Zealand to film with BTS hence you were also not around for the first shows they had for Ode to You tour.
Your jampacked schedule did not mean that your mind was completely rid of Wonwoo. He was able to infiltrate your thoughts and emotions throughout - sending you food and coffee in your office, calling during odd hours of day to ask how you were, or even sending random selcas with the members. You missed being with him for sure, and those silly things made you yearn for him.
One thing that stuck to you however, was when you received a call late in September, few days before your scheduled return. They were filming the 2019 Camping TTT that time and you weren't sure why your phone rang at nearly midnight. Seeing his name on the screen however, you perked up.
"M-miss you so much." He slurred, followed by a hiccup. Your breath hitched.
"Hey, Won. You okay?"
"Why? What happened?"
"You forgot about me already." Despite the static on the line, you could hear the slight pout with the way he whined. 
"I would never." You chuckled, "wait, are you drunk?"
"Lovedrunk. Yes. With you."
"Wonwoo —"
You could not even finish your question when the line dropped.
You were dumbfounded. Would he even remember what be said once he woke up the following day? Those thoughts keep you awake that night. 
As scheduled, you came back after nearly two months of being MIA in the Caratland to produce the SVT Playground episode of Going Seventeen which was one of the goofiest episodes they enjoyed filming - simple and innocent, a trip down memory lane. It was a chance for them to be young again and forget the heavy weight of their stardom despite the cameras around.
For you and Wonwoo, however, it was the game changer. 
While you grew closer than ever even before, something shifted with the way Wonwoo treated you since New York and that phone call the previous week. He became a little more gentle, softer, and more thoughtful with you. On the other hand, the sweet gestures became bolder and more noticeable. The way he stared at you lingered without him trying to hide it and there was a new spark in his eyes whenever he did so. The tone of his voice when talking to you turned sweeter, flirtier, even.
That day, he became more intentional with his display of affection either by tucking your hair behind your ears or wrapping an arm around your shoulders or waist for no reasons at all. Those gestures, while not not new, developed gradually over the past months that you did not even notice them becoming more apparent. Not until New York. Not until that playground day when you felt it so deep.
Adding to your dilemma about your feelings, Jeonghan and Seungcheol were also actively watching the turn of events. They had always known about it, so as the other members who were close to the two of you, while you and Wonwoo try to mask or avoid your feelings.
"What's with you and Wonu?" The leader asked teasingly during the filming break, flashing his gummy smile and wiggling his brows. "He finally confessed?"
"Huh?" You cocked your head in confusion.
Seungcheol and Jeonghan burst out laughing, shaking their heads and looking at each other as if sharing an inside joke, and you reckoned they might be aware of that drunk call Wonwoo made. 
"Eeeeeyy, you both need to come to your senses. It's been more than a year of you trying to deny how whipped you both are for each other." Jeonghan casually remarked before they went back filming when the director called their attention. You scolded yourself. Were you really that obvious? 
As you watched the during the filming, you could not help but be drawn towards Wonwoo – his laugh, his whiny pouts, his voice, and even the way he ran to you whenever he had the chance to, pretending to get candies or drink water or seek assistance in putting on eye-drops - all these just so he can get close you.
You couldn't help but think about how since you met over a year ago, he has always been present and always ensured you felt it. Your natural chemistry was obvious to everyone around you, but somehow, you both refused to acknowledge it.
That day changed it, though. The butterflies and racing heartbeat were abiding throughout the day.
Remembering how he held your hand in New York only sealed the obvious truth you were trying to avoid for months.
It finally dawned to you that you had plummeted. Your walls completely crumbled down and you were left defenceless, all for and because of Wonwoo.
Majority of the team members and staff went home once you arrived in the building after the shoot, but you stayed inside your dark office, working on some of your ideas for the next content and pulling another all-nighter. You wanted to finish it, as you were going to be busy with some filming preparations in line with upcoming documentary for SVT you would be co-producing.
While you were preoccupied with your work, Wonwoo noticed your office door ajar with lights still open and he knew there could only be one reason. He bid goodbye to Joshua who was walking with him saying he'd follow in the carpark and the man nonchalantly agreed, leaving Wonwoo alone.
Wonwoo entered the studio discreetly, seeing you ever busy typing your notes, talking to yourself with eyes laser focused on the screen. He always loved watching you in your element, so fascinating how your mind works he would often say. He even bought you a wireless mechanical keyboard to help you when typing away your ideas so that it would be easier and more comfortable. That was just another excuse of course, he bought it because it matches his gaming keyboard and you once told him you love the click-clacks of it. He hoped that somehow, he'd cross your mind even when you are working. He reached his goal - you carry that keyboard and think about him everywhere you work.
He leaned against the door frame for quite some time just admiring your unwavering strength and passion before sneaking behind you like a cat that he is. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he spoke softly, "Aren't you leaving yet?"
You jumped in surprise as you felt his warm hands against you, "You scared me!" You shrieked, playfully punching him as you clenched your chest with your other hand.
"Ah! Sorry, sorry." He snickered, pulling the other chair to sit beside you and you locked your laptop hide the script you were working on for the next special episode.
"Why are you still here? Have the others left?"
"Mhm, they did. How long are you staying?" He inquired, already reaching for his phone from his pocket with his eyes never leaving yours. "I'll wait for you. I can text Shua-hyung to go ahead, he is waiting for me."
You tilted your head, puzzled, "Why? You should go, it was a long day. You have early shoot tomorrow, too."
Wonwoo just shook his head. There was that unspoken connection and understanding built between you since you met. Both of you are intuitive individuals, and you both see through things than what meets the eye, perhaps that's why you mesh well. His warm eyes searched yours as if conveying things he could not muster just yet. "I'll stay and wait. No matter how long it takes."
There was a pregnant pause, the air thinning as your heart pounded against your chest. You wanted to assume it was just about waiting for you and nothing else, but his deep voice and the sincerity behind it was too serious. "How sweet of you, Won, but Joshua's waiting and you need to rest, too." Your voice was gentle, but there was a little quiver as you tried steadying it despite how he was making you feel.
"Eh, but I want to be here with you." His perfect lips puckered into an adorable pout as he whined, eyes twinkling under the warm dimmed light of the office as they remained glued to you. "You can't convince me otherwise."
You beamed. Like a complete idiot.
Your inner lady laughed hysterically at just how insane Wonwoo drives you no matter what he does.
"Wonwoo, you need to go home. Your managers will kill me if they found out you stayed here." You insisted, pressing a hand on his forearm as if to comfort him, and he felt your warmth through the sweatshirt he was wearing. "I'll be fine, I promise."
He sighed, finally surrendering to your request. "One condition then..." he paused and turned your swivel chair so you could face him completely. You saw that glint in his eyes - a hint of teasing mischief that eventually shifted into something warm, like fuel coaxing embers to burst into flames.
"Fine. What is it?"
The tension was palpable and your voice barely came out as you tried grounding yourself when he dragged your chair closer. He did not answer you just yet, instead with an intense gaze, he started leaning towards you, nose brushing against yours as you froze in your seat. 
He hushed, and before he chickened out, pressed his soft lips against yours.
Your breathing ceased.
The world paused.
There was nothing but silence and the pounding of both your hearts.
The fireworks show in NYC was no match against the fireworks going off in your head that moment.
It was all surreal until you felt his trembling hand ever so gently cupping your face. The surge of emotions was brimming as you withdrew slowly, eyes wide at what just transpired. You blinked rapidly, trying to wake yourself up from the beautiful dream or delusion that it was.
But it wasn't a dream. Nor was it a delusion.
It was all real.
He was there, lips curled up in his signature grin while caressing your face with yearning. His raised cheeks were turning red and the ashen colour of his hair only emphasized the glow that painted his features. He was enchanting yet so real at the same time and you could never fathom how it was even possible. 
"H-hi." He stuttered followed a breathy laugh and you could not help but meet him halfway the next time he dipped his head and captured your lips in a conversation without words.
He kissed you with such tenderness and longing - the soft petals of his lips slotted between yours so delicately that it caused shivers to run throughout your whole being. He brought you closer by the back of your head, deepening the kiss, enough to allow you to taste each other.
The kiss was sweet, in all senses of that word. He tasted of sugar and mixed berries from all the candies he consumed during the filming, and you tasted exactly like the cherry-cola popsicle you had upon arrival at the office. The exchange was loving yet so fearless and innocent, like one's very first kiss, only 100x better.
"You had too many candies today," You whispered against his lips, eyes still closed as you both chuckled. You heart was burning inside and you were certain he could feel it, with how steady he seemed to be.
"I can say the same." His lips curled into smirk then chased yours for a few more pecks before finally pulling away reluctantly, looking in your eyes as you both burst out giggling like teenagers.
"Now go." You ordered, face still flushed from the exchange and Wonwoo nodded, his lips pressed together tightly to suppress the smile he couldn't wipe off his face. No matter how much he tried, however, the corners of his lips and his cheekbones did not cooperate.
When he finally found his strength, he stood towering over you and leaned in, stealing one last kiss then running towards the door giddily.
"I'll go. Good night."
"Good night." You called back, suppressing the intense emotions that threatened to spill.
Wonwoo got to the car grinning ear to ear. Joshua, ever so observant, noticed the younger man's reaction but when he asked, Wonwoo just shrugged and said it was nothing and pretended to scroll through his phone.
It was something. Definitely something huge, enough to make his heart pound against his ribcage as if he had just run a marathon.
You on the other hand, were left in the studio, still in daze and doubting your sanity. You were only able to process it once you reached home, squealing like a lovesick 15y/o in the plush kitten he gave you not long ago.
The next time you saw Wonwoo was only few days later from that night, during a particularly busy day in October two days before their scheduled Japan trip for Ode to You in which you will be present, as you were the producer of their docu-series content.
That special filming was for the first ever Don't Lie episode. They were all ecstatic and surprised throughout the entire day of filming, cameras rolling around as they tried to find the treasure and the mafia. You headed the whole production, monitoring the cameras and watching how they were losing their minds over the whole concept.  
Wonwoo should be focused on the game but could not take his eyes off you. You were the main producer that day, busy giving instructions to members seeking clarity about the rules or checking the flow of the game and filming with the directors. The way your eyes glistened as you sipped your favourite strawberries and cream frappe while running around one place to another captured his attention. He thought of how your lips would taste and how cold it would be against his, wondering whether it would be like that first time few nights ago. That was when he felt it again, the tug in his chest that seemed to always happen whenever you were together, which only intensified from that perfect kiss you shared. It was so powerful that day that he felt he could no longer waste time – he was finally ready to verbalize it, hoping that you felt the same way.
"Wonu couldn't take his eyes off you. How can he find the treasure then?" Jeonghan chuckled as you both watched Wonwoo searching every nook and cranny of the area after Jeonghan was voted out by the team. 
"Shut up, you mafia. His eyesight is poor, he could not see me from here."
You took a long sip, trying to ignore the teasing from your friend but who were you kidding? His teasing was impossible to ignore, especially when you and Wonwoo still had not talked about the kiss and just casually greeted each other when the filming started. Your mind floated back to earlier that day, when Wonwoo found yet another way to make your heart flutter like he always does.
The weather was already changing - the air was colder that day as the season transitioned, and it was common knowledge that Wonwoo could not stand the cold. Like a proper excuse, Wonwoo found himself next to you while you were walking towards the main shooting area, lacing your hands together sneakily yet so casually. You gasped and turned your head towards him, raising your brows to question what he was doing but he just gave you a sly smirk, "Why? You know my hands easily get cold and yours are the perfect heat packs."
What a silly but perfect excuse, you thought. You shook your head in disbelief, hiding the fluttering of your heart and the stupid grin that painted your face. He noticed everything, though, and he loved it, too much that he pulled you even closer to him.  
"Trust me, his eyesight is 20/20 when it comes to you. See?" Jeonghan added and proving his point, the gorgeous 6ft tall man sauntered towards you. He was so on theme that day, donning an all-black outfit from his shirt and ripped jeans matched with a leather jacket and a pair of combat boots. He looked dangerous to begin with and even more so when he nonchalantly leaned to take a sip from your drink as his almond eyes met yours in a gentle, but teasing stare-down.
"You found the treasure?" You taunted but he just smirked and shook his head, making you reach out and fix the hair from his forehead.
"Ugh, get a room you two." Jeonghan grimaced, leaving the two of you in the corner lost in you own bubble once more.
"Not yet, the mafias are good and I've searched the whole place already! Give me a hint, babe. I'll split the cash and treat you dinner." Wonwoo casually offered, with pleading eyes. He looked so handsome you could melt but more than that, you did not miss the way he said 'babe' as if it was the most natural thing to call you.
"Not a chance," you shook your head before stealing your drink away from him and sipping, pushing him to go back to his hunt as the remaining time was announced.
The shoot ended with loud laughs and betrayals from the team, the mafias won the prize but it was Wonwoo who seemed a little too happy even when he lost, grinning ear to ear when you agreed to have dinner with him.
It was not the first time you went out alone, you were mainly in the studio or the normal bar you also frequented with Bangtan whenever you guys were out for a drink, one that guaranteed privacy. This time however, Wonwoo wanted something different. He took you out for a drive towards Namsan Mountain, both of you holding Styrofoam cups of piping hot stew and some grilled pork belly you ordered, and even some soju to enjoy at the back of his crossover van. You created a makeshift camping space with picnic cloth and some pillows you borrowed from the studio as you shared your meal while looking over the amazing view from above through the open door of the van.
"You are amazing, you know that? How did you even come up with that idea?" He mumbled, looking at you in the eyes as if utterly mesmerized by you.
You let out a soft snicker as you recalled the ruckus from the day and as he laughed at the things that transpired. It was like that until you both finished your meals and the ice cream you bought from the booth nearby. You just casually talked about everything... except for the one thing you both should be talking about. "I am a producer for a reason. And I enjoy watching you all lose your minds." 
The cityscape glimmered before your eyes as cold winds brushed against your skin. The both of you leaned back against the pillows with his head resting against your shoulder. It was peaceful and quiet, and there was such comfortable silence between you as you watched the flickering of the city lights while his favourite ballads played in the background through the car's stereo. 
"You were right you, know." Wonwoo's deep voice broke through the soft melody in the background and you could feel it through you.
"About what?"
"You've become my favourite."
"Producer?" You smirked.
"No. Person." Wonwoo declared with certainty, his trembling hands reaching for yours, fiddling with your hand before slotting his fingers between the spaces of yours. "You're my favourite person."
"Won -" What he uttered and they way he held your hand truly caught you off guard and rendered you speechless.
"I have fallen for you since the moment you noticed I measure my meat and rice ratio at every bite." He paused, thumb brushing at the back of your hand as he craned his head and met your eyes. "I am not good with words, but this, I am certain of. And that kiss, I felt it, you know..."
"Felt what?"
"That I may have a chance. We may have a chance."
You were wonderstruck at his confession. Your heart was bursting at the seams as you looked at the man who held your trembling frame one summer night when you were at your breaking point, the man who always asked whether you've eaten and went above and beyond to order you food or coffee, the man who paid attention to every little shifts in your mood, the man who stayed up late with you in the studio after long days of practice so you'd have company, and the man who since you met, has been a steady presence, grounding you and being your safety net.
"I want to try, Y/N. I feel like we've been holding back for so long." He added, shifting to face you as you did the same, hand twined in his as you both searched each other's eyes. "Let's allow ourselves to be happy, unless of course I read things wrong."
Wonwoo had never felt such way with anyone else before. While of course he had been attracted to other people, it was different with you – deeper and more serious than whatever silly crush he had prior. He felt safe and secure with you. He felt seen, valued, and listened to even though he normally prefers to be in the background. He finally had someone he was excited to share his stories with outside of the members and his family. He finally had someone to be silly with and someone to tell him that it's okay if he's not the best cook. He finally found the person he'd want to learn how to cook for. He found someone who taught him how to better communicate and supported him as he continues to discover himself and find his footing. He found rest in you. He found his person, so unexpectedly. He found you and he could not let you go, never without trying, especially not now.
Your eyes glimmered with pure astonishment, "You're my favourite person, too. Ever since you asked me who was I the first time we formally met." You chuckled at the memory, watching his smile grow and seeing wheels turning in his head. Then there was silence, a meeting of eyes before his gaze trailed towards your lips and then back to your eyes. There was that unspoken understanding floating mid-air, hidden beneath your soft smiles and withheld breaths.
"But —"
The moment you broke the quiet, he cut off your words as he swiftly drew you in, lips moulding with yours in a fearless, loving kiss.
"No more buts." He muttered ever so steadily, grazing his teeth against your lower lip.
You finally let your guards down and wrapped your arms around him, seizing such perfect moment and tucking that core memory inside the corners your mind for safekeeping.
He was right, no more buts were needed.
All your fears and apprehensions vanished as you allowed yourself to savour the moment. You'd deal with worries some other time. That moment, all that mattered was the two of you.
The two of you.
It was perfect.
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You made this song who I am And here you come Three, two, one Want to give everything If I can just have you Won't let them break your heart, oh, no Without you, I'm nothing No words are enough for you Want to write it lyrical So let me read and write my emotions through you I just want to love you Alone I don't want to leave you I just want you, I need you The night is short, can't take you for granted I tell you, this time I wanna rock with you Moonlight tonight, shine on you Tonight, I wanna ride with you Wherever we go Baby, hold on, baby, hold on (Wherever we are) Baby, hold on, baby, hold on (No matter whеre we are) Evеn if the world is ending, I wanna ride with you I'm running for you Do anything for you Just you 'til my last breath No words are enough for you Want to keep it melodical So let me listen to all your emotions Fall into your eyes Every moment is pointing to you All I ever need is you Take nothing for granted, you're all I got Won't let them break your heart, oh, no Anywhere Baby, hold on, baby, hold on (Wherever we are) Baby, hold on, baby, hold on (No matter where we are) Even if the world is ending I wanna rock with you I wanna stay with you
Japan has got to be one of Wonwoo's favourite places ever. He can always be free there, despite their stardom and fame in the country. Their Japanese fanbase is one of their best fanbases - respectful and always mindful of boundaries.
The band has always been eager in ensuring they are able to provide the best show for their fans, and the first nights proved just how loved the boys were – the shows were a massive success, and despite how tight and busy their schedules were, they all genuinely enjoyed it.
During that month, you were involved behind the camera, producing parts of their documentary Hit the Road and capturing behind the scene footages for the DVD release of the said tour. Whenever they did not have shows, they had guestings, photoshoots, and other press conferences. It was only when November came that they got time off for themselves to breathe and relax after the last show in Yokohama and before the shows in Chiba commenced.
It was a restless month for them, so naturally, you became not only a producer, but also a friend they ran to with whenever they were restless and needed to vent. Your hotel room became haven to the members, either as a place to rest and bond over alcohol, or wailing wall. You always understood. Your presence made a huge difference to the members, but most especially to Wonwoo.
Wonwoo had planned his days off for a long time already, even prior his confession. He ensured you would be free from work during his time-off too. Like a practical man that he has always been, Wonwoo planned out your official date like how you would a production schedule - detailed and precise. He asked you to pack for a 3-day trip, a surprise he said, and that you would be leaving by midnight to catch your flight to Osaka. Even the the flight schedule was well thought off, ensuring your privacy was a priority. He was eager to enjoy this trip with you. It had been a month since you officially started dating but you weren't able to properly go out as a couple yet. Both of you were thrilled to have such chance and were looking forward to having an amazing time together, away from the teasing of the members.
With eager feet and sleepy eyes, you travelled to the airport, arriving right on time to catch the hour and a half flight to Osaka. You landed and settled in your hotel at around 3:00AM, with just enough time to sleep and rest before you itinerary. It was your first time to spend the night together away from your friends, but due to just how tired you both were, it was not something you immediately realised. After washing up, you went to bed and succumbed to sleep as you held each other for warmth, recharging both of your energies for your activities later that day.
The blaring alarm and the sun peeking through the curtain woke you up that morning, still buried under the duvet and hugging a pillow tight while you tried wake yourself up. As you stirred, you reached out towards your beau, missing the warmth he emitted, only to find nothing. You pried your eyes open to see the empty bed and that was when you heard the door closed and his footsteps slowly approaching. Your stomach growled in hunger as the smell of  Japanese pancakes, egg rolls, and coffee permeated the air and invaded your senses.
"Good morniiiing." He mumbled in his cute little sing-song voice and accent before he placed the tray by the bed and joined you, "Breakfast in bed."
You thought you might have been dreaming. How can someone like him be your boyfriend? You might have done something good in your past life to deserve him. You were dreamy as you looked at him, inviting him your arms for warm hug to thank him. "You're the best."
"I know," Wonwoo smirked and peppered your face with kisses as he rubbed your back. "Let's eat, we need to leave soon."
Your brow raised in curiosity, "Where are we off to?"
"It's my secret."
The man winked at you. Winked! No matter how long it has been since you first met, his gestures like that could still make you lose your shit.
Wonwoo took it upon himself to drive the rented car to your destination, looking ever so flawless with a hand on the steering wheel and the other on yours. You had been bugging him to tell you where you were headed but he just smirked at you, insisting it was a surprise until you saw it. Universal Studios. Wizarding World. A place you've always wanted to visit. You were gobsmacked. 
Your heart fluttered at the soft smile and gaze he gave you, "This is our first official date and I want you to remember it. You ready?" He asked ever so confidently, and you could only squeal and lean in to kiss him, and he was quick to return it.
"Let's go!" He exclaimed, both of you hopping off the car to start your adventure. You suddenly felt nervous, however, realizing he was not wearing a mask, and anyone might recognize him with that blue hair and face card on display. You were about to speak when he shook his head as if he already assumed what you were about to say, "I am not hiding. There is no need to. Let us enjoy this day, yeah?"
Encouraged by his boldness, you nodded, holding out your hand towards him, "I am sure we will."
The autumn air was crisp and cool against your skin while you soaked up the atmosphere of the park. Everything was indeed magical but it was made even better with your Wonwoo by your side.
He kept smiling at you, revelling in your squeals of excitement at everything you were seeing. He had always known just how much of a fan of the franchise you are, and seeing you enjoying this made his heart full. His efforts in making it possible were immediately rewarded by your enthusiasm.
You took photos by the entrance of the park and the Hogwarts Express, and both your competitive edge in photography were on full display. It was habit you both have whenever you were out in new places, exploring your creative sides through the lenses while being each other's supporter-slash-critic. 
After the stroll by the entrance, you visited one of the shops to buy robes and scarves of your Hogwarts houses, and the wand that you can use within the the theme park. That was a must in the park, and you definitely would not miss that to complete the experience.
The shop welcomed you with warmth and the lovely smell of parchment and fabric. You busied yourself find your robes and scarves, and assisted Wonwoo in wearing his. With the height difference, you stood on your tiptoes to wrap the blue and bronze scarf around his neck as a final touch. Sneakily, his arms encircled your waist and he pecked your lips making you blush furiously, squealing on the inside.
"Oh look it matches your hair, love." You marvelled, pushing him towards the mirror so he can look at himself. "Oh, my handsome Ravenclaw." You sighed dreamily, watching him fix his glasses and wave his wand, pretending to cast a spell.
"Wingardium Leviosa!"
"It's LeviOOOsa, not LeviosAAA."
You mimicked the famous scene and both of you burst out in fits of giggles as he in turn helped you with your house scarf. He put the soft fabric around your neck, fixed your hair afterwards, and then used the scarf to playfully haul you close so he can steal another bold kiss which surprised you.
"Someone might see us!" You gasped, looking around the store to check whether there was anyone around who could see or potentially be filming you despite the both of you being in a secluded part of the store. Thankfully, it was a weekday, not a peak season, and not many people were around.
Wonwoo just chuckled, "Relax! No one's here." He leaned in once more for another sweet, lingering peck that made the lady inside you somersault.
Wonwoo did not need any spell, he alone can leave you enchanted.
You spent the day walking around the park, taking photos and videos of the sights, and trying out the rides. Wonwoo was ever so professional whenever you took his photos and in hindsight it looked as though he was just filming another content. You thought somehow that should any rumour come out, it would be best for people to assume that it was just for content, you got enough footage and photos to release something if it comes to that anyway.
However, the way Wonwoo held you close or laced your fingers or even pressed soft kisses on your forehead were giveaway that it was a personal trip. And that you weren't just a producer. You were never big on PDA, you like to hold hands or share drinks but never too comfortable to show affection whenever you were around other people, but somehow, the magical place and how surprisingly quiet the theme park was made you braver in expressing sweeter gestures. You both allowed yourself to revel in that bliss of being together in such a magical place.
You were on an all time high, heart fluttering ceaselessly as Wonwoo made your dream not only possible but also memorable. You were unsure how he made all these arrangements despite how busy you both were the past months. He just winked when you asked him saying, "I am Wonwoo, love."
Before the end of your tour, you spent time around Diagon Alley shopping for souvenirs for your friends while drinking your 3rd glass of butterbeer that day. The fizzy drink was sugary sweet that it reminded you of your first kiss. You internally laughed, remembering that moment and how shy the both of you turned after the sudden moment.
"Why?" Wonwoo asked you, as if sensing how you were feeling or thinking.
"Nothing." You shook your head and finished your beverage, your boyfriend laughing as he wiped the foam off the corners of your lips.
"Did I do well, love?"
"Hm, very well indeed."
Little did you know, Wonwoo was also thinking the same as he gazed over your every feature. His mind wandered to that first kiss inside the secrecy of your studio and how things transformed since. While you were still the same hardworking, caring producer looking after them, you became a pillar of strength for him, a home he always yearns for and goes back to. Seeing you happy and surrounded by the things you love seemed to have further developed his understanding of how utterly in love with you he is. The moment when you gushed about the famous quote, "After all this time? Always.", he made it a personal mission to make you feel his love and how grateful he is of you, always.
The streets were already dark and the show by the castle was already starting by the time you completed your shopping. All the other guests were busy running towards the show while the two of you took your time. Really letting go of his fears, Wonwoo seized the opportunity and grabbed you by your waist when you reached a darker alley in the park. Laughing, you both sneaked in towards a slightly hidden side of it until Wonwoo pinned your back against the brick wall and swiftly dipped you into an ardent kiss. You were taken aback by the suddenness of his action but kissed him back with reckless abandon, tasting the butterscotch flavour from his lips as he deepened the kiss. Soft whimpers left your lips as you clutched onto his scarf, lost in delight as his arms snaked tighter around your waist to prevent you from escaping.
You did not know how much time passed when you parted and he stared at you. He looked so sinful like that - lips red and plump from the kiss curled up in a smirk. Breathing heavily, he mumbled with his gruff voice, "Let's go back to the hotel."
Your knees buckled.
Surprisingly, the both of you managed to still have dinner at the hotel restaurant despite how tension filled the car ride back was. The meal helped ease both of your nerves after that sneaky make-out session you had in the park under the moonlight, but it still did not completely take away the unspoken truth - you both wanted each other.
The moment you entered your room, the air shifted. Wonwoo shoved the door close and caged you against it, lips covering yours in heaps of kisses. Before it led any further however, you paused and panted for air, "We need to wash up." A small chuckle escaped as he groaned and nodded, taking all the energy to pull away and rush towards the bathroom, leaving you breathless, in daze, and wanting.
Your head was spinning as you took a shower after he did, subconsciously spending time to ensure you were spotless and even using the best shower gel you have. You were still overwhelmed with your desire but you were also nervous - this would be your first time and there was no denying that it would finally come to that after long months of pining and waiting.
Wonwoo was no different. He was excited, nervous, and needy all at once but he wanted you for so long and could not wait any longer. Trying to calm himself down, he put on Avengers on the television while waiting for you. He needed his distractions and he hoped the superhero movie would do the trick.
About half an hour later, you finally emerged from the bathroom wearing your matching pyjamas and approached him in the couch where he was watching. You wondered how someone could look that great with bare face and glasses. So domestic. You sat beside him and he wrapped his arm around your body, holding you close to cuddle against his side. He breathed you in, your scent lulling him and waking up his desires that was sitting at bay. When you both mustered the courage to look at each other after a short while of tension filled silence, he tilted your head by your chin so he can continue what you both started earlier.
Wonwoo's kisses were searing and full of desire, his arms engulfing you closer until you found yourself straddling him as need simmered inside you. He traced open kisses against your jawline and the sweet spots of your neck, until his warm breath grazed your ear as he nibbled your earlobe.
"I want you..." He whispered seductively. His eyes were dark, pupils dilated as he stared intently at you, "...need you."
The dulcet tone of his voice had you reeling. There wasn't a need to convince you. You were already a beautiful mess, ready for his loving. 
"I am all yours." 
"Let's take this to bed, I am not about to have on a couch for our first time." He chuckled softly as you both stood, his lips still glued to yours as you stumbled towards the bedroom. 
He sat by the edge of the bed and yanked you by your arm to have you on top of him. He drew you in for endless kisses, his teeth tugged on your lower lip as his hands roamed around your body, snaking inside your shirt to feel your skin. His touch was electric, making you shiver and imagine just how good he would feel touching you where you needed him to. He bruised your lips with his, drinking you up as if you were water and he was parched.
You fumbled with the buttons of his pyjama shirt, pushing it off his broad shoulders as your hand splayed along every perfect contour of his body, memorizing him. Your eyes trailed from his perfect face, down to his broad shoulders, and his narrow waist. You were completely mesmerized by how perfectly sculpted he was, akin to a statue of Greek god, and you thanked all the universe for allowing you to experience such man. Wonwoo admired your patience and how pleased you look gazing at him, but enough was enough for him. He could not wait any longer. So while you were ever gentle and patient with your actions, the man effortlessly ripped your pyjama shirt open, buttons popping out as your bareness was revealed to him, finally.
His mouth fell agape at the sight of your body for the first time ever. He imagined it for so long but to be in that moment was surreal for him. Your insides were turning into molten lava with the way he was looking at you with intentional seduction and awe while he caressed every inch of your body and brought you closer so your skin pressed firmly against his.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered, and despite the lust-filled look in his eyes, he was genuine. He caressed your supple skin as he kissed you, tongue parting your lips as if seeking entrance which you granted as you fought for dominance. He traced kisses towards the sensitive areas of your neck, down to the valley of your breasts as his hand cupped and toyed with your buds. He took one in his mouth, sucking and licking and turning his attention to the other, eliciting a rather loud groan from you.
"Oh gosh..." You were already tingling with pleasure and he hadn't done much yet. You keened in anticipation and need but Wonwoo took his sweet, sweet time with you, marking you in places only he can see. You could feel his breathing becoming heavier as you moved to ever slowly grind against his growing member to alleviate the ache in your core and allow him to feel your warm centre.
Wonwoo was lost in the moment, utterly drawn towards the scent of your skin and how you feel against his body. Your every sound and reaction was enough to drive him crazy, sending adrenaline to course through him as you both found each other in a battle of lips, teeth, and tongue. At one point his glasses became skewed, making the two of you laugh in between the flurry of hungry kisses shared.
"Take your glasses off." You mumbled, tugging on his lower lip and reaching to remove it, but he swiftly grabbed your wrist to prevent you from doing so.
"No." He said simply and quickly maneuvered the two of you so your back hit the bed as he slowly shifted downwards, his eyes fixed on yours behind those thick lenses. "I want to be able to see you clearly."
The laughter quickly dissipated as he once again pressed his lips against your skin, paying attention to every inch of you until he reached your waistband.
"May I?" He asked and you nodded, biting your lower lip and preparing yourself for his next move.
"I want to hear you say it," He mumbled against your skin like a predator playing with his victim before prowling and devouring it. You rolled your eyes playfully trying to mask your crumbling exterior but it was so impossible when he was so close to your core.
"Please touch me..." You let out and, in a blink, Wonwoo peeled off the remaining fabric covering you. His gaze darkened at the sight of your whole body on display for him under the dimmed lights of the room. Blood rushed to your cheeks and you suddenly got conscious causing you to press your thighs together instinctively but he shook his head disapprovingly before prying your thighs apart, gently.
"Love, you're incredible. Don't you ever hide from me." He held such gentle dominance as he looked into your eyes. He placed searing kisses from your knees towards your inner thighs, until he reached your core slick with arousal which made him curse under his breath. You throbbed with need as his warm breath brushed over your sensitive areas, touching you everywhere except where you need him.
"Tell me what you want, darling." Wonwoo commanded, drifting away your core and hovering over you.
"You... please..."
"You have to be specific, baby..." He teased you relentlessly, fingers snaking from your chests to tease and tweak your pebbled buds before he moved towards your aching core.
"Touch me." Your brows furrowed as you looked at him with pleading eyes, body squirming beneath him as his long fingers started circling your sensitive, swollen nub down to your slit.
"Like this?"
"Fuck!" You breathed out, hips lifting to meet his deft fingers. A devilish smirk tugged on his lips, watching every nuance of your expression that was enough to make him even harder.
"You're dripping... I want you to feel good, babe." His competitiveness was on display as he plunged his digits inside you, feeling your velvety walls as you trembled in pleasure. "You like that?" He whispered, shifting to kiss you deeply as he drew his fingers in and out of your wet cave while his thumb worked on your clit. The pleasure you were feeling was incomprehensible that moment, completely lost at the feeling of his skillful fingers driving you to the edge of release.
"Oh Wonwoo... babe..."
"I want you to come for me baby."
Wonwoo dipped his head towards your breast, taking your bud into his warm mouth and cajoled. You gasped heavily, drunk in lust as his fingers curled while he licked, sucked, and nibbled your taut nipples, completely sending you wailing as you climaxed around his fingers. He watched your orgasm for the first time ever -- lips parted, brows knitted, breath ragged -- you were hypnotizing. If your walls felt that amazing around his fingers what more his cock and the thought alone made him twitch.
He was throbbing with need to be buried inside you but he was far from over. While you were still catching the remnants of your orgasm, Wonwoo was already shifting downwards until you felt his mouth and tongue devouring your sweet release. With loud moans, you reached towards him, fingers gripping on his blue locks as he forced your hips down and continued his relentless ministrations.
"Holy shit, Wonwoo..." You whimpered, quivering as you felt another orgasm ripping through you as his wicked tongue drew circles around your clit and sucked, while his fingers entered you once more, massaging that sweet spot inside your walls until you quaked from his stimulation.
"Fucking h-hell..."
"Was it good, baby? You okay?" He asked, brow rising in full curiosity as if he was taking notes mentally.
"Are you kidding me?!"
You both giggled, drunk in each other as you pulled him towards you and wiped his glistening lips and chin, not without apologising how messy it was. Heaps of your clothing were discarded on the floor and you were left with no barriers separating you. The feeling of your warm skin against each other caused sheer delight and comfort and lust all at the same time. You admired all of him, such a work of art from head to toe, hand snaking down and tracing all his perfect ridges. You palmed his sizable length as you looked him in the eye, feeling him grow further and harder. 
"Do you want me to." You asked, already trying to manoeuvre downwards before he shook his head.
"I'd fucking love to, but I can't baby, I won't last long." He admitted, a soft chuckle breaking between you as he pinned you back to the bed. "I need you bad... can I have you now...please?"
"Yes... please..."
Ever so prepared, he had a condom ready on top of the bedside cabinet which he reached out for and ripped the packet using his teeth. You were dying in anticipation as you watched him kneeling between your thighs, his trembling, eager hands trying to roll the rubber around his long, hard shaft but it kept on slipping. "Aish!" He grumbled and you both burst out laughing at his struggle. You took it from him and helped him with it, his teeth buried in his lower lip as he groaned at the feel of your warm hands stroking his aching cock after you wrapped him successfully. Your mind was completely in daze as your handsome man braced himself on the either side of your head and leaned to kiss you, aligning his length against your core before he glided through your wet folds, feeling your warm, slick pleasure coat him through the condom as he teased and prepped you for his length.
Wonwoo smiled gently at you as if he was not just teasing you. His honeyed gaze met yours, taking everything in that moment before whispering, "I love you so much."
"I love you, too."
You encircled your arms around his broad shoulders and he kissed you fervently, tongue diving deep as he lined his cock towards your opening. He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes while he, with one swift thrust, impaled you completely. Fully.
"Fuck baby!"
"Oh Won — babe!"
Both of you groaned in unison at that first delicious stretch. Wonwoo paused to ensure you were okay, only to be rewarded by your nodding and legs wrapping around him. Wonwoo fit you perfectly, like lock and key, made for each other. He smirked, and then he drew out and drove forward, again and again, building up the rhythm and intensity of his thrusts. Your warm walls gave him an in-drawing sensation everytime he pulled out and your loud mewl signalled that he was hitting that special part inside you.
"There?" He asked, memorizing the way you respond at every angle as his huge cock breached your walls repeatedly.
"Yes baby... fuck... keep going!" You breathed out, fingers tugging his hair so you could kiss him as he plowed into your depths.
"You feel so fucking good around me me, baby."
Your loud moans matched each other as he felt the tight pleasure of your core, feeling you pulse and clamp around his length. His deep voice resonated in your head, so erotic as he buried his face in the crook of your neck while his cock throbbed inside you. He bucked his hips upwards with varying yet precise intensity as if trying to mark and claim you as his. The harmonies of your moans and grunts, along with the creaking of the bed and skin slapping filled the room. It was nearly impossible fathom the pleasure you both were feeling after longing for that intimate moment for so long.
As if you weren't on the verge already, Wonwoo dove down and wrapped his talented mouth around your nipple hungrily, making you shudder in delight. You clawed at the broad planes of his back as you gyrated your hips to meet his every thrust, contracting around his length as he bucked deeper and harder each time.
"I am so close - fuck baby." He grunted as he moved with vigor and eagerness, chasing his high and encouraging yours.
"Holy shit - me too -"
Every cell of your body was on fire as he snaked his hand down, rubbing your sensitive clit. His lips found yours and with few more thrusts, sent you closer and closer to your white bliss.
"With me, baby. Cum with me..." He whispered, slamming into you hard and you both spiralled into your glorious, mind-numbing orgasm, cursing and wailing each other's name. You felt his length twitch inside you as he came while your walls clenched around him, milking every last drop of his sweet ecstacy. He was unsure how such insurmountable pleasure was possible. It was nowhere near his imagination as he watched you quaking underneath him as you both reached your climax.
"Oh baby..." You chased his lips with sweet, open-mouthed kisses as he rested his forehead against yours while he tried to steady himself. You continued the gentle movements as you rode out your climax, feeling every perfect sensation and every remnant of the mind-blowing explosion.
He panted heavily, nuzzling against your skin before finding the will to finally pull out of you as he kissed you gently few minutes later. He rolled your body on top of him and engulfed you in his arms as you slowly drifted back to earth. He cupped your face, wiped the streak of pleasure-filled tear that cascaded your cheek, and kissed you ever so gently in contrast of how he did earlier.
You traced soft circles against his skin as you both fully regained your senses and breathing, and suddenly found yourself chortling in drunken pleasure - like you did when you had your first kiss.
"You're amazing. I love you, Y/N."
Your heart fluttered, as if it was the first time you heard him say that. It was always magical whenever he did so. He was a man who preferred actions than words, so hearing him say it always tugged your heartstrings.
"You are otherworldly, Jeon Wonwoo." You murmured and he kissed you once more, smiling against your still plump lips.
"And I love you, too. So much."
Those three days spent with Wonwoo were indeed filled with memories. You were busy with activities to rest and relax during the day while you spent the night tangled in each other intimately, making the most out of your time and somehow releasing all the pent-up desire you had for each other. By the time you had gone back to the team, Wonwoo had about 3 more days to fully rest before the start of their last 3-day show in Chiba.
The team was excited to make things memorable, given that they would be closing the Japan leg of the tour with a total of 9 shows in the country. They were all ready to roll and make the best out of their performance despite the week of rest not being enough to fully rest and recover.
All was going well until Dino had to be rushed to the hospital mid-day of their first show in Chiba due to a bad case of enteritis, causing him to not be able to participate in their show. This caused not only a massive pressure to the team having to adjust their performance and cover for Dino's absence, but also a deep-seated worry for their youngest's condition.
You entered the assembly room where the directors were briefing them as they prepared and that was when you noticed it -- they were exhausted and in pain. You knew the telltale signs, you had seen it with BTS for years and you had seen it with the team having been working with them for two years.
Most of them were being taped up and assisted by the physical therapists to avoid injuries and further strains. Seungcheol was stretching and wincing from body pains. Some were just sitting and enduring as much as they can. The endless schedule had already taken a toll on them.
Wonwoo sat quietly by the assembly room listening intently but as you monitored the footages from the camera directors, you felt something was off with him, too. Cold sweat beaded his forehead and the tremors in his hands were more noticeable than ever. He had been blotting sweat from his face more than he normally does and even the stylists had to blowdry his hair and shirt repeatedly.
It was something you could not ignore as worry started to kick your gut. You approached the stylists' table and requested a box of facial tissue from them and told them you'd take over in helping Wonwoo, given that there were a lot they still had to look after because of the delays that happened that day. They were all grateful for your help and it was not the first time you needed to step in. You did that a lot for BTS before, too.
When you approached Wonwoo, his shoulders sank and he gave you that soft, pleading gaze - those were huge warning signals that he was not at his best. At times like that even before you started officially dating, Wonwoo would lie in the couch and rest his head against a pillow on your lap, and you normally would just brush his hair with your fingers or massage his scalp. This time, though, it was not something you both could do just yet given that the show was just about to start.
"You okay? You're sweating buckets."
"I am okay, just nervous, I guess."
You smiled softly at him, folding a piece of facial tissue and pressing it into his forehead to blot off his sweat. He reached to hold one of your hands, a silent appreciation for being by his side that moment. His hand was cold and clammy and he was not always like that despite the usual tremors in his hand. He held your hand a little tighter, a little more desperate, and tugged you closer to him as if wanting to feel the warmth you emit to ease whatever storm was inside him.
"You need to take it easy today, love. All of you." You maintained a calm, soothing tone in your voice as your styled his hair to dry off some areas drenched with sweat. He closed his eyes, immediately relaxing when he felt your fingers massaging his temples and scalp as he sighed in delight.
"But Dino's not around, we need to do good."
"You are all naturally great, so try and breathe and not worry too much. Just enjoy it, yeah?"
Wonwoo nodded and smiled at you, hands remained glued to you, whether your hands or waist or anything he could reach as if drawing strength from that contact.
About 30 minutes before showtime, the director instructed them to huddle in the backstage for photos and other instructions The air was still tense, but you felt Wonwoo relax a little, until he laced your fingers together, and with a pleading look on his face, whispered, "Stay by my side."
"I am here, always." You laced your fingers tighter as your other hand gently squeezed his biceps until you reached backstage. He reluctantly pulled away, fingers lingering slightly until he already needed to join the members. "Thank you, I'll work hard."
Your bright smile and encouragement were more than enough to boost his confidence, "You got this. Fighting!"
As they got to the stage, you put your producer hat back on, monitoring the footages for the documentary and instructing the head camera director on the types of footages you want. As expected, they were all doing well, fans were enjoying, and it was just the first set. You, however, could not help but notice Wonwoo's unsual tensed, heavy breathing and that made your stomach turn. You tried busying yourself knowing that worrying would not help at all, but as always, your guts were right.
It was just as they left the stage that your heard someone calling you, your assistant producer panting for air. "PD-nim, come quick! It's Wonwoo!"
"What happened?!"
You had never sprinted that quick before in your life. Blood drained your face as you saw your boyfriend lying down on the stretcher in the brink of unconsciousness, surrounded by medics and many other people.
"Filming is not a priority now, make space." You heard one of the medics instruct as he loosened Wonwoo's shirt and lifted his head.
You squeezed into the area and despite being worried, maintained a collected and professional demeanor as to not aggravate how Wonwoo was feeling. He always hated making people worry, hated making you worry.
"You heard the doctors, please make space. Filming is not a priority, please go now."
You requested, keeping your cool but you were slowly losing patience when some staff members filming still pressed on shooting footages of Wonwoo and what was happening, blocking the way of incoming first aid supplies from the medics.
"Didn't you hear? FILMING. IS. NOT. A. PRIORITY. NOW!"
There was that controlled yet heavy emphasis on your words, gazing sharply at the camera men. Some of them finally realized it was you, one of the head producers of the documentary they were shooting the footages, and all backed away as their head camera director reached the area, requesting for them to leave and he would cover.
"Y/N -" Wonwoo croaked, and you immediately rushed towards him, taking his trembling, clammy hand and massaging him to increase the flow of blood. Your heart broke at the sight of him struggling to catch his breath - his face pale, body tensed, and hands cold as ice.
"I'm here, Won, I got you baby..."
You whispered with determined calm, taking the can of portable oxygen the medic handed you and placed it by his nose and mouth. "Take a deep breath, love, slowly... come on."
Wonwoo obliged, brows furrowed as he struggled to steady his breathing and take in as much oxygen. Few moments later, the stage director called out to update that the next set was about to start. You were opposed to letting him back on stage, but you did not speak, it was not up to you. It was Wonwoo's decision. Wonwoo, still so weak started slowly getting up, assisted by the medics. The stylists quickly fetched his change of clothes for the next so he can change. You knelt in front of where he was seated to remove his shoes and switch pants and then assisted him in wearing the shoes again. He was still so weak and it was eating you alive seeing him like that, but he wanted to endure. Standing, he leaned against your body, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you and his manager helped him towards the stage. You can sense the intensity of his breathing and the pounding of his chest paired with the disappointed look on his face.
"It's okay, Wonwoo." You looked into his in the eyes, trying to hopefully convince him to sit it out and reassure him it's okay if he can't, but his eyes flashed determination to see it through.
"I am okay. I am ready." He said to you and the manager as you handed him to the stage director and the members who were on his side in a blink.
He got back to the stage where he belongs, shining and performing so beautifully, as if nothing happened backstage. You became even more in awe of the man that he is.
Releasing the breath you had been holding, you got back to working. Wonwoo endured and you must, too.
"Cancel all the scheduled interviews and shoot we have with the boys tonight and tomorrow."
"What?" Your co-producers released an incredulous gasp at your request.
"They are tired. They are getting sick and they need to rest." There was authority in your voice and even the managers agreed with you.
"But - "
"But what?"
"We have schedules to follow."
You scoffed unamused.
The tension was heavy in the assembly room where you were holding the end of show huddle. Little did you know it all can be heard in the other room where the boys were resting and changing, all ears on the conversations happening and even talking amongst themselves.
"Really? You'd choose the schedule over the safety of the members? You want to see all of them crawling and dragging themselves in the backstage because of how exhausted they all are?"
You stood from you seat and scratched your temple, "I have been telling you this since before we got here. Their schedules are packed, they do not get enough rest. We are not the ones performing on stage and practicing 20 hours a day, they are."
Your voice resounded and the thin, wooden wall separating the rooms did nothing to mask. The members heard you fighting for them, brazenly.
"Look, I am not trying to start a fight, but I sure as hell am willing to spend extra days and hours filming them myself if that means they'd get the chance to rest in between their shows. Allow them to rest and live and survive. That's all I am asking. How about you? How much are you willing to risk their wellbeing?"
Everyone was speechless. Your intention was evident that day - you were not solely focused on Wonwoo, you were also checking on the other members and ensuring your team wasn't bugging them like they did with Wonwoo. You were right and they knew not to question you, because despite worrying over Wonwoo and being in a relationship him, it had always been clear how fair and professional you are in terms of your work.
The meeting adjourned right after that, with the agreement that you'd take over reviewing the filming schedule and carry out the interviews yourself. As always, you were the last to leave the room with all of them dispersing. Packing your items, you left to check on the members in the other room, shocked at how they all rushed towards you, tackling you with their hugs and gushing at how cool you were for what you did. Wonwoo, on the other hand, just smiled and watched you with adoring eyes - his heart swelled in gratitude towards you and your presence. 
"Yah! Enough of that! I am the one who's sick!" Your boyfriend playfully shouted, approaching you with a small pout as you all broke into fits laughter.
"Oh, my poor Wonu." You cooed and spread your arms for him, and he immediately threw his body onto yours, his arms looping tight around you and burying his face against your neck. The team acted as though they were gagging seeing you like that, but more than the teasing, you all understood the feeling of relief knowing Wonwoo was already much better.
When you reached the hotel, you went to your room to wash the day away with a warm hot shower. You were prepred to work and adjust the schedule of your docu filming when a sudden knock surprised you. You opened the door and there was Wonwoo, carrying his bag and some of his stuff.
"I'll sleep here." He said nonchalantly, entering your room as you took some of his stuff to help him. His eyes were baggy, forehead tensed, and gaits heavy. He did not need to say anything, the deep connection you have was enough for you to know that he was still carrying what happened.
You nodded and beamed at him, "Okay, I'll prep the shower for you, then."
"Thank you, love." He leaned in and you met him in a tender kiss, letting him fix his stuff as you went to the shower to start running it so the water would be at the perfect temperature for him. You pulled out the extra robe from the cabinet and hung it by the door, and even had the hair blower plugged in for later.
He looked so refreshed and relieved once he stepped out of the shower in the robe, his blue hair still dripping.
"Come here." You muttered; another towel ready at your lap. You pat the spot next to you by the bedside and you shifted your body to face him once he was seated. You wrapped the towel around his head, ever so gently squeezing the water out until it was just damp enough. You took the hair dryer plugged into the socket by the bedside table and stood in between his legs, fingers combing through his locks as you blow-dried his hair. Wonwoo released a relieved sigh as your fingers massaged his scalp, his arms automatically wrapping around you to pull you closer so he can rest his head against your chest.
"Love, you did amazing earlier. Seeing you endure like that for the show was incomprehensible."
"Love -"
You adjusted slightly so you can tilt his head and look him in the eyes. You caressed his cheek softly and he closed his eyes while nuzzling against your touch. He saw that sincerity in your eyes and he knew you weren't just buttering him up to make him feel better. You were never that person, you allow him to feel and be human.
"I know you aren't as satisfied, but everyone loved your performance, especially your carats. And I am so proud of you even though I was dying with worry. You did your absolute best for them, literally risking your life and that says everything."
Wonwoo's heart felt lighter at your words, the frown in his face visibly relaxing as a soft grin tugged the corner of his lips. His hand snaked from your waist towards your nape as he pulled you down to kiss you lovingly. 
"It's okay that you are sad now, love. But don't let it eat you up. You still have two shows left, and I am certain you'd also do amazing, and convey your emotions better."
Wonwoo pulled you to the bed and rolled the both of you into the bed and under the duvet, his head resting against your chest, ready to bid the day farewell so he can recharge and greet a new day better and with renewed strength.
"In case I haven't told you recently, I love you, Y/N." He mumbled sleepily but you can hear the smile in his voice.
"In case you it's not obvious, I love you, too, Jeon Wonwoo." You kissed his forehead and continued running your fingers through his locks and massaging his scalp until the two of you drifted off to dreamland.
You'll both be okay, so long as you're together.
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Fighting round in circles where is the way out 'Cause I know that our love was hotter than the sun Yeah, the taste of this tequila I'm drinking now Isn't bitter than my heart I want to know our problem, blood type or DNA? Friends see my feed and worry, do you babe? Yeah Been waiting for your call every night But I can't wait no more Dialing you Sorry, darling you You know, without you, I'm so lonely When you're not here, 911 calling Into your heat again, I'm diving Darling you, darling you, baby You know, without you I'm so lonely If you won't be here 911 calling Falling to you I'm always diving Darling you, darling you, baby Darlin', with me under the sun I know that you're my one I don't wanna let you go I can't think of being alone What am I supposed to do? And I gotta let you know You got my heart like it's yours Don't wanna say goodbye I see you, you see me I care for you, you care for me We can be all we need Promise, I won't take you for granted never I'mma treat you better  I'mma see you better So honey, now come into my arms yeah Kiss me baby Kiss me baby
In 2020, the merger was officially announced, you as one of the regular producers for Hybe became even more active in supporting the bands, mainly BTS and Seventeen.
Your relationship with Wonwoo became more open - to your friends and to colleagues, who did not seem to worry about it. You were grateful that they were understanding of it, knowing it was inevitable. You remained private and away from public scrutiny, given his prestige. You remained professional and it proved to have no impact on deliverables, the relationship even proved to be helpful, with Wonwoo having more energy when working or the team having someone to talk to about their concerns or share their ideas with. The bond grew stronger, both professionally and personally.
The pandemic proved to be rather difficult and took a toll on both groups who have been working non-stop for years. It meant more efforts were put in ensuring that they would all be safe while being able to still produce quality contents for the fans who need them the most.
That was when you gave birth to and pitched your idea -- In the Soop. A show intended to give them time to heal and recover, while allowing fans to still have quality programme and feel some semblance of normality.
ITS was your brainchild specifically designed for BTS and eventually Seventeen, and because of this, you were assigned as an Executive Producer of the show for the first time ever. It was a hit for BTS and then the preparation for Seventeen ITS officially started -- double in size, double the work, double the chaos.
You were in the filming set 3 days prior the members, an advanced party to ensure everything was ready - from the location to product placements, and even the activities they had planned out. You were not in your best mood, if you were being honest, as the last night you spent with Wonwoo before you left ended in a bitter note.
The day before your scheduled departure, you had your pre-flight checks with the members and the staff to talk through all the preparations made, ensuring everyone was all set for the filming. Caffeine ran in your blood trying to keep you awake since the previous weeks had been hectic with all the last-minute product sponsorship and placement offers. During the meeting and the dinner after, you had spent most of the time with Joshua, talking about the activities and even suggesting some more stuff that can be added where possible. Normally, Wonwoo did not mind things like this especially when you were at work, but you were confused to see his sour expression throughout the whole meeting and until you drove home to your apartment where he also sometimes stays. The whole drive was quiet, and it was not the usual comfortable silence you usually shared after busy days.
"You alright, babe?" You asked, pouring him a glass of water and handing it over to him. It was a normal routine whenever you got home, a glass of water for the two of you before your usual rituals as he liked to call it. That night, he just nodded at your question and went towards the bedroom, dismissing the water you offered. You immediately knew something was off. It was a very Wonwoo thing to do to just stay quiet whenever he was feeling or dealing with something uncomfortable.
On normal occasions, you would let it pass and give him time to breathe, knowing he always would crawl back to bed and talk about it. You on the other hand, would normally do something special in order to apologise or make amends.
That night was different.
Your body was aching in exhaustion from the past month of juggling work and other matters. Truly, you wanted to spend the night relaxing with him as planned, but he suddenly had the cold shoulder. Your temples throbbed in pain at the thought of something like this occurring before such a busy and special week for the both of you.
Entering the room after about an hour of contemplating, you saw him already washed up and busy with his phone as he lied in the bed.
“Aren't you going to tell me what's wrong?” You asked, tone a little off – brought about many factors and your emotions overwhelming you.
"Nothing's wrong." He pressed, looking at you with the same sour expression he had during dinner, jaw tensed and eyes blank.
"There's obviously something wrong."
Another silence. Another exasperated sigh from him.
"I am fine."
You approached him in the bed, sitting by the edge as you reached out for him to hopefully soothe him. "I don't believe that... let's talk about it..."
"Then don't! There's nothing to talk about."
That was when you snapped. The harsh answer he gave and the way he blatantly avoided you were enough triggers for you to lose it.
You already fought over silly things or concerns couples would normally fight about but nothing lasted more than a day. You always ensured to make up before the day ended, and you did not sleep on any issues you had. This time he was flat out cold and mean, and you were angry and exhausted enough to deal with his attitude.
"I have no energy for this, please." Your gaze was gentle in contrast with his stone-cold expression as his jaw clenched and avoided eye contact. “I am so tired, let’s just –”
"Is it my fault you're tired?!" He cut you off sarcastically, fuelling the your fire until you combusted.
"Did I say it was because of you? You're impossible! You were the one who's been giving me this attitude since this afternoon when all I want is to be with you tonight! If you are tired of this relationship, just fucking tell me and I'll leave instead of you acting like that!" You blurted, breathless, voice laced with both pain and fury, then walked away and slammed the door shut to spend the night in the living room so you both can have some space to cool down.
Your heart felt so heavy you cried yourself to sleep. 
You were sleepless that night, tossing and turning in bed, eyes puffy from crying, wondering what went wrong and how things transpired. That morning before leaving, you shook him awake to let him know, and he just groaned, still fast asleep and unable to even pry his eyes open.  
While you were busy with preparations, you still wanted to ensure he was alright, but unfortunately, you ended receiving with 1-word updates and responses from him, 'studio', 'home', 'okay'. Aside from that, he completely ignored your calls, either intentionally or when he was busy playing games or packing his stuff for the trip with the members. It was driving you crazy the entire time, but you had massive responsibilities in your plate, and you did not want to bother any other person.
Your heart wasn't cooperating, though. It felt as though a huge brick was sitting atop of your chest while you were working. You thought that maybe you were right, that maybe he wanted out and the thought alone was killing you inside. How could it be? Was it a long time coming? If it was, you were not sure when it started. You were perfectly fine the last few months and everything seemed normal so you could not understand what had gone wrong. These thoughts plagued your mind whenever you weren't distracted by work. You turned your full attention to work, ensuring there was no idle time for you, in the hope to alleviate your fears even just by a fraction.
The last day before their arrival, you were caught up with so much last-minute work, pulling an all-nighter in your cabin to sort some final requests. The staff knew just how huge your role was and just how much effort you poured into this. They wanted to at least ensure you would be able to get some rest because you were doing all the heavy-lifting before it all even started, hence allocating you the small cabin near the upper house.
Your personal phone was left forgotten by the bed since the morning of the last day of preparation. You did not have reason to bring it with you, he had been ignoring you anyway and the quiet of your phone the last two days caused more pain and frustration. Besides, you also considered the crucial bits that had to be done that day required your undivided attention.
Buried in piles of work with your staff and directors until dawn, you missed his numerous calls and messages you never even realised you received.
Your strength waned and your body gave up and succumbed to sleep around 7:00 AM, the day of their scheduled arrival.
You finally caught a bug after draining yourself – falling sick at the first day of shoot.
Wonwoo was losing his mind. 
He had been calling you since the day before their departure – wanting to speak, apologize, or even just hear your voice to bring even a dose of sanity back into his system. He sent you multiple messages asking how you were, whether you were busy, or what you were doing. Even that morning when he left the dorm, he tried calling to tell you he was on his way but was only routed to your voicemail without hearing anything back. He almost reached out to other producers, but it was one thing you both agreed not to do – never involve other staff. The members naturally would be involved or rather involve themselves due to the level of deep relationships you have, but never the other staff members.
Dino noticed the hard expression on his face, eyes tired as he took the reigns in driving to the location. He was tired but it was a way for him to clear his mind and become distracted.  
"You alright, hyung? Did you sleep last night?" The youngest inquired, both curious and worried that his older brother might be a little too tired to drive.
"Ah, yes. I am okay. Just stayed up playing games so I only slept couple of hours." He faked a laugh and focused on the road. “Don’t worry.”
"Aish! Oh well, we can sleep as long as we can for a week."
Wonwoo hummed in agreement.
Although, he was not sure on whether he can sleep at all with what's happening between the two of you. He had not been sleeping well since the night of the fight. 
They arrived at the venue a little past lunchtime, just as you finished preparing for the day. You were in so much pain and craving rest, but it was the most crucial part of the shoot – to welcome them In the Soop.
The cars pulled over the driveway one by one, filling the area with the usual energy the thirteen members always have. The way they bickered and giggled and marvelled at the surroundings echoed around the quiet forest and that strengthened and excited you to leave the room to officially welcome them. It was something they had looked forward to for a long time, knowing just how much they also enjoyed their seniors’ content. You were looking forward to that moment, too, after nearly a year of planning for this to finally happen. All of them greeted you from afar when you left the cabin, bright smiles warming your heart.
The moment you saw Wonwoo leaving the car, it hit you once more just how deeply you love him. Despite what happened, there was a sense of comfort his presence gave. You've been together for two years already and while the initial start of your relationship was all intense outpour of pent-up emotion and affection, it transitioned to a 'calm' type of love when your relationship grew. The love you have is a type of love that one would yearn for – like a hug after a long day, a warm cup of hot chocolate during winter, or a home to go back to after being away – your love has always been a soft place to land. No arguments or misunderstandings could take away the fact that your home would always be each other.
He felt the same - the way he softly looked at you conveyed the things he could not say then.
You never wanted the members to suspect something was happening with the two of you, so you took it upon yourself to get the awkward hello out of the way. You approached Wonwoo and pressed a soft kiss against his cheek and he held you by your waist tightly, no matter how brief it was.
It would suffice for now, you both thought.
Of course, the members noticed something seemed off. It had been three days and normally you would be a bit more affectionate. They expected Wonwoo to run towards you as he always did, hold your hand, or wrap you in his arms. There was none of that and there was an unexplained tension between you.
Beneath your smiles and the excitement as you showed them around the area, you were just trying to power through the pounding headache and nausea, paired with your emotional turmoil. Joshua noticed it first, as always, and then Jeonghan. You had a tired look on your face, sunken eyes, and trembling hands as you instructed them. They immediately knew something was happening, they know you. No one was brave enough to voice it out, though you sensed their worries. 
When everyone finally settled down, you retreated to your room to answer emails and send updates to you bosses and to the team, delegating the first parts of the interview snippets that must be completed that day. You were sneezing endlessly and your temperature continued to rise as you pressed on working. Thankfully, the test kit was negative, so you knew it was just a regular bug.
Your time alone did not last too long as Jeonghan barged into your room, asking you about what happened. You denied and told him you were just sick, but Jeonghan did not buy it, so he held you hostage in your room until you finally shared that apart from being sick, the fight with Wonwoo was a huge factor on why you were not at your 100%. He knew the woes of being in a relationship and how it can impact one person, and for that you truly appreciated him.
"I'll ask Shua to bring you food."
"No, I'll be fine."
"Eeehh, I don’t care. Shut up and rest." He insisted, already leaving your cabin to go to the kitchen you assumed.
You caved in and you were only woken up when Joshua's soft voice echoed around the room and the smell of stew wafted through the air. You were leaning down the table napping when he saw you gently stirring awake. You had already lost track of time.
"You okay, Y/N?"
Joshua’s kind eyes widened as he saw you, worry evident in his voice as he placed the pot down, and gently assisted you to a better position. He dashed to get a pillow, placed it on the back of the chair to make it comfortable, and served you the stew he prepared for you.
"Since when are you sick?" He gently asked, handing you a spoon, and placing a hand against your forehead to feel your warm skin.
"This morning, I guess. It's just a bug, I'll be fine with some more sleep."
Joshua had always been caring towards you, like he would with other members. There was something about the way he paid attention to you that you appreciate a lot, but you never gave it another meaning. He has always been a gentle friend and he genuinely cares about everyone.
"Do you want me to call Wonwoo?"
"No, I am okay. Thank you so much, you should get back there. I need you guys in the camera." You managed to laugh before coughing, and he swiftly gave you a glass of water. He smiled gently at you, watching you savour the stew, staying just a little longer and ensuring you’d eat before leaving requested.
“Feel better, Y/N.”
Wonwoo saw Jeonghan and Joshua leave your cabin, and that did not help how he was feeling. He saw them preparing meals, and while he did not ask, he assumed it was for you since it was your favourite kimchi stew. Your name also popped up in the conversation as they prepared your meal, talking about you quietly as if hiding something. Instead of asking, Wonwoo chose to be quiet – thinking that your personal issues don't have a place there, you were there to work, after all.
He spent the night with the members, laughing, playing games, and just relaxing until it was time to sleep. You did not hear anything from him that night, but you saw him once you start checking footages when you woke up by the middle of the night. It was a relief to see him like that, resting and enjoying without any pressure despite technically still being at work.
The next day, the team had more free time to laze around or do as they pleased. Wonwoo and Joshua spent more time in the playroom after their brunch, working on their crafts or building blocks. The older member seized the opportunity to speak with your boyfriend, perhaps to gain more understanding of what was happening and why Wonwoo seemed to be in the dark about your situation.
"How's Y/N? Is she feeling better?" Joshua asked, testing the waters and checking whether Wonwoo even knew you were sick. Joshua did not see Wonwoo visit you that morning and not even when you were basically dragging yourself towards the production team to give instructions while you were covered in thick jackets and double masks.
Wonwoo's expression did not lie – there was flinch in his expression coupled with a surprised and worried look no matter how much he tried to hide it, "Yeah. She's okay... just busy." Wonwoo's jaw tensed.
Joshua nodded, fully taking in that it was right you got into a fight and that Wonwoo was unaware you were sick. "That's good to hear. You should spend time together once she's fully recovered. We've the week here, you know. And away from prying eyes, too, except ours of course." Joshua gave Wonwoo a knowing smile, trying to lighten the mood. 
Wonwoo smiled and nodded before walking outside the house just in time for Jeonghan to invite him for a walk. He felt weak, knees wobbling at the thought of you sick and upset, and then him unable to explain why he acted such way few nights ago.
Jeonghan and Wonwoo strolled through the woods, appreciating the nature and the privacy of the place despite cameras here and there. The sun peeked through the thick trees and the branches, casting a nice shadow around the trail they were walking on. Every one thought the place was amazing, carefully chosen for them in such a perfect time of the year. Wonwoo wanted to enjoy, but what's happening between you was eating him up for the past few days already.
Wonwoo understood it was only natural for Jeonghan to step in during such situation. He has always and been the team's mom-slash-counsellor, and the reason why he asked him to walk with him was clear – you. Jeonghan has always been such an observant but more than that, he cares a lot about you and Wonwoo separately and together.
"Do you know she's sick?" Jeonghan asked plainly, looking up at his younger brother who just shook his head.
"Yah!" He scolded Wonwoo with a disapproving look on his face and hit his arms. "I had to coerce her to tell me since when she was sick and learned she had not been sleeping well since the fight, too. She needs you now. I don't care what happened, but you need to fix it, you're obviously not okay too, and the show might be impacted because of this."
"I don't know how to start, hyung." Wonwoo mumbled, brows furrowed at he looked at his older brother as if seeking guidance. "She's still angry, I think."
"Aaah, you THINK? How many of her texts and calls did you ignore like she is a nuisance?"
"I tried calling yesterday... just —"
"She's already sick and working her ass off. Her heart was probably heavy, too, not knowing why you suddenly got angry at her." Jeonghan shared, just trying to make Wonwoo realize how much you need his support that moment especially.
"I am not angry."
"Then why did you act that way?"
Wonwoo could not speak. It was too complicated and embarrassing to admit.
They continued walking in silence as Wonwoo pondered on things. Seungcheol saw them and caught-up, and Wonwoo felt even more pressured as though his parents would be telling him off any minute then.
"Y/N looks like a zombie earlier. I got scared I saw her walking to get water in the fridge outside. I did not know she was sick!" Seungcheol chuckled as if amused but Jeonghan gave him the look that made him purse his lips.
"Ah, you fought?" Seungcheol asked Wonwoo.
"Yeah. My fault. I got jealous and was an ass towards her." Wonwoo finally admitted, scratching the back of his neck as Jeonghan and Seungcheol snorted and shook their heads. The couple casually laced their hands together, no fears at all as they savoured the secrecy of the place. Wonwoo’s heart ached, he wanted that, too. He wanted to hold your hands, watch the sunset and the stars with you, and bask in nature with you by his side.
"Do you doubt her? Your relationship?"
"No! Never!" Wonwoo was quick to respond. There was nothing like that. He trusts you wholeheartedly, but he just got insecure somehow, especially with the affection others showed you.
"Then why don't you tell her what's wrong? You know whatever it is, you are both adults, you just need to talk about it. That's what Hannie and I do every time. Just talk, communication is always the key, even though you hate that sometimes."
Seungcheol's advice were always practical and straightforward - an ace of a true leader. He has always been sensitive and considerate, but real blunt when needed.
"Besides," Jeonghan said, his voice softer this time as if trying to coax Wonwoo out of his bubble, "she misses you, but she is waiting and giving you time to come into your senses. Did you know she personally bought the telescope you requested because she wanted it to be special and based on what you really want?"
Wonwoo's eyes widened in surprise, then turned his head down as he answered a meek, "No."
"In the Soop is her baby and she is excited for this turn great, not for herself but for us members. And for you. She has been looking forward to it for months." Seungcheol added. "She'll listen to you whatever it is, Wonwoo, she loves you. You just have to trust yourself and trust her, too."
Guilt was eating Wonwoo inside. It hurt so much to hear that you were sick, and he wasn't even there to ask how you are and look after you. It hurt to hear that your friends know just how much you love him, yet he still acted that way that night. Jeonghan and Seungcheol were right, whatever it was, he needed to fix it. Wallowing in jealousy, fear and pride would not help.
Wonwoo nodded at them and released a deep breath, mumbling a soft thank you to the two.
"Now go, we need time alone." Seungcheol requested with a soft snicker, pointing towards the direction of your cabin. "Good luck."
Wonwoo's heart was pounding. He was too scared and anxious on how the conversation will end. There were endless scenarios in his head but most of all, he was frightened that you would really choose to leave. The gloomy weather that followed did not help either. He found himself by the tarp having tea with Minghao, trying to still compose himself before going. And, he did not go to you right away. If he was being honest, he just showered again to buy himself some more time.
Your cabin was secluded just a few steps from the main house, even then, he took slow and careful steps towards it. It was dark inside apart from the warm light coming from the open curtains of your cabin. He knew you were there as the producers forced you to rest the whole day. 
He silently approached your door which was slightly ajar and watched you. You were wrapped in blanket with your back facing the door as you browsed your phone and read conversations and missed messages, before locking it and curling up. His heart felt heavy seeing you like that, alone in the dark, sick, and worried. It was another punch in his gut that he could no longer bear.
The room smelt of berries and mint, the way it normally would whenever you just got out of shower. He always loved that smell, it reminds him of home every time, reminds him of you. He even got his own one he used whenever he was on tour and you weren’t with them just so he would not miss you too much. The smell is always a reminder of good times and that no matter how long the road takes him away, you would always be waiting for him. It stirred something inside him – he cannot lose you.
Finally taking a deep breath, he entered the room. You would know those footsteps from anywhere no matter how quiet it was, but even then, you weren't quick enough because in just a blink, the bed dipped as he crawled under the duvet, his arm wrapping around your middle to pull you plush against his body. Your heart clenched and despite everything that happened, his embrace was all you needed. A sudden wash of calm and relief flooded your entire being as if a heavy load was lifted off your chest. Eyes remaining closed, you allowed him to lace your fingers together and pulled him closer, too. No amount of sleep and rest can ever beat his warmth.
"I am sorry, Y/N." He whispered, pressing soft kisses against your shoulders and towards your neck and cheek, feeling him gently sniffling. "I am so sorry." His voice was merely a whisper, as if he was just thinking out loud.
Your heart ached, feeling a drop of his tear that made you turn your body to face him. You met his eyes brimming with tears as his lips quivered. The sight broke your heart. There was something behind those tears, a deeper reason why things turned out the way they did. Just how hurt he looked that moment made you pray to all the gods for them to take those pain away.
"Wonwoo, I am sorry, too." You whispered, wiping the lone tear that cascaded against his beautiful face. Before leaning in closer as he pulled you in to eliminate all the distance between you. He pressed his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he tried to compose himself.
"I am so scared you'd leave me. I am scared that you would realize others can take better care of you, cook food when you're sick, say all the right things... I am scared you'd realize you deserve someone better." Wonwoo whispered softly, eyes searching yours. He was hurt, jealous, and frustrated, but most of all, anxious. Anxious that you would leave him after what happened and after how he acted. Anxious that he ruined his home.
"Hey, where is this coming from?" You asked soothingly, gently brushing your fingers through his scalp as you tried to get to the root of whatever was causing it.
He hesitated at first, pressing his lips together, unable to form words to explain how he felt.
"It's all okay, you can tell me, my love." You encouraged, massaging the back of his head to soothe him.
"Shua-hyung noticed you were sick. I did not even see it because I was so selfish and jealous. I got so jealous of him that night even though I should not have, I know it was just work. Then yesterday when he cooked for you –” He paused, brows scrunched up in frustration as his voice quivered, "I could not even cook for you, the best I could do is ramyeon, and I was not even here to take care of you when you were really sick!"
Memories of that day came flashing before your eyes. You did not notice that during the meeting Joshua was making you laugh and complimenting you every so often, but Wonwoo saw that. The way Joshua gave you a lingering hug and reminded you take it easy made Wonwoo evaluate whether he was able to give such comfort or whether he had become complacent and too comfortable with the relationship. He thought of all the times he was busy playing games for hours when you might have needed him. He thought of those times when he was not able to pay attention to you because he knew you were just there, and he knew you wouldn't leave. It scared him that he might’ve taken your presence for granted. He always felt the Joshua has feelings for you and he thought about how easy it would be to love such person.
You, on the other hand, never paid attention to such things because all you ever wanted was Wonwoo. That night all you were looking forward to was him alone. He always told you he'd like to be better at things, but you love him as he is. The simple mundane things you do together are more than enough – the way he complains whenever he is losing, the way he silently tangles himself with your body after long days at work, the way you gossip about stuff until the wee hours of the night, the way he brings you home little trinkets from tours whenever you were unable to come with them, and the way he holds you with nothing but soft reminders of just how much he loves you. You could not ask for more than what you both have.
He cupped your face and pressed his lips together, swallowing a lump of tear, "I’ll treat you better, see you better. I’ll be better. I can't lose you and I am terrified the last few days that maybe I just did."
"Wonwoo love, listen to me. I am sorry I made you feel that way. I am sorry that you got scared because of whatever I said or how I acted. To be honest, that night, I just really wanted you. I was looking forward to spending time with you and I was hurt and tired and overwhelmed with emotions. I did not mean to hurt you, baby. I never meant for that to scare you." You poured your heart out as if willing all the pain away as your tears finally escaped. "And I don't care if you can't cook, so long as you promise to wash the dishes and clean up whenever I do." You chuckled softly to lighten the mood which also made him let out a chuckle and nod.
“I am the best dishwashing fairy you can ask for,” He mumbled and pressed a kiss on your forehead.
"You are more than enough for me, Jeon Wonwoo. You take care of me the way I need to be taken care of. Your presence alone is enough. You are my safe place and my best friend. The other things are just… bonus. You are my favourite person since day 1, remember? I chose you, I choose you, and I will keep on choosing you."
Wonwoo's eyes glistened as he soaked up your words that vanished all his worries away. You left him speechless that all he can do was pour all his emotions in a passionate kiss, whispering ceaselessly, "I love you. I love you. I love you so much."
"I love you, too, Jeon Wonwoo."
You stayed like that for a few more minutes, tangled against each other as he pressed soft kisses on the top of your head. You breathed him in as if gaining strength from the way he embraced you and every pain the last few days seemed to have healed.
"You're still feverish, love." His deep voice rang in your ears, his hand pressing against and feeling your skin.
"Yeah, you really shouldn't have kissed me. You might get sick." You mumbled, looking up at him to see a softer gaze, calmer expression compared to how he looked earlier. You stayed like that, admiring every feature of his face, from his eyebrows, the perfect slope of his nose, his defined cupid's bow and lips, and those dazzling eyes. You could not help but smile in admiration. He's your home. He always will be.
"Why?" He asked, soft smile tugging against the corners of his lips as he saw you watching him intently.
"You okay now? We okay?" You gazed at those warm dazzling eyes and allowed yourself to get lost in them. His eyes always saw through you and that moment, you hoped he'd also see the sincerity behind everything you told him.
Wonwoo nodded and sighed in relief, pressing a sudden kiss on your lips, "More. than. okay." He mumbled in between pecks which made you chuckle softly, trying to mask the fact that the butterflies on your stomach were fluttering crazily.
"They're going to kill me if you get sick." You mumbled only to be silenced by more kisses and cuddles from him.
"It's a happy virus."
All was well.
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Baby, I will be your happiness You're always on my mind, all the time Please don't forget this moment Oh, I can't hide it Geez, I want to give you all of my heart Oh my love, warmly call out for me when I'm by your side I'll only fill you with love Above that endless sky This night of stars pouring down Is looking at you sleeping next to me Dreaming the same dream and feeling the same way You see we are spending the same night together Even if I give you everything in the world I will never change Promise me eternity If you feel the same way as I do No matter what happens Don't worry, I'm by your side Oh, I want to know more about your day with me Oh my love, you are deeply positioned in my heart You are the brightest light In the many grains of sand I can only find you I want to protect you who's sleeping next to me in this night Every moment without you is meaningless, no ooh-oh Even the reason why I breathe Is because my heart wants to have you in it
“Wonwoo-hyung?” Mingyu’s voice boomed around your cabin, dragging you back to earth from the dreamland after being asleep for a few hours. You stayed up with the members and some managers drinking and chatting until sunrise as it was the only time they got to spend with you. “You here? We need to go by noon!”
Mingyu entered your room upon hearing you grumbling, which caused him to giggle and plop into your bed nonchalantly. “You okay, noona?”
“You’re so loud!” You groaned and pulled a pillow to yourself when Mingyu hogged the cover as if he was about to sleep as well. “Wonwoo, your husband is here!” You yelled sleepily, hoping your boyfriend who was busy in the shower could hear you so you can enjoy the quiet once more.
“Hyung, make it quick! We’ll leave soon.” Mingyu hopped off the bed, walking around the room towards the mirror to fix his clothes. “Wanna tag along, noona?” He asked only to burst out laughing when he saw you glowering at him just as the door opened to your boyfriend who was already dressed and ready for their fishing trip. Wonwoo tried holding back his chuckle at how you looked, lips pressed firmly as she struggled.
“Leave quick, I want to sleep more please.” You groused once more, throwing a pillow at them making Mingyu run towards the door and bid you a teasing goodbye.
Your brows furrowed in the pounding headache, and you swore you were never drinking again. You felt your skull being split into two from the hang-over and you did not even drink that much. You thought maybe that it was because you were sick few days back, but historically, alcohol had always helped you.
“You okay?” Wonwoo asked, worried as he watched you. He had memorized your quirks already – he knows your HO cure like how you know his – but still he could not help but worry.
“Yeah, just headache… need grease…”
“Ack babe, you can no longer hold your liquor.” He teased playfully, already fetching pain killers and a bottle of electrolyte drink for you. “Quick, take this before sleeping again.” He sat by the bed and helped you sit, popping the pill into your mouth, helping you drink, and wiping your lips. “Good girl. Hang-on, I’ll elevate your pillows.” Wonwoo mumbled, adjusting your pillows and tucking you back in a comfortable position so you can sleep more.
“Thank you, love.” You mumbled, eyes closed as you blindly held on to his arm to thank him.
“I’ll buy you grease on our way back.” He smiled and left gentle pecks on your lips and then pulled away to shut the curtains close before making his way out.
You slept for another hour until you needed to get up and work.
And as promised, Wonwoo came back with your HO cure – a nice, meaty beef burger which melted your hang-over immediately.
The night went deeper in the forest, but you hadn’t seen Wonwoo for most of the time since he brought your burger. Everyone seemed to be busy with their own stuff with some ruckus from afar. Shaking your head, you turned your attention towards the computer screen, writing reports around footages taken that day for editing reference and arranging the metadata for the snippets.
Like how it has always been with the members, your solitude was broken with a loud banging on your door.
“Noona!” Hoshi greeted ever cheerfully, walking towards you. “Can you help me with something please?”
“Depends.” You chuckled, “What is it?”
Hoshi just smiled mischievously, his eyes completely vanishing as he did so. “Let’s go, I’ll show it to you.”
Surrendering, you nodded and followed him outside your room towards the darker way deeper into the forest.
“What is it, Hoshi?”
“We’re near.” He muttered as you reached the pathway towards the gazebo lit by lanterns.
You were at a loss for words at what you saw next.
“Yaaah, what’s this?” Your heart fluttered against your chest as you tried taking in what was happening.
The members were there, all lined up, each holding a sunflower they handed over to you one by one before walking sideways in a perfect relay. Your cheeks hurt from beaming throughout until you reached Mingyu who was the last one to give you the flower.
“Hope you’re no hung-over anymore, noona.” He winked and gave you the sunflower, then stepped aside to reveal your boyfriend.
Wonwoo stood there holding three sunflowers, a huge, loving smile painted on his face as you took slow steps towards each other.
“What’s this?” You were stunned as you asked the question, hear racing against your ribcage as you met his gaze.
“Y/N, would you go on a date with me? Now?” Wonwoo inquired ever so smoothly, earning loud whooping cheers from the members.
“Of course, I would.” You flushed, taking the flowers he handed over to you, eyes never leaving his chocolate ones.
You looked back at the team to thank them. They waved goodbye, proud of their perfect execution, asking you and Wonwoo to enjoy your time together.
With hands intertwined, Wonwoo led you towards the gazebo now all decked up with lanterns and the telescope you bought for him. A picnic cloth laid in the middle of the gazebo, with two bottles of non-alcoholic sparkling wine and a huge charcuterie board filled with your favourite types cheeses and cold-cuts sitting by.
You were utterly amazed by everything, unable to comprehend how Wonwoo pulled off such surprise once more, and in the middle of the forest to add to that.
Your heart was full, as always, because of him.
“Love…” A dreamy sigh left your lips as you faced him. “How? Why?”
Wonwoo turned bashful but held you closer by your waist, “I’ve always wanted to remake our first ever ‘date’ in the back of my car, and somehow elevate it. This time we can really watch the stars and not just the city lights.”
“Oh Jeon Wonwoo, the man that you are.” Filled with astonishment, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders and closed the distance between you, pouring all your emotions in that passionate exchange.
Under the endless velvet sky and glimmering stars, you once again reminded each other that you are feeling the same way and dreaming the same dream, and that if eternity is true, you both can rest in certainty that no matter what happens, you are always each other’s haven and your hearts would always want each other.
Thank you for reading, darling. 💗💙 Coming Soon: MAMA 2019 and some real fluffy and steamy Yuletide stuff. 💗💙
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I was exactly halfway into my second pregnancy, and up until that point, we were so ecstatic to be expecting again — a baby we’d been praying for. We kept talking about and imagining the joy it would be to bring our new baby home to meet our 2-year-old daughter. But at my 20-week ultrasound, a day that is supposed to be full of excitement and awe, we received devastating news. Our baby, a second daughter, had many severe and insurmountable skeletal and organ issues. Fetal specialists told us that it was extremely unlikely she could survive because all her major organ systems had significant development issues. We were blindsided and heartbroken, and yet somehow clear-minded. We chose to do what we believed was best for our unborn daughter as well as for our family; because that is what you do as parents. And we saw the choice we ultimately made as an act of love for her. We respect and honor that other parents have chosen — and will continue to choose — the only other option our doctor suggested to us — to let the pregnancy take its natural course and provide specialist or palliative care as needed. And that is the point. Individuals and their families — no matter where they happen to live — must be able to make the best choice for them. They need to be free to choose their own act of love. I believe now more than ever that anyone’s reason for seeking an abortion is valid. Who are we to say it isn’t? What we didn’t know when we made our decision was that in addition to being so difficult emotionally, it would be made so much worse by the abortion bans recently enacted in Idaho. Because of these cruel laws, my Idaho doctors could not provide me with an abortion — something they could easily have done before Roe v. Wade was overturned — in my own community supported by family and friends. We had to spend the following days cold-calling countless clinics in nearby states where abortion is still legal, but found out that because of all the other new abortion bans in states across the country, many clinics had closed, most had no open appointments for several weeks, and still others considered my pregnancy, at 20 weeks, too far along for me to receive care. The thought of waiting out this pregnancy, possibly for weeks, or however long, while trying to get through the day working as a chiropractor and still being active and present for our toddler was more than I could handle. All I could think about was whether the daughter I was carrying was already suffering; my anxiety and sadness were overwhelming. We both felt hopeless and heartbroken until we reached a Seattle clinic with a last-minute cancellation. Although relieved, there was so much we had to do to get there in the haze of our grief. There were flights to make, hotels to book, a car to rent and medical care our health insurance would not cover because we were going out of state to access and receive it. One of the most tragic — and degrading — parts of our situation was knowing that people in my home state of Idaho believe this is acceptable, denying me bodily autonomy. We will always be grateful to the clinic and team in Seattle for offering us professional, compassionate care. I am a person of faith and for months after my abortion, I kept telling Brandon there had to be something positive that would come out of this experience. Several months later, I learned that the Center for Reproductive Rights was putting together a challenge to Idaho’s abortion laws, and I knew immediately that moving forward as a plaintiff in the case was something I had to do. I’m proud to be one of the many women and doctors challenging and broadening these laws. Physicians in Idaho must have greater discretion over when abortion exceptions are warranted, and the decision should be the patient’s in consultation with their doctors.
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sixofwandsss · 1 year
PAC: what does the future hold for you?
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“Take 3 deep breaths and allow your inner wisdom to guide you”
Pile 1
You are growing into a version of yourself that is actually in touch with their life purpose. From a you that’s tired of not being satisfied with their accomplishments, to a you that is feeling grateful in the present moment and feels happy with themselves.
In order to tap into this energy you might need to leave behind the lack mindset you picked up from past experiences. You have to believe that you are abundant. The universe will have your back, don't worry. Ask yourself: “What if everything just went right?”
In this future, you are extremely determined and in touch with your 'leader' energy. You will find the will to carry on, you’ll find the passion, you’ll find the fire. You and your loved ones will be secure.
The insecurity, the feeling of being unsuccessful and the sleepless nights will come to an end once you let go of past burdens and give yourself the chance to heal them all
I am allowed to have faith in myself
My past does not and will never define me
My fears are valid but I choose to be brave and move forward anyways
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Pile 2:
The future holds peace of mind for you; A break from all the conflict you might have been surrounded by for a while now. You will get a chance to rest.
You are going to learn to prioritize self-care and step into your empress energy as you get away from toxic environments.
The future offers a safe place to heal your inner child and develop a stronger sense of confidence. Get ready to feel yourself to the max!
You will probably meet your soul tribe then: people you share an intuitive connection with and who also respect your boundaries
 I am proud of my journey and how far I’ve come
Today I will celebrate enjoying the fruits of my labor
I am allowed not to take my life so seriously
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Pile 3:
The future brings you the opportunity to reflect on things that left a mark on your heart in order to understand the divine purpose behind it all. Sometimes we are put through painful experiences so as to learn something about ourselves and others.
The universe is giving you the opportunity to face those dark repressed emotions in order to heal parts of yourself that were not given enough attention but are actually affecting your perspective on life much more than you'd think.
You can't move through life without acknowledging this part of you. Even though it's unstable and chaotic, it is still a part of you.
"A composed soul is not necessarily a calm one"; Give more space to the untamed part of yourself that wants you to feel raw emotions without needing to intellectualize them
The future you that has gone through this process achieved a lot of wisdom and it's not "lost child" anymore. They integrated both their adult self and their wounded inner child. You will get through this succesfully.
I honor all parts of myself, especially the chaotic and illogical ones
I forgive myself for being afraid, I forgive myself for not wanting to be vulnerable
Hardships gifts wisdom. How is this situation serving my growth?
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Pile 4:
Your heartbreak will be over soon. It is almost over, my dear. The future offers you a life without the burden of a heavy heart. You are going to get over that person successfully.
In the past you couldn't imagine a life without them but in the future, darling, it's all about you. You as the center of your life. You as the main character.
Even though you might have lost them, you are going to gain self-trust again my darling, the knowing that you can bounce back from every situation no matter how painful it is.
You will connect to your inner wisdom and learn how to trust your instincts; you will shift your perspective as you become more in tune with your intuition. You’ll reserve your energy to those who you truly trust.
I am grateful for everything I overcome in order to reach this point in my life
I am allowed to take what I've learned and apply it into this new chapter of my life
It is safe to let go of a rigid and old mindset
Affirmations by Kitty Knorr " Tarot Affirmations: Self-Fullfilling Prophecies"
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Recovery - Chapter 27
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Eminem x FemReader Fanfiction
Summary : Reader reunites with Em in Amsterdam, six months after their breakup.
Tags : Fluff - SMUT
He couldn’t take his eyes off Y/N. He couldn’t believe she was here, that it was actually her, standing in front of him. She was smiling, looking shy. 
Hey, she whispered softly. Happy birthday. 
Unable to reply, he immediately pulled her in a warm embrace, engulfing her in his arms. He needed to touch her, to make sure it was real and he wasn’t hallucinating. He held her tight and her face was buried in his chest that was still damp from the shower. 
Is this real ? He whispered, his eyes closed. 
Very real, she said softly. 
He felt a tear roll down his cheeks. It was more emotions than what he could handle : touring for the first time in ages, performing and connecting with the fans, his daughters flying to Europe to surprise him for his birthday and now, Y/N. He had dreamed of this moment for six months, of the time he would finally get to see her. He wanted to fly to Paris to see her after the tour. There was no way he could be on the same continent and not try to see her in person. He wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not but he had to try. But obviously, she had beaten him to it and she was here. Actually in his arms, her skin against his. For the first time in six months, he felt able to breathe. She looked up and stared at him with watery eyes. 
Sorry, he said as he wiped the tears from his cheek. 
Is this ok ? She asked as she caressed his cheek with her hand. 
Yes, he said as he closed his eyes. 
He thought her touch would wake him up from a dream or that, perhaps, he would pass out. But it didn’t happen. He was just met with her soft touch, the sensation bringing him to his knees in a literal sense. He dropped to his knees and held her tighter than ever. In six months, she had gotten even tinier and it felt like he was holding a small doll. He heard people come in the corridor and he suddenly became very aware that he was half-naked, just out of the shower. He got up and pulled her in the dressing room before closing the door. 
You’re actually here, he said in disbelief. What… I mean… How ? 
Your daughters flew me in, she said with a smile. Happy birthday. 
His eyes opened wide. His daughters had arranged for Y/N to come for his birthday ? Even Hailie ? It was the greatest present ever. Suddenly, his faith in God and whatever birthday genie that granted wishes was renewed. Not to mention his gratefulness for Hailie, Alaina and Stevie. 
I don’t know what to say, he said, still amazed that Y/N was here. 
I do, she said shyly. Marshall, I… I am so sorry that I left. I ruined everything and I am sorry that I put you through hell. And I’m here because… Well because Hailie can be really scary and convincing, but mostly because I love you and I cannot live without you. In the last six months, I have learned that I can stay sober through a lot of things, but one thing I cannot do is stay away from you. I need you, Marshall, because I think you might be the love of my life. 
Once again, he found himself speechless. The only thing he was able to do was to pull her in for a deep kiss, holding her tight. He couldn’t keep his hands off her. He needed to make sure she was here. She kissed him back with passion. He firmly grabbed her and she automatically wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to the couch. She was straddling his lap as he kept on kissing her. 
I love you, he whispered. God, I missed you so much. 
I missed you too. 
He ran his fingers through her hair and admired her lovely smile. The same smile that had haunted his dreams ever since he had last seen her. They intertwined their fingers, kissing again and again. He was usually spent after each show, but he felt more energetic than ever. 
Did you watch the show ? He asked. 
I did, she said with a smile. God, you were incredible. No wonder why you have so many groupies. 
None of them matter, he chuckled. You are everything, right now. 
I’m yours, she replied softly. If you want me, of course. 
Of course I want you, he said as he pulled her closer. I will never not want you. I love you so much. 
He kissed her softly and stroked her cheek. 
Are you sure, though ? He asked nervously. I don’t want to deprive you of anything… 
I am, she said. I’ve done a lot of thinking and… Even though I’m a sucker for the white, picket-fence, cliché thing… You’re the one thing I cannot sacrifice. I think that what I want more than anything is stability and safety. You’re my safe space, Marshall. You. Yourself. And this means more to me than anything else. 
I love you, he said. 
They spent a while cuddling, hugging and kissing as they caught up on each other’s life. He told her about the album reception and the tour and how it was the only thing that had prevented him from drowning in the past six months. 
I’m not myself when I’m away from you, he said. If it wasn’t for my girls and music, I would have gone crazy. I hate to admit it but… For the first 6 weeks after you left, I was a vegetable. I barely slept, barely ate, barely showered… 
I’m so sorry, she said sheepishly. I never meant to hurt you… 
I know, he said softly. I got better. I had Jamal and Talia take care of me. I stayed at their place for a few weeks after you left. Talia basically force-fed me. 
They didn’t mention that, she said as she squinted. 
I told them not to, he shrugged. But yeah, I owe them a lot. 
So do I, she said. They’re the best. And I am so thankful that they took care of you. I just want you to be happy. 
I’m alright, he said with a smile. Much better now that you’re here, obviously. 
He kissed her forehead. Having her in his arms felt like everything was alright in the world. She was his medicine, the answer to his prayers. In this instant, he made a secret vow to himself. Whatever it took, he would never, ever let her go. As they cuddled some more, she told him about her life in Paris and how depressed she’d been. His heart sank as she talked about the dark thoughts she had, how tempted to use again she’d been. But thankfully, she had managed to stay sober. This made him proud and impressed. In the same situation, as early in her journey, it was almost a miracle. Or at least, he wouldn’t have been able to prevent himself, had the shoe been on the other foot. He looked at her with love and admiration. 
You’re so strong, he praised her. You can be proud of yourself. 
It’s only because I thought of you. You kept me sane, she said softly as she pointed to the sobriety pendant. It’s the thought of you that kept me safe. 
I love you, he said emotionally. 
Knowing that she had never stopped thinking about him gave him peace of mind. In the six months they’d been apart, he had imagined her with other men countless times. He imagined her being courted by every motherfucker in Paris. He thought that, in no time, she would forget about him. Thankfully, he was wrong. She remained his. He whispered sweet words in her ear as he stroked her hair. There was no way he would ever get enough of this. Time seemed to have stopped. However, they were disturbed by a knock on the door. 
Marshall ? He heard Paul’s voice say. Time to go back to the hotel. 
Coming, he said. Give me a minute, I’ll meet you in the car. 
He kissed Y/N one last time, his forehead resting against hers. 
Do you have plans for tonight ? He asked. 
You’re the plan, she said with a giggle. I have a room on the same floor as you, in case you want me out of your hair, though. 
No way, he chuckled. I’m not letting you out of my sight. Everyone’s having dinner in my suite. What do you think ? Do you want to join ? 
Sure, she said. It’s your birthday after all. We can do whatever you want. 
One word of you, though, and I’m kicking everyone out, he said. 
It’s your birthday, Marshall. You should celebrate. 
I already celebrated with the girls this morning, he shrugged. And I have the most amazing present right here. I don’t care about the rest. For all I care, we can ditch the whole thing. 
I’m fine as long as I’m with you, she said. 
So you’re staying with me ? He asked. 
As long as you want me to, yes. 
Forever, then. 
He kissed her and got up in order to find a tee-shirt and a hoodie. He was on cloud nine. He usually had the biggest endorphin release after a show but this time, it was even bigger. As soon as he was ready, he got his things and grabbed his girl by the hand as they headed to the car. Everyone was waiting for them next to the cars that would take them to the hotel. He spotted his daughters and gently let go of Y/N to go and hug them. 
Happy birthday, Dad, Hailie said with a smile. 
Did you enjoy your present ? Alaina asked with a huge grin. It was either that or a tie… 
You’re absolutely incredible, he told them. I don’t deserve such amazing daughters. 
Of course you do. You’re the best Dad, Stevie said. 
I love you, je chuckled. Thank you so much. 
We love you too, Hailie replied. 
He chuckled and grabbed Y/N’s hand again. At that moment, it didn’t matter that the whole crew was watching them. For all he cared, they could snap pictures and sell them to the press, nothing could keep him from her. Everyone got into the cars. He rode to the hotel with Paul, Y/N and his daughters. His daughters were talking as he simply enjoyed Y/N’s presence next to him. She rested her head on his shoulder as their fingers were still intertwined. He caught Paul staring. 
You could have told me, his manager said with a smile. 
Well, Paul, there’s a shit ton you don’t know about, Marshall replied with a grin. 
Good to see you again, Y/N, Paul said politely. 
You too, Paul, she smiled shyly. 
He shook his head and chuckled. Paul had never failed to show his disapproval of Y/N, especially from the time they were photographed together. On a number of occasions, he had also voiced his concerns about her suddenly coming into his life and taking a lot of space. It was probably his job, as manager, but Marshall did not care one bit. Paul would have to find a way to be ok with Y/N, because she was here to stay. 
When they met everyone back at the hotel, he introduced Y/N to everyone. Obviously, there were a lot of people on the team she had not met yet. She made small talk but she was obviously shy. Knowing her, he didn’t expect otherwise. He gently stroked her back, trying to put her at ease. She seemed a little starstruck by Skylar. He knew she liked her music. 
She doesn’t bite, he said softly. 
But she’s such a star, she whispered. I can’t be normal ! 
So you knew her music but not mine ? He asked, falsely offended. 
Shut it, she said as she playfully rolled her eyes. It’s been a year and a half. I know all about your music now. 
You’re even in it, he chuckled. 
I still can’t believe it, she said. And it’s a track with Skylar Grey ! 
He chuckled and kissed her hair. She was absolutely adorable. He was happy she liked the track, too. He had put his heart and soul in it, it was raw and intimate and it was by far his favorite one on the album. It seemed to be a fan favorite, too. 
So I finally get to meet Marshall’s girl, Skylar said as she sat next to them. Hi, I’m Skylar by the way. 
Hi, I’m Y/N. I don’t want to be weird or anything, but I have to say I’m a big fan of your work. 
You’re adorable, Skylar replied. Dude, how come you never told me you had a girlfriend ? 
I have my secrets, he said in an enigmatic voice - of course he was not about to spill the details about their relationship. 
Did you enjoy the show ? Skylar asked Y/N. 
It was amazing, Y/N said softly. It was my first time seeing him perform. You were incredible, too. Especially for Track 12. 
First time hearing your song live, he chuckled. 
Wait, you’re the muse ? Skylar asked in excitement. 
Shit, he had said too much. 
Well, I-I don’t know about that, Y/N said awkwardly. 
Don’t worry, I don’t mean to pry, Skylar chuckled. But seeing as he’s been a tyrant about this song, I was wondering who else was to blame. 
A tyrant ? Y/N mused. 
Oh yes, Skylar giggled. We recorded it at the last minute. I’d heard that the album was done, but I got a call from Marshall in the middle of the night, asking if I could be in the studio in Detroit the next day. I was about to tell him to go fuck himself, but he sent the lyrics via text and, when I read them, I knew I had to get on this, so I hopped in a plane. He was an ass in the studio because he had a very specific idea of how he wanted it to sound, but I’m happy with how it turned out. 
That’s amazing, Y/N said. I thought you had written some of it, too. 
Not a word. He wouldn’t let me make a single suggestion. It’s very unlike him, you know ? He usually lets me pitch a few ideas, but this time, it was all him. 
Well… Me and you, Y/N, he said with a wink. 
She blushed and he smiled as he kissed her temple, momentarily forgetting that other people were around. Obviously, his friends didn’t wait long before pointing out his unusual public display of affection. 
Is that what turning 52 does to you, Em ? Porter chuckled. 
Shut up, man, he said as he rolled his eyes. It’s my birthday, I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. 
Whatever dude, his friend said. It’s great to have our Y/N back. I’m happy for y’all. 
I missed you too, Porter, she said with a smile. 
They enjoyed dinner and conversation in the suite for a while and some of the team decided to go for drinks to celebrate the end of the tour. They had planned on staying in Amsterdam a couple more days in order to rest and enjoy the city. At some point, he was left with Y/N and his daughters, chatting and resting in the living room area. He kept the PDA to a minimum with his kids around, but he was still mindlessly playing with her fingers as she was talking to Stevie. 
We should let the two of you enjoy your evening, Hailie said with a smile. See you tomorrow ? 
Sure, he said. What’s the plan ? 
Well we were planning on doing some shopping and visiting museums while you rest and enjoy with your girlfriend, Alaina said. Of course, the two of you are most welcome to join. 
You should do it, Y/N told him. I’ll stay at the hotel and let you enjoy it. 
You can come too, Y/N, Hailie said. 
Are you sure ? 
Well, we did have you come all this way, his daughter said with a smile. But whatever the two of you decide to do, you just have to be at the hotel’s restaurant tomorrow at 7PM sharp. 
Why ? He asked. 
Because it’s your birthday, Dad, Alaina said. Y/N, we’re counting on you. And please make sure he wears something decent. It’s your job now. 
Everyone chuckled and he rolled his eyes. He hugged his daughters and thanked them again for the surprise. He was left alone with his beautiful girlfriend. She looked a bit tired. 
Are you alright, beautiful ? He asked. 
Yes, she said shyly. It’s a lot of emotions, that’s all. 
Agreed, he chuckled. Now, how about we go to bed ? Let me cuddle the shit out of you, alright ? 
Sure, she said softly. I’ll go to my room and get my things. 
She left the room and, after a few minutes, he was overcome with anxiety. What if she didn’t come back ? He was staring nervously at the door for what seemed like ages. Thankfully, she came back after a while, looking somewhat troubled. 
Are you sure you’re alright ? He asked. 
Yeah, she said. I’m sorry, I think I’m just a little overwhelmed. 
What’s wrong ? He asked as he took her hand. 
I’m just awfully nervous, she said. I mean… It’s you, you know ? I’m so happy to be here and to be with you but my brain can’t quite process the fact that it’s real. And there were a lot of emotions. I mean, I saw you on stage, and the song, and seeing everyone again after so long… 
Come here, he said as he took her in his arms. I’m so thankful that you are here. And there’s nothing to be nervous about. It’s just me. You know I don’t bite. Well… Unless you want me to, that is. 
She giggled and shook her head. 
I think we just need to process, he said softly. How about we start with a warm shower ? 
Ok, she said shyly. 
He led her to the bathroom and he undressed while she stood there. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. 
Don’t you want to get in ? He asked. 
Yes, she said. It’s just that… uhm… 
What is it ? 
I’m going to be naked, she pointed out. 
Well, yeah, he chuckled. So ? We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, you know ? 
No, I want to, it’s just… You haven’t seen me naked in a long time. And my body has changed a little. And… I’m shy, she said as she ducked her head down. 
My body’s changed too, he said. But no matter how much your body has changed, I still think you are gorgeous. I won’t stare if you don’t want me to. If you want, we can even shower in the dark. I don’t care, really. I just want you close. 
She nodded and slowly undressed herself. He tried hard not to look, even though he definitely wanted to. She got in the shower and he turned on the water before taking her in his arms. Being skin to skin with her for the first time in forever was absolutely amazing. Clearly, he was meant to be with her. It was the only explanation for how good it felt. Hot water was pouring over their bodies, as they embraced in contentment. They lovingly washed each other and he got to enjoy every inch of her skin, taking his time. He was in love with all of her and he wanted nothing but to take care of her for the rest of his days. When they were done, he wrapped her in a robe and hugged her. 
How do you feel, my love ? He asked. Better ? 
Yes, she nodded. So much better. 
I’m glad, he said. Now, bed ? 
She nodded and went to put her PJs on. He couldn’t help but think it was a shame. He would greatly enjoy being skin to skin with her. Plus, if she was cold, he would gladly warm her up... However, he understood that she was a bit nervous and self-conscious, so he didn’t want to rush her. He put on a pair of sweatpants and a tee-shirt and they got into bed. They laid next to each other in silence. He found himself nervous, not knowing if it was him or if her nerves were rubbing off on him. Perhaps it was also the fact that he had gotten used to sleeping alone again. He hadn’t been this nervous in bed since his first time sleeping with Kim, more than thirty-five years ago. 
I’m so glad you’re here, he said softly. 
Me too, she replied. Can I come in your arms ? 
Of course, baby, he said with a smile. Come here. 
She curled up next to him and buried her face in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying her presence. 
It feels like I’m home now, she whispered. 
So am I, he whispered back. I can’t believe how lucky I am. You’re my girlfriend again. 
I am, she chuckled softly. I can’t believe we’re public, too… 
Shit, he said as he suddenly realized. I’m so sorry… I didn’t even think twice. I didn’t even ask you if it was ok. Fuck. I’m so sorr-
It’s fine, she giggled. I meant what I said. You’re the love of my life, so I don’t care who knows about us or not. I’m proud to be your girlfriend. 
And I’m so proud to be your boyfriend, he said. You have no idea. 
Are you ? She mused. 
Of course. I’m in awe of you and everything you do, he said. You’re a fucking doctor. And you’ve come so far with your sobriety. And you’re here. And the fact that you exist, being as beautiful inside and out, is proof that there is a God and that he is good. Your existence is as marvelous as the galaxy and you are as amazing as the stars. 
Oh my God, she whispered. That’s the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever said to me. 
She kissed him. At first, it was soft, but as seconds went by, it became more passionate. He was kissing her bruisingly, hungrily. He gently put a hand underneath her tee-shirt, stroking her back. He needed to feel her skin, to touch her. He needed her. 
Let me show you how amazing you are, he whispered. Let me make love to you. 
Ok, she whispered shyly. 
He took his time undressing her and caressing her body, getting acquainted with it again. She had gotten skinnier but she was just as beautiful. He kissed every inch of her, worshiping the goddess that she was. He kissed her passionately as he positioned himself at her entrance, ready to make her his again. 
Wait, she said suddenly. Do you have condoms ? 
Shit, he said. No. I’m clean, though. Are you ? 
Yes, she said. But I stopped taking the pill a while ago. 
Fuck, he groaned in frustration. 
I’m sorry, she said sheepishly. 
It’s fine, he said. I can wait. 
Hold on, she said softly. 
She took him by surprise by pulling his arm and had him lay on the bed as she straddled him. They were rubbing against each other as she explored his body with her hands. She was running her hands across his chest, gently scratching it. He wasn’t actually in her but the sensation of intimacy was incredible. He gently massaged her small breasts, teasing her nipples just the way she liked, causing her to moan. She was rocking her hips, rubbing against him. He was rock hard and, if she kept on going, he might very well come this way. She started kissing him, from his neck to his chest, to his hips, to his shaft. She gently stroked him, looking at him in the eyes while doing so. He was mesmerized by the vision of her going down on him. Six months without her touch was too much. Nothing else compared. She slowly started licking him, taking her time. His hand was lost in her hair while he was completely dazed. Maybe it was the emotions of the day, the fatigue of the show, his undying love for her or the fact that she gave blowjobs like no one else, but nothing had ever felt this good. He gasped as she took all of him in her mouth and started sucking. 
I’m not going to last long, baby… 
Come for me, she said softly. I love you. 
As soon as the words left her lips, he could not control himself. He came all over her pretty face and chest. The sight of his cum on her was extremely hot. Still, he felt a little bad. 
Shit, I’m sorry ! 
It’s fine, she giggled. 
She playfully took some of the cum on her chest on her finger and started licking it. He didn’t know he could be so aroused by this sight, but it drove him absolutely crazy. He pulled her on the mattress and kissed her passionately. She was incredibly hot and he needed to make her his, one way or another. He wanted nothing more than to make her scream his name. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and kneeled between her legs. He kissed the inside of her thighs, asking for permission to go further. He could feel how damp she was. He had missed her scent, the softness of her thighs… He couldn’t resist placing a bite on the inside, causing her to gasp. He chuckled and started licking her, relishing in her taste he had missed so much. He may have had a slice of cake at dinner, but she was the real dessert. Her moans were music to his ears and they only got deeper as he slid a finger inside her. Seeing how wet she was, he immediately added another one. To be fair, he could probably fit two more. He was fingering her as he sucked on her clit, encouraged by her noises. Her thighs were wrapped around his neck, preventing him from going anywhere. Not that he wanted to, anyway. He could feel that she was on edge. He worked his tongue even faster, giving it all he had until she exploded, coming all over his face and chest while she screamed his name. He had to forcefully spread her legs to finally be able to get some air. He chuckled as he saw her face. She looked almost shocked. 
You alright, babe ? he chuckled. 
God you’re incredible, she whispered as her head hit the pillow. 
So I still got it ? He asked with a smirk. 
You know you do, she giggled. 
I love it when you scream my name, baby, he said with a hint of pride. You’re mine. 
Yours, she said softly. 
He kissed her forehead and took her in his arms. Both of them were sweaty and messy but he couldn’t care less. She was his. He kissed her gently. 
Don’t, she groaned. I think I still have cum all over my face. 
I don’t care, he chuckled. You could be covered in dirt, it wouldn’t prevent me from kissing you. 
Mmmmh. Still. I don’t want to be messy.
God you’re such a princess, he said as he playfully rolled his eyes. Come on, let’s take a bath. 
He went to the bathroom and drew a bath, adding some epsom salts he usually used to recover from shows. With time, he had built his own routine to make it easier on his body. It also worked wonders for post-sex baths. She joined him, looking all disheveled, causing him to chuckle. He engulfed her in a hug and kissed her hair. 
I missed this, he hummed. 
The sex ? 
No, he chuckled. I mean, yes, obviously, but I meant I missed your post-sex face. 
I missed you so much, she whispered. 
You won’t miss me anymore, he said with a smile. Because I’m going to make sure we’ll never be apart again. 
They got in the bath and he sighed in pleasure. Before her, he hated aftercare, but he had obviously missed this. Bathing and showering with her had become one of his favorite activities in the world. Not necessarily because they could have sex, but because he truly enjoyed their intimacy. He gently cleaned her and massaged her back as they soaked in the water. 
Thank you for taking care of me, she whispered dreamily as she nuzzled his neck. 
From now on, I swear, I will spend my life taking care of you, he said softly. You are the best thing that ever happened to me and I’m not letting you go ever again.
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dipplinduo · 4 months
Just a lil' check-in regarding S&S D engagement <3
Hey! I’ve honestly been debating on making this post, and I’m hoping I can come across intentionally here:
Over the past few weeks, I’ve gotten an increased amount of asks/comments/etc. that are essentially inquiring about S&S D updates in ways that seem to be more on the “demanding” side, for a lack of better words (e.g., repetitive, insistent questioning regarding updates, not-so-politely worded “requests” to either abandon certain storylines or add something into a storyline, and even expressions of dissatisfaction/disapproval for when I’m choosing to write for something other than S&S D itself).
I’ve chosen to remain disengaged from this kind of behavior since it personally has felt upsetting, discouraging, and pressuring to receive. It unfortunately doesn’t really seem to be going away, and it has been affecting my writing process. So I just wanted to make myself a little clear here:
I personally don’t appreciate and will remain disengaged from interactions I’ve characterized above. I feel that I put a lot of hard work into what I do choose to do, and I also really do enjoy writing dipplinshipping content in general. I know many people on here may be following me primarily for S&S D – and that’s fine! But please know that I’m putting an equal amount of passion and effort into the other works I’m writing, and while you don’t need to read them if you don’t want to, publishing them still means a lot to me, personally; I don’t view them as being any “less” than S&S D, even if S&S D is pretty much my magnum opus in terms of hits/engagement.
I recognize that I’m pretty playful in my interactions in general, and a lot of these interactions may be coming from a completely well-intended place. So I do have faith that many of the comments I’ve received probably wouldn’t have been said if people knew how I’ve been feeling about receiving them. I’m hoping this post can clarify things going forward and help us all have a better understanding of each other as we celebrate dipplinshipping and have fun engaging with each other. 😊
That being said, here are the types of engagements that have felt really enjoyable regarding S&S D, and personally motivate me a LOT to keep writing:
Asks/discussions about things/moments that you’ve liked, or are wondering about (I’m open to constructive criticism, too, of course)
Asks/discussions that express general excitement, theorize, or talk about/inquire about potential breadcrumbs, etc.
Fanart! God, I love your fanart!
Headcanons too – whether they’re S&S D related or not!
Reactions to chapters, or quite literally anything that sparks dialogue (these ones I do deliberately delay answering so it doesn't spoil people immediately after an update, lol, but omg I love, love, love them!)
Lastly – I will say: I am actively working on Chapter 13 right now! I know how much people are eagerly waiting for it, and I’m grateful that it’s highly anticipated. It’s my full intention to write well rather than just write for the sake of producing; I want what you read to be of quality and worth your while. I will be letting you know when it’s coming out, as I always do!  Thank you for your patience and understanding. 💕
With love,
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I actually am not going to have much to say about this episode because to me it is perfect in every single way.
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We had to see that Kang was still scared. He still felt like he had to choose loyalty to his father. Because in his mind, Sailom’s brother hurt Kang’s family and that meant they had no future together.
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This was important because it makes the weight of what comes later that much more significant.
And we had to see that Sailom was still further and further isolating himself.
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Everything that happened in part 1 was very hard to watch!! It was the worst of both their personalities, dialed up to ten! Even I (briefly) doubted that they could win me back over to Kang.
But when it broke, it broke beautifully!! And THIS TIME, unlike in the escort scene, they were able to shape themselves into better versions of themselves, together.
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After the shooting, Sailom let Kang lead. Let him make the decisions for him at a time when he couldn’t process anything, let alone make a plan.
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He let himself be taken care of.
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And he let himself CRY — openly, even knowing Kang could see through the glass door. He let himself grieve their relationship for the very first time.
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And Kang!! Kang finally realized the true weight of his words. He understood fully how he had failed and how he needed to be better.
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And he spent Every Single Minute after that making up for it. Holding Sailom while he slept.
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Protecting Sailom.
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Truly listening to Sailom and putting his faith in him.
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Protecting him some more!!!
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Reassuring him.
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And THEN in the moment when it most mattered, Kang risked his life to save Sailom’s. He literally took a bullet for him.
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This completely unspoken exchange means everything. This is Sailom CHOOSING TO BELIEVE that despite everything that’s happened Kang loves him.
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This is Kang saying, I am always always going to take care of you. Even when it’s hard. Even when it physically hurts to do so
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This is Sailom finding true peace in that. Him knowing his life will be easier moving forward because he has someone who can share the load.
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I love them so much. I’m so grateful for this beautiful love story we’ve gotten to experience.
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mxqdii · 9 months
omg ofc i noticed you’re so smart for putting that in!! and the blurb is so cute too!
i was wondering if you could write something that’s “False God” themed also 🥺💞
absolutely sobbing and throwing up at this request.
(my favorite song on lover is false god)
false god - m.s
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pairings: matt reader x singer reader
summary: y/n needs to find a way to express her feelings, so she does what she does best, sings about it. (based off the t.s song 'false god')
warning(s): jealousy issues, attachment issues.
not proofread
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"we were crazy to think that this would work, remember how i said i'd die for you?!?" i yell and matt scoffs
he doesn't say anything, instead he just sits there staring out the window.
"i can't talk to you when you're like this" i say, walking away.
i drive back to my house, sitting in my room and grabbing my notebook and a pen
'they all warned us about times like this, they say the road get's hard when you get led by blind faith' i write
sighing, i put down my notebook and call matt to try and make things right, getting no answer.
picking the notebook back up, i continue writing.
'we might just get away with it, the alters in my hips. even if it's a false god, we'd still worship this love'
it's been a week since i've last talked to matt, and since then i haven't been able to stop writing.
i've actually finished the song i was working on and plan on releasing it tonight and perform it on 'saturday night live' tomorrow
matt will be there, and the song is clearly about him so i'm very nervous to see how it'll go.
i've had a lot of time to think this past week and i've realized how grateful i am for being able to love matt, it's something i should worship
he's made me feel real, he's made me feel like heaven's a thing, because being with him just makes me feel that way.
and even though hell is when i fight with him, people have warned us about times like this, and what's love without fights anyways?
it's officially time, i go on stage in 5 minutes.
backstage feels empty and sad without matt there with me to calm my nerves, even though i know he's in the crowd.
chris and nick told me he hadn't listened to the song yet, meaning thsi will be his first time hearing it.
i also know he's seated in the front since i got him VIP a few weeks back.
"introducing, y/n playing her new single, 'false god'!
i hear the speakers say and i rush out waving to the crowd before getting situated at the mic.
i start the performance and avoid all eye contact with matt, until..
we'd still worship this love we'd still worship this love we'd still worship this love
we make direct eye contact and i feel my cheeks flush.
the song goes on and certain parts make me break eye contact with him, scared to see his reaction.
the song eventually ends and i run off stage feeling overwhelmed on if i was too distracted, if the song was good, what others thought.
it gets a little hazy, but suddenly matt shows up backstage and without saying anything, he kisses me.
all of my thoughts fade away as the only thing i'm focused on now is his lips.
"religions in my lips you said?" he says teasingly and i scoff
"shut up" i say with a laugh
"i love you matt, i'm sorry, for everything." i say and he smiles
"still worship this love" he says and i roll my eyes
"matt stop quoting the song!" i protest and start laughing
a/n: this took 2 HOURS because of my lack of idea, but overall i think i'm happy with it, i love this song and it holds a very special place in my heart.
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larsnicklas · 3 months
anyway to me evgeny kuznetsov will always be defined by his joy. he really had so much of it; it spilled over often and put a smile on so many faces including his teammates' and fans'. his personality is one of a kind, ebullient and brash and clever. a lot of what he did that people on the outside scorned him for came from a place of love — for his family, for his team, for the game. the flapping bird celly, for instance, that garnered so much bad faith criticism from more conservatively minded hockey pundits and fans — he did that for his daughter. it delighted her! and who was he to deny her just because some people whose opinions he didn't care about said he should stop?
i'll love kuzy forever — like that entire cup team is lodged in my heart, but kuzy gave us the game 6 ot winner against pittsburgh. i think that was actually the moment every single person who was invested in the capitals' success realized this year might be the one. i'll never forget it; for as much as the final game in vegas is embedded into my psyche as a sports fan, that kuzy goal in the second round might actually be one of the single most memorable moments of my life lol. the way i felt, the way hundreds and thousands of caps fans must have felt.... no matter what has happened since, no matter what happens from here on out, we'll always have that game, that playoff run, that magic that kuzy brought to the ice.
at his best, he's so creative and dynamic. one of those guys that can make something out of absolutely nothing, and a really dynamite playmaker. ovi got the conn smythe in 2018 and nobody on planet earth begrudges him that, but the argument kuzy should have gotten it for that playoff run... it's strong.
i understand that kuzy's time and legacy in washington is not an uncomplicated one, but the thing that isn't complicated is this: i'm grateful for all the good times he brought to the team and the fans, and i'm grateful for all he gave of himself along the way. and don't get it twisted, he gave as much of himself as he could. i know people liked to say (especially these past few years) that he wasn't trying, that he was checked out, that he was just a warm body on the ice. i don't know how you look at a guy that's so clearly struggling and come away with that attitude. just zero empathy. nobody wants to be struggling, man. no professional athlete in the world wants to go do what they've spent their whole life training to do and fucking fail at it. i really hope that he got — and continues to get — the support he needs, and i hope he gets that fresh start he wants so badly.
i've missed seeing him in good spirits; i've missed seeing him loose and happy and playful and i want him to feel that way again. i wanted so so much for it to be here with the capitals because i am sentimental to a debilitating degree, but even more than that i want him to feel good and be well, no matter where and how. i hope he gets that. i hope he knows that we're rooting for him always.
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By the time this letter arrives in Waterdeep I will have already departed from Candlekeep. I have found several tomes relevant to your interests and have copied what I can, though given my inability to withdraw books from the athenaeum it may be wise for you to visit yourself.
We should return together, when you are free of your students.
You may tell Tara to stand down - I have been informed that my good friend Arnold the Dog already has an owner, and that if I try to smuggle him out of the city again neither you or I would be permitted entry in future.
Be grateful I prefer you to the dog.
To say that I have missed you would be an understatement. These few tendays I have spent within the library have been the longest I can remember.
I remain unsure that my research will be seen as adequate. I do not doubt your faith in me my love, though I am forever uncertain about what the world may think of an academic Bhaalspawn. I fear that you may be the only learned man who forgives me my lineage, and though I am not surprised I am…
We will be passing through Baldur’s Gate soon enough, I will give Jaheira your best. It will be strange to see the city without you beside me.
With all the love I have to give;
P.S. if you try to trick me into using a filing system again I will start moving the bookmarks around in your books when you aren’t looking.
P.P.S. i look forward to seeing what part of you you inadvertently dyed purple. I have several ideas, none of them suitable to be committed to ink and parchment.
Loveliest Dreuer,
It pleases me greatly that you were able to find such information. Even the smallest of copied words is enough to begin another journey in my studies. I am sure it is plenty to begin with and will provide a good starting point to search for more if I ever have the chance to visit myself.
Once the summer sun rises and the students have taken their break, perhaps we can make the journey. I still have much to do, and much to prepare, but I can never pass down an adventure for the literary arts.
Tara will be pleased to know this! However, I have several questions as to how exactly you found out Arnold had an owner. If you risk my chance to visit the Athenaeum, I shall be thoroughly disappointed.
I have missed you greatly so, my love. The longer I spend within my books without your embrace, the more weary I become. Though I know you are safe, I only wish to be by your side.
Trust when I say that your lineage is likely the least surprising thing any academic society could come across! They simply judge others for where they cannot judge themselves. I understand your perception of it is and will forever be worlds different than my own, but you truly have nothing to become anxious over. I know you may hate that I would do so, for pride or ego, but I would use my name in a heartbeat if anyone attempted to discredit your research. I know, as well as any other person, how much effort you’ve put into this- if that doesn’t change the minds of even the most heartless, I’m not sure what will.
What matters the most is not what others think, my love, but what you think. Be satisfied with your works, and be joyous in your research. Only you can pave your path forward to academic achievements- and I know you well enough to have full confidence that you will accomplish all you set your heart to.
I’ll send coin for you to use within the city. I know I don’t have to, but I want to. Buy Jaheira a drink, or yourself something if you’d like. I have gone too long without spoiling you since you’ve been away, allow me to make up for it even in such a small dose.
The heart that belongs to only you,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
P.S. If you even think of moving my bookmarks I will force the Netherese orb back into my body and use it. [ there is a small angry face drawn next to the text to convey that he is joking. probably. ]
P.P.S. Now I am going to lock you out of the tower until it returns to normal. I shall also solely blame this on you for not letting me label things. This is why we need the filing system.
[ there is an half-inked feline paw-print stamped at the corner of the page, some small splashes of ink surrounding it, indicating Tara was very much a part of the process in writing the letter. ]
text reads: gale dekarios
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odditycircus-2002 · 7 months
Mortal Kombat 1 Intros with Medusa!Reader Part II
Li Mei
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Y/N: Are you sure we cannot keep the traitor as a lovely ornament?
Li Mei: Reiko has to face trial like anyone else, Y/N.
Y/N: I still regret that I could not have done more for Sindel.
Li Mei: I know it pains you, but no one is accusing you of doing nothing.
Y/N: I am not sure I can give a testimony without trying to kill Shang Tsung on sight.
Li Mei: Justice cannot function properly unless you follow it thoroughly.
Y/N: I hope you're still not holding it against Syzoth for disturbing the lantern festival.
Li Mei: After everything he's done for the Empire? I'll let him off with a warning this time.
Li Mei: It is thanks to you that most of Sun Do's constables survived our battle with Shao and his allies.
Y/N: I am glad to hear they made full recoveries.
Li Mei: You must put your faith in justice.
Y/N: There is no such thing as it, the best I could hope for is revenge.
Li Mei: It still baffles me that you managed to slip away from me the first time you came to the palace.
Y/N: What can I say? I've always been the slippery type.
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Y/N: I am presuming that Li Mei wishes to speak with me about slipping hallucinogenic mushrooms into the rebel army's food supply.
Kitana: You did what now?!
Y/N wistfully: It seems like only yesterday to me that I helped bring you into the world.
Kitana: Time tends to fly by like that, Y/N.
Y/N surprised: I understand honoring Baraka, but Mileena wants to do the same with me?
Kitana: You have served Outworld with as much determination and loyalty as any honored soldier, Y/N
Y/N: I am truly sorry I couldn't save your mother.
Kitana: My family and I know more than anyone how hard you try to keep her alive.
Kitana: By the gods, NO! That is absolutely a cruel idea.
Y/N: How is throwing food that is secretly explosives worse than Shao weaponizing Onaga?
Kitana: Perhaps you should stop coming to the strategy meetings...
Y/N: Is this about my latest suggestion?
Kitana: You have a sister?
Y/N: Yes, but we're not as close as you and Mileena.
Liu Kang
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Liu Kang: Even though he proves to be resilient, I’d be wary of Baraka loosing control.
Y/N: Have you forgotten I too was once a beauty now a turned beast?
Liu Kang: Baraka and his fellow Tarkatans view you as a beacon of hope for all you’ve done for them.
Y/N: Only because NO ONE elssse would help those poor unfortunate soulsss!
Liu Kang: Do not become tempted by Shang Tsung’s Well of Souls.
Y/N: If you had any chance of saving the one you loved from a cruel fate, wouldn’t you take it? /
Y/N: I asked you to kill me in a previous timeline???
Liu Kang: Kronika made it so you cannot go on without Shang Tsung. /
Y/N: I was a dangerous enemy in a past timeline, why didn’t you erase me for good?
Liu Kang: Because I had hoped that with better circumstances, you’d turn out kinder.
Y/N: I am grateful that you didn’t have me predestined to marry Shang Tsung
Liu Kang: As am I that you had an actual choice to choose who to love.
Y/N: I hope you do not expect I pray to you, not when I have to rely on myself to heal others.
Liu Kang: No, I do not need any of the sort, Y/N.
Kiu Liang (Scorpion)
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Y/N: For freeing me from Shang Tsung and Quan-chi, I am in your debt till death.
Kiu Liang: I could not stand idly by and let the Sorcerers continue to use you.
Y/N: Thank you again for those earthrealm medical books you've gifted me.
Kiu Liang: May they prove to greatly help your cause.
Y/N: Truth be told, I envy that you and your new bride have life to look forward to together.
Kiu Liang: I understand why your heart would be in such turmoil.
Y/N: My venom is more than strong enough to overpower yours.
Kiu Liang: But can you take the force of my sting?
Kiu Liang: Baraka and the rest of the Colony are fortunate to have you as their healer.
Y/N: As is the Shirai Ryu for having you as Grandmaster.
Kiu Liang: I promise you, my clan and I will ensure that Bi-han is tried for his crimes-
Y/N angrily hisses: I do NOT care that he'sssss your brother! He must be cut like the tumor he is for hisssss attack on the colony!
Kiu Liang: You taught Outworlds High Mage hydromancy?
Y/N: Only the basics. He bringsssss me great shame for abusing the magic he's learned.
Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
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Y/N: Kuia-Liang will be disappointed that he's not the one who finished you.
Bi-Han: He will be disappointed to know you died thinking you could.
Y/N: You are plague to everything you touch.
Bi-Han: Only to those who would stand against me or my clan.
Y/N angrily and hissing: You killed my patientssss!!!
Bi-Han: I did them a favor by releasing them from their misery.
Y/N: Taking Shang Tsung's offer was a foolish mistake.
Bi-Han: You're right. I do not need his sorcery to bring power and glory to my clan.
Bi-Han: What manner of illness did you give my Lin Kuei, witch?!
Y/N patronizingly: I thought your clan was supposed to be stronger.
Bi-Han: I know your cold blood will stand no chance against my cryomancy.
Y/N: Actually, I ssstill remain warm-blooded.
Bi-Han: Your hydromancy has no chance against my cryromancy.
Y/N: Have you forgotten what ice is made from, Bi-han?
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Rain: Why did you never teach ME how to control blood?
Y/N: I wished to spare you of the magic’s cost of madness.
Rain: I will always regret my crimes against Seido
Y/N: If you’re truly remorseful, then their ssssouls shall haunt you till the day you die. /
Y/N: I did NOT teach you how to control water, sssso you could dishonor me or your family!
Rain: I know how deeply I’ve shamed all of you. /
Rain: With the magic you know, why did you never pursue becoming High Mage?
Y/N: To avoid being overwhelmed with ambition asssss you were. /
Y/N: Your once cleansing water are ssssstained with the blood of Seido’s victims.
Rain: It is something I can never truly wash away. /
Rain: I have surpassed your water magic!
Y/N: How bold to assume that I’ve taught you EVERYTHING about water’s capabilitiessss.
Y/N: You want to come with ME into the Kytinn Hive???
Rain: So I can finally start my penance.
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