#I know that hc was around at this point but I wasn’t watching it so it’s not on the list
hiskillingjar · 2 days
Hiii!! Do you think you can do hcs or a scenario for ren x a bratty s/o? Like the type of bratty that constantly talks back and is rlly teasing and honestly gets a little mean at times for his attention. Thank you , and have a wonderful day or night!!! ;3
happy brat release day faggots (i don't like charli xcx)
800+ words, a bit more of a fox-leaning ren this time around, that boy is eeeeevil.
"Are you seriously rewatching this?"
You rested your folded arms over the back of the sofa as Ren set up his laptop at the base of the television (an AV cable plugged into the front, his hard drive plugged in at the side). The opening of a show you recognised was playing on the TV screen, volume still low, while he was fiddling with something on the computer, though you didn’t know what. 
You had a feeling that he wouldn’t tell you what it was, even if you asked.
"What's wrong with that?" He asked, peering at you over his shoulder, his tail swishing to and fro behind him.
"I mean, nothing's wrong with it," You replied with a scoff, standing up straight and idly pacing into the main space of the living room. "It's just...I dunno,” You shrugged with a smirk. “I thought your taste in anime would have progressed past, like, the early twenty-tens."
Ren frowned as he sat up on his knees, looking towards you properly.
"I mean, I look at new releases.” He said, his expression looking a little more irritated, his ears tilting back, like a cat who didn't like to be pet. “Not my fault they're all garbage."
You laughed.
"Maybe it's your taste that's garbage,” You replied, bumping his shoulder with your thigh. He let out a little grunt at the motion, though it wasn’t loud enough for you to consider it to be an adequate threat just yet. “Ever considered that?"
"Well, you're my taste.” He said with a hard look, standing to his feet and squaring up to you. He was shorter than you, even with the additional high point of his ears, but he certainly knew how to intimidate you, in spite of that. Does that make you garbage?"
Your cheeks flushed and you found yourself averting your eyes, glancing down to your feet.
"Mph...fair point." You mumbled and rolled your eyes subtly, feeling a little like you were getting scolded by a parent.
His brows cocked at your immediate subservience, but he didn’t say anything.
"So, are you done insulting me?” Ren then asked, crossing his arms and giving his head a slight, condescending tilt. “You know, if you act like any more of a brat, I'll stop being nice and inviting you to watch my shows with me.”
You had felt your body bristle at the word ‘brat’, but you attempted to laugh off your discomfort, looking back towards him with a sardonic smile.
"Ohhhh noooo," You drawled sarcastically, laughing again. When you laughed, you could feel the heavy weight of your collar on your shoulders, but you did your best to ignore that. "How awful. Any better threats, Ren? Isn’t that supposed to be a punishment-"
"Don't talk to me like that," Ren then snapped authoritatively, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides, like he was stopping himself from doing something. " What's with you today? Where's this bratty attitude coming from, huh? I don't like it."
"I’m…I'm just teasing," You tried to laugh, though you had a sense that your discomfort was becoming more and more palpable. "I'm...not being a brat,” You murmured, licking your lips nervously and averting your eyes again. “I'm just joking around with you, like...you know, friends do?"
“Look at me when you’re talking to me.”
You let out a little squeak as Ren reached forward and grabbed your chin, jerking your eyes together (in spite of the height difference), his claws digging into the soft meat of your jaw and cheeks to keep your gaze on his.
"We're not friends." He said, quite sternly, his golden eyes narrowed with annoyance and irritation, like he was dealing with a problem. "I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, or something, but you're my little pet, and I'm your master.” He lets go of your face and bats harshly (a little too harshly to not be a slap) at your cheek, forcing you to step back away from him. “If I'm nice to you, it's 'cus I'm choosing to be, not to be friendly."
You let out a defeated huff, rubbing your sore cheek, and looked back to him, your brows knitting together.
"Jesus...okay,” You murmured, your hand dropping back to your side. “Whatever. Sorry I tried to be friendly, I guess."
“Don’t try and guilt me,” He replied airily with a mean smile, his eyes softening with poorly concealed lust (a glare hot enough to make your face flush). “I know how you like to play. And maybe I’d be in the mood to play along, if you used your fucking words for once, instead of trying to be so coy and above it all. Think about that next time you wanna be a brat.”
You swallowed hard and looked down again.
“Kay.” You said curtly.
"Good!" He said, sounding in better spirits than he had, before sitting down on the couch and turning up the television. The first scenes of the show were already starting. "Come here. Sit with me,” He patted the space next to him, the mean look fading into a nicer one, and yet, it felt more insidious and more threatening. “And maybe I'll forgive you for acting like such a brat~"
"I'm not-” You stopped yourself when he gave you another hard look, and nodded your head submissively. “W-Whatever, fine…"
"Good girl~"
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theminecraftloser · 3 months
Old mcyt fans what’s your fave series from 2011-2015 (ish) YouTube?
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indulgentdaydream · 10 days
protective!jason hcs or blurb 🥰
Ok so I kinda touched on these in my latest fic but anyways i WILL elaborate bc those were just background
We all know that man is touch starved. We ALL know it.
We also all know he’s hesitant with sharing touch
It’s only once you both have been dating for a bit already, maybe three months in, that he really starts to show his protectiveness through his touch
Or at least when you notice it
He’s always at least holding your hand as you guys walk around Gotham. Depending on exactly whereabouts in Gotham is when he changes whether he’s between you and the road, or you and the alleyways.
You watched him change it up one time halfway through your shared walk, him letting go of your left hand, stepping behind you and around to grab your right instead.
“Oh? So you want me to get hit by a car and die?”
Jason only keeps his eyes on the passing buildings and the ones coming up, “The chance of that is much lower than somebody trying to mug you in this area, love.”
One day you’re both out at the bar together. He’s sitting on a stool behind you as you babble to oke of yours friends.
From over their shoulder, you see a man approaching, but don’t think anything of it.
Suddenly, you see the man stop in his tracks, freezing. You glance over at him. He looks terrified. He glances at you, his original target, then behind you again. He spins on his heel and walks back the way he came.
You look behind you, feeling Jason’s hand still resting on your hip. You almost feel a little scared yourself, seeing that killer glare that Jason’s pointing at the guy’s back.
He switches immediately the second he looks down to you, a soft smile and kind eyes, not a hint of the previous bloodlust a mere second ago. “What?” He asks, like watching his expression change wasn’t the biggest turn on in the world.
You’re sitting in your apartment at your desk typing away on your laptop. You’re trying to file your taxes, and Jason had come over to help you with it (surprisingly he knows how even though he’s still legally dead at this point and hasn’t had to pay any taxes. Ever.)
He had stood and was wondering around your room a bit while he waited for you to fill the next part out. You can hear shuffling, but you’re too focused to tune into it.
“Jay? What does this line mean?”
Jason grunts for a moment and you hear your window slide open.
You turn back around, “Jay?”
“One second.” He shuts your window again. You watch as he fiddles with the lock before easily sliding the window back open. He throws his hands in the air and looks at you. “How long have you lived here?”
You shrug, confused, “You helped me move in.”
Jason waves his hand through the air, “When?”
“Almost a year? Last November.”
Jason fiddles with the window again, slamming it back down, “This lock doesn’t work. You been sleeping in here and anyone could’ve just broken in?”
You shrug again, “I didn’t know it was broken! I don’t really lock my window often.”
Jason looks like he almost broke his neck by how fast his head whipped back to you, “You don’t lock your window????”
He finishes your taxes for you before he leaves, saying he’ll be back. Within the hour he’s knocking on your door again, a duffle bag in hand full of power tools, screws, and different assortments of heavy duty locks. He spends the rest of the night installing them.
A new one on your bedroom window that actually consisted of two different locks. A similar two on your kitchen window. Another three on your bedroom door itself. Then four on your front door.
As he leaned over your kitchen sink, screwing in the lock and blocking your way as you tried to make you both dinner.
“Is this really necessary?”
“I’m not having you practically open to every bad thing the city has to offer, love.”
“Then how are you going to come in through my window now?”
“I’ll learn to knock.”
That’s all I can think of right now okay byeee
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
could you do hc’s for the 141 + könig with a reader who has iron deficiency anemia? like maybe readers iron drops to a low level and they nearly faint and they take care of them after?
Ooh! I can relate! Except I haven’t fainted but I’ve definitely gotten close lmao whoops
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
My man has both eyes on you at all times, especially if you’ve told him you woke up with a headache that morning
He’s watching you to make sure you’re taking care of yourself but when advil doesn’t touch your headache, he starts to worry
I personally headcanon him as being hands off but always close, so he won’t be fretting about you, he gives you the space and the chance to decide when you need help
But when you start walking a little lopsided, with a hand against the wall for support, he’s sprinting towards you, his heart is hammering in his chest as he catches you before you lean a little too far off to the side
“Alright, back to bed with you.”
“Si, I’m fine.”
“I look like I’m muckin’ about? Bed. Now.”
It’s one of the few times he’ll assert himself when it comes to your well-being, not his fault you gave him a fright, darling!
Soon enough, he’s back at your side with a sandwich and some juice, he’s not sure what happened but some food is a good place to start, he crawls in bed next to you as your eating and turns on the tv to whatever you’re feeling (he’s particularly fond of Bake Off, so he won’t be opposed if that’s what you choose)
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
When you woke up that morning massaging your temples, he was a little worried but he shooed your hands away and started massaging your temples and your scalp instead, kissing the side of your head
It seemed to help a little bit but it wasn’t enough to chase the thrumming pain away, still it wasn’t that bad so you decided to go about your day regardless
That wouldn’t stop him from checking up on you every chance he had, he’d laugh when you elbow him and jokingly tell him to back off, he’d pull you against him and kiss the crown of your head
“Not on your life, bonnie.”
But then he saw you tumble to the side a little bit, arm reaching out to balance yourself and he was at your side in a heartbeat, steadying you by wrapping his arm around your shoulders and holding you against him,
“Alright, hen?”
“Yeah just a little dizzy that’s all.”
“More than just a little I’d say. Come on, let’s get you in bed and I’ll get you some food, aye?”
“But it’ll mess up the bed.”
“Then don’t be messy.” He winked and kissed the side of your head, you shoved him playfully before clinging to him again. Sure enough, you’re back in bed with Soap, half eaten sandwich on the nightstand, both of you back asleep with the tv lulling you even deeper.
John Price:
Sweet man doesn’t let you leave the bed for anything as soon as you tell him you have a headache
“Don’t bother liftin’ a finger, darlin’. Shout if you need anything.” He kisses your forehead and leaves a glass of water, a cup of tea, and some headache medicine, he’s in the other room if you need anything
At some point, you get bored and decide to do some chores you’ve been putting off for a while, so you’re folding laundry when John walks back in the room
“What’re you doin’, thought I told you to shout.”
“I’m not gonna shout at you put away the laundry, especially when I’m the one that started it.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, you know I love it when you shout.” He teased, you threw the tshirt in your hands at him with a laugh and a blush, he caught it with ease and started to move to put it away
He saw you take an unsteady step back with an arm outreached to balance you out, in two long strides he was at your side, gripping your arm to steady you
“Right. Enough of that, back you go.”
“Don’t you ‘John’ me, back in.” He’s guiding you back in bed and coming back in the room with some fruits and a sandwich, he’s not leaving your side until you’ve eaten all of it. And when you’re done, he kisses your forehead and crawls in bed with you. Nothing wrong with a lazy day.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’s so extra omg as soon as you tell him you’ve got a headache, he’s wrapping you in your favorite blanket, brewing a cup of your favorite tea, he’s got you sitting on the couch, buried in blankets, and he’s got Uber Eats pulled up and ready for you to order
“Babe it’s just a headache, I’m not dying.”
“Irrelevant. Just order something, yeah? My treat.” He winked at you. You share a checking account. He loves making that joke. (So do I)
He walks away and comes back with your tea and some medicine, “No love of mine is going to have a headache and not be spoiled.”
On your way back from the bathroom, you start the feel the walls spin and the floor slip away from you. You called out to him and he was there in a heartbeat, he gently and slowly picked you up and carried you back to the couch
“Aren’t you glad you’ve got me here for you?”
“Don’t get an ego, just shut up and keep taking care of me.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He kissed your cheek with a big wet smooch and went to grab the door for your order, he settled next to you on the sofa and started laying out the food for you.
Much like Ghost, he lets you get up and be about on your own but he hovers much closer
He gets you some medicine and some water, and he brings you those fruit gummies you love so much too
He’s ok with you moving about but he’s always close by, and by close I mean he’s attached at the hip (just bump him away with your hip and he’ll laugh enough to let you be for a little bit)
In one of those moments you managed to successfully bump him away from you, your dizziness seemed to hit. You nearly dropped the dishes in your hands as you took a few steps to the side, König was there in seconds to get you steady again
He took the dishes from your hands and gently put them in the sink,
“Come now, schatz, rest, please.”
“Köni, I’m fine, I promise.”
“Nonsense. Bed. Now.”
He never used that tone with you (ok maybe sometimes but this isn’t that context), so you supposed you wouldn’t fight him on it. Not that you could but you appreciated that he gave you the option.
So he carried you to bed, your gentle, sweet, mountain of a man, and set you down, burying you in blankets. He crawled beside you and started running his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp, peppering kisses on your cheeks.
Before you knew it, you’ve dozed off in his arms and he’s kissing the crown of your head.
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
❝ Hi! Can you do hcs of Percy Jackson dating a child of Hypnos!reader please? I love all your other headcanons ❞ — anon
in which percy dates a child of hypnos
pairing percy jackson x hypnos!reader
warnings none
on the radio . . . once upon a dream (lana del rey)
Cabin inspections weren’t Percy’s favourite things in the world, but there were worse jobs to do at camp
Still, he couldn’t help but feel like a bit of a hypocrite whenever he gave a cabin a low cleanliness grade, considering he wasn’t the tidiest person. If it weren’t for Tyson, he’d have dish duty for dirtiest cabin every week
What Percy did like about cabin inspections was getting to know the other cabin counsellors. Now that minor gods had their own cabins, the pool of people for Chiron to choose from almost doubled, making inspections a lot more interesting
Last time Percy was on cabin inspection duty, he was paired with Lou Ellen Blackstone from the Hecate cabin, who taught him the basics of tarot while they inspected. He forgot half of the stuff she said, but it was still really cool
Today, Percy looked at the duty sheet posted on the notice board and found his name next to someone called Y/N from cabin 15
There’s nothing Percy hated more than when people referred to cabins by their numbers instead of Godly parent. He barely managed to learn the first 12, now he had another 8 to memorise
Oh well, it’s not like it mattered. Percy didn’t have to go collect you from cabin 15, since everyone knew people on cabin inspection duty are supposed to meet at the big house then check the cabins in numerical order
Or so he thought. Percy waited ages and watched as people came and went, yet there was no sight of you. Had you forgotten you were supposed to be on inspection duty? Were you a new camper and got lost? Percy scratched that last thought, since you wouldn’t be cabin counsellor if you were new
After about 10 minutes, Percy got tired of waiting. The next time someone passed by, he asked them which God cabin 15 was for: Hypnos
Clipboard in hand, he made his way over to your cabin
“Hello? Is there anyone in here?” Percy asked, rapping his knuckles on the front door. This was his third time knocking, and he was getting quite tired of it all. Being met with more silence, the boy decided to invite himself in
Walking into your cabin, Percy nearly tripped over one of your half-siblings, who was sleeping on the doormat. Looking around, Percy realised almost everyone in this cabin was at least daydreaming. He felt like he’d entered a new world where time stopped and responsibilities were non-existent
“So…” he began, unsure if he should wake one of them up or hope they wake up by themselves, “which one of you’s Y/N?”
There was no response. Just as Percy was about to tap one of your siblings on the shoulder, another pointed in your direction whilst asleep, which freaked Percy out, “uh… thanks,” he said before turning in the direction of their pointed finger
What he saw next had him debating between bursting out laughing or facepalming. Somehow, you managed to fall asleep in the middle of tying your shoelaces, and so you stood with one foot in the air, the laces slipping from your fingers
“Hey, uh, do you need some help with that?” He asked, gently shaking you awake. From the outside, you seemed to be in deep sleep, but all it took to wake you up was one small shake
Blinking the sleep away from your eyes, you were met with a pair of aquamarine ones, “what time is it?” You mumbled, tying your shoelaces as if nothing had happened, clearly unfazed by the position you woke up in
“9AM,” as soon as Percy uttered those words, you suddenly seemed much more alert
Scrambling for your own clipboard and pen, you exclaimed, “what?! Oh Gods, I’m so late. I was supposed to meet this guy at the big house an hour ago!” Then, to Percy, “do you know how many alarms I set? I was so close, too! Fell asleep right as I was about to leave,” you said, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment
An endearing smile tugged at the corners of Percy’s lips. He wasn’t annoyed anymore. He couldn’t be, not at your cute pouty expression
“It’s okay, I don’t like cabin inspections that much anyway,” he said, causing a wave of relief to wash over you
While you inspected the cleanliness of cabins together, you got to know each other and Percy learnt more about your cabin. You heard the stuff the kids from other cabins called you - lazy being the most commonly used adjective - and were quick to dismantle all the stereotypes surrounding you and your siblings whenever you got the chance. It wasn’t all of them, of course, but it was enough of them to rub you the wrong way
It’s not that you cared what they were saying about you, but you couldn’t stand the way they’d speak about your father and his domain. There was a very good reason why mortal doctors preached about sleep so often, after all
Also, you and your siblings didn’t sleep just for the sake of it - you often trained in your dreams, seeing as you were closer to your full potential the deeper your slumber was, so you weren’t lazy at all
As all of these thoughts spilled out of your lips while walking around camp with Percy, you were confused. Sure, these things bothered you, but you were usually in good control of your emotions - always serene, always calm. Even when you did complain, you didn’t do it like this
You stopped for a second and took a good look at Percy, then it hit you
“You are the most tense person I’ve ever met in my life.”
“Excuse me?” Percy replied, caught off-guard and a little offended. He’d been so forgiving with you, and this is how you thanked him?
Noticing his discomfort, you recollected yourself, “no offence, Percy, but you haven’t been relaxed a day in your life. Your tenseness is rubbing off on me, that’s why I’ve been so heated. Would you wanna book a meditation session with me? I think it’d really help.”
Percy blinked, his brows furrowed in confusion. Before, he was offended, but now he didn’t know how to feel. You’d basically just called him an emitter of bad emotions. At the same time, though, something was telling him he should trust you. He felt the relaxed aura of your cabin even before walking in
And meditation with you sounded quite nice. He didn’t think he wanted to rely on the slim chance that Chiron would pair the two of you up a second time just to see you again
Turns out, the Hypnos cabin had a whole meditation business set up. Very few people knew about it, since very few people cared to see past your sleepiness, but your cabin was a safe haven for those who did
You had a slot open the next day right after breakfast, so you quickly put Percy in, promising him you’d actually be awake when he shows up
He was a little apprehensive and considered not showing up at all, but he’d committed and so he was at your cabin door as soon as breakfast was over
Soon enough, Percy would learn that his showing up to your meditation session that day was the best decision he’d ever made
You were so sweet as you guided him through his emotions and helped him practise breathing techniques to relax, as well as giving him tips on how to get a better night’s rest
The two of you eventually started spending time outside of his meditation sessions, too. Percy felt really bad when he heard you speaking about the treatment you’d get from other campers on the day you first met, so he introduced you to all his friends and soon enough, you became a part of the friend group
Secretly, you still preferred spending time with Percy alone. He was so funny and nice, unlike anyone else you’d ever met - both in the mortal world and at camp
You would often meet at this giant oak tree Percy had found you dozing off next to in the early days of your friendship. It was one of your favourite nap spots, but you were more than happy to share it with him
This was one of those instances. Percy had a comic book in hand, some series Leo insisted he should read, but he wasn’t super into it. Meanwhile, you sat next to him, occasionally commenting on the silly drawings in it or telling him little bits of your day
The moment was so peaceful, it was only natural for your eyelids to begin getting heavier. As you dozed off, Percy finally got to a part in the book that could get him to justify why Leo enjoyed these so much, not noticing you were asleep until your head landed on his shoulder
“Oh, goodnight, Y/N,” Percy said, smiling fondly at your serene expression. You always looked cute - Percy knew this better than anyone, considering the massive crush on you he’d been harbouring, but you looked extra adorable in your sleep, your eyelashes tickling your cheeks as light snores left your mouth
He sat very still, not wanting to move a muscle in case that’d cause you to shift positions. He liked where you were sleeping right now. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend you were a couple
Percy began playing around with your hair as he said, “this is nice. I really wish you liked me. I mean, I know you like me, but I want you to like like me, y’know?” He sighed, taking this opportunity as he knew you wouldn’t be able to hear him
Just as he was about to continue reading, he heard a voice - your voice - pipe up, “I like you too, Percy. Really like you.”
And so, you began dating <3
Honestly such a cute relationship. You’re the only one able to calm Percy down whenever he’s upset. The whole Aphrodite cabin could be using their charmspeak on him and he wouldn’t fully relax until you place a gentle hand on his shoulder
You guys also have a lot of sleepovers. Mostly at his cabin, since yours is too full for a proper sleepover
During said sleepovers, you guys always try to visit each other in your dreams. You’re aware that children of Hypnos could enter other people’s dreams and desperately wanted to figure it out, and who better to test it on than Percy?
For one of your attempts he makes those aluminium foil hat things that cartoon characters would use to dream together or whatever it was, and you laugh at first, taking it as a silly joke, until you actually try with the hats on (because Percy insisted) and it ends up being your closest attempt
Now, you wear those aluminium foil hats religiously
Speaking of dreams, yours are more vivid than the average demigod’s, but you had no one to talk to about them until Percy came along. He loves hearing about all your silly slumber adventures <3 especially when he’s in them
Whenever you mention a dream he happened to be in it’s literally like the “oh and there was crazy drama that happened in bloxburg–” “HUH?! I NEED TO HEAR ABOUT THIS!!!!!” audio
“Percy, oh my Gods, I have to tell you about this dream I just had!” You said, not bothering to knock as you made your way inside his cabin. Percy, who was currently trying to fix the fountain in the middle of the room (idk where it is sorry), greeted you with a, “hey sweetie,” clearly very invested in his task
You sat on his bed and proceeded to give him a rundown of your dream: it started off at camp, but you were in a cabin you didn’t recognise. You decided to explore for a little bit and came across this seashell, which you picked up.
Instantly, it transported you to what you assumed was Poseidon’s underwater kingdom, since the God himself came over to greet you, Amphitrite and Triton trailing behind. He showed you around his castle, then left you at the door of your room, where he said was a special surprise for you
“Okay, so I go inside and you’re there–” immediately, Percy turned, losing his focus on the fountain and drenching you in water as a result
Grabbing you by the shoulders, he said, “You need to tell me about this! Did we get married?!”
“I thought you were busy with that fountain. You didn’t seem to care about my dream before,” you said, teasing him
Pouting, Percy replied, “no, baby, I’m sorry. I was listening, honestly! It’s just that the fountain has been making the most annoying noise ever and how are we supposed to continue our dream visiting endeavours with it distracting us?”
You continue your meditation, but more informally. He doesn’t have to book slots to see you anymore, you’d gladly guide him through whatever he needs at any time
The two of you reminisce on your first meeting a lot, too. Percy likes to claim it was his divine intuition that made him choose to look for you that day instead of inspecting cabins alone, while you just play along and try not to laugh at the way he over-exaggerates all your interactions pre-dating
To Percy, though, he isn’t over-exaggerating. Every interaction with you is a big deal. Whenever Percy wakes up in the morning and finds you next to him, clinging onto his arm with a leg draped over his body, he can’t help but fall in love all over again <3
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reverieblondie · 4 months
Could I request headcanons for Rolan, Haarlep, Gale, Halsin, Wyll, and Astarion with shy gn s/o?
Sorry this took forever! This is my first time doing headcanons and was unsure how to format it. The last bullet point for each character is NSFW just as a warning. I hope you enjoy!
Did the same HCs for Raphael and Zevlor here
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When you two first meet, he misread your shyness as apprehension towards him. Now he knows that you are just painfully shy, leaning more towards quiet. The way you two became close was through his siblings Cal and Lia; those two extroverts, of course, were set on becoming friends with you. They will pull you into their family conversations, you will listen to how they lovingly bicker, with a smile. Rolan slowly starts to get used to you being near and finds himself missing you when you are gone, not that he would ever admit that to you however. Your relationship with Rolan will bloom over time the more private time you two share.  
Once together, Rolan is making you blush by pure accident. At first, he didn’t notice what he would be doing until he turned to see your flustered face while his tail curled around your leg, seemingly of its own accord. The first couple of times it happened he would apologize and remove himself from you, it wasn’t until you grabbed his hand and leaned in closer with your cheeks blazing red, whispering how you enjoyed the closeness. At that he decided he would keep doing it more intentionally. 
One of his favorite things to do for you is to write you notes and secretly slip them to you. Rolan can struggle with expressing himself, so writing it for you tends to be easier for him and you. You always look forward to reading the notes as soon as you get them, though sometimes he has to whisper in your ear to read them in private when his words lead towards more intimate confessions that will leave your head spinning all night. 
A date night for you two is a lovely night in which you two share a bottle of wine he carefully selected after much research of what would be the best mix of both your tastes. Then, curling up with you in front of a burning fireplace with a book that you, of course, got to pick out for him to read till the late hours of the night. 
When you and Rolan are in each other's intimate embrace, tangled up together and sharing in soft pants and shy whispers he does anything to make you moan. It makes him feel good to help bring out your shy moans for him, letting him know he is doing a good job bringing you intense pleasure.  
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As they laid eyes on your flushed figure taking in their appearance only one thought crossed their mind; corrupt you. Finds your reserved nature delicious and loves to fluster you in any way possible. At first, it was all just a game but as they kept seeing you more and more they started to get excited by your presents. The teasing never stops and sure they can sometimes push you a bit far that you're practically a melted puddle of feelings but Haarlep just isn't used to such shyness, they love it.  
Loves to make you blush and relish in how you tremble when they whisper filth in your ear. They will brush their lips against the shell of your ear talking about all the ways they want to break you out of your shell, it still makes you fill with shivers of excitement no matter how many times they tease you. Haarlep will even try to sway you to talk dirty to them with sweet coos and sugared promises.
If you do start feeling brave enough to attempt to talk dirty back to them, Haarlep would laugh and tease you with playful kisses and pinches to your sides. Though half the time they can’t make it to that part considering when they watch you try to stumble out the words from your trembling lips they can’t help themselves from leaning in to bite your sweet lips in a passionate kiss. 
For a date night, Haarlep admittedly loves a nice spa night. Sure, they could just take you in bed all night long but they find themselves relishing in the way you two take care of one another for a night. Not used to people wanting to pamper them like you do but is more than willing to accept it. You two will take a nice long bath together, taking the time to wash each other carefully. Then once washed and dried expect long messages with delicate-smelling oils to ease and soften each other's muscles. They will try to slip into some naughtiness but you assure them they don't have to. This is a different level of intimacy they could get used to. 
When you two do find yourselves letting your spa night turn into something spicier Haarlep isn’t just going to let you get away with just getting what you want, no, they want you to beg for it to plead for what you're wanting. They just can’t help but tease their shy little thing, making you come undone with a pleading cry of your desires. 
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When he first met you he was a bit thrown by your silent nature. So what did he end up doing to compensate for your silence? Rambling on and on to you about everything and nothing trying to get anything from you but only being met with your shy smiles and pleasant nods. Ultimately thought you didn’t like him, which is far from the truth you thought he was interesting but you just are not much of a talker but you noticed the dejected look in his eyes as he left to go make dinner for the camp. Later when you worked up the nerve to ask him for more stories from his youth and studies of the weave he was more than excited to start talking on and on again. Slowly but surely you two clicked with the dynamic of him being the sweet chatterbox and you the calm listener.
Gale always showers you with compliments, always making you blush with how he pours his heart out to you. He is a hopeless romantic and so are you, though sometimes the compliments seem to come from nowhere. You could be standing in the market trying to pick out vegetables for the night's dinner and he would come to you with a smile praising how your face in concentration is a marvel to witness. Instantly your chest warms and the lady who owns the vegetable booth states you are lucky to have such a loving partner. 
When he's not showering you in compliments he's showering you in kisses. This man can not keep his lips off you for a single second, he's entirely devoted to you. Would be more than willing to leave your skin covered in hickeys if you were to allow it, and sometimes despite your meek nature you do. You don’t even mind how the beard slightly scratches your skin, you love that he is so open and so willing to show what you mean to him. 
Gale's very favorite date night between you two is a nice night where you two can prepare a meal together. While you two pour over the recipe together it's a great time to unwind about each other's day while leaving gentle touches on each other. You could be mixing the sauce and as soon as he's done chopping the vegetables you feel his arms curling around your waist while his lips press against your flushed skin. Sure your two might burn the food slightly when you two get caught up in cuddling with one another but nothing a little bit of magic can’t fix. 
Gale loves to press himself against you, you can bet that after dinner he will have you on your back as he grinds into on top of the table. You have already reached that white-hot bliss a couple of times now but Gale keeps going, keeps pressing long strokes into you as hot tears rush down your cheeks, you stumbling and mumbling how it's too much but he just begs for one more…
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Clocked your timidness as soon as he laid his hazel eyes on you. He introduces himself to you and asks you questions about yourself listening with a soft smile as you speak, being patient as you at first give short answers then slowly beaming how your answers get longer and longer. Before he knows it you two are being more open towards one another. Loves to see you coming out of your shell and is more than welcoming to your quiet nature. All of nature's creatures are made differently, you would often apologize for being so timid but he would only smile and place his hand over his heart reassuring you that nature makes no mistakes. 
Eye contact is extremely important to him, he considers it disrespectful if he doesn’t look into his partner's eyes. This was an adjustment for you being so shy from him staring as you speak. Loves how your cheeks flush and your sweet voice trembles as you try to keep your resolve and lead the conversion. Halsin loves you no matter what but is proud of your efforts to lead conversions more, he is sure to tell you this always.  
Loves to give pet names to his partner, when he first called you his heart you swear all the air in your lungs was swiftly knocked from you. Halsin, ever observant, saw your startled reaction and asked if the name made you uncomfortable because he is all about your comfort first and foremost. It was his turn to be surprised when you shook your head with a bashful smile saying that now you will have to find a pet name for him in return. 
Completely understands your want for nice quiet dates so he will always take you for late nice hikes to show you the beauties of nature, of course during the walk he will softly hold your hand and talk to you about all the different plants and animals you two would come across. Before you two reach your destination he will carefully cover your eyes and lead you to the spot he wanted to show you since he found it. Uncovering your eyes you see the tall elf smiling as you look out over the cliff and see nature's majesty. Right as you think it couldn't get more incredible shooting stars fall from the sky is a shimmering shower. Oak  father has truly blessed them tonight. 
While you two are undressing to embrace one another he will rake his eyes all over your body. As he lays you down against the forest floor's soft grass, takes his time to kiss and touch every part of your body worshiping to get to see you in your natural glory all for him to partake in. You're not ashamed to admit his hands over your body make you come out of your shell like no other can.   
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When Wyll met you he faced your shyness with friendliness to get you to feel more comfortable. When he joined your camp he immediately started helping out in any way he could. Need help setting up tents? He will politely ask to help you and proves himself to be quite resourceful. Loves to tell you stories of his travels to you as you work together and smiles as he sees your eyes sparkle in enchantment with his stories. Going to get firewood he offers to tag along to keep you company. While you two walk together you will share your stories, though in your opinion they are not as grand as his but it doesn't seem to stop him from being engaged as asking you to explain further in detail for him to fully picture it. Before you know it you and him are sitting and chatting for hours like you have been together for years. The vibes and electric energy he radiates are just too contagious to not get wrapped in, and you love it. 
Wyll is all about public displays of affection, he wants to show you off and is hopeful you feel the same for him, which you do. His hand is either in your hand or he somehow has his hand wrapped around your waist. Wants to show you all the love possible. And you can't help but blush as he unapologetically gives you kisses in the street not caring if others see. When you sadly do have to break apart for a moment he blows you kisses as you walk away, you of course catch them and hold them to your heart and sometimes if you are feeling brave you will blow one back.
Loves to have you sit in his lap, not in a creepy way but in a sweet way wanting to hold you close. He doesn't care where you are or who you two are with. If he gets the opportunity he will pull you down to his lap and nuzzle softly into your neck. Sometimes if it is late at night and you two are cuddling by the campfire you will find yourself falling asleep in his embrace, Wyll loves that you have become so comfortable in his arms and will spend the night softly brushing your hair back from your face while you sleep. 
It's no surprise that for your dates you two go out to a local tavern to dance. At first, you shyly admitted to him that you were not a good dancer but Wyll is very patient and will carefully guide you and smile through gritted teeth as you step on his feet. Over time however and through many dates you two become quite the dancing partners. However, if the dance floor becomes too crowded and you start to feel shakenly overwhelmed he will lead you to a private corner and gently sway with you whispering how much he adores you.  
In the late nights of each other's embrace as you two shower each other in devotion, he will whisper honey praises into your ears. How well you take him. How much he loves you. How he wants to be with you forever to see you unravel before him like in this intimate moment of intense pleasure. 
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Rolls his eyes as he watches you trying to stumble through conversions. How can someone with no social skills make it through the world? You of course were intimidated by him and when he would speak to you it would always leave you overwhelmed but you never thought poorly of him you understood that it was perhaps how he coped through situations like you go through yours meekly. First Astrion saw your kindness and shyness as weakness, but slowly over time as you two opened up towards each other he saw it as a good thing. Feels safe to be vulnerable towards you and you are more than happy to open up to him late at night when you two can't sleep. Your relationship started through friendship and understanding, but still teases you any chance he gets. 
Teases you endlessly, his favorite is when he gets the chance to sneak up on you and cover your eyes, he never gets over your startled little squeak in surprise at the impromptu game of Guess Who. By now you know that it is Astrion and will guess him quickly as you hold your hands on top of his cold ones. When you two are at the shops or camp he loves to shoot you flirtatious winks from across the way, it never fails to make you blush. Though you will never forget when you saw the look of surprise on his face when you winked back at him before slipping into his tent, he would later tell you it was very naughty of you to surprise him with that. 
After you two had been together and learned about each other's past he found himself needing to just have quiet moments with you. You would be getting ready for bed oiling your skin as you hum softly to yourself. Astarion would lower his book and just watch you for a moment, at a time you had been too shy to even talk to him but now here you two are sharing a bed. Carefully and quickly he would slip behind you and hug you tenderly. At first, you were startled and thought something could be wrong but as you softly ask he simply shakes his head and says he just wants to be close to you for a moment, no games just tenderness. You are more than happy to give him that moment. 
Late-night dates at the rare late-night markets in Baldur's Gate are a real treat and you two are more than happy to go on a shopping date for the night. Astarion will watch as you admire all the exotic merchandise from across Faerun oooing and ahhing at everything. He of course notices that you take particular interest in a fancy-looking ring, but you could not justify buying it for yourself. Later when you two are wrapping up your date for the night he will suddenly stop you kiss your hand then slip said ring on one of your fingers, you would stumble and say how he shouldn't have it and how it was too expensive, but he reassures you that he got a five finger discount. 
You two waited a while before making love with one other, you wanted it to be special and you wanted him to know how much him being  comfortable meant to you before you did. He of course reassures you by kissing you passionately till your two are stumbling into the bed. Though the kisses and the foreplay were ravenous when he finally slipped into your tight entrance, he is slow and soft, constantly asking if you are alright. Through bashful glances you kiss him softly as he lets you adjust to his length, this is truly the definition of making love.
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missblissy · 7 months
Domestic Astarion x Reader HCs
A/N: UwU just wanted to add to the married life headcanons after the events of the game. Fluffy good stuff below. GN!Tav, no class/race. Enjoy!
Some days always started better than others. But that’s only to say because someone didn’t need as much sleep as you, and had a life time left to learn new skills. One of them being cooking. Sure Astarion can’t taste and it’s a useless skill to him. But you? He would do anything for you. And that includes learning to cook for the sheer simple act of spoiling you with a warm and home made breakfast in bed.
It’s strange to say you two never had a wedding. That’s not to say you two weren’t married. “Oh…?” Astarion isn’t sure how to explain this when someone asks, “Well, you see, my darling little love here found this-” He holds up his hand and wiggles the ring in his finger, “On a rotting old skeleton then found the matching one, get this, on another smelly corpse!” Most people wouldn’t look fondly on something like that. But no, Astarion wasn’t most people. He’d smile and swoon, “And I suppose since then we’ve been married,”
It doesn’t help that back then when you did find those rings, you quite literally told him, “We’re married now,” As a joke. It wasn’t joke….
Astarion has a habit of leaving you poems to find in the most hidden of places. Like little lost treasures. Or maybe he just knows the looting demon you are at heart with your little grabby fingers going for anything they can touch. So it always comes to a surprise to you when you open a book and a poem written years ago flutters out… but the love and truth still rings pure despite the yellowing of the pages.
Crimson sons, vermillion daughters. Quivering maroon, burgundy, cardinal. Short fainting strokes Fester a broken carotid Free from feathers Unbound By the serpent's head no more.
His way of saying thank you for everything you've ever given him. And then some. No matter the message you cherished each treasured poem you would find.
The man had a knack for spoiling you, unconditionally, and most importantly, endlessly. If you saw something out in a shop that caught you eye, but you were just to stubborn to get it for yourself. Surprise, surprise when you get home and find it there with a man beaming proud like a puppy with his bone.
But that didn’t mean affection was off the table either. Astarion spoiled you with kisses, big ones, little ones, some on the back of your hand as he opened a door for you. Others on your cheek, gently but with sorrow as he left for some few weeks for whatever reason. He had his own things to do and sometimes you couldn’t go with him. But that just meant when he got home you could throw your arms around him, breathe him in and share the long awaited kiss of his return.
Married life strangely suited you both, from the little grabbing of hands under tables, the protective placement of an arm, the look of pride when the other did something extraordinary. And Astarion would always be the more boastful in pride when it came to talking about you.
And he couldn’t help but show off, sure he’s loud and arrogant about it. Saying he was best option of course, no one else stood a chance… blah blah blah. But when no one was around he can look you in the eye and practically grovel, “I am so lucky you chose me,”
There were many other things that came with the long life of being married together. The two of you were quite dedicated to learning to… dance. Astarion hadn’t a clue wether his left foot was right, and you may have been no better. It was your idea really. You heart would swoon watching other couples and with an eager voice you pointed a finger and declared, “I want to do that too!”
And so you did, but behind the close doors of your own home. Seeing as Astarion didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of so many people. Where you both could trip and side step and laugh, giggle and make the most out of learning something new together.
It seemed the two of you had a habit of learning things together. From silly little drawings, to paintings, perhaps an instrument or two. You both always found a way to share your hobbies and passions together.
And it was the mornings, where these happened most often. Naturally Astarion couldn’t be in the sun but that didn’t stop him from enjoying what little light he could. You’d find him in the dusty dusk right before the sun actually broke the horizon.
He had been teaching himself to play the piano, so to wake up in the morning and not hear the soft echos of keys down the halls would be a bad sign. It’d be another bad sign if you didn’t sit down beside him, stroking the keys as the two of you played a song that was always in the process of being made and never done.
Surely soon he’d go off to sleep, sharing kisses and affection. You wouldn’t see him again until the evening, when the sun was starting it decent. Day-phobia was real in vampires no matter how much they loved the sun and he didn’t have a worm anymore to help him fight that. But he managed, enjoying every sun rise and sun set he got to see just as the world of night came and went.
Despite staying up all night sometimes just to be beside him, it was fairly often that Astarion would have to nag you to go to sleep. You’d barely have even one eye open, drifting back and forth between dreams and you’d still tell him, “I’m not tired, I’m just resting my eyes,” All because he was up late in kitchen and you didn’t want to leave his side.
He often compromises though, making deals and barters, “If I go upstairs with you, will you go to sleep?”
“…” Surely you aren’t going to say no? “Will you be the big spoon?”
“Of course,” How could he say no to a face like yours? And such a sleepy one too?
He didn’t mind, not really. Some nights he’d stay in bed with you until the morning. Even though nothing would get done, or things he had planned were set aside, he wouldn’t sleep either, he truly really didn’t mind. He could lay there for eternity holding you close and be at peace.
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akystaracer22 · 4 months
Maybe in Another Life We Would Hate Each Other a Little Less
A chance encounter sheds a little light on Adam that Lucifer couldn't have predicted, leading to a moment he thought he'd never have with the man.
Notes (Aka my thoughts while writing):
God is a dick and I wanna kill xem
Adam folds his wings like a bird because monkey see monkey do
Both these guys were traumatised by the same person and we don’t talk about it enough
Probably Guitarduck/Adamsapple but in a fledgeling platonic kinda way
Refer to my ref for what Adam looks like!
I listened to Rät while writing this and- it kind of fits Adam???
Jesus is God’s favourite child and it fucking shows
How tf did this become a sickfic????
Lucifer gets the experience of being me whenever I make the impulsive move to boot up Char.ai and talk to literally any of the AI’s, get aunt agonied bitch.
Oh my god Adam has middle child syndrome.
Can you tell I attended a Christian school when I was younger???
Adam was hiding just how fucked over he was from the wing rot but he’s not having a good time in this. Most of the latter half of the oneshot is him dazed from both the one set of wing rot and the feeling of someone touching his wing.
Shit emergency wing HC for Adam ig: His wings grow warmer corresponding to his mood, as in when he is in general happier his wings radiate warmth and when he’s in a foul mood they’re just normal or even a little cooler.
In saying that yes Lucifer’s wings glow when he’s happy
Word Count: 1902
Fic under cut!
“Fucking- Shit!”
Lucifer paused, looking behind him and backing up to peek through the crack in the door. This ought to be good.
Sure enough, he was right, this was entertaining.
Adam was ranting again.
Honestly it was a nearly daily thing by this point, probably the only good thing about his daughters decision to let Adam stay at the hotel. He loved his daughter, he really did, by Adam was… Adam.
Lucifer knew he was a lost cause.
But still, didn’t mean Lucifer couldn’t tease the hell out of the man since he was stuck down here with the rest of them.
Lucifer’s smirk at watching the first man rant quickly died as he took in the guys appearance, he looked…
“What is wrong with your wings.”
Adam jerked and twisted around, scowling at him and oops he said that out loud didn’t he.
“Piss off!”
Lucifer, in his typical fashion, did not piss off and instead entered the room, “No seriously what is wrong with your wings.”
Now that he was closer, the king was certain they didn’t look like that a week ago. The feathers, while already having looked like a wreck were duller and the colours seemed almost… muted. Ignoring the already horrific state Adam’s wing were in, they shouldn’t look THAT bad so why…
“I said-!”
“Have you not been preening you wings?”
Adam went silent, staring wide eyed at Lucifer much to the kings confusion. A beat passed, then two.
“What the fuck is preening?”
Lucifer blinked, he wasn’t serious, was he?
Surely not.
“By the heavens you’re dead serious.”
“What the fuck are you talking about.”
Lucifer debated whether he should explain it or not. On one hand, it’s Adam. On the other, Wings were a serious thing. He’d even seen Husker cleaning his wings from time to time, for Adam to just not know…
“You know what? For once my hatred of you is outweighed by my need to show you what’s what,” The fallen seraphim huffed, closing the door behind him and summoning a chair to block it from the outside so Adam couldn’t escape. “Come on we’re fixing this travesty.”
“What part of fuck off you do you not understand?!” The first man snapped, his wings mantling as Lucifer rifled through the closet, dragging out one of the many jars of oil he’d had the foresight to put in most of the rooms, perks of being a guy with basic common sense.
“The part where you’re being stupid and my daughter started rubbing off on me,” Lucifer shot back, his own wings serving well to corral Adam towards the bed, “How you don’t know how to preen your wings is beyond me but that’s ending today.”
“Again- what are you blabbering about.”
Lucifer paused, hand hovering just over Adams feathers. Preening someone elses wings was… intimate. It was something reserved for friends, family, lovers, and stuff… not enemies. Was he really going to just go ahead and clean Adams wings for him?
The seraphim’s eyes flicked over to where the ruined wing was draped over the bed. The wing was already in bad enough shape as it was, if he didn’t do this then wing rot was bound to hit it at some point and-
He didn’t really have a choice, not if he didn’t want to watch someone die of wing rot again.
Adam went stiff under Lucifers touch as he started work on the mans functioning wing, it was the easiest to work with, not the mention the safest to start with. The injured wing would no doubt be sensitive to any interaction, so better to start small.
Adam shuddered as Lucifer moved between feather’s, periodically reapplying preening oil as he went. He was right as usual, looking closer most of the barbules had been separated and needed to be locked together again. Grimacing, the seraphim gently scratched out what looked like dried blood from where it was hidden in the base of Adam’s Secondary coverts.
“What are you doing?” Adam whispered, his voice for once lacking it’s usual bite. Lucifer paused for a second in confusion before Adam’s wing flexed back into Lucifer’s hand, “Don’t stop!”
“Okay okay!” The king huffed, working on his primaries, “What I’m doing is called preening. It’s something beings with feathers do to clean them.”
“Like birds?”
“Yeah, like birds,” Lucifer agreed, “The oil helps take care of bacteria, but you got to realign the feathers, get rid of the ones ready to moult, and fix the feathers that are out of sorts, though you can just shake the feathers to do that part quicker.”
Lucifer shifted over to finally tackle the ruined wing and froze, a chill slinking down his spine. As he took in the state of the tattered appendage.
This close the seraphim could see the red pimples under the thinning layer of feathers surrounding the injury, it was wing rot in its early stages.
“Nothing!” Lucifer dove his fingers into the scapulars to shut Adam up while he discreetly conjured up some disinfectant for the rot, if he’s lucky he can treat it now and just get Charlie or Vaggie to deal with it now, knock it over the head before it becomes so visible the others can notice. He ignored Adam’s breath hitching as the seraphim started, just as predicted, the wing was sensitive from the damage done to it.
“But seriously you need to do this more, this is just horrific,” Lucifer grumbled to himself, not really caring if Adam listened, “Honestly I’m surprised this hasn’t happened to you before!”
“Mmmm tried once… I think?”
Lucifer, glanced at Adam’s face, it was pointed away from him, but he could still sense Adam’s attention was on him, “Yeah?”
“Saw the birds doin’ it and tried to copy ‘em,” Adam continued at the prompt, spreading his other wing, “It hurt so I stopped, didn’ know there was a method to this shit or someth’n.”
“You… nobody even tried to teach you?”
“I think they thought I knew,” Adam chuckled sourly, “I think they thought I fu’kin knew how to just- do this. ‘Cause I was meant to right?!” Another laugh, “I bit the fu’kin apple so I shou’da known this kinda shit! Apple of knowl’dge or what’ver.”
Lucifer, wisely, didn’t say anything, he just kept working on Adam’s ruined wing, applying the disinfectant, and fixing what few feathers were still healthy and removing the rest. If it was anyone else in this situation he’s wrap the wing and tell them to rest but… it was still Adam that was in this mess.
“I- why didn’t they teach me? Luci why didn’t they teach me this shit?”
“I… don’t know,” Lucifer replied carefully, deliberately skipping over the butchering of his name that sounded way to close to a nickname for comfort, “Come on, up you get he still got the underside to finish then I’ll be out.”
Adam grumbled but complied, sitting up a little to turn around as Lucifer summoned a pillow for Adam to lean back on. Rolling his neck Lucifer got to work on the auxiliary feathers, the lighter feathers were definitely in better shape, but then again that wasn’t exactly a high bar, and they still were looking rough.
“Jesus was prob’bly taught how to preen himself.”
Lucifer’s shoulders hitched as his wings tucked in against his back abruptly. Jesus… was a rough topic. For all sinners talked about him, Lucifer never met him but from the sinners around that time… it was never a fun conversation. Pretentious once kings cursing his name while hopeless commoners lined up for the exorcists blade, faithful until the end that Jesus would let them into heaven if they just believed in him.
… there was a pattern in there, wasn’t there. Like father like son, he supposed.
“Jesus was made from me and yet he’s God’s favourite fukin kid, course he’d fucking know how to preen,” Adam continued unimpeded, “Doesn’t matter if I was Gods first- Jesus was always fucking better than me.”
Okay! Lucifer was in no way prepared for this conversation, but he highly doubted Adam was even going to remember this conversation, so he just focused on the wings.
“…Luci, do they all hate me?”
Lucifer sincerely wished Anthony, or just anyone really would bust down the door at this moment, at least then he could get himself out of this conversation.
“Why do you think that?” the seraphim deflected, moving onto Adam’s good wing and going through his coverts.
“Because none of them ever fucking did this,” Adam waved his hand haphazardly before letting it rest on his chest, “You’re my enemy but you’re fixin’ my fu’kin wings because I’m too stupid and useless to just figure it out myself.”
“Not useless,” The words left Lucifer’s lips without his input, damn himself to double hell, but it managed to shut up Adam, so he kept on the thought train, “You’re not useless you were just never taught, it’s not your fault heaven doesn’t think.”
“Is God’s prodigal son and shouldn’t be counted.”
Adam huffed and leaned back on the pillow, “Why’re you good at this?”
“I’ve had aeon’s to learn, and over a decade of putting it in practice,” Lucifer thought about his daughter, a small smile making it’s way into his expression, she really was the best thing to happen to him.
He finished up with Adams good wing and moved onto finishing off the wrecked one. Applying the disinfectant to the infected spots on the underside before reaching for the preening oil again.
“Y’know, maybe in another life we would’ve hated each other less.”
Lucifer just laughed and started preening the wing, yeah right, maybe in a reality where the apple incident never happened, “You’re sick Adam, feverish even.”
“And you’re a wife-stealer.”
“Should have been better in bed.”
“Fuck you,”
Lucifer stuck his tongue out at the first man, earning a tired chuckle. Then the seraphim blinked at the sudden warmth radiating out from the feathers. What in the-?
“Oh… they haven’t done that in a while.”
Lucifer blinked up at Adam who was staring at his feathers in amazement, “Ackde-whuh?”
Adam leaned back and closed his eyes, “Yeah… sometimes they just get warm all of a sudden it’s weird. Hasn’t happened in a while though. Apparently it sometimes happened when Lute was around? I dunno why.”
Lucifer blinked a couple of times before letting out a small “huh” and running a hand through the ruined wing, it was definitely warmer.
Sighing, Lucifer let his hand fall away despite the wing chasing it, “Alright well your wings are definitely cleaner now, so I’ll be out of your hair now.”
The seraphim stood up to leave through the balcony, opening the window and almost stepping out when Adam called after him, still sounding exhausted.
“I can see why they left me for you.”
Lucifer paused, before smiling sardonically and looking back at Adam, who looked like he might have just passed out.
“Tell me that when you’re not delusional from illness and I might believe you.”
With that, Lucifer stepped out and left for his own room… though, if Adam woke up to a small plush duck on his nightstand, that was between Lucifer and the god that cast him down.
But there is one thing Lucifer will admit.
Maybe Charlie wasn't wrong about thinking Adam could be redeemed.
@sleepy-hijinx @whatataha @cyborg0109 @birbisanon @legogator @overlord-rey @luckyburgerz @spiny-dogfishes @justakidicarus
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starl3ght · 1 year
hi this is my first time requesting but can I request some fluff head canons of ghost when he has a crush on you. Some NSFW ones if possible. Please?
Sorry this took awhile! I’ve been trying to find the good ways to write this. Anyways here!!
//~Simon “Ghost” Riley having a crush on you~//
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A/N: Y’all I ordered my electric guitar. Won’t get here till the 15th🥹🔫 ANYWAYS- Finished this. Alejandro hcs are next!! Make sure to follow for a lot more and drop requests if you want any!!!
• It took a while for him to realize he liked you
• Let alone love you. The thought scared him
• Obviously at first he tried to push you away because he didn’t wanna hurt you or get attached
• He had to accept it and honestly he felt relieved
• He’ll watch you from afar as you do your activities
• If he sees you smile his heart melts and probably blush
• Soap might catch on to his behavior
• “You keep looking at her mate, I think I know what’s going on.” Soap has a smirk on his face
• Ghost looked at him deadly in the eye “You keep your mouth shut Mactavish, sleep with one eye open sergeant.”
• Soap is scarred for life
• He’ll check on you after missions to see if you’re mentally and physically ok
• You might tease him asking him if he was worried about you
• He can’t control himself when you tease him, he’ll just pat your head and walk off
• He couldn’t hold back anymore and his feelings
• He went to your room a certain night and knocked to get it over with
• You were confused when you opened your door and saw him standing there
• “Ghost?” You asked him curiously. “What’s wrong?” You look at him with gentle concern in your eyes
• He’ll take steps forward to you
• “Stop me please…I won’t be able to do it myself…” he reaches down for his mask and how shock is spread on your face
• He throws it to the side and immediately puts his lips onto yours
• You kiss him back and it feels like a dream, a dream where you could wake up any moment and have to live your boring life
• But no. This is real
• When you pull back you’re panting heavily and he looks at you deeply
• “You did this to me…I can’t work correctly when you look at me with those beautiful eyes of yours, I can’t focus when you talk to me with that angelic voice of yours love. Just do us both a favor and be mine, I’ll make sure I do everything to protect you because I love you too much to let you go.”
• You’re not confused or shocked…you’re relieved
• “It’s about time Simon. It’s about damn time you make me yours”
• That confession he told you?
• It made sure it wasn’t a fling
• This man is a gentle dom.
• Will let you top him at times
• Sometimes will be behind, but prefers missionary to look at you
• Now he is very skilled with his tongue, just feeling it inside of you is enough to make you come as you clench around it
• If you’re giving to him, he will not stay quiet
• Releases some shaky breathless moans as you finish him off. His thighs will shake a bit and his abs tighten as he comes in your mouth
• Now probably will go rough if you ask for it
• Not very kinky, will prefer the passion and love he has for you
• Loves when you cry out or moan softly. Now that’s how he knows he’s pleasing you well
• IS SENSITIVE!! Might get overstimulated at some points that he can’t talk well
• Eye contact with him is a must. Missionary and if you’re riding him. He looks deep into your eyes as he tells you he loves you
• Just when you’re both about to cum, he’ll hold both your hands with one of his large ones and clenches the silk sheets next to your head with his other
• Aftercare is good for both of you
• Like I said there might be times he gets overstimulated so you’ll shush him and hold him to your chest when his brain can’t process
• Either you fall asleep right there or he’ll clean you up in the bath
• Will talk with you for a while before he pulls the sheets up to cover yourselves so you can sleep
• Will kiss the top of your head murmuring a ‘goodnight love’ and holds you to his chest
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munivrse · 8 months
omg hiii moon 🤭
soooo uhh Bada x reader at the club hc 👀
so funny that you ask! i just so happen to have a full hc of this prepared!
you convince bada to go to the club with you and your friends… not sure how you did but you managed to
bada is kind of down. she loves to dance. she loves to watch you dance. where could this go wrong?
well she’ll tell you the first sign that you two needed to stay home was when you walked out of your closet in a dress bada had never seen before, sauntering out like everything was fine
when you come out and see bada’s reaction, you accidentally let out a little laugh but quickly suck it back up when you sit down to start your makeup
bada’s eyes just follow your figure… she has no words. she feels set up.
you notice her cheeks are a little red when you look at her through the mirror,
the eyes that were previously staring at your ass dart up to meet yours.
“are you okay?”
“you sure?”
so you finish getting ready per usual. you didnt wear alot of makeup given the fact you planned on shaking ass at the club so you’d sweat it off anyway
bada got dressed while you’d finished getting ready
she looked…
“why do you look like that?”
bada whipped her head around,
“like what??”
you just
“like you wanna impress other women.”
bada’s eyes widen… the audacity of you saying that to her when
“you’re dressed the same way!”
you cross your arms over your chest. she wasn’t completely wrong.
and with that you two are off!
bada of course has one hand on the wheel, her other hand gripping your thigh, curving her hand around the inside of it every once in a while.
once you reach your destination, bada gets out to open the door for you. she takes your hand as you step out in your heels. at this point, you were almost as tall as her which she was just enamored with
as you reach the door, bada leans down to whisper in your ear,
“do not act up in here.”
you give her your most angelic smile and nod at her words that go in one ear and out the other.
as soon as you see your friends, you grab bada’s hand and tug her towards the seated group.
bada slides into a chair, grabbing your hips and sitting you on top of her thigh.
you guys make light conversation, but a certain song grabs you and your friends attention and you turn around with pleading eyes
bada just smiles,
“go have fun”
you make to hop off of her leg but an arm wraps around your waist and pulls you against her chest.
she ducks her head down to your ear,
“be good.”
she lets go of you and when you stand up and whip your head behind you to look at her, she’s smiling innocently like she didn’t just seduce your ears.
where were we
while you’re out on the dance floor letting loose with your friends, bada gets a few drinks in and mingles with the friends that stayed behind
her eyes flit over to you every once in a while
she just thinks you’re so cute jumping around with your friends
you’ve got this big grin on your face and she wants to pick you up and put you in her pocket
sometimes she catches you looking back at her, she throws a wink your way and you have the nerve to blush and whip your head around
she tunes back into her conversation for a couple minutes
when she looks back at you, she can’t see you anymore.
she starts to panic a bit, sitting up so she can see the floor a little clearer.
thats when she does spot you and the rest of your friend group-
you seem to be arguing with someone?
she keeps her eyes on your form
she knows you can handle yourself so she tries to stay out of it
that is, until your eyes lock and you nod your head, motioning for bada to come over
one thing about bada is that she’s always down for some confrontation when it comes to protecting her own
so she stands up, tells the rest of the group where she’s going, and confidently bee lines for you.
as she gets closer, she can hear both you and the man across from you shouting at each other
she her brain short circuits when she sees the man step closer to you
(her heart swells when she sees you also take a step closer. you were so cute.)
she reaches you before anything can escalate.
she steps in front of you and she realizes this little man is not only stupid, but also short.
bada puts her hands in her pockets and leans down to peer at him
“you good?”
he angrily responds “no, she threw her fucking drink on me.”
you come around to bada’s side, holding out an accusatory pointer finger
“he kept hitting on me and tried to grab at my ass so i threw my drink at him.”
bada’s eyes narrow,
the man tries to explain but bada stands her ground
“try that shit again and a drink wont be the only thing thrown at you.”
bada grabs your hand and turns around, trying to walk away but she hears this sorry excuse for a man yell out the following,
“fucking cunt!”
and she decides then and there that she loves you fr because she turns back around with the intent to beat that man until she’s fucking tired
she quickly lets go of your hand, taking long strides until she reaches the man.
her hands grasp at his collar, lifting him up to his tippy toes,
“the fuck did you just say?”
you and your friends are hot behind bada
as much as you love to see bada riled up, you really didn’t want to see her get in trouble
“say it again.”
the man is silent.
“bada lets go-”
bada lets out a dangerous chuckle,
“can’t even say that shit to my face.”
she lets go of the man and he lets out a breathe he’d been holding,
she turns around and reaches for your hand. she pulls you through the club and out of the exit and as soon as you both reach the outside, she pulls you into a tight hug
“i’m sorry.”
you take a deep breath, taking in her scent and presence.
“it’s okay. i’m fine. let’s go home please.”
she lets go of you, running her hands down your arms and grabbing your hands,
“i’m proud of you for throwing your drink in his face.” bada has a goofy grin on her face.
“why are you looking at me like that?”
bada brings one of your hands up to her mouth and presses her lips against it. she drops it down again,
“i dont know. I think i’m in love with you.”
you’re taken aback by this. you two hadn’t said those words to each other yet.
“you don’t have to say it back. I just wanted to let you know where i stand.”
she smiles softly at you.
“let’s go home.”
a/n: yes. this was going to be very cute and fun but then i got carried away with jealous bada. my bad. i will make a real hc with fun couple at the club I PROMISE
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drexee · 1 month
I hope you enjoy!
Bayverse Don x gn!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Spelling maybe
Raph | Leo | Mikey
Donnie Sleep HCs
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Donatello’s bed is just big enough to fit him comfortably without him dangling over the sides
He has a pretty sizable blanket, and it’s actually a weighted blanket! Something that will put him to sleep and keep him asleep. Like 15lbs-25lbs
About four regular sized, plush pillows
He used to have a body pillow too
The bed itself is pushed up and out of the way, against the farthest wall of his room. His desk is against the opposite wall
Donnie absolutely sees the importance of having his room as a place to sleep and be away from work
But try as he might, his room still becomes littered with various sketches, blueprints, or notes
He cleans up as much as he can, but it just keeps happening so he gave up 😅
Donatello doesn’t spend too much time in his room though, constantly at work and tinkering away in his lab. He’s a workaholic, you know this.
To get Donnie to bed is a challenge in itself, but not impossible.
Luckily, he loves spending time with you, so you only need to ask him once.
Or twice.
Maybe three times, but he’s almost done! Promise! Just need to make sure that one part was secure and wasn’t going to grow legs and walk away by morning
Donnie’s favorite position is one where he’s facing you: him laying on his side, shell supported by a pillow or two
He’ll leave little kisses on what he can reach of you, but they’re so feather light, you barely even know they’re there. He’s too afraid of waking you up
He likes to either have his forehead pressed to yours or have your head tucked under his chin, he craves closeness
He tends to bring your leg up and hook it over his own. He’ll then scooch himself further into your space until you two are properly locked together and honestly? At that point? He couldn’t care less about anything else in the world. He’s not moving from you.
Through the night though, your legs become so tangled with his, you don’t know where he ends and you begin, like you were playing twister in your sleep or something
Donnie loves it when you use his arm as a pillow!
He knows it’s gonna go numb, but he doesn’t mind. He would take pins and needles over anything if it meant you got good sleep
His other arm is usually wrapped around you to hold you close, he likes to rub your back too! It’s a sure fire way to knock you out
It makes his heart go all fluttery whenever he thinks about that because he loves that he just knows you so well
He adores laying in bed with you and doesn’t fall asleep until well after you doze off just so he can look at you
It never really crossed his mind that it may be a bit weird to watch you sleep. You’re cute, and it calms him down. It’s his favorite past time.
Is he obsessed? No.
A little.
But is it obsession if you’re both in love? He’s caught you staring at him too! He knows you do the same!
Yeah, so he’s counted all your eyelashes, all your beauty marks, and logged every sigh you make into his long term.
And yeah, he keeps track of your REM cycle so he knows exactly how long it takes for you to slip off into deep sleep, and - Whatever!!! Just let him have this! Who are you?? The Police???
Donnie is a normal sleeper most nights and doesn’t move too much, may twitch a bit, but other than that, nothing.
Doesn’t make a peep when he’s knocked out, but breathes very deeply
Unless he gets an idea!! He used to just jolt out of bed to his desk, but he’s taken a tumble too many times (he kept forgetting the mess of limbs you two create) and has since learned how to stealthily slip away and back into you once he’s done
He gets a few nightmares, and he may unintentionally wake you if he gets too caught up in them.
But when you wake him up from one of those terrible dreams and cuddle with him? Ohhh he falls. He falls so hard for you. Especially when you rub your thumb across his cheek and talk him through his breathing
Your soothing words are like a balm to his overworked brain and he’s forever grateful for you
He’s pretty sure he’s got hearteyes
You’ve gotten a few chirps out of him like that, and he’s so embarrassed about them pLEASE DONT TEASE HIM 😭
He won’t get mad, but he’ll get so flustered and then you’ll have a child lock on your phone and he’ll have no idea what you’re talking about
Donnie’s usually awake before you, and will spend a few minutes basking in your warmth before he goes to grab you something quick to drink for when you wake up.
And when he comes back to see you curled up around his pillow? The thought that even in sleep you search for him and need him close to you?
It makes his knees buckle
And it takes everything in him to not just slip right back under those covers and replace that pillow you’ve grabbed onto
Right!! There’s numero dos!! Until next time!
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xonavia · 28 days
i just saw your bllk boys getting jealous of reader’s cat (it was so cute)
so can i request a part 2 where the reader’s boy cat makes biscuits on her chest IN FRONT OF HIM?
and the cat makes the smuggest look ever when he glares at him and just pissing him off sm
bonus points if the cat like bites him when they were alone (when reader wasn’t around) and he tries to tell her but she says smth like “my baby would NEVER” and he’s just like “YES HE WOULD HE JUST DID” and the cat just purring in her arms as if he didn’t just bite his owner’s bf’s hand. damn actor.
same characters as the previous cat hc + reo pls 🥰
(chigiri, rin, nagi, bachira, isagi)
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-> So for this request I got this one plus another one that were very similar so I'm gonna try to combine them the best I can, and if either of the original requesters want me to make a second/fourth part of this with some changed things that fit more with their individual request I can totally do that just lemme know!!<3 (The second request with this theme will be linked onto a Google doc linked here - Second Request) -> And yes there will a part two posted right after this with Reo and Sae, who were Also both requested to be added on!
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ChigirI Hyoma
-> I know i've said this so many times but when your cat is out here making biscuits on your chest he is pissed, and he will side eye that bitch till the day he dies
-> It's even worse that it's right on your chest, like your leg, yeah sure whatever, stomach, sure whatever, but chest?! That's for his hands when he's cold!!
-> Though he knows how much you love your cat so he won't actually say anything well that is until one day when you got up to use the bathroom when you two were cuddling and watching a movie and the second you left your cat jumped up on his lap and bit the arm that was laying closets to it
-> He was even more pissed! First it was making all grabby paws on your chest showing how much it loved you and then it bite him?!
-> This first (and last) time he said anything because this was just unfair
"Your dumb cat bit me. Tell it to knock it off.."
You gasped
"WHAT? He/She/They would never!"
You quickly picked up your cat and gave it a bunch of kisses
-> Yeah he was never gonna say something again, but his teammates will be a little confused when he always comes into practice with new bites
Rin Itoshi
-> Again another guy who is side eye central
-> Like he knows he is jealous watching your cat make biscuits on your stomach, where he was cuddled into just a couple minutes ago
-> But instead of actually facing his feelings he will be silent about it and instead just pretend that he doesn't care
-> And he won't for a while, well until your cat got up from where it was sitting on your stomach and walked over towards his and sat down on his lap, as you turned your attention to them for a second "awwing" at the sigh of your boyfriend and cat finally getting along
-> But damn, you left your phone in your bedroom so as soon as you left the room to go get it, your cat bit him and as soon as you walked back Rin looked pissed
"Your lukewarm cat bit me."
You laughed and little and picked up your cat, cuddling with it and kissing its stomach
"Aww my little baby? Rinnie you're just being silly! He/She/They would never bite anybody!"
-> Would try to bring it up a couple more times but eventually he would leave it be and just side eye your cat even more than normal, he may even get into a little tussle with it when your not looking
Nagi Seishiro
-> Is normally laying on your lap when he goes over to your house so it's a little harder for you cat to actually get any sort of attention from you, but you were sitting on your bed while he was playing a game while laying over on your shoulder
-> That's when your cat found a way in, and with that it quickly came and laid down on your lap before nagi could change his mind and take it back
-> He looked a little upset when he saw the little feline laying down on your lap and making biscuits on your upper thigh
-> He did mention it once though a little request to move your cat a little so that he could lay on your lap but you replied with he already had his head on you shoulder and your cat has been needing some attention
-> so he sighed and just let it go, well that was until you had gotten up to get a couple snacks for you and Nagi (and maybe a cat treat or some catnip for your cat) but a couple minutes after you had left the room Nagi wanted to see if maybe he could actually try petting your cat
-> But when he reached out and placed his head on his/hers/their head, he/she/they quickly turned and bit his hand before jumping off your bed and nuzzling against your leg when you walked in the room, which Nagi quickly (well for his laziness) got up from his spot on your bed
"Your.. cat bit my hand.. and now I can't play my games.."
"Oh Nagi.. We all know that it's impossible, maybe you fell asleep on it or something and now it just hurts! My little kitty would never!"
-> That's when he learned that he had to be a little less lazy to actually get what he wanted and not fight with a cat over it
Bachira Meguru
-> Your cat is most likely scared of this man based on what he does so it's not often that you see the two together
-> Not to say that they don't cuddle sometimes, but your boyfriend will always end up with a shit ton of scratches
-> The first time that your cat actually bit him tho was a whole different story
-> The two of you were sitting and cuddling on the couch watching some stupid reality TV shows, and then your cat came over and sat up on your lap and started making biscuits on your stomach
-> Bachira tried to get it to stop and while you weren't looking your cat bit him, and instead of being normal.. Bachira bit her/him/them back.
"Ew cat hair doesn't taste good"
"What? Did you just.. bite my cat?!"
"It bit me first!!"
"My baby would never!"
-> Would bite again to try to get your attention again, also did wash his mouth out after but it was totally worth it (in his eyes)
Isagi Yoichi
-> Was not all that happy when he found you and your cat playing on the couch and it was pushing her/his/their paws into you and making biscuits all over you stomach
-> He did talk about it for a couple minutes to you before he had just gotten a little upset and an even more distaste for your cat
-> But what made him even worse was the fact that even though you said your cat was so sweet and it would never even hurt a fly, and little thing bit him!
-> It was a normal day that he was hanging out at your house and he was sitting on the couch as you were cooking something for dinner and your cat jumped up on the couch and laid next to him
-> He was a little shocked at first but tried to pet her/him/them and it reached up and bit him like wtf!
-> He called out for you and instead you just responded with he was being a little dramatic because you know that she/he/they would never actually do that to anybody
"But (Name) Your cat bit me!"
"Isagi, We both know that she/he/they are my little baby and would never do that!"
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roaron · 1 year
hello!!! i loved your bakugo soft hcs so would you mind doing some for hawks???
- RAHH i’m so glad you enjoyed it, I wasn’t too sure about it uno ! anyways, here you go and I hope you enjoy this one too, if you’ve got anymore recommendations feel free to ask cuz this shit is so fun to write omggg !! (゚∀゚)
hawks soft hcs
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- I was listening to this song while writing this to make me feel extra girlypop and to me it just screams hawks, I just know he looks dead serious while walking around but has this shit in his headphones.
(just some SFW soft headcanons of what hawks would be like in a relationship)
- hawks has a dad sneeze. the whole building knows when he sneezes and he shoots feathers in all directions when he does. so whenever he’s about to sneeze he quickly pushes you into the nearest room and closes the door so you don’t get hit by a feather. he has no control over it what so ever.
- you randomly stroked hawks’ hair one day and he loved it so much that you’re now forced to do it every single day. if he’s doing something domestic like cooking he just places your hand on his head and expects you to rub his hair. if you don’t he’ll just side eye you till you do.
- hawks used to sleep with his wings spread out, but when you started dating, he’d place your head on his chest and wrap you in his wings to keep you warm. so if you ever wake up in the night and try to move out the bed to get food or something, he will know. his wings will tell him. so just don’t move. at all.
- if he ever has an itch, he will not scratch it. you will. he just tugs on you till you notice him then points to where he has the itch, so you scratch it for him. he will make no effort to do it himself. when you ask him why he doesn’t just itch it himself, he gives you the most offended look and just straight up walks away telling you he’s breaking up with you because you’re being mean to him. (he sways his hips dramatically while he walks away)
- hawks loves to just hold you, so whenever you both are watching a movie. you’ll be sitting in his lap cross legged with his arms around your waist and his wings covering your entire body apart from your face so you can see the movie. oh and his head is on yours. it’s so cozy and you’re completely covered by him. and if you both have company, if he wants a kiss, he’ll just quickly cover your face with his wings, plant the kiss, then uncover you.
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harmonysanreads · 2 months
i’m just thinking abot ur recent post about when you cry during a movie… i’m having dr. ratio brainrot rn pls help
no but so real. he’d just delve into the illogicality of the film while ur sobbing your eyes out. he just doesn’t understand why you’re so affected? 1. it’s not real 2. you can see this coming from a mile away (and it can be either: the thing is pretty obvious, or the thing isn’t that obvious and ratio is too smart for his own good).
when he sees you cry he does scoff at the fact that you’re crying at something so trivial, but tones down his comments and maybe… if he feels nice enough, subtly wraps an arm around you in attempt to console you.
this is more general film/movie hcs but;
actually at any point while you’re watching a film he starts rattling on about how the film’s production is bad, how that sound effect wasn’t actually realistic (they could’ve done better sound design), how the actors aren’t actually speaking in the film, they actually record their lines later on.
(he mentioned that once and now you can’t stop thinking about it while watching literally anything, be it a live show or not. when you’re having a mini-crisis over if someone on a live gameshow is actually speaking or saying their lines later, he rolls his eyes and reminds you of the fact that it’s live. you miss the fond smile on his face while he does. it’s nice to know that you pay attention to his comments during the film-)
he just ruins movies for you and at some point you never mention the fact that you’re gonna watch a film or invite him to the movies anymore. he gets a bit pouty over it — maybe you mention a film you recently watched and he stares at you, mildly offended that he wasn’t invited. you explain that he keeps ruining the film for you, why can’t you let imagination be imagination?
okay… so he tries his best to tone it down. only for you. he still points out the obvious, but tries to bite back his comments when the lead does a stunt that comes off a bit too… unnatural? (it’s just nice to see your amazed face… that’s all.) or a poor done joke that really should’ve been performed better (he likes the way you giggle at it, even if it isn’t a very good one).
i’m actualy suffering dr ratio brainrot so bad rn he is taking over my life he lives in my head rent free please help
[ Post in question ]
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Anon, please save me because I too am having massive Ratio brainrot after reading your ask(s).
I think infodumping is one of Ratio's love-languages in general. It's difficult to grasp unless you've known him for a while but he wouldn't just go parading around information about a specific topic to just anyone. Moreover, he always puts emphasis on self-learning. So unless he detects enthusiasm and effort for learning or if he really likes someone, I can't see him speaking this much — about movies nonetheless.
But if we consider it being his unique way of showing affection, I presume it'll annoy him greatly if the reaction he gets is counterproductive and refrain from it altogether in the worst-case scenario. Complaining about bad filmmaking is Ratio's way of connecting with you throughout the ordeal, you can watch a movie with anyone but, how many will passionately criticize (and flaunt their knowledge) every scene in front of you? It requires a level of trust and sharing certain thoughts with someone else necessities you have good rapport, at least for characters like Ratio.
So when you mentioned him trying to tone down on the criticisms ultimately instead of shutting it off entirely, that just showed how much he actually cares about you, which I think is very sweet.
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wisteriaiswriting · 5 months
Hi! Could you write hcs for Percy,annabeth and grover with child of hephastus! Adoptive! Older sibling (basically a demigod who kinda adopts them and guides them thru demigodhood and their life, I imagine the reader is 19/20)
(Bonus points if the kids find the reader sneaking off from camp to like see a secret partner (i imagine its a crossover w the kane chronicles,aka the reader's partner is some magician from the house of life,but doing hcs for just some secret lover also work) and the kids using it for blackmail)
Thanks in advance
𝔸𝕕𝕠𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕆𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Words: 502
This doesn't include the Kane chronicles part.
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ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕪 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕤𝕠𝕟:
This kid. He asks you about the weirdest things, mainly about items that hold no relevance to him. Rarely anything important, like the gods or battle.
For an only child he knows how to be the youngest. Especially the clingy type that openly looks up to you.
If he saw you sneaking off, there’s a chance he won’t know what you’re doing. But he will accidentally spill it to a few people. (Being Annabeth and Grover)
“So, what's that?”
Surprised by the voice you tighten your grip, almost throwing your project. Turning around to find Percy, leaning over your shoulder, right in your face.
“Okay 1, step back,” Using your hand you push him away, “2, you don’t know what a sword is?”
“I do! It’s just yours is–”
“Kinda weird? Yeah, it's not usable, at least yet.”
“Like a prototype?”
“Now, are you going to leave or help me?”
“I’m helping!” His first action of helping was to grab the nearest item, which wasn’t good.
This kid definitely needs your help.
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𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕥𝕙 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕤𝕖:
Most times when she needs your help she won’t ask you, seeming as she is an Athena kid. But still knows when to relent, asking for your help, especially about weapons and machinery.
Out of the three she seems like the middle child, having learnt to care for herself. But it doesn’t stop her from admiring you.
She won’t actively blackmail, bringing it up when it’s convenient. Oh she has some chores? Wouldn’t it be a shame if suddenly Chiron knew about your little escapades?
It was the Athena Cabin’s turn for chores, which wouldn’t normally happen. Either way Annabeth wouldn’t do them, as she had a simple surprise in her sleeve.
“Annabeth,” It wasn’t an ideal time for disruptions, as you are currently building something. “What do you need?”
“As you know my cabin has to do chores, and I’m not.”
“Why wouldn’t you?” That had you paying attention, spinning to see her. “You're an Athena child, surely you're smarter than that.”
“Oh, I am, you sure aren’t.”
“Huh… You wouldn’t.”
That seemed like a threat but she knew better, waving you off as she left.
“They’ll need you pretty early tomorrow.”
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𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕨𝕠𝕠𝕕:
Already smarter than the other two. Whether or not he needs help you’re the first choice within seconds.
Also younger sibling like, except this one tends to watch and listen, sometimes including his input.
If he saw you leave he’ll try not to say anything, eventually failing and soon the other Satyrs know. They’ll be the ones blackmailing you.
“You sure about this?”
“Alright then, grab me the wrench.”
You watched Grover look through your tools, reaching for a few before pulling away.
“All good?”
“Yep…” Even as he answered he looked unsure, “On second hand,”
There it is.
“Red handle,” Now he got it, reaching for the few red handled tools. Grabbing the right one before handing it over. “That one?”
“Yeah, now you want to help build?”
“Nah, I’m good…”
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obeyme-and-myfics · 1 year
Hi!can I ask a general hc about the bros w/ a really short MC?thx(Idk if your requests are still open if not ignore this)!
Of course! I'm on the shorter side of 5'5 and I get bullied(/pos /Playful) all the time for being on the shorter side I feel bad for people who are undeniably short lmfao Thank you for the request I hope you enjoy this <3
most of this isn't necessarily romantic but I simp for them so I am gonna add a few of them
Part 1(Here)| Part 2
Prompt: Y/N is short
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
🖤🤍Headcanon list🤍🖤
CW: Teasing, slight NSFW stuff in Mammon's(It's really just a dick joke)
Nicer than most of his other brothers about your height
Makes sly comments about your height
"I'm unsure a human of their... stature, would be able to accomplish such a task," or something like that
He doesn't make these comments often though
Leans down to your level
That's mostly so he doesn't hurt his neck looking down at you and so you don't break your neck looking up at him
Will physically pick you up and move you if you refuse to leave a restricted area(Like the stairs to the attic)
Purposely asks you to get things off higher shelves that are just barely within reach to watch you struggle
He wouldn't readily admit that, that's what he's doing tho
On a more wholesome note he happily gets things off the top shelf for you
He's extra protective over you since he worries other demons may take advantage of how small you are
He doesn't doubt your capabilities its just that these are DEMONS they're a lot stronger than humans despite your or their height
The height thing 100% makes him more concerned however
He does make jokes about carrying you around in his pocket
He's a very private person but when you two are alone he very much enjoys holding you in his arms.
He thinks its cute and funny that your feet don't touch the ground when he hugs you
This was the first thing he pointed out about you
“Woah you couldn’t have picked one that wasn’t so tiny”
It was all fun and games(Short jokes) until you had his ass in a pact by the end of day 1
He definitely respected you 100% more after that
He's never gonna admit it tho so he still says dumb shit
Stuff like "How am I supposed to take ya seriously when you're that close to the ground?"
and "Ya know maybe you ended up here BECAUSE you're short. Short people are closer to hell ya know."
Whoop his ass
He'd also joke that you're dick sucking height(even if you're not) if your relationship progresses to something more serious
Uses you as an arm rest
Holds stuff above you and just out of your reach
Puts your belongings on the top shelf when he gets mad at you
Crouches/leans down to your level in a demeaning kind of way
Most importantly he loves to kiss your forehead since its the easiest part of your face to smooch
If you ask him to lift you up to see something better he'd do it no hesitations or questions asked
He is however going to try to play it off like he was just trying to shut you up and not actually being a sweet and loving partner
"It's not like I actually cared if you could see the damn show or anything... Don't look at me like that! I just wanted ya to shut up is all..."
He is staring so hard lmfao
Not in judgmental way but more of a "could I convince you to cosplay with me" type of way
He's making you cosplay every short ass character he can think of
He's definitely more careful with you than he would be if you were taller
If you bitch at him to stop he will tho
Doesn't really care that you're short he just wants to be a nerd(/Affectionate) with you
Will still make short jokes at your expense to a slightly lesser extent than Mammon
Likes it when you sit in his lap while he's playing games so he can rest his chin on the top of your head
Encourages you to climb shit cuz he's not willing to grab stuff that's too high for you to grab
I'm getting my chancla and yeeting it at him for you
He's a little too preoccupied with his games/shows to help
If he's really excited to tell you about something and you're doing something he just grabs you and carries you off
He's not gonna potato sack you tho, no, he's holding you in some weird ass position.
Asmo 100% got a picture of it at least once and sent it to the group chat
He also enjoys holding you close while watching shows
He's red in the face the whole time tho ngl
Another one of the nicer brothers about you being short
He's happy to help with most things your height prevents you from doing with ease
He doesn't make shorts jokes to your face but he's definitely thinking that shit
Scolds/threatens Mammon when he makes excessive short jokes
Doesn't bend/crouch down to your level
He respects you as a person enough not to demean you like that
He might make comments on your height but he's not trying to be an asshole
If you tell him he's being rude he'd apologize and try to rephrase his statement
"Oh. Sorry I meant..."
He'd be more curious on why Diavolo and Lucifer brought such a small human to devildom
He wouldn't dwell on it for long though
He's more concerned about whether or not you'd be interested in indulging his latest book obsession
Definitely enjoys teasing you by making you look up at him
He likes sitting down or picking you up for kisses
Its mostly sitting down cuz he's a book nerd and reads on his bed/couch a lot
Also he doesn't wanna make you hurt you neck or hurt his own back
Unintentionally the worst about your height
Comments about it constantly
He just thinks its cute how much shorter you are than him
It doesn't happen often that he has to look so far down at someone I apologize for my transgressions since he's one of the shorter brothers(5'9)
He's 100% taking full advantage of this to try everything to fluster you.
Gently grabbing your chin to make you look up at him, hugging you in the most sensual way possible, shoving you into his mitties(Man titties), etc
Calls you pet names related to being small (i.e. little sugar plum or some shit like that idk)
Has the audacity to mention your height any chance he gets
God forbid he catches you climbing/getting a step ladder or something to grab something higher up
Has commented on the height difference between you and Diavolo VERY loudly before
If you confront him about it he's not gonna stop because he doesn't mean anything by it so why should you care
That's how he thinks about it anyway
If he finds out its an insecurity (if it is) he's gonna do everything in his power to make you love your height
Cuz he loves it why shouldn't you???
The best brother about your height
He doesn't care
Like he literally could not give less of a fuck
He's the tallest brother and is used to most people being tiny compared to him
He definitely just carries you around sometimes cuz he wants to hang out
Man is carrying you like an American football
That or you're being potato sacked
If you need help getting stuff from high places he's either gonna lift you up or grab it for you
The worst he's ever said to you about your height is asking if you wanna bulk up a little with him to make up for your lack thereof
If you tell him that was fucked up he'll immediately apologize and be careful not to say anything like that again
He is a bit more careful than he would be with you if you weren't short
Will either sit down or lift you up to talk to you eye to eye
He just does wanna hurt his or your neck
How else are y'all gonna lift together??? Can't lift if you hurt yourselves!
He likes hugging you the most
There's just something about it that makes him feel peaceful
He's a bitch about it
Or at least he was at first
Compared you to an ant, shrimp or krill many MANY times
When he was insulting you in the attic he definitely called you puny
After all of that mess was over and done with he lightened up
He's still making fun of your height but to a lesser degree
Drags you away to skip school and take naps
Too lazy to get shit off higher places but will definitely help you down if you get stuck on the counter
Will then make fun of you for having to climb on top of shit to get what you're looking for
Pats your head and uses it as an arm rest
If he falls asleep next to you he's using you as a body pillow and a head rest
He's one of those "I can bully you but if anyone else bullies you I'm whooping their asses" type of person
So if any lower demons or his brothers(Mammon) are being too harsh about it he's gonna do something about it
If you tell him to ease up on the teasing he'll try but no promises
He actually really enjoys watching you stand up for yourself
There's a sense of pride there when you really give someone a piece of your mind
He's NOT more careful with you because of your height
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