#I know I'm gonna find it necessary to ask for help once I'm able to play again. I'll probably ask F/orte or Vo
himemeika · 1 year
Why do ppl hate Jones so much...
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sunshinesteviee · 8 months
quality time - s.h.
summary: steve has some quality time with his newborn wc: 1.1k warnings: descriptions of steve's scars, dad!steve & mom!reader a/n: so i'm pretty sure this was originally a request from an anon literally forever ago, but i cannot for the life of me find the ask, i'm so so sorry! it's been a while since i've posted, so just a lil something for y'all. hope you enjoy! <3
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“You wanna hold him again, love?” you ask your husband in a murmur, barely able to pull your gaze up from your newborn. He’s tiny and perfect, and you just can’t get enough of him, even after a couple of hours. 
Steve’s perched next to you on the bed, one strong arm around your body. His thumb traces short, gentle lines over the hill of your shoulder, nose pressing against your temple as he gazes down at your son, “Mhm, yeah, if—“
“You better not be saying ‘if it’s okay with me’, he’s your son, too, Steve. Here, you take him,” you elbow him gently, knowing exactly what he’s thinking. It’s adorable, but totally not necessary. 
His cheeks flame red as he carefully takes the bundle of blankets from you, sheepish as he mumbles, “That’s not what I was gonna say—“
“Save it, baby, I know you better than that.”
He huffs but doesn’t say anything, immediately drawn to his baby boy in his arms instead. He looks like a mini version of you, your nose and eyes that he loves so much; it makes his heart grow ten times bigger. He does have a full head of hair that’s definitely the Harrington gene, though. And maybe he has Steve’s lips, too. 
Steve pulls his arms up, pressing a kiss to his head gently before he moves towards the chair in the corner of the room that he’s claimed as his. Just as he’s about to settle into the chair, a nurse enters the room to check on everyone. She smiles at the sight of your baby boy in Steve’s arms and says, “You know, there’s a lot of benefits of doing skin-to-skin with your newborn. Especially for dad and baby. Helps to regulate baby, and is great for bonding with your baby. Wanna give it a try?”
You expect Steve to say no. Not that he doesn’t care or doesn’t want to, but you can count the number of times you’ve seen him with his shirt off in public on one hand. After his time in the upside down, he’s marred with scars. Deep ones that eat into his sides and pucker his skin, that are rough and not pleasant to look at. The first time he’d gotten up the courage to take off his shirt at the pool, scars still fresh and pink, he’d gotten incredulous looks and nasty stares. He’d quickly learned that it was better to keep his clothes on to keep the questions to a minimum. He wasn’t ashamed, it was just easier that way. The only times Steve took his shirt off in public was if it was around people who knew what had happened, and even then, sometimes he didn’t want to. The scars were a reminder of all the shit they’d been through, and sometimes it was easier to pretend they didn’t exist. 
So, to say you’re surprised when Steve immediately agrees is an understatement. You watch in shock — and admiration — as Steve hands your son back to you for a moment so he can pull his shirt over his head. In fact, you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him remove his shirt so quickly, even after all your years together. The bite-shaped scars, though not as prominent as they once were, are on full display, still slightly pink and raised against his tan skin. If the nurse notices, she doesn’t say anything; she only smiles, suppressing a laugh as Steve trades you his shirt for your son. 
He takes him carefully, as if your son is made of glass and could break at any moment. He handles him so delicately it makes your heart burst, and you cradle Steve’s shirt to your own chest. Steve finally sits down, placing his little boy in his lap so he can unwrap the blankets and get him out of his tiny onesie. It’s so small that it nearly makes you cry, even more so as you watch your husband lift your son back up and lay him against his chest once the onesie has been set aside. 
He pauses for a moment, not quite comfortable in the chair yet, eyes flicking to the nurse in the corner of the room as he asks, “It’s not— he’s not gonna be too cold, right?”
“Not at all! Skin to skin is actually great for regulating a baby’s body temperature. He’ll be just fine.”
Steve considers what she’s saying and then nods, finally leaning back into his chair, holding your boy to his chest, “Yeah. Okay, yeah, that’s good.” For someone who had been almost as terrified about being a dad as he was excited, he’s taking to it quickly, just like you knew he would. You knew his insecurities had more to do with his parents than his own ability to be a parent, and so far, he’s already proving himself wrong. 
The newborn scrunch is in full effect, your son’s tiny limbs tucked mostly underneath his body against Steve’s chest. He looks content, and you honestly can’t blame him — Steve’s chest is also one of your favorite places to be. Your husband looks just as content; one hand covering the entirety of your son’s back, fingers behind his head for support, the other hand on his small, diaper-covered bum to keep him in place. Steve’s eyes flutter closed after a few moments, settling back into the chair comfortably.
There’s a Polaroid camera sitting on the bedside table next to you, and you reach for it so you can take a picture. You want to remember this. Not only for the sweet moment, but also for Steve’s clear and immediate love for his little boy. The noise of the camera is a lot louder than you anticipated, and Steve cracks one eye open, sending you the best fake glare he can muster with just one eye. It’s ridiculous and it makes you laugh behind your hand, not wanting to wake your sleeping baby. You murmur a half-hearted apology as the picture prints, not really meaning it. 
Steve snorts his own laugh, his chest moving enough for your little boy to grunt quietly in protest, shifting his position against Steve. Quick to soothe, Steve pats at his tiny back gently, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, “I know, I know, I’m sorry, sweetheart. Mama’s interrupting our quality time, huh? She had nine whole months with you, and she just has to interrupt us.” 
“Steve,” you giggle, shaking your head as you hold up the now developed picture, “I was trying to capture the moment!”
“Shhh, we’re bonding!”
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narislvr · 6 months
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ Ahhh, Thank you so much for requesting and of course! ♡ Valeria would definitely be the type to tease reader saying stuff along the lines of "told you they were, demonios," but would offer her support and comfort regardless because she simply loves you that much. This may be a tad bit rushed but I hope you enjoy! <3
── p.s : I accidentally deleted the original post I was gonna use to respond to the ask thus why it's posted like this-
req by: @cerise-on-top
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Your hair was damp against Valeria’s stomach as she gently combed through it with her calloused fingers. Her touch was slow and tender, leaving on your scalp a lulling sensation as you continued your rant about your day's events.
“It was ten minutes, Vale! Ten!”
You look up momentarily from where your head was resting on her lap only to find her already looking down at you with a mocking, yet loving, grin on her lips. “That’s why you don’t leave children unattended, Linda. You of all people should know that,” She taunts, poking the tip of your nose with her free hand in amusement as your eyes narrowed at her actions. Of course, she knew you weren’t at fault, but she couldnt help the lighthearted laughter that rumbled through her as you swatted her finger from your face.
"I didn't leave them unattended, I simply let them play in their centers while I finished the screening tests for the last three kids.. I didn't think that they'd be able to drop the whole paint bottle tray on the floor the one second I'm not looking up!" You groan, hands coming up to rub at your temples as you recalled the memory.
With holiday break only being a week away, first semester screening tests were being done to make sure that the kids were learning the things necessary before the end of the year, and so far nothing had gone wrong. Usually while you performed these mini tests, you had your TA keep an eye on the kids in the room whilst you sat with your small group in one of the corner tables, but she was out sick and you still needed to get this last group done so you were responsible for keeping track of everything at once.
You definitely had this under control.
The kids were usually relatively calm and would tend to stay in their play area's while you were busy unless they needed help with anything but that was normal. And yeah, they could be a bit loud, but it was never anything so bad that you would have to turn your attention away from your task.
You definitely this under control. you had forgotten that they had had a sweet treat for snack time only a few moments prior.
Everything was going well, perfect even, until you heard the loud sound of heavy plastic hitting the floor and the yelps and giggles from the children in the corner of the room.
"Of course the first thing I did was make sure everyone was okay, but Vale, the paint was everywhere! Juan had paint all over his pants and shoes and thought I was mad so he ran away and left paint all over the rest of the floor. I told the kids to just leave it while I tried to make sure Juan knew I wasn't mad, but they decided they'd try and help clean it up and really only got more paint on themselves," You sighed, carefully switching your position from resting on her lap to laying against her side, head resting against her chest as she gently wrapped her arm around your waist.
There was a light grimace on her face as she thought about your story. She already wasn't fond of kids, thinking of them as nothing more than literal demons, inconveniences, leaving chaos with everything they touched, so the thought of running behind children covered in paint only served as further deterance from ever wanting kids. "No entiendo cómo le haces, I would've been fired the moment I heard the thing fall down. Probably way before then" She mumbles, earning a small laugh from you as you look up at her and send her a playful disaproving look. She only shakes her head, a hint of a grin on her lips as she raises a brow and meets your gaze, "Que te ries, eh? We both know I would've gone off on all of them. Apenas si tengo la paciencia to deal with grown ass men, imagine me with a group of 18 chamacos. You're doing God's work, Linda."
She presses a kiss against your temple, her fingers gently tapping a lazy rhythm against your stomach as you close your eyes and smile to yourself. You knew Valeria probably had a stressful day herself, it being noticeable due to the heavy bags beneath her eyes and the way she seemed want nothing less but to close her eyes and slip into some much needed slumber, but she still made time to listen to you. Your days were nothing compared to hers, and even if she wasn't the most outwardly affectionate with words, she still never failed to let you know she cared. That you were loved, heard.
"Maybe I should bring you with me to work next time my partner doesn't come in. Would definitely make my day easier" You murmur against her chest, a cheeky tone in your tired voice as you burry yourself closer to her. You hear her scoff and you chuckle once more, not having to raise your head to know there was a look of horror on her face at your suggestion.
"Ya mejor vete a dórmir, you're talking nonsense, chula," She exhales, feign annoyance in her voice as she rests her head over yours, holding you close.
"Was just a thought. You should consider it sometime."
A moment of silence.
"I love you."
"I know."
"You're not gonna say it back?"
"You know I love you. More than anything. Even if you do still smell like paint."
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ translations:
── Linda: "Pretty"
── No entiendo cómo le haces: "I don't know how you do it"
── Que te ries: "what are you laughing at?"
── Apenas si tengo la paciencia: "I barely have the patience"
── Chamacos: "Children"
── Ya mejor vete a dormir: "Go to sleep instead"
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yaut-jaknowit · 5 months
Hi there! I wanted to say that I love your work and I’m really enjoying seeing all the good shit you put out! Tbh me and my twin have been eating up the story with We’ar-ow! We’ve sorta created our own character to fit in as the reader, and we chat about each update after you post them! It’s a fun little book club in a way! If you ever end up publishing any books, be sure to tell! I love your writing style it’s so distinct and enjoyable!
Also! I wonder how yautja would react to a real short s/o (imma dude and being 5’2 sucks a lot, my mom had to fuck a short king sigh) I had to grab something next to my couch that’s only 2 feet off the ground and I almost flipped my body over reaching. I can’t even wrap my arms around my knees when sitting either
I am able to reach a lot of small things hidden around my house, and I’m really good at anything small with my hands like sewing- tbh that’s the only upside
also quick yautja question- do you think they’re able to produce twins or triplets? Mostly asking cuz I’m one! :p
also I’m so thankful for you writing for readers who aren’t female! it really warms my heart <3 sometimes it can hard to find non female readers and x male readers help with my dysphoria
Short King
Pairing: Uihoy (Male Yautja) x Mas!Reader
Word Count: 692
Summary: After the countless times you've fallen off of places or even found yourself somewhere you're not suppose to be, your wonderful mates have gotten you a step stool. Uihoy understands the frustrations himself. But he doesn't want you getting hurt.
Author Note: I'm so thankful and love this message so much. And the fact you chat about my writings?! Seeing this message for the first had me squealing and kicking my feet like a school girl. I hope one day I'll publish books but for now, I stick to writing fanfics about being dicked down by aliens.
P.s. Gonna be honest, I never knew how many AMABs liked Yautjas. I'm used to fangirls since I'm one myself. But I'm happy to help fill in the hole for the lack of AMAB writtens
Knowing some Yautjas out there, they have a size kink. So you being much smaller than them goes burr for them.
They can also wrap themselves around you easier. It makes for the best cuddling sessions because they can probably almost encase you completely. That way, they can protect you better!
They also wouldn’t treat too much different either. They might ensure your items are closer to the ground so you don’t have to climb as much to reach them.
A step stool around either their ship or hut on Yautja Prime is necessary. They wouldn’t want you to go without it either. Less climbing means less danger for you! Safe on the ground floor where you can’t bust your head open.
After one close call with a fall, your mate wouldn’t want you to even think about getting on the damned counters again. So, he got you a step stool.
Once in awhile, you’ll see him use it too. Don’t let him know or say a damn word about it.
Plus, imagine those with the size difference kink. You desperately trying to reach something too far above you. They come up behind you, squishing your body to either the counter or wall. That day ended up differently than you originally thought.
Seeing the way your hand barely fits in their palm. They’re purring up a storm and holding you close.
As for the twins and triplets: yes, it is possible but a very rare occurrence. With their head structure, it’s already hard to push out one. It also puts a huge strain on their bodies. Some go through with the pregnancy if they believe they can endure the journey. Others don’t to save them either the downfall of an unnecessary death of themselves or their children.
I believe in some cultures of the Yautja, it’s celebrated if a female produces more than one offspring and survived. It is a feat that many don’t endure or survive.
Hands encased your hips and pinned you to the counter. A heavy body draped acrossed your back. Hot air caressed the shell of your ear. “What does little hunter think gonna do?” a grumbly voice spoke, slightly scolding you for what might have been a dangerous action. At least in those bright orange eyes of his.
Your entire body jumped at the sudden feel before relaxing, head titling to the side. Uihoy’s profile met your gaze. “I have no idea what you mean,” you brushed off. “I’m just trying to grab a bowl.” That was only thing that was the second shelf they hadn’t moved yet. You best believe it will be after today.
Uihoy snorted then reached above you and grabbed hold of the item you were attempting to take. It was placed before you on the counter in front of you.
The hand left on your hip drifted up to clasp hold of your throat. A finger was used to tilt your head back. Uihoy leaned over you to look you in the eye. “Next time, use the stool,” he scolded and pinched the column of your throat in warning.
Your shoulders sagged, eyes rolling with attitude. “But Uie! I was fine. Three feet off the ground ain’t gonna kill me,” you complained and leaned your weight against the short Yautja. His body barely even wavered at the added weight.
“No, but Uihoy might if little hunter doesn’t listen.” There was no bite in his words. You groaned.
His hold on you slipped away. He took a step away from you. You snatched the bowl off of the counter in front of you and marched over to the refrigerator-like device in the wall.
As you pulled out the stew made yesterday to consume as a mid-day lunch, you narrowed your eyes on Uihoy. The Yautja still stood in the kitchen, leaning against the island. With a spoon, you pointed it at him, non-threatening. “You’re lucky I love you enough I won’t smack you for calling me short,” you pouted and poured some of the stew to fill half the bowl.
A disgruntled grunt sounded from the elder. “My heart is yours, little one.”
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Question for redson, nezha, azure, wukong and peng and macaque if youd like
1. If we wanted to have children, how would you react?
2. How would you help your darling with period stuff?
3 . If I asked you to make me immortal so we could love each other forever would you?
🔥RED SON🔥: Red Son's face went red and his jaw dropped open. "Ch-children?? You want children?! Do you know how difficult those are to raise? But..." He fidgets, pressing the tips of his index fingers together. "Just how many would you wish to have?" "As for the menstrual predicament, I do not fear the monthly blood ritual. It is just simple biology, only smooth-brained peasants fear the shedding of the uterus." "I have already begun thinking of ways to gift it to you. I presume our marriage would not be enough on its own, though it would grant you demonic nobility status...either I will have to break into Heaven or I will have to find one of the ancient Sages to force the secret from them." 🪷NEZHA🪷:
"I would love children, but I would not be able to care for them as much as I would be able to. I am the protective deity of all children, I would rather not run the risk of favoritism towards my own. But...I do admit the idea appeals to me of having children with the one I love."
"Ah, yes, the process in which a mortal reaches developmental maturity. Fear not, I am experienced in dealing with this sort of thing. In advance I prepared many snacks, especially chocolates, and heating devices. All you need to do is rest up." "Immortality is only gained by Heaven's permission. To do otherwise...well...those who become immortal without Heaven's consent face miserable lives as punishment. Chang'e is the kindest example of what happens when greed for immortality overtakes reason. I will do my best to beg for your appointment as an immortal by my side, but it might take some time. I only ask for your patience." ☀️WUKONG☀️:
"Kids? Like...more than one? Look, I'm gonna be honest with you, I take care of my Flower-Fruit Mountain children okay, but I don't know how good I'd do with a one-on-one infant. I'm willing to try, but I think we should prooobably wait until I've taken some parenting classes first." "Oh! Periods! That's the monthly feminine thing, right? Uhh..." Wukong digs around a bit and tosses a blanket on you. "There you go!" Wukong sighs. "Look, I know I might have become immortal a good few times over, but it's really not that easy. Heaven's not gonna let you become an immortal that easily. I'll do what I can, all you have to do is eat the food of Heaven to become immortal, but it's going to be a really rough process. I'll only do it if you're absolutely certain." 🦅PENG🦅:
"I would be overjoyed to raise fledglings with you! How many are you thinking? I believe six is an appropriate number." "Ah, the matters of the femmes. I remember when I had to deal with that...tell you what, you sit here, I will go and procure the necessary supplies. Then I'll snuggle up with you until you fall asleep." "Immortality? That is easily done! Once we achieve our ambition to overtake Heaven, I will make you my Immortal Consort. No weapon, Celestial, Infernal, or Mortal, will be able to strike you down."
"Why would you want kids? Don't those make a lot of noise and stuff? I'll compromise: How about we get a puppy or something, start off small?"
"Periods? Um...I don't really know how those...work. What do you need for that, a bandage? I got plenty of those." He sighs. "Look Y/N, I'll be honest with you, immortality's not all it's cracked up to be. Forever is a long time. If you're adamant and absolutely 100% certain, I'll try to do what I can, but you're gonna have to accept that being immortal means living for a really long time. You'll lose your friends and family, everything will change while you never do. It can be a painful existence."
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danieyells · 7 days
Hello, Haru simp here! The one that asked for his affinity lines (thank you very much!!!) (*`▽´*) need you to know that so many thoughts have plagued my mind after reading them many times that it's become obligatory every time I come across your blog while scrolling through the driest tag on tumblr known as tokyo dubunker 😭 I wanna take care of him so badly! Make him get all the rest he needs and eat 3 full balanced meals every day >:(
Maybe I should punish him by edging him, you know? Only good boys who get the necessary amount of sleep and don't skip out on meals get to come ✨️ if he begs enough, maybe I'll give him what he wants (definitely not gonna overstimulate him so badly nooo couldn't be me *rubs hands together evilly or some shit*) this is so fucking mild, but yeah :) feel free to hand over any thoughts of yours please 👀
belated HELLO WELCOME BACK HARU SIMP! :D and kdsjhfiueh WELL NOW I FEEL BAD THAT I HAVEN'T PUT THEM ALL IN. I mean I already felt kinda bad about i tbut. I'll get around to that and you can have a few more crumbs, although usually when I left out lines back then it was because they weren't as interesting imo haha. BUT YOU NEED YOUR CRUMBS.
I don't really go through the tags because. I already don't have enough time for the things i wanna do lol and i'd probably get annoyed by negativity in there since i'm here for a good time. But it's a pretty small fandom and we go a month between updates(and the game pretty much just came out what last month?) so it's understandable that there's not usually much going on in the tags!
I think he'd appreciate the intent but he'd ABSOLUTELY DODGE THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR ATTEMPTS TO MAKE HIM TAKE BETTER CARE OF HIMSELF he's ~too busy~ for quality self care, anon!!! Disregard that he goes out and gets drunk on like a nightly basis. . . . But I get the care urges anon. By god I need him to eat properly at the very least. Especially since his stigma causes him to like have a weakened immune system? or was it always weak i don't remember what exactly Nicolas said. like BUDDY YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.
hehehe mild thoughts are also welcome anon. just because i'm a bit of a filthmonger doesn't mean i don't enjoy mild kinks or sweet things. You might have to trick him into it a little bit, but he'd probably think it's clever/funny of you to try and force him to eat or sleep by denying him or overstimulating him! It's not like he's doing it on purpose! He can't just not be busy no matter how much you overstimulate him!!! He can't just find free time even if he doesn't get to cum! Wouldn't it be better to feed him while you have sex and then let him take a nap after he cums!? You can stay for sleepy cuddles if you want-- Or maybe you can help him or bring him food or convince Towa and Ren to help, then he'll have a little more time!
If he can't convince you into another strategy, he'll let you have your way and let you try and edge him--but you're gonna have to be committed. He's got a lot of patience and stubbornness--and he's kind of used to being disappointed so edging him is a slow process. But with enough time and effort he'll start to squirm a bit. He's leaking all over your hand the whole way. Little by little he starts to squirm and buck and his cock starts to twitch and he starts to say less and less. Occasionally he whinges or groans or tells you how unfair you're being about all of this. He knows you want him to beg but he can't compromise on this, he can't, it's better that he just tries not to talk at all because if he opens his mouth he is not going to be able to stop begging and he doesn't think he can uphold a promise to take better care of himself--but eventually he breaks and starts begging once it gets to be too much. He's so sensitive after everything, he doesn't think he can do it but he has to come so if you want him to beg you can hear it!!!
When you finally get him to agree to try and eat and sleep enough tomorrow and let him cum it's a lot. You almost think you overdid it the way it sounds like he might be sobbing from relief totally not your fault he's stubborn though-- between the shaky moans and cries, but he just kind of. Conks out after coming. He works too much and that was a lot on his body. But, hey, after he wakes up from his post-nut nap and gets you both cleaned up he sleeps through the night! It's a start!!!
(this care effort lasts maybe a day before he's back to the usual, of course. No rest for the weary! There's just too much to do!! You'll forgive him, right?)
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When I saw you ; Silvester Belt
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Silvester meets you at a club and offers some company for you ~
Warnings : Blowjob, Drinking, gagging, slight degration kink, semi public
Gender Neutral reader
Genre : Smut, Fluff
Words : 1,483
Silvester entered the club and took a look around. The atmosphere was pretty sensual and Silvester kinda enjoyed it. The scent of alcohol and sweat filled Silvester's nostrils and the sounds of people talking and laughing filled his ears. It made him somewhat happy to finally bit the club.
Maybe he could find his love from here.
Silvester approached the counter and asked for one beer from the bartender. He got it almost right away and he took a swig of the beer before spotting someone rather good-looking in the distance. It seemed they were alone. He smiled and immediately approached them "Hey there. You seem to be lonely. Want some company?" Silvester had thought about that pick up line for the past 4 hours. He didn't want to come off as too strong but also not too embarrassing. He did feel a bit embarrassed but it almost immediately faded away when you looked at him.
"I would really enjoy some company right now" You answered, your beautiful, lively eyes making Silvester's heart flutter. You were absolutely gorgeous. "Well then, I don't think you mind me joining you in this fine evening" Silvester joked a bit and it made you crack a small smile in response. You looked at the bartender and ordered a few shots of vodka as well as a beer. He looked at you surprised "Vodka? Raw vodka? Oh I like you. Feisty." Silvester teased and you smile in response. "Oh you're gonna make me blush" You answered and swatted your hand at him a bit "I must say, you seem like someone who can handle that as well. Is it true or is it just your looks?" You questioned and Silvester was more than happy to answer "I can drink as much I want. I have a high tolerance when it comes to alcohol"
-A few moment later-
You and Silvester are talking and laughing together while sitting at a booth together. They have had a few more drinks than necessary, but you were more drunk than him. He liked the fact that he could drink a lot without really getting drunk, but the moment he drinks too much, he gets incredibly horny to the point where it's hard to hide.
He gets closer to you and smiled "Wanna know something?" Silvester whispered seductively in your ear, making you smile and let out a slight laugh "Tell me anything. I won't be able to remember it" You said, way too drunk to realize what you were saying. "I'll make sure you never forget what i'm going to tell you" Silvester spoke
He leaned closer to you, his hot breath against your neck, then he whispered softly "I'm really horny. I need help" Silvester said in an almost innocent tone, except the topic of the thing was no where near innocent "You are?" You question "How can I help?" Silvester smiled "I really want a blowjob. We could go into the bathroom. But I don't want to use your drunkenness, so be sure you really want this, okay? I would never want to hurt you" You nodded in response "I'm not that drunk to not make a decision. I really want it." You said and smiled gently at him. Silvester smiled and took your hand. "Let's go then."
He took you to the bathroom of the club and pushed you into one of the stalls. You let out a slight gasp when he closed the door and kissed you deeply. "oh... Silvester" You let out and he smiled "Just call me Silver" He said and you nodded. He then sat down on the surprisingly clean toilet seat and looked at you "On your knees" He said and you complied with ease, getting down in front of him. You have done this once or twice before, but this felt better. This felt different in a good way. It felt more real even when you met Silvester just a few hours ago. You watched as he unbuckled his belt and then undid the zipper on his pants. You were a bit too eager to admit it, but he stopped "are you sure about this? I'm fine if you don't want to do this at all, you know?" Silvester explained. It made your heart fill with happiness that he cared so much "i'm sure of it. I promise" You said in a comforting manner and he smiled "Alright. If you say so"
Then he pulled his pants down enough to reveal his shaft. Your mouth watered at the sight, but you also felt joy and gratefulness towards Silvester for respecting your boundaries and feelings. You really felt that he cares.
You looked up at him and he nodded, giving you permission to do what you wanted. He gave you the lead for now. With a bit of a shaky hand, you reached to stroke him slowly, teasing the tip mostly. It made him let out a slight moan and it made you feel a sense of pride. You got a bit more brave, now stroking him with both of your hands. He gasped at the feeling and you kept stroking him. Silvester put his hands in your head in a caring manner, stroking your hair softly as you stroked his length.
Eventually, you put your mouth at the tip of his shaft, remembering from your last times to use your tongue. You swirled your tongue around the tip, your mouth making slurping sounds inevitably. Silvester still had a grip on your hair, but it got more firm as you took him deeper in your mouth "Mhh.. Keep on going, just like that baby" Silvester moaned as he pushed your head down on his cock a bit, making you take him deeper in your mouth. You moaned around him, making shivers run down his spine at the feeling. He loved the feeling so much and would do anything to get you to do whatever you want with him everyday. He had recieved a blowjob before, but you were excellent, despite not being overly experienced.
Silvester wanted you to start bobbing your head so you wouldn't take him too deep in your mouth and gag, but at the same time something inside him wanted to just push your head down as far as it could go, until his tip hit the back of your throat, then mouth-fuck you until you were out of breath. He weighed his options, whether he should do it or not. He decided that it would be the best to just let you go at your own pace, which you did. You began to bob your head up and down at a pretty fast pace, making him groan and throw his head back in pleasure. You looked up at him while sucking him and that was his last straw.
Without hesitation, he pushed your head down onto his dick and began to thrust up at a wild yet gentle pace, making you gag slightly. You got used to it rather quickly and just continued to enjoy putting your mouth to good use and satisfy Silvester like this. You moaned around his dick and he looked down at you. You looked so gorgeous like this. He picked up the pace until he, out of breath, said in a rough voice "I'm close. Do you want me to pull out?" he asked and you closed your eyes, trying to signal him that it was fine if he came inside your mouth. He thought for a moment and decided to pull out just before reaching the edge, he stroked himself a couple of times and then ropes of that hot, sticky liquid covered your face slightly. You moaned softly, opening your mouth to catch some in your mouth. It was incredibly hot for Silvester to watch, and he couldn't help but keep stroking himself until he has completely emptied himself on your face. He was out of breath and he threw his head back to try to catch it.
After a while, he came down from his high and looked at you as you stood up from the floor unlocking the bathroom door and going to wash your face at the sink. Silvester smiled, cleaning himself up with some toilet paper and then fixing his pants. "So that was fun, yeah?" Silvester asked, making you giggle slightly "Yeah. Was fun. Maybe we could do this again sometime. Unless you are busy" You said and turned around. Silvester softly took you by the chin and kissed your lips, tasting himself on your lips slightly "Mhh... I'm up for it. Only if you promise that I can do something for you in return the next time.
"It's a deal." You answered and left the bathroom with a slight wink, leaving Silvester there with a smirk on his face, and looking forward to his next time with you.
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snail-studios · 1 month
OK I'm gonna send several asks about Orca OC because I've been thinking about several different ideas and I wanna separate them.
First, just some ideas to bounce names off you and see if you like any of then. Zora names are usually two syllables (sometimes three), and carry something of a heavier vowel focus. Here are a few of the ideas that I think sort of capture a "Zora" vibe and I hoped maybe one of them would get you going in the direction you want for the character.
Fura-- sounds like fury, just thought it was neat
Larunda-- straight up stole this name from a water nymph but it sounds extremely Zora-like. You could also go with its variant "Laru". Does come with the risk of sounding too much like the already existent "Laruta" though.
Sera/Sela-- tweaked version of French word for "salt" because she's from the sea
Saumi/u/a-- brackish
Nevi-- tweaked version of Italian word for "snow"
Padot-- just threw together a bunch of Zora names for this one.
Hope these help to some extent.
ahh these are great! (I'm just going to put all of your asks in one post so not to spam anyone)
long answers below ⤵
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Would she mop the floor with Link in a spear on spear sparring match?
It really depends. I would say she would beat him out of brute strength but Link can parry lynels, so he’s definitely monstrously strong. But she’s been training with the spear her whole life and can probably outwit him by making him angry, as long as she doesn’t lose her temper herself. I think in a no holds-barred fight she could kill him though, and post-Calamity Link when he’s just woken up wouldn’t stand a chance even if all the odds are with him.
Do you reckon she's on par with Mipha and the other Champions in terms of martial skill, or perhaps just exemplary among the Zora (but not close to a Champion), or was her appointment more of a formality like Urbosa's guards would have been?
Give her another century or 50 years of training and she absolutely would be, but pre-Calamity she’s more of a formal knight there for when Mipha’s unarmed or in a vulnerable position (resting, in unfamiliar environments, stuff like that.) I don’t think she’s like Link with Zelda and trailing her 99% of the time because that’s not even necessary for a warrior as skilled as Mipha. (Mipha’s probably an even better fighter than her knight but it’s always good to have extra support)
What are her chances against a Lynel?
She could kill it! She’s pretty big and strong so she has a higher chance of living than Mipha and Link fighting one together.
A Guardian Scout?
She’s mortal, so a beam could probably take her out, but if she got it onto the ground she could probably dismantle it fairly efficiently.
How many Moblins could she take on at once?
Realistically, probably three or four, given she’s a big target and fairly slow compared to Mipha, who I can imagine being able to take on around five or six. Together they could probably kill at least 15 tho. Teamwork makes the dream work! <3
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You've already given a snapshot of what her relationship with Dorephan, Link, Mipha, and Muzu would look like, but what about her reputation/relationship with Zora's Domain as a whole? We know Link finds her intimidating, and strangers likely do too, but would the citizens of Zora's Domain feel that same intimidation or something else? 
I think it depends on the Zora! The little kids would love her, since she’s friendly to them, but one of Mipha’s suitors? Or just a scab in general (or a rude tourist)? Yeah they would be terrified. She’s not someone to be immediately unfriendly but she doesn’t like rude people.
Do they perhaps look up to her, or think she's some really cool lone wolf type?
Some people would absolutely think of her as a lone wolf, but the people who actually know and spend time with her just think she’s a nice and respectful person. Little Zora and other knights look up to her. The little Zora think she’s cool, the other knights hope they can rise to a rank like hers one day.
 Do they gossip about her and Mipha? 
Oh absolutely xD Being a public figure like that, there’s no way they’re not getting gossiped about.
Does she have a Sidon style fan club? 
Is this emotional toughness a Link-specific problem due to jealousy? 
Yeah, I think so. She also worries that people don’t believe she’s fit for the job, so acts exceptionally tough and professional around people she’s insecure around.
I get that she has something of an aura of scariness, but I guess I'm curious about the particulars. Is she scary because she's the quiet, reserved, unreadable watchdog kind of person? 
She’s very much like a watchdog at times and can be quite unreadable, but most people fear her because of her stature and battle prowess. 
Is she easily nettled and perhaps overly forceful and aggressive like Buliara is?
No, not at all. She used to be when she was younger, but learnt that’s not helpful to anyone and just makes her charges uncomfortable.
 Is she one of those people you can clearly see planning how she would dismantle you on your very first meeting? 
If you’re a threat, yes. If you’re just a mildly annoying person or are acting normal and like you have no tricks up your sleeve, probably not.
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She'd probably bite her tongue .3.
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
More of a question, hope it’s okay to ask this type of stuff but as a polyamorous fluitic aroaceflux person, does it seem valid to also have times where you want to date many people because you desire the many connections beyond friendship but due to being aflux fluitic, disabled/nd, and busy with personal life, you may not be able to interact much/do many activities that most people have expectations of in relationships? I’ve always found that so draining and restricting on me having the expectations but i want a relationship with people without the high expectations or worrying about seeming disinterested in the relationships. I just want an easy go with the flow wavership. Does it seem wrong if I were to have many relationships with my limitations, or is it understandable?/gq /nfta
(gonna be real, no idea what nfta stands for as a tone tag - probably not any of the various niagra related or trade association related things we found lol)
generally speaking: it is always valid to want certain types of relationships, but I suspect the question you're asking is if this is practical.
there's some good and bad news, in my personal opinion: first, yeah, bad news, that sounds hard as fuck to manage and find partners who want it. the good news though? tbh someone who is already good enough in your books with responding to shit as an a-spec disabled person is much more likely than the average person to at least consider it, if not try.
i think the best thing to say here is this: relationships are always gonna involve some exchange of energy and preferences. i'm not here to tell you exactly how to go about that, but i would advise that if you wanna be in any sort of polyamorous relationships, especially in a wavership, you're gonna want to brush up on communication skills, boundary setting, and conflict resolution. You're gonna need the ability to recognize that sometimes your partner(s) will want something like your time and attention when you really don't have the desire. You'll need to be able to respond effectively to that - in the moment, can you step back mentally, assess the situation, and say to yourself, "I think in this situation, even though it is uncomfortable, this is necessary.", or "I feel like I can't do this right now, but we've discussed alternate options like reminding them of a resource."
It can be hard to find the line between disability and comfort zones, personally. I won't try to advise you on that type of matter - only that you'll want to ensure that you practice awareness of discomfort that is bad for you and discomfort as your brain setting off unneeded alarms at something new, something that once was associated with bad things, or all sorts of "fun" little things. This is incredibly important when in relationships with unique formats or expectations, since you'll often be exploring territory without a map; learn how to navigate discomfort as a sign rather than a roadblock.
I hope any of this helps? it's mostly just... my thoughts spat out onto a page. Generally speaking, I anticipate that you know most of this, but it might be helpful to see another person's take on it. I wish you luck, kindness, and spoons.
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feisaru · 11 months
Cant stop thinking about your older feisaru art. I was wondering if you have a hc of what they're upto at that age. Like hobbies, career, or the people they (still) hang out with?
ALRIGHT LET ME JUST SAY- talking about them on main like this is a little hard 4 me. The whole "if it mattered less, maybe I could talk more about it" bit. I'm still gonna try to not make it super vague? While also not being as overly elaborate as I sometimes get in private chats
Fei still loves soccer a lot. Overall he enjoys powering himself out physically when he gets the chance to. Wheter that can be considered a hobby, I dunno, but he enjoys painting nails a lot, especially if he gets to use a lot of colors and to draw silly little animals on them. He also likes cooking. He taught himself how to very early after CS-finish.
Whereas Saru really enjoys reading. He's been doing that even back when he was Feida's emperor, to escape reality a bit. Every so often, Fei comes up to him and asks what he's reading. If Saru wants to infodump about it, Fei gladly lets him. Honestly, it's not a seldom occurence that they just read together. It often starts with Fei asking Saru to read out loud for him because he really enjoys his voice, while he cuddles into Saru a bit. Then after a while Saru passes him the book. Sometimes they also read their own individual novels while just sitting together. Saru also still does soccer sometimes, but for him it's more like a bonding activity with Fei? He does it mainly because Fei likes it so much and he likes when Fei is happy. He'd still enjoy leading a soccer team but other than that, the physical aftermath of the vaccine was pretty hard on him, leading to him not being able to exhaust himself too much physically (he'd still throw hands if necessary tho). Well, he was never too much into sports anyway. Despite that he still loves climbing on trees. And once again I don't know if that counts as a full on hobby but at some point, because he has so much time on hand, he started attempting to scribble Fei in notebooks. I don't think he'd tell Fei though, he finds it embarrassing.
So now to the more complicated bits! Most of these are still Thoughts In Progress™️
I try not to think too hard about the whole job thing because- I'm still not that experienced with jobs and because I can't see either of them working traditionally. Saru still hasn't forgotten about what El Dorado and the system has done to them. He wouldn't want to work in it. He doesn't want to work in a system created and controlled by people who have damaged him beyond repair. He doesn't want to pretend all's well, he doesn't just want to act like nothing ever happened. And Fei? In theory, he's the one more likely to do it, just because his morality doesn't get in the way, but I can't really imagine him feeling good about working at all. It would really drain him. So the possibility I'm tending to most right now is that they're getting the 200 years into the future equivalent of Hartz IV (as much as Saru hates existing in the state they unfortunately can't just cease doing that and so taking the state's money is still the better option) (I barely know anything about what this whole thing is like so take this with a grain of salt) and that Asurei sometimes helps them out financially because he has more than enough money for himself. They don't have a lot but it suffices to live pretty okay as long as they keep in mind they have a limited amount of money at their disposal. But like I said, my thoughts might change in the future, when I know more myself. I once have entertained the thought of making Fei a mental health professional but that's in the scraps right now because. I know someone pretty similar to him who worked as that and I sure as hell do know it would exhaust him in the long run. He wouldn't be able to handle so many people professionally at once without starting to feel worse himself. He likes psychology but the reason he likes it is that he likes helping Saru. Using psychology on people whom he meets in an office on a professional basis just ain't it
Concerning hanging out, I and a friend have an AU (Trio AU) where Fei reaches out to Zanark so the 3 of them can play soccer together when they're 17-18-ish and he third-wheels for them. Later on he gets a gf, my friend's OC. The AU is more for giggles and laughs than anything and Zanark and Saru go on each other's nerves impossibly. A lot of the time it's "calm down, breathe in, breathe out, you're better than this, there's no reason to get seriously mad at this motherfucker, and most importantly you're doing this for Fei" for Saru. They still see Meia and Giris sometimes, albeit they live a little farther away. And they probably encounter Protocol Omega members sometimes, because they live in the same city as them (thinking about them encountering Alpha and Gamma on a date someday is fun... @amalg4me)
Either way I have some drawings where they're supposed to be young adults (Trio AU, including the banana sweater, all the CS x SPOP drawings... maybe even more. Most of the fluffier drawings are set at least 2 years after Chrono Stone) but I've only recently started figuring out how to get better at varying ages and I'm still working on it
Uh btw... if you wanna see some old man cuddles... I can gladly send you some in the dms. I've been drawing them as adults a lot lately, but I don't feel like posting those drawings on main
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capstone update #1
TO REITERATE: I'm planning to produce a 30-min documentary film.
Hello, I'm finally here to update my blog! I meant to do this last week, but didn't... I was struggling to wrap my head around this project and what I'll be doing this semester.
I think I'm a little crazy for taking this on. Sometimes it feels like too much, but I certainly won't be quitting.
My first reality check was trying to populate the workback plan. It was a necessary step, but so difficult. I had to come back to it a few times to get it sorted out. I always feel like I'm overlooking something when I'm planning out a project, and I've never tried to produce something of this magnitude before. But I sat down with my workback plan again tonight and finally have it in good shape. Coming back to it has helped me process what I'll need to do, and I feel pretty certain now that I'm not forgetting anything. I also recreated my workback plan in Notion, because I don't think I'll be able to stay on track if I only look at it on Google Sheets. (The formatting... the lack of color-coding and other viewing modes... Nah, homie, I can't. TwT) I also gave myself dates to complete things by. I know I can work to a deadline, and now I have a ton of them. Isn't that fantastic!
Anyway, I'm really happy with my organization on this project now that I have all my tasks thought out, written down, and with dates. The tricky part now will be keeping the Google Sheet updated according to the Notion.
Right now I have a bunch of tasks marked as "in progress." There's so much I need to do in the next two weeks, mostly making lists of people and Instagram accounts to reach out to. I already follow a lot of accounts but I have not created a master list for myself to keep track of them all. Once I have my list, I can start drafting up messages to send to them, asking if they might want to participate in my doc, or could put me in connection with people who would. I'm kind of worried that I don't have much to show for myself, a presence, or a reason why they should trust me, that kind of thing. But I'll try it anyway.
I also need to draft emails/ send texts/ make phone calls to people I know, who said in one way or another that they might be able to lend a voice to my project. Cast out a bunch of lines and see if I get any bites. 🎣
Another thing is, I want to find videos on YouTube and Vimeo of the ʻOnipaʻa Peace March that happened a couple weeks ago. I wasn't able to go myself, but I'd really like to incorporate footage of it into my film. Maybe someone would be willing to let me use a few of their shots. If not a person, maybe one of the local news outlets. I also need to do some research. I have a playlist of some news clips about the Red Hill water crisis from when I made my 5-minute piece about it in Fall '22. But there have been updates since then, and I need to collect even more. I'm not 100% sure what or how much I'll do with it yet. But my creative process is 'collect all the stuff, look at and absorb it all, ???, get vision, create the vision'... so step one is gathering more things. :)
Also want to find more PDFs. Last semester, I found some studies and national news articles about Red Hill, pollution by the Navy/ issues similar to what's happening here, but my research topic was persuasion, so I spent the vast majority of my time on that. There's definitely more out there, and I want to find it because I'm thinking of using scans/ screenshots in my film.
Oh, and I'm planning to request titles from ʻUluʻulu by 2.16. Gonna try my absolute best to stay on top of the deadlines I've set for myself. LONG POST: FINITO!!!
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 1 year
About the ingo-Arceus roadtrip!
LOVE the idea of them sometimes ending up in the wrong timelines. Could you maybe give some instances of this?
FUCK i didn't answer you huh
Well it's not quite right to say they end up in a wrong timeline if they're doing it on purpose. The thing is Arceus is doing the equivalent of the sprint for your life that one does when they turn off all the lights in the middle of the night and have to go back to bed except the danger Is not an imaginary monster but the sheer incomprehensibility (to Ingo) of the not-place they are in, and they have to find the nearest safest planet/timeline/dimension possible once Ingo communicates that he can't take it anymore in the void between timelines. Cause yeah Arceus' presence is gonna help him a lot in not losing himself again or dying by reminding him of what's real and sorta anchoring him to himself and them but that's not going to last forever. So really, they may end up anywhere that has an atmosphere similiar enough to that of the world of Pokémon, drinkable water and food compatibile with a human body. Within those criteria, anything is possible :)
I haven't thought of any specific places yet, but i do have The Vibes. Think of somewhere like rainworld, in the beginning. Obviously not exactly like that otherwise it would be a crossover but i'm thinking of something like that. The closer he gets to his own timeline and dimension, the more similiar the world, most of the time.
He may also end up further in the past of a different timeline, say, if whatever happened 3000-2500 years ago in the canon universe didn't happen (it's hard to tell what it was but everything happened in those years. I think there might have been a recession if they were able to do the thing AZ did with the weapon and then thousands of years later they were still in the 1800s.), the timeline would already have gone somewhere completely different. What if Ingo visited somewhere like that?
Maybe a different dimension also, where humans didn't evolve to be humans, but another species became something similiar? (it would be a Pokémon obv.) Somewhere with a biosphere different enough to have a different species thrive.
Towards the end i was thinking he first meets the (ultra? Gotta refresh my knowledge of the timelines) Sun & Moon protagonist in one of the more faraway ultra wormholes, but can't go back with them because he doesn't have the equipment necessary to go inside of a wormhole without consequences for the amount of time needed to go back home. (Arceus and Ingo have been traveling via distortions and rifts and such. I'll get back to that in another ask probably). (Ultra probably) Sun & Moon protag can't go back to this particular world because. Well have you tried to get past 10000 light years with the ultra warp ride its hard af. They're way past that. I can't imagine how hard it would be in-universe, even with years of experience. Also there's so many different dimension to choose from, they might not find the right one, just one similiar enough to believe it's the one, if they go back and try to bring an additional suit fitted for him. Also there is a reason they know it's the right universe, Arceus can tell from a specific signature in the soul/aura of a person. It's kind of difficult to recognize among all the different universes and such but when in front of someone it's far easier to compare the two and see they they're the same signature. Ingo asks the child to bring back a few trinkets and foods he brought from other worlds, bring them to Emmet. He may not remember him completely yet, but he thinks he would like them (he would), and wants to know that he's almost back. (There's a specific event i thought of, that would shake some memories loose. But this post is already long enough. Ask me about it if you want to know please :))
The very last place he goes to before getting home is a city few hundred years forward from his time. People recognize him, which surprises him. He doesn't wait too long to leave, just a couple days or three (he usually stays more time in order to recover from void travel. [Well it's a void to him but to Arceus it makes far more sense]. He doesn't want to know the future, especially his future. That's why he leaves so soon (along with just being hella impatient by now lol). This will have consequences [not too bad tho. Just a minor setback :)]), when ideally with the amount of travel he did this time he should have stayed about a week. Historians everywhere are extremely dismayed, but they weren't going to gain much out of him either way and they suspected that anyway so.
Ingo does not always have a great time (see rainworld-type worlds), but that's something Arceus can help with. Most times.
There are many more worlds they visit, and the roadtrip lasts months, but this is all i can write for now. I'm tired af lol
As always extras in the tags because i cannot shut up
Well shit i guess this is the post i should have made later now. I'll make another one going in depth where i didn't go in this one when i get another ask lol
Grr i wish i could draw i have so many cool ideas. Maybe i'll ask my friend. Or someone. Hmm
Reblogs are very encouraged and appreciated :)
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raywritesthings · 1 year
i know you rb'd it a while ago but if you're still interested in doing it, ship asks (and if you don't actually vibe with any of these ships feel free to skip!)
roy/riza: 8, 9, 15 hawkeye/trapper: 15, 21, 26 margaret/hawkeye: 15 (i really want to know what songs people associate with ships lol), 46, 50
Oh, fun variety with these ones! If it's alright with you, I'm gonna skip #15 for all three (at least for now) because it takes me a while of listening to music while specifically thinking/looking for parallels/vibes with a given ship before I can come up with anything. By the time I do that, I'll forget to come back to my ask box to answer this! So apologies, but also my music taste is extremely old-fashioned so it probably wouldn't be all that interesting anyway.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why? I think going from a strictly canon reading, Riza loves the ideals that Roy believes in and wants to put in place as reforms. She's dedicated her whole life to helping him achieve that. And in turn, and I think Roy loves Riza's loyalty - not to him, specifically, but to their shared cause. He knows he can trust her above anyone else to see it through, even if she has to go through him to get there. In addition, I think they both find solace in knowing each other so well, having met before the military really entered their lives and changing together through Ishval and beyond. 9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why? I think Riza dislikes Roy's carelessness most because it makes her job harder because it in some ways betrays their goals. Roy is the one and only person she will ever trust with her father's life's work and the only person she trusts to see the necessary reforms put in to in some way try to atone for their actions in Ishval. She also can't cope with the idea of living without him, so for him to try and fight a killer in the rain without thinking of how severely disadvantaged this makes him understandably upsets her on multiple levels. For Roy, I think he probably most dislikes the fact that Riza clearly can't cope without him, more so because he would hate the idea of her suffering like that in his absence than because he sees it as some kind of character flaw.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life? So, given it'd be the 50s and they're two men, that's a tough one. I think in the absence of any fear of being "discovered" and discriminated against/arrested, though, they'd get on fine together. They already have experience sharing living space, and in the worst possible conditions. There's little things that would bother each other (just watched "Alcoholics Unanimous" yesterday, and they have a wonderfully domestic spat about Hawkeye using Trapper's towel while shaving and Trapper's toenail clippings ending up by/under Hawkeye's bed), but I think they'd be able to just bicker for a few minutes and move on. The major roadblocks are pretty much external factors (how their relationship would impact Trapper's ability to see his girls, the strain of living semi-closeted in 50s America, etc). 26. What sacrifices do they make for the other? Given the way the show was written, it's easier I think to pinpoint the sacrifices that Trapper makes and could/would make in a relationship with Hawkeye than the other way around. He's almost always the one getting roped into Hawkeye's schemes or messes (good example is him blatantly committing perjury in "House Arrest" while coming up with a cover story for where Frank got his shiner), and if they were to pursue a relationship back home he would be the one having to give up his stable family life with the wife and two kids unless they kept it secret, and then Hawkeye would be the one sort of making sacrifices there (but I just can't really see that lasting or being something either of them would put up with for longer than just a casual "every once in a while" sort of thing when they happened to both be in the same area). Not that Hawkeye doesn't ever make sacrifices for Trapper (from the infamous "Longjohn Flap" to shelving any sadness he might have over Trapper possibly leaving in "Check-Up" in order to celebrate with him), but it's something he'd have to work on in a serious relationship with Trapper. For the record, I don't think he'd struggle too hard with it, just the way the show framed him as the protagonist and Trapper as his sort of "second" gives it that slightly uneven dynamic. Probably the biggest thing is that, once stateside, Hawkeye would likely have to be the one to move so that Trapper could remain close to his daughters. Depending on where you land as to how much Hawkeye really loves Crabapple Cove or not, that may be a small or a really large sacrifice.
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why? Hm, this one probably depends on the circumstances. I think in "Comrades in Arms", Hawkeye was looking for something more casual than Margaret (partly because Margaret was married to Donald at the time, and partly because he liked their dynamic as-it-was whereas Margaret seemed to think she needed to go into Mistress Mode like with Frank or the generals that used to come knocking). I think Hawkeye valued Margaret's friendship so much at that point that he'd rather that not change and they not be together than to be together and have her change her behavior for him. If we were talking post-canon, I think it could almost end up flipped, where Hawkeye might cling to Margaret harder for the sense of familiarity she gives him while she's more focused on figuring out her life post-army. Then again, I could also see them mutually agreeing to a casual thing post-war based on the finale kiss. 50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better? Haha, well they sort of did? If they were in a genuine relationship, I could definitely see them breaking up (and getting back together, and breaking up again, etc). The big, unresolved thing between them is their political/ideological differences, which the show really de-emphasized as the years went on and Margaret became part of the "in" crowd less enchanted with the army/the war (compare her clear distress at the idea that peace talks might be starting in an early scene with Frank from I want to say "Dear Dad" vs her commiserating with Hawkeye about the points system being changed to keep them longer in "Peace on Us"). However, without the army/the war as a mutual enemy of theirs, they could definitely end up butting heads on politics again back stateside which could possibly result in a permanent break. I'm not sure who would handle a breakup better, honestly. I think Margaret would handle it worse at first and then probably get over it if she found someone new, whereas Hawkeye would probably be outwardly fine but miss her long after she was gone.
These were all really interesting to think about, so thanks for sending them in! List is here for anyone interested in sending in other questions/ships!
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palialaina · 9 months
Where do I even begin. Einar, Eshe, Kenyatta, my boys....
Let's go with Zeki, because the thing he gave me cracks me up.
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How else am I supposed to react to getting a laser pointer???
So, apparently Auni decided he wanted to use the douplifier for butterflies and other bugs, and uh. It actually worked. I am amazed, I tell you, that Auntie Del didn't shout the house down when that happened.
I am also sad I missed it.
But Zeki told me that he's not skilled at bug catching (which I doubt, he's just fluffy and a bit lazy XD), but if I could help him cut down the bug population, he'd appreciate it.
So I did, and he gave me that for it. I told him it wasn't necessary, as weird as he is, he's my friend, and he insisted, so now I have a laser pointer. Honestly, the palcats love it, I just have to make sure to not point it at anything breakable.
Learned that one the hard way.
So there was that. Then I finally got all the things together for Kenyatta's ball (hey, you try stalling with Eshe breathing down your neck the way she does! Scary lady!), and man, I wish I could've seen her face when Kenyatta declared her Path as a healer apprenticed to Chayne. Granted, I'm also amazed Eshe hasn't decided it's all my fault, but like... Small favors.
Which are good favors because oof, if she actually finds out I read her private mail, I'm not sure I won't actually get banned from town. Which would suck.
So, apparently the Duchess is questioning Eshe's governance skills, which like... first of all, why, and secondly, the letter called Eshe delicate. Like. I know the Duchess is Kenli's sister, but has she actually met Eshe recently? Eshe is so not delicate. Eshe will murder anyone with a glare who calls her delicate. (And we're not gonna tell anyone I lied to Kenli about putting a present in her room. Nope. Maybe I should get her something though...)
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At least after that whole incident I was able to buy the Maji plush! My boys were both being weird about it, and I had to be very frim about not letting either Jel or Hassian buy it for me. Though it is sweet that Hassian offered; he's so offended by the chappa stuff at the market, but he said he'd tolerate it if I wanted the plush so badly.
Jel just tried to slip me money, and I had to scold both of them.
Sometimes a girl just wants to spend her hard earned money on some silly frivolities! Honestly, the plushie is overpriced, but I'm proud of myself for saving up as much as I did and getting it. Proof that I can, you know?
Now I just need to do it again because I want the basket Reth's selling (It'll be perfect for laundry), and those springblossom vases Auntie has. I like the standing planters I have now, but I really want these to sit in the entryway before my room.
It's silly, I know, but I like them!
And then again, because I need that giant backpack Zeki has. But that one can wait because Zeki's got a ton in stock, and the Maji Market is only a little bit longer.
Oh oh oh, I almost forgot Auni's nonsense. This kid is gonna be the death of me, I swear! Nai'o wrote that Auni's been acting funny since their last camping trip, but he wouldn't tell Nai'o, so Nai'o asked me to ask Auni what was up.
...that was convoluted.
So, apparently Auni picked up a statue, and started having dreams about being lost, and no one else being there. Apparently he took it to Elouisa, and she said the statue was cursed, with the only way to break the curse being putting the dang thing back.
Auni, child of no brains at all, had no real idea where he picked up the statue from, other than a vague location in Bahari. In the interest of him actually sleeping, I offered to take it back there. Not like I don't always find stuff to do in Bahari anyways (I need more sweet leaf... celebration cakes use up entirely too much.), so off I went to Bahari.
Turns out, the place he was thinking of was the Statue Garden, and I have to admit, once the thing was back in it's spot, I felt better myself. This kid wants to join the Order, but honestly, I think he'd be better working as a researcher like Jina. Maybe he doesn't get to do magic, but he'd learn a lot more about things and how they work, I bet.
Oh, and then there was Einar, who tried to help me understand Flow. I still don't think I really get it, but if nothing else, I helped catch something so that he could fix a busted music box in his cavernous home, so that was nice.
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I also found this out in Bahari. I'm not really sure what to make of it. It had an inscription about little things making big impacts, and it's made me sit and thing for a bit, because that's true. Not that I think humans are a little thing, but we're definitely making big impacts all around Kilima and Bahari, and probably the rest of Palia too. Jel mentioned that there's a collection of outfits done by a human designer, and that's pretty impressive.
I'm perfectly content to stay here and just have a good time with my farming and a good life with my friends in the village. I guess I'm not much of a wanderer.
I wonder if that would bother Hassian... He mentioned earlier that he sort of misses being untethered. I wonder if that meant... me as well.
Tch. I'm being dramatic. I think I'm going to go enjoy this darn celebration cake that took way too long, and way too much stuff to make, and not worry about it.
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I need to invite Lark and Orion over for another dinner-and-vent session, I think. Could be fun!
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khaleesiofalicante · 10 months
I really don’t know how to phrase this, so apologies for the mess, but I really need to get it of my chest
Currently I’m doing my driving theory (a test you need to pass to able to do your driving test in the UK and equal parts enjoying having something for my brain to think about and overwhelmed juggling it. I’m also doing actual driving lessons on top, which again are thrilling and exhausting. It feels like I’m juggling a lot. On top of all this, my diet has gone to pot and the weight is creeping back on. I know it’s not as much as anyone else deals with, but I’m not used to, or good at juggling many things at once. I don’t know what to do
First things first, we are all different kinds of jugglers. So, to be very honest, what other people are dealing with doesn't necessarily make our burdens any heavier or lighter.
I know it's easy to trivialize our own burden because 'others have it so much' or 'this is not a real problem'. But remember that, at the end of the day, your problems are still there and you're gonna have to deal with them. So, acknowledge them.
Acknowledge they exist. Admit they suck. Allow yourself to feel that pain.
It's what others do with their problems - no matter how big or small. So, you are allowed too.
Now, about the situation at hand. As someone who also multitasks a lot, here is some advice. It might not necessarily work for you. But I'm sharing it anyway - just in case x
Make A List - If you are juggling a lot of things, the first thing to do is make a list of those things. All of them. If you want to, break down those things into smaller things. For example, if you make your own meals, that's one big task. You can break it down further (grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning up after).
Once you have a list, you can do three things.
First is - think of stuff that you actually need to be doing and stuff that are really necessary or can be pushed back for a later date. For example, if one of the things in your list is hanging out with someone or visiting some place, see if you can do it later. Note: sometimes we have a tendency to prioritize work things and deprioritze personal things (for later), so be careful about that. A very aggressive way of doing this (i do it sometimes) is to look at something in your list and say "you know what, i don't have the energy for this anymore". Unless it's something crucial to your life like eating or taking your medicine etc, remember that you can cut out anything that stresses you out. Sometimes, you gotta make tough calls.
The second thing is - look at if there are any easier ways to do any of the things on your list. For example, if one of the things in your list is grocery shopping and you don't have the energy to do it, do it online. If anyone of the things is driving somewhere, take public transport (if it works!). Take the 'work smart, not hard' advice seriously :)
The third thing (and this is the most important one) is to ask for help. If you are someone who hates asking for help, just pick ONE thing from the list. One thing you feel is okay to ask for help. Like 'hey can you pick my groceries if i give you the list' or 'hey can you do my study notes' - you can find ways to appreciate people who help you. Sometimes, people actually like to help! so, have a look at your list and see what things can be made easier by asking for support - and who you can ask.
Juggling a lot of things can be very hard. and sometimes we don't have the luxury of saying 'oh I don't wanna do this anymore'. So, we need to find little ways that can make the juggling easier. I hope the above helps and it gets a little easier for you.
Sending love x
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daddy-socrates · 1 year
hey daddy socrates!
as i understand you did MA in philosophy, can i rant a bit in your ask box?
i did my BA in philosophy, now i want to do my MA in philosophy because i love it. but everyone tells me it's useless since this degree is unemployable.
idk, i guess i wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on this? i feel so depressed lately since it feels like i have to pick between a) something i'm interested in, passionate about and love b) something that will land me a well paying job. and it feels like b is more responsible choice but also that it will ultimately make me really miserable.
Okay so, I'm not gonna lie I also thought it was useless in undergrad. I had gone in initially with the aim of an English major and the education certification track (bc my school was quirky and wacky 🤪🤪 a cert for my state rather than a full major) but I found myself so enamored by the mushy-ness of philosophy that I stuck with it. Every time I asked a professor "so what can I do with this degree?" it was ALWAYSSSSSS "you can do ✨️anything✨️ :)" and I'm like, Gary that's not an answer (^':
Right so a lot of people take a philosophy degree (or two) and then go into law school or become a professor. I wanted to take some time to explore other options before committing to a second degree in philosophy and honestly I got about halfway through a school year away from it before I went crazy and applied for some classes at a nearby university. Backstory backstory backstory, etc. If you really want you can find the rest of that in my talking tag (#blah blah blah) if you want all the ramblings and complaints and the victories.
Getting back to your point though, when Gary said "you can do anything," he meant that the skills taught in philosophy - like critical thinking, deep reading, reasoning, recognizing fallacies, awareness of social and political history surrounding the "whys" behind the "whats" of individual beliefs and broader systems/structures - is almost universally adaptable. My mom said through my junior and senior years that those skills are always in wicked high demand, so philosophers are going to be good at whatever we decide to apply ourselves to.
But that's not fun. We know REAL fun! Sitting in a library basement drawing the ghosts out of dead texts and "Um, Actually"-ing them with our 21st century, likely more diverse perspectives :)
Have the others in your life picked out careers for you? Because I have a little list of things I came up with that are not rooted in academia but can use the skills and might help cast a wider net while still related!
Joining an activist organization, or a union organizing group
Political analysis
Editor (maybe for a philosophy journal?!)
Local office ethics board
Human resources is a related option to the above and seems to be in constant demand
It's a short list and definitely a work in progress, but they're just a few little ideas. Use your network!! Use them! Professors, classmates, alumni, friends, family of friends, etc! They may have insight into places you can't even conceive of yourself at this moment!
I did almost go for a job in HR with an environmental technology company but somehow got a job in costuming. Fuckin bananas, the chance of that. But it's wonderful, because it's a job I can leave at work, and once a week last semester I would leave a little early to do just one class. Working full time and being a super-small-part-time student has been uhhhh tricky but it's more or less worked for me to dedicate a few hours each weekend to doing the assignments etc. JUST a few. Sleep and video games and going outside are also necessary.
... But also, if you really want to commit to philosophical research or teaching philosophy (as I am now planning to do), then I say go for it. My current job is definitely not my forever-home, but ALSOOOOOO the idea of a "forever career" feels silly to me. If you are able to let yourself float a little bit from time to time, recognize that you can switch it up if you need to. My partner is currently in a floating spot right now and he's miserable about it, but there is something comforting about knowing that the training he is currently doing in the meantime while between jobs does not have to be the only office he will ever have to sit in.
If you choose to go ahead in philosophy, hell yeah!! Big fan, absolutely love that. If you decide to take a break like I did, try something else, even just for a little while, that's also great! It could be used as a sort of "See? I DID do other things" at your nay-sayers too >:)
WHEW lots to say, too much space allowed to say it. I hope some of that can help a little. Absolutely come back to rant more if you want!
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