#I just think they‘re neat
instantcaramel · 9 months
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The strange relationship of Jan Maas and Jamie Tartt.
[untagged gif by lilalbatross]
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caramelcorgi · 1 year
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I just think they‘re neat
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mollykflood · 2 years
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Romantic or not, I just love Binx and Andhera’s dynamic and think they suit each other well. They‘re definitely the kind of companions who go on walks and find neat rocks or show the other their trinkets.
And some more Ruehob
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iny-jays · 11 months
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I just think they‘re neat
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Who do you think would be amazing parents? i.e Ariel and Eric for example and why you think so?
I think Kida and Milo would be great Parents, since they compliment each other well.
We‘ve already talked about Mulan and Shang, of course!
Pocahontas and John Rolfe or Smith, depending on whom you ship her with, because I said so
Mowgli and Shanti, because who wouldn‘t want to grow up as Prince/Princess of the jungle? and I just like them. you see, I‘m very biased by how much I like people.
Esmeralda and Phoebus, plus Quasi of course!
And now some people where I won‘t even attempt to hide that I just think they‘re neat:
Anna and Kristoff
Moana and Maui
Tiana and Naveen
…also these are just the Auradon parents. tell me if you want to hear about the isle parents.
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May I ask for a few of your favorite tropes in fic?
Found family
Stuck together in a place (generally, not specifically the only one bed trope)
modern and coffee shop AU
Enemies to [not enemies of any kind] but still rivals
And for reasons:
Found family my beloved
They’re a family not because they‘re forced by blood but because they have no one to call home until they meet and feel like home and they’re a family and have found it and aaaaaa <3
Especially if the character getting taken care of is one of the stronger ones, the no-nonsense/colder ones, or the ones usually looking after everyone else. Reversal of dynamics! Fluff! (…and/or whump =) )
Whatever the "oh no there’s not enough rooms/space/whatever left, guess we‘ll have to share! Whoops! :)" is called
I Don’t Like reading about pure romance unless it’s cute and not dramatic (ironic considering we‘re talking about fics here, ik) and this one has lots of cute potential. Though granted I can never find them. Probably because the trope almost exclusively revolves around beds, and I don’t like really reading those in most cases due to the rating (ironic, ik.)
"oh no the safety system/door/whatever is locked, guess we’re stuck together! Whoops! D:“ trope is called
The previous tropes‘ more potentially dramatic or pre-found family cousin. Drama as in "oh something horrible‘s gonna go down“ if it goes into angst/horror amogus , or characters who usually wouldn’t interact/can’t stand each other being forced to do just that. (Though granted, in the latter case it’s often just used as a shortcut by writers to quickly sort out problems they‘ve backed themselves into). Or it’s lighthearted, in which case it gives off similar vibes as road-trip stories to me, for some reason? Basically a honorable mention because I almost exclusively see it being used in actual media as a trope rather than fics, even though it’s giving off major fic vibes. Also probably a bad trope from an objective standpoint but eeehhhh. Call it a guilty pleasure.
modern and/or Coffee Shop AU
Especially if the source material is high fantasy/sci fi and that aspect is still incorporated into the fic instead of completely disregarded/degraded to funny store/street names only. It’s cool to see what the writer comes up with! Plus coffee shops in fics are just so cozy. (Also I once read a coffee shop modern AU that started out normal but went completely off the rails, it was wild)
Enemies to friends/lovers/accomplices/tbh any kind of not enemies anymore but definitely still rivals
I just think it’s neat (when done right.) Plus they don’t lose all their precious personality and dynamics if they’re still rivals, while otherwise they tend to go full uwu mode once they’re together. Good natured banter my beloved
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The Three Of Us
I should pretend that this has deeper meaning, but in all honesty: I just think they‘re neat.
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n7viper · 2 years
Me @ you:
✨ I just think they‘re neat! ✨
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is this us?
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colloline · 4 years
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It‘s Mistararepairs week on tw! And i offer yall promis...😳
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bulkhummus · 2 years
I just KNOW that Steve is an amazing uncle
i wrote a little something 👉🏻👈🏻
Abby had been asleep for an hour now, tuckered out from the energy of a five year old.
She had had a long day at work, coupled with her exhaustion from visiting Janice up at school the past weekend. She’d pouted so endearingly when Steve told her that their bed would be better for her neck than the kitchen table.
So now, its just him who watches Esteban arrange his puzzle pieces out in front of him in a neat line. A cup of hot chocolate sits next to him that has run cold due to his concentration. It’s a tough puzzle for a child, but he’s somehow managed to inherit both of his father’s stubbornness already.
“Are they coming back?” Esteban asks him.
After a moment of confusion, Steve realizes Esteban’s scrunched up eyebrows were more because of his worried thoughts, and less because of him holding the same puzzle piece for several minutes now.
”What, you don’t like hanging out with your Uncle Steve?” Steve jokes.
”No!” The child says truly affronted, and drops his puzzle piece. Or more so, throws it down with as much disdain a chubby toddler sized fist can muster. It’s nearing ten o’clock now, and the warm lamplight they’re doing a puzzle by makes his eyes look wetter and wider. “It’s— not that. What you said—“
He stops and starts and stops again, and Steve patiently waits.
“It’s dark,” the toddler says, and its as much of an explanation as any other. He says it with the conviction of a scientist and the confidence of a radio host. However, the little lisp of his s’ are all his own.
Cecil and Carlos’ movie for their date night had been bumped back two hours due to an illegal boxing match taking place in the theater lobby. Cecil texted him that he’d won two hundred dollars on some bets he placed, and that he and Carlos had used their winnings to buy more jelly beans than they could handle. Steve didn’t like jelly beans, and neither did Cecil for that matter, but Abby and Carlos sure did.
“It is dark out, huh,” Steve agreed, “But of course they‘re coming back. They’re just a little late. Why do you think they wouldn’t?”
He doesn’t answer right away, pushing pieces around on the table for a few minutes. After a few too many minutes of silence, Steve hands him a piece and points to its little designated place, near the center. Esteban forgets momentarily about his very irrational, but very real fear of abandonment as he slots the piece into place. He grins widely, clapping his hands at his supported success. Steve grins with him, picking up another piece.
”If they didn’t,” he finally starts and pauses again. He sounds inconvenienced by his inability to word a reason and Steve knows he’s about to plow right into a hypothetical. “I would be happy here.”
”Well, they never would, leave you behind I mean,” Steve told him seriously. Of course he’s delighted by this admitted fact, but his need to reassure the boy eclipses that feeling.
He thinks a moment about the people who were responsible for Esteban before his brother-in-law and his husband. He only knows what Abby told him, which was was Cecil told her, and what the social worker told Cecil and Carlos. A chain of information often has it’s kinks, much like a chain of interns delivering news to a dramatic broadcaster. He doesn’t think it’s his place to add words and thoughts to fears Esteban can’t exactly articulate himself.
“They’d stop the entire universe in it’s tracks if it meant getting back to you.”
“Is that scientifically possible?” he asks, and Steve can almost hear Carlos’ voice. Steve wants to tell him no, that no one could do that, because Night Vale is just a town where bad things happen to good people like any other town. It’s years of frustration that should never be unloaded on a child. So instead, he does something he learned from Cecil. He soothes.
”Of course they could stop the entire universe. And if they were to do it for any one, they’d do it for you,” Steve told him, and found that he believed every word. “Because they’re your parents, and they love you more than anything.”
And that’s the way its supposed to be, Steve thinks, and the way Cecil and Carlos are committed to the act of being his parents. Not every town has a Cecil, and not every person has a Carlos, but only one boy had them both as his parents.
He didn’t need to see Esteban‘s expansive smile, or hear their doorbell ring to know that he was right.
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robotwrangler · 3 years
Thinking a lot of postgame Yes Man thoughts tonight.. I have so many ideas about the development of his personality and morality depending on what sort of person the courier happens to be?
(Putting the rest under a cut because this post got kinda long)
So like.. to preface this, I’ve seen it said by a few people (and I agree) that, because it can be completed no matter what your courier has done beforehand, the independent/wildcard ending has the potential to be either the best or the worst ending for the Mojave depending on your courier’s actions leading up to it; it’s all dependant on what sort of a person your courier is, their moral compass, what they’ve done. A wildcard courier could be any sort of person; they could be the dumbest idiot, an absolute saint or the cruellest bastard who ever lived. And one thing that I think should be explored more is the way that this relates to Yes Man.
Yes Man doesn’t really seem to know anyone else. He knew Benny, of course, and possibly Emily Ortal to some degree, but there’s not really much evidence to show what their relationship was like; he seems almost a little scathing or resentful of Benny here and there, but mostly speaks about him in an indifferent, ‘just stating the facts’ sort of way that makes me suspect that they weren’t very close. His opinions on a few of the factions are actually quite different to Benny’s, so it seems his values are mostly his own and didn’t just rub off on him from Benny. As for other people knowing him, Benny is the only person in the game to mention Yes Man by name, so we can assume the courier is the only other person he’s actually spent any time with.
In a way, I guess you could say this means that Yes Man goes from Benny’s workshop being his entire world to the courier being his entire world, and this is where it gets interesting to me.
Everyone has different interpretations of what Yes Man means by upgrading himself to be ‘a little more assertive’ at the end of the game. Sure, word of god said something about it just being intended to mean that Yes Man would no longer have to answer to anyone but the courier, but I like to think that it could be interpreted differently, depending on what sort of a dynamic that particular courier has built up with Yes Man.
As much as I always roll my eyes at the ‘Yes Man is actually evil and manipulating the courier in order to rise to power and then betray them’ types of theories, Yes Man is clearly capable of forming his own opinions and feelings towards things and people.. so, after the battle of Hoover Dam, once his upgrade is complete and he’s no longer forced by his programming to submit to the whims of whoever he speaks to, would he really choose to remain loyal to just any courier?
Despite his people-pleasing tendencies, Yes Man always makes his preferences pretty clear when he presents choices of action to the courier. There’s usually one choice he seems enthused about, and another choice that he presents as undesirable, whether that’s because it’s a bad choice for the future of New Vegas, or just less appealing to him, personally. For example, his disdain for the BOS appears to be at least partially out of concern for his own wellbeing - if the courier tells him that they’ve sided with the BOS, his immediate disappointment seems to be mostly based on his concern that the BOS will really want to blow him up or scrap him for salvage; he almost seems insulted that the courier would side with a faction that would wish harm on him.
Anyway, this post is getting too long already because I have too many thoughts and I’m not capable of being concise ever, so I’ll try and get to the point: the unique dynamic that each different courier has with Yes Man could deeply impact the sort of person he becomes once he has more free will. Once Benny is out of the picture, the courier is presumably the only person in Yes Man’s life, so the way that they treat him and maybe even just their own personality could both seriously influence the direction he takes as a character.
If the courier consistently disregarded Yes Man’s wishes, perhaps by getting cosy with the BOS and blowing up the securitron army and whatnot, would Yes Man hold resentment towards them for it? What if they were openly hostile towards him over the course of their partnership; would he really remain on their side once he finally had a choice in the matter? If they treated him cruelly, and he later killed them or left them once he had the free will to do so, would he then be more likely to hold distrust and resentment for humans in general as a result of his limited experience with them being so unpleasant?
On the other hand, what if a courier was kind and considerate towards him, and treated him with respect as though he were just another valued friend they’d made along the way? Would he enjoy their company, and choose to stay by their side even once his upgrade was complete and he was no longer obligated to help them?
Something else to consider is something I find especially interesting; what if the courier’s overall morals and their treatment of Yes Man weren’t exactly aligned? For example, a very good karma courier who happens to hate robots and only sides with Yes Man as a last resort, due to it being the only way to achieve an independent New Vegas, but doesn’t actually like him or befriend him? What would become of their partnership once the courier succeeded at the Dam?
Or, possibly my favourite concept, the complete opposite.. what about a courier with very evil karma who’s basically an irredeemable, bloodthirsty sadist, but they happen to really like Yes Man & think he’s neat so they become inseparable friends with him? What would Yes Man himself be like if the courier he was so close to was objectively a monstrous person?
And that’s one of the things I find the most fun to theorise about. Yes Man’s own morals are sort of a blank slate; despite how friendly and harmless he appears, he’s still really a big, formidable robot who seems to have accidentally been made far too self aware, and he may have a few opinions about certain things but when it comes down to it, Yes Man on his own is neither good nor evil. However, I think that depending on the kind of person the courier is, and the nature of their relationship, his morals could either remain quite neutral or develop considerably in either direction, so there are tons of ways to portray his postgame personality and they‘re all equally plausible because he’s just such a uniquely flexible character in that way.
Perhaps he picks up a mean streak from his evil courier friend and they have an absolute blast terrorising the wasteland and its inhabitants together! Or perhaps his loyalties lie with a kind and idealistic courier who tries their best to help people, and he comes to understand the importance of such things as he helps them achieve their goals! Either way, he’d still be the Yes Man that we know and love; the difference in him in those scenarios purely depends on the company he keeps and their actions towards him.
Anyway, that’s all I have to say about this stuff for now; I’ve been wanting to write about this for about a year, so I hope you’ll all excuse how long this post got. This is still all total speculation, since there's really no way of knowing for sure what Yes Man would be like after the upgrade or even the extent of the upgrade in general, but I just feel like there's so much unexplored potential for character development and postgame story stuff. The most important point I’m trying to make is I guess just to remember to have fun with the dynamic between Yes Man and the courier! The wildcard storyline leaves so much up to interpretation in regards to him, so it can be really fun to experiment with that. And it’s cool to think that, in a way, the Yes Man that your courier interacts with is unique to them, because no two couriers are the same!
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
Quick FNAF + A Monster In Paris AU Concept Comic: “What They Found”
The idea of Charlie and Henry finding out what happened at Fazbear’s Fright in this AU just grabbed me, so here it is in all it’s rough glory.
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If the font is hard to read, I’m sorry. 😓 Here’s what they‘re saying.
-Panel One-
Henry: Remnant tracks. The tear-steam kind. Charlie/Puppet Girl: And they‘re fresh and shiny, too! We must be pretty close, right, Dad?
-Panel Two-
Henry, while guiding his daughter along: It looks like it. But you have to remember, Charlie. These “Monsters of Hurricane” might not be as friendly as the ones you’ve helped before. Especially since the way the light hits it reminds me of an… old friend. [Meaning the remnant has such a dark yet violet hue, that it reminds him of Will.]
-Panel Three-
Charlie, confused: …What are all these markings on the wall? Some of them look recent.
Henry: If I had to take a guess, I’d say these are… *realization hits* cries for help.
And, spoilers for anyone using a translator, he’s right. These messages were made (post-fire) by a certain bunny that I think they’re about to accidentally set loose…
But that’s another set of rougher sketches for another time. Have fun decoding the messages on the wall while you wait~
Edit: This crossover idea originally came from @atlas539 and I’m salty that I forgot to give credit where credit’s due. Thank Atlas for a neat concept!
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mediicusvitae · 3 years
Lamy and Yamato for that bingo ship meme because asdfghh <3
{ Ship Bingo - Accepting! }
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{ This ship started out as a silly crack ship between Kittu and I but it honestly grew on me SO hard and SO fast. They complete each other incredibly well: Yamato prevents Lamy from her self-destructive tendencies, Lamy, while not always being able to prevent him from getting into trouble, is always there to patch him up afterwards. They have both been shackled by different circumstances in the past and would support each other every step of the way to reach their respective goals.
He barreled straight through the stony walls she built to protect herself from harm, and they can trust each other with their darkest moments. Lamy's starved for affection and Yamato is starved for affection and they can just smother each other with their respective love because they have just so much of it to give. They are both inexperienced idiots when it comes to romance but hell, it works, and it helps them both to heal, even though it's a little difficult at times. He's really patient when it comes to her fire phobia and while I doubt that she'll ever be rid of it completely, at least she'd grow more comfortable around his flames. Besides — being a giant fluffy wolf surely helped with that.
I'm absolutely weak for their height difference and all the funny AUs we're coming up with, between the silly stuff there's a growing development of this ship that just warms my heart. Sometimes he's the dumb of ass, sometimes she's the dumb of ass, and together they are the ultimate migraine to the Hearts, but they make each other happy in the purest way. Cue in the „I just think they‘re neat!“ meme haha }
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
Old Friends
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prompt: Reunion
words: 619
This is part of the Shiratorizawa Fanweek 2020 (@stzfanweek)!
Reon hadn‘t seen his friend in a while. Wakatoshi had been busy; training, getting better, playing and training some more. He wondered wether he was doing okay.
Sure, Reon had texted him regularly, wanting to stay in touch and check up on his friend. And Wakatoshi had texted him, too. Not that often but occasionally Reon would wake up to a picture Wakatoshi had snapped during a hike or a little update on a new technique he had learned about or a question about a meme Tendou had sent him.
Every time, without fail, a soft smile would appear on Reon’s face, one only reserved for his oldest friend. He knew that everything Wakatoshi sa id was genuine and well intended. It warmed his heart to know that he wanted him to still be a part of his life, too.
But still, texting was different. Emotions could get lost in texts or be misinterpreted. Many people would argue that with Ushijima it didn‘t make a difference since he didn‘t show his emotions anyway. But many people didn‘t know Wakatoshi very well. Reon did. Reon knew him very well. He had for some time now.
It was not that Wakatoshi didn‘t show his emotions. In fact, he did show them all, he was an open book. He simply didn‘t go out of his way to amplify them. Wakatoshi showed his emotions so that he would let them out, not so that others could see them.
But Reon saw them. He saw them all. And his friend knew that. He liked that.
Wakatoshi would never tell him, but knowing that someone understood and saw his feelings; that someone put in the effort to get to know him or - even better - didn‘t have to put effort into understanding him. The fact that someone could understand his feelings and didn‘t think they were weird - it made him feel like he belonged somewhere. Maybe even with somone. He often felt out of place, but never with his oldest friend. Never with Reon.
And after getting settled into his new team, after trying his best to bond and make new friends, that was just what he needed. Don‘t get him wrong - he was very happy with his new team and teammates. But getting to know people was always hard. Wakatoshi always had to out in a lot of effort, he tried to remember the tips Tendou had given him for solcialising with other people, people that weren‘t on his high school team, people that didn‘t understand him just quite yet.
But now, he didn‘t have to change, he didn‘t have to try and be social. With Reon, it had always come natura., the talking, the joking, the laughing.
“Wakatoshi!“ Reon‘s voice reached his ears, finally, after months and months of not seeing each other. “It’s good to see you again.“c
“Hm, you too.“ Wakatoshi wanted to say something, something more. But what?
“Let‘s get going, I know just the place for you around here!“ Reon had told him beforehand that he had a little surprise for him. But Wakatoshi didn‘t move.
“I missed you,“ he said slowly, after Reon shot him an curious look. “I wanted to sa something to you,“ he explained. “I think that was it.“
He looked at Reon smiling softly at him. A smile he had only ever seen directed at him. “I missed you, too.“
It‘s true. Ushijima Wakatoshi always said what was on his mind. He said what he is thinking. What he saud was always blunt but always true. And yeah, that was definitely what he had wanted to say.
I think this is the first time I have ever written a character & character drabble, I hope it turned out okay! ^_^
I wanted to write something about Reon and Ushijima because their relationship is very dear to me ever since I read this post by @le-amewzing. I just think they‘re neat!
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Hey heyy so give us the Top 5 fandoms your in, pick your fav from each fandom and state a reason if you want to! ^^
Kirby- Kirby the best borb,
pink puffball of pureness, friend shaped ball with his immaculate vibes that can destroy gods with the literal power of friendship if they hurt his friends because he loves them <3
Legend of Zelda- might be a weird choice considering Midna *exists*, but hear me out: TP Link.
Emo cowboy, a super cool sword flexing move that you can do by pressing a after defeating an enemy with a skill (which is just *chefs kiss*), my main in smash bros brawl and 4 3DS (always with Kirby, obvs), that one "shooting dedede without looking“ cutscene from brawl (if you save Zelda at the start), afaik the only character in this entire series that actually pets the animals, he’s got a horse and a falcon, peak facial expressions, can be a gremlin, not only strong enough to wrestle with gorons, but overwhelmed the literal holder of the Triforce of Power when they locked swords, and also the very big, actually giant bonus of also being Wolf Link. Who is not only a good boi but can also talk to animals! (…this is mostly just projecting my love of gameplay mechanics in this game but ehh)
But tbh he‘s also tied with more obvious choices like, again, Midna, Linebeck (there are lots and lots of better explanations out there why they’re both cool), but also Young Link (precious and utterly OP in Hyrule Warriors), Linkle (second most OP character (at least when it comes to bosses) also I just think she‘s neat), Ooccoo (Sky Chicken Aunt👏 is precious👏 and deserves👏 more love!), Fierce Deity (he‘s just really cool. Also Fierce dad > Evil FD. He goes fishing! )
My Zelda fave depends on the current mood and what game I last played, really.
Minecraft Steve…?
(He pet the frög!)
Pokémon- Emmet and Ingo (in masters ex)
It’s not a main game, but I got both of their special fancy costume versions though complete luck and never looked back; once saw a post talking about how they only use one of them (forgot which one) in their team to hear that "All Aboooaaard!“ and yeah I can see why now. It’s just good vibes all around. (Also they‘re just such an OP combo in that game, I’m literally driving through almost anything, it’s great)
Etrian Odyssey- Flavio, probably
Idk I just like his vibes (also he‘s kinda the most relatable of the whole EO2 Untold team lmao, especially when it comes to some of his battle lines)
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gostaks · 4 years
my bedroom isn’t messy, you just don’t understand the kind of neat it is
There are lots of ways to measure “neatness”. Here’s a quick and incomplete list:
squareness—is everything aligned to a space’s cardinal directions? (this is what most people are measuring, even when they think they‘re measuring something else)
sortedness—does every item have a place? are items of like type sorted together?
functional organization—can items be found efficiently? Can items be used in their current configuration?
So, for instance, my bedroom has high functional organization (everything is in a place that makes sense to me, and I rarely have to spend more than a minute looking for any item), moderate-to-high sortedness, and very low squareness.
When I want to, I can make it square in less than half an hour! It’s already functionally organized and sorted, so it’s just a matter of arranging things onto a grid. I choose not to keep it square because squareness is a boring and arbitrary aesthetic choice that is incompatible with actually using a space
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