#I just kinda wanted to draw kai with his hair down
noattentionsstuff · 17 days
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More time-travel stuff this time with Kai and Cole having, they just crawled out of a lake
Technically a sequel to this post
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kingofthe-egirls · 10 months
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!!! SPOILERS !!!
(cw: reader is a survivor, sex, gear 5 luffy, sweet, kissing, creampie)
(a/n: big trigger warning here. working through my own past with luffy to help me. ah.)
Songs: "Have One On Me" by Joanna Newsom, "South London Forever" by Florence + the Machine
words: 1.2k
"M'gonna go slow, kay?" Luffy soothes his hand over your belly. You're fluttery and shaky, breaths coming in shallow gasps as your boyfriend kneels over you. Your legs are spread wide, bare for him after hours of foreplay. You're ready, you tell yourself, I'm ready.
"Gonna give you a new memory, okay?" Luffy asks you, his eyes wide and shining as he waits for your permission. You nod.
Luffy leans down to kiss you, fluttering his fingers over your cheeks. "Ya sure? You look kinda scared, y/n. I don't wanna do anything you don't wanna do," he frowns, tilting his head. His hair is all spiky in the black night, barely lit at all by the starlight filtering in through the cabin window. It's a new moon, tonight.
"M'not scared with you," you mumble, swinging your knees up and down. He's sitting between your legs, his strong form naked in front of you. He's tracing his fingers down your abdomen, softly drawing invisible spirals on your skin. "Just...scared it'll happen again."
"I've got ya, y/n."
"I know," you say, squeezing your eyes shut. You reach up, making grabby hands for him in the darkness. He leans his face into your waiting hands, letting you squish in his cheeks. He giggles.
He shifts, bringing the hot skin of his thighs closer to yours, as he wraps your legs up in his arms. He leans down, kissing along your inner thighs: first one, then the other. His eyes glint up in the darkness as he surveys your expressions. "How's that?"
"Better," you say, nodding. He's been eating you out for hours, and you've been playing with him, too. You've both been dancing around the idea of sex for a while, now. He's had it before, and so have you. His experiences were a lot less...traumatizing. Than yours have been.
"Here," he says, pressing his hand onto your lower belly. "I'm gonna...stretch ya a lil bit. Just so it doesn't hurt, okay?" His fingers are soft, as he strokes his thumb over the coarse hairs at the apex of your thighs. He holds your knee in his other warm hand.
"Like this," he soothes, his hair starting to turn white. His eyes glow pink, and you gasp. You don't know how much energy his fifth gear takes, but--you don't want him to waste it on you.
"N-no, Luffy! That's too much for you," you try to say, try to sit up, but he pushes you down. He gazes at you, seriously.
"Don't trust me?"
You stop, cowed. "I trust you, captain."
He grins. "Good!"
His transformation is nearly complete, with white hair floating around his face. His clothes have turned a brilliant pearl, too. His sash is violet; his skin is almond and honey. Something sweet you'd stir into your tea. He leans forward to kiss you again.
Luffy's lips taste like skin.
"Here," he whispers, tracing his fingers over your breasts between the two of you. He swipes over your clit, dragging his hand down and over your shaking body. "D'ya want me, y/n?"
"Of course," you whisper, reaching your arms around his neck. He smells like apples. You feel yourself getting pulled into the gravity of him, his electric elasticity stretching you out at the corners of your being. It's funny, you think, wriggling a little in his grasp.
"Feels funny," you say, smiling. He snickers, lining himself up with your entrance. His thumb is stroking over your pelvis, and you feel yourself start to relax. It's--warm. It feels like when you drink sake, a little, except your head doesn't hurt. Your head feels light as feathers. Your body is relaxed, too. All warm and goopy as he starts to press inside you. You gasp.
"Oh!" You say, arching forward. Luffy catches you around the shoulders, his hand splayed at your lower back. "I didn't know!!" You start, and stop. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish. I didn't know it would feel so good.
Luffy hums. "How's that?"
He's staring at your face, his own blush starting to form around his honey cheeks. You reach up to play with the ends of his floaty hair. You feel drunk. "It's hot," you say, giggling, "That you love me like this."
Luffy beams.
"Course," he growls, hiding his face in your neck. He breathes in deeply, slipping out his tongue to taste your skin. He likes biting you a lot, apparently. "How could I not?"
He snaps his hips, starting to fuck you in earnest.
It feels--good.
It feels weird, to have your body bouncing around like this. Your tits are shaking, your hips are shuddering, all the fleshy parts of your body are jiggling around as he softly thrusts into you. You want him to fuck you harder, now.
"Harder, Luffy," you say, fisting your hand in his hair. It feels like feathers. You want to start a pillow fight. Luffy giggles, and a puff of downy white feathers explode behind you. He's sacrificed one of his pillows apparently, you dimly think as soft white fluffs flutter down around you. They fill your vision like snowflakes.
He speeds up, thrusting into you in missionary as he holds you in both arms. He kisses up your neck, all along your cheeks. His lips are puffy and warm, and you hum into his affections with unbridled joy. He loves when you just accept his love. He has so much to give you, you can barely contain it all. Your heart is overflowing with it, spilling out from a golden chalice in salty, shimmery waves.
"Feels good, kitty?"
Luffy pants into your shoulder, biting softly at your skin. He's always covering you in hickeys, which the crew had started to make fun of at first, but had quickly lost interest in. Since you're always covered in hickeys now, it's no fun to tease you over it anymore.
"Feels so good, Luffy," you say, meeting his hips with thrusts of your own. It's slow, and steady, but your orgasm is building up behind your knees. It creeps up, up your legs and explodes between them.
"Oh!" You gasp, mouth falling open as you spasm around his length, "Fuck, Luffy, that feels so good--"
"Cum for me, angel," he whispers, voice hoarse. He's not lost to the pleasure, either. He grunts, holding your hair in one hand while the other snakes around your waist in loops. The white fluffs of feathers have settled now, intermingling with the fluffy white behind his head.
He glitters for a moment, pink hearts sparkling into being around his flushed face. They sizzle and pop, little magenta pleasures that fizz through the air as he gets closer to his climax.
"Love you, Luffy," you say, fireworks now dancing at the edges of your vision. You giggle, drunk on his love and the pleasure that's coursing through your body. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt, at all.
His eyes are pink hearts, now, as he gasps and pants and moans out your name. He's so in love with you.
"Fuck, kitty--," he rasps, speeding up his sweet, sweet pace. "Love when you're so wet for me, love when you take it so so good for me, fuck--" He cums into your core, his face buried in your chest. He whines, bucking into you for the lasting waves of his orgasm.
You clench around him, letting the shivers of aftermath push you over the edge another time, too.
Hearts fizzle out of existence as his hair fades back to black.
The feathers around you are now just feathers, and the two of you are now just lovers, tangled together in his bed.
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hyukalyptus · 8 months
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focus on me — yeonjun x fem!reader | besties to lovers. NSFW/MDNI!
cw. reader has a vagina/clit, cunnilingus, hair pulling, pet names (love, babe, baby), nipple play, kinda emotional and sensual (not angsty), kinda cringe but whatever, yeonjun kinda guides reader lol notes. my first lil fic on my new blog! for those of you finding this in the tags, this is bibibinnie! i had to make a new blog, but it's me! it probably would've made more sense for my first post back to be kai related but oh well, i'll get em next time. anyway- this is supposed to be a really slow, sensual, romantic-ish smut. i hope y'all like it. smut under cut! wc. 1.2K
“I’m nervous…” you trail off, closing your legs, but his hand still caresses your hip. 
“Love—” he says, his smile dropping at the sight of the awkward expression on your face. “Can I call you that?” You nod, ensuring to smile because, well, the nickname does warm your tummy. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” 
“I want to though.” 
Your name falls out of his mouth in a whisper, “I’m not doing anything unless you’re one hundred percent sure.” It was a fair point. You’ve been best friends for forever and feelings, while they grew over time, all seemed to make themselves known so suddenly this evening during a typical friend date. 
“Yeonjun,” you sit up straight, using your elbows for support. “I’m one thousand percent sure. It’s just—I’m nervous. You know I’m shy…and it’s a lot of pressure—”
“If you feel like I’m pressuring you, then I don’t—”
“Nonono, you’re not pressuring me at all,” you say, relief written all over his face. “It’s just a lot of pressure to…y’know…make you feel good too.”
“Oh,” he chuckles. “I will. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, but—”
“I was going down on you, love. I just wanna taste you—actually, I wanna make you feel good. That’s all I care about.” Looking down at him, he has the cutest smile on his face and you can’t help but return the smile back. “Yeah?”
“Listen to me, okay?” You nod. “I want you to really feel me.” Ghosts of fingertips brush against the inside of your thighs. The most delicate of kisses placed right at the top of your thighs. “Close your eyes,” he says. Following his instructions, you let your lids fall closed, laying your head down on your pillow. “And just feel me, baby.” 
The smallest prod at your wet center makes your heart race, waking your entire body up, your pussy clenching around his fingertip. He’s simply gathering your wetness to softly slide between your lips. Just barely missing your clit, your hips roll with his finger. 
When he finally does rub against your clit, though, you gasp, reaching for his hair, but, “No,” he halts. “Don’t touch me. Feel me. Feel how I’m making you feel.” 
“But—” your chest rises and falls with your breaths. 
“No,” he shakes his head. “Arms at your sides.” Your body rolls again. “Feel it all in your body. Pay attention to your toes…your fingertips…your chest…everything.” 
Woah. This is definitely something new for you—someone so focused on your pleasure and your pleasure alone. And it’s magical to say the least. 
Something new finds its way to your clit—his tongue. He glides it devastatingly slow across you and you gasp again, earning a nice low groan from him. “Feel good?” You nod. He’s talking to you, tongue replaced by his thumb. “Control your body. Take deep breaths, focus on me, love.”
“Fuck, Yeonjun…” is really all you can make out, drawing a chuckle from him. 
“Feel the difference between this…” he flicks his tongue over your clit delicately and slowly, sending shivers down your spine. “And this—” then he glides his wet lips over your sensitive bud, a completely new feeling to you, forcing you to buck your hips up into his mouth. “Breathe,” he whispers before gently sucking, releasing you with a wet pop. 
This is just so…you don’t know what to think. He’s making you pay attention, making you feel everything, making you feel things you’ve never felt before. The way your muscles react to his movements, how heavy you’re breathing, the spinning in your head. 
“I feel those goosebumps,” he chuckles, his tongue continuously flicking your clit while his hands graze your bare thighs. “Feel how the air feels on your skin.” You’re noticing more and more things—you can feel the hardness of your nipples without touching them, sweat dampening your back, his nails barely digging into your squishy thighs. “God, you’re delicious.”
Your pussy flutters with his words. And for a moment, his tactic changes—he’s just tasting for himself for a bit. It’s no longer slow and delicate, it’s deep and intense. But when your fingers find his hair, it wakes him back up and he slows back down. And it’s absolutely delicious. 
Everything is heightened—you’re hyper aware of everything—how your toes barely wiggle, your pussy barely fluttering, how trapped your tits feel in your bra. 
“Stop—” you blurt and he stops immediately, asking what’s wrong with a worried face. “Sorry, I just need to take my bra off,” you chuckle with an eye roll before quickly slipping it off from under your shirt, keeping them covered by your thin t-shirt. “Continue.” He’s hesitant, eying you up and down. 
“Can I?” He asks, tilting his head toward your chest; you answer with a simple nod. He keeps his fingertips on your clit, continuing to rub gentle circles as he delicately lifts your shirt past your tits. And his reaction is everything. Eyebrows stitched together in relief, mouth dropping open at how gorgeous you are, a hungry look on his face. But he follows his own advice. He controls himself, taking deep breaths before placing soft kisses on the sensitive skin under your breast, finishing it off with some licks. “Keep your eyes closed, love.” 
You nod, letting your head fall back again, taking deep breaths. 
“Feel this?” The tip of his tongue finally glides over your hard nipple and you gasp again, rolling your body. He flicks and sucks your nipples so fucking well. And— “Can I bite them a little?” Nodding furiously, you can’t wait to feel that little sting of his teeth. And oh does it feel amazing. Two fingers inside of you, his thumb on your clit, tongue and teeth on your nipples. 
“Yeonjun—” your breath is heavy. “I’m gonna cum.” He halts. 
“Breathe,” he whispers, lips peppering kisses all over your tummy as he makes his way back down. “Hold it for a bit. Don’t focus on cumming,” he places another wet kiss to your inner thigh. “Focus on feeling me.”
“Isn’t that the same thing?”
“Babe, I want you to focus on feeling your orgasm,” he says, making you chuckle.
“Of course I’ll feel it.”
“Just pay closer attention to how it feels this time.” Switching positions of his tongue and thumb, he wanted to make sure you came in his mouth but your nipples weren’t ignored. And you can hardly bear it. Everything simply feels incredible and you’ve never been made so aware of your body before. 
The wetness of his tongue flicking your clit. The length of his fingers pumping in and out of your cunt. The deliciousness of his thumb and finger playing with your nipple. 
“Jjun, please—” He knows what you’re asking. And he’s finally nodding, letting you let yourself go, cumming hard against his mouth. Your clit pulsates against your tongue, your back arches with bliss and euphoria, and your moans are the prettiest he’s ever heard in his life. 
And you listened to his instructions. You took the time to feel every last bit of your orgasm and you noticed things you’d never noticed before…wiggling toes, contracting muscles, breathy sighs. 
It takes a bit for you to come to your senses after coming down from your high, but you’re greeted with the smuggest smile on his face.
“Damn, you’re so fucking hot when you cum.” 
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sukuna-dees-nuts · 4 months
rizzless sukuna pt. 2 (find part 1 here!)
Part of an ongoing series basically now dedicated to @nessieartss and their jjk sibling au!!
Hope you guys enjoy awkward Sukuna as much as I do!
Fuck it. Let's do this, Sukuna says to himself as he crosses the courtyard to catch up with Megumi. There's a little voice in the back of his mind that's telling him that this is a stupid idea, what the hell is he doing. If this went poorly, Yuuji would never let him live it down.
Honestly, Sukuna wouldn't let himself live it down. He's never been one for dating; it's never really appealed to him.
It's never really been relevant. His own words ring in his mind. “Yeah, until now,” he mutters to himself.
It isn't until he's caught up with Megumi that he realizes he isn't even sure what to say. His feet had started moving in their own accord, carrying him across the way in long strides. Maki had said to simply 'ask him out', as if it's that simple, as if Sukuna didn't already mention that he's never done this before.
Yeah, he's definitely never asking Maki for advice ever again, and when this inevitably fails, he's absolutely blaming her for it.
“Hey, Fushiguro!”
Megumi looks up from his phone and his eyebrows raise in surprise when his gaze lands on Sukuna. He looks around, as if expecting someone else to be with him, but there’s no one. It’s only Sukuna, which increases his intrigue more.
“Oh, hey, Sukuna,” he greets, pocketing his phone. “Yuuji went that way.” His head jerks in the opposite direction.
The older boy gives a noncommittal hum. “Well, that’s cool, but I wanted to talk to you.”
Megumi arches an eyebrow curiously and stays quiet, waiting for Sukuna to continue. A long pause draws out between them; Sukuna realizes that his heartbeat has picked up and his palms feel clammy, his fingers fidgeting.
Am I nervous?
No. Sukuna shakes his head; he doesn't get nervous. He can be confident, arrogant, cocky, but never nervous. So then why are all of his thoughts a jumbled mess and he feels like an idiot with his mouth opening and closing like a fucking fish.
“Oh…kay, what about?” Megumi presses.
Clearing his throat, Sukuna eloquently responds with, “Uh—” He mentally facepalms himself, unable to ignore the way the corner of Megumi’s mouth quirks up in amusement. It makes his stomach do a summersault. “Do you like dates? Well how about a raisin—wait, fuck!”
Sukuna runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head, irritated with himself. He can’t help but glance at Megumi and sees Megumi's tucked his face into the collar of his school uniform. His shoulders shake with laughter, and in that moment, Sukuna wishes to cause mass destruction to escape the humiliation that engulfs his entire being.
He opens his mouth, about to demand Megumi to pretend this whole thing never happened—
“Did you just ask me on a date?” Megumi asks.
Relief floods Sukuna’s system and his shoulders sag. He swallows against the lump in his throat, and he huffs humorlessly. “Uh, yeah. Kinda? I meant to.”
Megumi is silent for another moment, eyeing Sukuna as he tries to see if the older boy is genuine or not. For once, Sukuna doesn't have anything to say, and he awkwardly scratches the back of his head. Maybe Sukuna should've prepared himself more before diving headfirst into this sort of situation; but when had Sukuna not been impulsive?
“Okay,” Megumi agrees, and Sukuna blinks, shaking his head a little.
“Wait, seriously?”
The shorter boy snorts. He pulls his phone from his pocket and taps on the screen. “Yeah. I'd have to be stupid not to say yes after that terrible attempt at a pickup line.”
Sukuna groans. When he looks back to Megumi, there's a hint of a smile on his face and he holds his phone out, telling Sukuna to put his number in. Sukuna grabs his own phone and hands it over so the two can exchange numbers.
“Are you free after school today?”
A hint of a smile comes to Sukuna's face. “Alright.”
Megumi thinks for a second before nodding. “Yeah, just text me where you want to meet up.”
They look at each other for a moment, Megumi shifting on his feet and Sukuna running a hand through his hair.
Megumi’s phone rings and they both jolt. He rolls his eyes when he sees who's calling and clicks the screen off. Looking back at Sukuna he says, “Gojo is wondering where I am, so I gotta go.”
“Oh, right, yeah.” Sukuna nods, returning Megumi’s wave goodbye.
“See you later, Date Man,” Megumi chuckles.
Sukuna lets the comment slide, too busy dwelling on the fact that he has his first ever date.
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My Sweetest Downfall - Chapter Two
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
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Work Summary:
Eddie’s back from the Upside Down, but things aren’t exactly how he left them. Hawkins is in pieces, his friends are scattered and the love of his life is… pregnant?
Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Epilogue
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3394
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye @eddiesgirlforever @harrys-tittie
Taglist info
Previous Chapter
I don't think I mentioned this before but I'm never going to specify whether reader is full/half/adopted siblings with Steve, so she can be of any race/ethnicity. I'll try my best to be inclusive/vague in my descriptions.
Starting this week, I'm going to be updating this fic weekly (every Monday).
Warnings for shitty parents, pregnancy, vomiting (a lot), grief, depression, reader being kinda mean to steve even tho he's a good boy, reader not taking care of her hair (or herself generally), bad relationship with food, nested flashbacks
A sharp tapping on your bedroom door roused you from sleep. You sat up suddenly, dazed and confused. Your bed was cold. You grimaced.
In the time since you’d learnt about Hawkins’ dark underside, you had gotten used to the nightmares.  You could handle them. What you weren’t prepared for were the other kind of dreams.
When you slept, Eddie was alive. He would lounge beside you in your bed, drawing long forgotten laughter from deep inside you. He would hold you, kiss you, tell you that he adored you. Touch you in ways that you never wanted anyone else to touch you.
Awake, you felt hollow.
When Steve called your name through the door, you tried to say, “come in,” as naturally as possible, but your throat was tight.
He opened the door, a dishtowel slung over his shoulder. “Hey. How are you feeling this morning?”
Now that was a question. How were you feeling this morning?
You took a quick inventory: your throat hurt; your eyes were crusty and sore from crying; you hadn’t showered in days so you felt sweaty and gross.
“I’m okay,” you said, and Steve frowned.
“I thought I could make pancakes?” he suggested. Admittedly, pancakes did sound good. “Why don’t you have a shower and I’ll make breakfast, and then we can go for a walk?”
You tried not to groan. Steve had been doing this since your parents left. You knew he was only doing it because he cared, but right now you bristled against even the gentlest suggestion that you should eat, or bathe, or exercise. You knew that Steve wasn’t judging you – you knew that – but hearing the words out loud still hurt.
But he was just trying to help you. You bit back your harsh response and nodded instead.
“I’ll be down in ten minutes.”
A smile broke across his face. “Great!” he said, as if the thought of you doing the bare minimum was actually impressive.
You hated all of this. Steve was treating you like you were made of glass. The two of you had always good-naturedly bickered at each other, poking and prodding and making sarcastic jabs, and now the only mode he seemed capable of was gentle, earnest compassion. It sucked.
Still, you kept your thoughts to yourself as you went into your bathroom and turned on the shower. It was a quick wash, dragging soap over your body and continuing to ignore the growing problem of your hair. When you were done, you brushed your teeth quickly and then dressed in clean(ish) sweatpants and a t-shirt.
You put your hair up and out of the way, and then covered it with your hood, trying not to think about it.
Steve was just plating up the pancakes when you made it down into the kitchen. He gave you a weak smile, which you returned even weaker.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Right.” Steve took that as his cue to not ask any more stupid questions.
Staring down at your plate of pancakes, you felt suddenly ravenous. You hadn’t been eating well. As you tucked in, you could feel Steve’s eyes on you.
You cleared your throat. “You’ve got work later, right?”
“Yeah, but not until this afternoon. Plenty of time to hang out.”
He didn’t ask you if you would be okay alone in the house. Not since you’d snapped at him for treating you like a broken doll. Steve didn’t deserve that. He was trying, and you weren’t. So you decided to offer him an olive branch.
“It’ll be nice to get out of the house,” you said, as breezily as you could. Steve’s eyes widened, but a broad smile soon followed. You looked back down at your pancakes.
Hawkins being Hawkins, nature walks weren’t advisable, but when Steve suggested driving into town to walk around the mall, you shot him down. You really didn’t want to be anywhere where you might run into people.
So the two of you set off on foot, hiking along the edge of the woods, never straying more than 20 feet from the road. You both knew what dangers lurked in the darkness.
As much as you hated to admit it, Steve had been right about walking making you feel better. The fresh air cut into your lungs, an ache blooming in your chest. It was better than feeling numb.
Steve cleared his throat. “I was thinking that we could do a movie night some time soon. We could invite Robin.”
“Sure,” you said, non-committally.
“Or something with the kids. It’d be nice to all get together in one place again.”
All. You grimaced at the use of the word. There were some people who were never coming back, no matter how much you wished it.
Barb. Benny. Bob Newby. Chrissy Cunningham. Even Billy, for all his faults. Not that you would ever have invited him to your house.
And of course, there was Eddie. You would never get to have a movie night with him again. He’d never crawl through your bedroom window and fall asleep by your side. You would never get to kiss him again.
You stopped in your tracks, throwing your arms out to try and keep your balance.
“What is- Oh my god.” Steve jumped back as you vomited all over the patch of earth in front of you. You swayed on your feet, so he scooted around the splash zone to get to your side and put an arm around you. “Are you alright?”
You shook your head, and then bent forward to hurl again. Steve clutched at your jacket, trying not to let you fall.
You found yourself reminded of something that happened when you were a child. Your parents had been more present then than they were now, although that was a low bar. Your general needs were taken care of by nannies more often than not, but on this occasion, your parents were taking you and Steve on vacation.
It was a long drive down to the lake house, and at six years old, your feet didn’t touch the floor when you were sitting in the back of the car.
“Mommy?” you called out to her, but she was leaning on her neck pillow, sunglasses hiding the fact that she was asleep. “Mommy!”
“Keep it down,” your dad snapped, “I don’t wanna hear your whining.” You shrank back into yourself, crossing your arms over your chest.
“What’s wrong?” Steve whispered to you. He had been staring out of the window until you’d spoken, but now his focus was on you.
“Feel sick.”
He pulled a bottle of water from his door, cracked the lid open and then handed it to you. You took a big gulp, but the water was unpleasantly warm, so you pushed it back towards him.
He must’ve seen the expression on your face, because he said, “Dad? Can we pull over? I think she’s gonna be sick.”
“We’re not gonna make it there before sunset if we keep having to stop for you damn kids. Now shut the hell up.”
“It’s gonna be okay,” Steve whispered to you. He took your hand in his pressed his fingers against your wrist. “My teacher showed me a place where you can press to make you feel less sick.” As his clumsy, eight-year-old fingers fumbled to find the pressure point, you gripped the seat suddenly.
“Dad-” you tried to say, but before you could say anything else, you threw up all over yourself.
“Dad, she’s been sick.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he muttered, readjusting his rear-view mirror to get a look at you, and then let out a deep sigh. “We’ll stop at the next rest-stop.”
Hot tears pricked at your eyes. Embarrassed, you sniffed, trying to keep them in, but to no avail.
“Hey,” Steve murmured. “It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. We’ll get you all cleaned up and you’ll feel so much better.” You nodded weakly.
The next rest-stop, as it turned out, was very sparse, with only a restroom and a few benches. Your dad got out of the car and opened your door before you’d even had the chance to undo your seatbelt.
“You little shit,” he hissed. “You got it all over the upholstery. Do you know how much this cost?”
Bewildered, you stared back at him. “I don’t know, daddy.”
“Get out of the car.”
“What’s going on?” said your mom sleepily. She had evidently taken her sleeping pills for the drive.
“Get up,” he said to her. “You need to clean this up. Your daughter vomited all over it.”
“Why do I need to clean it up? She’s your daughter too and it’s your car.”
“I’m gonna take her to go get cleaned up,” Steve announced loudly. He helped you out of the car, snagged your backpack from the trunk and then took your hand. Your parents were still sniping at each other behind you as you walked away.
“Mom and dad are fighting because of me,” you said as he ushered you into the bathroom. There was only one stall, so you hoped no one came along and needed to use it.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Are they going to get a divorce?”
“No, sweetpea.” That comforted you a little.
With Steve’s help, you removed your soiled cardigan and t-shirt. He dropped them both into the sink to rinse them, and then wet some tissues for you so that you could wipe yourself down.
Ten minutes later, you were dressed in a clean t-shirt and sweater, and your dirty clothes were rinsed and shoved into a plastic bag. Steve got you a cold water from the vending machine, and the two of you sat in the sun on one of the benches while your mom cleaned up your seat in the car.
The memory made your heart hurt. The more things changed, the more they stayed the same.
Now, Steve was ushering you back to the house, one hand on your shoulder to keep you steady. At least this time you hadn’t got any on your clothes. This time, though, throwing up didn’t make you feel any less sick. If anything, you felt worse.
As soon as you were through the front door, you sprinted to the downstairs bathroom and bent over the toilet, hurling up the contents of your stomach. Your knees trembled, and you sank down into a kneeling position. You could hear the creaking of floorboards outside the door, as if Steve wasn’t sure if he should come in or not.
After a moment, his footsteps retreated. Fine. Good. You had wanted to deal with this alone anyway.
But he didn’t leave you to deal with this alone. Thirty seconds later, the bathroom door swung open and he placed a bottle of water on the floor beside you.
“Hey…” He rubbed your back soothingly. Another surge of vomit had you blinking tears out of your eyes.
Without warning, Steve pulled back your hood, probably to get your hair out of the way. You flinched.
He said your name softly, and his pitying tone convinced you that he had noticed the state your hair was in. You screwed your eyes shut and threw up again.
It took a few minutes, but eventually the vomiting subsided. It had left you sweaty and cold, with a horrible taste on your mouth. You opened the bottle of water and drank some down, trying to get rid of the burning acidity in your chest.
As you got shakily to your feet, you found that Steve was still watching you. He had a sympathetic look on his face that made you want to punch him. How dare he feel sorry for you, after everything you’d been through.
You balled up your fists, your face hot with shame.
“Hey…” he said, wincing. “Please let me help you. I want to help you.”
Reluctantly, you let him.
If there was one thing Steve knew, it was hair. At his behest, you took your second shower of the day, this time taking your time to properly shampoo and condition your hair. When you exited the bathroom, you found that Steve had stripped your bed of its sheets, which were starting to get a little musty, and put on a load of laundry.
You put on a clean, dry pair of pyjamas, and found Steve downstairs, cleaning up the bathroom that you’d spent ten minutes puking in, wearing marigold gloves.
“Get comfy on the couch,” he said, “I’ll be with you in a minute.” And sure enough, he returned to you holding a whole box of hair products. “Just trust me on this, okay?”
So you did.
It took many hours, several bottles of conditioner and all sorts of other products that you’d never even heard of, but eventually, Steve managed to tackle your hair into a manageable state. You had been crying on and off – it sometimes felt like Steve was yanking your hair out of your scalp – but now you felt all cried out.
Part of you appreciated the pain. You had hardly cried since Eddie’s death. If the pain managed to break through the numbness to make you shed a few tears, that could only be a good thing.
More than once, you suggested cutting it all off. Your brother adamantly refused.
When he was done, Steve looked exceedingly proud of himself. He held up a mirror like a hairdresser, showing off his handiwork. You just put your arms around him and hugged him tight.
Eddie couldn’t help but steal glances at you. You were sitting in an armchair, a big, cosy dressing gown hiding your baby bump, clutching a mug of hot chocolate in your hands.
Making the hot chocolate had been a struggle, since Steve wouldn’t leave Eddie alone with you. It was like the riddle where you have to get a fox, a chicken and a bag of grain across a river and you can’t leave the fox with the chicken or the chicken with the grain.
Eddie supposed that made him the fox. He balked at the idea that he could ever hurt you. Steve had never trusted him before, but they had found an uneasy truce. Now, that was all out of the window.
Steve had made Eddie come into the kitchen with him while he made the hot chocolate, leaving you alone in the living room. In a brief concession to civility, he had offered Eddie some too, but he’d declined. He thought he might puke if he ate or drank anything right now.  
“Hop’s here,” Steve said suddenly, and sure enough, the crunch of tyres on the gravel of the driveway reached Eddie’s ears.
Eddie took the brief moment while Steve was answering the door to steal another glance at you, and found you looking back at him. He offered you a smile, but you quickly looked away.
It turned out to be not just the chief, but the entire Hopper-Byers clan. Eddie had never met Will, nor Eleven, but he’d heard plenty about them. The two young teens were wearing hoodies and shoes over their pyjamas.
He remembered Jonathan from school. Jonathan eyed him with suspicion, but he supposed he couldn’t blame him for that. Joyce barely glanced at Eddie, beelining over to you to give you a hug, which you received gratefully. Eddie knew that you’d always loved Joyce. She’d been good to you when your own mother would barely even look at you.
“Munson,” said the chief. Or not the chief. Eddie didn’t really know what Hopper’s rank was now.  Still, as a drug-dealer and general troublemaker, he had been all too familiar with the chief.
“Hop,” said Eddie, getting to his feet.
“Last I heard, you were dead.”
“I could say the same about you.”
To Eddie’s surprise, Hopper actually smiled at that. Perhaps Joyce’s influence had mellowed him out. Or so Eddie assumed, as they evidently seemed to be living together now.
“Are you a zombie?” he asked.
“Uhh, no?”
“Well, I have a certain thirst for blood, but that’s not new.” Eddie grinned, but Hopper didn’t.
“This isn’t a time for jokes, kid. Are you flayed?”
“Am I what?”
“Sit down. My daughter is going to tell us if you have any connection to Vecna.”
Hop put one hand on his shoulder and shoved him back onto the couch. Eleven, whose short curly hair was tousled with sleep, perched on the edge of the coffee table. She closed her eyes.
“What’s she doing?” asked Eddie nervously. He’d heard a little about what she could do, and was mildly concerned that she might be about to snap his neck.
“She’s checking to see if there’s any trace of the Upside Down on you. If you’re a zombie, or one of Vecna’s puppets. If you’re dangerous. While she’s doing that, I’m gonna ask you some questions.”
“Maybe we should-” Steve started, putting a hand on your shoulder, but you cut him off.
“I’m not going anywhere,” you snapped.
He swallowed nervously, but acquiesced. Eddie could feel all eyes on him. He felt awfully exposed.
“What happened to you in the Upside Down?” asked Hopper.
“I don’t… I don’t really remember?” Eddie tried to think, but a flash of pain lanced through his brain, and he flinched. Eleven flinched too.
“What happened?” Hopper asked her, one hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Keep asking questions,” she said, her eyes still closed.
“Well?” Hopper turned to Eddie again.
“We were… we were fighting the demobats. I got overwhelmed. There were too many of them.” He winced, blinking slowly. “They were biting at me. It hurt. A lot.”
“And then?”
“I don’t remember anything else.”
“He’s telling the truth,” said Eleven, opening her eyes. “He’s not flayed. Not a zombie. Human. Alive. Something is wrong with him. But he is human.”
“‘Something’ is wrong with him?” asked the chief.
“Well, what’s new?” Eddie forced out a smile.
The room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. That was, until you huffed out a laugh. Eddie turned his head towards you, and found you wiping tears from your eyes.
After that, Eddie couldn’t focus on anything else. Hopper and Joyce were talking to you and Steve about what to do now. The gist of it seemed to be to keep a close eye on Eddie. Eddie wasn’t listening. He was watching the way tears kept rolling down your cheeks sporadically. Steve was tense beside you, arms folded across his chest.
“We could take Eddie home with us?” Joyce suggested. “That way we could keep an eye on him to ensure he’s safe.”
“No way,” you said. “Absolutely not. He and I have some catching up to do.”
Joyce glanced down at your baby bump, grimaced, but then nodded. “Of course.”
“If anything happens – and I mean anything – you call us, okay?” said Hopper. “But it’s four in the morning, so I’m gonna take my family home. Is that alright?”
“Fine by me,” you said, very abruptly. Then your expression softened. “Thank you for coming over. We really appreciate it.”
“Alright.” Hopper clapped Steve on the back. “You did the right thing, kid.”
You stood up to see them out. It was evidently a struggle to pull yourself to your feet, and Eddie was about to offer you a hand when Steve stepped in and helped you out.
You stepped forward and gave Joyce a hug. Then you gave one each to Eleven and Will. And then the family were retreating out the door, piling into Hop’s car and driving away.
You and Eddie and Steve were left alone. Steve was clearly fighting off a yawn.
“Steve? Can I talk to Eddie alone for a minute?” you asked.
His expression tightened. “What for?”
“Because I want to talk to him,” you snapped. “Why else?”
“Okay…” He looked from Eddie to you and back. “I’ll go and make up the guest room. Yell if you need me.”
Eddie waited until Steve’s footsteps had disappeared up the stairs. He started to speak, unsure of what he really wanted to say, but was cut off by you throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tight.
When I was at university, I went through a period of being so depressed that I neglected to brush my hair for months. The more tangly it got, the worse I felt, and the less I wanted to deal with it. Eventually I went to visit my long distance bf at the time, and he asked me why I wouldn't take my hair down. With his help, I tackled it. Using a shit-ton of conditioner, he helped me brush out some of the tangles, but the stress got too much and we ended up having an argument and me having the worst panic attack I've ever had. He stayed with me until I was calm, and then he went home. I finished my hair myself, using two bottles of conditioner. The next day, it was the softest it had ever been. I never let it get that bad again.
Recently I was in hospital with a broken ankle. My family came to see me after surgery. I was so hungry, I hadn't been allowed to eat all day and I was constantly on the verge of tears. My hair was a mess. It was super tangly, so my mum brushed it for me and then plaited it so it would stay neat and not tangle. I cried the whole time because I've been pretty starved for affection.
Honestly I'm not even sure why I'm telling you all this, but it feels kinda important that you know where I'm coming from here.
Next Chapter
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pastelearthling65 · 8 months
Disventure Camp headcanons for all my age regressors out there
Kristal: flip/young kid regressor 1-5 pure 
Usually sticks to the younger side. Really likes to sing and play outside. She does tend to do stupid shit thought. Her favorite cg is lake. She takes care of Oliver and she is extremely protective over him.
Derek: a cg. 
He is strict but he can show affection. Cg of trevor. He makes lots of rules but he will babysit calm littles but trevor is an exception. He need tylenol due to Trevor being crazy
Trevor: young kid regressor 5-6 impure 
He is really playful. Likes affection, if you give him a hug once he wants more. Has so much little gear to the point where he will wear a paci and diap while editing 
He loves to play with hair especially james’s hair. Lets james chew on his fingers and hair. Sows little stuffed animals and sometimes even little clothes. Will babysit his friends. 
Alec: flip/baby regressor 0-1 impure 
He is really quiet. He babbles and emotional. As a cg he is understand baby talk/babbles. He will take nick to the library and pick out baby books for nick. His little is nick. (Yes i ship alec x nick, sue me.)
Ally:older kid regressor 8-10 pure
She plays animal crossing a lot. And at some point she probably said she could talk to animals. She really likes flowers and has an insane amount of cheez-its in her room.
Ashley: cg 
She is sweet. Will never say no to puppy eyes. Cg of will. Will never raise her voice especially for littles with (c)ptsd. Will babysit. Can make sandwiches and littles can pass out ingredients if they want.
Is really sweet and can take care of any little really. If the little wants he can bring his dogs over, they are tiny so they can’t do much. He can confort upset littles.  
Dan: toddler regressor 3-4 impure
Really affectionate but anxious. Hes really clingy. He needs to have a nap or he will have an anxiety attack . His main cg is jake but Miriam will babysit.
Drew: baby regressor 1-2 pure
Can draw quite well and is autistic. He went to therapy and he can speak… well kinda, he can say drew and hi and that is it. Has a soft spot for uncrustables. Has a sweet tooth.
Ellie: big sister cg
Really caring and always has sweet/candy on her. Cg for gabby and babysits drew. She can calm down littles having tantrums. She sometimes finds frogs and shows the littles some pictures of the frogs.
Gabby: toddler regressor 2-4 impure
Really clingy. She just wants snuggles. Has tried to sneak candy but got caught in 4k. Has an unhealthy amount of pacis and loves baby puffs.
Hunter: young kid regressor 4-6 pure
Really likes puzzles. If you water down his apple juice he will retaliate! Is ether really chatty or non verbal, there is no in between.
Jake:flip/ toddler regressor 1-4 impure 
Will go non verbal and tom lets him do play dates. If tom regresses then miriam takes over. As cg he can cook and loves to cuddle. He takes care of tom and vice versa.
James: toddler regressor 2-5 impure 
He is really chatty but don’t worry a paci will shut him up in like 2 seconds. Super gullible, no matter how unbelievable the lie is. Ofc, his cg is aiden. Chews on e v e r y t h i n g.
Really affectionate with littles. Does puppet shows with Connor sometimes. He sometimes gets a bit protective. They (istg i know kai would go by he/they) sometimes go apple picking during fall. Can also babysit.
Really likes lofi. She would never raise her voice and naps are a must in her standards. Has stickers on her at all cost and 100% takes recommendations. She likes to bake a lot especially cookies.
Really sweet and has lots of experience. I mean she is a scout leader. Asks to touch the littles beforehand. She make good food. If deserved, can give out little candy or plushes.
Maggy:flip/toddler regressor 2-6 impure 
She is really shy but is really sweet. Her cg is kai. She cries very easily but her paci can make her feel better. As a cg she is really sweet but she is not as a pushover. She loves to cuddle and its her fav way to bond.
Miriam: cg
She takes care or the trio (tom jake and dan) and loves them dearly (PLATONICALLY). Can bake but they can only pass out ingredients. Can decorate pacis quite well. Can also take care of other littles
Nick: young kid regressor 4-7 pure
Is really spoiled but also loves affection. He really likes the woodlands aesthetic and plays with calico critters. 
Oliver: toddler regressor 2-3 pure
Has quite the sweet tooth. He loves animals, like a lot to the point where he gets told off by krystal for letting out frogs in the tent. Krystal found him regressed first.
Riya: cg
She would play dress up a lot and she will teach how to do makeup. She will make sure they are clean and if get stained she is going to go nuts. She also does know how to play board games a bit too well.
Rosa María: older sister cg
She is really sweet but is not a pushover. She can sing and it sounds like the voice of sir Chloe. She’s not a pushover but can’t say no to puppy eyes.
She definitely loves to go flower picking. She got a paci that she impulsively bought. She hates bright light. She can play with hair and it  is very conforting. Doesn’t mind being called papa.
Tom: flip/toddler regressor 2-5 pure 
Is really sweet but can also be a peice of shit it  just depends. He can also regress impurely where he tends to get angry and throw tantrums fast. As a cg he gives the cuddles and he does tease but knows when to stop. 
Will: baby regressor 0-2 impure 
An absolute sweetheart and tries to help except he is 0-2 so he can’t really do do much. When he sees littles he ether regresses with them or babysits them. 
Yul: baby regressor 0-3 pure
He actually is padded so he wears pull-ups a lot since he regresses to a literal baby. He is extremely picky so cooking for him is hell of a ride. He does tend to get angry and ends up throwing something.
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erin-bo-berin · 2 years
i would love see Steve's first fathers day :( Abbie making breakfast for her daddy and giving a letter with a children's drawing 😭😭 I'm sure Steve has a special space for all the drawings and letters that his little girl has made in all these years
Okay so this is set after the latest one I just wrote about them visiting him at Family Video, so Abbie is 4, Arabella is approaching 1 and there may be a little surprise in here 😏
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Part of the Dad!Steve x SingleTeenMom!Reader universe
Find the series here
Steve was being attacked by a four year old. The bed was shaking, she was poking his cheek hitting his chest with her other hand.
He opened an eye to a beaming Abbie.
“Abrielle, I told you to wake your daddy, not tackle him,” you said, laughing, walking in with a just woken up Arabella.
She was resting against your hip, rubbing her eyes, her hair standing up in all directions.
“Nice hair, Arabella,” he laughed.
You sighed, exasperated.
“Of all things of yours she had to inherit, it had to be your messy morning hair.”
“Hey, it’s cute and she proves it,” he laughed.
“Daddy, I made you a card!” Abbie said, shoving the paper in his face.
“Okay, okay, one minute munchkin. Let me sit up so I can look at it better.”
He sat up, pulling Abbie into his side. You put Arabella on the bed with them and she instantly laid her head on Steve’s stomach, trying to fight going back to sleep.
He smiled at his girls, patting the edge of the bed for you to sit down. You obliged, watching them.
“This is you and me,” Abbie said, pointing to two stick figures on the front of the card.
“Wow, I have long arms,” he chuckled.
“That’s because you hugging me,” she explained, a seriously look on her face, “When you hug me your arms always go around me.”
“That makes perfect sense,” he smiled, kissing her head, “I absolutely love it. Is this your signature?”
He pointed to a handprint she’d done in painting.
“Yes. I can’t write my name yet but mommy says one day I’ll be able to! Then I can sign all your cards with Abrielle Jade Harrington.”
Steve looked up at you, the smile on his face lighting his eyes.
“That’s right princess. You’re so incredibly smart,” he said.
“I know,” she shrugged.
The two of you laughed and Arabella climbed on Steve, vying for attention, too.
“Oh someone didn’t want to be left out,” Steve smiled, picking her up and lifting her in the air above him, kissing her cheeks.
She squealed, kicking her feet, babbling.
When he’d lowered her to lay on his chest, he hugged Abbie to his side again.
“Thank you for the card, Abbie. It’s going into my special drawer.”
“The one you keep all my other drawings?” she asked.
He nodded.
“Good. Now mommy says hurry up and get up because she got breakfast waiting.”
He laughed at her assertiveness and watched her scramble off the bed, but not before coming back and reaching on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek.
“I love you daddy.”
“I love you too, Abbie.”
“Go ahead and go get washed up for breakfast, okay Abbie?”
“‘Kay mommy,” she said, running off to her bathroom.
“Happy Father’s Day,” you smiled at Steve, “Even if it is a little chaotic.”
“The chaotic, the better,” he grinned, looking down at Arabella, who had fallen back to sleep, “Ah what should we do with this one?”
“I’ll take her so you can get up and eat,” you offered.
“Let her stay for a few more minutes, okay?” he said.
He pulled you down next to him, kissing your cheek.
“I um, I have a bit of a present for you too,” you said.
He seemed surprised. Usually, you let Abbie give one another presents for Mother’s and Father’s Day, but that was all. So this was a little unusual for you.
“Well,” you bit your lip nervously, “Kinda. I hope you like it.”
“Baby, anything from you, I’ll love,” Steve assured.
“I’m pregnant…again,” you told him, a small part of you worried he’d freak out at it being so soon.
You hadn’t planned on getting pregnant again so soon after Arabella, it had just happened. But your stomach twisted nervously as you awaited his answer.
You shouldn’t have worried though for the way Steve’s face lit up, you’d thought he’d been told he won the lottery.
“You are?!”
You smiled, nodding at him.
“We’re having another baby?” he beamed, gaze peering down at Arabella, making sure his excitement didn’t wake her.
“We are,” you chuckled.
His head fell back against the pillow, entire face lit with joy.
“Best Father’s Day present, ever.”
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mintymelty · 4 months
YHS Rewrite/Redesign: Senpai/Kai
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IGNORE THE AWKWARD POSE i’m kinda in an art slump rn but I finally got around to redesigning Kai! I made him half african american and half japanese because the og cast is… kinda lacking in skin-color diversity and his background will play a role with his relationship to YOU KNOW WHO.
Kai (full name Kai Nakamura) is a quiet Sophomore who usually keeps his head down and is unremarkable for the most part. Well, would be unremarkable if not for his tendency to do favors for other people. He basically is incapable of telling anyone ‘no’ if he thinks he owes them something, which leaves him in trouble for fraternizing with the more unscrupulous students of Yamada High.
Thankfully, he seems to have a ‘guardian angel’ of sorts, who, after ‘conversing’ with his bullies, seem to get him off his back- or off the face of the earth. Unluckily for him, this guardian ‘angel’ took it too far this time and straight up took someone off the census. Over the events of YHS: A Serialization he’s pinned as the main suspect and has to work with Kat and Co. to prove his innocence and reveal the true culprit.
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His face. I know it looks awkward, but i edited it the best i could. He has mono lids, btw. I wanted a kind of passive but tired look for him. Once again I need to practice drawing and rendering textured hair but I think i did an ok job.
YHS: A Serialization should be updated this saturday if all goes to plan. If not, then next week. Thank you for sticking around and supporting my fan recreation! No hate to the original web series BTW I’m just changing some designs to add diversity and to give different characters different backgrounds. But all hate to yandev’s groomer ass. I’m turning your self insert into an actual character (hopefully) worthy of being simped over.
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meowmeow-motherfucker · 3 months
The Fox & The Squirrel- Chapter 12
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Summary: Chasing yet another demon in a long line of hunts, the Winchesters get help from an unlikely source. But their new recruit isn’t exactly who she says she is. Savannah is used to looking over her shoulder. Life in hiding doesn’t leave much room for enjoyment, but traveling with the Winchesters just may give her a new lease on life.
Pairing: Dean Winchester/OFC Savannah Hart
Trigger warnings: elements of horror and witchcraft, references to past torture/trauma, Crowley is a dick, lies and deception, mutual pining, flirting, sex, typical Winchester shenanigans.
Read it on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16242644/chapters/37972217
Thanks to the lull in cases, they had the day off. Sam had gotten up early as usual, going for a run, while Dean and Savannah slept in to recover from their club adventure. 
     “Alright princess, what are we doin’ today?” Dean asked as Savannah stretched languidly beside him. 
     “Hmm?” Savannah asked sleepily, opening her eyes lazily to see him watching her. “I don’t know...I kinda feel like doing some shopping. Maybe painting my nails.” 
     “I’m gonna hate this, aren’t I?” 
     “I promise to make it as painless as possible.” Savannah giggled. 
     “You sure? Not gonna make me miserable?” 
     “I’m not gonna torture you, Dean. I might tease you or make you do something girly with me, but I’m not going to humiliate or demean you.” 
     “I appreciate that, princess,” Savannah smiled, meeting his warm gaze. They lay in silence for a few seconds, just drinking each other in. Savannah felt completely at ease with Dean, and she could tell by the calm look on his face that he shared the sentiment. “Alright, let’s get a move on.”
     “‘Kay,” Savannah yawned as Dean got up. “Dean?” she called after him.
     “Can I wear one of your flannels?” 
     “Sure, princess. Wear whichever one you want.” 
     “Dean, what do you think?” Savannah held up the bottle of nail polish for him to see. Dean turned to her and looked down at the bottle of mint green polish. 
     “Cute.” he remarked.
     “You’re hating this, aren’t you?” Savannah asked, pushing the stray hair out of her face. That damn hair was killing him. She'd opted for a French braid today, with tendrils of hair framing her face. It made him want to bury his hands in it and kiss her.
     “It’s not so bad. S’interesting to learn new things about you.” Seeing her in his red, gray and white flannel wasn’t so bad either. 
     “I’m gonna grab one more and then we’ll get out of here, okay?” 
     “Whatever you say, princess.” Dean grinned. Savannah smiled, turning back to the rows of nail polish. She picked up a clear polish with multi-colored confetti, turning the bottle upside down to check the price. 
     “Oh my god,” she snorted. “This one’s called Unicorn Farts!” she giggled as she showed the bottle to Dean. 
     “Sounds like a winner.” he snorted. 
     Still giggling, Savannah paid for her purchases and they left the store. 
     “Where to now, princess?” 
     “Um...I need to replace my favorite lipstick, and maybe get some drawing stuff.”
     “Oh this is precious.” Sam cackled as he shut the door. Dean sat on the bed, Savannah's legs in his lap as he carefully painted her toenails with the mint green polish. Savannah lay propped up on a pillow, her head turned toward the TV.
     “Shut up.” Dean growled. 
     “Yeah Sam, shut up,” Savannah echoed, glancing away from the TV. “If you distract him he’ll mess up and have to start over.” 
     “Uh huh,” Sam replied. “What are you guys watching?” 
     “Chicago. Apparently the best musical ever.” Dean replied flatly. 
     “No bitching.” Savannah pointed her toes at Dean, squealing when he tickled the bottom of her foot. 
     “Quit moving, you’re gonna mess up my paint job.” 
     “Then don’t tickle me!” Savannah pelted him with a pillow, earning a sharp look from her nail artist. 
     “You done?”
     “Are you?” 
     The three of them ended up rewatching the movie because Savannah declared that Dean wasn’t taking it seriously enough. (It’s not my fault, the costumes are distracting! Shut up, Dean! ) Sam also found the costumes distracting, but kept it to himself. 
     “You're kidding, right?” Savannah balked as Sam stripped off his plaid shirt and threw it in the washer with the rest of his clothes. They’d had a busy day- a new case dropped in their lap and wrapped up seven hours later. 
     “What?” Dean asked.
     “You guys just strip down in front of strangers?” 
     “Not all the way,” Dean said defensively. “Sam doesn't care.”
     “I'm not Sam,” Savannah folded her arms over her chest. “Well go on.” she challenged when Dean just stood there looking at her.
     “What?” he asked dumbly.
     “If it's so easy, you do it.”
     “You gonna stand there and watch?”
     “Sweetheart, if you wanted to get me naked all you had to do is ask.”
     “And now it's weird.” Sam grumbled, going to sit in one of the chairs along the wall. Dean rolled his eyes and started to unbutton his plaid shirt. 
     “You really gonna stand there the whole time?”
     “Alright fine.” Dean growled, unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way and pulling it off aggressively. He tossed it in the washer, and reached for the hem of his black undershirt, pulling it over his head.
     Oh fuck me, he's hot. Savannah was tempted to look away and blush, but she was determined to see this through. She would not give Dean Winchester the satisfaction of seeing her drool over him. Even if the tattoo on his chest did make her knees a little weak.
     The clanking of metal drew her eyes downward just as Dean was pulling his belt free and tossing it onto the chair next to Sam. Flicking her eyes up to Dean's face, she noticed he was resolutely not looking at her. She stifled a giggle and instead watched as he shoved his jeans down off his hips and into the washer.
     “There. Ya happy?” He asked sharply as he closed the machine, finally looking at her again. Savannah held back a laugh at the indignant look on his face. “What?” He asked doubtfully when she smiled.
     “I didn't say anything.” She turned to her own washer, unable to hold her laughter at bay any longer. 
     “Yeah okay chuckles, let's see you do it.” Dean said smugly. Savannah might have been embarrassed, but she was stubborn as a mule. There was no way in hell she was letting Dean Winchester beat her at this game.
     “Okay,” She shrugged, quickly shucking her jeans and tee shirt, leaving her in the black boy shorts and push up bra she'd put on that morning. “Piece of cake,” She said, smirking when she saw Dean's eyes glued to her chest. “Dean?”
     “You wanna keep staring or buy me dinner first?” 
     “Shit, sorry! It uh...s’nice- I mean- good work.” The hunter stammered, flashing an awkward thumbs up to go with his red cheeks. 
     “You're a weirdo.” Savannah snorted. 
     “You’re a weirdo.” Dean shot back, leaving her by the washer to go sit by Sam. Savannah sighed. She hadn’t yet had an opportunity to wield her new found power over Dean, and it looked like it wasn’t happening today. She’d have to try harder tomorrow. 
     An opportunity struck as the three of them were returning from a day of interviews. 
     “Yeah princess?” 
     “Will you braid my hair when I get out of the shower please?” 
     “...what makes you think I know how to braid hair?” Dean scoffed as he shrugged out of his suit jacket. 
     “There are tutorials on youtube. You’re a smart cookie, figure it out.” Savannah said as she walked away to shower. She heard Dean sigh and Sam protest as his older brother grabbed the laptop from him. 
     She emerged half an hour later to find Dean perched at the foot of the bed they shared, elbows resting on his spread knees and his chin cradled in his hands. Surprisingly, he hadn’t changed yet, still clad in the black slacks, white dress shirt, black vest and tie. He’d rolled his sleeves up, and Savannah bit her lip at the sight. She loved that suit. 
     “Ready?” He asked as he looked up from the television, nearly catching Savannah as she traced the veins in his arms with her eyes.
     “Alright, come on.” Dean patted his thigh, instantly making Savannah feel like this was far more intimate than she’d meant it to be. Whether it was intentional on his part or not, Dean had to know what he was doing. Savannah's eyes darted from his hand on his thigh ( Do NOT look at his crotch.) to the carpet.
     “Am I...am I sitting on the floor or your lap?” She asked doubtfully. Dean's hand left his thigh as if he'd been burned, rubbing the back of his neck in a show of discomfort. 
     “Uh, the...floor.” he stammered. Savannah swore she saw the faintest shade of pink on his cheeks and grinned. So it wasn't intentional.
     Savannah planted herself on the floor between his knees, offering him the comb between her fingers and pointedly ignoring the way the scent of his cologne enveloped her. 
     Dean carefully gathered her hair in one hand, gently plucking the comb through the strands to get the tangles out. He worked from the ends up, getting through her hair with ease thanks to the detangling serum she'd used. The gentle strokes were in danger of lulling her to sleep, and Savannah forced herself to turn her attention to the television. She didn't need Dean teasing her about falling asleep between his legs. 
     Dean began parting her hair into three even sections, tossing the comb aside when he was satisfied. His fingers began to work, gently tugging her hair this way and that to make it cooperate. 
     “Hair tie?” He was almost to the end of her hair already? Color her impressed. She slipped the black scrunchy from her wrist and held it up for him to take, their fingers brushing as he did. Dean said nothing, but Savannah bit her lip. Did he feel that jolt of electricity too? “Alright, I think I'm done,” Dean said as he wrapped the scrunchy around the end of her braid. “You wanna take a look? Make sure it's not awful?”
     “Yeah, sure,” Savannah got to her feet and slipped into the bathroom, giving a quiet gasp when she saw Dean's handiwork. The French braid was perfect. Definitely good with his hands. “You sure you've never braided hair before?”
     “Positive. It look okay?”
     “It's perfect, Dean. Thank you.”
     “You're welcome.”
     “What about me? Will you braid my hair too Dean?” Sam asked teasingly, making Savannah laugh.
     “God no! Do it yourself you weirdo.” Dean protested. Sam gasped with fake hurt.
     “So rude! I didn't want you to braid my hair anyway.” Sam declared, giving his head a dramatic shake. 
     “Jesus Christ, what is my life.” Dean grumbled to himself. 
     “Will you stop picking at ‘em? They’re gonna chip.” Dean chastised, glaring pointedly at Savannah over his coffee cup. 
     “They’re already chipping,” she scowled, ignoring his glare in favor of eating her waffle. “They’re gonna need repainted.” 
     “Ugh, fine,” Dean stuffed the last of his bacon in his mouth as he rolled his eyes. Across the table he saw Sam hide a smirk behind his orange juice. “What?” 
     “Nothin’,” Sam shook his head. “I just can’t believe you of all people are voluntarily going to paint a girls nails.” 
     “Okay first of all, shut your face,” Dean growled, stabbing a piece of bacon toward Sam’s face. “Secondly, I’m contractually obligated, so get it right. Lemme see.” Savannah placed her hand in his, waiting patiently as he examined the damage. 
     “Will I live?” she teased, grinning when his eyes rose to meet hers. 
     “Yeah, you’ll be fine. When we get back I’ll repaint ‘em. I think we should put the glittery one over this color; maybe it’ll last longer.” 
     “You mean ‘Unicorn Farts’?” Savannah deadpanned, snickering when Sam choked on his juice.
     “I am not saying that out loud.” Dean said stubbornly, dropping her hand. 
     “Saying what? ‘Unicorn Farts’?” Savannah repeated loudly, getting stares from the next table over. “You’re being ridiculous.” 
     “You’re being...shut up.” 
     Back at the motel, Dean immediately set to work fixing Savannah’s nails. He’d already stripped her nails of the chipping paint and let them dry, and was hard at work painting them anew while Savannah watched TV over his shoulder. 
     “Alright, these are dry. Hand me the other one.” Dean replaced the cap on the mint polish and blew on her nails gently.
     “What one?” Savannah asked. 
     “I’m not saying it, now hand it over.”
     “But if I don’t know what you’re asking for, how can I give it to you?” Savannah giggled. 
     “You know damn well what I’m asking for, you little brat.”
     “No I don’t,” Savannah shook her head. “What’s it called?” she asked, lifting up the bottle of polish. Dean shook his head, licking his lips as he tried to fight back a smile. 
     “Nope, not saying it.” 
     “Come on, tell me what it’s called,” Savannah snickered. “Mythical horse flatulence?” she pretended to guess. Dean broke, bursting into an adorable fit of giggles and dropping his head onto her knee. 
     “Why?” he asked, his shoulders still shaking with laughter. 
     “Because I can,” Savannah smiled proudly. Dean collected himself and straightened, reaching for the polish to complete his task. “Go on, say it.” Savannah urged, holding the polish out of his reach. Dean rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. 
     “Unicorn Farts.” He grumbled, his eyes trained on the bedspread as she cackled. “Alright, I said it, now give it here.” Dean snatched the polish from her hand and Savannah gave a gasp of shock.
     “How rude!” 
     “Yep, that’s me. I’m a jerk, and you’re a brat.” 
     “Only for you, Dean.” Savannah quipped, offering a tight lipped smile when his eyes darted up to her face. 
     “‘You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means’.” Savannah peered at him in confusion.
     “Has the definition changed?” 
     “Never mind. I keep forgetting how innocent you are,” Dean shook his head, uncapping the glittery polish to finish his task. “And I can’t believe you’re just gonna ignore my awesome Princess Bride reference. Hold still.” Savannah rolled her eyes and did as he asked. 
     “Well then what does it mean?” she asked impatiently when he didn’t elaborate. 
     “I’ll tell you when you’re older.” 
     “Oh shut up!” 
     “Dean?” Savannah whispered in the dark. She was still struggling with the emotional toll their latest case had taken on her. The difficult hunt had spanned several days, and resulted in Savannah facing her first werewolf and five people losing their lives. 
     “Hmm?” the sleepy grumble was slightly muffled by the pillow.
     “Can I...um…” Savannah bit her lip. She couldn’t possibly ask Dean to cuddle with her. It was too embarrassing. “Never mind.” 
     “What is it, sweetheart?” Dean rumbled tiredly, lifting his head to look at her. He was unfairly adorable with his sleep mussed hair and squinted eyes. 
     “Well, I uh...at home, I had a whole bunch of pillows on my bed. And whenever I felt upset or lonely, I’d cuddle them and pretend it was a person.” 
     “That’s...kind of depressing.”
     “Yeah, well.” Savannah said dejectedly. Dean said nothing for a few seconds before turning onto his back.
     “C’mere.” he murmured.
     “Wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to.” Savannah hesitated, knowing they were crossing a line they hadn’t before. She scooted closer to him, resting her head on his chest and pressing the length of her body against his. He was so warm. She threw an arm across his stomach and snuggled closer, letting her eyes slip closed.
     “Thank you Dean.” 
     “Any time, princess.” She felt him press a kiss to her hair and sighed contentedly.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
happy blorbo blursday! if you're participating today I'd love to hear about whatever oc is in the brain microwave as of late :)
OKAY i wanted to answer the Rook Vibes asks first b/c i decided that i'm gonna talk about rook here :D i did talk about them a bit with those vibes, but i want to talk about them more because they are my special little guy.
first up, let me share some art of my baby <3 this is a color palette meme thing i did for them! i randomly generated a color palette and found a random pose and outfit and went wild.
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[Image Description: A drawing of my OC Rook in a limited color palette, shown from around the knees up. The palette is primarily made up of shades of blue, with a vibrant red as well. Rook is a lean person with scars littering their skin and large, pointed ears. They have eyes with black sclerae and colored irises, short dark hair, long claws, and sharp teeth. In the drawing, Rook is wearing a loose wrap around their chest and shoulders and a long skirt. They are holding a baseball bat with one hand, resting it on their shoulders, and their other hand is resting on their hip. The background of the drawing is dark blue with a red stripe diagonally across it. End ID.]
ANYWAY so rook is the protagonist of a wip i keep going back and forth on the name of, but for now i just call it 'rook' as a working title. simple title, it's fine. the basic premise of the story is that it's about rook, a monster that's kinda like. some sort of zombie shapeshifter creature. rook was the victim of a violent, horrific murder, and they were resurrected an unknown amount of time later by someone who wanted a pet monster to order around and do his bidding.
instead of becoming their creator's little pet monster, though, rook ends up being found by a local woman named kay, who sees humanity in them when no one else does and takes them in. she and rook become friends, and a large chunk of the story centers around rook, who has no memory of their existence as a human, trying to Be A Person.
however, WELL, rook does know their death wasn't pretty, and as much as they want to be a nice person and have a happy life, they also want some kind of justice (or vengeance, whatever works). another big element of the story is rook trying to hunt down the one who killed them and get their fucking revenge. already a daunting task, made harder by the fact that they don't remember anything about what happened in the first place.
i'm very into stories that center around recovery, mental health, and identity, so that's a lot of what rook's story is. with an added element of "rook wants to do some murder so so badly."
anyway uhhh some facts about rook:
i have a lot of thoughts about rook's powers and the drawbacks of those powers, as well as why they have them in the first place, but honestly that's probably worth a whole separate post. i've thought about making them a void-walker, but i want them to have their own lore. (plus, well, rook is a shapeshifter and void-walkers can't do that)
rook was given their name by their creator, a man who's obsessed with chess metaphors. they're also not the only monster he's created--boy's goin for the whole set. they initially rejected this name, but eventually they come to reclaim it as their own. they make their own meaning.
for a while, rook really leans into the perception that they are a terrible, horrible monster who only causes harm. they refer to themself as a devil and a demon and a bunch of other shit, because there's a period in their story where they decide to be just as monstrous as they were "meant" to be.
i wrote a short story a couple of years ago about rook's murder and all the backstory around that, only to decide later that none of that was canon anymore for the most part. welp!
the actual perfect rook song is louie zong's song pumpkin's revenge. once again, if i had the energy to make something with them based on this song.... it'd be all over for y'all (i'm kidding)
rook loves animals, but unfortunately most animals are afraid of them :(
rook is a shapeshifter, but they don't actually have that much ability to change their physical form without a large amount of effort and energy. there are a lot of things about rook's appearance that generally can't change, regardless of the form they take, such as their scars and sharp teeth.
okay yeah that's my baby <3 i love them so so dearly and they matter so so much to me <3
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b0ne-marrow · 1 month
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I've had some sketches piling up for a while now and wanted to make a comp of them! i'm hoping I'll be able to finish some of these soon!
I tried to organize them from oldest to newest but some are kinda off because GIMP likes to override the date somethings made when you save sometimes?
Explanations under the cut!
A redesign of my OC Bone Marrow! I wanted him to have bone markings since the beginning but I just didn't know how to do it at the time. The front arm markings will probably change and I eventually wanna draw his hair and stuff
This was like the precursor to the Splatoween drawing I did of my Splatsona Minnow! I didn't like it for that but I still thought it was cute as hell
I like. Really shittily put a Frostyfest outfit for Minnow for my friend so they could draw a commission for me askdfl;sklj. Here's a link to the Comm, and you should check them out!
In the peak of the MLP infection AU stuff, I had caught Covid. And with Splatoon taking over my brain, I heard of Weeping Ink Syndrome as well! I Thought it'd be funny to draw Minnow with it but never got around to it skaldfkl;sdjf. I wanted to call this "Putting the 'weeping' in Weeping Ink Syndrome
After I drew this Valentine's drawing, I wanted to redesign my boy Orchid Rose! Just needs to be finished
A redesign of an old fox girl I had made a while back. (The one farthest to the right in the ref images) I wanted to make her a Lynx! I also had like. the random ass idea of a rantsona that was just a plasma ball in a suit that I thought about pursuing.
Slight redesign of my Pokesona! I just called them Marotales (being a marowak and ninetales fusion) but I need a different name. I wanted to introduce Shiny Hisuian Zoroark into the mix as well and grab features from them.
I wanted to make an OC based on the salmonids that fall when you splat a mudmouth, but since I would've just. made them purple too, I decided that this is a baby pic of Violet! Baby's first job after being a snatcher was being a mudmouth :)
Doodle of my oc Kai-ang! I wanted to like. get her design down since I really haven't drawn her yet. Part of a bigger sketch page that'll post tomorrow!
Doodles to get a concept of an oc I wanted to make with a friend! You can see her here!
Been watching too much of this guy named Brandon James Greer and have really wanted to dip back in to pixel art! I wanna make it like. a base so I can use it for all my (humanoid) splatoon ocs and for others to use too!
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au-ra-babygirl · 1 month
Meeting Colette
As their dinner draws to a close, Masa and Sholi discover they're both staying at the same inn. As such, they decide to walk back together, further increasing time spent together.
As the night draws to a close, Masa feels the impulse to try and kiss the miqo'te as they're standing outside her door. She refrains though, not wanting to ruin the night with awkwardness.
The following morning, Masa awakes to the sound of knocking at their door. They reluctantly rise from their cozy bed to pull on an oversized t-shirt before opening the door. "Good morning," Sholi chirps, carrying a tray of breakfast foods. "I wasn’t sure what time you'd wake up, so I brought breakfast. Hope that's okay?"
Beside Sholi stands an incredibly tall Elezen woman. She gives a two fingered wave when she notices Masa staring. "Hi." She points to herself with her thumb. "Colette. Sholi mentioned you wanting to meet some other mages."
Masa blinks, taking in Sholi's sheepish expression. "Uh, 'kay." She stands to the side for the women to enter then looks down at herself. She typically slept in her small clothes and the t-shirt she'd pulled on did little to cover her legs. "Uh, maybe let me get dressed though?"
Sholi opens her mouth to comment but the Elezen clamps a hand over it before she can speak. "That's fine. We'll wait out here."
Masa nods, closing the door behind them. Okay. Right. Breakfast with two cute women. What did one wear for that? They didn’t exactly have much with them, determined to travel lightly when they left home, but this called for something a little more special than their usual dress.
Unfortunately, they hadn't had much chance to go shopping yet, so their usual dress is all they have. They quickly pull it on, and brush their hair. What else did they have to do? Oh. Right.
They freshen up in the bathroom, trying to hurry as much as they can. By the time they exit, Sholi and Colette are still outside, though they've moved to lean against the opposite wall. Sholi’s ears perk up when the door opens, making Masa’s heart flutter ever so slightly. 
This was definitely starting to feel like a crush, and they're not sure how to feel about it. They didn't have much (okay, any) dating experience, and surely Sholi was more knowledgeable and worldly than them. Not that they were implying anything about her. Just that she surely had people falling at her feet to appreciate her beauty.
…Yeah, they were definitely entering crush territory. That was kinda terrifying actually. They didn't usually develop crushes, especially not on people they'd just met. Not one's that they recognized as such anyway. They'd thought they were demiromantic, but maybe they were wrong?
That's a thought for later dissection. For now, they try to focus on the pretty girls in front of them as Sholi explains what local place the food came from. They cross their legs in front of them as they eat, not noticing the way Sholi’s eyes keep drifting toward her legs. “Are you from here?” Masa asks the Elezen woman who’s name she’s already forgotten. Co…something. Colee? “Also, uh, can you repeat your name? I wasn’t fully awake before.”
The woman laughs. “Colette. Colette Descoteaux, thaumaturge extraordinaire… or so I like to believe.”
Masa laughs. “Sholi’s probably already told you my name’s Masa?”
Colette nods. “Indeed. She, uh, also told me about your gender issue.”
They wince. “Oh. Yeah. Uh…”
“No worries,” Colette quickly tries to assure her. “I went through a period of questioning of my own. Ended up deciding I like being a girl though. I’m just… fluid in how I like presenting as such.”
Masa blinks. “Oh. I see.”
“We have a viera friend who’s trans that I tried to coerce into coming, but she was busy doing somethin’ for the Arcanist’s Guild. Or so she claims. She’s not much for meetin’ new folks.”
“Oh.” Masa tries not to take that personally. A lot of people weren’t people persons, herself included, so why take it personally that someone didn’t want to meet her? “Maybe next time?”
Sholi beams. “Yeah. Maybe when we meet up for that group dinner we can introduce you?” Masa nods. “Great. We still need to plan for that. Maybe this weekend?”
Masa is coming to discover that being friends with Sholi was an interesting whirlwind of an experience. Sholi was kind and generous and pretty, but she was also very talkative and seemed to make friends easily. Much easier than Masa did at any rate, which wasn’t necessarily that high of a bar. “I’m free this weekend.”
“Same here,” Colette agrees.
“I’ll see if Zevri is available too. And maybe Augustine? He’s Colette’s… brother? Cousin?”
Colette giggles. “Brother. He started off as an Arcanist like you, so meeting him would probably be better than meeting me.”
Masa wants to agree, but that feels rude. “Meeting you is interesting too. I like meeting mages of all varieties, not just ones like me.”
They’re pleased when their phrasing gets a smile out of their incredibly tall new friend. “So how does thaumaturgy work? It’s elemental spells, right?”
Colette’s eyes brighten and she immediately dives into an explanation of how thaumaturgy compares to being an arcanist, including that yes, it does involve elemental magics. “I’m relatively new to all this, but I can do some fire and ice spells. I tend to prefer ice though.”
Masa tilts their head curiously, struggling to follow along with the explanations until she reaches the part about her preferences. “I tend to just summon Biscuit.” It’s Colette’s turn to blink in confusion. Masa grins slyly, holding their hands out in front of them and focusing on the aether around them. After a few seconds, a small blue fox-like creature with three tails appears. “Carbuncle. Its name is Biscuit. I named it when I was small though, so please don’t judge me.”
Colette’s eyes light up in fascination and she reaches out to scoop up the creature, cuddling it to her chest. “Oh, it’s so cute!”
They grin. “Thanks. I read about them in a book one day and decided to try to summon one for myself.”
“How many tries did it take?” Sholi asks, eyeing the creature cautiously as she reaches out to touch its head. It should feel a little chilly, as Masa was well acquainted given the number of times they’d done the exact same thing Colette was doing.
“Just a few. It was significantly smaller than it is now, but it wasn’t too hard to summon it.” Both women’s eyes widen in surprise. Masa blinks. “Did I say something wrong?”
The two turn to look at each other before Colette slowly releases Biscuit. “Well, no, but… it took Augustine forever to learn how to summon a carbuncle and he’s normally pretty damn good at magic.”
Sholi nods. “My Ma’s a mage and tried to teach me how to summon one. Couldn’t do it for the life of me. Still can’t.”
“Really?” Masa had known their talent was, well, special, but they’d never realized how special it apparently was. “I thought everyone had an easy time of it.”
Sholi shakes her head. “Not at all. Mine might be a me problem, but Augustine is now a summoner. A really good one too. I’ve only met him a few times, but he’s pretty impressive. At least, I thought he was.”
Colette nods fervently. “He is good, but it sounds like you might be just as good, if not better one day.”
Masa blushes. “Oh, come now. I’m not… I mean, I know I’m good, but I’m not particularly special or anything. Just lucky.”
“Clearly,” Colette agrees. “You can probably feel the aether in a way that most people can’t. That’s my only explanation of it. Mind you, I’m no expert on the subject. You’d need a Sharlayan scholar for something like that.”
Their blush darkens, thinking of the ones they’d met back home who’d been fascinated by their innate skill. “It’s nothing special. Like I said, I’m just lucky. I’m sure with enough practice you both could do just as well.”
Sholi shakes her head. “I doubt it. I mean, maybe with enough time and effort, but we’ll never be as natural about it as you sound like you are.”
Masa attempts to continue denying she’s anything special, and eventually the subject changes as their meals dwindle into nothingness. With the last of the breakfast finished off by the trio, Masa figures there’s no need for them to continue chatting and the two girls would leave. To her surprise, they end up staying an extra hour chatting about the various intricacies of their magics (and Sholi’s bow).
When they eventually leave, it’s past noon and Masa’s pretty sure she’s late for something, though she hasn’t the slightest clue why that may be as the Guildmaster hadn’t given her an exact time to return come morning. She shrugs it off as she makes her way to the door after making promises to meet up with the girls again for dinner over the weekend.
Masa waves to them as they part ways, her going to the Arcanist’s Guild while the other two head elsewhere. As she walks, she muses that, despite what happened from here on out, this was turning out to be an excellent trip to the city. It’s only been a day, but she already can’t wait to experience everything Limsa Lominsa has to offer.
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syncopation53 · 1 year
1, 12, and 14 for Kai (and maybe C or Ravan?)
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
Kai: The idea of him being That kind of “the traveler is evil guardians are the real monsters the darkness has a point actually” destiny player but like, in-universe. he’s kinda strayed further and further away from that as I’ve gone along, though (and bc of my view that those people are genuinely insufferable 9 times out of 10 in light of recent events)
Caoilinn: Her connection to the Light and the philosophy that Guardians are the Traveler’s champions who must only use it for good, which is also where her ties with the Praxic Order came from. Other than that her entire personality and history has changed from what I first came up with for her and I’m so glad I changed it
Ravan: Oh his backstory, definitely. Also their connection to Calus and his own hedonistic philosophy given that I had wanted for the buckaroos to have more of a connection to Calus than the phoenixes due to [redacted for fireteam phoenix story spoiler reasons]
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
Kai: Funnily enough, I have a lot difficulty drawing his hair. I can never get it to look right which is ironic considering that the mental image I have is him having permanent helmet-hair where it’s just going wherever. Also his writing so far has been tough to balance between “this is what he believes” and “this is what he wants people to think he believes” without being too obvious or hand-holding
Caoilinn: Similar to Kai, her writing is often somewhat difficult bc there’s such a disconnect between her own self-image and what she expects from other people/what others expect for her that it’s hard to get that subtext just right. Also her fancy armor is a pain in the ass
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
Kai: 1) behind his edginess and contrarianism he actually is concerned for the people of the City, he just hates how Guardians don’t seem to care and think of themselves as above the masses 2) he is most definitely Not Straight he is a bisexual gray-ace fucking disaster
Caoilinn: 1) She is Not Normal. she is unhinged. makima chainsawman if she was even more cringefail 2) her zealotry/superiority complex stemmed from the need to believe in her own significance to avoid falling into hopeless despair from spending decades surviving alone on Mars. her beliefs are her own and not the result of others forcing them onto her unwillingly, although her ghost did have a hand in accelerating her reliance on such beliefs
Ravan: 1) His pronouns are what/thefuck/ever (/hj). go buck fucking wild and contradict yourself in every sentence. no cisgender in sight 2) xe is extremely fatalistic and insecure in their own power behind his debauchery which is how they seek to hide it. she’s not self-centered just to be self-centered, it actually runs a lot deeper than that
In short, there are nuances to all of them
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swordgayist · 3 years
cultural appropriation in ATLA (hinduism edition)
i’m sure there’s already a ton of posts about this, but whatever, i’m still making one idc. 
ATLA’s cultural appropriation, everyone knows about it, the white people don’t speak about it, and the asian and indigenous people get ignored. we know the cycle. but i wanted to come here and highlight some of the most prominent examples of ATLA abusing hinduism, as i am kinda sorta hindu (i was raised in a hindu household, i go to chinmaya mission, that kinda shit). i might forget some things so keep that in mind.
this is gonna be divided into 3 main sections, since there are different ways that they disrespect hinduism that i don’t wanna lump together.
and i’d say i know a lot about hinduism but that doesn’t make me an expert, obviously, so if other hindus have anything to add and/or correct then please do !! and if anyone else wants to share how their cultures were appropriated then please do that as well !!
so let’s get started shall we?
appropriating hinduism
1) the avatar
we’ll start with the most obvious example: the avatar itself
i know that there are parts of the avatar mythos that are taken from other cultures as well but the idea of the avatar itself is primarily from hinduism.
basically in hinduism, the term dashavatara refers to the 10 reincarnations of lord vishnu (the god of preservation), with avatar(a) meaning form or incarnation in sanskrit, and das(a) meaning ten. it was said that whenever the world was out of balance, lord vishnu would come down to earth in a certain form to restore balance. Each reincarnation is considered a different life with a different story. the avatars of lord vishnu are often considered the saviors of the world.
so basically, the central idea of the show and the actual name of the show is largely based on hinduism.
2) chakras
many different indian religions have a concept of chakras (chakra meaning wheel or circle in sanskrit), but hinduism is the one that primarily preaches the system of seven chakras, the version used in ATLA.
chakras connect the physical body to the ‘subtle’ body (referring more to the spirit and the psyche) by connecting parts of the body to aspects of the mind. the idea is that through different forms of steady meditation you can manipulate the different chakras and allow the pure flow of energy through the body.
the whole idea of chakras on ATLA is that aang has to unblock them all to let the cosmic energy flow through him so that he can go into the avatar state at will. so yeah, pretty much that whole idea was taken from hinduism.
3) terminologies
these are just a few terms that were taken from hinduism. i’m pretty sure there are more that i can’t think of right now but yeah.
“agni” kai 
i’ll be honest i don’t know where the ‘kai’ part is from, i don’t think it’s from hinduism but if it is well fuck me i guess.  ‘agni’ in hinduism is the god of fire, so the creators used it in ‘agni kai’, the name for a firebending duel.
this is in reference to the hindu word for ‘earth’, which is bhoomi. this is also in reference to our goddess of earth, bhoomi devi. also this doesn’t really bother me but i wonder if the creators knew that bhoomi is a name typically used for women (as are most hindi names ending in ‘i’/‘ee’).
in general, concepts like having multiple complex gods (the spirits) who are capable of good and evil and the reincarnation cycle are prominent in a lot of asian cultures, including (and arguably primarily) hinduism.
mocking hinduism
now we get into the mockery of hinduism in ATLA, because it is very much there.
1) whoever the fuck that baboon guy in the spirit world was
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now what the fuck was this.
i mean i wouldn’t say this is the most egregious example of them making fun of brown people but lord why did this even need to be there? this random guy from the spirit world has an indian accent ? and is fervently chanting ‘om’ for some reason, and it’s clearly meant to be seen as comical. also portraying brown people as monkeys....... really.
2) combustion man/sparky sparky boom man
when rewatching ATLA in 2019 i actually had no idea that this was a thing, because the last time i had watched it was as a kid and i didn’t finish it.
so lord was i in for a surprise when i saw...
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now... now what.
if you didn’t know, combustion man’s ‘third eye’ is designed to replicate the hindu god of destruction, lord shiva. right down to the vibhuti on his forehead (referring to the three line markings around the third eye).
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in hinduism, lord shiva’s third eye is used to reduce people to ashes, though as far as i can recall, not very frequently. the primary significance of the third eye is that it represents the ability of higher spiritual thought and higher consciousness.
the ATLA writers take the ACTUAL significance of the third eye, throw it out the window, and then take its destructive abilities to make a super duper cool and dangerous new firebending technique.
and if that wasn’t bad enough, the actual person who uses this technique, and is meant to emulate a GOD who is PRAISED, is a scary, burly, half metal man who is a villain and an assassin. not to mention the design of his facial hair replicates that super duper scary “terrorist” depiction of brown people, particularly of muslims, that white people are so thoroughly terrified of for no reason. 
this is a parody of a god, and they portrayed him as this terrifying, maniacal fucking assassin who, along with p’li, the combustion bender from LOK, is constantly referred to as a “third-eyed freak”. i’ve made this analogy before and i’ll do it again, this is like making jesus into a hitman.
now onto my favorite example...
3) guru pathik
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ah, this motherfucker.
i don’t really have any problems with him as a character, i mean hell, must’ve taken a fuck ton of patience to handle aang’s “why would choose cosmic energy over katara” bullshit.
but we all know it, we see it plain as day, don’t even try to deny it.
“guru” literally just means teacher or guide, so i don’t really know why pathik needed to be referred to as “guru” so distinctively from aang’s other teachers and guides, but that’s just extremely trivial compared to all the other issues with this character.
first of all what is this character design? what is he even wearing? if they’re trying to replicate the clothes of swamis and priests and stuff this is already wrong, realized people don’t dress like this. and why the fuck does he have an indian accent? and why was this indian accent done by a non indian (brian george)?
once again, the poor but extremely heavy indian accent is clearly meant to be mocking, if it wasn’t, they wouldn’t’ve gone out of their way to get a non indian person to DO an indian accent, and instead they would’ve just gotten an actual indian person to play the role. 
and oh yeah, the onion and banana juice. because hindus just eat weird shit right.
whether it’s actually weird or not, the show certainly portrays it as weird. and as far as i know no hindu actually fucking drinks onion and banana juice.
ironic because brown people can absolutely destroy white people in cooking. but i digress.
i know what you’re all waiting for. because the guru apparently didn’t have enough fun with guru pathik, so they just had to come back to him in book 3:
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where do i begin.
so this is obviously john o’bryan’s super funny and hilarious depiction of pathik as a hindu god.
usually when a god has multiple arms it’s to carry an array of things, from flowers to weapons to instruments, and one hand is typically free to bless devotees (ie. goddess durga and lord vishnu respectively):
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but of course white people see this as weird and so they make fun of it, hence guru pathik having multiple arms just flailing about aimlessly (save for the two that are being used to carry the aforementioned onion and banana juice).
then there’s the whole light behind pathik’s head which is usually depicted in drawings of hindu gods to show that they are celestial.
also what the fuck is he holding? is that supposed to be a veena? because this is what a veena looks like:
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and i assume the reason this was added was to mock the design of goddess saraswathi, who carries a veena:
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but that right there in the picture of pathik looks more like a tambura than a veena. 
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and it also just kinda looks like a banjo?
but i guess the animators just searched up “long indian instrument” and slapped it on there. actually no, that’s giving them too much credit, they probably didn’t search it up at all. 
and then the actual scene is pathik singing crazily about chakras tasting good or something while playing the non-veena and it’s all supposed to be some funky crazy hallucination that aang is having due to sleep deprivation. just some crazy dream, just as crazy as talking appa and momo sparring with swords or tree-ozai coming to life.
our gurus and swamis and sadhus and generally realized people are very respected in hinduism, they’re people we look up to and honor very much. and our GODS are beings that we literally worship. and the writers just take both and make caricatures out of them for other white people to laugh at.
4) other shit
before we move to the next portion i just wanna mention there are also smaller backhanded jabs that i can’t really remember now, but one example was when zuko was all “we’ll be sure to remember that, guru goody goody”. or when a character would meditate and say “om” only when the meditation is supposed to be portrayed as comical or pointless. or in bitter work when sokka was rambling on about karma. small things like that. but moving on.
south asian representation, or lack thereof
now i finally get to the “losing” hinduism part. by this i mean the lack of actual representation there is of south asians (the region where hinduism is primarily practiced) despite the fact that hinduism plays such a big role in the show’s world design.
i think it’s safe to say that broadly the main cast consists of aang, katara, sokka, zuko, toph, azula, iroh, mai, ty lee, and suki. 
a grand total of none of these characters are south asian. the writers don’t even attempt to add any south asian main characters. 
there are characters with dark skin, like haru and jet, but a) they’re not confirmed to be south asian and don’t have any south asian features or south asian names, b) they’re side characters, so they don’t count as representation, and c) even if they were south asian and main characters, jet wouldn’t even count because he’s portrayed as a terrorist.
the ONLY truly south asian character we get is fucking guru pathik. so yeah. not representation.
i don’t get how the creators of this show rip off of hinduism (among many other south asian cultures they rip off of), mock indians, and then don’t even have the decency to HAVE a main character who is south asian.
i’ve never gotten a chance to compile all this, and this definitely isn’t all the creators have done, but i hope this was somewhat informative.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
SuperM Fluff & NSFW Notes
↳ 🌹aka some of their romantic antics plus random 18+ imagines 👋
warnings ⚠️ rated (super) m, boyfriends hc, porn mentions, partial fem!reader, sex toys
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since baekhyun knows how to make scented candles, he creates one for you as a birthday present with your favorite fragrances.
every entry in mark’s diary involves fond thoughts about you.
taemin kisses you more than his cat kkoongie on a daily basis so let that sink in. his smooch obsession is getting out of hand.
lucas, having giant fingers after all, learns how to knit in order to make you a warm scarf. he’s still a bit clumsy with it and had to call kun for advice, but the result is surprisingly proper and quickly becomes your favorite item. it’s a little huge but well, he thinks in his dimensions. lucas’ next project is a beanie.
ten overwhelms you with pet names. in fact, he seemingly seems to come up with a new one each day.
kai is a candlelight dinner, rose petals and music kinda guy. he does every old-school thing in the book.
taeyong can cuddle endlessly in bed. he just doesn’t wanna leave.
lucas gladly shares his sweaters. they’re ginormous so, perfect cuddle material.
baekhyun is already a fool. so — when he falls in love, he becomes an even bigger fool. or, the contrary happens: he becomes dead silent around his partner because he’s so enthralled. he can take this more seriously than you think.
mark likes to write little cards and many many texts to express his love.
lucas is the type who can help you put on your jeans when they were shrinking a bit too much in the dryer. he’s pretty sexy like that and things can get really touchy.
cheesy fucking kai, and there’s only one guy who would do this, has actually lowered himself over a puddle once so you would have a bridge. brushed it off like a daily workout rep.
not one shower missed without baekhyun joining you. yes, it’s not always sexy time, he likes it when you shampoo his hair and whisper sweet nothings. and obviously: it’ll all devolve to a laughing fit.
taeyong is the type who wants to be proposed to.
taemin will get a motorcycle license and take you for a frequent ride. he loves getting those kind of back hugs.
both ten and lucas are great at making bracelets. wayv’s dorm is fully equipped with charms, strings, and pearls, so expect matching ones for you.
we’ve seen it, that one’s his favorite move. kai wraps his hand around your shoulder when you walk together.
mark will ALWAYS share his melon.
making you swoon on a DVD evening is lucas’ favorite hobby. he will buy you the most sugary-sweet romance movies. he will often browse streaming sites to select the latest sentimental plots. all these dramas seem to have a male lead who is suspiciously tall and lanky.
if you allow him, taeyong customizes your white tees with his cute drawings.
since taemin swims in money thanks to his profession as the god of kpop (yes, this is a registered job name because i say so), he can fulfill you any wish. he’s stingy and pouty when the shinee hyungs can pay, and the motherfucker baekhyun is even richer since his albums have been taking off so he opens his mochi wallet when superm is gathered, but you... are a different case. taemin will humbly empty his entire pockets when he overhears you gushing over something. there’s a voice in his mind going: must splurge!!
mark loves christmas, you establish an annual tradition to stage a whole couple evening.
baekhyun likes to play charades and especially do karaoke with you. he’s always cutely wiggling his butt and dances like a drunk uncle. he hits the high notes anyway and makes sure you score 100 points.
taeyong can make out with you while at the same time making sure that the milk doesn’t get burned on the stove. kiss’n’stirr multitask tyong alert. gotta make sure the cocoa is served in time, you know.
all the members enjoy playing board games. yep, imagine the fun and sheer chaos.
lucas has the funniest laugh ever indeed. he’ll react to all your jokes, no matter how lame they might be. intensely reassuring.
taemin’s hand is basically glued to yours.
taeyong and mark are the kinds of boyfriends that spoil their partner with skincare. fancy a nice face massage with a nice fragrant oil?
baekhyun has been baking heart-shaped pizzas ever since you started dating. he just can’t make them round anymore.
mark will join you on anything you’re currently bingewatching. 
kai sometimes — only half-jokingly — goes down on both knees bowing forward with his hands on the ground just to show how much he wants to thank you. in case you didn’t notice: this guy treats you like a deity.
ten usually gets confused glances from the other members whenever he gets the current date wrong: he simply loses track of time with you.
lucas makes a habit of buying you flowers every other week. but on unpredictable occasions, and he arranges them in places you’d never expect.
taemin will build you a weird-looking snowman to make you laugh, and give it an even stranger name. ten will build one that looks like you. kai doesn’t build snowmen, he just stands there challenging you to throw snow balls at him.
mark will hang out with you at the beach constantly bringing his guitar. he’ll serenade you all the time.
returning from three months of touring, baekhyun has once climbed your balcony when your parents were in the other room. yep, he was that desperate to see you. somebody give this man a rope and helmet.
taeyong writes down heartfelt confessions on 365 folded slips of paper so you can open one every day. your reactions will range from ‘awwh!’ to straight-up tears.
ten does regular couple yoga with you. a mildly challenging form, not the circus acrobat version. he’ll do the difficult parts anyway. you can pretzel this guy up, he’ll do anything to make you laugh.
when it rains you hook your arm around his, and lucas always holds the umbrella. even the wildest gush of wind can’t make it turn inside out. you arrive home entirely dry. xuxi is so cute, he’s also a great source of cooling shadow in the summer without even trying.
taemin’s skinship overdrive doesn’t stop with endless hand-holding, back hugs and kisses. he wants to lay down in your lap whenever he can. he looks damn pretty with his hair splaying there. if you work on your laptop, you can pretty much count to ten and he’s already nestled there.
kai does pushups with you on his back. it’s a staple. each time he does one, he says ‘i love you’. he increases his count every day.
it’s no secret that taeyong is great at acting or pulling off any outfit and costume. expect roleplay of the finest kind — literally. he looks good in a firefighter uniform. you’ll be burning up pretty much automatically.
taemin can’t keep his tongue in. it’s terrible. he’s always in the mood for head. his sloppy noises are the absolute worst, it turns you on way too fast.
lucas had some major problems finding condoms that fit him.
ten and taemin are so switchy, they have an unresolved power struggle going on. begs for a dominant third party to help them out.
kai owns expensive latex gear.
baekhyun may be the king of vocals and breath technique, but if you push him far enough he does get hoarse.
taemin often jokes how kai will one day break his dick from fucking too hard.
meanwhile, mark’s dick is already falling off – from fucking too often. this guy has some major hormones going for him. no surprise, a guy who can promote in four kpop groups at the same time is a stamina king.
taeyong likes eating pussy with another party involved. three’s a crowd my friend. sometimes it’s taemin who unleashes his spit waterfall power, sometimes it’s baekhyun who preoccupies himself with nibbling at the inner thigh while taeyong digs in.
taemin owns the most underwear.
mark takes valerian drops because he is so nervous in bed. it never really goes away, it’s his nature.
taeyong keeps a lube collection. a different flavor for all occasions. he likes associating certain scents with specific body parts.
kai has a heels kink. he literally goes wild over it.
taemin likes to have sex with favorite glasses on.
taeyong and kai are the most likely to cry during sex. baekhyun as well if you rough him up enough. 
mark gets rock hard the fastest, followed by kai. he’s a grower.
taeyong gets the best inspiration for a song when he gets a casual dick riding.
taemin watches extremely x-rated erotic thrillers and bdsm flicks that are heavy on the plot. he gets more invested in the characters and actors than you think. since his japanese is amazing? of course he also owns a giant 90s hentai collection. 
when he’s jerking off, baekhyun chokes himself. a) because he’d make too much noise otherwise and b) because asphyxiation is his favorite thing.
kai feels pleasure in his every cell. he cums the hardest. and, as you can expect, his body expresses it the most extremely, accurately, passionately. if you’ve seen it even once, you’ll never look at him the same again.
taemin has less experience than his discography claims, but more than you’d think. he researches sexual techniques as well. you can brace yourself.
mark has not just a tiger inside, but a freak inside, waiting to be unleashed.
sex while gaming is a go-to activity for baekhyun.
lucas has the best stamina when it comes to getting head.
taemin throws his head back during sex. and no, he doesn’t T-pose. i’m kidding — of course he does. but only when he’s on his back.
taeyong tends to grip a pillow when he cums.
or he humps one when he’s by himself.
ten has the best taste in sexy time playlists.
baekhyun has the best taste in singing his own playlist along.
oh, the things kai has bought at a gas station at 3AM.
baekhyun sucks strap the best. he can open his mouth the widest, drools a lot, and makes the best noises unsurprisingly.
how to turn on lee taemin? he likes getting slapped.
since he’s the most avid and most diverse eater, lucas’ sperm tastes the best. he’s shove 50 fruits into his system just to give you a sweet experience.
mark is absolutely a starfish. 
kai wears fishnet tops if you fancy it.
curiously, baekhyun out of all people doesn’t announce when he’s cumming. you’ll hear it, though.
taeyong’s dildo collection is one for the books.
taemin has visited a pro dominatrix a couple times. needless to say, he was the #1 favorite client at the dungeon. having fully submerged into a fantasy world, taemin was one whip crack away from falling in love with the mistress. but then covid happened and the venue closed.
mark’s dick looks really pretty.
taemin can grind on the strap at every humanly possible angle. he’s almost always ready to take it. he carries a prep kit.
kai — that fucker — knows how to make you wet the most with his bare hands. prepare for the thigh ride of your life, too.
taeyong, baekhyun, and taemin have the best arches. kai is coming for the top three as well. ten’s arch is so good, it can’t be considered one anymore.
baekhyun knows every adult movie out there. theoretically, nothing can shock him. in reality, he melts in your hands.
taeyong is so sexually active with you, he has quit eating garlic.
kai will exploit your muscle kink in any way he can.
taemin, being a devil, has that one button on his phone that he can press when you go out for dinner. he’s OBSESSED with getting you off. once you head home, it’s basically running down your thighs.
ten has once opened a condom with scissors to scare away a date that grew weird on him by the time it got to the do.
lucas is too tall for doing missionary normally.
this will surprise nobody: mark is great at constantly keeping up the dirty talk.
baekhyun’s car is sort of like a brothel on wheels. he can’t count how many times he got down and dirty in there. he cleans it all up by himself.
kai can technically grip you the hardest but he’s the gentlest and great at caressing the whole body.
taemin has the easiest time saying what precisely he wants. he is also the best people reader — most your wishes he can pretty intuit. taemin observes your interests well.
ten likes his hair pulled and makes angelic noises when you do so.
baekhyun likes camgirls and erotic chats with strangers online. he spends a lot of money for nsfw internet encounters.
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jackrrabbit · 3 years
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cooking at 3am /// Osamu x f!Reader
Request: Imagine cooking together with Osamu at 3am because neither of you could sleep (or because ‘Samu got the midnight munchies lol). You don’t have anything specific in mind; you’re just playing around and feeding each other little bits of what you make.
A/N: bruh you said munchies and my mind said [[ h i g h o s a m u ]] sorry this went in a kinda different direction? but still fun 3am cooking project vibes :P
Tag/warnings: fluff, light drug use (weed), you and Atsumu are lowkey Bros™️, Osamu's kinda baby 🤧
Osamu’s not good at smoking.
He doesn’t really know how to inhale—you know, hold it in his lungs so it can soak in or whatever—and when he does, he coughs. Except he tries to repress the coughs. Even if he wants to hide it, he’s always close enough to you that you can feel his chest moving from trying not to cough when he takes a hit.
And also, like every baby smoker, he can’t really tell when it’s kicking in until he’s off the deep end.
“Can you feel it yet?”
You shoot Osamu a glance where he’s sitting on the ground in front of the couch, watching a nature documentary on Atsumu’s TV with a glazed-over look on his face. “You sure? Your eyes are super red.”
“I can’t feel it. Give it—“ He holds out his hand and honestly you’re pretty sure he’s had plenty, but it’s Atsumu’s vape so who cares. You hand it over and Osamu holds it up to his mouth and sucks, eyes fluttering closed as the light on the side of the Pax glows yellow.
God, he looks hot when he does that. Something about a hot guy smoking, yeah? Actually, no. Something about your hot boyfriend smoking.
Except 'Samu holds his breath a second too long and you can see the urge to cough hit him… Wait for it, you think to yourself, and a second later he hacks and wheezes the vapor out in a wispy cloud that reflects silver against the semi-dark. You coo in sympathy and pat his back. “Want some water?”
Osamu shakes his head, hand over his mouth to stop the coughing. On the tv, David Attenborough talks about penguin courtship rituals and Atsumu (who’s been draped on the couch next to you for the past few hours) gives a light little sigh in his sleep. You check the time. 3am. Bedtime. Too bad you and 'Samu are both too high to drive home…whoops. Guess you’re spending the night at Atsumu’s place.
Osamu rubs his bloodshot eyes like they’re itchy, which they probably are. “Hey, can we— uhh… Do we have pancakes.”
“Pancakes, babe? You mean the ones you made for breakfast?”
“Yeah, there’s leftovers…I made you extra and you didn’t want them.” He twists around and gives you an incredibly dirty look, like this is something you did on purpose to hurt his feelings. “If you don’t want them I’m going to eat them.”
“Wait, 'Samu—“ But Osamu's already getting up off the floor to wander over to the next room. You debate pausing the show—it’s a really good scene—but you leave it going for Atsumu's sake because you’re pretty sure the narration is the only thing keeping him asleep. He’s kinda drooling on your shoulder and you have to push him off to go follow your boyfriend to the kitchen.
“What is all this stuff? Ugh…” Osamu's pawing through the fridge. There’s a lot of crinkling, plastic sounds—you catch a glimpse inside and all of the shelves are stacked up with plastic bags and styrofoam containers.
You yawn and hop up to sit on the kitchen island. “Takeout? I don’t think he cooks.” Atsumu's going to get a lecture tomorrow for keeping 2-week-old Indian food in his fridge. God knows you heard it way too many times before you and Osamu moved in together. You don’t envy 'Tsumu.
Osamu sits down in front of the fridge, fumbles with a drawer, and pulls out a bag of moldy grapes. “Gross…who lives like this…”
You snicker into your hand.
“I can’t find the pancakes.” 'Samu's pulling the plastic drawers all the way out now, setting them down on the floor as he inspects the contents of the fridge.
“They’re not here.”
“You ate them?”
“No, I— Hey, put those back in,” you tell him helplessly as he shuts the door of the fridge, ignoring all the leftover food he took out. Yeah, half of it was probably off anyway, but Atsumu's gonna be pissed if he wakes up and there’s takeout going bad all over his kitchen floor.
“You threw away my pancakes?” Now the look on Osamu's face is utter betrayal. He stands up off the floor and glares sulkily at you. “I made those for you…”
“I didn’t throw them away, they’re—“ You hold back a laugh and wish you had your phone on you (where did it go?) so you could take a picture. He’s so cute when he smokes. “—they’re at home.”
“At home?”
“Yep, at home. The place where you and me live, remember?”
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, reaches out absently to grab the edge of your sleeve. You’re wearing one of his hoodies. “We’re not at home?”
“Nope. We’re at Atsumu's place,” you tell him through a giggle.
He plays with your sleeve, contemplating. “Why?”
“Because we’re out of weed and he said he’d smoke us out. And we like hanging out with him.”
“Oh. We do?”
“…’Kay.” It takes Osamu a second to accept this, but then he nods seriously. “(Y/N), I'm hungry.”
“I know. What do you want to eat? You could probably have any of that stuff, I don’t think he’ll miss it.”
'Samu thinks about it for a moment, scanning the array of takeout containers spread out across the kitchen floor. “I want pancakes.”
“The pancakes are at home, remember?”
“Yeah…” Osamu flips over his grip on your sleeve and traces his thumb down the lines in your palm. “I could make some?”
More pancakes? “I don’t think 'Tsumu has eggs, babe. Or flour. Or…baking soda?” You’re not really sure what ingredients go into pancakes. Whatever cooking skills you possessed pre-Osamu have deteriorated significantly since you moved in together and he took over any and all food preparation for your household.
He pouts at this, and his hair is a little messed up, and he’s so pretty that you can’t stand how much you like him in that second. Mine mine mine, something in the back of your brain says. He’s mine.
You reach up and Osamu obediently ducks his head down so you can smooth his hair back into place and fix the bits that are flipping over his part. “Is there anything else you want to eat?”
“Oh…” Well, at least Atsumu probably has rice. “Sure. Ok. That’s your specialty.”
“I want ya to make it for me.”
“What?” You frown and pull your hand out of his. “You know my cooking sucks.”
“No it doesn’t. (Y/N)’s food’s the best.”
“You own an onigiri shop, come on—“
One of his bangs falls back in his eyes and without thinking you reach up to put it in place. “Okay, fine. But you can’t complain about it if it’s not good.”
He smiles and you want to blush. “Yes! I promise.”
So you do it for him. Even though you’re high too. You measure some rice and water into the rice cooker (Osamu has to give you pointers on how much of each to put in) and you scrounge around Atsumu's depressingly bare kitchen for a few sheets of seaweed and some easy fillings. Osamu pulls a stool up to the island counter and rests his chin on his hands so he can watch you with a bleary look of adoration on his face.
It takes you…maybe half an hour to be done? It’s hard to gauge time when you’re high. You and 'Samu both jump when the rice cooker finishes and plays the little rice cooker song, which will remain stuck in your head for the foreseeable future. 'Samu hums it in a loop while you shape the rice into lopsided triangles and wrap the nori around it.
“Here,” you tell him when you set the plate down in front of him. He looks entirely too happy to be eating your mediocre food for someone who literally does this for a living, but who cares.
He picks one, takes a bite, swallows. And blinks.
“What do you think?” you ask in spite of yourself.
“Umm…salty,” Osamu says.
You grab one to try yourself and it’s salty. Like, ocean salty. Yuck. “I told you it would be bad,” you complain, trying to tug the plate away but Osamu grabs it and pulls it back.
“Noooo…it’s good,” he lies, although his face is giving him away. Still, he takes another bite and chews enthusiastically.
“Shut up.” You tug a little harder but Osamu doesn’t let go.
He swallows, pulls a face, and takes another one. “So good. I love it.”
“Shut up. You sound so fake. You’re going to get sick if you eat that.” You keep pulling, but he insists on pretending it’s edible so you admit defeat and help him finish the onigiri off. God, they’re awful. But he keeps eating and so you do too.
When you’re done, your mouth feels dry as fuck and you want to sleep almost as much as you want to drink about a gallon of water. “Is it bedtime yet?” 'Samu asks, wiping his mouth and then rubbing his eyes again.
The clock over the oven says it’s past 4. “Yes. It’s bedtime.”
“Wait—we’re…we’re not at home, right? We’re at 'Tsumu's?”
“I prolly drove here…I dunno if I can drive now,” Osamu tells you slowly, like he’s apologizing. “I think I'm kinda high.”
“Oh yeah?” You hold your laugh back and put your hands up on his cheeks. “How do you feel?”
“Dizzy. Blurry? Like…you’re in slow-motion.” His hands come up to layer over yours. “You’re pretty in slow-mo.”
“Prettier than usual?”
Osamu closes his eyes, scrunching them up to think and then looking over your face intently. “Same amount, just slower. So it’s easier to see.”
“That so?” You slip your hands around to drape over his shoulders and get up on your tiptoes to give him a little kiss on the cheek, because he’s earned it. “You know what, I think I'm kinda high too. I think we’re going to have to have a sleepover.”
“On the couch? S’not big enough for us both.”
“You can sleep with 'Tsumu in his bed…or I guess you could sleep on the ground?”
'Samu's mouth twists and his brows draw together. You can practically hear the gears in his mind turning while he considers alternatives. “Can we share the bed?”
“I think Atsumu's gonna want it. It’s his house.”
“But he’s already sleeping.”
True, you can hear Atsumu snoring lightly from the living room underneath David Attenborough’s description of endangered falcons in the Philippine rainforest. You should really wake him up—matter of fact, you should really clean up the kitchen because it’s a huge mess—but 'Samu's already pulling you away. And you’re so sleepy.
“He’s going to be pissed tomorrow,” you tell Osamu through a yawn, but you let him steer you in the direction of Atsumu's bedroom, holding your hand.
“Don’t care…I hate sleeping without you.”
“Yeah,” you say, and you squeeze his hand and he looks back at you like you’re the literal best thing in the entire universe—and you decide you should get him high more often. “Same.”
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