#I hope they are ok in hades 2...
mintroclus · 22 days
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Two shades in one glade
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achinga · 2 years
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codenamethebird · 11 hours
Ok here's a little (not really) analysis/theory post about Hades 2, because I'm obsessed. Its consumed all my thoughts. And I need to talk about a theme I think will (hopefully) be addressed as the game progresses.
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Here's some examples of dialogue that starts to touch on this conflict between mortals and the gods. What exactly do mortals deserve? We also have literal Icarus "flew too close to the sun" here too (and probably Pandora). Chronos was able to sway many to his side with a promise of a golden age without the gods, which is presented by the narrative as a foolish venture. And not saying it isn't, or that Chronos is the secret good guy here, but I believe Chronos is taking advantage of a very real hurt that exists for mortals.
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This line from Nemesis really stood out to me, because it implies that while mortals have a concept of evil, the gods don't. Which sounds ridiculous but the more you think about it makes total sense. The gods in Hades (and just greek myth in general), are kind of the worst. They are petty and selfish, they literally attack you if their boon isn't picked first, and most vitally in this context, often utterly disregard mortals.
For example, one of the things that drove me a little crazy in Hades 1, was how chill everyone was with Demeter's never ending winter. Demeter was killing possibly millions upon millions of mortals and everyone else just sort of let it happen. Maybe complained a bit because it was annoying to them, but just stood by. And that's just one example. Mortal's have a very valid reason to hate the gods.
And considering we have more areas of the surface to explore that aren't out yet, I have a feeling Melinoë is going to be meeting some of these discontent mortals. And my hope is they are going to be nuanced characters, that will challenge Melinoë not just in a fight, but her very ideals.
Because Melinoë is very deferential to the gods, waaaaaay more that Zag ever was. Unlike Zag, who was more like a bro to them and was willing to suck up to them for personal gain, Melinoë seems to genuinely mean all the respect she gives them. She praises them, defends them when they are insulted, and just generally very polite to them.
In a smaller scale, she describes Hypnos as having a wisdom about him and can somehow sense her intensions while asleep. Which as Nem implies, the version in Melinoë's head doesn't exactly line up with reality (though sidebar, I am a believer in Chekov's Hypnos and that he's going to somehow save the day and put Chronos in a never ending sleep or something, but that's beside the point haha).
Melinoë's reverence to the gods makes total sense of course. She was denied her family and a happy childhood, and because of that has glorified them all in her head. The Olympians are sending her vital aid on her holy mission for vengeance and to save her family, even as their own home is being attacked, how honorable of them!
And I think part of Melinoë's arc is that perfect picture of them breaking into pieces. Yes, they are the better of the two options between them and Chronos, but that doesn't mean they aren't also kind of the worst. That mortals deserve better than frivolous gods that can decide on a whim their fates for better or worse (love u Moros but I'm still fucked up over you and your sisters giving mortals horrible doom endings when you were bored. At least he feels bad now but still. Perfect example of gods even when not intending to having horrific consequences for mortals). And maybe like how Zag healed relations with his family, Melinoë can start repairing relations between the Gods and Mortals.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 13 days
Hi! I'm more of a lurker on your channel(s) so forgive me if you've answered this already, but your Hades playthrough is my absolute favorite of all the ones I've watched and I was wondering if you were going to play Hades 2 in early access?
If you're too busy or waiting til the full release that's ok too! I was playing it and as soon as I saw the new characters my immediate thought was just "oh I want to share this with Skyen" so thought I'd ask. Hope you're doing well!
I'm waiting for the full release, yeah, I have way too much on my plate to start an obsession like that.
I did talk about the character designs that were revealed in the Technical Test though:
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lisaas2418 · 9 months
The overblot boys showing their unique magic to the great seven.
Alright so I can imagine that the overblot boys were explaining their unique magic and the great seven were interested and wanted to see a demonstaration.
Riddle 🌹
So for this to work and 'cuz it's my headcanon, Riddle can only do his spell on those who have magic, since on people without magic like Yuu it wouldn't work 'cuz there is no magic that can be sealed.
So a person with magic steps forward to be spelled on (whoever that is you can decide on your own) and Riddle says and points his magic pen at them "Off with his head".
And at that second the person has a collar aroumd their neck and they can't cast their magic anymore. After the demonstration Riddle let the collar disappear.
The Queen of Hearts was ofcourse very proud of Riddle for having such a useful spell
Queen of Hearts: I know I don't have magic but if I were to have would wanted to have a spell that can actually behead people? 😁
Riddle: With all due respect your majesty......no.
Leona 🦁
Leona just grabbed a nearby plate said "King's Roar" the plate turned into sand and called it a day.
Scar likes that it's called King's Roar but he hides his happyness very well.
Although Ruggie stepped a few steps away as Leona grabbed the plate due to what happened to him in Book 2
Shenzai: Hey what happened there tell us!
Benzai: Yeah yeah come on it can't be that bad
Ed: .......
Ruggie: Leona grabbed my arm used his spell on it and almost turned my arm into sand 🙂
The hyeanas:...........
Benzai: Are you ok?
Ruggie: Well still a little grumpy at him for doing it but yeah I am fine 😁.
(He is not fine, boy is traumatized)
Azul 🐙
Sucks to be him 'cuz no one wanted to make a contract with him, especially not Ariel.
Ursula was sad that she couldn't see it herself buut is still happy that here deal and his spell are kinda the same
Azul: Come on it isn't bad at all 😁
Yuu: Yes it is 😒
Azul: What did you said?
Yuu: You heard me you shady octopus.
Azul: Hey!
Jamil 🐍
Yeah no one exactly wanted to be hypnotized, especially those who have been before......that was until Kalim voluntered so he could give Jami a chance to impress the Sorcerer of sands. Jamil was a little perplexed but he agreed nontheless.
And with the words "Snake Whisper", Kalim was under the spell....again.
Yeah it did impressed Jafar and also a tiny little jealous since he has to use his staff to hypnotize someone and Jamil just can do it with his eyes, but is still impressed.
Yuu: Alright you did now free him.
Jamil: You know he didn't had to. I mean I wouldn't mind using it on you agai since-
Yuu: Try it ever again and I will punsh you much worse then I did then and even more 🙂
(And no Yuu doesn't hate him but they really hate that stunt he pulled)
Vil 💄
Well since he didn't exactly wanted anyone to actually hurt, he just touched an apple, decided that the curse shall be slowely rottening in 10 seconds, said "Fairest One Of All" amd it happned as he wanted it to happen.
The evil queen found that as a valuableand usefull spell, especially in terms for against people.
Ace: I still a little stiff due to that stupid spell
Vil: If you wouldn't have eaten the food in the fridge over nightime it wouldn't have happened.
Ace: We were hungry for crying out loud!
Vil: You ate dinner and decided to have an useless "midnight snack".
Ace: That dinner wasn't enough!
Yuu: Can we move on already?
Idia 🎮
For obvious reasons he can't do the spell at all
But Hades found that cool that he can literally open the gate like that without needing extherna things
Yuu: I really hope you will never use that spell again.
Idia: I am not an idiot.
Yuu: Yet you-
Idia: I was under the blots influence!
Yuu: So were the others!
Malleus 🐉
Yeah he ain't gonna put people into sleep again he learned his lesson.
Well Malefizent did knew about his spell since she is his great-great-grandmother.
Yuu: Tsunotaro.
Malleus: Yeah?
Yuu: I forgave you alright. It's just.....I don't like to remember it.
Malleus: I...can understand that
A little angst on the last part but screw it
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genericpuff · 10 months
Wait, what's this about the retconning of Minthe's BPD?
There's a lot you can find on it online as it is (I've talked about it plenty in previous posts as well) so I'm gonna try and keep the explanation brief if that's ok!
Basically it was confirmed ages back that Minthe was initially written with BPD, but that was later retconned and removed. While there's no definitive reason as to why she retconned it, I think it's fairly obvious it's because it wasn't a good look for her to write the character with a very stigmatized and severely misunderstood mental illness who would be 1.) an abuser and 2.) inevitably turned into a plant.
But there's still proof of Minthe having BPD evident in S1 of LO, particularly with Episode 76 which was literally called Splitting.
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"Splitting" is a very BPD-specific term, in which an individual with BPD experiences severe mood swings, impulsivity, and difficulty in viewing things outside of a black and white perspective. We actually see Minthe experience splitting, hence the episode title, it's all very intentional.
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Minthe is viewing this entire problem as her vs. Hades. And it's not entirely owed to her being self-centered, she shows through her inner monologue that she's very self-aware of the fact that she's being harsh, that much of what happened was due to her own actions, and even blames herself for acting the way that she is but not knowing why. This is very much what splitting can feel like for individuals with BPD (especially undiagnosed BPD!) experiencing splitting - an inability to connect inner rationalizations to outward actions and vice versa, even if you're aware of it and trying to draw that connection.
When this was retconned, it was done specifically by Rachel's mods within her Discord. No other clarification through her socials or through the comic itself was done.
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It already wasn't a great look to write a character who was doomed to be villainized with a highly stigmatized mental disorder. It comes across that Rachel only gave her BPD in the first place because she herself had fallen for those misconceptions and went "well if we give her BPD that'll be the reason why she's so mean and nasty all the time, it's the perfect way to make her the obvious bad guy!" But it makes it an even worse look when Rachel bent under the pressure of people discussing how problematic it was (and hoping Minthe would get some kind of redemption which Rachel never planned to give her) and reversed the decision. It really only really made it worse because 1.) you can't retcon out what you clearly intended in the beginning when it's so visibly there (such as through Ep 76) and 2.) it just goes to show that she was never planning on giving Minthe any sort of redemption arc or chance to learn from her actions/heal from her mistakes, she just wanted to use a mental illness she didn't bother to understand or empathize with to make an abuser.
It really just further stigmatizes BPD as a whole because now we only see the absolute nastiest parts often affiliated with BPD (with what remains in the comic pre-retcon) with no closure or resolution or hope for people who either have BPD or want to understand it more.
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cathers-world · 8 months
2 Cream 1 Sugar
I hate one shots<3 but here you go
(Female reader)
👆how it looks and sounds
Warnings: none<3 just fluff (Ik omg fluff on this acc😱)
Will came back from yet again another tour, need to get some work done and wanted a coffee so he decided to go to his favorite dark academy coffee shop✨
He walked in and the same smell, looks and calm jazz music was playing. He remembered going there to relax before he went on tour, before he had time for anything, before when he had time for love…
Will walked up to the counter to order the same thing he always gets, a med hot coffee 2 cream 1 sugar, simple, basic he knows that.
“Hi how can I help you!” A cute wittle cubby wittle girl asked “oh- I um” he studded “are you ok :)” the girl asked “yeah sorry I’ll have a um- hot med coffee with 2 cream 1 sugar” he request, embarrassed.
*gasp* “ that’s how I take my coffee!” With a little giggle “£3”
Omg omg why are you so cute like omg “here you go” he says handing you cash
“Oh um one more thing” will says building up ever last drop of courage he has (which isn’t a lot) “ I think your really pretty” he says nervously “oh… thank you!!!!” You exclaim blushing “I’ll get your coffee out”
Waiting for his coffee hoping you didn’t think he was a creep, should he ask for your number, no th- “here you are!” The cute girl says hading him the coffee “thank you” he walks to a table and looks at the cup and sees that you wrote your number and “I think your handsome:)”
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ffsanaaaa · 4 months
Ok, now that the first pjo season is finally over (😭) I want to share my pitch for the future adaptations from the Riordanverse, because since daydreaming is for free I will now pretend I work with Rick and Disney and tell you what I'd do if I were their Kevin Feige.
First of all, do we all agree that if Heroes of Olympus really gets adapted it should be a separate show, and not PJO 6th season, right?? I hope so because they're completely different stories. So, if we will already get 2 connected shows, why can't we get more?
And maybe it's because I'm a big marvel fan but I really believe in the power of crossovers. There's something magical about seeing characters originally from two different worlds/stories interacting with each other, and I'm not only referring to the MCU. I mean, remember the episode where Hannah Montana and the Wizards of Waverly Place all went aboard on Zack and Cody's cruise ship?? Or when all the Disney Princesses appeared together on Ralph Breaks the Internet???
So imagine having 2 original spin-offs released in the years between each season from PJO. That way we would get the chance to meet not only Camp Jupiter but also some of the characters who are originally from there before HOO.
My idea of a title for the first show is "The Children of Rome", and the story would be set right after the events from Sea of Monsters/PJO Season 2, where we would follow Reyna as one of the main characters and all the journey she went through after her encounter with Percy and Annabeth on Circe's Island.
From being kidnapped by pirates to being trained by the wolf Lupa (which I think it would be really nice to actually see, since we only got a brief explanation of how it works in the books) until she finally arrives at Camp Jupiter and is first welcomed by Jason. Here I think there's even a great opportunity for a parallel between him and Thalia, since season 2 will have ended with Thalia resurrection and her iconic line (that could be adapted so to fit her last name) "I am Thalia Grace daughter of Zeus", so Jason's first introduction could be with him saying "I am Jason Grace son of Jupiter" (I already have chills only from imagining the scenes).
This could be a 3 or 4 seasons show, where we would see Reyna and Jason ascending to Praetor and their battle with the titan Krios, and in the last season (after PJO’s last season) we would see Nico's, Hazel's and Frank's arrival, wrapping the series with Jason disappearing.
Now for my second spin-off idea, it would be set after Titan's Curse/Season 3 and we would follow The Hunters of Artemis, which is already a great title by itself, and I would be satisfied with only one season but I would definitely not mind if we got more!
It would be a simpler show, with basically badass (ace) girls adventures, to see what they've been up to during the events of book/season 4, while we also get to know more of Thalia, her past trauma and how she misses her brother since she doesn't know he's alive. The Demigod Files story, The Sword of Hades, where Percy, Nico and Thalia go to the underworld and meet Bob could even happen in this show through her pov, that way we would understand better why she got so shaken with their encounter with the goddess of ghosts and regrets.
All of that would be a nice contrast with Jason's journey, since he was too young when he got to the Camp and doesn't remember much from his past with the exception that he was abandoned, so he doesn't even imagine that there's someone who cares and misses him. All of this would culminate in HOO first season when they finally get reunited.
No, it’s not a coincidence that I’m focusing a lot on Jason, but ironically the reason for that is not because he’s my favorite character, actually between the seven demigods from the prophecy he’s one of my least favorite, and I hardly ever find people in the fandom who has him as their favorite, which I think is pretty sad (specially now that I finally finished reading The Trials of Apollo, because I honestly I want to scream everytime I think about how much he is underrated and poorly explored as a character).
What I believe to be the reason for all of this is that, even though they’re nothing alike, Jason is often compared to Percy due to both being the son of one of the most powerful gods in Olympus and pretty much the leaders of their respective Camps. But that’s still not a fair comparison, because it’s like “who do you prefer, the boy we’ve known for 5 books already in which we got to first know this amazing world through his eyes, thoughts and feelings… or this dude we just met and that people say to be as good as him?”
Not only that, but between all the new characters we get to know in HOO (if I remember correctly) Jason is the one with less flashbacks scenes, and I get that this happened because he lost his memory, but this makes that most of the information we have about Jason's past is told to us, and not showed.
So, deep down, we know why Jason's personality is so different from Percy's. We know he'd struggled since he was a little kid due to the pressure of being raised to be a leader in such a cold and harsh environment. We know that even though he was immensely admired in Camp Jupiter he was still deeply lonely and insecure, mainly because of the lack of a parental figure to give him unconditional love making him believe that he only had value if he was of use.
We know he is incredibly powerful and led the Camp through tones of victories. But we haven't seen any of this half as much as we've seen him getting hit on the head, so in the end that's how he's most remembered: a nice and serious guy that got hit a lot on the head.
A spin of series would give the fans a chance of really seeing all that and understanding Jason (and other characters like Reyna and Thalia) better. And, again, it might be simply because I'm a huge MCU fan, but I truly believe that if we got to meet the roman characters and camp before HOO the feeling of seeing those worlds collapsing together and interacting would be so powerful!!
In the books what happen is that we see characters that we don't know yet (therefore don't like yet) arriving at a place and meeting characters that we already love, and then in the second book is the opposite, we see a character that we already love arriving at a place and meeting characters that we don't know yet (again, therefore don't like yet). But if we got to meet everyone separately all we would feel right away is excitement!
I’m not in any way trying to demerit the books!! It’s just that now with the series we have the chance of doing something new, of really adapting this story to a new media format in the best way possible! And, since the spin-offs would be original stories, the writers and Rick not only would have the opportunity to create more freely but also to surprise the fans who had read the books already.
I’ve been sitting on this Idea since the Disney+ show was announced and I know the odds of it happening are pretty low, but I decided to share this idea with othe people who also loves these books so we can freak out together.
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tyran-the-tyranical · 5 months
Raphael’s character and a lot of references to Ancient Greek mythology/history
Ok, so there’s some really obvious ones like, I think there’s some story in the game about a bard winning over a devil that he likes, which is a clear reference to Orpheus and Eurydice (also Raphael holds the power to free Orpheus in the game, like hades being able to free Eurydice) also hope being a parallel to Persephone 👁️👁️.
Besides the little things like that, I’ve noticed his character kinda resembles Alexander the Great, LEMME EXPLAIN FIRST
Raphael as we all know really wants the crown of Karsus, and knows alot abt the guy (he was even there when he failed, or when the city fell) , and maybe admires what he managed to accomplish to some extent and he kinda even models his house on his work, as they both float in the sky (also gonna make the obvious connections to Icarus here) and Raphael “believes” he should rule the hells and that he could end the blood war ect etc… and he’s so great, anyway.
Now Alexander was similar in that he too believed he should rule the world/Persia or Asia (debatable which) and he also admired someone with a great “folly” which was Achilles, whose weakness was yknow his Achilles, and Alexander basically modelled his life after this guy too, so he’s a bit more extreme than Raphael, like man carried the illiad wherever he went, but it shows he’s a fan of literature and epics, like Raphael.
Also, Alexander is supposedly of “half divinity” or whatever, he believed he was the son of Zeus or at least more than just a human, which Raphael is, but I suppose less Divine in his case.
Another thing is, Alexander also was kinda a dick, in that in his pursuit to conquer he also sieged the city of Thebes which was also a Greek city state, like he says he later regretted it but still. Also during his siege he did let some people live, like some ppl in a temple of Heracles (another idol of his) and a woman who attacked some soldiers after being assaulted and he was impressed by her or something. Ithaca wasn’t the only place he sieged, later in Babylon during a party some girl convinced him to siege a city and burn it, he did lol. Alexander wasn’t a great person, also a conqueror so there’s that.
Raphael, is obviously not a good person but it’s hard to say he isn’t somewhat likeable or has his moments, korilla even says so herself, that’s he a much kinder boss than she’s had before, especially for a devil. Though in the end, Raphael still wants to conquer, and not just the hells, he says that he’ll go further and conquer other “worlds”
(Also the attack on Thebes was one of Alexander’s first key victories, but it was on his own country, unlike everything that he attacks after, which yknow is like Raphael starting his attack in the hells then moving outward)
Also just gonna mention it here, but it’s been said loads, when Raphael dies, it’s a total reference to Kronos eating his children, as Raphael gets nommed on by his father.
There are totally more references and especially to other cultures, like his cat/mouse rhymes kinda remind me of Hickory Dickory Dock and his miss tuffet being miss miss muffet, but my guy is totally Italian/Greek? Coded, like it’s hard to believe otherwise.
Maybe the similarities to Alexander are a bit out there, a lot of “leaders” or “greats” were like that. Anyway, I’m probably missing more references but that’s all I couldn’t remember off the bat.
EDIT: To be fair though, maybe he’s more of a Julius Caesar, since Alexander was quite young when he died and Julius was said to have cried in front of a statue of Alexander since he accomplished so much more than him in his youth, since most of caesars big stuff was later in his life, but like I said you can find similarities with a bunch of other similar dictatory guys,
He is so Julius Caesar coded;
"All the Gauls did Caesar vanquish, Nicomedes vanquished him;
Lo! now Caesar rides in triumph, victor over all the Gauls,
Nicomedes does not triumph, who subdued the conqueror."
This is supposedly a song that Caesar's soldiers sang making fun of how he was a bottom, Caesar conquered Bithynia but Nicomedes conquered Caesar. LIKE, the parallels are there, friends.
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s1renidae · 14 days
ok so this is just me spitballing since the game is still in early access and i havent even gotten to kronos much less beaten him yet BUT im thinking about what melinoë might be the goddess of, assuming she's given a domain in the late-game like zagreus is. And hear me out: I think she's gonna be revealed as the goddess of hope/faith and pathfinding.
Hope is pretty self-explanitory - right from the start we're told that melinoë's purpose from her birth has been defeating kronos and restoring peace. that's what she's been trained to do and what her most singular goal in life has been, and the game says multiple times that the entirety of the crossroads AND the surface are relying on her. where zagreus, the god of blood, life and rebirth, fittingly set about his mission for his own self-actualization and to reconnect with his family, melinoë is dedicated to hers for everyone else's sake and for the greater good. And she even mentions to Hecate that she feels less anger than she thinks she should, because she never truly knew the family that was lost to her, but that that doesn't affect her dedication to her task because she feels it needs to be done.
This is why Nemesis has such a problem with her - Melinoë, from her perspective, isn't coming after kronos from a place of anger and injustice, she's doing it primarily out of duty. it makes sense that retribution incarnate, who lost her family as well, would feel slighted by melinoë being appointed to kill him. - somewhat similarly but not quite parallel to how megaera, an embodiment of punishment and pain who has only ever known her own duty, has issues with zagreus fleeing from what she views as his duty and takes it as a personal failure when she fails to stop/punish him. and on the flipside, much like how in hades 1 achilles writes that it makes sense that thanatos (death) and zagreus (life/rebirth) would be naturally drawn to each other, in hades 2 the love interest that melinoë seems to be quite literally fated for via the list of minor prophecies, is moros, doom incarnate, which seems like a fitting opposite and inseparable partner to hope.
and as for pathfinding, the game route has a pretty consistent theme of being lost/disoriented (erebus being impossible to navigate apart from her and few others, the sirens song luring her, the fields of grief being pointedly easy to get lost in,) and she literally has the ability to guide lost souls back to the crossroads. she has a unique connection with the psychopomps (being able to understand charon, having a preexisting connection with hermes, being able to prompt words from hypnos in his sleep,) as well as artemis, goddess of the hunt and selene, the moon who's light is guiding the entire crossroads. One of her goals is to help Cerberus by guiding him back to his real self and, though I havent gotten past him into the house yet, I'm assuming she'll have to do the same with her family since the game won't just end after beating kronos once.
and speaking of kronos, I think time is a pretty fitting enemy for hope! time comes for us all eventually, of course, and there's no stopping it, but in order to not let that deter you you have to hold onto hope and have faith in the paths you choose for yourself. its a journey every person has to have for themself and one that sometimes feels pointlessly cyclical, very much in dungeon crawler fashion. I think it would be really beautiful thematically for time to continue his conquest relentlessly and for hope/faith to keep finding her way to him and prevailing over and over again, even when loss (doom) seems inevitable. that would feel very in style for supergiant, after the themes of life/rebirth/family in the first game and zagreus making his way to freedom over and over again even after learning that his nature dictates that he can't last on the surface, putting his family back together despite being told its impossible. resistance against futility is very supergiant and one of the themes i appreciate the most in any game
I know that this is mostly pretty surface level analysis but I have fun putting things together and predicting how things will play out, and I wanna hear if other people are thinking the same things as me so let me know if you have thoughts!!
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brooklynisher · 28 days
HI BROOK ok question first of all do we know who's doing the opera vocals for the intro of "the ballad of delilah morreo" ? if thats how u phrase that. and second of all im a huge fan of that song its probably my most favorite one if im honest and i wonder if there is literally. any other recording than the one on the album😭😭😭cus im guessin its simply hard to perform live but at the end of the day im no good at researching so i was hoping u could help me out with that ..
So, I think it was some sort of vocal synthesizer they used. Not related to SPG, but it sounds a lot like the opera Mermaid in Mermaid Song from Stardew Valley. So chances are it was none of them!
The song is pretty old! Bunny started the song back in 2013! You can hear Bunny humming the melody to her accordion in her mumble tracks on Patreon. The lyrics she sang didn't change, but instead of singing, she was rapping.
"Well the boogeyman fears the wraith Delilah Morreo
And Death and her are friends now no matter where it is she goes
So all the Vampires should hide from this lady This side of the netherworld, she’s the baddest in Hades"
At least for this part ^^
Also I found these things
1. She is not fatherless
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Dr. Moreau isn't an original character for those who don't know. He's from a book about a doctor who uses maybe less than ethical methods to try and create a new animal-human-creature hybrid thing or something like that. Idk. He's not actually her father though, as Bunny states. Just like him though.
2. She goes by "The Wraith" Also werewolf wife lore was going to exist at some point
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tmgstudios · 2 years
Tips on Consuming Podcasts for Those With Short Attention Spans
hi there! your local podcast guy with adhd here! for a while i struggled to consume podcasts because of my short attention span, but over time i have developed a few tips and tricks and am now absolutely in love with the medium. these aren’t in any specific order, and hopefully some of these can be useful to others as well!
1. check out podcasts that have visual aspects
whether its the occasional visual bit or a set thats super interesting to look at, visual stimulation is key! i personally love the sets of tmg studio’s podcasts, so that plus the occasional visual bits mean i don’t get under-stimulated as quickly! this doesn’t always work however, so feel free to take it to the next level;
2. engage in something else visually stimulating while listening to your podcast of choice
for me this is usually video games. something like minecraft, that requires attention but not reading, tends to work the best personally, but i’m also definitely not against plowing through something like dead cells or hades as i laugh along to my favorite podcasts! it doesn’t have to be video games for you, whatever media/activity will allow you to be visually stimulated while not blocking your audio should do the trick. some of my friends like to play mobile games like subway surfers, and others like to play something on their browser like flight rising (specifically the coliseum. podcasts are a great way to get some coli grinding in)
3. listen while in motion
so this one might be a little confusing on first glance, but i literally had no other idea on how to write it. essentially, this means listening while physically in motion. whether you’re on a walk, folding laundry, or eating dinner, being physically in motion can help stimulate your brain.  this can ALSO extend to listen while in a moving vehicle, like a car or a plane. i personally love listening to podcasts as i stare out the window on road trips or plane rides. i have a ton downloaded just for this purpose. some people like to listen to podcasts while they drive, so that’s another thing you could try, just be careful it doesn’t distract you from the road to much!
4. take breaks
podcasts can be long, and you absolutely do not have to listen to them all in one go! 20 minutes here, 30 minutes there, break it up however you need to. 
5. listen to podcasts you know are going to hold your interest
this might go without saying, but be sure you’re finding podcasts that cater to your interests. if you try to muscle your way through a podcast you aren’t interested in just because it’s popular/your friends like it, you won’t have a very good time. you like horror? listen to a horror podcast! dnd? find a dnd one! are you like me, and story-based podcasts stress you out? find a comedy podcast! the possibilities are endless
if you’ve got any tips & trick to add on, please please do so!!! i really love podcasts and the amount of people i’ve talked to who say they want to get into podcasts but just can’t sit through them, and it makes me sad. 
podcasts definitely aren’t for everyone, so if these tricks still don’t work for you, that’s ok! there are plenty of other forms of media out there. but that said, i hope anyone who’s wanted to get into podcasts but been unable to due to the medium gives these tips a shot!
if you’re not sure where to get started in terms of what podcasts to listen to, hit me up! i absolutely love podcasts, and while i tend to be a comedy guy myself, but have plenty of friends into other kinds of podcasts, and with all that knowledge combined i’m sure i can find you some good recs
good luck and happy podcasting!!
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kotamagic · 4 months
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Last week, we saw Demeter call Persephone and tell her about Demophoon. She immediately came over to discuss it in person and to show sympathy and support.
Demeter feeling she lost both children (one to marriage, one to an infection) is completely valid. Even in the case of Persephone, who is immortal, she "lost" her to her own issues, but given more recent developments, it isn't a total loss. She went to therapy (are they still going to that off-screen? I hope so.) and now she's talking about Demophoon. Progress is progress, no matter how small.
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Moments later, Hades appears with Demophoon, and Demeter is in shocked tears. The baby she thought she'd never see again is back.
Hades, my dude, "creative accounting" is an interesting way of fudging numbers.
Yeah, and this good deed on Hades' part needs to stay hush-hush, or EVERYONE is going to want a similar favor. Why do Castor & Pollux, the Gemini twins, come to mind....? (In b4, Zeus fudged THAT one...)
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Ah, ok, this is how Rachel is working around this...
As I mentioned in my previous LO post, the original myth has it that Demophoon's immortality ritual got interrupted. Depending on the source, he died either during the fudged ritual, or perished later of other causes. (Possibly a foot injury, as mentioned in LO) Demeter would later take Demophoon's older brother, Triptomelus, as an apprentice and teach him about agriculture.
Rather than add the complexity of Demeter having 2 children during the 10 year gap, we're re-naming Demophoon as Triptomelus and HE is going to learn, then teach agriculture. Let's just hope no one accidentally slips the truth out.
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After Hades and Persephone leave, Demeter, Hera, and Hebe Hestia proceed to have... a lady's evening with wine?
Demeter is still a bit salty about Hera marrying Persephone to Hades, but let's be honest (cuz Hera definitely was), they were gonna get married with or without someone else's permission.
The discussion then moves back to Metis, and Demeter's memories of her. Demeter herself was into physical activities back in the day, but they had to go on hold to save the world. Having been denied that, Demeter gave (more like forced/encouraged) Persephone to take up physical activities in her place. Was she trying to live vicariously through Persephone by doing so?
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During the discussion, Hera touches Demeter's bracelet from Metis and suddenly has a vision. It's not a pretty one, and from what I can gather, it's either Hera herself or possibly Hebe in Kronos' clutches! And here, we were thinking Kronos was going to have Melinoe target Morpheus!
Anyway, thanks for coming to my LO post! There will be a bonus post with visual commentary coming up shortly!
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firstofthenewguard · 11 days
Blood of Zeus Season 2 thoughts (There's alot of them)
I watched Blood of Zeus when it first came out in 2020 and the pandemic kept us trapped in our caves. I really liked the first season, mainly because it’s one of the few media outlets for Greek Mythology that isn’t wildly inaccurate, awkward, or just plain bad. It also set up a lot of interesting possible plotlines, and when the trailer for season 2 came out last month my hopes for those stories could not have been higher. I watched season 2 twice and… I have some notes (unfortunately)
First of All things I liked:
The entirety of episode 3
Hades and Persephone NOT being villains
Hades and Persephone being the only successful and functional couple in this show
The look of Hades’ Palace
The fact that Typhon is on a “He-who-shall-not-be-named” level and this time it actually has consequences
Other gods actually getting lines instead of just being backround characters on Olympus!
Hades using shadow teleportation, and using his bident like Mjolnir, only cooler
Other races in Hellas being acknowledged
More monsters; the Hydra being an ocean species is a very interesting take
Seraphim getting more development
Gaia and Hecate looked amazing
Problems with the Season:
Okay, a gripe I had with season 2 was Hades motive, and let me be clear I love the idea of Hades wanting to ascend the throne so Persephone wouldn't have to leave for 6 months, but to have him hate being in the Underworld seems like a stretch. In the myths, Hades knew the responsibility of ruling the dead and he did it with pride. It would have made more sense to have him hate being alone in the Underworld. They could've tied into the fact that Hades was the first to be swallowed by Kronos and was in his stomach alone for who knows how long.
Along with that, the season felt disjointed, like they were focusing on the wrong things, at the wrong time, for WAY too long. There were just some scenes that took up big chunks of the episodes and they didn't need to be that long, especially scenes with Heron. I know he's "The Main Character" but if you're going to make him that then please try to make his writing interesting enough for that much time to be devoted to his plot. I know that he's lost so much but his writing honestly felt clunky, it felt like he needed different scenes to make his choices more believeable. His dialouge also seemed stiff and I don't think his voice actor helped either.
We could've had a scene where Hades is talking to or doing something with Zag and/or Meli, showing how he's a better dad than Zeus, but we never got that.
If your going to give Hera a redemption arc GIVE HER A SCENE/EPISODE WHERE SHE CHANGES! Instead, the second she shows back up she's already redeemed? Really?
So, The Demon problem is just over? I don't remember them burning the giant flesh, and on that note where did Seraphim and the Demons move the giant flesh?
Ok, let me get this straight, they could've imprisioned the Giants' bodies in Tartarus the whole time?!
Also the giant problem felt like it was resolved way too early.
They didn't really focus on the open throne idea, yes the 3 trials were to decide the next king, but they needed scenes showing who the other Olympians thought should be in charge, show that scene about Ares rallying others to his side, maybe apollo did the same, or there could’ve still some loyal to Hera.
Minor: I loved Hestia but she looked WAY too young
Minor: Why are Horses just always the ones pulling the Gods' chariots, that's boring! I know most divine chariots are pulled horses in the myths, but for the love of mike be creative!
Minor: The giants guarding the hidden realm looked way to human.
Minor: They kept using the forest backround when they were in Tartarus, isn't the whole place on fire? I wanted to see some lava.
Minor: The other races that showed up for the funeral should've had varying respones to Zeus' death, like Hephaestus said.
The whole Eluesian Stone plotline seemed rushed and felt like it just came out of knowhere. The show said that Zeus drawing the stone from 3 others was how he became ruler of the Heavens, but wasn't the reason in season 1 being because he married Hera who was already queen of the Heavens?
Evios and Kofi didn't really get enough scenes for their characters to really do anything.
Alexia had the same problem she kind of just went along with Heron's whole thing this season, she didn't really do much except (sorta) talk to him.
They really should've brought all of Zeus' misdeeds to the trial, Prometheus especially.
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chrysanthemumgames · 1 year
Hello!  I love your game! I always liked reading about antiquity, and this game is such a lovely way to have some fun with Greek myths. Your writing is wonderful: the pacing is nice, the language is very eloquent, and the characters are charming—considering that it is only a WIP, you've done such an amazing job! I don't think I've even noticed any bugs or typos! This is brilliant! 
I loved the moment when Hades and the MC greet Hera, and if you play as "on the more socially-graceful side" Persephone, Hera recognises it and comments on how your character "rather effectively covers [Hades'] weaknesses." And then later, the game also says: "You can manage well enough with it, and you think your participation probably smooths out what might have otherwise been a few minor bumps in things." I really like the idea that a charming consort doesn't clash with Hades, but sort of complements and completes him, that your differences don't impede your coregency but strengthen it (personally, I'd love to become a proper Marie-Antoinette, a charming social butterfly overshadowing my socially awkward husband, lol, but never mind that).
Also, I am so excited to see what will come out of the possibility of starting your own cult! With a temple, too! Oh! I really hope we'd get to interact with our followers more, solving their problems, sure, but also just having fun, you know? I mean, having more of a "Cult of Dionysus" rather than "Eleusinian Mysteries". Because, so far it sort of feels like we don't play as much as "Demetra's child" but rather as "customisable Persephone". I love Dionysus, and I think it would be great if we had a choice to lean more towards Dionysus than Persephone. Because as it is now, most (if not all) details, in choices and in flavour text, relate much more to Persephone, like being a deity of spring (and not harvest, fruits, or vine) or having a very plant-based magic (and not something more chaotic and unhinged). Which is to be expected, of course, and I'm not saying that something should be different, this is literally the premise of the game, I understand that, but I think it would be cool to have a chance to choose something more Dionysus-related, perhaps in later chapters. I mean, like, for example:  
1) when Charon asks: "What would you like out of your time here?" to be able to answer something like "just to have fun" or "throw a party";
2) or when Pyri asks: "What do you do?" have choices like "theatre", "dancing", or "playing music and singing" (I think this kind of falls into the "exploring the arts" category, so I'm not saying there should be an extra choice as such but rather perhaps just a little mention of theatre and music in the following flavour text?);
3) or when the game says: "In between the work of getting your garden established, you find that over the next few weeks you have a fair bit of free time to spend as you like" choose to do something more chaotic? Boisterous? Wild? Like, get really wasted? Have a party with some souls? Organise a theatre performance? The present choices are totally fine, but they all do seem quite... tame. But perhaps in the future, we get to do something more rowdy? Unhinged even?
4) or have an option to decorate your head with grapes and ivy;
5) or be able to grow grapes in your garden? We can, of course, grow berries, fruits, and vegetables, so, again, I'm not saying there should be an extra choice, but perhaps just a bit of additional flavour text?
But again, this is just some backseat comments; feel free to ignore them! The main thing that I wanted to say is that your WIP is beautiful, and I really hope you won't abandon it! I am so very excited to see it finished! And I'm sorry this turned out to be so long! It's OK if you just leave it unanswered!
Hi there!
I'm really glad you're enjoying FoA; I have to admit that there are typos, though, so I'll call myself lucky that you haven't found any. ^^;
As to your suggestions, definitely reasonable of you to notice that the Dionysus-flavored options are not yet as prominent. One of the things I have slated for my eventual big editing phase is putting more of those in; some of them may even look like yours, as you've spotted quite a few places where they might fit.
Generally, the move to more revelry/wine/overall unhingedness is meant to be a move, rather than something the PC can be equally at the beginning alongside the spring/life/plant stuff, so there won't be loads of opportunities for it right off the bat, but I do want to add more as the story progresses, and I've admittedly been kind of neglecting that so far. Fair point. :)
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fbj723 · 2 months
my whb progress 2
as of apr 7, 2024
since whb's half anni has passed, i thought i'd do a progress check to reflect on how much has happened btwn now and this post
general info
lvl: 47
status: 🤨 mostly f2p
i say mostly cause i just recently broke the f2p status and bought bp for ppyong
i refuse to buy packs and in the future i'll prob be very selective over who i pick for bp (aka i wont buy every bp), so for the most part i'll just be having the f2p experience
when i started: launch (10/03 my timezone)
ver: erolabs
team setup
i finally have levi now lmao
sometimes i'll switch out one of the levis for attacker satan but this is what i use generally
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everyone's lvls and artifacts
skill lvls (normal atk-ult-passive)
attacker mammon: 1-3-1
selfie mammon: 4-5-4
selfie satan: 4-4-1
selfie beel: 4-4-4
bloodshed levi: 3-3-1
selfie levi: 3-3-1
secret club
i only work on completing mammon's unholy board
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stuck on needing attacker mammon's sig atm :'))
too lazy to screenshot it all but im basically broke on pies, tears, pretzels (tbf i dont play the minigame whatsoever), red keys, yellow keys, and seals
everything else im either ok in supply or overflowing w it
overall thoughts / reflection
this section is for me to look back on in the future when i do progress posts. i'll break down this section into multiple parts similar to my prev post for consistency
honestly, its interesting in concept. since sadly only 1 chapter has released btwn now and my last post so thoughts havent really drastically changed
ch5 imo wasnt really a full on hades chapter. yes, it takes place in hades and yes we get some intro abt hades, but i think this was supposed to act more like a bridge to tartaros, which is prob why we didnt have any h scenes w any hades chars aside from levi. ofc we'll get back to it being hades-focused eventually, but the story for a while is most likely gonna pivot to tartaros bc of that big lore drop abt mammon at the end
i assume we'll prob be introduced to the cherubs in tartaros bc of selaphiel txting us near the end + it being mentioned at the end that theres a hub of angels in the lab, and hopefully part 2 of mammon's h scene. it was strange at first for mammon to only have 1 h scene, compared to satan or levi that had 2, but w him implying theres probably gonna be a part 2 in his h scene + we'll most likely see him again in ch6 (or however many chapters tartaros will be played out), we'll prob experience part 2 in his home country. tbh that prob just me inhaling MASSIVE hopium since mammon isnt rlly that popular but i can dream ok-
i hope us being in tartaros doesnt last for just 1 chapter. you cant condense the experiments tartaros went through to create a clone of mammon only for them to fail + bring up the fact that the seed is prob also in tartaros in just 1 chapter. well— technically you can, but not at the pace chapters are at atm. chapters have roughly 15 parts of story on the main branch, and imo that much info abt tartaros cant be condensed into 1 chapter unless if they make the story bits like WAY longer than what they normally do
tl;dr as an endgame player, its too easy 💀
working on the spreadsheet ever since the games 1st month of release and now just recently testing multiple team comps, the "meta" is so monkos HSHFJDJ
this game is INSANELY dependent on you having more than 1 dps/tank light card. light is also just an unstoppable element and i wish the game was balanced a bit more to let other elements shine
enemies are now way too easy to defeat. ik i prob shouldnt be complaining abt this but pls im a pgr and neural cloud player at heart I NEED SOME CHALLENGE
ch3 and ch4 were prob the most tedious and awful chapters, but at least they actually made me think when it comes to battles. now i just place down chars and let it play in the bg while i go do smth else. ofc this may just be bc i have a team that im comfortable w using everywhere, but id like to see at least a bit more "challenge" outside of holy coin portal
also, for weekly achievements, lvling artifacts is not a great requirement
i only pull when theres a new s rank or when mammon is moved to standard, so its very, VERY rare compared to avg users. having the artifact req is essentially forcing me to pull during those gaps just so i could fulfill a weekly req which sucks. i also dont need to lvl anymore artifacts in general for my team comp. lvl 15 is the bare minimum i need to get through all content w ease, anything after that is just a small boost tbh
on the note of daily/weekly requirements, there needs to be more of them
i mean in a sense of theres still gonna be 9 daily achievements, but you get more options on HOW you get to the 9 daily achievement req. most gachas that ive played always have more options than necessary to fulfill the overall requirement to get all rewards, so having this strict number w strict reqs is rlly not that great tbh
thoughts from last time still havent rlly changed. pies and candies especially are still rng dependent which sucks, and now there gonna revamp pancakes while also keeping the old pancakes ???? theres way too many currencies (w some even having very little to no use) atp which can and will get overwhelming for new players
i hate solomon seals. you can tell that red keys were supposed to be the main gacha currency if you ever look at old packs, but smth happened along the way and now we have seals
pity is also way too high for what we're earning atm. based off of f2p earnings, every week we get roughly 1 pull of red keys, maybe 2 pulls of yellow keys (red and yellow keys are more dependent on the key boxes which again, dependent on rng), and 1 pull of solomon seals. this doesnt include the stuff earned outside of dailies/weeklies, and i think there should be more ways to earn said currency through dailies/weeklies and not be so dependent on either paying or pulling chars
speaking of pity, i wish we had pity for both of the standard banners
i also wish theyd separate char and artifacts into their own banners. that way, if someone has a char but needs their sig, they can just pull in the artifact-only banner and try to get said sig
tl;dr in general i wish everything wasnt so strict and rng dependent, also wish numbers made sense like why do we get at least 5 red keys a week when 1 pull is 3, JUST GIVE ME 6 KEYS ATP
so yeah thats all for now lmao. im pretty sure i have a lot more to say abt this game but my minds at a blank atm, so ig thatll be saved for the next progress post which will be around 1st anni
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