#I have no clue what the ship name is lol
Robin x Boothill is the funniest fucking thing this community has come up with.
like, I’m sure it’s a result of them coming out in the same patch, but honestly it’s crackship gold. their dynamic is so fucking funny. intergalactic angel superstar x cyborg space cowboy is hilarious.
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liauditore · 7 months
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day 6: sleep/party (lizzie/pearl/gem)
pearl's secret life episode 2 sleepover makes her realise something about herself. last piece for @mcyt-yuri-week :D please forgive me :D
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ravi-617 · 6 months
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2016 me is screaming from the mountaintops rn
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squid-ink-symphony · 4 months
hey i saw a post where you were talking about ships.. Uh.
callie x agent 3.
we need all the exposure we can get there are 5 of us.
we are very lonely.
i didnt wanna mention idol x agent ships in my post cuz sometimes ppl get all defensive about it like "erm well actually the agent is canonically a child and-" shut up. shut. up. they are whatever age you want them to be. they are literally a self insert for the player. plenty of ppl have agent ocs who are adults. it just varies from person to person and their headcanons.
but then i got an ask (that i already deleted) accusing me of being a proshipper bcuz apparently 3 x neo 3 is problematic bcuz its "power imbalance?" and like.. ig yeah that could be an issue irl w ur boss taking advantage of u. but like..... thats.... clearly not what im talking about???
so may as well discuss idol x agent ships as well lol
3 x callie is like. top tier. its so good. like you just know 3 and callie would goof around together. especially the splat 1 version of 3??? like their dynamic would be top tier. and i just know 3 would whisper stuff to callie and they would giggle about it and refuse to tell anyone else what they are laughing about. and i am always a rarepair enjoyer. like. its so good. (i ship callie x marina x pearl so you know im masochistic when it comes to my ships)
AND 4 X MARIE??? i know this one is a bit more well known but i love it. i dont know if i would ship my main agent 4 with my main interpretation of marie, but like another version of them? yes. it works so well. marie is literally in love w 4.
BUT OK ANOTHER RAREPAIR: 4 x callie. i know everyone loves 3 x 8 cuz blah blah 8 beat up mind controlled 3. but ??? 4 beat up mind controlled callie and we got NOTHING from the fandom. im mostly a 4 x 8 shipper at heart but this is another one i rlly like. i just know 4 would try to show off by picking smth heavy up or doing some cool trick only to fail miserably. and callie would be able to do it first try.
and i have even more opinions on different idol ships and combos but uhh thats for another day when someone wants to listen to my ramblings lol
anyway in conclusion i love rarepairs and pretty much every splat ship so yeah feel free to talk to me about them any time. i love figuring out character dynamics and all that. also everyone has such good designs everyone looks good together. also just like. non romantic pairs as well. like ppl who have sibling dynamics. ppl who are clearly in a qpr. ppl who are besties. apprentice and mentor dynamics. i just think every splat character is so interesting on their own that pretty much every combination is top tier. and like. things dont have to mutually exclusive when it comes to relationships. im a multipshipper.
and i think the same goes for other dynamics. like in my mind one version of neo 3 and 3, 3 sees neo like a younger sibling and spoils them and doent want what happened to 3 to happen to neo. in another version 3 sees neo like a younger version of them and tries to toughen them up and neo sees it as unfair and there is angst while 3 has to confront everything they went thru and if it was even fair for them to have gone thru it. cuz in their mind ofc its ok to do this to neo, its what 3 did to become the way they are. in another version they are just besties. in another version they are dating. in another version they have a competitive love/hate relationship and argue a lot about whos better.
LIKE THINGS DONT HAVE TO JUST BE ONE WAY!! i like exploring different stuff and seeing everyones takes on them!!!!!
so yeah come talk to me about splat characters im very normal i swear :)))
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jtl07 · 9 months
late night vigil
camila is no stranger to intimacy, to companionship as some would say more delicately, even if the acts they engage in are anything but. she also knows that beatrice has been as haunted as much as she’s been freed, waiting even as she’s living. or: camila learns about beatrice's strap; she helps in her own way
(mind the rating 🙈)
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piedoesnotequalpi · 8 months
*banging pots and pans together* Fresh chaos at an AO3 near you!
Anyway, here is the next chapter, featuring metaphorical insomnia, interesting regional dishes, and my inability to write kissing scenes
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I just realized the water symbolism of p3 hits even harder when you remember that Minato and aigis (and ryoji) were destined to meet and they did so on the beach at the ocean
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flowersbane · 10 months
a scenario with a baker!reader gifting Joshua a little cake… which he happily eats (it’s carrot cake and he has no clue lol)
Idk but I wanted to share my silly little thought because I enjoyed your writing :’3
pls, this idea is so freaking cute!!! i'm so glad i finally got to write it, thank you so much for your request and patience, i hope you enjoy
The Trojan Cake
Joshua Rosfield x Reader
I might write another, shorter version of this where the reader bakes him a carrot cake without knowing about his carrot aversion, but, idk, let me know if anyone wants to see that. It would have to be a bit further in the future because I have some other things I'm working on that you can learn about here.
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Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1.5k
Tags: Baker!Reader, Finally Getting Joshua To Eat Some Gosh Darn Vegetables, Fluff, Teasing, Unedited, Lots Of Appearances From Other Characters, Fun, Cutesy, Joshua Is Just A Big Golden Retriever
A new shipment of baking supplies was due to arrive today. You sway on your feet as you wait. Water laps at the wood beneath you, but you pay it no mind. Cursebreakers and laborers work on moving boxes off the ship and onto the Hideaway’s Pier.
“Carrots? Again?” Gav’s voice sounds from nearby. “And what are we supposed to do with all of these? We still haven’t gotten through the last shipment of them. There’s only so much carrot bisque a man can stomach. Soon enough, half the Hideaway’ll have orange hair and orange skin.”
Otto sighs. “Food’s food, Gav. We’ll find some use for them.”
Gav’s disgruntled expression doesn’t fade. “Unbelievable.”
Your attention is caught by someone calling your name. Mid waves you over from the ship’s deck. “You’ve got to come and see this! You’ll be grinning from ear to ear when you see how much stuff they’ve sent for you!”
You’re already grinning from ear to ear by the time you reach her side. Crates of flour, sugar, and yeast are tied down to the deck with sturdy rope. “And this is all for me?” you ask.
“You’re the one best suited for it,” Mid points out. “Now, I don’t mean to rush you but I’m pretty sure everyone at the Hideaway can already smell all the fresh baked sweets!”
“Oh, certainly,” Cole agrees as he and a handful of other Cursebreakers approach. “We’ll get these supplies to the Ale Hall,” he assures you.
“What are you going to make?” asks Mid.
You miss a beat before answering, “it’s a surprise.” In truth, you have no idea. You know the people of the Hideaway would be happy with anything you baked, but you didn’t want to fall into a boring routine. You wanted to try something new, even if you didn’t need to.
Mid only makes an excited sound from behind sealed lips. “The suspense is killing me!”
You laugh, but you know how she feels. The frustration of not knowing what you’ll bake weighs on you as well. “Well, best get to it.”
You descend from the boat and make your way back up to the main floor of the Hideaway. There are plenty of boxes that still need to be moved, so the lift is somewhat crowded. You wait for a path to be cleared before darting out.
“Have you tried chopping them up and hiding them in a stew?” Tarja’s voice catches your ear. She and Jote are crossing the Boarding Deck, clearly on their way to the Infirmary.
“If he sees them, he’ll claim he’s not hungry and refuse to eat,” Jote replies. “Not to mention, I can’t say I feel very comfortable trying to deceive His Grace.”
“They’re just carrots, Jote. I’m sure your decree says nothing against ensuring the Phoenix eats well.”
“If it were up to His Grace, I’m sure there would be.”
You continue your way into the main hall. It’s not uncommon to hear Tarja complaining about Joshua’s bad habits. You suppose this time it’s his aversion to vegetables. Especially carrots. Unfortunate, given that seems to be what the Hideaway has most of these days.
You’re halfway across the Main Deck when someone else calls your name, their voice sounding from your left. Speak of the devil. Joshua approaches with an easy skip to his step. The smile on his face tells you that he’s heard about your new arrival of supplies, but not that of the carrots’ reinforcements. Well, he might’ve and is simply choosing to ignore it. In fact, that is more likely to be the reality of things.
“I heard about the shipment of goods. Will you get to baking soon?”
If he were a dog, his tail would be wagging uncontrollably despite his cool disposition. You nod, your own smile creeping onto your face as an idea begins to form. “And you’ll be the first to get a taste.”
“Really? I will?”
You nod again. He’s always terribly eager to sample your new recipes.
He’ll have no idea. “Ah, my love, you’re brilliant.” He places a hand on either side of your head and plants a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll look forward to it.”
“You should.” You certainly are.
As he disappears on to the Boarding Deck, you dart over to the bar. 
“Psst. Cole.” You wave the cursebreaker over.
“What is it?”
“Could you acquire me a crate of those carrots that just arrived? I have plans for them. Oh, but don’t let Joshua know. Keep this between us.”
He gives you a curious look, but does as you ask without question. You ask another of the cursebreakers to keep Joshua distracted for the time being. Your plans would be ruined if he were to walk in midway through.
“What, exactly, are you planning?” someone asks from behind you.
Jill runs her finger over the wooden boxes on the counter. You can’t help the little, proud gleam in your eye. “I’m going to get Joshua to eat carrots and like them,” you declare.
“A carrot cake! He won’t even know they’re there.”
“I’m not sure if eating carrots in a cake counts as Joshua getting a proper intake of vegetables,” she points out.
You shrug. “Gotta start somewhere.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
You, Jill, and a handful of other helpers get to work immediately. With no time to waste, the work is made lighter with more hands to share in its labor. The only thing you can’t speed up is the time of actual baking.
“Do you truly believe this will work?” Jill asks.
“I do. Although, it would be a little funny if he could tell anyway. Like some sort of carrot-sniffing bloodhound. A carrot-hound.”
“Who’s a carrot-hound?” Clive stops at Jill’s side.
“Depending on the results of this experiment, Joshua.”
Clive gives you an almost pained look. “Please do not tell me you’re planning on experimenting on my brother.”
“I promise it won’t become a regular occurrence. Probably. Most likely.”
Clive only sighs and shakes his head.
The cakes finish baking and the air is filled with the scent of freshly baked sweets. You and your assistants–now including Clive–are just finishing spreading the frosting when Joshua arrives, eyes alight with excitement. He says your name with a boyish eagerness that makes your heart squeeze. He truly has no idea. “I hope no one has prevented you from keeping your promise to me.”
You do your best not to roll your eyes. He can still be so childish at times, despite himself. “No, of course not. In fact, you’re just on time. I was about to cut the first slice.”
He smiles. “Excellent.”
He doesn’t even seem to notice how everyone pauses to watch as he takes the first bite. He closes his eyes to savor it. You press your lips together to keep your mischief from showing. “This is delicious, my love, as always.” Your heart soars. You’ve done it. And he’s none the wiser.
You exchange a knowing glance with Jill and Clive. Jill looks mildly impressed while Clive simply seems to be marveling at his brother’s obliviousness. “Alright, everyone,” you announce, “you’re all free to dig in!”
Gav arrives about a half an hour after everyone has already begun eating. He and Otto approach, standing on the other side of Clive, who has taken a seat at the bar beside Joshua.
Gav takes note of the remaining cakes. “Ooo, carrot cake, one of Otto’s favorites.”
You, Clive, and Jill freeze, eyes darting to Joshua. You practically see the life drain from his face. He turns a betrayed expression on you, like a pup who’s found his medicine at the center of his treat. By now, he’s already finished two large slices and is halfway through his third. You can’t help, you begin your apologies but the laughter in your voice steals any sincerity from them.
He practically whines your name, saying, “how could you?”
“But you liked it, didn’t you? Before you knew what it was?”
You can practically see his invisible tail and ears drooping. You’ve never seen him look so unlike the Phoenix before. It only makes you giggle more.
“I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know how I’ll recover from this.”
“Alright, my love, no need to be so overdramatic.”
He pouts. He actually pouts. “You’ll have to find a way to make this up to me.”
“Up to you? I did all of this for you.”
“You did all of this for yourself. I hope you’ve had your fun.”
You lean over the counter, smug as one could be. “Oh, I have.”
“Mhm.” He leans forward and places a soft kiss on your lips. You can still taste the frosting. “You better have. Otherwise, I will have eaten this for nothing.”
“You would have, at the very least, learned that you can stomach carrots. Isn’t that something?”
He laughs. “No, absolutely not. Just promise you won’t do something like this again.”
“I promise,” you draw out the word, “that it won’t become a regular occurrence.”
He rolls his eyes, but a smile toys at the corners of his mouth. “What did I ever do to deserve this?”
“Something really good, I imagine.”
His smile grows. “Must have been.”
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x sister!reader 
Summary: No one knew that Kaz had a sister...
Idk why or how I came up with this, but I loved the idea too much not to write
Also third person just fit this one lol, I’m not the biggest fan, but let me know what you guys think
No one knew that Kaz Brekker had a sister, few people even knew about his older brother.  But he had: back when he was Kaz Rietveld, the only thing on his mind being whether he could convince Jordie to buy him a hot chocolate, there had been a third Rietveld.  Jordie, the eldest, entrusted with his father’s fortune, Kaz, the impressionable, joyful young boy, and Y/N, only a year Kaz’s junior.
When the firepox came, and Kaz succumbed to the fever, she had as well.  And when Kaz woke to find Jordie cold beneath his touch, her body had been nowhere in sight.  Was she dead, or had she somehow survived?  It was easier to assume the former, for Kaz to forge ahead alone in the world.  All three Rietveld siblings died then, but only Kaz was reborn, vengeance burning like an inferno in his heart.  For Jordie, for Y/N, he would bring Ketterdam to its knees.
Years later, Kaz would learn that she had indeed survived.  After the plague had passed, a pair of Ravkan nobles arrived in Ketterdam, offering to take in the orphans the firepox had created.  “It was a Ravkan ship that brought it,” they said.  “If our country can give these children a life, then we will take them.”  She’d been one of the first children taken, adopted by the Duke and Duchess themselves.  Y/N had been raised in Ravka: learned their language, their customs, their faith.  And when she came of age, she was presented to court, as all the children of nobility were, to make a good marriage.  
Y/N had been lucky.  She had not only made an advantageous match, but she’d found true love as well.  Her new husband doted on her night and day, granting her every wish.  And when she wished to discover whether her brothers had survived the Queen’s Lady Plague all those years ago, she discovered her husband had many connections in which to obtain that information.
It hadn’t been easy, but Y/N’s husband had found him.  Kaz wasn’t a common name, after all.  When he’d received the letter, he’d thought it a joke, but as he read on, he realized the letter contained details that no one but his sister could have known.  Kaz, it said.  If you’re reading this, then I want you to know that I’m alive.  I was adopted and taken to Ravka after the firepox passed.  If I’d have known you survived, I would have insisted they take you too.  But I had no clue where you were or if you and Jordie had made it.
I want you to know that I’m alive, that I’m safe.  Life in Ravka has been good to me; I’m married now!  Saints, I think you’d adore my husband, the two of you are exactly the same.  At least… how I remember you to be.  Please, Kaz, write back to me.  Let me know that you’re alive, that you’ve survived, that I haven’t been mourning you for no reason for 15 years.  I’m afraid I can’t disclose too much about my life in writing, but if you give a letter to a woman named Lila at the Ravkan embassy, she’ll ensure it gets to me.  I love you, brother, time has not changed that.  -Y/N.
There had been no last name affixed, no address, so naturally, Kaz’s interest was piqued.  For months, he corresponded with her through Lila, learning more about who she was,  her life in Ravka, and who she’d married.  It interested him not only because the information might be useful one day, but because Y/N was family, she was his sister.  Indeed, the information was useful, as Kaz and his Crows had been tasked with a nearly impossible job.
A Shu priest had hired Kaz to steal what she claimed was a relic of Sankt Kho, one that had been taken from the temples of Amhrat Jen decades ago.  But, as Nina so aptly pointed out, breaking into the Grand Palace’s religious archives would break at least a dozen Ravkan laws.  “We’d be arrested immediately and labeled as heretics as well as criminals.  The Apparat himself would try to oversee our executions.”
“I have a way around that,” Kaz had said, but Nina wasn’t convinced.  “Do you?  I know your tricks Kaz.  Those archives are guarded day and night, there’s one way in and one way out, no windows, no secondary escapes.  Do you think you can waltz right in and take Sankt Kho’s relic?”  “Not quite waltz, but yes.”  The Heartrender snarled.  “Short of a letter from the Queen of Ravka, there’s no possible way you can get in there alone.  Do you have that, Kaz?”
“Actually I do.”  Jesper, Inej, and Wylan looked on with disbelief.  “All Saints, you can admit defeat, you know?  We won’t judge you!”  Kaz pulled a letter from his coat and tossed it on the table.  It bore the Lantsov seal and the Queen’s signature, and Nina gaped.  “And how did you manage to get your hands on this?”  Kaz, if there’s ever anything you need, know that I will use the full extent of my powers to help you.  I couldn’t help you before, brother, so let me help you now.  Of course, if it’s blatant murder, then I’ll have to deny.  We can’t have the Queen of Ravka tied up in a homicide, now can we?  “Because,” Kaz said, hesitant to reveal this, the ace up his sleeve, his final secret.  “She’s my sister.”
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
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summary: when you and chrissy save a pirate from drowning, you get him to show you what humans do for fun. [pirate!eddie x mermaid!reader x mermaid!chrissy]
cw: slight manipulation from u n chrissy, reader is mentioned to have long hair so she can cover her chest, smut || 18+ only [ft. threesome, oral sex (m receiver), handjob, cum play, monster fucking (technically?? u n chrissy are the monsters lol), beach sex, reader n chrissy are very innocent but somehow two whores?? who knew u could be both]
a/n: this was super fun to write ngl. please lmk what u think!!
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“Isn’t he kinda… cute?” Chrissy asks you, eyes glued to the man laying on the shore between your bodies.
You look down at him, taking in his soft cheeks and his nicely shaped nose. You trace the bridge of it with a finger, leaving his skin dewy with droplets of sea water, and drift your gaze down to his plush lips. Under the slight bluish tint they have from being underwater for too long, you can still make out their natural pink colour.
In the back of your mind, you wonder if they’d feel as soft as Chrissy’s lips do on yours.
“Yeah," you hum, now tracing his cupid’s bow. “He’s pretty.”
She twirls one strand of his hair around her finger. “And his hair! It’s almost as long as Jane’s now that she’s back.”
The mention of Jane brings back the memory of the captain that kept her for years for his twisted experiments on your people and reminds you what exactly lays between you and Chrissy. You recoil your hand back and grab her wrist. “He’s a human, Chrissy. We shouldn’t have helped him.”
Her delicate features contort into a confused frown. “But he was drowning. He would’ve died if we hadn’t pulled him out!”
Maybe he should’ve, is what you’re about to say when the man starts coughing. The coughs wreck his body and water spills from his lips, his eyes slowly fluttering open but narrowing quickly from the glare of the sun. He tries to get up, using his elbows as leverage, but another cough throws him back down.
“Take it easy,” Chrissy tells him, shielding him from the sun with her body. His eyes widen at the sight of her, grow even wider when he realises she isn’t alone and sees you next to her. “You had a nasty fall.”
“Wha– What’s going on?” His voice is hoarse from the abuse his vocal chords suffered and the lack of proper air in his lungs. “Who are you?”
“I’m Chrissy, and this is–”
“Chrissy! Don’t tell him our names!” You scold.
She rolls her eyes at your overprotectiveness. “He’s not going to do anything. He can barely stand.”
You scowl at her. “You can be so careless. It’s a wonder you still have your tail on.”
“Tail?” The man's baffled voice breaks up your argument. He glances to the side and sees both of your tails wagging in the air– Chrissy’s baby blue scales and your purple ones shimmering under the golden light. “Woah! What the fuck?!”
“See? He hasn’t got a clue what we are. He’s not going to kidnap us or whatever dark fantasy you’ve created in your mind– anyway!” She changes the subject before you can tell her that you don’t have fantasies about a human male kidnapping you. She turns to him and smiles sweetly. “What’s your name?”
The long haired man looks between the two of you, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “Ed– Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
“Eddie,” she tastes the name on her tongue. “That’s pretty. What happened to you? You’re pretty far from home.”
“I, uh, my ship got wrecked.” He gulps when you narrow your eyes at him in suspicion. Your mother had warned you of human men and the lies they would tell you to get you to trust them and this one sounded very familiar. “There was a storm and– and a wave flipped us over. My friends– shit,” he wipes his face with his hands, clearly distressed. Your heart softens ever so slightly. “I have to find them.”
He tries to get up again but you place a hand on his chest and he freezes. He stares at you, brown eyes pulling you in like a current. “I’m sorry about your friends but you shouldn’t go anywhere yet. You’re still hurt,” you point to his arm where a deep gash seeps blood down to his forearm.
“Fuck,” he swears. He looks down at himself and rips a piece of the cloth he’s wearing over his torso with a low grunt that makes your scales tingle. He wraps it around the wound, hissing when it presses against the gash and baring his teeth. He struggles to tie a knot, yet you and Chrissy are mesmerized as you watch him work.
“What’s that?” You ask him once he’s done.
“What’s– Oh, this? It’s a dressing. To keep the wound from infecting.”
“No, I mean the… things you put on your body.” He points to his chest to make sure you’re asking what he thinks you’re asking. “Yeah, those. They don’t seem very comfortable.”
“You don’t know what these are?” He looks at your bodies and realises that neither you or Chrissy is wearing anything to cover your chests, only your long hair keeping some of your modesty. Blood rushes to his cheeks and you giggle at how pink he suddenly is.
He seems to be speaking to himself when he mumbles, “Oh, wow. No, no, of course you don’t know. You’re mermaids. Very pretty and n-naked mermaids.” He clears his throat and blinks awkwardly, looking away to pretend he wasn’t ogling at you. “They– They’re clothes. This is, um, a shirt. And these are pants,” he explains, pointing to his chest and legs.
“And that thing under your pants?” You point to his groin where a bulge strains against the thin black fabric. “Is that where you keep your shells?”
Eddie gets even redder. “That’s, um…” He seems at a loss of words, mouth opening and closing without making any sound.
“Oh, we love collecting shells! Can we see?” Chrissy eagerly leans forward and unties the knot that keeps his pants tied together, lowering them quickly without waiting for Eddie’s answer. Instead of the clatter of shells you were expecting, something long and thick hits Eddie’s stomach. “Oh, that’s… not a shell.”
“What even is it?” You tilt your head to the side and reach your hand towards it. You’re about to touch it when Eddie’s fingers wrap around your wrist tightly, stopping your movements.
He almost cowers from the deadly glare you’re giving him for touching you so roughly. “Sorry, sorry.” He takes a deep breath, avoiding eye contact. “That’s, uh, that’s my cock.”
“Cock?” Eddie closes his eyes when he hears Chrissy’s sweet voice say such a filthy word. His cock twitches. “Oh my Poseidon, it moved,” she whispers to you in awe.
“What is it for?” You ask him.
“For fucking.” That one answer came out naturally for him but when he sees your confused stares he scrambles his brain for a word you would understand. “Uh… mating. For mating and… playing.”
“How do you play with it? It seems rather… stiff.”
Eddie plays with a strand of his hair, trying to cover some of his burning face with it. “You touch it. With your hand. Or you– you put it inside a woman. Or man.”
You stare at his cock– long and thick and as pink as his lips, with a tip that’s a slightly darker hue than the rest of it. There’s a thick tuft of curls at the base and two round sacks hanging heavy from it. You can’t help but want to squeeze them.
You lick your lips and look back at Chrissy who’s doing the same as you. Ogling. Her eyes are dark with need, the same look she gets when you two are left alone for more than a couple of minutes– especially on a full moon.
Before you can pay attention to the warning voice of your mother that echoes in your ears, you ask, “Can we play with it?”
Eddie swallows harshly. “I don’t think–”
“Please?” Chrissy asks, pouting her lips, her voice taking in the sultry tone the elder mermaids spend years teaching you. Her tail flicks yours and you copy her, rounding out your narrowed eyes and looking at him pleadingly. “We don’t know if we’ll ever see a human again. We just want to know what it feels like.”
Eddie seems to debate with himself for a few seconds, only the sounds of the crashing waves breaking the silence. Your voices and your eyes have him in a trance and, completely ignoring all the warnings he heard about mermaids, he nods, wet hair swinging with the sharp movements. “Yeah, okay. Knock yourselves out.”
You and Chrissy giggle happily and wrap a hand each around him, tails wiggling in excitement. You twist them around, getting a feel of the velvety skin and the ridges of the veins that lead towards the head, watching amazed as Eddie’s cock grows more stiff, becoming heavy in your palms.
“What’s happening? Why is it getting so hard?”
Eddie takes a deep breath to ground himself, nostrils flaring. “Cause I’m turned on.”
“Turned on?”
“You’re making me feel really good,” he rephrases through clenched teeth. Your hands are incredibly smooth as you hold him, probably from the slick film coating them to protect them from the abrasion of the salt in the water. He exhales a shaky gasp of pleasure when you slowly glide them up and down, his stomach flexing. 
You bite your lip and look up at him. “And how do we make you feel more good?”
“He’s been looking at your tits a lot,” Chrissy pipes up before Eddie can answer. There’s mischief in her blue eyes as she pulls your hair away from your chest, revealing your breasts completely. Eddie’s mouth falls wide open. “Do they ‘turn you on’, Eddie? Go ahead, touch them,” she encourages him.
You sigh when his hand cups your breast and kneads the fat gently, thumb flicking your hard nipple. Eddie watches your expressions carefully. When you arch forward into his touch and tighten your hand around, making him groan, he twists your nipple, earning himself a sweet moan from you. 
“Aren’t they soft? They also feel really good in my mouth, Eddie.” Chrissy smirks, moving her own strawberry blonde hair out of the way so Eddie can touch hers as well.
“Holy shit.” His mind conjures up a filthy image– the two of you under the water, hands slowly down your bodies and mouths kissing every inch of skin they could, eyes rolling back once you sucked on the others breasts. His hips buck up. “You two– you play together?”
“Mhm. All the time.”
“Oh my God.” His grip on your tits tightens. He keeps tilting his hips up, moaning softly as he fucks your hands. Something that has a pearly sheen starts to leak out of his slit and drip down his shaft, making your fingers sticky. “Yeah, lick it up, sweetheart. C’mon,” he groans when Chrissy asks if she can taste them.
She slides her tongue over your knuckles and catches the first drops that fell, eyes widening at the salty flavour. She hums appreciatively and leans down for more. “That’s nice. D’you want a taste?” She asks you.
You nod enthusiastically and her fingers gently grab your chin, tilting your head towards her so she can dribble the white substance into your mouth. “S’good,” you breathe out. 
Eddie slams a hand on the sand, eyes hazy with lust as he watches the two of you share his precum and enjoy it. None of the women back home had ever done something like that, not even some of the whores his friends brought back to the ship on the odd nights they stayed in a popular town’s port. 
You keep stroking his cock as you kiss, focusing more on the upper part of his shaft since your hand is on top of Chrissy’s. You gently squeeze the head and more precum oozes out. You flick your tongue over his slit and give it back to Chrissy, pecking her lips sweetly when she swallows it down. 
Eddie groans when you do it again. “Like that. Just like that. You’re doing so good. G-Give it a little kiss– oh fuck.” 
His eyes roll back when you kiss his tip, soft lips peppering little kisses all around it. Chrissy copies you, letting go of him so she has more flesh to kiss and slobber all over. Your eyes meet as you lick him, your happiness clear in your gazes.
She takes your hand and guides you down to the two soft sacks that caught your eye before, adding the smallest pressure to the back of your hand so you cup his balls and squeeze them with care.
Eddie moans loudly and throws his head back on the sand. “Oh my God. Oh my God. You’re– Jesus H Christ.” He gasps in surprise when Chrissy wraps her warm mouth around his dick and you kitten lick his fuzzy balls. “Oh, you’re gonna kill me.”
He lets go of your chest and the sand so he can add pressure to the back of both of your heads, keeping you stuck to his groin. Carefully, he thrusts his hips up, slowly fucking Chrissy’s untrained throat and making her gag. 
The lewd sounds make you squirm in place, the musky scent of Eddie’s hairs that tickle your nose doing little to calm you down. You’re desperate for some relief but it’s not a full moon yet– you have no legs to spread for him. So you whine needily around his balls, eyebrows scrunching up in desperation. 
Eddie shushes you, scratching your scalp with the tips of his fingers to help you calm down. “You’re okay, you’re okay,” he coos. “J-Just a little more and you’ll make me cum so fucking hard. Gonna fill your girlfriend’s throat and make her share it with you, since you liked my cum so much. You want that?”
You look at Chrissy and see the tears springing in her lower waterline from the abuse her throat is suffering, some of them already falling down her rosy cheeks. With your thumb, you brush them away and offer her a reassuring smile, one that she struggles to reciprocate with Eddie stretching her lips wide but you’re able to tell she’s enjoying herself nevertheless. 
You hum in agreement and lave your tongue over his balls, feeling them twitch in your mouth. His moans grow louder and louder, thighs trembling and hips thrusting wildly. “Shit, I’m gonna– Oh, fuck, I’m cumming. I’m cumming,” he grunts and pushes Chrissy down completely until her nose is flush with his base.
True to his word, he slowly peels you off him and, with a hold on the back of your necks, guides your mouths together. Chrissy is smiling as she merges your lips in a heady kiss, your tongue sliding around hers so you can scoop up any leftovers that she didn’t swallow for herself, spit dribbling down the corners of your mouths and to your chests.
When his grip on your necks slackens, Chrissy tiredly rests her head on your shoulder. You blink slowly and pet the top of her hair, kissing her temple.
“You’ll come back for us, right?” she asks Eddie with a hoarse voice.
Eddie licks his lips and looks down at the pair of you, memorising the image of two beautiful mermaids looking at him with needy and wanting eyes. What kind of pirate would he be if he didn’t collect his treasure?
He brushes your cheekbones with his thumb, your eyes fluttering shut at the gentle touch. “Yeah. Yeah, I will.”
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squishosaur · 2 months
wait omg 🎤 tell me about riddleruggie.... (what is the ship name again)
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okay. imagine a girl who thinks she knows everything in the whole world and has her life planned out at age 16 despite having no concept of the real world at all. theoretically, she knows how to do everything.
now imagine a guy who is dancing through life and has all these social skills and actual experiences but won't apply himself to academics or anything because "WHEN WILL I EVER NEED THIS IN THE REAL WORLD...." & "i have waaay more important stuff to be doing right now." he can practically do anything but probably could not tell you how he did it.
but both of these approaches eventually hit a wall. you can't navigate the world without experience, and you can't have everything you want without knowing how to manage everything.
but like. do you know how much they could learn from each other? how many social cues ruggie could help riddle figure out? how many solutions riddle could offer to balancing ruggie's schedule so he doesn't overwork himself with like. 7 jobs while still being able to provide for himself and his family & stuff? how ruggie could help riddle be something other than whatever mrs. rosehearts wanted? how they could learn how to kiss from one another because there is literally zero way either one knows how to do it??? (lol)
ruggie is just a pretty down-to-earth, follower-y (but can stand up when its important), lowkey cowardly, funny guy and riddle is assertive, likes to lead (but definitely needs to be told when to chill out), guy who doesn't know when to back down or quit and also has No clue what fun looks like. (they're also t4t to me; that's unrelated but idk where else to put it.) they need each other i think
they're like fiyero & elphaba from wicked to me but i do not have a specific song from the musical to give you. um but here's guillotine (jon bellion), puppy princess (hot freaks), a beautiful mess (jason mraz), promises (hadestown).
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 year
YOUR MXM REQUESTER IS BACK AGAINNNN. I’m literally in love w your works fr, like whenever I have nothing to do I’m taking my ass over to your blog to read😭 you’re a wholeass blessing fr
Okay so my mind started working again, like imagine the reader just over all being a tease the whole day and in the evening his Yautja mate walks in on the reader touching himself later on which leads to smut:D?
What We Do In The Night
Pairing: Mai'tuiudh (Male Reader) x AMAB Reader
Warnings: breeding kink, size kink, teasing out in public, knots, masturbation, being caught while masturbating, cum eating, talk about cum, thigh fucking.
Word Count: 5662 (whoops, my hand slipped...)
Summary: A new question. What would happen if you teased your mate while on the mother ship? You're in front of his peers, touching him throughout the day. He can't do anything in return. Not when there's other watching. Wait until he get's back from his meeting...
Author Note: Welcome back! Glad to have you! I'm so glad you are liking them. I have to say, I'm slightly out of my element when it comes to MXM stuff but I do like a challenge. I'm loving them so much as you can clearly tell by the 11 page essay I just wrote, lol. Throw some more at me!
Many eyes were on your form as you strutted through the halls. Mai has taught you to ignore them, don’t give them energy to taunt you. Over many visits, you’ve gotten use to the stares and eyes. It no longer bothered you. To be honest, it made you want to try something that Mai has whispered to you before. The Yautja have little shame on what humans call disgusting. It’s taken some time to get use to seeing naked forms along the crew.
They have no reason to shy away though. Their frames are athletic and toned, just like your partners. Straight up hunters that loved the hunt. Most do, at least. From what you’ve heard, others prefer science or mechanics. Those are the similarities to the humans that you considered. There are things between your two races that are completely different then there’s those before mentioned ones.
Your feet were taking wide, quick strides to keep up with Mai’tuiudh. With how fast he was moving, he seemed to be on a deadly mission. To where, you have no idea.
It’s rare to be on the mothership. Mai hated to be here. By the looks of it, the other Yautjas felt the same towards him. The stares, glaring, and scoffing are any clue. You feel like it has something to do with you to being together, but it doesn’t matter to you.
Yet, the elders call upon him to physically check in and report his findings. Mai listens to them. Well, he has to or be hunted down by an Enforcer to be brought back. Mai’s told you this has happened once before. Some Yautja named Dai’stbaen dragging him here to answer to the elders.
The stares don’t go away as Mai plops down on the bench. A bowl of some sort of noodles in front of him. It wasn’t the first time you’ve seen him eat noodles. But it was quite strange yet funny to see. You join Mai next to him and leaned into his side. The Yautja doesn’t move and lets you stay there. There was a little coverage with the table. The others around have finally returned back to their food and tablemates. This was your chance.
A grin grew on your features. Your hand nearest to him rested on his bare thigh. The muscle barely twitched as Mai used chopsticks to pick up some noodles and bring it to his mouth. Said hand started to slide up towards Mai’s torso. This time, you felt Mai’s stomach flex against your side. Good boy, is what you wanted to say but you were in earshot of company.
Once the noodles tangled on the blue Yautja’s mandibles was consumed, Mai released a growl-chuff at you. “What are you doing, little bug?” he questioned, keeping a hand on the bowl and the other grasping the chopsticks. Mai wasn’t going to stop you though. The skimming of your palm felt wonderful against his skin. “Think wisely.”
Poor choice of words. You were thinking of all things you could do to him while he couldn’t do anything. Mai has a taste for touch outside of the bedroom but won’t full on take you in front of company. Such a gentleman. You continued to smirk as your hand reached the hem of his short-shorts, then pushed underneath.
Mai’s skin was set ablaze against yours the closer you got to his core. The Yautja squared his shoulders, attempting to keep any noises to himself. He tried. That’s all that matters in the end.
Later in the day, when the ship was calming down, the two of you found yourself in a sparring room. Other Yautjas were working on their form and whatnot. All of it was enticing but your eyes were kept on the blue Yautja stretching. Mai was bent at the waist, touching his fingers to his toes. You licked at your lips and secretly shifted your twitching dick. How could anyone not want to be ruined by him and his glory? If anyone said no, then they are complete liars.
Your Yautja swiped at drop of blood hanging from his lower mandible with a long tongue. The things Mai could do with that muscle. One’s you’ve experienced countless time. God, just thinking about him was probably alerting the Yautjas around about how horny you were for him. Who cares though? Not you as he walked over to you.
The waterskin in your hand was offered to the sweaty alien. Said being took it from your gasp. As he drank, you placed a hand on his stomach, feeling it flex. That limb skirted over Mai’s crotch, loving the way he tensed and almost choked on his drink. Mai was quick to cap the waterskin and grasp your hand. Yet, as the giant stared into your eyes, he couldn’t tell you to stop. Not when he felt his cock stir within his sheath. Damn this ship.
“What’s the matter, love? Cat got your tongue?” you jestered, palm resting over his crotch. If he didn’t need to show at least a hair of restraint in front of his peers, Mai would’ve had you face down, ass up. The feel of you wrapped around as he stroked your cock. Paya, save his damned soul.
His former sparring partner called to him, asking if they were going to continue. He wished he didn’t have to. He wished he could walk straight out of this room and take you somewhere private.
Maybe he’ll just use your mouth, teach you lesson. Especially, when you’re touching him like that. It’s going to be difficult to focus now. It was all your fault.
The two of you stood in front of the door, a soft smile upon your lips. Lips that Mai wanted to bite as you looked at him that way. The way that captured his sight, his mind, his focus. He couldn’t help placing his hands on your hips and drawing you close.
The heat of his body made your lips press together, eyes sparkling with mischief. Your own hands started at his lower torso then skimmed around his sides then rested on the swell of Mai’s butt.
Said being’s mandibles clicked against one another. If only Elder Foq’oz hadn’t called upon him. He wouldn’t have to leave you. No, he could push you into his dwelling and take you against the door. No eyes could see, but everyone within the vicinity could hear how good he fucks your ass. Then, he would knot you, pouring his seed deep within you. You would keep it there, being so good for him. Afterwards, Mai would carry you to the large bath and take you all over again. He would happily seed you continuously through the night.
His cock’s tip started to rub against his shorts. The friction and smell of you made him keen silently, slightly bent over you. Mai let his tongue slither out to taste the air, eyes drifting shut.
Or, he could take you here. Quickly. Quietly. There would be eyes, much to his dismay, but you’re his. Yet, the Elder would be infuriated to learn why he was late. Mai would receive some sort of punishment by said Yautja. Not that he was against them… he didn’t want to be away longer than necessary from his mate.
“Prepare, little ooman,” he rumbled into shoulder before standing tall. In the air, Mai smelled his own dai-shui lingering. A short shower wasn’t going to get rid of it, as much as he hoped. He’ll have to bear what words the Elder will throw at him. All for you.
At his words, you cocked your head, brows furrowed. “For what, babe?” you requested, hands moving to Mai’s front and slipping underneath his pants again. Your Yautja rocked his hips forward, sweltering penis sliding against your hand. Paya, you were going to be the death of him at his stage. The way you touched him. The way you felt against him just like this.
“Pauking be ready when I return, ooman.” Oh, you knew you were in trouble now at that point. All you could do was smile innocently up at him. Mai growled softly, ending it with a keen. He used a hand to wrap around your neck and simply pin you into the door. “You will not leave my room in the morning. You will be full of me before day.”
Your dick throbbed in your pants. Since your grave has already been dug, who cares if it gets deeper. “Is that a promise or a threat?” One limb drifted north to tweak at one of Mai’s exposed nipples.
Mai’tuiudh had a strong urge to bite you on your neck. Maybe that’ll teach you a lesson. Knowing you though, there’s a chance it wouldn’t work as well as he wanted it to. His grip tightened on you, claws pressing into your skin. “Consider it a threat and promise. It won’t matter though. You’ll be far too cockdumb to know.”
This time, you gasped, hands stilling. God, he knew how to get your blood going. Well, his presence already did that. Yet, you kept a cocky look on your face. “Good. Now, be a good boy and run along,” you shooed him away.
His hand slammed into the pad next to the door. This action caught the attention of many eyes around. Their head snapped to the two of you. They watched as the Yautja shoved you past the door and it closed between the pair. The heavy scent of a horny male in the air. Many just rolled their eyes at the smell before carrying on.
You stared at the sheet of metal blocking you from Mai’tuiudh. Now, you could release the façade, fingers already palming at the tent growing within your pants. Shit, that alien knows what he’s doing with you. His words, smell, being, they drove you crazy when he did things like this. Yet, you had to wait until he came back to get what you want.
An idea came to mind standing in the entrance. It was the honest truth you’ll have to wait until Mai gets done with whatever he’s doing to get knotted. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while he’s away. Now, you can imagine the sight of him walking in as you played with yourself.
Hand wrapped softly around your hard cock, precoma weeping from the tip. Maybe one of your many toys filling your ass, barely comparing to Mai’s impressive cock. It could just be there until he will.
The pants around your waist did nothing to hide the tent growing within them. Your blood rushing to your hardening cock. Your back rested against the closed door as a hand wrapped around yourself, softly stroking.
Images of past encounters with your lover played behind your eyelids. Every time ended with you knotted on him, dick twitching deep inside of you, filling you with his seed. The back of your smacked against the door, a low moan breaking the quiet air.
All the things Mai has done to you over the course of the time you’ve spent with him. The touches, the words, the emotions. By god, you love him. The Yautja may not say those exact words, but you knew he felt the same as he bared himself to you. He’s been vulnerable to you so many times before.
He’s treated you right this entire time. He cares about you. He’s kept you in his thoughts. Yes, there’s been disagreements, but fuck. They’ve always been resolved. He loves you, words or not. Through and through. When returned back from wherever he’s been called to, he’ll take care of you completely. Someday, you feel you should return the favor full heartily. God, what has you brain done to you?
The question should be, what has Mai done to you? Here you were, back against a door, hand now down your pants to stroke at your dick. Dirty, downright sinful thoughts spilling through your mind. All you wanted was Mai to walk in and see you fisting yourself as you moaned his name.
That made you push off of the door and take unsteady steps towards the bedroom. The trek was long and difficult. Your legs wobbled underneath you at each footfall. All your thoughts were focused on the mental image of you being pounded into by Mai. All you had to do was wait and be good, be prepared. You had a full understanding on what teasing the Yautja in front of his kind could do.
Out in public, Mai stays conservative. He’s respectful yet firm. You aren’t allowed out of his sights when in crowds. Though, this may seem demeaning, he will make you hold his hand the entire time. If that’s not possible. Like for instance, grabbing credits, he’ll force you in front of him, pressed up against him.
At that thought, you wanted to be skin to skin with him. Sweaty bodies moving with each other, each seeking pleasure in the other.
The concave bed covered in pelts and a couple of blankets felt like heaven. Past memories surfacing once more to remind you what’s to come. Your hand didn’t leave the confines of your pant as you laid back. You let loose a moan when you squeezed the base of your cock. That’s what Mai’s going to do to you when he returns. All the things he’s going to do… You wondered what position he’s going to fold you into when comes back. Maybe Mai won’t even take you in the bed. The wall could work, show off how strong he is as he holds you up easily in his arms. Or the bath; you riding him till he knots you. Mai stroking your cock in rhythm. You bit your bottom lip, hips stuttering against your hand.
How can you even think straight with those thoughts? To be honest, you probably weren’t thinking straight at the moment. Mai consumed your mind.
The drag of dry hands didn’t feel the best. You reached over to the low table next to the bed. When it came to Mai, he always has lube nearby at the thoughts of you. One way he shows he truly cares about you. Always on his mind too.
After retrieving the bottle of lube and a toy, your pants were pushed off of your legs and thrown off to the side. Your hardened cock rested against your stomach, leaking precum, tip pink and flushed. It jumped when you skimmed slick fingers over the underside. You whined at the feeling and did the same thing again. Mai’s rough fingers would feel so much better. Patience was key right now. All you had to do was wait somewhat patiently for his return.
The toy earlier mentioned was slicked up with the same lube. You rolled onto your side, hiked up a leg, and nudged the tip against the tight ring of muscles. After countless times with Mai, he’s been able to loosen you up to make it easier for the two of you. Yet, it never hurts to prepare yourself for him. He did say to do that before he left you panting and hard against the door.
You softly cried out as the plug was pushed into you, slowly opening you up. Your bottom lip was bitten again at the pleasure spiking throughout your body. This caused you to start panting, jaw hung low.
Then, the thickest part of it was pushed fully and nestled perfect inside. Your only free hand went immediately back to your cock and started up a decent pace. Your body stayed on it’s side as you stroked, eyes starting to roll back into your head. Fuck, this wasn’t the greatest. The plug did little to fill you the way Mai could. It made you hungry for more. Yet, you guessed it was the idea and possible feeling that had you whining in the empty room.
It was far from silent now in the bedroom. Soft cries, whines, and moan echoing back at your needy form on Mai’s bed. You buried your nose into the pelt and took a deep breath. There. There was his grounding scent woven into the blankets. Your dick twitched, more precum coating the tips. You used the palm of your hand to corkscrew the tip. “Mai!” you whimpered, other hand clawing into the bed.
The muscles in your lower torso tensed, preparing for the upcoming orgasm. Your hand sped up, tightening its hold. Your mind is starting to go blank, besides the only thought on it was Mai. “Pl-ease, let, let me come, baby,” you begged to a figure who wasn’t here, to an empty room.
Your balls tightened, drawing up into your pelvis. Your arm growing tired at the speed but didn’t dare stop. Not when it was right the- “What do we have here?”
Over the white noise in your ears, you heard a voice gravelly speak. The concentration was dropped, hand stopping at the tip, eyes shooting open to find the origin.
In all of his glory, Mai rested a shoulder against the doorway, arms crossed, and eyes locked onto you. His long tongue slipped between his inner jaw to taste the air. You watched as his burnt orange eyes expanded.
All you could do was lay there, panting and not daring to move. The male finally pushed off of the door frame and marched straight over to you. Now, you turned onto your back and started to crawl away from him. That didn’t work.
Mai simply grasped an ankle and tugged you back to him before forcing you onto your front. One hand pinned your neck down into the bed while the other lifted your hips up. The shiny blue butt plug now exposed to him. The Yautja purred lowly, thumb touching the plug before hooking a claw and lightly pulling on it. It moved only an inch inside of you, but you moaned, hands grasping at the pelts again. “Mai,” you cried out his name with him here.
“If you didn’t tease me since this morning, I would be praising you. But you don’t deserve my good words now. Not when you have me wanting to breed you since you touched me out in the hallways this morning.” Mai pushed on the plug now, gaining the same reaction as before. “Do you know how hard it was not to push you into the floor in front of other people and knot you right there? I know you would’ve sound so pretty, begging for my knot and to bred you.”
The touch on your lower end was removed. Only a cool breeze ghosted over the hot skin he had grazed over. “You would’ve loved that. Huh? Seeing all those larger than you watching you getting bred by one of their own? Maybe you would’ve let them have a turn with you?”
This time, you whine in disagreement. “No, no! All yours. All yours. I want you, love. Please. I’m only yours.”
From behind you, where you couldn’t see, Mai smirked proudly at that. The belt around his thick waist was removed, thrown off to the side. Green pelt shorts followed shortly after.
A shiver raked the Yautja’s body, his cock meeting the air, slick and pulsing with need. Mai knew the elder could smell his arousal when Mai entered the room. As much as Mai should’ve felt embarrassed, he didn’t. Instead, he wanted the meeting to be over the moment it started. So, he could come back here and fill you with his cock. Patience is a hunter’s virtue. One a struggled with since he was a child.
“You know how to please me, little ooman,” he grumbled, letting his hand return back to your butt. He squeezed one of your cheeks. Patience. His prize would soon come to him in time. Instead, Mai rested his heavy cock on your tail bone and rutted against you.
From the smell and sight of you, you were ready to come. He could tell when he entered the room you were about to. But Mai ensured you wouldn’t.
Like all the times before, the Yautja leaned down so his mouth was next to your ear. His body curled over yours, easily covering you like a big blanket. The hand on your butt moved to slither around your torso, taking up so much space. “Are you ready for me?” he softly whispered. You felt your cock jump, slapping against Mai’s arm. He smirked at this and licked a stripe behind the shell of your ear.
A whimper sounded in the back of your throat. “Please, love, fill me. I want to feel you so bad. You don’t understand.” His chest vibrated your spine, traveling through your body. You sobbed at the feeling on your weeping cock.
“Oh, but I completely understand.” Mai lifted his upper body off of you before maneuvering you into the position he wanted. You were still in bed, plug removed. Now though, he was sitting with you straddling his thick thighs and waist. Your knees couldn’t even touch the pelts below. All of your weight is resting completely on him now.
A heavy amount of lube had been used on both of you. To the point you felt it rolling down your legs in beads. Both of Mai’s hands were resting on your hips, thumbs touching each other in the middle of your torso. Your aching cock pinned between. It leaked precum, sliding down the length. You were so needy for him, needing to come all over him. Your own way of marking him in return.
Mai simply lifted you up, your cock sliding against his toned abdomen. You reached back to grasp his dick and guide it to your entrance. The Yautja purred as you did so, easily keeping you up.
When you pressed the tip in, Mai’s purr stuttered with a growl. He tensed to stop himself from rutting up into you at just the feel. No matter how many times he enters you, it makes him feel like a newly blooded Yautja getting his first female. This was a hundred times better than that though, making it even harder not to pin you underneath his large frame and take you. You made him feel this way.
He allowed you to control the speed at first. Your comfort was first in his book. He enjoyed the slow slide of you coming down on his penis. The way you would stop, rise up only to fall further. You squeezed the life out of him the further you went down. Then, you finally met your hips against his. His claws bit into your skin at the feeling.
“God, you fe-el so good, love.” Your hand skated down to wrap around your cock. A mistake. Mai grasped that limb and pulled it away.
“Mine to touch. Not yours,” he demanded before releasing the hold. You whined and rested your forehead against his pec. How could he deny you when he’s filling you so perfectly. His knot wasn’t inflated but you could still feel it pressing inside of you.
The Yautja rumbled a laugh at your reaction. Poor little ooman, waiting for him to knot. He waited though until he felt you fully relax against him before lifting you up. The way you sobbed into his chest had him already wanting to hear more. He pulled you back down until your hips met again, beginning a slow but hard pace. One that had you panting and pawing at him.
Low curse words spilling from your lips at the building pleasure. Pleasure that had you already on the edge from earlier. Oh shit. You were going to come so quick. There was no stopping if he kept this up. What would he think of you? Such a needy little thing, already spilling your cum on him?
It took a little effort to even think of the words as the band in your stomach tightened. “Mai, Mai… mmm. I’m gonna come. Let me. Please. I wanna. Please,” you begged to the large alien fucking his cock into you.
Said being couldn’t help the smirk from growing on his mandibles. What you had said already confirmed his suspicions. This was the cause from you playing with yourself earlier. He couldn’t deny the fact you were making him feel so good. Though, if he was truly thinking, he probably would’ve stopped to let the orgasm fade away. You deserved it after teasing with all those touches all day.
His mind already recalling your subtle touches against his thigh as the two of you walked through the hallways. Many of his kinds eyes were on you, watching. Yet, you didn’t seem to know and carried out feeling him up. He knew the others could smell his growing musk for you. He can’t blame the mating season. There’s a couple of months till then.
After that one, you had taken a seat on his lap, pressing into him. Mai easily read the way the room tensed at this. Some Yautja had looked away while others couldn’t stop staring. As much as Mai hated it, he returned the pressure on them until no one dared to look at them.
Then later on, you had pulled him, off guard, into an empty hallway and backed him into the wall. This caused the Yautja’s eyes to bulge out, lower jaw slackened as he watched you feel him up. Mai couldn’t help his head throwing back and body pressing up into your hands. You ate that up happily.
Or when you slipped your hand into his pants while he talking to an old friend. He nearly choked on his spit when your fingers slipped across his slit. Said friend gave him a weird look but carried on until Mai had to remove the two of you from the equation. You were giggling the entire time, unable to quiet down. Damn, you were proud of yourself.
Usually, now would be the time for revenge. With the way you were squeezing him, calling his name, begging for him. How could he deny you that sweet, sweet release?
Mai angled his hips towards something he knew would make you keen just for him. When the tip of his penis slammed against that special spot, you gasped, nails digging into his flesh. “Fuck! Do that again! Please! Again,” you pleaded with him. You were perfect like this.
One of his hands moved to grasp your weeping cock and started a pace that matched his own. If you were going to come this early, he’s going to milk it for what it’s worth. “Come, little ooman. Come on my hand, now,” he snarled as he felt you clench around him. He had a bit of stamina left in him so this wasn’t the end for him just yet.
You cried out hard, his name falling from your lips. The band in your stomach snapped, balls drawn tight. Your cock throbbed within Mai’s hold, white cum shooting out across his torso and hand. Your shaky hands slid up to grasp at his shoulders. “Good boy,” the large predator grumbled, hips not once faltering, over the white noise in your ear.
Once the feeling of cloud nine started to fade away slowly, your body slumped against his chest. You felt your cum touch you but that was the least of your worries now. Your own heaving for air. One of Mai’s hands petted down the length of your sweaty back. You relaxed, eyes drifting close.
Until the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation started to creep up your spine. You whined incoherently at him, hands pawing at him. This gained his attention to stop, one hand forcing your chin to look up at him. Concern bubbled deep within those burnt orange eyes of his as they searched your own. “Are you okay?” he was quick to ask yet didn’t dare move in case he somehow injured him.
“Too much,” you slurred, eyes watering. Mai was relieved at that. He hadn’t hurt you. An idea was quick to come to mind instead.
Mai leaned down to lick at your cheek, a way to give you kiss. “I’m going to pull out, okay?” You hummed with a head nod. To which, Mai followed through with what he said he was going to do.
It wasn’t painful as he slipped from you. Instead, it made your softening cock twitch with need. You whined at the feeling, softly digging your nails into the flesh of his shoulders. “You did so well for me,” he whispered into your ear after he fully pulled out and kept you seated in his lap.
From this position and what part of your mind that had returned, you took notice on how hard and the lack of a knot… Mai hadn’t come yet. That wasn’t fair. You weren’t about to let that go. One of your hands reached behind you to grasp at his aching cock. The Yautja groaned, hips jutting up into your grasp, but he was able to snap out of it and stop you. He was going to take care of you, not the other way around. “Rest, little ooman. You did so good.” Mai brought up his cum coated hand to his mouth and licked it out. The taste is different from his own in all the good ways. His cock jumped at the taste but you weren’t able to at this moment.
“Mai, you hadn’t come yet,” you stated like he didn’t know it was the truth.
“I’ll be fine.” That you disagreed with a whine and shook your head.
“No. Use me. Wait-“ an idea came to mind “-use my thighs.” Mai’tuiudh’s eyes pinned at that, hold tightening on you.
Over time, your thighs have grown stronger but still have a velvety feel to them. Maybe you did have a good idea. “Are you sure? I don-“
“Fucking use me.” Your wish is his command.
Mai maneuvered you the way he wanted, showing off his strength during the moment. Now, you were on your back. Both of your legs up in the air but your thighs pressed together, slick between the two. Again, lube is your best friend when it comes to Mai’tuiudh. You loved him but not a day of sex goes by without said bottle.
“Ready?” he questioned. One arm was wrapped around your knees, keeping them together. His hand holds his throbbing, weeping cock. No words came to you. Instead, all you did was nod your head. One hand rested on your softened cock. The feel of it there made you shutter.
Once he got the confirmation, Mai lined himself between your thighs then pushed forward. His eyes rolled back into his head. He wasn’t going to last long. The course of the day weighing him down. You were weighing him down. The sight of your small form below him, pauked out, willing to let him use your legs for his pleasure.
A low growl sounded in the back of his throat. You smiled, dazed, up at him, palm and digits wrapping around your cock. There wasn’t a chance to get another orgasm out of you but the pleasure was always welcomed. “You gonna come, big boy? Gonna come all over me? I’m gonna smell like you then, if you do,” you teased lowly.
Start talking about marking and scenting, that’ll get Mai’s gears going. It’s the perfect thing. Said Yautja’s hips faltered their beginning pace already. A low hum sounding in the back of your throat. “Hmmm, yes you are. You always look so handsome when you do. Gonna let me see that again. See you cover me in your cum.”
This time, you heard Mai’tuiudh whimper, hold tightening while his other arm came for support around your legs. You reached down with your free limb. Each time the top portion of his cock speared between your thighs, you caressed him.
Then, an idea came to mind.
The limb holding your dick lifted it up to rub against Mai’s each time he thrusted forward. Pleasure shocked throughout your entire body, causing you to gasp and tense. “Come, baby. Come!” you called out to him like you were in charge. As if.
Mai’tuiudh’s eyes narrowed, hips brutally slapping against yours like he was possessed. All you could do was lie there and watch as your gorgeous Yautja fell apart above. The strong, mighty have fallen to the likes of you, about to come at the feel of your thighs. “That’s it. You can do it.”
A roar echoed around the room. Mai slammed his thighs against the back of yours. A stinging sensation ran up them but you pushed that off to the side to watch as your Yautja came.
Large spurts of cum shot out from the neon green tip of Mai’s beautiful cock. The strength it had had it landing on your face. You were happy to lick what you could off of it, all while keeping eye contact with him.
He was quick to bend over and lick a stripe off of your face for you. Then, said tongue pressed against your lips. You allowed him entrance and tasted him.
When the two of you pulled away, him hovering over you, eyes peering into yours, you leaned up to place a chaste kiss on his lower mandible. “You looked so pretty when you come, babes,” you teased the Yautja.
“I should be the one saying that to you. Specially covered with my seed.” You giggled with a soft smile. Mai leaned back up, large body kneeling before you. “Now, why don’t I clean you up?” You happily agreed with him, letting the Yautja lift your body off of the bed. One thing you liked being on this ship was the bath. This ship wasn’t that bad in the end.
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Hello! I know you're one of the people who ship Moon and Solar (TSAMS) And y'all have gotten me into the ship as well! XD I'm not caught up on the lore of the show(s) So i haven't even seen Solar IN SHOW before (i am very behind to before Lunar was Sun and Moons brother :' D) But I have some ideas I'm debating writing for the ship buttt....I have no clue how Canon Solar acts??? Do you know if theres somewhere I could find a Summary on his personality? (and I suppose...new Moon?) I'll probably unintentionally make them OOC...never written for anything TSAMS related, but i'll try!
And is there a ship names thats...like used for them instead of Solar X Moon or is it just called that?
Anywho, I hope you have a good day/night!!! You make awesome stuff! (And I know theres been some people making drama over the ship, I hope you don't let them get to you too much tho!! <3 /P)
Heheheh. Thank you. I've been shipping these two since June 2023 so I'm glad I can share the brainrot and some people are more welcoming and cool then I expect. (mostly the ones who can't think critically are the youtube audience but that's expected. Since a lot of the youtube target audience are... like.. minors or really young adults who can't conceive the concept.)
I rewatch that Episode where Solar changes his name and rebuilds the Daycare in a week just for Moon constantly cause it's just... so much admiration and appreciation Moon has for Solar in that episode. I swear I don't know if it was a flub on the actor's part... but I swear Moon calls him 'sexy' as he's dragging him to charge. the stock sound effect of "OOOOH" doesn't help my APD and I've listened so many times and I have no possible idea what Moon could be saying to Solar other then 'come here you stupid, sexy-...." (trails off) sooo... idk. I might have misheard that severely but that's just what I'm hearing.
Like, in terms of New Lore of the show, it gets pretty complicated.
So complicated in fact, TSAMS themselves released a new video on the subject.... But it's NOT a very good guide, as it misses a lot of things. (and no I don't mean the stupid guest cameo stuff) this is more or less an abridged take on what happens with no emotional impact:
Like, this is a good starting point if you want the barest of bones, but it misses so much stuff. I think they don't even mention how Solar gets introduced into this family. lol. Just like "yeah Im here and I helped kill Eclipse" fheahehf. It's a super well made video though, and I don't mind the editing mistakes (clearly when the actors change the avatar on screen.... whoops. Happens a few times)
There is also the Fan Wiki, but as of now, it is incomplete, (@twinanimatronics is working tirelessly on updating the wiki and I wish they got more reconignition from the tsams community as a whole ) but it does give a decent look into Solar
There is also the huge TSAMS Lore Document, which Ceph(twinanimatronics) also worked on which contains a further detailed explanation of the story so far, for those who don't have time to watch 2 years worth of youtube content that aren't in a concrete playlist. (TSAMS. PLAYLIST YOUR STUFF PROPERLY. YOU HAVE TWO YEARS OF LORE HERE)
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Liike.... yeah... this is okay but like..
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This is VRchat. Aka the lore. Which also includes when they play videogames in VRchat, which don't impact the story... Like Uno, Amongus and SCP stuff.....
And it doesn't divide the arcs. Something that TSAMS severely needs more then any other SB Show channel.
Also, in the early days, the gameplay videos USED to be part of the lore. As the concept of Eclipse itself, being a rouge evil ai that lived in Sun's head (as it was presented initially but we know the truth it was the killcode moon planted in Sun when they separated.)
These days, they kinda dropped the gameplay videos being directly connected to the over arching plot. Other then just saying that their vids are pre-recorded or "we're back" after an annual halloween takeover.
Not to mention... When Earth and Lunar got a show, they became intertwined with the Sun and Moon show. LAES is very much it's own thing, but it's the ONLY Security Breach Show that consists of two Original Characters spawned from the Sun and Moon show. A rarity. So their lore continues off from the Sun and moon show, giving more info on Lunar these days and Earth (their sister)
Then you have the Monty and Foxy show (which is my least favorite of the shows... Personal Preference. I try not to complain cus I know some people like it. But I do not like the plot points in that show, or the character writing and weird directions they take while being connected to the same universe.)
And Monty is a character voiced by Davis, who also voices Sun. So Monty started out as a prominent character on the Sun and Moon Show, and then got his OWN show... at a point in TSAMS history after Eclipse got the star and killed Lunar.
So yeah. I wish the playlists were better organized here. So we knew when each era starts.
(people say Matpat should get on this show lore... And noooooooo no thanks. Keep him away. We got you covered. Ceph honestly has enough info to make a video guide at this point.)
But long story short, Solar is a "Good Eclipse" from another dimension that the Old Moon introduced to Lunar, when Lunar was struggling with his trauma of leaving Eclipse. Good Eclipse and Lunar become friends.
Anyway, here are some key episodes that outline NewMoon and Solar's relationship, as Solar had never met the Old Moon.
Old Moon had never met Solar. It was New Moon who introduced himself to Solar to help defeating Eclipse once and for all. (and by this point lunar had died)
He was actually surprised that this Moon was a chill Moon and could be reasoned with and talked to, considering he was living a rather oppressive life from his own Moon.
There's also a whole episode saga of just these two bantering and talking while they work on the satellite together. I can't remember which specific episodes those are.
You can also see the difference between the Evil Eclipse and Good Eclipse here in one of my all time favorite episodes:
Moon saving Solar's life: (also the death of the bad Eclipse)
Everything is good and happy after Eclipse dies for awhile. (aside of Ruin and Bloodmoon wrecking shit) He goes back to his own dimension... and you get to see what his sad life is like:
From his Moon calling him "byproduct" and failure very often.
But... Something happens and Solar is forced to come to Moon's dimension
here's Solar at his poor little meow meow "I have nowhere to go" stage and just... thought to go to Moon immediately due to their history.
Moon's only question about Solar moving in, is that if he wanted him to blacklist his dimension once he heard what was going on with his Moon.
And immediately, Solar jumps in to help Moon with his problems.
Also during the halloween takeover part 2 electric boogaloo, Solar was the one to help get Sun and Moon back after being teleported to a different dimension with no hopes of returning
Also, after Ruin was cured and Bloodmon ran off, Solar rebuilt the ruined Daycare in a week. And Moon is so grateful for it. (i rewatch this episode a lot. It cemented the ship in my mind and built the commodity that they've been building up for months)
We also get what Solar's daily life is like so far... How out of place he feels, being someone from a different dimension, despite the Brothers (and sister's) insistence, he still doesn't really feel like he's part of the family. He feels like an outsider. (He also has less opportunities to hang out with Lunar. As he expressed interest in playing games with him like the good old days, and as of recently, they have not yet)
also a good example of the Celestial family changing minds on family dynamics because they are robots. Lunar flat out rejected Vegeta-Animatronic is his brother even if he technically is. Like, they're robots. They can change their relationships to each other based on their word. I like to see it more flexible then it is in reality with actual people/humans.
Moon also trying to make Solar feel comfortable and feel like he's adjusting well here. Expressing his concern for him doing so much for him and his family. And hoping to not pressure him into so much work.
As of recently, his Sun died, and he killed his Moon. And in his therapy session (on the Lunar and Earth Show) he expressed regret over "Leaving" them...
But he has not properly told anyone about this.
My reasoning is that he probably thinks that the family will jump on the chance to call him "Evil" .....They don't have good luck with Eclipses.... and every Eclipse they met other than him has been Evil. (that must weigh on you. Every version of yourself is deemed as evil across every dimension. You are the only good one. Maybe there is something wrong with you)
I'm already at the video limit, but on Lunar and Earth show, there is an interesting episode where Lunar goes into Solar's head, and his mindscape looks like the Willy Wonka TV room, because it was a movie he watched with his Sun before they separated and Sun died. Showing that he did care about his Sun a whole lot... Which is probably why he doesn't interact with our Sun that much alone.
He also compartmentalizes everything before he can feel emotions, playing his own memories in third person as if he's not experiencing them.
Not to mention, he organizes and separates his thoughts on NewMoon and HIS Moon, just so he won't associate the two.
I also missed what episode it was, but Solar is always the first to call Moon out when he's being angry, or irrational, and Sun admits in his therapy session, that Solar is the only person who can calm Moon down. (mainly cus he's used to it, but unlike his old moon, this moon listens)
I love Solar a lot, can you tell?
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annabelle--cane · 8 months
hello, I would love to hear your magnus protocol theories if you have any?
every single one of the following theories are exactly as serious as each other, none of these are jokes at all:
the arg end page on the oiar site saying "all of that was 100% a totally fake training exercise so destroy any evidence you kept or be charged with treason" is such a massive lie <3
the oiar is the new seat of power for the alternate-universe-sorta-beholding. the magnus institute burned down and it simply didn't matter to the dread powers, they just jumped ship and let all their human servants die, which would tie-in to the pitch of protocol being more about systems whereas archives was about personal choices. a single person did manage to burn down the torment nexus institute but it simply didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
lena kelley is alternate jonah magnus's current host
archives 'verse einsamernarr was the one who leaked those statements in 1999 mentioned in mag 68. the timelines don't quite line up, but several time stamps from the usenet forum look rather, shall I say, like they've been affected by exposure to a massive hole in reality that links to a different slightly out of sync universe.
the magnus institute was burned down by a cataclysmically angry mother who realized the extra curricular classes her kid went to was giving them "haunted by ghosts" disease.
gwendolyn bouchard is alternate jonah magnus's current host
hokay one of the arg documents pulled from a floppy disc found at an irl event had a spreadsheet in it written in german with what looks to me like dates and locations of statements (or maybe incident reports...?). I think this might have some clues about the protocol 'verse fear taxonomy, as the notes section of uncorrupted rows seem to have explanations for the events. most of them are "cats lol," but some labels ring bells for me, like "war people / warriors" (slaughter) and "avoid" (lonely), and some don't but are still spooky. "ink" comes up several times, "never again" and "unhappy child" once each. one that took place at a somerset theme park is noted with "mr b," so clearly bonzo himself is also an entity of fear.
lady mowbray is alternate jonah magnus's current host
she's also just a front for funneling money to the great bonzo
I really think that under no circumstances are we going to definitively know what happened to jon and martin from the archives 'verse, but we could definitely see what their alternate selves are up to in this timeline. I've got nothing to back this up but I'd like to see them being evil and doing evil laughs and enacting evil actions.
I shall be real, I have no idea what the deal will be with celia ripley, I just know that it's significant that she's called celia when her alternate self chose that name AND saw a fire ghost woman. here's how agnes montag--[I am shot]
bonzo is alternate jonah magnus's current host
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1moreff-creator · 10 months
How the LGI MV proves MonoTVid is both canon and a doomed ship
In this totally serious analysis post, I will show you, with 100% irrefutable evidence, that MonoTVid (the common ship name for MonoTV x David) is destined to be both canon and a doomed ship. This is in honor of them recently winning that one poll in The Website Formerly Known As Twitter, a poll which I do not entirely understand but one which I will respect regardless.
I will not accept any criticism on this post. I am objectively correct. If you find mistakes in this post, then what you’ve found is a mistake in your brain.
Obviously a TV, Obviously a Ship
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Now, do you understand?
If you don’t, let me spell it out for you. We have what is “obviously a TV” with terrorist iconography, which obviously represents MonoTV, nearby several elements which clearly represent David. The hair clips, the megaphone, the dummy. You’ll see “dummies” is plural, because David is a dummy. This is the first clue to the tsundenderish nature of David, as he is literally calling himself a “baka”, perhaps even of the sussy variety. If he calls himself “baka”, could he use the same word to describe someone else?
But the true indication of this ship is the lemon on top of the TV. See, the lemon in the story “Lemon” by the man who wrote the story “Lemon”, whoever he was, is a lemon which represents, despite being a lemon, a person’s will to live. If you want further context on this lemon, read the background text near the lemon when the lyric “make a lemon bomb” shows up on screen, near the lemon. You think I’m gonna post an image of the lemon text near the lemon? No. You should know the lemon text near the lemon by heart.
Anyways, this lemon is obviously on top of the TV to represent that MonoTV is David’s reason to live. There are no other possible interpretations.
But you may also see those dandelions, labeled “weeds”. Weed is what I’m taking to make this post. Not cannabis, I am sniffing dandelions. This is besides the point.
Now, you’ll realize that since dandelions represent happiness, and even hope, the point the video tries to make with them is that David sees these things as annoying weeds. This shows MonoTV and David both hate hope. They are clearly lovers.
But what you didn’t notice, and I know you didn’t notice for I am in your walls, is footnote 18: “A/N: soz not very good at drawing flowers lol!!!”. See, David is the author of these notes, which is obvious from things like footnote 11, the “I am an only child” one. What this footnote means is that David gave these flowers to MonoTV, but he’s embarrassed about it, because he doesn’t think any gift can match the divine splendor of MonoTV. David is just that sweet. That much of a cinnamon roll who can do no wrong. A skrunkly. A blorbo. What other words can I use to brainwash Tumblr users.
Now, look at these.
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Look at the balloon and the Monokuma plushie. Does my inconsistent coloring of “the” bother you? I am very evil. You’ll see the balloon is labeled “stupid kid’s toy”, while the plushie is “a popular toy”.
Now, you might think this is another indication that David sees anything related to hope, like balloons, as inherently childish and stupid. Meanwhile, he sees anything related to despair, like Monokuma, as more grounded.
You are wrong.
You seem, MonoTV has stated Monokuma is its dad. So this being in the video means that MonoTV is David’s daddy and his toy. I’ll explain when you’re older. Just kidding, I won’t. Fuck that.
Not convinced?
Why? I am always right, so you shouldn’t doubt me.
But okay, I guess:
I Will Bring Up Color Theory For The Thousandth Post In A Row
I am not linking the accirax post for the fiftieth time. Look it up yourself.
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Yellow for David, cyan for MonoTV. Many have tried to come up with an answer for what “original” means, but it’s actually really simple.
See, David has an I. You wanna know who else has an I? Dark blue, which may be J. And J is the mastermind. Here’s the source for that, it’s somewhere in that video, you just have to find it.
So, J, who is the mastermind and thus essentially MonoTV, has the same letter as David. This clearly shows David and MonoTV are lovers.
Here’s another case of a cyan I.
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Boom. Theorizing’s easy.
Then, look.
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David has game in yellow, then MonoTV has game in cyan. They’re lovers. Do you find another explanation? No, no you don’t. You will not think critically about this post. You are not immune to MonoTVid propaganda.
But, alas, the ship is not to last.
David is a Cat
At the beginning of the video:
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David calls himself a cat, then MonoTV shows up to remind us it’s a dog. You might think it doesn’t mean much, but there actually is meaning behind David being a cat. See, it’s related to the archaic Japanese pronoun “wagahai”, referenced-
Nah, you don’t care about that. David’s a cat, source just trust me bro.
That’s what the black and white cat sitting next to David actually represents: David, tied by color scheme to MonoTV. I’m writing this on my phone and don’t feel like waiting to get to a computer to get past the 10 image limit, so we’re out of visuals.
Why is this important? Well, if you take into account the Romeo and Juliet quote that footnote 8 is attached to (here’s a screenshot), it’s clear the MV is trying to convey a story of two people in love separated by fate. This is clearly about David and MonoTV, which is further represented by David being represented by a cat when MonoTV is obviously a dog. Truly sad. Can I get an amen?
Are you not convinced yet? Crazy. Well, one last thing then.
It’s All Democratic
“To be or not to be? Who knows? Let’s decide! Democratic-ly”
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You see how the rules for class trials are on the same image as democratic-ly? Well, this is a clear reference to the poll on The Website Formerly Known As Twitter. Since MonoTVid was chosen as the winner of said poll, it was chosen “democratically”, and will thus become a canon doomed ship. You might wonder if this means the dev has the ability to see the future. But we are not to speculate on the dev’s identity, so while we can’t theorize they are clairvoyant, we also can’t speculate they aren’t. Checkmate.
In fact, The Website Formerly Known As Twitter is now sometimes referred to as “X”, an obvious reference to the X on this screen. Because surely no one would be so absolutely idiotic as to just name the website “X” for no reason.
But hold on, isn’t this X actually Roman numeral 10 for Min?
Well, obviously. We never saw Min’s corpse in her execution, which means she survived and is the second mastermind alongside J. Min is still alive. Min is still alive. Min is still alive. Min is still-
Am I a Whit Young kinnie, but specifically for Min? No, obviously. Because Min isn’t like Whit’s mom, because Min is still alive.
The point is, Min is related back to MonoTV through her mastermind-y nature, and MonoTV to MonoTVid, I’m too lazy to actually continue writing this post.
Did you actually read this all the way to end? Are you okay? Do you need a hug? Because this is insane. I don’t know why I made this. Take care!
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
Okay okay okay. My KOTLC oc’s from when I was 11, all recently recovered from my notes app.
Edit: upon reading it again i think the vibes are telling me I was actually 13. Still. These are old OC’s and I’m surprised by how much I adore them
These were all created when nightfall was the latest book so… do with that what you will.
But I’m falling back in love with them 🥹
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance @sophieswundergarten @thesmartpaladin @autistic-daydreamer (since you guys asked about them :D)
Names (in order):
Avana Crane
Kaslyn Crane
Timon Kester
Haylyn Zuni
Danisa Madella
Bios are below the cut!
Avana Crane
- works for the Neverseen as a double agent for the Black Swan. Works for the Black Swan as a double agent for the Neverseen. Both organizations think they are on their side. Only she knows what side she is on… and even then, she’s not really sure. She just wants change and knows one way or another, one of these groups will eventually succeed.
- she hides the fact that she ever manifested an ability so no one can prepare for what she can do. She uses the fact that she is “talentless” as her reason for distrusting the council to get both the neverseen and black swan to feel sympathetic for her. (She is a mesmer. Her chaos capabilities with this being a secret are impossible to match.) I headcanon that neither organization ever had a real reason to probe her mind, but if anything about it comes up in her memories when someone looks through her mind, she blushes and says she always daydreams about having this super powerful special ability since she never got one, and since she’s seventeen and there’s no reason for them to assume she’d hide an amazing ability during a time of her life when she should want to be accepted, everyone just goes with it.
- Never really works close to Sophie and her friends in the black swan, but gets to know Keefe while he’s with the neverseen. He’s really bad at pretending he doesn’t care about the Moonlark, but as someone who is playing both sides expertly, Avana can’t judge him… she does MAJORLY ship Sokeefe though.
- Mr. Forkle absolutely knows she has loyalties all over the place. He also knows she has a special ability. He shares this information with no one because he is very impressed with how effective she is at making things happen and doesn’t want to jeopardize that—and she clearly meant it when she said “I will do everything in my power to help my world” when swearing fealty. He is the ONLY one who knows. Nobody with the neverseen has a clue.
Kaslyn Crane
@kaslynspeaks I literally named this character when I was eleven, but now that I look at her name again all I can think of is you lol
- Avana’s little sister (fourteen years old)
- Beguiler & Polyglot
- mainly exists to give Avana a reason to burst into tears and play the “I just want the future to be better for my sister” card with both rebel groups (despite the fact that her sister is… three years younger than her) and to be Timon Kester’s eventual love interest!
- has an impossible crush on Keefe Sencen. Avana has heard his name multiple times out of the mouth of her little sister by the time she meets him with the neverseen, which is part of why she’s so quick to trust him. However, Kaslyn is more than aware that he’ll never love anyone but Sophie… she just deludes herself sometimes!
Timon Kester
- Timon was adopted by his aunt and uncle after his parents decided they didn’t want him anymore. He manifested as a polyglot at age 13, and his parents said this was an essentially useless ability on its own. Timon didn’t want to stay with them anyway. They were the worst
- Timon and Kaslyn are good friends and talk to each other in other languages just to mess with their friends. Timon likes Kaslyn a LOT, but Kaslyn is, as previously mentioned, hopelessly in love with Keefe Sencen (who barely knows she exists). Timon wonders if he should start acting out bc of home troubles… maybe that would get Kaslyn’s attention…
- Timon sorta wants to join the Black Swan after hearing little stuff about it since it’s become sorta mainstream to know about it by nightfall. He’s like hey that’s cool, I like what they seem to stand for… however the ticket in at this point seems to be having a shared traumatic experience with Sophie Foster and Timon has zero idea how to get one of those
- Timon thinks Kaslyn’s older sister is REALLY sketchy, but he can’t say that because he’s afraid of seeming prejudiced against talentless people. Avana gives him weird vibes though.
Haylyn Zuni
- Haylyn is a hydrokinetic in level one at foxfire that Linh has taken under her wing
- She is eleven and also is VERY young to manifest. Linh recognizes herself in Haylyn and bonds with her quickly, helping her control her powers
- Haylyn asks Linh about joining the black swan exactly once. Linh says it involves a lot of almost-dying and Haylyn goes back on this, saying she’s happy to support the black swan but definitely doesn’t need in on the almost-dying thing.
- Haylyn thinks Marella is AWESOME. Since Linh and Marella hang out a lot, Haylyn sees Marella around quite a bit. One time, Haylyn tells Marella how cool pyrokinesis, and how part of her wishes she got to be a pyrokinetic. Marella is absolutely shellshocked and realizes that the prejudice against her ability isn’t being taught as strongly in school as it used to be, and that real progress is being made. Haylyn tells Linh that she’s glad she’s a hydrokinetic though because it means she gets to play water with her. Haylyn is ADORABLE.
**side note: I characterized eleven-year-old Haylyn as VERY juvenile for someone who was currently eleven at the time. I am… sort of thrown off by this??? Like I LOVE Haylyn, but come on Little Katie, you were literally her age…**
Danisa Madella
- Danisa is Haylyn’s friend her age!!
- she hasn’t manifested an ability yet but when she does, she’ll be a shade—which will throw everyone way off because she’s the most bright, sparkly person ever
- she’s super optimistic and fun and upbeat. She loves swimming with Haylyn because Haylyn makes a bunch of pretty shapes in the water
- Elvin vsco girl energy **STOP I FORGOT THAT WAS A THING**
- Danisa looks up to Sophie Foster a LOT. She’s her role model. She daydreams about finding out she’s actually going to manifest five abilities so Sophie can have a Moonlark friend, and that one day the black swan will tell her she is special and invite her to come risk her life for their cause!
- Danisa and Haylyn are friends with Galin Kester (also not yet manifested but will be a telepath, maybe I’ll make a bio for him if he becomes more relevant in my headcanon) who is Timon’s cousin (but since Timon lives with his aunt and uncle, they’re like brothers) so Danisa sees Timon a lot and has him teach her languages. She doesn’t tell him why she wants to know as many languages as possible, but secretly, she really wants to impress Sophie one day if she joins the black swan.
The Groups
- The Danisa-Haylyn-Galin friend group makes elaborate plans about how they’ll casually insert themselves into enough conversations to worm their way over to sitting with the Black Swan affiliated elves at foxfire. They never execute these plans.
- The Kaslyn-Timon-Shanla friend group consists of many of Shanla’s schemes to set Timon and Kaslyn up together. (Shanla is a guster and has even resorted to literally having the wind knock Kaslyn off her feet before. Timon forgot to catch her so the whole thing failed)
- Kaslyn and Avana used to be closer, but now that Avana graduated from Foxfire, they don’t see each other as often. (This is possibly because Avana is busy with her extreme quadruple agent scheme)
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