#I have a 200 dollar figure of him
wheredidmycrowngo · 11 months
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nedsseveredhead · 5 months
Its soooo lame but i do just look at my Killer collection and get so unbelievably happy like lmao thats my guy
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odinsblog · 2 years
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kingspuppet · 1 year
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Anon || Unprompted
Did you know that they came out with a figure of Loki? 
|| Yes I do!! I remember when they first announced it alongside Arsene after the Joker and Black Mask figure. And Loki’s prototype looks so freaking amazing too!! Too bad I can’t afford him. He’d look so good beside my Black Mask figure. >-<
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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MY KI SHRINE 2021 vs now 🥺
#personal#OMG#I MEAN#I am really jealous you know of people in Japan who get to see all this Ki merch and buy it for cheap but#I remember when I got my first Ki figure#Now I have two shrines and a bunch of plushies Etsy merch tons of outfits like 🥺#I can’t complain#But I do wanna I’m jelaousssss I wanna seeee Ki stuff I only see it when visiting Las Vegas in hot topic but it’s with the others no offense#to them but I LOVE KI#I have all my grail Ki’s now 🥺😭🤧 never thought I’d be lucky enough to get my grail Ki plush and for only 500 dollars omg#IT WAS LIKE I ALMSOT DIED AND WENT TO HEAVEN L#IKE#I can die happy okay 😤#IDC IF PEOPLE WANNA JUDGE YOU CAN DIE AT ANY POINT SO IM GONNA HAVEALL MY KIS#HE MAKES ME SO HAPPY ALL MY LITTLE KIS#DONT TALK TO ME OR MY 200 KIS AGAIN#HIM 😭#And this isn’t even it all but it’s like my three shrines#Waiting on a forth#🙏 once my big statue gets here#Gonna just move you Miku sorry I’ll find somewhere#to put you and your sisters that’s gonna be my third Ki shrine spot#next to first Ki shrine#My switch is just lying somewhere I used to use it too fill space#BUT AH I STILL LOVE IT ITS SO CUTE WITH ALL LITTLE KI STICKERS#WHEN IM HAVING A ROUGH DAY AND I JUST GET TO SEE ALL MY LITTLE BABEYS#🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭🙏🤧#I always take these picture like just forgetting#Menaces ass is just right there 🫢😂 I am sorry rip her wall scroll is too long it was the best spot queens blade my comfort anime unironic#KI HEALS MY HEART I
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 days
𝘀𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘆 | 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 ♔
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➪ summary: when a youtuber comes and asks y/n and her friend which one of their siblings would send them more money, she realizes she's never been so grateful to have rich brothers
➪ warnings: luke not sending reader money :(
➪ word count: 0.9k
➪ file type: blurb
➪ sunny's notes: this is the result of me scrolling on youtube shorts too much :)
nhl masterlist || taglist || navigation
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⟹ Version One | The One Where They Are All Together
She was walking through campus with her friend, talking about what had just happened in the past day that they had seen each other. As they got closer to their destination a man approached them. He was around their age, maybe a year or two older, he had a microphone in one hand as a camera guy trailed behind him, “Do you guys have any siblings?”
The two nodded, a little skeptical, “I’ll give 20 dollars to whoever can convince their sibling to send them more money than the other.”
Her friend whined, “No, her brothers are rich, this is so easy for her, it isn’t fair.”
“Oh, they’re actually all together right now so that works! Wait, why am I making them send me money? I’ll think of something.”
Y/n pulled out her phone and face-timed Jack, hoping that out of the three of them, he’d pick up, “Hey y/n/n!”
Quinn and Luke joined the frame soon after, “Uh hey, can I ask you guys a huge favor?”
All three raised an eyebrow, but Luke was the one who answered, “What is it?”
“Can you guys send me some money? I need to buy a new textbook but my paycheck hasn’t come-“
“How much?”
“Like a 100? I’ll pay you back, I kind of need it soon.”
Quinn, being the big brother he loved to be, answered right away, “Yeah, of course. no need to pay me back too.”
“I promise I will.”
“Nope, I make like millions a year, I think I can spare my baby sister 100 bucks.”
“Thanks, Quinny. good luck tomorrow you guys, don’t hit each other. Love you.”
“Love you too.” The three chorused back right before she hung up.
Quinn was quick to send her the money, yet instead of the 100 she asked for, he sent her 200. Attached was a note saying that they missed her and to go buy some food for her and her friend.
“Hah, have fun beating that.”
Her friend called her sister, getting a mere $30 from her. She frowned and rolled her eyes, telling y/n that she owed her for lunch now. And after the guy left, she sent all $200 back plus the extra 20 she had just got saying it was just for a video and that she loved him. Jack and Luke whined about losing 20 dollars after that.
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
⟹ Version Two | The One Where She Asks All Of Them Separately
She and her friend had been walking back from class, talking about the new project that they were doing. They were on their way to grab something to eat as it had been slowly approaching lunchtime. There was a guy in the courtyard, with a microphone and his own camera guy. It was a little weird and they became a little skeptical when he asked them if the two had any siblings.
While her friend shook her head no, she replied, “Yeah, three.”
So while they couldn’t see whose sibling would send them the most money, they could see which ones out of hers would, “Okay we haven’t done this one before but I’ll give whatever sibling of yours who sends you more money 20 bucks.”
She called Quinn first, figuring that out of the three of them, he would be the one not doing anything at this time of day. He answered instantaneously, a soft hi coming from his side of the phone. 
“Hey Quinny, I have a favor to ask you.”
“What’s up?”
“Can you send me some money? I have-“
“Yeah, how much?”
“You didn’t even let me finish my question.”
“You’re my sister, I’m going to send you money no matter what. I mean unless you’re buying drugs, are you buying drugs?”
“No just my-“
“Yeah okay. How much?”
“Like 50?”
“Okay, I’ll send you the money. I have to go, but I’ll call you later, okay? I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She looked back at her phone and smiled when she realized he sent her 75 instead of 50. She looked back up as she moved to call Jack, “Alright, let’s see what Jack will do.”
Jack answered his phone within the first three rings, “Y/n.”
“What’s up sasquatch?”
“I got a favor to ask you.”
“Should I be scared?”
“I don’t know, do you have a reason for the Devils to stop paying you?”
“No?” His voice was more confused than worried at this point.
“Okay cool, can I borrow some money? Just like 50 bucks.”
“For what reason?”
“I need some new books for class.”
Jack raised an eyebrow from the other side, “Positive?”
“Okay fine. 50 you said?”
“I’ll send it when we hang up.”
“Thank you, Jack. I love you.”
“Love you, you dork.”
And when the phone hung up and she got a notification, she realized Jack had sent her the exact amount she was looking for, “Cheapskate. Just kidding, I’m sending this back anyway after this video. Alright, I highly doubt Luke will send me any money, but we can try at least.”
“Hey y/n/n.”
“Listen I got this huge favor I need to ask you.”
“Whatever it is, no.”
“Not even for your favorite sister?”
“Not even for my “favorite” sister. What is it anyway?”
“I was just wondering if you could send me some money for my-“
“Yeah, no.”
“What do you mean no? You didn’t even let me finish?”
“I’m broke.”
“You’re literally a professional hockey player.”
“So? Get your own money.”
She scoffed, “Rude. And this is why you aren’t my favorite.”
“Oh well.”
“Bye Luke.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“And just for that, I’m sending Quinn and Jack like an extra 20 each.”
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⬂ 𝗛𝘂𝗴𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
@zebraszegras | @ru-kru | @alwaysclassyeagle | @flowergirl1134 | @puckslxt | @ivy-34 | @jjgsunflower | @kei943
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dinodanicus · 4 months
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you can skip this wall of text its just about the scam this illustration was involved in.
This fairly ordinary illustration of two hands holding was involved in a very weird and convoluted scam. Last month I was commission to illustrate this image for invitations meant to go out for a supposed wedding anniversary coming up in March. The whole commission seemed odd to me I mainly draw dinosaurs and aliens. Not many people know I also draw people but the buyer who called himself Petterson Reid was offering to pay 300 up front and 200 after the work was finished. A nice offer for what was a very simple illustration. I took the job and sent him a very rough sketch of the hands to show him what the final image might look like. He liked the sketch and told me to finish the image after he sent the first payment I went ahead and finished the image that night. I held onto the picture to see if he would really send the 300 dollars first. The buyer wanted to send a check by mail which is weird but I thought he might have been a boomer who didn't understand how to use PayPal. His emails and text seemed like something my grandmother would write very proper and overly polite. I was fairly suspicious of him and waited to see if a check would actually be delivered. To my surprise a check did arrive a week later from Petterson Reid except it was for 2,790 dollars. knowing this was far too much money I asked him if it was a mistake. He said the extra money was for a PayPal invoice to the printers involved in the invitations. He wanted me to use the extra money on the check to pay the printers on his behalf. Again very weird but I chalked it up to an old person who didn't know how to pay online. I cashed the check the next day, since it was from an out of state bank they were putting it on hold for 3 days to see if the funds would clear. I told the buyer about the three day waiting period and asked for the invoice I was suppose to be paying and he went absolutely ape shit. He claimed I was trying to steal his money and was threatening to pursue legal action I was completely shocked by the change in attitude. I had to mute my phone because he kept sending wave after wave of threatening texts. At this point I was 90% sure this was some sort of scam but when I called the bank they said there was nothing to do until the hold expired. I was confident it wouldn't then to my surprise the check cleared and the money was in my account. At this point I had the finished artwork and the money so I wanted to get this crazy asshole on his way so I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. I told him to send the invoice for the printer and I would pay it with the money on the check then I would send the picture and our business would be done. This prick sends some half assed looking invoice with a payable link on PayPal. When I try to pay, it says payment will be held till Feb 7th. Apparently this date is too late for the printers so now that processing payment has been canceled by the printer in favor of a new payment process through Zelle. I was trying to figure out what was going on, if its a scam what is the take the entirety of the check was still in my account it didn't even say it was pending. I go to pay on Zelle and discover the 2,790 dollars has been rescinded by the bank. I call and learn this ass hair had sent a forged check to the bank in an effort to have me pay these fake invoices with my own money. He guessed the bank would deposit the check without fully vetting it for the standard 10 days since I'm a long time member. He knew he had until about five a clock that day before the bank would catch the discrepancy. He was posing as the printer in order to scam 4,740 dollars from me through both attempted payment methods. luckily for me I'm broke as hell right now and didn't have the money in my own account to cover either payment with out the check. everything has been taken care of now I just thought I better share this story since I've never seen a scam like this before. It took an entire month for him to essentially get nothing I really don't know what to think of any of this its such a weird scheme.
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AITA trying to contact my ex about our dog's health insurance after he asked me to stop contacting him?
My ex and I recently got divorced. We had a dog together (Gus), but in the divorce I got to keep him. Last weekend, Gus got really sick and started throwing a ton. I rushed him to the vet for treatment and called my ex for the first time in months. He had told me that if anything happened to Gus, to reach out and he'd help. Well, I called him to check on the details of the Gus's health insurance because it was through his work (he got a $5 discount each month). He told me that Gus was insured and to send him the bills and he'd file the claims online. Also, it was my ex's birthday that day by pure coincidence. I didn't want to contact him on his birthday, but I had no choice! I needed to figure out the health insurance so I could know how much of the bill would be covered before paying thousands of dollars.
Turned out Gus had pancreatitis, nothing too serious with treatment. I spent about $1500 in vet bills that day. After paying everything under the assumption that insurance would ultimately pay $900 of the bill and I'd only pay $600, my ex texted me to never contact him again because "he needed space" and that talking to me was "too painful." I told him, okay I'll stop messaging you but just give me the insurance login so I can file the claim or transfer ownership of the policy to me (as my name was not on the insurance policy, I have no access to it at all unless he transfers the account to me, authorizes me, or gives me the login information).
He refused. Every time I kept messaging him, asking him to do one of those two things, he kept turning it around on me and telling me that I was being selfish and disrespectful by ignoring his boundaries, that Gus isn't his problem and since I got to keep him, I have to pay his bills. So now I have to not only pay all the bills and follow-up care, but I have to get a new policy and with how insurance works in the US, Gus will no longer be covered for future issues related to pancreatits or his skin allergies, because those are now considering "pre-existing conditions." 🙄
Well, I kept bugging him for days. I offered to pay him $200 to make the transfer. I threatened to message his sister and see if she would talk sense into him and he claimed that "I nearly gave his mom a stroke" because of the whole divorce so to not message his family. I requested he attend mediation with me so we could handle the issue, and he said he could meet with me in JUNE (this happened mid March) which will give him plenty of time to cancel the policy, I'm sure. I considered getting a court order to attend mediation with me but that'd cost $300. He kept refusing to help me, so I kept pushing and texting him and trying to call him, despite his requests to leave him alone. The $1500 vet bill is whatever. It sucks but I'll pay whatever I have to to keep my baby boy healthy. I'm just furious that this will make me get a new policy and that if more of the same issues come up, it won't be covered when it SHOULD BE. He just needs to transfer the policy (that he was still paying btw) to me.
I'm sure I'm not the asshole but my ex clearly seems to think I am, so I came here to open the question to tumblr. AITA?
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can you do hcs of dating grayson hawthorne?
grayson hawthorne x fem! reader
hcs about meeting & dating the heir apparent of the hawthorne family.
a/n: ofc!! thx sm for the request & sorry for the wait!! i just got a new one also requesting grayson so this one goes out to you too anon!! grayson hawthorne is one of the lomls🫶 i am so indecisive between him & jameson fr (but for avery i think jameson is better suited for her). hope u enjoy!! i'm a sucker for the poor x rich trope sorry & i love tobias lowkey playing match maker in these LOL & this follows some of the main story but then kinda trails off
word count: 6.8k
warnings: almost drowning (LOL), minor mature language, few spoliers for final gambit i guess?,
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before you were dating the second oldest hawthorne, you were just a girl working part-time at a diner as a waitress, trying to make enough money to buy a car. you were relentlessly getting picked up/dropped off everywhere by either one of your parent's vehicles.
being a waitress wasn't ideal when dealing with rude customers, pretentious managers, and occasional annoying co-workers, but you had decent pay, and tips weren't too bad.
most of the time you were running the show on your own. serving tables, acting as hostess, dealing with unsatisfied customers, etc. it wasn’t even the lack of staff, it was lazy behaviors of your co-workers and manager - who got the job because her dad owns the business.
one peculiar afternoon you were doing your usual job of serving tables and taking orders when an older gentleman walked in, way classier than your usual customers. you seated him, gave him a menu, and then returned to the kitchen to serve your other tables.
the diner staff seemed to be murmuring words and glancing back at the man, but you didn't pay any mind to it. it wasn't unusual for you to catch staff gossiping about customers.
going back to the table, you gave him the complimentary water and then asked for his beverage of choice - he chose a simple black coffee. you went to the kitchen and returned with his drink. you were on the verge of asking for his meal order, but he looked preoccupied with a crossword puzzle.
you peaked over, and noticed he looked possibly stuck, so you offered your help because you often did crosswords when you were bored. "do you mind if i take a look?"
he said nothing, only gesturing his head toward his little crossword booklet and pen beside it. even his pen looked fancy.
you looked over the one he was one, and after reading the hint and the number of boxes for the word, you could figure it out.
the old man peered at you as if you spoke a different language.
"it's fabric with checks and lines, the phrase is a bit old-fashioned. i only know it 'cause that's what my dad refers to his shirts as." you explained.
he looked intrigued by your words, as if you'd given him an idea. he thanked you, then went on to fill out the boxes.
words were said much after that. he drank his coffee and left sometime while you were busy serving other tables. when you returned to ask him if he wanted anything else, he was already gone. but not before leaving $200 dollar tip next to his finished coffee.
you thoroughly checked if it was real, not believing anyone would purposely leave such a tip for a cup of black coffee. but in fact, it was very real. and you even bought yourself a very cute dress to commemorate. just to double check it was legit, of course.
the older man with silver-blue eyes continued to come into the diner every few days, never ordering anything other than a black coffee and always being generous with the tip.
you two had polite conversations and odd ones rooted questions he dropped on you. you noticed a lot of them pertained to money and contributions. but you never passed on answering.
they were questions like "what jobs have you worked?", "what are your parents' occupations?", "are you interested in charities and donations?", and "what do you do with the money you earn?"
thru these visits, he finally gave you his name, tobias. it shouldn't had surprised you he had a unique name to match his unique personality.
you didn't get much information about tobias. all he revealed to you was he enjoyed games, was obviously wealthy, and has 2 daughters, one son, and 4 grandsons - who weren't too off from your age.
he liked to talk about a certain one, the second oldest, grayson. you created an image he was a closed-off, goal-driven, cunning, and loyal guy. you didn’t wanna jump to conclusions, but one could say he was slyly trying to set you up with him.
it wasn’t uncommon for grandparents to come in the diner and rave about their grandsons. at times they would even show you a multitude of photos saying how handsome they are and well-raised gentlemen who would be a great match for you.
you never had the heart to straight up tell them ‘not interested’, so you listened to their praises and then fabricated a lie as to why you were unable to date their grandson.
if tobias ever were to ever try and do that you would use the same methods. you were sure his grandson was an acceptable man, but you had no interest in going on a blind date with anytime soon.
however, the conversation didn't maneuver that direction; instead, he went on to talk about how grayson was in charge of a foundation he owns and basically manages everything.
you found that rather impressive, considering he was only eight-teen. then you thought, 'just how rich is this guy?'
this arrangement continued for a few more weeks and then it turns into a constant routine for months. still never ordering anything order than a coffee, and leaving after.
one day, tobias abruptly stopped coming into the diner. and after a two-week hiatus, you figured he was likely not returning again.
you didn't realize how tedious work was without the old man's presence, you were still as busy as ever doing everyone's job, but now you didn't have the levity from your conversations.
it stayed like that for the following three months, no word from tobias. you wanted to contact him somewhere, but you began to realize how little you knew of him, hell you didn't even know his last name. he knew all the basics of what comprised you, but you couldn't even say his favorite color. and you’d known this man for almost a year.
but as it turned out, you didn't need to contact him yourself because a man came into the diner asking for you.
at first, you thought it was an unsatisfied customer here to berate you some more; it wouldn't be the first time. but you were more than relieved it was a guy you'd never seen before, a particularly handsome and well-fitted one.
you went up to the man and politely greeted him, asking how you could help him. he took you presence in when you appeared, looking up and down. it wasn't in a 'checking-you-out' type way, it was of an 'i'm judging what type of person you are' way. you felt scrutinized in your lousy diner girl uniform. it didn't help he was dressed pristinely from head to toe.
he finally spoke, "it's pertaining to my grandfather, tobias hawthorne."
you were piqued up at the mention of tobias, this was the first time you'd heard of his last name, but you didn't know any other tobias's so it must be him.
the man in front of you was one of his infamous grandsons he loved to chat about, although you weren't sure which one. but based on his stern and disciplined attitude, you'd place your bets on grayson. but just to be sure you asked.
"right, my name is grayson hawthorne." you called it. "unfortunately, my grandfather has recently passed. my family is in the middle of gathering everyone for the matter of the will, but all parties must be preset. my grandfather's law firm has informed me you are also mentioned in it."
your heart broke at the reveal of tobias passing. you knew him less than a year, but you still had formed a connection with him.
then the other portion of his statement dawned on you, he mentioned you in his will. why?
grayson seemed to have wanted to know this too. he said tobias mentioned you in passing but didn't offer details about your relationship. he didn't hide how he was suspecting and untrusting of you.
you filled him in on details of how you met, your meetings, and the last time you conversed with him. grayson was still wary of you, but he didn't have any reason yet to say you were lying.
he then urged you to gather your belongings because the two of you had to head over to his family's residence as soon as possible. he has already informed your boss of your leave of absence.
it was all so sudden, you were still processing all this information. grayson's insistence made it nearly impossible to do anything but listen. 
so, grayson took you home to change and pack a few items. you left a note for your parents, letting them know you'd be spending a night or two at a friend's house. you knew if you explained what was really going on they would not let you go; they'd probably even scold you for befriending a random old man at work, calling you naive.
although, that had merit because you were currently off with a man you knew for like five seconds because you believed he was the grandson of a man who you also didn't know for too long.
you thought the chance of getting kidnapped was better than overworking at the diner.
you were astounded when grayson casually took you to the destination of his private jet. you'd never flown first class, let alone a private freaking jet.
you two took off, and a few hours later, arrived in texas. the moment you stepped off, a bodyguard guided the two of you into a limousine. from there, you sought off to the mansion.
when you arrived, you thought you'd been driven to some sort of fancy hotel, but not it was where grayson and the rest of the hawthorne lived. you'd likely get lost trying to go from the kitchen to your bedroom.
grayson had to physically drag you away from your jaw-dropped stare at the property.
when you entered the entrance hall , another girl was already there, an older girl with her as well.
she turned her attention toward you when she noticed you entering, she seemed to have recognized grayson, but had a questioning gaze toward you.
the older girl was the one to speak to you first. “and here i thought we’d already met everyone affiliated with this crazy rich family. hi, i’m libby and this is my sister avery. are you grayson’s girlfriend?”
you could’ve died from awkwardness right there. you didn’t even wanna take a glance at grayson’s reaction, you imagined he would have a look of discontent.
“er, no. we just met today actually. he came into my work saying i’m needed for a will reading, and next thing i know im off in a private jet and in this mansion.”
this time avery spoke up, “sorry about libby’s assumption. it was just because you guys came in together and he’s carrying your bag.”
grayson was in fact hold your small luggage bag. he taken the liberty of taking it out of the trunk of the limo and carried it since.
you didn’t say anything, you just snatched your bag out of grayson’s hands, mumbling a quiet thanks.
grayson let out a laugh, but covered it up as a cough.
avery talked about her situation being similar to yours, except she’s never met tobias hawthorne before. it made you feel better there was someone else who felt like an outsider.
you were led away by grayson, guiding you to the room the will was being read. but you ran into a numerous amount of people on the way.
first, it was xander, the youngest hawthorne grandson. he appeared out of secret passage, jump scaring you. then he introduced himself.
nash, who had a country accent, followed a bit after walking in with his mother skye. she asked you a few invading questions about yourself, and you replied cordially. very relieved when grayson excused you both.
finally, you’d met jameson on accident. you were on the way to the bathroom, using directions given to you, and that’s when you bumped into him. he was very obviously drunk. he slurred a few words, but you quickly excused yourself, not wanting to deal with whatever was going on with him.
once you were finally in the room, you took a seat next to avery since she and her sister were the best options.
finally the will reading began, and the lawyers started reciting its words and designated belongs and money to different family members. all the families were stunned that the grandsons, especially grayson, hadn't gotten the entire fortune. yours and averys names had yet to be mentioned.
"to my newfound friend y/n l/n, i leave conservatorship to the hawthorne foundation. the remainder of my estate, including all properties, monetary assets, and worldly possessions not otherwise specified, i leave it to be shared upon y/n l/n and avery kylie grambs."
nothing could have you prepared for that. you thought it was a prank at first, some sick joke rich people do that get less-than-fortunate people's hopes up. but no, the lawyer did indeed confirm it to be true.
avery and yourself turned toward each other wide-eyed, completely flabbergasted. then the whole room erupted into chaos, everyone standing up to demand an explanation, accusing you both of having done something.
you had just met these people, and you couldn't for sure say they were capable of murder, but you'd seen enough movies about the rich to know it's definitely a possibility.
luckily, oren, tobias' (now ex) bodyguard, stood in front of you girls, preventing the hawthornes from stepping any closer. he claimed he worked for you both now, so it was his job to protect you.
"should we trust this guy? what if he's just playing us to get the inheritance." avery whispered to you.
"a bodyguard with ulterior motives is better than being left to the wolves."
"good point." libby chimed in.
it didn't end there; there were conditions for the will, saying you and avery must remain at the hawthorne estate for a full year to receive the inheritance.
so not only did you become enemy number one toward most hawthornes, but now you had to live with all of them. lovely.
that jump-started your now future of being involved with the hawthornes (and the grambs sisters)
after the will fiasco, the grayson made it his mission to unmask whatever game you played to get the inheritance, but he always came up empty-handed because you, as you insisted to multiple hawthornes, did not manipulate tobias. you didn't even know the guy's last name until you had met grayson.
if you had a talent for taking advantage of rich men, you would not be wasting time being a waitress for a shitty diner.
however, you tried to look on the very bright side of things, living in a gorgeous mansion. your bedroom was the size of your home's first floor. you;'d never slept on a comfier or larger bed.
one thing that set you apart from avery in the will was that you had complete ownership in the hawthorne foundation and his involvement with different charities. alissa had informed you that you'd need to learn to manage it- designating which associations to donate to, how much, how often, etc.
it was overwhelming to think about; if you failed to be a conservator, it would be given to the grandsons. you also knew having authority over it bothered zara hawthorne, since she'd spent basically her whole life running it. you knew it you were to make a wrong move, she'd be quick to call it out you.
alissa had arranged for you to go to the foundation and meet with someone who'd help you navigate the ropes. a part of you assumed it'd be zara meeting you there, maybe forced by alissa to help you. but instead, it was grayson, who still thought you were some master con woman.
he was the only grandson that had an issue with you and avery, but for some reason, you were more suspicious to him. xander, jameson, and nash seemed to have adjusted to events and were now somewhat friends with you. it was pretty infuriating how grayson would not listen to reason, no matter how much you tried to make amends.
grayson remained professional, not wanting his personal feud to hinder the foundation's work. he started giving you a tour and explaining an overview of how things ran. it became easier for you to imagine yourself running it.
you stopped when you passed by various black and white photos hung up in midair. they'd been hung since the beginning of your tour, but you'd only truly taken notice just now.
"who took these? they're beautiful."
"i did."
'of course, you did' you thought. he seemed to be good at everything.
"can i have a copy of this one?" you pointed toward a photo to your left; it was of a couple dancing together in the rain, in front of the eiffel tower.
"i'd always wanted to see the eiffel tower. plus, i just really like it." it was true. the photo was captured exquisitely, and going to paris had always been a goal of yours, along with traveling to different places in the world.
he didn't respond. grayson went up to the photograph and carefully unlatched it. he then turned to you and gestured for you to take it, "here, you can have it."
you were a little shocked he just gave it to you, but hundreds of photos were decorated throughout the building, so it probably didn't mean much just giving you one.
you took it in your hands gently and thanked him. you both then continued your tour into the conference room to discuss further management of the hawthorne foundation.
but unbeknownst to you, the photo you now owned was one of his favorites.
it became easier to get to know and warm up to grayson the more you visited the foundation, which you did quite often because you now that you had (or will have) conservatorship to the foundation, you wanted to ensure you knew everything involving it to ensure you'd continue its success.
you could now say the two of you were somewhat friends, but there still seemed to be a wall - built by grayson, between the two of you. likely from the lack of trust he still has toward you.
at times he'd look at you as if you were the enemy, and other times he'd treat you courteously. his constant mood changes were driving you crazy.
you had been staying up later than usual since your stay at the manor began. it didn't help that there was possibly a secret passage in your room like avery's has.
but your leading cause of distress stemmed from the mystery of the whole will situation. you'd gotten a small letter like everyone else, but it failed to offer any closure.
in fact, all it said was, "good luck". you'd never had the urge to strangle a dead old man til now.
however, this night you decided to walk outside. you'd been hesitant to wander around the mansion, but then again, you technically half owned it now, and nobody could really stop you. so you decided to go to the pool area, carefully avoiding alerting your new bodyguard of your movement.
when you got there, it was empty as you had hoped. the pool was illuminated with the lights, the area surrounding it was dimly lit.
you settled for solely dipping your feet in the pool and gazing at the stars upon the sky.
half an hour in, you heard the faint sound of someone possibly approaching. you took it as a sign to get back to your room before oren noticed, if he hadn't already.
you got up a bit too quickly, causing an imbalance in your step - leading you to stumble backward into the pool.
most people would simply swim back up to the top and pull themselves out, but you couldn't do that for one big reason. you never learned to swim.
panic began to seep into you as you flailed your arms all over the place, attempting to float to the top, but it only made you sink further. it didn't help drowning was on the top of your list of 'ways i would hate to die'.
you were midway through choking on the water when someone jumped into the pool and carried you back onto the pavement.
after coughing the water out of your lungs, you looked at the face your your savior kneeled in front of your; low and below there was grayson hawthorne - wearing nothing but swim shorts.
the sight of him shirtless made it harder to steady your breathing.
"are you alright?" you nodded in confirmation.
"what were you thinking getting into the pool so carelessly?"
"well, i just to test out my new waterproof mascara." you said sarcastically. "obviously i didn't end up in the stupid pool purposely!"
he rolled his eyes. “god, were you born a horrendous swimmer or just taught by an imbecile.”
you stayed silent, looking away from him, not wanting to admit the embarrassing truth.
“do you…do you not know how to swim?”
"….. define knowing to swim.”
he gave you an incredulous look, “seriously? even most 5-year-olds know how to swim, better yet, they wouldn’t almost drown in the 7ft part of the pool.”
“okay i get it! it’s pathetic i don’t know the basics of swimming. you don't have to be an asshole about it.” you stood up angrily in your soggy clothes and attempted to walk away - but grayson grabbed your wrist.
“wait. alright, i apologize for being quick to judge. if you want..i’ll teach you to swim.”
you were taken aback by the gesture, not quite sure what to think. on the one hand, it could be a plan to embarrass you further, but on the other hand - you really didn’t want to live your life not being able to swim any longer.
the following night he made good of his word when you went out to meet him. (oren being aware this time, after he warned you he'd lock you in your room if you snuck out without him again.)
this time you had proper swim attire, a 2 piece bikini alissa had purchased for you, along with others.
grayson was already in the pool when you arrived, swimming laps. once he noticed your arrival, he stepped out of the pool. you would've thought it was a scene from a movie from how smoothly & dreamy he moved.
you averted your eyes before you stared at his form too long.
you weren't sure if it was your imagination or you saw grayson do a double-take when he saw you.
all his attractiveness was shortly forgotten when he went to his bag to retrieve something, then handed you some plastic. it took you a moment, but then it clocked - these you arm floaties.
"you're joking right?"
"hey, after that near-drowning experience, it's better to be safe than sorry."
"it's like you want to humiliate me."
"don't worry i chose the ones with the flowers to enhance your matureness." he fought back a smile with his words.
he got a nasty glare in response.
still, you knocked down your pride on putting on the floaties before you and grayson submerged into the pool.
then grayson began reciting exercises and movements for you to do. after floating around for a bit, he instructed you to remove the floaties. you were obviously hesitant, the floaties were keeping you from drowning, but grayson insisted that you trust him.
he grabbed your waist with both hands and got behind you; that was enough to quicken your pulse.
his hands held you steady as you attempted to stay afloat by moving your arms and legs. it would get harder to focus when his hands moved up and down your back.
"okay, i'm gonna let you go now."
"ok. wait what-"
you were abruptly cut off because grayson immediately removed his hands, leaving you on your own. being caught off guard, you began a repeat of the night before, but this time attempting to swim correctly. regardless, you were still beginning to choke on water and sink down.
grayson swam back to your aid in an instant, holding you up above the water by the waist.
"shit- i'm sorry. i assumed your instincts would kick in if you had less reaction time."
"oh, because it worked so well yesterday."
"right, perhaps i should've given it more careful thought." he moved a hand to the side of your face, "are you sure you're okay?"
you nodded, unable to verbally respond. the tension in the air thickened as the two of you continued to stare to one another. for a brief moment, his gaze wandered to your lips, and you stopped breathing.
his face slowly leaned into yours. you didn't know what you'd do if he was going to kiss you - a big part of you was ready to kiss back and the other part told you i'd be a mistake if you did.
but the moment was interrupted by alissa, who was calling your name because she wanted to ho over tomorrow’s events with you.
you also knew, based on alissa's critical gaze, she'd seen what was about to possibly happen. she has already given you a fair amount of warning about getting involved with hawthornes.
grayson then pulled away, awkwardly bidding you farewell, saying he'd see you later before he made his way out of the pool.
since then, the brewing tension between the two of you grew. it didn't help you already see him quite a bit during the day, then alone at night. apparently, it was evident to everyone there was something happening because thea calligaris cornered you.
"the last girl who was with grayson ended up dead."
you were unsure what to believe after that, you really didn't trust thea, but didn't mean it couldn't be true. 'don't rich people always have some murderous secret?'
you couldn't help it, and brought up the topic to grayson, who went very still at the mention. he lashed out at you before walking away. you suppose that confirmed it.
he avoided you for a few days, even skipped out on swimming lessons, so you kept yourself busy with school and hanging with avery and xander; solving the still ongoing mystery of the will. which you'd lowkey given up on because riddles were not your forte.
you felt bad your question, but he didn’t need to act so harshly toward you. so, you weren’t going to talk to him until he approached you first.
a knock sounded in your room when you were getting ready for bed. however, it didn't come from the door but from behind a large painting.
'i swear if this house is haunted, i'm running back home'
you tried to remove the painting, but it was stuck to the wall. then you discover a small button hidden on its frame. against better judgment, you press it, making the painting and the wall behind it move forward and slide to the left.
you knew there were various passages, but having one in your own room kind of freaked you out.
behind the moving wall stood grayson. you screamed at first, only seeing a figure in the dark. but then grayson quickly stepped into the light and closer to you to put a hand over your mouth. you were relieved to see him and not someone who would possibly murder you.
he didn’t remove his hand, you gave him an expectant look.
“just hear me out, before you demand i leave. i came to apologize.”
you nodded, allowing him to continue. he sighed and pulled his hand away. then he opened up to you for the first time, telling you about a girl name emily laughlin.
he explained her condition, how both hom and jameson were involved with her, and how she died.
the more the story went on the more you felt bad for both brothers, especially grayson since it seemed it was still affecting him. you even felt for emily, obviously, she lacked something in her life to play 2 brothers.
“i'm not complaining, but why did you decide to tell me all this” the two of you at some point made your way onto your bed, sitting side by side each other
he humorlessly laughs, and looks directly at you. “to be honest, i’m not even sure. all i know is when i look into your eyes, i have this urge to tell bare my soul to you.”
deja vu to the pool incident, you both didn’t say anything, just looked at each other, slowly leaning your face closer.
you were ready to be interrupted again, stopping the act before it can happen. but there was none, and your lips were now an inch apart, and your heart was beating like you just ran a marathon.
“tell me to stop right now, or i’m afraid i won’t be able to hold myself back.”
you said nothing.
wasn't like he gave you much reaction time anyway because he kissed you a second later - like you were the last person he was ever going to kiss.
and oh boy, was it a good kiss.
even when he left your room later that night, after much kissing you were still reeling from the shock of it all.
you didn't know what it meant for the two of you - did he like you?, was it a one-time thing?, or did he kiss you as a way to forget emily?
you were only sure of one thing right now - you felt something toward grayson that crossed the friend zone.
the kiss was never brought up over the days; grayson and you continued to work together and swim at night together almost every other day. you weren't sure if you were relieved or offended he never mentioned it.
you swore he got flirter since the kiss - his hand brushing against yours, standing very close behind you when reviewing something for the foundation, hands wandering when helping you swim, even a subtle flirty remark here and there.
you confided in avery about the events. she was insistent on the fact grayson liked you, and that he didn't seem like the type of have a fling nor rebound.
you wanted to believe he liked you, but then you would hear thea's voice in your head, reminding you of emily, and how he isn't over her.
it was driving you mad, so you convinced yourself you were simply reading into things. you weren't.
it all came to a head at a charity event the both of you helped plan for the foundation. you'd wore a beautiful namebrand designer custom-made gown, the fanciest dress you ever adorned.
however, the whole night grayson ignored you and made it clear he was avoiding you. anytime you approached him he gave an excuse to the person he was talking to that he had to go somewhere. or if you tried making eye contact, he was quick to turn his head the other direction. you didn't know what his deal was.
when you took to the outside for a breather, you sensed the arrival of his presence.
you scoff, "so now you wanna talk to me or what?"
he didn't respond, which upset you more. so you opted to walk back into the ballroom, but grayson stopped you.
"anytime i look at you too long, i think of our kiss that night. then i have to hold myself back from doing it another time. and if i kiss you, i thin- no. i know i won't be able to help but fall for you."
you were again dumbfounded by such confession. a habit that seemed to always happen in the presence of grayson hawthrone.
"i don't mind."
"neither do i."
he crashed your lips together with his in a flash.
unlike the first one, the kiss was messy, and messy was never a way you thought you'd describe the pristine grayson hawthorne.
his hands made their way to your face keeping you close while his mouth was almost devouring your lips. you steadied yourself by holding onto his shoulders because you did not trust your wobbly knees to stand on their own.
you pulled away first, heavily breathing like the night you almost drowned. your mind was still hazy, unable to properly form a sentence to speak.
grayson hands stayed, caressing your face gently,
"you can have my entire being if it means i get to kiss you like that whenever."
you both didn't end up returning to the charity that night. not while your makeup was smudged and all your lipstick was transferred on grayson's face.
though it was never verbally official, the two of you were evidently more than friends at that point.
you didn't even need to tell anyone of your newfound relationship because you'd come to find out jameson had seen the two of you that night, and he would could never resist a gossip about grayson. so the information easily made its way throughout the entire hawthorne manor.
in relation, grayson fought jameson. unfortunately, you weren't allowed to watch the fight because grayson didn't want you to witness any violence. you were lowkey disappointed because you and avery were ready to place bets.
alissa also made sure to have a talk with you both regarding public appearances. she advised it was better to keep it private because everyone was still reeling from yours and avery's newfound inheritance, and this news could possibly do damage to your media reputation. plus, it was better if grayson was advertised as single.
you personally didn't mind, you weren't the biggest fan of pda when you had a thousand new eyes on you. and alissa's advice was wise since you were new to the whole being a public figure thing. and well, you both lived together anyway.
grayson was more hesitant to agree, but mostly for your benefit he listened to alissa.
it was fun in a way, acting platonic in public then kissing when you got to the mansion or even the limousine. it was like having a secret relationship.
whenever interviews tried to insinuate something, you learned how to shut it down after much lessons on pr. but grayson liked to leave sly comments; only the two of you could understand.
"yeah, y/n's quite well at exploring the mouth of new things."
"y/n and i have become very acquainted with each other."
"you could say i'm into women who sink instead of swim."
it made you wanna laugh and playfully hit him all the same.
what really made your relationship step into public light was when rumors about you and jameson dating started circling around.
a photo of the two of you had been taken getting out of a limo together then entering a building, where people rumored you had a 'date'. in reality, both of you were there to talk to skye hawthorne after she was removed from the hawthorne mansion.
grayson was less than happy about these rumors, and jameson not denying anything to the press to get a rise out of grayson, was making things worse.
so, in a grayson hawthorne manner - he took care of things himself. he bought out all of the press and made them debunk the stories.
then to be even more dramatic, the next time the two of you were out together, he made a whole show of kissing you. even going as far as dipping you down in his arms before the kiss - felt straight out of a cheesy romcom. you couldn't say you didn't enjoy it, though.
the paparazzi had a field day with those photos & the two of your the front page of gossip magazines for weeks. alissa was ready to explode after only finding out the two of you went public from the media.
being in a public relationship was harder than being in a secret one. there were somehow even more eyes on you, picking your relationship apart. they mostly targeted your flaws and even took digs at your old diner job. even a surge of online hate came at your direction.
even grayson couldn't buyout every magazine or person who had a negative thing to say about you, and trust that he very much tried to.
but being official in public also had great pros. now, grayson and you could go out on dates wherever without worrying about hiding and disguises.
you couldn't stay anywhere too far at first because of the 'stay in the house for a year' rule, but you had dates at all sorts of fancy places. even though you were technically a net-worth nigher than him,now, he always insisted on paying the bill. ever the gentleman.
grayson knew how to plan one himself. a personal favorite of yours had to be the picnic in a hot air balloon.
but once the year was up, the first place gray took you was to paris, which he knew was always your dream. paris now seemed like a mundane dream compared to all of the past year's events.
still, paris was absolutely incredible, and being there with your boyfriend made it better - and helpful because he was fluent in french while you barely passed the high school class with a B.
seeing the eiffel tower was the best part, it was even more amazing up close. standing there with grayson, the grays started to cloud, and small drizzles of water came down.
your bodyguard (one oren forcefully implanted) had advised you both to head to the car before it started pouring. you were ready to follow along, but gray tugged your sleeve, stopping your movement.
you gave him a questioning gaze, so he held out his hand, asking you to dance.
you laughed and accepted nonetheless, even when the rain started to pour in more. the two of you began a clumsy (on your part) waltz across the pavement. both of your faces filled with blissful smiles. to this day, it is a favorite memory of yours.
it was even better when grayson gifted you a photo of you two that day, one he asked the bodyguard to take. now, the picture was framed next to the one grayson had taken & grayson hung a copy of it at the hawthorne foundation.
since dating, grayson's insomnia has improved immensely. it mainly had to do with the fact you two frequently sleep in his bed together. he jokes your his personal nyquil.
it's true when they say he sleeps like a deadman, even has a tiny snore - though he keep denying it. but he has some sort of sixth sense that enables him to know when you leave the bed.
like for instance, you needed to use the bathroom one night, and the moment you got up from the bed - grayson is up and asking where you were going.
the swimming lessons were not forgotten - you two still had that nightly routine. but you weren't becoming a michael phelps anytime soon. not when most of your lessons involved more kissing than swimming.
but hey, at least you've moved past the need for floaties. because grayson just carries you himself if it's too deep for you to swim.
he loves to buy anything that reminds him of you. a jewelry piece that matches your eyes, a dress he thinks would look pretty on you, a shift from your favorite film/show/artist, or even an item you offhandedly mentioned you wanted. he'd have them wrapped and ready to give to you the next moment he saw you.
much to our surprise, grayson was also the clingy type. his love language was more gift-giving but doesn't mean he wasn't a bit touch-starved.
he revels in hugs, kisses, and intimate moments. he always wants to hold hands when you both are walking together. jameson and nash love to tease him on it.
he has as a domestic side to him. he helps you put on your coat or even sometimes makes you wear it, keeps you on the side of the sidewalk not near the street, carries your purse or shopping bags, and helping you slip on your heels and shoes.
overall, grayson hawthorne was nothing less of an amazing boyfriend. except when he sees eve for the first time.
you were in the office of the foundation looking over a few files when you saw tobias' name mentioned then initials at the bottom. 'T.T.H.'
"huh, i thought your grandfather didn't have middle name."
grayson looked over your shoulder, "oh, he didn't. at least not until had changed his legal name less than a year before his passing."
"what is it?"
"tatersall. quite peculiar right?"
you laughed to yourself. perhaps he was trying to set you up with her grandson after all.
@itzchanelx @marigold-morelli
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afrowrites · 21 days
~What A Difference a Day Makes~
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High noon, blistering heat scattered across the wastelands. Rolling waves of heat come off of the scared man. His weathered coat and hat absorbs the warmth of the sun. But a man like him doesn’t mind it. He clings to its warmth like he clings to radiation it’s familiar and after 200 years of life that’s the first thing that gets him going. As he traverses the weathered ground and picks from the weathered weeds he’s home and home is wherever he lays his hat. And today his hat lands right at your home.
Word Count: 3,102
Warnings: Hostages, Explosions.
Tags: The Ghoul/Black Plus-Sized Reader, Fluff, Domesticity, Banter, Slowburn(Kind of, not really)
Read on Ao3
The Ghoul enters an old dilapidated town,“Well, well, what do we have here?” 
 He trips and before he can figure out what it is that he tripped on he hears music, a song from the past. “What a difference a day makes”  
The Ghoul pauses for a moment, letting the song wash over him. He hums softly to himself before his features fall back into the familiar sardonic smirk. “Well, ain't that just a day late and a dollar short.”
Suddenly the record stops then it rewinds, a haunting and demonic sound ringing through the speakers from that turntable. It explodes and sends him hurling towards some old rickety building. 
He slowly gets back up, rubbing the back of his head. His expression changes from amusement to annoyance. “Well, ain't that just a real humdinger. What's a ghoul gotta do to get some peace and quiet around here?”
He suddenly feels the barrel of a gun at the back of his head "Now I don't know who you are and what your doing here but you have about three seconds before I blow your head to smithereens"
He turned slowly to see a beautiful brown figure, she had luscious full lips that were twisted in a scowl, a sharp stare that could cut glass, and a body that would make any man fall to his knees. Which is what our cowboy wants to do so bad but he also doesn’t want to get shot. 
“Well, ain't you a proper little ray of sunshine, darlin'? If you want to know who I am, just call me The Ghoul. As for what I'm doing here, well, sometimes a fella jus' needs a little excitement, know what I mean?”
"And what pray tell would that be?" you looked at him, gun nudging his forehead.
“What do I want? How ‘bout a damn drink and a decent meal. Maybe even a little bit of friendly conversation that doesn't involve pointing a gun at my head?” The Ghoul's tone is cool and calm, unruffled by the threat of violence.
You take his bag from him and motion him to hand over his weapons, after all your modified grenade launcher is much scarier then some dinky pistols, after collecting the items you bind his hands with rope tightly and make you decent to your base of operations. 
"Alright if food and good company is what you seek then I guess you can follow me, but don't think you can escape or I'll make sure you face my music."
All while you're talking he for some reason can’t stop staring at your lips, The Ghoul raises an eyebrow, his smirk turning into a wry smile. 
“Well, looks like I'm just a damn dog on a leash now. But, if that's what it takes for a little vittles and banter, I guess I can't complain. Lead the way, darlin'. I'll try not to bite.”  He shows you a grinning smile. 
It takes half a day's journey to get to a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the shady sands. We walk in and it smells of mildew and dust.
 "Welcome to my abode, rough skin." I tie him securely to a sturdy post of the house. He has enough room to sit at the dinner table without causing too much of a fuss.
The Ghoul glances around the dilapidated house, taking in the dusty surroundings. He doesn't hide his surprise, but masks his discomfort with sardonic wit. 
“Well, ain't this just the picture of comfort and luxury. Mildewed walls, a chair that's seen better days, and the distinct smell of desperation. It's like a damn holiday.”
"I'm sorry this house is 250 years old and has survived two nukes safe to say I think I'm doing just fine, besides it's not like you know any better.” 
The Ghoul laughs, a raspy, guttural sound. 
“Two nukes, you say? Well, now we're talkin'. But hey, maybe I just prefer the finer things in life, like a decent roof over my head and a bed that doesn't squeak louder than a dying Radstag. But who am I to complain? After all, I'm sittin' at the table of a bonafide wasteland celebrity. And the company ain't half bad, either.”
"You're funny, what's your name?" I squint and I lean in closer to his face.
The Ghoul gives a crooked grin, revealing yellowed, pointed teeth. “They call me The Ghoul, sweetcheeks. But you can call me whatever you damn well please. Just don't expect me to be all sunshine and butterflies every damn minute.”
“You idiot I already knew that,” You chuckle and hit his arm playfully, “But you do look awfully familiar, I can't quite put my nose to it but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough"
The Ghoul's lip curls into a smirk as he leans in close. “Well, darlin' if you recognize this old mug of mine, then you must be one hell of a fan, considering how much more handsome I used to be.”
He takes a moment to relish in this compliment before his sarcasm returns. “Now, are we gonna talk about my good looks all night, or are ya gonna get a fella somethin' to eat?”
"pushy, much" I rummage through my cabinets to open my secret stash of food behind my fake out cabinets 
"Alright I have some cram and mac'n cheese and drum roll please"
The Ghoul's eyes light up at the sight of the canned meals, He quickly returns to his usual sarcasm. 
“Well, hot damn! Look at you, pullin’ out the good stuff. I reckon I’ll take a bowl of that there “mac and cheese” you mentioned. Gotta tell you, darlin’, nothing says fine dining like canned crap.”
"You didn't even let me tell you what was for dessert, hmph." In your pouty frustration, he finds it endearing which is awfully close as he remembers that one you have him tied up in your hide-away, and two he barely even knows who you are. 
The Ghoul chuckles, enjoying this brief interaction with someone who isn't actively trying to kill him. 
“Desert, you say? Well, now you have my full attention. Let's hear it, darlin'. What's the sweet treat you're hiding in that stash of yours?”  
"Fancy lads snack cakes, they are actually good which worries me because that means they put all sorts of chemical crap in here. But beggars can't be choosers can they?"
The Ghoul's eyes light up again, and he almost seems enthusiastic. 
“Well, now we're talkin'! Fancy lads snack cakes, huh? Sounds like a piece of pre-war heaven. Hell, I've tasted dog food that was better than some of the slop I've come across in the Wasteland. But, you're right, darlin'. When you're out here scavenging for scraps, you gotta take what you can get.”
"I'll heat this stuff up then." You turn away blushing,and you honestly don’t know why?
The Ghoul gives you a sly smile, noticing your flushed cheeks, and nervous nature. 
“Well, ain't that a sight for sore eyes. Here I am, tied to a chair and at your mercy, and you're the one gettin' all flustered. Careful now, darlin'. If you keep givin' me these heated stares, a fella might start getting some ideas.”
"Now what kind of girl do you take me for?" You raise my brow and smirk.
The Ghoul's eyes twinkle mischievously as he looks you up and down. 
“Well, darlin', let's see. You're a proper little badass, ain't ya? Tying me up, feedin’ me grub, givin’ me the eye. I reckon you're the kind of girl who knows how to hold her own in this here Wasteland, and if provoked, could knock a fella flat on his ass with just the force of your glare. Hell, I'd say you're the kind of girl who could kick my ass while lookin’ damn fine doin’ it.”
"That's real cute but flattery will not get you untied." I get closer to whisper in his ear "Mister~"
The Ghoul chuckles, the hairs that would be  on the back of his neck rising at your touch. “Well, ain't you a sly one? Look darlin', I'll gladly sing your praises from here to the Grand Canyon. But you're right, there ain't a compliment in the world that could charm these ropes off me. And don't get me wrong, I ain't complainin'. A pretty lady, good food, and I'm tied down at her mercy? Sounds like a hell of a good time to me.”
"Your just in luck because the food is ready." You take the macaroni and cram off the fire and plate it on the mis-matched plates and cutlery.
The Ghoul's eyes light up as the food hits the table. Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes? You ain't pullin' any punches, darlin'. Canned mac and cheese and cram. It's like a damn feast for a Wasteland king. I appreciate the effort, darlin'. You've got me hooked. He grins, his stomach rumbling in anticipation.
"You really better be glad I'm wasting my food on you, if I didn't have other food drops and suppliers you'd be starving."
The Ghoul gives a hearty chuckle, his sharp teeth glinting in the light. “Oh, darling, I'm aware. Believe me, I don't take your generosity lightly. But hey, I'd say I make up for it with my sparkling personality. He winks playfully. If you wanted to leave me hungry, you would have done so already. So, why feed me? You gotta be expectin' somethin' in return.”
"Honestly I don't know why I'm helping you, you just feel familiar to me and I don't know why. It's like in my mind I know who you are. But I don't know I might just be talking out of my ass."
The Ghoul's grin falters for a moment, his thoughts racing. He can see the confusion and memory in your eyes. “Ah, familiar, eh? Well, I won't lie, darlin'. I've been around these parts for a damn long time and have met more than my share of fascinating folks. It could be I've got a face that sticks in the mind. But, who knows? Maybe it's just a coincidence. The Wasteland is a mighty big place.”
You abruptly pause and think for a moment, “Would you want to watch a movie with me?"
The Ghoul's eyebrow arches in surprise and amazement. “Now, that's a damn fine suggestion. It ain't often a ghoul gets an invitation to watch the latest Hollywood flick. But, if you're askin', I'd love to join you. As long as it's a proper action movie, none of that romantic crap. I wanna see things blow up and people kick ass, you know what I mean?”
You laugh at his response, gritty and rough, “"Oh yeah you can watch my favorites with me. I only really have a cowboy cooper so I hope you don't mind." You give him a sheepish smile.
The Ghoul's expression grows intrigued. “Cowboy Cooper, eh? Sounds like the kind of movie fit for a true Wasteland outlaw. As long as it's got that proper Wild West charm, I'm in. You better believe I'm ready to sit back and enjoy the show. Let the explosions and bullets fly, darlin'. Hell, it might even make me forget about my current predicament.”
"You're such an old man."  You chuckle to myself as I turn on the movie.
The Ghoul lets out a low chuckle, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Well now, aren't you the little firecracker? I ain't called old man in years. But hey, if it gets me a front row seat to this flick, I'll wear that label proudly. Now, let's get this show goin'. Nothing like a proper Western to get a ghoul's blood pumpin'”
You watch the movie together on your dilapidated couch on a tv that somehow works. "Now I know who you remind me of."
The Ghoul nods, his eyes flicking between the movie and you. He can tell you’ve got something on your mind. “Go on, darlin’. I could use a good mystery unraveled. Who do I remind you of?”
You make this somewhat off connection in your mind. "Cowboy Cooper, your voices are somewhat similar and you both have the same teeth which is shocking considering you're a ghoul."
The Ghoul's expression is unreadable for a moment as he processes your statement. Then, a slow, sardonic smile spreads across his face. 
“Well, now, isn't that something. Cowboy Cooper, huh? Guess it makes sense, given this ole’ rugged good looks. I'll take that as a compliment, darlin’. As for the teeth…well, I guess you could say life's been rough on them. But it just gives me that extra charm, don't you think?”
"I guess." you chuckle to yourself, as I start to rest your head on the ghouls shoulder.
The Ghoul's smirk softens slightly as he feels you rest your head on his shoulder. He can't help but let out a low chuckle, the sound rumbling deep in his chest.
“Well, ain't you somethin'? Here I am, all tied up and helpless, but somehow I end up playin’ the role of your personal pillow.”
You nuzzle into him, “Well you are comfier than you look.” You smile to yourself, this is honestly the first time you’ve felt anyones touch in a long time.
The Ghoul's smirk widens into a wolfish grin. He leans against the ropes, allowing you to use him as your makeshift pillow. “Well, darlin', if I knew I’d end up as the Wasteland’s next hottest pillow, I would have tied myself up years ago. But I gotta admit, you’re onto something. Maybe it’s these rugged good looks that make it so comfy. So, is this my new job? Just stayin’ put so you can rest your pretty little head on my shoulder?” 
"Whatever you say cowboy," you  yawn and stretch off of him. "Hey I don't know if you ghouls need to sleep but I will be doing that upstairs. i'll even tie you to my bed so I can sleep easier"
The Ghoul can’t help but chuckle at your bold invitation. He gives you a sly look, his eyes gleaming in the dim light.
“Well now, ain't you the forward one? I haven't slept in years, so you don't gotta worry about me gettin’ into mischief while you catch your rest. As for the whole "tying me up to your bed" shenanigans, well, I won't say I'm opposed to the idea.”
You chuckle and give him a sleepy smile. "I bet you aren't, come on cowboy" As you lead him upstairs.
With a low chuckle, the Ghoul follows you up the stairs, his steps slightly hindered by the ropes. Despite his predicament, he can’t help but feel a bit excited at the prospect of spending the night in your bed. “Well, darlin', if you're offerin', who am I to refuse? Just don’t hog all the covers, alright?”
"Ah ah take off your shoes" You grin with your hand wide open motioning him to give them to you.
The Ghoul pauses for a moment, confusion flickering across his face. “My shoes? Look, darlin’, I ain’t one to question a lady, but this seems like a bit much. If I take my shoes off, then the next thing I know, you’re gonna be demanding I sleep naked and give up my guns.”
"That's not a bad idea, hand em over cowpoke" You knew he had extra weapons you were honestly confused as to why he hadn’t tried anything.
The Ghoul raises an eyebrow at your suggestion, but can’t help but chuckle, clearly amused. 
“Oh now, darlin’. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a wild one, sure, but takin’ off my shoes and sleeping naked? You keep making me an offer like that and I’m gonna start thinking you’ve got plans for me beyond just restin’. Maybe I oughta keep my weapons within reach, just in case.”
"Relax if you think I'm thinking about doing anything of that nature you're surely mistaken" this next part you say under your breath "I've never even done that." 
The Ghoul quirks an eyebrow at your muttered words. “Now wait now, hold up. That sounded like a mighty important confession you just let slip there. Are you tellin' me that you’ve never done any of that?” His eyes rake over you for a moment as a slow, wicked grin spreads across his face. “Seems like some fellas in this world are missing out on a good time.”
"Oh be quiet" you throw a pillow at his face and you take his weapon and throw it at the far side of the room. "And if you don't mind I'll be sleeping with my gun, is that ok?”
The Ghoul catches the pillow with a smirk, setting it aside. He watches as you move his weapons away, a flicker of amusement in his eyes. “Oh trust me, darlin’, I’m perfectly fine with a lady keepin’ her weapon close. In fact, I’d say it’s a mighty smart move, even when you’re sharin’ a bed with a fella like me. Can’t be too careful in this Wasteland.”
"Hmmm you're too eager and I don't like that, but I'll keep you around. I need a guard dog after all" You smile cheekily at him.
The Ghoul's smirk turns into a wolfish grin, revealing a hint of sharp teeth in the dim light. Your wink doesn’t go unnoticed, and he can’t help but appreciate your boldness. “Oh darlin’, you’re playin’ a dangerous game. Keep givin’ me those looks and making comments like that, and you just might find yourself tangled up in somethin’ more than just bedsheets.”
You roll my eyes "goodnight Cowboy"
The Ghoul watches you roll your eyes, a smirk plastered across his face. He can’t help but laugh as you bid him goodnight, his deep chuckle filling the air.
“Alright there, darlin’. Goodnight~” With a wink, he settles down on the bed, his gaze never leaving you. 
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
earth 42 miles drabble
genre: character study(?)
wc: >200
A/N: I wanted to practice characterization from another character's pov. If u like this stuff feel free to comment or leave feedback in the tags !
“G’morning, ock,” Miles nodded toward the cash register as he stepped into the bodega. The stocky man behind the counter nodded solemnly, wondering when that child’s voice had gotten so deep. It was heavy with responsibility, worn down like the construction workers that came in during the afternoon on their lunch break. A voice with bills to pay.
Tired brown eyes scanned the snack aisle. Miles wasn’t looking for a full meal, just something to chew on while he waited for Uncle Aaron to get back. He squatted to get a good look at the little red price stickers and tsked upon discovering that honey buns were now a dollar and fifty cents. He got up and turned on his heel, bills and loose change in hand to pay for a bag of maduros instead.
The cashier took the money without looking up from his newspaper. The man still watched Miles’ back as he left, noticing how his gait had smoothened out from the awkwardness he’d had in middle school when his legs looked too long for him. The boy would’ve been about the same height as his father, he deduces as his figure fills the door frame. Miles had stopped suddenly, as if he’d forgotten something, then turned his head. He smiled. Not with any teeth, but a smile nonetheless.
“Have a good day, sir,” he said to the cashier before turning away.
“You too, young man. I mean it.”
Miles didn’t hear it, he had already left.
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corporatefrog · 1 year
꒦‧₊ ꒷ HEADCANNONS: team craig with a rich friend!✧.*
✧.* tags: college au, ✧.* Characters: craig tucker, tweek tweek, jimmy valmer, clyde donovan, tolkien black a/n: this just made me want to be rich so that's what im doing. you'll never hear from me again because im only getting those gains (jk im working minimum wage rn ;-;)
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You guys are BALLING together
You literally SPARKLE when you walk down the street
He probably loves having someone else to talk to about like,, idk rich people stuff? 
When his dad buys the farm across the street from the marsh’s he literally comes to stay at your palace
No fucking way are those cuticles getting ruined by working on a fucking weedfarm
“Then he starts using this ridiculous voice just to piss off Stan’s dad”
“No. fucking. Way.”
“Yes way, and now he’s actually selling the shit to other people”
“That’s actually rancid”
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He thinks he was meant to be born rich
Another one who will do lit rally whatever for some cash
Not because he needs the money
Just because he has zero self respect
He's the type of person to say yes to anything for the experience
definitely a "do it for the vine" type of person
and you happily oblige
"are you free saturday?"
"well i had a work shift"
"I'll give you $300 to skydive with me"
"quitting my job rn brb"
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He does not give a fuck
He enjoys watching you boss cartman around though 
He’ll make loud suggestions that he knows you’ll hear so cartman will do something stupid
“Wow it sure is snowing out there. That would really ruin a pair of limited edition suede steve madden boots”
“Oh no! I’m wearing my limited edition suede steve madden boots!”
“That’s a shame. If only there were a way to plow the snow off all of the sidewalks and parking lot you could get to your car without ruining them”
Cue cartman slipping on icey pavement for the next 3 hours
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Large sums of money freak him out so much
You spend more than $200 at once and he’s SCREAMING
“What’s a retirement fund? I have a piggy bank that my daddy puts all the interest from my birthday money into”
“It’s a metaphorical piggy bank duh! You can’t fit 15 million in a piggy bank silly”
“15 MILLION?!”
He was out of commission for the rest of the day trying to figure out how many hours of work it would be to make 15 million dollars
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You think he’s so fucking funny
He’s a funny little guy!
You are his perfect audience
He loves to make you laugh! And you love to laugh! So it’s perfect
You probably end up bringing him to a charity dinner or something and having him tell stand up
Aka his DREAM
Imagine him sitting in a private jet or something with a nametag that just says "funny man" on it
and he's loving every second of it
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"you're fired!"
You flinched as Mister Selfridge pointed at Norm and yelled.
Poor Norm.
He did a mistake on the computer data. He was smart in his own way being a doctor. But he can be clumsy
Grace wrapped her arms around Norm. "It's okay. I will find a way to make you stay?"
"how?" Trudy asked.
Grace then turned her head to you. You were the most prettiest young lady she ever seen. You didn't look human at all. Being so flawless you might as well be an anime girl or a doll. Too perfect to be real.
A lot of men at the base found you attractive. Maybe if the Colonel saw you ...
You nervously walked to a place of the base you never stepped foot in. So foreign. The place where the toughest soldiers were. The Marine. You avoided the way the jerks would whistle and ogle at you. You wished Grace or Max came for protection.
You gulped clothing the big profile you were carrying about Norm.
"are you lost?"
A man with shaven hair and lots of tattoos on his muscled arms blocked your path.
You nodded. "I am looking for a man named mister Quaritch l."
The guy grinned. "I know him. He is my boss."
He told you to follow him.
You did awkwardly.
The man stopped walking and pointed to the figure in front of him.
You thanked him and he left winking at you. "No problem, buttercup."
The man in front of you was lifting weights. Like perhaps 200 pounds.
You wished the shaved man would call for him. You have to do it yourself.
"um, excuse me. Are you mister Quaritch?"
The man stopped what he was doing and looked at you. He set his weights on the rack and sat up.
A tanned and handsome man with scars in his scalp looked at you.
Despite being old he was attractive.
He was looking at you rather odd. Like you were a weird animal under a microscope. Has he never seen a woman before?
He was running you in from head to toe. You felt insecure in your gothic boots and your green floral blouse.
The lab coat gave you protection from his scrutiny.
Should you leave?
"I am the Colonel and second in command." He started talking. Velvety and masculine. No nonsense.
"um okay " you smiled. "Doctor Augustine wanted me to give you the profile of Doctor Norm Spellman. He got fired by Mister Selfridge and she wants you to talk to him about it."
The Colonel raised a wrinkled brow. He held out his hand and you gave him the profile.
"I know Spellman." He shook his head. "He is an absent minded idiot."
You felt hurt in your chest. The Colonel noticed. Did you like him? Quaritch felt rage and jealousy in his heart.
"sir he is my good friend and a doctor. We need him."
Quaritch frowned and said nothing then nodded. "I will speak to Selfridge but let me show you something..." he got up from his seat and walked ahead of you.
You awkwardly followed him.
There was something what appeared to be a robot the size of a house.
"oh, my."
The Colonel smirked at your expression. *This armor suit can be destroyed if the wrong computer data is inserted. Waste of three million dollars of the bat."
You looked at the Colonel and held your breath.
"I can do it all for Norm if you allow me."
Quaritch looked at you. "Fine. He will stay. But not another mistake or I won't be so lenient."
"thank you, sir. I will tell doctor Augustine."
Quaritch ogled at you and nodded.
You turned around to leave but he placed his palm on your shoulder causing you to turn around.
"what's your name, kid?"
"name last name."
"Shouldn't you be in highschool?"
"I am eighteen., sir?"
The Colonel nodded. "such in a hurry to leave. You didnt bothet to give me anything in return. How rude "
"I am sorry, sir. I got excited and forgot."
Quaritch chuckled. How cute. "I am kidding, doll "
The Colonel said he and his team will go to the jungle to scout the area. He invited you and Grace only to come.
You beamed and smiled. "Thank you, sir "
The Colonel's heart leaped. He dismissed you and watched your graceful form walk away. What a fox.
He cannot believe he never seen you before. As if you were hiding and avoiding him. But it makes sense, you were with the science pukes and he hated them so much he would not go near their labs. You must be there too.
Out of all people, a nerd got his attention. You were scrawny, pathetic, weak. You looked as if you never did a single push up. Yet you managed to get his interest.
The trip to the jungle was fun. Like a field trip. The plants and flowers were too beautiful to be true. Grace collected some plants and you helped.
The Colonel watched you, he followed you wherever you went. Then suddenly your foot got tangled in a tree root which caused you to fall on your face.
The Colonel ran to you gun in hand. He put it down and made you sit up
You were in pain. He lifted your loose black jeggings to see your ankle swollen.
You whimpered when the Colonel touched it. "Clumsy brat."
"I'm sorry."
The Colonel then lifted more of the jegging to see your legs. Your skin was smooth and clear as silk. Damn. He touched it. So soft like jelly. A delicate angel.
No flaw at all.
You blushed when you saw your exposed leg flesh.
The Colonel saw your face turning red.
He hid a smirk.
He strapped his gun on his back. He then picked you up bridal style and began walking you to the chopper.
"Colonel, what are you-"
"shut up, brat."
You obeyed
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chaifootsteps · 6 months
curious about the wording of the song being changed to 'I must give you a choice' or something like that. yeah, it makes sense given what the next ep is set up to be but I'm interested to see what the choice will actually be.
if it's for Blitz to say goodbye or decide whether or not he wants to give Stolas another chance, good! that's the bare minimum Stolas should do to start making it up to him
if it's between the book and the crystal (i.e. keeping some variation of the full moon deal going), bad. Very bad. Don't pass Go, don't pass 200 dollars.
honestly framing it as a 'choice' in any way feels kinda weird to me. for one thing it feels like a tacit acknowledgement that Blitz hasn't had a choice til now. and like no matter what happens Stolas should be ending the full moon deal because it was wrong from the start
ideally he just leaves the ball entirely in Blitz's side to figure out what to do next. if he's going to pull the emotional manipulation and start doing the 'I know you never loved me' routine I don't think I've got the stomach for the next episode.
this is Viv's last chance to write him with any self-awareness that it's unreasonable to expect the person he extorted for sex to have any genuine feelings for him, not to mention that Stolas is the one who framed the entire relationship as a solely physical, transactional one from the start! Repairing the damage from the full moon deal should be the start towards something healthier and maybe eventually romantic but only if Blitz actually wants that, but rn I'm bracing for an episode where Stolas just trades one form of manipulation for another or just expects to jump into a normal 'dating' relationship with Blitz right away (because Hell forbid the show focus on what Blitz needs for a second)
Here's a gif of me right now, Anon. That's all the spoilers I can give.
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disastress-i-guess · 1 month
Community is once again being weird, this time not letting me make posts for whatever reason I'll figure it out later but anyways.
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" I've got no choice" literally has the choice of walking back to school to get it. The school is probably still open for clubs and all that. Just admit you don't wanna walk back to get the book Saiki.
" This power is annoying" he says whilst using it for convenience. Guy who clearly does not know the pain of having to run back home because you forgot your lunch and then having to run to school but still being late so all 2000 students at morning assembly sees your short ass running to drop your bag off while they're doing morning prayers.
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Ok that explains my ike-san question from earlier but Nednou spent 200 dollars? Between bowling and the food how much money did he have to spend on a rehearsal date? Idk just carrying 200 dollars on you as a student feels odd to me but it might just be cultural differences.
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He's so silly. If I saw that poster I would come just to see him. Idgaf about cat noir and those other randos. show me the silly tiny magic man.
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Oddly specific how do you just happen to know that Saiki? The fact that he knows how much money he'd need to apport a Netherland dwarf rabbit is amazing but so is the fact that he knows the price of everyone based on their clothes. This could just be another power but I'd like to think that he's into fashion. Fashionista!saiki.
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Honestly a mini series of just Micheal/ike-san and chouno would be really entertaining. Every chapter could be one magic trick and they fail miserably but they're optimistic and never give up! And then they kiss. And they develop a really close bond as master and assistant and become close friends!
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jenroses · 9 months
I just ordered a bunch of pieces parts that I'm gonna turn into a computer.
I've built systems before, like eh 15 years ago or more, and I cannot overstate how delightful it is that the persistence of modularity means that while the system I'm building now will be functionally the equivalent of dozens of times the power of the computer I built then, the bones of it are all pretty similar.
Motherboard. Cpu. Cooler. Power supply. RAM. Storage. Case. Fans. Graphics card. Operating system. Monitor.
Now some things have changed. You can now buy literally everything with vivid rainbow lights, and for a few minutes I stared at the pretty modern cases with their windows and rave -like interiors, and dreamed of the gayest computer on the planet.
Then I remembered that I'm a photophobic mushroom who computers in a darkened room and hates bright high contrast lighting and spent more dollars to get a case without a window.
Also, water cooling terrifies me. Not because the idea is unsound but because while I'm confident in my ability to insert tab a into slot b to assemble a computer by going slowly and following instructions, the very notion of me handling liquids around electronic components sounds inherently fraught.
So I did not go with components which require such things.
Infodumping below the cut.
(for the curious: fractal design define r5 case, msi pro z790-p WiFi ddr4 mobo, i5136000kf (14 core), 64gb ddr4 RAM, radeon rx6800 16gb, deepcool ak400 zero dark plus cooler, 4x 140mm case fans, Corsair 850w modular platinum ps, 1 tb ssd for the os and a 2tb ssd for the games, both pcie4x4 nvme, and a curved 27 inch 2k monitor. This is upgrading from a 2015 laptop which is still very robust with an i76700 quad core processor, 16gb RAM, 1tb ssd and a gtx950m 4gb graphics card which just this year stopped meeting minimum specs for the games I want to play. I figure the new system could last me another 8-10 years.)
Is 64 gb of ram overkill? Hahahaha yes. But it's about a hundred bucks. Is 3tb overkill? No but it's also about 120 bucks. Do I need a 27 inch monitor? Mayyyybe but it's $200. The real splurge is the video card and CPU, but I'm not going to regret those at all when I'm playing starfield and bg3.
(I'm also going to play every game I've been playing at low settings on ultra just because I can. Subnautica is gonna be so pretty.)
Interestingly, the parts come with three games, including the one I initially decided to build a system for (starfield). The processor comes with assassin's creed mirage and something I didn't recognize. Going with Intel for the processor and AMD for the GPU ended up being very much in my favor that way as if I'd gone ryzen, I'd have ended up with two copies of starfield.
I think the last time I built a system from scratch it had 4-8 gigs of RAM and a 2gb video card and maybe a dual core cpu maybe not. I've done some bare bones systems since then and a lot of upgrades, but not from-the-ground-up.
Amusingly, while doing this, I thought I was going to hand my laptop down to my son. Then I realized that in a pandemic fugue state in 2021 I bought him and my husband computers with part of the stimulus that were basically maxed out refurb systems that somehow are running 32g of RAM each and the only real weakness in their systems are graphics, which hubby doesn't use and which can be easily upgraded for my son for like <$150 to double his vram.
I have minimal memory of buying these systems but it makes sense for how little they complain about them. (old Dell optiplex systems. I think I spent 400 on each of them at the time. With upgrades.)
So since I've been hyperfixated on this process I've been watching a lot of pc building YouTube and it's been very helpful but also very popcorn. So much drama. Le gasp.
My one regret about not getting a flash light up system with lots of rgb is that it would impress the hell out of my 11 year old but I seriously can't deal with that much light up distraction and the extra cost for the components has been spent on a better GPU.
Anyway this is all going to be much cheaper than trying to find a system with equivalent stats prebuilt, and it's been a while since that was true when I was in the market for a computer.
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