#I dont know the polite way to tell you that you're an idiot with this thought process
bridgyrose · 1 year
The SDC has already been defeated, if it survived at all it will be Whitley or willow in charge, that plot thread HAS been ended but it’s all thanks to Salem more then anybody else, the mantle vs atlas conflict is arguable also dealt with by Salem because for the time being they’re now on even ground, as for the white fang, I’ve mad or clear that I highly question ghira’s competence for the job, and with sienna dead I don’t see anybody who can give me any sort of trust
So, here's the thing, the SDC hasn't been fully dealt with. The legacy of it still remains, there's a good chance there's still pockets of SDC buildings around in other kingdoms, and while the physical SDC is destroyed, thar doesn't mean the people who worked with them are dead and gone. The SDC can't be dealt with any further baser on the conditions that we see.
Mantle vs Atlas conflict is only going to grow worse because they're on even footing. Being on even footing isn't a fix for years of conflict between faunus, humans, the elite and those who are struggling to get by. The elite are going to continue to want what they had, tensions will rise, the issues between Atlas and Vacuo is only going to fan the flames. Just because Atlas was destroyed doesnt mean that issue is over. Thinking that Atlas is gone fixes an entire issue of hate, systematic failure, and prejudices overnight because now everyone is on equal footing is asinine. I dont know how to tell you politely that you are an idiot if that is what you think. That's not how it works. And chances are, we probably wont see much because that's not going to be the focus of the story. The focus of the story at this point will be getting people to work together, not fix all the issues. Mantle vs Atlas and subsequently Atlas vs Vacuo conflicts are probably going to get glossed over and will more than likely be a talking in show that while they're going to hate eachother for years, decades more, they still can try to work together.
As far a Ghira goes, I dont know how to help you on that one. Ghira is competent and the show gives us enough to prove that. If you cant see it, I cant help you. But here's the thing: if you're only going on his competency by the fact that the White Fang struggled to get anything done and ended up fracturing because of infighting, you're looking at the wrong person's competency. By that logic, Sienna is just as incompetent as Ghira because in the 5 years she was in charge, the only thing that changed was that the White Fang was hated and actively killing people. Again, racism isnt a thing that can be fixed overnight. Ghira's previous leadership style and Sienna's style are both commentaries, if poorly worded, on how solely peaceful organizations and organizations run by people who are tired of no progress being made arent enough to cut it. Protests work if people are listening, but that's not always the case. And violence only makes things worse. Adding fuel to the fire is only going to make a bigger fire. And if you had more trust in Sienna running the White Fang because she was getting progress with fear, that's a whole lot of issues you have that you need to work out because I cant help you. Overall, we'll have to wait to see how things go, but my point is this: Ghira is a competent leader given that he's leading Menagerie rather well, but finding the middle ground for leading a group and taking action is something he'll have to do differently from before.
TL;DR: Mantle vs Atlas conflict isnt over, the SDC situation is still there and hasnt been ended, you not having trust in Ghira is a you issue, and you're an idiot for thinking all of this is either fixed because Atlas is gone, or you have a lot of issues you need to work through if you cant see that Ghira is a decent leader and would rather trust someone like Sienna, who made things worse, over someone who is trying to make things better. Just because these subplots are going to start getting moved back doesnt mean they're done and over with. All it means is that as the story progresses, we'll see the girls tackle the main story as they go because their goal right now isnt to solve all the world's problems. Their goal right now is to stop Salem. And once they're done with that, then they can focus on the SDC and systemic racism, issues between the elite and those who are exploited. And chances are, that will be an afterward or an epilogue.
#like seriously anon#I dont know the polite way to tell you that you're an idiot with this thought process#This is how subplots work in writing#when the main plot advances a lot of subplots get pushed aside#the racism plot was pushed aside for vol 7 and 8 because the girls' focus#when we see Ghira again we'll see the changes that were made#Atlas vs Mantle is going to be a constant struggle with Vacuo because that's human nature#humans dont put things aside overnight at the slightest inconvenience#humans take time to help each other#working together doesnt mean the issue goes away#and the thing is we'll probably never see the full effects of how all of this goes#if my prediction is right#RWBYJN will come back to remnant at least a month after falling#Vacuo will be falling apart by that time between Tyrian and Mercury causing issues and the inevitable fighting between the three cities#ONRE will try to keep the peace and maybe we'll see things starting to look better once everyone fully grasps the situation#but its not over#and same with the SDC#the physical building in Atlas may be gone#but as long as the people in charge are still around#the SDC is still there#the SDC can be rebuilt and probably will be#Whitley is in charge of it at this point considering Jacques is dead#and the board members probably wont accept that#assuming any are alive#but the SDC is a plot thread that doesnt need to be dealt with right now#because right now there is not immediate SDC even with the people#communications to other kingdoms is still down so any other pockets of SDC buildings out there are on their own#nobody actually knows what happened to Atlas besides Vacuo when the refugees show up#They knew Atlas was in trouble and chances are the other kingdoms are going to draw their own conclusions#but until the dust settles with Salem
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The fucking nerves of your cowardly ass to hide behind the "i'm an elnlightened centrist,i'm not political" cope and still promote way to access the far right stalking website KiwiFarms. Have you fucking read about Null political positions, fucking dunce . Here's an example,there is more from where they came from
archive dot is/QpvwZ archive dot fo/GZoas. Dare you to post thoses on your blog and defend them instead of memory holing them. That'll give you another subject for your blog to talk about rather than recycling the same old irrelevant Dobson goofs and opinion on the Mario movie. But you wont because you're a chickenshit coward and you know it like all person who use KiwiFarms
Heard you loud and clear,you're still a disgusting piece of shit and a coward. You project your own insecurities on Dobson. Go fuck yourself,you vile excuse for a person. You are either an useful idiot that side with the bullies in hope they dont find your own dirty laundry or you know exactly what you are doing
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Anon, I would suggest spending some time offline, it’s clearly affecting both your anger issues and your reading comprehension.
Either that or you’re projecting hardcore here.
Unless you’re going to tell me you support every single political ideology of the person who owns every single website you use?
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 2 years
I dont know if you've already written it or not, but getting friendzoned by scoups or hhu. Like you really like them and they think of you as a special friend they made during thier idol years and really cherish you but not in a romantic way.
Or probably giving it a good twist,(idol!y/n and idol!hhu) that they actually like you but they didn't think they did until they couldn't talk to you. Like, they're your sunbae and they found a good friend in you and you had met them an year ago and you've been really great friends, talking and sharing and spending time with each other. Sending pictures of the food they eat or the members or themselves and spending nights texting each other or calling each other even with both of your busy schedules. One day you tell them randomly that you like them and you've always liked them but they politely tell you that they think of you as a friend and you say okay to it and convince them that you're fine. But in some time you almost disappear. As in, your a foreign idol and you visit home or you go to your home city in Korea and spend some time with your family or you stay at your dorm finishing your college course, etc. And they start missing you, they're denying but in a few months they miss you so much, they've been feeling that something's missing from them and they find that its you when they talk to you after a long time or something.
Oh my, Seungcheol would be absolutely devastated when he realizes that the missing piece is you, and he feels guilty as fuck, knowing he was the one who hurt your feelings, despite your original answer.
As months pass and you don't text him or video/call him, these feelings get the better of him and it results to an internal conflict, but also a realization.
Not only he misses you, but he feels exactly the same you do.
He's madly in love with you and all the things you got to experience together all these years as friends and fellow artists, but now he wants all that back, as your boyfriend.
The first thing he would do once you officially return to your idol life is call you, asking you to meet because he wants to talk to you about something very important. Of course, you'd be hella worried because you've never heard him sound so....desperate - fuck, Choi Seungcheol was desperate to see you and talk to you.
He may be a bold and brave man, but it would take a lot of courage to find the right words and express his feelings to you in the best way possible.
Which has you in fucking tears of joy when he finally admits that he's head over heels for you, his best friend, but he's a fucking idiot who was scared of ruining the friendship you both have invested in the past years, mainly sentimentally.
"Choi Seungcheol, you fucking idiot", is the only thing you're able to say before falling into his arms and kissing him like it's the last time you'll ever see him, as if something will happen and fate will take him away from you.
But no, nobody will ever take you away from Seungcheol anymore.
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theoncomingdoo-dah · 1 year
Episode 1.5 World War 3
just suffered through Deadname of The Doctor with my partner so I'm treating myself with some GOOD nuwho
terrible effects? yes. terrible writing? absolutely fucking NOT
God the old intro is so good. I mean the series 7 one is alright but I miss the old one
I MISS NINE SO MUCH he's so sassy and goofy
"That's never gonna work, is it?" "No." *dashes off* Iconic.
Nine always looks so giddy when he's got guns pointed at him. Its too much.
"...don't stand them against the lift!" 😄
Sir if you don't stop smiling like that I'm kissing you on the mouth
oh god the elevator exchange is so awkward xD
Nine coming in clutch with a fucking fire extinguisher (not a gun!)
Also introductions between him and Harriet. Very polite!
And it just keeps getting better! They like each other. ^^
The banter between Harriet, Rose and Nine is amazing.
Nine going from cocky to "Ah." Will get me everytime. Kin.
The fart jokes. Who's idea was it. I need to know.
I really like the exchanges between Mickey and Jackie. It comes off very organic, and like they've known each other for awhile.
The thing that the Doctor sometimes does with names and the dead. Asking peoples names. Giving them honor in someway. I miss that.
Rose joking about the compression field and Harriet calling her out on it is a small moment but an important one. Rose has become accustomed to death, enough that it doesn't bother her as much.
"You're a very violent young woman."
"Is she alright though? Don't put her on, just tell me." Oh god that is ME WITH MY MOM.
Rose's smile when Nine has to ask Mickey The Idiot for help. 🙂
"Mickey you were born in the dark." SIR CHILL
I noticed in the whole "is my daughter safe?" exchange, Rose isn't really given the ability to voice how she feels. Her mom talks over her, even when she says that she fine. Maybe it's because she's young, I don't know.
I love the "narrows it down" scene.
"You kiss this man?" STOP IT
Nine gagging at the taste of the alcohol is such a small moment but I adore it
I find it interesting that the Slitheen actually care about each other. Maybe because they're mentally connected?
Nine is fucking pissed.
Nines face when Rose tells him "Do it." Before he's even explained the plan. Like 'you trust me that much?' Breaks my heart, honest.
"I could save the world but lose you." DONT TOUCH ME.
I love how it was Rose's idea to hide in the cupboard!
"I'm not infatuated!" Okay Rose. 😏
Jackie inviting the Doctor for dinner and him declining. Awe. Won't be that way for too long.
"My mother's cooking." "Good. Put her on a slow heat and let her simmer." PLEASE.
Oh he's trying so hard to be suave and cool. Like "pssh, you don't have to come if you don't want. I'll just have cool adventures without you." But it's more like "Please come. Please. 🥺"
I feel sorry for Jackie. She can't do anything to stop her daughter, her only daughter, from leaving. No matter how badly she wants her to stay.
"There's a scientific explanation for that. YOURE THICK."
"You're stuck with me. Ahaa."
the fact that Jackie actually counts the 10 seconds...my heart...
This two parter is still amazing. And the way it actually deals with the consequences of Rose leaving her old life behind is great.
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thewaywardcasgirl · 2 years
random ep 6 thoughts in no perticular order (big dragon)🐯🐉
i had completely forgotten what the conflict between yai and mangkorn was since last ep and had to speed watch the end of ep 5 in the middle of today's episode when the confusion got the better of me 😅
stupid mangkorn never explicitly said that he was engaged against his wishes that he was trying to look for a way to end the engagement without hurting anyone and that's the big problem NO COMMUNICATION 🥲😭
they're totally idiots but not like adorable idiots they're stupid fucking dum dum idiots it's very frustrating 🤦🤦
yai is missing his mom so much 💔 poor kid just wants to be held by his momma and lucky for him mungkorn's mom is here to pick up the slack🫂💘
he's being a bitch to his father and his step mom tho i wanna slap him on his head and knock some sense into him on this matter 💀
nine was let down gently, it was so well done i was surprised it all came out of yai's mouth, like he can be mature and reasonable and polite?? so all his irrational brattiness is for mungkorn's benifit only🤔 not that mangkorn is complaining 😏
this nine dude isn't backing off and yai knows it he literally sighed in relief when he finally left after delivering the slushie, bro was literally brozoned so hard and refused to take the hint he saw the NO and batted it right outta stadium ⛳
the part about their childhood was a surprise tho didn't have that in the book but at this point nothing is going by the book 📚 so 🤷
ohmygodss mangkorn don't mop around infront of your non finance, tell her what you did right before he dumped your ass and she'll smack you across the head and tell you what an idiot you were and then fix it for you just tellll, don't act like a kicked puppy you brought this on yourself
i missed our sweet lesbian couple this ep, in the book they just runoff into the sunset (or england same thing) their book exit was wayyy too quick so i was hoping we'd get to see more of them here and their pov about the arranged marriage but with only 2eps left i don't have much hope 😔
i dont know if yai ever saw that mangkorn put his number in yai's phone under 'boyfriend' he must have right? right? mangkorn calls him so many times, we never see this acknowledged, like how do you not see 'boyfriend' in your missed calls and add two and two togather 😵‍💫
their kiss tho mangkorn was like words don't work with us so direct action it is 💏 maybe i can kiss some sense into him or at least calm him down lol ( i really hope nine saw that kiss🙏) it was jaw food dropping 🍿&🍦hit the ground lmao
next eps preview looks mostly fluff and a challenge between mangkorn and nine, me likey 👀👀 in the preview when nine says i was here 10yrs ago where were you then i was like bruuuh you're in so over your head like my man my dude if it's first come first serve you're holding onto then just give up
I'm looking forward to their mutually agreed upon boyfriends era, finally they'll be on the same page for once before the big faen fatale 💔 whatever it is and i for one am here to enjoy the fluff before the angst that makes the angst huurt even more 👌
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musingsofmyown · 2 years
Hey babbbessss
I just gotta get this off my chest- thaanks
fair warning its v bad and deals with politics from my conservative step-father and contains his transphobic/political idiocy.
everything is tagged and you cant reblog
Step-father when I call myself stupid: No no, you're so smart!! You're probably smarter than me!
Step-father when I explain transgender people and how gender is completely different than sex: WRONG YOU FUCKING IDIOT!! YOU'RE JUST BEING BIASED BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SAW ON THE INTERNET!
Me, internally: No, I just had a college-level biology class that I passed with a 98. Not to mention I am a part of the transgender community, but you'll never know because you have these bigoted view, oh and, you only watch Newsmax (conservative talkshow, probably satire/entertainment). Oh, also my morals dont come from politics and religion, they come from my own mind and guess what; Im a decent human being who doesn't impede on peoples' lives because of my views. Otherwise, you would have been roasted alive, I know more than you ever have because I actually apply myself to critical thinking and ethical standpoints regarding my own life and my effect on others. Also, you calling me a dyke and telling me I was a fucking idiot "with your lesbian shit" for the whole breakup was the absolute worst thing you could have ever done, we will never speak again once I move away, I have no obligation to you. Also may I add that you throw tantrums like a three year old when you dont get what you want when you want it, not a very good way to express your anger when I literally just said "I dont want to talk to your daughter for you, and Im not being friends with her so I can be in the middle again" I dont care if she's family, she's a shitty person and by default, not someone I want to interact with. So please, by all means, keep watching your show with nothing but biased op-eds and I'll be living in the real world and interacting with humans who go through the issues your show chastises. Kindly, never reproduce ever again, and stop telling my little brother (8) that two girls kissing is bad. Yours truly- the child who hated you from the start- Aspen.
P.S. maybe your daughter left you because you're the problem. Just a thought.
P.P.S. And yes, I am biased from the internet because I found people who think like I do.
PPPS stop picking political fights with me, you would fucking lose every time if I actually spoke my mind. Be lucky I love my mom enough to not outwardly hate you and your bullshit.
Me, externally: This is why I can't talk to you about these things.
Him, every. single. fucking. time: I promise I'll listen, I just want to know your standpoint *doesnt listen and corrects me when I say that gender is different from sex and transgender people arent a problem AT ALL*
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duckugou · 3 years
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Kenma x GN!reader
Im trying to stray away from my comfort zone of just writing readers that use she/her so bear with me
sorry if this lowkey sucks but it was inspired by harry styles song golden
cw: big cursing, huge fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, comfort, aged up!
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in!
Requests are open!!
Being a streamer comes with perks. Being comfy at home, not having to face people in real life every day, playing games, typical shit. Another perk is making good friends.
Meeting people on a voice chat is common for Kenma -guys and gals alike. What he wasnt expecting one night was the sweetest voice on the other end of his headphones.
"You're all fucks- I'm better at this game than all of you combined. Try me."
To think that was the sentence that made Kenma's ears perk up and burn.
"What the hell ever- we have the great Kodzuken on our side." One of the guys said, half joking half dead serious.
"Oh yeah, he isn't even speaking up to defend your pussy asses- probably knows I could beat him too." You could hear the smirk in that last part.
"U-uh, no. You can't beat me. Nobody can actually. Not at this game." Kenma rebutted , confident in his gaming skills but not so much his speaking skills to this stranger.
"Oh man, you certainly sound confident. Come on, Kodzuken- 1v1 me then. Show me who the best really is."
Kenma suddenly felt nervous. Should he really demolish this stranger? Isn't it polite to let the person you like win? He didn't like this person yet but god their voice was attractive.
"Fine. Send the request." He decided.
"Sent, fucker."
The game resulted in a tie because this stranger actually knew what they were doing. They both threw friendly insults at each other the whole time of course, making each of them laugh a little.
"Okay fine. The great Kodzuken himself almost beat me. Im almost honored to have a great streamer almost beat me."
"Well you almost beat me too- uh-" Kenma stuttered over the fact that he didn't know how to address this stranger.
"Oh! Call me Y/n." The person giggled.
"You can uh, call me Kenma."
"Oh you don't want me to repeat your title over and over like everyone else?" They laughed.
"No, friends don't call me that. They use my name name." His ears were burning.
"Friends, huh? Guess that means you owe me your number so we can schedule a rematch where I can properly beat your ass."
"Huh, guess so."
A few months had gone by and Y/n and Kenma were as close as they could be. They found out they live close by each other and began hanging out a lot.
Y/n would be in the back of his streams on occasion and wouldn't hesitate to speak up during them. Thats the thing about Y/n. They've always been so outspoken. Since the start. Everything they talk about comes so easy to Y/n. Nothing is held back. Kenma knows everything about them. He on the other hand is still a bit closed off. Quiet. The two are so opposite yet so alike. Kenma doesn't speak much about himself, opting to listen.
Especially when talking about past relationships.
One night, they were sat in Kenmas room in separate chairs, letting conversations flow.
"So, you've dated but why have the relationships ended?" Y/n asked.
"Ah, I dont know- its not important. Why did yours end?" Kenma flipped the question as he always does.
"One guy cheated," Y/n tossed a piece of popcorn in the air, missing their mouth and brushing it off. "One girl left because she was leaving for school, and one guy just didn't mesh with me. Your turn." Y/n pushed the question back.
"Uh- well. I don't click with people easily. I'm pretty closed off so when I date it usually ends in hurt feelings by accident or they get sick of me." Kenma finally admitted.
"Huh." Y/n flopped onto their stomach on the bed after setting down the popcorn. "Don't you like anyone though? Like- if you liked someone enough, do you think you would give opening up a shot?"
"I mean I guess. Nobody ever takes the time to...pry me open." That got a laugh out of Y/n. Good. "But yeah I do like someone."
Sitting up suddenly, Y/n became visibly excited.
"No god no- it isnt important." Kenmas ears burned again.
"Come onnnnn. Its gotta be someone big time cool to earn your heart. I have to approve."
Y/n pulled Kenma from his chair to the bed, not letting go of his hand as he sat down.
"Theyre very cool- and very sweet. Understanding. Someone who stands up for me and makes me comfortable-" Kenma began gushing.
"Do I know them?" Y/n interrupted.
"Y-yeah. You sure do." Kenma scratched the back of his neck.
"Oooh ok, a guessing game. Describe them more- their looks!" Y/n held his hand tighter, bouncing up and down with excitement.
"Well- ok." Kenma took a deep breath and decided he could be vague enough. "Theyre short. As short if not shorter than me. Competitive. Very cute smile-"
"TOO VAGUE give me the JUICY DETAILS" Y/n pushed.
"They uh- they have..pretty eyes." He was staring at this point, eyes wandering around Y/ns face to find more things to describe. "cute nose too I guess. Squishy cheeks. Glasse-"
"WHO THE HELL IS IT KENMA- its starting to sound like youre describing me." Y/n laughed.
"No- I'm totally not!" Kenma rushed.
"Tell this person you like them. You look so happy when you talk about them. Its kind of sickening."
"I can't just do that." Kenma stated flatly.
"Yeah you can."
"DO ITTTT. Nothing to be scared of- it's CUTE. They would be dumb to not like you."
Kenma sighed, knowing he couldn't tell Y/n the truth about who he liked. What does he usually do when he's put in a corner like this? Oh thats right-
"Who do you like then Y/n?" He asked, proud of himself for deflecting again.
"Oh thats easy. You." Y/n said, letting go of his hand and laying back on the bed, leaving Kenma sitting up and stunned.
"What? No I mean a crush idiot. Who do you liiikkkeee?" Kenma pushed, hoping he didn't hear Y/n wrong.
"You, Kenma. I've had a crush since our first tie in a game. Thought that was obvious-"
Kenma flopped back on the bed as well. The both of them looking at each other.
"Oh. My person is uh... really... open and honest." Kenma said quietly.
"Is that why you wont tell them?" Y/n asked just as hushed.
"Yeah... what if right now they say yes but then their feelings change one day? That would hurt so bad. Worse than not telling them ever." He whispered.
There was silence. They knew what they both just admitted. Kenmas heart started racing. This might've fucked everything up. He might lose them. But they like him too so why is he so scared?
Y/n held his hand again.
"I know that youre scared because I'm so open...but hey... If you wanna give it a try..." Y/n whispered, scared about whether or not their honesty fucked them over.
"You might be right this time Y/n." Kenma whispered.
The space between them was closed due to both of them being drawn together like magnets in that moment. A sweet kiss.
"Let's try it then. I'll work on... being more open if you'd like." Kenma said.
"Kenma. I dont want you to change one bit. I like you the way you are."
Acceptance. It was the best thing Kenma has ever felt.
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detransexual · 2 years
Detransition is weird as shit even if its less of a struggle to deal with now. I wish i could speak more, louder and less afraid, i wish i could be open and honest and say what i think needs saying, there's not a lot of us willing to speak openly yet, not with our real faces, our real voices and our real names. Especially not those of us who have legitimate criticisms of the trans community and medical transition.
Its all declawed and defanged, wrapped up in cotten and presented as unthreatheningly as possible, and ive seen the stress on those who do speak bravely and openly and i do hope i muster up the courage to join their voices eventually, it feels like a moral failing to do nothing but talk to those closest to me when its getting noticably worse and i cant bare to think how many more girls like me there are gonna be, how many more there are in the less than ten years since i fell the rabbithole, and it terrifies me how much worse it must be for them, how little of an opportunity they really have to make a legitimate decision, how much harder it must be to actually figure out your own identity when you are been bombarded with unhinged internet politics and misogynistic propaganda on a daily basis.
like i dont WANT to sound like "think of the children!!1!" but legitimately? Think of the fucking children actually, there is literally nothing wrong with safeguarding children, it is not inherently a bad faith argument or a dogwhistle you idpol poisoned morons. There ARE a lot of teenage transitioners, children DO get prescribed puberty blockers, and we need to address the ethical dilemmas that come with that we cant just NOT discuss it??
Who fucking cares IF its transphobic, it doesnt fucking matter, there is a rapidly growing number of teenage girls who are experiencing very real distress about their bodies and how they are treated because of their bodies, and they're being told that THEY and their bodies are the problem, that they're different from other girls (ahah no dont develop class consciousness ur so easy to manipulate when you feel alienated from + persecuted by other women ahah~) that they'll never be comfortable in their bodies, and the only way to escape is to transition (ahah noo dont try to overcome your psychological distress and attempt self acceptance you're so profitable when you hate yourself and you're desperate for plastic surgery & hormones ahah~) like thats fucked, i mean thats absolutely FUCKED. That is just fucking marketing plastic surgery to people with body image issues, at its core that is what it fucking is, all in the name of proving that trans people are as indistinguishable as possible from the opposite sex (ahah noo dont safeguard children from lifelong & irreversible complications they're so convenient as ideological pawns we can use as an argumwnt for why biological sex doesnt matter ahah~)
you cant tell fucking KIDS that they were magically born in the wrong body and the ONLY way for them to be happy is to become a lifetime patient and then go "well its their choice! Kids known themselves best, there's no unsavoury incentives here they're making a totally informed and free decision, nothing to see here!" and think im not gonna think you're like, evil actually. I know most people have good intentions, i know more yet just dont dare speak out, i know there are very legitimate cult-like dynamics going on here, i do have empathy, i am being hyperbolic and i understand most people are just eager to please morons who are being fed propaganda and actively being discouraged from structural analysis on ANY level but it is so frustrating how so many useful idiots can cause so much damage when they are trying to do the opposite i feel like im going crazy sometimes. I mean i am but thats mostly unrelated.
Anyway im perhaps a little bit batshit unhinged sometimes but i dont feel like im being unreasonable about this one, its morally fucked up to not only allow but actively encourage young girls with high rates of trauma (especially sexual trauma), social difficulties, and severe and complex mental health issues to undergo permanent medical changes that we know neither the full risks and side effects of, nor the efficacy of it as a treatment, it just fucking is.
And yeah i care about young boys transitioning too but like, they're never gonna be my main concern because i will never experience athat so im not equipped to speak on it, aaaand also im not equipped to tackle how the incentives r verrry different because i havent met as many mtfs irl so i cant make any personal observations n im not as familiar with the comorbidity statistics etc.
Nyway thats not what i was gonna say originally but sometimes u get possessed by something or other like a fuckin.. Whatever that thing was with victorian people writing but it was ghosts somehow, idk im on drugs do you fucking mind
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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salemorbit · 3 years
Hey. I know this is weird and I just followed you (but I did look over your work, I really like your writing style!), but could I request a BNHA matchup? With any character from class 1A or 1B, preferably.
I'm genderfluid, use he/they pronouns and I like men. I hate when people call me by my name, or any name in general, nothing sits right with me and I'd just prefer being called a bitch or something, honestly.
I'm INTP, Scorpio, I'm pretty reserved and can come off as uninviting (apparently I subconsciously glare at people for no reason), but I try to be polite when talking to strangers. With my friends I'm more, hm, open? And I like bullying them a lot, calling them mean names, but affectionately. I like making people laugh and joking around (they're more threats and barks, but people find them funny) and I like helping people.
I never, ever start conversations or invite people to hang out. I may give out hints I want to, but honestly I never initiate anything so I want a person who would tolerate that, because I don't need a whiny idiot that thinks I dont like them because I dont talk to them. I know that's bad and I'm working on it, but I want people to understand that socialisation isn't something I'm even decent at.
I don't like it when people (i could end the statement right here) throw their responsibilities onto me or beg me to help them even if I said I cant or dont want to. And sometimes I get mad if a person gets hurt because of something so obviously stupid (especially if I warned them) and that's just my way of showing concern, haha.
As for my free time, it's usually taken up by cooking/baking, video games, listening to music and writing. I speak three languages fluently and am learning two more (one in school, other personally).
Sorry if this got long! Thank you in advance, have a good day.
hey dude you don't have to follow me but thank you anyway!! here u go :)
MHA Matchup!
Based on your characteristics, I think you'd do best with......
Tumblr media
would LOVE to call you bitch (affectionately)
you two definitely would have your own separate lives away from each other, but in a way that works ya know
most people who knew you would never guess that you and bakugou were together but surprise!
y'all just aren't so public lmao
bakugou really does appreciate your ability to be blunt with people and tell it how it is
it's one of the many things he loves abt you actually ajdlfjshs
he knew immediately that he would get along with you the first time he saw you give it to someone straight
this boy do be so smart actually and he would totally want you to teach him the languages that you already know
and he'd catch on quite fast let's be honest
the kitchen is super comfortable between you two because bakugou trusts that you know what you're doing and won't get in his way, and you do the same
mostly you'll just make meals in silence but it's where y'all bond the most
the bakusquad would definitely be surprised as to how tame bakugou gets around you, but that's just because he knows he doesn't have to worry about you
would never get mad if you got mad that he got hurt on a mission because he knows you care so much
he would appreciate the concern but then gently tell you that he'll be fine
it's a quiet and comfortable relationship, nothing too over the top, which is a good polar opposite of bakugou but i just feel he'd like you that way :)
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nachotrash · 3 years
ft: @catchmewiddershins @lilikags and @paradise-creator // no haikyuu boys this time
Pauline: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Wid, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Pauline: We're having a baby. Shiyu: Oh, congradu- Wid, slamming adoption papers onto teh table: It's you, sign here.
Pauline: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Shiyu, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Wid, whispering: Because I have little hands. Shiyu: Because they have little hands.
Wid: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Lili: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Wid: Pros and cons of dating me. Wid: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Wid: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
(cons. you're the smart one😔)
Shiyu: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Pauline: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Shiyu: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
(*lipbites in 166 cm*)
Wid: I don't dab. I stab.
(nOw WhEarE HAvE i SeEn ThIs BeFoRe)
Shiyu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(t-pose to assert dominance)
Shiyu, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... Shiyu, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
(lmao baby nacho really be bold)
Shiyu: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Lili: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
Pauline: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Pauline: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Pauline: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
(we are the squad now)
Lili: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wid: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Wid: I need my socks.
Pauline: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
(yes yes you are how dare you)
Shiyu: Yeah I'm LGBT. Shiyu: cuLt leader. Shiyu: God hates me personally. Shiyu: cowBoy hat. Shiyu: *sniffles* Trying my best.
(my asexual ass be like;)
Wid: *plays shreksophone* Wid: Woo. Wid: Time to listen to this on loop for all eternity. Shiyu: ...Genius coping mechanism my friend
Shiyu: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Pauline: Killed without hesitation.
Pauline: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Pauline: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Pauline: I hate Lili. Shiyu: "Hate' is a strong word. Pauline: I have strong opinions.
(oh no)
Wid: How does that even work? Shiyu, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! Wid: Your face doesnt make sense.
(...fair enough)
Pauline: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Pauline: My stomach growled super loud in French. Pauline: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Shiyu: Bonjour. Lili: Le growl. Wid: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
(reminds me of the 'ill speak french between your legs' tumblr legend and im wheezing)
Shiyu: *tapping fingers on table* Lili: *taps fingers back furiously* Wid: …What’s going on? Pauline: Morse code. They’re talking. Shiyu: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Lili: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Shiyu: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Wid, Lili, & Pauline: Okay. Shiyu: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Wid: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lili: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Pauline: Bold of you to assume I can die.
(pauline is a goddess. goddesses cant die)
Lili: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Wid: Strong. Shiyu: Weak. Pauline: An idiot, is what your are.
(as long as you dont flinch or scream youre strong. unless you get punched in the gut by someone like ushijima ofc)
Shiyu: Those darn tall old people. Wid: Darm em' indeed. Pauline: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Lili: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Lili: Hahaha. Lili: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Wid: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Pauline. They're mad at you. Pauline: No, it's Shiyu. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Shiyu: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Lili: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Shiyu: I stand by my choice.
Wid: What do we think of Shiyu? *pause* Lili: *sighs* Nice pal. Pauline: I think they're gay.
Wid: Where is Shiyu? Pauline: I'll do you one better, who is Shiyu?? Lili: Here's a better question, why is Shiyu?
(i dont know man. ive been trying to figure it out for the last few years)
Wid: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Wid & Lili: One, two, three- Wid & Lili: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Shiyu: Our turn, Pauline! One, two, three- Shiyu: Vanilla! Pauline: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Pauline: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Wid: A doll. Shiyu: A cinnamon roll. Lili: A sweetheart. Pauline: Pauline: ...stop it.
(cant deny the truth bby)
Wid, Pauline & Shiyu: *screaming* Lili: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Shiyu?! Wid: Wait, why are you asking Shiyu that when Pauline and I are also here? Lili: Because Shiyu wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(i mean... its true )
Pauline: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Wid: Fucking Shiyu and Lili were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
(manifests dvalin cause i wanna ride on their back and fall off)
Lili: Wake me up- Wid: Before you go go Shiyu: When September ends Pauline: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
(cant wake up- WAKE ME UP INSIDE)
Shiyu, watching Pauline & Lili panic : What's going on? Wid: Pauline is having a midlife crisis and Lili is just having a crisis.
Lili: *Gasp* Pauline: wHAT?? Lili: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Pauline: *inhales* Wid, in another room with Shiyu: Why can I hear screeching?
(shiyu: same shit different day)
Shiyu: Christmas is cancelled. Wid: You can't cancel a holiday. Shiyu: Keep it up, Wid, and you'll lose New Year's too. Wid: What does that mean? Shiyu: Lili, take New Year's away from Wid.
Pauline: So, are they your friend or... Lili: They’re like Wid, but if Wid was ordered to be around you. Pauline: Oh, so Shiyu. Lili: Precisely!
(if its about how annoyed i always look then you ahve a point)
Wid: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Pauline: When have I been paranoid? Wid: Um, when you first met Lili you thought they were an undercover cop…? Pauline: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Wid: And last year you were sure Shiyu was a mermaid! Pauline: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! *Later, when Pauline’s theory is proven wrong* Wid: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Pauline: I still think Shiyu is a mermaid.
(id gladly be one)
*Wid drunkenly wanders around the manor and Lili is drunkenly giggling* Shiyu, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Pauline. Pauline, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Wid: We need to distract these guys. Lili: Leave it to me. Lili: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Pauline & Shiyu: *immediately begin arguing*
(*pulls out dictionary*)
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Shiyu, with Wid and Lili behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Shiyu: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Shiyu: Pauline FUCKING FELL OFF!
Wid: What is love? Pauline: An emotional minefield. Shiyu: A neurochemical reaction. Lili: Baby don't hurt me.
Pauline: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Wid: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Lili: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Shiyu: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Shiyu, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Pauline: Gray. Lili: Grey. Shiyu, turning to Wid: Now tell them what color you think it is. Wid: Dark white.
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
What if Marinette had a Retired Police Dog Part 2
I've have had so many request for more Captain, so here you go. Also I just want to say thank you to the maribat community for adopting Captain into the community. Hopefully I do him justice.
Damian really did not want to say goodbye to Marinette yet, but as the sun dipped behind the buildings Marinette had to return to her hotel
Standing in front of the doors of her hotels they said their goodbyes
Marinette: Thanks for the great time Damian. Captain and I had a blast
Damian: I'm glad to hear that and really the pleasure was all mine
Damain bend down giving a kiss the the back of Marinette's hand
Marinette felt the blush grow on her face
Marinette: Will I be able to see you again?
Damian: Of course Angel maybe we can meet again tomorrow I can bring my dog Titus.
Marinette: Sure here's my number I can text you when I have free roam
Damian: I'll be waiting Goodnight Angel, Captain
Damian gave a little salute to the german sheperd
Captain gave a bark in goodbye while Marinette gave a little wave before heading into the hotel
Damain watch her walk away with a dreamy smile on his face until he couldn't see her any more.
Turning around Damian was met with the sight of his brothers all with teasing smiles on their face
Damian now scowling: Shut up morons
Dick: We didn't say anything baby bird
Damian: Your face did
The rest of the way home was spent teasing Damian about his lady love and Dick dramatically called her
Once Marinette had settled down after their day out she settled on her bed and made a call that was meant to be made earlier in the day
Dialing the number she looked up earlier she waited for the person on the other end to answer
Receptionist: Hello thank you for calling Wayne Enterprise, this is Cheryl how can I help you?
Marinette: Hello, I'm sorry for calling you so late, but I'm going to be in the French school trip group coming to tour the building tomorrow and I just had a quick question
Cheryl who was told by Dick earlier about Damian's little girlfriend knew exactly what to do
Cheryl: No problem sugar let me transfer you over to your tour guide. He can answer any question you might have.
Cheryl put Marinette on hold before she could protest about bugging the tour guide and made a call to Dick's cell phone
Dick: Hey Cheryl what do you need
Cheryl: Hey Dick so that girl you were telling about called me, with a question
Dick: No way. Connect her
Cheryl: Right away
Dick to his brothers: Guess who's on the phone
Jason: Damien's girlfriend?
Dick: Ding ding ding we have a winner
Marinette from phone: Hello?
Dick: Yes hello this is Mr. Grayson. How can I help you?
Marinette: Hello I'm Marinette and I'm so sorry for calling so late, but I had an important question to ask.
Dick: Don't worry Marinette, what's your question
Marinette: Well you see thanks to unforeseen circumstances my dog is actually with me on the trip. He's not a service dog, but he's really well trained and well behaved, and I was wondering if I could bring him with me on the tour. If the answer is no that's totally okay
Dick *thinking*: Omg she's adorable
Dick: That's completely fine. We have employees bring their dogs to work all the time. One more dog in the building won't make any more trouble
Marinette: Really thank you so much. And again I'm soooo sorry for calling so late. Have a goodnight
Dick: You too, I look forward to seeing you and your dog tomorrow
Dick: omg Baby Bird your girlfriend is sssooo adorable she was so sweet and shy and polite. I swear if I was talking to her in person I would have squeezed the life out of her
Damian: Don't you dare. You would just freak her out and make her never want to talk to me ever again
Tim: So you want to see her again?
Jason: It's sound like our Demon Spawn has found his true love
Damian could feel his face turn red
Damian: Shut up you idiots
Marinette: Good news Captain you're going to be able to come on the tour tomorrow
Captain gave Marinette a lick on the cheek to show that he understood and was happy about it
Marinette: Goodnight Captain. Goodnight Tikki
Tikki: Goodnight Marinette. Goodnight Captain
Marinette wrapped her arms around Captain snuggling her face into his fur as Tikki laid down on top of Captain
The next day
The class all gathered down in the lobby Marinette and Captain came down last but on time
And of course since Marinette looked happy and had Captain with her Lila had to throw a hissy fit
Lila: What are you doing Marinette. They probably don't allowed dogs at Wayne Enterprise
Ms. Bustier: She's right Marinette you shouldn't bring your dog with you. Captain will have to stay here.
Marinette: But Ms. Bustier I made sure to call ahead of time to make sure it was okay. And you wouldn't want Captain to be locked into a small room all day would you
As Marinette said that Captain looked to Ms. Bustier with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster
Ms. Bustier looking into Captain eyes and just couldn't say no
Ms. Bustier: Fine, but he's your responsibility Marinette, and I don't want to see any funny business between either of you. If I see either of you step a toe or paw out of line Captain will be spending the rest of his time in your hotel room. Am I understood?
Marinette: Yes Ms. Bustier! Thank you so much.
Marinette gave a big smile to her teacher before heading back to the class. Standing in the back of the group little away from every one.
Marinette: Dont worry Captain we just have to get through the tour then we can go meet up with Damian again, and we get to meet his dog Titus this time.
Captain gave her another quick kiss on the cheek when he heard somebody approach them
Adrien: Marinette why do you have to cause so much trouble. Captain would have been perfectly fine in the hotel room for a day
Captain forced his body between Adrien and Marinette not wanting the rude boy near his girl
Marinette: well good morning to you too Adrien. I don't see how having Captain with me is causing any problems. He literally only interacts with me. And for your information Captain would not be okay in the hotel all day today and then have to do it again tomorrow. Yesterday I made sure to call all the places we're going to over the trip to find out of Captain could along or not. Since we're spending all day tomorrow going to different museums he won't be able to come with us it would be cruel to lock him up all day 2 days in a row
Adrien: But he's still upsetting Lila, you know could happen if she gets too upset.
Marinette: I don't think a butterfly could fly across the Pacific Ocean Adrien, much less in the time frame we'll be here
Ms. Bustier: Okay everyone let's all get on the bus
Marinette: you better go ahead Adrien. You probably want go sit with your FRIENDS
Adrien catching onto what Marinette was hinting at gave her a small glare, but still ran to catch up to Nino, Alya, and Lila
Captain pressed his head into Marinette's side and tikki did the same.
Marinette: Thanks guys I'm okay
Marinette put one hand on Captain's head and the other on top of her purse
Damian checked over him and Titus one more time to make sure they both looked good
Bruce: I don't suppose your suddened interest in how you and Titus look have anything to do with that little French girl you met the other day
Damian: Don't be ridiculous father-
Dick: It totally does! You should have seen how those two looked at eachother. It was like love at first sight
Damian: GRAYSON!
Jason: it was so ridiculously sweet and she evan has her own dog, a german sheperd
Damian: TODD!
Tim: I did a bit more research, you know to make sure she wasn't a villian in disguise, and according to the adoption records his name is Captain and he use to be a police dog
Damian: DRAKE!! Would you all just stay out of my love life!
Bruce: They just care about you Damian. Weither you like it or not. You should have seen them when Dick first brought home Cori.
Once they got to Wayne Enterprise the family went their separate ways to complete their duties
Damian and Titus hung around Dick waiting for Marinette, Captain, and her class to arrive.
Cheryl: So I heard that you met somebody special yesterday Damian
Damian: wait how do you know about Marinette? Dick???
Dick: Well I had to tell her in case Marinette called yesterday I wanted to be the one she talked to.
Damian: Do you have to share my love life with everybody you know
Cheryl: It's just because we love you Damian. Now tell me everything.
Damian was about to respond with a sarcastic comeback when the class arrived
Dick: Hello welcome to Wayne Enterprise, I'm Dick Grayson I'll be your tour guide today. And this is my little brother Damian and his dog Titus. I hope y'all don't mind but he'll be joining us on your tour today
Ms. Bustier: Not at all it's always nice to make new friends when you're some where new
Damian made his way towards the group his eyes set on Marinette who just walk in after making sure Captain did his business before the long tour, but was intercepted by Lila.
Lila: Hello I am Lila it is nice to meet you
Lila began to speak with a heavy Italian accent.
She was the worst at speaking English in the class
The rest of the class finished introducing themselves when Marinette made it to the group
Damian: It's nice to meet you all, Marinette mentioned she was here with her class.
Alya: Marinette?
Marinette: Damian?
Damian flashing a charming smile: Hey Angel, I hope you don't mind but I found out my brother giving the tour for your class and asked if I could come along.
Damian walked over to Marinette and Captain with Titus following him
Damian: Hello Captain, how are you doing buddy?
Damian slowly lowered his hand giving Captain plenty of time to move away incase Captain didn't want to get a pat from him
Captain decided he would allow it partly because he had to admit he kinda like this kid, and partly because he knew it would freak out some of her class
Kim: Ah he touched Captain
Kim sadly learned the hard way that it took a while for Captain to warm up to someone new
Marinette: And this handsome boy must be Titus
Marinette held her hand out to let Titus sniff her.
Titus being the loving goofball he is gave her hand a big lick before snuggling his head into her hand
Marinette giggling: Well he's a friendly boy huh
Alya: You two know each other?
Marinette: Yeah we met yesterday at the park and just hit it off
Lila with a strained voice: Well isn't that great that you were able to make a new friend.
Damian and Marinette noticed the strain in Lila's voice but it didn't seem like anybody else had or if they did they ignored it
Dick: Alright everybody with introductions out of the way let's get started
Damian and Marinette fell to the back of the group so the can walk side by side with their dogs
While this was going on Titus and Captain were sniffing eachother out as they walked together
Captain: Hello I'm Captain
Titus: I'm Titus. I have just met you, and I love you
Titus gave Captain a big lick on the side of his head
Captain: That's great... So he's your boy
Titus: Yep he's been my boy for years now. He acted like he didn't like me at first but I knew he loved me
Captain: Is he your first human?
Titus: Yes, his father gave me to him when I was 7 months old. What about you, is she your first human?
Captain: No, my girl didn't find me until I was 3 years old. Before her i was a police dog. My partner was my first human. He was a great man and a great police officer. He always made sure I was well fed and when it was a slow night he would take me to the park and play fetch with me...
Captain trailed off his mind going back to the night he lost his partner
Titus: What happened to your first human?
Captain snapping out of his memories: I don't like to talk about it
Titus: Well what about your girl, how do you like her?
Captain: My girl is the best. She saved me from the pound. Her parents brought her there for one of the adoption events, at the time I didn't even know if I wanted another human. I was there for a couple of months, and didn't really have much hope to find a new family. Most people just go for the puppies. So I was just sitting in a corner away from everybody else when this girl comes walking towards. She seemed so sad at the time, like me. She asked me if I wanted to be alone together with her, and i looked into her eyes and something just clicked you know? Like she was also suppose to be my person. After that life turned around for me. My girl just has so much love to give.
Titus: I know what you mean it was the same with me and my boy. Do you have any siblings or a mate?
Captain: No my girl and her family live in a small apartment, so one big dog is their limit. I wouldn't mind having a mate one day though. I do have a couple of friends in Paris and the local dog park, and there's Fang, who's crocodile
Titus: you have a crocodile as a friend cool. I have one older sister Ace, no mate myself yet. I do also have a cat and cow as a friend
Captain: Nice
During the tour Damian noticed that some of Marinette's classmates (Alya, Adrien, and Lila) kept shooting dirty looks back at his Angel
He did his best to not glare back at them, but when Adrien did it for the 10th time on the tour when Marinette wasn't doing anything but softly giggling at stuff Damian whispered in her ear Damian had enough
The next time Adrien looked back at her Damian gave him the scariest look he could muster, which is very scary
Adrien widened his eyes and turned his head around quickly not looking back for the rest of the tour
Dick seeing about half of the interaction assumed that Damian glared out of jealousy and shot him an amused looked when he caught Damian's eyes
After the tour Marinette convinced Ms. Bustier to let her go off with Damian for their free roam
Ms. Bustier let her but made sure she wore the tracking bracelet so incase something happened she would know where Marinette is at
Damian and Marinette decidind to go to a near by dog park to let the dogs roam free
On the way out Damian noticed Adrien quickly walking over to them with a determined look on his face
Not wanting to deal with the annoying blonde Damian quickly guided Marinette outside and into the car
Marinette already figuring out whi Damian really was didn't question it and just let Damian lead her into the car
Damian: I thought you'd be a little more shocked about it
Marinette: I kinda figured it out when Mr. Grayson said you were his little brother
Once they made it to the park the dogs started to run around together and seem to play a game of chase even though Captain seemed a little more reluctant to act a bit crazier like Titus
Marinette: Well it seems like they like eachother
Damian watching Titus give Captain a big lick on the side of his head before running off leaving Captain with what could only be described as disgruntled look on his face.
Damian chuckling: Yeah they sure do
The pair spent another 2 hours at the park going back and forth with sitting in the shade watching their dogs run through the nice dog park and playing fetch with a stick the dogs found
They spent the rest of the afternoon wondering around Downton Gotham Damian showing Marinette all the best sites
As sunset came Damian found himself once again standing in front of the hotel holding Marinette's hands as Captain and Titus watch the interaction
Damian blushing: I've had a great time today Marinette
Marinette: So did I
Damian: I was wondering if you would like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night, like a date?
Marinette also blushing: I would love to, but can Captain come along
Damian: Of course beside Captain is going to be stuck in your hotel room all day tomorrow it wouldn't be fair to make him stuck in a small room for even longer.
Marinette gave him a beaming smile: Thank you for understanding Damian
Damian: Of course I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7 wear whatever you like.
Marinette hugged Damian goodbye giving him a peck on the cheek as she pulled away
Marinette: I can't wait! Goodnight Damian I'll see you tomorrow
Damian in a dreamg voice: Goodnight Marinette, Captain
Once Marinette and Captain were out of site Damian jumped up and gave a whooped of joy completely forgetting that Alfred could still see him from the car.
Alfred on the phone with Bruce: It looks like Damian just asked her put and she said yes
Bruce on the other side of the phone silently fist bumped the air mouthing yes over and over again
Bruce in a monotone voice: That's good
Dick: omg you guys I wish you were there! They spent most of the time quietly whispering to each other and Damian glared at a boy who kept glancing at Marinette it was the cutest thing.
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@mikantsume @carrisarune @strudelqueen @Aloha_Posts_Stuff @shmowl @maxdark158
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kate-read-that · 4 years
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Everyone knows there's two groups in Scott's town: bikers and players. On one hand, bikers are a mess to be around: always looking for trouble, making noise, partying all over the city.... a mess. Th issue is, most have good grades and know enough about machines and motors and such to give classes to the mechanics from town.
On the other hand, players are nice looking, kind hearted, smart boys that never make a fuss and are always there to help the community however they can. Most are football players, runners and basketball players or all of those at the same time. They're a charm to be around, if you're lucky enough to get in their circle.
"Welcome to Pop's, please sit wherever, its early yet" says Peter to his friends, careful to keep equilibrium on his rollers.
"Thanks Mr, we'll take the same table we usually do" Steve laughs and goes sit at their usual table with the rest.
Serving the table next to them, pretty blond looks at Peter with adoration.
"Is Claire still trying to get you to ask her out, Peter" MJ asks, fully knowing the answer already. Peter whines.
"I've tried to discourage her in a million ways! I'm bi, but I'm not interested in her, I dont know why she doesnt get it!"
"Man shes hot and funny, what is there not to be interested about?" Sam asks, one broe arched in disbelief.
"If you like her, ask her out! That'll get her off me" Peter begs while writing down their orders, even thought theres no need.
They always order the same food and wait until Peter finishes his turn to go so something around the city, and tonight's no exception, until new company arrives.
The door opens to Tony S., major douchebag of the city, and his friends, the major dumbasses, Nat, Clint and Bucky B. Peter's friends instantly look awkward and pissed, and the other persons in the diner look at Tony's and his friends with dread. Who know what they might be up to. The fact that they cant be thrown off high school because his amazing grades pisses off a lot of people.
Peter swallows and calms himself. He hopes Tony wont cause problems in the diner, because that's the last thing he needs and tmhe really doesnt want to kick anyone out. Besides, he isn't sure how he would kick them out if he had to.
Despite his nervousness, he rolls to them and smiles politely: " Welcome to Pop's, please sit wherever, today is not as full"
"What about you sit on my lap, darling?" Tony claimed he was bi a long time ago; more than claimed, he was caught having sex with some guy under the major's statue. Peter counts to five so he doesnt reply to that.
"Choose whatever table you want, I'll go serve you right now" he then turns around to give the cooker his friends orders, hoping he doesnt look too startled.
Tony usually mocks them in high school, and they mock right back, but he has never said anything sexual to him. It's strange, thinking of him that way, like someone you can have sex with. Peter shakes his head and rolls back to Tony's table.
Nat and Clint are too busy signaling at each other to notice he's there, and Bucky is checking something on the other side of the diner. Peter is too shy to say something when no one is paying attention, so he waits until Tony tells his friends to shut up and order already because they're making Parker loose his time.
Peter looks at him surprised, but smiles and starts taking notes. Clint has a little bit problem to order, because his deaf and his parents couldnt teach him to talk until he got in school, but he manages. Peter likes Clint, he's nice and seems a good person, but he doesnt understand why he mixes with the rest.
Nat is adopted and she's always in trouble for this thing or the other, she's always quiet but when she talks is like she's always trying to test you, somehow. Bruce had to give her math classes for a while and he said she's actually not that bad, but she still scares Peter.
Buckys parents are cool, they let him leave alone, which sounds incredible, but hes always argues with teachers and missing class, and hes always inappropriate and rude to people.
And Tony's parents are as rich as it gets, but they like to live away from big cities so they're here until tony graduates. Peter doesn't know much about them, except that they no longer pick Tony up when he gets arrested so one of the members of their staff does it. His uncle Sam is a cop, and he says theres nothing sadder than parents that dont care about his son enough to get mad at him.
So Peter tries to be kind to them, but it's so hard when all they do is mock him and his friends. Besides, Tony always has the expression, like he's to good for everyone else! It drives Peter mad.
"I'm going to have the Burguer 6, with chips and a piece of that ass" Tony pretends to read seriously from the menu, but his friends dont laugh. Peter's tired of the jokes, but he needs the job and Tony is not going to ruin this for him.
"Sure thing, dude, maybe when hell freezes. What else?" The others do laugh this time, to Peter's confusion, and order their meals.
"Dude he absolutely hates you" Bucky seems to find this hilarious, even though hes Tony's best friend and he should support him, dammit!
"Of course he had to wear shorts, not like I could keep my mind straight or something" Tony moans, watching Peter roll away like the cute doll he is.
"You're like an animal dude" Clint says, little sloppy but understandable.
"Pathetic" Adds Nat, as if Tony needed confirmation of the screw up.
"And besides, since when is your mind straight?" Bucky laughs at his own joke, like the idiot he is, Tony thinks, while checking the other side of the diner again.
"At least I dont stalk Rogers from here like some kind of pervert" Tony smiles wide at Bucky's affronted face, blushing and frowning. "Whatever".
"Dude, just tell him you're into him and ask him on a date, this suave shit is not your style" Clint signs, too tired to try and talk. Tony signs back "Suave is totally think you jerk!"
"Not when you care" Nat interrupts as direct as always, looking seriously at him. "Food here is good but if you did yourself a favor and went straight to it we wouldnt have to come here and hear you whine"
"Straight?" Bucky chimes again, entertained. Nat hits him in the back of the head "Idiot."
"I will, alright? I will"
Rught then, Peter comes back with their drinks and Tony leans back.
"I dont know what I like the most, you coming to me in those cute rolls or you going away in that killer short"
All his friends look at him exasperated, and Tony cant believe he actually said that to Peter. Hes never going to get a date with his cheesy fucking lines.
But Peter laughs. Not a big laugh, okay, but a short, cute one that he tries to hide.
"Maybe youd like me better without both, huh Tony?" He leans towards Tony a little, his hand on Tony's shoulder for a second.
Hes gone just as fast as he came, leaving the whole table shocked.
Tony knows he should close his mouth, but he cant believe Peter Parker just legit flirted back at him. What the hell? He needs a cold shower right now, and his friends need to stop looking at him.
"Did you pay him to say that or something" Tony knows Bucky is trying to be funny, but truth is he cant explain that act either, and when he looks at Nat and Clint for help, they're just staring at him like a third head just grew out.
Peter is hyperventilating.
"I cant believe I flirted back. What the hell is wrong with me?" His friends are looking at him like he just told them he likes to dance hula naked in december, and Peter cant blame them
"Huh, maybe the fact that you've had the hots for him for years?"MJs voice cuts the air. Peter looks at her in disbelief.
"I have not! He's arrogant and careless and despective and rude and..."
"And hot and intelligent and funny, in your opinion" MJ adds, smiling "I've seen you laugh at his jokes when you think no one is watching, and you cant deny hes hot and smary"
"Maybe you should date him"
"Dont be ridiculous, I'm leaning to girls in this period of my life. And he's into you, not me"
Peter couldnt believe MJ. He did not have the hots for Tony, and Tomy was not funny, not all the time anyway, and Tony Stark was not into Peter in any way, shape or form.
And yet he had felt so good flirting with him. Seeing his amazement when Peter had answered. For once, Tony was not in control of everything and playing his jokes, he was shocked.
And Peter did that to him.
So Peter decided, what the hell, let's try this out. If he ends up being an asshole, my friends will kick his ass for me.
"If you like him, go ahead, but he looks like too much trouble for me" Steve said, looking worried. He and Bucky had been childhood friends, but they bad separated later in life and Steve didn't like to be close to him or his friends, Tony included.
"Yeah, and if he's a jerk to you well talk to him" Sam smiled threatingly, clapping his hands.
"Nat is really nice to be around when you meet her" added a blushing Bruce, who had been crushing on the ginger since they met but was way too shy to say or do anything.
Peter kept working until he had to deliver Tony's food. He tried not to show he was nervous and he definitely didnt check his ass before going out the kitchen with the food.
"Number 6,8,12, and 3 for you guys, with chips for everyone and a piece of ass for Anthony" he looked at Tony intently, trying to guess his reaction. For a second Stark just stranded there, shocked, until he slapped Peter's ass so strongly all the diner turned around. Or maybe it was because Peter had let out the loudest moan a boy his size could produce.
Peter thought he was going to kill himself. What was that?? One thing is flirting,but that? He was so losing his job. Trying to keep as much dignity as he could, he said "That's more than a piece, and it hurt, you idiot" and he turned around and left, head high and eyes burning from shame.
Tony was going to kill himself.
"Dude, what the fuck? He was kidding you dumbass" Bucky, again, was laughing at him. Although this time Tony couldnt blame him, fuck it. What the hell was that?? It's not like Peter's bubble butt didnt deserve one or two good slaps, but Peter worked there!
On the other hand, how could have Tomy anticipated that Peter was going to react like that? That moan could have brought people from the death, nd it certainly brought some of Tony's parts as well.
"It seemed like he liked it" Nat said, like she was reading Tony's mind. She was trying to keep herself from laughing, while Clint signaled that he was scarred for life.
Tont got up without knowing what he was doing. People weren't looking directly anymore, but he knew they were still totally focused on his movements. He got in the staff room without problems. Apparently Claire was too shocked to say nothing about it.
As soon as he got in he saw Peter, sitting in a corner, head buried on his lap.
"Dude what the hell? Are you alright?" Tony rushed to him scared. Peter just laughed.
"You're kidding? I'm si getting fired after that. What the fuck, man? In which world is that an appropriate way of flirting?"
"So we were flirting?" Tony wanted to confirm, and he realized now he sounded like an ass.
"Oh my god you slapped my ass but you dodnt know we were flirting? Dude! You're all class arent you?" Peter frowned at him.
"Didnt seem like you cared" Tomy knew he was being a dick, but he couldnt help it when Peter was right there, all long legs and blushed and nervous and biting his goddamn lip making it even redder than usual. If possible, Peter got even more red. "I liked that a lot, but that doesnt mean you can do it in my job, you idiot"
"What about my place? When you finish here?" Tony knew he was going to be totally rejected after that but he had to try, right?
"Ah, no, I'm not letting you win after that. You're taking me on a date first, and if you behave I'll let you take me to your place and well see what happens" Peter said, knowing full well he was going to be ditched.
"Wait, you sirious?" Peter opened his eyes in disbelief.
"What, you're not?" Tony arched his brow.
"I am, I am. Okay, deal"
"Can I ask you something, before I leave?"
"Would you wear those shorts to our date?"
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godsfavoritebabe · 4 years
Part 1:
The lights were dimmed, the sky was open as rain gently cleansed the New York streets. Dani and Kayla's apartment beeper buzzed. Leo was the last person Dani had intentions on talking to. She knew he would be there. She hadn't broken up with him just yet. She needed time to process everything.
"Its me D, buzz me up," Leo shivered as he pressed the button from downstairs.
Dani ignores him and walks to her small bedroom. There was nothing he could possibly say, nothing he could do to make what he did better. Kayla walks to the front of the building with some grocery bags. She struggles to close her umbrella. The gentleman he is, Leo quickly helps her close it and takes the grocery bags. His wet hair drips down his neck as they walk into the elevator.
"Thank you," Kayla says and he smiles.
"Anything for you," he replies then nods.
"Anything for me?" She asks, suddenly intrigued by his response.
"You're Dani's friend, and she would want me to be polite," he explains and she chuckles. Everything has been tense between the friend group since graduation. In adulthood, people tend to go their separate ways.
"Y'all have really changed it up in here," Leo calmly states as he is greeted with the toasty air of Dani and Kayla's residence.
"A bit of wallpaper, different pillows and some chairs from Ross always does the trick," Kayla replies then takes two of the four grocery bags from Leo. He walks to the kitchen area and places them on the counter.
"Lock the door, a crackhead lives in this building," Kayla tells him.
"People still on that shit?" He asks then locks the door.
Dani enters the area and sees Leo helping Kayla with the groceries.
"There was a particular reason I didnt buzz him up!" She exclaims.
"Dont be a brat," Kayla replies to her and Leo places a gallon of milk in the refrigerator.
"Hear him out, at least," Kayla states then throws Dani a bottle of water.
Leo smiles politely and shoves his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt. A sweatshirt that she brought him two sizes too big.
"Yeah yeah," she groans then he walks in her room, closing the door behind him.
"I know u still love me," he smiles and she slaps him across with face with the back of her hand.
"I know pleasure is pain but damn," he he groans "My mama didn't slap me this hard,"
"I don't have the patience for your jokes, asshole,"
"Okay, damn," he sighs then sneezes.
"Only a fucking idiot would wear just a sweatshirt and shorts in stormy weather, " she says to him then reaches for a thick blanket on her bed.
"Yeah, I realize that was dumb of me," he admits and she gently covers his body with the blanket, wrapping her arms around his torso.
"I'm glad you're okay after that fight," she genuinely tells him and he chuckles lightly.
"The bi-polar syndrome is so real," he jokes then immediately regrets it. A swift knee to his balls forces him to fall to the ground at her feet.
"I deserve that," he painfully groans as he clutches his junk.
"Now what did you come to say?" She asks and he yelps at her sudden movement.
"I came to say I'm sorry," he replies in a soft voice.
"Damn, what are you doing to him?" Kayla asks as she listens to the beating he's taking.
"I am so sorry," Leo states as he gains his composure. He stands then takes Dani's hands in his.
"That day was tough, my mom was driving me nuts and Wheezie was annoying the literal shit out of me," he tells her and she crosses her arms.
"I didn't refrain from stabbing you because I thought you came to apologize, not justify your actions," she informs him then reaches up to yank his curly brown hair.
"Violence is not the answer!" He exclaims as he grabs her hand.
"That's all I know," she says to him then gives them physical space.
"I'm starting to realize how fucked up your childhood really was," he replies in an honest tone.
"But tell me what I can do to fix this," he says then sneezes again. He pulls the blanket around his body tighter.
"I needed time," she honestly states then pulls at the lint on her sweatpants.
"I gave you two weeks," he reminds her and she exhales loudly.
"I know, but I'm still not over it," she admits and he nods. He tried, he sent flowers and chocolates. He wrote her a song and played the ukulele in his underwear. Maybe this was the end and it was his fault. His and her lack of forgiveness that would split the two apart.
"Tell me you'll try," he demands in a soft tone as he looks down at his feet. "Tell me you won't let this end because of a few misdirected words,"
"I think your words were directed at me precisely," she replies and he runs his fingers through his curly brown hair.
"Daniella Rose, I would never say or do anything to purposely hurt you," he says to her as he stares into her eyes. "I think you know that,"
"I do," she smiles then pecks his cheek. She opens her door for him to leave.
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mybiasisexo · 5 years
Chanyeol-drabble-anon here 🙈🙈 I actually don't want to bother you but you said it is okay to request more and you're writing is so cute 🙈 so if it is okay for you I'd ask for 28 with Lay since he is my total bias wrecker and looked sooo damn fine in the Tempo video and Lay in leather jacket is sooo ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ my heart explodes ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for being awesome and making me happy!!
(Hello! Love all your requests and hope this one holds up to your expectations! Also, dont ever apologize for interacting with me~)
“I’m so tired of this shit,” you muttered as you haphazardly parked your car on the curb in front of the club you were told he would be in. Frustration caused you to slam the door harder than planned, but you disregarded it as you stomped in. The security guard merely nodded in acknowledgement, so used to your presence by now he knew the drill.
You could hear him before your eyes could adjust to the dim lighting of the nightclub. Near the bar, your client, Zhang Yixing, was in the middle of starting a fight. He didn’t disappoint. As soon as you found him, he swung at the bulky guy that had been standing too close to his face.
You grudgingly jumped into action, rushing in and taking his opponent by the arm, twisting it painfully behind his back. The guy yelped in pain and you used the distraction to kick him away, into two other men who were about to jump in to his defense, the group tumbled to the ground.
They hadn’t given up yet, and as they got to their feet, you leapt over the bar table, grabbing a random empty bottle that held weight before coming back, standing in front of Yixing protectively, holding your makeshift weapon like a baseball bat.
“Move, Bitch,” one of the men snarled at you, eyes seeing red as they stayed pinned to the man behind you.
“Well, that’s a derogatory name for a female werewolf, don’t you think?” You lifted an eyebrow quizzically at the men. Letting them know what you were was risky, but maybe they would back down once they realized you were more powerful than the group of lesser Fae.
But just in case it didn’t, you flipped the bottle over and over in your hand threateningly.
Behind you, Yixing merely watched.
Your impromptu plan worked. The men slowly retreated, sending death stares at the human you shielded. Once they left, you spun around, facing the man you were sworn to protect, fighting the urge to smack him for being an idiot.
He could read all of that on your face. Wordlessly, he led you to a bathroom, taking off his leather jacket and tattered white shirt he was wearing, leaving himself in only his black ripped skinny jeans and boots.
You took in the forming bruises on his toned body with a whistle. “Took quite a beating, huh?”
Avoiding his dark eyes, you turned on the faucet, grabbing a couple paper towels and drenching them. He came behind you, hands latched onto your hips as he dug his nose deep into your hair. “You know you want it, Sweetheart.”
“And what if I do?” You asked, finally locking eyes with him in the mirror. His were filled with obvious lust as he tilted your head to the side, sweeping hair out of his way so that he could leave a tender kiss onto your warm skin.
“Then I’ll leave willingly.” He said. “And we can continue this at my place.”
“Oh, no. You’re going home, Yixing.”
“It’s Lay.” He pulled away, frowning as you turned off the water before checking his response. His hands were curled into fists as he hissed, “How many times do I have to tell you that?”
“About as many times as I have to come here to rescue you after starting some fight with a monster you know damn well could kill you.”
“You wouldn’t have to if you just changed me….” He murmured, eyes pleading.
This was an argument you both kept finding yourselves having lately. You were a werewolf, a part of a powerful pact that your father was alpha of. Yixing’s father was an influential political figure, but he was human. The two of you came from different worlds, yet bounded over the stark similarities. You’ve known Yixing most of your life, as soon as your fathers became good friends.
Growing up, Yixing was the perfect child, the perfect student, the perfect best friend. But, that all changed after you graduated high school. He started hanging out at the grungier parts of the city, wearing dark leather and driving motorcycles. His personality changed with it. He was colder. Refused to let anyone in and was constantly starting fights with anyone who would take the bait—his father in particular.
You were the only person Yixing confided in, which was why his father secretly hired you to be his guardian. Whenever he was in trouble, you were to report to the scene and get him out as unscathed as possible.
You would have done it regardless of the pay. You loved Yixing. It hurt you to see him lose himself like this. And to think it was all because he felt he was born to the wrong family.
He wanted to be a part of yours. He wanted to be a part of a pack.
For the last year, he had been begging you to turn him, to make him one of you. It was tough, because you knew without a single doubt that he was your mate. You also thought he had a hunch of your true connection. If he were a werewolf, everything would be so much easier. But you couldn’t do that to his father, who was like a father to you also.
He huffed, knowing what that meant. Instead he took the wet towels still tightly in your grip, whipping the blood off his torso. “You don’t have to come to my rescue. I can defend myself.”
“I know,” you admitted. “But, it’s good to have some backup. I heal faster than you.”
He threw you a look before slipping his jacket back on his shoulders, discarding his shredded shirt in the trash. “You can take me back to my prison now.”
He took his leave, but you quickly grab his arm, stopping him before he could touch the door. He stilled, not daring to even breathe as you pressed yourself against his back as he did to you earlier.
“One day,” you promised lowly, savoring the hitch of his breath. “When you finally get your head out of your ass, I’ll do it. I’ll change you.”
He’s facing you with a werewolf-like quickness, face lit with excitement. “You will?”
Your hands scaled up his exposed chest, higher still to wrap around his neck and bring his face lower, closer to yours. He met you in the middle, kissing you deeply.
Once you separated, you lied to both him and yourself with a smile. “I will.”
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Dark Lemonade
@ashphoenix06 @honestlyitsjustkennaswriting @emma-wrote @goldenoceanarps @weirdmixofweirdness
TW: Some violence, also gets a liiiiittle dirty(but the super nsfw parts have been cut out for tumblr sake 😂😂)
Mark.....are we ever going to stop driving?"
"Well. You said isolated. His place is as isolated as i could think of"
Alison studied Mark as he drove, glancing behind them where Amy was driving Alison's car every so often
"And youre sure Dark isnt going to be too...put out?"
Mark chuckled 'That asshole is always put out. Part of his charm you could say"
As he drove he thought of the conversation hed had with the ego the week before
"Why here Mark? Why does she need to stay here? I dont even know her"
Mark looked at Darkiplier as his aura slightly crackled around him
"I told you. Her ex has been stalking her, she needs somewhere to stay while her dad is off the ranch. She doesnt need to be alone on that huge place. Amy and i are going out of town. Now get over it. Shes staying"
"So get the police to babysit her. Why should *I* have to" the ego scowled, clearly not giving a shit what would happen to this girl
"Look Dark im not having anything happen to her because you want to be a pretentious ass. Its not like you use all of the five rooms here."
"You and Amy talk as if shes your child. Shes a grown woman"
"Yes. And her ex is an even bigger grown man that is unhinged and wants to do very bad things to her. Shes staying here."
Darkiier glared as his creator, his aura lashing tendrils out every so often as his temper rose. But he knew there was no arguing.
"Fine. But she better stay out of my way"
Mark pulled to a stop in front of the big house in the woods. Alison gaped at the sight of the beautifully crafted home and the big lake behind it
"Holy. Shit.'
Mark laughed out loud "yeah. Good taste huh?"
Alison climbed out of the car and stretched her arms out, her shirt falling off her shoulder a bit, revealing a faded scar. She grabbed what she had in Mark's car and joined him and Amy to walked up the front steps and inside
"Well come in, dont just stand there" Dark said.
He watched Mark and Amy come in as he walked down the stairs and stopped as Alison stepped through the door
He took her in. Reddish brown hair, green eyes, short, not skinny but not what hed call fat. She looked around nervously and then locked eyes with her host for the next couple of weeks.
"Um...hi. Im Alison Calaway" she reached out a hand to shake his as he reached the bottom of the steps. "Its nice to meet you Dark...thank you for letting me be here"
Dark took her hand and felt almost a buzz, aside from his own aura, go through him
"Yes. Mark has told me about you. Glad i could...assist"
Amy looked at her watch "oh. We gotta go if we are going to get to bed and get on the road in the morning.... Alison are you sure youre ok?" She wasnt too sure about leaving her here with HIM all that time
"Amy Ill be fine. Yall go"
She hugged and kissed both Mark and Amy on the cheeks and watched as they climbed in Marks car and drove away.
"So...are you hungry?" Alison jumped as Dark spoke closer to her ear than she thought hed be
"Oh. Um. No. Actually. Im good. I could go for some hot tea though.
"Ah. Perfect. Come with me to the kitchen"
The ego led the way as she tried to figure out this vibe she was getting. Like he reallllly didnt want her there, but was also curious about her.... He was pretty easy on the eyes though so she figured she'd survive
She sat down at the bar as he boiled the water
"So. When you said Mark talked about me....how much did he tell you?" Alison inquired, not sure what to say
"He told me of the ex-boyfriend and why you needed somewhere to stay..... May i ask how it got to that point? If thats not too forward?"
He turned to see her absentmindedly running her fingers over a scar along her collar bone
"Well.. I was with him two years. He didnt like me having friends other than him. Didnt like when i went on the road with my Dad's company and wrestled house shows.."
Darkiplier looked at her "wait...wrestling ?"
Alison ducked her head and laughed
"heh...yeah.... Long story. Dad is practically royalty in the business and i did it for a while. ..but Shane didnt like that. Mostly because i hung out with the guys and trained with them.... So for the sake of the relationship i stayed home. Then he got to where he hated me talking to Mark, Jack...Anyone really. Long story short he attacked me a few times....the last time he almost killed me..... Chase and Jackie saved my life. They had been on the way over to get me and heard me scream. Broke in..... I had to get a lot of stitches that night. And he didnt like being told no. He took off while they were helping me. Cops have been looking for him, hes been sending me letters, showing up at places where im at. But he always takes off when i see him..... Hes gotten bolder and my parents and Mark and everyone didnt want me left alone. So here i am"
Dark studied her for a moment. He could read that she had strength. But she was broken. He couldn't understand why but he felt a tug of protectiveness in his chest at the thought of that asshole trying to track her here... At least those idiotic Septic Egos had done something right. Though letting him get away was pathetic
"Well. Dont worry. If he tries to darken my doorstep, he will surely get more than he bargined for i can assure you"
He brought two mugs over and poured the water over the tea bags. They sat and talked for hours like theyd known each other forever
The next night Alison laid in her bed. It was about 12 am. Shed walked by the lake all morning, theyd gone into town and grabbed lunch and when they came home she had talked with Dark about different interests most of the night. She felt oddly at home here. Suddenly her phone rings
"Now who the hell would be calling me?.."
She hit the answer button, not recognizing the number
"Aliiisoon.... Now why would you go walking around with some goth reject looking...thing where everyone could see?"
She sat bolt upright in bed, all blood draining from her face... Shane
"What the hell....how did you...?"
"Now now alleycat dont worry about how. You know you're mine. Ill always find you. Now answer me"
"Theres nothing to fucking answer Shane. Leave me alone." She scrambled out of bed and down the stairs, checking the locks.
"Ohhh alison. You cant actually think im going to leave you alone. I marked you. Youre mine... Nice house youre in though. Lots of property
She stood in the glow of the moon through the front window, shaking "shane. What do you want. Why are you doing this?"
"Because. I want whats mine"
"Im not yours! I never will be, leave me al-"
The phone was snatched from her hand. Darks aura crackling and whipping around them both, scaring her and amazing her at the same time.
"Look. Either turn yourself in or go die. Your choice..... In fact i will gladly help with one of those options. But you will leave her be Shane"
And with that he threw the phone down and crushed it
She turned and stared at him, in awe of the power oozing from him, shaking from adrenaline.
The aura calmed some as he stepped toward her and ran a finger over her collarbone and shoulders. Tracing the scars that were exposed by the sleeveless sleep shirt she wore. He looked in her eyes brimming with tears and had the sudden urge to hug her and an even stronger NEED to protect her...so he pulled her in. She buried her face in his chest and cried. Feeling helpless and grateful at the same time. The tendrils ran over her back as he held the back of her head with one hand and wrapped the other arm around her.
Finally she stepped back. Wiping her face. "Dark....im sorry. You must think im a completely useless creature... Im just so tired of being his prey"
He studied her face for a moment, then spoke, his voice low, commanding attention as he did
"Youre not his prey anymore. And while i think many of those around me are useless....youre different. And damned if i know why.."
Alison looked at him, curious, but not pushing the matter.
"I dont think ill sleep much." She was mad and scared and exhausted. But she knew what her dreams would hold
Dark put his hand on her shoulder "Well. Im just doing some paper work in my office, i could....put a pillow and blankets on the couch in there for you. You could rest while i work...perhaps that way youd feel more at ease"
Alison smiled at him, grateful for his kindness. "Ok. Yeah, maybe....if i wont be bothering you of course"
He chuckled softly "not at all dear. Come"
Alison watched him work thru half shut eyes. This was the big bad guy everyone spoke of...to her he didnt seem so bad. Intense for sure but....there was just something about him. The quiet way he held himself, he could walk in any room and demand attention without even trying.
"You know. Its not polite to stare at people while they work ali"
She smiled sleepily "sorry. Just thinking"
The ego cocked an eyebrow. "About?"
"Well.." She sat up from her makeshift bed hed made, one strap falling off her shoulder, exposing more of her skin, Dark suddenly felt tense, but tried to ignore it
"I mean. You're supposed to be.. Horrible. A bad guy....and yet.... I feel as if we are old friends having only known you a few days ... I trust you. Though everyone has said not to.... Im supposed to be scared of you and thats just not the case" she said
He smiled gently "Well. When you're on my good side, thats what you get. But most never see that side, only a lucky few
'And why am i one of the lucky ones? " Alison asked
Dark motioned for her to come to him 'Come here....." She got up and stepped across the room, sitting on the corner of his desk as he stood up.
"If im being honest i have no idea why i feel the way i do around you. You seem to make everything....quiet. Calm. I can think clearly for some reason.... I cant quite figure you out Alison"
He was standing directly in front of her now.
She smiled up at him "heh. Good luck with that"
The blackness grew slightly and played around the edge of her face as he stared directly into her eyes "oh don't worry princess. Ill figure you out. I always get what i want"
Alison threw her head back and laughed "hmm. With me you wont.....but like i said. Have fun with that" she went to stand and he blocked her, moving very close to her. "I rather like the effect you have...stay a moment longer?"
He rested his hand on her knee and closed his eyes. Reveling in the slience that filled him. She didnt know what to say...but staring at him with his head leaned back, hair in his face she couldn't help but feel the calm as well. She reached up and brushed the har from his eyes, fingers trailing his cheek. His hand caught hers and held it to his face as he leaned into it.
Alisons heart sped up. Dark could hear it as her cheeks flushed an adorable red. He looked at her intently suddenly not in control of his actions he put his hand to her face and pulled her to him, softly bringing their lips together
She was suprised by his actions. But more suprised at the fact that she trusted him. She leaned into the kiss, grabbed the front of his jacket .
They both were startled by the crash in the front hall. Alison jumped off the desk and took off out the door before he could stop her. Dark shook his head
"That stupid girl...."
But then he heard her yelp.... His aura crackled to life as he rushed out to the front door which was wide open. The window next to it was smashed. Alison was nowhere to be seen
"Ali?? Where the hell are you?" He shouted angrily.
He heard scuffling outside. Curses came flying out of alisons mouth. The Egos eyes darkened as he ran outside and saw her on the ground under her attacker, fighting like a wildcat. He stomped down the steps and across the grass quickly, grabbing him by the back of the neck and neatly tossing him into the side of her car.
He helped Alison up and studied her quickly. Busted lip, scratches on her arms... His anger boiled over and the dark aura he carried around seemed to grow even blacker. In short. He was pissed.
"You stupid asshole. You think you can have her?" The voice came from behind him. Dark turned and stared down Shane.
"You cant. Shes mine and she will always be mine. I dont care what you or any of your other ego friends have to say. Spandex boy and Brody couldn't stop me...what makes you think...
He trailed off as he became accutely aware of the silence that enveloped him. The anger rolling off the Ego in the form of his aura suddenly making him regret coming here
Dark spun on him, grabbing his neck and shoving him against the car. His voice came out as more of a growl
"You listen to me you insignificant toad. I dont know who the HELL you think you are, or what you *think* youre going to accomplish. But taking "ownership" of Alison Calaway isnt it. People say im a bad person. Theyve never seen me be protective of someone, so trust me when i tell you the truth can be SO much worse than youve heard. I will give you a choice. You may turn around and walk out of here, never contacting or even THINKING of that woman again. Or...
He tightened his grip on Shanes throat cutting off his air as the mans bladder let go
"Or my dear boy. I can show you what demonic really means.... Its your choice"
Shane struggled to speak 'o-okay' he whispered
"What's that? I cant hear you" Dark said. Enjoying the terror in the mans eyes
"Okay! Ill go. Ill go. Just please...dont kill me"
Dark dropped him to the ground, the black aura rolling around him, trying to contain himself. Shane scrambled to get to his car
"Ah ah" Dark said. The choice was to WALK away"
He held the keys hes taken from Shanes pocket up, jingling them and smiled evily.
"Th-thats at least ten miles through the woods! Are you insane??"
Darks eyes narrowed "guess you better get started....and hope the wolves arent especially hungry tonight.. Leave"
His aura shot out, eyes flaring. Shane pissed himself again and took off running into the night
Dark's shoulders heaved up and down as he tried to control his breathing, his body shaking with the anger. Trying to keep himself from chasing the man down and ripping his head from his body
Alison approached from behind and touched his shoulder.
"Alison...im sorry you had to see me like that. I can normally control myself...."
She tugged him to turn around and he looked at her. Blood dried on the corner of her mouth, eyes shining with tears. She placed her hand on the side of his face and he noticed her knuckles were busted from fighting back. He leaned into her touch. Her closeness calming the storm raging in his mind...how had it come to this....when had she become his safe place?
Alison tried to control her emotions...she should be terrified right now, especially after that display. But all she wanted was to hold this man. And she didnt understand. She slid one hand behind his neck and pulled his face to hers. Kissing him was less of a want and more of a gnawing need right now. He was suprised but wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back. Savoring the taste of her mouth
Alison pulled back slightly, out of breath and Dark leaned his forehead to hers, closed his eyes and smiled. Neither spoke. After a moment she pulled away completely and tugged on his hand
"Cmon. Let's go inside"
They walked into the house. Not knowing what to say to each other.
A week passed. Neither spoke about that night. Not avoiding each other but avoiding the subject. Which annoyed Darkiplier greatly. When had he become..this? Not confronting something? He longed to reach out and brush the hair from her face, touch her some way. But he got the feeling she didnt want to be touched right now.
'Well why would she you fool. After everything that jackass did, did you think shed just fall in your arms and stay there?' He said aloud to himself as he toiled in his office.
His phone buzzed with a text. He checked it to see a message from Alison. After breaking her phone hed taken her to get a new one with a new number that very few people now had.
A: "Hey... You wanna go get some drinks tonight? Im getting tired of being couped up but i dont exactly want to venture out on my own. I know itd be a bit of a drive but.."
He pondered for a moment. He could easily say no. That there was liquor here...but he knew it wasnt about the drinks for Alison. He could tell she was itching to get out. To move somewhere other than the house or the lake. She was becoming a bit like a caged tiger.
D: "Sure. Why not" ..... He had a feeling he might regret this.
Darkiplier stood at the bottom of the stairs, ready to leave. He sighed. What was taking her?
'Ali. Are you coming or-"
The words are lost in his throat as she starts down the steps. Auburn hair gleaming, wearing a black and red dress that fit in all the right places and short heels.
She caught his eyes as she stepoed onto the floor and laughed "yeah. Lets go" Alison suddenly felt as if she were a piece of steak in the lions den and she didnt know why.
Dark just opened the front door for her without a word and motioned for her to go first. Trying to regain composure.
At the bar, they drank, Alison danced alone. She moved like a woman possessed. Dark just watched her intently, a feeling in his chest he couldn't quite describe. It had been a couple of hours when a man came up behind her, trying to dance too close and touch too much. Dark tensed as he saw her spin around and shove him away, then he walked over, catching the end of the trashy things he was saying to her
"Alison... Lets go"
Darkiplier didnt need to shout. Or ask her twice. She gratefully nodded her head, realxing now that she didnt feel cornered.
The whole way home she was quiet. Dozing, feeling the effects of the whiskey shed been downing all night.
When they arrived at the house she got out and walked in. She was barely through the door when Dark called to her. He stepped through the door behind her as she turned
He stared for a moment, then reached his hand out to touch her face...she flinched. She didnt mean to...it was just the thought if anyone touching her....of making her feel anything was anxiety inducing...but at the same time she wanted Dark's touch
His hand stopped mid air and his eyes darkened... He was... Sad? But angry at the same time
"I see..." He murmered. Then walked past her to his office and shut the door.
Alison stood there. Tears began to run down her face. "What the hell is happening to me" she whispered. She looked toward the office door. Wanting so badly to chase him. But tired of chasing things at the same time.
Darkiplier tried to focus on the computer in front of him. Itd been half an hour and hed gotten nothig done. "What the hell is wrong with you? Youre bitching and moaning after this *girl* you barely know. And for what? The feeling she gives you...pathetic" he spoke to himself condescendingly.
"You know. Speaking to yourself is the first sign of madness"
Alisons voice from the doorway made him jump. Not expecting her to be there.
"Can i come in?"
He studied her for a moment. "Yes. Of course, sit"
She walked into the room. Still in her dress but barefoot now. His breath hitched in his throat as she leaned back into the sofa and curled her legs under her,she sat the drink in her hand on the side table. He laughed. Another whiskey?
"Listen. Dark. Thank you for coming over when you did....that guy was..handsy"
He scoffed "Well. Did you think i was going to let him manhandle you? Though im sure you couldve handled it fine if need be. But i have this godforsaken need to protect you. And i still havent figured it out.."
"Dont protect me.... People that protect me get hurt...." She trailed off, thinking of Henrik stitching the cut in Chase's side after he fought with Shane that night. "Im not worth good people getting hurt"
Dark stood up and walked over to stand in front of her, then crouched so he was eye level. "Look. I told you. I think a lot of people are useless, but you arent one of them. You have this passion in you when you speak about people and things you care for. You want so badly to fight everything and feel nothing....and thats not possible. Trust me. Before you waltzed into this house i wouldnt have believed it. I was an asshole to anyone that looked at me sideways. I didnt need anything or anyone.... And then here are. Making me feel things. No my dear. Worthless is not something that should be used to describe you"
He placed a hand on her leg as he spoke, electricity running between them. She jumped but didnt flinch away this time. She stared into his eyes, taking in what hed said.
He cleared his throat and stood up "i believe this is where i tell you, im sorry if i scared you that night he came here. Im sorry if kissing you was out of line.." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand up "but i just couldnt help it..."
She smiled and then stared at the floor as she spoke 'you werent out of line.....unexpected maybe. But i kissed you the second time. So should i apologize for that?'
Darkiplier chuckled and put a finger under her chin, lifting her gaze to his "No my dear. Never apologize for letting me taste you... Though you may need to apologize for depriving me "
With that he captured her mouth with his. Slowly as first, then more forcefully. Her hands tangled in his hair, him holding her against him. She pulled back to breathe and his lips went to her neck. 'Dark..." She said breathlessly
"Mmmm" the sound rumbled in his chest as he caressed her back and softly kissed her skin, savoring each taste. The he looked at her and smiled wickedly "you know. Coming down in that dress... Then dancing the way you did. That wasnt very nice of you. Looking like that....moving like that in public. I very nearly pinned you to the wall then and there" his eyes danced as he spoke. Running his hands down her hips and gripping her right at the lower back to pull her closer
She laughed and smiled back at him "well. Maybe i like to torture you. Make you beg for it"
He chuckled "hmm. Me? Beg? Not on your life princess, you couldnt make me actually beg"
She stepped away from him and put one hand on his chest and grinned "oh. Is that a *challenge* i hear? Go sit in your chair over there"
He cocked an eyebrow in her direction but complied, pulling the chair to the front of the desk and sitting. This should be interesting
She turned of the lights with the switch by the door. Then walked over to his computer which was behind him on the desk. She went to a music site and put a song on. One that Dark recognized from the club. One hed watched her move to, his heartbeat quicked as he remembered the sight.
She strolled around back to where shed sat her glass and downed it. Then walked to just out of his easy reach and began to move to the music. Body swaying to the beat. Eyes closed. A little drunk but in control and knowing what she was doing. The moonlight played along her body.
Darkiplier reached to touch her and she swatted his hand away.
"Oh no. Put your hands away....you cant touch unless you ask...beg for it." She said mischeviously. "Your hands cannot touch me. But i...oh i cant touch you"
She stepped closer, bending down, holding his knees as she did and bringing her body up in a way so that her face, then chest were right in front of his face. She turned and bent between his knees before coming back up slowly, grinding against him, his hands clenching. His aura crackling around them with his need. But he would not break. He couldnt. His pride wouldnt let him.
But then. Alison straddled him. Legs on either side and sat in his lap. Still moving her body to the beat of the music, leaning back as she moved her hips. This was dangerous territory. She wanted him to touch her. But she also wanted to hear him ask. Dark, to his benefit was trying to keep his composure, but the hardness beneath her was giving him away.
The music stopped and she sat. Still straddling him and put her arms over his shoulders. She grinned at him
"You gonna break?"
Dark laughed. This little minx. If she thought for one second that he was going to-
All thought flew from his brain as he felt her lips on his neck. Her hand tangled in the back of his hair. She ran her tongue along it and then along his lips. Kissing him lightly 'cmon baby. You know you want it. All you have to do is say it.... Let go of the control for once"
He reached to hold her and she caught each of his wrists and held them down "ah ah darky. Not until you ask nicely" she purred in his ear and she ground against him again. Torturing herself as much as she was him
'Alison.." It came out as a half moan, half warning.
She stood up and let go of his wrists and grinned. "Well. I guess ill just have to go to bed alone then."
As she turned she unzipped her dress and let it fall as she walked across the room. Darkipliers eyes almost came out of his head at the sight of her in her black bra and panties. Now this was just evil....
He crossed the room behind her and slammed the door before she could get to it. She turned to see him staring at her in a way that made her feel very much like a wounded animal in front of a panther. He rolled his head to either side with his eyes closed and then stared her down again, his arm over her shoulder against the door, trapping her there
"Now Alison. You have given me great needs. Id like it very much if youd stop torturing me like this'
A playful smile played over her face "but its fun to see you squirm darlin" she licked her lips.
He stared at her than went to his knees "Fine. Is this what you what? You want me to admit i need you? Well here. I absolutely need you. In many ways. Right now i need you to let me run my hands over you, to taste you, to caress every inch inside and out that i can reach Miss Calaway"
He again reach for her hips and this time she didnt stop him. His kissed her on either side, tongue lightly darting over her stomach. He stood and backed her into the wall. Now it was his turn. He grabbed her by the back of her head and roughly captured her mouth, one hand gripping her ass. He moved to her neck, nipping her as she moaned and held onto his shoulders, one hand gripping his head.
"You know im going to have to punish you for that little one" he growled in her ear before.lightly biting her shoulder. She gasped at the sensation
"And you do not need to try that all the time....not that i dont enjoy you being a little forceful.... Are we clear?" He moved to the other side of her neck, pushing his waist to hers as he kissed
"Yes what kitten?" He stared into her eyes as he said this. Conveying a need for her trust. Then he kissed her deeply before allowing her to answer
"Ye-yes sir?"
That did it. His groaned and grabbed the back of both of her legs and picked her up, her lega going around his waist and slammed her against the door as he kissed her. His tongue and lips exploring her neck and chest as she closed her eyes and let the passion wash over her
Dark stroked her hair as she lay in his arms. They were in his bed. Having made their way up here and finally she fell asleep after one more time. He smiled. She looked innocent but was decidely not.
Her skin was warm against his. Breast pressed against the side of his chest. He studied her sleeping face. Had he really said it... After the last time. Did those words come from his mouth?
He had said he loved her and she had thrown her head back and begged him to say it again. And when he had, louder this time she collapsed into his arms and whispered it back to him.
Where the words came from he didnt know. But they seemed so natural. He kissed her face and heard birds chirping....it was 5am..looks like theyd nap most of the day. But that was perfectly fine.
His phone buzzed on the night stand. He reached with one arm and grabbed it. Seeing a message from Mark
M:hey. Alisons parents are headed back to their place. If you want her go go, she can.
Darkiplier lauged and shot a text back
D:No. I dont think i want her going anywhere. Im going to keep her a little longer ;)
M:......what did you do
D:Now ask yourself. Do you really want the honest answer to that question from me?
M:... No. You know what. Probably not. Ill stop by when we get back to town next week
D:ok. Be sure to call first. Make sure we're decent and all
M: yeah ok.....and please dont allude to that again...ever
Dark laughed and sat his phone back down. Then wrapped around alison and fell into a heavy sleep...the most peaceful hed known in his existence.
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