#working together doesnt mean the issue goes away
bridgyrose · 1 year
The SDC has already been defeated, if it survived at all it will be Whitley or willow in charge, that plot thread HAS been ended but it’s all thanks to Salem more then anybody else, the mantle vs atlas conflict is arguable also dealt with by Salem because for the time being they’re now on even ground, as for the white fang, I’ve mad or clear that I highly question ghira’s competence for the job, and with sienna dead I don’t see anybody who can give me any sort of trust
So, here's the thing, the SDC hasn't been fully dealt with. The legacy of it still remains, there's a good chance there's still pockets of SDC buildings around in other kingdoms, and while the physical SDC is destroyed, thar doesn't mean the people who worked with them are dead and gone. The SDC can't be dealt with any further baser on the conditions that we see.
Mantle vs Atlas conflict is only going to grow worse because they're on even footing. Being on even footing isn't a fix for years of conflict between faunus, humans, the elite and those who are struggling to get by. The elite are going to continue to want what they had, tensions will rise, the issues between Atlas and Vacuo is only going to fan the flames. Just because Atlas was destroyed doesnt mean that issue is over. Thinking that Atlas is gone fixes an entire issue of hate, systematic failure, and prejudices overnight because now everyone is on equal footing is asinine. I dont know how to tell you politely that you are an idiot if that is what you think. That's not how it works. And chances are, we probably wont see much because that's not going to be the focus of the story. The focus of the story at this point will be getting people to work together, not fix all the issues. Mantle vs Atlas and subsequently Atlas vs Vacuo conflicts are probably going to get glossed over and will more than likely be a talking in show that while they're going to hate eachother for years, decades more, they still can try to work together.
As far a Ghira goes, I dont know how to help you on that one. Ghira is competent and the show gives us enough to prove that. If you cant see it, I cant help you. But here's the thing: if you're only going on his competency by the fact that the White Fang struggled to get anything done and ended up fracturing because of infighting, you're looking at the wrong person's competency. By that logic, Sienna is just as incompetent as Ghira because in the 5 years she was in charge, the only thing that changed was that the White Fang was hated and actively killing people. Again, racism isnt a thing that can be fixed overnight. Ghira's previous leadership style and Sienna's style are both commentaries, if poorly worded, on how solely peaceful organizations and organizations run by people who are tired of no progress being made arent enough to cut it. Protests work if people are listening, but that's not always the case. And violence only makes things worse. Adding fuel to the fire is only going to make a bigger fire. And if you had more trust in Sienna running the White Fang because she was getting progress with fear, that's a whole lot of issues you have that you need to work out because I cant help you. Overall, we'll have to wait to see how things go, but my point is this: Ghira is a competent leader given that he's leading Menagerie rather well, but finding the middle ground for leading a group and taking action is something he'll have to do differently from before.
TL;DR: Mantle vs Atlas conflict isnt over, the SDC situation is still there and hasnt been ended, you not having trust in Ghira is a you issue, and you're an idiot for thinking all of this is either fixed because Atlas is gone, or you have a lot of issues you need to work through if you cant see that Ghira is a decent leader and would rather trust someone like Sienna, who made things worse, over someone who is trying to make things better. Just because these subplots are going to start getting moved back doesnt mean they're done and over with. All it means is that as the story progresses, we'll see the girls tackle the main story as they go because their goal right now isnt to solve all the world's problems. Their goal right now is to stop Salem. And once they're done with that, then they can focus on the SDC and systemic racism, issues between the elite and those who are exploited. And chances are, that will be an afterward or an epilogue.
#like seriously anon#I dont know the polite way to tell you that you're an idiot with this thought process#This is how subplots work in writing#when the main plot advances a lot of subplots get pushed aside#the racism plot was pushed aside for vol 7 and 8 because the girls' focus#when we see Ghira again we'll see the changes that were made#Atlas vs Mantle is going to be a constant struggle with Vacuo because that's human nature#humans dont put things aside overnight at the slightest inconvenience#humans take time to help each other#working together doesnt mean the issue goes away#and the thing is we'll probably never see the full effects of how all of this goes#if my prediction is right#RWBYJN will come back to remnant at least a month after falling#Vacuo will be falling apart by that time between Tyrian and Mercury causing issues and the inevitable fighting between the three cities#ONRE will try to keep the peace and maybe we'll see things starting to look better once everyone fully grasps the situation#but its not over#and same with the SDC#the physical building in Atlas may be gone#but as long as the people in charge are still around#the SDC is still there#the SDC can be rebuilt and probably will be#Whitley is in charge of it at this point considering Jacques is dead#and the board members probably wont accept that#assuming any are alive#but the SDC is a plot thread that doesnt need to be dealt with right now#because right now there is not immediate SDC even with the people#communications to other kingdoms is still down so any other pockets of SDC buildings out there are on their own#nobody actually knows what happened to Atlas besides Vacuo when the refugees show up#They knew Atlas was in trouble and chances are the other kingdoms are going to draw their own conclusions#but until the dust settles with Salem
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ssparksflyy · 3 months
hii, this is my first time requesting and I’m not very good with English, so I’m a bit nervous but, I read the Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena and I loved it! So could I request for some general headcanons for Leo Valdez x daughter of Athena? Totally okay if you don’t have time or anything!
thank you so much 💗💗🥰
ask and thou shall receive ༉‧₊˚.
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leo valdez dating hcs ! ° ༘⋆₊˚ෆ
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of athena!reader warning(s): none!! a/n: hii! tysm for requesting! i hope u enjoyed this, i love writing leo w a child of athena cause i can finally talk abt his smarts !!
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nerd alert!!
its ok tho cause you guys are always able to help each other out when u have an issue with wtv ur working on
leo asks u for advice and ur opinions whenever hes working on a project
i feel like leo would be popular bcs he's a mf social butterfly
which means he knows everything abt everyone
that's why his hair is so big, its full of secrets
so while ur mapping out a plan for the next capture the flag game, you'll ask him if he thinks your plan could work based on how well people know each other
like ur not gonna put 2 ppl with beef by each other, cause then they'll end up fighting each other and not focus on the game
yk? yk.
ur smarts definitely compliment each other, and ut always trying to learn more about each other's interests
leo's definitely picked up some books in ancient greek about battle techniques and architecture
as have you on mechanical engineering
sometimes at the end of the day, when ur laying on the couch in bunker nine together, he'll ask you questions on architecture, just to hear u talk about things ur passionate about
he just loves seeing ur eyes light up and adores the way you practically talk with your hands as well
call me maybe crazy
athena would actually kinda like him ?!
she doesnt appreciate his constant jokes
but she thinks hes smart ( bcs he is ) and knows he makes u happy
hephaestus also rlly likes you
he likes anybody who shows his kids love lowkey
which means he likes you extra
if u were ever to get married, leo would 100% make your engagment ring, but hephaestus would me the one who would make you two the most beautiful wedding rings
its his way of showing he cares as a father
all of cabin 9 loves you
i feel like cabin 6 and 9 (omg 69) were already good friends, so they were ecstatic when they heard their fav mfs finally got together
i feel like in the flirting era it was a lot of spending time together, but just being unable to confess your feelings
now you still spend a bunch of time together, but dont rely on longing glaces and lingering touches
leo is the touchiest mf we all know this
but when u touch him?? the boy is in shambles
this sound a little strange but i promise i dont mean it like that
like yea he loves holding ur hand and kissing your knuckles
but when you kiss his knuckles?? hes a flustered mess
when he cups your cheek and you kiss the palm of his hand, he goes craaazzzyyyy
bouncing off the walls nd everything
he loves it when you tell him random little facts nd shit
ur literally his google
his go-to when he has a question
hes super proud of his smart gf ok ??
leo and percy actually get closer when you start dating
cause now they can both obsessively talk abt their genius gfs
and theyve evolved from the "my gf is smarter" "no my gf is smarter" fights
you and annabeth used to find their fights funny tho
annabeth is literally so supportive :))
she trusts leo and knows he makes you happy and has also obvi noticed how u light up his world
she still plays a semi-protective big sister role
like if shes leo getting a little to close, she'll shoot him one of her warning looks, and he'll move a little further away
but other than that she literally loves u guys :)
morse code is used quite often with you two
especially at night, when you dont want to break the comfortable silence, so you tap messages onto each other's backs.
or when your in a crowded room
or when your talking shit
before you met leo, you had only known a little bit of morse code but as you became closer, he taught you more nd more ♡
he loves it when you read to him
ur like his personal podcast
when you finsh reading a book together, u both write reviews about the book and have them all in a little notebook ♡
leo is for sure the type of guy to take pictures of you 24/7, 365
he has his all time favs taped up by his bunk in cabin nine and ofc has some of his bulletin board in bunker nine
he has the rest saved in a box, along with a bunch of other trinkets from dates u went on :))
you have a box like this yourself, filled with pictures of him, trinkets, and metal flowers he's made you ♡♡
oh and you for sure have a spot
you stumbled acrosss it while on your way to bunker nine and showed it to leo immediately
its a small clearing in the trees, where the sun shines through the leaves, and theres a small patch of flowers ♡
u have most of ur dates there, it ur special little place
leo is literally ur most perfect scholar bf fr ♡
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a/n pt.2 : heyyy, i hope u enjoyed these hcs!! im trying out hair rollers overnight rn so its a little hard 2 lay down but we will manage! also heres a leo x child of athena moodboard that i did for my event :) anyway, have a good day/night!!
peace from manhattan,
percy jackson ♡
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butchjess · 1 year
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Well. hrm. the way they all connect to each other. like it’s all starting to look like a circle of some sort. jess as rory’s mirror/reflection/narrative foil but also jess as he pertains to luke and jess as he pertains to lorelai. luke breaking the church bells luke who says he was troubled but they gave him a chance and just bc a kid has issues doesnt mean they don’t deserve that. luke who is a figure placed against the rest of the town, just in the sense that he is not like them, he does not hold their values, he doesn’t even sound like them. which is of course a result of scott patterson’s new york accent, but adds to this theme anyway. and they use jess to build this picture, because they walk the same and talk the same and they’re stubborn—independent to a near self-endangering degree—and emotionally repressed in the same way and luke himself admits that he spent more time working at his dad’s shop than he did at school, which jess also does. but jess and luke are also. very very different when you get past these similar values that are maybe ingrained into them through different circumstances and same genetic makeup. and in their differences you get a lot of jess and lorelai’s similarities. when it comes to their family dynamics and how it’s affected them in particular. it’s made them independent yes, but it’s also made them hypervigilant, almost paranoid in the way they are allergic to accepting help and especially accepting help from the people who hurt them. jess only goes to his mother’s wedding because luke asks him to, lorelai only asks her parents for money because rory needs it for school. and they, and this is where they differ from luke, don’t know how to trust people and so they don’t know how to talk to people. where luke’s particular brand of emotional constipation comes from a general cluelessness as to how to do it—which is why the tapes helped him so much—lorelai and jess’ come from emotional responses to the situations they grew up in. while it was different—lorelai growing up rich, jess growing up poor—the effect it had on them still resulted in something similar. lorelai with her overbearing manipulative mother and (emotionally) absent father, and jess with his neglecting manipulative mother and (in all senses of the word) absent father. the ways that, despite their effort to distance themselves, they still end up with similar mannerisms to the parent they have the most conflict with (lorelai and her controlling nature + that scene where they have the same nighttime routine, jess and his love for books + tendency to run away). and of course, their romanticism. their big confessions and period drama-esque speeches and, yeah, i do think in a way jess was asking rory to marry him in 4x21. come with me. let’s get married. luke and rory both being the most important people in their lives. literati+javajunkie where they are all melding into each other, and luke is rory and lorelai is jess but on the surface level dynamic luke is jess and lorelai is rory and they are all each other. on accident. by sheer nature of making jess as a character for the sole purpose of interfering with luke and lorelai’s relationship (which means he is important narratively to them both) and by making him rory’s love interest/foil (because ASP casted him before she even had the idea for the character) you have now made an accidental blending of them all together. he is like a skeleton key of a character. Okay. okay.
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archirdarchernar · 5 months
Milgram: Deep Cover Thoughts (Spoilers)
(some of the post written a few hours after, mainly bc deep cover released in between 2 of my mocks)
(all of this is personal opinion and interpretations, take this with a grain of salt or pepper or your choice of powdery food flavouring)
its so good i thoroughly applaud the animators for their work. the colours and the design and ajdhkdhrr
i love staring at how they draw eyes like wtf??? that animation budget must be really high like the transformation and the BLOOD-
okay onto more lore-y thoughts:
(this part is me rambling at my screen trying to form a coherent theory of what happened, there are a lot of random stray thoughts here)
kotoko seems to be the 'punish > solve the systemic issue' type of person. we see that in the way she interacts with the brown-haired girl that she saved. when the girl grabbed onto her we see her conflicted eyes. to me it seemed partially out of desperation??(could just be the adrenaline high of her murder, we also see her sweaty so theres that. murder takes a lot of energy guys), or like she doesnt know what to do with herself. like she wants to push the girl away but felt like she could not (maybe knew that if she pushed her away she might harm the girl even more psychologically...). after that we see her barely acknowledging the brown haired girl in the park, seemingly more interested in the article on her phone than the girl she saved...
also, i found a post where someone translated the article!
to paraphrase, the son of a newspaper company's CEO was found dead (shocker, probably Kotoko's victim). The article goes on to talk about how a female university student had killed him in self defence due to getting into a scuffle as she caught him kidnapping a minor (so. definitely kotoko. probably). The minor agreed with the student that it was self-defence. The company's CEO then came out with an independent report all the injuries that they found on his son, which indicated that more than proportional violence was used, and then announced that the victim retracted her statement. The article then mentions all the rumors that exist about this murder...
then that scene. that face of absolute fear on the girl and the uncaring apathy on kotoko's face. we clearly see the young girl trying to wear the cap, we see her basically modelling herself after kotoko. who can blame her? that's the person who saved her from... a life of suffering, probably. So to see kotoko ignoring her like that would absolutely destroy her.
so is kotoko just that heartless? no. or at least, i don't think so. remember the article? 'the victim retracted her statement'. this can happen for many reasons, such as being coerced, forced, bribed, etc. no matter why she did it, this would cast a lot of questions to the credibility of this case. maybe kotoko was legit mad? like 'if you don't want to be saved, i can't save you'. or she thought distancing herself from the victim would be the best thing to do, cuz otherwise people would argue that the two of them conspired together to murder a person and pass it off as a 'heroic deed'. by distancing herself, more of the 'blame' if it ever comes would fall on her. maybe she thought this was the best course of action in this scenario, so at least the girl would seem less 'co-conspirator' and more 'young child who was coerced'. either way, even without counting kotoko's bloodlust in the background, this is a fucked situation.
and yes, the prison seems to be composed of 5 direct and 5 indirect killers, kotoko being an indirect one. we know that she has actually, physically killed a person. the fact that she's in the prison for an indirect murder means that she didn't even consider that guy as a person (lol) or a being worth caring about.
so my running theory of what happened is:
(this part is just consolidation of the theory, above is rambling)
kotoko went after a the newspaper CEO's son, and found him kidnapping the child in that warehouse. then, she beat him up and possibly killed him with excessive force (i.e. the force she used was 'not proportional to the violence about to be inflicted onto her' or smth, im paraphrasing here but that's the gist. and i really mean 'possibly', ill elaborate later). after that, she reported the case to... probably the police? and claimed in court that she found CEO's son kidnapping a minor, then the interaction got violent and she had no choice but to kill him, with the help of the child's testimony. after that, she was released with no charges. (assuming that when the translation says 'the verdict...' it means that the trial has concluded, the judging body(japan doesn't have a jury. for serious criminal cases, they have a 'saiban-in'. look it up for more info abt this) has deemed kotoko free of all charges or smth, and now she walks free.)
but after THAT, the CEO got an independent investigation that reported those injuries, and they believe them to be inflicted not in self-defence but with intent to harm. this is where the idea that she might have killed him to sate her bloodlust comes from. while i do agree on some aspects, remember this is an 'independent investigation', and this is a CEO whose money speaks. also, what you're telling me is that the forensics who looked into the body did not believe the wounds were due to 'excessive force' (bc if that was the case the trial should have gone very very differently), but the group that you independently hired did. i mean, a little bit suspect about the level of validity of that claim, don't you think? (this is assuming that everyone in the trial was competent at their job and no foul play was present. if not, ignore this section.)
the CEO also claimed that the child retracted her testimony (that would be perjury, since that would be admitting that you were lying to the court. japan seems to have laws against perjury, but im not very sure how enforceable it really is, or if people actually get charged with it.). this casts doubt on the verdict and both kotoko's and the victim's credibility in the eyes of the public, you know how the public is. and in a case like this, where the one trying to get someone in jail is someone with money and influence to do private investigations and press conferences, the impact it can have on the life of the other party can get insanely negative. they could have their lives absolutely ruined by this, being publicly shamed this way, while the CEO walks away looking like a caring father 'just looking to avenge his child'. i think the following are plausible:
1st case scenario: im not a legal expert, so REALLY don't blindly believe this, but if this means the child is legally retracting her testimony that she made in front of the court, during a trial, this would require the child to reach out to the law enforcement entities to get it passed, and that might warrant a re-trial of the original trial. in other words, in this scenario kotoko is seriously fucked (probably). so kotoko avoiding the child and/or being pissed is.. personally i think there are better ways to handle this situation, one of which is get yourself a damn good lawyer and hope for the best, kotoko- but not unordinary.
2nd case scenario(more likely in my personal opinion): of course, there's always the case that all this is made up. in which case, kotoko would still have a reason to avoid the child, in that it's the most logical course of action to avoid unnecessary harm to the child. if she acts friendly to the child in public, there's a chance that the child will be seen as a co-conspirator to the 'murder'. also since its a guy with money who's speaking out, it's likely that public opinion would wholy turn against her. and the child, who helped defend kotoko in court, well... even more harrassment, probably. death threats, likely.
in both cases, her and the child would probably receive harrassment, which i think is a possible motive for the child getting killed. (i'm assuming that the child was the one who kotoko feels like she's killed, because she was put in milgram for indirect murder to complete the 5:5 ratio)
And then she becomes a furry.
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yay? well, i think the wolf is supposed to be a symbolic of the monster that she now sees herself as. remember, if the version of events i described above is true then she probably faced a lot of social isolation. she has to distance herself from the victim that she helped and got close(? somewhat attached? like cmon she may be distracted with the very important life changing article but she doesn't outright ignore her, and that the chlid showed up to meet her implies that the child had an expectation that kotoko would be accepting of her company... right?) to, and many of her peers probably isolated themselves away from her (being a victim of a crime in japan can often be just as hard on a person's social life as being the perpetrator of said crime, so im not surprised if she was socially isolated by others AND herself). the lack of social support is the start of a mental downward spiral.
also, she keeps referring to herself as a tool and that she needs a next 'target'. so somewhere along the line, she stopped viewing herself as a person but merely a tool to enact justice with. because that's all she is now, she's caused the death of someone she swore to protect, the emotions are too overwhelming, please just give me something - anything - else to focus on; she's a monster, but if that's the case then so be it, she will be a monster with a purpose: eliminating the dregs of society, because that way at least she's of some use to society, otherwise-
otherwise, she's just a regular old monster.
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astroyongie · 4 months
Monsta X Reading February 2024
Note: sorry for being late. please take it lightly
Love: I can’t tell if he is still in a relationship or not. Shownu energy seems to be shifting at the moment and something happened inside his relationship that made him take a big turn. They are either breaking up things or they are getting engaged but honestly theres no way to confirm it
Career: at the moment his relationship with his work is. Little complicated. He is very scared of what the future holds of him and it also feels like he isnt comfortable with the plans that starship have put over him 
Self: despite all, Shownu seem to be very happy and fullfied with himself. This means that he is okay, healthy and doing well in life 
Love: his relationship is going through a tough period. Since they dont see each other often, Minhyuk feels like the relationship is going to finish. He doesnt see a long term success with his partner at the moment and they both have different goals for life 
Career: Despite being in military, he is doing well and adjusting to his routine and working hard there. It seems like it is being a positive experience for him.
Self: he is also in a healthy state at the moment. Minhyuk is taking all the opportunities in and having fun and just enjoying the ore calm side of his life at the moment 
Love: a lot of issues in his relationship as well. They dont see each other often and I feel like Kihyun’s partner has been a little bit bitchy and cold towards him. They dont give him much feedback and they have been distancing themselves from him due to the distance 
Career: military overwhelmes him a lot because it is not something that he enjoys specially. Kihyun feels like his personal values aren’t aligned with what he is learning inside the military 
Self: he is okay, but he is just very frustrated because he feels like he is losing many work opportunities when it comes to his idol career and that puts him on a on and off energy 
Love: he is dating and assuming his relationship. There isnt much to say other that he is having full control over his partner and that he is still assuming their needs despite being away from them 
Career: he had to set back his career for the military and that have left him very frustrated. It doesnt seem like he enjoys the military life and he just want to be over with it 
Self: he might have been experiencing some complications on his health (past injuries coming back). Hyungwon seem to be on a more foul mood lately 
Love: he is also still on his relationship but he is doubting his partner a lot (he probably believes that they are cheating on him). The fact that they aren’t together isnt helping Jooheon in growing his emotional maturity which makes him a little bit dramatic over things that has no place to be 
Career: Jooheon is someone that cares a lot about money, and the fact that he is experiencing an uncrease of income due to his military engagements makes him angry. He wanted to be working on his music instead 
Self: he has been very restless in the mind, he overthinks a lot and there might be here periods of higher anxiety. He is also very impulsive whenever he gets In such moods 
Love: IM concluded this reading by saying that he is too in a relationship with someone that works inside the entretaiment industry. As far as it goes, his relationship is full of success and it might be the type of relationship that will last. Along time 
Career: expect this year to be full for him, he has many things planned and to show the world. Expect him to have a comeback before he announces his enlistment 
Self: he is fine, he has been spending a lot of his time with friends and with people that will make collabs with him in his music. Stay tune for that !
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trash-can-sam · 9 months
Ive finally made a sandrock OC (KIND OF) I havent just stolen the design of and put somewhere else. and I really want to talk about her. So here she is.
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I wanted to give some lore to this character Qi mentions 3 times
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AND now shes in my brain, so Ill say some things about her:
She wanted to be a biologist but ended up going into the same type of research job Qi's in because it paid more
Qi and Bugs went to college together and ended up working pretty closely on a few projects, maybe even had internships/jobs at the same place for a while before Qi moved to Sandrock.
She got the nickname Bugs because she would always pick up random bugs in elementry school and the name just kind of stuck. She prefers it to her actual name (which I have not thought of yet because names are hard)
Qi says that they are rivals, but I dont think thats actually true given how much they talk. I think its a lot more like a one sided rivalry where Qi has decided shes his rival and she just kinda plays along because its fun, but theyre actually just friends (not that Qi would admit that, but Bugs refers to and thinks of him as a friend)
Although she still works in Vega 5, she doesnt particularly love it there. To her, she just has nowhere else to go and the pay and lifestyle of Vega 5 is too much to resist, especially for someone wihtout that many goals.
Qi managed to get her into Gungham and so they have amazing conversations that only come from ADHD-Autism friendships where both people have the same hyperfixation. (I speak from experience when I say its the best thing)
She visits sandrock sometimes because she doesnt know where else to go when she has stacked up vacation days.
She gets very annoyed whenever people dont know what they're talking about, hence her friendship with Qi not really being an issue, because both of them are like this and they both thrive off of each others intellectual energy.
ALSO. Some things about her personal relationships to people in Sandrock:
Her and Grace are dating, mostly because I want Grace to have a girlfriend so bad (I am so starved for sapphic relationships you dont understand). They have been rotating in my brain SO MUCH, so I'll talk about them. This is largely because it would be SO FUNNY.
Their relationship started because Bugs would regularly visit Sandrock, so she would see Grace a lot. Since the Blue Moon Saloon isnt really that busy, they would talk to eachother quite a bit. After a few trips of both of them talking, Bugs decides it would be funny to mess with Qi whenever her and Qi eat dinner later that night, and she thinks the funniest way to do that is by Grace hitting on her at this dinner. Make it real awkward for Qi. I plan on making a comic for this actually SO we will see if it actually gets done. If it does it will be so funny you dont even know (it definetly will not be thats the brainrot talking.)
After that, they meet up outside the Blue Moon Saloon to toast to their success of making Qi extremely confused, they walk around sandrock and sit at the oasis a while. Nothing happens that night, but they both come away from it as deeper friends and a little crush. Not in like, a way that is that noticable, or a way either of them intend on pursuing, but a way that definelty exists. Neither of them are stupid, and both of them tend to do a good amount of introspection, so they both pick up on this and it changes the dynamic a little, but in a good way.
As time goes on, Bugs makes more and more visits to Sandrock, to see Qi of course, but the reason increasingly becomes to see Grace as well. They both flirt with eachother a bit here and there, until Grace asks her out on a date and it ends up becoming a thing. Still thinking of details there BUT! They will be thought of, dont worry.
NOW, For what this relationship means for them both and their similarities and a couple differences:
For both of them, this is the first romantic relationship they have had that really feels like the other person can keep up with them. Both of them are super smart, and they both sort of have unfollowed dreams.
They are also both workaholics discontent with the circumstances they're in, and I feel like they bond a lot over that.
BOTH OF THEM ARE VERY SILLY. Grace, especially if youre dating her, uses a lot of very silly language. Like whenever youre dating, her greeting is "Hey good lookin, what ya got cookin?" She has many many silly lines and I would reccomend reading her dialogue page if you havent already read it all the way through like 3 times. Bottom line is, shes goofy. And Bugs is also goofy. Not in exactly the same way, but like she calls Qi a chatty cathy, thats goofy. AND SOMETHING GRACE WOULD DO IF HER AND QI WERE FRIENDS IN THAT WAY. They would be a very annoying couple and I find that extremely funny especially in the context of them spending a good amount of time with Qi, who probably doesnt pick up on it half the time.
Both of them are the type to distract from their inner turmoil with humor. If you have gone on a playdate with grace or read her entire dialogue page, you would know she does this a non-zero amount of times, quite commonly in fact. Bugs does the same type of thing, but she does tend to talk a lot less than Grace.
Bugs is an introvert unlike Grace, but she can read people surprisingly well. Not anywhere near as well as Grace, of course, but still pretty well.
Both have jobs that end up with them being relatively isolated from personal connections. For Bugs, shes working in a team with a lot of people she doesnt really like, for Grace, she has to keep quiet about her job for the most part. This leads to them having an interesting dynamic in which both of them dont really know how to navigate personal, unguarded relationships super well. Bugs hasnt had any close friends in a long time, and Grace cant turn off her agent brain, oftentimes getting a lot more from Bugs than Bugs would want her to. I have a real thing for relationships where one person is quite guarded and the other person can read them super well, and Bugs and Grace fit this dynamic very well in both directions. Bugs tends to read Grace more than she expects too, not by a crazy amount or anything, but she does catch Grace offguard occasionally, just because Grace tends to drop it more often without realizing it around Bugs.
They have the same sort of (aspiring) archeolegist and researcher dynamic Grace and Qi have (That I touched on here) but romantic so. I think thats fun personally, because its a cool sort of combining of forces. It also hits a bit different from Grace's and Qi's simply because Bugs is a lot more like Grace personality wise.
A couple other relationships in sandrock:
Her and Zeke get along. She visits Zeke sometimes, because of her interest in biology. And I just think they would get along. Not just because she likes plants but I also think she would appricate how Zeke is very knowlegable on what he does as well as desert farming in general.
She doesnt like the church very much (for the innate ideological differences that come with being a researcher), but she still has a laugh with Dan-Bi occasionally.
I like the idea of her getting along with Fang a bit. I think she has at least looked at some of what she uses to make medicine and is like "oh wow thats genius!"
I think she would have a very fun time messing with Yan (because Yan is literally so funny idc what anyone else says I love him so much) I dont think she would like him, but I think she would have fun talking to him every now and then just to prod him (which Yan ofc doesnt notice) for goofs.
I love the idea of her getting along with Unsuur. I cannot explain why. But I think they would be drinking buddies.
Some design notes and how she dresses when shes not in a lab coat:
I had to give her a long lab coat because thats a demographic severely underepresented in sandrock
Her shirt color is pretty similar to Qi's undershirt, it just felt like it fit. Its also half untucked like Qi's, but Bugs does it because she thinks it looks good while Qi does it because hes tired. I dont really know how to draw that sort of distinction, but just know that its there.
Her belt buckle is gold while Qis is silver
Her hairtie is dark blue, Qis tie is light blue. Theres not a whole lot to that I just thought it was neat personally.
Her fashion sense tends to be pretty casual, usually hoodies and shorts while shes in her apartment and pretty normal streetwear outside of it. I dont think that she wears as many belts as the average Sandrock or Portia citizen. Since we havent been to Vega 5, I cant say for sure what the normal fashion sense is like, but based off of Qi and Petra, who are more like the average Vega 5er, and what is known about the culture, I assume regular dress tends to be more busniess casual-formal. I dont count Merlin, who was so eccentric she got kicked out of Vega 5, Or Mint, who seems overly casual, in this assesment. However, Bugs dresses in whatever is slightly more casual than the normal Vega 5 streetwear. Not as casual as Mint, but definetly not formal. She's kind of done with Vega 5's general busniess culture, not done enough to leave, but done enough that she doesnt really care what she wears off the clock if that makes sense.
That is all for my unhinged ramblings. I have a lot of ideas about her and maybe I will actually do something with those, so I thought I should introduce her.
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solarsleepless · 3 months
OKAY SO !!!! crush is this sapphic romcom that like i would never watch if it was straight but its one of those movies where EVERYONE is gay but two characters <3 anyways quick notes of the plot:
its set at a highschool where theres this girl, Paige who really REALLY likes this other girl, Gabby, who's on the track team.
Paige is an artist !!! she wants to do this summer programme at Calarts but cannot get her art Right for the like prompt they've used for her admission if that makes sense. like the art is not arting basically
anyways there's also this anonymous artist called Kingpun (the art has puns in it hence the name) around school who spray paints these cool murals but because its school property its an Issue. everyone thinks its paige but it isn't her
Paige is called to the principal and she's meant to be suspended as they're gonna blame her for the art on school property but she is forced instead to join an extracurricular activity + to work out who Kingpun actually is. obviously the loser picks track because of Gabby <333
anyways she ends up joining the team but she needs coaching, and instead of being coached by Gabby like she wanted, the team's coach forces her to be coached by AJ, Gabby's sister
Paige then goes to a party later in the week hosted by one of her friends because of another Kingpun art that hinted at them being there. she bumps into AJ trying to get away from another girl she's not interested in and they try and work out together who KP is but kinda fails. Gabby is there too and paige takes Many shots w her so she gets Drunk
the next morning for training practice w AJ they have a moment between the session Paige shows AJ some of her art and they talk about Calart n stuff and we find out Paige has never had a first kiss or anything like that and AJ is like "damn thats crazy" (not rlly but you get what i mean)
we see them like over a few weeks grow closer and closer and its like aww gay people <3
anyways but then they have this extremely gay scene where after practice AJ lets paige stand on her skateboard while they hold hands and she rolls her on it for a little while <3333 i love gay people
paige then spots KP's notebook (we know bc like. KP is written All Over It) and she messages them online and says she'll give it back to them that night at school
When they go that night its: Paige, the two straights that are dating that she's friends with, AJ and gabby and eventually when they're alone Paige and GABBY kiss and its very VERY awkward
after The kiss we see a car drive off very loudly and like Everyone knows its this one guy called Tim so we're like "YAYYYY we know who Kingpun is now time to tell the principal" but Paige also wants to confront him first
Then there's like this trip for the track team where they go off somewhere and they have to stay in this hotel for a championship thing idk . i cant remember why exactly that well but it ends with AJ and Paige sharing a room and bed
theres a party that night before the track thingy, we find out tim very much is Not KP and AJ and Paige have to play 7 minutes in heaven but instead its a bathroom and long story short they KITH <333
its then very awkward afterwards tho and like the scene right after paige asks if it'll be awkward later and aj is like "nah" it cuts to them being like ten metres away from each other in the bed its ridiculous true cinema tho <3
the two have another very heartwarming scene and we find out like how AJ came out as bi and shit and how badly her family took it at first in comparison to how well they took her sister coming out
Paige doesnt really sleep that night and she slips out to go to the vending machine she'd seen earlier and she's then met with a drunk Gabby trying to get some crisps out of the vending machine and failing terribly
Gabby attempts to kiss paige but paige moves away, saying she actually likes someone else now, and gabby kinda takes it badly but she's still kind of okay with it and goes back to her room
the next day Paige is PANICKING because she realises that aj thinks it was both of their first kisses but it Wasnt bc of Gabby and she wants to tell AJ but hasn't had a moment to
she and the track team do the race and they do well YAYYYy
but as they're celebrating gabby then wants to apologise, in front of the rest of the friends, about her drunk ass trying to kiss paige- but also mentions how it wouldn't have been their first time doing so
we see aj is hurt and paige wants to go and explain herself but then instead aj drops the bombshell that she is Kingpun and just . then leaves.
gabby and aj have a moment when we see just how much aj is overshadowed by gabby without her knowing and so on
aj and paige dont speak for what is probably like three days and to paige it feels like literally Forever and they have this conversation for like five mins and aj reveals she doesnt want to be paige's second choice in the whole scenario and doesnt really give paige a chance to actually explain
paige goes to the principal and is like "yeah im actually kingpun lol isnt that crazy" but it turns out aj had already handed HERSELF in for the whole situation
paige then comes up w a genius idea where she paints this huge ass mural in one night (i know damn well she did NOT sleep) where its like loads of different moments she had between aj that showed her falling in love w her and that ALSO qualifies for the calarts programme thingy
gabby brings aj BACK when this election for class president is happening and like one of the straight two wins and while everyone is like happy for the girl who won she then brings paige up and she talks to aj and shows her the mural and they KITH <3333
so yeah basically im gonna be converting this whole thing into a smau bc im not normal <3
i did skim a few parts of this bc sorry but adhd brain CANNOT read this much JASHJAHSJHS but i did get the general gist of it!!! it sounds so cute omg
im v much looking forwards to reading the smau even if i havent watched any mean girls iteration ever
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
Aside from being to tall for doors and losing sleeves, what else does swk have to put up with after going kaiju?
debilitating fear of being controlled into being a weapon by people he doesnt trust, on consequence of immense pain.
he only got the fillet off very recently so thats a HUGE issue for him and a semi large part of why he heads off into deep space for a while
after his journey the headband never came off, and somehow the mantra that activates it got into the hands of the council that governs the main space centre and huge city in habitable space. this means that swk was forced into working under a 'contract' to the city, where he defends them from any forces that threaten them. swk would probably have done this anyway because the people there are just people, and he wouldnt let them die, but its the fact that he KNOWS at any point, people hes never even seen could put him through intense pain for no reason.
it doesnt happen all the time, but it definatly happens a few times, when he didnt respond fast enough to a crisis or when hes further away, they use it to call him back
he doesnt completely trust their judgment, obviously, but they can still make him kill people or use more violence than necessary if they so choose, but all this together means that swk is always expecting pain little bit, and MUCH more so whenever he goes kaiju
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ghostcrows · 5 months
i know ive made like seventy goddam posts about it...but i have still been ruminating like a mother fucker about like...trans gender issues
as you do
i want to listen to trans women right i dont want to be transmisogynistic and i keep on seeing that there are trans guys who are out of their minds high on terf fumes (whether they realize it or not), although ive known that already bc theres always been trans guys who want...whatever they think they get out of clinging to gender essentialism and the remnants of their claims to womanhood. radfem pussy from a female born womyn that hates you i guess
i also do want people to not brush aside transmasc issues as like, not real, or saying well you're a man arent you, so like, shut up and go get that privilege, that conditional privilege, that highly situational privilege, that goes away in dire straits situations such as um, medical environments....or to like treat us with disdain, or as a joke, which is what i see much more often than pure vitriol (its just like, funny to people to be a trans guy. a little too funny too often)
but we also have to recognize that many of the things we go through closely mirror transfem experiences - even if not all of them do, a lot of them do, and we aren't the sole understanders of trans oppression or misogynistic oppression, thats kind of like, the point right. it is not an inherently ~afab~ burden
i think its fair to want a word that doesnt step on anybodys toes that accurately describes our unique experiences with being treated poorly instead of vaguely gesturing to transphobia in a broad sense- we have consistently failed to find this ... theres a point i keep seeing that i agree with that we shouldnt scrutinize transfems who dont use absolutely perfect language to describe their experiences, i think that should probably also be true for transmascs, but we also do keep choosing like absolutely dogshit terms so...idk? the only one ive seen thats any good is "anti transmasculinity" ive also seen transandrosmia(sp?) but i dont know what that means and it seems to be just trying to replace the root words in transandrophobia/transmisandry. which to be fair was the main hangup because of the implications, to my understanding, but ...im not sure about it
i also see a lot of accusations towards either group that we "just see each other as our agab" which is like, in my opinion, true in the sense that everyone has ingrained transphobic beliefs from living in a deeply transphobic world, and you have to unlearn both the internalized forms and the externalized forms...you have to choose every day to continue to unlearn that stuff, catch yourself. even if you think youve done all the work i mean, no one ever truly has - but also like. so much of this stems from pure insecurity. not only "no one sees me as i am" but also "the 'other' gender has it better in some way" being very mch a thing trans people are inclined to feeling, even after they transition i dont think that always goes away, thats why you see like, someone saying "i hate my agab body" and someone else goes "ugh i WISH i had your body id be so lucky to have your body". absolute last thing that person probably wants to hear but you sometimes feel it anyway
and then like, at the end of the day, i dont feel like any of the ppl leading this current "crusade" are actually people who have a full picture...and i dont think i do either, like, so much of this is online for me, i have to wonder what other people are going through. i overall wish i knew more trans people in real life, i definitely wish i had more transfem friends irl, i know a handful of transmascs irl and that was a freak accident bc we all went to school together. if not for that i'd know basically no one trans near me. tho i have seen more people in public more often but i never say anything cuz im scared -_-
yeah....dk how to end this post. well bye
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dualityvn · 2 years
pain, suffering, agony even. i know no rest, just brain rot and theory about these two immaculate boys. and i cant even be that mad about it because i love thinking about them </3
So, the idea that Keith and Tenebris have two separate bodies but cant physically be that far away from each other. a Wonderful concept for angst because to absolutely no ones surprise i am an angst goblin. i digress.
Im going to be real with you, some of the potential lore crumbs hidden in ask responses just completely dismantles my entire argument, so were going to play my favorite game, ignoring potential cannon because it doesnt fit nicely into my theory. That being said, i dont think im being To out of pocket, because you have mentioned that the way they are talked about on the blog is not entirely accurate. anyway, the basics of all of my "two bodies" theories goes like this, Keith=human=physical body, Tenebris=not human=no physical body. This is supported by us not being able to touch them both at the same time, and the idea that Tenebris doesnt get much "time out". But that evidence, along with other bits, does also imply that there is a way for Tenebris to also exist on the physical plane in a physical body. Currently, i have no justification for this other than the fact that it seems right, but to be fair to myself thats what all of my theories are based on so whatever.
Ignoring that to focus on the real issue, what if they have two bodies but cant stand to physically be away from each other by more than a couple feet? well that depends, why can they not be separated. Is it a psychological thing, where theyve just been around each other for so long that being apart is weird and hard? or is it a physical thing, where theres some kind of invisible tether that keeps them together and doesnt allow them to be far apart? or of course, my favorite (bc angst) does being apart cause them pain, either physical or mental, for whatever ill-defined reason. Truthfully, some sort of invisible force forcefully keeping them together is the only thing i can see keeping them together 24/7, unless of course by "you cant separate them" you meant it more in a metaphorical sense of one cannot exist without the other rather than a proximity thing. i dont know and you wont tell me so we continue into the dark.
if you Did mean for it to be interpreted that way, then they would kinda have to have two bodies, again with one of them maybe not always physically existing. They are a package deal either way, one body or two, physically being able to be apart or not.
im going to go take a rest now, until your next inevitable tease spurs me to life again. ive said it before ill say it again, you are way to good at pushing my buttons its kinda scary. goodnight
Since you've worked so hard, I'll tell you that you've gotten the tiniest bit closer, but you've also strayed further. If you combine several elements of more of your theories from this ask and others, you might get there.
Just wanna make one thing clear. Regardless of Tenebris' physical situation, he will always be his own person and not something that broke away from Keith like the Jekyll and Hyde situation, where Hyde was basically the evil side of Jekyll.
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little camp stove
I'm taking a welding class, and we have some time in the class to work on whatever we want. i ended up spending a few weeks worth of classes making this little wood stove intended to be used for camping.
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i was inspired to make this after finding that material with all of the little holes in it. the principle is straightforward, it just sucks in air from the bottom and makes the fire happen because heat goes up. the thing itself came out really nicely. I think it looks cool, and putting it together was fun
here's a video of the first burning, with my cute little mini firewood that i had to chop up to fit inside
of course, being that this was my first attempt at designing the stove, the issues came up when testing it. the principle of burning the wood worked exactly as intended, and the fire was great. i didn't take the smoke into account, though. it turns out there's a reason that wood stoves have an exhaust pipe and don't just billow the smoke directly onto your food.
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here you can see that our test hot dogs are receiving a nice coating of carcinogens from the fire. i took a bite out of one of these hot dogs and the nasty chemically taste of the smoke and whatever other bullshit was coming out coated the inside of my mouth for like 2 hours
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using a pan wasn't enough to save it, either. it turns out that obstructing the airflow with the pan conveniently creates a low pressure zone that sucks all of the smoke directly to where your food is
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this thing is definitely doing a great job of burning the wood at least. unfortunately, though, the smoke issue makes this thing pretty much unusable. it's not useful as a cooker because of the smoke coating your food, and it's not useful as a heater because to be in a space small enough for it to heat would mean you're going to die of smoke inhalation before you get even warm. it's still cool, though, and i'm happy to keep it as an artifact.
this is just a first iteration, and I'm definitely going to try and make an improved stove to address the issues i found when testing this one.
I'm tempted to try and make some modifications to this stove to make it work better, but I think the internal volume of the thing is just too small for it to really produce a substantial amount of heat. If I were going to modify it, though, here are a few things I'd do:
weld a flat plate on top to create a cooking surface that doesnt coat your food in nasty bullshit
cut out an exhaust hole in the back and add in a pipe to get the smoke away from the food
have the door hinge horizontally rather than vertically. when you open the door on this thing the fire erupts out directly onto your arm lol
have an actual door latch instead of using a magnet. magnets stop working when they're really hot and the magnet isn't strong enough to hold the door shut when there's shit inside of it
i'm sure any astute stovist could take a look at my stove and immediately pick out every reason that it wasn't going to work, but what I really wanted to do was just wing it for a project and see what happens. in the end, i think this was a much more useful approach for me to take than it would have been to study stove designs and agonize over how i'm going to put it together. i ended up with a tiny shit stove that's useless, but the experience of conceiving, assembling, and testing it was much more enjoyable to me and a great way to learn. striving for perfection on the first attempt would have ended in me taking way fucking longer to make this, and it still would have just been a first attempt no matter what. it was very helpful for me to just put aside the uncertainty and let whatever happens happen.
i hope you enjoyed this, i want to make more blog posts like this when i make shit. it's a nice way to thought dump and share what i'm doing without sending two thousand messages to all of my friends
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magicshopaholic · 11 months
hey!!! just wanted to say how much i love your new update!
tbh, i understand that what taehyung did was wrong. even if he didnt mean to hurt her, he did very deeply by keeping it from her, bc as she said they revealed so much to each other even on the first day they met. that feeling is devastating.
however, my feelings are really conflicted on if the way shes handling it is right either. im never one to condone cheating, but even she admits that shes keenly aware of how genuinely sorry he is—and that she knows he would never do that again. her pain is valid asf, bc he shouldve known better to try to harbor that secret, alongside his friends. that was beyond foul and I can imagine how lonely, confused and absolutely devastated she was during that period. but it also doesnt mean she gets a free pass to inflict pain on him for the sake of punishment or revenge. and at this point in the story, it been going on for a while now.
i think she needs to really self-reflect on if she can get pass this and build up a trust in him again—cause thats a main determining factor of the possibility of them reuniting. otherwise, its a moot point bc it’ll always be the unspoken elephant in the room. its confusing to constantly point the finger at someone for rupturing a relationship, demand they give you space and then get pissed that theyre giving you space. she pushes him away, gets upset that hes respecting her boundaries and then yanks him closer.
he needs to really unpack why he allowed himself to do what he did and why his fear of losing her(even when he already had her) drove him to that point. you cant betray and ignore someone and then say you did it bc you were scared of losing them.
i know theyre just flawed humans, & theres so many layers of complexity w/ these two—especially in regard to taehyung showing his feelings. but i truly think he’s reached a breaking point. it scared her so much that hes starting to become distant, because she already expected him to fight tooth and nail for who knows how long.
they both really need therapy to work through it together(and individually bc they both have issues that may rock their relationship again if it goes unaddressed), or to let each other go completely and move on. bc at this point, theyre both hurting just each other.
I didn't respond to this immediately because I wanted to sit and take my time without any distractions. Firstly - thank you! Always nice to know that a fic has been enjoyed :)
Secondly, I think you make some very good points, including an important one that Dilara isn't perfect either. Not everything she's doing is right - or, at the very least, is the best way to go about it. Wanting to torture him is natural and that's probably why everyone's giving her a pass, but there's definitely a line and that line can be different for everyone.
You actually aren't the only one to catch this: Jimin has been dropping hints about how Taehyung is getting worse, Jungkook reminds her of something she almost did once upon a time, and even Chris, despite being angry on her behalf, acknowledges just how helpless Taehyung must be feeling.
Trusting him again really is the crux of the issue. The time for grovelling seems to have passed, like you said, and that's even scarier because now she has to get beyond the anger and look forward. That's really the only decision she needs to make: whether she trusts him or not. It can be a polarizing decision, but that's the point of writing real, human, flawed characters.
You could be right in that he's reached a breaking point - and she can tell. This thing you said:
it scared her so much that hes starting to become distant, because she already expected him to fight tooth and nail for who knows how long.
This is literally it. This is the whole fic (minus Jungkook) because as long as he was fighting, she didn't have to. Now that he's stopped, it's suddenly down to her and that's too difficult to face. But she needs to at some point or things will just end up going downhill from here.
I don't know about therapy - not because I don't think they need it, but because they don't think they need it. I think in general, both of them have a tendency to romanticise their relationship (Tae a little more, as we've seen) and each other, so the thought of involving a third person would seem a little pointless to them, sort of in a they would never understand kind of way.
Thank you sooo much for this review; it's so nice whenever readers put forward their own interpretations of my fics. I love writing human characters and that will mean that they will do things not everyone will agree with and seeing how that plays out with readers is such a pleasure.
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bardictwink · 1 month
just fr venting about my weird ass living situation
god so i've been in like... i don't wanna say it's an abusive living situation but i've essentially had the roommate from hell for two years. met her through work and we're friends. decide to take on the lease w/ her because there was one more empty room. i think i might have ignored signs because she had issues with other roommates before but i also had issues with the one (in hindsight i think the other girl might have been fed up because she was definitely being treated the same way by someone who was like, 7 years older than her lol).
this is all like spring summer 2022. things are going okay. we find another roommate who is pretty chill.
so, at this point we're sending the rent money to my one roommate and the company that owns our building takes it out of her account. she asks us every month to give her rent. she just completely stops paying the rent all together and i keep getting emails and court dates because theres like 4000 dollars owed in backdue rent that was never paid
all while she gets increasingly more hostile in behaviour, blaming everything on me. not cleaning up after herself and saying it's me. etc etc
she also steals my clothing and goes into my room w.o asking me to take said things. i would buy groceries and she wouldnt buy anything and just eat my stuff. ask me to get things like coffee and milk and make her and her longterm situationship (lol) coffee.
somehow manages to pay it all off. tells everyone in our personal life it was in fact, my fault she didn't pay her rent at all (while taking my money) (she said it was because i never bought groceries and never paid my rent). wasn't aware she was saying this so idk if it's just no one thought that was important info. since i didnt know this and we had signed on for another year i was like... maybe i can forgive this whatever, we're friends.
since we're the only ones on the lease and the other roommate isnt, we now have rent split in two and half comes from mine and hers. she is supposed to send me the remainder i'm owed from my other roommate. never sends it so i pay half the rent and am stuck in a cycle of poverty. continues to not buy groceries etc. continues to not clean except wjen she feels like it. leave huge messes, but gets mad if u like. forgot to put a sock away (sends photos on messenger with a ? mark)
still doesnt pay her rent at all so we owe 2500 again.
she has a full time job and makes more than me but she has a shopping addiction or something lol. i remember telling some friends and they thought drugs or something but like. it is fr clothing. the actual cost of the current place isnt that much with 3 people splitting rent + utilities.
anyway now we both found new places and we're both moving out in july. i was having trouble finding a place and she would ask lik "ooohhh what are u going to do? *pleading eye emoji* and then i said i was planning to move in with a certain friend and she went to tell that person that i'm an awful roommate and dont clean up after myself but thankfully my friend knows she's INSANE and has to be blameless. and idk. it just felt like such a weird thing to do when you know someone is trying to find a place to live. it's not like im moving out abruptly. she found a studio????
there was just soo much weird behaviour i felt like i was going crazy. any time i got sick or had a cold she would get super weird and defensive and tell me i'm a hypochondriac. and i mean like, over me getting a cold or the flu. i've called off work maybe once or twice in a year and she would get super weird about it and blame me for getting sick. this woman lies in bed most of the time she isn't working but if i decided to sleep a cold off... it's like the end of the world. but i thnk it's bc she was leeching off A UNIVERSITY STUDENT WHO WORKS PART TIME AND BARELY MAKES MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE so obviously if i miss a shift it's a big deal (i was working like 25 hrs a week which is wayyyy too much for a student and since i had student loans i could afford to work less but whatever. my expenses have been needlessly higher bc ive had to deal with this)
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xx-riffraff-xx · 2 months
hello tumblr im writing a novel. as one does right. it’s vaguely a slice-of-life maybe??? idk there’s probably a plot but rn it’s just the characters being characters and occasionally i put my guys in a Situation or two. you’re gonna love it, trust. so there’s this 17 year old trans guy right his name is jax. it was cloud for a while but dw about it, he’s jax now. he’s got some Issues but it’s fine. he’s got a little sister (she’s 6) and he takes care of her and also has a job to pay for groceries and also his mom works like 60 hours a week probably idk, so she’s kinda gone a lot but it’s chill he’s thriving. (he’s not.) he’s a very caring individual, mature and has no problems whatsoever he swears (ignoring the fact that his grades are dropping and he Needs those to get scholarships for college and one of his jobs fell through and also his childhood best friend is back in his life and he’s being an ASSHOLE now but it’s fine he’s got no issues.) btw his dad is gone, he might come back, he probably comes back, idk why he left in the first place yet. we’ll see.
SO. this childhood best friend right. his name is harley. he’s a horse girl and his parents are divorcing and he is so sad and so angry all the time right. he wonders a lot what it would be like to have wings. he wears jackets even in the summer bc they make him feel bigger and his favorite jacket is his letterman. he’s also smart! like really smart. and he’s good at taking notes and his teachers like to volun-tell him to be a tutor sometimes. he’s got siblings too, he’s not close with them. they fight all the time. he might have an ex idk yet, i think he might. he potentially also has a girlfriend but idk about that yet either. he’s also got a toyota corolla i think. ANYWAY BACK TO THE PLOT PART OF THIS. jax moved away just before middle school and lost contact just after starting middle school so harley’s kinda pissed at him for that. but now jax is back and it’s killing him slowly from the inside so he’ll just do what he always does and mask his feelings of longing with anger and hate. but wHAT’S THIS!?!??!?!???? JAX’S GRADES DROP SO FAR THAT NOW HARLEY HAS BEEN VOLUN-TOLD TO TUTOR HIM!?!? omg who could’ve foreseen this happening. this goes about as well as you’d expect when you have two traumatized teens with poor emotional communication skills and history in a room together every week for a couple hours at a time.
and ALSO!!! floating around here somewhere im not sure where she fits yet possibly harley’s ex definitely jax’s friend, is josslyn!!! she’s a hotheaded wrestler girl with an affinity for red lipstick. she’s also perpetually angry, just in a different way. more cocky and daring than sad and mean. she’s got a VERY strong sense of justice and would like to kill all public figures. i think she wears skirts idk yet, she’d def also wear tank tops and cargo pants but who knows not me. she wants to go to college parties. she does, once. she drags jax along with her and it ends terribly. she gets very in over her head very quickly and doesnt know when to quit. if you tell her not to do something or that she cant do something, she WILL be doing that something and she WILL be in your face about it as well. she’s possibly also a lesbian.
about that party, fun fact harley was also there and it’s kind of important actually. i’ve got some more stuff in the middle but if this is interesting check back in like idk a year. i might have it written. the brainrot definitely hasnt gone away. i’ve just gotta get through the middle. if i get through the middle i will win.
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hearthandheathenry · 3 months
i dont want to be someone who has an obsession with an fs is there way to cut ties with fs and so they find someone whos both successful and can make them happier than what i couldnt offer for them?
I'm not really following your question here. No one is forced to be together in this life, which is why some people don't end up in relationships and others end up being happy in multiple. Nothing is fated in cement, and we control our fates with our actions. Life has different paths lain out for us based on our choices, because there's cause and effect for everything, and each new choice may open or close doors for us. So we are capable of an unprecedented amount of paths simultaneously, and everything is happening as it should all the time but we are still steering the ship, if that makes sense. This goes back to the multiverse/multi-timeline theory, and everything is simultaneously happening at once all the time, past, present, and future, overlapped with eachother and all connected but we can only perceive our own reality we are living. Time is a construct we create. Theres a lot of deep stuff here that is /why/ these things are, but it would take forever to explain and I don't fully understand /why/ myself. Feel free to jump into that rabbithole in your own time, though.
I personally believe we have multiple future spouse possibilities, because we're constantly changing and growing and becoming different versions of ourselves and people meet us while we're certain versions. Being with someone long-term just means loving each new version they become, ask anyone whos been married for 20+ years. People change. Love is an active choice. I know my husband and I are completely different people from when we first met, and we still choose to love eachother and get to know these new versions of ourselves. If you choose to be with one person your whole life then that is your person. If you choose to move on from one person and choose another, then those have both been your person at one point. You are choosing who you're meant to be with at all times.
So if you and your person are together, that means you have both chosen to love eachother, with whatever version you are at the time. Whether you continue to love eachother going forward is each of your own choices, so there is no need to fret about how to get away if it doesnt work out. If its not working out, one or both of you leaves, becausing leaving is another choice you are free to make at any time, whether you think you can or cant. Its that simple. There are more people out there for each of you. Love is an active choice we make, and so is leaving. Both are tough, so each person chooses their tough.
In terms of obsession, love is not obsession. Ever heard that famous poem, "Love is patient, love is kind, etc"? Well it's all true. Love is never a negative thing. Pure love will always just feel gentle and happy. Obsession is obsession and seperate. It's usually based on codependency issues, which a lot of people struggle with. If you are afraid of becoming obsessed with someone, then my advice to you is to work on yourself. Research healthy relationships, codependency issues, healthy boundaries, etc. Then you will have a better understanding on unhealthy and healthy relationships and what to be on the lookout for in the future. If something doesn't feel right, then change it. You are not powerless to your thoughts, emotions, and actions, in fact we can change all of it. Its actually the basis for cognitive behavioral therapy. Emotions may feel more powerful than our mind, but we will always have control over how we choose to act on those emotions.
Also, there will always be someone out there better than you. Its true for every single person on this planet. Someone will always have more money, be prettier, or smarter, or whatnot. You need to be able to accept that and trust that those who say they love you, love you for you, as you are, right now in that moment. In order to do that, you need to be able to love yourself, too. Every single person has a limitation somewhere, and its also true that there is always someone out there worse off than you too. You are not always at the bottom of everything. Have some confidence, accept your limitations, and learn how to work on trusting others. Pulling yourself away from someone's love they are trying to give to you because you are insecure is a problem that lies with you that needs to be worked on in order to find happiness and connection with others.
At this point in time I would recommend you stop worrying about future spouses and your future love life, and worry about yourself and who you are today and the difficulties holding you back or that may be detrimental to you in the first place. The future we truly want falls into alignment and comes easily when we are whole and aligned ourselves with who we truly are, not who we are with all the baggage and noise in our head that we need to unlearn. We pick up habits as we age that usually need to be adjusted, such as self confidence issues or anxiety, so we can come back into ourselves and who we were born to be. Everyone is unique and valuable in their own way, so take a second and find yourself and go on your own journey to becoming /you/. The rest of life you're looking for, future spouses and all that, will come when its meant to, when you are ready to make the choice to receive it.
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millapede82 · 5 months
just watched saw for the first time.
my thoughts on the movie itself are irrelevant on the point i want to make now. most of the content ive seen about saw is shipping content from the first movie and well, im very displeased.
shipping is a fundamental in fandom culture, and its not inherently a good or bad thing. its fun, i partake in it myself at times. but i feel like many, many, MANY people in fandom spaces over emphasize the importance of shipping and, by extension, romantic relationships.
after watching saw, i honestly do not even remotely understand the ship between lawrence and adam, and i honestly feel like it destroys the purpose of both characters. lawrence is a cheater who overworks himself, and doesnt enjoy his life to the fullest. this is seen by jigsaw as him not valuing his life at all. as for adam, he was a man desperate for cash. we hardly know anything about him, just that hes broke and young and was desperate for money. he was used as more of a pawn in lawrences punishment, and it doesn't really feel like jigsaw had the intent to teach him something. this was about lawrence.
the part that bothers me about them being shipped together is that it just completely ignores everything we know about the characters. they did have a connection in the movie, especially at the ending scene. lawrence was begged by adam to stay because he was fucking terrified, and the only person he knew to trust at that moment was lawrence. reading this trust as attraction just doesnt like. make any sense. he was desperate and scared. lawrence wanted to know that his wife and his kid were okay. he wanted to start living
in a way, jigsaws trap worked in a terrible and awful way. i think it goes without saying that jigsaw is a rancid motherfucker who tortures people and has deluded himself into thinking hes helping them -- but the fucked up thing is that the survivors really are lucky to be alive. the character arc that lawrence went through was that he needed to appreciate and value the relationships he had in his life, instead of just throwing them away. the damage was already done when he decided to cheat though, and i think thats where the message of the movie falls flat, i think.
saw is by no means perfect thematically, far from it, but the shipping makes the theme that much worse. and this isnt a saw specific issue. and you could indeed make the case that underrepresentation of queer communities leads people to overship in this way, and thats true. it happens. but i also just think it doesnt make sense in every case, and it can tend to end up detracting from the work
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