#I could say a shit ton more but I have like errands to run today
mass-convergence · 8 months
I’ll be honest with you - in season 1 of WOT:
I didn’t exactly love what I’m calling the Main Character Squad (Rand, Egwene, Perrin, Mat, Nynaeve). Like don’t get me wrong - I didn’t hate them. I just thought they were … idk … boring? And this may warrant a rewatch, I’ll admit I was not in the best place emotionally while watching the season. But I just felt like they were kind of flat with maybe the exception being Mat and Nynaeve who I was kinda like 👀 what’s going on. Mat had that whole corrupted by darkness thing going on with him and Nynaeve was just a fucking badass and seemed highly motivated to protect her friends from the get go. But idk Rand felt like he was just kinda …… there? Same with Egwene and Perrin.
(This is ending up turning into an essay so I’m gonna put shit below a cut)
They were cool characters and I obviously was rooting for them to get reunited and stuff but I was like “eh???” Until maybe the very end when things started falling in place and the plot became a lot more sticky (as my friend describes plots that suddenly have a lot of competing motivations all coming together)
So I think my main issue was with their writing rather then the characters themselves. I’m coming at this as a complete outsider to WoT - never read the books and even if I did, I believe an adaptation must be able to stand on its own. And what I think happened was that season 1 like *had* to catch everyone up on the lore of the world, why Moiraine was so hellbent on finding the Dragon, what the hell the Aes Sedai were, etc. etc.
And it may have somewhat put characterization on the backburner until the end when they were like “we caught you up to speed now here’s the plot”. I guess they felt passive, like the plot was just happening to them instead of them driving the plot. Like we got hints of stuff - I was confused about what was going on with Perrin, then really intrigued towards the end when the wolves attacked the White Cloaks camp. And then of course the whole Eye of the World thing and Ishamael being released and him cutting Moiraine off from the One Power.
But idk, most of that season just fell flat to me.
The second season however, whooooo boy did I get fucking invested in those crazy kids. I was like “why can’t Nynaeve deliberately channel? [Insert Spiderverse “can’t do it on command” meme here]”, “oh fuck how is Egwene going to get out of this and also fuck you Renna”, “Rand please don’t go crazy”, “Perrin is like spiritually connected to wolves??? I need to know more about how that is a thing”, “Mat I swear to god you better not be evil because I’m like rooting for you”.
And of course I was really invested in the supporting characters - like Moiraine’s journey, Liandrin’s betrayal, Lanfear’s … everything (god I love her).
And oh god was it almost empowering to see their arcs play out.
- Rand struggling with the fact that he is indeed the Dragon Reborn and that male channelers tend to go batshit and kill everyone they love.
- Perrin becoming more familiar with his wolf-powers (I forgot what they were called or if they even had a name I’m sorry) … and being caught between his humanity and his wolf side. RIP Hopper, I’m glad you were avenged almost immediately.
- Egwene first off like: struggling with the fact that Nynaeve was kind of distant (because Nynaeve was obviously dealing with her own issues) but sticking with her friend. And then getting fucking captured and enslaved and like thrown into one of the most disempowering positions one can get into… and she fucking still held her own and never gave in. God I think her arc is like my favorite one this season. Fuck you Renna I’m glad you fucking got what you deserved.
- Mat dealing with the aftermath of the dagger and just having this darkness inside of him. He had been pushed down and kicked all his life, people viewed him as a loser, and he had that attitude towards himself as well. I felt like a connection to him because yeah, that boy is just a touch depressed, and as someone who’s dealt with their own mental health issues and ADHD absolutely making me feel like I’m constantly failing everyone including myself …….. good lord did his arc make me feel some feelings. Like he took that darkness - namely the dagger - and he used it to fight his way out. And then he’s a fucking hero of the horn. That is unironically super fucking inspiring to me.
- Nynaeve not being able to channel on command, being almost afraid of the power she can wield (I think that’s the angle they’re going for at least - though it also does seem to be very attached to her emotions). Out of all the main character squad: I liked her the most in the first season. She was very much motivated to protect her friends. Like I do see her kind of as the mother figure of the group (and not in a derisive way - like she will absolutely fuck a person up if they hurt her friends as we saw in season 2 with that sul’dam), the “heart” in the five man band. Like *almost* like Katara in a way and I really loved Katara so there you go.
- honorable mention to Moiraine because she thought that she had to handle this shit on her own. She had to figure out what Ishamael and the Dark One were planning while protecting Rand and also dealing with the aftershocks of her being cut off from the One Power. Something that Verin very much analogized to being assaulted or raped. And Moiraine just kept trucking, carrying the burden of what she felt like her own responsibilities like she carried those fucking buckets up the hill. The season was her realizing she could rely on others and she didn’t have to be as closed off as she was being. And oh my god once she got the One Power back she (a woman who was already plenty fucking badass during this entire season) like went to fucking S-tier levels of badass. God I fucking love her.
Basically: I’m saying that I loved season 2 very very much and I’m now rooting for these crazy kids to fuck shit up and save the world.
Also I love every single woman in this show who’s not Renna or the Seanchan because fuck those slavery loving assholes.
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bonkie-barnes · 3 years
natasha romanoff x gn!reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: chronic illness, mention of medicine, self deprecating thoughts
A/N: this is me 1000% projecting about my guilt that comes with my chronic illnesses. they're kicking my ass rn. this is a vent fic, but if you resonate with this at all, i hope you enjoy :)
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Beep. Beep. Beep.
The alarm clock on Natasha’s bedside table has been going off for a full minute already. You merely roll over and cover your head with Natasha’s pillow. It smells like her.
You have absolutely no energy to get up, let alone reach across the bed to turn the alarm off. Your head feels heavy and your body aches something terrible.
The list of chores you have to do around the house today sits uncomfortably in the back of your mind. The list of friends who have texted you about making plans to hang out sits there too. The idea of staying in bed all day sounds more and more appealing by the second. You know this because the alarm is still blaring into the otherwise peaceful morning air.
Just as you’re gathering the strength to sit up and turn the alarm off, Natasha walks in. She looks at her watch and her brow furrows in confusion.
“What are you doing, sleepyhead?” she asks you with a little smirk. There is concern in her eyes, though she masks it well.
You’re both fully aware the alarm has been going off for seven minutes straight now.
“Just tired, love. You know how much work it takes to reach over,” you say in a joking manner, hopeful that you can get past this without worrying her too much.
Natasha eyes you suspiciously for a second before giving in.
“How was your workout?” you ask her sincerely.
As she starts rambling about her morning activities, you feel a sense of shame. You’ve barely managed to wake up in the time it’s taken her to complete a full workout routine. Hell, you couldn’t even find it in you to turn the alarm off.
You finally focus on her rant as it comes to an end. Natasha is looking at you expectantly. Shit. She’s asked you a question.
“Huh?” you grunt.
She chuckles before answering, “I asked if you were ever going to get up and get in the shower, stinky.”
You put on a fake smile but fail to meet her eyes, the shame eating you up. It has been a few days since your last shower, but it’s just so hard to find the strength and energy to get up and stand in one place for more than a minute or two.
If Natasha notices the far away look in your eyes and the grimace on your mouth, she doesn’t say anything.
After one of the quickest and most unproductive showers you’ve ever taken, you find Natasha waiting for you in the kitchen. She’s taken it upon herself to make breakfast for you both.
You kiss her cheek and thank her as you sit down at the table. The warm cup of coffee she sets down in front of you is a godsend. The warmth emitting from the cup helps to diminish the pain in your knuckles, if only slightly. You send up a silent prayer to whomever might be listening that the caffeine will help with the fatigue today instead of making you sick.
Natasha sits down in the chair next to you with her own plate. She runs her eyes over you in a scrutinizing manner. She wants to think you don’t notice, but you do.
Clearing your throat in hopes to take her focus off you, you ask about her plans for the day.
“Oh, you know, mostly just busy work. I have a ton of paperwork to get through,” she tells you through an exaggerated sigh. “What about you?”
The list of chores screams at you again. “Mostly just some things around the house. Grocery shopping, laundry, boring shit like that.”
Natasha hums around a sip of her coffee. It surprised you just how much cream and sugar she takes in hers. It’s just one of the many unpredictable things about her that made you fall in love.
“Super exciting. I hate to miss out,” she teases you.
You crack a smile to appease her. Inside, though, you realize just how little she understands. These errands seem so simple to her, when to you, they are the most daunting of tasks.
You’re brought out of your thoughts by Natasha standing up to take her plate to the sink. She comes back to kiss your cheek and let you know she’s going to go get ready, before walking out of the room.
You suspect the amount of housework you’ll get done today will be minimal, so you decide to at least make Natasha some lunch. Maybe it will lessen the disappointment she feels when she comes home to see everything exactly as it was when she left, you think.
Your plan is halted as you’re making her sandwich. The stupid cover on the peanut butter jar is stuck. You can’t open it for the life of you. The guilt comes in like a tidal wave. You can’t even do something as simple as make lunch for her, your brain supplies for you.
Natasha returns from getting ready to see you standing in the kitchen with a glare on your tired face.
“What’d the peanut butter do to you this time,” she jokes.
“I can’t.” Tears well up in your eyes.
She comes up to wrap you in a hug from behind. She softly asks, “What can’t you do?”
“I can’t open the jar,” you mutter softly, feeling overwhelmingly embarrassed.
“It’s okay, love. Let me help,” she tells you delicately before kissing the spot under your ear. She can tell this is affecting you more than usual and wishes for nothing more than to be able to take away your distress.
You mutter a thank you before continuing to make her sandwich. You pack everything into a bag and write a small note to finish it off. You know Natasha loves the little messages you leave her periodically, and nothing will stop you from trying to make her as happy as you can.
Goodbyes are said as you both wander closer to the door. Natasha makes sure to hold you longer and tighter than usual. You don’t comment on that.
The silence that encompasses the room as soon as the love of your life leaves is suffocating. You can feel the exhaustion from purely getting up and getting ready creeping up on you. Logically, you know that you shouldn’t overexert yourself, but the shame is eating you up. Already on a roll, might as well keep on going, you think to yourself.
You go back to your mental to-do list and debate what to start with. The grocery store doesn’t sound terrible. Some sun would do you some good. It’s been a few days since you’ve seen the world that exists outside of your house.
Wandering back to the bedroom to get your phone and shoes, you try to push the fatigue from your mind. In your attempt to block out the tiredness, you fail to recognize the ever-present pain in your joints increasing. It’s only when you sit down and bend over to put your shoes on that you register the feeling. Your hips ache severely; so much so, that you can’t hold your position long enough to get your shoe on your foot.
This seems to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, seeing as you immediately burst into tears. The pain mixed with your inability to do basic, everyday activities completely overwhelms you as you break down.
There’s absolutely no chance that you’re going to complete this task, let alone all the other ones on your list. You let out a sigh as you stand up and shuffle to your room, phone and shoes forgotten in the living room.
You let the weight of your emotions crush you as you climb into bed and under the covers, your wife’s pillow clutched closely to your chest.
Your tears cease to stop, even as you succumb to the sleep you so desperately wished to hold onto this morning.
- - -
Natasha comes home to an eerily silent house. On any typical day, she would come home to the noise of your favorite show or music softly playing, whether it be from a speaker or from your guitar. Your shared house consistently was filled with life and sound. It was one of her favorite parts of her day; coming home to you in your own element, laughing or singing. You are her home.
This newfound silence has her exceptionally worried. Even on your bad days, there was at least a laugh track coming from the TV or the smell of hot chocolate coming from the kitchen. Now, there’s absolutely nothing. For a split second, Natasha thinks that you may never have come back from the grocery. Her heart rate spikes. The sight of your phone on the coffee table and your shoes strewn haphazardly on the floor puts those worries to rest.
“Darling?” she calls from the entryway. There is no response. She carefully removes her boots and coat before moving through every room in the house, calling out for you softly in each.
She makes her way to the bedroom, lightly knocking on the door as she lets herself in. She sees the rise and fall of your chest and is filled with a sense of relief she didn't know she needed.
"Love? Are you awake?"
You grumble out an answer that could be understood as a 'yes'.
Natasha carefully sits down on the side of the bed that you are facing.
"Can you tell me what's going on?" she requests softly, in fear of upsetting the quiet environment of the bedroom and making things worse.
The tears that started up again when you wife called out the first time get even heavier somehow.
"Oh love, come here."
She carefully gathers you in her arms and rests your head on her chest.
"Does this have anything to do with the peanut butter jar this morning?"
You nod. One of your favorite things about your wife is her ability to observe and understand what you're going through.
"I just can't do anything today. Everything hurts and I'm so, so tired," you whisper, followed by a heartbreaking sob.
"It's okay love. Please don't cry," Natasha whispers back.
"But it's not! It's not okay!" You sit up from her chest to let out your rant. "You've done so much today and I could barely wake up. You work so hard and I should be able to do stuff around the house so you can come home and not have to worry about anything," you finish with a sigh.
Your wife puts her hand under your chin, forcing you to look in her direction. "Love, look at me. Believe me when I say that I don't care about the state of the laundry or if the pantry has been stocked. All I care about is you. All I want is for you to be okay. It's killing me that you feel like this and I can't do anything to take it away from you. What I can do, though, is tell you just how proud I am of you. You are the strongest person I know, and I work with the Avengers."
You giggled at that. Natasha smiles at your small second of happiness.
"Are you sure? Because I was going to get so much done today and I was trying to-"
Natasha cuts you off with a soft kiss.
"My love. Listen to me. All I care about is your health and happiness. If staying in bed and catching up on sleep is what you needed today, then that's all I expect from you. I never want you to hurt yourself trying to do more than you can. We all have limits. It’s okay to need a break some days. I love you and I am so very, very proud of you."
With a long look into her eyes, all you find is love and adoration directed towards you. There's no disgust or disappointment as you had anticipated.
"I love you too," you utter quietly.
Natasha smiles and leaves a long kiss on your forehead. "What if we got some pain killers and some food in you? We can even put on your favorite movie. Does that sound good?"
You nod. Natasha gets up to get you some medicine and to order some food, while you get your favorite movie loaded on the TV.
Later that night, when both your stomachs are full and your wife is obnoxiously singing along to the songs in the movie just to make you laugh, you realize just how loved you are.
You don't know how tomorrow will treat you, or the day after that. What you do know, however, is that Natasha will always be there to support and love you. Your pain level and ability to function is always an uncertainty, but your wife's love will never be.
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A/N: as always, i try to keep it gender neutral. if you find a mistake, please let me know! feedback is appreciated! to all my chronic illness buddies out there: i love you, you've got this :)
taglist: @007giu
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
wait okay this is the real last one, i swear. buckynat x reader, haunting of hill house-esque vibe where they notice reader is slowly going insane and they realize it's the ghosts in the home who are at fault
buckynat x reader is what I want if I'm being real honest.
Pairing: buckynat x fem!reader (The Haunting of Hill House AU)
Warnings: spoopy a lil 🥺
Count: < 1k
Natasha stirred, hearing quiet footsteps pitter-pattering about. She opened her eyes and found herself in Bucky's arms, the metal one over her waist.
But something was missing.
You weren't in her arms.
"Bucky," Natasha whispered after she turned in his embrace. She shook him a little as he snored. "Bucky."
"Huh," Bucky grunted softly as his eyes fluttered open. "What's wrong?"
"It's happening again," Natasha whispered again as if afraid something—someone would hear her.
"Shit," Bucky sat up, adjusting his shirt that had ridden up as he slept. "Where is she?"
"I don't know...in the halls maybe?" Natasha muttered as she got out of bed, Bucky following her.
"Well, she can't wander around too much. Most of the house is under construction and I've blocked it off," Bucky tried to reassure the redhead, but it was rather hard when he felt worried as well.
This was supposed to be nothing more than a quick summer project. They've flipped tons of houses before without any issues.
But there was something wrong with this place. Other than the obvious structural issues...it was like the house breathed at night.
The housekeepers had said there had been...deaths in the house before. Nothing crazy, just people passing away in their sleep. Even so, they had refused to be in the house after sunset as part of their contract.
Incidences left and right. It started with you saying that you thought you heard things. Natasha slept most nights fitfully.
And Bucky? It felt like his skin was crawling all the time.
They both carefully crept towards the door, opening it just a sliver to peer out.
There was nothing in the hallway, just the creaking of the walls.
Until you rounded the corner.
Your footsteps were light, graceful even.
It was unlike you.
You muttered to yourself. "They're leaving me. They're leaving me. No, no, no."
You shook your head, turning to the side, peering at something Bucky and Natasha had no idea of what.
"Stop lying. They wouldn't. They're not. They're not..."
It was silent for a moment before you put your hands to your ears.
"I didn't want to be in the middle. I get too hot. Bucky...Bucky doesn't care who's in the middle. No, they weren't. They were running errands today..."
Natasha's heart thudded in her chest. Who the hell were you talking to?
Bucky clenched his jaw, his grip on Natasha's hips tightening as he stared at you.
God, you looked so...so tired.
"We need to leave this place, Bucky."
"And go where, Nat?" Bucky whispered back. "All our money is tied up in this place. If we don't flip it, we're going to be in a hole."
"But there's obviously something wrong, Buck," Natasha insisted quietly, keeping her eyes on you. "Look at her. I don't want to say it but there's something in this house."
"I know that," Bucky sighed, reluctant as well to admit it. "But what should we do?"
"I don't know. We should only fix up the place during the day and like the housekeepers, leave this place at night. Tony owns a bunch of hotel chains, doesn't he? We'll just ask where the closest one is that he owns and if he could give us a room until the renovations are over and we've sold the place. We'll just give him what we owe once the house sells," Natasha sighed. She really hated asking people to help her like this, but if it was for your sake, she'd do anything.
"Okay," Bucky swallowed, hating even more, to have to ask for Tony's help. But just like Natasha, he'd do anything for you.
"What should we do now?" Bucky asked.
Natasha pursed her lips. "I don't know. Interrupting her makes her twitchy. But we should see if we could coax her back to bed."
Suddenly, you whipped your head in their direction, catching their eyes.
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taizi · 3 years
(I feel like I should finish your prompt first but. These ones are so good....feel free to ignore if you have too many asks but 29 or 33 with chocobros...?
33. “Are you SURE I can’t punch him in the face?” “Yes.” “What if I just break his nose a little?”
ik i just did this one for natsuyuu but...........chocobros
They're somewhere in Duscae, near enough to the coast that each breeze carries a hint of the sea, on another errand for another stranger to scrape together enough gil to eat tonight.
They've stopped at the last little roadside cluster of shops before the countryside stretches far and wide and wild, stocking up on what meager supplies they can afford.
Noctis has never lived this way before. He's never gone to bed hungry before. Neither has Gladio or Ignis, for all their world-weariness and the general practical knowledge and common sense they walk around with that far surpasses Noctis' own.
Ignis can budget with the best of them, and Gladio is willing to eat literally anything at any time, but Prompto is the one who gets it.
He chats at length about all the times he's had to get creative with pasta or rice because it was all that was left in his pantry. Back in high school, when he could only work part-time. When someone should have been taking care of him, and instead he was left to figure out how to stretch a tiny budget much farther than made sense.
"Come on, Iggy," he said once when they were out shopping, half-laughing. Like he thought Ignis was joking. "Fresh produce? We've got like a hundred gil between the four of us and we're totally out of restoratives."
And Ignis paused, and glanced sidelong at him. He put back the crisp, flowery vegetables and pulled out his little notebook and asked for suggestions instead. It took Prompto a few minutes to convince himsef that Ignis was taking him seriously, but now they like, bond over canned fruit.
"I'm gonna kill this catoblepas with my bare hands," Gladio says with feeling, leaning against the car. "I'm so godsdamned sick of pasta. Don't tell Iggy I said that."
Noctis rolls an energy drink between his hands absently, brow furrowed. It's tricky business, and he's not very good at it just yet, but home-made elixirs save them a ton of gil. He feels guilty when they have to spend their money on something he should be able to do himself.
"I'm telling him," he says without missing a beat. "He'll never forget, and he'll give you shit every single time you make cup noodles from now on, forever."
"I can't stand you," Gladio tells him seriously.
The bell above the door of the convenience store rings brightly, and Noctis glances up to see Ignis and Prompto walking out looking a lot more cheerful than they did going in.
Gladio's face does something very subtle and specific when he sees them, there and gone in a second, before Noctis can pin it down and figure it out.
"What are you two chucklefucks up to?" he calls over. Ignis immediately narrows a disapproving stare at him, but Prompto beams.
"I got a commission, sort of!" he says.
"A commission?" Noctis parrots, sending the energy drink back to the Armiger.
"Sort of?" Gladio adds.
"While we were checking out, the store-owner saw my camera, and seemed really into it," Prompto says. "Since, you know. It's unique."
Noctis does know. The digital camera hanging at Prompto's side has been with him since Noctis first bought it for him three years ago. He would rebuild it every so often, bowed over a collection of impossibly tiny parts spread out carefully across a dish towel at the kitchen table in Noctis' apartment. To call it unique is a bit of an understatement.
Gladio frowns, sensing where this is going a split-second before Noctis does. "And?"
"And he offered me money for it! Like, more than it's worth probably. A lot more."
"I don't see how that could be possible," Ignis says smoothly, leaning through the open window of the Regalia to put the shopping bag in the backseat. "Since your camera is clearly priceless. Which is what I explained to the man."
Noctis relaxes, glad that Ignis and Prompto have bonded over shopping to the point that neither of them want to do it unless they can go together-- because if Prompto had been in there by himself, he 100% would have sold his camera. He would have hated to do it, but he would have done it. It's like he thinks he owes his friends something just for letting him exist.
"Good looking out, Specs," Gladio says gruffly. Prompto waffles a bit, looking torn between pleased and embarrassed. Noctis decides to rescue him.
"What commission, though?" he asks.
"Oh, right. Well, he was kind of bummed about the camera, but he asked if he could see some of my photos, and Ignis said we had time-- "
If it were literally anyone else, Noctis thinks, up to and including and especially the Actual Crown Prince, Ignis would have said they were in a hurry and not to show off.
"--and he seemed really impressed! With the photos! I told him we were going to take down a catoblepas, and he asked why, and I said for some cash, I mean, clearly," Prompto adds, gesturing at the four of them and their general road grime. "So he, ah-- well he's never seen a catoblepas up close before, and he said if I could get some good pictures of it, he'd pay me for them. He gave me a figure, and it's, like, better than some of the jobs I've done for Vyv."
He's delighted, clearly. He likes feeling like he's pulling his own weight. Noctis is always so relieved when Vyv calls, not because of the inherent payday, but more because it puts this light in Prompto's eyes that Noctis would easily climb a hundred volcanic mountains for.
"Damn, Prompto, at this rate you'll have funded our whole trip," Gladio says. He doesn't ruffle his hair anymore, because Prompto actually hates that, just sort of scrunches his fingers through it instead. Prompto doesn't hate that at all. It's adorable.
Sometimes in the early morning, when he and Noctis are the last to drag themselves out of the tiny camper, they'll do their affirmations together:
"Gotta be our best today," Noctis will say, and Prompto will put on this absurdly determined expression, bed hair hanging into his eyes and cheek still creased pink from the pillow.
"Gotta get those hair scrunches," he'll reply gravely.
"What else did he say, Prompto?" Ignis says in a pleasant tone of voice that Noctis hasn't trusted since he was seven years old.
"Um! Nothing. Nothing worth repeating, anyway, you know." He is looking completely away from them now, an avoidance tactic if Noctis has ever seen one. "Woah, is that really the time? We better get going if we wanna catch that cow before it gets dark!"
He turns toward the car and runs into Gladio's arm instead.
"He suggested that Prompto's talents would be put to better use in different company," Ignis says, his voice carrying clearly over Prompto's whine of 'nooo, Iggy, let it go.' "He said that if Prompto ever got tired of our lifestyle, his door would be open."
Ah, Noctis thinks, followed by, ouch?
"Oh, fuck that guy," Gladio blurts. "Let me go talk to him."
"No!" Prompto clings to his arm, throwing all his weight into keeping Gladio in place. The Shield, who could bench Prom's entire body weight in one hand, lets himself be detained anyway and pretends to be annoyed about it. "Ignis, why are you causing trouble right now?" Prompto says frantically.
"Transparency is important in a relationship," Ignis replies.
"There's transparency and then there's causing trouble. Noct, tell them."
"I think Gladio should go talk to him," Noctis says immediately. But then Prompto looks betrayed, and it makes Noctis feel awful. "Ugh, okay. Okay. We're leaving. Ignis, Gladio, that's an executive order."
"Are you sure I can't punch him in the face?" Gladio grumbles.
"Am I-- yes, dude!" Prompto half-laughs nervously. "Very sure!"
"What if I just broke his nose a little?"
"Then that would be treason, I guess, cause Noct just said no."
It's with the standard amount of bickering and noise that they climb into the car, the top rolling up over their heads as it starts to drizzle. Ignis pulls smoothly back onto the cracked asphalt road and reaches over to turn the radio on; a peace offering. From the backseat, Noctis can see the corner of Prompto's smile, framed by a flyaway piece of yellow hair.
They live this way now, but they didn't always. Noctis used to have the run of the whole Citadel, had his own penthouse apartment, grew up dodging banquets and lavish dinners. It's not like he likes sleeping on the ground and having nothing to eat. It's not like he chose to lose his home.
But it could be worse. It's not a bad way to live, just Noctis and the people he loves best and these countless hours together. There's a lot of hard work and sometimes he goes to bed hungry but he knows he'll remember these days forever. He knows he'll miss them.
"Hey," he says, over the quiet sound of rain on the windows and the catchy synth-pop crooning out of the speakers. "Don't ever sell your camera, okay?"
Prompto says, "I mean, I wouldn't ever want to."
"Seriously," Noctis presses. He doesn't want to let it go. It feels important. "Your pictures are-- they mean the world to me, Prom. I can't even tell you."
His friend looks bewildered. He's half-turned in his seat, and his eyes stray to Gladio, then jump to Ignis, then settle back on Noctis. Whatever he's looking for, he seems to find it, because he smiles.
"Okay, weirdo," he says, "one fully-documented roadtrip, coming up. I won't leave anything out."
Noctis is counting on it.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 5
Bakugo x Reader, Dabi x Reader
Words : 4804
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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It had been a few days since Bakugo had visited. Dabi was so torn between wanting to punish you for being a brat and praising you for finally walking. On one hand it was a law that you worked out every day. It was in writing and you had tried to tell him you weren’t going to do it.
Part of him knew he was only so worked up over it because it had happened in front of Bakugo. If it had happened any other day, he would have given you a quick spank and just thrown your ass in the pool anyways.
The look on your face had made it worth it though. To see that tenacious side of you, the one that looked like it was ready for a fight… Yeah, he could get used to seeing that look.
Then there was the aftercare of your little outburst. You had let him hold you all night. He didn’t know if that was intentional or if you had only reached for him in sleep out of instinct. He remembered how you had reached for Bakugo and it gave him a headache. For now, he chose to not make a big deal about it.
It had been a long day and you were ready to pass out. Dabi had taken the training wheels off and was starting to make you walk more and more on your own without his help. He was always quick to laugh when you fell on your ass with a taunt of, “You look like Shoto when he was a toddler. Don’t worry I didn’t help him either.” The only time he did help you, was to help you into the high barstool at the kitchen island. Making more jokes about you needing help getting into your highchair and asking if you needed him to feed you too.
You didn’t know if it was the fatigue or the teasing, but something had you in a foul mood. You flipped him off, ~I hate you~.
Dabi’s eyes softened in an almost annoyingly affectionate way, “No you don’t.” He handed you the bowl of ice cream you had begged for. “Good work today. I gave you an extra scoop.” He winked, took out his own spoon, and quickly stole a bite.
Your mouth hung open at his audacity. ~No! Wrong! Hate!~
He laughed loudly, “I said I gave you an extra scoop! You’re not gonna miss one bite!” He reached his spoon back out, “Just for that I’m gonna take another.”
You smacked his hand away and furrowed your eyebrows at him, ~Mine.~
He feigned shock, “I’m sorry… did you just… hit me?”
You stuck your tongue out at him and shoveled a huge bite of ice cream into your mouth. It was way too much and if you weren’t so intent on being a brat you would have laughed. Dabi however was in no laughing mood as he saw the melted ice cream dripping down your chin.
He reached out squished your cheeks together with one hand. He hovered over you, enjoying the height difference and absolutely losing it over the look of pure innocence in your eyes as the ice cream continued to slip past your lips. He leaned closer to you and whispered in a husky voice, “You’re making a mess… Now. Swallow.”
Your eyes connected with his and you obediently swallowed what was left of the ice cream. He swiped a thumb across your bottom lip to collect what was left before sucking into his mouth all the while keeping his eyes focused on yours.
You swear he was leaning in even closer when the loud clanging of your spoon hitting the table broke you apart.
He cleared his throat and pushed himself away from you. You had to focus really hard on not pouting. Why were you disappointed? Had you wanted him to kiss you? Or were you just horny again? This was a question you had been faced with a lot in your adult life, because as much as you hate to admit it… your quirk does make you a total horn dog. It’s been what? YEARS since you had good and proper sex.
You shuddered as you remembered back to the lab. You had sex there a few times… but… you couldn’t really say if it was any good on the account that you don’t remember most of it. What you did remember, you wish you didn’t. They hadn’t called it sex… they called it ‘research’, and boy where they a fan of their research.
Dabi lifted your chin to force you to look at him, “Hey where did you go just now?” He saw the tears pooling in your eyes and he felt a spike of panic at the thought the he was the cause of them. “Hey… hey I’m sorry. I take things too far sometimes.” He went to lower his hand but your gripped it and brought it back to your face. Needing his presence to anchor you to the present before you spiraled into memories of the past.
“Take a deep breath for me, okay. I need you to take a deep breath then I need you to hold it until I say so. Can you do that?” You hadn’t even realized your breathing had started to tighten until he said something. You nodded slowly as you tried to remember back to your hero training. You took a deep breath in through your nose. “Good girl. Now hold it and count to ten.” You did as he said before letting a shaky breath out of your mouth. “You’re doing great, just keep doing that. Is it okay if I pick you up?”
Your eyes widened. Did you want to be held? Or did you want to lock yourself in your room. You didn’t even know. You didn’t know what you wanted right now, what you needed. Would you find comfort in his embrace, or would you feel confined? So, you just stared back at him and shrugged.
“Law number one. I need a yes or no. You can do that. I know you can.” You gulped and nodded your head. He picked you up, but instead of picking you up bridal style like he usually did, he picked you up like he would a child. Wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
He walked you back to your room abandoning the rest of the ice cream to melt on the counter. You buried you face into his neck and you felt his fingers comb through your hair. He sat down on the bed and pulled you close to him. “I’ve had my fair share of anxiety attacks. They suck… ass. I get that. The only thing you can do is breath and try and clear you mind.” He continued to run his fingers through your hair, and you could feel your heartbeat start to slow down to match his. “So, uh… I guess I’ll try to distract you. I could tell you a story about me. Would you like that?”
You could already feel yourself starting to calm down, but you didn’t want to pass up on an opportunity to learn more about him, so you simply nodded and burrowed further into him.
You could feel him shift uncomfortably underneath you. “When I first got away from my family. I was just a dumb kid. I was angry and hell bent on proving to anyone who even looked my way that I was strong. Once I was running an errand for the league at a local market and I saw Shoto. It was after his accident, but his hair was a dead giveaway. He was there with Fuyumi, I think she was just trying to keep him busy.”
He leaned back and pulled you with him making the two of you more comfortable. “I saw his scar and was so sure that our dad did it. I was ready to hunt him down and kick his ass.” He sighed before letting out a small chuckle, “But then the squirt did the weirdest thing. It was like he was drawn to me. I looked nothing like the brother he knew. Black hair, scars, and staples, But he broke free of Fuyumi and ran straight towards me. Out of instinct I leaned down to pick him up, but he stopped right as he got to me. He put a hand up to my face and then to his own scar. He looked me square in the eyes and said ‘Ouch’ and then just ran away.”
You smiled, that definitely sounded like Todoroki. The more you thought about it, there were definitely some small similarities between the two brothers. Not that you’d mention that to either of them.
Dabi continued to talk and tell you stories until you eventually drifted off into dreams of young Dabi and what he would have been like. Your mind conjured up images of him in a UA uniform. Him competing in a sports festival. Him in a library studying for exams.
Unfortunately, your dreams didn’t last long. You woke a few hours later with a stabbing pain in your abdomen. You whimpered as you tried to roll over in an attempt to find a position that would alleviate the pain. Instead you rolled straight into the lean body of Dabi. Oh no. Dabi. You needed to get cleaned up before he woke up.
You tried to roll away from him, but his arm snaked around you and pulled you closer, “Y/n? What’s wrong? Have a bad dream?” He remembered that he wasn’t going to get a verbal answer, so he opened his eyes to see you looking absolutely miserable. “Y/n? Are you okay?”
You nodded but then winced when a really bad cramp rocked through you. You had always had really painful periods, but you hadn’t had to feel it in it’s full affects in years.
“Bullshit, you don’t look okay. Are you sick?”
Not even bothering to answer, you pushed away from him and slowly made your way to the bathroom. He leaned over to turn the bedside lamp on and that’s when it clicked for him. “Holy shit! How are you even alive, that’s a fuck ton of blood. I’ve been stabbed before and I didn’t bleed that much.”
You knew he was just being dramatic, but it still made you cringe that he was witnessing this. You could hear him stripping the sheets as you turned the shower on. Now all your recent mood swings made sense. Just last night you had been pissed, horny, and crying all in the span of several minutes. Stupid hormones.
When you stepped out of the shower there was a box of tampons and a box of pads sitting on the counter next to the sink. Just seeing them made you pout. You fucking hated your period.
You stepped out once you were dressed and heard the buzz of the dryer. Surely there was no way Dabi had cleaned the sheet that fast. You walked out of the bedroom to see him rushing towards you with a massive blanket. He stopped when he saw you standing in the hallway. “Uh… okay. So, game plan. I warmed up a blanket. I have Fruits Basket queued up and chocolate chip pancakes are on stand bye.”
Your eyes widened ~How?~
“How what? How did I know?” You nodded and he you swear to god he blushed. “I uh… I may have texted my brother. Who texted Bakugo, who called me, and now here we are.”
That made more sense. Katsuki had always been the only one who could handle your mood swings when you were menstruating. Everyone else claimed you were too scary. When you were younger your quirk would become unpredictable and it would randomly activate at the most inconvenient times. Your quirk used to be heavily influenced by your emotions, and when your monthly cycle came around it was almost impossible to control your emotions.
It took him a few tries but eventually Katsuki got the routine down. Warm blanket, something sweet, and some sappy anime, which we’d never admit it, but he actually loved.
You accepted the blanket from him and hobbled towards the couch. You pulled your knees to your chest in an attempt to get comfortable. Dabi disappeared but quickly returned with the pancakes. “I’m an idiot for not thinking about this. It obviously was going to happen at some point. You’ve been here for about three weeks.”
~Thank you~ You took the pancakes from him and he gave you a weird look.
“Okay I’m not good at the whole taking care of others thing. So… do I leave you alone? Do you expect me to watch this shit with you?”
You glared at him as you ate your pancakes and because you were already in a bad mood… you shrugged. Did you do it on purpose to piss him off. Of course.
He growled before throwing himself down on the couch next to you. “You’re lucky you don’t feel good you fucking brat. I’m really trying to be nice.”
You ignored him and hit play. You knew you were being ridiculous, but you also couldn’t stop yourself. It was like you wanted his attention any way you could get it. You finished your pancakes and were about two episodes into the show, but your cramps hadn’t subsided. You whined as you hugged the blanket around you and started to toss around trying to find a position, any position that would help with your cramps.
You thought Dabi had fallen back asleep, so you were scared shitless when his arms wrapped around you and pulled you down onto his chest. He was laying on his back pinning your chest to his. You could barely see the blue of his eyes in the dark. He looked so tired though. “Just smack me if it’s too much… but do you trust me?”
You bit your lip but nodded anyways. You knew by now that Dabi would stop if you asked him to. So, while you were nervous about what he was going to do, you also trusted him to listen to you.
He reached his hands around and pushed his hands just past the waistband of your sleeping shorts. Your breath hitched but his hands stopped there. You wondered what he was doing, but then his hands started to heat up and oh shit did it feel good. It was like he was your own personal heating pad.
You hummed into his neck and shifted a little bit to sink further into him. You hiked one of your legs up and wiggled to push yourself into his hands more, chasing the warm comfort.
You stayed like that for a while. The tops of his fingers ghosting over the curve of your ass as his palms pressed into your lower back. It was honestly impressive how he his hands were just hot enough to feel good without burning you.
Dabi sucked in a breath, “You like that huh?” He pulled you closer to him. His hands started to knead into your lower back as he buried his nose into your hair. You let out a groan at how good it felt. Before you could stop yourself you grinded down on his thigh. “Oh, you really like it…” You could hear the playful note in his voice. “Like I said… stop me if it’s too much.”
You knew what direction this was heading, and you didn’t care because it felt so good. His hands slipped lower and grabbed your ass and started to massage your cheeks before pulling you down hard into his thigh. “I heard somewhere…” His mouth was at your ear now nipping at the shell of it. “That the best thing for period cramps…” He moved his thigh up to meet your center as his hands pulled you down and moved you back and forth. “Is an orgasm.” Your fingers found his shirt and gripped onto it while you started to ride his thigh. “I would be selfish not to help you out.” His lips found your neck and he pressed gentle featherlike kisses there, making you sigh. “Take what you need from me baby.”
He gave your ass a hard squeeze before giving it a slap. “Fuck, your ass is perfect.” He gripped your hair and pulled you back and his lips met yours and you moaned at how delicious it was. This. This is what you needed. You needed someone to make you forget. To make you feel like you weren’t some fragile and broken toy. He was letting you take the lead while he maintained all of the control.
Your hand reached up and cupped his cheek. Your quirk activated and in your touch you could feel his overwhelming desire. You could also feel hesitation. He must be worried about pushing you too far. You pushed your lust back at him through your touch to reassure him you were more than okay this. He growled and deepened your kiss before yanking himself away. “Fuck Y/n! I-I think you’re quirk triggered. You smell… god you smell so fucking good!”
You grit your teeth. You wanted to tell him sorry, but the words wouldn’t leave your lips. His hands came to your hips and pulled you, so you were now grinding on his already hard dick. Your hands stopped his as you shook your head no. Now you were worried you were the one taking advantage of him. You knew your smell could be overwhelming.
He panted as he bucked up, “No, please don’t stop on my account. It’s fucking hot. I promise you y/n… if you ever let me…” One of his hands found it’s way back to your ass while the other snaked into your shorts and started to rub your clit through your underwear. “I’ll show you what it feels like to be fucking worshiped.”
You felt your orgasm quickly building and Dabi could tell. He could see the way your chest heaved and he could feel the way you began to frantically snap your hips. He kissed up your neck while he picked up the speed on your clit. “You want to know why?” He bucked his hips hard up into yours. “Because you’re a good girl. You are MY good girl.”
That was all you needed. You shook and your thighs squeezed around him. He kept going to help you ride it out as long as possible. You felt all your tension bleed out. All of the stress of the past couple days, hell the past couple weeks, didn’t even matter anymore. And all you did was ride his thigh.
When you finally had enough you grabbed his hand and squeezed. Panting you nuzzled back up to him and his hands trailed up and down your spine. “That’s my girl. Good job.” He kissed the top of your head and pulled the blanket back up over you. “Now let’s get some sleep.” We can skip the routine tomorrow. We can just do this instead. One day off won’t kill you.”
You hummed as you melted into him. Your eyes drooped closed and the last thing you remembered was Dabi grabbing your thigh and hitching your leg over his waist.
“The gag won’t be enough. We need to make sure she doesn’t even have the option of talking.” That voice sent chills down your spine. It belonged to the man you only knew as Dr. A3. They never used their names around you. Just an extra precaution in case you were to escape. Dr. A3 was the one who seemed to be in charge of all our your “experiments”. He was psychotic and you hate him with every cell in your body.
You were back on that table. You opened your eyes, but you couldn’t see anything but the blindfold.
“I can handle that, but my quirk will eventually ware off.” That was Cogernot. He was technically a villain who was being held in the same way you were. His quirk allowed him to manipulate with people’s cognition. He could turn off your senses, mess with your memories, and so much more. It was common that they grouped the two of you together in the lab.
“That’s fine how long do you think it’ll last?”
Cogernot sighed, “It’s different with every person but the more often I do it the longer it’ll last. But you have to be careful. If I mess with her too much it could become permanent.”
Dr. A3 laughed, “You say that as if it’s a bad thing. If that girl were able to talk, she could easily escape, or even worse she could make us all kill one another.” He ran a hand through your tangled hair and you winced in pain. “Besides girls like her are meant to be seen and not heard. We have another girl here who can walk through people’s dreams and convince them to do all kinds of stuff. We don’t need y/n’s honeyed words anymore. Do it.”
“If you say so… But don’t come crying to me when I accidentally break your favorite toy.”
You felt a hand press to your forehead, and you felt something snap.
Your eyes slowly opened, and you found that you were still laying on top of Dabi in his living room. You were able to keep your panic at bay by slowly breathing and counting in your head. You matched your breathing to Dabi’s, and you felt his arms tighten around you.
You looked at his sleeping face. He looked so different like this, when he wasn’t yelling at you or teasing you. A flush came over your cheeks when you remembered what happened earlier that morning. You traced your finger over the staples under his eyes.
His hand flew up and grabbed your wrist. “Can I help you?” He didn’t even bother to open his eyes, so you shoved on his shoulder to make him look at you. “I literally just woke up and you’re already begging for attention.” It drove you crazy that he wouldn’t open his eyes to look at you. The asshole knew you couldn’t talk…. Couldn’t talk.
The dream came crashing back to you. You pushed yourself off of him and went in search for your journal.
“Wait y/n… come on. Come back. I’ll open my eyes. Don’t throw a fucking temper tantrum over it Jesus.”
You came back with your journal and sat down on the table that was across from the couch and started to write everything you could remember about your dream. Dabi sat up and tried to smooth his hand up your thigh but you paused your writing long enough to slap it away. ~Not now~
“There’s no way you’re that mad. Come on what are you writing. Is this our first fight? Are fighting right now? That’s cute.”
You scowled as you shoved your journal in his face. The look on his face went from amused to concerned as he started reading.
“Wait that’s where Cogernot has fucking been this whole time? We thought he died.” He looked at you “How many times did he use his quirk on you?”
You shrugged and for once he didn’t yell at you for it.
He ran a hand through his white hair. “So, if this is really just his quirk and not some kind of trauma then it should ware off soon. That idiots quirk usually only lasts for a couple of hours though, sometimes a few days. I’ve never seen it last this long.” He stood up and started to pace. You watched him go back and forth a few times before he threw his hands in the air, “Shit!” He picked up a pillow and it immediately turned to ash.
He looked back to you and saw the alarm in your eyes, “I’m sorry, I’m overreacting. It’s just – That fucking idiot may have permanently fucked you up.” You cringed at his words. Was that how he saw you? Fucked up?
He started pacing again, “He told me once there was a way to override his quirk though. You just have to convince your brain that it’s dying. Something about that kicks it into gear and nullifies his quirk.” He looked to the pool and then to you. “We could drown you! I know CPR, it’ll be fine.”
~NO NO NO~ The look in Dabi’s eyes was starting to scare you. He looked like he was ready to do it no matter what you said. As much as you wanted to talk again, you didn’t think it was worth risking your life over. But apparently, he did. Apparently learning sign, and reading your journal was just too much work for him. If he was this desperate to fix it… if he was willing to drown you just so you could talk….
You were ripped from your thoughts when he grabbed you and threw you over his shoulder. You kicked and hit him while tears streamed down your cheeks. There was no way he would go through with this… right?
You heard the sliding glass door open and all the sudden you were only steps away from the pool. You couldn’t see into his eyes, you couldn’t see what was going on in that fucked up head of his. You slid a hand under his shirt right before he got to the pool and did the only thing you could think of. You showed him how scared you were. You made him feel that terror. He paused only for a moment before jumping in the pool.
He let go only for a few seconds just so he could pull your back to his chest and whisper into your hair. “I know you’re going to hate me, but eventually you will think me for this.”
And then he was shoving you under. You clawed at his arms, ripping several of his staples out. You poured all of your terror and your pain into your touch and grabbed his wrists that were holding you under.
This was fucked up, this was so fucked up. You didn’t want to die. Why was he doing this? He didn’t even know if it would work! Your panic wasn’t making it any easier. You were losing oxygen fast and before you knew it you were starting to black out. You were going to die… You were going to drown in the same pool he had held you in so sweetly and helped you rehabilitate in. Your fingers ceased their scratching and your arms fell limp.
He didn’t bring you back up until you had stopped moving completely. He pulled you back up to the surface and immediately laid you down on the hard-concrete outside of the pool. In seconds he was on you preforming CPR. “Come on… You’re strong. You can take a little drowning. Hell, I’ve drowned a few times. Well I’ve been waterboarded… I don’t know if that exactly the same thing.” He nervously babbled to your unconscious body as he continued his chest compressions. “Come on y/n! Fuck!” He pinched your nose and breathed into you. Just a few hours ago his lips had been on yours for an entirely different reason and he desperately wished he could go back to that moment now.
He continued his chest compressions tears pooling in his eyes. “COME ON Y/N!” He did this. This was his fault. His father was right about him. The world was right about him. He’s a monster. He was supposed to be protecting you. You trusted him and he did this to you. He had felt your fear, your pain, and he did it anyway.
The thought of you never getting to talk again had thrown him into a panic. The thought of those fuckers taking apart of who you were away from you made him see red. He acted impulsively and now he’s paying the price.
You coughed and water came flooding out of your mouth. He cried out in relief and rolled you onto your side and patted your back to help you expel the water from your lungs.
It fucking burned. Your throat was raw from the chlorine and your brain was foggy from the lack of oxygen.
“Y/n… I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I-I don’t even know what to say.”
He reached his hand out to touch your face but you caught it. You stared into his eyes with as much hate as a person could have and gripped his hand so hard you could feel your nails cutting into his skin, “Fuck… You…”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime@klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry
165 notes · View notes
FULL REVIEWS: “Lost In Language”
Lost in language and I don't know much. Was I thinking aloud and fell out of touch? But I'm back on my feet and eager to be what you wanted.
Seriously? Nothing? You guys have never heard Air Supply? I mean, they’re old AF but still. It’s a funny pun. Whatever.
Back in the day (like it was so long ago) I didn’t know what to expect from this episode. The only thing I caught from the description was library, but hoo boy, we got so much more!
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I love the cold opens to this show. It always reminds me that Luz is a silly ass hyper fangirl who still wants life to play out like it does on TV. 
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“Learning about love and life through the eyes of a child.”
Spoken like a true person who have never done any actual babysitting. The Bat Queen gets her own soft intro for another episode, which I’m noticing more and more re-watching this show. She pays Eda to watch her baby in exchange for a butt-ton of money. Eda, in classic Eda fashion, would rather not split the cash with Luz and gives her an errand to run so she doesn’t have to do it. 
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I don’t know about you guys, but liked going to the library when I was a kid. It was the only way I could play computer games or go on the internet. Getting online is the easiest thing in the world today, but when I was a kid, it was a luxury my parents couldn’t afford. And dumb-dumb kid me didn’t know that you can borrow movies and comic for free at the library too. That’s how I saw Jaws for the first time.
The library at The Boiling Isles is almost exactly what I expected. Kinda like the Hogwarts library, but with a lot more teeth and eyes everywhere. Luz has a bunch of fun just messing around, until she stumbles upon the cutest goddamn thing ever!
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Amity reading to kids at the public library in her free time. My god.
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I’m with Luz here. Holy hell, I did not see that coming. I thought Amity was the rival character, the Draco Malfoy of the show, the reluctant ally, the jerk with the heart of gold DEEP in there somewhere. Instead she’s at the Kid’s Corner reading her favorite childhood classic to toddlers. I didn’t know there were angels in the demon realm.
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Stop. Stop! You’re already cute.
Seriously this moment made me go “aw” and laugh at the same time. It was weird. Also how does this library have a manga section? Do they import these books from JAPAN in the HUMAN REALM? Is there a publishing company that acts as the middleman? Or are these just the books that the trash slugs ended up barfing on the beach somewhere? I’m thinking too hard about a throwaway joke in the background. Big brain hurt.
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AND back to reality...
Luz tries to extend the hand of friendship to Amity and Amity rejects it. I have...thoughts.
First, they this up with another parallel to Azura in the beginning of the episode. I get it. It’s a theme that they are doing, but I would have rather have Luz try to befriend Amity because she wants to, not because Azura did it. It’s not the only reason she does it, but it does kinda bug me a bit. It kinda goes back to Luz wanting life to play out like a story. 
Also, a part of me thinks that this is something Amity likes to do alone. Her way of getting away from everyone else and just do something that she enjoys and makes her feel good. We have no proof that it gives her extra credit, so she could just use that as a way to save face. She seemed so happy to do it too. 
Finally, you know what this else this reminds me of? The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai. There’s a popular fan theory that has been around since the eighties that if you look at The Karate Kid from the rival’s perspective, the protagonist is the bully. I’m more than sure that’s what going on here. From Amity’s perspective, Luz just gets her into trouble. We’ll get more into that later.
Luz walks off dejected and we get the second big surprise to punch me in the face.
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Holy hell, why the fuck are you two so goddamn fucking pretty? I mean, holy shit, look at these two. My god. And ERICA LINDBECK as Emira? Jesus Christ, I’m going to be feeling things I shouldn’t be feeling in places I can’t say!
Joking aside, we get one of our first full introductions that didn’t come with a soft intro from a previous episode. Enter Emira and Emira, Amity’s older siblings who in true sibling fashion like to give Amity a hard time.  
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“Hey, mittens!”
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This seems normal at first. Siblings always rib each other. No big deal.
Amity storms off. The twins introduce themselves proper to Luz (and the audience) and they mess around for a bit. 
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In fact, they have so much fun messing around with Luz that they decide to invite her back afterhours to check out The Wailing Star. Luz thinks that this is a great way to get on Amity’s good side by befriending her siblings. Why she would think this I have no idea.
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Meanwhile the B-plot continues its adventures in babysitting. I don’t like using the word filler (so I won’t) but this B-plot is really just for two things: setting up Escape of the Palisman and jokes. It does both. No harm, no foul.
Also the twins said for Luz to meet back at midnight and Luz was at The Owl House for like a hot second. There’s like a huge gap of time there. What did she do until midnight? Whatever. If it was important it would have been animated.
Also also, I love all of Luz’s little saying in this episode. She does it a lot but they cranked it up in this episode. Featuring great hits like:
“This sour lemon drop has a hidden sweet center.”
“I thought we were as cool as cucumbers but we’re as sour as pickles.”
and my favorite
“Call me a library book because they were checking me out.”
I hope they keep doing that.
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Back at the literal Wailing Star (I laughed so hard), The twins and Luz discover that The Wailing Star brings the content of the books to life. Does that work for all books in The Boiling Isles or just the library? Enough. No more big brain. The three proceed to...mess around some more.
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The twins discover offscreen (Really? Really.) that if you edit the contents of the book, you change what comes to life. Then the twins reveal their true objectives. Apparently, Amity has been tattling on the twins whenever they cut class or do whatever it is that they want. They’ve decided to look for her secret little hideaway (that they somehow know is in the library), find her diary and post all the pages all over school to teach her a lesson. 
Um, fucking no.
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And here we enter the true lesson of this episode and probably the reason why Hecate is draw with two faces. People being more than just what they appear to be at face value. 
Amity appears to be the bully character of the show, and while she did bully Willow, Luz and King, there’s more to her than that. Amity is lonely. As a fellow person who grew up lonely, trust me. I can tell from a mile away. She puts pressure on herself to be the best at whatever she’s doing and to be the best. She hates that she follows the rules but people like her siblings seem to get rewarded for breaking the rules and doing whatever they want free of consequence. She sees the double standard that they live by and it angers her. But at the same time, everyone seems to give the twins a free pass so she can’t do anything about it. 
Even worse, there’s no one for her to confide in. It wouldn’t make it better but it would make it easier for her to just vent and get the bullshit out of her brain. She doesn’t like her friends and the one friend she did like...that’s for another episode. Hence, the diary. Amity is a big ball of frustration and loneliness. I know because I grew up in a very similar way.
When you’re forced to keep your anger inside you, you lash out at any little thing that bothers you just to ease your frustrations. It doesn’t make it okay but it’s the only way to cope sometimes just to get by.
The twins on the other hand seem like everything you’d want in a friend. They’re fun; they like you; they’re attractive; they’re attentive. But in reality, they live in a world where they believe consequences and accountability don’t apply to them. And they’ll do anything to keep it that way. Even humiliate their sister.
Luz seems like a happy-go-lucky, friends to all things kinda person, but she can also be innocently insensitive. She just does things hoping they turn out the way they would for Azura without considering how the people around her would feel about it.
It doesn’t make any of these characters two-faced. We just are different things to different people.
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Amity discovers what’s going down and Luz (being the empathic person that she is) decide to try to go talk to her. 
Then I’m reminded that this is a horror-comedy.
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My god, you’re ugly.
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One climax later (don’t laugh), and Luz and Amity try to make amends with each other. They both have to think about how they’ve been treating the other, earning the title of bully or not. They’re not friends yet but this is...better.
FINAL SCORE: 5 - Loved it.
Damn, The Owl House is one a roll. That’s what? Three 5 scored episodes already? Hot damn. This episode was fun but it really hit hard with the character work on Amity. She quickly became one of the most interesting characters and a fan favorite. And the third act provided a good amount of horror to call this a horror comedy. The B-plot is fine but probably one of the weakest only saved by several funny jokes. This is one of those episodes I kept coming back to and a favorite to watch.
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Could you two please not? I’m gonna get in trouble.
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xanadontit · 3 years
Overall, the weekend was good. It was nice to get away, San Diego is always gorgeous, I ate well and somehow managed not to spend a ton of money shopping. Probably because my brain would immediately think “you need to pack that when you get home” every time I saw something cute but not essential. Good strategy.
But, as I feared/expected, the weekend was very much wrapped up in BFF’s husband, M. Who I like! (Side note: I also saw her ex, who I’ve known for over 15 years and that was also weirdly fun for the brief interaction we had but really brought into contrast how different the two men she married are.) He’s very hospitable and nice and funny and kept saying “OK I’ll leave you two alone now” but then didn’t. Like even if he wasn’t with us, he was asking her to run errands for his surf trip and generally popping in or texting if we were out and about. It was fine, obviously I’m not a total princess and understand life doesn’t grind to a halt when I come to town, but I guess I didn’t expect to be at Whole Foods on a Sunday morning fetching him the wine he wanted to take on his trip. Like... he couldn’t have placed an order himself if he’s too busy to drive to a store? It was all just very weird to me, this dynamic. E and I help each other out, but I would be annoyed if he asked me to go to the store to get him stuff for a trip I’m not even invited to while my friend was visiting. She didn’t seem remotely put out by it though so that’s good. I remember in her first marriage it felt like she was always the one making sure he had his shit together and it drained her but maybe there’s more give-and-take here.
Anyway, one theme that struck me overall - and this is Classic BFF behavior - is that she has no chill or ability to “suck it up” if she’s feeling remotely not great and you’re gonna know about it. On Sunday a mix of too much gin, a cheeseburger, and (by her own admission) Mom Guilt and anxiety about being alone for a few days meant she was in a funk to the point where she was just sort of paralyzed on the couch staring into space and rubbing her temples, with me and M trying to get her to come to life. She expressed all the above and said, “I don’t know what to do with you today” (she only needed to deal with me until 2:30) and I told her I wasn’t there to be a burden and could find my way around and to the airport if she needed some downtime (please note that the day before was a walk on the beach, lunch, shopping, and an early dinner then lights out before 9pm). She at least realized the harshness of her statement, apologized, and rallied for a bit but she was kind of in and out of it the rest of the day until she got me to the airport. 
Not to be a weird blogger who ends a post with a prompt to drive engagement lol but I’m genuinely curious: when you have company, how much of your day-to-day life or routine are you willing to adjust? 
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
off the grid | nine (final)
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summary: it was as simple as swapping places with a stranger from across the world to get away from everything back home. that is - until you meet Jimin. things become more complicated as he unfolds a new chapter in your life that you were initially trying to avoid.
pairing: reader x pjm
genre: post-college au, christmas/holiday au | angst, fluff, smut (to come)
words: 1.7k
chapter warnings: cussing, more insecurities and overthinking, crying, reminiscing, fluff
notes: here we are, folks! the final chapter to this series. i may post some drabbles later on and accept requests, but for now, i’ll keep this where it’s at. thanks for the love and support on this! head over to my kth fic called perfectly wrong if you’re looking for something a little messier lol
> series masterlist <
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You took one last look around Yana's loft to make sure you weren't missing anything. You made sure her loft was spotless, doing loads of laundry and cleaning every inch to make sure it was ready for her arrival back home.
Once you were satisfied with your round, you sighed, giving the loft one last look with a tight-lipped smile. This place truly gave you the best memories by far. You look towards the living room, remembering the moment you shared with Jimin and how you both had confessed your feelings for each other.
It was something you were never going to forget.
You grabbed your purse and your luggage and made your way downstairs to the cab you called over to take you to the airport. The driver happily helped with your luggage before you took your position in the back seat and sat quietly. You held Jimin's polaroid album tightly, letting it sit on your lap as you reminisced once more on the memories you made in Seoul while the driver began to pull off.
The people you met. Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin.
The places you've been.
You were feeling a little unsettled as the ride continued because you were still questioning the decisions you've made. Was this truly it for you two? Were you really going to go back home without reconciling in any way with Jimin?
You flipped through the polaroids one last time, fixating on the very last polaroid of you and Jimin. You made many mistakes in the past, and you knew this would be the cherry on top if you allowed it to slip from in between your fingers.
Fuck this. This couldn't be it, and you were wrong for initially thinking so.
You've lived these past years in so much sadness and frustration, so much stress and pent up negative energy. You felt like you wasted so much time being unhealthily down in the dumps, and you were so damn tired. You came here to start over and do better for yourself and you finally found that reason that pushed you to do better. You weren't gonna do this to yourself, not again. You weren't gonna make this mistake. You weren't gonna let him get away. You weren't gonna go home feeling this empty. You were gonna be selfish, and you were going to do whatever that meant to you.
You abruptly told the cab driver you had a change in destination, and he drove back towards Jimin's address without any complaints. All of a sudden, the 10-15 minutes to get to his apartment complex seemed like forever. You were dying to get out of the cab, mainly afraid you'd miss Jimin and you'd miss your chance to do this.
God, if this was meant to be, please just let me talk to him.
When you finally arrived to the steps of his apartment building, you paid the cab driver heftily and dragged your belongings into the small elevator. As soon as you reached Jimin's floor, you rushed over to his door, pushing your belongings to the side. You knocked frantically, hoping someone was at least home.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Don't you have a flight to catch?" Taehyung looked at you worriedly.
"Yeah, but that's not important right now." You rushed in while Taehyung politely brought your things in and set them aside. "Is Jimin here?" You asked although you were already making your way to his room.
"No, he just left not too long ago." Your heart dropped.
"Fuck." You said to yourself as you ran your hand through your hair.
"I'm pretty positive he went to his parents' cafe. Do you need me to drive you there?"
"Please? I really need to talk to him." He nodded and grabbed his keys.
"Alright, come on." You and Taehyung rush out the door and hop into his car. You were praying that you'd find Jimin there, but you were hopeful. Jimin had always spent time with his mom and dad, besides helping out at their café. Your felt your heart beating against your chest, the anxiety skyrocketing every minute that passed by. Taehyung was doing his best to navigate the streets quickly, but safely, immediately understanding how important this was to you.
Jimin had been having a difficult time getting past this, being that all he really did was sulk in his room if he wasn't at the café. He didn't know how someone could come in and change his life the way you did. How he could fall so easily for you. But he was starting to think that maybe, you were right. Maybe, you had a point. At least, that's what he liked to tell himself so it would become easier to move past this.
It never got easier, though. If anything, it really didn't do anything for him. You continued to stay on his mind, 24/7.
And so, you and Taehyung finally arrive at the café. It's not too busy, with only a few people sitting inside, sipping on their drinks and eating pastries. You and Taehyung don't spot Jimin at the front, and only see his sweet mother. She smiles from ear to ear as she approaches the both of you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"Y/N, I told Jimin to bring you over for Christmas, but he said you were busy getting ready to go back home. Isn't your flight today?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry." You pouted. "It is, but there's something I need to speak to Jimin about. Is he around?" She shook her head.
"We had him run some errands, but he should be here soon. Just wait here, I'll bring you two some drinks and pastries." She sat you both down at a table near the register, pouring you some coffee and Taehyung his favorite tea.
"Hey, don't worry. He'll be here soon." Taehyung flashed you a toothless, reassuring smile.
"Thank you for driving me here." He nodded. "I, um. I don't wanna go home like this. Even though, I'm not sure he'd want to talk to me after our stupid argument."
"He'll be happy to see you, Y/N. Trust me. Just be honest with him and let him know how you feel."
"You don't think he'll be mad?" He shook his head.
"No. I promise you." Before you know out, you both see Jimin's car pull up out front. He hops out of the car, bringing a few bags towards the back of the cafe. You couldn't wait for him to notice you, so you head outside to follow him. You stand there with Taehyung a few steps away, hoping he'd turn around and warmly greet you. Just as long as he didn't storm off all pissed, that's all that mattered.
Which, he doesn't. When he turns, his facial expression softens, and his whole body relaxes. He stands there in a puffy jacket, a white tee and jeans. He stares at you, slightly caught off guard as to why you were still lingering around when you had a flight to catch.
"Jimin." You ran straight to him, throwing your arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I totally messed up. W-what I said, I didn't mean any of that shit and I was just so stupid. I-I don't wanna go home like—" You rambled on and on into his chest before pulling away from the hug you embraced him in, confusion plastered on his face as he couldn't understand what you said word for word.
"Woah, slow down. What is it?" You sighed as your face softened while caressing his cheek.
"Jimin, I'm sorry. I messed up. I didn't mean anything I said after we got home from the bars. It was stupid."
"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He leans into your hand. "But, you have a flight to catch. We should probably get you going—"
"No, I don't care. I'm staying for a bit longer. I wanna stay with you. I want to be with you, I want us." You smile at him as the tears begin to well up in your eyes.
"I hope you don't feel obligated to do this in order to make amends." He says softly. "You know I'll understand and give you the space you need—"
"No, I'm not. My feelings for you," You paused. "My feelings for you run deep, Park. God, it's so frustrating. I didn't intend to fall in love coming here, but I did and it's the greatest feeling in the world knowing it's you. I've made a ton of mistakes in the past, but I wasn't going to let this be another. I wasn't going to let you get away. I wanna be selfish for once, and I wanna choose what will make me happy." You cupped his face with both of your hands as he smiled down at you, his hands resting on your wrists. "We'll figure this out, but for right now, lets just enjoy this as we are, in this time and space. I wanna do this ride with you and I hope you still do, too."
"Of course I do." He smiled down at you. "God, fuck, I really, really do." He held you tightly against his body. You wasted no time planting a kiss on his plump lips, smiling into it as he caressed your back and held you close. Everything about this felt so right, and you couldn't but feel complete. You couldn't help but feel like you have finally done things for yourself, reached new heights for yourself and finally let go of the past, leaving it to where it belonged.
And so, you, Jimin and Taehyung take this back inside, not giving one fuck about missing your flight or what the upcoming days will look like. You were extremely giddy from the spontaneity, and all you wanted to do was curl up in Jimin's arms, right where you were safe. You had never felt so free and so loved at the same time, surrounding yourself with your new friends, who cared for you, and Jimin, who absolutely adored you in every way possible. Being here, you had learned that it was just better to let go. Don't chase those answers or explanations. You keep fighting for you, because no one's got you like you got yourself.
Seoul had brought you that, paving a way for a new beginning that you were excited to conquer with Jimin by your side.
That holiday-solo-vacation love story didn't end up being so bad after all.
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hookingminor · 4 years
close quarters (3) - andre burakovsky
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a/n: hi! sorry it’s been awhile I've been in the middle of moving and it’s been hectic! I hope this makes up for it since it’s a little longer than the other parts! anyway, like always, please let me know your thoughts and I hope you enjoy some jealous!burky and friend!josty sorry this is like all tys im so sorry lmao
word count: 3,928
one / two / three / four / five
The next morning Andre was out before you could even try to make up for the night before with apology pancakes. You lounged around the apartment for a few hours, hoping he would be back after practice but when the afternoon rolled around, you gave up. You had your own errands to run, and if he wanted to avoid you, you could avoid him.
It’s not like you had nothing to do except sit around all day, so you began your furniture shopping. The landlord had contacted you saying the unit would be ready for move-in a few days before the lease started if you needed it. Had it not been for the, now, awkward atmosphere you’d created because you couldn’t keep your libido in check, you would’ve rejected the offer and waited until the first of the month. However, you’d fucked up whatever shot you had with Andre and wanted to get out of his hair as soon as possible.
Though it wasn’t like he was around for you to be in his hair.
You would have made him aware of your plans had he been home, but from the hours of nine in the morning to nine in the evening, he was nowhere to be found. And when he was home, he was tucked away in his room and away from you. For a whole week, save for the three days he was on a road trip, Andre avoided you like the plague. The only times you saw him were in passing as you took turns entering or exiting the apartment.
It was a careful dance you both performed, tiptoeing around as to not bother the other person just in case that night came up in a conversation. Which was probably smart on Andre’s part because you did want to talk about it. He didn’t have to feel the same, but you wanted to apologize and clear the air at least. The last thing you wanted was for Andre to tell Tom, who would tell Taylor, how you came onto him wantonly. Your cheeks reddened at the thought of being humiliated like that.
So, for a whole week, you’d barely seen him. You spent your days out and organizing your stuff for your new apartment. You’d ordered all your furniture items and had them delivered to the building, frequently running over to guide the delivery men through the complex.
All you had left to do now was pack the few things you’d brought to Andre’s and return your spare key, which you’d probably just leave on the counter with a note that said ‘bye’ since you never got the chance to speak to him.
Your last day at his apartment was filled with packing your suitcase and bags, making about fifty laps through the rooms to double check that you had everything. You really didn’t want to have to come back because you forgot something stupid.
But honestly? At this point you’d just replace whatever you accidentally left behind with something new to avoid another awkward run in.
A knock sounded at the front door as you finished packing up the few spices you’d bought for the kitchen. Andre’s cooking skills borderlined on nonexistent and it’s not like he was going to use the chile and herbs so you figured you might as well take them with you.
You answered the door to reveal Tyson’s cheerful face, one that was way too cheerful for before noon.
“Uh, hi, Tyson,” you said, slightly confused at his arrival, “Andre’s not here at the moment.”
“I know. He’s at Gabe’s watching the game. I’m just dropping something off for him,” Tyson answered, ruffling the bag you hadn’t noticed he was carrying.
“Oh, well come in,” you said, opening the door wider for him to enter.
Tyson walked in and over to the couch, resting the bag against the coffee table. You let him be and resumed your packing, assuming he would be leaving soon anyway.
“Are you moving out already?” He asked suddenly, tearing your focus away from the box you were currently stuffing.
“Yeah,” you huffed out, “I found a new place on 36th. I’m just finishing up the last couple boxes and then I’m out for good.”
“Is Andre not helping you?” Tyson asked as he took a spot beside you at the countertop.
“No, we’re kind of… not talking at the moment?” you said, though it sounded more like a question, “I didn’t want to bother him with something I can do alone.”
“Not talking?” He repeated with a smirk, “Sounds like an interesting story, please share with the class.”
“It’s not that interesting, I promise,” you chuckled lightly, hoping to steer the conversation elsewhere.
“Andre, literally, never shuts up. If he’s not talking to you something obviously happened,” Tyson said.
You gave him a sideways glare to let him know you really didn’t want to talk about this, but he sat there expectantly as he waited for you to continue.
“I may or may not have tried to make a move on him,” you explained with a blush, “And it may or may not have been well received. And he’s been MIA for a week, so I haven’t had the chance to apologize.”
The smirk on Tyson’s face fell when you reached the end of your sentence and his brows furrowed instead.
“Wait, you’re telling me he turned you down? Burky? Turned you down?” He reiterated slowly.
“You don’t need to keep saying it. It was bad enough when it actually happened, I don’t need to relive it,” you muttered, breaking his gaze as your cheeks flamed even hotter.
“Sorry, I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I just don’t understand why he did that. He seemed pretty interested when I asked him about it,” he said. That caught your attention.
“You asked him about it?” You insisted, focusing on the last few words he said.
“I probably shouldn’t—,” Tyson stammered, noticing the mistake he made too late.
“No,” you interrupted, “No, you have to explain yourself right now. What did you ask him?”
Tyson looked at you hesitantly, and he knew there was no way out of this.
“I, maybe, asked him at the golf course after we first met if he was planning to do something, but he said no. Then I asked him if I could try something, just to get on his nerves,” he added the last part quickly, “And he said no to that as well.”
“So he’s not interested?” You asked, dumbfoundedly. At no part in Tyson’s story did Andre ever say he was into you.
“He definitely is. You should’ve seen him, he was so defensive. I think he just doesn’t want to try anything because of your roommate situation,” he gestured vaguely to emphasize his point.
“That’s so dumb, we aren’t even roommates. He was doing a favor for a friend. This was always temporary,” you countered.
“I never said it was smart, I was just saying what I thought,” Tyson held up his hands in surrender.
“Men are so fucking stupid,” you mumbled under your breath. If Andre was actually into you and not acting on it because of this, you were going to kill him.
“Yeah, I can’t say I disagree,” he said, laughing lightly.
“Well, I want to be out of here before he gets back, so I hope you don’t have any plans,” you sighed, taping off the last box you’d finished packing, “You’re helping me build furniture.”
“You don’t want to talk this out with him?” Tyson asked, moving from his spot to help carry a heavy box you were struggling with. You dropped your extra key on the counter before scribbling a note saying that you had everything moved out.
“If he wants to be an idiot, I’m not going to stop him,” you replied confidently, grabbing the suitcase and duffel bag you’d stashed by the door.
You drove yourself and Tyson to your new complex, and you were thankful for the extra hands so you didn’t have to make more than one trip.
Using your new key, you entered through the front door and were met with the tons of boxes you’d been piling up for a week now. You dropped your boxes and bags by the kitchen, which was the only uncluttered area of the whole apartment. Furniture covered almost every inch of the main living space, and you were internally dreading the hours it would take to build everything.
Tyson was just realizing just how much shit you had stocked up, but it was too late for him to back out now.
“This is going to take all day,” Tyson said, jaw falling open.
“I hope you’re good at reading directions then,” you replied, turning to give him a wide smile.
The next seven hours passed in a blur, most of it consisting of you shouting at Tyson for misinterpreting the instructions and him getting confused about which screws went where. You ordered pizza about halfway through the day, which led to more arguments about what toppings to get, but you’d rather die than eat a five meat pie.
Once the last piece of furniture was complete, your bedroom dresser, you both fell on the couch in a sweaty haze, out of breath and sore from lifting.
“Thank you for your help today,” you said finally.
“Don’t thank me yet, you’re going to owe me a favor one day,” Tyson replied, letting his head fall on the back cushion. You rolled your eyes at his statement, but he spoke again before you could say anything.
“Actually, I know what you’re going to do for me,” he said, sitting upright to look at you with a devious smile. You raised your eyebrows at his proposition, indicating for him to go on.
“You’re going to be my date to the charity dinner this Saturday.”
Despite your refutations, Tyson made it very clear you couldn’t get out of the event. At first, he blackmailed you with the furniture building and that you owed him, but that wore off quickly when you stopped feeling bad about soliciting him for help.
He called you about four times on the day of to make sure you were still planning on going.
“I’m serious, Y/N. If you’re not ready to leave when I get there in an hour, I’m taking you as is. And if you don’t want to look like a slob when you see Burky, I suggest you be ready,” he insisted for the hundredth time.
“I promise you I’ll be ready. Now I’m hanging up so I can shower,” you groaned out, tired of his constant chiding. You ended the call and tossed your phone on the bed. You’d come to terms with being kidnapped for the evening, but a part of you still wanted to ditch last minute just to upset Tyson.
After your shower, you dolled yourself up, putting on the new dress you’d bought for the occasion. It was a form fitting black number, not short enough to be scandalous but still hugged your chest in the most flattering way possible.
Maybe you had gotten it with the intention of wanting to make Andre feel at least a little jealous, but that was beside the point. If he didn’t want to ask you out, you wanted to make him eat his words.
You were finishing the final touch-ups with your makeup when your phone rang once again.
“Hello?” You answered, not needing to read the ID to know who it was.
“I’m parked out front,” Tyson said.
“I’ll be down in five,” you replied.
“Wearing something presentable, I hope?” He said, voice raising at the end of his sentence. You didn’t answer him, deciding it was better that he saw for himself just how presentable you were.
Tyson’s reaction was everything you hoped it would be and more. He leaned against the side of his car, scrolling on his phone when he heard your heels click across the pavement.
Giving you a low whistle when he saw you, he tucked his phone back in his pants before clapping loudly.
“Wow,” he gushed, “Can I get a spin?”
You laughed at his praise and gave him a dramatic turn, flipping your hair for extra effect.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to impress someone,” he hooted, opening the passenger for you.
“Play your cards right, and you might get lucky tonight, Jost,” you teased, sliding yourself across the seat.
“In another life, baby. Another life,” he said wistfully, climbing into the driver’s side.
The drive to the arena took less than thirty minutes, but the time passed quickly as you updated Tyson on your new job and he explained what you were to expect from the night. It was mainly just for the big donors, much fancier than the regular events they did for ticket-holders.
He mentioned that it would be filled with inane conversation that bored him to death most times, but he’d have an excuse to be more lenient on the mingling since you were with him. You weren’t quite sure how that worked, but it didn’t matter much to you.
“Do you know if he’s bringing a date?” You asked timidly when he’d parked the car.
“The guys usually don’t bring dates to fancy events like these unless they’re serious about them, so no. It’ll mainly just be the wives tonight,” he answered.
“Then why are you bringing me?” You asked.
“What can I say? These events are a little boring, and I am in desperate need for some drama,” he replied with a sly smirk, and you knew agreeing to this was already proving to be a mistake.
“Great,” you whispered to yourself, “I can’t wait.”
Tyson ushered you into the vast space that was now decorated with a stage and multiple tables where the ice rink would normally be. Servers floated around with flutes of champagne, and Tyson swiftly snatched two when one passed by. Handing you a glass, he offered his arm for you to take, and you both made your way to the large group of hockey players who stood with their significant others.
Gabe was the first to notice the two of you join the group, welcoming you with a bright smile.
“Josty! About time! Everyone else is already here,” his voice boomed across the table and everyone else’s gazes flickered to the two of you.
“Who do you have with you?” Gabe’s wife, Mel, asked.
“I’m Y/N,” you said, introducing yourself and reaching over to shake her hand.
“This is Burky’s roommate that I told you about,” Gabe said to his wife, but everyone at the table heard. The few guys nodded in agreement, now giving you longer looks to take you in.
“Actually, we’re no longer roommates,” you chuckled, “I moved into my new place last week.”
“Andre wasn’t around to help her move, so I stepped up. She’s here to repay that favor,” Tyson added, making it clear to everyone there that you weren’t actually together on a date.
“Ah, I see,” Gabe said knowingly, and all the guys exchanged a look. It was clear there was something being said that also wasn’t, but you didn’t know anyone well enough to call them out on it or ask.
“I hate to steal your date away from you, Y/N, but us guys have to go do our rounds,” Gabe said after a moment, pushing his chair out to stand up. You knew he would’ve been whisked away from you eventually, but at least he was leaving you with a group of women who seemed nice enough.
Andre’s eyes found you the instant you walked through the doors. He would’ve been completely blown away by how gorgeous you looked tonight had he not seen who you’d come with.
You’d come with Tyson.
His friend, Tyson. The same friend who egged him about you a few weeks ago.
Andre instinctively stood up a little straighter, peering over the head of whatever donor he was currently talking to. Tyson was leading you to the team’s table, your arm wrapped around his.
How did Tyson even know you? As far as he was concerned, the only time he’d met you was that one day in his apartment. It didn’t seem like he’d gotten a good chance to talk to you that morning, and Andre doubted Tyson would be as bold as to ask for your number in front of the guys.
The donor was listing off some statistics from the season, but everything went over Andre’s head as he watched you mingle with the group. Only now was he noticing your attire for the evening: a tight black dress where your breasts were spilling over tastefully.
He felt his chest tighten as he saw Tyson’s hand drift from your arm to the small of your back. You tossed your hair over your shoulder as you took a seat at the table, and the other guys excused themselves.
Andre saw them begin to disperse into the crowds, and he took this as an opportunity to excuse himself from his conversation, hoping Z could continue on without him.
He maneuvered his way through the busy bodies, apologizing when people would call out his name to engage in discussion. Stepping into Tyson’s path, he cut the young forward off with a gentle, but firm, hand to his chest.
“Got a second, Josty?” He asked quickly, pulling him aside before he could agree.
“What’s up, man?” Tyson asked.
“You brought Y/N as your date?” Andre questioned even though he knew the answer, “I didn’t know you guys talked.”
“Yeah, well, I stopped by that one day to drop off your shit, and she was packing. It looked like a lot, so I offered to help. We drove all her stuff over, and I helped build some furniture,” Tyson explained casually, as if the answer was common knowledge.
“And you asked her here on a date?” Andre asked, but there was more bite in his voice than he intended.
“Is that a problem?” Tyson retorted.
“I told you to leave her alone,” Andre insisted.
“Why? Do you have feelings for her? She told me about the disastrous night you turned her down, so I don’t think it’s that,” Tyson recalled, crossing his arms for effect, “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go talk to some people.”
Tyson walked around Andre’s tall frame, leaving the man to simmer alone.
Andre didn’t want to admit that Tyson was right, especially to him. Andre was into you, and he’d fucked up any chance he had when he panicked and ran away.
He regretted his decision the minute he closed his bedroom door behind him that night. He closed his eyes and let his forehead hit the door, kicking himself for ruining the moment. You were right there in front of him, lips plump and ready to be kissed, and he panicked.
Andre hadn’t expected that night would take a turn and that you would be looking up at him with lustful eyes, and he didn’t know what to do. He overthought the situation, and before he could process what was happening, he was pushing you away and running down the hall.
Now, the same point was being driven home once again. He fucked up. He didn’t kiss you, and then ignored you, and now you were here looking hot as fuck and on the arm of someone who wasn’t him.
Andre saw you leave the table and make your way over to the bar. Before he could stop himself, he was following you there, his excuses becoming even more short when people tried to grab his attention.
“Hi,” he said, catching your attention as you waited for the bartender to return with your drink.
“Oh, hi, Andre,” you replied curtly. You were wondering how long it would take for him to see you out; not that you were awaiting his arrival, though.
“You look great tonight,” he complimented as he fidgeted with his hands.
“Thanks,” you said, tapping your fingers along the bartop.
“I’m sorry about the apartment thing. I would’ve helped if I had known you were moving,” Andre persisted.
“You weren’t really around for me to tell you about it,” you declared, “And don’t worry, Tyson handled it.” Except Andre was worrying about it. He was worrying about Tyson handling you, and he wanted to not think about that.
“I’m sorry about all of that,” he apologized again. Andre wasn’t one to be at a loss for words, but it seemed he never could find the right ones around you.
“Again, don’t worry about it,” you placated, giving him a reassuring smile though reassured was far from how you wanted him to feel. Thankfully, your drink had come and Tyson had appeared at your side.
“There you are, babe,” he said to interrupt your conversation. His hand reached over to lightly grasp your hip and pull you gently into his side, “I haven’t seen you in awhile, I just wanted to check in on you.”
Andre didn’t bother to try and hide the murderous glare he was giving Tyson for pulling you away. You felt the tension between you increase tenfold, and you brought it upon yourself to break it before they started yelling.
“We should get going, but I’ll see you around, Andre,” you said, breaking Andre’s focus so he turned his gaze to you. His eyes softened immediately, and you could see the remorse hidden behind them. You gave him a shy smile before allowing Tyson to lead you away from the table.
You’d walked about twenty feet before Tyson opened his mouth again.
“He’s seething,” he said quietly, leaning down to say it into your ear. You knew Andre could see you, and you knew this little gesture would upset him even more.
“Good,” you said happily. It was only fair he suffered a little bit if he was going to be a dumbass.
“I’m going to get my ass kicked at practice on Monday,” he muttered.
“I bet if we leave now he’ll be even more furious,” you suggested, turning to give him a pleading look.
“You really want me dead, huh?” Tyson chuckled, steering you towards the front entrance.
“Hey, it was your idea to bring me. This is on you,” you emphasized.
“I know, I’m hoping I don’t regret it,” he sighed, “We’re getting ice cream on the way back.”
You laughed at his statement, nodding your head in agreement. You’d had enough social interaction tonight, and the pot had been thoroughly stirred thanks to yours and Tyson’s charade.
Andre watched from afar as you and Tyson left the arena, his hand resting near your ass as he escorted you to the exit. Tyson stopped occasionally as he said his goodbyes to those who tried to talk to him, probably making up some excuse as to why the two of you needed to leave.
Andre still had a bit of time left before it was acceptable for him to leave as he had drawn the short end of the stick this time around. His hands tightened around the glass he was currently holding, blocking out whatever Mikko was trying to tell him. Andre was glad he hadn’t driven tonight because he planned on getting trashed before the night was over to get the images of you and Tyson together out of his mind.
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jauneda1 · 3 years
The New War Au part 3
Three months after part 2
Jaune and Ren where in Vale shopping for snacks and party stuff for the big party Yang and Coco wanted to throw. Team RWBY and team CFVY had worked together on a HVAG hunt. Jaune wasn't too keen on being a errand boy but atleast him and Ren can talk to each other for once. They haven't really spoken to one another due to Ren being well Ren. It also has to do with a game of drunken spin the bottle thanks to Yang of course.
This is where Nora and Jaune got paired together and instead of taking a shot Jaune just laid one on the ginger bomber. This also lead to drunk and friendship sex something only Jaune, Ren, and Nora know about. Jaune just couldn't handle the silence between the two of them. Since there was a shit ton of traffic they where stuck waiting.
Jaune: So... I know you probably don't want to be here with me rn but were a team. I feel I haven't been a good team leader to-
Ren: Jaune your not about to apologize are you. If it's about you and Nora that night I'm not bothered by that. I know Nora's not good with alcohol, also me and her aren't together- together
Ren: You've been nothing but a good team leader fto us.
Ren: Jaune that was so long ago it doesn't bother me.
Jaune: So then how come you never talk to me. Or come to me for anything?
Ren: Well... Uh how do I put it. I'm still kinda of intimidated by you. That explosion you let off in class and the one after that.
The two finally where able to cross the street.
Ren: You also keep to yourself throughout the weeks only really talking and chilling out with everyone on the weekends.
Ren: I just thought it would be best to steer clear of you.
Jaune: I'm just happy you don't see me as an asshole or something. But I'm sorry you feel that way. Tell you what before we go back and meet up with everyone at the party me and you hang out, my treat okay.
Ren: lol okay sure but no junk food I'm trying to stay in shape.
Jaune: NANI!? You can't do that I live off of my burgers and soda.
Ren: That's why your getting a little heavier I heard you talking with Pyrrha last week you went up like 10pounds.
Jaune: Lol
That's when Jaune noticed that there are a lot of trucks driving past them on the road all black Vans one of them parking in the middle of traffic. Vale is boisterous kingdom there is always someone trying to go some where. So for a van to just stop and hold up traffic is unheard of
Jaune: I don't like this.
Ren: I think it's to early to decide that maybe-
Then without warning a group of six men got out of the van all wearing these bullet proof type vest and Black mask and sporting heaven weapons. Two have Light machine guns while two more have Rifles while the last two didn't have anything they just ran forward while the four men with guns ran the opposite direction.
At this very point Jaune's situational awareness kicked in especially when he realized the men run towards they're direction, not at them but towards the cars and civilians near them. Jaune then instinctively grabbed Ren and with aura in his body and his goal in mind he was gonna get the two of them out of there.
Ren: W-What... J-Jaune
Was the only thing he could say before he realized he was being held and moved away from the ensuing explosion. Those two guys without guns where suicide bombers. They where wearing best with obvious c4 labels bad wrapping. Jaune had got atleast 6 meters or so away from where they were standing that was enough to keep out of the initial explosion, but something else had happened that Jaune didn't see but Ren did. The truck the men got out of exploded as well releasing a thick black miasma that covered the area. Jaune was able to get them away before the miasma got them.
Jaune: Ha ha *out of breath*
Jaune: What the fuck was that, those guys, the explosion, all those people are gone.
Ren: JAUNE, we have to move, we have to call someo-
Just like that the sound of another explosion went off. Then another, and another till there was just sounds of chaos and discord. The two looked at what they could only assume was another cloud of miasma like the one where they are and then they saw it the people caught inside of it where they were would die from the fumes.
Ren: Jaune call somebody,
Jaune: Who the hell do I call right now
Jaune: AND TELL THEM WHAT?!. A terrorist attack is happening what should we do?
Then Jaune's scroll started dinging it was Yang.
Yang: JAU- J- R- Y- O-
His Scroll wasn't getting good reception
Jaune: Damnit I lost the signal.
Ren: Jaune call your weapons to you I'll do the same
Jaune: No need I've already called both of our ETA 2mins. Since we can't get hold of anyone we'll do what we can to help the civilians.
Jaune: We may be Huntsman but I'm not gonna sit by while innocent people die.
The duo's lockers landed and now they both stand in front of them.
Ren: I completely agree and sorry about earlier.
Jaune: It's fine suit up and let's move out I'm going to activate my distress beacon in my scroll and share my location. Someone will see it, btw I'm not the only one who saw the Atlas logo on all of those guys shoulders am I ?
Ren: I saw it too, but I'm not to sure what to make of it? Let's just move. Your orders team leader😌
Jaune: On me stay sharp, these aren't Grimm where fighting. These are living breathing people are your ready for that if it comes to it.
Ren: I can't say I will be but I will do what I can to see Nora again.
Back At Beacon
(Over the PA system)
Ozpin: Due to the ensuing chaos and destruction in the city of Vale all students are to remain in your dorms and be ready for any orders I may give.
Ozpin: I can not say things will be the same after today but what I can say is we will prevail in these dark times.
Team RWBY, Team CFVY, Nora, and Pyrrha are all in teams Rwby dorm trying to figure what to do. They all saw the news mass terrorist attack throughout the kingdom of Vale. They had just tried to reach Jaune and Ren but the signal cut out and they didn't look like they where in good shape.
Coco: Holy shit those people are...
Yatsuhashi: Gone. The people responsible for this... Who could do such a thing?
Velvet: ...
Fox put his hand on Velvet's back and rubbed to comfort her.
Weiss: Those men they patches they look like Atlas military.
Pyrrha: Can't be they're not organized like they're military, They're just waiting the gear.
Blake: ... I don't know Pyrrha they look the part.
Nora: I should have gone with them.
Pyrrha: Nora it's fine they'll be fine.
Yang was pacing back n forth but spoke up once she heard that.
Yang: Oh yeah and how do you know that?
Ruby: Yang... Calm down
Yang: I'm fine Rubes, just curious were supposed to sit here while two people we care about are out there in that mess.
Yang: You say they'll be fine but we've been sitting here for and hour with the same message going off every ten minutes.
Ruby: Yang
Ruby: YANG!
The room was absolutely quiet
Ruby: Jaune will be fine, I'm worried just as much as you are. Besides he is with Ren and they can both hold they're own.
Yang: Against Grimm definitely but people you and me both know Jaune doesn't take death well.
Yang: You may not know the full story but Ricky's passing weights heavily on Jaune.
As the two where about to continue the news anchor on air spoke of two male huntsman adding the Police in the attack. The group can see Jaune and Ren are fighting back and helping the Police but they're position is pinned down from all sides the terrorist are closing in on the law enforcement and huntsman outside of the Dusk till Dawn dust shop. Will the two Huntsman in training survive the endless amounts of men pushing in on they're location.
End Of Part 3
Character Analysis
Lie Ren: Age 18, Classification Mid-Grade, Huntsman classification: Oppressor, with fast unrelenting attacks Ren can send attacks in all the while keeping the targets guessing on the next attack. This opens up Rena targets for successful strikes.
Semblance, Cloak, this semblance allows Ren to cloak humor anybody who touches him making them transparent to the naked eye. This does have draw backs like the main one him and anyone he's in contact with is still there and can be seen with infrared. It also exhausting to do it with more then 5 people for more then 10 minutes.
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mistymazzello · 4 years
Illicit Affairs | part two
Joe Mazzello x Reader
summary-Y/N, a failing actress in New York City, is offered an internship as Joe Mazzello’s assistant on the set of a movie. Her seemingly small crush on her boss could get her into trouble, but what does she have to lose?
word count- 2.3k
warnings- cussing
part one
based on illicit affairs by taylor swift
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There was still one week left until shooting started, and you spent everyday at the office preparing. Filing papers, making phone calls, running around so that Joe could stay sane. On a particularly windy morning, the August heat still relentless, you jogged into the office building, three coffees in hand. 
You smiled a good morning at one of the writers as you passed, stepping out of the elevator. Hair covered half of your face from the harsh wind as you walked towards Joe’s office. You pushed it out of your face with your free hand as your heels lightly clicked against the tile floor. 
You gave one of the coffee’s to Julia, the producer who you had met on your first day. “Thank you, my love.” She blew you a kiss. You had recently learned she was 63, and had been producing movies since the 70s. She’s also one of the coolest people you’ve ever met.
The second coffee went to the head writer, who looked as if he’d been there all night. He seemed especially thankful for it.
“You’re late.” Beck said, catching up to walk beside you.
With furrowed eyebrows, you checked your watch. “I’m 3 minutes early?”
“Okay well, I’ve been here for 15 minutes. If you’re not 5 minutes early, you’re late.” He huffed. 
Doing nothing but shaking your head to avoid from telling Beck to fuck off, you arrived at Joe’s door.
“Who’s that coffee for?” Beck questioned sternly.
You finally stood still, turning towards Beck. “Joe.”
He looked mad. “How’d you know his coffee order?”
You raised your eyebrows. “I asked him.” 
He scoffed. Opening the door, you stepped inside, once again adjusting your hair that had been tangled by the wind.
“Mornin’ boss.” You said, walking over to Joe’s desk to set the coffee down.
“Hey kid.” He smiled. “Morning Mr. Beck.”
“Good morning Mr. Mazzello.” Beck straightened his posture. 
After some friendly conversation, Joe explained that he had a meeting with all of the costume and makeup people for the movie. “I need one of you to come with me to hand stuff out and keep track of things for me.”
“”I will.” Beck volunteered before you could even think to say anything.
“Ah Beck, ever eager.” Joe sighed.
He turned to you. “Then you, I’ll just need you to answer some emails for me. Just get to whatever ones you can get to.” He said.
“Okay.” You smiled as he and Beck headed towards the door.
“You’re a peach.” He winked before leaving.
You couldn’t help but smile smally, your cheeks pink as you crossed to the other side of the desk to sit at his desk where his laptop was. You read and responded to emails for a while, your chin set in your hand. 
Something you loved about this job was that no matter how boring or mundane a task was, you always found it enthralling. You got to answer the emails of a Hollywood director, who everyone seemed to be trying to get in contact with. When you print off papers for 20 minutes, it’s exciting because you’re printing off new pages of a script that hardly anyone has read yet. Being an intern was fun, but being Joe’s intern was incredible.
You didn’t think there was a single person in this office who didn’t find Joe handsome and charming and funny, so you tried not to fret when you had these feelings all of the time. 
Joe thought you were adorable. Amazingly pretty, sweet, sarcastic. He assumed the same that you assumed about him, that he shouldn’t worry that he thinks this because he was sure that everyone else did too.
Joe and Beck came back into the office, chatting about something that had to do with the casting director. You finished up the email you’d been writing and stood up from Joe’s seat.
“I hope you didn’t go snooping around in my computer.” He joked.
“Nope, just read all of your personal emails from your family and dug through your photos. You now, normal intern stuff.” You smiled.
Joe cackled. “Nothing I wouldn’t expect from you.”
The rest of the day was similar to that morning, the whole day packed with meetings. Beck had to leave to deliver some papers (you thought it was the refined script) to someone across town, because apparently they were too top secret to be sent by email.
As you were typing out a schedule for hair and makeup, Joe poked his head in the office. 
“Hey, kid?” He asked softly.
“Hm?” You looked up.
“Would you mind coming to this meeting with me? You won’t have to do much, I just want someone to go with me.” He said.
“Oh, yeah sure.” You shut your laptop and stood up to follow him. 
“Why do you want someone to come with you?” You asked quietly as the two of you walked down the hallway. 
Joe stopped outside of the conference room. “Because I fucking hate this guy.”
You laughed lightly.
“Pretend I never said that.” He followed up.
You pretended to zip and lock your lips. He laughed, shaking his head.
The meeting was rather boring, but you understood why Joe hated this guy. He was loud and rude and screamed snobby rich dude. Joe gave you a couple of “I’m so sorry.” glances throughout, but you just gave him some sympathetic smiles back, because you weren’t the one who had to talk to him.
Still, Joe hadn’t mentioned anything about the subway. You were relieved to say the least, hoping that he had forgotten about it. You assumed that if he knew it was you, he would’ve said something over the last 3 weeks.
It was getting dark out by the time Joe said that you and Beck could leave. As you began to step out of his office, offering him a “Bye, Joe.”, he stopped you. Beck had already walked out, and you tilted your head as you stepped back into his office.
“God, I feel like such an old person asking this, but can you help me with something on my computer? I can’t figure out how to download this video that marketing wants me to watch.” He sighed.
“Oh, yeah, of course.” You smiled.
“You're a lifesaver.” He said, rolling his chair back so you could lean over his computer.
It took a matter of seconds for you to figure it out, explaining it to him as you went. 
“Oh, well now I just feel stupid.” He sulked.
You giggled. “It’s okay. Do you know how many times a day I feel stupid around you? I had no idea what you guys were talking about in that meeting today.” You turned around to lean your thighs against his desk and face him. 
He leaned back in his chair. “I never know what that fucking guy is talking about.” He sighed. It was quiet for a moment. “I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable. He’s just a dick, and I have to listen to him.”
You nodded. “It’s okay. I have a feeling I’m going to have to deal with a lot more guys like him if I’m going to be a part of this industry. It’s best if I practice not telling him to go fuck himself now.”
Joe tipped his head back and laughed. “God, you have the best attitude.” He smiled.
It was quiet again as the two of you smiled, looking at the ground. The room that was usually lit up by the sun outside was now lit up by a single lamp on the desk, along with the city lights through the floor to ceiling windows on the far wall.
Joe looked up at you, the orange glow from the lamp casting a light over your face as you looked at the ground. 
He sighed, then sat up straight in his chair. “Okay, well, I’ll let you go home now. I have a ton of shit to do and you’re probably dead tired.”
“Well do you need help with anything?” You asked immediately.
“No, no. It’s nothing really business related and again, you’re probably dead tired.” He shook his head.
“Are you sure? I really don’t mind. My whole job is to make sure you’re not overwhelmed.” you said.
He breathed out and bit his inner cheek. “Well, if you really want to, I have a few errands I have to run, so if you wanted to pick up my dry cleaning and bring it to my apartment, it would save me like an hour.”
“Yeah, I could totally do that.” You shrugged.
“You’re literally an angel, Y/N.” He eulogized. He dug into his bag and pulled out a key. “This is my spare. When you drop off the clothes, just set it on the table. And don’t rob my house.”
“Aw, I can’t even look for a safe?” 
Within 15 minutes, you were picking up Joe’s dry cleaning. The city was in full swing as you took a taxi across town, the lights outshining the moon by a mile. You unlocked Joe’s door and stepped inside, the apartment pitch black as you searched for a light switch, overwhelmed by the scent Joe carried with him at all times. Musky and expensive, but at the same time incredibly comforting. The exact scent of the jacket he had given you. You turned the lights on and walked further into the apartment, looking around. There were papers scattered across the coffee table in the living room, and tons of pictures hanging on the wall. You didn’t want to snoop-no, you weren’t going to snoop. You walked swiftly past the photos on the wall, only catching a slight glimpse of a picture of him and an older woman, presumably his mom.
Debating where to put the clothes, you figured it made sense to hang them in his closet. The scent got stronger as you stepped down a hallway, peeking your head into each of the rooms, trying to find his bedroom. It was at the end of the hallway, and you tried your hardest not to look around while you were walking across the room to his closet, but some things were inevitable to see. The room was clean, unorganized, but still clean. The bed was unmade. More pictures covered the wall, and this time, you let yourself take a glance. Most of them were him and his family. It made you crack a smile, the thought of Joe being a family man.
You hung the clothes in the closet quickly and turned back around, ready to leave, when an orange and white cat ran past your feet and jumped onto his bed. You flinched and then laughed. “Kitty, you scared me.” You said softly, walking over to the bed and reaching out your hand.
The cat nuzzled its face against your knuckles and you giggled lightly. 
“She’s not like that with most people.” A voice said from behind you. 
“Jesus!” You jumped, turning around to see Joe in the doorway. “You scared the shit out of me!”
“You’re in my house!” He laughed.
“Sorry, I just… Sorry. I promise I wasn’t snooping around or anything I was just, I’m so sorry.” You rambled, suddenly flustered by the fact that you were in your boss’ bedroom. You sighed. “I was hanging up your clothes and-”
“Y/N, kid, I don’t care.” He laughed.
You took a deep breath and put your face in your hands. “I’m sorry.” You chuckled.
He came over and sat at the end of the bed by you, his cat immediately crawling into his lap. “I meant what I said though, she’s usually mean to new people.” He said, petting his cat softly.
You sat down next to him, reaching your hand over to pet her as well. “What’s her name?”
“Ronnie. I originally thought I was getting a boy cat so I picked out that name, I got it from the movie ‘Can’t Buy Me Love’, but then they told me last minute I was getting a girl. So I guess she’s just a girl named after a boy.”
“Mm.” You hummed “Never seen it.”
His hands froze. “You’re kidding.”
“No, I’ve never seen it.” You giggled.
He gasped. “Y/N, are you fucking serious? You’ve never seen Can’t Buy Me Love? That’s like, a staple movie of American Cinema!”
You laughed a little harder. “I’ve just never really got around to it, I guess?”
He scoffed and began laughing too. “That’s ridiculous. I’m forcing you to watch it sometime. Sometime before shooting ends, that’s my goal. We have to culture you.”
“You’re my boss, I guess I have to agree.” You said.
“Mhm. Exactly.” He said, his eyes twinkling.
Ronnie crossed over to your lap and laid down. Joe scooted closer to you to continue scratching her head, unintentionally pressing his thigh against yours.
You tried to keep your breathing steady as you stared down at the cat, doing everything you could to distract yourself from Joe, who seemingly paid no mind to your closeness.
A quiet fell over the room as you both silently pet his cat. It was a comforting scene.
Ronnie, who had seemed to start more than one problem tonight, decided to stand up, stretch, then jump off your lap, trotting out of the room. Now, there you sat, right next to Joe.
He looked up at you, like he had just now realized how close he was to you.
“I should… probably go.” You said quietly. He nodded and you stood up, making a beeline for the door. 
“Bye, Y/N, thanks for picking up my dry cleaning.” He spoke dryly.
You turned and rested your hand against the doorway to his room. “Goodnight Joe.”
You could’ve thrown up as you took the elevator down to the first floor. Here you are, just about 3 weeks into your first job, and you almost truly, royally fucked things up. 
Maybe, you thought, you were thinking too far into things. That things hadn’t crossed over a professional line, that all you really ever did was pet his cat and talk about a stupid movie. 
As Joe heard you walk out his front door, he flopped back onto his bed, covering his face with his hands, the same thought process as you going through his mind.
“Fuck.” He groaned. 
taglist- @im-an-adult-ish @almightygwil @draconiiian @roveyrove @drummah-in-a-rocknroll-band @lizgarxo
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You go to visit your brother, Tom, in the states, but you get sick and beg him not to tell your parents.
          “Are you sure you feel well enough to go?” Your dad asked you as you shakily made your way over to where your bags were sitting. You were about go visit your oldest brother, Tom, for the whole of summer break, but the past day you hadn’t been feeling well. You were sure it was the bad Indian food you’d had the night before, but you weren’t letting anything stop you. It had been four months since you’d seen him and he’d surprised you with a ticket without even asking your parents first. There was no way you were going to give it up.
           “Yes, Dad, I’ll be fine,” you said, “it’s probably just the food from last night.” He sighed.
           “Alright, then, load the car up.” You loaded your suitcases, bags, and backpack into the car for your dad to take you to the airport, only for a second barging into your only younger brother’s room to make him tell you goodbye. The others were gone on some weekend trip, so you’d said goodbye to them two days before and they’d tried to convince you that your plane was going to crash over the ocean, so it was better that you didn’t see them again.
           You said goodbye to your mom and your dad started driving you, letting you out at the closest terminal to yours. It wasn’t the first time you’d flown, you were basically an expert at it, even though it was the first time you’d actually been alone. Usually you had one of the boys with you if not your parents, so you were watching things a little more than usual. But you printed your boarding pass, checked your luggage in, went through security, got some food, and FaceTimed Tom.
           “Are you almost on?” He asked when he saw you’d already downed most of the tea you’d gotten.
           “Yeah, we board in a few minutes. It says I get in at nine tonight.”
           “Alright. I’ll be there, then, I’ll park and meet you at the baggage. Fly safe. I love you.”
           “I love you too.” His face disappeared when you shut your phone off. You didn’t hate flying, but you hated taking off, and turned your music up as loud as it would go. Thankfully your flight got in so late that it was pretty empty and you could pick a seat of your own. You made sure not to look at the map, since it only freaked you out that you were going over the ocean for such a long time, and you bought WiFi to watch a few movies.
           You started to feel sick again, but you were going through a storm and you were getting tossed all over the place, so that was probably it. You just opened the blanket you brought, noticing how cold the air on the plane had gotten, and reclined your seat as much as you could to sleep a little. And you were out for most of the rest of the flight – you let yourself look at the map when you felt the plane going down and realized you were about to land in Atlanta.
           “There she is!” You heard Tom’s familiar voice and tugged out your headphones, walking over to him and hugging him tightly. “How’s my favorite sister?”
           “Tired,” you responded honestly. He laughed.
           “Well, we’ll get your bags, I want to take you to get food, and then you can get settled in.” You nodded, looking at the screen that told you your flight was next for baggage. It would still be a few minutes, though, so you let yourself catch up with Tom and throw away all of your trash. You finally got your bags and he led you out to where he’d made Harrison keep the car waiting.
           “It’s about time!” Harrison called out, getting out of the car to help with your bags. He attacked you with a hug first and then playfully pushed you back away. “Hungry?”
           “Please,” you responded with a laugh as you got in the back seat. Tom shut the trunk of the car and let it settle before getting back in the front. “I missed you guys. I missed American soil.” Tom laughed as Harrison tried to pull away from the curb before the airport police would get pissed off at him.
           “How was flying by yourself?” Tom asked, looking behind you. You heard the GPS say something about a restaurant.
           “Not bad. Definitely easier than with Paddy and the twins.” He grinned.
           “Anything is better than flying with them. They have to go to the bathroom every ten minutes, all three of them.” Tom adjusted the hat on his head and turned back, letting you watch as Harrison drove through downtown. There wasn’t any traffic and they pulled into some drive-thru, ordering a shit ton of food, and passed it back for you to hold.
           “How much food do you get here?”
           “Are you surprised?” Tom asked as he handed you the third Styrofoam box. You rolled your eyes and tried not to gag. You didn’t know why, because the food smelled good, and you were starving because all you’d had was half a bag of goldfish you got from the airport so they were stale.
           You ate with the boys, more than you thought you would, showered off the airport smell, and went to bed. Tom didn’t have to go film for another three weeks, so you had some quality time with him for a few days. You’d decided to go to Six Flags the next day since it wouldn’t be as crowded on a weekday, so you woke up only a few hours after going to sleep. You felt drained, but a cup of coffee fixed it. You’d never had issues adjusting to new time zones, but this one had thrown you for a bit of a loop.
           “You good?” Tom asked you as you plopped down on the bar stool, head on your elbow.
           “Yeah, just tired,” you responded. He looked you up and down, sighing.
           “Are you sure you want to go?”
           “Dad asked me the same thing. I’m fine, Tommy.” Your nickname for him always made him smile and now was no different. He gave you some of his breakfast and the two of you ate while you waited for Harrison, and then you all headed out to go to the park.
           “It’s so hot,” you complained later as the Atlanta sun beat down on you. Tom could tell you were a little overheated, but he took the bag you were wearing from you and exchanged it with the giant water he got. Your throat was sore, it had been since you woke up, but you didn’t think much of it. You never did. Your body could just hate the fact that you were halfway around the world. You tried not to think about it as you and the boys wandered around the park for most of the day, but it got progressively worse until you could feel a clicking in your throat whenever you swallowed. But you were probably fine, so you ignored it.
           “I’m taking a nap!” Harrison called that night as you finally got back to the car. All three of you were sunburned and exhausted, especially because you’d consumed so many sugary snacks that by the time you got back to the car all of the sugar had left you crashing. You tried not to fall asleep, and Tom made sure to hit a curb on your side to wake you up.
           “Come on,” he said, shoving you after he pulled into the driveway to the house he was renting. You woke up and got out of the car, taking off your makeup and going to bed as soon as you could.
           You woke up the next morning feeling ten times worse than the night before. Your throat felt like it was on fire, but you could barely fucking swallow when you tried to drink some water. You looked over at Tom, who was still asleep. The house only had two bedrooms and Tom wasn’t about to make you sleep on the couch but he wasn’t going to either, so unless he decided to bring a real girl over you were sleeping in his bed as far away from him as you could. Your entire body ached and the last thing you wanted to do was go back to sleep, so you did.
           “Wake up!” About two hours later, at ten AM, you felt Tom pushing you back onto your side of the bed.
           “What?” You asked in a hoarse voice.
           “You sound like a smoker,” he responded.
           “I feel awful.”
           “Come on, I’ll make you something to drink,” he encouraged, pulling the covers off the both of you. You followed him anyway, and as soon as you started walking to the kitchen your head started throbbing. But you sat down at the kitchen counter and he started to make you some of your favorite tea. You wondered why he kept it around if you weren’t there – he always said he hated sweet teas, but your favorite was peach.
           “Thanks,” you said a few minutes later as he was handing it to you in a Spider-Man mug. He’d made sure not to make the water too hot so you wouldn’t die drinking it. It felt good coating your throat, but as soon as it left, you felt awful again.
           “I don’t have a thermometer,” he said as he walked over to you, putting his palm to your forehead. “You’re burning up.”
           “I feel like shit,” you complained. “I need a shower.”
           “Go take one. We can just relax today, okay?” You nodded and went to go take another shower. Your clothes were sticking to your skin from sweating, and you felt so bad that you changed the sheets on the bed. You came back out and Tom had ordered food, but the idea made you sick to your stomach.
           “Come get a waffle before I destroy them all,” a tired Harrison said as he was about to pour syrup all over the box full of waffles.
           “I’m good,” you said, taking a spot in the corner of the couch between the boys. You drank a second round of tea, but it wasn’t helping much. You could see your mom’s contact name on Tom’s phone and snatched it away from him.
           “I’m just going to call her and tell her you’re sick!”
           “And then she’ll come here or she’ll make me come home! I’m fine, Tommy, please?” You didn’t give him his phone back until he agreed not to tell your mom, and when he said he wouldn’t say anything you gave it back to him.
           “Your germs are all over it!” He said, wiping it off on his t-shirt. “If you’re not better by this afternoon, I’m taking you to an urgent care.”
           “Fine,” you agreed, “just don’t tell Mom. I’m fine.”
           “You’re lying, but okay.” He let it go, though, and even though Harrison went to run some errands the two of you stayed on the couch. You laid on opposite ends of the couch, your feet touching, like you were known to do at home. Even though you were right in the middle, you were Tom’s favorite and it was no secret. You and Paddy were roped into being together most of the time, so when you got to spend time with Tom you were always excited because he was Spider-Man, he was the coolest older brother ever, and you were always so excited to see what he was doing and hang out with him.
           “Feeling any better?” He asked you, poking your leg that was wedged between his and the couch a few hours later. You shook your head. He’d all but babied you for most of the day, and for the last few hours you’d been sleeping through episodes of New Girl.
           “No,” you replied. Tom sighed and sat up, so you did the same. You knew what he was going to say and you didn’t want to hear it.
           “Then I’m gonna call some place to take you, okay?”
           “No,” you begged him. “I’ll be fine.”
           “You’re sick and I don’t know how to help you. We’re taking you as soon as Harrison gets back. Go get some clothes on.” You did as he told you to do, not wanting to take the chance of your parents finding out, and pulled on some clothes. Harrison was back soon and handed the car keys off to Tom, who called an urgent care.
           You found out an hour later after about a million swab tests that you had strep. You groaned, looking over at Tom, and he just rubbed your back as they told you they were giving you some steroids. The nurse left you and you just looked at Tom. You were never sick, ever, and you had never even had to get tested for anything.
           “You’re fine,” Tom said with a sigh. “And you’re expensive. You do realize I don’t have insurance in this country?”
           “I’m sorry.” He just laughed at you.
           “I’m kidding. I don’t, but… It’s fine. I’m just glad I can take care of you. I’ll be outside.” You nodded and he pat your back again before taking his wallet out. The nurse gave you some steroids and let you go, but not before warning you that you were still contagious for a full day.
           “I’ll get you some ice cream if you’ll sit here for a few minutes,” Tom offered as he pulled into the Target parking lot. You nodded and he handed you a phone charger, leaving the car on for you while he went inside. He was back in a few minutes with your favorite ice cream, Americone Dream, and some other snacks that wouldn’t irritate your throat too much.
           You got back and got some of the ice cream out – you’d told Tom you would sleep on the couch, it was fine, and he’d tried to make it as comfortable for you as he could. He even bought you another expansion pack for the Sims without you even asking. It somehow got out in the family group chat, the one without your parents, that you were sick. Paddy and Harry were absolutely awful to you about it, but Sam, ever the sweet one, sent you a few private messages and carried on a few games of 8 Ball in iMessage because he felt bad for you.
           “I am officially not contagious anymore!” You said the next afternoon after the boys came in from where they’d been out by the pool. “So you can come within six feet of me.”
           “As if!” Harrison said, laughing a little bit. You loved him, but man he was mean sometimes.
           “Oh, fuck off!” Tom said, pushing him up the stairs to the bedrooms. Tom came back a little bit later to make some snacks and actually sat down beside you. “You look a lot better.”
           “I don’t feel a lot better,” you admitted. “I can’t sleep and my throat hurts and all I can keep down is tea and ice cream.” He sighed and threw an arm around you.
           “Come here.” He hugged you tightly and you hugged him back. You didn’t know how long you were there for, but you were almost asleep by the time that your parents called.
           “Oh, no,” you groaned.
           “Just stay quiet, I got it,” he responded. You leaned your face into his arm, shutting your eyes. “Hey, Dad!” Tom said loudly.
           “Hey, how are the two of you? Do anything fun yet?”
           “We’re good!” You said. Your throat felt scratchy and you hoped he couldn’t hear it, and Tom sighed before going on.
           “We went to Six Flags yesterday and it was super cool, today we just stayed inside mostly. Y/n got me on some new ice cream and it’s really nice,” he said. Usually he liked to walk around when he was on the phone, but now he was just staying with you.
           “That’s lovely,” your mother said. “The boys miss you, Y/n.”
           “Oh, no they don’t,” you replied, rolling your eyes. Even though all of you got along, you still had to pretend you didn’t. Just for street credit. Tom put his finger to his lips, shaking his head at you to shut up. So you did.
           “We’re actually about to go out, there’s a bar here that does quizzes and we were gonna go to the Disney one. So we’ll talk to you later?” All of you said goodbye and he hung up, putting the phone down on the coffee table.
           “Are you leaving?” You asked him. He laughed.
           “Don’t look so concerned. I’m not leaving you just because you have strep throat,” he promised. He put his arm back around you and kept playing his video game, letting you sleep a little bit before making fun of you some more for sleeping on him.
           A/N: I hope this was fluffy enough for you! As much as I love Tom and would love to cuff him for myself, I feel like he’s a great brother too! 
Taglist (if you’d like to be on it send me a message/ask!): @an-adventureland, @firstangeldragonranch, @ssebstann, @winterreader-nowwriter
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Something Just Like This - CH27
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester, mobster boss. He’s a little cocky, a lot ruthless and more often than not, short tempered. But he’s also, Dean Winchester, a war veteran and hero who suffers under a shit ton of PTS. He met her in a bar and thinks it’s fate that brought her to him. Little does he know why she’s really here.
Warnings: NSFW, just really fluffy, dash of angst.
WC: 3491
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As usual, Dean’s already up when she wakes. He’s been working mostly when she’s already asleep or before she wakes up so he can take care of her during the day. But that, she thinks, is no way to live. She feels the guilt nagging at her. Hates that he has to go out of his way and all of it only because she was too stupid and jumped into the line of fire. 
Well, he thinks that she saved his life and maybe she really did but she did it gladly, would probably do it again. It’s not like she wants to play a hero, it’s more that she’s grown up selfless and she really doesn’t know anything else than risking her life for others. Not really a great treat, probably.
Y/N gets up to use the bathroom. She decides to wash her face and brush her teeth. Still feels groggy from the last pain medication she had to take last night. From today on, she’ll be drug free. It’s the eighth day that she’s been home. Her wound has healed, it just needs tending to every day for it not to leave a nasty scar. She’s still not allowed to use her arm too much for the next week, though. 
“What are you doing?” He’s standing in their bedroom and leans his head against the door frame, arms crossed over his chest.
“Brushing my teeth and washing my face?” She replies a little annoyed. It came out exactly how she feels on the inside. And the guilt is back because she didn’t want to snap at Dean. She’s just frustrated with everything at the moment and he happens to be the only other person in here. The only person she can project her anger towards.
“I can see that, but why didn’t you tell me. What if you get up too fast and you black out and hit your head somewhere?”
“My god, Dean, I’m not a fucking toddler. I can get up and pee on my own!” She hisses, and storms out, Dean has to take a step to the side as not to be in her way. 
Y/N climbs back into bed, she’s still feeling too tired and she’s mad. Mad that this all happened to her. But mostly, she’s mad that she knows all she has with Dean will be over soon. And now she feels bad for being mad at Dean because he had her best interest at heart. 
Dean climbs back to bed with her, spoons her from behind. He’s still in a t-shirt and pj bottoms. “I’m sorry that you feel like I’m crushing you.” He whispers and it makes her feel even more guilty, if that’s even possible. He snuggles up against her, his big arms holding her tightly. “Do you want me to leave? I can go out for the day, leave you alone.”
She strokes his arm, feels his muscle underneath his skin. “Don’t you get tired of being holed up with me all the time?”
He chuckles against the side of her neck, buries his face deeper into the crook of her neck. “Nuh-uh.”
“You’re weird,” She mumbles, “I’m sorry you have to take care of me.”
“That’s alright. You kind of saved my life.” He then pulls at the collar of her sleep shirt, brings it down past her shoulder and spreads kisses along her exposed flesh. “In more ways than you think.”
Y/N smiles as he continues to nose behind her ear. She gets restless at that, feels her body heating up. Dean slips a hand underneath her shirt, fingertips skidding over the goosebumps on her belly until he cups one of her tits in his hand, fingers twisting at her nipple and she moans out softly. It has been way too long and she feels a sudden need to feel him. How could he behave for so long? She doesn’t know if she could have, if it was the other way around. 
She wriggles with her hips, pushing against him and feels his hard bulge poking at her ass. 
“Baby, you’re not back to health yet.” He says but his voice is strained. She knows that it takes everything in him to utter those words, his self control is hanging by a thread and she’s ready to take a scissor and cut through the thread.
“Please?” She whines, and she really needs it. Feels like she’s going to suffocate in her want if he doesn’t give in. 
Dean loosens his grip, lets her grind into him when he hears her whine. “You absolutely sure?”
“Uh-huh,” She nods and Dean’s hand that was on her tit travels down, hooking his fingers into the waistband of her panties to lower them. She helps him by desperately kicking it off her legs. 
“Fuck,” Dean mutters as his fingers find her clit and feels that she’s already wet. “Still getting wet pretty fast as always, huh?” 
She tilts her head up and to the side, finds him looking down at her and he kisses her, his tongue plays around in her mouth. It has been way too long since they kissed like this. Mainly because Dean’s afraid that if they start, he’ll have a hard time to stop and she’s still recovering. And he was kind of right because my god, his kisses are so good. She’s basically gasping for air when they part, his fingers are lazily rubbing at her clit. “Dean, please?”
“What do you want?” He asks as if he doesn’t know. And that’s the little shit speaking out of him because he knows exactly what she wants but he likes to hear her say it.
“Want your hard cock in my pussy, please? I’m wet enough I swear. I miss your dick stretching me out. Miss feeling your cum inside of me.” And she’s sometimes a little shit too, for giving him more than he bargained for.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N,” Dean let’s out some more profanities as his fingers leave her clit to pull down the waistband of his pj bottoms. Pj bottoms she once bought him because she thought they were cute. It has cats on it. “You really sure?” 
She hears him spit into his hand, wetting his cock, can feel him stroking his dick and lays it to her clit, he moves his hips, thrusting into the apex of her thighs, coating his lengths with her wetness.
It already feels good as it is but she wants more. 
“I’m sure.” 
Dean’s breathing picks up as he holds his cock and nudges against her entrance. She parts her thighs slightly for him for better access. “Just know, I’m not going hard, fast or dee— god dammit!” He pushes in and he’s breathing through his mouth. 
She moans at the intrusion. It has been way too long. It feels way too good. 
“Shit, I was gonna say deep. I’m not going deep.” Dean’s words are strained and he’s clearly gritting his teeth. “Christ, baby, did you get tighter?”
Dean spreads out his arm, so that she can lay her head on it, his other arm comes up around her, slipping underneath her shirt again and he kneads her tits while he fucks up into her at a slow pace. 
“Nuh-uh, don’t even try to persuade me.”
“Baby, I can barely hold myself together as it is, I can’t fuck you harder.” He whispers, because he knows exactly what she wants him to do and he’s not wrong.
She lets out a whine and turns her head into his arm, takes in his scent, feels his soft skin. Dean Winchester has freckles all over. 
“You can rub me, please?” She whines again and wriggles her hips, trying to get him to fuck her deeper. 
He moves his hand that was kneading her tits lower, skids over her tummy, dibs into her belly button on the way down until he rubs at her with his long thick fingers and she moans out in pleasure. It’s the best feeling in the world. She’s missed this so much. 
“Dean, don’t stop, don’t stop, oh my god.” She closes her eyes, feeling the pressure building. 
“Will you come for me, baby? You feel so fucking good, I’m… fuck.” Dean groans loud and deep next to her ear.
Y/N comes as soon as she feels his warm cum coating her insides, bites into his arm, she couldn’t help herself. “Shit, I’m sorry,” She says as she looks at her bite mark. There’s red blood on the surface. The skin didn’t break, though. 
“That’s okay,” He mutters under his breath, laughs a little as he still thrusts in and out lazily until his dick goes soft. 
It’s a lot of cum, too, still seeping out around her hole, she can feel the sticky mess in between her thighs.
“I think I blacked out. Didn’t even feel you biting me.” He kisses her shoulder, “I’ve missed this. Missed how good you feel around me. But I’m also not gonna fuck you again today, don’t even try.”
She let out a sigh because that’s basically what she wants after she’s got a reminder of how good it feels.
“Not even if I pout?” She asks, and Dean laughs. 
“Not even then.”
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  Dean was true to his words. Didn’t fuck Y/N again that day but he got into the shower with her and ate her out on their bed after, made her come twice more. He just had to, couldn’t not because he’s been missing it too. 
He was being good for almost two weeks, let her see that their relationship does not involve around sex, and she knew that before already, of course she did. They have gone without sex for a couple of days already before that. Even made a bet once who could go longer without it. She lost her shit after four days and rode his dick that night like she’s a madwoman. He didn’t mind and was secretly happy that her walls crumbled down first because he was sure that his balls were slowly falling off with all the teasing that she made.
Things began to get back to normal pretty soon and Dean dared to go out to meetings more while she spends her day drawing, and if she’s not running errands, she goes for long walks. Walks that he sometimes joins too if he’s free. But more often than not, she’s going alone and does stupid things like a week ago.
He came home and as soon as he opened the door to the bedroom, she disappeared into the bathroom, locking the door behind herself.
Dean was wondering why until he saw the evidence on their bed. Cuddles was there and there’s also another cat, a little one, probably maybe five months old if Dean had to guess. It was wrapped in a blanket while Cuddles was licking at it. 
“Y/N! Why are you in there!” He shouted and walked to the bathroom, knocked on the door. 
“I’m pooping!” 
“No, you are not!”
“I am!”
“Why is there a cat on our bed?”
“It’s Cuddles!”
“No, it’s not!”
She unlocked the door and walked out, her face flushed. “Okay, okay! I found it on the side of the road. It has probably lost its mother.”
“We are not keeping it.”
“Why not?”
“Because we already have Cuddles!” He looked back to see Cuddles still licking away and rubbed his face on the new intruder. What a fucking traitor. 
And that is the story, how they got another cat. 
On Dean’s walks with her, he’ll talk to her about Operation Freedom — a code name only they use. She’s been honest with her thoughts and ideas. He likes it much more than the bunch of ass kissing dickheads he employed. 
She suggested improvements to his way of distributing goods and after implementing them, his profits surged. He basically trusts her with business decisions too and that’s a good thing, ain’t it. 
It almost made him think that maybe she was made for this life better than he thought she would be. Made him think about being here with her, leading this organization until they have kids to take over. 
The thought always gets shattered when she’s standing naked before him and he gets a glimpse at her scar that’s almost healed. And then he sees all the scars on himself and he’s back at the thought he always had. The thought that how all this — is no way to live. It’s not a good life, it’s a dangerous one. It might be comfortable not having to worry about money, comfortable when people do what you tell them to, but it doesn’t make life more worthwhile. It’s all just a farce.
Nonetheless, since they still have a couple of months left before Operation Freedom, he thinks it can’t hurt if she knows how to handle a firearm. She’s probably never touched a gun in her life and he’s going to show her. Will get her one, just in case. He hopes that she’ll agree to let him teach her.
 “We’re doing what?” She turns to ask him as he parks in the garage of the bunker.
“You heard me.”
“Why? I don’t think I need to carry a firearm.”
He gets out of the car, walks around to open the door for her. “You don’t have to. I just wanna see if you can handle weapons.”
She gets out of the car with a super stupid grin on her face. So stupid that Dean knows she’s plotting to say something unbelievably not funny. 
“Baby, no.”
“Why baby, yes!” She’s laughing already, thinking she’s the funniest thing since sliced bread, and it’s almost stupid that he’s already laughing with her, even if he hasn’t heard what she’s saying yet. “Why do you say no even if you haven’t listened to what I wanted to say?”
“Because I know that look on your face. It’s gonna be something stupid.”
“It’s not!” She protests.
“Okay, fine!” He sighs, knows that he’s going to regret it, but he just can’t say no to her, “Go on, humor me.”
“I know how to handle your weapon, isn’t that enough?” She’s doubling over laughing by now.
“Oh my god.” Dean groans and rolls his eyes and she takes the opportunity while he’s unprepared to palm his crotch, making him jump up.
This girl, seriously.
 “Have you ever had a gun in your hand?” Dean asks, and then he adds, “And, shush! I don’t mean my gun, alright? Focus!”
“Ah, then yes.” She says with a straight face but there’s still a glint of playfulness in her eyes. Dean’s ashamed to admit that the look alone makes him weak. She explained that her dad always used to teach her and it makes him wonder if there’s anything she can’t do.
He’s surprised at her answer, though. But holy shit she showed him, fired six rounds into the bullseye in quick succession without batting an eye. 
She’s a badass and he’s a little ashamed that watching her shoot a weapon turns him on very much. It’s not only the way she can handle a firearm. It’s also the way she holds it up, the little tongue peeking at the corner of her lips, the squinting of an eye, the smile when she sees that she hit the target.
“So, teacher, how did I do?” She asks, her face beaming. 
He pulls her closer by the collar of her shirt, kisses her. Couldn’t not do it. “A+.” He says when he parts and she sucks at his bottom lip that strangely works as some line that’s connected right to his cock.
“Did I win something?”
“Oh, baby, you always win something.” He kisses her again but pulls away before it gets too hot. “Let’s go home, I’m hungry.”
 He couldn’t wait until they were inside, and had to push her against the elevator wall, making her hook her legs around his body. Dean steps out of the elevator like this, with her attached to him, and he proceeds to unlock the door, misses the lock twice because the way she sucks at his throat is quite fucking distracting.
Once inside, he sets her down and works on the button and zip of her jeans, pulling them down together with her panties. Today is a thong kinda day, apparently. 
He didn’t even manage to get the pants off her one leg, letting it hang there and crouches down, spreads his arms and tells her to hop on. His hands grip around the back of her thighs, lifts her upwards until he could lay her legs around his shoulders. She’s shrieking out, hands scrambling at his head, afraid to fall. 
Dean chuckles, manages to say, “Baby, I got you.” Before he buries his face in her cunt, his tongue working in circles on her clit and she’s still scratching at his head, blunt nails digging into his scalp. 
Standing up, he balances her on his shoulders, his hands on her back, holding her up while he walks inside, lips still attached to her pussy, sucking and lapping at her, the sound of her wet cunt is loud, her moans of pleasure echoes in the spacious apartment. Y/N’s soaked and it’s the best fucking thing. 
He lays her down on the dining table, thinks she's the best meal that’s ever been brought on that table and he grins before he leans over her, his hands on the back of her knees as he folds her in half. 
Licking a broad stripe through her center, she keens and moans below him. He gets up a little, looks at the pink of her cunt that glistens in the light of the dining room table. 
“So fucking beautiful,” He breathes out and it’s almost like his heart is bursting. “Cutest little pussy.” He growls before he drives in again, her pussy lips part as he pushes his nose through the wetness. 
The tip of his tongue tickles her clit, and he nibbles at it, making her grab and fist at his hair. He dives in more, pushes his tongue into her hole, fucks her there while his nose bumps against her clit and she’s so close because she’s clenching around his tongue. 
With every clench, she pushes more slick to the outside, he’s slurping it up, drinks it in. “Jesus, you’re so fucking delicious,” He manages to say, although his voice sounds broken, he has barely enough air to breathe. 
“Dean, I..fuck!” She writhes above him and her hand in his hair pulls him further in. By now she’s grinding her pussy against his face, searching for that friction that will push her over the edge and he let’s her. How could he not.
There’s a vibration in his pants pocket, but he lets it ring. Not going to make the mistake to interrupt her when she’s so close. 
“Oh my god,” There’s a noise, high and scratchy as she breaks apart above him and he trains his eyes up, watches her trembling jaw as she comes undone. 
Fucking beautiful sight. It’s been months and he never gets tired of seeing her come. Sometimes, when he’s really alone and she’s still at work, he pulls the image out of his memories, jerks himself off to it and he never needed a lot, comes instantly when he thinks of her. 
She really has no idea what effect she has on him.
“Shit,” She’s panting, pulls him up towards her by his hair and it hurts but he loves it.
He looks at her, their noses touch and he’s sure that she soils his dress shirt, it’s just that he can’t really bring himself to care. She brushes the wetness of his scruff, pulls him in for a kiss before she parts again, obviously needs more time to recover, and he chuckles at that. 
Y/N releases him, and he stands up straight, pulls her to the edge of the table as he gets his phone out of his pocket and thumbs at her oversensitive clit with his other hand. She whines a little at that. 
Dean calls Crowley back while she’s still lying on the table like a fucking feast. It needs everything in him not to just pull his cock out and drive it in but he talks on the phone like the professional he is. 
“Just finished eating.” He says into the phone with a stupid grin on his face, he sees her rolling her eyes, “Yeah, I’ll be there as soon as I can.” 
He hangs up, smacks her pussy with his hand, making her yelp up and he laughs. 
Dean helps and pulls her up one handed. “So, what do you think about a visit to Crowley’s strip club?”
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“I don’t like to share.” - (Single Dad) Roger x Reader (smut)
Here’s more of your filth, girls.
Summary: Mr. Taylor hires you to babysit his two kids. (Reader is of age!! – I know if I don’t clarify this someone will have something to say.)
Language. Smut. Age gap. Everything. 18+ for god’s sake and if I find out you’re under 18 and reading or requesting anything I’m blocking you. 💕
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
[A/N: Here’s more filth because I don’t think this series can offer much more than that unless more people start requesting fluffy stuff. Oh, and there’s more interaction with the kids in this one since I’m apparently not doing that enough. (Haha) Oh! And yes, backstage at Live Aid… it’s in here.]
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“No, Roger,” you giggle. “I have to go.” You woke up to him playfully rubbing all over your body, really not wanting to get up because you’re still exhausted from last night. “I have things I need to take care of today.”
“I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t do another day,” he mumbles as his head is buried in your neck. “We aren’t practicing today so I’ll be home.” You’re trying to push him away… well, not really, but you’re pretending to make an effort. “Come on, the girls won’t be up for another…”
He’s interrupted by the sound of Liv knocking on the door. “Daddy? I want breakfast.”
You look at him and smirk. “Hang on, Liv,” he yells out. “I need to get dressed.”
“And how are we going to explain I’m in your room?” you whisper.
“We won’t,” he whispers back as he jumps out of the bed. “Get dressed and come downstairs.” He throws on some clothes and rushes out the door.
Once the coast is clear, you go downstairs, hoping the girls don’t bombard you with a million questions like they tend to do. “Y/N!” the girls call out when they see you.
Birdie runs up to you and latches on to your leg. “Daddy said we can go swimming today!”
Roger walks over and pulls her away from you, making her sit back down to finish her breakfast. “Stay right here, girls. I’m going walk Y/N to her car.”
“Why do you need to walk her to her car?” Liv asks. “She knows where it is.”
“Because that’s what gentlemen do when a princess leaves their house.”
Birdie starts to giggle. “You’re not a gentlemen. You’re a daddy.”
“I’m also a gentleman,” he says with a smile.
“And she’s a princess,” Liv chimes in.
“That’s right,” he says, looking at you with a smile before putting his hand on the small of your back and leading you out the door. “I did want to ask you about tomorrow,” he says as he’s walking with you to the car. “I know you said you were going with your friends, but I’m bringing the girls and I can really use some help,” he sighs. “I know it’s short notice. You can bring your friends with you.”
“There’s 10 of us in the group. I don’t think you can sneak 10 of us in.” You don’t take long to think about it. You can never say no to Mr. Taylor, after all. “But yeah, I’ll help with the girls.”
He grabs and squeezes your hand in case the neighbors are being nosy. “Spend the night,” he tells you with a slight rasp in his voice as you get into the car. “For convenience of course. So you don’t miss your ride to Wembley tomorrow.”
You look up at him and smirk. “You’re nothing but trouble, Mr. Taylor.”
“Something tells me you like trouble, Miss Y/L/N.”
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After taking care of the few errands you have to run, you get back to the house around 7:30, overnight bag on your shoulder, of course. “Y/N’s here! I saw her through the window!” Birdie yells as she opens the door before runs into the living room and jumps on Roger’s lap.
You don’t know why, but there’s something so attractive about him when you see the girls climbing all over him, the way he plays with them, the way his face lights up whenever they’re around. Liv is sitting on his shoulders, commanding him to take her to the kitchen for ice cream. “You have her thinking she’s a princess, too,” Roger laughs. “She’s a tyrant.”
“Chocolate or chocolate?” you ask Liv with a smile and she starts to giggle. “I like both.”
“Me too!” she says, patting Roger on the head, letting him know she wants to get down. When she stands in front of him, she puts one hand on her hip and points to the kitchen with the other. “You heard her. Chocolate and chocolate.”
Your mouth shows your humored shock, and you sit down on the sofa and cross your legs. “Well? You heard her, Mr. Taylor,” you giggle. “Chocolate and chocolate. One bowl, two spoons. We can share.” You give him a snarky grin and Liv climbs on the sofa next to you.
“What do you think, Birdie?” he asks. “Do you think they should get their own ice cream?”
She gives him the same snarky grin you and Liv are and she climbs to sit on the other side of you. “I think we need three spoons.”
“I have been betrayed,” he laughs. “Now I have three of you walking all over me.”
“I’m sure you will be rewarded for your service, Mr. Taylor,” you smile. “Now go on. Do as you’re told.”
You’re standing in the doorway as he tucks the girls in to bed, a smile on your face – the same one you’ve been wearing for the last few hours since you came back to the house. “Y/N’s coming with us tomorrow,” he tells them as he’s walking out.“You two need to be on your best behavior.”
“Are you spending the night Y/N?” Liv asks, completely ignoring what he just said.
Before you can even answer, Birdie sits up. “Can you read us a story?”
“Sure,” you smile. “Which one?”
Liv climbs out of bed, grabs a book and hands it to you. “Lay in my bed,” she says as she lays back down, so you lay back next to her and get comfortable.
Roger, seeing you have it all under control, smiles and starts to leave, but Birdie stops him. “No, Daddy. You lay in my bed.”
It’s the same book they always ask you to read, conveniently about a princess who finds her Prince Charming at the end, so you know it well, and know when to do all of the dramatic voices they love. Roger is either really interested in the story or he finds your reading of it enamoring, because he keeps looking at you the whole time you’re reading, and you sneak smiles to each other the whole time. Once they fall asleep – and “they” meaning all three of them – you quietly leave the room and go to the spare bedroom where you eventually fall asleep, only to be awakened when Roger climbs in the bed behind you.
“You’re great with the girls,” he murmurs once he knows you’re awake.
“They’re great kids. Besides, how can I not be?” you chuckle. “They think I’m a princess.”
“I’m starting to see why they think that,” he says softly, and roll over to look at him.
“Don’t get sappy on me, Roger,” you giggle.
“I’m not!” he laughs. “I just never saw you interact with them as much as you did tonight. They adore you.”
“And I adore them,” you smile.
“Let’s get some sleep. Long day tomorrow,” he says as he climbs out of the bed. “Are you staying in this uncomfortable bed or are you coming reward me for my service?”
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“You must be the princess,” Freddie says, holding out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” You gulp, a mix of nerves and embarrassment because you don’t know what he knows. “The little shits were just telling me all about you and said I needed to come meet you.”
“She doesn’t babysit cats,” Roger jokes as he walks up behind you, putting his arm around you when he gets next to you. “Only kids.”
“Nice to meet you…“ you don’t know what you should call him. “I’m Y/N.”
Liv runs up and tugs on Freddie’s pants leg. “Isn’t she pretty?” she giggles. “Like a princess.”
“Yes, she’s pretty,” Freddie says as he stands back up and pats her head, looking at Roger with a smirk. “I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
After their set is finished, you take the girls to the back of the stage so they can see Roger. They spot him immediately and run to him before you can stop them. Once you see he’s got them, you turn to go grab something to drink, and you run into a very, very good-looking guy. One of those stereotypical tall, dark and handsome strangers whose smile won you over immediately. And, well, you couldn’t be rude when he started talking to you. And you couldn’t be rude and not return the flirtation. And you couldn’t be rude when he asked for your number. You may be a lot of things, but rude isn’t one of them, especially when this gorgeous guy is showing insane interest in you. He stops talking rather quickly when he notices the new company that’s arrived, so after saying your goodbyes and see-you-laters, you turn to go find Roger and the girls, only to be surprised to see Roger immediately when you turn around.
“Hey,” you smile. “Where are the girls?”
“Went home with Brian’s wife,” he says. “Thought you’d like to enjoy the rest of the time here without having to worry about them.” He walks you over to the side, away out of earshot from anyone who may be listening. “A good girl like you shouldn’t walk around dressed like that,” Roger tells you in a lowered tone. “Could get in all kinds of trouble.”
You smirk. “You know I like trouble, Mr. Taylor.”
He leans down and gets close to your ear. “Do you tease all the boys, Y/N?”
“Just the ones I like,” you mutter.
“And do you like me?”
“I like you most of all, Mr. Taylor.” There was no smirking. No smiling.
He looks off into the distance and grabs your arm, pulling you over to an area with tons of black equipment boxes stacked high and finds a spot that shields you from the view of everyone else. “So why were you talking to that guy?”
“I couldn’t be rude…” He doesn’t let you finish.
“Now what did I tell you?” He’s getting a bit annoyed but you’re not taking him seriously.
“You told me a lot,” you giggle. “You said I have a fantastic ass…”
He tugs your arm, pulling you closer to him and grabs your crotch. “I said this is mine.” His voice was gravelly, forceful, and fuck… you never heard him talk to you like that. You raise brow and smirk. “You thought I was joking?” he asks, somewhat shocked.
You giggle and shrug. “I thought you were just saying that in the moment.”
“Well I meant it.” He holds your shoulders, his eyes penetrating your consciousness.
“Is this some game…”
“No. Not a game,” he growls. “I don’t like to share.” His facial expressions start to relax.
Your brow raises again. “Am I sharing?”
“Absolutely not.” A small smile starts to form on his lips, and he moves even closer to you, holding your hips. “Why’d you wear that skirt, Y/N? To tease me?”
You bite your lip and look up at him with shy eyes. “Is it working?”
He starts to chuckle and grabs your hand, putting it on his crotch. “You tell me.”
“You’re nothing but trouble, Mr. Taylor.” You move your free hand up his arm and to the back of his neck and pull him down for a kiss.
“Something tells me you like trouble, Miss Y/L/N,” he smirks.
“Do you want me to take care of that for you, Mr. Taylor?” Your hand is still on his crotch, and you give it a gentle squeeze.
He puts his lips to yours again and smiles. “Be a good girl, now.”
You use both hands and quickly undo his belt and zipper. You know this needs to go quick because you could be discovered at any moment, so you don't linger. As soon as you can, you push a hand inside his pants to take a grip his shaft. It’s hot, hard as a rock, and you’re practically breathless with anticipation as you hurry to pull it out, he wriggling to help as much as he can while keeping an eye out to make sure no one sneaks up. Once you finally free it from it’s constraints, he takes hold of the back of your head, gently guiding you down. He’s as desperate to get on with this as you are and you don't need to be asked twice.
Taking hold of his shaft, you open your mouth and hungrily suck the head, tasting his pre-cum before filling your mouth as much as you can with his cock. It’s fucking fantastic, and you soon find your pace, holding his shaft and wanking him as you work your tongue, teasing his sensitive spot underneath the head before taking him back in your mouth. He keeps a firm grip on the back of your head and gently guides your pace, not wanting this to stop. “Like that,” he whispers as you suck your lips tight around the end of his cock, bobbing your head in time with the strokes of your hand. When you look up, his eyes are closed, lost in the moment. You hum softly, vibrating his heat that’s inside you, jerking him faster, desperately not wanting to get caught. “Fuck, Y/N,” he whispers again, his eyes opening and looking down at you before once again checking to make sure no one is around. “Dirty girl,” he chuckles.
You take him out of your mouth, still moving your hand at the same pace and smile up at him. “Do you like this, Mr. Taylor?” you ask, already knowing the answer. He grabs your face with his hands and smiles back at you. “My mouth or my tits?” you ask before taking him back in.
“Right here,” he moans quietly, holding your head again, guiding your speed once more. “Are you ready?” You nod as best you can, start to jerk and suck harder, still looking at him as he looks down, shooting his load right down the back of your throat. He finally lets go and his softening cock slide from between your lips.
As you kneel there catching your breath, he hurries and zips his pants back up, looking at you with that sly smirk of his. “You’re gonna get me in trouble one day, Mr. Taylor,” you grin, standing up and straightening your skirt.
“Are you complaining?” he laughs. You shake your head no and bite your bottom lip. He holds a palm to your cheek and gives you a deep kiss. “Good girl,” he smirks.
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When you walk back downstairs after getting the girls in bed, he clears his throat, startling you a little bit. “Are you staying here again tonight?” he asks, sitting on the sofa, comfortably with his hands resting behind his head.
“I don’t know, am I?” He nods his head and you walk closer to him.
“Why are you still dressed?” he chuckles. “Take it off.” You put your bag down and start to unbutton your shirt. “I told you, Y/N, I don’t like to share.” His tone turns more serious, but that smirk is still on his face.
“You’re not sharing, Mr. Taylor,” you smile.
“I saw you, before we left,” he says with a suspicious look as he watches you undress. “You went and did your flirty little dance with that guy again after I told you...”
“I wasn’t…”
“You didn’t listen, Y/N,” he playfully scolds. “You weren’t being a good girl.”
“I’m sorry,” you smirk as you take off your bra.
“And what should happen to bad girls?” He smiles.
You take off your panties and throw them in the pile with the rest of your clothes. “They should be punished.”
“That’s right,” he smirks. “Come here.” You walk closer and he turns you around, and gives you a small spank.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Taylor,” you giggle. “It won’t happen again.”
He grabs your hips and pulls you onto his lap. His hands fiercely grab your tits and he gently bites your shoulder. “You’re so fucking sexy,” he growls raspy. “I can’t get enough of you.” You grab one of his hands and move it down to your mound. His fingers start to gently dance around, teasing you, and your legs seem to spread apart on their own fruition. He sticks two fingers inside of you and even he grunts when he does so. Your hand stays on his, guiding the speed of his movements, slow at first, so you can relish in the feeling. “This pretty, young pussy fucking controls me, Y/N,” he groans in your ear. Every time he speaks, you tingle. You start to speed up his push, opening your legs wider so they can go inside you deeper, your hips moving along with the rhythm. He’s biting on your shoulder again, his other hand now holding down on your abdomen. You lean your head back on his shoulder as you fuck yourself with his fingers, biting your bottom lip and noticing the sheer desperation in his eyes.
Not only are you addicted to him, but clearly he’s addicted to you.
“I need you inside me, Mr. Taylor,” you pant. “I need your cock inside me.”
“Need it, huh?”
“I need it. Now,” you groan. “Fuck. Please.”
He takes fingers out and you struggle to stand up before turning back to face him. “Well?” he asks, looking down at his pants and then back up to you with a cheeky smirk. You get on your knees in front of him and undo his pants, slowly pulling them down as he lifts himself up to make it easier. “Show me what a bad girl can do.”
You climb on to his lap, rub his cock against your already wet flower and slowly lower yourself on him.
“Just sit back and relax, Mr. Taylor,” you purr. “You’ve had a busy day.” You grind down on him until he fills you completely and groan as you get him perfectly in position. “Now your cock is right where it should be."
You lift up and grind down, rotating your pelvis with each move. He reaches his hands up to massage your tits and play with your nipples as you move yourself up and down on his hard shaft. He lifts his lips to each one for a nice lick and gentle nip, alternating his kisses from one to the other. You stare into each other’s eyes and smile as you continue to fuck him with your hands pressed against his chest. “You like my cock don’t you?”
"I fucking love your cock, Mr. Taylor.” You’re in control now. And you like it. He’s looking down now, watching his cock pulse in and out of you. “You like this young pussy on you, don’t you?” He doesn’t answer, so you pull the back of his hair and lean his head back to make his eyes look at you. “Don’t look down. Look at me.”
“Jesus, Y/N,” he moans.
“What? Thought you were the only one who was in control here?” You stop moving and pull him out of you. “Well, Mr. Taylor, I don’t like being told what to do all the time.” You climb off him completely and lay back on the sofa, opening your legs slightly. You wiggle a finger, calling him over to you as you bite your bottom lip. He smirks, taking off his shirt and starts to crawl over to you. But you stop him when his head gets even with your thighs and point down. “You know how I like it,” you sneer.
He licks his lips and grabs your knees, opening your legs more. “How are you so perfect?” he whispers as his head dives between your legs. You feel his tongue on your tender lips, his hand settling against your lower abdomen. His mouth effortlessly glides against your labia, a fingertip dancing in your soaked hole as he laps at your clit with his tongue, quickly bringing you to the brink so that you have to fight the urge to collapse in an orgasm so soon.
The sound of his moans, and the wet noise of his movements soon join with your own gasps and mews as you toss your head back, struggling to keep control. His movements stay steady, gentle licks and caresses building the tension inside you to breaking point.
With a groan, you tumble into your climax, squirming as you reach down and grip his head, tangling your fingers in his hair as he continues lapping at your slit. Your body spasms and your eyes squeeze shut, and you hear his chuckle in your ear, his hand on you chest, swirling a fingertip around your nipple. “You liked that, huh?” he whispers as he moves up to give you a kiss.
“You’re good at that, Mr. Taylor,” you giggle.
He sits back and pulls you up by your arms before laying back on the other side of the sofa. “I hope you don’t think we’re finished here,” he says, pulling you back on top of him. If this is his idea of punishment, you don’t ever plan on being a good girl ever again.
“Are you gonna fuck me, Mr. Taylor?” you whisper in his ear before kissing his neck. You put your hands on his chest and prop yourself up to look at him. “Don’t be gentle,” you smirk. He guides his cock inside you and pulls your hips down, not being gentle at all. You steady yourself and let him thrust himself into you, groaning as he does. “You feel so good inside me,” you whisper. “So fucking good.”
“Be a good girl, Y/N,” he groans, his thrusting getting quicker and harder. “Be my good girl.” You start to move to meet his thrusts, pounding yourself against him with every blow his cock makes inside you, feeling him hit your g-spot with every push.
“I’m your good girl, Mr. Taylor,” you pant. “Go harder.” He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, his dick never leaving you, and brings you to the floor so he can properly fuck you. He brings your legs over his shoulders, holds your thighs and pushes them to your chest, constricting you, but making it easier for him to plunge every inch of himself inside you.
And he does, beautifully brutalizing you with every second he pounds himself inside of you. “Be a good girl and cum for me, gorgeous,” he groans. “I need you to cum for me.” And as if your body adheres to his every command, your walls start to collapse and squeeze around his dick that’s torturing you, and you nod your head to let him know you’re ready. “Fucking beautiful,” he groans as his pace becomes relentless, never slowing until he fills you with his warm ejection. He falls to you, resting his head on your chest, and chuckles as he tries to steady his breath.
“Wow.” That’s all you can say as you chuckle with him. “Wow.”
“I agree,” he whispers with a smile as he moves up to kiss you. But he doesn’t, because Liv starts calling for him from upstairs. “Shit. Cover up,” he laughs, pulling you up and throwing a blanket on you before pushing your clothes under the sofa while he rushes to put on his pants.
“Daddy? I’m thirsty and I can’t find you,” she whines.
“I’m down here, Liv,” he calls out. “I’m thirsty too.” He stands at the bottom of the stairs while you watch, both of you looking at each other and giggling. When they get in the kitchen, you hurry and dress, before covering back up with the blanket. When you hear them coming, you pretend to be sleeping.
“Daddy, where’s Y/N?” Liv asks.
“She’s sleeping,” he whispers, pointing in living room where you’re pretending to sleep and covers his lip with a finger.
Liv starts to giggle. “She’s pretty, isn’t she, Daddy?”
“She’s very pretty,” he smiles.
“I like her. I wish she could be here all the time.”
“Well, she can’t be here all the time,” he chuckles.
“Why not? Why can’t she stay here?”
He puts his hand on her head and tries to get her up the stairs. “Because what is she going to do when you two aren’t here?”
“She can take care of you!” she says as if she just had the best idea in the world. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt?”
“Because I don’t sleep in a shirt.” He tries to get her up the stairs but she’s not budging.
“But why do you have pants on? Do you sleep in your pants?”
“No, Liv,” he says, his tone changing from amusement to gentle annoyance because the questions just won’t stop. “I put them on to come downstairs.”
“Why is Y/N sleeping on the sofa and not in your room like she did last night?”
“Stop asking so many questions,” he says, but she’s walking into the living room now. “Let’s get you back to sleep.”
“Why did Y/N sleep in your room last night?”
“Because she’s scared of the dark.” He’s quite proud of himself for thinking that one up quickly, but her questions don’t stop.
“Then why is she not scared of the dark now?”
“I don’t know, Liv…” He tries to stop her, but she’s quick, and she runs over to where you are.
“Y/N!” she whispers loudly in your ear as she shakes you, and you pretend to wake up from the pretend sleeping you were doing. “Come upstairs and stay in Daddy’s room again so you’re not scared.”
“I’m not scared, Liv,” you giggle.
“But Daddy said you’re scared of the dark.”
“That was last night,” you smile.
She looks confused and you can see the virtual gears spinning in her head, trying to make sense of everything. She starts to giggle. “Maybe Daddy’s scared of the dark.”
You look up at him and she’s shaking his head, quite amused. “It does get pretty scary in the dark,” he smiles. Liv starts to push you up and you look at him for guidance. He holds his hand out and you grab it. “I don’t want to be scared, Y/N.” You giggle and make your way upstairs with them.
“Can we have pancakes for breakfast?” Liv asks as she climbs into bed, waking Birdie up in the process.
“I want eggs,” Birdie fusses.
“How about we worry about this in the morning?” you tell them as you wave Roger off to his room. “You two get some sleep, okay?”
“Can you come with us when we go tomorrow?” Birdie asks.“Daddy has to bring us back to our mum tomorrow but we don’t want to go because we won’t see you.”
If your heart has never been melted by these two kids, it was definitely melting now. “I’ll be here when you come back. Promise.” You smile and they smile back, laying down as you close the door.
“Psst,” you hear Roger whisper from his doorway as he waves you in.
“They’re relentless,” you giggle as you close the door. “Just like their father.”
“They’ll be gone for a week. They act like its forever,” he laughs, pulling you down to the bed. “What will you do without them for a whole week?”
“Well, I have a paper to turn in Friday, and I do need to study,” you say. “I have dinner with my parents on Monday and I’m watching The Bradford’s kids Tuesday night.” You turn your head and look at him and start to giggle. “Don’t worry. I don’t find Mr. Bradford the least bit attractive.”
“I bet he finds you attractive, though,” he growls as he nuzzles into your neck, poking at your stomach. “Do you tease him too? Wear those tight dresses showing off that fantastic ass?”
“So what if I do?” you laugh.
“Maybe you wear tight shirts, showing off these tits,” he murmurs as he playfully grabs them. “You ever tell him he can touch you?”
You pretend to be shocked. “Of course not, Mr. Taylor! What kind of girl do you think I am?”
“A good girl,” he smiles. He stands up to take off his pants and jumps back into bed. You take off your dress and climb under the sheet, scooting up close to him as he wraps you in his arms.
“Still think this is wrong?” you giggle.
“Definitely not.”
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Permatags: @clogwearingspacepoodle @briansfatbottomgirl @culturefiendtrashqueen @jennyggggrrr @shutup-sorry @dontstopmemeow @letmelivetaylor @tommyleeownsme @ziggymay @drowseoftaylor @mariekuuuuuh @biscuit-barrel @givemequeen @luvborhap @quirkydeaky @capsparrowtara @vousmemanqueez @vanitysfairr @langdonzvoid @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @thigh-your-mother-down @toomuchlove-willkillyou @lauravic
Series tags: @bohemiansweede @bismillahnah @caborhapch @rogahtaylahdrummah @delilahmay39 @c0smicdancer @rogahtaylahisathot @killer--queenie @screamyrogerr @captainbuckyboobear @rogswhore @depressedpolishgirl @woaholland
(Let me know if you want to be added or if I left you off on accident!)
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heartslogos · 4 years
the declassified texts of the inquisition’s elite [129]
(419):  half way down the stairs my legs said fuck this and i just fell the rest of the way... - (727): Nana added me on facebook...i think i'll have to call her and warn her about my lifestyle before i confirm her as a friend. -
Evelyn, at this point, is a master of having a straight face when being told things that, generally speaking, are not things that most people would want to hear.
“And did Herah say anything else?” Evelyn asks when Kaaras doesn’t continue.
“The little dots kept coming up for a while but then they stopped and I went to sleep,” he says. And then frowns, looking nervous. “Was I supposed to stay up and wait for a response?”
Evelyn turns to Leliana. “Is she alive?”
“Probably,” Leliana shrugs. “I can look into it. But she wasn’t on anything dangerous. I sent her on an errand, not a mission. nothing dangerous about going to pick up some marketing materials and transferring them to another base. The pick up location is only two hours from our Val Royeaux base. Not even out of the zip code. If someone was launching a surprise attack on Herah Adaar I don’t think they’d be doing it exactly then. She doesn’t even have any interesting material on her. Nothing to be gained there.”
“Or they could just want to get one of our top agents out of commission.”
“There is that,” Leliana concedes with a graceful dip of her head. “But it’s unlikely. There would be more of a mess, I should think, if Adaar was assassinated.”
“Can we stop talking about Herah being assassinated? Please.” Josephine’s brow is pinched and Kaaras shoots her a grateful look as he returns to tapping out, and erasing, texts to his sister on his phone.
“Then it’s fine,” Evelyn says before anyone else can make further comment. “So Herah’s most likely fine and should be expected back in Skyhold soon, following the current timetable set out. We’ll keep on track and keep Herah on for the current mission roster heading out to the Approach in the next two weeks.” Evelyn makes a small note on her notepad while her advisors make similar notes on theirs. “Mahanon, shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Mahanon says, spinning a pen between his fingers and staring up at the ceiling lights.
“I could sense it,” Evelyn says. “Whatever it is, don’t.”
Mahanon raises an eyebrow at the ceiling. “Are you sure?”
“You’re about to trick me into asking for your opinion by chipping away at my certainty. It won’t work. Almost two years I’ve been working with you, Mahanon. Living with you. I’m wise to your ploys.”
“So you say.”
“Another one of your tactics that I’m not following for.”
“Didn’t say you would.”
“I don’t even know why you’re here. Why are you always here?”
“Am I fired?”
“Another tactic you like to use.”
“So it is.” Mahanon tilts his head and looks at Leliana. Leliana shrugs at him before clearing her throat.
“What Mahanon was going to say, Inquisitor — “
“Nope. Next topic.”
“You’re being unusually stubborn today.”
“We’ve got about fifty topics to get through. If I don’t keep all of us on track we’ll be here until tomorrow,” Evelyn says. “Whatever it is, whatever comment or question you’ve got that will undoubtedly throw us off course — save it. Just. Hold onto it. Like a tiny little grain of sand inside of an oyster. Just hold it close, keep it quiet, and discuss it later when we don’t have — “
Evelyn glances at her list.
“Thirty eight other topics to go through.”
“But what if it’s important?” Kaaras asks, actually raising his hand like he’s back in school.
“Text it to Leliana or Josephine,” Evelyn says. “Multi-task. Right now I’m already multi-tasking paying attention to this meeting, keeping it on topic, and ignoring Maxwell texting me numerous updates about the court case he’s currently observing. Yes, I know. Terribly dickish move of me but tough shit. That’s just how it is sometimes. Will this come around to bite me in the ass later? Absolutely. But that’s a problem for future Evelyn to deal with and may the Maker grant her with more patience than I have currently. So. Next on this list?”
Theron actually calls her after that text — well. Half to their cousins attempt to call her but Theron’s is the one she happens to pick up as her phone has some kind of spasm trying to alert her to about fifteen different people calling her at the same time while another dozen or so text at rapid speed. Ellana can actually feel the phone warming in her hand.
“You never told Nana what the Inquisition does, did you?”
“Not even a hello? Where’d you drop your manners?”
“Ellana. This is serious.”
“I didn’t think I had to! Everyone knows what the Inquisition is.”
“You can’t just assume that, Ellana. You — think on this one. You sure you haven’t told Nana about what you do in the Inquisition?”
“Theron. She already despairs every single time one of our relatives enters the Wardens like they’re driving a stake into her heart or a nail into her coffin. You think I’m going to tell her I joined the Inquisition? Which is basically the Wardens but on steroids?”
“I’d argue that the Inquisition isn’t the Wardens on steroids because you’re not fighting a never ending zombie plague, but yeah.”
“Theron. I’ve fought some of those zombies on Inquisition business. The amount of times the Wardens and Inquisition have crossed paths to help each other out is innumerable at this point. Unfortunately, the Inquisition is also fighting every other type of crime and anomaly known at the same time. Of course I didn’t tell Nana. She’d ask if I had a desk job using my degree and I’d answer no, I’m one of their drivers and also one of their top intelligence gathering agents. I’ve gone beyond enemy lines more times than I can count and I’m running around with two active aliases at all times. Nana would keel over.”
“No. Nana would go down there and drag you out of Skyhold by your ear as you kick and scream along the way.”
“It’s not fair. She doesn’t do this to you. Or Mahanon.”
“She’s expecting grand kids out of you, that’s why. I already got her one so she doesn’t care what happens to me now. Mahanon’s a ship long sailed past the horizon. And you? If she finds out that not only are you in one of the most dangerous jobs out there, but also you’re shacked up with a Qunari ex-pat who’s also in the same job position she’s going to have kittens. Well. To be fair she does know about the Iron Bull already. But I don’t think he’s told her where he works, either. And it’s bad enough if one of you is in that kind of job, but both of you at the same time? Oof.”
“There’s tons of people she can get grandkids and great-grandkids out of! Why’s it got to be me?”
“You know why, it’s the reason why you haven’t told her where you work.”
“I hate being the favorite.”
“yeah, but you are. So tough. Make a fake facebook profile and add her. I’m sure the rest of us would help with making some comments or like…figuring out some way to make the profile more believable.”
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youtubethewhatnow · 5 years
Dancing with our hands tied- David Dobrik
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“We have to keep this secret David I’m serious” you whispered to David, a soft “uh huh”’escaping his lips as he kissed you with a fervor. Holding your face in his hands, keeping you closer and closer which made you feel like could be devoured by him at any moment. David not caring about you getting caught by your friends, knowing Corinna wouldn’t approve of what was going on between the two of you.
Corinna and you agreeing after going through awful relationships, you both wouldn’t date anymore until you knew you were ready. You were only friends with Corinna for the longest time, her only introducing you to the infamous Vlog squad recently. All of you clicking instantly, this causing Corinna to get tons of jokes about her keeping you from them because they’d steal you away. Everyone accepting you when you showed them how nice and accepting you were of them, but you instantly clicked with David the most. You also may have formed a small infatuation with the Slovakian Vernon Hills boy at first sight, which helped a lot.
Making you wonder where he really was all your life because you really got along with him so easily, it was insane to you. The problem was of how well you got along with him, that’s how you ended up here in David’s arms a year later and hiding from your friends. It was really only Corinna because that pact meant a ton to you, especially on Corinna’s part, but she was trying for you. You wanted to at least try for her, but it was getting harder and harder with David being involved. Soon you pushed the boy kissing you back, your chest moving up and down rapidly but that couldn’t compare to how much your heart was racing at that moment.
“Hey why’d you stop? I was really enjoying that” David remarked before leaning back in to kiss you again, shocked when you moved out of his way again in order to get lost in thoughts that were really only David. “I stopped because we shouldn’t even be doing this, I told you about Corinna and I’s pact” you argued back, not giving into him like he was used to.
He rolled his eyes before letting you step away from him, letting you sit on his bed before Natalie came in to see the two of you. “Hey David could you come with me for a second, there’s something I need your help with for Zane’s surprise. Also hi (Y/N)!” Natalie asked David and greeted you. Waving before ushering David our and leaving you to fall back into the bed, thinking about what just happened.
“(Y/N) aka little cub number two, what’s up?” Josh Peck greeted you as he stood in the doorway of David’s room while you thought about Corinna. You could easily talk to her about this whole situation and figure things out, she was pretty understanding. Yet you knew that if you started dating, she’d end up with some douche like Logan Paul again and you couldn’t have that happen.
“Hey Josh, just thinking about life. Totally fun and I definitely don’t want to die or anything” you joked to Josh, happy he got your sense of humor. You would have never made that joke in front of someone you just met, but this was Josh. Other than David and Corinna, you were surprisingly close to him and you you guys would talk whenever you could. “So I mean you’re Scotty on a scale of how you’re doing? Great okay so really what’s up? You’re over here a lot more” Josh pointed out to you.
He was completely right in saying you were over David’s more, ever since two weeks ago when you first kissed you had this need to be around David. He never minded because he seriously hated being alone, making things worse for the both of you at this point. “Yeah I mean it’s definitely fun to hang out here, there’s always something going on” You talked, slightly alluding to you and David without being obvious about it.
“That is true so do you want to do a Mukbang with David and I? We’re doing pasta night and I know you love pasta, come join us” Josh invited you, naturally you agreeing. You both walked out into the living room where Natalie was talking on the phone while David looked at her expectantly. “Whoa are we interrupting something?” Josh asked, causing David and Natalie to look at the two of you. Natalie soon going back to her conversation on the phone and David make space at his table.
“No you guys aren’t interrupting anything, we’re just talking to this brand who basically want to sponsor me. It’s just that they said they would pay money but now they changed it saying that it’d be a fair trade for them to get promoted and us their product. Which is total bullshit if you ask me” David slightly ranted. Josh smiling at David before telling him to sit because he had something to cheer him up, you sitting down next to David. Josh going to the door since he got a notification that Postmates were at David’s door.
“Hey can we talk later?” David asked you before Josh could sit down, nodding your head at him before food was set before you. “Let me just set up the- wait I need to get my camera shit one second I left it in David’s room!” Josh yelled before running back to David’s room. David looking at you before smiling and connecting your pinkies together, kissing your cheek when he noticed Natalie was turned around. A satisfied smile formed on his lips before he pulled back, just in time for Josh to come back out with his camera.
“Little cub, I know you love Olive Garden, but so does little cub number two over here. So she’s joining us today for our Olive Garden Mukbang” Josh explained for the camera once it was all set up and the camera was rolling. David and you looking at all the food you were about to eat, hungry and excited about everything in front of you guys.
“So can I just say before we start this whole thing that it’s (Y/N)’s first mukbang ever. You’ve known us for more than a year now, why is this just starting now?” Josh joked with you as you picked up chicken Alfredo on the table. You just shrugged your shoulders as you started to eat, laughing at David as he already ate way more than you. 
“Let her be Josh, we can’t scare her away already” David joked before pulling you in and letting you rest your head on his shoulder while he smiled down at you. “Well this is cute” Josh commented before giving the two of you a look which meant ‘I’m definitely asking you guys about this’ in a little bit. You rolled your eyes at Josh’s insinuation before picking your head off David’s shoulder and picked up a bread stick.  
“So are you guys two- Well you know...” Josh asked bluntly as he picked up more food to eat, giving his full attention to the two of you. You soon turned to David who just sighed before looking at Josh with annoyed look, people have been talking about the two of you recently too. This causing a strain on your relationship that just didn’t need to be there, not when the both of you were carefree and wanted to take things slow.
“No we aren’t but guys and girls can be friends which is what we are, friends” David explained as you nodded your head to agree with what David was saying. Soon you all finished off the Mukbang and questions for each other, David and you both soon headed back to David’s room in order to sleep mainly. 
“You think we’re going to get one of those David Dobrik flirts with (Y/N) videos when Josh posts that?” You asked David who smiled at you before saying a small “probably”. Soon the both of you falling into bed together, David immediately wrapping his arms around you in order to get you as close as possible. “That’ll be fun honestly I love those videos” You say out loud, hoping that David would at least somewhat agree since you really wanted to see what he would say about your relationship. 
“I feel like it’s a different story when it’s us, it always has been” David replied before playing with your hands like they were the most interesting thing in the world. A small smile played on his lips before he leaned in and gave your hand soft kisses, slowly making their way up your arm before getting to the base of your throat. “I wish everyone was gone, this could be more fun” You joked before David pulled back with eyebrows raised and a mischievous smirk playing on his face.
“You know I can do that right now, that’s no problem to me just say the words” David tempted you, making you wish that you guys were alone at that moment. You pulled back to think, just in time for Joe and Jeff to walk into David’s room which meant they were probably there to annoy David. “(Y/N) it’s nice to see you but what are you doing in here with David in bed?” Joe asked while Jeff gave the both of you an interesting look. 
“We are relaxing after the mukbang, fuck off, not all of us can stomach giant amounts of food and be fine after” David defended you as he gave his full attention to his friends. “Well (Y/N) do you want to join me for my video, Jeff and I are going for a ride” Joe asked, only to be met with a groan from David. Jeff soon smirking before slowly scooping you up out of the warmth David provided, the smirk still present on his face.
“Well since (Y/N) leaving David annoys him so much we are definitely taking her, see you David” Jeff stated before carrying you out of David’s room, yells from David could be heard from his room. Demanding you to come back to his room and Jeff to put you back so you could get some rest, Jeff just laughing before taking you out of the house. “Sorry about that (Y/N) but now you are definitely joining us” Jeff stated before opening the door to his car. 
“I honestly don’t mind, just ask first next time and I’m down” You informed Jeff before getting into the car with the two of them following behind you. “So we’re just doing some errands but also can I ask about you and David? You guys look pretty cozy in there” Joe stated as he turned to look back at you. “Here’s the tea” you paused before continuing with a  “it’s none of your business” and sitting back in the chair. 
“I forgot how feisty you were (Y/N) but then again you’re always with David so no one really knows how you are” Jeff joked with you making you fake offended. “So you kidnap me?” You joke back to make Jeff shush you silently, parallel parking on the street before all of you got out to a juice shop close to David’s. 
“I can’t get arrested again, it’s not kidnapping you but more getting you away from David” Jeff joked before pulling open the door, all three of you soon walking in. You rolled your eyes at this comment before all three of you ordered and sat at a table while you all waited for your juices.Time slowly passing as the three of you waited an unusual amount of time for even what it seemed like for pressed Juice. “Wait let me text David to see if any of them at the house want anything” You suggest before sending out a short text.
You: Hey did you want anything, we’re at some pressed juice place near your house
Davey: No but I’ll ask Natalie and Josh if they want anything
Davey: They said no but thanks (Y/N), come back soon
You: On it 
“They all said no but oh Jeff the girl called out your name” You told Jeff before he went up when you heard yelling and soon David came out and shot Jeff with a paintball gun. “What the fuck! How did you even find us?” Jeff asked David before he looked at you and then to Joe, Joe laughing slightly before he revealed it was him. 
“Joe what the fuck I thought we were friends, is that why it took so long for our drinks to get here?” Jeff asked before the cashier nodded her head, showing the $100 David probably paid her. David slowly pulling out the paintball gun to aim at Joe when he pulled you in front of him, David slowly lowering the gun. “Nice move Joe I’ll get you later, I’ll get you later but Jeff that’s what you get for stealing (Y/N) away from me. Stay in your lane bitch” David yelled at Jeff. 
“Anyways, I’m going to leave with David before Jeff gets shot again. Come on Dobrik” You pulled David away leading the both of you out of the shop. Both of you were about to get away when David soon shot Joe and leading the two of you outside. David looking at the footage he just got for his vlog, happy with the results while you laughed at the weird boy you definitely liked.
Both of you soon getting back to David’s hand in hand, David leading you inside of his house. You opened the door to see Corinna waiting for you. “Hey (Y/N) haven’t seen you,only my best friend, in about a week. Let’s talk, you too Dobrik” 
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