#I can't think of any off the top of my head that fit the question nowadays
candaru · 10 months
Do you have a song you love but you hate the fact you love it?
Oooh, what a fun and unusual question!
This definitely USED to be true. "Angel With a Shotgun" and "I'm Glad You're Evil Too" were my guilty pleasure songs because I loved the tunes but felt like a bad person listening to the lyrics.
I've had my character arc now and I love those songs.
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marvelsswansong · 6 months
Imagine corio seeing a woman flirt with r he’s so confused cuz he’s used to disgusting men after her only
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no but like seriously 🌞👉👈
Corio isn't oblivious to the fact that there is a price for dating someone as beautiful as you. Namely, that others - doesn't matter if they're complete strangers or close working colleagues - will secretly want you, with some of them even being bold enough to try and entice you.
This is all much to his annoyance, as he tries being very public about the fact that you're his. Think constant arm around your waist, aggressive kisses in public, loudly calling you 'darling' from across the room. But that doesn't seem to deter everyone.
Especially not the types of men in the Capitol.
If he's feeling calmer that day, he might just stop at glaring at the man whilst pulling you away by the waist, or knocking the breath of you by suddenly grabbing your face and kissing you fiercely for the crowd of men to see. If he's in a sour mood, or it's been a hard week, you have to be careful to keep an eye on the blonde in case he flies into a fit of rage and his mind starts to scan the room for whatever is sharp and capable of causing damage.
"Sometimes I feel as if I have to babysit you." you would tease after one particularly harsh night, where you and Corio get thrown out of a house party after he smashed another man's face into the wall and then proceeded to twist the man's arm to the point of almost breaking a bone. Granted, the man had been extremely aggressive towards you and making very inappropriate comments, but it'd been rather awkward to see the stranger be carried onto an ambulance whilst the head of the household ordered the both of you out.
Chest heaving and knuckles still bruised from the impact, he'd just kiss you again, his tongue tasting of copper.
"Can't help it. You're too pretty." he whispers, and all your criticisms of him would fly out the window.
But Coriolanus is always less guarded when it's a woman around you. After all, you have so many best friends who are women, you spend so much time around grandma'am and Tigirs, and so on. He just associates women being around you with platonic love and comfort.
So when you leave him to go get some drinks at the bar, a fancy upper east side bar you've been begging to go to, he's too busy searching the room for potential men who approach you to notice the red haired woman beelining towards you. She bumps into you 'on accident', pink champagne spilling over the tip of the glass just a bit - a light splash on your jeans, but nothing too bad.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." she quickly says, grabbing a nearby napkin to hand it off to you. Coriolanus watches the interaction from the back of the club, the specifics of your conversation with her unintelligble over the loud music, but he doesn't think anything much of it. Even when the auburn haired woman's fingers brush against yours whilst exchanging the napkin.
He watches as you smile politely at her, probably telling her that it's okay, before turning around to the bartender to make an order. The woman next to you continues to talk to you through out the exchange, which again doesn't raise any red flags to Corio.
After all, women are very friendly by nature. It's normal that someone, especially a stranger who feels bad for spilling a drink on you, wants to continue to talk to you.
You don't think much of it either on your end, other than thinking that she - Clara, she tells you her name after a soft giggle - is very nice.
It's only when the drinks arrive and the woman stops you, lightly sitting you back down and brushing away the hair from your eyes, that Coriolanus starts feeling rather odd. The sudden wide eyes on your face and the red haired woman's smirk, before she slides you a piece of paper from her back pocket and lets you go, raises a lot of questions in his mind.
His top options? Something along the lines of bribery or illegal drugs. Or maybe she's using you to get something from him. Or maybe she wants something from your family.
What he doesn't expect, is for you to come back totally speechless, fingers deftly hanging onto the small piece of paper. You look somewhere between embarrassed and shocked, refusing to meet your boyfriend's eyes as you sit down next to him. He frowns at that, patting his lap instead.
Normally, you'd sit on his legs without a second thought. This time though, you hesitate.
"What'd she want? Drugs? Mone-" he growls, only to be cut off by the stranger.
"So you weren't lying. You do have a boyfriend." the red haired woman cuts into the conversation, now sitting on the velvet chair across from you. Coriolanus swears his jaw almost drops when the woman laughs seductively, winking at you whilst uncrossing her legs.
"You can sit on my lap instead, honey."
"I, you- I just-" Coriolanus starts speaking in an attempt to swear or scare her off, but his mind totally blanks.
You've never seen your boyfriend this flustered. His pale complexion breaks into a dark shade of red, his usually stern gaze darting back and forth between you and the woman, his speech stuttered and jumbled. It's YOU who ends up having the composure to let her down gently, holding out the paper with her phone number out towards her and informing her that you love your boyfriend very much and you're not that interested.
She pouts at that, and it makes your boyfriend's jaw clench so hard his face aches.
"Aw... alright, darling. But keep the paper. You know, just in case you wanna play."
With a wink and a hair flip, she disappears into the dark crowd of sweaty bodies and loud music. It's only then that your boyfriend snaps into action, taking the paper into his hands and shredding it to pieces.
"She called you darling." he snarls, angry. "Only I get to call you darling."
You just giggle, kissing away his sour expression, before tugging at his sleeves.
"Come on, forget about it. Let's just dance." you say, the alcohol in your veins still making you feel buzzed. He complies, never being able to say no to you, but the entire night, he can't help but hold you very close and glare at everyone who approaches you or even looks at you.
Regardless of their gender.
Now, he has to protect you from everyone, he thinks.
BONUS SCENARIO (later in the night)
You've had one too many drinks and yell into Coriolanus' ear that you really need to go to the bathroom. You clutch your handbag and stumble into the corridor, leaving your boyfriend alone by the bar. A stunning blonde woman slides into the empty seat next to him, glossy lips parting to ask a question.
Thinking she's going to hit on him, he raises his right hand, stopping her on the spot.
"I'm not interested, sorry."
The woman scoffs at that, ordering a tequila shot and almost glaring at him.
"Neither am I, genius. I was just wondering if you knew the name of the cutie who just went to the bathroom."
The moment you come back, he practically drags you out of the bar and hails a cab back to the apartment.
He's had enough of women trying to steal you from him. At least for that night.
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a/n: hope you guys like this small type of blurbs too in between major fics hehe
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sweetbans29 · 30 days
Little Ones - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: When talk becomes reality - baby edition (based on THIS request)
Warnings: Caitlin with kids is a warning - fight me, the photo is form when she was a Hawkeye, fic is when she is with the Fever
Word Count: 1.9k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Okay but CC with kids is such a mood - she is just as cute (if not cuter) than the kids!
"Will you marry me?" Caitlin says while she is down on one knee, The two of you took (at least what you thought was) a spontaneous trip to the eastern coast in the middle of the night to go watch the sunrise. Now here you are, sun on the horizon, standing in complete shock in front of the love of your life, her down on one knee asking you to marry her.
"Yes." You say as Caitlin, with shakey hands, takes the ring out of the box and places it on your finger. Her touch is so gentle as her hands continue to shake with now-settled nerves and pure excitement. Once the ring is on your finger she jumps up, wrapping her in your arms and spinning you around. As she does, you let out the most beautiful laugh she has ever heard and yell 'We're getting married' at the top of your lungs not caring that the world is still asleep. Caitlin didn't think she could, but she fell more in love with you at that moment.
As the two of you drive back, you can't stop looking down at the ring that your now fiance has gotten you. It's so much bigger than any ring you ever imagined would live on your hand.
"It is so big," you say, eyes still in awe and heart still swollen from the events of the morning.
"You deserve even more," Caitlin says as she places a hand on your thigh, giving it a little squeeze.
You go silent as you continue looking at the stone. The two of you are still in college and if you are honest, it sort of scares you to think about you walking around with something so valuable.
Caitlin senses your shift.
"Hey," she says in the softest tone. "We can get you something smaller if that would make you more comfortable."
She knows you all too well. You were never the one to wear a lot of jewelry and the times that you had put something nice on, it was always something simple and dainty.
But you also know her well. This ring is a declaration of her love for everyone to see. She is proud that everyone knows you are hers and wants the world to see. You would never take that away from her.
"No, no. I absolutely love it. I was thinking just maybe something temporary while we finish school. Like one of those rubber ones that athletes wear - just so no one jumps me and cuts off my hand for this in that parking lot or something." The second you say it, the two of you burst out laughing.
"You would think about someone cutting off your hand," Caitlin says, continuing to laugh.
"Hey! There are some crazy people out there and this is worth a pretty penny," you say, eyes still glued to the ring.
You hear Caitlin mumble something along the lines of 'try 50 pretty pennies'. Your head whips around to her and she just gives you a shy look.
The two of you decide that you will get a silicone ring to wear while you finish out college and then switch back to the ring Caitlin got you, with the exception of date nights and family events.
When you get back to your college town, you guys stop to get some food. You ask her all the questions about when she started planning when she got the ring, and everything. She told you everything you wanted to know down to asking your dad for his blessing over one of your school breaks. You sit there amazed, taking in every word, not believing she is the one you get to spend the rest of your life with.
*6 months later*
Caitlin is at practice with her team one winter afternoon when the conversation presents itself yet again. Cait is now in her first season of the WNBA and has fit into the Indiana Fever perfectly. Everyone loves her and they have slowly been getting to know you.
"Did you see that Jess and Nick are expecting?" NaLyssa says as they are in a circle stretching. "They just announced they are going to be having a baby boy."
Everyone in the circle is sending NaLyssa dagger looks knowing the can of worms she just opened is one that Caitlin won't stop talking about.
"Awww, that is so cute!" Caitlin says with unmatched excitement. "You know, I can't wait to have a little one - just imagine them running around in little Fever gear and coming to all the games. It would be the cutest thing," Caitlin says and then proceeds to go on about how much she wants kids and can't want to have little mini-Caitlins running around.
"What if they come out as little versions of your lady?" Erika says. "They would also be pretty cute running around here."
"Don't get me started on if they are little versions of her," Caitlin says with pure excitement. "I would never be able to say not to them!"
When they are done stretching, they head into a cardio practice. Every break, Caitlin brings up something kid-related - how cute they would be, how she would teach them any sport they want, how she would want to make them proud that she is their mom. It gets to the point where the team walks away when Caitlin begins talking on the subject. Everyone with the exception of Erika, who has taken Cait in both on the court and off. She toughs it out and listens to Caitlin ramble about someday having kids. She is also the only one on the team that knows Caitlin and you are engaged. So she feels it is only fitting she let your girl ramble on about how someday family.
*18 months later*
Caitlin's 3rd year in the WNBA and she is still on fire. She was named both Rookie of the Year her first year as well as MVP - only the second to do that in the history of WNBA history.
The team is pretty much the same, with the exception of a few trades and added rookies. Erika and Lexie are still closer than ever to Caitlin on the court.
The conversation of kids comes up again when Lexie mentions her little one has started teething.
"Isn't it the worst?" Caitlin says. "You just hate seeing them in pain and you can't really do anything about it."
"I know! I just want to cuddle him but he is super fussy and is running warm." Lexie says. "It is heartbreaking."
"Right?" Caitlin says, which earns some looks from some of the other girls on the team.
Practice ends and everyone goes home for the day. A few days pass and Lexi brings up her son again.
"This whole teething thing has been terrible for our sleep schedule. Miles is up every hour and will not stay down," Lexie says while looking exhausted.
"Have you tried freezing fruit and putting it in any of the fresh food feeders for him? It might help with keeping his gums soothed." Caitlin says.
"I will have to try that!" Lexie says and thanks Caitlin for the tip. Nobody outwardly questions why Caitlin knows that but there are a few that give her quizzical looks when she offers pretty spot-on advice about a teething baby.
Once again, they end the practice and head their separate ways.
The following day is game day. The team all arrive in their own game-day attire. Caitlin walks in and goes to her locker. As she is going through her stuff she looks everywhere for her shoes.
Erika walks over. "Everything good CC?" She asks as Cait is looking through everything she has.
"No, I am somehow missing my shoes," she says as she scans through everything again.
Just as Caitlin is about to call you, Erika passes her her shoes. Caitlin mumbles a thank you and finishes getting ready.
The team heads out to warm up. The crowd is going crazy as it is one of the final games of the season. The team is warming up and Caitlin feels like there is something off. She finishes warm-ups and realizes she isn't wearing her headband to keep her fly-aways out of her face. She curses and then hears a familiar voice.
"Caitlin!" You try to get her attention, a little girl attached to your hip.
"MAMA!" Your little girl screams at the top of her lungs.
Caitlin can't help but smile as she makes eye contact with her little one. The smile on your child whenever she sees her mama is unmatched. Once you are close enough, you set your baby down and she goes running (waddling) over to Caitlin.
"Hi, little one!" Caitlin says as she picks up her child and attacks her with kisses.
You make your way to them and hand Caitlin her headband. "You forgot this," you say.
"Thanks, babe," She says as she gives you a little kiss.
Caitlin sets your little one down and she just looks up pointing at Caitlin's team. Caitlin lowers to her level and points at them with her.
"You know who they are," Caitlin says to her little one. Her little one claps with a smile. You come up behind her and scoop her up, knowing Caitlin needs to get back to her team. You give a little wave to Cait and your little one waves at her mama.
"Bye Mama!" she says continuing to wave her little arm from side to side.
Caitlin is still on a little cloud nine after seeing her little one before the game and that they brought her the one thing she needed that she completely forgot that her whole team was huddled right next to her.
"Mama?" Aliyah asks with a shocked expression.
"YOU HAVE A KID???" Erika comes barreling over in disbelief. "SINCE WHEN???"
"Well by the looks of her little one, looks like she is about a year and a half," Lexie says with a smile on her face. "Is that why you know so much about teething babies?"
"Ya, she has been on and off teething for a while now," Caitlin says with a little blush tinting her cheeks.
The team is all hooting and hollering as their coach calls them over to huddle before tip-off.
Caitlin wears a smile for the entirety of the huddle. It's not like Caitlin and you were trying to keep it a secret, it was mostly to keep her out of the eye of the media. But she was happy that the news was out to her team. It just means there are 14 other women who can speak into her daughter's life and love her.
As the team takes their place on the floor, Caitlin looks up to where you normally sit in the stands. It is the first time she sees you and little one in the crowd together.
When you notice Caitlin looking up at the two of you, you look down at your baby and point to her Mama. The little one begins to wave at Caitlin with a big smile. Caitlin smiles and blows her a kiss.
Caitlin begins to lock in to the game and wipes her shoes. She gives one final glance over to you and thinks, 'Ya, I can get used to this'.
AN: A little different but I really like how this turned out! I hope you do as well. And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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darlingbabyboo · 11 months
"Baby, you're my whore!"
♡ Tokyo Revengers characters and their bimbo girlfriends ♡
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Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
It has been said before and I will be one of the people to say it again
Definition of dress slutty: I can fight
Growing up in a brothel (with women that made sure that he was drinking his respect women juice everyday) he lets you dress however you please
Your skirt might be too short for his comfort, but as long as you feel comfortable and satiated, he's gonna bite his tongue
Who is he, to mess with what the love of his life wants?
On your stupidity
He's been hanging out with dumbasses all his life, if his baby happens to be a bit of a dumb fuck, he won't say a thing
He also thinks that you're absolutely adorable when you look at him with question in your eyes and say the most idiotic things known to man
A bit exasperating
But moreso adorable
"Kenny." He hums to show you that he's listening and continues fixing up his motorcycle. "What's the matter angel?"
"Why doesn't hair grow at the side of your head." He blinks and looks back at you, genuine wonder in your eyes. He sighs, and presses his forehead against the cool of his bike.
"Kenny, are you okay!?" He feels your arms wrap around his shoulders and your weight begin to press against him. You're ridiculous, but he loves you so much it hurts. He couldn't imagine a life without you around.
"'s nothing angel, don't worry your pretty head about it."
Takemichi Hanagaki (Takemitchy)
He's weak to you okay, he loves your short skirts that barely cover up your panties and your tight shirts that show off your lace bra's (if you even wear one some days)
You can say the dumbest shit or do the stupidest things and he'll be nodding along like a little puppy dog
Is it so wrong to be completely in love with your girlfriend? He worships you like a god and how dare anyone have the nerve to blame him?
You see the world in a way that he could never imagine, and you open his eyes to a world of possibilities
He just believes that he's lucky that you two are even together, you're beautiful and kind and even if there's not a lot going on in your head, you're the best girl that he's ever known
He just wants to be with you forever
You jump into his open arms, your arms wrapping around his neck and his automatically enclose around your waist. "Sweetie, I got a 40% on my test?" You say, cheerfully.
"W-what? I'm sorry. I know you studied hard for that."
"What?" You crock your head to the side and look at him with confusion in your eyes, "no, all I need is another 40% and then I'll be at an 80% average!"
Takemichi opens his mouth to say something, mainly, what in the world would make you think that, and how the hell do you think averages work? Instead, he shakes his head and gives a soft smile. He loves how you see the world, no matter how ridiculous it is, though he's going to need to talk to you about how grades work. He squeezes your waist, "I believe in you Sweetheart."
Takashi Mitsuya
He supports your endeavours, he even encourages them!
You want to wear a skirt that shows off your panties, sure! Just let him make a few adjustments and- while we're at it, why doesn't he just bedazzle that top too!
He wants the best for his darling, which means that you're going to be wearing things fit for a queen
It's in his nature to spoil his girl, so don't worry your pretty little head about any of the gorgeous clothes that you want, he's already on it
Though, there's not a lot going in your pretty little head, which he doesn't necessarily mind
He doesn't care if you stay the stupidest shit imaginable
You look at him with so much love and admiration in your eyes that he can't find it in him to worry too much about you
"Taka! This is so cute!" You spin around in your skirt, which raises above the lace panties that he also handmade for you. "Too bad about the people living in olden times." You pout.
Mitsuya walks up to you with a raised brow at your words. He wraps his hands around your waist, trying to think about what you could possibly mean. "Why, my love?" He finally bites.
You go on your tiptoes and press a kiss on his cheek, leaving behind a glittery mark. "They had to live in black and couldn't see all these pretty colours, like the clothes you make for me!"
Mitsuya nods along to your words, smile already pulling up at your words. He presses a kiss on your forehead. "That's not how it works my love."
You look at him with so much love and admiration in your eyes, expecting him to explain everything to you. He smiles, brushing his thumb against your cheek. He's so hopelessly in love with you.
Keisuke Baji
He adores harlots, whores, and anything else of the variety!
He loves the dumb, hazy look in your eyes when you come across something "complicated" (first time he's the smart one in a relationship)
Loves the things you dress up, encourages you to dress however you want, you know what, get even sluttier! He wants your skirt to be so short that your panties show when you stretch the tiniest bit, shirts so tight that you can't wear a bra
He loves his babygirl, and everyone's free to take a look at you
As long as they remember that you belong to him
"Babe, what's wrong?" You question as Baji grips his hands around yours and growls. You press a kiss to his lips as you try to calm him down. Greedily, he bites your bottom lip and deepens the kiss, hands on your ass.
"Asshole was flirting with my pretty girl. Hate when people try to touch what's mine."
You start to tear up, thinking he's angry with you, "sorry baby, I didn't know!"
"Nonono," He presses his lips against you harder, adoring the way that your red lipstick will leave behind marks on his lips, "not your fault- never your fault. Jus' means we gotta set his car on fire." You nod in understanding, not thinking twice of his act of violence. He gives you a wide, toothy grin, he doesn't think that he could love someone more.
Nahoya Kawata (Smiley)
Definition of a tease
He doesn't care how you dress (one of the people that really adores how you dress and would appreciate you to get even sluttier). You could wear a bra and a thong outside and he wouldn't bat an eye.
He just loves making fun for how naïve you can be.
"C'mon, one kiss!"
"No!" You huff, crossing your arms and facing your back to him, "'m 100% loyal to 'hoya."
He restrains his laugh, biting down on his lip. "Baby, I am Nahoya!" He manages to force out (though some giggles slip his lips).
"No! You said you were Souya! 'm not gonna fall for your tricks!"
You already are he desperately wants to say, but he's having too much fun messing with you. "Well, now I'm saying I'm Nahoya."
He doesn't need to look your way to know that your brows have furrowed deeper, trying to run through things in your small little head. "No! I'm not a cheater."
He sucks his teeth. His stomach's gonna hurt with how much he's gonna be laughing later. He turns you around and presses a quick kiss against your lips, you giving an indignant gasp at the action. You'll probably be whining about this later, when he explains what's going on, but this was worth it. God, you're a keeper.
Yasuhiro Muto (Mucho)
Not someone who loves the way you dress, wouldn't disapprove of it completely, he would never tell you how to do things or what clothes to wear, but he subtly encourages you to wear something else
It doesn't come from a bad place, he's just protective of you and doesn't want you to get harassed (he's also a bit traditional)
If you're determined to wear what you want, then he'll bend to your will. He would never let you be uncomfortable
He'll get used to things, just for you
Your intelligence, though...
He loves you through and through but he's always on the look-out around you. He has to make sure that no one is taking advantage of your innocence
"What's going on here?" The guys crowding you stutter away, looking at him with wide eyes. You don't notice the fear that has blanketed them and beam at him, running to wrap your arms around his waist.
"'hiro. These guys are asking if I want to hang out with them in, do you want to come with us?"
He purses his lips, yet another group of guys preying on your naivety. "No darling, I think we're going to go, I'm sure that these guys understand." He narrows his eyes at them so that they understand the consequences if they try to stay around you. They get the message, scurrying away like rats they are. You look at them with a pout on your lips, not aware of their dark intentions. He cups the side of your face and turns you towards him, "darling, why don't we see a movie at home." Your frown quickly disappears, a wide smile replacing it.
"That sounds great 'hiro!"
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mysicklove · 7 months
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cw: sub! gojo, gn! reader, heavy feminization, lingerie, gojo wears panties, mentions of gojo having a pussy? highkey cringe writing :(
wc: 0.9k
lingerie inspo
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The color matches his eyes. It's a pretty shade of blue that compliments his hair and his porcelain skin well. He was in a maid outfit, or at least the beginnings of one — it showed too much skin to be really considered an outfit.
The bottoms are a short skirt with a white and blue pattern and some white ruffles. The light blue top fits to cover just his chest, disappointingly hiding his nipples from you. And, of course, you put him in the loveliest, white lacy pantyhose and pretty white choker to match.
Gojo, bluntly, looks adorable and a different type of provocative than what you are used to.
Gojo, on the other hand, was pouting at you from across the room. His body is halfway covered by the wall, and he seems to be trying to hide away from you. The man pulls at the bottoms nervously and shakes his head at your grin. "This has got to be the most humiliating thing I have ever done," He complains, a dramatic whine in his voice.
"Hmmm, you think so? I don't know…Satoru, you have done some…Pathetic things. Don't you think, sweet thing?" You put up two fingers, beckoning him over to you. He frowns at you, ignoring the burning of the tips of his ears. "Come here, pretty. There is no need to hide," You coax when he pauses momentarily.
Gojo nods, trying his best to ignore the ridiculous pet name. He then strides over to you, and your eyes travel to the cutesy stalking that climbs up his leg and ends on his upper thigh.
You stand up to meet him halfway there, padding over to him with a teasing grin on your face. His hands go awardly to his sides, and he peers at you through his lashes. "My, my, I don't think I have ever seen the notorious Satoru Gojo embarrassed?"
"Im not—Just…Shut up, would you?" He half-heartedly mumbles, "Never been in girl's clothing before. You're the weird one here for buying this, ya hear me? N-Not me!"
"Such a shame, too." You muse, ignoring the second part of his sentence. "Think you may look better in it than in boy's clothing." He bites back a whine, another pout on his face. But you ignore him as you run your fingers over the fabric and walk around his lengthy body, twirling over every lace and ribbon. He doesn't move while you do the inspection; instead, he just looks at the floor awkwardly.
You press kisses along any surface you can, and Gojo sighs with every trace of your lips. You make your way to behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and traveling your hands along his chest and stomach. Your lips linger on his lower shoulder blades as you crane your head around to see the front of him. "The real question is," You mumble and pause, coaxing him.
"Hmm?" He prompts, eyes widening when he feels your fingers drag along the bottom of his skirt. He knows what is going to come, and he fumes a shade of red before bringing his hands up to cover his face.
You chuckle at him. "Tell me, did my pretty girl wear everything she was given?"
He shouldn't have put them on. He knew you were going to tease him about it, but still, he did it. To be good and listen to you in the moment sounded nice, but now, he could feel like he could die from humiliation.
"No," he tries to deny, but his voice is breathless, and he swears that you can hear how hard his heart is pounding. You nibble at the open flesh on his back, and he jumps.
"Aw, do I have a little liar?" You coo, and Satoru has the nerve to flip you off. You can't help but laugh at that. "And a brat too, huh?
He shakes his head and lowers his finger defeatedly. He wasn't smiling like you were; in fact, his mouth was dry, and he tries not to fidget. "Can you just do it already?"
"Excited, aren't we?" You prompt, but before he can rebuttal, you flip up the skirt to see the light blue sheer panties you picked out days prior.
"There she is," You tease, and his cock seems to twitch to life at the attention. "I knew you would wear them."
"Yeah, yeah…..Whatever, they just looked comfortable, that's all," He complains, biting his lip and not daring to look at the panties. It embarrassed him too much. You don't feel the need to deny his statements because it was an obvious fact that he was lying through his teeth.
Another glob of precum stains the silk, and you sigh dreamily. "Oh, Satoru, you are so wet; look, it's almost like you are meant to have a pussy!"
He lets out a breathless laugh and then cranes his head to look at you. Gojo, for the first time tonight, is grinning, and you are immediately intrigued. He then leans into your chest and whispers, "Dont need a pussy for you to fuck me."
A shiver runs down your spine, and your mouth goes dry. He always did these sorts of things. Made you question your authority for a moment with his cocky and smooth demeanor. But you didn't mind because it only made things more fun.
You are quick to recover like usual, and a feline-like smile spreads over your features. "That's my girl."
Gojo's eyes seem to light up.
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rafesapologist · 11 months
the set up — rafe cameron; part eight
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
warnings: swearing, mature themes, angst, sad-ish rafe, smut (minors DO NOT INTERACT, 18+)
author's note: this one is to (hopefully) make up for having to cut the last chapter short due to personal stuff. enjoy my loves
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You were pissed at JJ.
Matter of fact, it was much more than that; you loathed him. He was supposed to be your best friend, your confidant, yet he was too caught up within his fit of jealousy to realize that your time with Rafe Cameron was merely an act for the sake of your friends' livelihood. Hell, if anyone knew that it should have been JJ considering he was half of the reason the whole scheme was conspired in the first place.
You wondered what his real problem was and where it came from, considering that he had never treated you like less than until you brought up going to Midsummers with Rafe. From internal dialogue, you demanded answers and to know what had him so affronted. Out of all people, you assumed that he would have your back through the entire plan, however he was doing quite the opposite.
"I can't fucking believe him. I mean - Who does he think he is?" You remonstrated, a scowl tainting your facial features ever so palpably.
"Relax princess," Rafe let out a soft partly suppressed laugh, "how does he have you this riled up in the first place?"
Despite your indignation, you froze at his question. You knew that you couldn't flat out tell him the real reason why you and JJ got into it, for obvious reasons, so what was the next best option? Lie.
"He told me I was spending too much time with Pope and got mad at me." You blurted out before you could actually think about what you were really saying. You avoided eye contact with Rafe in hopes that he wouldn't find any evidence of deception in your expression, opting to completely circumvent his observing gaze by shifting your body away from him while you blankly stared out the car window.
"Pope? I don't think I ever see you with him unless JJ is around too." His brows furrowed.
"I mean I am close with him kind of," you added, "I used to study with him all the time after school, cause he's like a genius or whatever. But it wasn't like that. Pope's too innocent." You shrugged, your words spewing from your lips with little to no thought as your only goal was to steer the boy away from any suspicion of you.
"Are you sure it's nothing more than that?
Your eyes widened in disbelief as your head snapped towards Rafe's direction while he continued to drive, "Are you serious?" You catechized in a state of dubiety.
"Just wondering." The sandy-haired boy stated as though he asked nothing wrong, which only seemed to set you off more on top of your prior situation at hand.
"For your information, no it's not more than that, and two, why do you care?" You folded your arms in your seat as you turned to face Rafe with intent to interrogate him on his unappreciated inquisitiveness.
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to." He glanced over at you with a suggestive look written on his face and in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine and planted those same old butterflies in your stomach.
"Well, I did ask." You pestered in hopes it would provoke some sort of reaction out of him, which seemed to be easy for you to do.
"I just don't think you deserve to settle for some Pogue dude who can't come close to giving you a real future." Rafe kept his eyes pointed straight ahead onto the road in front of him as he spoke, making you wonder if he just havering or not.
"And what, you can?" You scoffed.
"I would." He declared in a way that implied to you that he was more than sure of himself and what exactly he was promising to you, although it seemed rather delusive and improbable to happen.
"Yeah. I'm sure you tell every girl that." You heaved a displeased sigh to yourself as you slouched back into your seat, refusing to believe that the Rafe Cameron, the Kook Prince himself, would genuinely be the type to go out of his way to make the effort for any woman, unless he was trying to sleep with her.
"You really have no faith in me, pretty girl." Rafe breathed out a half-hearted chuckle at your lack of credence in his word, however he must have taken some amusement in your incredulity judging by the way his continual smirk stayed present on his face.
"Shut up, Cameron. Just take me home."
"I have a better idea, first." He replied, his lips curling up into a suppressed thin-lip smile.
"Great. Now I'm being kidnapped too." You rolled your eyes once more, rubbing your forehead in distress.
"It's not kidnapping if you willingly got in my car, y/n."
"It's kidnapping if you're taking me places I didn't agree to go to!" You protested, flailing your hands in the air at him, which of course only earned you a chuckle on his part.
"Would you rather me take you back to JJ?" Rafe threatened flippantly as the car suddenly pulled into yet another empty parking lot. Typical.
"Would have rathered you take me home but whatever." You mumbled to yourself with your arms still folded over your chest as you peered up from your seat to observe your new surroundings, which deemed foreign to you.
"Rafe- Why are we at another parking lot? You know you're really not clever with your date ide-"
"Just trust me." Rafe shushed as he turned the car off and exited, only to meet you at the passenger side door to open it for you as he had done previously. Sure it was an almost banal thing of him to do, but you had to admit that part of you enjoyed his acts of courtesy.
You remained hesitant with him, however your curiosity was a much greater component in you decision making that had led you to following him anyways. You treaded closely behind him as he headed into the direction of a purportedly seclusive area of a place that appeared to lead to a beach, judging by the way that sand had come into your view. You fumbled through a small patch of dead trees as you made your way to a wide open shore with an absence of debris that beaches you had seen normally had.
"This is where I usually go to get away." Rafe suddenly confessed while he took in the scenic view ahead of him.
"So this is the spot you take all your hookups to. Nice." You nodded with your lips pressed together, confused as to why you were even there in the first place.
"You're so stubborn, you know that?" He rolled his eyes, sighing as he sat down on an individual log that rested in the sand.
"So I've been told."
"Just come sit with me." Rafe gingerly pleaded to you while he combed a hand through his straight locks that displayed blends of wheaty and brown undertones, combining to create a dimensional shade of dirty blond that was unique to his features, "Please?"
You wanted to resist his request initially and continue your usual back-and-forth banter that the two of you always kept up with, however you saw something different in Rafe's eyes when he asked you to sit with him. A new candor that had washed over him that had you obeying his call.
Both of you had sat besides each other for a few minutes, basking in each other's silence as the sounds of the distant waves crashed upon the shore harmoniously. You kept your gaze directly at the view of the ocean ahead, your fingers interlocked under your knees while you sat with your legs up to your chest as you took in the scenery around you. Although your vision was aimed at the oceanfront, you could feel the burning stare of those familiar azure eyes trained onto you, causing your body temperature to rise rapidly.
"I came here a lot when I was younger." Rafe broke the silence abruptly, causing you to snap your head in his direction with your brows furrowed in confusion. "To get away from my parents when they were fighting, and sometimes from Sarah." He continued on, a quiet dry laugh escaping his rosy-pink lips.
"Why did you need to get away from them?" You asked rather lowly, scared to say the wrong thing in such an earnest moment.
The blond sighed deeply in response as his eyes began to scan the area ahead of him intently before he spoke. "They fought a lot, my mom and dad. Sometimes to the point where I thought they were going to kill each other," his nose wrinkled as a display of discomfort, "but I was the oldest so everyone expected me to protect Sarah and Wheezie when things got bad like that, and I did. Every single time. But, what I think they failed to realize was that it was just as uneasy for me to witness as it was them. I didn't wanna see or hear them fight either, but I had no choice. I needed to get away from it at some point, so I started coming here."
Your lips formed into a significant frown as he spoke, taking in his shattering words and that cold look that casted over his face that you knew was only to cover up from the pain he felt reliving the events he was describing. You would have never guessed there was so much hiding beneath that posh demeanor of his, however you felt as though there was more that had yet to be said.
"Did they ever notice when you'd run away like that?" You asked sheepishly.
"Nobody noticed when I was gone. They were only concerned when they needed me for something again." Your heart began to break piece-by-piece as Rafe's revelations had began to unfold slowly. The tragedy in what he was telling you was beginning to make your throat swell as tears threatened your eyes, asking yourself how a family could be so cruel to one of their own, a scenario you were quite familiar with yourself.
"It only ended once they finally got divorced and my mother ran away back to her hometown," Rafe seemed to wince at the statement, scratching the back of his head to mask his reaction, "I never saw or heard from her again after that. Honestly I couldn't tell you if she was alive or dead right now, crazy as it sounds."
You pressed your lips together into a thin line once they began to quiver as you digested Rafe's story. You forced yourself to look away from him and focus your attention to your hands that fiddled in your lap, knowing that if you looked at him any longer you would surely lose your composure.
"Rafe.. I-I'm so sorry." You breathed out quietly, a weakness in your voice that made him turn his head to observe the state that you were in. It was safe to say that he was staring at you once again, considering the intensity of his glare could be felt from miles away, but you refused to look up and reveal to him how much distress the detailed account of his previous life had put you in.
"My experience isn't quite the same as yours, but I understand your pain, Rafe. In a sense, I do." You uttered with your eyes glued to the sand below your feet.
"What do you mean?" Rafe asked, watching you keenly as you spoke.
"My family is pretty fucked up, too. Not in the same exact way as yours may be, but still, fucked." You let out a dry laugh, kicking the sand between your toes away from you, "My mother is verbally abusive and neglectful, and my dad is just, barely ever home. Sometimes I wonder if it's because he's trying to get away from her, although I wouldn't blame him for that, but I needed him many times in my life and he was never there. Plenty of times she was saying these God awful things to me, tearing me down for most of my life, and the one person who was supposed to be there to protect me just... Wasn't." You shook your head as it hung low to the ground, fighting off the urge to cry that overcame you as you recalled the burning memory of your childhood.
"It's not my place to speak on what they went through, but JJ and John B came from homes similar to mine. Absent, hell even abusive if that's what you wanna call it, parents. We basically raised ourselves, I mean we still are essentially. At times I would think that I still don't know any better than that nine year old girl who wondered how she was going to make it in life given the circumstances she was put into. Part of me will always resent my parents for doing this to me." Your voice cracked as you spoke, a queasy feeling building up in your stomach as you basically bared your soul to some boy from Figure Eight.
"Hey," Rafe cooed as he placed his large hand ontop of your thigh, "just because you were dealt with a bad hand growing up doesn't mean you are subjected to a bad life, y/n. They can't determine how far you're going to go, and you'll sure as hell get a lot farther than them I'm sure."
"Rafe," you shooked your head at him as you quickly wiped a single tear that escaped your eye, "I live on the Cut. I'd have to work two jobs to even come close to being comfortable, and even then, it still wouldn't be enough to get by long term. I have to work ten times harder than anyone else on this island because of the situation I was born into, the family I was born into. It'll be a hassle for the rest of my life. I don't get to live in a mansion and own some fancy yacht because my dad has the money, I wasn't given that privilege in life."
Your words wounded Rafe a little bit, as much as he hated to admit, but he knew you had a point and for that he couldn't be mad at you for it. He knew you were at an unfair disadvantage simply because of who your parents were and what little effort they made into giving you a congenial life, and it hurt him knowing you were made to suffer because of other people's foolish mistakes and selfishness.
"You deserve a happy life just as much as anyone else, actually probably even more than most." The blue-eyed boy urged with ardent feelings present in his tone.
"You're just saying that." You rolled your eyes half-heartedly, nudging him softly in disagreement to his statement.
"I'm not, y/n. I mean it, genuinely. You've been through so much and here you are, still so lively and caring. Most people in your shoes would have let their past turn them heartless, but you.. You're infectious and kind despite having gone through hell. I don't think you give yourself enough credit for that." His words were sweet and genuine in a way that had your heart practically melting in his hands, a feeling you had yet to feel so authentically as you did in that moment as you sat there on a vacant beach, staring into the mesmerizing lazuline eyes of Rafe Cameron.
Your lips stayed slightly parted subconsciously as you found yourself getting lost in the current moment that was unfolding between you and the Kook Prince himself, a scene you never would have imagined yourself being in three weeks before. You watched as his pupils widened, his gaze flickering between your eyes and your swollen lips. His free hand ghosted your forearm as it made its way up to your cheek, wiping the reminisce of tears that trailed down your face. You peered up at him coyly, staring back at him through your eyelashes as you gently rested your head into his warm open hand while his thumb slowly caressed the soft skin.
"So beautiful." Rafe whispered under his breath as he looked at you with full admiration that made your legs feel weak. You weren't entirely sure why, perhaps it had been the vulnerability you were subjected to in that moment, but you felt like crying again. This time however, it wasn't from sadness or pain, but relief. A relief that for the first time in your entire life, someone had saw you for who you were and was willing to provide you a safety net for you to let down your walls and fall freely into them. Sure your friends came close to it, but with Rafe it was far different. The feeling was intense and invoked a child-like excitement, even joy, out of you. It made you feel giddy inside, as though you couldn't help but smile in his presence even when he wasn't saying a word.
The scent of a warm spice and musk fragrance invaded your space and filled the air around you, tangling you into an inebriated trance fueled by the essence of desire and impulse. You felt as though you were being taunted by Rafe's refusal to move from the position he was in, yet igniting a flame inside of you by his voluptuary touch. It was clear that he was waiting for your invite despite knowing you had craved his taste once before, but he needed your to confirm that the drive to do so was still lingering inside of you. He watched as you took matters into your own hands and climbed back onto his lap, a seat that had basically become yours after the moment the two of you had in his car.
Unlike the time before, you wanted this moment to be one of undescribable vehement, like you had never been touched properly in your lifetime. Rafe remained silent and kept his eyes glued to you and your figure, holding your hips steady against his waist.
"I know you're going to think I'm crazy for saying this right now, but Rafe," you swallowed hard as you struggled to form a coherent sentence under his stare, "I'm ready for this now."
He chuckled tauntingly, "Ready for what, pretty girl?"
"Don't make me say it." You whined, throwing your head back in aggravation.
"Dunno what you're talking about, angel." Rafe smirked as he shrugged, attempting to act as though he was blissfully unaware to the way that your hips your bucked up against him impatiently.
"I want you, idiot." You rolled your eyes at him, groaning as the tension grew unbearably painful between your thighs as the fabric of his khakis rubbed against you.
"Really? I couldn't tell." The devilish boy formed a smug look across his face as he took notice of your eagerness to get ahold of him. He scanned your frame, noticing the hazy look that had clouded over your normally doe-like eyes. Rafe was a man of great strength, but when it came to you, he was putty in your hands.
"Rafe, do something, please." You begged, unable to fully move your hips as he held onto them firmly, keeping you in place.
"Tell me what you want me to do and I will, princess." He murmured into your ear lowly as his lips ghosted your neck before landing onto the sweet spot he had found on you before, immediately earning a whimper to escape your lips quietly.
"Touch me, anything." You answered vaguely as your impatience consumed you more and more by the second, unable to contain the burning in your core.
"Hmm, where do you want me to touch you?" His voice remained low a husky, enough to make you want to collapse in his arms. You removed your hand from behind his neck and snaked it down to the side of your hip, grabbing one of his wrists and re-positioning it right along the center between your thighs.
Your mouth fell agape as Rafe obeyed your wishes and began moving his fingers up and down your blazing core, adding more pressure as your hips grinded against his long digits. Heat rushed to your cheeks at the realization of what exactly you were doing, except you were far too into it to care about the reality of it afterwards. You found that your desire only increased as he teased you through the fabric of your shorts, agonizingly. Without a second thought, you placed your hand onto of his and laced your fingers together, forcing him to speed up his movements and add even more pressure.
Rafe seemed to have taken note of your demands as he removed his hand and began unbuckling your denim shorts swiftly before sliding his fingers underneath your lace thong briskly. Your head fell back instinctively, soft moans escaping your lips that fueled Rafe's ego proudly. He found himself stuck in a daze as he watched you fall under the spell of his trained fingers as they massaged through your folds hastily, causing you to press your hips against him more as they bucked up against his hands.
Just when you found prodigious pleasure in the way Rafe's fingers felt against you, shock waves coursed through your body like electricity once you felt two of his lengthy digits curl up inside of you. Your eyes rolled back, taking in the bliss that was Rafe Cameron's two fingers thrusting into you at a pace that made your legs feel like jello. Your moans became erratic and uncontrollable as the sandy-haired boy pushed his fingers up further into you, gliding them in and out rapidly as he continuously pressed against your cervix with force.
"Does that feel good, princess?" Rafe mumbled against your collarbone as he kissed along the prominent bone passionately, trying to withhold himself from losing control of his own.
"Don't stop." You whined as you begged him to continue, grinding against his fingers keenly with hopes to feel as much of him as you possible could, a state of euphoria approaching you slowly.
"R-Rafe, I can't take it." You pleaded, wincing as his pace continued to fasten inside of you.
"C'mon angel, you can do it. You're almost there." He coaxed you softly as he sinisterly placed his thumb onto your clit and began unhesitatingly rubbing swift circles against it, sending your mind and body into a frenzy.
You placed your hands onto his shoulders and gripped onto them tightly as you began to reach your peak, your thighs shaking and your legs giving out as the muscles within them began to spasm uncontrollably. A throbbing feeling reached your core as you continued grinding against Rafe's fingers with speed as you chased your high, your moans becoming explicit and noisy.
"Cum on my fingers, baby, it's okay. Let it out." Rafe ushered as he kept up his movements while your body convulsed against him, feeling as rush go through your body as explosions set off within your core region. You felt an immense release as you came undone along his fingers, crying out as you felt an overwhelming amount of pleasure take over your body.
Rafe removed his hand out of you, buttoning your shorts back up and zipping them for you as he pecked your cheek gently.
"Are you okay?" He asked, scanning your features for any sign of pain or distress.
"Mm, yeah I'm good." You wearily hummed as you collapsed into him, burying your face into the crook of his neck while you closed your eyes, taking in the events that had just occured as well as the aftermath of the pleasure that obtained your body.
The hubristic boy chuckled at your state of defeat, "You did good, pretty girl." A small, thin lipped smile formed at the corners of his mouth as he caressed up your hips and thighs slowly, "C'mon I know you're tired, I'll take you home, or wherever. I've gotta head back to my place, anyways."
"Why?" You groaned, not wanting to removing yourself from the daydream you were currently in.
"My dad texted me, said he needs my help tonight." Rafe shrugged.
"Did he say with what?" You asked, reality now coming back to you at the mention of his infamous father.
"Yeah, sort of. He said he needed help moving some cargo onto this ship he owns. I guess it's heavy." Rafe's words came out rather bluntly and plain, as though he was talking about the weather or his weekly schedule. His statement replayed in your head a few times before you sat up and attempted to make sense of what he was talking about.
"Like just random stuff?" You questioned, pining for further answers as the topic sparked your interest and concern.
"Yes and no," he scratched the back of his head, scrunching up his nose as he lowered his voice, "but if I tell you, promise me you won't run back to your Pogue friends and tell them." Rafe asserted with seriousness, staring into your eyes as he held the sides of your arms firmly.
"Okay," you held your hands up in defense, causing his body to relax, "I promise I won't."
"See my dad and I took this trip to the bahamas a while ago, he said it was a business trip and that he wanted me to tag along for whatever reason. Come to find out, as soon as we get there, he tells me about this gold he has hidden and how he wants me to help him ship it to Switzerland so that nobody else can get ahold of it, since it's ours anyway."
Your body froze in place, staring back at Rafe was those horrifying words slipped out of his mouth without a second thought as he found sanctuary within you, despite the lack of longevity in your relationship thus far. You thought about your friends all of the sudden, and your mouth felt dry, knowing that this was exactly what they needed to know and stop before Rafe and his dad could put them in a position where the gold would be out of their reach for good.
You felt an immense pressure with the new information given to you, a burden weighing heavy on your shoulders. Your mind raced as you replayed his statement over and over again, wondering what you should do and who you should tell first, eager to relay the word back to your friends as soon as possible.
"Oh, okay that makes sense." You let out a small, half-hearted laugh, rubbing your upper arm slowly. "But, uh, Rafe?"
"Can you just drop me off at the chateau? I think I'm gonna sleep there tonight.
taglist:  @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87, @augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @lonelyladyghost, @edance2000,
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stellamancer · 7 months
this is all @shotorus's fault.
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You don't mean to stare, really, you don't.
Especially when you are well, well aware that it's what Gojo wants. You know better than anyone that if there's anything that he enjoys it is the knowledge that your eyes, your attention, your focus is on him. He covets it, revels in it, luxuriates in it like it is his god-given right.
But it's not.
And you have every intent of reminding him of that fact.
Which is why you don't mean to stare and, honestly, you don't even know how it happened; one second, you were looking over your phone, and the next your eyes were glued to his backside, watching— staring as he removed his shirt.
For three seconds, your gaze is filled with the view of the expanse of the smooth skin that makes up his backside. He's more muscular than you thought, and why wouldn't he be? You know as well the next person that he's a skilled martial artist so it makes sense— but there's a difference between knowing and seeing. Gojo is always wearing loose fitting shirts and oversized jackets and with a technique that can destroy a curse without even lifting a finger, it's easy, so, so easy to just think he's just lankly limbs and flat body underneath all those clothes. The t-shirt he's pulling off shows just a peek of his toned biceps and somehow the room suddenly feels a few degrees hotter.
"Like what you see?"
Gojo's playful and amused voice yanks you back to reality, your blood feeling like it's on fire at the sound. You rip your gaze from him and to make sure that your eyes, which feel like they may have a mind of their own, don't try to sneak another few eyefuls of the image of his body, you turn your head away from him.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, trying to play it off.
He chuckles. "Caught ya staring, didn't I?"
"I wasn't staring," you lie, though if there is anything else you know about Gojo, it's that he loves only hearing what he wants to hear.
"You were so staring," he says. "Not that I can really blame you..."
Gojo laughs as you make a disgusted sound. "Why are you even changing in the teacher's lounge anyway? Don't you have your own personal office?"
"I don't see the problem here... we're both adults, aren't we?" he counters, completely and totally avoiding your question. You don't really need him to answer actually; you know the truth is that he just wanted you to look, to stare at him and damn him and damn you too because you both know he got exactly what he wanted.
"Do you have any sense of shame?" you ask, scowling.
You hear the sound of rustling fabric— Gojo putting on another shirt, mingling with the sound of Gojo snickering, entertained as he always seems to be whenever he's with you. "That requires having something to be ashamed of, you know."
You roll your eyes. "You have plenty to be ashamed of."
"Oh? Like what?"
"Your absolutely terrible and insufferable personality."
Gojo is silent. He can't argue with you on that one and you both know it. You think maybe you might have one-upped him this time, but then he laughs. "Sure, but you weren't staring at my personality, now were you?"
Now you're the speechless one, the desire to knock some sense into Gojo taking the place of any verbal response.
He must be done getting dressed because you hear him move, circling around you and forcing himself into your field of vision. Gojo’s changed into a different shirt, a dress shirt, with the top unbutton left undone, cursing you with an eyeful of his collarbone. The blindfold is gone too, those hauntingly blue eyes of him out in full force. You have no doubt that this fucker is doing this all on purpose. He grins at you, looking offensively smug, victorious even.
"...and good thing I can't,” you finally retort, feeling vicious at the sight of him, “because even a peek of that and I think I'd go permanently blind."
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slippinninque · 7 months
Fontaine likes pretty things
(and yes, that includes you too)
Soo, I don't even know where this came from? Maybe two things.
I just imagined Fontaine seeing something and going 'my baby would look good in that shit'.
And Fontaine would be his lady's #1 fan. Like, no questions asked.
(I also feel like he'll have some unconventional likings, y'know? i don't know lmao it's late)
I'm not sure how long it is, but I sure hope you enjoy it! All feedback appreciated!
warnings: 18+, cursing, use of the n-word, smoking, over all rambling of a sleep deprived writer
Your hair was finally the way you wanted.
Taking a step back, you couldn't resist putting your hands on your hips and muttering to yourself,
"Well, damn it he was right."
You looked good.
Plumb purple and soft, the lace basque was dotted with shimmering golden beading. The sweeping pattern accentuated the softness of your middle, the shapeliness of your thighs.
It wasn't that you didn't like your body, lingerie just made you feel...pressured to look perfect. This was different, though. Way different. You even added a spritz of your favorite perfume
The delicateness of the fabric had you nervous to put it on, but now that you were encased in it--you felt sensual. You felt--
"You gonna come out here and lemme see?"
You jumped and answered reflexively, "Yes!"
Before you could stall any longer, you left the bathroom and followed the low sound of music to the front room.
Fontaine made a noise like he felt something good just by looking at you.
He sat in the armchair puffing on a blunt as he rolled another, little clouds crowning him as he took his fill of you.
Fontaine took charge as soon as you came home from work. He had dinner waiting and a bath, only asking that you wear what was in the box that was placed on the sink's counter.
You came close enough to touch, "Well?"
Fontaine hummed and tilted his head to meet your gaze with open look of smug desire, "Don't 'well' me, girl. You like it, right?"
You bunched up your lips, looking around the living room with a neutral hum. You couldn't make it too easy for him.
He reached out to brush the backs of his knuckles along the lacey designs before him, "You said to me that if I got you something that you fuck with, I can get as much of it for you as I wanted."
Ah, fuck. "I did, I-I did say that."
"So that means...what?"
You felt the smile but aimed it up at the ceiling, "Means I can't say nothing but thank you when you bring it to me."
"Hn. Bet you didn't think your man was gonna know what you like?" Fontaine made a show of shaking his head, as if disappointed.
"Oh stop, it ain't gonna stop you from rubbing it in." You said, waving him away.
"Damn straight."
Fontaine slipped the blunt between your fingers, distracting you long enough for him to reach onto the side table to grab a thin box.
Your eyes widened as you watched him pluck off the top of the box to show glittering, matching stockings.
With that box in his lap, Fontaine looked up at you and wore that his best 'please, baby' face--completed by a kiss to your stomach.
What else could you do? You nod and took pull.
"That's my girl."
Fontaine deftly rolled the first stocking down and when you stepped into it, he gently fitted the fabric up your calf. His wide hand smoothed up from your ankle to your thigh, attaching the small clasp of the basque.
When he leaned in to nip at the fabric stretched over your knee, you realized the gold beading matched his grills. Rubbing his cheek in the same spot, you shivered when you felt his beard tug.
You hit the blunt hard a few more times before leaning over him to flick it into the ashtray. Fontaine inhaled, catching the scent of your perfume and groaning softly.
'This man is out of control.'
"These go fuckin' perfect." His words brought you out of your head, "Pretty, pretty girl."
Fontaine always touched you with absolute focus and this time was no different. Helping your other foot into the stocking and clasp, rubbing and kneading your skin until the praises he muttered melted you down.
"You look so fucking good, baby." his voice was rougher than it had been all night, "Ain't nothing pinching? Anythin' feel loose?"
"It feels good. I really do like it, 'Taine, promise."you said as you went into his lap and looped your arms around his neck, "I want to know what else you want to see me in."
Fontaine ran a hand along your flank, "Maybe...Maybe some heels."
"Mhm. I'd wear them for you." You struck your legs in your best attempt at a pin-up pose and watched Fontaine's eyes trace the line "I want the ones with the little pom-pom. Y'know, classy."
Fontaine bounced you in his lap in protest, " 'Course you would. I wanna see that ass in them-in them pointy shits. What are they called?"
"Pointy shits."
Fontaine smacked his lips and you shrugged a shoulder, reaching for the blunt again. Fontaine grabbed the one he tucked behind his ear in time to share a flame with you.
You watched him watch you, unable to stop the grin from forming as he ran his finger tips over beads and lace.
"So...you're going to stare at me all night?"
That grin slipped and gave way to an open look of hunger. Fontaine's hold turned into a soft grip, pulling you closer to him so he could finally kiss you. Slow, searing, promising--over too soon.
When he pulled back, he pressed his cheek to yours.
"Go in our room and put on the pink one. I'll tear that shit up off you--this one's my favorite."
You jerked back, blinking at him.
Now you knew this man was about to be on, but maybe you could beat him there...
You were up on your feet and hurrying to the bedroom and Fontaine was only a beat behind you.
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orangecarton · 21 days
Pt 2 Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
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Part one:
Here you are sitting in a sad break room chowing down on a bag of cool ranch doritos, because for some reason they didn't seem to have any other flavors. As you're munching Nordic Bunny tries to fit himself into one of the small break room chairs. They were obviously not meant for him but he seemed insistent on trying to sit there.
After a while he got himself awkwardly squished in the chair and triumphantly looks up to you.
"So huuuman, seeing as we are now friends AND hanging out. It is my right as your BESTEST BUDDY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!... to be asking you some... bonding questions!"
He laughs off to the side and mumbles something about being so clever and tricking us into handing over our "planetary secrets", whatever that means.
"Oh yeah sure man, shoot." You reply between chews. Nordic Bunny grimaces then shakes his head.
"First question! What are Shred Force's weaknesess?"
You ponder that for a bit. No one really knew anything about the two rascals that called themselves "Shred Force". They kinda were just... there. Every now and then there would be some sort of monster and then they would show and blow up half of the city you lived in. But you really didn' know anything about what they dealt with and who they were, being more preoccupied with your own life and problems.
"Hmmm, I don't really know. I've never really interacted with them."
You shrugged, grabbing another chip from the bag.
"Wha- You gotta know SOMETHING! Ugh... Ahem, well then what, pray tell, is the weakness of EVERY SINGLE HUMAN? AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF LYING TO ME!!!"
"Uhhh... Well, everyone is kinda different so I wouldn't really be able to say..."
Nordic Bunny scowled at this. Trying to save face you make something up on the fly. Those improv classes you took during highschool better not fail you now.
"Buuut, most humans are weak tooooo-" You look around quickly looking for "HuManIty's gReatEst WeakNess".
"-uhhhhh ranch?"
"... Liste-"
"You humans have MOUNTAINS of that stuff! You just can't live without it! OH, how did I not see it before?!"
He abruptly stands up, knocking over his chair, and grabs you by your arm. Dragging you behind him once again.
"What scheme?"
He laughs to himself, and you can't help but smile along with him. He has quite a nice laugh, in your opinion.
Walking back down the halls to his strange war room, the reality of your situation sinks in. You are stuck in space with a crazy 10ft tall guitar man who wants to take over the Earth... Hey, we'll at least you aren't hungry anymore!
You both make it back to the "war room". This time you get a good look around. It was filled with all sorts of tech, including a medium holo-Earth that Nordic Bunny seemed to gravitate towards. Towards the back end of the room was a huge window that made up most, if not all, of the wall. Around the sides were extra doors, lights, and tubes that you had no idea what they went to.
"Muahahahahaaa, oh yes I can see it now! We can even make little ranch stealing ROBOTS to do our bidding. AHahahahooo!"
He pulls you aside and starts rambling on and on about his plan, and you listen intensively. He just seems so passionate and creative! You can't help it!
A couple minutes later he calls over some of his minions to bring over blue print paper and a table. When they arrive they are heaving over a big metal table with some paper and pens on top. The two minions let it down with a bang and Nordic Bunny rushes over to it enthusiastically. They seem out of breath, how long have they been carrying that?
After they collect themselves one of them turns over and sees you. They turn back around and nudge their partner whispering to them, they both are now just staring and talking to each other.
Nordic Bunny takes notice of this and spins around, looking back and forth between his minions and you. You honestly could care less about what anyone thinks, but you don't really want to get caught up in whatever space drama is going on right now. So you're feeling, reasonably, a small bit uncomfortable at the moment.
Before your eyes the two are blasted away by Nordic Bunny's hand and are now nothing but feathers.
"Wha- What the HELL?!"
You look incredulously at Nordic Bunny.
"Oh not to worry my dear compatriot! They are simply clones. Of MY design, might I add!"
He poses pridefully, looks back over to you then looks away awkwardly.
"Huh, uh cool."
Taking a breath in you walk over to the work bench he had been working at before to see unfinished sketches of what looks to be robot eels designed to steal... ranch. It does look super advanced though. At least more advanced than you could understand.
"Wow, you did all this?" You gesture to the blue prints and look up at Nordic Bunny.
"W- Why yes! I did!"
"Geez, this is some high level stuff. Super smart, and it looks so wicked!"
He appears to be taken aback by the compliment, donning a shocked expression on his face, then replacing it with a look of smug satisfaction.
"Of course it looks cool! Only the best made by yours truly!"
You snicker a bit at that and he grins then perks up. Grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you towards the huge windows you saw before.
"AND! AND! The robots will be produced over there! In my very own factory!"
Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Through the windows you are greeted by a production line of sorts, all kinds of machinery moving rhythmically and in pace with each other. You squint and look past the factory and can somewhat make out... a city?
"Impresive!... right?"
You look over to the validation seeking guitar and nod, stars in your eyes.
"This is so freaking cool, dude."
You turn back towards the window to keep gawking at the machines. Unbeknownst to you, the overlord beside you doesn't look at his factory, but at his new partner in crime. With just the same amount of fascination.
(I will be crossposting this on ao3 here's a link:
(Here are some doodles B))
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fangirleaconmigo · 3 months
I've been going through some of your posts about Geralt and Dandelion's friendship in the books recently because... well I'm back in my book/game phase I guess and I really wanted to know if there are any other Dandelion friendships you like from the books and why? Like him and Zoltan or with the other Hansa etc? [Personally I'm a big fan of what little we see of him with Regis and it always makes me weepy that he wrote a biography about him in the games and fondly remarks abt him smelling like herbs all the time]
Awww yayy thanks for spending some time on the ol blog. I absolutely love this question. I don't get to talk enough about Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, and his relationship with Dandelion (for the newbies, that is Jaskier's name in the books) is so lovely.
Dandelion and Friendships
For those who are just joining us, Tea is talking about my series about Geralt and Dandelion's friendship in the books.
I have also written posts about Dandelion's friendships with Ciri and Zoltan:
Dandelion and Ciri
Dandelion and Zoltan
And for this post, I'll focus on Regis and Dandelion's friendship, which I absolutely love.
Dandelion and Regis Friendship (books)
What really strikes me about Regis and Dandelion, is just how patient and kind Regis is with Dandelion. Sometimes it is almost like he’s dealing with a child he cares about. Considering Regis’s age (over four centuries old), Dandelion (approx in his thirties when they meet) IS a child. 
On top of that, Dandy’s personality is rife with traits often associated with kids:
insatiable curiosity to the point where he endangers his own life, (when they go into the forest or sea, Geralt has to essentially, follow right behind him like you would a toddler),
hyper enthusiasm about every discovery he makes, (he whispers in awe when he sees mandrake for the first time, that’s just how he reacts to everything new)
his inability to censor himself or stop asking questions even when everyone else wants him to shut up (he will ask until he understands, no matter the social cues happening)
the way he will act incredibly transparent and awkward while thinking he is being subtle and smooth
Perhaps that is why Regis seems to be so indulgent of him. And somehow their personalities just fit naturally.
Regis’s most annoying trait is to lecture people at length like a professor and cut people off who are asking a question, since he is too eager to answer it. The vampire loves to hold forth on a topic.
Dandelion’s annoying trait (one of many, bless, we know he can't keep it in his pants either) is to ask questions incessantly. In that way, they really kind of fit together. 
Geralt loses patience when Dandelion is being socially inappropriate by asking too many questions. Geralt really values discretion and manners.
Regis is more willing to spend time explaining things and to open up.
Early in the hansa's time together, (before he manages to surprise folks several times over) Dandelion is often seen as the one who is in way over his head. Everyone else is a warrior or a soldier. Dandelion is the soft one. To add to the indignity, Geralt is angry at him during Baptism of Fire because Dandelion keeps forcing him to make friends (well, to ask for help)
Yet Regis, the new guy, is the one who always makes sure Dandelion isn't embarrassed or ashamed.
Here’s a few examples.
When Dandelion is given a bloody head wound by an arrow, the poet is howling and shrieking. He thinks he's dead already. He is not a stoic man. It is played comedically, but Geralt is also legitimately terrified that he will lose Dandelion. That bit is not played comedically.
But given the circumstances, the rest of them could be forgiven for rolling their eyes at the poet's dramatics.
But Regis (who is treating his wounds as the resident barber surgeon) does not.
Regis speaks to him so soothingly, and kindly. (I am omitting the Geralt dramz because I will get off topic lol)
Dandelion groaned and took a sharp intake of breath....
“I’ll put in a few stitches,” Regis said...”Be brave, Dandelion.”
Dandelion was brave.
“Almost done here,” Regis said, setting about bandaging the victim’s head. “Don’t you worry, Dandelion, you’ll be right as rain. The wound’s just right for a poet, Dandelion. You’ll look like a war hero, with a proud bandage around you head, and the hearts of the maidens looking at you will melt like wax. Yes, a truly poetic wound....”
And when it is revealed that Regis is a vampire, and Dandelion is afraid of him, Regis is incredibly patient and kind about the whole thing. He does not take offense. Geralt does! (Ironic, considering Geralt ran Regis off, but Geralt, bless, is dealing with a clusterfuck of feelings about the vampire and everything else going on in his life.)
But yes, after Geralt tells Dandelion about Regis, Dandelion is scared, and wants to seek reassurance. But the poet (unbeknownst to him it seems) is awkward and bad at it. He tries to bring up the issue with the subtlety of a sledge hammer.
Dandelion...deciding to clear up the uncertainty..began as soon as they set off. With his usual tact.
(I like that. His usual tact. Meaning, zero tact lmaoooooo.)
“Milva,” he suddenly called as they were riding, sneaking a glance at the vampire as they were riding, sneaking a glance at the vampire. “...I fancy eating a hunk of real meat for a change! How about you, Regis?”
Yeah. Real subtle Dandelion.
“I beg your pardon?’ the vampire said, lifting his head from the horse’s neck. 
“Meat!” the poet repeated emphatically. “...fancy some fresh meat?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And blood. Would you like some fresh blood?”
“Blood?” Regis asked, swallowing. “No. I’ll decline the blood. But if you have a taste for some, feel free.”
Geralt, Milva and Cahir observed an awkward, sepulchral silence.
I love that. Awkward sepulchral silence. Dandelion causes a lot of those. But Regis does not dismiss him or laugh. He reassures him.
“I know what this is about, Dandelion,” Regis said slowly, “And let me reassure you. I’m a vampire, but I don’t drink blood.”
The silence became as heavy as lead. But Dandelion wouldn’t have been Dandelion if he had remained silent.
But Dandelion wouldn’t have been Dandelion if he had remained silent. (sorry I am laughing every other line at this part)
“You must have misunderstood me,” he said, seemingly lightheartedly. “I didn’t mean-”
“I don’t drink blood,” Regis interrupted. “...I gave it up.”
Dandelion doesn’t know what that means and keeps pestering Regis to explain. Geralt is embarrassed and tells Dandy to shut up.
However, Regis opens up around the camp fire that night. He tells his life story, and says he hasn’t drank blood in fifty years. Dandelion is incredulous. 
“Not at all?” Dandelion said, and stuttered. But his curiosity got the best of him. “Not at all? Never? But...?”
Geralt is embarrassed again and shuts him down again. Regis, by contrast, is patient and defends Dandelion.
“I beg your pardon,” the poet grunted.
“Don’t apologize,” the vampire said placatingly, “And Geralt, don’t chasten him. I understand his curiosity.”
Baptism of Fire 291-295
That's right. Don't chasten him Geralt.
Regis and Dandelion also just have a wonderful dynamic of picking on each other.
Dandelion teases Regis about his long ass name.
And Regis has a great time teasing Dandelion lovingly. In one scene, Geralt and Regis team up to pick on Dandelion and the secretive way he treats his writing. Dandelion has stolen some paper and pencil from a Lyrian military convoy and is writing whenever they make camp, but gets testy whenever anyone gets near him or looks at his manuscript.
Geralt is good-naturedly giving Dandelion a hard time and Regis jumps in with such adorable relish. (Also, in this scene, we find out that Regis actually named Dandelion's memoirs)
"Indeed," the witcher joined in...."You've become devilishly touchy, Dandelion. One cannot fail to notice that it is somehow connected to the paper which you have recently begun to deface with a bit of lead while we camp." “It’s true,” Regis agreed, “our minstrel has become touchy, not to say secretive, discreet, and loving of solitude recently. Oh no, having witnesses when performing his natural needs doesn't bother him at all...His shameful secrecy and oversensitivity to being watched extends solely to his scribbled notes. Is, perhaps, a poem being written in our presence? A rhapsody? And epic? A romance? A canzone?”
He's like, you don't care who sees you piss and shit, but oh this you care about. lol. Tell us about the poem. But Geralt objects.
“No,” Geralt retorted...”I know him. It can’t be verse, because he’s not cursing, mumbling, or counting the syllables on his fingers. He’s writing in silence, so it must be prose.”
“Prose!” The vampire flashed his pointed fangs - which he really tried not to do. “A novel perhaps? Or an essay? A morality play? Dammit, Dandelion! Don’t torture us so! Reveal what you are writing?”
Dandelion says it is a memoir called Fifty Years of Poetry. Regis says that A Half Century of Poetry sounds better.
“Thanks, Regis, Something constructive at last.”
P 88 -90 The Tower of the Swallow
I admit I'm such a sucker (hehe no pun intended) for whenever Regis's fangs are mentioned, whether he is hiding them, baring them, or unselfconsciously showing them during a warm, silly moment with his friends. (Sobs, I love this vampire, seriously I need an intervention)
Regis also comforts Dandelion openly when the poet is doubting his courage or fitness for a task.
Later in the book, Geralt volunteers for a bloody job/violence for hire that terrifies Dandelion, so the poet protests the plan. Geralt insists he’ll do it alone.
But no! He has a hansa now! He won't be alone! Angoulême volunteers to go. Cahir says he’s coming with as well. Then Milva insists she is coming.
Dandelion freezes.
It would be like the LOTR ‘and my bow and my axe’ yadda yadda scene, but if there was one person left and when it got to them, everyone turned around and looked and they are just standing there frozen like....motherfuck this is scary idk idk wtf do I do. And the way this next paragraph is written, it pleases me.
Dandelion...was evidently struggling with his thoughts. And the thoughts were winning.
And Regis jumps in "kindly." He shows solidarity with Dandelion, and takes the heat by calling himself a coward.
“Stop meditating, poet,” Regis said kindly. For there’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re even less cut out to participate in a bloody swordfight than I am. We weren’t taught to carve up our neighbors with a blade. Furthermore...furthermore..,” he raised shining eyes towards Geralt and Milva, “I’m...a coward,” he confessed curtly.
They keep arguing amongst themselves because Geralt believes they have been spied on. And Regis is just...always soft with Dandelion. When Dandelion starts guessing about who is spying on them, and is beginning to ramble incorrectly,
“You’re mistaken, Dandelion,” Regis softly interjected.
The Tower of the Swallow p 182
It's Regis's gentleness that just fuckn kills me. That's always the character that's gonna get me right between the ribs with a shank. (Metaphorically, Regis is too gentle for that)the one that lives in a horror filled, violent, cruel world and is still just kind, even to the loud, awkward, soft, obnoxious poet who is in over his head and is afraid you'll bite him in his sleep and who shrieks when he is wounded.
Geralt and Dandelion are so sassy and old/married with each other, deeply, proudly loving in actions, but always bickering.
It's sweet to see Dandelion have a friendship like the one he has with Regis.
It is so nice to hear that the games continued his love of Regis. (I haven't played them, so I get my info about them from you guys XD)
So thanks again for following me and for the ask! I hope I've done ok answering. I also love Dandy's dynamic with Nenneke and ofc Yen, but I'll stop there.
Hope your week goes really well. x
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xoxo-sarah · 9 months
can you do a one shot for daryl where the reader has really bad hiccups and they're in a meeting or a public place and she gets really embarrassed about it and like slaps a hand over her mouth to try and stop it but she can't and everyone's staring at her and it's a comfort fic bc he basically excuses her out and helps her
Rabbit Questions
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↝a/n: I am not meaning to have my Daryl fics related to rabbits/bunnies. It's just a coincidence.
↝pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader (could be platonic or romantic)
↝ Warning: not proofread, not proofread, set in season 11, Commonwealth
↝⎙ 9.15.23
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"And this one- beautiful, isn't it?" Pamela stood in front of a wall with a huge frame, a painting of A orange flower, the pedal reminded you of flames. It was pretty, really. And you weren't just thinking that because Pamela was in front of you, watching your face for any expression that said otherwise. The artist standing beside the painting could have something to do with it, too.
For some reason, Pamela Milton and Lance Hornsby had made it very clear you, Daryl, and Rosita came to view the art gallery, she had called it. It all felt weird, walking up and down the halls to look at all the art with eyes watching your every move. Pamela had stepped up to point out every detail while Lance just watched from the distance.
This is just so different from having to clean out walkers from buildings to show your worth, pretty much. Instead of blood on concrete, it was homemade paint on a canvas.
The paintings were pretty, really, but it just felt like they were being pushed down your throat. It was new, refreshing, a new beginning. You weren't one for change.
"Michelle here has many pieces of art here." The older woman smiled at the woman standing by the wall, a tight-lipped smile of her own on her face. Pamela pointing at a canvas towards the corner. "She's had quite the life. Painting helped her get all the built-up aggression out in some way,"
Did she actually care about what this girl had been through, or was it a front to seem like the most amazing and caring person ever?
"I felt for her, i really did." There she was, putting on a front just to make it all about her. Of course.
"When I met Michelle, i was going through-"
Eyes, going wide, you glanced at Daryl and Rosita. They glanced at you but looked back, trying to seem interested. Pamela, looked at you for a moment, before turning to Michelle.
"As I was saying-"
Hic! "I am so sorry." you put up a hand to excuse the hiccup fit. It was one after another, and to be quite honest, it was starting to hurt your diaphragm. Your hand went you to your ribs, trying to ease the hiccups away.
A particularly loud hiccup had Pamela give you a disapproving look.
"Excuse us." Daryl's hand went to your elbow, half-heartedly excusing you two. He didn't really care if they had a problem with you walking away.
He led you by your arm to the open door, the fresh air fully hitting your blushing cheeks.
"Good lord." He grumbled, watching as your body moved with yet another hiccup. "Put yer arms over yer head or hold yer breath or somethin'."
You puffed your cheeks out, holding your breath. Daryl simply watched, waiting.
it was muffled, but still had you huffing out.
Daryl just looked at you, before he smiled in amusement. He moved to sit down on the steps to the building, out of the way of the traffic of people. Patting an empty spot next to him, he motioned for you to sit.
"When's the last time you saw a rabbit?"
Confused, you could only look at him. He nodded, waiting for you to answer. You looked away, actually thinking about it. "I don't know." You couldn't remember the last time you saw a rabbit off the top of your head. It was probably one you had to kill to feed yourself, anyway.
"Probably a year?"
"What color was it?"
"What are you on about?"
He twirled his hair around and out of his face, the smile from earlier still lingering. "Still got hiccups?"
Your eyes widened again. They were gone.
"Carol told me that one. It was that or scaring ya."
The picture of Daryl and his dear friend talking about rabbits to get rid of hiccups was cute. Maybe it had been Daryl who had hiccups and Carol asked him the same questions.
"I prefer the rabbit questions." You smiled, looking out at the people walking freely around the Commanwealth.
"Should we go back in?"
"No." he was quick to answer. "If I see another bright flower, I'm gonna pluck my eyes out."
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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madlittlecriminal · 2 months
[04] Secret Ingredient⥓ Mafia!Miguel O'Hara × Female!Baker!Reader
Warnings: Danny is an oc, mention of death in the family (not reader or miguel related), mention of pregnancy (not reader), annoying customers, two cliffhangers in one (im sorry), patrick o'hara (web-slinger)
series masterlist | miguel o'hara masterlist
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Another day, another employee seeming to irritate him to the core. Miguel didn't understand what was so hard for this guy to understand that no meant no, but seeing him beg Miguel for a day off when his PTO ran out was comical to say the least.
"For the last time, Danny, you used up your PTO. I cannot give you the day off simply because you don't want to work. If you were at work more often instead of doing whatever you want to do, then maybe you'd have the day off." He says while leaning back in his chair.
"But you don't understand! I need the day off, Mr. O'Hara! Please!"
"Give me a valid reason why and I'll think about it." It was bullshit. The only way Danny was going to get out of this is if his fiancée was giving birth or if he had a death in the family. For any other reason, Danny was going back to work and Miguel didn't care if Danny was going to throw a fit.
He was honestly surprised that Danny and his fiancée were still together considering he hardly works and they live together.
"Well...you see..." Danny started, but he couldn't come up with a valid excuse other than not wanting to work.
Miguel waited for him, his leg folded to where his ankle rested on his knee and his hands folded on top of his abdomen. He tilted to the side as he listened to Danny stutter.
"Danny, I'm a patient man. However, your stutter isn't natural. You're nervous because you can't come up with a lie right now and that's fine. However, don't expect me to listen to you if you can't come up with a lie. Get back to work."
Danny grumbled before leaving Miguel's office, slamming the door behind him.
"Slamming doors como si paga por algo-" he paused and shuddered. "Oh God, I sound like my mother." (like of you pay for something-) Miguel shook his head and fixed his blazer before going to type on his computer before his phone rang. A small smile formed on his lips when he saw your name pop up on the screen, but he didn't answer it until the third ring.
"I thought you gave me a fake number there for a second." You let out a sigh, making Miguel let out a shy chuckle, fidgeting with his pen as he tried to tell himself to relax from how hard his heart was thumping in his chest with nerves.
"Nope. Right number." He says, leaning back into his chair again as he heard you put the phone down.
"Good! Okay, I had a weird question to ask you." You say, everything around you sounding much louder which he automatically connected it to you putting the phone on speaker.
"Ask away." He reaches over and grabs his glass of water with a trembling hand from his nerves.
"Why did you need to know about interior designers and such?"
Miguel smirks, thanking whoever that it was a phone call and not in person communication or a video call. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."
"Of course it is."
He heard you huff out a breath and he couldn't help but bite his bottom lip to hold back a laugh.
There had to be flaws somewhere in you...right? I mean, he only saw perfection-
'No. Stop it, Miguel. Not yet. Don't fall just yet.'
"Well, I'll let you go. I have a cake to work on."
Before he could get a word in, you hung up.
Miguel put his phone down and let out a chuckle. He rests his elbow on the arm rest of his desk chair, his chin resting on his palm as he let his mind wander a bit.
Where did his mind wander to exactly?
To you.
He wondered if your hands were rough or surprisingly soft. He wondered where you learned to bake. Was it taught to you by a parent or guardian? Did you learn from recipe books? YouTube videos? I mean, he had to thank someone for your talent. Shit, he wouldn't be surprised if you were self taught.
He shook his head before a soft knock was heard from his office door. He looked up and immediately regretted it when he saw the look of shock and anxiousness on Lyla's face.
"They're here for the meeting, Mr. O'Hara."
He got up and buttoned his blazer before following Lyla out of his office and into the conference room. He knew Lyla well enough that when she said his last name, it wasn't Alchemax business.
You raise a brow at the man in front of you who was asking for a gender reveal cake.
"Sorry, can you repeat that?"
"I want a gender reveal cake, but instead of the usual pink and blue and you do black?"
You blink at him.
"Black and...?"
"Just black."
"Do you want the frosting black?"
"No. I want the cake to be black."
"Sir, that's not how a gender reveal cake works. If you want, I can do black and whi-"
"No, I want black."
"What's the gender?"
"Okay. So you want everything to be black?"
He nods.
"What flavor?"
You stood there for a bit, screaming internally as you head to the back to take out a vanilla cake you just made. You quickly made black frosting with food coloring before decorating the cake. When you triple checked that it was perfect, you showed it to the customer.
"You made sure it was blue on the inside, right?"
You wanted to throw it at the customer.
"Sir, you told me you didn't want to do pink or blue, you wanted black."
"Yeah. The frosting."
You clenched your teeth before forcing a smile.
"Anything else?"
"Yeah, I need it within the next two hours or so."
"Come again?"
He gave you a nod before stepping out of the bakery.
"Customers piss me off sometimes." You murmur.
"Do they? I'm sorry to hear that."
Your eyes widen before they meet a familiar pair of brown eyes.
"Hey darlin'. Hope I'm not interrupting anythin' important." Patrick says softly, giving his charming country boy smile that made you relax.
@deputy-videogamer @barbiecrocs @deepinballs @faimmm @wakeupr41 @bubblegumfanfictions @smartyren @kimmis-stuff @latenightcravingz @youcantseem3 @corpsebridenightamare @thedevax @cicithemess @diannana @itsameclinicaldepresssion @hwasoup @migueloharasbbm @vkumi
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yamishika · 4 months
have any other ethnicity headcanons for fairy tail characters?
Fairy Tail Characters Ethnicity HCs
I don’t have as much extensive proof as I do for my Erik headcanons post but I will explain my thoughts for why I think certain ethnicities.
Natsu Dragneel : Japanese + Greek? (Because of the clothing style in his past flashback with his biological family)
Erza Scarlet : British + ? - I say British because she reminds me of Lara Croft who in her older days had reddish hair, also English history is big on knights, which Erza is. The other half I can’t tell as I don’t actually know what to think of her father Rung as. He seems like a POC though. (Maybe Mexican?)
Lucy Heartfilia : British / American - Because Lucy’s heritage as a noble it reminds me more of English nobility, but then her characteristics remind me more of american for some reason (it doesn’t help that Lucy looks a lot like Ashley Graham from the original RE4 and she’s American so I am kind of biased there)
Gray Fullbuster : Canada or Serbia (I think that’s mainly because I am making the link of cold countries though). Also if with Serbian I can see Ultear and him coming from similar places)
Gajeel Redfox : Native American (His hair and features remind me of Native Americans and I don’t know he kind of reminds me and looks like of Ratohnhake:ton / Connor from AC3) Juvia Lockser : Spanish + Russian (Spanish as the name Juvia is Spanish origin and Russian since the ushanka she wears and her clothing style in general)
Jellal Fernandes : Mixed ethnic - Mixed Arab (mainly Levantine Arab) + Brazilian, but then in my HCs he’s also part Desi too since the name Jellal is most prominent in India (And I want Erik to have a desi bro in CS). And the Arab/South asian idea came from him wearing Kohl/Surma in S1 in the anime. 
Ultear Milkovich : Serbian with mixed Central Asian or Kazakh (Again cold countries but since Ultear looks Eurasian but with dark features these countries came to mind. Serbia because apparently the name Milkovich is Serbian origin)
Macbeth/Midnight :  English w/Scottish + Irish + Japanese - English/Scottish/Irish is a given since his name ‘Macbeth’ but since his aesthetic is alike to Visual Kei, I see Japanese influence. But I don’t know, I just can see Macbeth with a british accent, maybe that’s just me.
Sorano Aguria : French and Korean/Japanese (I don’t know why I have the French, it just fits me when discussing with my friend @acutemushroom. Korean/Japanese because despite having a Japanese name (her and Yukino) due to her features she gave me kind of Korean vibes for some reason)
Sawyer : English (I can’t explain other than the name. But I thought of Romanian too for some reason, so English + Romanian?)
Richard Buchanan : South African + Scottish? (My only thought for this was because Buchanan I knew it as a last name big in South Africa, and Scottish is probably because of the red hair and ruddy complexion that I know scottish people can have)
Meredy : Irish (I don’t know why, it was hard to think of anything for her)
Kinana : Desi (Since the name Kinana is an urdu name apparently - So Pakistani) 
Cana Alberona : Irish + Italian (Guildarts gave me tanned Irish vibes for some reason and Alberona is I believe an Italian name)
Minerva Orland : Chinese + Latina (She wears a Cheongsam and her hair reminds me of Chinese culture but then I see Latina too) BUT, maybe she has Egyptian too and Italian since Minerva (Italian/Latin) but the blue eyeliner/eyeshadow she always has is alike to Malachite powder that was used by ancient egyptians 
Laxus Dreyar : Ukrainian + Russian (He gives me eastern europe vibes and also his features) but also since he's Makarov’s grandson he’d have Russian in him 
Makarov Dreyar : Russian - (I think his full name is of Russian origin but I can't be sure.) These are the HCs I have off the top of my head, hope this answers your question!
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hlficlibrary · 7 months
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✤ PWP Fics ✤
A series of posts with the top five fics of each category by kudos plus five more hidden gems from that category! Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
- Top 5 H/L Fics -
1️⃣ glimpse of the silhouettes by orphan_account {E, 7k}
Harry isn't sure what the rules are for this. It's hard to believe that there are any, that's there's a handbook just waiting for him to buy: why is my best mate getting hard in my lap when I touch his arse?
2️⃣ Makes Perfect by checkthemargins {E, 8k}
"What if you practiced on like, a mannequin?" Louis presses. "Or one of those blow up sex dolls? Or even just like, I don't know, a pillow or something. Whatever it'd fit around."
Harry tilts his head thoughtfully, curls catching the light so entrancingly that Louis finds himself reaching up to push his fingers through them. "It's different, though, innit? When it's a real person. A pillow won't snog me."
"Why should it?" says Louis. "You can't even take its bra off."
3️⃣ take my breath and i am yours by feathered {E, 5k}
Louis has never gotten a hickey. Harry gives him one.
4️⃣ give you my fever by beautlouis {E, 10k}
And he’s wanted it even more since he met Louis, it's driven him insane, he spends 90% of his life turned on because of Louis and he’s had no relief at all. He’ll wake up at night too hot and itchy, with Louis warm and sweet smelling next to him, and unable to do anything but wank unsuccessfully, with no release.  “I can try,” Louis says, close enough that Harry’s eyes cross a little trying to look at him. “I want to, I’ve never been with anybody, like, I’ve snogged people, lots of people, but I’ve never—touched anyone.” He clears his throat. “I’d touch you, Hazza.”
Harry’s breathing picks up. “Yes.” He doesn’t think there was a question but he’s a little overwhelmed. “Yes,” he repeats, dizzy.
 *x-factor era. harry's never had an orgasm before, louis gives him his first
5️⃣ baby thinking of you keeps me up all night by ballsdeepinjesus {E, 9k}
Louis sputters in response, shaking his head wildly. Harry moves closer, placing his hand on Louis’ chest and trailing it up towards his neck to curve around. “I am younger than you. Bet you like that. Think you can push me around.”
Louis fishmouths, glaring at Harry who reminds him suspiciously of a shark at the moment. He smells blood in the water.
“Is that what this is about, Louis?” Harry asks. He leans in and fits his mouth against Louis’ earlobe, huffing hot breaths into his ear. “You want to fuck me, don’t you?”
[harry is a 19 y/o singer and louis is a 29 y/o actor with no love for teenage popstars.]
💎 Listen to the signs by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense {E, 10k}
Louis hates Harry's cliche taste in home decor. When his (sort of) innocent prank gets revealed, Harry shows him why words are so important.
💎 Pretty Miscalculations by @hellolovers13 {E, 5k}
After rudely interrupting Louis’ Christmas shopping, Louis offers Harry a choice and an opportunity to try out his new purchases.
💎 Nothing but Time on His Dirty Hands by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf {E, 2k}
Harry enjoys his daydream about Louis Tomlinson.
💎 Stroke of Twelve by larry_hiatus / @larry-hiatus {E, 2k}
He was close, he was so close, and he knew it was much too soon; the countdown to midnight hadn’t even begun yet.
Or the one where Louis wants Harry to hold off his orgasm so they can come together at the stroke of twelve on New Year's Eve.
💎 beg me silently by @nouies {E, 2k}
“So, your boyfriend…is he planning a magic night for you at home?”
Louis snorts. “He’s not, actually. He’s pretty hardworking, you see, so he comes home late.”
“Such a shame.” Harry walks towards Louis, so close that they’re sharing the same space. “You’re so beautiful, Louis. If you were mine, I wouldn’t make you wait for me.”
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do you know any other good transformers vore stories by other authors? If so can you like them i can't find many good vore fits for this fandom lol.
Oooo that’s a good question. Honestly I’m sort of in the same boat as you are. Save for most of my mutuals and a few other people I’m aware of on Tumblr, there isn’t a lot of Transformers vore stories out there that I can think of off the top of my head. However, you can find quite a bit on Archive of Our Own! You can find them here! They take place in the Tasty Au, created by @callsign-relic! It’s basically a first contact au where humans are eaten by Cybertronians as snacks on top of being kept as pets sometimes. It’s a very fascinating au if you want to look more into it!
But yeah besides that that’s all I got. Sorry if this isn’t the answer you were looking for! Like you said, vore fics involving Transformers seem to be a niche topic within the fandom, which I think is quite odd, but unfortunately it is what it is🤷‍♀️
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Pedri Gonzalez (FCBarcelona) - Little Imperfections
Requested: by anon on tumblr
Prompts: 25) "Dance with me."
49) "Stop smiling at me, I can't."
Warnings: cute stuff
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What could be more beautiful than the Sagrada Familia at night? It's a difficult question to answer, but for the young Pedri, he found an easy one; his friend Y/n. He was entranced by the girl. It was as though she held all the worlds happiness in her smile. "So, who's the girl you're thinking about?" Pedri snapped out of his trance when he heard her say that. "What girl? Who said there was a girl?" He asked. Y/n giggled as her hands stuck in her pockets. "Well you're more quiet than usual and you're smiling to yourself. I can only imagine you're thinking about a girl." She explained. "Well let's say it's complicated and I am not telling anybody until I actually get her." Y/n linked her arms with his and looked up to him grinning and oblivious. "And what if you don't get her?" Y/n asked. "Then I won't tell."
She chuckled to herself and looked around. "Well you can always find a different girl. There are very few that would actually say no to a date with you in this city." Pedri raised an eyebrow and looked to his friend. "I'm being serious! All you need to do is find one you like." Pedri looked to the ground. "But what if I want love?" Y/n looked back to him, still smiling. "Well, I'm sure you can find that too." As the pair walked through the park beside the Sagrada, the found a bench where there was an opening in the trees to see the magnificent new star placed at the very top. It illuminated the sky around it and looked simply beautiful, yet Pedri could only find himself looking at one sight and that was the girl beside him.
It was like a kid seeing Christmas lights, but he loved it. He loved everything about her. A loud And exited gasp saw Pedri take his focus off her yet again. "Listen!" Pedri listened as he followed the sound of a guitar to a man playing across from them. "Yes, very nice." He said. "Come on! We can dance!" She laughed, dragging him upwards off his feet. "I am not dancing." He said, trying his best to pull away. "Oh come on! Why not?" She asked. "What if someone records us?" He questioned. "Well the whole world can watch us!" He quickly gave in and placed his hand at her waist, swaying as Y/n wrapped her arms around the Spaniards neck. "Stop smiling at me, I can't deal with it." Y/n chuckled lightly. "You know, you shouldn't look at me that way. People will talk."
"People always talk. What's new?" She laughed and covered her face in his chest. "You didn't answer my question. Who is the girl? You can tell me." Without much more thought, Pedri began his confession. "You're the girl. You've always been. Since we started school, since you moved right next door. You even came to university here to stay and help me. My dreams are filled with you, the first person I text in the morning is you and you're the last person I text text you go to sleep. I check my phone whenever it buzzes in case it is you and if I don't, I'll end up checking it anyway. You have no idea how much I love you're little imperfections." He paused. "Or how much I love you.
"What imperfections?" She chuckled. "To start, you dance at any given moment."
"No I don't."
"Then what are we doing here?" She smiled again and looked down, watching as their feet crunched the pebbled ground. "But I am the girl?" Pedri took a breath in and nodded. "I'm glad you said it. I wouldn't be brave enough to ask."
"So you like me back?" He asked. She shook her head and there went his world crumbling down. "I don't like you back, I think I love you."
"Jesus Christ, you scared me, woman!" He exclaimed, sending Y/n into a fit of laughter. "But you do love me." She leaned in a bit closer, so much so that they could feel eachothers breath. "I do. I really, really do."
"Well good, because now I can do this." Without further thought, Pedri closed the gap between the two of them and met her lips, underneath the bright lights of the Sagrada Familia.
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