#I blinked and I’m on the 4th book
dumbseee · 11 months
dating scandal.
f1 au: in which, you’re a famous k-pop idol, 4th member of the girlgroup blackpink. you’ve never had one dating scandal in your career and fans have praised you for it, but things get complicated when pictures of you and a mysterious guy are posted online.
lando norris x kpop idol!reader
fc: kim jennie.
note: if you’re not familiar with kpop and blackpink, user lalalalisa_m, sooyaa_ and roses_are_rosies are the other members, and yg is their company!
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liked by lalalalisa_m, sooyaa_, roses_are_rosies and 3 789 008 others.
y/n: been busy xx missing you blinks <3
fan2: pls rest and eat well :(
fan3: my queen is booked and busy
fan4: i love you so much!!
fan5: my queen
view all 78 900 comments.
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y/n just posted a story!
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liked by lalalalisa_m, landonorris, sooyaa_ and 6 792 929 others:
y/n: it’s true. i’m so sorry that you guys have to find out from someone else, i really wanted to announce it with my own words. i’ve been hiding this little guy for a year now, we met at a fashion event and i immediately fell for those gorgeous green eyes, the rest is history. i know that some of you are going to be disappointed in me, but i want you to know that i’ve never been happier than i am right now. i love this guy so much, thank you for being by my side lando norris <3
lalalalisa_m: AWWWWW SO CUTE
sooyaa_: FINALLY the secret is out
roses_are_rosies: my fav couple <3
landonorris: i am so lucky to be loved by you
fan1: i am so shocked but this is too cute
fan2: wtf…
fan3: well, i didn’t see this coming BUT congrats!
fan4: they look so in love, we must support them!
fan5: why him? you could do so much better…
fan6: @.fan5 fuck off bitch
liked by y/n.
view all 90 799 comments.
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liked by y/n, carlossainz55, oscarpiastri and 1 900 091 others.
landonorris: i am the luckiest man on earth and i know it, why you said yes to be my girlfriend last year is still a mystery to me because you deserve so much better. but i’m not complaining because i don’t see my life without you, if you ever leave my world you’d take the colours of it with you. thank you for loving me y/n, i promise to be worthy of your love.
y/n: AWWWWW lando i just cried! i love you so much lover boy, and STOP saying that i deserve better, i’ve never been happier
lalalalisa_m: break her heart and i’ll break your legs.
y/n: @.lalalalisa_m LISA WTF
landonorris: @.lalalalisa_m yes maam! 🫡
danielricciardo: idk if this is the cutest thing i’ve ever read or the most disgusting
landonorris: @.danielricciardo fuck off
carlossainz55: who knew lando was a poet?
fan2: if i see one more hate comment towards them i’ll commit a murder
fan3: i am still in shock but they’re actually so cute
fan4: god i see what you do for others
view all 55 899 comments.
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g3z0 · 1 month
Boy next door P3
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P1 P2
Summary: You move from Florida to Boston in the middle the school year. Being the new kid is hard - being the new kid in the middle of the school year is even harder. Especially if you’re not good in making friends. But suddenly, there’s this boy who lives next door that caught your attention
Warnings: cursing, mommy issues, smoking weed
I felt my stomach clench out of hunger.
I pressed my lips together as I turned the whole kitchen upside down for the 4th this day.
Food won’t just appear all of the sudden y/n.
It’s the second week that mom is gone.
It happened so often, I’m used to it.
The door bell rings and I close my empty fridge again.
Mom would use her keys. Expect if she lost them. Again.
I walk over to the front door and open it. I blink down at the woman in front of me.
She looks up at me and smiles brightly „Hello. Is your mom home?“ the woman asks.
I slowly shake my head and look down at the wrapped up oven dish she’s holding in her hands.
My stomach turns again.
„No- she’s not.“ I said, looking back into the woman’s eyes.
„Oh. That’s okay.“ she smiled softly at me „I’m Mary-Lou. I live next door with my husband and my son.“ she pointed towards the house from the boy.
My eyes widened as I realized that I’m talking to the mom of the boy. „Oh. Sorry- we wanted to introduce ourselves-" I shook my head.
„Oh, don’t you worry sweetheart.“ she chuckled. My heart clenched a little.
„Anyway, I made you and your mom some food.“ she held the oven dish out to me.
„Thank you..“ I almost whispered, taking it out of her hands.
„You know, i know it’s hard to get a job here. If you want some extra money you could help my husband out in our garden?“ she asks softly.
She chuckled „my son isn’t big of a worker. He doesn’t like that stuff.“ she scrunches her nose up a little.
Oh my god, she’s adorable.
I nodded quickly „yeah- I’d love to.“ I breathed.
„Really?“ her eyes lightened up a little „im so glad.“ she smiled „just come over if you have time.“ she pats my arm softly.
I nodded again „yeah- thank you so much.“ I breathed. „For the food and-"
„It’s not worth mentioning it.“ she laughed, waving me off. „Okay. Tell your mom I said hi.“ she said as she walked back to her house.
„Yeah. Thanks again!“ I yelled after her. She waved at me with a smile before she disappeared back into her house.
When I didn’t saw her anymore I closed the door and ran inside. I put the oven dish on the kitchen counter and snapped a fork out of the drawer.
I unwrapped the foil around it as fast as I could and started to devour the oven dish.
I groaned at the taste. Even if it’s cold - it tastes heavenly.
This woman got send straight from god.
I almost ate the whole dish. I put the rest of it in the fridge and walked back into my room.
I let myself fall down on my bed and sighed out of relive.
I sat back up and leaned against the headbord of my bed. I looked out of the window and saw boy next door again.
I think he’s an night owl. Every night I just watched him as he scribbled in his book with his headphones on.
What does he write 24/7? What kind of music does he listens to?
I watched him for a while. Suddenly he turned his head and met my gaze.
I quickly looked away and felt my heart starting to beat faster.
He‘ll think I’m weird or something. That I’m stalking him.
I took a deep breath and after a few minutes I looked back out of my window.
He was gone and his window was closed. I frowned as I saw a big piece of paper that’s attached to the window.
I let out a small laugh as I read it.
„Enjoying the view?“
So he doesn’t hate me.
I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad sign.
I ruffled through my drawers till I found a piece of paper and a pen.
I wrote something down before I attached it to my window.
„Maybe. You’re provoking it a little tbh.“
My heart beated fast as I layed back into my bed. I smiled to myself as I stared up the ceiling.
Chasey isn’t as bad as I thought.
She’s a really honest person wich I admired.
She said what she thought. She did what she wanted. She wasn’t scared of anyone. Hell, I don’t think she was scared of anything.
I appreciated her. I also appreciated Kayla and Olivia.
Olivia talked a lot. I didn’t mind that. When Olivia talked, she talked with such a passion behind it that it was fun to listen. She didn’t saw anything bad in anyone.
I don’t thinks that’s a good thing tho.
Kayla was sweet and kind. A person Owen definitely did not deserved.
Chasey pulled over at my house. I smiled as I walked towards her car. She rolled her window down and smiled at me.
„liv‘s sick today. Wanna ditch?“ she asked. I raised my eyebrows and looked back to my house.
Mom isn’t home. She wouldn’t notice.
„Yeah- sure.“ I nodded before I walked around and got inside. I sat down on the passenger seat.
„What about Kayla?“ I asked as I put my seatbelt on.
Chasey laughed slightly „bro, you’re obsessed with her or something?“
My cheeks instantly felt hot „what? No. It’s not like that-" I stuttered. She hummed in response and licked her tounge over her teeth as she looked over to the house next door.
Boy next door walked out of his house and me and Chasey watched him. She sighed slightly before she started to set the car in drive.
I felt my stomach doing a weird thing as we drove past him. It’s the same weird thing it did yesterday when we had our first conversation.
Okay, it wasn’t a conversation. He just wrote a three words on a piece of paper and attached it to his window.
„You smoke?“ Chasey ripped me out of my thoughts. I looked at her and shrugged slightly „nah..“
„Nah?“ she repeated, looking over me for a quick second. „You look like you smoke.“
I frowned at her remark „compliment or insult?“
She licked her lips and smirked slightly „what do you think?“
I chuckled a little before I looked out of the window.
„Wanna go to mine? My dads working.“ she said.
I shrugged a little „sure.“
After a while of driving she pulled up to her driveway.
I swallowed slightly at the sight of her house. Big and clean.
Nothing like mine.
She put the car in park and got out. I grabbed my bag and stepped out of her car „wow.“ I breathed, looking at her house.
„What?“ she laughed, putting her sunglasses on the top of her head.
„You’re like.. rich rich.“ I stated. She shook her head and smiled „come on, shit talker.“
She walked inside and I followed her. „It’s true tho.“ I mumbled.
Once we got inside I took my shoes off and placed them into the corner.
She raised her eyebrows at my action but didn’t say anything about it.
I followed her into her room and she slumped down on her bed. „sit where you want.“ she mumbled as she opened the drawer of her nightstand, pulling out a grinder and a bag of weed.
„Okay.“ I breathed, sitting down next to her on her bed.
My eyes scanned her room. A electric guitar hanging on her wall, posters of old bands and some photos of her and her friend.
She’s so fucking cool.
„Wanna smoke with me?“ she asked as she rolled the joint.
My eyes fell back to her „uh..“ I blinked at her. She snorted „you don’t need to. Not gonna peer pressure you.“ she shook her head „Im just offering.“
„Thanks.“ I smiled a little „yeah.. I can try.“ I swallowed.
She licked the joint paper and bit her lip slightly as she finished rolling it.
A small spark emited from an old red lighter before it glows with an orange flame.
Chasey held the blunt between her lips, holding it there while throwing the lighter onto her bed, inhaling weakly.
It takes a few seconds before a cloud of smoke exited between Chasey‘s lips.
„In here?“ I questioned. She shrugged and took a long drag. She held it in her lungs for a few seconds before she blew the smoke out.
„My dad doesn’t care anyways.“ she mumbled. She laid back down on her bed and took another drag before handing the joint out to me.
I took it hesitantly as I layed down next to her on my side, supporting myself with my elbow on the bed.
I bought the joint up to my mom and took a drag. I instantly coughed and squeezed my eyes shut.
I don't even got a change to hold in the smoke before it exits my lungs harshly, scrapping my throat as it arises.
„Shit-" I coughed, pressing my face into my arm.
Chasey laughed and took the joint away from me „slow down, tiger.“
I laughed a little between coughs and looked back at her „that shit burns.“ I whispered with a hoarse voice.
She hummed in response and took another drag „take small puffs.“ she mumbled before she blew the smoke out. „And don’t inhale them directly. You’re still a virgin smoker.“ she gave me the joint back.
I blushed a little at her comment and took another puff, this time a smaller one. I coughed again but not as hard as the first time.
„so-" I cleared my throat „why did Olivia call the boy next to my house a „psycho boy“?“ I asked.
She licked her lips and rubbed the side of her face with her hand „god- long story..“ she sighed.
„I have time.“ I smiled down at her.
She took a deep breathe. „Basically- Nick had a huge crush on Kayla and stalked her. So we named him psycho boy.“ she explained.
So his name is Nick.
I raised my eyebrows at her „really?“ I tooo another puff.
„Mhm.“ she sighed „I didn’t even notice all that. But Kayla told us and.. she said it was really sick.“
I gave the joint back to her „that’s uhm-.. fucked up.“ I mumbled.
My eyes feel heavy.
„I don’t know if it’s true tho.“ she looked at me and took another drag „because-" she exhaled the smoke „Kayla likes to lie.“
I smiled and chuckled a little „yeah? Doesn’t seem so.“ I mumbled.
Chasey looked at me and giggled „bro, you’re baked.“ she closed her eyes and laughed.
„Im what?“ I laughed. „I can’t bake.“ I mumbled. She layed her hand over her eyes and giggled.
„What?“ I laughed. She just shook her head.
My head started to feel a little dizzy. But not a bad dizzy.
Everything was so funny. And god I was tired.
„You look at me-" she lets out a laugh and squeezed her eyes shut, laying her forehead against my arm.
„You’re so stupid..“ I whispered between chuckles.
I didn’t know that being high feels so good.
Chasey and me almost ate her whole snacks. We talked a lot till she drove me back home.
„Thanks.“ I smiled as I got out of her car. „See you Monday, Chasey.“ I said before closing the door. I walked around the car and towards my house.
She rolled the window down „hey y/n! Call me chase!“ she yelled after me.
I smiled and gave her a thumbs up before I walked into my house.
I closed the door behind me and heard noises from the kitchen.
I slowly moved towards the kitchen and peeked inside.
The radio was on full volume and my mom was cooking while she sang the songs that were playing on the radio.
I sighed before I walked to the radio and turned the volume down. „We still have neighbors, mom.“ I mumbled.
She quickly turned around and yelped happily as she saw me „y/n!“ she grinned and literally ran over to me, wrapping her arms around me.
„God- I missed you so much.“ she mumbled, squeezing me thighter.
„hey, yeah.“ I breathed „missed you too..“ I whispered, pulling away from her hug.
„You hungry? I’m making food. I’m bet you‘re hungry after a long school day!“ she hummed and walked back to the stove.
I leaned my back against the kitchen counter and watched her.
She hummed to the beat of the song and danced a little around.
I licked my lips and looked down on the ground „where were you?“ I asked, almost too quiet.
„Hm?“ she looked over her shoulder to look at me. She shrugged casually and looked back to the stove „oh, you know. Out with old friends. I had so much fun! You remember Steven? Ohh, how I love Steven. He was there! And we went bowling and shopping and-"
I closed my eyes. „Mom.“ I sighed.
She stopped talking and looked at me. „What?“ she chuckled. I blinked my eyes open and looked at her.
„Did you relapse?“
Her face darkened. „What?“ she asked. I shrugged a little „I mean- the house was a mess and you were just gone for two weeks.. I-" I let out a breathe and rubbed my eyes.
„I thought we moved here so it‘ll get better..“ I whispered.
She blinked at me. „I-I’m sorry..“ she whispered.
Please god, no.
„Im so sorry.“ she sobbed and pressed her hands into her face.
„Mom-" I sighed. She just shook her head and sobbed.
I took a deep breath and walked over to her „it’s okay.“ I whispered, laying my hand on her shoulder.
„It’s not.“ she mumbled with a shaky voice „Im such a bad mother. I don’t deserve to live.“ she cried.
I clenched my jaw. „Hey, did you took your happy pills? They make you feel better, hm?“ I asked gently.
She shook her head.
„It’s okay.“ I rubbed her arm gently „you’re gonna take them and then we‘ll eat. Smells really good what you’re cooking there.“
She sniffed and wiped her tears away „really?“ she asked.
I nodded „mhm. And the neighbor was at our door today. It felt like she really wants to get to know you.“ I smiled down at her.
Her expression softened and she let out a relieved sigh „that’s great.“ she nodded a little „oh that’s so great..“ she sniffed again.
„How about im going to finish this here and you’re going to take your pills?“ I asked carefully.
„Yeah..“ she breathed „okay.“ she nodded before she walked upstairs.
I closed my eyes and ran my hand through my hair.
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idyllicwillowtree · 1 year
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Vickie's Friend - Part 2
Genre: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: You and Steve are both very protective of your friends.
Word count: 3K
Warnings: use of y/n, silly goose!Steve, fluff, trying not to out somebody
Author’s note: Sorry this took so long! I got some of the inspo from an episode of Friends
Main Masterlist
Part 1
Saturday, March 22, 1986
“I mean, it’s hilarious! I could never place what Tammy Thompson sounded like but Robin got it spot on,” Vickie enthused.
“Yeah, it’s a Muppet joke. The muppets are always funny,” you replied, focusing more on the stack of new books you were arranging on the shelf. Vickie twirled around the bookstore you both worked at, following you as you did most of the work.
“My point is that when I compared Tammy to Kermit the Frog she laughed. And not like a fake laugh either, like a real, genuine laugh. It was perfect.”
“But…?” you waved the book in your hand, gesturing for her to continue.
“But I’ve been trying really hard to stop that thing where my mouth moves faster than my brain so there was just that weird awkward silence you get when you want to keep talking with the person but you don't know what to say but I had like a million things I wanted to say but I suppressed the shit out of that so I wouldn’t keep talking and talking and talking and I’m doing it right now, aren’t I?” Vickie gasped slightly, forgetting to breathe during her run on sentence.
Sending your friend a tight lipped smile, you say, “yeah, you are.”
“I’m hopeless,” Vickie exhales and leans against the bookshelf you were organizing.
“Eh,” you turn to lean next to her, “we both are.”
“If only we could like, combine,” Vickie said, intertwining her own fingers together.
“Just think about it. I know exactly what I want, and I’ve found the girl of my dreams, but I can't get the courage to ask her out. Meanwhile, you go on a million dates and you have no idea what you want. So if we just combined, all our problems would be solved.”
She was right, you had gone on what felt like a million first dates with no plans for a second one in sight. Unfortunately, Vickie is forgetting a crucial flaw in her hypothetical plan.
“Did you forget about Dan again?”
Your best friend’s face dropped as she blinked rapidly at you. “Right…Dan…”
“It’s alright, Vick. As long as you break up with him before you and Robin do anything, you’re good,” you say with a teasing smile.
“Robin and I aren’t going to do anything!” her fair cheeks flooded with pink.
“Okay sure, whatever you say.”
Vickie rolled her eyes in defense before gasping, “Ooh, I found our next book club book!” Her jewelry started clanking together as she jogged across the store. 
You sighed dramatically at her attempt to change the subject, “I still don’t understand why we call it a club if it’s just us-”
Vickie spun around to show off the novel she chose, “‘Sense and Sensibility’ by the one and only, Jane Austen.”
 “Ugh, you know I don’t do historical fiction,” you grimace.
“But it’s about doomed love!”
“That’s relatable,” you scoffed
“Precisely,” Vickie said with a smile, already grabbing you your own copy.
Friday, April 4th, 1986
Steve did end up asking you out after your volunteer shifts at the High School. You both were awkward and giddy about it but it was comforting to know that he was just as nervous as you were. You found him to be very charming and endearing and you were excited to get to know him better.
Your first date was very sweet and simple. There wasn’t as much to do because of all the businesses that had to close due to the earthquake, so he took you to a diner that had managed to stay afloat.
You were having a great time, the spark of electricity you felt when you flirted with him that first day flooded through your body the second he came to pick you up, and it continued as you sat and ate your food. Your topic of conversation quickly transitioned to Robin and Vickie.
“And then the guy goes, ‘what? There’s no ‘b’ in rose.’ and the other guy goes ‘there was in this one!’” Steve looked at you with anticipation in his eyes and a big grin on his face. You blinked at him, still waiting for the punchline. He sagged slightly, realizing you didn’t get his joke, “it’s funnier when Robin tells it.”
“I’m sure it is,” you teased. “Robin is very funny.”
He rolled his eyes playfully and sent you a lopsided smile that sent butterflies to your stomach.
“Speaking of Robin…her and Vickie have been talking a lot on the phone,” you said, trying to sound nonchalant. You eyed him closely, assessing his reaction.
His eyes jumped around nervously as he took an extra long drink from his milkshake. You could already read him like a book, he was very obviously stalling.
Steve cleared his throat, “yeah, they seem to like each other a lot.”
You leaned forward, trying to invade his space a bit, “Steven Harrington… What do you know?” your voice was low and suggestive. It made Steve’s heart skip a beat, although he wasn’t sure if it was from his attraction to you or from nerves. He has spent so long keeping Robin’s secret, he didn’t want to accidentally out her and make her the ‘town’s pariah’, as she liked to say.
Little did he know, you made the same promise to Vickie.
When Steve kept his mouth closed, you sighed and said “okay, but if you found out on your own, that would be okay, and then we could talk about it, right?”
Steve had an idea as to what you were referring to, but he needed to tread lightly just in case. “Well, then it wouldn’t be a secret. So, yeah that would be okay,” he said carefully.
You eyed him for a moment, seeing if he’d break first. 
He squinted his eyes back at you, “do you know something?”
“Do you know something?” you said quickly.
“I might know something.”
“I might know something, too.”
“What’s the thing you know?”
“Oh no, Steve. I can’t tell you until you tell me what you know.”
He shrugged softly, “I can’t tell you what I know.”
“Well then, I can’t tell you what I know.”
“Okay, fine.”
You both sat there in awkward silence as you contemplated what the other was saying. Or not saying in this case. Anxiously gnawing at the dead skin of your thumb as you looked out the diner window, you could feel Steve staring at you, watching you suspiciously.
Saturday, April 5th, 1986
You and Steve were so excited to see each other again that you planned your second date for the very next day. Unfortunately, you had to cancel.
You didn’t want to postpone, especially since you were still eagerly still waiting to kiss him, but you had to. Vickie and Robin were finally going to hang out together and you wanted to spy. Some would probably call it stalking, but you didn’t care. 
Being Vickie’s only friend that she trusted enough to share her secret with came with a lot of pros and cons. On the plus side you were honored that she trusted you, but on the other hand Vickie can talk a lot and it can get to be a bit draining. You earned the right to spy a little on their first date. 
Also, Robin could be a serial killer. You never know. Stranger things have happened in Hawkins.
Steve actually told you, when you called him to reschedule, that he was about to cancel as well. He had some excuse that you weren’t really paying attention to, you were just excited that he wanted to eventually see you again. 
You hung up the phone with a smile still on your face. Immediately, it started ringing again. “Hawkins’ Book Attic, how may I help you?”
“Hey Y/N, is Vickie there?”
Of course it was Robin. 
“Hi Robin! Yeah just a second,” you pulled the phone away from your face before shouting, “Vickie! Phone’s for you!”
“Thanks Y/N, I’ll take it from the break room.” Vickie shouted from the back.
You returned the phone to your ear, covering the mouthpiece, so you can hear when Vickie picks it up.
“Hello?” you heard Vickie say.
You were about to hang up when you heard Robin say, “hey baby!”
That’s new, you thought. Against your better judgment, you continued to listen.
“Hey hun, I was just thinking about you.”
Your eyes widened. You looked around, making sure no one was watching you before you realized there was no one else in the store. It’s been closed while you and your co-workers cleaned up the place. The building itself wasn’t destroyed like some of the other businesses in town were, but it definitely left a mess with all the knocked over shelves and books.
“Awh, that’s sweet. I just wanted to check to see if we’re still hanging out after your shift?”
Ah, yes. The date you were planning to spy on.
Vickie giggled sweetly, “of course, Robin! I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll head over to that wildflower field by the quarry.”
You hung up after that, that’s all the intel you needed for your mission.
Luckily for you, your shift at the bookstore ended at the same time as Vickie’s. You managed to get to the field before them since Vickie needed to go pick up Robin. You found some street parking in a neighborhood nearby to ensure that your best friend didn’t see your car. You smoothly parallel parked in front of a dark brown BMW to start your stake out. 
You focused on the road that was perpendicular to the street you were stationed on. Only when you saw Vickie’s blue hand-me-down Ford Cortina drive by did you grab your bag and exit the car, starting the short trek to the woods surrounding the open field of colorful wildflowers.
Spotting the two girls from a distance was easy with Vickie’s fire-red hair and Robin’s towering height. The tricky part was finding a suitable hiding spot. 
Glancing around the wooded area you noticed a tall tree nearby. Before you could assess the strength of the branches you heard the rustling of a giant bush at the perimeter of the field a few feet away from you, followed by whispered curses. Denim clad legs were sticking out of the green shrubbery as a man was trying to wedge himself through it. You’d know those white sneakers (and that fine ass) anywhere.
You heard a hollow “thunk” as Steve jumped in surprise, his head hitting one of the branches. He slowly emerged as he rubbed the back of his skull with a grimace. He was wearing giant women’s sunglasses and a long blonde wig that now sat lopsided on his head.
“O-oh, hey Y/N,” he said sheepishly.
You let out a surprised snort at his appearance, before realization bloomed in your chest. You smirked, knowingly.
“What are you doing here, Steve?”
Steve shuffled to the side, trying to block your view of Robin and Vickie setting up their picnic.
“Nothing,” he said quickly.
“Okay…what are you wearing?” you said suspiciously, tugging a leaf out of the synthetic fibers of his wig before crossing your arms.
Steve immediately paled.  He snatched the jumbo lady glasses off his face, showing you his panicked brown eyes. What excuse could he come up with for wearing this in the middle of the woods instead of going on your second date?
“Uh…it’s just-...you see-”
“Is that Robin and Vickie?” you interrupted, craning your neck to look over Steve’s shoulder, pretending like you had just noticed them.
“What? Uh, n-no I don’t think so.”
He was such a bad liar.
“Yeah it is! Let’s go say hi-”
“NO!” Steve’s voice echoed across the field, making Vickie and Robin glance in their direction. Before they could see, you gripped Steve’s shoulders and pulled him down to crouch behind the shrub he was trying to hide in moments before.
“What are you-”
“Shut up, Harrington. Do you want to blow our cover?” you frantically whispered, peaking around the leaves carefully to see Robin handing Vickie a pink sparkly drink with a glimmering smile on her face.
Steve gasped dramatically. “I knew it! You’ve known this whole time?”
“Oh please, you knew nothing,” you said with a giggle.
“Okay fine, but I had my suspicions,” he grinned at you. Finally, he had someone to talk to about Robin’s love life. You two already had an immediate connection, but this solidified his attraction to you even more.
“Ooh! Wait, I came prepared too.” You swiveled, turning your back to him as you dug through your bag. He watched as you pulled something out that you placed on your face. Then you whipped out a baseball cap that you tucked your hair into before placing it on your head. You spun back around to face him again, “ta-da!”
He let out a surprised snort, similar to the one you gave when you saw him in his disguise. You had stuck a dark black mustache to your upper lip, wiggling your nose like a rabbit to show it off.
You both continued to laugh as quietly as you could at the absurdity of the situation you were in. Somehow, you both separately planned on canceling your second date, dressing up in a disguise, and spying on your friends. 
“We need higher ground, I think,” Steve whispered after his laughs had died down.
“Come on,” you gripped his hand, ignoring the tingling sensation it gave you, and dragged him to the tree you were planning on scaling earlier.
You helped hoist each other up, finding two parallel branches that were sturdy enough for you and Steve to sit across from each other on. It was the perfect spot to spy on Robin and Vickie with the opening in the tree leaves, while still staying hidden. Steve rested a foot on your branch as he got comfortable. You were close enough to him that his spare knee was in between yours. 
Your legs swung lazily underneath you as you admired him, happy to have someone to share this moment with. 
“Look, look, look,” Steve whispered excitingly, leaning towards you more as he pointed towards your friends.
Angling your body to get a look, you didn’t realize how close your faces had gotten, but Steve did. He nearly fell out of the tree when he got a whiff of your sweet perfume. He held his breath as he subtly studied your face, scrunched in concentration before lighting up with excitement.  Despite the fake mustache, you were the prettiest person he had ever seen.
“I can’t believe it. Robin is feeding her! And it's a strawberry? That’s like the sexiest food,” you snickered. Turning to see Steve’s reaction, you almost bumped noses with him. 
Both of you froze, no one was leaning in, but no one was pulling away either. 
After what felt like forever you whispered, “Hey Steve?”
“Yeah?” he replied, equally breathless. 
“Have you ever kissed a woman with a mustache before?”
He beamed at you, eyes sparking with humor. “Can’t say that I have,” he glanced at your lips, “have you ever kissed a guy wearing his mom’s old halloween wig?”
Before you could stop it, you snorted right in his face. Luckily, it made him smile even more.
He gently held your cheek as you placed your hand on his leg that was still propped up on the branch you were sitting on. Your heart was practically bruising your ribcage as it pumped in anticipation. Steve’s face heated up even more as you both started to lean in. 
Before your lips could touch, his foot shifted and you lost your balance, sending both of you tumbling out of the tree, breaking branches along the way.
Steve landed on his back in the plush grass below, it wouldn’t have hurt if you didn’t land directly on top of him. The breath in his lungs got pushed out as he let out a loud “oof” that quickly dissolved into laughter. Once you realized he was okay, you began to full body laugh alongside him. 
Both your disguises got lost in the chaos, he could finally get a good look at you. You were still laying on top of him as his brown eyes stared happily up at you, ignoring the leaves and debris that were still raining from your fall.
It’s like deja-vu, time slows as you stare into each other's eyes, slowly leaning forward yet again.
Both your heads whipped to the side to see Robin, now only a few feet away from you, glaring disapprovingly at Steve with her hands on her hips. Vickie had her arms crossed and her furrowing brows were directed towards you.
“Our cover has been blown!” you say to Steve.
“Retreat! Retreat! Abort mission,” Steve said, a grin still plastered on his face as you both hopped up and ran through the woods, hand-in-hand. Robin and Vickie watched you both go, listening as the sounds of maniacal laughter echoed throughout the woods, fading away the further you got.
Both of you made it back to your cars, still laughing through your heavy breathing. Steve didn’t waste time catching his breath before gripping the back of your head and planted his lips to yours.
You were still giddy with laughter as you kissed him back, wrapping your arms around his neck in an attempt to get closer. He snaked his arms around your waist as he walked you backwards, pining you to his car. 
You pulled back for air, still nuzzling your nose against his. Both of you were still smiling like a couple of idiots as happiness and adrenaline flowed through your veins. 
You continued to pant in each other’s faces before you whispered, “hey Steve?”
Steve pecked your lips again, “yeah?”
“So… you know that Fast Times tape we returned a couple weeks ago?”
Thanks for reading!
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With You
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Anthony Lockwood x f!Reader
Warnings: None this is pretty much just fluff 💖💖💖
Summary: Y/N and Lockwood can’t sleep in peace ever since entering the Other Side, but at least they can keep each other company
A/N: I hope you guys like this one :) !! 💖💖💖 It was inspired by the 4th book ;) 💖💖💖 Also sorry if updates are going to get slower cause I’m starting classes soon :’) 💖💖💖 Also sorry if this is shorter than usual :’) 💖💖💖 Hope everyone is having a good day :) 💖💖💖
She woke with a start, the covers were strewn about haphazardly. Gasping, she gulped down air desperately. Eventually her heart slowed, and she rested her head back onto the pillow, letting herself sink into it. Swiping her palm against her forehead, she tried to shut her eyes, but couldn’t. She groaned turning over, her damp shirt sticking uncomfortably to her back. She dreaded nights like these, where there was a lack of cases and everyone else relished in the extra hours of sleep. It had been 3 months since she had seen the Other Side. An unfortunate and unintentional event that left her plagued with haunting images that danced in her mind through the night. Naively, she had thought they would lose their strength overtime, clearly she was proving to be wrong. She continued to lay in her bed, peering into the darkness plainly, until they began to form shapes. It was nothing psychically charged or related to a visitor, but it was enough to encourage her to drag herself away from her blankets.
Deciding that a cup of hot tea would be able to coax her back to sleep, she trudged down the stairs, careful to not make noise. Facing George when he had been disturbed in the night would be worse than taking down a cluster haunting alone. Still, she was surprised to see another face slipping out into the dimly lit hallway, so much so that she almost fell down the remaining stairs. Fortunately, she caught herself with a quiet yelp, quickly making her way to the figure before she had any chance to make a fool of herself. She blinked a few times, as his face came into view, but she didn’t need that to know who it was.
It had became a weekly habit now. They would both find themselves lurking out of their rooms in the dead of night. Often they didn’t say much, just shared a moment of understanding silence, and in its own way it was far more comforting than words. Sometimes she wondered if it was because there was no way to describe what they saw. The thought made her shudder and sent a feeling of nausea about her. When the others asked them about it, they were unable to say anything, only pass a grimace of disdain. Once again they were here, an endless cycle.
“Oh- Hey”, she gave him a smile. Now face to face with him, she found herself clutching her palms together. Just because it was routine didn't mean it was any less daunting. They had always been close but somehow the event had pulled them closer together, in a way that confused her.
His voice was still rough, “Hello”.
“Are you-”, it was a question that she well knew the answer to. It still didn't stop her from asking though.
“Nightmares”, he frowned. She felt a pang that bore a hole in her stomach, it was not easy to see him like this.
She sighed, “Me too”.
He paused for a moment, eyes glazed over like he was lost in another world, before coming back to meet hers, “Tea ?”.
In the library the fire crackled softly, bathing them in a warm glow. She pressed her lips together as she watched him. His legs hung over the edge of the armchair, swinging back and forth, casting shadows that danced on the walls. She took a sip from her mug, watching him closely, the blank expression on his face was contrasting to his usual mega-watt smile. He looked more weary than normal, with circles under his eyes that were darker than usual, and there were lines of grey scattered through his hair, not that she looked any different.
She shifted in her seat, her gazing flitting from the mug in her hands to him, “Lockwood, do you think- ?”.
“I don’t know”, he seemed to be drifting in the steam from his mug. He blew over it, and it cast his face in a haze.
He frowned, running a hand through his hair, “Sorry, it’s hard to think about”.
Her eyes felt clouded with exhaustion, but still she resisted the pull that was tugging her eyelids down. She bit her lip, “Yes, It’s just that- I guess- Every time I close my eyes it’s all I see”.
“I know”, he nodded his head, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
It had been months and somehow she had barely made progress. The idea of it was hard to swallow. There were days when she wished that she didn't even go in, that she never crossed the barrier that separated their worlds, but the moment that he had started she followed. Though it could have been argued that she would have died during the case if she hadn't, she was well aware that buried in a deeper corner of her mind, she would follow him anywhere, and maybe one day it would be her downfall. It didn't matter to her though, it would be worth it like it always was, still that didn't stop the repercussions from taking its toll. She threw her head back, “I can’t sleep and it’s-”
He glanced over at her, “Cold, wasn’t it”.
Their gazes met, and for a second the chill was driven out, “Exactly”. She gave him a weak smile, which was returned. The expression quickly faded from both their faces, into a forlorn look. She wondered if he wished the same things as her, wrapping her arms tightly against herself as the frost returned, nipping at her skin.
A long pause held in the air, before he turned his head to her, moving to stand, holding a hand toward her, "Come on". She remained silent, only moving to slot her palm in his.
His bed was large enough to accommodate them, but somehow they had ended up as close to each other as possible. They were pressed up against each other, limbs entangled in hopes of bringing themselves close to the other. His bare skin touched hers, it was suddenly much warmer. She breathed in and out, leaning further into his hold, the subtle scent of lavender flooded her senses. He laughed softly and looped his arms around her shoulders, threading his fingers through hers. She squeezed his palm. This was the better part of their routine, usually ending with one of them in the others room. The nightmares were somewhat less formidable when they were with each other, weakening it like silver to the ghosts that plagued their world. She twisted around in his arms coming to face him, very aware of how their face were separated by a few centimetres. His gaze would occasionally drop to her lips before meeting her eyes again. She frowned for a moment, growing impatient she connected their lips. Finally truly content as his moved against her without second thought. It was a little sloppy, the taste of their tea still lingered between them. Still she could feel the love that radiated and safety that he radiated, knowing he felt the same. She grinned as his hold on her waist tightened, letting her fingers run through his hair, always a little surprised at how soft and fluffy it was.
They pulled away, still watching each other carefully. She hoped he wouldn’t be able to see the heat that had risen to her face. “Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m glad it was with you”, he pulled the covers over them.
“Me too”, she smiled, tucking her face into the crook of his neck. So maybe these nights weren’t a complete lost cause for them. If anything they had each other.
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demonic-charcuterie · 9 months
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Trancy triplets x daki! Little sister (but she is nicer to them,this can be considered a part two this post: https://www.tumblr.com/griffin-flyshigh/727415436597231616/the-trancy-triples-as-older-brothers-with-a-human)
You were a were a human when you first met your brothers. You were the missing piece and you could tell from the first moment your eyes met. By then you were 17 and they must have been a few hundred years old. You met in your cousin Alois’s manor. He’s long dead now.
You rang away together into a large house in the woods. It had all you needed. You had a back yard with a large cherry blossom tree that you to three would play chess and Timber would carry you back inside on his back when you fell asleep and started drooling on the picnic blanket. They admit you were a bit spoiled. Centuries of having three demon older brothers giving you everything you ever asked for. You wanted to live in peace in the woods. You blinked and they build you a whole manor. But you deserved it, you were their baby sister. And you treated them so well, you hummed to them as you stroked their heads while she laid on your chest or in the bed with you. “I love you brothers.” You’d whisper before you would drift of to sleep. You didn’t like working for other peoples souls so they’d share theirs with you. You giggled as they tore that persons soul and they screamed and they hand fed it to you.
That cherry blossom tree was burning now. And a tall man stood over with bloody gloves was your headless body held your head in its lap and tears streamed down from your eyes. Your brothers were out and you weren’t taught as a demon like they were. They’re were holes in the walls and your pink kimono was falling off of your shoulders.
“Barely put up a fight…” a smooth silky voice said, “are you sure you’re a demon?” The man said as bright green eyes stared back at you. “Your soul should have died over a century ago.”
“Don’t give me that crap! I’m stronger than you!” You growled “So what makes you think that I’m not a demon?!”
“Sorry but you can’t be a real demon…” they said in a snarky tone.
“I’ll have you know THAT I AM A UPPER RANK DEMON!” You wailed.
“Then why are you holding your severed head d in your hands right now?” The green eyed man said pointing at you.
“Just because my heads off doesn’t mean I’ve lost yet! IM AN UPPERANK DEMON!” You screamed from your head as your body cradled your head in its lap as if trying to comfort you.
“I think it’s clear you’ve lost, in fact this wasn’t even a battle.”
“I’m just to powerful for you to comprehend!!!!” You barked at him. This was so embarrassing, what would your brothers think? When ever they’re home and an intruder comes their blood is served to you in a wine glass. “I may be weak right now, but I’m going to get even stronger!”
The green eyed man pulled out a book and placed on his glasses. “Don’t recall asking darling.”
Your fist clenched so tight that your nail dug into your palms. A lump formed into your throat when tears started pouring out of your eyes and your whimpered loudly. Suddenly…you screamed. A high pitched shriek loud enough to break glass.
The boys froze right as they went to grab the new chessboard you asked for because last time you broke it out of a fit of rage from loosing for the 4th time. “Little sister.” Canterbury said softly as his eyes flashed pink. He grabbed the box with the chessboard then him and your other two brother bolted as fast as their legs would take you.
(Back home)
“I AM A REAL DEMON I AM! I EVEN GOT THE BLACK NAILS AND PINK EYES TO PROVE IT!” You wailed as your body slammed its fist on the floor causing the wood to splinter.
“Why are you still talking? Your life record should have started playing…”
“Die! DIE! Oh you can just die!” You screamed. “H-he cut my head off! He cut my head off! Help me…BROTHERS!!!” You begged.
Stood as if from know where your brothers stood infront of you. Timber sighed and clicked his tongue when he saw your current state.
Canterbury snd Thompson both had s blatant look of rage in their eyes. The green eyed man quickly swung his sword going for Timbers head when Timber put out his pinkie finger stopping the sword with the tip of this finger, the green eyed man when flying but but then quickly pulled himself up.
“Woowww, you survived that? I was aiming to kill. What wonderful reflexes.” Timber said blankly. He turned back to you as he head your head over your stump of a neck. Canterbury kneels down and smiled kindly. “Come now little sister. There’s no use crying about it.”
“Can’t you even manage to reattach your own head?” Thompson asked lovingly as he took your head from Timber and reattached it. “Well you haven’t always been the sharpest tool in the shed have you?” He said stroking your hair. “And oh is that a burn on your face? You need to learn to take better care of this face you know! God gifted you such a beautiful one.”
“Demons! I’ll dispose all of you if I must!” The green eyed man yelled. The boys all stood and turned to him with pure look of rage.
You whimper in the back as your ran your finger over the healing line your your neck was cut.
“You attacked our sister…unprovoked?” Timber asked barely above a whisper.
“Brother wait! He wasn’t the only harassing me! There were other green eyed man to!”
“Reapers my darling sister. Grim reapers here to collect your soul that should have burned years ago.” Canterbury said kindly to you.
“Please big brothers, kill the ones who burned me to! Kill them!, I’ve been working away over here and even though I’ve given it my all they still won’t die! I-I feel like I’ve tried everything but even then they just kept getting back up again and picking on me!” You said as your wiped tears. “They just kept bullying me and I just can’t take it anymore!”
By now three other reapers showed up and we’re all holding death scythes. “Ahh I think I understand now…” Thompson said. “Our poor little sister who was only turned a few 100 years ago was trying her very best with what little skill she had and you bullied her, that is absolutely unacceptable!”
“We’ll have to rib out all the spinal cords off those who laid a hand on her.” Timber said before pulling off his gloves and raising his fist. He glanced down at you and held out his hand right as one of the reaper started his…lawnmower? He bend down and pulled the kimono correctly onto your shoulder before turning back to them. “Now we go.”
“You’re dead!” One red head reaper said lunging towards your brothers and you pinched your eyes shut. Not even a second you felt a tapping on your shoulder and jumped. “Sister? Why are your eyes shut? Are you scared?” You gasped as your opened your eyes and saw the house in perfect condition. The lanterns where on casting a beautiful glow into their kind faces. You looked around. There was no blood, no broken wood. You slowly stood and shook your head. “B-but how? Where did-”
“Shush.” Canterbury said as he picked you up bridal style. “But brother what did you-“ you gasped when yo guy felt his hand pulled you closer to his chest. “In the morning. Perfect little sister.”
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woven-birds · 1 year
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{ last updated june 4th 2024 }
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hi there! welcome to my little blog, i’m so glad you stopped by. <3 this is my main tumblr, it doesn’t really have a theme i just post whatever i like. i have a few side blogs that are more uniform that i’ve linked below if you’d like to check them out. ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
˚✿˖° a little about me…
i’m kristen. :) moonchild. avid daydreamer. vegetarian. mother. native american (mohawk) and irish. bookworm. taurus (may 3rd 1995). autistic. goofball. ⋆˚✿˖°
i live in upstate new york. i read too many books and drink copious amounts of tea/coffee. i’m obsessed with anything antique or from a bygone era. i have two adorable sons named liam and riggsin (riggs for short). i love being a mother. i have two cats (lilith & mau), a bunny (papa, he’s a netherland dwarf rabbit), & a dog (ziggy). my hair is always messy no matter how hard i try to make it look decent. i’m forever sleepy and in love with nature. i still love playing on playgrounds. i often feel homesick for places that i’ve never been. i feel most at peace in nature. i love love love floral print, rainy days, the moon, sunsets, wildflowers, & daydreams. i am a makeup and true crime/horror junkie. my favorite colors are pink & purple. i love to draw/paint, take photos, junk journal, do puzzles, do my makeup, & read in my free time. <3
❤︎ i’d rather be thrifting. ❤︎
my head is always in the clouds; i’m perpetually daydreaming. ⋆。°•☁︎
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my favorite sounds: trains in the distance, birds singing, rain hitting the window, the keys of a typewriter, book pages turning, cats purring, clocks ticking, the sound of leaves crunching when you step on them in autumn, the crackling sound a record makes when the needle first touches it.
these are a few of my favorite things: flower crowns, old hollywood films, gardens, fairies, teacups & teapots, fairy tales, bunnies, squishmallows, sharks, outer-space, macarons, graveyards, dresses, handwritten letters, studio ghibli films, pressing flowers, strawberries, flowering tea, bookstores & libraries, cuddling, butterflies, sweaters, candles, when smells act as time machines, penny presses, everything about autumn.
music: fleetwood mac, turnover, nirvana, mom jeans., neck deep, the front bottoms, hot mulligan, andrew mcmahon, bon iver, sonic youth, david bowie, death cab for cutie, yeah yeah yeahs, mitski, alex g, the 1975, noah kahan, hozier, beach bunny, girl in red, ghost, the smiths, microwave, heart attack man, joyce manor, wallows, type o negative, car seat headrest, pixies, the beatles, fleet foxes, rilo kiley, arctic monkeys, nicole dollanganger, lana del rey, ozzy, circa survive, fiona apple, a day to remember, $uicideboy$, sleep token, slipknot, brand new, mac demarco, deftones, title fight, soundgarden, the story so far, pup, taylor swift, pink floyd, bjork, black sabbath, tool, green day, balance and composure, movements, oso oso, bright eyes, florence + the machine, blink-182, & more! i listen to a lot of different genres; i really am that person that says they listen to “everything” haha.
tv shows: gilmore girls, friends, new girl, degrassi, it’s always sunny in philadelphia, community, gossip girl, doctor who, pretty little liars, grey’s anatomy, bridgerton, how i met your mother, schitt’s creek, buffy, supernatural, yellowjackets, what we do in the shadows, the office, parks & rec, twin peaks, bob’s burgers, outlander, the vampire diaries, etc.
movies: studio ghibli, horror, & wes anderson movies. i also adore old hollywood films as well as silent movies. ₊˚⊹♡
books: i love reading romance, thrillers, & poetry. i’m also in love with jane austen, sylvia plath, & the brontë sisters.
p.s. if you’ve made it to the end of this i owe you a hug.
my side blogs: @teacuploveletter//@fairieslivehere//@arainyautumnnight//@snowandtinsel//@clumsyhoneybee// @grungyfairy// @porcelainmoons // @shesdaydreamingagain
other places you can find me:
instagram: magicwildflowers
snapchat: rainygirl53
tiktok: magicwildflowers
pinterest: magicwildflowers
{posts are mostly from my queue! also please feel free to ask me any questions!<3}
currently watching: rewatching pretty little liars (season 2) gossip girl (season 5) & sex and the city (season 1)
currently reading: icebreaker by hannah grace
songs/artists i’m currently obsessed with: chappell roan & taylor swift ttpd. <3
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kittyt-hexxed · 11 months
Book Two of Hexed - The Fury of Zaun (Vi × POC!Reader) - Ch.19
Next Upload Date: August 4th
Act 2: Chapter Nineteen - When I’m With You
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Warnings: Fuzzy feelings, Romance, Pool sex, fingering, bite mark, scratch marks, vi gets a tattoo, asshole guy that tries to ruin your date
Summary: You and Vi rekindle the romance.
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It was a clear night, with no clouds to block out the stars or cover the moon. You have a perfect view of everything and it soothes you. Well, as much as it could with the drumming anger within you. You’ve been trying to speak with the Brackern but they keep pushing you out and saying to wait. It made you nervous because you’d never felt them this riled up before. The memories that flashed before your eyes weren’t from one or two of them, it was from all of them. A collective memory that seared itself into their minds and partially into yours.
You let out a heavy sigh when you suddenly feel exhausted. Not even a minute later, your eyes slip shut and you feel like you’re falling. Your eyes snap open and you sit up, finding yourself on a sloping dune instead of the usual grass. You stand up, your feet staying firm as if you’re on rock instead of sand. Confused, you look around. In the distance are what look like sandstone outcroppings but it’s not until you turn around that you get a shock. ‘Oh, my Janna.’ You gasp, hands flying up to your mouth.
Scattered around the mouth of a hole in the ground are dozens of Piltovens. Giant crystals are being lifted out of the hole, much bigger than you thought possible. Your feet carry you down, closer to the excavation when someone grabs your upper arm. You pause, turning your head to see Iesura staring down with dark eyes.
“Watch.” Iesura grunts, not letting you go. You turn back to the scene just as the ground starts trembling beneath your feet. You can hear the sand sliding, the people shouting in alarm and running away from the hole as screams sound from within.
The ground bursts open, sending people into the air and a familiar Brackern screeches as it surfaces. ‘Skarner.’ You watch in a mixture of awe and interest as people are impaled with crystals or buried alive as the sand collapses under their feet. You can hear his enraged screams, a cadence of rage and grief as he kills those who have taken his loved ones. A man’s scream is cut off as he’s crushed within Skarner’s claw and disregarded. It’s not long before the people are dead and their bodies are all swallowed by the sands. The only thing left to hear is Skarner's heartbroken song.
You blink and suddenly you’re back in the river meadow. Iesura lets go of your arm and you turn to him with a frown on your face. Umbra appears next to him and gives you a shaky smile.
“That was a memory.” You state.
“Yes.” Iesura nods, “We wouldn’t have it if it wasn’t for you. Your connection to Skarner has given us a glimpse into what has happened. What you couldn’t see from the distance was that woman - Camille. Her family is the one that discovered our home and took our Namestones.”
“She has one.” You sigh and sit down, “In the brief moment we touched, I could sense it. It’s keeping her alive.”
“When you have the chance. Take it.” Umbra hisses, “Unlike you, she does not deserve to use our kind to live.” You open your mouth to say something when Iesura shakes his head.
“You are not human, and you were gifted by the Arcane. Your circumstances are different.” Iesura responds to your unspoken question.
“It’s time for you to accept that, Y/n.” Umbra places a hand on your shoulder, “Accept that you are no longer human.”
“I thought I already did?” You furrow your brow. They chuckle and shake their heads, holding their hands out to you. You take them and they pull you onto your feet.
“Initially, yes. But, you have a mate now.” Iesura and Umbra lead you to the river, “You must accept her and your new nature.” You take a deep, shaky breath. ‘Accept Vi as my mate? Am I even ready for that?’ You stop at the edge of the river, staring into its waters. You learned that the river was your soul given a physical form within you. Every time you step into it, you reconnect with yourself. It tended to shift as needed, but right now it is roaring rapids that make your heartbeat pick up.
“I know you’re scared, but you have yet to truly lose her.” Umbra squeezes your hand, “With this one last thing… you won’t be half-human or half-Brackern. You’ll be demi-human. Officially.”
“This is a lot to create a new species.” You say nervously while shuffling your feet.
“You should have seen what the Vastayashai'rei had to do to become what they are.” Iesura chuckles, “You’re going just a step further.”
“There’s no time like the present.” You mutter to yourself and walk forward. You’re waist-deep in the river when you’re knocked under, forcefully submerged by your magic. You tumble through the water, disoriented by its force when you hear Vi laugh.
“If I catch you, you’re it!”
“Y/n! Up here! Come on, I bet you can’t beat me to the top of the clock tower!”
“All you have to do is jump, Princess. I’ll catch you if anything goes wrong.”
“I killed them. They won’t hurt you anymore.”
“I can’t believe you agreed to be my girlfriend, but I’m glad you did. You’re the only girl I’ve had my eyes on.”
“I’ll kill anyone who thinks they can get away with hurting you or my family.”
“A little help here, Princess? I fucked my ribs up real good in a fight earlier.”
“Complaining about me feeding you while you’re sick is only going to make me take longer. So shut up and drink the soup I made you.”
“WOAH! Thanks for the save, Princess! That wouldn’t have been a fun fall!”
“You know, we make a really good team. I think they’ll be feeling that for a week!”
“You’ll always be my princess, Princess. Even when you’re screaming profanities at thugs and threatening them with bodily harm.”
You feel a warmth flow through you, followed by a strong feeling of love that doesn’t feel like your own emotion. Your teeth ache along with other parts of your body that have you shifting in discomfort. Hands grab you and you’re lifted out of the stream and set on the ground. A scream leaves your lips as a head-splitting pain has you clutching at your horns. The last thing you see is Iesura and Umbra’s sympathetic winces.
“AHH FUCK!” You scream, throwing yourself into a seated position and nearly falling off the tree branch. You can feel the blood running down your face as your horns grow, pushing up through your fingers. All you can focus on is the pain as you hunch over and they continue to grow. You can’t even wipe the blood away since your fingers are tightly clenching the base of your horns. There are hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing them as a way to provide you some comfort. The pain takes some time to dwindle but whoever is there doesn’t stop trying to comfort you.
“Who?” You croak out, too disoriented to figure it out on your own.
“It’s Heather.” Your best friend’s voice has you sighing in relief. Her hands leave your shoulders and you open your eyes to see her sitting down in front of you. She examines your face and you can feel blood running down as she does. Heather nods to herself as she looks you over for any more blood.
“How are they?” Your voice comes out as barely a whisper with your vocal cords feeling oddly tight. Just how much did your body change?
“Big and sparkling in the morning light.” Heather pats your hand, “We can measure them after we clean you up.” She takes your hand and slowly helps you up, being mindful of how disoriented you’re feeling.
“Thank you for the help.” You whisper appreciatively.
“It’s not the first time I’ve had to wash blood off of you.” Heather chuckles, “Shimmery, bright blue blood? No. But, blood in general? Yes.” You can’t even furrow your brow, the pain spiking when you do. So, you let Heather lead you down to your bungalow. She was extra careful with helping you down, making sure to brace you against her body. Now that you’re not squinting in pain, you realize that it’s early morning. You had spent all night out on the branch with the Brackern. It appalled you sometimes how much time moved by when you were in your soul.
“Bright blue?” You mutter, tilting your head to look at her.
“You’ll see.” Heather grunts as she kicks the balcony door open and guides you over to your mirror. Your eyes widen when you see yourself. She was right. Your blood was a bright blue, matching the color of your horns. Those very same horns must be as tall as your face! They were very noticeable and you couldn’t look away from them.
“Oh, wow…” You breathe out as Heather nods in agreement. ‘Looks like I have more to hide than just my horns.’ She waits a bit longer, letting you stare at your new appearance before helping you sit on the couch. You look at your claws as she prepares a small bowl of water, watching your blood drip down the crystal. ‘All I had to do was accept Vi? That was the only thing holding me back from this. How much have I changed? My appearance is a given, but how would this affect my personality or even my instincts?’ Your curiosity was eating at you.
“You know, I’m so grateful to be your best friend.” Heather says suddenly, taking a seat next to you.
“Where’s that coming from?” You chuckle, moving closer so she can wipe your face.
“I spent my day in Zaun doing some work with Landon and there’s a lot of people singing your praises. “Lady Hexxit allowed our kids to get clothes without holes for the first time in three years” or “Lady Hexxit brought us warm blankets.” You’ve helped a lot of our people feel secure these past few months. Zyn’s parents said people haven’t sounded this happy since Vander’s early days.” Heather smiles softly, “You and Ekko have really changed this place. You brought a desire for life back to everyone. Especially me. I’m glad you’re here, Y/n. I don’t know how things would be without you.”
“Heather…” You whisper, speechless. Heather had struggled with a Shimmer addiction after her old boss demanded they use it for work. A month after you met her, she was close to relapsing when someone accidentally triggered her. Heather has deep wounds around feeling inadequate and it affects her when she unintentionally messes up a job given to her. It wasn’t her fault. She was given the wrong directions for the job but it affected her anyway. It was only by chance that you were sent to get her and found her in a fragile state. You had sat outside her door that day and talked her down until she fell asleep on the other side.
“You don’t have to say anything.” Heather says, delicately wiping around your horns, “I just want you to know that even when you’re not around, the people still care about what you’ve done for them.”
“Thank you.” You smile and nudge her, “I’m glad I have you as my best friend, too. You’ve helped me a lot over the years and even kept me from strangling my brother to my death!” 
“To be fair, I nearly did it a few times too!” Heather laughs, “But, you’re welcome. Ya know… for being the best friend ever.” She winks making you scoff and shove her. Heather lets out a yelp as she gets pushed off the couch and you gasp in shock.
“Oh my Gods, Heather!” You jump up from the couch and rush over to her, “Are you okay?!” You crouch down to help her sit up and she looks at you with wide eyes.
“That? …Yeah, that was cool.” Heather says in awe, nodding her head. You sigh in relief and let out a small giggle at her antics.
“Up we go!” You pull her up from the floor, noting that it’s easier to lift her.
“After that fun little moment, let’s figure out what you’re going to wear for this date!” Heather claps her hands together.
“I don’t know what we’re doing for it.” You groan, “We’re going to decide on the bridge.”
“Then let’s choose something suitable for both cities.” Heather drags you to your closet, “You can be fancier in Zaun since you run this place.”
“Fancier?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Yup! Anyway, I’m thinking about this skirt.” Heather tosses a skirt into your face, making you yelp, “This cute top and these chains.” You take the clothes from your face and give her an exasperated look.
“Don’t look at me like that! Go change! We’ve got work to do!” Heather shoves you away, smacking your ass and making you laugh.
“I’m going, I’m going!” You swat her hand away.
Your gaze was trained on the Hexgates, watching as airships were blasted away to complete their routes. It was annoying that you couldn’t touch it until some things were settled, but plans had to be followed. Besides, today was not a day to think about the war. You promised yourself that you’d give Vi all of your attention and that’s what you were going to do. A tingling fills your body and you snap your head to the side to see the very woman you’re waiting for.
“Hey there, cutie pie!” Vi waves at you, a grin on her face and your heart stops. Up until this point, you’ve only seen Vi in her Enforcer’s uniform. You weren’t prepared to see her in casual clothes. Clothes that were very flattering for her body. But, it wasn’t just that. You can hear the love Vi has for you. Her soul song was like a quiet ballad, loud enough to hear but not disrupt. It rang like golden bells and the only thing it spoke of was you. It took your breath away.
“Hey there, cherry top…” You breathe out, eyeing the strip of skin peeking through her button-down. You chew on the inside of your lip, briefly forgetting about your fangs when you feel a sharp stab.
“You look nice.” Vi compliments you, stopping only to pull you into a hug. Your skin warms where she touches you and you take a deep breath.
“Thank you. You look nice, too.” You take a step back only to gasp when Vi presents you with flowers. You glance down at her, getting a beautiful smile as you gently take the bouquet from her. You inhale deeply, smelling the soft fragrance radiating from them. Your heart flutters in your chest as you try to think of the last time anyone gave you flowers.
“I was thinking we could just go for a walk along the beach?” Vi offers, “I’m not too keen on going into Piltover and I’m sure you’re feeling the same about Zaun.”
“You know what? I’d like that.” You smile at her and hold out your hand, “Just you and I.” Vi takes your hand and the two of you head off the bridge toward Piltover’s side. Instead of entering the gate, you turn down the side street and walk along the river. You make small talk, clumsily interrupting the other when you get too excited to say something. A few people greet Vi as you walk past them, and you tease her for having so many admirers. Vi only laughs and tells you that she only has an interest in one of them, gazing at you with loving eyes. Your face heats up and you look down at your feet, feeling very shy. 
You’re led over to a small building where you take your shoes off and they give you a locker to tuck them into. The lady offers to hold onto your flowers for you, but you politely decline since you want to hold onto them. So you and Vi step out onto the sand and you take a moment to look at the scenery. If there was one thing you were envious of it was Piltover’s gorgeous beaches. Crystal clear water, pearly-white sand, and not a sign of any pollution for miles.
“So why did you choose the beach?” You question, walking towards the water. The feeling of the warm sand between your toes is a strange but welcome one. It’s as if you’re vividly aware of every little grain of sand and it sits at the back of your mind. But, Vi is the one who dominates your attention. No matter how hard you tried to stop listening to her soul song, it prevailed. It was as if it wanted you to keep listening, to melt your heart before Vi even said anything. It was a blissful torture.
“Winter is on its way, and it’s a quiet place in the mornings. I come out here at dawn to jog up and down. It helps with my leg muscles.” Vi winks, making you giggle and shake your head.
“You and your workouts.” You playfully nudge her, “Thanks to you, I still can’t sleep past dawn. Not unless I’m exhausted.”
“You’re the one who wanted to join me!” Vi pokes you, “Sooo, it’s your fault.” The two of you stare at each other before you both burst out laughing. You stop at the water's edge and it barely touches your toes. You take a few more steps in and squeal softly at the cold water. The two of you watch the waves roll in for a bit and admire the view. The morning sun makes the water glimmer and you lean into Vi, sneakily snuggling up against her.
“You’re adorable.” Vi chuckles, wrapping an arm around your waist, “I’m happy you said yes to this date.” You turn to Vi and meet her eyes, staring at her in silence before a smile graces your lips.
“Me too.” You kiss her cheek, watching a blush race to her face, “Ready for that walk?” You motion down the empty beach.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Vi jokes, making you pout, “Ah, don’t do that. It only makes you cuter.” She takes her thumb and smooths it over your bottom lip. You grab her hand and place a kiss to her thumb, letting her caress your face.
“Let’s go.” You say softly, getting a nod. The two of you walk down the beach, going deep enough into the water for it to reach your ankles. You laugh and talk about your childhood memories together all the while you hold those flowers to your chest. You felt different around Vi. Warm, fuzzy, and madly in love. It felt like your heart might just beat out of your chest from how affectionate you felt.
Your walk takes you to a small cliff called the Wisher’s Edge. At least, that’s what the Zaunites called it. It’s tradition to toss something into the water and make a wish. The only other Goddess Zaunites cared for was the sea Goddess, Nagakabouros. The people believed that whatever you wished for would come true as long as you let it. No matter how hard your people appeared to be, you still held your wishes and desires.
“Make a wish with me?” You whisper, holding up your bouquet.
“Of course.” Vi hums, and you get to work opening the bouquet. You purposefully snap Vi with the rubber band, making her hiss in pain as you laugh. You yelp in shock as she does it back, making her laugh. You carefully divide the flowers into two and head to the edge of the cliff.
“Make a wish.” Vi says before closing her eyes. You follow suit, closing your eyes and holding the flowers over your heart. You make your wish, opening your eyes and blushing when you see that Vi is already looking at you.
“Let’s toss them together.” You grin, “In three, two, one!” You and Vi toss the flowers into the air, watching them spread out before falling into the water below. You let out a squeak as you’re pulled into Vi’s arms, dipped, and her lips are on yours. The kiss is sweet and the combined sound of Vi’s soul song makes your legs feel like jelly. You feel something rumble in the back of your throat and she stops kissing you. 
“Are you purring?” Vi grins down at you, eyebrows raised in question. ‘Purring?! Well, that’s something new.’
“I-I um...” You giggle embarrassedly, feeling your face burn as she looks at you, “Yeah? I guess I am… I should probably show you something.” You bite your lip. Vi lifts you back up and you sit down on the ground, patting the area in front of you. She sits down, moving close enough so your knees touch and you grab her hands.
“So… I am no longer human.” You say softly, tilting Vi’s head up as you drop the illusion on your horns. She gasps, eyes darting to your face and back to your horns. You lower your head, guiding her hand up to them, but her hand hovers an inch away as she silently asks you for permission to touch them.
“You can touch them.” You whisper. A shiver goes through you when her fingers run along the curve of your horns. Her touch feels soft and feathery, and it’s a strange sensation to feel. Yet, it feels so right.
“Woah…” Vi breathes out, “This is from the Hextech crystals? I mean it looks just like them and from what you’ve mentioned to me…” Her touch has your eyes fluttering shut as you purr, feeling content as you enjoy the contact.
“Mmhmm.” You hum, “I’m a new species. I’m not sure what to call it yet.”
“You’re gorgeous.” Vi mutters, her fingers traveling down to grasp your chin, “You’ve always been gorgeous, but you’re even more so.” You blush, staring into her eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” You ask.
“Of course you can.” Vi responds, pressing her lips to yours. The two of you sprawl out on the cliff, staring up at the clouds as they roll by. At one point, Wind Shear came down to greet you and you introduced her to Vi. They got along well, with Vi giving her kisses on her beak that had Wind Shear flapping her wings happily.
“Y/n?” Vi says suddenly.
“Yeah?” You turn your head to her.
“Let’s go on a date again next week.” Vi smiles at you, “I want to do this again.”
“I’d love to.” You smile at her, playing with her fingers as you hold hands.
You and Vi went on a date once a week. You let everyone know, that way they knew how to reach you if you were needed. They were all super excited for you, with Sevika even casually remarking about your sex life. You had thrown a dagger at her for the comment, and the fucker didn’t even flinch. You chose a new place to go to each time, but as it got colder you looked for warmer activities to do.
“Where are we?” You giggle, letting Vi lead you through an empty building. Your coat is draped over your shoulder because it’s warm inside.
“It’s the Kiramman’s indoor pool house.” Vi smirks, “No one uses it, so Tobias gave me the key since it’s too cold to go for runs on the beach.” She opens a door and you gasp at the large pool, surrounded by lavish chairs and a minibar. You look up to the ceiling to see stained glass sparkling in the light.
“No one uses this place?” You hand Vi your coat and she places it on a couch by the door.
“Nope. Tobias said they used it years ago but it stays unused now. They’re all too busy to enjoy it.” Vi hands you a bag, “Now, go get changed. I bought you a bikini to wear.” She grins. You raise an eyebrow and peek into the bag to see the black fabric.
“Okay.” You grin at her, “I’ll wear it.” She points you in the direction of the changing room and you head inside. ‘I can’t believe she bought me a bikini!’ You giggle to yourself, taking it out of the bag and placing it down. You raise an eyebrow but undress, taking care to fold your clothes. The last time you went swimming was in the summer with the gang. And much longer since you’ve done that with Vi. 
“How do I look?” You ask, stepping out of the changing room. Vi looks up from the charcuterie board she was putting together and stares at you. You can’t help but stare back. You’ve never seen Vi in a bikini before, as she usually wore swim trunks and a tank top. But, Gods. She was wearing one now—a strappy two-piece in a light green that compliments her perfectly. You lick your lips, trying to tear your eyes away from her abs. ‘She’s doing this on purpose!’ 
“You’re hot, Princess.” Vi grins, “It looks good on you. I’m glad I chose black because… wow.”
“I think my boobs look a little too noticeable.” You tease her, walking over in a way that makes them bounce more. Vi laughs and shakes her head at you.
“You might as well take the top off.” She purrs playfully, throwing you a wink. 
“You’re a heathen!” You laugh and smack her on the arm, “Not everything with you has to end in nudity.” She nods, adding the last of the stuff onto the board before looking at you. You can tell by the twinkle in her eye that she’s up to something.
“What are you thinking about?” You tilt your head. Vi kicks your feet out, catching you in her arms before turning and tossing you into the air. 
“VIIIII!” You scream, flailing in the air before you’re submerged in the water. It takes you a second to orient yourself before you’re swimming back up to the surface. You take in a breath, shaking the water out of your hair as you hear Vi laughing in the background. You turn and playfully glare at her, getting a wide grin in return.
“Really?!” You say exasperatedly, swimming over to her, “You’re lucky I can swim!”
“If I knew you couldn’t, I wouldn’t have tossed you in.” Vi sits down at the edge, letting her legs dangle in the water. You pull yourself up and rest your arms on her thighs, meeting her in the middle for a sweet kiss.
“Good.” You whisper, pulling back, “So I can do this.” You grab her upper arms, bracing your feet against the wall, and shove off. Vi yelps as you yank her into the water with you. The two of you tumble under the water, look at each other, and giggle. Vi swims over to you, grabs your hands, and pulls you up to the surface with her. The two of you are audibly giggling now, embracing each other as the water drips down from your hair.
“I deserved that.” Vi admits, making you nod.
“But, you also deserve this.” You kiss her cheek. Vi smiles at you. The two of you swim around with each other, being complete goofballs and making fun of each other. At a random moment, Vi pulled a water ball out and you passed it back and forth. It was nice to let loose and not feel a care in the world. With it being the two of you, you weren’t looking over your shoulder to check on someone else. All you had to worry about was the woman in front of you. Your heart is pumping as you and Vi call an end to the game, swimming back over to the charcuterie board to pick at it.
“Wait, so what is this?” You pick up a fruit you’ve never seen before.
“It’s called starfruit. I thought you might like it.” Vi watches as you take a bite out of it, “... do you like it?” She takes a bite out of a strawberry.
“I do.” You nod your head, licking some of the juice from your lips, “It’s sweet.”
“Not always.” Vi chuckles, “Only if they’re ripe enough. I’ve learned a lot about fruit and plants while being up here. I wish I could pass this on back home, but we don’t have trees like this down there.”
“Not yet, but we’re working on it! There are plans for a whole system to be put in place. In areas where there is no sunlight, we’re going to try and mimic it or create something that captures the amount of heat and light topside plants get. We’ve been studying the tree at the Firelight’s base to figure out what we can do, and- why are you looking at me like that?” You giggle flusteredly, realizing that Vi is just staring at you with a dreamy look in her eyes.
“You’re so adorable when you’re talking about this.” Vi smiles softly, “So beautiful.” She lifts her hand and caresses your cheek. You feel yourself blush and the two of you go back to eating. Vi lets you ramble about everything going on in Zaun, and you eventually end up between her and the pool wall. She kisses you out of nowhere, and you realize that your body is burning with need. The two of you make out, Vi untying your top and you do the same with her. Not caring that they drop into the water. Your hands are on her chest as hers grab at your hips. Vi breaks the kiss to nip at your neck and every little one makes electricity course through you. You accidentally dig your claws into her chest. You wanted her to bite you… but this wasn’t the place.
“Vi…” You breathe out, struggling to speak, “We’re… in a pool.” You let out a soft groan, feeling her teeth tug at the skin of your neck. Her hands travel down and squeeze your ass as she pulls you further up her thigh.
“They’re going to drain and clean it later.” Vi mutters against your skin, “Right now, I’m more concerned about hearing your pretty little moans.” She suddenly bites down hard at the base of your neck.
“Fuck!” You moan loudly, digging your claws deeper into her skin, “Vi-!” Your voice cuts out as you feel her fingers sink into you. You can only whimper as she fingers you, pressing against your g-spot in the way she knew would make you quiet. She chuckles in your ear, kissing your temple affectionately.
“I missed this.” Vi whispers, curling her fingers, “I missed you so much.” You think it’s unfair that you can’t respond, but Vi knows you’d respond if you could. You get caught up in each other, letting the passion between you take over considering that you’re alone… Except, you don’t hear the door to the pool close nor see the extremely flustered Mel hurriedly walking away.
Vi had bit you hard enough for it to leave a mark, so you had to make sure it remained covered while you worked. Your marks on the other hand… Vi liked the marks you left on her a little too much. After all, your claws are currently one-of-a-kind.
“Where did you come up with this design?” Vi’s tattoo artist raises an eyebrow as he eyes the stencil, “It’s wicked and it’ll frame your chest nicely. But, this design is original. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He was a Zaunite that Vi had known when she was younger. He jumped at the chance to tattoo her since he owed her. Something about kicking his ass into gear?
“Lady Hexxit came up with it. She’s very artistic.” Vi responds, making you cover your face as you blush heavily. It was the first time you heard your title come out of her mouth and it’s in this situation?
“She’s definitely got an eye for the arts.” He compliments you, “Now, are you happy with the placement?”
You and Vi ended up going on dates in Zaun, and you had the fun idea of hiding your identities. That way no one knew it was you or Vi when you went to their restaurants or little streetside shops. You learned a lot about how you impacted the citizens, seeing your image tattooed on people or flying on banners. They spoke about you as they would Janna, as if you too were a Goddess that saved them. It also amazed her to see the changes that have occurred in the last seven months. You have never truly realized how much your people adore you. Vi had ranted about it in excitement as you walked back to the bridge. She was proud of you, even going as far as to say that you were better than Vander. You had frozen when she said that, but she continued rambling not realizing she had said it.
“So where do you want to go today?” Vi hums, looking out over the bay with a smile. With Stillwater no longer there, it seemed so much more beautiful. Boats lounged out there where people went fishing or you’d see people kayaking instead. If you didn’t know it had been there, you wouldn’t have realized it was missing. Vi had told you she felt relieved every time she looked out and it made you smile. Today is the day of your next date and you ended up meeting Vi at the Sun Gate since she was on patrol the night before. You told her that you’d be okay with rescheduling, but she insisted on doing it anyway. She said that she looked forward to these dates and that putting off sleep for a few hours wouldn’t be bad.
“There’s a burger place I’ve been dying to try out. Ekko got lunch there when he was visiting Viktor, and he was saying how good it was. They have these decadent milkshakes and ugh it sounded so good!” You pout, making Vi chuckle.
“Okay, then we’ll go there.” Vi lets go of your waist and you tug your coat around you tightly. It’s supposed to start snowing within the next few weeks and there’s an urgency to prepare for it in Zaun. Everyone available was helping to make proper coats and blankets for the people. Thankfully, it stayed warmer down there than Topside but that was a small mercy. People still froze to death every year. You were hoping to bring that down to zero.
Vi holds out her gauntlet-clad hand and you giggle, letting her grab your hand. She was surprisingly gentle with the hunk of metal. She said that she didn’t want to accidentally hurt you, so she practiced picking flowers with it. You nearly melted hearing her say that. You had forgotten how sweet Vi is and you were remembering that with these dates. She was determined to get back the spark in your relationship. What she didn’t know was that it already felt like a roaring fire.
You were happy to find that the place Ekko told you about didn’t have many people inside. The menu was huge with a large variety of burgers, milkshakes, coffee flavors, and even dessert! You ended up choosing one of their breakfast burgers, interested in how an egg would taste on it. Vi ordered something similar to you and the two of you found a booth to relax in. She took off her gauntlets, placing them next to her and activating the safety on them. You sat next to her and she lifted your legs, draping them across her lap. You talked about how your week has been going since your last date, and you shared about your days working in the brothel. Vi laughed hard when you brought up how someone fainted when they realized you were the worker they hired.
“Here you are!” A server grins at you, placing your orders down on the table, “One regular breakfast burger with a side of large fries and one double breakfast burger with loaded fries. Is there anything else I can get for you ladies?” Your stomach rumbles, the sight of the food making you realize you’re hungrier than you thought. You glance at Vi and she shakes her head.
“No, thank you!” You say, giving them a smile in return. 
“Alright then! My name is Rowan, so if you need me go ahead a shout for me!” They nod and walk off, letting you dig into your food. 
You and Vi end up splitting the fries with each other since you both got a large. It reminded you of when you were younger and always eating each other’s food. And, that’s how you knew that Vi ate a lot, so it didn’t phase you when she ordered another burger. Rowan stopped by frequently to make sure you had everything you wanted and you ended up chatting until they got busy. People started to come in for their morning meals but you paid them no mind. Although, you could hear some people whispering about the hot Enforcer sitting at a booth with an equally attractive girl. Vi had given you a cheeky grin at that.
“so then I pointed out to Ekko that he forgot to connect the wire to the input.” You ramble, your hands waving around as you explain it, “Once it was connected, the whole thing-!”
“-Vi!” You hear someone call out, making you look around in interest. A young guy in an Enforcer uniform comes over with a huge grin on his face. You hear Vi exhale in annoyance and her grip on your thigh tightens. That has you raising an eyebrow at her. She gives you a look that says more than her sigh did.
“Hey, Frank.” Vi says dully once the guy is within earshot.
“I’ve never seen you in here before!” Frank takes a seat across from you, and you side-eye Vi, “We always pop in after our shifts, but I never see you.” She gives you an exasperated glance. ‘So a co-worker but not one she’s happy to see at all.’ You note.
“This is my first time here.” Vi comments, “My girlfriend wanted to try it out so we came here after my shift.” You nearly choke on a fry. ‘Girlfriend? When did she start calling me her girlfriend?’ You look at Vi, feeling a blush on your cheeks but she’s focused on the guy in front of you. She was treating him as if he was someone she had tensions with. ‘Maybe she does have tensions with him. She’s on guard more than she should be.’ You subtly raise a hand and massage the back of her neck. Her shoulders relax ever so slightly.
“Girlfriend?” Frank turns his gaze to you, a mischievous look in his eyes, “Oh, shit, sorry! Vi flirts with so many girls I didn’t realize this one is serious.” You were taken aback by that comment, but not surprised. Many people said that growing up. They were jealous girls or Vi’s enemies who wanted to break the two of you up. You learned to expect it, even when you didn’t think it’d be coming.
You take a bite out of a fry, taking your time to respond, “I’m just as surprised as you are!” You bat your lashes and playfully drag a finger across Vi’s jaw, “When were you going to tell me that I’m your girlfriend?”
“Well, I planned on asking you after breakfast.” Vi grins, “But, Frank gave me the perfect opportunity.”
“I’m flattered.” You feel your cheeks warm, “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
“How can you be comfortable with someone who lets others flirt with them?” Frank seems irritated that you shrugged it off, “That’s not-”
“-For my new favorite customers,” You perk up at the sound of Rowan’s voice, “I have your milkshakes. A midnight dream with extra whipped cream and a salted caramel sea with brownie chunks.” They hand each of you a straw and a spoon. You nearly squeal in excitement at the sight of the milkshakes. They looked gorgeous and you couldn’t wait to drink yours.
“Thank you, Rowan.” Vi gives them a dazzling smile that makes them blush, “I hope they’re as good as you say they are.”
“If they’re not, I apologize to your tastebuds.” They wink, “I’m just doing my job, Vi.” They wave her off and walk over to the table the group of Enforcers sat at. You twirl your straw in your hand and make eye contact with Vi.
“Can I have a drink from yours?” You smile coyly, leaning in close to Vi’s face.
“Be my guest.” Vi breathes out, a soft blush on her face as she picks up the cup and holds it up for you. You take a drink, struggling a bit to get the thick cream through the straw but hum happily when you do.
“That’s good. You’ll like it.” You grin and then pick up yours and hold it out to her. Vi takes the cue and drinks from yours, her eyes widening as she licks her lips.
“Wow, that’s a lot of chocolate. Your kind of milkshake.” She chuckles. Frank had been silently watching the two of you, fuming at the fact that you were ignoring him. Without a word, he gets up and leaves, heading over to the table with the other Enforcers. You and Vi continue like he was never there. The two of you spent the rest of your time laughing and being cute together. Before you knew it, you finished your food and we’re getting ready to leave.
“Next time you two come back, ask for me.” Rowan grins, “You make the job more fun.”
“We will.” You smile, letting Vi help you put your coat back on. She grabs your hand and you head for the door, passing by the table full of Enforcers in the process. You glance at Vi and notice that she seems irritated once more.
“What’s wrong?” You nudge her, gripping her arm a little tighter.
“I don’t like what he was saying. They think they can spew shit from their mouths because they’re Enforcers.” Vi frowns, glancing back at the cafe, “You should have heard what he said during our shift earlier.”
“I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. But, that’s why we go on these dates so frequently, right? To relax. Don’t let them distract you from our moment. We have the rest of the morning to enjoy together, hm?” You snuggle into her side. There was a brief moment where you felt like you said that before. The moment felt familiar.  Vi hugs you close as you walk around, the morning quiet as the cold air keeps people indoors. You’d have to go back into Zaun soon, but you loved this. You loved being so close to her that your mind was calm. The two of you found a warm bench to sit at in the park, thankful that Piltover had invested in heated seats for the winter. You looked out at the water, letting out a breath and allowing the stress to roll off your shoulders. You feel Vi press a kiss on your cheek and smile.
“Hey.” You say softly, brushing your gloved fingers over her cheek, “Vi… wake up, darling.”
“Hmm?” Vi cracks open her eyes.
“Let’s get you home.” You say softly, “You need to rest.”
“I don’t want to leave you.” She mumbles, her eyes fluttering shut as she snuggles closer, “Please let me sit here a little longer, Princess.” Your heart clenches in your chest. You always separated no matter how tired the other was. But right now, you wanted nothing more than to stay by her side.
“Okay.” You relent, watching a sleepy smile make its way into her face.
“Yaaay, I love you.” Vi mumbles, her voice so thick with sleep that you nearly couldn’t make it out.
“I love you, too.” You whisper. Time ticked on and you couldn’t convince yourself to move. Your comms remained quiet, no one walked by, and the sun only added to the comfort. Vi remained fast asleep, and you didn’t move until she woke up.
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rosenallies · 4 months
Can you do 26 for bimbo au pleak 🥺
it took everything in me not to use the same storyline I used in phone sex au where Rosie passes tf out from stress or whatever and then I remembered this book I read I think in like 4th grade or something where a figure skater literally dies while skating so like ok
26. “Don’t ever do that to me again. I can’t live in a world that you’re not in."
Rosé's world came to a halt when he got the call, his blood running colder than he ever thought possible.
He hardly could make out any words that the people on the phone were saying, he only managed to catch Denali's government name and accident and something about head trauma. He felt like his body was on autopilot while he was speeding to the hospital, breaking every traffic law in existence.
It took three days for Rosé’s heart rate to return to somewhat normal and that was only after Denali was finally awake and coherent, the doctors opting to take him off of the medically induced coma they’d put him in after he’d hit his head while skating.
“Nali, baby,” Rosé breathed as he blinked his eyes open for the first time in days.
“Rosie?” He said back, voice hoarse from lack of use.
Dropping to his knees beside Denali’s hospital bed, Rosé held onto his hand and cried into his skin. “I was so scared I’d lose you or you’d lose all your memory of us and our life.”
Denali only smiled and carded his hand through Rosé’s hair. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
Two days later, Denali was released from the hospital with a long list of things to look out for that would mean more serious complications.
A week later, Denali felt much better but began to worry more about Rosé, who stressed over every little thing. Denali saw it in his eyes, the stress and turmoil he was holding in.
One night as they laid in bed and Rosé asked Denali for the tenth time if he was comfortable or needed anything, Denali asked the same question back.
“I’m okay, Rosie, but do you need anything?”
Rosé looked taken aback. “You’re the one who’s hurt,” he said, dumbfounded.
“Rosie,” Denali sighed, lacing their fingers together, “I know I’m the one who’s hurt but I’m worried about you. Can you please tell me what’s bothering you?”
Tears filled Rosé’s eyes immediately. “Bothering me? Denali, I- please, don’t ever do that to me again,” he all but sobbed, holding onto Denali gently but tightly like he’d disappear if he let go, “I can’t live in a world that you’re not in. I just can’t do it.”
“But, I’m okay. Don’t you see? I’m okay, you’re taking such good care of me.”
Denali could tell Rosé had been holding it all in as he ugly sobbed into Denali’s shoulder, hands fisting in his hoodie. “I-I was so scared I’d lose you.”
“You won’t, baby, you won’t,” Denali soothed, “my head barely even hurts anymore and the doctors say I’m gonna make a full recovery.”
Rosé nodded, trying to pull himself together, but it was to no avail, he was already too far gone. “I-I know but-but it could’ve been so much worse! Don’t you get that?! I can’t live without you, I can’t .”
He started to panic, heavy breaths coming out in puffs of air against Denali’s neck where he was trying to soothe himself by breathing in Denali’s scent, reminding himself over and over again that he was real and okay.
“Rosie, I need you to breathe,” Denali whispered softly, “come on, baby, breathe.”
Rosé continued to find it difficult to get his lungs to fill with air, his anxieties getting the best of him. He went back and forth in his head from reminding himself of all the things that could still go wrong and reminding himself that he was pathetic for acting this way when he wasn’t the one who was hurt.
“I-I’m sorry,” he sobbed, “I’m so sorry, I just need-I need you.”
“Hey,” Denali said, “do you know that I heard everything you said to me while I was out?”
That seemed to catch Rosé’s attention. “You did?” He sniffled.
“I did. And did you know that I need you too?”
“You do?”
Lacing their fingers together once again, Denali nodded. “I do. It was your voice that made me feel less scared on the inside. I was scared too, Rosie, I don’t want to leave you.”
“Please don’t.”
“I won’t, not ever. As long as you promise not to leave me either.”
“I promise,” Rosé replied.
Denali held out his pinky, Rosé linking his with Denali’s. “Pinky promise.”
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flyoverkushtaka · 9 months
bro it would be so exquisitely sexy if u showed off ur language skills by doing an english translation of this five minute video
Ah, the famous Goetia of Mathers and Crowley!
Hmm. Dantalion. Andromalius. Who are they?
Today we won’t be talking about a single demon, or two, or even three, but four incredible demons! I’m just that generous! Unfortunately I can’t be too generous with information because there’s not much out there, being that most of these sources come from the same place. But let’s start at the beginning. In the hierarchy that I primarily use, that of Jean Wier, we find a list of 69 demons, as well as several princes and grand dignitaries; but in the Lemegeton we find instead 72, corresponding to the 72 angels of Kabbalah who stand in opposition to them. In this list we also find four additional demons: Vassago, Andromalius, Seere, and Dantalion. And 69 + 4 = 73, which raises us to one last demon, Pruflas or Busas, a prince and duke who rules over 26 legions. What are these new demons? Who are they? How are they connected?
Vassago, the third demon on the list in the Lemegeton, head of 26 legions, is a prince, said to be of a good nature, the same nature as Agares. What they meant by that at the time remains a mystery. No information on his appearance, we only know of his powers, which are knowledge of the past, present, and future, and he is capable of finding any lost or hidden thing. He makes men hypocritical, ungrateful, and perjurious. Vassago can be summoned between March 31st and April 4th. He is thus opposed by the angel Sitael. Vassago is mentioned in the Book of the Office of Spirits under the name Usagoo, who appears as an angel just and true in all his actions and rules over 20 legions. He has the power to make women fall in love with his summoner, and will reveal all their secrets.
Seere, the 70th demon listed in the Lemegeton, is a prince ruling over 26 legions, and subordinate to Amaymon, king of the eastern realm of Hell. He’s not an evil demon, but rather nice. He has the appearance of a handsome man riding a winged horse. He has the power to go any place on Earth in the blink of an eye to do what he is ordered, such as to transport messages, objects, or even people. He’s something like Hell’s post officer. In addition, he can reveal hidden things, bring about abundance, and is said to be a demon of letters. Summonable between the 6th and 10th of March, he is opposed by the angel Jabamiah.
Dantalion, the 71st demon listed in the Lemegeton, is a duke ruling over 36 legions, and is one of the most distinguished demons. He has the appearance of a man possessing a number of faces, of both men and women, and holds a book in his right hand. He teaches every art and science, and can read anyone’s thoughts, revealing all their secrets. He can notably influence one’s thoughts and will. His greatest pleasure is to provoke impossible loves. Furthermore, he is able to project visions into people’s heads, no matter how far away. Summonable between the 11th and 15th of March, he is opposed by the angel Haiaiel.
Finally, Andromalius, the 72nd and last demon on the list in the Lemegeton, is a count of Hell who rules over 36 legions. He has the appearance of a man carrying a large serpent in his hand. He has the power to summon any thief who has acted against you along with all stolen goods, and will punish them as he sees fit. He reveals actions meant to harm you and punishes the wicked. If you are wise, he will reveal to you hidden treasures. Summonable between the 16th and 20th of March, he is opposed by the angel Mumiah. These are thus the angel and demon who correspond to myself, having been born on March 19th. Just a little info in case you want to send me a birthday gift.
Like I said, we don’t have much information on them, neither in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, nor in the Infernal Dictionary. Most of what we know comes from the Goetia, the Lesser Key of Solomon cowritten by Samuel Mathers and Aleister Crowley and published in 1904. I don’t know where they found all this information. The mystery endures, but if you have any additional information, don’t hesitate to share it in a comment below. On that, thank you for watching this video, I hope you enjoyed it even if it was a bit short, like [EXPLETIVE DELETED]. Thank you to everyone who supports this channel financially. Don’t hesitate to subscribe or especially share this video. And with that I say: ‘Til next time.
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intrepidacious · 2 years
frequently asked questions about time travel [TAT bonus chapter]
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chapter summary: Five times people asked you something about time travel, and one time you’re desperate for an answer yourself.
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
word count: 3.1k
chapter warnings: references to time loop induced character death (it’s a whole thing); me getting sad and upset about endgame again; main series is a slow burn and these are flashbacks so bear with
please note that my blog is rated 18+. minors dni. ageless/empty blogs will be blocked without warning.
a/n: this is a bonus chapter for my series time after time. if you haven’t read the main part of the series, you definitely should because i enjoy writing it, but you don't have to have read all or any of it to read this 💚 if this is your introduction to the series, the main thing to keep in mind is that reader has time-related powers that only a select few people know about. my june has been very stressful, but welcome back, we made it to july 4th!! better get comfortable because we might be here a while ;)
series masterlist | main masterlist | read on ao3
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i. Why do you want to learn about time travel?
Your hands are clammy as the librarian looks down at you over the rim of her reading glasses, assessing you. You rub them against your shirt, trying to put on a convincingly innocent smile. Maybe the little gap between your teeth will work in your favor.
"It’s for a school project." Your clear your throat when your voice breaks a little. "For physics class."
"Mhm." She puts down the box she’s been carrying with a loud thump that makes you flinch. "Aren’t you a bit young for quantum mechanics?"
"I’m twelve," you lie disdainfully. You’re ten, but you’re tall for your age, and she already doesn’t take you seriously. You don’t know what quantum mechanics are. You only know that something about the way time passes for you is wrong, and always has been wrong.
And since no one was going to tell you what’s going on with you, you’re just going to have to find out yourself.
The librarian puts her hands in her hips with a sigh and then nods at you to follow her. You feel terribly small as you shuffle through the aisles filled with big, important-looking books. You grip the straps of your backpack more tightly. Usually, you love visiting the library and getting lost between the pages of a new favorite book; but today, you’re not here for a fantasy world.
You’re here for answers.
"I’m afraid we don’t really have any books for children on this topic," the librarian says, stopping in front of the most intimidating shelf yet.
You swallow thickly. "That’s alright," you manage. "I’m sure I can figure it out."
Her large eyes soften somewhat. "Tell me if you need help, alright, sweetie?"
You nod, and then she leaves you. You let out a deep breath, feeling for the heavy pendant around your neck.
As long as you wear this, nothing bad will happen to you.
It doesn’t stop the involuntary jumps and stutters of time, but it still brings you a strange sense of comfort.
You look up at the large shelf in front of you, and then you pick out one of the books at random, sit down with your legs crossed underneath you, and start to read.
Hours later, your head is thrumming with complicated formulas and concepts your brain doesn’t even want to try to understand. You still carry a bunch of volumes back to the front desk.
The librarian’s face looks kinder now, or maybe you’re just tired. It’s been about three hours for her, but you’re not sure how long you spent back in your little corner, flickering in and out of time.
"I’d like to borrow these," you murmur, pushing the stack towards her.
She purses her lips but doesn’t comment, just watches you stuff the books into your backpack. "Don’t you want to take anything fun for yourself as well? For when you’re done with that … project of yours?"
You blink at her, surprised. "I don’t know."
"Tell you what," she says, readjusting her glasses. "We just got some book donations that we don’t have the space for. Why don’t you pick one that you like?"
Great. Now this stranger is pitying you. That’s exactly what you wanted.
"I’m okay," you say, your cheeks burning, hastily clicking your backpack shut.
"Come on, you can’t spend all day studying that adult stuff."
You scowl at the condescension, but you’re too exhausted to argue much. You leave the library with a backpack full of complicated textbooks and a colorful paperback copy of The Wind in the Willows.
ii. So … how does this work?
You snort. "Really, that’s your question?"
Steve shrugs. "Nat said you told her you’re ready to use your abilities on missions now. But I need to know how they work before I can assign you properly."
"I mean, I’m not sure what you wanna hear," you say, putting your hands in your pockets. "I rewind things, I stop them, I fast forward."
"So, like a video recorder."
"You’re so old, Rogers," you laugh, and he tilts his head as if to prove your point. "But I guess, kind of."
Steve nods, and thinks. You continue walking in silence for a bit, and you watch the moonlight reflecting on the lake. The air smells like rain.
You’ve both been pretty terrible at sleeping through the night.
"When you say 'things'," Steve continues, "do you mean specific ones, or …?"
"Everything." You kick a pebble away with your shoe and it rolls into the water with a quiet splash. "My powers are kind of an all or nothing deal."
"Sounds exhausting," he says. "That why you’re always tired?"
When you take a sideways glance at him, he’s already looking, and there’s no accusation in his eyes. So you nod.
"It’s weird," you confess because his gaze stays on you, and somehow you think he’s the only person who might ever understand this part. "I mean, I keep moving through time and yet I’m the only thing in it that stays the same."
"Trust me, you don’t," Steve says, and suddenly he painfully looks his age. His actual age, not the one you get by adding up the calendar years since he was born. There’s an undercurrent of weariness to it that makes you feel just a little less special. A little less alone.
"Does it feel slow to you, or fast?" you ask. "Time passing?"
There’s a hint of a tired grin. "A little bit of both."
"Yeah." You look at your feet again as you walk. "I just think … I really wasn’t made out for this. Any of it."
"You don’t have to be." He pauses for a moment, then adds, "I wasn’t."
It’s about choices for Steve, you remember, and he didn’t choose this time; and yet, here he is, breathing the same damp spring air as you. It looks right.
You’re both quiet again, and you yawn as you put your head in your neck to look at the stars. They’re so much brighter here than they are in the city.
"It’s Bucky’s birthday today," Steve says. Always the present tense.
"How old is he turning?" you ask.
"I don’t know," he sighs. "He used to be a year and a half older than me. So, about thirty-six. Give or take." He chuckles to himself, but it’s lacking the usual heart. "You would’ve gotten along great, you know. Back in the forties."
"I’d have done terribly in the forties," you say with a grimace.
"Probably," Steve agrees, and you elbow him in the side. "Doesn’t change the fact."
You don’t know what to say to that, so you don’t say anything. You just keep walking.
Maybe you wonder a little.
iii. What’s the farthest you’ve gone?
You frown at Natasha, who’s leaning against the table next to you, watching the others put Barton in the suit. "Which way?" you ask, matching her quiet tone.
"Either," she says.
"Not that far," you laugh nervously. "Maybe ten minutes backwards? A little more than that when I fast forward?"
Natasha hums. "Right. When you skipped the second half of the nativity."
You look at her sheepishly. "You noticed that?"
She raises her eyebrows, but keeps her gaze straightforward. "Kind of hard not to notice when you went completely rigid in your seat for almost twenty minutes."
"Sorry," you whisper. "But the kids sucked and we both know it."
"I take the fifth."
"Star Trek," Rhodey says. "Terminator, Timecop, Time After Time."
"Someone did their homework on time travel media," you snort quietly, taking another sip of coffee. The bitter sting makes your nose twitch.
For all of the Avengers Campus’ other gimmicks and benefits, its only coffee maker is truly terrible.
"So, overall," Natasha continues, "this is uncharted territory for every one of us then, huh?"
"You could say that." You put your mug down to cross your hands across your chest, and she nudges you in the side.
"Hey. A little adventure’s good for you."
Ere the irrevocable moment passes, you think and try to smile. "If you say so, Nat."
"Think about it," Bruce says. "If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future. And your former present becomes the past, which can’t now be changed by your new future!"
"Sometimes I really want you to tell him," Natasha says, "just to see his reaction."
"Do you think I’d upset him a lot?"
"So, Back to the Future is a bunch of bullshit?" Scott says in disbelief.
"I think you’d blow his big green brain."
You laugh so loud they all turn to look at you. "Sorry," you say, turning it into a cough. Natasha bites her lip to hide her smile.
"You wanna jump in here, Y/N?" Rhodey says, clearly trying to prompt you to take his side in this discussion.
You shake your head, still grinning. "I’m good."
He throws his hands up in frustration. "Some help you are."
"Hey, I saved our test run from bug man over there, didn’t I?"
"I do," Rhodey says dryly. "Quite the intuition you had there."
"I trained her, remember?" Nat says.
"It’s Ant-Man," Scott mutters under his breath.
"Are we doing this or what?" Barton says, adjusting his helmet.
It’s hope that makes you trail behind the others, tugging at the pendant around your neck, head buzzing with thoughts. You can’t help that your insides feel like they’re curling up on themselves as Bruce gives his final instructions and you stand next to Natasha, so close your arms are almost touching.
You want this to work, for everyone’s sake, but at the same time your gut tells you that this whole thing might just go very, very wrong.
You bite the inside of your cheek, and the countdown rings through your ears like a gunshot.
iv. If you could go anywhere, anytime, where would you go?
"That’s not how it works," you say over the noise of steaming milk. "You know that’s not how it works."
"I don’t mean actually," Sam says, shaking up the ice cubes in his drink. "This is a hypothetical."
"Well, the past sucked pretty much all over, so why would I go anywhere?"
"Good point," he agrees. "But like, as an observer. What would you want to see?"
"Can I do fictional?" you ask. "Because I always thought Hobbiton would be really—"
"No." Sam rolls his eyes. "Doesn’t count."
"You said anywhere, anyti—"
"Anywhere doesn’t include made-up places."
"So much for the hypothetical," you mutter and hand out another drink.
"Fine, I’ll go first," Sam says. "Library of Alexandria, some point around 200 BC."
"You are such a nerd," you say.
"Your first choice was Hobbiton."
"I always thought Tudor London would be cool," your coworker Lucy chimes in. "You know, Shakespeare, Marlowe, Elizabeth I …"
"Bubonic plague," you remind her, but Sam already has his smug face.
"See? She gets how the game works."
"Why are you bothering me at work again?" you ask.
"Bucky’s late for our run."
"And you didn’t take the hint?"
"He did not," Bucky says and you flinch, sending the mug you’re holding crashing to the ground. Hot coffee spills all over your pants and apron.
"For fuck’s sake," you mutter, blinking heavily through your watering eyes as you raise your hands. Come on. Five seconds at most.
"He did not," Bucky says, and you put the mug down on the counter with a heavy thunk.
"You need to stop creeping around like that," you hiss.
Bucky looks at you incredulously and gestures at the coffee grinder screeching behind you, and the chattering crowd, and the fizzing of the steamer. "What would you like me to do, carry around an airhorn?"
"A spotlight would do the trick," you say distractedly, picking up the next cup in the line.
"Anything else you need?" Bucky says dryly.
"Just leave," you groan, "both of you."
"Very rude," Sam says and sneezes. You throw a napkin at him.
"Terrible service," Bucky agrees, leaning against your counter. "I think I’ll have a coffee first."
You put on your worst fake smile. "Get it somewhere else then," you say. "Or get in line."
"Oh, I already gave him your discount," Lucy calls over.
Bucky’s mouth twitches in amusement as you roll your eyes.
"Great. Do you wanna partake in Sam’s game of randomized rules as well while you’re at it? Anywhere, anytime, where’re you going?"
He doesn’t even miss a beat. "Considering I haven’t seen my ma since 1943, probably then."
And now you feel like an asshole.
There’s nothing you can read in Bucky’s eyes, not even a challenge. You still move, just to escape them.
"Oh, I already gave him your discount."
"Great." Your cheeks are burning. "What’re you having Barnes?"
But before he can answer your question, Sam squints. "Did your jacket just move?"
"Oh, that," Bucky says, as if he’d simply forgotten up to this point. "I found a cat."
v. What does it feel like?
You lift your head up, confused. It takes you a moment to return to the real world; you didn’t even realize it’s started to move again.
You like to read in the quiet of a standing universe. It’s just enough of an effort to keep your wandering thoughts to a minimum. Sometimes, though, you get too engrossed in whatever story it is you’re reading, and your grip on time slips. Like right now.
Bucky has sat down on the couch opposite the one you’re perched on, watching you with the usual scowl on his face.
"What does what feel like?" you ask.
His eyes are a particularly curious shade of blue. "Going back," he says, and there’s a tick in his jaw that makes you mark your place in the book and put it away, wrapping your arms around your legs.
Maybe it’s the fact that this is the first genuine question he’s asked you that makes you choose your words so carefully.
"You know how … when you rewind a cassette tape and it makes that whirring sound? Or, no—that feeling when you’re at the top of a rollercoaster, and you’re just about to drop?" Bucky nods. "It’s a little like that, but backwards. Like I have to trick gravity and make sense of the reversing tape at the same time."
He nods again, as if that made any sense at all. "Does it hurt?"
"Not really," you say. "It’s just weird. And hard to explain."
"Does it feel real?"
You blink. "Of course it feels real. It is real."
Apparently, that’s not the answer Bucky wanted, because he looks away, squinting against the setting sun. The snow on the window sill makes it even more blinding.
"Was it the same," he asks after a pause so long your fingers are itching to pick up your book again, "when you went back for the stones?"
Oh, you think as his cheeks turn pink under your stare. That’s what this is about.
"No," is what you settle on in the end. "It felt like something else entirely. But—" You frown slightly. "It was still real. Just a different kind of real."
Bucky huffs. "A less complicated kind, probably."
"I don’t think that’s true," you say, almost gently.
"You didn’t know him like I did."
"I never said I did." You watch his human hand shake while the other stays terribly still. "But it didn’t make sense to me then, or now, and I think if it made sense to you, you wouldn’t be talking to me right now."
"You don’t get it." It’s cold in its finality, and it makes you sick.
"Believe it or not, Barnes," you say and gather your things. "I know a thing or two about things from the past haunting you."
On your way out, you pass Alpine in the hallway, tearing her claws through a wool scarf someone must have forgotten here once. She stares at you, her head tilted, and then she hisses.
You can’t help but feel like you’re missing the point of any of this.
vi. How long is this going to last?
 After a while, it all boils down to this question.
After a while, you stop questioning the how, and the why, and the what’s the point of it all, because none of that matters. The loop keeps on turning.
How much longer?
Exhaustion sticks to you like blood on dry linen.
You’re the constant in the middle of this ever repeating nightmare, and there’s no end or beginning to it anymore, and no difference in it, and, worse of all, no way out. And there’s not a thing you can do about it other than wait, and train, and hope.
Trapped in stasis.
"You look like shit."
Don’t look at him. Just don’t do it.
"Can’t say that, bud."
Hold your breath, count to ten, go again. Just going through the motions, over, and over, and over again.
"You alright?"
Nope. Absolutely not. But you can’t keep explaining that.
"You look like shit."
Bucky laughs, and damnit. This isn’t making it any easier.
So the next time, you don’t say anything, and you’re not sure if that makes it better or worse. You’re just not sure anymore.
You’ve heard guns firing and detonations going off so many times they’re starting to sound like fireworks. Almost pretty if you ignore the aftertaste of death. And you can’t.
"Rise and shine, McFly!"
You stare at your face in the mirror and you scrub the blood off your hands and trace the visible scars this thing is leaving you with. A strange, horrible habit.
Your eyes are empty as you turn off the faucet and drop your towel to the floor, because it won’t be there the next time you’re in here. It will smell like fresh laundry.
Hope is the worst feeling of all of them, you think. Worse than guilt, or pain, or whatever else you don’t give yourself the time to define.
Hope lets you think it will be August again someday, even though the past weeks don’t let that seem likely.
Tomorrow won’t come, not yet. You feel it in your gut.
Today isn’t done with you.
And so you wake up again, and you wake up again, and you wake up again, and you wake with a start to the sun in your face and FRIDAY blasting The All-American Rejects at full volume.
How much longer?
Well, you think, untangling your legs from the sheets and wiping the splatter of blood off your brow, because you can’t help it.
Well. There’s always tomorrow.
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thank you for reading!! you can follow my library blog @intrepidacious-fics for update notifications 💚
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nancypullen · 1 year
Sunday the 4th
Where was I?  I think when I last posted we were just about to run over to Rehoboth Beach to see/hear David Sedaris at BrowseAbout Books.  It was SO much fun!  We went to see him several times in Nashville, but it was always in a theater setting at TPAC.  Ever entertaining, he reads essays he’s working on, takes questions, talks about his book tour and all that - but meeting him in a more intimate setting and having a chat was so much better!  Let me back up a bit and talk about the nice woman I met in line.  Her name is Lynnie, she’s a few years older than me, and she lives in Lewes, Delaware (I looked at A LOT of wonderful real estate there, but we deemed it too far from the Edgewaters), and she sang the praises of her town.  She goes to Zumba and water aerobics (I could just cry), she takes tap lessons from an old Rockette (OMG, how fun!), she participates in everything from book club to Bunco. She was so much fun and just so sweet - she gave me her number and told me to call her if I visited Lewes.  It was almost like having a friend. Waaaaah!
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She was a delight. Back to the bookstore.  I fan girl over authors the way some people do over film stars or singers, and Mr. Sedaris didn’t disappoint.  He was warm, witty, engaging, hilarious, and when he signed my book he doodled in it.  It was the flowers from my shirt.  He drew in everyone’s books, making conversation while did a quick sketch and for some reason it was funny.  Mickey got a bird.
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I had him sign my book for Matt.  I read the book on my Kindle when it came out last year.  This book tour is to launch the paperback.  Matt is also a fan, and I thought he’d enjoy the book.  I loved it.  Anyway, it was a wonderful evening and we headed home through the cornfields as the sun set.
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The following evening Mickey had a big party to photograph so I stayed home and watched the finale of Ted Lasso and bawled.  Oh, it was so satisfying.  If you’re a fan you’ve probably already watched it so I’m not spoiling anything by saying that I was so glad that Rebecca got her happy ending.  But now I’m without my favorite happy, positive people to watch.  Bummer. These two....
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and these two....oh, my heart!
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*SIGH*  I’ll miss it like I miss Schitt’s Creek.  Good stuff. This weekend we crossed the bridge to celebrate Tyler’s birthday.  We stayed with Little Miss so Ty and Jamie could go run free for a bit, then we all shared dinner, presents, and brownies with ice cream.  It was such fun.  In just a couple of months the grandgirl will be in kindergarten, she’s grown up so much just since we moved here.  We’ll drive over to attend her preschool graduation on Friday.  I know that in the blink of an eye it’ll be middle school and then high school graduation. Yikes!  I’d love to pump the breaks on all of that, but I’m glad we’re here to enjoy it.  On the way home I always try to snap a picture of the big ships lined up in the Chesapeake Bay.
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They’re waaaay out there so I can’t get a clear shot from a moving car, but I love seeing them.  I found a website that identifies each ship and its origin country, so I’ll pull it up on my phone and see that one is traveling under the flag of Japan, another from Brazil, or whatever.  You can usually pull up information showing their last port of call and sometimes what they’re carrying.  Don’t ask me why I find it all fascinating, I just do.  I look out at those massive ships and imagine the different languages, music, and meals onboard.  
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  In other news, no, they haven’t caught the python yet.  That’s why I gave a resounding NO when the mister asked if I wanted to go kayaking today.  Well, that and kayaking doesn’t interest me at all. But kayaking with a chance of a python popping up is a thousand times less appealing than normal kayaking. Hard pass.  Mickey and I have very different ideas of enjoyable activities, especially for fitness.  He wants to scramble over rocks, drift down rivers (and have to paddle against the current coming back), stomp through poison ivy, and become a host for ticks.  I prefer a nice, climate controlled activity with a group of women, a soundtrack, and maybe a cold beverage afterward.  Zumba, Jazzercise, water aerobics, that sort of thing. I never got a single tick at the Jimmy Floyd pool. Just sayin’.  I’m past the age where I want to be uncomfortable. I get plenty of exercise working in the yard, I get a dose of sunshine, and I can play tunes or a crime podcast while I do it.  Then I sit in my  shady nook on the porch and enjoy a cool drink.  Won’t be long before this patch is all zinnias and sunflowers.
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While I was enjoying a beverage in my shady spot, I flipped through the local paper.  There was a section listing all of the “Best of the Chesapeake” from hair salons to BBQ to physicians.  This one made me giggle.
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Speech therapists! Can you imagine having a speech issue and having to call and make an appointment with any of those names??  Impossible! I did not see a category for best snake catchers on the Eastern Shore. Oh well, the day is slipping away from me and I need to get dinner started.  Kind of wishing Mickey had something to go photograph so I could just pop some popcorn and say I had veggies for dinner.  Not gonna’ happen, guess I’d better get busy.
Sending out loads of love.  I hope you’ve all had a wonderful weekend.  If not, then be glad it’s over, have a gaze at what’s left of the Strawberry Moon tonight and tell the universe that you need a break from your troubles. Stay safe, stay well. XOXOXO, Nancy
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fourcornersarizona · 2 years
Vin I double dog dare you to give a real heartfelt compliment for each one of your friends.--Anon 
Vin I double dog dare you to give a real heartfelt compliment for each one of your friends.
Vin blinks, vaguely amused that this stranger would think such a request to be a challenge, something he has to force the bounty hunter into doing.
“Whelp…” Vin tips his chair back and plants one boot against the boardwalk railing, his eyes traveling toward the patch of sunset-peach sky he can see beyond the covered area. “Chris is a real hand with horses—the best I’ve ever seen a white man do. When Buck ain’t making jokes ‘bout ladies or chasing skirts, he really is good company to pass the time with. JD’s smart as a whip, and learns faster ‘en most folks I’ve met. He does a lot of stupid things, but he only has to do them once . Nathan’s the finest healer I’ve ever met, and makes a good cup of coffee to boot. Ezra, when he ain’t cheatin’, really is a good card player. Don’t even know why he bothers to cheat at poker—he don’t need too. Josiah’s smart… but in a strange way. He’s the guy you go to when you need to learn somethin’ weird ‘bout a culture that ain’t been around since the Bible times.”
Having gone through his closest friends, Vin keeps going. “Now Mrs. Travis is a fine lady, and the fact she can put her printin’ press back together always amazes me. I’m no good with machines like that. Inez,” his cheeks tinge slightly pink, but he plunges ahead, “She’s right pretty, and when she was dancin’ at the 4th of July shindig… well…” he whistles low, the pink quickly turning toward red.
Hurrying past the thought of the woman he is sweet on, he keeps going. “Now Nettie Wells is one of the orneriest women I ever met in my life, and I mean that as a compliment. You gotta be ornery to live out here. Her niece Casey is a spitfire—and I mean that in a good way too. Faintin’ roses don’t last in this country. Little Billy Travis, he’s a sweet little fellow. Likes to bring his slate and lessons book out and try to explain things to me. Judge Travis is a fine man—hard to find an honest lawman these days but he’s worth twelve of them.”
The sun is starting to set but Vin still has a whole list of people he would be willing to say kind things about—Mrs. Potter at the general store, Virgil who runs the hardware store, Nathan’s sweetheart Raine, Father Hughes who was rebuilding the Spanish mission nearby, Chanu and his father, Emilo down in Mexico … the only person he has no intention of complimenting is Mrs. Standish. That woman is a menace, and still chasing him for the supposed damages to her Presidential Suite. Vin has no intention of paying her a penny when Eli Joe tried to use the vantage point of the room to kill him.
Abruptly, he realizes the asker is sneaking away, and he shrugs. Apparently, the stranger was expecting a grudging response from Vin… not a man eager and willing to talk about the finer points of all his many friends.
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spacecasewriter13 · 2 years
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When the Lights Go on Again by @spacecasewriter13
Story Summary: It is May of 1946, over a year after his fall from the Hydra train and losing his left arm, and James "Bucky" Barnes is struggling to adjust. Working as an analyst at the New York City SSR branch, Bucky tries to put the war and all of its sorted memories behind him. However, try as he might he is plagued by thoughts of Magdalene "Maggie" Ramirez, a Women's Army Corps (WAC) Corporal he met in London and hasn't spoken to since before his fall in January of 1945. Little does he know that Maggie, in her struggle to put the war behind her, has moved to the city and looking for a job with the New York Bell Telephone Company as a switchboard operator. Now, by sheer dumb luck, they are reunited as they both fight come to terms with what they were to one another during the war, and work to figure out how to move forward in a world that was unprepared to deal with the consequences of war in the unsteady peace.
Chapter 14: Stairway to the Stars
Chapter Summary: Maggie and Bucky have a long conversation about “From the Earth to the Moon” as they both ponder what the future looks like and what they actually want.
The week proceeded as Bucky expected. Wednesday, Carter and Steve were conspicuously missing from the office, and he arrived home Thursday afternoon to a letter from CPL M. Ramirez confirming that she had received his letter and looked forward to speaking with him on Saturday. Friday dragged on something terrible, but soon enough, Saturday came. Once again, Bucky found himself at the bottom of the staircase in front of the main branch of the New York Public Library. Once again, Corporal Magdalene Ramirez was sitting at the top, unaware of his presence, presiding over her city, even as she kept her head ducked over her journal.
He had hoped to beat her to the library today. In truth, he’d wanted to watch her walk up to meet him, wanted to be able to see the look in her eyes whenever she saw that he was here, waiting for her to arrive, but alas, somehow, she’d managed to make it here before him once again. Then again, she’d always made it a point to arrive before him at the cafe back in London too. Somethings never changed, but Bucky could appreciate the symmetry of the situation, even if life now otherwise was completely unrecognizable to the people they’d been a year and a half ago.
“You’re early, Sergeant,” Her voice called to him, and he blinked, realizing that her head was up, her eyes surveying him. A small reserved smile spread across her face as she packed away her journal and pencil into her canvas satchel.
“I am. But by all rights then, Corporal, you’re early too.” He agreed with a nod as he started walking up the steps to meet her where she was waiting.
“The Army turned me into something of an early riser,” She replied, withdrawing his tattered paperback from her bag before slinging its strap over her shoulder. Then she rose as he made his ascent. “Something I’m sure you’ve experienced since returning stateside.”
“Something like that,” He agreed, stopping a step below where she was standing so they were more or less eye level.
She was dressed simply, in a linen shirt and skirt, her hair was coiffed in regulation curls, and she wore a canvas cap with the brim turned up and out of her line of sight. Her eyes were clear and bright, and she looked at him with an open, almost warm expression.
“Did you have a good 4th of July?” She continued after a moment, if only to keep the conversation going.
“As good as anything else, I suppose. And you?”
“About the same,” Ramirez said. “I’m glad to see you. Thank you for letting me borrow your book.”
“I did intend to let you keep it,” Bucky said.
“It seemed well-loved, and in such circumstances, I did not wish to part you from it.” There was a pause. “And I do apologize if my letter caused alarm or concern.”
“I was surprised.”
“How’d you get my mother’s home address? We’re not listed in the phone book. Did you have Sousa get the address from files at work?”
Something approaching alarm crossed her expression as she shook her head. “No. No, nothing so devious.” Ramirez opened the book and extended it to him.
To Continue Reading Please Visit Ao3
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Putting on Hairs: Easily Missed
Primary Trio Pairing: YuuAyuSetsu Rating: G Words: 661 AU: Monster, Cryptid Fandom: Love Live Nijigasaki Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs Time Frame: During the main story Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Ghost
Author’s Note: Bonus 2nd entry for Oct 4th
Summary: Yuu and Ayumu start their morning with Setsuna?
“Kya!” Ayumu cried in mock surprise, letting her rabbit ears pop up from her head. “Yuu-chan, you scared me.”
Yuu giggled and pulled herself closer, enjoying their morning game as much as always.
“I’m almost done with breakfast.” Ayumu said after a moment. “Why don’t you go wake up Setsuna-chan?”
“Alright.” Yuu replied, starting to pull away. “But first I want my morning kiss.”
Ayumu chuckled and turned her head to oblige the request. She then watched her lamia girlfriend slither toward the guest room.
Something sounded off about Yuu’s tone, so Ayumu quickly turned the heat down to low and went to check.
“Yuu-chan, what’s the…” Oh… Ayumu blinked before staring into the empty guest room. “That’s right, Setsuna-chan left in time to make the last train…” She voiced her thoughts.
“Yeah…” Yuu spoke “But, it’s weird though. Why did we both think she was here?”
Ayumu hummed neutrally, though she did agree with Yuu. It was definitely strange. They had overnight guests before Setsuna but had never been mistaken as to when they were or were not present.
And the room looked ready for a guest; clean towels on the dresser and the futon folded in the corner, not in the closet. Also, there was a single clue as to the identity of the intended guest, a doujin manga on the shelf next to where the futon would be used.
Ayumu touched the book, triggering a flash of memories. Smiles, excited rants, complimented cooking, and just overall a lot of happiness, all gathered in a few short weeks. It was almost like Setsuna was still there in some way. A ghost of her presence. However, it wasn’t the Hollywood type ghostly presence that sent chills down one’s spine. No, Setsuna was too full of warmth for that, and for more reasons than being a Cthughan.
But there was another feeling as well. An emptiness of sorts, like something expected or possibly even vital, was missing. Sure, both Ayumu and Yuu had commented about how easily Setsuna had integrated into their lives, but this was the first time Ayumu truly felt her absence. Did one night have having her sleep over really change things among them that much?
Yuu’s stomach growling pulled Ayumu from her thoughts.
“Right, breakfast.” Ayumu said, moving back toward the kitchen. Upon her return to the stove, she was reminded of something else. “It seems I made too much…” She said.
“Huh?” Yuu tilted her head.
“I made enough for Setsuna-chan as well.”
A strange silence settled between the couple as they began to eat, both their thoughts obviously focused on their new…’ish friend who had become so close and dear to them in such a short time.
“I think I’ll pack up Setsuna-chan’s portion and bring it as a bento for her lunch.” Ayumu decided as the meal neared its end.
“That’s a great idea, Ayumu.” Yuu grinned for half a second before her expression changed. “But… you’re still gonna make stuff for you and me, right?”
Ayumu laughed lightly. “Of course.”
“And maybe we can invite Setsuna-chan to stay over again tonight.”
“Well, her room is ready if she accepts.”
“And if she doesn’t, we can say we’re holding her manga hostage.” Yuu giggled.
Ayumu smiled at the joke, but “We shouldn’t force her, Yuu-chan.”
“I know. I know.” Yuu dismissed. “I was actually gonna bring it with us to give back to her today.”
Ayumu nodded.
“Although I wonder if she even noticed.” Yuu pondered. “She said she managed to fit several book cases in her apartment, despite its size.”
“I remember she was saying something about the next book coming out soon, so she wanted to reread everything.”
Yuu laughed as she remembered their friend’s obsessive behavior.
Conversation continued to center around Setsuna as the couple cleaned up and started getting ready for work. Both young woman looked forward to another fun evening with her if she accepted their invitation.
Author’s Note Continued: This chapter will likely be expanded on when I get around to this part of the main story.
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hegeso · 1 month
woke up early, my circadian rhythm has returned to something kind of fucked up since i’ve been off of my adhd medication for so long. i don’t sleep long at night and wake up whenever the sun comes up. gave basil his medicine, felt like i was in a dream all morning. i hardly remember the last two hours i’ve been awake. i went outside and smoked 1/4th of a cigarette; it tasted awful and made me feel sick, so i tossed it in the bin and went inside to crawl back in bed. if i could sleep for any longer, i would. i’m sure i’m about to be lying in bed, sleepless, for another hour or two, and i’m going to feel exhausted for the rest of the day.
i haven’t watched television in a month, i’ve just been reading. feel restless and anxious to pick out a new book, something i’ve never read before, but nothing is calling out to me. have been very grateful for n— reading to me in the evenings. such a treat. i’ve never had anyone just read to me before like this, and i’m becoming so very greedy. i would love nothing more than to lie around all day reading to one another. i feel guilty for keeping him up so late, but obviously my guilt does not outweigh the pleasure i derive from our sleepy calls and quiet conversation, since i keep enabling him to stay up with me.
i’m also anxious to give him space, as in, i’ve been a bit selfish with his time and feel the need to eliminate myself as a distraction from his writing, which is something that he’s said that he wants to be doing.
when i closed my eyes again for a nap, i was able to sleep and had a really cute dream about friendship and letting go. i’m not used to having these sort of narrative dreams, with semblances of plot—wonder why i’m suddenly getting them? in the dream, i got to spend time with friends who have left me behind in the past, and everything was good. it felt healing, and i felt refreshed upon waking. i had my own bakery/cafe and got to fill people up with cute desserts, wholesome soups, tasty sandwiches. we sat and talked until late, hugged, and parted ways. no current or enduring friends were present.
today i read neruda, then ibsen.
the heights of macchu picchu. from the first page i was unsuspecting and caught off guard, became still, cold, sick with unnamed feelings.
my lunch took a lot out of me, and i required a long nap afterwards to recover from the shock of having too high a concentration of an allergen in my system. i feel hungover, hot, flushed.
thinking……….a nice thing for the summer, to strip down to my underwear, get covered in bug spray, and spend several afternoons lying on the quiet lake shore…swimming a bit, eating sandwiches and fruit for lunch. taking a break to walk through the woods, looking for salamanders and snakes and wildflowers. maybe fishing for awhile. portable cd player. watercolor paper and a tin of gouache paints. my model: s.r., or n—, maybe even my sister e—. wrapped tight in a blanket as the sun starts to go down. legs cool and damp since the sun never fully dried them. touching heads and shoulders as we sleepily converse at the end of a long, warm day. what if we went to see the fireflies light up in the valley? tens of thousands of them blinking in the sky.
i’m going to let myself daydream again, until dream is indistinguishable from memory. need something to look forward to as i wave farewell to my old places
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Read in 2023:
Seven Against Thebes, and The Persians (~525-456 BCE), by Aeschylus- his works were surprisingly fun to read!
Strip Tease (1993), by Carl Hiassen- I grew up in Central Florida, so of course I’m a fan of Hiaasen’s. My first time reading one of his adult works- I enjoyed it! There was only one glaring moment of ‘female character poorly written by a man’, for the most part it was fine, haha
The Bacchae and Other Plays (484-406 BCE), by Euripides- the Bacchae was my favorite, because the women-hating man got ripped to shreds at the end! But they were all interesting I have many thoughts about all of it
Ven Polypheme novels 1-3 (2014), by Elizabeth Haydon- absolutely delightful, love the world building and the way she talks about magic.
Homestuck (200-2016)- my 4th or 5th reread I think? and I still haven’t read Rose’s sburb walkthrough. This is so lame but I got great entertainment from reading out loud to myself, using character voices.
Ouran High School Host Club (2002), by Bisco Hatori- also one of many rereads. It’s one of the first manga I ever read. My family moved states when I was in high school, and the library where we ended up didn’t have the last couple volumes for me to finish the series...so I bought the box set, haha! No idea where I got the money for that at age 16. I kept catching myself smiling while reading. I’m still madly in love with Mori.
Tiger, Tiger (2018-present), by Petra Erika Nordlund- I used to read a ton of webcomics all the time, but I stopped for some reason. Most of the ones I’d been following ended and I never bothered to start new ones, I guess. While I was in the process of moving and all my books were packed seemed like a good time to start a new one. And I was not disappointed. The art? Awe-inspiring. The story? Delightful. There are a lot of really good names, too. If you’re insane about names, like me, just know, there’s a dude named Rakkatak. Highly, highly recommend.
Treasure Island (1883), by Robert Louis Stevenson- quick read, and highly enjoyable! GOD I love pirate stories. Treasure PLANET has long been a favorite of mine, but this was my first time reading the original. The line towards the end ‘I think we were all pleased to be so cheaply quit of him’ will stick with me as a succinct summary of the differences between the two tellings, I think.
Shadow Raiders (2012), a novel by Margaret Weis and Robert Krammes- I picked this one up at a book sale because it had a dragon on the cover. It is a completely unnecessary 700 pages long, and it doesn’t even end at the end, it’s part of a series! It took a long time to get into it, but the part in the middle where the two main story lines converged and there was a big battle was very compelling. Then it got slow again immediately after. I like the concept and worldbuilding, I have mixed feelings about the storytelling, and I have serious doubt that the characters were written to their fullest potential. Not sure if I’m gonna go looking for the rest of the series, hmmmm
Sakana (2010-present), by Mad Rupert- longtime favorite webcomic started updating again after a long hiatus, so I did a reread so I’d be refreshed and ready for new pages. God, I love Sakana, Sakana is so good
Metamorphoses (8 CE), by Ovid- took a little bit of a hiatus in the middle of this one but I finished it! I still have a hard time believing that this work is considered a comedy- there’s a lot of individual tragedies on parade here if you ask me. But it was an interesting read, I liked it
Holes (1998), by Louis Sachar- first reread in (checks watch) 16 years. I’ve thought about this book a lot ever since first reading it in fifth grade. I saw it at Target one day and it was in my basket before I could even blink. I still love it, I couldn’t put it down. Finished it in like 3 sittings.
Wayne Family Adventures vol. 1 (2021), by CRC Payne and Starbite- love, love, love the art style and all the colors. The individual episodes themselves were very short but still highly entertaining, fun quick read.
Darth Bane trilogy (2006-2009), by Drew Karpyshyn- to say I was obsessed with reading Star Wars books as a kid would be a grave understatement. Before I had a personality, I had Star Wars. Now that I’m an adult and building up my own book collection, I’ve been slowly bringing a few back into my life. The Bane books truly captured my imagination when I was younger, and I still love them so unbelievably much. I could go on all day about outwardly opposing philosophies and Force specialties and the way wielding power changes and harms you and, and, and... not quite done yet, so this series’ll be finished up in 2024!
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