#I am made of memories: Patroclus
allxthingsxglxtter · 2 years
@lcnelylcves​ || In response to this
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Patroclus knew more than anyone how prideful Achilles could be.  Wound that pride and Achilles could pout for far longer than anticipated, and if he was honest he didn’t necessarily want to deal with the consequences of his love’s injured pride anytime soon.  It never made Patroclus love the other any less, nothing could do that by now.
“Perhaps you don’t.”
He definitely did, the angle an awkward one for his warrior, Patroclus stepping in close and gently stopping the hand Achilles was cleaning with, holding it in his own as he looked at him.
“But you are never a waste of my time Achilles.  And besides, I like taking care of you.  I don’t get too too often after all.  It’s just a scratch, but still.  Even a scratch can get inflamed.”
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doesephs · 2 years
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I am made of memories.
a years anniversary since my last patrochilles piece
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ungodlysai · 8 months
“It’s said that we were both made of memories. But Patroclus, you were always bound to make history.”
“History cannot exist by one person alone, Achilles. We did it. We made history together.”
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patroclus being stuck in ghost form at achillies grave unable to see him is so right where you left me
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wordsofhoneydew · 3 months
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“I am made of memories.” - Patroclus
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
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unrealmirrorball · 2 months
Will Graham (S2 Ep1) "Memories are all I have"
Patroclus (The Song Of Achilles) "I am made of memories"
Hannibal Lecter (S2 Ep12) "Achilles wished all Greeks would die, so that he and Patroclus could conquer Troy alone"
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i-live-in-your-vents · 4 months
So I was imagining the end of Tsoa again, and I got to the end end parts. There’s Patroclus, sitting on the steps of Achilles grave, talking to Thetis, smiling through tears. And then
“Have you no more memories?”
“I am made of memories.”
Excuse me while I go sob my heart out again Ineedaminute
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baejax-the-great · 5 months
WIP Wednesday
Starting my replay of Hades, I scribbled down bits of a conversation between Patroclus and Achilles. Having written out the conversation, I am now toying with writing the AU that Achilles has imagined here.
“Did the river never tempt you?” Achilles asks. Patroclus looks up at him, but his face reveals no answer. “Truth be told, before Zagreus came to me and told me you asked about me, I had thought you would have purged me from your memories. It was… it made it easier to while away the hours in the House.”
“It crossed my mind,” Patroclus says. He turns to the Lethe that is frothing by them, and Achilles follows his gaze. It is so merry and lively for a river that runs through the Underworld, taking away the bitter memories of mortality. Even knowing what it does, Achilles finds himself wanting to dip his hands into it and feel its cool waters.
“I think you’re far stronger than I am, Pat. If things had gone as Lord Hades and the Fates had planned and I was here in Elysium and you in Asphodel, I think once I realized you weren’t here, I would have drunk my fill of the Lethe. I wouldn’t have lasted a day or night.”
He does not want to know who he would have become without Patroclus’s voice in his head urging him to take the wiser path. No better than the exalted Zagreus fights, mindless, wanting for nothing but violence. He was accused of that while living, of loving war and killing more than any other man, of having a homicidal heart. If not for Patroclus, perhaps those words would ring true, and he would not know better to know the shame of it.
He is pulled out of his mulling by Patroclus’s soft voice. “Do you think it would work?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you think if you erased me from your memory, that you wouldn’t feel the heartache anymore? I pondered this for ages as I stared at this river. You are such a bigger part of me than just memories. You were my heart, ripped from my chest. Forgetting about a wound does not heal it. I think I still would have been waiting for you, but I wouldn’t know why anymore.”
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browesishu · 7 months
"He's half my soul as the poets say." - Achilles about Patroclus
I never want to experience the love, the loss they've suffered. Achilles and Patroclus, Aristos Achaion and his most beloved, the better half of his soul.
What good is life when you lose the one you dedicated it to? Shakespeare was wrong. It's sometimes better to never fall in love, too fast, too deep. I would rather look at all these dull blues of regret than the lovely vibrant colours of emotions just for them to turn you into a monster in the end.
Oh, for what I'll give for them to experience it again but without this horrible end they had to endure. Absence of one's heart will destroy the sense of rightness and humane. Achilles was not just a hero, he was a lover, a poet. A side only Patroclus knew that he had.
The time he left to kill victor was not something a good person would do, revenge does not justifies anything, it's only done to calm one's self.
He was out of his mind. Achilles was long dead before his half mortal body even experienced it. All that was left was a shell of an empty man. A shallow figure for the fables to make their subject. Nothing more, nothing less.
Achilles, the prince/king, stopped existing because his arrogance and ego took Patroclus away from him. He couldn't live with himself.
After that, he was just a warrior with no heart, no regrets, no spirit, and no memories. Because all his memories were shared with Patroclus. Stored in him. Created because of him. And lastly...gone with him.
"I am made of memories" - Patroclus
They will know each other in both life and death. They always had.
The Song Of Achilles brainrott is here
Greek tragedies have ruined me inside out I don't know what to feel anymore. It's been months since I read it but-
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allxthingsxglxtter · 5 months
@galaxydrcaming || In response to this
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"Nor I you. It's more of a gift than I ever could've imagined the gods giving me, getting a chance to see you again. How are you? How is this life for you?" He reached out to gently wipe a tear from her cheek, ignoring the tears that streaked his own cheeks. She was alive and well, and Patroclus intended to do everything in his power to ensure she stayed that way.
At her words he sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Chiron gave me the opportunity to learn more sword craft when we were with him, and I turned it down. Perhaps if I hadn't I would've survived. I always knew the story would end in tragedy, but never...never the way it did." Taking her hand, he shook his head softly. "Nor is it Achilles fault. Or even Hector's. The gods knew how the war would end, and they played us all as pieces on their grand gameboard. I wish we had all gotten better stories. Or at least better endings."
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darlingpoppet · 3 months
Where The Dead Forget — Chapter 7: Known
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Hades Gameverse Memory Loss AU | Achilles/Patroclus | E | Chapters: 7/22 | Words: 71,247 (Ch 7: 10,825 words)
Chapter 7 Summary: Achilles & Patroclus have a second meeting which goes somewhat better than the first. Patroclus is curious, and goes on a fact-finding trip where he sees some familiar faces.
“A servant of Hades…. He comes all this way, only to return where he belongs after a brief chat… quite curious. Am I really worth the trouble? How is someone like him even given the privilege, I wonder, to simply walk back and forth between realms as he does… who even is he?”
The statue continues to appear thoughtful, pondering this carefully, and does not answer.
Patroclus sighs. “My friend, I must admit as good as you are at keeping secrets, I find it to be rather inadequate in a situation such as this. Dare I say I can find someone else around here with a tongue a bit looser than yours. After all, this realm is hardly lacking in rambling gossipmongers and blowhards… I should have no trouble at all.”
Making up his mind all at once, Patroclus rises. He has not moved from this spot since the last time he stood to watch Achilles’ previous departure. In this place where time is imperceptible, he is uncertain if it has been been thirty minutes, or thirty years, or indeed even thirty hundred years since then. He wonders if his folded legs might feel stiff and sore from disuse—miraculously however, they feel as light and springy as if no time has passed at all.
He takes the staircase down, crossing the bridge over the river, making his way to the gate opposite from the one Achilles passed through. It is a bit irrational perhaps, to worry that they might stumble upon one another again out there, in a realm that already seems alive, and enjoys playing tricks on its inhabitants, shifting its paths and holding familiar spots as well as destinations out of reach. It is this which makes Patroclus wonder with some trepidation if he will be able to find his way back again once leaving. Still, his curiosity has made the imperative of an errand like this too great to ignore, and he allows himself to have faith that he will be able to return.
He turns, and looks up to the statue once more as his hand grips the latch of the gate. It ignores him as it stands there, dignified and imposing—the largest presence in this space.
“Watch things over for me while I’m away, please,” Patroclus calls to it softly before passing through the gateway, the hem of his cloak whispering after him.
Read the rest here:
Previous Chapters: 1. Drown | 2. Grief | 3. Grace | 4. Weakness | 5. Together | 6. Guilt
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whitevesper · 1 year
what people say: i’m ok
what people mean: “name one hero, who was happy” “because you are the reason” “he’s the half of my soul, as the poets say” “i could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; i would know him blind. i would know him in death, at the end of the world” “we were like gods, in the dawning of the world, and our joy was so bright we could see nothing else but each other” “i am made of memories” “the last thing i think is: “achilles„” “patroclus. over and over until it is sound only”
i’m the people
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crowsmischief · 1 year
(i feel the need to say this: English is not my first lenguage, so forgive me - and correct me - any mistakes)
TSOA is my favorite book ever, i love discovering new things about it and a comment on pinterest ("why is there only one quotation mark, i'm confused") made me realize something new:
it's all just my theory, maybe i'm delusional but i do think it might be interesting...
fact #1: most of the book is narrated by Patroclus AFTER his death, that is made clear with the "i am made of memories" and the use of the past to describe things that are supposed to be happening in the moment.
with this in mind:
1. Single quotation marks are used for a quote within a quote.
2. Double quotation marks are used for direct quotes.
And throughout the book there's certain moments where the double quote is used and others where the single quote is used.
meaning (' '): the majority of the book is a single quote. The dialogue is by Patroclus, something someone else said but in Pat's words.
That's why, later in the book when he dies and his dialogue ends, the narrative style changes and for a moment there we're not reading Patroclus anymore. Achilles' words are with double quotation marks, because they are exclusively HIS.
meaning (" "): before Patroclus' death, when the double quotation marks are used, is because he remembers EXACTLY what was said.
I admit it can be a little confusing (specially for non-native english speakers like myself), but this whole theory makes sense to me. It's part of the beauty of interpreting books. Lol.
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losingmyselfinsleep · 9 months
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It is the only memory I have of my mother and so golden that I am almost sure I have made it up.
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I looked down at the leather reins, smoothed their nap with my thumb. I did not understand my place here.
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I would have no parents, no family name, no inheritance. In our day, death was preferable.
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I could still remember the dark wreath against his bright hair, the way his pink soles had flashed along the track. That is what a son should be.
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This is how I first began to understand my place here. Until this moment I had been a prince, expected and announced. Now I was negligible.
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I had been raised in a court and knew dismissal when I heard it.
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I was easy to ignore. It was not so very different from home, really.
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“I have been looking for you,” he said.
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“Patroclus.” Achilles did not slur my name, as people often did, running it together as if in a hurry to be rid of it. Instead, he rang each syllable: Pa-tro-clus.
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I will make him look at me, I thought.
The Song of Achilles + Patroclus
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knoxise · 5 months
i am made of memories: a patrochilles / tsoa / hades game playlist
best listened to in its intended order. tells the story of achilles and patroclus in song. each song by chair house writes a monologue, of sorts, of the love between the two, which goes as follows:
before i was a man, i was an arrow a long time ago. but he was something quite different; at times, ethereal, perhaps even spectral. he was elegance, in the purest sense of that word. i had been fascinated with his elegance—i never looked that good, before or after. but since i laid a hand thereon, gazing at you in fascination, i would plunge my soul for you, more than anyone else in the world, no matter how many lifetimes you live. making my way back to you, i began to see the images of all the sails that ever went to sea. all these years later, at last you had come so far; but i remember your words, your formal voice that i had never heard before. it told a song of the distant you, of your eyes that once were never weary of mine. but you know wherever i am, you will be there with me all along, in all of your dimension. soon, you'll hear me, and somehow we must see each other again. this is why i'm here on this planet; this remarkable tale of ours was worth the telling.
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baejax-the-great · 5 months
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In Patroclus’s mind, glory killed Achilles more than any arrow or poison did. Glory is what killed Patroclus, too, and caused them to spend the last ten years of their lives in a foreign land waging war when they could have been at home in comfort. In short, to Patroclus, glory was less than worthless, and it was all Achilles left him.  
He does not know how he will ever make up those years of separation and loneliness to him. He thinks, perhaps, that he cannot, and it will be something he will simply have to accept.
“Did the river never tempt you?” Achilles asks. Patroclus looks up at him, but his face reveals no answer. “Truth be told, before Zagreus came to me and told me you asked about me, I had thought you would have purged me from your memories. It was… it made it easier to while away the hours in the House thinking that you… you did not suffer as I did.”
“It crossed my mind,” Patroclus says. He turns to the Lethe that is frothing by them, and Achilles follows his gaze. It is so merry and lively for a river that runs through the Underworld, taking away the bitter memories of mortality. Even knowing what it does, Achilles finds himself wanting to dip his hands into it and feel its cool waters that wend around every small patch of land in this realm, bubbling happily. It looks sweet. He can almost imagine how it would taste.
“I think you’re far stronger than I am, Pat. If things had gone as Lord Hades and the Fates had planned and I was here in Elysium and you in Asphodel, I think once I realized you weren’t here, I would have drunk my fill of the Lethe. I wouldn’t have lasted a day or night.”
He does not want to know who he would have become without Patroclus’s voice in his head urging him to take the wiser path. No better than the exalted Zagreus fights, mindless, wanting for nothing but violence. He was accused of that while living, of loving war and killing more than any other man, of having a homicidal heart. If not for Patroclus, perhaps those words would ring true, and he would not know better to know the shame of it.
He is pulled out of his mulling by Patroclus’s soft voice. “Do you think it would work?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you think if you erased me from your memory, that you wouldn’t feel the heartache anymore? I pondered this for ages as I stared at this river. You are such a bigger part of me than just memories. You were my heart, ripped from my chest. Forgetting about a wound does not heal it. I think I still would have been waiting for you, but I wouldn’t know why anymore.”
Read the rest here
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