#I am curious to see if people were optimistic about it or not
jupiterslifelessmoons · 4 months
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redwineandtarot · 1 year
Who is your future spouse?
hi! today's pac is about your fs. these are general messages about them. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. i would love to hear your feedbacks <3
decks used: ethereal visions illuminated tarot deck, the spirit animal oracle deck, moonology oracle cards, the soul's journey lesson cards
note: i am not talking about gender when i say feminine or masculine energies. masculine and feminine energies are just energies. anyone can have feminine or masculine energies regardless of their gender.
🥀paid readings🥀
Disclaimer:My readings do NOT replace any professional advice. Use your own judgment while making decisions. You have your own free will. Take everything I say light-heartedly. All of my readings are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.
pick a pile
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pile 1-2-3
i do not own these pictures
pile 1
I see that your fs is someone ambitious and ready to fight for what they believe in. They have high hopes for themselves. They can sometimes be a bit too argumentative but mostly I am seeing this as defending what they hold near their fire (i was gonna say heart but i felt like saying fire). They can even fight their closest ones to defend their beliefs. They’ve got a lot of passion. They can see the beauty in things. They mostly have a masculine energy.
I see that while they are mostly in their masculine energy, they still can bring out their feminine energy and be very nurturing. They also have their gentle side inside them. Especially towards the people and things they love. They may have big eyes or very prominent eyes in some way. They may have experienced a big event while they were 18 that still affects them in some way.
They have a lot of gratitude for the things they have achieved so far. They have this balanced energy: while they have this fiery spirit, they can remain calm in situations that they need to stay calm. Again they see the beauty in things and are grateful for having the life they have. They are more on the optimistic side. 
from their higher self to you
Pile 1, are you more of a pessimistic person? Your fs is saying you need to release this pessimistic way of looking at life. Lol they are now saying it's okay if you don't, when they meet you they will help look on the bright side of things. But if you start now it’s mostly for your benefit, they say.
random things: clean and chic, suits
10th house, cancer, mercury
songs: charmer - stray kids (they are a charmer for sure lol), good thing - zedd, kehlani
pile 2
Pile 2, while i was shuffling the cards were going crazy! They may be in a chaotic situation right now. Like having a tower moment in some sort of.
They are on their head a lot. They worry a lot. Maybe it’s just their energy right now and not in general but I am seeing them, like, scattered(?). Like I said, even getting cards for them was hard and it was just chaotic. They have a stubborn energy. They are a go-getter. They are slow at making decisions but once they do it's hard for people to make them turn back. Even when it's better for them to turn back. They are a logical person for sure. And this can be for their detriment sometimes. They may suffer from some kind of mental illness, especially anxiety.
They are curious and independent.  Like they are so careful(?)  about their independence. This might make them seem like they are “not-available” to people. They probably had to learn to be this way in their childhood. They have a cold demeanor but inside they want to open their heart for that special someone. Please be loving to them pile 2, they are a softie inside. You might help them learn to appreciate their long lost softer side.
They might feel lonely even though they have lots of people that love them. I also see that they have an international friend group. Idk if they are always like this but especially right now they feel lonely. They are going through some tough things so probably that's why their energy is also showing up like this. Like they have lost themselves? They try to stand up again pile 2 and sure they will.
They've got a lot to say but feel like they can't share it with anyone. Like they didn't want me to go and tried to keep me with them.
from their higher self to you
It was again hard to get a card. I guess they didn't want you to see them at their worst. 
Their message for you is… Pile 2 they are so sweet, they are encouraging you to go after your dreams. They are like “I am in this way but l don't want this to affect pile 2, they are meant to shine”. They see you as their moon and want you to be confident in your dreams, they believe in you <3
dark aesthetic, dark hair, ginger hair
8th house, scorpio, venus
songs: into it - chase atlantic, i’ll dream of you again - harry connick, jr.
pile 3
Similar to pile 2’s fs, they are going through something right now. But their energy is a lot lighter? Like they have spilled some cups but they have gotten over it. They are already restarting and thinking about what comes next. I think in general they are like this: they overcome hardships fastly. Like they grieve over it, they let them feel their emotions and then they start to look at what's ahead again. It’s random but they may have a powerful(?) family in some sort of way. The scale would be different for everyone but it might be money, respect etc. I also see that they have balanced feminine-masculine energies.
They are attractive physically. Like a lot. When they enter a room, all eyes are on them. They might also have leo placements. But they know their worth. That’s probably why they overcome hardships so fast. And that’s also the reason why they are so determined. Their heart is open, they are emotionally intelligent. And they might have strong intuition in some sort of way.
People envy them a lot. They seem like they have everything together? Like their family is powerful, they know their worth etc. People might gossip about them a lot. So be careful pile 3, there may be false rumors about them. People might think they may have had it easy but it is not true. They also have had their hardships. They appreciate different cultures and different points of views.
from their higher self to you
“You are good enough like the way you are. While change is good, love, you must appreciate the way you are right now.” “I find you physically and emotionally so attractive. You are beautiful my love.” “Don’t hide yourself from me.” They admire your energy a lot, pile 3! They insist on saying that they appreciate you the way you are.
6th house, sagittarius, venus
songs: stand still - sabrina claudio, i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
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dw19791967 · 3 months
That Type of Girl Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (Eventual), Sam x reader (Platonic)
Warnings: language, unrequited love, slight angst, some fluff
This is the first fic I have ever written, all mistakes are my own. Please be gentle on me!
I had never been the type of girl that men would look at twice. I have always been on the heavy side of the scale. I have a big gut, small ass, and ok sized boobs. After struggling with my confidence for a better part of my life, when I hit my 20’s I stopped caring about what others thought of me. But I would still wear clothes a size or two too big. But I felt confident (for the most part). I didn’t give a rats ass what most people thought of me, which definitely helped when it came to hunting. 
My life changed forever when I met the Winchesters. Sam was like the big brother I never had. Dean…well, that was a different story. Everything in me knew the moment I met him, that he was something special. The way he could make me laugh, make me smile, make me feel appreciated. No one had ever made me feel the things he did. But I knew he would never see me as more than a friend, and after some time I was ok with that. I knew a man like him would never even consider being with a girl like me. 
“What ya thinking about Y/N?” said Sam. We were currently sitting in a roadside bar after we finished our most recent hunt. Of course Dean was busy flirting with some gorgeous blonde, leaving Sam and I to our own devices.
“Just thinking about what life would be like if we weren’t hunters.” I lied of course. I was thinking about why couldn’t I be the type of girl Dean would turn to for more than friendship. Something I thought about pretty frequently.
“Do you really want that type of life ?” Sam stated with a curious look on his face. 
“Hell no, I’m not made for normal. Just always like to think about where I would be ya know? Would I be married, have 2.5 kids, and a full time job or would I be a crazy cat lady.” I giggled.
“Well considering you're allergic to cats you definitely would not be a crazy cat lady.” Sam was laughing.
“You’re right Sammy, guess there goes that day dream.” I said. I couldn’t stop watching Dean. I really needed to find something else to occupy my time.
“You know I see how you look at him.” Sam said.
“I don’t know what you mean Sammy.” I replied.
“Y/N you should tell him how you feel, you never know he may feel the same way.” Sam looked at me with an optimistic grin.
“Yeah right Sam, I’m going to the restroom then I’m heading out. You boys can stay and have some much deserved fun.” I got up to head towards the restroom, if only Sam knew how deep I was in.
The following day after returning to the bunker the night before, I got up around 6:00 to make the boys breakfast. It was something I did every now and then, even though I made a pretty shitty cook. I rolled out of bed and put some shorts on. I had an old AC/DC shirt on (I didn’t bother wearing a bra since the shirt was baggy), threw my hair up in a messy bun and was ready to get to work. I made my way to the kitchen as quietly as I could. Evidently I tend to stomp when I walk in the bunker halls (according to Sam), so it is something I am trying to work on. I got the eggs and bacon out. Scrambled would have to be it for today because I don’t have the patience to try anything else. Sam made his way into the kitchen as I was finishing up with the bacon.
“Well good morning sunshine!” Sam sang.
“Damn Sammy can you keep it down somewhat, you know how I feel about being happy first thing in the morning.” I covered my ears.
“Oh yes so sorry grumpy pants” Sam laughed.
“I’m pretty sure you are like the only person I have ever seen to be so excited at 6:30 in the morning.” I finished putting some eggs on a plate for him.
“Well why are you up so early anyway? You made us breakfast?” Sam asked.
“Well yes you big giant, I did. I felt like doing something nice even if I am a grumpy pants.” I sat his plate down in front of him.
“Well I appreciate it and I’m sure Dean will too. Where is Dean?” Sam took a bite of his eggs.
“Pretty sure he is still sleeping, I’ll wake him up on my way to shower. How does it taste?” I asked.
“It is actually pretty good, way to go Y/N you have finally learned how to make eggs!” Sam was laughing. I enjoyed the teasing banter we had with one another, it made me happy that we didn’t always have to take things so seriously.
“Haha very funny, looks like now I will have to cook more often.” I stated as I walked out of the kitchen.
Heading down the hall I stopped at Dean’s room. I opened his door slightly, he was sprawled out over his bed snoring loudly. Blondie must have tired him out last night. I usually don’t like waking him up because he has such a hard time sleeping. Especially lately but I knew he would be pissed if he missed out on bacon. I made my way over to him.
“Dean” I whispered.
“Dean I made breakfast” I patted his shoulder.
He rolled over and opened his eyes. Looking at me in a way that almost made me blush.
“Hey sweetheart, what time is it?” he asked.
“7:00” I stated.
“Damn I actually slept in some, that was amazing.”
I’m sure it was, I stated to myself. Damn my jealousy.
“Well I just wanted to let you know there is eggs and bacon, Sam said that I actually learned how to make eggs so guess that means they are good this time. I laughed. “ I’m gonna take a quick shower then I will meet you back out there” I said.
“You had me at bacon” he got up and stretched. 
“Well good morning sleeping beauty” stated Sam.
“God it smells amazing in here” Dean said with a grin.
Dean loaded up a plate with tons of bacon and a few scoops of eggs.
“Damn this is awesome” Dean moaned.
“Would you like me to give you some alone time with that?” Sam laughed.
“Sammy, she seriously knows how to make my damn morning. This bacon might be the best I have ever eaten.”
“Well she has been up since 6 working on it so I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Sam was reading something on his laptop now.
“What would we do without her?” Dean wondered aloud.
“What would we do without who?” I stated as I made my way back into the kitchen. I had taken a quick shower and changed into jeans and a flannel. Baggy of course. I never wore tight fitting shirts. My hair was still a little wet but I wanted to make sure the boys were taken care of before I moved on with my routine.
“You sweetheart, you are seriously too good to us.” Dean stated, staring at me. 
I blushed, “Well I would do anything to make your guys day a little better.” Sam looked at me with a knowing look, please dear lord do not let him say anything.
Sam continued reading something on his laptop without saying a word. 
“Well I’m gonna head to the library to check out this book I need, do you guys need anything?” asked Sam.
“I’m good, thank you though Sammy.” I stated.
“Unless you are stopping at the store, in that case we need pie.” Dean said while stuffing his face with more bacon.
“Of course Dean, I will make sure to get your precious pie.” Sam said while laughing.
With Sam gone, I struggled to find something to say to Dean but the silence was killing me. 
“What time did you guys end up coming home last night?” I asked. I really didn’t want to know but yet I needed to.
“Uh not too long after you, it was kinda a bust.” stated Dean.
“What happened to Blondie?” I asked without even thinking.
Dean looked up at me, “She was talking my ear off about her ex. I told her if she couldn’t stop thinking about him then she probably needed to talk it out with him.”
Good I thought to myself, I knew he deserved a good time but I am glad he struck out. I really need to stop thinking like this.
“Well I am sure you will have better luck next time” I said with a smile. It took everything in me to muster that up.
“Nah next time we need to work on finding someone for you.” Dean stated.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well I know it's been awhile since you have found a guy for you, so I figured I could help you look.” Dean said with a shrug.
Did he seriously think I wanted to find someone? I really was not the love them and leave them type. I tended to get too attached. So I just took care of things on my own. Plus it was hard to find someone to spend the night with when you are desperately in love with someone else.
“I’m really not interested Dean. I would rather just drink and make a fool of myself.” I laughed.
“Come on Y/N, I’m sure you could use a night of romance or whatever you want to call it” Dean looked at me.
Anytime I had even considered taking a guy home they would make comments about my body. Which usually ended with my fist bleeding and the guy laying on the bar floor.
“Dean, do you seriously not remember the last time I looked for a guy, he ended up calling me a fat bitch and I knocked his lights out.” I picked at my nails. I couldn’t look at his face right now.
“Yes I remember, that was just one shitty guy. I have faith we can find a good one.” Dean got up to clear his plate.
The one guy I want doesn’t want me so I really don’t want to try to find another one. I will just end up with my feelings hurt and my confidence wounded. It’s not worth it to me.
“I appreciate the offer truly, but I don’t want a night of romance. I just want to spend a night with my two best friends. That’s it. Can we please drop it?” I got up to start working on the dishes.
“If that is what you want Y/N.” Dean looked at me softly. “I will get them sweetheart, the least I can do since you cooked.” Dean started working on the dishes.
"Thanks" I said. "I'm gonna go finish fixing my hair." I made my way out of the kitchen as fast as I could. I wish he could understand how I felt, but this is one area in which Dean and I are very different.
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amuseoffyre · 5 months
History yelling time, because I am a very excitable little bean. I know I probably wailywailed about this at the time, but I need to waily wail some more.
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We get a very, very brief glimpse of this map, followed by Zheng's fleet coming through the jungle and the tiny moment of that had me yelling and flailing because it's a hugely significant historical place that she's bringing them across.
This is the Darien Gap, one of the narrowest points between the north and south American continents. This is a map from 1732, where you can still see a spot marked "New Caledonia" (ie. New Scotland).
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In the late 17th/early 18th century, Scotland tried to set up a crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific in order to make a fortune in trade by cutting out the need to go around South America and/or Africa. It did not end... well. That is an understatement.
The fact that Zheng is specifically bringing them across at the point where the New Caledonia settlement was based tickles me so much. She's succeeded in doing the crossing and she's done it with a large number of her ships so discreetly that no one has noticed. She's someone who has plans and contingencies and Gets The Work Done.
She also has a varied and diverse crew who would bring different experiences and knowledge to the table unlike the herd of very beige Scotsmen who got to Darien and couldn't deal with the climate, the bugs, the altitude, the flora, the fauna and... well... everything.
And while some people wondered what that scene was kept in for since her ships were blown up - only her ships that were already in the Caribbean were blown up. As you can see on that first map, she has a whole queue lined up to come over. It's all optimistic set-up for S3: her second fleet is coming and Ricky is gonna rue the day he pissed her off.
And for the curious, a connection was eventually made in/around that specific area, but not until the late 19th century and it was only completed in 1904.
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levitiquee · 8 months
Birthdays? (Levi x reader)
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Cw: small mentions of negligent parent and sibling's death.
Note: Omg, reader is almost disgustingly optimistic here I'm almost cringing 😭. I found this as an old WIP and I'm too tired to even edit it lol. So it's kind of ew.
"Birthday?" Levi stared at you sceptically, unsure where the curiosity came from.
"Yes, sir. Birthday."
When Levi had stared at you silently, you looked up. Actually horrified. "Wait, no way. Tell me you know what birthdays are–"
"Of course I know—what the hell do you think of me?" He huffed defensively, scowling at you in annoyance.
"Yeah well, just in case you don't, it's the day when you're born."
"Shut up," he groans. "What do you actually want?"
"What? I'm just curious." You leaned back on your chair, raising an eyebrow at his accusation.
"Why would you want to know that? Why would you even care?"
"I don't know. I just do. Go on, tell me."
"No." He replies flatly. "You tell me what's actually your intent. You're always up to some shit. I don't trust you, this has to be a trick of yours of some sort."
"Ouch?" You gasp in mock offense.
Levi stared at you, searching your face. Then he sighed. "I'm not sure"
You were surprised. You didn't expect that answer. "Like..at all? You don't remember at all? What did you put in the forms when you joined the military?"
He hesitated, thinking about it. "....I remember. Sort of. Just..not sure." He shrugged. "I remember my mom doing something special for me on a certain day every year but it was so long ago I can't pinpoint which day it was."
"Pick a guess, go on." You leaned forward excitedly, eyes shining.
He scoffed at your eagerness, but then shifted his eyes downcast. And he was deep in thought, in a time long gone. "I mean.." He spoke in a low voice, his tone unsure. "If I had to guess, I'd say late December. The weather would be cold. And...a lot more people would come down here from the surface to for...entertainment because of new year holiday."
You remembered that his mom was a prostitute. You waited a few seconds, closely observing his face for any hint of uneasy or that he was uncomfortable before continuing again.
"So...like 30-31 December?"
"Nah." He shook his head. "A little earlier perhaps. Like around 25th I think. At least that's what I submitted in the papers."
You thought about it for a few seconds, eyes on him as he stared of to somewhere distant.
"So.." You said. "You've... never celebrated your birthday since..right?"
"Are you joking?" He huffed frustratedly, almost affronted that you even thought of it. "Look at my life, this seems celebratory to you? I try not to die everyday."
"Yes but...that's no reason not to celebrate a birthday." You spoke slowly, shrugging.
Levi shook his head. He couldn't even believe you thought he would celebrate such a... thing like a birthday. As if there wasn't enough shit in his life.
"What am I? 11? It's just a day. It's nothing special. The sun rises in the east, sets at the west. There are 24 hours and the clock ticks just regularly. Why should it be any different?"
"But.." You seemed almost surprised about how he viewed it. "That's not true. Birthdays are special."
He raises an eyebrow, unamused.
"Well, I mean," You add almost defensively, but also in an attempt to make him understand." It means that..many many years ago, a life was created right? In this very day, a heart started to beat and a pair of lungs took their first breath. A whole damn human being... how is that..how is that not special, captain?" You say, resting your head on your folded arms above his desk, staring at him.
He frowned at you, as if he can't quite understand why you're so insistent to convince him. Also slightly confused to hear the way you thought about it. "...you romanticize everything."
"That's because the world is a beautiful place."
"Not for people like us. For you perhaps."
"No, sir. You just need to know how to see." You grinned, rising from the chair. You walked to the window that was behind his chair, leaning over the edge as fresh air caressed your face gently. "Have you ever seen the sunset? And the sunrise? That smell when the first rain hits the ground, soaking up earth? The soft little sounds, and maybe if you're lucky a rainbow too? When stars glitter all over the sky and it's a full moon night? You see it everyday, and yet it's everyday you're left just as mesmerized than the day before."
"I don't like it when you're being philosophical"
You sighed. "Look..I'm not saying it's not cruel." You turned your head so you can look at him. His head was turned, eyes on his paperwork. "But..that's the price to pay. Being alive is a wonderful thing, sir. Being born, even more so. You may think your existence is a small thing comparatively, but that's so wrong, captain. Because just think for a second, what would the world do without you? What would've happened to humanity?"
"There would've been someone else to replace me." He replied nonchalantly, not even bothering to look at you.
"No, captain." You say softly. "Everyone has a reason. No one comes here without one. Being born.. that's a gift. That's a chance to live, love and laugh. And birthday's are a way to remind that to yourself when life becomes unkind. That many years ago, your mother held you in this very same day for the first time." You paused when you saw his shoulders tense, considering if you should say the next words. You hesitated. Would it be okay for you? Would that be crossing a line? Then after several seconds of silence, you parted your mouth, the next words soft but firm. "And I don't know how I know, captain." You sigh. "But believe me, and I assure you, you were the best thing that happened to her."
Somewhere in the room a clock ticked away, your heartbeat beating along with it. And with every second of silence, it got harder to breathe.
Have you crossed the line?
"..you've put a lot of thought into this." He finally responded. The same bored, monotonous tone, not a single hint that your words had affected him in any way.
You exhale in relief. "Not really." You said, shaking your head. "It's my little brothers birthday today. A reminder that he existed once."
Levi shifted this time, just the barest turn of his head towards you.
"...I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't be. I'm not." You tell him, waving him away. "Perhaps it's better this way, the world wouldn't have been any kinder to him had he survived."
You stared at your feet. It had been years since you've watched your family die in Shiganshina. The pain was less now, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. You swallowed.
"...so," Levi asked suddenly. "When's your birthday?"
You were surprised, completely caught off guard by the sudden question. He's the last person you thought would ask such a question. "Mine?" You thought. Then smiled. "I don't know." A nervous laugh.
"...you're joking." He turned to fully look at you this time, eyes narrowed.
"Yeah no." You say sheepishly. "I just randomly selected a date when I had to fill out the papers. I have no idea what my actual birthday is. I don't even know my age."
"How do you not know?" He says in disbelief. He didn't expect to hear this.
You shrugged, flexing your arms absent mindedly. "My mom wasn't ever really sober for me to ask such casual things. And I was too busy trying to keep us alive to care."
Levi observed you quietly. There was a strange sort of shadow in your eyes. Not quite sadness..it was more melancholic really.
"So all that shit, and you don't even know it yourself?"
"That's fine, captain. It's everyday I wake up and am grateful because I was born." You leaned back from the window, turning to look at him, your eyes gleamed in the sunlight.
"...I will honestly never understand where you get that energy from." Levi shakes his head, almost mortified hearing your answer. He never understood how someone could be this unbelievably hopeful.
I grin. "Look outside, captain. It's a beautiful day to be alive. Live it."
Levi hadn't thought much of the conversation. He had almost forgotten it. Until it was the 25th of December and he found a package of his favorite tea placed on his desk.
A note was scribbled on a post-it on top of it.
'Thank you for existing. I hope you smile a little today, captain.'
He did. Just a little.
He stood stiffly, staring at it, eyes going over the short lines and the small words over and over, memorizing every little curve. He almost snorted when he saw the little balloon you drew in a corner.
Maybe life wasn't so bad after all.
Perhaps the world was indeed, as beautiful as you had said.
How could it be not when you existed in the same world, right beside him?
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oraclemoontarot · 4 months
Hello, I love your readings a lot! When you have time, can you do Jung Sungchan (RIIZE) as boyfriend, please, and idk if you do this kind of readings, but what is his opinion on dating someone foreigner?
I read a fs reading for him, and it said his fs is probably non asian, and I am a curious person 😭
Thank you so much, and happy year in advance!
hii, tysm for such a lovely message !! ofc, here's the reading you requested, i've wanted to do a riize reading for a while now too, so this is perfect ♡
sungchan as a boyfriend + opinions on dating a foreigner - tarot reading ★
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disclaimer - for these readings i only look at current energies, take these as a grain of salt too as they are for entertainment purposes only!!
within a relationship ★
sungchan may have internal struggles or fears surrounding relationships however, despite this, he does want to be in a relationship, especially one that eventually leads to having a family.
sungchan is someone who is practical and level-headed. he is the type to plan for the future and tends to be a reliable person. within a relationship, sungchan would be balanced between practicality and emotions - he would be reliable and stable yet romantic and emotional. he would be able to express his feelings openly and would be passionate, creative and romantic.
in the beginning of a relationship, due to his internal struggles, he would need to be patient and focus on healing to adjust properly.
overall ★
sungchan is imaginative - a dreamer - at least when it comes to romance. because of this, he may express his thoughts and feelings expressively and in an engaging manner; he may move his hands a lot or voice his thoughts excitedly. he communicates clearly and loves intellectual conversations - he would often talk about deep and meaningful topics and would love to learn about his partner and their experiences/beliefs.
sungchan would balance between his dreams and reality as well - a romantic yet also practical.
opinions on dating a foreigner ★
sungchan seems to be interested/open to the idea of dating a foreigner. he loves different cultures and learning about various types of people. however, he does seem to hesitate a bit - he might be worried about being stuck in his own beliefs or culture, maybe he's worried about his adaptability. he is also worried about potential communication issues such as misunderstandings surrounding language and/or clashing cultural beliefs - but he is open to trying.
he feels as though being in a relationship with a foreigner would help him to grow and he would accept the opportunity if it were to arise - if there is mutual attraction of course - and he sees it as being exciting and new. despite his worries he still has an optimistic outlook and can see the potential of it going well. as he is a practical person, he would put in the effort needed to make it work.
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eunnieboo · 2 years
life update + graphic novel FAQ!
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hello! i’ve been hard at work on my book, but i wanted to share one of my favorite panels ♥ and i thought i’d take a moment to answer some asks! hope everyone has been well~
book Q&A:
🌸 chippedmoon asked:
Hi! I just found your Momo and Priscilla art and I’m wondering: where are they from???? I really want to read about or watch them. Thanks!!!
hello!! momo and pg are my original characters! you’ll be able to read about them in my upcoming graphic novel (!!!)
🌸 desmond-the-queer-dragon asked:
Hey! I just saw your artwork and I am absolutely in LOVE!! When is your graphic novel coming out and what will the title be??? IM BEYOND HYPED
🌸 chronodisplaced asked:
Hi!  When is your graphic novel out?  Is it out yet?  I'd love to read it :)
AHH thank you so much!!! it’s going to be called If You’ll Have Me, and it’s currently slated for fall 2023! we originally planned for a spring release but had to push things back because of industry-wide supply chain issues, printing delays, etc... for a more in-depth explanation i found this twitter thread very helpful!
🌸 sleeepyinseattle asked:
Hi! Love Momo and PG. Do you have an estimated release date and/or link to your graphic novel? I'd love to purchase it when it comes out!
thank you so much! i’ll definitely be sharing preorder links when they are available, and the second i can confirm a date, i promise i will not shut up about it! i’m very bad at being active online but i really am excited and anxious to share this little story with the world.
🌸 Anonymous asked:
Hi! I absolutely am in love with your artwork and original characters. I remember reading a while ago that there was production happening to animate them. Is that still happening?
thank you! oh gosh, i think you might be referring to the graphic novel that was announced? other than that, i can only think of this short animation i made of momo for fun. but if there was an official animation happening i would 100% be losing my mind
🌸 Anonymous asked:
You don't know how fast I'm gonna buy your graphic novel THE SECOND it comes out
OMG!! THANK YOU AW... just seeing people excited about it and looking forward to it really brings a tear to my eye. i’ve kept a lot of asks regarding the book announcement (and momo / pg in general!) because they are so sweet and kind... i appreciate all of them so much, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
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misc Q&A
⭐️ Anonymous asked:
Hello! I looked on your socials and didn't see anything, so I was curious if you offer prints/would be interested in starting to do so? That piece that you posted on November 7th made me tear up a little and I would love to add it to my wall of sapphic art.
thank you so much! i actually planned to reopen my shop this summer but had to push it back because i’m so busy. i’m still aiming for the end of this year though! i’ve been in touch with a company that does store management and bulk fulfillment, so i’m optimistic. the last time i had to pack and ship everything from home and oh my god... how do people do this regularly. my deepest apologies to everyone who previously ordered from me because i realized there were so many ways i could’ve done better after the fact. keeps me up at night sometimes lmaO
(this next ask is in reference to my rem / misa fanart and the first time i saw it in my inbox i screamed in delight. just wanted to give everyone the context so we can fully appreciate this)
⭐️ Anonymous asked:
they’re actually t4t goth gfs because i said so
anon how does it feel to have the biggest brain
(end of q&a! you can stop here if you'd like to skip my little diary entry. haha)
general life update
i wanted to make this post three months ago but in a tragic turn of events, the one day i set aside to accomplish some personal tasks made a terrible mess of my plans 😔 the deadline i mentioned back then was for inks, so i’ve since moved on to color! i’ve been working in the morning, then coloring in the evening and through the night. it’s pretty grueling, but i’m trying to be good about stretching and resting because if my body disintegrates i can’t draw more gay shit and what then?
i feel like i’m doing okay, all things considered! i’m just tired mostly. god, i’m so tired...
this book has been my life for all of 2022 which is why i don’t have much else to talk about 😂 i have a big deadline coming up so i’m really hustling right now. i actually have to deal with packing and moving as soon as i’m done, so i’m not sure when i’ll pop up again! maybe late september, maybe october... we’ll have to see!
thank you everyone for your endless patience ❤️
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sgiandubh · 5 months
Dear Sgian Dubh,
Thank you answering the anon about my well-being or perhaps just a curious anon who doesn't care. At the same time, thank you for not speculating about my departure, as you diplomatically didn't. It wasn't really newsworthy, after all.
I appreciate the anon's concern, if it was indeed honest, as well as your kind words. Feel free to bin this message, leave it unanswered or publish it without saying a word. I'll leave that decision in your capable hands. As it were, I have no choice in it anyway.
Now, let me address something that surprised me a bit. I must confess that the part about you disagreeing with me on "many things" shocked me, lightly. Despite our completely different upbringing in two different worlds and thousands of miles apart backgrounds, the way I perceived our 'relationship' was more optimistic than yours.
I completely understand that, given that you've doxxed yourself and it is not a part of your nature to use verbal explosives in rebuttals, you would want to distance yourself from my care-free expressions. (Trust me, I have written worse.)
Anyway, I thought we agreed on far more than we didn't. Clearly, I was wrong. Not the first time, I see, lately.
The only thing that puzzles me, though, is that you "personally feel tricked at this game". Why? Because I didn't message you beforehand or didn't announce my departure publically?
As I mentioned repeatedly, I wanted to leave weeks before you appeared. And then I didn't. But only because you have managed to upscale the conversations, the content, and the language of this never ending dialogue. I communicated it openly and repeatedly. I didn't lie either.
Because of my perception of our relationship, I expected a private message instead of a public diplomatic note. Not that I minded - we are all adults here - but I thought you were a closer friend than you felt it. I wasn't aware there were any straws on your camel's back on my account. Ok, maybe one - not being obesity friendly and saying so publically.
Again, no pressure for friendship whatsoever. I'd hate that as much as you would. If it's not there it's not there. I just thought I did better on my chemistry test, so to speak. But then, I always sucked at chemistry at school.
At the same time, I'm not blaming you or anyone else, for that matter, that I felt propelled to slam the door, quietly, without reiterating my desire to refocus on my work and my life vs. commenting on every facet of somebody else's. Although, I'm content I challenged you just a tad.
What triggered it? The pompous jerk did. And then there was that gentle push from you under my stew of a post. But I am genuinely grateful for it. Finally! You did what I should have done weeks ago.
So why did I leave so abruptly? Two words: too much. Too much time spent here on my side and too much toxicity considering I stayed here to relax and have fun. I don't like arguing with online icons. But my camel's back had received multiple last straws long before today. And I stayed despite my intuition.
The atmosphere on my timeline wasn't ideal. Sometimes I felt as if I were visiting a high quality for elderly care institution (by mentioning of which I just managed to offend all grandmas here, in case you do publish it. Great!). Just too much regurgitating of the years old pictures and writing the same comments. I can do it a little but not a lot.
Conversely, I noticed that my comments under other people's posts started disappearing. That's too much high school for me. I'm too old for that. If somebody wants to write some shit I don't like under my posts, I won't clean it up. But we are all different.
Too much confrontation at times instead of a civil discourse. Never with you but you already know that. I admit my part where applicable. Then again, I'm not afraid to state my opinion, risking a shower of opposing opinions, as we've all had the pleasure to witness every now and then.
I appreciate that you consider my leaving a loss for the community. Well, the community has to understand that I have three books to write. And finish. And publish. And market. Community will be fine without me in a day or two. Perhaps, it already is.
Ironically, I enjoy the show(s) more without discussing every square inch of it, the cast, the stupid PR and their cousins. Ouch! I'm awful, I know. But at least you know where you stand with me.
I've simultaneously written to my other two confidants here so they won't feel betrayed, even if we don't owe each other anything. There were honest with me so I will reciprocate. Not because I feel that I have to. I want to. And I'll miss most of you and jay911 (if I remember it correctly), even though he is often quiet. Maybe I'm just too loud to hear him.
Farewell, for now!
Happy Thanksgiving! and Merry Christmas!
Succulently-speaking, finally deactivated with no current plans to use any other account. Just so you know, if case some dumb anon pretends it's me. It won't be.
I have received this very, very long letter from @succulently-speaking-deactivate in the middle of the European night and sat on it, pondering what to do with it.
Since she did not offer any explanation for her abrupt departure from the fandom, I am releasing it in the spirit of fairness that always guided me. You have her own words - not mine.
I have only one thing to add. The words she used to express her frustration and anger (and angst?), in that (in)famous post that is now gone forever, are unacceptable in my book. No matter the person to whom they are directed. It is very sad when things come to this point, but this is her choice and we will have to accept it.
When I became a diplomat, I took a public oath to serve my country (big or small, rich or poor, right or wrong) with dignity and honesty. To those, my heart added grace and empathy. I do not see why things would be different in here, as far as I am concerned.
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airjemsfandump · 2 months
Zayne's lips slowly curved into a smile laced with what looked like sadness. "I want to be reminded why my heart got broken in the first place so that I might prevent it from happening if I ever love again."
"I can see where you're coming from, but prevention is only good until it transforms precautions into fear."
Zayne chuckled and Rafayel wanted to hear more of it. "You are not wrong. But that is where wisdom should come into play. The wisdom to know when to move forward and when to retreat."
Rafayel rested his elbow on the table and rested his cheek on the back of his hand. "In that case, woe to those who have none. Wisdom does not necessarily come with age nor is it naturally bestowed upon those who experience pain."
"I agree. But mankind is a race known for its foolishness. What are fools good for if they cannot muster hope in the face of despair? Of course, that is to say, that I, too, am one of them."
He smiled at the doctor. "I never would have taken you for an optimist. If there were glass-half-full and glass-half-empty types of people, I thought you'd be more like there-'s-water-in-the-glass kind."
"That is not a poor assessment and in fact, has credence. I see no harm in being a realist."
"Yeah, but you're like a step ahead. There's a realist and then there's you. If someone were to be dying and you were nearby, you'd say that the person is dying."
Zayne frowned a little. "That is where I disagree. As a medical professional, if an individual is having a medical emergency in the vicinity, I would assess the situation first and ask someone to call for an ambulance, and then proceed to perform emergency life-saving procedures. I would have no time to declare that said individual is dying."
Of course. Of course, Zayne would say that. Rafayel couldn't help the chuckle that escaped his lips. "Right. 'Do no harm', isn't it? My assessment is a little bit off. My bad."
"You seem to have a poor opinion of my character."
"I used to think that you were disagreeable."
Zayne raised an eyebrow as he looked at him impassively. Rafayel didn't need to guess what he was thinking. Probably something along the lines of "Well, weren't you a little shit too?"
He still was. At times. But he was not going to let Zayne have the satisfaction of hearing the admission from him. Not right now anyway. And to be fair to him, most instances of him being a pain in the ass were because of some external motivators that pushed him to be so.
"How about now?" Zayne asked, genuinely curious. "Do you maintain your opinion?"
Oh, he was a little shit, alright. Because at the face of Zayne's sincerity, he leaned on the table and flashed the doctor a playful smirk. "I can't say for sure yet. For me to make a proper assessment, I'm gonna have to spend more time with you. You don't mind do you?"
"Hm." Zayne shrugged, seemingly unaffected.
A bit embarrassed, Rafayel was ready to cover up the facetious statement with another one when Zayne added, "Suit yourself."
It wasn't a no and Rafayel, for a reason he couldn't explain, felt giddy, like a child promised an extra hour of playtime in the afternoon. He laughed softly. "Oh, I will. You may expect more of me in the future."
Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes
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theunsinkablesappho · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Thoughts
I'm on my second watch and have some thoughts. Would love to chat about these.
Spoilers, Obviously
I think Alastor is going to end up being an antagonist in the series at some point. As part of this, I think it's going to absolutely shatter Charlie when this is revealed, and that while it won't stop her optimistic belief in the power of change, it will significantly dampen the naivete we see in her right now.
I am really looking forward to the day that Charlie decides she has truly had enough of the way Valentino treats Angel Dust and goes toe to toe with him
I need more Carmilla Carmine and her lil family
Why is Carmilla so badass and her daughters both look like total NERDS (not that there is anything wrong with being nerds). They showed up to that Overlord meeting looking like her damn accountants. I think one of them IS her accountant.
My current theory is that Carmilla was a crime boss of some type in her real life - drug lord, war lord, something - and that she and her daughters were all killed at the same time. Maybe by a rival, maybe by the ATF/CIA, who knows.
Season 1 has established some clear character parallels between Carmilla Carmine and Vaggie. I would like to see this develop more.
Did Lucifer actually seduce Eve (aside from the apple) or was he just taunting Adam during the fight?
My brother pointed this one out: If Adam was the first soul in Heaven, that is really bad news for poor Abel.
I see a lot of people talking about Niffty like she's a child, but she appears to have canonically been in her 20s (born in the 30s, died in the 50s) when she died. My brother and I theorize that she's a speed-addicted housewife. Rationale: her default "weapon" is a giant sewing needle; she has something of a housewife aesthetic; the obsession with cleaning.
Maybe a weird thing to notice but Charlie appears to have a... snout? Like, in profile shots, there's no dip back into the face beneath her nose... which would imply that she has more of a snout shape than a human face shape. Neither Lucifer nor Lilith appear to have this, so I am curious...
Charlie writes a script in which a "good" Sir Pentious announces he is "off to NOT have premarital sex" ... while she is sharing a bed with the girlfriend she is clearly not married to. No one likes a hypocrit, Charlie. This entertains me wildly.
Speaking of that, was Lute being homophobic or racist when she called Vaggie and Charlie vile and disgusting?
My theory of the final fight is that Lucifer was nearby, watching the whole time, but that he did not intervene until Charlie was in real danger for 2 reasons. 1 is that he was trying to let her do this for herself and 2, I think part of the pardon deal he negotiated with Heaven requires him to stay out of the Exterminations. If we think clearly, there's no real incentive for Heaven to just grant a universal pardon to ALL the Hellborn (and the pardon was for ALL Hellborn, not just Charlie). But if Lucifer traded his participation for their protection - which is clearly in character for him, as he definitely wants Charlie safe - then that is a hell of an incentive. It both makes the Exterminations that much safer for the Exorcists, but it will demoralize the demons of the Pride Ring (because Lucifer won't defend them) and weaken Lucifer's influence (because he's a lazy king who won't protect them). If Lucifer comes in too fast and hot, then he could be seen as in violation and bring down exponentially worse upon the inhabitants of Hell. But with Adam attacking and threatening Charlie DIRECTLY (attacking her Hotel and the Sinners there wouldn't count), it could be argued that Adam was the first to violate this hypothetical agreement. (I mean, it could also be argued that Charlie violated it as well. I said it could be argued, not that he would necessarily win.) He even says it, when he comes after Adam after the hotel is broken "You come after me and MY DAUGHTER"
I don't like St. Peter. I have no super good reasons for this... I just hate his stupid little face and his stupid little... everything. Someone I know said he gives "televangelist vibes," so maybe that is it.
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etincelleart · 10 months
Analysis of RWBY Volume 9 and V9 epilogue
So I have some thoughts stuck in my brain since I saw the epilogue, and I wanted to share them here ! o/
I've been thinking a lot about the overall message and meaning of Volume 9, and the epilogue is an interesting contradiction in some parts. There are different oppositions in there that I'd like to talk about.
Note that I'll (of course I mean who do you think I am) talk about how Penny's death is described and shown to us and from all of these characters' point of views, because there are interesting oppositions here to :]
Volume 9 is about hope, it's about accepting that who you are and what you do is enough, and it's also the main and overall message of the story since the beginning. That even if everything seems to be pointless or doomed, just trying and doing simple acts can be enough. I think it's interesting to see how that influences Qrow especially in the epilogue, because he's very optimistic and doing his best, while Winter is spiraling and feeling guilty because she took a long time to finally act against Ironwood.
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These two characters have a different point of view about everything, Winter thinks that they failed team RWBY, Jaune and Penny, and that it's better they never see this. Qrow thinks that they've done good despite everything, and his biggest regret is that they can't see all the good they started.
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I'm also really glad to see that Qrow learned from Clover and is able to move forward, and make something of this loss. Qrow used to be completely pessimistic and alone for years, thinking that it was only because of his Semblance, while in fact the perspective and vision of the world is what allow him to decide of how things will go. Anyway I just thought it was nice as I loved their bond in Volume 7 ♥
The opposition of Qrow and Winter here is interesting, and I'm really curious to know now they'll both be developed in Volume 10 !
Btw, note that they mentioned before showing the epilogue that some parts of this epilogue were cut (it's a portion of the epilogue), because it leads to future plot that they probably want to keep for Volume 10. So some informations are probably missing too
So what I also and especially wanted to talk about here is Volume 9 informations : if you think of the RWBY story in a larger perspective, you can see that :
life and death are the only known and "good" balance made by the two Brothers (who aren't the true Gods of the RWBY universe, but "only" Afterans with lots of powers basically--)
reincarnation/reviving people from the death is BAD and break the balance.
reincarnation is also seen as painful : Salem doesn't reincarnate, but she never dies. Ozpin reincarnates, but in a painful way as he keeps his memories, he stays the same and merge with a new person all the time.
But in Volume 9, we learn that :
the Tree and the Blacksmith are (is ?) the one who created everything, included the two Brothers, who created Remnant and other worlds
death doesn't exist in the Ever After (EXCEPT with the Jabberwalker). the balance here is to ascend, aka reincarnate, and lose some parts of your memories : you might not remember anything of your previous life, but you do remember deep down the very important things (like as we saw with Little who came back as Somewhat, who don't remember the details of their bond with Ruby, but they DO remember her and their connection deep down).
the Blacksmith talks about "the true balance", and we can see that what the two Brothers are (compared to two forces), isn't what this true balance is. So it's implied what the Brothers did/are isn't what balance is, or is supposed to be. At least, that's my interpretation of this scene.
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I wanted to sum up all of these infos to have a clear and large vision of the story. Those in Remnant don't know a THING about what we learned in V9, we can see it with Winter spiralling on her failures and mistakes.
Now about life and death, there's this thing : in Remnant people die, they don't come back, yet everyone in Vacuo is about to see 5 young adults/teenager "come back for the dead" after seeing them fall in a dark void. They weren't really dead, but for everyone on Remnant they were, and I just feel like with V9 they're playing more and more around this idea of balance and life and death, and the vision around it.
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Some funny thing I thought of too is that Little died, but they came back as Somewhat and no one really complained about how it would erase the meaning of their death, the impact etc. But I don't feel the same way, it was STILL impactful, it still pushed Ruby to give up everything and drink the tea. And it was mostly accepted by everyone to me because they're Afteran.
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I'm kinda rambling a lot until now, but I want to talk about Penny and how I think things are even more confusing about her-
There are two lines in direction opposition in Volume 9 and this epilogue, first we have the scene with Ruby meeting the Blacksmith in Chapter 5 of V9, when Ruby asks where they found Penny's sword. The Blacksmith answers "nothing, no one is ever truly lost". The "no one here is interesting" as Ruby only asked about Penny's sword, an object, and not Penny herself. And in this overall chapter, we have a whole scene with the Cat explaining to team RWBY what is ascension in the Ever After. They are shocked when they ask if people can die here, or even remember anything. Weiss says that "things have to die someday", but the Cat is shocked and denies it.
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Then in this epilogue, we have Winter's point of view, saying "Because of me, Penny is gone, forever".
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I'd like to note two things here :
this line is in opposition with what Penny and Winter said to each other during the transfer of the Maiden powers at the end of V8 : in this scene, Penny is reassuring Winter by saying she won't be gone, she'll be a part of her, just as Winter told her Fria was a part of Penny in V7 finale. Here in this epilogue, Winter is feeling guilty and doesn't truly believe what they said to each other, she thinks she's gone (and this "being gone" thing isn't just a metaphor : it's confusing because of the nature of the maiden powers. Penny is literally a part of Winter because her Aura was transferred to Winter with the powers, it's not just meant to be comforting.).
this line is also in complete opposition with the overall volume, a volume about reincarnation/ascension, about this idea of balance that might not be what we think it is maybe ? I would say that it's normal because Winter doesn't have this knowledge, we're only in her thoughts and she's feeling bad. The thing that I think is strange is this "forever" : Winter saying "Because of me, Penny is gone", would have been enough for the audience to understand that she's feeling guilty. This "forever" is subtle but to me it's still an important emphasis because we literally had the God of the RWBY universe telling us a few chapters ago "nothing, no one is ever truly lost". Once again, Penny had a LOT of references during V9, almost every chapter except 2 (I talked more about it in previous posts). She was literally haunting the narrative with these subtle moments, discreet enough to be unnoticed (or Penny's fans are just insane idk) : this moment when Ruby meets the Blacksmith, this moment in chapter 8 when Penny's illusion says "I died in Atlas too, didn't I ?".
So Penny is mentioned almost all of the volume, and directly paralleled to reincarnation with a character VERY similar to her (Litte/Somewhat), who's friendly, wants to help Ruby, loves hugs, loves to help their friends and be their guide. I just feel like they're playing a lot with Penny on the topic of death, she's truly an allusion to Pinnochio omg.
I did a little sketch/doodle to sum up all of that because I think it'll be clearer than my disorganized thoughts oops
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Most of the time, adding such an emphasis on one character's death is pretty suspicious and means there's something more coming for them. I just think the parallel of seeing a character reincarnate and having this emphasis on Penny's death by multiple characters look pretty curious-
Now I know we could ask what about Pyrrha, Clover, Ironwood and many others who died then ? Well the thing is that even if I talk about Penny, I'm starting to think about them too and wondering at this point if they could not be back at some point in someway someday. I won't talk too much on this because I'm really not sure of anything and it's still complicated to talk about them when for most of these characters, you can see there's a form of "conclusion" to their death : Pyrrha got the statue scene in V6 and it felt like some sort of closure to me. Jaune moved forward and did his best to train with her videos. Clover died but Qrow has been able to move forward too and learn from his friend. Penny died to transfer the powers and save people, but if she's not coming back, then I'd like to see the effects on Ruby, to see her stay kind and friendly, to see her think about her friend and remember how positive she was about the world. Until now we only can see and feel Penny's death and character linger on the narrative, and we still don't know how Pietro, Penny's dad and creator, is taking all of this. As I mentioned before I highly doubt he would just stay there and mourn his daughter, he will definitely try to understand more how Aura works, Aura transfer, or even close himself to others and try desperately to rebuild her.
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Ok it's late idk how to explain more my thoughts on these topic but I FEEL. LIKE. SOMETHING IN ALL OF THAT IS OFF. So I'll finish this with two doodles from yesterday when I continued to lose my brain and tried to analyse and speculate on the overall RWBY story/narrative, as well as how I see Penny's narrative and arc too. xD
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Things just often happen in threes, and I feel like if Penny comes back, she will definitely stay this time. Idk if us Penny fans are just seeing things too far, being delusional or else, but aside all shipping or favorite character or anything, I still just think in a narrative point of view a lot of elements are leading to something big about her and death in general.
And I'll also add one image that sums up the structure of a narrative arc, to understand where I came from with all of this, and how we can try to predict how things will go for the Vacuo arc and the last part of the series :
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I'll stop the massacre and go to sleep because I can feel my brain drifting off *runs*
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ane-doodles · 8 months
Ok so, I've decided to put in a nutshell the ideas I have for DCA (thanks for the encouragement @kazzykatt ). Here we go:
(Warning: this sounds like a pronoun letter quibble because English is not my first language and because I am using a translator)
1) The other side
Based on the musical number from the movie "The Great Showman". In this story, the DCA is one and it is part of some theater presentation, and whose sole purpose is to appear in it and when the play ceases to be famous it will be dismantled. Over the years doing the same thing over and over again the audience has slowly dwindled so it's almost time to end... while Sun wants to continue the show until it's over (because that's the purpose they were for) Moon wants to do something different and break the cycle. It is here that one night after their performance and while the play continues in the background Y/N (who was part of the audience) sneaks behind the scenes to convince them to go with him and create their own original performances and thus they will be able to continue doing what they love without fear of being dismantled one day. Sun obviously objects, taking this as a risky bet with no security, but Moon decides to take control of the situation and take a chance on Y/N in order to escape and get another chance to shine on stage.
2) Strangers like me
Yes, based on the soundtrack from the Tarzan movie. It's basically the dynamics of the relationship between AOI (one of my OC's) and Sundrop, but it can be reinterpreted by replacing my OC with another or with some Y/N that meets the characteristics. As AOI fulfills his assigned work and tries to fit in at the pizzaplex, he is also immensely curious and interested in the DCA, especially little Sundrop who has been nice to him despite the rest of them doing the opposite. Stoic, silent and expressionless AOI enjoys time in the company of someone so vibrant, while Sundrop... is fine.
3) One day out there
AN this one is based on the sundtrack from the Hunchback of Notredame. This is more of a little animation/storyboard that I'm slowly working on on my own. And it is basically the desire of DCA not only to leave the nursery, but also one day to leave the pizzaplex and see all those places that children tell them about, see with their own eyes the landscapes that appear in books and see first-hand where they come and where the people who visit them every day go.
4) Not in the same way
This is an AU focused on the relationship of Y/N and the DCA but this relationship has two sides: while the DCA is "head over heels in love with us", Y/N cares for them, but not in the same way.
DCA's point of view of the relationship is inspired by the song "Mr. Chu". They both have feelings for the human who has been working in maintenance for years. While Sundrop is more apparent, Moondrop tries to keep her feelings to herself, but they both take a genuine interest in Y/N.
On the other hand Y/N has a quiet life with a good job that pays well. He (and the entire pizzaplex except DCA himself) knows about the boys' feelings, but in the first instance he doesn't reciprocate in the same way. Despite this, he lets them be and at some point offers them "an opportunity" or to make them change their minds. His point of view is based on the song "Fumes".
[I hope to turn this into an original story one day]
5) Off the train!
This is a ghibli style based AU. In this story we have Y/N, a young opportunistic and optimistic person who has sneaked into a train disguised as a janitor to travel for free. While cleaning the last carriages, he hears someone yelling at a cage. Worried Y/N orders him to leave the place because it is "cleaning time and travelers should not be in this place". After the man leaves the scene, Y/N sees that the animatronic is sitting inside the cage and there is silence, that's when he offers them both to leave the train together and go to the city of robots. The confused boys accept and together with Y/N they embark on a journey of escape, adventure, fun and excitement together. This is an AU more focused on friendship than romance, so you get the idea. [I also wish to turn this into an original children's story one day]
6) La princesa y el dragón
Este es más bien una escena de confort basada en la canción del mismo nombre. En esta los chicos se mantienen junto a Y/N durante uno de esos momentos en los que el corazón duele y te sientes sólo, y mientras demuestran cariño también tratan de hacerte reír con sus palabras y alegorías.
7) Scars to your beautiful (mainly based on the chorus of the song)
Contrary to what you can imagine, in this AU we are the ones in charge of comforting the DCA (which here are two different robots).
After several years the Fazber Entertainment franchise has continued to grow and expand, and its main characters have been updated to meet the new standards. Unfortunately, due to their low popularity, the daycare boys have been left behind, being sold as worthless "collector's items" for the company along with other discontinued bots. Moon is calm about the situation, he knows that they could have been dismantled, so the idea of changing owners doesn't seem so bad to him, more like a change of scenery. On the other hand, Sun is devastated, because he believes that it is because of him that they are where they are, that it is because it is not as pleasant and calm as Moon or with such a beautiful design and appearance as glamrock, or with an impeccable no error history that both have been discontinued. It is here when we as Y/N are in charge of giving them a new opportunity to "live" for the boys and make them understand that although the world has changed that does not mean that they have lost their value, that they are still valuable to their way and that at least in our hearts they are the stars.
8) The artist's workshop
In the past I talked about this idea in this post.
Summary: Y/N a famous recognized artist suffers an accident in his workshop leaving him injured. His boss then forces him to accept help, but since Y/N doesn't usually interact with people much, he ends up buying a couple of animatronics. This pair of robots not only help him with the work and the safety and cleanliness of the workshop, but they also begin to show not only unique personalities, but interest in the arts and works of Y/N himself, giving us the inspiration that we had sought for years. [Yes, I would also like to turn this into an original story]
Notes: although for now everything is sketches of stories and scenes this is what has been rotating in my mind for a long time. In the future I would like to write original stories with my ideas, but if any of these ideas have inspired you, you can use them however you like, modifying or adapting them to your liking, after all, the same idea can be interpreted in different ways.
Luck! and I hope you liked it.
P.D: And if you ever create something using these ideas please tell me, I would pass out in your arms to see it
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indigoraysoflight · 11 months
What is Caryl's Future?
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So Melissa McBride is returning to the new spinoff, and I am beyond excited to see her on my screen again. Seeing her happy made me tear up with happiness myself. I joined the fandom late last year, so I genuinely worried I would never see Carol again. So seeing her beaming in France – was the serotonin boost I desperately needed. I’m still thinking about the joy on her face. She deserves every bit of it. 
Even though I wasn’t here when the spinoff was canceled, I’ve spoken to enough Carylers to see the scars last year has left behind. Everyone has fought and waited for this moment. And most I have spoken to are cautiously optimistic for the future. 
Here’s where I stand.
Am I curious about S1? Yes. And I hope there are enough meaningful Caryl clues woven into the storyline to show us where Daryl’s heart has always belonged from the beginning. But will I subscribe to AMC and watch S1? No. Whether I subscribe to watch S2 and beyond depends on a few things.
I’ve formed my own opinion around this spinoff, and for me, it’s simple: Daryl loves Carol. Carol loves Daryl. They love each other, and most importantly — need each other. Anything less than that will never be enough 
I don’t have the energy for (and won't tune in for): 
Endless ship baiting – Manufacturing shippy tension that literally won't amount to anything is just that. Manufactured content that feels inauthentic. And I won't tune in for another 3-4 seasons of what I sat through in TWD. In my opinion, it dishonours Daryl's character development.
Separate arcs that don’t connect – I understand different characters have their own identity, and S1 will just be Daryl. Although I adore Daryl, I signed up to watch the Caryl spinoff. So if the goal is bringing Caryl together, the separate arcs should serve a purpose. I can't handle more of what we saw in S6-8 and S11.
The Caryl spin-off I want to watch includes: 
A Romance – I’ve watched 11 seasons of TWD where Daryl and Carol kept moving closer together. From the moment he handed her that pickaxe to the moment he told her he loved her, Daryl and Carol were always headed toward romantic canon. Their relationship was written as romantic (confirmed by a showrunner, mind you). As the longest-standing duo from TWD, they deserve their happy ending.
The Daryl we love – I fell in love with the Daryl who held Carol together every time her world fell apart. The Daryl who would do anything for his family. The Daryl who was vulnerable, who carried Judith in his arms and fed her formula, the Daryl who cried when he was hurt, who carried a self-help book to deal with his trauma. And most importantly, the Daryl who saw and loved Carol through it all. 
Melissa <3 – I adore Melissa McBride with every fiber of my being. And it physically hurt me to watch her get sidelined in S11, even though she was a lead actress on the show.
I trust Melissa’s judgement completely. If she has signed on for S2, I know she’s doing her best to honour herself and honour Carol’s story. I want that to reflect on my screen and on how she is promoted for the show. 
Soulmatism – The reason S10 was one of my favourites was because of every moment of soulmatism we saw between Daryl and Carol. I want to see more meaningful moments between them that connect to their overall story. With some old callbacks and new Caryl motifs. They should mention each other, or think about each other in moments when they're apart. They should include meaningful Caryl threads that converge when they reunite.
A name that reflects it all – Lastly, I want to see the show come up with a name that honours them and their journey. 
S11 broke many people’s hearts, including mine. If you’re one of these people who went through tough times last year and struggled with darkness because of what happened — I see you. 
I’m sure you have your own story about what Caryl mean to you. Maybe you just enjoy good ol’ slow burn romances. Maybe you find comfort in their connection. Maybe they’ve helped you navigate some deep and dark moments of your life. Maybe they’ve helped you find your strength or taught you how to hope.
Whatever your “why” may be, you’re here because Caryl is important to you.  
It’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling. It’s okay to feel cautiously optimistic. It’s okay if you’re afraid of getting your heart broken again. And it’s also ok if you’re simply excited to have Melissa back. Last year was difficult, and having layered feelings about the spinoff is okay.
Caryl deserve their happiness.
You know what S11 showed me? AMC had trouble gauging what its audience wanted to see. That was clear enough by how Caryl kept getting separated and Melissa kept getting sidelined.
The more AMC hears us speak about what we want, the more they know what we’ll show up for and tune in for. And I see that as a win-win for Carylers, AMC, and everyone who’s involved in making the show. To me, it feels like doing what we can to make sure Caryl get the story they deserve.
Which is why I personally think it's important to speak more about your dealbreakers regarding the new spinoff. Make posts of your own. Talk about it on social media. Discuss with other Carylers.
Your voice has power. Make your voice heard.
Whether you share my sentiment above or not, I appreciate you reading this post. In the end, we all want Caryl to be happy. Here’s to hoping that one day soon, our redneck and his silver-haired queen get to ride off into the sunset together.
Remember that Caryl belong together. Always have, always will. Nothing changes that. To us, they'll never be ashes.
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tleeaves · 6 months
what did cassie get wrong w Jem iyo? like to me he’s very proud and stubborn in an Asian way (it’s hard to explain but there’s something very chinese about it, culturally, how he’s optimistic and dramatic in equal parts but needs to be seen as separate from his illness so badly) and very conscious of the value of life yet resigned to his own fate yet holding his head up the way people in inspiration porn do (but it’s from a place of wanting to be normal, wanting to fit in and live and have meaning and love and responsibility in his life like a teenager). I’m curious though how could his character have popped more? and what does not seem realistic?? actual so curious
Okay love, bear with me, I'm just going to go on a bit of a ramble. I haven't put a lot of thought into my answer so it may be a bit incoherent.
So, as context for anyone else, I mentioned in another post where I was examining chronic pain and illness in fiction using TSC characters that I felt that while Jem was done quite well (he means a lot to me as a character and I relate to him like I haven't been able to with other characters before), there were some missed opportunities for his character to really pop and some things I felt Cassie didn't really do realistically.
Honestly, I think the two kind of tie together. While my illness is not terminal, there were many times I either wished for death or wished to live a fuller life unhampered by the pain and sickness. This still happens sometimes, but more of the latter. It's hard to look at healthy, able-bodied people. I marvel at just... how much easier existence must be for them. And I wish we saw more of this perspective with Jem.
While we do see him having a crisis over feeling like he's only half-living, half a man, and so he must take more yin-fen to be his full self for Tessa (this really hit hard as someone who was on steroids and felt unshackled for the first time in years, only for the pain to come back again and trip me up again sometime after I had stopped taking the meds), I also feel that we didn't quite reach a catharsis or angst that truly would have rounded his experience as a character. Optimism, pride, stubbornness, and his own subtler dramatics all do come into this, but I really would have liked to see a moment of weakness.
I think that night when he first kisses Tessa and is ranting about how she acts like a nurse and as if he is her patient, that he knows she cannot even see him as a full man, one who might desire her -- that was good. That was a moment of weakness. Emphasised when he sent her away because he did not want her to see him on his knees dusting up the drugs that give him life. That was so frickin' YES. I cannot even tell you the amount of times I feared as a teenager and even now into adulthood that I will not be seen romantically because I am just someone to take care of, a liability, and I try so hard to compensate for that to not be a burden, because I need to be seen as a "full person" to anyone able-bodied. This was just chef's kiss fantastic as a demonstration of something Cassie did so, so right to me with Jem. It's a common insecurity but not to be overlooked. For Jem it is his weakness and shorter life span, for me it's physical disfigurement (so far it's just one funky collarbone) that may worsen with age and limited physical ability (I say it so many times, but it really haunts me that I turned down a dance offered by a guy I had a major crush on because I was in too much pain to move much let alone dance, and the fact that many people avoided me when I was in my worst bouts of pain because they didn't know what to do).
Anyway, that was an example of something Cassie did right. What I would have also liked to see though is a moment where Jem is not calm and it has nothing to do with Tessa (well, it's at least not centred around Tessa). For a long time, I just wanted the pain to end. I had made peace with death because I wished for it. And there was a calmness to it. The same everyone sees in Jem. Acceptance. He argues not willingness because he fights for every second of life he gets to spend with those he loves, but I really think what would have popped is seeing him realise how much he wants for there to be a cure. He does give everyone permission to look before he calls it off to take the last resort option he never wanted before to be a Silent Brother, but I wanted to see him break down -- even if it's in private because most of our battles are when you're chronically ill -- and realise he wants to live because there is so much more he wants.
I know it's seen as very cool to accept a death that's coming to you in a lot of media, but honestly once I got past wishing for it, I became so absolutely terrified of it. The idea of losing control over my body, of my joints being too stiff and painful to create or do simple tasks, and the idea of any of my chronic illnesses being severe enough to become what might kill me in the end, before my time, scares me so much. There is a frantic need in me to do and see everything before I am unable to. I feel like I am constantly in a rush for everything in life.
It's basically rule of thumb in writing that a character who is calm needs a scene where they are not calm, when they snap, when the unthinkable happens, where the unshakeable are suddenly shook, and I needed that deep, deep terror in Jem to be about him, and not just Tessa or the people he's leaving behind that he does not want to cause grief for.
Not every person who can "put up" with their chronic illness is a saint with infinite patience. I see this a lot. To me it feels unrealistic that Jem feels okay about his illness, about his impending death, about all of it, that the only thing he might feel bad about is making his bride a widow too soon and leaving his best friend who might not cope without him. This is more of a typical trope in media, and by god do I just want to see someone else who isn't me go through what I do and also scream and cry at the injustice of it all. We didn't choose this life, it was given to us, and it feels so unfair. It is rare that I ever break down right in front of a person, I've gotten good at the detachment when talking about my chronic illnesses, but in private it is a whole other monster.
Not only that, but the Jem we see post-Brotherhood is so... different. Granted he had over 100 years to come to terms with no longer dying too early or being ill and weak. But chronic illness really takes its toll on a person. You don't have to make their whole personality their illness, I think we'd all rather not, but there is a fear that every little health problem might be something worse, there is even a begrudgement of those who take their bodies for granted, the fear that your children might inherit your weaknesses and that maybe you have sentenced them to a life of pain like yours was/is, that one day the chronic illness will come back and you've only got so many healthy years left before you get old and start to lose your body all over again.
For every moment of optimism and hope, there are hidden moments of despair and fight and pain. Sometimes we have to claw and bleed for that ounce of hope, for the strength to act "normal" and fit in and not be a downer around everyone else. As restless as you can be, sometimes you just want to sleep it off, even though you know this illness isn't something you can sleep off. I would have liked to see more of that with Jem.
Again, what Cassie did was really good, and I appreciate Jem so much since I have not seen many other chronically ill characters who I relate to in fiction. I just felt some things could have added to his story and character.
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commanderjuni · 5 months
dw abt me recycling a character name i do it all the time /lh
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OK onto this girl! i made her literally Just Yesterday and am deciding that SHE shall be my de facto commander but her priority purpose? roleplay! :]
i'll be playing with her for story mode but that aint her main attraction... ONWARDS TO THE RAMBLE BELOW THE CUT! this is pretty much spoilers free! :] no story bits at all, just a basic overview of my newest pookie
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Technician Laff | Young Adult | She/Her | Engineer | Queer
Right what it says on the tin, Laff is a technician working for the Inquest. Mainly, she does operations, maintenance, repairs and diagnostics for the megakrewe. Her expertise in engineering is a massive boon, even if it is just one of many.
Laff is an engineer by nature, nurture, profession and trade. Ever since she was a progeny, she's always taken to brewing alchemical potions or wiring mines. She's a very spatial thinker, and has an uncanny ability to see intricate machines in her head without even needing a blueprint.
She was recruited into the Inquest at a young age, about when she was already fresh into actual college. She studied in Dynamics for a few years (and I'm talking less than 5, at maximum) before a recruiter caught her interest.
Laff mainly was convinced into joining the megakrewe at the prospect of that delightful 'road to greatness'. She was a prime targe— err, candidate— due to her already... unruly nature. Laff didn't do well with conventional studies, and found even the enthusiastic and often reckless Dynamics too constricting. Everyone wanted to operate under the Eternal Alchemy's dictations, but Laff was much more curious in studying it, and using it for more... practical applications.
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In terms of her actual personality, Laff is concerningly friendly for someone working under the Inquest. She's less-so cordial, and more-so just a massive chatterbox who derives energy from being around people. She enjoys the idea that she 'fits in' quite a bit.
Most asura tend to find her annoying at best, and off-putting at worst. There's nothing wrong with her, for a lack of better words, she's just a little... strange, y'know?
Of course, like most asura Laff is exceedingly intelligent. She's well-versed in engineering (duh), especially when it comes to mapping out alchemical equations for empowering elixers or having the dexterity to pull pins out of five grenades.
And don't let her shrimpy form fool you! Laff is surprisingly BUILT under her uniform, and she has loads of upper-body strength due to the mechanical side of her work and duties.
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And be sure to not let her chipper smile and optimistic nature fool you, either. Laff is a very competitive spirit, and strives to be the best technician the Inquest has ever seen, regardless of her low-to-mid level clearance and ranking. You get in her way, and she'll make sure you emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually regret it.
Laff's greatest vice is her uncooperative nature when it comes to dealing with anyone who opposes her, her allies, her goals, or whatever it is she wants. This causes her to butt immense heads with Peacemaker officer Leff— whom of which is her twin brother.
Did.. I forget to mention that? Yeah. Laff and Leff are twin siblings who, from a young age, were adopted by a single asuran mother named Botanist Ainne. Ainne only really wanted Leff since she just wanted a son, but Laff and Leff were as thick as thieves back then, so seperation was a no-go. (p.s. Peacemaker Leff is an actual NPC! I enjoy oc & canon relations...)
Ainne put much focus and affections towards Leff, and sort of just left Laff to her own devices. This excessive attention towards Leff made Laff incredibly jealous, and envy is not a color she wears well. It shouldn't have, but it came as a surprise to Leff and Ainne when Laff one day announced that she was ditching Dynamics and heading off to the Inquest. To this day, Leff constantly swears he will have her arrested for... something! He still has to figure it all out. But he will!
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As aforementioned, Laff is an engineer in all sense of the word. She's proficient with rifles, pistols and other tools of the trade. She makes medium weight armor look killer in signature black and red, and her favorite tool is her magnifying eagle-eye goggles. Pin-point details are very important unless you want to accidentally get blown up, or have your elixer spill everywhere in a fight.
She's surprisingly particular about her machines and weaponry, and takes a keen liking to explosives. Mines, grenades, bombs— you name it, she probably has it stashed away somewhere on her person.
If I had to assign her a core specialization, Laff embodies explosives the best. "I'd duck, if I were you." is such a cut and corner Laff quote, AND Laff personally focuses on just blowing the enemy up into beautiful smithereens than wasting time trying to shoot them to death. Tools comes as a close second.
As for an elite specialization, Laff leans heavy into Scrapper territory. She's not big on the flashy lights of Holosmiths, nor is she crazy about having a big golem follow her around all the time like Mechanists. What she does like is putting things together, bit by bit, until she creates some new innovative little gadget. Plus, she'd find the gyros pretty cute.
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stole this picture off the gw2 wiki... shh... no telling....
BUT this pretty much concludes BASE information about laff.... im VERY excited to continue writing for her, and i hope to keep true to my word about using her in rp! as she grows as a character, some things MAY change, but not by a lot.... i hope....
(p.s. you MAY have encountered her at the NA versus art party on dec 2nd .... ;] wink wonk)
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casper-spills · 3 months
Hello, how are you? I wish everything goes well for you. I wanna join the free reading. I hope I’ll get a reply 🎀
I want to ask about my future. Will I have a good family? I always wanted to get married and be a mother (I wanted to have children). I’m worry about whether I will be a good wife/mother.
Can you tell about me in the future? Job/marriage/or maybe about my husband and children. I also a lil bit lost right now. I wish I can do everything well until I meet the one & started my own family.
I hope I can still get an answer from you. Thank you very much. 🙏🥰
Hello! I am doing well thank you! I hope you are too <3 Thank you for following and reblogging! And I'm so sorry for the really late response ♡
Discaimer: Tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only and should never take the place of professional therapy or professional legal, medicinal or financial advice.
Cards: Queen of Cups, The Tower, Seven of Swords, Nine of Coins, Knight of Cups (reversed), The Empress, The Fountain, Six of Swords, Four of Cups, Ace of Cups, The Sun (reversed), Queen of Coins, Two of Cups, The Hierophant
The job you will have: The kind of career you might expect is a profession in hospitality, wine tasting, counseling, care or therapy.
The kind of wife and mother you will be: You will be a very loving mother and wife and you will have a very strong connection with your family. You may feel that when you were young, you were emotionally neglected or generally didn't have the best parents, so you will want to compensate for that and swear to yourself to do better and set a better example. You will be a very compassionate and nuturing mother while also being very practical and wise. You and your husband will have a wonderful connection. Your love will be unified and the attraction will indeed be mutual. You will have equal roles in the family meaning you both will be working parents and equally splitting housework between each other. You will also be aligned with religious beliefs or values and you both might be very traditional people. Your husband will love you for your creative, energetic nature and your intellect. He sees you as someone very smart and beautiful ♡
Details about your husband: Appearance: Gentle features, delicate nose, curcy lips, bright eyes, round or oval face, resting bitch face, average height, lean & strong, prone to blushing Traits: Prudish, eccentric, unpredictable, inventive, unique, adventurous, social, sensitive, compassionate, caring, intuitive
Details about your children: There is possibly 5 children in your future! ♡ Your oldest: Appearance: Unique facial features, half smile, inquisitive eyes, intimidating, very tall, high forehead, broad shoulders Traits: Clumsy, energetic, couragous, passionate, enthusiastic, impulsive, masculine, impatient, direct, rowdy, ambitious, chaotic Your 2nd child: Appearance: Big or long hair/lots of volume in hair, hair will be the most noticable about them, elegant movements, tall, tanned, bright smile Traits: They will remind you of your husband, eccentric, rebellious, unpredictable, unique, wild, inventive, adventurous, moody, outgoing, strategic, financially independant Your 3rd child: Appearance: Soft & round face, fine hair, large eyes, flashy shoes, might wear anklets Traits: Daydreamer, good dancer, lucky, optimistic, abundant, interested in philosophy, influential, passionate, curious, generous, responsible, imaginative, tolerant Your 4th child: Appearance: Very beautiful, round full face, soft features, high cheekbones, emotionally expressive, gentle face & demeanour, heart shaped figure, may look identical to you (or the father but I get a strong feeling that its you) Traits: Feminine, creative, hopeless romantic, arty, materialistic, foodie, elegant Your youngest: Appearance: Big or long hair, elegant movements, tall, tanned, bright smile, broad shoulders, possibly transgender Traits: Self aware and of those around them, intuitive. imaginative, spiritual, innocent, naive, kind, forgiving, lucid dreamer, empathetic, optimistic, abstract thinker
Messages for you: 'Where are you being called to journey to?' 'A fiery climax appraoches!' 'Have you answered your deepest calling?' 'You are a warrior!' 'It's time to heal' 'Things are changing'
I hope this reading was helpful to you and I hope you enjoyed it ♡
All feedback is appreciated.
Cassy the friendly ghost ♡
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