anoopsiedaisie · 9 months
Petrigrof actually hurts my heart and soull. I WANT THEM HAPPY, THE FLASHBACKS JUST HURT ME MORE. SHE MEETS HIM IN THE LIBRARY RECONGNIZES HIM, GOES TO HIS LECTURE TO MEET HIM AGAIN, AND THEN THEY JUST BECOME THE CUTEST AND BEST FICTIONAL COUPLE EVER. Im literally so obsessed with them too, the Simon catching her wrist at the bus stop is my background, but sometimes it switches to the night one where they're cuddling </3
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I WANT THEM HAPPY SO BADLY, IF THEY DONT GET A HAPPY ENDING BUT EVERYONE ELSE DOES ILL CRY. I genuinely cannot have Simon just move on, he needs to have Betty again
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phantom-peachie · 1 month
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hhhh,,, skyward sword,,
screams incoherently
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I saw this everywhere and now im hyperfixated on this as well so here we go lol
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Tw blood !
(Disclaimer: This is just my theory on the game qwq)
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st4rry-fruitz · 1 year
in my Staying up past 12 am delirium watching the wedding vods from all perspectives I never noticed how Much vegetta was looking at foolish during the main ceremony..... and then looking down every time foolish looks back with a confused expression..... Yes im normal im Fine im Okayyyy.. and plus he like patted leo on the head I heart this family saur much 😭😭
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spader7 · 2 years
You’re art is so wonderful!! I can’t stop looking at your byler photo booth pic. I love the detail of Mike not being ready for the camera, it’s so wholesome 🥰🥰
thank you so much!! i'm such a sucker for just giving them some wholesome moments....<3
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dangaer · 1 year
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@redemptioninterlude asked: ❣️ + alice / ayato
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SEND ME ❣️ + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU…     [   VOL. 2   ] ( no longer accepting! )
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who is the little spoon?
alice! ... most of the time, anyhow. ayato prides himself in being the man of having the best hugs any vampire can give, but ultimately alice is someone who is far too kind to ignore him when he does come seeking for one in turn. both of them aren't the types to openly ask for it as they both seem to pick up the cues pretty easily, but as it's ayato who is usually the one who ends up making alice exhausted he usually takes claim of that responsibility in the long run. if it's not under his wishes, ayato tends to put his nose up at being the bottom spoon, even though he finds there's a lot of comfort that comes with it - alice reads him like a book, so he can never really hide such things from her, no matter how hard he tries.
who sings in the shower?
ok but. BOTH. ayato has always been the unapologetic singer of the sakamaki household (only saving grace being that he actually has a decent voice), so when alice came in and he heard some sort of hum when she was in the shower he just assumed it was their own mutual solidarity. he did probably interrupt her to cheer for an encore the first time he found out, though. ayato has the full on belting singing whereas alice has probably held more consideration for the household, at least not to incur wrath in places in which might not be able to help her in the long run. most of the other brothers have definitely asked her to help him keep it down, though ayato will just use it as an excuse to sing even louder in turn.
who plays pranks on the other?
well, pranks are really just ayato's thing here so unfortunately alice becomes the unlucky victim<;/3 from that first ever interaction they had when he stole the necklace from her bare hands, ayato lives to see how riled he can get the usually very tranquil alice up, simply because he finds glory in the satisfaction that it was actually him who has caused it above any of his other siblings. he finds it mere treason if laito or kanato even try to in retaliation. when alice starts teaching him the difference between what classifies as a prank that people find funny and one in which could actually cause some form of irreparable damage to a dynamic for good, ayato just ends up creating less harmful ones in turn to prove to her just how much he listens. they're probaby an expectation now, at this point. with some even being discovered days later because she knows better than to provoke and see right now.
who is the one who listens to pop music?
i'm going with alice on this one simply because ayato is probably a little bit old fashioned and doesn't actually know many of the ways to actually ... listen to music beyond an old fashioned music player and the headphones he despises shu for wearing as he uses them to be somewhat rather ignorant to whatever ayato has to say ( a national felony you see---) but it's something she probably gets him hooked on. the idea of the both of them sat in alice's room, leaning over her phone as alice shows him the wonders of both listening to music on services to the prospect of music videos, to which he has to watch again because something doesn't entirely add up or make any sense to him. anything related to kou has to immediately be skipped, vampires orders.
who brings the other a random cup of joe?
alice because ayato is strictly banned from he kitchen for breaking too many utensils and convincing sub.aru to break even more in retaliation to this discovery. coffee is something he'd probably consider himself too good for, but one day alice makes herself some form of it and he has to take a sip, simply because he can. neither of them strike me as the type to make it look too bitter so i love the idea that they experiment with it for a bit, even if it comes back with various results and reactions from them both. they scream the type of couple who would go on cute coffee dates, even when ayato has to be half guided if the sun is too bright. he can never really say no to alice, even though he likes to pretend he otherwise can.
who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
alice definitely has more taste in things, whereas ayato would see the title 'demolition man' and assume that it is a classic and well renounced film so therefore the title goes to him. alice definitely has to introduce the idea of a tv into the sakamaki's house in the first place, as none of them have never really experimented with tv despite the fact they lived throughout the ages and watched the thing practically develop right before their eyes. they make the choice to pick the first few movies they're going to watch together, which most likely ends up as a natural disaster. the date night having to be changed into something else simply because neither of them can get into the others actual choices and from then on probably pick more active things to do in their dates, the night is usually young for them, given the reality that they've probably flipped alice's sleeping schedule during this life for good!
who is more likely to feed the other in public?
alice for definite! whether it's food she has or food he doesn't have the 'energy' to lift, ayato is always asking her to feed him just one bite, because he's convinced it tastes better than it would if he simply ate it by himself. half the time he's the one who's managed to convince her to cook something for him, so this is just considered part of the experience for him as much as he can do. it also means they get to explore more dishes together, as alice is rather adventurous in what she may pick than what ayato would have been, making for a lot of marvellous expressions once more too. alice really helps him get out of the traditional way he's lived for the last few hundreds of years, he'll find some way to actually and genuinely pay it back.
who gives the other random little compliments?
i wanna say this is the both of them! it starts off with alice who probably says it more deliberately to ayato, even if its because he's nagged her for one, but then suddenly it's 6pm and they're just lazing on the couch together before he turns around and advises her that he actually thinks her hair looks really pretty all done up like that. alice is probably able to do it moreso willingly as, while he's not textbook, ayato falls very closely under the tsundere nature, just with a rather self-entitled outlook upon it at the same time. he gets her back by showing his love more physically in the process, with a hand upon her shoulders or waist as they walk down the streets once more or simply giving her a goodnight kiss when they depart so that everyone doesn't get confused about their status in the long run.
who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
ayato. because he feels entitled to and, alice it's been a really hard day, so --- he honestly cannot resist it when he thinks he can actually get away with it, even though he absolutely can not. it's gotten to the point where reiji even has started dishing extras on alice's plate, because there's no guarantee any of the brothers wont decide to take their bit in the long run, even if ayato tells them to leave it alone. alice is more than welcome to go ahead and start stealing some of his plate when something healthy is on the table, ayato is a very firm believer in eating 5 a day should include potatoes and takoyaki not any sort of fruit or veg that someone else might deem fit to sit on the table, and sometimes probably does as far as to exchange the good food on her plate for it when she's looking away.
who is more likely to let the other borrow their car? 
they both don't drive, so it probably just comes to who uses the chauffeur the most and in reality? it probably ends up being the both of them, mainly to skip school on behalf of not wishing to learn that day and also simply to take out their time to find someplace away from the hustle of everything else around them. many will think ayato has most control, but the chauffeur has a much larger soft spot for alice and is actually more than willing to listen to her orders above his own, not that he really wants ayato to know that.
who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
ALICE! because going shopping with ayato is actually a disaster in the making. the shopping list brings them plenty of stability, and should be something that lasts maybe one hour, two at most because they get lost in an isle or such, but ayato completely derails it all. maybe the list didn't say they needed takoyaki sauce mix, but ayato did and therefore that means it gets added onto what they can give. alice stares two seconds too long at a cute looking cake, and ayato is immediately putting it back into their basket despite any look of amusement she'll give him simply because he likes the smile it might bring in turn. they end up coming back with plenty of things they don't need, and some that even were on the list for others but were deemed unnecessary when alice sent ayato back to get it ( aka the two sets of macarons turning into one because since when did laito need that much?? he's not even eaten his last bunch, actually-) reiji has to go and take a fix-it shop afters to keep peace within the household, much to their chargin.
who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
this one goes down to ayato because it's near impossible he does get sick and when he does it's a product of supernatural things that neither of them can get immediate medicine for. alice is very diligently cared for when sick, though i have to admit it's probably very sloppy in his own way too. the both of them end up laughing more often than not when he's somehow managed to burn the tea he was supposed to give her, or when he can't work out just how to tuck the blanket just right for her to fully feel the heat, but he uses it to his advantage (and reassurance) that she is okay despite the fact that he might be doing a less than perfect job of it in the long run. he's also very good at ensuring they have enough when they begin to run out, because of how human she remains in their dynamic. he's never had to completely look after someone before, but seeing her come out healthy again really inspires him to know that he is doing the right thing, this time.
who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
AYATO! but instead of the watching sports, he plays basketball and likes to have alice there so she can see just how well he can actually play it, and score a winning kiss the way they do in the movies she's now had him see. he makes an effort to teach her his version of the rules before he actually goes on to play his round, but it's probably the other players who fill in the actual rules in the background because of how ... aggressive he can sometimes be towards the other players. he, undoubtedly, does end up winning his first round under her careful gaze pretty easily and for that finds himself the most amused towards it. he likes asking her to repeat exactly what and how she saw it, alongside the rules he shared, in order to bask in that victory a little bit longer and to the chagrin of his now confused teammates because, well, he'll just come and go whenever he wishes to, despite the fact he's already shared the teams rules of sticking to the last round.
who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
definitely alice! filled with an unbridled curiosity over how good he is after a very reluctant dinner conversation involving the discovery of how all of the brothers have attended fine balls and parties in the very room they all sit in. it's been a long time since he danced and a couple of lifetimes since she has, which makes them both more than rocky on their feet to begin with - but the moment the next song kicks in and the tune becomes that little bit more livelier ayato's grip gets a little bit firmer and alice's steps a little more lighter, to the point where they are gliding across the living room with a second eye found on the furniture. it's a moment they both find themselves enjoying, ending with laughter as suddenly the player scratches with the sign that their performance needs to come to an end, but ayato offers to place on another, a personal favourite in his childhood, and they both find themselves standing back upright again.
who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
surprisingly, this is technically a neither answer. the king of hearts is not the white rabbit and therefore alice's warnings do not come as him being late, but rather ensuring ayato actually gets ready to go and doesn't become stubborn towards the idea that he doesn't actually have to, a response so clearly allocated by the presence of a bad dream or simply a lack of desire to attend a night school that won't help him out in the long run. he's easy to convince, unlike some people he knows, but if any promises are made then he'll be sure to ensure that they actually do come true. false promises are an entire breach of his own trust given the circumstances, and the fact he's missing out on a good days rest ... it'll be a little bit bloody on his side, if they're not entirely careful.
who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
i wouldn't call either the type, but i imagine it's a both of them thing to get each other something rather permanent to remind themselves of each other, ayato at some point definitely asks for a photo to be framed or a portrait to be made, simply so he can get it hung up in his own room so that he may stare at it for a few hours on end in memory of that day or just them in general. i feel that if he really thought on it, ayato would, but there's always that worry that his body might ultimately get rid of it even hundreds of years later. they're definitely the type to promise something along the lines in the future due to how much neither of them wish to forget it. maybe fate will dictate alice will, in the next lifetime, but ayato will have those memories to hold in the long run - and will claim them, every single time he can. even if the story repeats itself, over and over again.
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frogathy · 1 year
just talked to my counselor about being on the spectrum and my mom understands now and i am just so relieved its insane like everything makes sense it is so insane and like i dont have to feel like theres anything wrong with me anymore its just hoohkhjgghdhj
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yamikawas · 2 years
thinking abt my gf doing cute things like being obsessed with me and stalking me and kidnapping me and killing anyone who gets too close to me etc The usual<3
#wish she would just invite me over to her house and i find a room with a whole shrine for me with photos of me and stolen items and all#and she notices me looking and panics thinking that im gonna be freaked out but im just like UR SO OBSESSED WITH ME OMG IM SO HAPPYYY<3<3<3#maybe she would want to keep me locked up in her room until shes absolutely sure that im happy with it<3<3<3ehehe<3<3<3#hell even when she Is sure shes like ''well if u love my obsession with u so much then theres just no reason to let u go now is there<3''#so she just holds me captive and obsesses over me for the rest of eternity and starts adding my missing posters to her shrine<3<3<3#but also yknow if shes stalking me constantly and knows everything abt me she would know abt my yanblog and know im just as deranged as her#.............but she can still kidnap me just bc she wants to and knows i want her to<3<3<3#god i hope she knows i how badly i want her to<3<3<3#id absolutely stab someone to death if it meant she would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER LET ME GO#and if she does ever let me go im stabbing people to death until im back at her side where i belong#and if she ever wants to go out like on a date with me or something she should keep me handcuffed to her and it should be late at night so#no one sees us and if anyone Does see us we kill them and we break in to cafes and stuff for an insane lil cafe date<3#god i am just.thinking So Much#shes just Everything to me i want to stay with her forever and ever and ever and itd make me so happy if she wanted me to stay with her#forever too to the point that she wants to hold me captive bc she just loves me so much#like just the idea of her wanting to be with me at all times So Badly to the point that she wants to straight up kidnap me and never let me#out of her sight again<3<3<3aaaaaaaaaaaa id never want to escape from herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr<3<3<3#idk how to even explain it i just.Need to be Loved and Wanted and Needed an Insane Amout#by Her in Specific<3#i just love her and want her and need her an insane amount and i need her to love me in just the same way<3#yoomie darling if ur reading this i love you i love you i love you i love you i LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I L O V E Y O U#please love me<3#tobi.txt#<-really normal sorry ipromise
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goldeneclipsee · 2 months
why didn’t anyone tell me about alien stage because OH MY GOD ROUND 6
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imblocking-you · 1 year
AHH so that's why this guy has an eyepatch in the edits I see, I couldn't tell the difference between pilwon and dooshik at that time so I thought it was a bl ab toxic relationships lol. BUT SLAY DOOSHIK GET HIM GIRL
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hugs2doie · 9 months
nct dream spotting you in their concert .
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anon’s request: hi!! i just found your account and omg i love it so much <33!! i was wondering if i could request a fic/headcanon about surprising nct dream on tour 👉🏻👈🏻🥺 like maybe surprising one of them after the concert, one of them spotting you in the crowd, etc ^^
genre: fluff
warnings: none
nini’s notes: rhis is so short im sorry i didne havw muxh ideas on this 😓 but thbak u anon i love u anf i hope u liek this :333
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⌗ mark
he’d be so excited byw
he’d gasp and allat
most of the times he’d be around your area just to see you
it would be without realizing too so the other members would literally push him/drag him away 😭
like poor boy wants to havw his eyes on you the whole time
but dating rumors and the idol industry 😡😡
would gush to his teammates abt u visiting and stuff like that later
afterwards he’d tell his manager or smth to ask you to stay so yall can spend timw :((
would probably just listen to you talk and giggle or smile big when u tell him how proud ure of him
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⌗ renjun
would be very surprised
wave at the fans in your area to not make it seem like it was just for you
when singing some of the cute lyrics he’d glance at you 💔
would bring his other members on your area so when he passes more often he won’t be as suspicious (work smarter not harder)
would love seeing your reactions omg
and ur eyes better be on him the whole time
or else he’ll be calling you out after you meet!!
would take a video of the whole crowd and slow down at ur area
for the memories and how u surprised him in his concert yk
would ofc love the feedback <3
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⌗ jeno
he would probably tell jaemin and he’d smile at you too
jaemin would also the one to remind him of reality if he stares at you for a long time
or stays in your area for a long time ofc
would show his abs/reveal his body more than usual
he’d get shy abt it later on though
boy how much he wants to stare at u for the whole concert :(
but he can’t!!! so he does other things to involve u and stuff
like taking pics of the crowd (OBVIOUSLY with u in it)
loves u sm and cant wait to meet u later so u can tell him abt ur exprience
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⌗ haechan
this little shit bye
would do the sexiest thing EVER
then turn to see your reaction and if ure surprised or anything like that he’d have that proud smirk
he’d be more energetic on stage and wants to give 100% of him
he wants to impress u sm (which he does ofc), hes like a little high school boy for u
he’d be extra touchy w/ renjun & the other members to make u “jealous”
which the members (and u) notice and just burst out laughing
idk i’d be a fun experience
oh and u better only look at him or he’ll give u a sassy attitude when u two meet
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⌗ jaemin
love eyes
and id mean it like his pupils would grow and all that
if u brought signs he’d read them out loud so it would seem like ure just a fan
and if u brought plushies AND are close to the stage??? he’s getting ur plushies first!!
will be VERY focused on the performances cause he knows that u distract him (for good like he loves u)
but he also wants to be amazing for u <3
would love if u hyped him up (u better lol…)
or if u sang along like he’d be so happyyyy
he wants u to enjoy the concert sm
he loves that u surprised him like a lottt
all that practice payed off bcz you’re there in the crowd <3
not that he doesn’t appreciate your support just by words too btw
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⌗ chenle
idk why i feel like he’d know abt it
i dont have anythint specific abt it its just how i feel like he’d def know somehow
so if he spotted u in the crowd he’d have like a happy and proud smile like yawppp i knew it!!!
but would be so happyyy
after any performance or anything he’d do he’d look back to u to see if u liked it or not
would also pretend like ure not there sometimes cause jaemin pulled him aside and told him that he were taking MANY glances in your way HELP
so for some mins he stopped even looking ur way 😭 let alone go in that area
would bring jisung along later but would not tell him that ure there cause jisung would make it pretty obvious
you’re a big distraction to him 😓
(he loves that but he would never tell u)
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⌗ jisung
theres the thing
he’d either
1) stay around ur area ALL the time
2) not even glance in ur direction
but if u guys havent seen e/o for a long time he’d pass most of his time there
however would ask for advice to his other members and often ask them if its too obv that he’s starring at u a bit too much
also he’d either
1) get super shy (stan new jeans)
2) be the opposite and get his sexy on (pls tell me yall know what song im talking abt)
but both things would get reactions out of u and that’s exactly what he wants :3
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rougepancake · 11 months
AHH happy 500!!! Your deserve it can I request brat tamer tamayo/hange/ and Kafka with a fem reader!!! (Once again happyyy 500 you’re such a good writer)
AHH TYSMM!! And of course you can!!
Good girl.
Ft. Lady Tamayo, Hange Zoe, & Kafka
—} Marie’s 500 follower event
Warnings: Nsfw. Minors and ageless blogs dni. Brat taming, teasing, you’re a bimbo but we’re here for it. Mentions of punishment (spanking). They’re all done with your bs but oh well. They/them pronouns for Hange.
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She had been putting up with your behavior all day. It was exhausting, to say the least. Whenever she asked you to do something, you’d combat it with ‘why? You’re not the boss of me!’
Oh you bet your ass she was the boss of you.
She made it a point to remind you.
Her hands trailed up your skirt, stopping inches away from the growing wet spot on your panties. It seems that your teasing had finally pushed her over the edge.
But you weren’t willing to back down so easily.
“Oh? I thought you were busy?” You smirked and spread your legs further, allowing her to rest between them.
“I am.” She replied curtly, her expression unreadable as she slid your panties to the side and brushed over your clit. You let out a soft moan and chuckled softly.
“Well I’m happy that you finally decided to take the hint.” You let out a pleased sigh, closing your eyes and relaxing into her touch.
But she pulled away as soon as you did, leaving you frustrated.
“Like I said. I’m busy.” She said strictly, turning her back to you with a dismissive wave. “Now you can either help, and be rewarded later. Or you can continue with this and be punished.” You looked at her in slight surprise, your expression slowly contorting into a scowl as you contemplated her offer.
“That’s my good girl.”
It was always you.
You annoyed them the most whenever they were busy. And you refused to stop. It was terrible, but they supposed it was their fault that you were the way you are.
“Y/n. Could you please stop. I need to finish this report.” They finally snapped, slamming their pen onto the desk and shooting you a bold glare that sent powerful shivers down your spine.
“I’m bored.” You huffed, crossing your arms as you leaned against the wall. “You promised that we’d go out. Or at least do something together.” Your frustration was understandable, and Hange couldn’t blame you for feeling that way, but usually you were pretty understanding when it came to their work.
“Well you know better than to bother me while I’m working.” They sighed heavily and put on a half smirk, slowly rising from their seat and walking towards you. Their arms snaked around your waist and pulled you close, their breath warm against your ear.
“Can you be good for me? I make no promises that we’ll go out, but you’ll get a reward nonetheless.” Their seductive approach took you by surprise, leaving you speechless as you nodded in response. “There we go.” They chuckled and returned to their desk, their back turned to you as your face flushed red.
Oh man you were in for it.
“My darling. I’m in the middle of work right now.” Kafka sighed and ignored your attempts at teasing her. She slapped away the hand that trailed up her thigh, waving a knowing finger at you before she resumed her writing.
“You know you want it.” You leaned forward, resting your head on her shoulder as your hand returned, it’s touch gentle and taunting. You wanted her to respond, to tell her how much of a tease you had been while tearing your clothing from your body.
But she was so calm.
The opposite of how you wanted to see her.
“Come on Kafka darling.” You whispered into her ear, nibbling on the shell of it softly. “Don’t be a killjoy.”
“Oh?” She looked at you, raising an eyebrow. It was as if she was beginning to accept your challenge. “Me? A killjoy?” She chuckled and placed a hand on your cheek. “I think you’ve got it all wrong. The most fun you’ve ever had is with me.” Her hand came back and hit your ass harshly, causing you to let out a surprised yelp.
When had she moved her hand?
She repeated the action, her face serious as she glared at you. “You’ve been being such a bad girl, Y/n.” She smirked and stood from her seat, moving you so that you were now pinned against her desk. “Let me show you how we behave around here, alright?”
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gloriousmessofagirl · 2 years
top gun fic recs
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
- Beach View by @pmitchell // nsfw (7.17) - Me, Myself, & I by @pmitchell // (7.17)            Pt II (You & I) - Gravedigger’s Daughter by @honeypiehotchner // series (7.17) **current read and i’m absolutely obsessed with it** - Lazy Mornings & What Not by @seresinhangmanjake // (7.17) - Just a Little Weak by @seresinhangmanjake // (7.17) - Wants & Needs by @seresinhangmanjake // series (7.17) - A Diamond in the Rough by @garnette-gal // (7.17) - Opposites Attract by @topguncortez // series (7.17) - The Way I Loved You by @bradshaw-fanclub // (7.17) - Right Where You Left Me by @bradleyfuckingbradshaw // (7.17) - Jake “Hangman” Seresin as your Husband by @bradshawsbaby // (7.17) - I’m So in Love with You by @youlightmeupfinn (7.26) - Miscalculation by @mrsbbradshaw // series (7.26) - Kiddo by @sinofwriting // series (7.26) - Jake’s Bachelor Trip by @barnescastle // (7.26)            camera roll mood board - I and Love and You by @halfway-happyyy // (7.26) - Dancing with Him by @youlightmeupfinn // (7.26) - How do You Love Somebody Else by @softspiderling // (7.26) - They all Know, He’s in Love with You by @rolycolysficrecs // (7.26) - He’s Boobsessed by @youlightmeupfinn // (7.26) - Dancing with Him by @youlightmeupfinn // (8.09) - My Girl by @youlightmeupfinn // (8.09)
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
- A Glimpse of Them by @bradshawsbaby // (7.17) **will require tissues** - Anniversary Treat by @bradshawsbaby // nsfw (7.17) - Lt. Bradshaw as your Husband by @bradshawsbaby // (7.17)               Pt II - A Surprise Gift by @bradshawsbaby // (7.17) - Thinking of You by @bradshaw-fanclub // nsfw (7.17) - Nobody to Mourn You by @bradshaw-fanclub // (7.17)  - Endless Love by @bradshaw-fanclub // (7.17) **short & sweet** - Grounded/Thunk by @cherryblossom-enthusiast // series (7.17) - First Impressions by @ohcaptains // (7.17) - It’s Gonna Break your Heart One Day by @lt-bradshaw // (7.17) **will require tissues...absolutely amazing read** - Satin & Mahogany by @lt-bradshaw // nsfw (7.17) - Hands Off by @bradshawsbaby // (7.26) - Save the Last Dance by @bradshawsbaby // (7.26) - Genuinely Happy by @7seas-of-ryy // (7.26) - Tastes like the 4th of July by @deepett // nsfw, series (7.26) - Nerves of Steel by @sunlightmurdock // nsfw, series (7.26) - For Old Time’s Sake by @sunlightmurdock // nsfw, series (7.26) - Invisible String by @halfway-happyyy // (7.26) - You’re Beautiful by @bradshawsbaby // nsfw (7.26) - Come Home by @winterscaptain // (7.26) - Married to Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw by @barnescastle // series (7.26)            camera roll mood board - Flight Risk by @hufflepuffprincesse // series (7.26) - Moments while You’re Away by @midsummernightwrites // (7.26) - Buckaroo by @thebradleybradshaw // (7.26) - Love will Tear Us Apart by @lt-bradshaw // nsfw (7.26) - Bad Liar by @bradleyfuckingbradshaw // (7.29) - Can I Kiss You? by @melwilson // (7.29) - The First Course by @lt-bradshaw // nsfw (7.29) **holy wowowowow** - He’s Boobsessed by @youlightmeupfinn // (7.29) - I Love My Girl by @youlightmeupfinn // (7.29)
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
- Just a Number by @pmitchell // nsfw (7.17) - Dangerous Looks by @youlightmeupfinn // nsfw (7.17) - Be My Angel by @mitchellpete // (7.26)
Tom “Ice Man” Kazansky
- He gets Jealous by @youlightmeupfinn // (7.26)
Robert “Bob” Floyd
- Sunscreen by @siempre-bucky // (7.29)
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melodymay-k1tty · 9 months
Can you do Vinsmoke Ichiji and Yonji boyfriend headcanons too? I want to know what more people think of them!!💗
What would dating Ichiji be like?
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A/N: Glad you like! I'm really happyyy☺️💕 Sorry for the delay, I was full of exams so I barely had time to get on Tumblr, cuz I was studying. But I hope you like this one too, I did my best!💗💗💗💗💗 (Ichiji is my fav! among the three Sanji twins, hehe<3)
🍷Sparking Red! He is often a man of few words, so he keeps to himself. However, when he's around you, he ends up talking a little more than usual, mostly things that can piss you off.
🍷Sparking Red! He acts like a child around you, as he still doesn't quite know how to show his "new feelings" of love. So does that mean he does annoying things like criticizing you, pulling your hair, hitting you lightly, and saying something about your appearance like “What a big forehead you have” or “You have pixie ears” while laughing at you.
🍷 Sparking Red! He can get very mad and explosive when someone makes fun of you. Only he can make fun of you.
🍷 Sparking Red! He pisses you off because he likes to see you mad. That's very sexy and attractive to him. He often says “You look even prettier when you're mad” with a sly smile on his face after annoying you all day.
🍷 Sparking Red! He doesn't want anyone to know, but his favorite time of day is when he goes to sleep, because he sleeps cuddling with you.
🍷 Sparking Red! He is very jealous and possessive of you. “Don't touch what's mine!” He says whenever any man tries to get close to you, especially his brothers.
🍷Sparking Red! He loves to give you expensive gifts like luxurious dresses, designer high heels, handbags from famous brands, jewelry at immeasurable prices, among other things like that. He spoils you so much mainly because you are “poor”, and as he is a prince, he wants to show that he can offer you anything you want.
❤️‍🔥 BONUS ❤️‍🔥He once hit Yonji because Yonji said you looked prettier than usual and offered you a drink. After that, Yonji never approached you again, afraid of Ichiji 🫨
A/N: It was a little hard to do about him as Ichiji, Niji and Yonji are EXTREMELY similar in their personality🫠 But here is!💗💗💕
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afterglowkatie · 5 months
i an soso happyyy! little A6 prints i ordered arrived and i’ve started filling my wall 🥰 need to get more when i can though! 🥰 (i linked where i got them from in case any of y’all want to buy some! 🥰)
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spacebubblehomebase · 1 month
Your art looks so yummy and soft it tastes like soft ice-scream with different flavours for each character. GIVE ME MOREEEEEEEEEE
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HOW'D YOU KNOW!!!? No one has ever connected those dots for YEARS!!! 👀 See my headline? "With Love Of Every Flavor..." That's something I wrote in my adolescence which I just never bothered to change. It pertains to my posts and how I make them with love (you can cringe), but I also purposely used it to allude to- you literally guessed it- ICE CREAM!!! Which, according to my family, I was infamously obsessed with. STILL super obsessed with actually! (Tho in my defense, the Philippines is hotter than HELL rn.) So yes! I do see my own art as scoops of ice cream. Have been for- again -YEARS! Besides a "space bubble" for introverts -and people who simply love in a different flavor- to feel safe in, that's EXACTLY what I wanted my art to be seen as!!! Which is why I mostly draw sweet things. (Key word: Mostly.) I wanted to convey the giddiness I feel whenever I eat ice cream with my art. So hearing you say that, tho I know naming the taste of an artist's work isn't all that new, really feels like an achievement! THANK YOU!!! ...Okay. Now that you made it this far through my sappy sugar rush induced writing, I know I went off on a tangent, but since ya'll have been really hyping me up lately, how about an update? On my AU? Just a short and sweet reward? Nothing big. Not much lore, but let's saaaaay... it'll beeeee... today? 🫣 Hehe. More, indeed. ^v^ Stay Tuned~! -Bubbly💙
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