#I Kinda have her some of my own ace perspectives on this
prince-liest · 2 months
I’m a sex-repulsed ace, and reading the latest chapter of 666 (as well as your analysis here on Tumblr) made me realize that I have been subconsciously thinking about MY OWN sexuality from an allo perspective? And that it has kinda been messing me up?? Like, ever since I learned that sexual attraction was actually a Thing and that it’s Important To People, I had been carrying around a fear of being deficient in some way and not being able to love to the same extent as allos. (1)
Even though I know logically that’s complete garbage and totally untrue, I felt left out of the loop because people seemed to care strongly about this thing I couldn’t even imagine. Whenever it looked like a relationship might happen I panicked for a reason that I couldn’t understand. But now I’m starting to realize that it’s because I was subconsciously terrified of an ‘ulterior motive’ behind the other person’s reasons for wanting to be with me. (2) That part of the reason they even cared was because of something I don’t experience. So thank you, because this realization just clicked into place while reading your work. The thing is, this way of thinking was just internalized in such a way that I didn’t even realize it was there until literally this week. And I think you’re right; one of the main reasons behind that is because I’ve always consumed media written from an allo perspective. (3) If ace/aros are shown at all, they’re depicted as “lacking” and their character development usually revolves around being “fixed” by the story. When I was ~10 years old my mom sometimes let me watch the Big Bang Theory with her (looking back, maybe not the best decision). Anyways, there was one episode deep into the series where Sheldon (who for the past nineish seasons was probably the closest thing to mainstream ace rep) has sex with his girlfriend for the first time. (4) Afterwards, he says something along the lines of “that was better than I thought it would be”, and it’s presented as a Very Good Thing and a big step in their relationship. I think a lifetime of stuff like that makes it very easy to internalize aphobia and feel like the lesser part of the relationship. Or to feel like the other partner is making a huge sacrifice to be with you. That got wayy too long, sorry. All that was just a lot of words to say that I appreciate you. Take care of yourself!(5)
The portrayal of asexuality that you see in media being almost exclusively as you described is very tedious to me because it presumes that something is inherently lacking in aro/aceness rather than that feeling of "lacking" being something that is induced by societal norms. Actually, one of the things that I find additionally alienating is that fandom spaces specifically have been getting better and better about ace characters - but got damn does fandom not jive with aromanticism. Like, a character doesn't want to fuck? That's becoming a liiiittle more fine, it's 2024, we stan consent. But not shipping someone romantically?? Not so easy, now.
I'm glad that my work has been something that resonated with you in this respect! Alastor cares a lot about his reputation as a demon but is pretty blatantly a person who could not possibly give less of a shit about being "wrong" for not being experiencing romantic or sexual attraction. The explanation Viv gave at one point for his own understanding of himself (that he thinks he's just "waiting for the right woman") actually stuck out to me a lot because it's a very "well, nothing is wrong with me for not feeling anything, it's the world that's failed to produce a suitable person" perspective.
But having that kind of confident perspective of your own rightness in the world is really not often portrayed in media, or even in fandom, which even ten years ago was still in the throes of standardizing "Oh, no! Me, gay? These feelings are so wrong!" style m/m content and is honestly not that far off from essentially that for aro/ace characters.
Anyway, all of that is to say that there's not yet much out there that doesn't frame allo/amatonormative values as the default that "even aro/ace people can (and should want to) achieve," and that it's really fun to write a fic that is unequivocally from the perspective of a character who is aroace and doesn't see it as even remotely a fault in himself. Does he have moments where he's a little confused and trying to process how things fit for him? Absolutely. But he just doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who thinks he owes romance to Vox of all people, hahaha. I've written him trying to conform to allo/amatonormativity more with Mimzy, because I think the social standards of their time could push him into it, but Vox? Absolutely not, he does not respect Vox enough for it to even enter his mind.
And then, on the other hand, writing it from an aroace perspective centers the way that romantic and sexual interest can feel like a betrayal of a good thing. With a character like Alastor, it frames romantic and sexual attraction the same alien way that we usually see aromanticism and asexuality framed as.
In the end, this is just one of a plethora of different experiences that aro/ace people can have, but it's one that I really wanted to see represented more, so I'm very happy to write it. I'm glad that you're enjoying it!
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colourprinter · 2 months
Probably too personal thoughts, feelings, and ramblings around Our Wonderland
A couple of warnings, this will likely spoil all of Our Wonderland and this will likely get personal on the thoughts and feelings. It's a personal look (and total ramble) at this game more than anything.
If you haven't played or don't know what Our Wonderland is, I don't know how you found this but you can find it for free on this link.
To keep the spoilers hidden and to prevent forcing , I've put everything in the expand below.
I found this game from the Queer Halloween Story Bundle on itch, I was looking around what was in the bundle and enountered this game. I had already played a visual novel from the bundle that didn't gel too well with me so my hopes weren't too high.
I had no idea what this free game in a bundle had in store.
I was casual during the intro, I don't know when it hit but I knew I was locked in when act 2 hit and I saw what the meat of this game really is.
Something in this game sucked me right in, and wouldn't let me go.
I can't say I remember every detail but I was quickly emotionally invested, trying (and almost always failing) to keep Iggy alive and seeing how this friend group had completely gone off the rails, how their wishes twist around them.
Everything gave me the feeling I believe it was meant to, Gidget's advances on Iggy, Orlam, Buck's outright brutality, Genzou trying to get out alive while throwing the worst words at Orlam (I think he's just like that anyway) and Iggy having the worst time of his life.
While that doesn't sound like much, I don't usually get a reaction from a lot, the mix of visual and words hits just right... or wrong given how horrifying some of this is. Well, some things in the game would easily get a reaction...
For a bit of context for the next parts, I am aro/ace, something I truely discovered myself in the middle of a relationship, not that I hate being in a relationship but I think I'm completely incapable of feeling romantic love, there's just... nothing there. With being ace, I kinda resented the way my brain would react, litrally wishing sometimes that I was ace, glad I grew out of that for my own sake.
I also tend to feel awkward enough around sex in video games. I got goaded into the House of Hope scene, the first time the game crashed to save me and the second time I went dead slient and fixed my eyes down, only looking up enough to see the choices... I've now got an agreement to never have that happen again.
So obviously Gitget's sections got a big reaction from me, I thankfully haven't had any expriences close to anything like that, I could understand Iggy's perspective.
But enough about the horrible stuff for the moment, I'm not going to explain that, yes, seeing Orlam's and Buck's scenes were also shockers because eating human flesh and brutally murdering people are kinda bad things as well.
What I want to focus on next is something I currently only have one full perspective of, the romance. I usually verbalise everything to myself in RPGs and VNs, doing silly little voices for everyone (doing 6 children voices at the end hurt) so when I was given the choice of an ending... obviously, I chose the Genzou ending. Usually I'd feel awkward and stilted reading out the words but this time, it felt nice, I haven't done the other endings but I'm sure they're just as good, even if they're not, I got at least one good romance which given that this topples my fav VN romance (Slay the Princess which is pratically a joke romance anyway), I'm more than happy with it.
Niceness is over, I have another list topper, worst thing I've ever encountered in a video game, something so bad that even being foribly censored (I'm not checking if there's a visible version this time), it made me sick to my stomach. The tree and the infant in Her branches. Now I've played though and done some horrible things in video games, including child murder, but the way the body is described, the way everyone reacts to it. I can't call it anything below truely horrible and I'm putting this above freaking turn based RPG murdering children, I thought after that nothing would get me again (I think doing it actually knocked a screw loose because I've suddenly stopped being a goodie two shoes in video games, that's how bad that was). I mean this as a compliment but that is the worst thing I have ever encountered in any media.
And I think because I've felt these strong emotions where I haven't been hit so hard before, I've become completely pulled into it all. The fanwork contest was the first bit of my own art I put online in years and that kick started me getting back into art as a hobby, something I don't think I would have gotten back into if I didn't do that bit of Iggy art to prove to myself that I could do it if I put myself into it.
So... Carrot, thank you so much for this game of romance, fun, death and wishes.
If I land on my feet, I'd like to make a game with multiple acespec PoVs one day, much less horror though.
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thatiranianphantom · 11 months
So I'm writing a fic (slowly, ever so slowly) where Nancy and Ace finally have the talk they really, really need to have. Kinda about why this is so hard for them, when these are two people who have always understood each other extremely well. Behold my opinions (only my opinions!) below:
There are some very clear miscommunications going on here, and a lot of it is centered on both them being much more careful with the other's life than their own, and some pretty personal issues that existed before the advent of "Nace".
Namely, for Nancy, she is going classic Nancy. She is trying to lash out, she is trying to close him out, because she was and continues to be incredibly hurt, and because she thinks closing herself off to this will hurt less. Nancy has some significant abandonment issues, and Ace is the person who convinced her time and time again that she was worth it, that he would stay, and she actually so believed that he would. So him giving up, especially after he pushed her so hard to think they could solve it, I think is reading to her as Ace abandoning her like so many do, leaving her alone. He's making her feel like she's not worthy of fighting for, which is compounded by his unwillingness to try again and to accept needing space without a fight. She really seems to want him to fight for her, and it's likely really hurtful that he won't.
For Ace, this is also a lot of his own issues. Chiefly, he values her life a lot more than his own. Ace's self-esteem issues are big here. He really thinks a lot more of Nancy than he does of himself. He is absolutely willing to risk dying for her, but he is completely unwilling to have her die or be in any danger, particularly if this is his fault. He undoubtedly thinks of her as his great love, and by his perspective, he is sacrificing so much and giving up his chance at love to sit on the sidelines as he did before so that she'll be alive and happy. And that's such a huge sacrifice that he can't understand why she's angry at him. She also is a bit of a magnet to him. No matter how much he's hurting over her, he can't stay away from her, and he's certainly not willing to stop throwing his own life into danger to protect her.
Also, for both of them, they really don't seem to have considered the "you can't unring the bell" concept. Their relationship is forever changed after this, and as Nick pointed out, they were never only friends. Once they expressed what they feel, they can't shove it back inside. The relationship is never going to exist in the platonic iteration again, if it ever did. And for all the talk of space, and moving on, they really don't seem to be doing that. Nancy is passively allowing herself to be pursued by Tristan, Ace will likely get a one-episodeish love interest. But they are so soulmate-coded and unable to stay away from each other that I'm going to guess this won't last long. And if they could just TALK ABOUT THIS HONESTLY, they could sort a lot of this out. But now there's so much heartache and pain surrounding them, that they can't do what they've always effortlessly been able to do, and just talk to each other.
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alexlesuagz · 1 year
Criminal Case fanfic ideas (because IDK, I’m bored)
[Possible spoilers for all 8 seasons]
{S5} Prequelfic where Amir realizes he’s gay and confides in Rupert about it.
{S5} Rupert having an ace awakening (because yes, I headcanon him as ace) and being extremely confused about his feelings, so he confides in Amir about it. (No seggs, only tea, amirite)
{S3} [TW: SA] Jack finally gaining the courage to tell Lars about Lavinia DeBrils SA’ing him.
{S1} How Chad Whickman and Rose Cassidy first met (because goddamnit, they deserved better).
{S1} AU where Chad managed to calm Joe Stern down, not die, and get the job.
{S2} [TW: Abuse] A day in the life of Duncan Young, living with his mother and sister and having to deal with her emotional abuse.
{S1} Adam Bentley talking with his foster brother at his grave.
{S1} The aftermath of Julian Ramis’s arrest from the perspective of Julian’s parents.
{S2} [TW: Homophobia] The end of Zack and Becky’s friendship.
{S5} James Savage first meets Carter Hayes.
{S4} How Timmy and Bridget Baker first became friends.
{S5} [TW: Implied Sewerslide] Rene Narcisse’s words almost push Julian over the edge until the player and Gabriel show up.
{S2} [TW: Murder] A young Yann Toussaint has an argument with his parents and storms off. That would end up being the biggest mistake of his life.
{S5} Jones accidentally stumbles upon Zoe suddenly using telekinesis.
{S2} [TW: Cults, PTSD, and Implied Abuse] Not even Russell is safe from flashbacks, and surprisingly, the one who helps him out of a PTSD-induced panic attack is Frank.
{S4} The events of Vittorio Cappechi’s murder from Seamus’s point of view.
{S6} One of Amy’s therapy sessions with Marina following Nebet’s betrayal.
{S6} Sirius wonders why Orlando constantly ignores him, so he decides to ask. It doesn’t really go well.
{S6} Sequelfic(?) where Tony meets the player during S1 and tries to recall why they seem so familiar.
{S3} Baxter Fraser goes to therapy.
{S3} AU where Obaasan (IDK how to spell it, sorry) is found dead and Tsukada Hiroshi is alive because he killed her.
{S7} An apology note Dolores wrote to Gwen before her demise.
{S7} Inspired by @katrinahood , a crackshipfic between James Savage and Sam Ellis.
{S5} Crackshipfic between brunette bastard Louis Leroux and Joe Warren.
{S8} Jones and the player bond and catch up after 3 years.
{S8} Hugo Mercier giving love advice to Carrie.
{S5} Jones copes with Tony Marconi’s death.
{S8} Hugo and Jones bond over similar experiences.
{S5} [TW: Sewerslide] Gabriel and Jones talk after Jones’s attempt.
{S2} One of Jupiter’s letters to Russell, apologizing for being a shit dad.
{S5} Jones, Zoe, Alex and Cathy have a double date.
{S7} Larry Zarus goes on a car ride with his friend and business partner, Bernie. Next thing he knows, he’s waking up in a coffin. His own coffin.
{S4} Charlie reveals that he can’t slow dance for the life of him. Maddie decides to teach him.
{S2} [TW: Abuse] Frank confronts Miriam Young about her shit parenting.
{S2} [TW: Abuse] Duncan confronts his mother about her shit parenting. It goes as well as you’d expect.
{S2} [TW: Abuse and Death] The day the Young siblings’ father died was a hellish day indeed.
{S5} [TW: Underage Drug Use] Julian and Vicki smoke weed together and have a chat about life.
{S7} Dolores tries to figure out a way to apologize to Gwen.
{S7} Arthur Darkwood never really enjoyed the small things in life, and he never noticed until he spent time with the Supernatural Hunters.
{S5} Jones is lowkey kinda lonely, so Ramirez decides to set him up on a blind date to cheer him up. Unbeknownst to Ramirez, Jones’ blind date was one of his old college acquaintances — Zoe Kusama.
{S6} The “Altered Present” Arc, but Lars is in it for some reason.
{S7} Zander Stark and Danny Kwame were queerplatonic bros, change my mind— (I hc Zander as bisexual and Danny as omniromantic asexual)
{S8} Cody reminisces on his failed relationship with Eleanora.
{S8} Prequelfic where Jean-Phillipe slow dances with Marguerite.
{S5} After skipping the trial of Rosamund Wilcox, Julian runs into Chelsea Bloom and they have a chat.
{S7} Human AU where Arthur and Reggie decide to have some “brother bonding time”, so they go to a local art museum. Things don’t go well.
{S4} Seamus makes eye contact with Giulietta at Mr. Alastor’s party.
{S2} A series of noteworthy recorded conversations between Bobby Prince and his therapist over the span of a year.
{S3} 5 times Jonah tries to smile and the first time Marina makes him smile.
{S3} [TW: Kidnapping, Torture, and PTSD] Elliot claims that he’s moved on past the whole “Anbu Devanesan” thing. He has not.
{S6} Serap and Roxelana’s love story, starting from their first meet.
{S6} Noah Lowe gets some advice from Ian Devine about love and life and shit (also, Noah lives in this fanfic concept, because bro deserves better).
{S7} AU where Rathimael lives, Arthur lives, and they live a peaceful life together in a small lakeside cottage on the outskirts of Michigan.
{S2} “What happened to the Francis I loved and cared about deeply?!” “He’s dead, and I killed him a long time ago.”
{S2} Bobby Prince’s last thoughts were about the idyllic life he would live with Amy via the virtual reality. (This was inspired by Bojack Horseman btw) (No I do not like Bobby Prince)
{S5} [TW: Attempted Murder] AU where Zoe survives Louis’s attempt on her life.
{S3} [TW: Implied Abuse] Michelle Zuria’s traumatic childhood at the hands of her nanny.
{S5} [TW: Sewerslide] AU where Jones decides to go home after Leroux is arrested, and the player decides to accompany him. Possible alternate endings available.
{S7} Fabien de la Mort chills out and asks Gwen for advice on how to properly swoon a certain someone (*cough*, Luke Fernandez, *cough cough*)
{S7} [TW: Murder] Ruth Wu’s final moments were in utter agony. (Deserved tbh)
{S4} [TW: Murder] Elias Willingham pays local pimp Kristopher Bauer for information about his missing daughter. Like many moments in the Criminal Case universe, things do not end well.
{S7} AU where Arthur Darkwood survives the events of S7 and decides to join the Supernatural Hunters.
{S2} Anjulie Cruz breaks up with Bobby and remembers all the red flags he showed while they were dating.
{S1} AU for “The Rorscach Reaper” where Ramirez arrives just in time to arrest Tess — but too late to save the player.
{S5} Canon divergence after Zoe’s arrest when Jones confronts Marconi and breaks down. Marconi talks him out of doing anything foolish and the two of them just talk while lying down on the grass.
{S7} Arthur never really had a family (besides Reggie, but we don’t talk about Reggie) due to being a demon. One of the Supernatural Hunters (probably Hope Newman) makes an offhand comment about how he’s family to them. (Bro deserved better imo)
{S5} [TW: Attempted Murder] AU where Nathan manages to regain consciousness just before Kit pulls out the snake.
{S6} Series of transcripts from Marina’s therapy sessions with different Criminal Case characters, including Jack, Amy, Jones, Chief Arrow, and Arthur Darkwood.
{S5} Prequelfic where Joe Warren meets his new college roommate, Louis Leroux.
{S2} After the events of “Once Upon a Crime”, Frank decides to call his daughter to tell her what happened.
{S5} [TW: Sewerslide] Either Alex, Grace, or Ramirez get the call about Jones’ attempt on his own life.
(I’m perfectly fine with y’all using these, just please ask first and credit me!)
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 7 months
On Ace Awareness Week, from a formerly unaware ace
Since Ace Awareness week is drawing to a close I figured eh, why not share my perspective as someone who didn't know what asexuality was until I was 22 and why teaching kids about asexuality is fucking important.
This is basically a long winded personal story. Not the most profound thing, but eh. It's our week so why not? (Warning: Long)
I'm also bi/pan (I use both for reasons I won't get into here but if you're curious just ask I guess?) and while THAT did not exactly go smoothly and is still a sore spot between my mom and I, I will say that not knowing what asexuality was during hs and most of college caused me far more anguish than anything related to me liking girls. It was just largely invisible to others.
High school and college became very isolating times for me. For a lot of reasons but partially because of my asexuality. My peer group talked pretty openly about who was having sex and when, and for awhile me not feeling ready was fine, but after a time I had to just learn to keep that to myself.
Occasionally I did mention things like not feeling like I could have sex with someone after only three dates, or after only a month. (Since I didn't know what asexuality was I reasoned that I would get the urge eventually in the relationship, just not as soon as my peers seemed to.) By college this got some pretty hostile reactions from some people in my peer groups. Mostly from guys but certainly not EXCLUSIVELY from guys. (A lot of patriarchal bullshit of the mid 00's was mixed in for good measure, not purely acephobia.) I was called abusive and manipulative for "stringing guys along" and "making them pay for x amount of dates with nothing in return". (I was back in the closet during college and trying to gaslight myself into forgetting I'd dated a girl in hs but that's a whole nother thing.)
I would hope these are things most college kids today wouldn't say, both because of having healthier views on dating and at least knowing what asexuality is. It's also worth noting I had exactly one relationship during college and it only lasted six weeks. So no I was not leaving a trail of broken hearts and blue balls in my wake. I was also happy to pay for my own dates but the one guy I dated would get absolutely FURIOUS with me when I suggested doing so.
In fact after that one relationship (which was when I was 18) I pretty much decided to just give up on dating until I felt ready to have sex in a timely manner. Even after I found out what asexuality was I still kinda reasoned it as something I had to get over. I didn't really think I'd meet anyone else who was ace so I still reasoned that sex would just be something I'd have to learn to tolerate if I wanted a relationship. So for 7 years I didn't date or do anything romantic with anyone. An occasional crush maybe, but I generally got over them before I even thought to try to pursue something.
When I was 25 I met my partner, and after being online friends for awhile we became a couple. Neither of us knew THEY were also asexual, that was just a happy accident. Or maybe our hearts knew something our minds didn't. I don't know, but it sounds romantic, doesn't it?
But even after that, there was one final round of acephobia from one of my hs/college friends. (I am not friends with her anymore but her acephobia is actually not a huge factor in that.) It's worth noting my partner was male presenting at the time and had not yet started to question that, so for the first few years of our relationship they were my "boyfriend".
This friend of mine was skeptical that a young "man" such as my partner would truly tolerate a sexless relationship. I assured her that my partner was ace, like me. She said I should be prepared for them to change their mind. I said if they did, they did. We would probably have to break up.
Her conclusion was that it was extremely fucked up for me "dump a guy for WANTING to have sex with you".
But at this point I felt more equipped to call her on her bullshit than I'd felt in hs and college. At least internally...I didn't turn the conversation into a fight but sometimes I kinda wish I had.
It's gotten easier, and honestly part of that comes from people in their 30's just not talking about sex as much. So if you're a younger ace and still feel like people can't shut tf up about all their sexing...they will eventually. Or at least tone it down.
But still, I think I would have felt less alone and isolated if I'd realized I was just some lone, broken person unworthy of love just because sex terrifies me. There will always be some skepticism and pushback, but I would have had a word for myself. A way to explain how I feel and that I'm not the only one who feels like that. (Not that being the only person who feels a certain way means you're invalid, but it IS easier when you can point to some article and be like "Look, here's me and how I feel and the others who feel that way".) I would have had the words to explain my boundaries and limitations.
And I hope nobody else has to feel as alone as I did back then. So yeah. Teach kids about asexuality. Both to prevent them from feeling like I did, but also to prevent them from MAKING others feel like I did by acting like some of my more douchehat college friends.
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
Look, I know only like 5 people including myself care about Cara Dune The Character, but season 3 really missed a chance to give her a good character arc that could mirror a "redemption" arc for Din. (This assumes the show actually goes into that instead of solving it in two episodes.)
Cara may only be a secondary character but she's been one of the more significant ones, and she has had a lowkey character arc + character development each season.
Season 1: Drifter with no purpose/no longer caring finds something to stand for and rekindles her desire to fight the Imperials. She goes from an opponent to a trusted friend for Din. At the end she starts to set down roots on Nevarro.
Season 2: She's been actively helping clean up Nevarro and has found purpose in helping protect its people and continuing to fight Imps. She accepts a role of New Republic Marshal despite previously leaving the New Republic because she felt it "wasn't what she signed up for." She still prioritizes Din over her New Republic duties.
In season 3 we get the see the New Republic up close. Cara would've been the perfect character to see it through. She knew the Rebellion and fought for the same future as Luke, Han, and Leia. We could have seen Coruscant through her eyes, perhaps starting with her being honored for capturing Gideon. At first she sees the good intentions and glitter on top, but slowly the layers are peeled back. Perhaps she sees conflict in what to do about Gideon and is ignored when she says how dangerous he is. Maybe she mentions Nevarro, or the scattered Mandalorians, and is told "the Outer Rim isn't our business" and she questions why they're bothering to patrol it. She gets a medal for her actions but her input isn't valued by those in the Core Worlds. She starts to get disillusioned again - she has been "redeemed" in the eyes of the New Republic, but she sees the same things that caused her to leave ("protecting delegates, suppressing riots" instead of fighting the evil of the Empire and its ideals) creeping back and no one is listening to her try to help her friends back in the Outer Rim by offering the perspective of someone who's been there.
Cara potentially could've faced conflict if the New Republic went so far as to take up a position against the Mandalorians or she was required to go against her friend Din in this season or future ones. Maybe this once again leads to her striking off on her own - but this time she isn't a lone drifter but has a community to return to. Maybe Greef funds her own independent anti-Imperial militia based on Nevarro. Or, Cara becomes an ally working with the Mandalorians with Din vouching for her. This could also mirror an arc of Din learning to walk his own path, on his own terms, as a Mandalorian.
Perhaps Cara could even choose to become a Mandalorian herself, and finally finds peace in belonging in a new community in a way she hasn't experienced since she was on Alderaan with her own people. If the showrunners decide they have to have a romance, this would slot in a LOT more smoothly imo than "Bo and Din are allies using each other and things are tense whoops Bo's character suddenly got half-erased so we can pretend she was always straight heroic and now she and Din are friendsies." (Tbh my first choice is ace Din in canon, but I do like some Caradin and it's because they have a strong friendship.)
Anyway I'm really sad about Cara Dune being written out of the show because I think they could've done some really exciting things with the character. Cara Dune's song was not ready to be ended. Although season 3 in general makes me kinda glad she escaped.
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thecloudstan · 3 months
Yeah, I thought the entire time that it was AC Sephiroth in remake but that he was just using clones the entire time and not showing up physically until he literally rips through time itself. By the way, what did you think of the ending as a whole? And how they handled Aerith’s death? In my opinion there wasn’t any emotional impact for her death because the second she dies you just go into boss battle after boss battle and the time shenanigans happen, and you have no time to breathe and absorb it. The ending itself I found confusing, but I can’t say I completely hated it. I think all the time stuff is interesting and it makes me more invested in the third part because- presumably- that’s when all the questions get answered. Maybe that’s just because I never played the original though and wasn’t even a fan of FF7 until remake came out.
This is a very intriguing question, and as someone who has been playing this game since its 1997 release, I can only answer based on my experience. None of this is meant to sound unapproachable or anything...I just have an embarrassing amount of knowledge and attachment to this game and its characters...so...
I found how they handled Aerith's death to still be deeply stressful, emotional, and impactful. By that point, my husband and I had nearly convinced ourselves that they wouldn't go through with it. We expected her rescue, some sort of immediate fallout that would tie Zack in, and that the third game would be a sort of "World of Ruin" wherein the events have to be fixed and set right in order to stop Sephiroth. While Cloud DOES act, it doesn't result in her rescue in the way we anticipated. I'm actually really happy about this! Theorizing is fun, but I don't WANT to be right about everything. I'd like to be surprised.
In the original, Aerith dies, there's a VERY brief conversation between Sephiroth and Cloud, and you're immediately launched into a fight with Jenova. PROBABLY still crying your eyes out, because Aerith's theme is playing all the while, and just the juxtaposition of those two things was incredible. The party had just lost her and they're fighting for their lives. You, the player, have just lost her and now you're fighting, too. You don't have a choice. You don't get to rest. There is no respite.
Every step through the Forgotten City in Rebirth was nail biting, and her loss was still a tear jerker for me because the devs had thrown me enough off kilter that I kinda had no idea what to expect and had come to doubt my own predictions. Furthermore, it really did pull up a lot of latent emotion tied to this loss. It will always be deeply emotional for me with this game. In ways, I'm not even a good person to ask because I've been so intensely in love with them all for the past...27 years? I imagine the anticipation alone is giving old fans something to chew on that perhaps newer fans just can't relate to. I don't want to paint with too wide a brush. Everyone is different and I just have no other perspective than my own (admittedly very specific) experience.
I have no notes on the ending. I guess I'm actually really happy with it because a lot happened that I didn't expect and couldn't have predicted. I didn't approach it as something that needed to impress or regale me, rather I was curious what they would do and how I could immediately leap to interpret it. It was the same with the Remake ending. Everyone hated it and didn't understand it, but when the dust settled it became something to pick apart and theorize on. They gained my trust with Remake, so Rebirth to me is just a "sit back and enjoy" sort of experience. I also know what's happening because of my knowledge of the original. I know what's happening to Cloud, I understand Reunion, I know how some of these things come to their resolution in the third game (which is basically only the half way point of the original game). Of course, I'm sure they'll change it up because they've VERY MUCH been telling the same story by slightly different mechanisms, but I see the setups already in place in Rebirth.
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@heartstringsduet replied to your post “BOOYAH I mean, December was mainly short stories,...”:
woah impressive!! :D Which were your three favorites?
Michelle I have had this in my drafts since January 2nd. It's partially a straight up copy-paste from an ask I had a while ago, but I added some more thoughts.
I’m Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy; this book was a fucking ride and it deserves all the praises it got. Like, there is a backlash against autobiographies right now, or so it seems, about how it's just rich people writing stuff that will sell anyway, but Jennette can write. She initally wanted to be a writer, but her mum didn't want that, so her actually being an accomplished writer is also some form of sweet revenge, I guess. Jennette’s experiences are harrowing, but so… almost intruiging to read, since she wrote the story from her own perspective and it is also interesting how her perspective on her mother changes. The scene where she realises she’s been abused is extremely emotional, because her entire worldview has been shattered, but the road to recovery that follows is so worth it. I got it from the library, but bought it myself, because it is just so good. (Also, my mum got me this as a gift, and it is kinda funny that my mum bought a book called I'm Glad My Mom Died.) So yes, I totally recommend this book, but it's also not easy to read.
In the Lives of Puppets - TJ Klune; TJ Klune delivers once again, mom, holy FUCK, this was so good and touching and ace representation!!! It’s fun how much this book comments on humanity. Apparently, initially it was going to be a dark book, fueled by TJ’s resentment towards humanity, but he decided to focus on the beauty that humans can bring, instead of destruction. In this book, humanity is gone apart from the main character, and it’s a very interesting story about mind, consciousness and thought. It;s kinda funny, because I finished this book the week before we had a class on robot cognition and consciousness in a course about cognition philosophy and the philosophy of mind, and it's cool that this book doesn't take a typical approach you see in other sci-fi. I mean, it's still a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been eradicated by robots, but it's so much more interesting.
The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera; a surprise prequel that I didn’t know I needed till I read it, and it was also a fun way back to 2011. So it was also kind of nostalgic at points? It's funny to laugh about how Valentino is so advanced for having a smartphone, for example. The title is what it says on the tin, of course, but like with They Both Die at the End, I always say it’s about celebrating life, not lamenting death. Death will always be unfair, and this book is filled with it, but there’s also connection and life. I heard Adam is going to write another book in this series and this part only made me more excited for it. And once again, it has some great discussion points about deep subjects. I actually once used They Both Die at the End for a paper about death and technology.
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liria10 · 1 year
What would you consider some really good books/audios for Benny characterization?
Oh anon. I am sorry for the absolute *massive* wall I am about to write :3c
... under a read more because I take pity on my dash
Tbh, I haven't read all of her VNA outing so far, but out of the ones i've read, some that do a really good job at her characterisation are:
Love and War : It's her first outing after all, but she comes in the doctor's life as a fully realized person already, with a strong personality that shines so much, it's a really good one to kinda. Get her as a person, at least how she started. There's a reason she ended up such an iconic companion, and that book is part of it.
The Left-Handed Hummingbird : While not quite Benny centric, it really highlights all that she adds to the TARDIS team, and I think really showcases her ability to deal with both Ace and the doctor.
Theater of War : That one opens on Benny on a dig, and then things start to go wrong, which is like. Peak Benny stories tbh. It's a good one to see also how she interacts with the academic world, as well as her in the more physical, dirt up to her knees and trowel in her hands aspect of her job.
All-Consuming Fire : The entire second part of the book is written from her perspective, through her journal entries, and it does a really good job at capturing her voice, as well as showing how she as a human from the future adapts to more long term stays in the past.
Return of the Living Dad : That one is all about Benny, it does a great job at showing her familial issues, her starting to build a married life, her future prospect, how she'd regard being a mother... Really good character stuff throughout tbh?
The Dying Days : The last doctor-led VNA, and one where Benny is pretty much guiding everything throughout. it's both a celebration of her as a character, and of the entire range as it stood so far. Does a wonderful job at highlighting how well Benny does as a lead, she truly shines in it.
I'd say there's likely a lot more in the VNAs, but I've still got a lot to read there!
Ok so!!! Onto her solo NAs, which I have fully read! I've got Opinions :3c
Dragon's Wrath : Another strong one on Benny as an archeologist, and also showing how she fits (or more like, doesn't really fit) in as a teacher in an university. It's fun, it's well made, and it has some really good Benny stuff, especially with regards to her own perspective towards history, artifacts and learning. I wouldn't really recommend the audio version though, I feel it doesn't quite nail those elements the same way.
Beyond the Sun : I love how that one highlight Benny as teacher, how much she cares for the kids in her care, and how she does struggle a fair bit between that and her rather complex feelings towards Jason. It also features her writing her own code of ethics, and I feel it's worth checking out, both the book and audio version.
Down : A strange and wild one. Not the best Lawrence Miles book tbh, and with some of the issues to be found in many of his work, but it does a rather good job at also exploring the contradiction and hypocrisies of Bernice Surprise Summerfield. She's far from a perfect person, and she struggles with that knowledge.
The Medusa Effect : Benny and dealing with conspiracy and the fallout of the war with the daleks decades ago, something very personal for her. It's another good show too of what she is willing to do and accept, and what she isn't.
Tears of the Oracle : It does a good job at showing both Benny mourning Dellah and all she lost there, and her exploring and carrying on that legacy, through yet another archeological dig. Tbh, I just think that one is a very good book all in all, highly recommend on all aspect.
Ok, staying with the books!! Her Big Finish books start off strong, but frankly there's not really anything worth checking out post-collection era in terms of Benny characterization in the books.
The Doomsday's Manuscript : It's in the same vein as Theater of War and Dragon's Wrath, and I feel like reading it after those two also really shows her evolution as a character. it sets the tone for who Benny is in her Big Finish era as well.
The Squire's Crystal : A bodyswap story! And as such it also explores... what makes Benny well. Benny? What defines her as a person? Good stuff, lots of gender feels too, and Avril Fenman is here so like. A win for sure.
The Glass Prison : Not always an easy read, as it covers the birth of her son while she is locked up in a prison by a fascist empire, but Boi does it do some wonderful thing with Benny at her lowest & most doubtful. Some gruesome bit for sure tho.
Genius Loci : This one is about a younger Benny, barely in her 20s, not yet a professor, or even pretending to be one. We see an extremely raw Benny, and we also see the roots of who she will become. I love this book so much and I love how Aaronovitch writes Benny, and I'll forever be sad that the planned young Benny series by him didn't pan out, because he sure knows how to get her character right.
For the anthologies... A bit of a less complete list, because there's a Lot tbh
Nobody's Children : All three novellas are great and have got such good moment about Benny as a person tbh?
... Be Forgot (from the Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury anthology) : Benny in the aftermath of the Collection occupation, and just. it's a short one, and I think it's really worth reading!
Life During Wartime : Not all stories are Benny centric in that one, but I would recommend the entire anthology nonetheless. It has some of my favorite Benny moments, both in how she navigates resisiting the Axis and trying to survive and keep her son safe. Really, really good stuff, especially the story "Drinking with the Enemy"
Collected Works : A bit hit or miss, but Benny does shine a fair bit in it!
Present Danger: Not super Benny centric, but the stories she does get are frankly, very good!!
Now, onto her audios! There's going to be a bit less there, because tbh, I feel like prose is just a lot better to express her character.
Walking to Babylon, Birthright, Just War (also known as the time ring trilogy): While being adaptations, they take a lot of liberties, and overall create the first original narrative from Big Finish about Benny. It's quite good stuff, not always the easiest to listen to, but frankly, that's kinda par for the course with the Benny series
The Extinction Event : Mostly for her perspective on planetary destruction and artifact preservation, considering how recent losing Dellah is for her at that point.
Death and the Daleks : The climax of everything going on in Life during Wartime, and some good Benny moment in there. Good audio tbh!!
The Goddess Quandary : Benny and her best friend Keri, and their relationship is a bit explored in that one
Tub Full of Cats : Frankly one of the best outing for Benny on audio, I feel it highlights well the multifaceted aspect of her character. She makes some decisions in that one, that's for sure.
The Adventure of the Diogenes Damsel: Benny and Mycroft Holmes on the case! A fun one, good stuff too to contrast with All-Consuming Fire in terms of how she's grown since tbh.
Resurrecting the Past/ Escaping the Future : The climax of the entire single releases, a good double parter, and a good Benny story.
Aaaaand that's about it really!! A long, long list, so to thank all of you who bothered to read this far, have a picture of Benny:
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yes my cat is named Benny
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months
Tilting at Windmills
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🎶 "Such a fine and natural sight...everybody's dancing in the lab light." 🎶
It can't be the moon or Bonney would get worse, pay attention. This one's a trip. Because it's 95% of what I expected...then takes a wild last turn I'm still lost on. We fill in pretty much the stuff we kinda knew about Kuma. I like how Kizaru folds in and reinforces his maudlin attitude about his mission. The weight of self sacrifice is on display here and that is naturally something that's bled over from Wano. That concept of willingly giving up free will, individuality for another...you know what I'd say about that. But we're past the point it's worth the time to point out every example of that.
This chapter also takes us on a whirlwind tour of old faces and things that are reminiscent of our own experience with this story. Panel reminds you of the wolves on Upper Yard right? Very cool, it's like seeing a different angle of Luffy's journey which I'm big into. Since this appears to be going longer I hope we see Kuma watching the Moria fight from the sidelines. Speaking of...
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I love this panel of Moria and Perona. When we see so many cameos this time it doesn't feel right to say hey, look at them creeping back in, but it's a very cool panel of the pair to be sure. Warlord Jinbei & Miss Allsunday were excellent additions. What I do like is how it slips in Sabo/Ace in a way that'll subtly help out with putting this at the right point of the timeline. Like I said, a lot of this was just connecting dots we knew about it, it's cool but we sorta got what I was expecting? Most of the chapter was just that, then the last panel threw us a big curveball...
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Okay...we're not back to Egghead but this is 1000x weirder. No one saw this one coming. All of a sudden, Kuma's grand flashback just met the #1 most interesting character to cross paths with in a flashback. The fuck? This is such a wild proposition, if Ace is part of Whitebeard's crew Luffy is less than a year from setting out to sea. He cannot have a significant moment with Kuma directly. We smartly kept him unconscious during Thriller Bark yes but resolved that at Sabaody. That doesn't mean they can't interact. The tone of that or even if they never do but Kuma has say, some impact on Goa is a total toss-up and the answer can take the story so many ways. It also does not have to be a super big deal.
I'll say my first thought for sure. If we started this flashback with Ginny showcasing the role and end it with Kuma providing a vignette into the one core person Luffy has here, Makino, I'm gonna get very invested from a certain perspective. If he's in that stretch between Ace leaving and setting off himself, running down to Party's Bar frequently makes plenty of sense. Get what I'm saying? Luffy would never remember a big guy that stopped in for a drink one day when he went to go see her.
Like, if you wanted to drop the subtlety...have Kuma stop in and ask her for information. He comes in as Makino is being Makino, humoring Luffy and asking what kind of crew he wants when he sets off soon. To which Luffy rattles off nine ideas you recognize and caps it off by saying he wants someone like her to keep him in line. Maybe reinforce it with Kuma watching the Moria fight, chuckling about how he only needs two more. Show us the last notes of Bonney escaping and Kuma protecting the Sunny.
That's one way you could do it. Still do the same thing getting us back. Or maybe there's a whole fuckin untold story of Goa waiting in the wings that made Luffy the man he is. The playbook is straight out the window now and nothing makes sense anymore.
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thesilvercondor · 1 year
(Spoilers for Aim To Be A Pokemon Master Ep1 (JN137) below the cut)
ok so i am perpetually obsessed with Anabel and thus extremely biased but like. fun little conspiracy theory. Ash is actually developing Empathy (ability to sense pokemon's emotions, and use this for knockoff telepathy with them).
I have not seen past the first episode of this series, if there’s further evidence I might return to this theory but I kinda doubt there will be any lmao. Proceed beneath the readmore if you want to see my insane ramblings (1k words).
So, let’s look at this episode real quick, shall we? First major event- Ash accidentally attacks a Beedrill nesting site, potentially angering nearby Beedrill. And like, in the vast majority of Bulbapedia’s anime entries about wild Beedrill- those things get angry all the freaking time. I’ve already seen people down in the comments of this episode talking about how they didn’t think they’d seen a wild Beedrill be calm before.
However, Ash manages to calm it nearly instantaneously- which one other character has actually pulled off before- the only canon Empath, Anabel (S9 E24, ‘Talking A Good Game’).
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I just find it interesting that this scene was included in the episode, given that it has no obvious importance to the rest of the storyline, you know? Unless it was meant to draw parallels, between this episode and *checks notes* some obscure episode from the early 2000s that barely anyone remembers. *sweatdrops*
 Uhhh but anyway!- next major event in the episode- the token ‘Empath’ finds an extremely powerful Pokemon, who is openly hostile to them, but calms it down by helping to care for its wounds.
In JN137, this is Ash helping Latias with a (burn?) on its wing, while in S9E24, it’s Anabel pulling out a stick from a Gyarados’s injury.
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 Then, the third (and most major) event is the reveal of Empathy being used as Telepathy in a battle situation. This one uh. This one I have less evidence for, but we’re just going to pretend that Ash isn’t good enough at empathy yet for the parallels to be perfect, ok? Just to stoke my own ego.
Anyway- S9E24, Anabel first uses this with her ace, Alakazam. It’s characterized by her giving orders without talking- aka, though Alakazam can’t physically hear her, he can still hear her.
In JN137, Ash is captured by Team Rocket’s ‘Supercooled Capsule’. Here, Ash’s voice is extremely muffled- to the point that even Team Rocket (1-2m away from him) can’t hear him well. Meanwhile, Pikachu is uhhh 25-40m away? Down on the forest floor. (perspective is unhelpful, here’s the best screenshot I got).
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Anyway, while being extremely muffled and getting progressively further away, AND while having his back turned on Pikachu- Ash proceeds to practically whisper his command to Pikachu to aim a 10, 000 Volts at him. And Pikachu understands instantly. Like yeah, I get it, this is an anime, not everything is realistic- but doesn’t this feel at least a little sus to y’all?
(left: Ash’s whisper, right: Anabel’s Empathy)
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So yeah uh. I’ve yet to watch the other episodes of this anime. But if he gets overlaid on Pikachu at any point to give commands, then Imma 100% claim Empathy my dudes.
Especially since, the next RSE episode (S9E25, ‘Second Time’s The Charm’) is partially about Anabel trying to teach Ash Empathy- with the final line of the episode being her thinking- “I guess you can’t sense feelings yet, Ash […]”. Here, please just picture me pointing commandingly at the word ‘yet’. She reckons he had potential- and maybe that potential is finally coming true.
 Since we’re doing Anabel quotes right now, I’m going to throw another one at you- her response to being asked how she talks to Pokemon like that (aka while using Empathy):
“"I don't even really know how I do it. I guess its been happening ever since I was a little girl. I'd come to the forest and talk to everything. Trees, grass, the stars; and all the wild pokemon- and that's how it all started!" (S9E25)
So you know. She went into the forest. Not much of a goal. Interacted with literally everything she saw, without discrimination. Sounds kinda like the start of the episode; with Ash stopping to interact with every single wild Pokemon he sees. That’s how she developed Empathy- so maybe this is how he develops it too.
Like, this is Ash’s final series. Why start with him just wandering around looking at random mons, unless that act is something seriously important?
 Finally, just to add a bit more pizzazz; this episode is about Latias and Mew. (Oak’s poem at the start is something about if you want to make a lot of friends, you need to find 151- and 151 is Mew’s Pokedex number so. Yeah.) These two just so happen to be two of 9-12 ‘Empath Pokemon’ I have currently identified.
I’m counting Empath Pokemon as anything that has a Pokedex entry that mentions its ability to sense emotions (like Anabel does). Not just influence emotions (like Milotic), or get attracted by specific emotions (like Shuppet/Togetic/Blissey), but actively sense all emotions.
Latias’s Pokedex entry mentions that it “…is highly sensitive to the emotions of people.”
Meanwhile, Mew’s Pokedex entry mentions that it “…only appears to those with a pure heart.” (this is one of my ‘debateable’ Empath mons, as like. What is a pure heart exactly. I’m guessing it needs to be able to see all emotions in someone to decide whether their heart is pure or not, but I could be wrong.)
But yeah, if this series is about him trying to acquire two Empath Pokemon… it might also be about him trying to acquire Empathy itself.
 Anyway I’m gonna. I’m gonna watch the other episodes eventually. Not just yet, cos I wanna dream about a world in which this conspiracy theory is any way feasible-
  (oh yeah also before anyone asks. Anabel didn’t use an Empathy Pokemon in the anime, but in the games (Emerald and USUM) her ace is either Raikou or Latios, with the latter being another Empathy Pokemon- “…it can sense the emotions of others.”.)
(oh and full Empathy Pokemon list: Latias, Latios, Ralts, Indeedee, Hatterene, Sylveon, Audino, Solrock, Finizen. Bonus: Mew (how do you determine a ‘pure heart’), Mesprit (it created emotions so surely it can sense them?? But no pokedex entries on that) and Lucario (can sense emotions but through Aura not Empathy).)
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rozetheeuwu · 2 years
HI sorry idk if ur still wanting questions but i thoguht of another i rlly wanna know
What characters that didnt get any/very little interactions in game do you wish got to have some time together?
I'm not sure if you time together with the player or with other characters so I'm gonna do both. ;w;
Characters I wanted to have more time in general:
Would've loved to see more of them and learn more about them and their past. We mainly see Blake's childhood from Cal's perspective and what we do learn from Blake is that their father was abusive. I would've loved to see how it was like for him and how he felt more in detail. I also wish there was more than 1 post game quest with him. Don't get me wrong I loved the quest with him and Cal finally just talking about what happened and getting a fresh start, but it would've been fun to hang out with just him some more.
Also really wanted to see more of him in the future >:( Give me (Slightly) mellowed out Blake!
Same pretty much goes for Zero and El. Fuck, both only got a sidequest that's optional depending on the choices you make in game. I pretty much never actually got the Zero sidequest on my own (A friend lend me their savefile to check it out though!) Did you know he got an Articuno just for Lumi? That's so sweet!
We do get an amazing lore from El in the reshiram route, but still kinda sad that we didn't get more.
We did see quite a bit of Ace, but they disappeared after the sewers and wasn't seen again until late postgame!
I wanted to interact with them more and see more of them!
All we know from Sirius's past is told to us by other characters/diaries. And that's not much. Wish we could've seen a bit of him during the celebi or Dialga/Palkia sidequest or something.
Sigmund: We did get a lot of info on him during the Jirachi quest but we didn't get to interact with him at all after the events in Tanzan.
I mean, we can get friendship points with the man, just for him to die no matter what you do.
I wanted him to pay for his actions and see his mistakes during postgame. I wanted him to realize what he did to Saphira, her sisters and the other kids was abusive and that he apologized for it or something.
It just feels... Sad and empty now.
Character interactions with each other I wanted to see:
Cal and Blake:
I know pretty much most of Blake's encounters involves Cal but I just wanted to see them be brother's again working on their relationship, ya know? Or at least a scene in the future where they're close again...
Blake and Heather:
We did see them together in Blake's character ending, but since that's optional I'm putting it here anyway. Would've at least wanted to see one more interaction.
Radomus and El:
Haha, funny old men go bickering.
Titania and Shelly:
I love them so much, I want to see them talking about books or something.
Serra and Shelly:
Same reason as above, but less excited about that.
The rivals:
The shenanigans... We could've had them in a postgame quest where you had to chase a legendary trio or something.
Would've been so funny!
Noel and Shelly:
Idk, they're friends but we never get to see them interact much!! I want to see their friendship!
Zero with any of the fellow (ex) team meteor members:
Would've been so fun to see him be awkward as shit around them
Like they don't know him as his own person, they know him as ZEL
Elias and Taka:
Gimme it, they should talk about Solaris and the past or something idk!!! Let Taka and his other dad El talk!!
Elias and Terra:
Purely because of the future scene.
Ace and Ciel:
This should speak for itself. I need this.
Samson and literally anyone:
Unlike Terra and Ciel he pretty much knows no one there as much as he knows them. Let him and Victoria arm wrestle. Let him and Blake take shots. Let him carry Shelly, Heather, Noel and Anna at the same time.
There's probably a lot more that I can't think of right now, but yeah.
Hope I answered your question properly sdkgjdkflg
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moontheoretist · 2 years
Sebastian: It's our duty to tell the templars.
Fenris: Then why haven't you done it?
Sebastian: I guess I was hoping they'd come to it on their own.
Fenris: And then you wouldn't have to betray Hawke's friends, right?
Sebastian: That's not reason enough to allow a maleficar to walk free.
(If Anders is in the party)
Anders: You think the templars don't know I'm here? They just haven't caught me yet.
(If Merrill is in the party)
Merrill: Are you talking about me?
Sebastian: Which of us should do it? Shall we draw lots?
Fenris: Uh-uh. You want to turn them in, you work it out with Hawke.
This is one of those OOC quotes on par with Anders feeling ok with giving Fenris to Danarius and Fenris selling Feynriel to the Sloth Demon. It doesn’t make sense, because I don’t believe that Sebastian really hated Anders that much. And this quote applies to Merrill as well, with whom Sebastian is friendly. It literally doesn’t fit anything about Sebastian, his arc, or his version of belief in the Chantry as he speaks against the Chantry numerous times, while still staying faithful to it at the same time. This quote is even worse if you were playing as a mage or romanced him as a mage. I am happy that I never got this banter during my first playthrough, because it would sour all the romantic experience I had with him. And I had very good romantic experience with him. I romanced him as a friend and I adored everything about his romance, maybe except the fact we were denied any non-sexual intimacy like kissing and hugging. This romance would feel more ace to me if it was allowing at least that, but overall I really enjoyed it. I was in my "still religiously indoctrinated to some extent" state, when I knew I was queer but were still acting and behaving as a straight person, so his religious preaching didn't bother me. It started bothering me way later when I finally rejected all the religious bullshit I was fed in my life and finally acknowledged my queerness fully, because to me Sebastian is just like me. He is a queer man, given to the Chantry, raised by it and due to that trapped in a religious system that limits his self-expression, and I really want him to be free. Nowadays, it bothers me when he preaches the Chantry doctrine, because it is too close to home with all the brainwashing I underwent in my very religious family. He reminds me of me, and it is kinda approaching the triggering trauma territory. I still like him very much, I just cannot ignore what he is saying anymore, because I had a person in my life who used the exact same religious reasoning as him to abuse me. So to me, he is abused by the Chantry, but he doesn’t see it yet, just like I didn’t see that I was abused before, and he in consequence continues to preach their doctrine in his own unique way, without realizing how damaging that can be as well. Anyway, coming back to the topic of this specific quote about “giving apostates to the Templars”. This banter also drives the point home that some of them really need either rewriting to fit the characters motivations or Hawke's direct intervention, because the things those characters can say to each other at times need either scolding or outside perspective why what they said is cruel or callous or dangerous. I already can see my first female mage Hawke turning back and looking at him as if he just said that we are going to go to the Alienage and murder all the elven kids. She would feel so conflicted, because she loves him, but he just said something that literally sounded like “I would put you all in gulag”. She was the Blue Hawke 100%, so she was only crass with Carver and I believe that this quote may have made her react in the same way she did to her brother’s more cruel and callous quotes. She would challenge him on what he just said, and depending on where Sebastian is in his religious indoctrination, he would either concede the point and realize what he said was wrong, or double down on it. I can actually imagine him to do the former, because he was open to criticizing the Chantry. If he knew all the shitty things that Circle did, maybe he would not think giving apostates to the Templars is a good idea or his religious duty as a citizen anymore. Hell, even Fenris is not into the idea in this specific banter. He specifically tells him to take it up with Hawke. He doesn’t agree to it, he doesn’t want any part in it. He may dislike Anders or Merrill on the principle of being mages, but he would not do such a thing, and I believe Sebastian would not either if he realized what that actually means, that it is not a lawful thing to do. How cruel that would be and how awfully it could end for all the apostates in the party, including mage Hawke if you played as such.
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touristbree · 1 year
🏜️Carrie Sonoran🏜️
Meet Carrie Sonoran, or Backpacker Carrie, she travels the world and has a blog called “Gym Critics” where she talks about gyms from the perspectives of a challenger, a viewer in person, and a viewer on tv. She was born in Orre to a well-off family… but when she was an adult and said she wanted to explore the world, they kicked her out and cut her off.
She now wanders the world, living off money made from Pokémon battles, and staying at a cheap hotel once a month.
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She becomes Geeta’s girlfriend at some point (still working out specifics lol), she helps Geeta talk to the gym leaders about why they hate her (in disguise ofc). She helps her explore Paldea again after being blinded by all the work she had to do to become chairwoman and champion.
Carrie is Saguaro’s cousin and Poppy’s aunt, I hc Saguaro is Poppy’s dad. Saguaro let’s her stay with him when she’s in Paldea and he tried to help her however he can. Poppy thinks Carrie is super cool and is always happy when Auntie Carrie comes over.
(Note: I know nothing about competitive battling and this team is literally all she had to make money)
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Torterra is her ace and the Pokémon that inspired her to start battling. When she doesn’t have a hotel, she spends the night under his tree.
Not much to say about Camerupt and Golurk yet. Maybe she makes her own pokeballs?
Great Tusk was kinda just given to her, I need to work on specifics but in my world, sometime after the SV Area Zero trip, some Paradox Pokémon escape and Nalo, Arven, Nemona, Penny, and the Team Star gang make it their job to catch’em all and give them a home… yes this is the Lilo and Stitch TV show… and yeah she’s like- “Cool, I’ll take this big guy off your hands”.
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oraclekleo · 21 hours
Hi! Thank you for the reading! The reading was surprising, it's the first time I didn't resonate with your reading 🙏🏻 I guess i don't vibe with the runic deck, cause usually your reading is ALWAYS scarily spot on!
As a return i did yours <3
(Bear in mind I'm still a beginner, please feel free to add your own interpretation of the cards)
What kind of dom would be best for Kleo?
Kleo you got 7 of swords, Ace of Cups, Strength and lastly for fun i drew another one for you and got the Moon.
So a dom who's clever, a bit playful, and wow intellectual stimulation is very apparent in your reading! Also someone who's creative OR encourage you to be one, as well as compassionate and with the strength card someone who's, well, strong lol
It seems like the cards suggest that in order for you to have a successful dynamic with your dom, they need to be both physically and mentally strong, and someone who can teach you new things/guide you in bed is your ideal dom <3
Please lmk if you have your own interpretation of the cards, i was a bit confused on how to incorporate the moon for this type of reading 🫠
Ps. I used standard rider waite deck
Thank you so much for the feedback and you know I get it! I can't hit the bull's eye every time. It's good for me to know that this one didn't resonate and I will work on it and hopefully deliver a better reading next time 😁
You know... The Runic deck has certain issues with people. An example: My sister isn't a tarot reader but when she visits me she sometimes wants me to do a reading for her and I let her pick the cards because she says that some cards actully emit warmth and she can feel it with her fingers. I personally feel nothing like that but I know some readers do. So! Normally my sister feels like some cards are warmer but with this Runic deck, she says that the entire deck even with the box feels cold... like nearly freezing to her. And it's like the only deck in my entire collection (which is pretty big) that gives her the chills. 😂 So, clearly there is something shifty about the deck. Though personally I never had issues with it and it felt really good in my hands since the very start. However, clearly it doesn't work with some people and those people are you and my sister for now 😂
And now to the fun part!
I actually love interpretation and it sounds kinda accurate. I mean, you know I'm not really the type to actually fall in love with anyone but if it had to happen, the person discribed would be agreeable for me. I mean... physical strength might be necessary because how could I respect someone who wouldn't be able to open a pickle jar... and I admit that sometimes I think someone should like... overpower me physically when I'm messing up because sometimes just telling me isn't gonna stop me and you know... when people tell me don't do this... it makes me want to do it more and I did make mistakes due to this attitude and I wish there was someone who would just physically stopped me from making these mistakes at that times. 😂 I'm probably not making much sense right now.
I mean... with the 7 of Swords... Not only clever but I would even go as far as calling them cunning and sharp. You know I like to have a challenging opponent in a discussion and I think I could actually admire if someone was able to somewhat beat me or trick me in a battle of wits. That would be very impressive. Like completely dismantling one of my opinions or beliefs for which I think I have good reasoning and they would just shatter it all and showed me a completely different perspective. I would love to meet someone like that, sadly never did so far.
And yeah! You know it! I love to learn new things. Any type of thing! And... from experience I know that I'm actually kinda happy when I learn under certain pressure... Like... When my 'teacher' is impatiant or just throws me into the new environment and just guides me on the run... that's when I learn really fast and effectively. In this context... I'm not sure if I would appreciate to be tossed on the bed and manhandled and given instructions mid-action... kinda sounds a bit overwhelming but... You never know... It could feel similar to my work related experiences and maybe I would actually be thrilled in that situation. 😂 I don't know. Never happened to me. But the physical strength would come in handy in this case, too 🤣
The Moon card in the reading... Couldn't it perhaps refer to the fact that this is just my fantasy and it will never be a real thing? Just a dream weaven of shimmery moonlight and cool wind whispers? 😂
In general, I agree with your interpretation. I think you did well here and it looks like this type of reading suits you. 😂 Wanna also tell me how I would tame my bratty sub? That was the previous challenge. 😂 You don't have to. Only if you were personally interested or wanted to practice. It's really completely voluntary. 😉
Thank you so much for this reading. It was so fun. I really think you did well here and I strongly encourage you to keep going with tarot, don't be afraid to trust your intuition. It won't be spot on 100% times, as you can see with me 😂, but it only makes it the more interesting experience.
I'm sorry for this super long response.
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parablr · 1 month
I'll just be down below here venting and musing and such
you know, as much as I'm a "go with the flow" sort of person, it's hard to think of life continuing amidst so many hardships on top of hardships
like, it will, and I will, but fuck man, I lost my only 2 best friends (who had also been my 2 longest relationships) I still had in my life in the past 2 years, along with any social stability I had through those friends, and now I lost my dad too (and my uncle, not as impactful but it doesn't help)??
I'm just so very very tired and overwhelmed and helpless it's like, how do I begin to crawl back from all this?
I did a tarot reading yesterday, and that sure was interesting
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I don't hold tarot in any higher regard than astrology and such, but it helps put things into perspective for sure
my read: at my core I feel raw after giving and trying and hanging on only to receive nothing in return (8 of hearts), but I know there is love and warmth around me (the sun)...it's just not feeling accessible, and maybe some of that is because I'm so lost in the seemingly endless nightmare that is grief that I can't rationalize that love and warmth into something accessible (king of swords)
so, my fate rests on my ability to see my own worth and value and to stay hopeful (the star)
not far behind me is a dreadful feeling of suspense as I tried to hold onto what felt like the last thread of security and certainty and warmth I had in my life (the hanged man)
I so deeply want to feel certain again, to feel oriented, to feel like I have attainable and rewarding goals (ace of swords), so where do I go from here? I'm entering a period of celebration (my dad's service, which was today, and my partner's get-together for beltane and her vow renewal anniversary with her husband) and hopefully the connection I feel there can help (3 of hearts)
at my core, I'm full of so much love just aching to be let out like a freaking laser beam (ace of hearts), but that love is challenged by indecision, and that's what comes across to others (the lovers), and man...even in distancing further and further the indecision and desire feels no less debilitating
my fear? independence, security, and success (9 of pentacles fuck me), the same things I want, which is so typical of me and any traumatized motherfucker out there since we do take comfort in misery
the final outcome (princess of swords) is an interesting one, but I interpret it to mean I'll ultimately be in a place socially where I see value in the ideas and opinions I want to share with others, and, well, share them
so yeah, shit has been rough, I don't see my partner or even my roommate enough to feel like I'm nurturing my inner people-person, and I get that you're supposed to feel good with yourself by yourself, but tbh I kinda do and have? not saying I hold myself in high-regard but I can appreciate my own company
anyway, I should be asleep by now since it's been such a long day (the service went well, and I played my guitar and sang at the service and everyone said I was great so I'm trying to tell myself they genuinely feel that way and aren't just pitying me lmao), and I'm fortunate to get 3 bereavement days from work so I still have 1 more to go, so I guess I'll be over here being a cool and cute and funny guy if anyone wants to talk or kiss or something
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