chikagestits · 6 months
hi hi, i'm really new to A3! (only been playing since September) and i still don't know how to grind for events effectively. do you have any tips?
The best advice I can give is participate in every event and try to reach tier 5 or higher so you can stack up your card list with SSRs! It’s really hard to do events when you constantly have to use 4-5sp for everything. As a beginner the best way to start out your card list is pulling for the gacha because the gacha card bonuses really help with climbing high too.
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The purple icon tells you if you get extra points from that card. (This only shows up on your show teams not your practice teams) And the amount of extra rank points you get depend on the grade of the card (SSR, SR, R) (Ns do not give any extra points) and how many times you’ve bloomed the card (up to two). And yes you can throw all your gacha cards into a team.
You need a variety of cards with the different attributes (CO, AC, DR) because you can use link skills. The link sends you to the whole list of link skills and even the optimized teams you need for whatever attribute team you need for a specific character. Though the problem with using gacha cards is that it could potentially not let you use the optimal link skills for teams, BUT it could still let you reach the point amount since gacha cards also give bonus points to it.
Also when setting up your CO team try to make every card CO and so on!
I could make this so much longer but I feel like these are the basics and it’s possible I may have missed something, but I’ll add on if I remember later!
And I’m really glad you’ve started playing, a3 is really good!
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mit0bee · 1 month
hello!! I've read some of your works, and I just want to say that I LOVE THEM SOO MUCHHDBRJFH and, may I request Malleus, Vil, and Rook with Lily of the valley? Thank you!! 💞
AHHHHHHAIOFHAWOIFH TYSM!! I totally didnt get to this like 5 months later i swear
Meloras Bouquet
Stuff you should read: Vil's might be a little OOC oopsies, Established relationship (Vil, Leona) old post!!!
Characters: Malleus Draconia, Vil Schnoenheit
Lily of the Valley - Napping together
It wasn't supposed to happen but a little midnight stroll with him ended up becoming a “hey wanna come over to ramshackle for a slumber party”
and ofc he said yes he would bend over backwards for you
So cue to the walk to ramshackle (or to the mirror thingies?) and he is so excited. if he had a tail it would be wagging
Once you get there, he's practically beaming with excitement
He wants to be elegant about it though so he's being chill (trying to)
Originally, he was supposed to sleep in his own bed, the slumber party went into the late hours of the night, and you fell asleep.
On his shoulder. while watching like. harry potter or something
He was ranting about the gargoyles and how accurate they were, and you hit the snooze button on accident
He didn't even notice until you were already far too gone on his shoulder
He decided to carry you to your bed from the living room, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead like Lilia did with him when he was young
“Goodnight, Child of Man. Sweet Dreams.”
If you either wake up and pull him into bed, or find him on the couch at midnight and invite him into your bed, he'll accept with obvious, not very hidden excitement.
After hanging out with Epel for the majority of the afternoon in the botanical gardens, all you wanted was to visit your dear boyfriend, Vil
But you forgot to acknowledge the dirt staining your face and clothes from your adventures, so when you came into Vil's room, not only were you staining his carpet, but you also looked like a zombie!
Whatever he was doing before, you now had his full attention. He wasn't afraid to get his hands a little dirty.
So now hes helping you wipe your face off, letting you use his shower, putting on a protective face mask to defend against major acne from all the dirt.
He gave you one of his very few well-worn hoodies (he has like. 2 that are well worn.) and a pair of his pyjama pants while he takes your dirty clothes to the washer a few doors down.
Little did he know, when you take your s/o, surround them in you, and then leave them in your room for even a few minutes after a labour-filled day? you get an s/o snoozing on your bed, curled up in your blankets.
He was a little surprised to come back to that, but all in all quite flattered that you felt so comfortable
He checked the time (sleeping too much could cause coarse skin! or something) and once he confirmed it was a proper time to go to bed, he quickly got under the covers with you, his hands finding purchase on your waist.
That was probably one of the quickest times he's fallen asleep
This has been ROTTING in my drafts for months and I probably wont finish it so here you go 😭
@mit0bee 's work, please do not steal!
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002yb · 6 months
Blanket apology on the lateness to all of these replies.  ┬┴┬┴┤・ω・)ノ
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Head bonks when they’re brushing their teeth over one sink
A persisting argument of Dick wanting to save any stray bugs that make their way into their apartment while Jason wants to eradicate them (because Dick thinks they’re neat, but Jason associates them to an unkept home)
They don’t own a mop, so they make a conga line where Jason shuffles through with a wet towel and Dick shuffles through with a dry towel behind him
Dick coming home with groceries, only for the both of them to go back out again because he forgot the top thing on the list; it happens consistently and Jason has an inkling Dick does it on purpose (he does)
Whipping each other with towels and vaulting over furniture to escape impending doom
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Tucked away in this ask, only I’m not sure what else to add hahaha.
Just Jason consciously falling in love with Dick over a series of mundane moments
So he associates all these little things with Dick in that way young lovers do
A certain route they patrolled, the flickering of a neon sign, the wind pulling through their hair as they sat up high on a skyscraper.  The pounding of his heartbeat as they chased each other, the sweltering heat of a humid day or the smell of a coffee – warm where Dick pressed it to Jason’s cheek and warm throughout his body when Jason sipped at it and let it chase away all the fatigue.  Dawn on the horizon with Dick at Jason’s window - lingering just a moment longer.
Jason being very aware of how smitten he is and doing nothing about it.  Just basking in the present moments as they come and being content in their afterglow.
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This is perfection.  No notes.  Superb.
Uaaaaaahhhhhhhh an art like this must exist, right?  It’s too good not to!!  Damian being ornery with Dick in this sort of capacity (with them both fawning over Jason) is probably my most favorite dc fanon thing hahaha.  Thank you for the visual of this, anon!
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Hahaha, how Dick keeps his degeneracy under wraps is beyond Jason, truly.  Truth be told though, it stops being discreet because Jason’s reactions to all of Dick’s dirty talk is so obvious.  That’s okay though because Dick doesn’t mind.  Even if he goes down, Jason goes with him; they’re partners in life and in their perverse ways.  An accusation Jason adamantly refuses because they are not the same; no way!
To which Dick will roll his eyes but it’s whatever.  Denial is the first step to acceptance.  That besides, it’s not like Jason isn’t the one pulling Dick aside or beckoning him someplace private after Dick drops those suggestions. ;)
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Hahaha, the perpetually single ones for sure.  But I think those who are in committed relationships would be overwhelmingly fond and nostalgic.  Seeing dickjay’s young love, so new and sweet and exciting, would remind them of back when they were first falling in love.  And it’d maybe spark some rekindled romance in their own relationships as they reminisce.
Meanwhile dickjay admiring those who have been in relationships longer because they’re comfortable and settled and really?  They can’t wait to be there, but for now Dick and Jason just enjoy each other day by day. //u///
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There’s a story sitting in my drafts that covers this.  It’s been done for months but tbh having to tag on ao3 is such a daunting thing.  I’ll try to get this posted for you soon, anon.
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This exchange is the closest to eldritch!Dick as I can imagine.
Will-o-Wisp!Dick lives in my head rent free and it’s the closest I think I can get to something eldritch (because I’m dumb I don’t actually get what it’s supposed to be LOL).  Or something akin to a will-o-wisp.  With Dick being able to twist his voice and image to lure people into the bog that is Gotham’s bowels.  He usually makes himself known as a robin chirping in the night; a warning song.
Other times he’ll appear as a child, dashing through shadows with laughter echoing through alleys.  A beautiful boy that lures criminals away from the main streets and any lingering lights, or guides innocents someplace safer.
And then there’s Dick Grayson, grown and bewitching with the mirthful light in his eyes and a wicked smile; bared teeth and a jaw that might be too sharp.
Dick becoming an urban legend in his own right.  Where he’s ‘passive,’ only not really.  He guides people through Gotham and depending on the situation, Dick will bring them home.  Or he’ll walk them off a building’s ledge, into oncoming traffic, or for those most wicked – infront of the muzzle of Red Hood’s gun.
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This post.
Ahahahaha, thank you so much!  Jason getting all flustered after being exposed (by himself, no less) is so charming.  For as much as I love maiden!Jason, he’s probably a bit of a freak ngl.  Like Jason probably kink shames himself after bringing up something he’d like to try with Dick and Dick sputters because the depravity is !!!
Just Jason basing the validity of some of his kinks on Dick’s reaction to them because Dick is the most depraved man he knows.
Of course even when Jason catches Dick off guard (surprisingly often), Dick gets on board real quick.
But yeah, without fail I think it’s always Jason that exposes his own kinks.  And he’s not casual about it at all once he realizes and that exposes himself further and it’s the most vicious of cycles, hahaha.
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In reply to this ask.
Tbh, no change LOL.  Dick’s domesticity kink and how he reacts to Jason being domestic transcends time and circumstance.  So, basically:  Simp King!Dick Grayson.  Who is genuinely turned on by stupid, mundane domestic things but who also plays up his reactions because it makes Jason laugh and fluster and Dick loves to see that.
The visual of Dick being taken out at the knees or falling into the wall for support or just keeling over a bit while biting his sleeve because Jason is cooking/cleaning/doing laundry is just so silly hahaha.  Or even Dick just being all sparkly and flowery because yeah, check out his boyfriend (only don’t, thanks) being so sweet and caring and wonderful.  //U////
But also the heated moments because of course.  Where Dick:
Hooks his chin over Jason’s shoulder as Jason cooks something over the stove.  Hands on Jason’s hips and peppering kisses just below Jason’s ear (and in abo setting getting a little high off of Jason’s scent because nothing is more tantalizing than that).  And Jason tries to turn around so that they can fool around a bit, but Dick is all, ‘nope, keep cooking //W////’ and proceeds to just shower Jason in some heavy petting
Oh.  Basically the above, but Jason is washing dishes.  And Dick manages to make Jason come with only the graze of Dick’s teeth at his nape and some dirty promises
Dick pushing Jason back onto a pile of unfolded laundry and having his way with him right there.  ANd Jason loves it in the moment, caught between still hot clothes and Dick burning above him.  Up until they get off and Jason realizes he has to redo laundry.  Again.
It’s cool though.  Dick joins him and they fuck again with Jason bent over the wash, detergent spilling everwhere.
Omg they’re fooling around as the washer is going only to have it flood with suds because they accidentally spilled in too much detergent ahhhahaha
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Honestly torn between Damian wholeheartedly believing possessiveness = protectiveness, or whether he's aware of the difference but was impacted by losing Jason (when Jason left the League) and that loss fucked him up in a way that makes him believe that to keep someone close, you've got to own them. 🤔
Either way, Damian rates Dick low because there's always room for improvement.  There's potential, surely, but generally Dick is too nice.
As for something that constitutes Dick being bumped up to a 10?  Ahahaha, Vampire King!Dick turning Jason and making him his vampire queen and doing so in a way where Jason can only feed on Dick to survive.  And when Jason tries a hunger strike, Dick retaliates by starving Damian somehow.  It's an inconceivable thought if only because Dick is so soft on him, but it would prove very telling.
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Hello, hello~ I’m getting by alright.  Sorry that I’ve not been posting much though!  And that it took so long to reply to this ask. ;3;
But yeah, Talia and Jason.  Because I’m a sucker for Jason whump forever and always, I’m partial to a relationship where Talia only cares for Jason because of his relationship with Bruce.  So there’s no love or genuine affection there for Jason as an individual, just as a convenient means of achieving a faroff goal.  Where Jason is, once again, collateral damage.
That’s a disservice to Talia though so like, reserved mother figure or just a lady who is fond of the nanny/bodyguard she found for her son is cool, too!
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Thank you for reading so many of my posts!  It makes me happy that you enjoyed enough to read more. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
Jason winning over the hearts of all the shop employees because despite his intimidating stature, Jason is a timid maiden as he wanders the shop.  His gaze keeps wandering to the delicate lingerie and corsets, but Jason’s convinced it’d be dumb on him because he’s not exactly dainty
Queue encouraging salespeople and clientele and Jason being so flushed that everyone falls in love with him
Also everyone being like, hot damn, because that bust to waist ratio?  Sinful.  Who’s the lucky guy that landed him?
It’s the atmosphere of the place that gets Jason sharing a picture of Dick and oh boy does Jason preen as everyone admires his boyfriend.
Just Jason having a good time despite the initial (and persisting because he’s a maiden) embarrassment lol.
And then he gets home and omgggggg Dick
Dick sneaks in and catches Jason trying to lace up the corset on his own and Dick is such a goner because hot damn hot damn he’s fainting don’t call for help though, just cushion his fall with those bolstered tits; let Dick catch himself with hands braced on that cinched waist fuuuuuuuuuu–
For real, Dick is just so delighted because Jason is so gorgeous (and cute and sweet, because of course he flusters and tries to explain everything away, but Dick isn’t a fool; he’s fully encouraging and supportive)
Then it’s just Dick pulling the corset tight for Jason
And marveling at the way he pulls Jason’s breath from him
Looking over Jason’s shoulder to watch Jason watching himself in the mirror
Then running his hands over Jason so that he can watch through the mirror
And when their eyes catch Jason is blushing red and the corset already has him short of breath, but seeing Dick’s heated gaze has him feeling faint–
Then Jason wakes up and Dick is all sheepish because he might have pulled the corset too tight, whoops; they were both a little overzealous
Dick wanting to go with Jason the next time he goes shopping.  He wants to pick something for him, too ;)
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This ask.
Bahaha for comedy the baby is absolutely Clark and Jason's. Logic be damned, Bruce would be positively teeming with rage directed solely at his 'partner,' his 'better half,' his 'we're divorced now' bestie and just. One would think Superman went and impregnated Bruce's babygirl as opposed to the cloning that actually happened.
But yes, basically Bruce being mad because:
Clark 'knocked up' Bruce's darling babygirl
Clark is the father
The baby isn't Bruce's
Poor Clark can't catch a break, either, because Dick? He is his adoptive daddy's son through and through and is also teeming with rage directed solely at his 'hero,' his 'most revered mentor,' his 'i'm disowning myself now' second father figure because like. Really?? Dick just bought a ring?? ('But you haven't had your first date yet?' Clark would note, to which Dick would bristle because, 'It's serious-- ;n;').
Let's not forget Damian 'brocon' Al Ghul-Wayne, either. Because ahahaha. Even while Jon is dropping the biggest hints about being disappointed and wanting to start a family with Damian, Damian is zeroed in on Jon's dad because Clark and Jason? Absolutely not. As you might guess, Damian is teeming ahahaha. Because to him, Jason is simultaneously mother and babygirl. In that same vein, Damian's place as t h e b a b y in Jason's life has been stolen from him and he's distraught.
Meanwhile Tim is with Kon and they're just like, PHEW. Thank fuck. But then just a few seconds later they're fooling around because, 'no clones here; I'll put a baby in you myself,' and 'yeah? go ahead and try. ;)'
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little lestappen drabble
Hii, so I usually don't post on here, but you know it, it's winter break and the brain rot is brain rotting, so I've started to write a drabble. It's inspired by some of my favorite moments of Charles and Max that can't seem to leave my mind. This is nowhere near anything but a draft, though I thought some of you might enjoy this. Please be so kind and let me know if you like it or what could be improved. Also if anyone has any ideas where this could go plot-wise hmu, because I suck at drawing up plots beforehand. Have a great day/night wherever you are. L <3
The sun peaks right through the tips of his hair. Strands flying, highlights glistening in the golden light. One last lap they said, one more push, till he got to feel the light of the setting sun blind his eyes. He's in Texas, finished his quail lap, scrambled out of the car, and all he searched for was the blue of his eyes.
Like ocean, like storm. Crashing on a shore, there will always be a twist in Charles gut when Max meets his eyes. Inevitably drawn to each other, dancing around each other, desire mistaken for distaste. Green clashing into blue, in a haze of moments Charles is being ripped right out of the calming sun. Media Duty, take pictures, smile, be nice and orderly. Most importantly, get along. Get along with Max. These are direct orders because everyone seems to think they hate each other. Charles thinks they may did once upon a time. Now he’s not quite sure what to make of it all. ____________________________________________________ “Charlie I’ve got some space for you” the words echo in Charles' head, did Max just call him Charlie, normally only Alex or maybe Lando does so rarely. Why in the world of why's does it make feel Charlie all giddy? What does Max think that he's allowed to call him Charlie? Isn’t that reserved for his closer friends? Does Max think they are friends? Sure, he's been acting as such ever since Austin, but what exactly changed? Why aren’t the forcibly nice, why does it seem like Max enjoys his company more than he used to?  And why does he immediately comply and squeeze through to Max, standing at the other side of the room? Brush of shoulders, hands clasping each other, slight shove where his back dips in. Broad smile, teeth on full display, eyes crinkling. Max is flashing him his most Maxie smile there is. Sue him if Max can call him Charlie, at least he can call him Maxie in his mind. Maybe one day he will be allowed to say it out loud, just like Daniel is.  “I thought you’d suffocate over there.” “Yeah, well I’m glad, I didn’t. Any news from Daniel, his party still standing for tonight?” “Do you really think we’d be in Vegas and Daniel would let it slip though his fingers to start the weekend of sober? He’s going to be the death of us!” “Ah no, I think we will manage quite well, you think?” At that, Max slings an arm around Charlies shoulder, slightly shakes his head in dismissal, smirks to himself and moves them after the rest of their friends that were just mingling mere seconds before. Max is leading them towards the press conference that Charles entirely forgot about once he heard Max claim “Charlie” his. ____________________________________________________
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assaily · 2 months
Feeding the fandom some more. :)
Working Title: Hide the Morning from the Stars Colloquial title: Mute Five Themes: I don't even know anymore
This is a Very rough draft. Like so rough I don't even think my tensing is consistent throughout. This is Five's loneliest first year of retirement ever. And also him hanging out with Grace.
Major warning for the beginning for suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
~Post Mute~
Five takes the gun out of his mouth, his tongue flexing against the heavy iron tang of metal. The weight of it is familiar and cold in his hand as he sets it down on the edge of the sink, his shaking fingers pressing the safety back into place.
He’s just being dramatic. It’s all those teenage hormones mixing badly with all the trauma Five honestly didn’t think he’d live long enough to have to deal with. Oh,  and one hell of a hangover. That’s all it is, dramatics. If he thinks for a minute, plans this out, he realizes how horrible of an idea it is.
He can’t make Mom clean his brain matter off the walls. That would be cruel, even for him. Dramatics. Besides, his siblings would hear the gunshot. He doesn’t really want them to find him. Klaus would summon him before he had a chance to cross over and they’d give him a ream of shit for making such a mess. The idea of being yelled at again is exhausting.
“Can’t you have done this at a hotel or something?” He can imagine them saying to his corpse, scoffing and shaking their heads in disappointment. They’re right, of course, he shouldn’t do this at home. 
He sighs, closing his eyes against the judgment staring back at him through the mirror. He tries to settle the shaking in his body but can only seem to draw it in, not vanquish it. He’s never really calm anymore. He wasn’t much before, but at least he could pretend.
These days it feels like every defense he’s ever built for himself has been stripped away, leaving him raw and naked and fragile in ways he can’t compute. It makes him nasty and hateful, covering himself in glass so that the moment someone reaches out, they bleed. He wants to be normal, he wants to be able to have a conversation with his siblings without thinking they’re judging him, and without picking a fight. He wants to scream and cry and beg them.
But he’s not sure what he would beg for, only that he wants something desperately, but something else inside of him, something old and stalwart and terrified refuses to let him ask. So he picks fights, he’s nasty without knowing why, and his siblings hate him for it.
He opens a drawer below the sink and tucks the little ruger beneath a pile of clean washcloths. This used to be his and Ben’s bathroom, but he’s the only one that uses it now. The others don’t really come up here, even less now that the honeymoon period has passed and they have no desire to keep him company anymore. 
Allison mostly lives in California now, Viktor lives out there too, but they both come to visit every couple of months, staying for a week at a time. Diego lives outside the house with Klaus, and recently Luther found a job that would pay him enough to afford his own apartment. He hasn’t moved out yet, but he’s actively looking.
This is what Five wanted, them living their lives and moving on, but he has to remind himself like he forgot. He wanted to give them the opportunities he never had, and he succeeded. He’s not sure why it feels so terrible now, but he suspects it’s only a symptom of the sickness sitting like a rot in his bones.
He makes a point of not looking at himself, wetting his hairbrush under the faucet in an attempt to tame his bedhead. The scratch of the bristles against his skin hurts, so he pressed harder.
Allison and Viktor are at the end of their visit, and everyone is in the house. They’d be gone by tonight, and the house would go back to the coffin it was without the others, but in the meantime, Five wanted to look at least a little put together for them. He doesn’t want them to worry, but with the constant arguing he figures he can get away with less and less grooming.
His hair is getting long and he hasn’t really had the energy to cut it yet. It’s getting a little annoying, the way it falls into his eyes and curls at the nape of his neck. He’d go to a barber if he thought he could get through the encounter without snatching the scissors away and ending the life of the poor girl unlucky enough to draw the short straw.
When he finishes, he finally looks back at himself. He still looks like garbage, his skin an unhealthy pallor, accentuating the dark circles weighing down his eyes. The water managed to tame some of the mess of his hair, but it’s obviously greasy, flakes of dandruff like ash on his scalp. His reflection glares back at him, anger and disappointment like a stone in his stomach.
He really is a dramatic bastard. Today of all days, he figured he’d leave it in the drawer. Playing the wishing game with all his siblings home. He can’t even deny that of the cry for attention it is. Disgusting, really. His siblings could probably smell him rotting from here.
He considers a shower. It would make him feel better, a little more human at least, before he goes downstairs and has to pretend at it. The idea of getting wet, and having to put his clothes back on with wet skin makes him grimace. He doesn’t want to be cold either, because he can never seem to get warm. No use making it worse.
He flicks the light off and  cracks the door behind him as he leaves. He shuffles back to his room to find something cleaner to wear. He should have washed his face, but now that he’s away from the mirror, he doesn’t have the energy to go back to it.
Mom keeps an ever revolving source of clean clothes for him, so that part of his routine is easy at least. He doesn’t have to think too hard about it, it’s the middle of winter so that means layers, and Five likes layers. They don’t really keep him warm, but that’s normal. No, he likes them because it’s a little like putting on a suit of armor. It’s just fabric, but it still manages to trick some animal part of his brain into thinking he might be a little safer. No more warm, but far less likely to freeze.
Which is an odd quirk, considering his insistence to play the wishing game every fucking morning.
In his defense, he doesn’t usually pull the gun out. He usually he just stares at the whelp in the mirror, wondering why the fuck he’s still here when he feels this horrible all the time. Then he bucks up, cleans up, and moves on with his day.
The ruger is just… He put it there in case of emergencies. Doesn’t hurt to have a few weapons hidden around the house in case the commission decides to come knocking again. He’s not sure when he started pointing it at himself. It’s a bad habit. There are better ways, less violent ways. Ways that don’t make a mess for his family to clean up after him.
He’s just being dramatic. That’s all it is. Nothing more. Being a teenager sucks. He remembers how much better things got when his hormones weren’t through the roof, making his emotions sharp and fragile all the time, making the loneliness so much harder to ignore.
This too shall pass, he would always say to himself. Over and over, like a prayer to an unloving universe. Please, just let it pass. Five is pretty sure he doesn’t really want to be alive anymore, but he also hates wanting to die. It puts a grayish filter on everything, on every thought and interaction. He’s alive, and hates living. Worse than surviving and already feeling dead. There’s a certain numbness to the in-between space of not wanting to be alive, but not wanting to kill himself either, and he yearns for it now in the throes of a worse agony.  
But again, he’s just being dramatic. Pesky hormones. This too shall pass and all that. 
He dresses quickly, changing from yesterday’s sleep rumpled long sleeves and sweaters into cleaner ones. He reuses a layer, the fabric of a knitted shirt warm in his nearly numb hands and it’s not something he wants to waste. The bottom hem on the back is dirty, and there’s a food stain on the front of it. It still smells vaguely like the alcohol he drank last night, but he puts it on as a middle layer. His hands are easily swallowed in the outer layers, and he has the idea some of it might belong to Diego. He stole a number of garments from them all last fall, and plans to give them back at the end of spring, if he makes it that long.
Spring still feels so far away, it’s hard to think that far ahead.
Five looks like shit, and he feels like shit, but he still dares Diego to say anything about it when he arrives downstairs. He walked the first part, then warped the last floor into the kitchen once he got close enough. The air was warmer down here, the heaters worked better on the ground floors, and no one had lived in the upper floors until recently. It was his first winter home, and he almost wonders if it’s worth trying to fix. Might be easier to just move, but he likes his bedroom high above the street. He spent a lot of last summer drinking on his fire escape; it’s familiar in a wildly unfamiliar world.
“Hey,” Diego greets, giving him an appraising look but not saying anything about the fact that Five’s wearing one of his sweaters.
Five nods a greeting before he busies himself pulling a mug from the cupboard and getting a cup of coffee. The pot’s still on and half-full, likely courtesy of Mom, so it’s a short lived distraction. He almost wishes he put something in his coffee so he has an excuse to linger without making it awkward.
“I heard you and Allison got into a fight last night,” Diego says, a hint of sardonics in his voice. “Well, pretty sure the whole block heard.”
Five grimaces behind the rim of his mug, throat too tight to take a sip. It seems he’s always fighting with someone.
“Nothing to say, huh?”
Five’s pretty sure he said enough last night, regardless of how little he even remembers. Might be time to lay off drinking, even as he already wishes for something to put in his coffee. He shrugs his shoulders, throat still tight and getting tighter. It’s almost hard to breathe and his head is pounding.
Diego sighs, sounding exhausted. “Look, I’ve been talking the othe–”
Five doesn’t hear the rest, pulling himself through a tear in space. He stumbles out the other side, managing to set the coffee on his desk before his knees buckle and he topples to the floor. He lays there for a while, wheezing softly and trying to catch his breath. There isn’t much going through his head, besides how grateful he is that he saved his coffee. There was no way in hell he was going down for another.
He helps Mom with chores in the evenings, usually after Luther’s gone to bed and the house is painfully silent. She hums while she works, washing the dishes and cleaning up after dinner. Five sits in with her, finishing up any leftover in the pots or pans. He follows her like a ghost back upstairs, and helps her fold laundry. The laundry room is usually pleasantly warm, and Five sometimes dozes off listening to Mom hum, sprawled out on a table.
When she’s finishes with all that, she heads into the library and settles down on a couch someone had moved there in the months following their return. This is a newer part of her routine, one that Five created with his presence and can’t make himself feel bad about. The blanket draped over the back is a deep verdant green and pleasantly soft texture.
Mom settles on one end, picking up a book from the table besides the couch. He’s not sure when she started reading, or if she always did that and he just didn’t remember. For some reason it makes her seem more human. Sometimes she reads heavy tomes of obscure information, sometimes it's children’s fantasy.
Five collapses onto the couch beside her, leaning his weight against her side and sighing in the deepest relief as she wraps her arm around his shoulders. He beyond caring at this point, and Mom’s not one to judge. He rests his body against her’s for a while, breathing with her simulated breath, forcing himself to relax and finding it hard.
He still can’t get himself to stop shaking, and now with an arm around him, his vulnerabilities and hurts come bubbling up like blood from a wound. He can’t pull it in, his hands shake horribly in his lap, and clasping them together just seems to make it look worse.
She never opened her book, and she senses his distress instantly, something he hates and can’t help but be grateful for. She doesn’t ask him what’s wrong, merely pushes the book away and turns toward him to give him her full attention.
It’s too much and he nearly begins to sob. 
She shushes him gently when he swallows it down, one of her hands tracing his cheek before pulling him to rest his face against her. He wraps his arms around her back, clinging to her like a child, like he never had before and feels so stupid to do now. He can’t stop himself, it all hurts so much and he just wants it all to end. This doesn’t make him feel better, but it makes him feel something else beside the horrifying nothing eating at his bones.
She runs a hand through his hair and down the nape of his neck. He feels her hand pause and come back to his kneck, searching for his pulse. He pulls away, both out of confusion, and to allow her more access. Her face is neutral, but she frowns minutely at him before tucking his head against her.
“You’re experiencing heart palpitations,” she says, not at all asking.
He was ignoring up until now, the way his chest was tight and his heart was doing uneven little leaps and lurches. It was hard to get a full breath in, constricting in his throat, too. He nodded against her, swallowing hard when the words refused to come.
“You’re temperature is a little elevated. How are you feeling darling?”
Horrible, he tried to say, but while his mouth worked around the word, his throat spasmed silently.
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equallyshaw · 5 months
star crossed lovers au | connor bedard x kailey hughes au ↳ cat distribution system. ↳ blurb! (yes, i know these cats are not the same size. pls disregard lol) ↳ au masterlist!
word count: 646 warnings: none!
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connor could not believe it, and possibly a part of him did not want it to be true. not that he did not like cats, they just were not his favorite animal. he was quite partial to dogs. so when kailey and connor were taking a walk through the loop after a short study session at the depaul library, kailey knew she could not give up this chance encounter. "oh my god con, look!" she squealed as she kneeled, before putting her finger out for the small cat to sniff her. "i don't think you should do that." he said taking a step back. she rolled her eyes, but then smirked as the cat began to brush itself up against kailey. "hi baby." she cooed, and began to pet it. "step on it bedard, get your car." she said not looking up from the black cat. "what?" he questioned, squatting down to her level. she turned back towards him, "im gonna stay here. you go get your car so we can get to the vet." she explained as if it was not obvious. "wait why?!" he asked still confused. "because con, the cat distribution system that I've been waiting for to appear, has happened! i cant give this cat up. look!" she said looking down at the cat. the cat had now taken up her lap as a safe haven, and connor knew there would be no going back now. she was hooked, and godddamit- she was gonna keep that cat.
it was 3 hours later, with a $465 vet visit and connor getting scratched in the room behind them- the two finally settled in on kaileys bed. kailey and connor laid down cuddling together, while the new kitten - notably named crosby laid in front of them in a ball. "i cant believe it happened." she whispered, intently watching the cat's chest rise and fall. "do lukas and kev like cats?" she questioned, absentmindedly. "uh, i don't know. the topic has never come up." he teased, pressing his nose in the nook of her neck from behind. "what if i brought her over tomorrow?" she questioned, and connor smiled. "im sure they would love to meet her." he mused, which made kailey silently cheer. "oh shoot! i completely forgot to let my brothers know." she giggled, pulling out her phone to shoot off a text to their group chat, that the four of them had. not even a minute later, the three brothers were texting like madmen. asking when they could meet her, but at the same time insulting kailey that she got a kitten and not a puppy, and lastly, they wanted to know the name. to which, luke guessed correctly. "what is with crosby?" connor questioned after she put down her phone, and she giggled. then she would not stop giggling, until she realized that baby crosby might wake up, so she stopped quickly. though, connor thought it was all quite amusing.
"as a kid we met crosby before i had a real understanding of who he was, and then was i was like 13 i saw a picture of him and thought he was the hottest man to grace this earth." she said turning around to face connor. "and then i met him again right before jacks draft, and my brothers had to tease me relentlessly about it. completely made a fool of myself in front of him and I've never lived it down to this day." she said as her cheeks turned rosy, which connor found quite darling. "that's adorable." he teased, moving a small piece of hair behind her ear. she pushed two hands to her face to cover herself from embarrassment, "what? it is cute." he said pulling them from her face, and then slowly leaned down to kiss her. but, before he connected the two he teased her a bit more. "though ill be sure to remember that you found him attractive...the next time he's in town." he teased before kissing her.
that kiss didn't last long.
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just something cute between the two! please like and reblog if you enjoyed!
also posted a day early, who'd a thought? lol
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slowips · 8 months
need a little time away
childe & reader
childe returns from liyue after 2 years with great news! he is now an expert in what liyue calls feng shui, and he says your house is full of bad luck. so... what's the solution? him, of course. he'll be staying in your house.
# childhood friends, visions do not exist, fatui is not a sus organization but a well respected company, bullet fic, hot proofread, 1.6k words.
✱ this was a draft i had on this blog since the beginning of the year. i didn't have enough energy and interest to reformat or rewrite it for my writing blog, so i'll be posting it here and calling it a day. it's also partially because i forgot the plan for this story, lol. but title was given by (@)isekyaa, which i used for another childe fic.
. ⁺ .   ˚ ✦ .  + ⁺    . ✦
childe was a peculiar childhood friend.
you remember him telling you that fishes would sleep upside down with their bellies peeking out of the water's surface. that's a sign that you should not touch them—no matter how hungry—because it was rude to disturb the fishes sleep.
(fish is better fresh anyways, and by fresh he meant caught alive.)
he would tell you that when your hands are so cold that you can't feel them, it's caused by invisible fire in the air. you don't feel heat from the fire because it's invisible.
(since it's still a burn, it means it must be treated asap.)
shy and sweet, even though he shared things that you've learned are not quite right, he was still a joy to be around.
then one day, he went missing.
at first it wasn't alarming. children get lost in the thick forest of snezhnaya all the time. it's part of growing up. helps builds essential skills like having a good sense of direction.
but then he didn't come back home for dinner. his parents frantically called the town for help.
"my poor child," they cried. "lost in the woods with a single coat".
everyone banned together to track the lost child. he wasn’t the type to go wandering around on his own for long.
was he playing alone? was it a kidnap? did you hear any fights among their family? what urged him to run away? do you think the search is worth?
whispers and rumours grew, which dampened efforts but you trudged on in deep snow.
the gale of an impending snowstorm warns of you danger. it pushes against you as if yelling at your bad decision to press on.
you promised to find their son. you promised to find childe.
in the center of the snowstorm stands a someone with similar stature to your missing friend.
you returned with a child with blue eyes and messy orange hair, tuffs sticking out in a recognisable fashion.
you couldn’t find childe, the peculiar childhood friend.
whoever you brought back didn’t like it when you reminded him of his misunderstandings.
(“look, childe! the fishes are asleep again!”
“they’re dead. probably because of a parasite. want to catch one and see for ourselves?”
“i think i got burned by fire in the air.”
“it’s a frostbite. it’s fun to see how deep the numbness can go. want to try it with me?”)
news of his new hobby, fighting, would become the talk of the town.
there’s always an edge to his smile, a non-shine in his eyes that make it blend with the harsh environment of winter.
his parents sent him to work for the fatui. you’ve hardly ever seen him since. it was as if they couldn’t bear looking at an imposter.
“you didn’t know i came back?” childe asks at your door.
he has frequent trips overseas, and every time he returns, he’s the talk of the town. they whisper about the months he went missing, cajole at the stories he tells from his adventures overseas, and admire the man he has become.
(good with kids too, the grandmothers coo.)
he’s not wrong to say it is strange you’re surprised he’s back when this isn’t the first he greets you shortly after he returned.
in your defence, your month has been going splendid (NOT)... you’ve been distracted by so many things.
dog died, retrenched, attended a funeral for a distant relative, bumped into a cabinet that broke your family’s heirloom. anything bad imaginable felt like it happened to you.
you would say your house is haunted if snezhnaya citizens believe in ghost.
you aren’t really in the mood to greet a puppy dog smile that never quite seem to land.
before you can explain yourself, a strong wind blows. it extinguishes your flame.
(it’s backup because your heater was sent for repair.)
“you know what? we should talk inside.”
you couldn’t agree more.
as you closed the door and proceed to reignite the fire, you notice how he’s staring at your interior.
“you don’t know how my house looks?” you quip, “never changed my layout for years.”
childe remains quiet. he looks at the ceiling, then looks at the carpet.
“liyue has this idea that the way your furniture is structured should coincide with the flow of luck.”
you don’t know what he’s talking about, but it’s rude to interrupt your guest. you hum as a prompt for him to continue.
“it’s called feng shui. i practically studied it while i was there for 2 years and i know a house ridden with bad luck when i see one.”
it sounds ridiculous.
sure, you can’t deny your luck has been all over the place the past month, but it can’t be because of a layout you have for years.
child points north.
“this is the flow of luck this season. you should rearrange your furniture.”
“how so?”
“like here,” he says as he stands across the dining table parallel to your door. “horrible decision. this is the first thing your visitors see when you enter, and it should not be the dining table.”
for some reason, even if the subject of energies and whatever bores you, there’s a rhythm to how he speaks. it’s as if he’s almost (almost almost almost) like the childe you once knew.
(carefree, laid back, and innocent.)
“why in this orientation anyway?” he asks as he looks at the door then the dining table. “you’re blocking the pathway into your house.”
“my parents only drop by for a few minutes so i wanted a table close to the door.”
“not an excuse,” he says wagging a finger. “this is blocking all the luck. i’ve heard of your misfortune. never thought someone would be so unlucky to have a hail stone puncture the roof.”
you would have groaned, but knowing childe, he wasn’t done.
“do you have the stone with you still?”
“… why would you want it?”
“oh, for fun.”
there it was. that childe that told you he liked the taste of blood in his mouth.
that childe who beat up another who apparently spoke ill of you.
childe who tells you he can teach you how to survive the cold winters with a single coat. he learned it from a kind stranger.
“okay, so what should i do?” you ask to get rid of these depressing thoughts. you slump into your couch. “where should the dinning table be. my space isn’t big enough for it to be anywhere else.”
he stays quiet to examine your living room again. he’s probably already picturing the areas behind closed doors.
you really aren’t in the mood for a whole renovation, especially when you’re broke after loosing your job. plus, the dining table is a gift from your parents, so it’s not like you can discard it. they’ll probably scold you till your ears fall off when they visit next week.
“it seems like we have to mitigate the situation with something else,” he says after his thinking. “again, not an excuse to not shift what we can, but you do need a lucky charm to help chase away the bad luck.”
and he smirks.
oh, he smirks.
“what might that be?”
“it’s not a what. you should be asking who.”
“not asking.”
“it’s me.”
“didn’t ask.”
“you sure you don’t want me to solve it for you?”
it’s not like you don’t want childe to stay in your house. he has stayed for a couple of days before.
granted they were because he was kicked out of the house for whatever reason. this? this was unreasonable. you don’t know what he’s planning. feng shui or not, he’s going to need a better reason to live under your roof.
before you can push him out of your door, you can’t turn the damn knob.
“it’s a sign.”
“no it’s not,” you insist as you use two hands to twist it. the door knob rattles. any more strength and you fear you’ll break it which is worse.
“you have to accept the circumstances. and, i’m trying to help.”
you look at childe, disbelief littered all over your facial features. fate is a cruel thing.
“the coldness probably froze the mechanic,” he diagnoses. “will you let me help you warm it up? i won’t cause a fire. promise.”
fine. he is right that he’s trying to help, and when he gets that door unlocked you’re kicking him out.
as you exchange places with him, leaning against the wall to watch him start a fire and use it to warm your door handle, you guess having someone who knows how to deal with these bad situations is a boon.
you guess if you’ve accepted your childhood friend is not coming back, then you can accept this too.
when he unlocks your door, you’ve made up your mind.
“you can stay,” you say to his surprise. his face scrunches in confusion but it bursts with happiness later.
“i knew i could count on you.”
“on me? i thought you’re staying here because i’m counting on you to be my lucky charm?”
“oh, we’ll, that too.”
“you’re not telling me something.” you press your foot on the floorboard so hard you think you hear it crack. “why do you want to stay in my house?”
“you can keep me for feng shui reasons.” he raises his hand in a surrender pose. “your floor cracked, by the way. want me to fix it for you?”
you roll your eyes, too tired to say no. it will be foolish to reject free services.
“fine. i need a break.”
“rest well…?”
that’s the last thing you hear before you crumple on your bed.
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wisteria-cherry · 9 months
apple pie
deku x reader
notes: reader has bunny quirk, mentions of gvns, violence, veeeery minor cursing
thank you @glitch-girl318 for requesting this! i am so sorry i didn’t publish it!! it’s been sitting in my drafts finished for ages and i totally forgot to actually post it😭😭
“latte for online pickup!” you call out, setting the coffee on the pickup counter before hurrying back to the register to take the next order. your coworker had decided to take their break, driving off to get food, so you were left alone. it wasn’t the worst, but it definitely wasn’t the best either. you managed.
you make sure your ears were perked up (people often thought that when they weren’t you were upset. this wasn’t inherently true— sometimes you just wanted to rest them— but you felt no need to start anything) and smiled at the man next in line— a big fellow, but skinny, but bulky, wearing a long coat and sunglasses. you found yourself wondering why he wore sunglasses, but put it off as a personal choice.
“what can i get you?” you chirp, doing your best to keep an energetic persona up. the man glanced back and forth, and his lips parted, before he froze— the man behind him had clamped a massive, scarred hand down on his shoulder. you recognized the man as deku, the symbol of peace, number one hero. deku turned the man around, displaying incredible and possibly even scary strength.
“excuse me.” deku said, his expression somber. “but could you tell me what’s in your coat there?” you frowned, studying the man’s coat, and your heart dropped, ears pinned back. it was undeniably the outline of a handgun, and the man’s hand was undeniably moving towards said weapon.
the man raised the gun and pulled the trigger.
“get down!” deku shouted. if not for your quirk, allowing for incredible reaction time, you would’ve undoubtedly gotten shot. deku immediately twisted the man’s arms behind his back. the man thrashed about, trying to escape. the gun went off again as customers screamed and fled the scene and you stayed under the counter, trembling. it was loud, very loud. deku pressed the man against the edge of the counter.
“please stay still!” deku said loudly. “or i’ll have to use more force!”
“okay, okay!” the man screeched. “lemme go, dammit!”
deku only frowned, and he and the man left. you slowly come out from behind the counter, surveying the damage. a couple chairs were knocked over from the customers fleeing, but that was an easy fix. it was when you went around putting them back up, though, that you spotted the shattered light. the bullet must’ve hit it. you sighed and went to get a broom.
i’m glad everyone got out ok. you think as you sweep up the broken glass. your brow furrowed. my boss won’t be happy about this.
you were just about to call your boss when deku returned. you were pleasantly surprised by this; you weren’t expecting him to come back. regardless, his massive frame lumbered through the door with a worried expression. you immediately set the broom aside and turn to face him.
“thank you.” you bowed deeply. deku seemed startled.
“for what?”
“for saving the shop.”
“it’s nothing, really!” deku waved it off frantically. “i’m just doing my job is all.”
“really, i mean it.” you look up at him as he looked at the broken light fixture— he was tall.
“at least let me pay for that light the guy shot..” he offered, putting out his wallet and flicking through bills to find enough to pay it off, roughly.
“oh, i couldn’t!” you insist. “put it away, please, the insurance will cover it.”
“are you sure?” deku chewed his lip. you nod.
“listen,” you say, “what’s your favorite dessert?”
“um.. apple pie?” he blinks.
“alright. come in tomorrow.” you tell him. he seems baffled.
“okay.” he agrees, albeit still confused.
the next day, deku does indeed come in. you smile when you see him enter— just in time.
“it smells good,” deku commented, looking around for the source of the smell.
“that’s because i made you this!” you beam, setting a warm apple pie on the counter. “for you.”
“for me?” deku’s eyes widened in shock. “but… why?”
“because you saved the shop.” you smile. “and me.”
“i— i see.” deku looked at the pie. “… are you sure?”
“positive.” you nod. deku smiled at you. he had such a beautiful smile, full of light and hope.
“hey…” deku began, fidgeting slightly. “you wouldn’t want to maybe come over and eat this with me, would you?” your expression softens.
“i’d love to.”
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mcsacaria-blog · 6 months
Sorrow P3
Authors note: idk where this is going btw I have not story in mind this is just improvised. Also part 3-4 were supposed to be one big chapter but tumblrs dumb and it won’t let me post it all in one.
Warnings: kidnapping, OC Dabi lol I’m not good at writing for him, Yandere-like content, stalking, blood, dingy warehouse, fire, needles, swearing
The next day I’m walking back to my hotel and I smell cider and ash. I pause and mentally pray, hoping Bakugou hasn’t found me. It’s been 3 months of silence..
I inhale once more and settle down after I realize there’s no lingering scent of burnt sugar and caramel following behind the smoke. However as I continue walking, I now notice the smoke is coming from the hotel I’m staying at.
I rush the rest of the way there until I’m standing in front of the smoking building. I catch a glimpse of black spikey hair and.. a trench coat of sorts the suspect turns around and through the smoke I make out piercing vibrant blue eyes that match the vibrant flames. My eyes widen and my realization of who I’m looking at hits me similar to the metal bat that’s making contact with my head-.
That day when the agency got targeted by the League of villains.. There was smoke everywhere; they had bombed a quarter of the place while Bakugou was on a mission in another state. I was in the control room when it happened. I was working on helping Bakugou detonate a bomb, ironically..I didn’t remember much after that. When I finally came to and the smoke started to clear I caught a glimpse of him exactly like I did at the hotel. He had a wicked grin when he noticed I was awake.. I thought I heard him say “just wait”. It was such a short encounter it slipped my mind so easily I forgot the memory even existed until I saw his face again... I wake up with a sharp migraine as my eyes adjust. I notice blood dripping from somewhere.. I try to move and get this uncomfortable pain under my skin. As my eyes adjust I notice I’m in a dingy warehouse. It smells of mildew and dust. I turn my head and notice needles under my skin and blood dripping from where they are seethed into my skin. There's a single lamp swaying from the ceiling due to the cold draft. I’m bound to a wooden chair. There's a machine next to me huffing out air every few seconds. There are tubes that are connecting the machine to the needles under my skin… it’s pumping my blood.. It's silent otherwise until I hear a dry chuckle come from somewhere in the warehouse. Suddenly the man I saw before appears under the dim lighting. He smiles wickedly and sighs in what seems like satisfaction. “You’re finally awake” he says, still smiling, the strange staples? He has on his face straining to hold together. I don’t speak, instead I continue to stare at him as my forgotten memories come back to me. The patchy man hums as he gets closer to me. “I’ve been waiting for this moment you know.. the very second I would be able to catch you. I’ve been watching you for a while now” He pulls a chair over, placing it close to me he turns it backwards and sits. He just stares at me, the crevices of patchy skin starting to bleed from his wide smile. He sighs “Sorry about the needles, love. But I had to make sure you wouldn’t be going anywhere and Toga went a bit overboard when I said she could help…” He gets up and picks up a set of handcuffs from a tool box. “Ah, these should do the trick” he presses a button and they open, a bright blue light illuminates from them. He strolls over behind me to my rope tied wrist and places them on me. I can feel his breath against my neck. “These are quirk canceling cuffs… they also double as debinators so I suggest you try not to struggle too much or you’ll die.” He says ending the sentence with a chronically deceitful laugh. He starts to pull the needles from my skin and turns the machine off. “Why am I here?” I ask him calmly “Oh! She does speak!” He says sarcastically. “To be honest I was expecting you to be shitting your pants by now but I guess you’re a lot more level headed than you seem..” He says finally pulling the last needle from under my skin and sitting back in his chair “Well in any case I’ll tell you why I took you since there’s no sense in hiding it. I've been.. waiting for you. Ever since we first met..” He smiles darkly again and sighs. “What a glorious moment it was, don’t you agree?” “Do you remember what I told you that day? He asks rhetorically. When I noticed you leaving town I got a bit worried..but I was relieved to find you and even more relieved to see it seems like you’ve dumped that boom boom prick when I caught sight of you over here.. I was curious so I took you to ask, why?” He just looks at me like he just asked me what my favorite color is. “Oh c’mon.. you can tell me, sweets. Did that asshole hurt you?” “That’s not your business” I respond shortly. “So he did then?” He sucks his teeth. “Douche” he says looking off to the side at nothing in particular with an angry expression. His face shifts to a blank look and he sighs. “Well.. you’re with me now so we don’t have to worry about that shithead getting in our way anymore right, doll?”
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ninlilwinds · 2 years
hey if ur taking requests i read ur anemic reader post and liked it very much so could i request an anemic reader with lisa and ei? sorry bc english isn't my first language and thank youu
Anemic Reader x Genshin characters
No need to apologize the request was clear and understood. I hope I did this right. Sorry about replying so late as well I left this in my drafts and completely forgot! >_< So sorry!!
Same as with the other one I didn't specify the condition, but it does have characteristic of anemia.
Also, very sorry for this being pretty short. Lately my writing has been going down the hill.
Plot: Reader with special condition being comforted by character
Character: Lisa, Raiden Ei
Warning Not proofread, if any mistakes are found please let me know. Also, I this can be read as platonic (by my standards). Also, there is mentions of injury and blood if that trigger anyone, it might be best to not read. It's nothing serious, but just in case.
Lisa had noted symptoms for your condition before you had even told her yourself of what you had. She is very knowledgeable in all subjects and medicine is not excluded from that.
Because of this she never really pressed on it, but she did make anything you did around her a bit easier. Like today when you were helping her organize the library.
"Are you still up for more organizing cutie?" LIsa smiled, her pile of books mostly gone whereas you struggled to put one of the books on your still large piles on the top shelf.
She walked over and grabbed it from you, setting it aside, "We can use the ladder later." she assured you.
You huffed, tired from doing this all day, but still wanting to help the lovely Lisa.
"I'll finish my pile eventually, I promise. I'm just a bit tired." You assured it was nothing.
Lisa nodded, "You can finish later. How about we go for lunch." She suggested and you agreed to it.
As you gathered your stuff and headed out the door, Lisa kept close. Since you were tired from your previous work at the library of carrying heavy book and going up and down ladders, she wasn't sure your body could take much more. Truthfully, she had much more to do around Monstadt and the city, but she knew you'd try to tag along so your next day off she'd do the long-distance things.
As you both ate and conversed, Lisa kept monitoring your condition closely, which honestly made you flustered. You assumed Lisa knew something of what was going on, but near asked her about it.
"After this, how about we call it a day, hm? I'm feeling rather tired." She said fanning herself.
"But I still have the things to finish up and the library. You can go ahead; I'll finish it up." You spoke.
She wasn't quite sure if she should let you go, but it wasn't as if you were completely helpless, and she didn't want to make you feel less, so she nodded, "Don't work too hard."
And with that you both parted ways for the day. Lisa went home and you back to the library.
You were already exhausted, but you didn't want to let Lisa down after all the help she's given you. So, you pushed on and continued to sort the books. Walking around the library countless times, pushing through the fatigue you felt. You vision was already crossing and doubled and the ground beneath you swayed, but you only had five books to sort.
Just as you were on your last two, dizziness overcame you and you fell from the ladder down to the floor. You had hit your head on the corner of one of the tables and it had started to bleed beneath you.
Your consciousness slowly faded, and the darkness greeted you with a cold embrace.
You don't know how or when, but when you woke up you were in one of the rooms from the cathedral. Barbara and Lisa were talking with each other near the doorway when your head turned towards them.
When Barbara saw you awake, she asked a few basic questions on how you felt and then stepped outside.
Lisa had a calm smile in her features, but she looked more tired than usual in the way she carried herself, "You had me worried there my little cutie. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, mostly." you said, rubbing your head.
She couldn't resist giving you a tight hug, "Be more careful next time." She said.
Things resumed to normal after that, and she kept looking after you from afar.
She never truly understood sicknesses and such. Humans were so fragile that something like this could hinder their performance. But, nevertheless, she cared a lot about you and made sure you were always in tip top shape.
From calling in doctors, to having security on you all the time, she would make sure you were safe at all times. And whenever possible she would be with you as well.
Truthfully you were quite frustrated at your limitations sometimes, for example, when Ei had long trips, you could not go to because of how easily you could get sick Tred or hurt.
So, this upcoming trip that Ei had to the shrine to make sure everything is running smoothly, you were upset about.
You said goodbye to Ei and watched as her carriage with the escorts left the palace gates. You tried to keep yourself distracted and it had been successful until the third day.
On that day something urgent was happening and they were trying to find the messenger to deliver a message to the Raiden so she could decide how to deal with it.
You offered yourself up and they handed you the letter and you set off. Although you didn't run the whole way your pace was fast. You stopped here and there for a necessary rest but pushed through most of your fatigue until you made it to the top of the mountain, where you spotted Ei.
"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" She was very much confused and concerned. Your skin was pale and when he grabbed ur arm to help you maintain your support they were ice cold, something she knew wasn't characteristic of humans.
You panted and sank down to the floor, holding the letter out to her. Because the climb was the last stretch you didn't take a break, and your vision was dimming, the world turning.
She set the letter aside. At the moment, you were her top priority.
After you had been settled in a more comfortable area, she looked down at you concerned, "Are you alone?"
You nodded, a bit embarrassed.
"(Y/n), you know you can do things like this. You have to take better care of yourself, please." she said. You sighed and nodded, muttering a quite ok.
She sat next to you and stayed with you until you were good enough for the trip ahead. Turns out the matter wasn't too urgent.
After you had regained part of your strength you both left together, and she kept double the security on you when you came back.
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earthtooz · 1 year
hi earth! i was wondering if you possibly had any advice for anyone who wants to start a writing blog or general tips. if you’re comfortable with it, it would also be cool to know what your writing process is like! you write very well so i’m just curious. thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope you have a lovely day!
first of all, this ask was what got me out of bed in the morning to go to my laptop where i did nothing for like 2 hours.
ANYWAYS I’ve been awake for seven hours now and i still haven’t answered it LOL, but thank u for taking the time to pop into my inbox anon!! so honoured u thought of me 🤭🤭
i’m more than happy to answer any questions u may have!! i’ve only been writing here for like one and a half years but I’ll gladly share some tips for new writers <3
tips for new writers - writing on tumblr in general:
formatting and your writing style is very important!!! people most of the time will like stories that have good grammar and are easy to read, so know your punctuation- duh, i mean, most people know where to put their commas, full stops, and shit, but as even a native English speaker i still need to double check sometimes 😭😭😭
ALSO, figure out if you’re a writer who likes to write with proper punctuation or in lower case like i am rn. people on tumblr don’t care which one you opt for so it’s a matter of personal preference!!
personally, i like to use proper punctuation for longer fics with more plot, and lower case writing for normal drabbles, headcannons, etc, all up to you :3 depends on what i feel like tho, i just like the look of lower case hehe
also, you can totally write drafts on tumblr or another platform - i switch between docs and tumblr. shorter pieces on tumblr and longer pieces on Google docs !!
how to get attention on tumblr as a new writer - the importance of tags:
USE THE TAGS - DON’T BE SHY !!! USE A VARIETY !!!! it’s so easy to get reads on tumblr if you just know your tags. i also will say: be mindful of whether or not you stay in tags bc your post can suddenly just disappear- this has happened to me so many times 😭😭 to do that just search if your fic is still popping up in the ‘recent’ section of the tags AND EVERY TIME AFTER U POST SOMETHING, TAKE THE TIME TO SEARCH IF IT’S IN THE ‘RECENT’ TAGS.
(this part might make zero sense, but if it’s been a couple hours and your post still is not popping up, you can either edit it again, make no changes, and press ‘save’.)
general tips:
have an aesthetic layout.
obviously it’s not ‘essential’, but i always find myself more likely to follow blogs that are pretty or have an aesthetics
it takes so long to do but it’s so worth it 😭 if you looks at the fics that do very well, the formatting it very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
if you’re struggling with a layout, there are so many inspos available on tumblr, just search up ‘blog inspo’ or ‘layout inspo’ and you’ll generally be pretty successful. if all else fail just go to your fav blogs and see how they set up their blog/navigation/aesthetic!!!
having a set colour for your blog can also look nice and less chaotic. for example; mine is red and it’s my (usually) go-to colour for a lot of stuff. just make sure u like the colour tho ☝️
also don’t be afraid to talk to people! AUTHORS LOVE WHEN YOU COMPLIMENT THEIR WORK!! getting mutuals is such a great feeling so PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE !!!!! MAKE FRIENDS 😮😮
my writing process:
i am that writer that likes to have a plot before i start anything, but it’s never complete. normally when i’m going abt my day, i suddenly think of a piece of dialogue or scenario that makes me go ‘hold on. let me write that down’.
for example, recently i thought of a piece of dialogue for an angst fic (that i don’t know if i’ll use) that goes:
‘no i’m not upset that you forgot about our anniversary, in fact, i already predicted you would.’
another idea i had was: you don’t ever want to leave nagi seishiro hungry.
sometimes I get these ideas when i’m in bed like bro 😐 let me rest…
if i feel inspired enough to continue said ideas, i do, but i never force the fic from happening bc then it’ll be mediocre and just… okay. not something i want on my blog 😭
but then i decide the wordlength, how many scenes i want to be in there. for example, my mistletoe todoroki fic i set out for 4k and met my goal. but my itoshi rin Xmas fic only met around 1k when my goal was 2k - sometimes this happens and i cant be mad if i think the story is done there.
it’s never that organised though, if you look at my drafts, it’s a scrabble of words. i jump from scene to scene with big gaps in between that i need to fill in later 😭 but that’s just how i write LOL ! you may be totally different from me which is a-okay :3
then i grind til the fic is done, reread then bam 💪 ! do my usual formatting on tumblr, tags, and then you’ll see the final result!! easier said than done bc when you want to be done with a fic and just post it, you then need to do all the actual presentation of the fic 😭😭😭
anyways yeah, that’s my process summarised lol!! hope it helped u get a little bit of an idea for what the earthtooz blog grind looks like 🫡
so yeah, i think that’s all i rly need to say!! if you wanna follow my advice or not, up to u, but once again, thank u for popping in my inbox anon and asking me!! gave me something to do whilst on my walk 🤭
cant wait to see what you write, always feel free to come back and ask if you need some ‘extra help’, but i believe in you! good luck and have fun writing, and i hope to see u in the tags someday :D
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
2022 Writer’s Tag.
I think it might be fun to look back on what we’ve all achieved this year, let you give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back and also share what you love. When you’re done maybe tag someone else so they can share too?
1. How do you feel 2022 has gone in terms of writing?
On one hand really well!! On the other hand, looking at all my WIPs and drafts.....not as well as I hoped? But I'm so astounded that I haven't been writing a full year on here and it's taken off and so many people like it!
2. What piece are you proudest of this year? It can be a shot/blurb/headcannon, a whole series or even a specific chapter.
AHHHH!! This is so hard...I think I'm really proud of Summer in the City. It was something I'd never really written before, and I stressed about making sure the details for the time period was right. I would love to go back one day and rewrite it and improve it, but it's my baby and I'm really proud!!
3. Is there anything you posted that you wish had reached more people? (No such thing as a flop here!) Shout it out, it might catch a new pair of eyes!
Mmmm, I try not to focus on numbers too much, I don't want to take away from the happiness I find in writing, but most Danny fics don't get the recognition they deserve in general, and a lot of times Sam fics don't. And this Jake fic which I forgot and just realized isn't on my masterlist (18+ ONLY)
4. Can you give us a hint of anything coming before the end of the year? Maybe even a little taster?
Oh, I'll tease the Jake holiday fic coming out this friday, since we don't have much else before the year ends
“I am sleepy.” you replied. “It’s been a long day. Fun, but long.” Jake smiled down at you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“It’s been a perfect day.” Jake adjusted his position, sliding down so you both were laying down and you snuggled into his chest.
5. Are you setting any writing goals for next year, or just going with the flow? If you are, what are they?
I have my Josh fic, A Novel Idea, coming out, and it's gaining speed in my doc for it, so it should be out fairly early, but honestly I just like going with the flow. If I get an idea, I shove it my drafts and work on it when I feel like it. @lunaindigoraven and I literally talk all the time about ideas and she's truly a great friend and helps me workshop things. Sometimes we're just talking and then it's like OOH that's a fic! and I also really love writing little blurbs from prompt lists, it's really fun and great writing exercise!
6. Do you have any one shots or finished pieces you’re tempted to expand on or revisit next year?
I have a few one shots I have a part two for in the works, no clue if they'll get done next year...again I might play around with Summer in the City and expand it.
7. Is there anything new you’re tempted to try out? A new style/trope/AU/another person in the fandom?
I have a couple AUs in the works, soulmate, supernatural, and i'm trying to work out the kinks in another historically based fic!
8. Now to hype some other writers! What’s a piece you read back in the first half of the year that you can shout out?
Always the first on my mind is A Tattoo Artist Walks into a Flower Shop by @garagebandvanfleet it's my favorite Danny fic EVER.
And then the Indecent Proposal fics by @gretavanfleetposts got me through a rough patch back in the spring and took my mind off a lot and they're AMAZINGLY written (so is the rest of Em's work!!!)
9. And how about something you’ve read more recently?
This isn't news to anyone following me for the past month, but Perfidy by @earthlysorrows is phenomenal!!!! and Valence by @gretavanfleetposts is wonderful and they're both such amazing and immersive stories!! @jake-kiszkas-smirk has quite a few amazing fics (babes, I have so many of your fics in my drafts to save to read/react/reblog if it seems like I'm not in there I AM!!) and honestly, not doing bc they tagged me, The Dead Don't Die, Jake Kiszka by @highdefkiszka Percy writes so descriptively and you can really feel the characters emotions and feelings!!
10. A fun one to finish...If you could insert yourself into any fic in the fandom, which would it be and what do you think would happen?
Oh god...oh...this is so hard omg....you know what, I wanna be in Perfidy. Madi insert this reader. I wanna be the lovable normal neighbor who notices all the magic but is just like eh none of my business and has a big fat crush on the guy who water bends and bakes him cookies and treats "just because" 😌😉 and then I think Madi would kill me off (lovingly and hopefully dramatically) for the angst.
I was tagged by the wonderful and incomparable @highdefkiszka and I am tagging anyone who wants to do this bc I think everyone else has already done it!!!
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strangedandelion · 4 months
Hi! How are you today? Last night I had a dream Gordon Ramsey was teaching me how to cook, so with my newfound skills, here is some food:
🥩 (first we fry up some meat. If you’re a vegetarian, don’t worry, I’ll eat it for you. I’m very kind that way)
🥚🍳 fry up an egg
🥬🥒🥕🌽🫑 assemble all the veggies
🧀🧀🧀 cheese cheese cheese
(In my dream I kind of poisoned someone, but don’t think about that too much, just eat your sandwich)
Have a nice day
(I picked an emoji to sign off with. Like it?)
Hi! I'm so so sorry for replying to this ask so late. This has been in my drafts for so long and I think I simply forgot to press post. I'm doing okay! I hope that you are too anon. That definitely sounds like an interesting dream anyway! You are indeed very kind- thank you for the delicious sandwich. I don't think it has given me food poisoning yet so fingers crossed haha.
I do like it! Grnuinely thank you so much for these asks. I really do appreciate them, even if it takes me a bit long to reply occasionally. Sending you so many hugs and here is your special sign off emoji:
- 🪜
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
just another day thinking of Ushijima with Baby Fever and breeding you whenever he can
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Ushijima Wakatoshi x fem!reader
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cw: SMUT. breeding kink, Ushijima Wakatoshi and his big—, so cockwarming, unprotected sex, baby fever , voyeurism
a/n: this sat in my drafts for a week and I think I forgot to post it lmao afgajdkd anyways I cannot think of Hubby Wakatoshi without him wanting to breed you, because manz want a little small squad of future v-ball players like him afsgjskd okay bYeeeEee
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Your knees almost gave way, your body jolted forward onto the cool counter, your fingers gripping the edges as you bit back a moan.
“H-honey, Toshi, wait,” you squeaked out, quietly as you could but the fat head of his cock rubbing against your walls as it glided in and out of you with such ease due to how slick you were despite the wrong timing, made your mind all fuzzy. “Someone could see us.”
“Need you now,” he simply responded, pushing the hem of your summer dress higher up your waist, exposing your bare ass and your glistening cunt, split around his cock. The sight only made his hands on your hips tighten and slam you back into him, your eyes wide at how deep he’s gone.
“Wakatoshi—mhmf—.”You tried to make your tone firmer but you only moaned. The more he rocked in and out of you, fucking you over the kitchen counter made your resolve crumble.You could feel your arousal leak down your inner thighs and the soft squelching sounds of your cunt being filled by your husband’s fat cock bounced off the walls, the sound of the television and the guests, his highschool friends, chatting and laughing with each other faintly heard down the hall.
“I want one,” Ushijima grunted, brows furrowed as he focused on the sensation of your tightening plush walls. “Want a baby with you.” He accentuated his desire with a harder thrust, your hands flying to your mouth to stifle and muffle the moans that he so easily pulled from you.
The sudden baby fever came to him so suddenly when his friends spoke about their own wives and their children, it made him wonder why he hasn’t had one with you at this point of your marriage. He never pulled out, he much preferred to come inside of you. so why weren’t you swelling with child yet? Maybe it was because he never had the intention of getting you pregnant in his mind whenever you two had sex. He assumed thats what it was. It’s hard for a person toreach a goal without action, without intent.
“Y/N-chan, if you don’t mind—“
Ushijima was quick to still, leaning back onto the high stool by the counter and embracing you close, cock still buried deep inside of your cunt while you pretended to organise the assorted cakes and biscuits on the tray, hands trembling with a thin sheen of sweat on your forehead.
“Ah, I see, Wakatoshi-kun came in here to be all mushy and soft with you,” Tendou chuckled, head poking out of the kitchen entry way. “Just wanted to check on you two. Wanted to help—
“It’s fine Tendou,” Ushijima interrupted his best friend, the ache of his cock, twitching and close to release clouding his own senses just a little bit, unlike you who has completely stilled. “Just wanted to steal her away for a bit.” And to make his lie more convincing, he softly smiled and pressed a kiss on your temple, the red head sighing blissfully at his love struck friend before returning to the living room once again.
“Toshi, cum.”
It was so soft he almost couldn’t hear you. He rested his chin on your shoulder to hear you better and his breath hitched when your hips began to move, guiding your slick cunt up and down his length.
“Cum inside, please,” your hand reached behind you to tangle your fingers in his olive locks, the need for release so imminent.
And as a husband, he was dutiful and compliant to your requests. His large hand covered your mouth as his weight rested on his heels once more, in perfect position to fuck into you in the same or much faster pace than he had been doing.
You were glad his hand was over your mouth, your breath was hot against his palm as you moaned and whimpered. Ushijima was pounding into you, cock stretching and colliding with your sweet spot over and over again, keeping you creaming on his cock.
“You always take me so well,” He whispered in your ear, his baritone range making a shiver run down your spine and your walls clench tighter. He snakes a hand around you, palm pressing against your lower abdomen where your womb would be and caressed it with care. “You want me to cum, darling? Want me to cum inside you?”
You nodded, panting again his hand and greedily meeting his thrusts. Earlier you were trying to repress your desire and be firm with him for initiating sex when there are guests around but the more his cock was moving and out of you, the more your senses numbed and you thoughts were filled by the desperate need to cum.
With a final guttural grunt, he spilled inside of you. A moan vibrated your vocal cords as your walls clenched and you saw white, body spasming in his string hold as you gushed around his cock.
“So good for me,” he whispered in your ear, kissing your head. “You’re going to make me daddy aren’t you? I need to fill you up more regularly to make sure it takes.”
You slumped against him, trying to catch your breath. He dropped his hand from your mouth and moved his hands to your hips, massaging your flesh as he remained still inside you, his hot cum painting your walls and the excess dripping down, splattering on the floor.
Ushijima returned to the living room first with tea and when he was seated on the armchair, in you came with the cakes and biscuits, his friends eyes on you with admiration in their gaze. His perfect wife as they liked to refer to you.
And it was true, you were perfect.
He was never short of your love, affection and care. You were patient and understanding, and when he needed your perspective on something, you’d give a much more wider outlook that would let him see things clearer. You’d make him bentos for lunch , dinner would be waiting for him when he gets home, you’d wear the prettiest things for him and some of them, pretty as they were, half of the time would be discarded on the floor past the midnight hour.
Absolutely perfect.
That’s how they saw you and Wakatoshi couldn’t help the rush of adrenaline mixed with love, when you sat on his lap laughing and talking with his friends. What he didn’t expect was for your dainty hand to reach behind you, freeing his cock from his sweatpants and then under your skirt, where you pretended to shift your position only to slip his cock inside of your cum slick pussy. His breath hitched to be inside your tight walls once again, the vice grip you had on him making his eyes shut momentarily to collect himself.
“I’m surprised you and Wakatoshi don’t have kids yet,” Yamagata chuckled, popping a strawberry into his mouth.
“He clearly can’t keep his hands off of you,” Tendou chuckled, eyeing you two observantly.
“We haven’t really planned it...but we hope soon,” you replied to Yamagata with a patient and warm smile, as if Toshi’s cock wasn’t hardening inside of you, stretching your walls once again.
“Ah, I can’t wait to see little Wakatoshi’s running around,” Tendou sighed, slumping against the couch with a hopeful smile.
“Me too,” Ushijima hummed, a small smile on his face, another very rare occasion where his friends were able to see that gentle expression.
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lostaurorax · 2 years
Dude! Okay I don’t know if you’ve seen the TikTok’s where the woman is pregnant and the dad or best friend just swipes their hand over the belly twice and gently fist bumps it like they’re fist bumping their kid but it’s super cute and I can see Fez & Ash doing that with the reader and Wyatt when he’s born 🥺🥺
HI BABE AND OMFG YES I HAVE AND THATS THE CUTEST THING EVERRRRRRRR!!!!!! i literally loved writing this and hope you enjoy! i love this little fam and glad you all do as well!!! <33 also lil update this has been sitting in my drafts FOREVER!!!!! and i completely forgot to post it so here ya go i hope you missed this fam 🫶🫶🫶
father to be series masterlist
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you sat on the couch with your feet propped up on the coffe table in front of you scrolling aimlessly on your phone when ash came up to you.
“hi ashy.” you said looking up at him with a smile on your face
“hey y/n you mind if i do sum’ real quick?” he said slightly motioning to your round belly showing from where your tshirt had been pulled up.
“not at all. long as you don’t tickle me.” tou said looking cautiously at him.
“nah i’m not.” he said as he pulled his phone out and swiped his hand across your belly before pressing his fist up against it.
“did you just fist bump my stomach?” you said laughing at him
“nah i dabbed up my lil bro in their!” he said smiling at you
“okayy” you said slightly confused but still thought the gesture was cute
the second time it happened you and fez were laying in bed early one morning as his head was resting on your chest and his left hand was gently rubbing your belly.
he silently pulled out his phone and swiped his hand over your belly and pressed his fist up to it.
“oh my god ash did the same thing to me just the other day!” you said sitting up when you saw what he had done.
“lemme show you ma hol’ up” he said scrolling through his phone looking for the video to show you
as he passed you his phone you watched the video of someone dabbing up some woman pregnant belly and watched how at the end they had dabbed up the baby
“omg is this what you guys are doing? that’s so cute!” you said tears filling your eyes. god pregnancy hormones were a pain in the ass.
“aw baby don’t cry.” he said gently wiping the tears from your eyes as you just smiled at him.
it started becoming a sort of routine. on the first of each month fez would make a video and on the last day of each month ash would do it.
“y/n! it’s the last day of the month cmon!” ash said from the living room as you were in the bathroom.
“okay okay i’m comin’!” you said washing your hands before exiting the bathroom.
“sorry i can’t run unless you want me to tip over!” you said walking as fast as you could too him with your nine month pregnant belly.
“nah y/n take your time. ion want you to fall.” ash said now worried you might
“okay i’m here!” you said plopping down on the couch next to him.
“ight ready?” he said his phone already facing your belly
“yup!” you said smiling up at him
as he swiped his hand over your belly and fist bumped it you felt your baby kick.
“omg?! y/n did he just fist bump me back!!!!” ash said excitedly
“omg i think so?! has he ever done that before?” you said
“no!!! omg that was so fucking cool!” ash said now sitting down on the couch and rewatching the video next to you.
“hm maybe that means his ready to dab you up in real life…” you said rubbing your belly as he kept kicking
not long after you had given birth to little wyatt ash o’neil…..
“yo y/n!!! i almost forgot.” ash said walking over to where you and wyatt were laying on the bed.
“forgot what hun?” you said tiredly
he didn’t say anything as he walked up to wyatt and gently dabbed him up
“my bro for life!!!” ash said excited he could finally dab him up in real life.
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miekasa · 3 years
right where you want me (eren yeager)
↯ pairings: eren yeager x (fem) reader
↯ genres and warnings: more modern au, fluff, eren is a baby but i think we all knew that
↯ word count: 1.2k
↯ notes: i saw @eremiie​’s post which reminded me of a draft i had, which resulted in editing this for eren. pls enjoy one thousand words of me, once again, pushing my quality time is eren’s love language agenda. 
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“And then Jean said that he didn’t have aim assist on, but I swear he’s a fucken liar,” Eren rambles, completely in a world of his own as you rub sudsy circles into your face.
He’s been following you around since you came home from school, chattering about anything and everything that happened to him during his day off. It’s not an unusual occurrence; whether he knows it or not, Eren has a habit of hovering around you when he sees you for the first time in a while. Particularly when you’ve been out all day, and he’s been home (see: freeloading in your apartment) waiting for you to return. 
He’ll babble and follow you as you settle into your night routine like a puppy. A very loyal, very tall, very overgrown puppy. It usually carries on until you’re ready to shower, but today Eren seems to feel extra clingy; having followed you all the way to the bathroom, where he currently sits on top of the closed toilet seat, telling you about Jean and Connie and the details of their match earlier while you wash your face. 
You don’t even think Eren notices that you’re taking longer than usual; or, that, subsequently, he’s been talking for longer than usual. You know how much he hates to be home alone or bored, but you didn’t know that the result of a few hours of limited contact would be this. 
It’s cute. But you’re curious to see how far he’ll go; or, rather, how long he’ll stay. You think he might stalk you into the shower if given the opportunity. So, with a knowing smile, you pat your face dry, and decide to test your theory. 
“—Then, of course, Connie’s dumbass died. Armin was able to revive him, but he couldn’t play long after that, because he had to go to his lab.”
You hum, pulling the curtain back and twisting the knob to turn on the shower and adjusting the water to your preference, “Right, but I thought you said Armin wasn’t that good at this game.”
Eren huffs, bending his legs to sit criss-cross on top of the toilet now. You have to refrain from chuckling when you take a look at him—completely unaware of his size in comparison to the small porcelain underneath him. He looks like a child. You would take a picture of him if you had your phone with you. 
“He’s not,” Eren sighs, “But he’s more fun to play with than Jean, because at least Armin’s not a cheater.”
“But if the game comes with an aim assist option, is it really cheating?”
“Obviously, babe,” Eren gesticulates, hands flailing around him, “Everybody knows that you’re not as good as you say you are if you have to use the assist—it’s like, like… like people who say parallel parking is easy just because their car has one of those automatic sensor thingies.”
Ah, right.
You nod, pulling back when the water has finally heated up, now in search of your shower cap. “Of course, love,” you sympathize, reaching for the plastic, “Well, I’m going to shower now.”
Eren blinks, eyes wide like a baby. “Oh—now?”
“Well, we are in the bathroom. And I’m in a towel, and I did just come back from a long day at school, so, yes, now.”
Eren chuckles lightly, a faint pink dusting over the tips of his ears as he watches you unravel your towel and step into the shower. But that’s probably because of the steam—you like your showers really hot; definitely not because he saw you naked for a flash of a second.
“Oh—uh, yeah, okay,” Eren stutters, snapping himself out of his own thoughts, he stands up, stepping to the sink, “I think I’ll wash my face, too, first. Before I go.”
You hum in reply as you seemingly go on about your shower; when you simply stand under the water, keeping an ear out for Eren’s movements and words.
He suddenly takes great infatuation and care with washing his face—a whole ninety seconds if you’ve counted correctly—which, granted, is what he’s supposed to do, but you know damn well is not his regular routine. You think he might even brush his teeth, too, for the hell of it, and the familiar smell of one of your facial sprays begins to permeate the room.
He blurts out random thoughts in between—asking you briefly about your assignment, before going on to ramble about his least favorite professor; he tells you what he ate today, asks you what you had for lunch; he even asks you which body wash you’re currently using.
(The answer is none—you’re just barely holding it together trying not to laugh).
It’s almost fifteen minutes later, you think, when Eren starts whistling; clearly run out of things to say or do, but still hesitant to ask the one thing lingering on his mind.
“Are you still there, Eren?” you call wittingly. You can see Eren’s blurry figure through the shower curtain, an excited nod coming from his silhouette.
“Yup,” he chirps, hand reaching to scratch at the back of his head. You bite your lip—his hair probably needs to be washed. “I, uh… I’ll go now, though, I guess… wait for you to come out… maybe I’ll order food or something in the meantime. Do you want pizza? I think pizza would be good—oh, where should I order from? That place Mikasa recommended was really good last time—”  
It takes everything in you to not physically laugh out loud. God, he’s cute.
You pull the curtain back, just with your head peeping out to find Eren with one hand on the door, the other on the light—which you’re certain he would have accidentally tuned off had you not caught him—still lingering.
He blinks. “Yeah, baby, what’s up?”
“Do you want to shower with me?”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Eren’s eyes light up as bright or as quickly as they did in that moment. His head shakes with an overly enthusiastic nod, and is already clumsy in pulling off his clothes. He almost trips getting his sweatpants off, but you don’t think he’s ever gotten undressed that quickly—not even when you told him you would let him fuck your face.
Though, he was pretty damn quick to undress that time.
He finishes stripping with a complete lack of grace and coordination; a stupid, wide, boyish grin covers both his cheeks on his face when he finally steps into the shower behind you. He leans forward to dip his hair under the shower when you turn around to face him, resulting in droplets falling onto your forehead; you scrunch your nose, but Eren laughs, holding you face in his hands and craning his neck to peck your nose.
“Hi, baby,” he grins, his mop of hair now sticking to his face and neck from the water, “I forgot to ask—how did your assignment go?”
“You already asked me that, dummy. Twice, in fact,” you find yourself copying his smile, “You know, if you wanted to join me, all you do was ask.”
Eren squishes your cheeks between his palms and presses a kiss to your lips, “Well, I can’t make all the first moves, now can I?”
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